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Friday, October 31, 2014


“Lend before witnesses,

but give without them.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Prosecute (to pursue in accordance with the law, to sue)


He threatened to prosecute if anyone hunts on his property.


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A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.




Chapter 1.

Page 27-28


                        The wisdom of the social law, as it really is, seems open to question. Yet it is wise and right, nevertheless. Taking men as a whole, they are better able to endure the fatigue of standing than women. Women as the mothers of the race, the bearers and nurses of children, are entitled to special consideration and care on account of the physical disabilities which these duties entail; and even if in their ordinary health they are capable of enduring fatigue, still there are times when to compel them to this endurance is cruel and unjust. Since women prefer, as a rule, to conceal their womanly weaknesses and disabilities as far as practicable, it is impossible for individual men to judge of the strength or weakness of individual women. Thus, when a man rises from his seat to give it to a woman, he silently says, in the spirit of true and noble manliness, “I offer you this, madam, in memory of my mother, who suffered that I might live, and of my present or future wife, who is, or is to be, the mother of my children.” Such devotion of the stronger sex to the weaker is beautiful and just; and this chivalrous spirit, carried through all the requirements of politeness, has a significance which should neither be overlooked nor undervalued. It is the very poetry of life, and tends towards that further development of civilization when all traces of woman’s original degradation shall be lost.                       


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Happy Halloween!


Hong Kong, Americans Love You.

Freedom of Information Act.




            There’re many different types of problems in America and guns happen to be one of many major problems.


            No, I don’t carry any firearms strapped to my body.


            “If you decide to get a permit to ‘carry and conceal’ a firearm then be very well prepared to die by your own gun,” Said my Father to me at the age of fourteen (14) in 1991. (Okay.)


            Implemented as of November 1, 2014; as a mature and independently thinking adult American, I’ve made the decision and arrived at the conclusion that I shan’t, not, for as long as I live, carry a firearm strapped to my body or on my person. I’ll take my chances in any other form of death other than possibly death due to a bullet hole into my body from my own firearm. (No, thank you.)


(However, that doesn’t mean that I wouldn’t fight to the ‘dueling death’ for my life if such a challenge were ever to present itself, pray that it doesn’t ever again because that was stressful enough. (Thank you.)




            It isn’t until one’s staring at another person (a stranger, really,) while they point a barrel of a gun at one’s head, that one freezes inside themselves, and everything goes slow motion inside of one’s mind, like, holding one’s breath for a long time while underwater. (That translated.)


In those sparingly violent moments between more breath or death one thinks about some of the most insignificant thoughts like ‘his’ shorts don’t match ‘his’ t-shirt while ‘he’ points a gun to the left hand side of one’s head no matter how briefly ‘the damage’s already done’ and the demoralization process got underway in silent motion significance between powerful and powerless.


‘He’ stole my breath away that day as I made my daily evening walk from Uptown to Downtown, Minneapolis.


            Silently, without a word: A ‘Native American’ brother showed me ‘his’ gun (literal firearm piece) as I was just about to walk right in front of ‘him’; ‘He’ then raised his arms and pointed ‘his’ actual ‘piece’ to the left hand side of my head. I held my breath with each step I took as I continued to directly walk the same path as I did every single day for about six straight years without many problems; I continued to walk because I went paralyzed with terror, and didn’t think to do anything differently other than to continue the same daily routine to walk the same route of muscle memory as fear climbed deeply into my bones, and something innately stubborn didn’t detour my legs away from my route, and I walked right in front of the barrel of a gun because I got stuck frozen to the pounding rhythm of my feet against the pavement, also I ‘envisioned’ (had an Indigenous “vision”) I could ‘see’ his Ancestors hovering over ‘his’ head saying something like, “‘If you shoot and kill her then she’ll come back and kill our entire tribe.’” As I walked right in front of ‘his’ gun, ‘he’ understood ‘he’ played with fire that fine August evening. If ‘he’ would’ve killed me in that moment then I would’ve turned Hindu and Buddhist as my last breath escaped my body and prayed to any Gods to ensure my human “reincarnation” (which, by Mayan Theological Ancient / and / modern standards, we don’t believe in “reincarnation,” as a reality, per se, only as a philosophical means to learn ethics and morality like any other fear provoking theology ever is meant to relay messages and lessons about life and death and humanistic approach to problem solving solutions; (science and mathematics and logical writing trumps all other cards.)


Why is writing considered science and mathematics, as well as, an Art?


Writing is considered science and mathematics as well as an Art because writing’s math and must make sense, like, with using any other “symbol” or “code” to decipher any type of complex linguistics to convey any message such as one that describes the literary and literal sight of vision filled with ballerinas in mid flight across any stage with hot lights glowing down upon the dancers and sensual motion in storytelling form unfolds the mysteries of science, evidence and fact and sense enough to know what makes sense when one reads anything such as the above sentence, no matter how awkwardly written this sentence might’ve been to write.


Scribes write to convey something meaningful and logical (outside of their minds) to others who don’t have a clue as to what anybody else might be thinking and writers must spell ‘everything’ out that which writers precisely mean to convey without any excuse.


Either writing makes sense or it doesn’t like with mathematics and science. (Thank goodness for that.)


With “interpretive dance” or “visual arts” one may do a “representation” from their imagination and writers do as well, however and nevertheless, with writing one must make sense with letter symbols instead of numbers which could also represent X,Y and Z while other art forms which might leave “anything” up to an artist’s “interpretation” then is left up to an artist to decipher anything for themselves such as (for example) to draw a ‘purple blob’ and title it “Royalty” and ‘sell it for a pop’ only to have an individual “hang” a ‘purple blob’ somewhere on a wall, however.


No one’s ever going to “complain” (per se) about the ‘purple blob’ painting or say that that piece of art ‘doesn’t make any sense,’ however.


If writers didn’t make sense across the page then everybody would want their money back. Got it? Yep.



(That’s it. Dumb human animals with guns.)





            What about guns?


            What about them?




            What about our Second Amendment?


            What about it?




            It’s not so much that guns are bad, per se, because I like to watch grouse and wild turkey and possibly pheasant hunting in South Dakota.


            Just because I shan’t ever carry a firearm near or on my person it doesn’t means that I haven’t been taught how to shoot a shotgun or any other firearm for that matter because no matter how good of a marksmen I might be, I also know the deadly endangerment that comes with firearms.


            It’s not so much that guns are bad, per se; it’s that people misuse their power in the handling of firearms.


            It’s not so much that guns are bad, per se, it’s that American legislation is run by the “National Rifle Association” that has no power to set any governmental agenda or any type of congressional policy because the NRA’s simply and only an association like any other association in which members pay their dues and that’s that.


            It’s not so much that guns are bad, per se; it’s simply and only that either American police take advantage of their power and decide to gun down American citizens and civilians in our streets falsely thinking that there’s not repercussion to their actions.


            It’s not so much that guns are bad, per se; it’s that Americans seem not to want to mature and become responsible and participatory adults in the idealism that guns kill.


            It’s not so much that guns are bad, per se; it’s the abundance of illegal firearms that’s astonishing.


            It’s not so much that guns are bad, per se; it’s that America’s lobbyist and special corporate interest groups refuse to implement an American legal policy in which all across America universal background gun checks are mandated to all in the land.


            It’s not so much that guns are bad, per se; it’s that guns are now used to resolve conflict in American schools and the work place when disgruntled workers or students or possibly the “mentally ill” ‘saunter off’ to kill their peers.



Truly Yours;




Word Count Goal: 3,000

Word Count: 3,729


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 10,000

This Week’s Total Word Count: 11,002


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #251 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #3 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Week #1 without stress: I love it.


*)         Week #1 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.


)           Month #2 BMI is “overweight”. I love a twenty four and a half (24.5”) inch waist.


(Professional ballerinas tell me that they have twenty seven and a half (27.5”) inch waists, August 2014. Wow.)



Personal Notes:




            America, let’s talk weight.


            Americans are “obese.” (Period.)


            Americans must lose weight in the year 2015-2016.




            When I turned alma mater, I was told not to ever gain anymore than twenty (20) pounds from the day of our eighteenth (18) birthday. (Okay.)


On my eighteenth (18) birthday I was one hundred and forty (140) pounds.


The most weight that I might possibly ever gain throughout my entire adult life is no more than up to one hundred and sixty (160) pounds otherwise any more weight gain other than that and my body begins to take a distorted form, shape and look and my body becomes unhealthy with illnesses that invade and attack such as mysterious lumps or benign tumors or swollen glands or nodules or cysts.


(Plus, my joints begin to hurt and my back ‘kills’.)


In my adult life, the heaviest I’ve ever been was one hundred and eighty (180) pounds in the year 2006-2007 from severe ‘cortisol’ stress levels.




            Last September 2013 when I went in for a laparoscopic uterine fibroid surgery I was a whopping one hundred and sixty four (164) pounds.


            Yes, I began to take birth control on September 2013.


            March 2014, five months after I began the birth control pill, I’ve lost sixteen (16) pounds and haven’t gained the weight back (more or less).




            By the end of October 2013, I weighed one hundred and sixty four (164 lbs) pounds going into December 2013 to more or less lose fifteen (15) pounds since March 2014 up to today’s weight.


            If I don’t take birth control then my uterine fibroids (benign tumors) return and I might possibly gain excessive amounts of weight (twenty pounds or so) because my body commands that I ‘pack on’ the pounds and prepare for ‘mock’ pregnancy and the fat builds mainly around the belly area even if I were to walk four miles per day and only eat as little or as much as one thousand and two hundred (1,200) calories per daily nutritional intake.


            Somehow when I’m not on the birth control pill then my metabolism doesn’t seem to naturally regulate itself thus birth control is a gift, as for other women while on birth control they tend to gain weight and face a great deal of emotional upheaval while I’m calm for the most part unless repetitiously provoked then I turn into ‘a hellion on wheels.’




            September 2013-December 2013, I was surprised to hear my main medical practitioner call me “obese” (yet once again) because my BMI indicated that I was “obese” even though most people tell me that at one hundred and sixty (160) pounds I looked more like one hundred and thirty pounds (130) pounds because I carry an excessive amount of muscle and a little bit of body fat on my stomach and breasts (which whatever).


            In the third week of February 2014, both Eric and I gave up table sugar as a general rule.




            Two weeks ago I was one hundred and forty nine (149) pounds at the endocrinologist’s office.


            As of this morning I was one hundred and fifty-two (152) pounds at my main medical practitioner’s office.


            No, I don’t own a scale.


            Yes, daily, I measure my waist.


            Yes, I measure my waist right after I get up and go to the bathroom and right before I eat anything.


            Yes, I’m on my way back down to a twenty-four and a half (24”) inch waist after eighteen (18) straight days of hemorrhaging from October 10, 2014 through October 28, 2014.


            Even though the scale read one hundred and fifty-two (152) pounds as of this morning, I’m still back down to twenty-four and a half (24.5”) inches around my waist.


            No, I don’t ever measure myself again until the very next morning because if I don’t need to deal with anymore disappointment then I don’t.


Once a day measurement is more than enough to measure myself with a tape measure.


            The average woman may fluctuate in daily weight by about ten pounds (10) give or take in any direction, up or down on the scale, so breathe easy and don’t panic.




            Yes, uterine fibroids (benign tumors) were a significant deterrent in weight loss within the past decade and getting on the birth control pill in (October 2013) did in fact help regulate my metabolism.


            However, ever since my second uterine fibroid surgery in September 2013, I lost fifteen (15) pounds and it seems that I haven’t lost or gained any more weight since August 2014 other than steadily fluctuate at my “average” of one hundred and forty-nine (149) pounds and one hundred and fifty-two (152) pounds.


(Three pound difference is nothing.)


            When one’s my petite build and holds my physical muscular stature at one hundred and fifty (150, more or less as of today) pounds then one’s (more or less) size eight (8) pant and their waist measurement is exactly twenty-five inches (25”) around the waist with the ability to comfortably bend over to each of either side while holding the tape measure around one’s waist.


            When one’s my petite build and holds my physical muscular stature at one hundred and fifty (150, more or less) pounds then one’s (more or less) a size “small” shirt or top unless one’s breasts are on the larger side.




            Since I haven’t gained or lost significant amount of weight other than the initial fifteen (15) pounds that I lost since March 2014 then that indicates and makes me believe that the excess weight or extra fifteen (15) pounds that I carried around was all lifestyle weight and a slow metabolism. (Ouch!)


What a goofy life.


            Now, by March 2015, I’m to lose twelve (12) pounds and stay at that weight of one hundred and thirty-seven pounds (137) for the rest of my life unless I become pregnant within the next three years.


            For some reason I’m not able to get the scale to budge down towards one hundred and forty five (145) pounds.




            Last week, I discovered that one doesn’t cook their red meat over the slow cooker in the Crockpot because that’s the same as saturated fried fat vegetables slow cooked in hot animal fat oil. (Dah!)


Now that this new information came to light then I’ve recently discovered that all of our Crockpot meals have been cooked in the same manner as that of fried food, thus we haven’t put on anymore pounds, however, we haven’t dropped further pounds either.


How frustrating to come to find out that we were doing ourselves a culinary disservice out of ignorance by slow cooking our vegetables in animal fat oil which was the same outcome as eating fried food. (In that case I’d rather eat fast food hamburgers.)


What an ignorant disaster yet it was caught in time before it did anymore damage to my already high cholesterol of 298 which must be brought down to 200 by April 2015.




            As of February 2014, we stopped eating two (2) cookies at breakfast and two (2) cookies after dinner (400 daily total calories).


That nutritional change has made a difference.


We used to take in a whopping four hundred (400) calories from four (4) daily cookies that we aimlessly and ignorantly consumed into our bodies each and every single day for almost seven straight years.


            No, even though I haven’t lost any weight (not really) ever since February 2014, I do feel much better than I did when we used to eat four hundred (400) calories of pure sugar per daily consumption.


            Yes, I feel smarter and lighter now that we don’t eat sugar.


            Furthermore, I stopped feeling ever so “swollen”.


Literally, when we used to consume our daily amount of sugar I used to feel ever so slightly swollen and sleepy and lethargic.


Now, I don’t feel as bad as I used to feel.


            No, I didn’t even know the difference between feeling bad and feeling good in my body because one decade of uterine fibroids made me feel badly and tricked my body into believing that it was pregnant for one straight decade. (Yikes. Breathe. Whew.)


            No, I’m not “chemically imbalanced” other than I’ve got high cholesterol. All of my body’s chemicals are balanced and have been for about twenty five (25) plus some years.


            No, I’m not “mentally ill”.


            Yes, I’m “hormonal.”


            Yes, “hormonal” and “chemically imbalanced” are two separately different things.


            Yes, I just found out that my body ‘tricks’ itself into believing that it’s pregnant all of the time therefore all that I can do is pray, conduct my daily breathing exercises, walk on a daily basis for thirty minutes at least five times per week, drink four to six (4-6) glasses of water, sleep seven hours per night, and consume no more than one thousand five hundred (1,500) calories per daily nutritional consumption and keep all stress levels down or keep stress completely out of my life.




            The last twelve (12) pounds to lose seem to be the most difficult pounds to lose.


            Yes, I think that I’m truly needing to learn to cook more vegetarian and vegan dishes and get this extra twelve (12) pounds off because I’m only twelve (12) pounds away from one hundred and thirty seven (137) pounds which happens to be almost the exact same weight that I was at the age of eighteen (18). (That’s pretty cool when one thinks about it.)


            My goal is to lose twelve (12) more pounds by the end of March 2015. I can do it. I must start cutting out all Crock-Pot cooked red meats and eat more vegetables and introduce healthier vegan options into my nutritional intake because it’ll be worth it.


            No, I don’t want to be “fat” or “chunky” anymore.


            My fat years are over unless I continue to get re-occurring uterine fibroids and those benign tumors can put on the excess pounds as the tumors change my body chemistry causing an ‘African’ bloated tummy look and swollen skin and fat-looking all at the same time.


It’s a complete nightmare to anyone going through uterine fibroids plus the body tricks itself into thinking that it’s pregnant (all of the time) when it’s being attacked by benign tumors of the uterus and at any other times. (Ah.)




            Yes, I can imagine myself at one hundred and thirty-seven (137) pounds of loveliness by the end of March 2015 (five months away).


            Yes, I like feeling like a lightweight feather Champion because I can move easily in my body.


            Yes, I like feeling sensually free in my body.


            Yes, I like being thin and magnificent.




            Yes, I’m lucky that I didn’t get diabetes during all of my health trials and tribulations of the recent past decade (2004-2014).


            How does one lose the last twelve (12) pounds?


            With due diligence.


            No, I don’t have any type of master plan to lose twelve (12) pounds.


            Yes, I’m a layman private citizen searching for excellence in healthcare and general healthcare lifestyle.


            Yes, I want to believe that food is medicine which heals illnesses. Plant life is significantly strong and potent and powerful in the thriving endeavor of all humans.


            Yes, I’ve finally learned that I made a grave mistake and ought to have studied botany and conducted a lifelong career centered around the study of scientific plant life and filmed it.


(Oh, well. What a dream that ought to have (‘to’ve’) been.)


            Yes, I ought to have become a botanist.


            Most all life ties in together, in one manner or another.




            The main reason why Americans can’t afford to lose any more time with excess weight or added pounds is because Americans’ health stands in the fine balance between another breath or death.


            The only reason why I know that I’m “overweight” is because of this…


            Even though my BMI reads “overweight” (27) as of today; I have terrible posture and I know it better than anybody else: A) I’m ‘top heavy’ (naturally larger breasted) on a petite frame and rather on the lazier side about holding up my upper body back because it’s a lot of work B) I don’t have strong stomach muscles even though I’m strong C) No matter how much I might hold myself up to a ‘perfect’ posture I’ve got a fat deposit right in the upper middle of my back at the base of my neck and that fat deposit is as large as one of my hands thus I know that I carry excess weight or added pounds because until I lose that fat deposit then I run the high risk of pre-diabetes. (Oh, no.)


(That’s how smart I am about what I need to work on; however, it’s taken me decades to catch up with medical terminology.)


            No, we’re not diabetic.


            No, we’re not pre-diabetic.


            Yes, Eric’s got hyper-tension.


            Yes, I’ve got high cholesterol.


            Yes, I’d like to safely become a vegan for life, however, I ate ‘vegetarian-only’ for one complete calendar year, and I’d never been sicker with the common cold than I was in that year span of time.


For one entire continuous calendar year, ‘my nose was as wet as a dog’s’ and my nose constantly ran all the time even in summer. (Yuck.) (Too messy.)


            Yes, I’d like to aspire to veganism, however, I don’t want to be borderline physically ill from the common cold almost every single day of the calendar year because that’ll diminish my performance as a human leader.


            Yes, I’d like to get rid of that deposit of fat on my back so that I might have long enduring days filled with excellent health and kind salutations.


            What a life.


            No, I’m not ‘angry’ that life is what it is.


            No, I’m not ‘angry’ to be alive.


            No, I’m not ‘angry’ about the misfortune of bad health.


            No, I’m not ‘angry’ about the cards we’re dealt.


            No, we’re not “wild cards”.


            ‘We’ll play our hand’ to the best of our ability, the rest is about excellent health and forethought because that’s how sophisticated we’re as human thinkers and doers who thrive and live for Holiday and rest and relaxation together as a married couple. How little time we have together when we think about it. Life.


Thursday, October 30, 2014


“He who gives, lives;

he who does not give, does not.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Berated (scolded, rebuked)


The judge berated the criminal for his evil deeds.


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A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.




Chapter 1.

Page 26-27


                        As an illusion of this, we cannot do better than cite the requirements of good breeding in regard to women. It is considered perfectly proper in the more barbarous forms of society to treat women with all contumely. In polite society great deference is paid to her and certain seemingly arbitrary requirements are made in her favor. Thus a gentleman is always expected to vacate his seat in favor of a lady who is unprovided with one. If it were possible to carry discrimination into this matter of yielding up seats, and require that the young, healthful and strong of either sex should stand that the old, weak and invalid of both sexes might sit, there could be no possible doubt as to the propriety of the regulation.           



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The Presidency


            Personally, I shan’t speak for anyone else about what The American Presidency means to Americans because we’re a proud animal when it comes to all matters patriotic.


            With the triumph of our first American black President I’m astounded at how rudely, some Americans, do speak about our President as though America’s President were an object or some commodity or something to be used or handled rather than interacted with as a human being.


It’s been surprising to say the least to see some of our congress people act like complete children who refuse to work alongside our current President.


Who on Earth refuses to work alongside the most powerful individual on Earth? No one, unless…


            The Presidency is a symbol for ‘head of the table.’


            The Presidency means that as long as a President stands at the helm and navigates as well as dictates their nation threw rough waters then our Republic is safe.


Day after day we can breathe easy and go about our responsibilities with a strong ‘peace of mind’ because the President at the White House is keeping things going while the rest of us fulfill responsibilities and duties and destinies.     


            The American Presidency means that an intellectual sits back and listens to their team of experts and staff and regular individual smart folks in their fields of study and expertise and the President makes the best decisions possible based upon the data that these individuals provide our President.


Hopefully, our President is well informed and presented with current data and information that isn’t too bias or misguided or prejudice and always open to expanding intelligent points of view.


            The Presidency is important because it stands as a strong symbol of a free vote.


            It’s difficult to say as to why our recent administration is abused or misused ‘within the realm’ of their ‘obligatory power’ and ‘symbolism’. (Just because? I don’t think so.) (That translated.)


            It’s difficult to say as to why our Arizona’s congresswoman stuck her finger in the President’s face. (How terribly embarrassing for her.)


            It’s difficult to say as to why our patriots cackle the President or the First Lady. (How embarrassing for the cacklers.)


            Is all of this impolite misbehavior directed at the President and the First Lady only to be perceived as strong signs of racism? Yes.


            What’s the point of overt racism? There isn’t one.


            Why would Americans go so far as to embarrass themselves in front of the world by cackling our elected chosen officials to represent the highest office in the land? (There isn’t a point in embarrassing oneself in front of the world.) Nope. Nope.


            Is America really all that ignorant and Caucasian (‘only’) in so far as to implore that our nation’s representatives are to afford the abuse and the degradation of one of the highest symbols of freedom in our land? Nope.




            As Americans one of the main reasons as to why we afford the respectability to honor others’ vote or their elected chosen officials is so that when our party’s officials are and do become elected into office then we, too, are allotted the same type of respect as we would grant another American adult.


            It’s all about respect for each other.


            As Americans we consider leadership that something that someone does ‘to stand above the crowd’ or something extraordinary that only super heroes accomplish yet nothing could be further away from the truth when it comes to leadership.


            As Americans we don’t really stop to consider how we self govern and what that means to us as individuals and private citizens because we always think that ‘someone’ smarter or more educated or wiser than us will take to the pulpit and teach us all that there’s to know about being smart or intelligent rather than generating that type of energy and intelligence with our own free thinking will.


            No, I’m not sure as to why, it’s become quite difficult for Americans to ‘see eye-to-eye’ especially when they disagree about political divides and political parties. (I thought we were the land of political freedom.)


            No, I’m not sure when our citizenry became so stanch and rigid and closed minded about breaking bread with others from opposing political viewpoints.


            Nowadays it seems ever so difficult to be able to hold a polite and respectful discussion with anyone from an opposing political party or viewpoint. (When did Americans become ever so driven by fear rather than enlightenment?)    


            Leadership and self governing means that we as American individuals will do our very best to keep an open mind and to grant others to speak their mind without the fear of retribution or hardship simply because what others might believe might be all too contrary from those of our belief system.


            Every American is born a natural leader, however.


            When it comes to self governing it seems as though Americans have lost the art of polite discourse and the ability to listen to what anyone has to say no matter how difficult it might be to listen to their bit of say.


            Leadership isn’t difficult to come by much less to enact leadership qualities into our daily lives such as paying attention to our surroundings and minding our own damn business and listening to our Elders and granting others the time to disclose their grievances and to allow for positive change.




            What’s the problem with a black Presidency? Nothing.


            Are Americans really all that truly archaic that we can’t seem to handle the triumphant win of our first elected black man? Nope.


            Americans know quite well what’s at stake here.


            Americans realize the strength behind the symbolic significance to place a black family in the White House.


            As Americans we couldn’t be prouder than we are now with our grass roots’ win and activist effort to have elected a beautiful black family to one of the most powerful of all the tables in the advanced and civilized modern world even though America legs behind in modern infrastructure.


            There’s no point for Americans to be disrespectful to their country’s men much less to the Leader of the Free World.


            Yes, the world’s always watching to see what America and Americans will choose to do about anything at all because one intrinsic cultural aspect which determines us as Americans is that we have a “we can do it” attitude as well as “don’t fuck with us” and here’s a middle finger to go with your fries if anyone so much as tells us that we can’t or won’t accomplish something wise and intelligent and beautiful and robust for ourselves as a whole sum together.


            As Americans we know that we’re annoying and that we’re disrespectful (if we can get away with disrespect then we will because we don’t uphold to economic social class standards much less politeness for the sake of it) especially when the rest of the world lets us get away with our bullshit, however, it’s another matter when Americans allow to be disrespected by their own breed. Yep.


            In America there’s a great divide between rural farming communities and inner cities or urban sprawl areas for that matter.


It appears that cities are more advanced and sophisticated in their way of thought and deed simply because more people live amongst close quarters and must learn to get along while in the rural areas people have the luxury of time and space and can keep to their slow pace and way of life, however.


Our American people must gap that divide and unite and vote and make decisions for the vast goodness in the overall agenda of our nation’s innovative advancement towards the future of technology and digital massive online multimedia and factual information.


            In other words: America can’t afford to be divided and conquered.


America can’t afford the resonance of dissonance.


America can’t afford to get politically split up.


America can’t afford to disagree all of the time simply because we refuse to change and to make room at the table for further negotiations.


            Personally, I thought, that it would be a proud moment in history to have a descendant from slaves (correction) become one of the most powerful men alive.


            Personally, when I stop to listen to the President speak about many topics (whether I agree or not) it’s not only a proud moment to acknowledge as an American yet also a moment of gratitude that we prevailed all of the political noise and lies and created history with our own bare hands rather than deny the future its due and proper place.


            Imagine what they’ll say about us in the future?


            Those of us who are alive; in these very moments to live through remarkable times of change and hope and to witness a son from slaves (correction) become one of the most honored men alive.


It’s a proud moment for me, indeed.


What a long way we’ve travelled together as untied and independent ‘lone wolf’ Americans.


What a bunch of cool people we are to elect the son of a slave.


Need I say more? Nope.



Truly Yours;




Word Count Goal: 3,000

Word Count: 3,183


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 10,000

This Week’s Total Word Count: 7,273


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #250 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #2 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Week #1 without stress: I love it.


*)         Week #1 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.


*)         Month #2 BMI is “overweight”. I love a twenty-five inch waist.


(Professional ballerinas tell me that they have twenty seven and a half (27.5”) inch waists, August 2014. Wow.)



Personal Literary Notes:


            To write a blog is to be ‘ball and chained’ to a desk.


            Yes, I know what it’s like to organize and structure one’s work and leisure time and schedule.


            Yes, I’ve got more work then I know what to do with, and time is of the essence because every day we run out of time to do that one thing we really intent to do.


            If one doesn’t already know, then know this: In no way am I a qualified or certified scientist.


            No, I’m not a scientist nor do I pretend to be one, however. I’m a thinker and thinkers think so we invent and come up with new ideas at how to look at the world towards the prospect of a better civilization.




            Yes, I know that writing novels will be ten times easier than blogging ever is.


            Yes, most novels run the length of about three hundred (300) to six hundred (600) pages.


            When one blogs two thousand words (2,000) per day then one writes ten pages per day which equals to around three hundred pages (300) per each (one) month which significantly is enough time to write one complete novel per year. (Wonderful.)


            Listen: I only have five years left of this blog project and as our time dwindles down, no, I shan’t ‘run out of steam’ because there’s so much I mean to write the reader before we part ways forever. I mean to share my heart with the reader so that no stone is left unturned and make edits and corrections to the best of my laymen private citizen’s ability so that one may know me as well as one can here upon white pages of Nonfiction storytelling possibilities.


            This blog project isn’t a competition. No.


This blog project is a stepping stone so that I may someday teach Ph.D. studies literary or cinema students all about…


This blog project is about Nonfiction storytelling and some of the best there is in the world because it’s about one private citizen taking the time to record their time and place in history and that’s a lot of work.


We made it half way through this project and we’ll make it to the end of ten years because there’s no point in stopping now that we made it this far. Right? Right.


            If I happen to get several months behind on this project (which I’m already six weeks behind this fall 2014) then we’ll make up the time at the end of the ten complete years.


At that time this project will really and truly become valuable since we’ll be winding down towards the end and to a complete stop so that I will go on with my writing career and become a novelist and a poetess before I die. (Thank you.)


            Please, savor our time together even if I have to take some days off for medical purposes to go from doctor’s office visit to doctor’s office visit from one blood test to another.


            Finally, this Tuesday, October 28, 2014, I stopped hemorrhaging after eighteen (18) straight days of uncontrollable bleeding.


Life’s making it difficult for me to sit down and focus and concentrate because when one has massive blood loss then everything gets heavy and tiresome as if one were living underwater.


            No, I shan’t run out of steam because time is of the essence.


            Yes, I’ll retire from writing when I’m dead.


            Yes, even if I were to write novels and screenplays that went unpublished in my lifetime, well, who cares? Really.


The entire point is to write and that’s just what I intend to go on doing. This is my first love and a deep love of humanity.



---  ---  ---



Personal Health Notes:


            Truly, I don’t know.


            Has anyone ever had massive blood loss for about eighteen (18) straight days? (Yep, or months or whatever. Right. Right.)


(Yes, I’ll jump ‘online’ (internet) and ‘surf’ community chats about hemorrhaging and read what others say about such an intimate health subject.)


(Wow. Cyberspace’s so ‘cool.’)


            Such a demoralizing act (such as hemorrhaging that is) leaves one weak to the bone and lightheaded much of the time without necessarily passing out, if ever for any possible reason does one ‘pass out’ (faint, blackout) because one doesn’t ever want to lose ‘consciousness’ or acquire ‘time lapse’ or ‘let go’ of one’s faculties. (Right. Right.)


