Thursday, October 31,
Happy Thursday!
Happy Halloween!
Oh, my! It’s that time of year already!
I love the fall season.
I’m wishing the American children a safe and
happy Halloween 2013.
I hope they have fun and get lots of candy!
Halloween is our favorite Holiday ever.
Our work day isn’t over until 8:00 P.M. and
that’s when we’ll open up the house to handout candy until 9:00 P.M., curfew
time. We’ve got lots of candy, decorative lights and we set up the glow in the
dark, Disney’s Haunted Mansion display. I’m excited like a child.
Thank you for all of the swank parties we
were invited to here and abroad.
Our priority tonight is to handout candy to
little kids, children and pre-teens, late Nordic dinner and relaxation,
however, I know that some of my jet-setting friends are visiting and partying
here in the Twin Cities, tonight, and if I have enough energy to get myself off
of the couch then I may just go and party like a rock ‘n’ roll star,
courteously, kindly and graciously however don’t hold your breaths, it’s been a
long work week already.
The night’s young and I’d love to take in
some music but that takes effort.
Much love and respect;
P.S. I’m tired tonight.
So much work got accomplished today.
Wednesday, October
30, 2013
“Wise as a snake and gentle as a dove.”
(A proverb)
“If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill
(A book title)
“The world goes on only
because of those who disregard their own
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Caustic: (severe, satirical, sharp)
He loves to give caustic replies to
his opponents.
--- ---
do know the easiest psychological trick in the world, right?
The easiest psychological trick, practiced by
psychologists and those in their field is to bring one to a place of terror and
then gently bring them back to a place of safety; no differently than any
literary roller coaster.
as a writer, I use this psychological trick of the professionals through my
writings to take the audience through the splendid journey of self discovery,
development and growth and that’s all that this is. Period.
that you realize, understand and acknowledge what I do, then you won’t feel so
worried or terrified about any of this writing because the best of the best use this trick to create development in others.
want you to know that I’ve been informed by professional psychologists that
America is a violent and beautiful place to live. This is a nation of much
shame and guilt, innovation and freedom about anything and everything.
people who’ve traveled the globe will tell you that for as beautiful as many
other countries are or aren’t; that America is the only place on the globe in
which freedom of speech rings true and freely and that makes America the most
sought after country by immigrants and refugees.
reason why so many great American writers reside in this nation is because in
America, writers are guaranteed not to be killed or murdered due to our
Here, our freedoms are actually free.
Even racists, bigots and white supremacists
can express their freedom of speech as they see fit no matter how wrong they
may be in their opinions and viewpoints.
would fight for such freedoms of others to express their deepest sentiments,
bias wrong opinions and prejudices because the right and liberty to freedom of
speech is one that was ingrained and written into our American constitution and
I stand by that, whole heartedly without being an idealist about it. The simple
and forward truth of the matter is that we can write as we please. Thank you
Founding Fathers.
you don’t understand that I practice my freedom of speech as well as teaching
difficult and complex literary lessons to get you to understand your very own
existences, freedoms and liberties then you’ve missed out on the point of these
writing exercises completely and all together. Pity.
want you to know that I’m almost prepared to turn the page and write about the
great beauty, awe, wonder and sincere greatness of America but not without,
first, showing you the ugliness, mean-spirited nature, insincere lies and
we can’t have one without the other. It’s not possible.
writing workshops I was disciplined to always
handout positive criticism, first, with a positive statement and then I was
allotted to go to town with a negative statement for each positive statement I
ever made.
For every positive statement I was allowed a
negative one. Yes!
decided early on and as an adult writer to start out, the first five years of
blog writing with negative statements made about our current era and smack the
audience in the face with harsh realizations, so that they didn’t get, too,
comfortable with my writer’s voice as only coming across as kind or gentle,
because if I would’ve done it the other way around, then once I began to dish
out the harsh criticisms later on, I didn’t want the reader to think: “What a
real b**** she turned out to be.”
My intension was to leave the audience on a
high (and sweet) note and I intend to follow through with that no matter how
much you may hate this literary experiment for now.
Instead, the reader now has brought
themselves to believe and think of me as a real b**** without knowing the real
sweetness of my true intensions and that’s a tough lesson to teach at the best
of times.
The lesson is that: when, one, is wrong, then
one sure is wrong about anything at all that which may appear to be one thing
yet quite another. (Ouch. I know, I know. Yep.)
It’s a test to see how the reader reacts upon
the basis of their own judgments, fears and ignorance.
my mind, I figured that it would be best to test the audience to believe to
hate my writings, first, and then surprise them later because I wanted to find
out if they had a backbone when it came to cultural criticisms and I’ve come to
find out that they…
I started out with negative criticisms, first, then readers could learn to
handle it because they could stick it out in this comprehensive joy ride to the
end in which we’ll all safely get off the roller coaster ride and go our
separate ways, never to forget what took place here within the ten years of
It’s a gift that was well thought out for
about a decade before I ever began to write for your benefit and reading
I thought about the layout, the structure and
the safety of the audience for about ten long years and all that the reader had
to do was to scream their heads off, laugh, cry, and enjoy what this is all
about, no less and no more than that because once the ride is over then the
reader will indeed have to purchase a ticket to more joy novel riding.
Once this blog joy is over then it’ll be over
for good.
I’ve got to get on with the rest of my work.
my intellectual mind, I figured that if I started out with negative statements
and criticisms, first, then the reader would get used to the harshness of my
literary voice, and come to expect me to be a b****.
figured that with time, the roller coaster would become a joy ride as we
entered the half way point and go into the second half of our time here
together (which is only around the corner) and leave the reader on a high note
and have them think: “Oh, my God that was fun but scary reading, entertaining
and sacred and safe and she’s actually not a b**** after all. She really knew
what she was doing all along and how wrong we were to judge her so…”
I’m doing is radically difficult and complex to pull off because once the
reader has made up their minds that they
hate my guts or more precisely that they hate my writing, then once we
turned a corner they would have no choice but to look deeply inside themselves
and consider the possibility that they were incredibly wrong about me or my
writing, the entire time and then where would that leave the reader?
It would leave the audience thinking and
considering their true selves. That’s the job of any real writer and I’m
accomplishing that to no end even with the audience kicking and screaming all
the way down the aisle. (Ha! Just kidding.)
It would leave the audience in a place of
humility, humbleness and forgiveness for their harsh judgments about my
I get it; you guys hate my writing but when
it’s all said and done and the journey and joy ride will come to an end it’ll
be up to you to most harshly judge yourselves and realize that my intent was to
create harmony, peace and respect in a nation that does all the kicking and
screaming about positive change.
No, not me. I’m not kicking and screaming.
I’m ready for real positive and excellent
you believe that I’m a good for nothing
SOB, then that’s a fine opinion of yourselves, however, I get to walk away
scotch free of all harm at the end of ten years and by then you’ll be so in love
with the psychology of writing that you won’t be able to help yourselves other
than to purchase my novels in droves because you’ll come to realize that I love
and that you’ll miss my weekly writing.
Most likely you won’t miss me but you’ll miss
the writing.
I don’t mean for it to be like that but
anything of value is that way.
be a testament of the reader more so than of the writer.
I already know who I am, what I’m imposing
upon your brains, and forcing you to safely buckle-in and to take a joy ride
with me because I want you by my side as I get stinkin’ rich, successful and
well understood by others of my caliber.
I’m on my way to make a fortune so that it can then become donated towards the
advancement of the sciences and mathematics.
I don’t mean any harm towards anyone and if that’s not understood then we have
absolutely nothing to say to one another.
I have rave reviews for Ms. Norah O’Donnell but not without some work put in
You can’t get something for nothing.
You have no idea how well I could write about
her, her disposition and her loveliness however there must be real change in
the loving care and tenderness for our American People; or, our public figures
fail us, we fail them and we fail each other and that’s a terrible and tragic
end to any story.
live for happy endings and if the reader thinks that I don’t wish public
figures and celebrities the best of the
best then you’re horribly mistaken because I’m well connected from sea to shining sea as well as incredibly
respected by peers and equals alike.
my writings may be intense, however, I’ve not once and not ever economically
and physically harmed another and that’s how honorable I am with my intentions.
Can you say that about yourselves?
Please, stop sending me hate mail. It’s hilarious but also a waste of our time.
you’ve made me a much stronger person and I have thicker skin for it but enough
is enough. I know how you feel about my writing and possibly about me however since most of you have never held a
conversation with me, face-to-face then we have absolutely nothing to say to
one another. Thank you very much.
I don’t send hate e-mail to celebrities and public figures because I think more
so about their positions of responsibility to the greater public than I do
about their hairdos and makeup.
you’d like to hate the writing then go ahead and be my guests however you may
not hate me, personally, because you have no idea who I am and what I’ve lived
You have no idea how good and polite I am as
well as a caring fool for the wellbeing of all, so step off it or there’ll be
hell to pay, here, upon these pages.
I could strip anyone naked down to their bare souls because it’s been done to
me and for that reason, alone, I don’t go around doing just that however don’t
think that I can’t leave you crying until the cows come home. (Ha!)
for Ms. Claire Danes, Ms. Ellen DeGeneres and Ms. Emma Watson and Ms. Kristen
Stewart and Beyonce and U2; I could write lyrical poetry in their honor however
not yet, anyway.
do have a clue as to what I’m doing, and I don’t want to give you literary
bloody noses within this literary process however if it calls for that I could
have you down upon your knees begging for mercy to your Gods.
I’m doing critical analyses and criticism backwards as a case study and I ought
to have explained that earlier then you wouldn’t get your underwear in a bunch
however I didn’t want to spell it out because I needed to find out the effect
of such a study. Yes, I’m always thinking as a scientist, first, and then as an
I have failed you to understand this incredibly difficult and complex case
study and literary structure then I’m terribly sorry for that.
My intent and goal wasn’t to fail you, so
please don’t fail me so that we may not fail each other because that would make
for a terrible ending to this storyline. Be patient for crying out loud. At
ease, dearest ones. At ease.
With Sincerity as always;
Gabriela de la Holm
If you feel played with; imagine what it’s
like to have some of your best friends for professional psychoanalysts. They’re
always pushing and challenging me to think beyond my ego, myself and my
disposition in life. It’s hard work. Relax.
We have a year and a half more of this
negative criticism and then we get to turn the page and read positive
criticism. I never thought it was going to be this difficult to get the reader
to go along with such a tough literary experiment. Ha!
I have yet to prove myself with five years of
positive criticism going into the second half of this blog.
Word Count: 2,160
Tuesday, October 29,
“Three kinds of people grow old before their
those who raise chickens for a living;
those who give orders but are not obeyed;
and those who live on an upper floor.”
“The old who are not wise should not be
called venerable.”
“Four things make a man age prematurely:
fear, anger, children and a bad-tempered wife.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
(having a fixed condition of despondency)
His melancholic disposition kept him
from taking part in social activities.
--- ---
On Writing; A Memoir of the Craft
Stephen King
Page 144
follows is everything I know about how to write good fiction. I’ll be as brief
as possible, because your time is valuable and so is mine, and we both
understand that the hours we spend talking about writing is time we don’t spend
actually doing it. I’ll be as
encouraging as possible, because it’s my nature and because I love this job. I
want you to love it, too. But if you don’t want to work your ass off, you have
no business trying to write well--settle back into competency and be grateful
you have even that much to fall back on.
Page 145
If you want to be a writer, you must do two
things above all others: read a lot and write a lot. There’s no way around
those two things that I’m aware of, no shortcut.
a slow reader, but I usually get through seventy or eighty books a year, mostly
fiction. I don’t read in order to study the craft; I read because I like to
read. Similarly, I don’t read fiction to study the art of fiction, but simply
because I like stories. Yet there is a learning process going on. Every book
you pick up has its own lesson or lessons, and quite often the bad books have
more to teach than the good ones.
Aliens and daft Earth Smirking Reporters
Let’s talk about it
(Please, keep an open mind otherwise
one is considered an ignoramus
by modern intellectual standards)
that the twenty-first century is here, in order for one to be considered any
type of intelligent human species in origin, one must intellectually accept the
concept of any alien life forms other than humans do exist.
Why must one accept the concept of any alien
life forms?
must intellectually accept the concept of alien life forms, because otherwise
one is considered not only ignorant but also arrogant to believe that amongst
the galaxies and universes, the human species is the only form of intelligence
there is, alive. As if.
Hypothetically; If, the human species is the
only life form, upon the universes then we’re doomed from the start because
humanity isn’t quite as intelligent as it ought to be, not by a long shot.
I consider it extremely ignorant and condescending of somewhat modern reporters
and talking-heads to smirk when they report about aspects of life that they
know very little or nothing about and are, too, embarrassed to do any sort of
intelligent journalism and serious coverage, any justice, simply because they
got stuck in the twentieth century with dust covering the corners of their
Come on.
Keep up with culture.
Duh! Everybody already knows aliens exist and
live here on Earth. Duh!
Don’t you know anything about anything?
Don’t you know where humans come from?
Please, read some history about the Egyptians
and / or any other Ancient civilizations for that matter. What’s the matter
with reporters’ dusty brains?
a global communications analyst and conceptual engineer; I’ve kept my eyes
peeled to the skies when it comes to mass media and alien subject matter.
for some reason within the past decade there’s been a rediscovery and an
“infusion” about aliens as fodder for subject matter in films, television
shows, and commercials.
Much of this “Alien” mass media makes me
consider the possibilities that the
powers that be are pushing a mass agenda for this subject matter to, no
longer, be considered a sensitive issue much less a scary one since religion is
a dead practice and doctrine like pantomiming and baking have become something
of the past for the simple reasons that Catholic priests have been raping
little boys since the second and third centuries and that’s just a fact (look
it up).
The Roman Catholic Church knows all, too,
well that their days are numbered within the next fifty years therefore they’re
going to milk that cash cow for all it’s worth knowing perfectly well that when
the church allows for priests to rape the local neighborhood kids then the
church’s not worth anything, not even their spoiled and sperm filled underwear.
(How vivid indeed.)
No, I’ve never been raped much less from a
Roman Catholic priest however if they had so much as tried, when I was a child
then I would’ve bit their dicks off, literally and they all knew it to be true
thus I was left alone.
I had fight in me as a child and everyone who
came in contact with me knew not to fondle me, sexually molest me, or,
otherwise, adult reproductive body parts would’ve gone missing and rightly so.
since religion’s a filthy liar and a sociopath for a pervert then it’s become a
dead practice and doctrine; and the church will have to allow for our global
leaders to tell the truth about alien life forms and thus I concur that our
American government is preparing the next three generations to become mentally
equipped and ready to understand other alien life forms and that we’re simply
not alone in the galaxy.
do believe as any Social Elite is taught to believe that what appears to be and
what is; are not the same things.
What happens behind-the-scenes is all, too,
radically different than what the public is taught to believe really occurs in
the world today or ever for that matter.
When it comes to reporters and journalists,
they have no clue as to what happens behind closed doors only mostly what
they’re told to say and report upon the basis of their acute information.
When it comes to real power; journalists and
reporters are powerless to any valuable information for that matter. I would
know that reporters have very little idea as to what happens behind-the-scenes
of social power and structures because Social Elite are privy to such fragile
information and that’s just the way the cookie crumbles. I don’t make up the
rules I simply follow them and follow the
Thus I concur that our actual
behind-the-scene leaders are preparing the Americans to get used to and
comfortable with the idea that alien life forms do reside here on Earth, just
look at mass media.
It’s extraordinary how much mass media has
changed within one decade. If one were to look for hidden clues then one’s able
to find hidden truths and answers.
Most everything’s a puzzle, a riddle or a
code’s game.
I haven’t lost my wits about me.
I’m still here and as intelligent as ever without having genius brains, fear or
anger about any subject matter that I may explore more widely and openly
through the written word.
For crying out loud it’s been factually
proven through eye-witness accounts that bigfoot exists and lives in Kettle
River, out behind our back forty. Wow! That’s awesome and we’ve factually seen
cougars at the watering hole. Yikes! The DNR needs to get going with public
safety warnings.
cougars are in Golden Valley and here in the Twin Cities but the DNR refuses to
send out any public safety warnings because of greed.
I guess that the public has to wait until
somebody’s child gets eaten and then maybe, just maybe, there will be some type
of public notice about the cougars in our area. Remarkable indeed!
I don’t believe that humans ought to allow for aliens to enter the humans’
homes, invited or uninvited, or to allow for aliens to anally probe humans or
to make humans their guinea pigs or to kidnap humans, however, it may be
possible for aliens to uphold to Constitutional Civil Rights, Liberties and
Freedoms, no differently than those of the Americans, unless the alien life
forms come to Earth to mine gold by enslavement of the humans through some form
of mental slavery and / or physical invasion, and then they’ve got another
thing coming because humans have no mercy when it comes to enslavement.
Humans are a scary, brute, raging force and
killing machines when it comes to getting entrapped in cages such as our minds
and our bodies. Humans are definitely not docile when it comes to slavery. Oh,
wait, there’s Television for mind drones, never mind.
I do believe that if alien life forms are going to enslave the humans then it’s
going to be done by breeding our aggression out of us however not for the sake
of peace loving co-existence but more so as an enslaved human race to mine the
gold for the alien life forms.
I know, I know.
I love sci-fi and other possibilities thus
I’m an American intellectual writer because an intellectual is one who can
think about anything without fear that their very own thoughts are spooky,
stupid or scary.
I mean, really.
Let’s get with the intellectual program, here.
conclusion; since everybody already knows that alien life forms are here on
Earth then why can’t the global leaders or at least the American government
better inform their constituents about alien life forms? Yes, more than one
type of alien life forms, as in plural not singular.
I mean, are the American constituents
supposed to be just as ignorant about alien life forms as we are about “The
Affordable Health Care for America Act”?
How boring and violent indeed to keep an
entire country ignorant of truths simply because the American government
realizes that the Roman Catholic Church is one big cash cow for now, but not
for long.
Within the next few short years the American
government will have to come out with this information before the alien life
forms do and then there will be hell to pay for keeping the public misinformed
and in the dark about important matters such as these.
I’m not scared or angry about alien life forms and neither are the next three
far as aggression; humans don’t want their aggression bred out of them because it
means our demise, our end, our death.
I do believe and think that a little bit of aggression goes a long way and is
great for the overall human survival.
One thing that I’ve been taught by the Maya
is to not give up my instinctual aggression towards survival. If I feel a
real-life threat, hunted and about to be harmed then it is my life-given right
to fight for my survival, alien life forms or no alien life forms.
Fun. Wasn’t that fun to consider subject
matter so far away from your minds as Sri Lanka is to us, now? Yep.
Don’t be afraid to consider any subject
matter because innovation springs free from the fountain of life, love,
discovery, exploration and instinct.
don’t make fun of what you don’t understand otherwise it’s futile, meaningless
and it leaves the humans in the dark ages.
Survival Aggression and Peace;
P.S. The reason as to why I can’t stand
watching Norah
O'Donnell with the CBS Morning News is because she smirks like the Joker ready
to murder culture.
sure she’s a very nice lady however the audience can’t stand her no matter how
much she gives that look like: “I’m rich and you’re not.”
we go, Americans tell us, that they can’t stand Ms. O’Donnell because she looks
as though she’s making fun of the Americans.
have to agree with them after studying her body language, face, eyes and lips
for close to a year, she doesn’t realize how she comes across and that’s a
a producer I would’ve hauled her into my office a long time ago, and offered
her body language classes, given her six months to get her act together, and if
she couldn’t do that then there would’ve been a breech in contract because you
can’t have a nation of audience members thinking that your morning anchor is
making fun of them whether she is or not. That’s just moronic.
smirks like she’s shit her pants on the morning news and she possibly might
audience hates her so much that I’ve decided to boycott the CBS Morning show
for as long as she’s there or until she changes her act, because we can’t have
a large majority of an American audience feeling like some rich donkey’s ass is
making fun of them along with their morning breakfast.
got to get it together and any senior executive would know better than her. No,
I didn’t write: a junior executive, I wrote senior executive. You do know the
difference because I sure do.
realize that the producers have no clue how much Ms. O’Donnell is distrusted,
disliked and loathed by the public because the producers live inside their mass
media bubbles. Could you imagine having a morning anchor that people consider
creepy and scary by modern cultural standards and not know it. Oh, my!
Yes, I do like the journalist David Gregory on “Meet the Press” however I don’t
like it when he smirks just because he seems uncomfortable by any subject
matter that which he may find unsuitable, not to his satisfaction or liking.
think that Mr. Gregory is an intelligent, handsome and smart cookie that can
and is trusted by the American public for the most part however he can’t pick
and choose, only, what he deems important information and smirk at the rest the
he may dislike or find unimportant just because he personally doesn’t agree
with it.
I just saved their jobs before the public starts sending them mass hate mail if
they don’t already. I know all about hate mail. I do. It’s hilarious, at
The only television anchor I trust in the Twin Cities is KSTP’s: Leah McLean. She’s a real human and willing to inform upon
the truth. She seems as though she’d never hurt a fly, a bee, a bug or a child.
I do like her and trust her to no end. I can’t say that about others.
No, I don’t watch WCCO or KARE II news however if I’m going to
listen to talk radio (which is never) then it’s going to be WCCO radio however
I can’t be paid enough to sit though television news because it seems so
smarmy. It’s probably because I worked in television news for almost three long
and arduous years.
Word count: 2,173
Monday, October 28, 2013
“To lose years is far worse than to lose
“Fortunate are those who actually enjoy old
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Addicted: (habitual
accustomed to)
It did not take long before he became addicted to drugs and
--- ---
“The Ghost in You”
The Psychedelic Furs
of right now I’ve only completed about 81,169 words within the past three
months of writing.
Yes, most serious writers cover about 180,000
words within a three month period of writing. I’m about one-hundred thousand
words shy of my literary quota as a serious writer for a three month writing
span, (as far as the blog is concerned).
most serious writers cover a lot more literary ground than I have within my
past three months of blog writing.
Yes, most serious writers are able to write
the first draft to their novels within a three month period otherwise they’re
not really considered serious about their writing.
any serious writer writes about two-thousand words per day and a semi-serious
writer covers about a thousand words per day.
What does that say about my writing? A)
I’ve got to get going B) I’m quite serious about writing however I’ve been
quite ill as of recent C) I don’t mind covering about two-thousand words per
day, it’s just that the blog reader doesn’t get to read my screenplays because
they’re awful so the reader doesn’t get to see any of my other writings or my
short-hand journal entries, each and every single day.
Yes, I do cover two thousand words (or more)
per day just not on the blog alone.
So, you see I’m not even close to writing
I’ve got to get going in order to meet my blog
writing goals, however, please do keep in mind that I do other types of writing
throughout my days.
It’s not an excuse; it’s just that the way in
which I’ve structured my days, it’s most important to accomplish so many other
tasks like film business, communications, reading, research and other important
responsibilities aside from writing as a business entrepreneur
telecommunicating from home, for the most part. What a lucky, lucky gal.
I’m not frustrated when it comes to writing or many other responsibilities for
that matter. I’m quite organized and diligently relaxed about being disciplined
and that’s why life is so easy to do.
Writing’s a hell of a lot more complicated
than one would expect.
Writing’s a lot harder than any other type of
work I’ve ever done and thus here I am plugging away and working as
industriously as I can muster the time, the courage and the know-how.
I don’t write in public places because that’s just silly and every serious
writer knows that to be the truth. To write in public is to seek an audience at
some type of quasi-effort.
Writing’s a solo sport / event that must be
done in the company of no one else otherwise one is to pick up other’s nervous
energy, desperations, distractions and neediness.
No serious writer wants that type of
neuroticisms jumping into their writings. It’s just no good and it’s easy to
tell when one reads the writings of others if they’ve been distracted by others
or not. Nope. No, thank you.
Writing’s a sacred art in which one sets time
aside and goes at it alone.
Writing’s the type of work in which one
better be comfortable being alone for at least two hours a day or otherwise the
work won’t carry one very far. To be alone is to be strong and capable of great
character because there are a million and one distractions in life trying to
get in the way of the work.
I’d rather sit at this writing desk in my private study plugging away than at
some coffee house pretending to write but not getting much accomplished.
No, don’t get me wrong I’d love to run out
for an almond milk latte with lots of whip cream on top, however, thus is the
responsibilities of any serious writer to shut the door, draw the blinds and
get some serious work done.
I’m not a drunkard although it would be interesting to write drunk but then my
writing would fall by the wayside.
It’s tough enough to write as an ESL adult
let alone drunk. Oh, my! I don’t think I’d make any sense if I wrote drunk.
I don’t think I’d be able to get in any structured sentences if I were drunk.
The writing would become gibberish to say the least.
since I’m married, I’ve got another person to testify to the fact that I’m
neither an addicted drunkard nor an addict of any type.
