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Tuesday, March 31, 2015


“When the chicks of a hen are young, she gathers them to her; when they are grown, she drives them away.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Feline (like a cat, the cat family)


Tigers and lions belong to the feline species.


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A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.




Right Colored Gloves.


Chapter 26.

Page 328


Deep and bright-colored gloves are always in bad taste; very few persons are careful enough in selecting gloves. Light boots and dark dresses, dark boots and light dresses, are indicative of bad taste. A girl with neatly and properly dressed feet, with neat, well-fitting gloves, smoothly-arranged hair, and a clean well-made dress,---who walks well, and speaks well, and above all, acts politely and kindly, is a lady. Fine acts and obtrusive airs are abashed before such propriety and good taste. Fine feathers do not always make fine birds.


---  ---  ---


(Correction from “Iranian nuclear deal” to “Iran nuclear deal.”


(Corrections were made all around.) Thank you.






            It’s difficult to say as to why modern congressional American fascist Nazi republican right wing extremists get elected into congress and pass discriminatory state laws against taxpayers who push for a more unified and accepting world in which America strives for equality and progressive change and constructive policy and humane measures rather than state abuse and violence.


            Yes, do boycott Indiana.


            For how long?


            Who is to say?


            Until the oppression completely stops.


            What a day this is.


            A sad day--- back to the days of separate apartheid kitchen counters of blacks and whites only in the heart of America’s southern history; back to the 1960’s.


            Oh, we shall overcome modern Indiana abuse and fright.


            How dare the republican right wing extremists’ evangelical bigots not even realize the world is at a precisely new awakening and a new frontier and a new dawn for us all for which we co-exist as brothers and sisters and not as isolated islands or bombs.


            Brave, Americans, have no fear.


            Our same-sex couples do hold Constitutional Rights in America, March-April 2015.


            In America; all men and women and children are created equal in the eyes of the law, indeed.


            Only blank word people look the other way as corporations find sneaky convoluted ways to directly discriminate against hardworking taxpaying family private citizens and civilians.


            “Shame!” She decried.


            Circumstances are difficult to judge.


            “Don’t ever assume anything,” My father said.




Personal Footnote


            When I was 19 years of age my Caucasian heterosexual boyfriend at the time shaved my entire head bald.


            It was a most traumatizing and scary and terrible time for me since business people were directly abusive almost each and every which place I frequented as a patron and I did sense my safety was compromised even though my bloody heterosexual (bi-polar, literally) ex-boyfriend cut off all of my hair and left me to face more overt public discrimination and bullying abuse than he’ll ever know since I’m already a woman of color I must now expect and accept discrimination thus is America. I was mortified to be bald.


            How can anyone be ever so cruel as to cut off all of any young woman’s hair?


            Still yet; the point is this: I more or less learned what it’s like to get confused for a homosexual young woman and be treated like a kicked starved dog in the street thrown out of stores by shop keepers who didn’t like my looks, even though I was a victim of circumstance.


            What could a girl do when her crazy boyfriend cut off all of her hair and left her completely baby butt shining bald early May of 1996 four weeks away from high school graduation? Yikes.


            Literally, it was a feminine death.


            “Shame!” She exclaimed.


            Shame, indeed.






Word Count Goal: 1,000

Word Count: 1,624


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 3,745


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #1 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #402 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #154 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Week #1 without stress: I love it.


*)         Week #24 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.


*)         Month #7 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three and a half (23 ½”) inch high waist.



Stalling Footnotes


            Yes, this morning Eric and I had a huge blow out between us and it became verbally nasty since Eric refuses to speak to me about his snoring at night.


            As of this morning I’ve granted Eric one complete and full year of loud snoring (March 2014-March 2015) and I’m “at my wit’s end” about his snoring since I wear earplugs to bed and they don’t seem to help either so I gave up on the earplugs as of this week.


            Thus we argued and since I haven’t slept well in one complete year I’m ready to get imaginarily violently nasty with Eric as a strong metaphor since we don’t ever physically throw or hit anything or anyone yet our voices will raise and Eric gets mad as hell and so do I.


            Not sure how long I can go without great sleep.


---  ---  ---


            (Yes, Eric and I fight over power specifically in our domestic married life and it is no one else’s personal business.


            “Mind your own business,” Said my father’s mother to him when she was alive before she died of cancer when he was a young man in his late twenties.)


            Eric’s mother, and my amazing mother-in-law, who, I, respect and love wholeheartedly, already knows firsthand how much Eric and I “fight like cats and dogs.” She also knows that we are very much in love with one another and it’s obvious.


            My mother-in-law (“Mamasita”) (Eric’s mom) has known since the beginning that we have fought ever since the start of our relationship thus all she says to us at this point is this, “Shame!”


            At the dinner table we go silent and eat our dessert each time Mamasita uses the word “Shame!” in her assertive manner then Eric and I clean up the dishes and go take a nude Sauna together, get dressed and go upstairs into the living room and watch a film we can all agree on without getting on each other’s nerves too much.


            Oh, how I love a loving family who overlooks stubbornness and rude misbehavior from two intelligent and sophisticated grown adults like us (“burros,”) (“donkeys,”) who love each other yet don’t always get along and tend towards the dramatics and terrible over the top miscommunication about domestic power struggles yet we don’t throw anything nor even so much as cross the room and touch each other when our tempers are running high, we are respectful not to physically harm the other except with words which words can pierce deeply through the heart.)


            Like hell if we’ll ever fight in public ever again since we were brought up better than to fight in front of the entire world to hear and see.


The last time we fought in public was March of 2007. Whew!


Those were the rough old days of our bumpy yet tremendous love for one another. We’re not perfect.


(At least Eric’s 100% Finn mom doesn’t take our fighting too seriously and neither do we. We get over it and forgive and love each other immediately to the fullest extent.)


(Sexual frustration rears its ugly head even though we’re close and hold sexual intercourse when “Freeway” (our dog) falls asleep next to us and refuses to budge out of the bed. Awkward sexual spring 2015.)


---  ---  ---


            The toughest demographics to live around or near are mentally ill black American children and teens and young adults who tend to scream or holler in the middle of public residential sidewalks for starved attention thus they bother entire pockets or blocks of neighborhoods since they don’t know any better than to co-exist rather than to taunt or annoy or bully others with misbehavior and pure sheer cruelty as in the case with sociopaths (correction) who love to taunt their kill, so to speak, per se.


Although, our neighbors are doing 50% better than they ever had before with their previous overt misbehavior. Cheers!


(We have better hopes for the black American populations since our Ivy League “black” (“Black.”) or “black American” (“Black American.”) Friends inform us (over email,) there are stunning and intelligent and well behaved and genuinely emotionally kind and smart ‘black American’ (my racial words) infants and children and youth and young adults who represent the very best of human kind and humanity.) Okay. I believe what my friends inform us about.


(Yes, those “periods” belong inside those prentices, inside those quotation marks. Thank you.)




            [The above sentence is as such and correct especially difficult to write about modern race in general. (Oh, how I adore mathematical language.)


The computer’s “auto grammar check” and “auto spell check” not once displayed a green or red underline across the screen in the writing of the above written sentence so it can only mean that which I meant to write precisely as it is written above is correct and “auto grammar check” and “auto spell check” say so thus I trust the above sentence, otherwise, I can write complete English gibberish, however. Then I must make immediate corrections and that’s time consuming and tiresome thus it proves I’m neither early dementia nor Alzheimer’s yet again these bloody benign tumors.]





One Word.


            {Side Bar}


{“Lovely,” as a word: is one of highest compliments for as humble as any other petite word is short in stature and gorgeous in character.


The word “lovely” pertains to one of the most essentially important elements to life and purpose for existence in the root of any word therein is found the relativity between all which stems from any such word which carries so much implication.


We breathe because love as a word exists. As a human race we are lucky to have words to better represent our emotions especially when words fail us most.


(I wish I was writing poetry at this moment instead of this blog. There’re only so many hours in the day.) (So much work to get through and only so much energy and time to do everything at a turtle’s pace.)


            What are written words but love? Yes.}

            More work... …Sigh…



(Any era last anywhere from three to five decades, no more or less.)


Monday, March 30, 2015


“While beating you up, he cries, “Help!” “Help!””


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Irrevocable (cannot be changed, unalterable)


The judge proclaimed that his decision was irrevocable.


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A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.




Evening Dress.


Chapter 26.

Page 327


Evening dress means full dress, in the common acceptation of the term. It will serve for dinner, opera, evening-party, everything but the ball. Ball dresses are special. With regard to evening dress and ball dress no explicit directions can be given. The fashion-books declare what is to be worn, and the dressmaker is the interpreter of the fashion. Still, individual taste should be exerted, and no slavish adherence given in to fashion at the sacrifice of grace or elegance.


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Iran Nuclear Deal

(March 31, 2015)


The Twelfth Hour



            Dearest Iranian private citizens and civilians;


            Good day to you all!


            Salutations and good health all around.






            Source from Wikipedia


            Ayatollah (UK /aɪəˈtɒlə/ or US /aɪəˈtoʊlə/; Persian: آيت‌الله‎ ayatollah from Arabic: آية الله‎, āyatu allah "Sign of Allah") is a high-ranking title given to Usuli Twelver Shī‘ah clerics. Those who carry the title are experts in Islamic studies such as jurisprudence, ethics, and philosophy and usually teach in Islamic seminaries. The next lower clerical rank is Hojatoleslam wal-muslemin.


In the West, the title is commonly associated with Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, leader of Iran from 1979 to 1989.




            We’re going to keep “church” and “state” divided since American early settlers and pilgrims gave their lives to such refined distinction in terms whence the difference between fair government vs. religious discrimination in exchange for the fair moral legal grounds which represents all men and women and children equally under the American laws of our judiciary justice system; “Made in the U.S. A.”


            American democracy is sublime by definition.


            American democracy is pristine by global standards.


            This American republic for ‘tis of thee’ and for which we stand is indeed prestigious and full of massive taxpayers’ privileges to free public education including undergraduate studies, free peaceful Assembly, freedom of the press and freedom of speech.




            O’ how art thou, brothers and sisters?


            “God” has nothing to do with the governance of state.


            Any heinous corrupt ideological violent religious measures or rule or principle or discipline such as abusive philosophy or extremist hateful teachings have absolutely no baring or anything to do with the United States of America’s government or nuclear deals or Iranian sanctions which starve the lower income earners of Iran and economically squeeze Iranian middle income earners and professionals while Iran’s 1% of the wealthiest of the population gets filthy rich from sanctions which bring about economic challenges and on-going difficulties for which to account for 18 months of negotiations with Iran on a nuclear deal.


            No, there shan’t be any confusion about “state” and “church.”


            Nope, not here and not today.




            There must be an Iran strict nuclear deal made on March 31st, 2015 not because Iran wishes for sanctions to be lifted. No.


            More so and precisely there will be an Iran strictest of nuclear deals made because Iran acknowledges and considers such a nuclear deal to be just and right for the peaceful long term solution and sanctity of anything humane and sane and calm and quiet in the overall safety of the region, specifically, the Middle East, entirely.


            Yes, an Iran strict nuclear deal will be made since there is not one single excuse for Iran’s nuclear deal’s leaders or representatives to even so much as consider or talk about or threaten future bombings in any Middle Eastern region or any other Sovereign cities or states or providences, otherwise, a rain of insanity would ensue in the form of chaotic war explosions which could possibly go off and wound and injure Iran since others in the region neither much like nor trust Iran’s overall political leaders to do right by others in the region much less tell the truth, specifically, pertaining to the Iranian Ayatollah’s tight grip on Iran’s modernization or lack thereof:


Not pertaining to innocent modern Iranian modernist private citizens and civilians who know what’s intellectually best for their nation / state / region rather than grumpy and “tightly wound” religious teachers who refuse to keep up with modern progressive measures towards free education for all men and women and children, space exploration, lateral (sideways) economic equality and purposeful work and political freedom for all and non-genetically modified foods and, and, and, and...


If Iran so much as threatens to continue with their Iran’s nuclear program then Iran places itself further and further behind in global markets and robust progressive enterprise and culture and society and education (most importantly.)


If Iran so much as threatens to continue with Iran’s nuclear program then possibly Iran maintains their third world status and wanders in circles lost and forgotten when the American people settle in and go back to our peaceful and quiet lives after 13.5 years of continuous war in Afghanistan and Iraq, both, which, war is due to seize all fire on December 2017, exactly, that is.                                       




Side Note:            (Implicitly, I did and I would again entrust my life in the hands of Iranian doctors as I had between June 2005 and September 2006 when we broke bread together as peers each Friday night at sundown.)




            What is it about the Iranian leadership or lack thereof constructive leadership which causes other Middle Eastern Sovereign nations’ leaders leery of an Iranian nuclear program? (Rhetorical.)


            In other words; why do many of the Middle Eastern world’s nations not trust Iran to do right by others? (Rhetorical.)


            Why are Iran’s leaders perceived as not trust worthy? (Rhetorical.)




            Aside from debating about the decade of the1970’s; Is the rest of the Middle Eastern world ready to forgive and trust and accept a nuclear deal with Iran? Yes.


            When will the American leaders and the Iranian leaders bridge this great divide between our nations with their apprehension to work together on an Iran nuclear deal as American people and Iranian people have proven to have worked together in the past to keep each other’s spirit and hopes alive as we struggled to make it in a difficult global economy of our past histories as we kept each other from starvation in 2005-2006.


            In other words: Since Iranian people and American people have indeed starved together alongside each other and offered one another the meager morsels of food whichever one could, then why won’t Iranian leaders and American leaders not break bread together as their peoples have and did and do with an open mind and care for the other and necessity to get through a most difficult struggle and logical and reasonable arguments.                                      




            Do the American people trust for the Ayatollah (religious leaders) to do well by the Iranian people? No.


            Do the American people trust the American politicians to do well by the American people? No.


            Do the American people trust the Iranian intelligent professionals to do well by Iran and by the Middle East? Yes.


            Do the American people trust Iranians in general? Yes.


            Do the American people trust the Ayatollah in general? No.


            Do the American people trust an Iran nuclear deal? Yes.


            Does the world trust an Iran nuclear deal? Yes.


            Will Iran’s nuclear deal’s leaders and representatives do well by the rest of the world? It is yet to be determined. We hope so.




Personal Footnote


            Personally, as I look upon this yellow-orange bright sunset at 7:29 P.M. tonight. I think about my Iranian doctor friends and their beautiful smiles and all of those vegetarian pizzas we ate and broke bread and spoke about heated political topics of discussion, to the point to which our Iranian friends were furious and yelled because the Americans politically disagreed, still yet, eventually everyone cooled their tempers in time for dessert.


We sought each others’ company and didn’t ever dismiss each other as humans since we shared close quarters in the corridors and hallways and patio.


            My greatest poetic inspiration is written on a desk polished and varnished by an Iranian sister doctor friend who gifted me her gorgeous letter writing desk and ever since 2006 her desk lives with us and is a great contribution to our lives.


Personally, each time I sit down to compose lyrical notes of poetry an Iranian spirit guides my hand and I breathe life to words which inspire further love.


            My one Iranian sister doctor friend and I, hardly ever agree about anything political at all.


            My one specific Iranian sister doctor friend gets so mad at me, she goes bright red in the face and I used to watch her expressions with fascination as her red toned faced changed back to natural color as we dined together and ate dessert and watched the sun go down.


            My one Iranian sister doctor friend gets so mad at me she used to throw her arms up in the air in disgust and in blinding rage severely point her fingers at me while I gleefully scooped salad into bowls.


While my Iranian friend rages on about politics, I smile and eat it up every chance I get to be in the company of an Ut-most amazing woman who changed my life forever even though by the time my Iranian sister doctor friend left America she was only skin and bones and I worried for her safety and health.


My Iranian friend strikes a chord at the very essence of my heart.