            As an adult woman I live to the best of my rational abilities and intelligence and sanity and Costa Rican-Finn-Brit American 'crabby' disposition and curmudgeon attitude about attitude.


(Yes, I hold an adult average I.Q., in other words, “average” intelligence is fine, however to geniuses “average” is considered ‘dumb’.) Okay.


My Father taught me that while only at home one might scream or yell or raise their voice all that they want for as loudly as their heart’s content so long as all of the doors and windows are tightly shut and a personal battle begins for the position of domestic power. Okay.


(Mind one’s own business. One doesn’t ever truly know what goes on between married couples until ‘the fat lady sings’.)


My personal attitude about life is more or less a modern sailor’s attitude which means ‘live and let live’ because no one’s going to feign ignorance when it comes to daily weather reports.


            In other words: Ladies and Gentlemen don’t judge anyone because “everybody” already knows that life’s filled with suffering much of the time although humans don’t tend to dwell on such dark things because we’re smart to move forward hence change, and here we go; tackle against the wind and possibly end up in Indonesia, (per se).


            Every word that I write ties in together because thoughts are filled with logic and logistics and time and space and mathematics.


            To write about one’s personal health is possibly (in my bias opinion) one of the most difficult topics there is to write about especially when by nature one’s quite a private person yet either ‘immature’ or ‘unrefined’ or ‘too wild’ to settle into a passive aggressive culture of hatred or, too, much of a ‘wild spirit’ because we intellectually know better and must act like leaders and not like five year old brats and that goes for all American adults with love.


(Only private citizens can get away with criticizing their government and era because it’s the taxes of citizens that make the rich infinitely richer forevermore.)




            How does one know when they’re beaten?


            More precisely and directly about anything at all such as their health or finances or career or relationships or business agreements or, or, or…


            How does one know when they’re ‘licked’ and must concede and give in to another’s point of view? (Respect? Logic? Timing? Luck? Intelligence? Kindness?)


            In other words: When does one stop being a stubborn donkey’s rear end?


            Especially in relationships: What’s the determining factor to ‘throw in the towel’ (quit) when both or all parties do their best to get along yet don’t?


            What’s one to do when all parties involved don’t see ‘eye to eye’ and don’t ever agree on two variable consecutive points made?


            A relationship is no different than any physical illness in the sense that one must take care of one’s illness with as much compassion and care and tenderness and forgiveness as one would a beloved one except that humans can be ungratefully stubborn about the stupidest things diminishing any great chance for a high quality of life.




            Doctors say that nothing’s wrong with me, per se, and I agree, however, I’ve hemorrhaged, twice, per year (2014) for as little as eighteen (18) days or as much as six weeks, (6,) straight both times.


            The cysts in my thyroid are too small to operate-on and well, that’s that. I live with intense sore throats and have for the past fifteen years.


            My greatest stressor in life is that Eric and I fight about the same two stupid things and fighting makes me ever so tired.


We’re both stubborn about cooking and how we want to spend our vacation time.


We’ve wasted eight valuable years with high stress in our relationship because Eric didn’t want to give up a little bit of his passive aggressive domestic power for equality until just this weekend when he cooked all by himself for the fourth time in eight years. (Eric’s lucky in life…)       


            No, I’m not exhausted, per se.


            Yes, I’ve been tested for all types of thyroid conditions.


            Nope, I don’t have “hypothyroidism” or “hyperthyroidism” or “Hashimoto” or any other autoimmune disease fighting its own immune system. Nope.


All of my thyroid hormone levels are balanced and have been for more than twenty years as all of the blood work indicates.


            Yes, through ‘talk-therapy’ not only have I admitted that my health isn’t quite as I expected by now and no, I’m neither clinically “depressed” nor “bi-polar”. (Whew.)


            Yes, I’m a spoiled brat.


            Yes, I sleep seven hours per night.


            Yes, I now eat 1,500 calories per day instead of the 1,200.


            Yes, we drink water every single day (4-6 glasses).


            Yes, we exercise five days (5) per week unless we have extremely busy weeks with doctor’s visits or such, however, we still make time to walk as much as we can.


            Yes, I used to have a personal trainer.


            Yes, I used to have a nutritionist.


            Another blog for another time.




Wednesday, October 29, 2014


“His charity stops at his pocketbook.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Artifice (skillful contriving, trick, craft)


They tried by every artifice to avoid work.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.




Chapter 1.

Page 26


                        Good manners were perhaps originally but an expression of submission from the weaker to the stronger, and many traces of their origin still remain; but a spirit of kindliness and unselfishness born of a higher order of civilization permeates for the most part the code of politeness.              


---  ---  ---







            For most Americans voting is an intimate freedom.


            As Americans we’d like to pride ourselves on our independence as well as our presence of mind when it comes to making most important and vital decisions such as which politician to put in office for the following term. (That translated.)


            Yes, I could get sappy when it comes to voting, however. I shan’t go all gooey on this page.


            Voting is still very much an important American liberty and prospect and freedom and independence because any form of a united voice is better than none.


            Imagine an American nation without the freedom to register to vote or cast a ballot. (I can’t imagine it.)


            Much of the discussion that’s taken place over the course of the past twelve years has been about the very fact that Florida’s presidential elections were stolen, twice.


What’s a layman private citizen to think when their vote seems obsolete or ‘stolen’?


Factually, since the entire state of Florida’s votes did get stolen (in the past) by possible political campaign fraud or marginalized votes then what exactly does that make the United States of America? A corrupt system? Or Italy?


What’s a layman private citizen to do when their vote is misplaced or erased or, or, or…


What’s the American vote really worth?


            For whatever reason, modern voting (2014) in America is a complete hassle in most states, if not then, atrociously conducted by most modern standards.


Personally, I can only attribute this logistical voting nightmare and ‘dysfunctional home and gardens’ to a lack of monetary funds or precedence (importance).


The very fact that hundreds of thousands of Americans must wait in line to vote as little or as much as eight straight hours on voting day is not only ludicrous as well as disrespectful to a body of citizens and civilians who take time away from their careers and jobs and work and family to vote.


Every time that an American citizen or civilian forfeits their paycheck for the sacrifice to vote, that’s saying a lot about the American people contrary to popular belief that Americans are ‘lazy’ or ‘stupid’ or don’t vote.


            The problem with modern voting (2014) seems to be that a steadfast construct or system isn’t being implemented for the encouragement or modernization of the American vote.


What archaic system still holds us in place without the freedom or ability to move forward in a twenty-first century fashion?


            Aside from the fact that individuals must still personally in-person show up to cast a ballot, why then hasn’t our federal government instilled ATM like touch-screen computer-machines mounted to buildings in which anyone may cast their ballot two weeks prior to any American election?


            Aside from the fact that individuals must still personally in-person show up to cast a ballot, what is it that keeps our federal government from implementing a digital “voting system” in which any citizen may vote by touch-screen via fingerprints as well as only one ballot may be casted per personal smart digital device?


            Obviously, such voting digital modern practices haven’t been implemented because (as a nation) we lack digital security systems as well as the digital hardware to install hundreds of thousands of touch-screen voting digital computer polls around our cities and states.


            Personally, I’m not sure that we so much as a nation lack the funds to implement such a ‘dream act,’ more so we lack the vision to do away with the inconvenience that voting brings to our citizens when a broken down system itself isn’t only archaic yet also falling apart and ripping at the seams.


            How do I personally know that America doesn’t lack the funds to support a new digital voting endeavor? (Look around.)


            Personally, I know that America doesn’t lack the funds to support a new voting digital system because the army’s doing everything in their power to give away surplus tanks and weaponry to our police civilian forces. (Point made. Case closed.) (The End.)


            Instead of making more tanks, couldn’t some of those industrial complex leftover funds be redirected towards advancing the many problems Americans face with the slow pace of on-the-day voter registration and casting of a ballot? Really.


            If digital voting isn’t the way of the future then must American voters settle for the 1980’s?


            Since, physical voting polls exist then must Americans really and truly wait as little or as much as eight straight hours to cast a ballot. Surely, not.


            I mean, that’s ‘extraordinary’ that in one of the supposedly most advanced modern civilizations on Earth that as Americans we still have to take (more or less) an entire day off from work to make sure that we get the change and the time to cast our ballots and make our votes.




            Personally, I want to believe that our vote matters, no matter how insignificant constituents might seem to any politician who might want a leg up in the world.


            Personally, as a strong patriot, I want to believe that our vote matters, no matter what the electorate college.


            Personally, I hold strong values about the freedom and liberty to vote without any persuasion or intimidation or fraud or delay.


            Yes, I do think that modern voting in America is a big problem in that voting itself takes a long time to do which such an archaic system persuade Americans to stay away from the voting booth.


            Yes, modern voting in America is a big problem because as it stands right now such limited voting practices infringe upon our very liberties and freedoms to practice our right to vote rather than to disenfranchise American voters because ‘of the color of their skin’ or their economic welfare or their ‘democratic’ idealisms and independent status against any right or left wing conservative political figures seeking to stuff their pockets full of our cash.


            No, I really don’t have much more to say on this subject because the options I’d like to discuss does involve the future as well as a future vision and that would mean that we’d have to let go of our collective fears and idealisms about how we perceive the world to be today in accordance to modern terms yet not represented.



Truly Yours;




Word Count Goal: 2,000

Word Count: 2,057


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 10,000

This Week’s Total Word Count: 4,090


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #249 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #1 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Week #1 without stress: I love it.


*)         Week #1 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.


*)         Month #2 BMI is “overweight”. I love a twenty-five inch waist.


            (Yes, today I’m one hundred and forty-nine pounds (149) and contemplating veganism.


            My medical practitioner’s goal is for me, to slim down to one hundred and thirty-seven pounds (137) and not ever gain another pound again unless indicated otherwise for health reasons; Otherwise, I’ve yet to lose eleven (11) more pounds by March 2015.)


(Professional ballerinas tell me that they have twenty seven and a half (27.5”) inch waists, August 2014. Wow.)



---  ---  ---


Personal Literary Note:


            Yes, I’m having difficulty writing because this weather makes me feel sluggish and all I want to do is climb into bed with a good novel and a cup of hot tea.


Tomorrow my friend and I get to play and hang out and catch up. We planned to get together today, however. Responsibilities.


            In many ways, my head isn’t ‘in the game’ today yet here I am showing up for practice no matter what like a good little athlete that I am.


The practice manual doesn’t say that I must be in tip-top physical shape or form or condition each and every single day still yet ‘we aim to please’ and I must do my very best thus here I am doing my best even though a chill’s entered and sat inside my bones and I’ve fought a cough for six straight weeks. (I see the doctor on Friday for another lecture on health.)


            No, I don’t want to run away from anything.


            No, there’s nothing for me to run away from.


            Yes, my permanent home is here in the Twin Cities.


            Yes, I’ve got a lot of work to get through, however. I find myself escaping and thinking about home (Costa Rica).


It must be this weather that’s making me feel a little nostalgic for home, especially at this time of year when the leaves are pathetically lying on the ground screaming to get picked up and placed inside brown paper bags for a collector to pick up.


            When I face difficulties in my writing then I dream of home. I dream of sitting under the shade with my wet feet getting pounced on by sea salt waves and pounded by twilight surf.


Especially right now when the sun’s about to go down I can close my eyes and imagine the Pacific Ocean with all of my close friends taking back a beer as they watched the sun go down (5:00 P.M.) and wait for sheer pure darkness to overtake our village without electrical lights thus everything goes pitch black.


            No, I don’t feel lost.


            Yes, I belong in the world.


            Yes, there’s no deeper longing than the one for home and my home happens to be Costa Rica. The longing inside my chest is pure jaw breaker. I can taste the sweetness of the heartbreak to want to be someplace right there and then, however. My reality is here.


            No, my mind doesn’t normally wonder to other places.


            Yes, I like where I am just fine.


            Yes, there’s something about the ocean and its many complex smells that keeps calling me back home. I’d give my writing hand to be teleported home right now (Joke).


            Yes, I keep trying to write about topics that don’t interest me at this time such as politics. I feel that I must write about politics because we’re only days away from Midterm elections, however. My head’s back at home and nowhere else.


            Yes, it’s rare that I think of home. I rarely think about home because then I’d be homesick all the time. Rarely, do I dare think about pineapples and fresh bananas and papaya and such lovely things like surfing or close personal Costa Rican friendships that I dearly miss.


            Yes, I’ve adapted to an American lifestyle, however. There’s something in my heart that won’t let go of Costa Rica. Passionately, I miss Costa Rica like a distant lover or a dead close and personal and dearest friends whose memories linger all these years later, however, one mustn’t get stuck and only think of such things because ‘time stands still for no man’.


            No, neither my Elders nor my dreams tell me to return to Costa Rica thus I don’t because I married into a Minnesota lifestyle.


            Yes, we stay in Minnesota because this is where we made a life and this is where we work and this is where our Minnesota Elders are (for now) while they face the end of their lives at the age of eighty-eight and ninety-two and while many other Elders have begun to retire within the recent past five years.


            What a magnetism a place holds for most people.


            Yes, I find that some little piece of me is always missing home and it just happens to be Costa Rica. These emotions have grown stronger and louder over the past few years.


            No, I don’t expect anyone to understand this dilemma in which I married a Minnesotan yet much of the time my heart desires to be in Costa Rica.     


            Yes, ‘we do the best that we can with what we’ve got’ and it’s plenty. We’re quite blessed by global standards.


            How, or does, anyone ever get over the heartache of homesickness?


            This maddening darkness is descending over me and the day is done. How dark and cold this northern tundra gets.


            No, not ever in my childhood mind did I ever imagine that I’d end up living in such a cold climate that sits deep inside my bones and paralyzes me with cold frozen memories of hot beaches and Ocean view sunsets and bonfires listening to foreign tongues speak tales of the universes. Amen.


Tuesday, October 28, 2014


“He is a philanthropist---with other people’s money.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Mendicants (beggars, those who seek alms)


The mendicants took their places along the line of march.


(Yes, I file each vocabulary card correctly according to date and sequence. Daily, I pick out one numerically marked vocabulary card from the back of a neat and stocked pile that sits inside a long and slender box. No, I’ve not a clue as to what the next day’s vocabulary word will be because I don’t ever look.)


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.




Chapter 1.

Page 26


                        That all should seek to shape the way and fashion of their lives in accordance with these models there can be no doubt.            The best and surest course to pursue for that end is to look for, and to imitate as far as possible, the manifestations of the characteristics I have endeavored to describe.


                        And that which was at first mere imitation may become at last a second nature.                      


(Literary Note: When one sees ‘double spaces’ in copied text it’s only because I copy “exactly” what I see from the published version, 1891. Yes. Correct.)          


---  ---  ---





Source from Wikipedia:

In the process of setting electoral districts, gerrymandering is a practice that attempts to establish a political advantage for a particular party or group by manipulating district boundaries to create partisan advantaged districts. The resulting district apportionment is known as a gerrymander (/ˈdʒɛriˌmændər/); however, that word can also refer to the process. When used to allege that a given party is gaining disproportionate power, the term gerrymandering has negative connotations.

In addition to its use achieving desired electoral results for a particular party, gerrymandering may be used to help or hinder a particular demographic, such as a political, ethnic, racial, linguistic, religious, or class group, such as in U.S. federal voting district boundaries that produce a majority of constituents representative of African-American or other racial minorities, known as "majority-minority districts."


---  ---  ---


            Gerrymandering is criminal for a direct anecdote.


            No, I don’t personally accept gerrymandering as any part of any fair democratic system.


            In other terms: gerrymandering is the equivalent of “foul” play if a referee were to call any inappropriate action to question.


            As a layman private citizen the most that anyone of us can do is check off our votes and cast our ballots for whichever candidate will do less harm by our people without imposing anymore hardship than what the American people already endured within the past decade of economic downturn and market re-regulation (2014-2015).


            Personally, I think that it’s ‘sneaky’ to push back borders or boundaries on some made-up political regional map and further marginalize any voters in certain regions with certain united concerns about their communities, cities and state. (The End.)


I rest my case.

(Seriously I’m done writing for today.)


What more is there to be said?



            As a layman private citizen, I don’t know why there aren’t stricter laws or regulations in which and upon such gerrymandering laws would prohibit political candidates from ‘stealing’ votes from opposite party candidates’ regions.


            As a layman private citizen, don’t regional communities get to vote on districts such as county lines?


            As a layman private citizen, I thought that any political divide or electoral regional districting was done so by constituents to enforce and reinforce their regional status.


I mean, county lines aren’t going to change from year to year unless there’s a huge shift in land mass or plate tectonics.


            Why don’t political districts stay more or less the same from campaign to campaign without the hassle of re-districting voters whose energy must go towards the strong skill set to concentrate on casting their ballots?


Voters must learn how and in which manner voters so choose to privately vote.


To know how to vote is half the battle because factual information is difficult to come by when it comes to political candidates and corporate mass media.


            As a layman private citizen, the only thing that comes to mind is that political candidates those which indeed participate in regional re-districting, do so for their benefit because such candidates must be ‘hard up’ for votes and realize that it’s too ‘close a race’ to call no matter what the corporate mass media machine might say or whichever way corporate media might try to persuade voters into further propaganda rather than a robust informational public service. (Obviously.)


            As a layman private citizen, I’m amazed that in the year 2014 our ballots aren’t cast by ‘smart digitals’ without leaving the comfort of our home. (I know, I know. Security.)


            As a layman private citizen, I’m amazed that electoral districting exists (if at all) when most American people can and would love the option to cast their vote via some electronic medium or smart option.


Wouldn’t that be a dream come true without hacking into voter information.


            Yes, I’m surprised that instead of standing in long lines and waiting for as much as eight straight hours to vote or filing paper work for absentee ballot that Americans don’t just ‘fire up’ their tablets and place their votes within a matter of minutes.


What’s taking America so long to get modernized and cool to convert into an electronic modern hip and responsible culture and era.


            As a layman private citizen the entire concept of electoral districting sounds archaic even though constituents must factually prove where they live for a sustainable period of time to cast any ballot. (I know, I know. Thinking out loud.)


In a small economy and globe in which people travel in-and-out of business systems and places and times and currency, one would automatically think that one of the greatest endeavors that America would ‘take under their wind’ and achieve is to make our democracy one of the most easily accessible nations to vote ‘on the face of the planet’ because we’re American ‘damn it’ and we can get it done without fear of the ‘boogie monster’ under our Republic’s bed.


            America must invest in communal fiber optics and domestic and medical advanced robotics and democratic gadgetry that’ll catapult the globe into the next century before that century arrives ever so near to its destined time.           


            As a layman private citizen, I was taught, that all citizens must go to a physical voting booth or polling place for the sake to authenticate the person to their personal registered ballot, however, wouldn’t fingerprints or saliva or hair follicle recognition systems regulate all of that.


How many cases of voter fraud are there?

Like one.


Voter fraud is so miniscule an issue that it’s a non-issue no matter what anybody says.


            As a layman private citizen, I’m optimistically waiting for excellence in the overall change of our voting organizational skills for our country to maintain democratic viable digital options open to the American people rather than making it more difficult to vote as it already is.


            If anything, political candidates ought to be promising constituents that if they were to get elected to office that politicians will do everything in their power to make voting one of the easiest democratic maneuvers in the world.


            As a layman private citizen, I’m surprised that political candidates can still get away with ‘stealing’ districts as well as votes or entire elections for that matter.


            As a layman private citizen, I’m surprised how easy it is to confuse constituents and that ought to be illegal.


Truly Yours;




Word Count Goal: 2,000

Word Count: 2,033


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 10,000

This Week’s Total Word Count: 2,033



*)         Day #248 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #1 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Week #1 without stress: I love it.



---  ---  ---


Personal Note:


            Yesterday I told a close and personal friend of mine an incorrect story about a friend of his (2014) that I personally crossed paths with my friend’s friend about twenty (fall of 1995) or more years ago here in the Twin Cities. (We haven’t spoken or seen each other since then nor do we go out of our way to do so.)


Suddenly, today I heard a man in a three piece suit say something and I realized that I hadn’t dated my friend’s friend. Nope. That’s right. I had dated my friend’s friend’s best friend. Yep.


Oh, goodness.


My friend’s going to geta good kick out of’ that story tomorrow because I’ve got to tell my friend all about how his friend rejected my request for us to date (back when I was seventeen years of age or so and my friend’s friend must’ve been sixteen) (oh, we were babies) after my friend’s friend’s best friend (at that time) and I broke up that fall of 1995. (Oh, I hadn’t thought about that in about twenty years. How the years go by ever so quickly.)


            Furthermore, my friend (2014) is close and personal friends with close acquaintances I knew about twenty years back when we at least once slept out (non-sexually) in a train car the night before…in 1996 (thanks for the safe experience).


What a small world.


Oh, Detroit.

Oh, Twin Cities.


How time flies by.


---  ---  ---


Personal Note:


Progress 2014:


            On Saturday night, October 25, 2014 Eric and I both mutually fought together about half-of-Eric’s responsibility to cook.


Eric yelled, and I yelled, and we yelled at each other and together, and no one shrieked or screamed at the top of their lungs.


However and nevertheless, we disagreed and fought.


I win!


(From Saturday to Sunday, I fasted and detoxified for twenty-four hours straight because I was so upset.)


Yeah, I didn’t fight Eric all by myself like a “Shrieking Harpy.”


Eric actually raised his voice and said, “I’d rather that you scream like a ‘Shrieking Harpy’ for the next seven years then learn to cook.’ (I could’ve almost hit Eric with a frying pan.)


            On Sunday, October 26, 2014 Eric actually cooked a Crockpot meal all by himself. The food was amazing. (Eric’s forth Crockpot in eight years. I almost fell over.)


            Eric informed me that one of the main reasons why he doesn’t want to learn to cook is because he remembered the memory of when he poisoned someone and he’s been paralyzed or terrified with fear to cook ever since, however. That’s no excuse. More reason to learn. (I get it. I understand.)


            Yes, we’re still very much legally married.


            Yes, we’re exclusive and monogamous.


            No, neither one of us wears a wedding band (ring) because our knuckles get swollen or our jewelry tends to get caught on technological equipment and it could mean the difference between keeping a finger or losing a finger. (Anyone can understand that.)


---  ---  ---


Personal Note:


            Last week the therapist told me that when one partner provokes another partner into “aggression” to ‘scream’ or ‘nag’ or ‘whine’ then it’s mainly because the “passive” partner is playing the role of quasi “victim” and “martyr” combined and it’s the “passive” partner who creates the “violence” in the relationship or partnership and it’s the “passive” partner’s fault because they’re wrong to do that at all. (Okay.)


(We’re all learning. I was right the whole time. It proves that I wasn’t going ‘crazy’ all on my own.)


(If one were to need a strong advocate then I’d suggest that one does talk-therapy because it does wonders to clarify the root of any problem and to advocate on behalf of the private client against forces standing in the way of clarity or fairness or sensibilities or maturity or wisdom or justice.)


Yes, I get to keep my sanity.

Now, I see more clearly.


The Midwest is just too mean a place to live as an overall culture it’s too passive aggressive cruel.


---  ---  ---


Personal Note:


            According to the Endocrinologist there’s nothing wrong with me (per se) other than my cholesterol is now too high at 298 and I must bring it down to 200 by the time we meet next in six months April 2015.


Yes, the cysts are still inside my thyroid, however. My thyroid cysts aren’t large enough to operate on thus problems persist.


Now, I must go to a “throat, nose, mouth” specialist, next; As well as an OBGYN and back to my doctor for the millionth time.


My sore throats persist ‘24/7.’


---  ---  ---


Personal Note:


            Yes, yesterday I chose to smoke three cigarettes with a friend who is in town for a few days. (Back to the beginning of a new countdown.)


            Yes, I chose to socialize with one beer and some good food and philosophical conversation and great company as well as discuss and talk passive / aggressive Minnesota hypocritical culture that’s constantly making a business ‘pitch’ instead of ‘striking up’ smart conversation for the goodness of sharing ideas and to provoke thought changing cultural cultivation.


(Yep, my friend in his forties was brought up by his Minnesota Lutheran Mother and he’s teaching me a few good lessons about Minnesota cruelty.)


            Yes, I’ve got to book a flight and go home (Costa Rica) for at least one or two nights.


---  ---  ---


Personal Note:


            This week’s multiple dreams: show that within the next twenty years both Eric and I’ll live and work as a couple in London, Brittan for one whole complete year.


To my amazement, Eric’s agreed that when we retire within fifteen years that we may spend one complete year to live and work in London, Brittan.


            In our retirement as of (2029) we’d like to take a few sabbaticals and for one complete year each, live in Finland and Costa Rica and decide where we’d like to make a permanent home as two older retired people together who’ll dedicate their retirement to animation filmmaking and living in different countries for one year at a time.


Eric knows perfectly well that I’d like to spend one year in Italy and one year in Spain and Ukraine and Austria (my favorite) and Thailand and Laos and Vietnam and Mongolia and Switzerland and, and, and…


It would take about eleven years to fulfill that retirement investment.


Monday, October 27, 2014


“A sick person should be asked; a healthy one---given.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Bias (A prejudice, leaning of the mind)


He showed a definite bias toward one party.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.




Chapter 1.

Page 25-26


            How shall I describe a lady? Solomon has done it for me:


            “The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her.”


            “She will do him good, and not evil, all the days of her life.”


            “She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms.”


            She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea she reacheth forth her hands to the needy.”


            She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing in silk and purple.


            “Her husband is known in the gates.”


            Strength and honor are her clothing.


            She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.


           Strength, honor, wisdom, goodness and virtue are her requisites.


            A woman strong and womanly in all ways, in whom the heart of a husband can safely trust---this is the perfect lady.


(Literary Note: When one sees ‘double spaces’ in copied text it’s only because I copy “exactly” what I see from the published version, 1891. Yes. Correct.)          


---  ---  ---


11:00 P.M.




No Blog.



Truly Yours;




Word Count Goal: 2,000 // Personal Journals

Word Count: 52


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 10,000

This Week’s Total Word Count: 10,479



*)         Day #247 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #32 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Week #5 without stress: I love it.


Friday, October 24, 2014


“Charity is also a habit.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Abortive (coming to nothing, unsuccessful)


The revolution proved to be abortive.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.




Chapter 1.

Page 25


            The true gentleman is rare, but, fortunately there is no crime in counterfeiting his excellences.            The best of it is that the counterfeit may, in course of time, develop into the real thing.


(Literary Note: When one sees ‘double spaces’ in copied text it’s only because I copy “exactly” what I see from the published version, 1891. Yes. Correct.)          


---  ---  ---





No Blog.



Truly Yours;




Word Count Goal: 2,000 personal journals

Word Count: 52


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 10,000

This Week’s Total Word Count: 10,546



*)         Day #244 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #29 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Week #4 without stress: I love it.


Thursday, October 23, 2014


“To steal for charity is still stealing.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Venal (capable of being bought, corrupt)


The dishonest policeman made a venal agreement with the politician.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.




Chapter 1.

Page 25


                        It is this modest pride which gives him that charming ease, which, above all things, marks his manner. He would converse with Kings, or the embodied “blood of all the Howards,” with as much composure as he would exhibit in speaking to his footman.


                        A perfect gentleman instinctively knows just what to do under all circumstances, and need be bound by no written code of manners. Yet there is an unwritten code which is as immutable as the laws of the Medes and Persians, and we who would acquire gentility must by some means make ourselves familiar with this.


---  ---  ---




American Police

Brutality 2014

Part A



An American Police Culture of Violence



            Please keep in mind that some of my closest friends are American police personnel and I love them dearly and they know me to be true.


            Positive policy changes are required in modern American police brutality cases and murders.


            Absolutely not. Local police personnel aren’t ever to become a militarized independent state militia otherwise all sorts of laws are broken and people will go to jail because that’s illegal.


            Yes, by policy, American police personnel must learn a new modern culture of peace and kindness especially in the midst of danger and difficulties in overcoming professional fear of death.


            Yes, by policy, American police personnel must learn American Constitutional Laws and Civil Liberties and memorize them.


            Yes, by policy, American police personnel must wear uniforms and equipment suitable to their local profession and not look like some idiotic juvenile ideal of some 1980’s “Rambo” film.


If police personnel aren’t properly trained or qualified as an FBI SWAT Team member then one mustn’t conduct themselves as such or play with dangerous toys (firearms or tanks) or ‘play dress up’ ‘FBI agent’ when police aren’t.


The scariest component to modern (2014) American police civil servants is that local police departments have gone loco “militarized” and equipped with war zone materials and weaponry and hardware when factually The People didn’t even so much as get to vote on any memorandum about bringing in militarized equipment for civil obedience or much less does the media say much about this topic of serious needed discussion, debate and conversation.


Where’s the FBI in all this when The People’s rights are trampled by some made up ‘boogie man’ in militarized outfits spouting off with army weaponry upon the streets of America? (What. God save the Americans and their Constitutional Legal Rights.)


It’s obvious that such local police personnel (men and women) are amateurs and haven’t been properly trained to use any of the “militarized” equipment and only use tanks to instill fear and not to build bridges between police brutality and civilian mistrust.


            Yes, by policy, all American police personnel must carry and keep ‘body-cameras’ turned on at all times during their shifts otherwise police personnel must immediately go back to headquarters (‘police station’) and replace their camera batteries (thanks.)


            Yes, by policy, American police personnel must maintain better records (and copies) as well as become better record keepers in their ‘police reports’ because such tremendous literary responsibility comes with the job (otherwise go dig ditches in Siberia) and it’s the responsible mature and professional adult thing to do to keep good and precise copious overall records throughout the decades and centuries especially when police personnel are tired at the end of long and possibly dangerous shifts, especially then, that’s when police personnel must make or write down written reports because their memories are fresh, and not the day after, or years, or decades later in the aftermath of an event because the ‘devil’s in the details’ so remember.


(Take a picture with one’s mind as if one’s mind were a camera then write down those details which sometimes even a videographer may overlook or not.)


