Saturday, November 30, 2019
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish
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A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Dress Etiquette.
Chapter 26.
Page ?
For breakfasting in public or at the house
The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.
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Upload: 6:22pm CT
Word Count: 2,422
Word Count Goal for the week: 3,000
Word Count Goal: 1,000
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Hi. Hello.
Happy Saturday!
Bernie Sanders all the way!
Bernie Sanders has my vote.
Ilhan Omar isn’t to be trusted because any anti-Semitic speech is any anti-Semitic speech.
Impeach Donald Trump.
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Intimate Partner Abuse
The problem with physical violent abusers is that abusers want their significant others to lie for them and have the significant other say the significant other is the abuser except the abused significant other is usually the tortured victim at the mercy of their abuser.
Since February 2019 I’ve been beaten each week or every other week only to discover as of this past Tuesday my significant other told his employees I’m supposedly the one who beats him up when it is he who literally beats me up.
Look; I maturely deal with the weekly beatings as well as any woman can.
The difficulty with my life is that my significant other has a part time graphic designer from Duluth, MN who likes to threaten to break all of my teeth and the graphic designer threatens that the graphic designer is going to punch me so hard he’s going to dismantle my face. Yikes, what a creep.
Now, I’ve dealt with enough death threats to last me a life time.
The part time graphic designer likes to gossip and tell anyone who will listen to his old wrinkly 60 year old nobody self that I’m a “terrorist” when it’s the graphic designer who has made threats to bodily harm me and kill me while I not once have made any threats against the graphic designer.
The graphic designer is a screamer, yeller and a bully.
Why is it when abusers abuse then they put all of the blame on the people they abuse? Who knows? Who cares? Abuse is abuse no matter who it comes from or who it is.
Now, my significant other and I had firmly agreed that no matter how pathetic or no matter how gruesome or no matter what we did to each other in any violent act, we still went ahead and we agreed and we did shake hands and promised that my significant other would not divulge or gossip to his employees about our personal and private business about our physical violence abuse.
Whenever my significant other is figuratively cornered then he tends to bad mouth me to anyone who will listen and gossip lies while behind doors he beats me so severely he tends to like to kick me and I’ve gone semi-blind for two days when he kicked me in the left frontal lobe on September 9th, 2019.
Who kicks anybody in the head?
Who kicks anyone in the head once they’re down and on the ground?
Only a sadistic fuck kicks anyone in the head especially when someone’s already spread eagle and on the ground.
This entire and whole stupid ordeal is so sick and I know it.
How do I know this entire ordeal is stupid and sick is because my body’s literally begun to fall apart from the physical violence abuse chipping away at my body’s health and wellness.
The first thing my significant other did this past Tuesday was to take the time to character assassinate me in front of his employees and told his staff of two that I beat him up except it is my significant other who tends to kick me in the stomach while I’m already on the ground or my significant other tends to kick me in the head while I’m already down on the ground or kicks me on the legs and thighs or kicks me in the kidneys or punches me on the right breast or punches me in the stomach or punches me in the kidneys or punches me in the ribs or strangulates me and tends to hold me up against walls while I can’t breathe very well and flail for help while knocking over garbage cans, chairs and furniture because my body flails.
No, I don’t personally jump over couches or furniture to get at me and beat me up.
My significant other hates that I can debate his stupidity under the table.
My significant other tends to like to disparage me and publically humiliate me therefore I stand up for myself and say, “Don’t publically humiliate me. Don’t call me a ‘cunt,’ ‘slut,’ or ‘whore’ in public.”
My significant other likes to scream at me directly into my ear drums until my ears ring and hurt.
Since February 2019 I’ve called the cops because no one lays any type of violent hands in any violent gesture or way against anyone else.
There’s no excuse for violence.
My significant other used to choke his deceased brother therefore my significant other had to go to jail for beating up his now dead brother.
My significant other’s former Duluth, MN’s East High School 60-year old white twin brother part time graphic designer did beat up his ex-girlfriend so badly the part-time grahic designer also went to jail.
Lovely two male brutes in my life who wish to kill me.
My significant other is a high functioning closeted alcoholic drunk who likes to torture me, taunt me and prey upon me and say horrible and terrible words to me about how I ought to go get “ganged banged” and raped or go homeless or go to a women’s battered shelter.
My significant other ought to be in jail except the police always side with him because he’s a great liar, manipulator and an abuser.
On Sunday November 24th, 2019 I called the police after I had been grabbed by the hair pulled to the floor and dragged down a hallway then pinned down and slapped twice real hard across the face then punched in the stomach once while I struggled to keep my cell phone on my body while my significant other slapped me hard across the face in front of his mom who also stood over me and proceeded to get my cell phone away from my person.
When the police arrived at the premise at our rundown and squalor Highland Park, Saint Paul, MN mansion then my significant other went ahead and lied to the police about the whereabouts of my broken glasses and stolen cell phone.
Black Mold causes Literal Insanity
Each and every single day my significant other breaks up with me and throws me out of our impoverished mansion where we live with black mold, red mold and mice.
Personally, I think my significant other is literally insane from living in black mold for the past decade, ten years.
