Friday, January 30, 2015
“To the poor, borsht (beet
soup) tastes as good as caviar to the rich.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish
Lavish (abundant,
liberal, generous)
Lavish entertainment was
provided for the guests.
--- ---
book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including
social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also
valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells,
A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers,
Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Chapter 4.
Of Salutations.
“To turn to our every-day forms of salutation. We take off
our hats on visiting an acquaintance. We bow on being introduced to strangers.
We rise when visitors enter our drawing-room. We wave our hand to our friend as
he passes the window or drives away from our door. The Oriental, in like manner,
leaves his shoes on the threshold when he pays a visit. The natives of the
Tonga Islands kiss the soles of the chieftain’s feet. The Siberian peasant
grovels in the dust before a Russian noble. Each of these acts has a primary, a
historical significance. The very word ‘salutation,’ in the first place,
derived as it is from salutatio,
the daily homage paid by a Roman client to his patron, suggests in itself a
history of manners.
bare the head was originally an act of submission to gods and rulers. A bow is
a modified prostration. A lady’s curtsey is a modified genuflection. Rising and
standing are acts of homage; and when we wave a hand to a friend on the
opposite side of the street, we are unconsciously imitating the Romans, who, as
Selden tells us, used to stand ‘somewhat off before the images of their gods,
solemnly moving the right hand to the lips and casting it, as if they had cast
kisses.’ Again, men remove the glove when they shake hands with a lady---a
custom evidently of feudal origin. The Knight removed his iron gauntlet, the
pressure of which would have been all too harsh the palm of a fair chatelaine: and the custom, which began
in necessity, has traveled down to us as a point of etiquette.”
--- ---
U.S.A. 1969
Moon Landing
Indeed A Fact
[I’m beginning to
get ever so tired after this long workweek.
If I begin to speak
complete gibberish is because I’m tired.]
(We tend to chores while the television is on.)
It was 7:30 A.M. the last time I turned on satellite
(correction) television to catch any glimpse of world news and current events,
We turned to Aljazeera News and enjoyed one full hour of
pre-taped and some live news segments about international events and happenings
around the globe.
When I think about
it: this morning seems ever so far away like a foggy dream or a hazy memory
and everything which was important then doesn’t seem ever so important now
eleven hours later as I write this on this very night at 6:35 P.M.
Now, one of this morning’s news segments was about a
Canadian astronaut who grew up in Canada’s farmland as a boy.
As this astronauts’ voice came through our television’s
speakers he spoke about how difficult it is for one to learn to become an
astronaut and the years of study and preparation and assimilation and human
hours of experience and expertise doesn’t begin to describe the sacrifices made
or the time spent towards the development of human civilization and science and
math and classical arts and ethical athleticism.
As a matter of fact I didn’t get to see much of the television
programming news segment since it took the entire hour for me to sew two holes
shut on one of Eric’s Armani long sleeved navy blue Polo shirts he’s not worn once
ever since the shirt came via postal service about three weeks ago and by
accident I placed two holes in it as I cut the tags off along the seam. (Sigh.)
As I sat and listened to the astronaut on the television
I settled into his soothing and calm storytelling voice.
The astronaut’s voice carried
me far-far away to a place called the “International Space Station.”
After hundreds and thousands of times of orbiting the
Earth the astronaut spoke about his personal perspective and how he acutely observed
different sectors of Planet Earth from the “International Space Station.”
While the astronaut described his experience while
orbiting around the Earth from the “International Space Station” he spoke about
Manhattan Island as a specific example to concretely convey how the very first
time he observed the island of Manhattan from outer space he was aware of how
much detail he could see with the bare naked eye thus the following times in
orbit he more precisely and deeply observed Manhattan as he did so for many different regions of the Earth throughout his
space expeditions to the “International Space Station.”
The astronaut spoke about carrying a small personal
camera on his person and whenever he had a short moment to spare then he’d take
one photograph of something which truly captured him in outer space looking in
on Earth.
He then took his photograph and
quietly and respectfully placed it back into his pant pocket and went about his
work checking engines and switchboards and cables and all the neat stuff which
goes into outer space expertise.
As it might be I still don’t know the name of this
particular astronaut thus I must research it next week.
The amazing aspect of modern intelligent and smart television
is how mature an outlook it has on the world and how optimistic and hopeful it
is for a brighter and more conducive world of intelligence and peace and
creative problem solving.
Television started out its journey as an adult not as a
blabbering idiot or running around in its underwear for that matter. No.
Television was brought forth for adults by adults.
As the decades progressed…
Television regressed.
There’s Stewardship in everything we commit our time and
energy to it otherwise there’s no worth or importance to any of it.
magnificence to television is it started out as a service to the public paying
taxpayer and news was real news in those days of old.
The remarkable aspect to television is more precisely the
people who truly contribute to the next seven generations of intelligence and
calm attitude and creative problem solving since the globe is now become
overpopulated and uneducated.
Television is a service created to inform the mass public
about objective news and current events.
Television’s main purpose is to inform about
international news and weather and current events.
When modern television doesn’t
meet basic requirements such as vital and objective and broad informative factual
news then television becomes stale and antiquated and outdated and most likely
something or someone else makes the big bucks since T.V. killed the radio star and the internet killed the T.V. star.
Television’s only real and meaningful purpose is to
broadcast objective international news from around the globe yet for some
reason modern television seems to consistently drop the ball thus certain programming must be boycotted and ratings
must suffer to show anyone other than ourselves how much power united
individuals hold in this steadfast world of big money and corruption.
Boycotts are good.
Boycotts means reason and logic prevail in a chaotic world
of human destruction and hatred and bitterness and violence.
Television used to do its job well and thoroughly
Television used to be meaningful since former stewards
took their job seriously rather than low-paying wages without health benefits.
Who knew television would become antiquated early into
the twenty-first century.
Modern television seems to refuse to change its regressed
programming thus viewers already jumped ship and went over to the all amazing
internet Age in which one can skip all of the commercials they want or watch
whatever they want without any restrictions or hindrance or interruptions.
Modern television
refuses the one thing it was supposed to do well: television was supposed
to educate and make humans smarter and more intelligent since school doesn’t
cut it anymore.
Television is power thus it must be respectfully done
Modern television rather sit on
the bench than play ball.
Modern television seems nervous like an insecure public
high school kid to show how smart he truly is.
Modern television seems like a bore at any party.
Modern television seems to be the last one to know
international news happening around the globe.
Modern television hasn’t caught up in fashion style since
1996 much less knows the latest Moscow headline or British byline.
Modern television doesn’t see itself from outer space thus
television’s enormous ego gets in the way of portraying how tremendously
delicious it is to be alive with intelligence and smarts rather than braces on their brains.
*) Have a wonderful smart and
intelligent weekend like the rest of mass culture will 313 million plus people
not interested in football whatsoever.
*) If one’s going to go and
watch Super Bowl commercials 2015 then please watch online and don’t give T.V.
any of the ratings whatsoever. (Thanks. What a great help.)
Truly Yours;
Word Count Goal: 1,179
Word Count: 1,277
This Week’s Total Word Count
Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 5,120
One Year Health Goal for each
of the following Items:
Day #342 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
Day #94 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Week #1 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #15 work on 298 cholesterol.
I love vegan food.
Month #5 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty four (24”) inch waist.
(Professional ballerinas tell
me they have twenty seven and a half (27.5”) inch waists, August 2014. Wow.)
Thursday, January 29, 2015
“Cheap borsht (beet soup)
is a blessing to the toothless.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish
Infamous (of very bad
report, famous for a bad quality)
He established the reputation
of being an infamous character.
--- ---
book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including
social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also
valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells,
A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers,
Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Chapter 4.
would seem that good manners were originally the expression of submission from
the weaker to the stronger. In a rude state of society every salutation is to
this day an act of worship. Hence the commonest acts, phrases and signs of
courtesy with which we are now familiar, date from those earlier stages when
the strong hand ruled and the inferior demonstrated his allegiance by studied
servility. Let us take, for example, the words ‘sir’ and ‘madam.’ ‘Sir’ is
derived from seigneur, sieur, and originally meant
lord, king, ruler and, in its patriarchal sense, father. The title of sire was
last borne by some of the ancient feudal families of France, who, as Selden has
said, ‘affected rather to be styled the name of sire than baron, as Le Sire de Montemorenci
and the like.’ ‘Madam’ or ‘Madame,’ corrupted by servants into ‘ma’am,’ and
by Mrs. Gamp and her tribe into ‘mum,’ is in
substance equivalent to ‘your exalted,’ or ‘your highness,’ madame originally meaning
high-born or stately, and being applied only to ladies of the highest rank.
--- ---
(Corrections: from “through” to “thru” to “threw.”)
(Correction: from “Marino” to “Merino.”)
My two packages of “Benetton”
clothes arrived for scan at 5:23 P.M. at Koeln,
Germany. How exciting!
Thank you
postal service.
My four “Old Navy” Women’s Soft
Vintage/Charcoal/M/Petite t-shirts for a total of $35.00 arrived today by
postal service one day earlier than expected. (Thank you,
everybody.) (The t-shirts were consistently measured and cut and fit
well enough.) Progress was made.
--- ---
Derogatory Forms
In Television Messages
Experts tell me:
There’s no connection between what one sees on television and how one lives out
one’s life. (Okay.)
Experts also
explain to me: One of the main reasons why television hosts or presenters
dress ever so badly (derogatorily or
sexually explicitly while on mass media or television) is because such
personalities mean to give “someone” they
know well the “middle finger,” (most likely close family members.) (Okay.)
Experts inform me:
About the “nervous” psychology of television thespians or hosts or presenters
thus is the reason for such professionals to only mentally “hone-in” or “focus”
on people which such television professionals secretly dislike or hate and
often subconsciously think about while performing and wish to personally tell off but can’t or won’t or haven’t
yet thus sneakily such television professionals dress as lewdly as possible to
make their families or friends uncomfortable or angry since television presenters
or hosts get shortsighted about their overall audience and only think about the
people they know and not about the audience they don’t know or see.
It’s been explained to
me: The reason why any television
hosts or presenters dress offensively like any teenager with their “middle
finger” up or penis squeezed thru a
toothpaste tube or vagina squirt is
because if such professional individuals were to ever stop long enough and consider
the rest of their millions of audience members then most likely such television
presenters or hosts would indeed pass out from fright. (Okay.)
(It still doesn’t excuse their
unprofessional misconduct in wardrobe.)
Hello, the rest of us are still here.
Mostly television presenters or hosts badly or
inappropriately or aggressively or derogatorily or overtly and sexually
explicitly dressed is accomplished as
any strong signifier for either “mommy” or “daddy” to go “fuck themselves.”
Point made.
Point taken.
So the rest of the audience gets
manhandled to sit through and watch “petrified” and “anxious” television performers
or hosts give their “grandmothers” the metaphorical “middle finger” by overtly
and covertly subliminally deceptive wardrobe messages hence television hosts or
presenters don’t seem to think pass their
own nose yet such professionals don’t either clearly or distinctly represent
themselves to an entire mass audience only to a niche market or few who love
raunchy lewdness and body parts falling out of the lotus flower.)
We know exactly what “tits and
ass” look like.
Please, tuck them back in.
Thank you.
Please, don’t blind us with
your shit.]
Ah, the psychology of anything.
What will it take for professional television hosts or
presenters to understand the finite idea about the rest of the world watching
no matter what personal hardships or struggles or difficulties or absurd
relationships or distraught emotions one might be under; the rest of the world
is still ‘out’ there and we can see you.
It’s imperative for our modern television hosts or
presenters to “get it right” thus they must mature and graduate to a whole new level
of adulthood and join the rest of their audience members as we make this
remarkable journey of thoughtful “semiotics” and “meaning” and “significance” because isn’t almost everything significant in one
form or another?
Isn’t “everything” which is conveyed semiotic? Yes.
Perhaps, television has no barring or pressing implication
or worth in the lives of everyday real people, however.
Nevertheless, anything going or coming across broadcasted
airwaves signifies some form of message or other? Yes? Yes.