            Yes, by policy, American police personnel must learn to be better at writing ‘police reports’ and overall record keeping.


            The number one complaint by legal attorneys is that police personnel don’t keep good enough written out ‘police reports’ or overall detailed records because police personnel overlook record making and keeping because police personnel lack the discipline to precisely record and write well thus police personnel require more training in fully developed written language as well as ‘police reports’ (as an entire genre in and of itself) as well as better educated in the Liberal Arts. (Ouch.)


            The number one reason why police personnel must learn to become better and stronger and more disciplined writers is so that police personnel stay civilized, and keen on the observatory nature of basic instincts and crime so that our police personnel might someday become our ever amazing detectives who solve difficult crime puzzles, or lend concrete and positive conflict resolution methods, or constructive solutions to neighborhood problems in general with specific timelines and set goals, or criteria, or positive problem solving short term and long term agendas, otherwise detectives are no good to communities as an overall species.


When detectives lack that type of intelligence then that most likely means that possibly police personnel lack astuteness in their capacity to think like intellectuals (ouch) when any crime might call for knowledge of history, or the humanities and philosophy and ethics and writing and poetry otherwise police personnel seem not to be able to make sense out of their work because possibly police personnel might come at the facts with strong biases and negligence to their record keeping duties as a strong moral aspect of their profession.


            In other words: Modern (2014) police personnel lack the essential ability or skill to write well much less keep a daily ‘Captain’s Log’ which means that they’re not nautical men or women who can and will and do sail by the moon and the stars (which keeps anyone humble).


            Police personnel must be men and women of factual science and not some reactionary impulse to control the world.


            Yes, by policy, American police personnel must learn an essential Asian martial arts philosophical mental approach to danger rather than a Western reactionary method of self protection.


            Yes, by policy, American police personnel must learn how to ‘control their emotions’ especially anger and anxiousness and fear and learn how to bring down their heart and pulse rate and learn to breathe to be mindful and thoughtful to better make complex decisions while ‘on their feet’ ‘in the heat of the moment’.


In many Eastern martial art philosophies one goes with the flow of a united consciousness or Chi or energy and not against the will of all united living forces because to do so is to weaken one’s position or life source or concentration and precision rather than improper or fear filled action.


American police personnel must learn to control and harness their high strung emotions while under duress or strenuous danger or stress otherwise our police personnel will age faster than the rest of our population and we can’t afford that as an entire culture or our police personnel will make dire and deadly wrongful decisions against their better judgment that which could possibly shorten their lifespan by a few decades due to stress or ‘in the line of duty’ and sudden death originated out of fear and wrongful decision making by impulsive movements or reactions. (That translated.)


If our American police personnel can’t or won’t learn to distinguish mental stress from actual physical stress then they’ll act foolishly and most likely commit unjustifiable harm to another or break laws and land themselves in jail where they’ll get taught tougher lessons than…


            Correct; the brain doesn’t seem to decipher ‘real’ stress from ‘imaginary’ stress therefore as mature adults we must ‘control our emotions’ and put ourselves ‘in check’ while we asses difficult situations coming at us all at once otherwise we’re simply not smart enough to know better and further education must be set in place for a smarter breed of men and women.




American Police

Brutality 2014

Part B


            Well, I’m not any expert about police.


            As a private American citizen, (who votes) it’s difficult to comprehend as to what exactly gives ‘justifiable cause’ to American police units (across the country) to publically brutalize private American citizens and civilians as well as kill Americans in cold blooded murder upon the streets of ‘Tis America of Thee’.


            Remember: The American history of police personnel began as jobs for men to seek and hunt runaway slaves. (Period.)


(Yikes. What a history.) Indeed creepy.


With an already strongly established history of violence and murder then our police personnel will do “everything” in their power to sustain their brutal authority without much realizing that not only do American taxpayers pay for police salaries and healthcare benefits and retirement pensions as well as American taxpayers Establish and Change and Regulate The Laws of The Land.


            The American taxpayer Rules The Land (America).


‘No one’ owns The Land (America) (per se, most likely China owns America) except for the overall consensus and vote of the majority; Not the cops or police or FBI or CIA or NSA or Social Security or what have you may establish tyrannical order upon a strong democratic voter Republic state. (Period.)


Those are the Republic’s Rules and Laws not to be changed or broken unless America becomes a monarchy or fascist state or Anarchy or dictatorship yet again American citizens must first vote for that type of change in legal governance structure.


            The People Rule America.


            Yes, America is that ‘cool’.




            The queerest (oddest) aspect about modern (2014) police units is that police tend to ‘saunter off’ into the sunset, in all of their protective gear yet like idiots police come across like ‘losers’ when they point and aim their guns and firearms into any crowd or peaceful demonstrators.


What’s wrong with our modern police?

Don’t modern police personnel know any better?

Obviously not.


            In the late 1980’s, we (our generation X) got taught in school that no police personnel may ever point and aim a gun into any crowd or against any individual unless such police personnel intended to shoot and kill their own citizens which is considered unpatriotic.


            If any police personnel were ever so inclined as to shoot and kill and murder any American citizen or civilian (especially while any crowd peacefully demonstrates or publically gathers) in a cold blooded attempt then police must face imprisonment of some type because police judgment sure can get blurred, and peaceful demonstrators hold the right not to be murdered in cold blood by our police personnel because the police must (at all times) side with peaceful demonstrators and not police peer pressure or ‘queer’ (odd) idealisms about macho perceptions or be driven by war battle gear or fear.


At all times, police personnel must refrain from pointing and aiming any type of firearm or weapon at or into any crowd unless police personnel were first either A) violently touched (not mistakenly swayed by a crowd more so punched or otherwise drawn blood) or B) in a life-or-death threatening situation either to their person or through bodily harm otherwise police must keep their dicks (guns) in their pockets or crowds have the right to self protect (by any means necessary) especially against “police brutality” which police personnel are paid as civic dutiful servants, nothing more and nothing less and don’t ever forget that.


            Police personnel aren’t Gestapo and they shall be overturn and overcome at each step of the way by American citizens and civilians and politicians and policy makers because it’s the right and just thing to do to keep and maintain legal civility no matter what especially when it comes to brutal police culture and brutality and murder.


            In other words: police don’t hold any more or less rights than any other private citizen does. (Yep.) Murder’s murder.


            In other words: police personnel don’t hold any ‘license to kill’ unless police desire to have (figuratively speaking) The People (if The People were so inclined to choose to barbarically) string up any criminal police personnel and hang them by lampposts by their ankles. (Although, the court systems are the best form of justice over any violence of any type.)


            In other words: if any police personnel draws any firearm or weapon into any crowd or peaceful gathering then he or she will go straight to jail for public endangerment. (Period.) (End of story.) (Case closed.) (‘Shut the ‘fuck up’ and go home’.)


            When police make the first physical act of threat of violence by drawing their firearms or weapons against or into any crowd or peaceful demonstrators then Americans may overthrow the police state regime (at which point) and The People may so choose to self govern for the interim or not. (Yep.)


            When police make the first physical act of threat of violence by drawing their firearms or weapons against or into any crowd or peaceful demonstrators then the “National Guard” may officially (by delegation or vote) step in and take over the ‘totalitarian’ police militant state force or regime (of any town or city or state) fighting against their own body of citizens or civilians and that’s ethical justification and grounds enough to protect any American citizen or civilian under law because our American People come first instead of power hungry or brutal or abusive or violent or corrupt or possibly mentally ill or ‘insane’ police personnel not quite deemed or suitable enough to meet their duties ‘in the line of fire’ (swear to God). Right. Right.


(Be careful and learn one’s constitutional rights by law.)


            Yes, The People may place police personnel under arrest for unjustifiable brutality or unlawful means if such police personnel were ever so inclined as to take away The People’s freedom to peacefully assemble together as a means to positive change or as a means of self expression.


(Yes. The People win versus police personnel. Every time. The laws are made to be on the side of The People, and no one else, otherwise it’s a corrupt system and like hell if Americans are going to let that happen because we refuse for anyone to get shot down by any police force or regime in cold blood upon the streets of America because this isn’t Ireland (as a general example).)



Truly Yours;




Word Count Goal: 2,000

Word Count: 2,278


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 10,000

This Week’s Total Word Count: 10,546



*)         Day #243 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #28 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Week #4 without stress: I love it.


Wednesday, October 22, 2014


“The longest road in the world is the one that leads from your pocket.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Venerable (worthy of respect or reverence)


We love to call the venerable old man grandfather.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.




Chapter 1.

Page 23, 24, 25


            Indeed, a gentleman, in the highest signification of the term, is a noble animal.             Viewed as furnished with all those qualities which should unite to complete the impression, he may be considered as the image of a perfect man.


            He has all that is valuable of Christian accomplishment, he has its gentleness, its disinterestedness, its amiableness.


       Employing, in the regulation of his own conduct, the strictest standard of propriety, and in his expectations of that of others, the most lenient; cautions in accepting quarrel, more cautious in giving cause for it; lending to virtue the forms of courtesy, and borrowing from her the substance of sincerity; forming his opinions boldly, expressing them gracefully; in action, brave, in conference, gentle; always anxious to please, and always willing to be pleased; expecting from none what he would not be inclined to yield to all; giving interest to small things, whenever small things cannot be avoided, and gaining elevation from great, whenever great can be attained; valuing his own esteem too highly to be guilty of dishonor, and the esteem of others too considerately to be guilty of incivility; never violating decency, and respecting even the prejudices of honesty; yielding with an air of strength, and opposing with an appearance of submission; full of courage, but free from ostentation; without assumption, without servility; too wise to despise trifles, but too noble ever to be degraded by them; dignified but not haughty, firm but not impracticable, learned but not pedantic; to his superiors respectful, to his equals courteous; kind to his inferiors, and wishing well to all.


---  ---  ---


7:57 A.M.




What about November elections 2014?


            Well, over the months of September 2014 and October 2014 most of America’s corporate mass media news outlets did their very best to cover anything other than midterm American elections 2014 or potential present political candidates (for that matter) while on the campaign trail for official elected governance in office and if candidates are either running for re-election then what policies do such candidates support and what bills did they vote on and so on and so forth, etc, etc, etc… Or. (What’s their track record?)


If any candidate is new to the political playing field then what do they represent and how do candidates think about any policies and how will candidates vote on particular bills they might pass or not and what can candidates do to bring vitality back into the “Middle Income Earning” economic status.


(Any election’s a huge deal to voters because we’re Americans thus corporate mass media news outlets must get going on presenting factual information to the public about the many policies of the candidates in this political cycle like any other cycle, however please don’t ever clubber us over the head with propaganda. Thanks.)


            Corporate mass media news outlets and their ‘noisy’ and ‘busy’ distractions sure did get old quickly.


(Most of September 2014 and well into October 2014 we play our personal USB music compilation on a daily basis while we either drive or ride in the car.)


            We’ve got to start research (Eric and I) about our district’s politicians up for election or re-election this cycle because we don’t even know who’s running in this election 2014 much less in our district.


            We always vote.


            Why wouldn’t we vote?


            Of course, we vote because we’re posh and democratic and modern and married Americans.


            Yes, we leave our political research till the very end of the campaign trail because we’re busy with work and life and don’t make time to keep up with specific politicians, however and most definitely, on a daily basis we do keep up with global current events and weather.


We have no clue ‘who’s who’ of this political election cycle nor do we care however we must begin to care like yesterday. (Okay.)


            We don’t even know if there’ll be two or three or four referendum questions on the ballot because issues must be addressed and voters must vote; no two ways about it.


Memorandum Ballot Questions:


1.    Should there be an oil pipeline across Minnesota?

                                    Yes or

                                    No [Check Box.]


2.    Should Minnesota invest in future ‘green’ energy technologies and industries and services without producing hardly any or zero garbage or carbon emissions?

                                    Yes or [Check Box.]



            In other words: Should Minnesota invest in new ‘green’ technologies such as wind or solar power across-the-board brought to communities by our citizens’ taxes and provided to all public buildings (schools and libraries and government buildings) as well as industries that create almost zero carbon emissions or garbage such as 3D printing or digital online media services without leaving the comfort of one’s home for consumer purchase such as clothes or hardlines or digital mass media entertainment?

                        Yes or [Check Box.]



{Side Note:}


A dream it would’ve been to have received some type of tax ‘write off’ for almost emitting zero carbon emissions over the past twelve years (2002-2014) to the present because our small businesses don’t compete with hedge fund fortune 500 corporations because our businesses are small yet our work is geared and mainly centered to only communicate and work online thus we hardly ever create any wasteful byproducts or garbage. (Hooray.)


We can’t remember the last that time we used paper to conduct any type of business: 2007? (Yes.)


When we first got our startup and began our career with one digital camera and computer then eventually twelve years later we upgraded to a “tablet” (2007? Yes) and a digital cell phone which is all that one requires to conduct international global enterprise without polluting the Earth completely to a halt.


3.    Should Minnesota invest in the appropriate market percentage points of inflation in raising the ‘minimum wage’ to a modern and comparable and economic standard of at least twenty-one dollars per hour?

                                    Yes or [Check Box.]



(America’s five decades behind on the ‘minimum’ annual inflation percentage rate point increase in modern American ‘minimum wage’ payout. The minimum hourly wage ought to be at least twenty-one ($21.00) plus some dollars.)



4.    Will Minnesota bring home our troops for good as promised by federal governance by the end of December 2014?

                                    Yes or [Check Box.]





            Yes, I suppose anyone could consider us “ignorant” about our local political research however there’s so much ‘noise’ in corporate mass media news outlet misinformation that all we’ve been able to do to self preserve (as of late) is to turn off all commercials or political adds or change channel or watch films or listen to (non-commercial) music.


            Yes, we’re stunned to hear that Democratic candidates so much as can afford to decline any debate against their opponents at the expense of public information and knowledge. (What.)


Where does any political office forfeit the opportunity to directly relay factual information with any constituent about concrete issues with examples that do actually effect our national economy and education and civil rights and debt?


            Yes, we’ve settled into a cool fall season.


We’re about to celebrate our most important holiday of the year which happens to be Halloween. (Yep.)


(No, we don’t practice paganism or witch craft of any type.)


            For our family, Halloween happens to be the single most important holiday of the entire year because we stop to rest and celebrate being together and respectfully pass out candy to neighborhood children and their parents as well as get into the spirit of Halloween decorations and lights and carve out pumpkins and close out the end of the warm season with annual hot apple cider and cinnamon and whip cream and anything that reminds us of October like sitting down to a “Charlie Brown” special.


            Then we prepare for Thanksgiving (at the end of each November) which Thanksgiving’s a special holiday and unique in its own particular way.


We give thanks.


We spend Thanksgiving either in Roseville or St. Paul, Minnesota.


(Thanksgiving’s all about the turkey and the meal and good clean fun company and nothing else.) (We gather around with Hamline University alumni and have a riot.)


            Then we prepare for (Hanukkah) Christmas Holiday and don’t put up any lights or decorations or our plastic Christmas tree until the weekend of Thanksgiving or the weekend after Thanksgiving each year because lots happens just getting from one holiday to the next which fall and winter holidays happen all quite too quickly in October and November and December and January with the kickoff of New Year’s.


(These four holidays clip along quickly like mile twenty four and mile twenty five and mile twenty six at the end of any marathon that goes by in a blur and then we cross the finish line with our best time yet ever.)


            Then we prepare for New Year’s.


We celebrate New Year’s by staying home with good Champaign and comfy pajamas and good television and warmth and awesome New Year’s snacks or treats that we haven’t had all year long like chocolate cake or pecan pie or raspberry or blueberry or orange muffins or, or, or whip cream or “sugar milk” (eggnog).


            We don’t like to be rushed from one holiday to the next because we savor each and every holiday because we’re only going to be alive once or so we strongly theorize.




            We treat our political research in the same manner in which we treat our Holiday (“Christmas”) shopping which happens to be something that we actually and physically conduct either one of each of the two activities about two weeks right before we vote or Christmas Eve occurs and not a day before that.


Every single year, we physically get out and do our Christmas shopping just two short weeks before Christmas Eve because it’s exciting to wait till the last minute to shop amongst other respectful and excited and happy last minute shoppers who don’t panic either because we purchase the same gift each and every single year-after-year.


            We do our political research and Christmas holiday shopping in the same fashion for the only reason that we stop long enough to consider either one of those two events and short enough to do something about it before it’s too late or by the time they’re over on the calendar otherwise we probably wouldn’t notice either one of those two events.


We abhor to get rushed into any holiday season or election cycle because it’s all the same ‘noise’ year-after-year and the art of self preservation is to block out all the ‘noise’ and polluted sound so as to expand one’s consciousness and comfortably alongside maturity sit in the middle of silence.


            We do our political research in the same manner in which we shop for Christmas gifts which we happen to spend three-hundred dollars in “gift cards” for Eric’s family alone and we take my Finn-Jewish-Minnesotan American family out to eat at “Good Earth” throughout the warm or cold seasons as well as send holiday cards via post.        


Not for any reason do we want to participate in any mass general public driven political melodrama or panic because we’ve got one too many serious responsibilities to attend to throughout the year as most other adults do also.


            The specific reason why we don’t conduct political research about candidates (throughout the year) is because anything can happen at any time and any candidate can drop out of the race at any moment thus it’s best to wait till closer to ballot time.


            Modern Americans (within the past decade) have taught us not to shop until about two weeks right before Christmas Eve or conduct political research until about two weeks right before we vote because A) most “Middle Class” Americans can’t afford holiday shopping until right up to the holidays are upon them which most Americans resent the reminder that advertisers push upon them which is that mostly Americans can’t even afford a stick of gum unless they must and B) most Americans get sick of hearing the same old mean political adds that contain very little factual information, anyway.


            Yes, if Congressman Keith Ellison is up for re-election then we’ll vote for Mr. Ellison because we trust what that man has to say to anyone otherwise I have no idea who’s running or what’s happening in our immediate local politics.


            Yes, local politics are far more important than federal politics because everything that needs to get done, gets done at home and not in Washington D.C.


            Yes, we’ll research before we head out to the polls.


            Yes, Americans must vote. Period.      


            Now that you know how “ignorant” we are then join us in discovering “facts” about present political candidates and what they represent and stand for or fall apart.


            Yes, what a beautiful thing to become informed right before one votes in any election cycle so that one can confidently go to the voting booth with a light heart and prepared to do their civic duty to advance our civilized culture by voting for candidates who won’t stonewall progress rather embrace progress and actually show up for work in Congress rather than skip town and not deal head on with the rather quite important affairs of our nation such as war and the economy and healthcare and education and immigration and, and, and...




            We don’t like to break with positive and celebratory tradition.


            To vote is one of the most fundamental and basic American principles and traditions there are therefore we preserve and practice free vote and free speech and free expression in our adult lives because we find it important to continue to push for equality and affordable healthcare and affordable public education without having our citizens be turned away from healthcare or education only because money’s an object of discontent or disconnect.




            We’d like to think that we aren’t purists.


            We’d like to strive for something economically better than we’ve witnessed in America for the past decade.


            We’d like to think that politicians aren’t going to say one thing on their campaign trail and as soon as they get voted into office make contradictory decisions or policies different from those aspects of their campaign speeches or reading material.


            We’d like to think that not all politicians are ‘insane’ like the Tea Party or hardcore right wing Neo conservative Republican fascists (yep, I meant that literally).


            We’d like to think that there’re still some politicians who actually know anything there’s to know about politics and who can and will serve as elected public officials because they find it their duty to become public servants to their fellow human beings.


            We’d like to think that someone’s going to ‘stick their neck out’ there for the preservation of “Middle Class” American families and their education and affordable healthcare and up to at least twenty-one dollar minimum wage increase, which American workers have earned over the course of five dusty old decades.


            We’d like to think that our citizens’ overall wellbeing still matters in America even though the ‘uneducated’ ignoramus rich have taken over congress in the form of lobbyists or corporate interest groups who know nothing about the real lives and hardships of Americans today while Wall Street got filthy rich on the broken backs of our people.


            We’d like to think that no politician is going to use absurd or racist or classist or prejudiced or vulgar or sexualized language when speaking about minorities or women constituents or potential constituents.


            We’d like to think that politicians can and will and do conduct themselves with as much grace and dignity and respect and integrity as they can possibly muster without the need to be destructive or abusive against those with lesser status or income than politicians.


            We’d like to think that politicians are civilized and their policies won’t get any of our American women raped or killed or abused because politicians might harbor some (‘fucked up’) secret hatred towards women.


            We’d like to think that politicians are humane even though they look ‘greasy’ as hell much of the time.


We’d like to think that politicians can speak some form of factual informational truth to the public without manipulating the facts.


            We’d like to think that politicians aren’t out to gain millions from their congress ‘insider trading’ and forget all about their people back in their home states who starve or go with very little because of warped policies and bills passed in congress for the betterment of deeper pockets that care less if children live with constant starvation and subpar educational standards.


            We’d like to think that politicians do have their priorities straight.


            We’d like to think that politicians can and do and will separate church from state because it’s the honorable and decent and good respectable thing to do for the sake and the health and overall psychological vitality of our nation.


            We’d like to think that politicians won’t go corrupt once they arrive at Washington D.C. and ‘get caught with their dicks stuck in the cookie jar’ or ‘giving head to some senator from down south’. (No, of course, not.)


            We’d like to think that politicians will sign the “Violence Against Women Act” for as long as congress stands directly under the lamp of democracy.


            We’d like to think that politicians are ‘hip’ and ‘cool’ and know that ‘Gestapo’ NSA is an old dusty concept of yesterday.


            We’d like to think that politicians are against our government spying upon our private citizens and civilians, alike.


            We’d like to think that politicians can uphold themselves to some higher ethical standard and stay away from insulting their opponents and concentrate more on their policies.


            We’d like to think that politicians know that modern Americans don’t believe in war of any type much less policing the world.


            We’d like to think that politicians don’t hate their constituents, so much as to, incarcerate them, by the hundreds of thousands, for petty misdemeanors, like smoking “marijuana,” in a prohibition era, when most Americans die from stress, (as a poor example).


            We’d like to think that politicians know and understand very well that modern Americans would like to see less waste so that American enterprise will implement biodegradable products into mass manufacturing and consumer goods by the end of 2015. (The Oceans and Earth’s filled with garbage.)


            We’d like to think that politicians understand that public transit must be made free to the public.


            We’d like to think that politicians know that free daycare must be made free to the public.


            We’d like to think that politicians know that free college and university must be made tuition free to the public.


            We’d like to think that politicians know that affordable and free healthcare ought to be implemented in every state of our nation.


            We’d like to think that politicians know that every child ought to be granted the use of a tablet through public education.


            We’d like to think that politicians know that we must rebuild our infrastructure.


            We’d like to think that politicians know that we must get away from oil and into wind and solar and electric green energies otherwise, poof.


            We’d like to think that politicians know that America must get back to factual science and mathematics.


            We’d like to think that politicians won’t disregard the needs of our black brothers and sisters in the inner cities.


            We’d like to think that politicians care about the condition of our human plight.


            We’d like to think that politicians know that the entire nation ought to go paperless by the end of 2015.


            We’d like to think that politicians know that no American citizen or civilians ought to be spied on by its government.


            We’d like to think that politicians won’t purchase any Supreme Court judges.


            We’d like to think that politicians know about the importance of early voting and registration.


            We’d like to think that politicians know about voting rights.


            We’d like to think that politicians know about the great travesty and hardship in Native American reservations.


            We’d like to think that politicians know about clean water act.


            We’d like to think that politicians think.



Truly Yours;




Word Count Goal: 3,000

Word Count: 3,124


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 10,000

This Week’s Total Word Count: 8,268



*)         Day #242 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #27 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Week #4 without stress: I love it.


Tuesday, October 21, 2014


“If charity cost nothing,

the world would be full of philanthropists.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Aura (a distinctive atmosphere)


He has the aura of sanctity about him whilst he prays.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.




Chapter 1.

Page 23


A gentleman always possesses a certain self-respect,---not indeed touching upon self-esteem, and far removed from self-conceit,---which relieves him from the fear of failing in propriety, or incurring remarks.


---  ---  ---


8:50 A.M.






            I love Eric because Eric’s natural smell is honeycomb and not sickly sweet diabetes sweat smells.


            I love Eric because Eric’s not a ‘psycho killer.’


            I love Eric because Eric’s a law abiding citizen and so am I.


            I love Eric because Eric’s not ever gone to jail nor have I.


            I love Eric because Eric’s basically good and so am I.


            I love Eric because Eric’s basically quiet and so am I.


            I love Eric because Eric’s basically smart and so am I.


            I love Eric because Eric’s skin is nearly flawless.


            I love Eric because Eric’s skin is smooth.


            I love Eric because Eric’s clean.


            I love Eric because Eric’s barely any wrinkles.


            I love Eric because of Eric’s long eye lashes.


            I love Eric because of Eric’s beautiful blue eyes.


            I love Eric because Eric’s a man and smells like a man.


            I love Eric because Eric’s masculine and gentle.


            I love Eric because Eric’s an amazing lover and that counts for something beautiful in any marriage otherwise it’s definitely futile.


            I love Eric because we touch every single day.


            I love Eric because Eric’s brilliant and caring.


            I love Eric because Eric’s intelligent about his field of expertise and industry.


            I love Eric because Eric knows exactly what Eric’s talking about except when it comes to romance or romantic gestures.


            I love Eric because Eric’s smart as the dickens.


            I love Eric because Eric’s vocabulary’s extensive.


            I love Eric because Eric doesn’t swear out loud.


            I love Eric because Eric can and will and does control his temper during work hours and while out in public with me and / or others. (Thank you.)


            I love Eric because Eric gets Bostonian-style ‘road rage’ when Eric’s family’s placed in danger by other drivers.


            I love Eric because Eric drives well while I drive like a Grandmother.


(Yes, I’m a ‘nervous driver’ because I have terrible eye sight and a tough time with “spatial relations,” which I’m informed that all women do and men don’t have the same problems with “spatial relations.”) (Okay.)


            I love Eric because Eric’s a natural leader.


            I love Eric because Eric’s a natural reader.


            I love Eric because we finally re-stocked our personal and private library collection filled with about one thousand and thirty-three (1,033) books (we live in a small 1950’s house thus that’s a real feat of heroism to fit that many books into a small space.)


            I love Eric because Eric’s a technological “geek” yet Eric enjoys old ‘dusty’ books on bookshelves around our home just as I do.


            I love Eric because Eric can take apart any electronics and put it back together.


(Yes, I especially I love that about Eric. That skill set is ultimately sexy to me.


A man who can and will and does work with his hands yet intellectually makes any proper analysis whichever might need to be made at any time about anything at all.


By-and-by Eric’s a true scientist.)


            I love Eric because Eric can and will and does run any electronic equipment or code or software in the world because he’s that brilliantly smart.


(Give Eric a second to warm up, then Eric’s off to the races and can and will and does problem solve just about anything to do with any type of code or software or hardware. How beautiful is that? Quite. I love that.)


            I love Eric because Eric knows about electricity and innovation and science and scientific research and mathematics.


            I love Eric because Eric can (however Eric doesn’t because Eric’s a professional expert in Eric’s chosen industry of work) and might ‘hack’ into any computer written code or system or program in the world to help out other professionals in our industry that might ask for cyberspace security assistance. (How do I know that? I do.)


            One of the most romantic gestures Eric ever did for me (in the second month of dating December 2006) is that without a word Eric pointed to Eric’s computer monitor and directly showed me how Eric navigated through a particular world renowned ‘Gestapo’ website without being detected well after 2001 when Homeland Security went Gestapo bananas in their brains.


Eric closed out of the system and we haven’t spoken of it until recently because it’s been more than eight years since then (December 2006).


(Eric’s brilliance is one of the most romantic gestures in the entire world even though that particular example of ‘hacking’ (navigating through systems) only lasted six (6) seconds.)


I shan’t ever forget it for as long as I live. I’m still amazed and mesmerized at Eric’s intelligence all these years later and Eric’s not even a genius. Incredible.


            I love Eric because Eric’s friends think like geniuses.


            I love Eric because Eric’s friends are genuinely kind.


            I love Eric because Eric’s ever so revered and respected by entire communities and sectors of populations across the globe and so am I.


            I love Eric because Eric’s genuinely honest.


            I love Eric because Eric’s kind and generous.


            I love Eric because Eric’s trust worthy.


            I love Eric because Eric’s analytical yet doesn’t get personal.


            I love Eric because Eric’s capable of explaining anything to anyone in the entire globe because Eric’s that great of a teacher, although sometimes short on patience if students happen to be arrogant or dismissive of others’ teachings, then what’s the point?


(There isn’t a point in being a rude or arrogant student therefore its best not to waste any teacher’s valuable time.)


            I love Eric because Eric’s fashionable when he wants to be.


            I love Eric because Eric’s an Alpha male.


            I love Eric because Eric’s an official expert.


            I love Eric because Eric’s not a ‘nature boy’.


            I love Eric because Eric doesn’t drink soda.


            I love Eric because Eric doesn’t smoke cigarettes (ever).


            I love Eric because Eric doesn’t participate in illegal drugs.


            I love Eric because Eric doesn’t get drunk.


            I love Eric because Eric can and will and does leisurely drink a glass of red wine or (non-genetically modified) beer on a Friday night and call it a night.


            I love Eric because Eric does shower each and every single night of our relationship before we fall into bed together and wish each other “goodnight” and touch arm-to-arm.


            I love Eric because as of last week, Eric became my artistic muse for the first time ever, and it’s not the same as any other muse because my muse now happens to be my husband, and what does one do when one’s spouse turns into one’s muse?


            No, not ever did I consider that that would happen to me.


(I guess we ride out this wave.)


            I love Eric because I’ve finally matured with Eric.


            I love Eric because I finally don’t self loathe when I’m miserable with Eric due to his actions.


            I love Eric because now that I’ve written about Eric as my husband I’ve moved up a few many rungs in literary status, however, one can only write about one’s married spouse with the infinite trusting love of a married partner and a legal binding marriage contract and with all of the trust of one’s loving partner not to tarnish their reputation as well as do well by the other that’s being written about as well as move forward together.


            I love Eric because Eric finally catapulted me into the literary throng of high literary status and development of the greats.