Personally, I think my significant other’s mom is also insane from living in black mold for the past decade, ten years.
Both my significant other and his mom have been living in black mold for one decade and both display symptoms of paranoia and distrust and delusions.
On August 30th, 2019 Harvard came and visited our squalor mansion this past summer and Harvard warned me not to live in black mold for anymore than a year otherwise people go insane with paranoia and delusions.
Black mold literally makes people hallucinate and do weird and out of the ordinary things they usually wouldn’t do.
Now, I’m not any type of thief.
One of the sadistic games my significant other and his mom like to play with me is the fact the 86 year old woman tends to steal her own belongings or hides pots and pans and blames it on me then my significant other beats me or kicks me because his mother complains and tells him horrible things about me about how supposedly I’m looking to find other boyfriends in the neighborhood thus and therefore my delusional significant other then takes his paranoid mother’s word as the word of God then I get beaten up for her delusions and character assassination,
Constantly I’m scrutinized and criticized about how I clean, when I clean, what I eat and how much I eat.
Every single day I have it thrown in my face that I’m a “free loader” except each week I vacuum two complete floors, daily make beds, weekly wash bedding, nightly wash dishes and sweep and mop the kitchen floors, two or three times a week run out to the recycling and trash and wash the bathrooms, clear cobwebs and dust and take care of two emotionally unstable geriatric people who always throw it in my face I live in their squalor mansion for free except I’m the one who works for free as their volunteer maid and butler rather than being welcomes as The Girlfriend.
Now, I haven’t left because I haven’t.
Now, I haven’t ever cheated on my boyfriend the way he literally cheated on me.
Now, my boyfriend tends to lead with his dick and tends to need quite a bit of attention from any woman who will provide attention to my boyfriend because my boyfriend s a manipulator, liar and user.
My boyfriend and his mom like to brainwash me and tell me that I make up things or I lie about getting beat up and easily get jealous, however. My boyfriend’s nicer to every other woman except me.
Personally, I don’t know why my boyfriend wants to continue to date me when he hates the very fact I address issues head on and tell him I don’t approve of his inappropriate sexual misconduct and inappropriate sexual misbehavior about how he practically gets a fixation or an obsession with any woman who even so much as talks to him.
My boyfriend and his mom are the most toxic people I’ve ever met who like to put me down every single day and tell me how I do everything wrong except I don’t let them get away with their bullshit because they annoy and irritate me.
Personally, I believe the 86 year old mom’s starting to show signs of early on-set dementia thus and therefore I can feel some type of pity for the Ut-most cruel and sadistic and mean mother I’ve ever encountered who daily taunts his son and threatens to throw him out of the house and tells him he’s worthless and tells her own son he’s nothing and tells her own son she hates him. What a bitch cunt.
Personally, I don’t know why these two geriatric weirdoes tend to play a sadistic game, however. I’ve been informed it’s them and not me.
Personally, I’ve consulted with psychologists and they tell me both of these geriatric sadists are wired the way they are and the physical violent abuse will only get worse while their alcoholic brains deteriorate and they will only bring misery anywhere they go.
Personally, I didn’t realize just how hated my boyfriend is.
Personally, I think my boyfriend is a user and tries to make himself seem more esteemed and more important than anybody else except he’s simply a geriatric drunk who likes to terrorize two women.
Personally, I’ve not ever heard any man call his own geriatric elderly mom the following words, “cunt,” “bitch,” “slut,” “whore” and in some ways the mom deserves to be called that by a son who’s daily driven mad with anger at the very fact he’s own mother tells her own son he’s worthless.
For over a year the mom continually tells me to break up with her son.
Personally, I don’t understand why the mom and son gang up against me then together create a disturbance in the force and somehow like to play sadistic games with me and my body and bodily function.
My boyfriend continuously breaks my cell phone and glasses and doesn’t ever replace them.
When any maladjusted, mean, cruel and sadistic boyfriend constantly breaks the property of his girlfriend and doesn’t ever replace broken articles because he doesn’t believe he did anything wrong then we have a lost cause on our hands.
Personally, I hate how “enmeshed” and married my boyfriend and his mom are to each other after forty years of living alone together.
Much of the power struggles begin and end with the insane mother who incorrectly places blame on me for the mom purposely stealing her own belongings then has her son take out his mother’s jealousy, anger and frustrations out on me except I have fractured teeth, a sprained left wrist and my entire body is constantly covered up in bruises underneath my clothes.
If I were to disrobe then people would probably weep at the sight of my naked and badly bruised body with bruises as large as dinner plates.
When I take off my clothes to look at myself in the mirror then I can see the very story of this violence and abuse.
Now, finances have mainly “everything” to do with leaving any physically violent abusive relationship.
Personally, I don’t know why I’m not allowed to attend Al-Anon meetings on Summit Avenue without any put downs or told and accused I’m “fucking” people at Al-Anon meetings or I’m supposedly accused of “fucking” people when I attend church. Gross. Do you know how psychotic and maniacal it all sounds to me? Quite.
Nothing of mine is ever sacred.