There seems to be something vastly vague or crude or
insignificant or disruptive or overtly deceptive about the split between
television and reality.
Isn’t the entire point of “everything” for the world to be
more connected now than ever? Yes.
Then why aren’t we more connected by way of high set
standards and regulations and healthy viewing policies?
What keeps television from severely following through
with one of the most important aspects of conveyance in signifiers such as
clothing or wardrobe attire especially used for television presentation?
Nothing keeps clothes from
conveying professionalism and astute culture.
In conclusion:
Mostly, modern television’s wardrobe and attire is the same
as watching any freakish fifteen year old masturbate with broken shards of
glass across his penis while he slashes away at his tender blue veins with a
sharp razor blade since he hates himself so much and wishes to feel anything at
all so long as he doesn’t have to feel the depth of his humanity or loneliness
or desperation. (Yes, I made up such imagery.)
[Major look. (One can see it
with one’s mind’s eye.)]
Since mostly, if not then, all clothes are overt or
covert messages then what will it take for the message in the bottle not to
read, “Fuck you and go get help.”
What if the message read, “By the time you read this then
mostly I’ll probably be dead or rescued or still waiting for a reply, so here’s
wishing on a star and you.”
What about overtly sexually explicit clothes which draws
the eye to create and make complete distinctions about the character of another
or lack thereof?
Do modern television executives and producers and
directors and writers and talent and crew not understand the vast complexities
and social computations which go into the summary of another which can and does
either make or break one’s career?
What is it about modern television executives and
producers and directors and writers and talent and crew who make them ever so
ignorant or uneducated or passé and boring about the semiotics of clothes and
wardrobe and attire over broadcasted airwaves?
What is it about modern television which doesn’t know
class or sophistication especially when it comes to a well put together wardrobe?
Does modern television come from the gutter?
Is modern television trash?
Is modern television immature?
Is modern television uneducated?
Is modern television a dead beat?
Is modern television an over sexed dead Hippie?
Is modern television a pervert?
What keeps modern television from respectful
What keeps modern television back from its maturity?
What will it take to get modern television out of the
late 1980’s and 1990’s and bring it into the year 2015?
What will it take for modern television to see the
broader picture of audience rather than lewd niches?
What will it take for modern television to get over its
tit obsession like a wet masturbating boy?
What will it take for modern television to become a
mature and handsome man, any woman would want to date?
What will it take for modern television to properly wear
clothes and put on a clean shirt?
What makes modern television ever so behind the times?
What makes modern television ever so antiquated?
What makes modern television ever so unattractive?
What makes modern television a perverted creep?
One may act “weird” from time-to-time, however.
One mustn’t become a “weirdo” like modern television publically
masturbating expecting its audience not to get insulted when sperm shoots
across our television sets and into our living rooms with a near miss across
the face.
What will make modern television cool?
What will keep modern television from its perverted
little stares and long awkward silences?
From now on:
Every time, one sees television thespians or talent or performers or actors
half naked or with their “tits or asses” hanging out: Remember this: They’re dressed in such a manner to give their grandma
the big “fuck off” send off they always wished they
could give her in person but didn’t have the courage to do it. (Okay.)
Truly Yours;
Word Count Goal: 1,000
Word Count: 1,412
This Week’s Total Word Count
Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 3,843
One Year Health Goal for each
of the following Items:
Day #341 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
Day #93 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Week #1 without stress: I love it. (Nope. No screaming. Silence.)
*) Week #15 work on 298 cholesterol.
I love vegan food.
Month #5 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty four (24”) inch waist.
(Professional ballerinas tell
me they have twenty seven and a half (27.5”) inch waists, August 2014. Wow.)
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
“What’s cheap is expensive.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish
Filch (to steal, to
When the grocer was not
looking, the hungry boy was tempted to filch an apple.
--- ---
book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including
social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also
valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells,
A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers,
Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Chapter 4.
is the salutation, says a French writer, which is the touchstone of good
breeding. There have been men since Absalom who have owed their ruin to a bad
to circumstances, it should be respectful, cordial, civil, affectionate or
familiar---an inclination of the head, a gesture with the hand, the touching or
doffing of the hat.
--- ---
(Correction: from “turn over” to
P.S. No, I don’t wear leggings
in public however I do like to wear securely belted durable stiff materials and
thick dark high waist denim skinny pants or jeans which the fabric is soft to
the touch yet robust and durable designer jeans at $138.00 a pop on discount
for a total of $40.00. (Whew.)
Yes, “philosophy” isn’t (is not) any type of
science. (Correct.)
My Benetton packages are in
Milano, Italy tonight. How exciting!
--- ---
Pima cotton like any other cotton has an extensively
beautiful and brutal history towards better civilization and humanity.
Pima cotton for sure is absorbent especially with dark
colors like stark blacks and navy blues.
Pima cotton has a tendency to hold dye quite
exceptionally well long after the fabric wears out.
There’s something magical about the way Pima cotton can
and does beautifully absorb color.
Mostly with blacks it’s
difficult to get the color black to look ever so stark as it ought to and Pima
cotton seems to stand the test.
Pima cotton is named after the Pima Native Americans.
Pima cotton is an extra long
staple (ELS.)
Pima cotton is cultivated in the Southwestern parts of
the United States and Australia as well as Peru.
Pima cotton is considered a “superior blend of cottons.”
Pima cotton tends to hold extraordinarily well under
rugged outdoor situations and circumstances.
Pima cotton can and does shape and mold well to the
contours of its designers’ purpose and intent except without consideration
Pima cotton is thick to the touch than other blends of
Pima cotton sure is durable and made for chopping wood
and feeding teams of sled dogs.
Pima cotton sure is durable and made for long cross
country ski treks across and thru miles of natural woods.
Pima cotton sure is durable and made for al fresco weekend
mid winter afternoon lunches cooked over open fire
and frozen falls beneath our feet.
Pima cotton sure is durable and made for long afternoon weekend
expeditions snowshoeing across mounds of ice to capture photographs of icicles
made by the tremendous slamming waves of cold and snow and wind and drifts of
sand and pieces of dune.
Pima cotton sure is durable and made for bog walking around
semi-sinking mud holes as swarms of mosquitoes and black flies take a stab at
one’s arms and head for Sunday afternoon lunch.
Pima cotton sure is durable and made for bog walking
while a young man questions one’s life purpose and preaches gospel dribble spoiling
the natural wonder and beauty of any sundown twilight nature walk.
Pima cotton sure is durable and made for cleaning out
barns and picking up after horse manure in the middle of dark cold winter
nights without any end in sight to
the work other than one’s favorite jealous horse’s rear end and more compiling
debt and a life one didn’t want or wish for.
Pima cotton sure is durable and made for ant hills and
bee swarms and biting black flies in the middle of August afternoon heat and
twilight sunset.
Pima cotton sure is durable and made for getting yelled
at by perfect strangers while one volunteered to clean up after mouse dung at a
public food bank.
Pima cotton is made for all of those exceptionally difficult
situations in which one must get dirty and pick up leaves or sweep up saw dust
or neighborhood garbage without penetrating skin.
Pima cotton is made for outdoor use.
Pima cotton is scratchy.
Pima cotton ever so fervently pokes thru sweaters and
camisoles and tank tops and other high quality undershirts.
No matter how many basic layers
of clothes one wears to protect themselves from the ever poking nettles or
prickly hairs of the Pima cotton one can’t totally or completely save one’s
skin from the never ending battle of scratchy Pima cotton against the skin.
Pima cotton shapes and molds all too well in the sense
once Pima cotton is molded then it rarely softens or takes any other form or
shape other than the measurements of a strict ruler causing Pima cotton to be
unwavering to the ever moving and complex contour lines of one’s body.
Pima cotton doesn’t seem to know how to relax around
social settings thus it holds its rigidity upright...
Pima cotton doesn’t seem to know how to laugh at itself
therefore it continues to poke as a weak form of self
Pima cotton sure is uncomfortable at the best of times.
Pima cotton makes people subconsciously scratch causing them
to look as though they have scabies. (Of course, as an example.)
Pima cotton isn’t a very good friend since it makes
humans come across as ridiculous when humans don’t seem to be able to stop
Pima cotton is like the thick and scary wools of the late
1980’s in which one didn’t get a single break from itching or scratching unless
one took off one’s oversized wool sweaters and threw them into an open bonfire
and freed oneself of such underdeveloped materials not quite mature for the
full extent of decent human company or companionship or conversation.
Pima cotton is socially awkward.
Pima cotton makes one count the seconds and minutes until
one can go home to take a shower and get rid of the prickly feel of such
immature cottons.
Pima cotton isn’t any good friend.
Pima cotton doesn’t make for any good dinner guest.
Pima cotton is made for sailor’s ropes and canvas shoes.
If only Pima cotton could be softened and matured then it
would be possible to uphold some respectable future relationship to the fabric
or material.
Truly Yours;
Word Count Goal: 1,000
Word Count: 1,061
This Week’s Total Word Count
Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 2,431
One Year Health Goal for each
of the following Items:
Day #340 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
Day #92 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
Week #1 without stress: I love it. (Nope. No
screaming. Silence.)
*) Week #15 work on 298 cholesterol.
I love vegan food.
Month #5 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty four (24”) inch waist.
(Professional ballerinas tell
me they have twenty seven and a half (27.5”) inch waists, August 2014. Wow.)
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
“Jews have no nunneries.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish
Adage (saying, proverb,
“A stitch in time saves nine”
is an old adage.
--- ---
book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including
social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also
valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells,
A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers,
Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Chapter 3.
A Lady In Difficulty.
you see a lady whom you do not know, unattended, and wanting the assistance of
a man, offer her services to her immediately.
Do it with great courtesy, taking off your hat and begging the honor of
assisting her. This precept, although universally observed in France, is constantly
violated in England and America by the demi-bred, perhaps by all but the
thorough-bred. The “mob of gentlemen” in this country seem
to act in these cases as if a gentleman ipso
facto ceased to be a MAN, and as if the form of presentation was
established to prevent intercourse and not to increase it.
--- ---
10, 2013 to January 24 & 25, 2015)
My one year Benetton boycott is now over.
Mostly I’m partial to artisan hand crafted works and
custom-made (one of kind) clothiers and cobbler shoes and blown glass jewelry and
luxury goods and items from and / or Made
In Italy. (Preferably Made In Italy.)
My love affair with luxury goods and gorgeous Italian
clothes comes from our Sardinian family who knows chocolates and sweaters well
since they make both by hand and are merchants of such luxury goods and items.
My other love affair with Benetton clothes comes from one
of our families oldest and most respectful and kindest French
friends who is a reputable and invaluable buyer for Benetton U.S.A.
Due to our close connection with our longest and dearest
families friends and neighbors I fell
head over heels in love with Benetton at the ripe age of ten (10) when my
friendship began with an extraordinary and beautiful married French woman who’s
been more of an inspiration and fashion role model to me than most any other
woman alive.
Every time, I go to use or wear Benetton clothes I think
of our family’s dearest Benetton French buyer friend who married the kindest
American man and thus they live happily
ever after.
Every time I go to use or wear Benetton clothes I think
of our family’s dearest Benetton French buyer friend who ever so meticulously
and with deepest care and highest regard and love and respect for clothes picks
out and sorts through seasonal lines of fashions to bring the best of the best to modern American women and men and children ever
since or close to 1987 when we first met
(not when Benetton originated.)
Every time I go to use or wear Benetton clothes I close
my eyes and think of our family’s dearest Benetton French buyer friend and her
expensive lingering Chanel perfume which makes me melt at the sight of her
gracious and kind face and blue eyes.
Every time I go to use or wear Benetton clothes I think
of our family’s dearest Benetton French buyer friend and her beautifully
patterned silk scarves which droop whenever she slightly bends over and on her
back lays flat a silk scarf triangle which doesn’t
ever seem to move or get shifted or rumpled too badly.
It was our families close and kind and respectful French
friend and buyer who lent me the wisdom to trust the label of Benetton.
Because of our dearest families
connection to a most incredibly kind and amazingly intelligent French woman I’m
now connected to Benetton and keep an eye out for the label.