A writer finally becomes mature when they can and will and do write publically about their most intimate trusted relationship to their partner because doing so is not only the greatest compliment yet also the most difficult aspect of writing there is to accomplish because that’s deep introspection about one’s relationship to write honestly and ever so forward and direct about anything at all between any couple.        




            I love Eric because Eric’s taught me about “Disney” movies and “Peanuts” comics and television history and “Star Wars” and “Star Trek” and “I.T. Crowd” and “Firefly” and “Batman” and “The Hulk” and “Captain America” and “The Simpsons” and “Family Guy” and 1970’s cinema and television in general and shows and movies and horror films and the history of film and 2014 broadcasting standards and 1980’s music and technological evolution in software equipment and weather patterns and how to dress for Minnesota cold winters and nature safety tips and HTML and “Midwestern Big Foot” and “Midwestern Giants” and how space weather affects Earth’s weather and general excavating rock history (archeology) and how to get along with Minnesotans who are ever so passive aggressive in communication style which makes them some of the most boring people to deal with while in conflict and Eric’s taught me about lotion for long cold and dry harsh winters so that my skin and hands don’t crack and bleed anymore.


            More or less both Eric and I arrive at the same answers even though we take quite different routes to arrive at our destination.


            Eric’s highly analytical and honest in his approach.


            We both married extremely well with the exception of our temperaments and stubbornness.


            Yes, I love the way I feel safe around Eric.


            Yes, I love that Eric can replace scientific fact for my Roman Catholic superstitious religious nonsense.


            Yes, I love that Eric refuses to go to church on a yearly basis.


            Yes, I love that if Eric and I were to birth future children then we’re in agreement that our unborn future children shan’t be brought up in any religious setting because many religious church doctrines or idealism are criminal and psychologically abusive.


            Yes, I love that Eric’s an atheist because so am I even though I pray to three hundred (plus some) Mayan Gods (per yearly basis) as well I say daily Mayan “theological” prayers each and every single day of my life.


            Yes, I fell ‘head over heels’ in love with Eric’s mother, who happens to be my mother-in-law (believe it or not).


            Yes, I love Eric because Eric’s taught me all about patience and how to make a strong comeback after health issues and problems and surgeries such as heart attack scares for Eric and abdominal surgeries for me.


            Yes, I love that Eric adores me.


            Yes, I adore Eric and he knows it, too.


            Yes, I love that Eric thinks I’m beautiful because that’s all that matters.


            Yes, I do love that I find Eric handsome.


            Yes, I adore that when I ask Eric to please and gently to re-tell the story of “Star Wars” then Eric will and does. I like that Eric’s been ever so patient with me to help me learn about the many motives of the many characters in “Star Wars.”


            Yes, Eric’s aware that I’m ‘crazy’ about “Star Trek” even though I still don’t always follow the storylines.


            Yes, I love that Eric’s ever so patient and kind to either press the “pause” or “mute” button if there’s ever anything that I didn’t properly translate or if I need to discuss something with Eric about whatever we’re watching at the time so that I might better understand it.


            I love Eric because Eric sure can be sweet when he wants to be.


            I love Eric because Eric reminds me of the character of Schroeder in “Charlie Brown” even though Eric says that when I get mad I remind Eric of the character of “Lucy.” I wish Eric would think better of me than “Lucy.” I wish Eric would think of me as one of snoopy’s little bird friends up in the bird nest sipping tea and eating healthy snacks.


Oh, well. I ought to try taking the football away each and every time Eric tries to kick it and see what happens then, when mostly I’m quite helpful.


            Yes, I adore that Eric’s not into porn and Eric’s sexy especially when Eric refuses to subject himself to mental garbage. (I got lucky in life.)


            Yes, I adore that Eric’s not a sexual predator.


Truly Yours;




Word Count Goal: 2,000

Word Count: 2,171


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 10,000

This Week’s Total Word Count: 5,144



*)         Day #241 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #26 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Week #4 without stress: I love it.



*)         No, I don’t believe that sexual predators have any right to meander or socialize amongst the public hence sexual predators are committed to hospitals or correctional facilities then sexual predators must stay there for the term of their duration.


My favorite shop happens to be in Moose Lake, however, please, not for one single moment think that I’ll personally put up with sexual predators when I already deal with enough harassment from “average” citizens. (Absolutely not.)



*)         What about elections 2014?


*)         What about November 2014?


*)         No, I’m not personally afraid or scared about November 2014’s elections because I believe that the American public is motivated to get out and vote and kick this warped system into full throttle. Yes!


Monday, October 20, 2014




Note. The Judaic admonition to be righteous, compassionate and, above

all, help one’s fellow man is called tsedakah---“righteousness.” This is the closest word for “charity” in Hebrew or Yiddish; for Jews never separated charity from duty---that is, from moral and religious obligation.  Deuteronomy (15:11) says, “For the poor shall never cease out of the land; therefore I command thee, saying, thou shalt open thine hand wide unto thy brother…”


            Jews are forbidden to turn away anyone who asks for help. The poor and needy must, moreover, be spared embarrassment. Every Jewish community contained a hostel attached to the synagogue, for travelers or itinerants. Jews place great stress on helping the poor, the sick, the handicapped---and refugees, who have always been a part of the history of Jews.


            Every community had a special fund for the needy; every holiday includes philanthropic activities; every home once contained little boxes into which coins for various charities were dropped. Every Jewish child was taught early in life to feel a duty to help those who needed help. Orphans were supported by communal funds. Fatherless or poor girls received a wedding gown, trousseau, and dowry from the community. The penniless received free burial. And even paupers were obligated to contribute nominal sums to the community fund.


            All these obligations, incidentally, were superseded by the duty to ransom Jewish captives or slaves. A moving account of this side of the Jewish experience was written by Cecil Roth in the chapter, “A community of Slaves,” in Personalities and Events in Jewish History.


            Maimonides analyzed and rated the different forms of tsedakah. The highest form, he said, is to help someone to help himself; after that, to help a man anonymously and secretly---so that the benefactor does not know whom he helps, and the benefactee does not know (so cannot feel obligated to) the one who helped him. I have never heard an improvement upon this.




(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Perspicacity (keen judgment, ability to see through)


He is noted for his perspicacity in analyzing a problem.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.




Chapter 1.

Page 23


                          A gentleman is distinguished as much by his composure as by any other quality. His exertions are always subdued, and his effort easy. He is never surprised into an exclamation or startled anything. Throughout life he avoids what the French call scenes,---occasions of exhibition, in which the vulgar delight. He of course has feelings, but he never exhibits any to the world.                                     

---  ---  ---






            What about Love?


            What’s there to write about the topic of L-O-V-E?


            Our boundless married love for each other as husband and wife is immense and protective and beautiful and honest and helpful and caring and loving and physical and intelligent and productive and, and, and…


            Early on (October 2006, our first date) I ‘fell head over heels in love’ with Eric’s smell and intelligence and smarts, however.


No, I didn’t fall in love with Eric’s temper just as Eric didn’t fall in love with mine either.


Eric’s got ‘a wicked little temper’ that can also get the better of him, however Eric does indeed control his anger on a regular and daily basis. Eric’s good about that because Eric’s a mature adult and so am I.


            No, we don’t go around screaming at each other in public much less try to argue out in the open. We’re private individuals.


We do our arguing inside our home with all of the doors and windows closed if we can help it which we do except for once in eight years which happened to be two years ago (September 2012) we argued with the windows wide open only because I didn’t know that they were open.


            Ultimately, the trouble in our marriage is that we’re both equally stubborn about anything at all that we might set our minds to.


We’re the type of married couple that’s stubborn with each other and stubbornness gets old quickly because then we fight about the same two or three things for eight (October 2006-September 2014) straight years without any change until about six weeks ago when I ‘threw in the towel’ and conceded to give into Eric a lot, however.


There’s a timeline for change and that happens to be the next seven years (2021) otherwise our marriage is hopeless and we must not stay married to each other and aggravate the living hell out of one another because we’d be better off alone or with other more sensible partners who understand us and complement each other in temperament and get along with us much better than this and who’ll be kinder to us than we’ve been to each other in the first five years of our official marriage (April 16, 2009-2014).


            We’re mules that refuse to do anything if we don’t want to and the more we tell each other, “no,” then the less we mean to budge or concede.


As a married couple we ‘dig in our heels’ and neither one of us wins that which either one of us ultimately wants in the end and that creates yet another cycle of misuse of married power and stalemate because for eight straight years we’ve continually been in one large perpetual frozen cycle of stubborn nature creating more and more friction between each other and sometimes the only way to balance that out is to go completely ice cold so that we don’t set the forest on fire. (Any couple can understand that sentiment.)


            “No.” is all that Eric (must have) heard when I asked him to help out with food preparation and handling and cooking on that November 2007 night.


‘Eric spat the dummy’: Right there and then, Eric had a ‘hissy fit’ and the worst part about it is that I let Eric get away with Eric’s hissy fit because Eric was ever so absurd as to give me such an ultimatum such as either we only order-in or dine-out for the rest of eternity or I do all the cooking without any help from Eric. (What.)


(Absolutely not.


My wrists ‘kill me’ on a weekly basis.


Finally, yes, we’re conducting research about dishwashers. We have no clue what to purchase.


Personally, I’d prefer a “silent” dishwasher if there’s such advanced technology out on the consumer market.


Yes, I caved into Eric.


We’ll purchase a dishwasher in 2015.


We haven’t had a dishwasher our entire time living together and hopefully that will bring more leisure and relaxation time to our marriage within the next seven years.


            No, it’s not that I’m ungrateful, it’s just that I don’t want to listen to another machine make noise.


Silent domestic robotics need to be introduced into homes because couples still slave away at the domesticity of lifestyle while they work hard every day while at their jobs or career.


Why haven’t commercial and domestic (peaceful, functioning) robotics been introduced into consumer market for home purchase?


In other words: why don’t consumers have an option to purchase articulate peaceful domestic robotics that can and will make intricate healthy foods and dinner for families across the globe?


No scientific expectations, right? Right.)


            Eric knows perfectly well that the most sacred aspect to my lifestyle is the preparation and making of food still yet (in our marriage) I don’t want to do all of the cooking for the rest of our life together without a break because then I might as well be single and live alone and order out Chinese without getting too fat on the stuff.


            “No.” Is all that Eric (must have) heard when I directly expressed to Eric that I refused to gain any more weight than I already had put on “the” pounds by that November 2007.


Yes, in one year (2006-2007) I gained fifty (50) pounds due to high levels of stress hormone, cortisol. I barely breathed in my own skin yet Eric was more stubborn than ever not to help out with food preparation or cooking.


            “No.” Is all that Eric (must have) heard when I directly expressed to Eric that I wished to have a tremendously healthy nutritional intake because the rest of our lives are busy.


            “No.” Is all that Eric (must have) heard when I directly expressed to Eric that I’d like to see Eric’s family three times per year in the same manner in which we visit my family three times per year.


            “No.” Is all that Eric (must have) heard when I directly expressed to Eric to please learn to dance with me.


            “No.” Is all that Eric (must have) heard when I directly expressed to Eric to please not move to this neighborhood because I explicitly did say, “no.”


            “No.” Is all that Eric (must have) heard when I directly expressed to Eric to please not move into our former flat (apartment)  when we first dated because I explicitly did say, “no.”


            The more Eric hears “no” (from me) then the more stubborn he becomes and vice versa.





            Yes, Eric says that I’ve been fighting him about the same five things for the past eight years, then why is it that nothing much changed until six weeks ago when I decided I’d had enough of the bullshit?


            If for eight straight years in a row I’d hear my partner make the same complaints then after the third complaint I would’ve said; “Okay, let’s sit down and talk about how we can create change so that you’re not so irritable and don’t become further angry and more hostile and explode with anger at my indifference towards your complaints and need for lifestyle changes.”


Eric’s refused to make any changes in any possible way for eight straight years about some of the most vital and important aspects in quality of life and being that Eric has hypertension and high cholesterol then one would think that Eric would want to eat like a King.


However, Eric’s not interested in healthy foods so we eat out seven days per week while our waistlines stagnate or lose or gain weight throughout the years because we’re not in any agreement nor are we disciplined enough (as a couple) to eat consistently well unless I do all of the cooking which I do for our two main meals of the day which are breakfast and dinner (2007-2014).


            Eric also knows that every time that I’ve ever seen any medical practitioners over the course of one complete decade that doctors openly call me “obese” and it stings because I don’t think of myself as an obese cow yet there it is; my doctors say so to my face.


My psyche’s taken a toll of being called “obese” by doctors.


Now that I’ve dropped fifteen (15) pounds since (March 2014) I don’t want to gain those pounds back because I still have twelve (12) pounds more to go to meet my doctor’s goals, (which her goals ought to have been met March 2014, I’m pushing that goal into March 2015 because I didn’t meet it this (2014) year) then she’ll consider me as “average” weight at one hundred and thirty seven (137) pounds and most likely I won’t run a high risk for diabetes.


            If I hadn’t lost fifteen pounds by August 2014 then possibly my main medical practitioner hadn’t caught the cysts in my thyroid with her bare hands because last fall 2013 I was too heavy “obese” for her to feel any lumps.


Now that I don’t weigh one hundred and sixty four (164) pounds as I did last September 2013-December 2013, I’m able to be operated on for thyroid cysts and end my fifteen (15) year streak of sore throats thus good food makes for good health and good medical treatment.


            If I were twenty-seven years of age once again and if I were to do my life over (which the Gods willing that I don’t) then I would chose a partner who’s into super healthy nutritional foods and a healthy lifestyle who gets a real ‘kick out’ of new scientific research on food evolution and X,Y, and Z.


            Yes, I would’ve chosen a healthier partner because “if you don’t have your health then you don’t have anything.” (Although, I can’t talk.)


            Yes, I would’ve chosen a healthier partner who cared to and wanted to talk about food nutrition with me and shared a life in that sense.


            Yes, I would’ve chosen a less stubborn partner than myself.


            Yes, I would’ve chosen a partner who didn’t allow for me go on and on like an idiot or a “Shrieking Harpy” about food nutrition or any other important matter (for that matter) only because I needed to be heard for once and for all as to how important nutritional food is to me because...


            Yes, I would’ve chosen a partner in which both of our needs are important and met.


            Yes, I would’ve chosen a partner about thirty five (35) pounds lighter.


            Yes, I would’ve chosen a partner who knew all about cooking.


            Yes, I would’ve chosen a partner who didn’t go deaf to their partner’s cries.


            Yes, I would’ve chosen a man who spoke more because entertaining one’s partner is difficult work when one does it all alone. (Awkward.)


            Yes, I would’ve chosen a more athletic partner.


            Yes, I would’ve chosen a more social partner who likes to dance.


            Yes, I would’ve married someone who hadn’t been married before like I was at that time.


            Oh, well.




            For eight straight years Eric’s known perfectly well that I don’t like to eat in front of the television.


For eight straight years we’ve eaten almost every single meal in front of the television. (Yuck.)


It’s no big deal to eat while one watches television if that’s what one desires to do with their time or life however when one doesn’t desire to eat in front of the television then ‘T.V. tray’ served home cooked meals leaves much to be desired or something cold and stale upon one’s mouth.


            For whatever reason it’s been most difficult to bring about peace and harmony and balance and agreement when it comes to compromising on doing the simplest facets of our lives with mindfulness.


            Eric tells me that he hated to hear me shriek like a “Shrieking Harpy” for the past eight years about food and cooking or about eating in front of the television yet Eric lent no solution to our basic fundamental lifestyle problem which we don’t even share the same definition as to what our problems are exactly, anyway.


The more Eric tells me how much he hated to hear me shriek like a “Shrieking Harpy” then the more I resent him for making final decisions about our life together (such as, we either eat out all the time or I do all of the cooking by myself) yet shutting me out for eight straight years. That type of stubbornness will make anyone bored to death.


And I’ve told Eric that I hated that he “allowed” or “let” for me to shriek like a “Shrieking Harpy” because I do feel that the only real damage that Eric’s done to me is to teach me the most difficult lesson of my life which is: indifference; which equates to carelessness, unresponsiveness, apathy, lack of sympathy, lack of interest, lack of concern, unconcern and coldness.


Eric isn’t cruel. No.


Yes, Eric happens to be one cold man who needs to thaw out about his general stubbornness or ideals on health and wellness and put his heart into good nutrition so that he may live a long and healthy life.


            In other words; Eric can be one cold mean motherfucker about nutrition.


            And so can I however.


            For the past four weeks…


            Every time that I’ve gotten angry or mad or upset with Eric then all I can do to protect my heart is to go to another part of the house and quietly shut the door behind me and shut out Eric because there’s no use in screaming my lungs out to be listened to when Eric doesn’t even want to hear anything I’ve got to say in the first place so Eric chose (pass tense) to live with my screams, however.


            Finally and nevertheless, I refuse to live with the screaming sound of my voice forevermore nor with Eric the way that he’s been acting for eight straight years.


            Yes, I’ve informed Eric that ‘the ball’s in his court’ so play.


            Yes, I resent Eric for teaching me a tough lesson that I didn’t need to learn through marriage.


            The lesson Eric’s taught me is a lesson that one learns when they’ve had enough time to date the wrong person and realize the grave mistake that both parties have made in getting involved with each other in the first place before they commit to marriage and a lifelong commitment not to ‘kill each other’ yet till death do us part.


            Yes, I resent Eric because I can and will prove to Eric that I’m no “Shrieking Harpy.”


Eric married a stellar and sensual and intelligent and calm, cool and collected individual yet Eric brings out the worst in me and that’s almost unforgivable to do that to anybody and that’s why Eric had no business marrying me in the first place because Eric hasn’t made me happy rather Eric’s made me miserable for eight straight years and Eric knows that to be the truth that he did that to us because he refused to budge even though I emphasized to Eric how important all of these main lifestyle components are to me.


Whether Eric changes or not (within the next seven years) is up to Eric.


What’s unfair is that once I prove that I’m no “Shrieking Harpy” then Eric gets a lovely bride out of the whole entire ordeal and I get stuck with the same stubborn man that I married.


            Yes, I’ve stopped screaming and began shutting doors (four weeks ago). (Lovely.)


            No, Eric hasn’t begun to cook nor did Eric cook this weekend even though Eric promised last week that Eric would cook yet Eric didn’t. (Back to square one.)


It’s not fair that Eric’s ever so stubbornly boring and that’s why Eric no longer holds my heart because I gave Eric everything that I had and he pretty much ignored it by quietly fighting me on the things that mean the most to me which are pretty much basic fundamentals to health and wellness.


In the year 2021, if Eric hasn’t learned to cook and pull his weight around the kitchen then Eric will eat Eric’s “T.V. Tray Meals” in front of the television all by himself while I get back to life.


            Eric promises to go out someplace yet it doesn’t ever happen.

            It’s not because of money.

            We’re well off Americans.

            It’s because Americans are rude to be out with in public.

            Eric’s right.


My fingers are crossed that by the end of the year 2015 we’ll get to a museum or orchestra or ballet or opera (my favorite) not so much for Eric’s sake, more so for mine because television doesn’t hold my interest for long.


            What I found out too late is that I’m ever so more mature and modern than Eric and that does sting because now we’re married and I can’t get out of the relationship as easily as if we were still dating.


Once I stopped screaming, I learned more about Eric than about myself. I do have things figured out for myself even though Eric doesn’t a lot of the time especially when it comes to health and wellness.


            Eric shan’t ever get the better of me for as long as we live or I might come to hate Eric and we can’t afford anymore lost time.


            No, this isn’t self destruction.


            Yes, I’m finally awake to my life.


            Yes, I finally realized how little my opinion matters in our marriage and that stings and burns to the point that I want to punch Eric square in the face (hyperbole) for being so unjust to us. (I control myself each day because I’m a pacifist.)



Truly Yours;




Word Count Goal: 2,500

Word Count: 2,973


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 10,000

This Week’s Total Word Count: 2,973



*)         Day #240 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #25 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Week #4 without stress: I love it.


Friday, October 17, 2014


“Though a castle totter,

it is still called a castle;

should a dunghill be built to the sky,

it is still a dunghill.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Paroxysm (fit, a convulsion)


As he began to speak he was afflicted with a paroxysm of coughing.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.




Chapter 1.

Page 22-23


            A gentleman never is embarrassed, when, in the careless of conversation, he has made use of any expression which is capable of an indecent signification, and which, in vulgar society, should be the prelude of a laugh. He gives his company credit for refinement of mind and entire purity of association, and permits himself to speak with freedom of those things which are commonly the accessories of evil, without feeling any apprehension that the idea of the evil itself may be excited.


            In whatever society, or in whatever part of the world, a gentleman may happen to be, he always complies externally with the spirit and usages of the place.


            His constant effort is never to wound the feelings of another, and he is well aware that prejudice can excite feeling quite as strongly as truth. Of course, this compliance is not to be made at the expense of honor and integrity.



---  ---  ---


Today’s Date: Friday, October 17, 2014: 8:47 P.M.


Artistic Literary Notes:


            Eric doesn’t read this Nonfiction literary blog. (Fact.)


            Yes, Eric holds all confidence that I’ll do well by Eric no matter what and vice versa.


            We love each other very much.


            No, Eric doesn’t have any reason to be “ashamed of” or “embarrassed” by anything that I might think and write and do and express in any creative medium in any articulate and logical and factual logistical artistic manner. Thank you.


(I work hard to translate and edit for your reading pleasure.)


            Of course, I’ve explained to Eric that if I did cause any offense to his person or character at anytime in anything that I might ‘openly’ (private company website) personally write about Eric then it’s only to drive home a difficult moral lesson about intimate friendship in a romance between a man and a woman together in a framework such as in the structure of marriage as an American institution to be upheld by law. Cheers.


            Eric’s closest friends and family members know exactly how Eric is in person and that’s a beautiful thing to watch Eric’s hands move when Eric speaks because Eric’s ever so graceful in that boyish manner of his.


            Of course, we love each other and are physical towards each other because we’re madly in love, however, sometimes we don’t get along very well and then we fight...


We only really and truly fight when we say terrible mean things to each other. I’d like to uphold a better friendship with Eric through peaceful language rather than passive aggressive or destructive language because I love that words have more to show an extended panoramic view than anyone could ever say about how anyone ever truly feels about anything at all. I don’t know about how other people think except what I do know to be scientifically and factually true by means of personal research of twenty-five years collected material about an entire study of the cerebrum as two separate hemispheric “wholes” (not ‘holes’) as one cranium.


(That did translate. I could skip straight to poetry. I could bypass this blog and novel writing and go straight to poetic justice, however. One must learn and sustain patience throughout one’s lifetime.)         


            In other words; I’d like to think that my humble human writings don’t ever offend only portray some of the more seriously difficult adult life content because that’s more common than not.


            Television isn’t real. (Representation of Imagination.)

            Writing isn’t real. (Representation of Imagination.)

            Painting isn’t real. (Representation of Imagination.)

            Sculpture isn’t real. (Representation of Imagination.)

            ‘Play-dress-up’ isn’t real. (Representation of Imagination.)

            Rap isn’t real. (Representation of Imagination.)

            Hip hop isn’t real. (Representation of Imagination.)

            Watercolor isn’t real. (Representation of Imagination.)

            Wood carving isn’t real. (Representation of Imagination.)

            Poetry isn’t real. (Representation of Imagination.)               


            Creations aren’t real, much less literary creations because ‘time stops still for no man’.


            In other words; when I return to sit down to write a continued literary piece or written chapter then a million other aspects of life progress forward in ‘real time’ while words tend to freeze like frozen icicles along rooflines stuck frozen in winter time.


How odd for words to get stuck to ‘negative space’ (design terminology) or time or on some piece of paper or cyberspace like space garbage.


            Please, don’t ever believe “anything” that’s written about “everything” there’s to write about. Not “everything’s” true or false. There’s much “gray matter” (thanks).


            We love each other very much because we’re human and we’re not murderers or thieves or liars or creeps or psycho killers much less anything other than working private citizens because we take adulthood responsibly as something real as it comes at us.


            ‘We do the best that we can with what we’ve got.’


*)         If this literary content is too ‘dark’ for some to face then please don’t read because Nonfiction Writing isn’t real life either; per se; ‘real life’ clips along at a rapid pace while writing is black frozen words stuck on white paper for eternity and ‘real time’ is action and energy combined to form instantaneous line, shape, curvature, harmony, balance or ambiance or mood or tone or, or, or... (Wow.)


*)         Yes, these are direct Author’s Notes to any reader that might be or suddenly becomes frightened of this professional literary medium of expression because this ‘scribing’ sure is a wild ride through ‘Space Mountain’.


This is indeed a literary roller coaster.


No doubt about it so long as literal life’s calm then the produced art can be heated with passion or not.


*)         The ultimate lesson is to learn to embody hope because writers do make sense out of threads of thought.


*)         May the Gods grant any writer what the Gods promised any thinking human; the freedom to express freely through spoken voice or written word or any other articulate medium.


*)         The attorneys (as in plural) tell us that I may openly write about anything so long as it’s factual with the intent to teach even the most difficult lessons no matter how difficult or uncomfortable some words might be to read in the pursuit of knowledge. (Okay.)    


*)         “Write whatever the hell you want,” say media experts in our industry. (Okay.)



            Yes, I’m a terrible grammatical writer.

            Where do commas, go?

            Who knows?

            No, somehow I can’t ever remember that rule.


*)         Eric’s a great great great great great man.


            Eric’s a great man.


*)         Literary Writers aren’t journalists or reporters or this or that therefore Literary Writers uphold to the rules established by “creative license”.


The ultimate dream of any genre writer is to record as much truth as freedom permits without breaking the natural laws of gravity.


            Shall we move on?


            This Tango got stale.


            Goodnight, America.

            Goodnight, World.












How about those elections 2014?


                        See you on Monday.




            Storytelling is storytelling.






            As of eleven-thirty this morning Eric made a short and direct apology with the following, “My deepest apologies that I ever said that I held a low opinion of you because I don’t hold a low opinion of you. I hold a high opinion of you. I misspoke in anger.” (Okay.) Fair enough.


            Yes, I also hold Eric with high regards otherwise I wouldn’t have married Eric.


            We promised each other, that we’d have enough courage to tell each other, if we don’t think highly of each other then we’ll end our marriage as soon as we admit it and move on. (Agreed.)


            Apology accepted.


            We smiled at each other and hugged goodbye for the workday.


            We moved on with our day.


            Why wouldn’t I accept Eric’s apology?


            Of course, I do.


            Anytime that Eric makes any direct apology face-to-face then I accept it (without hesitation) because it’s another chance to begin anew in our peaceful friendship.


            Then we commence to touch once more because the reason why we’re married is because we like each other’s smell.


            Yes, Eric’s smell is the same as a honeycomb, however.

            Not diabetes sickly sick aroma.


            What keeps us together?




            My Love.


            His Love.


            Our Love.


            Eric has seven years to learn how to cook.


Goodnight Moon;


Truly Yours;




Word Count Goal: 2,000 personal journals

Word Count: 2,000 personal journals (1,254 // blog)


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 10,000

This Week’s Total Word Count: 12,161



*)         Day #237 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #22 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Week #3 without stress: I love it.


Thursday, October 16, 2014


“Said the cat:

“If I had eyes of silver and ears of gold,

I still would not stop stealing.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)



Propitious (favorable, of good omen, advantageous)


The sign in the sky was taken as a propitious omen.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.




Chapter 1.

Page 22


            It is an express and admirable distinction of a gentleman, that, in the ordinary affairs of life, he is extremely slow to take offense. He scorns to attribute ungentle motive, and dismisses the provocation without dignifying it by consideration. For instance, if he should see trifling persons laughing in another part of a room, when he might suppose that they were sneering at him, or should hear a remark from a person careless of his speech, which he could construe to be disrespectful to himself, he will presume that they are swayed by the same exalted sentiments as those which dwell within his own bosom, and he will not for a moment suffer his serenity to be sullied by suspicion. If, in fact, the others have been not altogether unwilling to wound, his elevated bearing will shame them into propriety.


---  ---  ---





Yes, Not Ever did I want Children

Until the Age of Forty, if ever

Part III


            No, we’re not getting a divorce, unless.

            No, it’s not like that.


            Yes, we love each other very much.

            Yes, we do.

            Yes, I do.


            Yes, Eric’s granted me permission to openly write about our marriage.


            No, I shan’t ‘speak’ about our marriage other than to my Father or while I attend once a week mature non-sexually explicit adult conduct, and Minnesota board licensed certified psychological talk-therapy sessions with a professional in their field.


            Yes, I’m writing about our marriage, so read up and learn a positive lesson or ‘go home’.





            No, there’s no melodrama here.


            No, there’s no panic here.


            Yes, I know what “melodrama” and “panic” are.


            Yes, this is cold frozen icicle.


            No, I haven’t turned into an icicle.


            No, I don’t twitch.


            No, I haven’t been “volatile” in three straight weeks thus that proves that I’m smarter than I ever gave myself credit for.


            No, this writing isn’t for protection.


            Yes, if and when I require protection then I’ll summon an attorney or a divorce court lawyer.


            Yes, this writing is a lesson into the terrain of a human heart.


            Yes, I’m perfectly still and calm.


            How about you?

            Are you perfectly still and calm?


            Yes, I can get my English turned around or jumbled.


            Yes, since I can and will admit anything directly to Eric and my Father and an accredited talk-therapist psychologist when I consistently and truthfully share the same story then I can and will write about our marriage in front of one million plus readers and hopefully have them learn one good positive lesson from negative experiences. (One must understand that pressing point.)





            Yes, Eric would like for me to make one major correction; Eric not once under any “evil intent” did act and neither did I nor do we now. Correct.


:::        Only due to “ignorance” are (present tense) we to act and continue to do so whenever. (What can one say? Humans are dumb animals, sometimes.)





            Yes, it’s my fault and only my fault that within the recent seven years I’ve conducted myself like a “Shrieking Harpy” (according to Eric) only ‘behind closed doors’ and privately with Eric.


            Yes, I take full responsibility for my misbehavior.