Yes, I fell in platonic love with an Iranian sister.


No, we’re not lesbians.


No, we’ve much less ever seen each other with anything other than clothes properly worn on our bodies.


We’re Kindred Spirits.


            Yes, I trust an Iran nuclear deal because I trust my Iranian sister to tell me the truth no matter how painful the truth is to hear and I’ve entrusted my life to her before.


Once, my Iranian sister saved my life after five straight days of going without food she brought me food and brought me back to health.


Once, I, too, saved her life in the same manner as she had saved mine.


After many days without food, I, too, brought food to my friend and brought her back to health (correction).


We love each other and we would save each other’s lives, again, if we needed to and against any extremist religious teachings that would preach for her and I to be kept separated in friendship since the strong bonds of true friendship resonate louder than any political screaming or anger or nuclear deal.


An Iranian soul imprinted upon my soul.


An Iranian soul is now a strong part of my Mayan-Costa Rican-American soul. She is now my sister in life and in death.






Word Count Goal: 1,000

Word Count: 2,121


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 2,121


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #8 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #8 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #401 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #153 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Week #5 without stress: I love it.


*)         Week #24 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.


*)         Month #7 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three and a half (23 ½”) inch high waist.





Oh, the engineers of Polynesia are amazing Indigenous intelligent women to bring solar light to their remote villages and home regions, after six months of study in the city.


Congratulations to all!!!


Oh, how tremendously courageous and challenging and technologically advanced of such gorgeous and intelligent Indigenous women to bring back solar light to their villages for further learning to read and write and explore and discover as well as learn a humanistic approach to reading anything wise and significant and full of logical and reasonable relevance; Which, One shan’t censor oneself from reading any such words written on any page since words don’t literally bite. No.


Words don’t even sting.

Not even a little… No…


…Only violence stings and burns and hurts the flesh and bone…


…Thus, at all times… …properly conduct oneself whenever in public and especially during domestic situations since what words teach from era to era is to progress forward and advance in the sciences and mathematics and art and food and culture and music and poetry, above all else, private citizen and civilian and tourist safety in public arenas or places to meet and greet and gather.


No, not “everyone” can nor will they want to aspire to be any type of poet yet nations’ of private citizens and civilians must learn and begin to use constructive neutral words towards the peaceful relativity of our own thoughtful selves when we look upon any face for reflective gauge in communication.


Poetry is one of the highest of many artistic masterful disciplines for several of many reasons: A few to mention: 1) lyrical 2) written 3) mathematical linguistics defined in codex and code and numbers 4) cerebral thought combined with rhythm and soul and blues and delight 5) oral clarification repeated transverses into memory and not easily nor likely forgotten by the masses since legend is whispered in full sentences from the words of masterful poets and only they can reason out language since classical forms are the toughest to decipher and make sense of 6) rock ‘n’ roll


Poetry is a mathematical composition written in musical notes.


Poetry is music and to make the words move one must…write…


Poetry like the story about a group of Polynesian Indigenous women who for six months left their remote villages to learn to study to be engineers of solar light. Wow!


Now, we’re moving.

Now, we’re going places with solar light.


No, nations don’t require for “everyone” to be intellectual poets, however.


Nations do require thoughtful and life changing private citizens and civilians beating all the odds against illiteracy and starvation and discrimination and violence and war and genocide.


Friday, March 27, 2015


“Never promise something to a child and not give it to him, because in that way he learns to lie”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Maritime (pertaining to the sea)


Maritime law regulates all the activities of navigation.


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A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.




Dress To Suit The Occasion.


Chapter 26.

Page 327


The dress should always be adapted to the occasion. Nothing is more proper for the morning than a loosely made dress, high in the neck, with sleeves fastened at the wrist with a band, or belt. It looks well, and is convenient. For a walking dress, the skirt should be allowed only just to touch the ground; for while a train looks well in the drawing-room, and is inconspicuous in a carriage or opera-box, it serves a very ignoble purpose in sweeping the street. Ladies’ shoes for walking should be substantial, to keep the feet dry and warm. If neatly made and well fitted, they need not be clumsy.


Hats are now fashionable for morning walks, and they are both pretty and convenient.


---  ---  ---




No Blog







Word Count Goal: 1,000 personal private journals

Word Count:


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 5,422


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #5 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #5 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #398 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #150 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Week #4 without stress: I love it.


*)         Week #23 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.


*)         Month #7 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three and a half (23 ½”) inch high waist.


Thursday, March 26, 2015


“It is easier to have children than raise them.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Schism (division or separation)


The Schism was caused by a refusal to accept certain doctrines.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.




Color And Complexion.


Chapter 26.

Pages 326-327


A lady has to consider what colors best suit her complexion. Blue, for instance, never looks well upon those of a dark complexion; nor pink upon those of a florid complexion. Yellow is a very trying color, and can only be worn by the rich-toned brunettes. Attention to these particulars is most important. Longitudinal stripes in a lady’s dress make her appear taller than she really is, and are, therefore, appropriate for a person of short stature. Flounces give brevity to the figure, and are therefore only adapted to tall persons. Every article of dress should be well made, however plain the style, or inexpensive the material.


---  ---  ---


(Correction from “Mrs.” to “Ms.” whenever addressing another woman in any written piece even if she were already wed.)


---  ---  ---


Yes, I’ve begun a personal Stephen King boycott, possibly for the rest of my life:


One, Mr. King doesn’t write his own material.


Two, the team of writers who do write Mr. King’s material aren’t very good writers.


---  ---  ---




What an ‘Asshole’ Patient


            An otolaryngologist is an ear, nose, throat specialist.


            Tomorrow at 8:20 A.M. in the morning I have an appointment with a local otolaryngologist which I will personally uphold to such an important doctor’s visit such as this one.




            On Wednesday, March 4, 2015, I completely and totally skipped out on my last appointment with our local otolaryngologist.


            Yes, I’m now considered a “no show” by the receptionists and medical staff and doctors.


            Yes, I’m now that one “asshole” patient with poop dangling from my bottom that doesn’t show up to doctors’ appointments. (Not really.)


(When we make doctors’ appointments then we keep them unless we’re ill. Yes, we show up, and we show up preferably early or on time with a few minutes to spare.)


            The reason why I didn’t make it to my last otolaryngologist appointment is because the night of Tuesday, March 3, 2015 I lay in bed ‘sick as a dog’ with the flu, meantime, on average, I broke five fevers per night for about five straight nights in a row and saw delirium since I was so sick in bed.




            The night of Tuesday, March 3, 2015 I brought my cell phone into the bedroom and placed the cell on my nightstand right next to me and set the alarm to call and cancel the otolaryngologist appointment the following morning on Wednesday.


            The following morning my alarm rang loud and clear. I awoke and promptly reached over for my cell phone and twice dialed the otolaryngologist office number and left two messages.


            Like any responsible mature adult citizen I complied by my duties of polite society by giving advance warning of my cancellation due to illness.




            Last week when I called back the otolaryngologist office to reschedule the appointment a receptionist in her late smoker’s voice, while on the other end of the line most rudely spoke to me, “You’re a no show,” her gruff voice implied I was some type of hooligan who deserved to die off of the face of the Earth.


            ‘So what, I’m a “no show?” Don’t speak to patients ever so rudely.’ I thought.


            “No,” I told her, “On that morning of my previous appointment, I called, twice, and left two messages on your voice mail system.”


            “Well,” the woman’s voice said, “All I know is you’re a ‘no show.’ So do you want to make an appointment or what?”


            The woman spoke like a 1600’s wench cook at a saloon.


            No, of course I didn’t want to make an appointment with her since she already formed a terrible opinion about my character and negative misconceptions about me as a patient and as a human in general still yet I needed the appointment and swallowed my pride even though the woman continued to harass me about a simple human mistake.




            No, I’m not so much terrified to show up to my otolaryngologist appointment tomorrow morning. No.


More so, rudeness, gets very old, quite quickly, to be treated ever so badly by front desk medical staff and other personnel.


            Bad miscommunication with front desk medical staff seems to be the story of my life, for the most part.


            If I had it my way, I’d run for the hills. I hate medical dealings with anyone in the Twin Cities Metro Area since it’s ever so unprofessional in communication when pertaining to basic medical staff.


            Mostly front desk medical staff or receptionists are gruff and grumpy and rude and overtly discriminatory or racist.


            All one can do is take their bad attitude ‘up the ass bum hole’ because doctors’ appointments are ever so vital to the health of any individual.




            Like any former executive producer and filmmaker of documentaries I went back and did my research and found out: on the morning of Wednesday, March 4, 2015, I was ever so delirious from the flu, I discovered I had called the otolaryngologist office fax line and in my absent feverish mind I left two messages on a fax machine.


            Oh, well.


            Human error is bound to happen.




            Yes, we’ve entertained the idea of flying to Boston for medical care, especially to find main practitioners since Ivy League schooled doctors are our close personal friends and work in reputable modern Boston hospitals and we’re not talking educated at Johns Hopkins, either.


            Yes, some years we’ve even paid about one thousand ($1,000) dollars per monthly extra medical costs, above-and-beyond, out of pocket expenses, on top of what we already pay into our monthly health care cost premiums.


We pay for the highest health care “Blue Cross / Blue Shield” premiums and super-deluxe insurance rates yet it’s nearly impossible to get one single white Caucasian front desk medical receptionist staff personnel or medical assistants to speak properly and intelligently and smartly and professionally across the board with all types of patients otherwise “if there ain’t no paycheck large enough,” or “ye can’t handle no folks,” or “ain’t able to handle no heat,” then “git outta kitch’en and let them smart folks run some important things.”


            The psychology of medicine goes pass most nurses or medical support staff, mainly mocking medical assistants.


            The psychology of what it means to be human goes pass most nurses or medical and support staff, mainly mocking medical assistants.


            The psychology of what it means to be in a medical industry goes pass most Western American nurses or medical and support staff, mainly mocking medical assistants.


            What is it that Americans lack between providing excellent professional services and customer care?


            What is it about Twin Cities Metro Area front desk medical staff personnel and medical assistants with eighth grade education who seem to carry so much aggression and angst against the average patient while conversing about the most mundane things like rescheduling a missed appointment?


            What is it about Twin Cities Metro Area front desk medical staff personnel and medical assistants who think they’re at a night club while at work or seem to hate their job or career path with a passion?


            What is it about Twin Cities Metro Area front desk medical staff personnel and idiotic medical assistants who seem to feel trapped by their low wages and steep mortgages and educational responsibilities and retirement and, and, and, and…                                                                        







Word Count Goal: 1,000

Word Count: 1,180


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 5,422


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #4 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #4 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #397 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #149 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Week #4 without stress: I love it.


*)         Week #23 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.


*)         Month #7 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three and a half (23 ½”) inch high waist.


Wednesday, March 25, 2015


“If you don’t teach the ox to plow when he is young, it will be difficult to teach him when he is grown.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)

Sentient (experiencing sensation and feeling

Some authors try to show that plants are sentient.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.




Using Paints.


Chapter 26.

Page 326


We cannot but allude to the practice of using paints, a habit strongly to be condemned. If for no other reason than that poison lurks beneath every layer, inducing paralytic affections and premature death, they should be discarded---but they are a disguise which deceives no one, even at a distance; there is a ghastly deathliness in the appearance of the skin after it has been painted, which is far removed from the natural hue of health.


---  ---  ---


Stalling Notes


            Oh, there’s nothing like reading through the New York Time’s modern articles and learn about other adult writers’ exposes that happen to describe their literary private workspaces.





---  ---  ---


Other writers’ exposes, nostalgically takes one back to a time and place in which Manhattan harbor was home for four weeks at a time in the summers of 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993.


---  ---  ---


            Many people seem to enjoy historical biographical reads about great political figures or presidents, or celebrities, or athletes, however.


            For any reader the main thrill to read through any autobiography or biography, is mainly to read-up about average private citizens who became ethical leaders of their industry going against all odds and accomplishing extraordinary feats of heroism or leadership when called to do so in the service of one’s country as private citizens do. (Correction all around.)


[The ordinary accomplishing the extraordinary is more of a Latino approach to literature than an American Western approach to literature in which writers’ ego is King while in literary Latino terms, the writer is someone with the great and awesome skill to read and write thoughts and convey words meaningfully useful for others with the greatest gift to take the time to write down wise words on paper or chiseled out of rock or in cyberspace for communities’ and villages’ survival against political corruption, distortion, kidnappings, starvation and drug and human trafficking.]


            Mostly autobiographies or biographies pertaining to brave writers as the main protagonists seem to be quite important to the nature of political historical temperament and overall general subjective context.


            Western writers seem to be under some spell whichever tends to idealize the writer as ego without accountability to the greater picture of time sequence and events and future holdings in the accessibility to feed mostly all since there’s enough room at the table as well as enough to go around and break bread in united symbolic peaceful mediations and humanistic sensibilities and well mannered approach and caution on the side of psychological or physical or verbal or emotional abuse as well as caution on the side of manipulative ulterior motives and grotesque lies for personal gain or benefit to belittle or control or create power imbalance in the outcome for power struggles amongst other cultural parties or to turn anyone into indentured servitude especially pertaining to women of color as economic modern slaves to white American Western women.


            Mostly I’m moved by other western writers’ stories since truth writing is a highly prized fine art in juxtaposition to composition and syntax and context and the brilliance of any fine editor (usually, another person aside from the writer, does the editing such as an editor or publisher).


There’s something definitely far more important or desirably democratic and sacred to American writers in so far as to state


American writers have tremendous freedom to express their political viewpoints, and otherwise, without any violence caused or permitted unto any writers’ human person or body since “everybody” (the whole world, as a generalization, encompassing “everything” and “everyone:” not possible, thus a generalization in terms) already knows: no one hurts or injures writers or journalists since most of the world is still illiterate and doesn’t know how to read well or at all.


            Excellent and professionally ethical and reasonable and logical and inclusive writing is an art form of the highest cerebral function ever performed to develop life and not kill life.


            Writing is bestowed only to a very few in the entire of the world.


            The trouble with mostly Western American writers is that they forget that no one else in the entire world thinks or believes or holds the same ideological viewpoints as Western American writers do or American private citizens in general, for the matter.


            Only 30% of Americans ever travel any further than fifteen (15) miles from home, 2015 statistic.


            It is okay to make misspelling errors so long as errors quickly get corrected and fixed then we’re talking cerebral function of the highest intelligence all together to have the ability and awareness and knowhow to correct mistakes and not ever repeat them again. (That’s like genius level.)


            Only Western writers are crazy to think like perfectionists.


            No wonder Americans die from heart attacks.


            Oh, Americans.


---  ---  ---


(Correction from “crushed” sensation on my windpipe to a “squeezing” sensation on my windpipe.)


---  ---  ---


Yes, I’ve begun my second boycott of Tavis Smiley due to shameless self promotion of his book by way of a guest.


(March, 2015-March, 2016)


---  ---  ---


Ha. Don’t make me laugh so hard.


The dim witted Bush dynasty doesn’t have a leg to stand on when it comes to the presidency 2016 after committing atrocious crimes against humanity just as the Nazis did perform crimes against humanity upon their very own German people so did the Bush dynasty against the American people. No differently. 


(9/11. The Bushes and the Saudis did that.)


Didn’t Barbara Bush state that there should probably not ever be another Bush in the White House yet she is fund raising for Jeb Bush? What a hypocrite.


Why is it that the Bush politicians hardly ever mean what they say unless it’s about war mongering or blood oil money and getting Americans murdered or killed in the Middle East?


(Sigh. What a bunch of inbreeds.)


---  ---  ---




Extended Afghanistan / American War

(March 2015-December 2017)


As of today’s date

America has been at war in Afghanistan

for the past thirteen and a half (13.5) years.




