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Monday, September 30, 2019




(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)



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A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Dress Etiquette.




Chapter 26.

Page ?


For breakfasting in public or at the house



The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


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Upload: 3:05pm CT

Word Count: 1,445

Word Count Goal for the week: 3,000

Word Count Goal: 1,000


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            Hi. Hello.


            Happy Monday!


---  ---  ---


            Random Notes:


            The sexiest aspect to any human is their sense of humor.


            Yes, twenty years ago I attended film/writing school.


            Yes, I know exactly how to follow a direct ‘line of sight’ and know exactly what someone’s staring at during my dinner date when my date goes shallow and refuses to look at me in the eye while he continues to look over at another woman who stares at him rather look at me.


            Well, I was a cinematographer for about 15 years thus and therefore I know when my date isn’t looking at me and they continue to look over at another woman who won’t stop staring at him.


            There’s nothing more annoying than a man with no impulse control.


            My dinner date wastes my time by not being mature enough to pay attention to me as his dinner date rather than pay attention to anyone who pays attention to him by staring at him.


            Yes, my new favorite film in the entire world is: “Borat.”


            Yes, for the first time ever I saw “Borat” about one month ago.


            Yes, I laughed so hard. I never knew how funny comedy could be.



No, I’m not the prettiest woman in the room

Whew, I can breathe easy.

No, I don’t care to be the prettiest woman in the room


            No, I’m not the prettiest woman in the room, however. I’ve been told usually I’m the most gorgeous woman in the room because the entire world knows I haven’t been sitting on my ass getting drunkard collecting dust.


            No, I’m not the prettiest woman in the room.


            No, I’m not the most beautiful woman in the room.


            Yes, I’m usually the most gorgeous woman in the room because…


            No, I’m not into looks, however. I can appreciate.


            Yes, I know my worth and value.


            No, I don’t flirt, however. If I did, wow!


            The sexiest aspect to anyone is: if and how hard can anyone make me laugh since I’m extremely laid back and serious and quite literary therefore if anyone can make me laugh then it means they have quite a bit of wit and intelligence and smarts.


            Oh, how I love to laugh.


            To make me laugh is quite difficult, however. If a man can make me laugh then most likely he’s quite well read, kind and intelligent and smart and kind.


---  ---  ---









            Yes, today for the first time ever in my life I sold $1,215 in thirty minutes.


            From 11:30am to 12:00pm I sold exactly $1,215 dollars for donation for the American Legion.


            Yes, it took me thirty minutes to sale $1,215.


            Yes, I have a good handle on the arts, however.


            Business is something for which is taken me much longer to realize, recognize and apply.


            Personally, I can do creative outlets with my eyes closed.


            As far as business is concerned it takes me a long time to get over the fright or fear of making mistakes therefore I go frozen and begin to do other things other than to get to the nitty-gritty of it all which is to sit down at my desk and sale ads.


            As of Friday I officially got over my five month learning curve and now I’m informed I’m considered a professional.


            Seriously, if I didn’t or couldn’t sale ads then I wasn’t the one for the job of boss.


            Yes, most personnel here make about $1,000 a day of four hours work.


            However, with me for some reason I can make $1,000 in about thirty minutes and this is my averages since I’m direct, warm and kind and truthful.


            Yes, I have clear diction with a warm timbre.


            It’s quite obvious the person on the other end of the phone (me) is quite smart and cares a whole heck of a lot as to what happens to our company and the American Legion and veterans and retired veterans and veterans without medical benefits.


            Yes, to speak to me is fluid and flawless and easy therefore now that I’m no longer afraid to speak to strangers or marketing executive then the sky’s the limit.


            Personally, I can’t wait to get a real paycheck simply because I’ve got medical bills to pay and more importantly I have to have three fractured teeth healed and taken care of otherwise…



Let Go To Make Money


            Yes, Wednesday of last week both of my overly educated Ivy League wealthy white parents both advised me to go to a women’s battered shelter and this was by far the worst and most deadly advice I’ve ever received in my entire life thus and therefore my parents still think I’m at a women’s battered shelter and we’ll keep it that way for now. Hahaha.


            My parents are hateful and shallow and spiteful thus and therefore my parents aren’t to be taken seriously because my parents are a racist joke.


            For all my parents know: I could be in Moscow, Russia with our former foreign exchange students.


            Seriously, I have so many options as to where to go in the world yet no monies to get there.


            Thanks San Fran and Los Angeles for wanting to put me up last week. I almost ran into the arms of Los Angeles.


            From here on out my parents aren’t to ever be included in any of my adult life’s concerns or needs or wants because my parents can’t ever be civil or humble enough to offer me a personal loan rather my parents want to see me face down in the gutter and dead.


            Not very nice to have wealthy parents who have a death wish out on my behalf.


            Personally, I’ve known my parents have hated me, my entire adopted life because I’m subservient and obedient and compliant and selfless to a fault yet I’ve got a mouth and I’ll let any abuser or user know they can’t use or abuse me for their amusement.


            Once I learn to accept the fact my parents want me dead then I can get over the fact my parents hate me then the rest of life is easy to do because the struggle to make them proud of me is now finally over.


            My parents want to see me dead and I won’t give them the satisfaction.


            Personally, I don’t know why my parents treat me like a stranger or a nigger.


            Personally, my parents can tell I don’t like them because they don’t ever take care of me or my needs or wants.


            Seriously, I’m out of the running. I’m not the one who has to ever clean the poop off of my parents’ rear ends. Hooray!


            Seriously, no loving and wealthy parents ever send their gorgeous and intelligent and kind adult daughters to a women’s battered shelter unless the parents want to see their daughters’ dead without actually having to murder the daughters.


            Personally, I’d rather die at home then on the streets. Thank you.


            Now, I can begin to live my life and not care what my parents think or what they could possibly want from me since my parents are selfish, self centered and mean and cruel and deadly to my detriment.


            My parents are no longer a factor in anything I do in life.


            My parents have no say or influence because my parents give the worst and most deadly advice to me and I’ve known this my entire life.


            In many ways I wish my parents would simply tell me to bend over and lick the shit off their boots. This would be ten times easier than having their advice nearly get me killed or gravely injured. I don’t know why I take my parents seriously since they’re nobody to take seriously.


            My wealthy parents have no clue what they’re talking about.


            My parents are the most malicious and cruel parents in the world.


            My parents are hater losers.


            Yes, my parents are my loser parents and I’ll teach them the lesson of their lives by mocking them to believe I’m in Russia for the next 32 years of hellish existence we’ve already shared together.


            My parents are no longer to be taken seriously which is exactly what happens when parents get old and senile and revert to child like state.


            My parents are the stupidest people I’ve ever met.


            Yes, I’ll always love my parents.


            However, I don’t respect my parents.


            My parents constantly wish for my detriment and death.



            Yours Truly;




Saturday, September 28, 2019




(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)



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A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Dress Etiquette.




Chapter 26.

Page ?


For breakfasting in public or at the house



The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


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Upload: 2:50pm CT

Word Count: 1,856

Word Count Goal for the week: 3,000

Word Count Goal: 1,000


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            Hi. Hello.


            Happy Saturday!


---  ---  ---



The Cat’s Got My Tongue




A Women’s battered shelter

Isn’t the same as a women’s homeless shelter

Which isn’t the same as

A homeless shelter


A major Difference


A women’s battered shelter

Is specifically for women

Who have had their faces burned off

By their abusers

Or women with broken bones

By their abusers

Or women who fled

From their male torturers and abusers

Or women who had to flee with nothing

Except the clothes on their backs

And their children’s lives


Women’s Battered Shelters

Are full in capacity


Yes, as a publisher I’m honored to have spent

One night

At a Women’s Battered Shelter

To better understand the plight of our

Saint Paul, MN

Battered Women and their children


Thank you.


            Well, what more is there to say?




            Need I say more?




            My week was definitely out of the ordinary.


            Yes, I’m here. I’m alive. I’m doing good. All’s well.




Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Ramsey County

Saint Paul, MN

Women’s Battered Shelter


Undisclosed Location


            Well, Saint Paul, MN we have a lot of work ahead of us.


            Yes, I refuse to place a restraining order on anyone.


            Well, I’ll take it from here.


            Yes, this past Wednesday both of my parents told me to pack whatever meager belongings and go to Ramsey County Saint Paul, MN Women’s Battered Shelter and thus and therefore I did.


            After that my parents stopped texting. Okay.


            Yes, by 10:00am on Wednesday morning I’d once again been pseudo fired and kicked out of my sweat equity work for room and board for which I work as the Steward to one specific Estate in Highland Park, Saint Paul, MN.


            Yes, I packed my backpack and two other Patagonia bags and I sauntered off to the downtown Saint Paul, MN courthouse then by 5:00pm I arrived at an undisclosed awesome and well run and professional women’s battered shelter for which is on lockdown and secure 24/7.


            Yes, I courageously spent an entire night in a lockdown dormitory with battered women and their wonderful and gorgeous children and we did the best we could with respect and courage and humility because we all understood we were broke and in dire need of free resources and none of us were ashamed because many of us had been housewives and elderly caretakers and children’s nannies and none of us had ever made any money yet we’d all worked quite hard in the home and the women were specifically battered women thus and therefore they were at the battered shelter and so was I since I’m one demographic in the definition of a live-in battered spouse.


            Now the women and the children and all of the dormitory battered women were respectful and the staff were humane and quite personable and professional and no one was on any power trip and we all shared information about how to find work as dishwashers and cleaners and whatnot.




            By 7:00am Thursday morning the 51% majority shareholders were on the horn with me to please return to my place of work at the office and to come back as acting operations manager to eventually fire the boss then take over the company and hire a manager then set personnel in place and run the company. Okay.


            Yes, Wednesday night I went from a women’s battered shelter to return and get reinstated into my corporate professional position as executive director to a publications company and to eventually fire the boss and become the boss simply because I’m the most trust worthy to run the 65-year old publications empire. Thank you.


            Thanks for the vote of confidence. I’m no longer terrified of the responsibility.


            Yes, Friday I took a seat at the right hand of the current boss and I finished my learning curve and am now flying solo on commission work to sale ads primarily to get acquainted with twenty-five thousand accounts specifically the phone numbers and names of marketing executives of all of the most prestigious and commercial companies in town and in a five state area.


            Yes, I’m here to fire the boss and become the boss because I’m the only one trust worthy enough to do so.


            Yes, I returned because I was reinstated no matter how much the present boss complains or screams or yells or hollers or gets angry or continuously fires me on a daily basis I’m here to do one simply job and it is to fire the boss and become the boss of actual sales and publications to a publications empire nonetheless. Okay. Whew.



Learning Curve is Over


            On Friday afternoon I made $570.00 in twenty minutes of phone sales and commission work for which all monies go straight to the American Legion.


