May 31, 2012
“Criticism, that fine flower
of personal expression in the garden of letters.” - Joseph Conrad
What a day!
I felt so dorky.
I J-walked (today for the first time in a
decade) and an intelligent and smart cyclist stopped about two feet in front of
me without hitting me. Thank you! What a guardian angel! I couldn’t see him
cycling in his gray “invisible pedestrian outfit” as he blended into the
concrete on the street under that particular light.
Two state patrol officers turned back when
they heard the cyclist tell me to watch out! “Sorry! Sorry. I shouldn’t have
done that!” I said to the cyclist in passing. I knew better and felt deeply
sheepish. “Ayayaee.”
As I made my way past the two state patrol
officers I said to them directly, “Lo siento. Lo siento. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.
I’m trying to be athletic.” I was waiting for them to issue me a J-walking
ticket. I would’ve been grateful and tried not to bust out laughing. Truly.
I’m most definitely awkward with the
Minnesotans because I just want to gawk at them while in public.
I want to either completely gawk or ignore
the Minnesotans. I’m told I can do both but it makes them feel weird.
The Finns tell me to ignore the Minnesotans and their weird energy of passively
pretending like they’re not looking at you when in reality they’re stealing
looks in every way possible. The Finns tell me to look straight ahead where
I’m going and nowhere else. (In my feminine mind I just feel like that’s too
harsh but I want to look ahead and nowhere else anyway.)
The Native Americans tell me to cast my gaze
down and not to look at the Minnesotans.
The Mexicans tell me to gawk at the
Minnesotans all I want like a curious monkey.
The New Yorkers tell me not to make eye
contact with anyone no matter what and if people do then they’re rude.
The African Americans tell me to not make eye contact especially with African
American males no matter what.
I don’t know.
I haven’t made up my mind as to how to bridge
this cultural divide. I’ve learned that if you look at people in the eye then
they want something from you. It’s tough not to look at people without having
their needs spill out all over the streets.
P.S. I just don’t know. I’m leaning on the
side of the New Yorkers and the Finns.
“A flower cannot blossom
without sunshine, and man cannot live without love.” - Max Muller
“All things by immortal power.
Near of far, to each other linked are, that thou canst not stir a flower
without troubling of a star.” - Frances Thompson
“By means of microscopic
observation and astronomical projection the lotus flower can become the
foundation for an entire theory of the universe and an agent whereby we may
perceive Truth.” - Yukio
“Criticism, that fine flower
of personal expression in the garden of letters.” - Joseph Conrad
“Every flower is a soul
blossoming in nature.” -
Gerard De Nerval
Happy Thursday!
Shall we dance or mow the lawn with a push
No, I’m not mad. I’ve been having a lot of
miscommunication frequently with strangers but I’m not even a little bit
remotely irritated at the world today. Ha! Cheers!
Look, miscommunication is bound to happen
subliminally or not, consciously or subconsciously. (I’m not an expert nor do I
desire to be pigeon holed.)
--- ---
I mowed the lawn.
A man approached a sidewalk, turned left and
walked directly towards a house and without any effort like a cat took three
steps upward to the front door.
“Excuse me, do you live here?” I stopped
pushing the hand mower. “Why do you ask?”
“Do you live here?” He pressed again with
more breath and volume. “Why do you care to know?” I stood to face him.
“Because I’m from the phone company and I want to know how many books to drop
off. Do you live here?” “Well, leave one or don’t leave one. It’s up to you.
The man from the phone company made a hissing
sound and twisted his right wrist inwardly in disgust as saying ‘forget you’. I
didn’t care what he thought. I took a hold of the mower turned it around and
headed for the back of the house. “Na.” He said while he twisted his wrist in
repugnance."Bizarre.” I replied.
I eyed the young black man in his mid
twenties with impeccable pronunciation, at about 5’5 and 165 pounds, dressed in
a baby blue T-Shirt and cap, a name tag and baggy light blue jeans with white
high tops.
I didn’t care if he was from the moon.
I didn’t like the way he addressed his
commanding questions at me with complete authority like I owed him something in
Nope. Communication is optional and the more
rude people are then the less I care to interact with them. I’m becoming quite
picky about interacting with rude people. I just don’t care. Take it somewhere
--- ---
Nope, back-to-one. Back to the beginning.
Stand by. Sound. Roll it. Action. (Begin when you’re ready.)
“Excuse me. Hello, I’m so-and-so from the phone
company. I’m going to leave a booklet here for this household. Thank you.”
(That’s that.) “Thank you.” The end.
--- ---
As I continued to mow the lawn two women
(that I didn’t recognize) moved out from next door.
One of the women stood by a black truck while
the other returned from inside and said, “Bitch!”
The other woman didn’t answer her right away.
I was stunned to hear one room-mate, one
friend, one acquainted adult woman addressing another adult woman in such a
manner. ‘Not very educated.’ I thought and headed for the back of the house
with the lawn mower once again.
Later, I returned to the front yard with a
plastic bag and picked up garbage on the lawn and on the sidewalk. Silence. The
two Caucasian women in their late twenties in shorts and T-Shirts didn’t speak
to one another and I didn’t look at either one of them.
--- ---
Well, what more can I say? Nothing, I guess.
I hope you’re enjoying the day.
P.S. Of course I’m so proud of all of these
amazing youthful people, humans and citizens who did wonderfully at their
competition at the National Spelling Bee. Are
you kidding me? Incredible! Ha!
*) A little joke:
“Alright, everybody now! How do we spell
“That’s incorrect. Please take a seat next to
your parents. Thank you for your participation.”
“Everybody now! How?”
“A-M-E-R-I-C-A.” Yeah!
*) Through the research we’ve gathered: many
of the one-thousand (1,000) dolphins that have washed up on the beaches of Peru
seem to have been casualties of astronomical high pitched frequencies.
Our mammal brothers and sisters have been
autopsied having ripped ear drums and fractured ear bones. Mm, what sends out frequencies at unbearable high pitches? Many
things. Food for thought. (Nope. Step back I’m an American and I have one of my
last freedoms intact, Freedom of Speech and I’m willing to live and stand up
for such a freedom no matter how much bullying there is to be done.)
*) Indeed, “luck is fickle”.
Hope is a sentiment in outlook and strength
in will power to do what is right by our neighbors.
Optimism is knowledge that the powers to be
are stirring this global vessel towards an ethical outcome. Otherwise, our babies in second and third
class will not have a chance to get beyond the locked gates and drown
insignificant deaths that brings shame to all ancestors of the universes.
*) No, I don’t believe for one moment that
humans are rats or that they need to conduct themselves as such. Live, damn it
and breathe unto the atmosphere a code of conduct by which we can all live by
without damaging interactions no matter how close or distant the communication
may become. Indeed, cheers, and I mean cheers to all!
*) I can’t begin to write about “Young
Justice”. Incredible! Ha!
*) The world is not a dark place. Look around
at the beauty that is.
*) Yesterday, I thoughtlessly allowed for an
expression of “yucky” to escape from my mouth and lips. (I didn’t mean to. I
was thinking many thoughts but I didn’t catch myself in time to be so overt in
my judgments.) I was being judgmental and I felt my (facial muscles twist in an
ugly concern), at another human who sported another human in the form of a
flower on their head.
*) I
was taught to believe that humans are flowers and flowers are humans. I
don’t expect you to understand this theological point of view, but consider it
anyway. (I suppose there’s no harm, the flower was already dead.) Nevertheless,
Bizarre, no? Yes. Listen to the screams of infinite voices cry
out every time a flower is plucked. (I had the impulse to ring a bell.)
*) An Indian woman slapped my hand, hard, as
I went to reach for a flower and I understood not to cause harm to the
environment. (I’m too Indian sometimes. I try to keep it bottled up. I’m not
very good at hiding my feelings but I’m beginning my adult Indian studies at
self control.) Cheers!
May 30, 2012
“An intellectual hatred is the worst.” - William Butler Yeats
“A strong hatred is the best
lamp to bear in our hands as we go over the dark places of life, cutting away
the dead things men tell us to revere.” - Rebecca West
“All men's misfortunes spring
from their hatred of being alone.” - Jean de la Bruyere
comes from conflict, from hatred.” -
Warren Mitchell
Correction: No,
I’ve never been a professional skateboarder. I got my words jumbled. Thanks!
Happy Wednesday!
Shall we dance?
Alright, let’s make sure no one gets
whiplash. Those neck braces are ghastly looking but necessary for those who get
out of control on a dance floor. (Wink, wink.)
--- ---
I know exactly what I think about Minneapolis
J-walking pedestrians who practically jump out on top of cars in Uptown, on Nicolette
Avenue and downtown. It’s unnecessary and idiotic, not to mention
unsophisticated in this modern era.
I’ve received two J-walking tickets in my
lifetime and I learned my lessons both times even though I was silently mad as
the dickens about it both times.
The first J-walking ticket I received I was a
rebellious private school teen with a chip on my shoulder at the age of fifteen
and the other I was a young broke and starving newsroom professional
skateboarding to work at the age of twenty five.
The J-walking tickets weren’t that expensive
but both times I was beside myself that I, (an upstanding citizen of the
community) had received such ridiculous tickets. Now, however, looking back at
this experience I’m truly glad to have learned my lessons about my civic duties
and consideration for motorists.
To be so inconsiderate and thoughtless as to
walk out right in front and into moving traffic and vehicles can only mean a
few things to me, A) no matter how educated one may be, one is indeed idiotic
and must learn a difficult civics lesson, B) arrogance C) laziness D)
entitlement E) disrespect and disregard for others, their lives and families,
and F) recklessness, G) lower class income.
Again, I’m not the judge on morality and
immorality but it sure is aggravating watching lazy and indignant adults
conduct themselves in a less than stellar fashion for our youth of today.
I’m so proud of our youth because it isn’t
them who are practically jumping out on top of car hoods and causing near fatal
It appears to be mainly minority adults in
their forties and fifties who seem to be in either such a hurry that they’re
about to pee in their pants or they’re completely arrogant as to think that
they are entitled to rights and freedoms that don’t belong to them such as
nearly killing motorists by walking out into traffic when motorists have a
green light and have the right away to go forth.
Another point, I’m tired of seeing minority motorists
hit bicyclists as they are about to make turns unto driveways in these three
particular areas of Minneapolis. If you’re distracted or high as a kite then don’t drive because our bipedal citizens are
indeed important to our community.
What’s with jumping out in front of moving traffic when cars have a
green light? Are these minority adults in search of cowardly suicidal attempts?
What gives?
I can’t think of anything more mindless and
uncouth than not waiting one minute more for traffic to make their way across
green lights.
Have Minneapolis adults lost their faculties about them? Are many adults
in these areas high on meth or cocaine? Again, these hard drugs are the only
drugs I know that makes people’s behavior act out as if they thought of themselves
as super heroes. Creepy.
So proud of our youth for not being retarded
Furthermore, I have a harsh ideal about those
pedestrians who jump out in front of moving traffic especially when traffic has
the right of way at green lights; Facetiously as a harsh example hit these
pedestrians like you would wildlife, deer and moose.
(I’m being rather facetious,
however, no, really if pedestrians become such an endangerment to motorists
then I think that it’s the right of the motorists not to risk their safety nor
the lives and safety of their passengers because pedestrians have lost their
wits about them.) Note: If you’re a motorist, don’t hit pedestrians no
matter what or it will be your entire fault, however we need solutions for an
uneducated and idiotic tendencies from this sector of our adult populations in
these sections of our city.
In conclusion; I urge the city of Minneapolis
to begin administering J-walking tickets like it were candy. Could you imagine
how much money the city of Minneapolis would make while meeting their monthly
quotas, holy cow! Now, the city of Minneapolis can really give away subsidized
stadiums for free from the proceeds of these J-walking tickets.
People sure are disgraceful, uphold to double
standards and idiotic with their lives.
It’s only African Americans who continuously
keep reminding me that they’re not in a hurry and that they cherish a slower
pace of life yet they’re the ones that I see jumping out into traffic at green
lights. I just can’t believe the double standard that’s being spewed.
I have nothing more to say about this.
P.S. Yes, I’m outspoken on paper. One of my
greatest faults as a youth was that I stood by much too silently when I ought to
have been more outspoken against arrogant, control freaks and disrespectful
outspoken extroverts who were in the wrong in relationship to how badly they
communicated and treated people as bullies.
*) No, I’m not malevolent, insincere, cruel
nor ready to punish others.
I most certainly have the ability to be all
of these; however, as a mature adult with a healthy self esteem I don’t have a
need to cause destruction against others. I’m neither that shallow nor a hack.
No, if I don’t like you I won’t pretend to do so with you but I most certainly
won’t be going out of my way to kiss your rear end. That’s how real people are.
*) To answer your questions: The four
closeted homosexual men who sleep with heterosexual women and make their lives
a living hell yet allegedly fuck each
other for a hobby:
I met the first in Golden Valley in 1994.
I met the second in Duluth in 2002.
I met the third in St. Paul in 2004.
I met the fourth in St. Paul in 2011.
Three of these men live in St. Paul and one
in Wisconsin. That’s all I can say legally without starting a witch hunt which
is highly illegal. No, I don’t believe in witch hunts of any type. Nope. Hold
your positions. Easy, now.
Don’t think that I didn’t consider ruining
these men’s lives (however I’m keeping a tight lid on it) or spiritually
scalping them in a Native American fashion but again modern laws are indeed
modern laws and I shall abide by them. I have far more important things to do
and justice will lick these losers in ways that they have no idea how difficult
life can truly be for these men. Losers.