Congressional Imbalance


Executive Branch Imbalance


Leadership Imbalance


Military Complex Imbalance


Tax Dollar Spending Imbalance




One Trillion Taxpayers’ Dollars Spent


13.5 Years of Continuous Military Service


#___ of Troop Service Personnel Suicides


#___ of Veteran Medical Backlogs




A Leader is One


Followers are many




            13.5 years of war; Afghanistan / American war and Iraqi / American war left some of our in-laws’ extended relatives either displaced or transient or homeless wandering the Earth to regain steady income and affordable decent housing.


Some of our in-laws’ extended relatives in the state of Texas are still waiting for an extensive backlog list to comply by the rules of war in which our executive branch of government (Commander in Chief) will provide for our families’ in-laws’ extended relatives’ wounded soldiers, who are top priority, and must be cared for rather than wait for our government to do well by our veterans and their families ever since August of 2009.


Still yet, our overall families’ financial contribution towards this 13.5 year long war turned into a tremendous out of pocket medical and housing and lodging expense for our returning injured and wounded veterans as their immediate families split up across the Midwest, in which, such relatives, did live or are living amongst their other relatives’ homes while awaiting a financially transient time (2009-2015) (six (6) years) until our veterans find long lasting work with comparable wages and health care benefits and 401k plans and pensions and bonuses to raise little children.


            13.5 years of war; Afghanistan / American war and Iraqi / American war left our in-laws’ extended relatives either displaced or transient or homeless wandering the Earth for medical compensation for such lifelong medical diagnosis as commonly known as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and tens of thousands of dollars in out of pocket expenses to cover such medical bills and extra medical continuous on-going expenses which the government ought to have stepped up and paid out as of August of 2009.


Still yet here we are like any other American military families gushing dollar bills at this bloody war and the financial deep wound doesn’t seem to get cauterized anytime soon thus military families like ours gush money and get sucked dry by a military complex with too many toys collecting dust in hangers.


            The sacrifices our American veterans and families have made for corrupt American politicians won’t describe the daily uphill battle or domestic challenges in the type of duress in which military families and communities are placed in or under for 13.5 years straight of sacrificial arms service.


            The reason why congress doesn’t care how long America stays at war is because their adult children don’t get drafted to war.


            If the politicians’ children faced the threat of having to enlist in war then this 13.5 year war would have been done one decade ago and I needn’t write about the gruesome horrors and domestic long lasting sadness of war.


            When will this bloody war be over for our families?


            December 2017, did somebody say?


            We’ll uphold our government to this date of December 2017.




            For almost 13.5 years this “Vietnam II”


            Afghanistan / American war and Iraqi / American war has factually brought our American Sons and Daughters back home in body bags by the thousands (in body count) without much consideration from our mass media or congressional representatives.


            Congressional representatives don’t seem to understand our American Sons and Daughters have bled and given their lives over to a corrupt congress as well as lazy congress men and women, both, alike, to put an end to this American on-going nightmare of continual and perpetual blood oil money thirsty war mongering.


            What keeps our congress from shutting down a 13.5 year old dusty war which has nothing to do with America other than blood thirsty oil money?


            What keeps our congress from pushing for an end to stop this war, March 2015?


            Mostly congress drags its feet when it comes to dealing with our current president’s administration in so far as considering any policy having anything to do with our current president’s erroneous commitment to two (2) more year’s war in Afghanistan without any further congressional instigation or agitation into the matter does seem absurd, no? Yes.


            What is it about our current president’s cabinet members who distort the truth and give an imagined sense of imbalance in mostly all matters concerning modern war, March 2015?


            In other words; why is our current president misguided by terrible and wrong and erroneous war policy which won’t be won by the West? (Nope, Afghanistan and Iraq shan’t be won by the West.)


            When will our current president’s military strategists and war experts and administrative cabinet members be fired for imposing such ridiculous and ignorantly outdated viewpoint as to stabilize the Middle East with further war? (Duh.)




            Two wrong wars don’t justify further war.


            Why is the president ever so misguided by further war?


            Why must the president institute further war mongering?


            When will this 13.5 year old dusty bloody war come to an end?


            When will the rich have enough blood oil money in their deep pockets and let the middle income earners get on with our progressive measures to reestablish first world nation and free public education for all citizens and civilians as well as great and decent low-cost living housing and free public mass transportation and single plan payer system in health care costs?


            When will the plutocrats and conservative ideologues leave alone our military service men and women and offer-up life and free education and decently well built low-cost living housing rather than offer a most gruesome death in the stupidest exchange?


            Human life traded for fortunate deep pockets of plutocrats who care less if anyone’s American adult children live or die today or tomorrow or within the next two more years of war?


            Who cares? (Right? Right.)


            Military lives don’t matter in the same way in which black lives don’t matter in America, either. (Shame.)


            American leadership is ever so boring a state.


            Violence is boring.


            Abuse is boring.


            War is boring.


            Death is boring.


            Manipulation is boring.


            Ulterior motives are boring.


            Can any modern contemporary politician bring our military and other troops home, like, yesterday, or, like, tomorrow night?


            Does anyone have any real power in government to do the right thing by the people for the people and with the people?


            What a disappointment the American government turned out to be. (More corrupt than one would think.)


            Who is pulling our current president’s strings?


            Who gives our current president such terrible advice on Middle Eastern modern war?


            Doesn’t anyone over there at the White House in our current president’s cabinet members and the president’s experts on war know anything about the history of the story of two thousand year’s Middle Eastern holy war? Nope. (Not okay.)


            Why does our current president miss the mark on war mongering and ethical decision making and peaceful negotiations and mediation?


            American military families don’t like to get mocked by know-it-all idiots who have no clue what it’s like to sacrifice for one’s country, one’s own country folk and Kin to the bloody oil thirsty slaughter of Afghanistan and Iraq wars, both, alike, only because blood thirsty oil war mongers are insane for drink of human blood.


            We leave no one behind.


            Especially not our military service troops, men and women.









Word Count Goal: 2,000

Word Count: 2,274


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 4,262


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #3 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #3 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #396 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #148 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Week #4 without stress: I love it.


*)         Week #23 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.


*)         Month #7 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three and a half (23 ½”) inch high waist.


Tuesday, March 24, 2015


“If you teach your children in their youth, they won’t have to teach you in your old age.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Cajolery (persuading by flattery, coaxing, entrapping)


Sometimes, cajolery is more successful than force.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.




Delicacy And Harmony.


Chapter 26.

Pages 325-326


A fair face is generally accompanied by blue eyes light hair, eyebrows and lashes. There is a delicacy and harmonious blending of correspondences which are in perfect keeping; but if you sully the eyebrows with blackness, you destroy all similitude of feature and expression and almost present a deformity.


---  ---  ---


Current Notes


            As a hyperbole or as an exaggeration: Since Ted Cruz was factually born in Canada then I, too, am now “eligible” to run for the United States presidency since I was born in Costa Rica.


(My entire life I’ve been waiting for this moment; whenever a “foreigner” even so much as thinks they might run for presidency then I make it a point to state that I, too, am now eligible to run for presidency and immediately it’s an open shut case and the imposter quietly goes away to some far off dusty corner of the universe to lick their wounds.) What. I’d make an awesome first woman of color president lady.


Plus, only those close to the royal line or blue blooded get elected presidents of the United States of America which could potentially mean anyone in my side of our family could feasibly become president of the United States of America since we’re factually blue bloods.


Possibly, I have more of a chance to become president than Ted Cruz does. Ha! (And this is only a joke or ironic irony or dark humor or satire.) Ha, indeed.


Since Ronald Reagan became president then I, too, could be president and a heck of a lot better president than Reagan ever was if only I learned how to correctly spell “Reagan” with an “e” and an “a.” (I misspell “Reagan” each time.) Sigh. Oh, humble.


            There’s still a law in the books which states that any American applying for the position of presidency must first be “officially” born upon American soil and within our borders and possibly have established residency in America for at least an X amount of years.


When did “foreigner” quasi political presidential candidates begin to hold their university audience hostage?


How terrible.


---  ---  ---


            No, I don’t exaggerate on this blog since it’s nonfiction and facts and evidence must and do backup every piece of writing I do.


---  ---  ---


            Yes, I know for a fact minors ought not to be fighting adult political battles otherwise the adults can and may take advantage of our youth.


As a mature adult; I don’t allow for minors to fight my own battles much less any other adult friend or Eric, for that matter, may they ever fight my battles. I’ll do my own… thank you very much.


---  ---  ---


            No, I don’t live by the sword therefore I can’t die by the sword.


---  ---  ---


            Yes, I write by the literary sword.


---  ---  ---


            Yes, corrections on specific and general broad dates were made for the month of March 2015 in this month’s previous entries.



Thank you for your patience.


---  ---  ---


“Commercialism cannot be the whole story.”


Thank you for one’s true words.


Who doesn’t love a 5,000 word prose essay?



Critics are the rock stars of the intellectual world.


---  ---  ---




Benign Tumors

(March 2015)


            Yes, it was Ms. Jolie Pitt’s article about potential cancer in yesterday’s New York Times’ Op-Ed Contributor which today inspired me to write about benign tumors as of right now at 6:33 P.M. with a dark brown “static” grayish sundown coming upon us all.



Excerpt Entry


Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Personal Footnotes


            Yes, humans can easily get extremely stupid when drugged-up by their doctors as I was prescribed OxyContin from roughly (April 16, 2010-October 2013) (correction on date) for benign tumors which to this day I still grow inside my thyroid and it’s quite painful almost on a daily basis.


            Yes, personally I took myself off of OxyContin November 2013 (correction on date) before my brain went to oatmeal mush.


(Correction: No exaggeration: My sixteen (16) friends with psychiatric medical degrees from Ivy League universities all inform me that as of June 2014 I’ve been fully cured and recovered from a steady dosage of OxyContin.) Okay. (Correction all around.)




            Today’s thyroid benign tumors (March 2013) are different from the uterine benign tumors (fibroids) surgically removed (“da Vinci,” arm robot) on November 2011 and again either on September or October 2013. (I’ll have to look up dates in my notes.)


            Since April 2010 doctors and surgical specialist informed us there’s absolutely nothing doctors can do for the pain of benign tumors while benign tumors attach to healthy uterine walls or inside the thyroid and take shape and form and grow exponentially in any one specific given body part, and, potentially have and did grow to the size of grapefruits which makes me want to get ill thinking about it. (Next.)


It seems the only way to more or less directly deal with the exponential expanding growth of benign tumors is to take OxyContin (pain killers) in quantity and that’s no longer an option so that I might keep my healthy and beautiful brain intact and so that my brain doesn’t turn to oatmeal mush and so that I may continue to write long winded cohesive sentences such as this one with one single breath of life because life is exactly like that; magnificent in the same way in which a breath of life is more life.


            Benign tumors aren’t as scary as they sound, however.


            Talk about coming face-to-face with a daily and harsh and stark reality of one’s own eventual (hopefully natural causes in old age) mortality (death.)


The reality is: eventually cancer is going to lick my rear end someday.


No, I shan’t die any day soon since my immune system is healthy and robust no matter how many benign tumors grow in different specific regions or body parts at different times, I’m still healthy and vibrant yet exhausted, to be more precise.


            Since I’m not taking pain killers and I no longer smoke 100% natural tobacco cigarettes or eat sugar then I must now breathe through my pain and quietly sit and think healthy constructive thoughts about the power of thought and argumentation as to why I must endure physical suffering pain no differently as other strong women do endure this type of benign tumor pain as I do. I’m not alone in this medical journey in which my autoimmune disease attacks my body and forms benign tumors which hopefully won’t develop into anything at all. (Knock on wood for good luck.)


            No, people who have benign tumors aren’t the walking dead nor do we have one foot in the grave. Au contraire.


            If anything, we’re as vitally healthy and capable of enjoying life as any other, however.


            Nonetheless, we must eat, sleep, think, healthy living otherwise if we were to really sit down and consider what we’re dealing with then we might not get out of bed, still yet, we’re vitally healthy and strong and must move forward and make astounding contributions since we know our lifespan might be in jeopardy or not depending on health choices and medical options.




            As of right now; my windpipe feels like it is getting squeezed.


            There’s nothing I can do but endure and bare the pain in silence until it’s time for yet another surgery since I can’t live much longer with this pain in my thyroid.


            There’s nothing which can be done for the pain since I made a visit (October 2014) to an Edina, MN / Yale endocrinologist man doctor and he told me that I must wait and keep an eye on the benign tumors in my thyroid gland which now take up space in my throat and push against other crucial elements of my throat and the throat’s usage of essential yet crucial function such as swallowing food and breathing.


            As the benign tumors grow inside my thyroid then everything around my thyroid gets “squeezed” in the same way in which my colon and spine and bladder felt as though they were being “squeezed” when I dealt with benign uterine fibroid tumors, however.


            Now the pain and “squeezing” sensation in my throat is a type of pain one wouldn’t wish upon their worst enemy even if one’s enemy were to live 120 years.




            [No, I neither wish to be an “asshole” nor to make an “asshole” out of myself since I’m eloquent and sophisticated and intelligent and graceful modern, still yet, when one deals with one’s mortality on a daily basis then one cuts to the chase and gets real truthful about one’s comic narrative and what’s important to one’s high quality of life and lifestyle even if one were to go so far as to “poke fun” at other adults when it comes to their grotesque egos and lies about one’s illness.


Especially, when I get mocked by “white privilege,” I like to “play” the “village idiot” role unlike my usual self only to challenge the status quo of costly health care and unfair treatment of private citizens of dark skin pigmentation.


If one were to directly speak to me in person then quickly one would find an incredibly articulate human especially now that’s been two (2) years in which I celebrate my sobriety from OxyContin.


With benign tumors there isn’t much, if any time at all to bullshit or tell lies, only kindness and intellectual understanding with boundaries prevails here.


            Yes, in 1999 (junior year of college) I dealt with a bout of real skin cancer on my face of all places and thought I might lose my life and didn’t die in the struggle for survival.


Thankful for not dying, then, in 1999, even though one friend from Iowa continued to harass me and minimize my illness since she didn’t want to deal with my very real health issues and only cared about a dirty van rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle.


Thus I made as much fun of her as I could by pretending to carry on with the most terrible made-up “rapper” dialect to push her to the edge as she continually pushed me to mine while undergoing surgeries and continual tumor growth for about one straight decade (10 years) (2005-2015) and tumultuous extended periods of waiting as the benign tumors grow to a sufficient size to conduct further surgery and this might go on for years or another decade until I do actually develop some form of deadly cancer or not.]




            The pain tonight cuts deep across my throat like pressure ready to pop open my windpipe.


As it is with benign tumors of the fibroid such benign fibroid tumors aren’t deadly yet if women were to laugh, too, hard, they might then rupture any given fibroid and internally bleed and die. (The End.)


            Personally, I don’t leave home when I hemorrhage (October 2014 was the last time I hemorrhaged and also switched doctors since the talk-therapist agreed would be best because my doctor wanted to prescribe tranquillizers) or if I’m feeling terrible with each passing day is different degrees of pain at different times of the day.


            Hopefully, I shan’t die from thin lining of my stomach from, too, many years of “Aleve” or “Ibuproferin” and other over the counter painkillers.


            If I was an alcoholic then I’d “hit the bottle hard.”


            Since I’m not an alcoholic I simple bite the bullet and don’t cry in public places since I’m, too, stoic for public signs of affection or otherwise bodily function.






Word Count Goal: 1,000

Word Count: 1,988


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 1,988


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #2 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #2 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #395 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #147 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Week #4 without stress: I love it.


*)         Week #23 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.


*)         Month #7 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three and a half (23 ½”) inch high waist.


Monday, March 23, 2015


“He who does not bring up his son to some honest calling brings him up to be a thief.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Largesse (liberal giving, gifting)


She received a largesse for her help.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.




Simplicity In Dress.


Chapter 26.

