June 28, 2013
"I have
lots of older siblings, and as they started to leave the house, I went from
cooking once a week to twice, three times, and so on. After a while, it was
just like making the bed." - Hugh
parents leave you too soon and your kids and spouse come along late, but your
siblings know you when you are in your most inchoate form." - Jeffrey Kluger
one of the worst-kept secrets of family life that all parents have a preferred
son or daughter, and the rules for acknowledging it are the same everywhere:
The favored kids recognize their status and keep quiet about it - the better to
preserve the good thing they've got going and to keep their siblings off their
back." - Jeffrey Kluger
and thrillers are not the same things, though they are literary siblings.
Roughly put, I would say the distinction is that mysteries emphasize motive and
psychology whereas thrillers rely more heavily on action and plot." - Jon Meacham
parents were both Spanish-speakers and they used to speak to me and my siblings
in Spanish and we'd answer them in English." - America Ferrera
Happy Friday!
Shall we
Thank you,
--- ---
Travesty: (burlesque, ridiculous imitation)
presentation was a travesty of the original.
--- ---
Take it away
Mr. Bill Maher. Break a leg. Good luck. Thank you.
Okay… the
work week isn’t over yet.
Let’s roll up
our sleeves…
I can’t get her beautiful face out of
my mind’s eye.
No, I don’t
have a romantic or sexual crush on her only respect and pure trust in her
I’ve known
her smell ever since I was fifteen and that never leaves one’s DNA.
The memory of
all those who’ve come before us and whom we respect and trust from afar is
something that never leaves us and it’s quite special. I can honestly say that
I love her like an older sister even though she has no idea that I’ve heard
about her politico gutter-punk leadership for about eighteen plus some years.
This is a
dignified woman that I trust implicitly even though she’s ignored me like a
little kid all these years and we’ve never so much as said one single word to
one another.
She’s a pillar
of strength, beauty and fierce culture to me.
I had always loved her like an older sibling
even though to this day she still has no clue as to who I am. She has no clue
that I exist or that we were schoolmates.
After all
these years she still doesn’t recognize my face so I pretend not to be
acquainted in any way possible. I do everything in my power for us to never meet each others’ eye even though
I still have the same inclination to stare at her as I did when I was fifteen. Some things never change.
If she were
so much as to look in my direction I overt my gaze downward and pretend not to
take any notice of her. I’m Costa Rican. What
can I say? A lot more but I don’t.
The last time
I looked upon her I had covered her with a sleeping bag and watched over her
well into the early morning hours…until sunrise, listened to her breathe to
make sure that she didn’t choke on her own vomit. To this day she still has no
idea that I kept watch over her that second week in June of 1995. (No, I don’t
need a medal.) That June she’d just recently graduated and I was ever so proud
of her accomplishments.
As she lay on
a dirty white kitchen floor in a dingy gutter-punk flat just behind the Wedge
in Uptown on Franklyn Avenue I sat right outside the kitchen door on the top
wooden step and watched the night sky go by while my schoolmates got wasted.
I ignored
them and they ignored me but we all got on quite famously and they knew that I
wanted to be social without having to interact too much or have to say too much.
From time to time my schoolmates would come-in and check on her and me and then
they’d go back inside the flat and rock ‘n’ roll gutter-punk style. No, I was
never a gutter-punk and we debated ferociously. We hated each other so much
that what else is there but to love.
I listened to
her shallow breathing because I cared whether she lived or died that night.
At one point
she’d told me to “Go fuck yourself.” Thank
you, no. I wanted to tell her “You go fuck yourself.” But she was already
in hell and I wouldn’t have meant it so I held my tongue. I ignored her roar
because she puked large chunks of…into her gorgeous mangled long hair and
studded vest.
At one point,
when she blacked-out, without ever touching her, I studied her hair, for a
short moment, while I could, and realized that she had broken bits of leaves in
it. She was as unique an animal as those that I had studied in the jungles. She came with teeth, claws and fangs. I
liked her anyway even though she held the power to be intellectually abusive
and a social bully.
She didn’t
scare me but I respected that she was standoffish and insulting when she meant
to be. I’d studied her from afar and learned that she was true to her nature
and that’s why I respected her.
She’d always
been an important figure in my life. No, I’ve never told anyone how much she’d
meant to me until this very hour that I put ink to paper.
I became the
very woman that I am because of her.
No, I won’t
pour out my heart across the page.
I’d feel,
too, silly in doing so.
You’ve got no
idea how deeply stoic I am. More so than the Scandinavians because the Costa
Ricans have got them beat in that department.
The first
time I ever stopped and really watched her, she stood by a large dug out hole
into a cement floor during an interior renovation to a building. She stood
surrounded by television sets that outlined the day’s menu, construction bulbs
and a sledgehammer. How queer it all seemed to me.
People stood
on a second floor balcony looking on at her as she played her harmonica. I
stood by the dugout hole and tried to get as close as I could without having
her pounce on me for getting too close. When in the jungle…
I didn’t know
what to make of the setting, the place, the people and her but I liked it. We
played musical chairs to win the title of the “Bagel King and Queen.” She was
the master of ceremonies.
Once, I tried
asking her one cultural question but she blatantly ignored me and I never spoke
to her again. I’m a proud Bostonian and I don’t make the same mistakes twice.
Every time
that she was around us I could slightly let down my guard because I knew that
we were safe in her presence. She’s a panther.
Even though
we’re equals we’re not the same and we don’t hold any pretence about that.
She’s powerful and so am I.
Best regards
and with love;
the Periscope folks don’t cross Washington Avenue to go to the cafeteria on
their lunch hour. They cross South 10th Avenue. Thank you.
I’m sorry to
hear that “Crash & Sue’s” has filed for bankruptcy. Pity.
I love the
new Target commercials. I can’t look away. They’re much friendlier.
June 27, 2013
“If you study
the writings of the mystics, you will always find things in them that appear to
be paradoxes, as in Zen, particularly.” -
Alan Watts
“The only Zen
you can find on the tops of mountains is the Zen you bring up there.” - Robert M. Pirsig
“I think any
spiritual experience that's worthwhile is not about ego and it will humble you
in some way. And also, a Zen monk once said to me, 'If you're not laughing,
then you're not getting it.'” - David O.
soothes me, it's always been a kind of Zen experience for me. The ocean is so
magnificent, peaceful, and awesome. The rest of the world disappears for me
when I'm on a wave.” - Paul Walker
“I use a
Bruce Lee technique: 'The way of no way.' He had the idea that he would learn
everything, so that whoever he had to fight, he could improvise anything. The
best way of starting a gig is just to not think of anything - to clear your
mind, not in an empty Zen state, but more just to go on and see where you go.” - Eddie Izzard
Shall we
Thank you,
--- ---
Terse: (concise, free of superfluous words, brief)
A terse
report was submitted to the proper authorities.
--- ---
I love
Minnesota for so many reasons… I do.
I was adopted
to Minnesota in 1987 when the Twins won the World Series.
We were
married by the coolest judge down at City Hall on April 16, 2009.
We adopt our first
bambino on Monday, July 1st, 2013. (No, I’m not a hypocrite.)
We hope to
race our children here without too much racism, prejudice or discrimination.
Once at the
age of thirteen I had a near-drowning experience amongst the strong Minnesota
undertow Lake Superior waves upon the shores of... I was dragged out by the
tough currents, pulled under, thrown and whipped around without barely able to
gasp for one single good breath of air.
I said my
Mayan prayers and thought, ‘This is the end.’
Until suddenly
I felt the strong hands of my older Ipswich Lifeguard cousin, who, caught a
hold of my left forearm and pulled me out of the roaring waves. I have him to
thank for saving my young life. I shan’t forget it.
No, I don’t
love living in Minnesota at the moment. As a matter of fact I detest it.
I love how the pre-dusk light turns a defused orange with bright hue outlines
upon the sun and leftover streaks of warmth.
I love living
in Minnesota because my adopted family and In-Laws reside here.
I love that
the Robbinsdale police officers stopped and purchased lemonade from a little
girl’s lemonade stand. I love that! Our Robbinsdale police force is not only
well informed, polite, intelligent and kind but they also care about what
happens to our neighborhoods, streets and city. Thank you. (We loved the
picture of you guys at the lemonade stand.)
I like the
intelligence of the Robbinsdale Mayor.
I love that
the Science Museum has a Maya exhibit. Thank you. It doesn’t go unnoticed. I’ll
make it before January 4th, 2014. I’ll reserve all judgment and emotion and
take in the sights like a good little tourist. Ha!
I love living
in Minnesota because I get to see wildlife every single day.
The little
red cardinal birds have become my favorite types of birds.
I love the
trees and flowers.
I love the
I love the
I love the
Mulberry and Willow trees in our backyard.
I love living
in Minnesota because the alphabetical street signs make sense.
There are so many
things to love: Like fresh air, people, who, for the most part mind their own
I love living
in Minnesota because the politics mean something for the overall safety of its
people. I like that the politicians seem to care about what happens to our
communities because they reside amongst their constituents and understand the
I love this
place, this city, this state because I met seven of my best friends here (none
are from the Arts High School).
I love this
town because I feel the excitement of change and progress in the air.
I love this
town because we believe in inexpensive, seasonal and locally grown organics.
I love this
town because the street garbage is manageable although it could be better in
North Minneapolis since I drive Broadway Avenue to get over to the other side
of the city at the edge of Northeast, Minneapolis.
I love the
street art, creative stickers, yarn-art, and political activism.
I love that
people are physically beautiful to look at.
I love that
people have amazing skin and I can’t help but stare at perfectly good looking
strangers and be amazed by their radiant skin.
I love that
I’ve structured and produced some of my best work here in Minneapolis.
I'm grateful that
I was able to perform at the Walker Arts Center at the age of nineteen.
I love that I
got to meet and personally speak to Senator Paul Wellstone before he passed
I love our
Minnesota Twins as much as I love the Boston Red Sox.
I love the
losing Vikings.
I love the
Timberwolves (basketball team.)
I love the
Minnesota Lynx (basketball team.)
I love our
safe, clean and professional bank downtown, Minneapolis.
I love the
parked; downtown, Minneapolis food trucks although the food is unnecessarily
I love seeing
our former colleagues do the nightly news on Twin Cities television.
I love and
trust our newspaper royalty in this city.
I trust in
North Memorial Hospital, their doctors and staff because they saved my life on
November of 2011.
I love the
sidewalks that I’ve fallen off of my skateboard and gotten a nasty case of the
road-rashes on my elbows.
I love
because I believe in this city otherwise I wouldn’t be so bothered by the
racism, prejudice, discrimination and social injustice.
I love
therefore I am.
I can’t
explain to you what it means for us to live here. This is a gorgeous town with
a bad attitude that requires some adjustment otherwise it’s difficult to trust
in businesses and their owners, staff and volunteers.
We work hard
and we deliver great quality productions because this is where we reside, pay
taxes and most likely we’ll send our children to public school education
amongst your young.
I believe in
our neighbors even though we communicate radically different and even if I were
bleeding to death upon the sidewalk in front of our home I’d rather die then
ask them for help. Ha!
I believe in
our democracy, our economy and our hardworking people.
I believe…
I want to
fall head over heels in love with this town… but…I can’t stomach the…
P.S. Thank
you; to the eleven states from around the Midwest helping-out the Twin Cities’
residents clean up after this damaging one-hundred million dollar storm. Thank
you to the firefighters. We appreciate it. No Act of Random Kindness goes
unnoticed in this city.
*) My new
heroine: Wendy Davis: We, The People appreciate it. Thank you!!! Your efforts
don’t go unnoticed. We’re so proud of your straightforward efforts and
dignified courage. What a lovely woman. She made me believe in our everlasting
‘Beacon of Hope,’ once more.
June 26, 2013
“Every American, regardless of
their background, has the right to live free of unwarranted government
intrusion. Repealing the worst provisions of the Patriot Act will reign in this
gross abuse of power and restore to everyone our basic Constitutional rights.”
- Pete Stark
“Our political and constitutional
rights, so called, are but the natural and inherent rights of man, asserted,
carried out, and secured by modes of human contrivance.” - Gerrit Smith
“We would be false to our trust if
we allowed the time it takes to give effect to constitutional rights to be used
as the very reason for taking away those rights.” - Frank Murphy
“In this film George presents issues
that are important, essential and vital, whoever you are, about constitutional
rights and the bedrock of a democracy. I am drawn to those kinds of stories
because they inspire me - they are responsible to a populace and responsible to
man.” - David Strathairn
Shall we
Thank you,
--- ---
Tether: (to tie by rope or chain, confine)
Each cowboy
attempted to tether the outraged animal but none succeeded.
--- ---
What a
whirlwind week!
on prop 8!
We have much
work ahead of us, but tonight we raise a glass in your honor!
Hip! Hip!
Hip! Hip!
--- ---
Wow! This
America of ours sure is unstable.
Now, about Voting Rights: Recommended reading for you.
Online source:
Passed by
Congress June 13, 1866. Ratified July 9, 1868.
Note: Article
I, section 2, of the Constitution was modified by section 2 of the 14th
Section 1.
All persons born or naturalized in the United
States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United
States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any
law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United
States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property,
without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the
equal protection of the laws.
Section 2.
Representatives shall be apportioned among the
several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number
of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to
vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and
Vice-President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the Executive
and Judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is
denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of
age,* and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for
participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein
shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall
bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such
Section 3.
No person shall be a Senator or Representative
in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office,
civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having
previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the
United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or
judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United
States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or
given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of
two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.
Section 4.
The validity of the public debt of the United
States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and
bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be
questioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any
debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the
United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all
such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.
Section 5.
The Congress shall have the power to enforce,
by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.
*Changed by
section 1 of the 26th amendment.
Passed by
Congress February 26, 1869. Ratified February 3, 1870.
Section 1.
The right of citizens of the United States to
vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on
account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude
Section 2.
The Congress shall have the power to enforce
this article by appropriate legislation.
Online source:
Rights Act of 1965."
AN ACT To enforce the fifteenth
amendment to the Constitution of the United States, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of
Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That
this Act shall be known as the "Voting Rights Act of 1965."
SEC. 2. No
voting qualification or prerequisite to voting, or standard, practice, or
procedure shall be imposed or applied by any State or political subdivision to
deny or abridge the right of any citizen of the United States to vote on
account of race or color.
SEC. 3. (a)
Whenever the Attorney General institutes a proceeding under any statute to
enforce the guarantees of the fifteenth amendment in any State or political
subdivision the court shall authorize the appointment of Federal examiners by
the United States Civil Service Commission in accordance with section 6 to
serve for such period of time and for such political subdivisions as the court
shall determine is appropriate to enforce the guarantees of the fifteenth
amendment (1) as part of any interlocutory order if the court determines that
the appointment of such examiners is necessary to enforce such guarantees or
(2) as part of any final judgment if the court finds that violations of the
fifteenth amendment justifying equitable relief have occurred in such State or
subdivision: Provided, That the court need not authorize the appointment of
examiners if any incidents of denial or abridgement of the right to vote on
account of race or color (1) have been few in number and have been promptly and
effectively corrected by State or local action, (2) the continuing effect of
such incidents has been eliminated, and (3) there is no reasonable probability
of their recurrence in the future.
(b) If in a
proceeding instituted by the Attorney General under any statute to enforce the
guarantees of the fifteenth amendment in any State or political subdivision the
court finds that a test or device has been used for the purpose or with the
effect of denying or abridging the right of any citizen of the United States to
vote on account of race or color, it shall suspend the use of tests and devices
in such State or political subdivisions as the court shall determine is
appropriate and for such period as it deems necessary.
(c) If in any
proceeding instituted by the Attorney General under any statute to enforce the
guarantees of the fifteenth amendment in any State or political subdivision the
court finds that violations of the fifteenth amendment justifying equitable
relief have occurred within the territory of such State or political
subdivision, the court, in addition to such relief as it may grant, shall
retain jurisdiction for such period as it may deem appropriate and during such
period no voting qualification or prerequisite to voting, or standard,
practice, or procedure with respect to voting different from that in force or
effect at the time the proceeding was commenced shall be enforced unless and
until the court finds that such qualification, prerequisite, standard,
practice, or procedure does not have the purpose and will not have the effect
of denying or abridging the right to vote on account of race or color:
Provided, That such qualification, prerequisite, standard, practice, or
procedure may be enforced if the qualification, prerequisite, standard,
practice, or procedure has been submitted by the chief legal officer or other
appropriate official of such State or subdivision to the Attorney General and
the Attorney General has not interposed an objection within sixty days after such
submission, except that neither the court's finding nor the Attorney General's
failure to object shall bar a subsequent action to enjoin enforcement of such
qualification, prerequisite, standard, practice, or procedure.
SEC. 4. (a)
To assure that the right of citizens of the United States to vote is not denied
or abridged on account of race or color, no citizen shall be denied the right
to vote in any Federal, State, or local election because of his failure to
comply with any test or device in any State with respect to which the
determinations have been made under subsection (b) or in any political
subdivision with respect to which such determinations have been made as a
separate unit, unless the United States District Court for the District of Columbia
in an action for a declaratory judgment brought by such State or subdivision
against the United States has determined that no such test or device has been
used during the five years preceding the filing of the action for the purpose
or with the effect of denying or abridging the right to vote on account of race
or color: Provided, That no such declaratory judgment shall issue with respect
to any plaintiff for a period of five years after the entry of a final judgment
of any court of the United States, other than the denial of a declaratory
judgment under this section, whether entered prior to or after the enactment of
this Act, determining that denials or abridgments of the right to vote on
account of race or color through the use of such tests or devices have occurred
anywhere in the territory of such plaintiff. An action pursuant to this
subsection shall be heard and determined by a court of three judges in
accordance with the provisions of section 2284 of title 28 of the United States
Code and any appeal shall lie to the Supreme Court. The court shall retain
jurisdiction of any action pursuant to this subsection for five years after
judgment and shall reopen the action upon motion of the Attorney General
alleging that a test or device has been used for the purpose or with the effect
of denying or abridging the right to vote on account of race or color.
If the
Attorney General determines that he has no reason to believe that any such test
or device has been used during the five years preceding the filing of the
action for the purpose or with the effect of denying or abridging the right to
vote on account of race or color, he shall consent to the entry of such
(b) The
provisions of subsection (a) shall apply in any State or in any political subdivision
of a state which (1) the Attorney General determines maintained on November 1,
1964, any test or device, and with respect to which (2) the Director of the
Census determines that less than 50 percentum of the persons of voting age
residing therein were registered on November 1, 1964, or that less than 50
percentum of such persons voted in the presidential election of November 1964.
determination or certification of the Attorney General or of the Director of
the Census under this section or under section 6 or section 13 shall not be
reviewable in any court and shall be effective upon publication in the Federal
(c) The
phrase "test or device" shall mean any requirement that a person as a
prerequisite for voting or registration for voting (1) demonstrate the ability
to read, write, understand, or interpret any matter, (2) demonstrate any
educational achievement or his knowledge of any particular subject, (3) possess
good moral character, or (4) prove his qualifications by the voucher of registered
voters or members of any other class.
(d) For
purposes of this section no State or political subdivision shall be determined
to have engaged in the use of tests or devices for the purpose or with the
effect of denying or abridging the right to vote on account of race or color if
(1) incidents of such use have been few in number and have been promptly and
effectively corrected by State or local action, (2) the continuing effect of
such incidents has been eliminated, and (3) there is no reasonable probability
of their recurrence in the future.
(e) (1)
Congress hereby declares that to secure the rights under the fourteenth
amendment of persons educated in American-flag schools in which the predominant
classroom language was other than English, it is necessary to prohibit the
States from conditioning the right to vote of such persons on ability to read,
write, understand, or interpret any matter in the English language.
