July 29, 2011
“I urge Democrats and Republicans in the Senate to find common
ground on a plan that can get support from both parties in the House, a plan that
I can sign by Tuesday.” - Barack
Hussein Obama II
power is most easily established on the ruins of liberty abused to
- George Washington
we desire to avoid insult, we must be able to repel it; if we desire to secure peace,
one of the most powerful instruments of our rising prosperity, it must be
known, that we are at all times ready for War.” - George Washington
with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for it is better to
be alone than in bad company.” - George
relation to a writer, most readers believe in the Double Standard: they may be
unfaithful to him as often as they like, but he must never, never be unfaithful
to them.” - W.H. Auden
Happy Friday!
Aloha. (It’s almost over ‘guys’ and you
get to go home, play, relax and eat a little food with loved ones, friends and family).
and foremost, I like Dr. Ron Paul’s ‘Modern Tea Party’
policies and politics, however. The rest of the freshmen ‘Modern Tea Partiers’
are horrible politicians who need to ‘pay their dues’ and serve the American
public in smaller regional communities before going to Capitol Hill. The
freshmen of the ‘Modern Tea Party’ are snot nosed idiot children - don’t vote
for them Americans. My heart is broken for what’s happened to the Republican
Party. Whose broken genius idea was it to let freshmen ‘Modern GOP’ers’ and
‘Modern Tea Partiers’ into the big leagues when they can’t even hit a hard ball
as it is? Get them out of the game. It’s just awful watching them play so
horribly. I want a governmental refund for just having to sit through an awful
game of political baseball. Yuck!
*) The Budget Deficit; we’re
NOT talking politics here. We’re talking budgeting and numbers. Please do the
math. Please, get it together. Leave the politics to your political campaigns.
If you don’t know how to put a budget together then step aside and let the
experts help. Our representatives were sent to Washington to do business so
conduct business on behalf of THE PEOPLE not your political agendas - leave it
to the campaign trail. (“Duh”, said a fifth grader.)
{Bring HOME our good American Troops. Why are
we still dealing with a decade’s old political war and economical malfunction?
Please. Our American young can’t even read and write in 5th and 6th
grade. How do I know? I assistant-taught fifth and sixth graders to read
through the AmeriCorps program in 2001 while I worked for $4.11 an hour.
Please. Our kids don’t even know how to read going into the 5th grade.
America needs to put money back into education. Do not borrow for / or against
education; set a budget aside for public American education, implement a
brilliant new educational structural plan and leave education alone - otherwise
you’re just tyrants.}
*) The debt-ceiling; It
might as well be raised (I HATE THAT IDEA) because if it isn’t then the rest of
the World will not trust our American government to do business with the
international community. American government cannot afford to lose international
borrowers and lenders. Our American word is as good as our dollar (which isn’t
worth much anymore) thus our American Government has always paid out bills on
time. Please. No, Sir! We can deal with many economical internal affairs on our
own but losing the economical faith of our international brothers and sisters
is not in the playbook. Not today but maybe some other day. I changed my mind on the debt ceiling.
*) Revenue; Tax the wealthiest 2%. It’s time.
two weeks I watch black poor men masturbate and urinate in the open public in
my surrounding neighborhood on sidewalks and parks when they come to Minnesota
to collect their welfare checks.
{Please, THE PEOPLE need funding to get
culture back on its feet. I say, raise taxes on the wealthiest 2% so that DRUG
TASTING can be implemented across the Nation for those collecting on welfare.
As well as, funding MODERN MENTAL INSTITUTIONS for all those homeless and
displaced Americans with mental illnesses. Please! Please! Please! I’m not
begging you. I’m just saying that culture changed and it requires to be
progressively and structurally changed again through government programs fast
and now!!! Yesterday. A decade ago we needed progressive change.
I’m sick of it! You think I’m daft to my
world? Every two weeks we have an insurgence of Chicago black poor who enter
the state limits of Minnesota and collect their welfare checks while they
litter, piss and masturbate in front of our Minnesota’s children on city
sidewalks and parks.
Isn’t that enough to raise taxes on the
wealthiest 2% so that culture can get back on track with a much stronger
educational system so that in another two decades the poor black won’t be
masturbating and urinating on public sidewalks and parks? You get it don’t you
because I most certainly do.
Enough! I’m speaking directly to you. How
dare you let that happen on our city streets? The America I’m reading about in
my 5th through 6th grade text books is not the same
America as the America that I live in.
dare a United States Government allow for black poor people from Chicago
ghettos to hold an address in Minnesota and collect welfare checks in Minnesota
while black live, party and spend their welfare checks in Chicago? You’re not
doing Minnesota any favors. Go home. Minnesota culture’s got this one. Go home
to your ghettos. (Oh, I can’t talk about
ghettos. I’ve got you beat. My Jewish adopted ancestors came from a ghetto and
they didn’t masturbate and piss on public sidewalks and parks. Most certainly I
can talk about ghettos. You don’t know ghetto until you know the history of
Jewish ghettos. Which ghetto did your people come from, Jewish brothers and
sisters? Right? Right.) Lamb, I don’t want any lamb tonight from the
irresponsible African American communities, not today - not here and not on
this page. It’s a sacred space because I’m a literary writing contemporary
Maya. Eat that for late afternoon Tapas.
The welfare system has to be reconstructed in
America because hundreds of thousands of millions of dollars are going to
pissing, masturbating and publically aggressively abusive black ghetto poor.
(I’m not a racist against the black poor of America but their actions and
behavior makes me want to become a racist and lick you up and down any alleyway
that you sift through garbage.) Mark,
my words I’m a pissed off American while you sit at Capitol Hill and sip tea.
How dare you run such a flawed system? I’m tired of Chicago black ghetto folks
infiltrating our Minnesota streets and abusing the great and good hardworking
people of Minnesota. Who do you think you are?
Raise taxes on the beautiful and brilliant
wealthiest 2% so that women, children and men don’t get raped, sodomized and physically abused on the streets of America.
Please, I’m not begging you nor whispering to you. You don’t deserve that type
of poetic justice. I’m telling it directly to your faces. Wake up, America! Our
people suffer while politicians show off their undergarments to the World. I’m
so sick of politicians wearing their underwear on top of their clothes even if
their spun out of silk.
Aren’t you?}
*) Mr.
Reid. Aloha. Thank you for all your efforts. Truly. Please don’t let the good
hardworking American people down. Please. Decent budget plan. (It still
requires more consideration in my humble opinion. Again, what do I know? I’m
reading 4th-6th grade textbooks this summer.)
Associated Press by Carolyn Kaster
Mr. Reid’s proposal would raise the debt ceiling
through 2012 and cut $1.2 trillion from federal agency budgets and recurring
programs like agriculture subsidies. Like some earlier Republican plans, the
plan also counts about $1 trillion in savings from winding down combat
operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Editorial from the NY Times ‘The Reid Plan vs. the Boehner Plan’ Published: July 26, 2011
The plans
each call for cutting federal spending by trillions of dollars over the next 10
years without bringing in any additional revenue. They are a choice between bad
and worse. Americans will inevitably be harmed as government programs are cut
sooner than they should be in this weak economy and far deeper than they need
to be because of the Republicans’ refusal to accept any tax increases — even on
the wealthiest Americans.
If this
debate were really about fixing the deficit, Congress would start over. What
the country needs to get its fiscal house in order, without stalling the
fragile recovery, is increased relief-and-recovery spending in the near term,
coupled with a credible plan for deficit reduction — including spending cuts
and tax increases in equal measure — to be implemented as the economy recovers.
that is not where Congress is heading. If the country is going to avoid
default, Congress and the White House are going to have to agree on a plan that
does the least possible harm. Here is a look at the choices:
the less objectionable of the two mainly because it would extend the debt limit
through 2012, avoiding a replay of brinkmanship next year. It at least holds
out the possibility of future tax increases.
It would
cut the deficit by $2.7 trillion over the next 10 years, with spending cuts
alone: $1.2 trillion from reductions in discretionary programs; $1 trillion
from winding down the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan; the rest from interest
savings and other measures.
Democrats’ decision to abandon their demand for a balance of spending cuts and
new revenues means that middle-class and low-income Americans — who benefit more
from spending programs — would bear a disproportionate burden. By locking in
spending cuts upfront, it relieves pressure on Republicans to agree to tax
increases in future budget negotiations.
The Reid
plan does not call for spending cuts in Medicare and Medicaid and other
entitlements. That’s a fair political trade-off given that Republicans have
refused to accept tax increases. But until both sides are able to put tax
increases and entitlements on the table, there will be no lasting deficit
Americans, I’m wishing you a fulfilling and beautiful weekend. I
hope you get to go outside, enjoy the love and comfort of loved ones and relax.
Peace. Paz.
July 28, 2011
“Do not
go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
relation to a writer, most readers believe in the Double Standard: they may be
unfaithful to him as often as they like, but he must never, never be unfaithful
to them.” - W.H. Auden
Happy Thursday!
Disclaimer; (Corrections; regions, spellings and grammatical corrections have been
made.) I’m not a historical expert by any means. I’ve been piecing history
together for two decades plus and I’ll continue to do so. I’m sorry that I fail
you at terminology. I don’t have a historian’s language or a teacher’s for that
matter. All I know is what I know to be true for me and my deeply spiritual
values. Nope, my left hand is up at you. You can’t sell me on my own history not today - even if you wrote a book
about it.
Aloha. The days are flying by. Wow.
about those three Maya calendars?
I’m trying to figure out the “puzzle”,
the “riddle” as you say. My personal project is to try to figure out how to
align the three Maya calendars. Yes, I wrote three (3) Maya calendars. I have
no clue but I’m making progress. Little by little as in the last decade. I
think I can figure it out. I have a compass, but I can’t seem to figure out how
to align all three calendars to fit a formation where somehow one gets
screwed-in clockwise, the second counter-clockwise and the third yet again
clockwise I think to form a cylinder mechanical rotator? I don’t know. (Eric
suggests like “tumblers” on a safe.)
I don’t get it. It’s supposed to look
like; I wish I had mechanical engine-motor language for you. I’ll talk to my
brother who’s a genius mechanic and get back to you on this. Who knows? Not, I. The ‘Classic Maya’
had a hilarious sense of humor. Everything and I mean everything has a purpose
and serious consideration for humanity’s thoughtful existence. Okay. Okay.
Okay. I won’t get into it today. There is supposed to be meteorites
on Friday night. That’ll be
something spectacular to witness, no? Si. Yes.
For an American societal-culture that evolved deep from within a fraternity of
brotherhood of secret codes, Native wars and Ojibwa survivalist cannibalism;
we’re not the most open minded about other histories of other civilizations
especially the ‘classic’ periods. Humans have a gruesome history. This is a
fatal truth written in all history books. No? Si. Yes. And we don’t even know
the half of it because oral traditional form of historical timelines, figures
and ethical morals consists of keeping memory alive. Yes.}
*) Allow for me; quite evidently and
clearly to set the record straight for
‘Classic Maya’ Indians of Mesoamerica
were not all alike in politics, tribes and sectors. Just like the Dakota
People, Sioux People, Blackfoot (Correction from “Blackfeet” to “Blackfoot”)
People, Suni People and the Ojibwa People are very different tribes.
(Are you with me thus far? Careful. Don’t
assume that you know anything about anything. Not here. Not on this page. Not
No, not all ‘Classic Maya’ sacrificed
and cannibalized humans for neither religious purposes nor aristocratic ones
such as those of the Aztec of ‘Mexica’ and their closely ‘Mexica’ related
‘Classic Maya’ neighbors more exact. (Correction; not “cousins” that’s not the
right word for the Aztec.)
Much of the time the ‘Classic Maya’ were
at war amongst other sectors and
regional ‘Classic Maya’ tribes no differently than those of the North American
Native brothers and sisters and their bloody and gruesome wars. Actually, much
like the North American Natives and their war history amongst one another of
the Northern Americas. Just like.
Some Southern ‘Mexica’ sectors of the
‘Classic Maya’ - yes, indeed ate “Colima dogs” (LOOK IT UP!); little dogs that
were an ancestor to the type of little Chihuahua dog today. Many of the dog
eating, human religious and cannibalistic rituals were performed in the regions
considered the ‘Southern’ classic
‘Mexica’ regions. These Aztec and ‘Classic Maya’ neighbors who practiced religious
cannibalism and human ritual sacrifices were performed by the ‘Mexica’ ‘Classic
Maya’ due to their regional influence from the Aztec and Aztec aristocratic
class of human flesh eating practices.
As a Salvadorian Maya Indian, YES, our
‘Classic Maya’ People were vegetarians and NO, we didn’t eat little dogs or
humans but our ‘Mexica’ ‘Classic Maya’ cousins
did (‘Mexica’ Classical Maya were our cousins while the Aztec were our
neighboring neighbors to our ‘North’). Only
the aristocratic class seemed to be heavily steeped in those human eating
rituals and practices like their fatally and deadly basketball games. Our
‘Mexica’ ‘Classic Maya’ cousins and their ‘Mexica’ Aztec aristocratic neighbors
were as fat and as wealthy only as slave owners could be that they had all the
time in the World to sit around and think of ways as to sacrifice human slaves
and eat human flesh in small quantities as a protein resource. (Our cousins;
the “Mexica’ ‘Classic Maya’ haunted the vegetarian ‘Classic Maya’ and other
regional ‘Classic Maya’ for ritual sacrifice and human ‘delicatessen’ meat. Are you with me? Don’t fall asleep here.
It’s not that boring). It’s quite juicy actually. (Thank Gods I’m not a reporter or write historical text books for a day
makes my stomach churn just thinking about it. Nevertheless, I respect my
‘Mexico’ ‘Classic Maya’ cousins for having the ‘cajones’ not to be grossed out
by their own actions. Nothing in nature really
wants to eat one of its own species, so it had to be the ‘Mexica’ ‘Classic
Maya’ and ‘Mexica’ Aztec influence of aristocratic means sitting around bored
conducting violent prayers to the Gods - kind of like American politics today.
Right? Right.}
My sector of vegetarian ‘Classic Maya’
Salvadorian People in the ‘Northern’ jungles of ‘El Salvador’ as you call it
were great fighters for human survival against neighboring human sacrificing,
human eating and dog eating ‘Mexica’ ‘Classic Maya’ cousins. Now, the fact that
we wouldn’t eat humans did not make us weaker than our human eating ‘Mexica’
‘Classic Maya’ cousins by any means. We used our intelligence to survive human
eating ‘Mexica’ ‘Classic Maya’ cousins. What more can you ask of the
little vegetarian ‘Classic Maya’ with war mongering human flesh eating ‘Mexica’
(Correction from ‘Northern’ I meant ‘Mexica’ region. Pardon, I was typing too
fast) ‘Classic Maya’ folk consistently being hunted (Boo! Ha! From “haunted” to
“hunted”); for ritualistic meat eating religious ‘Mexica’ sectors?
Our vegetarian ‘Classic Maya’ of
‘Northern’ Central America (El Salvador) knew better than to drink the blood of
other humans. We knew better than to eat the blood of other mammals like those
of our brothers and sisters of the canine kingdom.
‘Classic Maya’ vegetarians understood
all too well the strength of compassion in ways that I won’t make the time to
explain it to you here today because ‘Classic Maya’ vegetarians knew continuous
My direct lineage of Vegetarian
Salvadorian ‘Classic Maya’ ancestors had to learn to use their wits otherwise
our young would not have survived (7-million Maya in the World today). I eat
meat, because I have some previous mal-nutritional health issues, (lame, I know
but the quickest way to pump myself with protein). I’ve made peace with
anything that has a face that gets served on my table. I say prayers to the
Gods of the ‘Classic Maya’ that, only our ‘Classic Maya’ vegetarians understood
because they knew life is worth every breath. Yet, let this be known now;
Our neighboring ‘Mexica’ ‘Classic Maya’
cousins were so brutal to the Salvadorian ‘Classic Maya’ (Correction; I just
don’t know how to write about regions and word usage; ‘north’ and ‘south’ of
what? What lowlands and highlands of which National jungles today? Please, it’s
so much jungle and most of the ‘Classic Maya’ ‘Westernized’ history comes from
‘Mexica’ and Maya ‘Guatemalan’ ancestry, anyway) that other sectors of ‘Jungle’
(Southern Mexico and Northern Central America today); ‘Classic Maya’ did fight ‘Mexica’ ‘Classic Maya’
cousins because what else was there to do, but be eaten by ‘Mexica” ‘Classic
Maya’ cousins? No, I don’t think so and neither did my vegetarian ‘Classic
Maya’ ancestors from Northern El Salvador.
If our neighboring ‘Mexica’ ‘Classic
Maya’ were going to come into our ancestors villages and take our adults for
human sacrifices while leaving our children to die on jungle floors then they
had another thing coming. (Yes, children
were sacrificed also by ‘Mexica’ ‘Classic Maya’ but for specific religious
rituals in the children’s purity.) I’m just saying. The ‘Classic Maya’
vegetarians of my ancestry became keen hunters (Correction; from “haunters” as
in Boo! to “hunters”). And warriors by cultural-societal force from the threat
of cannibalism, invasion and cultural genocide no different than most other
indigenous tribes of the Americas. My vegetarian ‘Classic Maya’ ancestors ‘could’ve eaten your heart out’ but they
chose not to because they knew the value of life equally as they knew the value
of death in life.
No, I’m not for human sacrifices or
cannibalism of any type and neither were my vegetarian ‘Classic Maya’ ancestors
of ‘Northern’ El Salvador. Gods, how cool
were they? You couldn’t touch that, they were too cool to be true and no,
I’m not writing about myself here. They were such classic rock stars about
everything. They knew. Do you know what a
Maya compass is? The stars. The planetary system.
If I would’ve had to deal face-on with
all of my ancestor’s difficulties of their time, then I would’ve fought as
intelligently and as bravely as they did to hold off our (Correction) ‘Mexica’
‘Classic Maya’ cousins from eating the adults, although I would’ve had to be
born male. My mind is very made up about this. My lineage is clean of human
eating flesh and human rituals. I wipe my hands clean of that. That human
eating history doesn’t belong to my people. Thank the Gods. I’m all too aware
of a more gruesome oral traditional Maya history than any text book of any type
that I’ve ever read.
My vegetarian ‘Classic Maya’ ancestors
understood not to take anything lightly or for granted when it came to food and
especially when preparing any other animal with a face on it. Think about it. You’re not going to take a moment of silence
around your tables for another brother and sister animal that now sits dead on
your tables and most likely headless and faceless? Who do you think you are? A
Nazi? Gross. At least give your brothers and sisters of other species a
little respect while you eat him or her. (I refuse to eat ‘Blue Fin Tuna’ or
‘Sword Fish’ at this time and they’re my favorite!) I’m not a tyrant I love
many foods I just can’t swallow the economical politics behind the mass killing
and distributing of other species.
It’s a big deal! Huge deal not to be
grateful for another animal that once had a face now sitting on your tables and
endangered every second of every single minute of everyday like the Somali
people and their heritage. It doesn’t matter whichever way an animal is killed
(it does ritualistically but I’m not going to get into that type of detail
right now) the fact of the matter is that it’s happening. The killing is
happening that is. Get it. I most certainly do.
I’ve said prayers that grant me the
compassionate and safe passage through ‘Xibalba’ the ‘Classic Maya’
underworld “Place of Fear” as a food preparer of animals for food consumption.
These prayers bring me out onto the
other side of “Flower Mountain” and I have a safe passage through the
underworld, which are quite well understood prayers that bring me to a greatly
beautiful and colorful floral place which my brothers and sisters of other
species and the Maya Gods look favorably upon me. I know this to be true time
and time again.
No, I haven’t lost my wits.
Catch up!
Americans are legging way behind.
You’re being left in the dust when it
comes to Indigenous oral traditional history whether you like it or not.
I come from an ancestral line of freedom
fighters of vegetarians and a food movement that occurred long before this
contemporary food movement; The Maya
don’t kill anything we don’t have to unless war is brought upon our children
and then we could rip your heart out with our bare hands and eat your heart in
front of you before you drop dead to the ground. (I’m taking poetic
license.) Our ‘Mexica’ ‘Classic Maya’ cousins taught us this war skill NOT in
the battle field but rather in sacrificial battle, but it doesn’t mean that we
choose to spiritually castrate anyone.
We’re a gentle people who can go to battle
and win (nothing more and nothing less). Herbivores!
Yes, my vegetarian Salvadorian ‘Classic
Maya’ ancestors died at the hand of our ‘Mexica’ Aztec brothers and sisters and
at the hands of our more aggressive ‘Mexica’ ‘Classic Maya’ cannibals and their
aristocratic ruling sector. For that reason and that reason alone I go for the
Tofu hotdogs more often than a cow made hotdogs. And if I’m going to eat meat
then it’s going to be certified grass fed, hormone free, free range and free
roam - happy brothers and sisters of other species like the bison but that’s
(another blog for another day).
For 24-years I’ve been planning my Mecca
and Pilgrimage to the ‘Bad Lands’, ‘Wounded Knee’ and ‘Mount Rushmore’. The
weather has been too hot for such a pilgrimage and I won’t talk about the
Peace. Paz.
P.S. What’s next for the unemployed?
Segregated lunch counters and drinking water fountains? What do you mean that
the unemployed can’t apply for work if they are not already employed?
Seriously, whoever put that garbage out into the World - fire the whole lot of
staff. How mediocre. How 1950’s segregated America. What is this? The Laws of Jim
Crow era (1876-1965)? America is not going there again, is it? I don’t
think so. I haven’t been employed ‘by the man’ since 2007, does that mean I
can’t apply for jobs in America? Fuck
off. Segregates. Jim Crow Laws! I’ll write you a Jim Crow ‘corporate’ law
that would separate you from the rest of humanity. ‘Don’t do that, my love.’
Don’t hit yourself like some borderline schizophrenic.
P.S.S. I’m a size ten and I’m
semi-petite. Please don’t put it into the heads of American women that a size
ten is ‘supersize’ because then you really don’t know a strong athletic woman
in all her glory and beauty. Go sell it somewhere else but not here, not today
and not on this page while our Somali sisters starve. I hate that healthy
American sisters barf up their food and starve themselves or gorge themselves.
Gross. We have to do something about that! It’s not acceptable to look like a
heroin addict or a starving Somali or to look like hippopotamuses.
*) Thank you British Government for
catching graphically enhanced make-up commercials. I think that color
correcting is something that has to be done in broadcast engineering. Period,
however. I’d say fire the producers, directors and post house ‘air brushing’
agency ad executives and their ‘Yes!” producers whom went ahead and made the
horrible decision to utilized graphic / digitally enhanced commercials for
international advertisers and their make-up products - what were you thinking? Quite unethical, no? Si. Yes. Supposedly,
these ad-executive professionals are the lead dogs on any number of
advertisement campaigns and their teams yet they make these unethical mistakes.
You aren’t even rookies, what the hell? Wow. Fire the whole lot. No skin off
any consumers’ back. You’re not doing the consumer any favors and why should
the consumer spend their hard earned money on your make-up products if the
make-up isn’t even the real thing anyway? Get it because I do. I’ve dealt with
acne ever since I was adopted due to food allergies and I demand natural
organic vegan (pesticide free) make-up that doesn’t make me break out into
further acne. Please, go back to your Ivy League schools and demand a refund.