The mom has begun to whisper in her son’s ear that supposedly because I attend church then I’m out and about seeking the sexual favor and sexual attention of other men while at church.
Do you know how gross it is to have the mom of my boyfriend insinuate such falsehoods about me then my boyfriend gets real upset and takes his mom’s word to be the word of God then I get beaten up for both of their delusions.
My boyfriend likes to lie that I beat him up except it is my boyfriend who jumps over furniture and knocks me down and beats me.
There’s nothing more despicable than to have one’s boyfriend beat his girlfriend and have his mommy watch while she looks on giddy as a little girl.
There’s nothing more despicable than have my boyfriend violently grab my crutch in front of his mom.
Personally, I get so upset all I can do is to begin to cry because the sheer act of degradation and violence and oppression is too much for me to bear.
Not once and not ever did I ever have any man beat me up because he didn’t like the way I rebuttal his stupidity.
Yours Truly;
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish
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A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Dress Etiquette.
Chapter 26.
Page ?
For breakfasting in public or at the house
The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.
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Upload: 6:46pm CT
Word Count: 3,254
Word Count Goal for the week: 3,000
Word Count Goal: 1,000
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Hi. Hello.
Happy Wednesday!
Bernie Sanders all the way!
Bernie Sanders has my vote.
Ilhan Omar isn’t to be trusted because any anti-Semitic speech is any anti-Semitic speech.
Impeach Donald Trump.
--- --- ---
Personal Notes:
Personally, I’m “stopped in my tracks” when it comes to writing about certain personal and private aspects to life in regards to and specifically about mature adulthood “positive communications” vs. “negative miscommunications.” Yep.
Personally, I want to be allowed to hold any intelligent bias opinion like any other intelligent bias opinion. Yes.
Personally, I want to be able to respectfully disagree and rebuttal stupidity. Yes.
The reason why live-chat sex rooms is cheating is because one must get naked and masturbate to real time and live interactive with sex workers who can literally and actually see you and look back at you and interact and talk to you while one tells the sex workers how beautiful they are and how horny the sex workers make one feel.
Personally, I want to be able to respectfully disagree and rebuttal stupidity and calmly make good points and deliver great and excellent arguments against continual geriatric social ineptness and debate against geriatric behavioral chaos (particularly and specifically alcoholism as a mental and physical disease which progresses and degenerates the brain and gets worse over time and with age, lack of impulse control, continuous perpetuated verbal abuse) and I may debate lack of personal accountability and I may debate lack of general respect for my time, energy and matter-of-opinion (threat of abandonment or lack of apologies for continuous shouting, screaming or swearing) and I may continue to make great points with excellent concrete examples against general sexual innuendoes amongst other parties or overt public flirting (I’m only allowed to look at walls, floors and read signs or watch T.V. and I’m expected not to ever touch anyone of the opposite gender) or in general I may debate geriatric social inappropriateness without personally being screamed at or scolded or at-length lectured or repeatedly reiterated any cruel lecture about how I’m “supposedly” wrong simply because I’m me when I pose great and excellent arguments against stupidity, social ineptness and social inappropriate misbehavior then immediately I shut down all forms of immaturity, manipulation or lies no matter how geriatric, upper income earning or famous or infamous anyone may be.
{The above sentence is grammatically correct.
The computer’s grammar and spelling program indicate so.}
Personally, I’ve quit being altruistic.
Personally, I think altruism is stupid.
Personally, I’ve quit being idealistic.
Personally, I think being idealistic is stupid.
Personally, as of this week I quit mature adult swearing. Yep.
Personally, I’m tired of hearing many around me mature adult swear.
Personally, I’m tired of mature adult swearing even if I were to be sworn at or even if I were to personally be called demeaning and disparaging names or if I must be in close proximity or within close range to mature adult swearing still yet I refrain from swearing. I refuse to raise my voice and I refuse to swear no matter how much I might get screamed at the top of anyone’s lungs.
Personally, if I were to swear then I would swear only for emphasis. Yep.
Personally, I’ve quit all swearing because I must do a new approach to mature adulthood.
Personally, the only major weaknesses I have in life are as followed:
1) How to personally make a fortune for myself.
1.5) From my intelligent bias opinion, I think I’m terrible at the “enunciation” of English terminology even though people tell me I have an impeccable accent certain words are complex and difficult to deliver from the tip of the tongue rather than from the tip of the quail pen.
A) Yes, I have an expansive, clear and excellent understanding of English terminology in definition and I know where, when and how to correctly utilize vocabulary. Yes. Correct.
B) Actually, properly enunciating English words is quite different and more difficult than basic reading or memorization of definitions, muscle memory, however, context is nearly “everything.”
C) Speaking is serious business in that speaking is fun and ten times way easier than writing or painting or photography or sheet music writing or sculpture or any other creative medium or any constructive art discipline or well developed creative talent.
D) Reading is super easy; and not much work.
Sorry, reading “is for the birds.”
Reading is fun.
Reading is as fun as life gets.
One would have to be brain damaged not to read each day.
When we’re in the grave there won’t be any more reading.
Reading is the most fun any human can ever have with very little effort because reading is informative, fun, educational and entertaining.
