March 29, 2013
“I actually profoundly think the world's a better place when
economics is fairly boring... The more boring the better.” -
Evan Davis
Happy Friday!
March 28, 2013
“Interestingly, human irrationality is a hot topic in economics at
the moment. Behavioural economics it's called, on the cusp of economics and
psychology.” - Evan Davis
Happy Thursday!
March 27, 2013
“Put simply, behavioral economics argues that human beings'
decision-taking is guided by the evolutionary baggage which we bring with us to
the present day. Evolution has made us rational to a point, but not perfectly
so. It has given us emotions, for example, which programme us to override our
rational brain and act more instinctively.” -
Evan Davis
Happy Wednesday!
March 26, 2013
“Personally, I don't see old economics and behavioural economics as
opposed. It is useful to assume people are rational as a good approximation to
their long term behaviour, but it would be unwise not to think how in practice
their behaviour may deviate from that simplifying assumption.” -
Evan Davis
Happy Tuesday!
March 25, 2013
“Survival, in the cool economics of biology, means simply the
persistence of one's own genes in the generations to follow.” -
Lewis Thomas
Happy Monday!
March 22, 2013
“I think we're miserable partly because we have only one god, and
that's economics.” - James Hillman
Happy Friday!
My tremendous
adulthood dream
The Panther came to me for the first time in my life
In my dream; the panther and I weren’t exactly equals
but we were definitely at peace with each other from different time eras.
The panther was my subordinate because she
was an uninvited guest at one of our parties in which all of my equals (no, not
my peers, but my equals) had invited themselves that morning to our Minneapolis
property and it seemed perfectly natural for them to do so.
The panther wandered onto our property and
lurked in the background amongst my equals at a Fourth of July celebration
around sunset.
The panther didn’t show up until dusk after
most of my equals had already arrived and been there for hours.
At first she hid herself amongst tall sugar
cane grasses planted in the backyard that looked exactly like our Costa Rican
property does in high-elevated mountains overlooking the Pacific Ocean and
Indigenous sky.
The rest of my peers were completely aware of
the panther’s subordination and yet she guarded us and kept us safe in her
natural state as a panther which she had previously given birth to cubs. She
was a mature female not because she was a mother but because she’d given birth
to life from her body. She was calm and deadly silent.
The female panther meant absolutely no harm
towards any of us.
The panther brought royal-safety to our
circle of equals yet nobody completely trusted her.
There was no signifier of harm or death
between the panther and I.
I didn’t completely trust her nature because,
she, is a natural born killer.
Telepathically word spread throughout my
equals that the panther was harmless yet an uninvited guest but she came in
peace and we were not to ask her to leave because that’s what great hosts do,
they keep a watchful eye over everything yet hosts are never rude to anyone who
claims sanctuary upon our shores although uninvited guests aren’t to be
interacted with unless they speak the same language as... Once an uninvited
guest makes a rude gesture or comment towards other guests then the host may
ask the rude uninvited to leave for good, but if the host invites the rude
guest then…
Not once did any of my equals speak to her or
interact with her but they all kept a close eye on her and pretended like she
wasn’t there and continued to have a great time together. She was just fine
left alone.
The panther’s energy wasn’t the same type of
energy as when my equals leave me to sit alone by myself staring into a fire
pit or contently listening to others speak while I happily and merrily drink
and eat amongst them. They know I’m not a threat by any means.
My equals can always interact with me at any
given moment and I’ll calmly interact back however they know that late at night
I’m tired from translating and speaking in English all day long so they know
I’m happy as a clam to quietly hang out even if it means relaxing in an
evening-gown or in jeans and a T-shirt.
I’m low-maintenance yet the panther’s energy
seemed high maintenance.
----- ----- -----
equals arrived at our home late that morning with picnic baskets. Inside were delicious
organic-vegan homemade berry wines and incredibly tasty unpasteurized large
circular cheeses and remarkably soft breads with fresh crusts.