*) To the young and lovely lady
representing Minneapolis in “a” show titled “Project Runway”; Minneapolis is so
proud of you. Make us proud of our very own. We’ll understand that you were
asleep deprived, stressed out and under extreme pressure to perform. Way to go!
We’re holding up our vegan fiber pompoms for you and we’re cheering on the
sidelines. Cheers! Your mom and family must be so proud and so are we.
*) Farmers market; I will address the
Amish in Minnesota vs. the Amish of the East Coast (another blog for another
day). Cheers.
*) Uptown Minneapolis, bike cops!
*) Thank you Minneapolis cops for being
so smart, humane and able with our Minnesota civilians and citizens. We’re
cheering for you. Yes, we are. We pray for your safety everyday as well as your
families and loved ones.
MINNESOTA’s finest WENT OVER TO SOMALIA AND JOINED THE Somali Militia Al Shabab? (Correct spelling according to the NY
WHAT! That’s not acceptable. It will not do and it cannot do. Minnesotans will
not accept your violence, dehumanization and religious theological abuse. Nope.
See, we need a better educational system in America. Even the Minnesotan aren’t
thinking straight anymore. What do you mean, went and joined the Somali
militia? Did you not get hardy Minnesota meat and potatoes? Goodness. You could
not have gotten your high school diploma from a Minnesota school. No, I refuse
to believe that. Our Minnesota teachers taught us critical thinking skills. They,
have. I know they have.
*) I’ve got to go… Elephants live near
our urban flat. Just wait I’ve got “a” Mr. “The beautiful people… The beautiful
people” musical recording artist ready to rock out on tape at the top of my
speaker’s capacity. You don’t know a herd of elephants until you’ve had this
man’s musica stomping through your walls. Ready?
Here goes nothing.
*) Postscript; “Leave No Child Behind” was
a campaign and then became an educational program spearheaded by my Mother, her
colleagues and Democrats in Minnesota as well as the very well known Costa
Rican political concept and campaign “Kids Voting”. (“Pattow!” as the Minnesota
Natives say. Eat that for a dusk snack!) “Truth is stranger than fiction.” Lord
----- -----
Source from Wikipedia
beginnings of Mayan culture date from the development of Kaminaljuyu, in the
Highlands of Guatemala, middle Preclassic period. Takalik Abaj, in the Pacific
Lowlands, and above all The Mirador Basin in Peten, where the Major cities of
El Mirador, Nakbe, Cival and San Bartolo, among others, formed the first true
political state in Mesoamerica, according to Dr. Richard Hansen, the UCLA graduated
that has more than 20 years researching this area in Guatemala, as well as
others researchers, like Dr. Saturno from Vanderbilt University. However, the
archaeologist, believed that this development happen centuries later, ca the
first century BCE, but the recent researches going on in Peten and Belice, have
proven them wrong.
archaeological evidence indicates that the Maya never formed a united empire;
instead they were organized into small chiefdoms that were constantly at war.
In fact, López Austin and López Luján have said that if there was one thing
that characterized the Preclassic Maya it was their
bellicose nature. They were probably a people with a greater mastery of the art
of war than Teotihuacan, yet the idea that they were a peaceful society given
to religious contemplation, which persists to this day, was particularly
promoted by early- and mid-20th century Mayanists such as Sylvanus G. Morley
and J. Eric S. Thompson. It was not until much later that it was confirmed
(e.g. by the murals of Bonampak) that the Maya practiced human sacrifice and
ritual cannibalism.
{Nervertheless, the
murals of ‘Bonampak’ do not explicitly show the ritual-act of cannibalism.
Anything can be assumed. Anything can be assumed about classical eras of any
civilization. If archaeologists don’t know anything for a fact then it’s simply
theory until evidence can prove otherwise. I’m not saying anything; just don’t
take anthropological theories as seriously as any seriously layout debate for
the sake of sharing ideas. It’s a theory for a reason just like a debate is
debate to conduct further discussion.}
Source from Wikipedia
The Maya
is a Mesoamerican civilization, noted for the only known fully developed
written language of the pre-Columbian Americas, as well as for its art,
architecture, and mathematical and astronomical systems. Initially established
during the Pre-Classic period (c. 2000 BC to 250 AD), according to the
Mesoamerican chronology, many Maya cities reached their highest state of
development during the Classic period (c. 250 AD to 900 AD), and continued
throughout the Post-Classic period until the arrival of the Spanish.
The Maya civilization shares many features with other Mesoamerican civilizations due to the high degree of interaction and cultural diffusion that characterized the region. Advances such as writing, epigraphy, and the calendar did not originate with the Maya; however, their civilization fully developed them. Maya influence can be detected from Honduras, Guatemala, Northern El Salvador and to as far as central Mexico, more than 1000 km (625 miles) from the Maya area. Many outside influences are found in Maya art and architecture, which are thought to result from trade and cultural exchange rather than direct external conquest.
The Maya peoples never disappeared, neither at the time of the Classic period decline nor with the arrival of the Spanish conquistadores and the subsequent Spanish colonization of the Americas. Today, the Maya and their descendants form sizable populations throughout the Maya area and maintain a distinctive set of traditions and beliefs that are the result of the merger of pre-Columbian and post-Conquest ideas and cultures. Many Mayan languages continue to be spoken as primary languages today; the Rabinal Achi, a play written in the Achi language, was declared a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 2005.
Source from Wikipedia
The ancient Maya, a group of people who lived throughout southern Mexico and Central America, used domesticated dogs on a daily basis as a food source, hunting aide, and an element in religious and spiritual rituals.
Despite the fact that the amount of dog use varied throughout time and place, people of the coastal regions of the Maya area placed more importance on dogs due to their constant availability as a source of protein and their ability to rapidly reproduce. Breeding and raising domesticated dogs required low energy use. Fish and other hunted animals were not as reliable as dogs as a food resource, and it required more energy and time to capture these animals for consumption. Overall, it is difficult to generalize how the Maya used dogs because of the comparison of dog deposits to other fauna and how the amount of dog deposits differs among sites from various periods. Because of this variation, it is not certain if the function of dogs altered from a food source to that of a religious symbol over time. Besides becoming a meal, dogs were also used as hunting and traveling companions and were scavengers in the home.
During a portion of the Preclassic and Early Classic period (1200 BCE through 250 CE), dogs in Cuello, Belize were bred and killed once they reached one year of age. Dog bones had completed epiphyseal fusion and did not indicate the normal pattern of wear like adult dogs who lived longer than a year. Puppy remains were not found. Dogs were castrated and fed maize until they were fat enough to be ready for slaughter. Throughout the Preclassic period in the Yucatán region, dogs were not the primary meat supply, but archaeological evidence indicates they were a substantial part of the Maya diet. In fact, at the Colha site, white-tailed deer accounted for up to fifty percent of the Maya meat source. Starting in the Preclassic period, Maya elites served dogs during competitive feasts. They were either stewed or were burned in a sacrificial ceremony. Bones were chopped, broken, crushed and boiled to extract the marrow inside.
July 27, 2011
experiences in Washington convinced me absolutely that the Federal government
does not exist. What exists is a series of unrelated, very badly managed,
totally wasteful utterly unnecessary offices populated by grossly overpaid,
completely inept bureaucrats most of whom spend their time writing pointless
memos to each other. No one... not the President, the Cabinet or members of
Congress... has any real control over this maze. The Federal government, as
such, performs no useful service for the taxpayers -- watch how they drop the
ball every time there is a crisis.” - John
Alva Keel
house divided against itself cannot stand.” - Abraham Lincoln
will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” - Abraham Lincoln
conservative is someone who makes no changes and consults his grandmother when
in doubt.” -
Woodrow Wilson
little group of willful men, representing no opinion but their own, have
rendered the great government of the United States helpless and contemptible.” - Woodrow Wilson
relation to a writer, most readers believe in the Double Standard: they may be
unfaithful to him as often as they like, but he must never, never be unfaithful
to them.” - W.H. Auden
Happy Wednesday!
{Aloha, again. What a day. Our working day started at 4:30am this morning. Yes, we’re ‘working stiffs’ over here. We’re breathing calmly through every aspect of today. We can almost officially call it a wrap. One more A-roll interview about Lefse to go! That’s a two year film project (an ‘untitled’ film about food) ready for post development and then it’s out of my hands. I move quickly into filming flowers and flower lovers for a 2012 feature ‘western release’ nothing more and nothing less. I’m trying to make features while I’m still young and not an old and tired human ready for long siestas. No, I’m not selling you anything. Do you see any advertisements on this page? I’m sharing my work, thoughts and ideas with you. Moving on. Next.}
“Take a
deep breath.” He breathed in and out. “And, again.” Twice his chest cavity rose
and fell. I breathed along with him. We began to roll.
----- -----
Back to one. Stand by. Roll it. Action!
Disclaimer; I offer you my humble opinions merely as a
mortal and as a ‘common man’. I offer you my bias opinions so that some topics
in subject matter may raise awareness and discussion. If you think I’m playing hard
ball then it’s because I am. My grandfather played in the Minor Leagues. Don’t
think that I don’t know what it’s like to hit a hard ball. It’s left my hands
stinging for a long while afterwards. I’m a serious writer and ‘goofy’ human. I
can understand the hilarity in the tragedy a mile away. Truly I can. I make
mistakes and thank Gods I’m not law on anything. Yet, I think because it’s my
job to compare and contrast the differences between excellences vs. mediocrity.
*) The American debt ceiling; I believe that the debt ceiling at ‘$14.3 trillion’ was written effectively into law to be implemented for the safety net of checks and balances within domestic spending and budgeting. I find this law to be wise and necessary. I’m not an expert on anything, however. After tedious consideration the debt ceiling law was implemented in 1917 partially to establish a bench mark otherwise over spending can and may become an excuse for coming-in-over-budget any time the government chooses to do so. I don’t know. You folks know way more than I would. I’m just studying 4th through 6th grade everything.
*) Educational aid: (Go with me on this bumpy literary skateboard
ride); Borrowing and lending.
When any party gets into borrowing large sums
of money to cover other areas in financing and budgeting than if any borrowing
party can do a fine juggling act, fine - and it could be quite lovely to watch
or not depending on the finesse of juggling. I wouldn’t ever conduct basic
accounting and a ledger in this fashion but I hear this is considered a
‘normality’ in financing by keeping budgets afloat.
The point is this; at what interest rate and at what future
costs is government going to borrow against educational aid to fund any of
which other areas in federal and state government? No, I’m not being a cute
little girl over here nor shy because I’m neither of those as a grown woman.
We’re thinking here. Quickly moving along. Seriously, think about it; what?
For example; my former class mate posted online social media; ( “ ‘
Where does that leave American education in the
long run? Personally, I would never borrow for or against education not when
America is being left behind in the dust in innovation and educational systems
of freedom? “Leave No Child Behind” Please. “Leave No
Child Behind” is a program that crippled free-educational-spiritedness and a
high level of standard in teaching with a wide range of child educational needs
in basic principles. I hear it again and again from Minnesota’s teachers that
“Leave No Child Behind” is a 19 year old program that Wellstone tried his
hardest to implement with the proper restrictions in place yet it failed
drastically in the schools. Not only did the program fail students but it also
failed teachers as well.
I do know. I spoke (without really knowing what I was saying at the age of 14)
at the 1992 Democratic State Convention as well as personally face-to-face /
one-on-one asked questions and listened to Mr. Wellstone talk about “Leave No
Child Behind” campaign. I think he had better hopes and very different ideas on
the outcome of this educational concept.
American students don’t have the basics down then they don’t have anything to
contribute (no matter how many times you give them standardized tests to pass)
(until they learn the basics). Please
don’t leave American culture and their children behind because I’m betting
on another Albert Einstein to come along out of the American public educational
system in the next century. I believe in the American children of today,
tomorrow and the future. Don’t you? I
do and I’m not a parent, yet.}
*) When
it comes to the budgeting, it’s become clear that it’s all about rhetoric.
There is no face to any of this expect for the politicians’ own. Need I say more? Okay. I will. I won’t
deconstruct the numbers for you because some economical analyst will do that
better than I ever could, however. I will tell you this, the numbers don’t make
sense and they don’t add up to much as far as Mr. John Boehner’s budget
structure is set up. It’s just not good
enough is it?
According to today’s NY Times Editorial,
Reid Plan vs. the Boehner Plan”
BOEHNER PLAN This one is irredeemably awful. It calls for cutting $1.2 trillion
in discretionary spending over 10 years and would only raise the debt limit
until early next year. Then it calls for a second round of spending cuts, $1.8
trillion, which must be enacted before the debt limit is raised again.
the first round of cuts would eviscerate discretionary programs — and because
the plan does not count the anticipated $1 trillion in war savings — the second
round of cuts would need to come from Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and
other safety-net programs. To get cuts that deep in 10 years would require
cutting the benefits of current retirees and beneficiaries or gutting health
care reform, or savaging the safety net for low-income Americans, or some
combination of the three. But even all that would not be enough for some House
Republicans, who were threatening as of Tuesday night to reject the plan.
As for
the House Speaker; Mr. John
Boehner, it’s your job to present a clear and logical budget that
won’t sabotage the good and hard working American people. What do you mean you can afford the luxury to walk out on your post and
responsibilities? Do you know what happens to the middle class and the
working poor in America if they walk out on their positions? Then they lose
their jobs. Mr. Boehner, if you walk out on your job once again then I suggest
that another replace you in your stead and absence.
*) As for the Republicans taking a pledge against progress; how boring and pathetic of you not to think on your own two feet. For
those Republicans who attended Ivy League schools and signed a snot nosed kid’s
pledge, I suggest you go back to your Ivy League schools and demand a refund. A
fifth grader is smarter than you about American history and politics. Please.
What a waste of your educational currency. The forefathers are rolling in their
graves and you know it. ‘Modern GOP’ers’
and ‘Modern Tea Partiers’, how are you sleeping at night? I’m sure not
*) As for raising taxes on the Wealthiest 2% in the country; well, what’s holding you up from
creating progress? I was told last summer; ‘did you know that if the top 20
wealthiest humans in the world gave up their wealth for a year then the whole
world would get to eat.’ Indeed but only for a year and the debt would be back
to where it previously was the following year so we need to come up with
self-sufficient tight sealed plans for continuous growth.
The ‘Modern GOP’ and the ‘Modern Tea Party’
branches of the Republican Party really missed their mark on taxing the
wealthiest 2%, didn’t they, folks? Fire
the whole lot of them. Get these political freshmen out of offices because
they’re just wasting time, money and resources from the good American people
plus for the most part they’re crazy religious fanatics. If I want religion in
my life then I breathe in and out a prayer. If I want politics then I read
essays. Do not preach at me and the rest of the good hard working American
folks. We don’t like it.
P.S. To
the beautiful American people, I wish you beautiful sleep. Oh, our lovely Americans
help is on the way. The future is around the corner and we will live to see
progressive change. Cheers. Much love, peace, prosperity and solidarity for
your childrens sakes.
P.S.S. Okay, European-Frankfurt dinner
here we come. How about the “Wonder
Woman” pilot? Incredible. Incredible.
----- -----
I’ll come back to this; right now I have a
vegan lunch to prepare and a film shoot to conduct. Thank you for your
try to try nothing more and nothing less.
Question: What
does bipartisanship mean?
Answer: Bipartisanship is a political situation,
usually in the context of a two-party system such as the United States, in
which opposing political parties find common ground through compromise.
Question: What is the American debt ceiling?
The American debt ceiling according to a 1917 law ‘caps
the federal debt at $14.3 trillion’.
Question: What is a spending cut?
A spending cut is a decrease in spending in amount or number.
Question: What is a budget deficit?
A budget deficit is a
shortfall in revenue within a budget. (‘When spending exceeds its income over a
particular period of time’.)
Question: What
is Revenue?
Revenue is (sometimes called sales) refers to all the money a
company takes in from doing what it does — whether making goods or providing
Question: What
is a tax cut?
A tax cut is a reduction in taxes. (‘The immediate effects of a tax cut are a decrease
in the real income of the government and an increase in the real income of
those whose tax rate has been lowered’.)
Question: By when does the United States of America’s
Government have to balance the budget deficit?
The United States of America’s Government has until August 2, 2011 to balance
the budget deficit.
Question: Can the United States of America default on
its National bills?
No, the United States of America cannot default on its National bills unless
every American citizen can default on their personal bills as well.
(Furthermore, U.S.
Treasury bonds are considered as good as cash around the World so the United
States Government cannot and it will not default on its bills on August 2,
2011. If the Government defaults on National bills then most likely no
politician holding any office at the House of Representatives will ever hold
office again because in the history of the United States of America our
government has never defaulted on its bills and why would the American
Government start now?)
*) Question: What is default?
Answer: Default is when failure to fulfill an obligation, esp.
to repay a loan or appear in a court of law.
*) Question: What is a U.S. Treasury bond?
Answer: A U.S. Treasury bond is government debt issued by the United
States Department of the Treasury through the Bureau of the Public Debt. (‘For the ultimate safety with your bond
investments, you can turn to the U.S. government, the most reliable borrower in the world.’)
(Thus far.)
Question: What is the House of Representatives?
The House of Representatives currently
consists of 435 voting members, each of whom represents a congressional
district. The number of representatives each state has in the House is based on
each state's population as determined in the most recent United States Census.
All 435 representatives serve a two-year term. Each state receives a minimum of
one representative in the House. In order to be elected as a representative, an
individual must be at least 25 years of age, and must have been a U.S. citizen
for at least seven years. There is no limit on the number of terms a
representative may serve. In addition to the 435 voting members, there are six
non-voting members, consisting of five delegates and one resident commissioner.
Question: What
is a House Speaker?
The Speaker of the United States House
of Representatives, or Speaker
of the House, is the presiding officer of the United States House of Representatives.
The office was established in 1789 by Article I, Section 2 of the United States
Constitution, which states in part, "The House of Representatives shall
choose their Speaker..." The Speaker is second in the United
States presidential line of succession, after the Vice President and before the
President pro tempore of the U.S. Senate.
Question: Who
is the current House Speaker?
The current House speaker is a Mr. John Boehner A Republican who represents Ohio's
8th congressional district. The Constitution does not require that the Speaker
be an elected Member of Congress, but no non-member has ever been elected
Speaker. Boehner, (No,
not a “boner” as an erect penis rather in regard and respect to a man and his
family’s last name unfortunate as it may be a last name in contemporary
Question: What does Partisan mean?
Answer: In politics, partisan literally means organized into political parties. The expression "partisan politics" usually refers to fervent, sometimes militant, support of a party, cause, faction, person, or idea. Although this is typically an appellation with negative connotations, some supporters embrace the term.
----- -----
think I’ve covered the basics.
Here we go. Hang on! It might be a rough literary skateboard ride.
come back to this, today!
----- -----
Mr. Viking’s owner Mark Wilf,
It’s been explained to me by black street folk that since the North
Minneapolis tornado; (Let me paraphrase);
(“ ‘The suburbanites are
moving back into the urban city, while the black poor are moving into the
suburbs and the real black ghetto thugs hang out in the suburbs with the black
poor.’ ”) (Thanks NY Times for teaching me to write singular quotations inside
paraphrasing quotations; we learn something new every single day) (Sorry, I
don’t speak Ebonics).
Minneapolis has ‘friends in high places’ and Minneapolis can
find the currency for a Minneapolis urban NFL stadium. Yes, indeed. I have
nothing against Arden Hills, but the surrounding suburbs are greatly affected
by meth as a much larger and destructive growing problem. Please.
Please find the currency. Minneapolis can do it. There is money
in Minneapolis. Farmers Market, please make a great and financial sacrifice to
have a stadium built at your location. It will economically better the urban
city of Minneapolis in the long run.
I have nothing more to say about this.
Culture is changing. It’s here. Please, look at it in the face.
July 26, 2011
be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best day and night to make
you like everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being
can fight and never stop fighting." -
E. E. Cummings
relation to a writer, most readers believe in the Double Standard: they may be
unfaithful to him as often as they like, but he must never, never be unfaithful
to them.” - W.H. Auden
Happy Tuesday!
getting better at this cutting and pasting of day and date. No, I’m not detail
oriented in ways that you’d expect, but I’m becoming so. It’s taken me 24-years
to learn to become detail oriented and the literary editing will make me a pro
at detail. That’s all detail is beach combing for dead-sea-life.)
*) Friend, I’m finally sitting down to watch
“Time and Tide” a Film By Tsui Hark. Thank you.
*) Former school mate at the University; your
writing is a literary inspiration. Thank you.
*) {When
I’m done making editorial, grammatical and spelling mistakes on this blog then
I’ll sit down to write the first of many novels we talked about seven years ago
while sitting at a café on the West Bank. I’ve been meaning to publish like so
many of my University mates already have but I’m not a good enough writer yet.
I’ve been watching from the sidelines the progress of my literary
contemporaries with vegan fiber pompoms I’ve been cheering for a decade now.
I’m so proud of all of you and your great literary publishing abilities. Cheers
to you! Tonight, I raise a class of champagne in your names simply because you exist, write
and contribute.}
*) The University’s football players were the
best written poets I’d ever met and they were genuinely gentle giants for
gentlemen. They looked funny in their larger than life body frames trying to
fit into tiny desks. I had to laugh about that several times and give them crap
about it. Plus, they were the smartest and kindest brothers I’ve ever partied
with. How could I not give them crap?
Thank you.
*) To the lovely lady who made my coconut Italian
Soda last night. Thank you.
*) (I’ve
had Japanese cinema on the brain and nothing else much more and for some reason
I ‘always’ want a taste of flavored Italian Soda when I’m researching and
watching Japanese and Asian cinema. I have a taste bud trigger to cinema, I
guess. Most movies I’ve ever watched have triggered a craving for some type of
food or other. It’s like being impregnated with excellent thoughts, I guess.
I’ve never come across any pregnancy that wasn’t excellent to the betterment of
humanity. Another Einstein could be born any moment. Alright, I won’t get
poetic on you.
Lovely lady, behind the counter thanks for not judging me; in my pocket
I held my last lovely four American currency dollars left for a daily budget
and I wanted to spend it all.
It was a great way to end a long work day out on a patio amongst
American strangers smoking 1 (100% pesticide free) cigarillo and then
peacefully skateboarded home like any great citizen. What a lovely evening it
was last night. The weather was Minnesota perfect. What an adult thing to do at
the end of a long day than to kick back with a public smoke, no? Si. Yes. Oh, I
could go for a Cuban cigar right about now, who wouldn’t? What a sacred leaf.
Tobacco and any other natural plant, that is.)
A little rant, yes.
*) I’m stalling.
*) I want to write about the subject matter
that almost most Americans are concerned with and about; the debt ceiling and
the desperately afraid and uncompromising Republican children for politicians as
well as the financial, health and educational aid to the American middle class
and working poor cultural structures.
*) I’m stalling because I have to get better
acquainted with the policies behind the politics.
