November 30, 2011
“Now suddenly there was nothing but a world of cloud, and we three
were there alone in the middle of a great white plain with snowy hills and
mountains staring at us; and it was very still; but there were whispers.” - Black Elk
Happy Wednesday!
November 29, 2011
“So I took the bright red stick and at the center of the nation's
hoop I thrust it in the earth.” - Black Elk
Happy Tuesday!
November 28, 2011
dreams are wiser than waking.” - Black Elk
“They told me I had been sick twelve days, lying like dead all the
while, and that Whirlwind Chaser, who was Standing Bear's uncle and a medicine
man, had brought me back to life.” - Black Elk
Happy Monday!
November 25, 2011
“I looked below and saw my people there, and all were well and
happy except one, and he was lying like the dead - and that one was myself.” - Black Elk
“The soldiers did go away and their towns were torn down; and in
the Moon of Falling Leaves (November), they made a treaty with Red Cloud that
said our country would be ours as long as grass should grow and water flow.” - Black Elk
Black Friday!
If you must be a consumer on this particular
day; then please shop locally owned, independently and non commercial. Thank
you. Strong moral and ethical foundations are being established towards a more
humanitarian future for all Americans. Cheers.
November 24, 2011
“Grown men can learn from very little children for the hearts of
little children are pure. Therefore, the Great Spirit may show to them many
things which older people miss.” - Black Elk
“I cured with the power that came through me.” - Black Elk
Happy Thanksgiving!
November 23, 2011
“And as he spoke of understanding, I looked up and saw the rainbow
leap with flames of many colors over me.” - Black Elk
“After the horse dance was over, it seemed that I was above the
ground and did not touch it when I walked.” - Black Elk
“And while I stood there I saw more than I can tell and I
understood more than I saw; for I was seeing in a sacred manner the shapes of
all things in the spirit, and the shape of all shapes as they must live
together like one being.” - Black Elk
“But I think I have done
right to save the vision in this way, even though I may die sooner because I
did it; for I know the meaning of the vision is wise and beautiful and good;
and you can see that I am only a pitiful old man after all.” - Black Elk
Happy Wednesday-Friday!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Shall we dance?
Black Friday…
Thank you to all of the corporate and
non-corporate retail workers of America for reminding customers that life is
and ought to be conducted in a humane fashion. We, The People stand behind the
hardworking retail workers of America who deserve a break whether there’s a job
shortage in this country or not. Otherwise, please don’t add any more insult to
the injury than need be.
If, indeed the argument is made by large
corporate retailers that their retailer stores require to be open 24/7 because
their competition is an online one, then your online technologies better be up
to par. If, indeed the caveat is online competition then I don’t understand
what that has to do with retail stores having to open at midnight on the night
of Friday, November 25th, 2011. What? Think about it.
Please, don’t write editorials telling
American retail workers to suck it.
Our American retailers and their hard work ethics
are not at question here.
Part-time and fulltime retail workers are
indeed hard workers and to tell them that because the economy is bad that-that
seems to be justifiable enough reason to consider treating them any less than
subhuman. It’s unacceptable.
Simply, because there’s a lack of jobs in
America it doesn’t grant corporate companies the permission to take advantage
of the very little time that workers get to spend with their families as it is.
It’s an awful practice to force workers to suffer because they don’t have union
rights as others might especially in times when people have lost so much and
when the most important aspects of their lives are their beloved ones.
Cuidado. Careful. Change, to me seems to come
about slowly and as delicately as it takes to dock any vessel on the starboard
side while quickly transitioning with the throttle and shifting with the
proficiency of a master sailors’ capacity and talented experience for wisdom
and consideration for anything that is significant in the lives of humans. (A
little poetry for you. It’s Thanksgiving, what can I say?)
To be critical of retail workers wanting to
spend a major holiday with their families is not a crime; actually it’s
something to be admired and to reach-up to a level of astuteness in
humanitarian American efforts, values and virtues. (Checkmate in three moves.
Watch.) You can’t argue with such a fine point otherwise your arguments sound ignoramus
and something out of the dark ages. No, this is not an age of serfdom any
longer. No, it’s not acceptable nor reasonable to ask retail workers to spend
their holidays having to prepare and get ready for a long 3rd night shift
when they ought to be relaxing and enjoying the company of their loved ones. Capisci. Capisce.
I’m not a leader of anything except my own
life and that seems to be more than enough. Nevertheless, when it comes to
being a humanitarian I urge you not to shop on the night of November 25th,
2011 at midnight.
“What?” May you ask, “is the big deal?” The
big deal is that people want to be with their families, loved ones and sick
ones. That’s not an argument it’s a fact of life. If you shop at midnight, then
may those retail workers be pleasant and kind to you because they can and will
rise above American consumer pettiness, shallowness and mindlessness but
remember this; we’re talking about the lives of people and I can’t for one
moment come up with anything more important than that.
When I write about loss; I’m serious. The
Americans have had so much loss that one day a year won’t kill corporations to
take a break, shut down, turn off all the lights and call it a goodnight. Go
home and stay there. It’s cozy, warm and of course we’re all grateful for a
roof over our heads and morsels of food on many tables.
Sincerely, people would rather be with their
loved ones than making a miserable $10.00 an hour and if they’re lucky then they
may just get overtime which places
them at $20.00 dollars an hour. For those Americans whose family members are
ill and on the verge of death and in dire need of care. Seriously that meager
$20.00 an hour won’t grant them the time that they so desire to be with those
they love with whom they may only have a limited amount of time. (Checkmate.
Like I said in just three moves.
Don’t argue. I’ve got this one. I’m telling it to you like an adult female. I
have a strong literary voice and I mean to use it well.)
What would Jesus Christ do if he were a CEO or
V.P. to a corporation? Would Jesus Christ hold Black Friday at midnight
disrupting the lives of his workers? No, he wasn’t as shallow as all that for a
Jesus Christ would’ve most likely gone home,
relaxed and laughed amongst loved ones and only wished thus for his workers as
well. Yes, indeed. We all know that to be true because Jesus Christ was a
humanitarian. (Checkmate, again and this game is already over. Don’t argue that
point either or it makes the Christian faith seem bigoted and hypocritical.)
How about if every CEO and V.P. takes a shift
on the floor at midnight as well. Will that change anything? If CEO’s and
V.P.’s are so quick to require corporate retailer workers to be present and
open at midnight then as astute examples of leadership I think that CEO’s and
V.P.’s ought to lead the way and be the first ones to open up major retailers.
See how you like it. See how quickly the temperament of any argument would
Foundations. I think, personally that change
comes slowly and overtime. It’s the damn transitions that happen in the bat of
an eyelash. No, change is not coming. Change is already here. The Americans are
waking up and when the wealth is once again evenly distributed then we’ll find
that people will think of this time period in history as Corporate Nazism.
Change is here and now we’re transitioning rather quickly into an entirely new
century that will bring about prosperity, humanitarianism and mindfulness for
others and their psychological, physical, emotional and spiritual health and
well being.
All I can think of is the Treaty of Versailles.
We won’t be shopping at any location this
Friday and if we happen to want to change our minds about that then we’ll shop
locally owned, independent and non corporate.
To all of those in the struggle to set in
place high standards in humanitarianism, human-friendly approaches to business,
life and to equality. Hip! Hip! Hooray! Hip! Hip! Hooray! Hip! Hip! Hooray! The
world can’t and won’t go on as it has for very much longer because well,
frankly change was required 60 years ago in America. Reformation for We, The
People. It’s coming. The People are taking the world back. Yes! Do away with
tyrants of any type! We, The People are not serfs.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Cheers to you and yours.
Cheers to us and ours.
Let’s eat! I’ve got no qualms about eating.
P.S. Cairo, we hold you in our hearts.
P.S.S. Weather…
*) Thanksgiving, if it hadn’t been for the
Native Americans; Wôpanâak in 1620 then the Pilgrims of Massachusetts
would most likely more than half of their population would have surely died.
Thank goodness for the Indigenous of the Americas.
*) If you’re going to write an editorial piece
then please write-in your John Hancock so we can all address the penmanship to
our fellow writers. It’s the honorable thing to do. If you’re in the news
business; fact check your sources and information; otherwise, amateur hour.
Thank goodness, this is not a news outlet. These are the writings of an adult
Source from Wikipedia
The Wampanoag (English pronunciation: /ˌwɑːmpəˈnoʊ.ćɡ/; Wôpanâak
in the Wampanoag language; are a federally recognized Native American nation
which currently consists of five tribes, located in present-day Massachusetts.
Two have gained official federal recognition.
In the
1300s when encountered by the English, the Wampanoag lived in southeastern
Massachusetts and Rhode Island, as well as within a territory that encompassed
current day Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket. Their population numbered in the
thousands due to the richness of the environment and their cultivation of corn,
beans and squash; it was 3,000 on Martha's Vineyard alone.
1616-1619 the Wampanoag suffered an epidemic of what researchers now believe
was leptospirosis, a bacterial infection also known as Weil's syndrome or 7-day
fever. While it may have been carried by the English, it may also have arisen
from factors in the Wampanoag environment and their contact with diseased animals.
It caused a high fatality rate and nearly destroyed the society. This crisis
contributed to the conversion of Wampanoag to Christianity, as they began to
doubt the power of their own traditions. During the early decades of English
colonization, relations were friendly, but the nation began to resist colonial
encroachment. Historians believe the losses from the epidemic made it possible
for the English colonists to get a foothold in creating the Massachusetts Bay
Colony in later years. King Philip's War (1675-1676) against the English
colonists resulted in the deaths of 40% of the tribe Most of the male survivors
were sold into slavery in the West Indies. Many women and children were
enslaved in New England.
November 22, 2011
“If you will read again what is written, you will see how it was.” - Black Elk
“My friend, I am going to tell you the story of my life, as you
wish; and if it were only the story of my life I think I would not tell it; for
what is one man that he should make much of his winters, even when they bend
him like a heavy snow?” - Black Elk
good nation I will make live.” - Black Elk
“I think I have told you, but if I have not, you must have
understood, that a man who has a vision is not able to use the power of it
until after he has performed the vision on earth for the people to see.” - Black Elk
“I know now what this meant, that the bison were the gift of a
good spirit and were our strength, but we should lose them, and from the same
good spirit we must find another strength.” - Black Elk
“I had a vision with which I might have saved my people, but I had
not the strength to do it.” - Black Elk
Happy Tuesday! Rather Thursday for many of
(I’m grateful for love, breath of life and
It’s a dark grey day here in Minneapolis, MN
this afternoon.
Okay. So, I won’t tell anybody how and as to
whom to vote for because I care less how to tell anyone else how to vote. All
I’m conveying is don’t become a political sucker.
It’s up to the American public not only to
become educated about policies and political issues but ultimately it’ll become
the main responsibility of American adults to uphold their end of the bargain.
Will America flourish or perish? If cutting funds from the public educational school
system is what the public wants (no, not presidential candidates) rather the
constituents then it can only mean that the public will decide what’s important
to them.
That’s the beauty of a Republic you get to
make up your minds. Moving on.
--- ---
Aside from political jargon and such let’s
hit a chord that strikes deep at the heart of all humans. Families.
Let me say this right off the bet, if you
love your family and they love you; I’m wishing you an amazing Thanksgiving.
May you have many more understanding, giving and receiving Thanksgivings of
love, appreciation and calm gatherings. How splendid for you. I mean it. I’ve
come across many people who struggle in life not because of who they’ve become
and who they are but more so because their families wish them to be someone or
something else. For those of you who are loved just as you are without any
expectations, conditions and ultimatums I’m wishing you infinite love. Half the
struggle in life is to be unconditionally loved by at least one other human. For
many that aspect of love is not given nor granted through their families rather
through the many families that they gather and create along the way on the road
of life. Seriously, if you’re loved say your blessings, eat your cookies, drink
your non-soy milk and go to bed comfortably comforted by the very warmth that
is love. Try not to complain about how good you have it. Instead say grace and
leave it at that because others could only wish to be treated as respectfully and
as well as you are while you’re alive on this earth. Not everyone is as lucky
as you know yourselves to be.
As for those of you who’ll be either
grudgingly or out-of-duty having to go home to mean spirited and unhappy
adults, well, breathe, do your best to stay balanced no matter how crazy others
may be. Enjoy the spread, be grateful to be alive and try not to kill each
other. Although, it’s easier said than done. Mean and manipulative people suck
and that’s just the bottom line even if they’re your own family members. Don’t
mind them. Don’t pay them any heed. Such adults and family members suck up all
the air in the room because they don’t know the secret of self love. If you
have self-loathers in your family then just let them be. They live and die by
their self hate and their own accord. Pity. Oh, well. That type of adult has
not learned how to fulfill their inner most needs therefore, they’ll eat from
your soul if you let them. So don’t let them and don’t mind them. You’re not to
go home and become Thanksgiving dinner simply because others are unhappy with
their bodies, careers, lives and disappointments. You can rise above the
unhappiness of others and shed a smile across a great divide. Reach out to
those that are your family members even if you hate them and they hate you.
Let’s not pretend. We all have some family member or other who compares us to
others and wants so desperately to be better than the rest. That’s just an
idiot and a fool. Don’t forget that.
Families. I won’t pretend that peoples’ lives
are a cake walk because that’s just not the case. I’m beginning to learn that
many peoples’ families are competitive, critical, mean spirited, patronizing
and condescending towards their own family members. I consider that to be a
form of cruelty and abuse without need for such nonsense. However, such unhappy
people exist. Those that want to control every aspect of life in others and
those who take no responsibility for their actions or lack thereof are lost to
the wind. If you happen to have adult family members that are age appropriate
adults, nevertheless, not yet mature and fully responsible adults then pity. Pet
them on the head and feed them cookies. What a waste of a human life,
nevertheless a human life at that. The road ahead for them is a tough one and
it’s not your job to take care of them. They, too, are foolish and stupid in
their own mental realm. Don’t take on the responsibilities of others because
that, too, will take away from your own power source, dignity and ability to
carry on as your dignified and true selves.
Yes, as we head into this Thanksgiving 2011
I’ll tell you this; go home to people that love you otherwise, it’s futile to
spend time with people who’ll be jealous, envious and comparing every inch of
their body to yours. If your family is cruel to you and uses you for sport then
it means that they have no respect for themselves. Your families are the people
who are supposed to love you and if they don’t then shame on them. Your family
is not always necessarily the people
that you’re born to or who adopt you. People have complicated and complex
issues revolving around family members due to shallowness and mean, cold-hearted
competiveness. Don’t let yourselves get sucked into such mediocrity and
Yes, I could get started about my family but
I won’t. There’s no need to be disrespectful to the living and dishonorable to
the dead. Although, you can read between the lines. (Before I go to the Maya underworld I will send my dry-drunk
mean-spirited abusive and competitive East Coast grandfather to his second hell
for screwing up his own family but that’s neither here nor there. I will fight
him in the afterlife and I look forward to that battle.) (This was a man
whom, when he was alive held a family Christmas slideshow in front of the
entire family and excluded my sister and I from any of the slides and
photographs. Can you imagine sitting through an entire family Christmas slideshow
and there not being a single photograph of you and your sibling? It was such a
great way to tell us to go fuck ourselves by forgetting and / or not being
inclusive of us. No one piped up and said anything except my sister afterwards.
Could you imagine your own grandfather doing that to you? That’s just a minor
example of what type of a dry-drunk alcoholic asshole he was.) Pity. Shall I
say more. Okay. I will.
May he burn in hell for all eternity.
Secretly his dry-drunk adult children most likely are happy that he’s gone.
It’s just that he left them with a little bit of money in the will so it makes
up for having to take his emotional punches all their lives but it doesn’t make
up for their children having to take their emotional blows year in and year out.
Of course, you’ve got to honor the dead -
especially when they leave you money. How can you not? See, we’re all happy and
smiley in this game of life that’s Candy Land. Nevertheless, he didn’t leave me
anything not even a mention in his will so I’m free of his negotiations. I’m
free to be an artist and to speak my mind. This was the very same man who
commanded that I not be invited to my very own Grandmother’s funeral. What a loser
and everything that came from him. My dry-alcoholic grandfather left a bad
taste in my mouth and all I can do is hold-back a great deal of urge to spit
upon his grave. I just may if I ever make it out to the East Coast again. Hold
me back because oh, my Gods.