Yes, I’m aware Benetton is a clothing label like any
other luxury label looking out for the bottom line thus I keep myself in check yet there’s a close and personal connection
for me with Benetton and their luxury line ever since I fell platonically in
love with one of their buyers who exudes nothing but class and style and
educated intelligent European sophistication.
In my personal journey and quest for further maturity and
adulthood advancements I want to be like this family’s dearest and kindest
French International clothing buyer hence she’s the very essence of sophistication
incarnate with her quiet ways and clear blue Mediterranean eyes which miss
nothing at all.
Yes, I want to be like my fashion role model when she was
in her mid thirties and I was in my early teens. I
want to be like she is now, ever so beautiful and sophisticated and intelligent.
I’ll get there with my preppy heart and personal mission and practical purpose.
As heart wrenching and as difficult as it is to boycott
some of my favorite brands or labels or television shows it must be done for
the good of all people.
My heart’s in the
right place: I know good from bad and right from wrong thus as a private
citizen of the world it is not only my responsibility but also my duty to
boycott any brand or logo or label which stands in the way of revered human
life or regard for international workers and their workers’ rights to safe work
conditions and regular bathroom breaks and health care and benefits and regular
The May 10, 2013 Bangladeshi mass genocide and killings
of a people is nothing to be taken lightly thus we don’t.
Whenever, any
company so much as decides to set
aside their ethics or industrial responsibility-at-large towards any or all industry
garment workers whether workers be
contractors or not; it’s not ever good policy to allow for a mass slaughter
of about 1,000 garment workers killed due to modern “Eurocentric” and present
American economic colonialist business greed and disregard for workers and
their families.
(The thought of so much
irresponsibility could make one’s stomach queasy or one’s head spin.)
What happened in Bangladesh on May 10, 2013 was
inexcusable and irresponsible of the fashion industry.
As private American citizens, there wasn’t much we could
do here in America for our Bangladeshi Brothers and Sisters other than to close
off our pocketbooks to any and most clothing companies which decided human
rights and life have so little to do with professional industry business ethical
standards which as a comparison is a wrong consensus since business has so much
to do with the livelihoods’ of workers and a roof over one’s head and keeping
people alive from starvation not getting them killed while at work.
Personally, I don’t boycott anything, simply because I believe I’ll make a
dent or much difference, only it’s my conscious, and it requires of me to do
something right and personally bold and beautifully daring to go without “creature comforts” for a time and to re-learn how to re-live without luxury items or
goods no matter how much we may want them; Deep down inside we understand the
value of life thus we boldly stand for something meaningful like fair wages and
safe worksites.
We also understand someone’s
beautiful family across the world in Bangladesh suffers when their family
members get killed by greed and irresponsibility by an entire antiquated
fashion industry which must catch up with human rights and international civil
liberties for all. Otherwise, no go.
It’s any wonder how any of
these CEOs sleep well at night.
As of this weekend, personally
I purchased $500.00 of Benetton Women’s clothes and look forward to it with a
light heart and an open mind since my personal one year and eight month boycott
is now officially over.
Yep, I can’t wait to feel
Benetton next to my skin once more.
Truly Yours;
Word Count Goal: 1,000
Word Count: 1,222
This Week’s Total Word Count
Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 1,370
One Year Health Goal for each
of the following Items:
Day #339 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
Day #91 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
Week #1 without stress: I love it. (Nope. No
screaming. Silence.)
*) Week #15 work on 298 cholesterol.
I love vegan food.
Month #5 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty four (24”) inch waist.
(Professional ballerinas tell
me they have twenty seven and a half (27.5”) inch waists, August 2014. Wow.)
Monday, January 26, 2015
“If you
open a shop, stock up on charm.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish
Obsequious (fawning,
servilely attentive)
The obsequious waiter
got on hid nerves after a short time.
--- ---
book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including
social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also
valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells,
A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers,
Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Chapter 3.
on entering a drawing-room to pay a visit, you are not recognized, mention your
name immediately; if you know but one member of a family, and you find others
only in the parlor, present yourself to them. Much awkwardness may be
occasioned by want of attention to this.
--- ---
No Blog today.
and hard feelings for a short while.)
Tomorrow will be a new day.
Thanks to this life for adventure and friendship.
Truly Yours;
Word Count Goal: 1,000
Word Count: 148
This Week’s Total Word Count
Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 148
One Year Health Goal for each
of the following Items:
Day #338 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
Day #90 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
Week #1 without stress: I love it. (Nope. No
screaming. Silence.)
*) Week #15 work on 298 cholesterol.
I love vegan food.
Month #5 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty four (24”) inch waist.
(Professional ballerinas tell
me they have twenty seven and a half (27.5”) inch waists, August 2014. Wow.) (Holding steadfast to the one notch tighter on my belt since two
weeks ago.)
Friday, January 23, 2015
“Charm can’t be bought at
the grocers.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish
Affluence wealth,
abundant supply, riches)
Indian princes were men of
great affluence.
--- ---
book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including
social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also
valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells,
A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers,
Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Chapter 3.
Morning Visitors.
you are paying a morning visit, and some one comes
in, whose name you know, and no more, and he or she is not recognized by, or
acquainted with, the person visited, present such a person, yourself.
--- ---
if we need anything important
then we’ll purchase it
aside from our privately
conducted sociological study)
2013-2014, $38,000 is the average median annual income
for a family of four persons per household in the Twin Cities multiply by 10%
equals $3,800 divided by 4 equals $950.00 for a complete wardrobe (head-to-toe)
for each individual family member and don’t forget pets, too, (an extra
clothing allowance set aside or an extra household budgetary each single
itemized expense.)
$3,800 annual wardrobe budget divided by 2 adults equals
$1,900 per family member per yearly or annual wardrobe (plus $250.00 per year
spent on pet wardrobe expenses which comes out of our food budget since we
don’t spend all of our food budget, anyway, thus we might as well purchase dog
clothes throughout the year with the little bit of extra left over petty cash
or money.) Fun! (One must get extremely creative with an annual household wardrobe
budget of $38,000 per yearly average median Twin Cities’ household costs and
2015 Total Wardrobe Budget $1,900 each
(Per household of two persons)
(Twenty year (20) sociological privately conducted study;
2015 is our ninth (9th) year of private
2015 Wardrobe Budgetary Expenditures thus far:
(From December 17, 2014 - January 21, 2015)
Final Discounts:
(Further corrections will be made.)
Annual Wardrobe Budget: $1,900 each
Women’s Wardrobe Winter 2015:
Women’s Armani Wool Coat: $238.00 (Awesome)
Women’s Patagonia Down Sweater
Vest: $179.00 (Awesome)
Women’s Armani Sheer Crewneck: $39.40 (Awesome)
Women’s Armani Essential Long Sleeve Crew: $19.40
Women’s Armani Essential Long Sleeve Crew: $19.40
“Size Small” (Awesome)
Women’s Armani Small Graphic Tee: $42.50 (Awesome)
Women’s Armani Patent Skinny Belt: $9.99 (Awesome)
Women’s Armani Quilted Leather Gloves: $34.25
Women’s Armani Wool Belt: $35.10 (Awesome)
Women’s Armani Statement Necklace: $35.99 (Awesome)
Women’s Armani Pop Color Card Case: $29.99 (Awesome)
Women’s Armani Mirror Croc Tote: $55.20 (Awesome)
Women’s Armani Cable Knit Hat: $19.40 (Awesome)
Women’s Armani Will-All over Stitch Cardigan: $39.40
“Size Medium” (Awesome)
Women’s Armani Officers Skinny Jean: $40.00
Black (Awesome)
Women’s Moose Lake Gift Shop Infinity Scarf: $26.00
Women’s H&M Fancy Jersey: $12.95
Women’s H&M Fancy Jersey: $14.95
Women’s H&M Knitwear: $14.95
Women’s JCPenney Beanie Hat:
Women’s Broach Pearl Necklace: $118.00
(White House / Black Market)
Women’s H&M Cable-knit Crop Sweaters: $29.95 together
*) Still waiting for Armani belt and tank top.
Women’s TOTAL: $1,063.81
Loss: Garbage: 5 Chinese Blouses: $100.00
Loss: Donated: Women’s Cuff: $35.00
Loss: Donated: Women’s Wool Hat: $12.00
Loss: Donated: Women’s Wool Hat: $12.95
Loss: Donated: Women’s Accent Necklace: $14.95
Loss: Women’s Cashmere Scarf: $10.00
Loss: Women’s Amethyst Lace Gloves: $10.00
Women’s TOTAL Loss: $194.90
Women’s TOTAL Wardrobe Expenditure: $1,258.71
Left: $641.29 for the remainder of 2015 as of 1/15/2015
*) Still
looking for 2 black dresses below knee length and Crew-Neck.
*) Still looking for 1 perfect salmon blazer as always.
*) Still looking for 1 B&G(rey) stripped modern
*) Still looking for 1 cashmere scarf.
*) Still looking for 2 graphic or black dress up flats.
Men’s Wardrobe Winter 2015:
Men’s Armani Classic Peacoat:
$119.99 (Awesome)
Men’s Patagonia R2 Fleece Jacket: $169.00 (Awesome)
Men’s Armani Stitched Shawl Sweater: $49.99 (Awesome)
Men’s Armani Graphic Print Sweatshirt: $34.99
Men’s Armani Classic Polo (Long sleeved): $24.99
Men’s Armani Geo Print Polo: $35.10 (Awesome)
Men’s Armani Patterned Wool Scarf: $41.50
Men’s Armani Pop Color Wallet: $29.99 (Awesome)
Men’s Armani Merino Hoodie: $39.40 (Awesome)
Men’s JCPenney Suit Coat
Jacket: 104.00
Men’s JCPenney 1st pair of
Trouser: $72.98
Men’s JCPenney Alteration:
Men’s JCPenney 2nd
pair of Trouser: $69.99
Men’s JCPenney Alteration:
Men’s JCPenney Vest: $39.99
Men’s JCPenney Corduroy Suit
Coat Jacket: $31.99
Men’s JCPenney Corduroy Suit
Coat Jacket: $31.99
Men’s JCPenney Long Coat:
Men’s JCPenney Jeans: $40.72
Men’s JCPenney Jeans: $40.72
Men’s JCPenney 1st
Dress Shirt: $29.99
Men’s JCPenney 2nd
Dress Shirt: $17.99
Men’s JCPenney Texture Red Geo
Tie: $30.00
Men’s TOTAL: $1,176.30
Loss: Men’s Shrunken Sweaters: $150.00
(Made up in Armani sweaters ($109.97 + one more sweater))
January 2014 Household Wardrobe Essentials Budget:
(Replacement with Leftover Essentials Budget:)
$38.03 +
$37.86 = $75.89 - $39.40 (men’s Sweater) = $36.49 - $1.37 = $35.12 (Men’s
replacement sweater = $39.40)
Men’s TOTAL Loss: $150.00
Men’s TOTAL Wardrobe Expenditure: $1,326.30
Men’s Left: $573.70 for the remainder of
2015 as of 1/15/2015
*) Still looking for a pair of
sweatpants: $?
*) Still looking for a pair of dress up
leather gloves: $?
*) Still looking for another scarf: $?
January 2015 Household Wardrobe Essentials Budget:
(Items not included
in Wardrobe expenses)
Cancelled out for the month of
January 2015.
Women’s (Men’s, L) Super Soft Microfleece Pajama Pant:
Women’s (Men’s, L) Super Soft Microfleece Pajama Pant:
Women’s H&M Jersey Pajama Top: $7.00
Women’s Croc Dress Shoe: $49.99 (originally $85.00)
(JCPenney) / (Discount)
Women’s 4 Soft Vintage/Charcoal/M/Petite t-shirts: $35.00
(Old Navy)
Women’s non-Thinsulate boot:
(An already set aside budget for this item: total of
(Purchased the
ugliest boots in the world yet I needed them badly)
TOTAL: $111.97
Left: $150.00
- $111.97 = $38.03 - $39.40 Sweater = $-1.37 (Ok.)
