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August 21, 2011


“A woman has to be intelligent, have charm, a sense of humor, and be kind. It's the same qualities I require from a man.” - Catherine Deneuve


Happy Wednesday!




“Captain America: The First Avenger” directed by Joe Johnston is the quintessential epic comic book hero film of this twenty first century. Not only does “Captain America: The First Avenger” carry a romantic tone in pacing and storyline also a direct meaning in conveying that country comes first before King and man. To country!


{[Hi, I don’t want to get too personal with you down to the color of my socks. I’m not like that and never will be. It may appear that my life is an open book here on this literary on-line forum, nevertheless. However, I only write what is meant to be an open book because frankly I was never keen on the idea about writing an autobiography or a memoir about myself but through a blog it’s like daily record keeping of a life any life. Writing is not like a structured method and neither is photography. ‘I was born and then…’ ‘Click, click, click…’ Writing and photography are more like sacred vows to make good at the end of the day no matter what. Writing and photography are like the blessing of forgiveness even though most likely it’s very rarely deserved not out of malice but because the complex notion to apologize means the inconceivable action of setting aside a tremendous ego to state that abuse did indeed occurred amongst peoples. (I, know, too, heady but think about it.) I want to write freely and intimately far more than I already do, yet believe this or not I keep this writing at arm’s length and censor myself as any writer ever can in ways that are only imaginable to most who believe Lord Byron’s famous words, ‘Truth is stranger than fiction’].


I’m stalling. You know it.


What I want to say is that I’m about to write about the character Peggy Carter not with the intention to write at all about Peggy Carter but rather to avert and ‘regress’ if you will into a storyline about a history so profoundly proud, honorable and disciplined that it’ll want to make you believe in the character Peggy Carter even if you think you’ve never met her before.}




I instantly fell in love with the character of Peggy Carter in the film “Captain America: The First Avenger”. I fell in love with her as a character because one trunk full of letters (which I’ve only seen once in my life) holds one of many branches of my family’s history. The trunk full of letters, notes and pictures was opened up to me and I gasped at the beauty that was inside.


As an American artist I’m lucky and honored enough to come across familial and historic memorabilia. I can stare and look at words written by those who came before us. I can really get into looking at pictures of our ancestors and those who built great Nations. I can really understand the sacrifices, the love of labor and the energy it must’ve taken to build this great America of ours.


My Great Auntie Ellen was an American Navy Courier.


Do you know what this lovely lady did for this great Nation of ours? My Great Auntie not only sacrificed her freedom as a female of her Generation, by giving up marriage for a greater good in the form of a career in servicing The United States of America during WWI and WWII, but she also gave herself over to a great cause to ensure the safety of top-secret information.


Great Auntie Ellen was not involved in political debate or in war strategy. She simply was as lovely as any lovely woman of her generation in her Navy uniform carrying around top-classified papers from one location to another. How cool and level headed she must’ve been. Under all order and absolute command she was not to read what was inside the envelopes and letters that she carried back and forth from New York City to San Francisco and many other places around the globe. Yet, she was entrusted to get herself and the top-classified information all in one piece from one place to another. Wow! Incredible! No, Great Aunt Ellen was not a spy, she was a courier. Thank you.


This remarkable tiny petite little woman for my Great Auntie Ellen was a quintessential woman of her generation. The photographs of her say, “Stylish lady”, “remarkably intelligent” and “sophisticated sensual”. I looked through pictures of Great Aunt Ellen dressed in silk blouses and wool synched-in-waist skirts of her classic era. Her pale and clear skin had radiance under hot spotlight bulbs of the time when people got photographed. She wore her makeup evenly and not too much, yet her lips her beautiful full lips dressed in ruby red velvet gave her away as a modern and intelligent woman.


On photographs, the looks of Great Aunt Ellen’s face were serious still yet soft and around the corners of her mouth you could tell that she was born ready for laughter. I’ve been told that Great Aunt Ellen made San Francisco her home base and worked out of New York City which her family lived and owned property in Weehawken N.J. on the other side of the bridge. Great Aunt Ellen died amongst friends at a dinner party one dusk night. She peacefully went to sit in a grand old chair and fell asleep into the next world.


In her letters it was apparent that Ellen took great care of her writings. Ellen wrote with lettering as long as willow branches and arches as highly refined ballerina feet with dangling monkey tails. Her lettering was so meticulous and beautiful the lettering brought goose bumps to my arms. Looking at her lettering was like going home all over again and I understood why I had been born. I’d been honored with life; if anything to read this incredible woman’s writings.


I never met Great Auntie Ellen. She passed away before my time. Nevertheless, Great Auntie Ellen left many heirlooms on my Father’s side of the family. Even though I never met such a remarkable woman; I grew up sleeping in her four poster bed as old as her spine when she died. The story went that Ellen might’ve died on that very bed but she didn’t. I could never bring myself to ask if it were true. Instead I’d get a head start and run jumping into bed trying to forget that Ellen may have lay-dying in her last hours in that very same bed that I grew up sleeping-on.


Ellen left paintings by the famous “Rev. Jackson”. Do you know who Rev. Jackson is? Well, Reva Jackson, actually, painted scenery of Italian and European larger than life canvases and went by the name of Reverent Jackson because as a woman she could not sell her paintings therefore she used a man’s abbreviation. My dad just recently sold one of her last paintings.


I grew up amongst the belongings of a woman with impeccable taste from hutches, to dishes, and furniture that I only wish I could find in today’s furniture market. Great Aunt Ellen bought only that which would last for many generations and I could do nothing but run my fingers along furniture with intricate and intimate curvature like the collarbone of any woman.


I understood Ellen intimately as a woman. More so now as I fondly think back to the greatest contribution she made to our household while growing up; she brought a type of relaxed and cool sophistication that immediately made you want to climb into the furniture and read a book, listen to an opera or dream against freezing bay windows overlooking the grandiosity of Lake Superior in blizzard storms.


Not, only did my Father buy the land from his Father for a dollar. My Father also built our home that I grew up and knew every cranny and inch of it. My Father built the house with his own two bare hands and he furnished the home with Ellen’s remarkable beauty; that, it was difficult not to pay tribute to her on a daily basis.


Everywhere I looked in the self-portraits of Ellen in the upstairs bathroom, in our guest bedroom or around corners I could do nothing but smirk with delight that she had had enough sense to buy of the highest quality and learn to become a decent self portraiture painter. I grew up cocooned by beach sand and dunes in a tree house which my Father built with the help of his buddies for seventy thousand dollars in the late seventies and sold for half a million in the late nineties. What a life.


When my parents divorced; I was eighteen years old in 1996 and bitter at the nasty and mean-spirited divorce that took us fifteen years into the future of power struggles, verbal and manipulative abuse, lies and more lies and pathetic attempts to keep control even though everything had gone to hell in a hand basket and every adult in our community went crazy and took sides.


My parents divorced in 1996; my Mother got the house and my Dada’s Father’s house in a high stake settlement that my Mother’s Father brought in Massachusetts lawyers to divide-up eight properties on Park Point which had all been bought and purchased by my Duluth Grandfather and / or his Father on my Father’s side. My Father gave my Mother the middle finger and moved across the street where he still rightfully resides in his homestead land - the land of his family. Five years later my Mother bought herself a ticket to Harvard and left Duluth and went on to receive a PhD and returned to her motherland, Massachusetts. 


If we didn’t like the food at one parent’s home then we’d walk ourselves across the street to the other parent’s home and eat dinner depending on what was being served for dinner that night. In those frightfully scary days of when every adult lost their cool and perpetuated more gossip all I could do was pray to the Gods of Ellen to please bring sanity forth under a home in which my Mother cried all day and night and had bouts of complete hysteria and anger. I carried her on my back during those long years fifteen years ago now. I carried her and finally I sat her down because she was a most heavy load to carry.


My Father moved on with his life, remarried the nicest lady in the world who loves him as Juliet loved Romeo and made the best of every situation as hurt as he’d been with rumors that were circulated that he’d been an adulterer with multiple women at multiple times. Now fifteen years later the truth is not what the truth was then. My Father had never; not once held a single night of infidelity with another woman in his life; yet he carried the burden of a community and their lies like Jesus Christ carried the Cross.


All these years later my Father laughs it off like it’s no big deal. My Father is so lovely. I can’t even tell you what a great honor it has been to get to know him all over again as an adult. He took on the scorns and disparagement from some of the worse gossiping neighborhood and church ladies. If it would’ve been up to the gossiping bitches then my Father would’ve been staked alive. My Father went through hell in his divorce like any other Father and Mother I suppose except he had a whole community against him, his best friends since he had been a boy. How painful that must’ve been for my Father and he did it to save face for others. What a true Jewish Gentleman.


I think that My Father did only what Ellen must’ve done under difficult situations; one foot in front of another he kept walking. I have a great deal of respect for my old man and his entire line of family even though they faced, alcoholism in the fifties while my Grandmother was alive and drinking (I never met her). My Grandmother died while my dad was still in his late twenties and then my Grandfather quit drinking and for as long as I knew him I’d never seen him drink anything with the exception of black coffee, water and carrot juice.


I brought the old goose pillows of Great Aunt Ellen into my marriage and finally Eric asked me to please let go of them and throw them out. The pillows were as flat as a table top. I didn’t carry the pillows around for more than fifteen years just because they we’re comfortable because they were never comfortable rather as a relic of all of the difficulties and sadness that my family went through in those years of the dark age.


Of course, I’m not supposed to write about any of this, but I’ve got legal satisfaction from fifteen years of silence that have gone by so that I may approach this subject matter however and in whichever way I choose and see fit to do so as an adult of thirty-four years of age. You see I’m nothing without this history so it has to be told and the more truth that comes forth to the surface than the more I can bury the dead.


Great Aunt Ellen got me through the toughest parts of my youth. Ellen was a beacon of hope in my darkest hours living under a roof with two screaming adults at the top of their lungs and who got overly involved in a divorce that was futile to begin with because it was about money and not love. How did I know it was about money, because I didn't have my basic financial needs met during College. I went off to college and I could not afford my college books, lifestyle and needs when my parents had so many resources available to them. Sad, really. We got forgotten as kids. Our needs went unmet while two wild animals fought for control over money and placed us in the middle of a battle. It was Ellen that led a path for me to want to become something more valuable in contribution than the silly dreams of the baby-boomers.


Ellen’s letters smelled of a mild yet distinctly well known Channel No.5 and for that reason alone I understood her to be something magnificent, solid, lady like and iron clad. I loved her and understood her even though we had never met with the exception of sharing the same Earth.


This is the reason why the character of Peggy Carter sticks so heavily in the back of my mind and in my heart. I can imagine that my Great Aunt Ellen was as beautiful, bold and secure in herself as this character for Peggy Carter.






P.S. I wrote freely. I was bought and sold as an adoptee once in my life time. I won’t be a slave again to anyone.


I’m wishing you an amazing September.


August 30, 2011


“Genuine forgiveness does not deny anger but faces it head-on.” - Alice Duer Miller


“A mistake is always forgivable, rarely excusable and always unacceptable.” - Robert Fripp


Happy Tuesday!


Happy Ramadan. The month of August flew by in a flash.




What can I say?

It’s the end of August 2011.

What a full summer.


Happy day-two of school to all those parents and their children returning to a full fall semester. Day-two is never quite the same as day-one is it?


The President of the United States of America was at the convention center in Minneapolis Minnesota this morning delivering a message to our veterans directly addressing the subject matter about job placement for post war veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.


One of the major concerns in Mr. President Barack Obama’s speech was ‘to make it easier for Veterans to qualify for licensing credentials’.


Please, no Mr. President. Please don’t lower any licensing credentials even if it’s for the job benefit of our returning veterans. It won’t do. It can’t do, because it’s simply not good enough.

If citizens allow for lower standards in passing licensing credentials then communities at large will suffer. Communities will suffer at the hands of our very own veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan that desperately need jobs but more importantly require a fine tuning in psychological reintegration back into societal culture. I don’t think that our troops require another boot-camp session, instead some rest, education and learning about new entrepreneurial opportunities and possibilities. Our troops need time to figure out what they need and want as they reintegrate back after a decade of homesickness.


It’ll take time to discover what our troops calling will be and how they’ll contribute to the American citizens at large.


Our military service folks require a compassion based structure in which veterans take care of veterans; facilities could be set up to get it right this time. While our service military come back with post-traumatic-stress-syndrome, depression and any ailment from a broken spirit then our Nation owes it to our servicing troops to come up with excellent ideas, skill reformation and patience in retraining our soldiers to redesign, rebuilt and sustain infrastructure, technology and education because it seems that the entire United States requires an infrastructure overhaul in many different areas.


I’d say put these beautiful athletes back to work, while they sweat away their aggression, anger and disappointment as they rebuild the contour lines of our lady America. I can’t think of anything more poetic and fitting than our troops redesigning, rebuilding and restructuring America. Please, give the citizens monuments, public parks, environmental oasis and green refuge from a concrete suburbia American ideal of cheap structure. Our cities, levies and schools required some dire assistance twenty years ago.


For those troops overseas in both Iraq and Afghanistan you’ve witness marvelous structures, streets and mosques. Now you understand mosaics, the importance of green spaces after a decade of desert and barren lands. Our troops now understand the importance of National Parks and the saving of any natural habitats as well as rebuilding schools without mold and asbestos.


I’d say put our troops to working with nature, the DNR and historical preservation of buildings in recreating this great country of ours into something magnificent. It’ll take the next twenty years to get this giant back on its feet and solid.


Whatever we do as Americans - let us not lower any high standards in the procedure of licensing credentials.


I believe in our American troops. I don’t think we need to throw them a bone. I think we need to let them come up with the creative ideas on how to better themselves, how to creatively work through life one day at a time and if we’re not going to cover their college tuitions then we at least owe it to them to set them up with skills that we’ll rebuild this Nation trough apprenticeships. I mean seriously, if oil companies are going to build and rig pipelines and the pipelines don’t seem to keep a high standard in safety measures of natural habitats intact then it’s time for a new redesign, rebuilding and restructuring.


[I’ve been looking into underwater welding for over a year now and well, it’s not looking good. The life and / or work expectancy of an underwater welder is about six to nine years. Wow! That’s it! I can’t say that I’d like to try my hand at a career in underwater welding but I’d like to design, structure, layout and rig-weld one oil pipeline in my lifetime (I have ideas and I’ll continue to have more). I look forward to welding a frame to an airplane simply because I have to keep up with welding skills or I’ll get rusty before I do try at welding 30 feet floral metal structures in the name of three women. As a gift to humanity before I die of old age I’d like to contribute in sculpture and if I had another four hundred years I’d write a symphony, an opera and an epic play but alas I only have so much time and I go slowly all too slowly. See, it’s going to take the troops a while to figure out how they’re going to contribute to societal cultural change. Intellectual Renaissance! Excellence Renaissance! Creative Problem Solving Renaissance! Wouldn’t that be a delicious dream and a half?]


Personally, I think our troops would make excellent teachers working with our youth especially those who struggle to make it in a tough world when they can barely read.


Hip-hip hooray to our troops! Our troops are strong, they’ll persevere, and they’ll rise above and beyond the call of duty because they're equipped with intelligence and know how as to move forward in a culture that left them far behind a decade ago unintentionally.


Our troops will contribute to a societal culture in the reshaping of emotional renovation and the perspective in which Americans at times cynically and patronizingly perceive life as worthless when in reality life is worth all the forgiveness and clarity of the mind’s eye still yet not the forgetfulness of violence, forcefulness and cruelty our troops witnessed, experienced and are having difficulty getting over a decade of war.


I have nothing more to say about our soldiers. I’ve had much hope and belief in them from the first deportation to the last.




P.S. Please, Republicans; I can’t say I’m all that wild about the Republican Party as of late. If you’re any type of real Republican please don’t vote for Rick Perry for one simple reason; Rick Perry’s political philosophy is to pray for rain when most of Texas has been in drought summer of 2011. Pray for rain? What! Are we still living in the Stone Age? What gives for intelligence? As a Maya-Indiana I’m not even telling you to pray for rain rather for the intelligence of humanity to face head-on towards our environmental responsibilities. The demise of Mother Nature is human made. Humans are killing the environment. I can’t think of a more profound weapon rather than humans and their greed, hate and mindlessness about the murder of natural habitats. Please. Americans think it doesn’t cost anything.


P.S.S. I’m doing my own research on the wild mountain lions in Minnesota which the DNR has had their hands tied behind their backs for the last five years. Also about the streaks the airplanes leave behind on the skies when there are fluctuations in weather pattern changes. I don’t think of these things on my own. People out on the streets talk about them. I just got lucky enough to research them.


August 29, 2011


“Mankind is made great or little by its own will.” - Friedrich Schiller


Happy Monday!




I’m wishing you a happy Monday dusk.


Wow, how about that pickpocket in the Uptown Minneapolis area?

          The Uptowners will discover you.

When you leave home please keep your S.S. Cards, passports and valuable documents at home or in a security box at a bank.


Wow, how about those 4-feet giant rats in N.Y.C.?


Wow, how about prices hiking-up when household incomes are the same as five years ago or lower?


Wow, how about those East Coast floods?


Dear brothers and sisters of the East Coast; the Midwest understands the undertaking you’re about to embark as the East Coast dries out. Our brothers and sisters of Iowa and the Red River Valley of North Dakota dealt with the grave responsibilities in the aftermath of their floods this summer. Now, our East Coast brothers and sisters will have a deeply felt understanding of floods that occur quite often in the Midwest.


I’m wishing you a splendid night as you spend time with loved ones, friends and good people who can laugh in the face of adversity.


We head into a late Frankfurt dinner; on the menu for tonight; Native wild rice, honey goat cheese and chorizo.


Much Respect






August 26, 2011


“Wishing to be friends is quick work, but friendship is a slow ripening fruit.” - Aristotle


“When you choose your friends, don't be short-changed by choosing personality over character.” - W. Somerset Maugham


“Men kick friendship around like a football, but it doesn't seem to crack. Women treat it like glass and it goes to pieces.” - Anne Marrow Lindbergh


“Never explain - your friends do not need it and your enemies will not believe you anyway.”

- Elbert Hubbard


Happy Friday!




Of course we’ve said prayers for the Chesapeake Bay. How could we not? Chesapeake’s canals of old colonization deep in regions of picket fences along channels of water is a perfect recipe for ancient Roman civilization, direct sharp communication, brutal honesty and a code so tight that one must not pretend the ways of these Amish and Quakers and if you don’t fear their fish-shaped-like-a-star and wings for a bird then they’ll be the perfect playing companions. Don’t quote me here; a ‘Stingray’, no? I don’t know. I’d have to research the scientific terminology in definition of this mammal-fish that when it jumps and leaps out of the water for that split second it flies free and connects with the entire Universe it’s written all over the stingray’s face.)


Okay, so I tried to write poetry to redeem my Bull temper.


I’m sorry that I wrote something as stupid as wiping out an entire species of ravens but I’m not happy about killer bees, killer wolves, killer dogs, killer coyotes and rabid fox as well as now a killer of lambs; the killer raven birds. I know-I know it’s so sci-fi with a juicy storyline. Anyway, I’ll not be campaigning, endorsing or selling a witch hunt propaganda scheme about the righteous morality behind genocide of any species because it’s too absurd an idea and I’m too intelligent for that but I do let my temper get the best of me here when I write. I’m breathing calmly but some direct words must first be written. I’m simply angry about the way in which a more developed species of raven has now learned to murder not hunt. It still takes my breath away every time I think about it. 


I WOULD NEVER WIPE OUT ANY SPECIES OFF OF THE PLANET. I won’t bring myself to kill one small fruit-fly or bug nor the worms. Please don’t pluck the flowers, fish and animals from the Earth; Come on American fish farms and any other cultivation of farm.


I chose not to kill anything because that’s too much destruction without reason for survival. I don’t kill anything if I can help it because I have a consciousness. My direct survival doesn’t depend on killing any creature with my bare hands, I’d skin a chicken any day but what I won’t do is kill anything for sport or gain directly I leave it to the free range professionals. Life is this way nothing more and nothing less. Free to choose.


And I chose never to wipe out a species no matter what, however, please ---if experiments are hypothetically being conducted on say, species of birds such as the Ravens to enhance the behavioral intelligence mechanics then I say that’s great responsibility if a controlled populous gets out of control. What then?


Think. It doesn’t cost anything.


I’ve breathed calm prayers about this week’s Earthquake on the East Coast. A friend said to me “remember, no news is good news.” I understood perfectly well. I didn’t fear for the intelligent people of the East Coast as they witnessed an Earthquake. I’ve witnessed several Hurricanes and Earthquakes; with that said of course we pray adult like prayers for the safety of all people. Please take percussions to ensure civilian safety for all communities.


