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Monday, November 30, 2015


“The hardest work in the world is doing nothing.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Couch (to put into words, express, phrase)


The student had the ability to couch his letter in polite terms.


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A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


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Upload: 8:10 P.M. CT


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Corrections were made.


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            Paris, France.

            Our beloved Earth.


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We ate “McDonald’s” Breakfast Burritos from June 2015 through November 2015


            Yes, after five (5) months of tasty McDonald’s breakfast burritos we’ve gone back to homemade “Fair Trade” non-GMO foods and meals since some of McDonald’s artificial preservatives in the meats (sausage and ham) are unsettling to my bottom gum line and it smelled of terrible manure most of the time if not “all” of the time for five (5) straight months.


            Yes, if/when McDonald’s would/will switch over to and invest in the future of non-artificial preservative meats and “Fair Trade” and cage-free and non-GMO eggs and foods then I might become a lifelong customer (client) of McDonald’s since my proven sane brain development is now fully formed and complete and I don’t have to closely watch my nutritional intake since food and cholesterol have absolutely nothing to do with each other as of factual modern science (2014.)


            Yes, food and cholesterol have absolutely nothing to do with each other. Yes. Correct.


            High cholesterol has absolutely nothing to do with daily nutritional intake. Absolutely not.




            Yes, I’ve begun to add “iodized” salt to my daily nutritional intake of food since I don’t get enough “iodized” salt in my daily nutritional intake.


            Yes, at this point the mere thought of fast food almost makes me ill.


            No, I’m not able to eat our favorite weekend fast food cheeseburgers which are well made from “Dairy Queen.”


            The mere thought of fast food makes me physically sick. I hit my glass ceiling with fast food.




            Yes, from the age of 10 (1987) through 38 years of life (May 2015) (27.5 years, until five months ago) I’ve lived on “Fair Trade” non-GMO “organic” food.


            Yes, I refuse to eat any “organic” produce for example vegetables or fruits or “raw foods” ever since our extensive research discovered (August 2010) there’re are ten (10) pesticides in the soil of organically grown fruits and vegetables which practically means “organic” fruits and vegetables are “injected” with ten (10) types of pesticides than “average” “non-organic” fruits and vegetables which pesticides are only sprayed-on “average” fruits and vegetables and not grown-into the fruits and vegetables.


            “Organic” fruits and vegetables turn my stomach as much as the mere thought of fast food does.


            The very thought of organic fruits and vegetables makes me as ill as fast food does. Yes. Correct.


            The lesser of two evils.




            Is “Chipotle” having difficulties with E.Coli outbreaks since “Chipotle” went non-artificial preservatives?


            Will the fast food industry be able to “keep up” with modern society at large? Most likely they’ll have to.


            The question is this: how does one preserve non-artificial preserved foods?


            We want high quality and quick and easy and cheap vegan fast food at cost value. Thank you very much.


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Trapped Water-Lotion in Ear Canal from Friday, November 13, 2015 through Friday, November 20, 2015


            Yes, for one (1) entire week I lived with a mixture of water and lotion trapped in my left ear canal. Yes. Correct.


            Yes, for an entire week I did shake my head like swimmers do and constantly I cleared out my ear with Q-tips and nothing much happened since the water was filled with oils from the lotion.


            Finally, on the night of Friday, November 20, 2015 ever so carefully and gingerly I inserted a thin rolled up piece of dry toilet paper into my ear canal without injuring or popping my eardrum whatsoever.


            Yes, I’m glad to say I accomplished my goal to remove the combination of water-lotion from my ear canal since the trapped liquid substance begun to ever so slightly hurt and give me an ear ache.


            Please, be careful with little babies and children.


            If I hadn’t been ever as smart and kind and intelligent as to figure out what happened to me then I might have panicked.


            My center of gravity was off for an entire week.


            Equilibrium has mostly “anything” to do with ear safety.


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“Subway’s” Cranberry and Turkey Sandwich minus the onions


            Oh, how I adore onions! Yes.


            However, as of late (November 2015) my stomach and breath (bottom gum line) aren’t able to handle the strength of any type of onions thus as of last week I’ve begun to skip the onions.


            Yes, “Subway’s” cranberry and turkey sandwich is delicious plus the ladies at our local downtown “Subway” shop place the cranberry sauce on top of the turkey instead of on top of the bread slices otherwise the bread becomes rapidly and easily soggy. Thank you, local downtown “Subway” shop ladies!


            Yes, I’ve begun to skip any type of lettuce or spinach otherwise my “Subway” cranberry and turkey sandwiches immediately become soggy. I’m keeping the tomatoes.


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“Holiday Lights” after Thanksgiving Day through January 2nd of each year


            Yes, we hang up “holiday” lights from November 29th (Thanksgiving weekend, after Thanksgiving Day) through January 2nd of each year so as not to annoy any of our neighbors who may not celebrate “Christmas.” Yes. Correct. Let’s keep it Kosher.


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Yes from Thursday, November 19, 2015 through Wednesday, November 25, 2015 I went through 3-terribly Designed Toothbrushes


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Yes, our Backbreaking Cheaply Designed Vacuum was Returned last Week


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Cyber Monday 2015


            Today we celebrated “Cyber Monday” 2015 by purchasing two pairs of Eric’s favorite knit gloves “in a wool blend with a fleece lining” (H&M Official website description.)


            However, the pair of knit gloves for $5.99 each doesn’t say, “Thinsulate” anywhere on them as they did as of this calendar year (Christmas 2014) and I’m slightly worried (somewhat, not literally) the knit gloves won’t be as warm as they’ve been in previous years. We’ll see.


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Small Business Saturday 2015


            We celebrated “Small Business Saturday” 2015 by eating at “Good Earth” restaurant in Roseville, Minnesota with my side of our family.


            We’ve fulfilled seeing my side of our family (Eric’s In-Laws) Thanksgiving week 2014, May 2015, August 2015 and Thanksgiving weekend 2015.


            Eric’s seen my side of our family twice (2-times) in one (1) year.


            At “Good Earth” I ordered “Joe’s Eggs” and my food was well prepared and not once did I get sick to my stomach when I arrived home. Thank you, “Good Earth!”


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No, neither is “Black Lives Matter” Legal nor Constructive


            All Lives Matter.


            Yes, it’s illegal to hold-up traffic and to set-up unhygienic “living” quarters or encampments in the middle of municipal streets without any type of demonstration permits.


            Yes, it’s illegal to take away the rights of other taxpayers by destroying or defacing taxpayers’ police precincts. Yes. Correct.


            Taxpayers’ pay for police precinct buildings. Yes. Correct.


            “Black Lives Matter” is any destructive and fraudulent and misguided and misleading false disorganization hidden under the “cloak and dagger” of violence and criminal acts such as the NFL’s under the table prostitution of 13 year olds.


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Yes, Private American Citizens and Civilians may openly State on “Social Media” Logical and Reasonable Bias Opinions about Celebrities and Public Figures and “Anybody” who as much as dares make any Income off of the Public’s back


            Yes. Correct.


            “Mass Media” is a totally different definition than “Social Media.” Yes. Correct.


            Private American citizens and civilians may openly state their logical and within reason bias opinions over “social media.” Yes. Correct. (No hatred speech such as “Kill all…”)


            However, only “working professional experts” (expert witnesses who may take any Oath on any stand before any judge and/or jury) may openly state heavily outweighed thoughtful bias negative opinions over “mass media.” Yes. Correct.




            Especially when any “working professional expert” doesn’t make any income off of the public’s back then “expertly” private citizen and civilian constructive carte blanche no matter how negative in tone. Yes. Correct.


            Although, as biting as “working professional expert” private citizen and civilian constructive carte blanche criticism may come across as negative criticism because it is then “working professional expert” private citizen and civilian negative constructive criticism carte blanche must develop civilization further for the betterment of the overall “greater good” to expand civilization towards more constructive realizations and less self-loathing portrayals, reflections and lies. Yes. Correct.


            Yes, “working professional expert” private citizen and civilian constructive carte blanche negative criticism can bite real hard.


            Regardless of how “working professional expert” private citizen and civilian constructive carte blanche negative criticism is done for the “greater good” then carte blanche “working professional expert” private citizen and civilian logical and reasonable bias opinions stand on their own no matter how “mean” one might consider one’s writing “alter ego.”  Yes. Correct.




            Celebrities and public figures must grow thick skin otherwise…“the higher the pedestal then the harder the fall.”


            No, I don’t have to write “positive constructive criticism” ever again if I don’t want to since I already wrote 20-page papers of “constructive critique” once per night for 4 years.


            How many 20-page papers is it per each night for 4 years?


            A lot of constructive critiques. I already fulfilled my academic quota.


            Although I must make good on my “working professional expert” private citizen and civilian writing quota to show the public how constructive criticism is really done by experts. Yes Correct.


            It takes time and skill and delicacy to turn any ship around.


            No, I’m no longer a student.


            Yes, I’m a “working professional expert” private citizen and civilian writer who doesn’t make one single penny off of the public’s back.


            Get way back.


            Back to one. (Back to the beginning.)


            Back to the starting line.


            Don’t give me such an ugly look.


            Moving on.


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Since Friday, November 20, 2015 at 11 A.M. our Neighbors 2-Doors down to our left Refuse to pick-up one Child’s Red Sweater off of their Verge


            It’s been exactly 10 days (ten) since our Caucasian neighbors’ 2-doors down to our left refuse to pick-up one (1) small size children’s red sweater (correction) which at first came to Eric’s attention about two weeks (2) ago when Eric noticed the red sweater hanging from a tree branch in our neighbors’ front “verge” tree.


            Eric thinks the reason for why neither of the husband nor wife are willing to pick-up the garbage or litter sitting in their front yard or “verge” is because neither is willing to volunteer to take care of their outdoor property garbage chores and such any relationship breakdown in communication is any real power struggle between the Caucasian evangelical “wanna-be” bible-study married couple who seems to struggle between each other for who is to ‘draw straws’ and pick-up either of the garbage and/or litter in their front yard owned property or their verge.


            “Cleanliness is close to godliness.”


            Our Caucasian and evangelical “wanna-be” bible-study married couple neighbors’ two doors down on our left refuse to pick-up any litter and garbage leftover in the middle of their front yard legally owned property. I don’t know what else to write about this subject matter. Nothing I guess.




            The continual Minnesota litter and garbage story is the same old litter story of three years and three months (3.3) of living in this suburban neighborhood as it was the same old garbage story in Uptown for six long years (6.)


            Why don’t adults and children in Minnesota pick up the garbage or littler right in front of their faces and under their noses?


            Why do adults and children in Minnesota like to live on top of garbage or littler?


            A true contradiction for what our neighbors impose as a fake portrayal of what our bible-study neighbors want to be perceived as. Hypocrisy.


            The only demographics smart and kind and intelligent enough to be strong enough to physically pick-up litter or garbage for which I’ve ever witnessed with my own two eyeballs is indeed young black men ever since August of 2012. Yes. Correct.


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(Question Mark)






















            Yours Truly;




Word Count Goal: 1,950


Word Count: 2,005


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 2,005


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:



*)         Day #1 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable entertainment without commercials.


*)         Day #6 without disciplining neighborhood children. One-year vow of silence. I owe it to myself. I love it.


*)         Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #225 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #646 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #78 without a cigarette: I like it.


*)         Day #77 without yells or screams or shrieks at Eric. I love it. It’s good. My ‘fake’ pregnancy-hormones are finally under control after 11 weeks on one specific prescribed Anti-depressant pill. (We’ve been dealing with ‘fake’ pregnancy hormones 5 out of 9 years of our relationship as a couple who lives under the same roof. I broke my 21 day streak about a social rule about any type of addictions such as blasting the stereo or tobacco or cigars or foods or to relatively small and irritating rude social misbehaviors like disciplining smart and misguided and enraged neighborhood hungry or thirsty children whose parents don’t seem to love them and ignore their children’s insecure and lonesome cries for attention of any type be it positive or negative. The misbehaved children loudly shrill or shriek or scream or yell in their backyards and throughout the neighborhood like ghostly Banshees who begin to wail before someone is about to die (Wikipedia.) Creepy children. Still yet modern children who wave at perfect strangers are even creepier because such children are naïve as to the dangers of the adult world. I miss the ultimately civilized children of Boston who are quiet and mature because they understand the world belongs to voters and taxpayers and mostly smelly adults and not only to the wealthy or privileged.


*)         Week #3 without stress: We owe it to ourselves. I love it.


*)         Week #59 work on 245 cholesterol as of June 2015. I love vegan food.


*)         Month #16 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty (24”) natural inch high waist without a corset. Yes!


*)         Week #19 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #6 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #11 on Anti-depressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 10 MG” To my personal chemistry and brains and mind this one single daily pill is exactly like three continuous cocktails “pumped” directly into my bloodstream 24/7. However, I’m not supposed to write about it thus I won’t. No, I don’t skip one single dosage. I’m addicted exactly as when any baby is addicted to sugar candy.


Friday, November 27, 2015


“What is the proper time to eat? If rich, when you will; if poor when you can.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Concurred (agreed, consented)


The members of the jury concurred with the foreman’s opinion.


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A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


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Happy Thanksgiving Weekend

No Blog



            Yours Truly;




Word Count Goal: 1,000 (private journals) Happy Holidays!


Word Count: (private journals)


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 5,450


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:



*)         Day #1 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable entertainment.


*)         Day #3 without disciplining neighborhood children. One-year vow of silence. I owe it to myself. I love it.


*)         Day #54 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #222 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #643 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #75 without a cigarette: I like it.


*)         Day #74 without yells or screams or shrieks at Eric. I love it. It’s good. My ‘fake’ pregnancy-hormones are finally under control after 8 weeks on one specific prescribed Anti-depressant pill. (We’ve been dealing with ‘fake’ pregnancy hormones 5 out of 9 years of our relationship as a couple who lives under the same roof. I broke my 21 day streak about a social rule about any type of addictions such as blasting the stereo or tobacco or cigars or foods or to relatively small and irritating rude social misbehaviors like disciplining smart and misguided and enraged neighborhood hungry or thirsty children whose parents don’t seem to love them and ignore their children’s insecure and lonesome cries for attention of any type be it positive or negative. The misbehaved children loudly shrill or shriek or scream or yell in their backyards and throughout the neighborhood like ghostly Banshees who begin to wail before someone is about to die (Wikipedia.) Creepy children. Still yet modern children who wave at perfect strangers are even creepier because such children are naïve as to the dangers of the adult world. I miss the ultimately civilized children of Boston who are quiet and mature because they understand the world belongs to voters and taxpayers and mostly smelly adults and not only to the wealthy or privileged.


*)         Week #2 without stress: We owe it to ourselves. I love it.


*)         Week #58 work on 245 cholesterol as of June 2015. I love vegan food.


*)         Month #16 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty (24”) natural inch high waist without a corset. Yes!


*)         Week #18 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #5 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #10 on Anti-depressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 10 MG” To my personal chemistry and brains and mind this one single daily pill is exactly like three continuous cocktails “pumped” directly into my bloodstream 24/7. However, I’m not supposed to write about it thus I won’t. No, I don’t skip one single dosage. I’m addicted exactly as when any baby is addicted to sugar candy.


Thursday, November 26, 2015


“A man can forget absolutely everything---except to eat.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Subversive (undermining, overthrowing, corrupting)


The FBI devotes particular attention to groups that seem subversive.


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A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---






Happy Holidays!

Happy Thanksgiving 2015

No Blog



            Yours Truly;




Word Count Goal: 1,000 (private journals) Happy Holidays!


Word Count: (private journals)


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 5,450


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:



*)         Day #1 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable entertainment.


*)         Day #2 without disciplining neighborhood children. One-year vow of silence. I owe it to myself. I love it.


*)         Day #53 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #221 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #642 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #74 without a cigarette: I like it.


*)         Day #73 without yells or screams or shrieks at Eric. I love it. It’s good. My ‘fake’ pregnancy-hormones are finally under control after 8 weeks on one specific prescribed Anti-depressant pill. (We’ve been dealing with ‘fake’ pregnancy hormones 5 out of 9 years of our relationship as a couple who lives under the same roof. I broke my 21 day streak about a social rule about any type of addictions such as blasting the stereo or tobacco or cigars or foods or to relatively small and irritating rude social misbehaviors like disciplining smart and misguided and enraged neighborhood hungry or thirsty children whose parents don’t seem to love them and ignore their children’s insecure and lonesome cries for attention of any type be it positive or negative. The misbehaved children loudly shrill or shriek or scream or yell in their backyards and throughout the neighborhood like ghostly Banshees who begin to wail before someone is about to die (Wikipedia.) Creepy children. Still yet modern children who wave at perfect strangers are even creepier because such children are naïve as to the dangers of the adult world. I miss the ultimately civilized children of Boston who are quiet and mature because they understand the world belongs to voters and taxpayers and mostly smelly adults and not only to the wealthy or privileged.


*)         Week #2 without stress: We owe it to ourselves. I love it.


*)         Week #58 work on 245 cholesterol as of June 2015. I love vegan food.


*)         Month #16 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty (24”) natural inch high waist without a corset. Yes!


*)         Week #18 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #5 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #10 on Anti-depressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 10 MG” To my personal chemistry and brains and mind this one single daily pill is exactly like three continuous cocktails “pumped” directly into my bloodstream 24/7. However, I’m not supposed to write about it thus I won’t. No, I don’t skip one single dosage. I’m addicted exactly as when any baby is addicted to sugar candy.


Wednesday, November 25, 2015


“How just is our Lord: The rich He gives food---and the poor He gives appetite.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Epigram (a short, pithy, witty expression)


The epigram at the beginning of the story is appropriate.


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A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.






Chapter 6.

Page 79


The foregoing rules are not simply intended as good advice. They are strict laws of etiquette, to violate any one of which justly subjects a person to the imputation (citation) of being ill-bred. But they should not be studied as mere arbitrary rules. The heart should be cultivated in the right manner until the acts of the individual spontaneously flow in the right channels.


A recent writer remarks on this subject: “Conversation is a reflex of character. The pretentious, the illiterate, the impatient, the curious (nosy), will as inevitably (certainly) betray their idiosyncrasies (habit) as the modest, the even-tempered, and the generous. Strive as we may, we cannot always be acting. Let us therefore, cultivate a tone of mind and a habit of life the betrayal of which need not put us to shame in the company of the pure and wise; and the rest will be easy. If we make ourselves worthy of refined and intelligent society, we shall not be rejected from it; and in such society we shall acquire by example all that we have failed to learn from precept (teaching, principle, rule, guideline, instruction, law.)


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


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Upload: 4:43 P.M. CT


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At All Times Neighborhoods Must Maintain Quiet


            When one wishes to practice noisy skateboarding tricks then one must go to a designated public skateboard park since neighborhoods aren’t public recreational parks. No.


            When one wishes to practice noisy basketball moves then one must go to a designated public basketball court since neighborhoods aren’t public recreational parks. No.


            Neighborhoods must maintain mostly absolute quiet (calm, silence) at all times unless there’re serious emergencies otherwise be calm down.


            What part of be quiet doesn’t one understand?


---  ---  ---


Yes, whatever garbage or litter is right outside and in front of one’s property on the sidewalks or on the “verge”  then litter must be picked up and thrown away into the proper garbage/recycling dispensers by the property owners and/or renters


            It’s the law to pick up any garbage or litter right outside and in front of one’s sidewalk and “verge” out front of one’s front yard and property whether it be property owners or renters. Yes. Correct.




            Why it is “Section 9” neighbors and/or neighbors who collect taxpayers’ government assistance don’t much make any effort, if, any at all to pick up any of their litter or garbage in their front yards and sidewalks and “verges?”


            Why collect taxpayers’ government assistance or food subsidies when one’s not about to contribute to any of the basic legal civic duties as to keep one’s yard and front sidewalks and “verges” free from litter or thrown away clothes or toys or, cigarette butts or cigarette wrappers or cigar wrappers or candy wrappers or, or, or…




            To allow for garbage or littler to sit right outside of one’s sidewalks and verges for more than three (3) days is either “mentally unstable,” or “mentally ill (lazy,),” or “mentally disturbed,” or “mentally ineffective,” or “mentally insufficient,” or “mentally defective,” or “mentally retarded” or “mentally unstable.” Yes. Correct.


            Mentally healthy mature adults and mature modern parents pick up the litter and/or garbage right outside and in front of their sidewalks and “verges” because by law one must take care of the sidewalks and the “verges” right in front of one’s front yards. Yes. Correct. It’s a legal law.


            Otherwise, the ghetto slowly creeps in as school-age children and working adults get squeezed out by literal garbage and litter.


            Tidy up and keep one’s front sidewalks and “verges” clean. I’m not asking, I’m telling private American citizens and civilians to do their basic civic legal duty and do it well. Yes. Correct.


---  ---  ---


Correction on “Blue Collar”/“Working Class” annual income


Annual Salary for “Blue Collar”/“Working Class” 2015


            On average the annual salary for 2015 American “Blue Collar”/“Working Class” per household of four (4) is fifty-four thousand dollars ($54,000.) Yes. Correction. Yes. Correct.


            The average annual median income for Twin Cities’ per household of four (4) is thirty-eight thousand dollars ($38,000) (2013, 2014.)


---  ---  ---



(Question Mark)



























            Yours Truly;




Word Count Goal: 1,000


Word Count: 491


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 3,000 publically


This Week’s Total Word Count: 3,450


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:



*)         Day #1 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable entertainment.


*)         Day #1 without disciplining neighborhood children. One-year vow of silence. I owe it to myself. I love it.


*)         Day #52 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #220 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #641 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #73 without a cigarette: I like it.


*)         Day #72 without yells or screams or shrieks at Eric. I love it. It’s good. My ‘fake’ pregnancy-hormones are finally under control after 8 weeks on one specific prescribed Anti-depressant pill. (We’ve been dealing with ‘fake’ pregnancy hormones 5 out of 9 years of our relationship as a couple who lives under the same roof. I broke my 21 day streak about a social rule about any type of addictions such as blasting the stereo or tobacco or cigars or foods or to relatively small and irritating rude social misbehaviors like disciplining smart and misguided and enraged neighborhood hungry or thirsty children whose parents don’t seem to love them and ignore their children’s insecure and lonesome cries for attention of any type be it positive or negative. The misbehaved children loudly shrill or shriek or scream or yell in their backyards and throughout the neighborhood like ghostly Banshees who begin to wail before someone is about to die (Wikipedia.) Creepy children. Still yet modern children who wave at perfect strangers are even creepier because such children are naïve as to the dangers of the adult world. I miss the ultimately civilized children of Boston who are quiet and mature because they understand the world belongs to voters and taxpayers and mostly smelly adults and not only to the wealthy or privileged.