Page 325


As we have already remarked, the secret of perfect dressing is simplicity, costliness being no essential element of real elegance. We have to add that everything depends upon the good judgment and good taste of the wearer. These should always be a harmonious adaptation of one article of attire to another, as also to the size, figure and complexion of the wearer. There should be a correspondence in all parts of a lady’s toilet, so as to present a perfect entirety. Thus, when we see a female of light, delicate complexion, penciling her eyebrows until they are positively black, we cannot but entertain a contempt for her lack of taste and good sense. There is a harmony in nature’s tints which art can never equal, much less improve.


---  ---  ---




No blog.






Word Count Goal: 1,000

Word Count: Bereavement


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count:


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #1 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #394 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #146 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Week #4 without stress: I love it.


*)         Week #23 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.


*)         Month #7 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three and a half (23 ½”) inch high waist.


Friday, March 20, 2015


“We each have the kind of children we deserve.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Indigent (poor, needy)


An indigent farmer was given help by his neighbors.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.






Chapter 26.

Page 325


“Taste,” says a celebrated divine, “requires a congruity between the internal character and the external appearance; the imagination will involuntarily form to itself an idea of such a correspondence. First ideas are, in general, of considerable consequence. I should therefore think it wise in the female world to take care that their appearance should not convey a forbidding idea to the most superficial observer.”

---  ---  ---


“Scorpion” and “Fresh of the Boat” are some of our favorite modern television shows.


---  ---  ---




No blog.


---  ---  ---


Latest Post Script:


Special Bulletin:


Public Service Announcement:


Note: (Eric and I disagree about digital online surveillance.)


*) Fact: Whenever, persons simultaneously (at the same time) program their television sets “to go online to the internet” and use “voice command” then it’s an open invitation to have any government or other private or public institution or individuals watch and listen to what one does while at their private home.


“Big Brother is watching.”




[To all of the Twin Cities Metro Area (suburban and urban) parents of the ever so forceful and mentally ill and mentally insane physically violently gruesome and sociopathic racially mixed and black 300 American aggressive and horny teenagers (March 17, 2015) of the Twin Cities Metro Area:


Dearest Parents;


As far as the American expression goes: Please, “get your heads out of your asses” and read George Orwell’s “1984.”


Please, get with the mature adult program to help rediscover and redistribute and spread public funds and wealth to those who need it most and protect our immediate peaceful modern cultural and sociable era of this great America of ours in the twenty-first century almost entering the second decade of this new millennia ending “Prohibition II.”


2020 is only five years away.


Americans must dare to vote.


American must dare enough to constructively stop this global corrupt drug genocide and holocaust throughout all of the modern world (March 2015) and in such specific regions such as the Middle East and Mexico and South America and Africa, and prostitution and human slave trafficking in South East Asia, by legalizing all drugs and prostitution for better medical implementation and vitally great health for all of the populations across the world as we fight the greatest fight of our lives:


“Drug genocide corruption” and “over population” and present “Afghanistan / American war” (March 2015) and “online security” and continued and newly established or yet to be determined “peaceful academic cross cultural exchanges” without wars or any violence of any type otherwise borders must be closed off (for a time) to any other countries which might employ private citizens as “proven” academic students who might take it upon themselves depending on extremist religious doctrine to murder or kill others or otherwise any other murderous duty to cause any purposeful attack upon any public municipalities or otherwise.]


            Does the world know what our mentally ill and mentally insane physically violent and gruesome and sociopathic racially mixed and black 300 American teenagers of the Twin Cities Metro Area (Suburban and urban, alike) did on Tuesday, March 17, 2015 (correction the date) in Downtown, Minneapolis during the St. Patty’s parade?


            Our Twin Cities mentally ill and mentally insane physically violent and gruesome and sociopathic racially mixed and black 300 American teenagers in massive groups rode the free “St. Patty’s Day” parade celebration busses to downtown, Minneapolis from suburban ghetto homes of mostly prostitutes and pimps to purposely brawl on the posh downtown streets like baboons and monkeys and donkeys and mules and hyenas and crocodiles and rabid dogs with white foam around their lips with beat red wild eyes. (Did they huff gas or what?)


            Are most of the Twin Cities Metro Area suburban and urban populations of racially mixed and black 300 American teenager minors mentally ill and mentally insane physically violent and gruesome sociopaths on some sort of mustard gas for recreational drug or what?




            Please, get ones’ private citizen minors under control or the global “Intelligencia” will shut down the Twin Cities Metro Area tourism for the summer of 2015 and make sure not one single global tourist enters the state of Minnesota for the entire tourist season 2015.


Then we’ll see how “everyone” likes them Ivy League apples?





Don’t sell Minnesota to us or ours.


Please, no.


Minnesota is too violent to be sold to tourists.


When locals aren’t safe then no one else is safe, either.

Especially, not tourists.


We’ll let you know by late May 2015 about the possibly safe tourist conditions of Minnesota tourist season 2015.




            Wouldn’t we love to shop at the Mall of America yet it’s known by the locals as a physically violent racially mixed and black “teenage wasteland” for the past five years (2010-2015) in which mentally ill and mentally insane suburban and urban populations of racially mixed and black hundreds of American teenagers go to the Mall of America to brawl in massive groups. (Yuck.)


We refuse to place ourselves in such type of terrible and serious danger as we also refuse to go to ______, MN since there’s methamphetamines there, or ______, MN since there’s violent physical aggressive crime in their downtown area and central hillside area there, and there’s been violent physical aggressive crime there for fourteen (2001-2015) long straight years and no matter what, one can’t eat the scenery.




            In a time in which there’s so much racial tension and racial complexity in the simplest aspects of life such as going to the grocery store without practically getting harassed and almost searched by store cops for wearing any “designer” winter coat in the middle of dark January winter days in sub zero freezing temperatures; In a time in which there’s so much racial tension then why are out racially mixed and black hundreds of Americans brawling in the middle of posh streets when it’s of utmost importance that we all put our best foot forward and keep calm and carry on.


            Life’s tough for everybody. Everybody. Everybody.

            Get it together and mature up.


            No one ever said life was going to be easy or fun.

            If anything expect for life to be hard and not much fun at all.


            The reason why folks are civilized is so that we might enjoy our crumbling municipalities or our contractors’ “cookie cutter” sameness in architecture and materials and layout and public parks (yawn) in “everything” contractors touch as though they’ve not ever made love or gone for a long inspiring walk in the woods or hunted anything and prepared their catch for dinner with their bare hands or starved to appreciate non GMO organic no-sugar homemade bread.


            Life can be tons of fun!

            Peace is fun.

            Peaceful approach to life is way more fun than violence.




            Remember: Aggression and sexual drive are shared in the same region of the brain thus when one is aggressive then one is horny and must go home and masturbate rather than beat up innocent adult bystanders or brawl like lunatics against each other at public parades in public streets.


(How embarrassing for racially mixed and black Twin Cities Metro Area Minnesotans to have their 300 teenagers act like such mental cases without any sanctity for public spaces and the general public at large whose taxes pay for municipalities and public schools.)




            Please, get ones’ head together or global Intelligencia will shut down the Minnesota tourist dollar which waters the thirsty prostitution and drug and hotel and local business of the Twin Cities Metro Area as well as the rest of the state.


            “Every other store front is a front for drugs,” he said.


            Intelligencia will ‘bone dry’ the state of Minnesota this summer 2015, if they must, however.


            We respect money and would rather see the state of Minnesota make lots and lots of money for the sake of our private citizens and commerce at large.






Word Count Goal: 1,000

Word Count: 1,364 / Bereavement


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 7,684


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #5 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #5 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #391 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #143 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Week #3 without stress: I love it.


*)         Week #22 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.


*)         Month #7 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three and a half (23 ½”) inch high waist.


Thursday, March 19, 2015


“It is better that children cry than that their father cry.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Felicitations (good wishes, greetings, congratulations)


They sent felicitations to those who were celebrating their birthdays.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.




Dress The Appropriate Finish Of Beauty.


Chapter 26.

Page 324


The fair sex have the reputation of being passionately fond of dress, and the love of it has been said to be natural to women. We are not disposed to deny it, but we do not regard it as a weakness nor a peculiarity to be condemned. Dress is the appropriate finish of beauty. Some one has said that, “Without dress a handsome person is a gem, but a gem that is not set, But dress,” he further remarks, “must be consistent with the graces and with nature.


---  ---  ---


(Correction from “gifting” to “financial contribution” or “donation.”)


Any company owner may not gift anymore than $25.00.


---  ---  ---




No blog.


---  ---  ---


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


This article is about the People's Republic of China.


---  ---  ---


            Yes, of course the People’s Republic of China is a democratic state with present 2015 President Xi Jinping. (Thank you very much.)


Please, have patience.


Mostly a terrible analogy was made within a degree of error when barely hinting at even so much as to consider to write about Chinese historical context in so far as dynasties and “monarchies” vs. “subjects” or “serfdom” as per our Western textbooks and doctorate professors teach in so far as the overall history of Chinese “monarchies” and dynasties in a “nutshell.” Yes. 1911.


(In depth history mostly is studied by scholars on any expertly subject matter, of course, still yet, anyone may be an avid learner on any subject matter at any time in their lives thus public libraries are most fashionable and most likely always will be and have been throughout the Ages since public libraries are the height of sophistication.)


            In the future one will do better to draw a more clear distinction in contrast to emblematic (metaphorical, symbolic) past or present tense in junction to historical Chinese context where contrast and historical context meet to agree to a modern comparison. (Yes, my words translated.)


            Yes, of course, I’m an ultra-modern global woman dressed in the latest 2014-2015 classical cuts in fashion and durable utilitarian romantic feminine outdoors style with a proper suit coat for the sheer grace and joy and elegance and dignity and maturity of it all.


            Life is far more complicated than simple black words written on megabytes across cyberspace.


            Life is time and energy.


            Life goes by in the blink of an eye.


            Life is health.


            Good life is kindness and happiness and graciousness and good manners and security in thy self with a smile or not yet clear and true boundaries.


[Good life is the idea to dare genuinely compliment another without any compliment in return or smile in an inner room of a public museum with harshly frowning strangers who looked up and down at one’s Armani attire from head to toe and refused to smile back.


On a dark cold winter’s night, the public persons who stood eerily gawking with frozen stares and glued plastic cups to their hands amongst white columns and square staircases looked like pure magic gold dusted pictures viewed across an imaginary (mind’s eye) visually curved panoramic canvas filled with modern sour looks and discontent and disconnect…


…A disconnect much larger than the self, like, history, for example, or disconnect to meet and find nonjudgmental villages or groups or a respectful mature community which whole heartedly understands and accepts each individual for who they are and not how much the community may take away from the individual in subjective contribution to further negate micromanagement and perverted competition thus an imbalance in power dynamics and the failure of deeply felt happy sentiments which last and linger in the brain like serotonin does or freshly baked organic, no sugar homemade bread.]


            Modern communism… Please, don’t get me started…






Word Count Goal: 1,000

Word Count: (594) Bereavement


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 6,251


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #4 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #4 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #390 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #142 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Week #3 without stress: I love it.


*)         Week #22 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.


*)         Month #7 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three and a half (23 ½”) inch high waist.


Wednesday, March 18, 2015


“The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Itinerant (going from place to place)


Itinerant teacher were common in days gone by.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.




An Amiable Exterior.


Chapter 26.

Page 324


The desire of exhibiting an amiable exterior is essentially requisite in a young lady, for it indicates cleanliness, sweetness, a love of order and propriety, and all those virtues which are attractive to their associates, and particularly to those of the other sex.


Chesterfield asserts that a sympathy goes through every action of our lives, and that he could not help conceiving some idea of people’s sense and character from the dress in which they appeared when introduced to him.


Another writer has remarked that he never yet met with a woman whose general style of dress was chaste, elegant and appropriate, that he did not find her on further acquaintance to be, in disposition and mind, an object to admire and love.


---  ---  ---







Chinese Apparel



Part VI


            Dearest Chinese private citizens and civilians;


            Good day to you all!


            Salutations and good health all around.






::: What is stupid? :::


            (Online Dictionary Definition)


            stupid (ˈstjuːpɪd) adj


1. lacking in common sense, perception, or normal intelligence


2.  (usually postpositive) stunned, dazed, or stupefied: stupid from lack of sleep.


3. having dull mental responses; slow-witted


4. trivial, silly, or frivolous, n


5. a stupid person


[C16: from French stupide, from Latin stupidus silly, from stupēre to be amazed]


ˈstupidly adv ˈstupidness n


---  ---  ---



  (ˈstu pɪd, ˈstyu-) 


adj.  -er, -est, n.  adj. 


1.  lacking ordinary quickness and keenness of mind; dull.


2.  characterized by or proceeding from mental dullness; foolish; senseless: a stupid question.


3.  tediously dull, esp. due to lack of meaning or sense; inane; pointless: a stupid party.


4.  annoying or irritating; troublesome: Turn off that stupid radio.


5.  in a state of stupor; stupefied: stupid from fatigue.


6.  Slang. excellent; terrific.  n. 


7.  Informal. a stupid person.


[1535–45;< Latin stupidus=stup(ēre) to be numb or stunned + -idus -id4]


stu′pid•ly, adv. 


stu′pid•ness, n.



::: What is stupidly made Chinese apparel? :::


            Stupidly made Chinese apparel or shoes is any cobbled shoe or boot with nails protruding into the inside of the sole of any shoe or boot (2013, 2014, 2015) and felt by the wearer because the incorrectly punctured nails cause pain and eventually one ends up limping on their one foot since nails are frightfully painful to contend with or to walk on thus incredibly irritating and annoying thus stupid and a complete waste of time.


            Stupidly made Chinese apparel or shoes is any cobbled “designer” shoe or boot with stretchy bungee like elastic draw string cord to hold up the shaft of the boot yet when the cord snaps against the calve muscles or the back of the knees such sting leaves the wearers’ calves burning for minutes with a deep sting of such cheap and chintzy material such as elastic draw string cord as irritating and annoying as it is thus stupid and a waste of time.


            Stupidly made Chinese apparel or shoes is any cobbled shoe or boot in which the shoe has an inner tag sewn to it and the tag scratches and hurts the skin whenever the wearer walks then the tag rubs and creates blisters on top of the foot as irritating and annoying as it is thus proving to be stupidly made.




(My black croc-style loafers are so awesome-looking, too.)


            Any stupidly made Chinese apparel is a $100.00 dollar pair of “designer jeans” in which the pockets are too shallow and every single time one steps inside the restroom to go to the toilet then card cases fall out of jean pockets thus that limits options to frequent public restrooms since “designer jeans” aren’t up to par to travel any further than the mailbox as irritating and annoying as it is thus stupid and a complete waste of time.


            Any stupidly made Chinese apparel is “designer” organic goose feather down vests which are made, either, too, large to comfortably wear well, or, too, small to squeeze a hotdog into a bun as irritating and annoying as it is thus stupid and a waste of time.


            Any stupidly made Chinese apparel is sewn, too, small to fit any arm through the neck hole of any “Size Large” top as irritating and annoying as it is thus stupid and a waste of time.


            Any stupidly made Chinese apparel is “designer” “capilene” (water or sweat whisk-away material) in which the material is that cheap 1980’s ever so gross nylon-polyester “slimy” thin see-thru fabric which the shoulder rotator cuffs are sewn in the middle of the shoulder instead of at the edge of the shoulder.


            Any stupidly made Chinese apparel is “designer” skirts which are made with cardboard like material with chiffon sewn into the band of waistlines and such material doesn’t breathe well thus causing the wearer to sport sweat-ridden and sticky non-breathable materials close to the skin as irritating and annoying as it is thus stupid and a waste of time.


            Any stupidly made Chinese apparel is “designer” hats which don’t seem to sit on top of the head and droop and fall down either to the front of the head, landing on the forehead for support to be held up by the frontal lobe or hats which fall down to the side of the head as irritating and annoying as it is thus stupid and a waste of time.                   