I have said prayers to the Gods that will set
in motion the philosophical and social destruction of these men in the next
seven years. Yes, I believe in the Maya Gods even if you have no understanding
of what that means.
I’m respectful and I’ll continue to be so.
Nevertheless, I’m not that shallow as to pretend that these men aren’t causing
great destruction, hurt and pain in the lives of women.
If someone hurts and endangers my beloved
ones then I’m out for spiritual blood. I can take it when people hurt me for
about seventeen years but when they get too close to my loved ones in a
destructive demeanor then I become a spiritually dangerous bull because that’s
my nature to love and to guard those which I love more than myself in some ways
at times.
I am indeed Ferdinand the bull.
I love smelling the flowers but I can also
spiritually kill if my beloved ones are in danger of contracting H.I.V., AIDS and
sexually transmitted diseases which may be widespread across our Twin Cities by
the hatred of closeted homosexuals and their pornography parties.
These men would’ve murdered me in my sleep if
they could’ve due to their envy and hatred of me. I wondered why they kept
placing me in dangerous situations much of the time. These men would’ve killed
me; and they almost did several times, I know that to be a strong truth. Have you ever been in friendships with men
and you can just sense the hatred they have for you and they’d kill you if they
could get away with it? Well, I have. Filth.
May 29, 2012
“Democracy is not something
that happens, you know, just at election time, and it's not something that
happens just with one event. It's an ongoing building process. But it also
ought to be a part of our culture, a part of our lives.” - Jim Hightower
“Even the smallest dog can lift its leg on the tallest building.” - Jim Hightower
“If you don't speak out now
when it matters, when would it matter for you to speak out?” -
Jim Hightower
“It's hard for the donkeys to
win the race if they're going to carry the elephants on their backs.”
- Jim Hightower
“Little ol' boy in the
Panhandle told me the other day you can still make a small fortune in
agriculture. Problem is, you got to start with a large one.” -
Jim Hightower
“The Bible declares that on
the sixth day God created man. Right then and there, God should have demanded a
damage deposit.” - Jim Hightower
Happy Tuesday!
Shall we dance?
Yes, indeed. (Nope, I don’t like to lead
dances. I’m too reserved for that.)
I know exactly what to make of this new
online weak business model in which fee based subscribers of newspapers must be
forced to pay for online information which is life-given-rights and freedoms
for all citizens at the click of their buttons.
Personally, I think this weak business model
in structure not only as bogus, lazy, greedy and archaic. I’m also laughing at
dead business models and dying dinosaurs enforcing ancient formats and business
structures upon a brave new digital era. Get
it out of here!
It’s destructive to panhandle no matter what
intellectual services businesses and corporations may provide in an entirely brave new world of online media and
content. Not only are these business models, backwards and throwbacks of the
past two centuries but it is also infantile and immature going into the 21st
century of progressiveness towards our global informational future.
Freedom may cost the lives and health of our troops.
However, online information is free, period.
If you argue against such an ideology then I
have some serious words for you because it’s not only a moot point to charge
for online information (no printing costs, no overhead and no inventory per say),
it’s also foolishness, stupidity and cunning to turn the sacred into a
commodity. To sell online information is like throwing a newborn into a
dumpster. Who hates the human condition
that much? (A socio or psychopath.)
Not to mention that in a sophisticated era of
online media it seems like a cheap ploy, a sorry excuse for a beggar and an
intellectual turn off to ask subscribers to pay for online information which is
meant to enlighten, inform and create awareness.
Asking subscribers to pay for online
information is like a man inviting a woman out on a first date and expecting
her to pay for everything for both parties involved. I can guarantee it that no
matter how good looking he may be that she’ll not be returning for a second
Why? Why would she go out on a second date when
she can take a stroll around the park for free rather than dating at the
expense of his dinner and movie ticket and having to listen to him go on-and-on
about his ego without a cent in his pocket.
Nope. It doesn’t work that way. A man without
a cent to his name out on a date is like a man without a penis and a bicycle.
She might as well go out with her female friends who can and do pay their way
without the hassle of him coming on too strongly at the end of the night when
the only thing to his name is bad breath, bad manners and ego…(fill in the
blank). It’s so déclassé.
What more can I say? It’s a modern digital first date gone wrong
and because women talk, I can also guarantee it that no other woman (her equals
and peers) will be dating him either, because the women all know what he is; _
____ ___ with nothing to ____ ___.
It’s not a problem if men are broke just
don’t expect a woman to pay your way. As a formal rule to social conduct and
etiquette a man may not ask a woman for a cent or again he is a man without his
sexual organs. She may offer to pay nevertheless he may not ask her nor demand
anything from her. A woman is not a man’s mother. (I made my point quite clear
and I meant to.)
Really, that’s
the best humans can do to make money in the newspaper business? Wow, where’s the next generation of Einstein
business prodigies? We’re yawning over here.
We’re falling asleep and not to mention that
no matter how well newspapers may dress up a street beggar in a formal gown, if
she begs then she is what she is, a “hussy” on her knees.
When I think about online digital newspapers
charging subscription fees then it makes me think that the company is either
impoverished, a cheap skate or I think that the content must not be much good
nor varied. (Same old same old content since 1952.)
I believe in the freedom of online media and
I believe that free online media will change
the course of our future for the better.
I believe that fee based online subscriptions
are headed for a brutal awakening and death.
Why should subscribers pay for something that
is made out of thin air and doesn’t weigh anything?
Oh, no! Don’t give me that bogus argument
about salaries. If an online newspaper is smart enough then they’ll know how to
pay for their staff’s salaries without fee based subscriptions. It’s just most
likely that their personnel in the business and marketing departments haven’t
turned the key on the lock, and opened the door.
It’s so simple.
All you have to do is sweep her off her feet,
right into your arms and step over the threshold. Don’t forget to gently kiss
your new bride. She deserves that much. And no, don’t ask her to pay a fee
while she cares for you and your home. That’s just ridiculous.
I believe that the internet wasn’t meant to
be the next gold rush, rather our humanitarian liberation.
I believe in the freedom to free online
I believe that I know how Facebook can make
money without noisy and irrelevant marketing but that’s my prerogative and
intellectual property.
I believe that I know how newspapers can make
money without fee based subscriptions but again that’s also my prerogative and
intellectual property.
What do you mean we have to go into the future with archaic,
destructive, intrusive and shallow marketing screaming at us to become
ineffective thinkers, doers and creators?
I’d say that corporate business personnel
have some serious think tanking to do. Get to work.
Fee based subscription online media is
putting us to sleep and aggravating the sacredness of free online information
which was meant to surpass classism and to take information to the next level
of human liberty. Free online media and content was meant to be liberating like
anything worth your while. Otherwise, it’s just another mediocre model with a
cup waiting for a handout without any real value in the ethics and conduct to
constructivism rather than divide and conquer.
Since universities are now big time calloused
businesses I’d say that they have a lot of catching up to do with their
curriculums because it’s a whole new world out here and the same stupid ideas
keep getting recycled with cardboard cutouts, coloring pencils and glitter to
high pitched weasels who aren’t as smart as fifth graders.
Nope. Back to one. Come on! Let’s go!
Freedoms for humans without beating them over the head with blatant corporate
How irritating to see the same useless
structures recycled because we have hacks in place of where leaders ought to
Enough. You get the point. I ate breakfast.
I’m happy. I’ve got some serious work to do and responsibilities to fulfill.
P.S. Plant a tree. It’s the only way humans
will survive this ghastly global warming.
May 27-28, 2012
“In peace, sons bury their
fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons.” - Herodotus
“It has too often been too
easy for rulers and governments to incite man to war.” - Lester B. Pearson
“It is forbidden to kill;
therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to
the sound of trumpets.” -
Happy Monday!
As much as I could write about our troops,
I’ll gather my thoughts first and put them down on paper later. I have poems that’d
reach sky high with the subject matter about war, our troops and the
subjugation of war torn America.
I won’t feed you fluff because I most
certainly am not shallow nor a hack.
I’m one private citizen who’s implored to
continue to write by thousands of other private citizens who assure me that I
need to continue to write about any subject matter without shame or fear of
what I may or may not say, thus I shall continue. I’m the descendant of great
men who stood up against the Salem Witch Trials. (Oops, I didn’t mean
“ancestor”. I got my vocabulary words mixed up. It happens.) Of course, I’m
I’m wishing you well even if this writing
shocks, challenges and angers you.
Our freedom of speech is one of our greatest rights
which haven’t yet been stolen from us in the form of commercial private
government contracts in the likes of Nazi pat downs at airports, bus and train
terminals. Where have our soldiers gone?
The months are moving along all too quickly. How are you lovely American citizens?
I guess, the word “folks” is derogatory? I didn’t know?
Correction: from
“getup” an outfit to “get up” to stand up. Cheers!
Correction: from
“chose” to “choose”. Ha!
P.S. Sincerely, wishing the Americans a
thoughtful Happy Memorial Day!
To our service men and women (in our family)
who lived, fought and died for our great country, thank you. We love you. Our
family members’ memories live on in us all. We shall not forget their
sacrifices in the many wars of the past and present century.
As I run through the woods with a camera I’ll
breathe prayers out onto the atmosphere for our warriors, troops and our
beloved ones returning from Afghanistan.
*) Note: “Around here, we don’t laugh at the
butterflies, we eat them.” Ha! What can I say? As a Maya, my animal-spirit and
guide is the eagle (for life) and well, insects are sustenance for life and
that includes the butterflies. A little joke. Broma. Chiste. Ha! Ha! Ha!
May 25, 2012
a chicken if you get a chance, Huck, because if you don't want it, someone else
does and a good deed ain't never forgotten.” - Mark Twain
Happy Friday!
Dear American troops: (here and abroad);
aloha. How are you, lovely people?
Our dear troops, the American civilians hope
that you’re well, safe and in strong mental astuteness.
To our lovely Minnesotan troops who do in
fact have a higher suicide rate, hang in there. Your civilian population needs
you to come home now more than ever and not in body bags either. Please do not
Don’t you see? We need you to come back alive because the
politicians are in bed with big businesses while they create homelessness and
starvation amongst our American civilian population even if they choose to
shrug it off the overwhelming facts are in place.
The civilians know all too perfectly well
that the economy went sour when second former President George W. Bush left the
American public up to their own starvation by having big businesses steal the
citizen’s chickens and food from the mouths of babes.
In Minneapolis, the civilians are still
dealing with the absurd financing of the NFL football stadium subsidy. The
funding bill is full of legal and fiscal loopholes and greedy injustices.
A citywide tax may be implemented into a
legislative bill that not only is unpatriotic and dishonest but also an idiotic
budgetary bill which leaves the people with very little capital to feed,
clothes and educate their children and adult populations. (Sigh.)
Why do politicians hate their constituents so much?
It appears that the judicial system will not
step in and take charge to fiscal responsibilities with the people’s money.
Dear troops I wanted to share this article
with you from one of our finest City Councilors:
--- ---
Article by: Minneapolis City Councilor Gary
Schiff / May 22, 2012 - 8:56P.M.
should demand a better, fairer sharing of the costs.
The Vikings stadium debate is often framed as people
who are pro-stadium vs. people who are anti-stadium.
In reality, there are people who support a new
stadium and the jobs it would create but think the current financing plan
unfairly relies on regressive taxation from just one city. Minneapolis looks
forward to being the home of the Vikings for generations, but we need to make
sure the terms of the deal are equitable.
This week the Minneapolis City Council should
send the bill back to the Legislature to ask for a financing plan that spreads
the cost fairly to all who value the Minnesota Vikings.
Gov. Dayton and the Vikings negotiated a
stadium financing package that was good enough to pass at the Legislature, but
perhaps one of the reasons they were able to come to an agreement is because
they've offloaded the largest share of stadium costs onto Minneapolis.
Minneapolis' share of the stadium costs is not
limited to the $150 million construction costs often mentioned. In the
financing bill, the city is also responsible for interest on the construction
debt, plus ongoing operating, maintenance and upgrade costs over the next 30
The minimum cumulative cost to Minneapolis
sales taxpayers will be $675 million, while another clause in the deal allows
the subsidy to swell to $890 million. Minneapolis is being given a white
elephant -- with horns.
In fact, the Vikings stadium bill has a
provision to override a voter-approved amendment to the Minneapolis City
Charter, which I co-authored in 1997, which requires a citywide vote if more
than $10 million is spent to finance a professional sports stadium. If the
state had passed a bill that was favorable to the city, there would be no need
for that.
From a national perspective, this financing
package is unique. Stadium deals rarely rely upon a large percentage of money
from a single city. It's far more common to see NFL stadiums financed at the
county level (in states with more than one NFL team) or the state level.
The current plan is often sold as a plan to
reduce property taxes. But Target Center's ongoing costs will simply shift from
property to sales taxes. A family with a home valued at $175,000 will see a
$14.28 reduction in property taxes, while continuing to pay the highest sales
taxes in the country for the next 30 years every time they eat at a local
Target Center's debt didn't go away. In fact,
the city's debt obligations for Target Center increase under the plan due to
scheduled renovations. The city is contractually obligated to upgrade the arena
to today's NBA standards.
The Vikings bill sets similar contractual
obligations for maintenance of the Vikings stadium. We're setting ourselves up
to be financial participants in two professional sports league arms races.