I’m not obligated to anyone or anything
except truth. I covered up truth to save face for others for two decades. I’ll
no longer be a part of such degradation and dehumanizing stupidity. I should
have had the courage to speak up sooner.
Nope. Don’t think you’re better than me. I’ve
heard horror stories from other people. Stories that’ll make your blood run
cold. I’m an alpha because I can see and speak a truth even when everyone else
is hushed by dollar bills. Someday I’ll tell you why I’m against the slavery
that is adoption of children especially when they’re taken from their country
and culture. Crazies out there even if they’re educated at Ivy League schools.
I don’t know what to tell you and I won’t
pretend that any of this is easy for those of you who have been abused,
manipulated and terrorized by your own family members and families. I can
understand that there’s a lot of unnecessary hurt created in the world by
narcissists, egotists, and self deprecating persons. It’s not pretty to watch I
know. But it’s funny as hell at times and if all you can do is gather your
cousins on a couch and laugh your asses off at the absurdity that is your
families then do it. If you have just one person in your family whose got your
back and doesn’t bring about self-defeat and self depredation twisted with
competition as a need to fulfill their egos then go with that person. Pick at
least one person who has granted you unconditional love and place all of your
love upon them. Smile every time such a person enters a room and create an
indestructible glow of love for them and for yourselves.
Shields up!
Guard your hearts as you would a new born.
If you happen to have alcoholics in your
families, then good luck. You’ll need it. Remember, alcoholics don’t think it’s
a big deal to have to pick them up from floors with their pants halfway down,
their private parts hanging out of their clothing in public places while they
mumble on and on about stupid shit. Alcoholics are a stead fast all of their
own. Pity. An alcoholics’ misbehavior is their struggle, not your own so don’t
take alcoholics on because you’ll not be the one to change them only they can
change their outlandish behavior the same goes for overeaters. Personally, I
don’t take well to alcoholics and overeaters nor are they a part of my daily
life. Who wants to take care of the ego of an alcoholic and an overeater? If
you've got half a brain then neither will you go around being the caretaker to
any alcoholic. Most of the time their egos needlessly require stroking or
taking care of. That’s not an adult that’s an immature child refusing to become
an adult. Pity. Your lives are your own and revel in that you’re not someone
who has substance abuse or ego issues.
“Moderation is the key to success.” My wise Grandmother
(my only Mother) used to say before she died. May she rest in peace. I wasn’t
invited nor allowed to attend her funeral. How true and how correct she was
about everything. She knew exactly what her family was and she never pretended
that they were perfect or kind. She knew all too well. She wasn’t stupid or
blind. Thus, I understood her. If she’d been born to another generation then
she would’ve made a great writer.
We’re spending our Thanksgiving with our
Minnesota family and we’ll be safe from ridicule, emotional abuse and self-haters.
How splendid for us indeed. Do you know how nice it is to be unconditionally loved
and not hated by family members. Incredible.
As for sibling rivalry; it’s scientifically
proven to be so that parents place siblings against each other and try to
create divides. One parent will always
prefer one child over another. So, if you’re not the preferred child sit back
and enjoy the ride because the preferred child is the one who’ll most likely end
up wiping the rear end of that elderly parent eventually at one time or
another. Don’t worry about it. It’s a great responsibility to be the preferred
sibling. After you. No, really after you.
P.S. I spent three years of my mid twenties
in Duluth, MN. At that time I volunteered at a theatre and it was amazing to me
how many people rushed to the theatre for a drink as soon as they could after
their Thanksgiving meals. They just couldn’t stand being with their families. Pity.
November 21, 2011
“And when I breathed, my breath was lightning.” - Black Elk
“Grandfather, Great Spirit, once more behold me on earth and lean
to hear my feeble voice.” - Black Elk
“Also, as I lay there thinking of my vision, I could see it all
again and feel the meaning with a part of me like a strange power glowing in my
body; but when the part of me that talks would try to make words for the
meaning, it would be like fog and get away from me.” - Black Elk
“And as he spoke of understanding, I looked up and saw the rainbow
leap with flames of many colors over me.” - Black Elk
“And I say the sacred hoop of my people was one of the many hoops
that made one circle, wide as daylight and as starlight, and in the center grew
one mighty flowering tree to shelter all the children of one mother and one
father.” - Black Elk
Happy Monday!
(Corrections have indeed been made. I’m a
redundant writer and I do it on purpose for the benefit and sake of those who
are English as a Second Language. I’m rather aware of every single word I
write. I’m writing aren’t I? Therefore, I’m hyper aware of everything I write except for mistakes when I catch them later. If
you don’t like it then go read something else. I don’t expect anyone to
understand the difficulties and challenges of English as Second Language
speakers, readers and learners. I just don’t.) Cheers.
--- ---
Well, where shall we begin to dance?
The congressional super committee. What? Really. The deficit has never
knocked on my front door.
If the deficit affects the average American
citizen then the congressional super committee has some serious issues to
contend with. Seriously, can we say media
hype? If our congressional super committee leaders are not able to cut the
budget deficit by $1.2 trillion then it seems as though we’re in dire need of a
new congressional super committee simply because it’s these leaders’ job to
come up with brilliant solutions that’ll benefit the country otherwise
Americans require new leaders addressing some serious budgetary issues at a
grand scale of addressing and resolving $1.2 trillion dollars. Moving on.
First, please don’t vote for any GOP and Tea
Party presidential candidates that tells the American people to go take a
shower and get a job. That’s no way to speak to the American public after a
decade long of hardship. That’s disrespectful. Newsflash for you, 50 million
Americans are out of work and without health care and most likely hungry and
homeless. Have a heart. Goodness. Aren’t people important anymore?
God, how out of touch are these yahoos for
GOP and Tea Party presidential candidates? Please, don’t vote for any GOP and
Tea Party candidates who’ll give you soppy stories about their lives
difficulties, trials and tribulations because these are the very same people in
the 1% who desire to cut government agencies and educational funding from The
These GOP and Tea Party presidential
candidates are the very same humans who’ll not have to endure illnesses or
those illnesses of their loved ones without health care and medication. Period.
Remember, anyone who has enough money to run
for the position of presidency is well equipped to get their hands on more
money than the average citizen will ever see in one lifetime, therefore, don’t
fall for the soppiness of such trials and tribulations of those who’ll not have
to go without. If you’re going to feel bad about the difficulties of others,
then feel bad about the difficulties of the middle class who can barely afford
their health care and public education for their young and medicine for their
aging adults. Don’t be gullible. Don’t fall for such malarkey.
How can the GOP and Tea Party presidential
candidates discuss over an open and televised forum their personal woes in
front of the American public when 50 million Americans go without health care
and work?
When the GOP and the Tea Party presidential
candidates compare their woes to those of the American people it’s like
rubbing-it-in all over the Americans’ faces that the GOP and Tea Party presidential
candidates, they, too, have had it rough, therefore they tend to imply that
they’re equal to the Americans with their losses and illnesses. Not so.
These presidential candidates’ reality will
never be your reality. They’re rich and you’re not. Therefore, your children
and elderly will suffer and die while theirs won’t. No, these candidates have
not had to deal with illnesses without health care, medicine and food and
neither have their children nor will they ever. Don’t pity presidential
candidates and their families and don’t feel bad for such people. They’ll never
go without resources, medicine and food while you and yours will. Don’t fall
for that sentimental propaganda or it will end up killing The Americans.
If you’re an American citizen and you don’t
understand that GOP and Tea Party presidential candidates are loaded with
money, benefits and more money then you’re retarded. (Yep, I used the word retarded in its utmost definition. If you
don’t like it then go look it up.)
Second, wealthy rich Americans such as GOP and
Tea Party presidential candidates will have more than enough dough to send
their kids off to private boarding schools and institutions. Their children
will never rub elbows with the children of the Americans. They just won’t.
Also, the GOP and Tea Party presidential candidates have the best health care
that money can buy that you can’t buy because well, frankly you don’t have that
type of money. No, I’m not rubbing it in your face. It’s a fact of life. Don’t
feel bad for presidential candidates, especially republican ones because you
just shouldn’t and they don’t care about you. It’s the truth. I know brutal
truth hurts because it’s that real and simple to utter such words as an adult.
No, not as a “grown up” rather as an adult. Major difference isn’t there?
Third, if GOP and Tea Party presidential candidates
begin to cry and speak about their personal lives rather than debate topics and
policies it’s most likely due to the fact that they’re trying to get your
sentimental vote rather than discussing some real tough issues and policies
that have been over looked for way too long. Don’t give into that or you’ll be
the soppy sucker voter that they want you to be. They’ll have you in their
clutches. Everything and I mean
everything on Television is pre-scripted, manipulated and choreographed. Don’t
fall for such nonsense. If anything laugh at it. It’s funny as hell to watch
presidential candidates try to get pity votes while their political rhetoric
discusses the murder of Mexicans over electric fences. Gross. You can’t cry
over having cancer and believe that Mexicans ought to be electrocuted. It goes
against anything humanitarian and it’s quite the double standard.
Fourth, don’t you get uncomfortable seeing
GOP and Tea Party candidates cry you a
river over a sentimental vote? It makes you want to take them outside and give
them a good lickin’ for being so pathetic in the public sphere doesn’t it?
I don’t want the next president of the United
States of America to be a cry baby, a martyr, or to take cheap emotional shots
at the public. Do you know why? When it comes to foreign policy then will the
GOP and Tea Party presidential candidates cry on the shoulders of the French,
Chinese and South Korean leaders? I don’t think so. Think about it? Will they?
What would that mean for the Americans and American foreign policy? We’d get our
asses handed to us if our future leaders ran around crying wolf about their
personal lives? Leave the crying up to magazine spreads and not to live national
televised debates. How embarrassing. That back fired again.
Fifth, don’t believe GOP and Tea Party
presidential candidates when they change their stance on any issue from one
year to another. That’s the same as lying. Do we want a liar for a president?
Example; if a GOP and Tea Party presidential
candidate was all about lynching’s last year and they’re not this year than
most likely that’s a donkey’s ass trying to play the field. That is a master
manipulator and most likely in the secret crevices of his heart if he stood for
lynching’s a year ago then most likely he still stands for lynching’s today. (It’s
a drastic example but one that must be made.)
Sixth, anytime that any GOP and Tea Party
presidential candidate proposes to cut education then their economical deficit
budgeting is not only stupid it’s greedy. These GOP and Tea Party presidential
candidates will not have to send their kids off to any public school educational
system, therefore, they don’t give a rat’s ass what happens to your children’s
public educational system. To cut public education is the same as condoning
I hope you have a nice day.
We are and no, that’s not a royal “we”. That’s
a plural “we”.
P.S. Please, don’t throw anything at the
property or at the person of any world delegate. When you do that, then you
come across as a violent idiot from any country and not worth conducting
business with citizens of such countries. Philippines.
I’m so disappointed when our former exchange student and brother is from the
Philippines. We were expecting so much more because we know our brother to be
an upstanding and remarkable human. What happened?
P.S.S. Booing the First Lady is like booing
yourselves. It’s in poor taste so don’t do it. It makes Americans come across
as idiots to the rest of the globe. I know that we still have our decency and
dignity intact even if we disagree with the politics of our fellow Americans.
NASCAR. I’m so disappointed in our American brothers and sisters of the NASCAR
world and those in attendance. What’s wrong with you? Do you wish for the rest
of the globe to consider Americans idiots? Well, you’ve done a fine job at
*) Peaceful demonstrators and protestors are
very different aren’t they? If any cop so willingly and of their own accord pepper
sprays peaceful demonstrators without any struggle or in self defense then that
cop is a pig, a bully and irresponsible as a human adult. Get them the hell out
of any system. They’re no good. The People have rights especially when it comes
to peacefully demonstrating. Ah, the world of idiots and idiotic mistakes.
*) Black Friday? Really. What happened to the
values and virtues of the Americans? If companies push for Black Friday it’s
only because idiot consumers push for such ludicrous displays of conduct. Go
home. Stay home and spend time with your families. What’s wrong with Americans?
Are we as shallow as all that to place American workers last? Where has the
American humanity gone? European countries and businesses aren’t as crass or as
rude as the Americans when it comes to the well being of its people.
Who do we think we are as a country to
command retail workers to work on Thanksgiving? Ah, the stupidity and
mediocrity of our country is what’s taking this vessel down. Americans and
their lack of education due to a fine job in portraying our stupidity to the
rest of the globe. Wake up! People first; that’s the bottom line and then we
can begin to rebuilt this great nation from there; people as a strong
foundation. No wonder, we’re considered stupid Americans by the rest of the
world because we make stupid decisions that places humans, their well being and
their families last. How unsophisticated not to shut down and close down the
entire country while families come together and have a day of rest and
Black Friday: Buy local, small and
November 18, 2011
“Small is the number of people who see with their eyes and think
with their minds.” - Albert Einstein
“Perfection of means and confusion of ends seem to characterize
our age.” - Albert Einstein
“Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by
understanding.” - Albert Einstein
“Occurrences in this domain are beyond the reach of exact
prediction because of the variety of factors in operation, not because of any
lack of order in nature.” - Albert
“One may say the eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility.” - Albert
“Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.” - Albert
Happy Friday!
Aloha. (Wow, the week went by in a blur.)
I don’t speak for any other woman other than
I don’t have that type of power and neither
does anyone else no matter who you are or who you think you are. Understand.
I don’t wish for any public figure to ever
speak for me as well - not at all. Thank you. I’m touchy when women as public
figures believe, think and take on the responsibility to speak for all women. Who do you think you are;
Mother Theresa? I don’t think so.
Let’s get this straight.
If, indeed you are a public figure then you are
subject and liable to be made fun of by comedians no matter how personal you
may take it. (In special cases such as minors they aren’t to be addressed by
comedians what so ever because they’re minors.) Period.
If you happen to be an adult public figure
and you don’t like being made fun of then don’t play the game at all. Get out
of show biz. It’s not only an honor but also (I can only imagine) a pleasure to
be made fun of by famous comedians when you’re a public figure because it means
that you’re recognized for whatever reasons you’ve achieved at being a public
figure. Got it?
Thank goodness I’m not a public figure,
famous and that we run a private company.
I played my cards right from the start at the
age of 18. Whew! (While many of my arts high classmates ran off to N.Y.C. and
L.A. to become famous I went off to an East Coast private liberal arts four
year institution.) Yes! I got lucky on that one. I get to be an artist whose
legal council is not only astute, intelligent and humane. Also modern and wise
about contemporary art, especially digital and technological online art and
Early on in my private education one of my
role models said to me, (correction on the quote); “If you’re going to become
an artist then work at making art that’s more important than all of the money
and fame in the world. Whatever you do in life try not to become famous - it’s
significantly over rated.” Ha! Ha! Ha! Funny.
Anyway, do you really want to know why the
Benetton advertisement campaign rubs the wrong way?
Aside from the fact that Photoshop can do anything even so much as lick your boogers, the
main point is this: when any company makes a profit off of any illegal imagery
and likeness of another then we’re getting into sticky territory about
commercial art especially when royalties and payment are involved.
If models are paid to do advertisement
campaigns to sell products for companies to make profits then why aren’t the
World Leaders in the Benetton advertisement campaign being paid royalties for
the usage of their likeness to turn over profits for Benetton? Did these World
Leaders sign personal release forms and SAG paper work? Really, that’s just
bogus and cheap not to pay someone to sell your products for profit.
Is Benetton really going to pay president Barack Obama and other World Leaders
a working fee for using their likeness in the selling of their products, even
though these leaders didn’t so much as sit down for a photography shoot? Most
likely not. Lucky dogs. Benetton got the president of the United States to sell
their products for free. I wish we could do that. Imagine how many
documentaries we’d sell if President Obama sold our features with his imagery
and likeness? We’d for sure turn a larger profit much larger at that.
Benetton not only got World Leaders to
endorse their products but also Benetton got World Leaders’ endorsement for
free simply because their likenesses were digitally enhanced. It still doesn’t
get around the issue of acquiring permission to use their likeness, does it?
Ha! Yes!