*) Remember, when any political campaign or
politicians; anytime, anyone sells you a poll number - divide that number in
half and that is more often than not the accurate number in any poll. I was
taught to consider it this way in Econ through Socio-politics and how to sway
the public to consider or to think in any several of different ways about any
candidate. Think it doesn’t cost anything.
*) When you vote this November please vote
according to policies. Sadly to say the policies of the Republican Party are
non-existent. Therefore, Republican voters across the board ‘ought’ to consider
voting moderately conservatively Democratic in the November’s elections.
*) I’m asking all the generations of
Americans suffering a horrible economical fate; for the sake of your loved
ones, for the sake of your neighborhoods and other Americans’ sake please ‘rock
*) The Democratic Party has got my Republican
vote come this election and don’t
think that I’m happy about it. All I can think is, “What are the policies?” “What
are the policies?” What are the policies?” He said so long ago and I understood
the true wisdom in politics.
*) Americans, if Latin Americans can quote
you Pablo Neruda at the tip of their tongue then I’d like to think that most
Americans without an Ivy League education can read and decipher through
political policies, because it’s our job as global leaders for citizens to
know, understand and comprehend the American political policies or our children
will be abused, conned and manipulated through a mediocre political system.
Basta! Enough. I’m not whispering anything to you. I’m telling it straight to
your faces. Think because it most certainly doesn’t cost anything.
*) No, I don’t think the World is going to
explode and end anytime soon, however. Global warming is definitely leaving
humans in the dust. This race is being won by the cows and human-industrial
made pollution. I think you can understand that.
I kept language pretty simple in terms of essay writing. I never think that the
World is going to explode - I leave it to the movies to do that. Why would I think that?
*) I think about a lovely American future
with equal rights for all.
*) That’s how patriotic I’ve become as a
first generational immigrant. Don’t sell me anything I lived through 9/11. All
Americans did. What, you think 9/11 only
hit N.Y.C. The good American people sent people out to N.Y.C. with the faith
for a better tomorrow. I can’t explain it to you because I’d have you crying
and I’ll have none of that today. The tidal waves that travelled through the
rest of the country turned into an economical Tsunami. 9/11 doesn’t only belong
to N.Y.C. it belongs to America as a chapter in history just as Pearl Harbor
did to the Greatest Generation of Americans.
*) Well, I’m calling it quits for today.
*) It’s been a long day and I can’t wait to
sit down with my husband, eat a little late European-Frankfurt dinner, watch a
film and relax while we discuss cinema.
*) As a Republican American I have fallen in
love with “a” Mr. Bill Maher’s HBO show
and “a” Mr. Seth Green’s “Robot Chicken”. (My
deepest apologies on the forgetfulness of Mr. Green’s last name; I should’ve
looked it up but truly all I can say in my defense is that I’m “Ferdinand the
Bull” smelling the flowers in the field - that’s all I ever really cared about
in life and always probably will. Cheers!) We howl in laughter at these two
programs. Thank you. We howl. I can’t explain it to you how wonderful it is to
belly laugh that hard in America. It comes as close as watching the Latinos
howling-laughter at their beloved “Pepito” character. I don’t get it but they
most certainly do.
*) Cheers.
P.S. To our global brothers and sisters I’ve
been holding you in my heart all day long. I’m wishing you a beautiful evening
and morning as we’re about to go to bed and you’ll rise. Goodnight. Good
P.S.S. No, I don’t wear hosiery. They’re
scratchy, itchy and I just want to rip them off my legs every time like some
wild pig boar. The technology is not good enough - not like bamboo fibers
anyway. Eat that for late supper around 9pm tonight. You stuff your balls in
hosiery! I refuse to wear them.
{I dislike a lot of female made clothing. I’ve ended up topless twice in my lifetime
because female clothes are horribly made. I don’t wear - anything - remotely -
‘cute’, anymore, because it falls apart due to its daintiness.
I need a line of clothes where I can skateboard and be ruggedly chic
(‘sheek’) (thanks Wikipedia). I’ve been designing a line of clothes for about a
decade. Hopefully someone will take it and run with it. I most certainly reap
everything I sow because I’m a damn great ideological seamstress. I pay
attention to detail when it comes to the broader ideas. American female
clothing is so over rated and mediocre. Not like Italian clothing, is it? You
can’t sell American fashion to me, I’m out there every day and I notice that
the middle class pays for what they think they’re getting which isn’t much in
quality. Where are the Italiano designers in America working for the hard
working middle class and working poor? The middle class and working poor work
so hard to buy their clothes and yet the quality is awful. Please. Somebody,
come along before I do. Because I have ideas and I’m sure they’d lick you up
and down the bowling alley.} I bowl left handed. Thank you. Ciao.
July 25, 2011
relation to a writer, most readers believe in the Double Standard: they may be
unfaithful to him as often as they like, but he must never, never be unfaithful
to them.” - W.H. Auden
Happy Monday!
Shall I? Okay. I’ll try.
(To our
brothers and sisters in Ethiopia; we love you. We do. Americans love you. No,
I’m not selling you on anything. Truly, I’m addressing a deep and profound love
for our African brothers and sisters. We don’t forget you and your historical
contributions to humanity. To those Ethiopian brothers and sisters whose tables
I’ve held the great honor of sharing food, drink and political discussion,
thank you. As for those Somali brothers and sisters with whom I’ve held the
great honor of sitting around your tables sharing food, drink and political
discussion, thank you. I’ve listened to stories for over two decades that have
brought me to shed silent tears through my skin).
Dear Al Shabab
(correct spelling according to the NY Times) / (aligned with Al Qaeda),
‘generals’, ‘warlords’ and ‘warrior’ types in Somalia; In Arabic السلام عليكم
as in Ingles translation “Peace be upon you”
as well as in English response “wa alaykum assalam”. (In Yiddish שלום־עליכם and in Hebrew שָׁלוֹם
עֲלֵיכֶם: ‘Shalom aleikhem’; "Peace be upon you." In appropriate English response
"aleikhem shalom," or "Upon You be Peace.")
How are you? You okay, over there in your
corner of Somali Universe? Do you know what’s happening in your Somali World
today? Do you? It appears that you have a most unfortunate and embarrassing
economical and political issues of what Unicef calls a "children's
famine". You know that? Right?
Dear Al Shabab, How was your dinner last
night? Did you enjoy your food and water yesterday? I hope you enjoy your
breakfast coming up this morning. ‘Boys’, the numbers are staggering (3.7
million starve) and your dirty laundry is hanging globally on news headlines.
Oh, I can’t call you ‘boys’?
most certainly I can. You’re definitely
not elders are you?
give me any Islamic ‘holy’ rhetoric. I’ve taken the time to read the Qur'an
many times now and nowhere does it state that you may harm and starve others in
exchange for power while here on this Earth.
get that point straight right at the beginning. I will call you boys because I’m teasing you. No, I’m
not sexually teasing you - I’m not a loose woman over here on my little bit of
Earth. I’m intellectually teasing you. You want to lead Somalia in a Waltz?
Well, guess, what? You can’t because Somalia is your ‘Lady Liberty’ like New York City is ours. Somalia can barely
stand up to take the first step to mirror your movements. Somalia is not even
touching you while you aggressively and abusively dance against her while
groping her. You’re stepping all over her beautiful dainty toes. Isn’t it
obvious why Somalia can’t dance with you? Somalia can’t mirror your lame dance
moves because you’re abusive male dancing partners.
What are you going to do?
you really going to drag Somalia across the dance floor against her will for
the whole World to watch, punch her in the face, rape her, starve her children
and then kill her in public on the news of all places and say that you did it
in the name of God? I don’t think so.
The whole lot of Islamic war mongering fanatics. Oh, am I being insulting? Yes, I am because you brought starvation
to a lovely Somali people. Its open political season any human on the face of
the Earth can think against your radical God(s)’ hating ideologies. You went so
far as to harm and destroy innocent civilians and someone ought to slap you
hard across the face with a real leather glove. Were you born out of philosophical wedlock? Well, were you? I can’t
for one moment believe that any of you loved your grandmothers. Not well,
anyway. What. Did your grandmothers not
love you? NO! I’m holding-up my left hand at you. Don’t speak because it’s
a rhetorical question and I don’t expect any good answers from anyone today.
Boys of
the Somali militia, Islamic Jihadists and Islamist radicals; the World’s looking at you and no, it’s not looking good
for you. Islamic war mongers do you know a little political concept about the Treaty
of Versailles?
A peace treaty that ended WWI with Germany and the Allied Powers signed on June
28th 1919.
an adult American thinking, breathing, writing female. And, yes, I’m a modern contemporary feminist and if that doesn’t leave
you with a literary wrath of the Gods, then I don’t what will? “Artists are
prophets.” He told me all those years ago and I’m not an expert on anything or
an artistic prophet, however. I can see clearly through a dirty telescope and
there is mercy beyond your limited human cruelty and abusive religious power. (Weird, I’m literally losing my voice as I
write this to you today).
a Mayan Indian I pray more than the five times it’s explicitly suggested
through Islamic religion; Fajr (pre-dawn), Dhuhr (noon), 'Asr (afternoon), Maghrib
(sunset), and 'Isha
war mongering Muslims of the Islamic fanatical sector of religion pray to your
Allah God to have mercy upon you today and for the rest of your days because if
you’re not afraid to create destruction then you ‘should’ be afraid of your
religious Jahannam “Hell”. From what
I’m told it’s going to be a worse Jahannam
fate than a Catholic hell of eternal damnation. Please, war mongering Muslims
of Somalia don’t sell it to the World that you’re on some religious righteous
indignation and that-that gives you divine right and power to commit
economical, political and physical genocide. Don’t sell it to the globe that
you’re on some ‘holier than thou’ crusade the same as the Catholic church.
Nope, back it up everybody.
(I lived through four years of a Roman
Catholic orphanage and I was more abused dating a Muslim man in my early 20’s
than any other brother I’d ever dated and no, that didn’t include sex with a
dinner package). So, back it up and back it up, now. You can’t sell me on
anything. Not today. Nobody can sell me on economics, church and state. Nope.
They’re all different yet they operate the same, don’t they? MONEY. Some
sucker’s currency yet not mine.
a Mayan-Indian (you don’t even know what
that means do you?); I speak to you directly. I was taught to pray with
every waking and sleeping breath of life. Every breath of life is a prayer to
the Gods of men of this Universe. My every breath of life is a prayer and that
doctrine does not allow for me to physically harm and starve another. Neither
does the Qur'an, the Bible and the Hebrew Scriptures (Biblia
love the Qur'an. It’s the most beautifully written book of
poetry I’ve ever read; coming from "a" nobody kid who couldn’t read
English at the age of ten. I fell in love with the Qur'an as
I have with the Bible and the Hebrew Scriptures, however. Nevertheless, men who
try to control these sectors of religion through power and currency are only
flawed men. The Gods of these men who destroy cannot possibly be the same Gods
of these beautifully written verses in these texts. I don’t believe any of you
who starve our Somali brothers and sisters on purpose and with a loss of faith
in exchange for Islamic righteous indignation or Christian for that matter in
exchange for power. The Catholics, Christians and Puritans already gave the
Natives of the Americas the same line so I can’t fall for it twice in three
centuries with the Islamic fanatics and their made-up religious rules. Please
don’t lie to the beautiful global people.
dichotomy of power, money and religion is too great for me to jump on any band
wagon and make it my home. I can’t. I won’t fall asleep for any of it because
the lies that men tell in their waking hours are on a global scale too great
for me to fall into a trance. I’m awake on this corner of the Universe. I’m
alert. I’m of sound mind and body. I’m here to tell you that you almost
succeeded in taking out the Mayans with your
religious righteous indignation; will you
try to take out the Somali people with that type of destruction as well?
This is not a new story about destruction. This is an old story as far back as
the beginning of time. A story about of child famine, female rape and
not impressed my Somali Islamic radical war mongering brothers and sisters. The
World was expecting so much more development from you than this by now. We know
you’re brilliant so why won’t you waltz with a beloved Somalia that will
eventually be able to stand up on two legs (when the smoke clears), take a bow
for the world to witness Somalis’ in all their glory, love and humanity. What does power have against any children of
the world? Why are you as vindictive and mean against children so far as to leave
them to an awful fate of starvation? I can’t believe any of you. Your lies
seem to be greater than the sum of your faith. Don’t think that I’m daft to
this World. One of our American presidential female candidates is preaching
that the world is going to end. When did she become Jesus Christ? She’s just as
crazy as you are with your Radical Islamic righteous indignation, yet she gets
more American media coverage than you do ‘boys’ because she’s got cleavage and
legs to look at and you don’t.
big money, politics and religion; save the starving brothers and sisters of
Somalia and their children - TODAY. Please. Our African brothers and sisters
died today from starvation. Doesn’t that
count for anything?
Dear Al
Shabab (aligned with Al Qaeda), Somali militia, Jihadists and Islamist radicals if there is any compassion left in
your human bones then you’ll know the right thing to do. Otherwise, I’m afraid
for your safety in Jahannam. Your devils
and demons will take care of you. “Pattow!” as the northern American Native
brothers and sisters taught me to say 15 years ago. Thank you. Eat that for Islamic-Somali breakfast.
ahead. Run your hunger campaigns, political campaigns, tooth paste commercials,
mediocre headline news to the good American people.
know this about the Americans, we face some serious internal affairs that must
and need to be addressed right here on own our turf - today.
decade ago.
we the Americans keep you in our prayers every single moment of every single
about to enter the end of my day as you enter the beginning of yours with your
swollen bellies and silent cries. I hurt for you. I know what that bloated
stomach pain and silent cry is like. The private economical sectors of American
constructivists are coming with aid as quickly as they can but that will never
be enough for you, Somalis.
Will it be enough?
it will never be enough because no matter how many food drops, donations and
political aid the World sends you; You’re eventually going to have to establish
a government of your own, implement laws against tyrants, set up irrigational
water systems and learn how to grow
your own food in a desert environment. It can be done. It’s being done.
I pray for you. Every fiber and bone of my being is with you as you rise today
from your deeply emotional and physical pain. I love you, Somalia and your
beautiful people with their beautiful faces. Africa, we hear your cries. Can
you hear ours? American cries… across our ocean. In our deepest hour of need in
these philosophical times our American men and women fight a 10-year war.
(Correction; from “11” to “10” years of war. It feels like a lifetime, doesn’t it?) Can you hear the Americans’
have nothing more to say about this.
*) To our Norwegian brothers and sisters;
we’ve been praying for your Nation’s broken heart.
*) If you’re Minnesota-homophobic then you’re
also Minnesota-racist. Step back. No one wants to hear your stupid commentary.
*) Please do not pass any American laws
allowing for Mexican truckers to enter and drive on American soil. Please NO!
Please. Americas die every day on the streets by the hand of our own American
truck drivers as it is. Now, you expect the good American people to accept
dying by the hand of Mexican truck drivers also? Go home law passers. American
culture’s got this one. Stupid laws, you’re trying to sneak pass the good
American people. The Missourians are furious. And rightly so they should be.
(Grammatical and spelling errors have been made. Pardon, but I think faster
than I can type). Ciao. Cheers!
July 23, 2011
“In relation
to a writer, most readers believe in the Double Standard: they may be
unfaithful to him as often as they like, but he must never, never be unfaithful
to them.” - W.H. Auden
does not have to be that the greatest generation is behind us. It does not have
to be that our children will have a lower standard of living. It will be that
way if we choose to believe that. I choose not to believe that.” - Glenn Beck
you play the very subtle jazz tunes with acoustic pianos, acoustic bass and
it's a dead standard, you are going to play very differently. It depends on the
music.” - Lee Ritenour
Happy Saturday!
Shall I? Okay. I will.
Minnesotans, I hope you’re having a splendid
There’s so much happening in Minneapolis
tonight. It’s so exciting isn’t it? Ah, those Minnesota Twins (welcome Detroit
Tigers; I’m just glad the Boston Red Sox aren’t playing the Minnesota Twins)
and those “Aquatennial fireworks”. Amazing. “Captain
America”; I’m humbled by contemporary filmmaking. It was the most perfect film
I’ve ever watched in my life with one technical mistake that I think I caught
and it was absolutely beautifully made (another blog for another day). What a
life! What a beautiful life!
Well, I had to do the math, truly.
Tonight; U2’s concert is set with an
attendance of 58,000 Minnesotans and other neighboring states’ locals.
Wow. Wow! Wow. Incredible. Job well done U2
on your musica and talent. Truly.
I’m speechless, at their audience turn-out
for four beautiful and healthy Irish men and their musica, no? Si. Yes. Well,
where does that put them at; allow for me to add on five Minnesotan zeros in
the outcome of this equation.
Let me think; 58,000 tickets sold at a median
price for $50.00 American dollars per person = ($2,900,000.00): Two Million,
nine hundred thousand and some change with the merchandise which isn’t included
in this ticket purchase sum.
Well, it’s taken me an entire day to decide
why I would’ve like to or not liked to attend a U2 concert.
I decided against attending a U2 concert for
two good reasons. One, the four beautiful and healthy Irish men will leave the
‘U of M Stadium’ with more than enough Midwest dollars to last them another 24
years to say the least. Two; If my ‘hypothetical’ politico staff would’ve
briefed me as poorly as a Mr. “Bono’s” staff did about Minneapolis Minnesota’s
Somali population then I would’ve fired my political staff on the spot. I’m not
pointing any fingers. I’m just tired of mediocrity.
Ready, because what I have to say is juicy
and you ought to have mango juice dripping down your chin by the time I’m done.
No, I’m not a critic of any type.
I’m an American citizen and I take Minnesota
politics and its people extremely seriously here in this corner of the Universe.
My uncle just retired as the Director of the
International Institute of Minnesota. (These
aren’t his views. These are my views).
Do you know what a responsibility comes with
that position?
Well, let me tell you this is a great man
amongst men. An honorable man who worked diligently to grant access and safe
passage to all immigrants in Minnesota for the last fifteen years plus. This is
the man who as a director brought
(you) Minnesota’s finest and rather beloved ‘Festival of Nations’. My Minnesotan
uncle and his tremendously dedicated, kind and mature staff of Minnesotans were
the A-team on immigration in the
State of Minnesota. Whoever tries to fill his shoes next will have a tall order
to fill. I wouldn’t want to be in their position. My uncle’s former staff; are
people who know immigration politics and logistics like the back of their
hands. Do you get it? I most certainly do.
I decided not to skateboard on over to the ‘U
of M stadium’. (I know-I know somebody’s
really trying to push the “TCF Bank” name, but it won’t do, because culture
gets sick on being sold on money-media culture like some used car sales
dealership. What will you call the stadium next when it gets sold to another
huge conglomerate?) The stadium will always be known as the ‘U of M
Stadium’ or I think it’s more precisely known as the first and former “Gopher
Stadium”; I’ll have to research it. Conglomerates are bought and sold; think
about it - while culture stands the test of time. Do you know who culture is? THE PEOPLE.
I love Franklyn Avenue and all of our hard
working Somali shopkeepers and their contributing families, neighbors and
friends. I love the Somali women, men and children with their beautiful faces,
cooking smells and language. What is
there not to love about our brothers and sisters of Somali origin?
There is everything to love except a few
things like Somali sex trafficking on the streets of Minneapolis, Minnesota and
the United States as well as an overall arrogant and rude disposition from our Somali
brothers and sisters towards our Minnesota’s culture.
Don’t play lamb with me.
I’m out in culture everyday and some of the
rudest and meanest brothers and sisters in Minneapolis are Somali. That could
be arguably wrong. But not here, not on this page and not tonite. I’m being
real with you because I have nothing to lose. Nope. I don’t.
I’ve encountered Somalis demanding others out
of their way in public. Somalis who are so passive they might as well take out
a gun and aggressively shoot you in the head. Oh, wait their young gangs
already does that. What’s next? People, who walk against traffic and drive up
ONE WAYS. People, with a huge chip on their shoulders; so great, that if stares
could kill then you’re doing it. Somalis’ hateful looks say everything they
hate about America and I don’t blame them for that, however. At least we care
about our Somali brothers and sisters and what happens to the Somali people and
their loved ones. Do you get it? I
know-I know, I, too, starved for nine years. I’ve been to hell and back so you don’t have to sale hunger to me.
I’ve been there, done that. Moving on. Next.
Please have the courtesy not to sale people
on any campaigns about starving children in Africa when our Minneapolis Minnesota
Somali and non-Somali’s starve right here on our soil.
This Worldwide band already sold you a rock
show - isn’t that enough? Three million
made in one night? What about starvation in Minnesota? I’m a by-product of
my X-Generation and I stand for some high honorable morals and ethics that
would make you sweat just thinking about it.
If Mr. “Bono” sold out a rock show does he
also need to promote African starving children? Isn’t it enough to sell a rock
stadium show to folks? What a responsibility he took upon himself but not very
well thought out. Was it? Not when
Minnesota is a leader in World refugees.
Well, I’m disappointed in the large
population of Somalis in Minneapolis. As Minnesota’s citizens we’ve done
everything and I mean everything to ensure Somali daily safety and yet Somalis
put Minnesotans at risk everyday with Somali sex trafficking and Somali gang
youth wanting to be tough. Somalis and their scary driving who most don’t seem
to have a legitimate driver’s license to drive upon American streets. Don’t give me that. You know that I know that you haven’t been educated to drive in America
- it’s obvious. I’ve been watching Somali drivers in my neighborhood for
seven years. There is no way some of you have passed any type of driver’s education.
Nope. I’m not a sucker. Not, here not on
my own time.
Don’t serve me any lamb for dinner.
No, not tonight.
No, thank you.
Serve me Costa Rican humble arroz y frijoles
negros with ceviche and if you don’t have that on the menu then serve me black
bear brother steak with a touch of real Native wild rice.
That, I can honorably swallow without having
to choke on something sour. I go out there into the World every day and try to
interact with a Minneapolis Somali culture while I buy my fruits and
vegetables. When in Rome do as the
Romans. Somali brothers and sisters; Minnesotans have opened up their
doors, homes and tables to you. We’ve extended the same courtesies to you as we
have our Hmong refugee Minnesotan brothers and sisters and every other World
refugee. We are a great people with great pride and honor. We, the Minnesotans
do more than you’ll ever know for World refugees without having to sale the
notion and concept to you.
Yet, a Mr. “Bono” visits Minnesota. Here he
is in Minneapolis with his political and social African agenda about 3.7
million starving Somalis in Africa while our streets of Minneapolis have been
infested and forced into submission by a Somali sex trafficking economical
culture, Somali gangs and overall rude populous culture. Nope. Nope. Nope.
Please, step back. Go home. Minneapolis culture’s got this one. We’ve got great
catcher’s mitt. We know how to play ball fairly.
Don’t sell me anything. You already sold a
rock show. Please, no. Don’t sell me a global social and political agenda for
your hunger campaign. Please, no. Not you of all the humans in the World.
I’m an adult.
I’m tired of being sold on mediocrity. Tired
of it.
It will not do.
It cannot do.
It’s not good enough.
I don’t care who you are. The pope himself for that matter. You are
not granted passage through Minnesota when you push a politico and social
agenda to a Minnesota whose very own live in abandoned buildings, cars, tents
while dumpster diving. Please. Politicians, already sell social-political
filled agendas and campaigns to their people every day.