            Since April 28, 2019 to August 30th 2019 I’ve only been good enough to make a paycheck of $636.00 on commission work to purchase shampoo and this and that and the other miscellaneous thing thus and therefore I haven’t made hardly any paycheck money as of yet.


            Yes, finally I got over the learning curve and I’m told it’s quite good I can make about $570.00 in about twenty minutes of work which my goal since April 2019 has been to bring in about $1,000 per daily commission work except I haven’t been able to get over the nervous aspect of having to speak to strangers and sale them advertising space and ad copies plus hire, train and fire and custodian duties and paperwork and legal letters and interviews and online search for appropriate and qualified candidates and implementing 21st century digital media technologies to the building and throughout the office space.


            Wi-Fi was finally just now implemented this summer.


            Yes, I’m up to my eyeballs with 25,000 accounts to all of the marketing executives of commercial businesses here in town.


            Specifically I’m instructed to only do business with the marketing executives and no one else because the marketing executives are the only ones who have the authority to pay for the ad copies and ad space. Okay.


            Well, now that I finally got over the fear of talking to strangers and talking specifically to marketing executives I feel quite settled in and I believe in the donations and ad copy business to represent our veteran heroes for which veterans are my favorite overlooked demographics to represent since veterans are definitely underrepresented and underappreciated.


            Yes, I’m the gate keeper of tens of thousands of the most valuable telephone numbers in the publications business here in town and since I’m head of children’s book division then this will serve the publications company quite well down the road.


            However, for now my only and main goal is to sale $1,000 per day on commission work to donate to the VFW and American Legion and National Guard and Women’s Auxiliary.


            Yes, I’m the one with the responsibility to one of the coolest and longest-running and incredibly impressive customer roster as well as clientele list in publications simply because my (not literally, yet figuratively) company has 65-years on everyone else. Yep.


            Yes, I must guard our database because I’m impressed.


            Yes, I must get to know each and every account and directly sale ad copies to the marketing executives, however and furthermore, specifically each and every one of the marketing executives are slowly getting to know me as a sales personnel and email personnel.


            The marketing executives can tell I have some serious authority because even though I don’t ever mention to the marketing executives I’m also the next in line to be the boss and to lead this 65-year old publications empire into the smart digital era of the 21 century media, they know I have great diction, pacing and serous authority.


            No, I still don’t make any money and I don’t care because I care more about the company and its needs on this end now then later when I’m a more smooth operator then I can begin to implement other more topical aspects to the building and renovating and getting new ergonomic furniture.


            Well, I haven’t sold out to commercial work because I’m now running the commercial work therefore I ought to have a good idea as to what to do next which is to hire an office manager.


            Yes, I finally overcame my biggest challenge which was to sale $500.00 per day and on Friday literally I sold $570.00 in 20 minutes which will literally help save lives of the American Legion and Veterans of War.


            Thank you, CUB Foods, Target, Wal-Mart, Hy-Vee and local banks for purchasing ad copies to donate to the American Legion.


            Not ever have I ever been so proud as to get to speak and learn about what type of business the marketing executives conduct as well as what they represent because where their ad dollars go to says a lot about what they represent and find important and how much they actually care about our entire state as a whole.


            Yes, I represent the American Legion and VFW entire five state area in publications advertising and the marketing executives trust my boss and me and our staff to do it right and to do our work beautifully because medical health care for veterans is important and I believe in putting my money where my mouth is which is in the arts and veterans work and veterans donations and veterans beautiful graphic design advertising copies for publication and print.


            Yes, the 51% majority shareholders have granted this awesome responsibility to me and I’ve been told not to be scared of the boss who very well knows I’m here to fire him and send him to Greece to go home and see his family.


            Okay. People this just got real.


            Let’s do this.


            Let’s go.


            Keep up.


            Yes, I’m going to go test drive a Tesla electric car.


            Yes, when I’m threatened to be thrown out on a daily basis then I take the threats quite seriously and I’ve been known to pack and go to a battered women’s shelter because I need to know my heart’s not being manipulated or riddled with insecurity or cruelty because this week I proved if people don’t want me around then I’ll get out of the way and make my own way.


            Well, Minnesota I’m literally The Boss.


            Minnesota, I checked myself out of the Women’s Battered Shelter and I’m here to do this right even though budgets, budgets, budgets.


            Minnesota, don’t dismiss me as someone inconsequential because the bosses have been waiting to see if I could simply sale commission which I haven’t been able to all summer and suddenly I can make about $500.00 in twenty minutes therefore the sky’s the limit as to what I can do with budgets and donations for all of my favorite organizations which happen to literally be my clients.


            Thank you.


            Please, have patience with me. I’m turning out to be an awesome boss.


            Yours Truly;




Friday, September 20, 2019




(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)



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A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Dress Etiquette.




Chapter 26.

Page ?


For breakfasting in public or at the house



The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


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Upload: 3:16pm CT

Word Count: 2,604

Word Count Goal for the week: 3,000

Word Count Goal: 1,000


---  ---  ---


            Hi. Hello.


            Happy Friday!


---  ---  ---


Narcissism 101


The Shallow Charmers of the World

Talentless Hacks

Searching for Attention and Applause


The Cheaters of the World

The Self Loathers



            No, I’m not a narcissist.


            Seriously, as of May 2018 I tested out of this psychological disorder.


            Actually, I don’t have any psychological disorders no matter how much anyone may call me “insane” or “mentally ill” or “crazy” to make me feel bad about myself.


            Even if I tried to be a narcissist still yet I couldn’t be a narcissist because I have two awesome intrinsic components and qualities instilled in me: compassion and empathy for others, animals, things and places.


            No, I don’t go out of my way to make anyone feel bad about their person.


            When people publically humiliate me then I simply give an awkward smile which shatters the heart of the heartless into a million little pieces.


            Seriously, I was really well brought up in the first ten years of Costa Rican living.


            The only people who ever call me a narcissist are narcissists when they can’t get me to budge to do some favor for them then Narcissists attack my whole being, soul and person, however.


            When I say, “No, I don’t want to pick up your dog’s poop” then I mean it.


            Yes, I actually know how to hear and listen to what other people say to me and more correctly answer and reply in an awesome and well constructed manner because I actually care what people convey to me and I actually care about people who take the time to respectfully dialogue with me in a mature adult manner rather than screaming at me at the top of their lungs while in public places.


            Yes, I can actually take criticism quite well.


            Furthermore, I can kindly thank other people for having the courage to stand me corrected. Thank you.


            Yes, I can actually keep quiet while other people speak rather than constantly interrupt other simply to talk about my awesome self which is highly rude to do so.


            Yes, life has humbled me therefore I don’t actually have anything to prove other than goodness and kindness and civility to all and for all.



Success has nothing to do with Intrinsic Value


            My pressing need to stay successful as a writer and thinker has nothing to do with myself worth because success is outside of my brain and success is outside of my heart and success different from life experience.


            Success is more like an object than an emotion.


            Success is attainable while being born is existence.


            Success is something one does or acquires over a long period of time.


            Success is not something one’s born with therefore success has nothing to do with being a good person.


            Success is something I reach for simply to keep myself from harm as a woman of color.


            Success is something I do so that I might not get murdered in Minnesota.


            Success is a lot of work therefore constantly reaching for success isn’t my ideal of a good time.


            Now, my ideal of a great time is taking in a wonderful wholesome family movie or playing non competitive foosball or taking a six mile run or taking in a calm and organized and civilized art exhibit or playing chess or simply quietly take a walk near or around nature without having sexual intercourse in the woods with strangers.


            Personally, I haven’t ever been power hungry because to be power hungry takes a lot of work and energy I don’t have thus and therefore I only work to be successful at writing or mass media since writing’s the only aspect in life for which guarantees me safety.


            Thus I’m not actually really in search of success.


            Actually, I’m more in search of safety to my person.



Negative Personal Criticism can be Debilitating


            What I don’t do well with is being personally criticized about my weight or criticized about my looks or if I don’t clean the dishes correctly or if I don’t clean the dishes fast enough then ‘good luck’ because no one has the right to persecute me for my looks or weight or free volunteer domestic favors.


            Personally, if anyone calls me “stupid” for loading the dishwasher incorrectly then I go quiet and I can’t believe anyone has the audacity to call me “stupid” (directly or indirectly) because then I go into utter shock about being called “stupid” or “dumb.” I can’t believe people actually take the liberty to call anyone “stupid” much less me of all people.


            Obedience isn’t stupidity.


            One has to follow precise direction to be obedient therefore one’s not stupid when one’s obedient.


            My greatest problem in life is being micro-managed and verbally put down for not being exactly like narcissists’ high standards and ideals of humanity.


            Personally, I can’t keep up with the self loathing and dramatic self hatred of narcissists therefore I go quiet and still and I wait for the snake in the grass to pass me by.


            Personally, I don’t deal very well with anyone shouting obscenities in my ear to the point of going deaf.


            No, I’m not a know-it-all.


            Yes, I’m bloody brutal on the page, however.


            In person I’m one of the kindest people with a lot of tough love unless I fight “the good fight” not to allow being publically humiliated because such verbal and emotional abuse is manipulative and I don’t allow for verbal abuse since I don’t get or feel ashamed by others’ misbehavior.


            Yes, I know exactly how to differentiate between my skull and my thoughts, words and deeds compared to that of other people.


            My brain’s pathologically is wired for the first ten years of Costa Rica. Peace.


            Personally, on my watch no one gets beaten or raped or brutalized because I know how to bring out the best in people because I know the best in me is kindness and kindness is wonderful and kindness is tough love which kindness wins and trumps all other forms of misbehavior to bring about professionalism.


            Actually, I don’t ever swear or mock or belittle or publically humiliate strangers instead I go around with an awkward smile on my face when people get out of line with me.


            However, if I do have to utilize words then I get extremely proper and more proper in my English verbiage and tone, however. I’ll mock anyone who thinks they can publically humiliate me while trying to eat my eggs with a side of toast.



Narcissists Love To Use Selfless People


            No, I’m actually not self centered.


            Actually, I’m selfless to a fault.


            Yes, I’ve self described myself as more “self centered” than “selfish,” however. I’m hardly neither of those two traits or qualities.


            To be genuinely kind to others then one must be genuinely kind to one self and have tremendous amounts of self love which I do and it’s quite obvious I self love.


            Ah, I don’t ever feel competitive or envious or jealous of other people unless people are in my face putting me down to signify their existence more important than mine then we’ve got to “stop the press” and start a real conversation about respect and this is when I formally put people in their place which is nowhere.


            No, I haven’t ever been so insecure as to go out of my way to purposely hurt other people’s emotions because my pathology isn’t wired like that since my pathology is wired to be obedient, patient and selfless to a great fault.


            No, I haven’t ever been so insecure as to belittle others simply for my own amusement.