E) Writing is for excellent thinkers who can put well constructed sentences down on paper in correct grammatical and punctuation and continue to write throughout strongly implemented logic and reason and no matter how much other people may hate one’s guts for making excellent points or no matter how much one may get screamed epitaphs for making great arguments or no matter how much others may go on for five straight hours of hateful vitriol then one holds the right make or present better arguments than the other then, oh, well.
Too, bad. I make better arguments than most attorneys because I’ve spent the last thirty years reading about current events, Ancient history, Indigenous Arts and green energy and Tesla (the scientist as well as the electric cars) and hydroponic vegetable gardening (which I guess isn’t as highly thought of) and soil samples and oil pipelines across Native American wild rice fields and migratory patterns and the melting of ice caps and oceanic garbage.
2) Yes, my geography is awesome although I can always improve.
Hahaha. Lol.
No, I don’t ever believe I’m God.
However, as a Maya
We are taught
To consider ourselves of the divine
The reason why the Maya
Consider ourselves of the Divine
Is because we’re intelligent thinking beings
Who can engineer, construct
And travel to outer orbit
In literal space ships
Yes, to be intelligent is to be humbled, graceful and grateful
Brought up in both Manhattan Marina, New York City, N.Y.
And Rockport, Massachusetts:
We are taught:
We are
“The Masters of our own Destiny”
Before we pass on from old age
We make our own massive fortunes
God isn’t a waste of my time.
Prayer isn’t a waste of my time.
However, the Sanskrit Buddhist Lotus sitting position
Is indeed a waste of my time
Al-Anon has taught me not to be “reactionary” to alcoholics
(Family and Friends of Alcoholics)
No, I’m not looking to make friends, however,
There have been years
For which I’ve pleasantly become surprised
To serendipitously make
Excellent friendships with women-folk
Who understand I’m quite
Sober, strict and serious
Therefore the entire world knows
My judgment is impeccable
And I’m indeed literally the safest person in the room
Because I’m not a pervert
Lutheran Church has taught me not to take alcoholics seriously
(Thank you)
(This Sunday I volunteer as hospitality person)
(Last Sunday, I received a lovely rose
For making the commitment
To join as a new member
Of one congregation,
Twice, my rose fell to the floor.)
Personally, I think Yoga and meditation are a total and complete waste of my time simply because my hips ache and even though my hips ache and I haven’t ever taken to either Yoga or meditation’s Sanskrit Buddhist Lotus position I still am someone who chooses to apply the art and discipline of meditation as a lifestyle for life.
Personally, the readers know my quite open and intelligent and bias opinion about how I don’t like to sit in the Sanskrit Buddhist Lotus position yet I force my body to do so.
Personally, I think Western relationships are mainly about stupid competition outside of the athletic field therefore dysfunctional power struggles and wrong power dynamics are apparent and this is wrong because competition outside of the athletic field is a complete and utter sheer waste of time thus and therefore I didn’t ever realize or know nearly anything is a competition in relationships unless people are quite secure, intelligent, smart and kind about their own emotions, processing emotions and their own psychology as well as their child psychology.
Good manners is about proper and correct function and form to be ethical and not brag, show off or attract unwanted bar fly attention due to geriatric loneliness and self-hatred.
Personally, I’m a Costa Rican adoptee and I don’t like to compete for anything unless there’s German chocolate cake involved at the end of a foot race to run more than one mile.
Personally, when anyone so much as has the audacity to swear directly at me then I do my very best to go quiet and visualize myself as I allow for an Ut-most kind female Goddess presence to engulf my entire face and head and neck region of my body and keep me protected in some warm and comforting bubble of compassion, hope and white light.
My upbringing is Episcopalian and Jewish.
The Episcopalians and the Jews don’t believe in Voodoo or we don’t believe in black or white magic and we don’t believe in curses. NO.
My third week of Al-Anon I listened to one particular woman speaker describe her God/Goddess as the description written above about how she visualized and envisioned going deeper into her safe space while inside her mind’s eye she visualized her Goddess figure completely engulf the speaker’s face, neck and head thus and therefore I applied her verbal description of her visualized Goddess to my daily visualization prayers from this private and hopeful and comforting Goddess figure warmly wrapped about me as well.
What a brilliant human the speaker is. Her description of her Goddess has now saved my life from being “reactionary” to closeted high functioning manipulative alcoholics. Thank you for giving me serious and awesome abilities to intellectually save my inner world and my self-worth and self esteem to deeply go inside of myself and be protected by a kind and compassionate visualized Goddess.
Personally, I don’t want to hold back my voice or rebuttals or arguments about my tremendous bias against live-chat sex rooms with local women because well, this is considered cheating and a great breach of standard rules to any exclusive heterosexual monogamous relationship.
The reason why live-chat sex rooms is cheating is because one must get naked and masturbate to real time and live interactive with sex workers who can literally and actually see you and look back at you and interact and talk to you while one tells the sex workers how beautiful they are and how horny the sex workers make one feel.
The Marshall High School
1994 Cross Country Male Captains
1994 Track & Field Male Captains
In 1994 I was a sophomore in High School
No, I didn’t ever personally run alone with any small or large group of men.