No, not, you, too.
Please. Artists. Please.
I’ll be the first one to say “No!” to you.
Why are there so many ‘Yes” people and their staff in the World? If you
attended an Ivy League school then I suggest you go back and ask for a refund.
It’s obvious that your educations have failed you. Please, ask for your money
Please, if artists come to Minneapolis then
have the common courtesy to be well-briefed on local topics that you can
discuss about the Romans. If you make it your job to be something beyond your
art and become politico then please be prepared to address politics anywhere
you visit rather than getting free media coverage for your agendas and
campaigns. If artists become politico spoke people then artists make the world
their job and that’s a tall order and your staff ‘should’ be able to handle it
if they’re on top of it. Get it. Please don’t sell citizens on anything else
because THE MINNESOTA PEOPLE have had to survive, mean politicians, Somali sex
trafficking and a so much worse fate than you’re 3-million plus that you’re
making tonight in two hours worth of work. If artists are going to be politico
then so be it, but at least make it local and correct.
Sorry, ‘Boys’ but you had an excellent
opportunity to bridge a huge gap and divide here on the streets of Minneapolis
and instead you sold us a used car with starving children driving the car out
of a used car lot. Gods, of the World! Please. Help THE PEOPLE of the World.
Gods please save the good Minnesota people from being sold on ideas that have
dire consequences and circumstances. Please, I don’t have anything more to say
about this. What more can I say?
I’m going for a long skateboard ride and not
anywhere near the ‘U of M Stadium’ - I’m turned off to the hueso.
I’m wishing the band U2 a great show tonight.
Please rock the socks off of the Minnesotans because we need ‘teen spirit’,
love, and compassionate understanding of the dire elements in complexities that
are really happening here on our
streets. Please. You want to be
politically charged? Well, then you need to know what to be locally politico about, no? Yes. Otherwise, it’s just
another campaign on saving the sad desperate starving children in some far off
nation that most people can’t even find on a map, anyway.
Please, a Mr. “Bono” be kind, gentle and
beautiful with our beautiful, kind and gentle Minnesotans who have been so
abused in the last three months alone by politicians, big business and
government. Please. I’m not begging you. I’m whispering to you. Please. See you
in another 24 years. Enjoy the Minnesotans’ 3-million dollars plus free media
coverage and campaign marketing for your political and social agendas. I’m so
disappointed in a Mr. “Bono’s” politics.
(I’m happy. Are you?)
P.S. I like to write literary femme fatal
lines. No, I’m not even anywhere close to a femme fatale. I have big eyes like
the buffalo brother. I’m not squinting through the world. I have an aware perspective
and uniquely analytical stance (The white brother’s education taught me to
think this way).
Think, because it doesn’t cost anything.
July 22, 2011
film is - or should be - more like music than like fiction. It should be a progression
of moods and feelings. The theme, what's behind the emotion, the meaning, all
that comes later.” - Stanley Kubrick
film is never really good unless the camera is an eye in the head of a poet.” - Orson Welles
makes me nervous - except making films.” -
Elizabeth Taylor
Happy Friday! (The week is over ‘guys’. You
can all go home to your loved ones, be relaxed and tranquillo together.)
*) To our brothers and sisters in Norway,
aloha. Our prayers have been with you. What can I say? Please, breathe, drink
H2O, get some sleep and breathe some more. Pura Vida; which literally
translates from Costa Rican Spanish into American Ingles “To the Good Life”. I
have nothing more to say about this.
*) To our one lovely Minneapolis pedestrian
(their family and loved ones) who lost their life yesterday evening around 7:20
P.M. near the Metrodome. Our prayers have been with you. Please, if you’re
driving trucks and cars on the lovely and beautiful streets of Minneapolis take
it easy. We’re a community of pedestrians, bikers, skateboarders and bi-pedal.
We’re cool, we’re urban sheek and we’re a progressive community do not take us
out with your vehicles just because you’re crazy drivers.
*) To our brothers and sisters of the canine
species, you’ll be greatly missed at one of many of my favorite coffee shops in
Minneapolis. I go to the cafés to be around smart and sharp dogs and their
owners. We’ll miss you. I have nothing more to say about this.
*) Okay, ready? We’re so freaken excited
about Captain America! Aren’t you? I was fast asleep by 9:00 last night so
going out past my beauty sleep is not in the playbook. I was up and working by
five in the morning so going out and checking out live musica and movies late
at night is beyond my granny bedtime capacity unless it’s kick ass otherwise
forget it. Yesterday, I won’t even begin to write about yesterday.
*) Tomorrow I have a breakfast date with Mi
Esposo and Captain America on the widescreen. I’m trying not to read anything
about the Captain America film until I’ve seen it. Oh, I so badly want to pick
up a review but since I try to keep the Tele, radio and web off-line as much as
possible it won’t be too difficult to go another day without knowing what the
critics’ reviews are. So excited I might just let myself drool. Just kidding.
But you get what I’m telling you. Imagine. What every geek adult-kid in America
has been waiting for a decade or more. Oh, my gods, I have goose bumps just
thinking about this story brought to the widescreen. Wow. Wow! Wow… need I say
more? Nope.
*) To my brothers helping construct the U2
stage I pray for your safety each and every day. And to the rest of my brothers
out in the World helping construct other
stages; my prayers are always with you and your safety. You’re quite missed
here in Minneapolis in the warm season. I hope you enjoy. You know where the
best seat in the house is. Right? Right. And it’s not behind a glass cage.
*) As for the U2 concert. Big Buzz in Minneapolis.
I’ve never seen U2 live and I hear it’s a dry event. How incredible. I just
found out its tomorrow night and I’d like to maybe… no, I’m not asking for
freebies if I want to go I’ll show up and buy a ticket at the gate (if that’s
even old ‘skool’ possible anymore in this electronically charged day in age).
If I was calling in a favor only one person in the whole world knows where I
would sit with them. Well, never mind that.
*) These are my thoughts about these U2
singers and songwriters.
former exchange student from Sardinia, Italy left a U2 tape behind in 1987 that
I’ve been carrying around for 24 years and I’ve not listened to it yet. My
heart has not called me to it while trying to catch up on other musical genres
of polka and blues grass alone as it is. The tape has a title of “The Joshua
I have a former classmate who LOVED U2 as a fourteen year old girl. It
was in the years of 1991-1992 (?) when she told me about planning to go to a
concert called a ‘Zoo-Ropa’ tour in Minneapolis. (I don’t know the specific
spelling of this tour so don’t quote me on that; I could look it up online but
I won’t so you can understand what it means to me at the age of 34 still until
I research it) I wanted to ask her one question but I didn’t because I was too
embarrassed not to know better; I wanted to ask ‘Like clothes kept in cages in
a zoo?’ Ha? I didn’t get it. I still don’t). Ha! Ha! Ha! No, seriously as ESL
that’s a weird title for a name but cute as a little button. Don’t worry I’ll
research it and figure out what it means to you.
I didn’t attend this ‘clothes in a zoo’ tour. I sat outside of First Ave
and watched people excitedly hurrying about. It was an exciting time in
Minneapolis in 1991-1992 and people were excited. I was excited for them and
their excitement. It was cute to watch. Really, it was. So, if I get an itch to
really see what this is all about and try to understand a sliver of what
anybody in culture is so excited then I’ll get on my skateboard and make my way
over to the U of M stadium and buy a ticket at the gate. It’s more spontaneous
that way anyway.} (Musica is very real and sacred to me and just the thought of
maybe wanting to go see Minnesotans at a U2 concert is exciting enough but as
all of my best friends know, I’d rather be at home or at their houses hanging
out and “chillaxing”. Nope, I don’t go out into the World with a camera unless
I’m working. Maybe in the next twenty four years… I’ll see this band perform.}
*) As for my organic gardening brother dealing
with heroin addicts and their addictions at the urban garden my prayers are
always with you always. It’s always an interesting time seeing cultural growth
and setbacks lined up next to one another. I’m so proud of the work you do in
Minneapolis for the betterment of our people. So amazing!
I could write more but I have many more
responsibilities to meet still yet today and make some time for my “Desilu II”.
May you be respected, honored and safe as you
make your way through this World.
Pura Vida.
Ciao. See ya’!
July 21, 2011
“In the absence of justice, what is
sovereignty but organized robbery?” -
Saint Augustine
Happy Thursday! Wow the working week is
almost over…
Well, where shall I begin?
There are so many topics in subject matter to
cover and so little time.
It’s 7:30 A.M. right now and it’s going to be
a long and beautiful summer day.
I look forward to meeting many
responsibilities head-on as we do daily like any other grown adults do
throughout the World. We’re researching the best doctors in Minnesota right
now. No, I don’t have “Irritable Bowel Syndrome” but I do at times have
excruciating stomach pain from 9-full years of starvation in my life.
Starvation wreaked havoc on my stomach. Starvation will never happen to me
again for as long as I live. I live with daily gnawing stomach pain and I do
the best that I can to live with it. My stomach pain does not allow for me to
forget the woes of starving Minnesotans and Americans. You’ll never hear me
complain about my lot in life, Why would you? There are so many more people who
suffer a much worse fate than I do in this World. Its life, what else is there?
Right? Right.
Let me get right to many points even though
I’d love to stall for about another two decades.
No, what I’m about to write is NOT about
power and currency rather about a history of a people.
Yesterday, I researched that The American
Republican Party dates as far back as the year 1854. As for the American
Democratic Party it dates as far back as the early 1790’s - no specific date.
The reason why I find it important for me to
stay open minded about politics in America is for one good reason and one good
reason alone; my East Coast adopted ancestry are of a people who settled The
United States of America in the year 1689 in Rockport Massachusetts. I come
from a long line of woodmen, sea folk, sea captains, historical lumber,
fisheries and land owners with historical patents.
These were and are hard working people of
America before America was ever founded. I know North Shore New England from
Boston to Rockport like it’s the back of my hand because it was my job and duty
for 21 years to get to know New England - well; due to my East Coast adopted
ancestry. I know who I am and I know where I come from.
If you visit some of these places, expect not to be automatically trusted nor
liked because that’s just the way it is.
You need to unlock more secret codes than
you’ll ever realize to even be remotely considered an acquaintance.
My people, that’s right for better or for
worse; My people were present and participatory at the Salem Witch Trials
against religious persecution. My people were a people who held up against the thrashing
winds of politics and time. A people who witnessed differences between public
hysteria and political jargon-filled agendas of a time and place.
These people you’ll never meet; not on my
time ever again. These are people who kept working diligently towards a beacon
of hope. Nope, not bacon of hope but a beacon, rather. They’ve understood since
before the emancipation of the United States of America that hard work,
community dedication, education and moderate conservatism are the keys to
success for an evolutionary progressive peaceful path.
Do you know what it’s like to walk into North
Shore New England museums and look upon the faces of my ancestors in paintings?
Amazing. Breathtakingly beautiful. It’s brought a quiet singular tear to my eye
every time. Do you know what it’s like to travel the streets and see my
ancestors name’s on street signs and historical home plaques in many different
regions? Mind blowing. My ancestors dined, conversed and held strong views
about the direction of America long before slaves were freed.
I’m not daft to this world.
I get it that Americans have made currency
their God and politics their power but I have something in my back pocket far
more profoundly prestigious, sacred and honorable that it’ll make you sweat
just thinking about it.
My people could dance circles around your
people, but they choose not to because they are dignified, stoic and can pull
all the stops on righteous indignation. What
do I mean righteous indignation? You haven’t met emotionally crippling
dehumanization until you’ve gone face to face with this type of force and I
I’ve lived to write about it. Nope, back it
up. I know people better than they know themselves. I’m that wise and
knowledgeable with a mesh of so many ancient societal cultures. I’m not
complaining about anything.
I’m letting you know that people who know
their place in history have been granted righteous power whether you like it or
not nothing more and nothing less. Now, I’m practicing how to sharpen my
emotional edge because my peoples’ lessons have finally come to flourish.
Don’t trust anyone but family.
I’ve learned my lessons and I’ve learned them
hard. Harder than you’ll ever know. Now, that I’m finally maturing I will not
never be tricked, conned and taken advantage nor abused ever again for as long
my linage of children shall live. My children will out survive anyone’s
children that, may wish them ill-will.
I grew up not to know but to understand who I
Step aside if you have ill will for the good
American people.
Just as Richard Tarr stood up against the
Salem Witch Trials and lies I will stand up. I will write as any little writer
can against the injustices of the good American people. I’m starting to settle
down. I’m not mad anymore. Mad, get over being mad at yourself, your community
and country. Now, I’m silent, diligent and aware. Like I said the eagle chose
me I didn’t choose the eagle.
People with a strong history know what’s up
long before it ever hits you.
These people cannot be conned, ticked or lied
to - thank goodness for that.
Are you kidding me?
They lived through the Salem Witch Trials for
Christ’s sake. Their ancestral attitude is starting to serve me well finally at
the age of 34.
“Family is all that matters. Remember that.
Family is all that matters.” Were my grandmother’s dying words to me over the
phone around eight in the morning on a Tuesday morning a week before she died
over a year ago. I could do nothing but cry over the phone to her because in
her dying days I began to understand what her life was really all about. I’ve
never met another woman with such high caliber as my grandmother and if I were
to meet such a woman again. I may not believe it. Beauties like her only come
to live in one life time. Only. If humanity is lucky enough to witness such an
event. If.
{I used to look at my
grandmother in her lovely grace as a New England Greatest Generation beauty and
she kept her appeal until the last of her days. That, I respected her for most.
My grandmother wasn’t a roller coaster emotional anything. Yet, she knew how to
hold herself in every situation. She was a lovely woman who understood the
terror of Pearl Harbor. It was clear in her eyes that she understood the wisdom
as a lovely American house wife that war had come to the shores of the United
States of America. (Now, we love our Japanese brothers and sisters. We do. This
new and older generation have stood together to continue to develop in this
time of Tsunami crises. Please, the Japanese can be truly lovely to the core
when they set their Indigenous prejudices aside.) My grandmother knew what it
meant to be a woman of her generation. I understand all too well what it means
to be a woman of my generation only because of her. I do. I’m maturing in ways
that I’ll probably never write about.}
Yes, my closest relatives are Wonson’s and
Elwell’s. What a small world. The exception is that I know my family well. I
love my family and they love me through growing pains. I know my people. I know
their smell in any room in the world and that will never change. This is a
lesson in history. You don’t know power until you know your own history.
only two sad mistakes in life are that in the last four years since 2007 I
unknowingly suggested guest-ship to a con-artist to Rockport and mistakenly
brought home a want-to-be prostitute-madam to Duluth). (I’ll never invite anyone home ever again for
as long as I live except for my five closest friends of twenty four years and
they’ll be my personal guests not by word of mouth.) I just learned a new
English word, “Flussie” / “Whore”. Ha!
That sums it up.) Run! I was conned and that will never
happen to me ever again for as long as I live. Americans and their American
I’m middle class so don’t ask me for
anything. I work for everything that I’ve got.
Get it. I most certainly do. I’m inside a
familial dynasty not outside of it; My adopted family’s history is my history
now even though some were killed by “Native Americans”, “American Indians”, “Native
Indians”; I’m another type of Indian and yes, the ancient Mayans could’ve eaten
your heart out yet I’m modern and natural-sheek. I don’t eat human hearts, but
I do carry that historical ancestry in my veins and I’m okay with that. Like
I’ve written before I’m half domesticate and half wild animal female human with
serious boundaries. Back it up.
My family’s dynasty is of a hard working
middle class attitude with a touch of sophistication, class and intelligence.
I don’t have any money or power to give you;
I’m not the giving tree as in Shel Silverstein's
children's books. I’m not a tree stump
to be sat upon. I’m a human with knowledge and wisdom.
Cheers to you and yours.
Cheers to us and ours.
P.S. I’m mentally preparing for a film-“shoot”
today with organic growers.
Source from Wikipedia
The Republican
Party is one of the two major contemporary political parties in the United
States, along with the Democratic Party. Founded by anti-slavery expansion
activists in 1854, it is often called the GOP (Grand Old Party). The
party's platform generally reflects American conservatism in the U.S. political
spectrum and is considered center-right, in contrast to the center-left
The Democratic
Party is one of two major contemporary political parties in the United
States, along with the Republican Party. The party's social liberal and
progressive platform is largely considered center-left in the U.S. political
spectrum. The party has the lengthiest record of continuous operation in the
United States, and is one of the oldest political parties in the world. The
party had 72 million registered voters in 2004. Barack Obama is the 15th
Democrat to hold the office of President of the United States. The Democratic
Party evolved from Anti-Federalist factions that opposed the fiscal policies of
Alexander Hamilton in the early 1790s. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison
organized these factions into the Democratic-Republican Party.
Thomas Jefferson (April 13, 1743 – July 4, 1826) was the principal author of the Declaration of Independence (1776) and the third President of the United States (1801–1809). One of the most influential Founding Fathers, Jefferson envisioned America as a great "Empire of Liberty" that would promote republicanism.
At the beginning of the American Revolution, Jefferson served in the Continental Congress, representing Virginia. He then served as the wartime Governor of Virginia (1779–1781), barely escaping capture by the British in 1781. After a controversial term, Jefferson failed to be reelected. From mid-1784 through late 1789, Jefferson served as a diplomat, stationed in Paris, initially as a commissioner to help negotiate commercial treaties. In May 1785, he succeeded Benjamin Franklin as the United States Minister to France.
Benjamin Franklin (January 17, 1706 [O.S. January 6, 1705] – April 17, 1790) was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. A noted polymath, Franklin was a leading author, printer, political theorist, politician, postmaster, scientist, musician, inventor, satirist, civic activist, statesman, and diplomat. As a scientist, he was a major figure in the American Enlightenment and the history of physics for his discoveries and theories regarding electricity. He invented the lightning rod, bifocals, the Franklin stove, a carriage odometer, and the glass 'armonica'. He formed both the first public lending library in America and the first fire department in Pennsylvania.
Franklin earned the title of "The First American" for his early and indefatigable campaigning for colonial unity; as an author and spokesman in London for several colonies, then as the first United States Ambassador to France, he exemplified the emerging American nation. Franklin was foundational in defining the American ethos as a marriage of the practical and democratic values of thrift, hard work, education, community spirit, self-governing institutions, and opposition to authoritarianism both political and religious, with the scientific and tolerant values of the Enlightenment. In the words of historian Henry Steele Commager, "In a Franklin could be merged the virtues of Puritanism without its defects, the illumination of the Enlightenment without its heat." To Walter Isaacson, this makes Franklin "the most accomplished American of his age and the most influential in inventing the type of society America would become."
Source from Tarr Family Notes- Charles
Richard Tarr born around 1646 in the Western part of England, South of the Bristol Channel; died on 13 June 1732 at Rockport, Massachusetts. He died at the age of 86. He is buried in the Old Burying Grounds on Beach Street, Rockport, Essex, Massachusetts. The town of Rockport erected a granite monument at his grave in the Old Cemetery to perpetuate his memory. The marble tablet is hard to read, but it still stands on the old burying grounds overlooking the bay. Richard Tarr settled first in Saco, Me. By occupation: (Woodsman). Resided at Blue Point (Scarborough), Maine prior to Philip's War; Saco, Maine early 1680s to 1688-9; Marblehead, Massachusetts around 1680? also in 1688-9??; He later moved to Rockport, Essex, Massachusetts where he lived 1689 to 1732. He married around 1684 at Saco, Maine to Elizabeth Dicer, daughter of William Dicer and Elizabeth Austin.
Elizabeth2 Tarr, born 10 January 1691, died
before her father in 1732, her children were
in his will; married 9 Feb. 1714/15, Ebenezer Davis. They had children:
Honor2 Tarr, born 10 May 1693; married (1st) 2
Nov. 1712, John Wise; m. (2nd)
1720, John Wonson, They had a child:
Elizabeth Austin; Town on Sandy Bay; a History of Rockport, Massachusetts by Marshall W.S. Swan, published in 1980 by Phoenix Publishing, Canaan, Connecticut. The following is taken from page 21. "Rockport's first family faced hardships as well. Down on the Tarrs swooped the scourge of witchcraft, for Cape Ann did not escape 'the prodigious war made by the spirits of the invisible world.' Before the battles were over, eleven women were dragged to the bar of justice for assorted 'diabolical acts.' In July 1692 the twenty-four-year-old Ebenezer Babson, his aging mother, and bachelor household were beset 'almost every night' by skulkers, as the jittery John Emerson wrote to the Mathers in Boston. The 'devil and his agents' required some sixty militiamen from Ipswich before they mysteriously evaporated - an episode which later inspired Whittier's jingly narrative, 'The Garrison of Cape Ann.' Subsequently, Babson denounced two of his female neighbors. Others charged included Richard Tarr's mother-in-law, Elizabeth Austin Dicer, committed to prison in Ipswich. On December 15 he personally signed a bond for yet another local victim. It is the earliest surviving document fixing Richard Tarr as a resident of Gloucester and speaks well for his courage during a time of public hysteria. If mother Dicer did return to live with her daughter's family after her release, such tales she must have had to tell."
----- ----- -----
That on this fifteenth Day of December anno
D[mbar ]: one Thousand Six hundred Ninty and two in the fourth year of the
Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord & Lady William & Mary by the Grace of God
of England Scottland &c King & Queen Defend'rs of the faith &c
Personally Came and Appeared before me George Corwin High Shirriffe of the
County of Essex of the Province of the Massathutetts Bay in New England Thomas
Prince of Gloster in the County of Essex in New England Husbandman Richard Tarr
of said Towne and County Husbandman and Acknowledged them selves indebted to
our said Sovereigne Lord & Lady the King & Queen, and the Surviver of
them their Heires and Successers in the summe of two hundred pounds to be
Leavied on their Goods & Chattles Lands & Tennements for the Use of our
said Sovereigne Lord & Lady: King & Queen & the Surviver of them if
Default be made in the Performance of the Condition Under written
The Condition of this Above Recognizance is
such that Whereas Margarett Prince Widdow Of Gloster aboves'd: is suspected
& Accused of Committing Acts of Witchcrafts. if therefore Margerett Prince
Widdow afores'd shall & do make her Personall Appearance before the
Justices of our s'd Sovereigne Lord & Lady the King and Queen at the Next
Court of Assize Oyer & Terminer next: Generall Geoall Delivery to be held
for or within the County of Essex afores'd to answer w't shall be Objected ag't
her on their Maj'ties behalfe: & Referring to the Witchcrafts. & to do
& Receive that by w'ch said Court shall be then & there Injoyned &
not depart without Lycence Then the above Recognizance to be void or Else to
abide & Remaine in full force and Virtue In Wittness whereof the above
Named Persons have here unto sett their hand & seales this fifteenth Day of
December in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred Ninty & two and
in the fourth year of our Maj'ties Reigne
* Benja Gerrish
*Nathaniel Beadle Sr.
*Jno Gyles
Prince his marke L.S.
*Richard Tarr L.S.
( Mass. Archives. Vol. 135 No. 71 )
July 20, 2011
I get older, I just prefer to knit.” -
Tracy Ullman
Happy Wednesday!
----- -----
***) An American blogger’s PSA: Public
Service Announcement): This is not Cuba, “You can write anything you want about
in America.” He said those words to me and I believed him.