            Any stupidly made Chinese apparel is “designer” gloves which are way, too, thin in material or fabric to wear in March 2015 spring days as irritating and annoying as it is thus stupid.


            Any stupidly made Chinese apparel is “designer” cashmere sweaters in which one shoulder rotator cuff is sewn “Size Extra Small” while the other shoulder rotator cuff is sewn “Size Small” as irritating and annoying as it is thus stupid and a waste of time.


            Any stupidly made Chinese apparel is “designer” winter scarves which poof wool like threads “everywhere” and on “everything” much, too, outdated for this modern era which is irritating and annoying as it is thus stupid and a waste of time.


            Any stupidly made Chinese apparel is “designer” shirts which must and can only be ‘air dry’ in this modern era as irritating and annoying as it is thus stupid and a waste of time.


            Any stupidly made Chinese apparel is “designer” clothes which must be “Dry Clean Only” as irritating and annoying as it is in this modern era thus stupid and a waste of time.




::: Are humans stupid? :::


            Yes, humans can and are sometimes stupid.


            Yes, humans can easily get extremely stupid while under the influence of continual duress or stress or lack of sleep or lack or water or lack of food or lack of rest or lack of touch or lack of community or lack of necessary funds.




Personal Footnotes


            Yes, humans can easily get extremely stupid when drugged-up by their doctors as I was prescribed OxyContin from roughly (April 16, 2010-October 2013) (correction on date) for benign tumors which to this day I still grow inside my thyroid and it’s quite painful almost on a daily basis.


            Yes, personally I took myself off of OxyContin November 2013 (correction on date) before my brain went to oatmeal mush.


(Correction: My sixteen (16) friends with psychiatric medical degrees from Ivy League universities all inform me that as of June 2014 I’ve been fully cured and recovered from a steady dosage of OxyContin.) Okay. (Correction all around.)


            Yes, humans can be naturally stupid when they choose to continually make the wrong decisions without any proper or scientific research or mathematical proof.


            Yes, when science and mathematics are removed from any equation then mostly humans, things and places become stupid with the same inaccurate (mistaken) results.


            Yes, everybody’s crazy yet not everyone is insane.


            Yes, to make the same choices expecting different outcomes or positive results or great change is considered: “insane.”


            Yes, change is considered the cornerstone of sanity.


            Yes, fifteen (15) years of poorly sewn or cobbled outsourced Chinese apparel or shoes is stupid.


            The Chinese manufacturers might not be stupid yet their merchandise and apparel and shoes are stupidly made and poorly  produced therefore the Chinese are in some sense of the word: stupid, since they’ve had 15 years to figure out apparel manufacturing and failed at specifically sewing correctly sized clothes still yet collect our hard earned dollars in exchange for Chinese made ocean garbage owned by American and Chinese companies, both. (Shame.)


            It is the truth ever since 2000 when our first world nation country, such as our America, was forced to wear cheap and chintzy third world Chinese outsourced dusty thin fabrics wrongly sized and sewn or made without the essential mathematical component of a tape measure and it’s obvious since the stupidly sewn Chinese clothes immediately give themselves away as imitations and not the real thing.


            The Chinese give themselves away.


            15 years of poorly made Chinese apparel proves the Chinese manufacturers don’t know what they’re doing and won’t correct their stupidity.


            We want real designer made goods and luxury items such as those Made In Italy and the good old U.S. of A.


            Bring back our industrial revolution to our shores.


            The industrial revolution was created and started in America and that’s one major post pioneering historical backbone to this great nation of ours along with the information revolution created in the latter part of the last century along with the American computer.


            We want quality, when we pay for it, since it’s expensive.


            We want quality, when we pay for it, since it’s expensive.


            We want quality, when we pay for it, since it’s expensive.






Word Count Goal: 1,000

Word Count: 1,383


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 5,657


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #3 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #3 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #389 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #141 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Week #3 without stress: I love it.


*)         Week #22 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.


*)         Month #7 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three and a half (23 ½”) inch high waist.


Tuesday, March 17, 2015


“A mother’s blow never disables a child.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Prerogative (a right attached to an office, right to exercise authority)


It is a mother’s prerogative to admonish her young children.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.




Habitual Attention To Attire.


Chapter 26.

Page 323


Lavater has urged that persons habitually attentive to their attire, display the same regularity in their domestic affairs. He also says: “Young women who neglect their toilet and manifest little concern about dress, indicate a general disregard of order---a mind but ill adapted to the details of housekeeping---a deficiency of taste and of the qualities that inspire love.”


---  ---  ---


Happy Ides of March!

(We finally took down the Christmas tree on Sunday.)


Happy spring 2015!


Happy St. Urho’s Day!

(Yesterday, Finn celebration)


Happy St. Patty’s Day!







Chinese Apparel



Part V


            Dearest Chinese private citizens and civilians;


            Good day to you all!


            Salutations and good health all around.







(September 2014-March 2015)





            On August 24th, 1987 we arrived in Minneapolis, Minnesota.


            On a three hour ride north I pressed a button and the button rolled down an electric window for me (as any passenger) then slightly and carefully as far as I could reach with my petite and small body from a backseat I placed my hand outside the window and my ten year old mind thought something like: for sure this is the coldest weather I’ve ever felt before in my entire life, day or night.


            Year round and at all times we wore sweaters while indoors since our home was kept at sixty-five or even sixty degrees, or less in warmer weather, and, I began a nineteen (19) year bout of annual or bi-annual bronchitis and pneumonia, both, (mostly every year, medical records indicate so) still yet I was strictly instructed to keep the thermostat at sixty and to put on a sweater or throw on a shawl or blanket.


(I did so as I was commanded. I was told to keep the thermostat down since it saved money on heating bills.) Okay.


            Still I froze through those winters and summers.


            When our family kept the thermostat down then it meant we saved money yet a cold house was disastrous to my health for seven (7) continuous years (correction on the years) I lived at home from August 1987-September 1994 (correction on dates.)


            Plus four (4) years on antibiotics (1992-1996) (correction on the dates) to counteract the bronchitis or pneumonia or whichever; (I’m not a doctor) chipped away at my immune system, summers, 1990-1994: and again antibiotics thru the winters of 1992-1996.


            In June of 1996 at the age of nineteen (19,) I made the adult decision to stop taking any and all antibiotics unless I was on my death bed; (knock on wood for good luck.)


            Furthermore, I, took antibiotics for teenage acne from (1994-1996) and I stopped such antibiotics as well on June of 1996.


(Personally, getting off antibiotics was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my entire adult life.)


(March of 1994 (sophomore year) at the age of sixteen as a sophomore in high school, I began to dabble in tobacco cigarettes and became a part time smoker in September of 1994 at the age of seventeen as a junior in high school and became a fulltime smoker on May 14, 1995 when I first purchased my own pack of cigarettes at the age of eighteen as a junior.) (Correction on dates and age.)


(Part time smoking meant I could fit in at least five cigarettes into one day. Full time smoking meant I could fit in at least fifteen cigarettes a day. Mostly I gave away about five cigarettes per day, in those days.)


(As mature adults we keep our thermostat at 72 degrees inside our home on a day like today which is warm and about 43 degrees outside as it has been for most of the workweek.


We keep the heat turned up and warm and toasty and the last time I had a bout of pneumonia or bronchitis is when Eric moved into my apartment December of 2006 and he bumped up the heat to 70 degrees and I’ve been healthy as a horse ever since without either pneumonia and or bronchitis or both.)


Ever so thankful.


            Each time I went home for one continuous month during winter breaks and sometimes even during the summers (3 months, 1994-1999) I either became deathly ill with bronchitis or pneumonia episodes which lasted about six weeks in the middle of each winter December 1994-December 1999 yet I was still expected to hold fulltime employment in the summer months or go to school fulltime, thus I worked thru much of those bronchitis and or pneumonia episodes which lasted for one month and a half once or twice per year.


Furthermore, I also had bronchitis and, or, pneumonia, both, in the winters 1987, 1988 and 1989.


(This early spring, 2015, it’s the flu, entering the third week.)


(“Everybody” knows how awful the flu is.) Right? Right.


As upper middle income earning hardworking professional adults in our late thirties and early fifties, we can and do afford anything we desire and it’s not much since we anonymously donate to our favorite local charities and extend our financial contributing (correction) hand to some of our families and friends and extended friends plus put people through college and mentor early twenties professional music engineers to cross examine interdisciplinary studies with broadcast television as a fair and non-sexual professional exchange.


We pay our dues to society.




            First of all the Patagonia of September 1987-December 1994 isn’t the same as Patagonia of September 2014-March 2015.


            Second, the Patagonia of September 1987-December 1994 dyed lush vibrant colors into their rugged individualist line of clothes and outdoor attire isn’t the same case as with Patagonia of September 2014-March 2015.


            Third, the Patagonia of September 1987-December 1994 was made of extremely masculine durable yet feminine soft materials and fleece which felt more like a warm and soft and cuddly teddy bear on rainy and windy and stormy nights than it is the case with Patagonia of September 2014-March 2015.


            Fourth, the Patagonia of September 1987-December 1994 was friendlier than to instill bungee like elastic draw string cord inside along the bottom seam with release knobs at the front, inside the inner front pockets which is ever so painful when the stretch cord gets caught on any carabineer and snaps back with a burning slap against an upper thigh as is the case with the Patagonia of September 2014-March 2015.


            Fifth, the Patagonia of September 1987-December 1994 did get their measurements correct; Unlike, today’s bizarre contraptions made to squeeze out hotdog meat into a tomato juice can as is the case with the Patagonia of September 2014-March 2015.


            Sixth, the Patagonia of September 1987-December 1994 understood creativity of imagination for movement sake in sub zero freezing temperatures as well as on the other extreme of temperatures nearing the hundreds unlike today’s Patagonia of September 2014-March 2015 (correction on the date) which leaves one frozen to the core when sporting a 600 count organic goose feather down sweater vest with a thick Patagonia fleece underneath the sweater vest in 35 degree outdoor weather.


            Seventh, the Patagonia of September 1987-December 1994 knew about the fine art of categorized sizing in general, Patagonia did and has done sizing beautifully in the past unlike the Patagonia of September 2014-March 2015 (correction on the date) which runs excessively “Small” (correction on the sizing) even when one were to order a “Large” bikini bottom (literally ordered a “Large”) or a “Large” mesh sports bra (literally ordered a “Large”)  it’s nearly impossible to get an arm through the “Large” neck hole, plus the mesh sports bra didn’t even come with adjustable back straps when normally one takes a “Medium” or “Small” in designer size tops particularly well made “Petite” size.


            Eighth, the Patagonia of September 1987-December 1994 was intelligent and brilliant enough to mostly always sewed their clothes with different non-stretchy material around the wrist cuffs other than to leave an open sleeve thus cold drafts of air or snow wouldn’t get inside the cuff or sleeve of any coat unlike the case with Patagonia September 2014-March 2015 (correction on the date) which cold drafts of air entered the body through the sleeve openings.


            Ninth, the Patagonia of September 1987-December 1994 sewed shoulder cuff seams to beautifully sit flat along the seam all the way to the edge of most rounded or narrow shoulders as well as to adorn the shoulder of any human by flattering the shoulder width and length rather than to take away from any shoulder’s natural anatomy or aesthetic contour line unlike the ever, too, “slim fitting” and thin material “slimy” fabric of Patagonia runner’s shirt (“Size Medium”) made with the shoulder cuff to sit in the middle of the shoulder as is the case with Patagonia September 2014-March 2015.                                                         




            Recently, within the year as of September 2014 my father and I dialogued “Patagonia.”


            My father told me a most beautiful story about how Patagonia is a company which started out for the main purpose and sake to allow for extreme sports mountaineering enthusiasts and professionals to climb across the highest (in elevation) and most dangerous peaks in the world with excellent gear which could and did hold up in extreme cold sub-zero freezing weather conditions which the gear or hardware could possibly mean the difference between life and another drawn breath or to reach the summit or not.




            November of 1987 I knew it was possibly going to be the longest and coldest freezing dark winter of my life ever witnessed before and by then I’d befallen in great liking with Patagonia and their refined great outdoor attire even though one year previous, November of 1986, I lived in a third world orphanage at the age of nine and didn’t know Patagonia even existed, still yet at the first moment I saw those vibrant colorful fleece and felt the luxuriously gorgeous and solid and excellently made fleece material I knew I could be loyal for life... if only…Patagonia, too, was loyal to their customer.


            In January of 1988 (as a youngster often ten) on cold hard blowing windy nights across a vast and deeply cold dark lake and snow covered sand whipped dunes; I’d either sit or lay down on a large brown leather footrest next to my dad’s leather chair while he read; Or I’d sit on either of two couches nearby a lit fire wood stove and quietly read (looked over pictures) in the living room for one straight hour each weeknight as the warm yellow glow of fire glared back at the naturally gorgeous pink and orange and purple hues and saturations of the Patagonia catalogue’s 1988 photographs which the catalogue arrived bi-annually (correction on time sequence) by mail at our home.


Since I didn’t speak or read or write English that winter of 1987-1988 I looked and studied any and all books especially books with pictures and my favorite picture catalogue happened to be the Patagonia catalogue otherwise I didn’t pay any attention to any other catalogues until the sixth grade in 1989 when I became enthusiastic about pictures of wedding pastel cake like gowns.


(Eagerly I awaited the Patagonia catalogue until it stopped coming to our home on December of 1994 and we no longer purchased Patagonia again until my adulthood in 2007 I looked to purchase a fleece yet the “Small Size” didn’t fit at the store.)


            By December of 1989 (fifth grade) I didn’t want to live without a Patagonia fleece since I loved the way I felt in their material and fabrics in my ever changing puberty ridden body and budding breasts, I could hide many imperfections and feel beautiful in excellent fleece through harsh and long lasting dark and cold winters of my youth.


            In 1989, (sixth grade) in our home, a rule was established, that I wasn’t to wear Patagonia to school since it wasn’t appropriate clothes for private school formal attire.


            By 1990 (seventh grade) I understood the awesome value of Patagonia fleece jackets and what it did for us as a camping and trail hiking and canoeing and sailing and fishing and cross country skiing and snowshoeing, winter and summer outdoors recreational family.


            By 1990 I realized not many people knew what Patagonia was (not the summit nor the company) since not a single one of my peers ever wore Patagonia in all of the years I knew all of them while growing up and into young adulthood and into our late thirties.


            By 1992 (eighth grade) as a novice enthusiast I climbed rock formations with expert mountaineers and sailed the ocean with my father and mother and sister and again it was Patagonia fleece jackets which carried us through harsh weather conditions.


            By 1993, (freshman year) finally, I felt secure with my place in the world.


            For the first time in my life, I breathed, and thought about how nothing terrible could possibly ever happen to me ever again, yet to any avail the future was still yet in store and ahead of me.


            For sure I began to realize just how well off or upper middle income earners we were as a family (1987-1994) and how much I loved to be well adorned by great and fine and amazing “Made In The U.S.A.” clothes such as Patagonia’s 1987-1994 line.


For sure my streak of good luck would keep me safe from all harm and I thought: it couldn’t be possible to be ever SOOOO happy even though I was failing all of my classes (ESL carte blanche) still yet I was deeply immersed in school life and social functions and other extracurricular activities like track and field or cross country running (four straight years) (as the worst runner in the state.)


            Again it was Patagonia for which I looked to and longed for and looked forward to at the end of long school days with two hours of homework before supper, five-thirty (5:30 P.M.) (correction on time) dinners and one hour of added reading after supper.


            After supper and our one hour of reading each night with our dad, then my father drove me (and sometimes other youth who happened to live in our upper middle income earning neighborhood) to the ice rink oval arena every single weeknight by seven so that I might practice speedskating for two or three hours more and again at five in the morning before school began for another hour or so plus another hour of homework before school’s first bell.