The tapping of citywide and downtown
hospitality sales taxes for the Vikings creates another liability for the city:
future upgrades to the Convention Center. Convention Center Executive Director
Jeff Johnson told the City Council that the plan does not provide money for the
Convention Center to remain competitive with other venues around the country.
Events at our convention center generate more
hotel night stays and fill more restaurant seats than any other building in
downtown Minneapolis -- so maintaining our competitiveness is critical to our
city core's health.
What would a better Vikings stadium bill look
like? Based on the outpouring of support from Vikings fans at the state
Capitol, it's clear that fans are willing to help pay to support their team. A
variety of user fee amendments got traction in the Legislature and deserve
another look.
The clock isn't running out. The team won't
move between now and January when the new Legislature convenes.
And the state's risky plan to use gaming
revenue and sell appropriation bonds faces a huge hurdle -- approval from the
Minnesota Supreme Court -- which could take an extended period of time. If the
court determines that appropriation bonds are unconstitutional, the state will
have to come up with a new financing plan.
Sending the bill back to the Legislature is
the most responsible act the Minneapolis City Council can take to defend
Minneapolis taxpayers. There are more progressive ways to fund a stadium. We
deserve better.
Schiff is a member of the Minneapolis City Council.
P.S. Corrections were made all around from
“sulfite” to “sulfide mining”. Don’t allow for anyone to tell you any
differently; sulfide mining is like pouring acid down a baby’s throat and
calling it mother’s milk. Imagine doing that to any eco-system. Irresponsible
May 24, 2012
“And when native man left off
this form of development, his humanization was retarded in growth.” - Standing Bear
“Arizona faces unique
healthcare challenges including uncompensated care for illegal immigrants, and the
large number of Native Americans who live in remote and isolated areas of the
state.” -
Rick Renzi
“The view of the local scene
through the eyes of a native participant in that scene is a different window.”
- Kenneth L. Pike
“We use a Native American
tradition of the talking stick. You sit and pass it around and whoever has the
stick has to talk. Some people just hold it. Others really share.”
- Lisa Bonet
Happy Thursday!
Shall we?
Alright. (No, women won’t bite unless men
give them a good reason do to so.)
Correction: No, I
don’t have anything against cross dressers, transsexuals or transgendered
brothers and sisters. Live and let live. (Nevertheless, I could get into a
lengthy discussion about being derogatory across the gender divide.)
Correction: No, I
don’t buy nor sell drugs. Don’t ask me again.
Correction: No, I
don’t think I’m an idiot. I most certainly have been stupid, though.
Correction: What’s idiotic vs. stupid? What’s the difference
between being an idiot and being stupid? (Look it up.)
Correction: No, I
don’t think, believe nor consider myself, ugly.
Correction: No,
when I write that I’m tired at the end of
the day I’m not necessarily physically tired, per say.
I am however quite mentally tired in two
specific areas of the brain. (I’d have to locate the terminology as to which
parts of the brain do translation and memorization.) Nevertheless, at the end
of a long day from either sitting in a chair or exploring I’m ready to
physically engage in exercise. I feel vibrant and alive for the physical
aspects in life. I can’t imagine life without movement and strength.
What are the different types of tired? (Look
it up.)
Correction: No,
this is not literary masturbation nor fornication.
If my literary goal was for the reader to
masturbate or get all hot-and-bothered then goodness, I’d make sure the reader
were down on the floor rotating around hip hop style. Nope, take one giant step
back; back-to-one. Back to the beginning. Stand by! Sound. Roll it. Action.
(Begin when you’re ready.)
This is a blog about thinking, translation,
communication and taking in the current events of these times in which we live
while putting in some serious time at the practice of writing. Life sure is
interesting to say the least!
If I wanted the reader to masturbate then I’d
switch genres all together and write porn or erotica. Nope, this is a public
blog and we’ll keep it that way. It’s already bad enough that it’s R rating. (I
know my content.) Cheers!
Correction: What’s
institutionalized religion vs. belief of God(s)? (Look it up.)
--- ---
What can I say?
My father got on the horn last night and told
me about an informational meeting that took place yesterday morning about
sulfide mining, Medicare, and social security as well as unions, workers’
rights and union’s rights.
My father spoke, “ ‘There was a wealthy man
there from the range who was quite eager to get going on this sulfide mining
business but the environmental tests and research are inconclusive as of yet.
The environmental scientists are still testing out the negative effects to
those particular areas. It’ll take time to know the damage sulfide mining may
have upon the environment. It’s all about money. It’s the same as it’s ever
been throughout history. People just don’t know how to say, “No. No. No.” The
reason why it’s not alright to do
away with Medicare and social security is because ___ and I invested in those
programs while we were still working. We paid into those programs through taxes
and benefits. That money isn’t free money. It’s money that we worked for all
our lives. People just don’t know that, so they want to do away with these
programs but such funds are set up so that retired people like us can benefit
from a lifelong of work. It’s the same old story as it’s always been. Greed.’ ”
We laughed and it was a hardy laughter. I
knew how right he was. I said a prayer for my father and his lovely bride
before falling asleep last night.
P.S. An
oil pipeline through the entirety of the Northern American continent?
Shame. What would Mr. George Washington
have to say about this? Creepy. Who
are we kidding? Do we want to kill off
most of the United States of America’s natural forests and species in one gulp?
Yikes. Now, we’re really asking for an apocalypse. I thought that the entire
goal of the human race is to survive and without nature (plants processed into
drugs for ailments) or animals (bees which sustain life and pollinate) we are
doomed and will most certainly seize to exist. Any man or woman who is for
intoxicating the earth is for the hatred of women and children. No. No. No.
*) Well, I’m neither an expert nor a
professional researcher; nevertheless, the numbers are staggering. I can barely
standup while reading the statistics about rape, sexual molestation and sexual
crimes committed against our Native
American sisters across the board in the United States of America.
Will our civil servants not step in? Anyone from police forces to lawyers and
judges: will they not take a grand stand
against such brutality for many sectors of the Native American populations
I have many words but this is not the time or
the place.
“Native” and “Native American” brothers,
“Native American Indian” brothers, “Indian” brothers where have your souls gone? Did you give your souls over to the gods of
alcohol, hatred and disaster? “Native Americans”, (the latest politically-correct
jargon as of 2012) how are you? Our
prayers are with the living.
“Native” and “Native American” sisters, I’d
suggest drinking in moderation, learning how to sport a weapon and taking up
arms until these winds of disrespect, cruelty and brutal violence blow over
because taking up arms is one constitutional right under this Nation. If any
man breaks into any woman’s sanctuary (home) and rapes her then she has the
right to put a bullet between his eyes, aim and fire once.
What do you mean rape and murder, have become a past time and going on
in reservations for generations to our Native American sisters? Doesn’t anybody
care? Solutions! Solutions to peaceful
environments, please.
I was taught by a Caucasian American military
sniper man that defending your rights as a civilian is a life-given-power not
to be abused nor to be taken for granted.
Corrections: to
this quote: Thank goodness for notes:
“After a few months you get over the fact
that bullets are flying near your head every single day. You sit around playing
cards and take your mind off it when you get the chance and try to relax in the
middle of a war zone. You have to or else it’s suicide to be so tense all the
time.” He swigged from a silver flask and gently handed it over to me in
sub-zero temperatures. I took a small swig from it and felt my insides heat-up
to maximum temperatures immediately. We’d commence shoveling well into the
nights after the sun had left the mountain. At sunset we’d pause for a moment
in silence and watch the sun escape below the horizon. Beautiful.
This gentle man and I met while shoveling
snow human-made downhill ski racing moguls.
The long hours we spent over the course of
one winter together, we barely spoke a word to each other but when we sat down to
take breathers as he drank from a flask and I from a hot chocolate thermos, I
listened to his war stories of the first Kuwait war and the Iraq war.
I understood what it meant to be free in
America even if our government didn’t treat us as a free people. Rape is a type
of slavery in the world today.
Careful; women brought men into this world
and women can take men out.
If women are raped and murdered then game
When it comes to their cubs, if men are ever
to break into female sanctuaries and bring harm to any female then really do
expect either a bullet between the eyes or social castration. (My Finn elders
believe in castration if a man rapes a woman.) Incredible!
Women aren’t commodities or punching bags as
a matter of fact and in order for men to fulfill their guilt, dirty little
secrets and shame of any community its imperative that women are freed from
this type of slavery.
What do you mean Native American sisters get raped and murdered in this
day in age? Who do men think they are? Are men, men or aren’t they?
Solutions and protections for women.
May 23, 2012
“Feminism's agenda is basic:
It asks that women not be forced to choose between public justice and private
happiness.” - Susan Faludi
“I am trying to make art that
relates to the deepest and most mythic concerns of human kind and I believe
that, at this moment of history, feminism is humanism.” - Judy Chicago
“Has feminism made us all
more conscious? I think it has. Feminist critiques of anthropological masculine
bias have been quite important, and they have increased my sensitivity to that
kind of issue.” - Clifford
“First I would probably place
men at the bottom of the food chain. On a grander scale, I would say they're
reacting to change. Feminism has got to be part of that.” - Neil LaBute
Happy Wednesday!
Correction: Any
way you care to look at it, the citizens of Minneapolis ought to have had by
law a stadium referendum no matter how much the city may lawyer-up. I’m surprised
judges haven’t stepped in. To take away the Minneapolis city charter approved
amendment and the voter rights of citizens is communist and fascist.
Correction: No,
I’m not a ‘babbling idiot’. I just like writing those words with such a strong
visual imagery because you know exactly what I’m talking about. We’ve all met
rambling idiots who refuse to stop and take a deep breath of life while in poor
communication to others.
Correction: If you
make any comments directly or indirectly about strangers and their body-parts
while in public places then you’re setting yourself up into a weak and
vulnerable position to getting sued. To speak directly or indirectly about
anybody’s body-parts in public is indeed sexual harassment.
Come on! Keep up with the times! Déclassé and
shallow Minnesotans are not acceptable. We believe in a better breed of
professional intellectuals amongst our classes and in the streets. Let’s go!
The women’s suffrage movement and the women’s liberation movement are well
under way by now. (I memorized a chubby Caucasian homosexual male’s face and a
slim Caucasian heterosexual female-hater’s face and thought ‘never hire either
one of them for anything because they’re gutter rats and they’ll eat through a
work environment infecting everyone with their self contempt and morbid
Correction: A
cheap imitation will always be a cheap imitation of the real thing and
everybody knows it.
There’s nothing like holding, feeling and
smelling a Louis Vuitton bag and knowing it’s worth the real thing.
When one comes across a cheap imitation well,
it’s a knock-off and unoriginal thus you get turned off knowing that a man who
imitates a woman will always be a little girl with a penis but he will never be
the real thing. Be very careful of gutter rats in the city. I’ve been told that
uptown is an “overpriced ghetto” where “white trash” pretending to be urban
sophisticates reside. (Not my words or sentiments.)
Correction: Why do so many homosexual men hate women?
Do they hate their mothers and their
fathers hate them?
I’m so close to becoming an anti-advocate for
same-sex marriage (I’m smarter than that) simply due to the cruelty homosexual
men bestow upon women. Why are there so
many homosexual male gutter rats and women-who-hate other women in Minneapolis?
These two sectors of population seem to like each other’s company quite
well. Are they cocaine heads? Why so much
hatred for women in Minneapolis by homosexual males and heterosexual women? Is
everybody high on cocaine? Cocaine is the only drug I know that makes
people insincere, cruel and without social boundaries.
I was there, I saw it! I participated! I got
involved! I was part of the Boston gay-rights movement in the late 1990’s. As a
woman of color and an advocate for gay-rights and human rights we organized, we
campaigned and we took to the streets and we moved along the gay-90’s-rights
Have our homosexual brothers forgotten that women have indeed helped
along their socio-political causes? Women can take away those rights just as
quickly as we helped to give those rights a voice. Careful. To have your rights
be granted doesn’t mean that you, too, take away the rights of others from
them; otherwise you’re just the same as any other oppressive tyrannical system.
I thought gays were political, humanitarian and just. How wrong I was about
that stereotype! Homosexuals are not out of the woods yet nor very educated,
does it seem. I hear your comments! (Don’t give me that look.) I know you. I
hear you. I see you. As of now you’re a turn-off, to say the least and that’s
putting it mildly.
I believe in same-sex marriage because I
believe in the Civil Rights Movement but I don’t believe in this new and
demonic homosexual male sector of the Minneapolis population of misogynists. Don’t you know? I have something to
gauge you by… Bostonian private school homosexuals with real humanitarian and
political causes not hatred, quasi classism and senseless racism.
Correction: I most
certainly am a moderate Republican on social issues and a conservative
Republican with my purse strings and vote. Don’t think that any presidential
campaign can insult our moderate vote and still get elected into the Oval
Office. No, Sir!
A shallow man (trying to become a quasi
politician through backdoor politics) tried to offend me by telling me what I
was to him, “You’re not really a
Republican.” He said.
As I put my shoes on to leave I said to him.
“You don’t know anything about me so you have no idea what type of a Republican
I can really be.” I left his ghetto
flat. I realized his lack of political sophistication because his ego could not
ask, “Are you really a Republican?”
I want to dig my heels in and not give
into-anything remotely close to this Democratic Party but I’m too intelligent
for that. The Republican GOP and Tea Party are so morbidly unethical that I
must be an advocate for the Democratic Party even if I don’t agree with all of
their policies. If any political party instills the values of hate upon females
(misogynists) then most likely they’re children haters as well. Yes, women can
be misogynists also. I see them every day with their jealous stares, physical
and classist insecurities and spiritual shallowness hanging out, flapping in
the wind. Anchor those sails down!