“MODERN TEA PARTY”. (I don’t make this stuff up I just learn about it).
HUMAN IN THE UNIVERSE. I’m sitting over here in the corner whispering to you…
----- -----
Happy Wednesday!
Wow, these summer days are flying by. It’s
almost August. Wow.
To those living in low-income housing structures,
living out of cars, tents, under bridges and dumpster diving, aloha.
Dear Minnesota American folks… please find
H2O to drink today and duck into shade. Dear Minnesota’s finest youth, I want
you to know that our American thriving middle class is trying to bring
economical issues forth for your benefit, health and justice.
Dear youth from “working poor” class
families; Please keep in mind that the middle class is not the same as the
“working poor”; still yet in the United States of America. And for that reason
alone we will try everything in our power to leave Minnesota a better place
than my “Generation X” found it.
How do I know what it’s like to be in your
shoes? I know because I starved as “working poor” for three years in Minnesota
and I don’t as a middle class American citizen therefore I have time to raise
questions about the injustices to our Minnesotan brothers and sisters who can
barely make it on their bread and butter under $12.00 an hour. Please, don’t be
mean to Minnesotans, law passers. Please, law makers veto any crazy ideas
because you’re choking the “working poor” and if you do that then you’ll find
yourselves cleaning your own toilets, hotel rooms, and coffee counters. Get it.
The “working poor” can save up enough pennies to get the hell out of the United
States of America. Why suffer at the hands of the politicians, big businesses
and crazy laws? Why?
I found out that to ride a Minneapolis bus –
it costs $3.00 (Correction; from “$4.00” to “$3.00”) to ride.
What a mean culture of politicians and
business against the “working poor” class of Minnesotans and their families.
Did you know that it’s almost cheaper to drive now than to ride the bus? Wow,
our politicians got that backwards? You want people to go to work but you set
up an economical structure where the “working poor” can’t afford their
transportation to work? What? I don’t get
it? I think it’s supposed to be a little puzzle with a little picture on
it, but I can’t make out any reasonable nor coherent picture from that
economical model structure. Meannies! I’m telling you, crazy American
economical archaic structure. The “working poor” are lucky to make $8.00 an
hours. Did you hear that? Meannies!
Nope, you don’t get to feel bad about my past
but you most certainly do get to read and learn about it because it’s a story
about Minnesota and NOT a story about me. It’s a story about those who starve
in Minnesota. This is a story NOT for my benefit rather for your benefit to
learn something valuable for your children’s benefit. I survived “working poor”
in America and I’d do it again if I had to with more wisdom and knowledge of
course. Nope, I’m finally at ground zero and I’m on Tierra Firma. Do I want to
move towards an economical cloud or do I want to play in the ocean? I think
about raising surfing babies near some global ocean and calling it quits. Why
wouldn’t I? It would be a tranquillo lifestyle to say the least.
----- ------
Aloha. Lots of little thoughts racing by nothing
more and nothing less.
*) It’s my job as a thinker to societal culture to raise questions
and be aware of anything and everything, no matter how slowly I’m making my way
through pop-culture, politics, American structure of government, American history
and frankly algebra.
{My 8th grade
algebra teacher would be so happy to hear me say that because I flunked algebra
(Correction; from “geometry” to “algebra” I can never get the subjects
straight. They’re the same to me) three times and passed on the third time with
a “D”. If that isn’t funny then I don’t know what is. I’ve studied much
undergraduate Global gen-eds in broad topics of communication in the fine arts,
literature, history, writing, science, and mathematics. Believe it or not I
forced myself to study musica theory even though I can’t keep count to save my
life – as well as graduate level analysis of global communications, however.
I’d like to get a doctorate in something someday but nothing comes to me to
want to be an expert on anything in the world. I’m slowly making my way through
8th grade government and 8th grade algebra. It’s hard as
hell. Seriously, tougher than any high 400’s courses I’ve ever taken in my
life. Far more difficult than the study of philosophy and philosophy was my toughest
academic opponent.
I missed out on
4th through 6th grade everything while I sat in hot ESL
classrooms by warm weather with windows sky high overlooking the nature of the
heart of a creek. I could get lost in that view and forget to learn for a little
while. I wasn’t lazy I felt overworked to learn English at the age of 10 at a
rapid speed that first year, but as you can see it did me well. I’m not
complaining. Truly, I’m not. I write for your sake, somebody’s sake. Not really
mine. I already know all of these aspects of life to be true throughout
communities in many places. I’m connected to the Universe in some way. Yet I’m
connected even though I’d like to run away and live in some remote and
beautiful place in the world and raise educated surfer babies. Why not? I try
to surf. Although I’m horrible at surfing and yet I love it. I love to try
every time. What can you do but try when you love something and it’s difficult
but to keep trying. I’ll learn to surf well, eventually.}
*) I’m coming guys. I’m skateboarding way behind all of you and
I’ll catch up sometime. I’ve never listened to the “Ramones”, “Grateful Dead”
“Backstreet Boys” and only three little songs by a Mr. “Michael Jackson”. Even
though many people have a deep understanding of the “Ramones” in ways that I
never will I have yet to make time for their musica. All I can do is sit back
and listen because its way over my head as so is public American conduct of
culture. Way over my head. I keep things really-really
simple inside my brain and I leave it to the page to create rather than
*) I’m about to start watching 1980’s punk cinema. I’m trying to
get through 1970's cinema as much as possible. It’ll take me another decade, I
think. What I’ve learned about the punk movement is their straight edge
lifestyles, sacred musica and a dignified social demeanor. I don’t pretend that
I’m punk nor will I ever by any means. Well, the punks I know are complete
gentlemen and their ladies. They stretch from Boston to Nova Scotia. I don’t know
punks in N.Y.C. but I do know N.Y.C. marina folk. They can play a nice game of
b-ball with someone who never got the concept of dribbling. Thanks, guys. I’ve
had the grandiose luxury of sailing my Father’s sailboat into the Manhattan
harbor. Thank you. I’ll never forget it for as long as I live.
*) I don’t know one musician from another or another celebrity
person from another. Please. My friends have made fun of me because I’ve stood
next to celebrities and asked them “Do you have the permission to be on stage?”
They’ve smiled and gone on stage to
perform to thousands. (Well, they didn’t sport a little hall pass. What’s a girl to do but blush and smile?)
I know-I know. I only know the people that I love and respect greatly. I have
peers for role models that really make me laugh and want to discuss issues
about this beautiful magnificent great Universe. (A rant, yes. And it’s meant
to be one.) So, musica. I don’t know and I’m not a bragger. I don’t pretend to
know anything. I’ll learn. I’m learning.
*) I’ll catch up with media culture and when I do I want to try to
write comedy. I’ve never tried because it’s really difficult to write comedy. I
studied it for several semesters and thought; ‘what is anybody talking about?’ It’s taken me eleven years to figure
it out - anything - and it may take me another lifetime but unlike my ancestors
I don’t want another life-form existence on this Earth. Please, no! I pray to
our Mayan Gods, ‘please let there not be any “reincarnated-underworld” of any
sort of any type for me except for one’. The dear Gods already know what that meditational prayer is all
about; which comes from within each and every breath of my lungs. That’s why I
like watching little runners in their cute little marathons doing some serious
breathing. No, I don’t want to become a runner. Anybody who’s ever seen me run
will tell you that I stink at it to a lovely fault. I’ve never chosen to have a
strong mind about running and running of any kind, yet I unearthed the secret
to running a hundred miles. Nope, that one is not a “freebie” because it
belongs to the stars of other galaxies.
Good day to you.
----- ----- -----
P.S. Friend, I’m trying to make my way through Asian cinema.
P.S.S. Nope, don’t even get it into your head that I’m an
alcoholic. Alcoholism in America – you have no idea (another blog for another
day). I know alcoholism in America in ways that I don’t even want to write
about it and I think that alcoholics are mean people without reason.
Day 4 of a straight edge punk lifestyle. As far as a macrobiotic
diet is concerned I’ve cooked all of our meals with a high standard for this
nutritional lifestyle; In the next year I will give up many vices and pick up
many aspects of a healthy lifestyle, however.
WE DID OUR OWN RESEARCH and we will not go without coffee because
it does help with Alzheimer’s. Understand. Yesterday; No coffee, fruit sugar
and chocolate. Smoked three (100% pesticide free) tobacco cigarelos, 1.5 stiff
adult drinks and organic ice cream. Yum.
Today; thus far this morning and afternoon - I drank one cup of
organic, fair trade and shade grown coffee and ate fresh strawberries from a
farm. Yum! No, alcohol and smoked 1 (100% pesticide free) tobacco cigarelo. No
chocolate, artificial sugars and no dairy products thus far today. Yes, I’m
progressing. I’m learning. I could go for a “Juicy Lucy” hamburger right about
now. My mouth just watered. Goodness.
I may run across town and get a hamburger but I’m trying to stay
away from public establishments as much as possible, and only hang out in
private places because in many ways Minnesota’s public culture has way too many
double standards and hypocrisy with their passive aggressiveness so I’m trying
to stay on the “DL” (down low). I’ve been
thinking of pulling a Fiona Apple (No,
I have no idea who Fiona Apple is, nor am I trying to meet her nor is that a
goal of mine yet I’ve been told lovely inspirational stories) about how
this young artist stayed home for some years after her first album was
released. I could listen to musica,
watch films and eat great food and try not to leave the house unless it went up
in smoke or if I wanted to. I doubt that I will be able to stay home for many
straight years since I don’t set a budget aside for the luxury of personal
staff. I wipe my own nose and do my own shopping. Thank you. I’m middle class
and lovely at it. I’m a proud lady who makes the time to choose to pick out our
own organics or not - as I best see fit for our table. Who doesn’t love going
to the organic market and seeing picky chefs, business folk, housewives, their
beautiful children and food activists? I love American culture and yet I have a
lot of reservations about it just as I do American politics. I’m hungry. (I
made myself an egg sandwich.)
July 19, 2011
I know about humor is that I don't know anything about it.” – Fred Allen
Happy Tuesday!
Wow, the days are flying by and Minneapolis
sky is as dark as the days of… (A little poetry for you… I’m trying to be more
poetic. Truly, and it takes effort).
Three challenges: Yes, I will try to write
about compassion, forgiveness and laughter a month each in the ____ to come.
*) I’ll be making some fast points for no other
reason than to make them.
*) Do your own research. Look it up. Soy
products and bi-products are not good for humans any way you want to look at
it. You don’t like that. Well, you don’t have to like it. Yoga was invented in
the 1960’s or 1970’s for Westerners. Oh, you don’t like that either. Well, look
it up. It’s a fact. I was disappointed, too.
Three main points; the rest is simply
practicing to write sentence structure nothing more and nothing less.
*) Question one; why ‘should’ the wealthiest 2%
be taxed?
*) The wealthiest 2% could very well be taxed
for one good reason and one good reason alone; Society forgot to teach American
civilized public manners and for that reason in itself, do indeed tax the
wealthiest 2%. They can handle it - they’re adults. And no, I didn’t write “tax
the wealthy” I wrote “tax the wealthiest 2%”. Right? Right.
{*) American-World
Society, please do culture the favor of granting their children to speak at
least a second language, table manners, eloquent speech, consideration for all
living organisms, an excellent diet of organic (pesticide / lead-free)
lifestyles in nutrition, excellent H2O natural sources, grant a World village
of mindfulness, thoughtfulness and to never misuse the power of kindness for
manipulation. The greatest manipulation is to submit others into slavery
through repetition. No? You don’t like that social physics concept. I don’t
make this stuff up. It’s in the Universe. It’s knowledge. You know that, right?
A little broma, no? A little joke, no? I love jokesters. I howl at their
ability to make others laugh and I’ve been laughing with my closest friends for
24 years because we see it so differently than most do. You’d take offense so
we keep it to ourselves because we really are only considering the absurdities
of the times we live in. Weird, little American culture with its little faker
birds that pretend to have broken feet when they don’t. In the jungle most
everything is the difference between life and death. There is no faking it, but
in this urban jungle with so many privileges, this jungle fakes at being hurt.
Weird little birds. I’ll never fall for that again. Ha! I made a somewhat
Native Indian joke, I think.}
*) Question Two; can stage collapses be
*) Yes, yes stage collapses can be avoided;
for one good reason and one good reason alone, Mast and Boom builders of
sailboats have been conceptualizing, creating and building structures to get
sailors across seas in thrashing storms for centuries it is clear they
understand strength with minimal structure. It’s unnecessarily created fear
when any stage collapses. In other words, a stage collapse should never happen
-- not on your watch.
--- --- --- {The seven men that I love as brothers and who I met just two years ago are
trusted with the public’s lives not to endanger a single soul and they go out
there year after year and do their jobs right. To have these seven men on any
crew would be worth more than all the gold in the Universe because they come
with excellent structural knowledge and rigging know-how. I may not see them
for years but I know their smell anywhere in the World and I will always be
respectful and in awe of them. A close friend of mine, HIS friend made it to
the highest honors in (don’t quote me here) Tree Climbing Competition. How
incredible for my friend’s friend! I’m
so in awe of this person’s achievements that - every single day - since I
learned about this, I take 15 seconds to think about it. Wow. These men know
what they’re doing. Leave it to the professionals with their dreadlocks, punk
attitudes and cool camping-nature lover nerds, geeks and hipsters. I trust them
with the public’s life because they know how to build and set any structure in
place. For that alone, thank you.}
--- --- --- --- {No, there should never be
another stage collapse in the World for as long as humans are alive even in an
Earthquake. I would like to think that if an earthquake were to happen
that the safest structural place would be on a stage just as it would be at the
top of a mast. A mast on any sailboat does hold up no matter what the howling
winds and thrashing oceans may bring a sailor as a challenge. We’re ready to
move on as a society to an evolutionary structure. Come on society equip
culture with tools, safety and care for a better structural tomorrow. Society,
why ‘should’ the public go to public events if they’re not safe from structural
harm alone as it is? Truly, why should they pay their hard earned ‘proletariat’
money and hand over currency to you? No, it doesn’t quite work that way, does
it? ‘Boys’ you know better that and so does the public. Public, please don’t go
into mass hysteria. Do not trample over each other like some wild herd out of
control. You can take classes to learn this stuff, truly. ‘What to do in public
in case of emergencies.’ Look it up. SAFETY FIRST AND FOREMOST.}
*) Question Three; Why do you think there are
no ‘healers’, ‘holistic medicinal doctors’ and ‘shamans’ in America?
*) I believe that there are no ‘healers’, ‘holistic
medical doctors’ and ‘shamans’ in America for one good reason and one good
reason alone; American Child Rape. (American Child Sex Trafficking.)
Need I say more?
I shall.
I challenge the academics, politicians and
healers, holistic medical doctors and shamans in America to ensure that there
is no child pornography, child sex, child abuse, child molestation, child
starvation, child violence and child sex importing and exporting nor child
sexual manipulation of any type for any reason in the World. Do you wonder why
I think America is a mean culture? Little kids get raped. No, I’m not being
dramatic. Ah, the life of a thinking adult. I’ve witnessed these children right
after they’ve been raped, beaten and abused and they are not dramatic rather
traumatized. Do you know the difference? Because I do.
We, you, me have a responsibility that is
owed to this generation. We owe it to those born this morning, yesterday
morning and every other morning ever since any child was ever abused.
Not yesterday, but today.
I’ve been volunteering on and off while
keeping an eye on American youth for 15 years. I’m not an expert about children
and youth of any type nor do I care to be an expert on this subject matter.
I like them all. Truly, nice American low-income
housing kids with very little of anything and a lot of hope.
Please, we owe it to our children to consider
their children.
We need to implement systems of care for all.
If our little ones suffer then everybody fails as a National village.
----- -----
No, I’m not reprimanding any one.
I’m speaking in general.
If I sound reprimanding then so be it because
if I truly were reprimanding you face to face then you’d know it when I’d open
up my mouth and spit fire at you directly. I’m not your wet nurse or anybody
else’s. I’m an adult in the World and I don’t fall for lies nor will I ever
again – especially huge ones. Little white lies I can handle. You’re ____
because of… fine whatever. That’s your business. If somebody is selling
pesticide filled foods to the good American people, then I have a personal
issue with that and I get to create art and write about it as a free American. This is not Cuba, folks.
----- -----
*) These are not intellectual discussions
sitting around for hours with vino y queso. All we try to do is to deconstruct
and exhaust all possibilities in any path of destruction so that we will evolve
into World peace. (I know the words are a mouth full but chew on it for a little
while. It’s not yucky and it doesn’t hurt. Okay so peas aren’t always tasty but
they are a beautiful vegetable.)
No, this is a writing exercise for anyone to
consider any subject matter, however. (The writing of any individual is only as
good as their thoughts. Right? Right.) Moving on. Quickly! As you teach in American culture.
Everything is quick. I’ll work on condensing English words, run on sentences,
quotations, commas, and periods inside parenthesis or not depending on
translation into conveying English meaning. Entiende. Understand. I’m working
my way through the mechanics of writing all over again because as much as I
love writing I try nothing more and nothing less.
----- -----
Good day to you.
P.S. Day three of a Straight Edge punk
lifestyle; today and yesterday morning, no café or fruit sugar. Evening;
chocolate, two stiff adult drinks, four (100% pesticide free) tobacco
cigarelos, cleaned up and fell asleep into the arms of an incredible human
being, Mi Esposo, Life is this way and beautiful. I think I could have made it
in Western times but not as an Indigenous Indiana female human. Never. I’m
going to make myself a drink and sit with it for an hour or two as well as
smoke my second (100% pesticide free) smoke. Ah, what a life! I’m not a parent,
yet. Behavior, very tough to change, but not impossible. At least I’m
thoughtful and mindful about it. It’ll come to me in the next year. It’s funny
to me! Ha! Ha! Ha! As of right now, no café or chocolate. Ah, coffee! I think I
can taste coffee, isn’t that weird?
July 18, 2011
be confused that my interest in religion, faith, and spirituality is driven by
any sense of faith or spirituality of my own.” – Peter Jennings
Good morning.
Day Two of straight edge lifestyle and yes, I
will fail time and time again while trying in the next year and that is my own
business; forget the 100% tobacco (preservatives free), forget the swearing.
That’s easily overcome. What I’ll miss most is our shade grown, fair trade,
organic French press coffee more than anything else in the whole world. I’ll be
switching to mate tea. What else is a
girl to do?
No, I’m not attending Yoga classes that were
invented for Westerners in the 1960’s. (That’s a fact. Look it up).
I’m not that much of a sucker nor that
gullible. Nope. I’m going straight edge punk mentality and that is a totally
different garden variety of citizen than tree hugging, Yoga modern exercising
and spiritual posers almost anywhere in American culture.
Wow, I’m completely sober (I used to drink
about a glass of wine a week). Down to no sugar this morning and my literary
voice is still as sharp as a professional chef’s knife. That proves that this
literary voice came with strong vocal chords, beautiful thinking and an
intelligent body to carry it.
Please, move to the side.
I don’t have time for bullshit in America
anymore. I tried being sweet and nice in public but Americans seem to hate
themselves so much that you have to treat them like caged and bored lions in a
zoo. Ignore them. What else is there to do with a mean and caged in culture?
Don’t come to the aid of mean American adults
and their craziness. They can all chew on their own faces from now on because
they’re rabid animals pretending to be sweet natured and they get way too close
too fast.
Americans carry a poison in their blood
especially those who want everything for nothing.
Americans don’t know how to barter in the
best interest of the other so they constantly think they’re pulling a fast one
but what they don’t get is that they’re pulling a fast one on themselves. The
rest of the World is looking at them like, “What, you crazy stupid people!” And
you know it! As Americans you feel stupid and crazy down to your bones because
you’ve allowed for a spiritual infestation to manifest in American culture.
Not society rather culture. These are two
very different things all together. Americans, wouldn’t even know the
difference between culture and society, would you now? Nope. It’s obvious. It’s
written all over your faces every day. It’s written all over your faces that
you have no clue so you fall back to intellectual superiority regurgitating
what you’ve heard and read, but never really knowing that the Universe is inside
your chests and how to unlock the mysteries of the Universe. Posers.
Mean kid-adults with a mean culture. Don’t
play with American young adults because they’re mean even more so and
especially when they pretend to be ‘nice’ but it’s clear that they want to chew
off your face like the character in “Silence of the Lambs”.
I grew up this weekend.
I’m not allowed to be a kid – fun and
carefree with a Costa Rican lifestyle in America anymore, so I will become my 100%
Finn adopted grandfather in his curmudgeon ways. That will lick your asses in
ways that you don’t even know about.
I’m NOT knocking spirituality, by any means.
But I am knocking it in America.
But hey!
The American spiritual glass is broken.
Many aspects of spirituality are broken in
America. And the only reason why I get pissed off is because people seem to
step all over glass shards and call it ‘precious’ even though it will cut them.
Americans don’t seem to know what end is up
and what end is down when it comes to spirituality.
Americans get confused easily about
spirituality, healing and medicine in America.
You can hand them a turd and tell them that
some shaman supposedly had blessed it. Instead of throwing it out Americans
will save it, put the turd up on glass shelves to display and show off.
Americans don’t get it. The test is for you
NOT to hang on to the turd but to throw it out because even though it’s been
blessed it is dangerous to your health. The test is to let it go and not play
with something toxic no matter how much you really want to objectify the turd
and have ownership of its sacred blessing. The turd is not doing you any favors
and you’re annoyed deep down inside because ultimately YOU know that the value
of a turd is shit. Why do Americans buy into that type of stupidity? It’s a
test and you’re supposed to pass it.
Get it. How’s that for real modern Mayan writing for you? I’m trying to
gather parables for this crazy rabid culture and their self importance, shallowness
and intellectual meanness.
Any other Native brother or sister will ask,
“Why do you keep a turd in your house and why are you proud to show it off?”
The Americans will seriously answer their
Native brothers and sisters, “because it’s sacred, holy and it’s been
The poor little
American-gullible-young-adults and their poop… They don’t know any better. I
can’t help but want to fling poop at their heads just as jungle monkeys do to intruders
for their clan’s safety, peace and prosperity. That communication exists for
three good reasons.
People talk about how much they’re into Yoga
or they’re “healers” in local communities yet all they want to know is how much
work or money they can get out of you. Gross. I get turned off to the bone by
spiritual posers. They’re mean, self centered and want to feel special about
how special they think they are. Yikes! Run. Losers.
A woman who I don’t know. A woman I’ve only
met four times in my life said to me, “Gabriel, you ‘should’ come and work for
me and do all of my paper work?”
She laughed a hyena high pitched squeal and
took a step backwards because she knew quite well that she had overstepped her
boundaries. Mind you, the student finds
the teacher. The teacher doesn’t find the student. Mind you, the injured finds
the healer. The healer doesn’t find the injured.
I told her these words and she said
dismissingly, “That’s old teachings.” Her voice had distain and hatred for the
old ways and I thought ‘she is scary and manipulative’. “Yes, it’s old teaching
and with good reason.” I said to her. Her face told me everything that she
tried to hide from herself but she couldn’t hide it from me because she looked
silently demonic like the popular High School American girls who self loathed
so much that their every breath was self loathing. Even their breath of life
smells of hatred.