(2) No person
who demonstrates that he has successfully completed the sixth primary grade in
a public school in, or a private school accredited by, any State or territory,
the District of Columbia, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico in which the
predominant classroom language was other than English, shall be denied the
right to vote in any Federal, State, or local election because of his inability
to read, write, understand, or interpret any matter in the English language,
except that, in States in which State law provides that a different level of
education is presumptive of literacy, he shall demonstrate that he has
successfully completed an equivalent level of education in a public school in,
or a private school accredited by, any State or territory, the District of
Columbia, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico in which the predominant classroom
language was other than English.
SEC. 5.
Whenever a State or political subdivision with respect to which the
prohibitions set forth in section 4(a) are in effect shall enact or seek to
administer any voting qualification or prerequisite to voting, or standard,
practice, or procedure with respect to voting different from that in force or
effect on November 1, 1964, such State or subdivision may institute an action
in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia for a declaratory
judgment that such qualification, prerequisite, standard, practice, or
procedure does not have the purpose and will not have the effect of denying or
abridging the right to vote on account of race or color, and unless and until
the court enters such judgment no person shall be denied the right to vote for
failure to comply with such qualification, prerequisite, standard, practice, or
procedure: Provided, That such qualification, prerequisite, standard, practice,
or procedure may be enforced without such proceeding if the qualification,
prerequisite, standard, practice, or procedure has been submitted by the chief
legal officer or other appropriate official of such State or subdivision to the
Attorney General and the Attorney General has not interposed an objection
within sixty days after such submission, except that neither the Attorney
General's failure to object nor a declaratory judgment entered under this
section shall bar a subsequent action to enjoin enforcement of such
qualification, prerequisite, standard, practice, or procedure. Any action under
this section shall be heard and determined by a court of three judges in
accordance with the provisions of section 2284 of title 28 of the United States
Code and any appeal shall lie to the Supreme Court.
SEC. 6.
Whenever (a) a court has authorized the appointment of examiners pursuant to
the provisions of section 3(a), or (b) unless a declaratory judgment has been
rendered under section 4(a), the Attorney General certifies with respect to any
political subdivision named in, or included within the scope of, determinations
made under section 4(b) that (1) he has received complaints in writing from
twenty or more residents of such political subdivision alleging that they have
been denied the right to vote under color of law on account of race or color,
and that he believes such complaints to be meritorious, or (2) that, in his
judgment (considering, among other factors, whether the ratio of nonwhite
persons to white persons registered to vote within such subdivision appears to
him to be reasonably attributable to violations of the fifteenth amendment or
whether substantial evidence exists that bona fide efforts are being made
within such subdivision to comply with the fifteenth amendment), the
appointment of examiners is otherwise necessary to enforce the guarantees of
the fifteenth amendment, the Civil Service Commission shall appoint as many
examiners for such subdivision as it may deem appropriate to prepare and
maintain lists of persons eligible to vote in Federal, State, and local
elections. Such examiners, hearing officers provided for in section 9(a), and
other persons deemed necessary by the Commission to carry out the provisions
and purposes of this Act shall be appointed, compensated, and separated without
regard to the provisions of any statute administered by the Civil Service
Commission, and service under this Act shall not be considered employment for
the purposes of any statute administered by the Civil Service Commission,
except the provisions of section 9 of the Act of August 2, 1939, as amended (5
U.S.C. 118i), prohibiting partisan political activity: Provided, That the
Commission is authorized, after consulting the head of the appropriate
department or agency, to designate suitable persons in the official service of
the United States, with their consent, to serve in these positions. Examiners
and hearing officers shall have the power to administer oaths.
SEC. 7. (a)
The examiners for each political subdivision shall, at such places as the Civil
Service Commission shall by regulation designate, examine applicants concerning
their qualifications for voting. An application to an examiner shall be in such
form as the Commission may require and shall contain allegations that the
applicant is not otherwise registered to vote.
(b) Any
person whom the examiner finds, in accordance with instructions received under
section 9(b), to have the qualifications prescribed by State law not
inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of the United States shall promptly
be placed on a list of eligible voters. A challenge to such listing may be made
in accordance with section 9(a) and shall not be the basis for a prosecution
under section 12 of this Act. The examiner shall certify and transmit such
list, and any supplements as appropriate, at least once a month, to the offices
of the appropriate election officials, with copies to the Attorney General and
the attorney general of the State, and any such lists and supplements thereto
transmitted during the month shall be available for public inspection on the
last business day of the month and, in any event, not later than the
forty-fifth day prior to any election. The appropriate State or local election
official shall place such names on the official voting list. Any person whose
name appears on the examiner's list shall be entitled and allowed to vote in
the election district of his residence unless and until the appropriate
election officials shall have been notified that such person has been removed
from such list in accordance with subsection (d): Provided, That no person
shall be entitled to vote in any election by virtue of this Act unless his name
shall have been certified and transmitted on such a list to the offices of the
appropriate election officials at least forty-five days prior to such election.
(c) The
examiner shall issue to each person whose name appears on such a list a
certificate evidencing his eligibility to vote.
(d) A person whose
name appears on such a list shall be removed therefrom by an examiner if (1)
such person has been successfully challenged in accordance with the procedure
prescribed in section 9, or (2) he has been determined by an examiner to have
lost his eligibility to vote under State law not inconsistent with the
Constitution and the laws of the United States.
Sec. 8.
Whenever an examiner is serving under this Act in any political subdivision,
the Civil Service Commission may assign, at the request of the Attorney
General, one or more persons, who may be officers of the United States, (1) to
enter and attend at any place for holding an election in such subdivision for
the purpose of observing whether persons who are entitled to vote are being
permitted to vote, and (2) to enter and attend at any place for tabulating the
votes cast at any election held in such subdivision for the purpose of
observing whether votes cast by persons entitled to vote are being properly
tabulated. Such persons so assigned shall report to an examiner appointed for
such political subdivision, to the Attorney General, and if the appointment of
examiners has been authorized pursuant to section 3(a), to the court. SEC. 9.
(a) Any
challenge to a listing on an eligibility list prepared by an examiner shall be
heard and determined by a hearing officer appointed by and responsible to the
Civil Service Commission and under such rules as the Commission shall by
regulation prescribe. Such challenge shall be entertained only if filed at such
office within the State as the Civil Service Commission shall by regulation
designate, and within ten days after the listing of the challenged person is
made available for public inspection, and if supported by (1) the affidavits of
at least two persons having personal knowledge of the facts constituting
grounds for the challenge, and (2) a certification that a copy of the challenge
and affidavits have been served by mail or in person upon the person challenged
at his place of residence set out in the application. Such challenge shall be
determined within fifteen days after it has been filed. A petition for review
of the decision of the hearing officer may be filed in the United States court
of appeals for the circuit in which the person challenged resides within
fifteen days after service of such decision by mail on the person petitioning
for review but no decision of a hearing officer shall be reversed unless
clearly erroneous. Any person listed shall be entitled and allowed to vote
pending final determination by the hearing officer and by the court.
(b) The
times, places, procedures, and form for application and listing pursuant to
this Act and removals from the eligibility lists shall be prescribed by
regulations promulgated by the Civil Service Commission and the Commission
shall, after consultation with the Attorney General, instruct examiners
concerning applicable State law not inconsistent with the Constitution and laws
of the United States with respect to (1) the qualifications required for
listing, and (2) loss of eligibility to vote.
(c) Upon the
request of the applicant or the challenger or on its own motion the Civil
Service Commission shall have the power to require by subpoena the attendance
and testimony of witnesses and the production of documentary evidence relating
to any matter pending before it under the authority of this section. In case of
contumacy or refusal to obey a subpoena, any district court of the United
States or the United States court of any territory or possession, or the District
Court of the United States for the District of Columbia, within the
jurisdiction of which said person guilty of contumacy or refusal to obey is
found or resides or is domiciled or transacts business, or has appointed an
agent for receipt of service of process, upon application by the Attorney
General of the United States shall have jurisdiction to issue to such person an
order requiring such person to appear before the Commission or a hearing
officer, there to produce pertinent, relevant, and nonprivileged documentary
evidence if so ordered, or there to give testimony touching the matter under
investigation, and any failure to obey such order of the court may be punished
by said court as a contempt thereof.
SEC. 10. (a)
The Congress finds that the requirement of the payment of a poll tax as a
precondition to voting (i) precludes persons of limited means from voting or
imposes unreasonable financial hardship upon such persons as a precondition to
their exercise of the franchise, (ii) does not bear a reasonable relationship
to any legitimate State interest in the conduct of elections, and (iii) in some
areas has the purpose or effect of denying persons the right to vote because of
race or color. Upon the basis of these findings, Congress declares that the constitutional
right of citizens to vote is denied or abridged in some areas by the
requirement of the payment of a poll tax as a precondition to voting.
(b) In the
exercise of the powers of Congress under section 5 of the fourteenth amendment
and section 2 of the fifteenth amendment, the Attorney General is authorized
and directed to institute forthwith in the name of the United States such
actions, including actions against States or political subdivisions, for
declaratory judgment or injunctive relief against the enforcement of any
requirement of the payment of a poll tax as a precondition to voting, or
substitute therefor enacted after November 1, 1964, as will be necessary to
implement the declaration of subsection (a) and the purposes of this section.
(c) The
district courts of the United States shall have jurisdiction of such actions
which shall be heard and determined by a court of three judges in accordance
with the provisions of section 2284 of title 28 of the United States Code and
any appeal shall lie to the Supreme Court. It shall be the duty of the judges
designated to hear the case to assign the case for hearing at the earliest
practicable date, to participate in the hearing and determination thereof, and
to cause the case to be in every way expedited.
(d) During
the pendency of such actions, and thereafter if the courts, notwithstanding
this action by the Congress, should declare the requirement of the payment of a
poll tax to be constitutional, no citizen of the United States who is a resident
of a State or political subdivision with respect to which determinations have
been made under subsection 4(b) and a declaratory judgment has not been entered
under subsection 4(a), during the first year he becomes otherwise entitled to
vote by reason of registration by State or local officials or listing by an
examiner, shall be denied the right to vote for failure to pay a poll tax if he
tenders payment of such tax for the current year to an examiner or to the
appropriate State or local official at least forty-five days prior to election,
whether or not such tender would be timely or adequate under State law. An
examiner shall have authority to accept such payment from any person authorized
by this Act to make an application for listing, and shall issue a receipt for
such payment. The examiner shall transmit promptly any such poll tax payment to
the office of the State or local official authorized to receive such payment
under State law, together with the name and address of the applicant.
SEC. 11. (a)
No person acting under color of law shall fail or refuse to permit any person
to vote who is entitled to vote under any provision of this Act or is otherwise
qualified to vote, or willfully fail or refuse to tabulate, count, and report
such person's vote.
(b) No
person, whether acting under color of law or otherwise, shall intimidate,
threaten, or coerce, or attempt to intimidate, threaten, or coerce any person
for voting or attempting to vote, or intimidate, threaten, or coerce, or
attempt to intimidate, threaten, or coerce any person for urging or aiding any
person to vote or attempt to vote, or intimidate, threaten, or coerce any
person for exercising any powers or duties under section 3(a), 6, 8, 9, 10, or
(c) Whoever
knowingly or willfully gives false information as to his name, address, or
period of residence in the voting district for the purpose of establishing his
eligibility to register or vote, or conspires with another individual for the
purpose of encouraging his false registration to vote or illegal voting, or
pays or offers to pay or accepts payment either for registration to vote or for
voting shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than five
years, or both: Provided, however, That this provision shall be applicable only
to general, special, or primary elections held solely or in part for the
purpose of selecting or electing any candidate for the office of President,
Vice President, presidential elector, Member of the United States Senate,
Member of the United States House of Representatives, or Delegates or
Commissioners from the territories or possessions, or Resident Commissioner of
the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
(d) Whoever,
in any matter within the jurisdiction of an examiner or hearing officer
knowingly and willfully falsifies or conceals a material fact, or makes any
false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements or representations, or makes or
uses any false writing or document knowing the same to contain any false,
fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry, shall be fined not more than
$10,000 or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.
SEC. 12. (a)
Whoever shall deprive or attempt to deprive any person of any right secured by
section 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, or 10 or shall violate section 11(a) or (b), shall be
fined not more than $5,000, or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.
(b) Whoever,
within a year following an election in a political subdivision in which an
examiner has been appointed (1) destroys, defaces, mutilates, or otherwise alters
the marking of a paper ballot which has been cast in such election, or (2)
alters any official record of voting in such election tabulated from a voting
machine or otherwise, shall be fined not more than $5,000, or imprisoned not
more than five years, or both
(c) Whoever
conspires to violate the provisions of subsection (a) or (b) of this section,
or interferes with any right secured by section 2, 3 4, 5, 7, 10, or 11(a) or
(b) shall be fined not more than $5,000, or imprisoned not more than five years,
or both.
(d) Whenever
any person has engaged or there are reasonable grounds to believe that any
person is about to engage in any act or practice prohibited by section 2, 3, 4,
5, 7, 10, 11, or subsection (b) of this section, the Attorney General may
institute for the United States, or in the name of the United States, an action
for preventive relief, including an application for a temporary or permanent
injunction, restraining order, or other order, and including an order directed
to the State and State or local election officials to require them (1) to
permit persons listed under this Act to vote and (2) to count such votes.
(e) Whenever
in any political subdivision in which there are examiners appointed pursuant to
this Act any persons allege to such an examiner within forty-eight hours after
the closing of the polls that notwithstanding (1) their listing under this Act
or registration by an appropriate election official and (2) their eligibility
to vote, they have not been permitted to vote in such election, the examiner
shall forthwith notify the Attorney General if such allegations in his opinion
appear to be well founded. Upon receipt of such notification, the Attorney
General may forthwith file with the district court an application for an order
providing for the marking, casting, and counting of the ballots of such persons
and requiring the inclusion of their votes in the total vote before the results
of such election shall be deemed final and any force or effect given thereto.
The district court shall hear and determine such matters immediately after the
filing of such application. The remedy provided in this subsection shall not
preclude any remedy available under State or Federal law.
(f) The
district courts of the United States shall have jurisdiction of proceedings
instituted pursuant to this section and shall exercise the same without regard
to whether a person asserting rights under the provisions of this Act shall
have exhausted any administrative or other remedies that may be provided by law
SEC. 13.
Listing procedures shall be terminated in any political subdivision of any
State (a) with respect to examiners appointed pursuant to clause (b) of section
6 whenever the Attorney General notifies the Civil Service Commission, or
whenever the District Court for the District of Columbia determines in an
action for declaratory judgment brought by any political subdivision with
respect to which the Director of the Census has determined that more than 50
percentum of the nonwhite persons of voting age residing therein are registered
to vote, (1) that all persons listed by an examiner for such subdivision have
been placed on the appropriate voting registration roll, and (2) that there is
no longer reasonable cause to believe that persons will be deprived of or
denied the right to vote on account of race or color in such subdivision, and
(b), with respect to examiners appointed pursuant to section 3(a), upon order
of the authorizing court. A political subdivision may petition the Attorney
General for the termination of listing procedures under clause (a) of this
section, and may petition the Attorney General to request the Director of the
Census to take such survey or census as may be appropriate for the making of
the determination provided for in this section. The District Court for the
District of Columbia shall have jurisdiction to require such survey or census
to be made by the Director of the Census and it shall require him to do so if
it deems the Attorney General's refusal to request such survey or census to be
arbitrary or unreasonable. SEC. 14.
(a) All cases
of criminal contempt arising under the provisions of this Act shall be governed
by section 151 of the Civil Rights Act of 1957 (42 U.S.C.1995).
(b) No court
other than the District Court for the District of Columbia or a court of
appeals in any proceeding under section 9 shall have jurisdiction to issue any
declaratory judgment pursuant to section 4 or section 5 or any restraining
order or temporary or permanent injunction against the execution or enforcement
of any provision of this Act or any action of any Federal officer or employee
pursuant hereto.
(c) (1) The
terms "vote" or "voting" shall include all action necessary
to make a vote effective in any primary, special, or general election,
including, but not limited to, registration, listing pursuant to this Act, or
other action required by law prerequisite to voting, casting a ballot, and
having such ballot counted properly and included in the appropriate totals of
votes cast with respect to candidates for public or party office and
propositions for which votes are received in an election.
(2) The term
"political subdivision" shall mean any county or parish, except that,
where registration for voting is not conducted under the supervision of a
county or parish, the term shall include any other subdivision of a State which
conducts registration for voting.
(d) In any
action for a declaratory judgment brought pursuant to section 4 or section 5 of
this Act, subpoenas for witnesses who are required to attend the District Court
for the District of Columbia may be served in any judicial district of the
United States: Provided, That no writ of subpoena shall issue for witnesses
without the District of Columbia at a greater distance than one hundred miles
from the place of holding court without the permission of the District Court
for the District of Columbia being first had upon proper application and cause
SEC. 15.
Section 2004 of the Revised Statutes (42 U.S.C.1971), as amended by section 131
of the Civil Rights Act of 1957 (71 Stat. 637), and amended by section 601 of
the Civil Rights Act of 1960 (74 Stat. 90), and as further amended by section
101 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 241), is further amended as
(a) Delete
the word "Federal" wherever it appears in subsections (a) and (c);
(b) Repeal
subsection (f) and designate the present subsections (g) and (h) as (f) and
(g), respectively.
SEC. 16. The
Attorney General and the Secretary of Defense, jointly, shall make a full and
complete study to determine whether, under the laws or practices of any State
or States, there are preconditions to voting, which might tend to result in
discrimination against citizens serving in the Armed Forces of the United
States seeking to vote. Such officials shall, jointly, make a report to the
Congress not later than June 30, 1966, containing the results of such study,
together with a list of any States in which such preconditions exist, and shall
include in such report such recommendations for legislation as they deem
advisable to prevent discrimination in voting against citizens serving in the
Armed Forces of the United States.
SEC. 17.
Nothing in this Act shall be construed to deny, impair, or otherwise adversely
affect the right to vote of any person registered to vote under the law of any
State or political subdivision.
SEC. 18.
There are hereby authorized to be appropriated such sums as are necessary to
carry out the provisions of this Act
SEC 19. If
any provision of this Act or the application thereof to any person or
circumstances is held invalid, the remainder of the Act and the application of
the provision to other persons not similarly situated or to other circumstances
shall not be affected thereby.
August 6, 1965.
Food for
June 25, 2013
“Though beauty gives you a weird
sense of entitlement, it's rather frightening and threatening to have others ascribe
such importance to something you know you're just renting for a while.” - Candice Bergen
“Sometimes people take it for
granted that they had success, especially nowadays when you have instant
stardom. A lot of people feel entitlement and nobody is entitled to anything.” - Donny Osmond
“Male privilege and entitlement are
dying a very painful death; no one gives up power without a struggle.” - Gloria Allred
“I don't have a sense of
entitlement or that I deserve this. You'd be surprised at the lack of
competition between nominees - I think a lot of it's imposed from the outside.
Can I have my champagne now? - Cate Blanchett
*) Yes,
structural sentence corrections were made.
I can’t seem to
figure out the English language to save my life. It’s like a horrible nightmare
date that just won’t end. I think you understood that literary sentiment. I
cleaned up the awkward ESL. Thanks!!!
Shall we
Thank you,
--- ---
Therapeutic: (healing, curing)
Therapeutic value of some foods was discussed for a long
--- ---
Once upon a
In a Kingdom
far…far away…
There lived a
stranger; a little blond girl in a neighborhood called Bryn Mawr, Minnesota.
The little
girl was little not because she wasn’t of adult age but rather she was a girl
because she was all too inconsiderate of anyone not beneficial to her.
This girl was
a Bakku-shan that only a mother could love.