Correction: No, I don’t blog in my underwear. I
wish! I was properly brought up to get dressed in the mornings for the rest of
my day and to continue to stay dressed. I attended private schools and the
greatest aspects about private institutions are that they do indeed instill a
strong code of honor, a code of ethics and conduct as well as a code of dress.
I live and abide by those codes. I was taught well. (My personal goal is to
blog in my underwear at least once before the next seven years are up.)
Dreadlocks. I don’t personally have anything for or against dreadlocks. I wore
dreadlocks for a short stint in my early twenties and when we went to cut them
off there were indeed dead moths trapped in my hair. Gross.
Early on as a young and impressionable female
I met Rastafarians who took their lifestyle, spirituality and communities quite
seriously thus I had an ideal in my mind that all who wore dreadlocks did in
fact have many of the same ethics, caring and astute qualities as these
Rastafarian brothers and sisters.
It’s taken me until my mid thirties to break
this impressionable stereotype inside my head and discover for myself that
Americans adorn them-selves for fashion much of the time without spiritual
rituals or religious significance as to their adornment. I get it. It’s fashion
nothing more and nothing less. I won’t make that mistake again. I have so much
love for a small sector of Rastafarians changing the social political world
otherwise everybody else is simply a stranger or possibly a poser. I do indeed
have former schoolmates and friends who adorn themselves in dreadlocks, however
they aren’t Rastafarians. (I think that if dreadlocks are taken care of then
they’re quite beautiful.) I have nothing more to say about dreadlocks.
Correction: Now
that Anderson Cooper went and fabricated news for the American public about
Syria he has all the responsibility in the world to become a world class renown
journalist such as Dan Rather and many before him.
Anderson Cooper must not get stuck behind an
idiotic role as a softball player in a knock-off of Jerry Springer’s stupid
show. Cooper is in a much sophisticated class than that. Come on!
Anderson Cooper is a man who has everything
in the world, thus he must prove himself by that which he doesn’t have; a
correction in mistake and to prove that he is the man we all thought he’d
become. We have so many expectations for Anderson Cooper and his greatness.
Anderson Cooper must fire his producers and
team of people who didn’t have his back nor his best interest at heart and
allowed for him to broadcast lies, falsehoods and fabricated information about
Syria. Mr. Cooper’s team ought to have said, “No, don’t fabricate news. It’s
unethical.” And walked out. Everyone is at fault in this scenario, all the way
up to the executives. Gross.
Mr. Cooper must fire his producers and team
at CNN because if he allowed for such atrocities against humanity to go across
his news-desk then he, too, has become apathetic to the human plight. Cooper
allowed for misfortune to befall innocent civilians with falsehoods.
I’m cheering on Anderson Cooper to become the
next Dan Rather even if he doesn’t want to. It’s his sole responsibility to
show the American public that he is as good as the Americans thought he was
meant to be in a leadership role.
Sensationalism of any type is vulgar no
matter how you package it or subtly brag about something that is meant to be
sacred and private.
Americans have turned their backs on God(s)
and thus we have a culture of pathetic humans who act like gutter rats and
who’ll buy into anything no matter how vulgar it may seem in the exchange for
instant gratification and not patience or respect. “You don’t have to love
people, but you, simply, must respect them.” (I turned my back on institutionalized
religion as a child but not on the God(s).
It’s Anderson Cooper’s job to do well in his
journalistic career without becoming a vendor. Americans don’t want to be sold
news, rather they prefer to be properly and well informed so that they may be able
to keep up with the rest of the world. We expect a leader in journalist quality
from Mr. Cooper. Even if Mr. Cooper doesn’t apologize to the American public
for fabricating news, at least he knows that the American public is intelligent
and on their best game.
P.S. Its 9:40 A.M. I’m ready for today! Many
responsibilities are in dire need to be met.
F.Y.I. For those rude humans with offensive
commentary on public streets: Yes, when you look at my lovely and healthy body
it’s all Au Naturale.
Don’t ask again nor talk about other people’s
body-parts in public because it makes you come across as creepy rats and sexual
I’ve not gone under the knife for cosmetic
surgery. However, I’ve had to undergo the knife twice and the da Vinci for a
15-year painful illness, (correction from “terminal” to “painful, threatening,
uncomfortable”; I don’t know the English
word. I’ll think about it.) What my husband sees is what he gets. Ha! Thank
the Gods they made me with a body to live, breathe and be strong on this
May 22, 2012
and conciseness are the parents of correction.” - Hosea Ballou
the encouraging and wonderful gains and the changes for women which have occurred
in my lifetime, there is still room to advance and to promote correction of the
remaining deficiencies and imbalances.” -
Sandra Day O’Connor
Happy Tuesday! (I’m a day behind on the
Western calendar.)
Shall we?
Yes, indeed.
Corrections: (Let
us get a few things straight.)
Correction: All I know is that I know nothing.
I’ll continue to humble myself before the
world and make corrections. One of my greatest strengths and weaknesses is that
I’ve been unassuming all these years. “What is it about me that make others
think and treat me as weak?” He slightly turned the wheel and changed lanes at
top speed, “You’re too humble.” He didn’t say another word for many miles and
neither did I. We drove in silence.
Correction: from
“lazy” to “spiritually lazy”. I don’t think Americans are physically lazy.
{I do, however, think that Americans are
spiritually lazy. (Americans seem to want to leave their rather personal spiritual journeys up to others
to tell them what to think, believe and behave as such.) Americans are indeed
somewhat posers when it comes to spirituality and their apathy about it. “Hey,
look it’s a polished turd!” and many will ask, “How much?” Then they’ll go home
and collect turds on their shelves like it were of significance when they’ve
just been swindled. Shame. Whatever
happened to theological values? For all the religious talk, well, I just
don’t know. The actions don’t match with the words. Afghan women get burned
alive in the name of man’s ego not Allah’s love.}
(I believe that most Americans work far too
much and too hard.
By all means the European Union goes at a
much slower pace in lifestyle than the American lifestyle pace because the
Europeans are of civilizations dating much further back in history than our
young civilization.
By all means take siestas, relax, tranquillo:
business is conducted at the palm of the
hand now. Yes, corporations run the American government. Corporations are
big lobbying businesses in bed with government, healthcare and education.
Shame. These civil rights are not optional rather a civil duty for all.)
Correction: from
“Pollyanna” to “Dianna Barry” as a historic chapter in my life.
I learned as an ESL adult that a “Pollyanna”
is a complainer and a “Dianna Barry” is an old world fashion woman with old
fashion ideals about Christian values. I thought that Pollyanna was all about
the “glad game” and seeing the bright side of life, but I guess most first
English speakers think of her as a complainer. (I’m most certainly a complainer and a worrier alright if I’m severely
and physically injured and in dire pain or extremely quiet. Once the pain
becomes too much then I shut down and breathe through the pain because there’s
nothing else to do but to meditate.)
Correction: from
“30,000” casualties of drug war Mexico to “50,000”. (Thank you. I’ve been made
aware many times of this correction… I’m grateful.)
(Sigh.) (What
can I write? Nothing.) Prayers are with the living.
Alright. If I must…Legalize prostitution and
drugs. Then tax both markets and put that money back into the civil needs of
those countries involved in trade like any other import and export. I’m not a
specialist in the field of economics however, must this Mexican Holocaust continue? (It’s only a proposed
question from one global citizen to other global citizens.)
On the Western hemisphere we began our 21st
century with a Mexican Holocaust. (Not acceptable. It will not do. It cannot
do. It won’t do. It’s not good enough. Get it out of here.) Solutions! Civil
solutions to liberties, freedoms and rights for all!
The People of the United States of America
must vote on this drug and prostitution referendum (ballot question) on
November 2012.
(I can
live without voting on a stadium referendum because a local politician stated that
for as long as he was Mayor that there wouldn’t be a single stadium referendum
until the end of his term was over.)
Fine, nevertheless let there be some strong
aspects of culture that need and must be placed on the table towards
progressive change such as this drug and prostitution wars.
The Mexican Holocaust is just across our
borders and will the Americans not speak
up and find solutions to this type of prohibitionist Nazism?) Enough with
the assaults, the meaningless Mexican kidnappings, rapes, murders and
harassment as well as meaningless corruption. Civilians have civil rights and
equal liberties even if their governments don’t readily grant these rights to
their civilian population.
I’m not for or against the legalization of
drugs and prostitution but must we recapture the days of prohibition? No, I
don’t think so. Meaningless deaths are not acceptable to the civilian
populations otherwise this part in historical reference is indeed a Holocaust.
I’m sick and tired of girls and women sold as
sexual slaves to the sex trafficking industry. I’m tired of girls and women
murdered for drug trafficking.
I thought we were Central Americans and
looked upon our children and women as flowers, la cultura y el arte. Our
Latino, Chicano and Spanish history is the magnificence in loving children and
women because we understand that life creates further life. Without female
power we all seize to exist.
was taught as a child never to pluck flowers so that others who came along the
path could enjoy the magnificence in beauty. If everyone plucked a flower from
the plant then there would most certainly be a corruption that would ultimately
perhaps not bring death to the plant but most definitely embarrassment and
indignant interaction to the flower. Humans, any living organisms are flowers,
indeed. Even if you’re angry, sadistic and raging, you must learn to control
yourselves and not murder, disrespect and hate for the mere exploitation in
instant gratification to your personal needs met. Peace. Paz.
believe in Mexico, Central and South America because even though Nazis
dispersed amongst our civilizations, our civilians who don’t read and write may and can at any moment quote and recite
poetry. Also they know whose words those are which they recite and quote.
That’s a cultural flower that flourishes and transcends beyond race, economics
and class. They believe poetry to be the highest form of art because it
preserves all human dignity across the great divides in heritage and class and
it creates a common experience to an interactive cultural dignity in
Correction: from
“mice” to “rats” at a food bank that I volunteered at for two years. A man
wanted me to know that specific information and facts. Thank you.
Correction: No, I
don’t snort meth, I don’t indulge in drugs and don’t ask me nor offer it. No,
I’m not into threesomes nor into orgies or into sadomasochism. Thank you, but
no thank you. No, I’m not into anal sex. Don’t ask again. I’m not your female
dog. I’m a married woman and you’ll respect such an institution. Most women
I’ve met and have spoken-to say that they have either been raped or sexually
molested. Cut it out! What a bizarre world. Leave women alone. Women are not
Reworked writings: *) No, I don’t snort
cocaine, I don’t inject heroin, I don’t smoke opium, I don’t snort meth, I
don’t indulge in drugs and don’t ask me nor offer it. It’s a major turn off.
It’s the least sensual thing in the world to me. No, I’m not into threesomes
nor into orgies or into sadomasochism. Thank you, but no thank you.
Correction: I’ll
continue to come to the table sober. Nevertheless, if I’m jumbled with stupid
run-on sentences, horrible comma placement and quotations, please forgive me.
I’m either rather mentally tired or nothing. Human, I guess.
I know the rules to grammar I just don’t know
the application, per say.
Anyone may have all the knowledge in the
world but it’s in the application that one knows how to become an even still
yet smarter individual.
I’m translating so fast each and every day.
By the end of the day I’m normally very mentally tired. I get nine hours of
sleep each night and I’m grateful for that otherwise, I could barely make sense
of this world.
P.S. I got back up on the horse again. I
countered-in at 16 walking miles last week. Hip! Hip! Hooray!
It’s 12:59 P.M. I have many more
responsibilities still yet to meet for today!
May 21, 2012
citizens are the greatest asset any country can have.” - Winston Churchill
the statesman is most anxious to produce is a certain moral character in his
fellow citizens, namely a disposition to virtue and the performance of virtuous
actions.” - Aristotle
City is what it is because our citizens are what they are.” - Plato
of the great strengths of the United States is... we have a very large
Christian population - we do not consider ourselves a Christian nation or a
Jewish nation or a Muslim nation. We consider ourselves a nation of citizens who
are bound by ideals and a set of values.” -
Barack Obama
Happy Monday!
Shall we take to the dance floor?
How about a Polka?
Who doesn’t love to Polka? (Rhetorical.)
Steady like the elk across the Nordic plains
under orange dusk skies…
Right? Right.
Tranquillo everybody, tranquillo. De La Pura Vida. To The Good Life.
There are many extraordinary and exceptional
aspects about the United States of America that I’m astounded by the excellence
in quality of citizenry and the utmost quality of cultural lifestyles in the
inclination towards respect, dignity and justice. (Now, I’m not speaking about economics or race, here: simply civilities
in modes of ethical conduct in behavior across the great divides, which has
nothing to do with class, economics nor race.)
The loveliest aspect about Americans is that we know the difference between right and
wrong, ethically; either way: morality is taught educationally or
religiously, in the public or in the private sectors. We know that we live for
each other’s rights to freedoms as humans because we believe in the
intellectual freedoms and human rights of our neighbors.
As Americans we are so sophisticated in-that
we don’t bomb our neighbors, we don’t set up search parties for witch hunts and
we most certainly live and let live. Ah,
how refreshing to be a citizen of the United States of America. This is a great
Nation under the Native American Gods, the Buddha, the Father, the Son and the
Holy Ghost, Allah and any other God(s) as well as our lucky stars and the
angels which forgive and show compassion to those who are in despair and are in
dire need to ask forgiveness.