I pray for Washington D.C. Our lovely lady of marble. She’s so beautiful with her porcelain buildings that tell stories going as far back as the Pharaohs. I don’t worry about the cracks made to any building on the East Coast. Those made with Masonry stone, skill and expertise were communities of humans who ensured strong foundations. In Earthquakes I’ve been taught to go outside of buildings and find safe ground as for hurricanes find in-land. That simple. The heartland holds its beating heart for you East Coast. We think you’re truly something of an enigma. How lovely for the history of the United States of America and THE PEOPLE.






Wishing the Americans a relaxing and slow moving weekend.


*) It was a lazy week on the couch nursing an elbow back to health. Yes, I have the best health coverage in America; one of the last benefits for the lovely middle class and their families. Nonetheless, I refuse to go to a doctor as of now because much of what I’ve witnessed in the last decade has been mediocre and sometimes cruel in hospitals. Do doctors still make house calls? The consumers could only wish to have such a luxurious service. The point is this I’m window shopping for an excellent doctor whose going to tell me diagnoses directly, understandably and with wisdom.


*) This week, we watched “Clash of the Titans” (former and newer versions), “Conan” (former version), we found some series called “Six Feet Under” (brilliant writing), “Chef!” (one of my all time favorite), “I.T. Crowd” (I laughed so hard!), and “Mildred Pierce” (how depressing yet brilliantly important writing), “As Time Goes By” (amazing love story), “Party Down” (awesome!), “The Perfect Host” (creepy and violent as all get out) and of course anything Batman and Ironman and The Hulk. I still have no idea who ‘Miss M.’ is. We’re trying to make our way through the most violent, difficult and morbid writing of Mr. David Lynch’s films. I have no idea where to begin.


As for “Nosferatu”. Brilliant! Down to the chilling bone. A friend said to me this summer, “you know ‘Nosferatu!’ ‘Nosferatu!’” I’d no idea what he was talking about. Well, “Nosferatu” was not covered in my Japanese Cinema analysis branch of filmmaking. I was going to become a Japanese film critic before I chose Documentary filmmaking but dropped the idea completely two years into a track; thirteen years ago because I’d never been able to fluently get Latin, French and German down. I’m so horrible even though I try to read as much as I can in these languages. Nothing. So this “Nosferatu” - “F.W. Murnau” fantastic!




P.S. The Ancient Maya of ‘Mexica’ Region were indeed cannibals and life sacrifice ritual-listic blood mongers but it was only practiced amongst the aristocrats that could afford such luxuries. Get it? I most certainly do. The working poor and the self sufficient were not allowed to eat much less afford human flesh, blood and mean rituals such as taking away life rather than giving life or sustaining life. Mean little fuckers, those ancient ‘Mexica’ Maya and ‘Mexica’ Aztec; same rituals of cannibalism and murder rituals. The Aztecs were wiped out from the face of the Earth by the Gods. What a painful history that must be for the Mexican brothers and sisters. I love vegetarians; they’re quite humorous, aren’t they?


P.S.S. Last but not least. We pray for our African American brothers and sisters of North Minneapolis over the deaths and murders of two youth victims here in Minneapolis. Our prayers have been with you all week and our prayers will continue into the weekend as they have since May 2011 when a tornado hit center stage in North Minneapolis. African American brothers and sisters you’re never forgotten.


August 25, 2011


“A friend should be one in whose understanding and virtue we can equally confide, and whose opinion we can value at once for its justness and its sincerity.” - Robert Hall


Happy Thursday!




“You wrote bile today.” Eric said to me.


I’m here to tell you that I’m deeply apologetic if I wrote bile from your cultural perspective in yesterday’s blog entry.


I love humanity in all its bile forms.


I believe that humanity has a lot to learn, to give and to grow. No, I don’t wish the annihilation of the human race, but it’s not looking good for us is it? Humanity is doing just fine on its own towards a path of destruction, humiliation and cruelty.


I don’t wish any harm unto any living organism of any type. No, I’m not a tyrant. I’m a human-female who’s made a lot of mistakes. I happen to have rather strong sentiments, emotions and thoughts about the development of humanity if we’ll make it there.


I love humanity but humanity doesn’t seem to love itself; seriously, why should the Gods care about humanity when humanity doesn’t care about itself? It’s a rhetorical theological question. Although it may only be theological if we’re only speaking of a Western God. Theology doesn’t seem to exist unless and if it’s in the form of a Western God.


I sat up in bed and looked at Eric, “Bile!” I exclaimed.


“ ‘Bile! Let me tell you a short story about bile. In 1997 or so my female friend and I attended a festival called ‘Lilith Fair’. My friend wanted to get a closer look at the stage so she could snap a few photographs of one of her favorite musicians, Sarah McLachlan. We slowly made our way through a sea of white women sitting on green grass. About ten minutes before Sarah McLachlan performed a man threw a glass beer bottle at our heads and another and another. I understood immediately that that sea of white women had been sitting there waiting for hours for this performer to appear. If the man who’d thrown the beer bottles at us had walked up to us and said something like; ‘look we’ve all been sitting here for three hours, could you please not cut in because we’ve all been waiting a long time.’ Then I would’ve had the opportunity to explain to this asshole; ‘I understand and we’ll be out of your way in ten minutes since my friend would really like to get at least one picture of this performer.’ Then the whole thing would have been over. But no, we were not allowed to stand on our bits of earth freely as two women without being assaulted. Eric, this is where the bile comes in; not a single white woman in that crowd stood up and said, “No!” ‘You may not throw anything at any woman ever.’ Instead they sat there with smirks on their faces as though we deserved to be assaulted because they too wished they’d been the ones to throw the first bottle. Bile! I wrote from an Indiana’s perspective. If I were to write the bile that I’ve lived through in the last century and this new century I’d have your people naked down to their souls whimpering for mercy. You tell me to grow a thicker skin and so I do. You tell me my writing is bile and yet you don’t stop to question what it is that I’ve witnessed, lived and seen of humanity’s horrors. Bile!' ” I wanted to tell Eric to stuff it, but I didn’t.


I could’ve gone on but instead I stood up, changed out of my pajamas into street clothes and went outside and smoked one-100% tobacco cigarillo and prayed to the Gods of Humanity to spare humanity at all cost. Talk about being culturally misunderstood. The arrogance is enough to make me want to spit at the times that I live in but I haven’t yet.


I’m growing a thicker skin.


As a matter of fact I left my blood and skin on a decline across from the Walker Museum one week ago today. I’m growing a new skin because everyone I’ve ever loved has told me, ‘you need to grow a thick skin.’ Okay, but here’s the treaty, here’s the kicker; If I have to grow a thicker skin then that means that any reader of this blog has the choice to grow a thicker skin or stop reading all together if you get offended by my Mayan remarks. Don’t you see? I refuse for the first time in my life to be anything but an Indian about my life. I don’t want your culture. I don’t want your mediocrity. I’m sick of your mediocrity dressed in angelic lies.


If I get to grow a thicker skin to make you feel warm and fuzzy then I, too, get something out of the deal. I get to be a literary warrior and that means bloodshed across these pages.


I’m so nice it would make you bleed tears while crucified on your holier than thou cross. I’m so nice that even my fair-weather-friends of 15 years have eaten from my soul and spit me back out. I’m so nice that my shallow friends have only come around when they needed something especially when they wanted to make a client out of me in the name of new age shit. My fair weather friends only come around when they need their egos stroked, Harvard applications written or some nice piece of ass honoring us as a lunch guest who can’t wait to get away so they can fuck our other lunch guest. Takers. Takers. Takers. I’ve had one shallow friend who has insulted me every time he’s ever seen me. Do you know how old that gets? Very old. Mean little kids ‘in the name of love’. Don’t sell me your goods.


Do you get it because I most certainty do. I’ve wiped floors clean with my own blood. This is my path and I was born for it and I’ll no longer deviate from what is true and kind, which means closing doors on the vulgar, the insane and the miserable so that the Gods will open more profound, kind and just doors for me. I’ve paid my dos. I’ve done spiritual time for you. My turn and no, it’s not always going to be pretty here on this page, but that’s the beauty of not selling you on anything even the pretense of spirituality and holistic medicine. I’m not a vender. I’m a writer. I’m a thinker. I’m a filmmaker. I’m sane in an insane world.


Don’t you get it by now?


I’m a contemporary Maya-Indiana of this new century who writes with one intention and one intention only; to reflect culture back even if it hurts deeply.


And no, I’m not even trying to get published here, I’m simply scribing the world that I was forced to be born into and live as peacefully among hypocrites, seducers, abusers and tyrants. I’m not the tyrant. I don’t stand up on stages and shake my ass for you. I sit down at a lovely little desk and write so that you’ll wake up as a reader to a world of cruelty, injustice and cultural murder.


The more - we, as a human race deny that horrible unspeakable things happen to women and men then the more we perpetuate the bile that we disguise as a cultural phenomenon like going to a women’s hippie fest and watching mean bile women enjoy the assault of two sisters. Bile! The hypocrisy in this world is too much to content with so I won’t lie to myself through this sacred form of artistry. I’m not a preacher. You want a sermon then you know where to find one.


I’ll write bile (according to your ways) from time to time to reflect the bile I’ve witnessed in one lifetime.


Bile, he said and I most certainly took offense to that word.


I take offense to that when it’s been Minnesota people that have shown some of the uglier aspects of humanity, racism, classism and the worse offender; gender biased against its very own gender; women against women.


I’m no coward and I’m not afraid of words.


I know every word I write and I have no shame in doing so. Who are you kidding? Every day, I’m sold on hypocrisy, lunacy, wayward trends that get women raped, assaulted and killed. Who are you kidding? Bile. If I write bile by stating that the human race isn’t worth a grain of salt then so be it. Show me kindness and I’ll reflect it back to you otherwise the choice is clear and made. Don’t tell me how great humanity is. Show me its greatness and I’ll start to believe in something real rather than some money-god crazed societal cultural humanity.


So sick of it! I’m tired of lies dressed-up in candy and nowhere to go.


For a decade I’ve been listening to women talk about their experiences of being raped, molested and assaulted by all types of men and women. Midwestern women who ventured out to NYC and many who hurried back home because they had been drugged with ruffies and assaulted or worse raped without being awake. Despicable humans. Communities of men and women allowed for this to happen. I haven’t waged war against these bastards yet but when I do you’ll be the first to know.


Assholes! I can write the word ‘asshole’ because I was never embarrassed to show my grandmother my writings. She never, not once judged me so I knew I was unto something worth her time even if I swore in my writings she understood that it meant something far more profound than the profanity itself. She understood my strong sentiments and left them at that.


My grandmother was and is the only true Mother I’ve ever had and no one will ever take that away from me. Not today and not ever. I lost my inheritance because I stood up to a tyrant, my grandfather who was a dry alcoholic (let him roll in his grave; when I die I’m making a stop at his hell and I’ll combat him to his second and eternal damnation). I’d do it again I’d stand up to him except this time I’d do it sooner and harsher with the wrath of the Maya Gods behind me. I’m no coward. I never have been a coward and I’ll never be one. If you lose one inheritance, just remember then most likely the Gods are watching and that loss will come back a 100 fold.


Life is this way. My grandparents’ wealth was never my wealth and I never once thought that they’d leave me a single penny of it nor did I kiss their asses and feared them in hopes that they’d write me into their will. My grandmother told me that she loved me one week before she died and that’s the only truth that I uphold to. I didn’t sweat for that money so now I sit back and pray to the Gods to be kind to those who reign power over that currency which killed billions of millions of sea creatures in the making of a family. I wipe my hands clean of it. I have nothing to do with Atlantic Ocean blood money.


No, I don’t live in a dark place. I have a great deal of sentimentality and love.


I can feel greatly for those women and men who get taken advantage of because the human-ravens have evolved and they peck away at the most tender parts of any lamb and leave them to die without mercy or a touch of kindness. That’s not hunting. No matter how evolved the ravens have gotten, that’s murder on their part.


If one single raven kills a human child as they have with the lambs then I wage war against the ravens and that means I wage to have the entire species wiped out from the face of the Earth. I mean it! That’s how fierce I am. I’m not afraid to write such words. I stand by them because I’ll not allow for a single species to harm one single human child. Don’t you get it? I’m on your team. I want humans to live, thrive and flourish but you’ve got to prove to the Gods that you’re worth a speck of dust. Thank Gods I’m mortal because if I were one of the Gods, the entire world would not be as it is now.


I live in a world where I notice every single beautiful flower out on the street, I love the morning sky, dusk, the faces of non-theatrical children, the smile of any adult, a cup of coffee (even though there is a lot of murder blood in the history of one single coffee bean). I love that skin heals, I love the wind through my hair, I love typing really hard on a laptop because I first learned to type on a 1938 Royal and the keys had to be pressed really hard. I love the color of blond hair in the sun and picking out its beautiful highlights. I love red lipstick on modern savvy women. I love how people know how to tie their shoelaces. I love, love. I love art, music, conversation, food, the making of food. I love tremendously in ways that you’ll never know because there are no human words to describe what I feel when it comes to love.


I don’t wish the death of my loved ones nor of humanity, but if the end of the world is near then I’m ready for death. I’ve been ready for death since the days before I was conceived. I’m not happy about being a human and being born into such a mean world. I’m not happy about it any way you look at it, but the dishes have to get washed, the bed made and I get myself ready for each and every day hoping for nothing but goodness. I’m happy to be alive even though I wish I had been born to another more compassionate and evolved universe.


Bile. No, not here. If you can’t differentiate bile from cultural theological differences than that’s your journey not mine.


As an Indiana I was brought up very differently from most of you.


I’m not afraid of the things you’re afraid of never have and never will be. My fears are so different from yours and the end of humanity is the least of my worries and fears. I was taught that there are only three certainties in life, birth, breath and death; everything else is human made and so are these words. I don’t fear anything human made because it’s made to either stand the test of time of criticism or it’ll go home crying in a hand basket and since I’ve done my share of crying I no longer cry for humanity. I’ve dried my eyes and grown a thicker skin. I suggest that if you’re going to read this blog to wipe your tears, put your best foot forward and read or go home.


I found my destiny. There is no longer a question as to whether I’m going to follow it or not because I’ve been insulted, abused, neglected and sacrificed like a lamb to the slaughter more times than I care to count.




Peace. Love. Unity. Whatever trendy slogan that you use to ensure your entrance into a heaven that frankly scares me more than the underworld, because you can get away with murder in this life and yet you can still pray away your sins. Personally, my Gods have the power of a deadly wrath and that doesn’t scare me one bit but your hypocrisy, double standards and two faced nature leaves me chilled to the bone.




P.S. Nothing. Oh, and by the way; no, I don’t have my period. I just happen to write this way and no, I’m not giving it up in a world made up of so much plastic interactions, shallow consumerism and fakeness. Nope. I’m just a kid from the jungle-barrio with a twist of lime; the white man’s education and Maya profound spirituality. Pattow!


P.S.S. A man at an organic shop bagged my groceries for me and proceeded to tell me that he is a father of two, yet he still has to ‘skimp’ on food because he doesn’t make enough money to buy all the necessary proper nutrition to feed his family. I felt like vomiting at this societal cultural atrocity. My heart hurt for him and his two children.


While I’m at it.


I hate being asked if I have a “member number” every time I shop at an organic shop. Every time I’m asked for a member number I think of the Holocaust and it makes me want to puke all over cash registers. Imagine, organic shops that ask its patrons for a number?; it’s like the Nazis, frankly.


But since it’s trendy it gets overlooked as one of the most vulgar and insane questions in the world.


Every time I leave an organic store I leave with a prayer for all those who lost their lives in the Holocaust. I pray for their souls to guide the living; ‘forgive them for they know not what they do’. I sometimes, think about getting a tattoo of a Holocaust number written across my left wrist just so that every time I’m asked the stupid question; “do you have a member number?” then I have a number to show on my wrist. I could hold up my wrist with a tattooed number on it, but as my Jewish Father taught me; Jews don’t tattoo their bodies, so I refrain from being so bold.


August 24, 2011


“An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind.” - Buddha


Happy Wednesday!




The days are passing by all too quickly. There’s so much to write in the months to come.


“That’s not a friend that’s a ‘moocher’.” He said. “What’s a ‘moocher’?” I asked. “A moocher is someone who wants your friendship for nothing and that includes your respect.” Yikes, run!






P.S. Yes, I know what Daoism is. I went and reviewed my notes from 1996 on. Thank you. I hate trick questions. The arrogance and stupidity behind trick questions! Trick questions are like conversations without souls; insincere and egocentric. They don’t mean anything except to…confuse you to believe that mortals are all knowing when they’re nothing but flesh and bone. I get grossed out time and time again by the…


P.S.S. Please keep in mind that old money is very different from new money.


*) New money complains about the “working poor” because they hate those who make them rich, not wealthy, but rich - there is a major difference. Greedy white trash bourgeois rich vs. wisdom and philosophy going as far back as the stars are not even the same and have never been cut from the same cloth. New money doesn’t know the meaning of wealth. While wealth understands that it didn’t get there alone.


*) The more new money complains about the “working poor” households of four which makes $22,000 or less a year the more they prove to be trash and unworthy of anybody’s attention. What the hell is wrong with white trash bourgeois?


What bastards for new ugly-greedy money. New money doesn’t even know the meaning of worth because they don’t have any like the Babylonians before them. What ungrateful assholes.


*) As of late I’ve come to the realization that humans aren’t worth anything.


I’m coming to the realization that humanity ought to be obliviated from the face of the Earth because frankly humanity didn’t learn the lesson to evolve to a state of compassion, patience and kindness without manipulation, egocentrism and narcissism.


Humans believe in their empty and shallow superiority, yet they allow for their human brothers and sisters to starve, to go without and to live out lives of quiet desperation. Those aren’t leaders; that’s new money assholes with shit dangling there at the base of their bums. Are you ready to wipe?


I pray to the Maya Gods that if humanity doesn’t get humane sooner than later than for the Gods of all humanity to send meteorites that'll annihilate the entire of humanity.


Humans aren’t worth anything and we know it (otherwise there would be no slavery of any type only free-choice to live harmoniously) that’s why the Babylonians steal from the “working poor” in the form of greed, long sermons and donations. I don’t like the unkind, unjust and irresponsible demeanor of new money humans. They’d pimp anybody’s soul out for a quick bang. They just don’t get it do they? Ah, Indians sit back and take it all in… poor souls without any soul or Gods to speak of.


How about those East Coast Earthquakes? I pray that the Ancient Mayas weren’t right about their prophecies. I hope in my heart of hearts that they weren’t for humanity’s sake even though I don’t think we’re worth a grain of salt.


August 23, 2011


“My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was sixty. She's ninety-seven now, and we don't know where the hell she is.” - Ellen DeGeneres


Happy Tuesday!




Wishing you an amazing day!






P.S. I’ve got a list of topics in subject matter I’d love to cover. And about five thousand books to get through. Cheers! “Atlas Shrugged” here I come in the next week. I’ll have to put classes off such as sowing, writing, welding and green building design until spring 2012. At this point I ran out of time for a fall / winter 2011 schedule. We’re inching our way towards the ‘can’. In film speech ‘the end’.


August 22, 2011


“All truth passes through three stages. First it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self evident.” - Arthur Schopenhauer, German Philosopher, 1788-1860.


Happy Monday!




The Batman series, splendid, and Batman is so crabby and such a loner. I like him even though the rest of the world hates him for being so true to his nature in character. We need more figuratively speaking Captain Americas and Batmans in this new century.


I’m contending with hornets on the back porch.




P.S. Random Thoughts.


*) Wow. What a weekend. We partied with the class of 1981 at their Reunion and it was fabulous. Truly, what gentle, happy and commendable people of Barnum, Minnesota. They’ve lived their lives, raised children, and taken care of their aging parents, other family members, and communities. Also they’ve lost classmates, companions and loved ones. These folks are as real and hardworking as any other American. They await in anticipation the return of their brothers, sisters, cousins, friends and loved ones from this decade old war in Afghanistan. As well as standing strong in a decade long of economic depression, work accidents and frankly the murder of one of their classmates.


I take my hat off to the class of 1981 all over this great Nation of ours. Class of 1981, our beautiful brothers and sisters; I’m sorry you were a half forgotten generation; thank you for contributing anyway to a country that begins to require your wisdom, dedication to your communities and your excellence as citizens. Who knows when my class reunion will be held but I look forward to my 30th class reunion as much as I loved the 30th of the class reunion of 1981. Hip-hip hooray! Hip-hip hooray! To the year of 1981.


*) As for much of the infrastructure of the Midwest this summer. Way to go roadwork crews! Thank you for restorations to Freeways, bridges and sidewalks. Hooray to the safety of the Midwest. Hooray to the hardhat men and women who spent the entire summer under this heat and rain working diligently to finish many roads and structural renovations. We, the Minnesotans carry you in our hearts and prayers for your safety each and every day.

*) Now, hopefully, more meth, cocaine and heroin and any synthetic drug God-money will go into arts funding and education, public safety, less public fornication, less public violence, rape and assault and towards socializing mass transportation and health care because our working-poor elders can barely hang in there with their co-pays and bus fares.