That morning we opened-up our doors to my
equals and welcomed them to sit and relax all day-and-night into the next
day-and-night for as long as they desired in our backyard and in our home. Our
home was truly theirs.
In my dream; our Native-American hillside
backyard property was the best place to watch the sky unfold.
In the dream; I somehow awoke that morning
and expected for all of it to happen as it did that day. I didn’t think twice
about the matter ever again.
Of course the events in the dream were
supposed to happen as they did.
There was no one else around but us.
The neighborhood was quiet and still as
though everyone had left or been evacuated out. Not one single neighbor around.
It appeared as though no one else was aware of this natural phenomenon about to
unfold upon the skies except for us.
We were supposed to be in each other’s
company for almost two full days. As hosts we were prepared for that. There
were no children anywhere. It was respectfully an adult-event-only. (No, it
wasn’t an orgy.) The energy was calm and no one had a need to seduce another.
My equals simply knew that they ought to travel
to our home on that day and we created an impromptu party in which our guests
telepathically invited themselves and they knew who ought to be there.
Everyone happily and respectfully made
themselves at home. It wasn’t even a question about invitations. All those whom
ought to have participated knew very well who they were and knowingly they
showed up.
Everyone there was completely calm and no one
gossiped about anyone else or tried to be better than the rest and no one was a
----- ----- -----
I felt that a natural phenomenon was about to
occur over the sky.
I didn’t completely want to turn my back to
the panther.
Very seldom when I did ever-so-slightly turn
my back to pour wine for others then hundreds of my equals had my back and
intensely watched the panther’s every breath for any unwelcomed sudden
As I walked around with wine bottles in both
my hands filling wine glasses; one of my peers with red hair put out her left
arm for me to hold onto it with my one elbow as she drew me close to her and
with her other hand she gestured for me to sit down next to her. She moved over
to make room for me in her chair to indicate that I ought not to sit on the
ground as I had previously thought that I might when I had the chance to take a
break from hosting duties.
I sat down next to my one graceful and
beautiful equal with fair skin and dimples. We smiled a warm gesture of kind
appreciation to one another after nineteen years of absence from each others’
For a split second as I took my seat next to
my equal I completely turned my back to the panther standing behind me and I
quickly rotated my entire upper body as naturally as I could without showing
any fear because I felt none whatsoever however I was apprehensive of my weak
sitting position.
I turned my upper body at a ninety degree angle
facing my equal face-on at my right.
The panther followed my cue and took a seat
on the ground behind me about five feet away and turned at a slight fifteen
degree angle from us and also faced to her right. The panther sat there looking
exactly like the Egyptian Sphinx. It was uncanny!
I could make-out the panther (more so) from
of my right peripheral view while she looked at me directly with her left.
Simultaneously the panther and I tilted both our heads upwards in unison and
looked towards the sky.
The panther watched my back for explicitly
outside dangers that we both knew lurked around us outside of our sacred backyard
circle-space. I thought that there was far more danger for the panther than
from the panther towards me or at me. I realized how dangerous it’d been for
the panther to ever so bravely have time travelled to be with us as a guardian.
If needed the panther was willing to jump
right over my head and pounce at once and so was my human equal sitting next to
me, she, too, was ready to jump up with a dagger and block me from the panther.
It was correct for me to sit on a chair. The
panther, too, took a guardianship seat behind me while she sat on the hillside
slightly about one foot above my head from where I sat.
While I sat on that chair in front of the
panther, she sat upon higher ground yet
behind me; we were somehow almost related to one another and connected as
though we shared something valuable in common like royal blood.
I sat five-feet in front of her yet she a
foot higher than I.
We were connected in spirit as we sat in our
positions and barely moved however I was still the hostess and she a stranger
to us all.
In those fleeting moments I recognized that
she was royalty visiting from the past while I’m of Mayan royal blood living as
I am now in a modern world in the present.
I’m of the present and she of the ancestors.
Yes, my ancestors are upon cave paintings.