Eric may
or may not drink about twelve beers within a seven day span and I’ll try to
take down one bottle of red wine per week but that’s tough at the best of times
when I don’t like the taste of alcohol.
I feel incredible lucky to be without an alcoholic or drug addiction since much
of my work is heady and intelligent therefore I have to stay sober minded and
intelligent myself otherwise you guys would be like: “What the hell is she
writing about, anyway?”
I can get drunk on two stiff drinks, thus it
takes me about three to five hours to get through one stiff drink, alone.
I’d rather drink water or soda and smoke
If alcohol were to taste like candy or
chocolate then it might be another story but with alcohol there’s always that
bitter alcohol aftertaste in which it tastes nasty to my tongue no matter how
much it may be disguised in sugar and flavor.
was adopted into half a family of severely wet millennial alcoholics who are in
their thirties as of now so they’re no longer kids and now they’re considered
young adults and not much good for anything other than vomiting and pissing
themselves.... I come from a family of recreational cocaine and heroin users
and that’s no fun either because it makes them mastermind manipulators and
was adopted into a family of the Greatest Generation and Baby Boomers who were
and are mean dry drunks, selfish, self centered, narcissistic bi-polar gluttons
and scary as hell so I learned early on not to take on any addictions other
than I got stuck in the caretaker role of mean dry and wet drunks which I’ve
broken that curse as of the past five years, now.
Yes, I’m addicted to organic 100% tobacco
cigarettes but that’s nothing compared to recreational heroin, cocaine and
severe alcoholism. I’m telling you it’s nothing in comparison. Nothing.
was adopted into a family of raging dry and wet drunks in which my one uncle
tried to French kiss me and make-out with me while in my mid twenties while visiting
home for Christmas and it scared the hell out of me.
was adopted into a family of dry and wet drunks in which they’ve driven drunk
for decades and have gotten caught by the police and have had DWI’s as well as
their names in local New England newspapers for everyone to witness before
their God and their communities.
My family members have had to pay large fines
and almost gotten arrested because of their dangerous drunk driving conditions
upon Massachusetts roads for over twenty years. How scary indeed.
was adopted into a family of raging dry drunks who are mean, manipulative,
abusive and cruel thus I learned early on to take care of them or they’d become
extremely abusive and mean towards those who loved them unconditionally and
weren’t like them at all.
was adopted into a family of raging dry drunks who love to watch others get
injured or abused because they’re mental and emotional social sociopaths.
was adopted into a family of raging dry drunks who are emotional pinchers and
pushers and if one doesn’t hurt as much as they do then they’ll find ways to
physically injure or harm another until the other is screaming and yelling to please be left alone because you know
what’s coming down the pipeline, more manipulation and abuse.
No, I don’t mean that they’ll just spill a
cup of coffee over your laptop by mistake; I mean that they’ll literally burn
you with a cup of boiling hot water and derive great joy from it, hold you down
and choke you, sit on your chest and wish that you give them the slightest
reason to kill you and starve you for decades because they thrive upon the pain
of others.
I come from a lunatic adopted New England
family who selfishly leaves their millennial young adult children to go
homeless upon the streets of Miami and to strip dance while the Baby Boomers
attended Ivy League schools on the stolen inheritances of their adult children.
I come from a lunatic New England family who
destructively hands out hundreds upon hundreds of dollars at a time to their
spoilt young adult brats so that their adult children will get out of their
hair and go get drunk in Boston’s club circuit and become used up sluts and
social whores while the Baby Boomers secretly drink themselves to death in damp
cellars because they loath their washed up spouses who complain about
everything and everyone especially their nieces who are perceived more as
competition than they’re considered relatives.
was adopted into an insane dry and wet drunk family who’ll steal any family
members’ inheritances and call it a good day’s work and pretend like millions
of dollars weren’t left in a family trust fund and pretend like they’re poor good for nothings that they truly are because they aren’t good for much else other
than manipulating their way into others’ lives to eventually assert their power
over others and take over their trust funds. (Careful, these Caucasian people
sure are scary and they’ll get away with murder if you let them.) I know what
I’m talking about.
I come from adopted abusers, neglectful and
lying scum who I took care of for close to fifteen years and who shan’t meet
our future offspring because they’re estranged from me.
No, I’m not estranged from these abusive
bastards. I dropped them like hot potatoes on their asses the last time that
one of their boyfriends was allowed to poke me with his penis, more than twice,
from behind and they derived great joy and comfort from my young adult abuse. I
watched them as their lips and eyes danced with smiles while I held back tears.
Ivy League, don’t preach Ivy League to me
because so many of them are scum and every Social Elite knows very well what
they are…
was adopted into a family in which I was told year-after-year for almost a
decade that I was most likely schizophrenic without any solid psychological
proof from any professional evaluations, only to turn 36, and have absolutely
not a single sign of any insanity for that matter once I was tested for
schizophrenia as an adult to prove to myself that I wasn’t.
I’ve been fucked with in ways that you have
no idea and that’s why I don’t go out of my way to injure or harm others
because I know better.
I’m psychologically proven to be sane by psychiatrists other than those in my
family and as sane as any mentally healthy adult can be and as “crazy” as any
other humans are. Yep. Nope, I’m not insane and I’m so happy to prove that to
I no longer hold a sense of inferiority complex, shame or weakness to be liked
by drunkard donkey’s asses. I’m stronger and more beautiful today than I’ve
ever been before, after going through hell and back again.
How exciting to live a life of mental health
and freedom, finally.
Would you have been able to live out a life
in which the adults in your family taught you to think of yourself as
schizophrenic without being so, and afraid to get too close to anyone or to get
married because you thought that you’d have to disclose it to your spouse that
your family members thought that you might be schizophrenic without a shred of
It was a mind fuck to say the least.
I’ve lived through enough pain to last me a
lifetime and that’s why I turned out to be a kind disciplinarian with trust and
hope for the future as well as with respect for all and I’m actually a happy
and content person. How wonderful is that? Quite.
I don’t believe in Americans adopting foreign children because the Americans
sure are mean even when they hide it and disguise it through money and social
Americans aren’t ever going to tell you this but America is an abusive,
alcoholic and mean-spirited culture that looks forward to crushing those who
are naïve, innocent and kind.
America for the most part is a filthy country
of incest, rape, power struggles and ego driven maniacs.
please don’t adopt-out your beautiful foreign children to Americans. It’s just
wrong and everybody knows is to be true because this is a culture of hatred,
sins and abusive violence disguised as…
You taught me what America truly is and now I
hold the power of the plume to unravel this filth, neglect and abuse. I win. I
hold the power to calmly tell the truth no matter how much it may chap others’
arses. The truth is on my side. I shan’t cover up for drunkards any longer.
I no longer go around taking care of my dry and wet drunk mean family members,
nor do I feel sorry for my former insane and mean-spirited alcoholic friends
with whom I became friends, in the first place, not because I really liked them
but because I felt sorry for them. Not so, any longer nor ever again because
I’d like to start a brand new generation of bambinos who can break the spell of
abusive idiotic alcoholic tendencies within our family. Thank the Gods I don’t
come from their blood linage.
You have no idea how many asses I’ve wiped
clean of feces and urine or picked up vomit. That type of caretaker role gets
old quickly. I’m no longer a caretaker to alcoholic dry and wet drunks. No, I
don’t wish them luck because they never wished me any luck either, only
disaster and abuse.
Don’t be fooled by dry drunks because they’re
far more manipulative, cunning and scarier than wet ones are even if they’ve
made me add up their budgets in the upwards of eleven million the night before their
homework was due because they had a need to show off. Like I don’t know what
eighty million looks like. As if. Whatever.
Sincerely and Peace; (Ha!)
Here are my 2,461 words. Eat it for Nordic
Friday, October 25,
“Two things grow weaker with the years; teeth
and memory.”
“The man who wants to know everything gets
old fast.”
“Gray hair is a sign of age, not wisdom.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Promulgated: (set
forth, made known by open declaration)
The results of the deliberation were promulgated
throughout the nation.
--- ---
On Writing; A Memoir of the Craft
Stephen King
Page 103
“What Writing Is”
Telepathy, of course. It’s amusing when you stop
to think about it--for years people have argued about whether or not such a
thing exists, folks like J. B. Rhine have busted their brains trying to create
a valid testing process to isolate it, and all the time it’s been right there,
lying out in the open like Mr. Poe’s Purloined Letter. All the arts depend upon
telepathy to some degree, but I believe that writing offers the purest
distillation. Perhaps I’m prejudiced, but even if I am we may as well stick
with writing, since it’s what we came here to think and talk about.
Page 148 & 149
at meals is considered rude in polite society, but if you expect to succeed as
a writer, rudeness should be the second-to-last of your concerns. The least of
all should be polite society and what it expects. If you intend to write as
truthfully as you can, your days as a member of polite society are numbered,
else can you read? There’s always the treadmill, or whatever you use down at
the local health club to get aerobic. I try to spend an hour doing that every
day, and I think I’d go mad without a good novel to keep me company. Most
exercise facilities (at home as well as outside it) are now equipped with TV’s,
but TV--while working out or anywhere else--really is about the last thing an
aspiring writer needs. If you feel you must have the news analyst blowhards on
CNN while you exercise, or the stock market blowhards on MSNBC, or the sports
blowhards on ESPN, it’s time for you to question how serious you really are
about becoming a writer. You must be prepared to do some serious turning inward
toward the life of the imagination, and that means, I’m afraid, that Geraldo,
Keith Obermann, and Jay Leno must go. Reading takes time, and the glass teat
takes too much of it.
weaned from the ephemeral craving for TV, most people will find they enjoy the
time they spend reading. I’d like to suggest that turning off that endlessly
quacking box is apt to improve the quality of your life as well as the equality
of your writing. And how much of a sacrifice are we talking about here? How
many Frasier or ER reruns does it take to make one American life complete? How many
Richard Simmons infomercials? How many whiteboy/fatboy Beltway insiders on CNN?
Oh man, don’t get me started. Jerry-Springer-Dr.-Dre-Judge-Judy-Jerry-Falwell-Donny-and-Marie,
I rest my case.
Page 157 & 158
So okay--there you are in your room with the
shade down and the door shut and the plug pulled out of the base of the
telephone. You’ve blown up your TV and committed yourself to a thousand words a
day, come hell or high water. Now comes the big question: What are you going to
write about? And the equally big answer: Anything you damn well want. Anything
at all… as long as you tell the truth.
American Football does cause Brain Damage; Fact
if one is into American football then one is considered a knucklehead and we
all know that to be the truth.
If parents allow for their children and youth
and teenagers to play American football then it’s the same as causing mental
and physical harm and injuries to one’s offspring and that’s the truth of the
matter no matter how ignorant one may want to be about the entire bloody
The truth always prevails no matter what.
American football is to keep the masses from
panicking and freaking out that this nation has much work to do.
American football is a way to keep society
and culture from realizing that it’s been left in the gutter as far as
innovation, architectural advancements and scientific research. Look around:
why do you think there’s so much garbage, trash and litter upon the streets of
America’s been turned into a gutter, a
ghetto, into garbage filled streets. I don’t remember so much street blown
garbage in the late 1980’s and 1990’s. Shame. How filthy indeed. It’s a sign of
how terribly horrible America feels about itself in this everlasting recession.
We shall overcome.
American football is no different than that of the Roman Empire times in which
gladiators killed each other off in the ring and spectators were given free
loafs of bread, courtesy of the empire to keep the masses from noticing their
empty bellies and rioting at how rotten their lives really were.
Okay, no, I don’t believe in rioting however
I do believe in substantial change because today I saw a black homeless man
hold his babe in his arms as the winter fast approaches. My stomach and heart
ached for him and his little baby infant who had nothing and I mean nothing
except for the clothes on their backs, each other’s company, comfort and
sincere love for each other’s survival and life; it was a sight I can’t neither
describe in a thousand words nor will I try.
I personally hold absolutely nothing against American football because the
rules of the game are fascinating to me even though I still can’t make heads or
tails of what’s happening out on the field however I can figure it out, I’m
that smart and Eric’s brilliant at explaining football to me although I’d
rather watch soccer, tennis or gymnastics or running or speedskating. I’ve
fallen in love with the high vault. (Actually, I’d rather see a ballet or
listen to an opera but that’s an all together different and separate event.)
I’ve always wanted to become a female football referee in my retirement however
I’d rather become a referee of tennis or baseball or basketball. Now, there’s some real great talent when it
comes to athletics.
American football is a dying sport and everybody
knows it because no parent in their
right mind is going to place their children in a dangerous situation and
allow for their youth to become brain damaged. I mean, really.
If any minor is injured because of and by
brain damage due to football injuries then you know what that means a) the
stupid and ignorant parents will have to care for their offspring for the rest
of their lives b) the parents will have to work later into their retirements to
financially support their brain damaged adult children in diapers c) tragedy d)
the costs will be infinitely higher than if their adult brain damaged offspring
could bring in some sort of income of
their own and contribute to their own household e) no fun for anybody f)
lots of hard lives and hard work ahead for many American parental households
contending with brain damaged adult offspring g) yuck, hard lives of silent
the scientific experts and the NFL all know it to be true that within less than
twenty years American football will be something of the past like an old sepia
photograph and kids will ask: “What’s that?”
You know it to be true and that lesson chaps
everyone’s arses that has any involvement in making a boatload of money from retarded brain damaged athletes.
I don’t believe in robbing athletes blind especially when most likely they’re
going to die of swollen brains. God, what an awful way to go.
I love the athletics just as much as any American spectator does however in all
good consciousness I’m not able to advocate for American football, not now and
not ever.
American culture is making a turn and navigating away from a deadly ice floe
such as American football.
No, don’t get me wrong, I love football
and I’ve held and do hold close and personal ties to remarkable football players
and they’ve known for about twenty years how I feel about them becoming brain
damaged as an effect of their game.
Every time that any of my male friends have
hit the field I’ve had to turn and look away. I haven’t been able to watch them
play and get injured.
I love American football so much that my
first novel will be dedicated to that subject. It’s a novel about the secret
romance between an all American football player and a writer. That’s all I can
say for now. You’ll have to purchase the book to read what happens and find out
the ending. It’s juicy because I… (I’m only teasing you, more than anything
as of this fall I’ve begun to boycott American football for the rest of my life
because I feel justified to implore after the mental health and vitality of our
American youth.
Plus, the half time entertainment is crutch
filled and that’s nothing to look up to or place on any pedestal.
I can’t stand listening or talking to knuckleheads who can’t articulate a
single sentence because they’ve been brain damaged by their high school
football experiences.
Try baseball or basketball for a sport. Those
two sports take a finite amount of intelligence and ability to produce
something of vitality.
catch up with the modern world of intelligence.
only way that anyone will make any type of substantial income in the short
future to come is if they’re well rounded, well spoken and articulate because
American manufacturing and factory work is indeed dead.
It has been outsourced and the only way to
make it financially into the twenty-first century is to be intelligent,
innovative, scientific, mathematically inclined and to telecommunicate and to
operate as any intelligent being can, with intelligence, smarts and an open
mind for a future fast approaching and one that’s already here.
America is no longer a blue collar, working
class culture in which it can sit back get drunk on weekends, yell at the boob
tube, and take in football because as all intelligent people know, here today and gone tomorrow. As
Americans we learned our harshest of lessons with outsourcing.
So many little thoughts.
Take it away Mr. Bill Maher. Good luck. Break
a leg. Thank you.
No, I don’t have a crush on Bill Maher because
I have no idea what he smells like and to me, he’s a two dimensional (height x
width) figure on the Tele however I admire what he does for America. I respect
the man and his work to no end. Thank you very much. Ha!
Thursday, October 24,
“What you don’t see with your eyes, don’t
invent with your mouth.”
“Loose tongues are worse than wicked hands.”
“Those who think of themselves don’t gossip
about others.”
“Don’t worry about what may happen tomorrow;
just correct what you spoiled yesterday.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Banal: (lacking freshness or vigor, commonplace)
His conversation is so banal that he
lulls one to sleep.
--- ---
If you don’t have anything nice to say then
don’t say anything at all.
No, a government shutdown isn’t good at all by any means;
no matter how much
one may live
inside malicious bubbles or on cloud nine.
Yes, authoring a terrible bill is moronic.
Yes, higher education costs is classist,
and anyone with brains knows that perfectly well.
Yes, the American dollar is stronger than any other
No, don’t lecture me about the American dollar.
Yes, I stand strong by the American dollar
more so than any other form of foreign currency.
Yes, I believe in America otherwise I’d be gone.
No, I’m not leaving America even though…
Yes, I’ll hold my position and stand guard for the
Let’s do it!
Let’s thrive.
Yes, only the Americans and American writers can
criticize America.
If you abhor Americans then you don’t know us very well.
Yes, Americans can and will overcome this economic
Yes, I’ll stand strong.
I’m here, aren’t I?
I shan’t abandon the Americans.
I love more than I hate.
Now, let’s roll up our sleeves and get to work.
There’s much that needs to be done.
I do write with love, respect and dignity;
believe it or not.
Lessons were learned let’s move on to what comes next.
The harshest literary lesson of all:
Destruction, war and chaos aren’t change.
Yes, I’m allotted poetic license in my writings
and that’s what makes me so damn Patriotic.
I believe in America.
Don’t you?
I believe in the American literary writer.
Don’t you?
I believe in the great American novel.
Don’t you?
Of course, you do.
You must believe otherwise fairies die.
(I’m being metaphorical.)
I don’t see why not?
What reasons would Americans have
for not believing in the writings of American writers?
Writers work as hard as we can to challenge the status
to create positive and modern change.
Walk with me, as I bestow the toughest types of literary
When I write about needing help or pleading for it;
It’s done rhetorically, metaphorically and anecdotally.
No, I don’t literally
require your help as readers.
Let’s learn to read a contemporary writer’s lessons.
I’m an American writer, damn it.
If you think, that I abhor America then you’ve got
another thing coming.
I can only hope that the Saudis continue in their
friendship with America because I want to live in Saudi Arabia when I’m an old
and write about it without getting murdered or ostracized
by their Peoples because of what truths I may write.
The Gods are with me and so is Allah.
I have so much hope for an alliance with Saudi Arabia and
If you can’t tell that I’m teasing,
making fun of misguided leaders and Peoples,
or that I do mean to write harsh literary lessons
about life in general to challenge anything at all
then you don’t know what writing is all about.
Writers don’t war or throw bombs or
murder in cold blood with their silently written words.
We make love, not war.
No, I’m not masturbating over here.
Simply loving humanity from afar.
No, I’m not a rebel or a revolutionary.
Nope, I’m not your personal cheerleader
however I’m an appreciator of humanity
and I can’t help but write stinging whipping lessons
to get you to think about mediocrity, hatred and
misguided actions.
I’m smarter than my writings.
Don’t you know?
You must know, or we have absolutely nothing to say to
one another.
Don’t you know anything?
When a writer makes love to your brains?
If love be rough with you then be rough with
I don’t want to tell you this but
I love you, guys.
Can’t you feel the heat radiating from my
Don’t tell me that you don’t know anything about love or
That would be a tragedy.
I could write tragedies to last you an eternity but
that’s no fun.
If you don’t understand that I’m smarter than my writings
then you don’t understand anything
about real value, consequence or beauty.
No, I don’t love, too, hard or that would be foolish.
Yes, from now on I shan’t write the word “hate” anymore.
Did we all learn valuable lessons?
Yes, I’ll spell anything out for you however please do
keep in mind
that I’m a woman underneath a writer’s cloak
and I can and do get embarrassed and shy, at times, as a
I’m made of flesh and bone.
Yes, I do bleed and I can be made to hurt.
So please don’t mock my efforts
at something wonderful, extraordinary and exceptional
otherwise you come across as dork losers who can’t spell
at all.
Thank you very much.
No, I’m neither an illusion nor are my writings, however.
Yes, I’m quite bona fide nevertheless I was taught a
literary trick.
Sometimes, the more a writer writes at length
then the less they’re saying anything personal about themselves
to hide behind a shield of monumental words and sentiments
so that readers don’t necessarily settle in and get too
and come to believe (in their minds) to be the writer’s
best friend.
Yes, writers can and do keep readers at arm’s length
more for the benefit of the reader and for the safety of
the writer.
A reader isn’t a writer’s best friend.
You know that, right?
You actually have to hold a real-life relationship to a
otherwise it’s considered reading and make-believe.
I’m glad we got that squared away.
The reader and I aren’t best friends unless
we hold a history of friendship, face-to-face,
share our lives in conversation,
break bread together with close ties
and respect for each other.
Wednesday, October
23, 2013
“When you’re hungry sing; when you’re hurt,
“If you can’t bite, don’t show your teeth.
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Solicitous: (showing care, attention, concern; full of
anxious desire, eagerness, apprehension)
In trying to answer the questions the boy was
annoyed by the solicitous prompting of his mother.
--- ---
On Writing; A Memoir of the Craft
Stephen King
Page 141
There are no bad dogs, according to the title
of a popular training manual, but don’t tell that to the parent of a child mauled
by a pit bull or Rottweiler; he or she is apt to bust your beak. And no matter
how much I want to encourage the man or woman trying for the first time to
write seriously, I can’t lie and say there are no bad writers. Sorry, but there
are lots of bad writers. Some are
on-staff at your local newspaper, usually reviewing little-theater productions
or pontificating about the local sports team. Some have scribbled their way to
homes in the Caribbean, leaving a trail of pulsing adverbs, wooden characters, and
vile passive-voice constructions behind them. Others hold forth at open mike
poetry slams, wearing black turtlenecks and wrinkled khaki pants; they spout
doggerel about “my angry lesbian breasts” and “the titled alley where I cried
my mother’s name.”
Continued on page 142
am approaching the heart of this book with two theses, both simple. The first
is that good writing consists of mastering the fundamentals (vocabulary,
grammar, the elements of style) and then filling the third level of your toolbox
with the right instruments. The second is that while it is impossible to make a
competent writer out of a bad writer, and while it is equally impossible to
make a great writer out of a good one, it is
possible, with lots of hard work, dedication, and timely help, to make a good
writer out of a merely competent one.
The day’s done.
I ran out of time.
Tuesday, October 22,
“Uphill, we always climb with caution;
downhill, we dash carefree.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Redolent: (suggestive of, pertaining to, full of)
He loved to tell stories redolent of
Native American life.
--- ---
No, I don’t like either memoir or nonfiction writing.
No, this isn’t a historical account of humanity.
Go read an authenticated history book for that matter.
if I were to read memoir or nonfiction writing then it better be about famous
historical figures that underwent many struggles, trials and tribulations and
adversities in their quests for new found freedoms, rights and liberties for
It’s difficult to pull off great writing much
less write about one’s, own, life stories.
Oh, my! It’s intellectual torture to add
oneself to any storyline especially when one doesn’t like doing it. (It’s like
having teeth pulled.)
it takes brilliance, if not then genius literary talent to be able to convey
something profoundly purposeful to others through the storytelling of one’s
life but it’s quite rare to come across anyone that’s not mediocre in this era
and age of coarseness.
I find that no matter how much or how little I may express some of my deepest
emotions on paper that it takes brilliant literary talent to move mountains of
significance and understanding.
anyone can become a writer but it’s rare to find literary geniuses in any age
or era. It’s difficult to even find brilliant writers at that.
everybody wants to be somebody but what they don’t already realize is that they
are somebody, the moment they were born therefore to become a writer is to
sacrifice, to let go of one’s ego and to allow for the writing to guide the
very best in any soul no matter how harsh the writing lessons may become.
Writing is all about comprehension and
to become a great writer, it doesn’t mean that you have to become a mindless
drone of misinformation.
to become a great writer, it doesn’t mean that one’s ego is their guiding
Brilliant literary talent is quite rare no
matter how much parents or editors may sell it to readers that their children
or staff writers are geniuses because that’s a lie.
More often than not children are mediocre and
“stupid kids” for the most part. It’s not their fault or the fault of the
parents it’s just that it takes time to acquire real life maturity,
understanding, skillful articulate thinking and feeling processes.
Writing requires for mature adults to bestow
wisdom upon others’ lives otherwise, no go.
If the writings of a fool are mud then the
writing’s simply lies.
----- ----- -----
I can’t stand getting lied to by any mediocre memoir or nonfiction writers like
“Three Cups of Tea.”
I ought to burn that book as a prayer to the
Gods not to let that happen ever again. I felt like that book was a personal
a-front upon the good Peoples of the Earth. How
could he do such a thing? Oh, my Gods.
I could barely breathe when I found out that
that memoir book was a lie.
I was beside myself to have humanity ever so
insulted by such a weak person to call himself a writer. He’s no writer. He’s a
talentless hack who can’t write the truth about his life and, one, that ought
not to be touched ever again by any respectable publisher. Why should anyone
give this lying quasi-writer another chance? Nope. Not on our watch.
lie to oneself while staring into the mirror is one thing; but to lie to the
world upon the written page is quite another.
