May 31, 2011
“A graduation ceremony is an event where the commencement speaker
tells thousands of students dressed in identical caps and gowns that 'individuality'
is the key to success.” - Robert Orben
“We are living in 1937, and our universities, I suggest, are not
half-way out of the fifteenth century. We have made hardly any changes in our
conception of university organization, education, graduation, for a century -
for several centuries.” - H. G. Wells
“From kindergarten to graduation, I went to public schools, and I
know that they are a key to being sure that every child has a chance to succeed
and to rise in the world.” - Dick Cheney
“Americans in particular are myopic. They're not traveling as
much. When you were a college student, the next thing you would do on
graduation was to take a year off and travel. That's what I did. I went to
Indonesia.” - Julie Taymor
Happy Tuesday!
Good afternoon.
Wow. Tuesday came awfully
quick, no matter how much we tried to slow down and, we did some, thank
goodness – Tuesday afternoon came awfully quick. Our creative projects’ fiscal
business budgets are balanced as of today and we head into a long year with smiles
on our faces, barefoot through the woods and we are looking forward to hot
weather with very little to no plans. The month of May is when we realize what
the year will look ahead. We’re calm, breathing and ready to research “wind
generating” technology. It’s all about discipline and budgets which are kept
within bounds nothing more and nothing less. We hope to do nothing, except meet
many excellent responsibilities and there are plenty, have fun and laugh. We
believe in making contributions in strides as tiny as some may be. As
middle-class taxpaying World citizens we dream about the dusk horizon and look
through a hopeful viewfinder to a fair, confident and balanced future. Cheers
to all!
We look to our beacons of
hope – to all of those World graduates who graduated this past winter, last
week and in the week to come. Congratulations! Big deal! Huge! We look to you!
We look to - you - to bring change about as any vessel is gently maneuvered to
tackle to any side and gently brought about and near to the shores of respect,
personal responsibility and grace.
I wish you an amazing
summer. I hope, you - make time to travel, meet other kind, intelligent and
contributing folks. I’m on my feet and ask all of the peoples’ of the World to
stand with me and applaud our Ivy League graduates. Congratulations, to your
success, sportsmanship, chivalry and more importantly for your academic years
of sacrifice to your studies, ideas on further learning and the many
contributions you will make to your peers, civilians and citizens of the World.
Cheers to you!
Congratulations to all Ivy
League Graduates of the Class of 2011. May - wisdom guide you, personal grief
teach you lessons to never repeat again and may, caring-respect through actions
create and develop role model citizens out of you – (if, - you - so wish to
become one – I’m still deciding how I want to be a role model at the age
thirty-four because most of the role models we witnessed as a generation…
abused a system of power – I can’t for one moment believe that’s all there is).
Hopefully, Ivy League
Graduates (Correction: from “Ivy” to “Ivey” back to “Ivy”) and World Graduates
of the Class of 2011 you’ll have fun throughout life and laugh because you’ve
made great choices that will affect you - beyond you and your faces - and that
means you’ll be able to sleep soundly and peacefully at night because you know
the truth to be kind even when it speaks directly and without pretence. Please,
keep in mind World taxpaying citizens because not everybody in the world has made
the academic sacrifices and has had nor will have the opportunities that you
shall. May, you - become great World leaders, hopefully, question everything -
and be our kind teachers and leaders of tomorrow because we have very few role
models in an age of greed. Please, bring us into economical and artistic
prosperity – so that all professional working artists, scientists,
mathematicians and world leaders can move forth with new contributing ideas,
structures and concepts. We applaud your academic efforts - now, we look
forward to your contributions as leaders of the world. “Bravisimo!” “Bravo!” I
say to you. Thank you.
Happy Birthday to all those
people who have birthdays on the weekends and don’t necessarily get recognized
by co-workers, friends while on travel or people off-line. Happy Birthday to
weekend people and their birthdays! Cheers to you and yours!
To our friends in the East –
In Japan our Mayan prayers and thoughts are with you. To our friends in Joplin,
MO and our friends in North, Minneapolis our Mayan prayers and thoughts are
with you as we have travelled throughout the day.
Well, I have much subject
matter I’d like to address, cover and openly write about but I ran out of time
today. I’m trying to write for half an hour to an hour, daily instead of two
hours. I want to move on to the next portion of my day and that means
communicating ideas about cuts for a celluloid jig-saw puzzle.
Ideas about blogging to
cover as subject matter in the weeks to come.
*) What is a blog?
*) What literary genre does
a blog constitute?
*) Why were blogs made for
the people, by the people and of the people?
*) What is there to love
about world political blogs? (Many things.)
*) What is modern
contemporary feminism? (I’m being rhetorical, don’t forget.)
*) How does a feminist
dress, look, act, react and speak to men in contemporary modern society?
*) How are men, feminists?
(Yes, I know. It’s a decent question, no?)
*) Why aren’t World Fathers
feminist? Especially amongst their male friends when they are fathers’ to
*) Why do strange men in
public or passing acquaintances in the world take the liberty to touch women at
all? Why, on public streets and in communication to women? (Not acceptable and
I’ll discuss why, later.)
*) Why do men touch women at
all especially when they’re strangers? Why do men take such liberties in a
modern contemporary world of societies?
*) Why do men, pet women on
the shoulders when women directly flatter their intelligence? Do men think that
women need to be petted and fed cookies? We’re not dogs, bunnies or kitties,
we’re women. Do men like to be treated like snot-nosed children? No, of course
not and neither do grown women.
*) Why do men make many
assumptions about women and their abilities in communication?
*) Why do men pose rude
questions about women and their behavior? (What gives in the Northern Tundra?)
*) Why so much
misunderstanding between the cultural sexes?
*) Currency – What is the
rule? Either count it out-loud or don’t count it out-loud amongst strangers and
between friends? Is there a double standard?
*) How has the Japanese
civilization evolved differently than any other civilization in terms of
*) What makes the Japanese
civilians so respectful and calm about their wits under pressure? (I’m just
asking the questions as questions ought to be asked.)
*) What is a JAP vs. a
J.A.P.? (I didn’t think this terminology-up - someone brought it up in
conversation.) Much more later!
*) How to weld an airplane
frame? (What a dream, no? Si? Yes.) (I have ideas yet I’ve never built an
airplane frame before, so I’d have to learn over time. I have design ideas but
I don’t have the math down-quite yet. I’m thinking of taking a currency class,
a fractions class, a direct English speaking in a dialogue form class and an
aerodynamics class.) If I had more time in life, what, I, wouldn’t learn?
*) What is the terminology
of a boat engine and how is terminology essential for clear, concise and
evident communication?
*) What is the terminology
of a “motherboard” and the many components to putting a DOS computer together
and how is terminology essential for clear, concise and evident communication?
*) Is terminology essential
for survival? (I can answer that with my eyes closed).
*) What is the Patriot Act?
*) Why aren’t citizens
voting on the Patriot Act?
*) If Politically written
Acts trash civilians’ Constitutional Amendments and Rights then why don’t civilians
get to vote for their future rights? What gives? We need World Humanitarian
lawyers to represent the people not greed, power or dictatorships. If the
United States becomes a Dictatorship and our people get sent to concentration
camps then will the rest of the World leaders step in and have mercy upon the
civilians of the United States of America? No, I’m not talking a WWIII and
neither - IS - anyone else, so don’t go there and definitely don’t touch it
because the stove is always hot! Will our own American troops save its civilian
population if we are crushed by a dictatorship? What will become of American
civilians if our government makes it an Act to kidnap, brutalize and dehumanize
its own body of citizens and civilians? What then? Nothing, America will re-set
itself back to the dark ages and our wisest of leaders most likely realize that
outcome so I’d say to other World Governments, either the United States of
America’s Government will mature and grow up or it won’t - I would not enter
into a WWIII with America because sometimes when a ship goes down there is
nothing for the captain to do but to go down with his ship – kind of an
unspoken Marine Law – How’s that for a law – keeps you on your toes, doesn’t
it? I didn’t make it up someone taught it to me.
I’m hoping someone, will
save the American civilians, citizens and public but I won’t hold my breath if
the ship goes down and it takes the first, second and third class passengers
down with it.
*) Why isn’t the Patriot Act
being voted on like any other Act? What gives?
*) What is the benefit of
the Patriot Act?
*) What are the pros and
cons of the Patriot Act?
*) Is there anybody out
there – being a Watchdog for the domestic legal and humanitarian laws of the
civilians and citizens of the United States of America. Please, anyone. Step up
to the plate. Let us, always, play for the team, that takes into consideration
the other team. Philosophy teaches us logic and logic will carry us into the
*) If politicians pass
prayer in the school system, then why pass the Patriot Act?
*) What are more religiously
and politically-intelligently written laws, the Patriot Act or prayer in
schools? The People and Teachers of the United States of America do get a
strong say about what happens to our future children’s curriculum and classroom
activities, not politicians. If prayer is implemented in the public school
system, then hitting and corporal punishment should be implemented as well?
What! Doesn’t, abuse - make sense? Absurd!
{Really, we get to pray to the
Mayan Gods in the public school systems? Wow! I’m all for it! And, Hindu,
Buddhist, Indiano and Arabic and any other prayers - I can't wait for
youngsters to be taught 20 different types of prayers in the public school
systems in 20 different languages. How exciting? No? Si? Yes. That must take
most of the morning – a three hour course just on world prayers. I can’t think
of anything more progressive than that – a course offered one day a week?
(Someone, thought of prayers in schools, I just see the discrepancies with what
people propose to be archaic.) We have many more pressing politics; let us move
on to matters that really concern our country. That's all. Ah, the professional and clinical diagnoses by a group of
certified doctors that my A.D.H.D. mind, is, indeed an organic computer. Keep
up. Let’s go. Sure. (Tongue in cheek. I don’t think A.D.H.D. is special only a
different way of processing information, that’s all.) (I’m being facetious and
no, I don’t believe prayers of any type – that, prayers, have any place in the
public school systems of America but they do in the private sectors of America.
I went to a private catholic Junior High and High School and I loved chapel
every Friday afternoon.) What is there not to love about prayer in private education,
but in the public sector; Don’t touch that – peoples’ taxes don’t pay for those
services - because religion and government do not go hand in hand in the public
sector and tax spending. In America any organized religions do not rule citizen
Moving on.
*) Why so much secrecy
behind the Patriot Act – is this “Patriot Act” the Communist Manifesto “Big
Brother is Watching” Act?