*)         Week #2 without stress: We owe it to ourselves. I love it.


*)         Week #58 work on 245 cholesterol as of June 2015. I love vegan food.


*)         Month #16 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty (24”) natural inch high waist without a corset. Yes!


*)         Week #18 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #5 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #10 on Anti-depressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 10 MG” To my personal chemistry and brains and mind this one single daily pill is exactly like three continuous cocktails “pumped” directly into my bloodstream 24/7. However, I’m not supposed to write about it thus I won’t. No, I don’t skip one single dosage. I’m addicted exactly as when any baby is addicted to sugar candy.


Tuesday, November 24, 2015


“The power of reasoning, with which God endowed man, makes men capable of perfection.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Iconoclast (one who ignores traditions)


She was a real iconoclast when it came to expressing expertly written ideas.


---  ---  ---



A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.




Conversing With Ladies.


Chapter 6.

Pages 78-79


 If you are a gentleman, never lower the intellectual standard of your conversation in addressing ladies. Pay them the compliment of seeming to consider them capable of an equal understanding with gentlemen. You will, no doubt, be somewhat surprised to find in how many cases the supposition will be grounded on fact, and in the few instances where it is not the ladies will be pleased rather than offended at the delicate compliment you pay them. When you “come down” to commonplace or small talk with an intelligent lady, one of two things is the consequence, she either recognizes the condescension and despises you, or else she accepts it as the highest intellectual effort of which you are capable, and rates you accordingly.  


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


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“Moll” (as in prostitute such as in “Moll Flanders” the novel) vs. “Molehill” such as in a small hill. (I’ll look it up.)


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17 Presidential Medals of Freedom, November 24, 2015


            Congratulations to the 17 recipients of the Presidential Medals of Freedom! Yes!!! Hip! Hip! Hooray!


            Tonight we raise a glass in your honor!


---  ---  ---


Source from Wikipedia:




…Even though Caliphates were thought to go back to Muhammad, they were not thought of as having the same prophetic power as he did.


…However, studies of pre-Islamic texts suggest that the original meaning of the phrase was "successor selected by God."


*)         Any “Caliphate” must be voted into elected public office otherwise the “radical extremists militant terrorists murderers” are nothing except the mafia who steal and murder and rape and take whatever they want without any legal impunity or repercussion (consequence, effect, impact, aftermath, outcome, ramification, corollary, implication, result.)


---  ---  ---


The Transferring of Electronic Parts and Components in any Patented Mass Manufactured Clock isn’t any type of Invention


Invention is defined as: (creation, discovery, development)


Creation is defined as: (formation, making, conception, construction, manufacture, design, establishment, foundation)


Discovery is defined as: (detection, finding, unearthing, sighting)


Development is defined as: (growth, expansion, progress, advance increase, maturity, enlargement, improvement)




Inventions must not become

Misappropriated Intellectual Patented Property

for which such ideas

have already been

Mass Manufactured

in the form of other Electronics

such as Specific Mass Marketed clocks


            No, one may not take apart the inside electronic parts and wiring components of any mass manufactured and already mass marketed and specific patented clock and transfer (remove, transport, relocate, remove, move, reassign) the already-built insides of electronic wiring into any ‘bomb-looking carrying-case’ and call the transferring of any mass manufactured clock electronic wires an invention from the body-parts (components) of one already mass manufactured and mass marketed patented specific clock and misuse the electronic parts by misappropriating the electronic components into another ‘homemade-looking’ bomb clock case. Absolutely not. Cheating.


            The corporate mass media’s executive producers and content producers must take some of the “general” responsibility and blame for producing “quasi-news stories” and “egging on” a foolish child and his even more foolish family for a “quasi-fake-invention” for which wasn’t an invention at all whatsoever. Correct.


            This specific family might possibly be looking at any of one or more different types of lawsuits for infringement (breach, violation, contravention, intrusion, encroachment, infraction) and/or embezzlement of (misappropriation, fraud, stealing, cheating, misuse) “intellectual Property Rights” and/or misappropriation of mass manufactured and mass marketed “patented” ideas.


            Please don’t make any type of mockery out of modern factual science and call it some “mentally unstable” or “mentally defective” invention. Thank you.


---  ---  ---


“The Talk” Unprofessional “Crawl”


            Not any single entertainment show and/or commercial may make any use of any “crawls” (moving bylines) since “crawls” are officially utilized for weather emergencies and/or latest breaking factual news information. Thank you.




            As of today, we begin our 1-year boycott of “The Talk.” (11/24/2016)


            Plus, “The Talk” became a raunchy over-sexed talk show which drips with the need and want for sexual admiration.


            The large (overweight) black womyn (Sheryl Underwood) on “The Talk” is a creepy modern “black face.”


            Sheryl Underwood is any modern made-up personality and seems as though a ‘fake’ character of some lost forgotten time-era of any inverted racist portrayal for which makes any modern Americans’ blood run cold.


            All Sheryl Underwood has to do is apply white makeup.


            Yes, I’m cheering for Sheryl Underwood to mature.


            Let’s move on.


            Keep up or dust-to-dust.


            Yes, I’m keeping my negative commentary to a minimum.


            Please, don’t gross viewers out during our mid-afternoon healthy snacks.




            Please, celebrity men keep thy shirts on.


            What’s with “mentally defective” celebrity men needing to show off their underwear-naked bodies? Did such “mentally defective” celebrity men get dropped on their heads as babies? Possibly so.


---  ---  ---


No, I Don’t Live for Applause or Merits or Podiums


            Dr. Nancy Carlsson-Paige also known as Matt Damon’s mom.


            Simply because one holds any type of doctorate such an accreditation (private or public educational endorsement in specified area or subject) doesn’t grant any one which given individuals any type of carte-blanche rights towards public opinions as we’ve seen with Dr. Carson. No.




            No, despite whatever (in spite of, regardless of notwithstanding, in the face of, even with, even though, although) public opinions Matt Damon’s mother may freely dispense upon the public or may preach her publically demanding words which don’t mean much since Matt Damon’s mother isn’t divine power it’s more than okay to want to achieve and stride for excellence and to be applauded while one stands up on any podium and receives any award otherwise one might be made of cement rocks. One’s human.


            What truly counts is one’s overall lifetime public service to one’s country notwithstanding any podium or not.




            Yes, in my lifetime I’ve won plenty of merits and awards.


            Yes, I’m filled with gratitude and humility and grace for any and all of my real (non-fake) excellent accomplishments. Thank you.


            No, I’m not seeking to be publically awarded anything since I’m one humble individual private citizen and civilian and I make strides and headway any possible way I can for which I may or might.


            No, I neither look to become any type of celebrity nor do I go out of my way to meet-and-greet any celebrities. No.




            Matt Damon’s mother takes way too many prejudiced public opinioned liberties with her public commentary on her shallow platform as any mother to any celebrity.


            Matt Damon’s mother’s self-righteous indignation and demanding demeanor makes Matt Damon’s mother’s seem as though Matt Damon’s mother’s crowned herself some type of phony Baby Boomer divine false voice also Matt Damon’s mother seems to be left behind in the dust like any old dinosaur bones are.


            Simply because Matt Damon’s mother impedes her self-righteously indignant opinions upon the public Matt Damon’s mother’s opinions still doesn’t make Matt Damon’s mother’s unqualified public opinions correct. 


Matt Damon’s mother doesn’t know what she’s talking about.

Matt Damon’s mother doesn’t know anything.




            How do I know Matt Damon’s mom’s perspective is self-righteously indignant?


            Yes, I’ve read Matt Damon’s mom’s interviews done with Finish newspaper media.


            Matt Damon’s mom’s commentary is tough to swallow because she seems to come across as spiteful and bitter and angry and hateful and controlling. I don’t know.


            Matt Damon’s mom doesn’t seem to further the cause to justice if anything she sounds like a whole lot of whining through some form of quasi-fake-public platform or other.


            Matt Damon’s mother stuck her neck out in public.


            It’s best when celebrities’ parents keep their private commentary all unto themselves rather than impose or impede their self-righteously indignant perspective unto the public.


            Yes, I, too, am from Cambridge, Massachusetts. Represent. I’m neither afraid of Matt Damon’s mother nor Matt Damon himself. I’ve lived through too much to be afraid of self-righteous indignation.


            Power To The People. (Closed fist straight up in the air.)


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UPS Womyn Personnel Driver: Monday, November 23, 2015


            At 11:33 am on Monday, November 23, 2015 one officially fully uniformed UPS husky 5’6” 220 pound Caucasian woman with bleached blond damaged hair climbed our across-the-street neighbor’s front yard’s molehill and walked right through thousands-of-dollars in landscape shrubbery.


            When she arrived at the top of a cement walkway stairs she didn’t even so much as have the courage or bother to respectfully and properly and professionally and correctly as protocol would have it knock on our across-the-street neighbor’s front door to purposely announce herself without having to lower herself to utilizing breaking-and-entering Nazi terroristic intimidating tactics.


            In some embodiment (alter ego) of an 18-year old defiant testosterone filled hormonal male manner she seemed to purposely and carelessly drop the smallish white sealed envelope about the size of a notebook at the top of the steps and beeped her electronic digital hand-held device and once more treaded back down the molehill through thousands-of-dollars in landscaping as if to say, “Dare, say something and I might just break-in all of your teeth on this sidewalk.”


            We didn’t shrink back from our large picture window. Instead we stared at her badly conducted unprofessional manner.




            In our neighborhood there seems to only be one full time employee weekly UPS womyn personnel driver by the description I indicated above.


            Now I’m scared (no hyperbole here) to order our non-animal tested “Garden of Eden” store’s fragile glass lotion products since our local neighborhood UPS womyn personnel driver looks as though she’s not only been professionally reprimanded also she seems to be out for vengeance by either acting-out as any villain does or as an apathetic (indifferent) unprofessional disgruntled worker.




            Yes, on Monday I’ll have to directly call “Garden of Eden” store in St. Paul, MN and ask if “Garden of Eden” will be ever so kind as to mail-out our beautiful purchases through the U.S. Postal Service instead of UPS.


            Our neighborhood U.S. Postal Service mail carriers are a dream come true. Thank you very much!


            Thanks to our neighborhood U.S. Postal Service mail carriers for being ever so consistently professional and astute in one’s conduct.


            We love our neighborhood’s U.S. Postal Service mail carriers.


            Our neighborhood’s U.S. Postal Service mail carriers are ever so respectful through rain and snow and wind and subfreezing temperatures and hot tar-melting temperatures.


            For three years and three months we’ve watched our neighborhood U.S. Postal Service mail carriers consistently do an awesome professional job thus we tip about $25.00-$50.00 in Caribou gift cards at Christmas each year.


            Thank you. We feel ever so safe with our professional U.S. Postal Service mail carrier workers.


            Tonight we raise a glass in honor of our consistently respectful and wonderfully professional U.S. Postal Service mail carriers. Hip! Hip! Hooray! Cheers!


            “Nothing” ever gets lost in the mail.


            Kurt Vonnegut was correct about the U.S. Postal Service.


            UPS worker seems more “postal” than


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(Question Mark)





























            Yours Truly;




Word Count Goal: 1,000


Word Count: 1,642


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 3,000 publically


This Week’s Total Word Count: 2,959


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:



*)         Day #1 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable entertainment.


*)         Day #15 without disciplining neighborhood children. One-year vow of silence. I owe it to myself. I love it.


*)         Day #51 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #219 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #640 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #72 without a cigarette: I like it.


*)         Day #71 without yells or screams or shrieks at Eric. I love it. It’s good. My ‘fake’ pregnancy-hormones are finally under control after 8 weeks on one specific prescribed Anti-depressant pill. (We’ve been dealing with ‘fake’ pregnancy hormones 5 out of 9 years of our relationship as a couple who lives under the same roof. I broke my 21 day streak about a social rule about any type of addictions such as blasting the stereo or tobacco or cigars or foods or to relatively small and irritating rude social misbehaviors like disciplining smart and misguided and enraged neighborhood hungry or thirsty children whose parents don’t seem to love them and ignore their children’s insecure and lonesome cries for attention of any type be it positive or negative. The misbehaved children loudly shrill or shriek or scream or yell in their backyards and throughout the neighborhood like ghostly Banshees who begin to wail before someone is about to die (Wikipedia.) Creepy children. Still yet modern children who wave at perfect strangers are even creepier because such children are naïve as to the dangers of the adult world. I miss the ultimately civilized children of Boston who are quiet and mature because they understand the world belongs to voters and taxpayers and mostly smelly adults and not only to the wealthy or privileged.


*)         Week #2 without stress: We owe it to ourselves. I love it.


*)         Week #58 work on 245 cholesterol as of June 2015. I love vegan food.


*)         Month #16 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty (24”) natural inch high waist without a corset. Yes!


*)         Week #18 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #5 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #10 on Anti-depressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 10 MG” To my personal chemistry and brains and mind this one single daily pill is exactly like three continuous cocktails “pumped” directly into my bloodstream 24/7. However, I’m not supposed to write about it thus I won’t. No, I don’t skip one single dosage. I’m addicted exactly as when any baby is addicted to sugar candy.


Monday, November 23, 2015


“A man is a world in miniature.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Affront (offense, insult, defiance)


Her immature reporting remarks were an affront to the president.


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A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.






Chapter 6.

Page 78


Young men often, through real modesty, put forth their remarks in the form of personal opinions; as, with the introduction of, “I think so-and-so,” or, “Now, I, for my part, have found it otherwise.” This is generally prompted by humility; and yet it has an air of arrogance. The persons who employ such phrases, mean to shrink from affirming a fact into expressing notion, but are taken to be designing to extend an opinion into an affirmative of a fact.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


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Upload: 8:38 P.M. CT


We fell in love with “The Big Bang Theory.” Thank you.


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We fell in love with DVR “Modern Family.” Thank you.


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We fell in love with Marvel’s “Jessica Jones.” Thank you.


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“Caliphate” = “ISIS” (“ISIL”) or “Taliban,” or “Boko Haram”


            Hence forth we shall utilize the mature adult word “Caliphate” to mean any of the following “radical extremists militant terrorists murderers” as in the form of “ISIS,” or “Taliban,” or “Boko Haram.”


            Yes, I’ve changed more than 18 “ISIS” words into the word “Caliphate.”


            It’s a brand new world out there. Let’s go!


            “ISIS” was formally known as Iraqi al-Qaida.


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There’s no Syrian refugee debate. Closed shut case.


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American Modern Discriminatory Nazism Tactics, November 23, 2015


            Are Americans now discriminatory Nazis?


            During 15-years war: why does fearful “below-average” thinking Americans turn towards discriminatory Nazi tactics?


            A Muslim data base entry? What.


            Is this now a new Nazi American Holocaust?


            America requires more mature news and information adult reading content beyond a contemporary 2nd grade reading level.




            Free thinking Americans don’t discriminate against Religion, Race or Nationality. No. Absolutely not.


            America is a country for which our history is entrenched in genocide and slavery and starved immigrants and refugees.


            We must not forget our real American history and strong inclusive values.


            Why does fearful “below-average” thinking Americans fear their own shadows and forget our basic fundamental Constitutional Rights and Civil Liberties when peace matters most?


            Bigotry (prejudice, racism, intolerance, bias, narrow-mindedness, chauvinism) isn’t okay by any standards. Absolutely not.


---  ---  ---


“The Chew’s” Unprofessional Electrical Knife Carving


            Last night we almost lost our supper (dinner) when we viewed DVR footage of one of “The Chew’s” hosts and his inappropriate and dangerous and improper and unprofessional way in which he handled his electrical knife over paid television broadcast airwaves.


            If the juvenile male host in a vest had so much as cut off the arm of his other male co-host standing next to him then game-over.


            The show would’ve immediately been shutdown since most likely American viewers wouldn’t have ever again watched another single episode of “The View” since food and cut off limbs is a no-no.


            Cut off body parts and food episodes don’t go together. No.


            We’ve begun our 1-year boycott (11/23/2016) of “The Chew” due to inappropriate and unprofessional mismanagement and mishandling of their electrical carving-knives and sharp cooking utensils and tools.


            My stomach still turns when I think about the footage we watched. I’ve been slightly “traumatized” (hyperbole) by a dangerously inappropriate dancing and meatloaf-carving hippopotamus ballerina on tiptoe.


            Is one there to dance with knives or is one there to cook?


            Keep one’s head in the game otherwise freak show.


---  ---  ---


According to Psychologists there’s no Reality such as “Normal”


            There’s only “average,” or “above-average,” or “below-average,” or “subpar,” or “substandard.”


            However, “normal” is a word for which doesn’t exist in modern reality since nothing much in life is “typical” or “common.”




            Mature adult “working professionals” who are indeed professionally ‘up-to-the-minute’ caught up to speed neither utilizes either of the following words in their vocabularies especially not over paid broadcast airwaves nor self perpetuates fake likable on-camera personalities with the usage of the words: “normal” or “you-guys.”


            There’s only “men,” or “women,” or “children” for radio and television professional news standards or otherwise broadcast standards.


            No, on-air average reporters and newscasters may not call each other “you-guys” over radio or television broadcasted airwaves otherwise average reporters and newscasters and anchors lose most if not all credibility as any type of mature adults who are possibly capable of delivering information to the masses.


            If one can’t or doesn’t or isn’t reliable or capable to handle the “working professional” ‘hot kitchen’ then get out of the kitchen before one harms others.




            “Cute” is for puppies and not for young womyn reporters.


            “Adorable” is for kittens and not for young womyn reporters.


            Yes, the usage of correct words such as “average” and “men” takes discipline to learn since Twin Cities’ average broadcast reporters and newscasters aren’t the masses then reporters and newscasters must conduct themselves as rather “working professionals” who must follow “formal” broadcast news standards since news is a public service and not “social media” time. Correct.


            Is one a “working professional” or a freak show?


            Twin Cities’ broadcast news television “average” and/or “below-average” female news reporters seem to refuse to ‘formally’ mature while in their line of work and business and industry thus “nobody” much takes anything some radio and mostly television young “average” to “subpar” female news reporters have to say much less seriously since it’s a clown car waiting to drive off a cliff.


            The public isn’t reporters’ “buddies.” Absolutely not.


            Jump ship over to cable news if one so chooses or desires to be any type of bias “buddies” with the public.


            The public isn’t any type of news reporters’ drinking pals. No.




            Otherwise, it’s “dumb kids” playing at expensive business.


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$64.35 Backbreaking Cheaply Terribly Designed Vacuum


            Yesterday, Sunday, November 22, 2015 at 4:30 pm Eric purchased one inexpensive “mouse-body” bag-less vacuum for which one must pull and push around the floor and if one’s lucky then one won’t knick the back of one’s heels or the side of one’s toes.


            Our newly inexpensive vacuum with a “mouse body” is more of a cheap toy and less of a robust mature adult vacuum for which today maneuvering such an inexpensive vacuum did cause painful lower back pain thus our inexpensive vacuum goes back to SEARS tomorrow since it’s mainly plastic garbage.


            The engineering of our “mouse body” vacuum is terrible.


            However the design of our “mouse body” vacuum is atrocious.


            Where have all of the great American designers gone to?


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Terribly Designed Winter Dog Down-Coats


            Why aren’t there any great designs for winter dog clothes for which our dog doesn’t have to contort his knees into a “3M Thinsulate” down-coat?


            Genetically our dog’s knees are the first body parts to go.


            At the age of four years of life, our dog’s knees have as of this fall begun to make ‘popping’ sounds.


            Please, somebody, “anybody” please design dog-friendly winter clothes in which dogs step into their coats rather than having to contort dogs into their winter clothes.






---  ---  ---


Yes, daily we have hundreds available in petty-cash


            Yes, daily we have hundreds of dollars available to us in petty-cash.


            However, when we get down to hundreds of dollars in petty-cash rather than thousands of dollars then I consider us cash-tight since I refuse to spend any cash or money towards the end of the fourth quarter only in case if anything were to go wrong with the house such as recently one light switch broke and the vacuum’s broken and the new vacuum has to be returned and we need a new mattress and the kitchen needs a new paint job and some new house bath Turkish organic cotton towels and our dog requires a professional dental cleaning aside from me brushing his teeth on a weekly basis.


            We did get our flu shots in October 2015. Whew!


            Hundreds of dollars in daily petty-cash per allowance is different than thousands of dollars in daily petty-cash.


            We’re fine. I tend to get super nervous and stop most personal spending in Octobers since I don’t ever want to be without food or basic necessities.


            Eric’s more of a spender while I’m no longer a “penny pincher” now I’d rather save than spend in case the ship needs repairs and/or anything else for which might come along the way.


            Please, don’t get me wrong. I’d love to drop $1,000 in designer Jeans.


            All of our bills are paid.


            The household budget’s strong and steady.


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(Question Mark)


























            Yours Truly;




Word Count Goal: 1,000


Word Count: 1,317


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 3,000 publically


This Week’s Total Word Count: 1,317


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:



*)         Day #1 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable entertainment.


*)         Day #14 without disciplining neighborhood children. One-year vow of silence. I owe it to myself. I love it.


*)         Day #50 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #218 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #639 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #71 without a cigarette: I like it.


*)         Day #70 without yells or screams or shrieks at Eric. I love it. It’s good. My ‘fake’ pregnancy-hormones are finally under control after 8 weeks on one specific prescribed Anti-depressant pill. (We’ve been dealing with ‘fake’ pregnancy hormones 5 out of 9 years of our relationship as a couple who lives under the same roof. I broke my 21 day streak about a social rule about any type of addictions such as blasting the stereo or tobacco or cigars or foods or to relatively small and irritating rude social misbehaviors like disciplining smart and misguided and enraged neighborhood hungry or thirsty children whose parents don’t seem to love them and ignore their children’s insecure and lonesome cries for attention of any type be it positive or negative. The misbehaved children loudly shrill or shriek or scream or yell in their backyards and throughout the neighborhood like ghostly Banshees who begin to wail before someone is about to die (Wikipedia.) Creepy children. Still yet modern children who wave at perfect strangers are even creepier because such children are naïve as to the dangers of the adult world. I miss the ultimately civilized children of Boston who are quiet and mature because they understand the world belongs to voters and taxpayers and mostly smelly adults and not only to the wealthy or privileged.