Men’s Suede Patch Cardigan ripped a hole in it.)
*) Still looking for undergarments. (Boy Shorts.) ($?)
*) Still looking for bikini swim suit. (My
first.) ($?)
*) Still looking for 2 formal pajama tops. ($?)
*) Still looking for the perfect thermal top. ($?)
*) Still
looking for the perfect black sports bra with spaghetti straps and feminine yet
durable. ($?)
--- --- ---
January 2015 Household Wardrobe Essentials Budget:
(Items not included
in Wardrobe expenses)
Men’s Underwear: $19.50
Men’s Sports Crew Sock 5PK: $16.00
Men’s Slippers: $14.99
Men’s Dress Shoes: $61.65
*) Still looking for comfortable slippers.
TOTAL: $112.14
Left: $150.00 - $112.14 = $37.86
(Replacement: Men’s Suede Patch Cardigan
ripped a hole into it.)
February 2015 is another month wardrobe essentials…
Truly Yours;
Word Count Goal: 1,000 personal
Word Count: 1,104
This Week’s Total Word Count
Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count:
One Year Health Goal for each
of the following Items:
Day #335 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
Day #87 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
Week #6 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #14 work on 298 cholesterol.
I love vegan food.
Month #5 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty four (24”) inch waist.
(Professional ballerinas tell
me they have twenty seven and a half (27.5”) inch waists, August 2014. Wow.)
Thursday, January 22, 2015
“A little charm does no
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish
Alacrity (cheerful
readiness, briskness, eagerness)
He obeyed with alacrity.
--- --- ---
book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including
social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also
valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells,
A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers,
Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Chapter 3.
Meeting on the street.
If you are
walking down the street in company with another person, and stop to say
something to one of your friends, or are joined by a friend who walks with you
for a long time, do not commit the too common, but most flagrant error, of
pressing such persons to one another.
--- ---
Inch is one inch
What’s there not to
love about one inch?
The difference between an inch or not is drastic.
There’s a lot to be said for an exact one inch
One inch is the difference between fitting into certain
clothes or not.
An inch can make a world of difference when clothes are either
too tight or to loose on one’s body.
There’s nothing like seeing beautifully dressed humans
whether they wear their grubs or their finery so long as the clothes fit them
As of yesterday I lost another one entire and whole
complete inch around my waist ever since Christmas and New Year’s 2014-2015 Celebrations.
Not once did I ever realize or consider or think about
the tremendous difficulty it is not only for
petite statured people to find clothes which properly fit but also clothes
made for small framed women with small bones must be a nightmare finding anything other than the unflattering
styles made for some teens or children.
I’m able to wear teens and children’s size clothing, yet I don’t since I’m a
mature adult woman of a certain age and prefer to look the way I want rather
than the way advertisers wish for some hysterical teens to dress or look.)
For the past fourteen years (14) it seems as though “Size
XL” and “Size XXL” have taken over the racks in the form of and disguised as “Size Medium” and “Size Large” yet
such clothes are made more with the intent to shield one from any raging storm
more so than fashion or modern chic styles.
In other words:
clothes are as big as rain ponchos and rarely attractive or well
made or well thought out unlike
rain ponchos are designed to keep the rain out.
Yes, I wish an inch were still an inch then one would
shop with delight and encouragement and confidence to spend money without fear
of having to return most everything back to the stores since a Women’s “Size 9”
flip flop is more like a Women’s “Size 6” flip flop. (I checked and double checked
the size.)
Officially, as of yesterday I must now purchase tops and
t-shirts and blouses “Size Small” which fall into the
category of 2, 4, and 6.
What is it about going down sizes which tricks the brain
to think one’s still either the same former “Size Large” or “Size Medium” yet
when it comes to informing the brain of this newfound freedom then it must get
used to the idea of yet another smaller size such as “Size Small” which my
brain tends to kick and scream all the
way down the aisle because it doesn’t believe it’s really happening yet it
is happening and it is all, too, real.
What is it about my brain not wanting to understand it
must now begin to order “Size Small” tops and t-shirts and blouses from here on
“Size Small” doesn’t freak me out. No.
“Size Small” means a second chance at a healthier
lifestyle and vitality and unrestricted movement and stamina and strength and longevity
and grace and more beauty added to an already blessed human body and brains which
were bestowed upon with many wonderful natural gifts and talents from the Gods
below (Mayan theology.)
Yes, I must now re-set my brain to consider itself a “Size
My brain must now learn to adjust to a tiny little human body even
though my psychology hasn’t yet caught up with my changed body.
My brain still believes my body is a “Size Large” or
“Size Medium” on top and both sizes no longer apply to my petite body type and
changes which occurred ever since the third week of February 2014 when we quit
eating sugar.
Even though I’m now a “Size
Small,” my brain hasn’t yet begun to get used to the idea my body has lost sixteen
pounds (16 lbs and kept off body fat and some muscle for
almost six straight months come February 2015.)
Even though I’m not
regularly walking outside this winter: on average I stand for about six (6)
hours at my new state of the art stand up desk purchased this past weekend and
delivered this very morning. (I’m in love with my new stand up desk.)
As of two years ago I started
standing at my desk ever since my body began to feel slight aches all over from
sitting and either typing or editing for long periods of time.
instead of propping up my computer monitor and small laptop on top of books and
other makeshift items, now I’m working like a solid rock star and neither my
wrists nor hands hurt while I stand and type. The desk is exactly my height at
my new nurse informed me I grew another inch since August 2013.) (Okay.)
As difficult as it might be to re-wire my brain to think
differently about my body I will do it.
There’s nothing like golden change.
There’s nothing like a smaller body.
There’s nothing like excess fat off of the body.
There’s nothing like the freedom of a new body.
Even though my bust (chest) is naturally full and large
the rest of me is quite small. I must now relearn to
move in my new body. It’s not easy getting used to a new body. It’s not meant
to be easy relearning how to walk again yet I’ll figure out a way to get on
with my newfound body.
Yes, I’m ever so grateful for all of the hard work and
new lifestyle without sugar of any type. It’s been worth not consuming sugar of
any type except holidays and birthdays.
We shall continue with no sugar
for decades to come.
We think clearer without sugar.
We don’t get as sluggish and as
exhausted as we used to when we did consume sugar.
“Size Small” here we come!
Truly Yours;
Word Count Goal: 1,000
Word Count: 1,102
This Week’s Total Word Count
Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 5,103
One Year Health Goal for each
of the following Items:
Day #334 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
Day #86 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
Week #6 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #14 work on 298 cholesterol.
I love vegan food.
Month #5 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty four (24”) inch waist.
(Professional ballerinas tell
me they have twenty seven and a half (27.5”) inch waists, August 2014. Wow.)
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
“Charm surpasses beauty.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish
Motif (theme, dominant
The motif of the musical
composition was a pleasing melody.
--- ---
book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including
social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also
valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells,
A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers,
Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Chapter 3.
Without Permission.
are some exceptions to the necessity of applying to a lady for her permission.
At a party or a dance, the mistress of the house may present any man to any
woman without application to the latter. A sister may present her brother, and
a mother may present her son, upon their own authority; but they should be
careful not to do this unless where they are very intimate, and unless there is
no inferiority on their part. A woman may be very willing to know another
woman, without caring to be saddled with her whole family. As
a general rule. it is better to be presented by
the mistress of the house, than by any other person.
(Yes, after the word “rule” there
was a period followed by a lower case letter in this 1891 book thus I left it
--- ---
Inch is one inch
Why isn’t an inch an inch any longer?
What is it about losing weight which makes it ever so
difficult to figure out clothing size especially in a world in which an inch
could be a matter of two or three inches off?
Personally, I don’t believe in vanity sizes since it’s
ever so difficult to get the right size to begin with much less forced to
adjust to vanity clown sizes.
Yes, I wish an inch was still an inch by today’s clothing
standards then it would be a cinch to find clothes in all stores, however.
Due to today’s “vanity” sizes: “Size Small” might fit like a “Size Medium” or a “Size
Large” which will most likely droop and sag and hang off of one’s body in poor
taste like rags on a poor lonely homeless boy of eight in Charles Dickens
What is it about an inch measurement?
Doesn’t anybody know mathematics anymore?
Doesn’t anybody know the difference between one inch and
two or three or five inches?
Searching and finding the right clothes takes forever
whenever shopping online since a “Size Medium” 8-10 is no longer a “Size Medium”
and “Size Small” 2,4,6 is no longer a “Size Small” since both sizes are now
whatever the hell any wayward designer or seamstress believes an inch ought to
Nowadays, one can purchase a “Size Small” from ten
different stores and not come close to a “Size Small” at all.
Personally, the time it takes to find clothes which properly
fit is far more difficult than the money they cost since most clothes by today’s
disgusting standard are cheaply made and garbage in general and mostly ready
for an incinerator.
It’s difficult to find properly sized clothes which might
beautifully fit since mostly
Americans are obese and egocentric about their wide girth.
It’s difficult to find properly sized clothes which might
beautifully fit ever since other nations are willing to stroke the artery
clogged egos of the obese Americans.
Oh, I must stop here for today.
Once a month for about half an hour we professionally
(non-sexually) mentor a mature and quiet young music engineer of twenty-one
years of age, male, Caucasian.
We neither so much as mentor nor guide nor say the
“right” thing: we’re simply getting to
know each other: hopefully all we can do is answer questions as earnestly
and as directly as possible even though translation sometimes is difficult in
any language.
speak English with our mentee since English is a common human’s language which
means business and profits and capitalism and environmentalism and fair wages and
health benefits for all modern working “economic slaves”).
The one aspect our mentee and us share in common: is
this: We happen to love (platonically for us) the same person as our common brother
and we’re practically brand new to each
other: yet still we love someone in common we’ve not ever happen to frequent
in the same room simultaneously together: great times: fun: someday, we’ll have
“a meeting of” and gather together and take it from there as mature adults as
we are.
(Cheers as the Spaniards taught me in
1987, 1996 and 2010.)
Truly Yours;
Word Count Goal: 1,000
Word Count: 671
This Week’s Total Word Count
Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 4,001
One Year Health Goal for each
of the following Items:
Day #333 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
Day #85 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
Week #6 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #14 work on 298 cholesterol.
I love vegan food.
Month #5 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty four (24”) inch waist.
(Professional ballerinas tell
me they have twenty seven and a half (27.5”) inch waists, August 2014. Wow.)
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
“The charming don’t have to be beautiful.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish
Motley (different,
various, incongruous)
He hired a motley crew
to do his work.
--- ---
book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including
social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also
valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells,
A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers,
Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Chapter 3.
With Permission.
A gentleman
should not be presented to a lady without her permission being previously asked
and granted. This formality is not necessary between men alone; but, still, you
should not present any one, even at his own request,
to another, unless you are quite well assured that the acquaintance will be
agreeable to the latter. You may decline upon the ground of not being
sufficiently intimate yourself. A man does himself no service with another when
he obliges him to know people whom he would rather avoid.
--- ---
/ Style / Look
The Armani luxury goods manufactured in China are well
made and durable and sustainable and beautiful.
What’s there to complain about
Armani’s manufactured Chinese luxury goods?
There’s nothing much to
complain about Armani’s manufactured Chinese luxury made goods with one
exception: I only wish Armani’s
clothes and luxury goods smelled exactly like Italy right when one opens up
one’s packages straight from the U.S. postal carrier as they ever so
courteously hand us our packages when we’re outside in our yard.
(Oh, well.)
There’s nothing like the smells of Italian chocolate
mixes with roasted coffee smells and beautifully hand or machine stitched
sweaters made only for royalty or sailors.
First hand we know what it’s like to open U.S. postal
mail packages which inside contain baskets as large as small coffee tables
filled with colored confetti like ringlets and many assortments of the finest
custom made chocolates and sweets and candies and oh, those ever so divinely
died and woven Italian sweaters made by Sardinian village women. (We know
Italy. Our family is.)
The late 1980’s stores such as “Glass Block” (store no
longer exists) sold t-shirts for $30.00 (thirty dollars) and such t-shirts
lasted about five years.