            No, I haven’t ever gone out of my way to undermine anyone because frankly I don’t give a damn to make anyone second guess themselves or feel bad about themselves since I believe in propping people up rather than cutting them down, however, professionalism isn’t friendship.


            Personally, I’ve spent the last ten years in therapy and passed with flying colors because I’m a genuinely kind person who’s answered my calling in life for which is to do well and good by others and write and record this timeframe and duration of our times.



Nope, I’m nobody special

Yes, I’m grateful to be slightly above average intelligence


            No, I’m no one special.


            No, I’m no one important.


            Except I’ve developed a few gifts along the way:


            1) I know excellent food.


            2) I know good writing.


            3) I can deal with any bully even to my detriment.


            4) I have a high pain thresh hold for abuse and pain.


            5) I’m quick to forgive and smile.


            6) I don’t hold any grudges because I can get over anything.


            7) I miss my doggie Freeway.


            8) I have impeccably expensive taste. I can’t help it.


            9) Other people tell me they believe and think I’m the kindest person they’ve ever met or talk to. Thank you.



Experience Makes Wise


            Yes, I have twenty years of writing experience therefore this counts for something much more important than egotism because I actually have put in the time to practice an extremely complex discipline and develop and explore and advance as a writer rather than senselessly pound away at a drum while off key or off tone or not ever really take the time to develop singing skills yet expect to be adored and to be applauded simply for being a terrible musician which after four years of sounding awful then one ought to practice before one ever even so much as considers going out in public primarily to get attention for the sake of attention. Gross.


            No, I’m not someone who looks for empty applause or popularity especially when I’m terrible at any skill or craft or discipline then I learn to do anything well therefore I don’t take my drum down to the Mississippi River to be admired by strangers especially when anyone’s awful at any instrument no matter how intense people get or are while they play because a badly played instrument is atrocious to sit through and eventually one becomes the running neighborhood joke rather than actually be admired for taking the time to develop one’s musical skills.


            Most people can go an entire day without someone having to compliment them.


            The narcissist requires to constantly and continuously be admired and complimented all the time because narcissists haven’t ever developed a sense of self worth therefore most narcissists are like vain and empty and shallow women.


            Yes, I can go years without anyone having to boost my self esteem or boost my ego because I can do it myself by the outcome of my work, passions and hobbies.



Narcissists are Delusional


            Seriously, I don’t know why narcissists go into fits of rage.


            Seriously, I do have a great grasp on reality.


            Personally, I don’t need to seek the attention of strangers to tell me how great I am since I have a strong sense of self worth.


            Seriously, I don’t need to be admired and told I’m awesome because I am therefore I don’t need to constantly be reassured.


            Seriously, I don’t have to talk about myself all the time since I know the art of conversation and how to do a back-and-forth conversation in which I stop and listen and take in and consider what others tell me and in turn speak to what the subject matter pertains at the moment rather than turn the conversation around about me or my looks or how awesome I think I am.


            No, not once and not ever is anyone going to catch me bragging about how cool I think I am or how awesome I am because I don’t have to since I’m a mature adult.


            No, I don’t need to go and flirt with strangers to feel a sense of self worth.


            No, I don’t have to throw tantrums and nightly call my mom a “cunt.”


            No, I don’t have to scream and shout and throw tantrums right before leaving the house to make my partner feel discombobulated.


            No, I don’t ever have to belittle other people in order to boost myself up.


            Seriously, for 32 years people have been complimenting me on my intelligence and my laid back nature and how awesome I make people feel about themselves because I’m quite solid and squared away in my own self reassurance of my own self worth.


            No, I don’t ever cut off people mid sentence to talk about myself and my shallowness since I don’t ever have a need to talk about myself since I adore and love to talk about animal behavior, weather patterns, cooking, recipes, books, articles, human psychology and any other subject other than myself.


            Seriously, you’ll not ever catch me starting out a conversation about how awesome I think I am because usually it’s other people who go out of their way to come up to me and say something like, “You’re seriously the kindest person I’ve ever met.” Thank you.


            By the look in my eye, it’s rather obvious I truly care about other people even when other people are ruthlessly rude and incredibly mean or cruel to me I still abide by excellent codes of conduct and rules of civility.


            No matter how much anyone may scream or personally swear at me in public to publically humiliate me I still go ahead and smile a shy and awkward smile and inside my head I’m analyzing and deconstructing the other person’s psychology while trying to get the hell out of an abusive situation as quickly as I can.


            Now, I have a high pain thresh hold or high pain tolerance therefore I can take years of abuse and years of manipulation and years of public humiliation because I’m someone who doesn’t easily get ashamed by the misbehavior of others therefore I can say things like, “I don’t appreciate being sworn at in public so please stop such misbehavior,” or I’ll say, “I appreciate it very much if you stopped calling me names in front of other people,” or I’ll say, “I’ve already asked you to please stop calling me a ‘cunt’ in public therefore please seize.”


            Seriously, I’ve got an awesome handle on mature adulthood.


            The only thing I’ve ever lacked is financial stability and this is something I have to get going on because the world’s crushing me with their dollar signs otherwise I don’t care about money, yet I must somehow support myself beyond sweat equity.


            Yes, I need to become financially stable in order not to be manipulated or be taken advantage of or used by narcissists.




            Yes, I’m working on the financial component in this stage of my life, however.


            Don’t think for one moment we can take our monetary worth with us when we die therefore my greatest asset and greatest resource is my mind, body and soul connection.


            Yours Truly,




            P.S. I’ve begun to literally get jumpy and scared.


            As of late I’ve been jumping out of my skin with fright.


            As of late I don’t seem to be able to stop chain smoking cigarettes because I’m nervous about being screamed in public or I’m anxious about being publically humiliated in a fashion for which is unethical in each and every way.


            No, We The Maya don’t believe in Suicide.


            Narcissists are some of the most retarded people I’ve ever met no matter how successful they might be.


Wednesday, September 18, 2019




(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)



---  ---  ---



A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Dress Etiquette.




Chapter 26.

Page ?


For breakfasting in public or at the house



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Upload: 7:39pm CT

Word Count: 821

Word Count Goal for the week: 3,000

Word Count Goal: 1,000


---  ---  ---


            Hi. Hello.


            Happy Wednesday!


---  ---  ---


            Public Restaurant Etiquette:


            Fat shaming is wrong.


            Unless… then all hell breaks loose. Not literally.


            Please, don’t provoke me while I’m in front of any sacred food.


            Look, I’m a Maya and food is of the Ut-most sacred prayer and resource.


            To provoke me in public is to have me figuratively get down on my hands and knees and grovel with the Ut-most uncomfortable and awkward smile in the entire world which will pierce right through the heart and make anyone understand they were utterly wrong in going out of their way to publically humiliate me or dismiss me or belittle me or put me down especially in public.


            Personally, I kill with kindness and awkwardness when someone’s acted the fool with me since I’ve got a great grasp on human nature and human psychology.


            Writing’s mainly all psychology.


            Be civil to me because I don’t like to chew and swallow down my food with mockery especially not about how I’m hated in the treachery of public humiliation.


            The issue is this: I’m actually the very person you see before you.


            Yes, I’m an empathetic person and I like people and I’m very good to people especially when they’re not good to me.


            Okay, once again I’ve got the swear jar out and on a daily basis I do my very excellent best not to swear, however.


            The Americans don’t seem to ever want to hear and listen to what I’m precisely conveying to them with articulate English words in a direct fashion thus and therefore I tend to choose to swear in certain particular complex and difficult communications dynamics simply to get English speaker’s attention, however.


            This linguistic aggression or linguistic disparity or linguistic exercise goes above their heads and English speakers don’t seem to understand I don’t mean any offense simply I mean to get their attention to far more astute and intelligent matters at hand such as please don’t publically humiliate me.


            Costa Rican Style: I smile at anyone who is oppressive or belittling or condescending or insulting or downright rude or weird or drunk or high on cocaine because my smile specifically my uncomfortable smile says, “Are you a professional or aren’t you a professional?”


            {The above sentence is grammatically correct.}


            Personally, I’m not someone who’s going to literally call anyone a “fat ass asshole” however the Ut-most uncomfortable smile on my face appears and tells the entire room the other’s creepy and one’s to stay far-far away from the unprofessional kitchen help making a bigger ass out of all of us at the table than my quiet disposition ever can or will.


            Now, I’m not a blue blood, however.


            Actually, at the age of 42 I know one thing or two for which the Ivy League doesn’t seem to understand or Wall Street doesn’t seem to understand about economics.


            Seriously, how does the modern nation think the country is run?


            The country’s run on a few families with old money.


---  ---  ---


Language is my Business

Even though I’m a volunteer blogger of our times…

This is also a career.

Doesn’t Minnesota understand this?


Seriously, do I have to spell out the entertainment business?


            Well, I know exactly why I psychologically have thyroid tumors of the throat.


            What, does one think, I don’t know?




            Well, this is the deal.


            The deal is this: I’m stalling…


            Okay, I hate to spell it out, however.


            Early on at the age of five I began to recognize myself as a whole and autonomous human aside from any other human thus and therefore I learned early on, life depends upon me to do a constructive lifestyle with harmony, obedience and patience.


            My Ut-most unfortunate state in life is I come with an extremely obedient and laid back nature, however.


            Personally, I don’t like to be verbally abused or put down or be degraded or belittled or publically humiliated since I do have a heart and I do have feelings.


            Now, specifically I took up writing at the age of twelve when my ESL teacher at Congdon Elementary public school told me directly to my face about how one of my poems had been one of the best English poems she’d ever read in the English language by any child or an adult.


            In those moments my ESL teacher changed my relationship with the English Language to better understand myself and to better understand the people around me as well as to better understand an overall and general aspect to modern American culture and society.


            Now, the only thing I truly understood about the English language is this:


            Whenever I write to English speakers then mostly anyone understands precisely what I mean to convey to them. The End.




            Yours truly,




Tuesday, September 17, 2019




(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)



---  ---  ---



A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Dress Etiquette.




Chapter 26.

Page ?


For breakfasting in public or at the house



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Upload: 1:23pm CT

Word Count: 963

Word Count Goal for the week: 3,000

Word Count Goal: 1,000


---  ---  ---


            Hi. Hello.


            Happy Tuesday!


---  ---  ---


Usually fat Shaming is wrong, unless…

A fat ass is an asshole then all bets are off the table


A fat and cruel and manipulative asshole is always wrong

A mean fat asshole ought to be shamed


Seriously, don’t feel bad about fat shaming a fat ass asshole


Fat is ugly

Fat is usually a lifestyle choice



            Yes, I do know perfectly well what I’m talking about.


            The cruelest and most manipulative people I’ve ever met are Caucasian 300 pound fat ass women thus and therefore don’t feel bad about putting assholes in their place.