So you see, not everyone can become a great, excellent
or brilliant writer especially in these mediocre times when everybody and their grandma wants to
become famous without any talent to speak
of or without anything worth a
contribution to society and to humanity at large.
think that any writer can get away with pulling another modern writer’s leg.
We’re in the literary trenches each and every single day. I know what this is
all about: The reader.
I can understand politicians lying
through their teeth but not memoir or nonfiction writers because I trust
that they’re telling the reader, their very own truths otherwise it’s a waste
of our time to sit through and read lies.
any writer tells you that they love
writing about themselves then we’ve got issues as readers because some of the
most difficult writing out there is done within the boundaries of those two
similar literary genres; memoir and nonfiction writing, (which I dislike doing
very much especially the more I do it. I can’t tell you enough how much I
loathe writing nonfiction.) It’s so fucking aggravating.
To write about oneself is to sacrifice one’s
Perhaps, not completely because the reader
really only gets about 1% to 5% of how any writer really feels about anything
otherwise it would be complete inconsideration to spell out everything to an
already smart and intelligent audience. Readers can read between the lines of
emotion just fine. Thank you.
As a writer, the more information one gives
away then the closer the reader may seem to feel to the writer however it’s an
illusion because the writer will always keep their cards close to their chests.
Writers know all about nature and the laws of
nature therefore we know natural magic like how the sun looks and appears over
the horizon just before it sets. It’s beauty and magic combined.
We’ll show the reader our literary strategies
in becoming better thinkers however we’re not going to give away our lives
because that’s to play with the Gods’ thunderbolts.
Careful as to what, one may write, if one
doesn’t understand how to touch the intuitive power of the Gods with respect,
grace and command towards good will, change and thought provoking alertness. Wakeup, I tell you.
----- ----- ------
No, the reader doesn’t really know what’s in the heart of any writer nevertheless they can
go upon the basis of what the writer writes and that’s just it, there’s a lot
of mediocrity out there because many writers fall for book deals, advertising,
speaking gigs and a driven ego.
a divine intervention between truth and the unforeseeable truths.
Writing is love more than hate.
Writing is like being made love to by the
writer even if the reader hates what the writer has to write.
I see writing more as a vehicle, a conduit of
love than hate however one may not, have love or hate without the other, or
that’s mare foolishness.
Don’t you believe in romance and love?
I do, thus I write, even if you think,
whatever, you may think of me, it still doesn’t change the fact that I’m here
and working away on something profoundly important for the readers’ sakes.
What do you take me for?
A slob?
I don’t think so.
----- ------ ------
I don’t see or understand what Americans see or understand writing to be. Not
exactly. Nope.
a Native American of the Mayas, I see and understand writing to be a far more
profound energy than any book deals or speaking engagements or any writer’s ego
for that matter.
I see the enormity and profound
responsibility towards future civilizations to get a peek insight into the
porthole of our breathing and living era.
as a Native American of the Mayas I’m not to sugar coat anything even if
American readers consider my writings at times rage filled. (Ha!)
What would you really know about rage other
than its patient like time, kind like silence and thought provoking like a whip
on any horse’s back?
I shan’t hand it to you.
You’ll have to work for it because I do.
problem with American audiences is that they’re lazy minded and they want
everything handed to them in a whicker basket therefore anything that isn’t
considered “positive thinking” (which they confuse quite often with calmness)
is then thought of as negative, and they short change themselves of anything
truly profound and full of life, while their cheaply made whicker baskets
The goal to life is to live out peaceful
co-existences and to think with the intelligent power of the divine. Now,
that’s real living otherwise we become babbling idiots at best and that’s poor
American audiences are easily confused so
it’s easy for writers to mock them which I hate to mock any reader because as a
reader I hate to be mocked. I get it just like anybody else.
Readers know when they’re being made fun of,
and by then they won’t return for more. Why
would they? They wouldn’t.
Yes, I must keep within accordance to my
Mayan teachings and beliefs.
No, I shall not be swayed to become a sellout
and sell poorly made products, thoughts and degenerate aspects of life without
value. Nope.
I must not and I cannot for our sakes become
a fraud nor can you. I’m not bought or sold as a slave here upon these pages
and that can only chap anybody’s rear end to no end. (Ha!)
I loathe nonfiction and memoir writing as you already know all too well.
Nonfiction literary genre sure is tough to
pull off, well, and on a continual basis. When; I’m done with this nonfiction
blog I shan’t look back and write another blog for as long as I live.
I find that many aspects of life are far more profound when reading-in-the
memoir-written-form because one can sit with the writings, re-read and ponder
the very existence of our very own divine souls.
I’ve read a lot of dribble about writers who display a great deal of narcissism
and I’m frightened by neurotic narcissists because I don’t want to stare at
their reflected images rather I want to read any writers’ stories that will get
me to think about the existences of the universes, difficult lessons and hope
for a brighter future that we’ll overcome our ignorance, insignificance and
hate even if the writer has to peel open my mind to think, on a greater playing
field. Thank you.
was taught by the Masters that writing isn’t supposed to be about the writer, per say, rather it’s supposed to be
about the reader; and their journeys into a mature adult world in learning
forgiving latitudes towards a world of injustice, crime and discrimination and
getting them to think about justice, fairness and judgment.
you were to meet me, then you’d be annoyed to find out that I’m one of the more
lazier of people and thus I don’t take revenge upon others because I’m not
looking for projects. I’ve got, too, much legitimate work on my plate to keep
me working for two decades.
was taught that I’m only a literary vessel and not the answer.
was taught that I was to disrobe of all ego, and write as profoundly as I could
to reach into the souls of readers even if it scared the reader senseless and
sharply awoke their senses by having the reader look at themselves as honestly
as possible and realize that a) they’re not very different from anybody else b)
they’re not alone c) they’re not the only ones going through adversity d) they
have the awesome ability to make better choices e) they can problem solve f)
they can and will look to cultivate better thinking patterns about their own
lives and others g) that we’re all in this together, as one human race.
------ ------
I’m not spitting into the wind, here, and having it come back and hit me in the
face. I’m, too, smart for such nonsense.
I have purpose, intent and mindfulness by my side.
I know exactly what I write and with what purpose.
I challenge the reader to think about anything at all.
I don’t stare at myself in the mirror hundreds of times a day because I already
know my very own soul.
I’m not wasting my time writing to the reader.
I’m not going to kiss anybody’s ass, become a pet or pet myself on the back
about my writing because I’m on a journey to become better at this bloody
literary craft.
writing is more difficult than digging ditches.
if one’s going to write then they better realize what it’s for.
writing is power but bad writing is powerlessness. (Ouch.)
don’t be afraid of words and thoughts just don’t follow through with them and
make them into action because that’s the difference between being smart and
intelligent or not.
Am I a great writer? Probably.
Am I a brilliant writer? I have yet to prove
Am I a genius? The tests indicate otherwise.
I know exactly what and who I am.
No, I’m no longer a child, a teen or a young
adult with my head firmly planted up my ass.
I’m now an adult writer and I reserve the
right to write anything that turns this ship around, slowly but surely.
Starboard side. I’m navigating and writing by the stars. Don’t you know how to
do that?
Have faith in me that I’m doing right by the
No, I’m not a demon or a devil. I can prove
I’m flesh and blood and I, too, shall become
star dust.
I hold faith that the reader will do well by
others towards profound change.
The Gods are on my side because I’ve asked
them to be witnesses to my writings and thus they guide this light and not this
The Gods are my beacons of hope in these,
here dark ages.
If my heart isn’t in the right place then may
the Gods strike me down dead with a lightning bolt and they haven’t yet. I must
be doing something right by the Gods.
Don’t you know anything about Ancient
Do you not know how much humanity loves and
hates? (Ha!) (Just kidding.) I’ll stop there before you send me spiteful and
mean e-mails.
P.S. I love anything by Stephen King. Yes,
he’s one of my favorite contemporary writers. Thank you. We’re watching as many
of his films as our schedule permits before Halloween night. Fun!
Monday, October 21,
“Adversity is the best college.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Impervious: (unable to be penetrated, affected, or
He was a man impervious to all
Done writing at 8:06 P.M.
--- ---
24 billion wasted dollars
within a 16 day government shutdown
(What the…)
No, I don’t believe in genocide of any type.
No, I don’t believe in shooting off guns in any city or
No, I don’t believe in causing harm or injury to any city
or individuals.
No, I don’t believe in poor quality.
Yes, I believe in positive change.
No, I don’t believe in murder.
No, I don’t practice white or black magic.
No, I don’t cut deals with the devil.
No, I don’t practice witchcraft.
No, I’m not a witch.
No, I’m not a Pagan.
No, I don’t communicate telepathically with any one given
No, I don’t see musical notes in colors.
No, I don’t hear or see hallucinations.
No, I don’t have delusions of grandeur.
Yes, I know exactly who and what I am.
No, I’m not anti-American.
Yes, I’m a disciplinarian teaching some harsh literary
Yes, when I write that I practice my craft
I do mean: I practice writing the literary arts.
Yes, I believe that writing is magic
In the same way in which flowers grow in the springtime.
Let’s talk about it…
I personally believe in the survival of the human race.
I believe in the survival of our species
because I acknowledge all those who came before us and who, sacrificed a great
deal of themselves for the ever important societal advancements, scientific clarities,
innovations and cultural developments of the ages. (No, I don’t believe in
eating our young.)
I don’t personally believe in genocide because our families have sacrificed
many of our own relatives to lost wars, concentration camps and with their very
own wits, survived starvation as prisoners of war, overseas in the hands of the
Nazis and the Russian army.
I understand the remarkable obstacles, trials
and tribulations that our many family members who overcame adversity for the
betterment of this nation and other nations throughout the centuries.
I don’t personally believe in firing off any gun in any city.
You’re perfectly aware that if one were to
shoot off a gun anywhere, especially in the domestic urban sprawl then most
likely one is bound to hit an innocent bystander and kill them with one fired
bullet. (I hope you’re aware of that fact.)
I don’t personally believe in violence of any type.
I don’t personally believe in war. I loathe war.
I’m not personally anti-American.
It may seem or it may appear that I’m
anti-American because of how I write about American culture simply because I
expect more from…
Yes, I loathe living in America however I’m
not anti-American.
I believe in this great nation of ours. Isn’t
that obvious? I care enough to write about America’s downfalls in front of the
entire world to witness. Please. (Don’t be so rude.)
I’m not personally disappointed with the Americans however I’m disappointed in
our leaderless congressional government.
I don’t personally blame the Americans for every single little problem in
America however I do blame our slow progress to make strides in scientific
advancements, innovations and strides forward.
I want my floating car, damn it.
Malaria. I can’t say enough about third,
fourth and fifth world countries and what their Peoples go through.
I want to see less senseless crime in America like arm robbery, burglary, and
molestation, rape and murder.
I want to see advancements in the educational structure.
I want to see a free educational system set up for our citizens and civilians.
(It’s the proper responsibility to do well by our People.)
I want to see strong governmental food subsidy programs set up, especially
programs for Women and Children and Infants and Men.
I want to see zero tolerance policies about discrimination, racism and classism
in any work place, schools, and professional establishments and amongst culture
in general.
want to see less political male-chauvinism against the constitutional
reproductive rights of women.
I’d like to see less of ghettos, less street garbage and less broken windows
upon the streets of America.
I believe in America therefore we stay and work.
I could write a thousand poems about the beauty of America.
What do you take me for?
Do you take me for a barbarian, a brute or an abuser?
Please, I’m naturally an optimist and an intellectual
Please, I care enough to spend some ink time on this country.
I do I believe that at the age of 19 I ought to have left America for other
golden shores.
Yes, absolutely however my Central American
Ivy League mentors and cultural Elders sent me back here to the Midwest and
thus here I am taking on the responsibility to work hard, develop, grow and
watch over our American Midwest Elders and our neighborhoods and our
We contribute to the beauty and betterment of
America because we stay and live and thrive and survive beyond our means.
Yes, we run our household budget on about
thirty-thousand dollars per year because we believe in less waste and keeping
costs down for the working poor, working class and blue collar.
It’s a lovely life; we make late night Nordic meals at home,
get out twice a day to run errands downtown, Minneapolis, run to the studio,
professional work, the beds, dishes and laundry require to get done, along with
e-mails, texts, and returning phone calls, conceptualizing, writing
screenplays, blog, research, reading time, conversations, walk the dog and care
for him as well as care for ourselves, our health and overall wellbeing, make
time for our beloved friends and family and neighborhoods and communities
throughout the years, play, party, food, smile and laughter, be merry and be
We live!
What about you?
We contribute in positive aspects all around.
----- ------ ------
No, I shan’t ruin the present neighborhood we
live in because I love it for so many reasons. Have you no clue, inside your
noggins how much I love the green short kept lawns, the mostly tidy streets,
the beautiful looking gingerbread homes?
Have you no idea how much I love our
neighborhood and community?
Although, I don’t like shopping in our neighborhood’s
downtown for personal reasons nevertheless there are gems that take my breath
away like the hardware store and…
No, I’m not here to advertise about the place
we reside and no, I shan’t mention it by name for as long as I live. (That
place that shan’t be mentioned. Ha!)
Now, I love our fifteen minute commute to
downtown, Minneapolis each and every single day. I’ve witnessed four seasons
here in this neighborhood and the wilderness takes my breath away. The trees
alone are remarkable.
On a weekly basis we see raccoon, deer,
possum, rabbit, white squirrel, Robins and Cardinals.
I mean; life’s sure gorgeous on Sugar Plum
It’s an ideal place for a writer, except
Don’t think that I don’t know about the
working poor, the working class and the blue collar of Boston and New York City
and New Jersey and Chicago and Los Angeles because I do.
The reason as to why we chose this
neighborhood is because we believed that not even the ghetto could touch us
here as it had in Uptown (which is considered an “overpriced ghetto”) with
structures falling apart (literally,) weekly graffiti on our previous rented
property and the daily crassness of people going through our garbage.
Living in Uptown was a rough ride for six
long years.
Our present neighborhood is indeed
magnificent in every regard other than our black ghetto neighbors’ weekly
shrieking and screaming adults and children who ride their bikes alone to the
ends of the block without parental accompaniment. (I don’t care what anybody
says: I’ve been a witness to this misconduct for about seven months straight.)
Parental accompaniment means that a parental
guardian actually has to get off of their asses, and accompany minors under the
age of sixteen, anywhere, they may go outside especially on sidewalks because
once a child leaves any property’s parameters then they’ve entered the world of
adults and anything goes, unfortunately.
If you’re not by your children’s side when
they’re in public then they’re not accompanied by a guardian and that’s against
the law.
Friday, October 18,
“Even life’s smoothest path is studded with
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Ineffable: (unable to be expressed in words,
His ineffable delight was caused by
the unexpected arrival of his friend.
--- ---
Genocide: (By 'genocide' we mean the destruction of an ethnic group . . . .
Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction
of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a
nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different
actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of
national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. The
objectives of such a plan would be disintegration of the political and social
institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the
economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal
security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals
belonging to such groups.)
Threat: (1. An expression of an intention to inflict pain,
injury, evil, or punishment.
2. An indication of impending danger or harm.
3. One that is regarded as a possible danger; a menace.
tr.v. threat•ed, threat•ing, threats Archaic
To threaten.
Action: (1: the initiating of a proceeding in a court of justice
by which one demands or enforces one's right; also: the proceeding itself
2: the bringing about of an
alteration by force or through a natural agency
3: the manner or method of
a: an actor's or speaker's
deportment or expression by means of attitude, voice, and gesture
b: the style of movement of the feet
and legs (as of a horse)
c: a function of the body or one
of its parts
4: an act of will
5 a: a thing done: deed
Literary Disclaimer:
No, writing isn’t a physical action like speaking
therefore because literary writing is silent
it can’t really be considered a threat
unless signed at the bottom with black or blue pen
This is what I’m going to tell you about
written threats:
The threat better be real, to the point with
specific demands
Signed in pen with a signature at the bottom
If an anonymous threat is made then it’s made
by cowards and neither to be taken, too, lightly nor, too, seriously
A written threat better have a poignant and
purpose in conclusion, with an end date,
and precise intentions to be carried out.
(No, I don’t believe in any form of genocide
however I reserve the right
to write about genocide
in any literary capacity
that’ll create thought
and hopefully spark discussion
about manipulative intentions,
two-faced instigators, greed, destruction, morality and
positive change, brilliant and simple solutions to modern
structures, frameworks and systems as main topics.)
Otherwise, we fail
each other.
Writers, write to ignite wisdom and thought
nothing more and nothing less
no matter how stinkin’ mad
the reader may get
at the writings for pushing the reader
to think about anything at all. (Ouch.)
Writers are silent in their approach
to teach harsh literary lessons or not.
If one doesn’t seem to learn the literary lessons, well,
Writers aren’t villains or vigilantes.
Writers aren’t the enemy.
Writers aren’t heroes.
Writers are humans with organized thoughts.
Writers may write anything they wish
no matter how positive
or negative; crude or critical the writing may seem,
and others may agree to disagree
otherwise don’t read
that’s always an option.
Fables are written to teach humans to control their
impulses, reactions,
quick judgments, temper and incorrect thinking so as not to manipulate themselves into
believing lies and then reiterating those very lies to themselves and their
children for seven generations
until they forget to read about history.
Writers reserve the right, liberty and the freedom to
write as they see fit to describe a world full of injustices, disappointments,
failure, dysfunction, abuse, clarity, development, innovations, growth,
function, and legal justice.
Writers use their typed written words to express any
confusion others may have about anything from the miniscule to the most
Writers, write with typed words rather than with spoken
Writing is thought provoking, while speaking is a deed,
and a threat must be spoken with the intent to cause harm or injury otherwise,
no go.
Writing stands on its own as a sacred and divine fine
not to be improperly touched or harmed
for the sake and purpose to further develop
intellectual capacities
amongst the human species.
[My Mayan Ancestors understood writing to be a divine gift
from the Gods, and that’s why our Ancestors didn’t destroy any writings,
no matter how much they hated the lessons of unspoken
that silently sat and collected dust over the passage of
waiting for someone to pick up the volumes,
and learn anything of value
about themselves as those who hold
divine breath and souls,
thoughts and lives
as any other intelligent beings do.]
It’s very seldom that one will encounter chatty writers
speaking about their deepest and most guarded thoughts
and candid verbal expressions in the spoken word
because they know all, too, well that their words
carry meaning, eloquence and articulation
in which the spoken words make sense,
hold clarity and create positive change.
Writers aren’t necessarily philosophers but they sure
dabble in the thinking craft of logic and reason every time they write,
or the writings won’t make sense to anyone.
The goal of any writer is to make sense
no matter how vile the literary topic or sentiments.
No, writers don’t speak about what means most to them
because we know the power of spoken words.
To write is to remain silent.
To speak is to possibly threaten harm or injury
through physical action.
Moving on.
I just gave it to you.
I spelled it out, and that’s most annoying because I’ve
had to pay my dues to learn how to do what I’m writing about however it seems
that audiences lose themselves in the midst of thinking rubble from an
explosive, destructive and insensitive educational system that hardly teaches
history, dry wit, satire, dark humor,
expression and parodies and anecdotes, anymore.
It’s a gift.
For you.
No, I don’t expect anything in return
because that’s not how this gift of wisdom works.
I have to stay ahead of the curve
because that’s my job as any thinking writer does.
What you don’t seem to understand is that I love, admire,
laugh, hope and believe in the goodness of life and humans.
Correct; destruction isn’t even considered change.
(Finally, you get the lesson.)
Thank you.
I want to throw a tantrum then I’ll throw myself on the floor, roll around and
scream but I can’t remember doing that since about the age of three.
I were to get a wet diaper then I’ll…
Thank you very much however I’m not in the
business of wetting myself since about the age of four when I learned to dress
myself (and when I was terribly ill while in my late teens and early twenties,
hemorrhaging, and I didn’t even know how ill I was at that time.) (Yep.)
the urinating has been under control for about fifteen years and it wasn’t even
full on urination it was little dribbles of pee like when pregnant women
sneeze. Ha! I’m so mature I can write about it.]
I were to make a serious and demanding threat then I’ll come face-to-face and
tell you exactly what’s going to take place, legally.
I were to take action then it’ll be through the proper channels and legal
options towards positive change no matter how distraught I may become as a
woman I reserve the right to become distraught in difficult situations without
the guidance of remarkable leadership however my actions won’t seek destruction
because I want to live, thrive and survive beyond our means.
a contributor to society not a destroyer.
written words are for you to realize your own power as individuals, as a
culture, as a nation and as citizens and civilians.
is not only my gift but also my promise to you to sharply keep you on your toes
and thinking.
literature can be a roller coaster ride and I love to trust the engineers to
keep me safe while I clutch on for dear life to a handle bar at all of the
adventure, fun and hilarity of the ride.
----- ----- -----
not really sure as to why our Republican leaders failed us by proposing a
keystone pipeline as part of their negotiations to reopen government from a
shutdown? Apples and oranges once again.
I’m bewildered at the very fact that our
republican elected officials and others placed that point, on the table as part
of negotiations. As if.
I’d like to believe that our elected
officials and others won’t make such propositions ever again, of that type, that, which will threaten
the security of our nation’s overall wellbeing, in every sense of the word.
not really sure as to why our global leaders and others allow for Syrian
genocide to occur.
I’m bewildered at the Syrian massacre.
I’m bewildered at the Mexican-drug cartel
I’m bewildered at the corporate greed that
takes away from the mouths of babes and slowly starves the have-nots.
I’m bewildered to say the least but not
without hope and high regard for life.
I’m an intellectual like any other of their
era and it’s my right to think about the justices and injustices created in the
world as any other thinking adults do.
I want you to understand that Genocide of any
type isn’t morally correct, intellectually sound, without foundation and with
possible destruction to wipe clean any lifestyle that may or may not agree with
the status quo.
If you believe in Genocide then you’re on a
fool’s errand because as keepers of humanity, we’ll defend the right for
anyone’s survival. We just will.
Genocide is decimation and not just cause.
No, I don’t believe in destruction.
Yes, I believe in creation thus I write.
Yes, change is created through a series of
organized steps towards compromise to peacefully co-exist and to uphold to the
rules and discourse of honorable intentions no matter how much ego, pride and
vanity gets in the way otherwise go take a hard look in the mirror and don’t
lie to yourselves about your intentions for grabbing power away from others and
telling lies about it afterwards.
I loathe any force that holds others hostage
by any means possible.
P.S. Yes, we live within two miles of the
best Pizza in the world and we didn’t get ill afterwards. Thank you.
No, I shan’t ever write about the city I
reside in however I reserve the right to write about life in general even if
you hate the writings.
The best pizza in the world award goes to:
“Pig Ate My Pizza”
[Disclaimer; No, I’m neither any type of food
critic nor judge. I simply was taught to cook by some of the best Masters in
the world and I like to eat. I’ve always held a hearty appetite however I
control my impulses to stuff myself full.]
--- ---
*) We’re finally going to decorate for
Halloween. We’re going to put up little lights this weekend and get ready with
Yes, we cancelled our Halloween party 2013
because I just got out of surgery four weeks ago (correction) and I’m still not
feeling up to par. We’ll hold a party next year whether invited friends or foes attend; that’ll make for something
interesting to say the least. I’d like to invite…
--- ---
*) You do know that yanking family members
away from Thanksgiving day and night to work is indeed sacrileges and
It brings destruction to civilized
civilization. Greed and destruction.
--- ---
*) No, I don’t per say consider celebrities as freaks in general, only when they
sell or preach a way of life to the Americans that’s poor quality for the
Americans then I’ll jump right in and defend the Americans in any literary
capacity possible to convey the disgust of such decrepit attempts upon the very
existence of culture as we already know it. Relax.
You understood that.
I’d love to write about what I enjoy most in
celebrities because well, it’s no different than writing about nature (nature
can be freakish) but with all of these self-imposing award ceremonies that no
one can keep up with it’s like seeing the Olympics every two years instead of
every four years. It takes the fun out of it.
The regularity of these self-imposed awards
is not only a cash cow but also a farce and badly conducted as well as in poor
quality and taste like the Presidential seal signs that continues to fall off
of the President's podiums. (Ouch.)
--- ---
*) Don’t lecture me about Prestige.
I just gave it to you in a picnic basket and
The world doesn’t get to judge what’s going
on with me because you’re not inside my head, my soul or body to know as to how
I feel about anything at all, much less, have you ever spoken with me
What say you? Nothing.
That’s what I thought.
Thank you.
Finally, silence.