She didn’t really believe in her own ideals
because her voice got mean and angry at being caught at being a spiritual poser.
“What do YOU
have to offer as a teacher?” I asked. “Because if someone thinks they’re going
to teach me how to make bubble gum, then get the hell out of here.” I made an
I stood straight and direct East Coast style
at the edge of a table and was ready to return any rhetoric filled punch with
another and another because I’m tired of spiritual posers letting themselves
get away with authoritative bullshit.
I don’t live in a spiritual Gestapo Nation. I
get to question everything and anything no matter how mad you get at the fact
that I can smell you a mile away and I can smell illness on you. A rotting /
corrupt spiritual illness set deep in the bones of a culture that hates itself
so much it wants to commit suicide every day of their lives without even
knowing it. Either suicide or genocide of the heart. What a shallow culture
with its little hatred and more little hatred.
Silence, she didn’t have a single skill to
offer me in this World and she knew it.
All she had to offer was a lot of free work
in the exchange of either social cruelty, misuse of power and more work.
Ah, I get so fed up with Americans and their
shallowness much of the time.
I thought, ‘Okay, I’ll come work for you for
free even though every time I've encountered you – you’re afraid of yourself
and you're competitive nature and fear of every other woman in the room tells
me everything I need to know about your tiniest of insecurities.’ Okay. NO WAY!
I’m 34 not 18. Get off your high horse. I
gathered my things and left as quickly as I could get the hell out of my
friend’s kitchen. Who do you think you
are? I know exactly who I am and where I come from.
You and your healing American ways can shove
it up your asses.
You don’t even know how to communicate without
fear and condescending tone of voice.
A healer, your asses. Go get a doctorate.
There are no “healers” in America. No way. I won’t buy into the type of
commercialism. You don’t even have the basics down so you can’t lie to me about
that. No way. Go home. I’ve got this one.
“PATTOW!” Eat that for lunch!
July 16, 2011
deep emotional conviction of the presence of a superior reasoning power, which
is revealed in the incomprehensible universe, forms my idea of God.” – Albert Einstein
all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give
him power.” – Abraham Lincoln
power of man has grown in every sphere, except over himself.” – Winston Churchill
Okay. So, Monday morning I’m going straight
Do you know what that is?
East Coast style with two X’s on the back of
my hands.
Did you get that?
Quitting tobacco and swearing will be my
toughest opponents.
I’m getting on a macrobiotic diet, quitting smoking,
drinking, coffee, chocolate and fruit. I hang out amongst hippies, hipsters,
skateboarders, rock stars, artists, and every other “ism” in culture. I love
them more than any American mainstream “squeaky clean” culture because they
really don’t judge people. You want squeaky clean I’ll lick you in ways you
don’t even know about.
My greatest role models were straight edge
East Coast punks.
I will take up space from now on.
I will be present and sharp.
I won’t be timid any more in a culture that
gets pissed off if you don’t take up enough space or if you do take up too much
If you mindlessly and with a dismissing
behavior get into my space then I’ll show you snob in ways that’ll break you
with kindness; sweet-sweet coded kindness reeking of what you lack in society.
I’m tired of people stepping on the back of
my heels because I walk too slowly. I’m tired of a fast paced culture. A
commodity based culture.
Why do you think I’m docile? I’m a Taurus
baby; I was born with hoofs and horns, so yes, I kick and gore when cornered.
You don’t know society until you’ve been licked down and out. I’ll reflect your
passive aggressive behavior back at you. See, how you like it?
When I leave a tip on counters that’s my hard
earned American currency so please don’t laugh at it. It’s serious business. I
mean to do that.
I have a daily budget and I mean to spend all
of it locally everywhere I travel until I run out of currency for the day. Back
it up. I’m more aggressive when I’m completely sober than any silent cobra bite
you could ever imagine.
I do travel silently and kindly. I don’t have
malice in my bones unless you throw the first punch and then I’m going to block
you out of instinct. I try not to help it. It’s my teaching.
When I’m in public I’m not looking to make
No, Sir.
I’m a gawking monkey. A curious monkey and I
will stare at you from now on. I will stare at you and you will like it because
it’ll be straight edge stares coming at you at all times.
I’m NOT judging you when you smell like
smoke. I’m not judging you when American adults are dealing with real life and
death issues in this “Great American Life”.
This will be fun!
This lifestyle experiment will not give
anyone any space or room to be judgmental and stupid enough to make public
comments ever again towards adults in general for as long as I live.
If you have something to say to anybody about
anybody else then do it directly to their faces. Otherwise, don’t say anything
if you don’t have anything nice to say.
I’m so tired of annoying passive aggressive
behavior in Minnesota.
Want me to jump into the boxing ring and be
extremely passive aggressive with you?
I’ll give you a run for your money.
Did you get that, because it’s here in ink
for you to read and comprehend?
Minnesota is not as relaxed a culture as I
thought it was going to be nor as nice. It’s judgmental and mean even to the
point of cruelty. I rather live in the East Coast. People are direct and there
is no bullshit in their communication.
I’m not asking for your permission to be an
I am already an adult and not some idiot over
in the corner. What, you think I don’t see you? Do you think I don’t hear your
stupid comments in public? Fuck off. I’m not paranoid. I’m annoyed as hell by
my Minneapolis American contemporaries and their double standards and
hypocrisy. If you’re mean then it’s because you’re cowardly and you know it. I
don’t have anything to be mean about except your meanness.
I’ll reflect back the stupidity of culture
for you to eat and choke on.
Eat that for a mid-night snack, punks.
You don’t know punk until you’ve met straight
edge punks.
From now on if I smell like smoke then it’s because
I hang out in rooms with people who smoke and smoke a lot. You got that.
Tonight, I’m smoking legal 100% tobacco. Leave me in peace. Thank you. I’m not
bothering anybody. I’ll catch music tonight and no, I will not be a piece of
meat for you to judge.
Maybe, I’ll aim for some jock-ish sport with
a twist of artist lime in there.
We’ll try to have children in about a year so
here it goes… Cheers to becoming a whole new role model and you don’t ever get
to judge. Not ever. Americans; and their public culture. What happened to
society? Please. Where are the Europeans and the Latinos in America? Have they
all gone home because they’ve had enough of this police state with the citizens
thinking they can do the policing?
Goodness. You’d think you’ve never seen a man
coming out of the jungle with a semi-automatic weapon aimed to kill. Oh, wait -
you haven’t lived through that and that’s why small things offend you in public
like people’s smell rather than the large things like your own American
citizens being patronizing to your other working middle class American
citizens. Go home, I’ve got this one.
I’ll give you something to really complain
about in public.
Straight edge razor-sharp cuts through
I have nothing more to say about this.
Live and let Live.
Tico style.
Costa Rican style.
P.S. I go Tranquillo as I go into this night.
I have “something to prove because I have something to improve” (paraphrasing)
I heard a woman sing those words once in 1996. I stood stunned and paralyzed at
this thought.
I’ll rectify my friends’ ‘smelly’ behavior
from this afternoon.
No more Mrs. Minnesota ‘Nice’.
I’ll show you personal power in ways you’ve
never known.
I’m going in search of musica tonight and
yes, I’m sober you _______.
I drank one beer around three this afternoon.
July 15, 2011
the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.” - Plato
kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become
superfluous.” – Ingrid Bergman
Happy Friday! (Okay, I’m getting the hang of
this copying and pasting.)
Please watch the short film on-line; “In the
Fall of Gravity” by Ron Cole. This short left me breathless and moved to a
place of tolerance, forgiveness and compassion for the Western World even
though in the West it seems that the general public “has severed their
connection with spirit.” (Amazon Shamans).
After a decade of personal research. Please
do not eat soy anything packaged to you. I won’t get into it, now, but it’s so
bad for the environment and for nutritional intake. Please, please, do not eat
soy - anything - no matter how much it’s sold to you in commercials and through
culture. Even if soy bean farms have a life span of 10-years to feed cattle,
that’s a travesty for humans and the land.
----- -----
I raise a moment of silence to all of the
Minnesota children and youth in shelters, foster homes, adopted families,
orphanages, runaway youth shelters, living in cars, under bridges, in abandoned
buildings and dumpster diving.
We love you; children and youth of Minnesota.
Yes, even for those of us who aren’t parents we still love our children and
youth of Minnesota because they represent the adults of our State as a whole.
We’ll try everything we can to continue to
make contributions towards excellent nutrition, education and peace against
violent crime, rape and sex trafficking on the streets of Minnesota for you –
our lovely youth and children.
Minnesota youth and children, you’re not - alone
- out there in this vast Universe because you’re the Universe.
Oh, you think I’m a little cheesy and
grandmotherly. Well, you’ve got another thing coming; I’ve got an East Coast
street style punk skateboarding attitude that when you’re an asshole on the streets the punks do the
job to point out the shit dripping from your legs in making fun of those who
require to be played with because they are sleep walkers in the game of life.
It’s that simple; Punks play the crucial role in society to be a Mr. Shakespeare’s
characters; the
Duke of Athens, Theseus and the Queen of the Amazons, Hippolyta in the play of “Midsummer
Night's Dream”.
This attitude is carefully weaved in with
Costa Rican golden threads of knowledge as any other grown woman (wearing red lipstick
in remembrance of the American women of WWI and WWII in remembrance of their
men). I’ve got a public deathly verbal cobra’s bite (for now) of Minnesota’s
best language of passive-aggressiveness with many other cultures thrown on top
of a swirly ice cream cone. Mmmm, imagine how many starving youth of Minnesota
would like an ice cream cone in this HOT deathly heat coming up in the next
For those youth living out of cars and
abandoned buildings please be extremely careful in the week to come across the
United States as this weather heats up to extreme temperatures. Cuidado, our
We, the adults want you to make it back to
school in the fall of 2011.
Our dear youth who’ve already spent a
majority of your time on the road and on the streets this summer… you don’t
have to pretend in the fall when you return to school that you have new
backpacks and clothes when you’ve been living on the streets, shelters and cars
all summer. Nope. You don’t have to pretend. Adults will love you even if some
of your peers will demonstrate shallow and insecure behavior. Your strongest
peers will be those with a great deal of sense of humor, self respect and
kindness to an open mind.
These peers of yours will relate to you and
understand your plights without judging you but they won’t let you get away
with excuses for anything. They’re just as accountable as you are. Let us raise
villages. Let us raise clans. Let us raise a Nation of youth who don’t have to
suffer and starve because of a global nation of adults.
Dear youth, I urge you; please just show up
to school in the fall. And if you’re hungry please ask the leaders (I didn’t
write “authorities” I wrote “leaders”) of your schools to please feed you.
Please feed our youth an excellent nutrition because these youth will put miles
on their shoes to make it back to your mediocre educational school systems this
fall. Please, be kind to them and don’t fail them as citizens. American Youth,
you’re never alone. People think of you, love you and say prayers to their Gods
for your safety, education, laughter and life.
------ ------
Heavy hearted? Me?
I have a strong literary voice that’s all. It’s taken over twenty years
to evolve as a writer.
I get to go home to organic pesticide / lead-free ice cream, a
comfortable couch, food, laughter and loved ones. I get to make organic bread,
travel and learn.
My work takes me to corners and pockets of cultures that leave me breathless with
their intelligence, kindness and difficulties in getting along peacefully and
kindly at times. I get to write a weekly ‘serious’ blog, take care of our flat
in the city and prepare our meals with love. I get to research, study, and
communicate with different and amazing people creating change in their local
communities. I’m a spoilt child and 15,000 uploads in 2007 was nothing – a drop
in the bucket – yet we continue to contribute because we thrive – we don’t just
survive as adults but we thrive and we stay in Minnesota because we believe in
the United States of America. I’m free. No object or currency ties us down to
stay here. That’s how middle class I am about my freedoms. I stay in Minnesota
because our elders and loved ones are here, otherwise. The World is our home.
We could pick up and leave tomorrow if we wanted to but as a friend said to me,
“…that would be too cowardly” and I have to agree with him.
Get it? I grew up to become a fine, mature and adult filmmaker for
better or for worse. I don’t get to be heavy hearted except with people that I
trust most because they are in the honorable position to hear me rant when my
pain is too great for me to handle. I’ll try to keep it civilized. Yet, it’s
difficult sometimes, to be civilized under the pretense of civilization in a
culture that required change yesterday, a decade ago – a life time ago. Today’s
economy is a decade’s ago legacy.
I do get it. The jokes are not on me. I’m a tiny little civilian
American citizen nothing more and nothing less. I get to think, that’s all. I
get to think about everything and anything. I’m a lucky bastard!
I’m a grown adult over here in this little corner of the World taking up
only as much space and energy as need be without stepping on or over others.}
----- ----- -----
our dear Minnesota children and youth; Minnesota loves you – truly, they do.
Even the wealthiest 2%. (No, I didn’t write “the wealthy”; I wrote “the
wealthiest 2 %”) are trying to make as many contributions to this organic
(pesticide / lead-free) food movement in America as-well-as the food can be
grown. Oh, chiquititos; – little ones -- Minnesota really does love you. People
are making tiny and awe-inspiring contributions as best as they can.
This, I will promise you is something that adults with and without
children are trying to remedy in the state of Minnesota all over Minnesota.
We’re trying our damndest. Truly, we are. We can only have faith in believing
that the politicians, leaders, innovators and farmers will catch up to the Organic
(pesticide / lead-free) Food Movement of the Citizens of the World. These are –
our - real American youth culture dealing with real struggles against poverty,
violence and sexual abuse by caretakers and homelessness on the streets of the
United States of America.
Wake up, America. Please, please, please. Please. Wake up. I’m
whispering some more. I’m not yelling even though I should be. I’m afraid that
no sound would escape my vocal chords when it counts most instead of
reprimanding idiotic behavior on our streets.
‘Oh, Boys, you sent THE AMERICAN PEOPLES’ troops off to war more than a
decade ago and left our youth to starve.’ Do you get my point? Balance. Ying
and Yang. Moving on. Next lesson.
Nope, corporations don’t get to own government because government needs
to lead its People to the betterment of their health and spirit in the benefit
of the PUBLIC not against them as a struggle. The economical disparities in
America are pathetic. I don’t frequent political rallies, but I do sign on-line
petitions and research petitions an hour a day. I try desperately to be a real
political advocate and activist to our youth. I just have to try as an adult.
The frivolities, pretenses, silly social games and violence, sex
trafficking and rape. Chuck it up to the widescreen. The Japanese have evolved
over thousands of years why can’t Americans with all of our technical savvy
know-how, constitutional freedoms and more freedoms to freedom of speech,
expression and equal liberty for all?
The point is not to project media packaging and recreate it in our lives
but to point and laugh at morals when the moral tales are absurd because we’re
happy not to be some silly characters on the boob-tube. Tell me that you get
that or I’ll have to blog on this subject matter alone.}
Consider this; why
does a female presidential candidate get to say that African-American brothers
and sisters were better off in slavery times than they are today?
Do you get the absurdity?
When politicians are that absurd then the public
ought to throw (metaphorically speaking) vegetables on stages such as
Shakespearean times. The public ought to boo politicians off World stages. Why
does this presidential female candidate get to say stupid shit like that to an
American public and be considered a serious headline when she’s so crazy?
She’s bubble gum. This presidential female
candidate is something; sweetly to be chewed for about 15-minutes of limelight
and spit out; never to be chewed again.
‘Boys, the American public will not take her
seriously. The American public has struggled for a decade. The American public
can’t afford to be any more damaged than they already are so they WILL vote for a lesser of any evil.’
If one evil tells them a flat lie, then they
will slap them back because the American public knows the difference between
right from wrong – the difference between one lie and another. What were this
female presidential candidate’s Republican Party thinking when they placed her
on a World stage to represent them as a party? They weren’t. Sad. Vulgar, yet absurd. I’m having a great
time with headlines about presidential candidates this summer. It’s like
watching some “Tour de Idiots”. By the way, I liked the presidential press
conference this morning. The president stated that folks making one million a
year ought to be having tax hikes implemented. Smart man. He knows American youth starve.}
Pura Vida. (To the good life!)
I’m Tranquillo and pissed off about the
shallowness and mean attitudes (patronizing trash Bourgeois ideals of conduct
but no real sense of humanity behind it) of Americans toward other Americans in
public, in leadership and economics (another blog for another day). It’s
embarrassing to watch people be patronizing to their National American brothers
and sisters who work hard for their bread and butter. I think about getting on
a plane and leaving America every day for 24 years but we do have a real
struggle on our hands here in America and change has to happen now. Now. Now.
Now! Our youth starve while adults play at rhetorical politics, economics and
cultural societal humanitarian standards with Americans.
P.S. Wow! The weekend is almost here. All
we’re doing this weekend is resting and enjoying the company of Missourians. I
look forward to the honor of their company, breaking bread and laughter.
Howling laughter! These Missouri folks can truly belly laugh and do a mean jig
for you if they wanted to.
We’re honored to encounter open minded
individuals to American travel who are also kind in communication. They will be
our lovely guests so it’s our greatest honor to treat them to bread and drink.
How, American lovely for us? Our family members and their family members are
people that I aspire to be more like. These folk are a clan of half a generation
my age and they are some of my role models because they can really laugh about
the silliness of the World without malice. Good company is worth more than all
the gold in the Universe. Cheers to you and yours! Cheers to us and ours!
July 14, 2011
child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five.” – Groucho Marx
Happy Thursday!
Please keep in mind, that while Minnesota
adults create “freak shows” of themselves when stepping out of limos that many little
Minnesotan kids will be starving themselves to sleep tonight.
Do you know why it’s déclassé to be stepping
out of limos as though you’re cute without a care in the world? Its déclassé
and vulgar because adults allow kids to starve in America.
For that reason alone Americans don’t get to
play some screwed-up role about how they think they’d like to be perceived as
human beings. Why aren’t Americans fulfilling basic human responsibilities? I
have no more words for you about the shallow elitism on the streets of
Minneapolis. Please.
I’ll let you in on a little secret that
people pretend not to want to talk about yet most people I come across really
want to prove how much money they have and how well connected they are.
Newsflash, everybody is well connected and everybody has a connection to
currency. Ready, I’ll give it to you for free. I’ve been hanging out with
heiresses for two decades who plant organic gardens and don’t have an air of
elitism in their bones. No, you don’t know about them and you never will; not
on my time, anyway. Newsflash, they don’t act as you’d expect them to. All that
“Dallas” shit leave it for the widescreen and the boob-tube.
Ah, I miss Costa Ricans and their realness
I’ve got to go home… soon.
Costa Ricans don’t hate the middle class nor
are they patronizing towards a way and lifestyle of those who chose to be
middle class. Are you kidding me? I,
too, could have trained to enter Wall Street and have taken it by storm. “You’re
smart enough and capable enough to do anything you want in the world.” Said my
Father to me when I was 14 and I chose filmmaking. What was I thinking? I sometimes, think about working with large
sums of…
Ah, if only my passport, social security card
and license hadn’t been stolen from our flat this year – I would’ve been home
for about a month now. I’m looking into a safety deposit box but I don’t know
how real all that stuff really is. I’m researching.
P.S. I never thought that I’d live in a
country where people are so lonely and starving to be noticed everywhere they
go. Why do Americans take up so much space and energy when they contribute so
little to the development of civilized culture?
“Give me one example of how I’ve been a bad
friend to you?” A young man asked me today.
I threw my throat back and laughed hard, “I
could give you a hundred examples.”
The young fellow talked a lot about himself
for two straight hours. He’s been a horrible fair weather friend to me for a
decade, now he wants to become close friends with some of my closest and long
time friendships. He hasn’t extended that same courtesy to me to become friends
with his closest friends nor do I want to be friends with his friends. I told
him that. His friends haven’t always been good to him so I don’t want to be
friends with them. That’s beside the point.
I’m writing about relationship dichotomies.
“Well, your friend is now my friend even if you
take offense to it.” He says to me as though I’m a little mouse caught in some
trap of warped ideals.
‘Boy,’ I thought ‘he really doesn’t know me
at all and he likes to put words in my mouth.’
I don’t get jealous by this type of behavior.
Anybody can be friends with anybody. I get turned off. Yep, turned off to the
bone in every way possible especially when people confuse love with
overstepping boundaries no matter what…I don’t collect peoples’ friends…I’m not
that shallow. I don’t see people as commodities as some 1980’s construct of “Reaganomics”. I see
people as interesting and lovely human beings nothing more and nothing less.
I’ve been perceived as a piece of meat by
this fellow. A commodity. A means-to-an-end for this young fellow to make connections
or so he thinks. A year ago he called me up and demanded the phone numbers of
my friends which he had met over at our flat for drinks. He’s tried almost
everything in his power to rub it in my face that he pretends to think that he
knows my friends of 15 years better than I do. Please. Why are people so
shallow in America, even in closely acquainted friendships?
“Go find yourself new friends. Keep your
oldest friends. Let go of these newer friends you’ve made in the last decade
because they haven’t been very good to you. Have they?” Said my
father. I’d have to agree with my wise, loving and incredibly stunning Father.
It’s time to make new friendships. I’ve
been contemplating taking law and welding courses as intellectual exercises in
the next decade. I’d like to take a class a semester. I have yet to research
schools in Minneapolis and find a sane place with sane people. But that seems
to be a tall order sometimes especially as tuition hikes increase and education
becomes more of an elite sport than a practice and discipline. I think about
studying… abroad. Why wouldn’t I? Right. Right.
July 13, 2011
loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.” – Thomas Carlyle
Happy Wednesday!
What a beautiful life! I’m wishing you an
amazing day. I will be hanging out with a close and long time friend who has
known me since I was 13 years old. WOW! My friend loves Asian and Hong Kong
cinema. He is truly an expert of Asian films. I’m learning much from his
knowledge. I enjoy watching his excitement and clarity when it comes to
speaking about the art of Asian films. He could truly be a film critic if he
wanted to be one. My friend doesn’t believe in on-line media so to play with my
friend I have to go and find him just as we did when we were kids. You know?
Before cell phones and home computers we’d show up at each others’ houses and
hang out while raiding our parents’ refrigerators for the best stuff. I love my
friend. He is truly a sane human who questions everything. We need more leaders
like him. He is also a curmudgeon and that I can really trust. I don’t want to
be charmed out of my socks. I want real dialogue with real-real American ideas
and innovation involved in hanging out with people and I know just where to
find such people.
*) Go Mr. Governor Mark Dayton! We’re
cheering you from the sidelines with organic / vegan fiber made pom-poms.
Yes, a shutdown is a bloody pisser and people
are frustrated but if you know anything about American football then you know
that Governor Mark Dayton has the correct set of plays than the whole lot of
GOP’ers and a Senate Majority Leader trying to create a name for herself.
Governor Mark Dayton is closer to a first
Do you know why we as THE PEOPLE need to
support this Minnesotan Governor?
Because if we let our Governor down as
Minnesotan fans in the stands then the Republican Party will continue to let us
down as people.
We, THE PEOPLE can’t allow for Mr. Mark
Dayton to go without our support because this football game comes down to the difference
between our future children having football physical education and not having
football physical education in our public schools. Does that thought make you
mad? How do you think artists feel about the cutting arts funding and education
in the public school systems?