*)         Week #2 without stress: We owe it to ourselves. I love it.


*)         Week #58 work on 245 cholesterol as of June 2015. I love vegan food.


*)         Month #16 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty (24”) natural inch high waist without a corset. Yes!


*)         Week #18 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #5 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #10 on Anti-depressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 10 MG” To my personal chemistry and brains and mind this one single daily pill is exactly like three continuous cocktails “pumped” directly into my bloodstream 24/7. However, I’m not supposed to write about it thus I won’t. No, I don’t skip one single dosage. I’m addicted exactly as when any baby is addicted to sugar candy.


Friday, November 20, 2015


“Men fall only in order to rise.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Morose (gloomy, of sour temper, sullen)


His morose disposition did not help him with friends.


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A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.




Professional Peculiarities.


Chapter 6.

Pages 77-78


When a man goes into company, he should leave behind him all peculiarities of mind and manners. That, indeed, constitued (correct to the Old English or editor’s mistake) Dr. Johnson’s notion of a gentleman; and as far as negatives go, the notion was correct. It is in bad taste, particularly, to employ technical or professional terms in general conversation. Young physicians and lawyers often commit that error.


The most eminent (renowned, prominent) members of those occupations are the most free from it; for the reason, that the most eminent have the most sense.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


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Upload: 7:44 P.M. CT


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                        No, modern (2015) Americans don’t discriminate upon any legal grounds of Race, Ethnicity or Nationality otherwise any erroneous American isn’t any real type of Constitutional Human Rights or Civil Liberties free ‘up-to-the-minute’ American only any “mental slave” and most likely any type of “mentally defective” “hater.”  Absolutely, yes.


Please, again re-read the Constitution of the United States of America. Thanks.


---  ---  ---


“The View” Boycott; Year ?


Yes, I’ll have to look up when my personal 1-year boycott of “The View” is over. Thanks.


Whoopi Goldberg’s one of my all time favorites.


---  ---  ---


Yes, Clientele do Pay Post-Houses to Non-linear Edit Slates


Whenever any post-house non-linear editors “pass off” their non-linear editing work and duties and responsibilities unto broadcast engineers then not only do post-house non-linear editors get away with cheating their clientele; also post-house non-linear editors literally steal money off of broadcast engineers’ tables also post-house non-linear editors who cheat aren’t considered any type of working professionals. Absolutely not.


Go back to the drawing board and please don’t steal any more money out of our possible future human baby’s mouth. Thanks.


One single minute of cut video of non-linear editing may cost anywhere in the upwards of tens-of-thousands of dollars.


Get with the professional program and please stop wasting broadcast engineers’ precious valuable time and money. Thanks.


---  ---  ---


One’s Personal Belongings Don’t Belong on Sidewalks or Parks


Please, pick-up one’s personal belongings (socks, coats, shoes) off of the ground or public sidewalks or publically municipal grasses or public recreational parks and take one’s personal belongings home with them otherwise “mentally healthy” private citizens and civilians will consider others either “mentally ill” or “mentally defective” or “mentally retarded.” Yes. Correct.


---  ---  ---


Elderly Reckless Endangerment


Simply because one’s in their eighties (80’s) such an age neither precludes one from state nor federal laws.


Simply because one’s in their eighties (80’s) such an age doesn’t grant “anybody” the right to publically or privately misbehave in any form or shape or manner in the ways of “reckless endangerment” since elderly private citizens and civilians must also prove their brains are fully intact as much as young adults not fully cerebrally developed under the age of 35 years of life.


One must prove one has one’s wits at all times.


Age doesn’t grant “anybody” the right to reckless endangerment. Absolutely not.


No driving into edifices or standing-garages since such footage looks as though most immature present adults there were either “mentally ill” or “mentally defective” or “mentally retarded.”


Laws apply to all private citizens and civilians.


People in their eighties (80’s) may neither recklessly endanger the public or their neighbors simply because people in their eighties have lived eight decades of life. Silly rabbit!


Please don’t make our blood run cold and our food come up. Please no.


---  ---  ---


Criminal Activity


Supposedly according to news reports James Clark did in fact take the opportunity to reach and grab for a police officer’s weapon (gun) for which constitutes priority to self-protection of any police officer.


However, holding any prior court-tried and sentenced criminal conviction neither constitutes any type of police brutality nor possible police homicide. Absolutely not.




If someone were to reach and did factually grab my hypothetical weapon (specific gun) for which I don’t carry then I would most likely in self-defense attack-to-kill since “nobody’s” going to use my own weapon against me to cause potential and/or deadly bodily harm. Absolutely not.


---  ---  ---


Annual Salary for “Blue Collar”/“Working Class” 2015


On average the annual salary for 2015 American “Blue Collar”/“Working Class” per household of four is fifty-four thousand dollars ($54,000.)


---  ---  ---


Garage Carbon Monoxide, 2015


No, we don’t own a garage much less one attached to our home. Absolutely not. No.


---  ---  ---


Mali (11/20/2015)


Words fail me.


---  ---  ---



Council Meeting Laws of Conduct and Taxpayers’ Minutes


Yes, there’re laws to lawfully and properly conduct Council meetings since the minutes are paid by taxpayers. Yes. Correct.


Activism isn’t for taxpayers’ Council meeting minutes. No.


---  ---  ---


Goodwill Boycott through 2035


Yes, as of today, I’ve begun a 20-year boycott of “Goodwill” stores since “Goodwill” stores are sole proprietor stores.


“Goodwill” entrepreneur owner’s (one owner) profits factually do go directly into the deep pockets of one single man and nothing more and nothing less. Yes. Correct.


---  ---  ---


Menards Boycott through 2035


Yes, as of today, I’ve begun a 20-year boycott of Menards since Menards contributes monies to the Koch brothers who don’t need any more money.


---  ---  ---


Excuses, Excuses

No, ‘good’ isn’t ‘good enough’


“Decent” is a definition for: (polite, honest, civilized, well-mannered, well-brought-up, upright)


“Good” is a definition for: (high-quality, first-class, superior, fine)


“Great” is a definition for: (huge, immense, enormous, vast, large, big, grand)


“Excellent” is a definition for: (outstanding, brilliant, exceptional, first-rate, admirable, superb, tremendous)


“Wonderful” is a definition for: (magnificent, breathtaking, amazing, astonishing, fantastic)


---  ---  ---


Elected Islamic Caliphates, 2015


            Yes, Caliphate ought to be an elected Caliphate otherwise Caliphate is a totalitarian dictatorship of terrorists murderers in the same way Nazis were murderers.


---  ---  ---


Genetically Modified Fish, 2015


            Will the newly corrupt approved F.D.A. genetically modified fish have three eyeballs?


---  ---  ---


Public Civil Disobedience is Peaceful otherwise Criminal


            Public civil disobedience is peaceful otherwise violence’s an excuse to act upon criminal acts. Yes. Correct.


---  ---  ---


No, neither in any capacity do I Impersonate any type of official “Working Profession” nor do I imagine any of my history


            Yes, I might have memory lapses like anybody else.


            Yes, I’m “crazy” like anybody else is crazy.


            Yes, according to psychologists “everyone’s” ‘crazy.’


            However, I’m neither “insane” nor “mentally ill” nor “mentally defective” nor “mentally retarded” nor brain damaged. No.


            Yes, fall-winter 2014 I proved I’m one fully cerebrally developed and sane mature adult. Yes. Correct.




            No, I’m not any type of official police or lawyer or doctor. No.


            Yes, I’m one official expert “working professional” who writes as one American private citizen and civilian does with intelligible words. Yes. Correct.


            Yes, I do mostly and always come back to “clean up” (edit) my writing for the readers’ benefit more so than for my own benefit since I already know what I mean to convey.


            However, I must correctly spell out my subject matter in a correct grammatical order for which is logical and reasonable to most American readers' comprehensive modern 2nd grade reading level (2015) otherwise overall unedited (unclean) writing is written garbage. Yes. Right. Correct.


            Nevertheless, my writing isn’t garbage of any type. No.


---  ---  ---


2nd and 3rd Party Endorsements are also Liable to Lawsuits


            Yes, even 2nd and 3rd parties who make endorsements are also liable to one and/or many types of lawsuits. Yes. Correct.


            Be careful.


            Watch out.


            Go slow.


            Check one’s content to better know what one supports or not by any possible way of mere association. Yes. Correct.


---  ---  ---


Yes, 1-complete Year to Establish Residency


            Yes, before “anybody” so much as states such any individuals have lived anywhere in the world then one must first prove one’s established residency in any particular location for a minimum of 1-year. Yes. Correct.


---  ---  ---


1-Hour daily Musical Practice per Weekdays


            One must at any and all times practice any instrument indoors or in any sound proof musical practice room. Yes. Correct.


            One must be capable of enough discipline and intelligence in aptitude and capacity to learn how to physically practice daily one straight hour (at the same time) each weekday (muscle memory) and read notes to play scales from sheet music otherwise the effort’s futile and stupid and any waste of time and/or money and any ‘fool of a took’ does play nonsensical noises and doesn’t make sense enough to so much as learn to play full scales. Yes. Correct.



            Yours Truly;




Word Count Goal: 1,000 personal journals


Word Count: 1,325


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 7,342


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:



*)         Day #1 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable entertainment.


*)         Day #11 without disciplining neighborhood children. One-year vow of silence. I owe it to myself. I love it.


*)         Day #47 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #215 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #636 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #68 without a cigarette: I like it.


*)         Day #67 without yells or screams or shrieks at Eric. I love it. It’s good. My ‘fake’ pregnancy-hormones are finally under control after 8 weeks on one specific prescribed Anti-depressant pill. (We’ve been dealing with ‘fake’ pregnancy hormones 5 out of 9 years of our relationship as a couple who lives under the same roof. I broke my 21 day streak about a social rule about any type of addictions such as blasting the stereo or tobacco or cigars or foods or to relatively small and irritating rude social misbehaviors like disciplining smart and misguided and enraged neighborhood hungry or thirsty children whose parents don’t seem to love them and ignore their children’s insecure and lonesome cries for attention of any type be it positive or negative. The misbehaved children loudly shrill or shriek or scream or yell in their backyards and throughout the neighborhood like ghostly Banshees who begin to wail before someone is about to die (Wikipedia.) Creepy children. Still yet modern children who wave at perfect strangers are even creepier because such children are naïve as to the dangers of the adult world. I miss the ultimately civilized children of Boston who are quiet and mature because they understand the world belongs to voters and taxpayers and mostly smelly adults and not only to the wealthy or privileged.


*)         Week #1 without stress: We owe it to ourselves. I love it.


*)         Week #57 work on 245 cholesterol as of June 2015. I love vegan food.


*)         Month #16 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty (24”) natural inch high waist without a corset. Yes!


*)         Week #17 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #4 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #9 on Anti-depressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 10 MG” To my personal chemistry and brains and mind this one single daily pill is exactly like three continuous cocktails “pumped” directly into my bloodstream 24/7. However, I’m not supposed to write about it thus I won’t. No, I don’t skip one single dosage. I’m addicted exactly as when any baby is addicted to sugar candy.


Thursday, November 19, 2015


“Where there are no men, try to be a man.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Etymology (origin or derivation of words, word study)


We are engaged in the study of etymology.


---  ---  ---



A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.




Proper Reserve.


Chapter 6.

Page 77


Everyone should avoid displaying his mind and principles and character entirely, but should let his remarks only open glimpses to his understanding. For women this precept is still more important. They are like moss-roses, and are most beautiful in spirit and in intellect, when they are but half-unfolded.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 8:21 P.M. CT


Yes, 1-complete Year to Establish Residency


            Yes, before “anybody” so much as states such any individuals have lived anywhere in the world then one must first prove one’s established residency in any particular location for a minimum of 1-year. Yes. Correct.


---  ---  ---


1-Hour daily Musical Practice per Weekdays


            One must at any and all times practice any instrument indoors or in any sound proof musical practice room. Yes. Correct.


            One must be capable of enough discipline and intelligence in aptitude and capacity to learn how to physically practice daily one straight hour (at the same time) each weekday (muscle memory) and read notes to play scales from sheet music otherwise the effort’s futile and stupid and any waste of time and/or money and any ‘fool of a took’ does play nonsensical noises and doesn’t make sense enough to so much as learn to play full scales. Yes. Correct.


---  ---  ---


Correction since technically a “bomb” isn’t “mentally ill.” No.


However, any “suicide bomber” is “mentally defective.” Yes.


---  ---  ---


No American “boots on the ground” in Syria, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022…etcetera, etcetera, etcetera and so on and so forth


            Yes, American “boots on the ground” in Syria is an incorrect answer, November, 2015.


---  ---  ---


Welcome to the U.S.A. Syrian Refugees


            “Nobody” panic. Please.


            Panic is unjustified ignorance.


            Control thyself.


            Control one’s private and public physical self-impulses.




            Yes, any “international” refugees are federal legal concern and not individual states. Yes. Correct.




            Please let’s not confuse apples with oranges otherwise we get nothing out of any mathematical equation.


            Please let’s not worry about anything for which we must not worry and possibly grow stomach ulcers. No.


            Be careful since real or imagined worry or stress is real to the body and the body may end up with real and true diseases from worry and/or stress alone. Yes. Correct.


            Stress is the #1 killer in Americans, 1950’s-2015.




            Yes, Syrian refuges are most welcome to America 2015.


            Welcome Syrian refugees to our borders!


            Remember: Last week’s Paris terror attacks was created by French European national raised private citizens and civilians working with “Caliphate.” Yes. Correct.




            Drink a little water.

            Eat a healthy small homemade snack filled with nutrition.

            Take two-daily 15 minute breaks in the am and pm.    

            Go to the bathroom when one’s bodily fluids must release.

            Take exactly one hour lunch and no less.

            Stand up once per hour for at least 5 minutes.

            If one’s able to take one-daily 15 minute nap then great!

            Rest on weekends.

            Sleep well.

            Reach R.E.M.

            Sweet dreams!

            Minimize real or imagined stress otherwise the early grave.




            Moving on.




            Yes, it’s “correct” and “right” to welcome any F.B.I. well-screened Syrian refuges ever since spring 2011 when the Assad regime begun to slaughter in coldblooded murder Syria’s very own national Syrian private citizens and civilians. Yes. Correct.


            The best modern comparison in vague terms is any of which one example in unbelievable measures to heinous crimes against Native American girls and womyn for which in 2015 larger per capita rapes as well as murders of Native American girls and womyn is physically and bodily done against Native American girls and womyn by Native American men on Native American reservations on tribal grounds and through and by the means of tribal laws since most Native American active-sitting-councils (committee, board, commission, ruling body) of elected Elders will look the other way rather than legally prosecute and lock-up most any if at all Native American rapists as well as murderers.


            “No.” means “No.” Period.


            Native American girls and womyn not only get raped by in large by Native American men as well as Native American male rapists who also take it upon themselves to murder their rape victims per en larger per en capita number of murdered raped victims. Yes. Correct.




            Happy Native American History Month!


            (Yes, there must be some type of genetic retardation in some of the Native American tribe’s’ DNA strand to act upon such any heinous crimes and bodily violence as to act upon rape and murder.)


Are there two Sudanese countries in 2015?


(My source comes from one celebrity hosted documentary.) I don’t know. I’ll have to research.


---  ---  ---


5,000 (five-thousand) to most likely 10,000 (ten-thousand) laws


            Yes, my guess from the top of my head is more or less I might presently know (2015) about 5,000 laws most likely 10,000 after twenty-years (20, ‘two,’ ‘zero’) of personal research and study about laws in general.


            Please, don’t get me started about historical laws no longer effective in the law books.


            Only history! Oye.


---  ---  ---


Violent toothbrush


            Again today I did clink my teeth twelve times (12X’s) with my new store bought “brand” of toothbrush. Ouch!


---  ---  ---


WCCO’s evening news “Sweet Review”


            “Sweet Review” by WCCO’s evening news television producers made my blood run cold as an American private citizen and civilian rather than one “working professional” (correction) official writer “expert” (to testify under Oath as any “expert witness”) thus as quickly as I could I turned the channel, November, 2015.


(Corrections were made to the above verbiage.)


            The reason as to why I turned the television channel away from “Sweet Review” is because “Sweet Review” held the left-over bitter aftertaste of modern “Black Face” drenched in a disguise of sickly-diabetes-sweetness (as any metaphor of the sweet stench) which for to be extra-diabetes-sweet is way more hormonally off balance than to be angry and filled with rage since anger is disguised sadness while extra-diabetes-sweetness is disguised desperation unless extra-diabetes-sweetness is intelligently balanced with…otherwise it’s a freak show. No go.


            Yes, even 2nd and 3rd parties who make endorsements are also liable to one and/or many types of lawsuits. Yes. Correct.


---  ---  ---



(Question Mark)































            Yours Truly;





Post Script Notes



Minneapolis Self-Controlled Police, November 2015


Mind over Matter

(Intelligible (logical) thought over hormones)




            Activism doesn’t equal “provocateur” or “saboteur.” No.


            The police are public servants for which work for the general public. Yes.


            However, the police do have/hold (correction) Constitutional Human Rights and Civil Liberties to their body parts and bodily fluids. Yes.


            Be careful as to legally entice an incorrect or wrong response to activism since there’s always and first-and-foremost self-control and self-responsibility and legal repercussions (consequence) to “anybody’s” direct physical and negatively acted-out actions. Yes. Correct.


            Aggressive body language is aggressive body language with motive and/or intent to possibly intimidate and/or to physically harm another human person and undermine their authority as mature fully cerebrally developed adults. Yes. Correct.




            Personally the evening news footage for which we watched earlier in the week of the Minneapolis chief-of-police (correction) in which such specific news footage did show “unruly” and “frightened” and “undisciplined” and “loud” and “belligerent” and “ignorant” and “angry” and “sad” and “verbally aggressive” and “enraged” and mostly “uneducated” north, Minneapolis private black citizens and civilians therefore my intelligent sentiment was not to seriously consider their rage filled public displays of perverted verbal gyration since such any emotional public displays are unseeingly as well as “dishonest” and “untrue” since “hyped-up” or “sensationalized” or “pumped-up” hormones are “pumped-up” testosterone hormones nothing more and nothing less. Yes. Correct.


            Back up.

            All the way back to the start line.

            Way, way, back.


            Begin again with “calm” and “intelligible” and “smart” and “kind” and “intelligent” and “progressively well developed strong” words thus “anybody” present or witness may hear one speaker speak one-at-a-time otherwise we’re talking “apples and oranges” and the issue-at-hand gets muddled and confused. Yes. Correct.


            No, I’m not confused in the least way.

            Yes, I do receive plenty of oxygen to my brain. Thank you.


            M.D. psychologists say:

            “Anger” (correction) is disguised as sadness.




            (Yes, there must be some type of genetic retardation in some of the black DNA strand to act upon such any heinous (terrible) public crimes and threaten with intent to intimidate with possible physical violence as to act upon community property damage and police intimidation and interstate roadblocks.)


            Public civil disobedience is peaceful otherwise violence’s an excuse to act upon criminal acts. Yes. Correct.


            Any reoccurring and taunting intimidation tactic or threat of physical violence in the genes could most likely and possibly define retardation in the DNA blood mix therefore not having the ability to self-restraint or to self-impulse-control in the chemical brain hormones throughout the body then most likely inbred genes unless ‘fake’ pregnancy-hormones and even then one must publically and privately conduct oneself in any civilized manner.


---  ---  ---


Police Cameras and Private Footage Viewing; Not without First Written Consent


            As of today Thursday, November 19, 2015 the public may not online access and/or sit around and watch the possible brutalization of other minor private citizens and civilians otherwise such any viewing act is considered genetic retardation in some of Americans DNA strand to desire to watch brutalization.


            Any private citizen and civilian adult must first give written consent to have the general public watch any individuals brutalization whether police brutalization and/or any other forms of heinous crimes. Yes. Correct.


            For example I’ve viewed footage in which a stick was inserted into the vagina genitals of several human children and thus such footage isn’t fit for general ‘public access’ and/or general public viewing consumption for others to possibly grossly perversely sexually gyrate and/or “get off” on such specific piece of footage. No.


            Any torture is also considered genetic retardation in some of Americans literal DNA strand. Yes. Correct.


            Any torture is considered heinous crimes against humanity. Yes. Correct.


---  ---  ---


The Logical Reasons for Why Humans Mentally Malfunction


            #1: Medical condition

            #2: Alcohol abuse (temporary “mental illness”)

            #3: Literal mental illness (vulnerable citizens and civilians)


            M.D. psychologists say whenever assessing (review, judge) another person’s “mental stability” then first keep in mind if people are negatively ‘acting-out’ below subpar or below average then mostly their obvious misbehavior is due to the following 3 logical reasons and explanations 1) any severe medical condition and pharmaceutically prescribed doctor prescriptions 2) alcohol substance abuse which is literal “uncontrolled” alcohol consumption and considered temporary “mental illness” (yes) (alcohol is the cheapest legal drug to acquire) 3) outright mental illness and the persons could be quite physically calm and kind and mostly vulnerable citizens and civilians except their brain chemicals are...




UPS Woman Personnel Driver


            THE reason for why on Tuesday, November 17, 2015 at 5:43 pm I choose not to open-up our front door to our hysterical UPS woman is because I wasn’t sure if she was on some type of enhanced testosterone hormone therapy or meth or cocaine or crack cocaine or not. I don’t know.


            Her physically aggressive unprofessional demeanor was off and I wasn’t about to communicate with her under such a possible chemically enhanced state of either testosterone hormones or confused mental state. No.


---  ---  ---


            No, we’re not sterile. Yes, we could get pregnant tonight.


            Neither Eric nor I are sterile. Thank you very much!



Word Count Goal: 1,000


Word Count: 1,842


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 5,957


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:



*)         Day #1 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable entertainment.


*)         Day #10 without disciplining neighborhood children. One-year vow of silence. I owe it to myself. I love it.


*)         Day #46 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #214 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #635 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #67 without a cigarette: I like it.