            Well, being fat is complex, however.

            Not that complex.


            Personally, in the past I’ve been a fat ass cow due to hormone imbalance and low immune system and tumors.


            Now, fat has to do with genetics and diseases and mostly what one stuffs into one’s mouth and face.


            Fat does indeed have to do with impulse control and a sluggish metabolism.


            Now, when people have sluggish metabolism then all one can do is eat less in life since one’s body stores more fat in one’s cells than other people.


            Yes, since October 2013 I’ve lived with thyroid tumors of the throat which has everything to do with metabolism and temperature control and all bodily anything function therefore all I can do from becoming a fat ass is to keep my impulse control under check and rather than stuffing my face I have to practice impulse control not to add sugar to my coffee or eat one, too, many cookies since one cookie is 100 calories.


            Yes, being fat is a choice for the most part and if anyone makes excuses then one places one’s responsibilities unto the greater of society and culture at large.


            Being fat is about not controlling the cortisone levels or stress hormone levels in one’s mind and body therefore it is the problem of the individual not to become or to be a fat ass.


            Look, I live with thyroid tumors and I don’t allow for myself to become a fat ass.


            What’s your excuse?


            Now, if or when any fat ass is cruel, insincere or dismissive then anyone has the right to point out the fat ass’s mean streak since the fat ass is no one to make others feel bad about being customers to any establishment since a fat ass can barely control their impulse control then any fat ass has nothing mean to contribute to the world or the rest of the world will put any fat ass in their place since the rest of us aren’t 300 pounds and walking around like we own the world as kitchen help.


            Now, if a fat ass is an asshole then do shame the fat asshole for being nothing other than a fat asshole.


            Now, I’m constantly belittled for being of dark skin tone and that has nothing to do with impulse control therefore whenever Caucasian ugly fat ass assholes are mean to me then guess what?


            Yes, I do hold the right with a single look to put any fat ass asshole in their place because I refuse to allow a fat ass to minimize me simply because I exist with brown skin.


            The most racist people I ever meet are Caucasian fat ass Midwestern women and I don’t allow for any fat ass to belittle me or dismiss me simply because I was born brown skin toned.




            Now, I’m the worst justice bastard to run across and to simply make fun of me or condescend or dismiss me or belittle me for existing since I’m not going to put up with bastards who happen to be fat asses due to their own fault and lifestyle choices.


            Yeah, if any kitchen wait staff purposely place themselves into the private business or private lives of customers while the kitchen wait staff are at work then do fat shame the bastards who want to climb right into your personal and private business and make your business their personal business to baby an abuser while I get publically humiliated and get stuck paying the bill to be abused by my private guest and the kitchen help.


            Yes, fat is an option and a lifestyle choice therefore don’t pretend like people don’t have a choice to be fat since people have tons of choice about being fat unlike skin color then one’s stuck with one’s skin color for life and one will most likely get belittled for being brown pigmentation while a Caucasian fat ass seems to think they can go out of their way to throw their weight around. No pun intended.


            There’s nothing uglier than fat assed obese Caucasian women on a power trip when they’re nothing except kitchen wait staff or kitchen help and complete bastards in the bastardization of women of color as customers.


            Colossal Restaurant in Saint Paul, MN does have fat ass Caucasian kitchen wait staff who like to insert themselves into the private lives of patrons and this my dears, is a no.


            Personally, I don’t care how many fat assed Caucasian women think they’re special and more important than women of color since a sense of superiority is obnoxious, immature and incensed.


            Yes, do shame a fat asshole or a fat bastard.


            Do, put a know-it-all in their place since fat is a choice to be ugly rather than a tumor scare.


            Plus, in Minnesota all there is fat people who go around high and mighty yet they want everyone to feel sorry for them.


            One can’t be a victim and a martyr at the same time.






Monday, September 16, 2019




(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)



---  ---  ---



A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Dress Etiquette.




Chapter 26.

Page ?


For breakfasting in public or at the house



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Upload: 10:10am CT

Word Count: 475

Word Count Goal for the week: 3,000

Word Count Goal: 1,000


---  ---  ---


            Hi. Hello.


            Happy Monday!


---  ---  ---


No, I’m not a loser.


Not at all


Yes, I allow myself to get physically harmed and abused

Because I believe in hope of change


Yes, my body’s constantly sore.


However, a loser?



Personally, I work, too, hard to be a loser.


No, Hollywood didn’t offer me 33 million dollars.



No, my life story isn’t for sale.

All bets are off the table.

My life story hasn’t ever been for sale.

Not once and not ever.


Hollywood, asked me for 33 million dollars.



Do I look like I have 33 million dollars to give away?


Yes, I come from a family who resides

In the wealthiest area code in the USA


Yes, I come from a family who has resided in the

Wealthiest area code for the past 300 years


However, my wealthy family

Doesn’t lend me any financial assistance


My wealthy family would rather see me in the gutter

Face down and dead

Because they tell me so


My family encourages me to go live in

Women’s homeless shelters.



No, I don’t have any money.

Yes, I come from serious wealth


Yes, I come from more wealth than Highland Park, MN


Yes, I work sweat equity for my room and board

Yes, I work slave wages


No, I’m not a maid or nanny or caregiver

Yes, I’m a live-in girlfriend


No, don’t get the story wrong or we all go down in history

As miserable losers and I refuse to become a loser.


Yes, the part time graphic designer

Encourages for my co-workers to

Physically beat me up

Thus and therefore my co-workers beat me up

Because they believe it’s the right thing to do.


Yes, the part time graphic designer

Is a 60-year old Caucasian twin brother from Duluth, MN

Who brags about going to East High School


Well, I went to the Marshall High School

Preparatory for College


The graphic designer used to beat up his girlfriend

And went to jail for it.


Seriously, I’m not the loser.

Men who beat up women are losers.


Personally, I think if I were blond hair and blue eyes

Then no one would take the opportunity to beat me up


Personally, I’ve been informed I’m physically strong as an athlete

Therefore I ought to be able to take the beatings




No, don’t be mean to me or shun me

Because I get beat up.


Yes, shun and ignore the Caucasian men who beat me up.


Personally, I’m well intact and I make awesome sense.


Yes, the Gods will punish my abusers.


Yes, I’m used because I’m a woman of color

And being used and beaten is explained away.







Thursday, September 12, 2019




(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)



---  ---  ---



A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Dress Etiquette.




Chapter 26.

Page ?


For breakfasting in public or at the house



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Upload: 3:50pm CT

Word Count: 1,384

Word Count Goal for the week: 3,000

Word Count Goal: 1,000


---  ---  ---


            Hi. Hello.


            Happy Thursday!


---  ---  ---


            Test Driving my Left Frontal Lobe:


            Yes, last night on the West Bank I spoke to as many people as I could mainly to assert my same old laid back and intellectual personality and to test out my left frontal lobe region of the brain and cognition which has everything to do with speech.


            Nearly anyone I spoke to told me or complimented me on how my conversation was the best they’ve had in years. Ah, yeah. I know.




            My frontal lobe is intact.


            My personality’s intact and my brains are intact and my speech pattern’s intact and my ability to speak in an articulate manner is intact and I still hold deep awesome cognition to convey thoughts in well structured sentences outside of myself because I’ve always been a person who can hold the most relaxed and kind and smart and intelligent conversations in the world.


            Conversation’s an art form and I have that part of the frontal lobe region quite well developed.




            Within the first hour of getting kicked in the left frontal lobe region I couldn’t speak very well or I couldn’t enunciate words and I stuttered and I thought I had lost my ability to speak. I thought I had lost my speech. I’ve not ever been as scared or frightened in my entire life as to not be able to speak without stuttering.


            Duluth, MN men have offered me to have my perpetrator’s both legs broken or to break every single window of the house and I’ve asked them to stand down. Thank you.


            For about an hour I was more afraid of the loss of speech than I was at being left semi blind for a day.


            As of right now, my eyes still hurt in cloudy daylight.


            My eyes are still sensitive to light.


            My sternum kills.


            Watch me, Minnesota.


            Watch me rise and not fall.


            Hollywood, I’m coming to you.


            Hollywood, hold the line.


            Hollywood, I’ve got writings for you.


            Hollywood, it’s time we cut a literary deal.


            Last year, Hollywood offered me a mere 33 million dollars for my life story.


            Hollywood, I’m flying in.


            Hollywood, I’ll secretly contact you because I can’t afford to be killed in the process of making deals.


            Hollywood, I’m yours.


            Hollywood, I’ll stay in Minnesota while you keep me from getting killed.


            Hollywood, thank you.


            Hollywood, I shan’t forget your kindness.


            Hollywood, I need you more now than ever.


            Hollywood, open up all respectful literary doors to me.


            Hollywood, it’s time we became fast and steady best friends because I’ve been running away from you since 2000 and I’m not a pervert or a liar or a manipulator therefore it’s time I take the lead with you by my side.


            Let’s go, Hollywood. I’m ready for you. Finally.


---  ---  ---


The Most Important aspect to

Physical violence abuse

Is a durable cell phone


            Well, the greatest technological failure up to date has been my cell phone.


            Mostly everything’s run on dumb applications which are garbage.


            Mostly my cell phone’s dainty and breakable.


            Mostly my cell phone’s camera storage is garbage.


            What happened to internal memory cards?


            Personally, I require for a cell phone to have incredible audio/video space (RAM/memory) storage therefore when I get beat up then I can record the sequence of events as they unfold in real time thus and therefore if I were to end up dead then there can be a record of the atrocities against my person and body.


            For whatever reasons my cell phone operations systems switched over from an internal memory card to some Google application for which has nearly gotten me killed for not being able to store all of my video and pictures because the RAM is for garbage.


            Now, when I don’t have enough storage or enough memory for video then my phone’s worthless and useless to me because each second counts and the difference between a mediocre and great cell phone memory storage drive is the difference between life and death.


            Yes, I believe there ought to be a law in place for which requires all cell phone providers to offer a significant and large internal data space storage system to all cell phones to all consumers thus and therefore women can protect themselves because a camera is ten times more powerful than any weapon.


            My weapon is my cell’s camera.


            My defender is my cell’s camera.


            My protector is my cell’s camera.


            My guardian angel is my cell’s camera.


            Now, it wasn’t until recently within the last ten months for which I’ve realized how valuable a cell phone’s storage system is especially in the middle of any crises or in the middle of perpetual and continuous physical violence abuse.


            Personally, I’m designing and engineering and paten a cell phone durable enough to take punches like women do take punches to the facial region.


            Personally, I’m designing, engineering and paten a cell phone capable of enough internal video and picture storage to be a woman’s best friend while she must fend off physical brutal attacks.


            Personally, I’m designing, engineering and paten a cell phone with an outer rubber casing rather than some dainty and flighty and stupidly breakable phone for which doesn’t do any women any good while hanging unto the phone for dear life while getting the life beaten out of women.