Americans most certainly pull themselves up
by their boot straps. Americans want to contribute in the overall health to a
most important and vibrant economy, however Americans must at all costs set in
place a code of conduct for civility to thrive and survive.
Most Americans show the world through their
actions that they do in fact get up each and every morning to act upon their
moral responsibilities, their code of ethics in conduct and their excellent
quality in communication as well as navigating their hearts through a strong
moral compass. Americans are skeptical as well as intelligent but also a
somewhat spiritually lazy (wanting others to tell them what to believe),
emotionally spoiled and somewhat culturally apathetic to the human,
environmental and animal plight; sometimes a cruel nation of emotional
pinchers, racist bullies and classist elitists in which many don’t even have a
pot to piss in yet they belittle and mock those hard at work.
No, I don’t believe that Americans are bottom
feeders by any means, rather without excellent solutions to their needs and
wants. Especially those in the struggle to obtain more commercial gluttony.
Needs and wants for more than the Gods require to provide in the struggle to
beg or whine for more than it’s necessary. Americans must stop competing
against the notion in having to “keep up with the Joneses”. “You never know
what others are going through in their struggles and remember people have
difficult lives.” My father used to say as a wise man of philosophy. I’d have
to agree. Live and let live.
To be civil is to know your ethical code of conduct in moral behavior.
Do unto others as you’d have them do unto you. I like
that saying. I have for much of my life because, this United States of America
is not part of a continent in which we brutalize, belittle and disrespect our
citizens. Americans are not guilty unless proven so. We believe that our
American citizens regenerate our vital and thriving culture; having nothing to
do with race, class nor economics. We believe in the right to civilian safety,
trading and commerce, as well as a thriving economy for all.
We believe, that not only do we have a right
to excellent education (not so much as an enterprise but rather more so as a
right to citizenry as well as socialized public healthcare like that of Finland); we also have the right to live peacefully,
cohabitating amongst 7 billion bodies on earth. The earth got smaller and thus
we aren’t only Americans, we’re also global citizens, more now than ever we
must set down a strong ethical foundation in any excellent code to conduct for
the power of citizenry so that our civilians don’t die from speeding automobile
accidents, pedestrian and bicycle accidents nor aggravated assault. We owe it
to our citizens to set in stone a code of ethical and moral behavior that will
bring peaceful cohabitation amongst all.
I sense the winds of change because I feel
the wind through my hair. Nothing stays
the same. Constant change is a sure guarantee in life, ergo do not despair;
rather breathe for thoughtfulness, mindfulness and compassion along with
serious civil boundaries.
Kindness is strength.
Brutality is cowardice.
Peace is the heightened awareness of beauty
in creation not destruction.
I believe that it’s obvious to say that the
United States of America was founded upon some basic human intellectual truths
in the consequential pursuit to happiness, as well as commonsense freedoms
without exploitations nor manipulations of all citizens and immigrants.
As a Nation, I’d like to believe that we’re
stirring onto the starboard side, away from an oversized icicle. No? Yes.
Change is not coming.
Change is here.
P.S. I have many corrections to address.
Cheers. I ran out of time. It’s the end of my work day as of now 5:04 P.M.
May 19, 2012
“When people hurt you over
and over, think of them like sand paper. They may scratch and hurt you a bit,
but in the end, you end up polished and they end up useless.” - Chris Colfer
you're horrible to me, I'm going to write a song about it, and you won't like
it. That's how I operate.” - Taylor
people won't be happy until they've pushed you to the ground. What you have to
do is have the courage to stand your ground and not give them the time of day.
Hold on to your power and never give it away.” - Donna Schoenrock
is a fight, but not everyone’s a fighter. Otherwise, bullies would
be an endangered species.” - Andrew Vachss
always this one girl. She's desperate and she's weird and she's jealous, and
you're stuck with her, no matter how hard you try to get her off your back.
Just throw some really fucked-up self-esteem issues into the mix and you have
Kara.” - Courtney Summer, Some Girl Are
“A lot of people are afraid to
tell the truth, to say no. That's where toughness comes into play. Toughness is
not being a bully. It's having backbone.”
- Robert Kiyosaki
My Dianna Barry days are long over.
I’m an adult female.
I have power in this world which I’ll not
This bull has grown a pair of brass ones.
Get over it!
No, I’m not a masochist. I hate pain.
While in public; if you’re a stranger who
approaches me and begins to harass, belittle and bully me then I’m going New
York City style on the Minnesotans.
“Where are the shoelaces!” A Caucasian man in
his early fifties with bad breath got into my personal space and abruptly
demanded information from me. He assumed the entire world about me.
Immediately I became alert, focused and
threatened by his entitlement and white privilege.
My voice took on the warning of a bull ready
to strike with one single blow of the horns or hooves.
“You need to first ask others if they are
workers at an establishment. You can’t go around assuming anything about
people. It’s quite improper and rude to assume that people frequenting stores
work there.”
“No, it’s not.” A woman with badly stained
teeth in her late forties stepped in to defend her partner and to contradict me
face on.
“Yes, it is.” I walked away from the two barn
animals roaming the city.
The idiotic woman followed me full of insults
into an aisle.
When I refused to further engage and interact
with her, then her partner realized that I was the last animal on Earth that
they wanted to get into a confrontation with and he went around the corner into
another aisle with a wall between us because I wasn’t passive in the least bit.
they both had cornered me then I would’ve become quite a dangerous animal to
say the least. I was relieved that he took heed to my physical dislike for both
of them and left me alone. The bully woman began to mock me just as soon as she
realized that she was by far the weaker out of the three of us.
When I wouldn’t give her the time of day she
began to insult me, mock me and belittle me in the jewelry section of a Target.
I was appalled by her bullying conduct.
Her loud passive-aggressive whiny voice
uttered the following phrase three times “Someone, is angry. Someone is very
angry. Someone is angry!” She began to laugh at me as she stepped away to find
her partner around the corner in the shoe aisle.
I responded, “Someone is passive-aggressive.
Someone is very passive-aggressive. Someone is passive-aggressive!” as she
walked away. I didn’t make fun of her, I didn’t follow her. I didn’t raise my
voice in a scream and I most certainly didn’t swear at her.
I, too, began to laugh out loud but that was
the last thing I felt like doing. I didn’t much feel like laughter but
nevertheless I forced laugher from the bottom of my soul and held my spiritual
warrior back from metaphorically and spiritually taking her out from this
I went and stood at the wallet aisle to get
away from the crazy entitled and privileged Caucasian spiritually corrupt
mammals. I took deep breaths and tried to calm my blood.
Simultaneously, as I was defending myself
from this adult bully by keeping my distance. I heard another bully from around
the corner tell two other adult humans, “Get out of my way! You’re in my way!”
An African American ten year old bully
stepped into the wallet aisle looking pleased with herself for using her voice
in a derogatory and cruel manner. Our eyes met and I gave her a look that said if you so much as speak to me, then I’ll
kill your spirit forever. She looked away and knew better not to confront
me and I was grateful that she recognized the look in my eyes.
There I stood trapped between a ten year old
female bully and an adult female bully. I could’ve and would’ve taken them both
on if I had to and spiritually combated both simultaneously but it wasn’t my
place nor time.
My strongest line of defense is to always
first walk away.
I left the wallet aisle because the little
girl’s energy was gratifyingly sadistic and maniacal. I could tell that she
enjoyed inflicting pain upon others and I could tell that she’d learned to use
her loud voice as a weapon while I’m finally learning to use my voice as an
instrument and say “No”.
I left the wallet aisle and as I tried to
make a fast get away the adult female approached me once again and said, “It’s
not improper to ask people questions…” I caught her off.
I didn’t want to hear anything she had to say
to me because she and her mammal had approached me, first, and became
embarrassed quite quickly whence I socially corrected them both for their
ignorance, arrogance and lack of urban sophistication. She looked more
frightened and concerned than angry by the time she was done bullying me and it
seemed as though she realized that I was not having any of it from both of
“Yes, it is.” I said. “Don’t address me.
You’re a stranger.” I walked away.
“No, it’s not.” She continued to mumble and I
continued to reinforce my opinion while walking away and taking a sharp right
into another major aisle. “Yes, it’s improper and rude to assume that people
are workers.”
I walked down the aisle to get away from the
neurotic man and woman and I realized that my skin became quite turned off to
the lights, the products and the smells of that store. We left soon after. I
was not in a consumer mood. The store was only as good as its customers and I
felt that I was in the belly of a warehouse whale. I felt trapped and in dire
need to escape a giant consumerist belly.
I don’t believe that I’m above or below any
station in life.
There is a major difference between demanding
“Where are the shoelaces!” and asking “Do you work here?”
To assume that people work places is not only
classist and if you do it to people of color then it’s also racist. It’s an
ignorant ego trip.
Humans are indeed unpredictable and if you’re
rude to me then I, too, may be quite unpredictable.
I wasn’t born into ‘Minnesota fake niceness’.
I’m a born Indiana by-and-by and that means that we don’t require for our needs
to be met by proving that we’re more than we are through the harassment and
encounters of others in public spaces.
I’m real. I’m not a hack. I’m not a phony.
I’m not a fake. I’m not spiritually corrupt. Don’t bother women and children
while out in public. Leave people alone.
I won’t raise a single hand against anyone
but I’ll put you in your place and you’ll sense that your testacies have indeed
dropped so low that it’ll be a while till you can pick them back up. This I
promise you.
Careful, I’ll not get physical unless it’s a last resort to self defense. If I do
strike a blow then it’ll be meant to have a long lasting physical damaging
effect as I was taught to do so and that’s a responsibility I’m willing to live
with. I was taught to duck and weave blows. I won’t strike unless I’m violently
If I get violently touched then I’m out for
No, I’m not the gentle David Carradine’s
character in “Kung Fu”. I’m a Maya adult female from a long line of warriors
who have ripped the still-beating hearts from their opponents. Yes, indeed.
No, I’m not a passive-aggressive female who
pretends to be ‘nice’ when she’s really a cruel bitch sadist. No, I’m not
pretending to be holier than thou so
that others think greatly of me when secretly females wish misfortune upon
others. Gross.
I wish well to all humans, but if you get
into my personal space and threaten my safety. Well, be prepared to know what a
lack of power truly means.
I have the power to kill your spirits and if
you’re cruel then I’m leaving with your souls in my hands and I’m not giving
them back. I can live with that, as a matter of fact I’ll sleep well that night
for defending myself against a culture of arrogance, entitlement, privilege,
ignorance and despair in a city full of dwellers that have no boundaries,
respect or self dignity.
If you don’t know how to cohabitate in a city
then go back to the barn you came from. Minneapolis and its surrounding suburbs
are not small rural Minnesota towns.
Please don’t despair while in public amongst
To despair is to turn your backs on God(s).
May your God(s) be with you through this
transitional period from the fifth cycle into the sixth cycle of enlightenment,
compassion and kindness. One, cannot know compassion, enlightenment and
kindness without thoughtfulness, mindfulness and serious boundaries amongst
strangers and loved ones.
What’s with the despair in this country?
Despair makes for pathetic citizens and a
Careful, the dark side is waiting to convert
you into lost souls.
No, I don’t believe in institutionalized
religion. However, I do most certainly believe in the Gods.
May 18, 2012
"Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, Nor hell a fury like a woman
scorned," - William
Congreve (spoken by Zara in Act
III, Scene VIII)
*) No, I’m not on antidepressants and I
haven’t ever been prescribed a single dosage, nor Ritalin or any prescription
drugs for ADHD. It’s not a big deal if you have been prescribed
antidepressants. I think it’s cool that people take care of themselves. Take
care of your little hearts, minds and souls.
*) I get the following words mixed up:
“anticongestant” and “antidepressant”. Oops. English as a Second Language mix
up. It happens.
*) No, I’ve not taken pain killers since
January 2012 when the doctor stopped prescribing them pre-and-post surgery. No,
I don’t take any type of prescription or pain killer drugs legally or
illegally. I can abide by that and take a drug test any day of the week. I’m
quite happy with my life and the decisions that have led me up to this point in
it. (Anyway, the pain killers didn’t rid me of the type of deep internal pain I
was having. The pain was so severe I could barely move for an hour at a time,
some days!)
*) No, I don’t snort cocaine, I don’t inject
heroin, I don’t smoke opium, I don’t snort meth, I don’t indulge in drugs and
don’t ask me nor offer it. It’s a major turn off. It’s the least sensual thing
in the world to me. No, I’m not into threesomes nor into orgies or into
sadomasochism. Thank you, but no thank you.
*) No, you can’t be friends with a
misogynist. Why?
Ladies, if a misogynist hates your guts as
women then they’ll be out to hurt you in any possible way that they can get
away with doing so.
Such men lack power in their souls, thus they
hate women and that means that they’ll hate your children.
If such men hate you as women and want to
hurt you then most likely they’ll hurt you through your children.
If you know misogynists who’ve been raped in
the past then most likely they’ll rape your kids simply to create a deep wound
that may not be undone to you and your beloved ones.
Careful, ladies these bastards run freely
looking to wound women and children. These types of men hate themselves so much
for having no power in the world and they want women to hurt as badly as they
do. The greatest hurt would be to rape the children of the women in their lives
(if they can get away with it). Be very careful as to whom to trust especially
braggers, emotional pinchers and sadistic bastards who hate their mothers and
who are hated by their father.
I hope you have an amazing weekend amongst
true and tried loved ones.