Please, American leaders and citizens restructure this country so that the giant can stand-up again, so that the crumbling walls of America don’t collapse. Please, the rest of the country is as beautiful as Lady Liberty. Why won’t you get the economy running again? We, The Americans understand that big business and government outsourced (gave away) our jobs to China, Mexico and India. So, please in the absence of those jobs which Americans lost - won’t you evolve the societal culture to the next excellent economical evolution? Even if it means raising the bar in excellence the citizens will meet you half way, because Americans are so damn smart.


The missing link is how to inspire the Americans to enter a whole new century without feeling like they’ve been punched one too many times in the face behind alleys. The Americans have to enter a whole new century and I hate to be the one to tell you but Valley-Talk is not a global sensationalistic attitude and neither is elitism - that’s so 90’s and frankly uneducated. The Americans will have to decide, they will have to choose to become excellent global leaders not because it’s expected of them but because they understand that freedom is not always free.


*) African American brothers and sisters step up.


The rest of the Americans live in extreme poverty, devastation and loss as you do and have for centuries now.


Not to mention the rest of the country lives in economic slavery. Nobody has to explain that to you. You know what that’s like.


African American brothers and sisters please ensure that the youth in each and every community of yours graduates from High School for sure and builds larger dreams than the ones you gave up on.


Please. Here’s to a new generation of African Americans born today, and to their new dreams, hopes, aspirations, truths and high moral codes - not yours but to those born today. That ship sailed you by and your children’s.


African Americans, it’s essential that sports not be the center of your children’s Universes rather that they become our next mathematicians, scientist, teachers, economists, diplomats, American born Presidents and astronauts.


Whatever mental, emotional and spiritual enslavement you keep yourselves under; wake up! The country needs you. Wake up, your contemporaries need you. Forget the stupid TV dream of becoming rich and famous through rap music and mediocre media music videos. Rather really contribute to this magnificent Nation of ours because we can barely carry you on our backs any longer in the form of a welfare piggy back ride.


African American brothers and sisters, the country is changing and it’s being sold to the Chinese. Will you not lead the Americans out of slavery and if you won't then who will? The immigrants? Only you can free this Nation. Only you have that power now if you choose to run like the beautiful disciplined alpha wolves you have yet to become. Brothers and sisters, I’m not begging you I’m letting you know that you’re time has come to lead us out of bondage. Come on! Run! Alpha wolves never pick on the rest of the pack actually they protect it even the omegas.  Cheers for knowing the nature of nature.


*) What do the citizens need and want to evolve America? Ask them what tools, facilities and wisdom do they need to pull themselves up by their boot straps.


The Americans. You have no idea how strong, beautiful and intelligent they are as a people. You have no idea what a jewel you hold and yet you litter their streets with prostitutes, violence and drugs.


Wow, who hates the Americans so much? The Americans or others?


I think Minneapolis needs a Mayor Giuliani to evolve the city into something safe and an international Mecca for students and workers. This is a city so beautiful it takes my breath away each and every single day. Minneapolis has got to be cleaned up and adapt to excellent methods of larger metropolises; otherwise all of the buildings and over-priced gentrification won’t succeed nor develop beyond structures of an overpriced-poser Euro-trash and American-trash bourgeois lifestyles of cocaine use and prostitution. Need I say more? Nope.


Structures require humans to embody, fulfill and create societal culture. So, what will it be? Will Minneapolis rise like a phoenix from the ashes or will citizens settle for prostitution, pimping, sexual violence and cocaine on their streets as well as with their youth and young adults?


I’m not pointing any fingers, but citizens want to raise children in the inner city and at this point; it’s not really excellent enough to raise children in urban Minneapolis when men masturbate in open day light in our greatest tiny little Central Park - Loring Park or when Ménage à trios occur in public-child zone areas.


Can Minneapolis be the next classy Manhattan, the next intellectual-artsy Soho, the next…? Who knows?


An elder in his mid-80’s visited Minneapolis this past weekend and decided to explore Loring Park early on Sunday morning when he encountered a Ménage à trios in the public restroom of the park. It just doesn’t look good for Minneapolis does it? I was so appalled that our elder who has paid taxes all his life could not enter a Loring Park public restroom without having to run into a cocaine induced threesome. Go get laid somewhere else, because our youth and elders would like to utilize the public restrooms that the citizens pay huge taxes towards our city contributions. Get a hotel room if you must fuck in public.


Only the citizens can put their feet down and say, “No! No more!” The city looks good from a far, but if you get close enough to look at the material then you know that it’s a three dollar dress and it doesn’t cover a great body well no matter how much it works out. It’s tough not to stop staring at the cheap material even if the lady is a bombshell you can’t help but stop and wonder why she covers herself in a bath robe and curlers. I don’t get it. It’s definitely not Boston that’s for sure. Not even Chicago. Not even Ames. Not even Austin at that.


I’ve got more responsibilities still yet today.


August 19, 2011


“Since I'm the president and Democrats have controlled the House and the Senate, it's understandable that people are saying, you know, 'What have you done?'” - Mr. President Barack Obama


Happy Friday!




Wow, the days are flying by…


Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.


“Captain America: The First Avenger” directed by Joe Johnston is an impressive tapestry of perfect cinematic components harmonizing together brilliantly as any conductor of an orchestra can ever bring all elements together to shape a perfect form; a 90 degree angle, 180 and a 360.


The Character of Peggy Carter is one of classic romantic fascination, contemporary femininity and a delicate brute strength that’ll leave the next generation of woman wanting to become chic relaxed and strong. A type of woman full of dexterity and one that takes life’s challenges as well as can give a strong metaphorical punch in return when it’s called for any time a man is rude to any woman especially one he doesn’t know.


The Character of Peggy Carter is now not only every boy’s wet dream but also an iconoclastic metaphor for what is true and beautiful of a past generation of men. Peggy Carter is a character of great multi-layered dynamics, directness and loveliness as any man could only dream to be with such a dedicated, calm and gracious woman but also a true friend and mature as well as a hot babe to Mr. Captain America.


In many respects it’s Captain America who has to prove his worth, intelligence and ability to Peggy Carter and in doing so he can only dream to ever achieve to make an equal partner for her not only because she starts out as his superior, confidant and becomes a true friend but also because she is wise, gentle and thoughtfully intelligent and that’s as sexy as any woman can truly be. Captain America can only hope that such babe as Ms. Peggy Carter would ever consider him as anything serious without ever improving himself after a successful transformation; the transformation alone is not enough he must also evolve into a hero before he’ll ever be considered a mythical hero.


Peggy Carter is the quintessential female character of the last century in the new updated form brought into this one in the shape of a widescreen performance. Forever more she will be in our American hearts hoping that in this new century we’ll be lucky-enough to find such beauties, kindred spirits and thoughtful professional-humans for role models in the representation of a graceful and self sufficient female human in the form of brutal femininity.


I could go on for pages and pages but I have more responsibilities still yet to meet for today. Wishing the Americans an amazing weekend. Salud to you.




*) I’m heading back to work in less than two weeks. I just checked e-mail for the first time in about a month and a half or more. I don’t know. I was studying 4th-6 grade math, science, history and politics. I decided to take my first technical college class ever in my life near my neighborhood. Let’s see what public education has to offer. I looked at the curriculum book today and I think I’d like to take at least one writing course just for the comparison and contrast of private liberal arts to technical college.


We begin post production; serious post decisions in less than two weeks and head into a public premiere as a prerequisite for the international film circuit nothing more nothing less. We’re keeping our fingers crossed that hopefully we’ll be out on time to make a 2011 premiere deadline. We have goals for viewership otherwise moving on. Next. Film.


August 18, 2011


“We can't have special interests sitting shotgun. We gotta have middle class families up in front. We don't mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back.” - Mr. President Barack Obama


Scattering of the People; Black Elk



When you came attacking, why did not

          you have more men?

Why didn’t you bring more men so that

          you would be a little stronger?



Long hair has never returned yet, so his wife

          Is crying all around.

Looking over, she cries.



Long hair, guns I hadn’t any.

You brought me some.

I thank you.

You make me laugh!



Long hair, horses I hadn’t any.

You brought me some.

I thank you.

You make me laugh!



Long Hair, where he lies nobody knows.

Crying they seek him.

He lies over here.



Let go your holy irons [guns].

You’re not manly enough to do any harm.



An attacker, I drew him.

Before he did harm, I wiped him out.




Standing Bear’s favorite kill talk [song]:


A charger, he is coming.

I made him come.

When he came, I wiped him out.

He did not like my ways; that is why.


Happy Thursday!




What a day! I started out the day gripping about the Universe to Eric and I fell off “Desilu II” (skateboard) as I was meeting him for lunch later on in the day. I couldn’t get my legs under me as I jumped off the skateboard on a decline and ran but obviously not fast enough. All is well. I left skin on the road and dripped in blood. I had to laugh.


An Angel (Correction from “angle” to “angel”) for a grown man with beautiful facial tattoos stopped and looked me over; “at least nothing’s broken.” I rejoiced that no bones had been broken today. He was genuinely concerned he had watched me get humbled by the Gods while on his bike. Our interaction lasted one red stop light and we went our separate ways. He was an adult about the entire thing. I fell in love all over again with tattoos as I do every day of my life. Thank you. What a gentleman as I dripped blood at a light I took my T-shirt off wore a tan-top bare armed for the first time in a decade and addressed and wrapped my wounds. I loved my pre-med courses it left me smart even about the smallest of wounds (another blog for another day). It felt funny but free to wear a tan-top in public.




My body is sore and no, this is not cry-wolf. I don’t howl as a human unless it’s serious and even then, I only howl trying to get over my disillusionment of the “Babylonians”. If it’s a serious wound then I silently take myself to the hospital and let the professionals have a go at severe injuries; otherwise it’s all fun and games until someone loses an eye; (I fell in love with the “Kill Bill” dos peliculas. I just watched both films this summer and it’ll take me another decade to put the dots together. Sorry, I regress.)


All is well. Here we come spinach pasta and late dinner.


Peace everybody peace.




August 17, 2011


“Al Qaeda is still a threat. We cannot pretend somehow that because Barack Hussein Obama got elected as president, suddenly everything is going to be OK.” - Mr. Barack Obama


“(Question what they must think of the Black Hills, Black Elk says;)” - Scattering of the People


Happy Wednesday!




Shall I? (I don’t speak Old English but I like writing those two words together. Ha!)




“Captain America: The First Avenger” directed by Joe Johnston is an extraordinary depiction of character development. Those are cliché terms that are overused in descriptive language towards the analysis of character, however. It’s quite physically true this magnificent transformational character development occurs when writing about Mr. Capt. And his ingenious partner in crime as buddies; the character of Mr. Stark who creates the technological means to enhance the many admirable qualities of Mr. Steve Rogers.


As any audience appreciator can observe this film leaves one breathless time-and-time again due to the multi-layers of macro and micro introspection that Mr. Captain America must overcome, go-through and get a hold of the reigns to steer a winning team clear of disaster. What a gem of character to be so humble yet so smart in the cruelties of the World. Captain America becomes not only a Hero but a man with qualities beyond his peers and contemporaries; he puts them all to the test with his wits and strengths never forgetting his humility. Yet always smart enough to question; “Is this a test?”


The character of Steve Rogers is not only commendable, true to his actions and honest even though while making his attempt to enlist he lies about his identity in order to serve his country no matter what obstacles, hoops and dismissal. Whatever Steve Rogers must overcome it’s clear throughout the storyline that it isn’t himself rather a culture that creates a mockery in the making of his manhood, a patronizing inclination towards the adventure of transition and finally but not least the final transformation; the man becomes an epic hero.


Once the physical transformation takes form, Mr. Captain America springs into action and develops an acute and fine art of understanding of his physical astuteness, strengths and weakness, no different than any other transformation from caterpillar into butterfly; it’s a painful metamorphosis and a necessary one to overcome all obstacles and hoop-jumping to arrive at ‘his zenith plot point’.


The zenith plot point is not cheese by any means this is the life of any real thinker who must overcome disappointments, miscommunications and discouragements into becoming something greater than a Hero, something larger than life; a myth - (no different than the Batman series). Nevertheless, these character development plot points are all very obvious to most audience appreciators. The audience understands that this Epic Hero’s transformation must occur from the start of the film and continue all the way through to the very end, however and nonetheless. Captain America must first get some shoes on and get comfortable into this new physical frame before ever entering into the Hall of Famers; Mythological Hero.


The mythological hero is most often something untouchable and mysterious because by then the hero has not only wavered on a spectrum of consideration for others. The mythological hero makes up his mind at many anti-climatic plot points about ‘who he is going to become in relationship to others’ and also the hero becomes mythological when he makes the ultimate sacrifice to put others before himself and to service his life to more intricate awareness and connection. When such events do occur to Captain America then he can face his nemesis without disgust and only hope that they, too, will try to serve justice to a humanity in great need of heroes to someday become mythological servants of THE PEOPLE.


Mr. Captain America, his greatest strength seems to come from the lack of hesitation to act profoundly and quickly when it serves him most to guard and shield others and their well being. This bird of paradise is not a cliché rather a real sentiment for what is true to the deepest nature of something radical, beautiful and misunderstood in a culture and era that hates its heroes yet a culture that stands at a crossroads and requires the help, need and assistance because they love him so much so they fear him even though his just ‘a kid from Brooklyn’. We can all understand that as we make our way through our days and come across the disservice of others in attitude, mind set and lack of interaction for what is yet to become a future nothing more and nothing less.


I could write pages upon pages but I won’t for today.






*) I climbed a stage today and I had all the confidence as to where the steel came from, who built it, put it together and I knew deep inside of my climbing monkey self that that stage built with my friends’ own two hands could withstand 80 knots if it had to. I’m certain of it because that’s just who he is.


P.S. I have a lot of thoughts today, but I’ll keep them to myself (another blog for another day).


P.S.S. I went and treated myself to ½ a pound or so of bulk organic milk chocolate. On tonite’s late Frankfurt menu I’ve got organic certified tofu dogs, goat cheese, wheat tortillas, and mock duck scrambled tofu with organic chocolate ice cream. I had half a vegan organic peanut butter cookie this afternoon and it melted in my mouth. Cheers.


I love food. I have a love and appreciation for food because one of my many lovely uncles has been one of the top chefs in the private sector of New England, North Shore Eastern Seaboard. I can cook anything because of this man’s expertise, love and care to teach our cousins to prepare food, cook and eat well. Thank you. Once, you’ve worked, frequented and developed a palate for five-star preparation, cooking and development in a chef’s private kitchen then life is never quite the same again. Truly.  One of so many of mis restaurante favoritos on the Eastern Seaboard for Seared Sea Scallops Davio’s; even the Portuguese and Italian ‘bus-boys’ will stop and talk shop about World politics in a foreign language. Brilliant! Just Brilliant hardworking intelligent Americans. Can you get snooty about that? Not really or you become a greatest cultural 'faux pas' elitist and mishap waiting to happen to any patron’s dining experience and / or frequenting experience. Relax, everybody relax. There’s no reason to put-on airs and there’s no reason to speak Old English when proper New English hasn’t even caught on yet. Could you imagine sugar free anything? Yucky. Salud.


*) I rode ‘Desilu II’ (skateboard) to a restaurant (I guess) that was once the most chill and true to punk nature of coffee shops? No blueberry “eye-talian” soda today and I learned that a ‘dish tray’ is now; what we used to call a ‘dish tub’. Just so I know. You learn something new every day. I’m thinking Japanese cinema all the way. The Italian Soda was fine but the service leaves much to be desired. Back to one. Back to the beginning. Roll it. Action! “Hi, how are you? How can I help you? What can I get for you today? Do you know what you would like? Let us know how we can help you?”


Please do not stare at my forehead when I approach you as a patron like I’m some wild species out of the jungle floors. Please, no. It’s your establishment - you’ve opened the doors to the public. I’m there to chill nothing more and nothing less. Hopefully, they can get it together otherwise, the service is like having your teeth pulled and you can’t really have any of that while in public. I know better because I frequented the coffee shop for over a decade and I never had any problems with their punk-chic service. Growing pains. From urban punk hipster to some type of 'faux pas' Bourgeois bitter aftertaste attitude that doesn’t seem to jive for a mature Minneapolis. I continue to trust one of their DJs and what they post on-line social media but maybe we’re just two different women all together. Enough.




August 16, 2011


“Contrary to the claims of some of my critics and some of the editorial pages, I am an ardent believer in the free market.” - Mr. Barack Obama


“America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles of justice and progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings.” - Mr. Barack Obama


“I can make a firm pledge, under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes.” - Mr. Barack Obama


“For more than four decades, the Libyan people have been ruled by a tyrant - Moammar Gaddafi. He has denied his people freedom, exploited their wealth, murdered opponents at home and abroad, and terrorized innocent people around the world - including Americans who were killed by Libyan agents.” - Mr. Barack Obama


Happy Tuesday!




How’s everybody doing out there? Well, well-enough?


Aloha. What traditionally beautiful Minnesota cooler summer days we’re having. Stunning. Ah, the work season is around the corner and children and youth across this vastly and beautiful World will be going back to school; Yes, girls and boys; ladies and gentlemen. One can only hope to see a global international body of citizens and civilians co-existing peacefully no matter how different each others’ points of view, lifestyles, creeds and mottos.


                              Mr. President Barack Obama, please remember that Native Americans have God(s) as in plural.


(Please don’t forget that the Native brothers and sisters of the Americas have with the letter “S” God(s) to your one Go(d) and or written-out with the letter “D” instead of representing the plural in the singular forms with a literary (Algebraic) equation. Get it everybody. Right! Moving on. Next. Thank you.) While evolving for the greater common good of humanity. Cheers!


Shall I?


Okay, I shall.


“Captain America: The First Avenger” directed by Joe Johnston is a clear depiction of the Greatest Generation’s efforts towards WWI and WWII from (1914-1945). Not only is the depiction clear rather it’s also concise with the astuteness, graciousness and gracefulness of a Generation not likely to be seen again… if anytime soon since the Greatest Generation is perishing due to their lovely and healthy ripe elder leadership.


“Captain America: The First Avenger” is a cultural and societal written poem in the declaration, amendment and constitutional rights of THE PEOPLE in regard and respect towards the Greatest Generation without confusing obedience with regard for another nor any classism of any type; simply and always respect not obedience because both men and women of the Greatest Generation were free to chose as they saw fit for male and female alike. Spectacular human beings for a Greatest Generation; the men and the women truly understood each other even and especially when they disagreed with each other not fought. This is a generation that cared not for competitiveness, pettiness and shallowness only support, admiration and deep understanding of each others’ responsibilities as American Adult Citizens.


The storyline propels the action forward in transitioning the main character from Steve Rogers into a transformation of hero in the form of Mr. Captain America.


Spectacular transformation from being a dreamer into a participant of a World Community.


It’s obvious that quite of bit of literary care went into nursing the screenwriting details. As well as directional guidance in the conceiving of such believable and sentimental characters with all of the strengths and weaknesses of the climatic-heroic epic of a protagonist vs. / and / towards the anti-climatic antagonist’s consumption towards a decline rather than an incline into a mature transformation. A tragic story for any antagonist unless they can hang on to the end of the character development rope and trust that they’ll be hoisted up from the edge of any cliff;  ‘ “Do or do not” ’. (As Mr. Yoda’s character says in the epic May 25th, 1977’s film; “Star Wars” and eventually the 1980’s film “Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back” directed / created by Mr. George Lucas.)


Furthermore, for those audience members who enjoy a great romance storyline (no, not a Tele-novella’s storyline) It’s apparent that the screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely took great care with the love story between Mr. Captain America and Peggy Carter played by actress (Hayley Atwell).


The careful details written between pages and pages of screenwriting must be so intimate that the characters come across as relaxed and seamless as though the actors were naturally born to play those characters; that has a lot to do with a director’s ability to think like a mathematician in angles, shapes and forms to convey to his cinematographer Shelly Johnson what essence in texture and depth of field a character ought to visually come across in the dexterity of building a strong aesthetic foundation for what the actors’ needs and wants to go above and beyond the call of duty in character movement, duration and lighting; for King and country! For King and country! Now as serfs we kneel down before Pearl Harbor upon Ground Zero.


Thus the story of Captain America evolves because this is a timeless character that can and will withstand the test of time; his name is synonymous with that of household names in the likes of Coco Channel, Walt Disney, Albert Einstein, Presidents; Mr. Obama and Mr. Washington. Imagine that; From Colonial Days of President George Washington to the first Kenyan born; first bi-racial president of the United States of America. Incredible! Cheers! The gentlemen upstairs; the fraternity of brothers since the era of the Egyptians; hopefully they have a clear vision of how they’re going to maneuver an American sled through slush. Citizens are breathing in the stands and holding still for this man; President Barack Obama and like those of President Jimmy Carter’s years fascinating events have evolved in election years; as you can see the Americans chose well for themselves they elected President Jimmy Carter no differently than Steve Rogers gets elected to become Captain America for the greater good of all.