No, I didn’t ever personally run alone with anyone.
Yes, I was one of the worst runners in the state of Minnesota, however.
My private high school allowed for anybody to join any sport due to the high cost of tuition.
Yes, all I could ever do was barely run the one-mile to the Dairy Queen on Central Avenue in Duluth, MN and back to our high school’s front courtyard.
Yes, all I could ever do was barely run the one-mile over to Chester Bowl’s running trails and back again to the school’s courtyard. Please.
Yes, all I could ever do was barely run the one-mile over to anywhere in a one-mile direction of our high school and back to the school’s courtyard.
Yes, the only reason why I ever joined and participated in both Track & Field and Cross Country teams is because my after school private and secret best female girlfriends specifically in my class personally came to me each year and asked me to please join both running teams even though my best girlfriends and I always pretended not to know each during school hours or we didn’t ever even so much as looked at each other down the hallways still yet my best girlfriends all knew my only interest in life was to raid their parents’ refrigerators and do nothing after school except sit around their dining room tables and take in the domestic sights as I quietly and solo socialized with nonverbal body language and nonverbal cues amongst tons of young theatre people and people who came in-and-out of the dining rooms while I comfortably sat down and could always be found at the head of the dining room tables while snacking away and reading magazines and newspaper articles or reading rare books or reading out-of-print books while people came in-and-out of the multiple homes, abodes or mansions and no one thought twice about me sitting there like a permanent fixture because after school the households very well understood I am the trust worthy best friend Costa Rican adoptee from Park Point, Duluth, MN and we all secretly met up at Cass Lake Episcopal Camp in Bemidji, MN for further snacking and eventually we became camp counselors and no one in our class even knew we all went to camp together through eight years of canoeing, hiking, archery and Episcopal bible courses in Ojibwa without anyone at The Marshall High School knowing we all met up out in the woods and far away from school to be in communion and community together. Hahaha.
{The above sentence is also correctly grammatically written.} Yep.
Three Secret Best Female Class Mates
Red Hair
Blonde Hair
Brunet Hair
Through my parents ugly divorce and also through my best girlfriends’ parents openly and well known and well publicized affairs of teachers who illegally slept with our High School mates even though the teachers’ very own children were in my class still yet my best girlfriends and me, we, bare our teeth with grit and strength through the insanity of teacher/student statutory rape, parental separations and messy, ugly and mean divorces.
We dealt with mean, cruel, bossy and bullying 1980’s older siblings or we dealt with 1990’s entitled class mates or braggers, users and abusers and neglectors, dismissive exclusive bullies and closeted alcoholic class mates or dismissive chronically late snide remarked and sarcastic depressing downers, manipulators and liars.
We gracefully dealt with wealthy and mean female class bullies and still yet we ran four years of Track and Field and Cross Country no matter how ugly people got or no matter how ugly and manipulative people acted, we still ran on both running teams while my best female friends were some of the best runners at state while I was the worst runner in the state of Minnesota and not once and not ever did my best female friends talk to me about how much I stunk as a runner and not once and not ever did my best female girlfriends ever throw it in my face about how bad I ran.
My best female girlfriends all knew I was always homesick for Costa Rica and I wanted to speak in my mother tongue and I wanted papaya juice and I wanted coconut juice through the ordeal of my yuppie adopted parents’ divorce who screamed at each other day and night then eventually failed at their 16-year marriage and the lawyers took over and we lost our inheritance and my best female girlfriends knew I could barely keep up with any of my school lessons because in seventh grade I had impeccable enunciation of the English language, however, my comprehensive English level was at a fourth grade comprehensive reading level.
My best female girlfriends all knew I didn’t belong anywhere near a running track much less on any running team, however, as they explained to me:
“Gaby, we want you on the team because you’re calm. You’re ethereal while running is painful. We know you’ll be safe with us and we’ll be safe with you.” My girlfriends spoke to me in plain English so as not to get it wrong or not to get lost in translation.
“Yeah, but the coach hates me because I have no interest in running.” I said.
“Well, we need you more than the coach.” My girlfriends said.
“Okay, except I get to collect wild flowers and I get to eat snacks.” I said.
“Okay.” My girlfriends agreed.
We warmly stared at each other for a while longer than necessary as we always did look on in those days to reassure each other we understood each other perfectly well while the English language hadn’t made matters worse between us rather more manageable and more agreeable and well understood was conveyed I was to run on both running teams no matter who or what hated my guts for being a slow runner because my best female girlfriends and me were there to see each other through our parents’ devastating divorces, public humiliation and openly and public familial failures.
“Gaby, all that’s required of you is to show up to each weekday practice. We don’t have to interact. You must be on both running teams while we all get through our parents’ divorces. We know you hate to run therefore as the best runners on the team we’ll shield you from prejudice as the worse runner on the team while you get a break and kick back and relax among us and daydream about Costa Rican food and we get you out and away from your screaming household.” My girlfriends conveyed to a more or less effect.
“Okay, I’ll relax on the trails and cheer you on or hang out and do the bare minimum while all three of you medal and win state.” I said.