*)         Day #66 without yells or screams or shrieks at Eric. I love it. It’s good. My ‘fake’ pregnancy-hormones are finally under control after 8 weeks on one specific prescribed Anti-depressant pill. (We’ve been dealing with ‘fake’ pregnancy hormones 5 out of 9 years of our relationship as a couple who lives under the same roof. I broke my 21 day streak about a social rule about any type of addictions such as blasting the stereo or tobacco or cigars or foods or to relatively small and irritating rude social misbehaviors like disciplining smart and misguided and enraged neighborhood hungry or thirsty children whose parents don’t seem to love them and ignore their children’s insecure and lonesome cries for attention of any type be it positive or negative. The misbehaved children loudly shrill or shriek or scream or yell in their backyards and throughout the neighborhood like ghostly Banshees who begin to wail before someone is about to die (Wikipedia.) Creepy children. Still yet modern children who wave at perfect strangers are even creepier because such children are naïve as to the dangers of the adult world. I miss the ultimately civilized children of Boston who are quiet and mature because they understand the world belongs to voters and taxpayers and mostly smelly adults and not only to the wealthy or privileged.


*)         Week #1 without stress: We owe it to ourselves. I love it.


*)         Week #57 work on 245 cholesterol as of June 2015. I love vegan food.


*)         Month #16 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty (24”) natural inch high waist without a corset. Yes!


*)         Week #17 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #4 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #9 on Anti-depressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 10 MG” To my personal chemistry and brains and mind this one single daily pill is exactly like three continuous cocktails “pumped” directly into my bloodstream 24/7. However, I’m not supposed to write about it thus I won’t. No, I don’t skip one single dosage. I’m addicted exactly as when any baby is addicted to sugar candy.


Wednesday, November 18, 2015


“Even one ear of corn is not exactly like another.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Furtive (sly, stealthy)


He threw a furtive glance in her direction.


---  ---  ---



A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.




Avoid Wit Which Wounds.


Chapter 6.

Page 77


Those who have generosity enough to care for the feelings of others, or self-regard enough to covet good-will, will be careful to avoid every display of wit which wounds another. It is a happy circumstance for the honor of our nature, and one very characteristical (correct to the Old English or editor’s mistake) of the kindness of Providence, that a display of the easiest moral virtues will generally bring us more popularity than the exhibition of the greatest talents without them.


Parts may be praised, good nature is ador’d; Then draw your wit as seldom as your sword, And never on the weak.


Those who scatter brilliant jibes without caring whom they wound, are as unwise as they are unkind. Those sharp little sarcasms that bear a sting in their words, rankle long, sometimes forever, in the mind, and fester often into a fatal hatred never to be abated.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 8:39 P.M. CT



Public Speech and Public Writing

Legal Stakes Are


            Yes, factually only “experts” hold the official capacity to publically ‘address’ spoken public opinions and/or ‘write’ public reviews on specific specialized subject matter or not especially over ‘online’ mass media and not “social media” since “social media” is private communications and not the “general public” or “professional presentation.”


            Be careful.


            Legal rules do apply to public speaking and public writing.

            Yes. Correct.


            ‘Online’ mass media and “social media” are two different definitions.


            ‘Online’ mass media and “social media” are two different computer ‘user’ functions.


            Yes, correct an official expert is any working professional in their field of study and industry who is capable to take an Oath on any stand and testify as an “expert witness” before any judge and/or jury and get the information correct. Yes. Correct.




            Yes, factually only experts hold the official capacity to publically present orally spoken public opinions and/or write public reviews for national private citizens and civilians to consider or read.


            Otherwise national private citizens and civilians also known as the overall general public may get ‘duped’ or presented with incorrect information or improperly wrong opinions since mostly non-experts mainly seem to seek public attention or else (if not) legal consequences. Yes. Correct.


            Politicians spoken or written words are indeed one rung (step) below ‘child sexual molesters’ (yes, Woody Allen’s strong metaphor.)


            Politicians neither ought to be taken seriously nor trusted with politicians’ self-motivated and self-driven clown car rhetoric since mostly politicians are only after votes to cheat in a race for a short cut to power rather than earn or self-generate power.




            Written public reviews and non-sexually orally addressed verbal public opinions are quite by definition legal and not to be trifled with or trespassed upon in any good overall conduct and great smarts and excellence in nature. Yes. Correct.


            Yes, the above rule also applies to ‘online’ written public reviews and ‘online’ non-sexually orally addressed and verbally conducted or expressed public opinions for which may only be granted by experts. Yes. Correct.


            If one desires any public platform to perform then get an agent and make it a good one.


            Otherwise any type of public verbal presentation and/or public print reviews and/or public opinions is left up to experts and only experts for good legal reasons. Yes. Correct. 


            Yes, if one were to publically speak and/or publically write any ‘online’ restaurant or product review and so much as openly ‘give’ one’s public opinion (other than privately done by “social media” commentary) then one better already be an official expert and legally be prepared as an official expert (on any of which subject matter) to take an official Oath and take any stand in front of any judge and/or jury to testify as an “expert witness” and not as any layperson. Yes. Correct.


            Otherwise “laypersons” and/or “charlatans” and/or “timewasters” aren’t granted any type of public space or public forum or public sphere or public platform unless at local council meetings and/or interviewed by any reporter and/or journalist for any reason otherwise be quiet. Yes. Correct.




            Yes, factually only registered ‘online’ news media outlets or registered independent news sources or registered corporate newspapers or registered corporate news outlets or registered magazine critics hold the official capacity to publically speak or write critical opinions without legal ramifications. Yes. Correct.


            Yes, any type of ‘critic’ must hold at least one Ph.D. Yes. Correct.




Yes, Eric Holm is an official “master” in our industry


Yes, I’m an official “expert” in our industry


            Yes, factually on December 2005 at the age of twenty-eight (28) years of life, I officially (yes, correct) became an expert in my field of four-years-straight of undergraduate “global communications” studies concentrated in historical global cinema (wrote one-20-page paper per night per 4 straight years and 16 semesters plus summer of 2000) as well as for four years studied creative writing and rhetoric. Yes, Correct.




            Yes, comedians have “carte blanche” to material of any type.


            Yes, comedians do hold rights to their material without having to be official experts since to develop the talent and capacity to be able to so much as get out any type of laugher from the general public is probably the second most difficult work aside from parenting or writing or digging ditches or shoveling snow or stand-up manufacture work or any type of teaching or any type of work with one’s hands. Yes. Correct. 




            Yes, correct any “general public reviewer” (national private citizen and civilian) of any type must first become an expert before general public expert reviewers are bestowed the grace and earn the official capacity to be ever so lucky to be an official expert in any one given subject matter, alone, much less write general public reviews or present spoken public opinions about any topic which only experts are fit to publically present or speak or write. Yes. Correct.


            Otherwise any working professional or professional worker who may try their hand at writing constructive public reviews and/or public opinions without any official expert capacity is then more susceptible and likely to be liable to one and/or many different types of lawsuits. Yes. Correct.


            Yes, correct corporate news outlet reporters must report on facts and report on any factual information otherwise it’s liable to...


            Yes, correct corporate news outlet journalists may or may not possibly write about the “larger picture” from their bias opinions.


            Yes, correct “official” doctorate literary critics may constructively write reviews about their opinion whether correct or not. Yes. Correct.




            Official expert public bloggers and/or public reviewers and/or public spoken opinions must first be decently addressed and/or written-up for public consideration then ‘approach the next bar’ to great then excel-in-excellence to hopefully wonderful and above and beyond improve each time one presents one’s expertly publically rhetorical spoken words and/or written-down arguments and/or public presentation and/or public writings. Yes. Correct.


            Otherwise, when one isn’t any type of expert then laypersons must neither publically present nor publically write any type of liable presentation or written-out writing. No.


            Be careful.


            Rules do apply to public speaking and public writing.

            Yes. Correct.



(Question Mark)































            Yours Truly;





Post Script



Beirut, Thursday, November 12, 2015


Yes, of course, we knew about Beirut last Thursday, November 12, 2015. Thank you.


Oh, our beloved Beirut.


Words fail me.


---  ---  ---


Online Fantasy Football’s Gambling and not Taxed for Municipalities


            Yes, literally online “fantasy football’s” gambling; since all of online “fantasy football’s” profits go directly towards the online businesses deep pockets (no overhead) and not towards public municipalities. Yes. Correct.


            Such untaxed online “fantasy football” businesses neither contribute towards the rebuilding of America’s municipalities nor public education to replace asbestos filled public schools (brick and mortar) (2015) or rebuild new roads or bridges or highways or grant free school lunches to all part-time and/or full-time students as well as grant free public education to all part-time and/or full-time students at any public institution all the way through university.


---  ---  ---




            No, I’m not personally affiliated to “anybody” from the group “Anonymous.” No. Correct. I don’t know.


            Thank you, “Anonymous.” Thank you.


---  ---  ---


Russian and Chinese Factual Military Facts, November 2015


            Yes, indeed Russia does in fact have “boots on the ground” in Syria, 2015. Yes. Correct.


            No, indeed China doesn’t in fact have “boots on the ground” in Syria, 2015. No. Correct.


---  ---  ---


Armani Exchange outlet Jeans, November 2015


            Mistakenly I continue to purchase Armani Exchange outlet (October, 2015) size 12 Jeans which are quite large on me when size 10 Jeans are already loose and fit comfortably roomy around the waist and thighs.


            The reason for why I must purchase larger size Jeans than I ought to must be psychological.


            November 2015 on sale I purchased one size 10 Armani Exchange outlet Jeans and the size 10 Jean is much better on me than size 12.


            What was I thinking?


Thanks Armani Exchange outlet Jeans!


---  ---  ---


Source from Wikipedia:


Outlet “…stores started to offer damaged or excess goods to employees at a low price.”


---  ---  ---


White Lotion Facials, winter 2015, 2016


            Even though this November 2015 is quite warmer than most on recorded history the skin on my face is extremely dry and chapped thus as of this week in the late afternoons I’ve begun to apply one thick layer of lotion to my face for which looks exactly as though I might be wearing a facial lotion mask since my skin needs the moisture. Yes.


---  ---  ---


‘Violent’ toothbrush design, November 2015


            12 times I clinked my teeth with one brand of toothbrush for which only held two good functions at that: 1) excellent for tongue brushing 2) excellent for brushing the back of one’s teeth otherwise garbage.


            Still my teeth hurt hours later. Shameful.


            The plastic brush handle and the plastic brush head are too thick plus the bristles are too long and too stiff. Ouch!


            Not any type of toothbrush for children. No.


            My negative experience was as though my teeth suddenly became a 1980’s arcade “ping-ball” ball.



Word Count Goal: 1,000


Word Count: 1,507


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 4,115


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:



*)         Day #1 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable entertainment.


*)         Day #9 without disciplining neighborhood children. One-year vow of silence. I owe it to myself. I love it.


*)         Day #45 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #213 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #634 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #66 without a cigarette: I like it.


*)         Day #65 without yells or screams or shrieks at Eric. I love it. It’s good. My ‘fake’ pregnancy-hormones are finally under control after 8 weeks on one specific prescribed Anti-depressant pill. (We’ve been dealing with ‘fake’ pregnancy hormones 5 out of 9 years of our relationship as a couple who lives under the same roof. I broke my 21 day streak about a social rule about any type of addictions such as blasting the stereo or tobacco or cigars or foods or to relatively small and irritating rude social misbehaviors like disciplining smart and misguided and enraged neighborhood hungry or thirsty children whose parents don’t seem to love them and ignore their children’s insecure and lonesome cries for attention of any type be it positive or negative. The misbehaved children loudly shrill or shriek or scream or yell in their backyards and throughout the neighborhood like ghostly Banshees who begin to wail before someone is about to die (Wikipedia.) Creepy children. Still yet modern children who wave at perfect strangers are even creepier because such children are naïve as to the dangers of the adult world. I miss the ultimately civilized children of Boston who are quiet and mature because they understand the world belongs to voters and taxpayers and mostly smelly adults and not only to the wealthy or privileged.


*)         Week #1 without stress: We owe it to ourselves. I love it.


*)         Week #57 work on 245 cholesterol as of June 2015. I love vegan food.


*)         Month #16 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty (24”) natural inch high waist without a corset. Yes!


*)         Week #17 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #4 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #9 on Anti-depressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 10 MG” To my personal chemistry and brains and mind this one single daily pill is exactly like three continuous cocktails “pumped” directly into my bloodstream 24/7. However, I’m not supposed to write about it thus I won’t. No, I don’t skip one single dosage. I’m addicted exactly as when any baby is addicted to sugar candy.


Tuesday, November 17, 2015


“Why was man created on the last day? So that he can be told when pride takes a hold of him: God created the gnat before thee.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Futile (useless, ineffectual, unimportant)


No matter how hard terrorist murderers efforts were futile.


---  ---  ---



A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.




Use Plain Words.


Chapter 6.

Page 76


A man of good sense will always make a point of using the plainest and simplest words that will convey his meaning; and will bear in mind that his principal or only business is to lodge his idea in the mind of his hearer. The same remark applies to distinctness of articulation; and Hannah More (correctly copied over from the Old English) has justly observed that to speak so that people can hear you is one of the minor virtues.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 7:06 P.M. CT


---  ---  ---


One “UPS” Personnel Driver madwoman Note


            At 5:45 P.M. CT one “UPS” personnel driver madwoman drove away from our front yard.


            Tonight more than one minute before 5:45 pm there was one “UPS” personnel driver madwoman at our home’s front door and this “UPS” yelling female voice kept loudly knocking and banging on our front door and forcibly tried the lock like any madwoman creepy kidnaper terrorist gyrating business pervert.


            Be careful as to how one may or may not professionally conduct oneself as any business personnel worker for any modern public and/or private company.




            Personally, today neither did I expect anyone, not even any of the Gods to show-up and present themselves as our guests whether it be “UPS” madwoman personnel driver nor anyone else for such matter. No.


            “We’re not expecting anyone today. Get away from my door.”


            Calmly and loudly I repeated myself three (3) times in a stern “teacher’s voice” and this particular “UPS” personnel driver madwoman forcibly kept trying our door lock handle as though she was a Nazi and/or some type of “radical extremist militant ignoramus…”…




            As any urban/suburban modern woman it’s my prerogative and mature adult decision as to whether I choose to answer and/or open-up my front door or not. Yes. Correct.


            “Nobody” better forcibly try our door lock without one issued non-corrupt and legal judge court ordered search warrant. Correct.




            Get away from our front door, after the first time I tell “anybody” to let go of the door handle and please don’t break down our front door due to some supposed package I wasn’t expecting otherwise I want one supposed “UPS” truck in my possession (metaphor.) 




            The stubbornly ignoramus “UPS” personnel driver sounded as though she was going to “break-and-enter” our Homestead premises and knock down our front door or break the door lock thus I hesitated by her actions, and no, I didn’t even so much as give one single glimpse out of our front window because tonight (or any other night) I made up my mind I didn’t want to even so much as interact with the likes of her madwoman self since I couldn’t believe any type of professional worker would ever conduct themselves as such. Shameful.


            Yes, I almost jumped out of my skin.


            Yes, with her madwoman militant Nazi demeanor she might’ve given an elderly American private citizen or civilian any heart attack.


            Some elderly American private citizen or civilian would’ve literally gone into cardiac arrest.


            What an insane human.

            What a fruitcake.


            Our “UPS” personnel worker driver sounded as though she was about to break-and-enter into our homestead premises while I was right on the other side of the door sternly telling her to vacate the property at once and she wouldn’t. WHAT.




            No, I don’t have to open-up my front door for “anybody” much less some “UPS” professional worker driver who so much as took it upon herself to continue to loudly bang with the meatier bottom part of her fist and forcibly tried our front door lock for one-minute and thirty-five seconds straight as though “UPS” professional workers have any type of any authority over anyone or anything other than their own body parts and bodily functions. As if. Please.



            Go away.

            And come back some other day.




            Yes, I know my American Constitutional Human Rights and Civil Liberties and “nobody” will act as any militant Nazi ‘somebody’s’ creepy company personnel worker driver gyrating pervert negatively ‘acting-out’ less than professional because the last time “anyone” so much as forcibly tried the lock to any door for which I stood directly on the other side was August of 2007 while traveling Costa Rica when for five hours two men continued to take turns while tirelessly tried the lock to my hotel room.


            No, not once did I panic. No.


            After the first time I heard the lock tried, I quickly sat up and fully did get myself dressed and ready for any combat or action to protect myself.


            For five straight hours, two men with two different sets of footsteps and about the same moderate weight of no more than 130 pounds each continued to try my hotel room door lock.


            Throughout a five hour ordeal as many times as the two men approached and tried my hotel door lock I threw one full and tall water-bottle at the flimsy plywood wall.




            Yes, throughout five hours, I went without saying one single Spanish and/or English word yet continued to get up from my bed and pick up the water-bottle from the concrete floor and throw the tall and flimsy water-bottle only to signify through body language I wasn’t to be trifled with since I wasn’t afraid to repeatedly stand up from my wooden framed bed without fear and walk over to the wall and retrieve the water-bottle and continue to throw it as hard as I could every single time.


            Each time I picked up the water-bottle and returned to the bed on the other far side of the small room and as hard as I could continued to throw the water-bottle against the wall from such a distance throughout a five hour ordeal until five in the morning arrived and I heard others walk about thus I gathered my meager belongings and I, myself, vacated such life-threatening corrupt location and situation and I had the front desk man call a taxi and I told the taxi driver to speed away to...(one specific safe location in Costa Rica.)




            No, I didn’t see the men with my own two eye balls.


            However, to this day my gut still tells me the front desk man at the hotel was one of two men who kept trying the door lock to my already paid-for hotel room on the evening mentioned since one of the two men smelled exactly as the front desk man did when I approached him the following morning and specifically asked the front desk man to please call me a cab and he did without any hesitation yet much guilt and shame on his face.


            Yes, in my records and data entry I have the exact date written down to one August 2007 at one particular and specific hotel location in San Jose, Costa Rica for which I almost did get robbed or otherwise. Thankfully, we’ll not ever know.


            Get off of my front porch now before…


---  ---  ---


Spell Check Notes


            Yesterday not once did I make any time to spell check and/or grammatically look over or correct any of yesterday’s blog entry’s written mistakes. No. (Too busy with other aspects of domestic life.)


Barely did I get to type-out most of my thoughts down on ink.


Corrections were made to yesterday’s blog post. Yes. Correct. Thank you. Cheers!


---  ---  ---


Correction from “ballet” to “ballot.” (I figured this incorrect word out all on my own. I was typing-out too fast and didn’t think about the correct spelling of the word “ballot” contextually or otherwise.)


---  ---  ---


            Yes, fifteen years ago during a factually four year undergraduate degree I did study “global communications” specifically in “rhetoric” (oratory, public speaking, speech-making, speechifying) as well as factually studied the overall history of global cinema studies as well as creative writing as both forms of communications to better know what’s being intelligibly and intelligently spoken or written or visually symbolized (semiotics) or represented in any form and/or medium of the visual or written realm (also four year minor studies in both photography and poetry as well as four years of study in painting) as well as to what exact information’s relayed or portrayed or conveyed or not. Yes. Correct.


---  ---  ---


No, it Seems I’m Not Able to Simultaneously Write and Edit


            No, I’m not able to edit while I write because I’m not Kurt Vonnegut who literally had the gift to edit as he wrote. Lucky, lucky, lucky.


            To write and/or to edit any writing alone is both difficult in-and-of-itself as equally complex. Yes.  


---  ---  ---




(Question Mark)





























            Yours Truly;




Word Count Goal: 1,000


Word Count: 1,359


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 2,632


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:



*)         Day #2 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable entertainment.


*)         Day #8 without disciplining neighborhood children. One-year vow of silence. I owe it to myself. I love it.


*)         Day #44 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #212 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #633 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #65 without a cigarette: I like it.


*)         Day #64 without yells or screams or shrieks at Eric. I love it. It’s good. My ‘fake’ pregnancy-hormones are finally under control after 8 weeks on one specific prescribed Anti-depressant pill. (We’ve been dealing with ‘fake’ pregnancy hormones 5 out of 9 years of our relationship as a couple who lives under the same roof. I broke my 21 day streak about a social rule about any type of addictions such as blasting the stereo or tobacco or cigars or foods or to relatively small and irritating rude social misbehaviors like disciplining smart and misguided and enraged neighborhood hungry or thirsty children whose parents don’t seem to love them and ignore their children’s insecure and lonesome cries for attention of any type be it positive or negative. The misbehaved children loudly shrill or shriek or scream or yell in their backyards and throughout the neighborhood like ghostly Banshees who begin to wail before someone is about to die (Wikipedia.) Creepy children. Still yet modern children who wave at perfect strangers are even creepier because such children are naïve as to the dangers of the adult world. I miss the ultimately civilized children of Boston who are quiet and mature because they understand the world belongs to voters and taxpayers and mostly smelly adults and not only to the wealthy or privileged.


*)         Week #1 without stress: We owe it to ourselves. I love it.


*)         Week #57 work on 245 cholesterol as of June 2015. I love vegan food.


*)         Month #16 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty (24”) natural inch high waist without a corset. Yes!


*)         Week #17 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #4 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #9 on Anti-depressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 10 MG” To my personal chemistry and brains and mind this one single daily pill is exactly like three continuous cocktails “pumped” directly into my bloodstream 24/7. However, I’m not supposed to write about it thus I won’t. No, I don’t skip one single dosage. I’m addicted exactly as when any baby is addicted to sugar candy.


Monday, November 16, 2015


“It would have been better if man had not been created; but since he has been created, let him examine his works.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Gainsay (deny, contradict)


One cannot gainsay her success this time.


---  ---  ---



A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.






Chapter 6.

Pages 75-76


One of the first virtues of conversation is to be perspicuous and intelligible (lucid, logical). Those quaint and affected constructions, and high-flown, bookish phrases, in which some indulge, to the embarrassment of those they talk to, are in bad taste and should be avoided. There have indeed at times appeared writers and schools of rhetoric who cultivated obscurity as a merit.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 8:30 P.M. CT


---  ---  ---


Privacy Note


            No, I’m neither any type of “semi-recluse” nor do I adore my solitude only please respect my privacy since I’ve been dealing with one serious unknown disease to me for five straight years (5) (2010-2015) for which mostly every six months I factually hemorrhage almost to death and quickly regain strength as well as I refuse to receive any type of blood transfusion. No, thank you.