The Caucasian
girl had a ‘bangin’ bod’ any brother would love.
The girl’s
body was rail thin without breasts or curves.
She wore a
thin, strapless, yellow, summer dress like a cheap, disposable, picnic
tablecloth while she stood in the way of traffic with her driver’s car door wide
open to the street.
She stood
downhill and faced a rail-thin tall Caucasian man with white hair who stood
next to her parked red car and faced up-the-street about fifty meters from a
four-way-Stop corner coffee shop.
In this
Kingdom far…far away one could smell the quality of high grade coffee bellowing
out into the streets like the days’ of
old when the chambermaids would throw out the morning basin water along
The man in white
hair wore a light-weight and dark-colored summer shirt and green khaki shorts.
He stood with
his narrow legs shoulder-wide-apart and gave his back to a slight downward
slope on a hill.
He stood
about three feet apart from the girl and directly faced her while she made
sheepish looking facial expressions at traffic like she was about to grab her
crotch at any minute and pee herself with excitement.
The man stood
narrowly erect and continued to speak to the girl who looked all around to see
who was watching her in all her sunshine glory.
A car came to
a complete stop ten feet away from the bean-pole of a man.
In the
opposite direction a utility truck slowed way down right by where the girl
The utility
truck driver made room on the road for the stopped car and slowly proceeded
forward while the truck driver stared at the two ignoramuses taking up the road
on his left.
The truck
driver turned back his head, looked straight forward and made quick eye-contact
with the stopped driver and gave her that
look that said everything: “Barn
The utility
truck driver’s facial expressions were subtle but they said everything that
needed to be said in that Italian nose and those thick dark eyebrows.
The girl threw
around an aloof look at traffic standing-still, waiting for her to move, close
her car door and step to the side to have an adult passing conversation like
most civilized urban folk.
Her air of
superiority was like: “why shouldn’t you wait for me?”
She neither
acknowledged nor cared how she inconvenienced everyone around her either
because she: one) felt more important than the rest of civilization a) entitled
b) public life didn’t dawn on her that it’s public and shared c) she was deaf
d) she was a prostitute e) she was a spoiled brat and…at that as well… f) she
was out of gas g) she just didn’t care that the world co-exists h) she was
mentally handicap i) she had to go to the bathroom j) she was a bumpkin new to
the city and has many tough lessons yet to learn because people will exploit
and harden those that are gullible, ignorant and not with it k) immature l) she
was high or drunk. Pick any of the above or other.
Whatever her
reasons were for taking up so much space almost into the middle of the road she
was a moron for one reason and one reason only…
She was
inconsiderate about the safety of all those around her.
She wasn’t a
She acted
like her life was a play and she was the leading role to a hallow storyline.
Bad acting
makes any viewer uncomfortable.
The little
girl could’ve been the cause of any accident because she was, therefore.
The driver
scanned her face, memorized it and archived it.
All that the driver could think was: ‘I hope I never get stuck next to her at any of these socially weird
Minnesota parties.’
Once the
driver got pass the little girl; she annoyingly sped away at 30MPH to get out
of the congestion, cluster and further getting held hostage by the rude road
When in Rome…
It appears to
be that in the minds of these
inconvenienced barn animals that they come from rural America where there’s so
much more space and land for them to roam, stretch and feed, however, not in
the city.
Cities are shared
by thousands of respectful mature people each and every single day in which any
square mile radius is optimally occupied to its fullest therefore adults are
attentive to the safety of all.
Moderation is
the key to success.
Respect is
the key to dignity.
Awareness is
the key to maturity.
Maturity is
the key to wisdom.
The End.
P.S. Yes, if
one is a professional artist, comedian, a satirist or any other cable
Television entertainer then one may use the word “fuck.” Cheers!!!
June 24, 2013
Happy Monday!
Mondays off
for the summer!
Studying for
a pilot’s license through Monday, September 2nd, 2013.
June 21, 2013
“Progress is the attraction that
moves humanity.” - Marcus Garvey
“Without contraries is no
progression. Attraction and repulsion, reason and energy, love and hate, are
necessary to human existence.” - William Blake
“Greatness lies, not in being
strong, but in the right using of strength; and strength is not used rightly
when it serves only to carry a man above his fellows for his own solitary
glory. He is the greatest whose strength carries up the most hearts by the
attraction of his own.” - Henry Ward Beecher
“Certainly I have no attraction to misery.
I don't intentionally go for dark.” - Christian Bale
Happy Friday!
Shall we
Thank you,
--- ---
Pewter: (any of several alloys chiefly composed of
In the old
home of Paul Revere pewter dishes were on display.
--- ---
Take it away
Mr. Bill Maher! Break a leg. Good luck. Thank you.
Storytelling Time:
*) Okay, get
Roll up your
sleeves and don’t give yourselves Carpel Tunnel.
Sensuality in
Minnesota definitely isn’t like sensuality in the Latino cultures.
sensuality and sexuality aren’t the same things. (Look it up.)
Second, no,
I’m not a piece of meat so don’t look at me like I’m some cow to be devoured.
Third, no,
don’t whistle at me I’m not a dog. No, I won’t be beckoned. I’m a woman.
Four, what
would you know about sensuality? Please.
Five, yes, I
refuse to masturbate across the page. That’s not my job. My job is to write.
Six, I can
look and speak to anyone I wish to without shame, without abuse, manipulation
or ulterior motives. You can look but
don’t touch. (Get it through your thick skulls.) Ha!
Seven, is
there anything else? Nope.
Let’s jump
right into today’s moral lesson:
Don’t Assume
Okay; let’s set
the scene:
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Time: 3:30pm
Downtown, Minneapolis
Place: Key's Café & Bakery
::: (Which
happens to be one of my favorite places in downtown, Minneapolis. Please
support such an incredible establishment, we do and we’ll continue to do so for
as long as we’re alive.) ::: Peace.
…Slowly, I made my way to the back of
the restaurant, turned a sharp left then a second sharp right into a bathroom
with a huge white “W” letter on the public restroom door. I went in and
thoroughly washed my hands, dried them and exited the lavatory…
…As I exited… I opened the large
women’s restroom door, inwards, (on my left) and exited into a long concrete
floored, dark grey, hallway; faced forward, looked into a glass, turned my head
to my right as I caught a figure out of my peripheral view and said to a man,
“I’m sorry I’m going slow.”
I didn’t wait
to hear his reply, turned my head and looked left; clumsily curved my entire
body in that direction as my right ankle felt a tinge of pain when I twisted
however I tried not to show it on my face.
I tried to
get out of the way as much as possible for the man who’d held the outer door
open for both the manager-type and myself when we entered the restaurant. He
didn’t leave any type of lustful imprint upon me, but his aura sure made an
impression. We were complete strangers passing by and we acted like it.
I entirely
exited out of the narrow and beautifully dimly lit hallway that leads to a
kitchen door with a circular transparent glass view-window in the middle of it; just before the hallway makes a slight curve
to the right and continues through another heavy brass door and exits into a
marble hallway of the Foshay tower.
Let, alone,
standing inside the beautiful, honey, marbled hallways of the Foshay tower
makes me want to make love to Eric. (No, I don’t believe in public sexual
intercourse. I’m, too, private for such nonsense.)
I reentered
the back of the restaurant, stood between a table and a black railing to allow
for the man to pass me by as he made his way down a set of three steps he
wheeled electrical equipment and high-tech tools on a trolley.
I inched my
way forward towards the front door where daylight was brightest.
I wanted to breathe
deeply but I caught myself and waited until I was outside.
There was a
sensual residue in the air leftover from the “sexy 1930’s” trapped inside those
echoing walls. Our interaction was all about platonic coincidence, timing and
chemistry. The air smelled clean. There weren’t any sex smells only a fresh
scent of the outdoors.
When the man
made it to the bottom of the steps I directly asked the back of his head, “Are
you the owner?”
“No. I’m not
the owner.” He choked back disbelief of the question.
“Do I look
like the owner?” He asked in surprise.
“Yes, you
walk like an owner.” I responded in all seriousness without a trace of
flirtation or sex in my voice. It was obvious that I wasn’t flirting. I was
merely curious about his nature.
“If I was the
owner would I be carrying this?” He asked in an amber timbre.
His voice
sounded like Louis Armstrong’s jazz horn.
I thought: Any intelligent woman could trust to fall
back into the arms of that voice.
A waitress
came towards us and they exchanged words.
As the
middle-aged waitress walked towards the back of the restaurant she faced me,
head-on, and eye-balled me while pretending like she wasn’t.
I eye-balled
her back without any pretence about doing so.
I wasn’t
interested in what they had to say to one another. It was obvious that they
were acquainted with each other, enough, to make some passing remark.
He picked up
his pace but to no avail.
Too, late.
I was already fascinated by his mellow and
calm yet authoritative movements.
I studied him
in his clothes.
I liked the
way he moved in them like a jungle cat.
He wore
comfortable, clean, unwrinkled, loosely-fitted blue jeans at the correct length
and a dark grey, rock star, T-Shirt with text pressed on it. I didn’t bother to
read the lettering. It was only a mere distraction from his movements.
I watched him
from the back as his T-Shirt rippled over his right ribcage like a slight
breeze over waves in low tide running right over the surface of them and over
the tops of sand dunes leaving behind the evidence of vertebrae indentations.
I thought that he was the type of man I could surf
with for an entire hot and muggy afternoon as comfortably as I do with my
closest male friends and drink mango juice at sunset, throw back a few beers at
night with a great meal and say our goodnights at the front door; that’s how
cool he was.
I continued
to slowly walk as fast as my sprained ankle would take me.
I didn’t try
to catch up to him.
If I could’ve
walked right alongside him then I would’ve.
I wanted to
know where he’d acquired such a confident walk without going into a long life
story about his childhood or his adulthood for that matter.
The man held
the slightest scent of walnuts and genuine fine leather exuding from his pores.
He faintly smelled like a great port wine, that,
smell, which came directly from his hair and not his breath. I liked his
smells. He smelled like a man.
Neither he
nor I took deep breaths while in each other’s presence.
It was as
though time slowed and we both slightly held our breaths, suspended, above our
heads, once, we caught up to one another.
He stopped,
waited for me to come to a complete full stop, right alongside him.
I stood on his
right hand-side, one foot away from him. With a total and complete cool
approach he waited for my closing remarks to politely cut across behind me and
turn right.
I left him
with a scent of my perfume upon my jet-black hair as we crossed paths without
ever touching the other, not once. Yes!
He left me wanting for the finest Cognacs in the world. I thought I could taste
Cognac upon the tip of my tongue.
We stopped
together at the edge of a larger square room near the deli counter at the end
of a narrow passageway with small tables on each side of the aisle; we stood,
not daring to look at each other.
He looked
down at his cases pretending to adjust something.
We stood
side-by-side almost like two equals
except for the following revelation:
“I know a lot
of owners who carry-out the trash.” I didn’t look at him.
“Oh, yeah.”
He scoffed off and shrugged his shoulders.
What a
He was a
completely different man than his walk let-on.
He looked
all, too, sheepishly for an adult man of his years and he, finally, understood
that I was being all too real with him.
He finally
seemed to understand that our interaction wasn’t about sexuality or sensuality
and I understood why he wasn’t the owner of the restaurant.
He didn’t
believe in the abilities of others much less his own. The End.
“All you have
to do is keep your clothes on!” Exclaimed the manager-type in his “theatre
voice” as loudly as he could project to his entire staff, patrons and
restaurant. Copy that!
We were jolted
awake by the random statement and I thought…Time
to get the hell on out of here. Yep.
Best Regards
and with all my love;
P.S. No, I
don’t hate any kids (not even our annoying and loud neighbors) however I do
hate their misbehavior and misconduct. (I misspoke out in anger. My deepest
apologies to all.)
Yes, I worked
with children for an entire decade and there are children all over the world
who know me to be a strict and respectful disciplinarian, fun with distinct
physical boundaries and open minded enough to listen to their lives even though
sometimes I’ve been mortified at the fact that children don’t die at the hands
of adults. Yes, from a far, I, respect children and its neither any of my
business to parent them nor do I care to. Please.
“I hate those
kids’ misbehavior.”
Corrections were made.
June 20, 2013
“I don't believe in devils.
Indifference and misunderstandings can create evil situations. Most of the
time, people who appear to be evil are really victims of evil deeds.” - Max von Sydow
““The word love has by no means the
same sense for both sexes, and this is one cause of the serious
misunderstandings that divide them.” - Simone de Beauvoir
“Don't Make Assumptions. Find the
courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with
others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama.
With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.” - Miguel Angel Ruiz
Shall we
Thank you,
I’d love to
watch the dancers across the ballroom floor from this balcony.
--- ---
Titanic: (Very large, enormous, powerful)
Titanic machines were needed to build the structure.
--- ---
Stop The
Key's Café & Bakery downtown,
Minneapolis is one of my favorite restaurants to eat at. It’ll continue to be
one of my favorites until the day it either closes (pray that it doesn’t) or I
pass on from old age. Period. Moving on. Next.
Please Stop.
Just Stop. Don’t be such ignoramuses.
No, I didn’t
write that we got food poisoning from Key's Café & Bakery.
Yes, I wrote
that our guest had vomited twice in one day.
No, neither
Eric nor I vomited; nor did either one of us become ill at any given point
during our guest’s stay.
Therefore, it
leads us to believe that our guest came down with heat exhaustion.
Now, just
because our guest did in fact become ill; Neither Eric nor I became ill
therefore it leads me to believe that most likely our guest came down with heat
exhaustion or the flu yet he didn’t exhibit any other flu symptoms. Period.
Chill out,
Chill out,
back up and face your dancing partners.
Everyone take
a deep breath and relax.
Don’t be
afraid to touch your dancing partners.
Yes, both, Eric
and I did have food poisoning three times this winter and spring and I know
exactly from which two restaurants and their locations in Minneapolis (not
downtown, Minneapolis) and Robbinsdale which that restaurant location is now
closed. Moving on. Next.
Yes, I keep
notes about all sorts of things especially the quality of food at different
establishments and I can tell you this; right-here-and-right-now;
we’ve never (not yet anyway,
knock on wood for good luck) been or have become ill from any of the restaurants
downtown, Minneapolis.
For almost
fourteen years Eric has been eating lunch downtown, Minneapolis
Monday-through-Friday at all types of different establishments. That’s fourteen
years that Eric eats all sorts of foods at all different types of restaurants
and establishments and so do I. We eat our meals downtown, Minneapolis each and
every day, because that’s how much we trust in downtown, Minneapolis.
I love and
trust downtown, Minneapolis and its restaurants because I DON’T get sick from
any of their food and we eat-out each-and-every single week after week, month
after month and year after year well into almost
a decade-and-a-half. Peace. Relax! Tranquillos.
Oh, my!
You’re not
Costa Ricans are you?
I could
almost get on a plane and not look back.
Now, if
you’re going to be like that then storytelling time is over and I can write
about politics, nature and weather and nothing else.
I’ll tell the moral from yesterday’s tale and you’ll blush at the fact that you
assumed way too much without hearing the end.
I’ll give you literary wet dreams for life.
Please, who’s
telling this story?
Me or you?
You or I?
Back it up.
We’re fair
minded people.
One of my grandfathers
was a member of the Massachusetts Restaurant Association.
I’ve got a
great deal of respect for restaurant owners, managers, staff members, workers
and anyone associated with making their bread and butter while working their
way through life and putting a roof over their children’s heads and food on
their tables. Absolutely. Here’s to you! Cheers! (I’m not made of stone!)
are in our blood, not because we’ve ever opened or ran any food or restaurant
establishment, but rather because we care about excellent policies implemented
for the overall great public health, employee safety, fair wages, their health
benefits, retirements and profits, shares and stocks. Period. Moving on. Next.
Best regards
and with all my love;
Grammatical mistakes were fixed. Thanks, guys! I’m working on my punctuation
especially on my apostrophes.
Almost on a
daily basis I look up punctuation rules that I was taught by the masters and I
can’t seem to find a shortcut or a good trick in remembering the rules to
apostrophes. Darn things! Cheers!
I’ll blog
about the deconstruction of apostrophes and then you’ll get it that I get it; I
just can’t seem to follow the rules in how to correctly and properly place
them. I get confused each and every time. English’s so awkward.
June 19, 2013
“The word love has by no means the
same sense for both sexes, and this is one cause of the serious
misunderstandings that divide them.” - Simone de Beauvoir
“Don't Make Assumptions. Find the courage
to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others
as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just
this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.” - Miguel Angel Ruiz
Shall we
Thank you,
--- ---
Titular: (in name only, having the title only)
The titular
head of the organization was the youngest member.
--- ---
After lunch; just as I was
about to leave Key's Café & Bakery
downtown Minneapolis: a short and stocky
balding Caucasian manager-type in a long white sleeved, work shirt stated in
his loud “city-voice” while he was seated just behind the deli entrance-counter
with two other business types: “All you have to do is keep your clothes on!”
(This isn’t any grounds for dismissal yet it’s definitely grounds for a
Oops, does someone have Tourettes Syndrome?
What the
Settle down.
When a man
makes such a blatant statement in a public space for all to hear then he’s
projecting his inner-psychological subconscious fears and sexual desires and
it’s as though a man will undress and make himself the object of repent in
front of perfectly good strangers because it’s just, too, random a statement
for everybody else to acknowledge what on earth he’s thinking. It was easy to
see that he had raw fucking sex on the mind. Please, keep it kosher family
friendly. (Yep, I’ve gone Kurt Vonnegut.)
There was no
need for him to become so unprofessional except for one reason and I might not
disclose it here. He’s a man like any other man…
Men have a
tendency to think a lot about sex all the time while women don’t.
It’s how
different our gender physiologies truly are. I didn’t take it personally
whatsoever, except for the mere fact that he made a complete bloody arse out of
himself. How uncouth.
He made sure
that I and everyone around a square mile radius of him could hear him loud and
clear. Copy that. What a dorky type.
What was he trying to prove? What was he getting at? I ignored him and slowly
made my way towards the front door with a busted foot (ankle, really).
I do keep my clothes on at all times. Thank you very much! I’m an old woman.
Twice, today,
with my delicious vagina: I’ve had to prove to three pricks that my dick was
larger than theirs. How boring indeed.
Yes, all you have to do is keep your clothes
That’s what sophisticated city folk do.
If you go around taking your clothes off then
you’re a freak and everybody knows it. Socks don’t count. Flip flops are fair
game. A bare foot is just, that, a bare foot.
{The only way that I take my clothes off is
when I’m about to bathe and retire for the evening or make love to Eric,
dressing or undressing in the privacy of our master bedroom and bathrooms…
Otherwise, it’s sexual assault or sexual
exploitation if someone rips off any women’s clothing; when and if that were
ever to happen again then be very well prepared to be killed (literally) in self-defense
and to philosophically be taken out of this world.
I won’t stand for such nonsense because I was
born an eighty-seven year old woman. I’m an old woman and I’ll die an old
woman. In other words I was born an old woman and that’s that. No mistake about
it. Back it up. I’m your grandmother in every way. My morals and ethics align
with the Greatest Generation.} Period.
While in
Minneapolis; I often think; it can’t be
about me: It can’t possibly be about me unless people / strangers have the
courage or the dumb audacity to address me head-on and then it’s on. Careful.
Minnesotans don’t have the courage to address anything directly to my face then
I don’t take whatever the hell they say personally because then it can’t
possibly be about me and I don’t go around the world thinking that anything’s
about me. Why would I? I don’t have that type of time. Deal with it. I’ve got
far more important things to do with my time.
For about an
hour we sat outside for lunch. After I ate my delicious honey BBQ wings I
retired to the women’s rest to wash my hands.