I’m human and I’m recording life as it
happens. What more is there? Life is
full, complex, difficult, wonderful, beautiful and incredible. As well as
No, not so much to our acquaintances, more
so, rather to our true and beautiful friends: Congrats on your graduations!
Wow! Remarkable. So proud! So proud especially after accomplishing your Ivy
League accreditations. May you help change the world for the better! We’re
expecting a lot from you in a relaxed, friendly and humanistic approach in
manner. A little teasing. We’re so proud! We’ll be there. I’m not being a
bully, we know each other and with much respect to you and your families.
May 16, 2012
“Books are like a mirror. If an ass looks in, you can't expect an
angel to look out.” - B.C. Forbes
To answer your questions:
*) No, I’m not a judge on morality and
immorality but I most certainly get turned off.
I get to make judgments about what’s Kosher
and what isn’t for my life. I can’t help it. I do, actually get grossed out by
what I’ve heard of others’ misbehavior in conduct even if I don’t react in that
moment. Also, just because I don’t speak up it doesn’t mean that I condone the
misbehavior of others. It’s simply not my place to say anything.
*) No, I don’t care if men are closeted
(Just don’t lie to heterosexual women about
allegedly fucking each other and possibly giving their women H.I.V. and AIDS or
other sexually transmitted diseases.)
*) No, I don’t mind gay porn.
(Personally, I don’t watch porn because I’ve
studied the damaging psychological effects it has upon the stunted intellectual
and emotional growth in people and their humanity.) No, I don’t believe in porn
because I don’t believe in dehumanizing others. (If I want an orgasm then I can
have the real thing. Thank you.) However, I do believe it’s others’ choice and
right to watch as they see fit.
*) No, I don’t care if closeted homosexual men
masturbate in front of each other and with each other. (Again, just don’t lie
to heterosexual wives, girlfriends and women about where a man goes dipping his
wick because women really do want to make plans for the future like having
*) Yes, I know who these three Minnesota
individuals are, quite well, and I’ve been greatly lied to for over a decade by
each one of them, but not as badly as the women who’ve slept with these men and
most likely sensed that these men hate their guts but don’t quite know why and
the men make their unhappiness the women’s problems.
*) No, I’ve never, not once, slept with any
of these three assholes. We’ve never kissed, nor so much as held hands because
they treated me like I was a problem.
*) Yes, I was denied by two of the men in
something so simple as going out on a date. Their prerogative but they made
sure that I felt ashamed for asking them out on something so simple as a coffee
date. Little did I know that their dicks had already fallen off and they were cowards
of the human race. Cruel men. It was implied that I was ‘ugly’ and that’s the
reason why they wouldn’t become romantically involved with me but the cats out
of the bag now with a broom in hand.
*) I only know about their alleged
masturbation sessions because one of the three men bragged about their porn
sessions, like it was a cool thing; as well as letting me know that an
elementary school teacher sits in on these sessions. Gross. But again, I’m no
judge of morality and immorality. People can do whatever the hell they please
behind closed doors and with consent. I guess.
*) No, I didn’t join-in, (I only heard about
it through the bragging of a drunkard idiot). I haven’t, not once, seen any of
these men masturbate with each other nor jerking off each other. I wasn’t
there. But they are very much old catty women, that, I can openly admit.
*) Yes, I laugh each time I think about a
decade of stupendous lies, because I picture these men’s father’s jerking off
for each other and with each other. HA! HA! HA!
I get the last laugh after dealing with a
decade of cruelty from these three liars who hated my guts because they were
asshole closeted homosexuals. Wow, I love how the truth will set you free.
I hope that answers your questions.
I have nothing against gay porn or men
masturbating with each other and for each other. By all means.
Only a coward passes himself off as a
heterosexual douchebag when
all he wants is a little butt sex on the side.
May 14, 2012
“Praise makes
good men better and bad men worse.” -
Thomas Fuller
“According to a recent survey, men say
the first thing they notice about a woman is their eyes, and women say the
first thing they notice about men is they're a bunch of liars.” - Anonymous
“A woman has got to love a bad man once or
twice in her life, to be thankful for a good one” - Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
yourself an honest man, and then you may be sure there is one less rascal in
the world.” - Thomas Carlyle
Happy Birthday!
How splendid to be alive!
I seriously didn’t think that I’d live to see
my 35th birthday as a child while clutching my stomach from hunger
pains on a dirt floor tin hut.
I’m rejoicing in the mare fact that I’m live!
If I were to die today then I’d die a happy
human. (Pray that I don’t).
Please don’t despair.
To despair is to turn your back on God(s).
I don’t believe in institutionalized religion
but I most certainly believe in the Gods.
I’ve quit smoking tobacco again, any alcohol
consumption (no matter how small in any amount) as well as sugar as much as I
possibly can after today. Of course, I’ve got to get in one more red velvet
cupcake with my sweetie and blow out a candle before I go under a radical
lifestyle change.
For three years I lived without sugar,
tobacco and alcohol consumption so I know what this entails. I’m not frightened
nor scared, rather excited and ready for change. It takes will power, courage
and skill to live in the light rather than in darkness.
I’m going to try a vegan nutrition once again
and if I don’t succeed at that then at least I’ll continue to consume a free
range, organic, pesticide and lead-free, gluten free nutrition.
I’ll start baking bread again so as to know exactly
what’s going into my food. I got back up on the horse yesterday and started
walking once more. I’ve got 15 pounds post surgery to lose. Slowly and little
by little the pounds will vanish. I’m not all too worried about the pounds so
long as I feel healthy and alive. Every day, by and by, I shall overcome. Even
in crises I’ve felt strong as a warrior and that’s a gift from my ancestry.
--- ---
Most importantly I’ve quit (dumped) three
cruel and mean spirited men from my life who’ve been sucking energy like blood
suckers for eight years, a decade or more. I’m cutting out the fat from my life
and I’m breaking up with cruel male acquaintances / quasi friendships who’ve
been allegedly raped at one point or
another in their lives by neighbors, jail mates or their family relatives.
I’ve quit men who hate themselves and live
for self loathing because they’re heavily closeted homosexuals even though they
go through the motions of dating, marrying and sleeping with women and must
prove that they are manly by having as many one-night stands as possible. Men,
who probably have H.I.V. and AIDS from sleeping with Mexican prostitutes while
on their travels abroad.
No, I’m not making this up. Nope. The truth
is so much juicier than any lie.
I know what I’ve been told when the men have
stabbed each others’ backs.
I won’t lie about this because the truth is
so much more real than any lie.
Information has come to me through and by
direct communication with these men who hate each other but have no one else to
be friends with due to their dirty little secrets. Gross.
I didn’t know that some of my more shallow,
cruel and mean-spirited male acquaintances were into allegedly jerking off with each other and in front of each other to
male porn. I wasn’t there so I wouldn’t know, but I do know that they’ve been
raped in their past histories thus it must be a comfort for them to allegedly jerk off together.
I almost busted out laughing when I heard
what they had done because I could picture all of their fathers watching porn
and jerking off together. I imagined their siblings, sisters and brothers in
law, their wives, their girlfriends and their mothers jerking off together to
male porn. Ha! What an empty and seriously destitute life. A life of quiet
desperation… A life without spirituality is no life at all. It’s a type of
quiet and desperate dark death that they live in.
It explained their cruelty against women. It
explained their failures, their miscommunication, their brutality, their
bitterness, their rotting smells, their lies and most of all their
disappointment with life.
I sat down and told my father everything and
I mean everything that’s been going on for the past decade in relationship to
these three men. I didn’t hold back nor did I keep anything from my father
because we’re not like that in communication. We trust one another to
unconditionally love each other no matter what we have to say to each other.
One of the three loser males kept telling me,
“Don’t tell anyone about this.” He sounded like a pedophile who tells a raped
kid, “Don’t say anything or else.” What a freak! And because I’ve not been
raped (I count my lucky stars) like my former male counterparts, of course, what did I do? I went and told my father
and husband what I was promised in peer pressure not to tell. Oh, I’m not in
seventh grade anymore.
My husband and my father know everything about me
because I’m open and giving with my heart. Even when others have told me not to tell my support system about what’s
been going on, I tell, anyway. I’m not afraid! Why should I be? Who do you think you are? I know more dark secrets
about people in Minnesota than I ought to and thank the Gods I don’t use it
against them because if I were into blackmail, then holy sacredness! I could
make a killing. I’d be sitting fat in some castle with a microwave, dishwasher
and toaster oven, which I don’t have any of those as of now.
I want to be known by both my husband and
father thus we’re open and kind in communication to one another. There’s
tremendous love in my clan of elders and forgiveness no matter how immature or
unsure I’ve been of my footing up to this point in my life in relationship to
cruel people that I’ve pitied. I’m forgiven by and by because others see my true
and genuine kindness not to bestow cruelty upon others.
All of my elders in my clan asked, “Are these
men closeted homosexuals?”
My clan tells me that these men’s bitterness
and cruelty towards women has much to do with allegedly being raped in either prison or in their neighborhoods or
by relatives.
These men hate women because they associate
their rapes to a female condition so they hold it against women that they’ve
been raped like women and that they feel that they are as weak as women.
Thus, every chance that they get, these men
will be-little and hate-on women especially those closest to them. The
behaviors of these men reminds others of catty old women thus most people think
of them as homosexuals even if they are heavily closeted and overcompensate to
pass off as heterosexuals. Poor lost souls. I can only think that when they
were raped that these men were forced into submission and thus they hate their
femininity and in turn making them female haters.
These men make sure that they create enough
hatred and confusion in their relationships to women so that they feel like
they are in control of their pathetic, impoverished existences where they have
nothing or very little to show for no matter how much they boast and brag about
how well connected they are in the world. When one lives in a world of pretense
to prove that they’re worth more than they really are than that’s the reality
of one’s existence and no matter what the mirage or the pretense; their lies
have nothing to do with the harsh reality that they’re losers and they’ll live
and die by that condition alone.
My three male acquaintances hate my guts for
being happy, loved and cared for.
At one point at the beginning of our
relationships, when I really didn’t know enough about these men (they sold
themselves well); I thought the world of these men; so much as to ask two of
them in marriage in my early twenties (about a decade or eight years ago) when
I felt lonesome to make a union to a male friend.
Thank the Gods that these men refused my hand
in marriage because the truth is setting us all free. Not to mention that their
bodies are rotting at a rapid pace. I can barely stand the stench of their
breaths and their rotting skin from seventeen years of heavy alcoholism, drugs
and bad lifestyle.
Pity, is no reason to be someone’s friend
especially when they go out of their way to be cruel to the women in their
lives. Their cruelty is a tactic in keeping their women off balance so that
these men create a false sense of control in their lives.
Ladies, be careful as to whom you meet
especially when these men roam free. These are vultures. Don’t worry, you’re
stronger than them, but keep one eye open for men who self loath.
Men, be careful as to whom you befriend.
These types of men are the true liars of the world because their entire
existences are based on the weak foundations of delusions.
The more a man boasts and brags about his
station in life yet when he hasn’t got a pot to piss in, that’s the real truth
about the life they’ve led.
If a man doesn’t ask a woman any questions
about her life over the period of a decade and that man must be listened to for
hours upon hours while he goes on-and-on about his self importance, then that
is a man, who, is nothing.
Dust to dust they shall return.
I don’t hate anybody. I simply hate that I
wasted my time with losers out of pity.
P.S. What a wakeup call to a Mayan adulthood!
Now, I can see a loser a mile away. These three men taught me how a loser
disguises himself to women in sheep’s clothes. Ladies, be careful, these types
of men are horrible men indeed, dangerous and abusive men whose fathers hate
their guts thus they hate themselves. Peace.
Peace be with you.
And also with you.
Ha! I get the last laugh.
I was shunned in friendship by the women in
these men’s lives because I was supposedly a threat but it was the men who
wanted to sleep with each other not their female friends. How wrong women can
be about other women when they are jealous and insecure. Wow! I’ve learned a
lot about assholes and their men.
Oh, yeah. The pen is indeed mightier than the
sword no matter how much action these men may or may not get from each other. I
could write truths about these men that would drive arrows through their
hearts. Sick men. Get help.
I finally pieced it all together after a
decade of hurt, confusion and cruelty. It took me time, but I figured out that
these are men who would probably rape our future children if we left them alone
in a room together. Yikes. These aren’t friends. These are potential pedophile
Who, openly jerks off in front of other men,
anyway? Perverts. Sick. These men aren’t meant to be befriended by men, women
and much less children. Careful. Cuidado.
One man is a coward and a liar. Yikes! Run!
The other is a liar and cruel. Yikes! Run!
While the third is also cruel and a beggar as
well as a liar. Yikes! Run!
The third is the worst because not even his
brothers have his back thus he’s in constant approval seeking mode from the rest
of the world. He does lie to get approval. A dangerous and cruel man because he
has no empathy for others but again all three men have that same quality in
common. They’re all loser sociopaths.
(He doesn’t remember that while in a drunken
stupor he demanded and begged me for money last May. He made me promise never
to tell another soul. What losers! I could write the Wizard of Oz all over
This is dedicated to all of the women in the
world who get emotionally, mentally and spiritually abused by men who lie to
them about their entire existences. You don’t need that. Run! Run like the
dickens because they’ll murder your spirits. Losers, losers, losers! What more is there to say? I expected
Minnesota to breed a better type of male. Pity.