Commercial artists when it comes to the
selling of any product then your art is considered commercial art and it’s made
for the main and only purpose in selling
not only a commercial idea but also a product so anytime you use the likeness
of another then your companies must pay a working fee especially in the usage
and in the likeness of another no matter how digitally enhanced it may be. Benetton
must pay a commercial fee to any of
those who sell their products. Ask SAG they know all about this.
Graphically enhanced imagery of World Leaders
is a great and cheap way of manipulating a significant message into further
submission of the contemporary form. If Benetton gets away with the usage of
their “Unhate” advertisement campaign then it can only send out a message to
the rest of the world that it’s okay to manipulate the endorsement of leaders without
paying for the usage of others while turning a profit.
It’s not like artists making art to make
social commentaries and remarks is it?
It’s more like commercial art made to sell
products specifically to turn a profit. That’s the main difference. Yes? Yes. It’s
not just artistic social commentary it’s the selling of commercial art to make
you aware of a product. Ah, what an ugly and stupid way of manipulating the
public into buying products.
It’s even worse that the likeness of our
World Leaders was stolen from a fragment of a photograph to create a further
manipulated likeness of them. Wow. How cheap! What? Benetton couldn’t afford
for World Leaders to sit down for their advertisements? This advertisement
campaign implies more than you’d realize and it’s leaning towards the negative more
so than the "unhate".
I hate the Benetton “unhate” advertisement
campaign of World Leaders kissing on the lips because I don’t think of our
World Leaders as horny teens making out around corners. “Unhate”. It back
fired. It makes me hate everything Benetton and their commercial artists, legal
counsel and president of marketing for thinking this was such a great idea
without really thinking it through. It’s obvious that this advertisement
campaign was not well thought through as far as legal and respectful ramifications
are concerned to what it would mean to the public to see their leaders kissing
other leaders on the mouth. It’s not looking good for Benetton. I thought they
were leaders of their own accord but it goes to show otherwise.
What’s next for Benetton? Are we going to see
“Unhate II” advertisement campaign of digitally and graphically enhanced famous
royalties fucking horses? Why not? Some people just love their bestiality? (I’m not saying that any contemporary
royals do indeed, I’m making an example about digitally enhanced photography
and its manipulation.) However, the example stands; shall we address the “Unhate
II” campaign of animals’ rights?
Personally, I think Benetton’s “Unhate”
advertisement campaign was done in poor taste because I didn’t think of
President Obama as the type who’d go around kissing Chinese leader Hu Jintao on the
lips except for his wife. I don’t want to think of president Obama and Hu
Jintao as such, it cheapens their male and leadership appeal overall, doesn’t
it? Of course it does. It’s a stupid campaign when you think about it and it
requires brains to think it through. How manipulative and mean spirited of a
campaign when you think through the mismanagement of such a campaign. Nope. Go
back to the drawing board. What a failure for an ad campaign if indeed it’s
trying to bring about the message not to hate it’s had the polar opposite
effect. How stupid is that? I hate it. How pompous and it’s not even clever at
I keep thinking that my role model and hero;
Walt Disney would not have put such trash out for the public to be a witness to;
Walt Disney would only have put such trash out on the curb. What a sham and
what stupidity. Fire the whole lot and start all over again. Whoever thought of
such an advertisement for profit making campaign must have not had enough
French pressed organic shade grown fairly traded coffee for breakfast that
Ah, the world of mediocrity.
P.S. May you have an amazing weekend amongst
loved one.
P.S.S. Ah, women’s health. I wish my sharp stomach
pain was simply gas. Wouldn’t that be awesome! No, I don’t have irritable bowel
syndrome. I wish it was as easy as that. No, it’s not melanoma this time
around. Thank goodness. Peace. Wishing you much happiness and great health.
November 17, 2011
“The only real valuable thing is intuition.” - Albert
“The important thing is not
to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.” - Albert
high destiny of the individual is to serve rather than to rule.” - Albert
“The hardest thing to understand
in the world is the income tax.” - Albert
“The devil has put a penalty
on all things we enjoy in life. Either we suffer in health or we suffer in soul
or we get fat.” - Albert Einstein
“The difference between
stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.” - Albert
“The grand aim of all
science is to cover the greatest number of empirical facts by logical deduction
from the smallest number of hypotheses or axioms.” - Albert Einstein
P.S. I have nothing but hope for the future of
humans! Ha! It’s nice to be alive. My sleeves are rolled up this afternoon and
we’re working towards strong philosophical, artistic and innovative foundations
and functions. Roll up your sleeves with me. Have some hope. The People are
changing the world! Yeah! We’re making films because we have hope, otherwise
what would the point be? Hip! Hip! Hooray! To humanity!
P.S.S. Occupy the world. Police, politicians
and Mayors please be kind, just and careful with our American peaceful
demonstrators, youth and old. Occupy protestors are the children and adults of
The Americans. These are the sons and daughters of The Americans. Cuidado, be
careful with our little ones. Yes, change is indeed inconvenient, however, not
without wisdom, vision and purpose in making a push for the people to no longer
be victims of starvation and economical despair. Please, be careful with our little
ones as you would with a free range, cage free organic carton of eggs. Please.
Happy Thursday!
Happy Green Week! Thank goodness.
Quickly, now since there’s quite a bit of
ground to cover.
“You are what you eat.” If you eat tomato
paste for a vegetable then your brain is pizza.
Tomato paste isn’t a vegetable. It’s not! (A
kindergartener will tell you that.)
The congressional debate as to whether tomato
paste is a vegetable or not isn’t even
a proper debate. It’s a waste of taxpayers’ time and money as a stall tactic as
to whether congress will place the nutritional value of children above and
beyond money.
French fries and pizza aren’t vegetables or a
standard part of a healthy diet.
The congressional debate ought to be; are
American children’s dietary needs as excellent as it could be in this day in
Another 8 billion dollars over the course of
four years is nothing compared to the long term health issues and effects of
child obesity, diabetes and nutritional misinformation.
There’s approximately about 300 calories in
one slice of pizza. Well, well, well.
What will it take for the United States of
America to catch up with balanced modernistic lifestyles, valuable nutritional
information, contemporary factors, innovative intelligence and creative
progressiveness? Money? Ha! I highly doubt that. Money isn’t the only component
and element steering this American vessel. It just can’t be otherwise our philosophical and moralistic structure
is weaker than we thought it was and subject to calamity and surely failure for
another 60 years. By then the calamity could take such a severe and giant bite
out of our fallen American giant which is so desperately trying to rise, speak,
contribute and work.
Why is it that when the United States of
America takes one giant step forward then we tend to take 100 steps backwards?
What’s with that? Why is it that when finally electric cars have made it into
the mainstream market then congress debates as to whether tomato paste is a
vegetable? What? Where have our diplomats, philosophers and thinkers gone on
Shame on congress! Their grandmothers must be
rolling in their graves. Congress knows better than to place bogus subjects up
for debate even if it’s cheap and cost effective to get around the real subject
of nutritional value; now it comes down as to whether congress will make the
ethical decision to set aside larger educational and nutritional budgetary
funds for our future American youth who’ll be leading our workforce in about
another decade or not. Do we want our future leaders to be obese and have many
of the same health difficulties as we’ve seen in The Baby-Boomers and in today’s
youth? No, of course not!
What will it take for our leaders (our American
adult citizens / congress) to get their heads out of the sand and face the
music in order to make serious changes needed not a decade ago rather 60 years
Yes, if congress continues with ludicrous and
cheap nutritional disvalued debates for our public subsidized school lunch
programs then why believe at all that congress has the best interest at heart
for our American youth and their education? Truly, the tomato paste debate
speaks for itself. What’s important? Pizza and French fries’ subsidized
contracts or doing the right thing and getting some real vegan and
hydroponic-organically grown vegetables into the school systems no matter what
the cost? Catch up! Put on your tennis shoes. Let’s go.
I can’t reason it out in any way as to why
diabetes, child obesity and misinformation are as prevalent as prostitution,
drugs and illegal weapons. Goodness, nutrition is a non-issue when it comes to
the highest nutritional value of our children’s daily food intake.
I figure that when America decides to get
serious about our values then nutrition will be at the top of our list and
become our top priority. Do you know why? Brain function. The brain is a muscle
like any other muscle and if we indeed preach that education is our number one
priority in America then that means that nutrition is also a top priority which
goes hand in hand with a stronger set of educational values.
I can only dream that someday congress will
set aside money for gymnasium-size buildings for indoor hydroponic greenhouses
with heat lights to be utilized as hydroponic-organic food production and
scientific / health / research in educational curriculums in schools and surrounding
communities for students and citizens to supplement their dietary needs along
with their knowledge, research and responsibility for their food growth /
production, understanding and wisdom.
If congress builds hydroponic centers then
they’ll come and participate in the learning, knowledge and experience of
indoor hydroponic-organic, heat lights, lead-free soil food production and fun
curriculum for students and great community service and hobby for adults. Hip!
Hip! Hooray! To innovative, simple, creative and life saving long-term goals,
dreams and possibilities for a better future! Anything is possible. Yes,
indeed. America can do it. I keep hearing that America is the leader of the
free world. Show us. Stop telling us. Show us how free and innovative we truly are.
P.S. The Benetton advertisement campaign, in
my humble opinion was done in poor taste. Really? Even if that advertisement
campaign is considered artistic, shouldn’t you ask for the permission of each
and every individual to use the likeness of those that you portrayed in your
campaign while making profits from their likeness and humanness while selling
your products? I’m sure your lawyers got around that one. Still, Benetton is
one of my favorite clothiers. However, this morning’s ads left much to be
desired. It turned me off so much it made me think twice about buying Benetton.
Wow, that “Unhate” advertisement campaign really backfired like an old rusty
P.S.S. What’s with congress passing bills
into laws for felons to regain their gun privileges? Is congress trying to get
citizens killed? What? What’s going on in the very golden thread and fiber that
is America? Please. Let’s think. Let’s use our noggins. Does congress not get a
good enough vegan hydroponic organic (lead-free) indoor heat lamp grown produce
for breakfast? Gentlemen, it’s time to try excellent nutrition before you make
excellent decisions.
*) Tornadoes, weather…
*) Occupy the world!
*) The People! How wonderful!
November 16, 2011
“The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere
of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives.” - Albert Einstein
Happy Wednesday!
I barely made any time to write today.
I’d still like to cover more literary ground
on the subject matter of organic hydroponic greenhouse produce vs. fried foods
served in the school public systems. Of course, I’d love to address such a
topic it’s been a subject matter close and dear to my heart for about 20 years.
I had many other responsibilities to meet
today so I met them.
As for my health I’m well-enough. I go into
surgery on the 28th of November and we’re so excited. The abdominal
pain is beyond what I’m able to handle most days.
In a matter of a week and a half I’ve been
prescribed Vicodin which on the first day made me ill to my stomach (not a
pretty sight) to a generic form of Percoset also known as Endocet and now I’m
taking one Ultram every seven hours unless I can’t handle the pain then I take
two. Otherwise, life is as it ought to be. We get up in the mornings, we live,
share and thrive.
Eric’s birthday was yesterday and we
celebrated with a walk, a home cooked meal and ice cream cake. Oh, it was so
wonderful. We’re grateful for life. Eric met with his best buddy (of 20 some
years) over breakfast this morning and was in a cheerful mood when he returned
home with great kid stories about our Goddaughter and her friends. Ha! Kids are
funny! Cheers.
P.S. Nothing. Aloha. Pain. I’ve got pain on
the brain. Ciao.
November 15, 2011
“Try not to become a man of success, but
rather try to become a man of value.” -
Albert Einstein
“True art is characterized by an irresistible
urge in the creative artist.” -
Albert Einstein
“You can never solve a problem on the level on which it was created.” - Albert Einstein
“You have to learn the rules of the game. And
then you have to play better than anyone else.” - Albert
“Two things are infinite: the universe and
human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.” - Albert Einstein
(Corrections; yes, grammatical corrections
have been made. Cheers!)
Happy Tuesday!
An Open Letter to Prostitutes;
[Hello. Hi. We live worlds apart from one
another and let’s not pretend that
this is anything other than a form of communication in the style of an open
forum letter. Nevertheless, I’ve been meaning to write some words… hopefully
filled with intelligence (nothing more and nothing less).] (I’ll do my best for your sakes.)
[No, I don’t know any prostitutes, nor do I
hang out or hold personal relationships to prostitutes, pimps, drug dealers and
under-the-table weapons’ dealers. Nope. I’m a citizen.]
Shall we dance?
try not to step on anybody’s toes. I love prostitutes’ dainty high heeled
shoes. Don’t think that citizens and civilians don’t see prostitutes on
streets. Prostitutes already know what all prostitutes have in common even if
you give citizens and civilians your best manners and smile its transparent?
Don’t worry I won’t give prostitutes away. Not today anyway. Once, a citizen or
a civilian learns what it is that a prostitute exudes that no other human
exudes then a citizen or a civilian will spot a prostitute a mile away
forevermore.) It’s a quirky law
of physics, isn’t it?
Now, my main question for today would be;
what does it matter if citizens and civilians have to pay taxes while the
industry of prostitution, illegal drugs and illegal weaponry doesn’t?
Questions: So, what? It’s not the illegal
prostitution, drugs and black market weapons industries’ fault just like it’s
not junkies’ fault if in a fit of rage they kill an innocent bystander? Just like that, right? What does a human
life matter? What do ethics and morality have to do with prostitution? Why care
so much about what goes on in the lives of citizens and civilians? What gives?
What do these industries of prostitution trafficking, drug trafficking and
illegal weapons trafficking have to do with civilians and citizens?
Answer: Well, a tiny and insignificant word
comes to mind, TAXES.
First, Occupy Wall Street’s youth, students,
business owners, Wall Street workers, citizens, civilians, young and old have
stepped out to peacefully demonstrate and speak-out against a corrupt system
for whichever fault of whatever structure set in place for the past 60 years.
America must wake up! The giant is down. Yes,
indeed. However, it doesn’t mean that the giant is dead. I have much hope in
this sleepy giant of America to wake up to the cries, injustices and inhumanness
that The People suffer hopefully without corrupting the system any further than
it already is; my hope would be that The People not be taken advantage of by
systems already set in place that takes away the comfort and decent ways of
life. I’d hate to see for prostitution, drugs and black market weapons to rise
above the law and to take away the freedoms of The People. This isn’t the Wild
West any longer. This is 2011 America.
Furthermore, it’s unconstitutional to be
afraid of the élite, the rich and the class dividers. Logic and knowledge leads
my wisdom to believe that history will prevail as it always does. The French Revolution is the only aspect of history
that keeps coming back to mind. I can’t help it I’m reading all about the
French Revolution and I can’t get enough pastries to go with it. Yummy. Fluffy.
Sweet. Much, too, sweet still-yet delicious.
Class divides; has nothing to do with money.
Who are we joking? The middle class knows all too well that most likely they’ll
work from the moment they hold their first job until they retire in their
professions in their fields of expertise. The middle class doesn’t make
pretences about whom and what they are. Nope. The middle class knows all too
well what they are. The middle class doesn’t have delusions of grandeur that
they’ll strike it rich and famous. That’s for fools or die-hard obsessive
workers not for the poor and the élite whom seem to dream a big dream without
doing anything about it and with their hands out. Nope. Work is just that.
The élite and their gold. Ha!
(Take a literary skateboard ride with me.
Hopefully, we’ll stick the landing. Can we stick the landing? Yes, indeed we
can.) :] I keep thinking about a funny
thought that occurred to me while listening to science fiction radio;
Hypothetically, what if aliens were to come to planet earth and make themselves
known to humans. What if their main purpose in arriving on earth would be to
collect all the gold for the making of their technological chips for their
ships? I wouldn’t want to be the élite with pockets full of gold. Ha! Funny
Any Indian will set anybody’s priorities
straight about gold. All the gold in the world is not worth the intelligence of
It seems that the 1% of the élite have much
in common with the 1% of the poor; both have far too much time on their hands
wishing they could have the freedoms of the other. Watch Aladdin, sometime.
Now, as far as I’m educated I understand it to be that 1% of any populace is
not The Majority - The People are the majority rather than 1% of any
The People are The Majority.