*) Will the Patriot Act make
the United States of America into a World War II Nazi Regime and dictatorship?
I’m sure scholars are asking these questions, publically and openly as we
should be discussing any issues that dehumanize the American public.
*) Are taxpaying American
civilians being forced into a Stalin’s Communist Russia through the Patriot
Act? Comparisons and contrast of Former U.S.S.R. and the secrete Patriot Act?
What gives? That could be a Thesis.
*) If the taxpaying citizens
don’t know the fine print of the Patriot Act then how can they vote against
their fourth amendment?
*) Don’t writers of laws,
politicians and government have to spell out the fine print of laws that they
try to get passed - hopefully, for the people, by the people and of the people?
*) As a taxpaying
middle-class World citizen of America, do I live under a Nazi Germany Regime,
disguised as a Capitalist Republic?
*) What about the WWII
German Nazi Dictatorship Regime-Government allowed for my great-aunt to go to a
concentration camp?
*) Why were my
great-auntie’s rights to live, unconstitutional, under some humanitarian law
perceived as WWII Nazi German Regime?
*) Will a World Government
implement World Humanitarian laws for the people, of the people and by the
people - just as the World Bank has set up shop in the World Market?
*) If the Patriot Act goes
into effective order and the fourth Amendment is abused as it is written in the
Constitution of the United States of America, then does that mean that America
has become a Dictatorship? What does it mean? Can the citizens and civilians
be-in-on what’s happening to us as taxpaying middle-class World citizens and
civilians? We live here, we cultivate lives in America, and we even go so far
as to choose raising our young in America. Please. What’s in store for in the
American future and our young?
*) What is conspiracy?
*) What is conspiracy
*) Do conspiracies exist?
*) What should the public
know about conspiracy theories?
*) Theories are just
theories, right? So, anyone can and will disprove anything at any time, right?
Science. Ah, the beauty of facts.
*) Why question everything?
How to ask intelligent questions with references to the past? I had to learn
how to analyze culture through the study of communications vs. contemporary
current events – nothing more and nothing less. What are we dealing with in
current events as they are being communicated and how to compare and contrast
to world communication opposed to only one single source? Nothing more and
noting less.
P.S. I wish you a splendid sunny,
breezy and calm afternoon on this amazing Uptown, Minneapolis Minnesota day.
As a taxpayer – I ask the
city of Minneapolis to please address the issues of murder, gun violence and
violent crime on our neighborhoods and streets, otherwise I will start voting
for gentrification and for the other side, because yes, I vote with my pocket
book in mind and humanitarian ideals at heart. Do you know what that
combination means - reformation for humanitarian global rights and economical
change? No, I’m not afraid to write about my biases and particular point of
view because its only one voice in the Universe – here, in Uptown we believe in
our hard-working taxpaying middle-class World citizens – so, violent crime will
not do on our streets and neighboring neighborhoods.
In our surrounding
respectful taxpaying neighborhoods - we have amazing, contributing, mothers
with carriages, running dogs, pet lovers, bikers, skateboarders, walkers,
motorcyclists and drivers, organic (pesticide free) organizers, children, elderly,
and hard working men. We make up a beautiful part of Minneapolis and its
topography. We are a strong back of middle-class middle aged taxpaying World
citizens of America and we’re politico.
This, Uptown Neighborhood
reminds me of a neighborhood in Costa Rica and it’s the most relaxed, genuinely
nice and tranquillo, calm and progressive of all cities and that is why I love
this Northern Tundra city, Uptown, Minneapolis because it reminds me of the
most progressive of Ticos (Costa Ricans) who don’t hide behind gated
communities and contribute to mountain café farming and a strong education and
they don’t take too kindly to violent crime on their streets because there is
no place for it and we’re like that. (Get that mierda off our streets. Yes, I
swore and I meant to as a grown woman.) I love the middle-class taxpaying World
citizens like the Ticos as much as I do the Uptown hardworking middle-class
middle-aged taxpaying World citizens. Cheers to that!
May 27, 2011
“I look forward to a great future for America - a future in which
our country will match its military strength with our moral restraint, it's
wealth with our wisdom, it's power with our purpose." - John F. Kennedy
“A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and
falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.” - John
F. K
“Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to
negotiate.” - John F. Kennedy
“When power leads man toward arrogance, poetry reminds him of his
limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him
of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry
cleanses.” - John F. Kennedy
“Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and
direction.” - John F. Kennedy
“A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on.” - John F. Kennedy
Happy Monday!
Creative projects and
budgets are balanced! Cheers! Grateful, thankful and ready for a beautiful and
long summer. We’re breathing slowly and keeping a balanced and steady pace on
our life throughout the year. We’re beginning to throttle down and go into a
season of hot weather and a much slower pace on life because it’s healthy
nothing more and nothing less. Cheers for two-month long European Holidays! The
Europeans know how to keep their cultures’ relaxed, safe and intelligent
through government services and public taxes for the overall health of their
peoples. Cheers to flip-flops, fresh organic (non-pesticide) foods and lazy
dusk evenings. Cheers! I have a reading list a mile long. I’m making my way
through several books, movies and international shows.
I just saw “The Little
Rascals” – a few months ago – for the first time in my life. Incredible.
May 27, 2011
“"I look forward to a great future for America - a future in
which our country will match its military strength with our moral restraint,
it's wealth with our wisdom, it's power with our purpose." - John F. Kennedy
“A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and
falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.” -
John F. K
“Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear
to negotiate.” - John F. Kennedy
“When power leads man toward arrogance, poetry reminds him of his
limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him
of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry
cleanses.” - John F. Kennedy
“Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.” -
John F. Kennedy
“A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on.” - John F. Kennedy
Happy Friday!
Happy and respectful
Memorial Day Weekend to you!
May you travel safely
amongst loved-ones, friends and other civilians of the world. May you and yours
take a moment of silence for all of those who so bravely fought for this
wonderful country of ours The United States of America. There have been
military men in my family and for that reason, alone, I can only take a moment
to stop and consider their war history and the many sacrifices they made for me
to be sitting here today, writing – I don’t take my life for granted because so
many people before me lived, fought and died so that I could live as a free
American. Thank you. I’m grateful and always will be. To all of our troops
spread across the world we’ll think of you as we go into this long weekend.
American troops, the world is your home amongst other civilians and citizens,
these are the people that we as American civilians are not at war against. A
decade has gone by…we think and pray for every one of you each and every single
Let us get to it.
Shall we?
I’ll try not to be, too,
much of a snob in the process of writing about oil prices in America as a
subject matter but I can’t promise anything. When I’m a snob I’m a volatile combination
of Puritan-East Coast politeness – and - if you know what that combination is
like then you know nettles.
“Oink-oink” said a Finn
elder from the backseat of her car after filling a full tank of gas. (I
misspelled “oink” with “ionk” and I can’t express to you how hard we laughed
over that misspelling.)
She didn’t have to say
anything more. I understood her strong sentiments and the absurdity of our
economical turmoil in America as middle-class taxpaying World citizens dealing
with a high-cost of living and unfair low American wages and lousy-expensive
healthcare benefits and sometimes lousy-expensive education. (Oh – goodness,
did I just write it in ink, I most certainly did.)
We drove back to the farm in
silence. Nothing more needed to be said after filling up the car with almost
fifty dollars for a full tank of gas about a month ago. I cringed and I wanted
to scream because that’s not the American way to squeeze out money from our
elderly, hard-working middle-class World citizens and their familias. Please.
As an American contemporary
writer, who practices the craft and art-form of writing, daily; let’s address
oil prices because I’m sure many Americans across the country are travelling
this weekend to be with loved-ones, elderly, the ill and friends. Citizens want
a great chance at making it in America. Americans work like oxen and yet the
taxpaying middle-class World citizens of our American Republic suffer greatly
with very little benefits to medicine, education and fair pricing in products
and services for the average middle-class taxpaying citizens and as it has been
explained to me the middle-class in America is considered at twenty thousand
($20,000.00) to two-hundred thousand ($200,000.00) per annual household income
tax, anything below that is poverty and anything above it - is – wither the
upper class, corporations or the world bank, which neither of these and the
middle-class should ever be taxed in the same income tax bracket because its
apples and oranges in the cart. Frankly, it’s common sense. Right. Right.
Today, the price of one
gallon of gas in Venezuela is a whopping: TWELVE CENTS. Did you get that?
Yes, indeed and that means
that it could be just that low in America if the oil companies and the United
States of America’s Government got behind the notion of low wages and
alleviating its citizens from harmfully low living costs, environments and
politics – because frankly Americans are worried about the future of their
young and that worry, alone, makes them sick.
Is that how leaders want it
to go down on the history books – as tyrants of governments and oil companies?
I don’t think so.
I, think, not.
Gas, is not diminishing in
the world as a matter of fact it’s not disappearing like some magic act but
into the pockets of the “uber-rich”, au contraire - new environmental world
regulations (oil spills, wildlife refuge, replenishing wildlife environments
and their offspring) and world taxations (greed, economical fluctuations on
civilian oil pricing) requires immediate attention to be enforced upon oil
companies and others following in their footsteps.
Yup, (how, on Earth is it
spelled “yep” or yup”? I’ll research it) I wrote it. Deal with artistic
expression of any type in kind and gesture because frankly I’m a “nobody” to you
and you’re a “nobody” to me – your faceless in some glass tower so why should I
invest in the slightest interest in how much money you make, all living
organisms suffer – still I have a voice and millions of other “nobody’s” across
the Nation and world have a voice also and that creates harmony and what do you
have a solo?
I hope that young talented
writers , lawyers, policy makers, leaders and legal discrepancy analysts,
someday, sit down to write logical laws get passed on senate floors for the
betterment of the people. So why not a little “nobody” goes ahead and starts
writing laws that will help our humanitarian policies and citizens’ efforts to
economical equality rather than destroy an American taxpaying public’s way of
If there are such things as
political conspiracies and – IF – the conspiracy theory is that political
leaders get assassinated, then please – let us level the playing field. Allow
for political leaders to lead, communicate and earn the respect of the people
through their deeds and not words. Where is Paul Wellstone when we really need
his intelligence for the people, of the people and by the people? Play by the
rules of sportsmanship and if you don’t know what they are then ask a referee,
if you are a political leader who has been taught any code of honor, then you
know this; Hands off The People. If, indeed there is murder committed by our
World Organizations, corporations and individuals, then humanity should be a
monkey locked up in a cage and gawked at all day long like zoo animals. We have
logic and reasoning so murder should be abolished from our race. We’re not
gorillas, or are we?