            Yes, I need hardware more than I need dainty breakable stupidity.


            Yes, I have some serious needs as a consumer and no one’s providing this need therefore I know physical violence abuse is quite common in America therefore I need the software systems encased and manufactured differently otherwise my dainty and useless cell phone is more apt to get me killed than to help save my life.


            Yes, I need a cell phone for which can take the brunt of the brutality as well as my eyelids, sternum and frontal lobe can.


            Yes, I need a cell phone that can be squeezed as hard as I can squeeze it and be able to hang onto my cell phone for dear life while I’m being brutalized, beaten and kicked without the internal systems or motherboard of the phone getting crushed.


            I need serious durable technology, now!


            Yes, I need a cell phone that can go through life with me rather than hinder me or nearly get me killed because my cell phone can’t or doesn’t do well under strenuous circumstances and situations and runs out of internal storage.


            Yes, I live by a live-feed.


            Yes, I record 24/7.


            Yes, I love to record 24/7 then the voyeurism saves my life.


            Yes, the literal manufacturing of cell phones requires to come back to American shores simply because cell phones aren’t that great and I know because I’m the best “crash test dummy” (not literally) who just took my cell phone for a test drive and test crash and I’m telling you my cell phone can barely handle living in my backpack without going haywire or malfunction.


            Technology has to change because while I get brutalized I require for my cell to be my best friend rather than have my phone be like some drunk in a bar who’s a good for nothing son of a bitch.


            Anytime I get punched or hit then I hang onto my cell phone for dear life while I film since my cell phone’s ten times more protective and more important than any weapon because my cell phone’s either a tool or a weapon whenever I record continuous video.


            No, I’m not required to hurt anyone since my cell phone can and does record everything except when it runs out of memory.


            Yes, I need internal storage now!


            Yes, I need a phone for these modern times.


            Yes, I need a phone that be squeezed hard and not break while my brains get beaten in.


            Yes, I need to be able to find comfort in a cell phone for which I can hold glued to my hand while getting beaten.


            Yes, I need a cell phone that can be there for me when no one else can at 4:17am.


            Thank you,




Wednesday, September 11, 2019




(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)



---  ---  ---



A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Dress Etiquette.




Chapter 26.

Page ?


For breakfasting in public or at the house



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Upload: 1:14pm CT

Word Count: 790

Word Count Goal for the week: 3,000

Word Count Goal: 1,000


---  ---  ---


            Hi. Hello.


            Happy Wednesday!


---  ---  ---


            No, no one has to literally kiss my ass:


            No, I’m not anything or anyone special or important.


            Yes, I’m the underdog and this is enough reason to respect me since I’m holding my own amongst the rich with only my intelligence and sweat equity and the rich know I’m kinder, smarter and more intelligent than they are.


            Also, the rich know they waste my time with manipulation, abuse and assault.


            All Minnesotans have to do is respect me because while I work for sweat equity in exchange for room and board I get beaten and I still get up in the mornings and go to work and work hard as the underdog.


            Minnesota, I’m the underdog therefore and thus you shall respect me.


---  ---  ---


A kick to the sternum

And a kick to the left frontal lobe

Plus a black and blue right eye


            Physical violence abuse is real common in America.


            No one thinks physical violence abuse is a big deal to get violently kicked or punched or slapped on the eyeballs unless you’re the one taking the abuse then one’s body takes the brunt of the hatred, oppression and bullying.


            Today my face’s black and blue therefore I’m not able to disguise the fact I was severely physically beaten last night.


            Last night, at 9:00pm I was protecting my brains from getting kicked out of my skull.


            Last night, while I was down on the ground I was repeatedly kicked and slapped right over the eyelids and eyeballs while I begged for mercy to please stop the violence and to no avail I was continuously beaten.


            My eyelids took seven hard slaps.


            My eyelids did the very best to protect my eyeballs from exploding out of their sockets.


            Last night, three times I called the police and they showed up and nothing happened.


            Today, my right eye is bruised and obviously I look as though I’ve been beaten because I did get beaten.


            My right eye doesn’t focus quite well because I keep seeing one black spot or one black dot each time I look to the left or to the right.


            My left frontal lobe is swollen because I took a swift kick from a former St. Thomas Academy’s soccer captain and soccer player therefore I’m flying semi blind today.


            My perpetrator and his mother tell me it’s no big deal to be kicked in the head and be left semi blind.


            My breathing’s shallow because I took a straight-on kick to the sternum.


            Yes, I was beaten while I was on the ground with no way of protecting myself.


            My beatings happen on a weekly basis since February 2019.


            Both of my parents tell me not to talk to either of my parents about the abuse and to please go to a women’s homeless shelter and to call a domestic hotline, however, not to bother them with my problems. Okay.


            When one gets a swift kick to the left frontal lobe then one looses partial vision.


            My entire body hurts as though I have the flu.


            No, I’m not going to put anyone in jail, however, I’m not going to stay quiet and I’m not going to be ashamed of the very fact I get beaten and kicked in the head and slap-punched in the face and eyeballs.


            No, I didn’t kick and slap myself especially not over my eyelids therefore I have no shame in writing or talking about the physical assault or physical violence abuse.


            Yes, I’m the wrong woman to physically abuse because I’m not going to hide the abuse. I’m neither a child nor ashamed.


            The reason why I called the police is because getting kicked on the left frontal lobe is serious business and getting kicked on the head while down on the ground breaks all code and rules of conduct therefore I don’t make a secret of how one of Highland Park’s families uses and abuses me for their own amusement.


            No, I haven’t left because I’m semi blind today and I’m not able to flee with semi impaired vision.


            Yes, for the past four months I’ve been on a waiting list to get into a women’s homeless shelter and to no avail.


            Minnesota, my goal will be to disappear on you without a trace, however, I need to find safe shelter and since I work for the family business for free then I have no monetary way to get out unless... I go homeless and this isn’t an option therefore I’ll take the beatings for now.


            Yours Truly;



Monday, September 9, 2019




(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)



---  ---  ---



A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Dress Etiquette.




Chapter 26.

Page ?


For breakfasting in public or at the house



The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


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Upload: 1:15pm CT

Word Count: 936

Word Count Goal for the week: 3,000

Word Count Goal: 1,000


---  ---  ---


            Hi. Hello.


            Happy Monday!


---  ---  ---


Minnesota, ease up on me


            Look, Minnesota I know you act like you hate me except I don’t hate you. I simply don’t like your disrespectful ways yet I treat you with civility and respect therefore reciprocate otherwise I’ll make asses out of your whole lot especially Saint Paul, MN waitresses and mean spirited wait staff.


            Look, Minnesota I know you like to make a complete sheer mockery out of me except I don’t hate you and I have a strong mind to put you in your place every time I get stuck paying the bill and treated like a complete nigger in public by overweight Colossal Caucasian female kitchen help who serve the dishes and aren’t waitresses.


            Look, Minnesota you really ought to respect me otherwise you’re going down in history as one of the most racist and cruel butthole states to live in.


            Look, Minnesota my writings are worth more than your wait staff.


            Look, Minnesota what I write and say does matter because I do represent well educated, kind and smart and intelligent women of color everywhere.


            Look, Minnesota I know you hate my guts however you must respect me and since I seem to be a great adversary then you must show me even more respect than you do your best friends only because I’m worthy of the respect as a rival.


            Look, Minnesota please don’t go out of your way to baby Caucasian males since they already have all of the power, money and control in the world.


            Look, Minnesota I’m worthy of being here because I take the time to write and notice all of the gross and overpriced food offered in Minnesota.


            Look, Minnesota I’m your adopted daughter whether you want to beat my brains in or shame me or publically humiliate or complain about me or bitch about me or teach me a racist lesson I’m still one of you.


            Look, Minnesota you’re real bastards so get off my back because you’re breathing down my neck and I’d love to figuratively punch you in the face for being bullying cowards and passive aggressive liars and manipulators.


            Look, Minnesota you don’t get to take others’ side over mine because I’m the one sticking my neck out and standing up for women’s rights.


            Look, Minnesota most Caucasian women are real bastards and bitches however I don’t go out of my way to flirt or baby or steal your men.


            Look, Minnesota, I’m fighting the real fight here and I can’t have your bastard ways get in my way of something bigger than you or I.


            Look, Minnesota I know you’re not as kind and intelligent and smart as I am because you want everything handed to you however I’m nearly killing myself over here to prove I have the excellent worth I have.


            Look, Minnesota stop being such cruel bastards and bitches.


            Look, Minnesota you don’t get to belittle me or degrade me or undermine me because you feel bad for misbehaved Caucasian males.


            Look, Minnesota I’m right and you’ll accept the very fact I’m right.


            Look, Minnesota the easiest thing to do in the world is to destroy rather than build.


            Look, Minnesota, I personally don’t like you, however, I work and live and pay taxes to this miserably racist state therefore you’ll respect me whether you like me or not.


            Look, Minnesota don’t go out of your way to flirt with my boyfriend because he’s spoken for and I’m teaching him to grow up, mature and become a man and Minnesota if you get in my way then I’ll punish you for destroying my chances of making a real man out of one of your children.


            Look, Minnesota 6 million people across the globe read this blog and Minnesota it’s not looking good for you therefore shape up or get out of my face and stop being mean to me and nice to others to undermine my credibility.


            Look, Minnesota you’re not that cool yet I let you get near me because I have to go out in public.


            Look, Minnesota, I know you have a lot of psychological issues therefore you’ll have to prove to me you’re not the insane racists and chauvinistic and bias female assholes I think you are.


            Look, Minnesota you better start kissing my ass rather than get horny every time my Neanderthal boyfriend and I frequent public establishments.


            Look, Minnesota I take brutality for you and don’t make a sound therefore you will respect me otherwise Detroit is always a state of mind.


            Look, Minnesota you’re not that great while I’m awesome.


            Look, Minnesota I know you’re a bunch of alcoholics with big ideas and no way to implement anything.


            Look, Minnesota I’m not the asshole bastard who keeps threatening me in public and abandoning me in public and sticking me with the bill in public and breaking up with me in public.


            Get it together Minnesota because this has been the worst decade of my life.


            Minnesota, you’re wasting my fucking time with abuse and malarkey and melodrama and cruelty.


            Minnesota, I don’t like you: yet I look out for you therefore you’ll look out for me.


            Minnesota, my opinion matters most because I write about everything therefore you’ll respect and grow up and mature or I’ll force my penmanship down your throats.


            Colossal restaurant kitchen fat ass Caucasian asshole bitches you’ll respect Me.


            It’s not a request, it’s a command.


            Yours Truly;



Saturday, September 7, 2019




(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)



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A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Dress Etiquette.




Chapter 26.

Page ?