Audience members could sense and feel the calmness of maturity and the curiosity of a child looking through a timeline all too well known to Americans for its courage, sacrifice and heroic deeds recorded and well known as the Greatest Generation. The Greatest Generation didn’t simply try to lead a country into economic prosperity rather they held fast to their parents’ and their parents’ parents before them; The greatest nationalistic pride; that if the pioneers survived with nothing then future generations of Americans would also survive no matter what was before them and hopefully prosper.


The femininely feminist qualities of the character Peggy Carter were as delicate and strong as any flower. This stunner for a female character could make modern American men change their minds and fall-head-over-heels all-over-again with modern femininely feminists American women even if they dress a little bit like tom-boys wearing red lipstick commemorating WWI and WWII sisters who wore red lipstick to commemorate their men. Cheers to the service men of WWI and WWII and to their women who welded for them and set up shop in their place in a time of nationalistic crises.


There’s always something so feminine in any feminist characters no matter what her work ‘uniform’ may be even if its high heels, if you stop long enough to look at these beautiful and modern femininely dressed (ready for anything) feminist American women then you’ll recognize that in their hearts they’re all feminine women, however. As the situation stands with so much violent crime, rape and assault on our American streets these-three-modern-generations (‘MTV’, ‘X’ and ‘Y’) of American women have had to go to war dressed in their best fashions and self-made attires. Modern American women have become generations of common sense stylish chic women who in matter of seconds would not hesitate to save, protect and highly regard the freedom that is America as would Mr. Captain America.


Cheers. Wishing you a lovely and relaxing dusk.


El Fin.

The End,




*) (Gabriela, sounds so foreign and adult like doesn’t it? I think my grandmother was the only one that ever called me ‘Gabriela’ so formal to be called by a full name, no?). Yes. Cheers.


*) I received a righteous haircut by a professional today for the first time in two years and it’s truly stunning. Yes, I can afford haircuts but for sentimental reasons Eric’s been cutting my hair for the last five years. Cheers!


*) I’m not saying anything. This is what I’ve learned. A Master stage builder once told me, “ ‘Never, construct a stage with a truss of any kind only steel beams. Never. Trusses are only made to hang lights and stage equipment. And if someone tells you to go ahead and build with a truss, tell them ‘No’. And, if they refuse to hear you out then tell them ‘No’ again and if that doesn’t work then them to go to hell. Walk off the job because that’s too grave a responsibility that we’re not willing to take on no matter how cool it may sound to someone else involved in an overall stage production.’ ” He looked at me and smiled and I smiled back.


I understood my one-of-two Masters points of view that late afternoon in mid-August two years ago. I understood all too well as a volunteer apprentice introductory rigger, stage hand, executive assistant to e-mail, banking and business, stage builder and beginning welder; having done all of these for six months over the course of two years I found that no matter how cool a layout may look according to a stage designer and / or whoever green lights the overall production to go on that stage builders and riggers have not only all the math, ‘smelly’ dreadlocks (wink) and experience in the universes but that they truly are professional building engineers and these seven men I owe my life to. Thank you.


I’m breathing through prayers for those five individuals and casualties of culture as well as for their families. I have no words for you.


I have more thoughts but I’ve got a date with my geek-boy husband tonite.


Cheers. Finally I’m moving as slow as a little Tortuga.


August 15, 2011


“But what we can do, as flawed as we are, is still see God in other people, and do our best to help them find their own grace. That's what I strive to do, that's what I pray to do every day.”

- Barack Obama


“A good compromise, a good piece of legislation, is like a good sentence; or a good piece of music. Everybody can recognize it. They say, 'Huh. It works. It makes sense.'” - Barack Obama


“And I will do everything that I can as long as I am President of the United States to remind the American people that we are one nation under God, and we may call that God different names but we remain one nation.” - Barack Obama


“Focusing your life solely on making a buck shows a certain poverty of ambition. It asks too little of yourself. Because it's only when you hitch your wagon to something larger than yourself that you realize your true potential.” - Barack Obama


Happy Monday!




“Captain America; The First Avenger” directed by Joe Johnston is the most perfect film I’ve ever watched.


El Fin.

The End.



Boy, no lap running today, hey?




P.S. Wow, I read a local on-line article which stated that The President of the United States of America, Mr. Obama is in Canon Falls, MN today. How incredible, that doesn’t happen to Minnesotans every day. How incredible for the president to be in Cannon Falls from what I’ve observed the folks are as strong as Pachyderms and as lovely as Flores. Aloha, Mr. Presidente.


P.S.S. I’m trying to CUT film today but I just keep going back to the refrigerator and keep looking for a little chocolate and it’s not there. (Sigh.) We’ll have to do our one hour walk today just so I can purchase organic certified chocolate and platanos for dinner tonight. On the Menu for late Frankfurt European dinner, Tofu with scrambled eggs, wheat tortillas, goat cheese and platanos; if I get ambitious maybe some brother bison.




Wishing you a day full of genuine laughter.


Ah, lots of responsibilities to fulfill today like any other adult in any other day.


August 12, 2011


~ Captain America is not here to lead the country. I'm here to serve it. If I'm a captain, then I'm a soldier. Not of any military branch, but of the American people. Years ago, in simpler times, this suit and this shield were created as a symbol to help make America the land it's supposed to be... to help it realize its destiny. Ricocheting from super-villain duel to super-villain duel doesn't always serve that purpose. There's a difference between fighting against evil and fighting for the common good. I'm not always able to choose my battles... but effective immediately, I'm going to make an effort to choose the battles that matter. Battles against injustice, against cynicism, against intolerance. I will still serve with the Avengers. I will continue to defend this nation from any and all threats it may face. But as of today, I am not a "super hero." Now and forevermore, I am a man of the people. Together, you and I will identify and confront America's problems. Together, we will figure out what we are and what we can be. Together, we will define the American Dream and make it an American reality. ~

                                                    --- Captain American: The First Avenger


Happy Friday!




Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.


DISCLAIMER: {I’m very timid about the following subject matter, but I’ll give it my best ESL effort.


Someday I’ll make the time in the effort to write a 20 page paper, a 50 page essay, a 100 page dissertation, a 500 page thesis and maybe if I get really ambitious I’d like to give it a run for my currency to humbly write an analysis of the film “Captain America: The First Avenger” by Director Joe Johnston. (Thank you. I don’t know what else to write. That’s it.)


I should call it a wrap and go for a walk right about now.


Today, today… please accept a small gift in the form of a creative blog.


I can’t do this film any justice and I know that so I’ll try to be thoughtful and mindful. (If I write about a personal story it’s not about me it’s about you and my history. I already lived or learned through my life and now hopefully you can learn something from this life nothing more and nothing less.) I don’t have any answers for anybody.


So, take a deep breath with me and let’s take a literary skateboard ride (nothing more and nothing less). --- If I only had the time to write about this film I’d spent five years researching, analysis comparisons and contrasts to the original comics, production value, artistic integrity, entertainment value and last but not least educational and historical value. What did this film contribute to humanity at large and how did it change cultural-society forever?


Please, I’m nervous ‘as the dickens’, (I think that’s what you say in Minnesota?). I’m calm, don’t get me wrong, I’m standing on a platform looking down and I know that I have a sharp curve immediately out of the straight-‘a’-way.} I refuse to sell you on anything. I’m just letting you know this storyline is humane.


I’m not a public figure so I don’t endorse any product. I’m a citizen and no, I’m not a film critic or any critic of any type. Who am I? A little lady nothing more and nothing less. Ha! Alright, next.






-----  -----  -----




“CAPTAIN AMERICA: The First Avenger”

Directed by Joe Johnston




First, let’s get the greatest scene out of the way that (we’ve) / (I’ve) ever seen in a film in a long time along of course with the one and only, “Planet of the Apes.” :[“No!” --- Scene Title: __?]: and / or (Any of the franchise films, truly).


(SCENE Title: _______?: (I know, I know improper screenplay writing layout. I know.)


(The character of Steve Rogers jumps on top of a grenade during a boot camp drill test.)


Grenade scene shows not only the strength and sacrifice of character but also the humanity and the intuitive reaction of a sharp and smart animal.


                              : [Need I say more about the actor’s ability to character development and the refinement in the tuning and playing of an instrument?]:


Absolutely not, the moment this scene unfolded I decided to trust the filmmakers to take me down a roller coaster ride anywhere they were going to maneuver the levers. I was ready for a roller coaster ride because an actor by the name of a Mr. Chris Evans is not only a fine thespian but he can actually get beautiful notes from his comprehensiveness in the intimacy of getting to know this Captain America for a character. Mr. Chris Evans played the role of Captain America with the tension of a singular tear swelling up on the corner of one’s eye suspended there in frozen moments of belief because movies are not larger than life; Life is larger than any art form. I could believe Captain America’s humanity so I went there with the filmmakers on a storyline as magnificent as imagination and innovation as glorious as a single breath of life.


                                        I felt the immensity of one single sacrificially-intuitively human action in that moment that the character of Steve Rogers launched for a grenade in the efforts to allow for others to live; I learned from this scene the reality that (sometimes an individual is worth more than the sacrifice made for an entire team unworthy of the sacrifice, yet any individual who is worth the sacrifice knows that the team will always be worth more than his sacrifice so he makes it anyway without asking anything of anybody else.)


Such a character such as Steve Rogers continually made the sacrifice for others to be free throughout the film “Captain American: The First Avenger” and that effort alone made me feel patriotic and compassionate about the journey and the transition it would become for the character of Steve Rogers to transition into his deepest and best self, the epic story of a man becomes a hero Mr. Captain America; not because he wants to but because he is naturally made to become a leader! The World cheers Mr. Captain America on because audiences still believe in goodness, kindness and intelligence and that’s what it means to feel nationalistically patriotic while watching this beauty of a film for a long distance marathoner run barefoot through any terrain. Lovely.


                              I’ll try to get down from my soap box but I’m on a roll. Thank you. I was moved by this humble character for ‘a kid from Brooklyn’ presented as a Greatest Generation hero.


I’d like to think that “Captain America” is the most perfect film in its theatrical form because it represents what I see as the ‘MTV Generation’, and ‘Y’ and ‘X’ Generations. Three forgotten Generations of young civilians and citizens to figure out the World without guidance and take their placement in the World as the Greatest Generation did in their time from (1931-1945). Truly, profound timeline and no, not always serious. If Captain America; The First Avenger as a film doesn’t present a new ideal for a human as “Star Wars” did in the 1970’s, then I really don’t know what film would build character for these three generations to work together instead of fighting each other like wondering Jews across the desert. Ha! That was really funny to me. Smart people in many ways; nomadic pursuits. Truly.


Laughter and authenticity in character either comes to people naturally or they don’t as this character Mr. Captain America did not have to develop but was written with a strong base camp to begin with. For the ‘Fan-boys’ please try not to crucify me for these statements about directing a conversation towards social commentary and cinema hand in hand as one. See, I got a little poetic on you, does that count for something good?


                              I felt the universe(s) inside my chest ready to explode into another beginning into a new Universe. I felt the grandiosity of a meteorite as an audience appreciator ever can let themselves feel. (Your welcome. It’s a well deserved compliment and no, I’m not fishing for any compliments of my own. (I don’t put myself on stages.)


Crew and talent this moment is about you and no one else. You deserve the props and I’m here to tell you why you inspired this Indiana filmmaker…and filmmakers across the World. You tried and you succeeded with your vision, I can only hope. We raise a fine organic (pesticide-lead free) glass of champagne in your honor. Thank you.


                              Cheers. Yes, this is Minnesotan molasses for you and it stretches as far as the heart can go.


Now, Director Joe Johnston well, what can be said about the mise-en-scene aspects of production in their philosophical value? Nothing.


                              Captain America: The First Avenger was absolutely perfect with one technical mistake that I think I caught and I’ll keep that to myself. Lovely.


                              Absolutely flawless as I watched the storyline without thinking, ‘I’m watching a film’.


{With the exception of a few cuts that I need to continue to think about for about another year because those cuts would’ve never entered my mind to cut as your professional and mighty editors pulled off this massive post-production effort.} I can’t thank your editors enough. It was like watching a seamless visual quilt. Lovely.


                              Yes, we (filmmakers) all know what happens in each section of production; pre, pro and post production.


No matter what your budget may be as any executive producer will tell you that they only hope to achieve the highest bar of excellence with the resources and time constraints most studio artists and producers have.


So, with that basic 101 profound realization of any creative construct; I fell in love with / and / down to the shade of lipstick the makeup director chose.


                              I fell in love with the authentic proportions in wardrobe and how each article of clothing fit each and every character appropriately.


                              I think that as a director of documentaries it’s easy to tell when interviewees are too tired, dehydrated or they fidget with their clothes because they’re not comfortable in them. Because I’m mindful about people and where they’re at with themselves; I think as a director that it’s relatively easy to tell when an actor is not fit properly into a character. Of course wardrobe is intended to fit the character to feel and react to a storyline as actors are fit accordingly.


Go ahead, take another deep breath. I know I am.


                              I loved Captain America the film for that one detail in the shade of red lipstick alone as it were; In hindsight it was easy to tell that every possible human detail was taken care of from wardrobe, makeup and down to the health of the actors and I can only hope that the crew and the cast were treated humanely because believe it or not it doesn’t always happen on film sets. Money isn’t everything.


                                                  Side Note: {I’ve worked and observed people / workers on film sets that I’d have you crying in seconds if you knew the type of meanness, competitive carelessness, cruelty, double standards, control and empty elitism that exists in the film industry. That’s why I ran for the hills when I left the commercial industry behind because I wasn’t going to work 16-hour days and 6-days a week to become dehumanized no matter how little or how much anyone paid me and no matter how naïve I was at that time. I know you understand; Writer’s Guild strike - I don’t need to say anymore about this.


I studied documentary production and filmmaking analysis rather than major motion picture so I have a tender spot in my heart for makers of major motion pictures. I understand their creative and intellectual foresight even as far as budgetary challenges yet, while a crew and talent suffer at the hands of mediocre upper management at times, the picture gets done and people have had to sacrifice their reputations, intelligence and power for the freedom of others. This is Captain America’s sacrifice as he transitions from a man into a hero no differently than the Batman series; or so I’m learning.


On major motion film sets it seems that when everything is flying high then everyone wants to pet each other on the head but when things are going badly then most managers are looking for a scapegoat to place all of the film’s inadequacies, irresponsibility and ideals of grandeur upon that one ‘little guy’; no different than that of Steve Rogers who takes one blow after another blow triumphantly behind an alleyway so nobody else has to endure the sounds of someone busting his nose. It’s incredible to watch bullies behind alleyways. Embarrassing for them, really. I don’t suggest you watch it. I’ve taken several blows that would bring you to shame just thinking about it. It did to me for the other person. I knew that I would never trust them to be leaders for as long as I would live.


That’s all I’m saying I’m not pointing any fingers in any whichever direction. I don’t cry wolf. I’m only saying that I have all of these thoughts while watching the duration of any motion picture and only hope that people are treated humanely as I haven’t always been while working for major motion pictures that pretended to be Captain Americas but they were more like the Red Skull (another blog for another day); Again, I’m not crying wolf; I’m a grown woman. A woman and I live to the best of my abilities nothing more and nothing less. I hope to make the sunset and twilight tonite.


People, (other women) specifically automatically placed me as an omega and Newsflash I’m a natural caretaking beta and a leader for an alpha anyway you look at it. You know it because I’m direct and I won’t stab you in the back with a knife while you’re not looking. I don’t like to run at the front of the pack with the boys I’d much rather hang back by myself. I’ve got a keen eye and see many aspects develop and unfold even when others try to derail the only and sometimes last hinge of hope on a speeding train heading for wreckage. Have you ever seen a travesty unfold before your eyes? Incredible. I’ve only shed tears on one film set and I meant to be heard crying my heart out because I was stabbed so hard in the back I hurt like a deeply wounded wolf. I thought ‘I hope my spirit never takes another blow like this one again’ …until a decade later and by then I was an adult I didn’t fall for going out back behind any alleyway to take blows from inadequate women who just wanted to beat the crap out of me. By then, I had learned to fight even if it meant loosing.


                              Today’s writing exercise is not to have you crying, on the contrary. Moving on. Next.}


I’ll come back to lighting and sound. Perfection except for one general broadcast standard and you’ll probably hate that its even mentioned because it’s the easiest fix while either in production or post.


I’ve got to run.


I ran out of time.


I’m wishing you a splendid and lovely weekend.


I don’t have any complaints.

I’m only observing I’m not needing nor wanting to squeeze myself into your worlds, I have a world and I love it. I hope you love your worlds as well and that people are kind, just and natural born leaders to know enough to practice kindness rather than cruelty in its place.




Pura Vida.


I ran laps. I’m timid and overwhelmed to write about this epic proportional film.



(As I’ve been called for the last 15 years of my adult life due to East Coast Tuna(‘r’).

If you know anything about any dialects of the East Coast then you know what that means and it means a type of vocalization. I can never get it right. So, chop the ‘A’ and that’s-that people will understand you better. I have so many nicknames it’s truly kind of weird and warm like hot chocolate on a hot 100 degree day where the asphalt melts. The rule with nicknames is that people give them to you and I respond because, frankly it’s endearing. It’s a writing exercise that came to mind; think of all the nicknames that have been given to you and write about a time period in your life that you can recall most. See, easy. Nothing to it. Practice is the tough part…




(I’ll pick it up on Monday. I have so much more cinematic ground to cover). I’ll try not to run laps around this film on Monday.


August 11, 2011


“God be praised for his gracious long suffering towards me in sparing my life so long. Grant, gracious God, that I may make a good use of the time that thou mayest be pleased yet to grant me for repentance.” - Patrick Gordon (1635-1699)


“The Indians gave up the land of their own free will, and for it received brass kettles, blankets, guns, shirts, flints, tobacco, rum and many trinkets in which their simple hearts delighted.”

- Patrick Gordon (1635-1699)


Happy Thursday!




You know, I leave it to the page to be serious so the rest of my life isn’t so. I’m working on more laughter and simple joys as I get older. What else is there? Right? Right.


*) Thanks for the explanation. Duluth Skyline land is being sold under the table for student housing. Well, well, well.


Okay, here goes my best ESL greatest effort for today into the English from something as old as the forests.


I’m proud to be….


On the tragic and mournful morning of October 29, 1929 stock brokers jumped out windows of their skyscrapers and plunged to their deaths the day the stock market crashed.



World War I in Europe began on 28 July 1914 and lasted until 11 November 1918.


The American Great Depression lasted from 1929 through 1940.


The American and Canadian Dust Bowl lasted from 1930 through 1940.


Pearl Harbor on the morning of December 7, 1941.


World War II lasted from 1939 through 1945 (50 million to over 70 million fatalities).


September 1st, 1939 German invasion of Poland, Britain and France.


September 13, 1931 The Japanese invasion of Manchuria begins.


July 7th, 1937 Second Seno-Japanese War.


1941 two wars merge in East Asia and in Europe.


May 8th, 1945 Berlin surrenders to their non-allies.


August 15th, 1945 Japan agrees to surrender.


Do you understand the gravitas of this era?


What was happening to America and Americans of my Grandparents’ generation was very real as so is life today for the ‘MTV Generation’ and The ‘X’ and ‘Y’ Generations. No, the Greatest Generation wasn’t a generation of cheap gimmicks and pushy mean commercials on the latest products or the latest headline news, the Greatest Generation lived through hell and back. I take my hat off to the Greatest Generation. None of my Grandparents are alive as of a year ago and as for the Baby-Boomers, well we all know how that turned out. Moving on. Next.


The Greatest Generation was dealing with some severe aspects in weather, culture, society and war.


Oh, I feel for those of the middle class Greatest Generation and what they’re dealing with now as their social security is not what it was promised it would be, their ailing and aging medical needs aren’t being taken care of because frankly it’s just too expensive for our elders to purchase medicine so they take long bus trips into Canada just so they can have their prescriptions filled. What a shame to do that to American elders.


It makes me sick just thinking about what the last of our Greatest Generation is dealing with in their latter years. I’ve met American women in their 70’s who can’t retire because they can’t afford retirement. These are our American elders we’re talking about who probably want a long nap-siesta and some cool lemonade and leave it at that. They’re their own people and yet they can’t afford to live as elders ought to after a long life of hard taxpaying work.


The American Dust Bowl left the prairies destitute and barren.


America came out of WWI (1918), headed into a Stock Market Crash (1929), into the Dust Bowl (1930-1940), into the Great Depression (1929-1940) and into WWII (1939-1945) as well as a war with Japan (1931-1945) in East Asia. Oh, my goodness.


Can you say: “The Americans of the Greatest Generation must’ve been tired.” The Americans of the Greatest Generation must’ve been tired. Very-very tired.


Just hearing and reading about it makes me a little tired for their courageous fight.