Oil, as a resource is not
going anywhere and that is the biggest “hog-wash” I’ve learned about in
cultural propaganda in a long time.
Even if fossil fuel did
become an endangered species like so many animals before us then as Americans
we can stand to take-off a few fast food pounds, anyway. Our ancestors carried
their bodies for centuries and it doesn’t mean that we can’t walk, bike and
take mass transit as a mode of transport, again? I believe mass transit should
be a free governmental service to its people, tax - the oil companies and give
the middle-class taxpaying World citizens free mass transit for the benefit of
the Nation and our productivity especially while the middle class still
economically suffers and also they are savvy enough to make a dollar stretch.
What more can you ask from your people when they work like camels, mules and
economical slaves for your personal wealth. The World Bank is a lovely concept,
truly. Yet, there seems to be so many humanitarian discrepancies in the mass
wealth of distribution.
Oh, by the way the bus fair
in Minneapolis went up to four dollars, ($4.00). What’s wrong with our local
city government? That’s the difference between middle-class working Americans
being able to go to work or not? Don’t you want the world to be productive, if
you squeeze people’s health, spirituality, creativity and education with their
pocket books, then most likely they’re not going to like it. It’s a basic
equation of “if” and “then”.
What happened to this
country? What happened in such a short period of a decade? Oh, yeah I remember…
double whammy from one administration. Why did you leave us in despair to clean
up your mess? Snot-nosed children, you left the American people to fend for
themselves with very little benefits, services and regards for their
humanitarian wellbeing. Who do you think you are? Your Grandmothers must be
rolling in their graves. Goodness. (Shazam, the editing is slow to come but its
lots of fun. Editing is like the usage of a “MAD Libs” pad? You remember “MAD
Libs” word puzzles and games? I do.)
Have we lost our wits and
logic about us when it comes to an ideal life and wages? Please. People work
too hard to be worried – that's not progress - that’s bad policy making,
leadership on the part of implementers, delegators and those with government
status if they happen to be shackled or got lost in the deep pockets of special
interest lobbyist groups. (Oh, goodness. Did my little fingers just write that
across the page? Most certainly they did. Do you want a cookie and a pet on the
head with that?)
Why isn’t any leader making
advancements in negotiations to keep a steady-flow and low oil prices even keel
throughout an entire fiscal year? It’s all about how oil prices are negotiated
between parties – that’s all it is in “lay-man’s-terms”. (I’m spelling it
phonetically because I have no idea how to spell such an Ingles phrase.)
Why is the taxpaying
American and World public – jerked-around, when they don’t have to be?
Why is it, that - one month
oil prices are through the roof and another month they come down? (It’s
rhetorical. I get it) somebody’s playing puppeteer with oil prices.
How would you like it if you
were yanked around by your pocket book week-after-week? You wouldn’t – it would
be like being yanked about from your hair. It’s painful. Yes, what’s happening
to the American public is violent and I don’t stand for violence yet I do for
my Fourth Amendment and constitutional rights to take to arms and defend my own
if you come to my front door, enter uninvited and attack me or my loved ones,
then.. I will write about it – SO, high oil prices have come to my front door
and into the homes of every other American and we’re being attacked - so - artistically and philosophically - fight, I
tell you.
Example: Creatively,
That’s all I’m saying.
Communicate without shame, need or want for reward, success or self-gratitude
and selfish did.
Communicate, because you,
too, have an important role to play and a saying in what happens to a great
American Nation to progressively and intellectually development to convey the
story of today to our future generations about our culture and our many mistakes.
Art and news mirrors
culture, culture does not mirror art and news.
Example, news is what’s
happening to The People as it’s happening To Them not what’s happening to the
reporter on-set and what they are or are not having for lunch, where they shop
or if they like the color of the new set and new furniture in the studio –
WHAT! That type of live on-air news chatter seems more like sensationalism,
laziness or lack of professionalism rather than to report on so much variety of
topics that’s difficult to keep up as it is – about world events – what else is
I believe that The American
Government could make news outlets and sources a public service like the United
Kingdom rather than an industry. Civilians could run local (advertisement-free)
Tele stations because their taxes would pay for such services on a mass
broadcasting wave length rather than products and industries that sell you on
more “sexy” looks, hair products and the size of your bum WHAT! – I laugh so
hard. I can’t explain. It’s kind of fun making fun of those who seek to sell
products to others even if it’s unnecessary to sell such products with their
bodies on Television. How can it not be, hilarious? And we wonder why so many
women and children become sexual prey. Wake up from your slumberous sleep. Wake
up! How depressing to look at and take in messages of that type all day long. I
stick to an open bon fire by night and Minnesota mosquitoes if I can because
every image is manipulated and exploited no matter what –or-so I was taught in
film analysis in the study of commercial communication, specifically.
I was taught to think this
way about communications because I had to complete film analysis for four long
years, the broad topic of communication does not make me an expert by any
means, but it does make me question the structure of everything as I see
images, daily. We’ve got to go back to one - to the beginning and start rolling
from there with a new structure that will hold up through this bad cultural
weather of our times.
My Generation is plugged
into information networking 24/7. We learned to write our own programs in
junior school and build / construct old green-lettering type of computers from
manuals even though I couldn’t tell you what anything is called – terminology.
Like a boat motor I couldn’t tell you what anything is called but it doesn’t
mean that I couldn’t take one apart and put it back together to get myself from
floating a drift in the middle of the ocean. No, terminology but please don’t
assume that women are not able to understand the simplest of networking
systems, that’s how intelligent my generation is. The moment you assume a woman
knows nothing about engines, well. You’re no longer a man rather Charlie
Brown’s teacher’s voice and you know what happens with that? LOL… (Wha, wha –
wha, wha - wha, wha). Funny!
Life is happening all over
the world and - no, most of the world doesn’t care what the couches on a T.V.
set look like, because people are starving and that’s – like - adding more insult to the injury. The People get it.
Reporters portray more of-an-air-of a commercial product or commercial actor
than reporting analysts and fact checkers with a strong and empathetic voice.
In other words, I don’t want to be sold on ideas, a look, a feel, a way of
thinking – please, report the news – report facts. What’s happening? – plain
and clear. No, I don’t care to know how much your shoes cost – I want to know
what’s happening all over the world. That’s why I’m not a news reporter because
supposedly journalism comes with a criterion, high standards and no
personalization of any reporting and I don’t see that type of professionalism
very often, anymore. News reporters are more like brands of products than
professional journalists. What’s with that?
Watching news is much like
watching car commercials, what does that say about news reporting, not much.
Art is a means of
communication where you can create and convey anything and nothing and yes, freedom is not always free but freedom of
speech most certainly is free like breathing and passing a bowel movement and
no, no one may ever have the power to censor your freedom of expression at any
time – otherwise that’s a bigot or just confused unless you’re an expert and
then well, what did you expect - you put yourself in that situation rather than
just being a storyteller.
“You can say and do anything
you want.” Said my Father. “But don’t forget to deal with the repercussions of
your actions.” I understood perfectly well. “You don’t have to like everybody
but you do have to be respectful.” I smiled a wide smile. I understood. I was
Why, is the average American
taxpaying middle-class World citizen being attacked by oil companies and by the
United States of America’s Government? No, I didn’t write, “The Government of
the United State of America” I wrote “The United States of America’s
Government”. Major difference – isn’t it?
Since oil companies and the
American government expect the American taxpaying public to pay $3.85 or more a
gallon of gas, then increase the minimum wage to $15.00 an hour for average
taxpaying middle-class workers and free health care and educational benefits
for every worker and their families (Costa Rica, political and economical model
of middle-class), otherwise you’re not even thinking of the little guy when you
go to negotiate at the table – you’ve left us out of negotiations and if you’re
going to make decisions about how I’m going to spend my money and be taxed then
I demand a fair playing field for the American taxpaying public - otherwise,
you’re just another bully that has come and gone and you know what happens to
bullies? They get left behind, sooner than later – they end up tasting
progressive dust.
Nobody wants to negotiate
with a bully or snot-nosed American princesses for that matter because they
create a divide: an injustice: A YOU vs. ME and frankly, game over! You - were
never a good enough sportsman to begin with – and - to take to the ring - in
the first place - you choked because you denied your responsibilities as
contributing members to any competitive sport to abide by just and honorable
rules to any game. There are rules to great competition and the suffering of
others is out of bounds. Period. That’s that.
Oil companies could create
change for progress and development but they don’t; – instead, oil companies -
not only rig the economical match and create unjust rules to the game by
automatically presuming that the hard working taxpaying middle-class citizens
are suckers and the best way that I know to fight bullies in any ring - is to
ignore them, to walk away and not play at all.
Have you ever gone more than
a year in exile? I have, do to prejudice. A bully taught me – that, tactic at a
private East Coast College and so I practice it when I’m dealing with bullies.
To be shunned, because – someone, denies or can’t to face constructive
criticism that’s one thing but to be shunned by a bully because they don’t like
you – that’s quite another, and still yet to be shunned when you’re a bully and
cause grave danger towards others – that’s quite another thing, then you must
rectify the situation and admit to the wrong doing. Boycotting, gas prices on a
global scale is never that far off. People can walk. People do walk and they
will continue to do so until they get tired and look to electric cars and other
forms of technology. It’s coming. Humans are that brilliant. Humans brought you
the electric light bulb why not transportation that uses absolutely no gas? Why
isn’t Tesla taught in public schools and his theories?
I don’t think these thoughts
on my own.
Everyday people on street
corners speak about alternative sources to fuel.
I’m not a genius, nor do I
pretend to be one but some day some other form of transport will exist and that
will be that. Cuidado. Careful, not to jerk-around working middle-class
taxpaying world citizens because a world-oil-boycott could be disastrous – when
people are treated as serfs’ - well, history has taught us that they get
resentful and hold rebellions. I’m not for a rebellion of any type – I never am
but the likelihood of a silent boycott can’t be that far off when people suffer
this badly with their pocket books. Anyway, culture would slow down if we all
went without driving. Imagine, that world – simply because it’s an idea.
You can’t stop people from
thinking – it’s not possible even if we lose a strong hold on literacy in this
country – Americans have always been full of ideas and that is what founded
this great Nation. That will never change.