            Yes, if on our wedding day, I’d known then what I learned last night then I wouldn’t have married Eric because Eric had no business or right to marry me in the first place because Eric directly admitted to me that ever since November 2007 Eric’s held “a low opinion” of me and that’s why he’s refused to learn to cook and help out (ouch!).


            Yes, I’m heartbroken that Eric made the wrong decision to marry me since he’s held “a low opinion” of me all these years.


On Wednesday night, ever since Eric admitted that he’s held “a low opinion” of me, now, I also hold “a low opinion” of Eric for being such a coward who didn’t speak up in front of a judge that day that he had a chance.


Eric’s more wrong than I’ve ever been about our marriage because Eric allowed for me to get married to him under falsities about how Eric really did feel about me.


            Yes, Eric’s broken my heart because I didn’t know that he was so cruel or shallow, if that’s indeed the case.


As of right now I can barely stand the sight of Eric.


I almost feel physically ill when I go near Eric so I have to stay away from Eric as much as possible because Eric’s smell repulses me right now!





            When Eric and I discuss our seven year long misbehavior in our marriage Eric happily calls me a “Shrieking Harpy” and that remark digs and twists an arrow into my heart almost wounding me ever so deeply I can barely breathe because while I shrieked to be let in Eric shut a large steel soundproof metal door and allowed for me to make a perfect fool of myself to the point that even I didn’t like the sound of my own voice. (Yikes. Run.)


            What makes Eric think that I like to hear myself shriek?


            How wrong Eric’s had me all these eight years (2006-2014).


            As of last night, I told Eric that I could place seven former lovers on a witness stand and that they would all testify under oath that not once did we ever scream in all of our years together over the course of one complete decade independently of each man.


            Eric replied, “I didn’t know that about you.”


            “I just thought that you were like that,” Eric said.


            I froze with the very fear of his misrepresentation of me.


            Eric thinks of me as some screaming fool.


            I think of Eric as…


            As of last night, Eric admitted to me that on that November 2007 night when he abruptly told me that I’d be doing all of the cooking for the remainder of our relationship without so much of an option other than to eat out every single meal or have me cook all the time; Eric admitted that if Eric had been in my place then he would’ve given himself a ‘black eye’ and told him to get out. (Yep.)


            On that November night, Eric was ever so utterly rude and disrespectful that he’d so much as had the gumption to present himself as the “King of Spain” that I could barely breathe hence when Eric arrogantly exited that kitchen hallway with his back towards me, I froze near the sink without indication as to what to do next?


            ‘Where would I go?’ Seemed to be my greatest challenge.


            We stay together (present tense) throughout the years because we make every challenge workout somehow no matter how bad it gets and that’s a great quality in any team. (We’re American and married.)


            One month before Eric and I ever met, I was ready to either make a home in Cambridge; (until I could either be accepted and attend Harvard sometime in my lifetime otherwise continue with my creative work as I grew older with each passing day) Boston or Costa Rica to have ‘surfing babies’ near oceanic mountain jungles.


(Yes, I ought to have gone home to Costa Rica because even if I were to be found face down in a gutter I wouldn’t beg, to my New England relatives for a single red scent, however I might ask for a clean glass of water and continue on my merry way because abusive is abusive.)


            On Eric’s behalf, as of last night Eric admitted that on that November 2007 night that he was extremely stressed out. (Okay.) Fair enough.


Nevertheless, Eric continued to uphold to his ultimatum until about three weeks ago about food preparation and consumption.


For the fourth time in an eight year span, Eric will finally make his fourth crock pot dish this weekend October 2014.


            To my surprise, Eric mowed the lawn this morning.

            Yes, I almost fell over.



            That’s progress.

            That’s positive change.


            Yes, as of last night, Eric also admitted that at that time (November 2007) Eric didn’t hold “a high opinion of me”. (What.)


Eric knew that Eric hadn’t held “a high opinion” of me ever since then as early as all that November 2007. (Wow.)


            A second arrow struck so deeply to discover the truth about myself from Eric’s perspective that I could lain down and gone silent forever, however, I’ve got a list of a million things to get through today.


The mistake that Eric made was that Eric refused to bring up the fact that Eric did misspeak on that dark and windy November night 2007 when Eric directly told me that from that moment forth he’d not cook for as long as we’re together. (Okay.)


The mistake that Eric made was that Eric refused to bring up the fact that Eric did make a grave mistake with me so many years ago (November 2007) yet Eric kept his silence and allowed for me to grow more and more angry with him because he refused to take any responsibility for half of the cooking without having to eat high calorie or high fat content foods. (It’s nearly impossible to eat healthy when one eats out.)


            Eric’s held a low opinion of me for seven years.


Eric’s held a low enough opinion of me to punish me by shutting me out and allowing for me to become a “Shrieking Harpy” only while in private with Eric because Eric would rather hear me scream then get his lazy body up and off of the couch and learn to cook. (As a metaphor.)


Eric’s held such “a low opinion” of me for seven straight years that he’s not honored me by allowing ‘peace of mind’.


Where an arrow struck ever so deeply is that I was foolish enough to scream and yell and shriek in hopes that Eric would find it ever so compelling to help me out in the kitchen yet he continually refused and for seven years Eric hasn’t minded that I’ve been made the fool.


(Thank goodness that I’m a pacifist and don’t believe in any violence of any type because I could almost slap Eric sharply across the mouth and draw blood because for seven years Eric’s been playing a dangerous game with my heart and last night broke my heart only to discover that for seven straight years Eric’s held “a low opinion” of me by not honoring to help me out as a domestic partner in the kitchen or with cleanup until three weeks ago.


Oh, my God. One could almost turn their spouse over and spank them once ever so hard that they’d choke on their breath and saliva.


This morning I did everything I could from walking into a downtown courthouse and filing a divorce.


The only reason why I didn’t file a divorce this morning is because last night Eric had the courage to finally ask me what I needed and wanted from him.


What a saving grace for Eric to have mustered enough courage to speak to me like a mature adult man rather than act like a child otherwise I’m afraid Eric would’ve had to…


Can one imagine spending seven years of one’s adult life being shut out by one’s partner because one’s partner holds “a low opinion” of the other.


Yes, I would’ve been better off on my own.


Eric ought to have left me alone seven years ago and he knows that perfectly well.


Eric knows that he ought to have left me alone because he didn’t respect me enough to consider me as his equal.


What a disgrace.)


            The terms are simple: Eric must mature by leaps and bounds within the next seven years and learn to cook and we’ll only visit my in-laws three times per year as we do visit with my family three times per year as well.


            No, I don’t want Eric to tell me every single little detail about what Eric’s going to clean every time that Eric cleans something because I don’t have any gold stickers for Eric. Get it done. (No, I’m not a second grade teacher.)


            Yes, I literally and completely stopped shrieking as of three weeks ago therefore that implies and factually and evidently portrays and shows that I’ve got a much stronger character than Eric ever gave it credit for.


            Yes, I’ve informed Eric that for as long as we’re together that he’ll not once get the better of me ever again and that I shan’t ever scream or yell or shriek for the duration of our relationship unless anybody’s in direct imminent danger of possibly getting struck by a bus or lightening.


            Yes, Eric won.


Eric got his way, however, Eric no longer holds my heart.


Eric gets a quiet wife, however Eric may not ever forget that he’s no saint himself and that he, too, was equally as disrespectful as I was if not more, only because he lead me on and lied to me.


            Yes, Eric won.


Eric gets a quiet wife, however Eric must first acknowledge how cushy that must be for him to get a wife whose ten times more sophisticated and calm and cool and collected and put together than Eric is when I do and will control my temper yet it’s not an equal barter or trade between us because Eric closes himself off from me and shuts doors. (I shan’t knock anymore because I don’t have an interest nor do I care.)


The reason as to why I’m so intrinsically angry with Eric is because Eric isn’t any… yet I ended up with Eric only to discover that Eric’s not even worthy of his worth because he omitted the truth about how Eric really felt about me and still does. (What a…)


Eric may shut doors forevermore, however, as of last night it was made quite evidently clear that I’m the better person because not once did I ever lead Eric to believe that neither did I hold “a low opinion” of Eric yet continually used him as he did me for his “services” because I’m not like that and he knows that.


            An arrow sticks straight out of my chest cavity because not once did I ever think that a man who held “a low opinion” of me would so much as marry me. (How desperate of Eric to do that to me.)


            How terrible.

            How awful.

            How destructive.


            Yes, I’m at a loss for words.


            No, I don’t have anything to say in my defense.

            The evidence speaks for itself.


            The arrow struck ever so deeply, that, what’s there to be said.




            Forget a wound.

            I’m still breaking off this arrow that struck me last night.


            Yes, I feel like such a fool.


            Yes, I feel so dumb today.


            Yes, as of last night, it got admitted between us that I hold more worth and power in the relationship than Eric does or possibly ever will because like an idiot I believed that our relationship was an equal opportunity relationship only to discover that I’ve been used the entire time all the while Eric didn’t even so much as hold “a high opinion” of me.


            No, I couldn’t stand hearing myself harp around Eric because there was something about Eric’s withdrawn disposition that drove me ever so unsettled around Eric and last night I discovered what it was when Eric admitted that he’s held “a low opinion” of me for about seven years. (Oh, my. I could almost become violent.)


            No, it isn’t that Eric’s held “a low opinion” of me throughout a seven year ‘domestic’ married struggle that ‘bugs me,’ no, it’s not that. (It’s just that, I’d like my life back before I ever met Eric. What a complete waste of my time taking care of someone who doesn’t respect me.)


            No, no, don’t have any pity.


            These things happen.


            Power dynamics sure are difficult and complex.


            No, we’re not getting a divorce.


            What keeps us together?


            My love, for sure.


            His kindness, I guess.






            Yes, I forgive Eric.

            Yes, Eric forgives me.

            (Give me a week to gather myself because I’ve gone ice cold.)


            No, I don’t know what else to say.

            Nothing, I guess.


            Yes, of course I feel betrayed because I feel ever so silly about the whole ordeal. No harm done, only much wasted time.


(The thing is that I didn’t have to contractually get married by law to learn that tough lesson about myself.)


            Yes, I would’ve made different decisions if only I’d known how Eric truly felt about me at that time then I would’ve broken up with Eric and immediately left town.


            That’s for sure.


            Moving forward.

            Moving on.





            No, I’m not sure.


            Yes, I feel at a loss for words today.

            Yes, I feel stunned.


            No, no melodramatics.


            No, I’m not an actress.

            Yes, I’m a private citizen.


            My goal is to quit smoking cigarettes for one complete straight year and then figure out if we’re to get pregnant or wait until the day I turn forty (May 2017) and get pregnant then, if that’s possible at that time.


            My other goal is to mostly quit sugar consumption and completely quit tobacco and minimize stress and control my emotions for the next year (September 2014-September 2015) to prove that I can and will because then I can and will keep calm for life.


            My other goal is to think positively no matter what happens.


            My other goal is to keep myself from emotionally wounding Eric ever so severely that he shan’t recover from my blow…   





            The reason as to why I now hold more power in our marriage is only because I can and will prove that my character is a straight shooter and calm, cool and collected and honorable without shrieking for the next year nevertheless Eric’s character isn’t exactly… (I guess that’s okay because Eric’s only human and imperfect.)


            No, under no circumstance will I ‘go and jump into bed’ with anyone (stranger or other) other than my present and immediate husband which happens to be Eric.


            Yes, if I’m ever found in bed with a man other than my husband then allow me the honor to ‘slice his ears off.’ (No, don’t worry I abide by American laws, as always.)


            Yes, the thought of going to bed with another man repulses me.


            Yes, I’m repulsed by the thought of having sex with anyone other than Eric.


            Yes, I’m loyal to Eric.


            No, Eric doesn’t hold my heart as of last night.


            Yes, I’m dedicated to Eric and will continue to be.


            Yes, I have a lot of decisions to make…


            I don’t know.

            I don’t know.

            I don’t know.


            Does one spouse stay with another spouse ‘until death do us part’ even though one spouse admits that for seven years they don’t hold “a high opinion” of their partner (still yet married them anyway) thus they refuse to help out their struggling partner with one major aspect and other minor aspects of a domestic lifestyle together?


            What does one spouse do when one’s partner holds “a low opinion” of the other partner, yet the one partner slaved away for the other?


            Yes, people stay together for all sorts of terrible reasons because of much worse things than what’s happened in our marriage, however.


Not once have I ever heard of any partner staying with another partner because one partner held “a low opinion” of the other partner because that means disrespect and since I’ve been involved in a power struggle for seven straight years then I’m turned off to the idea of any further disrespect yet I also believe in second chances to prove that one can come through for the other otherwise it’s no good.


            There wouldn’t be any point in staying together with continual disrespect, would there be?


            The reason why there’s no point in staying together when one partner holds “a low opinion” of the other partner in continual and perpetual disrespect is because “the” partner that’s already been taken for granted thinks…


And that’s the very reason why marriage to someone who doesn’t think highly of their partner doesn’t work because how can the partner whose been taken for granted believe anything that comes out of the mouth of the one who holds “a low opinion” of the one who sacrificed the most. (Holy shit. It’s deep stuff.)


            Eric’s got time on his side. (Seven years, exactly.)


            Eric’s got seven years to mature by leaps and bounds.


            Eric can and will learn to cook and prepare food.


            Eric shan’t give away our downtime eighteen times per year.


            Yes, I have full confidence that Eric will prove to make a good husband to someone, someday, however as of last night, I surpass Eric in character, and I explained to Eric perfectly well why, and Eric understood.


            No, I wouldn’t fold another man’s underwear.


            If I weren’t married… I’d… run… and hide.


            Yes, my heart’s…


            No, I wouldn’t date another Minnesotan even if someone were to pay me to date them. (Nope.)


            Yes, I’ve discovered that Minnesotans and Midwesterners aren’t direct and honest people.


            Seriously, no, I don’t think about or ‘fancy’ anyone else because there’s no one for me other than change or a new start.


            Eric’s my true love, however, I’m not Eric’s true love.


            Yes, I’m just some woman that Eric happened to marry even though Eric didn’t respect me yet tolerated me and we’ve lived with that type of chaos for eight years.


            Don’t pity us.

            We’re stubborn, although, I wipe my hands clean of it as of today.


            Marriage’s hard work.


            Marriage takes a lot of time and focus and energy to make marriage run smoothly each day therefore to entertain the thought of another lover is preposterous.


            Yes, one could only wish that one had that much time to daydream about romantic storylines.


            Yes, I’m so turned off that the last thing I desire is Eric’s touch until he makes a direct apology.


            Eric’s so right, on that November night 2007, I ought to have given Eric a black eye and told him to get out of my life forever. If only Eric would’ve been honest with me then, indeed, I would’ve sent Eric packing.


            See you Monday.


Truly Yours;




Word Count Goal: 3,500

Word Count: 3,817


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 10,000

This Week’s Total Word Count: 10,907



*)         Day #236 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #21 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Week #3 without stress: I love it.




Literary Notes:


            No, I really don’t have much more to write today, however.


My writing goal for today is to write three thousand words then that’ll be a total of ten thousand (10,000) completed words this week and I can fly out of here and take tomorrow off to do something special like…


(No, I haven’t gone to that public establishment in almost one complete decade and it’s my favorite thing to do in Minneapolis.


If I make the time then maybe I’ll take myself to any museum in the Twin Cities. Yes, I do tend to stick to Minneapolis because parking in downtown, St. Paul is a nightmare, however I like St. Paul museums as well.)


Yes, I’ve been meaning to get around to purchasing some perfume oils for myself. The summer came and went and I meant to do that. The months seem to pass by like a blur.


Yes, I think there’s a new light rail line established between Minneapolis and St. Paul, isn’t there? Yes.


Wednesday, October 15, 2014


“Three things grow overnight:

profit, rent and daughters.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Advent (any coming into being, arrival)


Since the advent of Christianity the position of women has been elevated.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.




Chapter 1.

Page 22


            And here we might find the uses of etiquette. We are not all equally civilized; some of us are scarcely more than savage by nature and training, or rather lack of training. Yet we all wish to put on the regalia of civilization that we may be recognized as belonging to the guild of ladies and gentlemen in the world.


            The requisites to compose this last character are natural ease of manner, and an acquaintance with the “outward habit of encounter” ---dignity and self-possession---a respect for all the decencies of life, and perfect freedom from all affectation.


---  ---  ---





Yes, Not Ever did I want Children

Until the Age of Forty, if ever

Part II


            No, we’re not getting a divorce, unless.

            No, it’s not like that.


            Yes, we love each other very much.

            Yes, we do.

            Yes, I do.


            Yes, Eric’s given me permission to openly write about our marriage.


            No, I shan’t speak about our marriage other than to my father or while I attend mature non-sexually explicit and certified psychological talk-therapy sessions with a professional in their field.


            Yes, I’m writing about our marriage, so read up and have a good time or ‘go home’.





            Yes, Eric and I love each other very much.


            How do we know that we love each other very much?


            We know that we love each other very much because no matter how angry we might become with each other, we hold the best intensions for each other.


We don’t go out of way to harm each other even though tough lessons must be learned.


We play and laugh together each and every single day no matter what’s gone down.


At the end of each night while in bed we make it a point to touch arms and we wish each other ‘goodnight’ and the following morning we also wish each other ‘good morning’ and that’s how we know that we love each other very much.


            My only hope is that Eric lives to be eighty-eight years of age and still married to me. I’d like to think that people can make it in their marriages for the long haul as we committed to our marriage that day that we soberly stood and looked at one another and thought of no one else other than each other as we said our serious matrimonial vows in front of a judge.


We knew that we felt deeply for each other’s mental and physical health and that we loved each other very much while twenty of our closest people stood witness and loved us on such a splendid occasion.


Our wedding day will always be a memorable one for us because Eric wore a white Star Wars ‘Trooper’ t-shirt under his suit and all that one could see were the outlined lines of the design and it looked so cool to me every time that I looked in the direction of his outlined t-shirt design I felt reassured and safe and happy and relaxed while in his company and direct proximity.


Yes, I wore an ankle-length turquoise spring dress because that morning that I woke up my formal wedding dress didn’t fit. No, I didn’t cry. I was calm and carried on even though I could’ve sat down and had myself a good cry.


            On the morning of our wedding Eric and I ate breakfast and lounged around. We got dressed together and left by limo and went to Minneapolis downtown, courthouse.


I wore these amazing high heeled red shoes, however.


After our ceremony, I sprained my ankle running for the light rail.


From the courthouse we took the light rail to the airport when we got upgraded to first class and went off to Disney World.


Our honeymoon was the best time of our lives!


            From the moment I sprained my ankle we got upgraded to everything for an entire week long of our Honeymoon, even though I stopped limping within twenty minutes of spraining my ankle for some reason we kept getting offered upgrades so we graciously accepted the upgrades in many rungs of class of service (sweet).


Our Honeymoon was a dream come true for a couple that works long weeks.


            The night before our matrimonial ceremony at the courthouse Eric helped me find an online tutorial for floral arrangements.


We learned to wrap my bridal bouquet in ribbon.


Eric held up the a dozen roses while I managed a simple yet intricate lacing to the stemmed roses.


Seriously, my bridal bouquet came out looking like something out of a magazine it was ever so gorgeous.


Eric wore a one red rose Boutonniere with “Baby’s Breath” on it.


When I think about our wedding day it brings a smile to my face.


Sometimes, we reminisce because our wedding day was exactly what we needed and wanted and planned for in our lives.


            No, we don’t regret our marriage.


            Yes, what we regret most is that we didn’t know more about each other before we got married because then we wouldn’t of possibly gotten married, however and nevertheless, we’re here now and we do the best that we can for each other, each and every single day of our lives because that’s what mature adults do.


            Yes, we regret that we ever lived in uptown together while trying to get through serious adult life situations that did in fact happen to us at that time while sharing walls with less than stellar neighbors.


Sharing walls was pure hell for us both because I lived under tremendous strenuous amount of abdominal pain while Eric dealt with some serious heart issues from five straight years of prior stress before we ever met.





            Yes, I too can be a donkey’s rear end because I, too, can get stubborn only when continuously provoked.


            Yes, right away (October 2006) when we first began to date, I directly and calmly and honestly explained to Eric that I wasn’t interested in having any children until I turned forty years of age or if ever. Eric understood.


            Yes, I did tell Eric that I didn’t want children, however I’d have children if I ever felt extremely compelled to do so, which I haven’t ever felt extremely compelled to birth newborns, nevertheless, I’d love to raise children, especially teens and young adults in their entire decade of their twenties when adult children seem to need help the most than in any other time of their lives specifically by their parents. (Yep.)


            Yes, of course, Eric would like children of our own.


            No, we don’t wish to adopt foreign strangers.


            Since, we’re neither young adults, we must figure this children business out sooner than later, even though, I don’t desire to have any children, I still feel as though I’m being unfair to Eric for making him wait another three years to make sure that that’s what I want to do with my life because once one has a child then life as one knows it is over forevermore.


            Yes, I’d like for us to wait another three years to make sure that we want to raise children so that we might further mature together as I continue to deal with some more physical health issues.


            No, I neither hold anything over Eric’s head nor he over mine.


            No, it’s not a ‘power play’ that I don’t want any children, it’s a strong desire.


            No, we’re not afraid to be older parents because Eric’s mother had him when she was thirty-eight.


            Yes, I think I’d make a good older mother.


            Yes, I think that Eric would make a good older father.


            Yes, I think that we’d make a sexy older adult couple as parents.


            There are some major aspects of our relationship that must first get ironed out between us.


            For example, one of my major resentments (to this day) that I hold towards Eric is that years ago Eric allowed for me (in our relationship) to become a “shrieking harpy” (as Eric tends to call me, such name calling stings every time he calls me that) only because to his satisfaction (it seems to me) that Eric shut me out from sharing our domestic responsibilities together and domesticity became my complete and total responsibility to take care of almost all domestic responsibilities by myself while ever so “innocently” Eric looked around like: ‘what? She’s the one yelling or screaming? I don’t know.’


Yet he knew perfectly all, too, well that I hurt deeply because of the wounds he struck to turn me into his fulltime cook without so much as a marriage proposal at that time.


            The last thing that I ever wanted to do was to become Eric’s personal cook because for seven years Eric more or less has refused to learn how to cook which is ever so irritating to say the least since all of the adult mature males in my family do cook and cook well.


            Yes, seven years later, I’m now tired of that role that Eric stuck me in without much of an option or choice so the only way that I’ve been able to lessen that burden is to spend two or four hours of my Sunday afternoons preparing and putting together and cooking meals for the week ahead of time because that’s the role that I got placed in even though I can’t totally or completely fully break it until Eric gets his business in order and learns to cook.




            Yes, I’m resentful towards Eric because I’m not “The Taming of the Shrew.”


            No, I’m not.


            Yes, I might be a wild animal, however.


            No, I’m not “The Taming of the Shrew” because I’m lovely and keep a beautiful home and don’t ever expect for anybody to carry me on their back other than a horse. Nor do I expect to be disciplined by a husband as only a Father would discipline a daughter.


            No, I didn’t marry an older man because I wanted a father figure in my life. I already have a good father.


            Yes, I married Eric because he is right for me, however.


Eric’s also an imperfect man with poor communication skills and that ought to drive any woman either crazy or full of passion for a man who makes up rules and doesn’t expect to participate in them.


            Yes, I’m a lovely woman who happened to be someone that Eric met on the brink of her prime only to have her get stuck doing all the cooking for her partner because he decided that since he didn’t know how to cook that it was all her responsibility.


There’s no quicker way to make another tired or more exhausted other than to expect them to do an entire domestic life alone while they, too, hold down a lifelong professional career.


            The main reason why I resent Eric is because he wasn’t and isn’t fully a good friend to me when it comes to sharing a modern domestic lifestyle.


            Another reason why I’m resentful towards Eric is because he created a monster in me yet for about seven years refused to take any responsibility for what he created because Eric’s a master of omitting the truth and that’s one reason why I don’t quite seem able to forgive Eric in other minor or subtle areas of our marriage even though eventually I’ll get around to forgiving Eric because I can’t stay mad at Eric for long or forever.


            In many ways I feel that Eric tricked me into marriage not because of fault representation more so due to ignorance on both our parts about “opposites attract” and modern relationships.


I feel totally and completely cheated out of a good modern domestic relationship because Eric hasn’t always been a good domestic partner to me when he knows how much I hate to clean or how irritable I can get to constantly keep up with our entire home while he’s gone or (if Eric’s home) pretends to hide like a little kid terrified of consequences. (Some of Eric’s mimicked child behavior makes me want to…because the charm wore away the moment he ran out of solutions, November 2007.)


            Just because Eric brings home bacon, it doesn’t mean that he fulfills everything in me because he doesn’t. Eric’s a great lover and husband and overall friend yet not a very good domestic partner.


If I would’ve known that I’d get stuck doing seven years hard labor while doing all the cooking then no, absolutely not. I wouldn’t have married Eric if I’d known then what I do know now about Eric is that Eric’s just a tidbit unfair when he’s afraid to learn how to do something on his own and that drives me crazy.


            Yes, in many ways I do feel that Eric took advantage of our situation when we first met, however I let him because I’m weak.


            Yes, the deepest hurt in our relationship is that Eric let me go on and on shrieking for seven years straight which that’s brought a great deal of ultimate shame and embarrassment to my propriety-filled shy character because I’m dainty and fragile and when I get ever too excited with anger then I feel myself age and I get ever so exhausted.


Personally, I hate conflict of any type yet if someone keeps bringing it then I’ll drive it home.




            Yes, Eric learned early on that I’m a pushover and weak especially when I say, “no.” Others can still break me. I’m working on that character weakness. By leaps and bounds I’ve matured this fall 2014.


            Eric hates that I’ve yelled or screamed or shrieked all these years yet it wasn’t until five weeks ago that he finally apologized for the mess he got us into. It’s Eric’s fault just as much as it is my fault that I couldn’t control my temper.


Eric’s tremendously made a baboon’s ass out of me and for that I resent him greatly because I’m the one who sacrificed more than he ever did to be and stay in this marriage.


            Yes, I married down while Eric married his equal.


            No, I don’t particularly like some of Eric’s crude and rude people who married into Eric’s family.


            No, Eric doesn’t particularly like some of my crude and rude half of my “scum” family.


            Yes, for the past seven years we’ve been visiting Eric’s family eighteen times per year while we only visit my family three times per year. It drives me crazy. It makes me angry that Eric has such little consideration for my needs or wants which I’ve stated them clearly to him over the past seven years without any change or consequence.


            No, we don’t keep each other from visiting our relatives.


            Eric may go and visit his family anytime.


            No, I don’t keep Eric from seeing his family nor he, mine.


            Nevertheless, we haven’t had a proper vacation since April 2010. Not because we can’t afford a vacation because we can, however and more precisely because we had a miscarriage the last time we vacationed on our one year anniversary.


Before that and ever since we’ve given away all of our free time to Eric’s family when Eric knows that it’s not the best time for me because much of Eric’s people either lack tremendous education or manners.


            Yes, I hold extremely high manner however I have minimal expectations because I like to be pleasantly surprised by people otherwise I do personally hold myself up to those very high standards which bring happiness to my life otherwise I can’t possibly speak for anyone else. (Yes, I got tongue tangled.)


            No, I’m not the ‘bucket lady’.


            Yes, I’m kind and sweet and don’t have some warped agenda to take the place of the matriarch when the matriarch of Eric’s family passes away because I have no interest in doing so because once the matriarch passes away then my free time will become mine once more because the only person that I ever and truly fell head over heels in love with is Eric’s mother and we hold a strong and dear friendship without bullshit or lies.


            Yes, there’re many specific examples as to why I’m angry with Eric. Eric omits truths such as recently as of two years ago when we bought our home August 2012; Finally, on that September 2012 Eric told me how much previously secret credit card debt he’d been in since his divorce and he didn’t find it necessary to share that information with me. I could’ve almost strangled Eric and he knew it.


            No, Eric doesn’t ever lie. Of course, not.


            However, Eric omits large truths and that’s like…


That’s why I resent Eric so much because I really didn’t know Eric very well when we first moved in together on December 12, 2006.


If only we would’ve dated more other than only four months before we moved in together then I wouldn’t have married Eric because that’s not something that I would’ve been able to get over during that period of getting to know each other as I’m not able to now.        


            Ultimately, what I can’t seem to get through Eric’s brains is that I sacrificed far more than he ever did for this marriage and the one that sacrifices the most is the one that gets guarded the most from hurt or harm or injury and Eric hasn’t been able to manifest that completely in our relationship especially about those aspects which I’ve asked him to change over the course of seven years yet Eric either hasn’t known how to create change for himself thus his fear paralyzes him to take action or he’s complacent to change and likes the status quo while he’s inappropriate actions finally drove me to silence once more because I got tired of the bullshit.


            Eric knows better yet he refuses to do better.


            No, Eric’s got nothing to hide behind.


            Yes, for seven straight years (or more) every single day of our relationship, I’ve made the bed, done the laundry, washed dishes, made food, dropped off and picked up Eric from downtown, mowed, shoveled, washed windows, dusted (which I despise), swept and mopped the floors, vacuumed, cleaned the toilets, took out the garbage and recycling to the garbage or recycling bin, picked up garbage and raked leaves and folded clothes (all clothes: sheets and towels and kitchen towels.) Whew! I’m ever so tired of so much domestic work.


            My domestic married life has greatly exhausted me and on top of that Eric’s refused for seven years to go out and dance or socialize or to the ballet or orchestra which recently he promised that we’d make it to a ballet or orchestra within the year. Wow! I’ve been begging Eric for years to go to the ballet. Eric still refuses to see theatre. I don’t blame him.



When Eric said that, I almost fell over or went into cardiac arrest.


Things are changing around here because the quieter I get then the less I share of my life with Eric and the more I go inward then eventually I’ll disappear because a disappearing act is the easiest thing to pull off as I found with Eric.


Eric’s an expert at disappearing thus I learned it from the best.

I, too, can intrinsically disappear.


            What keeps us together?




Truly Yours;




Word Count Goal: 2,000

Word Count: 3,452


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 10,000

This Week’s Total Word Count: 7,090



*)         Day #235 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #20 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Week #3 without stress: I love it.