            No, I haven’t passed out, not once, yet.


---  ---  ---


New Purchased Vehicle as in not before ever Owned by any other Previous Owners other than us Note


            Yes, correct on Friday, November 6, 2015 we purchased one brand “new” (not ever owned before by another owner) 2016 KIA (make) Sal (model) for exactly sixteen-thousand dollars and drove our car out of the dealer’s lot with exactly 20 miles. Yes. Correct.


            Yes, I was indeed taught to not ever speak about money in any ‘shape, manner or form.’


            However, as one of many modern American human persons, in general most (correction) face-to-face general global private citizens and civilians we’ll discuss or directly be asked or literally talk or mention or briefly speak to even 2nd time face-to-face acquaintances about the exact price of singular items purchased (bought) (not purchases made) since our ‘supposed’ American taxpayers’ governmental corporate broadcast news television broadcast airwaves are now corporate news outlets for which did away with factual latest news information by standardized rules to strict regulations under current (1980’s-2015) FCC’s irresponsibility according to broadcast engineer masters throughout the U.S.A., 2015.


            Since when did twenty (20) different American corporate news sources begin to inform 20 different facts? What.












Thank you.


---  ---  ---


Correction from “moll” to “mole” as into make mountains out of mole hills.”


---  ---  ---


Correction from “Islamic extremist terrorists” to “radical extremist militant terrorist murderers.” Yes, correct.


To kill any sovereign nation’s private citizens and civilians in coldblooded murder is to kill innocent lives. Yes. Correct. I correctly wrote-out these words. Yes.


---  ---  ---


Corrections to exact verbiage were made from Friday’s blog entry


            In America after “3 strikes” then out of the game of life ever since reoccurring “physical violence” of any type or “extremist terrorists attacks” or “bombers” or “‘suicide bombers” are indeed factually considered “mentally ill” and mentally defective. Yes.


            Why are some modern “radical extremist militant terrorists murderers” ever so (el fin, the end) physically violent as to factually act upon their “mentally ill” out-of-control physical murderous impulses and/or “mentally defective” irreligious (blasphemous) and literally homicidal acted-out ideologies accurately corrupt with excuses to murder innocent private citizens and civilians in cold blood?


            Is this the seventh century or 2015?


            Why do “radical extremist militant terrorists murderers” seem to possibly believe the world’s not ‘caught on’ or ‘figured out’ a major outdated violent truth about “radical extremist militant terrorists murderers’” out-of-control “mental illnesses” and literal thirst for bloodshed and bloodbaths? We see you. You can’t hide from the world any longer.


---  ---  ---



(Question Mark)


            [Literary and Personal Disclaimer: No, I shan’t personally and/or otherwise take any responsibility for anything Caliphate ‘may or may not’ say and/or ‘might or might not’ do presently and/or in the future because (since) I’m neither socially introduced nor personally acquainted to any Iraqi nor Afghan nor Syrian nor any other Middle Eastern nor south, Minneapolis specifically Somali “radical extremist militant terrorists murderers.” No.


            Factually, no, I’m neither any type of “radical extremist militant terrorist murderer” nor otherwise physically violent in my overall general nature since (because) yes, I’m one private citizen and civilian blog writer (not an artist) and broadcast engineer and “working professional expert” in “global communications” in our industry.


            No, thank you, neither would I like to be socially introduced nor personally acquainted to any Iraqi nor Afghan nor Syrian nor any other Middle Eastern nor south, Minneapolis specifically Somali “radical extremist militant terrorists murderers.” No, thank you. Thank you very much!


            No, I neither any longer do any type of “personal release” and “locations release” ‘field work’ documentaries nor am I still any type of documentary producer sole proprietor entrepreneur nor documentary filmmaker; No; nor have I ever factually and publically had my name published on any ballot to become an officially elected “public servant” to any position and/or post; No; nor have I ever been any factual type of “public figure”; No; nor am I any type of “public figure” now as I write-down my publically written personal Nonfiction private thoughts typed-out over ‘cyberspace ink’ as one ‘free speech’ modern American private citizen and civilian womyn working professional expert in our industry, and I don’t collect one single ‘red’ cent from the public to write this publically written private citizen and civilian expert blog and I’ll logically and reasonably write about my ignorant thoughts about “Caliphate.”


            (Are we on ‘equal footing’ to dance any peaceful mature adult literary Tango? Yes, we’re ready, and on ‘equal footing’ as far as this extensively smart and kind and intelligent written disclaimer is concerned? Yes. Correct. Okay. (Nice and easy does it.)


            Yes, I’m a fifteen-year (15, ‘one,’ ‘five’) intermediate career ‘free speech’ modern private American citizen and civilian “working professional expert” in “global communications” in our industry as a broadcast engineer nothing more and nothing less. Yes, correct.


            No, one may not publically approach another and begin any conversation unless the Ancient rules of communication apply with safety for “the” other and reverence for life and equal respectful exchange in communications.


            Otherwise, please, leave “anybody” privately alone to conduct their daily business and life since one-million-and-one things get done in one single day by mature adults.


             "Salaam-Alaikum," the Arabic greeting meaning "Peace be unto you," (from one general linguistic website.)


            We pray to Allah for peace and Mohammed is his prophet.


(Yes. Correct. These words are written here with the power and breath of my Ancient Mayan Ancestors.)


            No harm shall come to any type of writers, journalists, reporters or expert bloggers since writing’s labor intensive and difficult work in the almost exact same way as laying brick and/or digging up ditches and/or shoveling snow for daily ten hours is.




            No, I don’t know.


            No, I don’t personally know “anything” about “Caliphate.” No.


            No, I don’t pretend to neither personally know “anybody” nor anything in any ‘way, shape or form’ or in any social connection within ‘seven degrees of separation’ to “Caliphate.” No.


            Yes, what ignorantly little I know about Caliphate (formerly known as Iraqi “al-Qaida”) is exactly twenty-years (20, ‘two,’ ‘zero’) (or so) of personal reading and research about ‘two-thousand’ year war history in the Middle East between overall Sunnis and Shiites or Shiites and Sunnis.


(Yes! “Power to the People.” Yes, we’ve kept up with our general and overall international ‘current events’ reading. Yes! )




            No, I’m neither ‘any’ type of saboteur writer nor provocateur.


            Yes, I’m one official reviewer expert private citizen and civilian writer who at any time since December 2005 until from old age I were to pass away from natural circumstance and while I’m alive I may take an Oath on any stand before any judge and/or jury and testify as an “expert witness.” Yes. Correct.


            What’s there to say about “Caliphate?”


            What would one like for one to write about “Caliphate?”


            No, I don’t personally have anything to write about “Caliphate.”


            At present shall one force one’s hand to write about the current subject matter and issue of Caliphate?



            Yours Truly;





Post Script



Correction on Generational Note



Re-Written Specific Generational Notes

Generational Mathematical Corrections


            Today American citizens and civilians between the ages of 36 (correction) years of life and 51 are appropriately and properly considered the intelligent “Generation X.”


            (Yes. We’re presently the country’s leaders across all industries since our youngest member of our generation is now older than 35 years of life since 2012.) Yes. Correct.




Continued Generational Mathematical Corrections


            “Pearl Harbor” as well as “The Great Depression” factually didn’t occur nor did actually happen to the “Greatest Generation” as one united body of adults from the ages of 35 through 65. No.


            “Pearl Harbor” took place in 1941. Factual date.


            “Pearl Harbor” as well as “The Great Depression” factually occurred and did actually happen to the “Greatest Generation’sparents (unknown title for the “Greatest Generation’s” parents’ generation.)


            No, neither did “Pearl Harbor” nor “The Great Depression” factually occurred nor did happen to the “Greatest Generation” nor “Baby Boomer Generation” as one united body of generational adults from the ages of 35 through 65. No. (Corrections were made. Yes!)




            “The Moon Landing” and “Tune out, drop out” ‘literal’ hallucinating LSD ‘dead-Hippie’ generation factually occurred and did actually happen to the “Greatest Generation” as one united body of adults from the ages of 35 through 65. Yes.


            Actually it was the “Greatest Generation” for which is the one generation which had to deal with the initial shockwave and aftermath of the “Baby Boomers” ‘frying’ their brains in the “Baby Boomers’” formative years from about 1958-1968. Yes. Correct.




            “9/11” did and literally factually occurred and did actually happen to “Baby Boomers.” Yes.


            (Yes, I was ‘only’ 24 years of life in 2001 when former president and Bush and former vice-president Cheney’s “9/11” took place. I’m one of the youngest of the “Generation X” and was not yet factually cerebrally fully developed into full adulthood until I turned 35 in May of 2012.) Correct.




            As young adults “Generation X” (in our late 20’s and early 30’s and early 40’s) lived through “Two ‘back-to-back’ Recessions” or also known as “The Great Depression II” for which did indeed factually occur to an entire unretired generation of the “Generation X” during “Generation X’s” 29 years of life through early fortyish years of life in 2008, 2009. Yes.




            “15 years war” or “Vietnam II” in the “Middle East” factually occurred and does actually happen to an entire unretired generation of the “Generation X” while finally we’re all now between the fully cerebrally developed adult age of 36 through 51 (2015) as mature taxpaying adults and as one body of any united and equal generation. Yes.


            Yes, “Generation X” has done and continues to do their duty for The People and Country. Yes.




            Please due give credit where credit is due since the youngest of the “Millennial Generation” is only 17 years old today.


            The youngest of the “Millennial Generation” isn’t even 18 years “of age” as of today (November, 2015) and the oldest of the “Millennial Generation” is barely 35 years of life as of December 2014 for which by factual neurological cerebral brain chemistry and brain function and brain development in modern science terms means one’s liquid hormones are considered “mentally ill” until the brain’s fully done developed at the age of 35 years of life. (Checkmate.)


            Not until the youngest of any generation turns 35 years of life then an entire united body of people in one single generation get to move forward thus must wait until the youngest of any generation to turn 35 and wait a turn or to even so much as be considered one body of fully cerebrally developed mature adults. Yes.


            Otherwise, no dice. Patiently wait one’s turn to arrive at one’s destination to arrive at any generational adulthood as one united body of mature adults from the ages of 35 through 65 since time doesn’t stop still for any one and we all grow older each day towards the inedible (death.) 




Generational Questions


            Why do corporate mass media and corporate news outlets tend to skip right over “Generation X” when corporate mass media and corporate news outlets ought to seek out “Generation X” for real mature and adult answers and solutions ever since 2012 when “Generation X’s” united body of one generation turned into cerebrally mature adults from the ages of 35 through 51?


            What gives?


            Why pretend ‘adult children’ (“Millennial Generation”) has run the country for the past 15 years when ‘adult children’ haven’t run the country for the past 15 years? No.


            As of December 2014 the oldest member of the “Millennial Generation” turned 35 years of life and must wait until the “Millennial Generation’s” youngest of 17 years of life as of today (November 2015) turns 35 years of age themselves.


            (The “Millennial Generation” must wait 18 years (eighteen years, 2004-2022) to fulfill any leadership roles if the “Millennial Generation” mature adults were to choose to do so.) Yes. Correct.


            The “Millennial Generation” doesn’t pertain to anything international only American.


            Why not realize “Generation X” does now run the country?


            “Generation X” doesn’t run the world. No.


            However, “Generation X” does now run the country. Yes.


            We’re not dead. I’m standing right here right now.




            The youngest of the “Millennial Generation” is still 17 years of life as of today as of this month and year (November, 2015) and the “Millennial Generation” as an entire body of people have not yet come into full adult responsibilities from the ages of 35 through 65 thus the “Millennial Generation” doesn’t get to choose or decide as to what to do about the cultural and societal shockwaves and after effect of “9/11” as “Generation X” is and does and do lead and deal with the aftermath of such any catastrophic national event. Yes. Correct.


            The “Generation X” does now finally run the country and has been running the country ever since “Generation X’s” youngest members turned 35 years of life in 2012 (correction on date) and became “officially” cerebrally well developed mature adults as one complete body of an entire one united generation in years of 35 through 65. Yes. (Appropriate mathematical corrections on both ages and dates were made. Not to get “anybody” confused. No.)




            “Nobody” may take away any credit from “Generation X” and our cultural and societal contributions through “two ‘back-to-back’ recessions” or “The Great Depression II” (2008, 2009.)


            Why does the “Millennial Generation” get incorrect credit for which properly belongs to the “Generation X?”


            “Generation X” won’t give up our jobs or professions or leadership positions or posts until our youngest member of the “Generation X” is “officially” 65 years of life and comfortably retired. Yes. Thank you very much.


             (Although, today Americans work well into their 80’s (eighties) since the “cost of living” is much too expensive here in America for modern Americans (2007-2015, eight straight years of economic hardship) ever since Wall Street’s stock market’s inflation refuses to keep up and mature and grow up and become an intelligent and responsible contributing financial institution and take a seat at the “negotiating table” as well as move along with the times because inflation’s stuck in some creepy decimal time warp of frozen American dreams.) Correction on the above verbiage.


---  ---  ---

                        One generation on average expands 15 years per one entire body of generational group from when the youngest member of each generation turns 18 years of life to the oldest member of their generation turns 35 years of life then they’re on average a generation of peers and come into their own as an entire body of one generation when the youngest member reaches 35 years of life then we’re talking real business. Yes. Correct.


            Not necessarily are members of a generation social equals in education, wages and lifestyle, however.


            Yes, equals when it comes to votes and local municipal voice.



Word Count Goal: 1,000


Word Count: 1,273 (from the top without post script)


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count:


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:



*)         Day #1 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable entertainment.


*)         Day #7 without disciplining neighborhood children. One-year vow of silence. I owe it to myself. I love it.


*)         Day #43 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #211 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #632 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #64 without a cigarette: I like it.


*)         Day #63 without yells or screams or shrieks at Eric. I love it. It’s good. My ‘fake’ pregnancy-hormones are finally under control after 8 weeks on one specific prescribed Anti-depressant pill. (We’ve been dealing with ‘fake’ pregnancy hormones 5 out of 9 years of our relationship as a couple who lives under the same roof. I broke my 21 day streak about a social rule about any type of addictions such as blasting the stereo or tobacco or cigars or foods or to relatively small and irritating rude social misbehaviors like disciplining smart and misguided and enraged neighborhood hungry or thirsty children whose parents don’t seem to love them and ignore their children’s insecure and lonesome cries for attention of any type be it positive or negative. The misbehaved children loudly shrill or shriek or scream or yell in their backyards and throughout the neighborhood like ghostly Banshees who begin to wail before someone is about to die (Wikipedia.) Creepy children. Still yet modern children who wave at perfect strangers are even creepier because such children are naïve as to the dangers of the adult world. I miss the ultimately civilized children of Boston who are quiet and mature because they understand the world belongs to voters and taxpayers and mostly smelly adults and not only to the wealthy or privileged.


*)         Week #1 without stress: We owe it to ourselves. I love it.


*)         Week #57 work on 245 cholesterol as of June 2015. I love vegan food.


*)         Month #16 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty (24”) natural inch high waist without a corset. Yes!


*)         Week #17 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #4 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #9 on Anti-depressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 10 MG” To my personal chemistry and brains and mind this one single daily pill is exactly like three continuous cocktails “pumped” directly into my bloodstream 24/7. However, I’m not supposed to write about it thus I won’t. No, I don’t skip one single dosage. I’m addicted exactly as when any baby is addicted to sugar candy.


*)         Week #4 since my presently professional and platonic general practitioner male doctor factually and exactly at 10:58 am (correct on the spelling of time as in “am” in any contextual sentence and not A.M.) on the morning of Tuesday, October 20th, 2015 administered one liquid syringe cortisone shot directly into my right wrist and furthermore ever since four (4) weeks ago the ‘meatier’ bottom part of my right hand still continues to hurt ‘as though’ (simile) a medical syringe ‘needle’ perpetually and consistently passes straight through the bottom of my right hand out of my right wrist as though (another metaphor) pulling a needle through cloth except between the two muscles of my right hand and not exactly through my wrist per se for which this specific pain consists night and day at a pain-scale of both  numerical #7 and #8. (Yes, I called our medical practitioner’s office on Tuesday, November 10, 2015. Over the phone I spoke to nurse “S.”) Yes, my Carpal Tunnel pain prior to this past October 20th, 2015 was a consistent pain of a numerical #5 ever since August 2015. For the past 3 years (correction) (fall 2012, 2013, 2014) and by most Augusts of each year I begin to feel the one annual cortisone liquid shot wear off. No, I’m not on any prescribed pharmaceutical painkiller pills of any type. None whatsoever. No. (Yes, three year ago (3) (2012) I quit “cold turkey” (on the spot) any and most, if, not, then all pharmaceutical painkiller pills in the fall of 2012 since such pharmaceuticals painkiller pills did tend to jumble my literal out loud speech patterns into slow motion and under water vowel sounds.


(Annually since early fall 2012 and again on early fall 2013 and finally on early fall 2014 usually for the past three (3) (or so years) I’ve been administered one cortisone liquid shot from an “Orthopedic medical expert specialist” in Edina, MN from hence they practice medicine.) Yes.


[No, I’m neither literally “mentally ill” (since I’m one mature adult of 38 years of life and passed all of the adult psychological tests to prove my sanity fall-winter 2014) nor do I giggle loudly while walking down public streets and/or sidewalks; No; nor am I angry as to shout out loud lyrics while screaming at the top of my lungs while listening to my headset while or during walking down public streets and/or sidewalks; No; nor am I mentally confused as to shout biblical evangelical ‘made-up’ quotes; No; nor am I emotionally insincere; No; nor intellectually dishonest; No; nor purposely unfaithful; No; nor untruthful such as any perpetual pathological liar is or does; No.] (Corrections were made to verbiage.)


(Yes, my right hand is in constant serious pain on a medical scale of literally a numerical #7 and #8 as in much pain as in literally last week for the first time in my life I dropped a cup and to my surprise my right hand’s pain was ever so intense at a pain scale of numerical #10 or more and suddenly for about 15 seconds my right hand went numb all over and I dropped an object for the first time in my life. I was left speechless. Yes.)


Friday, November 13, 2015


“In everyone there is something precious, found in no one else; so honor each man for what is hidden within him---for what he alone has, and none of his fellows.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Galaxy (cluster, group)


A galaxy of stars appeared in the night sky.


---  ---  ---



A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.




Avoid Wounding The Feelings Of Another.


Chapter 6.

Page 75


To avoid wounding the feelings of another, is the key to almost every problem of manners that can be proposed; and he who will always regulate his sayings (correction) and doings by that principle, may chance to break some conventional rule, but will rarely violate any of the essentials of good-breeding. Judgment and attention are as necessary to fulfil (correct spelling from the Old English) this precept, as the disposition; for, by inadvertence or folly as much pain may be given as by designed malevolence.


“Precept” defines: law or rule or guideline or teaching.


“Disposition” defines: outlook, temper, temperament, character, nature.


“Folly” defines: foolishness, madness, stupidity, idiocy, silliness, craziness, recklessness.


“Design” defines: plan, intend, aim, mean, devise, purpose.


“Malevolence” defines: wickedness, malice, ill will.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 8:19 P.M. CT


Happy Mayan lucky numerical #13!


Happy 52ndth Birthday to Eric Holm on Sunday, November 15, 2015!


---  ---  ---


Corrections to exact verbiage were made


            In America after “3 strikes” then out of the game of life ever since reoccurring “physical violence” of any type or “extremist terrorists attacks” or “bombers” or “‘suicide bombers” are indeed factually considered “mentally ill” and mentally defective. Yes.


            Why are some modern “radical extremist militant terrorists murderers” ever so (el fin, the end) physically violent as to factually act upon their “mentally ill” out-of-control physical murderous impulses and/or “mentally defective” irreligious (blasphemous) and literally homicidal acted-out ideologies accurately corrupt with excuses to murder innocent private citizens and civilians in cold blood?


            Is this the seventh century or 2015?


            Why do “radical extremist militant terrorists murderers” seem to possibly believe the world’s not ‘caught on’ or ‘figured out’ a major outdated violent truth about “radical extremist militant terrorists murderers’” out-of-control “mental illnesses” and literal thirst for bloodshed and bloodbaths? We see you. You can’t hide from the world any longer.


            Oh, our beloved Paris.


            Paris is burning…tonight under the murderous hands of…


---  ---  ---


            Yes, to my recollection my one and main national news source about China’s present year’s (November 2014-November 2015) physical military presence in the Middle East is one national late-night radio broadcasted news source from ‘George’s Show’ which might have broadcasted around last November 2014, if my memory serves me right. (Please don’t quote me on the correct late-night radio broadcast date. Again, I’d have to look it up. Thanks!) (I believe it was one of many of “George’s guests' sources.)


(Yes, I incorrectly might’ve translated such news misinformation over unto ink. I’ll look into it.) Thanks.


            However, I don’t personally know if there are in fact Chinese military troops and/or ‘boots on the ground’ of either northern eastern Africa such as Yemen and/or either of the two Sudan countries.


            Yes, personally I understand and acknowledge that according to “general” ‘current news’ (2014, 2015, recent one year) pertaining to any military Chinese presence and/or information has been conveyed to American ‘laypeople’ for which China does indeed presently (2011-2015) hold “interests” (business and/or otherwise) in the Middle East while ‘supposedly’ or ‘factually’ to American news sources indeed Russia does presently (2014, 2015) and physically did place Russian troops and/or ‘boots on the ground’ in the Middle East. Correct? Yes? No? I don’t know.




            If the above information is indeed incorrect and/or wrong then I’ll eventually make corrections and I’m neither any type of corporate network news journalist nor any corporate news reporter. Thank you.


            Yes, I’m one private citizen and civilian “working professional expert” in my field of global communications in our industry for which I do publically write on this specific Nonfiction blog as one private American citizen and civilian. Yes, correct.


            Yes, I’m made of flesh and bones. Yes.


            Yes, I do exist in real flesh and blood. Yes.


            Yes, I do have a pumping heartbeat and a heart. Yes.


            Yes, I’m one fully developed vagina genital human female person. Yes.


            Yes, I was born with one fully developed vagina.


            No, I haven’t changed my vagina genitals ever since. Correct.