May 11, 2012
“The worst solitude is to be destitute of sincere friendship.” - Sir Francis Bacon
“No good friends, no bad
friends; only people you want, need to be with. People who build their houses
in your heart.” - Stephen King
“An open enemy is better than a
false friend.” - Greek Proverb
“Best friends are like diamonds,
precious and rare. False friends are like leaves, found everywhere.” - Anonymous
“Misfortune shows those who are not really friends.” - Aristotle
“I'd rather have an enemy who
says that they hate me, than to keep a "FRIEND" whose mission is to
put me down secretly.” - Anonymous
“Friendship isn't about whom you
have known the longest... It's about who came, and never left your side.” - Anonymous
“Friends are made by many acts and lost by only one.” - Proverb
“I’m growing up again...I'm
learning to accept that all good things must come to an end. I'm growing up
again...I'm trying to understand what it's like to let go of a friend.” - The Ataris, ("in spite of the
“Better be alone than in bad company.” -
He slammed on the breaks, hard.
A light sand brown pitbull sprung into
action, veering from the front of our car coming inches from getting hit. The
pitbull ran into the next cross street and onwards with all his might.
The car behind us veered left and around us.
They, too, slammed on their breaks, hard.
My driving companion waved his right arm in
an angry gesture at an Asian man for not keeping his animal companion on a
leash in the inner-city.
He drove around the commotion.
We breathed a sigh of relief.
We were lucky; lucky not to have hit, injured
or killed the dog. That would’ve been a tragedy and a mess to have sorted out
for sure.
I told my traveling companion, “I would’ve
probably cried if we had hit and killed that dog.” What more is there to say? Perhaps, I would’ve held my tears
(that’s for sure) and felt dread.
‘I should not have come today’ I thought to
At that point it was about four in the
afternoon and my companion informed me that he was three beers in while he
drove. I felt safe and I also sensed that he was in control of the vehicle at
all times nevertheless it was what it
was. I’m no preacher on the subject of morality and immorality. No one is.
The first one to cast a stone is usually the first one to live in glass houses.
I wanted to ask my companion to pull over and
I should’ve gotten out of the car but out of sheer politeness I stuck the
landing. Great luck that everyone was safe, but a bad omen, regardless.
--- ---
Earlier that day I had taken two Aleve pills and one over the counter
sinus congestion pill and by nine that night I had drank four beers over the
span of five hours which is not typical for my daily lifestyle, but I most
certainly can hold my alcohol as I was taught well by Iowa farmers.
We walked to a public park at eight and by
nine I thought:
‘This is a bad friendship’ while I became
un-well (vomited) for the first time in public in my entire life in an
unfamiliar location to me.
No, I wasn’t drunk.
I was unwell.
Major difference.
I wasn’t stumbling.
I wasn’t mumbling.
I wasn’t irritable.
Unbeknownst to me, once at the park my
walking companion took out two more beers and drank from both out in the open
while I nursed a water bottle and hid his beers for him when he asked me to, so
he could go and speak to an acquaintance of his. I felt like an idiotic
I could barely see. The pressure coming from
my head was more than I could barely handle. Any type of light sent a throbbing
pulse whipping me slightly above where my eyebrows meet.
I felt with each throb a Futbol kick to the
brain and it left my body shuddering. At times, I felt that I could barely see
straight because the pain was astounding.
I kept my composure, walked comfortably on
the grass and spoke about how ill I felt because it was real pain sending
signals throughout my body to get home at all costs.
We headed back, up a steep hill, over a cross
street, left, across a parking lot and continued to veer a corner to the right
of a neighborhood I had never set foot upon.
We didn’t stumble, we weren’t rude and I was
severely embarrassed down to the marrow of the bone to have been ill in public because
that’s never happened to me before. I’ve helped out many intoxicated people
before and felt their pain because looking in I must’ve looked like a drunk and
that just wasn’t the case.
Inside my brain I felt like Dianna Barry in
the novel of Anne of Green Gables when Dianna becomes ill from some liquored
berry juice Anne gives her. ‘Oh,’ I thought ‘Why didn’t this happen to me when
I was sixteen instead of thirty four? I’m too old for this!’
--- ---
We rounded a street. My companion took out
his keys. We heard loud noises and I looked back. Two black men made haste and
we quickened our footsteps. They, too, quickened theirs. One moment we were in
a quiet lovely neighborhood and the next we were in the hood. We reached the
flat just in time as they were barely on our heels.
We paused to watch them round a corner. They
walked fast as if they were ready to strike at any one moment and definitely
out looking for a fight. There was an unmistakable violent demeanor about these
two men. They were a threat to us and there was no two ways about it… when
you’ve got a panther breathing down your neck, you can pretty much either be
eaten or eat.
We sat on the front stoop of the flat and
took a deep breath. I told my bad company “I saw the red convertible drive by.
There was enough traffic in the street that if we had to throw one of them into
traffic and fought the other then I would’ve been ready for it.” “I’m glad you
thought of that.” He said.
We were calm, cool and collected. I had my
faculties and intelligence about me but I could barely see and the pounding
persisted inside my head. I got the hell out of that bad neighborhood, went
home, bathed and went to bed next to my true and sober love. I counted my lucky
stars. No, I didn’t drive home nor did my companion.
--- ---
I prefer sweet things like organic root beer
and vegan pastries. I regress…
At around eight that night my companion
handed me ½ of a Ritalin pill for the second time in about a week.
I accepted half of the pill from him and
trusted that the pill would have no absolute physical discomfort as it had the
previous time. I trusted him to know what he was doing as one who’d studied,
majored and graduated in the field of psychology. “Just don’t tell Eric that I
gave you this.” I was appalled that he would suggest what I could or could not tell Eric, thus I’m writing about it to
the world.
it was my choice to take half of the Ritalin and no one else’s. I’m an adult. I
get to make decisions about my life regardless of the consequences. No, I have
not once before accepted prescription pills from anyone. That’s just not my
lifestyle. I have too many responsibilities as an adult.
As an adult clinically diagnosed with ADHD; I’ve not once tried a drug
for ADHD and thus I made the grown adult decision to do so in that moment. I
paid for my lack of consideration and foolishness, especially since I already
had alcohol, one decongestant and two pain relievers in my system that day.
Foolish, foolish…little girl...}
--- ---
I know, now, as I enter my adulthood that I’ll not be in such a situation as that
again because, one, only finds
themselves in horrible situations while in the company of bad company,
otherwise nothing bad ever happens around here and that’s a great thing… I know
the difference. I have friends that we don’t drink together nor smoke tobacco
and we most certainly don’t take each other’s prescription drugs. We go for
long walks and that’s amazing in a world where intoxication is all too easily
Here I was at the end of my 34th
birthday unwell in public. Just with days to go ready to enter into a journey
of moderation and adulthood; There, I was passing the time in such a manner.
Ayayaiii. Not good. Not good at all. It just wasn’t good enough. It won’t do.
In a complete decade that we’ve known one
another in a non-sexual friendship, my bizarre friend has not once seen me ill,
perhaps stupidly intoxicated, once, but never ill nor have I ever seen him
vomit either but I’ve rarely seen him without a few drinks in him.
‘I should’ve not come here today.’
--- ---
I’m tired of hanging out with certain boys
who refuse to become adults. I’ve been there, too, immaturity; what can I say? The thing is this: when
I consider having children this is the last thing I want them to be a part of
much less observe.
My life is truly beautiful and peaceful but I
have made unwise decisions about some of the male company I’ve kept over the decade
and now; change. I look forward to the change. I’m working on being less bossy,
not taking myself so seriously when I can help it and running alongside a pack
that is healthy, carefree and present rather than intoxicated. I like laughing
and no, I don’t need to be intoxicated to have a splendid time.
I can’t say that I’ll ask my doctor to
prescribe Ritalin after such a horrible ordeal and experience. I’m done with
mediocrity. No, I’m not into prescription drugs and no, I’m not into being
intoxicated. Anyone that knows me well will tell you that that’s just not my
lifestyle. It was a bad call in judgment. It happens.
“Remember, your best friends don’t live in
this state. You don’t have to accommodate anyone just because you feel
That’s my greatest lesson in development not
to be too accommodating. I give too much of myself away. Ah, the plights of
being female and sometimes not very smart when it most counts. Bad company
tends to leave a bad taste in your mouth as well as it leads one astray.
Maturity, here I come!
I’m thinking of giving up sugar and alcohol
while I prepare to…
If anything I hope you learn from my stupidity and bad experience. My father said, “True friends will not
compromise your health and safety and they will do right by you because you
will do the same for them.” Here! Here!
I’ve not experienced anything quite like what
happened to me yesterday while I’ve been in the company of great friendships.
How awful! I almost had to fight a thug with a blinding headache. If they
would’ve laid a hand on either one of us, I can guarantee that I would’ve
become a bull in a China shop. Need I say more?
April 30, 2012
Holiday went by quickly!
--- --- ---
Marijuana ought to be legalized! Period.
If you tattle tale on others about smoking
marijuana (privately) then you’re a loser, period.
Marijuana smoke is no different than
It’s only a matter of time until marijuana
becomes legalized and humanity can move on from this Holocaust that is Mexican
drug wars where civilians get murdered everyday by the hundreds, if not then
the thousands. (30,000 Mexicans dead due to this drug Holocaust… food for
Legalize marijuana! I think that marijuana
ought to be treated the same as with liquor licenses and sales.
--- --- ---
To our wonderful 42,900 annual readers --
thank you for your support! You’re so lovely! (I thought it was just going to be me writing all by myself
for the sake of history’s memory, collected dust and poetic justice.) Your
readership has blindsided me. I got tackled by you!
We’re down ten thousand in readership since I
quit Facebook. Since, we don’t advertise
it’s a miracle and a gift to have so many of you wonderful people, here with us
According to the access logs, the engineers
have reported that the blog is by far the big draw but also many across the
world are looking at the “Self Portraits”. Thank you I’m flattered.
This is (as you already know) a free form
Anything can and will go.
I’m glad for your sakes that you’re open
minded and understanding enough of my maturity process, learning and immense intensity
for politics (even though I’m not really politico). (I stay away from becoming
a part of anything that may get me involved in overpriced cold meals that are
meant to be hot with boring and pompous speakers, people wanting to be
impressed for no reason at all and putting on airs about nothing as well as
being spit upon by people who talk too loudly with bad breath.) Peace. Thank
the Gods I became a professional artist and not a politician begging for money
at hotel conference rooms and lobbies.
I stand firmly upon this little bit of
cyberspace and I have the freedom to write anything. If it wasn’t for you, then
I don’t know. Thank you for your e-mails and interest in the work we’re doing.
Thank you for allowing me to be as free and passionate about being alive as I
possibly can be.
I’m grateful and you know it. The readership
went from 1 to thousands upon thousands in a matter of two years and you
continue to come back for more! WOW! I’m blushing. I guess, I don’t know what
to else to say… except that I’m trying not to hide under the furniture.
I’m glad to
be here with you today.
As you already know, my literary alter ego is
a curmudgeon and I can and will swear from time to time if I feel, believe and
think that the “little guy” is being taken advantage of.
I can’t believe how quickly our Holiday went
I think the world of the world. I’ve read a
lot, chillaxed, got together with our closest family and friends of 20 years,
caught up with people I haven’t seen in a year and relaxed, looked for
property, travelled and ate great food (oysters). Yes! I stayed away from
writing and I’ll see you back here Monday, May 21, 2012.
Much love,
P.S. I’ll see you after my birthday! Wow,
I’ll officially be a Maya adult. How exciting! It’s nice to finally see clearly
through other’s bullshit, pretense and lies! Cheers! Ciao.
P.S.S. Go Vikings! I love football and the
Minnesota Vikings.
It’s too bad that the state of Minnesota with
all of its financial and social issues (such as homelessness and educational
funding) wants to subsidize a multi-billion dollar corporation rather than
giving that money over to healthcare and educational systems of Minnesota.
I think that if the MN Vikings really cared
about Minnesota then they’d pay a lot more towards the football stadium.
Actions speak louder than words. Money talks, bullshit walks.
Casino money is a great way to steal all that
money back from the Native Americans. Cheers!
I hope the Minnesota Vikings stay in Minneapolis
and more willing to contribute in funds towards the state rather than take away
from the mouths of babes. Our Minnesotan children and youth go hungry and
that’s a fact.
--- ---
April 30, 2012
“Read not to contradict and confute, nor to believe and take for
granted... but to weigh and consider.” - Sir Francis Bacon
“Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an
exact man.” - Sir Francis Bacon
“Next to religion, let your care be to promote justice.” - Sir Francis Bacon
Happy Monday!
Corrections: March 19, 2012:
Oh, my goodness: My
deepest of apologies to the Dutch from the Netherlands whose country I have
visited and loved dearly.
I meant to write that the Danish of Denmark
were the rudest people I came across while travelling through Costa Rica two
weeks ago. I’m so sorry for the
confusion. Terribly sorry about the confusion!
An article triggered my memory in mistake.
Thank you for the correction.
A man told me that he was from Denmark and I
remembered how rude he and his wife had been to me and those around them! I
love how memory gets triggered.
I read an article about Denmark and his words
came back to me like a two ton block had hit me!
Please forgive me for being a dumb human, sometimes.
I humble myself before you!
--- --- ---
Oh, my goodness: My
next deepest apology in correction; our foreign exchange student came from
Borneo, Indonesia and not from the Philippines.
Oh, I’m so embarrassed for getting my
geography wrong. Not that I don’t know my general global geography because I
do, but I really do need to look at a global map while I write.