What lives!


What difficulties!


What extraordinary people!


Yet our Greatest Generation did everything in their power to ensure that their offspring (Baby-Boomers) could have everything and I mean everything in the world. Every opportunity so that they would not live as their parents did yet they squandered it away because they lost touch with reality and who they were. Where they had come from so they never quite knew where to go. They become the Israelites wondering through the desert for 40 years. They thought they had brilliant ideas and the more they clubbed you with them then the cleverer they thought they got. That’s only because they became the “Me-Generation” or so I’m told that’s what they are considered in pop-culture. They told themselves they were brilliant and thus they believed in that brilliance in all forms of their Eurocentric ideals on how they thought the future ought to be controlled. “Silly rabbit, ‘Trix’ are for kids.” “I want my Maypo!” (Maypo was a breakfast product at one time).


Moving on… (If I wrote about the Baby-Boomers I’d have you crying in seconds and that’s not today’s writing exercise).


Let me write it again: America came out of WWI (1918), headed into a Stock Market Crash (1929), into the Dust Bowl (1930-1940), into the Great Depression (1929-1940) and into WWII (1939-1945) as well as a war with Japan (1931-1945) in East Asia. Oh, my goodness.


December 7, 1941 that morning Pearl Harbor was bombed by Japan.


I know, I know. Take a deep breath of life.


The Great American Middle Class was developed in part from this history.


The country had lost and lost in serious ways. Casualties and fatalities of wars, a barren land, a broken and desperate economy, a deeply saddened culture and the wealthiest lost their fortunes. Lost. Gone. Never to be seen again. Do you understand the severity of what happened in the era from 1931-1945; America was in pain, real pain. If you don’t know what that is then how tremendous for you. What a luxury, what a sham not to know that this great Nation of ours has seen devastation and survived. There is nothing to trivialize about this time in history in America. Breadlines, tent communities, joblessness and truly desperate measures for all even the wealthiest tier.


Out of that time history in American a little flower was born.


A little orchid called the middle class was born and is supposed to blossom.


This fragile and yet strong beauty for an orchid thrives beautifully under the right temperatures. This beauty will blossom and give you more pleasure and joy than comes from extreme hot sweltering temperatures of poverty to the bone chilling and modern shallow elitism of the Bourgeois-capitalist without any societal-culture to speak of. Ah, an orchid will not grow inside the bowels of an empty and gutted out vessel in the deepest regions of the ocean sunken and quietly submersed and forgotten.


I am proud to be an American citizen of middle class economical income bracket nothing more and nothing less. I’m proud to be middle class because it means that I work towards paying my taxes in keeping a balance between the rich and the poor. The middle class brings balance to the force, as geeky as that may sound. “Star Wars” (another blog for another day).




I’m wishing you a beautiful day.


Yes, indeed the sun has come out from behind slightly grey clouds and well, it’s gotten a little bit muggier since earlier this morning.




P.S. I have a lot of thoughts but I’ll keep them to myself.


P.S.S. Oh, yeah. Here I go. One rant.


*) The larger any headline is written in bold letters than the more the sensationalism. I learned it in Journalism class.


The economy doesn’t need you.


You need the economy.


Go home. Pay your bills and take care of your families. Why should you go out and spend your hard earned currency when it’s difficult to find much decent service almost anywhere in America.


People working behind counters, clean-up and other taxpaying service industry jobs are mad as hell that they’re there doing jobs that they think are too lowly for them so they treat customers like shit.


Service industry workers believe they should be doing better than their parents’ generation but most of our parents are the Baby Boomers and look at the mess they got us into so yes, be mad but not at the general public. People are just barely making by and to go out and eat is a luxury, but more importantly it’s sacred; people save their money and some put together budgets to do this so please, please don’t treat customers so horribly.


Why should Americans set down even a penny in exchange for poor service? “Hi, how are you?” will do just fine.


Why should they? People can make better food at home and have a better time than having their teeth kicked in every time they frequent any public establishment. The orchid has to live and if my middle class dollars aren’t good enough then most likely nobody else’s dollar is good enough either. I’m at the bottom rung, I’m indigenous and female. That’s two strikes against me immediately. So, if my dollar isn’t good enough most likely yours isn’t either unless you prop up your peacock feathers made of plastic.




My money is not going towards that type of dehumanization.


Decent service; I don’t need you to be a brown nose-(r) / or / a-suck-up, and I don’t need you to treat me as though you’re about to throw the first punch or that’ll make me want to punch you back with a look that if looks could kill then you’d drop dead.


If you think you’re above the work you do then most likely you’ll never be good enough to become a leader of anything. Suck it up and breathe. Don’t take up all the air in the room, nobody likes a bully because they hate themselves. Cheers. I’m smiling are you? Seriously, as difficult as it may be in this temperamental climate at least I’m not frowning as many of you seem to self-loath. If I’m tired well, then that’s another story I just need to go home and stay there.


August 10, 2011


“A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.” - Thomas Jefferson


“Advertisements contain the only truths to be relied on in a newspaper.” - Thomas Jefferson


“A Bill of Rights is what the people are entitled to against every government, and what no just government should refuse, or rest on inference.” - Thomas Jefferson


“All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.”

- Thomas Jefferson


“An injured friend is the bitterest of foes.” - Thomas Jefferson


“Commerce with all nations, alliance with none, should be our motto.” - Thomas Jefferson


“Conquest is not in our principles. It is inconsistent with our government.” - Thomas Jefferson


Happy Wednesday!




The Great American Bald Eagle almost went extinct according to USA Today ‘from 417 male-female pairs in the continental USA in 1963 to nearly 10,000 now’ in 2007. The American Bald Eagle almost went extinct due to pesticide use and hunting.


Americans almost allowed for our greatest symbol of hope to die off. Americans we know better than that, we’re too smart for that type of sham.


It almost makes you want to puke doesn’t it that the greatest symbol of hope in America almost died off due to neglect and poaching - I meant hunting.


No different than the struggle of our African Gorilla brothers and sisters who are poached for their hands and Chinese medicine.


Imagine capturing an animal simply to cut off their hands and leaving the rest of their bodies to rot on jungle floors? That created a picture didn’t it. It most certainly does to me.


No different than poaching African children and cutting off their hands and leaving them to die on hut floors because the Chinese black market makes a command for their archaic medicinal practices to continue into the 21st Century. (Look it up. I didn’t make it up.)


Boy, China wants to take over the rest of the World but they allow for endangered species to be killed in a brutal process in the name of ancient medicine. I don’t get it, do you?


Mayans, we don’t endanger species for archaic medicinal practices. We just don’t believe in medicinal lunacy. Do you? Mayas live in the 21st Century.


The World passed America by but it also seems that the progressive-intellectual World is also leaving China behind - the World has always left China behind until they lose their blood thirsty hunger for power otherwise they’ll seize to exist like the Aztec did. Blood thirsty. Human blood thirsty and they died off from the face of the Earth.


No different than our American politicians, big business and wrong decision makers which allows for the Americans to starve, prostitute themselves and become addicts to meth, cocaine and synthetic drugs made in crazy Midwestern ‘lower, middle and upper class’ basement labs. There’s lots of money to be made in this meth enterprise and lots of addiction along with much spiritual death. The heartland is dying to this meth God. I could cry but I won’t. Not here and most certainly not today. I will not shed a tear. I understand there are no jobs in America so we sell the American soul to the Biblical devil. I’m not scared. I’m grossed out.


Our brothers and sisters of the ‘animal kingdom’ are as valid as humans it’s just that humans are taught to believe we are invincible and better than other species. What a sham. What a lie to be taught to be better than any other living organism. Humans just don’t get it do we? If we kill off our mother nature and her plenty then we, too, die off as well. We, too, will die side by side next to her. Who kills their mothers? Humans do.


I’m thinking of our brothers and sister in Billings, Montana and the Exxon Mobil Corporation oil spill. Oh, it makes my heart ache just thinking about it so let’s move on. Or not -- Billings Montana’s eco system will not be the same for decades, will it now? No matter who sells it to you, that - with all of the paper toweling efforts to clean up the oil spill the eco-system will not be the same anytime soon. Moving on or I will write words that… will make you want to get all riled up and revolutionize the World, however. I don’t believe in looting, murder or in violent crime so I don’t believe in brute revolutionary means. I believe in a creative-innovative renaissance.


The question is this:


What would America be like today if the Great American Bald Eagle would have seized to perish? I don’t want to consider the alternatives because just the thought of it makes my stomach turn. No, I don’t vomit. I’m a grown adult but it makes for great writing doesn’t it?


I’m an adamant first generation immigrant.


I am.


I’m becoming more and more artistically politico as I get older because I believe in this great America of ours. I have a strong writer’s voice and this voice doesn’t mean that I’m anti-Americanism. It means that I am all American. I believe in the American dream for those who pursuit it. I believe in fair treatment for all, zero corruption whether it be drugs, prostitution, police violence and political and economical unrest.


We, the Americans, the hardworking taxpaying Americans who keep this country running day-in-and-day-out are the great American Bald Eagle soaring through the land.


This great land of ours is still great no matter how many Americans sell their bodies for sex, drugs and political, power and economical corruption.


We’re free as others are not around the World. We, The Americans are free and never let anybody tell you any different.


Thomas Jefferson who painstakingly wrote the Declaration of Independence is a hero to us. He was a great and magnificent visionary who took the future of Americans into serious account. This man for Thomas Jefferson bestowed outstanding literary gifts to the Americans as powerful and as intelligent as our American Bald Eagle brothers and sisters (are) which show us that we can be strong, fierce and intelligent without shame.


The Bald Eagle doesn’t pretend to be intelligent. It is intelligent. The Bald Eagle survived extinction of its race as the Native brothers and sisters of the Americas survived small pox extinction.


If the Great American Bald Eagle almost became an extinct animal (wiped from the face of the Earth) yet recovered with the help of many humane environmentalists then that can only prove one thing and one thing only; Americans are the Great Bald Eagle. If you ever make the time to watch a Bald Eagle then you’ll notice a few things. Our great brothers and sisters of the bald eagle species are magnificent in all their glory. No, the bald eagle doesn’t sell their young in exchange for sex, drugs or campaigns.


The Bald Eagle has a keen eye, a wing span that will take your breath away and a call that will leave you wondering why there is language to begin with when so many English speaking don’t even care to learn English properly.


The Bald Eagle isn’t some cheap symbol on a license plate, a bumper sticker and in passing conversations. Show some respect when you talk about the Great American Bald Eagle. Show some respect for the last and only hope we have to regain our country back to THE PEOPLE.


Imagine if there were only 417 male-female pairs of humans left in the World?


Imagine it because that’s what happened to the Great American Bald Eagle and Americans with their carelessness and greed almost let the Eagle die. If humans were so careless with the Eagles does that mean that we can afford to be that careless with other species? Don’t sell me a soaring image of the American Bald Eagle, please. Nope. Not when we almost let her die in the arms of her pimp.


I’ve always known that the Great American Bald Eagle would be a last sign of hope once she started popping up in pop-culture. There is nothing else to turn to but to our Great Bald Eagle spiritual guide. Please, do not make her out to be a cheap whore. Please do not sell her to the Americans because there is nothing left to sell us. Everything, American has been sold so now we buy Chinese.


I could go on and I could write far more scathing and hurtful things like the lashing of a whip on the back of a child’s neck, but I won’t because frankly I love this country too much to destroy your hope to ground zero. Oh, wait we were brought down on our knees to ground zero.






P.S. How come the skyline land of Duluth, MN is being sold quietly and only to the ‘right’ people? Is it a real estate monopoly? Is it going to become a gated community? Is it going to become a Jim Crow segregated community? Is it about a racist-elitist economy? What is it about? If you make deals under the table then you will suffer the backlash of hate that you reap to sow. Remember, Duluth has a historical emotional fire of lynching’s and if you unleash that power who knows who’ll end up strung up by a lamp post and in this new century it won’t be a black man or an Indian woman. No, Sir. Not in this new century or you’ll have WWIII on your hands.


My 100% Finn great-grandfather and grandfather both bought land on Park Point when it was a garbage dumping site and nobody wanted to buy land there, so he was smart enough to buy anyway but he never bought land under the table because he was an honorable hardworking Finn and he didn’t wear the smile of the Joker on his lips. Please don’t sell the skyline of Duluth off like some cheap whore for men in suits to take wagers against her. She is sacred land. Be careful of what you do because it’ll come back to haunt you and then you’ll have to build more lynching memorials to wipe the blood off your hands.


How come every time I’ve called a real estate agent in Minneapolis or an ad-firm; nobody ever gets back to me? Not even one call back to say that you’ve received my inquiries. Am I too much of color for you? Oh, I’m not rich, white and elite enough for you? I get it. Is my money not good enough for you in this economy? Oh, I get it I’m only middle class, spic and dirty. Well, I’ve got a Newsflash for you I’m a proud American and proud to be middle class. I work hard for my money and it’s not stained with children’s sweat labor blood, American blue collar starvation or elitist shallowness. My money’s got the sweat of my brow all over it. Eat that!


It leads me to believe a few things, real estate agents and ad-agents are too fat and they can’t punch the numbers on their cell phone dials, they’re on a long vacation after the housing market collapsed and there’s a mob of Duluthians after them who wants to lynch them, they live with their moms or they’re not as reputable as their companies say their agents are. I worked in a real estate office once, and when seven years are up I’ll write juice and it’ll drip down your chins whether you like it or not. Jewish and white trash pretending to be Jewish and white bourgeois.


Now, our documentary films cost thirty thousand to make and we do it straight out of our pockets year in and year out. We donate our films to schools and universities to use at free cost because there is no corporate backing so we don’t have any corporate agenda nor have we ever with our independent films for the last 12 years in operation. What have you donated lately? Thirty thousand? We donate thirty thousand yearly. Now, that’s some refreshing Tapas for you. We live by what we believe.


My dad says to go with Re-max only. It’s the only real estate company he trusts and to go with Texan ad-agencies which we’ve been working on a deal over e-mail for over a year. I’ve not been mistreated by either, thankfully. Minnesota is too passive aggressive even in their pre-business associations. Mean-spirited little kids. Watch out of for them, they don’t bark and they don’t bite they're just rabid and it’s in their complacent eyes. No wonder Upton Sinclair hated Minnesota. Now, don’t go putting words in my mouth. I LOVE MINNESOTA more than you’ll ever know but she tends to break your heart doesn’t she? I thought she was a role model but she’s far from that while she’s wearing her knickers up over her head.


My dad says, “You never know who you’re going to meet so be polite and kind.”


P.S.S. Yes, British brothers and sisters we think of you and pray for your safety, always. I don’t buy into hooliganism.


August 9, 2011


“Cheerfulness, it would appear, is a matter which depends fully as much on the state of things within, as on the state of things without and around us.” - Charlotte Bronte


“Consistency, madam, is the first of Christian duties.” - Charlotte Bronte


“Conventionality is not morality.” - Charlotte Bronte


“Give him enough rope and he will hang himself.” - Charlotte Bronte


“I am always easy of belief when the creed pleases me.” - Charlotte Bronte


“I'm just going to write because I cannot help it.” - Charlotte Bronte


Happy Tuesday!




I’ve been thinking about Texas quite a lot in the last three months.


Now, I know, respect and love many animal and human brothers and sisters in Texas today, right-now. I’ve been making amazing new friends from Texas in the last decade. They have changed my thoughts, my way of life and what I think about food. I respect the Texans for all of their independent spirit, self sufficiency and directness about racism, religious intolerance and economic disparities.


This is how direct and real the Texans are so this is how direct and real I can be when writing about Texas. I’m proud to be an adopted daughter of Texas as I am an adopted daughter to many cities, states, providences and regions throughout the World. Thank you brothers and sisters. Thank you.


Now, these are my tiny and insignificant thoughts so try not to get your knickers in a bunch. All right?


I’ve sat around tables and held direct conversations amongst right wing fanatics, ‘Arians from Darien with braces on their brains’, haters, wife beaters, racists, prejudice religious humans, military fanatics, mafia, bigots, manipulators, alcoholics, drug addicts, pimps, drug traffickers, incest / rapists, molesters, liars, thieves, whores, seducers, cowards and bullies, political-economical power hungry followers, first generation immigrants from all over the World, inhumane constructivists, Nazis, feminists, food snobs, food rebels, the organic certified (pesticide / lead-free) farmers of America and of course but not least friends of murderers (I don’t know details so I couldn’t begin to tell you). (Yep, I wrote it.)


My job as a documentary filmmaker in the last decade has brought me down a path covered in gold and filled with cultural knowledge - not my own.


I’m not paranoid I know their faces and I’ve broken bread and drank wine without any hatred on any of our parts. I don’t live as they do and they all know it. I’ve been more my grandmother than anything with impeccable gracious manners and seriously kind questions nothing more and nothing less.


We’ve sat around tables and we’ve been able to hold some serious and direct discussions about why they believe as they do and how they arrived at their conclusions. I’m grateful to the Gods of all men for granting me the gift of safe passage as well as all around wisdom to know that we’ve come to the table without an ounce of hatred.


Now, with that said; Texans, dear lovely Texans as you enter a fall election 2011 I kindly ask you this; Do you want to become a separate State from the Union?


Do you want to go off and become your own country separate from the United States of America? (I will be holding this discussion with real hardworking taxpaying Texans in the year to come.)


First, if Texas were to cut ties from the ‘Union’ (per say) then Texas will not only have to generate their own source of currency and revenue but also take care of perhaps some heavy taxes for Texas’ imports and exports.


What will become of Texan stocks?


Will Texas create their-own stock market?


Where will Texas get their food from?


What type of services will Texas provide its citizens, tourists and international workers?


(Please, don’t tell me that it’s going to be prostitution, religious right-wing fanaticism nor drugs. No, I’m not being mean I’m being East Coast direct - I’m not manipulation you into thinking anything I’m only asking direct and delicate questions that need to be asked).  --- Please, don’t answer with any of the three options, because all three elements already exist in Texas so I can’t be sold on religious bigotry any longer - prostitution and drugs are all over the United States. Even the Texans think the right-wing has swung too far out there away from the center of the pendulum. Balance.


Will Texas become a Republic, a Democracy, a Communist State, a Monarchy, an Anarchy, a Dictatorship or surprise the rest of the world and become a Socialist State and provide at least five-paid weeks of vacation to all of its citizens, free healthcare and education by taxing the wealthiest 1% of the Texans (if the middle class so chose to do so).


Would Texas free-trade with Cuba for their goods?


How would Texas deal with the Mexican drug cartel?


How would Texas deal with immigration?


How would Texas deal with public transportation, child care and a banking system?


How would Texas deal with starvation, child pornography, sexual child trafficking, prostitution and drugs?


Will Texas beat everybody over the head with a bible and cast out evil spirits or will they implement real and serious expert-like solutions to manage their economics, politics and violent crime amongst many other serious issues such as infrastructure, education and illiteracy.


How will Texas deal with racism?


How will Texas deal with fair wages?


How will Texas deal with garbage and sanitation?


How will Texas deal with murder?


How will Texas deal with anything if they were their own independent Nation?


Now, to the most important question on my mind.


How will Texas deal with the Alamo when the crazy Mexican drug cartel comes and gets the Alamo back from what was taken from the Mexicans?


I’m sure you’ve thought of all of these questions because I have and I’m not a genius only a little lady sitting here asking questions and sipping freshly squeezed Texan lemonade. I don’t have any answers for the Texans or for anybody else for that matter.


How will Texas handle their borders if they don’t have a defense system in place?


Will the Texan citizens have to petrol their own borders from the Chinese EMP submarines, the United States of America, Mexico and Cuba - the Middle East?


I’m teasing you as an intellectual - nothing more and nothing less.


What will Texas do on their own without the power of the American giant?


Will Texans starve to death or would they be infiltrated by Mexico?


-----  -----  -----


I want Texas to make it.

People I love live in Texas.

I love Texas and its fine prep-cooks, chefs and foodies.


I want Texas to make it with all of my heart.


However and nonetheless, it seems that the ‘odds are stacked’ against the Texans if they want to become their own country. That’s an old concept like beating a dead horse, no? Let’s talk real politics.


What will Texas do for the United States of America to lead us out of this decade long depression?


I would predict that Texas without a military system, or government or a police state in place would be free game for any foe in the World.


I predict this because I don’t know anything about predicting anything but intellectual common sense would lead me to believe that Texas in less than a hundred years would not be Texas - not the Texas that we know and love today anyway. In economical despair it could be sold off in chunks to the Chinese, Indians and Mexicans. Why not? Large chunks of the United States of America have now been sold off to the Chinese to do whatever they wish to do with our land. America has been cursed with greed for leadership that’s why the giant is down and that’s why Rome crumbles before our very own eyes but it’s far from over. The citizens can turn the tables over to the side of THE PEOPLE.


This is what I believe; STATE AND CHURCH OUGHT TO BE SEPARATED. Always, that’s a common sense law. Go home if you don’t know your bible or the laws that make up this great country of ours.