Second, why is prostitution prevalent in
American societal culture?
If in psychological terms sexual abuse is a
learned behavior then I can only think that prostitution is also a learned
If America is the leader of the free world
then we must look inward and take a tight grip at the helm and steer this
vessel to the shores of safety. America must dredge through this storm, drop
two anchors and drift towards a beacon of hope in which we’ll find common
ground and an excellent place for education, morality and ethics above money,
corruption and illegal trade.
Finally, can you believe it? I didn’t. A
presidential candidate is still campaigning for presidency after allegations of
sexual harassment have been made a fact to the public? Ha! Laugh with me.
That’s darn funny! Only in America. What? Can we trust that man? Nope.
Also, a grown male adult jock taking showers
with minors? What? I’m not laughing. That’s not funny. Where has common sense
and morality vanished to?
Has the country gone to the crapper?
--- --- ---
In conclusion, nothing ought to get passed
parents. Nothing. Especially sexual and economical predators. Please, parents
guard your children as you would your hearts. As for the élite please be
careful and quite aware as to whom and where your youth hang out and about.
Life is as serious as it’s been since beginning of time. Comedy is a luxury
humans can afford when performers perform or when people are seriously funny
without trying to be. Ha!
As for citizens and civilians please take all
precautions to keep your children close and a watchful eye as to whom they
associate with. Redundant. Okay. Public schooling doesn’t afford the luxuries
of private institutions.
I find that I don’t agree with youth from any
backgrounds volunteering on the same premises as with that of prostitution,
drugs and illegal weapons even if it’s at organic urban gardens (as in plural,
yes). Leave it to the adults. It’s far too dangerous for our youth, citizens
and civilians as it is. There’s nothing out there for you to see. Nothing.
Nothing. Nothing. Go home and do your homework. You can study about the history
of prostitutes and heroin junkies over the web and in books.
If you’re from a private school please go
back to wherever you came from and contribute through intelligence, innovation
and technology. There’s nothing for you out there on the streets even if you’re
volunteering at organic urban gardens with bi-polar screaming staff and their
organic vegetable campaigns and vegetables lazed in lead.
Soil testing has been conducted and in urban
areas with exhaust fumes from busses and cars there’s lead in the soil which
produces organic vegetables with lead in them - get your organic vegetables
from certified organic farms outside of cities.
No matter how well URBAN organic vegetables
may be sold to the public with slogans and organic campaigns, lead is lead -
you don’t want to eat lead vegetables just as you wouldn’t eat paint with lead
in it. Game over. Humans get harmed. How’s that for simplicity.
There’s nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Societal
culture has lost not only its wits but also its manners.
I’ve quit as a volunteer because I’m not a
funding institution I’m a volunteer and I hate being yelled at by crazy people.
I thought Hippies were alive but I guess they’re quite gone.
I find that in my adult experiences that most
strangers whom have nothing will either sell you their personal 30 second
commercials or they’ll try to guess what your net worth is so they can see what
you can do for them. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Go home and stay there until
this storm passes by.
It grieves me to say this so blatantly but
even people that I’ve known well, who were
successful Los Angeles film producers are now having to stand at bread lines
because their net worth was worth something to those who had nothing and so
they got conned into giving it away. The world is a bizarre place don’t fall
for its scavengers. A bottom feeder is just that; a scavenger…
matter what class of citizen or how humans seem to portray themselves to be
other (than) where they come from and what their true values are or aren’t.
Values! Actions! Tell the stories of every individual life. How will you live
out your life? We chose to walk a path and that’s just what we’re doing.
Success. Ha! You must first build secure foundations if you wish for them to
last centuries upon centuries. Success? What’s that? Anything, I suppose. I
find that foundations must first be built but before that we must conceptualize
in the most profound structures to secure and benefit seven generations out.
Trust your animal intuition.
Everything else I’m finding out seems to be false if
structures fall and are corrupt then what good are they? I don’t know what to
tell you. Do citizens and civilians feel betrayed by a wayward and weak
structural system? I only have more questions, at best.
P.S. I bought a commercial cake because I got
tired of patuli oil in my overpriced vegan pastries. I gave up. I threw out too
much food away over the course of this summer and it grieves me to have to
admit it, but I just couldn’t swallow the taste of patuli oil in my overpriced
food any longer. It makes you bloody pissed to see so much mediocrity and
mindlessness in the world doesn’t it?
November 14, 2011
“Any intelligent fool can make things bigger
and more complex... It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move
in the opposite direction.” - Albert
“A man should look for what is, and not for
what he thinks should be.” - Albert Einstein
“Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.” - Albert Einstein
“Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in
small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either.” - Albert
“Any man who can drive safely while kissing a
pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.” - Albert Einstein
Happy Monday!
How’s everybody doing out there? Did you have
a splendid weekend amongst loved ones? We most certainly did. We laughed at
silly shows! It was fun!
An Open Letter to Prostitutes;
[Hello. Hi. We live worlds apart from one
another and let’s not pretend that
this is anything other than a form of communication in the style of an open
forum letter. Nevertheless, I’ve been meaning to write some words… hopefully
filled with intelligence (nothing more and nothing less).] (I’ll do my best for your sakes.)
--- --- ---
I can only imagine that some of the most
die-hard feminists in the world must be prostitutes. I’ll try not to be too
controversial nor mean about anything that I’ll write today. However, I’ll be
an adult and I have bias opinions, indeed. I’ll write from one feminist
female’s point of view to many other feminist women nothing more and nothing less.
Women of all types have much in common such
as taxes, providing the best education for their children and equality in pay
and wage scale for both men and women. I can only imagine these likenesses to
be something of common ground as logic and reason leads me to believe so.
Now, let’s be extremely poignant, direct and
open in communicating as women and modern feminists; (for now modern feminism seems to be just a concept perhaps, modern
equality will become a reality for women’s equal rights in pay and wage scale
in this new century.)
Yes, taxpaying citizens and civilians
understand and acknowledge when street prostitution moves in-on their
neighborhoods, streets and corners. Please. It’s so obvious. The demographics
change and not for better.
What I’m most puzzled about is this; if prostitutes
are indeed mothers and they do care for their children’s welfare then why bring
prostitution into neighborhoods where middle class and upper class working
families expect their children to be as safe as they can be on their taxpaying
streets and as safe as any prostitutes’ children are granted to be on any other
streets of the United States of America?
What happened to the rights’ of citizens and
civilians; more so to the rights’ of those who pay their taxes annually? Does
citizen and civilian money not count towards the efforts of respectable,
ethical and moral conduct on public streets and neighborhoods any longer? Where
do our taxes go, aside from war, education and municipalities?
First, I’d like to make a few points about
street prostitution in my neighborhood. Yes, I wrote, “my neighborhood” as in
Uptown, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Now street prostitution has become a recent
turn of events, blatant mode of communication and an open forum in business and
street conduct to sell women in exchange for currency out on the open in a tiny
and small pocket of a four block radius in Uptown, Minneapolis, Minnesota two
blocks north of Lake Street W on W 29th Street and Aldrich. Pity.
Don’t you see? The double standard and the
hypocrisy of street prostitution from one sector of an untaxed female
population to that of taxed working female population is not a fair one by a
long shot.
Why must taxpaying women be made to confront
and face the ugliness that is street prostitution much less why must their civilized
children be forced to live in an age where street prostitution is blatant in
daylight on mid Saturday afternoons right here in Uptown in the parking lot of
Rainbow and on the street corners of W 29th Street all along Dupont,
Colfax and Aldridge? Citizens and civilians aren’t stupid and please don’t
think of them as such because they can vote police, politicians and businesses
in and out of our neighborhood quicker than you can blink.
Let’s not pretend that we don’t know what
we’re addressing here; street prostitution. We’re all adults we can all talk
about street prostitution. Why not? I pay taxes, why don’t prostitutes and pimps
pay taxes, too? Especially when pimps conduct business in a neighborhood
where we pay high taxes just to live here. Not fair at all. Not fair.
Either, local businesses, politicians, police
and / or the citizens are allowing for street prostitution to take over Uptown
ever since a tornado hit North Minneapolis this past May as of 2011 and a
migration in street prostitution has ventured into the Uptown, Minneapolis,
Minnesota neighborhood by a four block radius and counting.
Well, well, well.
Street prostitution found a niche market. How
incredible! Worse-off is this; I almost got run over by a pimp on a bicycle
this past July-August 2011 while he made his rounds of his turf. Funny! Right?
Not really. A modern pimp on a bicycle. Ha! Ha! Ha!
I was skateboarding on the corner of Aldrich
and W 29th Street when this particular pimp purposely cut me off on
his bicycle and I had to jump off my skateboard and make a run for it. I almost
broke an ankle.
The black pimp in his early thirties, about
5’6” and 160 pounds was aggressive and stupid-enough to cut off a female
resident of this neighborhood. Please. The women in this neighborhood are
vegans who happen to pack heat. Careful. Cuidado. No, that’s not a threat. It’s
a fact and a kind one at that.
A police car drove by in that moment as the almost accident occurred. The police
witnessed a black woman; 5’1” about 190 pounds with dripping makeup from the
humidity. It was obvious that she’d been standing there for about an hour or so
by the look of her sweating condition.
Soo line street prostitutes seem to stand and
wait by the foot bridges and pathways to the entrance and exits of the
greenway. Although, Soo line street prostitutes don’t seem to do much business
in these parts simply because they seem to stand for long periods of time as
though waiting for Godot.
Hip! Hip! Hooray! To Uptown, civilized men,
women, citizens and civilians. Yes!
Not only do pimps try to sell their street
prostitutes on our street corners but they must also be rude to civilians while
conducting business on our streets? Who
do you think you are? Obviously, not well mannered nor modern business men.
Rudeness and violence gives pimps away
immediately when they’re rude to civilian women. It’s easy to recognize pimps
and that they’re not from our
neighborhood. The Uptown men don’t conduct themselves in such rude manners in
relationship and towards grown women of any type that’s what makes them
gentlemen opposed to pimps.
Uptown citizens have a long and lasting
reputation for being politico, humanitarian and well, frankly well-off. If
pimps and street prostitutes treat the citizens and civilians of Uptown
horribly then Uptown civilians are the type of population who will and can vote
for pimps and street prostitutes to be sent off to a trip to Siberia with a one
way passage in third class and under secure lock. No, this is not a threat. I
have no power or money to threaten anyone by. I have brains and they lead me to
believe that the past will and can repeat itself. I worry for the sake and
safety of street prostitutes in Uptown, sincerely. The People have power in
their sectors of neighborhoods. Citizens are powerful.
Street prostitutes, who are your business partners?
Please, don’t fuck with the public because
they’ll send you right back to some God forsaken hole in the ground somewhere
in hell where you’ll wish you could only visit a ghetto. Please, it’s not
possible to conduct street prostitution business in Uptown and be rude to the
citizens and civilians who pay taxes towards the very streets you stand upon
and fuck.
Second, let’s acknowledge that the behavior
of street prostitution is indeed erratic and well, soul-less. Honestly, street
corner prostitution seems so archaic and well, déclassé, especially for pimps.
Street corner prostitution seems so ghetto, desperate and something out of the
12th century. Wouldn’t you
agree? Of course, you would. You know that to be an ugly truth.
I thought that
by the beginning of the 21st century that street prostitution
would’ve been abolished and taxed. I thought that prostitutes would’ve set-up
businesses in which; if men and women wanted to frequent such establishments
then they could not have street prostitution pushed upon citizens while running
errands on their streets. Nevertheless, I seriously thought that adults
would’ve approached prostitution so differently in this modern century rather
than forcing citizens and civilians to have to live amongst the most basic
human carnage, sex trafficking out on taxpaying citizens’ streets.
Yes, corruption, demoralizing behavior and
abuse of any bodily temple and bodily harm must chip away at the soul over
time; theology, sociology and politics have everything
to do with how citizens and civilians handle the abuse of women and women’s
poverty especially that of street prostitution.
Women’s poverty is so great that women choose
the lesser of two evils either to sell their bodies for sex or starve; (although starvation is almost impossible to
do so in modern American terms). Most psychologists will tell you that
sexual abuse is a learned behavior. I can only
intellectually attribute prostitution to a learned behavior nothing more and nothing less.
Yes, any woman who’s about to be sold for her
body in exchange for currency on any street corner whether it’s on a dignified
neighborhood or not; it’s obvious what she is; a piece of meat so objectified
that citizens and civilians do look at dead carcasses as something to be gnawed
away at by male cockroaches, bottom feeders and the walking dead - these women
are like hanging carcasses on trees for hungry vultures. (Splendid. I think I did these words justice and translated as best I
did. It doesn’t take a genius to begin to understand the complexities and
hardships of women who sell their bodies on street corners as well as give a
cut of their earnings to their managers, pimps and others involved in such an
industry. The untaxed industry of prostitution must make so much money it’s
difficult to place a figure on it.)
Yes, spirituality and mature adulthood has
everything to do with prostitution and feminism. I’m surprised by the conduct
and behavior of pimps. Really, street corners?
Pimps, what have you been reduced to?
I thought pimps were classy, smart business
men and caring of their products. Pimps happen to be in a business that which makes it valuable and
uniquely its own than any other; 1) it’s tax free! Wow! Lucky dogs! Most
citizens and civilians pay their taxes through the roof for their labor, trade
and business. 2) Its a human business therefore it must be conducted as so,
humanly and intimately. Why sell one of the most intimate of delicacies out on
the streets? A pimp without an office is like a fish without a bicycle.
*) I can only imagine that either the Uptown
Neighborhood Association, it’s taxpaying citizens and civilians, police and its
politicians will take their neighborhood back sooner than later because this
Uptown stands for something more than money, elitism and class divide; this
neighborhood stands for the equal rights of children and that means that
children are free to frequent these Uptown streets without the danger, the
degradation of humanity and the impurity of raw-fucking in the bushes of the
Soo line. Yes, I’m being an adult about everything and I’m swearing by
justifiable adult means.
We have many schools and school age children
in Uptown. This is a respectable neighborhood and it must be maintained to be
so at all costs because there’s no price when it comes to our children. Even
so, prostitutes are street commodities it doesn’t mean that our children must
be made into commodities right along with them. Anytime, that a child witnesses
street prostitution, then children become objectified and subject to falsehoods
in the fabric of our national endeavors.
How’s that for being a real professional
working artist?
If another prostitute ever tells me that they’re professional working artists, especially
if they lie about being writers then you’ll barely make it out the door with
your asses handed to you. I work fair and square in my trade and line of
business and I pay taxes. To be a professional working artist is as close as
being a professional working scholar. Just because other Uptown businesses and
business owners support street prostitution and cocaine it doesn’t mean that
the citizens will. I’m not a tattle tale. I’m writing it like it is.
No, not everybody is a professional working
artist or a professional working scholar therefore don’t lie about being a
professional working artist when you have no other trade or skill to fall back
For a street prostitute to become a
professional working artist it would mean that you have to produce a piece of
art work daily and understand the fine art in writing.
In order for you to become a professional
working artist, art would have to become your life, lungs and speech as well as
an overall understanding in the intricacies of the mathematics of Einstein’s
Theory of Relativity. Not only must you understand Einstein’s concepts, you
must also apply complex and intricate mathematics in physics to his theories. Do
you know how to do that? Most likely not. Eat that for dinner. There’s nothing
worse than a poser because a poser is just
a lazy liar with a good story for a cover up.
P.S. I can’t wait to witness a Silicon Valley
an-all-inclusive American Indian entrepreneurial contest on national
Television. Wouldn’t that be spectacular?
November 11, 2011
“The spirit of this country is totally
adverse to a large military force.” - Thomas Jefferson
“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from
time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” - Thomas Jefferson
“To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” - Thomas Jefferson
“The world is indebted for all triumphs which
have been gained by reason and humanity over error and oppression.” - Thomas Jefferson
“The way to silence religious disputes is to
take no notice of them.” - Thomas Jefferson
“The whole commerce between master and slave
is a perpetual exercise of the most boisterous passions, the most unremitting
despotism on the one part, and degrading submissions on the other. Our children
see this, and learn to imitate it.” - Thomas Jefferson
“There is a natural aristocracy among men.