            Yes, I do all of my own writing and also editing. Wow!!!


            Yes, I’m neither any corporate mass media news nor corporate news outlet.


            No, this blog doesn’t make money off of the public. No.


            No we don’t advertise this blog anywhere in the world. No.


            No, we’re neither “public figures” nor “publically elected officials” nor “public servants” (such as elected officials to any public office and/or post) nor to reiterate corporate news outlets nor corporate mass media’s journalists nor corporate reporters. No.


            No, we’re not used car ‘salesmen.’ No.


            Hence we’re private American citizens and civilians then we don’t have to ‘give up’ our private sources of information although at any moment’s notice our private sources of information may take any serious legal Oath on a stand and testify before any judge and/or jury as to prove we tell the truth and back us up. Yes. Correct. Thank you very much.

































            Yours Truly;




Word Count Goal: 1,000 personal journals


Word Count: 669


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 6,735


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:



*)         Day #4 without disciplining neighborhood children. One-year vow of silence. I owe it to myself. I love it.


*)         Day #40 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #208 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #629 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #61 without a cigarette: I like it.


*)         Day #60 without yells or screams or shrieks at Eric. I love it. It’s good. My ‘fake’ pregnancy-hormones are finally under control after 8 weeks on one specific prescribed Anti-depressant pill. (We’ve been dealing with ‘fake’ pregnancy hormones 5 out of 9 years of our relationship as a couple who lives under the same roof. I broke my 21 day streak about a social rule about any type of addictions such as blasting the stereo or tobacco or cigars or foods or to relatively small and irritating rude social misbehaviors like disciplining smart and misguided and enraged neighborhood hungry or thirsty children whose parents don’t seem to love them and ignore their children’s insecure and lonesome cries for attention of any type be it positive or negative. The misbehaved children loudly shrill or shriek or scream or yell in their backyards and throughout the neighborhood like ghostly Banshees who begin to wail before someone is about to die (Wikipedia.) Creepy children. Still yet modern children who wave at perfect strangers are even creepier because such children are naïve as to the dangers of the adult world. I miss the ultimately civilized children of Boston who are quiet and mature because they understand the world belongs to voters and taxpayers and mostly smelly adults and not only to the wealthy or privileged.


*)         Week #2 without stress: We owe it to ourselves. I love it.


*)         Week #56 work on 245 cholesterol as of June 2015. I love vegan food.


*)         Month #16 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty (24”) natural inch high waist without a corset. Yes!


*)         Week #16 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #3 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #8 on Anti-depressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 10 MG” To my personal chemistry and brains and mind this one single daily pill is exactly like three continuous cocktails “pumped” directly into my bloodstream 24/7. However, I’m not supposed to write about it thus I won’t. No, I don’t skip one single dosage. I’m addicted exactly as when any baby is addicted to sugar candy.


Thursday, November 12, 2015


“Man is endowed by nature with two eyes: one to see his neighbors’ virtues, the other to see his own faults.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Gamut (entire range, extent of)


He ran the gamut of crime before he was caught.


---  ---  ---



A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.






Chapter 6.

Page 75


The interjection of such phrases as, “You know,” “You see,” “Don’t you see?” “Do you understand?” and similar ones that simulate the attention, and demand an answer, ought to be avoided. Make your observations in a calm and sedate way, which your companion may attend to or not, as he pleases, and let them go for what they are worth.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 6:07 P.M. CT (See you on Monday!)


Corrections from “mocking sounds” to “‘mimicking’ mocking sounds” like mockingbirds do mimic. Thank you very much.


(Further corrections were made to the single paragraph below.)


            No, don’t ever bring any newborns or infants or children or minors to universities’ or colleges’ classes or on-campus locations since any miniscule minors’ noisy immature noises most likely will disrupt adult paying students from their vitally important learning and students pay a lot of money as in ‘pricy’ out-of-pocket expenses and ridiculous amounts of money per semester tuition costs to attend classes and/or to live-on campuses to further their Liberal Arts’ critical analytical thinking skills as well as to better student’s’ general “above average” knowledge for life and also to learn ‘smart,’ ‘kind’ and ‘creative’ and ‘intelligent’ problem solving solutions to apply to student’s’ near-future mature adult existences otherwise mediocre education may be any complete waste of one’s time if one perceives (identifies) education as any profit-making-scheme and/or as something to get a job out of since education doesn’t and can’t and won’t guarantee any lifelong job with any great pension awaiting for “anybody” since “those” American days are mostly now gone for any “above average” “workers” and/or “working professionals” of any type. (Corrections were made.)


            If what one wants is a job then go get a job any job and make it a good one.


            Education doesn’t guarantee any job since education is about knowledge and nothing more and nothing less.


---  ---  ---


            The youngest of the “Millennial Generation” isn’t even 18 years “of age” as of today and the oldest of the “Millennial Generation” is now barely 35 years of life for which by factual neurological cerebral brain chemistry and brain function and brain development in modern science means one’s liquid hormones are considered “mentally ill” until the brain’s fully done developed at the age of 35. (Checkmate.)


            Not until the youngest of any generation turns 35 years of life then an entire united body of people in one single generation get to move forward thus must wait until the youngest of any generation to turn 35 and wait a turn or to even so much as be considered one body of fully cerebrally developed mature adults. Yes.


             Otherwise, no dice. Patiently wait one’s turn to arrive at one’s destination as it always happens to any generation since time doesn’t stop still for any one and we all grow older each day towards the inedible (death.) 


            As of December 2014 the oldest member of the “Millennial Generation” turned 35 years of life and must wait until the “Millennial Generation’s” youngest of 17 as of today turns 35 years of age themselves. (Must wait 18 years to fulfill any leadership roles if they were to choose to do so.)


---  ---  ---


            “Generation X” won’t give up our jobs or professions or leadership positions or posts until our youngest “Generation X” member is “officially” 65 and comfortably retired. Yes. Thank you very much.


            (Although, today Americans work well into their 80’s (eighties) since the “cost of living” is much too expensive here in America for modern Americans since Wall Street’s stock market’s inflation refuses to keep up and mature and grow up and become an intelligent and responsible contributing financial institution and take a seat at the “negotiating table” as well as move along with the times because inflation’s stuck in some creepy time warp of frozen American dreams.) Correction on the above verbiage.


---  ---  ---


            One generation on average expands 15 years per generational group from when the youngest member of each generation turns 18 years of life to the oldest member of their generation turns 35 years of life then they’re on average a generation of peers and come into their own as an entire body of one generation when the youngest member reaches 35 years of life then we’re talking real business.


            Not necessarily are members of a generation social equals in education, wages and lifestyle, however.


            Yes, equals when it comes to votes and local municipal voice.


---  ---  ---
































            Yours Truly;




Word Count Goal: 600


Word Count: 699


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 6,616


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:



*)         Day #3 without disciplining neighborhood children. One-year vow of silence. I owe it to myself. I love it.


*)         Day #39 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #207 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #628 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #60 without a cigarette: I like it.


*)         Day #59 without yells or screams or shrieks at Eric. I love it. It’s good. My ‘fake’ pregnancy-hormones are finally under control after 8 weeks on one specific prescribed Anti-depressant pill. (We’ve been dealing with ‘fake’ pregnancy hormones 5 out of 9 years of our relationship as a couple who lives under the same roof. I broke my 21 day streak about a social rule about any type of addictions such as blasting the stereo or tobacco or cigars or foods or to relatively small and irritating rude social misbehaviors like disciplining smart and misguided and enraged neighborhood hungry or thirsty children whose parents don’t seem to love them and ignore their children’s insecure and lonesome cries for attention of any type be it positive or negative. The misbehaved children loudly shrill or shriek or scream or yell in their backyards and throughout the neighborhood like ghostly Banshees who begin to wail before someone is about to die (Wikipedia.) Creepy children. Still yet modern children who wave at perfect strangers are even creepier because such children are naïve as to the dangers of the adult world. I miss the ultimately civilized children of Boston who are quiet and mature because they understand the world belongs to voters and taxpayers and mostly smelly adults and not only to the wealthy or privileged.


*)         Week #2 without stress: We owe it to ourselves. I love it.


*)         Week #56 work on 245 cholesterol as of June 2015. I love vegan food.


*)         Month #16 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty (24”) natural inch high waist without a corset. Yes!


*)         Week #16 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #3 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #8 on Anti-depressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 10 MG” To my personal chemistry and brains and mind this one single daily pill is exactly like three continuous cocktails “pumped” directly into my bloodstream 24/7. However, I’m not supposed to write about it thus I won’t. No, I don’t skip one single dosage. I’m addicted exactly as when any baby is addicted to sugar candy.


Wednesday, November 11, 2015


“A man is a man because he is a man.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Commendatory (worthy of praise or of regard)


That was indeed a commendatory action.


---  ---  ---



A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.




The Best Kind Of Conversation.


Chapter 6.

Pages 74-75


That conversation is the best which furnishes the most entertainment to the person conferred with, and calls upon him for the least exercise of mind. It is for this reason that argument and difference are studiously avoided by well-bred people; they tax and tire. It should be the aim of every one to utter his remarks in such a form that the expression of assent or opposition need not follow from him he speaks with. (Correct passage.)


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 7:22 P.M. CT (done writing for tonight)

Internet server problems


Happy Veterans Day!

(Today is indeed Veterans Day!)

(Yesterday wasn’t Veterans Day! No.)


---  ---  ---


All around today and yesterday’s grammatical written English corrections were made for the reader’s sake and understanding.


Mathematical corrections were made. Thank you very much.


---  ---  ---


Correction from “the muppets.” to “The Muppets.” I beg your pardon.


---  ---  ---


            Correction from there’s no such thing as an “MTV generation.”

“MTV generation” is a “made-up” term and doesn’t exist in real life.


            Correction from there’s no such “phrase” as “The Forgotten generation” for which any “make-believe” substitute terminology for another “made-up” term in the form of “MTV generation” which actually happens to factually be “Generation X” (ages 36-51, today, correction on the exact years.)


            In other words: factually there’s only “Generation X” and there’s no such “anything” called as any made-up phrases or terms such as “MTV generation” and/or “The Forgotten generation.” No. Wrong.


---  ---  ---


            (Correction from “‘activist’ movement” (one, mono) to “activism movement” (plural, plus some) Yes. Correct.)


An activism movement is not about one single individual. No.


An activism movement is about an entire body of Civil Liberties and Human Rights. Yes, Correct. Otherwise, the cause could possibly be corrupted to the core or soul. Yes. Correct. I wrote the above sentence in a correctly comprehensive as well as properly spelled out order.) Thank you very much. I’m not snoozing over here. Pay attention.


Special Bulletin

Activism Movements


            No, “non-student affiliated” or “non-student run” or non-universities’ affiliated or non-colleges’ affiliated “social activism groups and/or individualsmay not start-up “activism campaigns” (correction) on universities’ or colleges’ campuses and/or any other private and/or public land unless “social ‘activism’ campaigns” are properly licensed and do hold city permits to peacefully assemble and gather and address any “civil injustice” to any nationally (American only) legitimate “Civil Liberties” and “Human Rights” issues specifically pertaining to actual threats and/or “factually” causing physical harm through “bodily function” and/or threatening bodily function to any individual and/or group of individuals otherwise no talking…


            Otherwise, it’s a bunch of “dumb kids” playing make-believe.


            Yes, students may form or run “social activism” groups on students’ campuses since students pay tuition to live where students study as well as students may also form forums and/or campaigns about “legitimate” loss of national Civil Liberties’ and Human Rights’ factual issues and not “personal issues” pertaining to “name-calling” or ‘purposely without much thought take-up space’ to inconvenience specific locations or campuses’ routes and pedestrians’ paths otherwise by any standard any “made-up” “social activism campaign” then is considered “bogus” or a lie or “corrupt” and especially any waste of any intelligent “working professionals’” or “experts’” or mature adults’ working time or rest time. Please. Stick a pin in it and let all the air out of the balloon. Thanks.


            Only fools make mountains out of mole hills.




            An “activism cause” or “activism movement” (correction on verbiage on the word ‘activism’) is normally only an American national cause for legal reasons since other nations are their own sovereign nations for which may change the policy of any nation and not only one single individual private and/or public setting and/or establishment.


            Activism movements” are nationwide and conducted mostly by…


            Activism movements are serious endeavors and may last for months or years or decades.


            Activism movements are serious endeavors and neither to be taken lightly nor as any “child’s play.”




            Cerebrally developed mature adults and experts run the world and not under developed young adults who haven’t are 35 years of life or older.


            Yes, do so resume and attend classes. Thank you.


            No, don’t ever bring any newborns or infants or children or minors to universities’ or colleges’ classes or on-campus locations since any miniscule minors’ noisy immature noises most likely will disrupt adult paying students from their vitally important learning and students pay a lot of money as in ‘pricy’ out-of-pocket expenses and ridiculous amounts of money per semester tuition costs to attend classes and/or to live-on campuses to further their Liberal Arts’ critical analytical thinking skills as well as to better student’s’ general “above average” knowledge for life and also to learn ‘smart,’ ‘kind’ and ‘creative’ and ‘intelligent’ problem solving solutions to apply to student’s’ near-future mature adult existences otherwise mediocre education may be any complete waste of one’s time if one perceives (identifies) education as any profit-making-scheme and/or as something to get a job out of since education doesn’t and can’t and won’t guarantee any lifelong job with any great pension awaiting for “anybody” since “those” American days are mostly now gone for any “above average” “workers” and/or “working professionals” of any type. (Corrections were made.)


            If what one wants is a job then go get a job any job and make it a good one.


            Education doesn’t guarantee any job since education is about knowledge and nothing more and nothing less.


            Only individuals may land themselves any jobs if the employers wish and care to and want to employ any human.


            Animals, too, work for their keep.


            Please, go to class and study and get somewhat educated by modern mediocre standards since any students’ work is to attend overpriced universities’ and colleges’ quasi Liberal Arts’ developed critical thinking skill in educational classrooms and not stop traffic or sleep outside in tents like homeless people do unless racial harm does become literal “bodily fluids.” Yes, correct.


            Fools shan’t inherit the Earth.


            The meek shall inherit the Earth.



            Yours Truly;





Post Script Note


Film/Video Note


Bilateral rapid eye movement scans


Yes, in 1999, 2000, and again 2001-2002

I did physically force myself

to quickly scan

and do rapid bilateral eye movements

with my eyes

while I looked

across the “silver screen”

to read or scan

for actual film-film (celluloid)

or if we watched video (tape.)


Get it?

Yes, of course, you do.


Yes, I was taught in literal “film school”

to once in a while

scan with rapid bilateral eye movement

at ‘any’ supposed film

if one isn’t able to decipher

video “interlacing”

on the moving captured image

or visual picture.


In those days:

My question was:

Am I watching celluloid or tape or digital or what?


Personally, I don’t like to look at anything

with rapid bilaterally eye movement

unless deciphering visual “interlacing”

otherwise bilateral rapid eye movement

looks “weird” to an average person

although a great method to…








Word Count Goal: 1,500


Word Count: 1,898


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 5,299


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:



*)         Day #2 without disciplining neighborhood children. One-year vow of silence. I owe it to myself. I love it.


*)         Day #38 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #206 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #627 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #59 without a cigarette: I like it.


*)         Day #58 without yells or screams or shrieks at Eric. I love it. It’s good. My ‘fake’ pregnancy-hormones are finally under control after 8 weeks on one specific prescribed Anti-depressant pill. (We’ve been dealing with ‘fake’ pregnancy hormones 5 out of 9 years of our relationship as a couple who lives under the same roof. I broke my 21 day streak about a social rule about any type of addictions such as blasting the stereo or tobacco or cigars or foods or to relatively small and irritating rude social misbehaviors like disciplining smart and misguided and enraged neighborhood hungry or thirsty children whose parents don’t seem to love them and ignore their children’s insecure and lonesome cries for attention of any type be it positive or negative. The misbehaved children loudly shrill or shriek or scream or yell in their backyards and throughout the neighborhood like ghostly Banshees who begin to wail before someone is about to die (Wikipedia.) Creepy children. Still yet modern children who wave at perfect strangers are even creepier because such children are naïve as to the dangers of the adult world. I miss the ultimately civilized children of Boston who are quiet and mature because they understand the world belongs to voters and taxpayers and mostly smelly adults and not only to the wealthy or privileged.


*)         Week #2 without stress: We owe it to ourselves. I love it.


*)         Week #56 work on 245 cholesterol as of June 2015. I love vegan food.


*)         Month #16 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty (24”) natural inch high waist without a corset. Yes!


*)         Week #16 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #3 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #8 on Anti-depressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 10 MG” To my personal chemistry and brains and mind this one single daily pill is exactly like three continuous cocktails “pumped” directly into my bloodstream 24/7. However, I’m not supposed to write about it thus I won’t. No, I don’t skip one single dosage. I’m addicted exactly as when any baby is addicted to sugar candy.


Tuesday, November 10, 2015


“Animals have long tongues and can’t speak; men have short tongues and dare not.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Commensurate (equal in measure)


His ambition is commensurate with ability.


---  ---  ---



A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.




Give Credit For What You Learn.


Chapter 6.

Page 74


But if a person gets knowledge in this way from another, he should always give him due credit for it: and not endeavor to sustain himself in society upon the claims that really belong to another. “It is a special trick of low cunning,” says Walpole, with a very natural indignation, “to squeeze out knowledge from a modest man, who is eminent in any science; and then to use it as legally required, and pass the source in total silence.”


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 8:21 P.M. CT


---  ---  ---


Yes, further English corrections were made to last week’s written work as well as yesterday’s written short piece. Thank you.


---  ---  ---


Happy Veterans Day one day early!


---  ---  ---


Experts Are Prepared

To Take

Any Witness Stand

And Under Verbal Legal Oath

To Publically Testify

To One’s

Best Knowledge and Experience

Before Any Judge and/or Jury


The difference between

Experts vs. “blue collar”/“working class” is major


The difference between

Experts vs. “professional workers” is major


The difference between

Experts vs. “working professionals” is major


The difference between

Maestros vs. experts is major


The difference between

Masters vs. experts vs. professionals is major


Yes, on our street alone

we have 5 “stay-at-home” computers

“working professionals” and one expert

this happens to be me.


(Yes, I’m capable of taking a serious legal Oath on a witness stand

before any judge and/or jury and give my expertly testimony

as to whether any piece of visual image is authentic or not.)



Film/Video Note


Bilateral rapid eye movement scans


Yes, in 1999, 2000, and again 2001-2002

I did physically force myself

to quickly scan

and do rapid bilateral eye movements

with my eyes

while I looked

across the “silver screen”

to read or scan

for actual film-film (celluloid)

or if we watched video (tape.)


Get it?

Yes, of course, you do.


Yes, I was taught in literal “film school”


to once in a while

scan with rapid bilateral eye movement

at ‘any’ supposed film

if one isn’t able to decipher

video “interlacing”

on the moving captured image

or visual picture.


In those days:

My question was:

Am I watching celluloid or tape or digital or what?


Personally, I don’t like to look at anything

with rapid bilaterally eye movement

unless deciphering visual “interlacing”

otherwise bilateral rapid eye movement

looks “weird” to an average person

although a great method to…




                        No, one repetitious year of “muscle

                        memory” is not the same as having

                        two people expose their penis and

                        vagina (genitals) in 2003, every 12

                        years. No.


                        Correction: 2nd ‘Memory Relapse’

                        In one year, (fall 2014:)


                        No, I’ve not once

                        taken an Oath

                        on any witness stand

                        to publically testify

                        as an “expert witness”

                        before any judge and/or jury. No.


                        Yes, I’ve literally been on a jury once before.




                        How could I’ve been wrong

                        about literally taking ‘a’ supposedly

                        serious Oath in front of any judge

                        and/or jury? I don’t know.




                        Memory’s a difficult and complex

                        Subject matter or topic of discussion.


                        Yes, I did hold one of many working

                        professional expert positions for which I:

                        Almost and nearly

                        completed 365 days

                        (minus weekends and vacation)

                        of “muscle memory”

                        of about a year

                        (December 2004-November 2005.)

                        once per week

                        and did practice

                        physical repetitious action

                        for which became physical

                        “stored information” in memory cells

                        in my physical literal

                        “muscle memory”

                        and liquid bloodstream and blood cells

                        did get ever so comfortable

                        practicing for ‘mock’ testifying

                        or which my

                        “muscle memory” did create

                        one literal written ‘glitch’ or ‘hick up’

                        to my one written memory mistake

                        only done “once”

                        when I incorrectly wrote down

                        the wrong data about and

                        for which

                        the wrong written blog entry

                        (fall 2014)


                        in fact I had “once”

                        taken an oath

                        in any witness stand

                        in front of any judge and/or jury

                        even though I literally hadn’t

                        ever been exposed

                        to such a literal and physical

                        knowledge and/or experience

                        as to literally take an Oath on any stand

                        although professionally

                        I repetitiously

                        studied and rehearsed

                        and researched for a year

                        once per week

                        to take the stand

                        and in my stored “muscle memory”

                        there showed up

                        a written “glitch” thus

                        I figured’ I had already

                        in my mature adult mind taken an Oath

                        on any witness stand;

                        at least once in my lifetime;

                        until one August 2015 afternoon

                        a first time acquaintance

                        and lunch guest

                        as a man in his 60’s

                        who literally sat across from me

                        and looked me in the face

                        and directly in-the-eye

                        and point blank asked me

                        if I had ever

                        had to take any witness stand

                        and I paused for a slight moment

                        and correctly

                        and truthfully

                        answered him

                        I hadn’t, neither taken

                        an Oath nor the stand.


                        Thank you very much.

                        However, I had to truly think about

                        if I had

                        or not

                        even so much as ever

                        taken an Oath on any witness stand

                        and testified on a box

                        in front of any judge and/or jury.


                        No, I hadn’t taken any witness stand.


                        No, I haven’t testified before any judge.


                        No, I haven’t testified before any jury.




                        Simple, human error now corrected.




                        Yes, I did refer back to my

                        few written notes and recorded data

                        about my one year of practice

                        to ‘mock testify’

                        to take any witness stand

                        and thankfully, no,

                        I wasn’t professionally called up

                        as any “expert witness”

                        to take any stand

                        under one serious Oath. (Whew.)


                        Thankfully, I’m nowhere on record.