--- ---
*) Yes, I have lots of make-up quotes and
vocabulary words to catch up on however I’ve been exhausted ever since after
--- ---
*) Yes, America has defaulted on it’ debt and
loans before.
Don’t lecture me about…
Thursday, October 17,
“Love can’t take advice, and lovers won’t.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Nefarious: (wicked, vicious)
He was given a long prison term for his nefarious
--- ---
Welcome back.
Thank goodness the lights are back on in Washington, D.C.
The government is back in business,
although it’s been in session the entire time.
(We all knew that. Right?) Right.
Surely, only any nation can judge their internal affairs.
I mean, I’m sure other nations wouldn’t like to hear what
the American People have to say about other national economies and modern
wage-slavery and slavery in general. (Ouch. I’ll stop there.)
To throw rocks at glass houses is to…
The world can loath the decisions the American government
makes however the world may not loath the American People because we’ve
sacrificed our Sons and Daughters to a twelve year war in the Middle East.
Only we get to judge the deaths of our own.
The lesson that chaps the world’s arse is that America is
a wealthy, dysfunctional, strong, chaotic, classist, organized, well-intended,
oligarch passing for democracy.
Don’t you know anything about democracy?
Someday I’ll tell you Her Story.
She’s gorgeous and not anyone’s whore
even though she gets treated like one.
We keep an eye peeled to the skies.
We financially invest in America
because; “we put
our money where our mouths are."
We’ve got funds at stake, here.
Our stocks are very real to us.
One penny is the difference between having wealth or not.
We believe in Disney stock amongst others however those
companies hardly contribute to the world welfare, primarily for profit.
The overall global stock market is utmost important to
the advancement in scientific innovation, positive solutions in communications
development, clean energy and free enterprise, intelligent capitalistic
We invest in America for the long haul.
Our retirement plan is everything to us
because once we sit down,
that’ll be it for a while.
I’d like to move slower as I age
when the time comes.
Slow down.
We’ll grow old happily and that’s that. (Ha!)
We work hard, we work forty hour weeks and that’s full
That’s enough.
That’ll do.
did I meant by; “No, no, deal. No go.”?
meant that the American government doesn’t stoop so low as to allow a
high-jacking, hostage situation or negotiate under unsafe and detrimental
ultimatums in the exchange to forfeit a mandated law. Government isn’t
conducted that way, we all know that.
In other words the high-jacking of a plane, the
derailment of government, the economic hostage situation and the ultimatums
were absurd. (I mean, really. We thought we we’re watching a soap opera. Wow!
Let me catch my breath. So much melodrama.)
Really. Normally, politics are cut and dry.
point, under no circumstances are any elected officials or civil servants to
place the American government, Wall Street, and the Public at risk with actions
that may damage the overall global economies, government workers and military
ought to be a written provision with a conceptual clause somewhere in which it
states something like; At no one
given point ought there to be a government shutdown unless under the following
difficulties and even then: Civil War, UFO Invasion, Genocide and / or the
atomic bomb. (Ha! Just Kidding.)
No, but seriously; I’m not an attorney nor do I pretend to be
one nor do I desire to be one thus I don’t author bills however that’s
something that I could’ve done happily, to
contemplate loopholes, conceptually think about what’s at stake when it
comes to writing modern bills to pass into laws. (So many modern bills just
don’t carry common sense because everything’s clumped together into one bill
and it butchers the possibility for prosperity.)
I’d love to see something to the effect in the form of a debatable bill; A
government shutdown is not to be manipulated, instigated or twisted into a
pretzel by the terrible tactics and stratagems of any one given political party
or parties. (Primarily, it would take time to research a list of loopholes and
close them.)
Two, I’d love to see a bill written about:
congressional insider trading. I mean, according to my research the most any
congressman or congresswoman makes is about; one-hundred and ninety-eight
thousand per year, annual salary. Indeed, these are our elected civil servants,
our representatives in the Senate and the House, both.
Three, I’d love to see a bill written about;
Tightening up the loopholes when it comes to filibusters and gerrymandering.
Four, I’d love to see a bill written about;
setting-up an independent governmental federal agency in which its sole purpose
is to conduct background checks on all of government employees (if that’s not a
conflict of interest) at the time of hire. Conducting background checks is time
consuming, tedious and most important work. Background checks are extensive
research and it has to be conducted well. No, this agency wouldn’t be a police
state. It would be something like that of the FDA or the EPA of background
checks. (I don’t know. Maybe that’s a stupid idea. I’d have to think about it
more. Anyway.)
When I wrote: “No, no, deal.” I meant: Open up the United States of
America’s Government because the Government doesn’t negotiate with
fundamentalist Ideologue crusaders to forfeit already mandated laws. Nope.
The government isn’t something to be
purchased, gambled with or to be manipulated through a series of severe tactics
and actions towards a path to real-life destruction, cause and effect.
I meant; Open up the government now.
A country requires their governing body, not
to sell or purchase deals under the table but to write and debate policy, pass
common sense laws and budgets with an intelligent approach for the betterment
and the greater good of all, and not only according to
fundamentalist-extremist, right-wing, arm-twisting ultimatums to forfeit a
valuable law or else the government shuts down. What. It doesn’t even make sense.
Governing isn’t like business. (You know
that, right?)
Governing is about the welfare of all.
If congressmen and congresswomen desire to
make big bucks, in trading, then they need to go into Walls Street rather than
Governance is about choosing what’s right for
The People rather than what’s right for the conglomerates, the monopolies, or
industrial warfare and fundamentalist ideologues.
We need our leaders to lead, properly,
correctly and well.
To face up, to make the right decisions
because human lives depend on it and not for the sake of some political scoreboard.
I mean, lives, paychecks, food, diapers,
baby’s milk were at stake, here, on the ground for the past sixteen days of a
government shutdown. Shame. That’s just unpalatable.
Enough for now.
I’ve got a million and one things to do.
To answer that; I’m not one to say, as to how one purchases anything however
they do.
We have so many nephews and nieces that we do
gift cards for the Holidays. We derive joy from doing that because they mean
the world to us.
As far as tightening up belts for the Holidays; you
have to make that decision.
We don’t purchase much of anything on any
credit card unless it’s for travel or emergencies however we do spend where we
find there’s a need.
We like to spend on the local economy and eat
out, once a day, three-hundred and sixty-five days a year. We like to shop
around the Holidays for beloved ones and friends from something as small or
We purchase cards and small gifts throughout
the year.
We purchase breakfast for our guests throughout
the year and I love to tip as well as I can. It’s fun. We rejoice in it. Around
the Holidays we love to give tipping-gift cards and that also derives much joy.
We’re blessed to be able to do so many gift cards
to so many different types of people in our lives and we give with glad
tidings, not expecting anything in return. The gift of giving is to rejoice in
the giving without expectation.
*) I’m being informed that what’s needed more
than ever are children’s, youth, teens and young adult coats throughout the
Midwest and the rest of the country.
We donate during the Holidays because that’s
our duty as working professionals of this modern era. Thirty percent of our
annual income is donated.
*) Please, I ask of you to donate, if
possible, brand new, coats, warm mittens, hats, scarves and such to your local
communities because that’ll be the greatest gift one can give. Don’t forget the
young adults and adults. All types of people have needs for warm outer-ware.
*) Please, don’t forget to donate to
Thanksgiving Dinner to homeless shelters this year and always. (We don’t
personally volunteer but we donate to just causes not lost ones.)
*) Thank you for donating to Early Childhood
Education during the government shutdown. We’re grateful.
*) Thanks for the first four episodes of
Downton Abbey.
I’m sworn to secrecy. I was stunned. I was
left speechless with a shallow breath. Oh, my! I can see how the Brits are
pissed off as hell. I just didn’t see that coming out of left field. Holy
*) We don’t default on our modern debt.
We’re America, strong and capable to meet our
responsibilities at every turn.
Wednesday, October
16, 2013
“A good saying at the right moment is like a
piece of bread during famine.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Gregarious: (living in groups, liking to be with
Sheep are, in general, gregarious
--- ---
P.S. No, we shan’t despair. Yes, the American
Government is rich beyond its means. It’s just that there’s incredible amount
of mismanagement when it comes to congressional government, fundamental
ideologues and budgetary spending.
Yes, there’s plenty of money in some form of
treasury or another to keep the post offices open because that’s our historical
value, officially sealed correspondence is what makes us a democracy in part.
Literary Disclaimer: Nonfiction
blog writing genre:
Please don’t confuse any writer with any
villain because that they’re not.
I’m the writer of these works, here. Thank
you very much!
[If one can’t tell the difference between reality and
I would suggest to anyone to please
sign-up to any intro literature course at any community
(It’ll benefit any reader in the refinement of audience
It’s important for readers to learn to differentiate
reality from storyline otherwise one is considered, or, becomes insane
if one can’t tell reality from storyline constructs.
I don’t know. Humans sure are something to
say the least.
Correct? Correct.
Moving on. Next.]
Parts to a Whole
American Government Shutdown 2013
“The Affordable Health Care for America Act”
To You.
Debt Ceiling Raise, now.
Why does the GOP hold the American Government
in a shutdown hostage situation?
Genocide. (Do you know why it’s immorally
wrong all around?)
Who are the modern Fascists?
Is the Speaker of the House all right?
“The Affordable Health Care for
America Act” ought not to have anything to do with the hostage situation of the
American Government Shutdown 2013. (It just shouldn’t and we all know why.)
Apples and Oranges don’t add up.
not only irresponsible of the GOP’s “Tea Party” to do so but also selfish, in
poor taste and low-grade leadership.
“The Affordable Health Care for America Act” sure is affordable and it’ll cost
on average about thirty to forty dollars per month depending on how one
qualifies. (Hey, where can I sign up?) (I know I know we don’t qualify. We pay
hundreds upon hundreds of dollars in health care coverage per month.)
“The Affordable Health Care for America Act” will save many millions of our
youth, young adults, working poor, working class, blue collar,
lower-and-some-middle class Americans. (American population is around 315
million in 2013.)
“The Affordable Health Care for America Act” ought to be left alone by the “Tea
Party” monkeys and donkeys asses. (Back away slowly from the incredible and
remarkable “The Affordable Health Care for America Act”.) Don’t our leaders have any self respect to speak of?
I’m all in for “The Affordable Health Care for America Act”. I’ve finally read
through most of its 1,990 pages. What can
I say?
No, the
debt ceiling is not an issue in the governing of America until about 2011 when
the “Tea Party” (a branch of the GOP) began to dismantle government through
rhetorical ultimatums, terrible negotiations and detrimental causes towards
ineffectual neglect and chaos of our nation.
Yes, this may be a meager Holidays for many
military families and government workers who depend on a paycheck from the
large government doesn’t have to be a bureaucratic digital spying system upon
its People because the concept of large government is one of trust that
separatist-extremists won’t take over the country and enslave it’s People, but
also it’s about confidence that large government will operate smoothly, well
and take full financial responsibility for its budgetary spending and finances.
there’s no need to put our American families at financial risk for the Holidays
or at any other time just because negotiations can’t be reached. (The debt ceiling limit has never come
knocking on our doors so please don’t feed us such malarkey for
Thanksgiving. we won’t be able to stomach our morsels of food, along with
halftime crotch entertainment. Please, no. Such carelessness in governmental
disorganization mocks our civilization down to the very bare bones.)
Yes, as
Americans we might have to tighten our belts this Holiday season 2013 and
rejoice in excellent health, great company, the breaking of bread and the
happiness to get this giant back on its feet again.
don’t despair because that’s to forsake Your one and only God.
No, I
won’t despair because that would be to forsake my three-hundred some Mayan Gods
even though as an intellectual I reserve the right to be an atheist who hopes
to believe that there’s hope that the Gods haven’t forsaken humanity by making
us into mare mortal toys for their vanity and amusements.
there’s no point at all, to this GOP’s hostage takeover of the American
government shutdown 2013, frozen paychecks and pensions.
No, no, deal. No, go.
GOP’s separate-extremists can’t negotiate a government shutdown as extortion
upon the basis of an already passed health care law.
might even be against the rules of governing to do so. We’re back to apples and
oranges don’t add up. Do our leaders need
to brush up on how to govern and governing laws? Yes.
policy and negotiations are two very completely different things all together.
policy actually requires intelligent conceptual thought for the greater good of
all, and writing those intelligent thoughts down on paper to pass into bills
and to make into laws.
negotiations are compromise in any and all communications.
Negotiating is arriving at a middle
ground and agreeing to disagree nevertheless making organized arrangements in which
both or all parties involved are satisfied with how to go forth on any action
that requires to be made for the sake of all Peoples.
No, not
the negotiating of policy because policy isn’t something that one negotiates
rather one debates logic and reason into words, thoughts and deeds. If words
don’t add up to logic and reason then the policy is dead on the floor because
it may bring injury or harm to the majority and well, we just can’t have that
in a democratic system.
about fifty percent (48%) of the country requires some form of government
assistance. (We’re “middle income earners” so we don’t qualify for any
government assistance yet our taxes are already through the roof.)
I’m sure that I know why the G.O.P.’s right-wing, separatist-Marxist-extremists,
government representatives fight only over fundamental ideological means rather
than to seek out real positive governing solutions.
It’s because politicians make a boatload of money on insider trading and
thus it’s important for politicians to keep the fire going, instead of putting
out fires, they destroy the political playing field because then chaos means
reelections which in turn means more money for them, their cronies, family
members and friends while leaving the rest of country in ruins, government
workers and military with frozen paychecks and pensions. Pity.
No, I’m
not a journalist, a political expert, a politician, political science expert, a
psychologist or financial expert.
I’m a modern writer and blogger, and my bias opinions are my own.
Take it
or leave it.
one difficult lesson that chaps some readers’ arses.
P.S. I
hate to have to tell you this but I do believe that our financial system,
framework, and constructs are quite archaic.
lecture me about the debt ceiling limit.
lecture me about trickledown economics.
lecture me about the minimum wage raised to $10.50 according to inflation and rise
in lifestyle. I also took econ-101. I get it and I don’t like what I see. Keep
up. This isn’t a financial class.
This is
real financial life cause and effect. If one requires to sign-up for physics
class to better understand financial Wall Street then do so.
Why is
the debt ceiling one of the GOP’s stupid trump cards?
the dumbest trump card in the entire world and the debt ceiling limit doesn’t
even belong in a poker game of policy making about “The Affordable Health Care
for America Act.”
happened to the moronic intelligence of our Tea Party leaderless group of snot
nosed, spoiled bullies. Get these idiots out of there. They’re choking the
country and getting away with murder.
Out of
there so fast you won’t know what the People hit you with.
Blunt Votes.
Is the
Speaker of the House all right?
say you?
Tuesday, October 15,
“Sweet words won’t warm you, but sweet
thoughts will.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Epoch: (A time or event which marks a relatively
new development)
The atomic bomb is an epoch-making
--- ---
Oh, my!
How did it get to be five in the evening?
I’ve got to change my schedule around.
I love writing from six to seven in the
My mind is fresh and alert.
It’s more fun at that time, alas.
Later in the afternoon I’m tired.
--- ---
Physical Injuries
don’t want to write about my double-sprain however I must.
sprained my ankle in the first week of June 2013, and then again three weeks
later, I slipped on mulberries throughout the grass, slightly slid down at the top
of a hill, and there it was, a second sprain on the same ankle.
I sit here, I’m not able to cross my legs, at the ankles, because a sharp
hairline fracture of pain’s felt in the inner side of the ankle.
Even the slightest twist and the ankle doesn't like it.
The pain signals hit my nerve endings and I
understand the ankle's sole desire is not to be turned, in any direction, so I
don’t, by honoring it.
Nevertheless, when I stand on one foot, and
balance for about a minute at a time, then I hold-up my other leg, point my one
foot into mid air, and make-out the
letters of the alphabet with my ankle, foot and toes to bring strength back to
the ankle. I try to get through as many letters in the alphabet as possible
before regaining complete balance on both feet.
could do this exercise with a physical therapy band, but
I’m afraid it would be excruciatingly painful
because the ankle still has difficulty resting at ease while I fall asleep.
I still feel pain when I fall asleep because
I can’t seem to find a comfortable angle for my ankle to rest upon. No, I’m not
losing sleep over it however the throbbing pain at bedtime is interesting to
say the least after a long day’s work.
It’s taken four months to do the
“air-alphabet” competently just like “air-guitar”.
I’m being informed that it’ll take another
two months to get over this injury and I just hope that it heals before the
snow and ice comes.)
The second time I twisted the ankle; I
realized that…
caught a hold of myself with the ankle, dug into the dirt with my foot and kept
myself from slighting all the way down to the bottom of the hill and I paid for
it. (Ha!)
The berries were slick ice and I should’ve
known better than to stepped bare foot on soggy ground.
I was showing a friend our mulberry tree and
lost my footing. My feet were moving so fast they must’ve looked like cartoon
feet. If I would’ve been standing there watching myself then I would’ve laughed
so hard but alas.
My friend was kind with his approach. He
understood why I was so clumsy with my steps once I explained to him that I’d
recently sprained my ankle.
He asked me only one question: “On a skateboard?” I nodded and there was
nothing more to say between us. He knew perfectly well what I meant.
there it is.
haven’t regained my full balance on that one ankle, and that one darn broken
toe, on the same foot, has been broken for almost nineteen years.
Once one breaks a toe, then it’s broken for
good and don’t I know it. My one
broken toe sits slightly higher-up than the rest. I can’t look at my broken toe
for too long or it grosses me out in some odd way.
The human body sure is amazing.
must be thinking about past injuries only because when it rains then I feel the
dullish sharp aches of my body.
I’ve aged and it’s been a beautiful sight to see. Oh, my! I’ve been through
hell and back again with much of my health and well, every day I look more like
I did when I was sixteen than I do as a thirty-six year old. I seem to be aging
better now than when I was younger. (Hip! Hip! Hooray!)
Don’t get me wrong. I’m beginning to slightly
get lines and in a few decades wrinkles will set in and I most certainly
welcome life. This is the natural order and progression in life, to age, gracefully,
peacefully and beautifully.
Nope. I don’t personally believe in
snip-snip. Not personally, anyway.
though, at times, I contend with some severe previous sports injuries and such
I’ve aged better than I ever looked in my twenties. Oh, my! My twenties were a
painful and severe time while eating empty refined calories and hemorrhaging.
Thus is life.
As an intelligent woman I reserve the right
to be clumsy from time to time because the one injury I still can’t get over
is, from the time whence I pulled my arm out of its socket. Oh, it does just fine however once that
injury set in then my rotator cuff hasn’t been the same hence thirteen years
At the time, when I pulled my arm out of its socket,
well, I didn’t have health insurance and I had to tend to the rotator cuff as
gingerly as I could for months, afterwards.
If I ever lay wrong on my shoulder then it’s
immediate sharp pain and I’m not able to bare it for anymore than three seconds.
The pain is so sharp I can almost feel the pain in my teeth.
talk about being a clumsy woman.
bought the wrong shoes all together this spring.
bought a pair of fashion tennis shoes.
wanted a pair of tennis shoes to slip on however enclosed.
learned my lesson.
means fashion, not sport.
an adult I’ve gotten tired of lacing up my tennis shoes but now I understand
why laces are so important when it comes to sports rather than fashion.
I went out for a skateboard ride on a glorious June afternoon.
I got caught in utter surprise by the
thunderous clapping sounds of thirty-thousand people, turned to look to see
what it was because I became startled (I thought I was alone) twisted my upper
body, heard bones crack in my foot, fell over and got up quickly, slightly
placed weight on my foot, to see if I could, at all, and I did. I slipped away
unnoticed. Thank the Gods.
was the first time I wore the same pair of shoes since the accident.
I tripped, twice, while walking the dog.
No, I didn’t fall over. I’m good like that.
When I go down then that’s it.
I’m down and it’ll take a moment to recover.
The humility is awesome and powerful.
It makes me want to laugh every time however
I don’t.
It’s kind of quaint to watch someone genuinely fall over.
It’s hilarious but disarming also.
Amazing, that humans fall over at all.
We’re for sure not made like squid.
only shoes in which my ankle doesn’t hurt is in flip flops but it’s started to
get cold outside, and socks, and flip flops make for wrong and weird fashion
I’ve been studying the bottoms of these fashion tennis shoes and they’re
incredibly narrow at the arches.
My feet are flat and wide.
I know I know I bought the wrong shoes.
What can I say?
I bought the shoes because I was wild about the look of them but I tend to trip
and buckle under pressure when it comes to that one semi-sprained ankle each
and every time I wear the shoes.
The shoes are making their way into the
garbage tonight. No more.
Now, the search begins for two pairs of
tennis shoes.
Why is it that American women can’t find
halves in shoe sizes, anymore?
What’s happened to American shoe apparel?
I shan’t do that again.
P.S. Yes, many corrections need to be made.
“The Affordable Health Care for America Act”
= “Obamacare”
Monday, October 14,
“Set a fence around your words.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Epitomize: (to summarize, to briefly outline)
To epitomize the activities of the
organization was not easy.
--- ---
Quickly now: I’m running out of day light.
It’s five in the evening.
I’m running an hour behind schedule today.
--- ---
A Literary Lesson on Sweetness
[(It’s only any critics’ job to write a positive
statement, first,
and then to write a negative statement, second.
If it were up to me; I’d
write rave reviews without a single terrible observation however it wouldn’t be
the complete truth, either.)]
like adults.
literary lessons were learned. (Moving on. Next.)
(I reserve the right to think and feel as
I please, and write about my biased opinions because that’s what writers do. We
don’t go around bombing anything; we read, we research and think about anything
we please and then unfortunately share it with the globe.) (Like hell if I’m ever going to tell
strangers any of this stuff, much less acquaintances. Thank you very much.)
could write about the most mundane aspects in life and bore you to death with them because those are some of the most
important aspects in life to most mature adults.
you ever sewn a button, mended anything torn, brushed hair away from a lapel,
or fixed a mechanical appliance? (Ha!) Well.
for real, now.
kept a 1978 lawnmower running for as long as we’ve been able to and finally
it’s come to pass.
lawnmower is no more.
stopped running.
back wheels and handle came off however the body (the motor) is one sweet piece
of machinery. This machine is all steel and metal, and ready to ride. Oh, my!
I can’t express enough, what, this piece of
machinery has come to mean to us. We did everything possible to find parts and
such. It’s important for us to continue with analogue and hardware because
that’ll not change for us as engineers.
thirty-five years (correction) our lawnmower has seen farm country and the
urban city. If our lawnmower could speak then imagine the tales it could tell. Our
lawnmower would probably swear in Finn.
I have a great deal of respect for anything
that requires to be hotwired (not
that I go around doing that) however more precisely the spark of electricity
sure is powerful.
I have a great deal of respect for hardware
and laser beams, both.
I have a great deal of respect for digital
a child, not once did I ever imagined that I’d become an American adult cook
and make cookie dough with a 1950’s electric dough mixer.
Oh, my! Such technology makes me feel like a
real Chef in a seriously well built 1950’s tiny kitchen with lots of laughter
and odors of freshly made breads, sauces and main courses.
Every time that I handle a piece of 1950’s
electrically-made-metal-machinery, or a power tool or an instrument I’m
grateful that they exist because plastic just isn’t the same.
There’s much to be said for cheap and quickly
made goods or merchandise in any industry.
We buy American, because it’s the better made
of all of the Industrial countries, because unions carried our Industries thus
far into the twenty first century although I’m being informed that unions
aren’t the same anymore.
There’re laws in place for the safety of our
workers, their wages and pensions.
We believe that those who make our very own
goods from raw materials are indeed brilliant, and important, and we thank them
in the same ways in which we thank any local farmers for what they produce come
harvest each year. Thank you.
don’t live in bubbles in which we
believe that our field of study and expertise is the most important because
that would be foolish to believe.
We believe in the sciences, mathematics, the
arts, innovations, building, fixing and the many intellectual facets to
positive problem solving and peaceful co-existence, clean competition, fun.
We’re grateful that such an incredible piece
of machinery lasted so long. It was a great friend to our family and we did
everything we could to keep it running well into the twenty-first century. What
a feat!
Aspects of life do come to pass.
All comes to pass.
We live in a divine era in which we must get our civilian population caught up with a
modern approach because only peaceful civilizations live, thrive and survive
beyond their means.
I teach harsh lessons and my literary voice is a tempest at sea then it’s
because it is, but by no means must any mature adult internalize my writings,
and make excuses for their misbehavior out of the writings.
The writing stands alone and strong in the
sense that it doesn’t misbehave. Writing lives on white paper and nothing else.
You won’t catch me slapping, kicking, screaming, yelling, swearing, biting, or
insulting people ever and if I am then it’s only because someone has laid a
harsh hand upon me in violence and then
all’s fair in love and war.
If love be rough with you then be rough with love.