For breakfasting in public or at the house



The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


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Upload: 3:26pm CT

Word Count: 1,820

Word Count Goal for the week: 3,000

Word Count Goal: 1,000


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            Hi. Hello.


            Happy Saturday!


---  ---  ---


Public Humiliation

By a Spouse


Shun a bully

Don’t comfort a bully


Especially not in public

And definitely not by strangers


            Well, last night in Minneapolis, MN at the Greek Festival my bully spouse told me to “fuck off!” in public and I said, “don’t tell me to ‘fuck off!’ in public” and I went and sat outside of the car until my bully was done dating himself and until he was done filling up his ego by constantly looking for attention in any female stranger who will lend it to him which one must not lend or give any attention to male strangers otherwise female strangers have ulterior motives to sexually seduce.


            Can you believe the abuse? I can’t.


            After my bully told me to go “fuck off!” in the street then he returned to the Greek Festival and a female creep of a woman went out of her way to actually and literally put her hand on my bully’s shoulder to calm him down like she was his wife and she immediately apologized to my bully for being inappropriate and a complete creep in public and she ought to have apologized and quickly left the scene of the crime.


            Ah, yeah! What a creep to take the liberty to calm down a male stranger.


            Now, get in line because mostly over sexualized and creepy women go out of their way to comfort my bully especially while in public since my bully likes to bitch and moan and complain about me because I stand up to my abuser therefore my abuser likes to play the victim card or the martyr.


            Actually my bully complains when creepy women take the liberty to touch him as though they’re his wife or he complains about female creeps touching him without permission which is another form of violation and he ought to complain about it because women are constantly wanting to sexually manipulate my bully because he can’t emotionally sort himself out in public or private therefore creepy women with low self esteem think they can step in and pity my bully which pity is a form of hatred therefore pity doesn’t help out a bully simply pity reinforces further violence in bullies.


            Now, when you see any man bully any woman in public then one must shun the man and not comfort the man because I constantly get bullied or verbally abused in public by my spouse and no one comforts me therefore don’t comfort any bully otherwise we live, work and play in creep-ville.


            No, I had no idea how creepy Greek women would be.




            On Thursday evening my souse broke up with me at The Monument by screaming across the park, “We’re broken up!”


            Seriously, a break up conversation is done in private.


            Seriously, you won’t ever know how humiliating it is to have one’s spouse break up with you in public and broadcast it to the entire world while shouting it out as a manipulative and control tactic to put you down to make themselves feel better which doesn’t work because bullies don’t ever seem to be happy or content or don’t ever make themselves feel better thus and therefore bullies are maladjusted and malcontent for life unless bullies do some serious psychological work into their own inner workings which is rare to see any bully change the trajectory of their misbehaved and abusive patterns.


            My bully can be a creep.


            My spouse is verbally abusive with me and his mother and likes to humiliate me in public to get their anger and frustration and aggression out on me to make me look bad and cause humiliation.


            Supposedly, I ought to retreat and feel bad about myself, however, I’m a writer and my business is words therefore I speak up for myself and don’t allow anyone to bully me otherwise you will hear me in a loud thyroid voice say, “don’t tell me to go ‘fuck off!’ in public.”


            Last night my partner invited me out to Friday night date to the Minneapolis, MN Greek Festival and as soon as I got out of the car I felt sharp pins and needles pain all over my body from an entire week of verbal abuse my body has begun to literally and physically hurt due to the stress manifesting into a physiological form therefore the stress has taken on a physiological toll thus I was walking slowly when my partner turned back to me and said, “If you don’t walk faster then I’m taking you home and dropping you off.”


            Seriously, I was appalled.


            My partner criticizes me and bullies me anywhere we go or nearly any activity we’re doing to gain and regain control over me and assert power over the relationship.


            The moment my partner spoke to me with insults and hatred I turned on my heels and hobbled back over to the car and stayed near the car because being given ultimatums to walk faster or threatened to be taken home is complete abuse.


            My partner texted me while I was at the car and apologized for being down right insulting.


            After about 30 minutes of being at the car, again my partner texted and asked me to join him thus I slowly walked back up the street and went to the Greek Festival only to have my partner act distant and passively aggressive and demanding and told me to buy my own dinner and threatened to ditch me to go watch the sunset. What a cruel individual.


            Yet again I turned on my heels and headed back to the car. I didn’t even have to think twice. My partner’s constantly offering to take me out then he ditches me and has me pay my way.


            When I stepped out of the ticket line my partner followed me and screamed at me and kept walking down the street and told me to go “fuck off!” while in the middle of a public street and sidewalk right behind the Greek festival. I was mortified and couldn’t believe my spouse went out of his way to make asses out of us in public.


            For the second time, I literally went and sat outside of the car since my spouse refused to give me the keys to the car then I sat outside for hours waiting for my spouse to be done dating himself.




            Finally, I got sick of waiting and called a domestic hotline and talked to a lovely woman who reassured me I don’t deserve to be publically humiliated or verbally abused or criticized because she told me I’m dating a bully and it’s not going to get any better and if anything else most likely the abuse will only get worse.


            My bully is so nice and charming to anyone else outside of the house except with me he wants to crush my soul and belittle me like a child in front of anyone. I swear to the Mayan Gods I can’t believe a man can or will choose to publically humiliate their spouse for which he supposedly loves.


            During my conversation with the domestic hotline counselor I told her I can stand being kicked, punched, choked, strangled and dragged by the hair, however, what I can’t stand is being called a “cunt” “slut,” and “whore” for hours on end in public and in private and I don’t like to be broken up with in public.


            What I conveyed to the domestic hotline counselor is that as of this week my partner has begun to scream and shout at me in public and three times my spouse broke up with me in public at the top of his lungs to simply belittle me and take away my worth which I don’t allow for such bullshit from my spouse therefore I hold steadfast and firm to appropriate language such as “don’t speak to me like that.”


            My bully likes to make jokes about how I’m fat or my bully likes to pinch and grab my stomach fat in public and makes this act seem like it’s something cute or a joke, however, I’ve asked my bully not to do this to me because I’m the only one who can talk about my body fat and no one else has the right to undermine me or put me down in public like a contact sport.


            My bully likes to grab my breasts in public and make it seem like a joke except for one year I’ve asked my bully to please not objectify me and make me feel bad in public however my bully knows better.


            The domestic hotline counselor said the reason why he does this because he’s a bully and bully’s don’t change and now that he’s reached a new threshold of public humiliation then he’ll continue this pattern of abuse because this is something he believes he can get away with, however.


            Like I already spelled it out, I can be quick to the draw while on my feet when it comes to words and I don’t allow for any bully to minimize me or take me for granted or abuse me in public because I peacefully remove myself from my bully and allow himself to date himself in public since all he ever wants is to steal the spotlight for himself and doesn’t ever want to show off me only to be seen center stage.


            Dating a bully is like dating a real vain woman who self loathes.


            Now, I don’t allow for my bully to get away with any disrespect because I’m too mature and too confident to fall apart at the misbehavior of another.


            My bully hates that I have the testosterone to put him in his place if need be or to simply go sit in the car while my bully gauges an entire public place to see where he can vampire energy and attention from.


            My bully’s a manipulator.


            My bully’s a tyrant.


            My bully’s a calculated cruel bully.


            My bully’s a liar.


            My bully’s a child.


            My bully’s regressed development.


            My bully’s a narcissist.


            My bully’s a hater.


            My bully’s a charmer of strangers.


            Yours Truly;




            Yes, my nerves are shot and I’ve begun to get anxious of my bully’s public verbal assaults on my person therefore I’ve become a cigarette chain smoker.


            No, I don’t smoke out of anger. I smoke out of anxiety in anticipation of the next attack or assault on my person and my worth value.


            Believe it or not even if the cigarette smoke kills me, I’m still winning because I don’t allow for my bully to destroy me in public because I simply say words like, “You have no right to publically humiliate me.”


Wednesday, September 4, 2019




(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)



---  ---  ---



A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Dress Etiquette.




Chapter 26.

Page ?


For breakfasting in public or at the house



The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


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Upload: 7:36pm CT

Word Count: 2,550

Word Count Goal for the week: 3,000

Word Count Goal: 1,000


---  ---  ---


            Hi. Hello.


            Happy Wednesday!


---  ---  ---


            Life Notes:


            Oh, how I long to be an equal partner rather than a slave.


            [The whole world has my phone number because my phone number is on thus and therefore anyone has access to my phone number except most people only truly call for something specifically business related since I’m still holding interviews ever since May 2019.]


            No, please don’t ever call my cell phone or get a hold of me unless the subject matter is about specifically financing money to the arts or art grants or patronage to the arts or philanthropy to the arts or serious conversations about art financial contracts otherwise I’m not any type of prostitute and I’m not a drug dealer and I’m not any type of sex slave and I’m not any type of sex worker or any type of anything sexual for trade because I’m an American citizen and civilian and I work really hard even though I don’t make any money because I work commission which is slave wages unless one’s really awesome at commission work or I work sweat equity, however, usually one can get quite easily used and abused for the exchange of room and board and usually when one works for sweat equity no one takes the worth of the sweat equity work seriously unless one rebels and stops all production then suddenly the sweat equity has much value therefore mostly sweat equity work gets taken for granted while the volunteer sweat equity worker doesn’t ever get many breaks or doesn’t get days off or health care benefits or dental or anything medical taken care of because with sweat equity there isn’t much value in return other than room and board and that’s not enough to live on or make any type of real future plans because one’s more or less working harder than living.


            My Phone Number:


            The entire world has my phone number since my phone number has been the same since May 1, 2004 when I moved to 709 Douglas Avenue tucked behind the Walker Arts Museum.


            The entire world has my phone number since my phone number has been the same since I opened up and had at one point operated a documentary filmmaking company and received a business loan in September 2002 and dissolved the documentary film company in December 31st, 2014, however, the entire world still has my phone number.


            Now, I don’t ever get into emotional sexual texting or emotionally flirtatious texting because I’m not low self-esteem and I’m seriously not at all insecure when you take one look at me then you know I’m solid as a bull and also I’m spoken for and yes, I meet and fulfill my own emotional needs as a mature adult woman who doesn’t need people to tell me how awesome I’m at writing because I’m driving this ship and this is an awesome captaining position simply because I’ve taken the time to hone this literary skill therefore the experience of writing does serve me right and just.


            Now, the entire of Los Angeles and Costa Rica and Spain and Somalia and Venezuela and Hong Kong has my telephone number because anywhere I went in Los Angeles as a classified tourist then locals and people who actually had lived in Los Angeles most of their adult lives mostly people directly would approach me and wanted my phone number thus I didn’t have any qualms or difficulties or insecurities about giving out my phone number because such a practice seemed common in Los Angeles especially while traveling as a tourist thus and therefore I gave out my phone number with gusto and to this day no one’s ever contacted with anything creepy. Thank you.