Although such late 1980’s
t-shirts weren’t nearly as soft as today’s inexpensive t-shirts which cost
about $12.00 dollars per t-shirt yet may last anywhere from one to three years
only when one machine washes the t-shirts in cold water and flat lays their
t-shirts to air dry then one may get more millage out of their modern
(2013-2014) t-shirts otherwise clothing merchandise is made for the garbage can
or the oceans or the mountains and valleys and peaks and landfills.
We understand the concept of quick turnaround in fashion,
however, the reality is far from the excellence in vision or dream or quest of
fashion and civilization and craftsmanship especially in an Age in which
machines do most of our laboring for us.
Finally, Armani saved my little (large size) head from
freezing this winter in 35 weather. (Now I’ll have to
measure my head.)
For the first time in about nine years I finally found
one gray cable knit hat and it’s fantastic in 35 weather.
(Let’s see what it can do in -19 below zero freezing weather?)
My awesome Armani gray cable knit hat Item Number H5HA308
040 9999 actually stays on top of my head quite nicely and doesn’t move or fall
off or slip down or sit crooked.
I would’ve known how divine this hat was going to feel on top of my head then I
would’ve bought ten, fifty or one hundred of this specific hat and material and
fabric and look and cut.)
This Armani hat is pure magic.
For the past decade I’ve spent nearly a small fortune on
hats which ride up and by the end of an hour the hats eventually look more like
tea cozies (tea warmers, kettle warmers, teapot warmers.)
Personally, we look forward to investing in Imporio Armani next year winter 2016 (December 2015-Jaunary
We look forward to the comparison and learning the difference
between outlet Armani Exchange and Imporio Armani.
Thank you for existing Armani.
All I know is I know nothing.
Please forgive my ignorance…
(In gesture, not literally.)
When I first took the Armani Exchange Men’s White Print Sweatshirt
Item Number H6M711CR 100 9006 for $34.99 (originally, $69.99) out of its clear
thin lining plastic logo bag I almost dropped
the sweatshirt out of my hands and didn’t wish to ever touch it again
for all of the money in the world.
Oh, no!
There it was again.
My worst material fabric nightmares relived.
The outer fabric of Item Number H6M711CR 100 9006 took me
back to 1991, 1992 and 1993 when America’s manufacturers played around with
some weird mixture of either cheap spandex or nylon or polyester and couldn’t
quite get the mixture right so American manufacturers gave up on such terribly
made low quality fabrics and stuck to cotton and other more breathable clothing
materials rather than fabrics which wrongfully clings to the body and is as
unforgiving and relentless as a rabies dog with semi crossed eyeballs and
saliva foam around it’s lips.
As soon as I touched the sweatshirt I realized I ought to
have thrown it into the garbage can before Eric caught sight of it because the
graphics are cool and the cut is well made and it fits like a dream on Eric and
it’s awesome to look at yet when it comes to touching such disgusting fabric I
can barely keep my food down hence when Eric wears such specific sweatshirt
it’s exactly like touching nylon hosiery and I don’t want to be reminded of
chintzy women’s underwear while I hug and kiss Eric in the mornings before we
start our workday.
Today Eric wore his new print sweatshirt and I made sure
to French kiss Eric without hands only so I didn’t have to bring myself to
touch Eric’s sweatshirt which gives me the creeps each time I touch such
haven’t told Eric yet how I feel about his sweatshirt and I don’t know how to
bring it up to him since other people’s clothes is ever so intimate and personal
a topic of conversation.)
don’t know how to bring it up to Eric I’d like to throw away his sweatshirt
into the garbage can without donating it.
The sweatshirt material feels like a pervert.
Nice but weirdly so.
Not ever did I think I’d have to endure such revolting
fabric for as long as I lived yet here we are full circle around with the
Not ever did I think I’d have to endure such disgusting
material fabric on awesome Italian luxury clothes.
Today in the mail we received a most beautiful and
awesome and wonderful Merino Hoodie Sweater Men’s Item Number G6W549HD 010 9006
for $39.40 (originally, $98.50).
Item Number G6W549HD 010 9006
is now my favorite article of clothing we’ve bought for Eric thus far ever
since August 2014 when we begun to purchase Armani.
Today in the mail we received a most unfortunate Armani
Georgette Trim Camisole Item Number H5M300TW 410 9003 for $20.00 (originally,
$49.99) Size Medium yet it wore more like a Size Large tent. (It’s a must
The very touch of this fabric
makes me nearly physically ill due to the chintzy cheap material fabric with lack
of quality passed off for luxury when it belongs in a trash can.
Today in the mail we received a most disastrous Chinese
made Nordstrom Item#85365281 “Leith” Black Long
Sleeve Midi Dress “Size Medium” which wore more like a “Size Small” and looked
exactly like a long pajama dress I owned in the early 1990’s only it came in
pink and was soft and fuzzy on the inside.
This Chinese made Nordstrom
Item#8536528 is made of the same crappy cheap and chintzy Chinese fabric
material as Armani Item Number H6M711CR 100 9006 and Armani Item Number
H5M300TW 410 9003.
(I must return these items
otherwise they must immediately be dispensed with and not ever again purchased for
as long as we live.)
In conclusion:
the reason why the Chinese aren’t any types of leaders at anything in the world
is because getting filthy rich isn’t any type of dream.
Now getting entrenched (deep
rooted) or fully settled into one’s clothes is as good as human touch and not
something to be taken for granted or entered into lightly since such dreams are
real and do mean something when one can flawlessly get lost inside the many
layers and folds of beautiful fabric of reality come true.
The reason why the Chinese aren’t any types of leaders at
anything is because they make disgusting manufactured goods and everybody knows it since there’re no
regulations or policies or workers’ rights or human rights then China’s a lost
blob on the map of garbage manufactured goods which fills up our oceans and
mountains and valleys and peaks with more unsightly and chintzy cheap garbage.
The reason why the Chinese aren’t any types of leaders at
anything is because they refuse to make ethical and responsible and reasonable
decisions about their exports thus the Chinese don’t seem to be trusted to do
well by and for others.
Soon, within the week I must make up my mind to continue
with yet another year long Boycott of Chinese horribly made products until December 2015 when we go to
purchase Imporio Armani.
Until then, Made in the good old U.S.
of A. or bust.
Americans are sick and tired of chintzy and gross and
ugly fabric material passed off as something it’s not.
You do know what
they say about badly crafted items?
The Chinese remind me of bitter and angry sexless bunch
by the look of their badly made clothes and their overall hatred for the human
race as well as the animal kingdom.
Why isn’t the Chinese modern chic?
Ever since 9/11 (2001-2015) (14 years) the Chinese have
had the great chance and opportunity to make something of themselves on our
American taxpayer’s pickle or dollar or dime ever since American corporations
gutted the American manufacture’s whale belly and transferred their factories
over to China only to turn around and sell Americans shit products at
ridiculously expensive prices in exchange for garbage goods.
Every American
ought to boycott or to have boycotted Chinese made goods for the past fourteen
years and continue to do so until real change comes back.
Why aren’t the Chinese very refined at garments when
they’ve been in the business of beautifully crafted made silk fabrics for
Don’t give me any
As privileged as I’ve been in the past and as privileged
as I am today, I’ve studied Chinese Literature and Chinese History and no one
can pull the wool over my eyes about what’s taken place here before.
Technically, I’m an analyst in
Global Communications which encompasses everything. Everything.
At least once, for four straight months, in each area of
study: I’ve accomplished every medium and discipline from weaving fabric on
looms to dying silk to embroidery to paper making to calligraphy and film
development and oil on canvas and stretching canvas and classical and modern
dance and anthropology and sociology and mathematics and science and philosophy
and writing and basic drafting and deciphering glyphs and fencing and martial
arts and the culinary arts and basic electronics and non-underwater basket
weaving and music theory and international business and law and the humanities
totaling about __ degrees.
Yes, I’m an expert analyst on
the subject of everything related Global Communications. Period.
Yes, I’m qualified to analyze
anything Global Communications.
Thus here we are.
(Talk about bursting such a
bubble. You didn’t know, I knew so much, did you? Well, I look dumb but I’m not
Truly Yours;
Word Count Goal: 1,000
Word Count: 1,924
This Week’s Total Word Count
Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count:
One Year Health Goal for each
of the following Items:
Day #332 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
Day #84 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
Week #6 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #14 work on 298 cholesterol.
I love vegan food.
Month #5 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty five (25”) inch waist.
(Professional ballerinas tell
me they have twenty seven and a half (27.5”) inch waists, August 2014. Wow.)
Monday, January 19, 2015
“Two things can’t be
bought: charm and luck.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish
Callow (green, immature,
His actions show him to be a callow
--- ---
book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including
social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also
valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells,
A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers,
Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Chapter 3.
In Other Countries.
two Frenchmen are presented to one another, each presses the other’s hand with
delicate affection. The English, however, never do so; and the practice is
altogether inconsistent with the caution of manner which is characteristic of
their nation and of our own. If we are to follow the French in shaking hands
with one whom we have never before seen, we should certainly imitate them also
in kissing our intimate male acquaintances. There are some Americans, indeed,
who will not leave this matter optional, but will seize your hand in spite of
you, and visit it pretty roughly before you recover it. Next to being presented
to the Grand Jury, is the nuisance of being presented to such persons. Such
handing is most unhandsome.
(Lesson #2,989 learned early
--- ---
(Correction: Starting any
sentence in any paragraph with “I” weakens the stance of the speaker as well as
the overall literary structural format of / or / in any paragraph or stanza.)
Happy Malcolm X Day!
nice wardrobe item,
Does not make a wardrobe.
A pretty Caucasian woman in her early thirties with
shoulder length strawberry blond hair wore three year old faded blue jeans and
two year old dirty grey running tennis shoes with a three year old maroon
reddish purse over her left (facing up) forearm as she slightly swung it
exactly like an eighty-five year old woman from rural farm America traveling to
and from the dentist office in the big city. Afterwards, off to sea food night
ready for early Finn dinner at four in the afternoon.
The pretty Caucasian woman walked opposite of me one shoe
aisle over to my left shoulder as I walked up and down rows and rows of shoes
at a commercial warehouse.
Right in the instance before she came parallel shoulder
to shoulder with me, she crossed her right arm directly across her entire body
and in a woven pattern quickly reached underneath and around her left wrist and
placed a firm grip over both handles of her bag with her right hand forming a
perfectly shaped pretzel or butterfly with her left hand near her left hip only
to indicate how lengthy were her arms.
The pretty Caucasian woman had the wispiest light fluffy
hair like whipped mayonnaise. Her hair was ever so wispy light like falling
feathers or see thru veils.
In stark 1980’s cafeteria warehouse lights, her hair looked golden yellow.
If only for a moment, everything I did see thru the golden
threads of her blondish dirty brown hair looked defused and filtered across the
room making the view seemingly more interestingly thru the thin strands of her
The pretty Caucasian woman had a long reaching stride
which covered remarkable amount of ground at a fast clipped walking pace.
Her lanky legs lent her some form of opulence even though
her face read the story of…
Her lovely unscarred face and clean skin was fair.
Her unpainted fingernails and ears were squeaky clean.
Her shoelaces were perfectly tied in neat little bows.
collar of her white t-shirt was clean.
She wore absolutely not one single stitch of jewelry.
Her long arms’ length was like ballerinas’ arms under hot
spotlights dancing shimmering rhymes and fool’s tales of woe.
The pretty Caucasian woman gave the air of unmarried
status without children.
Mostly everything about her
youthful independence said she was foot loose and fancy free.
The corners of her eyes and mouth had not yet begun to
sag or wrinkle.
Her rosy lips were healthy as babes.
Her maroon reddish bag looked rugged and independent. One
could only imagine what her bag had seen of her owner’s front seat and backseat
from grocery store aisle to women’s changing rooms to…
Her faded blue jeans weren’t torn around the cuffs. Her
white faded grayish socks told a story of mud and many cycles thru the wash.
Her wide shoulders pointed out at the edges and turned
with her when she took massive strides.