We look identical as identical twins are a
mirror to one another. I know where I come from. I know who I am and the
panther knew that better than anyone else ever had aside from Eric. The panther
and I share the same royal line (poetically speaking.)
----- ----- -----
dusk hundreds of my equals sat comfortably on our backyard hillside making
space for others as they continued to arrive throughout the day and night.
There wasn’t a single human-enemy or
disrespectful uncouth idiot from the Golden Valley Arts High School or Duluth
Central High School or Duluth East High School, Hermantown or former Duluth
Denfeld or any other disrespectful human social-climber that I’ve ever come
across who hasn’t ever been my equal in life but has desired to harm me through
deceit and lies.
I sat amongst equals and only equals!
No peers around, only equals!
We were so happy to have my equals as our
honored guests.
We were as merry as we’ve ever been together.
People sat amongst their loved ones and
didn’t move about too much throughout the packed yard. As the great hosts that
we are, we made sure that everyone’s needs were met and taken care of no matter
what they might’ve been even if their tastes were obscure or peculiar we called
out for it and had it delivered to the home.
No expense was too great and our guests kept
it Kosher and within reason (no one took advantage of our hospitality) although
they knew deep down inside that if they’d asked for jewels and diamonds that we
would’ve delivered however what they really cared about was the sky’s ever
permanent changing atmospheric colors and each other’s company.
There was nothing unkind about any of my
equals as they shared the space. No one self-promoted themselves, either. No
one was drunk or altered but everyone indulged in a glass of wine
here-and-there throughout the hours. Some smoked the peace pipe together or
expensive cigars out on the patio but not on the hillside or on the grass where
other’s sat.
I was completely happy and relaxed as I
smoked the peace pipe out in the open, on our red bricked patio and laughed and
smiled without a worry about what anybody thought.
No one judged me and no one else was judged
for making adult decisions. No one was there to get laid over the course of
those two days. Something more significant was happening to us than sexual
appetite. The atmosphere was changing colors to an unknown blue and then to an
unknown orange to the human-eye. We watched the atmosphere change with our
naked eye.
We patiently looked up at the sky waited for
something like fireworks yet we knew all too well that it wasn’t fireworks that
we were there to witness.
----- ----- -----
my dream I knew that if any imposter were to sit amongst us then the panther
would’ve dismembered them and we were alright with that concept of nature’s
wild life-and-death. Only the pure of heart were there.
I could feel the panther’s cool serene
presence and eyes upon us yet her deadly demeanor could’ve sprung into action
at any moment if a fraud had broken the circle of calm and quiet relaxation.
The panther wasn’t our mother or grandmother.
She wasn’t older or younger. She was one of us
in age and she liked sitting with us yet she wasn’t our equal because she
wasn’t of our time era.
She knew that she wasn’t of our time, space
and continuum and didn’t pretend otherwise. She wasn’t exactly supposed to be
one of us however she could respectfully and silently sit with us but that was
about the extent of things.
My equals didn’t make a motion to share food
or drink with her and instinctively I knew not to make such a gesture towards
her either. She was there to do a guardianship job and not to socialize.
We waited.
We watched.
Something tremendous was about to take place
in the sky. Something spectacular but we didn’t know what. Something positive
was to occur yet ever so different from anything we’d ever known.
----- ----- -----
What an incredible dream!
The panther looked over at me and we
telepathically communicated with one another without words and through emotions
and body language without a sound.
That day I was getting to know the panther
and her, me.
The panther telepathically shared secrets
about her royal lineage that I already knew but she wanted to convey directly and
have me feel the soul-breath of her stories anyway.
I felt deeply because I cared about her royal
storytelling abilities through emotions. She continued to retell the same
stories but each time with a new detail or through stronger and sharper images
than previously felt before, entirely new detailed secrets hidden between our
close proximity within spitting distance.
We were complete strangers to one another.
We’d never met before.