            December of 1993 as a freshman in high school I qualified (as in time trials) for nationals at Lake Placid in upstate New York and chose to stay home with hot coco and Patagonia fleece, plus, that, winter, either, I won state or came in third.


            Furthermore, I was told we could not afford for me to compete in upstate New York’s Lake Placid national competition that year thus I forgot about it and didn’t bother to ask any further questions since our family had been able to afford “everything” up until that winter of 1993 as a freshman.


(Either way, I won state two years in a row. It might’ve been in 7th and 8th grade or 9th and 10th grade.)


(No, I can’t remember the exact dates yet there are newspaper clippings thus surely I can’t get this information, too, wrong.)


            December of 1994 as a sophomore in high school yet again I qualified for nationals at the Roseville John Rose Oval and placed eighth at nationals in both time and distance qualifications for women in my age group and category (correction on age group) and again, either, I won state or came in third.


            Again it was Patagonia fleece, I went home to and drank hot coco by a warm fire and leafed through my catalogue and didn’t think twice about being one of the fastest speedskaters in the nation with a strong and probable chance yet small window of opportunity to train with the junior Olympic team yet my domestic parental world started to crash around me when all my parents did was fight and scream for hours at a time at each other while they pretended we couldn’t hear them go on and on about how much they couldn’t stand each other or they’d fight about money even though we had money coming out of our ears as a family.


            December of 1994 as a sophomore in high school was the last time I laid my eyes on a Patagonia catalogue until the year 2007 when both Eric and I frequented a small quaint boutique shop and I happened upon a Patagonia fleece jacket I wanted yet it didn’t fit.


(Eric was prepared to drop as much money as I wished since we were running around with seventy grand for pocket change that year when business was ever so cushy yet the fleece didn’t fit nor was there going to be a miracle around my waistline that day.)


            By Spring of 1994 (my sophomore year of high school) the last and only Patagonia fleece jacket still left at our home in good working condition caught a sizzling hot spark from the wood stove; since I refuse to ever wear anything with holes in my clothes (unless I’m farming and even then I’d rather wear a designer suit) I retired the Patagonia fleece that spring of 1994 and left town September of 1994 (my junior year of high school) to go to boarding school for the arts and not for misconduct. (No, I didn’t go to boot army camp.)


(Out of hundreds of candidates in the state of Minnesota, I was one of sixteen accepted to an arts boarding school for literary arts which happened to be the worst mistake ever made in my youth.)




            A long duration of dire poverty and deprivation and broke status struck from 1994-2004, (ages 16-26.)


            In those years, barely did I see new clothes for anymore than $2 or $3 dollar t-shirts or $5 dollar skirts or $12 dollar long sleeved flannel shirts from Ragstock’s “vintage” (second hand bought) merchandise, otherwise.


Most likely I would’ve frozen (literally) in those difficult years of vastly grotesque domestic parental financial neglect when at the age of fifteen I went and lied about my age and did get myself a job bussing tables for meager tips so I might cover my naked body with some form of attire while I put on a front like I liked dark music and got ‘hung up’ by my generation’s depressing musical sadness only to cover up for the fact that my father moved out of the house (October 1994, September of junior year) and very little money came in to keep me going because who knows where child support went to?


(We’ll never know. Child support definitely didn’t go into my pocket since I received $3.00 dollars for weekly allowance until June of 1996 at the age of 19 my allowance abruptly stopped only because I graduated from High School and still worked three jobs to keep going.)




            Clothes are of vital importance and must be well made.






Word Count Goal: 1,000

Word Count: 2,944


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 4,274


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #2 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #2 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #388 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #140 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Week #3 without stress: I love it.


*)         Week #22 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.


*)         Month #7 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three and a half (23 ½”) inch high waist.


Monday, March 16, 2015


“Even a child is known by his deeds.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Antithetical (contrasting, exactly opposite)


Two statements can be antithetical and still be uttered by the same person.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.




Neglect Of Dress.


Chapter 26.

Page 323


There are occasionally to be found among both sexes, persons who neglect their dress through a ridiculous affectation of singularity, and who take pride in being thought utterly indifferent to their personal appearance. Millionaires are very apt to manifest this characteristic, but with them it generally arises through a miserly penuriousness of disposition; their imitators, however, are even more deficient than they in common sense.


---  ---  ---


Fresh water and air aren’t “commodities.” No.


Fresh water and air are “natural resources.” Yes.


---  ---  ---


Yes, it is okay for one’s voice to quiver when one speaks one’s truth since most of corporate culture constantly demands (2007-2015) middle income earners not to speak up otherwise mostly our kind often get fired for, if / or / when, bringing up grievances about anything at all to any or most modern dusty old companies.


When leadership doesn’t ever hear or listen to the grievances of their employs then a disconnect happens and poor leadership is apt to turn a blind eye to the needs and concerns of their employees who are brilliant enough to keep the shop open and the lights running.


It’s best to speak one’s truth then no truth at all.


White privilege is ever so lucky not to worry about any such nonsense as the loss of voice.


---  ---  ---


Soccer is as dangerous as football in so far as concussions.


Why is it that the Twin Cities doesn’t concentrate on more public civic (correction) projects implemented into municipalities such as more open bronze sculpture plazas or public classical or modern gardens with real water fountains or better and safe and sleek and fast mass transit system or less logos and advertisement and more obscure and abstractly beautifully crafted creative graphics or photographs and beautifully inclined design aesthetic for authenticity rather than “everything” corporate whichever way gets built up looks exactly like constructors’ “cookie cutter” approach to all life as though no one ever makes love to their beloved ones during afternoon weekend siestas.


Whatever happened to the creative arts approach to professionalism?


Whatever happened to elevated sophistication and articulation?


Why is modern corporate culture ever so boring with their logos every which place?


Why is modern corporate culture ever so boring with their company banks’ name across public university athletic stadiums? (Isn’t that a conflict of interest?) Yes.


Why is modern corporate culture ever so boring with their manufactured garbage?


Why is modern corporate culture ever so boring with their miserly money? (50% of profits ought to go towards authentic and profoundly responsible and humanitarian charity.)


Why is modern corporate culture ever so boring without mature adult approach to life and appropriate professionalism?


Whatever happened to creative subtlety and sensuality without looking ridiculous?


---  ---  ---


No, our friends aren’t thieves.


Forgetful, yes.


Senile, no.


Full lives, yes.


A million and one things multitasked, yes.


In dire need of a weekend siesta, yes!

(Literally, fall asleep little ones.)


---  ---  ---


On my side of our family: Our St. Paul, MN “Grandmother” of ninety-seven (97) passed away yesterday. Oh, our elders. There won’t be any more Thanksgivings in St. Paul, MN near Hamline University.


My heart goes out to our Manhattan, N.Y.C. cousin and our Roseville, MN Uncle and Aunt and the rest of our Twin Cities family.


---  ---  ---







Chinese Apparel



Part IV


            Dearest Chinese private citizens and civilians;


            Good day to you all!


            Salutations and good health all around.






            Yes, as of this moment I sport (wear) “a” designer pair of jeans in Indigo Rinse / Regular / Mid Rise / “Super” Skinny for $99.50 and not on discount Made In China.


            Yes, the material is thin enough only for summer weather since the material is, too, thin to wear right now in this cool March 2015 Minnesota weather thus the material already proves to be, too, thin for harsh Minnesota weather in the middle of freezing -35 degrees (not a hyperbole.)


(70 degrees (correction on the degrees) inside our home today and still the material of this jean is, too, thin to wear outside or even inside our home.)


            Yes, the material is flexible enough to bend down and pet one’s dog without splitting seams or throwing-out one’s back. (Thank you.)


            Yes, the material is smooth enough for my legs to more easily slide back and forth with ease if I were ever to cross my legs (which I don’t) or to comfortably walk and stretch in the same manner as I do in long john bottoms.


            Yes, the material is stretchy enough in which I feel as though I’m in some form of denim “leggings” which isn’t exactly what I require from my denim.


(Yes. I almost require thicker and more durable stretchy “cowboy” denim for a more rugged everyday lifestyle such as mine even though my professional responsibilities and domestic duties are light in comparison to most people, still yet, there’re many hours to go in one single day.


As of right now at dusk, I feel a slight cool breeze across my legs and I feel cold in these designer “legging” jeans.) No go.




            Yes, “Mid Rise” cut jeans are uncomfortable because my belt sits right below or underneath my slight and small love handles.


            Yes, my “Regular” length jeans are uncomfortable because my ankles aren’t fully covered and in this cool spring weather 2015 I can feel the difference between a slight draft and covered ankles or not whenever I open the back walkout patio door to let “Freeway” (our dog) outside.


            Yes, the denim is ever so thin that when I happened to bump my hips on the corners of wooden tables or stainless steel kitchen counter then my denim didn’t protect me from feeling the pain of sharp corners or edges.




            Yes, for “a” $100.00 dollars, my “designer jeans,” thankfully, didn’t come with any logo embedded into or as part of the design or cut of the clothes, however.


            My “designer jeans” didn’t even come with a subtle designer company insignia which any emblem (excellently done) is ever so classy and doesn’t ever go out of style.


            Yes, thus, my $100 dollar pair of “designer jeans” without an insignia or emblem looks more like a $10.00 dollar pair of cheap and chintzy “Legging” jeans. Bummer.




            Yes, whenever I pull up my denim “designer ‘legging’ jeans” then I must take out tremendous wedgies from my bottom thus I must not ever pull up my jeans pass my mid rise otherwise other problems persist in other areas of the body.


            Yes, whenever I go to the restroom I must either empty out my pockets before I sit on the toilet otherwise my card case falls out on to the floor. Bummer.


            Yes, the pockets of my “designer ‘legging’ jeans” are too shallow and my card case is visible to the naked eye as well as accessible. Bummer.




            Yes, even though my $100.00 pair of “designer jeans” (not on discount) are annoying and irritating and not very well made, I decided to keep them (no return) since I have only one another pair of wearable jeans ever since December 2014 (“Officer Jeans,” Armani) I did get rid of almost every single article of clothes in my closet ever since August 2014 when I was called a “matron” by one of our house guests who took advantage of their stay at our home.


            Even though my $100.00 pair of “designer jeans” are annoying and irritating and not very well made, I decided to keep them (no return) since my closet has mainly been empty since September 2014 and slowly I’ll rebuild what I did get rid of and donated from (2002-2014.)


            My next pair of jeans “Nudie Jeans.”


            Organic jeans here I come!!!


            Made in Sweden!








Word Count Goal: 1,000

Word Count: 1,330


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 1,330


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #1 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #387 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #139 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Week #3 without stress: I love it.


*)         Week #22 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.


*)         Month #7 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three and a half (23 ½”) inch high waist.


Friday, March 13, 2015


“A little child is a pig; a big child is a wolf.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Sententious (abounding in sayings and maxims, very expressive or pithy)


A sententious style in writing can be most acceptable at times.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.




Appropriate And Becoming Dress.


Chapter 26.

Pages 322-323


The most appropriate and becoming dress is that which so harmonizes with the figure as to make the apparel unobserved. When any particular portion of it excites the attention, there is a defect, for the details should not present themselves first but the result of perfect dressing should be an elegant woman, the dress commanding no especial regard. Men are but indifferent judges of the material of a lady’s dress; in fact, they care nothing about the matter. A modest countenance and pleasing figure, habited in an inexpensive attire, would win more attention from men, than awkwardness and effrontery, clad in the richest satins and the costliest gems.


---  ---  ---




No blog.






Word Count Goal: paid sick day off

Word Count:


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 5,072


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #6 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #6 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #384 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #136 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Week #2 without stress: I love it.


*)         Week #21 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.


*)         Month #7 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three and a half (23 ½”) inch high waist.


Thursday, March 12, 2015


“A boy, a blessing; a girl, a worry.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Cadaverous (like a corpse, ghastly)


He surely has a cadaverous look.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.




Elegant Dress.


Chapter 26.

Page 322


Some ladies perhaps imagining that they are deficient in personal charms---and we are willing to believe that there are such, although the Chesterfieldian school of philosophers would ridicule the idea---endeavor to make their clothes the spell of their attraction. With this end in view, they labor by lavish expenditure to supply in expensive adornment what they lack in beauty of form or feature. Unfortunately for their success, elegant dressing does not depend upon expense. A lady might wear the costliest silks that Italy could produce, adorn herself with laces from Brussels which years of patient toil required to fabricate; she might carry the jewels of an Eastern princess around her neck and upon her wrists and fingers, yet still, in appearance, be essentially vulgar. These were as nothing without grace, adaptation, without a harmonious blending of colors, without the exercise of discrimination and good taste.


---  ---  ---




No blog.






Word Count Goal: paid sick day off

Word Count:


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 5,072


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #5 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #5 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #383 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #135 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Week #2 without stress: I love it.


*)         Week #21 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.


*)         Month #7 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three and a half (23 ½”) inch high waist.


Wednesday, March 11, 2015


“You can tell a Jew by how he treats his children.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Amenities (qualities of be pleasant, civilities)


He was scrupulous about all the amenities, yet he was not kind.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.




Too Rich Dressing.


Chapter 26.

Pages 321-322


If we were allowed to say anything to the ladies concerning dress in a dictatorial way, and were sure of being obeyed, we should order them generally to dress less. How often do we see a female attired in the height of fashion, perfectly gorgeous in costume, sweeping along the dusty street, perspiring under the weight of her finery---dressed, in fact, in a manner fit only for a carriage. This is very mistaken and absurd fashion, and such people would be astonished to see the simplicity of real aristocracy as regards dress.


---  ---  ---


Civilized Conduct: It is alright for private citizens to reach out to other global private citizens since private citizens are equal in rank all throughout the world, still yet, they aren’t peers to one another.


It is not customary; Since it is disdainful and disrespectful: of any American or other congressional representatives, aids or staff to reach out (letters or any other form of communication) to any other nation or foreign Sovereignties or Excellencies or Dignitaries since there’s a clear set of rules in addressing those of higher status such as prime ministers or Sovereign leaders or presidents or Excellencies such as in any monarchy.


Congressional representatives have absolutely no foreign business since all of their time is spent with domestic affairs of the highest order and most importance in the land.


Leave foreign affairs to the experts and professionals who know how to get things done correctly rather than culturally make donkey’s rear ends out of our congressional representatives running around like whinny little spoilt brats looking for a tit to nurse on.


Did most of our GOP congressional representatives drop out of high school, or what?!?


Please, have some decorum about procedures and protocol.

Thank you very much.


---  ---  ---


It’s now 6:55 P.M.

The day did in fact get away from me.


It’s a bright yellow sunset!







Chinese Apparel



Part III


            Dearest Chinese private citizens and civilians;


            Good day to you all!


            Salutations and good health all around.






            It seems as though one of the greatest social programs China could implement in so far as an effective and productive executive project within the next two years (March 2015-2017) is to have large successfully wealthy and humanitarian and humanistic and organic environmentally friendly conscious companies and corporations to hire the Chinese “elderly” population of masterful craftsmen and craftswomen to teach and help younger textile workers to learn and master their manufacturing craft on a massive and large scale as is in the case of national exports.


            China requires to have their “elderly” population teach or show or educate with the textiles and manufacturing deficiencies in which China ever so bravely happened/happens to endure for fifteen (15) straight years (2000-2015) as the West was/is forced to purchase and consume third world objects and apparel and merchandise and pet food not acceptable by any standard in a first world nation such as the United States of America.


            The key to successful business is excellent product which can and does speak to people about the care and quality of the manufacturer and overall company.






Word Count Goal: 1,000

Word Count: 537


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 5,072


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #4 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #4 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #382 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #134 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Week #2 without stress: I love it.


*)         Week #21 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.


*)         Month #7 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three and a half (23 ½”) inch high waist.