Literary Note:


            From this day forth, I’ll write my egg scrambled ESL sentences and come back and edit such sentences the following day or on Mondays (because I refuse to work over the weekend.)


            Yes, I find that I can only write or only edit, however.


            No, I’m not gifted enough to do both with my own work because I’m neither Mr. Kurt Vonnegut nor a genius.


            This process is my personal processes.


If anyone doesn’t like it then please don’t read.


Yes, I have way too many thoughts I’d like to get down on paper before I lose such thoughts each time I sit down to write thus…


            Yeah, right.


Try writing ten pages (10,000 words) in front of the world each and every single weekday.


This is a work-in-progress and not to be considered an entirely completed or finished or polished piece of writing because it’s in the making before your very own eyes.


Remember, the reader’s along on this joy ride.

The reader’s not here to be a critic or a hater.


Sit back and relax and take this work-in-progress for what it is.


A Rough Cut…


Until I conduct edits to the best of my ability or don’t.


Understood? Thank you.


            Yes, I’ve spent four years almost killing myself while simultaneously writing and editing trying to be as tremendously amazing as Mr. Kurt Vonnegut was. I came to discover that I simply don’t work like Mr. Kurt Vonnegut did.


            Remember, my imperfect writing and edits will help out with dementia in the long run. Consider this writing more like a puzzle than an error.


Tuesday, October 14, 2014


“The goat has a beard, but still is no rabbi.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Pastoral (relating to rural life and scenes)


The pastoral scene was printed by a noted artist.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.




Chapter 1.

Page 21


            To gain the good opinion of those who surround them, is the first interest and the second duty of men in every profession of life. For power and for pleasure, this preliminary is equally indispensable. Unless we are eminent and respectable before our fellow-beings, we cannot possess that influence which is essential to the accomplishment of great designs; and men have so inherent, and one might almost say constitutional, a disposition to refer all that they say and do, to the thoughts and feelings of others, that upon the tide of the world’s opinion floats the complaceney of every man.



---  ---  ---





Major Correction:

Eric isn’t a “genius” according to “MENSA”.

Eric missed the “genius” I.Q. score by few points.


My deepest apologies for misinformation.

I had the wrong information.

(I only write what I hear or see or understand to know.)



            Yes, Eric’s given me permission to write about our marriage.





Yes, Not Ever did I want Children

Until the Age of Forty, if ever

Part I


            Early on at the age of twenty-one my Father warned me: Aside from evolution most people only have children either to fulfill their ego or to “fuck up” their children.


(Okay. Point well taken. I understood clearly that parenthood wasn’t anything other than a total and complete full time commitment not to enter into lightly.)


            Yes, I’ve always wanted to be married, however, I’ve not ever wanted children until the age of forty when my life became fully mature and set in stone and ready for retirement and a hefty college educational fund set aside for our future offspring.


            Yep, I know that nothing is ever perfect.


            Yes, all that my Father ever wanted was children.

            He could’ve taken-or-left marriage.


            For me it’s the opposite from my Father’s opinion.


            Yes, I could do without children, however.


            Not without a smart man by my side to take in life as it comes at us (through everything) because it is going to be our private responsible adult adventure without snot or feeding time or vomit which is all very endearing, however.


The dynamics change and are no longer adult only when one raises children nor should the dynamics be the same because children require constant care.


            No, I don’t want or desire to lose our undeniably wonderful adult freedom because it’s most valuable indeed.


Plus, “a child’s worth ten of the mother” and women are still “niggers” or economic slaves or second class citizens so why would women give up their natural born freedom to birth babies unless otherwise absolutely necessary.


            As far as global overpopulation is concerned: Well, we don’t need more newborns to birth as of right now because as it is the Earth’s ecosystem isn’t supporting humans to her optimal best while Earth gets ‘fracked’ by men and our water supply diminishes and crop centers turn to desert and Earth quakes are all too common now from oil ‘fracking’ rigs.


            In my bias opinion: Children take-up way, too, much valuable time and effort and energy without knowing for certain if children will make decent adult people who won’t go out of their way to purposely hurt or injure or harm others.


Children are expensive and must be taught to become decent human adults each second of the day until they leave the nest rather than allow for them to be immoral beasts.


Plus, there’s a large probability that children will eventually become adults and hate their parents’ guts for having their parents “fuck up” their children’s lives so it’s a loss before anybody ever gets started.


            Yes, we’d like to believe that we’d make good parents, however.


Selfishly, I don’t personally want to split up any more of my time to anything else not devoted to our marriage or our little family with “Freeway” and to our work or downtime because we hardly have much time to catch up with each other much less rest.


            What a complete bitch, ha?


            How dare I not want children?


            What’s wrong with me?


            Nothing’s the matter with me, per se.


            Yes, I’m tired like any other adult.


            No, birthing newborns hasn’t ever been something that I’ve ever wanted to do; however, raising children totally interests me. What a conundrum, he? Yep.


            Yes, I don’t see that the risks out way the rewards when it comes to birthing and raising children because every person that I’ve ever met ever since 1989 (sixth grade) that I was comfortable and able to straight forwardly ask them, if they ultimately and deep down inside, if some part of them hated their parents no matter how much the offspring showed respect to their parents; every single person that’s ever so courageously or boldly answered that question in some form or other did hate their parents for not being able to fulfill something deeply innately inherent in the offspring like continual kindness or necessary time to deeply bond with each other.


In other words: The offspring throughout many generations answered that they felt as though they got ignored either because the pioneers (yes, the Pioneers) had too much work to do or the greatest generation worked too hard to get ahead in the ‘rat race’ or the baby boomers seemed to think that work inside the home held no value thus baby boomers professionally worked too much for status or the MTV generation defied their parents and grandparents or the X generation babied their offspring too much or, or, or…




            My Father says that there’s no such thing as “normal”.


            My Father also says that one isn’t obligated or forced to visit with one’s in-laws.


As a matter of fact my Father says, that anytime that anyone wants to visit their relatives then all that one has to do is to act upon their freewill to make that trip all alone, if necessary without shame that one’s partner isn’t traveling with them for whatever reason. It’s nobody else’s business what a couple does or how they conduct themselves together or apart or their vacation time.


            My Father also says that one isn’t ever obligated or mandated to visit one’s in-laws. (Not ever.)


In other words: there’s no such ‘hard and fast’ rule that couples have to visit their in-laws especially if it’s a tough or difficult time filled with much misunderstanding or passive aggressive fights for a position in the hierarchy of any family dynamics or abuse or violence or gossip in general.


My Father says that one doesn’t owe anything to anyone especially not one’s most valuable vacation and weekends away from work because that type of stress (to feel pressured to spend one’s downtime in any other manner other than however one so chooses) can and does kill people because downtime is one’s most valuable personal resource.




No, we’re not getting a divorce unless.

However, it’s not like that.

We love each other very much.

We do.

I do.


            In our marriage…


            We can understand that from the outside looking in that our marriage must look like we’re always on the verge of getting a divorce or splitting up.


            Yes, I was totally and completely against living together before we got married April 16, 2009, however.


Eric’s sister-friend did make the great argument with pros and cons as to why we ought to or not live together and her list of pros won.


Still, I held many hesitations about moving in with Eric that December 12, 2006 when we’d just met four months prior on August 2006.


            At that time Eric was still very much new to me.


Eric moved in while I resented the idea of it, however that was a decision and a choice that we made together even though I’d already told Eric, “no.”


Eric understood that I felt completely and totally uncomfortable about the entire situation.


            Literally, Eric moved from his Plymouth home into my Uptown two-bedroom apartment in which I lived there alone at that time.


Eric was also going through a legal separation and divorce after a sixteen year marriage. My head spun with information overload.


            At that time (December 2006), I really didn’t know much about Eric other than I’d professional checked out Eric’s work history and came to the conclusion that he wasn’t a ‘creep’ or ‘psycho killer’ who’d kill me in my sleep.


In the past, both Eric and I shared some of the same bosses in our industry and I trusted that.


Two of Eric’s family members had gone to college with one of my aunts and I trusted that, however.


At twenty-eight years of age, did I ever consider that I’d find myself thrown into a situation that I knew that I didn’t want to participate or take responsibility for a partner who was forty-two years of age? No.


            Yes, I was, too, weak to go with my gut reaction and not move in with a forty-two year old divorcée whose sister (at that time) neared the end of a nine year battle with cancer.


            No, I wasn’t perfect either.


That fall I began to show severe signs of abdominal bloating and pain and didn’t want to live alone anymore.


At that time, I felt uncertain about my future.


At that time (winter 2006) I knew that the corporate manager I worked for ‘had it out for me’ because the first day that I was hired: I was directly asked to spy on my co-workers.


I refused.


I knew very well that it was only a matter of time with the company before my days were numbered.


Also I was dealing with alcoholic and mentally ill relatives and it sure was a mess.


Unlike today in which we minimize as much melodrama or craziness or weird energy or activity or mental illness from our lives because we’re mature adults and don’t have time for any of it.




            Much of our miscommunication happens because Eric and I are as different as night-and-day. We arrive at the same conclusions yet we arrive by totally different destinations.


            Eric’s a great ‘guy’.


            Yes, I’m a great ‘gal’.


            Our difficulties stem from: When it comes to domestic responsibilities in equal distribution of chores.


            On November of 2007 (eleven months after we’d moved in together) in one of our many ferocious fights Eric made it quite clear to me that he wouldn’t ever again cook for as long as we lived together and that there would be no discussion about it.


In anger he exited the long narrow hallway to our kitchen apartment. I could barely stand the sight of Eric with his closed minded ideals on domestic slavery.


            Yes, I ought to have aimed and thrown a glass at the wall near Eric’s head.


            No, purposely I wouldn’t ever hit Eric (nor have we ever) with any object or our bodies although I ought to have awoken him from his regressed infancy and thrown something at the wall at that time.


            Yes, I was appalled at his misconduct.


            No, I couldn’t get over the idea that he thought that I was his personal cook or cleaning woman or domestic Goddess without a salary or raise or pension.


            Yes, I was appalled because Eric made it well known how little he thought of me.


Eric made it quite clear that he thought so little of me that he wouldn’t and didn’t give me that choice as to whether I wanted to become Eric’s personal cook or whether I ever wanted to enter into a contractual agreement to do such things for him only because he expected them to be done without getting on one knee and a ring and proposing to me. (We didn’t marry until April 2009.)


            Yes, I knew then that I ought to have left the relationship when we were only eleven months into living together, however. We shared a renewed apartment lease as of that September 2007.


            Yes, both Eric and I’ve admitted (2014) that if we knew then what we know now about each other that we wouldn’t have ever gotten married to one another.


            No, I’m not easy to live with because I’ve been ever so resentful towards Eric since November 2007 when he took my voice away and directly told me that there would be no options and that I would cook and serve our meals or eat out, however.


Eric likes to eat foods that just pile on the calories and I don’t.


            Yes, Eric says that I fight him and that he doesn’t fight me.


True enough, however.


Eric shuts down and closes doors and it makes it quite difficult for me to speak to him about anything when he’s ever so quiet in the first place to begin with.


            Yes, Eric can be dense (or a “blockhead”) because when he gets an idea inside his head then he refuses to budge leaving me without many options or solutions or alternatives and the only simple choice is to do everything so that our home operationally runs well or not? (I don’t know.) To do nothing isn’t an option. (Our home has to run accordingly because I refuse to live in squalor.)


            Yes, both Eric and I admit that I fight Eric.


Nevertheless, when Eric shuts doors and bolts them like a dense human does then he wonders why his wife did yell or eventually scream or pound on the other side of that same door.


            Eric frustrates me in ways that no one will ever understand because for as smart as Eric is, he’s also not so smart in many other ways such as for example: Eric wrongly placed a plastic bag upside down on a five pound bag of flour. His dumb actions almost broke my toe on my left foot. His thoughtless and inappropriate and stupid actions could’ve almost inured or hurt “Freeway” (eleven pound dog) if “Freeway” would’ve stood right beneath me while I went to get the flour out of the cupboard. (A minor example.)


Finally, five weeks ago, I stopped raising my voice or yelling and reverted back to my former quiet self before I ever met Eric and explained to Eric:


            “As a good friend, I want to explain to you that the reason as to why women of my generation don’t stick around to do all of the cooking or cleaning or housework all by themselves is because they stop feeling appreciated and begin to feel more like cleaning women and when that happens then the marriage is almost over unless something changes. I’m tired of doing all of the work around the house. Please, help out or pay a cleaning woman or come up with a better solution. No, I don’t need you to run around doing other insignificant chores just to prove to me that you can. What I specifically need help with is that you wash dishes at least once a week and make bread once a week and walk the dog because I can barely take on my workload plus housework especially now that I feel sick again. If you decide that you aren’t willing to help out with these three particular aspects of housework at least once a week then you don’t need a wife, you need a personal assistant and I can’t be that for you.”


            That Sunday everything changed between us.


Eric’s been washing dishes three times or more per week and he walks “Freeway” each day (which I walk with them). Eric hasn’t made bread yet, however, I’m sure he will make bread one of these days.


            Yes, I’ve been talking about “divorce” ever since the first month we moved in together.


Finally, now that I’ve become quiet (once again) I mean business because I’m exhausted. I’d like to be in a participatory marriage in which I don’t have to break my back to carry my spouse.             


            Yes, Eric’s apologized for shutting doors on me.


            Yes, I accepted Eric’s apology.


            No, you never know what’s going on inside any marriage because while I sounded like the dumbass who yelled or screamed at Eric especially while under tremendous physical pain then Eric took advantage of the fact that he refused to budge to help in any capacity for about seven years since November 2007.


Eric knows very well that I’ve resented him for it and will continue to do so until he changes his tune. Eric’s begun to rapidly change thus there’s hope for Eric after all.


            Yes, even though I was the one who did most of the yelling, (although Eric can yell with the best of them,) Eric quietly slipped unnoticed under the radar because Eric’s a stubborn donkey’s rear end when he decides that his way is the only way. I’ve fought Eric with all my might because I’m not some 1950’s kept woman nor 2014’s kept woman for that matter.


Eric’s now a fifty year old man and must mature or his marriage is on the line in that I, too, can stay married to Eric yet shut serious and major emotional doors, far more loudly and forever than Eric can.


I can see that smirk on Eric’s smart ass lips and I can just see his brains telling him that I’m the weaker of the two, however.


Very little does Eric know that when I turn my heart off towards someone or something then it’s over for good and don’t bother me again. I don’t have time to wipe anyone’s butt.


Eric’s a stubborn donkey, however I can turn into ice cold soundproof metal steel and forget that the living pound on the other side of my door for help.


            Yes, as of three weeks ago I stopped fighting Eric and went quiet which means, “Oh, shit! Get it together. She’s sick of your shit.”


            What keeps us together?




Truly Yours;




Word Count Goal: 2,000

Word Count: 3,025


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 10,000

This Week’s Total Word Count: 3,638


*)         Day #234 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #19 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Week #3 without stress: I love it.


---  ---  ---


Literary Notes:


            Yes, at the end of ten years (in another five years) I’ll have to stay on for another three weeks (as of today’s date) to make up a total thirty thousand words.


            No, I shan’t ever carry over from week-to-week if I can help it unless I’m gravely ill or going into surgery or recuperating.


            Yes, it’s ever so easily to write sappily when one’s ESL.


            No, I don’t normally stop to daydream unless I’ve got a few hours otherwise we’ve got too much work to do.


            Yes, I can’t wait to write lies in the form of fiction novels.


Embarrassment: (“discomfiture,” “awkwardness,” “humiliation,” “mortification,” “shame”)


Monday, October 13, 2014


“A lion should not weep in the presence of a fox.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Hauteur (pride, arrogance)


The hauteur of the supercilious butler cost him many tips.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.




Chapter 1.

Page 21


                   HIGH birth and good breeding are the privileges of the few; but the habits and manners of a gentleman may be acquired by all. Nor is their acquirement attended with difficulty. Etiquette is not an art requiring the study of a life-time; on the contrary, its principles are simple, and their practical application involves only ordinary care, tact and sagacity.


            Personal literary note:


            “Etiquette” and “Elite” are two different words.

            (Alike yet different.)



---  ---  ---




Happy National American Holiday!

Happy “Indigenous Peoples Day”! (Officially)


            Here in Minneapolis we officially celebrate “Indigenous Peoples Day” unless one’s A Native American to North America otherwise mostly other humans come from other places in the same manner or form in which our Maya Ancestors’ Origins began with the Olmec People and before that from our Polynesian roots while crossing continental divides on kayaks for continental water transportation long before Mr. Columbus ever arrived in the Western Hemisphere of the Americas.


            Columbus slaughtered Central American Indigenous natives to those Latin regions or as Columbus coined the term “Indians” of Latin America known today as Central and South America. Slaughtered.


            Mass Traditional Oral Recorded History (recorded so by scribes (on stone or paper) in relation to Elders and tribal collaboration) is irrefutable no matter how much or whichever ‘watered down’ history might disturb others or cause them to become angry only because modern people fear a more perfect balanced union through time and change that which ought to be corrected no matter what otherwise ignorance sits and nestles deeply into the bone marrow of our global nations while we rot and decay a slow death of uninformed masses who get angry for no good reason other than they just don’t like justified and corrected history that ought to have been corrected decades ago.


            How, would anyone like it if any race or culture or nation held a national holiday that celebrated the mass slaughter of entire peoples or one’s Indigenous Ancestors’ countrymen who befriended the Spaniards only so that unbeknownst to the Indigenous the Spaniards would captivate and enslave and slaughter their Indigenous friends while the Spaniards were invited as guests and visitors in the homelands of their supposed ‘new’ friends, the Indigenous.


            Yes, some of my best friends happen to be Spaniards.


            Yes, I hold a deep regard for Spaniards.


(You, too, would desire for a correction in the impurities or imperfections of modern culture’s lack of astuteness towards factual history.)


No blog.


National American Holiday!



Truly Yours;



Word Count Goal: 2,000 // personal journal

Word Count: 2,000 // personal journal // (613 for this blog entry)


Last Week’s Total Word Count: 10,497



*)         Day #233 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #18 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.



*) No, we don’t work at all on the ‘Sabbath’ (Saturday) from Sundown on Friday until sundown on Saturday.


We ‘hang out’ in our pajamas (we get dressed whenever we leave the house to run errands or to be in public) and watch tele or film or video and on Saturday’s we catch up on each week’s shows or news reels while we eat healthy snacks and order out or pick up food. Fun.


*) Yes, Eric’s officially not a “genius”.


*) Yes, officially Eric’s an “expert” in his broadcast engineering industry.


*) Yes, I’m considered an official “expert” by the state of Minnesota as video technologist specifically in cinematography for videography because “under my belt” I’ve got ten-thousand (10,000) hours of practice (as of 2005) which took one complete decade (10 years) to acquire such practice hours over a period of time. Cheers!


*) Another five years until I become an official “expert” by the international world renowned literary workshops as writer / author specifically in (public journal blog) Nonfiction writing genre for public works because “under my belt” I’ll have twenty-thousand (20,000) hours of practice which will take a total of thirty (30) years to totally complete since the first time I began the quite serious and hilarious study of poetry and wrote my first poem for publication in sixth grade at the age of twelve (12.)


Friday, October 10, 2014


“Let a dog on your bench and he’ll jump to your table.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Avarice (inordinate desire to gain, greed)


Avarice can lead to a great deal of unhappiness.


(Awesome word.)


---  ---  ---




No Blog.


Wishing all a most excellent and relaxing weekend!



Truly Yours;



Word Count Goal: 2,000 // personal journal

Word Count: 2,000 // personal journal (361 for this blog entry)


Total Word Count thus far this week: 10,497



*)         Day #230 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #15 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.





*)         Please, keep my writing in perspective:


            Yes, I’m a good writer, per se; however I’m not very good at editing...


            Yes, this week I misspoke and wrote that I wasn’t a good writer however we all know that’s just not true.


            No, I’m not the worse writer that ever lived.


            Please, don’t for one moment think that I don’t know or consider my worth or value as a writer or thinker or artist or filmmaker because I’ve finally begun to mature by leaps and bounds in my work as well as in my person.


            It only took two weeks (October 2014) to ‘jump’ into mature adult ‘hyper-drive’ outlook and shot like a cannon ball out of this galaxy in terms of maturity and well rounded outlook to consider all others’ situations or circumstances or limitations or difficulties.


            Yes, we know what our films are worth.

            Nevertheless that’s neither here nor there.


            Yes, we’ve ‘always’ known the worth of our work.


            How does one put a price tag on Sherlock Holmes (a book character) as one of the best pieces of literary imagination?


Imagine if Sir Arthur Conan Doyle blogged, which he almost practically did.


You, too, would’ve sat at the edge of your seat as well as those of his contemporary time glued to their newspapers and as captivated as this blog movement is unique and invaluable to us.


One doesn’t put a price tag on Sherlock Holmes thus money becomes ridiculous and absurd when pricing art however it must get done.


---  ---  ---


*)         Yes, of course it’s okay to yell and cheer at a theatre or concert venue or sports event, however, one may not walk down the street and yell or scream or harass others. Nope, absolutely not or others will consider such out of control individuals, mentally ill.


Thursday, October 9, 2014


“An eagle doesn’t catch flies.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Averse (opposed, having a dislike, unwilling)


He is averse to war even though he is an excellent soldier.


---  ---  ---




The Firing of a Quasi Producer

April 1, 2007


Part IV


            Forget the money.

            Forget the money.

            Forget the money.

            Yes, forget it.


            It’s not about the money.

            It’s not about the money.

            It’s not about the money.

            No, it’s not.


            A one hundred thousand dollar verbal contract with a handshake is small ‘potatoes’ (dollars) in comparison to other previous work I’d actually done while under legal binding contract for ‘nationally’ recognized film and video production companies which their budgets were and are in the tens of millions of dollars.


                        Side Note:


            {Yes, such nationally recognized film production companies did indeed and still do support entire staffs of workers as well as provide security for their workers while on location or on set.


When I worked or contracted or freelanced for other corporate or private or internationally independent film companies I also worked simultaneously at conducting my small and independent film production company which steadily grew over the however many years and ‘it is what it is’ today.


            My film production company grants the opportunity for investors to finance all of our intellectual creative work ever since circa 2007 when we signed one and the same contract with different investors in front of attorneys.


In other words: We get paid to think even though I call writing a ‘hobby.’ Well, blog-writing is work and that’s for certain.


            My overall life’s literary work or thesis happens to be an experiment to see if art does civilize to create freewill peaceful leadership.


Practically, it’s a road map of the topography of modern civilization. (Yep. Why not? We only live once. Right? Right.)


(If art doesn’t civilize then I think that possibly ‘we’re shit out of luck.’ If art doesn’t civilize then what does? Out of control police officers who pepper spray American citizens or police officers who steal citizens’ birthday money. Oh, don’t make me laugh that hard because ‘I could dance sonnets around your little brains.’ What does civilize? There must be some form of beauty which does civilize. If neither nature nor women’s beauty can or does civilize men’s modern global barbarism then will art civilize men or will men civilize men or will men civilize women or will the civilize, civilize?)}


            Yes, I’ve stalled for time to find the right words that I must correctly in essence write down then edits will be made on Monday.




            Yes, I’m a good writer however I’m not very good at editing.


Truly Yours;



Word Count Goal: 500

Word Count: 444


Total Word Count thus far this week: 10,136



*)         Day #229 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #14 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.


Wednesday, October 8, 2014


“What, besides beef, can you expect from an ox? ”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Ideology (set of beliefs of any individual or class)


The ideology of Communism cannot be accepted in a democracy.


Literary Notation: Vocabulary Note: English vocabulary card #844: Literary example: “Communism” as a word is written-out with a Capital Letter “C” and the word “democracy” is written-out with a lower-case letter “d”. (Does anyone know why that is?) (Rhetorical.)


---  ---  ---




The Firing of a Quasi Producer

April 1, 2007


Part III


            The greatest mistake that I ever made in the year of 2004 was to answer a job’s classified advertisement in the newspaper for some position or rather (something in software engineering technology) and ended up meeting a Caucasian woman in her mid forties who knew absolutely nothing about film production or producing or business for that matter much less film history yet she sold herself as a fortune 500 financier.


Beats me as to why at that time I didn’t put the pieces together and figured it out sooner for myself.


Yes, my Father must be right: I’m “gullible” at times. The reason why I’m at times “gullible” is because it’s easier to believe a big lie than a white lie.


            The woman who interviewed me for some position or other directly informed me that due to my skill set that there wouldn’t be a position for me in that software department.


We thanked each other for each other’s valuable time.


            While I gathered my belongings (before I left the pale and sickly stricken looking woman with dark raccoon circles under her eyes and her boss’s empty office) she made it a point to ask me about some of my film projects because film was in fact listed on my résumé.


            In passing, I simply mentioned that I was having people read or narrate some voiceover work and that’s what I was working on at that time.


In the most nonchalant manner (and out of some idiotic impulse) I mentioned to her that if she’d ever be interested to do a voiceover read-through for film then to please do so because she had impeccable English enunciation (which she did) and to please consider reading for one of my short artistic film projects.


            As soon as those words left my mouth I regretted it.


            Yes, I was relieved to hear her say that most likely not.


            Yes, I completely and totally relaxed once she said no.


She was a complete stranger to me and I’d just been rejected for a computer software engineering position by her thus all I wanted to do was to gracefully exit the room and disappear from view and go home and relax with a glass of red wine and forget the interview and her forever because her caustic (razor sharp) nose and desperate look did in fact creep me out.


            No, of course not, I ought not to have overextended myself to a stranger in that manner.


We shook hands at the very end.

Yes, I hoped that we’d not ever meet again.


            Yes, promptly, I left some empty office on an empty floor in an empty building except that it looked magnificent from the outside.


(No, I shan’t describe the building because for people who know the Twin Cities then they’d immediately figure out which building it is.)




            May 2004 arrived at Twin Cities.


            September 2004 moved to flat near Walker Arts.      


            December 2004-December 2005 worked at Children’s Hospital.


            January 2006-August 2006 professional sabbatical.


            Summer of 2006 I had a ‘heart attack’ -- panic attack.


            August 1, 2006 Eric and I meet.


            August 31, 2006 I moved apartments.


            November 15, 2006 Eric and I moved in together.


            March 31, 2007 we internationally premiere our second feature length film.


            April 1, 2007, we fired our quasi producer.





            February 2006 a knock at my flat studio’s door.


            Yes, politely I answered my door and there she stood.


            The day before a female acquaintance I’d only met one other time (almost two years earlier) ‘called out of the blue’ and asked if I was still interested in having someone do a voiceover.


No, I wasn’t interested in that woman doing a voiceover, however.


Neither did I have the courage to say so thus I didn’t say anything much at all because I wasn’t even sure if I knew which stranger I was talking to because there’re so many.


            If only I would’ve known then what I know now then I would’ve made some excuse or directly told her that I wasn’t interested in working with her in any capacity because I had no need for her and to please accept my apology for the tremendous mistake as well as inconvenience I caused her on my part and to gently yet directly convey to her just that however the words didn’t escape my lips and instead I allowed a strange woman through my threshold that had no business being there at all in the first place.


Deep down inside I knew that I shouldn’t let her in because it was the fine details that gave her away yet I didn’t register what exactly threw me off my game when I was around her because it was personally the beginning of a long seven year medical struggle and journey (May, 2006-September, 2013) with different ailments at different times throughout the years while benign tumors began to grow inside my uterus and I began to feel terrible in my body. Each month the pain became progressively worse than the previous month’s.


            She arrived ‘shiny, squeaky clean and bright eyed and bushy tailed’ in her worn out matronly shoes with bows on top of each shoe and clothes from another early 1980’s Era yet not quite vintage, simply old, used and worn out.


            My blood ran cold with fright.


            Of course, we commenced our conversation inside.


            Yes, I asked her in to brewed tea because I felt obliged.


She lay off her coat and things.


She wore a 1930’s grandmotherly “Great Depression” ‘bible revival group’ style of hat, however, made in the 1980’s.


Out of that hat came a large hallow of freezie hair full of dry and split ends with grey strands peppered-in like a sea of salt-and-pepper shakers laid out on long rows of tables with white tablecloths.


            Yes, I hid a slight shudder at the sight of her.


            Immediately I didn’t like her or her lack of modern style or messy hair or the fact that she dressed in a similar dress code as that of a ‘Great Depression’ Era school teacher might have done so in her day yet the clothes were made in the 1980’s or she wore 1980’s clothes made to look like 1930’s bible revival groups or 1982 office wear however nothing was designer so in other words her outdated clothes were in good working order yet rather shabby and definitely out of fashion and not the cool Coco Chanel out of date vintage, either.





            Offered her some tea.


            Brought her in to see my single desk work area curtained off from the other half of the room and asked her to please take a seat on my desk chair and read something into a microphone.


We made a few recordings, however. Immediately and instinctively she understood that she wasn’t at all what I was looking for.


At the end of a one hour recording session she said that she was glad to meet me again and to have had the chance to work together.


Yes, I as well also thanked her and hoped that that was the end of it all because I had to get back to important freelance work.


            She extended an invitation to possibly get together soon.




            The second time we met was a week later at my place.


            No, I don’t even know how exactly that happened because I wanted to move on.


She ‘didn’t even skip a beat.’


All at once she proposed that we produce films together and I almost spit because she explained that she’d never made a film before yet she’d always wanted to make one and that if she ever were to have the opportunity then she’d like to finance (key word) such projects.


            My ears perked up as soon as she mentioned money because I take money quite seriously and give money its due respect.


            No, I’m not miserly.


            Yes, I took her way too seriously when I shouldn’t have until she forked over some serious dough right in front of my eye balls because no matter how much she made it sound like she was doing me a favor eventually spending time with her was a waste of valuable time because she could barely make her way out of a brown paper bag yet she could talk a good talk, however that was about it.


            Yes, I allowed for her big talk to set me off course.


            Yes, I lost valuable time away from serious freelance film work with other professionals in my industry. Instead I ended up running around chasing my tail from March 2006 through April 1, 2007 on some idiot with a big dream and no money at all.