If right wing religious fanatics take over the United States of America then we’ll no longer be a United States of America then we’ll become a Gestapo Nation. Now, I mean this with Ut-most respect ‘Tea Baggers’ who like to suck balls ought to step aside because we’re Republicans who believe whole heartedly in the FOUNDING FATHERS OF AMERICA.


I DO. I believe in the Republican Party but I don’t believe in hallucinating religious fanaticism and guess what? Newsflash for Texas and Minnesota politicians; neither do the citizens of either state believe in religious fanaticism. Both citizens of both states simply do not want their fellow Americans starving at the hand of our politicians and big business. It bothers THE PEOPLE because it brings shame to the Americans when Americans starve - that, seems to be the reason why so many Americans are so mad.


The Midwest has a great head on their shoulders and so do the Texans. Unfortunately, meth has taken over the Midwest heartland and racism in the south.


Texan and Minnesota people are strong, intelligent and humble. They know the difference between religious fanaticism and their God just as I know the difference between a bribe and my Maya Gods. I know Texans and Minnesotans because I’ve seen their faces while they’ve spoken of their devastation.


Do not allow news outlets to sell you on sensationalism and paranoia.


Americans are strong and first and foremost intelligent.


Live. Live. Breathe. Breathe. Like long distance running.


Every breath is a living prayer to the Gods of humanity.






P.S. What do you mean, Mr. Obama; tax increases on households who make two-hundred and fifty thousand a year? Have you lost touch with all reality? Your salary is only four hundred thousand a year to that of a billionaire a year. Even the low-income of the upper class are having a tough time making it in this economic climate.


Now, I say tax the wealthiest 1%!


The wealthiest 1% is the billionaires and no, politicians are not the billionaires or shouldn’t be according to their wages. So, if soldiers make a median of $38,000 a year and the president as a public servant makes $400,000.00 a year then why can’t the government increase at least 50% to 100% on tax increase on billionaires?


Now, I’m not even talking the wealthiest 2% -- the millionaires. We’re talking the billionaires who won’t even notice if you taxed them at all. Mr. Obama, what are you so afraid of that you won’t be able to join the billionaires on the golf course? Please, you already have the stature of being President of the United States of America. Please, help THE PEOPLE.


An alcoholic and I once debated as to why President Obama was not ready to become the President of the United States of America aside from the fact that he was not even born on American soil.


Boy, who rigged that one? Wow. I decided not to take complex law or politics early on because at the age of 11 when I went to receive my American citizenship I was explicitly told that I was never to become the President of the United States of America due to the fact that I had been born on Costa Rican soil. I want a refund. I want my money back. Just kidding. Cheers. Salud to the Americans fighting for the Americans overseas. We miss you.


P.S.S. I really enjoyed the photographic portrait of Mr. Obama with the painting portraiture of George Washington on a spread of the New York Times about a week or so ago. Rather patriotic don’t you think?


August 8, 2011


“Proud people breed sad sorrows for themselves.” - Emily Bronte


“The tyrant grinds down his slaves and they don't turn against him, they crush those beneath them.” - Emily Bronte


“Having leveled my palace, don't erect a hovel and complacently admire your own charity in giving me that for a home.” - Emily Bronte


“I cannot express it: but surely you and everybody have a notion that there is, or should be, an existence of yours beyond you.” - Emily Bronte


“Honest people don't hide their deeds.” - Emily Bronte


“I am now quite cured of seeking pleasure in society, be it country or town. A sensible man ought to find sufficient company in himself.” - Emily Bronte


“If I could I would always work in silence and obscurity, and let my efforts be known by their results.” - Emily Bronte


Happy Monday!




Shall I?


Okay I shall with all of the fierceness of fire spitting, I will then.


I will be compassionate to the core because I’ll try to save our good hardworking Jewish American men from a horrible fate such as the one as to marry any Jewish American Princess and white trash pretending to be bourgeois. (I could spit but I won’t because I’m reserving that right until it’s truly deserved for a much greater travesty than this one.)


‘JAP’ as Americans seem so fund of such terminology.


Allow for me to get to the more contemporary and modern aspects of ‘JAP’.




Need I say more?


Okay. I will.


I’m an adopted Jewish female amongst many other lineages. My lovely and kind Father is a Jew. I’m not technically a Jew because my adopted mother is not a Jew. A Jew can only and truly be a Jew through the bloodline and heritage of a mother, otherwise don’t even pretend to be a Jew no matter how many Jewish prayers you say in front of your Jewish in-laws. Period. I don’t pretend so why should you?


My bloodline and heritage is Salvadorian Maya (Costa Rican born) and no, the Maya weren’t Jews by any stretch of the imagination so I don’t imagine it but I’m grateful to be loved and known by many incredible and amazing Jewish communities. They know me, they trust me and they know I’m half wild wolf and half domesticated woman. My Jewish elders know my face and I theirs.


I’ve met a lot of lazy and crazy contemporary and modern Jews and to me they aren’t Jews because they have traded their Jewish God for a God of currency, stupidity and victimization.


In other words I’ve met a lot of spoiled Jewish brats but I’ve met many more beautiful and true to heart Jews than not.


I’ve met mean-spirited, shallow and cruel Jews who’ve put an arrow through my heart and my Father has told me “don’t befriend them again because they’re not worth your worth”. I shall never seek them out for as long as I live. If they have been as cruel as they were to me imagine what they would do to my future children. I don’t personally wish them any ill will or ill intent and it’s not the Maya Gods that are-on-top-of-it: rather, it’s the Jewish God that will remedy the situation. No wonder Jewish sluts exist and whining lazy Jewish men.


I’m an adopted Jew and I’ve met many beautiful and lovely Jewish women. Women that have left me breathless with their kindness, consideration and concern for all living things. I’ve met Jewish beauties who were more like Zen monk Buddhists than Jewish.


I’ve met beauties that leave catwalk models in shame. Women with bone structures so magnificent that I’m sure of it that these beauties were in some ancient and forgotten lands, Royalty. How could they not be Royalty with such magnificent bone structures just as our tall and boney African sisters? (I mean it as a compliment. I don’t mean any harm by it.)


These kind Jewish spirits have succulent perfect skin and I can only imagine that it’s as tasty as olive butter and as soft as silk. Women who know strength, courage and wisdom because ‘Mommy’ and ‘Daddy’ haven’t bought their way through life.


Women who don’t pretend to be victims because they know all too well the real pain of their grandmothers who did actually live to survive to tell them about the Holocaust as my great aunt Hanny lived to tell me about her Holocaust survival.


These real Jewish beauties will make you fall in love with humanity all over again.


These are women who know how to belly laugh, women who know love in the face of adversity, women who will give to the bone without asking for anything in return and that does not mean that you get to take advantage of their kindness because their olive butter softness will melt your heart forever.


These are women who are not cheap imitations of crazy Jewish American Princesses running around this great United States of America. Nope. A REAL Jewish princess can hold her own without choking the life out of another. A REAL Jewish Princess will not suck you dry to the marrow and soul because they know the necessity to keep life warm, fed and moist.


These real Jewish beauties are the epitome of love, sincerity and of all of the highest virtues and greatest qualities that have been bestowed upon them they know the importance of the self through the reflection of others. Real Jewish beauties know that they are not at the center of the Universe rather they are the Universe so they are tender, kind and calm without taking out their discontent upon their neighbors, their contemporaries and others.


Real Jewish beauties don’t take a mile when you give an inch.


Real Jewish beauties don’t command their will upon others.


Real Jewish beauties aren’t tyrants or fascists.


Real Jewish beauties will always be mindful, thoughtful and considerate of others.


Real Jewish beauties know what it means to live out an urban existence without stomping the life out of others.


Real Jewish beauties don’t have to be asked permission for you to live freely.


You don’t have to entertain power struggles with real Jewish beauties because they’re truly open-minded, forgiving and generous while holding their own. These real beauties aren’t stuck in their thinking that they are the only people that matters because even though they-are-the Universe (not the center of it) they know that the Universe is fragile and it can be destroyed at any moment so they keep the peace without ever pretending that they are any type of victims.


JAP or otherwise as commonly known in modern terms ‘JEWISH AMERICAN PRINCESS’.


First and foremost; this is a despicable and white trash bourgeois pretending to be high society with all of the shallowness of ‘top drawer’ qualities.


Careful this is trash like any other trash no matter how much they may disguise themselves with a bullying nature pretending to be overly confident hidden under an invisible cloak pretending to be humorous but that’s a sham and I’ll tell you why.


These are little Jewish boys and girls whose families have money but their money isn’t worth much in the sense that they come from blue collar forced labor, no different than a flower shop keeper’s daughter who pretends to be old money but it’s easy to tell that she is nothing but a shop keeper’s daughter with a bad attitude and crazy ideas like any other crazy white trash Midwestern girl who tries to pass for old money.


These Jewish kids are so ashamed of their wealth that its written all over their mean humorous faces and those who laugh along with them are just as much trash as they are.


What you don’t seem to realize is that they’re laughing at every person who ever made a contribution to society and was never able to get ahead. They laugh at the little man because they’re much more afraid that they are quite sub-human and worth less than the little man who worked in their grandparents’ factories, shops and blue-collar establishments. And guess what, their deepest fears are right. They are worth less than the little man trying to make it every day.


These little spoiled Jewish and white trash brats have all of the money in the world and none of the old-money social graces and fierceness nor their grandparents’ honesty and honor.


They’re a lost generation of cheap car sales people and they smell of cheap donuts in their Mary Jane’s and ugly haircuts yet nobody wants to admit it so they throw daggers and cast the first stones so you don’t notice that they really are just white trash pretending to be bourgeois with a forgotten history. ‘I’m sorry’ as Minnesotans tend to say but don’t seem to mean it. Is that too brutally honest for you? I’ve got more New England honesty in my back pocket that would make you do anything but weep. It would make you shutter at the truth.


These are the rich kids who come from blue collar wealth and it makes them sick just thinking about the smell of their money with sweat all over it because it reminds them that their grandparents had to work hard for everything these brats now have and take for granted.


There is nothing behind this type of Jewish and white trash creature except money which they’ve made their God, power hunger their divinity and a victim mentality their manipulation.


This is the type of Jewish and white trash creature that will not only cripple you but will take you out of the game of life like a vampire it will feed off of your soul because it doesn’t have one. This is the type of Jewish and white trash person who sets a trap for a little bunny and doesn’t mind hearing the animal squeal in pain for as long as they can before the bunny’s horrible fate becomes the reality of death - they like hearing an animal scream with misery.


This shell without a soul, this animal-beast is the most despicable of all the creatures for one good reason and one good reason only; you can’t trace the fine lines of their grandmothers and great grandmothers who survived the Holocaust any longer the same with white trash you can’t trace the lines of their grandparents nor their Great Depression era. Shame on you! Who do you think you are? Oh, you don’t know who you are or you pretend not to know which is worse. You’d like to forget, wouldn’t you?


One would never be able to tell that their ancestors burned in the gas chambers of the Holocaust or lived through the Great Depression with all of their self importance, shallow self-induced power struggles and their cruelty couched as victims.


These are dangerous animals because they devolved rather than evolved. These are women who are so out of touch with the realities of the World that you’d almost want to slap them across the face with a real leather glove just like you’d like to slap white trash bourgeois for pretending at all to be bourgeois when they don’t even know what that means.


These women, these things for Jewish American Princesses and white trash bourgeois are ugly as their empty and gutted out vessels and their need to control everything around them. Imagine them in bed? How scary they must be as bed mates. I can only imagine their screams as they pretend to orgasm their lives away. Stay away from them. They are destructive therefore they will take you out of your souls and they’ll take you for every penny you’ve got.


Jewish American Princesses deserve to become old maids just like white trash pretending to be bourgeois also deserves to become old maids as well.


They’re not doing you any favors no matter how much they put out or no matter how much you think they’re cruel sense of humor is funny. Eventually you’ll get sick of it but you won’t be able to find a way out very easily because you too have been pretending away your lives at being able to sail a gutted out vessel. Ha, ha sucks to be you, a decade later.


I’m laughing all the way to…


I have nothing more to say about idiots pretending to be Beacon Hill.


I am Beacon Hill.

I am New York City before you even knew what that was.


I’m the real thing and I’ve grown up.


Step aside ugly white trash Midwestern whores pretending to be something special and funny.


You can’t sell me on your stinky shit even if you threw it out the window in a porcelain vase with your master’s morning piss.


“Pattow!” Thanks Native Minnesota brothers.


Thank you, you brought balance to the force. Pattow! In your faces. I discovered the truth about Midwestern white trash whores pretending to be bourgeois in the East Coast when in reality they’re simply nothing more than their grandparents’ blue-collar economic slave force. Incredible, how a little bit of information goes a long way. You’re no Beacon Hill, you’re trash and that’s all you’ll ever be here in the Midwest and any where you decide to run off to until the Universe brings balance to your bitter old maid worlds.






*) The stock market. Get over yourselves. The stock market is not a cheap slot machine. If you’re going to put your money down on a stock then you keep it there and you don’t pull out of her half way because she’s not some cheap Midwestern whore. The stock market is an East Coast Lady and you will treat her as such otherwise go home. You don’t know the stock market you only pretend to know how its run.


August 5, 2011


“A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.” - Mark Twain


“All experience is an arch, to build upon.” - Henry B. Adams


“All that I know I learned after I was thirty.” - Georges Clemenceau


“A woman's life can really be a succession of lives, each revolving around some emotionally compelling situation or challenge, and each marked off by some intense experience.” - Wallis Simpson


Happy Friday! (Hip-hip Hooray!)




{Oh, how I’ve fallen in love with a film by the titled of; “Aunt Mame". Wow. Talk about candy cinema, a storyline filled with adversity and classist obstacles.} I believe that every American ought to watch “Aunt Mame” as a basic fundamental cinematic 101 common ‘American experience’. Again, some women are only born once every thousand years.


Hello, it was truly a beautiful morning sky out there around 4:30am.


Well, shall I? Okay, I will.



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Compassion is a complex Tango that slowly brings about self awareness.


Compassion is knowledge that once humans are finished polluting The Earth; water, sky, land and other microcosms then game over. Go home. (You chopped all the rain forest trees down, ran oil rigs through rain forests and oceans and killed off all of the species co-existing on Earth.) We’ll say prayers for your dead.


Compassion is putting endangered species on endangered lists so that humans may become once again the kind guardians, siblings and caretakers of our ‘animal kingdom’.


Compassion is knowledge that pollution is human made along with other more stinky methods of methane producing factors either from plant or animal gasses.


Compassion is knowledge that if humans prostitute and starve their own species then most likely the leap of making animals and human children into commodities is not a far one.


Compassion is intelligence.


Compassion is not perfectionism.


Compassion is being able to deeply and soundly sleep at night.


Compassion is great food at a median lifestyle cost to citizens.


Compassion is not fast and cheap food that makes citizens fat and fatter by the minute.


Compassion is leaving the hormones, pesticides and leads out of citizens’ food and drinking water.


Compassion is saying “No!” to homelessness, prostitution and panhandlers.


Compassion is not prohibition; (otherwise let’s get rid of all liquor and beer.)

Right? Right.


Compassion is being direct in communication.


Compassion is not hoarding.


Compassion is not manipulating or bullying others into fulfilling deep egocentric needs for one’s own vanity.


Compassion is honesty even if it’s served brutal. (Thanks friend, I met him in seventh grade and he changed my life forever and still does. I never knew that truth could be so sweet served with a touch of brutal kindness. What an incredible human!)


Compassion is patience.


Compassion is kindness.


Compassion is gentleness.


Compassion is sincerity.


Compassion is not jealousy.


Compassion is not envy spitting green while she smiles at you face-to-face while she stabs you in the back repeatedly until there is no more breath of life to say one last prayer.


Compassion doesn’t sell you on anything. She only shares traditional oral storytelling skills.


Compassion presents many points of view, dimensions and circumstances not just one.


Compassion has many foes still yet many more friends.


Compassion has shared trials, tribulations and heart ache with the winds of storms.


Compassion may be stupidity but not craziness.


Compassion is not crazy like cruelty smelling of phoniness and self deceit with a touch of white trash pretending to be bourgeois.


Compassion is being able to say, “I’m sorry” and leave it at that.


Compassion is ‘goofy’ but not stupid.


Compassion is kind but not weak.


Compassion is making mistakes because you’re human.


Compassion is apologizing when you’ve created a great power struggle, social injustice and cruel prejudice from fear of failure never to amount to anything, not monetarily succeeding and emotional greed or afraid that you’re really not good enough as you probably ought to be in excellence, companionship and in leadership; spiritual gluttony so full of nothing that a human becomes a shallow and empty vessel. (Like the empty hull of a ship, gutted and disemboweled. Nothingness. The vessel may look pretty from the outside but the inside doesn’t even have any guts only more rotted ugliness. It’s a sad sight. Pity, really. Yet, most consider this ‘top drawer’.)


Compassion is a diamond in the rough. If you don’t know what rough is then you don’t know diamonds. Careful they do cut. Diamonds always do when you first handle a precious stone such as a diamond. If you run away scared from one little cut of your finger then most likely you’re not cut-out for a diamond only some cheap thin metal gold.


Compassion cares what happens today which will lead humans into a better future.


Compassion is innovation.


Compassion is not slavery.


Compassion is not immaturity.


Compassion is not a science it’s an act of random kindness.


Compassion is making mistakes through a creative, analytical and critical thinking process.


Compassion is getting up and scrubbing pebbles from your knees, elbows and hands when you get road rash.


Compassion is watching out for everyone not just yourself, your self-interests and your needs to fulfill self-centeredness, egotism and selfishness to think that the Universe revolves around you.


Compassion is a survivalist even when her best dress gets torn through a storm, a flood and a jungle floor or her best pair of high heels break and her hair do is a mess from ghastly outdoor winds. Nothing is sexier than a woman who can hold her own through the nature.


Compassion is savvy-ness never to use your power against another out of sheer self loathing, ugliness and conceit.


Compassion can genuinely and honesty give-out a heartfelt compliment without fishing for a compliment of her own.


Compassion can cook and clean.


Compassion is responsibility.


Compassion is focused, full of clarity and profound ideas.


Compassion is solitude and time to think.


Compassion is.


Compassion is taking every day as it comes.


Compassion isn’t boredom - its relaxation.


Compassion is knowing how to tackle and sail against the winds of time, adversity and cruelty.


Compassion is challenge in life.


Compassion is never giving up.


Compassion is looking at dead ends as opportunities to go beyond the call of duty.


Compassion is silence.


Compassion is not a shark.


Compassion is growing up.


Compassion is never kicking a fellow when he’s down.


Compassion is never vulgar.


Compassion is laughter.


Compassion is you.


Compassion is seeing a mouse run across the floor of a snooty food establishment and instead of screaming and wanting to jump-up on top of a counter she kept her composure and didn’t yell “mouse!” in public because she knew better than to upset the established order.


I had to keep myself from running out of that establishment yesterday. Wow, are we back to the dark ages of Europe’s history? I miss Texan food.


Compassion stopped whispering a long time ago when the first human was murdered by another human.


I’ve always liked the idea of a foghorn.


Pura Vida.

Signing off for the weekend.





P.S. I love Texas with my whole heart. I actually feel safer in Texas than I do in Minnesota believe it or not as an Indian. I just do. I love my Texan brothers and sisters. I’ll make it out there for rattle snake hunting season and your beautiful wild flowers. I, too, loved what Lady Bird Johnson did for the ‘litterbugs’ of America. She was truly onto something, wasn’t she? What a classy lady! How eccentric of her to go after a ‘littering’ campaign in American in her time rather than trying to draw attention to her face without a cause.


For our brothers and sisters dealing with floods, heavy rains, extreme heat and any extreme weather; my simple, ‘dorky’ and ‘goofy’ Maya prayers are with you as we enter this weekend. My prayers are always with you and always will be because that’s the human I was conditioned to become. A soft hearted human with a tough and rough shell to crack.


‘You’re a diamond in the rough’ and those aren’t even my words those were his words and I sat silently trying not to suck up any air from the room because the compliment was too great for me to even move a single muscle for as long as I could. I was astonished. I could see him in his full beauty and glory completely in that moment. I’d never considered myself much less a pebble in my entire life. ‘You’re the diamond and never forget it.’ I sat beside myself and bewildered. I began to slightly tremble. I don’t get many compliments nor do I go around fishing for compliments but when they’ve been given they’ve left me breathless and I’ve been humbled to the center of my core. Thank you.


Americans, may you relax, chill out and enjoy the time that you have amongst loved ones, family, friends and friends-of-friends. May Americans learn to laugh once more in spite of all of the adversity we’ve been facing each and every day on our streets. Love. No, NOT free love, rather one love. Human love, otherwise. I’d hate to consider the alternatives which are many more dark, sinister, shallow and destructive ones.