Why as a taxpaying citizen
should I pay $3.85 for a gallon of gas when infrastructure is falling apart in
America - literally, High School test scores have proven ghastly according to
educational world standards and equivalency, homelessness and starvation occurs
in America? Why should I pay $3.85 for a gallon of gas? I demand for a better
structure. I demand for a better Nation. A better way of conducting business. I
demand for fair prices, fair wages and excellent free National healthcare and
free National education for every citizen. Tax the oil companies and give the
people services that are by breathing rights their own. Oil companies have all
the power and ability in the world to give free healthcare and education over
to the citizens and so does the pharmaceutical companies and public educational
institutions - I demand for our country to be looked after with the best
interest of its citizens at heart for any hope of a more self-sustainable
Who do you think you are
working for oil companies who disgrace the hard work of taxpaying middle-class
World citizens? Please.
Hopefully, not some little
snot-nosed piggy with his shoe laces untied and tripping all over his greed. Do
you know how expensive healthcare and education costs the average taxpaying
middle-class American citizens? - More expensive than most of their
middle-class salaries and wages can barely cover a roof over their heads and
some food on the table. Shame on you for your greed.
It will not do.
It cannot do.
Oil companies, Governments,
private and public health and educational institutions are squeezing out the
taxpaying middle-class World citizens and that will not go down without an
artistic, philosophical and justice fight. You can’t touch that! Why don’t oil
companies concentrate on getting artistic curriculum back into our American
school system? Wouldn’t that be a great quest for oil companies?
Do not abuse the taxpaying
public – we work too hard for our money, please.
Why, are so many of
conglomerates, corporations and governments under some fairy tale spell or
slumberous sleep? Wake up, I tell you and take the helm. Maneuver this vessel
safely and close to calm shores. Do our leaders in Washington D.C. and oil
company owners, do you really - not - consider that the hard-working middle-class
World taxpaying citizens aren’t watching you? They are. The whole world is a
stage. Please.
Ten oil spill whistle blowers mysteriously died within a short
span of time and from bizarre deaths. What does that mean?
I don’t know much about this
subject matter as a conspiracy theory except what I have read which is very
little and what I’ve heard in discussions. Freedom of speech and expression.
Ah. Like a margarita on the shores of Mexico with lemon twist and a hammock.
I don’t know.
Please, the next time an oil
spill happens, (hope to Gods that it doesn’t) but if it does I ask the owners
(not their representatives) of oil companies to go and sit with frail,
whimpering, dying and oil covered and oil stricken wildlife for at least one week.
It will break your heart. It just will and if doesn’t break your heart then
you’ll be in need to go and discover a heart. In this day in age oil spills
should not happen. Period. Technologically, we’re too advanced for that.
Oil company owners, think of
it this way. Imagine, your child covered in oil head-to-toe, naked, hungry, and
whimpering and in desperate need of medical support and it does not come for
hours, days, weeks or even months in some remote areas of wildlife habitat.
Imagine, your children caught up in such a travesty. My Gods. If you think of
other living organisms as your children and wildlife environments as an
extension of your arm - in such a way, then you’d probably never allow for
another oil spill to occur in the world.
Please, the world is
Don’t you get it – you’re on
a world stage? Information is out there and its fast and humanity is not as
stupid as they are treated. Have some humanity about you. Have some dignity. I
write about what I see, hear and perceive the world to be nothing more and
nothing less.
For those of you who run oil
companies, the government and other important medical and educational
institutions, I didn’t attend private academic institutions to see a Nation
suffer, starve and work themselves into a grave and neither did your families
send you off to private Ivy (Correction: from “Ivy” to “Ivey” back to “Ivy”;
hilarious!) League schools to have had such an opportunity as to become the
owners of oil companies, refineries and distributors.
Now, why create a type of
cultural destruction and violence against an age and a dehumanizing people –
because it’s happening. We’re not your economical slaves, so don’t treat us as
such. Have more respect because - even – if, you’re rolling in billions upon
billions of dollars in your household annual income tax as the owners of oil
companies, then know this – the American public won’t respect you at this rate
because you do not respect yourself. Why, do - you - self-loath when you have
so many resources available to you and your young? That will not do. It cannot
World leaders do have all
the freedoms, opportunities and ability to create some serious change in a
world that suffers much. Ivy League leaders, your world peers are cheering for
you. We’re up on our feet. We look to you for a beacon of hope. We applaud your
contributions and we only hope that you have the best interest at heart for the
American public. I raise a moment of silence to all those leaders everywhere
who look to create change that they know to be just and right because, there
are - humanitarian World Laws still yet to be written and implemented in this
century. Let us move into this new century. Shall we?
Dear oil company leaders -
you’re on a world stage and you’re just God awful to watch; I wish these were
Shakespearean times and the hungry and desolate of this Nation could boo you
off stage and throw raw vegetables at you. Oil companies and any of their
subsidiaries are not my role-models and I don’t go to the voting booths with
oil companies in mind to-see-to the well fare of our Nation’s people because
you haven’t proven yourself worthy of consideration.
Why, do I write like this?
Because I can. I am a World peer. I am a woman. I just am and I just did write
So, to our dearest American
political leaders, this economical and political entanglement with the oil
companies has to change – the business between oil companies and governments will have to change and it will
sooner than later with space travel. Why not? What’s keeping us? Has greed
converted all the brilliant minds of Washington D.C. into more greed because if
so then let the public know, so that we can look to more productive
environmental, economical, healthcare and educational alternatives on our own?
If you’ve left us out to dry then we’ll do the best that we can with the little
that we have because the middle-class taxpaying World citizens is worth more
than gold and they always have – they run countries, Nations and become leaders
– they just do – it’s not about wealth, riches and status but for the benefit
and well being of all of a Nation’s citizens through mass distribution of
resources and wealth.
Don’t you want a happy,
healthy and relaxed culture? Tranquillo.
Any government that allows
for the middle-class of hard-working taxpaying World citizens to quietly be
bullied by an industry then that is not a world leader but scared little boys
who piss in their trousers.
I don’t stand for any type
of bullying (quietly or boisterous as it may be done) because it’s boring and ineffective
for meeting long term goals – there is very little behavioral character left to
develop in bullies and I know that bright minds are coming up so offer them a
chair at the table so that they, too, can construct a new world view of the
horizon. A view where people aren’t made to suffer at the hand of greed of
policy makers, tycoons and leaders.
Please. Is this a comic
I don’t think so.
We’re smarter than leaders
give credit for – as - everyday “nobody’s” working for a common goal to a long lasting
Pura Vida.
Mrs. Gabriela de la Holm
(Okay, I’m going to go bake
Source from Wikipedia
Memorial Day is a United States federal holiday observed on the
last Monday of May (May 30 in 2011). Formerly known as Decoration Day, it
commemorates men and women who died while in military service to the United
States. First enacted to honor Union and Confederate soldiers following the
American Civil War, it was extended after World War I to honor Americans who
have died in all wars.
Memorial Day often marks the
start of the summer vacation season, and Labor Day its end.
Begun as a ritual of
remembrance and reconciliation after the civil war, by the early 20th century,
Memorial Day was an occasion for more general expressions of memory, as
ordinary people visited the graves of their deceased relatives, whether they
had served in the military or not. It also became a long weekend increasingly
devoted to shopping, family gatherings, fireworks, trips to the beach, and
national media events such as the Indianapolis 500 (since 1911) and the
Coca-Cola 600 (since 1960) auto races.
Source from on-line website: (I could not find anything on the Associate Press about this
subject matter: Why is that? My search?)
In the past year, nine vocal critics or potential whistleblowers
of the
Gulf oil spill all died in extremely mysterious ways. Their deaths
be strange, unrelated coincidences. Or they could have been killed
as part of a conspiracy to silence those who were speaking out
the worst oil spill in American history.
Gregory Stone
February 17, 2011 - LSU
scientist Gregory Stone, 54 - Unknown Illness
Anthony Nicholas Tremonte
January 26, 2011 - age 31 -
Mississippi Department of Marine Resources officer,
from Ocean Springs arrested on child porn
Dr. Thomas B. Manton
January 19, 2011 - former
President and CEO of the International Oil Spill
Control Corporation –
imprisonment and subsequent murder while jailed
John P. Wheeler II
December 31, 2011 - a former
Pentagon official and presidential aide
and a defense consultant and
expert on chemical and biological weapons –
was beaten to death in an
assault, body was discovered in a Wilmington landfill.
James Patrick Black
November 23, 2011 - an
incident commander for BP's Gulf of Mexico oil
spill response team, died
Tuesday night near Destin, Florida in a small plane crash'.
Chitra Chaunhan
November 15, 2011 - age 33,
worked in the USF Center for Biological Defense
and Global Health Infectious
Disease Research – Found dead in an apparent
suicide by cyanide at a
Temple Terrace hotel. She leaves behind a husband
and a young child.
Dr. Jeffrey Gardner, Swan
November, 2011 - MIA Status,
of Lakeland, FL - Swan expert who “ran into
legal trouble over an expired
prescription license has closed his practice” —
Was investigating
unexplained bird deaths near Sarasota abruptly and
immediately closed his
practice, and apparently his investigation into the
deaths of swans in Sarasota,
suspected to have been impacted by the BP Oil Disaster.
No one has heard or spoken
with him since. Watch this news report covering
his investigation before his
Roger Grooters, Cyclist
October 6, 2011 - age 66,
was hit by a truck as he passed through Panama City,
Florida. Mr. Grooters had
been knocked down and killed close to the end of a
3,200-mile trans-America
charity ride to raise awareness about the Gulf Coast oil disaster.
He began his cross-country
bike ride in Oceanside, California, on September 10th.
Grooters's family and
friends will cycle the final stretch of the journey from the Pacific
to the Atlantic in his
honour, raising cash to support Gulf Coast families.
Senator Ted Stevens
August 9, 2011 - Senator Ted
Stevens of Alaska, 86, the longest-serving
Republican senator in
history, was among nine people on board when the
1957 DeHavilland DHC-3
Otter, crashed into a brush- and rock-covered
mountainside Monday
afternoon about 17 miles north of the southwest
Alaska fishing town of
Dillingham, federal officials said. Stevens
was the recipient of a
whistleblower's communication relative to the
BP Oil Disaster blow-out
preventer, and a conspiracy of secrecy to hide
the facts from the public.