Don’t you see: I’m thirty-six years old and I’ve proven
myself not to be an alcoholic, an addict, a rapist, a molester (of any
type,) an arsonist, loiter, a litter bug, and a prisoner much less a sociopath
or a psychopath.
I’ve upheld to my side of the bargain:
uphold to continually develop as a model citizen, who, occasionally happens to
make the worse mistakes, without a mean intention towards others is to be true to thyself.
you don’t have a clue or an idea as to what I’m doing as any intelligent writer
does to advance civilization along into “old world meets new world” then you
don’t understand anything about being an audience appreciator.
Nope. Step back.
You’re not the one writing.
I am.
I’m putting in the time to write and that’s
my destiny.
I know, I know. Yep.
is a bitch of a genre to explore because it’s literary material taken from real
life and that’s a bite to say the least.
loathe writing nonfiction and well, here I am stuck, doing just that, towards the completion of my literary expertise
from a well developed working-professional into an expert in any literary genre
and it just happens to be this nonfiction blog.
Oh, yes!
I can write with the wrath and fury of the
Gods and handle a tea cup any day of the week without breaking it. (As a matter
of fact; I’ve got coffee on the burner right now.)
Oh, yes.
I’ve already published.
I’ve proven that I can.
The moment I published then writing was no
longer a hobby even though I treat this blog as though it’s a hobby but really
it’s work and every adult knows that. I’d rather be…
I took on the nonfiction blog genre because I
thought it would be the easiest genre to write in, so as to more precisely
communicate anything to any audience but I’ve come to realize that it’s the
most difficult genre to write in.
Once I’m done with the blog I don’t want to
write nonfiction for as long as I live.
hate spelling anything out, insulting or angering anyone however if this is a
game of truth and more truth then let’s have it; knowing perfectly well, that I
don’t present myself by screaming and shouting as I enter any room.
I like to travel under the radar because
that’s why my Navy ancestors did while they couriered delicate files back and
forth from San Francisco, California to Weehawken, New Jersey.
I smell bread baking.
Just because I write with the fury and wrath
of the Gods it doesn’t mean that’s who I am in person.
You guys have me confused with some villain.
Not fair. I’m human. I don’t consider our
readership our enemies unless there’s something we ought to discuss person to person
and it’s already been established that we’re each other’s enemies.
My personal material is a gift to you and you
know it better than I do.
Why should I share anything with anybody?
Because it’s my duty to do so as a thinker
and as a writer of this age even if you hate the writing and it pisses you off,
hopefully, it’ll make you laugh in the end, because the absurd is always funny
and thus is life.
No, I’m not absurd but life sure can be and I
just happen to catch it by as I observe anything I wish.
6:05 P.M.
P.S. Correction; from a possible Cambridge,
Minnesota Perkins to North Branch, Minnesota Perkins.
I’m not sure if there’s even a Perkins
Restaurant in Cambridge but I know the one in North Branch quite well. Cheers!
Friday, October 11,
“Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words
without knowledge?”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Apparition: (ghost, specter, phantom, appearance)
The apparition was seen by three small
--- ---
Quickly now; It’s exactly four in the afternoon and my
day isn’t over yet.
--- ---
What more is there to be said?
we begin again?
and welcome to this blog space.
This blog space is here for any reader’s
convenience at any one moment.
As any free thinker, philosopher and writer I
reserve the right to state anything at any time in observation to create moral
tales of wisdom (no matter how much it may anger anyone,) nothing more and
nothing less. I uphold to that right as any writer does.
shall we begin?
backlogged on subject matter that requires to be addressed.
love to write about the Sequester 2013, the American Government Shutdown 2013, Italy,
Spain, Greece, Argentina, Japan, Native American Brothers and Sisters, Native
American Reservations, Russia, The History of the Olympics, Traditions,
Standards, War, and Peace, Global Fashion, the World Bank, Global Economies,
Trade, Imports and Exports, Industry and Enterprise, Investments, and the
Rights, Liberties and Freedoms of all American Citizens and Civilians, China,
Brazil, Ice Land, Norway, Finland, Denmark, the Philippines and Indonesia,
Vietnam, Vietnam War, Korean War, WII, WI, Ghettoes, Genocide, Syria, Sudan,
Immigration, the American Automobile, Engines, Space Garbage, Space Travel,
American Police Brutality, and, and, and...
I could spend years writing about the history
of the American Slave. Couldn’t you?
I could.
prove and indicate that our Ancestors (Puritans and Pilgrims of New England,
America) didn’t trade in the business of slaves, neither as slave-cargo or as
humans crossing the Atlantic in Southern American ships in chains like animals.
If I find out otherwise, then you already
know what.
I’ll write about it.
After twenty five years of personal research
I’ve found nothing that indicates otherwise.
feel safe with saying that we are the free thinkers and believers of freedom,
liberty and justice for all. Our age has come and continues.
The end of an era of seven generations from
before the founding of this country was established into the twenty first
century. It’s a feat. We made it! We arrived to witness a new era of modern
technology, progress and innovations.
you amazed because I sure am every time I’ve witnessed a nighttime light
parade. I live in America because we celebrate the Holidays. I love it all. I
can’t tell you enough.
I love the magic and splendor of Holiday
lights. The lights make the world seem more civilized, somehow. I could write
screenplays about the Holidays for decades.
The two times I’ve witnessed this scene of
nighttime lights and splendor, the sight, alone, brought one or two quiet tears
of the deepest joy.
I realized that I could go on believing in
magic as any adult does because the engineers had designed the most spectacular
show with electricity and little LED bulbs. What a wonderful world indeed.
amazed everyday by the beauty, the splendor and the awe and wonder of others,
nature, weather, cycles and patterns. I live for that. I really do. Don’t you?
I love keeping up with weather patterns.
I see something spectacular happening each
and every single day. Don’t you? Waking up in the morning is like waking up to
live a full and fulfilled life even if, sometimes it means discipline although…
All work and no play…
Captains of our vessels our trade lay in goods, merchandise, sea navigation, surveyors
of shorelines, as sea captains communicating, relaying and receiving
information as former lords who eventually became American Citizens; after our
Native American Brothers and Sisters were slaughtered and driven West to
Reservations with instructions to lose their language, their ways, their
livelihoods and their communities.
I could write about our Native American
Brothers’ and Sisters’ histories and present challenges throughout the modern
globe, whom still suffer at the hand of economic oppression and post-modern
colonization. This isn’t over yet. The aftermath, the devastation and the
destructive economical oppression left tidal waves throughout Indigenous global
communities and America. What, do you really think that I don’t know anything about
the Conquistadores? Please. As if.
I’m sorry that you find it annoying that I relate stories back to myself, I
reassure you of that.
I communicate like an Indigenous in that it’s tough to break the first,
six years’ pattern as a child in listening to adults relay storylines about
their lives back to themselves to best understand sentiments of the other in
creating a picture of emotions to reflect back some deep understanding for what
the other’s going through. Mirrored images of sentiment, emotion and respect
nothing more and nothing less.
a gift to have any adult relay anything back to themselves because adults most
definitely don’t want to, but sometimes to be better understood one must, even
though it can be respectfully annoying at the best of times.
while in conversation I hate to repeat myself anymore than three times, bring
back a conversation to me (directly) simply because there’s a lacking in deep
understanding or unless it really applies in general to me or when asked questions
I don’t like to swear unless boundaries are
severely crossed and my person is in jeopardy.
I do keep my composure even when people have
spit in my face.
All I ever said in those circumstances was this: “I’m
going to count to ten starting backwards and by the time I get to one I need
you to have vacated the vicinity because I’m so angry that I’m afraid I could
bring physical and bodily harm to your person. Run.”
Slowly, I've counted down; “ten, nine, eight,
seven, six, five, four…” while I’ve stood ever so still, and went white in the
face, ready to pounce like a lioness, every muscle was lose and ready to
By the time I’ve counted to six they had
vacated the premises and long gone because they knew that if they hadn’t then
there was going to be a bloody brawl and a good one, too, if they hadn’t left
and quickly.
I was so mad at any white adult man for
spitting in any woman’s face after I had made him a sandwich and he knew that
the look in my eye said, if you don’t leave me alone then you could end up through that glass window because I’ll send you
through it myself. (Ha! That’s so funny! It was like watching a crude film
only in real life. Weird.) So surreal.
People sure do lose a sense of themselves and
at times they do let go of their
senses all completely or slightly and all you can do is to hold steadfast to
your own.
adults don’t go around relating anything back to themselves, or much less telling personal moral tales because,
they’re adults and most often than not, they reserve that right not to share
stories, unless one reads to children at public libraries.
Adults know themselves.
Adults don’t have time to talk about
themselves in general.
If someone talks about themselves (at short length
as a quick example) then it’s a courtesy to the other party to get them to
understand that the listener understands what the other party speaks of.
(Consider it free. It’s on the house.) (Ha!)
Every adult knows themselves better than any
other man can; who’s to look into another’s heart, and know what’s there? No
It shouldn’t be possible to speak for another
because well guarded sentiments are like jewels. Why would I desire to flaunt
deeply guarded sentiments that I don’t even want to talk about in the first
place so I write because I don’t want to hear myself sound like a broken
At least when the reader reads, it’s mostly
silently inside their own mind and they can’t hear the sound of my voice. Thank
be to the Gods.
Intellectually I know that I shouldn’t relate
in such a way to any Western cultures because for the most part the culture
can’t even spell well enough beyond a sixth grade reading and writing level.
By today’s modern standards not even seniors
in high school can read and write at a sixth grade level. Aren’t you disgusted
at this American failure because I know I am.
the fact that I relate tales back to me is so that any reader may learn from
these tales however and nevertheless remember that I’m human, and I can be
incorrect and wrong however the splendor of it all is that I can always make
corrections and right my wrongs because that’s what humility and maturity are
combined; strength of character and good intentions.
No, I don’t like writing about myself but I
find it most necessary.
And I especially don’t like to talk about
myself but I have enough courage to answer any direct question, as honestly as
I can.
I don’t have time for bullshit.
When I write novels I won’t have to explain
myself because it’ll all be made up, anyway, won’t it? Yep. For sure.
Nonfiction writing is difficult to do at best
of times but I’m proving that I can do it. It’s such an irritating genre
because mostly everything has to be spelled out or there’s much confusion,
anger and discontentment from the reader / listener.
I, too, get turned off when I’m expected to
perform for anyone’s amusement. I’m not a toy.
Relax. Have a little food, breathe, break
bread together, laugh, joy, and share. Peace.
--- --- ---
Post Script from earlier.
What a week.
Thank be to the Gods it’s Friday.
I can’t wait to take the Sabbath.
Corrections were made.
Yes, I have much literary ground to cover.
All in good time.
All that ends well is well.
Our little family is intact, secure and
researching options as quickly as we can.
Life, the sanctity of food, breaking bread
together, great company and joy, laughter, sharing.
I’ll make time to get back to this darn
bloody writing in a bit.
I have yet to check my personal emails dating
back three months.
Slowly but surely progress is made. (If its
dire then our peeps jump on the horn over the wire, dial directly and speak
otherwise they all know it could be a while to get an email from me. If it’s
pressing then they text and I text back within three days unless it’s a direct
question that requires an answer promptly within minutes then I’m on it...) If
I don’t call back within three days then I’m either held up without a
connection or I’m dead. Ha! That’s Finn
humor for you.
Oh, yeah!
I’m breathing.
Aren’t you?
Keep calm and carry on.
(Ha! That’s hilarious!)
Thursday, October 10,
“If you’re going to do something wrong, at
least enjoy it.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Desuetude: (state if disuse, uselessness)
(The good old customs soon fell into desuetude
with the new generation.
--- ---
I’m running out of daylight and it’s already four in the afternoon. Dusk is upon us. (Ha!) (A small joke. Are you kidding me who
doesn’t love to genuinely laugh?)]
Life’s Challenges
and I’ve begun negotiations about what to do with this property.
Eric would like to stay, retire and die on
this property and so would I however I’d also like to be out of this
neighborhood by October 1, 2014. Seriously.
So we discuss like any other two civilized
adults as to what to do.
I’ve proposed to Eric that we could play
chess to stay or leave.
I’m willing to leave it up to chance because
I can’t force Eric to move and he loves it here and I love him and he loves me.
This is the most difficult decision because
this is where Eric wants to be and, and, and…
No, we’re not going to leave each other however
maybe we’ll live in separate neighborhoods. (Ha! Just joking.) That would be a daily challenge.
If Eric wins, we stay until we’re old people
and buried in the ground.
I won’t verbally complain knowing perfectly
well how I feel about our one set of neighbors who are most and incredibly
disruptive, sound wise.
I’d love to retire here but solutions and
real disciplined-change requires to be
made over the long haul while crossing the Atlantic in chains.
There must be one complete positive outcome
or leadership has failed us, we fail each other, we fail ourselves and our
future children.
I don’t care if our unruly and disruptive neighbors stay however if they do
decide to stay then we must abide by social contracts or drastic legal measures
require to be made, and within one year because I’ve already given one whole
year away to this chaos, craziness and disregard for our neighborhood.
Some of our friends tell us; something like: after all legal steps and measures have been made; if you’re forced to
leave your home then the disruptive neighbors ought to lose their home as well,
because it’s only fair since they didn’t grant you the same rights and
liberties as they believe to have and since it’s so, then the disruptive
neighbors don’t qualify for the neighborhood’s overall peace, civility and
fairness. They don’t deserve to live there either.
been taught that I can verbally make three respectful verbal warnings and tell
anyone if they overstep their boundaries for one repetitious continual year.
If I have to give out the same warning, three
times about the continual misbehavior then on
the fourth warning professionals require to step in, take action, and help
out with solutions and positive change.
For one year and two months; I’ve driven
the same street in one particular neighborhood (that I don’t live in) and not
once in that time did the beautiful black youth overstep their boundaries and
spill out onto the streets with moving traffic.
Twice this fall (within a month) these youth
have started to block off, their certain street with their shoes, or stand in
the middle of the road like deer, bouncing a basketball, back-and-forth, like
they thought they were on television in some studio with the bright spotlights
on them, so I honked, and brought the
youth back to his senses. (His misbehavior was queer to say the least and
no, I don’t mean homosexual.)
I brought the one youth and his three
companions back to reality and to life instead of mare imitations of some weird
notions they uphold for themselves. Delusions
of grandeur. (Ouch.)
If any youth stands ever so still, bouncing a
basketball back-and-forth while traffic approaches then that youth is either
mad or he’s got, no real parenting.
Watching youth attempt to get in the way of
traffic is like watching the ignorance of his parents all over his face or the
madness of his driven ego.
I was taught that playing out in the middle of the street was a sign of disrespect
to an entire community and drivers.
I was taught that by playing, horsing around
or getting distracted while in the middle
of the street was no differently than taking my life into my own hands, and
so not to do it because it was poor decision making. (Ha!)
Accidents will happen quickly.
Faster than you think.
times, this summer 2013, we personally witnessed a toddler run out into the
streets with traffic and my breath left my body, each and every single time especially
the second time when a suburban approached at thirty miles per hour.
I calculated the distance to the toddler and
realized that I couldn’t cover enough ground in time to get to him even if I tried
to and that would’ve been a tragedy, to watch a toddler get hit by a car.
My stomach turned.
I had to turn and look away.
I couldn’t bring myself to watch.
When traffic’s coming in hot at the speed limit then all it takes is seconds for
an impact if the distance and timing aren’t calculated correctly by the driver
and the moving subject.
I was taught to drive at the speed limit and
not to let go control of the wheel
even if that meant veering off to avoid an accident and…
summer 2013, I was ever so grateful to check under my vehicle otherwise I
would’ve run over, and most likely killed a puppy under the back wheels.
When I found the puppy hiding there, my
breath left my body because I was about to drive away and I knew that if I
would’ve killed the puppy then it
wouldn’t have been my fault but then I would’ve had to live with that
tragedy for the rest of my life.
anybody know about self responsibility anymore?
was taught that one’s toys, garbage, personal belongings and such, ought not to end up on the sidewalks or
one believes themselves to be more important than the rest.
To have one’s personal belongings spilling
out onto the sidewalks and streets is like taking over a neighborhood because
one thinks they’re special and somebody owes them something.
No, I don’t think I’m special.
Do you?
Because if you do think yourself special then
I’d suggest talk-therapy for narcissism, selfishness and self-centeredness.
If anybody ever considers you special then
they’re not taking you seriously as an adult.
No, I don’t need anybody to pet me on the
No, I’m not somebody’s dog.
No, I’m not somebody’s pet.
Thank you.
I’m only asking to uphold social contracts
because that’s the decent thing to do in life.
mediation is one step away from court.
I spoke to a detective and he gave me the number to an agency to get in touch
with professionals that could help bring civility to a disrupted neighborhood
for over four years and counting.
----- ----- -----
Eric wins the chess game then he’ll have to take the lead on this one.
Eric’s silent but metaphorically deadly in
the sense that he’s a Scorpio and when he strikes through legal channels then
hang on for the ride of your lives, the end is near.
Eric wins the chess game then I can’t ever verbally complain ever again about my
lot in life because if you saw this tiny and beautiful little spaceship for a
home; it’s one of the most proficient, efficient and modern places we’ve ever
lived in and this house is better built than the millionaires or the
Whether it’s through mediation or not; in two
decades this neighborhood may not be the same if the middle class doesn’t keep
a strong foot hold.
peeps tell me to fight for this land and this property because now that we’re
land owners we too have rights and liberties as anybody else and most people
fight for that because this is the American dream and we won a sliver of the
pie, it’s ours for keeps.
is prime real estate because we don’t have to drive an hour into work each day.
This is the main reason as to why Eric needs to be here and so do I. I don’t
want to drive an hour per day to the studio; plus I can be there within fifteen
minutes if Eric were ever to need me.
If you don’t know your responsibilities to
any neighborhood then go look them up. It’s your responsibility to know your
one’s children aren’t brain damaged then the children can prove that through
their constant disciplined
behavior to break negative patterns and the parents must help their youth under
eighteen to do so and achieve such goals.
People do have to prove themselves to others
otherwise get them where it most hurts right through their pocket books and
that’s a tough lesson to respectfully teach at the best of times.
Cheers to our health!
Cheers to your health!
P.S. I’m a Sardinian at heart.
I’m very verbally expressive but only with
close and dear ones or when push comes to shove, and I have a principal to
fight for however I can also be lazy and have others take the lead when I think
it’s a loss cause but others don’t. Sure, why not? I’m not going to beat a dead
I want to live in a neighborhood in which we
all get along so that we can all get stinkin’ rich together and prosper because
the neighborhood has something incredible to offer such as basic civilities,
effective functions and respectful purpose otherwise it’s not worth two cents
to rub together and everybody knows it.
When our neighborhood is respectfully quiet
(no, not silent,) urban civil and modern chic then the property value, alone,
goes for about five hundred thousand dollars, but when there’s disruptive neighbors then the neighborhood’s overall
property value plummets and that’s just annoying and tragic. No good.
I don’t have time for mediation but I’ll do
it because jumping through hoops is something that I’ve become excellent at
doing. It’s the easiest game in the books.
--- ---
P.S. The cleanest downtown neighborhood that
I drove through in the months of August and September 2013 was north
I swelled up with pride to see that the
cleanest streets in Minneapolis were those of north Minneapolis. (I know who
you are. Thank you. I know. I’m kept informed about north Minneapolis. Don’t
think that my heart isn’t there because it is.)
If our safety, liberties and rights could be
granted then I’d live in north Minneapolis at the drop of a hat.
I’ve always wanted a lifestyle in which I
could skateboard to and from downtown and north because it would make it so
damn convenient to our work.
--- ---
*) Last note: I trust enough to eat anywhere
in downtown, Minneapolis.
I travel at dark throughout downtown
Minneapolis and I feel as safe as any woman can in any civilized culture.
I’ve fallen head over heels in love with
downtown, Minneapolis. People are urban chic for the most part and civilized.
I frequent downtown every day throughout many
different parts of it and I like what I see for the most part however I’m also
informed by problem areas such as the man dressed in a three piece suit with a
tennis racket threatening people to hit them over the head all the while
screaming at the top of his lungs. Pity.
Oh, my! How creepy, indeed.
Wednesday, October 9,
“Never consult a woman about her rival,
a coward about war, or a merchant about a
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
American Government Shutdown
Debt Ceiling Limit
there’s a part of me that is indeed an extra conservative Republican spender, in other words; if I don’t have to spend
any money then let’s not unless it’s in the overall investment for the safety,
progress and vital education of all citizens and civilians. (Cheers!)
Spending is a part of me that wills common
sense because numbers are just so.
while in negotiations; all parties present must come to the table to listen,
discuss, converse and debate a greater good for all and not hold any one party
metaphorically hostage for the sport of it otherwise it’s not politics it’s
just a dirty game of tricks, chaos and unorganized filth. (Like we can’t tell
the difference.)
economies are serious business and I have a great deal of respect for money,
professionals, experts and masters in their fields, not so much because they
deal in money but because they problem solve in numbers.
Math always makes sense and tells the truth
otherwise it doesn’t have an outcome.
I were to negotiate the debt ceiling limit being raised I wouldn’t like to,
personally however publically I’d negotiate for the greater good of all because
I’m not a donkey’s ass.
nothing more beautiful than to see leaders thrive, succeed and lead the path
towards further exploration and success.
an adult, I thought: (inside my small ego mind) that it was the job, the work
of our congressmen and congresswomen to keep the shop running, preferably with
the lights turned on, debate on the table and fair negotiations achieved,
dining, respect and sharing in different ideals while building for a brighter
and better future, together.
nothing more beautiful than to watch negotiations in progress because it means
that it’s the finest dance between a bullfighting human-animal and an animal.
(Ha! Think about it.)
it comes to fiscal overspending and debt (in general) I don’t believe in
defaults. Ever.
any barrower’s responsibility to pay back the debt they owe. (That’s just a
given, it makes for great business and it’s fair to the lender and barrower in
relationship to the other.)
it comes to the debt ceiling limit raised then I can only think that it must be
done, because overspending is either, misappropriated, disorganized or
mismanaged. Period.
must the debt ceiling limit be held hostage?
must fiscal overspending not be capped off?
I don’t personally agree with breaking the debt ceiling law and raising the
debt ceiling limit however I do believe that if there aren’t enough funds to
complete the last quarter of any fiscal year then there better be some type of
surplus someplace to cushion that blow and we better deal with some serious
financial insider mismanagement.
know I know you’re all for the debt ceiling limit to be raised and you have
your reasons and I’ve got mine.
negotiate anything on the table only it has to be a fair deal otherwise it’s a
waste of time. There’s nothing more fun than to read through proposals to
negotiations. It’s fun.
As far as a government shutdown goes;
why would one implement such an economical cruelty upon their constituents
unless to teach them a whipping lesson however it’s really only up to
philosophers, thinkers and writers of any era who can really teach creative
lessons that bite like a scorpion, deadly, moral lessons about how to become a
better person. (I just gave it to you.)
water droplet can have a tsunami defense.
and let live. Do you even know what that means? Nope.
would never in my wildest dreams want to hold or be held hostage. Never. Not
once. Why? Absolutely.
think that great leadership looks pass their noses and to a sea of constituents
waiting for our leaders to do well by the country rather than voting down the
party line.
ready to get back to work, prosper and continue to innovate.
shutdown only brings more grief than I can ever express to you in a thousand
our leaders don’t understand the dire gravitas of any complex situation then
they have no right in getting elected into office because it means that they
can’t think intelligently beyond their ideals of righteous indignation. Ha!
like to believe, like a little kid, that we can trust in the present leadership
of America and get this giant back on its feet without corruption or corporate
ask global leaders not to give up on the American People because well, it’s a
tale of woe and around these parts we laugh everyday because that’s our
greatest power and magic, to make ourselves happy however never at the expense
of others’ happiness.
have so many more thoughts about the debt ceiling limit and the American
government shutdown but I better drink a little water, have a snack and think
on it. (I’ll get back to it some other time.)
I’d love to write about the stock market but
I wouldn’t know as to where to begin.
P.S. Nope. No, step back.
No, I don’t purchase tickets from anyone out
on the streets selling anything unless I’m in an open, outdoor market or…
Nope. Step back. I’m too modern classy for
that and it’s illegal.
only been the opera and ballet houses that
taught me that I could always make a left or right turn of the beaten path,
present myself at the ticket booth, and if there were any tickets left for
purchase that I might participate, respectfully as any other audience member
even if I weren’t completely dressed for the occasion however my conduct would
shroud me in good manners, grace and dignity.
I love taking a turn, walking off the street,
going to a ticket booth or side window and asking if there are any tickets to
be purchased.