I didn’t know her yet she seemed to know and
trust me nevertheless she held a slight element of danger towards me like she
wanted me to be like her but I wasn’t anything remotely like her and she knew that
yet we shared some qualities but we were as different as night and day and
alike yet not.
We weren’t to be left alone together because
battle would ensue between us and I was prepared to kill her as she was I. We
instinctively knew that I’d win. This was my time era and she was of the past.
If she died here in this time frame then she’d die forever and that’s why
crossing time continuums was so dangerous to her thus we, too, kept her from
The panther and I didn’t know anything about
each other, although we tried to piece things together. From a distance we were
drawn to the other. We held the highest respect for each other.
We were in constant telepathic and body
language communication as I moved throughout the yard she knew where I was at
all times and I knew where she was also.
Every time that I began to lose her presence
then she’d walk out into the open and show herself to me and I could breathe
better knowing that she was perfectly safe and unharmed.
I woke up completely at peace yet breathless.
My realization for the first time in my life
was that I’m not afraid of what lurks in the shadows rather I’m disappointed of
those who’ve already caused a great deal of harm to me, my body and my person
through disrespect over the course of almost seventeen years because they’re
neither natural nor my equals. They’ve shown to have been hiding their cruelty
with a tint of manipulative deceit running through their veins always disguised
as something “Nice’ yet with intent to do harm because they don’t care about
anybody else but their egos. Yikes. Run!
If you’re my enemy then there’s mutual
respect between us but don’t think not for a single moment that I don’t know
who you truly are; to be untrue, unjust, unkind and ill fitted for this world.
Respectfully Yours,
P.S. To the indigenous we’re taught that our
dreams are more of a real-reality than those of our waking moments of
flesh-and-bone mortal world. More real than wakeful moments taught by Western
cultural standards to be the one-and-only one-dimensional realities we live
through. Not true at all.
It was a dream of an immense vision quest.
I was so honored to have such a dream.
March 21, 2013
“Rather than dividing the world between good and evil, the Left
divided the world in terms of economics. Economic classes, not moral values,
explained human behavior. Therefore, to cite a common example, poverty, not
one's moral value system, or lack of it, caused crime.” -
Dennis Prager
Happy Thursday!
March 20, 2013
“In economics, hope and faith coexist with great scientific
pretension and also a deep desire for respectability.” -
John Kenneth Galbraith
Happy Wednesday!
Spring Begins!
March 19, 2013
“Many individuals are doing what they can. But real success can
only come if there is a change in our societies and in our economics and in our
politics.” - David Attenborough
Happy Tuesday!
March 18, 2013
“Too many people think that economics is this subject that should
wait until the university level. But it can't wait that long.” -
Robert Duvall
Happy Monday!
March 15, 2013
“Whether one believes or not, religion is as real a force in the life
of the world as economics or politics, and it demands fair-minded attention.
Even if you think the entire religious enterprise is at best misguided and at
worst counterproductive, it remains vital, inspiring great good and, sometimes,
great evil.” - Jon Meacham
Happy Friday!
Happy Ides of March!
My dearest friend’s birthday!
She passed away too soon.
March 14, 2013
“The moment is ripe for an experienced businessman to talk
practical, prudent economics to the electorate - which is why Mitt Romney's
political fortunes are steadily being resurrected from the grave.” -
Camille Paglia
Happy Thursday!
March 13, 2013
“While everyone else is thinking about economics and politics,
executive salaries and the future of the euro, do the opposite, even if it's
hard. Invest in the spirit.” - Jonathan Sacks
Happy Wednesday!
March 12, 2013
“It turns out that advancing equal opportunity and economic
empowerment is both morally right and good economics, because discrimination, poverty
and ignorance restrict growth, while investments in education, infrastructure
and scientific and technological research increase it, creating more good jobs
and new wealth for all of us.” - William J. Clinton
Happy Tuesday!