                        Thankfully I don’t now hold any

                        working professional” position

                        for which I might or might not

                        if ever again have to see

                        the inside of another courthouse

                        ever again

                        (knock on wood for good luck.)


                        No, we don’t leave anything up to

                        chance or luck.


                        Keep your fingers crossed.




My one-and-only,

one other

verbal memory ‘glitch’

and/or memory misinformation

was misspoken last fall 2014

when I told

a close and personal friend of mine

I had twenty or more years ago

dated his presently Detroit-living

platonic male best-friend


However, no,

I hadn’t ever dated

one of my platonic and personal adult

non-sexual mature

male friends 

because I had dated

my close friend’s best-friend’s 20 years ago best-friend.


No joke.


How could I have forgotten who I had dated for one season?

How could I have mixed up the men?

How could I have thought

I dated my best-friend’s best-friend’s former best-friend?


Other than 1 written and 1 verbal mistake:

We’re up to par and ready to go.

Upwards and Onwards.


Expert writers don’t miss many detail

As the saying goes:

“..the devil’s in the details…”


Incorrect details are tough to decipher

Amongst average strands of DNA


Moving on…




Special Bulletin

Activism Movements


            No, “non-student affiliated” or “non-student run” or non-universities affiliated or non-colleges affiliated “social activism” of any type may not start-up “activist’s campaigns” on universities’ or colleges’ campuses unless “social activism campaigns” are nationally or internationally “legitimate issues” specifically pertaining to actual physical threats and/or causing actual “bodily harm.”


            Otherwise, it’s a bunch of “dumb kids” playing make-believe.




            An “activist cause” is normally a national cause for which may change the policy of any nation and not only one single individual private and/or public setting and/or establishment.


            “Activist movements” are nationwide and conducted mostly by…


            Activism movements are serious endeavors and may last for months or years or decades.


            Activism movements are serious endeavors and neither to be taken lightly nor as “child’s play.”




            No, one, doesn’t get to whine in any “activist campaign” or “activist cause” for which individuals either assemble on private and/or public property or chastise the mass media or any licensed media news outlets or young professional journalists and/or investigative reporters for which will get to the bottom of any story because it’s their working professions “to get to the bottom of any story.”


            If activists don’t care to speak to either mass media or media outlets or journalists or reporters about any single activist’s cause then the rest of the country neither understands nor cares about “activist’s” particular and/or specific “activists’ campaigns” since we won’t know about it.




            To be called “racial slurs” is in fact indeed part of modern mature adult life and no amount of universities’ policies will change unless adult workplaces do without whining or complaining like children do.


            Professionals change policy and not “anybody” else changes policy since such persons are still considered “mentally ill” under the age of 35.


            Cerebrally developed mature Adults and experts run the world and not under developed young adults under the age of 35.


            Yes, do so attend classes.


            Yes, students may run and/or form “social activism” groups and/or forums and/or campaigns about “legitimate” national and/or international factual issues and not personal issues pertaining to “name-calling” or to specific graffiti on certain locations or campuses otherwise by any standard any “made-up” “social activism campaign” then is considered bogus or a lie and especially any waste of any intelligent “working professionals” or “experts” or mature adults’ working or rest time. Yes. Correct.




            Change must begin with fully cerebrally developed mature adults otherwise the hormonally “mentally ill” younger than age 35 tend to believe “mentally ill” run the country when “mentally ill” don’t run the country and won’t be allowed to begin to run the country as a general body of an entire generation when the youngest member turns 35 years of life in the year 2022. Yes. Correct.


            One must go through one’s adult cerebrally mature “right-of-passage” before “anybody” gets any type of public say other than one’s private “social media” semi-public bias and mostly incorrect opinions about any subject matter or topic.


            One can’t and doesn’t whine or complain to any news outlets or mass media about ‘daily adult mature struggles’ since it’s mediocrity and not any activism cause such as “slur name calling” since we have “bigger fish to fry” such as workplace rape or universities’ and colleges’ campus sexual assault or sexual molestation or sexual harassment or, or, or… raise the minimum wage or stronger economical “individual payer” national health care, or, or, or… sweatshops…


---  ---  ---




Yes, to raise children

is the most difficult continuous work


To parent is to sign up

for the most difficult work

in the world


There’s no more difficult work

than to rear and bring up children


Mostly “blue collar” and “working class” parents

seem to “believe” there’re

no rules or grading for parents


How wrong indeed


Mostly “blue collar” and “working class” parents

seem to “believe”

America’s frozen solid

in a time warp

of the late 1970’s and 1980’s attitudes


How wrong indeed


America’s mature adults who turned 35 in 2012

through 51 years of life today

indeed seem to be some of the most stubborn

to change their public social misbehaviors

in and within themselves


No, it’s not modern to play ‘land’ and/or ‘water’ “Marco Polo”

since the echoes carry further across water than on land

and sound bounces off of brick and/or stone buildings

leaving many around deaf from the loudness

and/or the inability to self-control and self-modulate volume

of children and/or minors

who have no clue how the world

of mature adult rules’ work

or how mature adult rules do apply today

or how mature adult rules are even presently conducted.


Dust to dust.




Medical Life at a Balance


            Yes, personally we love to live within any short distance to any responsible and mature and capable hospital or medical facility since both types of benign tumors for which I grow on either sides of my thyroid gland as in what’s been described as “bunches of grapes” as well as benign tumors attached to my uterus lining could potentially erupt if I were to laugh, too, hard thus we must live near any responsible and mature and capable hospital and/or medical facility while I tenderly keep refined balance of my health and good daily overall wellness and great general sane lifestyle even though ‘all’ humans are considered “crazy” by modern psychology.


            However, not “everybody’s” “insane” as “everybody’s” considered “crazy” by modern standardized accredited psychologists which psychology, too, is considered a made-up science in the same way philosophy as well as “political science” are “make-believe” sciences.




            Yes, “I’m the master of my own universe” and keep myself quite well under the circumstances for which I hemorrhage every six months on a continuous overextended five years of deadly episodes of tremendous blood loss and an ‘unknown’ “medical condition” for which not one single Minnesota general practitioner accredited and licensed medical doctor will directly and non-sexually orally tell me to my face or inform us as to what factually is my illness or disease or medical condition what exactly I’m medically looking at or dealing with in the long term because the last five years have been any great medical challenge while not one single local medical doctor or specialist will tell me in one simple word or terminology as to what possible overall and general disease or illness or medical condition I’m dealing with and looking at.


            How irresponsible indeed.

            How irritating indeed.


            Medicine in Minnesota isn’t or doesn’t seem to be as adequate as medicine in Boston is.




            My health belongs to me and not to one single doctor.


            What I do with my health is up to me.


            However, when I haven’t been well informed with terminology then I don’t even know what to begin to call this extended illness or disease or medical condition.


            How can medical practices be possible when “nobody” in Minnesota is capable or able or willing to “label” my medical condition or illness or disease?


            No, I don’t know medicine.


            No, I’m not a medical doctor.


            Yes, I must have my illness or disease or medical condition spelled out to me. Yes.


            Yes, I’ve been kept in the dark for five years since our general practitioners have don’t know what my illness or disease or medical condition is at all.




            Supposedly, nothing’s physically wrong with me.


            The last time I met with my uterine surgeon in June 2015 he suggested I was psychosomatic (making stuff up) even though I hemorrhage and deal with ‘fake’ pregnancy hormones and grow benign tumors and cysts and either at this rate within the next decade I predict  my literal voice’s going to go since my windpipe’s restricted and as of late I don’t seem to take enough intake of oxygen (yes, I’m cerebrally fine) to both my lungs even though I haven’t smoked cigarettes in months and both my hands and wrists will probably go from Carpal Tunnel.


            An undetected disease is like playing baseball without a scoreboard or innings to know the outcome of the game.


            However, supposedly according to my last uterine fibroids laparoscopic surgeon there’s nothing (correction) physically wrong with me. According to this medical specialist I “make-up” the pain in my body since my surgeon explained to me all pain’s “made-up” in the brain. Okay.


            Practically, my uterine fibroids laparoscopic surgeon called me a “liar” in an underhanded way.


            Yes, I’m many things.

            However, I’m not any type of liar.

            Yes, I can most definitely be ignorant that’s for sure.


            Are cysts and hemorrhages and benign tumors are also a psychosomatic condition of the brain as well? Okay. I don’t know.




            Yes, I do have an “autoimmune disease.”

            Yes, I figured it out all on my own.

            Yes, again I self-diagnosed myself as of summer 2015.


            However, there’re 80 types of “autoimmune diseases.”


            While I watch my “immune system” drastically weaken at an alarming rate and attack my body or “good cells” then my physical body slowly shuts down some or different aspects or forms of my overall general good health as well as my immune system begins to fail me with such as Carpal Tunnel and benign tumors of the thyroid and uterine benign tumors on the uterus lining.


            Nevertheless, not one single Minnesotan medical doctor will tell me face-to-face “Gabriel, most likely you are dealt to face ‘such and such’ disease.” Okay.


            General practitioners won’t come out and tell me what disease I have thus I’ve self-diagnosed for the past 5 years which I refuse to do any longer.  




            Yes, I do have a “self-diagnosed” “autoimmune disease.”


            The question is which one of the 80 autoimmune diseases do I have to contend with for possible lifetime?


            An “autoimmune disease” is Arthritis as well as MS.


            Children who are adopted after the age of two do most likely contend with any one of 80 types of “autoimmune diseases” as adults.


            With an “autoimmune disease” one watches one’s immune system attack the body and “good cells” and weakens the body over time at a comparatively and relatively fast rate towards pure destruction thus one must be extremely disciplined and prone to good and vital healthy lifestyle.


            However, I had to find out about “autoimmune diseases” all by myself.


            Yes, I’m indeed smart and kind and intelligent enough to figure out what medical doctors won’t put into terminology for me as a mature adult womyn.



            Yours Truly;




Word Count Goal: 1,000


Word Count: 176 + 2,691


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 3,401


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:



*)         Day #1 without disciplining neighborhood children. One-year vow of silence. I owe it to myself. I love it. (Yes, towards our backyard around noon today I made ‘mimicking’ mocking sounds (think mockingbirds) of two loud neighborhood children playing 1992 ‘land’ “Marco Polo” instead of ‘pool’ “Marco Polo” since neither of the children’s parents own pools who presently live and rent directly towards the end of our backyard to two house’s over to our backyard to Grandmother’s house we go.) No, it’s not modern to play ‘land’ and/or ‘water’ “Marco Polo” since the echoes carry further across water than on land and sound bounces off of brick and/or stone buildings leaving many around deaf from the loudness and the inability to self-control and self-modulate volume of children who have no clue how the world of mature adult rules’ work or how mature adult rules are even presently conducted. Dust to dust. Modern American parents seem to want to eat their young? I do wonder if modern American parents are literally hungry thus their hunger creates exhausted and “mind controlled” drones out of modern parents? I’m sure 15 years war makes any body of citizens and civilians literally hungry.


*)         Day #37 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #205 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #626 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #58 without a cigarette: I like it.


*)         Day #57 without yells or screams or shrieks at Eric. I love it. It’s good. My ‘fake’ pregnancy-hormones are finally under control after 8 weeks on one specific prescribed Anti-depressant pill. (We’ve been dealing with ‘fake’ pregnancy hormones 5 out of 9 years of our relationship as a couple who lives under the same roof. I broke my 21 day streak about a social rule about any type of addictions such as blasting the stereo or tobacco or cigars or foods or to relatively small and irritating rude social misbehaviors like disciplining smart and misguided and enraged neighborhood hungry or thirsty children whose parents don’t seem to love them and ignore their children’s insecure and lonesome cries for attention of any type be it positive or negative. The misbehaved children loudly shrill or shriek or scream or yell in their backyards and throughout the neighborhood like ghostly Banshees who begin to wail before someone is about to die (Wikipedia.) Creepy children. Still yet modern children who wave at perfect strangers are even creepier because such children are naïve as to the dangers of the adult world. I miss the ultimately civilized children of Boston who are quiet and mature because they understand the world belongs to voters and taxpayers and mostly smelly adults and not only to the wealthy or privileged.


*)         Week #2 without stress: We owe it to ourselves. I love it.


*)         Week #56 work on 245 cholesterol as of June 2015. I love vegan food.


*)         Month #16 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty (24”) natural inch high waist without a corset. Yes!


*)         Week #16 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #3 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #8 on Anti-depressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 10 MG” To my personal chemistry and brains and mind this one single daily pill is exactly like three continuous cocktails “pumped” directly into my bloodstream 24/7. However, I’m not supposed to write about it thus I won’t. No, I don’t skip one single dosage. I’m addicted exactly as when any baby is addicted to sugar candy.


Monday, November 9, 2015


“Man is not like any other single creature; but he is like all of them collectively.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Loquacious (talkative, given to continual talking)


He is a loquacious person for which isn’t good since he’s prone to speak much and doesn’t say anything of importance.


---  ---  ---



A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.






Chapter 6.

Pages 73-74


“A dearth of words,” says Young, “A woman need not fear, But ’tis a task, indeed to learn to hear; In that, the skill of conversation lies; That shows or makes you both polite and wise.”


Listening is not only a point of good-breeding and the best kind of flattery, but it is a method of acquiring information which no man of judgment will neglect. “This is a common vice in conversation,” says Montaigue, “that instead of gathering observations from others, we make it our whole business to lay ourselves open to them, and are more concerned how to expose and set out our own commodities, than how to increase our stock by acquiring new. Silence therefore, and modesty, are very advantageous qualities in conversation."


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 8:27 P.M. CT



No Blog.


            The day did slip away from me.


            What a gorgeous autumn day.


            Yes, please avoid ‘most’ aspects, if not then ‘all,’ or ‘any’ literal “tar” in any cooking and/or any types of foods for human consumption to eat.


            No, eating any literal “tar.” No.


            Please, of course not.


            Please stay away from literal “tar” in any foods.


            However and nevertheless, no, please don’t avoid ‘all’ aspects, if not then any and/or most literal “tar” since “tar…”




Smart Children” Vs. “dumb kids


*)         How do any mature and/or smart adults decipher the difference between “smart children” vs. “dumb kids?”


*)         In other words: “terrible two’s” are terrible for a good reason; however culturally unjustifiable whenever any children beyond the years of 4, 6, 8, 10, and/or 12, 14…17 years of life publically raise minors’ volume or noise or speech or loud inedible noisy verbal and oral ‘anything’ for which to fill up empty space with oral farts or “empty air” ‘without any importance to their words’ are possibly “Turrets Syndrome” or hold public misbehaviors in the form of personal “ticks” for which waste time and will go uncorrected by mature adults for 3 years and 3 months (3.3) thus there’s been little to no cerebral advancement in neighborhood children overall for which such children will either negatively and/or positively begin to “act out” in search of once again either negative and/or positive attention in the same manner as any children of “two years” of life then such any misbehaved children beyond the age of “two years” of life are for sure considered “mentally ill” until the age of 35 when the brain is fully done developed; either “mentally defective” children beyond the age of “two years” of life must prove socially “beyond any shadow of a doubt” to be incapable (correction) to conduct correct impulse-control and/or bodily self-control in public while  modulate safe self-volume as well as sound and bodily fluids and minors’ must assert responsible impulse control ‘at all times;’ otherwise one’s considered “mentally defective” as well as “mentally ill” until age 35 and/or either aren’t intellectually capable to keep up with the times as well as with their generation of peers of their exact years in age or within 3 years apart. Correct. (The one above sentence is written in correct English and grammar and punctuation.)


(The one above sentence is almost the start of a symphonic piece of sheet music. I’m able to hear music in my “mind’s eye” or intrinsic soul as I’m able to piece together correct conveyance in literary words.)




            ‘“Keep up” ‘or’ “get left behind” ’ has been America’s educational motto for twenty years. (Sigh.) How wrong indeed.


            The best aspect to intellectuality is to be average which means one “operates” at least at 50% and one takes any modern approach to almost anything otherwise, dusty.


            The worst aspect to intellectuality is to factually “self-acknowledge” for which one performs anywhere under 50% or below average (49%) since “lazy” is considered either in both adults and/or children (minors) ‘almost’ permanentlymentally ill (‘for life’) rather than a phase with the exception of… according to 2013, 2014 psychologists.



            Yours Truly;




Word Count Goal: 1,000


Word Count: 534


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count:


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:



*)         Day #36 without disciplining neighborhood children. One-year vow of silence. I owe it to myself. I love it.


*)         Day #36 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #204 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #625 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #57 without a cigarette: I like it.


*)         Day #56 without yells or screams or shrieks at Eric. I love it. It’s good. My ‘fake’ pregnancy-hormones are finally under control after 8 weeks on one specific prescribed Anti-depressant pill. (We’ve been dealing with ‘fake’ pregnancy hormones 5 out of 9 years of our relationship as a couple who lives under the same roof. I broke my 21 day streak about a social rule about any type of addictions such as blasting the stereo or tobacco or cigars or foods or to relatively small and irritating rude social misbehaviors like disciplining smart and misguided and enraged neighborhood hungry or thirsty children whose parents don’t seem to love them and ignore their children’s insecure and lonesome cries for attention of any type be it positive or negative. The misbehaved children loudly shrill or shriek or scream or yell in their backyards and throughout the neighborhood like ghostly Banshees who begin to wail before someone is about to die (Wikipedia.) Creepy children. Still yet modern children who wave at perfect strangers are even creepier because such children are naïve as to the dangers of the adult world. I miss the ultimately civilized children of Boston who are quiet and mature because they understand the world belongs to voters and taxpayers and mostly smelly adults and not only to the wealthy or privileged.


*)         Week #2 without stress: We owe it to ourselves. I love it.


*)         Week #56 work on 245 cholesterol as of June 2015. I love vegan food.


*)         Month #16 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty (24”) natural inch high waist without a corset. Yes!


*)         Week #16 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #3 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #8 on Anti-depressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 10 MG” To my personal chemistry and brains and mind this one single daily pill is exactly like three continuous cocktails “pumped” directly into my bloodstream 24/7. However, I’m not supposed to write about it thus I won’t. No, I don’t skip one single dosage. I’m addicted exactly as when any baby is addicted to sugar candy.


Friday, November 6, 2015


“A man is weaker than a straw and stronger than iron.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Commodious (convenient, spacious, roomy)


He bought a commodious home for his large family.


---  ---  ---



A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.






Chapter 6.

Page 73


A gentleman should never permit any phrase that approaches to an oath, to escape his lips in the presence of a lady. If any man employs a profane expression in the drawing-room, his pretentions to good-breeding are gone forever. The same reason extends to the society of men advanced in life; and he would be singularly defective in good taste, who should swear before old persons, however irreligious their own habits might be. The cause of profanity being offensive in these cases is that it denotes an entire absence of reverence and respect from the spirit of him who uses it.  


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


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---  ---  ---


*)         “Transformation” and “Transition” aren’t exactly the same word.


*)         Correction from “Reuter’s” to “Reuters.”


*)         Correction from “Target Stadium” (to my personal nickname) “Twins Stadium.” (Plural and not singular.)


*)         Baseball’s a national pass time.


*)         Yes, infants and children and youth and young adults under the age of 35 years of life must pass and go beyond certain phases and stages in their development otherwise such demographics are inclined to be considered mentally defective or slow or, or, or... not good choices.


            Yes, “child psychology” is indeed fascinating.


            According to general child psychology: by the age of 5 any female human children are capable of seducing any if not then most grown male human men (not as any excuse to child rape or child porn or child sexual-abuse or child-incest.) No. Of course, not. Adults get to choose unless taken by force or drugged.


            The human brain’s real and not real at the same time.


            The human brain’s much controlled by literally wet liquid hormones.


            Thus socialized and civilized proper ancient rules dictate at which stage or phase one’s passed through or one’s stuck and/or unable to literally be self-disciplined or problem solve; unless inundated with ‘fake’ pregnancy hormones. Of course, wink, wink.


            ‘Fake’ pregnancy hormones seemed as though I wasn’t able to calm down.


            Nevertheless I would privately at home self escalate in a rapid growing whirlwind of hurt and anger and disappointment and verbally blow up at Eric until about two months ago I re-taught myself how to breathe for wind instrument such as the clarinet for which I practiced for one hour for four straight years. I can actually get any decent enough sound out of a clarinet. However, sadly to say not any saxophone or other horns.


            Yes, my daily exercise is at least one hour of chores and on average standing at my stand-up desk for five to seven hours with one hour sit down lunch break and two fifteen minute breaks in my workdays and bathroom breaks at anytime whenever my body tells me so.


            2013 we were informed about how sitting for prolonged periods of time is the equivalent as smoking cigarettes thus ever since February 2015-November 2015 I’ve stood and continue to stand anytime I do weekly computer work.





























            Yours Truly;




Word Count Goal: 1,000 personal journals


Word Count: 399


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 7,739


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:



*)         Day #33 without disciplining neighborhood children. One-year vow of silence. I owe it to myself. I love it.


*)         Day #33 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #201 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #622 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #54 without a cigarette: I like it.


*)         Day #53 without yells or screams or shrieks at Eric. I love it. It’s good. My ‘fake’ pregnancy-hormones are finally under control after 7 weeks on one specific prescribed Anti-depressant pill. (We’ve been dealing with ‘fake’ pregnancy hormones 5 out of 9 years of our relationship as a couple who lives under the same roof. I broke my 21 day streak about a social rule about any type of addictions such as blasting the stereo or tobacco or cigars or foods or to relatively small and irritating rude social misbehaviors like disciplining smart and misguided and enraged neighborhood hungry or thirsty children whose parents don’t seem to love them and ignore their children’s insecure and lonesome cries for attention of any type be it positive or negative. The misbehaved children loudly shrill or shriek or scream or yell in their backyards and throughout the neighborhood like ghostly Banshees who begin to wail before someone is about to die (Wikipedia.) Creepy children. Still yet modern children who wave at perfect strangers are even creepier because such children are naïve as to the dangers of the adult world. I miss the ultimately civilized children of Boston who are quiet and mature because they understand the world belongs to voters and taxpayers and mostly smelly adults and not only to the wealthy or privileged.


*)         Week #1 without stress: We owe it to ourselves. I love it.


*)         Week #55 work on 245 cholesterol as of June 2015. I love vegan food.


*)         Month #16 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty (24”) natural inch high waist without a corset. Yes!