The People must chose a lesser of two evils;
a continuous shutdown or a Republican business agenda as usual.
Change is not easy!
It never is and if you’re not literally
starving as I had for three years in my mid twenties then you can hang in there
for our star football player, Mr. Governor Mark Dayton to bring home a victory.
You really
don’t know the beauty of life until it goes missing. Minnesotans, show the
world the rugged and brutally quiet strength of your people and your heritage.
We’ve gotten politically soft as Minnesotans
especially coming from a Viking and Scandinavian Heritage.
How do you think the Vikings survived when
they first arrived on the shores of Lake Superior with nothing to eat and dealing
with cold-freezing temperatures?
I’m surprised by how much news makes
Minnesotans sound like whiners and complainers. Really? I don’t think so.
Please, stop bitching to news outlets about your businesses because it could be
worse… if you’re not really starving then you really have nothing to complain
about to any news outlet.
Have Minnesotans forgotten the history of
their ancestors?
I haven’t. I love Minnesotan’s heritage and
their toughness; no different than the Mayans and their warriors. Time is on
our side. That is the key to a successful dear haunt, no? Waiting. So
Minnesotans should be very good at being patient.
Hang in there Minnesotans! Minnesotans have
lived in poverty for a decade so what’s another few more weeks or months?
If you don’t know real third world
starvation; if you still have a roof over your head and some left over money
for potatoes then step aside, wait and please don’t complain or whine. Get it?
Complaining is just whining and it’s not the same as going silent from grueling
stomach hallow pain. The Governor has my blessing to continue with a State
Shutdown until November’s elections if need be. Do you know why? The
Republicans are…
*) As for tattoo ink, please keep in mind
that there is a great potential for it being carcinogenic (cancer causing). The
mass and quickly produced ink may contain impurities. I love tattoos and people
who sport them. However, for our brothers and sisters sporting their lovely
body art please be careful. We cannot have a Nation of people dying from ink
cancer in droves in about 20-years from now because we need you to lead our
vegan, vegetarian and organic communities and this innovative food movement. I
don’t have any tattoos. I would like a tattoo but not with the impurities in
the ink as it is right now. Please write to your congressmen and ask them to
pass healthier and tighter laws against impurities processed in ink for body
tattoos. Sorry for those of you who own tattoo parlors but the health of people
comes first and the USDA should be on top of this but like many government
services our American government has been failing its people for a full and
complete decade and further back but I won’t get into that just now.
Well, I worked hard yesterday filming and shadowing
a man changing the world through food and organic inner city gardening. So, I’m
playing today. I’ll be in great hands and I’m grateful for it – that’s
something that I can really trust and have fun with.
Peace. Love. Unity.
July 12, 2011
is the death of intelligence.” – Robert
Anton Wilson
Happy Tuesday!
No, I’m not a rogue citizen. No, I’m not a
conspiracy theorist. No, I don’t have a political agenda. No, I’m not a
corporate journalist. Nor am I an independent journalist at that, nor am I
wishing to become one. I like to embroider, garden, cook, skateboard and try to
be an excellent wife to a remarkable man who works very hard. Yes, I’m a
blogger and that alone is freedom of expression, speech and liberty for all.
No, I don’t believe most news stories I hear
and see in the media. I don’t believe FOX News as most people around the globe
never will again. I’m not the only one and I’m a tiny little citizen without
any real power or money to speak of… This does not mean that I have a need or
want for anything though. There is a serious difference between being middle
class and working poor. I’m a proud American middle class filmmaker. Yes, Sir!
I know how mediocre newsrooms are run down to
the most basic entry level jobs. Let me explain; I was hired to do the job of
six people. It seemed to be some kind of experiment and I was the guinea pig. I
almost killed myself for a miserable $9.25 an hour in 2003. I ate from a
woman’s food shelter at that time because I was still too poor to afford any
I worked night and day building Graphics for
ungrateful spoilt children, tried to Technically Direct (even though I stunk at
it), News Photog, Editor, driver to news reporters and refreshing a nightly
news website long after everybody had left for the bar to drink their heavily
sorrows away. How rock star is that? Not very.
Bullshit. While my peers only concentrated on
doing one job I was commanded to do six because it was a cheap way to save
money and frankly a great way to break a soul. I left the bloody stupid
industry and never looked back again. I can bet vegan homemade cookies that the
people who still work there are probably having to cut corners on their
spending budgets and if not then getting their food from food shelves as well
as I did at that time or living with their parents.
There is nothing glamorous about newsroom
work. It would be better running a hotdog stand in N.Y.C. then trying to climb
that ladder (Correction; from “latter” to “ladder” Ha!) of classism, elitism
and bad manners from a middle class bourgeois that doesn’t even know an oyster
fork even if you poked them in the eye with one.
Do you know why journalists have an elitist
attitude? Because they get freebees from businesses, restaurants and anywhere
else that you can think of while their camera personnel starve.
Funny, isn’t it? Freebees aren’t real wealth.
Its imaginary make believe wealth. Like a handout is. It’s not the same as
going to a bar and paying for your drinks unlike a reporter who walks into a
bar and gets a freebee just so that maybe, they’ll write a story in favor of
that establishment someday.
See, contemporary corporate whores with a
system in place to keep them as such. Don’t try to bullshit me or con me. I already
lived through a horrible decade of my twenties with people who kept looking the
other way just so that they could pretend that they were not a part of a system
that took advantage of their one co-worker and “family” member. I didn’t know
that only one member of a family carried an entire burden for the rest. That’s
not a family that’s a mental institution. I’ve waited eight years to write
about this and I will wait another eight more years to write about the details
if I have to. I’ve got time on my side. You can never fool me again! NEVER!
It’s a dirty middle class ugly industry. I urge you to persuade your children
to find another middle class bread and butter supporting income, such as law,
medicine and social sciences.
I also understand that contemporary
journalists are taught to go after jobs doggedly rather than becoming news
activists on the part of their communities. I understand that journalists are
taught to get their next job and their next job no matter who or what they have
to climb over and step on, because don’t you understand – most American values
are about how much you can get without having to contribute much back.
Are you pissed off at me yet?
Been there. Done that. You don’t have to
explain it to me nor gloss it over. I know how many different systems work from
within in the entertainment business. I’ve worked in them for almost no money
in my twenties. In – general, journalism is not about journalism any longer in
America but about career ladder climbing and if that isn’t shallow, cut throat
and mean spirited than your using your asses and not your heads to think about
what’s happening to America. No matter how I look at it – “it’s a club and
you’re not in it” unless you participate and play along. I refuse to play along
in a culture that is often, mediocre in ideas and standards. I question the
status quo because it requires to be looked at straight in the eye and be told,
“No, that’s not good enough!”
P.S. I have some serious responsibilities
this morning. I’m about to go and film at a garden with heroin junkies shooting
the poison into their veins this morning. Report that as a news story! Eat that
for breakfast!
July 11, 2011
creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat
others.” – Ayn Rand
woman uses her intelligence to find reasons to support her intuition.” – Gilbert K. Chesterton
Happy Monday!
*) “FREE TIBET!” I read on a T-Shirt. Need I
say more?
*) Our dear Japanese brothers and sisters,
Aloha. What can I say? Absolutely nothing. My thoughts and prayers have been
with you, your loved ones and your familias. I have so many emotions yet no
words for you. Lo siento. I’m sorry for your loss, difficulties and drastic
weather your beautiful little Nation is dealing with. You’re not alone in this
World. You’re loved and well thought of globally.
*) To our brothers and sisters in Billings,
Montana, aloha. What can I say? Absolutely nothing. My thoughts and prayers
have been with you, your loved ones and your familias. I have so many emotions
yet no words for you. Lo siento. I’m sorry for your loss, difficulties and
drastic measures in having to clean up after the Exxon Mobile Oil Corporation
and their spill. Oh, Montana! Billings, Montana; we will be thinking of you in
the months to come… just as we are still thinking about the Gulf of Mexico and
the British Petroleum (BP) oil spill. No, the citizens of Nations don’t forget
the damage from corporations as easily as the news does because the locals will
tell you that it’s a travesty any way you look at it.
*) I have many thoughts about International
news panels, politics and current events. I have many thoughts yet I’m not
educated well-enough to write about them so I don’t because I need to research more,
but it doesn’t mean that I don’t think about peace and war across the globe.
Congratulations to the Republic of South Sudan and their independence.
*) As for a Mr. “T. Boone Pickens” from
Roberts County, Texas – well, well, well; we hear that you’re treating water no
differently than you’ve treated oil as a commodity. T. Boone Pickens “the oilman and corporate raider” is
making a killing from his private patents on his private water source while
bottling water and selling it to you as expensive as gas prices are which he
believes is the new oil.
thoughts; One, “you can’t take it with you” when you die. Two, it’s boring,
pathetic and tiresome hearing of archaic methods to business being implemented
into contemporary America. Don’t you get tired of the same old- same-old shit?
No? Well, you should because it’s putting THE PEOPLE in the middle of big
businesses and government. One, man gets filthy gluttonous rich at the expense
of everybody else and I mean a global community. So, where does that leave a
global community? Boycotting T. Boone Pickens’ water? For sure just like Exxon
Mobile oil and British Petroleum oil should be boycotted globally for having
negligent oil spills within the borders of the United States of America in 2011
alone. It’s tough enough trying to get the economy back on its feet much less
dealing with snot nosed children and their poop hanging off their legs. (Yep, I
wrote it.)
does one man and his cronies’ get all the rights to pillage and rape 68,000
acres he’s bought with a special water patent? Has government lost its mind?
Does government not want to consider keeping oil and water National preserves
open to the public? I’m not joking over here just like our National forests,
don’t THE PEOPLE get a say in saving our Natural Resources and Wild Forests
preserved for the people, by the people and of the people.
do that, my love!” exclaimed a character to a psychotic brother in a movie
while he was trying to punch her.
'meannies'! You economical bullies (Tongue in cheek). Did you not play well with others as little boys? I love Texas,
because my Father chose to retire in Texas. He could have retired anywhere in
the World and yet he chose Texas of all the places. I have a great deal of love
for Texan art, culture, food and musica. Nevertheless, these creative elements
seem more like endangered species when others around the globe suffer in the
name of natural resource hoarders. Who
are you? Did your great-grandmammas not like you? Goodness. Are your great-grandmammas
rolling over in their graves? What would they think of you and your decisions
for a better tomorrow? The pioneer women were sensational women so I can’t
for one moment believe that they would stand for the corporatization of
America. They lived, worked and died so that we would prosper and yet we take
their hard work for granted when we allow snot nosed little boys to get their
hands on capitalist monopolies and hurt an overall economy of a global nation. What is going on in the World today? Goodness.
*) Basilica Block Party; please boycott the
Minneapolis Basilica Block Party in 2012 for two good reasons whether you’re
Catholic or not; One; some low-life non-significant idiot Archbishop sent out
400,000 DVDs to households against the equality of same-sex marriage. WTF!
That’s not a role model that’s a tyrant. Run! Religion and leaders are NOT the same thing. What a
'meannie'! What a bully! Two; any way I looked at it; why should the public fund
the restorations of any Catholic church? Please. Have your congregations fund,
budget and sponsor your hobby horses. I would like to at least once attend the
Minneapolis Basilica Block Party and have all the proceeds and profits go to
starving Minnesotans. Need I say more? Okay. I will. I do have a beef with the
Minneapolis Basilica Block Party and how they handled this entire ordeal and
charade 2011 against our lovely and taxpaying same-sex couples and their
You want a witch-hunt? I come from the East
Coast and we know all about witch-hunts. I could start one if I wasn’t so lazy.
Starting with the Catholics, then the GOP Party in Minnesota and “FEMA
Concentration Camps” built in 2011 for entrapment of our American citizens with
“FEMA coffins” built, prepared and ready to burry Americans as though they are
preparing for genocide and a Holocaust. Who’s in the business of making large
quantities of coffins ready for something that hasn’t happened yet? Nazis. It’s
like a weird large inventory order and you wonder who is behind it – Hasliberg
– in other words Dick Cheney and his company filled out that order for
“FEMA Coffins”. Are you scared yet?
Well, don’t be. You just have to get pissed off enough to write your
congressman letters about it. I’ve been told by a billionaire, “Follow the
money, then you’ll know everything you need to know.”
Why doesn’t the public know about what is
going to happen to them and these “FEMA coffins”? Is this a new Nazi state? Is
this Gestapo Nation? Are large American corporations and abusive government the
next Nazi Regime of this new century? I hope not. I really do in some kid-like
way but I’m smarter than that. I know better. Are these really my tax dollars
being wasted because it’s pissing me off how Americans’ hard earned dollars are
being spent? Golly! Get off your high horses. People starve. People suffer. What the hell? Have you not noticed what’s
really going on with the American people?
Do you know what the worst type of pain in
America is? The saddest thing in America is when little children ask me for
food. It makes me want to cry, but I don’t. Wake up. Under what spell and
slumberous sleep have you taken to? Please, I whisper to you, “Wake up”.
*) Disposing of sulfite mining in Minnesotan
waterways is crazy anyway you look at it. Are
you crazy? Who’s sitting in these
boardrooms? Fire the whole lot! What
on Earth? Can you really reason out the disposing of sulfite waste and
waste material into the waterways of Minnesota? Can you really? Reason it out because
if you can then someone should place you in a boxing ring and punch you really
hard in the face. You should have your nose broken (figuratively speaking; I
believe in non-violence) in several places just for considering the bullshit
arguments that don’t add up to the logic of disposing sulfite mining into
waterways. Do you want to kill YOUR Minnesotans? Why do politicians, government
and large corporations hate the public so much? Why? “Wake up!” I’m whispering
to you with all of my literary femme fatale natural beauty that I can muster
up. Please. I’m not begging you. I’m whispering and I’ve gone hoarse from doing
*) American Government is like the little kid
in the playground who lets themselves be picked on because they don’t know
their worth so they allow for bullying to continue. American government is
owned by bullying behavior. I’m waiting for a real Paul Bunyan
(mythological figure) to take up politics. A Paul Revere (historical figure) to
warn us of our own government making war on its own people. I’m waiting for
Tesla to reappear in our non-corporate University’s scientific research labs.
I’m waiting… As the country goes up in flames I’m carrying little bucket loads
of water to the burning barn but it just doesn’t seem to be enough to put the
fire out. I’m… I have nothing more to say about this.
*) When will government stop corporations
from owning government?
*) Why doesn’t the American government
realize that they’re stronger than they think they are against corporate
*) Don’t you boys get it yet? Everything
counts. Down to your University Ivy League sweatshop made sweaters to oil
prices and corporate assassinations protected by government army contracts. How
lovely that must be for you to get away with murder. Corporations nowadays get
away with murdering citizens and no one goes to jail for it. The World is
watching you. Careful. Cuidado. I’m only a little citizen woman, nothing more
nothing less so if I know about murders committed against American citizens
then imagine who else knows about it globally? News outlets are global now and
U.S. news is not our only source of information any longer. U.S. News is a
little bit of a joke amongst World news. Can you understand why? I can. Some
American news outlets are owned only by - like – one man whose empire just went
down yesterday and it’s not even good-enough standards of journalistic
measures. I’d hate to work in American news ever again. It’s for the most part,
self centered, cut throat for no reason and mean spirited. That’s not where
role models are made for the most part, but it could be if only they had
something more important to concentrate on other than just climbing a corporate
mediocre ladder.
*) I write seriously but this is as far as it
goes because this is truly my greatest contribution to humanity. Yes, I boycott
anything made in China and in Far East India (for now) because those specific
governments lack humanitarian laws in place for their citizens.
*) I buy American made as much as I can. We
have to continue a proud American “Made in the U.S.A.” stamp.
*) An all time low of Mexicanos coming into
the U.S. is happening right now. Well, anyway I looked at it. You might as well
clean, cook and take care of your young in a slower pace of life, with fresh
fruit and grandmothers watching over the children. Why make as little money in
America as you would in Mexico scrubbing and cleaning? I’m not against Los
Mexicanos coming into the U.S. for work. This beautiful body of people holds
the most god-awful cleaning jobs in America. I applaud them in their efforts
while trying to send their young off to Ivy League Schools so their young don’t
have to clean toilets and cook in a country that despises them even though
they’re some of the less crazy citizens and immigrants you’ll ever meet aside
from their violent gangs, but what violent gang isn’t crazy? They haven’t
fallen from grace as thinkers, civilians and contributors. Thank you. Please do
not forget us, the American people. We’re not our government – our people suffer
as well.
Sincerely and truly as a Respectful Citizen
practicing my freedom of speech as a First Generation Immigrant Pioneering
Artist Feminist in this new Century;
No, I’m not showing any cleavage or leg over
here. Not in the U.S. where there is any sex trafficking and kiddy porn
available anytime to big businesses and corporate men who seem to want it in
supply and demand. Are you kidding me? The next time I put on a dress there
better not be anymore sex trafficking and kiddy porn in America. I’m not
holding my breath but it could be done in one decade if only we had excellent
people implementing excellent cultural ideas making partnerships with big
corporate businesses instead of having corporations try and run government… try
and eliminate and eradicate sex trafficking and kiddy porn in America in the
next decade. I challenge you!
P.S. What do you mean the GOP party has no
rebuttal or any suggestions and resolutions to Senator Mark Dayton’s three time
budget proposals? Minnesotans, I love the Republican Party but I’m starting to
think that there should be a Democratic Legislature in Minnesota for the next
decade to really see progressive, change, growth and harmony for the people, by
the people and of the people. What do you mean State Legislature
Representatives are collecting paychecks during a state shutdown? Shame on you!
Gross! Elections are around the corner, no? Si. Yes. What a shame.
July 8, 2011
startling piece of work has a subversive element in it, a delicious element often.
Subversion is only disagreeable when it manifests in political or social
activity.” – Leonard Cohen
“Josie and the Pussy Cats is the best movie
ever. Join the army.” Need I say more?
“Five Stars!” “Two Thumbs Up!” As critics
tend to exclaim in newspapers!
“Josie and the Pussy Cats” (2001 Release) by
Directors Harry Elfont and Deborah Kaplan is a film
drenched in cinematic melted whipped sugar butter, Mexicano “Tres Leches” sweet
melodies y custardy Flan dulce direcion.
This film is so sweet and oversaturated with
a pastel colored wardrobe that made my mouth water instantaneously. I had to
taste watermelon Italian Soda on my tongue at least once since viewing this
film. The caramelized and stretched-out modern montages in character
development sequences are a toffee lover’s dream. As well as over dramatization
through physical humor in the characterization of a shallow, insecure, busy,
fast and lonely culture of corporate consumerism. Buy into buying more buying. For the first course this dish is
called “Aloha, A Ustedes”; spinach leaves, cranberries and almonds soaked in
green pear vinegar and orange juice. Dreamy…isn’t it?
I hope you enjoy this humble literary
(pesticide lead free) organic American homemade apple pie. It’s still cooling
off on my kitchen window sill since Tuesday night’s viewing because the subject
matter was too hot to handle with care. “Josie and the Pussy Cats” is…
What more is there to say? Right. Right.
The End.
El Fin.
I should probably just wrap it up now and
leave. I’ll give it a try in deconstructing what makes “Josie and the Pussy
Cats” a Five Star succulent dish best served cold like sushi, rice putting and
organic (pesticide lead free) homemade ice cream. “That’s right!”
“Josie and the Pussy Cats” storyline is
direct and straightforward with all the bases loaded about subliminal messages
placed amongst musical tracks to get the teen’s dispensable income (Correction;
from “indispensable” to “dispensable”) to spend more currency on bogus trends
and think less. This film is like… the best World Series game you’ve ever
watched in your entire life and your guys’ are taking it down to a Championship
of bison brats, locally brewed beer and swirling organic brown sugar frosting
in the shape of little flowers on marble cake. The reason why the film “Josie
and the Pussy Cats” is so delicious only on its second course; it’s because its
message is prolific.
No matter how over the top the Mise-En-Scene
elements may appear in the directional vision; cinematography, wardrobe,
scenery, lights and film score to help further along the continuum in the
film’s storyline it’s temperament is just right for taking your first bite out
of something sweet. As well as interchangeable winding paths walking through
labyrinths of meaning which indeed makes this film a cinematic masterpiece of
our time. For the second course; this dish is called a “Tiramisu de
Mise-En-Scene”. Please, relax and sit with these words. Swish the food around
in your mouth and let it become a mesh of liquid just like ink on rice paper.
Wash it down with something smooth like water. Its rich chocolate taste is
peppered with almond liquor and it’s...
Are you ready?
Do you know how to use your oyster fork like a tool? Indeed.
For the third course it’s a dish I like to
call “Platanos Fritos Por Avion”. The black bear fat sizzled under extreme heat
and jumped out of a frying pan while the film conveyed the oil burns of
corporate commercialism, advertising and promos. When plantains are dropped
into a large hot pan and stirred into a golden brown then I understood the
language of an overly saturated Nation of logos, consumer products and more
cheap gimmicks and ploys to advertisement product goods. When a ripe plantain
is cooked then its sweetness springs out like a caged in toy and the funhouse
fun really begins.
Fourth course; “Costa Rican Oysters a la
vintage Pinot Noir”. “Josie and the Pussy Cats” is a film about a journey three
friends must travel down a dark and discomforting road of “smokin’ mirrors’”
deceit, “ducks in a row” shooting obstacles and giant clowns. The three main
characters seem as normal as any other contemporary friendships do with
aspirations for a better tomorrow soaked in garlic butter, a pinch of salt and
squeezed lime juice. Directions; pour vintage Noir over Oysters and let it
marinate seconds before bringing the razor sharp shell to your delicate lips.
Gently sip, repeat and enjoy. Let out laughter and more laughter because by
this plot point in this culinary film course you know the writers have allowed
time for the dark gray shrimp to soak in Pinot Noir over night.
Fifth course; “Do not buy pink shrimp because
it’s been soaking in formaldehyde (Correction; from “femmeldihide”
to “formaldehyde” Ha!) Buy the weird dark brown looking shrimp
because it’s untouched by chemicals”. This particular film shows the viewer all
of the idealistic recipes secrets to success by learning what not to do from
the protagonists manipulative and make believe power. Nevertheless, the main
characters continued to prep cook towards progress with adult realizations that
sometimes do get served with cold tea and stale biscuits. Stale biscuits can be
quite tasty if you soak the biscuits for a little while. Let the many lessons
of this philosophical film be dipped in, fall off and float around at the top
of your cup. While your little biscuit particles float this film will make you
think about how lucky you are not to be a shallow consumer and forced into
artistic slavery.
...Back to the shrimp... Why would you eat
truck distributed shrimp with pink dead-human body smell for the same price as
you would naturally preserved shrimp the 'old skool' way? On ice. How you
prepare your shrimp that’s your own recipe, but this film’s flavor held a smoky
and honey mustard sweetness in expressing that there is hope to getting our
country back to a place of real communication, compassion and dialogue. Nothing
more and nothing less. This gem of a film can be handled like a real stone in that
it will hold up the test of time. We must not let our shrimp overcook while we
sautéed a flavor from this magnificent sea creatures’ legacy as a cockroach
transformed into a lamb.