A shabbily dressed young Caucasian woman wore a black Patagonia
down goose jacket while she held her nose a bit, too, high in the air as she
looked around and judged others by her low expectations in the same exact manner as the “Bucket Lady” does. (Ouch.)
It wasn’t so much the young woman’s air of superiority at
ten thirty in the morning which left much to be desired.
It was more so her contempt for
her fellow man which made her face ugly with a continual snide remark of hatred
desire ever so slightly around the corners of her nose when she crinkled it
inward and gave it a good wiggle to indicate her disgust as her lips rose in
the manner of the Joker in Batman Chronicles.
Whatever natural appeal she held it was gone.
For whatever ungodly early
hours of the morning her perpetual snide at others within close proximity made
her seem ever so small in stature and character since she was the most horribly
dressed woman in the entire store, including the professional staff and
By ten thirty in the morning real money had already
walked thru the doors and “Gone with the Wind.”
Little did the young woman
realize real money had tried on boots and left.
Meanwhile real money and I snuck glances and exchanged
smiles and admired each other’s shoes and boots and wraps and jewelry without much of a single word.
We communicated with warm
expressions and calm body language to be grateful to shop amongst other more
civilized women rather than the type of women who elbow and shove and push to
get to merchandise as though it were going out of style.
The moral of the
lesson: One looks far more impoverished when one can or does barely only
afford one good luxury item and the rest of one’s wardrobe or outfit or home or
vehicle or lifestyle falls apart at the seams because it doesn’t have any good
strong leg to stand on.
There’s no reason to be arrogant when one can or does
afford one single luxury goods item yet the rest of one’s assemble is raggedy
and old and faded and gross to look at.
The arrogant young woman’s clothes looked ever so faded
and wrinkled and aged like thrift store clothes. I could almost smell the
mustiness of her small studio flat and burned pots and pans in the sink.
Right as she walked past me I
could smell her two day bed head and cheap two dollar shampoo as well as the
smell of nervous sweat wafting from cheap deodorant and lotion.
In other words:
she was literally disheveled and dirty still yet even if it killed her, she
held steadfast to her air of superiority.
Since she lacked refinement and
reasonable sense she looked ridiculous like a madwoman walking down long rows
of aisles of shoes fulfilling the deepest and emptiest aspects of her womanhood
yet she bought nothing.
This disheveled woman who seemed to whole heartedly think
she’d pulled the wool over our eyes did seem a bit mentally off and not at all
in touch with our modern era.
She gave me goose bumps.
Quickly I moved to the other end of the warehouse and as far away from her as
possible because she gave me the creeps.
This particular disheveled young woman reminded me of the
disheveled middle aged man who drove a “Hummer” yet his jeans were ten years
old and his sweater was at least five years old and his tennis shoes three
years old.
How outdated Americans look.
They do it to themselves.
Mostly Americans are house poor and everybody knows it.
Normally, one doesn’t afford luxury goods or items unless
one can afford everything else like
new socks and jeans and t-shirts and sweaters and new tennis shoes and winter
boots otherwise one tends to broadcast to the rest of the world exactly how
impoverished one is when one can only afford one good luxury item of clothing
and everything else requires serious attention.
Serious attention to one’s
wardrobe says: one’s priorities aren’t set straight thus the reason for why
people come across as more like mentally ill when the rest of their outfit is
ready for an incinerator.
If one can’t afford new underwear and socks then most
likely one shouldn’t arrogantly run around showing off their one luxury goods
item when everything else says, “raggedy” and falls apart like a weak house of
Truly Yours;
Word Count Goal: 1,000
Word Count: 1,406
This Week’s Total Word Count
Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count:
One Year Health Goal for each
of the following Items:
Day #331 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
Day #83 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Week #6 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #14 work on 298 cholesterol.
I love vegan food.
Month #5 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty five (25”) inch waist.
(Professional ballerinas tell
me they have twenty seven and a half (27.5”) inch waists, August 2014. Wow.)
Friday, January 16, 2015
“Men are always close---to
their pocket.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish
Hallucination (the
perceiving of an object with no reality, a delusion)
He suffered from an hallucination since his accident.
--- ---
book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including
social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also
valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells,
A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers,
Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Chapter 3.
Of A Lady To Gentlemen.
When you are presented to a gentleman, do not give your hand, but merely bow,
with politeness : and, if you have requested the
presentment, or know the person by reputation, you may make a speech,---
indeed, in all cases it is courteous to add, “I am happy to make your
acquaintance,” or “I am happy to have the honor of your acquaintance.” I am
aware that high authority might be found in this country to sanction the custom
of giving the hand upon a first meeting, but it is undoubtedly a solecism in
manners. The habit has been adopted by us, with some improvement for the worse,
from France.
--- ---
Truly Yours;
Word Count Goal: 1,000 personal
Word Count: 614
This Week’s Total Word Count
Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count:
One Year Health Goal for each
of the following Items:
Day #328 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
Day #80 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
Week #5 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #13 work on 298 cholesterol.
I love vegan food.
Month #5 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty five (25”) inch waist. (Up another belt notch. Holding steady.)
(Professional ballerinas tell
me they have twenty seven and a half (27.5”) inch waists, August 2014. Wow.)
Thursday, January 15, 2015
“Don’t use the chutzpa of a
beggar as an excuse for not helping him.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish
Aperture (hole, opening)
He is careful that the aperture
in the camera is properly set.
--- ---
book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including
social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also
valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells,
A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers,
Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Chapter 3.
The Name Distinctly.
When, upon being presented to another, you do not feel certain of having caught
his name, it may be worse than awkward to remain, as it were, shooting the
dark; say, therefore, at once, without hesitation or embarrassment, before
making your bow, “I beg your pardon, I did not hear the name.”
--- ---
Good to Each Other…
sure is…
The main reason why I personally enjoy purchasing top
notch quality clothes from either Patagonia or Armani is because in a world of
so much public confusion or unnecessary harsh attitudes or difficulties in
communication or vast misunderstanding we find it of vital importance to wear
affordable and durable clothing hardware and gear which will protect us from
the natural weather elements as well as other humans and nature and animal
wildlife and keep us protected and from harm.
In a world in which it’s difficult to get any decent cup
of coffee with any genuine humane smile there’s nothing like wrapping up in a
wool blanket coat of taste and luxury and comfort and get lost inside of it and
forget the crabby world around one’s shoulders.
When all else fails and everybody’s lost their marbles or
sanity and reasoning logical skills then there’s nothing like climbing deeper
into one’s clothes and settling in, to be cradled by a respectfully romantic
storyline lullaby tune sung in verse about how the hero always loses and the
average human goes home by supper time to sit down to a home cooked meal
accompanied and surrounded by beloved ones.
Wholeheartedly I give myself over to my favorite articles
of clothing in my wardrobe which as of late happens to be my Armani wool coat
and Patagonia down sweater vest.
As of late my deepest sentiment
is to put on my Armani wool Admiral Coat or Patagonia down sweater vest and not
take either of them off for eight straight solid hours per day only since both
coats are the same as walking around wrapped in the comfort of one’s mattress
and sheets and blankets. Nice and warm. (Warmer and lighter than vintage fur.)
Weekdays (workdays) I get up and properly get dressed and
prepared for anything the day might hold in store for me whether I work from my
private study or online via internet telecommunicate with anyone across the
globe or chase after “Freeway” when he slipped out of my hands and chased after
the post mail carrier on Monday. (I was ever so terrified yet dressed and
Whenever I think about luxury lines or goods or products
or general consumer merchandise which is excellently crafted and made then I
think about everyone from the designers to the seamstresses and how much they love
their work and their consumers.
To make clothing well is to
care about the well being of humans and what happens
to them.
Personally, I don’t know Mr.
Armani or Mr. and Mrs. Patagonia, however. I feel as though I do know each and
every single one of them, each and every time I wrap their arms around me in
the form of one of their garments.
What a great thing it is to
afford luxury.
Outlet Armani or not, there’s
no other Armani.
Armani knows human touch.
Armani is Armani.
Patagonia is Patagonia.
Truly Yours;
Word Count Goal: 531
Word Count: 613
This Week’s Total Word Count
Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count:
One Year Health Goal for each
of the following Items:
Day #327 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
Day #79 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
Week #5 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #13 work on 298 cholesterol.
I love vegan food.
Month #5 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty five (25”) inch waist. (Up another belt notch. Holding steady.)
(Professional ballerinas tell
me they have twenty seven and a half (27.5”) inch waists, August 2014. Wow.)
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
“He gives twice who gives
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish
(true substance, prime character.)
The essence of his talk
can easily be remembered.
--- ---
book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including
social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also
valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells,
A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers,
Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Chapter 3.
Casual Introductions.
When two men unacquainted meet one another where it is obviously necessary that
they should be made known to each other, perform the operation with
mathematical simplicity and precision, ---“Mr. A., Mr. A.’; Mr. A.’, Mr. A.”
--- ---
from “Thinsolate” to “Thinsulate.”)
Must consult an expert coder
about the simplest of HTML commands such as how to perfectly align or center
cut any heading without losing the alignment for posts, uploads and published
online works, materials and pieces. (Okay.) (I tried everything I could think
of under the sun. No go. It’s time to get an expert consultant to look over
these alignments and columns.)
2013-2014, $38,000 is the average median annual income
for a family of four persons per household in the Twin Cities multiply by 10%
equals $3,800 divided by 4 equals $950.00 for a complete wardrobe (head to toe)
for each individual family member and don’t forget pets, too, (an extra
clothing allowance set aside or an extra household budgetary each single
itemized expense.)
$3,800 annual wardrobe budget divided by 2 adults equals
$1,900 per family member per yearly or annual wardrobe (plus $250.00 per year
spent on pet wardrobe expenses which comes out of our food budget since we
don’t spend all of our food budget, anyway, then we might as well purchase dog
clothes throughout the year with the little bit of extra left over petty cash
or money.) Fun! (One must get extremely creative with an annual household
budget of $38,000 per yearly average median Twin Cities’ household costs and
This winter 2015 we’re the coat family.
Finally, we purchased brand new winter coats as of this
fall / winter season 2014-2015. (Whew.)
R.I.P. to our early winter / late spring 2010 “Gap” and
“Old Navy” wool peacoats which were purchased for
$20.00 and $40.00. (Thank you.)
(2014 we even went so far as to
purchase four (4) Thinsulate down coats for our dog
“Freeway” except only two (2) coats fit well enough to wear thus the other two
coats were donated.)
Total Wardrobe Budget $1,900 each
(Per household of two persons)
(Twenty year (20) sociological private study;
2015 is our ninth (9th) year of private
2015 Wardrobe Budgetary Expenditures thus far:
(From December 17, 2014 - January 21, 2015)
Final Discounts:
(Further corrections will be made.)
Annual Wardrobe Budget: $1,900 each
Women’s Wardrobe Winter 2015:
Women’s Armani Wool Coat: $238.00 (Awesome)
Women’s Patagonia Down Sweater
Vest: $179.00 (Awesome)
Women’s Armani Sheer Crewneck: $39.40 (Awesome)
Women’s Armani Essential Long Sleeve Crew: $19.40
Women’s Armani Essential Long Sleeve Crew: $19.40
“Size Small” (Awesome)
Women’s Armani Small Graphic Tee: $42.50 (Awesome)
Women’s Armani Patent Skinny Belt: $9.99 (Awesome)
Women’s Armani Quilted Leather Gloves: $34.25
Women’s Armani Wool Belt: $35.10 (Awesome)
Women’s Armani Statement Necklace: $35.99 (Awesome)
Women’s Armani Pop Color Card Case: $29.99 (Awesome)
Women’s Armani Mirror Croc Tote: $55.20 (Awesome)
Women’s Armani Cable Knit Hat: $19.40 (Awesome)
Women’s Armani Will-All over Stitch Cardigan: $39.40
“Size Medium” (Awesome)
Women’s Armani Officers Skinny Jean: $40.00
Black (Awesome)
Women’s Moose Lake Gift Shop Infinity Scarf: $26.00
Women’s H&M Fancy Jersey: $12.95
Women’s H&M Fancy Jersey: $14.95
Women’s H&M Knitwear: $14.95
Women’s JCPenney Beanie Hat:
Women’s Broach Pearl Necklace: $118.00
(White House / Black Market)
Women’s H&M Cable-knit Crop Sweaters: $29.95 together
*) Still waiting for Armani belt and tank top.