The grounds of this are virtue and talents.” - Thomas Jefferson
Happy Friday!
Happy Veterans Day!
Woo-hoo! Hip! Hip! Hooray! Hip! Hip! Hooray!
American troops are coming home.
Imagine, our troops’ presence back on
American soil?
American troops will change our civilian
demographics and population. Wonderful. Thank you for your service so that
American families continued to live, work and survive a horrendous decade of an
economy. Also losses to homes-and-jobs as well as health care, benefits and
pensions. No, the people aren’t angry, they’re hopeful. The People seem quite
extraordinary; going about life with
the very little that they seem to have.
I think it’s safe to state that The People
hope for tremendously humane and just laws, modern wages, equal rights and
opportunities for their children to go to school as well as have health care
(if possible for free - granted, to their children’s futures) and to balance
the slow wage increase over the past 60 years with that of the rapid growth in
inflation. Where did the American dream
No, I don’t speak for anyone but myself.
It seems from observation that The People struggle in some manner or
another; it’ll be interesting if our soldiers find that to be the case when
they reenter our workforce and civilian lifestyle. Peace. The People will work;
they’re not lazy they’re out of work. Do you understand? People want long term
solutions to job creation. No, not job repetition. Rather job creation.
Humans know that pillaging the land,
environment and natural resources will
only endure what these resources can for so long as they continue to
regenerate; so the next step in human evolution is to conceptualize, agree
with, structure, construct, manufacture, and free-trade, industrialize and
orchestrate as well as slow down a future worth living for lifelong prosperity
such as in the advancements of technology, intellectual knowledge and moral and
ethical adult leadership in behavior. I know, I know a mouth full.
The goal to life is not money, success and
popularity. The goal of any grown adult in life is to understand that
excellence in change comes about slowly, persistently and politely with a mid
afternoon warm light breeze in continued critical thinking. Concrete and
grounded change doesn’t happen immediately or overnight. No, that notion is for
fools. As for being spiritually grounded that comes from critical thinking and
breathing nothing more and nothing less. What industries would The People like
to be a part of and contribute towards?
After all these years, our troops will need
time to recover, rest and take the time to think about how to best heal their
minds, souls, spirits and bodies. Especially in the decision making as to how
they will continue to be role models, respectful local leaders of their
communities, just contributors in the endeavor for a lifelong future and peace
keeping. What a tall drink of water there’s always
the exception, wandering the desert for forty years?
Yes, many American troops will be arriving
with many aspects changed as well as they’ll observe societal-cultural changes
brought into a new century in demographics, prices, fashions, politics and many
other sociological aspects to the culture. Please, don’t forget to breathe.
Yes, indeed.
Let’s all breathe and enter into a dawn of a
new era.
As for those troops who lost their loved
ones, colleagues, peers, contemporaries and most importantly their close
friends our prayers are with you. The Peoples’ prayers have always been with
you as you serve The American People, country and nation.
When reports came over the wire that
Minnesotan soldiers were committing suicide abroad while serving; The People
felt those tremendous blows all the way to Minnesota. That historical content
written on that page for the-Minnesotans
will-be-forever more remembered as a
great loss especially at the end of this war. Such devastating news brought
home a strong and clear message that our troops were not
psychologically-mentally healthy abroad.
We, as a People understood the gravitas and
the impact of such a horrendous war especially as we’ve survived those
philosophical and moralistic wars closer to home.
May mankind never set another foot soldier on the ground for any type of battle
ever again with the technologies
global armies have so brilliantly developed ever so. It’s a new century with
modern ideas, logistics and developments there’s no need for humans to die
while in battle on the ground ever
P.S. My best regards to Penn State, their
staff, faculty and student body as well as alumni and parents.
I can’t imagine how difficult Penn State’s
loss must be at this time.
I have no real words for anyone. I won’t
pretend to have words of consolation when I don’t. No, I’m not that shallow nor
that cruel as to pretend otherwise. Nevertheless, it was mindboggling to come
across a story that violence had erupted upon Penn State University’s grounds
by students.
By this time I would’ve thought that Penn
State’s student body would’ve chosen a more civil and respectful attitude in
conduct especially while in front of the world.
The world is watching and violence left much
to be desired.
Adults around the globe expect more, much
more from adults if adults think they can be regarded and trusted to run
fortune 500 companies, trusts, funds and institutions in moral and ethical
I know brutal truth is difficult to swallow
at best of times and once you get the hang of it the first few times then
you’ll begin to critically think on your own about how to handle yourself as an
adult in any situation and hopefully you’ll do your ancestors great justice,
honor and moral-ethical conduct not violence, destruction and ignorance about a
serious adult matter such as child sex rape and abuse.
Abuse of any type is not something to condone
especially academically, by academic institutions and their academic attending
bodies. No, child sex rape and abuse aren’t subjects to make light of or to
place secondary over glories, triumphs and athletic successes.
Where are the humanities instilled in the
very fiber that is Penn State?
I’m terrified as I am of the “boogie man” of Penn State’s
curriculum by the sight of their student body and their misconduct. In other
words; why support an institution that places people last as Penn State’s
student body so brilliantly conveyed to the world that sports over ethical
morals triumphs? No offense. I beg your pardon.
Actions speak in volumes and much louder than
words. It’s quite legally and morally serious to create abuse against the will
of another and to create power struggles while conducting emotional, physical,
spiritual and psychological violence, manipulation and force. Next.
As for Penn State’s football team. Well, I have a
challenge. Truly, are football players as intuitive, savvy, generous, kind,
thoughtful, mindful and self sufficient as most professional artists prove to
This is my literary and poetic challenge to Penn State’s
football team; can you prove to the world that you can play Saturday’s game
without a coach?
Well, can you prove your game playing skills
to be so?
I mean to challenge simply because professional artists
are left up to their own devices not only to create, provide and to coordinate
artistic projects on their own also to be moral and ethical all the same.
Do you know why artists bring their best game to the playing
field every time? Well, do you?
Oh, you don’t know? I’ll give it to you for
Professional artists not only attend academic
institutions to learn their craft, skill set and abilities they must also (much
of the time) come up with their own ideas and generate funding in those very
ideas out of their own pockets.
Most professional artists don’t have a fat chance in hell
in making it in the world most of the time. When artists do make it then most
professional artists rejoice because imagine if art departments got the same
type of funding that athletic departments get? Imagine what artists would do
with that type of funding? Artists would reconstruct the world with color, wit
and humanity. What’s wrong with that?
I’d love to wear some fancy uniform created solely for
the purpose of creating so that my personal clothes didn’t get torn, worn and
faded from working in my field of expertise.
It would be amazing if tennis shoes were provided for
artists, massages, physical therapy and scholarships as well as additional
funding for room and board endowed to artists.
If I would’ve had the financial opportunities that
football students seem to require imagine what I would’ve done with that?
Imagine. I can. I have a magnificent list right here. Wow. Lucky dogs.
So, show the world that
you can play a university Big Ten football game without a coach, without pity
and most definitely with your heads held high as all artists must face each and
every day.
No matter if artists have a shortage in funds, resources
and time they still get out there in the world without any direction or
coaching and more than survive they live, create and change the world through
their artistic and disciplinary forms for what it is nothing more and nothing
Can you perform as all professional artists do daily to
the best of their abilities, disciplines and with great care and consideration?
I challenge you to have the tenacity and the great athleticism in endurance and
intelligence to play as most professional artists do, daily. As grown adults
do. Participate of your own will and without guidance. Use your intellect, your
instinct and your skill set. The rest is muscle memory.
November 10, 2011
“Wisdom I know is social. She seeks her
fellows. But Beauty is jealous, and illy bears the presence of a rival.” - Thomas Jefferson
“When the people fear the government, there
is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty.” - Thomas Jefferson
“Whenever a man has cast a longing eye on
offices, a rottenness begins in his conduct.” - Thomas Jefferson
“When we get piled upon one another in large
cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe.” - Thomas Jefferson
“When a man assumes a public trust he should consider himself a public property.” - Thomas Jefferson
“When angry count to ten before you speak. If
very angry, count to one hundred.” - Thomas Jefferson
Happy Thursday!
Aloha. (Wow, how these fall days go by so
(Corrections; have been made from “coach” to
“assistant-coach”.) Thank you.
An Open Letter to the Native Indigenous Women
of the global regions;
[Hello. Hi. We live worlds apart from one
another and let’s not pretend that
this is anything other than a form of communication in the style of an open
forum letter. Nevertheless, I’ve been meaning to write some words… hopefully
filled with intelligence (nothing more and nothing less).] (I’ll do my best for your sakes.)
What is modern feminism in the year 2011?
Two things are obvious to me either my search
is untranslatable or there isn’t a concrete definition for 2011 modern
feminism. Surely, there must be one. People are that brilliant especially
academics in bubbles. However, my search is messy and not going well at all
with my half English and half Spanish back and forth. Nonetheless, it’s a
blast! (Wink, I’ve got the story of Batman on the brain today.)
Now, shall I deconstruct some aspects of
modern feminist?
I’ll do. I’m not quite sure how well this
will go. I’ll try not to step on anyone’s toes while I’m defining this-such
meaning in contemporary terms.
Hmm, well. What are modern expectations of men and women when feminism means equal
rights for both sexes?
like to think that modern expectations in the definition of modern feminism for
men and women are A) not to assume that either party may touch each other
unless it’s already been established between sexes and parties, (for example Muslim men and women don’t touch
respectfully so according to Islam and Allah) B) never to assume that the
other gender is in search of sex, power and wealth (in modern terms of course -
what is anyone’s character? / (find out
first), C) above all believe in respect (ideally; if you wouldn’t do a
behavior in front of your grandmother then don’t do it at all. (Unless, you have stupid moments such as the
character of Bridget Jones in the film “Bridget Jones’s Diary” then you’ll just
have to overcome your nerves, insecurities and such), D) don’t yell, harass or
throw anything at the other gender, E) don’t ask women for money (it’s simply
uncouth). I could go on. I won’t. (Wow,
it’s like those old 1950’s magazines on proper etiquette and conduct. I’ve got
to go in search of some of those old magazines for no other reason than to
compare and contrast classical aspects of etiquette and conduct such as those
of modern ones.) Moving on.
Okay. How on earth do we begin to answer what
is modern equality (if it even
exists) and what is modern feminism?
What is modern anything? Obviously, dress
code-fabrics, technological ideas and designs are modern. We live in an age of
classism, elitism and great economically devastating times for most Americans
and others around the globe with the exception of 1% of the population that’s
neither here nor there.
With that said what is equality? Is equality fair wages in trade,
benefits and rights? What are equal rights? Are equal rights the fairness to be treated
equally without preferential treatment or special interest?
Is equality providing intelligence beyond knowledge? Is equality
learning to critically think for oneself?
Is equality a class-divide? Is equality a mediocre education? Is
equality violence? Is equality hypocrisy? Is equality having an advantage in
power and using it against the health, will and benefit of others? What is
equality? In order to be equal must humans give up their wealth? I
highly doubt that. Is equality dusting
off the books and reforming archaic economical, governmental and educational
systems? Yes. What will bring about
equality and prosperity for all without asking the wealthy to give up their
establishments and for those without establishments to earn their fair share of
their equal keep?
It seems that in America or perhaps the globe
that it’s difficult to begin to answer what is modern equality when there’s a
class divide amongst our civilians and citizens in the splash and outcome of
bad political policies, outdated laws, governmental corporate bailouts and more
importantly the loss of jobs, homes and futures of many citizens and civilians.
One of many reasons as to why it’s difficult
to answer what is modern equality is the lack of trust in economics. If numbers
can and do add up then why aren’t numbers adding up by allowing a middle class
to have a chance to raise their children as well as they dream they can without
taking advantage of governmental systems rather contributing to systems worth
investing a lifelong in doing so.
Furthermore, if a class-divide’s goal is to
keep civilians from each other than that can only mean that a caste system is
already set in place and that doesn’t define equal rights or affirmative action
at the best of times in the weakest of definitions. However, no, I’m not saying
that classes ought to mix frankly sometimes I don’t think they ought to when
the wealthy are simply considered piggy-banks nothing more and nothing less.
I’m writing that when one class works for
another class then to ensure that the economically powerful don’t forget their
responsibilities towards working classes and their families. The answer is not
in starving working classes, taking away working classes’ benefits, pensions
and rights otherwise a power-struggle will either turn into murder or slavery.
We already know that-that is not any
justifiable means in terms nor should it be. Why should the children of working
classes be sacrificed for another in terms of education, benefits and pensions?
Do you catch my drift? I’m asking tough questions because they beg to be asked.
Finally, do we know the definition for modern
equality? No, of course not! Please. Women still get paid 60 cents to every
dollar a man makes. Women have never known modern equality not even into the 21st
century. Pity.
In conclusion; what is modern feminism? We
don’t have an answer when the wage-divide in America separates us by a
landslide. Americans will never know what modern equality is until women get
paid as much as their male counterparts.
If feminism is equality for men and women
then I hate to be the one to write this but men are smarter than women not only
did male governmental officials and advertising agencies of the 1970s sold
women on the idea and notion to work outside from the home so that government
could collect more taxes per households but also women were stupid enough to
take off their bras, burn them and give a free show for all men to see on
national photographs. Gosh, what type of idiotic caliber did women elevate to
in those days? No wonder women still get paid 60 cents to every dollar a man
makes when women were willing to take their shirts off for free and liberate
their bodies but not their wages. What good is liberation when women now carry
the bulk of financial responsibilities for their homes and still get paid less than
their male counterparts for doing the same tasks, responsibilities and while
communicating to the best of their abilities? Goodness. Really.
P.S. Any woman on national Television who
tries to be a serious analyst and commentator, host, reporter and such; if
cleavage is showing I guarantee you that nobody
cares what intelligent words you have to convey. All we’re looking at is
cleavage and everything else sounds like Charlie Brown’s teacher.
Where are the classy leaders of tomorrow? When dress code and attire are
some of the most powerful aspects of women’s femininity why do women give their
sexuality away for free? No, I’m not into nun attire. Where is the era of Jackie Onassis gone?
Where did the elegance and sophistication of Coco Channel get lost in
translation from high fashion to streets? When I see cleavage I think;
well, never mind what I think. Cheers.
P.S. It’s getting darker out much earlier.
P.S.S. No, a stem cell is not life. Remember,
a stem cell could develop into a lizard for all you know. Please. A fetus is
not a stem cell. A stem cell is not a fetus. Do your research. Go sell that
propaganda elsewhere and let women live with their health, lives and
pro-choices. I’m pro-life yet I would never in my right mind decide whether an
abortion is right for another woman or not. That’s between her and her God.
Stem cell. Gosh, you could get a goat for all you know. Imagine. Is a fetus a
goat? Is a fetus a lizard? No and no. Think. It doesn’t cost anything to
critically think on your own no matter what your religion says. Always use
logic and reason above human’s laws, words and deeds. Humans don’t know. Humans
are stupid. Ha! A little joke. A broma. A chiste. Tongue in cheek.
*) Really, 20 children? That seems like… I won’t
get started.
November 9, 2011
“Happiness is not being pained in body or troubled in mind.” - Thomas Jefferson
“Errors of opinion may be tolerated where reason is left free to
combat it.” - Thomas Jefferson
“He who knows best knows how little he knows.” - Thomas Jefferson
“Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you.” - Thomas Jefferson
“Don't talk about what you have done or what you are going to do.” - Thomas Jefferson
“Every citizen should be a soldier. This was the case with the Greeks and Romans, and must be that of every free state.” - Thomas Jefferson
“Fix reason firmly in her seat, and call to her tribunal every fact, every opinion. Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blindfolded fear.” - Thomas Jefferson
Happy Wednesday!
*) (Corrections have indeed been made.
Writing is work.)
An Open Letter to the Native Indigenous Women
of the global regions;
[Hello. Hi. We live worlds apart from one
another and let’s not pretend that
this is anything other than a form of communication in the style of an open
forum letter. Nevertheless, I’ve been meaning to write some words… hopefully
filled with intelligence (nothing more and nothing less).] (I’ll do my best for your sakes.)
Ladies, there are so many topics I’d love to
address. Alas, the months and years move along quickly. I get inspired everyday
by others’ writings. I’m impressed and in awe daily of the world that is fact.