            Nowadays I don’t ever personally give out my phone number to any men because my significant other has asked me not to ever freely give out my phone number to any men thus and therefore I don’t because I respect my partner’s request and wishes.




            For the past twenty years I’ve been respectfully working sweat equity work and I’ve worked my way through life as a housewife or in documentary filmmaking or writing or more cleaning of toilets, wiping down floors, taking out the recycling and garbage, making beds and laundry or typing out dictated letters or worked as a volunteer support system without making a single penny as well as worked as elderly care and/or childcare and no one ever makes money from such difficult and challenging and tiresome and draining work yet I’ve successfully conducted such responsibilities to the best of my ability even if life respectfully calls for me to help an elderly person out of the shower or the bathtub while holding them upright and naked I’ve conducted such tasks.


            No, I don’t have any shame about being an overly obedient and helpful and respectful volunteer even though I’ve wasted most of my adult life cleaning after other people’s messes.


            Yes, I get tired of cleaning up after other people’s messes especially when daily one’s constantly threatened to have one’s room and board taken away because then the only security there’s in life is to constantly be in afraid mode for one’s security and safety.


            Yes, I still hold a strong steadfast to my own autonomy and my very own intellectual property to be an individual who’s smart, genuinely kind and intelligent to know my lot in life has always been to be bestowed upon the great and awesome responsibilities to make and keep others happy by cleaning up after their messes no matter how much others abuse me or take my work for granted or become simply downright cruel to me and continue to use me for free while I ought to be getting financing to independently live and work as a mature adult writer to further my literary skills and work and write rather than constantly barter my room and board for a near death experience of cleaning to death and obeying and appeasing others while I go without resources.


            The pressure and the needs of others weighs heavily upon me and because I’m responsible and mature adult thus I’ve always been expected to carry all of the domestic weight except I’m slowing down because the last year has taken a toll on my skeletal body and bone structure while the expectation is only I carry an entire family unit and to carry all of the domestic responsibilities and extra professional responsibilities without pay is to enslave another to obey and submit to take-on another’s lifestyle and to not ever have or be allowed to ever have a life of one’s own.


            No, I don’t long to leave Highland Park, no, not at all.


            Simply, I long to be treated respectfully.


            Oh, how I long not to be lied to about anything at all.


            Oh, how I long to be trusted to be an awesome adult.


            Oh, how I’d love to attend literary lectures without being accused of having sexual intercourse with strangers.


            Oh, how I’d love to attend a museum exhibit without being accused of having sexual intercourse with strangers.


            Oh, how I’d love to play chess with a group of learned and kind and intelligent and smart people without any sexual vibes or without anyone bragging about how awesome and great they are or without being accused of having sexual intercourse with strangers.


            Oh, how I long to be treated to paid dates rather than being asked to pay for dates.


            Oh, how I long not to hear any bragging about others’ awesomeness after they get drunk and brag about how everybody wants them.


            Oh, how I’d love not to have anything thrown in my face to hurt me by threatening to break up with me and go have sex with strangers.


            Oh, how I long not to be broken up with at all much less in public parks and public bars.


            Oh, how I’d love not to be measured or compared to other women in the streets or bars or anywhere else.


            Oh, how I long not to be told the only reason I’m datable is because of my skin color.


            Oh, how I long to long distance run without being accused of having sexual intercourse with strangers.


            Oh, how I wish I wasn’t accused of anything being my fault such as lost items or misplaced items because I’m not anyone’s mommy and when others are drunk and they lose their personal items then that’s not my fault, truly.


            Oh, how I long to have a checking account worth my sweat in value.


            Oh, how I wish I was told “thank you.”


            Oh, how I long to have genuine none sexual friends who understand alcoholism because most people in my life are alcoholics even though I’m not an alcoholic.


            Oh, how I long to go to a support group for family and friends of alcoholics without being accused of having sexual intercourse with strangers.


            Oh, how I long not to be manipulated by getting accused of having sexual intercourse with strangers.


            Oh, how I long not to be threatened to lose everything simply because I disagree with disrespect and double standards and hypocrisy.


            Oh, how I long to stay without the abuse.


            Oh, how I long not to have to pay for everything since I work sweat equity and spending-money is difficult to come by.


            Oh, how I long to play foosball without first being asked to foot the bill.


            Oh, how I long to have financial freedom and independence.


            Oh, how I long to have my brains utilized rather than constantly be demoralized and harshly scrutinized for how I clean or how I eat or what I eat or how many pounds I weigh.


            Oh, how I long not to lose my apatite because I’m not putting on weight.


            Oh, how I long to be respected without the threat to be ‘cut off at the knees’ or constantly accused of having sexual intercourse with strangers.


            Oh, how I long not to be kept as a house slave and only to be kept for what I can do for others while getting demoralized.


            Oh, how I long to be able to cook a meal in my own kitchen.


            Oh, how I long to have my own kitchen.


            Oh, how I long not to have to get up at 6:00am on Sundays to do laundry due to the fear of being scrutinized for how much soap or how little soap or how heavy of a laundry load I fill the basin with.


            How I long to go to church without being verbally abused about my only reason to attend church is to go have sex with strangers.


            Oh, how I long to be treated like a mature adult rather than a child.


            Oh, how I long to have respectful relationships not based on my looks or how much I can do for others.


            Oh, how I long to be respected.


            Oh, how I long to be an equal rather than a thing or an object.


            Oh, how I would love to live without ultimatums.


            Oh, how I’d love to be respected to be told the truth.


            Oh, how I long not to be manipulated through words.


            Oh, how I long not to be rejected on a daily basis.


            Oh, how I long to be trusted to make great decisions and excellent choices.


            Oh, how I would love not to be rejected to be forced to stay home otherwise I’m not allowed to have a life or I get accused of being sexual with strangers for simply wanting to play chess.


            What am I saying?


            What I’m saying is this: someday I’d like to get paid in cash or paycheck for all of the domestic housework at home and at the office for which I volunteer to do as an expectation or as a heavy burden or as a heavy responsibility thus and therefore I do.


            What a grand dream it would be not to be expected to clean up after others like a servant or slave and each time someone finished with their own plate and fork and done having a snack or a meal then they would initiate the ability to go ahead and clean up after themselves otherwise I’m slave to dirty dishes and cleaning up after others and such menial tasks do waste time and space and life especially when done for no pay.


            Personally, I get tired of getting used for others’ personal gain yet there’s no money in it for me therefore I don’t ever get to have spending money or clothes money or shoe money or any other type of emergency money or any type of savings or any type of anything since my sweat equity work’s supposedly not ever worthy of pay therefore I go without money and in exchange for room and board I nearly kill myself cleaning even though my room and board comes with deadly mold and mice infestation.


---  ---  ---


            Somali Muslim West Bank, Minneapolis, MN Violence:


            No group of ten Black Muslim Somali American men will ever be allowed to ever again beat up “Ton” on the West Bank, Minneapolis, MN.


            Why isn’t anyone ever allowed to beat up Ton?


            No one’s ever again allowed to beat up Ton because I’m simply asking anyone to please not beat up one of the most quiet and respectful people and civilians and citizens I’ve ever met who is quite literary and reads much of the time.


            Police Violence:


            No four Caucasian police men in Brooklyn Park, Minneapolis, MN are to ever again commit homicide to a twenty-one year old autistic with grandma and grandpa in the living room.


            Why aren’t four Caucasian police men ever allowed to commit homicide ever again?


            No one’s ever again allowed to commit homicide because I’m peacefully asking to please stop the police brutality and murders by the hands of police primarily because the father to the murdered young man is a father who contributes to the West Bank, Minneapolis, MN.


---  ---  ---


            Now, the rules are no violence.


            What is it about Twin Cities, Minnesota violence for which makes violence ever so real?


            What makes Twin Cities’ violence ever so real is the mere fact for which the Twin Cities is quite a small community of villages and we all travel all over the Twin Cities therefore we’re volunteers, friends and family and community members of each and every single citizen and civilian in this small town for which most Minnesotans consider a city except really and truly this Twin Cities is the smallest urban city I’ve ever lived in or frequented or “stomped” around (not literally stomp) unless I used to wear sweaty high heels then my feet would slide back and forth inside the shoes and I’d stomp around while doing my very best to keep my high heels on with nylon socks.


            Now, I gave up high heels about five years ago and giving up high heels is the best thing I ever did for my spine and calf muscles.


            Yours Truly;



Sunday, September 1, 2019




(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)



---  ---  ---



A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Dress Etiquette.




Chapter 26.

Page ?


For breakfasting in public or at the house



The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


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Upload: 9:53am CT, 12:38pm

Word Count: 2,802

Word Count Goal for the week: 3,000

Word Count Goal: 1,000


---  ---  ---


            Hi. Hello.


            Happy Sunday!


---  ---  ---


            Stolen Tiffany Crystal:


            Oh, I’m beside myself about Lindus Construction.


            Seriously, what would I do with a stolen Tiffany crystal?




            Return the crystal to the proper owner without a reward.


            Seriously, I’m quite descriptive in appearance and physical form and if hypothetically I were to imaginatively or figuratively do anything wrong then the entire town would know about anything thus and therefore I’m proper, formal and extremely well behaved unless I’m sexually harassed then I verbally speak for myself in a loud thyroid tumor voice and New York City style of communications and I command the bully to stand down otherwise I’ll have to call the police in to please have an intoxicated public nuisance removed from any public space for which men and women peacefully frequent as paying patrons.


            Well, I’ve been investigating the Highland Park’s stolen Tiffany crystal for the past ten months and finally I connected the dots to the stolen Tiffany crystal and I was beside myself to find out it was Lindus Construction’s sub contractor painting associates. I was heartbroken because I really like to peacefully communicate to the female manager at Lindus Construction even though the private property and Lindus Construction are at odds.


            Personally, as of this moment I’m steward to the private property and have nothing to do with legal matters or historical logistics of sequence of events as to the property being flooded by leaving a water hose running down the chimney for five straight hours to literally and factually flood the basement and the first floor living room.


            Still the house is a disaster due to the lack of respect and incompetence on the part of Lindus Construction.


            To this day, the inside of the house looks like a haunted house and there’re no ghosts here because I reside here and I clean, too, much to have fantasies about ghosts since my greatest enemy is black and red mold and I’m dealing with any types of mold as quickly as possible as well as dealing with a ten year long mice infestation for which I paid the bill in December 2018 and I’m waiting for any monies or domestic budgets to be passed and grant me $150.00 to hire an exterminator to help me with the mice infestation because this isn’t right and much of the work Lindus Construction did left the house in ruins therefore Lindus Construction must return the money or actually set up an appointment with me to return to finish the work for one-hundred thousand rather than the cheap forty-thousand dollar job Lindus Construction did plus restore the home to a livable situation because the attic is boiling in the summer and freezing in the winter.