March 11, 2013
“Economists treat economics as if it is a pure science divorced
from the facts of life. The result of this false accountancy is a willful
confusion under cover of which industry wreaks its havoc scot-free and ignores
the environmental cost.” - Vivienne Westwood
Happy Monday!
March 8, 2013
“A study of economics usually reveals that the best time to buy
anything is last year.” - Marty Allen
Happy Friday!
Happy International Women’s Day!
March 7, 2013
“Zero-sum thinking is an obsession of mine, but mostly in
economics.” - P. J. O'Rourke
Happy Thursday!
March 6, 2013
“Where there is politics or economics, there is no morality.” -
Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Happy Wednesday!
March 5, 2013
“Now that virtually every career is an option for ambitious girls,
it can no longer be considered regressive or reactionary to reintroduce
discussion of marriage and motherhood to primary education. We certainly do not
want to return to the simplistic duality of home economics classes for girls
and wood shop for boys.” - Camille Paglia
Happy Tuesday!
March 4, 2013
“In economics, the majority is always wrong.” - John
Kenneth Galbraith
Happy Monday!
March 4, 2013
“You got nothing to lose. You
don't lose when you lose fake friends.” -
Joan Jett
“Fake relationships and fake people coming up to me and all of a sudden wanting to be my friend.” - Jason Ritter
“Some people think that the truth
can be hidden with a little cover-up and decoration. But as time goes by, what is
true is revealed, and what is fake fades away. - Ismail Haniyeh
“Fake is as old as the Eden tree.” -
Orson Welles
“To fake it is to stand guard over emptiness.”- Arthur
“You can't fake creativity, competence, or sexual arousal.” - Doug
Happy Monday!
Shall we dance? Yes, please.
--- ---
No, I’ll not be attending the “Atmosphere”
concert tomorrow night, Tuesday, March 5th, 2013 at 1st
Ave. (I hope that answers your questions.) I gave away our tickets about an
hour ago to two-complete-strangers to me.
I almost feel like leaving it at that, but I
might as well be a storyteller because that’s what the Indigenous are good at
great storytelling.
My friend who’s a jet-setter is in Florida right
now and forgot to write down the correct date for the concert, thus that was my
first clue that I ought not to attend especially not alone.
Most of my closest friends hate rap or
hip-pop and refuse to go to any event remotely having anything to do with
“street art” because it’s considered uncultured, dirty and drug infested. You
couldn’t get them to go even if you paid them because they’re, too, preppy and
set in their ways which I respect that whole heartedly.
My friends don’t hang out in mixed company.
They let me have my whims because we’re of the same social standing otherwise
we’d never know each other and like hell if they’ll ever accompany me on such
I’m allowed to be cross-cultural and
break-all-of-the-rules and boundaries to social norms because I’m a
professional artist who’s sober, charismatic, enthusiastic, curious and
respectful while willing to learn new aspects to culture; although I’m breaking
the horrible habit of acting like a “village idiot” in front of complete strangers
who aren’t my equals to test people and their humanity.
More often than not people are cruel and a
turn off, so testing them isn’t necessarily fun but it’s crucial to know what
type of people they truly are and if they are worth spending any time on them,
which normally it doesn’t seem to be the case.
Eric’s the last person in the world to go to
concerts or music venues with me or any other type of local artistic venues.
Eric’s a snob and refuses to get involved with anything that…
You must understand, Eric’s forty-nine
years-of-age and I’m thirty-five, plus we have very different interests. I love
music, dancing and social artistic events while Eric doesn’t because to him
they are too... Since my heart is with Eric I tend to forfeit many of the things
I like to do for those of which Eric likes to do. I don’t mind because Eric and
I have a splendid time together. I don’t mind because I spent my twenties as a
single woman who attended many different aspects of low-fi artistic street
culture and if you’ve seen it once, then most likely you’ve seen them all.