I love doing that with opera and ballet
because it’s not every day that I desire to listen an opera or see ballet but
when my soul calls me to it then I’m moved by the beauty, graciousness and intelligence
of any such production and performance.
Tuesday, October 8,
“Words should be weighed, not counted.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Shoddy: (of inferior material; lacking the quality
claimed, sham)
They have been selling us these shoddy
products long enough; from now on we go elsewhere.
Today’s Lesson:
Hypocrites and Double Standards
(How annoying and irresponsible)
Paraphrase: “If
anyone ever upholds to double standards, or becomes a hypocrite while overstepping
their boundaries, because they abuse their power, then you always have the option to leave any place. If you’re going to leave
a place then mean it, and do it. You don’t have to hang about with people who
are continually disrespectful but command your respect.” I stared at the
talk-therapist like she was crazy.
“At anytime?” I asked.
“At anytime.” She answered. She stared back
at me like the sane person that I am. Thank you so very much.
“Even when it’s my family?” I asked.
“Especially when it’s your family.” She
answered and she was dead serious.
I wanted to laugh just then because she was
funny but I didn’t because I understood her authority and respected her
teaching skills about how to utilize coping skills in a dumb world of violence,
disrespect and chaos. Ha!
I stared at the floor and noticed her cute
shoes while she stared at me.
We sat in silence for a long while.
She understood that my wheels were turning.
No, I didn’t feel one bit uncomfortable.
She’d given me the gift to ponder many
aspects of my life to live internally ever
so peacefully and prosper as any mature human can, will and does.
was the roughest lesson to learn however I learned it.
It’s better to leave a place then to
continually be disrespected because then it means that others don’t respect
themselves and you don’t have to put up with “bullshit.”
only two aspects of my life in which I’ve ever been ashamed (and no longer am)
is that I’m of dark pigmentation in skin color, which I can’t control. Seriously. Ha!
The other aspect of my life in which I’ve
been ashamed is that I’ve economically slaved for twenty-one years in America,
and that doesn’t get me a decent neighborhood because the American dollar isn’t
worth what it ought to be, which I can’t control. Seriously. Ha!
here goes nothing.
[Disclaimer: I
have much to lose but not when it comes to thinking about the world. I can
organize my thoughts, explain deeply guarded sentiments that only close and
beloved ones do and can understand while in adult discussion. They’re
intelligent enough to understand logic and reason, and it makes sense to them,
also. They, too, wish for a better high-quality of life.]
You know all about the waitress theory?
(When one waitress accuses others of stealing tips)
let’s begin with a short story and then I’ll spell out the moral tale for your
reading pleasure at the very end in conclusion.
I’m hoping not to fail you in translation. We’ll see.
------ ----- -----
upon a time there was a man who continually for about a decade has granted me
the freedom to speak openly while in adult friendship and in discussion as expressively
as I wish without ever harming anyone directly or personally.
I can express myself as strongly as I feel or
not about my lot in life.
granted him the same freedom in discussion unless he begins to emotionally
attack me, personally or directly, then watch out, I’ll respectfully stand up
for myself even if my voice shakes or I have to mock but I don’t like to.
That’s rare. Open expressive communication amongst closest beloved ones
without fear or threat of anyone getting physically out of control but if
someone’s been physical in the past, just once, then the other party
acknowledges that the other can become a brute simply if one disagrees with
their acute perspective about the lives
of others. The passage of time has taught the peaceful party much about
others’ short fuses and their abuse of power in relationship to the other.)
begins this tale.
story about continual miscommunication due to double standards and hypocrisy is
a tough lesson to respectfully teach anyone at the best of times.
intelligent friend lives amongst millionaires and billionaires however he’s had
a difficult go at it, with his
neighbors who cross serious boundaries.
His one multi-millionaire neighbor (who
established one of the largest pizza delivery chains in America) has threatened
to kill our friend’s dog, to set their property on fire, and / or shoot our
friend as our friend has disclosed with
us over the live wire. (How weird, indeed.)
How awful for our friend and we’re honored to
be kept directly posted about their deepest sentiments about their hellish
Our friend had to deal with his neighbor setting his own garbage cans on fire
within feet of our friend’s property and that’s just rude to say the least.
over the course of eight years our friend has gotten on the horn with us and
spoken directly at great length for hours about their troubles with their
We’ve gladly listened each and every time
because that’s what respect is for the
other without judgment.
We feel terribly bad for our friends’
inconvenient dispositions and misfortunes amongst mean-spirited millionaire
neighbors who obviously loath themselves.
Our friend raised his voice, swore, cried and
retold the same story over and over again until he’s becomes exhausted of
listening to himself retell the tale of woe for eight straight years without
solutions. How exhausting. We’ve listened because we care. That’s what friends
do for each other.
friend’s other neighbors tore down part of his property without permission. Oh,
my Gods! It was serious and court was only around the corner. It was a messy
event and one that went on for years. How terrible. We listened because we
Once again our friend raised his voice,
swore, cried and retold the same story over and over again until he’s become
exhausted of listening to himself retell the tale of woe for four years
straight without solutions. How exhausting indeed.
Our friend relayed to us that he had wild
imaginary thoughts about shooting at his neighbor if his neighbor ever set foot
upon his property or if the neighbor ever shot the dog and / or set the
property on fire.
Our friend was irritated to say the least and
in pain about the entire scenario.
We didn’t judge him while he expressed himself
to a full extend.
year’s gone by, and not once have I bestowed upon my friend our tale of woe
about how rotten our neighbors have been however just recently when I did
express myself, directly, to him, face to face, about the pain, annoyance and
irritation then he pulled out the mother-load of hypocrisy.
He had the gull to tell me: “I feel
uncomfortable by how you’re expressing yourself.”
(Mind you, my hands calmly lay upon my lap
and I raised my voice one octave as soon as he held his double standard. The
sound of my voice said, careful not to
get too mean with me or I can destroy your ego by the end of this conversation
and with it your manhood if you push too hard.)
Not once did I swear at him or at all.
I only raised my voice slightly when he began
to judge me, personally.
At one point I thought: In any other culture I’d have the
permission to slap this man for his ignorance, as an adult woman. I knew to be
careful and not to break him with every single truth told to his face about
himself or to leave him on the floor weeping in tears about how he’s wasted
eight years of my life complaining about his lot in life.
It’s not fair.
It’s rude and in poor taste.
He had the gull to tell me: “I just don’t like
the way you express yourself.” Whatever…
Get modern, please.
I didn’t swear once while I stood my ground
in debate, once a challenge was placed before me about my personal life through
assumptions. Please. Have some courtesies about miscommunication.
the time one party tells the other that they don’t have the same liberties,
rights and freedoms already established in relationship then it’s another ball
game all together when it comes to excellent manners in teaching a whipping
lesson to any stubborn horse. (Ouch.)
The one disrespected party realizes rather
quickly that one’s dealing either with a real fragile human or a hypocrite.
I’d rather deal with fragile people because
then I can water down everything for them or stroke them.
If one wants their ego stroked when it comes to sharing the same
permissions, freedoms and rights as any other mature adults do to freely
express themselves, then don’t uphold to double standards or your loved ones
will want to teach you quiet emotionally controlled lessons, far worse than any
mean neighbor that doesn’t truly know your soul.
I’d rather not deal with a hypocrite because
then it means that that person either
doesn’t know themselves very well or they’re little instigators of
mischievousness and deeply internally out of control.
It’s just no fun to speak to someone that
much out of control.
If one’s going to listen, and sympathize in
discussion then do it respectfully however if one is going to argue and debate
their hang ups about how others feel (about
their personal lives) while sharing in private discussion; then step aside,
no one’s got time for that much “bullshit.”
My friend acted like a hypocrite and he
expected me to take it as I always have all these years before.
For as intelligent as he is, he’s déclassé
and annoying to say the least when it’s all about him and he’s ego gets
Since it was his fault then he must
ultimately admit that he was in the wrong although everybody already knew it
especially him most of all.
the end of an arduous hour in a none physical and peaceful confrontation, and
heated discussion, conversation and debate about disrespect; under my breath I
told him that he was rude, and that’s when I made up my mind to leave no matter
what because the very words escaped my lips therefore I meant it.
When I informed him that we were leaving then
he retaliated with words like “its bullshit” that I had made up my mind to
leave after he’d called two days earlier to invite us over on such short
in all the years that I’ve known him, he’s never, not once, called me up at
last moment’s notice to invite me over.
Why break patterns?
Over the phone I could hear the desperation
in his voice to come visit him within two days.
We dropped everything we were doing and went
to be with him but that’s not how we have ever done visits in our friendship.
That’s never been established and he disrupted our lives to a certain extend.
over the phone, he invited himself to come visit us at a moment’s notice and we
granted him that, but we also had to
stop everything we’re doing, immediately.
We thought that either he was dying or he’d
lost everything in life.
(Knock on wood that he doesn’t.)
We began to think of the most terrible scenarios
only to find out that he’s a most horrible, devious host, emotionally out of
I don’t really care.
I don’t have time for that.
I’m too busy working and living to deal with
people like that.
Our time is the most valuable aspect of our
We barely see each other as it is.
Please. Don’t be so insulting.
----- ----- -----
We left.
Eric didn’t even question once if we should
or not.
We packed up our suitcases and left,
As I made my way downstairs with my suitcase
in hand; I told both our hosts that we were grateful and thankful for having us
but we were leaving.
Both our hosts jumped in and my friend tells
me that “that’s bullshit.”
He continued to tell me that my decision to
leave was bullshit.
What he didn’t realize was that it was a
firmly made decision without apology and with respect.
I gathered my belongings both hosts came to the door and spoke simultaneously,
slightly raised their voices, pleaded, told me, asked and fought my viewpoint
and decision while I quietly gathered the dog’s belongings and placed a harness
and leash on our dog.
My friend pointed his finger at me while he
argued as to why we shouldn’t leave. My mind was made up.
I asked, him, several times to please not
swear at me and please not to point a finger at me while he spoke to me.
I asked him to please leave me alone while I
gathered our belongings but at one point he stood in the doorway and blocked my
way as I placed things away in an orderly fashion.
I told my friend to please back away from me
because he’d torn a door right off its hinges, before, while I’ve stood on the
other side of that door, pleading and crying to please be left alone.
I told my friend to please leave me alone ten
times (I counted) while he enclosed in on me in a small entryway and continued
to talk at me.
By that time I’d already turned off my
listening brain and I no longer listened. My brain went into autopilot to get
out of there as fast and safely as I could with our family intact.
I already felt threatened by lack of respect.
I continued to tell my friend to please leave
me alone because in the past he’s blocked the door to my vehicle and did get
forceful with me about leaving. In the past my friend has frightened me to say
the least.
I already know that he can become; a forceful
brute when he can’t control he’s emotions or if he feels that he’s not winning
control over another person then he physically forces his way onto others to
bend others to his will to feel only as he does. He’s like a little kid who
requires to be agreed with or else. Ha! Horse shit.
I’ve agreed and supported him over the years
in friendship but he hasn’t extended the same courtesy to me. How tragic.
My friend had the audacity, the cowardice and
the opportunity to get in a dig at me just because he was out of control and I
was cool as a cucumber and he wasn’t. No screaming, no swearing, no yelling.
My friend closed ajar his inner entry door,
and blocked the remainder of the space with his entire body, lowered with voice
and chin at me, and with viciousness in his voice, he leaned in and told me;
“You just can’t get over what happened to us in the past. Write me a letter and
tell me all about it.”
He had the gull to tell me how I felt about
If he would’ve been man enough and asked then
I would’ve answered him honestly.
Yes, I’m over it, except, that he continues
to tell me what I am, and how I feel, without asking, so that can only mean
that that’s how he really feels about himself and he can’t emotionally unstuck
himself and that’s not my problem that’s his because he feels so guilty about
his misconduct. Whatever.
It’s like the waitress that steals the tips
and accuses everybody else of doing that.
Right after he said that, I immediately
looked him up and down like he was insane and his personal body parts had
broken off.
I thought to myself; “You don’t deserve a letter from me much
less anybody else’s. You don’t deserve anything that’s created from me
personally so don’t hold your breath either while waiting for the post.”
I got my shoes on.
I was disgusted by this man’s misconduct,
abuse of power and his gravely bad misbehavior in friendship.
He knew he’d failed me in friendship while
making it my problem.
He was an asshole in those fleeting moments
and an instigator.
He wanted a reaction out of me and he didn’t
get it.
Not once.
It’s one of my proudest moments as an adult.
I was beautiful.
All I knew was that the nervous odor of his
body was making me ill and I had to get away from him as quickly as possible
because I was going to be ill or pass out, trapped in an enclosed space with
his smells. He needed to take a bath.
Eric came downstairs, said his goodbyes, hugged
and thanked our hosts as I had thanked them. We peacefully left and that’s
I won.
I was in the right and I don’t have to make
any apologies.
I didn’t cause the chaos and disgrace in
I kept my cool and my wits about me.
I’m maturing.
I’m growing.
I’m learning to be my grandmother’s daughter.
A Lady.
won over my emotions, over getting emotionally bullied, over getting
manipulated into a fight; a verbal confrontation and looking like an ass before
the Gods and our friends’ neighbors. (Please, I’m too classy for that
“bullshit.” I get embarrassed when I get emotionally bashed over the head by
others and they make it seem like it’s my fault because they can’t control
their emotions, their egos and their craziness.) That’s not my problem, that’s
I uphold the right to leave at any time.
My friend and I left it that: We may speak again at another time when
cooler heads prevail. It wasn’t goodbye or the end. My friend can call whenever
he wants however not too soon because he left a horrible impression and a sour
taste in my mouth.
Before we left he offered me an entire pie
and I almost laughed but instead with an even tone in my voice I told him:
“You’re a horrible host” and that was my dig into him.
He wasn’t going to get over that dig anytime
soon, because he knew he’d misbehaved most terribly and he’d not been honorable
in his intent. He’d been a hypocrite and he knew it better than anyone else
He’s so transparent that he’s easy to read
like words on rice paper.
My dig was the truth whether he could admit
it or not to himself. How dare he bring so much disgrace to himself and his
home? Wow!
People sure are crazy to say the least!!!
I won!
I won!
I won!
I kept my dignity and grace intact, when another
abused his power.
I should get a medal for this. (Just
I might just make one out of crayons and
paper. Ha!
Oh, I’ve got to run.
P.S. You already know the difference between
“short-circuit” and “closed-circuit.” Right. I’m not going to explain
electricity to you. Look it up.
Monday, October 7,
“In a restaurant, choose a table near a
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Officious: (forcing one’s service or office upon
another, too forward)
A good administrator is not officious.
--- ---
Today’s Lesson:
Hypocrites and Double Standards
(How annoying and irresponsible)
Paraphrase: “If
anyone ever upholds to double standards, or becomes a hypocrite while
overstepping their boundaries, because they abuse their power, then you always have the option to leave any
place. If you’re going to leave a place then mean it, and do it. You don’t have
to hang about with people who are continually disrespectful but command your
respect.” I stared at the talk-therapist like she was crazy.
“At anytime?” I asked.
“At anytime.” She answered. She stared back
at me like the sane person that I am.
was the roughest lesson to learn however I learned it.
It’s better to leave a place then to
continually be disrespected because then it means that others don’t respect
themselves and you don’t have to put up with bullshit.
only two aspects of my life in which I’ve ever been ashamed (and no longer am)
is that I’m of dark pigmentation in skin color, which I can’t control.
The other aspect of my life in which I’ve
been ashamed is that I’ve economically slaved for twenty years in America, and
that doesn’t get me a decent neighborhood because the American dollar isn’t
worth as much as it ought to be, which I can’t control. Seriously.
You get it.
More later.
I ran out of time.
P.S. Yes, I make direct and general answers to
people who write to me directly via e-mail.
If you have the courage to ask me directly if
I’m a spoilt brat in diapers then I’m going to answer you directly on the blog
and cover all material by spelling it out for you which can leave a sour taste
in your mouths.
*) No,
I don’t watch T.V.
I have no idea what’s going on most of the
time until I plug in which most likely it’s only ten minutes, per day.
I’m living a full life and rarely have time
for television. I’m sorry. Yes, I have an on-going list of things I’d love to
watch for more than just one minute at a time.
For example there’s a show on some channel
titled “China Rising.”
Oh, my Gods! It’s so cool but I have too much
work to park myself in front of the television and watch.
Maybe, in later retirement when I’ll be too
tired to move I can catch up on this earlier part of the century’s
entertainment that everybody’s talking about.
*) High
tea: I’ll write about it some other time.
Since, we don’t keep tea in the house then we
serve root beer floats, donuts, blueberries, cookies and homemade bread with
jams and almonds for health.
In winter, its hot chocolate with all the
whip cream on top that your little heart desires because I love tons of whip
cream on top of my hot coco.
Since, we’re a modern couple, we sit for high
tea, once a year, amongst one of our neighbors who’ll happen to ask us out of
the blue if we’d like to hold high tea, which who wouldn’t?
It’s so relaxing and fun.
It’s as fun as asked out to lunch by a peer.
One never passes up the opportunity to
socialize civilly amongst others no matter how much work one may have, because
it means that you get to practice your civil conduct amongst others. To be
asked to lunch is a great honor that comes only once in a great while. People
are busy to say the least.
I have so much work that when others ask me
to please join them at anything civilized I follow through because how much fun
is that? Tons of fun!!!
Are you kidding me?
I love to play.
I’m a kid at heart.
I just don’t want to be manipulated, bashed
over the head by a bully or be disrespected in any way over power struggles.
I’m too tired for that.
*) High
tea: if we’re expecting company from the ages of sixteen to seventeen then we
only ask that they’re accompanied by a legal guardian, or that they sit outside, in our back patio (If they visit
unaccompanied,) while we peacefully socialize.
If a child is younger than sixteen, then we
only ask that the child is accompanied by a legal guardian to our backyard
patio unless they’re our godchildren, our nephews and nieces, or great nephews
and nieces.
No, we don’t put on pretenses however we do
bring out the cloth napkins, silver tray and straws.
At times we eat with our hands (donuts) and
respect the lives and time of our guests as they respect ours. Thank you very
*) Friday’s bomb threat to our neighborhood.
Oh, my! What can I say? Nothing. That’s
horrible. That’s awful. We keep this city in our prayers each and every day because
we love the respectability more than we hate the misconduct of others.
I found out around nine p.m. on Friday night.
I had no clue. I had no idea what was happening earlier on in the day.
Friday, October 4,
“If you want to be a barber, practice on
someone else’s beard.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Diurnal: (of a day, daily reoccurrence)
The sun follows its diurnal course.
--- ---
Yes, I made some minor corrections in some jumbled places because I was
thinking faster than I could type. I made corrections for your reading pleasure
and nothing else. Please, understand that sometimes writing comes with horribly
made errors but it doesn’t mean the entire works is bad. Thank you very much.
--- ---
Okay; let’s get going on today’s lesson; it
ought to make you think as global intelligent adults do…
I don’t even know how to structure this literary composition:
(extreme anxiety, worry, fear, distraction, nervousness, harassment)
Regard for Civilian High-Quality of Live
(It’s a life given right)
Disclaimer: [If you’re desperate-enough to judge the
suffering lives of others then get a hobby and make it a good one. (Ha! That’s
hilarious!)] There’s nothing uglier than humans who dish out judgmental
opinions without ever stepping foot on the field. (Field work is dangerous to
say the least. Please.)]
I know what I’m talking about; here’s something larger than yourselves;
“the deterioration of civilization.” (Ha! I know that concept might be too
large for you. Sit on it. Think about
Live. What’s your problem? Don’t you know
anything about neuroscience, nature and animals? (Please, read a book or get in
tune with nature, more precisely.)
you’re desperate and have no options then turn to professional help of any
type, in any field and the professionals can do wonders. (From my bias,
unprofessional none medical opinion, talk therapy would be great for anyone in
search of real positive solutions and options when others overstep boundaries
to your person and regard for high-quality of life, not things on television or
radio, per say, because nothing on T.V. or radio is real, per say.
You already know that, right? You’re smart
enough to recognize what to take seriously and what not to take seriously.
Don’t take anything on T.V. or radio seriously, ever unless it’s a national invasion or a weather warning. (For
real.) Ha!
[I simply write about T.V. and entertainment
because it’s my job to analyze what the visual realm does to any society as a
case study. No, I don’t consider people as in monkey cages only as a pattern of
perpetual chaos (more physics some other day,), violent destruction and
unwillingness to move with the times, when it comes to racism, classism and
discrimination, misbehavior, violence and disruption in any natural
progression.)] (Don’t lecture me about any of those.)
(I may not agree with others and my voice
might shake however I do mind my P’s and Q’s each and every single day when
directly dealing with any one in any physical interaction or communication.)
Do you?
I dare you to.
Talk therapy does wonders.
I’ve spoken with therapists who (bless their
souls) gave me the permission to let go forever and coping skills not to pray
to the Gods to send down meteor thunder balls upon this era and shut it down,
because I’m human and I can feel however I want and you can’t do anything about
that. (Ha! That’s funny, too.)
one holds power then one holds the reigns, whether others like it or not, and
that’s just the way it is, and any leaders job can be to teach a harsh lesson,
or the same rules apply to everyone
however leadership holds the right to annoy the indifference and the complaints
of everyone around, who, refuse to do anything about any group problem without
arriving at solutions, first.
is effective as short term lessons because that’s a tough lesson to teach to
anyone at best of times.
How irritating it is to watch and listen to
the same copied misbehavior of one rotten
apple spoils the entire cart by leadership.
When leadership knows better, so does everyone
Others know that the leader knows exactly
what the leader does, because the leader’s placing pieces on a chessboard.
(Ouch.) (I’m sorry I’m on a roll to teach difficult intellectual lessons
If a body or group of people complain but
don’t lift a finger to do much about anything then they’re no one to speak
about anything to others in the struggle to maintain balance, high-quality of
life and sanity for all.
Nevertheless, that doesn’t mean that the
leader can’t teach one or two good lessons in which it’ll make everyone stop
and consider their own misbehavior and the repetitious misbehaviors of others,
or misconduct in general, whether one stands by and does nothing, or not.
Immediately, when a leader follows the most
direct line of path in proving a point about misconduct then the entire group
realizes the worse realization about their low quality of life in raising their
children below the status quo’s societal standards, which in other words means no one’s children is moving up in the
Because they, too, will most likely settle
into a life of quiet desperation
because their parents did and thus for seven generations patterns tend to
repeat themselves. (Ouch.)
These types of children can move up with
money as far as mobility is concerned however not socially because these
children get spotted immediately by those who live and abide by social
contracts and know them quite well.
Miniscule behavior will give them away, and
will linger over their heads and only their kind can truly understand their
mannerisms and gesture and words and deeds considered well below the bottom of the
rung, and thus there’s no real change created, and most likely they’ll get
mocked, hurt and possibly injured behind their backs by those who do know
better. (I don’t make up the rules; I just follow them because it’s my duty to
do so.)
When parents don’t set high standards as the
main precedence then most likely neither will their children and thus the lives of quiet desperation persists.
(How tragic indeed. It’s so tragic I almost shouldn’t write about it.)
[(Ouch.) (It’s actually the most tragic aspect
of a crumbling culture and no, I don’t mean blue collar and working class, I
mean posers, who look like something
but really they just live in ghettos with manicured lawns.)
(Ouch. I’m sorry. Just a scratch. A scratch,
I tell you. I mean no harm. It’s just that I swung the tip of the blade, too,
fast, and dug in a little, too, deep right below the surface of the skin, broke
the skin, and now it’ll leave a scar for sure but you’ll get over it as I did
when one realizes what’s implied in a manicured ghetto mentality.)]
The harsh realization becomes apparent to
everyone involved, and getting mocked by a leader does make one realize, that
the neighborhood has hit rock bottom, and it’ll most likely not prosper without
the intelligence and unity of all, thus a leader of consequence cannot
participate in the complaining and misery of others.
That’s where a leader leaves others to figure
it out because a leader doesn’t play police. A leader leads by example amongst
those who have enough respect to respect themselves. Period. (Ouch.)
The truth is so tough to bear at times. I
know, but it must be done.
Any leader in power knows perfectly well,
when to annoy others, once in a while, because rugby is a tough sport, but it
does indeed come to an end and that’s why it’s played well and rough but with
severe rules of etiquette as to when to press and when to let go; that’s
finesse at its finest.
Desperation isn’t poetry in motion; poetry is
lessons taught for the good of all and that’s what it’s like to have one’s
pursuit of happiness stolen. (Ouch.)
You can’t have it both ways.
Have neighbors complain all the time but then
not do much about a united problem they all face together as a body of work.
It’s déclassé in ways that it can only create
bad luck for the offspring.
No, I don’t have to live amongst a miserable lot.
No, we’re not poor or broke.
Yes, we’re middle class.