            Yes, I know perfectly what I’m talking about. I’ve been steward to the place for ten continuous months. I care for the place with my own two bare hands and I actually care what happens to the property.


            Personally, I can’t believe Lindus Construction left an elderly woman to contend with a flooded basement and flooded living room to live with black mold on the window sills and to have absolutely no ventilation in the attic while red mold for which oozes out of buckled planks in the ceiling of the attic as we speak now.


            Personally, I didn’t know Wisconsin companies came into Minnesota and destroyed Minnesota property owners’ residential private properties then disappeared since 2012 until 2018 when I showed up on the scene as a volunteer steward, however, I’m appalled at how the sons of Lindus Construction speak to their former customers who spent one-hundred thousand dollar renovation and I as a layperson can see and witness the cheapest materials and the neglectful work by the hands of Lindus Construction.


            Oh, Lindus Construction, what you’ve done here is criminal and you know it. Now, I live in a house for which Lindus Construction destroyed and with my own bare hands I’m restoring the house back to health.


            Right now, the attic ceiling looks like somebody was murdered and stored in between the planks of wood until I had it explained to me the red oozing substance is smeared mold and the dripping water is condensation thus the attic doesn’t breathe while we live in mold due to terrible Lindus Construction shoddy work.


            Look: I’m a volunteer steward and I’m a volunteer writer and I’ve give both subject matter enough consideration to realize Lindus Construction literally thieved through a construction project and left us to live with an infrastructure for which requires an entire overhaul in renovation and have the renovation done correctly because Lindus Construction left the property in complete shambles and disrepair.


---  ---  ---


Highland Park,

Saint Paul, MN


Housewife Murder Central

Yes, the Housewives have informed me

Thank You


            My partner has a thing for telling blatant lies about their exact whereabouts and location and time and place or where my partner goes to get drunk with strangers in the woods.


            My partner’s highly emotionally promiscuous and a liar.

            My partner’s highly manipulative.

            My partner’s a charmer in public and brute force at home.

            My partner’s mentally ill with alcoholism.

            My partner’s a physically violent abuser.

            My partner’s a verbally violent abuser.

            My partner’s an emotionally violent abuser.


            My partner’s always threatening to abandon me to go and have sex with strangers which the only thing I ask is not to be given STD’s. Thank you.


            Please, no herpes.


            My partner’s a liar. Oh, well.

            Their failure and not mine.


            My partner actually thinks I’m a ‘mommy’ figure. Hahaha.


            My partner doesn’t understand I’m a live-in girlfriend and not a maid or a nanny.



Sequence of Events


            Yesterday at 2:30pm my partner texted and invited for me to take my partner out for birthday dinner at 5:00pm. Done.


            At 3:30pm my partner blatantly lied and texted me that my partner was taking a solo walk in the woods of Crosby.


            At 4:00pm I texted my partner and told my partner I wouldn’t be ready until 5:30pm.


            At 5:30pm I texted my partner and wrote “Dressed and ready.”


            At 6:00pm my partner’s no show and no sign of my partner and no text from my partner. How rude and disrespectful. How immature. How disrespectful. My partner doesn’t respect me which makes me laugh because I’m treated like a maid or a mommy or a nanny or an afterthought however not as a live-in girlfriend unless my partner wants something from me.


            At 6:00pm I texted my partner and asked my partner if my partner was okay on my partner’s solo walk in Crosby woods or if I needed to call an attorney on his behalf for any reason because by then my partner had been gone for four hours and my partner refused to respect me and my time and wouldn’t directly communicate with me or give me a straight forward answer about his whereabouts thus I wondered if my partner was injured in the woods of Crosby or detained due to public intoxication which public intoxication often happens because my partner’s a severely high functioning alcoholic who drives drunk for the past four years when he became a public drunk alcoholic.


            At 6:20pm my partner texts me “My love.”


            At 6:30pm I wonder if my partner’s fallen and twisted an ankle or worse been mulled by a mountain lion in the woods of Crosby (I haven’t ever been there) or been detained. I had no idea. I didn’t know any of my partner’s whereabouts because my partner’s a liar therefore my partner’s ambiguous over text to hide the fact my partner isn’t ever where my partner says my partner will be. The failure is my partner’s failure and not mine because I’m commanded to stay home and clean or look after the elderly therefore I do since I’m glued to the couch taking care of a spine injury and even if I were to go for a none sexual six mile run, I’m still accused of having imaginary sex with strangers in the woods because my partner projects what most likely my partner fears most in himself.


            At 6:45pm my partner bounded into the house drunk and stumbled and loudly yelled my name throughout the house and commanded me to take my partner out to my partner’s birthday dinner. No.


            Disrespectfully my partner stood me up and was only ready for me when my partner was good and ready for me otherwise my partner constantly wastes my time by having to always wait for my partner even if it’s going to the restroom however my partner refuses to wait for me and rushes off without me as an excuse to leave me at home alone and my partner likes to ignore me and exclude me from social activities until my partner’s good and ready to hang out with me however, by the time I’m stood up then I’ve moved on to other activities and the window of opportunity to go out on a public dinner date is over and we date at home because a drunk partner is a baby and a coward and must be watched over.


            To keep anyone waiting for anymore than 15 minutes is a sign of deep disrespect towards the person waiting and bad misbehavior and immaturity and a lack of self respect therefore the public dinner date’s over after 15 minutes of waiting to be picked up unless someone continually gives text updates and doesn’t lie and profusely apologizes many times to have kept anyone waiting anymore than 15 minutes because keeping someone waiting for over an hour means you don’t care about them otherwise bogus and disrespectful because one doesn’t ever stand up their dinner date or girlfriend to go get drunk in the woods simply because one doesn’t care how one treats the other.


            Personally, I moved on last night.


            Personally, I stayed home and took care of my spine injury.


            At 7:00pm my partner asked me to drive because my partner was highly drunk and intoxicated thus I drove back to and returned to The Monument and I walked down to the cliffs to see what the big deal was and there was no big deal or nothing real to be stood up for by one’s date in exchange for free booze and the company of strangers however my partner didn’t want to go party anymore thus we went home.


            My partner has a terrible habit of whining and complaining and bitching and moaning to drunk and high strangers about me or my partner complains about their elderly mom therefore my partner doesn’t want to socialize with me amongst drunken strangers because my partner very well knows my partner badmouths me yet treats me terribly badly behind closed doors. My partner doesn’t know how to break the cycle of high functioning alcoholism and abuse or how to stop the manipulation or stop the immature misbehavior to run away to get drunk with strangers for whom he complains about drunk strangers thus my partner complains to me like I’m their mom and if anyone treats me or thinks of me in terms of their mom then there’s no reason for consented sexual intercourse since I’m not anybody’s mommy and I’m in the prime of my life and I don’t want to be enslaved or locked away for sex and cleaning then get bad mouthed to drunk strangers in public.


            At 7:30pm my partner told me to fuck off and told their mom to fuck off and called us “cunts.”


            At 7:35 my partner was on top of me fighting for the car keys.


            At 7:40pm my partner’s mom called the cops and hung up.


            At 7:45pm I led my partner to a comfortable bedroom and took off my partner’s shoes and laid them down on a bed to rest in the basement where the police wouldn’t find my partner.


            Near 8:00pm the police came and spoke to the owner of the property and all was well and quiet.


            At 8:30pm my partner began to barbecue and every time my partner stepped into the house and kitchen he began to scream all over again with the word “cunts” and continued to ask me if we were still a couple even though my partner continuously told me to go fuck myself and for their mom to go fuck herself. We kept quiet and I silently wept.


            At 8:45pm the women folk took refuge in the dark in the front porch while my partner physically threatened to advance upon us and yelled and told us to go fuck ourselves and cunts.


            At 9:00pm my partner stepped into the front porch and took a hold of my hair and yanked as hard as my partner could right in front of their mom and I began to cry like a baby and all was recorded on video and sound and audio.


            At 9:30pm I retired for bed.


            At 10:00pm I went into another bedroom and tried to lock the door except the doorway was blocked and I was thrown and slammed against furniture. I fell to the floor and had my mouth tightly covered so I wouldn’t scream bloody murder. I was held down to the floor.


            At 10:30pm my partner drove a different car while highly intoxicated because at dinner and throughout the night my partner continued to drink red wine even though my partner came home already drunk.


            At 11:30pm my partner returned home alive.




            What a pathetic life!


            This is our lives every night.


            What a waste of time.



            My partner hates themselves and self loathes.


            Yes, I have enough self respect for myself thus last night I didn’t take my partner out to birthday dinner because my partner was “drunk as a skunk” thus I took away the car keys and parked the car in the garage.


            Yes, I’m constantly threatened to be left in public establishments and find my way home and this is my partner’s disrespect and not mine.


            Yes, I’m constantly threatened to be left at home to clean while my partner gets drunk in public woods with strangers yet my partner’s constantly complaining about drunk strangers and how drunk strangers are always getting my partner drunk and high as though my partner has no choice and can’t say no because my partner’s been drunk for four straight continuous years of frequenting The Monument.


            Personally, I refused to take my partner out on a birthday dinner because my partner was heavily intoxicated and cruel and mean.


            Personally, I don’t take anybody out to dinner who thinks they can stand me up.


            Personally, I have a lot of self value and self worth and self respect.


            Personally, I know my partner’s a light weight and easily gets drunk and my partner’s inhibitions lower and my partner only lives for having drunk fun which in my partner’s mind this constitutes getting drunk until my partner stumbles or yells and swears and screams and hits and punches and grabs my hair and pushes me into furniture.


            My partner purposely stands me up then I no one can get me to budge to go out in public once I’ve been stood up.


            My partner’s always looking to hang out in the woods with drunken strangers and this is all my partner lives for therefore he’s willing to sacrifice self respect for the company of drunken strangers.


            My partner can quite easily come home and get drunk at home however my partner likes the ego boost of not ever maturing into full adulthood therefore my partner lies because my partner knows the house’s falling apart and my partner actually has to come home and be respectful since mostly what my partner does is constantly badger me “Are we still together?” “Are we still a couple?” “Are we still together.” “Are you still with me?”


            My partner’s incredibly rude human then profusely apologized for constantly threatening the relationship and telling me we’re broken up and I’m thrown out only to be showered in hugs and kisses and told not to ever leave.


            Personally, I think my partner hates me since the start.


            Personally, I feel bad for my partner to be so immature and have no regard for anybody other than for my partner’s benefit and for my partner’s instant gratification.


            My partner’s probably one of the most disrespectful people I’ve ever met since last night my partner called both their mother and I “cunts” for four straight hours and told both of us to go fuck ourselves and to fuck off.


            My partner’s a manipulative abuser.


            Yours Truly;



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