As I was
heading indoors; two employee male-types held the outer and inner doors open
for me: “Gentlemen, thank you.” I said to them. “I’m going slowly with this
sprained foot.”
“‘Oh, don’t
worry about it we’re also going slow.’” Said the manager-type as he held the
inner door open for me and the other man held the outdoor door open for both of
As I walked
pass the manager-type, both, he, and I, looked deeply at each other and for one
moment he seemed to think that he recognized me from somewhere; maybe, he,
thought, that I’d been one of his cleaning Mexican staff, but then he realized
that I was no one he’d ever socially interacted with and then his gaze quickly
turned into one of curiosity, fascination and instinctual sensuality and raw
No, I’m not
an uptight organic vegan type who’ll file a sexual harassment report if you
look at me twice with that type of sensual look of desire and lust. I don’t
really care if men get turned on by staring at me; then by all means just don’t
ever touch because I do have a deadly venom bite. I’ll leave you for dead with
your heart…
I became an
object of his quick admiration and I stared deeply into his soul because it’s easy
for a woman like me who knows herself all, too, well what’s behind a certain
male gaze.
No, I’m not
stupid even though people think that I am. I can tell when my breasts and
buttocks are being devoured by the male gaze. Please. Don’t think that I can’t
shrink a man to the real size of his dick, however; I choose not to. I’m, too,
intelligent to play that game.
I’d never
seen this particular man’s face before and he knew just as well as I did that we’ve never worked together much less ever
been properly introduced to one another.
He and the
younger male in his mid-thirties followed me into the restaurant just after
holding three doors open for each other.
…Slowly, I
made my way to the back of the restaurant, turned a sharp left then a second
sharp right into a bathroom with a huge white “W” letter on the public restroom
door. I went in and thoroughly washed my hands, dried them and exited the
More later…
I ran out of
It’s time for
I’m almost
afraid to take our guest out.
I hope that
our rock star guest from Stanford music department doesn’t get food poisoning
for the third time today. We’ve taken our guest out to eat and he’s vomited
twice just, today, alone. I feel awful about it. I don’t know what to think
anymore about Minneapolis restaurants. Oh, my!!! It puts me on the defensive,
on high alert and territorial about our guest’s well being…
Much Respect;
More later…
I’ve got to get washed up for late Nordic dinner.
June 17-18, 2013
No podcast:
Today and tomorrow
we’re visiting with and amongst relaxed rock stars.
Thanks for
the “Orion Music Festival” in Belle Isle, Michigan.
I understand
that it’s incredibly clean and lots of recycling.
No, I didn’t
attend but people are painting an awesome picture of that show.
Thanks for
“Amnesia Rock Fest” in Montebello, Quebec.
I understand
that it’s covered ankle-deep in urine and garbage.
No, I didn’t
attend but people are painting a vivid picture of that show.
See you
I’m taking it
easy while icing my ankle.
I’m going
slowly regardless of all of the fun activities lined up.
Today we go
and see “Man of Steel” and then Mexican for dinner.
What a rock
star weekend we had!
What a blast!
Best Regards;
P.S. I can’t
stand the loud mouthed and abusive African-American kids (ages 4-10) residing
down the street with their grandfather.
These kids
have the gull to call Eric “ugly” while he’s doing yard work around his own
private property. What a bunch of little bullies. If they speak in such a way
to Eric imagine what these little suckers will say and do to our children? What
the hell? Get those ghetto brats off of my front sidewalk.
Who the hell do they think they are? Oh, yeah -- that’s right; no body.
The little ghetto
brats; the-little-hood children will not get ahead in life because they have
horrible attitudes about everything
and they act as though they own our neighborhood by terrorizing it with
loudness all night long. These are children who scream at the top of their
lungs well into 11 and 12 O’clock at night. Oh, my god! What the hell!
I hate that
school’s out.
No, my front
yard isn’t any children’s playground.
No, I’m not
here to take care of screaming black children just because their parents won’t
look after them.
No, not any
child may insult us while going to-and-fro our driveway or putting out the
garbage cans. Please. Don’t be so goddamn insulting.
Can you
imagine a four year old calling your neighbors ugly? How déclassé. What a
little fucking bully and that’s how a crooked tree grows in Robbinsdale.
The thing is this: those kids’ parents don’t even pay taxes to
our block because the children live with their grandfather while their father’s
in jail so don’t give me any guff in my own neighborhood in which we pay for
these brats to attend public American school.
I hate living
amongst loud and disrespectful ghetto black children without any sense in their
brains. As a matter of fact I fell in love with Uptown, only, because you never
heard children screaming all day and all night long. I hate living amongst
screaming children without bedtimes or social boundaries.
children sure say a lot about their crazy parents.
I hate it
when black parents allow for their crazy black children to be crazy and out of
control, disrespectful and socially terrorizing.
It’s as
though these crazy little black kids are entitled thus they take over the
neighborhood by screaming at 7:30, 8:30, 9:30 and 10:30 at night.
kids be getting ready for bed anywhere around seven at night? Yes.
Eight O’clock
in bed, read for an hour.
Nine O’clock
lights out all year round.
our American children for excellence and success.
they’re mouthing off and calling us ugly.
I hate those kids’
The more I
hear screaming children late at night the less I like them and this
No, I haven’t
lived in Robbinsdale for one complete year.
Yes, I’m
giving it a whole hearted try for one full complete calendar year and after
that if I don’t like it then its literary war. Yes, I’ll philosophically war
against Robbinsdale if it means raging against ghetto attitudes and bad manners
like our neighbors who seem to be the only ones out of control on the entire
block week-after-week, month-after-month.
If you have
anything to say to me then say it to my face but be very well prepared to have
me be armed with words so painful to your egos that you’ll end up crushed for
I hate that
Americans breed like rats but they won’t control their brats. Please.
neighborhood isn’t a playground.
The entire
world isn’t a playground for your brats and the sooner they learn that then
they’ll be prepared for success.
Kids co-exist
amongst adults who bring home the bacon not the other way around.
Be quiet!
People are
peacefully dying at home from cancer, people are injured, telecommuting,
conducting calls worth thousands of dollars to Tokyo, relaxing, vacationing,
learning, wanting and needing peaceful nights at home.
Be quiet, you!
The world
doesn’t belong to children.
The world
belongs to adults who make the money around these parts and sustain our
communities, neighborhoods and cities. We make millions of dollars for
Minneapolis so we expect respect because we bust our balls making sure that our
city doesn’t sink into the mud so your children can attend public schools in
the area.
What’s so
hard about that? Nothing.
June 18, 2013
“Talent is God given. Be humble. Fame
is man-given. Be grateful. Conceit is self-given. Be careful.” - John Wooden
“Believe in yourself! Have faith
in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own
powers you cannot be successful or happy.” - Norman
Vincent Peale
“My religion consists of a humble
admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight
details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind.” - Albert Einstein
“Pride slays thanksgiving, but a
humble mind is the soil out of which thanks naturally grow. A proud man is
seldom a grateful man, for he never thinks he gets as much as he deserves.” - Henry Ward Beecher
“The common idea that success
spoils people by making them vain, egotistic and self-complacent is erroneous;
on the contrary it makes them, for the most part, humble, tolerant and kind.” - W.
Somerset Maugham
Shall we
Thank you,
I’m moving
quite slowly.
--- ---
Treatise: (a systematic composition of dignity and
He wrote a
learned treatise on the science of government.
--- ---
On a Personal Side Note: Yes, on Friday evening around dusk I was
greatly humbled by the Gods when I fell off my skateboard for the first time in
two years and received a minor ankle sprain. Aye, aye, just a scratch. Nothing’s broken. (No, I didn’t take any
painkillers except for one shot of vodka and two Ibuprofens.) It hurt like hell
on Friday night.
No, I’m not
Yes, I know
what it’s like to feel the intense pain of a broken bone, deep tissue road-rash
in which you can see all the way down to white bone and what dislocating a
shoulder is all about and placing it back into its socket all by myself (I
almost passed out from the pain but I didn’t.)
This swollen
ankle is a scratch and minor compare to the other three types of injuries.
Yes, I wear a
helmet no matter what my hair may look like when I take it off.
I got
distracted and looked away from my skateboard as I stepped down on my right
ankle and twisted it. No, I haven’t twisted an ankle since 1990-1991 when I
sprained my right ankle five times in one year running track and field. All’s
well with the world. I’ve got a great deal of respect for humanity because I
get humbled each and every single day of my life.
The Gods know
A friend in
the industry keeps telling me: “‘you’re one of the lucky ones because early on
you took control over her career. For that reason, alone, no one knows who you
are or what you do. You’ve got your freedom intact until…’ ” How right he is.
I slowly
walked all the way up to the street in a minor sprain and I couldn’t even bum a
smoke off of the bum on the corner muttering to himself because he and no one
else around cared who the hell I was.
It was the
greatest feeling on Earth to be so humbled and unrecognized by all. Yes!
Absolutely yes! All I could think was, “someday it won’t be like this, so for
right now enjoy it for all it’s worth.”
Do you think
that I haven’t known for most of my adult life that I’m meant to be famous?
(No, no delusions of
grandeur. You’re reading the work of a woman who grew up in the jungle-barrios
of Costa Rica and had no idea what the hell Television even was until the age
of ten. Please.) Yes, as an adult I’m actually a real executive producer with
more content than llamas have saliva.
Someone with
as much intelligence, content and talent as myself and my equals don’t hideaway
in the shadows unless we like to, because we hate overly calculated stimuli.
The greatest
thing that I’ve got going for me is that I’m extremely independent, introverted
and intelligently smart about many subject matter.
that I went to school with and was ever jealous or green with envy would go out
of their way to tell me: “Someday you’re going to be famous.” Then they’d give
me a look that said it all; “We hate you!” Alright. Whatever. Let them hate me.
Yes, I’ve
known it all along and so have they.
They just
happened to be dumb enough to point out the obvious right along with their
hatred about the fact that they were not going to become really famous even though they wanted it so much more badly than I
ever did.
I can take it
or leave it.
I don’t
really care.
I never did
care about fame and because of that I aggravated them to the core of their
shallow beings. How could, I, be so close to something they wanted and yet not
reach out and grab it? Our family has known (on a personal level) quite
successful film producers for the past fifty years. How dare, I, not pluck the
fruit from the vine? How dare, I, not go after what every arts school kid is
after? How dare I? Yep. I dare. Picking fruit is hard work especially when one
has competition from the strong and dumb monkeys.
Of course I
know that someday I’ll become famous
but for now, it sure feels incredibly good to be no one special.
Yes, I’ll
become famous when the public pays me for my work and not one minute before
that. If the public doesn’t pay for my work then I won’t belong to them and
I’ve got no interest in becoming a public figure. I’m a private citizen until
that moment. Period. I know how this game is played better than most. Peace.
Moving on. Next.
I love how Minnesotans mind their own goddamn business… as a grown
adult woman if I need help then I’ll ask for it but as you can see; I’d rather
walk myself to a nearby hospital even if it means walking on a sprained ankle
then to ask for help from strangers because I’m just as stubborn as the
character of Anne of Green Gables.
No, I’m not
anything like the character, but I can relate to her stubborn nature.
My father
told me that the best advice his mother ever gave him was this: “Mind your own
business!” Here! Here! Cheers to that! I drink a toast in honor of that motto.
I’m grateful
to all of the Minnesotans who minded their own business and left me alone to
figure out my minor sprain. Oh, I was so grateful not to be asked
million-and-one-questions by lovely and perfectly good looking strangers
loading music gear onto a loading dock. What rock stars! They knew better.
If any adult
woman needs help then she’ll ask for it and if she does then she means
business. She won’t be fucking around especially if she were ever to be gravely
injured otherwise, no news is good news.
June 17, 2013
Happy Monday!
No blog.
Mondays off through Monday, September 2nd, 2013.
June 14, 2013
“Do not dwell in the past, do not
dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.” - Buddha
“An insincere and evil friend is
more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an
evil friend will wound your mind.” -
“Three things cannot be long
hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.” -
“There are only two mistakes one
can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting.” - Buddha
Happy Friday!
Shall we
--- ---
Subsidiary: (dependent, acting as a supplement)
A subsidiary
branch of the company was opened yesterday.
Take it away
Mr. Bill Maher! We, The People cheer you on. Break a leg! Good Luck. Thank you.
P.S. I’ve
given Europe quite a bit of thought and consideration within the recent past
twenty-five years of history.
I’ve got many
letters to write by hand or typewriter written.
No, I don’t
feel prepared to write such letters to all types of citizens across the globe
because I’ve given a great deal of reflection to the plights of many different
regions and all I know is that: I know, what, I know from my acute perspective.
I don’t
pretend to know anything unless it’s been taught to me through logic, reasoning
skills and analytical critical thinking.
I take
everything at face value but I very rarely believe in what’s said unless it’s
face to face communication so that I may study the characteristics and honesty of
other individuals and their features; or if a concept is explained to me from
those whom I seek explanations which more often than not they’re masters or
experts in their fields. Cheers to that!
Who am I to
know any better for others?
No body.
I’m somebody
who doesn’t reside in other global regions (at this time) but I’d like to think
that I can understand what other people go through on a daily basis in order to
place food on their tables and a roof over their heads for their children and
elderly. Period.
I do think
the world to be as it is because first-handedly we’ve traveled it.
I can
understand the beauty and struggle as they stand hand-in-hand against dark
Yes, Scottish
and Irish histories are roaming around my brain today.
No, I haven’t
forgotten. I owe your people one letter.
I’ve been
well acquainted for twenty-five years with the Scotts and thirty years with the
Irish. What do you think Bean town is all about? Peoples whose lineages take
them as far back as they can to their Motherlands. We all come from certain
soils and that’s what marks us as individuals with particular stories,
histories and memories in the struggle to survive the weather, wars, disease
and famine.
I raise a
glass to all!
Here’s to
I can see the
moving images of those who stood, on
these, here, rich lands, well, before us and lived, fought for their
freedoms and survived humanity’s plight and went on to thrive.
Survival has
occurred since the beginning of cavemen times.
To survive
the human condition isn’t something new or unique to humans just like
mean-spirited people meander the Earth, asleep to their spiritual, calm and
compassionate needs. Opa!
We’ve been at
the human plight ever since the start of humans as a species.
The key, the goal
and the intent is to thrive as humans not to merely make-it-by.
It’s not good
enough to survive just because all other species do.
Humans are
granted the power of intelligence.
Humans are
indeed refined instruments of their own making.
We see, we
learn, we reason, we use logic and we can develop and improve upon our
evolution. We’re not some foraging bacteria, amebas or amphibians.
Humans aren’t
necessarily confined to trees because panthers and jaguars roam the forest
Humans aren’t
necessarily forced to peel off bugs from their coats and eat them for protein.
Humans aren’t
necessarily foraging the forest floors for nuts and berries to eat.
Humans aren’t
cold blooded no matter how many con-artists, one, may encounter.
Humans are
indeed mammals like elephants, dolphins, deer, cows, buffalo, rabbit, squirrel,
mice and beavers.
circulatory systems work the same and thus we have common knowledge and respect
for those, whom, which, we, co-exist
amongst as humans.
co-exist amongst other animals.
Other animals
don’t co-exist amongst humans unless they must.
Humans can
think through logical explanations and come up with reasonable concepts; for
example such as: brain surgery and space rockets; we can and do read and write,
create, innovate, and reach for the next set-of-steps in evolutionary
advancement because all we can hope for is that the next generation, and, the
one following that; all the way till the last surviving human, that, our offspring will be better off
than previous generations and stay healthy to continue the human lineage or
humanity perishes. Period. The End.
One can only
hope and wish for our offspring to be better equipped for the world then we
ever were and to be free to think and innovate towards the advancement of our
development or we seize to exist.
Simple as that. I can dilute this equation further; however we’re all smart
enough to know what’s going on around the globe. Yes, indeed.
Our job is to be present, alert and make sure that
the history books contain correct information and facts about our present Era
even if we hate to hear, read and speak the honest to god brutal truth about
the times in which we live-in; for example genocide, on-going-wars, lies,
deceit and corruption about our current status quo as one body of work.
Am I getting
a little bit too “heady” now?
thoughts won’t hurt you.
They’ll only
make you smarter.
P.S.S. Yes,
I’m getting informed by experts that the “Fluoride” in toothpaste is the same
in H2O is indeed toxic. Ask the experts. I’m neither a chemist nor any type of
chemical expert. I’m simply informed and that’s that.
Note: Yes,
I’m getting informed by experts that public cameras don’t drive crime down.
It’s been
proven that the technology isn’t like “NCIS” such as-in-the Television show or
that the technology is anywhere near as fancy as it’s portrayed by independent
contractors or police forces.
cameras are a made-up industry for surveillance of The People but its poor
quality and it doesn’t totally and completely prove anything 100%.
Okay. I
believe the experts. I won’t be voting for police public cameras. It’s a bogus
June 13, 2013
Shall we
Correction; Thank you
to the City of Minneapolis for patching up the pot-holes in Theo Wirth Parkway;
Today I found out that it wasn’t the city of Golden Valley that made those
repairs rather it was the City of Minneapolis.
grateful and proud of all of the hardworking men and women who maintain our
freeways, streets, parkways and parks. We’re grateful! The only thing that I
ever wanted to be in life as far as a career is concerned was a park ranger,
but I chickened out because I love city living. It’s so damn convenient for all
types of events.
--- ---
“I Had My Chance”
I had my chance and I let it go
Well if I ever have myself another chance like
I'm going to grab it and I won't look back
Sometimes I'm too careful
I walk just like I'm carrying a hand grenade
It's going tick tick tick tick tick tick tick
Ticking ticking ticking in my hand
It's going tick tick tick tick ticking in my
Tick tick ticking in my hand
And if I ever have myself another chance like
I'm going to grab it and I won't look back
Yea if I ever have myself another chance like
I'm going to grab it and I won't look back
--- ---
Farmers Market June 2013
Downtown, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Thank you
Now, I’ve missed
the downtown, Minneapolis’s Farmers Market for the past two seasons as part of
a personal boycott; I did indeed get marked as “trash” and racially profiled by
some of the vendors in past seasons. No fun! (We’ll let bygones be bygones.) I
left for a while. I had to; the communication was, too, ghetto for me to deal
with; the lack of refined urban communication in human compassion left a sour
taste in my mouth.
heartedly, it’s one of my favorite Farmers Markets here in town. It’s a real
urban experience which brings together the heart of the city; farmers and
corporate-workers. Incredible! Wonderful! Thank you.
When I worked
out of the 40th floor of the I.D.S. building (2006-2007) that’s when
I learned and found out about the Farmers Market and it’s been in my heart ever
I love that
it’s so affordable for all economic classes and income brackets. Thank you for
feeding the people of Minneapolis and the surrounding townships without
breaking the bank. We’re grateful.
I’ve grown,
developed and matured within the past two years.
I’ve become
calm, relaxed and assertive ever since I had surgery November 2011.
When I was in
pain 24/7 I was a curmudgeon, grouchy and cantankerous at people who took up
way, too, much space and acted like barn animals from the surrounding rural
People who
ate with their mouths open and projectile little bits of food and saliva in
others’ faces while talking.
I used to get
real annoyed and angry at having to deal with Caucasian barn animals that pride
themselves in “white privilege” but had no class to speak of. I used to get
frustrated at being treated like a thief without stolen anything.
For many years, everywhere I went downtown I was either followed around or scolded by
establishment workers and it grates on a human soul to be made a criminal
before proven guilty.
Now, I’m
I’ve come to
a few realizations, epiphanies and conclusions about people who throw stones at
glass houses.