Yes, indeed.
I’m staying away from many controversial
I’m not sure what to write about today.
[A Rant] If we finally begin a dialogue about the lie that is an all encompassing
societal-cultural lie about child rape then we may just begin to become enlightened. “Never” is a very long time when the
average adult lies about every 10 minutes or so scientifically proven that is.
Silence may just bring us into
another phase of our human evolutionary development. Wouldn’t that be incredible? Telepathy. I know, I know too science
fiction geeky.
child sexual abuse, trade, rape, prostitution and pornography are no more; then
maybe we can tell the future children of the world that we’ll never lie to them and only if and when adults’ actions prove
to be so then children won’t have to be witnesses to their peers and / or
contemporaries being raped by adults they trust.
How creepy is that? (With a smile on one hand a male coach can
lead an entire Big Ten football team and with the other hand serve-up a smile
as cover-up to the rapes of little boys.) How tragic indeed. It’s like the
character Two Face in Batman.
It makes you a little sick to your stomach, doesn’t it? Can you imagine a grown man
taking out his erect penis and inserting it into the anus of a 10 year old
little boy against his will? Yes, the writing is descriptive for you to
understand what did in fact occur to these eight little boys and crimes
committed against them.
Wow, how violent and hypocritical is that in
relationship to everything these male coaches seemed to indicate that which
they stood for was nothing but hypocritical in words, deeds and actions.
It makes me think that the punishment ought
to fit the crime; a decade long of crime in the cover-up of children’s sexual
and rape scandals may constitute a Big Ten athletic football department to turn
over all of their funding to the sciences, mathematics and arts departments
simply to learn that an entire
department may not exist under such a pretentious and heinous crimes against
minors specifically the raping of minors. What
the hell happened to the adults in America especially those heading educational
institutions much less leaders - where are they? Where have the American adults
gone? Where is the Greatest Generation when we most need them especially the
local leaders of their generation?
How can you be a supporter of such unethical
and immoral actions such as a Big Ten football (correction; from “coach” to
“assistant-coach”) assistant-coach who did in fact raped little boys and his
colleagues, contemporaries and peers covered up for the assistant-coaches’
actions for the sake of a football department? It seems that the entire
operation is a sham just like when CEO’s give themselves billions of dollars in
bonuses, no? Yes.
Nope. Americans will not support the raping
of children no matter how powerful and great an institution may consider their
football teams to be. If anyone rapes little kids then game over. Grab your
things and go home wait for the judge to call. Nobody cares what you have to
say. You rape. You’re out. You cover up a rape. You’re out, too. Have
educational and governmental institutions lost their minds? Yes. What a sham.
What a lie. Pity. “Never, say, never.” My grandmother used to say. I’d
have to agree. May she rest in peace.
P.S. Wishing you great health.
P.S.S. (Correction from “crack-cocaine” to
“crack” and / or “cocaine”. It was explained to me this morning that “crack” is
not the same as “cocaine”. (Okay.) Crack is smoked and crack comes from cocaine
like substance rather cocaine is refined and pure therefore its own
physiological property.) I’ll have to research it. Who knew? Not I. “I beg your pardon.” Ha!
*) My grandmother used to say; “Everything in
moderation.” Or “Moderation is key to success.” “If you don’t have anything
nice to say then don’t say anything at all.” I’ve stopped making comments out
loud in public. Of course, I’m becoming an adult even though it’s easy to want
to turn into a rebel without a cause.
I’ve yet to see that film.
*) Asteroids.
November 8, 2011
“Be polite to all, but intimate with few.” - Thomas Jefferson
“Conquest is not in our principles. It is inconsistent with our
government.” - Thomas Jefferson
“Bodily decay is gloomy in prospect, but of all human contemplations the most abhorrent is body without mind.” - Thomas Jefferson
“Books constitute capital. A library book lasts as long as a
house, for hundreds of years. It is not, then, an article of mere consumption
but fairly of capital, and often in the case of professional men, setting out
in life, it is their only capital.” - Thomas Jefferson
“Commerce with
all nations, alliance with none, should be our motto.” - Thomas Jefferson
“Always take
hold of things by the smooth handle.” - Thomas Jefferson
Happy Tuesday!
Happy voting!
An Open Letter to the Native Indigenous Women
of the global regions;
[Hello. Hi. We live worlds apart from one
another and let’s not pretend that
this is anything other than a form of communication in the style of an open
forum letter. Nevertheless, I’ve been meaning to write some words… hopefully
filled with intelligence (nothing more and nothing less).] (I’ll do my best for your sakes.)
Dear ladies,
Shall we dance?
Okay; aside from the fact that electric
fences don’t generate enough electricity to kill a human can you imagine
funding such a Nazi and Fascist idea as an electric fence across any border?
Whew! Everybody take a deep breath. Quickly, come along for a literary
skateboard ride.
In the United States of America when a
criminal is convicted of a heinous crime depending on their sentencing a
criminal may or may not be sentenced to the
slaughter; corporal punishment, capitol punishment, an execution, per say.
I wonder as any thinker from any region
would; what does capitol punishment mean to the global People? Some pockets of
the Roman Empire’s populaces wildly cheered while eating free pita-bread
sponsored by the Roman Empire. The bread eating spectators witnessed and gladly
cheered from high-up on the stands the death of those fighting for their lives
in the arenas down-below competing against professional Roman soldiers on
chariots. Yikes. What a history!
In contemporary terms; why do modern
governments, peoples and leaders still believe in the spectator sport of
corporal punishment - the promoting in
the death of another? If anything, answer me this; why clap when a human life is put to death? Is contemporary societal
culture out-of-step with tune of the contemporary times? Are contemporary
cultures bloodthirsty? When does
spectatorship end and murder begin as accomplices in the push for murderous
rhetoric? I’m philosophically challenging you to think for yourselves. Why not? What do you have to lose?
Ladies, do you know what recently has
happened to the lovely United States of America? Well, a percentage of “crack
addicts” are being judicially granted freedom from their jail cells. Now, I’m
not here to judge. Lord, only knows that
life is difficult enough as it is let alone, I can only imagine a vice such
as smoking “crack” to be jarring such as that of a broken down rollercoaster
Yes, I wrote the word “crack” as in “crack”
Now, I sat beside myself at the thought and
implication of such an act against public safety.
Do you know anything about “crack” cocaine
Well, the very
little I know is that “crack” cocaine is very addictive and difficult to
manage at the best of times. “Crack” addicts tend to have erratic highs and
lows such as those and in example of bi-polar individuals in my humble opinion.
As for “crack” addicts I’ve observed that they concentrate on keeping a high at all costs; nevertheless, when
their high is over not only do they
act-out physically violently such as heroin addicts do but “crack” addicts have
a tendency to say and do the cruelest of inhumanness and thus I’m against
“crack” addicts and their criminal behaviors to be let-out from prisons. I’ll
get to it.
no, I’m not a “crack” and or cocaine addict. No, I’m not a heroin addict and
no, I don’t hang out nor do I know any addicts with the exception of some
people I met in which we considered filming two documentaries about heroin
addicts and prostitution but we backed away from both projects as of 2011. The
Back to prisons, Yes, prisons most certainly
are overcrowded.
Secondly, for those civilians who are mentally
handicapped with severe to mild mental illnesses who happen to be homeless,
government must build and reopen humane institutions for such sectors of
population. These sectors of population must be taken off the streets and
granted a humane life. The logistics are not so that medical conglomerates may
take over such projects and incarcerate our civilians and citizens due to their
natural chemical imbalances in their brains and physical dispositions rather so
that these persons may have a chance for a quiet, calm and serene life possibly
while working on organic farms and the such nothing more and nothing less
(another blog for another day).
Thirdly, the government is not a business.
Not the American government anyway.
If that is so then funding may be possible to
be set aside and America will become a leader in early childhood education,
parenthood and ethical & moral demeanor. Yes, this is addressing the over
crowdedness of prisons. No, our children are not commodities rather a gift
therefore our American government must do everything in its power to equip our
youth and our young with the best knowledge power can buy.
people, civilians refuse to grow up to be civil then at least they can prove to
be moral and ethical in this dawn of a new era - the next 5,000 years.
What do I mean
by that? If early childhood education is redefined and
reformed with successful short term outcomes then we can begin to change and
set long range goals that which is
different from the past 40 years in our American system. The funding of early
childhood and parental education must become available under socially
constructed terms and conditions for sailing in an entirely new direction. Why work harder not smarter? Why? The
cycle of crime and violence seems to repeat itself like a dry alcoholic doesn’t it?
criminal and poverty demographics continue to show very little significant
change in the economical deficit of minorities’ progress and development
compared to that of the 1% of the wealthiest in America.
What will it take for our country to head and
veer this vessel in a new direction away from the huge iceberg which no one seems to be taking under
consideration while night navigating. I’m willing to go down with the ship when
I know children are locked up in third class. I wouldn’t be able to live with
myself as a woman if I knew that I had allowed for children to die in my stead.
Nope. I’m a lady and it’s my middle class extravagance to despair if I were to
choose to do so. However, I choose not to despair just as I choose not to wail
in public only in the company of solitary nature and that I seem to do less and
less as I get older. Oh, but a gut wrenching cry from time to time has served
to be so happy for years afterwards especially after the death of close and
dear friendships.
Please, are
we going to continue to have high regards for the often mediocre and
nonsensical status quo in facing the very real questions which morals and
ethics beg to be asked? Why aren’t our civilians and adult leaders not
prominently working towards a futuristic future and life changing differences
in our local communities? Where did the cord get severed from our youth to our
elders and from our elders to our criminal middle aged population?
When did our American people stop believing in hope and taking to
“crack”? What? What happened? Isn’t America the land of dreamers, innovators
and thinkers?
is most certainly required for those sectors of populations that well, frankly
made bad choices that lead them down less than stellar roads and got themselves
criminally incarcerated. Period. These are civilians who possibly due to their
ignorance, crime and deprivation in their homes (while growing up) now, have
continued a cycle of violence, abuse and crime into their adulthood. Pity. What
a loss.
what is the government doing to come up with positive solutions and prevention
for the reformation of prisons, funding of prisons, overcrowding of prisons and
crimes committed by prisoners. Should you be under house arrest if you’ve been
convicted of murder? Most likely not. However, should you be in prison because
you didn’t pay your taxes, parking tickets and fines? I don’t know. Everything
is on a spectrum from lesser to greater degree. My question is this; why are jails overcrowded? I mean what goals
did the government set into effect in the early 1990’s to minimize a high
criminal rate and overcrowding of jails by 2015?
I believe that in order for us to understand
the root of the problem we must begin with our children and not consider our
American children, entertainers, consumers and commodities. Rather as American
adults we ought to seriously consider our future children as humans, learners
and continuers of life. Didn’t every little boy and girl behind bars once have
a dream of something other than being a criminal? Really. Please. You must’ve
at one point or another had notions, ideals and fancies about being a
contributing and upstanding adult to your communities.
P.S. Children are not commodities otherwise
if adults see them as such then children will continue to be sexually abused,
traded, sold and raped. Please.
P.S.S. Meteorites and Asteroids.
November 7, 2011
“All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good
conscience to remain silent.” - Thomas Jefferson
“All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though
the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful
must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal
law must protect, and to violate would be oppression.” - Thomas Jefferson
“A Bill of Rights is what the people are entitled to against every
government, and what no just government should refuse, or rest on inference.” - Thomas Jefferson
“A wise and frugal government, which shall
leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and
shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the
sum of good government.” - Thomas Jefferson
Happy Monday!
An Open Letter to the Native Indigenous Women
of the global regions;
[Hello. Hi. We live worlds apart from one
another and let’s not pretend that
this is anything other than a form of communication in the style of an open
forum letter. Nevertheless, I’ve been meaning to write some words… hopefully filled
with intelligence (nothing more and nothing less).] (I’ll do my best for your sakes.)
Dear ladies,
How do you do women?
Shall we continue to dance?
How about we do a warm-up today?
Does sexual harassment have political intonations?
As an American citizen and more importantly
as a global contemporary woman of these times and on the brink of a new dawn;
as a Maya Indiana, as a born Costa Rican and as an American Nationalistic
Patriotic taxpaying grown adult, (thank you)
(Interjecting political opinions here: if you dislike politics then
disregard this writing) […who
happens to be a republican voter in my economical politico views. However, I’ll not be voting Republican in this 2012
presidential elections because I’m concerned that the GOP and the Tea Party
have lost their logical and factual rhetoric. Aside from that, I have
confidence in some of the logic and
rhetoric of Dr. Ron Paul, still yet, the GOP and Tea Party in America are two
branches separate from the Republican Party and those two branches don’t get my
vote of confidence, pardon. Yes, I could write an analysis, debates and
arguments as to the following in rhetorical philosophical congruence with the
GOP and Tea Party’s directing their violent rhetoric towards the public; Are character and honour valued
characteristics when electing a presidential candidate for a leader of any
global nation?
The GOP’s and the Tea Party’s rhetoric has
been atrocious. Really, did two
presidential candidates of the Republican Party really propose to electrify Mexicans who try to cross the American border
even if some born Mexicans have children and family living as American
citizens? That’s a bit too Nazi, too, fascist for my taste. Actually, the
thought of it makes me a little queasy. I wouldn’t want that type of future for
American Mexican racially mixed children. The thought of taking down
electrified bodies after the corpse has rigamortised to a fence is a dense
thought. I mean can you handle a body
that’s broiled right afterwards? Can
you handle a body that’s been electrified? I don’t think so, therefore
rigamortis must set in. Right? Maybe not?
One thought. How gruesome? As
gruesome as lynching’s. Is this really
rhetoric of America’s 2012 future leaders? I’m turned-off to the bone at
such political rhetoric as an American citizen. Hopefully, it won’t come down
to electrifying our Mexican brothers, sisters and their children. Is America as
“witless” and ass crazy as all that?
Ladies, if a future president of the United
States of America is going to follow a religion that was set up by a man who
was indeed and in fact a convicted criminal then does that mean that a
presidential candidate would be asking the American public to overlook a
fundamental lie - especially when addressing The People? I just don’t know. An entire foundation of a religion based on
falsehood must be questioned to the nth degree and frankly disregarded when a
lie is nothing than a lie as we all know this to be true as sun spots exist.
Therefore, it can only mean one thing in the
mathematics of elimination. If a theological foundation is indeed and in fact a
falsehood then does that mean that - what? - does a lie mean? - that, the presidential candidate’s entire existence
will be lead with religious fundamental and core values based on major
demoralizing and corrupt theological lies in terms of perspective and a matter
of opinion on future policy and decision making? What? What are we talking about here? Can a presidential candidate
become a president who blatantly lies about their utmost religious core values?
Think about it. You’re that smart,
boys. Nope, the presidential candidates can’t really ask The People to take them at face value when their morals
and ethics don’t align to sail by the constellations and stars at night
otherwise they’re lost without an ethical and moral compass. No? Yes.
What about candidates who’ve been discovered
to be funded through public subsidies? Does the public own a business hence
when the publics’ money unknowingly goes towards funding operational
Are presidential candidates disqualified and
unqualified if they’re serial sexual harassers?
Are these presidential candidates with their
misconduct in behavior and verbal violent as well as lying rhetoric really going to pass laws that leave
women to bleed and die on surgical tables even when a woman is bleeding from a
miscarriage; is it true that such laws would
not permit a woman to have an emergency abortion even if the fetus or the
babe has already died inside the womb? Is it true that doctors will be forced
by law to let women die on operational tables as the doctor’s stand by and
watch American women hemorrhage to death? Nope.
Can you imagine our American women needing an
abortion due to complications or births gone wrong or the miscarrying of a
fetus to term and for that by law she may as well be murdered. Yes, I wrote the
word “murder”. We’re all adults here we can face the word “murder” as it is
spelled here. And what’s this; the rhetoric goes on to say that if a woman has
been raped or incest then she may not get an abortion either? What? Have you lost your wits? How creepy
are you? What if a man was raped and incest; and he were to get pregnant
could he then have an abortion? What the
hell? Wake up! Wake up! The world’s passed you by, …by 60 or so years. Wake
up! This is not Oz anymore. This is 2011 and women will make up the laws about
their bodies and their health not some idiot politicians trying to get our
women killed on operating tables. Please. That’s just ludicrous.