Tuesday, March 10, 2015


“Don’t fret over married children; they will take care of themselves.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Expurgated (with objectionable parts taken out)


An expurgated edition of his works was published.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.




Plain Dressing.


Chapter 26.

Page 321


The plainest dress is always the most genteel, and a lady that dresses plainly will never be dressed unfashionably.


Next to plainness in every well-dressed lady is neatness of dress and taste in the selection of colors.


---  ---  ---


(Yes, I’d rather do anything else other than write.)


Yes, I’d rather go to a party than write. Yes.


Yes, I’d rather visit a museum than write. Yes.


Yes, I’d rather read than write. Yes.


Yes, I’d rather get chores and laundry done than write. Yes.


Yes, I’d rather shop online than write. Yes.


Yes, I’d rather research than write. Yes.


Yes, I’d rather take a siesta than write. Yes!


Yes, I’d rather watch a film (without commercials) than write.


Yes, I’d rather bake organic Non-GMO no-sugar whole wheat homemade bread than write. Yes.


Yes, I’d rather make love to Eric than write. Yes!


---  ---  ---







Chinese Apparel



Part II



            Dearest Chinese private citizens and civilians;


            Good day to you all!


            Salutations and good health all around.






            One can only imagine any professional and skilled sewer is willing and apt and able to prepare (construct or sew) any style of dress in any appropriate and correct sizing no differently than any capable and intelligent architect may design anything from a home to a skyscraper to a bus station depot without having the roof leak water inside the interior of any structure or edifice for that matter. Yes.


            Now we’re talking about industry of the highest standard.


            Dearest Chinese private citizens and civilians;




            One of the greatest obstacles we face here in America are “bomb trains” which happen to blow up all over, across America and nothing much is done about the explosions except to allow for the flames and fumes to “die down” after many straight days of continuous burning.


            Not ever in our lives, did we think, a depot spot for “bomb trains” would come as close as a few blocks from our home.


            Not ever in our lives, did we think, our Representative Mr. Keith Ellison would prove ever more so important in this fight to keep “bomb trains” from “docking” blocks away from our street.


            Hypothetically, if one of our real enemies abroad were to bomb our towns and communities in the same manner in which crude oil companies and crude oil train companies do then there would be scalps and mass slaughter upon the heart of our enemy, however.


            Since bomb train companies and crude oil companies aren’t held accountable by any congressional or executive branch of government then crude oil companies and crude oil train companies may be and are allowed to go coast to coast bombing our small towns and villages across this great nation of ours.


(What a great failure on our executive branches of all sectors of commerce and governance.)


            To our baby-boomer elders’ surprise no one’s rioting in the streets about these “train bombs” and to our surprise, as well, thankfully, Americans are somewhat “reserved” when it comes to take appropriate action since our history proves one of much impulse and we must caution on the side of mass genocide or slaughter or slavery of any shape or form forevermore.




            The analogy I’d like to draw or make is one between the labors of writing and the labors of mass production and manufacturing of jeans, (specifically that is.)


            As capable as my hand is at words we’ll see if I can draw or sketch out or ever so remotely even come close to the comparisons and contrasts of this particular analogy.




            There’s something special about American blue jeans.


            There’s something innately profound about American blue jeans.


            In an era of so much economic conglomerate banking Wall Street destruction upon the middle income earners and online self protection it’s always nice at the end of a long day to revert back into a pair of skinny dark rinse indigo blue jeans in which one may comfortably move in and about and still the denim holds its shape as well as the body it covers and shares a life.


            What’s the point of all of this writing about blue jeans and the labors of writing?


            Well, I can only imagine jean making or manufacturing or sewing is a huge successful industry in which one must know exactly what they’re getting themselves into since the Americans are extremely picky about their American writers and denim, ever since we invented the blue jean, we’re rock& roll poetic magic justice incarnate reborn from the ashes of our phoenix bird. (Okay. A little wordy.)


            Nothing can touch the all American free speech of a writer or American invented blue jeans in a dark rinse indigo with finely durable and barely visible matte yellow golden mustard-ish colored thread around deep pockets and well sewn seams of a stretchy yet strong pair of skinny high waist denim jeans which can hold up in -35 degrees in the winter and 90 degrees in the summer. Yes.


(An excellent pair of jeans is like either wearing butter on one’s derriere or it’s like a long drawn out psychological love affair with sentiments worn closely to the skin, barely, touching, anything, ever, yet a strong presence of elegance and coverage, and no wedgies riding up the buttocks since no one likes to see humans digging out their underwear and denim out of their butts, still yet, mature adults understand when underwear or jeans are terribly constructed then one must go around digging out denim from one’s bottom to the embarrassment of the jean manufacturers’ failure to even so much as think they can produce something worth co-existing against the ever softness of women’s skin all day long.)


            In essence I, too, am inside a denim shop of sorts.


            In some odd metaphorical way I “may not go out and play” until these words are neatly and correctly written across cyberspace.




            Mainly, the only specific ‘bone’ I have to pick with China’s manufacturing is the following:


            Why does merchandise arrive in America filled with Chinese dust which is impossible to take off the skin?, other than to either scrub with liquid soap in hot scorching water or wash clothes in hot scorching water and Borax. (Yes, I meant this punctuation style.)


            When will China set in place policies for which any type of animal pet food exported out of China and imported anywhere else into the world’s first nations; which won’t be filled with poisons which can and do kill our beloved pets?


(Americans take their pets quite seriously. Our pets aren’t pets (per se.) No.


Americans pets are more precious than human life and we safeguard and defend our household family members.)


Pets in America are family members thus we get stinking mad and outraged when Chinese supposedly safe animal foods kill our pets.


(Please don’t do that anymore.)


            Why do Chinese sewn blue jeans arrive in America with very little imagination or regard to movement or correct measurements and correct appropriate scaling to each independent sizing category?


            Why are Chinese manufactured jeans made with the worst and cheapest of denims?




(Americans can always tell quality since we invented the “Industrial Revolution” and America used to be the biggest manufacturers of apparel goods until 2000 when our jobs were outsourced (“stolen”) from our American factories by American corporations and sent our work overseas to third world nation factories; without consumer protection or workers’ safety and fair wages or safe policies set in place and with very little experience in manufacturing anything ever since the year 2000 the Chinese have proven for fifteen (15) straight years, their imports (specifically apparel) is cheap and chintzy and gross to bring anywhere near the skin.


For fifteen (15) straight years, since 2000 until today, 2015, the Chinese have had one decade and a half to prove and improve upon their manufacturing skills, and yet, the Chinese have proven otherwise with their sewing and cobbling (shoe making) mass manufacturing.


For fifteen (15) straight years, since 2000 until today, 2015, the Chinese have been ‘laughing their asses off’ as they sell Americans Chinese overpriced garbage to be filled in America’s over filled landfills.


For fifteen (15) straight years, since 2000 until today, 2015, the Chinese have been selling Americans their Chinese garbage, and Americans swallowed their pride and outrage and took a whipping embarrassing lesson on garbage textiles and bad mercantile yet Americans are supposed to pretend like the Chinese have anything on us when it comes to manufacturing and sewing.


As if. Please don’t be ever so insulting as to believe or think the Chinese have anything on American apparel manufacturing and production.


No one makes better apparel than Americans do and that’s why Americans hang on to their American-made clothes from the mid-to-late 1995-1999 when clothes were best made even if the styles are “gone out of style,” the 1999 American apparel is still highly priced and sought after like diamonds or gold or oil.


Our “Made In The U.S.A.” apparel from 1999 still holds up and for the most part thankfully such well made clothes haven’t begun to acquire holes, yet, since that’s how excellently well made our American made clothes were made back in the mid 1990’s when clothing merchandise was a precious commodity and not seaside garbage floating in our clean fresh waters.


Americans know quality.


Americans aren’t fooled by chintzy denim.


Americans hate unruly denim.


Americans hate soggy denim.


Americans like excellent denim.


A denim which can and will endure the test of time in regard to good and kind friendship to the wearer.


Denim that cares about the body of any individual.


Denim that doesn’t see the wearer as another dollar sign rather as an authentic entity which ought to be respected and the body treated like a temple and place of worship.


Denim worthy of first world nation.


1999 wasn’t long ago.


We’re not dead yet.


We remember 1995.


We were juniors in high school in 1995.


We’re not old.

We’re not even “middle age” yet.

Long ways to go until out fifties (50’s.)


We’re only in our late thirties for crying out loud.


Please, don’t treat us like we’re dead and without memory.)




            When did blue jeans become scar tissue?


            A web of intricacies which lead nowhere.


            When did manufacturing blue jeans become an ‘eye ball’ guess?


            When did blue jeans become such a disrespected sewing craft?


            When did it become appropriate to ship out massive quantities of Chinese exports like boots with nails sticking into the sole of any shoe?


            What will inspire the Chinese to show off their ability to sew and craft intricately beautifully and simply made subtle utilitarian-romantic functional and durable all-covering clothes and shoes that won’t fall apart one year after it’s been crafted since the future of the environment depends on our Humanistic approach to refurbishment and recycled goods and reusable resources and not more ocean garbage.


            What will it take for China to make a “kick ass” cool blue jean?


            What will it take for China to be respectful enough not to send out their shipments of merchandise filled with Chinese scratchy ‘fairy’ dust?


            What will it take for China to implement global consumer safety product and merchandise policies and worker safety and fair wages and health care?




            What’s there not to like about the Chinese?


            There’s much to like about the Chinese.


            Except for one thing:


            We only wish the Chinese more thoughtful about what they send Americans directly to our homes and in which manner.


            While the Chinese send us Chinese dust covered merchandise, we, Americans take care of our little plots of land while our American crude oil train companies and American crude oil companies bomb us into the ground in no different manner than a war zone. Yes.


            While Americans deal with the fact our towns and villages get bombed by “bomb trains” we can only wish for an amazing pair of organic jeans to come through the United States Federal Postal Mail since an excellent and good pair of sewn dark wash and “dry” high waist jeans always puts a smile upon the face of the wearer no differently than any reader when they realize the writer is on their side and has always been and probably always will be cheering for the impossible challenge to be overcome and rise to the occasion even when our Chinese made jeans squeeze like tight rubber bands around our knees. Yikes.


Looks can be deceiving.


Please comply by the tape measure and not eye-ball anything.

Thank you.






Word Count Goal: 1,000

Word Count: 2,076


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 4,535


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #3 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #3 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #381 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #133 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Week #2 without stress: I love it.


*)         Week #21 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.


*)         Month #7 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three and a half (23 ½”) inch high waist.


Monday, March 9, 2015


“Every child tends to exaggerate its own importance.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Indolent (slothful, lazy, idle)


He is too indolent to try for a passing grade.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.




Consistency In Dress.


Chapter 26.

Page 321


Your dress should always be consistent with your age and your natural exterior. That which looks ill on one person, will be agreeable on another. As success in this respect depends almost entirely upon particular circumstances and personal peculiarities, it is impossible to give general directions of much importance. We can only point out the field for study and research, it belongs to each one’s own genius and industry to deduce the results. However ugly you may be, rest assured that there is some style of habiliment which will make you passable.


---  ---  ---


(Correction: When I wrote about our twenty-five year old neighbor coming over to drop off Christmas gifts in her pajamas by no means did I imply that she was an “American pig.” No.


Our one neighbor is a beautiful woman and no matter what she wore she’d always look amazing.


Our neighbor could wear rags and she’d still look good with her amazing radiant white Jamaican smile and gorgeous Native American hair mixed with black American. (Wow!)


Yes, I do look like an “American pig” in my pajamas anywhere outside of our front door.)


---  ---  ---


Happy Selma Day! (On Saturday)

Happy International Women’s Day! (Yesterday)


Happy Monday!







Chinese Apparel



Part I


            Dearest Chinese private citizens and civilians;


            Good morning to you all.


            Wishing you nothing but respect, peace and care.


            Good health to everyone!




            Dearest Chinese private citizens and civilians;


            How dare I presume write to you?


            How dare I indeed?


            The world became smaller from 2005 to 2015.


            Who am I to write to the world at large?


            One private citizen writing a personal journal online in the form of a “blog.”


            How dare I assume the position of authority?


            How dare I not?


            How dare I not utilize some form of peaceful literary voice which won’t grow a set of arms and reach out and choke the reader to death? No.


Writing is like that.


Writing is peaceful any which way one may look at it and that is far too infuriating to anyone who thinks to presume to know what’s in the mind or heart of any writer since emotions and hormones are fleeting and written words tend to get chiseled in stone and age with the weather.




                                    Written words can be weapons.

                                    (No, words don’t literally kill or murder.)


                                    Written words can be sharp weapons.

                                    (No, words don’t literally kill or murder.)


                                    Written words can be used as tools.


                                    Written words can be political or not.


                                    Written words are community.


                                    Written words are modern change.


                                    Written words are accountability.


                                    Written words are respect.


                                    Written words are peace.


                                    Written words are respectful communication.


                                    Written words are leadership or not.


                                    Written words are.


                                    Written words aren’t bombs.


            Am I stalling?






            The thesis and main purpose to write about modern China is to anecdotally get the right words to drip with sweat and smear across the page if only for a moment to bind in the commonalities of hard labor, writing and Chinese manufactured goods, specifically apparel, 2014-2015.


(I could write poems upon poems about the beauty of China, however. This is more of an essay rather than prose about the pure heart of modern China as lovely as that may be.)


            One doesn’t write meanly simply because one can. No.


            One writes to either show or teach or change something.


            One writes because the subject matter is of Ut-most importance.


            No, one doesn’t write meanly simply because one can in the same manner in which one doesn’t incorrectly sew a pair of jeans for the sheer joy to make their customers’ lives burdensome. No.




            The best and only example I can portray or convey any bloody literary metaphorical cut throat complex approach to writing and critical analytical writing and thick skinned modern writing is to cut out the metaphorical heart and the throat all at once as it is commonly taught in world renown Western writer’s workshops as well as to simultaneously pronounce anything positively whichever way it works in the storyline which the author did well and did so in doing so.


            Not ever did I sit through any serious writers’ workshop in which writers didn’t anecdotally disembowel any other writers’ work worthy of literary inspection.


            Not once did I sit through any serious writers’ workshop in which my metaphorical throat, heart and real stories weren’t returned with the harshest comments made and marked full of read pen.


            There’s nothing more painful than to read thru fifteen or even twenty different commentary of the same version of the story copied out for each individual literary peer to evaluate ever so harshly as to at times come close to throwing personal stones at glass houses made through personal remarks mainly because the structure of most renown writers’ workshops is set up to either “race to the top” or to leave everyone behind since writing is more like cricket or squash than a sedentary spectator’s sport.


            Writing is rough and jagged.


            Writing and reading isn’t for the faint of heart.


            Writing is sharp cerebral skill.


            Writing is high function verbal skills mixed with hand eye coordination to create meaning and deliver a truth with a fast ball.




            As of this morning I thought about my fiftieth (50) literary refusal letter from publishers as I go by a penname. (Yep.)


            Personally, I’m intelligent enough to know my own mind.


            Personally, I’m intelligent enough to understand how the brain functions and works.


            Personally, I’m intelligent enough to create substantive positive change to better the outcome of my aggressive and sexual nature.


            Personally, I’m brilliant enough to intellectually understand why I think the way I do and in which manner and how I must always better myself as a human no matter how much I love to think Mozart was correct about...




            This privately conducted experimental literary case study in the form of a blog isn’t fair to the reader in the sense that the world didn’t sign up to sit through a five year experience of harsh realities when face-to-face in a room full of other serious writers competing for one spot: to be the best writer in the world.


            The second five years of this privately conducted experimental literary case study in the form of a blog won’t be a bed of roses. No.