            She proposed to offer me one-hundred thousand dollars cold cash in the exchange for three feature length documentaries and that she’d pay me once I was done with all three feature length films as part of a series or portfolio to show to her multi-millionaire clientele or increase profits through further distribution sales and revenue.


            Not only did she not ever draw up a proposal contract with an entertainment lawyer as we’ve done in the past which I expected her to initiate and draw up and have her attorney contact ours.


My gravest mistake is that I began work before a signed contract.


Furthermore, before she left, she stole my personal roster with all of my personal contact information listed with everyone that I’d ever met in the film industry up until that time in 2007, however.


No biggie because if anyone were ever to mention my name then those professionals always get a hold of me and directly speak with me and verify that I’ve personally sent someone their way.


Professionals do verify strangers and others’ existence so that other professionals might not get as easily bamboozled as I did in the past.




            Absolutely, I fell in love with her mythological plan.


            The plan was that my production company would front ninety thousand dollars and produce three feature length documentaries in one year then she’s turn around and distribute my work and not only pay me one hundred thousand dollars back. Furthermore, we’d split the distribution revenues and profits fifty, fifty, which seemed kosher to me.


Implicitly I trusted her only to a point because A) I needed an associate line producer to run not only three feature film productions as well as to run my private company (mistake) while I directed and shot three feature length films back-to-back in about a year or so B) she held a Jewish name which later I came to discover that her Michigan family only legally took that Jewish name because they liked the sound of it C) she had sad eyes What can I say? D) she was clingy E) She was overly helpful in all the wrong ways and ineffectual and unproductive yet she was a warm body to help around the place F) she did impeccable hard covered binder high school work with tedious precision, however, she couldn’t finance a mule to work in Mexico G) she was the queen of ‘arts-and-crafts’ without any business or know-how as to how to generate ideas, money or projects H) she was a ‘fast talker’ and that’s the only saving grace that got her out of trouble with me time-and-time, again because on a continual basis she dropped the ball and made expensive and unnecessary business mistakes which I don’t regret now because I didn’t personally make those mistakes I) I don’t know why I took her on because continually I kept saving her hide (skin) while I shot three feature length films, single handedly.


            Immediately, my brain swam and took a plunge into deep regions of delightful unknowns as to what types of film projects I’d make right as soon as I’d be done with her three feature length films and me placing one hundred grand into my savings account as well as distribution revenue money and get ready for a long extended vacation as well as three full length feature documentaries eventually accomplished under another producer’s pickle and I’d still come ahead.


            Well, the moral of the tale is that eventually I ended up depleting my entire savings account by financing trips to scouting locations or film shoots or extended my services to extra photography shoots for other local area business owners that had nothing to do with our documentaries or equipment or gas or hotel rooms or food or film development or, or, or you name it.


            Yes, I paid for all of it out of my own film company’s pocket from a business loan that I received in 2002 and was personally held responsible for.


Eventually and factually through hard evidence I found out that she was taking my money and financing another business owner and his dreams which whatever, however, towards the end of the second feature length while it got cut on the editing floor she knew perfectly well how broke I was.


She financed another local area business man’s company while I ate soup out of tin cans and depleted my savings account as quickly as she could and I let it happen.


            It wasn’t until one early morning, I literally almost walked right into a van in some desolate uptown bus depot parking lot with the name and logo of the other local business owner’s company that I realized I’d just financed his business a new-used van because one month earlier he’d complained that there wasn’t any money in his business account except that right after he mentioned it; Both she and I went to the bank and I emptied out my savings account.


            Yes, willingly I directly gave my money to her to do whatever she needed to because I trusted her implicitly to make all of the right decisions and choices that producers make for the main purpose of safety in the overall responsibility of film production to carry on.


            Behind my back she went and purchased a van for another local area business man when she was utterly and totally broke herself.


She developed his business on my pickle while I kept begging her to plunk down at least fifty grand on the table because it was I who’d plunked down sixty thousand on two feature films while she contributed zero dollars to any of the two full length feature films which one of the films is dedicated to her and the only other film that I’ve ever dedicated to anyone else was also dedicated to a fraud and unbeknownst to me at that time, she happened to be prostitute.


            All of this writing ought to tell you a lot about what I thought of both women because it’s easy to get swindled or caught off guard if one’s not dealing with real business professionals only people who talk real fast about themselves to distract others from the fact that they don’t know anything about anything especially not the film industry or even small scale business like conducting a one hundred grand.


Are you kidding me, some people spend as little or as much as one hundred grand just going out on a Friday night because they like to and they can afford to do so.


            Yes, I kept all receipts of expenditures because supposedly when we were done with the three feature length film projects then I’d give her all of my receipts and she’d reimburse my film company of all of those backlogged receipts then hopefully she’d go her way and I’d go mine and we’d not ever have to see each other again after so much work and very little play or rewards.




            No, I wasn’t ever reimbursed a single penny for two full length features I produced directly out of my savings.


            It’s amazing how some people might think or expect that one’s going to make them free full length feature films for nothing. (One would almost have to be mentally ill to think that someone’s going to make them three free feature length documentaries for their pleasure and enjoyment.)


Only in the Midwest do people seem to think that way because anywhere else in the world real business people do in fact pay to have films made and not directly out of any director’s pocket, not normally, anyway.


Truly Yours;



Word Count Goal: 3,000

Word Count: 3,129


Total Word Count thus far this week: 9,696



*)         Day #228 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #13 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.



Personal Note:


            Please first keep in mind that humans have great physical and mental limitations.


            My Father says, “ ‘Expect that most of the world’s population lives either under some constant form of stress or severe illness or ailment or starvation so remember to ‘cut others some slack’ and ‘take them where they’re at’: When people feel respected and appreciated then they’re more apt to peacefully and positively participate or collaborate otherwise first consider that someone’s either extremely physically ill (or dying) or in pain or under prolonged duress or an emergency or secondly, drunk or thirdly on any of whichever forms of medications, drugs, pharmaceuticals or possibly mental illness. Don’t judge because you don’t ever know what’s going on with other people. You don’t ever know so don’t ever assume anything until you think you know for a fact.’ ” Okay.


Side Bar: {In the year 1990: My Father also used to say, “ ‘Don’t ever worry about what other people think about you because other people are only concerned about what other people think about them so it doesn’t matter what anybody thinks about you because everybody’s only concerned about themselves.’ ”} Okay.


            A behavioral example: Humans easily get distracted by modern digital gadgetry in that our young adult American pedestrians stop ‘dead cold’ in the middle of streets to look at their phones and don’t budge for anything because whatever magical spell binds them while they’re ever so overly captivated without a thought about traffic or getting run over is just too strong a force that young adults seem willing to place their lives ‘on the line’ to watch entertainment in the middle of city streets while traffic’s in transit. (I made my case in point.)


            A technological example: Modern computerized cars are fun to drive, however.


All those buttons and digital options that might redirect away concentration from the road which is where one ought to be watching out as per always ‘eyes on the road’ or traffic or deer or any of other wildlife (yes, even in the highways or freeways).



It’s only 8:27 A.M.


Tuesday, October 7, 2014


“You can’t make an arrow out of pig’s tail.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)



Berserk (frenzied, enraged)


He ran berserk and began shooting at those about him.


(Corrections are made) The white police man went berserk when he smashed-in a car passenger window inwards with an ice pick device and violently tazed a black man while the passenger, sat; --- seated in his passenger car seat (factual corrections were made). (To Serve and Protect).


---  ---  ---




The Firing of a Quasi Producer

April 1, 2007


Part II


            According to the best of my recollection because I’d have to consult my notes about what took place when and which specific dates.


            Yes, I had a tremendous “panic attack” year 2006.


            No, at the time of the burglaries (September 2004-August 2006) I didn’t have a “psychotic” or “nervous” breakdown or ‘go insane’ or ‘tried’ anything unusual or dangerous or weird (for smart old me) other than I had an ‘intense’ “panic attack” and emotionally broke down and first panicked on my own and by myself and thought about the worst case scenario (for about two straight hours) and later cried in front of four people that I’d personally called for A) moral support and B) emotional strength and C) to help endure such a hardship or anything at all for that matter, however.


All four people that I personally called up for moral support and friendship help I’d only known less than three years because none of my equals or personal close best friends was geographically nearby.


            Although it was my closest and personal best friends that I ought to have directly spoken with them about the matter that a strange and unidentified person had indeed and in fact illegally entered our apartments (premises) (five female tenants total) except that at that time I had no such proof of a silly little thing like that until about that warm weather season 2006 and the female tenants soon moved out August 2006. I also moved out on that August 2006.


To this day I consider it a mistake that I didn’t tell my closest and personal best friends, nevertheless, it didn’t dawn on me (at that time) that I could reach out to my oldest and closest friends because I didn’t want to interrupt their ever so successful and busy lives while they were so far away scattered all across the world and still are scattered today.


(Now, my best friends think that it was utterly silly of me not to pick up the phone and dial them directly and explain the situation to them because they would’ve understood that they spoke with an intelligent woman who happened to be terrified out of her wits and they would’ve been able to tell immediately that I wasn’t joking or looking for attention or whatever. I was genuinely terrified that I might find a stranger at my apartment and then what? Who knows?)




            Such a panic attack only happened once in my lifetime and at that time I was twenty-seven years old.


The following week after my mostly and only embarrassing panic attack:


            Why embarrassing?


            Embarrassing because I didn’t conduct myself with a New England East Coast ‘stiff upper lip’ or like a Lutheran Finn Minnesotan or northeast, Minneapolis Russian Orthodox.


Yes, I reacted like a frightened woman because I was frightened of a brutal death just as I am of rollercoaster rides.


Yes, I’m terrified of rollercoaster rides because my mind understands that anything can mechanically break down at any moment and then, ahhh!


No, I don’t totally relax on rollercoaster rides.


Sometimes I scream and then I refuse to go on another rollercoaster for another decade because I feel silly to begin with. (I like my feet firmly planted on the ground.)


            Yes, ‘I went to pieces’ because I was terrified out of my wits yet all the time I had to hold it together without knowing if and when…




            I asked my Father to meet me for a physical and mental health examination at a woman’s free clinic in the Twin Cities because by December 2005 I’d quit my job at the hospital (December 2004-December 2005) and was no longer under any health insurance provider until again August 2006 through a corporate employer.


            My Father drove down and asked me some tough questions. With flying colors I passed all of my Father’s psychological tests and he gave me the okay to go home. So I did, however. I ought to have gone and staid at a hotel or someplace else for the remainder of that time.


In the end, my Father and I walked out of that women’s free health clinic together and didn’t ever look back again.


After a most severe panic attack I put my life back together as best as I could even though I spent the remainder of August 2006 living in complete and total white sheer terror for my life while I waited to make a move to the other end of the neighborhood while I shopped around for another apartment to come along in my price range which was significantly low, no more than eight-hundred per monthly rent in those days or today for that matter although we ended up paying nine-hundred and fifty (each) for two of us and later one-thousand and fifty dollars and it went up from their until at the end of six years we were asked to also pay ‘heating bills’ then we looked to purchase a homestead and we did so.


(Our mortgage today is six-hundred and eighty dollars per monthly payments and we live in a beautiful home in a mostly righteously and tremendously professional beautiful part of the Twin Cities.)




            The only other time that I ever became emotionally “raw” (according to white Americans) is when I semi-wailed and sobbed into my hands while all alone one late cold February 2006 night as I tried to hold back loud sobbing choked cries that might’ve scared a grown man down to his socks.


(Many Indigenous Central American women are taught to wail so as to better cleanse their spirit of any evil intent or harmful unjust cause done against them otherwise hold a steady peaceful silence and make an apology when it’s one’s fault.)


That cold late winter and early windy spring night that I sat down and held back loud choking sobs of complete absolute terror -- I did in fact went home to find one single footprint on the floor of my entryway doorway and went ice cold stricken with pre-panic.


Later on that year 2006 I came home to discover that my entire closet had been ransacked. Someone took all three bottles of prescribed painkiller drugs that I’d kept hidden away under lock and key. (You’d shit yourself, too.)


            On that February night I sobbed because I was scared.


I sobbed because that one big footprint was proof that I wasn’t going insane even though I was ready to commit myself into a mental clinic if some type of evidence didn’t manifest or make itself clear to me because objects don’t just appear or disappear or move by themselves.


On that February morning, (I arrived home at one in the morning) I didn’t want to wake up our neighbors however I could barely contain my terror frozen down to my barebones like a skeleton afraid of wind and storm.


            Yes, later on that same year 2006, at the time of my panic attack, I thought I was having a heart attack.


I didn’t quite know what was wrong with me other than I was scared witless with fear stricken panic most of the time.


In those days I easily jumped out of my skin and at times I still do. I sometimes frighten easily because well, all too weird things do happen in the world.




            From December 2004 through December 2005 I worked through a branch of the children’s hospital as a Video Technician Specialist and supervised the video tech department for that particular facility.


In one single year we conducted eight hundred interviews via remote feed while certified psychologists or psychiatrists sat inside a small interview room and directly asked questions of the children as to how and where precisely on their bodies if they could specifically point out on a diagram had they either been raped or beaten or molested or all of the above.


            Yes, I loved the technical work I did, however.


            Some of the videotaped medical examinations made my blood run cold because I’d witnessed children come to the hospital with objects (such as large wooden sticks) forced inside their little anuses or vaginas and only monsters do that to little children.


            Yes, I was beside myself that American Minnesotan children suffered greatly thus by the hand of their Kin or caretakers or extended family members or friends or people they knew.


            Yes, I know what it’s like to see a child just found a short while after an “Amber Alert” and have such victims describe in detail their horrendous experiences of their kidnapping or rape.


It was impossible for me to totally and fully get comfortable with the subject matter of child sexual violence or brutal assault.


            Yes, I liked other more serious professional functions and facets of the job like going downtown each Wednesday and either collecting video depositions from judges or attorney’s offices to continually restore our archives with proper and updated information (back at our medical facilities) or potentially take the stand as an “expert witness” (a stand-in) (as an expert witness understudy to other official video “expert witnesses”) to any of which cases pended trial throughout the year.


            Yes, the high probability that child perpetrators or child rapists or sexual molesters or assaulters knew perfectly well who I was is because it was some of these perpetrators that brought the abused children to our facility and that made it difficult to trust any adult with any abused child that was brought-in because in our child psychology conferences and staff meetings we were taught that some ridiculous high percentage of children who are beaten or raped or molested is done by someone that they know well. (Yikes.)




            Long before my apartment building complex neighbors and I ever put together the mystery of our thieving intruder -- that day that I found my closet ransacked (for some reason) I became stricken with terror and panicked because I didn’t know what to think except that I was afraid for my life and had been afraid for my life for nearly two years with the possibility that an intruder might slip unnoticed coming or going from my apartment without ever showing themselves to anyone and suddenly one night I’d wake up to my throat cut open. Yikes.


The terror alone scared me far more than death itself.


My head spun wheels trying to figure things out for myself.


            Yes, I panicked because the strong possibility that any of hundreds of sex offenders or rapists in the state of Minnesota could become possibly directly angry at me was unimportant because I’m not that special, however, I was indeed visible personnel and in some ultimate way part of a system that put perpetrators away in jail.


            Yes, I was part of that justice system and no matter how small a role one might have, the point is that one’s visible to a sector of population that makes up their own rules and doesn’t abide by laws thus the chances for violence goes up.


            Yes, I wondered if any of the already or would be sentenced sex offenders or kiddy rapists had become angered enough to find out where I lived and entered my apartment or possibly was willing to take vengeance upon me on some dark night while in the middle of my sleep and that was enough provocation to make my blood run cold with cruel terror which I could no longer sustain the shock and went into panic attack mode for two hours that one evening.




            Yes, even at the time and a long time afterwards I felt silly about the entire situation all these years later. How silly of me to think that some kiddy rapist wanted vengeance, however.


The most vital piece of information that I didn’t posses for most of those two terror stricken years was that I wasn’t the only woman in our apartment complex that had some “sticky” fingered thieving perpetrator going through her belongings in order to steal prescription painkiller drugs.


Who knew that’s all that they wanted.


What I can’t seem to understand is how did our perpetrator eventually find out that I had three bottles of Oxycontin hidden away under lock and key and broke in?




            Yes, of course I got the police involved.


            On the night of my panic attack I, myself, called the police.


A kind and young white police man came out to my apartment and investigated as best as he could investigate my tiny little studio flat which I’m sure that he just thought that I’d gone completely “off my rocker,” however in reality if you took just one good look at me then you knew that I was utterly embarrassed and scared to the core of my soul.


            Embarrassed because I didn’t react like a New Englander or Minnesotan.


            Scared because I had no idea what on Earth was happening yet something was amiss.


            Yes, I’d become terrified for my life because I thought I was the only one going through such an experience alone.


            Yes, I’d become terrified to live my life because no matter what I did I simply couldn’t shake the fear that had nestled deep inside my bones and settled in like a late November bronchitis chill.


In those days, I barely slept a wink at night for fear of getting murdered in my sleep.


The more afraid I became then the less I talked about it for fear that people thought me crazy so I kept quiet about the entire ordeal until one day I came home to find all of my windows thrown open and a ladder directly underneath my bedroom window.


Nope, when I mentioned it to maintenance the following day they had no idea what I was talking about, however. That was the day that three women came out back to a courtyard patio area and disclosed that they, too, had noticed that someone had been going through their bathroom cabinets and stolen their prescription painkiller drugs.


We sat up late that night and compared notes because it was a relief to find out that we weren’t alone or gone totally and completely ‘stark mad crazy’ all by ourselves.


            Yes, I swear to God that to my greatest recollection that everything that I’ve written here today “is the truth and nothing but the whole truth so help me God.”


Yes, I’d take the stand under oath and tell a judge the entire truth about the matter and how it happened to me.


As far as anything else goes, I don’t know.


Yes, I only know what I know and what I witnessed and what directly happened to me otherwise it’s any other individual’s story.


            Yes, I can’t wait to write novels then I’ll make up lies all the time because that’ll be more fun than telling non-fiction truths that’ll make your skin crawl as it did mine so many long years ago.


            I try not to think about it.


            Since my statute of limitation is up and seven years passed I’m finally able to write about this topic without any foreseeable lawsuits of any type.


It was the right thing to do, to wait and write about this experience for the sake of others involved more so than mine.


Truly Yours;



Word Count Goal: 2,000

Word Count: 2,593


*)         Day #227 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #12 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.


Monday, October 6, 2014


“You can deck a pig in palms,

but he will still act like a pig.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Harbinger (messenger, forerunner)


Robin, the harbinger of spring, is a welcome bird.


---  ---  ---




The Firing of a Quasi Producer

April 1, 2007


Part I


            No, I shan’t directly call names or shame or accuse another of misbehavior, however.


I shall write this piece with our audience in mind so that they may learn an invaluable moral tale from our warning call because we’ve learned harsh and difficult lessons over the years.




            September 2004 I moved to a studio flat near the Walker Arts Center and lived there until September 2006.


Little did I or four other women living at the same complex building for two straight years know what we’d soon find out towards the end of our stay there then eventually one-by-one we moved out at about the same time because our stark reality became too morbid to face.


            It took two years for us (as a group of women) to figure out that some complete stranger did illegally enter our apartments on a monthly or even weekly basis and went through our belongings.


The only thing that was ever taken was prescription pills.


            Our main common denominator that which we shared as a group when we put our stories together was our missing prescription drugs and the fact that we had all noticed that our belongings were ever so slightly shifted or moved.


            At first when any complete stranger secretly begins to look through another stranger’s belongings then the thief is ever so very careful not to shift things around or knock over or bump into anything except that after a while a thief gets comfortable or lazy in their surroundings or their behavior begins to show in their movements or action and eventually objects do begin to get misplaced or disappear completely and you don’t know what the hell is going on because either A) You’ve completely lost your brains B) You ate something bad C) Your eyes begin to play tricks on you.


If one were to live alone then It’s nearly impossible for objects to move on their own unless one either has A) ghosts or B) multiple personality C) a new pet D) a new modern vacuum.


            As an independent group of smart women, we found out that such an individual thief had gone through each of our belongings (for years possibly) only to steal prescription painkiller drugs from us yet and however more importantly this individual scared the living life out of each of us (independently from each other yet all going through the same experience at the same time) and it wasn’t until together we realized that an intruder kept moving objects around on us then did we really understand the gravitas of our situation that we weren’t the only ones to come or go from our own apartments or that we were alone for that matter.


            One saving grace was that during the summer months almost every Friday night (only in warm weather season) we got together for dinner and openly spoke like smart women do about our lives in general.


Eventually the subject did come up.


Suddenly we were all relieved to find out a thread of truth because we were this’ close and ready to commit ourselves into mental institutions. (Thankfully my Father talked me out of it.)


            Another saving grace: I lived in a studio apartment.

            No room to hide anything or anyone.


            No, it’s nearly impossible to explain that type of fear or terror or panic that sits inside your bones when they rattle with complete and utter terror other than the very fact that my eyes still slightly cry to this day when I think about it so I don’t.


Every single time that we went home to our humble apartments; We began to get into the habit to check out everything only to see if possibly some pervert had hidden a camera on us while some stranger with a monitor (who knew where) and an erection saw down to our underwear color while we dressed or undressed.


Shortly after, we moved away because it was too creepy to justify living under such oppressive and terrifying conditions any further than that August 2006.


            Yes, we came to a consensus that it wasn’t building management or maintenance because we spoke to them on a weekly basis and trusted them well enough to respectfully chit chat about small things throughout the years.


However and nevertheless, someone held a master key to our apartments and a foot size eleven and a half (correction).


            My eyes watered now for the second time.


Yes, to this day I’m still frightened to death of everything that happened to us.


Everything we witnessed and experienced is something of sheer terror for me.


It was the first and only time in my life that I panicked and for the third time went into hyperventilation mode from pure stricken fear of possibly getting raped or murdered in my sleep. 


We were so vulnerable to any perpetrator.




            Yes, my retired M.D. psychologist Father has made it quite clear to me that I’m not “lazy” or “insane” or “mentally ill,” however.


According to my Father I’m (only sometimes) “gullible” and simply must grow out of that phase which I’ve been working at for the past decade ever since May 2004 when I first moved to the Twin Cities that spring.


            Yes, I’d have to conduct further psychological research: In the past have I personally made bad decisions because either A) I haven’t gathered all of the relevant information needed to make a thorough investigation about anything at all? Yes. B) Do I get stupid when I’m tired? Yes. C) Am I stupid? No. (Hardly.) D) Am I average? Absolutely yes. (I can live with that.) E) Am I dumb? No. (Hardly.) F) Can I sometimes be “lazy minded” especially when I don’t want to think too much about anything too difficult or complicated? Yes. G) Do I think well on my feet? No. (Absolutely not.) H) Am I lazy? No. (Absolutely not.) I) Am I crazy? No more or less than any other chap or fellow. J) Why do I prefer to lounge around and do nothing except read books in bed? Because it’s comforting to read in bed and to read isn’t nothing. Reading is important and difficult mind work. K) Am I loyal? Yes. Till death do us part. L) Are we into extra-marital affairs? No. (Absolutely not.) M) How do we live our lives? We live our lives with as little melodrama as possible and with the chance and opportunity and possibility for us to lead by example each and every single day because we will it. N) Do I have arrested development? No. O) Am I angry? Not anymore. P) Am I happy? As happy as anybody can be, I suppose. Q) Am I a grown up? No. R) Am I a mature adult? Yes. S) Do I live in constant physical pain? Yes. T) Am I Freda Kahlo? No. (Not even close.) U) As a married woman do I “personally” hold secret crushes on other men, married or otherwise? No. V) Why not? W) Because I’ve learned to turn off that part of my brain as a married woman. I look at people because I’m a cinematographer and that shan’t ever change, however. X) Do I want to rip off the clothes of some stranger or have them do that to me and have mad passionate sex? No, thank you. It takes more than that to turn me on. Y) Do I love Eric’s penis? Z) That’s none of your business, however. If you must know.


Eric’s beautifully built like a Greek God. Eric’s an amazing lover and that’s why I married Eric because I want a man who is remarkable in the bedroom as well as smart and relaxed and laidback and everything I asked the Gods to bring me in a partner is what I hold sacred in our marriage and now our little family of three. Yes, both Eric and I are legally bound by an American marriage law under a legal contract. Period.


            Am I insecure? No.


            Are you insecure?


            Am I clinically or officially depressed? No.


            Am I clinically or officially PTSD? No.




            Why am I in physical pain?


            Yes, I’m in physical pain because more or less I’m dying at the same rate as anybody else who’s healthy as a horse however I live in constant physical pain (throughout the years) because I have a tendency to grow cysts throughout my body such as at the center of the palms of my hands or under my arm pits or in my thyroid gland or along my underwear line, however.


My cysts don’t all grow all at once.

Only throughout the passing years.


            Just when I’m done with one bout of cysts in a specific particular region of my body then almost immediately another bout of cysts begins to form and take place in different areas and begins another entirely new series of medical problems in different regions with different trigger affects to separate and differently distinct regions or muscle groups or tendons or such.


No matter how many surgeries are done to either remove benign uterine tumors or cysts it’s a lot of medical visits and blood work and ultra sounds (throat and uterus) and MRI’s and, and, and…


            Finally I’ve resigned to accept my constant physical pain from day-to-day as a way of lifestyle because I shan’t fight my physical pain because it’s futile. (Repetitive? I know. Annoying, right? Right.)


            Nevertheless, I refuse to take any type of prescription painkiller drug because then my speech goes to mush and it gets slurred.


No, I don’t seem to think straight while under the influence of medical prescription painkiller drugs.


            Yes, I become completely relaxed.


My speech slows down like some slow motion underwater function because nothing in my entire body hurts and that’s how relaxed one becomes when one sits with prescription painkiller drugs far too long. Absolutely nothing hurts with painkillers and the entire world goes into slow motion.


Painkillers tend to numb out pain receptors in the brain yet such prescription painkiller drugs also shut down essential and vital motor skills in other regions of the brain like speech and movement or more precisely finite motor skills.


            When one lives through with-drawl from prescription painkiller drugs then immediately one’s entire body and muscles and bones begin to hurt all at once as though one were going through ‘growing pains’ all over again, except fifty times more painful.


            When one decides to purify or detoxify their entire body from such prescription painkiller drugs then all one can do is ride that physical pain out like a wave or a horse for nights and days on end.


            Still even many months later one still doesn’t quite feel themselves as a whole and complete human because it feels as though one’s aged that much more all at once and it’s left one that much more feeble and weak. (Give it time to regain strength.)


One must be willing to purify the blood to completely remove such chemical compounds from the bloodstream and the central nervous system. 


            Yes, I’ve matured into an adult ever more so deeply introspective to the point in which I’ve stopped asking myself intellectual questions and have begun to feel with my gut reaction and accept the way things are when it comes to constant physical pain without prescription painkiller drugs unless the pain gets ever so unbearable that it feels as though I do have some trouble breathing from dire pain then it’s serious business.


My body is naturally somewhat fragile and dainty while in places bony and my flesh is mostly a direct line of curvature encompassing a life of experience and knowledge and wisdom and tough lessons to not repeat ever again.


Also, to my surprise, I’m extremely youthful looking in body and face especially because during my young adulthood I first began to live doubled-over in pain on a constant and yearly habitual basis because doctors told me that nothing was ever the matter with me yet there were one grapefruit size uterus benign tumor and three other smaller ones the size of apples and apricot. (My uterus sure was a fruit basket at that time, (May, 2006-September, 2013.)


However, the first time (2003) that I ever hemorrhaged and almost filled one-third of a bathtub filled with my blood, I realized that I was either going to die that night or it was going to be a long journey to figure out what the heck was physically wrong with me.


            (To this day, doctors still don’t have a clue as to what ails me. It’s not cancer, that’s for sure. It’s something else.


Throughout the years it’s been a challenging ailment full of life which has a way to transform me to the deepest regions of my brains’ numb receptors while I so effortlessly breathe through physical pain so as to cover up pain for as long as I can or sit ever so still during extreme painful bouts without moving so as not to disturb any part of my body in any way otherwise I might feel intense sharp pain wherever the cysts or benign tumors may reside for a duration of time or if the surrounding body parts also become swollen from extreme pressure from either foreign masses or legions growing alongside other vital organs or muscles or tissue, whether it’s cysts that develop and grow inside the middle of the palms of my hands, putting added pressure on tendons causing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or armpit cysts that in the past have made it almost nearly impossible and unbearable to set my arms comfortably by my sides or whether it’s a fifteen year sore throat.) Nobody knows.


            That answers that question.

            Moving on.




            One month before most of us moved out on August 2006 we discovered that a woman (unknown to us) had been violently handled.


She got trapped between a dark stone stairwell and a heavy doorway while a man shoved her and pushed her and hit her and stole her purse.


We packed up and moved because such a thing had not ever or once occurred within the previous two years.




            Tomorrow I’ll begin Part II here for you…



Truly Yours;



Word Count Goal: 3,500

Word Count: 3,981


Total Last Week’s Word Count: 10,085

(Mathematics calculated.)


Yes, there isn’t any more word surpluses.



*)         Day #226 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #11 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.



Word Count Notes:


            As far as “word count” and “word count goals”: At one point I wrote that each week I’d restart this blog’s total word weekly or monthly ‘countdown’ goal so as not to carry over any surplus ‘word-writing’ time into each following week.


            As far as my memory is concerned: this is the first time (between months) that I carried over my word surplus primarily because I’m dealing with health issues. (Nothing serious, yet there they are; health issues that is.)


Now, I have about 30,000 words (three weeks’ writing) to make up at the end of the total completed ten years. I’ll have to stay three weeks longer into that June 2020 at the end of my second five year term because at this point I refuse to take away from any of our vacation days.




            In 2010; I was gathering research for three different film projects as well as filming two different and separate feature length films while writing a blog even though when I first got started with this blog (that first year) it took me five daily hours (and four daily hours the second year and three daily hours the third year and two daily hours the fourth year) to write a blog per daily hours.