"You and your fellow Committee
members may wish to require BP to
explain what action was
ultimately instituted to cease the practice of
falsifying BOP tests at BP
Prudhoe drilling rigs. It was a cost saving
but dangerous practice,
again endangering the
BP workforce, until I
exposed it to Senator Ted Stevens, the EPA,
and the Alaska Oil and Gas
Conservation Commission."
The cause of the crash is
still an OPEN investigation by the NTSB.
Matthew Simmons
August 13, 2011 - age 67 -
Simmons’ body was found Sunday night in his hot tub,
investigators said. An
autopsy by the state medical examiner’s office concluded
Monday that he died from
accidental drowning with heart disease as a contributing factor –
“It was painful as can be”
to be only insider willing to speak out against the
"officials" during
the BP Oil Disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.
Scientist Joseph Morrissey
April 6, 2011 - age 46 -
cell biologist and college professor, a near-native
Floridian who chose to
return to South Florida after studying at elite universities –
was fatally shot during what
police say was a home invasion robbery.
May 26, 2011
"A sense of humor... is needed armor. Joy in one's heart and
some laughter on one's lips is a sign that the person down deep has a pretty
good grasp on life." - Hugh Sidey
It’s been a long day and a
long night.
I’m wishing you much
Buena Noche.
May 25, 2011
“I want to exude strength and intelligence.” – Portia de Rossi
Happy Wednesday! (Today I’m a
day behind and yesterday I was a day ahead, figure that)?
(A few quick grammatical
corrections and then I have many more responsibilities to meet today.)
For those of you in the
middle of heavy storms, rains, drought and floods in the world – My Mayan prayers
are with you this morning.
I believe in North
Minneapolis and its revitalization, reconstruction and taxpaying citizens,
especially the non-violent elders who contribute day in and day out.
As for our relatives and
their loved ones in Joplin, MO our thoughts have been with you since this
weekend and we’ve sat frozen as we’ve watched footage come over the wire. Our
relatives are lucky as they go into tonight - to have their loved ones safe and
sound – the tornadoes missed their home by six or seven blocks. Everybody is
safe, nothing to cry-wolf about and we pray for those who are misplaced persons
and homeless going into this long night. I go into the rest of my day praying
for Joplin, MO and its citizens.
I pray that our misplaced
neighbors to the north to please keep their wits about them and have patience
with relief efforts – people are trying everything to help, be calm /
tranquillo and take a seat on the grass, play, converse, sing, take in the day
and the night to become beautiful under these adverse times because if you have
the luxury of time then you know that it’s a gift to have it because you can’t
control the pace of life and no matter what the situation – you’re adults of
the world and adults are level headed and calm. Si? No? Yes. I pray for our
North Minneapolis and our outstanding citizens. Amazing. I’m amazed.
Aloha. “‘Hello, goodbye and
go to hell.’” Said a Northern Minnesota Finn-elder in a story about someone
they once knew and to my astonishment I was shocked and I liked it.
Okay, the day has started
out with breathing and more breathing. That simple and I’m going to keep it
just that all day long. I will learn to control my temper – especially when I’m
silent, especially because I take to the writing and that’s where I’m a warrior
like I’ve been taught by many Indianos to fight a just cause and since I come
from a literary Mayan Heritage I will be a “wordsmith” as my Father calls me -
no different than a cobbler, a metal smith and a welder – nothing more nothing
I have “hulking” out and
“Oscar the Grouch” tendencies (not very often in my life, but when I’ve had
them – I’ve had to clear rooms because I was “hulking” out and I knew the
disastrous affect I could unleash without being too cognitively aware of what I
was saying because when I get personally enraged about injustices of the world
being created against me and others I see the color red and I will spit fire
with words without shame or I will turn my back and that is an Indiana thing –
Run! Because we’re definitely running towards something – we’re running away
from a figuratively-speaking - fire. And
so I do.) (I think I’m becoming a better editor but it takes too much reading
and when I’m done writing I don’t want to edit so I’m learning the discipline
of editing. Aye!)
I’m not afraid of my power
as one tiny-little-Tortuga in the World and as a
living-breathing-thinking-creating-logical human organism I was given the gift
of penmanship by the Mayan Gods (wow, that’s a mouth full). Now, that’s my
personal opinion and – no, I’m not a God I’m merely a mortal. I didn’t ask to
be literary until I was taught to hold a pencil with my right hand and yes, to
me it is a great communication tool because if you know anything about Mayan
writing then you know that my people were really into recording anything as
mundane or as significant as it was.
What, I will do - as I
mature, is become more logical in my writing because philosophy teaches us
logic. I know-I know, I’m too emotional and passionate in writing but the
Scandinavians have taught me to hold-in my emotions as much as possible, to be
stoic and not to show anything or have a bleeding heart all over my sleeve – so
I try as well as I can to be Scandinavian about my emotions when interacting
with others. Cheers.
Moving on.
I was academically and
culturally taught to write about anything and everything and to never be afraid
to write about what I thought and saw of the world. Subject matter is open to
interpretation. Period. That’s my personal perspective and no, you don’t have to
like it. Actually, you can hate the writing with all your guts. You don’t even
have to read any of it because then you wouldn’t have to think about it but how
could you not? The writing is just, too, juicy like a coconut or a fresh ripe
mango and I’m a woman so I write as I taste the words nothing more and nothing
less. No, this is not chick-lit. This is – whatever, this is - a blog and its
meant to be a blog – free form - nothing more and nothing less. Entiende.
Understand. This isn’t a novel nor do I pretend it to be so I write freely
because I’m an American writer and yes, a world citizen – (are you tired of
that expression, yet?) Wow, no swearing. See, I’m maturing. Ha! Broma.
My literary masters-elders
taught me that no subject matter is out of bounds and that I’m responsible for
putting my name on everything I write because I stand by my every word as a
writer, thinker and breathing human. I was academically taught that I can use
any word in any language and not be afraid of its meaning – yes, even those two
little words L-O-V-E and H-A-T-E. I was taught never to be afraid of any words
especially vulgar ones. That’s why I write about why I’m for free National
Health Care and (all tiers of education) free National Education because places
like Costa Rica and all of Central America, actually - has taught me that
politics, art and culture are done differently in other parts of the world. I
know that there is progress, intelligence and consideration being applied in
other parts of the world by middle-class contributing citizens and so I believe
in change in this tiny little microcosm I call home, Uptown Minneapolis
I believe in Minneapolis as
I do in those that I look to be great world citizens and role models. I’m not
yet a role model because I’m still a bit immature especially when I’m cornered,
then - I’m a wild beast, a stallion, a panther or a bee and I’m making progress
in that area of my life. I’m learning balance as a human. I’m not asking for
anything more than peace, because I’m blessed as a middle-class citizen of the
United States of America and I don’t have a need or want for anything and that
is the goal to raise the economical bar on fair living-cost, wages and
excellent medical and educational benefits for all citizens.
I believe in free National
Health Care and free National Education because logically it seems to me that
taxpaying citizens suffer greatly and work too hard in America to reap very
little living cost rewards, medical and educational joys that are by life-given
rights to all citizens of the world. People’s health is not a business and
neither is their right to write and read and create reason and peace. Wow, I’m
really Tica in my view point on politics. It’s just politics – a subject matter
so let’s not be afraid of politics – especially as taxpaying and contributing
citizens. Goodness. (Yes, I’m being facetious as a matter of fact I didn’t even
blink when I wrote the words).
If I were a Government,
which thankfully I’m not because I still can’t make up my mind between
democracy, a republic, socialism, anarchy, monarchy and a dictatorship – (I
read, that’s all I can do as an informed citizen) - I would offer free National
Health Care and free National Education to all of my “hypothetical” citizens
(No different than the model of politics of Costa Rica), because who wants to
be the head of any Nation where their people suffer greatly from illnesses,
illiteracy and cynicism for the future.
I will go out on a limb – as
an example – Now, please don’t get your breeches caught on too tight about this
next example, but I like Cuba and Cuban folk, people, art, comida y cultura
(sometimes, I want to go full throttle into Espanol, that’ll come with time –
I’ve got to figure out the typing keys for the “ene” lettering in Espanol.) I
like that Fidel Castro implemented free National Health Care and free National
Education in Cuba, the literacy rate in Cuba is through the roof and everybody
gets fed rice and beans daily. That may not sound like much but the people
under Castro’s dictatorship seemed well content and well taken care for as
citizens. Now, I wouldn’t have wanted to live through the “Cuban Missile
Crises” – that would have been too much stress for any average citizen – I
think. Ah, I’m thinking of a Cuban cigar, why do we still have an embargo with
Cuba? Oh, yeah that’s right…Hopefully, we’ll open up our doors to our neighbors
in the south as we did with our neighbors to the East in former U.S.S.R.
Progress is coming – I believe in progress.
I believe in shutting
everything down from noon to two and everybody going home and having a little
almuerso and taking a siesta. Why, because it’s progressively productive and
the human body is not a machine. I believe in this slower pace of life because
people value their time, energy and bodies far more than any money in the
world. The more an economy and a Government forces their middle-class World
class citizens to economical labor, mental and spiritual illnesses, and any
type of illiteracy then culture deteriorates and that can only mean that the
society seems, harsh, tired, impatient, snotty and privileged because classism
is choking the very life out of its middle-class citizens. Is that progress? I
doubt it very much.
“Our thoughts aren’t real.”
My re-tired psychologist Father said to me under a Texan dusk sun. He paused
and looked deeply at me.
I thought about it and
agreed with him that sometimes we make horrible assumptions on what we think -
is - to be “a” truth, “a” reality and an emotion. We can evolve as a human
species into something more logical so that we are free to passionately and
without shame or fear express ourselves. Because, frankly like any mathematical
equation that makes sense and so does written language if the writer is decent
enough to convey some thought, idea and experience through any written word.
I don’t think these
things-up on my own – otherwise, I’d be running barefoot through the woods and
without a Tele in sight. I’m influenced by the world and I believe in the
people that I keep in touch through e-mail and in person: to be intelligent,
creative and considerate about politics in their area and the rights of the
future middle-class World civilians and their progress. I’m interested in
equality and bridging a huge divide between a cultural, economical and creative
deficit between classist egoism and entitlement.