We make excellent choices everyday to keep
the lights on, the shop running, our home intact, make little food, live,
care, love and accept that when it comes to our high quality of life, we want
more and we’ll find it.
As middle class we can move up or down
because we maintain the peace even if we give philosophical whipping lessons to
those who over step their boundaries.
The greatest gift, I can give to society is
to maintain standards for a continued civilized civilization through my deeds
and actions, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t get to disagree, and call
anyone out on their misconduct and misbehavior because that’s real courage; to
set things straight, and if the misconduct persists then it’s a broken down
system, and I neither have to associate with it nor partake in such chaos. I
just don’t.
I always have great options.
I always have, even, when I was poor and
I’ve been a wage slave before. I know what
that’s all about. Don’t pretend with me. I’m as real as a boulder is when you
stub your toe on it upon entering the water and not realizing that you must
share public space with a bolder. Ha!
The poor choices and options generated by an
entire body or group then create a blob out of any neighborhood and anyone of
real consequence doesn’t want anything to do with blob neighborhoods because chaos
is the main course of the hour. Yuck. I don’t like… served cold.
understand that Americans don’t want to take a good long sobering look in the
mirror and ask, why I do I fail others?
I; just as well as other adults understand
what it’s like to live from one day to the next with very little, and never
complain about that, not once to anyone for a decade and a half because I was
ashamed that I couldn’t make it on three jobs working sixteen hours a day. (Ha!
become a New England Patriot when my high-quality of life becomes poor because
I may be robbed of my money but like hell if I’ll allow for others to rob me of
a high quality of life. (I learned that from my old man, my pops; my dad.)
have courage to lead when they’ve tried direct and indirect positive approaches
to solutions, and nothing gives, and everyone around is as lethargic as
zombies, then one’s dealing with a dead culture of working stiffs and wage
slaves who most likely can’t stand their misbehaved neighbors either but they
must withstand it because it’s wage-slavery. (Ouch.) I don’t mean to be harsh,
only an observation.
In a neighborhood in which no one cares about
the overall high-quality of everyone’s health and safety then the blue collar
class and working class has perished or hangs on by a thread and how tragic
Living from hand to mouth is cruel at best of
times but not speaking up for one’s high quality of life in one’s village, is giving
up, rolling over and wishing that someone would save them from their quiet lives of desperation because they
wish for a high quality of life, also, but they’re not willing to do anything
about it because laziness and misfortune drives that work horse. (Ouch.)
conclusion; I know what it’s like to be mocked down to my naked soul.
Yes, indeed as the daughter of one of the
founding pilgrim families of this nation; we founded this nation.
We worked, labored and sweat for what we
We left England and came here to carve out
cabins in the woods, trade, educate and leave a legacy for all, including
today’s generation.
We’re no one to you because we’re silent, and
we do carry on with stiff upper lips, but we can put you in your place so fast
it’ll make you consider who you truly
Our family was almost murdered in witch
trials and still yet we had the courage to speak up for this nation,
publically, because it was the right thing to do.
My Puritan ancestors almost got burned at the
stake because we had open minded ideas.
We were ahead of the curve in trade,
enterprise and thought.
My family helped build this country alongside
other immigrant pilgrim founding families and we know who they are and they us.
We’ve been here well before the United States
of America was founded. Before George Washington, before slavery, before
Lincoln before President Obama. Before… and well after…
hard work is a gift to you, and I’m now the last of seven generations to begin
an entirely new line of the next seven generations.
This is a death and a birth of an important
America’s history before the world changes
drastically, once, again and takes on a whole new set of advancements in
innovation of galactic dreams to be implemented into realities.
We’ve given this country our best efforts.
If this country can’t stand up to our Bill of
Rights, then Americans’ rights are no more which means that we do have options
to go freely, and contribute someplace else because we’ve done it before and we
can do it again.
If this country isn’t the land of the free
with law abiding citizenry contributing to it then it’s no good. It’s poor
Prove to each other that this is a great
country because even through starvation, hell
and high water I proved myself to this nation to be great through a decade
and a half of hellish and severe poverty and semi-starvation, I kept my
civility about me and no, I didn’t beg. Not once did I beg to anyone.
Just because I don’t talk about it…I write
about it… it doesn’t mean that…
It’s your turn.
I’ve grown tired, and I’ve got much to get
through in one lifetime.
If this country isn’t worth civility then we
can become pilgrims someplace else because my equals have already escaped to
Switzerland, Spain, Africa, Far East, Middle East, South America and their high quality of life is much higher than
anywhere I’ve ever experienced in America even amongst multi-multi-multi
Are you kidding me?
I stay in America because there’s much work
to get done, slowly but surely.
No, I don’t like living in America because
all of the promises that were made to us, many promises have been broken over and over again.
As the offspring of a
multi-multi-multi-multi-multi-multi-multi generational wealthy family who
started out with nothing; I was guaranteed that America was a place in which
one could pursuit one’s happiness because we were all going to abide by social
contracts, effectual laws and civility.
terrible and mean grandfather (may he rest in peace although I know that he’s
rolling in his grave) used to mock me by bragging about how he’d raised eighty
million or one-hundred and twenty million within less than a year but then I
hadn’t had a new winter coat in three years or I didn’t have boots and I was
hungry all the time from horribly empty calories.
What a terrible country that likes to brag
about nothing but money but then leaves others destitute.
I’m anything, but desperate or insane because not once did I ever complain of
carrying on an empty stomach, step out of line, neglect or abuse anyone as your
Gods are my witnesses.
It wasn’t until my thirties that I began to
write about what had happened to me, only, as a gift to humanity, and by then I
had already arrived on my own with Eric.
the tender age of fifteen, I went out, and worked for my clothes and shoes,
because no one, not even my gorging and neglectful family was going to give me
a morsel of food.
So it was my job to take care of myself, and
I shall continue to do so however don’t for one moment think, that I have to
passively sit by and take it up the ass
just because others choose to do so. Nope. I’m too classy for that.
I’ll be ready to step into the literary shoes
of the greats within two decades.
I was promised civility as a middle class
American and I’d like that contract upheld, or living in America means
absolutely nothing to anyone and I’m not the captain of this ship.
I like to stir clear of ice floes for an
entire nation’s sake.
That’s how modern classy I am.
I can also be wildly legally rebellious to teach
lessons that hurt so deep that the lessons sit in your psyche festering away,
eating away like acid whether you realize it or not, and it’ll bother you
because the truth is just that raw.
I’m for real as one of the wealthiest of the
Social Elites because I’ve slaved from nothing at the tender age of fifteen to
get to the upper middle class only to find out that it’s all for nothing
because this country is severely broken. (Don’t do that my loves. Don’t hit
yourselves in the face. How painful.)
there’s no cannonball in the hull of our ship.
The cannonballs missed us, but our high
quality of life suffered this year, and we’re out millions of dollars in work,
and future developed works, so that’s no good.
My father says that if “it’s no good” then
something’s poor quality (especially a neighborhood).
Something has to change.
I make great choices to be happy.
I prove that each and every day. Please.
If the country’s dead then I’ll let it rest,
and wish it peace because what’s the point in beating a dead horse.
We lost yet another year of complete bodies
of work and that’s no good…
2006, 2007, 2008 we had seventy grand (as in seven-zero) in pocket change to play with but ever
since the well went dry we live modestly and well below our means and have fun
at home with movies, food and media.
Do you know what it’s like to have seventy
(70) grand for pocket change?
It’s a blast but ever since our quality of life
went down we haven’t had that type of pocket change since jingling around.
We will again but it’s difficult when I can’t
work from our legally purchased and owned property.
God Bless America.
goes to the engineering studio downtown while I stay home as much as I can and
I’m connected to the world through one small laptop on the internet.
I might not associate with anyone in my
neighborhood but that doesn’t make me a social hermit.
People will pick up their phones, answer
texts or emails at the drop of a hat (if they can) and speak with me directly
just about anything that needs to be addressed because what I have to convey is
important and I know others’ time is indeed valuable.
My equals will get back to me as soon as they
can. I have the same courtesy for them. I respect them. I’m more connected to
the world than most of my peers or neighbors are.
No, I don’t associate with my neighbors. No,
I don’t make the time.
I’m hoping to contribute in the same ways in which
Leonardo da Vinci did.
I know it’s a tall order.
Now, how about fusion?
I’ve got to run.
I’m trying to come up with solutions for
cleaner energy.
No, I would never want a pipeline through the
middle of any neighborhood much less this one because I don’t cut deals with
the devil. I’m too classy for that however…I can be wicked awesome when push comes to shove.
Okay, my day’s not even over yet.
*) A social contract; the moment you leave your
property (correction) and spill out into the sidewalks then you’ve entered the
public arena, and no one wants to hear you sing, whistle or scream because then
someone will haul you off in a straight jacket; everyone will think that
something’s wrong with you or brain damaged.
If you want to put on a performance then do
it in your living rooms or backyards, and not at the expense of the neighbors
and others who didn’t sign-up for an admissions ticket to see your horrible
It’s not fair to civilization to be on show
and display on the streets of our country when no one wants to hear it anyway.
It’s creepy.
If you’re going to complain then do it and
get it over with but if you’re just going to do the same dumb repetitious
misbehavior it’s either because you’re high on sugar or neglected. Oh, woe is
If you’re neglected then you need to suck on
your mama’s tit because it means you require attention from the entire world.
Posers are such losers.
Creepy little fuckers.
----- -----
Post Script: Earlier in the day.
(Corrections were made.)
As a teenager my Father said to me; you
can say anything you want and express yourself in any creative manner in which
you desire however you may not physically injure or harm anyone.
I got that lesson loud and clear so why can’t
the rest of the world?
I keep my hands to myself so why can’t you
Are you all insane?
Get a hobby.
Think. Think. Think.
Think before you react for goodness sake.
--- ---
I’ll come back to teach you the literary
lesson of your lives when it comes to the pursuit of happiness.
As a middle class citizen I’m indeed an
endangered species.
If others repeatedly threaten my way of life
then indeed its philosophical war because it means that nothing is sacred and
chaos wins.
No, I’m not a social worker, a psychologist,
a cop or a healer.
Yes, I’m a writer and I have a lot of work to
get through in the next twenty years.
No, I’m not an ideologue crusader or a
warrior, so don’t make me out to be one. I’m too lazy for that type of work.
No, I’m not a savior.
Get that through your thick skulls.
Nothing pisses me more than when people force my hand at carrying the Earth up a
hill for them because they’re either
lazy or like to mock my efforts in a life in which I’m trying to build for a
more secure and successful future for the middle class.
No, I can’t save any neighborhood from
imploding so don’t ask me to be a savior. I didn’t sign up for that job.
No, I’m nobody’s bitch and I shan’t be
treated as such.
Just because you don’t have any power it
doesn’t mean that I don’t.
If I philosophically threaten to put a
pipeline through the middle of any neighborhood it’s because I can and I will
when push comes to shove.
It means that the stakes are high and culture
has failed the middle class even though you keep feeding me lip serviced
If you don’t know what it’s like to sit at
any negotiating table than you don’t know what’s at stake and please step
aside. I don’t have time for your petty complaints.
By the time a real and serious threat has
been made then either change needs to occur, positive conflict resolution,
mediation because if any adversary throws a cannonball at my ship and begins to
sink it then what makes you think that I won’t throw a cannonball at yours and
hit you where it most hurts?
If I get to the point in which I throw a
cannonball then I’ll do it with precision and I mean to sink you faster than
you can tread water.
I’m not fucking around.
Back it up.
If one threatens my way of life and wars
against me without warning, our future offspring and our success then you’ve
got some serious decisions to make, and make them quickly because by the time I’m dealing with a
cannonball through the hull of my ship; I’ll want blood simply for leaving me
to fix a cultural war and an entire neighborhood all by myself.
And if the generals are asleep then wake them
I didn’t start this war and it doesn’t belong
to me.
I was walking along eating fruit and taking
in the sights.
Why must you war upon me and my own?
Cutting a deal with a skuzzy pipeline
executive would be so easy and you know it and if you don’t then I do.
It only takes one neighbor to sell and don’t
put it pass me if you continuously think that I’m somebody’s nigger. Absolutely
not. I can’t help it that you don’t have any power to speak of.
No, I don’t push the red button unless…
No, I’m not going to drive up on the mall and
scare the shit out of people.
I’m classy, if I decide to get even then I’ll
do it where it most hurts; quietly through your wallets and pocket books until
the well goes dry and it becomes a barren land never to be seen or heard of
from again.
I have more power as social elite then you’ll
ever know and I look so normal in my corduroys and sweaters. Ha! Cheers!
Don’t push your luck because I’ll teach you
about silent war strategies that’ll send you home rethinking cultural peace and
wishing you had chosen to be my good neighbor and not my enemy, that goes for
any neighborhood.
We’re holding the fort down and we’ll keep
the peace on our end because to decide to go to war is no different than
deciding to avert war at all cost.
No one wins in a war but if I war, then I
want a high philosophical death toll to teach you about love and hate because
how dare you feed me lies and not walk the walk.
No, I’m anything but a child in diapers
throwing a tantrum.
I’m for real and an adult.
I can make you cry out to the Gods for mercy
if I place the pieces on the board.
Right now I’m not even playing.
I’m simply dealing with the effects of a year
long’s sour taste in my mouth and that’s not enough to war but enough to loath
the mean aftertaste of any lying, lazy, crude and cynical culture who leaves it
up to one single individual to patch up a cannonball through any ship’s hull.
Please, who do you think you are? Nobody.
Get out of my way. Thank you.
I’m so tired of mediocrity, it’s so boring.
I could become Paramount’s executive.
You must have holes in your brain.
Thursday, October 3,
“If you eat your bagel, you’ll have nothing
left but the hole.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Divulge: (to make public, to reveal)
We should never divulge a secret.
--- ---
Three or Four Vocabulary Terms
Okay; I think this might be the last time I’m
going to address swear words and swearing in writing and then you’re on your
own for this one. If you can’t figure it out then “you’re shit out of luck” as far as the American expression goes.
Accompanied by Parental Guardian: (escort, go with,
go together with, go along with, attend, convoy)
Fuck: (I
don’t even really know what the word “fuck” means; An expression that holds
strong sentiment in a derogatory means, when two of a species mates, raw sex, the big granddaddy of them all words, a
hateful or bold expression in sentiment or gesture. (I think I got that right.)
Asshole: (An expression that holds strong sentiment in
a derogatory means, a particular part of an anatomy in which its main function
is to successfully pass a bowel movement, a butt hole, a donkey’s ass, a
hateful or bold expression in sentiment or gesture. (I think I got that right.)
Okay, as an ESL adult, I try not to use any
swear words when I speak or address others directly because it’s just mean,
ignorant and hateful plus it’s insulting, rude, ugly and lazy to say the least;
so I just don’t but don’t think that I don’t have strong emotions just because
I’m not telling someone “to go fuck themselves” and if I have to in person then
I will but that’s only happened three times in my life because boundaries
weren’t maintained and I had to send out a quick warning signal that my human
body felt in jeopardy.
Okay, as an ESL adult, I try not to use any
swear words in my writing but it’s so thick and delicious that I love how
overly sweet it is until it gets old like an over licked lollipop. Swear words
leave a strong impression, a rough tongue, and with a sense of overstuffed
sweet emptiness.
You might feel full when you quickly realize
that you’re starved and it’s any one adult’s duty to take care of.
To me words are like food.
I feel for the flavor of words to convey the
best meaning then I use them without discrimination and yes, that means swear
words, too.
As an ESL adult, I’m compelled to write as I
see fit for a modern era nothing more and nothing less.
As an ESL adult, I’m not really sure why
modern people use the F-bomb in their verbal speech patterns as their every
other word.
In verbal speech patterns swear words seem to
stop the flow of properly and well formed together thoughts and concepts but in
writing swear words make for fast and smooth ice.
The type of ice in which gold metals are won
and heroes are made.
So slick is the ice that you can just glide
before the ink hits the surface of the paper and gets soaked up with wisdom and
real logical thought behind the words.
The surface of the ice is racer sharp and
it’s a science to skate in the same manner in which one holds a plume up just
milliseconds before the first drop drips the paper dry and then you’re off to the races and I mean
intellectual and athletic armada races of words making sense in a world that
refuses to grow up and doesn’t want to reason, think and comprehend divides and
rarely comes up with intelligent solutions rather only lazily asks for
Once you can skate like a pro then there’s no
turning back; either you’re going to compete or you’re not.
Once you can write like a pro then write like
the dickens, and don’t stop until you’ve written every real logical thought
that you have inside your soul hovering above and behind you, and until you’re
done producing a well structured piece of anything literary to convey something
of value that can be felt or thought by an audience otherwise how mean to put
an audience through mediocrity, over and over again.
Mediocre repetition is like watching someone
repetitiously bang their heads up against the wall for hours. The mediocrity
leaves one jarred after a while.
I don’t like to bang my head up against the
wall. As a matter of fact I’ve never tried it before because it just looks
violent and violence is boring to me. Moving on. Next.
When one’s learned to skate like a pro then
you can always do it again even if not for competition but if only to prove to
yourself that you can still ride like the dickens then you can and you will.
Why not? Right.
Writing’s no different once you’ve learned to
write like the pros, the rules to the game, structure, comprehension for the
deeper science of linguistics and much more; then one can begin to become one
with everything. (I’m not going to spell it out for you.)
To skate like a pro one must become one with
everything, adapt to distance, velocity, movement, range and approach balance
in the same way that, which it feels like to breathe inside a slow motion dream
of love and hate; an articulate balance; indeed.
Now, when one writes or skates like a pro
then the entire level playing field changes again and you have to be prepared
to fall and get up, gracefully in front of everyone and the Gods especially
when you become great at anything; and be respectful and thankful for the time
you’re given on Earth.
Writing like a pro and skating like a pro
does indeed mean that one will make all sorts of mistakes and correct them as
one goes along on this incredible journey and joy ride.
One last point; to watch someone clumsily
write is to watch their learning curve which that’s as close as you’ll ever get
to a writer in draft or a skater at practice.
I mean. Really.
You’ve got a front seat row with the writer
because you’re watching their personal journey, choices, strides and success.
There’s nothing cooler than watching people
succeed and to be invited along on that journey is to accept that this is their
race and not yours to proclaim.
Please be quiet until clapping time and then
all goes; jump up for joy at watching the amazing feats of heroism created
before your very own eyes because you’re not the one putting in ice time or
penmanship time.
Magic is being made before you as a gift to
your humanity. Be grateful that people dedicate their lives to great and fun
The thing with writing is that if you stink at
conveying what you think then no one will go there with you and that’s because
the writing is bad and requires not only further practice but also further
discipline; because writing about your most inner deep thoughts in front of the
entire world to read as your witnesses is indeed serious business and no
differently than skating on a world or national stage. (Corrections were made.)
Writing towards excellent achievement is for
real, so breathe, relax and have fun on a roller coaster ride because you can
trust that our engineers have fasten all of the bolts in the proper places,
oiled all of the squeaks out, and that gives the reader a sense of security and
they’re allotted that because that’s their life given right to think about
anything any writer writes so long as it means something of value and
importance otherwise it’s just meaningless dribble and well violent and
In conclusion; as a disclaimer; as an ESL
adult, English swear words don’t mean a thing to me other than strong felt
sentiments to shake a fist at or to bite my thumb at thee.
I know exactly each and every time I type the
words “fuck” and “asshole.”
These two derogatory words don’t have any
real comprehensive significance to me in my literary vocabulary usage because
they don’t really mean anything as an ESL adult, they only do to English
The word “fuck” to me is the same as chair or
table; because when used on paper it soaks up and lingers with a whiff of
sewage, and I love it, it’s as annoying as the smells of sewage when one
doesn’t have to in a beautiful city.
I write with swear words to teach a deeper
and more profound lesson.
I use swear words because I’m also lazy to a
certain extend nothing more and nothing less however don’t mistake the writings
for trash because no civilized society lives without a sewage system otherwise
it’s one big lie.
No, this isn’t to say that I’m sewage, or
that my writings are sewage; it is only to directly imply and re-direct the
reader to the deeper understanding that swear words do have their place and are
sewage co-existing amongst beauty.
I place swear words in my modern era writings
to more precisely convey to modern audiences, whom obviously seem to make the
personal choice to speak with everyday usage of modern swear words, and it
means absolutely nothing to them in speech patterns because it’s become common
cultural language; as ugly as it may seem, it is and it has become.
I love words.
I fell head
over heels in love with words early on as I learned the root of Latin
words. Oh, my! Did I ever fall in love even though I’m horrible at Latin but if
I think long and hard enough I can make out words and then put them together to
create meaning. Fun.
It’s a lot of work for me to translate; and I
hate to tell you this but: written Latin is like Portuguese, which is like
Italian, which is like French, which is like Spanish which is like love and
The question is: are you a clumsy skater on
Olympian ice or not?
The question is: are you a poor writer on a
world stage or not?
Writing’s like knowing how to sharpen your
own skates and fly around a corner at twenty-five miles per hour (or more)
without falling, staying upright, keep form, and tuck in for aerodynamic
finesse that feels more like gliding and floating than skating. You forget your
body and you just exist.
Once you’ve touched heaven then you’ll not go
back again. You know sophistication in its utmost form, shape and desire for
human connectedness.
Once you reach that pinnacle then creating
feats of heroism isn’t so hard because you can and you do.
What else is there? I’m not made of mud. I’m
not a mud person. (Mayan Theological reference.) Just being a little cheeky.
There’s still so much other work to get done.
P.S. As far as expressing my own personal
viewpoints and experiences about any subject matter, that’s for me and me only.
Butt out, you’re cramping my writing style and that will not do.
Be careful not to judge wrongly, and end up
burning your judging hand just because you assume the stove looks cool.
I’m level headed in person, and a
metaphorical anecdotal kicking wild literary buck if you take up too much
unnecessary room when it comes to whipping me for reacting to verbal slashings
in commanding me in how to express my personal freedoms, deepest, guarded
sentiments and life experiences that I only share with my dearest and most
trusted beloved ones directly in communication face to face with each other.
This is priceless material and that’s not
ever going to be spelled out for you in any novel by a writer.
This is my life and I’m writing it down for
the entire world to read. If you don’t like it then don’t read but don’t assume
I’m trash or even like you for that matter. Peace.
Wednesday, October 2,
“You can’t fill a sack that’s full of holes.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Distraught: (mentally agitated, crazed, distracted)
The mother was distraught by the
absence of her daughter.
--- ---
Corrections were made.
You’d be surprised how smart I’m getting
about making corrections.
Two Public Apologies
Three Vocabulary Words
Yes, I’m an Atheist
Get Back.
Way back, I tell you.
Don’t come to Robbinsdale until we clean
(It’s going to have to prove itself to us for
one full year because you can’t pay me enough money to stay here, but this is
where Eric wants to retire. I refuse to live a bitter existence. I have too
much work do get through.)
Robbinsdale as the “Bucket lady” working class-wage slave
Social Contracts
One Promise
Fracking or a Pipeline?
Which to consider for Robbinsdale
(I would dare, don’t push your luck)
Yes, when push comes to shove,
and there’re no social contracts set in place
then anything goes;
I can become a royal cunt
however never through illegal actions,
only annoying as hell because chaos means anarchy
and our neighborhood is chaos
What do I want in our new neighborhood?
I’ll be the better man:
First Public Apology:
To the condescending and / or stressed out Robbinsdale
police officer, I’m sorry that I wrote in supposition and in the hypothetical inclination
that you would’ve ever possibly raped your screaming children.
According to the experts your parenting style is outdated
by thirty years as well as creepy by modern standards.
I simply made you an example in the literary form.
Please forgive me for
those hateful words that I wrote because I really don’t believe them for one
moment however this apology doesn’t excuse your rude and unprofessional
misbehavior, demeanor and discord.
I’m not Your enemy.
I don’t regard You as my enemy.
We pray for all of those in your line-of-duty, each and
every single day.
My best friends are police officers and damn good ones.
We’re a fully licensed married couple
who wanted to find a quiet nook to live, work, play and
We wanted to live near North Memorial Hospital because I
live with reoccurring tumors, and must go through a series of possibly more
surgeries and there’s nothing that I can do about that.
No, I’m not writing this for you to have pity
upon my poor soul,
I’m an adult and I control my pain.
I don’t need you or anybody else to do that for me
because you don’t live inside my body. I do. Thank you very much.
I’m solely writing this for your information,
nothing more and nothing less.
I want you to understand that people suffer real physical
pain and not made-up games of melodramatics.
Every two years or so I must have tumors removed through
my abdominal and that pain is unbearable at times.
It would make any grown man cry.
We have so much work to get through within the next
twenty years.
We’re up to our eyeballs in work.