Women’s TOTAL: $1,063.81
Loss: Garbage: 5 Chinese Blouses: $100.00
Loss: Donated: Women’s Cuff: $35.00
Loss: Donated: Women’s Wool Hat: $12.00
Loss: Donated: Women’s Wool Hat: $12.95
Loss: Donated: Women’s Accent Necklace: $14.95
Loss: Women’s Cashmere Scarf: $10.00
Loss: Women’s Amethyst Lace Gloves: $10.00
Women’s TOTAL Loss: $194.90
Women’s TOTAL Wardrobe Expenditure: $1,258.71
Women’s Left:
$641.29 for the remainder of 2015 as of 1/15/2015
*) Still
looking for 2 black dresses below knee length and Crew-Neck.
*) Still looking for 1 perfect salmon blazer as always.
*) Still looking for 1 B&G(rey) stripped modern
*) Still looking for 1 cashmere scarf.
*) Still looking for 2 graphic or black dress up flats.
Men’s Wardrobe Winter 2015:
Men’s Armani Classic Peacoat:
$119.99 (Awesome)
Men’s Patagonia R2 Fleece Jacket: $169.00 (Awesome)
Men’s Armani Stitched Shawl Sweater: $49.99 (Awesome)
Men’s Armani Graphic Print Sweatshirt: $34.99
Men’s Armani Classic Polo (Long sleeved): $24.99
Men’s Armani Geo Print Polo: $35.10 (Awesome)
Men’s Armani Patterned Wool Scarf: $41.50
Men’s Armani Pop Color Wallet: $29.99 (Awesome)
Men’s Armani Merino Hoodie: $39.40 (Awesome)
Men’s JCPenney Suit Coat
Jacket: 104.00
Men’s JCPenney 1st pair of
Trouser: $72.98
Men’s JCPenney Alteration:
Men’s JCPenney 2nd
pair of Trouser: $69.99
Men’s JCPenney Alteration: $10.00
Men’s JCPenney Vest: $39.99
Men’s JCPenney Corduroy Suit
Coat Jacket: $31.99
Men’s JCPenney Corduroy Suit
Coat Jacket: $31.99
Men’s JCPenney Long Coat:
Men’s JCPenney Jeans: $40.72
Men’s JCPenney Jeans: $40.72
Men’s JCPenney 1st
Dress Shirt: $29.99
Men’s JCPenney 2nd
Dress Shirt: $17.99
Men’s JCPenney Texture Red Geo
Tie: $30.00
Men’s TOTAL: $1,176.30
Loss: Men’s Shrunken Sweaters: $150.00
(Made up in Armani sweaters ($109.97 + one more sweater))
January 2014 Household Wardrobe Essentials Budget:
(Replacement with Leftover Essentials Budget:)
$38.03 +
$37.86 = $75.89 - $39.40 (men’s Sweater) = $36.49 - $1.37 = $35.12 (Men’s
replacement sweater = $39.40)
Men’s TOTAL Loss: $150.00
Men’s TOTAL Wardrobe Expenditure: $1,326.30
Men’s Left: $573.70 for the remainder of
2015 as of 1/15/2015
*) Still looking for a pair of
sweatpants: $?
*) Still looking for a pair of dress up
leather gloves: $?
*) Still looking for another scarf: $?
January 2015 Household Wardrobe Essentials Budget:
(Items not included
in Wardrobe expenses)
Cancelled out for the month of
January 2015.
Women’s (Men’s, L) Super Soft Microfleece Pajama Pant:
Women’s (Men’s, L) Super Soft Microfleece Pajama Pant:
Women’s H&M Jersey Pajama Top: $7.00
Women’s Croc Dress Shoe: $49.99 (originally $85.00)
(JCPenney) / (Discount)
Women’s 4 Soft Vintage/Charcoal/M/Petite t-shirts: $35.00
(Old Navy)
Women’s non-Thinsulate boot:
(An already set aside budget for this item: total of
(Purchased the
ugliest boots in the world yet I needed them badly)
TOTAL: $111.97
Left: $150.00
- $111.97 = $38.03 - $39.40 Sweater = $-1.37 (Ok.)
Men’s Suede Patch Cardigan ripped a hole in it.)
*) Still looking for undergarments. (Boy Shorts.) ($?)
*) Still looking for bikini swim suit. (My
first.) ($?)
*) Still looking for 2 formal pajama tops. ($?)
*) Still looking for the perfect thermal top. ($?)
*) Still
looking for the perfect black sports bra with spaghetti straps and feminine yet
durable. ($?)
--- --- ---
January 2015 Household Wardrobe Essentials Budget:
(Items not included
in Wardrobe expenses)
Men’s Underwear: $19.50
Men’s Sports Crew Sock 5PK: $16.00
Men’s Slippers: $14.99
Men’s Dress Shoes: $61.65
*) Still looking for comfortable slippers.
TOTAL: $112.14
Left: $150.00 - $112.14 = $37.86
(Replacement: Men’s Suede Patch Cardigan
ripped a hole into it.)
February 2015 is another month wardrobe essentials…
Exactly on September 15, 2014 we purchased two pieces of
attire from Patagonia: One, one women’s fleece jacket, Two,
one men’s hooded sweater. (Both roughly for about
$169.00-$189.00 dollars each.)
On Monday, January 12, 2015 one Patagonia women’s down
sweater vest ($179.00) arrived with the post mail. (Thank you.)
The down sweater vest is a
dream come true.
Today, I stepped outside in the
down sweater vest to retrieve the mail with only a light sweater underneath the
vest and a beanie hat over my head.
The down sweater vest is
perfect for this warm spell we’re having in the low twenties.
Personally, not once or ever
have I owned a down sweater vest in my life. This is truly a tremendously
magnificent present within the year to come.
Over the Holidays 2014-2015 we purchased one women’s
Armani wool Admiral Coat $238.00 discount (originally, $398.00.)
This particular coat is warmer
than the full length real / and / synthetic down coat with a terrible zipper we
purchased for $15.00 at “Old Navy” late spring 2014.
This Armani women’s wool Admiral Coat is one of the best
if not then the best and warmest of coats I’ve ever owned.
For this type of -19 below zero
freezing climates the compliment is saying plenty when any coat is ever so
invaluable as this one.
Normally, I wear “Medium” Armani Exchange tops, however.
Perfect for now.
My biceps are 13.5” in width
thus I ordered a size 12 coat.
Even though the wool coat is a
bit large around the waist I can still wear a thick sweater and Patagonia
gorgeous fleece jacket comfortably underneath this admiral coat and I’m good to
go. I haven’t ever been this comfortable in this winter climate as I’ve been
this year.
When Armani packages arrive at our home by post carrier
(as they did today) I normally bring the packages in white boxes to the
basement and set them on the carpeted floor in front of the television (with
the television off) and kneel down in prayer and ask the Gods to please make
sure the clothes fit extraordinarily well on us and also to protect us from all
harm while wearing such beautifully refined garments.
After I open up everything I
keep myself from hugging Mr. Armani’s beautiful clothes until they’ve had at
least one cycle thru the wash.
After the wash whenever I do
get around to hugging Mr. Armani’s clothes I get a sense he’s a polished and
respectable brilliant man with an eye for quality and luxury.
We’re ever so grateful to Mr.
We’re ever so grateful Mr.
Armani is in his line of business and industry and brings so much high quality
luxury goods to “Middle Income Earning’ Americans like us.
Now, if only Mr. Armani would
see the benefit of 100% organic cotton and 100% un-plucked and range free geese
feathers for down clothes.
Mr. Armani, we thank you from
the bottom of our heart.
What more can one say to any man who’s got everything?
Possibly, someday I’ll write a
poem about Armani clothes.
Passionately, I’m ever so moved
by no logo Armani attire.
Mostly and in general logos
seem to devalue clothes.
Mostly and in general logos
immature any look or fashion.
Mostly and in general logos are
It’s difficult and labor
intensive cutting off or taking off all of the tags and logos from any clothes
yet it’s worth taking all of the tags and logos off even though I do tend to
gouge large holes into the Armani clothes cutting off the tags and then I’m out
clothes. (Bummer.)
Truly Yours;
Word Count Goal: 1,000
Word Count: 1,864
This Week’s Total Word Count
Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count:
One Year Health Goal for each
of the following Items:
Day #326 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
Day #78 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
Week #5 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #13 work on 298 cholesterol.
I love vegan food.
Month #5 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty five (25”) inch waist. (Up another belt notch. Still holding
(Professional ballerinas tell
me they have twenty seven and a half (27.5”) inch waists, August 2014. Wow.)
Creative Notes:
*) Yes, I did indeed get the dates wrong on the June / July
2014 Self Portraits. It wasn’t until I looked back at my notes, I discovered
the discrepancy thus the correct date is now changed and updated. (Thanks.)
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
“Even the poor should give
some token of charity.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Estranged (made
strangers, alienated)
The friends were estranged
after their quarrel.
--- ---
book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including
social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also
valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells,
A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers,
Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Chapter 3.
Ceremonious Phrases.
These ceremonious phrases, “Permit me to present, &c.” are not to be
employed unless the acquaintance has been solicited by one party, under
circumstances of mere ceremony; and when you employ them, do not omit to repeat
to each distinctly the name of the other.
--- ---
(Correction: from “unsweatted” almond milk to “unsweetened” almond milk.)
Yes, I’ll have to consult a
coding expert.
Yes, ever since I was 13 years
of age I was taught written code as complex or as simple as building programs
in the likes of “Pac Man” video games yet I don’t code video games very often
and the simpler the command then the harder the time I seem to have with HTML
coding such as to how to “center cut” or center any heading.
The beautifully lit color photographs of Chinese made
“Allegra K” merchandise in the form of women’s blouses and dress shirts are
stunning new styles of clothes in
their appeal and vibrant color.
Whoever comes up with “the
look” of the line or patterns or designs or color scheme for “Allegra K”
clothing line and merchandise really has a pulse on an updated freshly new look
for the modern blouse and dress shirt on the online pictures.
These amazingly and beautifully
photographed fresh new styles and general look gives hope to an outdated and
unattractive era of blouses and dress shirts of the past near decade
For some reason I can’t seem to
get over my strong sentiment when it comes to the overall “look” and stylistic
vision for “Allegra K’s” remarkably well photographed clothes and online visual
Let me cut to the
chase: The pictures of “Allegra K” clothes are absolutely attractive to the
naked eye.
The pictures are ever so
succulent and well lit.
The “Allegra K” blouses and
dress shirts look radiant on the pictures and ready for an evening out on the
town while those rich and gorgeous photographs dipped in the portrayal of value
as any visual dream comes true and creates an optical illusion.
Late one night two weeks ago I scrutinized over the
appeal of the material and the detail of the stitch and the print of the fabric
and every last detail I could get my hands on because I couldn’t believe I’d
scored big time and found gorgeous two hundred and fifty dollar looking blouses and dress shirts for
less than $15.00.
The online photographs make the
clothes look like a million bucks because the pictures of the clothes on those
photographs do look like a million bucks.
The excitement was
We went ahead and made a late
night online purchased worth $100.00 of Chinese made “Allegra K” merchandise
(about 4 or 5 blouses and dress shirts.) (Correction.)
After our purchase I went back
to the website to further scrutinize the blouses and dress shirts we’d purchased
to make sure I even liked their clothes or to further inspect the clothing for
the sake of it.
When the first Chinese black and white striped “Allegra
K” dress shirt arrived in the mail the dress shirt had the most wonderful
design and idea behind it yet the quality material lacked refinement and
sophistication as well as basic material standard and the “Large Size 14” I
ordered was more like a size American 16 (XL.) (Correction.)