            The second five years (September 2015-May 2020) of this privately conducted experimental literary case study is comprised and composed of “Constructive Criticism” which means the first 500 words are all about what works and what one likes about anything at all and the second 500 words is about what didn’t work expressed in a controlled and respectful negative constructive manner or demeanor even if it kills one to do so, one must not get personal with anyone out there in the world.


            Otherwise, such commentary isn’t considered constructive criticism.


(Unless telling off some shallow and scheme and manipulative cocaine head no matter how much money they might make.)


(Yes, majority of Americans believe and think and know it’s the right and correct policy to legalize all drugs and prostitution.) Come on! Legalize and tax all drugs and prostitution!


We need schools and libraries and plazas and sky scrapers and “bullet” trains built across America.


America is a nation of 17 million starving American children (March 2015,), youth and young adults.


Free school lunches and free education for all especially college and university education and meals as well.


            Otherwise, such negative commentary is considered only garbage when “everything” is negative and one doesn’t have one single positive aspect to add or to contribute to the conversation or discussion or judgment or creative problem solving solutions.


            To constantly and negatively criticize something is considered a mental illness.


One must have at least one good or commendable or kind or nice word to say otherwise don’t say anything at all; As far as writing is concerned, leave it up to better minds who know and who can and will “deliver the goods” in no different way or manner in which reputable and respectable companies must and do also deliver well made and excellent merchandise otherwise it’s considered ocean garbage.




            Yes, in September 2015, as a private citizen writing a blog on a public online forum I will begin to only write constructively thus we may jump start our global outlook and do equal commerce and exchange and industry and fair trade.


            No, in the fall of 2015 I shan’t turn sickly sweet with a vengeance. Nope. I’ll keep it kosher and respectful.


            Please, understand that writing in the form of my alter-ego voice of an old curmudgeon white Finn-American male from the Greatest Generation is quite difficult no matter how easy I make it look.


            Please, understand that writing in the form of my alter-ego voice of an old curmudgeon white Finn-American male from the Greatest Generation is more like method acting than anything else.


            Daily when I go to write I must employ or incorporate method acting exercises into my writing skills even though I still write a non-fiction blog I must work up a wind-up to write only or mainly from a negative point of view or viewpoint thus to more closely portray and show the hellish nature of renown writers’ workshops and how difficult and competitive and cut throat the literary world really is yet it doesn’t need to be. (There’s enough food for everyone at the table.)


            Personally, I think it’s ten times harder to write negative criticism than positive criticism.


            Personally, I think that the more negatively whipped the criticism then the more the subject matter matters still yet the masterful skill is to negate peace rather than violence because all writing is peaceful.


            Humans are in control of their emotions.


            Humans must at all times refrain from physical violence or gossip or vengeance or escape goat-ing or mistrust or witch hunts or placing incorrect blame on anyone for anything at all including and especially someone else’s responsibilities. (Yes.)


            Humans must improve their outlook on aggression and sexual drive since both are linked together in the same region of the brain.


            Humans are responsible for their actions no matter what they might read, whether it be white supremacy or Nazi literature.


            Humans must control their aggressive impulses.


            Humans must be taught to control their aggressive impulse.




            When I write harshly I must force myself to do so.


            This writing is difficult work.


            When one is to write a negative review or criticism then let the other have it, and have it real good, and don’t ever apologize, however.


Any master literary hand is in the ability to come back and write something as powerfully equal and as positive as the negative criticism is.


            The skill to become the best piece of writing in the world is to be strong and to stick to one’s truth and convictions even though it’s a bit embarrassing to publically evolve or speak out or to speak against that which is wrong, anyway.


            When I do and I will write negatively about China it is only in hopes to infuse an insurgence of pride and nationalism into the Chinese people to employ the best sewers and not some of the worst because our first world nation is now dressed in Chinese third world nation garbage.


            Food for thought and it might as well be juicy literary criticism while we still have time otherwise its back to vegetables for the whole lot of us.


            Writing negatively is difficult work.


            Harder than most will ever know.


            Writing negatively is more difficult to do, since writing (in part) happens to be an extension of any writers’ character or not at all.


            Writing is psychological.


            Writing is hard labor.


            Any writing is important so long as it states any humanistic truth.


            A great and powerful writer must prove themselves worthy of themselves and their readers and the world at large.


            More so a great and powerful writer must create balance.


            No, I’m not a torturer by trade.


            Yes, I’m an American writer and even though the tools of my trade call for expertly weaponry use (specifically the literary sword) and smart and wise war stratagem like any intelligent admiral my last resort is war.






Word Count Goal: 1,000

Word Count: 2,459


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 2,459


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #2 without verbal swear words. I like it.


(Since Christmas (2014-2015,) there’s already $218.00 in the swear jar.) (We’ll donate to some form of St. Paul, MN coat drive of any type, (2015,), especially an organization which also provides for adult coats as well.) Thank you very much. (Freezing cold weather is freezing cold weather.) (Humanitarian causes all the way!) Next. The Oceans. Global endangered species. Brazil’s, Amazon Indigenous genocide.


*)         Day #2 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #380 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #132 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Week #2 without stress: I love it.


*)         Week #21 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.


*)         Month #7 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three and a half (23 ½”) inch high waist.



General Linguistic Modern Notes on the Usage of Racial Language:


Any one born in Central and South America is a “LATINO” or a “LATINA” and not “Hispanic.”


“Hispanic” is a “Gringo” who speaks Spanish.


Any one from Spain is “HISPANIC.”


Yes, the rest of Latin America is aware that “light” skinned Latinos prefer and push for the word “Hispanic” when ethnically described (especially light skinned Mexicans) yet it was our Indigenous dark skinned Ancestors (Aztec (all perished,) Inca and Maya (still alive)) who were here when the Conquistadores (Spaniards and Portuguese) came and brought deadly diseases and illnesses and slaughtered our people and verbal and written languages and culture and way of life simply because we were dark skinned and forced into slavery and mass slow genocide for the Aztec particularly.


The greatest modern ethnic faux pa is to call “Latinos” or “Latinas” “Hispanic” since it implies as crude a connotation as “Molato” to describe a white and black mix race of people. No. No. No. No.


“Molato” is out of place and time and so is “Negro” and so is getting “Hispanic” confused for “Latino” or “Latina” and so is getting “Indian” confused for “Native American” or getting “African American” confused for “black” American people. No. No. No. No.


(Please, don’t do that my loves. Please, don’t hurt yourselves.)


Keep it together.


Here we go!


---  ---  ---


(Back up on the horse)


Last week’s Charlie Rose Show held a round table about the several brain functions especially centered mainly and specifically in the regions of the brain which activate sex drive and aggression both parts of the same brain function.


Thank you for explaining that!


Now it makes far more sense than it ever did before: When any sociopath is neglected then the thalamus shrinks in 1% of the population which such individuals are driven by reward.


(I’ll have to look up the terminology for different and correct brain regions.)


---  ---  ---


My favorite personal research study since 1989 is the human brain.


Friday, March 6, 2015


“Those who marry for money will have unworthy children.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Intricate (involved, complicated, complex)


He solved the intricate problem in a short time.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.




First Impressions.


Chapter 26.

Page 320


What style is to our thoughts, dress is to our persons. It may supply the place of more solid qualities, and without it the most solid are of little avail. Numbers have owed their elevation to their attention to the toilet. Place, fortune, marriage have all been lost by neglecting it.


---  ---  ---




No Blog.





Word Count Goal: zero words / paid sick day off

Word Count: 109


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 1,643


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #20 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #377 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #129 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Week #1 without stress: I love it.


*)         Week #20 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.


*)         Month #7 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three and a half (23 ½”) inch high waist.


Thursday, March 5, 2015


“Don’t gossip about the children of others while yours are still growing up.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Intimidation (threat made to cause fear)


The employees charged the employer with intimidation.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.




First Impressions.


Chapter 26.

Page 320


First impressions are apt to be permanent; it is therefore of importance that they should be favorable. The dress of an individual is that circumstance from which you first form your opinion of him. It is even more prominent than manner. It is indeed the only thing which is remarked in a casual encounter, or during first interview.


---  ---  ---




No Blog.





Word Count Goal: zero words / paid sick day off

Word Count: 111


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 1,534


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #19 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #376 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #128 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Week #1 without stress: I love it.


*)         Week #20 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.


*)         Month #7 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three and a half (23 ½”) inch high waist.


Wednesday, March 4, 2015


“Sometimes a dog is more loyal than a child.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Antipathy (opposite of sympathy, dislike, hatred)


His reply to certain people was marked by antipathy.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.




Chapter 26.

Page 320


WELL-BRED people give careful attention to their personal appearance. If vanity, pride or prudery have frequently given to these attentions the names coquetry, ambition of folly, it is no reason why they should be neglected.


---  ---  ---


(Correction: from “Wilfred” to “Willard.”)




            The Hillary Rodham Clinton emails are a moot point since Mrs. Clinton left office in 2013 and the ‘email law’ was established in 2014.


            The mass media and the White House ought to stop wasting good precious airtime from the mass taxpayers.


            Is there any real international news?


            Health care for all!!!






Word Count Goal: zero words / paid sick day off

Word Count: 166


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 1,423


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #18 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #375 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #127 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Week #1 without stress: I love it.


*)         Week #20 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.


*)         Month #7 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three and a half (23 ½”) inch high waist.


Tuesday, March 3, 2015


“If you’re a child at twenty, you’re a jackass at twenty-one.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Personification (making a person out of an inanimate object)


When we refer to a ship as “she” we are using personification.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Etiquette With Children:


Chapter 33.

Page 424


“On utilitarian as well as social principles, we should try to instruct our children in good manners; for whether we wish them to succeed in the world, or to adorn society, the point is equally important. We must never lose sight of the fact, that here teachers and professors can do little, and that the only way in which it is possible to acquire the habits of good society is, to live in no other.”


(Yes, the quotation is left open thus I did also.)


---  ---  ---




            Dearest Iranians:


            Brothers and Sisters:


            Good day to you.


            After so many questions asked: I write directly and simply to all Iranians so Iranian private citizens (such as ourselves) may enjoy and have a splendid next two weeks as both of our countries the United States of America and Iran strike a fair and respectful and safe and understanding and on-going communicative nuclear arms trade between two nations orchestrated by our current administration’s president, March 2015.


            [Side Bars:]

            (Only so we may get to know one another and trust.)


            [We plan to dance a Finn-Tango in our living-room if a peaceful and safe nuclear arms deal is created and made by Iran and the United States of America as equals and not as enemies or spies.] Thank you very much!


            A fair nuclear arms deal in exchange for peace and possible economic prosperity and free doctoral educational exchange across the United States of America and Iran as well as a list of many other aspects of complex and delicate negotiations.


            [Personally, my Iranian friends starved to pay their way through medical school here in the Twin Cities, Minnesota and went back to Iran with degree in hand, what a proud day it was. My only humble contribution to their arduous educational journey was several years of Friday night homemade vegetarian pizzas at our courtyard amongst twenty to thirty of our most respectful American and international neighbors and their potluck dishes.]


            [Personally speaking, I’m honored to consider the Iranian doctors close and personal friends to turn a leaf and dare write a new sentence filled with peace and prosperity rather than another sentence filled of war and chaos and death and bloodshed and ideology filled Islamic terrorist hatred for what we cannot begin to comprehend to be the beauty calm attitude of a justly and kind Allah.]


            {[(Or any other Gods such as the Maya believe and pray to three hundred (300) or more Gods per year.)]}


            [Personally, I only make this Mayan theological reference mainly to keep religious peace since the foundation of the United States of America is based upon: One) All men and women and children are created equal under the protection of the law Two) Religious Freedom Three) Freedom of Speech Four) Freedom to Assemble Five) Freedom of Press Six) our congressional representatives represent each census polled taxpaying private citizen of any and all income status rather than class status or gerrymandering.]


            Dearest Iranians:


            What I most directly mean to say is this: Please don’t take Mr. Netanyahu’s Republican botched congressional speech, too, seriously since mostly everything about Mr. Netanyahu’s speech was wrong in its social and political context and demeanor and outlandish propaganda in so far as to presume to publically speak to American taxpayers upon our tax paid congressional floor in which congress steals from the mouths of babes.


            Directly; it was very rude for the Republican Speaker of the House “to play house” and host any foreign leader to speak on our congressional floor much less a current (2015) Apartheid foreign leader to Israel and Palestine without so much as the grace or compliance of our current administration’s president, 2015.


(It’s adding insult to injury.)


(How embarrassing for all around.)


It’s obvious our Republican Speaker of the House doesn’t understand his social duties and responsibilities as well as his standing.


            All we did was laugh out loud at the absurdity which took place in our congressional halls today.


Not once in our lives did we think our congress would invite an Apartheid foreign leader to speak in the all private chambers of the American congress.


            We laughed out loud because we understood congress is now up for sale and Mr. Netanyahu stole precious television airtime from the American taxpayers while he spoke from our congressional floor and pretended as though we’d invited him over for tea and sat down right in the middle of our living-rooms as he urinated a little and pretended to cover it up with his tea saucer.


(Yes, I could get incredibly lewd and graphic about Mr. Netanyahu still yet like Mrs. Grandmother Willard Smith wrote in the back of his bragging non-swearing rap hip-hop notebook: something, something, something: don’t swear then you‘ll get to brag about it on the Graham Norton Show like a know-it-all celebrity and there won’t even be a red chair segment that week so preach to the choir and get one’s children vaccinated.) Celebrities! They don’t know anything.


(What a pretense.)


            As if: Americans won’t listen to anything an Apartheid leader has to say such as Mr. Netanyahu.


            We didn’t listen to the apartheid forbore hatred speeches of South Africa and we won’t listen to Israel and Palestine Apartheid or Ireland or Mexico or Syria or Brazilian Amazon Indigenous jungle corporate genocide and Apartheid.


            How dare Mr. Netanyahu be ever so imposing upon hardworking American private citizen taxpayers who don’t even take their sick days off since American workers are ever so afraid to be fired for taking any sick days off?


Since there truly is a shortage of professional workers (doctors and engineers) and absolutely no other professionals can be spared when workers are sick thus in theory, professionals can take all of the days off they want, yet, no professional is ever willing to leave any of their co-workers to do all of the work by themselves thus we pitch in even especially when we’re sick as most Americans do help out ever since our economy tanked in 2008-2009 and our middle income earners lost everything in the stock market and we haven’t regained our loss.


            Please, don’t allow for Mr. Netanyahu to change Iranian or American minds about the peaceful and safe exchange which could be made between Iran and the United States of America’s current administration’s president without kidnappings or beheadings by Islamic terrorist extremists’ terror.


            Wishing Iran an amazing two weeks.





Word Count Goal: paid sick day off

Word Count: 1,087


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 1,257


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #17 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #374 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #126 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Week #1 without stress: I love it.


*)         Week #20 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.


*)         Month #7 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three and a half (23 ½”) inch high waist.


Monday, March 2, 2015


“Children are like grass: some blossom and some fade.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Scalpel (a small, light, straight knife with a very sharp blade, used by surgeons and in anatomical dissections)


The scalpel blade snapped when he tried to pry open the locked instrument cabinet.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Etiquette With Children:


Chapter 33.

Page 424


“Good manners are an immense social force. We, should, therefore, spare no pains to teach our children what to do, and what to avoid doing, in their pathway through life.


(Yes, the quotation is left open thus I did also.)


---  ---  ---




No Blog.

Sick as a dog.


When I was asked what color the dress was by expert engineers:


“Is this a trick question?” I asked.




“Black and blue,” I said.


Correct. The dress is black and blue on the color spectrum and not white and tan is incorrect. (Thank goodness for white balance.)


P.S. “Digitize” is different from “digital.”



Truly Yours;




Word Count Goal: zero words / paid sick day off

Word Count: 170


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 170


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #16 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #373 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #125 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Week #1 without stress: I love it.


*)         Week #20 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.


*)         Month #7 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three and a half (23 ½”) inch high waist.


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