August 4, 2011


“One death is a tragedy; one million is a statistic.” - Joseph Stalin


Gratitude is a sickness suffered by dogs.” - Joseph Stalin


“A sincere diplomat is like dry water or wooden iron.” - Joseph Stalin


“Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.” - Joseph Stalin


“Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas.” - Joseph Stalin


(No, I’m not a communist. I’m leaning more and more towards socialism.)


Happy Thursday! (Yes, I’m getting this date and day down right. Yes!)




“I wouldn’t send a dying dog to them” referred an 85-year old Minnesota Finn elder.


She was talking about never sending any currency again to any third world country in need. Her mission guild group got swindled for years by a third world orphanage. I think that experience more than left a sour taste in her mouth and her peers as well for that matter.


For years my elder and her mission guild group ladies had been sending money to a third world country orphanage and they received the most beautiful letters and pictures from an orphan child, whom unknown to them the child had grown up and moved away from the orphanage. Ah, the world of swindlers!


When the ladies discovered this sham for a lie, they pulled all of their funding and economical contributions from this third world country orphanage and I thought ‘served them right’. ‘I wouldn’t send a dying dog to them’ to any third world country orphanage either.


Americans, do not feel guilty about the 29,000 Somali children under five years of age who’ve died under the Al Shabab youth Somali militia and their tyrannical regime.


No, Americans do not feel guilty this is not the Americans doing. Nope.


Now, the levy system in New Orleans that’s different that’s our American problem but the poor starving children of Somalia is not our American doing and frankly neither our political or economical problem to solve. It never was and it never will be no matter how strong a preacher man or a newspaper man or a singing man may sell it to you.


Now, before you go calling me a cunt or a bitch let’s get a few things straight.


Yes, let us pray for our brothers and sisters in need, but this is not an American responsibility especially Americans who are barely making by in today’s economy. Americans, do not allow yourselves to be easily manipulated into becoming deeply entangled in a web of economical guilt towards famine-death about a country that most of you can’t even seem to find on a map. Nope.


Humans have been dying from famine and starvation in droves since the beginning of time. This is nothing new - it’s just that it’s easier to sensationalize famine and starvation and sell newspapers in the name of the starving Somali children. It’s very easy to manipulate Americans into feeling bad about starving children in Africa - it’s always been easy.


No one can; nor will any one sell starving Somali children to me because last week’s newspaper on-line layout had a picture of a starving Somali child next to a happy meal.


See, you lost the power and authority to convey something meaningful through something cheap. The Somali children drove that used car out of the used car parking lot while the used car sales man waved them goodbye. Sorry. Your loss not mine. You’re selling sensationalism to the good hardworking Americans but not me. Not, me. Not, I. Not here.


Careful, think critically not emotionally because critical thinking is true compassion and kindness to the core. Compassion and kindness means not to be a sucker especially in this day in age.


Americans, starving Somali children are not for us to feel guilty about. This Somali famine and starvation has been going on long before today. The newspapers weren’t reporting much of anything until people started to die off in droves then it became news worthy. Don’t sell me your stinky shit. Not here and not today.


Remember; A whole bunch of celebrities had the gull to stand up before the world and sing, “We are the world… we are the children.” Remember that campaign? What the hell ever happened to that little singing campaign? Oh, wouldn’t the Americans just love to give it a kick in the ass. What a horrible lie.


This Somali starvation and famine isn’t anything new and no matter how many American dollars in donation you throw at this problem most likely the people who most need the food and the currency won’t get it anyway. It’s a sad realization but a good one to make when you’re critically thinking.


No, I’m not a cold hearted bitch.


Actually I’ve been keeping my Somali brothers and sisters in my Maya prayers to the Gods for over two decades.


I pray for you - Somali brothers and sisters every day of my life because I hold you close and dear to my heart. How could I not? I’m human I feel deeply for any starving children of the world yet my direct point is this; the world of money and currency is corrupt and relief efforts are a huge money making industry no different than the educational system in American. Education is big business in America and now Britain, too. The sad thing is that our young American adults get stupider by the minute so where does that leave Americans (another blog for another day)?


The lack of Somali government and militia youth must control their famine and starvation. If the militia youth of Somalia want to show the world that they are mature, grown adults and concerned for their citizens well being and that they can make adult decisions without greed, genocide and murder then by all means show us that you’re not little boys in dresses. Show the world that you can take the reins and lead your team of sled dogs down difficult desert terrain. Show us what you’ve got for a progressive leadership otherwise you’re no different than any other tyrant who came before you.


Somali militia youth; Shame on you and your grandmothers - these ladies must be rolling in their graves as so are the 29,000 babies under the age of five who you’ve murdered and thrown into the pits of genocide just as the Nazis did before you.


Militia youth and any other governmental officials who came before you will suffer in a Muslim hell. How dare you be so despicable in the face of Allah? How dare you spit in the face of Allah. Allah is coming for you and your hell will be to lie in your graves next to the 29,000 babies under the age of five for eternity. Allah will eat you alive. That is our only restitution as the rest of the world watches in horror of your lies, manipulation, greed and murder. Allah will eat your fucking souls out and you know it.


What! Do you really think that there is no money in Africa and in the Middle East to help out the Somalis? Please. It’s not a band wagon that Americans ought to be jumping on when our own children, adults and elderly starve on the streets of America.


Americans ought not to jump on any band-aid relief effort band wagons.


No! Step back way back with your empty and shallow guilty economical demands on Americans. Step way over your socio-political and socio-economical propaganda line. Americans have been contributing to the world at large for 250 years plus. Chew on that for a while.


Americans it is time to no longer feel bad and guilty about the horrible decisions that other countries governments make for their citizens just as our American government does to its people. When will there be an artistic socio-political socio-economical campaign to save the poor starving children of America? JUST KIDDING! We’re too proud for that shit and you know it. We try to take care of our own and we’ll continue to try in doing so.


Don’t give me any bullshit not today because it’s simply just not compassionate anyway you look at it just like it wouldn’t be compassionate to send a dying dog to anyone even if they could eat the meat off the bones it wouldn’t save them and you know it, I know it and the rest of the world knows it so let’s be compassionate and not lie to one another about starvation, famine and Nazi Regimes around the world.


No, I’m not easily excitable, but I’m politically passionate like any Europanos who've ever taught me to be politically charged based on the guests’ discussion not the host’s political preference around any dinner table with a little vino y maravilloso queso.


Chill everybody, chill.


Stop chocking the Americans with your propaganda because they’re about to gag all over your expensive shoes.




Why is everybody so mad about on the streets of Minnesota other than the obvious?


I saw a black American youth in his mid twenties place garbage into a garbage can twice yesterday and I fell in love with America all over again.


It’s been seven years since I’ve seen one grown black man place garbage into a garbage can rather than on the ground. I was beside myself. I thought I could cry a little water droplet but I didn’t. Not in public, not ever again will I ever shed a tear for myself or for America even when one of your black flussies tried to pry open my emotions while in public.


Why is any truth so painful it drives a steak through the heart of kindness?




P.S. Yes, I have yet to try truffles even though they’ve been offered many times. I’ve been snubbed at for not recognizing a truffle from an ass. Even though our Missouri relatives have their wild pig boars that go in search of truffles in the forests. I should go out with those guys sometime and look for truffles. Chew on that for a while. Ah, the boredom of elitism in America. I’m yawing over here. I don’t know what to tell you.


Oh, I guess you can have food deliveries now days. I’m researching to see if there are non-conglomerate organic certified (pesticide / lead free) food deliveries. I’m sick of a mean-spirited and bad mannered for American brats. I think about many possible ways of having very little to no interaction with the general public of Americans. Americans are not entitled to anything except an attitude adjustment.


Right now I’m trying to boycott Minnesota restaurants, farmers markets and coffee shops hopefully until December 21st, 2012 simply because American-Minnesotans have a-great-big-old-chip on their shoulders about everything they’re mad about. I can’t justify placing my hard earned money on any counters right now when people have an edge to them and they’re mean because they’re mad. Simple, right? Right. Simple solutions to mean-spirited problems.


Friends, friends I’ve got. Friends, you’ll never know about. Truly, I don’t need any more friends - I’m 34-years old. And if I make new friends it’ll be years before I really get to know them as it is with anything worth of value - it takes time. Get it through your heads that when I’m in public I’m not looking to make friends. I’ve got friends that are worth more than all of the gold within all of the Universes combined simply because they’re humane, kind and intelligent.


If I’m going to drop currency on counters then it’s because I want to help stimulate the economy even though the American banking system ruined America and the government bailed them out still yet the banks hiked up interests without warning to the good hardworking Americans. The American banks are run by bastards so Americans walk around mad and angry at one another instead of getting mad and angry at the banks and the government for putting them in such a horrible situation.


I don’t believe in revolution, but I’ve been reading about the French Revolution and I think, ‘what did you think was going to happen?’ The French squeezed the people out of a horrible hardworking life and the monarchy had to flee for their lives. These aren’t my words this is simply what happened in the French Revolution - the people revolted because they were hungry, tired, mad and ready for change. See? Know history then you’ll know the present which will lead us into the future.


Mad, I’m not mad. I’m disappointed in this America of ours. I thought we were better than an attitude adjustment. Do not live in fear.


Every Minnesotan ought to read Upton Sinclair. I feel bad for the guy. Unlike Upton Sinclair I love Minnesota yet he despised his own. He hated Minnesota with the fierce fire of his soul. What did you guys do to him that he hated your behavior so much? He’s one of your own and I don’t know what to tell you but Mr. Upton Sinclair thought Minnesota was that scum of the Earth. Holy, he was mad at you guys and probably rightly so. Even the Amish of Minnesota are rude at the farmers market. What does that tell you about American culture? A lot.






American black brothers and sisters; If you’re travelling through the urban cities of the United States of America with your pants falling off, bad odor, bad hair, swearing and a ghetto attitude of littering... Go home. Nobody cares that you’re so ill adjusted. Go home to your dirty homes. I’ve been in them and you know it.


African Americans; you make the beautiful landscape stink with your ugly attitudes and ugly behavior, so does your Caucasian American brothers and sisters with their shallow elitism - Newsflash for you, no one cares that you exist - no one cares whether you live or die like the Somali starving babies because you’ve not contributed anything worth of value to our social justice system so it doesn’t matter if you live or die - you take and take yet you don’t give back no matter how much lip service you’d like to make in rhythmic patterns of nonsensical gibber jabber you call crap rap.


Give me time. I’ll write rap that’ll have you swiveling on your ass. You don’t know rap unless you know the history of words and it seems that you’ve lost touch with the beautiful history of any literary language much less an oral traditional style. Nope. You, too, can’t sell me shit not today.


Go home and stay there. American EDUCATED culture’s got this one.


No, no one respects rude black and white uneducated people when you’re pants are falling off and you carry a sense of entitlement because you think you’re all that when you prove to be worth nothing in a crippling culture and economy that needs all of the low income brothers and sisters cooperating and contributing rather than sucking up all the air for welfare free.


Every animal has to work for their living so start working in a taxable sort of way. Selling your women on the streets is not legal yet. I know-I know the politicians buy your beautiful black women for an hour of sex but it doesn’t mean that it’s legal yet even if the entire Legislature and House got off on an hour of your ‘flussies’.


Yeah, I’m raging furious mad at the black and white whores of the world; You will not enter my domain ever again for as long as I live or your young will be abolished from the face of this Earth as the Classic Aztec were abolished for being cannibals.


That’s not a threat. I don’t have to do anything. Blacks kill blacks. Simple equation. Black young low income aren’t making it and you know it. It’s a fact. I just have to sit back and watch your young pretend to be courteous, ‘white-elite’ cultured and educated when you know better and you know that I know better. It’s in the blacks social and physical intricacies that gives them away as ghetto black rather than white educated humanitarian elite. You don’t even know what that is so don’t pretend.


The white whores aren’t any better. White whores pretending to be Madonna-whores and it’s been explained to me that a Madonna-whore is just the same as any other whore.


Chew on that for a while.


Do not allow for black and white ghetto whores to enter your homes and make friends with you hardworking Americans or they will take from you what does not belong to them. They will take your manners, your identity and your beliefs where they have none.


You shall not enter here. You shall not trespass or you will die like vampires bleeding to death upon my thresh hold. You are a cursed people and you shall not pass here. You think I’m being dramatic? You invite a whore into your life and believe in them until the truth about them comes out. You’d be appalled at their every movement and their every breath is a lie rather than a prayer.


You can set down a billion dollar whore in front of me and I know the minute she walks into any room what she is and where she comes from no matter how much you may dress her up like a doll.


I’ve got you by the balls.


I can tell a whore on any street any time of the day or night.


You can’t sell me that shit either.


I’ve met smarter and kinder kids who don’t pretend to be kind but actually are kind while a whore’s kids tries to pretend to be what they’re not. Kindness is a type of intelligence that either a kid has it or doesn’t.


I don’t personally have anything against the African American black brothers and sisters, but I do against their whores.


African Americans have had 250 years to prove yourselves since slavery and instead you prostitute your own and you drink your lives away pretending that you’ll become rich and famous through rap music someday. Empty and shallow lives lead to empty and shallow deaths forgotten and dismissed by humanity. Ah, the truth is so painful sometimes and yet so kind.


Black brothers, it’s so mid-90’s gay to let your pants sag. You know it, I know it and we all know it to be ugly. That train passed you by. That boat sailed away without you on it. Bon voyage. You never got to see Africa after all. Become men, grow up and wear belts.


I’m being compassionate I’m sharing an aspect of American culture that no one seems to want to address much less the politicians; prostitution.


August 3, 2011


“Football is a game played with arms, legs and shoulders but mostly from the neck up.” - Knute Rockne


“A coach's greatest asset is his sense of responsibility - the reliance placed on him by his players.” - Knute Rockne


 “At home we're the hosts, and I never liked the idea of being embarrassed in front of our friends.” - Knute Rockne


“Most men, when they think they are thinking, are merely rearranging their prejudices.” - Knute Rockne


Happy Wednesday!




Beautiful, incredible and sincere people of the world, wow! It’s Wednesday dusk here in the Midwest.


What can I say?

Much but I won’t tonight. I have a date with a cute geek guy mi Esposo.


I’m wishing you an amazing night as you go about your lives, do a little home-cooking with great ingredients and much creativity, break bread with each other and relax. The day is almost over for many Americans and 3rd shift will soon begin for many Americans making serious sacrifices for their families and their well being. Hooray!


Opa! To the Americans and their future. To the Americans and their future.


The more the Americans discover their historical melting pot of heritages then the more this Nation will become peaceful, caring, participatory and intelligent. As Americans in many ways culture lost its way, but culture is never lost; Culture is exactly where it’s meant to be even if it’s taken 100 feet back rather than an innovative 100 feet forward. Find your heritages, Americans and you’ll discover the present which can only lead the Americans to our glorious and hopeful National future.


What is it about African American slavery that holds American innovation, science, math and societal culture back by two hundred and fifty years of hurt? When I discover the root of the cause in the entitlement of attitude and deceit within the history of Black and White Americans then you won’t be able to sell me on your insolence, harshness and cheating the other out of great futures.


Americans, we have difficult work to do and lots of it. Rome is crumbling yet it has not yet come to seize to exist. I know because I heard a little Asian-American girl tell her little sister that her actions were “lovely”. I believed in the Universe of men all over again in that tender moment. She was lovely for saying so to her sister. What a splendid and magnificent role model citizen. I believed in America all over again. I fall in love with America every day even though it has the tendency to want to break many hearts from sheer cynicism, a patronizing tone and shallow entitlement.


Cheers to you and yours!


Cheers to us and ours!


Cheers to those we’ve lived amongst the Sardinian Italians, the Moscow Russians, the South Koreans, the Japanese, the Swedes, the Finns, the Costa Ricans, the Germans, the Austrians, the Swiss, the French, the French Canadians, the Spanish of Barcelona, the Greek, the Americans, the Ethiopians, the Zulu, the Maya, the Ojibwa, the Jews, the Somali, the Moroccans, the Mexicans, the Pilipino and the Dutch. Ole! I pray for your safety and Nations every day of my life. Thank you for teaching me your societal-cultural ways towards a peaceful and balanced life. Thank you.


PEACE Everybody.


Chill out and sit down to a little supper.




P.S. I had a little taste of NYC in the form of Vietnamese soup today. Oh, the memories that came rushing back at me as I laughed out loud and snorted like a little piggy while my husband explained to me 4-H and how he was a participant of a 4-H parade float as a kid. It was the funniest thing I’ve ever heard him talk about. I loved it. I’ve never been, I don’t believe to the Minnesota State Fair. I’ve driven by it but never gone into the mouth of the lion. We’ll see if I make it this year. Normally, it’s too hot outside. I’m told the food is 99% of the experience. I’ve been to the Renaissance Festival twice in my life and there I discovered turkey legs. Oh, my goodness.


If there were turkey leg food trucks in downtown Minneapolis just like hotdog stands in NYC then I’d pull over on my skateboard and set down my hard earned money on those truck metal counters. Cheers.


I think on the menu for tonite we have scrambled tofu mock dock with scrambled organic certified roam-free range-free chicken eggs and organic root beer to cool down a hot dusk night of hand lawn mowing. What a day! A lot happened today and it’s not over yet, we’re slowly creating a rough cut to a feature about food and well, how splendid for us.


August 2, 2011


“It takes people a long time to learn the difference between talent and genius, especially ambitious young men and women.” - Louisa May Alcott


“Conceit spoils the finest genius. There is not much danger that real talent or goodness will be overlooked long; even if it is, the consciousness of possessing and using it well should satisfy one, and the great charm of all power is modesty.” - Louisa May Alcott


“Do the things you know, and you shall learn the truth you need to know.” - Louisa May Alcott


“Good books, like good friends, are few and chosen; the more select, the more enjoyable.”

- Louisa May Alcott


Happy Tuesday!




Wow, the days are flying by. I saw a shooting star yesterday morning around 4:30am even through cloudiness and dense morning humidity.


How’s everybody doing out there? Everybody, okay? Do you have a little food, water and some shelter? I hope so.


So, Compassion I’ve been challenged to write about the subject of compassion for one whole month.


Source from Wikipedia


Compassion (from Latin: "co-suffering") is a virtue — one in which the emotional capacities of empathy and sympathy (for the suffering of others) are regarded as a part of love itself, and a cornerstone of greater social interconnection and humanism — foundational to the highest principles in philosophy, society, and personhood.


I do have to agree that compassion is one of the highest principles in philosophy that leads to kindness in society and to maturity in personhood.


Nevertheless, I don’t believe that the subject of compassion can even begin to be addressed as a subject matter without knowing its antonym; coldness.


I believe that coldness is public misinformation about any subject matter.


I believe that coldness is the withholding of public information.


I see coldness as an elitist attitude towards others while they suffer at the hand of that elitism.


I believe that coldness is pretending to be classy and sophisticated when it’s obvious that you have none.


Coldness can be attributed to popular thought and dire outcomes.


Coldness can be the cruelty of signaling anyone out by simply holding personal prejudices against those which are different from any control group.


Coldness is prejudice combined with cruelty and judgment by popular demand.


Coldness is economic slavery.


Coldness is a lack of planning.


Coldness is a crumbling infrastructure.


Coldness is illiteracy.


Coldness is hunger.


Coldness is an unwavering ability to change course for the greater good of all.


Coldness is not being able to take responsibility for decisions, actions and consequences therefore blaming and backstabbing others.


Coldness is racism, age-ism, gender bias, sexual orientation bias and oppression.


Coldness is making another into a piece of meat.


Coldness is making people and animals into commodities.


Coldness is selling someone on something they don’t want or need.


Coldness is watching others suffer and contributing to their suffering by standing by without solutions, no voice and fear of what an ‘authority’, peers and contemporaries will think of an individual if they think and act differently than mediocre thoughts, actions and deeds.


Coldness is not willing to address the difficulties in racism, classism and prejudices.


Coldness is masturbating and urinating in public.


Coldness is not teaching culture about modern chivalry.


Coldness is sexism.


Coldness is cops beating citizens.


Coldness is billions of dollars distributed in bonuses while employees at the bottom rung suffer and can’t place their children in safe daycares, much less parents who sacrifice and go without medical attention and a high standard of nutritional value so that their children can have a little bit of a good life.


Coldness is dirtiness.


Coldness is untidiness.


Coldness is a cruel process of confusing others who can’t or won’t intelligently decipher through information.


Coldness is thinking that you’re better than anyone else because you think the worth of your image is more valuable than the worth of another’s soul, situation and lot in life.


Coldness is lying.


Coldness is stealing.


Coldness is cheating another out of their life.


Coldness is having and needing to have your ego stroked.


Coldness is mediocrity.


Coldness is being afraid to question the status quo.


Coldness is not being able to suck it up and be mature in public.


Coldness is being greedy.


Coldness is inconsideration, mindlessness and thoughtlessness.


Coldness is human shallowness.


Coldness is crying wolf and pretending to be injured.