The reason I ordered a “Large” is because the online
consumer reviews stated mostly all of the shirts and blouses ran “small” thus I
ordered “Large Size 14” for almost every blouse and dress shirt we ordered
except for another last and final black and white striped blouse which is “Size
Medium” and is still yet bound to come in the mail or perhaps not because I was
sent two of the same of another black supposed “Large Size” shirt and neither
The clothes photographed in those pictures had refinement
and craftsmanship and intelligence and complexity to them.
The pictures of the “Allegra K” clothes are so well
photographed and prepared and made.
The models in the pictures of the “Allegra K” clothes are
astute and petite and beautiful and fresh.
The models in the photos made
me want to purchase the blouses and dress shirts since the clothes looked ever
so stunning on the models in the photographs.
Whatever blouses or dress shirts came to my front door
weren’t even blouses or shirts since they were ever so terribly constructed.
Please, place pockets where
there indicates to be pockets.
No fake pockets or shoulder
pads, please.
One shirt was a tube of
material sewn together without an undershirt thus it is completely see thru
lace and nothing else with a piece (light salmon in color) sheer sash sewn to
the makeshift collar of the lace tube fabric supposedly in the form or shape of
a blouse which looks nothing like the photograph did.
All of the shirts minus one blouse are pieces of fabric
terribly constructed and sewn together by a beginner Chinese seamstress who
requires another five years of sewing practice before ever getting employed
anywhere in which merchandise leaves the shelves and makes its way into the
homes of mass consumers.
While holding up the badly constructed pieces of material
in the form of a neck hole and two arm holes I wondered what made the Chinese
garment workers ever so bitter as to ever let such a piece of garbage leave
their sewing tables?
When “Allegra K” merchandise makes its way to one’s door
it ends up feeling more like someone spit in one’s face than a fairly struck
purchase or bargain.
We’re out one hundred dollars.
We’ll happily eat
the cost this time in hopes this cautionary tale and lesson will reach
other ‘Middle Income Earning’ Americans across this vitally important and
beautiful Nation of ours.
Americans mustn’t waste their money on an outright insult
and lie and misguided judgment as the garments from “Allegra K.”
Our present American President of the United States of
America has already addressed the very fact the
internet is like the “Wild West.”
Thus far, I partially sure agree with our present
President’s statement about the loosely made comparison and contrast as to how
the internet is like the “Wild West”
because such a statement puts value on the very fact in which in today’s “day
of online” sells any global company may sell outright garbage without any
responsibility or accountability to their products or costumers and that’s that.
The consumer eats the cost of terribly inappropriately
and badly crafted manufactured goods imported into our American shores from
foreign countries looking out for their gross national product of garbage
To add salt to
injury: The two packages which came here and arrived safely from “Allegra
K” are somewhat of a safety hazard of sorts.
When I opened up both packages
a cloud of white dust puffed into the air and I had to back up and away from
the merchandise only in hopes it wasn’t anthrax.
After opening both packages and
tried on the clothes I still had to bathe and change into my clean set of
personal clothes otherwise I itched or sneezed from Chinese dust. I felt dirty
all over. (I cleansed from head to toe. No biggie. A hot shower takes care of
any dust.)
After I dealt with each Chinese
goods I threw my personal garments into hot boiling water and Borax in hopes my
clothes would decontaminate.
Everything in my body tells me to continue another four
year boycott of Chinese made goods and merchandise since nothing much’s changed
in ten straight years of receiving terribly made inexpensive Chinese
merchandise and goods and garbage.
Personally, I’ve fallen in love with outlet “Armani
Exchange” because the clothes are good quality at practically cost.
Personally, I don’t want to have to boycott outlet
“Armani Exchange” yet I can’t in good conscious continue to give our money away
to other Chinese companies who spit in our American eye and take our money and
flee in the middle of darkness like thick thieves in the night.
Yes, I’ll come back to “Allegra K” next January 2016 and
see if their merchandise quality has changed otherwise I’m a sucker and allow
for Chinese made goods to rob us blind and
that would be my fault.
“Allegra K’s” no good.
“Allegra K” shouldn’t be allowed to sell anything over
How the Chinese manufacturers must laugh in the face of
the world each and every single day as they steal consumer money.
The Chinese laugh at us.
The Chinese have a tremendous sense of humor.
Truly Yours;
Word Count Goal: 1,000
Word Count: 1,559
This Week’s Total Word Count
Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count:
One Year Health Goal for each
of the following Items:
Day #325 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
Day #77 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
Week #5 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #13 work on 298 cholesterol.
I love vegan food.
Month #5 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty five (25”) inch waist. (Up another belt notch. Holding steady.)
(Professional ballerinas tell
me they have twenty seven and a half (27.5”) inch waists, August 2014. Wow.)
*) My one year boycott of Charlie Rose is almost over. I’m ever
so excited to watch Charlie Rose once more on March 2015.
*) My one year boycott of Tavis
Smiley is over on March 2015. I’m ever so excited to watch Tavis
Smiley once more.
*) My one year boycott of The View will be over on October
Monday, January 12, 2015
“Charity with a smile shows
the donor’s character.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish
Estuary (a place where
the tide of the ocean meets the river current)
The boat race was held on the estuary.
--- ---
book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including
social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also
valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells,
A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers,
Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Chapter 3.
Forms Of Introduction.
proper form of introduction is to present the gentleman to the lady, the
younger to the older. The inferior to the superior; Thus you will say: “Mrs.
Cary, allow me to present to you Mr. Rhodes: Mr. Rhodes, Mrs. Cary;” “Mrs.
Wood, let me present to you my friend Miss Ewing;” “General Graves, permit me
to introduce you to Mr. Hughes.” The exact words used in introductions are
immaterial, so that the proper order is preserved.
is better, among perfect equals, to employ the phrase, “Permit me to present
you to **,” than “Permit me to present to you **;” there are men in this world,
and men, too, who are gentlemen, who are so sensitive that they would be
offended if the latter of these forms was employed in presenting them to
--- ---
Happy New Year 2015!
Welcome back!
from “Happy New Year’s 2015!” to “Happy New Year 2015!”)
May The Gods be with us.
We leave it up to The
No, I’m not Charlie Hebdo.
(Yes, Charlie Hebdo is
professional journalists.)
(No, I’m not any type of journalist.)
(Yes, this is a private citizen’s Freedom of Speech blog.)
Our condolences to the French People and all those involved with such horrific
acts of terrorism against world renowned political journalists, artists and
satirical cartoonists and their country’s people and beloved ones.
tremendous loss to any small or large community of global private citizens and to such a
specific professional field of expertise such as journalism and animation and
satire therefore to lose some of our finest satirical cartoonists, prolific
thinkers and intellectual challengers and people eons ahead of their time is
more than words can say. ~
Allah we kneel in a moment of silence.
al Qaida terrorists;
fingers for you.
murderous Islamic terrorists.
Islamic terrorists who murder journalists.
a bunch of “Arians from Darien.”
are terrorists thinking?
they’re not thinking.
As any professional working online mass media executive
producer of nonfiction literary writings and fiction animation films,
personally, I find it my duty to artfully and intellectually constructively to
“push the envelope” as often as possible
and as much as I legally can since the Business of Art is a political one.
Islam radicalism might call for there to be absolutely no
pictures of the Prophet Mohammed painted or drawn or portrayed by the followers
of Islam radicalism, however.
Not once or not ever does the Quran explicitly dictate
for any Muslim to murder those outside the religion (Islam,) victims and
innocent bystanders who absolutely have not one single thing to do with Islam
or the Muslim religion.
No. No. No.
Step back. Way back. Way way back.
Our Western philosophers and thinkers and writers and
artists and satirists shan’t be killed in cold blood only because some mentally
ill or insane lunatic Muslim brothers and sisters can’t seem to decipher modern
reality from outdated brainwashed violent Islamic terrorist ideals.
What a bunch of modern ninnies.
In the name of no God shall man or woman or child kill
Whatever happened to Middle Eastern God’s Mecca?
Whatever happened to the former global Middle Eastern
intellectual oasis which once was a major opened minded cultural hub for the
arts and intellect?
Whatever happened to the Middle East which it seems to
have dried up like a desert prune or an old woman’s lips and or a culture which
hasn’t been able to find its center of gravity to rejuvenate from so much chaos
and ugly continuous wars and disaster and hatred?
When will the Middle East begin to show the rest of the
globe its highly intellectual classy sophistication?
When will the Middle East become yet another peaceful
global cultural hub so that we might
be able to live in Saudi Arabia for at least one year during retirement and not
get killed when I decide to drive myself to the grocery store or library? (Correction on punctuation.)
When will the Middle East accept difference in matter of
opinion without beheading its own foreign brothers or sisters?
When will the Middle East learn to share rather than
When will the Middle East be prepared to become global rather
than radical extremists?
When will the Middle East become intellectually
sophisticated and emotionally cool and peaceful and wonderfully get along with
their neighboring borders?
When will the Middle East begin to make money and get
along and play nicely with others rather than Afghanistan wives prostituting
themselves out because there’s no food to eat and someone must bring home some
When will the Middle Eat Mature Into
Truly Yours;
Word Count Goal: 1,000
Word Count: 1,223
This Week’s Total Word Count
Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count:
One Year Health Goal for each
of the following Items:
Day #324 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
Day #76 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
Week #5 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #13 work on 298 cholesterol.
I love vegan food.
Month #5 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty five (25”) inch waist.
(Today, I went down another belt loop.)
(Professional ballerinas tell
me they have twenty seven and a half (27.5”) inch waists, August 2014. Wow.)
Post Script
Literary Notes:
*) Starting January 12, 2015 I’ll be writing 1,000 (one
thousand) words of nonfiction blog writing instead of 2,000 (two thousand)
words each day since nonfiction writing is by far more challenging and
difficult to do than fiction writing is according to experts. (Okay.)
Personally, I don’t want to
work harder. I wish to work smarter.
A writer is considered a writer
when their literary pieces are no shorter than 1,000 words per daily entry thus here we are.
In spring of 2014 and fall / early winter 2014 I
discovered the blog was beginning to cost me three daily hours of writing and
two hours of editing. (I can’t afford that type of time on a blog when I have a
million and one other things to get thru in one single day.)
Hopefully, from today on and
into the future the blog will only take two hours to write and one hour to
edit. It’ll be more manageable since I must get thru other vitally important
professional work.
Yes, I completed my 2014
screenplay. (It’s terrible.)
In the process of writing nonfiction
I must get as close to the truth as possible from recollection and memory as
well as be as fair regardless or in spite of…
Recently I discovered and was informed by experts,
fiction writing is by far easier to write than nonfiction thus it’s best to
only write 1,000 (one thousand) words of nonfiction opposed to 2,000 words of
fiction per daily literary writing exercise.
Since nonfiction is by far more
difficult to write than fiction I shall go ahead and write 1,000 (one thousand)
words without shame or guilt about cutting back on one thousand words. (I
didn’t know the difference in matter of degree of difficulty between the two
genres of nonfiction vs. fiction writing. (Thank you.)
It’s more difficult to write shorter passages than longer
ones since one must condense information into a tightly compact vacuum sealed
communication format rather than long and winded or drawn out run on sentences
or modern rants about anything which ties in to any larger more connected and
complex picture.
Thank you for your support and
Maturity 2015 and beyond.
The word “that” is passive in terms of “that” “that” is neither here nor there.
“That” might or might not be
true or an action.
“That” is inconsequential and
immaterial to anything with concrete proof or existence.
“That” is a passive word when
one doesn’t seem to be able to come up with more tightly edited passages or
“That” is a filler word for…
--- ---
Starting any sentence in any paragraph with “I” weakens
the stance of the speaker as well as the overall literary structural format of
/ or / in any paragraph or stanza.
--- ---
See you on Monday, January 12, 2015.
This week
working on Self Portraits.
Changes and switch from over to
--- ---
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Welcome Back!
We stand by any / most Union
--- ---
See you on Monday, January 12, 2015.
Week of
January 5-9, 2015 working on Self Portraits.
Changes and switch from over to