I’m still
hyper about the fact that many of the goods and services that are distributed
by corporations are indeed mediocre, cheaply-made and more expensive than it
requires for the products to be so. Highway robbery…
Like my
Roseville, social worker auntie, who recently retired from Hennepin County’s
social work services, just like her, I, too, will comment very loudly if the
service is lousy or if the goods are crap. I’ve got no qualms with doing so
because as a woman it’s my prerogative.
The Elders in
my family have taught me that it’s okay to make a fuss about the mediocrity in
our culture and these are Caucasian, Finn, Jewish and Muslim women who won’t
take any guff from anyone.
I like that.
I’ll travel silently and will disappear at a moment’s notice; nevertheless if
I’m being physically mishandled or racially profiled then I can raise a stink
like these Elder women in my family can and do.
Dealing with
the Elder women in my family when they are dissatisfied can become a real royal
pain in the ass because they can become annoyed, frustrated and loud thus
broadcasting to everyone nearby that poop has been flung in their direction by
monkeys (people).
At times: I,
too, raise a stink when monkeys (literally) have tried to fling poop at me;
monkeys know that I don’t like it when they attempt to fling poop in my
direction and they’ve come to learn over a 34 year period that I, too, will
squat, take a dump and fling poop at the monkeys if it means the difference
between having them war against me or stand my ground.
Don’t think
that I won’t.
They know
learned over time.
Do you know
why I’ll raise a stink?
I’ll protect
myself against monkeys (literal animals) because they’re incredibly strong but
stupid and not very clever.
There’re a few
monkey tribes (literally) who know me by smell and sound and when I enter the
jungle floor they leave me alone because I’m passing through, taking refuge
from the world and I’m extremely quiet while amongst their clans.
They know I
come in peace and I mean no harm.
The monkeys
know I mean business yet I’m relaxed. They let me make a fire and boil some
water for coffee, take a siesta, hang out and relax amongst their clans because
we know one another even though we don’t belong to each others’ tribes.
I’ve come to
find out that people are no different than monkeys or any other mammals for
that matter. I could get into the differences in comparison between the two,
but I won’t; you can do that on your own.
downtown, Farmers Market is a place where you better know what’s going on with
you. It’s such a sophisticated place in which you may not freak out, yell at
people or mutter or get naked. I love the sophistication of that Farmers Market
just as much as I love the Farmers Market in Uptown behind the “Rainbow”
grocery store there.
I love the
downtown Farmers Market because people are cool, relaxed and even though the
streets are crowded, sometimes, for a moment; just a mere moment I can sense
the heat, excitement and culture of New York City, but it only happens for about three seconds and then it’s gone.
I grew up,
summers, at the Manhattan marina shopping for coffee and bagels at the deli
around the corner. I miss delis on almost every other street corner. I miss
family owned bakeries and meat counters (butchers).
I live for
those moments in which I feel as though I’m standing at a crosswalk in the
middle of Manhattan or Soho with my Minnesota family who’s been living there
for over fifty years and our in-laws were off-Broadway stars. Ha! It’s so cute.
Our in-laws rocked N.Y.C. in the 1920’s, 30’s and 40’s. There’re pictures of
wild Broadway parties to prove it.
I love the
suits and their lunchtime freedom to roam Nicolette Ave. amongst the lovely
farmers and their families.
I love this
I live for
this town.
I live for
many other towns across the globe.
I’d live in
Czechoslovakia (of course, I know it’s called the Czech Republic) if our family
and our work weren’t here. Don’t think that I don’t know what’s been going on
around the globe, because citizens keep me informed about weather, politics,
agriculture, art, science, mathematics and their people.
I live for
this town because it means just as much to me as it does N.Y.C. and Boston as
well as one other town in Texas, which I won’t give it away. It’s a secret to
Thank you for
treating me humanly today.
Today, I was
better treated at the Farmers Market than I ever had since 2006.
I’m human. I
like to be treated with dignity and not like some dumb monkey although Caucasian
people are the only ones to go out of their way and tell me to my face that I
look like a monkey. What idiots! How racist.
I like to
shop from one particular Asian family because they’ve always been so good to
our family. I won’t forget it. I never forget anything. You’re in my heart.
My alarm just
went off.
See you
Note: If, one hasn’t watched a film, then, one
can’t critically review a film. The entire critique of one individual falls
apart when they haven’t screened a film because they don’t quite know what
they’re talking about. Please watch a film before giving it a review and please
no generalizations about any towns, cities or states. Thank you.
P.S. Yes, as
a matter of fact Monsanto now owns Hormel of Minnesota.
I wouldn’t
eat it if I were you.
I wouldn’t
eat any GMO’s because it’s been factually proven in mice studies that
genetically modified foods kill the mice from different forms of cancers. How
It’s too bad that
Hormel sold out.
exactly what “selling-out” looks like.
Selling out;
does indeed kill and murder innocent citizens and civilians for profit and
nothing else especially in a sneaky and pervasive manner. Pity.
What a shame
that we’re a country in which our corporations refuse to stand for anything
much less a moral code and center. Individuals stand with a moral center and
since corporations are now considered individuals (yeah, right!) by some crazy
legal technicality then don’t corporations have the responsibility to find a
moral code and become just as responsible as adult individuals are? Yep.
--- ---
P.S.S. I’ll
come back later in the day.
Next: Tennis
and the Farmers Market.
I just found
out that “Farmers Market” is spelled without any apostrophes.
June 12, 2013
Shall we
“Gone for Good”
I'm never going back
Never going back to you
I'm never going to see you again
I'm never going to dig out your picture
I'm never going to look you up someday
Life is very short
You don't love me anymore
So I'm never going to see you again
I'm never going to write you a letter
Never going to call you on the phone
I'm never going to drive by your house
I'm never going to catch you coming outside
Never going to walk up your walk
And ring your bell
And feel you fall into my arms
I'm never going to see you
I'm never going to see you again
You’re gone for good
--- ---
No, we don’t
live in the millionaire neighborhood of Kenwood, Mpls.
No, we don’t
live in Uptown, Mpls (“an overpriced ghetto”) amongst fake hipsters.
No, we don’t
live in the Seward, Mpls neighborhood of public school, trust-fund babies who
live in squalor.
No, we don’t
live in Northeast, Mpls neighborhood of rich artists who pretend to be poor.
No, we don’t
live in North, Mpls neighborhood in which the property owners fight for their
freedom from the gun violence, pimps and prostitution. North is a neighborhood
architecturally more beautiful than all of Minneapolis combined.
No, we don’t
live in the Bryn Mawr, Mpls neighborhood at the edge of North, Mpls.
No, we don’t
live in downtown, Minneapolis, (although we might as well.)
No, we don’t
live amongst the rich people of Theo Wirth Parkway and the golf course.
No, we don’t
live in the Golden Valley neighborhood one mile from Robbinsdale.
Yes, we live
in the City of Robbinsdale amongst the blue collar and professional doctors.
No, we’re
neither blue collar nor doctors.
Yes, we’re
professional filmmakers and broadcasters by trade.
Yes, we run
our companies from our private studio and the office.
Yes, at home
we have modest laptops and that’s about it.
Yes, I still
listen to records on a 1970’s stereo.
Yes, I still
type letters in an old 1930’s “Royal” typewriter.
Yes, we have
lots of inexpensive books and modest furnishings from the 1930’s that would
give you a hernia if you decided to pick them up and move them. The furniture
was my great-aunt Ellen’s (family heirlooms throughout the generations) shipped
to Minnesota from San Francisco when she passed on.
We own one
Tele and no landlines.
The internet
and satellite are the fanciest things we own.
No, we don’t
have squat to steal; nothing that’ll amount worth anything in value.
My laptop was
worth maybe $200.00 and my home camera was worth $70.00. Ha!
Oh, I’ve got
a $70.00 digital walk-man.
How fancy is
Not very but
No, we don’t
have anything worth stealing and neither do our neighbors or anybody else’s
neighbors for that matter.
If we have
anything of value then it’s locked up in a vault downtown.
What else?
What’s the
most expensive thing I own?
My two-dollar
worth any type of gold is sitting inside a vault that contains thousands of my
ideas about the world and we’ll get them patented, copyrighted, and officially
sealed before I die.
My thoughts
and ideas are worth more than all of the objects we own.
Do you think
that I’m not familiar with Tesla’s theories? Do you think that I don’t have an
energy grid mapped out to bring light to our brothers and sisters in ghettos
and shantytowns? Do you think that I’m okay with food and H2O becoming
commodities only for the wealthy to occupy? Do you think that I don’t think
about restructuring the tax code, the educational system and the infrastructure
of this country? Think again.
I care about
what happens to this Nation.
I care more
deeply than you’ll ever know even though people tell me that they believe I’m made-out-of-stone or
that I’m exactly like “Mr. Darcy” or “Mr. Spock.” Please. I feel deeply. I’m
more sentimental than I’ll ever let you know in person. No, I’ll never cry in
front of you. I can hold my tears and my rage back from drowning you in sorrow.
It’s been explained
to me that we live where the “rich people” live within the surrounding
neighborhoods of Theo Wirth Parkway near the golf course, Kenwood, downtown,
Bryn Mawr, North and Northeast; HOWEVER, we’re middle-income-earners who live
modestly and can afford leisure, movies, tennis, travel and eating-out like any
other middle income earners of our social status and economical class before
hitting that two-hundred-thousand dollar mark. I guess that once you’re at
two-hundred-thousand dollars per annual-income then one becomes “upper middle
earners” and, one, is no longer considered “middle income earners.”
We’re just
like that; we afford our lifestyles because we believe in a vital economy in
which everyone does well by everybody else.
Oh, my alarm
just went off.
Time to move
What I want
you to know is that we live in the heart of Minneapolis, because all of these
neighborhoods surround us. All of these neighborhoods are just as much a part
of our pumping heart as any other vital organ. We look forward to seeing
vitality, peace, justice, safety, love and a thriving economy in these
neighborhoods, because when they do well then so does the heart of the City of
Note: Thank
you for fixing the tremendous potholes on Theo Wirth Parkway and across from
the golf course entrance. We’re grateful to the city of Minneapolis for taking
care of one of our favorite places in all of the Twin Cities.
On a
bi-weekly basis I see deer, turkey, raccoon, turtle, Cardinals, hawk and crows.
I’m grateful for this incredible piece of land untouched by corporations. Thank
you from the bottom of my heart.
What’s this
that I hear that the people of Golden Valley have to fork over $5.00 bucks
every hour that they play tennis? That’s ridiculous!
Here in the
City of Robbinsdale our taxes and our municipal liquor store pay for the
maintenance of our tennis courts. We do play on top of seasonal blown garbage
(which it can’t be helped with outdoor courses) but hey, at least we don’t have
to pay five bucks every hour we play tennis. I’ve fallen in love with tennis. I
look forward to golfing in about a decade when I retire from this work, become
an expert writer and go on to master discipline to construct masterpieces.
Best Regards
to all;
P.S. Please
bring a lawsuit forth to all of these crazy, evangelical, morbid, sadistic,
ideological and policy-ridden rapist Republicans in Congress wanting to control
the uteruses and ovaries of women. Please.
Slap them
with some type of charge... These are the crazy motherfuckers playing god with
Roe v Wade.
These are
insane people who think that they can decide the outcome of each and every
abortion as though they believe to pretend-to-play god. Crazy and inhumane
people will get our women killed. Please don’t let them get away with murdering
the women of America by making abortion illegal which will drive women
underground to administer their own abortions. Please, no. That’s 100 steps
backwards to 1885. Please, no.
June 11, 2013
Shall we
Thank you,
Let’s rock
this party!
I’m sick and
tired of lame Minnesota parties.
anybody know how to relax and party, peacefully, anymore?
thanks for the fabulous party this weekend.
It was
--- ---
Okay; Tica
About the
subject matter of friendship;
While living
in Minnesota I’ve come to learn that people are extremely and excruciatingly,
painstakingly passive-aggressive in communication especially when it comes to
misunderstandings, cowardice and apologies.
I’ve recently
learned that people in Minnesota grow up to perceive daylight as a commodity
and thus most of life becomes a commodity in cultural-perspective and in terms
of relationship to everything else in life that which matters most.
Daylight is
anything but a commodity; daylight is the difference between life and death for
most people around the globe who still (as of this very hour) live without
electricity in ghettos and shantytowns; therefore it appears that daylight is
far more essential than just something to be considered a thing, to make the
most of but rather a need in terms of substance than a mere object.
Daylight is
one of the greatest friendships that humanity holds true and dear in connection
to mother Earth and the sun. Moving on.
I’ve come
across many people who don’t have any connections or means to social status and
/ or money therefore they are morbid and manipulative social climbers for the
one-and-only reason to get “more in touch” and connected to people with more money
or status than they’ve got so they can use their connections to get ahead while
harming others in the process of that particular and specific goal in mind.
climbers can be dangerous when they harm others through their maniacal, twisted
and demented delusions of grandeur as gossipers and liars for the mere sport of
it. Careful.
This modus
operandi is ridiculous because a) Minnesotans don’t really support each other
especially outside of their many social circles b) Minnesotans live in cliques
that fight and hate each other however there it is, company to make the long
winters pass by c) Minnesotans like to have their backs scratched but they
don’t like to scratch; (in other words they like everything done for free) d)
Minnesotans don’t climb together; it’s all about the first, one, who, gets to
the top of the summit, wins, and gets to look around while their friends fall
to their deaths down below. Oops. (Did I spell it out for you? I’m curling my
eyelashes over here.) I could pretend to act like Marilyn Monroe and piss the
hell out of ya’ all.
Now, I’ll
speak to anyone.
No, I’m not
afraid to speak to anyone. Please.
I won’t
necessarily go out of my way, but...
I’ll speak to
anyone from the bum sitting on the curb to the capitalist.
I’m an adult
woman and least of all am I afraid to speak to the supposedly small town
celebrities in these parts because I can and will. I don’t need anybody’s
permission to communicate to others. Why wouldn’t I be connected to you just as
much as you’re connected to me? Please.
I’ll even go
so far as introducing myself to anyone, but by no means are we friends or are
we going to become friends. Spending an evening at a party talking to someone
is just that, conversation; deliciously, better, yet, political discussion or
introduction doesn’t mean anything to me other than it’s fun to speak with
perfectly intelligent strangers and to wine side by side with those who can
peacefully relax amongst mutual friends of friends even if we’re only perfect
strangers to one another.
Relax, no one
needs or wants anything from you. Relax.
No, I don’t
go anywhere with the expectation that anyone owes me anything much less do I
owe them anything but respect, soberly functional communication and
understanding as well as any peoples can through multiple languages.
If, you,
could only speak my language then we’d laugh inside spools of locked humor.
Everything’s funnier in Spanish. There’re no bombs aimed with hidden messages
out of mockery or disrespect.
My people
don’t hate themselves so they don’t have to go around mocking others.
No, I don’t
go anywhere conducting business.
If I’ve got
business to conduct then it’ll be done at the negotiating table on Wednesday
mornings in a feminine uniform. Please. No, I don’t need a single penny from
anybody. I can set up meetings with any of the world’s leaders at a moment’s
notice and be penciled in. Thank you.
We’re middle
income earners and we live for a better future.
We meet our
needs. Thank you.
If, we meet and
someone happens to hawk their good little egos at me then I’ll tell them that
I’m a dishwasher and more often than not people are shallow-enough to walk away
from me mid-sentence right after that statement is made. Good riddance. Don’t
waste my time. Keep it real. We’re all human, here.
Yes, we’ve
locked down our investors for the next decade. Period. Thank you.
We can create
whatever the hell we want.
This blog
could all become a rant for the six years (and I’d have a blast with that) but
I’m far more constructive in my writing than that. I’m overly educated thus
I’ve got literary criteria and responsibilities to fulfill as well as creative
agendas planned like daily lessons to meet my twenty thousand hours towards
becoming an expert writer. Cheers!
You can
namedrop all day long and I may or may not know people but get this: I’m well
informed about people in this town and in any other town for that matter; I’m
well informed about people that I’ve never even met. I’m mutual friends with
newspaper royalty all across these United States of America. You have no idea
as to whom I know.
If I were so
to choose or desire to inquire or meet anyone then I can: Why? Because of who I
am. I’m, who, I say I am; dating as far back to 1066 when we became Lords after
the Battle of Hastings; we became Stewarts of the lands, finances and affairs.
I know it’s a joke to you, but the experience is what’s brought us thus far and
that’s why our family doesn’t work for yours. We’ve toiled the land alongside
the serfs and we know all about serfs and their plight. It’s been our
responsibility to keep them and their families fed, healthy and alive.
I realize
that you don’t even know what that means therefore please don’t go around
producing music videos about something that can’t be explained away in a dusty,
two-dollar vest.
No, I haven’t
watched any of the music videos or listened to your musica; however my friend
explained to me the music video like it was storytelling time and I listened to
the rhythms and sounds of his voice as he described moving images like passing
clouds. How much fun! What I’ve got in mind is probably not even the same thing
as what the music video portrays. Cheers! Peace.
I’d love to
tease so hard but I must not be like that here upon the page until we meet face
to face because “royalty” can always say… …to each other. Right? Right. Cheers.
If you so much as profess to be any people’s royalty then answer me this… until
we meet, because you owe me one correspondence in polite gesture towards
communication. I love to test people. I know, I know. People don’t really
matter to the Minnesotans unless one has a jeweled encrusted forehead full of
diamonds. How lame.
Minnesotans don’t seem to understand is that no one really needs them, yet
they’re allowed to stay in the game because they have some Lutheran value
system that keeps others believing that Minnesotans do their best and that’s
all that one would hope for.
Best Regards
to complete strangers in this weird social scene;
Lady Gabriel
(Ha!) (Eat it for late Nordic dinner.) Can
you swallow it? Don’t choke on it! (A title or a familial Crest of Arms
doesn’t mean anything especially if you’ve ever starved in your lives while
living in America.)
No, we didn’t
purchase our titles over the internet. The Crest came with courage, honesty and
hard work as well as loyalty to the aristocrats of that time period. We didn’t
purchase our status; it comes with a proven history and a testimony of our
P.S. I don’t pretend
to know strangers or acquaintances; no matter how famous anybody is. If we’ve
never spoken face to face or directly communicated through correspondence then
we don’t know each other. If I don’t know you then it’s because I don’t know
your smell as someone who’s held a conversation with me over the duration of
As for that little girl: Please stop telling people that we know
each other because we don’t.
----- -----
To answer
your questions:
No, I’m anything but arrogant.
Yes, I do
have pride like any other adult woman.
Yes, I’m
No, I’m not any more or less crazy than you are but when I’m tired or hungry I
can get dumb and stupid.
No, I’m not a lesbian, although what woman wouldn’t love to make
passionate love to another woman at least once in her lifetime? Please.
No, I’m not a freak. My arms and legs haven’t been cut off and if
that were the case then my head would also have to be cut off right along with
my limbs because if I were left alive to fit anything into my mouth then I’d
plot to kill all of my enemies, one-by-one in their sleep.
If I were a freak then I’d
live for vengeance and nothing else plotting away as to how to slowly kill
those who’d dare make me into a freak without a choice to accept membership.
No, I didn’t betray anybody;
they betrayed me and for that reason alone I’ve now turned them into the
“Chicken People” never to be touched again for another seven generations. One of us… We accept them.
Now that I’ve got the truth by the balls; I
see the light of their ways; they’re more corporate and more a part of “The
Man” than I am.
No, I’m not
the freak, they are.
No one will
partner up with “them” so as to have their linage die off within seven
generations. Their sons and daughters are now taboo here within these city
walls. One of us… We accept them.
We might do
business with the public school, trust-fund babies who like to live in squalor
but like hell if we’ll ever touch or marry off into their clans. Please. Betrayal
hurts, doesn’t it? Wait for the snowball effect. Not being able to marry off
sons and daughters can only mean one thing; inbreeding and death.