I do what Eric likes with a glad heart, but
once in a while I get a bug to go out and boogie and that’s not happening with
Eric, not in a billion years. No, I’m not bitter. No, I don’t resent it and I’m
definitely not unhappy. I’m quite happy. I accept that I married a man who’s of
the 1980’s MTV generation and has done just about everything he ever wanted to
do in his youth thus he’s at a very different place in life than I am.
Two years ago, on March 2011, I quit
research-and-film on two-of-the more seedy underground cultures of Minneapolis.
North, MPLS African-American prostitutes-and-pimps and Seward neighborhood
sexual predators, MPLS Caucasian doped-up “wanna-be” Hippies (who are dead.)
Ever since 2011, I’ve been home by no later
than 8:00pm at night because I know exactly what’s out there and it’s not for
me. What a learning lesson to do research on… I got abused and mistreated and that’s that. No, I didn’t get raped or
beat up.
I know my worth and it’s not worth to
hang-out with the downtrodden of the city even if bringing their story to light
in documentary form would’ve been more so to their benefit than mine. My safety
isn’t to be compromised even if you hate my guts because I refuse to snort or
inject heroin into my arms.
There’s, too, much cocaine and heroin in this
city’s underbelly and that makes its people, too, crazy, unpredictable and
out-of-control cruel, manipulative, forceful and disrespectful in which their
good manners have been bred out of them and they run around like mentally-ill
throwbacks to a cavemen era. Nope. Sorry, I’m, too, classy for that crap even
when I’ve been, too, broke to afford a single apple in a three year span.
If this was New York City or some other cosmopolitan
city then I’d run around by myself but this is Minneapolis and I find it a
somewhat dangerous city to run around-in by myself especially late at night.
I’m, too, old to get sexually harassed such
as getting grabbed, groped (contemporary definition) or sexually preyed upon by
having Minneapolis men run their genitalia up against me from behind while on
dance floors. No way! 1990 came and went! Move with the times.
Minnesota men (at certain venues) are like dogs-in-heat
especially when they’re altered on heroin, cocaine, booze or meth. I hate the
arrogance-and-aggression that heroin, cocaine, booze or meth creates in men and
women. That type of social violence from men makes me feel like punching a man
square-in-the-face and breaking his nose in three different places especially
when he can’t keep his hands to himself and continues to aim for a woman’s
vagina. It makes me want to shed his blood and I believe in non-violence.
It’s as though everybody’s lost the art to simply hang and chill-out in public
spaces amongst others without pulling a fast one on each other. I’m thoroughly
disgusted by my contemporaries’ misconduct. It’s as though our brothers forgot
their women-sisters in their struggle to gain our independence from getting
treated as second-class citizens. I get it. Women are objects. Women are things
that belong to men.
I get it that modern chivalry is dead amongst
the “working class” and the “middle class.”
My former “working class” and “middle class”
Minnesotan Caucasian male-friends used to refuse to walk me to my car or home
because it was, too, much work and effort on their part. This was only one year
ago (May 2012), I’m talking about now since I broke up with three male-friends
forever. They were so egocentric that they couldn’t even honor me by making
sure that I was safe leaving their flats. They wanted my company all
day-and-night long while they got drunk and altered as well as to be amused by
me yet they didn’t care for my safety.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve walked
through empty parking lots and solitary streets because my douche former male
friends refused to take the time to walk me the two or three blocks to my car.
They liked hanging out with me but if I would’ve ever gotten raped in a parking
lot then oh, well; The most boring and socially cruel of men I’ve met, have
been Minnesota men who perceive women more like pests than friends. These types
of men have the smallest cocks in the world.
My former Minnesota Caucasian gossiping
old-women male friends told me that it wasn’t their responsibility to watch out
for my best interests or safety. Can you imagine your male friends saying that
to you? It makes you wonder why you’re even friends in the first place. So that
meant that I was watching out for their best interests and safety but they
weren’t watching out for mine. What a bunch of small penises.
It never made me wonder why they never got
laid and acted like the closed-old-women homosexuals that they are. Homosexual
men have more balls than closeted-old-women males, those men who gossip like
old women. Gross.