Coldness is war.


Coldness is a state of mind that can be reversed if you choose to do so.


Coldness is homelessness in any societal culture.


Coldness is unemployment.


Coldness is overlooking the good for the bad every time.


Coldness is covering up incompetence with arrogance and stupidity.


Coldness is not wanting to face adulthood and maturity.


Coldness is a bad plan gone from worse to rotten.


Coldness is making others believe that it’s not your fault when it really is while putting the blame on more docile and kinder people.


Coldness is dropping the ball when in leadership and blaming your workers for not catching it for you.


Coldness is bullying.


Coldness is a former boss who tells you that you look like a monkey and that’s why you’re an Indian because all Indians look like monkeys. Didn’t you know that? I didn’t. (Yes, I have the license in all of the Universes to write about this.) I don’t need your permission.


Coldness is continuous talking and never taking a breath to listen.


Coldness is coldness and your whole body shutters at the sight of a cold hearted human without a soul.


Coldness is a belief that it’s always somebody else’s responsibility to make things work.


Coldness is irresponsibility for your responsibilities.


Coldness is cockiness without a reason to show off.


Coldness is taking your favorite aspects of many religions and only living partially according to your religions’ favorite candy flavored saliva.


Coldness is not being open minded.


Coldness is being easily persuaded to go against the wellness of a group dynamic.


Coldness is attention seeking.


Coldness is shallowness.


Coldness is laziness.


Coldness is pretending to be better than you really are.


Coldness is manipulating kindness for cruelty.


Coldness is any double standard.


Coldness is fear of everything especially your own shadow.


Coldness is insecurity, boredom and without a purpose.


Coldness is boring.


Coldness is only thinking black or white.


Coldness is not considering the many shades of grey.


Coldness means not stating what’s on your mind yet pouting about it.


Coldness is ‘character assassination’.


Coldness is playing the victim to your own lives.


Coldness is passive aggressiveness that doesn’t care to address injustices nor gets mad at obvious and blunt mistakes placed on others.


Coldness is never having an open mind towards theories, ideas and thoughts very different from your own.


Coldness is thinking and believing that you’re right about everything without knowing the cause and effect behind difficult decisions.


Coldness is bragging that you’re going to do something for years but then you never do anything towards setting goals towards a tangible outcome.


Coldness is cold. (Bring a coat, mittens and a scarf along with you.)


I could go on but I won’t.




Now, in the month to come I’ll keep adding to this list and begin a course in writing about and with compassion. What a beautiful challenge.


You’re quite aware that I can write while I juggle and spitfire, but are you aware that I, too, can write with kindness, forgiveness and compassion? Maybe, and again I don’t need a gold star sticker to know that I have done great things in this life towards the safety, compassion and justice towards others especially those who greatly suffered. I already made it in America. I don’t have anything else to prove except to keep improving. I’m a lady with a strong literary voice. No, I don’t need you to pet me on the head or back and feed me a cookie - I’m too East Coast for that type of stupidity.




AUGUST 1, 2011


“I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.” - Kurt Cobain


Happy Monday!




(At the end of my day.)


(Corrections; ESL BLOG (English as a Second Language): Disclaimer; I’m not a journalist, I’m not trying to become a journalist nor do I care to be one. Get it? I do.


                              I simply write as I was taught by the very best; they taught me the greatest playbook moves in the stratagem of American Football.


                              I still have no idea what’s going on in the game of American football nor do I pretend to know but I’m working on it and when I get it I’m going to write about American football like it were a great Russian-American ballet; what a pair!




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‘ELECTROMAGNETIC PULSE’; (I don’t make this stuff up. I had no idea what EMP was until this morning) (Please look it up; ‘The Washington Times’ (Correction; from “Post” to “Times”; has articles on this subject).


Special Informational Bulletin: In the last year (Correction; November 2010 and January 2011) the Chinese Government launched ‘Electromagnetic Pulse’ submarine missiles 30-MILES off of the Gulf of Mexico and the Coast of California.


*) Eric predicts that the next EMP submarine missile launch will be 30-miles off of the American East Coast. If you have “Tube” radios, then how amazing for you. (I don’t even know what a “Tube” radio is but I will soon find out this technology.) Lovely.


If the Chinese decide to take the United States of America back to the dark ages, then I greatly fear for the Chinese People and their well being. I fear greatly that there will be a hole on the Earth the size of China in its place. Please be careful. No, I’m not being paranoid, I’m being human friendly.


Information belongs to the Citizens of the United State of America otherwise we’re like Cuba and China. I don’t think so. Americans are too educated for that.


                    Come on! Corporate American News Outlets, catch up!


          Corporate American News Outlets are being left in the dust by International News.


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                   The Washington Times

                    (Correction; from “Post” to “Times”)

Posted at 08:17 AM ET, 07/22/2011

U.S. intelligence analysts speculated on China’s use of electromagnetic radiation on Taiwan

By Jason Ukman


Speaking of Taiwan, a newly disclosed U.S. intelligence assessment describes American concerns that China might be developing sophisticated weapons to zap the self-governing island’s electronics, or perhaps to use against an American aircraft carrier in the Taiwan Strait.


The 2005 assessment by the National Ground Intelligence Center, part of the Army’s Intelligence and Security Command, details China’s experimentation with electromagnetic pulse and high-power microwave weapons, either of which could theoretically be used to shut down the communications systems and other electronics in Taiwan.

The report, obtained by the National Security Archive, an independent non-governmental research group, said that Chinese researchers had been conducting tests on animals with the technology but that the “real purpose was to investigate potential human effects of exposure to these specific radiations.”

Three years ago, James J. Shinn, a senior U.S. defense official, warned of China’s development of electromagnetic pulse weapons, telling a House committee that China was known to be working on related technology. The United States “could be in a very bad place if the Chinese enhanced their capability in this area,” he said at the time.

Unlike an electromagnetic pulse weapon (EMP), which could deliver a burst of energy similar to that produced by a nuclear blast, a high-power microwave weapon (HPM) would produce a narrower but still powerful beam of energy.

The United States and other governments have long worked to perfect high-power microwave technology.

The problem, experts say, is that it’s been difficult to make the weapons both safe and effective. An HPM device would have a range of only a few hundred yards; weaponry that was designed to have a greater range could effectively set the atmosphere on fire.


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*) Debt Ceiling; Personally, I’m not happy about the debt ceiling having to be raised. NO SIR! I’m not happy about it in any way, shape or form. Raising the debt ceiling in America only seems like a band aid option because our politicians backed themselves up between a corner and a hard place due to our freshmen ‘Modern GOP’ and ‘Modern Tea Party’ who don’t seem to know the rules to political baseball. It’s the most boring political game of baseball I’ve ever sat through and I’m not raising my vegan fiber pompoms at anything because frankly, there is nothing to cheer for on the American corporate-humanitarian sidelines. “Go 'Meanness'!” (I don’t think so. We cheer for the Gentlemen not the ‘boys’ who punch the American People in the face, pull hair, kick, bite and try to destroy his opponents without the finesse of knowing how to play ball fairly.)


Nope. I believe in ‘Captain America’. That’s why I liked Mr. Wellstone. He was physically one of the tinniest men I’d ever looked square in the face eye-to-eye and thought, ‘What a genuinely nice man’. I could leave you crying with my impressions of Mr. Wellstone but not here and not today; not on this page, not now.


Raising the debt ceiling is like saying, ‘okay, American Government, you can’t pay off on your credit cards so we’ll just raise that debt ceiling so you don’t default on your bills.’ What type of precedence and example does that set for the rest of the American Nation and the rest of the World? If, I were the president of the United States (thankfully, I’m not) and I was on the House Floor, I would ‘LICK’ the ‘Modern GOP’ and ‘Modern Tea Party’ in a good old fashion American baseball way (hit a homerun Mr. President and The House). Raising the debt ceiling and cutting spending on government programming will only take America into an economical crisis well into 2013-2014. Thank you. (Corrections.)


Wow, the ‘Classic Mayas’ prophecies are coming true after all and I thought I was going to be able to party like a quiet and sober ‘rock star’ over in the corner on December 21st, 2012 but it doesn’t seem like that’ll be happening. Please, don’t raise the debt ceiling not in today’s playbook Monday August 1st, 2011, maybe on Friday’s playbook but not today’s.


Bring home the troops, which, is costing American lives, lost income and more international hatred from the global community. You know it, I know it and we all know it. Even Americans are starting to get murdered in Costa Rica (Correction; from “kidnapped” to “murdered”). What does that tell you about the World?


A lot.


The American Nation is going to hell in a hand basket.


Aren’t there any more allies left in the World?


Is America simply a freak show for the rest of the World to watch in complete happiness as the ‘Titanic’ goes down?


Shame on you World!


Where are your grandmothers?


The Americans have helped out the World in every and which of many possible ways and you know that to be the truth - the French will tell you.


Why is it that when the Sleeping GIANT goes down then the global community is ready to get their popcorn and watch it on the big screen?


Shame on the World!


If America goes down then the rest of the World goes down with it.


Yes, the American ‘Roman Empire’ is crumbling but it doesn’t mean that it has collapse by any means.


Yes, and America is crumbling from the inside because we’re full of self-hatred, lost touch with our souls, bad manners and arrogance. Yes, we’re a stupid young Nation but not without some Forefathers’ power that they left behind. Know your historical constitution then you’ll know our global future. America is in shackles right now.


Please, global communities don’t hate the good hardworking American people, because they suffer as much as the rest of you do out there in the World.


Our American government and our American people are not the same nor equal.


Did you know that China dropped nuclear ‘EMP missiles’ 30-miles off of the shores of the United States recently in the last year (Correction; from “month” to “year”) on November 2010 and January 2011 from their EMP nuclear submarines just to see if they could? Can we say Pearl Harbor? Yes, indeed we can.


The American Government and National Corporate News Outlets are not reporting this Chinese nuclear submarine ‘dare devil’ because seriously we’re getting our ‘cans’ ‘licked’ overseas.


America doesn’t have a strong army and navy on our shores to protect our good hardworking American citizens.


Bring HOME our wounded troops!


This is all that I can say to the Chinese Government, 'Hiroshima'.


If the Chinese Government decides to play ‘dare devil’ with the American shoreline be quite prepared to be sent home in body bags and no, that’s not a threat. That’s a reality. We have Samurai warriors for citizens. You will not invade our shores because the American citizens will cut off your heads in one masterful swoop of our swords. China, be quite prepared to be fought with every last breath. The beauty of the Americas is that America has the Mayas backing them up. The ‘Indians’ (Politically Correct or not piss off) are on the corner of the Americans and that is power that you don’t even know about. Step back way back over the line that you trespass upon. No!


This American giant has fallen over but he isn’t dead by any means.


If the global community thinks that they can start pecking at the good hardworking American people then you have another thing coming.


You haven’t seen power yet until you’ve seen a wounded animal in the forest and if it’s going down then be quite well prepared to go down with it and it’ll be ugly.


No! Step back Chinese Government with your poor humanitarian laws, cruelty and your carbon dioxide from your Industrial Revolution. America’s been there, done that and now we’ve moved into something far more profitable than your Chinese Industrial Revolution.


The INTERNET. Freedom of Expression, Freedom of Speech and a Free Market are far more profitable than Industrial anything. Thank you American Government for such a lovely gift to the American People.


“Pattow!” As the Native brother says here in Minnesota. “Pattow!” To all of you. Can you tell I’ve had one cup of shade grown, certified organic and fairly traded coffee this morning? Sure, you can.


I’m not a ‘pissed-off Japanese Minnow Farmer’. No, I’m a pissed-off Feminist Republican Maya American. Do you know the difference? There isn’t one. And I’m still laughing.


Americans, grab a chair, sit down and have a great breakfast and some strong coffee this morning and let’s get to work. Hardworking, kind and level headed Americans are the wave of the future. Make some waves, ‘guys’ not against our own people but against a system that fails its people time and time again.


As for the American ‘Modern GOP’ and ‘Modern Tea Party’ have you heard of a little thing called The Treaty of Versailles? Who’s running the United States of America? The Nazis? I don’t think so. Step aside Americans are not cannibals and we don’t eat our young.




I have nothing more to say about this.




P.S. My husband and I fought this weekend because he was concerned for my well being.


I’ve decided to boycott all live and disco-tech musica in America until December 21st, 2012.


A stranger and white (Caucasian) jock male in his late twenties approached me on Friday night on a dance floor in the Northeast clean Russian Orthodox section of Minneapolis and said to me and another stranger he pulled into the conversation, “Tell him - tell him how we’ve fucked fifteen times tonight.” I responded. “Tell me - tell me how you two fucked fifteen times tonight.”


I was ready to throw the first punch if I had to and spiritually castrate the young powerless NOT a ‘fool of a Took’ but rather a Republican troll posing as a hobbit. Losers. Posers. White kids posing as Black kids. Go back to your roots and stay there. I’ll come back to you with some serious words and considerations. Boycott mean-spirited musica because it's hitting the Americans below the belt.


Republican trolls are taking over the American Government, corporate news outlets and private corporations and corporately privately run banks; taking over our cultural social justice system and dance floors of America. “Let the motherfucker burn!” (That’s a lyric from a song, not my own words.) What a vulgar little American culture with its vulgar little boys in diapers.


Society did that injustice to Culture. Either their grandmothers hated their own children because they were a disgrace or the children hated their mothers because they were strict, honorable and disciplined to do good in the World. (Hey, just like “Indiana Jones”; the Baby Boomers’ and the Greatest Generation’s deepest and most hidden obstacle of self loathing. No wonder they were so passively aggressively cruel towards each other and in turn their children.) I can’t seem to figure it out. Rhetorically.


I try not to look at Americans in the Face because I can’t seem to be able to trace their grandmothers on their faces. It seems as though Americans Black and White have been abandoned or have runaway. Who knows? Tragic. Americans, pray to your Ancestors, because they’re rolling in their graves just watching you carry around chips on your shoulders. Are you truly wounded or not in every way possible because if you’re not then you’re just crying wolf and looking for attention. There’s nothing more annoying than that in the whole world and a thief amongst many of other behaviors.


Why, is it that in America a woman can’t safely dance by herself when musica is the most sacred aspect of cultural soul we have left?


White kids trying to be Black kids; don’t you know that Black kids have a chip on their shoulders because they think they’re entitled to the slavery debate. That train passed them by. White America allows for Black America to be violent, spoilt rude brats because White America feels guilty that Black Americans were enslaved. Get over yourselves! The Aztec ate my ‘Classic Maya’ vegetarian people and we’ve moved on because the Mexicans with an Aztec lineage will never get to be that rude in Mesoamerica culture again. Otherwise, they know what will happen to their lineage. I’m indigenous and that doesn’t mean that you get to pick on me because you hate yourselves. Stupid black musical T.V. culture! Wake up America! Our White boys have forgotten modern chivalry. What the hell is happening to America? Find your souls and find them fast or you’re going to get punched square in the face by a woman and no, we won’t feel bad about it because we’ve been trained to hold our own since our American men are no longer on the side of their American women. Tragic.




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Postscript; The end of my day… I silently wept that day through goose bumps on the skin while watching masters in training practice THE discipline of dance and football. I stood in a room with mirrors as long as ballerina legs and understood the beauty and grace of humanity. I held my breath for as long as one can while holding a breath diving; I didn’t want to disturb the sweetly and deeply admired silence of the precious moment. All I could hear was their breaths in mid air and nothing else. I’ve got a compass; come along on a creative literary thinking breathing journey or not. Read fast or slow; that’s up to you. I’m going my own pace.


                    This ‘lady’ (A grown woman), ‘commoner’, mortal and citizen of The Mesoamerica is carrying one dress, one pair of high heels, a tooth brush, one tube of vegan red lipstick and a skateboard and helmet, a machete and (pesticide-lead free) organically certified snacks. I love to carry a good old fashion metal percolator and excellent coffee with great little hardened biscuits. I was taught to be a Minnesota woman to hold my own and go in search of beautiful sunsets how could I not love watching a sunset? It never gets old. Never.


                    Geeks all of us. While at the University most were lovely, beautiful and always kind even when others stabbed some sweetly in the back.


                    The ‘Indigenous’ of the World are pacifist, however.


                    If the ‘Indigenous’ are going to spear an ‘opponent’ / ‘enslaver’ through the heart they’ll do it to your face and directly at you. Do you get it?


                    I’ll just have to keep writing with the call of a ‘bald eagle’. The bald eagle and I we don’t even pretend to know one another not at all that intimately; we just keep running into each other every decade in the strangest places.


(‘THE AMERICAN BALD EAGLE SOARS!’ (Correction; from “SOUR” milk to “SOAR” the skies. Ha! Funny as hell!)


Wouldn’t that make a cool headline? Probably not? Too cheesy for the cynical and depressed corporately treadmill run Americans; I know-I know too comic bookish. I know.)  Don’t you know Americans are tired? Can’t the Americans give themselves a raise by taking long and needed siestas? Goodness. What 'meannies' for American leaders. If American leaders can’t lead the good American People then they’re not ready to be global leaders at all. Moving on.


Come on! Americans we’ve got work to do as we go into the night.


For those brothers and sisters who work the 3rd shift throughout America may you pass safely through the streets of America. May no harm come to you.


I pray for you, daily, and I’ll continue to pray for your safety until the day I die as an old woman. May no harm come to the good and hardworking people of America night or day as Americans leave little ones to sleep in cozy and small beds; safe from all harm no matter what may lie outside any of their American doors.


The EAGLE SOARS over us! Imagine he almost died off - went extinct - in the 1980’s. The eagle was almost wiped out completely off of the face of the Earth. My Gods that ought to make your heart hurt for any species going through that.


Look to our Forefathers’ Beacon of Hope. Americans are never alone, this is not Anarchy this is good old fashion ‘Freedom of Speech’, more sacred than all the gold in all of the Universes within Universes. (I lack the English to explain. Shucks.)


To be spiritual is about scientific knowledge, research and further discovery not corporate agendas and a God of currency.


Americans, we’ve got innovations to dream, contributions to volunteer, young to protect from all illogical-idealistic and anal retentive harm (you taught me those words, America).


We have elderly that are about to die. Our time has come for the ‘Generation-X’ and ‘Y’ to get their heads out of their asses and take a commanding, honorable and peaceful position as civilians in the leadership and creative Renaissance for role models.


No, not squeaky clean role models, mainly; kind, generous and forgiving of grievances.


America is not “a” Gestapo Nation.


Hitler, may not rule here not in the form of corporate private information, sneaky law-passing documents and economical American slavery.


It will not do.

It cannot do.

It’s not good enough.


Please, Americans, don’t pray to this made up God of currency, pray to your Ancestors especially your grandmothers to bring you peace, hope and justice to your neighborhoods, young and elderly.


Yes, Americans are much better than corporations, corporate lobbyist run government and spiritual Nazis.


Americans are not Nazis and neither is our American government nor our corporations. I refuse to believe that American banks and corporations are selling ‘chunks’ of American land to the Chinese. Why do the American government, American private corporations and news corporate outlets hate the American people so? Why? What have the good American people ever done to you personally? We’ve got our American children down here on ground zero. Please, put your pants back on. You’re in public. Thank you. Please stop ‘ruffing’ the Americans with powerless poison.


A cobra only bites once and you're dead that's its nature. It's not playing around is it? So, what's more poisonous, lie after lie, year after year or one bite? Game over. Go home. We'll say prayers for you. Goodbye. Mr. Murdoch. Game over! The American People continue to love the Disney Empire but the Murdoch Empire will be no more for as long as humans reign this Earth. Please, don’t hit Americans below the belt. Please no!


Americans, we have work to do even if the American government and private corporations, news conglomerates hate its people.


This is going to be a creative, thinking and innovative American Renaissance! Wow!


Fireworks and everything will light up the sky with white, red and blue stars. An America that is full of hope, beauty and patience for great and morally excellent leaders to emerge with innovative and peaceful ideologies. History brought us Thomas Jefferson, no? Si. Yes. (Major Correction; on “Thomas Edison” to “Thomas Jefferson”. MAJOR DIFFERENCE between the two men. I fell in love with the history of “Thomas Jefferson” the writer of the American Declaration of Independence. What a kind man to do that for America. While a Mr. “Thomas Edison” I was greatly upset by some of his decisions and unethical behavior. Learn your history from many different points of view not just one textbook that pretends to be an Authority on anything.)


Americans, make sure you get a little breakfast before leaving the house to punch clocks late tonite.




It’s meant to be one so you can get a taste of early dusk mango juice right now. Yum!




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P.S.S. (Corrections and you all know it; ESL Represents! God, that’s dorky but hilarious. I picture a Gilda Radner 1970’s SNL actress as a dorky ESL kid trying to write comedy. Geeks are hilarious and that, too, is worth more than all of the gold of all of the Universes and co-existing Universes. I’m giving you a historical oral traditional ‘Indian’ lesson for free. Come on! Keep up. Dust in your running shoes? Perhaps.



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