Need I say more? Nope.
These are only some of the reasons as to why
I refuse to vote Republican in this upcoming election and it grieves me so. Oh,
don’t think that I’m not…
What about? I could go on. I won’t.
Women, I keep asking myself; where are The Peoples’ leaders?]
I can write anything I desire more
specifically as a writer and as artist I will convey what I mean to say and
I’ll continue to write to you from an acute female perspective. Nevertheless, I
grant the right to be forthcoming, opinionated and enlightened as facts come to
light in this new era of ours. What else
is there?
I’m beginning to become an adult and
transform into a fully developed adult. Wow! How incredible! I thought being an
adult was going to be different somehow yet we made it and now all I can say is
this; if you’re going to read the writings of a modern and contemporary woman
then be very well prepared to hear anything because women are just that evolved
and yes, my goal is not to swear on this blog as much as I can. Still, yet,
It’s a new dawn.
Gentlemen, yawn a few times, stretch and wake
up to a new dawn. Around here we get up early and we’re ready to face and lead
a new cultural and societal phase in history for The People, by The People and with The People.
On a literary note: I hate swearing in any
aspect of societal culture with a passion, however. Swearing is a great way to
convey a philosophical punch square in the nose. You can’t help but tilt your
head back and try to stop the blood from gushing can you now? Gruesome. No?
Yes. Rhetoric filled with lies is, well, just that. A punch square in the face.
I try to stay away from getting into rings. Once you set foot inside that ring
then you must understand the implications are grand; the secret to any sport is
not solely rooted in fancy footwork, bashing commentaries against opponents and
women objectifying themselves half naked in public. Ha! Who doesn’t love a
Barbie Doll? I most certainly do and I haven’t seen one in about 20 years.
Anyway, all of this ties in together quite
nicely in a bow. These writing exercises are challenging and they’re meant to
be: How would you set up a week long
seminar about writing about sexual harassment? Do you understand? It’s a
writing exercise. As a writer and as an artist it’s my job (either from
personal experience or facts) to convey to a reader as to how to begin to think
about deconstructing any subject matter. Are
you with this lesson thus far? How to think about thinking is the main
thematic purpose here of this entire blog. Advancement and innovation don’t
develop beyond concepts without questioning, reasoning and logic. With that
said, “Leave religion out of The Peoples’ politics. Please. Thank you.” At
least I didn’t swear. See, I’m growing up. Ha! Moving on. Next.
P.S. Ha! Hogwash! “Did you say? An all Black
entrepreneurial Television contest?” Ha! Ha! Ha! Why can’t any other American
race compete? Exclusively and only Black? That seems likely a liability from
the start. Hilarious!
P.S. The day started out with a 90 minute MRI
around 8:00 am. It’s been a long day. Many responsibilities were met and many
more still yet. Cheers!
*) If The People; The Public subsidizes any
businesses then do the profits belong to The People as well?
*) Earthquakes and floods.
*) Medical and professional ethics.
*) The real rock stars that I’ve met worth
belly-laughs have been 85 year old Finn Elders. Man, can they rock & roll.
Now, these folks can really party.
Have you ever danced to polka? Ha! Ha! Ha!
November 4, 2011
“For having lived long, I have experienced many instances
of being obliged, by better information or fuller consideration, to change
opinions, even on important subjects, which I once thought right but found to
be otherwise.” - Benjamin Franklin
Happy Friday!
An Open Letter to the Native Indigenous Women
of the global regions;
[Hello. Hi. We live worlds apart from one
another and let’s not pretend that
this is anything other than a form of communication in the style of an open
forum letter. Nevertheless, I’ve been meaning to write some words… hopefully
filled with intelligence (nothing more and nothing less).] (I’ll do my best for your sakes.)
Dear ladies,
Shall we continue this discussion about
modern feminism and sexual harassment?
Why not? We’re modern women of the global
regions we can approach any topic in subject matter.
In 2011 what is modern feminism? I’ll come
back to this hopefully next week.
What is sexual harassment?
Sexual harassment by definition is: (Source
from Wikipedia):
harassment is intimidation, bullying or coercion of a sexual
nature, or the unwelcome or inappropriate promise of rewards in exchange for
sexual favors. In some contexts or circumstances, sexual harassment is illegal.
It includes a range of behavior from seemingly mild transgressions and
annoyances to actual sexual abuse or sexual assault. Sexual harassment is a
form of illegal employment discrimination in many countries, and is a form of
abuse (sexual and psychological) and bullying.
I’m not sure as to how to approach such a broad topic in terms, not because I
don’t want to it’s because I have to formulate my ideas about such a vastly
complex topic. I know how I feel personally as a woman in relationship to men;
quite respectful, calm and comfortable as well as amongst women; unless their
behavior indicates otherwise. And if such individuals are rabid, shallow and
competitive then most likely they’re the type who’ll set up power structures
and well, they’re just crazy in their self importance and delusion of grandeur.
became a respectful woman in part due to a respectful Father. One of the major
keys to eradicating sexual harassment as well as racism or the martyrdom of
racism and victimization is to sink some serious money into modern parenting
classes, early childhood education and building strong foundations for people
to follow, aspirations, dreams and desires without pressure to compete, eliminate
or stonewall global civilians. Nevertheless, more importantly, to grow up to
become dignified, well mannered and civil towards all living organisms otherwise what’s the alternative; kick a
dog, rape a woman, become destructive and manipulative, start a house on fire
and run a propaganda campaign about the sexual and unethical misconduct to what
is acceptable and professional behavior and what’s not. Please. Obviously
America needs a lesson on sexual conduct and etiquette.
I say more? Okay. I will.
Do adults lack educational
and social information as to how to conduct themselves? Do
we require sexual etiquette courses in our American public educational school
systems because it seems that public figures in the media have lost their wits
about them when sexual harassment complaints have indeed been filed and
recorded against them?
Are these public figures
with their dirty laundry hanging out for everyone to see true and tried
leaders? I
don’t think so. Do we as intelligent
American citizens want to elect, listen and adhere to the sexual misconduct of
men and women who are bidding for positions of power such as the presidency of
the United States of America? Are
these supposed “leaders” even qualified to ethically and morally address the
youth of our Nation?
as a taxpayer, alone, would I consider any presidential candidate who has had
any sexual harassment complaints filed against them of any type? That would be
a poor economical investment on my part. It would be a liability for me to
invest in such leaders that will uphold to such abominations only for the sake of the American
youth.) Yikes. [Run. If you ever
encounter supposedly public figures, leaders and role models like this do
question it all. I do. Why not?
That’s what adults do they question everything because that’s how mindful and
smart they are. Ah, moral and mortal civilians. Lovely.]
I can say is this:
a global cultural society we struggle with sexual harassment simply do to the
lack of definition in respect towards and amongst peoples. The scale of dignity
gets tilted way off to one end when imposing power against the will of another
- in other words, a power struggle. In the case of sexual harassment it happens
to be a sexual power struggle. Did that make any sense in English?
find it difficult to completely believe and fall head-over-heels for a societal
culture and a country that-which the
economical, informational and governmental structures ‘steal from the mouths of
babes’. (I know, I know. Hang in there. It’s a bumpy skateboard ride.)
unethical and sexual misconduct is a norm amongst public figures, role models
and leaders and they are granted the power to become an occurrence in our
modern era then it can only mean that
the message conveyed in whichever way to the society is to state; “People
aren’t important. Powerful individuals and groups can get away with treating
global citizens as horribly as they possibly choose to; only to get away with as much as they can get away with - without -
ever getting caught with their pants around their ankles.” Understand. The
message is thus.
harassment occurs because we allow for it to occur and that’s not very
progressive or significant when wanting to have a continued, strong and
beautiful future for the youth of America.
my Father was a man whom in his line of work as a professional psychologist was
not only trusted but expected never to make sexual advances towards his
clients, colleagues and other campus professionals. Otherwise, what type of
leader do you think he would’ve made? Not a very good one when so many
university students were trusting in him to be nothing but honorable. Yes, that
tiny little word again, honorable.
ever did my Father have to defend his excellent character and honor. My Father
keeps his hands to himself unless it’s been established that physical contact
is permitted. My father is calm, relaxed and sincere in his approach to people
and that ought to make you wonder where the leaders of America are hiding? If
my Dada exists there’s got to be more men of his caliber in the world and there
are. However, who wants to become a public figure? Not my Dad.
watched my Father be very loving and caring towards his male and female friends
for twenty-four years without crossing some rude sexual line with them or
towards each other. My Dad loves to hug, horseplay, and wrestle and give
back-massages; frankly, that’s a privilege only amongst those that he loves.
Otherwise, public and professional conduct is to be such, conducted, well orchestrated
and kind without having your boundaries crossed although people will try. Yes,
2002 while living and working in Duluth, Minnesota I filed a sexual harassment
complaint with my former employer at that time while working in broadcast news
as a floor director. (I can write about it all I want. It’s been nine long and
happy years.)
I was not seeking economical justice or restitution.
simply filed a sexual harassment complaint so that there would be a record
(somewhere in the universe) for no other reason than to have this record exist.
Also for the other reason that if and indeed other sexual misconduct was to
occur again then I would’ve had a succession of records to aid me in a
grievance and / or a debate if it were ever to arise. I won’t go into specifics
it’s in the past and I won’t go into details.
I filed a sexual harassment complaint because I had been inappropriately
touched by a co-worker. (I got pinched on the buttocks once.) Funny! I know.
Who does that? An old man with a top hat thinking that he can get away with
pinching the colored maid? What?
didn’t find it funny at the time nor do I now. (Of course, I do have to laugh
about it only when I think of how goofy it all was.)
I stand by that sexual harassment complaint I made at that time because no man
of character, dignity and intellectual knowledge of his time is so daft as not
to be aware that a woman is not a toy and that he may not lay his paws on her
without knowing how to handle a modern woman.
you don’t know about sexual harassment then go get an education. It’s time.
It’s not 1982 anymore. It’s not even 2002. It’s 2011. Catch up. The People, The
civilians and the demoralized are waiting for you to catch up. Let’s go!
Why fund presidential elections when that
money could go towards coats, food and supplies towards American and global
children. Please, don’t fund presidential elections. Your money is needed
elsewhere like in the mouths of babes. Seriously, these presidential candidates
will make it without you. They will. While our American youth, neighbors and
civilians still try to figure out what to do about dinner when there may not be
any food in their cupboards our presidential candidates fly in private jets
provided for them. 80,000 new jobs is a drop in the bucket but a sincere start
when 50 million Americans are unemployed.
Aloha, politicians; it’s your job to come up with solutions and ideas to
monetary and economical structures for the betterment and the success of your
constituents. If politicians aren’t smart enough or well prepared to think like
political scientists then there is no need for 6th grade politicians
at all is there? The People have a need for political scientists to take the
fore front and lead America with their creative and innovative ideas AND
SOLUTIONS based on numbers and facts not their personal desires, needs and
wants. Cheers to such dynamic future leaders. Where are you hiding? Come out and lead The People.
Cheers. I hope you have a splendid and amazing weekend amongst and with loved
ones. Cheers! Pura Vida.
November 3, 2011
“At twenty years of age the will reigns; at thirty, the
wit; and at forty, the judgment.” - Benjamin Franklin
“Anger is never without a reason, but seldom with a good
one.” -
Benjamin Franklin
“Applause waits on success.” - Benjamin Franklin
“As we must account for every idle word, so must we account
for every idle silence.” - Benjamin Franklin
“All who think cannot but see there is a sanction like
that of religion which binds us in partnership in the serious work of the
world.” -
Benjamin Franklin
vingt ans, le rčgne volonté; ŕ trente ans, l'esprit;. Et ŕ quarante ans, le jugement.” - Benjamin Franklin
"La colčre n'est
jamais sans raison, mais rarement avec une bonne." - Benjamin Franklin
“Applaudissements attend sur la réussite." - Benjamin Franklin
“Comme nous devons rendre compte de toute parole vaine, nous devons faire de compte pour chaque silence ralenti.” - Benjamin Franklin
“Tous ceux qui pensent ne peut pas voir, mais il ya une sanction comme celle de la religion qui nous lie en partenariat dans le travail sérieux du monde." -Benjamin Franklin
Happy Thursday!
Wow, Benjamin Franklin was United States
Ambassador to France (1776-1785). (Oops, I don’t know why I keep misspelling
“Franklin” with a “y”.)
These fall days are moving along…
An Open Letter to the Native Indigenous Women
of the global regions;
[Hello. Hi. We live worlds apart from one
another and let’s not pretend that
this is anything other than a form of communication in the style of an open
forum letter. Nevertheless, I’ve been meaning to write some words… hopefully
filled with intelligence (nothing more and nothing less).] (I’ll do my best for your sakes.)
Ladies, shall we?
In 2011 what is feminism? (My research was
too broad. I had a tough time with this definition search.)
--- --- ---
I can only think that I can begin to
understand contemporary 2011 feminism. Can you? I’m sure you can.
Let me think of a couple of aspects to adult
life: (Right or wrong.) Only logic and reason will tell. (That’s what I love
about detective novels the deduction of reasoning. Science and Math combined.
Ha! Life is beautiful, indeed. I’ve fallen in love with the early literature of
the judicial system. What magnificence in poetic structure.)
*) What’s acceptable behavior between men and
*) What’s acceptable behavior between women
and women?
*) What’s acceptable behavior between men and
*) Why are there power structures established
between men and women, women and women, men and men?
*) What are the rights’ of citizens and
civilians when addressing sexual harassment in consequence to them specifically
to an individual through a judicial system?
*) Is this a new century or not when it comes
to sexual harassment?
*) What is it that gets lost in translation
in this new era when it comes to sexual harassment?
*) Is it sexual harassment to stare at people
while in public “people watching” / “see and be seen” / “casual curiosity” vs.
“staring them down”?
*) Here we go Mexican brothers, “Is it sexual
harassment to cackle at a strange woman while in public?”
*) Is it sexual harassment to pay a woman
less than a man’s wages to do the same qualified work?
*) Is it sexual harassment to blackmail,
threaten or psychologically harm another for sexual favors?
*) Is it sexual harassment to impose your
sexuality and ideologies unto others?
*) Is it sexual harassment to assume that you
may touch another whether acquainted or not?
*) Is it sexual harassment to post other
peoples’ private pictures online?
*) Is it sexual harassment to disclose your
deepest wildest sexual fantasies to a stranger?
*) Is it sexual harassment for girls not to attend school?
*) Is it sexual harassment to conduct female
*) Is it sexual harassment to marry-off five
year old girls to grown male husbands?
*) Is it sexual harassment for people to go
without free health care?
*) Is it sexual harassment to manipulate, con
and objectify others?
*) Is it sexual harassment to make,
distribute and purchase of child pornography?
*) Is it sexual harassment to stock another?
I don’t know what more to write. I could go
on but I won’t for today.
P.S. I grew up with a Dada, a Father who
happened to build a career as a professional psychologist at the University
System and happily retired about two years now. His tremendous career taught
him to work with people as best as to their abilities.
My Father did in fact have set-backs,
disappointments in his life and people did in fact fail him for the role model
that he set out be and accomplished in which he learned to beautifully and
gracefully continue forth with life. Oh, some of the stories my Father has told
me about the character of people that swindled him in his youth; I giggle now
every time I think of the stories because there he sat comfortably as ever
telling stories about his life as he ought to.
Nevertheless, this is a man who’s gotten up
by 5:00am for the past 24 years that I’ve known him.
Dada heats up four cups of water at a time
then filters the coffee into a mug. It’s fun to sit and watch while groggy and
waking-up that early in the morning
to collect wisdom from our pop.
It’s fun! Our Dada jumps right in and starts
talking about the most unusual and interesting Minnesotan and Texan subjects
and all I can do is brew my one cup of coffee like my Dada does and wake-up to
the loveliness that is.
Once I start waking up I’m ready to spring
into action and make some snacks and go watch a movie. How inspiring is that?
But my Dad is ready to go to the Hardware
store, get some early breakfast while-out and see the sights even if it’s only
two miles away from home. It’s exciting!