As women, please don’t have any pity on men
that you want to become friends with otherwise you’ll baby them because deep
down inside you hate their weaknesses that they act like old-gossiping women
and they aren’t a man’s man, they’re little old ladies with broken off penises.
If your male friends haven’t asked you a
single question about your life in one decade but proceed to assume everything about you then they see you
as competition and not as a friend.
I went for one entire decade without having
my male friends ask me a single question about my life but proceeded to pretend
to assume to know everything about me when they have no clue as to who I am
because they never asked.
To this day they have no clue as to who I am.
I guarded myself from such cowards because I knew that they hated me with a
passion so much as to almost get me killed or dangerously ill while away from
any of my support system. Those weren’t friends. Those were haters. Users!
I could’ve screamed but I didn’t because I
kept thinking that if I didn’t correct them then they’ve soon learn enough on
their own. I want my lost time back. What I didn’t realize then was that they
were low-class pretending to be wealthy.
If you have patience then you really do get
to learn a lot about how fake some men truly are and its worse when they’re
pushy or pushing their agendas. It’s alright, the only persons they were
introduced to; were prostitute “wanna-be” madams who neither were nor are my
friends. Life just works out that way, I guess.
Because I make documentaries for a living,
never assume that the persons standing next to me are my friends and if I don’t
introduce you then don’t ask to be introduced because I’ve got my serious
reasons for not doing so but if you put me in an uncomfortable situation and
force-my-hand at making an introduction and you-end-up with a pimp
on-your-hands then that’s all on you. Moving on. You’ll never know as to whom
I’m hanging out with, one day it may be a shoe shiner and the next it may be a
Never assume anything about me and my life.
I’ve got a complex life and I can smell a rat a mile away no matter what social
standing they come from. A scum bag is a scum bag.
Mind you these are the types of boys who
don’t return women’s calls to finalize plans because they’re always waiting for
“the-next-best-thing to come along” (says Eric) yet when they’re with you they
have the greatest time of their lives and they say so but if you’re not right
in front of them then you don’t mean anything to them unless you’re considered
“hyper-cool” by other people (who aren’t even cool to begin with because
they’ve proven to be cruel) and frankly I’m not in high school anymore. I’ve
got way more connections as a thirty-five year old woman than I did as a
fifteen year old kid.
I don’t introduce Minnesota people to each
other because all of the Minnesota “working class” and “middle class” people
that I’ve ever introduced to each other, either end up sleeping with each other
within 24-hours of meeting each other (without knowing if the other person
sleeps around with men also) or end up excluding me all completely thinking
that now that they’ve made a connection beyond me, then they can go above me
and have no respect for me by shutting me out of the relationships completely
and in the end its quite sad for them because they end up with venereal
diseases and with each other’s emotional and mental garbage and by then I’m
long gone and I’m never coming back. Why would I? I look naïve but I’m not
More often than not, working class and middle
class males and females treat me like garbage because they think that I’ve got
absolutely no social standing or social power. How boring, indeed.
Maybe it’s because I’m Indigenous-looking and
people perceive me to be from the gutter so they treat me like garbage. The
only people who don’t treat me like garbage or like a monkey are those in the
elite class and no, I’m not talking about the upper class. Please. Yes, I wrote
the elite. The elite and the upper class are two separate species that don’t
cross pollinate because...
I’m so fed up with my Minnesota acquaintances
and former Minnesota friends who only know how to use others for connections
and then disrespect others once they get those connections.
How do I know? It’s happened to me but the
great thing is that it’s happened to me with people that I haven’t quite known
how to get rid of like failed Hollywood types selling spirituality in Colorado
and Minnesota. That’s when you know that people don’t care if you live-or-die
because all you are to them is a rung on the ladder when all they want is to
use you to get ahead but instead you introduce them to further garbage and take
to the hills. Run!