When women are taken
sexually advantage of and exploited then they become less of a freak to their
own natures and more like lovely soldiers, understanding generals and
sharpshooters and excellent referees; women become that, which, men ought to be
all along in cultured society; disciplined, observant, caring and protective of
their nationalities. Peace.
else? Nope.
June 10, 2013
I’ll come
back to make grammatical changes. Thanks.
Happy Monday!
See you on
Tuesdays until Monday, September 2nd, 2013:
I love long
weekends! I just do.
June 7, 2013
Congratulations to the Graduating
Class of 2013!
Thank you to all of the parents,
teachers, family members, friends and administrators; and all those who guided
these graduates through and towards their completion and on their way to their
life’s journey.
Know your
We know who
our enemies are.
I have so many words to write to this
graduating class in hopes that they’ll understand my deepest sentiments about
lost friendship, lost respect, censorship, misuse of power, distrust and most
of all manipulation and heartbreak, hurt and strength.
I like to be the last to throw a
punch but when I do it I mean it.
If I take a punch then others better
be able to receive a punch just as well as I do.
Yes, your friends will misguide you,
desert you and disrespect you.
It happens.
It doesn’t need to be that way but
it’s because the American culture is a mean-spirited, disturbing and selfish,
one, not to mention abusive.
It is part of life because people get
hurt, misguided and misused by others.
Your friends will laugh in the face
of adversity yet it’ll be hallow laughter filled with fear because they know
that they’ve wronged and they’ve been wronged.
If your friends pretend to laugh in
the face of adversity it’s because they hate what they’ve become and how deeply
they’ve hurt you.
They know that if they have the power
to hurt then so do you.
It’ll be a nervous laughter filled
with body odor that you’ll be able to smell from yards away. It’s a nervous
odor like no other smell of rotting flesh and fear.
They won’t be able to disguise their
fear of you, once they understand that you can emotionally punch just as hard
as they can.
Then you’ll be even; you can move on
and forward mainly only with mature adults.
An immature adult or a coward will
run from communication because the embarrassment is, too, much for them to
bear. They won’t know how to reverse the wrong that they’ve caused from the
ashes of miscommunication and power struggles.
Your friends will indeed abuse you
especially if they’ve been.
If you’re someone who has any type of
talent then people will try to exploit your natural gifts for their benefit.
Others will want money and that’ll be
the extent of their abuse because they won’t have money or they can’t find it on
their own so they’ll use you like a human shield in their defense to justify
how much they’ve secretly hated you all along and justify violence against your
Your friends may turn out to be
freaks and can physically harm you because they want to control you and force
your hand. Your friends will lie to you by omitting the ugly truth about
themselves so that you’ll get
confused and won’t have a clear picture of the abuse that’s already occurred
long before you ever came along.
Your friends will mock you, make fun
of you and pretend like they like it because they’re shallow and can’t deal
with the hurt they’ve cause their friends.
The greatest defense to that type of
struggle is having endurance to endure it all.
When your friends lock you out of
their lives without so much as a single word or explanation; that’s only
because they’re embarrassed that they abused the power that was granted to them
through friendship.
When your friends can’t face your
hurt then you’ll be sent away to face the hurt alone because they don’t want to
take any responsibility for your united bond.
You’ll learn that your friends didn’t
care about you because you were simply and only a commodity to them from the
very start.
Perhaps, they loved you at one point
and that’s not a friend that’s just a lustful acquaintance except for the
following: you’ve already gotten to know one another, you’ve already broken
bread, traveled and had agape moments of gratitude; so you’ll ask yourself: how did this beautiful relationship go so
wrong? You’ll ask yourself: how did
your friends become your enemies or worse yet, how did your friends become just
another face in the crowd? Are you not to care anything about their well being
ever again? Nope. I guess, not, only because they never truly cared if you
lived or died. If you were to drop dead in front of them, then they’d go
through your pockets and steal the belongings off of your dead corpse.
Your friends will push you so far
away from their souls, and that’ll make you want to cry out onto the atmosphere
and hope that they’re merciful gods to bring about balance, justice and
fairness to the grief.
You’ll face moments of uncertainty
and your friends will abandon you because they never wanted to travel by your
Not to worry, they’ll never forget
you and you shall soon forget them.
A friend who’s wronged you isn’t a
friend to remember, only, one, to forget.
You will all learn valuable lessons
together, develop and it’ll be excruciatingly agonizing yet successful for them
to understand that this is one big mean world and people aren’t to be used for
amusement only because your friends want you when you have something to offer
yet they send you away when they have nothing to give not even so much as a
Your friends will assume things about
your life, your history and you.
Your friends will say horrible things
to you about you and your loved ones.
Your friends will want to deny and
justify the hurt they’ve caused.
Your friends will think you a
weakling when you’re kind.
Your friends will think you stupid
when you don’t argue each and every point.
Your friends will think of you as
unworthy of a breath of life when they abuse you.
Your friends will consider you a
dirty idiotic moron when you’re culturally different from their value and moral
Your friends will take you for
everything you’ve got and come back for more.
Your friends will consider you the giving tree.
Your friends will take your heart out
and eat it right in front of you as you gasp for your last breath of
Your friends will think that you’re
“retarded” when making peace.
Nevertheless, it’ll be your friends
whose misjudgments will misguide them about you.
They’ll lose sight of you because
they never saw you in the first place over yonder swimming in dusk filled
horizon waves with a rapidly vanishing orange sun.
All that your friends ever saw of you
was the dark and not the light.
When your friends have declared war
on you then warn them in advance that you won’t be made a fool and that it’s
on: all’s fair in love and war.
When your friends mock you then echo
that mock by a 1,000 fold.
Leave a ringing in their ears.
We do indeed forgive our enemies but we don’t forgive our friends for slaying us
down in battlefields and sending us off to the dungeons to be mutilated in slow
deaths of hatred.
Your friends will cut out your hearts
and pretend like nothing’s wrong.
Your friends will disrespect you in
ways that you never thought was possible.
Your friends will use you as a
soundboard, as servants and as slaves.
Your friends won’t care to meet your
needs but their needs will be plenty and they’ll demand that you serve them as
they never will you.
Your friends will become your enemies
and you must be prepared at all times to be good and to do good no matter how
much they drive that stake deeper into your back.
Your friends will turn out to be
freaks disguised as intellectuals, losers, liars, seducers, horny bastards,
cheats, and abusers, sexual offenders and sexual predators and oddly enough
you’ll still continue to love them because you didn’t know for about five years
what they truly were.
No matter what; you won’t be able to
overlook their tremendous smiles, love, their heartache, their dreams, desires
and wants for a better future. You won’t be able to look away because once
they’ve imprinted love upon your soul you’ll want to teach them what the taste
of blood is really like in the middle of vengeance.
Your friends will kill you if they
have the chance to succeed.
Your friends will betray you if they
can trap you into an early death.
Your friends will be savages.
Your friends will scalp you.
Your friends will blackmail you for
something they’ve conspired to do.
If a friend
be rough with you then you be rough with a friend.
If your friend ever justifies
physical harm against you then teach him a lesson he won’t soon forget.
If your friends use you for their
amusement then plague on both their
If your friends think that you’ve got
no power because you walk alone and sit as still as the ocean on calm nights
then teach them about the awesome power of retaliation, justice and fire if
they physically harm you without ever touching a hair on their heads.
Yes, your friends will assume that
you have no power or community when you come to their help but they’re never
around to help out.
This assumption is to their deadly
Your friends will think that just
because the ocean is calm without a night breeze that it has no power to rage
against them.
Your friends will consider stealing
the stars from right under the night sky but they must first go through you
because your job is to co-exist with the stars. If the stars are stolen then
humanity wanders in the dark and that won’t do. That’s not good enough. Get it
out of here.
Most of all; your friends will think
that you’re alone and lonely because they are.
Money doesn’t buy respect, a good
reputation or love.
The greatest secret about strength is
that you’ll be a better friend than they ever could be to you and because of
that little secret you’ll go on to meet world leaders while your friends fester
in their petty jealousies, envy and indifference to you as a human with a soul.
Their lives will be an endless cycle of monotony and desperation. They’ll dream
small because they are small minded.
Long after you’ve gone: your friends
will lust after you; because they’ll never have what you’ve got… a soul of the ages.
Your friends will wish that they had
made love to you without realizing that you were love incarnate and you did
love them however you didn’t…
Your friends will miss you especially
when they pretend like they won’t.
Your friends will know what it’s like
to truly lose something more valuable than money or their rotten reputations.
They have everything in the world to lose: your company, your love, your
Your friends will call you by name on
their deathbeds and wish you were there one last time to wipe away their brow
and to send them onto the next leg of the journey.
Your friends will be crazy insane
with jealousy and envy especially if you’re talented, smart and genuinely kind.
Your friends will try to bring you
down to their level.
Your friends will kick you once
you’re down.
Your friends will hate you.
Your friends will love you.
Your friends will hate on you.
Don’t let them disrespect you.
Stand up for yourselves, be good, be
just and the hell with your friends gone mad.
If your friends physically harm you
then send them out into the ocean to deal with the undertow of your rage.
Know this: if you’re friends fall in
love with you then they’ll most certainly close off doors to you because the
sting of losing your trust will be, too, hard to bear after they’ve injured
you, left you for dead and came back to bury your corpse.
Once you’ve avenged yourself then you’re even
and you can begin again.
Your friends will miss your smells
and joy.
Your friends will miss your thoughts
and mind.
Your friends will miss your outlook
and viewpoint.
Your friends will be, too, proud to
ask for forgiveness.
Your friends shall not be allowed to
be mean to your loved ones.
Your friends will be forgiven but
never forget their demons.
Your friends will go to the grave
wishing you were there to send them off.
I forgive all who’ve wronged me
before today.
Your friends will only wish that you
staid a little longer on your way to your incredible and amazing lives that
they’ll never get to share with you because they walk in the dark of their
shadows and not in the faint light of dusk sunlight.
Remember; this pain won’t last
When it passes you’ll be anew again.
Ready and prepared for the world.
Once you’ve been betrayed you’ll not
get easily shocked forevermore.
You’ll become invisible to their...
They’ll hold you in their hearts with
highest regards for not allowing yourself to be chewed on or disregarded.
There’s nothing more powerful than
someone who defends their soul.
To you, they’ll soon faint away into a distant
memory of some smell, a sound or a passing thought of some remnant foggy notion
of someone you once knew but you can’t quite remember what they look like or
the shame on their faces.
Your friends will grow old and alone
without your dying devotion and trust.
Your friends will only wish that they
could call you to come over and sit with them, but by then it’ll be too late.
You’ll be long gone and never to
return because to their surprise you actually have a beautiful life someplace
You’ll be your best friend when all
others fail you.
You’re your best company.
You’re golden.
You’re you and good.
You won’t ever be alone.
The world is just right outside your
Those who love you won’t stab you in
the back or say unkind words about you.
You won’t be alone on this journey.
We’ll be with you.
Know your
We know who
our enemies are.
Ha! Eric says he’s now going to go
and throw the toaster into the bathtub because he’s so depressed after I read
him this. I’m laughing out loud and having a blast sitting next to my best friend
with a glass of red organic wine.
We’re off to a bonfire.
Cheers to you and yours!
Cheers to us and ours!
Peace to all.
Wishing you a safe and lovely summer
Best Regards and with all my love;
P.S. I’m
taking Mondays off all the way through to Monday, Sept. 2nd, 2013:
I’ve got a
pilot’s license to study for. Cheers!
June 6, 2013
Shall we take
to the dance floor?
Thank you,
No, I’m neither
Helen of Troy nor Cleopatra. I’m me.
One little
individual; nothing more and nothing less.
--- ---
Moving on.
Literary Disclaimer:
When my words get jumbled in a sentence; it means that I’m thinking too quickly
and my fingers fail my mind. I don’t type as quickly as I think. Thanks for
your patience. I appreciate it. Thanks.
do think that it’s unconstitutional for the police to stop and search anyone
without probable cause. Just as I think that citizens and civilians deserve
proper representation through due process and beyond a shadow of a reasonable
doubt, evidence and witnesses; or at least that used to be our constitutional
rights and liberties of the American people but after Homeland Security and The
Patriot Act came into effect as a Bureaucratic Nazi Corporate Regime then
America became a Gestapo Nation and well, many of the people’s liberties and
constitutional rights went to hell in a hand basket.
Our democracy is now an Oligarch and not a
No, I’m not a survivalist.
No, I don’t believe that the government is
going to crash through my ceiling and kidnap me because if they did that then
I’d go missing and then there wouldn’t be a blog or podcast and if that were to
happen then hell would erupt here on earth. I’m sure that my Anarchist
acquaintances in New England would set the entire country on fire because they
just need one good reason to go ahead and do so.
I don’t like to be followed around by
security guards or cops in shopping areas or stores. As a matter of fact I hate
it! I’ve got money in my pocket and if I’m in a store then it means that I can
afford to purchase what I intend to buy and if not then I’m window shopping and
leave me alone. No, I’m not going to steal the inexpensively made, Chinese
slave wage, products from warehouse stores dressed up. Please.
No, I don’t have a stealing psychological
condition. Everything that I touch; either belongs to me or it doesn’t and I
know the difference. Thank you. No, I’m not like Winona Rider. Thank you very
much. I’m a middle income earner and I pay for everything of mine or I don’t
touch it. Thank you.
Yes, I shop like the Finn Elders.
They go in, take care of their business, pay
and get the hell out.
They don’t loaf around in a store.
Why would they?
They’re too classy for that.
Now, as far as mouth swabs are concerned:
Hypothetically; if ever, while randomly getting searched and without probable
cause; we’ll sue the city, the state and the government for everything they’ve
got if that were ever to occur.
I’ll sink the country and leave it bankrupt
before I run off to… Just give me one good reason to command my American god
given rights and liberties.
I’ll become an economical cannibal.
No, I’m not a militant.
No, I’m not a rebel.
No, I’m not a political activist.
No, I’m not a radical.
No, I’m not an extremist.
No, I’m not a separatist.
No, I’m not a freedom fighter.
No, I’m not a queen.
No, I’m not a wanna-be dirty Hippie.
No, I’m not a Bohemian.
No, I’m neither a private nor public trust
fund baby.
No, I’m not an Anarchist.
No, I’m not a drug dealer.
No, I’m not a Shaman.
No, I’m not a Healer.
No, I’m not a Mind Reader.
No, I’m not a government employee.
No, I’m not a cop.
No, I’m not F.B.I.
No, I’m not C.I.A.
No, I’m not N.S.A.
Yes, I’m a skateboarder, that’s not a crime.
Yes, I’m a legal citizen of the United
States, Costa Rica and El Salvador. Period.
Yes, I’m a Mayan citizen, scribe and thinker.
Yes, I’m Ivy League.
Yes, I’m elite.
Yes, I pray to over three-hundred gods
throughout the year as a cultural practice but I’m actually an Atheist /
Agnostic. I believe in a powerful Deity greater than alien forms and humans; I
just don’t believe in all of these mean religions of our Era in which they
profess murder in the name of some insane gods. No righteous god in their right
mind would ask for humans to kill their brothers and sisters of the human race
or alien forms. Period.
No, I’m not anything your misguided,
fantasy-driven, melodramatic minds wish me to be.
Yes, I’m a modern contemporary woman.
Eat it for Nordic dinner.
I’ll turn my civil disobedience into a worse
nightmare: more so than any fat cat CEO of any corrupt corporation who’s ever
left their employees to starve on slave wages, without health benefits and
without hope. Please.
Fuck off: from one adult to others:
especially those who have no clue which correct, justified and right policies
to implement for the people and by the people.
Get off your power trips. Please. I’ll place a
cotton swab so far up the legal system’s anal rectum that everyone will feel
it. Yep. Moving on. I’ll pull a dragon.
What makes the United States government think
that the people have no power or rights?
We’re the tax payers. What we say goes and
that’s what gets implemented as policy not these crazed evangelical and Gestapo
Nation’s disillusionment of fear of everything.
Mark my words.
Please, don’t ever lay a hand on me;
especially male cops.
Hypothetically, if there were probable cause
to search me then a female cop will have to handle my body and write everything
down on her official report; if she were ever to fondle my crotch or vagina
then I’ll self-defend myself to the death and that goes for anybody else out
there. I will kill in self defense even if it’s a cop. I have that right as a
human of this world to protect myself against any Anarchistic power especially
now that the police force has taken it upon themselves to place cameras
everywhere without the people’s judicial and memorandum vote. Be careful. The
people don’t like to be toyed with.
Power struggles will not be tolerated by any
Anarchist police force anywhere.
I come in peace and will be treated as such
by all.
You will respect me as a woman of color, damn
Women have gotten smarter about their rights.
Neither the cops nor any other person has the
right to man-handle anyone. Period.
I know my rights but more importantly we know
judges across the United States.
The People aren’t fucking around.
This isn’t a Nazi state in which The People
will randomly get stopped in the streets while they’re minding their own
business and have an officer of the law cotton swab them and search them.
Please. Officers as a matter of fact get paid their annual salaries from the
backbreaking work that The People sacrifice towards paying the I.R.S. our
annual income taxes. Nope. Back it up, politicians.
Back it up or there’ll be legal action taken
and lawsuits will be brought up against these nit-witted government officials,
politicians, the city and state; in which create ludicrous policies and laws
into effect to treat the people like animals and slaves.
You’re stepping on the people’s toes and they
don’t like it. Get off it! Now!
As For Mr. President Barack Obama signing off
into effective command some ridiculous presidential order; some loop-holed,
shabby, little policy permitting corrupt Monsanto corporation the ability and
freedom to get away with murder and not to have any judges be able to apply
judicial justice to corrupt and broken down systems; is, indeed, juvenile and
in poor taste. Yes, three of President Barack Obama’s political officials, the
staff in his cabinet are former Monsanto workers or members of that corrupt
corporation. Let’s think about this for one moment. I wonder who bought whom?
Who’s manipulating those puppet strings?
Don’t answer
that. It’s rhetorical. I already know the answer.
If Mr. President Barack Obama is looking for
a lawsuit from The American People then he’s got one on his hands. How dare he
make deals under the table and out in the open against the benefit of The
People for the support of Monsanto.
We; The People demand our rights!
No, not his people, but THE PEOPLE.
Please, don’t be so insulting.
Any president of the United States doesn’t
sign off and signs away the rights of the people in exchange for a hand job
under the table from their lobbyist and corporate whores. Period.
What a dirty little fucking country.
*) About swearing:
::: Back it up.
I don’t swear when I speak but I will here
upon the page and if you don’t like it then don’t read. I’m only going to tell
it to you one more time.
Never tell me how to think, create or write.
I’m a grown adult woman.
I’ve got carte blanche freedom of expression as
an American citizen and I’ll put it to use when I see fit. I’m a mature,
confident, intelligent and mentally healthy human.
My psychologist Father tells me that I’m no
more or less crazy than anybody else and that I’ve got a clean bill of mental
health. Back it up. You’re crowding my style and efforts to defend liberty,
peace, justice and our constitutional rights. I’ve got creative license in ways
that you don’t even understand what that means. Do you? No, of course not. I’m
not here to shock the senses. I’m here to get our civil rights and freedoms
back. Period. I’ve got a real purpose.
I almost ought to go and work for the
government, but that would be too easy.
Tomorrow: Written Graduation Speech for the
graduating class of 2013.
I think everyone’s out of session by now.
Yippie! (I love the character of Snoopy!)
June 5, 2013
Okay. Shall
we dance? No? Yes? Yes. Right. Right.
I’ll stand
back and watch an entire room of people dance with glee and joy.
--- --- ---
take a deep breath or several deep breaths.
Nobody move.
No sudden
Steady now.
Let’s ride
out this tidal wave like kind hearted surfers.