I’ll get better at writing the proper
countries. My deepest apologies.
I could climb underneath the furniture right
about now, however, my Father corrected me. He said, “You know that ‘Harry’
comes from Indonesia. Borneo has the history of the shrunken heads. That way
you won’t forget.” Thank you for the correction.
Please forgive me for being a dumb human,
sometimes. I humble myself before you!
--- ---
P.S. There’s so much oil in the world right
now that economists report that oil could feasibly go for ten dollars per
barrel (correction; not “barrel head” rather “barrel” only). It’s all
P.S.S. To China and your rebellious civilian
coup d'états, we think of you. China is on the verge of economical collapse for
those of you who don’t know.
*) Sudan, we love you. It’s been twenty years
of political upheaval. Ayi-ya-yai!
*) Haiti we love you!
*) Cuba we love you!
--- ---
Holiday! Tranquillo! Tranquillo, world!
Tranquillo, everybody!
As a writer it is my duty to provoke thoughts
of the greatest magnitude, no matter how vulgar the writing may seem or come
across to the reader (otherwise, you do have the option not to read and I can
respect that in any man or woman); as a human it is my responsibility to
promote global justice and as a woman it is my life-given right to be free and
to intellectually and philosophically fight for the freedoms of a global
I’m a poet and that’s my job to stir free
thought, to bring about purity and to seek out the fundamental truths in life
even if it’s not packaged in a nicely and neatly little box with a bow on top.
Life is messy. What else can I say? A
lot more.
For example; Politicians have no business
making women’s vaginas into political rhetoric. It shows how weak male and
female Republican politicians truly are; not to be able to address and to deal
with pressing issues of our era, those, which are dire today such as the
American economy, lack of educational funding in America, lack of funding for
American socialized healthcare, renewable energy, and lack of American cultural
civilities and much, too, much classism and racism in America.
Team work is overrated while innovation dies
at the hands of collaborative bullies. Think. Think! Think, because it doesn’t
cost anything. Think with your own free wills, if you must, however, and
nevertheless, do it.
America must not allow for its fundamental
strengths and talents to be diminished nor ruined just because the herd is
jumping off the cliff. We call upon the innovators, inventors and thinkers of
today to step up to the plate even if this means having geeks, professional
artists (not gutter, alcoholic rats) and philosophers lead the think-tanks of
21st century ideas in development, production, manufacturing and
imports and exports!
--- ---
Thoughts about the past year…
--- ---
Volunteerism is overrated.
Donating is the new 21st century
I gave up on physically volunteering because
the food bank that, which, I volunteered for two years here in Minneapolis
didn’t care if they smoked marijuana in front of minors or not; they didn’t
care for the safety of their volunteers having to deal with prostitutes and
heroine junkies at their community garden. Nobody cared if mice ran around on
top of the food that was to be given away to the public.
I gave up volunteering because I couldn’t
even contribute without having barking mean spirited unleashed city dogs take
over my human space while coming to and from the facilities. I gave up on
volunteering because I was screamed at as a volunteer by people who were
constantly drunk or high.
I gave up on volunteering because I was
considered a means to an end and if I
would not bring-in monetary means to this particular “hippie-wanna-be”
non-profit food bank then I was not a valuable contributing volunteering
member, therefore, I became insignificant the less I offered to bring in
monetary funds. (There’s nothing sweatier than “humanitarian undercover work”.)
I was looked upon as “money bags” and not as
a volunteer. I was asked for money on a weekly basis towards the end about a
year ago, now. I was asked to write $100,000.00 grants without pay. I was
asked, begged for money without that being my volunteering role. I hate double
standards and sly bullies who enforce highfalutin righteousness, all in the
name of a great cause; (to feed the poor) while behind a volunteers back they’d
kill the volunteer if they could.
Kids are not safe volunteering in America
today. Send money, plus that’s all non-profit organizations truly want from
you, anyway, your money. I’m learning awfully, quick. It’s not enough to volunteer
anymore. No, Sir! Ultimately, non-profits just want money and the rest is
idiotic “religious” / “anarchistic” preachy rhetoric about helping out the
hungry and such business. Money. Money. Money. How boring. Not my money. I
can’t possibly carry an entire non-profit on my back but I was expected to or
else, I was not welcomed back. Therefore, I never went back. How pathetic to
run a non-profit like a hovel.
Catholics are some of the most insulting,
scared and imposing adults I’ve ever met. They’re also some of the most
brainwashed people I’ve ever come across. It seems as though Catholics must be
indoctrinated into believing anything so long as their rhetoric can be shoved
down others’ throats. How boring of them. As if though they have a need to fulfill
in enforcing others into believing as they do out of fear that they might just
be alone in the world, even if it’s rebelling against their parents.
Imagine; Catholic “hippie-wanna-bes”,
drunken-marijuana smokers with dreadlocks, bad breath, dirty and torn clothes,
screaming at the top of their lungs their organic mouse droppings filled
rhetoric while they can and would come close to beating your face in if you
don’t agree with them. Imagine it because that’s a demographic I volunteered
amongst for two long and tedious years. I made a commitment and I followed
through. What a waste of a life and time for such lost souls. Gutter rats.
Careful, of such nonsense! ‘Cuidado’ as the
Ticos say, ‘careful’. Such a demographics, isn’t a majority, they’re a small
pocket of culture that is too stoned or drunk to understand that the world has
indeed passed them by and nobody cares about them. Squalor politics, dirty and
mean like most politics is.
--- ---
I had an American Euro-trash dinner hostess
insult my Mayan religion and spirituality after dinner, one evening, early last
summer, and I never went back into such an abomination of a home.
As an educated intellectual fool, the last
thing, I resort to when I’m uncomfortable is attacking and making fun of other
people’s religions, spirituality and humanity.
I pegged her for whom and what she really was; she represented herself as
an insecure ‘white trash’ daughter of a single working secretary mother. A
daughter with a one-hundred-thousand-dollar educational debt pretending like
she could afford it. Her over priced Swiss university education obviously
didn’t teach her any true cultural values. A debt so high that she’d have to
contend with it for the better part of her latter twenties, thirties, forties and
fifties… I realized before she did that her education isn’t worth anything.
I realized as I was being insulted around her
table that no matter how expensive her education might have cost her, that she
would be as she had always been before, uneducated and unsophisticated.
She didn’t even have hosting and dinning 101
down. She was very much in the likes of her alcoholic partner. Rude,
passive-aggressive and low-brow. It was unforgivable for as much as they
demanded to be treated with respect and to be approached as two intellectuals.
My ridiculous hosts had no real ability to
connect to others without having to show-off, be demeaning and make put-downs
upon others while they pretended to deceive their more intelligent dinner guests
into a quasi refined conversation of political shallowness and personal
Insecure people sure are insane. I’ve let go
of their insanity. I’ve checked out of a world of insecure humans caused by…
Before I left, I turned to both of my hosts
and said, “Thank you for inviting me to your humble abode.” The male host
jumped on me and corrected me. Immediately I knew something about him that he
would not learn anytime soon. Humility, of the deepest sentiment. I was testing
him. He reproached me like a child and corrected me like an idiot. I rested my
case. Not to go back and sit at such a dirty and depressing table with their
personalities for first-and-last courses shoved down my throat as a dining
guest. Fools.
Why is it that in America when people grow-up
in a working class they become some of the most insecure of people? What is it
about being a preacher’s or a lower middle class kid that makes people feel
like they aren’t worth anything and they want everybody else to suffer at the
hands of their spiritual corruptness and their drunken depression?
I did my ten years of spiritual penance for a
lie that I told when I was 18 (I’ll write all about it later) about a kid that
I had a crush on.
I did my time with his rude and mean
alcoholic younger brother. I told myself that I could make it through such a
mean friendship for a decade to correct the lie that I had told when I was a
I let myself be insulted, manipulated, lied
to, dismissed, disregarded, degraded and made to be the smallest human in front
of others not to mention that not once, was I ever truly trusted by this kid
who was cold, demeaning, disrespectful and cruel to me for having a crush on
his brother when I was a teenager. I paid for my lie and that’s now over and
done with. Never again. What a crook. What a creep. He had so many chances to
be kind but that got beaten out of him early on when he got raped by his
older-kid neighbor.
I wasn’t sure if I was going to make it, but
I did.
I put in ten years of amazing, loving, kind and
respectful friendship to a horrible alcoholic man who insulted me every time he
could and I let him get away with it because I had to pay for the one lie that
I had told.
The entire time, I got to learn, what my
crush was all about and what a horrible life these brothers had lead with an
emotionally abusive father. I could relate, I had an emotionally abusive mother
growing up. I learned the greatest and the most valuable lesson; (Nope. Not
today. The answer is worth 20 billion dollars. Check you later.).
--- ---
If Iran must be imposed upon economical
sanctions by Israel and America then Israel ought to have economical sanctions
imposed upon for having Israeli Apartheid law in the likes of South Africa’s
former apartheid.
Israel’s rhetoric as of late holds far too
many double standards when their apartheid closes off their borders by some 400
miles and refuses property rights, working rights and voting rights to the
Careful, Americans not to drink the Israeli
Americans, don’t fall into that rabbit hole
because war against Iran could mean disaster for the United States for years to
come while Israel sits back and smiles at the fact that it got the giant to do
all its fighting for the ‘little dog’. Israel doesn’t have the United States of
America’s best interest at heart, otherwise, it wouldn’t push so hard for the
Americans to go to war.
“People aren’t afraid of the truth. People
are tired of being lied to by the mainstream media, the government and their
Much love from an American daughter of a
Jewish Father and from a woman developed by American free speech, liberty and
in the pursuit of happiness.
Long live prose! Long live poetry! Long live
the professional working artists (not gutter rats)! Long live The People! Long
live wisdom! Long live truth! Long live your right to speak! Long live
philosophers! Long live lead-free foods! Long live non-animal tested cosmetic
products! Long live our youth who are far more open minded than our elderly!
Long live life! Long live thinking! Long live respect! Long live
respectability! Long live factual news! Long live global facts! Long live
animation! Long live avocados! Long live papaya! Long live little seeds that
grow into large trees! Long live your smiles! Long live you! Long live us! Long
live! Peace.
April 27, 2012
to be commanded, must be obeyed.” - Sir
Francis Bacon
Happy Friday!
April 26, 2012
“Seek ye first the good things of the mind, and the rest will
either be supplied or its loss will not be felt.” - Sir Francis Bacon
Happy Thursday!
April 25, 2012
is the sleep that nourishes wisdom....” - Sir Francis Bacon
Happy Wednesday!
April 24, 2012
“People usually think according to their inclinations, speak
according to their learning and ingrained opinions, but generally act according
to custom.” - Sir Francis Bacon
Happy Tuesday!
April 23, 2012
“Nothing doth more hurt in a state than that cunning men pass for
wise.” -
Sir Francis Bacon
Happy Monday!
April 20, 2012
“Natural abilities are like natural plants, that need pruning by
study; and studies themselves do give forth directions too much at large,
except they be bounded in by experience.” - Sir Francis Bacon
Happy Friday!
April 19, 2012
“Men fear death as children fear to go in the dark; and as that
natural fear in children is increased by tales, so is the other.” - Sir Francis Bacon
Happy Thursday!
April 18, 2012
“Nature is often hidden, sometimes overcome, seldom extinguished.” - Sir Francis Bacon
Happy Wednesday!
April 17, 2012
“Of all virtues and dignities of the mind, goodness is the
greatest, being the character of the Deity; and without it, man is a busy,
mischievous, wretched thing.” - Sir Francis Bacon
“Opportunity makes a thief.” - Sir Francis Bacon
Happy Tuesday!
April 16, 2012
“Money is like manure, of very little use except it be spread.” - Sir Francis Bacon
Happy Monday!
April 13, 2012
“Science is but an image of the truth.” - Sir Francis Bacon
Happy Friday!
What a great day for the Mayan people!
April 12, 2012
“The root of all superstition is that men observe when a thing
hits, but not when it misses.” - Sir Francis Bacon
Happy Thursday!
April 11, 2012
“The subtlety of nature is greater many times over than the
subtlety of the senses and understanding.” - Sir Francis Bacon
Happy Wednesday!
April 10, 2012
“The way of fortune is like the milkyway in the sky; which is a
number of small stars, not seen asunder, but giving light together: so it is a
number of little and scarce discerned virtues, or rather faculties and customs,
that make men fortunate.” - Sir Francis Bacon
Happy Tuesday!
April 9, 2012
“The worst men often give the best advice.” - Sir Francis Bacon
Happy Monday!
April 6, 2012
“The worst solitude is to have no real friendships.” - Sir Francis Bacon
Happy Friday!
April 5, 2012
“There is a difference between happiness and wisdom: he that thinks
himself the happiest man is really so; but he that thinks himself the wisest is
generally the greatest fool.” - Sir Francis Bacon
Happy Thursday!
April 4, 2012
“There is a wisdom in this beyond the rules of physic: a man's own
observation what he finds good of and what he finds hurt of is the best physic
to preserve health.” - Sir Francis Bacon
Happy Wednesday!
April 3, 2012
“There is as much difference between the counsel that a friend
giveth, and that a man giveth himself, as there is between the counsel of a
friend and of a flatterer. For there is no such flatterer as is a man's self.” - Sir Francis Bacon
Happy Tuesday!
April 2, 2012
is no comparison between that which is lost by not succeeding and that which is
lost by not trying.” - Sir Francis Bacon
Happy Monday!