Logic will free us from the
chains of disillusionment, bigotry and destruction. And poetry will enlighten
us to be more open minded about World ideas, politics and culture. I believe in
World artists to take us into this new century. Imagine, there are still about
90 more years, nine more decades and society will call for change because
progress overcomes evil (not to sound too comic-bookish). There should never be
a single youth who considers suicide, ever – much less, one - with a type of
same-sex preference (that’s anybody’s personal preference and private.) When
our youth take their lives then we know that the issues we deal with are a much
larger extension of the kind of suffering that goes on in a truly saddened
society. Suicide is not a consideration in many other cultures and it is truly
a travesty in my humblest of opinions. I’ve almost lost friends to suicide this
year, alone and I’m not okay with the state of affairs in America so I write.
What else can a Tortuga, do?
I believe in the right for
every middle-class World citizen to be entitled to equal rights to free
National medical and educational functions, services and privileges. Classism,
in America - it seems to me that – classicism, exists because we’ve been taught
as Americans to think about the equation of humanity as something greater and
lesser than (I’m not telling you who to be friends with from different
economical backgrounds or how to contribute but I’m telling you that
contributions come in many different forms and it sometimes, doesn’t call for
individuals to be in the middle of all that need, suffering and chaos because
every culture is different regionally. That’s all). What kind of a human
equation is that? It doesn’t add up so it can’t be true for progress. Right.
What is classism? I should begin there (another blog for another day).
“Cuidado.” as my Costa Rican
best friends said to me over the phone a month ago.
“Careful.” There are a lot
of deer-ticks out in the woods. Lots this year. Take care to shake your
clothing-out, legs, check behind your ears and your scalp. I’ve seen and dealt
with more wood-ticks this spring already than in the last decade in MN. Wow, a
decade went by.
I meant to move back to the
East Coast in Spring of 2004, but something about Minneapolis called to my
heart so I stayed and contribute tiny contributions because in the words of one
Minneapolis street artist: “H-O-T-T-E-A (heart) Minneapolis”.
Uptown is my home and you
can’t touch that because those of us who live here contribute and don’t take
away from the overall health of this lovely and strong neighborhood. That
particular street artist contributes to the middle-class artistic approach that
I ideally live by and so I notice their art as I go to and from because I’m not
daft to my neighborhood and my world. As a Tica I love Uptown art, culture and
politics - what is there not to love about any place in the world and their
art, culture and politics? We’re taking care of some of the violent crime on
our streets because frankly we’re just that cool as middle-aged adults. Uptown
has so much potential. I believe in it so I stay put.
“Peace, be with you.” Said a
Northern Minnesota Lutheran pastor.
“And also with you.”
Responded in unison a mostly Finn-Lutheran community.
I felt the world in my
throat and understood the meaning of those very words. Incredible.
Peace be with you as you
travel freely as a World citizen.
P.S. We’re so close to
Memorial Day Weekend. Wishing you an excellent Wednesday. If I have awful
misspellings, in-corrections and horrible grammar, then I’m on it. I’m working
on it but significant progress can sometimes be slow to come and I have all the
patience in the world for any craft.
May 24, 2011
"The joy of the mind is the measure of its strength." - Ninon de Lencion
Happy Tuesday!
Peace. Paz.
Ok. Ok. Ok. Ok. Ok. Okay.
I’ll try to write about
same-sex marriage and the reason why same-sex marriage will get passed in a
written law and become legal, sooner than later. It is of the essence that all
taxpaying citizens should be granted the right to provide healthcare and tax
right-offs for their spouses and their dependents whether they’re same-sex
couples or not in any household across America because they, too, are taxpaying
If you vote “yes” to a constitutional amendment banning same-sex
marriage come November 2011 then you
don’t believe in the Civil Rights Movement of the sixties and that’s that. All
that work will go to waste.
I’m turned off by some of
the political leaders from the “Hippie-gone-Yuppie” generation. Why would
politicians of the “Baby Boomer” generation not pass a law to make same-sex
marriage legal in all of the United States? Why? Where in the constitution of
the United States of America does it say that two people who love each other -
that - they can’t get married. I believe in the constitution of the United
States of America and I believe that we can still apply the American
constitution to future development and vetoing / re-writing archaic laws that
don’t apply for the benefit of taxpaying citizens and creating solidarity
through laws that do have the best interest of people in logical written laws.
Give me logical laws to want to vote for and then I’ll get behind them and vote
for them. That’s all I’m asking. I can ask - that - of my government, can’t I?
This “Generation X” grew up
with the elegant tolerance and humanity in kindness towards homosexuality and
we’re NOT afraid of homosexuality because it’s no longer uncommon for some of
our closest friends to be same-sex married couples – so what? Moving on. Our
peers are homosexual just as the “Baby Boomers” made friendships with blacks
and other minorities. I’d like to think that this one-and-only X Generation
along with the MTV Generation just as the Baby Boomers that we’ll create change
and equality - just as the Civil Rights for blacks and other minorities did for
“Generation X” is taking the
helm. We vote and we make a difference. All I can write to politicians if they want
to continue in politics is to get on board and get hip to same-sex anything, do
what is just and right by others because your political intolerance against
homosexuality is no different than your intolerance for blacks and other
minorities of the Civil Rights Movement.
What happened to all of the
principals of the Civil Rights Movement that the Baby-Boomers fought so hard to
get? Come on! Let’s progress so we can address issues that apply to all
taxpaying citizens like war, free national health care and education and
eliminating violent crime against any upstanding taxpaying citizen.
As a heterosexual married
woman I think ‘let’s move on to more pressing issues than playing God as to
whom has the life-granted right to love and marriage.’
You cannot actually believe
in the Civil Rights Movement and not believe in equality for same-sex marriage.
Who, do you think you are?
Hopefully, not a generation of bigots. Show us your best. We’re rooting for our
Minnesota politicians, we expect a lot from you, otherwise, yeah – wait for
election time to come around again. Minnesotans have a voice and that will
never get taken from us because our middle class thrives even though we’re
seeing more violent crime on our streets and even then we don’t lose hope for future generations. We’re out there. We
believe in our neighborhoods so we walk, bike and skate. We believe in
This, Minnesota land is the
land of the hardy, the strong and with a great middle class thriving we do not
tolerate bigotry very well. I’m surprised Minnesota isn’t at the forefront of
this pioneering adventure. Imagine how it’s going to go down on the history
books? The only thought that comes to mind is all the violent crime and
suicides against youth. We will defend our homosexual youth and their rights to
grow up and contribute to a long and prosperous life - they have the right to
live, grow old and die, peacefully.
Ultimately, same-sex
marriage will become legal – so that the children and adopted children of
same-sex couples will become fully fledged contributing adults in society as
well as taxpaying and they will be even more tolerant of same-sex marriage.
These children will have to overcome adversities unimaginable beyond our
comprehension and they are the future middle class as well as politicians,
leaders and great contributors. I raise a moment of silence for our bright
future and to those who committed suicide or were physically attacked in the
last however many centuries.
Roman men – leaders were in
the practice of same-sex relationships. Humanity is no longer shocked by
same-sex relationships. Why would we be? Are you afraid of people of color? It
depends where you are in this day in age. I don’t pretend there isn’t a lot of
violent crime committed on many streets by blacks and minorities. Sad, isn’t
it? Especially, when a country fought for their equal rights yet many blacks
and minorities don’t seem to stand up to those sacrifices that were made for
them. Shame, really. No, I’m not talking about everybody.
Every generation grows up
and comes into power. My generation known as “Generation X” is now entering a
phase of vitality and adult power.
We are making decisions that
will affect the world and we will take over because every generation dies – our
turn will come but for now we must take the helm and maneuver (Correction on
spelling: Ah, the English Language is tricky) this vessel towards the shores of
justice, civilities and rights for our taxpaying citizens.
If we have to we’ll undo the
injustices and the illegal bonds of government forced upon citizens because we
still believe in the original United States of America and the will of the
people to create and change laws that are unjust, prejudice and
unconstitutional towards progress.
We believe that any
taxpaying body of citizens get to go in search of the pursuit of happiness and
if that means the pursuit of our children’s future and their happiness then
that is worth just as much as our very own happiness while we are in power.
Will “Generation X” (now in
our prime) – will, we make the same mistakes as the “Baby Boomers” have by
taking away taxpaying citizens rights?
I think not. We’re a
generation who suffered through mass divorces and indifference so we we’re left
alone to dream and we became strong in our solidarity through all arts, sports
and contributions at large to our contemporaries and those in need. We believe
in humanity because that is something that the “Baby Boomers” preached much of
the time and I only hope that they respectfully vote for the legal standing of
homosexual marriage even if that is one of their last contributions before
retiring within the next decade.
My Father was arrested in
Washington D.C. for peacefully demonstrating along with his peers in the
sixties. My father didn’t get arrested for just any little thing but rather
causing booming change in ideas and equality. Ultimately, the United States
Government wrote my Father an apology letter and made out a check for several
thousands of dollars and my Dad went on vacation to Mexico in his early
thirties. Brilliant.
The future is here and now
and being of a heterosexual married woman variety – I find that my heterosexual
peers are marrying less and less so where does that leave us – except that
people are not using their tax-benefits as married households so politics
should give those tax incentives over to people who are fighting for their
equal rights, love, and desire for marriage and getting on in life as best as
they can and will work for a life of meaning as any two bonded animals ever are
who mate for life. It’s not for the government to decide but for the people to
decide if we’re going to be held back a century. We have so many pressing
developments to meet, create and contribute to humanity.
Let’s move into this new century
because the entire debate about same-sex marriage is archaic.
We know what we must do as
an American Generation X – just because same-sex marriage is not my way of life
I’m not going to stand in the way of someone else’s love, I’d be ashamed of
that. I can only imagine that any politician would be as well. Who the hell
even thought of writing something as absurd as a same-sex marriage amendment
ban? Are those my tax dollars because if they are I’m pissed that someone came
up with an opposition against development. I can’t wait for elections come
November 2011. Religion has nothing to do with same-sex marriage rather with
the law. So, let’s address it and vote for it so that we can concentrate on
other important things like bringing our troops home, intellectual property, an
economical and artistic renaissance and American solidarity against violent
crime. Cheers for that.
(That’s right this writing’s
got my name all over it because I wrote these words and I’m practicing my
freedom of speech. What a beautiful country.)
I’m ready for organic
gardening. Today I begin apprenticing at a local-and-private organic garden.
I’m ready for what this summer will hold.
Note: I could not find the
same-sex marriage amendment ban on-line. “What is the same-sex marriage
amendment ban?” Why is that? My search must be English as a Second Language.