Pura Vida.
however not checkmate on the King of Spain.
is everything when one’s been granted an apology. Period. Moving on.
{No, I’m not a slut.
No, I’m no man’s whore.
No, I haven’t committed adultery.
No, I’ve never been a prostitute or
exotic dancer.
No, I’ve never paid a prostitute to
have sex with me.
Yes, I was sexually assaulted in
March of 2011.
Yes, I was sexually assaulted by one
of my brothers’ friends.
Ha! Yes, it was a set-up.
No, I have no proof but the men gave
away their strategic positions.
Yes, I was betrayed by one of my five
brothers mentioned below.
No, I’ll
never tell you which
Yes, the betrayal hurt so bad it left
me stunned.
Yes, I’ve recovered.
Yes, I’m a whole person again.
No harm shall befall my brothers.
Philosophical vengeance is mine.
No, please don’t ever donate a single
penny to Sisters’ Camelot.
Yes, Sisters’ Camelot is run by blue
collar, white trash, public school, trust fund babies who don’t need the
public’s money.
Yes, they love to mock people with
their stories about how they are poor but they live off of the fat interest of
their mass fortunes.
Yes, Sisters’ Camelot people are The
Yes, I’m still going to raise a
million dollars for the people of Minnesota.
Yes, I’d still like a million matched
to build a school in Haiti.
Yes, my heart is with Haiti because
our family and close friends have taken a great interest in Haiti for about
twenty years now.
(Thank you for your questions.)
Now, back it up because I don’t have
a bark but I most certainly have a literary bite.}
::: Ode to my five rigging
brothers with bad manners :::
Rigging: In May of
2009 I was gifted five Caucasian brothers with the blessing of Kelly
Guttenfelder who passed away from prostate cancer December 2011; to me, Kelly
was my Staging Master and a friend who bickered with me at times and I didn’t
like it one bit. (Ha! Ha! Ha!) With a sturdy handshake we began to work
together like siblings and with Kelly at the helm as Captain of his company
“Lost Staging” along with his silent partner who later became and is still my
friend as well as my Welding Master; a senior carpenter at the Guthrie Theater
in town; these brothers are from Minnesota who live all over the world; And
will be my brothers until the day I die because we’ve worked alongside one
another, sixteen hour days for one entire season from May to September of that
We’ve raised
massive steel beams and staked them into the ground as secure structures,
raised and placed motors, scrims, lowered and raised baby grand pianos, rigged,
hooked up and cabled entire stages, wiring work, mounted massive speakers and
stage lights, spotlights and ran them, snaked cabled wires through underground
tunnels and hooked it all up.
We’ve worked
together side-by-side and striking down entire stages (even the stages
themselves, everything down to the grass) for National acts, packed up gear
into semi-trucks late at night and went back to campfires, had a beer and
called it a night, went to sleep in our tents. What lives these men lead that I
My brothers
are considered seasonal workers and the best in the industry in the entire
world because no one dies when they
rig stages and that’s nothing to sneeze at; something that I’m extremely proud
of even though they wear long dreadlocks, they dress like working, outdoors,
concert men and they’re highly political in their rhetoric, some are indeed
peaceful “Freegans” and peaceful Anarchist activists without trust funds,
hardworking men in their mid-forties and fifties working away for the man and
towards their retirements as well as my brothers; others’ husbands, fathers,
brothers, cousins, friends, family members.
I shadowed
them and held the same liable responsibilities as they did; no one got injured or
killed with a green rookie for a volunteer apprentice on the job. Thank you.
I’m grateful and forever will be for that particular learning experience. They
saved my life once all of them. I shall never forget it. These men are rough
around the edges, with bad manners, hearts of gold, full of integrity, respect
and kind-approach to life even when they’re crabby as hell because life is
tough on most people they come across.
We’ve welded
together, we’ve camped out, made coffee in the mornings over open fires and
we’ve broken bread together, traveled and mended bones and arms pulled out of
sockets. Yes, indeed. These are five men and their friends who when in conflict
we’ve spoken calmly (or not) yet rationally and worked it out directly and in
respectful communication without any sort of threat but with real annoyance and
irritation at the other. Peace.
concentrating on our highly coordinated and physically demanding work we didn’t
speak much to one another; raising and lowering stages, ground rigging stages
and striking down. We worked long hours under the hot sun on a tight schedule.
Now, we don’t
speak much but when we do we have something important to say to one another.
We recently
broke bread together at The Hard Times Café and amongst their-personal close
mutual friends, some visiting town as guests from thirteen years ago and
they’ve all worked together side-by-side while they helped build Sisters’
Camelot and the food buses, the program and such, but now barely any of them
are involved with the program because mostly all had horrible experiences with
the inflated egos and complex communication styles in order to progress forward
or they had horrible personal significant traumas like rolling a bus and some
are still angry at each other for that particular mishap yet they get along no
matter what.
Most left
Sisters’ Camelot in disgust and went their separate ways. Pity. They’re such a
lovely force to reckon with because they are so beautiful, direct and honest
together. I like watching them interact. As of nowadays they party together and
it’s fun to watch. I would stand up in any court of law in the world for these
men and women and their loved ones and tell the truth and nothing but the truth
so help me god. Peace.
::: Ode to
my five rigging brothers with bad manners :::
Sisters’ Camelot: I met many incredible men and some women
whom I worked alongside and whose jobs and daily work are at Sisters’ Camelot
especially men from Eveleth and the Range. Thank you.
*) One
of my welding brothers for life, his
children, close personal friends and community of neighbors and
other-close-personal friends and spouses are important to me so we keep the
peace no matter what. My personal Anarchist activist friend and I debate and
disagree peacefully about anything political. How irritating. We’ve never
raised a hand against the other and his backyard will be Native sacred land to
me until the day I die because that’s the backyard in which I reconstructed an
entire Guthrie stage by myself titled “The Mansion” and was given Master
Lessons in welding by the production staff members from the Guthrie at my
friend’s backyard. My friend saved my life from getting trapped under a stage
that fell over on me. He saved my life because late one night I let go of a
stage he instructed me to carry with him and hold on. He held on but I let go.
I was holding up one corner but my muscles gave up and I almost got crushed by
it. Thank you for saving my life, brother.
*) One of my mechanical engineering
brothers for life is brilliant with all things motors and for one summer I
watched and lightly helped out with the grease bus at Sisters’ Camelot plus he
grew up as working blue collar and raised in Robbinsdale. I trust him with my
life. The man’s brilliant on all engineering aspects. We’re still keeping an
eye out for his dog Joe. On crisp-cold autumn mornings I think of Joe, my
friend’s dog in which my friend believes his dog got murdered in New Orleans
one winter four years ago and it’s quite tragic, the entire story stunned me,
the violence against this little companion dog, Joe. This man means the world
to me. I wish he would’ve been introduced and met one of my sisters who’s all
tattooed. I would’ve welcomed him into my blood family because even though he
barely has a pot to piss in, he’s a gentleman by and by with a curmudgeon
disposition and a heart of gold. I love him as my brother.
*) One of my Native spiritual and
organic-biologist brothers for life understands how to translate sentiments when it comes to the deepest roots in the
exchange of emotional communication yet a Native brother who’s a man and not
womanly; when it seems that there are no solutions to be found and only
more misunderstanding then we begin to see land and we figure it out every
time. I met this brother the summer of 2001 and forever I shall be grateful to
know his face. This is a man whose cultural believes challenge me yet I can
understand what he speaks about. He’s got the most gorgeous, strong, brown hair
he wears his long hair in a braid as a Native American man who’s been welcomed
into Ojibwa lands and into his clan of Elders.
*) One of my audio-engineering and
stagehand brothers for life has returned to school and intends on heading west
with his pooch, Ruby. What a life! To be so young and alive. This is a man who
I’ve never heard speak an unkind word of another human. A man who is soft
spoken yet has a mind of his own. A man who I respect in the deepest of ways
because he tells the kind truth instead of the ugly truth. This is a man for
the ages with an open mind, a genuine smile and incredible communication with
women yet he’s a man with a masculine scent and bleach white natural hair. I
love this man as my brother. We’ve worked long hours under hot sun and he
adores Texas as much as I and our other mechanical engineering brother does.
This is a true man. I would never question what he says to me because he
intends no harm to anyone. What a tremendous quality in a man. He was raised
well by his Grandfather, Grandmother and parents. He’s fine quality human. A
*) One of my organic gardening and
maintenance brothers for life makes his own organic wines that are to die for;
from all types of tropical fruits. It’s like juice and it makes my mouth water
just thinking about his incredible collection of wines over the years. This is
a man who I’ve watched run and keep a public community garden safe and clean
from prostitutes and heroin junkies who like to frequent the garden at night. A
hardworking man who provides wisdom at his responsible post as Maintenance
Master for a transient food bank. This is a soft spoken man with long beautiful
dark hair and beard with streaks of white hair coming in; who recently played
the Seventh Street Entry. A man who with his tender loving care; for hours; we
tended to his common-law wife’s serious injury at a concert behind stage as she
dealt with her pulled shoulder away from its socket. We gingerly and carefully
reset it. It took one month for her to fully recover the usage of her arm.
We’ve cooked and cleaned dishes for hours, days for a perfect audience at one
Halloween 2010 for an outdoor cardboard puppet show who are strangers to me and
that I don’t know nor do I care to meet. We’ve shared dreams about our projects
late at night; we’ve looked at paintings in his studio made by his former
studio mate who paints oil on canvas. At times my brother and I have piss poor
miscommunication because he’s extremely passive-aggressive and likes to lead
people on about what matters most yet we barely make it by in conversation
because translation is difficult at the best of times.
So you see… I
do have a heart.
I love these
men as my brothers and no harm shall come to any of them or to their communities
because we all have to get along no matter what and that’s the moral of this
tale. Isn’t it? Yes. Right. Right.
Now, the
women of this clan are alternative, they do wear and keep their clothes on even
when they pull out their breasts and breastfeed in public without shame in
front of anyone as they ought to have that freedom to do so.
intelligent women have alternative children whom I’ve co-existed alongside them
as a village while preparing meals, talking politics or logistics. I have a
great deal of respect for the way they’re raising their small, two-year-old
children running around buck naked even though it greatly challenges my belief
system yet I don’t judge it. I’d love to be able to give that freedom to my
small children and yet again I believe in keeping-on every single article of
clothing all throughout the days.
We’ve all
broken bread together.
Some of the
women have been…
We all have
“Couscous,” in common; Kelly’s Bichon Frise. Couscous is a rock star dog.
So, I
forgive; Let bygones be bygones yet I uphold to my freedoms to come and go as I
please from any establishment without anything getting thrown at me; thank you;
because I shall not be afraid to travel in and out of villages of all sorts of
social class circles, neighborhoods and establishments.
We have
tremendous love and trust for each other.
We do indeed
think the other intelligent and kind even though we’ve argued as siblings.
Best Regards
and with Love; wishing you a safe rest of this 2013 year.
P.S. Yes, my
friends call me “Mr. Spock” or “Mr. Darcy.”
What makes
them think that I don’t have emotions? I’m sure that I don’t know.
My emotions
run deep like tall waterfalls. Please.
If I come across
as a complete snob it’s because A) I’m one. B) I care more than I’ll ever let
you know C) when I love my friends I love deeply and without vengeance or
lawsuits even if they cause me to meet some type of demise. Period. We move on
and grow so that we can learn to trust in each other or it’ll be over.
*) I’m
prestige in a fragrance bottle. What more can I say? Nothing.
*) In conclusion: my perpetrator and sexual
assaulter who happens to be a distant member of my brothers’ clan; who
supposedly got over a heroin addiction and probably will have to deal with that
severe addiction for life; I want for him to-live-to-be-an-old man. No harm
shall befall him on my behalf. I want him to grow as old as I and well into our
What worse
prison is there for that type of man but old age and trapped in his caged-in
soul yet we may not live in the same town nor frequent the same town as I
because I’m a tourist here in Minneapolis and this is my playground. Please
don’t ruin that for me. I just got comfortable living here. I don’t want to run
into my perpetrator and attacker each time I am to visit my friends into our old age, later-on in life.
perpetrator can understand that. I can. On my death bed I’ll ask for him to
come to me. Hands off! There’ll be no violence here, not, today, or any other
day; because my friends reside here, thank you.
I respect and
guard them well. I wish for this man (as a member of their clan) to bestow upon
me one genuine verbal apology someday: “I’m sorry” will do just fine. We’ll
never have to talk about it ever again. I’ll accept an apology silently and
gleefully. Thank you. That’s all a mature woman can hope for from her
perpetrator; so that a man may present himself quietly and humbly to her and
take responsibility for his sexual misconduct. Thank you.
Peace out.
I have a
heart, you know. Even though others may whisper that I don’t. My friends know
better than to listen to the gossip. Ha! Ha! Ha!
Spiritual and
social justice.
We rode that tidal
wave hard and we landed on our feet.
we’re beginning to understand each other after five years of piss poor
miscommunication. We broke through unto
the other side.
I’m no longer
an ignorant “spic” but Gabriel to their community of snobby vegans.
*) The “Body
Talk”. We spoke. We’re over it, beyond, moved on. I had the worse back pain
ever for one complete day since yesterday morning until this morning. No, I
won’t be doing phone sessions with this practicing practitioner. I’m rotten at
talking on the phone. I’ll do phone sessions but I rather look at facial
I understand that body talk is somewhat of a science combined with energy
fields, if that translated. Now, when I call body talk; “magic” I’m not such an
ignorant spic as to believe that it’s black or white witch craft (which neither
of us practices either.) I call all types of medicine “magic” as a little
tongue in cheek joke. Cheers. Body Talk is a discipline like martial arts and a
practice like anything else, but it’s most definitely not for me except with
this women and her specific body odor that I can still smell to this very
The next time
we see each other we can continue with questions and open conversation. I’m
only willing to physically practice with this particular woman in my brother’s
clan because we started out on a journey that we didn’t even mean to begin yet
here we are. Peace. I wish her all the luck in the world with her scholarship
and with the Maria Montessori teaching body talk as a life skill
and discipline because it doesn’t require a B.A., M.A. or Ph.D.
I wonder if she’s left the Twin Cities back to
Sioux Falls South Dakota and if
not then I’d like to run a gift over to her in exchange for a felt bag she gave
me as a trading, exchange and gift.
She’s my new acquaintance who happens to be
friends with two of my brothers; one from the Arts High School and the other
from Sisters’ Camelot. As well, all three have worked long hours together so
they know each other in that regard. Peace to all.
I’m no man’s slave.
I’m no man’s whore.
I’m not afraid to be the woman that I am.
I was meant to become this…
June 4, 2013
The three
lies of Minneapolis organic / Anarchist activist culture: Sisters’ Camelot:
Eat your
hearts out!
Please don’t match funds raised per one-million
dollars in a donation towards Sisters’ Camelot, not ever. I’ve got more honorable communities in mind that truly
require and need that million.
There’s a school
that needs to be built in Haiti and our family holds close ties to those who do
global fundraising work there. Furthermore, Moose Lake needs a new High School.
Thank you. I’ll let you know when I'm ready…
Oh, my gods!
People sure
are social sociopaths and excellent liars and freaks.
I feel so
My heart
aches today.
Lie #1:
(I’ve been
informed by excellent sources within the past 24 hours)
My sources
are doctors, attorneys and judges here in the community:
I’ve got well connected friends
in high places who bathe; they are coming out of the woodwork with information
to be quite careful of the Minneapolis Catholic, blue collar, Anarchist
activists, wanna-be dirty Hippie, public school, trust fund babies who live in
Some happen
to be Anarchist activists and financially play the system (the stock market)
while others are wanna-be Hippies and disguise themselves as the great unwashed
of the city who co-exist amongst the truly transient great unwashed of the city
so they can “work” amongst those who have absolutely nothing while they live
the fat life like any other
corporate-head does, except that these millionaire, trust fund babies have
never had to work a day in their lives for anything so all they know how to do
is to preach their socio-political garbage but that’s about it.
What a bunch
of nose pickers without grandmothers to teach them better.
These rude, nervous and
somewhat paranoid ignoramuses are a bunch of ‘fat cats’ who never made their
own fortunes with their own hands so they like to snob others who “work for the
man” yet their trust funds come from “The Man” and they couldn’t live without
their trust funds even for one solid year. What a bunch of liars! They’re worse
than “The Man!” Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
Their trust
funds come from their parents who worked tough jobs as blue collar, general
managers and higher ups (corporate management) for cereal manufacturing, food
manufacturing and anything blue collar corporate here in the Twin Cities.
These are a
bunch of blue collar trust fund babies! Ha!
Now, that’s
No wonder
they have horrible manners, like wild beasts and they don’t care if others live
or die at their expense. Fat Cats just like The Man.
What a bunch
of white trash who go around preaching to the choir but have never worked a day
in their lives yet they detest the Middle Class for working for “The Man” while
they come directly from “The Man,” more so than the Middle Class does while the
Middle Class only “works for the man.”
These white
trash, blue collar, trust fund babies live off of the left over fat from the
crappy healthcare benefits, long hours and slave wages of the Middle Class.
What a bunch of hypocrites! What a bunch of blue collar, white trash losers
who’ve never worked a day in their lives unlike those hardworking blue collar
workers. Please.
Don’t ever
ask me for a single penny!!!
As an independent filmmaker
who doesn’t work for the man: I’m more culturally elevated and astute than
these bunch of liars.
I have private
investors who believe in my work and invest in all of my work. I’m truly
independent and since I didn’t acquire a blue collar, corporate trust fund from
Mommy and Daddy, well, no one may ever look down upon me ever again like I’m
some type of nigger by trust fund baby, Caucasian adult freaks who have
absolutely nothing to say to any person hard at work for a living because they
have nothing to show for except stolen, white trash, trust funds. How boring
No wonder so
many are flaky and shallow.
embarrassed deep down to the marrow of their bone because of who they are and
the very fact that their trust funds have indeed financially, culturally and
socially ‘raped and pillaged’ those in our surrounding cities and country. They
live a fat life at the very expense of many who suffer and can barely feed
their children.
The truth
sure stings don’t it? Ha!
I’ll never trust an
Anarchist activist or dirty wanna-be Hippie ever again; much less find them
funding to their ridiculous causes. Imagine; I thought these were starving
hobos who happen to be millionaires. What a lie!
{I do look
down upon these particular Catholic, public school, blue collar, white trash,
trust fund baby freaks because they put me through the ringer only because they
could and they wanted to. These people put me down and my marriage. They almost
ruined my marriage because I wouldn’t write grants or find them funding for
free. How dare I ask to be paid in full
for my efforts to write grants? Their cause is more important than my time. Please,
don’t bore me with that shit. Back it up!
I’m starting
to think that my sexual assault by the wanna-be Hippie and Anarchist activist
community was indeed a set-up as every other person we’ve spoken to in which
I’ve shared with them the facts and details and they keep pointing out that it
was a set-up.
Oh, my gods! If this is so: I’ll personally financially
ruin them all. Mark my words. I’m the granddaughter of New England multi-multi
millionaires who wrote me out of their will for telling the truth about our
family abuse. Nevertheless, I’ve got connections dating back to the years of
1680, 1066 and all the way to the Pentagon. If that’s the case: I’ll take them
out of this city to wander Siberia in destitution for the rest of their lives.
Just give me one reason to become an economical carnivore.
I make an
amazing friend but as an enemy; I’m a War General.
The only
reason why I know in my heart that my sexual assault was a set-up is because I
had a complete stranger (a freelance web designer for Sisters’ Camelot that I’d
only spoken to twice in passing approach me. He approached me once at the
garden and once at Sisters’ Camelot from Sept. 2010 to Sept. 2011; he
approached me in the queerest manner at the previous Sisters’ Camelot site.)