Now it only takes me about one and a half hours to write ten pages (10,000 words) in our fifth year here especially when I write fast and don’t edit then I can ‘cover more ground’ although without technique it sure makes this literary run slower paced because each following day after I’ve had almost a whole day away from the writing I still spend one full complete hour editing through my work and that’s the hardest part about writing. Edits.


Yes, I’m a good writer, per se; however I’m not very good at editing...


No, I’m not the worst writer that ever lived.


            While I was out doing field research and filming, at that time I wrote from the road and that made it difficult to concentrate.


No, I don’t like to write in public because it’s my favorite time to sit back and relax and daydream and allow for all sorts of thoughts and emotions to run across my face. Writing’s a private endeavor.


First, I like to write my ‘scrambled egg’ thoughts down and then go back the next day and make corrections or changes to words. It’s best that way for me. Thanks.




            I shan’t carry over surplus writing time so as to challenge any writer to keep their focus on an entire long term project, sure is difficult to teach endurance so as to show any writer to learn to keep their head up and looking at their screen and concentrate on their writing and nothing much else matters while they work other than life’s responsibilities, of course.


A mature writer can and will stand up and attend to anything at any moment such as make tea or let out the dog or, or, or because life always takes precedence over art, nevertheless. 


Any time that one does get to create art work without interruption is indeed a glorious time because when any artist works at a most difficult medium or rather disciplined task then it’s only because it’s meant to be challenging and complicated so that the reward’s are that much more.


Yes, writing’s a complicated and complex discipline like any other.


            A larger project goal is to stretch the limitations of these literary teachings during any creative process time because it’s energy and precious time dedicated to the disciplinary art form to write well opposed to not writing at all which “that ain’t gonna happen.”


More or less I’ve always written at least two hours per day on average over the past twenty-some-years because words matter more so than anyone’s bias opinion.


Teachings are difficult to teach because that means that any writer has to be smarter than their ideas to put words to their ideas in a way that such words make sense to write about writing about words.


Yikes. I better stop there.




            I could go on about writing because it’s my favorite topic to write about because it’s the easiest topic for me to write.


I fall back on writing about writing when I don’t have other more articulate thoughts prepared to further develop meaning from my words before such words get written down or my thoughts require further serious organization more so than consideration.


Writing about writing is a stall tactic before I say what I really want to write.


            No, I don’t ever run out of ideas?

            Do you?


            No, I don’t run out of ideas, simply I need time to make sense out of thoughts so as to place them in sequential order and see if I can create any sense out of such words well enough to convey something cohesive to another individual.


            Word are like a message in a bottle.


No matter how worthless the message might appear to any receiver it’s vitally important for the sender to write. Often a message in a bottle is an outdated S.O.S. however.


When words get drenched in pure poetic honey then writing turns into something quite different all together because the message neither needs nor warrants anything from its reader other than to have the reader acknowledge that such words took-in oxygen and chose to live and thrive and cultivate further beautiful essence which is more difficult to do then at first appears even at the best of times.


It’s ‘magical’ (not literally, only for a lack of a better English word) to have the ability to allow oneself to be carried away in a daydream of complete indulgence and sweetness to write poetry for the sake of Humanity and no other.


Yes, I could get poetic yet I’m only good at English poetry plus let’s not complicate matters any further until I’ve had serious consideration as to what I’d like to specifically write to another.


Please, understand that I’m not the best writer.

Yes, it’s true.


However, I make for a great and excellent and masterful…




            The only reason I’d force myself to get a Ph.D. is so that I’d go in search of a teaching position (anywhere in the world, most likely Italy or France) in which I’d teach English speaking Ph.D. students in their last year of their Ph.D. program before their publication either in English Literature or in Theoretical Film Studies or Film History or Film Critique for such students to become Film Critics of their own hometown or city newspapers and be great as Film Critics while supporting and sustaining a vital service to their public in all civilized endeavors and artistic matters.


Publically: Good taste is rare; Excellent taste is hard to come by and masters are seldom, far, few and in between so to be taught and to carry out excellent critique skills or critical analytical skills as well as conduct oneself with the essence of civility and Ut-most humility is all that a critic really needs once he or she completes through his or her entire Ph.D. work studies program then the sky’s the limit ‘with a few great many’ variations and no exception.


            Yes, ultimately I understand that owning or conducting or administrating one’s own “personal” website about weight loss programs or raw feelings and emotion doesn’t ultimately contribute to the internet’s overall value, however.


Independent and professional and literary and artistic blogs and websites do contribute to the overall internet’s value because such articulate websites are done in a manner in which study and research and discovery and development and exploration is of the essence.


This cyberspace is new frontier especially for those of us cyberspace literary and artistic astronauts who didn’t even dream that this type of cyberspace and age exploration or medium would be cohesively established within our young adult lives for us to change the course of the future to make wiser and better decisions than we ever have thus far.



Think about it.


This cyberspace type of word processing hasn’t ever been done before in the history of record keeping. Never.


Not once except in some Ancient writer’s dream. A word processor is like no other to any philosopher or poet or writer or thinker.


Excuse us, while we take up a little bit of room.

Excuse us, while we stand on our little bit of Earth.

Please, don’t throw any beer bottles at us.


We’re passing through time to catch a glimpse of you.

We’re passing through to get a quick picture.

No need for verbal or physical violence.



            What would the world be like today if the library at Alexandria hadn’t ever burned down and all of the records were still accounted for today?


What if?


Imagine how much more developed our way of thinking would be?


Imagine how we’d be more open-minded, however.


Since vastly amounts of human written recorded history went up in smoke then all that we can do now is write as cohesively about our human condition as much as possible so that we might gift our wisdom to future generations two thousand and four thousand and six thousand years from today.


Thank you.


Good Morning: It’s already 7:42 A.M.


Friday, October 3, 2014


“The dog who barks “ho-ho” is not dangerous;

the one who growls “how-how” is.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Pathological (concerned with the science of treating diseases)


He spent a great deal of time in the pathological laboratory.


---  ---  ---




My First Love

Written Words


            Yes, I write sober for the sake of readers because when I stop long enough to consider Mr. Hemingway’s literary pieces then I revel at his genius.


            Yes, I’m astounded that Mr. Earnest Hemingway had the undeniable ability in his extraordinary literary capacity to write while under the heavy influence of alcohol because if I were to write under the influence of half a glass of wine then nothing would make sense.


Mr. Hemingway must have been a super genius.

As for Mr. William S. Burroughs, what’s there say?

Well, we shan’t go there because there isn’t enough time.


            The extraordinary genius of literary men and women who could write while under the influence of anything mind altering must either be a fluke or a gift from the Gods or some miracle from above because for those of us who are multi-lingual and do translate everything back into English that’s considered one great remarkable feat of heroism or something astonishing.


            Native English writers don’t write sentences either as short or as simplistic as the following example:


            “Yesterday a handsome stranger widely smiled at me.”


            “We didn’t make direct eye contact.”


            “We had a moment between us.”


            “No longer could I contain a smile that it spilled all over.”


            “The End.”


            “I drove away.”


            When my runoff sentences are either jumbled or scrambled eggs then it’s either because I’m exhausted or in pain or nothing much successfully translated.


Aside from fifteen years of a continual painful sore throat and the beginning of a new rasp inside my vocal chords and the fact that I can now directly and gently touch with my pointer finger and physically feel cysts on either side of my thyroid gland, I feel great and strong and healthy.


            I feel vitally suitable for life’s adventures and responsibilities, however.


            At the end of long work days my English as a Second Language suffers and comes across more as jumbled than cohesive because either I’m, too, exhausted or such complex thought process doesn’t properly translate or simply I wish for the work day to be done so that I may revert back to thinking in Spanish (which isn’t my first language) so that I might relax and catch a long and needed break from pushing myself to speak only English all day long as a courtesy and for the benefit of those who speak English and no other languages.


            One more important point: When I write scrabbled egg sentences then it’s because I’ve hurried.


            I can only either write or edit except I can’t simultaneously do both because I’m not Mr. Kurt Vonnegut who could edit while he wrote and not ever have to go back and reedit his work. (Awesome.)


            Yes, I must either get thoughts down on paper and then I later go back and make further edits, however.


It’s almost nearly impossible for me to write and edit at the same time because that complex type of thought process requires a sustainable amount of natural English speaking concentration that I don’t seem to poses.


Yes, it’s a disappointment that I don’t seem to be able to write and edit at the same time because my less than genius thought process is much slower than native English speakers.


My multilingual thought process takes twice the time to get the same amount of work done as other native English writers and speakers and it’s obvious.


            In other words: If one were to study my structured paragraphs then one would come to understand and realize that some complex thought process did take place however my English written language doesn’t always get executed in an articulate manner.


Either I’m capable enough to go back to the writing and make corrections or make some articulated sense out of the jumbled written mess or just leave it as it is and have the entire world see my raw thought process as it went down on the page which can be a positive thing because then it causes native English speakers to stop if only for a moment and contemplate however difficult English truly is to most foreign speakers.


            To write English is to touch heavenly skies.


            To write cohesive English is some divine will of the Gods.


            To edit English is a sweetest dream.


            To write English well is to master it.


            To master English is to…


            When any English reader reads English as a Second Language speaker write down their foreign scrambled egg sentences then English readers can empathize with any foreign writer because foreigner’s writing comes close yet not close enough for the words to make sense out of an entire mental picture inside the mind of any foreign thinking writer and what that particular writer so much wished and tried to convey to another existing entity or contemporary for that matter.


            Another quick example: Written words are no different than musically written notes on sheet music because ultimately cohesiveness must be held up by gravitational force otherwise music doesn’t much make any sense either when it’s all scrambled and nonsensical or when it sounds like tossed salad all over a musicians face.





            Native English speakers don’t realize how lucky they are to have learned how to harness their English language proficiency skills early on in their lives while their brains developed while they were young children and fresh and capable of deciphering through a most jumbled English language.


Yes, I do think faster than I write.


It’s quite difficult to write down all of my thoughts while I type.


Sometimes, my fingers don’t seem to keep up with my thoughts so all I can do from losing valuable ideas is to write them down as quickly as possible with a strong possibility that such words might turn into a strong North Easterly wind off of the Ocean and turn into blinding blizzard conditions with no visibility in sight.


            My Father tells me that most likely I’ll continue to be ten years behind my contemporaries because the first time that I ever learned to speak or write or read English was at the age of ten and nothing can change that.


By the time I was in sixth grade many of my equals already held a deep comprehensive ability to speak and write and read English at a senior in college and they did it ever so effortlessly and beautifully while I struggled with grammar and still do.


Yes, I’m not a perfect human.


If only I could write and edit at the same time.


I can only hope to accomplish such a feat of heroism when I concentrate real hard otherwise my paragraphs could all go unchecked and nonsensical, however.


I do make it a real point to come back the next day and reedit because it’s only any true writer’s wish to establish sense and order before ever closing the archives forever.


Writing is cerebral muscle.


Editing is civilized refinement.


To write English well is difficult to do.




Wishing you a relaxed weekend.


Truly Yours;



Word Count Goal: 1,452 or 2,500 for a 1,000 word surplus.

Word Count: 1,538


Total week’s Word Count: 10,085


As of today there won’t be a surplus once I write 1,452 words.


Hopefully, today I’ll write 2,000 or more words so that I might have a surplus going into next week since we’ll have guests visit here.



*)         Day #223 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #8 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.





*)         We give “Star Wars Rebels” five (5) stars. Amazing.


*)         “Scorpion” is so cool and based on a real life story. Wow!


*)         Personally, I give “Alter Eco” 60% Cocoa // Organically Grown // Fairly Traded // “Cauba” // Dark Twist Chocolate five (5) stars.


Actually, last night I mentioned to Eric that that particular chocolate bar that I ate was the best chocolate I’d ever tasted.


Yes, I’ve made my way through life tasting worldwide chocolates because it’s my favorite food to eat although in small quantities only.


No, I’m not an official expert on chocolate, however.

I know my coffees and chocolates.


*)         Yes, I’ve gone on a moratorium with Twin Cities’ commercial coffee because most coffee shops’ coffee tastes like cigar burned coffee.


How can anybody ruin cappuccino?

It’s a disgrace to ruin cappuccino.


Simply I can’t justify drinking expensive cigar burned coffee any longer.


I’ll come back to it again next fall 2015.


For now, I’m sticking close to home and making my own brew because I make coffee just right. I do. Not because I think so. More so precisely because other people tell me so and the same goes for my homemade baked breads.


No, I don’t think I’m the best organic, no sugar, non-genetically modified homemade bread baker, however. Others tell me that my bread is “top notch.” Thank you. It’s taken five years to perfect my recipes.


In my youth I worked as a professional barista (for some years).


I was taught to make an excellent cup of coffee because it’s a science plus I’m Costa Rican and we pride ourselves on good coffee beans because it’s our national gross product along with bananas.


Thursday, October 2, 2014


“One recognizes the chick by its pecking.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Paucity (scarcity, small numbers, fewness)


The paucity of his vocabulary was evident in his compositions.


---  ---  ---




Park Point




            No, I shan’t fight my Father’s battles, however.


            Yes, I do hold strong opinions about respect in general.


            No, my Father is neither a “spy” nor an “asshole” nor on anybody else’s side.


My Father is a retired M.D. psychologist volunteering his time to ensure the mental safety and health and cooperation of a mostly entirely angry divided neighborhood community that can’t seem to even so much as conduct itself with public respectful stature or maturity or decency to hear out the other side no matter how much they might disagree.


As difficult as it’s been for everyone involved within the past few recent months my Father did indeed establish peaceful negotiations within the unrest and divided and disrespectful verbal disorderly misconduct of mostly an entire community that doesn’t seem to be mature enough to agree to disagree.


(Careful, the moment one steps outside their front door then the entire world’s watching to see if they’re capable of treating others with respect and adult mature function.)


            Who’s my Father to be in such a position of authority?


My Father is an individual expert in the science of human nature.


My Father has serious credentials plus forty years of experience as a professional in his field of expertise dealing with mass murderers and rapists and prostitutes and thieves and liars and crooks and sociopaths and psychopaths and bi-polar and schizophrenic and displaced peoples from all over the world.


My Father has the power to place people in mental institutions so I wouldn’t go around calling him an “asshole” to his face or behind his back because violence and gossip are signs of mental…


            My Father was officially invited by a neighborhood committee to help out with the dire unrest of a single neighborhood community and for that my Father shouldn’t have to deal with the abuse or harassment of others living in that same village (as he does) just because others don’t have the necessary skills to communicate with respect or decency or to state their wishes without having to directly call others derogatory names or get personal.


Who does anybody think they really are?

Do people really believe that they’re their ego? (I don’t think so.)


Sit up and pay attention.


If one doesn’t have anything worthwhile to contribute then be quiet and listen and pay attention.


Class begins right now.




            There’re strict and serious rules of conduct while attending or speaking at any neighborhood community meeting otherwise ‘go jump in the lake’ and breathe and think and contemplate before one speaks. (Only spoilt children go off half cocked.)


A community neighborhood meeting isn’t the same as spending time with one’s buddies or online chatting away with strangers or getting drunk and mouthing off at a family reunion. No.


When one attends any neighborhood community meetings then people better mind their “P’s” and “Q’s” and step up their game or “Go Home!”


            There’re strict and serious rules of conduct as to how to speak and treat others with respect while under pressure especially when two sides don’t see ‘eye-to-eye’ or don’t agree or don’t even so much as know how to speak to one another about their differences.


A community neighborhood meeting is neither a church revival meeting where one clubbers another over the head with a bible and wishes for the abused to agree with a religious fanatic just because the abused is incapacitated or delirious and can’t see straight. No.


A community neighborhood meeting is neither a drunken fraternity party in which anyone ever so slightly different in dress or thought or ideals gets shut down by boys with an I.Q. of frozen peas. No.


A community neighborhood meeting isn’t one’s private living room in which one gets to scream at the television set while prancing about in their underwear. No.


A community neighborhood meeting isn’t an open bar brawl in which swear words are thrown around as loosely as punches nor is a neighborhood community meeting a place in which one makes personal attacks against another simply and only because one lacks the articulation to state what they want or need. No.


A community neighborhood meeting isn’t a place where one looses their cool simply and only because one can’t find the words to persuade others to their way of thinking. No.


(Please, learn to use your words, unless someone’s really going out of their way to mentally fuck with you then it’s a different type of war all together because then ‘all’s fair in love and war,’ however, not at a community neighborhood meeting.)


            There’re strict and serious rules of conduct when it comes to neighborhood community meetings and one of those serious and strict rules is to not ever call another individual or group any derogatory name to their face or behind their back.


To call anyone a derogatory name without any justifiable means to such verbal misbehavior is to become a perpetrator and grounds for a harassment lawsuit.


To get personal on anybody without any justifiable means is to be a bully and only a bully or a harasser or perpetrator takes out their unwarranted anger or spite upon innocent bystanders.


            There’re strict and serious rules of conduct while attending or speaking at any neighborhood community meeting because to stand up in public and make one’s thoughts clearly be known about any community issue is to bestow others of one’s wisdom and loving care for an entire village and not just one’s ideals of personal gain.


One doesn’t attend any public community neighborhood meeting to bash others with their brash ideals simply and only because they feel insecure or inadequate or without any real solutions to further unify people rather than to divide them.


            If one doesn’t have anything important to say then don’t say anything at all.


            If one doesn’t have any wisdom to bestow then stay seated.


            If one hates their neighbors so much as to call them derogatory names then an entire committee ought to ask you to please leave and try it again at the next meeting.


            If one so much as thinks that they can openly and publically abuse others then they’re gravely mistaken because the 1980’s are long gone.


            If one’s looking for a bruising then one will find it.





            To gossip is to murder. (Look it up in the bible.)


            One better get their facts straight.


If one so much as wishes to set fire to an entire village by dividing and conquering them then go ahead and poison the drinking well, however, the Gods don’t look favorably upon murdering gossips.


To purposely misguide or mislead or misdirect others through gossip or misinformation is to poison the well of knowledge and also to destroy any chances of bridging troubled waters.


            Do you know what used to happen to prophets when their prophecies didn’t come true?


When prophets’ prophecies didn’t come true then entire villages stoned their prophets to death because words do matter therefore use words seldom and wisely especially amongst strangers and in public.


If you do use a lot of words then those very words better make sense and such words better be wise and good and ready to enlighten others and not clubber people over the head just because one feels lazy in their verbal capacity to articulate or too angry to make beautiful and meaningful messages out of words.


Neither manipulate golden words because others can see right through that convoluted spectacle.


            Words are powerful.


            Action is powerful.


            Words do matter because words are no different than daggers or stones or bridges or fountains.


            Words can be used as weapons or in friendship.


            When words are unnecessarily used as weapons then you better be psychologically or physically self defending your person from an attacker or an abuser or a manipulator or a savage wild beast otherwise pay no heed to mentally ill and deluded selfish individuals who use others for their personal gain.


            Words ought to be beautifully spoken for the sake of others.


            Words ought to be beautifully delivered for the sake of others.


            Words can be a token of friendship savored and privately guarded like a locked heart.





            Before ever attending a neighborhood community meeting please brush one’s teeth.


            Before ever attending a neighborhood community meeting please change into a clean shirt.


            Before ever attending a neighborhood community meeting please drink one complete glass of water.


            Before ever attending a neighborhood community meeting please take in a few deep breaths.


            Before ever attending a neighborhood community meeting please hold everyone with highest regard.


            Before ever attending a neighborhood community meeting please ‘put your best foot forward.’


            Remember that people deal with terrible and tremendous reoccurring physical illnesses and financial difficulties and many bury their dead throughout the years or they move or people greatly suffer or are mentally ill thus it’s any mature adult’s responsibility to keep public spaces kosher and respectful for the sake of entire villages as well as strangers.


            Remember to arrive early and greet others as though they were the last people alive on Earth and believe that they have your best interest in mind as you do theirs.


            Please, don’t hurt each other.


            Please, don’t abuse each other.


            Please, find it in your hearts to respect each other no matter how difficult it may be to state your truth.


            Please, do unto others as only you would have them do unto you.




            My Father isn’t anyone’s emotional punching bag.


            My Father’s a man and a respectable one at that.


            My Father’s a volunteer and there’s no higher honor or position than that. There isn’t.





            Who am I to write as such?


            I’m my Father’s Daughter.


            As of today my Father informed me that I no longer need any further credentials to state my peace.


Today I was anointed as a “real” writer by my Father. Okay.


My Father has no clue that I just wrote this piece.


As a matter of fact my Father’s not once or ever read this blog. I’m worthy as I am with or without a Ph.D. or any further credentials. Thank goodness for that because school’s a prison to me and an expensive prison at that.


            Who am I to write as such?


            I’m someone who takes the time to care enough to breathe words onto this page for your sakes more so than mine.


            Yes, I might be one of you however, I’m not like you.


            I’m one descendant of Two Harbor’s farming pioneers who established Park Point with their bare hands and strong hope for future generations to get along and to ensure that the corrupt city didn’t make Park Point it’s “tourist trap” whore simply and only because the city doesn’t have any real intelligent leadership that can generate any real money other than gimmicks.


It’s too bad I left that city due to malicious gossip and alcoholic users otherwise I’d be banking it for that city as I am today for the Twin Cities because it’s men and women with any presence of mind that draw others to any place worth a visit or dwelling.


If we lived anywhere else in the world then that would be the “it” place to be because intelligence and smarts and kindness are as cool as it gets and we all know that.


It’s not every day that you get a future Mr. Kurt Vonnegut walking around your city, gathering ideas for novels or someone who makes a real great and honest ‘go at it’ when it comes to this bloody writing craft, no matter how English as a Second Language he might be.


A cool leader is just that: Cool under pressure and willing ‘to go out on a limb’ for others because he believes in the vitality and survival of his village.


It’s people who make a place.

The more one contributes then the more that particular individual or individuals are sought after.


It’s the law of attraction.


One for all and all for one.


With All My Respect;



Word Count Goal: 1,491

Word Count: 2,039



*)         Day #222 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #7 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.


Wednesday, October 1, 2014


“A dog without teeth is no longer a dog.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Idiosyncrasy (a peculiarity, an eccentricity, mannerism)


His idiosyncrasy in dress was well known in the city.


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Happy Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2014!

Happy Hong Kong peaceful demonstrations!

Hong Kong is so cool!

We’re behind you all the way Hong Kong.


Free Tibet!

Free Tibet!

Free Tibet!






            Yes, our Muslim adopted sister, her entire family reside and work and entertain an entire Islamic lifestyle in gorgeous Sierra Leone.


            Our thoughts and prayers go out to the nation of Sierra Leone and the rest of the specific and particular African countries along the western seacoast while they manage this disheartening episode of Ebola.


            No, I’m not any type of expert on any disease.

            Especially not about Ebola, however.


            From the countless messages we’ve received from abroad it’s been clearly conveyed to us that there’s nothing to worry about when it comes to this deadly Ebola outbreak especially not in the United States of America because the way America handle our dead is ever so much more differently done in America than it is in Africa.


            Much of our immediate American news reporting that which goes on about Ebola or any other subject for that matter is either mishandled or misleading or made into “fear mongering” because it’s easier to instill fear into the hearts of people rather than to educate them about anything at all.


            The greatest detail left out in American news reports about the subject of Ebola is that one of the main reasons as to why Ebola has become ever so prevalent a disease (illness) in Africa’s western seacoast is due to Africa’s burial rituals.


Many of Africa’s western seacoast burial rituals have to do with open air cremations of their deceased (dead).


            In other words: According to some or many of Africa’s western seacoast burial rituals of any late-departed beloved body must be publically cremated (publically burned) in front of entire villages for all to witness otherwise those very individuals who refuse such burial rites for their Ebola ridden dead will indeed become ostracized and shamed by their entire village and that’s not something that individuals can afford to do when their entire survival depends on the stability and unity of an intact village.


Mainly for Americans it’s difficult to understand either totally or completely ostracized by an entire group because we’ve got that “Marlboro Man” rogue individualist attitude and mentality that we can and will ‘go it alone’ so like if we care what anybody else might think of us.


It’s not an easy cultural concept (a united village: that is) for other more western nations to understand when western ideology is centered on the fragmentation of an individual away from a group rather than the unification of a village.


Nations (such as Africa’s) with their village modern mode of operation and a lifestyle that’s strongly centered upon the basis of what an entire village considers proper social codes in etiquette is what’s made suitable for any individual to follow such very codes which standards must be maintained by entire villages otherwise their way of life might perish and that’s not anything that anybody can ever afford to do.


            Thus many African western seacoast burial rituals are done openly for all to publically witness the passing of their very own villager.


Makes sense, however.


When it comes to handling Ebola ridden dead bodies then we’re talking another entirely different cultural ball game.


We’re talking a deadly game of life or possibly contaminated life or survival or eminent disastrous death.


When it comes to Ebola ridden dead bodies then the chances of spread and contamination exponentially goes way up and that’s not something that any wise village Elder or Council can afford to do to possibly get their hands bloodied with the ever more compounded death and heartbreak than need be.


            Indeed, it’s difficult to change our way of thinking when it comes to any deeply indoctrinated cultural practices or rituals.





            Difficult example: Look at what happened to the “Marlboro Man.”


The “Marlboro Man” (a photographed billboard and television model for one particular tobacco company) died an ever more complicated and difficult and painful battle with lung cancer yet there he was photographed riding his horse off into the sunset of opportunity as a symbol of strong independent and robust manly manliness then he died a most unnecessary lonely lung cancer death.


So you see the moral tale of the “Marlboro Man’s” debilitating message is that he was considered “right” and rouge and handsome (by some standards) and a “Wild Wild West” fellow with lung cancer who possibly influenced an entire three generations of Americans to follow him in his footsteps to their lung cancer ridden death because ‘no one’ was willing to change their attitude towards a deadly mass cultural practice or ritual of smoking cigarettes.


It’s quite simply difficult to change cultural outlook especially when it’s deadly because stubbornness sets deeply inside the bones and festers there like a disease all of its own.


            One of the most deadly of American practices right now is that our youth from ages thirteen through seventeen (13-17) hate cigarette smoke yet they’ve fallen victim and in love with snorting heroin up their nose thus they snort heroin like it were candy because they hate the idea of smoking “dirty” cigarettes or smelling like cigarette smoke, however.


A cigarette may just kill one slowly over a long period of many decades (a slow death like most healthy life is) while heroin will take out an entire generation (or two or three) of youth by their mid-to-late twenties.


Entire two or three generations of our American youth will most likely be dead by the time they’ve reached twenty-five.


They’ll leave a gaping wound and large hole in the heart of our nation for us to mourn over our beloved loss.


            Our youth (those who love heroin) most likely shan’t grow up to see their old age because no heroin addict is ever just a weekend addict.


There’re many hobbyist cigarette smokers who can and do smoke at least one cigarette per week and be done with it, however, with heroin once it grabs a foothold in the soul of an individual then such an addiction is strong and mostly for life.


Heroin isn’t something that someone does just once or once-in-a great while. Heroin’s a lifestyle.


Ask any heroin addict and they’ll tell you that all they think about is heroin all day and all night long.


Heroin becomes an addict’s entire life and nothing else matters.


            Not even if death were to take a human form and go knock upon the door of a heroin addict would that make any difference.


Not even death itself could scare an addict completely enough to get an addict to stop their addictive impulse to continue to kill themselves in a rapid succession.


American youth seem to have absolutely no hope for the future so they figure that they might as well die young because who cares? Wrong. American adults care very much.


Heroin is one of those ghostly cultural practices that grabs a strong hold of an addict and sucks the very life out of them until an addict has no more strength to return from the land of the dead.





            Yes, I can understand not wanting to change intensely instilled cultural rituals especially those that are deeply centered around the burial of Africa’s beloved dead, however, when dealing with life threatening obstacles and challenges such as Ebola then we must change if only for a little while to give life a chance.


This Ebola outbreak can be contained if only our African Elders and villagers took into consideration another course of action towards the burial of their Ebola ridden deceased.


Ebola can possibly become a menace to overcome, however, why not contain this Ebola spread now by changing African cultural burial practices (if only for a little while) rather than implementing such a gruesome death upon the rest of the world?


Not to change is to beckon for death to come to Africa’s door.


To beckon death is only to say that…


Yes, when patients have passed on or died from Ebola then the bodies or corpses of the Ebola ridden dead are infected with Ebola and nothing can stop that therefore it’s best for the Ebola ridden dead corpses to be handled or treated medically differently than they would be if they weren’t already otherwise infected with Ebola.


            Africa will do whatever it wishes and believes is best for them to do no differently than America does whatever it wishes and believes best for America to do thus our government allows for the CIA to infest our streets with Afghanistan’s poppy seed (heroin) which has become a fixture and fully indoctrinated itself deep inside the bones and homes of suburban white youth ages 13-17.


            Africa will do whatever it must to maintain cultural standards and to continue with their traditional cultural methods, however, not at the expense of their very own people because it would be cruel to stay stubborn for the sake of rituals rather than for the continual and healthy life of their people’s.


I can only imagine village Elders are wise and understand the complex gravitas of their situation thus they must come to a general consensus that when in difficult times then extreme measures must be taken for the sake and consideration of an entire ‘dark’ continent of beautiful people.


Wouldn’t it be devastating to see another three thousand Africans ‘go up in smoke’ only and because village Elders refuse to momentarily change burial rituals for the survival of Africa’s beautiful humanity.


Wouldn’t it be devastating to see an entire generation of American youth ‘go up in smoke’ only and because village Elders refuse to adapt with the times and make drugs legal for the survival of America.


With All My Love;



Word Count Goal: 1,274

Word Count: 1,783



*)         Day #221 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #6 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.





Yes, it wasn’t until last night Tuesday, September 30, 2014 that we sat down to watch Bill Maher’s last Friday night’s episode. I wrote yesterday’s blog entry without knowing anything about what Mr. Maher’s content or what it was all about. Great minds think alike.



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Oh, how I love the month of October when all of the beautiful pink little lights are put on display to show our solidarity in our fight against breast cancer in this great nation of ours.


Yes, I’m glad to say that I’m a cancer survivor.


Yes, men, too, can get breast cancer so check out those beautiful men breasts and make sure that you study and know your body well.



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