I’ll keep researching.
Gay marriage is legal in
five states: Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont, plus
the District of Columbia.
May 23, 2011
Happy Monday!
friend to all is a friend to none.” –
every moment of difficulty and challenge in your life you have a choice:
opposition or composition. You can either oppose that which you are
experiencing, or compose that which you choose." - Neale Donald Walsch
I love Duluth Minnesota.
There I wrote it and now I feel like
“Oscar the Grouch”.
Wow, Monday came very quickly.
It was a difficult and intense morning -
and - here we are, alive into the afternoon.
How incredible life is, no? Si. Yes.
To all those peoples throughout the
world dealing with heavy rains, monsoons, drought and floods: May the Mayan
Gods be with you now. (I don’t mean anything religious by it only as a
sentiment in strong and caring emotion. I can’t imagine being a misplaced
person ever again and living in any refugee camp. May the Gods be with you).
Here, in Minneapolis, Minnesota we have had heavy winds and storm which touched
down on the north side of the city.
you know anything about the north side of Minneapolis, MN – then most likely
you’ve heard stories about how it’s considered a “Ghetto” or for lack of a
better contemporary word – in Ebonics – “The Hood”. En Mexicano y Central Americano
de la langua – “El Barrio”. Now, my personal impression about north is that the
houses are the most beautiful Victorian homes from the turn of the last
century. I’m not an architect or an architectural historian nor do I pretend to
be one but as I’ve cruised on skateboarding wheels by daylight – I found that
there is a beautiful and rich architectural history in north Minneapolis.
Anyone can see how beautiful and well kept it was before it became something
overrun by drugs, prostitution and violent crime. I hold great respect for all
of the taxpaying citizens primarily the elders of that community for keeping
the neighborhood going.)
I’d like to think that north Minneapolis
could become something of a Harlem (Correction). What is there not to like about
the gentrification of Harlem? Yup, I wrote it in black ink. Oh, goodness,
gentrification? Even former president Clinton keeps an office in Harlem, N.Y.
No? How impressive. Could north Minneapolis hold a perspective presidential
candidate’s office in north someday as taxpaying citizens set a strong hold in
that part of the city (another blog for another day)?
Like I wrote last week…I’ve rounded a
corner at the age of 34.
Yup. Thirty-four as of two weeks ago.
Goodness, I am a fully grown woman. How lovely. No, I didn’t say I was perfect.
I only wrote that I’m now fully grown. I’m not the only one getting older and
wiser so are the rest of my peers and for this reason alone I look forward to
aging like any decent wine has the ability to do so.
So, as I’ve written: It had to be
Finn-Lutherans who’ve converted me from swearing in the English written
language to not swearing in the English written language while I blog. No, I’ve
never wanted the responsibility as a role model nor will I ever, but I was brought
up by a code of honor and I will try to uphold to it as much as my little human
brain and humanity can. Like, I’ve written about I’ve made many mistakes and
swearing in writing is not the best way to convey something of great value in
sentimentality. So, I accept the challenge even though I’m not Lutheran. Wow,
what amazing people I have met and learned to love as my own.
So, let me begin my second straight year
of blogging with this:
I love Duluth, Minnesota.
No, I’m not promoting Duluth, Minnesota.
I’m not like that – a walking campaign
about soap or some-such-or-other.
I’m burying a hatchet (be patient with
me – sometimes, Ingles is still a bit tricky in subtleties of spelling).
Yes, I said it. I even wrote the word
Now, I’d like to mature, have a few
kids, grow old, earn a quiet life anywhere in the world, write and go after the
pursuit for happiness in a simple, organic (pesticide free) and contributing
fashion as I choose to and see fit for me y mi familia.
Duluth Minnesota.
I’ve written negatively about Duluth
Minnesota in the past year because I was gravely injured, hurt, conned and
economically betrayed by strangers while I starved for three years in my
mid-twenties in Duluth Minnesota of all places. If you’ve ever starved for a
length of time in your life, then you know what kind of stomach problems and
how starvation wreaks havoc on your internal organs.
This is the last time I’m going to blog
about this. So, hang on. Here goes nothing. Like skateboarding.
I can get over injuries. As a matter of
fact my foes can tell you that I’ve waited seven years so that I’m now openly
blogging East Coast style in a straight and forward manner about the heart
break, humiliation and misconceptions created through the psychology of
suggestion. What else is there right? - but to learn lessons, become stronger
and never ever repeat them again – otherwise, shame on me. I’m a Mayan – I know
better. What are we talking about? Broma. Moving on.
“Imagine, how embarrassed some people
must be because they know how they’ve spoken to you?” He said to me and smirked
a little. I smirked back. “Imagine.” “You know what they’re like and they know
that you’ve seen them act that way.” “I can only imagine it must be
embarrassing to them.” I looked to my right and gave the thought a thirty
second consideration – nothing more nothing less.
“People who take advantage of others are
taught only to think of themselves.” Softly he cut across traffic and I sat
back and enjoyed the smooth ride.
I love Duluth Minnesota because my
Father, his lovely wife and his buddies live in Duluth, Minnesota. I love
Duluth Minnesota because my Father’s friends’ friends and their families live
in Duluth Minnesota and contribute in ways that you could only imagine. For
that reason, alone - and because my best friend resides in Duluth Minnesota I
love Duluth Minnesota. Right. Right. Next.
Furthermore, I don’t know what the rest
of Duluth people are like nor do I pretend to - so I go by what I know. I know
Park Point, Duluth, Minnesota. I know it by heart, soul and body and that will
never leave my blood. I have roots – teenage roots in that city and that is
mine. Don’t touch it.
I grew up in a quaint water front beach
cottage neighborhood called Park Point at the edge of Lake Superior. I grew up
skateboarding downtown Duluth. I grew up amongst a backdrop of
Jewish-Scandinavians and close familia friends. That’s mine – don’t touch it.
Those types of friendships and intimate relationships I’ve held are still
strong and upstanding, intelligent and amongst strong citizens which you’ll
never know nor are you meant to know because that is confidential and a gift
from the Gods. These people know immediately if you’re not from around there
and they have each other’s best interest at heart. Careful, Karma works in
mysterious ways and the Hindu God is not the Gods that I pray to, but I like
the principal of Karma in general. Right.
I grew up on the dunes, planting dune
grasses every other summer and tending to the land. Yes, even sand requires
care for the land. I take a great deal of interest in what happens to Duluth
Minnesota. What, do you think that I’m daft? No, I’m an intelligent, beautiful
and calm woman and in private I’m passionate beyond control and I swear like a
sailor (only with my husband) and yes, I sometimes hit table tops to accentuate
a point in mind – I might even yell. Imagine, that? You’d have to be a close
friend of fifteen years or my husband for that matter. I am a woman and I will
express myself as I see fit in private company. No, I’m not perfect and I know
who has my back so I am myself with those who love me so that they may truly
get to know me in this lifetime as I am - nothing more nothing less. I only
hope to get to know them beyond loving them to understanding their plights.
I grew up with the nicest kids from
Elementary School to private Junior High and High School. They were most
genuine and the nicest of kids and still are truly my role models and my
contemporaries. I look to them to become a better human and to enhance and
contribute to humanity with my very own willingness and without any
expectations from my peers. I’m pleasantly surprised daily. My peers are the
coolest people I know because they are truly strong folk – intellectually,
lifestyle and in contribution to the world at large.
I love Duluth Minnesota because I was
adopted to Duluth Minnesota. My home chose, me and I accepted willingly to
become a full fledged participating peer to my peers.
I had a life before I was adopted at the
age of ten, believe it or not. I had friends who I still know their faces and
immediately recognize their scent anywhere in the world. Friends, who were
adopted as well. Friends who broke bread with me when there was very little to
break. I had a life before Duluth Minnesota and it was a decent life with
loving caring friends. I’ve been a lucky woman to have made true and tried
lifesaving friendships with others throughout many parts of the world. Only the
Gods could predict the type of adventures I realize.
I’ve had my best cries against the
backdrop of fifty (correction) mile knot winds. I learned to swim amongst the
freezing August waters of Lake Superior. I grew up watching wind surfing,
iceboating and cross country skied for miles across the bay into Wisconsin.
I grew up walking out onto Lake
Superior’s ice formations and taking pictures of plastered waves in place while
snowshoeing for hours on cold still January afternoons. I’ve known intimately
the faces of much wildlife from foxes to black bears and rabbits. I’ve seen
many a spectacular sunrises and sunsets. I’ve swam out as far as I could and
back again feeling the grandiosity of the world in that water. I’ve said my
best prayers in those waters as I’ve shivered. I’ve known romance, love and
friendship storytelling in the darkness of water and bonfire. I’ve known
devastation such as one of my best friends’ who got sexually assaulted in those
waters and I cried for her loss and gained perspective as a woman.
I am one of Duluth, Minnesota’s many
daughters. That will never change.
I’ve become my own mother, finally.
I nurture the very existence of my peers
and myself inside that history of teenage trust. I was trusted by the loveliest
people and I would trust them again anywhere I would encounter them throughout
the world. That’s how lucky I am. I know their smell all these years later as
silly as that may seem.
I write passionately, and if we were
ever to meet, then know this; I’ll tell you to your face if you have a booger
(Funny! previous spelling “bugger”)
hanging from your nostril, or if your skirt is inside your panty hose
and if your fly is down. But what I won’t do is harm you. I’m a woman of the
world. Direct, purposeful and if I love you then cheers to us and if you’re an
acquaintance then you’re a stranger and I’m not going to pretend to love you. I
grew up on the East Coast as well. Communication doesn’t work like that out
there. Thank the Gods for the lack of pink elephant in the room. Either people
are direct or they don’t pretend, otherwise. Why would they? Lovely.
I quietly go about my business and I try
not to get noticed too much unless I’m asked a direct question. I get up at
five in the morning so by eight at night I just want to be home next to my
husband watching something that I don’t have to think too hard about.
I’m making tiny-tiny contributions and I
hope that in the end they add up to one large contribution. My life is not all
about me. I’m highly politically inclined and I keep up with the world because
it’s just that important to do so.
I don’t hate Duluth Minnesota but I do
hate this aspect of Duluth Minnesota – I hate Duluth’s poverty, anguish,
psychologically handicap homeless and economical debilitation. I know, because
I’ve lived a wealthy life and a life of severe poverty in Duluth in one
lifetime. I know. So I’m coming to an
end of these words because my writing hour is way up and I want to go on to the
next portion of my day.