He came up to
me and spoke to me about my sexual assault in terms of an analogy of a rooster
running free in a chicken coup. (There’re all a little crazy because they’re
cowards in communication.)
There are
only two people in the entire world, who, I’ve told both of them, by name who
assaulted me, yet this Sisters’ Camelot freelance web designer male stranger
seemed to know everything about it.
He gave away
their strategic position: He gave them all away without having to say too much.
He said to me: “We promise you; it will never happen again.” How queer is that,
ha? I already know it was a set-up. I just need to find something that will
link it to proof and when I do… I like to eat duck liver. Yes, all vegans: go
ahead puke inside your mouths.
It does make
me wonder: These people aren’t off the hook yet.} ::: [When I put it all
together; I’ll set the pieces on the chessboard into motion and I shall win.
already lost my trust, so the victory is won.
I’ve got nothing
to lose and that’s what makes me a dangerously legal opponent with people
backing me up all the way from the very top to the very bottom to win and to
take out scum.] Careful. Don’t ever insult me again or I’ll come looking for
blood and it won’t be mine. Scum most of
What a bunch
of losers without any real causes only more laziness and tons of bad-breathed
rhetoric about nothing at all. Please. I’m one of the greatest snobs in this
country. I’m Blue Blood. I stand for something. I’ve got something more
valuable than a blue collar, white trash, trust fund; I’ve got prestige,
respect, honesty and integrity. I could make so much fun of them all. Oh, my!
Loserville to the maximum.
Because I’ve
watched these particular trust fund baby bastards in action they really don’t
like to help out others in need unless they align themselves exactly with their
viewpoints to think and believe in Anarchist terms. You can have a bowl of soup, but only if you live, do and think as I
do. What a bunch of malarkey. Rich kids playing around with the very
fragile lives and souls of the truly starved folks of America… I never…
I’m getting
informed that these 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 year olds are social piranhas in the
sense that they have nothing to financially lose and yet they push for their
radical social agendas because they will always have a cushion to fall back on;
their millions; or Mommy and Daddy. Yikes! What a bunch of begging freaks.
: [A freak to me is someone
who doesn’t use logic and reason to their benefit or to others’ benefit but now
I’m going to add to that definition; others who use people by pulling the wool over people’s eyes for
manipulation to have their needs met.]
Lie #2:
(I’ve been
informed by excellent sources within the past 24 hours)
My sources
are doctors, attorneys and judges here in the community:
These Catholic, blue collar,
white trash, public school, trust fund babies, Anarchist activists, dirty
wanna-be Hippie, freak, losers; have the bizarre notion that the world revolves
around them and / or that the world owes them something and because of that
poor lame excuse they take it upon themselves to have carte blanche with other
people’s lives; they will fuck with people’s lives because they have nothing
else to do all day long. They will try on religions and sexual partners as
freely as women try on clothes in changing rooms.
In other
words they’re extremely boring people with nothing to do all day long so they
invent causes and melodramas for themselves but only if the causes are tailored
to fit them and if people become their servants and do exactly as they wish
otherwise they throw tantrums or set up ultimatums and keep resources from
others. What a bunch of little freaks! What a bunch of little pricks.
I’ve been informed that
Sisters’ Camelot “people” sleep around with the 14 year old runaways and as far
as I last looked up the law that’s considered statutory rape.
The wanna-be Hippies and
Anarchist activists have many venereal diseases. You can look at them but don’t
touch. Careful. They’re animals in their cages and they ought to stay as such.
They’re just
as horny as anybody else and willing to use people for their benefits. They can
couch their horniness with Anarchistic ideology of saving the world as an excuse
to statutory rape of runaway minors and doing away with women as they wish.
Careful these are indeed socially warped and dangerous people. More dangerous
than I ever thought they could be socially.
Kelly Guttenfelder’s wanna-be dirty Hippies
and Anarchist activists sure are fucked up and crazy. Kelly came to me in a
dream from the other side of passing and told me to tell the entire truth as I
know it to be and here it is: Last Stop: Grow up.
They’re statutory rapists
because they don’t believe in the laws set up in place to defend minors and
those in need. What a bunch of cowards. I’ll not trust an Anarchist activist or
dirty wanna-be Hippie for as long as I live.
Lie #3:
(I’ve been
informed by excellent sources within the past 24 hours)
My sources
are doctors, lawyers and judges here in the community:
These Catholic, blue collar,
white trash, public school, trust fund babies, Anarchist activist, dirty
wanna-be Hippie, freak, losers; like to dumpster dive. Yes, I’ve been there to
watch. Yes, I’ve witnessed others.
Yes, I
disagree with that philosophy.
No, I’ve
never personally dumpster dove.
No, I’ve
neither seen the inside of a dumpster nor do I care to. I’m too classy for
Yes, I’ve
been with people who’ve dumpster dived because they wanted to show me what it
was all about. Whatever.
Yes, if I
were to ever starve in America as an adult I wouldn’t hesitate to dumpster
dive. No, I have no qualms about that. I’ll never starve in America again.
The people
that showed me where they dumpster dove had no idea that while I stood there
staring at multi-millionaires scavenge like rats: that I thought: this entire scenario is pathetic…
Why did I
think it was pathetic?
I thought
that it was pathetic because while they made dumpster diving out to be a
socio-political fuck off to the system, there was still something quite wrong
about intelligent people going through the garbage. Period.
They, too,
know deep down inside, just as I did staring at them trying not to gawk, too,
much that it was all wrong. I was stunned and beside myself to see
multi-millionaires act like they liked it and like it was a way to save the
West from political demise. How wrong they are. They’re more ignorant than I
gave them credit for.
Even though
it seemed like they made dumpster diving out to be a cool thing; It wasn’t.
is a great excuse for never having to contribute to the society but to live off
of its garbage. It’s a great way to excuse the misconduct of the self and never
take responsibility for what’s truly happening to our country. ‘Tune out and
drop out’ is a coward’s way of never having to really deal face-on and
contribute anything of worth in value to our country. I hate “Freganism” not as
a concept but as a social irresponsibility.
No, I care
less if people dumpster dive.
I’ve only
seen dumpster diving in 3rd, 4th and 5th world
countries from people who truly are poor, starved and living in poverty and who
don’t live like blue collar, white trash, trust fund multi-millionaire babies.
It’s pathetic
and they know it but they couch it with Anarchistic activist ideological
philosophy and if they can’t win you over with philosophy then they might
physically harm you. Be careful. These are not peace activists of the 1960’s.
These are people who’ll fuck anybody over at anytime.
I hate
corporate America just as much as I do dumpster diving, Anarchist activism and
wanna-be dirty Hippies and their lies.
They’re all
one in the same.
They all want
you to buy into them because they want your money.
That’s it.
Best Regards;
P.S. Oh, my
*) The
information I’ve found out as of late not only leaves me feel used and lied to
but truly what a bunch of white trash, blue collar, spoiled brats begging for
money from the public when they live off of the interest of their mass
multi-million dollar fortunes.
What a bunch
of cowardly begging liars living off of their millions.
I almost want
to spank or slap each and every single one of them, hard, across the mouth and
draw blood for being such liars. I fell for it. I bought into it. What a
sucker. I really did feel bad for them. Don’t you ever lie to me again or
you’ll end up behind bars.
*) Okay,
so I’m being informed not to match a million per million to Sisters’ Camelot.
Sisters’ Camelot was started and run by a
bunch of Anarchist activists, dirty wanna-be Hippies, white trash, blue collar,
Catholic, public school, trust fund, baby-freak-losers who don’t need any money
from the public or from me. They have millions available to them. What a bunch
of losers! Millionaires pretending to be poor.
These are
people who are living off of their interest, so don’t feel, too, bad for them
and their children because they live fatter lives than they lead others to
believe. They lead fatter lives than the rest of us as Middle Income Earners.
What a lie.
My heart
aches… I’ve been lied to by people who promised me the truth.
Oh, how my
heart aches.
nothing like betrayal from friends and their communities…
I’ll want
blood for this someday.
I’ll get even
and without getting illegal about it.
No, not today
but some day.
*) Thanks for
the information to all of those professionals in Minneapolis for having the
courage to tell the truth… I’m ever so grateful!!!
*) No, I’m
not a journalist but like great journalists, one, never divulges one’s sources.
Not even wild horses could drag it out of me!
I still come
in peace; ready to strike a deadly blow if I were ever to need to defend
P.S. Three million dollars is nothing to
scoff at. I’d be grateful if any producers or investors trusted me with three
million dollars. I’d donate two million and make an excellent film for a million.
I’ve got dreams of what I’ll be doing with a mass fortune someday.
I’m not so arrogant as to turn up my nose at
three million, especially three-free-million dollars. Please. Who does anybody
think they are? Low brow without morals.
*) After
today for as long as I live; I shall never write or speak of Sisters’ Camelot
and my sexual assault by one of their own! Goodbye. I have one podcast to do
about this subject matter and that’s that.
May you burn in
eternal hell for the misery you’ve cost this city and looked the other way
while sexual predators forced statutory rapes upon destitute minors and women
of this city and those women coming in from other parts of the country looking
for safety. Go to hell most of you!
The Twin
Cities will financially make you pay for what you’ve done even though I’ve got
no proof of the allegations of statutory rape of minors; yet, others do. Stop
begging the public for your bloated social freak projects. It only takes one
Helen of Troy to bring down entire empires. No, I’m not a Helen of Troy nor a
Cleopatra. Please. Who did you say you were? Oh, no body. Get out of my way.
*) Go get
them Gentlemen; take over the organic and vegan free market and give it back to
the middle income earners because these corporate heads and Anarchist activists
and wanna-be dirty Hippies have got a monopoly on it. Cheers! Thanks!
Monday, June 3, 2013
Happy Monday!
No, I’ve
never paid for sex nor been paid to have sex.
No, I’ve
never been a prostitute in my life. Thank you.
Nor a strip
dancer. Thank you.
No, I don’t
sell drugs.
Don’t ask me.
{Yes, I’ve
been a dishwasher, a hotel cleaner, a barista, a lunch lady, a manual laborer.
No, I’m nobody’s
bloody whore even though; sometimes the Utmost upstanding men can make women
feel like that… otherwise, I, too, have the power to make men feel like whores
but I don’t misuse the power that I have as an intellectual because I know that
I can more than break people; I can leave them destitute for life. I’m powerful
in my own right and in my own person. I have power even though Caucasian people
don’t believe that people of color do have power. We’re considered lesser
than…inferior. As if. No, I’m not any
Caucasian woman’s little servant. I have choice in all matters.}
Although; in my
mid-twenties some of my boyfriends were incredible men but (at times) some were
so bad in bed that when I think about it now I almost wish I would’ve commanded
currency in exchange for my wasted time as a sexual partner.
The first
time in my life that I ever had sexual intercourse with a man I was 21 and he
was my fiancé and also a 21 year old who had slept through an entire small
group of White Trash waifs who were sisters and in-bred cousins disguised as
artists for the lack of anything better to do with themselves.
Yes, we
always wore a rubber because I didn’t trust him and where he had dipped his
dick. He kept telling me for seven years that I was crazy but it was he who
ended up in a padded room in a straight jacket and clinically diagnosed with
bipolar. People sure are crazy especially when they project their fears unto
others. Crazy!
What a little
girl at that time! Oh, my; how time flies by, doesn’t it?
emotionally and spiritually spent.
No, I don’t
feel physically ill.
On Saturday
night, I went to an organic Garden Party (a friend that I’ve known since I was
15 years of age hosted the party.) We both have a mutual acquaintance that I
just met as of the past two weeks and he used to work with her years ago near
Western Minnesota at a farm. The host of the party is my brother.
She’s been
trying to persuade me into a type of energy-massage called “Body Talk” for the
past two weeks. Finally, I went for it but unfortunately while she ate BBQ
chicken she touched the sinuses of my face with grease on her fingers and had
smoked tobacco. Yuk.
Ever since I
woke up on Sunday all I can smell is tobacco and BBQ chicken. At first, it’s
okay but then after about 24 hours, it gets irritating and annoying.
For about two
weeks I had said “no” to “Body Talk” from this particular acquaintance.
On Saturday
night my sinuses were so bad that I went ahead and changed my mind, except that
she took me by surprise to practice on me; right there-and-then; in front of
mostly all other strangers and guests like I was on window display as some
object to come and be looked at.
No, I didn’t
feel insecure. I’m not like that. I was insecure as a teenager and as a young
woman but not as an adult woman in the prime of her life. Nope. As an adult
woman I’m beautiful and definitely I look like someone who you don’t fuck with
because I’m Zen and I carry myself with relaxed peace, a fair approach and
When you come
across my path and share the same space as I do; a few things: Yes, I come in
peace and by now I can kill a man with a single blow if I were to need to do so
for self-defense thus I’ve become so chillax.
Yes, what
doesn’t kill you makes you stronger: and as much
as I’m willing to die I’m just as prepared to kill with one single blow for
self-defense. Period.
Yes, I’m
finally prepared to kill if need be for self defense.
What makes
you think I don’t pack heat?
What makes
you think that I can’t hit a moving target?
I’ve decided that if I had to defend myself I’d rather kill with my bare hands
than with a blunt instrument.
Just give me
one reason to defend myself because this time I won’t blink twice and I will
kill. Kill or be killed. I’ll be standing over a dead body and satisfied.
I have no
qualms about killing an attacker and I never will ever again.
I grew up and
now I’m stronger and I won’t mind becoming a killer if I needed to self-defend
my body ever again. I’m more deadly today as a woman than I’ve ever been in my
entire life because as a citizen your safety as a woman isn’t guaranteed in
If I ever
come across my sexual assault attacker then I won’t approach him nor harm him
but if he were to approach me then he’d leave himself open to have his throat
or heart ripped out of his body with my bear hands (metaphorically speaking)
while I’m sober and I know exactly what I’m doing. No, I’m not a zombie. I’m
awake, alert, sober and ready to question everything. Mark my words.
I’ve thought
about it and arrived at an adult conclusion. Run, motherfucker, run. I know
people, who’d kill for free, but I’m not like that and they know that. I have
people who want to get vengeance for me because I’m considered kind,
respectful, honest and direct by many communities across the world. I know
Russian mafia all the way to Black gangsters, Columbian militants and American
Army snipers, FBI, cops and diplomats who’d love to murder this man in 5,000
different ways never to be found again but I hold my silence and I shall not
speak his name because I know better.
I simply want
a hard kick to the balls. I grew up playing soccer and let’s see if I can drive
his testes into his body. It’s a way to kill a man but if you don’t do it, too,
hard, but just hard-enough then you can ruin his testicles for life. Peace.
I better
never see him anywhere ever again because not even his community of heroin
junkies and wanna-be misguided and flaky Hippies can hide him nor keep him safe
from a calm warrior Mayan who’s made up her mind about what I want.
I want a life
threatening kick to the balls so hard that I may leave him impaired for life,
if the opportunity ever arises. I’ll decide if I’ll have enough mercy and leave
him with his testicles intact or not. I want justice and I shall have it. It’s
mine. Step aside. I don’t have time for burned out people with self promoting
agendas about stupid things that ought to never manifest themselves.
I don’t
trust, too, many of the great unwashed and ghetto-property-highflying owners
who play ‘King of the Hill’ in this city and have an innate need to have their
asses kissed for owning a little bit of ghetto property and servicing the
starved with organic produce. I’m not a serf. I don’t bow down to any man
especially annoying, loud and boastful men.
I don’t trust
the great unwashed of this city or in other parts of Minnesota unless I’ve
worked alongside them as intellectual equals and for a common purpose as brothers
and sisters otherwise you’re just a stranger and we have absolutely nothing to
say to one another. I’m an adult woman and I don’t owe anyone shit much less my
time and energy.
No, I didn’t use my voice because by the time she started working on me;
it happened all too quickly and suddenly. I meant “yes” some other time. So much gets lost in translation! I hate
communication with Midwest Caucasian people. They’re so entitled to their
English that sounds like bombs in my ears instead of the Romance languages.
I had lost my
voice and irritatingly went along with her massage.
I felt safe
with her but annoyed to be on display for her sake not mine. She was the one
looking for people to practice on and networking the entire crowd.
I had no
I still don’t
have any fear only annoyance that I allowed myself to go back on my word as
protection for myself against her wayward and scattered energy that I had
witnessed for two weeks while helping out with her unruly children not because
I was her servant but because I had time to give towards that cause, even
though I went in search of being alone and quiet time but rarely found that she
and her brood could be silent while in community and sharing space together.
Everyone had
serious attention needs to be fulfilled because they couldn’t do it on their
own. How exhausting! Caucasian people do that. They have a need to talk at
other people all the time. Single Caucasian mothers use other adults as
sounding boards to their boredom, loneliness and to brag about their children
because they have nothing else to talk about. It’s like this all over the
conversation doesn’t mean monopolizing a conversation with the subject matter
about one’s children for hours. That’s ridiculous and exhausting not to mention
that it excludes other adults from conversations. How boring. Indeed.
I neither
wanted her to work on me nor had I wanted that from the very beginning and she
knew that; I had told her directly.
By 9pm on
Saturday night my eyes had watered for twelve hours and I was at my wit’s end
with the runny and itchy eyes.
I’ve lost
complete trust in this particular person’s ability to heal. Simply because I
find that she’s trying to promote herself constantly rather than really take a
step back and define aspects of herself to herself instead of selling it to the
choir. Don’t sell me anything. I didn’t come here to shop. I’m not a guinea
pig. Thank you.
people seem to be entitled and forget the sacred of time and space.
I would never
practice any form of energy-massage or body work on anyone other than in a
safe, quiet and solitary space without the gawking eyes of others at a party or
the worry of children constantly having their needs filled. When a mother
constantly has to keep an eye on her children while she’s working on someone;
then that energy transfers and it’s not relaxing even though I did at times
felt sleepy, but never went to sleep while I was sitting up on a picnic bench.
No, I never
allow for myself to fall asleep anywhere at any time even if my eyes are closed
only for a moment.
I fall asleep
only in the comfort of my home and in Eric’s arms, amongst close and personal
friends and their families and if I’m an invited guest for the night somewhere where
there’s honor and responsibility then I relax and fall asleep without a worry
in the world because I trust in the space and in my hosts to be in charge of
what may be and they can guarantee their guests’ safety…
The reason as
to why the organic “wanna-be” Hippies are so awkward with me is because they
fucked up as a community with many different women and sexual assault in their
villages. They can’t necessarily extend invites to women because as men and as
a community they can’t guarantee the safety of all, but mainly the safety of
women because women are considered pieces of meat; something to be devoured.
It’s a weak community that requires a lot of resources and money but they’re
emotionally flaky and that’s hard to trust in the shallow atmospheres of
people’s souls.
I’m quite
private and I don’t allow anybody that I haven’t known extremely well and for a
long time to touch me because I’m sensitive to touch and will take on whatever
the other person is feeling.
I find that
the way the wanna-be Hippies network is just as slimy as corporate workers.
They’re cut out of the same cloth. Two peas in a pod. Gross. They’re the same.
No different.
No, I’m not
physically ill other than I can’t stop smelling, body odor, tobacco smoke and
BBQ chicken in grease. This is the second morning that I smell a combination of
all and it doesn’t help me concentrate on what I have to do for today. Bummer.
My eyes won’t stop watering.
“wanna-be” Hippies.) Why are they so weird and sometimes so scatter-brained and
emotionally flaky? If only they could hardness that then others would trust
them more. I have no fear of the weird little wanna-be hippie adults in their
30’s, 40’s, and 50’s. I like their ideas of progressive and alternative methods
of living but they lack a code of honor because public school trust fund babies
are shallow, flaky and don’t seem to know how to make real connections to
others without pushing for their agendas. Gross.