We hugged.
No one at our High School knew we were watching our families fall apart while we did our very best to run and participate in after school sports while our parents tore each other apart and my best girlfriends held high marks and prepared themselves to apply to Ivy League schools while I could barely draw a stick figure or follow along in the daily prayer book or hardly completed hundreds of mathematical problems for homework.
No one knew my struggle to keep up with the English language and my studies except my best female girlfriends who all thankfully cut me slack and understood I was isolated in my own internal hell of fractured and broken English at best.
No one knew I was a great and excellent ice speedskater and won state about three or four times in a row and qualified to compete at nationals twice and placed eight in nationals behind one/one-hundredth of a second.
When I was on the track or on the running trails I could barely and hardly ever carry my butter ball frame with large breasts across a one mile jaunt.
Personally, I ran only because I was asked to run.
“Gaby, you’re not a pervert. You’re innocent therefore we want your presence on the team because you’re innocent like a kid who doesn’t listen to gossip or doesn’t care about rank and you question the ethics of authority plus you recycle plastics, aluminum and paper.” Wink.
I winked back.
Yours Truly;
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish
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A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Dress Etiquette.
Chapter 26.
Page ?
For breakfasting in public or at the house
The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.
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Upload: 6:46pm CT
Word Count: 1,703
Word Count Goal for the week: 3,000
Word Count Goal: 1,000
--- --- ---
Hi. Hello.
Happy Wednesday!
Bernie Sanders all the way!
Bernie Sanders has my vote.
Ilhan Omar isn’t to be trusted because any anti-Semitic speech is any anti-Semitic speech.
Impeach Donald Trump.
--- --- ---
Ladies First
Ladies go first.
Growing Up
Mature Adulthood
Aren’t the same thing
Growing up is following “the rules”
Through constant reminders
Not to be rude,
Or not to be unprofessional,
Or not to be a “brown-noser”
Or not to be a sycophant
Or not to be a flirt
Or not to be a cheater
Or not to be a liar
Or not to be an attention grabber
Or not to be a manipulator
Or not to be a bragger
Or not to be vain
Mature Adulthood is consistently following the rules
Without ever having to be told
Or reminded
To be appropriate and proper
And don’t ever manipulate
Or don’t ever lie
Or don’t ever purposely exclude
One’s Significant Other
Ah, yeah.
“Generation X” is the generation for which silently changed the world behind-the-scenes.
“Generation X” hasn’t ever bragged to anyone much less asked for accolades or grabbed away negative attention from others or did anything to be noticed by anyone else much less did anything to be noticed by our parents’ baby boomer generation since Generation X carries out mature adulthood responsibilities to the best of our abilities with very little guidance or parental financial assistance since our parents last paid our annual income taxes in the year of 2000.
“Generation X” is the generation for which our parents are baby boomers still yet the baby boomers’ men and the Generation X’s women do seek out each other’s company for romance and serious exclusive heterosexual monogamous relationships.
“Generation X” is the generation for which at the ripe and tender age of 23 (2000) we were sat down, directly told and informed by baby boomer women’s definitions and standards we were literally “old” and no matter whatever we did or whatever happened to us from there on out we would not ever again be young.
“Generation X” is the generation for which at the age of 23 the women fell deeply in love with baby boomers’ men therefore Generation X stays as far away from baby boomers because ultimately baby boomers represent our parents’ generation which the baby boomer is a generation full and filled with narcissists, self-loathers, loneliness, bitterness and selfishness and self-centered misbehaviors and much mental illness.
“Generation X” is the generation for which we do anything possible in our power to stay under the radar or to stay out of our parents’ way or stay clear of our parents’ attention all completely before we get dominated, oppressed or manipulated or lied to.
“Generation X” is the generation for which we do our very best to directly communicate with other more understanding and childless baby boomers who don’t judge some of the youngest of “Generation X” for which all we ever wanted was to be acknowledged and unconditionally loved by our baby boomer parents who don’t see us and didn’t truly ever really love us except with ultimatums or strings attached or bribes or threats or brutality or punishment.
“Generation X” is the generation for which sought out the advice of the childless baby boomer counterparts to our parents because we know our parents hate us while our parents childless baby boomer peers love us.
“Generation X” is the generation for which did chores, cleaned the house, made dinner, grocery shopped, made breakfast, dressed and fed younger siblings, made lunches, did laundry and diligently attended daily sports practices and correctly completed our homework lessons and single handedly got ourselves accepted into private colleges and state universities all the while we were teenagers our baby boomer parents were in their early forties and got divorced by the droves and emotionally fell apart as they climbed the yuppie ladder of success then complained Generation X didn’t amount to anything when in actuality and in reality Generation X hasn’t ever asked our baby boomer parents for a single cent within the last twenty years.
Generation X is Awesome
“Generation X” is the generation for which made volunteer-work safe, fun and creatively intellectual through “positive conflict resolution” and “fair play.”
“Generation X” is the generation for which volunteered our time to officially structured after school activities and “just causes” and donated our ‘piggy bank’ coins and monies to children as far away as Africa and South America.