I try not to miss driving around with Dad
early on a Saturday morning if I can help it. I bring along snacks because the
hardware store may become a two-hour errand. Ha! I love window shopping and
shopping in general at a turtle pace. (Unless I get real turned off by an
establishment then I just want to start running for the door at full speed
ahead yet I control myself.) It’s an animal thing, I think. I’ll ask my Dada about
the psychology of it.
Sometimes, I’ve sat with my back to the
living room and faced my Dada while in the backdrop in the shape of a bay
window that is his life I’ve seen most splendid pink sunrises on crisp,
brutally cold and genuinely gorgeous mornings while he speaks of the most
interesting, soothing, calming and intelligent aspects of life. Cheers.
Our Dada is a smart and intelligent man and
can speak of many subjects intelligently but more importantly in a kidding,
funny and kind fashion. My Father above all is a storyteller that happens to
make sense through his stories and ultimately may heal a soul. Hopefully.
That’s his gift to his family and closest friends after a 30 year career
because he was that kind of a contemporary peer to all. A respectful man with
serious boundaries and a kind heart. Aloha, Dada. (Ha!) (Hilarious!) How’s the
break wall? Which do you like best Minnesotan or Texan pizza? I can’t decide.
*) Now, let’s see what the new medicine
bottle says; “Endocet”. I’ve yet to research it. I won’t take one until tonight
before I go to sleep because who knows what it does to the system. We’ll see if
I can sleep through abdominal pain. If I can then bingo! I’ve got 25 more days
until surgery. No, it’s not life threatening. I just can’t wait to eat anything
I want.
Source from Wikipedia
Oxycodone is
an opioid analgesic medication synthesized from opium-derived thebaine. It was
developed in 1916 in Germany, as one of several new semi-synthetic opioids in
an attempt to improve on the existing opioids: morphine, diacetylmorphine
(heroin), and codeine.
November 2, 2011
“If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins.” - Benjamin Franklin
“I wake up every morning at nine and grab for the morning paper.
Then I look at the obituary page. If my name is not on it, I get up.” - Benjamin Franklin
“If a man empties his purse into his head, no one can take it from him.” - Benjamin Franklin
Happy Wednesday!
grammatical and otherwise have been made to the blog for those of you who comb
grammatical and syntax-filled beaches.) Ha! (I have to take a deep breath.
Whew. I had to think about the construction of that sentence. Gosh, I feel
rusty at this English writing craft. I have to start reading English again. But
Spanish novels are so much more coconut juicier on a calm ocean day.) Ha! Ha!
An Open Letter to the Native Indigenous Women
of the global regions;
[Hello. Hi. We live worlds apart from one
another and let’s not pretend that
this is anything other than a form of communication in the style of an open
forum letter. Nevertheless, I’ve been meaning to write some words… hopefully
filled with intelligence (nothing more and nothing less).] (I’ll do my best for your sakes.)
Ladies, shall we dance?
Shall we openly converse, communicate and
discuss the subject matter of feminism?
What is feminism?
What is modern feminism?
Does everybody know what feminism is? : (for
those Indigenous sisters who haven’t yet acquired the skill to read, will you
please orally translate to them the question, “What is modern feminism?”) Thank
you. I’m sure they know.
Feminism by definition is: (Source from
Feminism is
a collection of movements aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal
political, economic, and social rights and equal opportunities for women. Its
concepts overlap with those of women's rights. Feminism is mainly focused on
women's issues, but because feminism seeks gender equality, some feminists
argue that men's liberation is therefore a necessary part of feminism, and that
men are also harmed by sexism and gender roles. Feminists are
"person[s] whose beliefs and behavior[s] are based on feminism."
I was academically taught that feminism is
equal rights for men and women and that was back about 15 years ago. I can’t
imagine that doctrine of ideology has changed much. It made sense to me then
and the theory (correction: from ‘theology” to “theory”) of it still makes
sense to me now; for every dollar a man makes a woman ought to as well,
otherwise, what’s the point of joining a workforce with double standards in the
wage and pay scale?
Dear ladies,
In America women still make sixty cents to every
dollar a man makes according to a nationally televised news outlet host.
The way as to which I understand it; the
government of the United States of America encouraged our body of female citizens to join the workforce in the 1970’s to
collect more tax revenue per households.
My question is this; in 2011 if a woman still
makes sixty cents to every dollar a man makes then why shouldn’t women stay at
home and tend to their families when the cost of child care is as high as
$17,000 per year in Massachusetts?
Why pay twice in taxes what a household could
pay in one instead - When there are no substantial legalities encouraged in the
welfare for women’s fair wages? What gives? Is anyone going to review and
clear-off the constitutional dust from the books? Are equal rights for women
going to be granted to women in the 21st century?
refused for four years to join the American workforce because I already know
what I’m up against; a furiously changing and demanding workforce with very
little innovative outcome in wages, benefits and pensions. No, way! I’m too
smart for that. The gullible can take a mental-psychological and emotional
beating out-there for sixty cents an hour - 40 cents less than men make for the
same work they do. I refuse. My Father said to me: “Remember if it’s not worth your time then most likely
it’s not worth your money.”]
Now, I always
thought that the greatest economical revolution was that women would return to their homes and tend to their
No, I’m not anti-women working. Are you silly? Running a home is work.
Many noble souls work for their bread and
butter out in the world; the point is-this
why should American and global women work if their economical rights are taken
away? (I know, I know; I’m repeating myself.) Now classical society has taught
me that the wealthiest of men are those that can “afford” to keep their lovely
wives at home (another blog for another day). Cheers!
Why are women stripped of their economical
freedoms and wages into the 21st century?
Is a woman no more free than a man to make
the same wages when women more often than not the bread winners of their
families and homes in this modern era?
Why should a woman with a partner,
two-point-five children and a dog at home not make the same as her modern
business counterparts? Why shouldn’t women, whom, support their entire
household’s not be fairly paid their wages? Checkmate. Moving on. Next.
I’m just getting started about feminism.
We’ll take it one day at a time. I’m getting the hang of these dancing steps.
I’d like to address sexual harassment. [---I won’t be mean about anything, as I was taught in Feminist Theory
courses to be more than kind to be fair. If you have some beef about what I’m
to write then pick-it up with the academic feminists they taught me that any
artist could articulate themselves in any fashion and that the word “cunt” was
something to never fear just as life.] (There aren't any boogie monsters only the ones that
humans create for themselves. “If you meet someone who happens to hear voices
then most likely it’s schizophrenia and if you meet someone who happens to have
extreme highs and lows then most likely its bi-polar…” said my Father and I
understood perfectly well. “…don’t be too quick to judge and try not to be
afraid, it’s a chemical reaction in their brain.” I relaxed and took a deep
breath. I’ve loved all the moral and ethical lessons with my Dada as a
professor and as an honest Father.)
Sexual harassment what is there to say about
I’m not terrified to write about sexual harassment,
I’m nervous to address such a delicate topic.
Oh, (I’m
making the sign of the cross across my face and shoulders.)
Well, here we go. We’ll just plunge into such
a topic. Well, what about it? What is sexual harassment?
Sexual harassment by definition is: (Source
from Wikipedia):
harassment is intimidation, bullying or coercion of a sexual
nature, or the unwelcome or inappropriate promise of rewards in exchange for
sexual favors. In some contexts or circumstances, sexual harassment is illegal.
It includes a range of behavior from seemingly mild transgressions and
annoyances to actual sexual abuse or sexual assault. Sexual harassment is a
form of illegal employment discrimination in many countries, and is a form of
abuse (sexual and psychological) and bullying.
that said; Gentlemen, hands-off. No man may touch any woman unless he is
invited to make such a physical approach in gesture. Yes, it’s a new century
and no, there’s not one single reason to touch women or men for that matter
unless it’s consented and established between parties. I hope that translated
otherwise, I’ve failed you again in translation. What a bummer, eh?
are tricky. All I can say is that I can’t wait to write about jury duty in
about seven years from now as I have three more years before I can write about
children actors.
like to write about the judicial case more so than anything else. When I sat
through jury duty this year I learned to watch, lesson and note for loopholes
and discrepancies which were many stated from all the different parties. That’s
when you’ll clearly see a truth so logical and reasonable you’ll understand the
American justice system to be just because people are fallible. I’m a
nationalistic American and a proud global human. I believe above all in justice
as a taxpaying citizen. Moving on. I’m stalling. Next.
Sexual Harassment: Ah, I’ll have to come back
to this. I got side tracked by other things, aspects of life.
Look, as a grown woman, a man may never lay a
hand on me - especially if a man were to be a stranger; I can’t control a man’s
mouth or eyes, but do you really consider hackling a 21st century
wooing method. No. I don’t think so. If you stare at any woman’s breast then
you’re just not in step with the times and if you can’t hold conversation with
a woman then don’t start one. Entiende. Understand. Call it…adult sexual
education. More later.
P.S. I’m researching a drug called “Vicodin”
for a painkiller. I’ve been taking “Ibuprofen” since Sunday and “Aleve” for the
past two years on-and-off only when
the pain has become severe. Otherwise, I stay home so as not to be an
ungrateful and horrible guest or I bare it.
It’s come to that, painkillers that is. The
doctor’s office called me and told me the doctor had prescribed “Vicodin”. I
didn’t ask for the painkillers the doctor simply prescribed it to me. No, I’m
not a martyr, a victim or a weak woman at that.
I’ve got my wits about me to write about
pain, don’t I? What more do you want, that’s as intelligent as it gets for
humans to convey meaning no matter what their state of physiology. Transcending
pain, if you can help it otherwise, there’s always the alternative; screaming
and that’s just not very stoic or adult-like, I guess. I wouldn’t know I have
too much of a turtles’ instinct. All I can do is go all too slowly and take siestas inside a dark shell as hard as a
rock. Lovely.
P.S.S. If not apple pie then how about
liquored Tiramisu? Right? Right.
*) Feminist Theory: I’ll come back to “What
is modern feminism?” More responsibilities to meet in one single day and food.
It’s time to eat. I’m ready.
*) No, I don’t have road rage. I’m too
imaginative for that. I’m surprised when Mexican women have given me the middle
finger while driving. It surprises me and it shouldn’t by now. It’s such a
vulgar gesture reserved for some serious miscommunication not just simply driving frustration. I heard a teen use the word
“just” recently and every time I write it I think about how unimaginative the
word “just” really is. It’s a
condescending and patronizing word for such a fashionable modern era.
--- --- ---
Public Source from Wikipedia:
(also known as hydrocodone/acetaminophen) is a combination of two
analgesic products hydrocodone and paracetamol (acetaminophen) used to relieve
moderate to severe pain. It is usually found in tablet form, produced and
marketed under the trade names Vicodin, Vicodin ES, Vicodin HP,
Anexsia, Anolor DH5, Bancap HC, Zydone, Dolacet,
Lorcet, Lortab, and Norco, as well as generic brands.
Hydrocodone also comes in a combination with ibuprofen, available under the
trade name Vicoprofen.
November 1, 2011
“An investment
in knowledge pays the best interest.” -
Benjamin Franklin
“A good conscience is a continual Christmas.” - Benjamin
“A learned
blockhead is a greater blockhead than an ignorant one.” - Benjamin Franklin
“A man wrapped
up in himself makes a very small bundle.” -
Benjamin Franklin
“A place for
everything, everything in its place.” -
Benjamin Franklin
“Any fool can
criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do.” - Benjamin Franklin
Happy Tuesday!
Aloha! Wow, Happy November 2011.
P.S. Correction: An Open Letter to the 550
plus Tribes (Correction from 550 plus “Tribes” to 310 “Reservations”) of the
American Indians’ Nations of the North American continent; did everybody get a piece of “Kuntepah” fried bread? Ha!
(“Kuntepah”, phonetically-speaking from Finn into Spanish and then into
Pardon. No wonder we we’re coming-up
short on how many mouths to feed. Ha! Of course, I meant to write the 550 plus
Tribes and not 310 Reservations because everybody knows that not every Tribe
has a reservation. Cheers! Yes, there are more tribes than reservations.
Hopefully, nobody got their breeches in a twist. Well, we’ll need more flour
gentlemen. Did everybody get some fried bread? It’s yummy tonite. I may have a
second piece now that we know how many mouths to feed. (Wink.) Moving on. Next.
--- --- ---
(Of course), An Open Letter to the Native Indigenous
Women of the global regions;
[Hello. Hi. We live worlds apart from one
another and let’s not pretend that
this is anything other than a form of communication in the style of an open
forum letter. Nevertheless, I’ve been meaning to write some words… hopefully
filled with intelligence (nothing more and nothing less).] (I’ll do my best for your sakes.)
Some thoughts about translation:
How do you do, ladies?
For those of you who speak two or more
languages. Cheers to you! Hip-hip! Hooray! Cheers to not losing anything to
We’ll bring up the linguistic rear in
this new century because we’re not in any hurry to learn for the sake of
learning rather to acquire knowledge and hopefully become wiser.
Where’s the fire? Subtleties must first be acknowledged in
translation henceforth the difference between connecting in communication and / or disconnecting amongst many Peoples’ of
linguistic abilities. Bueno. Bien.
I try not to giggle at the world that is but
I can’t help it from time-to-time.
Half the time I’m jerking myself awake only
to find that I’m speaking fluent English to another to my amazement. My mind
continues to think in Spanish while my lips have yet to catch up to responding
in English. It gets better each year. My diction has been sensational ever
since; it’s the easiest aspect of language to learn and maintain when I’ve had
to be extremely formal but my comprehension in terminology of basic words has
been a difficult journey so here it goes to studying the basics before returning
to complexities.
Dear Ladies;
If I had it my way like an Emperor or a Monarch
the language would still be English. I simply wish more industries’ leaders
spoke Spanish and poetics combined at that. Who
The records show I’m an upstanding grown
adult and I can either try to keep an interaction Kosher or I can try to
control that which I can’t while in chronic physical yet transitional pain.
Translating is one of the most beautiful aspects of linguistics yet the most
difficult. There is no other form of something
for me hence I’m lazy at the construction of language in excellence and concise
meaning while in conversation.
I don’t speak nearly as beautifully as I
write anymore because it takes a lot of energy unless it’s called for in
intellectual debate, formal conversation or acquaintanceship. Then, if I have
to be extremely formal otherwise, speaking English has become a loose pair of
jeans and a T-shirt for all occasions rather than an itchy 1980’s big hair
neon-pink ball gown with an inhospitable seamstress that keeps poking at you
with a needle while she’s trying to sow while rushing out the door. Ouch.
Balancing the Chi’ and the Alma.
People in my life, close personal friends,
keep telling me that I’m “too sweet” (whatever that means) and “direct”. They
tell me that I should “shields-up” when in interactions and communication with
people in general. I’d have to agree with them. This isn’t the early 1980’s
anymore nor is it the late 1990’s. I loved the 90’s. Every alternative kid I
came across at that time had an Existential chip
on their shoulders still yet they understood never to give into physical rage
not even if it came in the form of a silent despondent Goth kids’ wicked smile.
Yikes. Run. Broma. Joke. Chiste.
I meant to write about modern feminism, yet I
I’ve been meaning to write about the amateur
nature of Minnesotans while trying to conduct actions within the unethical and
unjustifiable realm of business. No, I’m not a tattle teller. It’s difficult to
trust when procedures and ethics are thrown by the wayside.
I stalled on purpose because I felt that I
wasn’t ready to write about something so heady as modern feminism and bad
business. I could tell you stories that would leave you frozen in time due to
the unethical nature of business in others. People are stupid sometimes. It’s
whether people can and do admit to their shortcomings, mistakes and prejudices
that defines them between children and adults. Cheers!
P.S. (Side Note: We’re one year away from
a-page-turner transitional Maya New Year’s! December 21, 2012 is around the
corner as ‘a dawn of a new era’ the next 5,000 years. Incredible! Happy New
Years’ to you!
(I passed an online psychological exam earnestly by answering honestly to the best of my knowledge concrete and abstract psychological concepts done in testing; I’m smarter than a 5th grader. Woo-hoo! It was hilarious. I said yes to number one; “ ‘ do you count with your fingers?...’ ” I answered, “yes”. Absolutely.) Moving on. Next.