I hate such aspects of Duluth Minnesota
that when I’ve travelled through Duluth in the past eight years my car tires
have been slashed and I’ve had my car mirrors smashed-in. I hate that in Duluth
Minnesota people have thrown food at my hair in a public bar. (That’s why I don’t travel to Duluth very
often – maybe once a year or once every three years. People seem to take
liberties with me only when I’m alone. I know-I know I’ve waited eight years to
write about this and I’m not complaining as a matter of fact I’m not even
crying wolf – I’m loved and people have my best interest at heart.)
What have I ever done to you,
If we’ve ever been in any room in the
world together then you know this: I’m either quiet or pleasant because it is
my duty to be a great citizen and so I practice that. I don’t go around judging
you unless you come and knock on my door and tell me how to live – then I’ve
got words for you.
I gave up living in Duluth at the age of
twenty-seven because I was going to either lose my brain from starvation or I was
going to die from it. What more can you expect from a woman trying to make a
decent and honest living in the world? Nothing’s been handed to me - everything
that I am I’ve worked for and no, you can’t touch that. Step off.
I hate those particular people’s
misbehavior who swindled me out of money while I was in my twenties and that
sentiment will never change but you’ll never see me throwing anything at
anybody’s hair - much less smashing anyone’s car mirrors and slashing car
tires. I’m a woman. I’m a lady. If you know me then you know that I’d give my
life for the world.
I’m slow at developing because I’m a
Tortuga, and ultimately in my thirties I’m becoming an eagle. That’s that.
There’s nothing more to it.
I was taught better than that and so I
go about.
I hate that I can’t explain to people
that I broke one of my one toe sixteen years ago and I can’t balance like I
used to on speed skates so I’ve had people who’ve known me well-enough make fun
of me in public and called me a “drunkard” at least they’ve done it to my face.
What have I ever done to you? Not a single thing and you know it. I hate so
many aspects about Duluth Minnesota that I won’t ever write about it because it
broke my heart living through it the first time so most likely it’s bound to
break yours and if it didn’t then you’d have to go in search of a heart.
I want to grow old and be left peacefully
as I travel through Duluth Minnesota to create and in the pursuit for happiness
amongst my loved ones, my family and friends. That’s all I ask. I’m not even
looking for any type of limelight just a little corner to create and think away
about future contributions because what else is there? Right? Right.
I just turned thirty-four and as the
Finn-Lutherans have challenged me not to swear in my writing I challenge the
adult musicians of Duluth Minnesota to step–up to the plate and mature with me.
Let us have a vested interested for the environment, economy and vitality of
Duluth with respect, regard for all living organisms and for each other. Who are
you? If you think you’re the epicenter of the Universe then I’ve got a serious
news flash for you.
I challenge the young adults and middle
aged citizen musicians of Duluth to mature and contribute something beyond you
and your faces because I didn’t starve for nothing not to see any development.
Don’t you want to meet, be inspired and play with other people of the world?
I’m surprised by that. Don’t you?
The world got small and if you exclude
others from creating and insult them for being different than you are –
especially in the arts I can swear to you that you’ll get left behind because
there are so many incredible people making incredible contributions across the
world and you can’t touch that.
Let us be inclusive in the social
physics of public development rather than regress.
As far as social on-line media that’s
personal to anyone but in public mind yourself, because people are always
watching for you to show the best of what you’ve got – the best of you.
The world needs music to survive, get by
on their starvation, destitution and fear. The only way that I got through
those difficult three years was because of musica and that was enough to fight
to survive a social scene, overworked and underpaid with lousy benefits. Life
is this way and so I am captain of this vessel and I’m at the helm navigating
and maneuvering as gently as I can. What else is there? And when I get that mad
which is once in a decade or two – yes, I spit fire and that is rare and I can
only think of a hand full of few who’ve witnessed that. Hey, monkeys throw
feces – and - I love, that-they-do-that; I can’t think of anymore clear
communication and effective than that. LOL. I’m laughing and I’ve been for
years because life is this way. Right? Right.
The art that artists create doesn’t
belong to them, but to the world at large and the world is always watching or
so I’m learning from my personal peers.
I challenge you to mature with me - I’m
getting older so that can only mean one thing - you must be also.
Duluth Minnesota has much to offer so
offer it to others other than just yourselves – otherwise, how boring of you,
Don’t tell me you’re afraid of a world
Try writing your thoughts on-line.
The words are here and it’s in ink so
it’s meant for you to read while the other 99% I’ll never write about much less
talk about.
Much Consideration and Respect otherwise
I would not have written it.
Moving on.
“Sometimes, even your closest friends don’t realize what others are going
through, so you have to show them in hopes that they’ll learn something about
you and your life.” Said my Father and I laughed hard. He laughed with me. What
a great man. Thoughtful men create thoughtful women.
from Wikipedia
Main article: Karma in Hinduism
Karma in Hinduism is also considered to
be a spiritually originated law. Many Hindus see God's direct involvement in
this process; others consider the natural laws of causation sufficient to
explain the effects of karma. However, followers of Vedanta, the leading extant
school of Hinduism today, consider Ishvara, a personal supreme God, as playing
a role in the delivery of karma. Theistic schools of Hinduism such as Vedanta
thus disagree with the Buddhist and Jain views and other Hindu views that karma
is merely a law of cause and effect but rather is also dependent on the will of
a personal supreme God. Examples of a personal supreme God include Shiva in
Shaivism or Vishnu in Vaishnavism. A good summary of this theistic view of
karma is expressed by the following: "God does not make one suffer for no
reason nor does He make one happy for no reason. God is very fair and gives you
exactly what you deserve.”
Karma is not punishment or retribution
but simply an extended expression or consequence of natural acts. Karma means
"deed" or "act" and more broadly names the universal
principle of cause and effect, action and reaction that governs all life. The
effects experienced are also able to be mitigated by actions and are not
necessarily fated. That is to say, a particular action now is not binding to
some particular, pre-determined future experience or reaction; it is not a
simple, one-to-one correspondence of reward or punishment.
Karma is not fate, for humans act with
free will creating their own destiny. According to the Vedas, if one sows
goodness, one will reap goodness; if one sows evil, one will reap evil. Karma
refers to the totality of our actions and their concomitant reactions in this
and previous lives, all of which determines our future. The conquest of karma
lies in intelligent action and dispassionate response.
One of the first and most dramatic
illustrations of Karma can be found in the Bhagavad Gita. In this poem, Arjuna
the protagonist is preparing for battle when he realizes that the enemy
consists of members of his own family and decides not to fight. His charioteer,
Krishna (an avatar of god), explains to Arjuna the concept of dharma (duty)
among other things and makes him see that it is his duty to fight. The whole of
the Bhagavad Gita within the Mahabharata, is a dialogue between these two on
aspects of life including morality and a host of other philosophical themes.
The original Hindu concept of karma was later enhanced by several other
movements within the religion, most notably Vedanta, and Tantra.
In this way, so long as the stock of
sanchita karma lasts, a part of it continues to be taken out as prarabdha karma
for being experienced in one lifetime, leading to the cycle of birth and death.
A Jiva cannot attain moksha until the accumulated sanchita karmas are
completely exhausted.
Conversion table for knots to miles per
hour KTS to MPH 5 Knots = 5.8 MPH
10 Knots = 11.5 MPH
15 Knots = 17.3 MPH
20 Knots = 23.0 MPH
25 Knots = 28.8 MPH
30 Knots = 34.6 MPH
35 Knots = 40.3 MPH
40 Knots = 46.1 MPH
45 Knots = 51.8 MPH
50 Knots = 57.6 MPH
55 Knots = 63.4 MPH
60 Knots = 69.1 MPH
65 Knots = 74.9 MPH
70 Knots = 80.6 MPH
75 Knots = 86.4 MPH
80 Knots = 92.2 MPH
85 Knots = 97.9 MPH
90 Knots = 103.7 MPH
95 Knots = 109.4 MPH
100 Knots = 115.2 MPH
105 Knots = 121.0 MPH
110 Knots = 126.7 MPH
115 Knots = 132.5 MPH
120 Knots = 138.2 MPH
125 Knots = 144.0 MPH
130 Knots = 149.8 MPH
135 Knots = 155.5 MPH
140 Knots = 161.3 MPH
145 Knots = 167.0 MPH
150 Knots = 172.8 MPH
20, 2011
“Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in
thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.” - Lao Tzu
19, 2011
“When you really believe in God, it gives you a
courage, a confidence that enables you to meet the things coming.” - Della Reese
18, 2011
“When we have done our best, we can, as a united
people, take whatever may befall with calm courage and confidence that this old
nation will survive and if death should come to many of us, death is not the
end.” - Eamon de Valera
17, 2011
“Believe in yourself! Have faith in your
abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you
cannot be successful or happy.” - Norman
Vincent Peale
16, 2011
“Confidence... thrives on honesty, on honor, on the
sacredness of obligations, on faithful protection and on unselfish performance.
Without them it cannot live.” - Franklin
D. Roosevelt
13, 2011
“When you disarm the people, you commence to offend
them and show that you distrust them either through cowardice or lack of
confidence, and both of these opinions generate hatred.” - Niccolo Machiavelli
12, 2011
“People who have given us their complete
confidence believe that they have a right to ours. The inference is false, a
gift confers no rights.”
Friedrich Nietzsche
11, 2011
“Optimism is the faith that leads to
achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.” - Helen Keller
10, 2011
“You gain strength, courage, and confidence by
every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are
able to say to yourself, 'I lived through this horror. I can take the next
thing that comes along.'” - Eleanor
9, 2011
“Courage is a mean with regard to fear and
confidence.” - Aristotle
6, 2011
“Confidence is contagious. So is lack of
confidence.” - Vince Lombardi
5, 2011
“Solitude is strength; to depend on the presence
of the crowd is weakness. The man who needs a mob to nerve him is much more
alone than he imagines.” - Paul Brunton
4, 2011
“Let no one think that flexibility and a predisposition
to compromise is a sign of weakness or a sell-out.” - Paul
3, 2011
“I think that maybe that's my weakness, in that
I don't know how to do it, so I just do what I do and try to do it as
passionately and as well as can.” - Aaron Eckhart
2, 2011
“It is from weakness that people reach for
dictators and concentrated government power. Only the strong can be free. And
only the productive can be strong.” - Wendell Willkie