“Generation X” is the generation of “tough love” and direct speech in communications.
“Generation X” will bluntly point out when another is personally or directly rude, crass or lewd to another especially to anyone in our peer group.
“Generation X” is the generation for which early on believed to purchase and buy relatively expensive lotions labeled “animal friendly.”
“Generation X” is the generation for which the women are considered “naturally beautiful” and our generation hasn’t ever been expected to either wear makeup or shave our armpits or legs and we’re a super alternative/preppy generation.
“Generation X” is the generation for which went to the first gulf war in 1990 as seniors in High School. We know about veterans and we know about wars.
“Generation X” is the generation for which we saw our friends’ parents pass away from AIDS as early as the eighth grade in 1992.
“Generation X” is the generation for which directly volunteered with AIDS babies born to AIDS parents.
“Generation X” is the generation for which our friends’ dying parents (AIDS, cancer) allowed and granted permission and granted access for friends such as myself to innocently sit-in as witness of the bedsides to our friends’ dying parents to listen to the “last rights read” and prayers said. Thank you. What a tremendous honor.
“Generation X” is the generation for which as early as Junior High we knew about or directly witnessed our friends’ friends get beat up for being homosexuals and/or Generation X’s heterosexual men chose and decided to wear “punk rock” alternative lifestyle long skirts with “grunge” flannels to school and work as early as eighth graders in 1992.
“Generation X” is the generation for which went ahead and changed the face and topography of musical genres and turned music upside down and spun culture on its head and changed the power paradigm and power dynamics of culture vs. corporations.
“Generation X” is the generation for which gave middle income earning families an equal voice to that of corporations.
“Generation X” gave middle income earning families of suburbanites the right to have a voice at the mega malls, pedestrian malls and any other shopping center in America with record shops, comic book shops and video game shops and virtual reality shops and artificial intelligence shops.
“Generation X” is the generation for which gave several alternative lifestyles a resurgence in surfing and snowboarding and skateboarding for which became an unimaginable mainstream voice in the corporate structure because Generation X is now inching our way towards our fifties and sixties and we’re still surfing, skateboarding and snowboarding no matter how many times we’re told to retire our boards.
“Generation X” took over the broadcast airwaves and brought music videos and musical landscapes to our living rooms everywhere.
“Generation X” didn’t grow up in the 1980’s. No.
“Generation X” didn’t grow up in the 1980’s because we’re not baby boomers.
“Generation X” grew up throughout the entire decade of the 1990’s-2000-2010.
“Generation X” is extremely “preppy” from the post 1980’s economic boom and “latch key kids” to the transition into “grunge punk” from our new creation between Republican ideals and musical alternative lifestyles to well developed musical and artistic talents better than “good enough” to be able to stand in front of any judgmental public.
“Generation X” is a dichotomy.
“Generation X” is complex and beautiful.
“Generation X” is the generation for which our parents informed us we would move out the day we graduated high school and to not ever again ask for any monetary help from our baby boomer parents even if we were starved and near death.
“Generation X” is the generation for which mostly served and volunteered quietly behind-the-scenes to sign grass roots’ petitions or to change the world one signature at a time or change the world with one walk-out at a time or change the world with one sit-out at a time and or to change the world with one grass roots activist’s voice at a time or to change the world one grass roots advocacy for literacy, or to change the world by placing research money into AIDS research or cancer research or we changed the world with the start and beginning of recycling in 1990 and developed friendly plastics 2010.
Well, I’ve needed an attitude adjustment for the past 20 years except my brain’s wired for Generation X’s vocabulary which is boorish, harsh, blunt, direct and full of great swearing alliteration which makes sense in context and in content.
Now, I’m totally Generation X’s English as a Second Language.
Now, I’m totally Generation X’s English as a Second Language mature human adult without mentioning gender or age or skin color.
Now, I’m totally Generation X’s English as a Second Language mature human adult who doesn’t ever have to be reminded of appropriate behavior.
Now, I’m totally Generation X’s English as a Second Language mature human adult who knows how to properly and appropriately conduct myself at all times.
Now, I have much in common with Generation X as in this much:
Generation X is the generation for which the “The Vagina Monologues” were written.
Generation X’s women are staunch feminists and great believers of advanced education and free tuition and democratic, republic and socialist ideas about governing and government.
“Generation X” is the generation for which petitioned for GLBTA rights and the passing of same-sex marriage, 2010.
“Generation X” is the generation for which brought up the Millennials who are now thirty-five and younger (23) and dying at a faster rate than ever due to depression, high cost of medical bill debt and a deep sense of loneliness.
Yours Truly;
Monday, November 11, 2019
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish
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A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Dress Etiquette.
Chapter 26.
Page ?
For breakfasting in public or at the house
The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.
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Upload: 12:12pm CT
Word Count: 1,107
Word Count Goal for the week: 3,000
Word Count Goal: 1,000
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Hi. Hello.
Happy Monday!
Bernie Sanders all the way!
Bernie Sanders has my vote.
Ilhan Omar isn’t to be trusted.