I hate social climbers. The greatest
come-back is, normally to introduce garbage-to-garbage which they tend to
gravitate to one another anyway and have them pair up thinking that you’ve
introduced them to people with power and money but you’ve only introduced them
to others of their kind who are poor pretending to be wealthy and willing to
use each other.
There’s nothing worse than those men that keep up appearances such as the
character of Hyacinth Bucket. I’ve met more
Minnesotan men in the X-generation who are like the character of Hyacinth more
so than any other type of man I’ve ever met across the world; those
women-like-men are men who grew up in the working class or middle class of
Minnesota. Men that I would never trust with my life even if they were the last
men alive.
What. Do you think that I
can’t differentiate people because I look naïve or sometimes play dumb? Please.
Men want women to be ladies but men refuse to
be gentlemen.
How frustrating, indeed. What a turn off.
It’s only been Minnesota men who’ve told me that they believe that they are
only responsible for themselves and no one else while in public.
It’s only Minnesota men who’ve told me that
women who are their companions / friends aren’t their responsibility and if
such women were to get raped then the men wouldn’t come to that woman’s rescue
much less help out any woman. Pity. I’m yawning over here. No wonder the upper
class goes and finds their mates in other states other than Minnesota.
Sophisticated Class has nothing to do with
money or power. It has to do with…
I like men to be men. It’s a turn on, but I
don’t like men to be sexual predators.
Hanging out in Minnesota at music venues isn’t
like hanging out in other countries in which the women (all women,
beautiful-or-ugly) are looked out for by the men, cherished and respected while
sharing public spaces because everybody knows that they’re to uphold to serious
social contracts going as far back as the eleventh century; in which the men
will do no harm to others and watch out for women. I can’t expect complete
respect in Minnesota. I know where it’s at. Nowhere.
Violence against women gets old-and-boring
quickly thus as an INFJ we have a tendency to hide-out at our favorite places
amongst those that we know and trust well.
I’d like to be more social but I’ve met way,
too, many working class and middle class scum in Minnesota to even care to do
that anymore.
No, don’t get me wrong, I’ve got best friends all over the world
from all socio-economic backgrounds and races, but that’s just it, they don’t
live in Minneapolis. Are you kidding me? I’ve got friends in third world
countries who are so poor they’d take their shirt right off their backs and
give it to you if you were cold. Please.
I’ve waited sixteen or seventeen years to
attend an “Atmosphere” concert and as an Indigenous every sign has told me not
to attend and I’m listening to my instincts, dreams and warnings.
I’ve got no idea if “Atmosphere” sings a
capella chants, whistles or hums. For all I know they could sing country,
children’s lullabies or opera.
I’ve kept myself from buying any of their
records for personal reasons primarily because I want to know what their live-sound
is like, more so than what’s on a record that can be manipulated many of which
I’ve been informed that a panther in dreams signifies:
danger and enemies meaning to do harm. I must abide by that Indigenous warning.
My dreams have been telling me not to attend
this concert which is all I want to do but alas, I shan’t. I gave away the
tickets which were much, too, expensive for the average working class and
middle class Minnesotans hard at putting bread on their tables.
My guardian angel: my father-in-law (whom I never got to meet
in person) whom passed away in the 1980’s came to me early this morning warning
me not to attend and thus I shall do as he says. (Ha! A little old fashion
English for you.)
In today’s contemporary society if one is extremely
formal then one is considered socially radical because the f-bomb is used as
the every other word. Yawn. I love the f-bomb primarily if it means
life-or-death like watch out get off the
railroad tracks a train’s coming!
I’ll wait another sixteen years if that’s
what it takes to listen to these folks play live but not tomorrow night because
something’s telling me that I’ll get myself physically injured or killed.
March 1, 2013
“The breakdown of the black community, in order to maintain
slavery, began with the breakdown of the black family. Men and women were not
legally allowed to get married because you couldn't have that kind of love. It
might get in the way of the economics of slavery. Your children could be taken
from you and literally sold down the river.” -
Kerry Washington
Happy Friday!