Our retirement goal is to purchase a ticket to live in
outer space and retire in a quiet space village. (Look it up if you don’t
already know.)
We want to raise our children in a neighborhood that
simply abides by social contracts and not social freakishness.
We want to submerse ourselves into a respectful
multi-cultural and multi-racial middle class neighborhood, and happily live out
our existences in peacefully teaching our future children to succeed as only
success can with civility, intelligence and high regard for others,
thus I write to you personally.
I want you to know that we’ll not call the cops again
about this matter of brain damaged and retarded
screaming / shrieking neighborhood children.
If we call the Robbinsdale fire and police department
it’s only because anyone has broken into our home
and their lives
are at stake by our hands at self defense. Deal. Okay.
Yes, as melodramatic as it may sound,
we’ve both studied martial arts in one form or another.
We take great pity upon these brain damaged children of
our neighbors,
not because we’re pious but because we mean it. How
terribly tragic.
Yes, I can ignore brain damaged children in the same manner
that I can mentally handicap children. (Oh, woe is them.)
Yes, this public apology is quite grave and
I’m neither laughing nor mocking anybody.
I’m not made of stone.
Too, much rides on the line, in keeping the
I want you to know that I hate living in Robbinsdale.
I also want you to know that Eric loves living in
We work from home and from an engineering studio in
downtown, Minneapolis but we quickly came to the realization that we made the
worse mistake of our lives in coming here and living amongst working class-wage
slaves who are passive / aggressive hateful about
living amongst social freakishness and chaos.
Yes, we’re placing the house on the market.
I’ll be the better man
and try not selling this gorgeous home to Gary, Indiana
or East Coast gutter punks but don’t push your luck.
We’re going to put thousands of dollars into this home.
We’re going to sound proof it, fence off the entire
place closed circuit cameras and plant trees.
We’ll leave it in better condition than we found it.
This will be a gift to the following owners.
We wish to be out of here by October 1, 2014.
I wouldn’t stay here even if someone paid me.
We’ll keep the peace on our end.
Thank you for your patience.
I’m sorry that your hands are tied behind your back
And I understand that you can’t help us
because you don’t have that type of power.
No, I’m not laying it on thick.
No, I’m nobody’s nigger.
This is an honest to God modern apology that truly needed
to be made.
Peace be with you.
And also with you.
And with thy spirit.
P.S. I’ll actually write a short, short-handwritten
apology note,
post it and send it to you directly by post
because that’s what Social Elite gets you;
honesty, integrity, respect and civility when one is
You can do whatever you wish with my short hand written
As a matter of fact you have my permission to post it up
at the police station on that cute little community message board,
I love so much, with hand written notes of gratitude.
As a matter of fact, I’d be honored if you posted up my
handwritten apology alongside those beautiful notes of gratitude
from grateful community members.
As much as I hate living in Robbinsdale,
there were some aspects of it,
that I just fell
head-over-heels in love with, such as the quilts.
I fell in love
with the small and quaint little quilts hanging up in the Robbinsdale police
and fire department.
I just did.
I’m that type of woman.
I don’t expect an apology from you, ever, because that’s
not how this apology works. (Please, don’t think that I’ll hold my breath.)
I don’t live my life that way.
I don’t expect anything from anyone.
I’m real.
I have empathy for others.
I care.
I love.
I cry.
I laugh.
I’m not made of stone and I’m not as melodramatic as you
You get mean when you get mad and that’s not my problem
that’s yours.
Moving on.
After today I shan’t ever write about Robbinsdale for as
long as I live.
You already know how much I hate it here.
I’m making an apology because I think it’s the correct
thing to do and because I was raised well however I still think that you were also
wrong. It makes me distrust Robbinsdale police and you know perfectly well why.
I’m sorry.
And if you ever were to take physical vengeance upon my
over petty miscommunication
then I’ll sue you
until you bleed from your eyeballs in debt.
I’ll leave you destitute for seven generations
until your line dies off
because it’ll prove
that you’re not worth your oath.
Have a wonderful life.
I’ll be the better man:
Second Public Apology:
To our neighbors, two doors down, from us, who I think
neglect the emotional needs of your supposed
brain damaged children, I’m sorry that I wrote in supposition and in the
hypothetical inclination that you would’ve ever possibly raped your screaming
No, I don’t believe for one moment that you as our
disruptive neighbors rape, sexually molest or sexually assault your beautiful
black children.
Not for one single moment.
I’d testify to that in a court of law, any day, and if I were
ever so wrong then it would be heartbreaking to be so wrong about that,
but I don’t think that I am wrong, here, when, it comes
to our neighbors two doors down.
I’d never lie about that.
No, dear neighbors, I think that you’re so cool about
keeping your hands off your children however I see that
they’re neglected in some form or another because they can’t seem to find
new neurological pathways to changing their misconduct.
I can really admire you for simply that because you don’t beat or rape your children
however I don’t like that you don’t discipline them because of whatever reasons
and if laziness is the main reason
then mercy upon your souls until you go to your graves.
I think that the most important thing that you could ever
be is great and awesome parental guardians to your children
because that’s the sole most important aspect in life.
There’s nothing else but to improve upon the lives of
your children who desperately and ever so obviously require your attention.
Your children need and crave to be taught to live and
thrive by you or they, too, shall live out quiet
lives of desperation.
How tragic, indeed.
I think that as adult guardians,
you’ve fallen short and failed at some aspects of modern
parenting by neglecting the everyday functions of disciplinary requirements
in high quality parenting
and that’s just not fair to the rest of us,
much less your children
living side-by-side with others
and you know that to be true.
It’s any parents obligations to take care of their children’s
disciplinary, intelligent and global cultural needs otherwise the parents are
indeed bad, hateful and disruptive parents who possibly hate their children for
existing in the first place and that’s just no good, no good at all.
Who am I to judge you as parental guardians?
Only by what my Father taught me
and his incredible Minnesota Jewish-Finn family.
I’m no one to judge however I’m trying to stay fair upon
the crude impression you’ve left upon us. It’s a sour taste to say the least.
Indeed, I judge parents by the repetitious misconduct of
their children.
Why wouldn’t I?
Why wouldn’t we all?
The apple doesn’t fall very far from the
According to the experts your parenting style is outdated
by thirty years as well as creepy by modern standards.
I simply made you an example in the literary form.
Please forgive me for
those hateful words that I wrote because I really don’t believe them for one
moment however this apology doesn’t excuse your rude and disruptive continual
misbehavior, demeanor
and discord in the neighborhood.
I’m not Your enemy.
I don’t regard You as my enemy.
We pray for your family each and every single day because
that’s just the type of Atheist I am; I pray even though
I don’t believe in the Gods of hateful humans.
Yes, this public apology is quite grave and
I’m neither laughing nor mocking anybody.
I’m not made of stone.
Too, much rides on the line, in keeping the
I want you to know that I hate living in
I also want you to know that Eric loves
living in Robbinsdale.
We’re a fully licensed married couple
whose wants are to find a quiet nook to live, work, play
and prosper.
We wanted to live near North Memorial Hospital because I
live with reoccurring tumors, and must go through a series of possibly more
surgeries and there’s nothing that I can do about that.
No, I’m not writing this for you to have pity
upon my poor soul,
I’m an adult and I control my pain.
I don’t need you or anybody else to do that for me
because you don’t live inside my body. I do. Thank you very much.
I’m solely writing this for your information,
nothing more and nothing less.
I want you to understand that people suffer real physical
pain and not made-up games of melodramatics.
Every two years or so I must have tumors removed through
my abdominal and that pain is unbearable at times.
It would make any grown man cry.
We have so much work to get through within the next
twenty years.
We’re up to our eyeballs in work.
Our retirement goal is to purchase a ticket to live in
outer space and retire in a quiet space village. (Look it up if you don’t
already know.)
We want to raise our children in a neighborhood that
simply abides by social contracts and not social freakishness.
We want to submerse ourselves into a respectful
multi-cultural and multi-racial middle class neighborhood, and happily live out
our existences in peacefully teaching our future children to succeed as only
success can
with civility, intelligence and high regard for others,
thus I write to you personally.
I want you to know that we’ll not call the cops again
about this matter of supposed brain damaged and retarded screaming / shrieking neighborhood children.
If we call the Robbinsdale fire and police department
It’s only because anyone
has broken into our home
and their lives
are at stake by our hands at self defense. Deal. Okay.
Yes, as melodramatic as that may sound,
we’ve both studied martial arts in one form or another.
of neighbors;
want you to know that your ten year old daughter is just simply the most
beautiful little lady.
Indubitably, I wanted to ask her to high tea,
as we have with our other teenage neighbor next door neighbor. She’s ever so
lovely and knows how to sit for high tea because she is indeed an incredible
human and a great example of peace.
Your ten year old is a beautiful little black girl who
has high regard for the world but she can only do so much on her own when she’s
left to tend the other two smaller unruly children who don’t seem to understand
that a middle class neighborhood isn’t the ghetto and must be treated
respectfully otherwise bad luck.
Your ten year old took my breath away with her glimpses of
kindness and apologetic looks for her two younger more unruly family members
who seem to hate the world at
such a young age.
May she have a bright future ahead.
She’s not only a jewel but also poetry incarnate.
May she never lose that light of respect and great
demeanor for others.
You thought that I was made out of rock didn’t you?
Well, I’m not.
I, too, feel.
We moved here, two doors down from you because Eric’s
best friend / sister of twenty (or more) years grew up in Robbinsdale
and gave it incredible reviews.
Eric’s sister is one of the most incredible people I’ve
ever met and we love her so, we believed her and her family’s word.
We trusted their recommendation and we still do.
Our trust, high regard and love for their family won’t
change with this horrible nightmare experience.
One of the last aspects that I’d like to make you aware
of is this: Shrieking.
You do know all about shrieking don’t you?
In my bias opinion and in general any child that shrieks
is a complete poser loser waiting for a bloody nose from
the world.
Shrieking takes a great deal of work and effort
from the diaphragm to the throat and your seven year old
tends to use her vocal chords as a weapon instead of an instrument.
What a lost talent.
It’s the greatest mockery to humanity to have any child
mock adults because the adults allow for it. It’s a deepest tragedy.
It’s exhausting to shriek for hours on end.
Just try it.
I had to just to figure out how a child does it.
Shrieking is like putting on a terrible performance, and
all the audience wants to do is throw tomatoes and cabbage at the horrible
performers’ chest because everybody knows they’re posing
at a terrible and detrimental risk to others’ health and
Another point in matter: we’ve picked up your children’s
litter, and garbage, candy wrappers, and such that have blown into our yard for
over a year, every week or so. How tragic indeed.
That’s so unfair of you to allow for your offspring to
poop where they eat.
Why do you hate the neighborhood so much?
Don’t you want to live in a nice place?
Why can’t you abide by social contracts?
(If you don’t already know them then please look them
Dearest neighbors, no, we didn’t come here to parent your
unruly children. We don’t have the energy nor time to do so.
I’m perplexed that you leave your children to ride
bicycles up and down the sidewalk screaming and shrieking at the top of their
lungs for hours on end just because it appears that your parenting style is too
lazy for discipline.
I’m sorry if I’m too bold in my opinions about raising
children but you must understand that the other children in the neighborhood
don’t do shriek and scream except yours.
If your children are indeed brain damaged
then please forgive me for judging you most harshly.
I didn’t know until the experts spelled it out for me.
In conclusion: you’ve been some of the worse neighbors
we’ve ever lived amongst and we’ve lived amongst people who threw plates, had
fist fights, drunken and disorderly, screamers, men who punched their
girlfriends in the face, emotional pinchers and bullies.
We’ve done it all and yet you seem to be the worse
because we bought below market price to keep a stronghold on the middle class
but it is you that have taught me that classes ought not to mix and thank you
for that.
Lastly, we’re neither poor nor broke.
Yes, we’re middle class.
We work for everything we’ve got however
we don’t have to put up with anything because we don’t.
In conclusion:
Once a week, I bake a loaf of bread in your honor, and
when it’s all baked, and cooled down, I walk to my front door to bring it over
to you but then your offspring are so mean-spirited and undisciplined that I
lose the courage to bring over some of my best organic homemade bread and its
tasty. I know because other people tell me so
and not because I have a bloated ego about it.
If I can muster the courage within the next year, I might
just leave a goody bag with homemade wine, homemade mulberry sauce and homemade
bread not because I need you to love me, or admire me but because every week
for one year, I’ve considered in acting upon that, but then I get a sour taste
in my mouth and I just don’t want to.
So I turn around, go back into the kitchen and I can’t
eat that loaf of bread until I bake a new loaf for us. Your loaves of bread sit
untouched by me because I can’t bring myself to swallow
any bite when it was made for you yet you’re so...
This is where I leave you.
I wish you peace, respect and discipline.
No, I’m not laying it on thick.
No, I’m nobody’s nigger.
This is an honest to god modern apology that truly needed
to be made.
Peace be with you.
And also with you.
And with thy spirit.
P.S. I’ll actually write a short,
short-handwritten apology note, post it and send it to you directly by post
because that’s what Social Elite gets you; honesty, integrity, respect and
civility when one is wrong.
You can do whatever you wish with my short
handwritten apology.
I don’t expect an apology from you, ever, because that’s
not how this apology works. (Please, don’t think that I’ll hold my breath.)
I don’t live my life that way.
I don’t expect anything from anyone.
I’m real.
I have empathy for others.
I care.
I love.
I cry.
I laugh.
Moving on.
After today I shan’t ever write about Robbinsdale for as
long as I live.
You already know how much I hate it here.
I’m making an apology because I think it’s the correct thing
to do and because I was raised well however I still think that you are also
I’m sorry.
And if you ever were to take physical vengeance upon my
over petty miscommunication
then I’ll sue you
until you bleed from your eyeballs in debt.
I’ll leave you destitute for seven generations
until your line dies off because it’ll prove
that you’re not worth anything as parents.
Have a wonderful life.
El Fin.
The End.
Tuesday, October 1,
“It is better to be embarrassed than ashamed.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Soiree: (evening party, gathering)
The soiree at the fraternity house was
the outstanding social function of the year.
--- ---
Disclaimer: [(The following were my true
sentiments about how I felt about the entire ordeal. I’m not going to censor
myself here after making a public apology for being the better man.) I do have
empathy however I must guard and protect my literary works, and if you don’t
like it then take it up with our attorneys. I don’t have time for stupid
remarks about literature. That’s a lesson that’s licking you dry, isn’t it?)]
--- ---
Factual research is in: The number one petty thieves in stores are
indeed police officers and nurses. What a shame.
That’s a fact according to research so the
next time a cop’s riding your ass in a store it’s most likely because they’re
thieves, themselves. What a sham.
--- --
I’ve spent hours at research and time speaking with attorneys, other police officers (other than Robbinsdale,)
child social workers, child psychologists and experts in the field of
neurosciences (brain studies and research) and such, about screaming / shrieking
children who continuously shriek at the top of their lungs, and most likely it
means that they’re either brain damaged or sociopaths which one-in-every-eighth
person is a sociopath. (Holly shit! Oh, my Gods! How scary. Brain damaged or
sociopath children are creepy to say the least because they look normal but
they’re damaged for life.)
A child who continuously screams after anyone
in authority has respectfully asked them not to scream most likely is
considered a sociopath and willing to kill someone in their sleep, and show no
remorse whatsoever because they don’t have any sense of moral obligation or
other responsibility.
I guess that children ought to feel sheepish
and remorseful about their misconduct and if they don’t then run because most
likely that’s a future arsonist, killer, robber, rapist… you name it.
yesterday’s Robbinsdale’s one abusive police officer’s opinion and viewpoint
about screaming / shrieking children is all wrong and outdated by thirty years.
(Hold. Keep the formation. Keep in step to modern culture.) Welcome to the
twenty-first century, beware of sociopaths because they’re true and real
aspects of society.
Most likely his demeanor portrays that he supposedly could’ve been and is a bully
as a parent just as he was to me at my front door.
An out of control police officer means that
he’s most likely a bully in his
duties as well as to his professional peers which they all know perfectly well
what he is, nothing. A big fat zero.
I’ve been told to stay clear of such an
abusive unprofessional Robbinsdale police officer and to go with my gut intuition
that he’s ready to strike the first blow at anyone who gets in his way because
he just needs any reason to strike and kill someone for the sheer brute force
of it since he portrays himself as a bully. Pity.
The simple supposition and hypothetical
indication that this Robbinsdale’s police officer’s children were screamers
as he, himself, relayed the information is an indicator of a supposed darker and deeper hidden abuse
in the home.
There was something sinister and evil about
his misconduct.
A man so out of control that…what a...
He’s what’s considered a “loose cannon” by
definition that is quick and willing to abuse his power at any turn in the same
manner and fashion in which he did yesterday at my front door by calling me
names and telling me what I was to him which I guess isn’t part of their
I guess he was extremely out of bounds with
me and he should’ve been the better man but instead he was verbally abusive.
He’s ill advised and ignorant at best and possibly
brain damaged as well.
I was told that he’s probably “scum” and not
to concern myself with such an unprofessional officer whose neurological
profile fits one of a sociopath, himself. (I left this in so that you can
understand my apology in later entries.)
He’s probably
someone who’s tolerated but not liked by his professional peers and no one will speak up because his peers
all know very well that he’s one step away from possibly murdering someone just for the sheer fun of it because
that’s what sociopaths are; they like to taunt and torture anyone in their
I’ve been informed by all, that children who scream / shriek on a continual
basis are abused in one form or another or greatly neglected in parenting
especially in ways that a distant observer might not realize which way or how.
Yes, I’ve been informed that the police
officer’s rude remarks were indeed incorrect and thirty years old of misgiving culture; I’ve been informed that
shrieking children are either starved, brain damaged, sexually abused, sociopaths
and / or traumatized from years of neglect.
In other words; this police officer’s viewpoint about
screaming children is one of the 1980’s, and outdated as far as parenting is
concerned because shrieking children are a sign that someone in the home supposedly; (god, why do I need to spell everything out for you guys? Please don’t
be so lazy. Think. I would like it if Americans weren’t so dense about metaphor
in the realm of the Literary Arts. It makes for a boring audience who can’t
laugh at the most tragic aspects in / of life;) fondles their vaginas or
penises or starves them. Period. (No, I don’t believe that sexual abuse is
funny. I’m referring to the tragedy at hand.)
Most likely the reason as to why the police
can’t do anything about it is because it’s close to impossible to prove which
type of abuse or duress the child’s under unless they’re professionally
evaluated which costs big bucks.
Yes, the police don’t want our neighbors (on this
block) complaining about the shrieking sounds of one particular brain damaged
(correction) child because the polices’ hands are tied behind their backs
however I’ve been informed that it, too,
is my prerogative to call the police as many times as I wish even if they
hate their jobs, are underpaid and can’t seem to understand the gravitas of the
I’ve been informed that cops are ignorant about the deeper psychological
misbehaviors of children, and that if children are screaming / shrieking on a
daily basis for the entire world to hear them then most likely it’s because either they’re brain damaged, or they’re bullied, or abused at home,
just like supposedly (in translation of
what the officer disclosed,) the police officer admitted that his children were
screamers in so many words.) (Which by modern standards that’s just weird
and creepy;) (the world’s changed since 1980). Let’s move on. (This
lesson’s getting old and stale.) Yuck.
(The world’s passed by Robbinsdale in each and every possible way because
they’re lazy thinkers, passive / aggressive working class-wage slaves, and
don’t abide by social contracts (thus all rules go out the window and hang on
for the ride of your lives because it means that the neighbors abide to live
amongst, with, and alongside chaos even though they pay exorbitant taxes,)
When others silently sit by, do nothing and
live amongst chaos then anything goes and that’s when anarchy settles into the
bowels of villages, conquers and destroys.
I love anarchy.
Who doesn’t?
It’s so melodramatically mischievous, cold
hearted, and downright rude in the politest fuck off and now. (Oh, god; I’d
love to sell the house to a family of twenty gutter-punks. God, they’d love it
here and piss off the neighborhood just enough to the edge but never over, but
just enough to drive one insane into old age. And if one were to ever fuck with
a gutter punk then they decimate everything in their path. I love that. They
leave nothing in its place because chaos is dumb and everybody knows that.)
How wonderful.
All bets are off the table when it comes to gutter punks and everyone
gets harmed in the process in one form or another if neighbors are ever
to overstep social contracts.
Gutter punks, are the grandchildren of German
immigrant Catholics and many have been harmed by the Catholic Church in many
forms or other, especially 1980’s priest / child rape.
These are people; not with a vengeance but
rather with a vendetta to take out the world and disappear when push comes to
shove because they can.
These people win each and every time because
they are truly anarchists and that means destruction at all costs when people
don’t know the rules to social contracts. I love the concept of gutter punks
and their anarchy.
have no idea how tragic it is to live amongst brain damaged children or
terrible parenting and indifferent villages.]
It’s hell and yet hilarious.
I can’t help but ‘have
me a great laugh’ once in a while which is a sign of high intelligence.
I love to throw my head back, burst into
laughter, and mock the entire world for the shithole that it is. It’s a dump.
It’s a toilet. You have no idea how much fun it is to make fun of, but I don’t because I’m the better man for
it, ultimately.]
could mock in ways that the world would burst into tears.
I could mock until one gets down on their
bear knees, gives thanks that one’s alive for your miserable dumb monkey brain
damaged existences and ask Your gods for forgiveness that the human race is
just one dumb animal even though it can read, perfectly, just fine.
Sons and daughters of whores.
I tell you, get back, get back. Get way back.
Nothing but broken dreams and quiet lives of working class desperation
in Robbinsdale as a forgotten block of neighbors. Robbinsdale unprofessional
services and un-neighborly passive / aggressive misconduct makes one… (I’m not
going to spell that out for you.)
North Minneapolis is only about twelve blocks
away from our home and North Minneapolis (which I love) and Robbinsdale don’t
mix, and neither would I if I lived in North Minneapolis because Robbinsdale is
the ‘Bucket lady’ putting on airs that they’re not working class-wage slaves
when they perfectly know that they’re working class and that’s all that they’ll
ever be, and we’ll eventually retire to quiet space as in a spaceship. Get over yourselves. You’re so dumb and melodramatic. (Don’t
you know that people live in spaceships?) Please. Get your heads out of your butts.
Eat that for melodramatic Nordic dinner.
I do wonder (in supposition) if this
Robbinsdale police officer fondled his kids’ vaginas and penises in the 1980’s
while in their sleep, or hit them until they saw stars, or bullied them and made
them feel just as bad as he feels about himself? (What. Just a melodramatic
Indeed, I’m a royal cunt when push comes to
shove. I shove.
(Metaphorically, of course. Yawn. Yawn.) (Why
are so many of you mentally handicapped when it comes to reading and
interpreting the fine literary arts?)
In general; be careful when it comes to out
of control cops because they’re nobody special and definitely not above the
Just remember 1-in-8 people are sociopaths
just like this police officer portrayed himself to be and this seven year old
neighbor. It’s not every day that I meet two sociopaths. Wow!
Disclaimer: [(The following were my true
sentiments about how I felt about the entire ordeal. I’m not going to censor
myself here after making a public apology for being the better man.) I do have
empathy however I must guard and protect my literary works, and if you don’t
like it then take it up with our attorneys. I don’t have time for stupid
remarks about literature. That’s a lesson that’s licking you dry, isn’t it?)]
P.S. No, officers ought to never come to your
door and tell you what you are by insulting you. It’s unprofessional and out of
control on their part. What a fucking
Yes, the guns are coming back into our home.
I don’t feel safe in this neighborhood but
now I feel less safe knowing that some Robbinsdale donkey’s ass for a cop is
running around showing off his prick to the world. What a small dick he must have. I’ve been informed that if he so
much as laid a hand upon me then we could’ve sued, sent him to jail and left
him homeless for the remainder of his life and his supposedly sexually abused children’s lives. (Now, I got bitter,
mean and cheeky here upon the page and I’m not going to apologize for that form
of expression.)
The donkey’s ass for cop got all worked up
and what’s so weird is that the other two officers, who also came to the door,
slowly backed away when he became heated, combative and a complete bully. They
slipped away unnoticed because they know perfectly well that he’s a “loose
cannon” prepared to lose his wits about him.
I’ve been informed that first of, it’s bad
policy and protocol to leave an abusive officer alone however it’s a sign that
the other officers know perfectly well that he is a donkey’s ass and they know
that he’s abusive in his duties because he thinks he can get away with it.
I can call the cops each and every time I
hear shrieking and there’s nothing that they can do about that. They can be
irritated with me all day long but there’s nothing they can do about it.
It’s my right as a citizen to call when I see
fit. Okay.
Otherwise, let’s get some attorneys in there
who’d love to uncover all types of Robbinsdale cop abuse and sue the city for
everything its worth which isn’t much.