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Reason This Blog Exists:
The reason as for why this blog exists without advertisers is so that I may write openly as I best see fit from my intelligent literary bias point of view to get a well written record down on paper about modern life since this is an official record of history in cyberspace and time continuum.
In other words: This blog exists for me to express modern concerns about injustices, prejudice and oppressive and bullying manipulations without anyone “breathing down my neck.”
In other words: This blog exists because I’m already 42, and half of my life span is nearly over since Indigenous life expectancy is only 68.
The other reason as for why this blog exists is mainly for my safety so that I may show up here and have a head-count each and every week.
The other reason as for why this blog exists without advertisers is so that I may write openly and talk about the difficulties, complexities and awesome aspects to mature adult life so as others may acknowledge they aren’t alone.
An entire team of volunteer broadcast engineers and an attorney on retainer are right here with me until the year 2030. Thank you.
Yes, psychologists have told me nothing’s wrong with my brains.
Simply, I need an attitude adjustment. Ok.
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Girlfriend is treated with Ut-Most Respect By the Community at Large:
Gold Diggers vs.
Non Gold Diggers:
Why is nearly any Saint Paul, MN stranger woman a gold digger?
Non Gold Digger
The reason why I’m here is because I’m not a gold digger and it’s obvious I’m not a gold digger.
The reason why I’m here is because I can say “no.”
Look; I was specifically chosen and asked to be here.
Yes, I was chosen over thousands of women from Greece, Minnesota, New York City and the United States and Britain. I was handpicked.
Yes, I was carefully chosen to be here because I’m no sycophant.
Yes, I was chosen to be here because I don’t go along with any stupid idea.
Yes, I was chosen to be here because I do rebuttal stupidity and lies.
Saint Paul, MN women are Gold Diggers
Why are nearly any female waitresses or female hostesses or female counter-workers or female managers’ gold diggers?
Why are Saint Paul, MN female public patrons gold diggers?
Why do stranger women use their looks and vaginas to gold dig?
Have most women in Saint Paul, MN lost their brains?
Do most women in Saint Paul, MN have brain tumors?
I miss Minneapolis, MN women
Women in Minneapolis, MN don’t walk around with their cervix hanging out of the outside of their vaginas showing off to the entire world the mere fact they are born and have vaginas. No.
Minneapolis, MN women keep to themselves and are real modern cool women.
Minneapolis, MN women don’t jump right into couple’s private conversations about how the couple discusses to make margaritas for dinner while standing at the grocery store line passing the time together as a couple and rudely Saint Paul, MN women want to smile real large and jump right into the couple’s conversation and talk about margaritas.
Who invited you into a private couple’s conversation? Nobody.
Mostly Saint Paul, MN women tend to have holes in their brains and act and come across like over sexualized alcoholics and over sexualized drug users or pathetic.
Why do stranger women try to devour my boyfriend as though my boyfriend’s a brownie?
My boyfriend’s a man and not a piece of food or an object to be killed off.
Yes, mostly Saint Paul, MN women or female waitresses or female hostesses or female patrons or female managers literally throw themselves at my boyfriend while my boyfriend feels uncomfortable since he doesn’t speak up for himself and since he doesn’t go out of his way to choose to stare at any women because women blatantly stare at my boyfriend to make sexual advances at him while he mainly feels used, abused and gross by the overt sexual advances of patron women in public.
My boyfriend must grown up and learn to look away otherwise stranger women want to vampire him to death with their wet vagina stares.
How do you like them apples?
My Boyfriend Complains
About the over sexual misbehaviors
Of stranger women in public
And how he constantly
Feels objectified
My boyfriend complains about
How Stranger women are pigs.
Women are also chauvinists
My boyfriend complains about how nearly anywhere we go women are constantly rating his looks between “zeros through ten” thus and therefore my boyfriend goes around rating women’s looks to put them in their place.
Yes, I tell my boyfriend to stop rating other women’s look and to look away and ignore women who blatantly stare at him and make him into a piece of meat.
My boyfriend has explained he constantly feels like a piece of meat while out in public therefore my boyfriend does a “beauty test” on stranger women to protect himself from being eaten alive by vampire stranger women who smell bad like grease or body odor and look pathetically needy ready to grab at money.
Al-Anon has returned my
Freedom and Power
To listen to other
Family and Friends
Of Alcoholics
Talk about how they cope
With their alcoholics
On a weekly basis
Lutheran Church has returned my
Dignity and Integrity
To listen to other
Religious women-folk
Talk about how they positively communicate
With their sober boyfriends and husbands
On a weekly basis
Since I live with thyroid tumors of the throat then no amount of money can take away my tumors.
Personally, I’m not after money.
Personally, I’ve been informed I’m the only person who can shrink away my thyroid tumors of the throat through medicinal foods and through positive thinking and positive attitude. Ok, except I’m a grumpy writer.
Mainly all I’ve ever looked for in people is their kindness, intelligence and smarts since most Americans seem to be the type of people who are constantly looking to see what they can get from other people for free even if it means spiritually derailing other people for the purpose to self-gain.
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1994 Cross Country Captains
1994 Track and Field Captains
The Marshall High School
Yours Truly;