Course Six; “Bison a la Mayan” I hate to
disappoint you with no hormone, free range grass fed organic bison brats, but
truly what else is there when you’re hungry at the end of a long working day
and you’re body wants something quick but excellent source of protein
nutritional intake? Bison Brats. There is nothing to it! Right. In conclusion I
was full and content at the end of this cinematic meal. Do you know why? Two
directors and their entire team of professionals and talent really went out of
their way and jumped into the kitchen to prepare you something worth your
while. Otherwise, I can’t imagine these young bright minds putting on aprons if
they hadn’t thought through the sacrifice and effort in making such brats
rolled in whole wheat handmade tortillas and goat cheese. Thank you. I will
never forget this film for as long as I live.
Pura Vida y Tranquilla.
*) I like to write seriously so that I can
have fun with the rest of my life. (Gods, I sound like an “old fart”… that
could be a quote not because I’m egocentric and find my words interesting but
because when I come across street art and live musica anyone could really get
inspired to be instinctively present as an alert animal of the world. Moving
*) I’ll answer any question any human may try
to attempt to answer. I’d like to participate. I’m “calmly introverted”. I’ve
been reading some silly and some serious psychological blogs about human
behavior as extraverts and introverts.
*) I witnessed three public film shoots here
on the streets of Minneapolis this week hopefully with filming permits; First photography
shoot, a female model posed seductively and cheaply with everything but her
clitoris hanging out for the world to watch her as she was poorly directed like
cattle. The shoot was held outside, in front of a lovely neighborhood water
fountain in the Russian section of town while children and walkers got stuck
behind gawkers. I let out high pitched squeal laughter like my oldest friend of
24 years taught me to do so. I tried to control my sanity even though the
feeling was more like milk gushing from my nose when I’ve laughed too hard in
the past in front of close friends. I kept walking and got away from the freak
*) Second film shoot; a pompous and rude
photographer sat on a pee stained ground in the middle of a public bridge and
sat dismissing the public by waving them by like his other cattle. I memorized
his features and thought, ‘never hire this man for anything.’ He dismissingly
waved us by like we were dirt; frankly his fat legs were in the way and he
deserved a good spanking but hell if I'm anybody's wet nurse. Ah, déclassé! Ah,
Je ne sais quoi.
*) Third video shoot; a lovely camera man, an
interviewer and a host parked themselves in the middle of the farmers market
foot traffic. In front of me a lady with a cane tripped over the achilles of
the camera man and she almost fell over. “In public? Goodness.” I heard myself
say out loud which I didn’t mean to. The stare the woman with the walking cane
gave over to the camera man allowed for me to leave the three young men to her
*) What do all three shoots have in common?
None have film education, experience and compassion working for the public
instead of getting noticed by the public. If you put yourself on window display
and you get in the way of foot traffic then the public gets to criticize you as
many did this week as they walked by these high-flyers of some low-fi industry
that can’t afford A or B Studio sessions. If you’re so flashy and fancy then
why aren’t you in a lock down studio where the public won’t inconvenience you and
you won’t annoy the public? The public notices if you’re mean to them and on
your high horse with a limo waiting in some corner of a local neighborhood
park. Thank Gods, you weren’t in Gary Indiana those guys would have shot at
you. Who do you think you are?
Definitely not a nice guy with the best interest at heart for a walking public.
It’s their neighborhoods and they know it better than you do. So, be grateful
everywhere you go that people don’t throw you out on the curb just for bad
attitude in public. Those can’t be professional photographers, can it? It was
amateur hour this week. Believe it. I don’t think... I’ve watched geniuses fly
like swans and they are never rude to the public. NEVER.
*) How do I put this? Tax the wealthiest 2%
because a million dollar kitchen never gets well-built quite like a 44-million
dollar kitchen. Neither does a one billion dollar kitchen get designed or built
quite like a 44-billion dollar kitchen. Can you picture it because I’ve been a
guest in these kitchens and no, the counter tops are not the same and neither
is the staff. You get what you pay for.
Fine. Why tax people who only make
less than (?) million a year. If one-to-three million dollar millionaires want
to get up and run the hell out of Minnesota and bring their business to Mexico
because you’re complaining about a tax hike as a millionaire well, then you
speak like any lower-upper class citizen might. A billionaire doesn’t care if
you raise his taxes but a millionaire might. See? What are the numbers? It depends
how the upper class is broken down by each individual income tax. A millionaire
is not the same as a 44-million dollar millionaire nor is a billionaire the
same as a 44-billion dollar billionaire. Get it? Because I most certainly do.
July 7, 2011
men's sons are seldom rich men's fathers.” –
Herbert Kaufman
Happy Thursday!
Dear GOP Legislative Representatives of the
Twin Cities of Minnesota; (This is indeed a letter written directly to you).
Good morning everybody.
How’s everybody doing out there on this fine
July 2011 morning in the GOP party? Everybody well-enough? I hope you’re in
great health, spirits and fine tuned attitudes to go into today as well as your
families, loved ones and friends. No, I haven’t come here to mock anyone or to
be mean. I’m not that shallow. I never have been that shallow and I never will
be that shallow. I, will however reserve the right to laugh out loud and to
point out serious aspects of broken culture since I live at ground zero and I
have a bird’s eye view for what is soaring above me at all times. Did you make
the time to sit quietly, read a local newspaper and eat a little breakfast?
Because if you didn’t then most likely you’re not ready for your day. If you
can’t make time for breakfast then you probably can’t lead a Nation. Need I say
Dear GOP party Minnesota Leaders and
Representatives, Do you know why your citizens demand for change in raising
Taxes to the wealthiest 2% of Minnesota’s many lovely upper-upper class
the wealthiest upper-upper class is not the lower and middle upper class. Let’s
make that distinction right now. For sure. For those of you in the upper-upper
class I commend you for your excellent efforts and hard work in progressing alongside
a beautiful American middle-class. Imagine, being the wealthiest 2% individuals
in Minnesota and no, those are not folks who make a million a year? These folks
haven’t gotten there by chance – they’ve worked for their wealth or they’ve had
fortunes handed over to them to be responsible and not gullible nor shallow
about their lot in life. These people have serious responsibilities not
First off, American “healthcare”.
Let us begin this thinking exercise with
healthcare. No, I didn’t write “Medicaid”. Nope, nope, nope. No, thank you
(another blog for another day).
Healthcare, there is non for the middle-class
and “working poor” anyway you look at it.
Either, people pay high and expensive monthly
premiums to some giant conglomerates that hates them from the start or citizens
go without certified professional medical healthcare and try to live to the
best of their grandparent’s American healthcare knowledge and wisdom such as
“Moderation is the key to success.”
If citizens do become ill or physically unfit
to work then they may or may not be treated for a previous health condition.
And if citizens do seek out professional medical treatments and facilities more
often than not they are treated like cattle or props.
What middle-class family wants to give their
money over to a healthcare system that leaves them with a low household budget
for food and shelter at the end of each month? Do you see the dichotomy here
because your middle-class citizens do? Who doesn’t, right? Right.
SIDE NOTE: Republican Party, the former Presidential
cabinet and war mongers you left the American people to the “gurus” the made-up frauds to take care of cancer
patients, dietary ailments and wishful gullible unquestioning citizens looking
for “made-up” alternative holistic fighting chances for survival. Personally,
my healthcare physicians require a Ph.D. Period. Need I say more? I don’t care
who the hell you are by reputation. If you’re going to medicinally treat people
for any ailment, then get a Ph.D. My Father did and he got kicked out of
University for bad grades three times and he still finished because people’s
lives were entrusted in his hands and that is just about as serious as anything
gets in life. Cuidado. Careful, Americans not to be conned. If you’re going to
practice any healthcare in the World then you get yourself a Ph.D. Otherwise,
it may or may not be medicinal “wives’ tales”. Leave the drama to the “crazies”
and (please) don’t believe any crazy person who pushes their opinions on you
about your health. Careful. The World is watching for fraudulent behavior.
Republicans of the former Presidential
cabinet; who do you think you are? I can’t let myself believe that politicians
hate their people. Citizens, that’s what puts most politicians’ bread and
butter on their tables along with special interest groups, lobbyists and their
funds. I’m not reprimanding anyone. I’m neither your wet nurse nor your “mommy”
for that matter. I’m simply and directly letting you know how disappointing it
is to sometimes be a part of a crippling and mean spirited culture especially
coming from our politicians, religious fanatics and greedy adults gorging
themselves in front of everyone and at the expense of citizens and their family
health and wellbeing. Get it? Everybody else does and the jokes are on you,
Republicans. Not only do comedians on the boob-tube make fun of you but also
citizens in everyday conversations. How sad is that? I’d like to think that the
Republican Party is better than that. So, become trusted alphas by the people,
of the people and for the people. Silent. Vigilant. Careful, calm and always
ready to do what is right in the best interest in the heart of the pack and not
just the alphas. Alphas die without packs. Get it? They don’t survive alone.
Lone wolves (another blog for another day).
GOP’ers, you’re smart people. GOP Leaders,
I’m sure many of you were Ivy League bound and all. Very commendable and
honorable but you’re education failed you didn’t it? The GOP party is not necessarily
patriotically political if you understand my meaning. Now, let me spell that
out for you. Why didn’t your Ivy League expensive educations teach you to
master your fears inside a political arena? I’m
sorry as you say here in the Northern Tundra. I truly am sorry GOP’ers but
I’m slightly confused (tongue in cheek). Why are your baboon asses hanging out
for the entire World to see? No, I’m not being rude here. If, Mr. Shakespeare
wrote about “donkey’s asses” in his time then I’m able to in mine. A baboon’s ass is worse than a donkey’s ass.
Mr. Shakespeare, one of your greatest story tellers wrote about the “GOP” party
in his lifetime. What don’t you get exactly? What part of this cultural,
political and artistic Renaissance don’t you understand? Common on! Get on
board. Even this new creative Renaissance is leaving you in the dust.
Does the GOP’ers not understand that YOUR
citizens (YOUR PEOPLE) suffer at your expense in decision making and all the
interest groups that hold YOUR political campaign’s purse strings? Common on!
Keep up with the culture, because it’s not as naïve and as stupid as one may
think. Americans are savvy people with a strong back and bald eagle eye
intelligence. Watch them soar! Citizens can and will get along without any
branch of the Republican Party even if politicians maltreat them, abuse and
hate the people. Do you know what most of GOP’ers economical decisions will
come down to?
It will come down to the type of further
civilized contributions and legacies will GOP’ers decide to leave behind? Will
the people create bronze sculptures in your likeness to remember you by or will
they spit at the mention of your parties' names. Careful, the entire World is
watching to see how you treat your citizens. Even the wealthiest 2% are watching
to see what tax decisions you will arrive at. It’s no skin off their back and
they know it and you should, too. That’s why I’m so proud of our Minnesota’s
wealthiest 2% because they’re willing to step up to the plate and give it a
good whack and they won’t whine, complain nor make a peep about any of this
because it is a gentleman’s sport. The wealthiest 2% will quietly continue
contributing to society whether you tax them or not – they don’t mind because
that is how wealthy and cool they are. Cool as cucumbers. They won’t skip a
beat and I suggest that GOP’ers don’t either. GOP’ers, you’re on a platform and
this performance could become a travesty and possibly booed off stage. Possibly
your citizens may just give you a standing ovation and mean it. Your citizens
hold their breaths waiting for you to do the right thing.
GOP’ers will you become a fine National
example or not? And if not, then please step aside and let Generation X get in
there with fresh new ideas. GOP’ers, maybe you’re too tired or lost perspective
and you’re not fit to lead for now. Maybe it’s time for Captain James T. Kurk to take the helm. He’s out there. It’s just a
matter of time until he becomes captain of our Nation. I live in hope not
wishful thinking.
Two, GOP’ers do you know why you have to make
the movement in legalizing marijuana?
GOP’ers, wake up! Citizens with cancer,
ailments and chronic pain CAN’T afford healthcare so they smoke marijuana. You
know? Marijuana, GOP’ers! The baby-boomers smoked marijuana in college, Vietnam
and amongst their cultural peers. What is
the big deal? Get over your righteous indignations. People die. People
suffer. What don’t you get? You want
to raise the tobacco taxes by a dollar a pack? In marijuana you have “a
resource of wealth more valuable than gold” I’ve been told.
Citizens of the United States and other
Nations die because GOP’ers won’t tax marijuana as another import and export.
There are some dire aspects of culture that are serious and children suffer at
the expense of archaic ideas. This is a new century. Get on board. GOP’ers, are
you really having a difficult time in generating revenue into the Twin Cities?
Please. Who do you think you are?
Politicians leave their citizens with no viable options in healthcare, yet
politicians hypocritically dismiss marijuana as a viable taxable resource. You must be out of your minds. I’m teasing.
Careful, to assume anything. If you heard my voice then you’d know I was
teasing a little. Marijuana has been here on the streets of the United
States of America since the beginning of our country’s history. Why does
marijuana have to be treated as a taboo subject like masturbation, kiddy porn,
kiddy prostitution, female prostitution and rape? Common on! Have another cup of organic (pesticide free) French
pressed coffee. GOP’ers, the culture is leaving you so far behind and kicking
you in the rear end all at the same time. Don’t
tell me that we should send for your wet nurses?
Three, GOP’ers; you’re not afraid of a little
marijuana are you because most citizens aren’t? But do you know what citizens
are afraid of for their children’s sakes; synthetic narcotics and fiends.
Anything made in any lab by some “crazy” asshole idiot is something that people
ought to be afraid of. Get it? The citizens are contributing to overall
community local culture for the sake of future generations.
NEWSFLASH for you, synthetic-lab drugs are
just as ramped in St. Paul Minnesota suburbs as they are in Minneapolis
Minnesota suburbs. The major difference is that Minneapolis urban streets are
safer to walk on by day and night than St. Paul’s street are for the
“proletariat” citizens. Like it or not. DOWNTOWN Minneapolis can host World
travelers, global conventionalists, World athletes, artists and politicians
better than St. Paul Minnesota does because our street savvy and watchful
citizens, neighbors and politically punk outlook keeps our Minneapolis streets
safe. “Inner-city” / “Urban” Minneapolis is a gem and the citizens treat it as
such because how else do you handle a gem? Boldly. Gems won’t shatter in your
hands. Another newsflash for anyone, our vegan “blue collar” bike riding
citizens are mating with corporate “pink collar” citizens. Wake up! We’re cool
and we are a city full of power couples.
We’re a Minneapolis city of real rock stars. No, we’re not “rock ‘n’
roll” (Correction; from “rock n’ roll” to
“rock ‘n’ roll” – "thank you", free local ‘rock star’ newspaper)
rock stars but we live like real rock stars. Quietly and peacefully as
contributing citizens to our neighborhoods as we best see fit. We’re urban cool
and we keep our streets urban clean, opposed to the huge population of black
street hustlers in the suburbs and on the streets of St. Paul. Sorry, but our
Minneapolis community of police presence, bikers, political punkers,
co-operatives and inner city Caucasian gardeners got St. Paul streets beat by
miles in comparison to a St. Paul that shuts down around 10 P.M. and goes
completely dead. Downtown St. Paul is squeaky clean by day but take a step
outside of that oasis by some blocks in radius around noon and you could
possibly sell your first born if you needed money for meth on two prominent St.
Paul Avenues.
Do you know how dangerous St. Paul is with
silent streets by night? Extremely dangerous. Citizens can get raped and no one
would come to their aid because there is no one to come to their aid. St. Paul
Citizens are left alone on the streets of St. Paul as travelers and patrons by
night. Please, bring your environmentally friendly and culturally conscientious
commerce to Minneapolis, because we are urban inner (“pink collar” / “blue
collar”) city corporate-punker hipsters. Our power to keep streets free of
crazies and synthetic narcotics is amazing. We deserve a pat on our backs for
our tremendous efforts even if the media doesn’t reflect our real culture
because (believe it or not) many of our citizens are married to corporate
partners who wear suits while their spouses sport dreadlocks. We’re working on
many different levels as citizens to cultivate a peaceful non-crazy society
with civilities, culture and dignity. Our neighborhoods in this inner “pink and
blue collar” city of Minneapolis are one huge bubble of safety. We keep an eye
on everyone because that’s how street savvy we are.
Minneapolis citizens are here to stay because
we care and we're patriotic citizens of the MTV and Generation X and Y. We care
what happens in our neighborhoods. So, we, too, are a band of brothers and
sisters who won't sell you narcotics and we will cultivate organic (pesticide
free) gardens, hold art openings and rock out with rock stars and grandmothers.
Frankly we are as sheek as the French. Thank you. We’re adults who have taken
on Minneapolis for the love of it whether you think you’re leaving us behind or
not is quite another completely different matter all together. We’re culture
and we create it. Minneapolis citizens are changing the topography of
Minneapolis urban landscape. We’re here actually getting our hands dirty and
doing the job which politicians make fun of with programs and slogans like
“D.A.R.E.” and “Here’s your brain on drugs.” Fuck off, posers. (Yes, I swore. I
promised the Lutherans that I would try not to but that if I did. I meant every
swear word and no, it’s not to be taken lightly). How’s that for a lovely
urban-corporate punk middle-class middle-aged beauty of Minneapolis Minnesota
for you? We’re the ones dealing with what Politicians make fun of civilians
while we live a life of truly fighting a war on drugs on our streets. Please. “Eat that, mother_____!” Please. See,
I, too, am learning street speech. Funny, isn’t it, yet effective?
Four, I don’t want the Republican Party to
get voted out in Novembers’ elections. Politics requires a fine balancing act.
Citizens want the Democrats and the Republicans to work together in creating a
sane future the last decade’s insanity left behind in its wake which cultivated
a Nation of fear, depression, suicide, paranoia and elitism. Please, I’m not
begging you. Please, I’m whispering these words to you. Please. Find some
sanity in all this injustice and heavy burdens “proletariats” and taxpayers
must carry for Politicians just trying to go to the local organic shop on the
corner. Please. I have nothing more to say about this.
GOP’ers, I’m not writing for my benefit. I’m
writing for your benefit. I get to grow organic (pesticide free) flowers and
get to film them for a living today while you’re stuck at the State Senate with
angry Democratic Representatives mad at you and rightly so they should be.
GOP’ers, it’s not looking good in the fall of 2011 for you. It looks like the
talk of culture is to vote in an entire Democratic legislative, representatives
and leaders. Minnesotans have had it and their votes will show that because
this is a region of less and less “The Greatest Generation” voters and more and
more “MTV Generation”, “Generation X” and “Y”. Do you know what those three
generations have in common? They can all spit fire and juggle at the same time.
Can your party do that?
Sincerely and Truly Yours,
P.S. Ciao. Safe travels to all.
I have many more responsibilities for today
than just hobby writing for a blog.
July 6, 2011
key to wisdom is this - constant and frequent questioning, for by doubting we
are led to question and by questioning we arrive at the truth.” – Peter Abelard
Wednesday! (I got the day, the date and the year right!) Wow!
*) No
seriously, a word to the wise; I’ve been cutting and pasting the same date as
of May 2010 so when I push a button or other on the keyboard it reverts back to
2010. I’m aware of what year it is. Half way through 2011 and I still can’t
seem to cut and paste the right year. Oh, well more important aspects of life
than that.
*) As a
grown, mature and modern female feminist, when I get stared at anywhere on my
body; I DO NOT cry wolf from sexual harassment. Nope, nope, nope. ‘Back to one’
(film speech). Back to the beginning and roll it again. This is all I have to
say for those women who feel sexually harassed in public by being stared at
your “breasts” and “buttocks”; your “tits” and “ass”; your “boobs” and “booty”;
file a police harassment complaint and see how quickly the police will tell you
to get the hell out of the cop shop, because they have far more serious and
life threatening issues to deal with. If you’re threatened by being stared at
on your breasts and buttocks the moment you leave the house then stay home.
Period. Please. A contemporary feminist has to have a strong sense of self in
this brave new world. If women go around complaining and crying wolf of sexual
harassment because they’re stared at then you should be shunned by your
community because you’re a liability and seriously an omega trying to assert
alpha power that you don’t have. Step off; otherwise, you set the entire female
population back a hundred years. Who do you think you are? We’re trying to
progress here. It’s one thing to be touched and quite another to be stared at.
How insecure are American women? I think we’re very strong American women so let’s
continue on the road to progress.
Citizens who ought to be taxed are those bringing in a million plus per year.
Most working middle class citizens will make one million in their lifetime by
retirement. Now, taxing a millionaire is not like taxing a billionaire.
However, society and politics needs to catch up because our beautiful “working
poor” have been left on their own to starve, deal with “crazies” and without
*) Yesterday,
I visited amongst friends, acquaintances and strangers at a beautiful inner
city garden. The garden keepers’ would like to have the surrounding
neighborhood sign a petition to get the public garden licensed to house
chickens and a coup along a brick wall that seems to be a hot spot for heroin
junkies. Yes, I wrote heroin junkies. The garden is surrounded by beautiful
families and small children who live in duplexes and apartment buildings yet
heroin junkies seem to like that particular spot. Well, the neighborhood will
have to make up its mind; “Chickens or heroin junkies, heroin junkies or
chickens.” I’d have to choose inner city chickens over heroin junkies any day.
The garden is just lovely and it feeds many in need in the city. This garden has
to live and it must survive not the junkie’s habit.
*) Yes,
I believe in legalizing marijuana and taxing it like any other import and
export. No, I don’t believe in legalizing any chemical laboratory drug. I don’t
believe in legalizing meth, cocaine and heroin. Have you ever come across meth,
cocaine and heroin users? Have you? Well, let me tell you, I have and they’re
assholes. I have no other way of describing it in the English language. Why
would I? These folks are irrational, disrespectful, exploitive, manipulative,
bullies and completely out of their wits. Heroin junkies, cocaine and meth
users are the drug “crazies” along with the psychological “crazies” on our
streets. It’s the same thing for a heroin junkie to be out on the streets
shooting up heroin as it is for some corporate VP snorting cocaine in the
bathroom of some posh building. One is out on the streets and in the open about
their addiction while the other is hidden and regarded as clever, a leader and
a pillar of their lower-upper class. You can’t miss a heroin junkie, a meth
user and cocaine recreational users for anything in the world because they’re
irrational, without boundaries and plain mean not like mean girls but similar
in behavior. No, it’s not acceptable for these folks to be out on the streets
and in our board rooms. Heroin addicts, recreational cocaine users and meth
fiends and dealers of these synthetic drugs - I believe should be
institutionalized in modern and contemporary drug use and psychological
facilities no different than “crazies” the mentally ill.
July 5, 2011
a bowl of flowers in the morning can give a sense of quiet in a crowded day -
like writing a poem or saying a prayer.” –
Anne Morrow Lindbergh
told me that prayer was wishful thinking and meditation was a higher form of
communication.” He looked over at me while perched on a log.
“Ha!” I
let out laughter.
do you think?” He asked.
don’t know what the hell kind of prayer your people are doing. My prayer is visualization
and therefore prayer is a higher form of meditation.” He started laughing and
said, “I thought the same thing.”
P.S. I
have a garden to tend to today. Ciao.
July 4, 2011
July 1, 2011