*)         Week #15 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #2 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #7 on Anti-depressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 10 MG” To my personal chemistry and brains and mind this one single daily pill is exactly like three continuous cocktails “pumped” directly into my bloodstream 24/7. However, I’m not supposed to write about it thus I won’t. No, I don’t skip one single dosage. I’m addicted exactly as when any baby is addicted to sugar candy.


Thursday, November 5, 2015


“He is mediocre---not close to wise, and not far from foolish.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Communal (pertaining to all, participated in jointly by whole community)


To have a clean city demands a communal effort.


---  ---  ---



A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.




Indelicate Words And Expression.


Chapter 6.

Pages 72-73


Not so when one hears an indelicate word or expression, which allows of no possible harmless interpretation. Then not a shadow of a smile should fit across the lips. Either complete silence should be preserved in return or the words, “I do not understand you,” be spoken. A lady will always fail to hear that which she should not hear, or, having unmistakably heard, she will not understand.


A lady was once in the streets of the city alone after dark, and a man accosted her. She replied to him in French. He followed her some distance trying to open a conversation with her; but as she persisted in replying only in French, he at last turned away, completely baffled in his efforts to understand or be understood.  


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 2:42 P.M. CT


“Break a leg,” ‘Big Sister’ Rachel Maddow. Thank you very much.


“Break a leg,” Mr. Bill Maher. Thank you very much.


(No, I don’t go out of my way to meet either one of the above mentioned people’s names. Thank you.)


---  ---  ---


Quiet Has Not Ever Gone Out Of Sane Style


*)         When any children don’t learn to be smart and quiet at an early age then most likely such any children might be mentally defective.


            It’s any discipline not an art to learn to be smart and quiet because quiet makes one smarter in life.


            The world’s not looking at anyone.

            We’re looking at the world and taking it all in.


            Yes, since the first day of birth…


            Mayan newborns are taught from day one to be smart and quiet and Mayan newborns are taught by one’s respectful non-sexually inappropriate parental units and respectful villages of responsible and mature adult villagers to be smart and quiet and not make any sound unless one requires help or is immediately injured or dying or an emergency.


            Mayan newborn babies and children and youth are taught to be smart and quiet ‘at all times’ since the non-sexually inappropriate loving parental units and respectful villages must assess the level of intelligence or smarts or kindness or mental-illness in any neighborhood or community or village of children.


            Unstable or undisciplined children don’t contribute anything to the world thus such children are indeed considered “dumb kids” to any neighborhood or community when unstable and/or undisciplined children can’t or won’t follow adult civilized general rules and order.


            These words had to be written in ink.




            When children aren’t capable to be smart and silent or quiet then most likely such type of misbehaved children are either sexually-abused and/or mentally lazy which is the equivalent of “mentally ill” as anybody under the age of 35 years of life’s considered “mentally ill” until 35 years of life or such children are spoiled and rotten because such hateful and neglectful parents are mostly lazy to discipline their offspring or such type of children are mentally handicap or such children’s big unstable egos overpowers and overcomes such misbehaved children not permitting such children to follow basic social rules and common sense and wellness and good all around smart and quiet and safe and sound lifestyle.


            Mostly “blue-collar” and “working class” loud and full of screams and shrills or shrieking and yelling children are creepy since such children don’t uphold to any type of parental unit taught or administered self-control or morality or right from wrong.


            Mostly “blue-collar” and “working class” loud and full of screams and shrills or shrieking and yelling children are neither ultimately loved nor respected since no one really cares what happens to such children and no one ever makes the time to correct their children’s misbehavior or no one makes the time to teach misbehaved children well and show misbehaved children the correct and proper way to conduct themselves from day one.


            Impulse control.


            Any neighborhood’s indeed a village and sacred space.


            Why do modern parents hate their children so much?


            Why do modern parents not teach their children well?


            At least mentally defective and lazy and undisciplined parents and children have each other through their misery?  


            Misery loves company.


---  ---  ---


Homestead Landscape


*)         No, we haven’t done a single aspect of our homestead property’s landscape.


            All of the trees and shrubs and plants were indeed here before we purchased our property, August 2012.


            Even the “Bleeding Hearts” which in Victorian flower language meant a “secret love” are indeed flowers for which we didn’t plant.


            No, we didn’t plant the “Bleeding Hearts.” I don’t have a “secret love” since our life is ever busy. We have one million and one things to get through in one single day.


Life Notes III


*)         Yes, local elections are exciting since local elections are about what most matters to the municipal (civic) voters and taxpayers of each district, great or small in geographical matters.


*)         Yes, local news is way more exciting than national news ever is since one mostly recognizes one’s surroundings over television airwaves and holds great pride for one’s culture and heritages and respectful multi-celebrated lifestyles and races and histories.


*)         For the past 20 years as modern Americans we’ve strongly stood united by all of our respectful homosexual and transgendered and transsexual brothers and sisters who also happen to hold Constitutional rights and liberties as well as also hold a strong and respectful voice and votes as taxpayers.


*)         Correction: our deductible is $500.00 and not our premium. After Eric’s car accident last Wednesday; after our wrecked car is paid off then our deductible is $500.00. “Premiums,” please look up this vocabulary. I will.


*)         “Nix” I guess is a word for which means to “take away,” or “subtract from” an equation. I don’t know. I have yet to look up the word, “Nix.”


*)         Yes, we must look into canine insurance for 2016.


*)         Yes, “Freeway’s” (our dog) medical budget is $0.00 “cash on the barrel head.”


HGTV Boycott is Over


            However, like our eye examinations we keep moving our health maintenance schedule further back into 2015.


*)         Yes, our HGTV boycott due to child nepotism is now over.


            However, I haven’t gone back to HGTV since I neither think of it nor miss it in the same way I haven’t gone back to morning television and quasi-morning news since I neither  think about morning television nor do I miss morning television.


“Fresh Off The Boat” Boycott is Over


*)         From the start we fell in love with “Fresh Off The Boat.” (Thank you very much.)


            Yes, we boycotted “Fresh Off The Boat” for about six months.


            However, this summer 2015, Eric brought home the book “Fresh Off The Boat” and it was such a sad read. I was moved to the core by this book.


            “Fresh Off The Boat” book was as real of a read for me as the early 1990’s were when we lived through such times. Correction on the decade.


            We’ve returned to watch “Fresh Off The Boat.”


            We did our boycott time in reverence and respect to all Taiwanese-American brothers and sisters. Cheers!


            We raise a glass to our Taiwanese-American brothers and sisters.


Yes, Non-poisonous Snakes in any Garden is ‘Good Luck’


*)         Yes, it’s good to have non-poisonous snakes in any garden. Snakes factually eat rodents such as mice.


            No, we don’t dine on rodents at any time.


*)         Yes, if any gardener doesn’t have non-poisonous snakes in their gardens then something’s terribly wrong by many standards.


            Not any sign of any non-poisonous snakes is the same as unseen spread of bilateral wealth.


            To go for long periods of time and not see private citizens’ and civilians’ moderate spread of wealth anywhere in our society or culture isn’t desperate; it’s barren land.


            Nothing for miles except one stumpy little tree to draw oxygen from.


            Continuous 15 years of war brings on the slot (hole) of economic great depression and any economic hole sure is odd to live through years amongst neighbors who don’t turn off their back porch lights at 10:00 pm (two corrections) for possible decades without allowing others the opportunity to stare at stars or blood moon eclipses which only occur every...


            Back porch lights left on past 10:00 pm (two corrections) is in the same way ‘unlucky’ as to not ever encountering any non-poisonous snakes in any gardens.


            It’s considered unlucky not to be able to see the stars at night or to not encounter non-poisonous snakes for which eat rodents.


            Snakes are any part of the natural kingdom.


            Snakes ought not to be considered “bad” by stone-age Western wrong religious ideals because by most of the rest of the world’s standard “snakes” are our mythological and/or ancient gods.


            Please, have some respect for most of the world’s populations’ deities.


*)         Yes, Oprah did in fact misspeak on the “Ellen DeGeneres Show” about the botanical cycles between life and wildlife and massive gardens.


            The worst one will mention about Oprah’s ignorant statement about not keeping one single snake in her massive garden is this: what bad luck not to be able to hold the company of one single garden snake in Oprah’s garden according to Chinese traditionalists.


            Not to keep company with any type of snake is to say one doesn’t keep the company of honey bees.


            Life and more generated life.


            The worst second mention one will make about Oprah’s misspoken statement about not keeping one single snake in her massive garden is this: Oprah doesn’t seem to have a strong “green thumb” thus is best not to spread some types and/or forms of misinformation across broadcast airwaves since some types and/or forms of misinformation may be considered any liable cause for lawsuit.


            I’m cheering for Oprah.


            Ignorance is ignorance and quickly resolved.


            Misinformation is sometimes done purposely or not since most people know very little about very little be it nature, or gardening, or real and brutal historical facts, or mathematics or factual modern science.




            Communications professionals very well know and understand words matter especially on television even though Americans don’t ‘sweat’ television.


            Words have meaning strung in sentences like pearl necklaces and at any time such any necklace may explode apart with little pearls for might which take flight into the air whichever way to roll away and hide in the deepest corners of rooms.


            Not to have one single snake in any large garden is either not to weed one’s own garden with one’s own hands or to hold a great bias against one creature of nature over others or to make an underhanded social comment; (Which who knows what such a comment might mean. I don’t know. I don’t care except for nature.)


            A grandiose comment for which some viewers might take as factual and might begin to go on a snake killing spree since humans are most literal and ignorant about nature and nature’s infinite fine balance of life or death.


            Most nature keeps a refined balance.


*)         Celebrities don’t often make or state facts thus pay no heed to celebrities since celebrities often don’t seem to know what they’re talking about. Blah, blah, blah…


            I’m out of here!



            Yours Truly;




Word Count Goal: 1,000 personal journals


Word Count: 1,723


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 7,638


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:



*)         Day #32 without disciplining neighborhood children. One-year vow of silence. I owe it to myself. I love it.


*)         Day #32 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #200 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #621 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #53 without a cigarette: I like it.


*)         Day #52 without yells or screams or shrieks at Eric. I love it. It’s good. My ‘fake’ pregnancy-hormones are finally under control after 7 weeks on one specific prescribed Anti-depressant pill. (We’ve been dealing with ‘fake’ pregnancy hormones 5 out of 9 years of our relationship as a couple who lives under the same roof. I broke my 21 day streak about a social rule about any type of addictions such as blasting the stereo or tobacco or cigars or foods or to relatively small and irritating rude social misbehaviors like disciplining smart and misguided and enraged neighborhood hungry or thirsty children whose parents don’t seem to love them and ignore their children’s insecure and lonesome cries for attention of any type be it positive or negative. The misbehaved children loudly shrill or shriek or scream or yell in their backyards and throughout the neighborhood like ghostly Banshees who begin to wail before someone is about to die (Wikipedia.) Creepy children. Still yet modern children who wave at perfect strangers are even creepier because such children are naïve as to the dangers of the adult world. I miss the ultimately civilized children of Boston who are quiet and mature because they understand the world belongs to voters and taxpayers and mostly smelly adults and not only to the wealthy or privileged.


*)         Week #1 without stress: We owe it to ourselves. I love it.


*)         Week #55 work on 245 cholesterol as of June 2015. I love vegan food.


*)         Month #16 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty (24”) natural inch high waist without a corset. Yes!


*)         Week #15 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #2 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #7 on Anti-depressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 10 MG” To my personal chemistry and brains and mind this one single daily pill is exactly like three continuous cocktails “pumped” directly into my bloodstream 24/7. However, I’m not supposed to write about it thus I won’t. No, I don’t skip one single dosage. I’m addicted exactly as when any baby is addicted to sugar candy.


Wednesday, November 4, 2015


“Don’t pity him who is a man; pity him who is not a man.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Commuted (substituted a lesser thing for a greater)


The death sentence was commuted to life in prison.


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A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.




Double Entendres.


Chapter 6.

Page 72


I need not say that no person of decency, still less delicacy, will be guilty of a double entendre. Still, as there are persons in the world possessing neither of these characteristics who will be guilty of them in the presence of people more respectable than themselves, and as the young and inexperienced are sometimes in doubt how to receive them, it is well to make some reference to them in a book of this character. A well-bread person always refuses to understand a phrase of doubtful meaning. If the phrase may be interrupted decently, and with such interpretation would provoke a smile, then smile just to the degree called for by such interpretation, and no more. The prudery which sits in solemn and severe rebuke at a double entendre is only second in indelicacy to the indecency which grows hilarious over it, since both must recognize the evil intent. It is sufficient to let it pass unrecognized.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 6:48 P.M. CT



Life Notes II


            If anyone so much as gets one single social second with Eric beyond me then that’s gravy on top of the turkey for them.


            What a lucky dog to get any social time with Eric since I hardly ever get to socialize with Eric much less do we ever go out on any type of romantic dates since we’re often tired and must rest and take long extended naps on weekends after long workweeks.


            We’re physically tired people.


            We don’t want to do anything public except if any occasion has absolutely nothing to do with simultaneously rude “blue collar” or “working class” modern American parents and their even still yet ruder loudly shrieking or screaming and yelling and swearing children who talk loudly as though they’ve gone deaf at any young age or children who run indoors especially at doctors’ offices or museums or churches or any other communal public place since such “dumb kids” have no clue what on Earth happens in their surroundings thus they run around like retarded people without a clue and their rage-filled and angry and disappointed and penny-pinching parents will throw around looks that might say, “dare say something about my brat.”


            We gave up on publically going out ever since fifteen year’s war did rot American parents’ spines and minds and brains to spoil their less than average children who seem dumb enough to kill off the world.


            It seems as though American parents have taught themselves to take out their quiet rage-filled lust and anger and disappointment against the world by setting absolutely no boundaries or rules or any good example for their children and such parents tend to watch their children publically “act out” like little tyrants and slightly smirk around the corners of their lips and eyes at the damage their children leave in their children’s’ wake. Pity on them all.


            Fools shan’t inherit the Earth. No.


            The meek shall inherit the Earth. Yes.




             Eric and I are legally bound to one another by our marriage contract.


            Not anyone can break our bond except for us.


            We’re best-friends since we understand each other.


            We’re best-friends since all we want to do is to be together.


            We’re best-friend since all Eric wants to do is to hurry home to us.


            We’re best-friends since all “Freeway” (our dog) and I do is count down the hours until we get to be reunited with Eric at the end of our workdays.


            Please, don’t get me wrong. I’m a modern woman. I have much of domestic and professional work to get through in one single day.


            No amount of guilt of demands or shame is going to break us.


            Eric and I have been through, too, much bad life experiences together to be broken after nine years of some difficulties and much laughter.


            At the end of the day we laugh out loud because it seems as though most of the world has “lost its marbles” except for us and other logical and reasonable minded people who concede to facts and not made-up stone-age science.


            We’re not throw-backs.


            We’re modern and simply fashionable.


            We keep up with the times since we’re not dead yet.


            We’re the present and the near-future.


            We’re quiet leaders.


            We’re not misguided.


            We’re not angry no matter what one might think of my “raging id” blog.


            (Lol. We fell in love with “Scorpion.” Thank you very much.)


            We laugh all of the time even after we’ve had terrible fights.


            We’re human and kinder than the average modern human.


            We uphold to strict social boundaries since most people only selfishly seem to want to meet their own needs and wants and expectations while plowing over others.


            We’re intelligent and kind and smart.


            At least we’ve got the above going for us.




            Our marriage isn’t one of convenience. No.


            Actually, our marriage is quite inconvenient to either one of us ever since April 2010 when we begun to live with ‘fake’ pregnancy hormones and bi-annual hemorrhaging on my side of the matter.


            No matter what any neighbor may think of me, I’m not a recluse. Not even a little bit. Although I love to play the part.


            This morning we went ‘window shopping’ for a new-used KIA. We put down $500.00 cash “on the barrel head” to hold a 2016 KIA until Friday of this week.


            Wednesday Eric walked away from a car accident for which Eric almost died (knock on wood for good luck.)


            Last Wednesday and Thursday I made 3 Non-GMO, organic and no sugar whole wheat homemade loaves of bread for our neighbors’ two doors down.


            Friday afternoon at 1:00 P.M., I brought the bread over to our neighbors’ two doors down with a handwritten card.


            Saturday night we received seven known as well as newly introduced Halloween guests who stepped inside of our home and visited with us for an hour while Eric passed-out legitimate candy.


            Saturday night we threw open our doors and dispensed store bought candy to both neighbors and strangers while they stood right outside of our front door and collected their candy.


            For the most part the parents and children who came to our door to trick-or-treat, they were all gracious and respectful. Only one family walked across our lawn.


            The previous Saturday night we went on a boat cruise in Stillwater and dined with an entire group of 30 people we’ve known for at least one decade.


            Yes, we have an extensive life and even if I wish to become a semi-recluse it’s nearly impossible to meet such a shallow demand on my part since life’s full and there’s much to be done no matter how I feel about anything.




            Since June 2015 we were meant to make appointments for each of us to have our eyes examined.


            Our insurance pays for the exams. We’ve put this essential aspect of our health on hold since we don’t seem to make the time. Soon.


            As we get older we have more money than time.


            Although as I already mentioned by the end of the fourth quarter we’re strapped for household cash.


            However, not hard up for anything.


            No, we don’t need a free meal out.


            Since June 2015 we eat all of our meals out. I’ve hardly cooked in 5 months.


            All of our bills get paid early or on time unless once per year I forget to put something in the mail. Otherwise, we’re hyper responsible.


            We neither have shopped nor purchased a dishwasher (2015) since we hardly ever make time for weekly public romantic dates then we have not yet made time to purchase, hopefully, no more than 18” $200.00 dollar dishwasher. (“Keep your fingers crossed.”)


            We need to make an appointment with our favorite groomers at “Royal Pet” to have “Freeway’s” (our dog) nails cut.


            We must get Eric’s jeans tailored.


            The vacuum will most likely need to be taken apart by either Eric or myself or a new robot self-administered and/or self-programmed vacuum (hopefully, no more than $200.00) will need to be purchased ever since last week when I vacuumed last the vacuum left the entire house smelling like burned hair.


            Most likely the vacuum has long strands of my hair caught in it. Burned hair is one of the worst smells in the world and burned hair smells lingers for days on end. To get the smell of burned hair out of area rugs and carpet is nearly impossible.


            Good grief, how were the Nazis ever able to murder tens of thousands of prisoners with the smells of burned hair for which accounts told such burned hair smells lingered in and near the concentration camps. I don’t know. I wasn’t there. I couldn’t say.


            How barbaric to make lamp shades out of human skin.


            Ok… let’s move on…




            Still yet I must call my general practitioner and have him reference me to my one-and-only Carpal Tunnel specialist.


            Still yet I must write an artist statement for the self portrait series and make corrections to the last self portrait artist statement as well as write a new blog artist statement. (Sigh.)


            This Thanksgiving 2015 I’m making my first turkey ever for our small family of Eric, “Freeway” and myself while we will celebrate quietly at home. I have yet to look up recipes and this and that. It’s my first Thanksgiving dinner thus I want to impress Eric.


            My list of to do’s is a mile long.




            For 5 years we continue to make one monthly lunch or dinner date with one of Eric’s good sister friends and her Jewish husband and every month she and I break our date since we’re too busy.


            Still yet my Christmas 2014 gift to her for the entire year of 2015 was lunch-out once per week with Eric and thankfully they both have followed through on my gift to her otherwise I don’t know when Eric and she would see each other.


            The cup isn’t empty.


            The cup’s full of life.


            Keeping all of the plates up in the air is an art in the same way quilting or unicycle or ventriloquism or joggling or water color painting or knitting or crocheting or stamp collecting or magician skills is all a fine balance.


            No, I don’t do either of the above mentioned. I’m not as skilled as all that. However, I do run our homestead and my professional work from home (the whole world knows it) and keep our dog with me all day long thus I’m a skilled modern woman.


            I feel successful tonight. The laundry’s done and folded.


            Throughout the years I do write handwritten notes to our surrounding neighbors to let them know I’m still dealing with health issues and I’m still self-described “crabby.”


            Nevertheless, when I tell people I’m their “crabby” neighbor then most people smile and laugh in front of me since they think I’m kind.


            However, not if one crosses me then good luck. I do have a bad temper and will summon it with the power of the gods. Yes, I will and I will choose and mean to do so in the event. Cheers.


            As a mature modern woman it’s my prerogative to think and feel as I do and I may change my mind at any time as I wish to do so.



            With All My Love To All;


            Yours Truly;




            P.S. I’m told: “you don’t have a mean bone in your body.”


            However, I do get irritated since I can get “crabby” at the misbehaviors of other more lazy minded people than me. I’m learning to let go and point and laugh out loud exactly like Jewish beauties do. Thank you. I love you all the way from here to San Francisco, CA, U.S.A. and back, dearest ladies.


Word Count Goal: 1,000


Word Count: 1,793


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 5,915


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:



*)         Day #31 without disciplining neighborhood children. One-year vow of silence. I owe it to myself. I love it.


*)         Day #31 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #199 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #620 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #52 without a cigarette: I like it.


*)         Day #51 without yells or screams or shrieks at Eric. I love it. It’s good. My ‘fake’ pregnancy-hormones are finally under control after 7 weeks on one specific prescribed Anti-depressant pill. (We’ve been dealing with ‘fake’ pregnancy hormones 5 out of 9 years of our relationship as a couple who lives under the same roof. I broke my 21 day streak about a social rule about any type of addictions such as blasting the stereo or tobacco or cigars or foods or to relatively small and irritating rude social misbehaviors like disciplining smart and misguided and enraged neighborhood hungry or thirsty children whose parents don’t seem to love them and ignore their children’s insecure and lonesome cries for attention of any type be it positive or negative. The misbehaved children loudly shrill or shriek or scream or yell in their backyards and throughout the neighborhood like ghostly Banshees who begin to wail before someone is about to die (Wikipedia.) Creepy children. Still yet modern children who wave at perfect strangers are even creepier because such children are naïve as to the dangers of the adult world. I miss the ultimately civilized children of Boston who are quiet and mature because they understand the world belongs to voters and taxpayers and mostly smelly adults and not only to the wealthy or privileged.


*)         Week #1 without stress: We owe it to ourselves. I love it.


*)         Week #55 work on 245 cholesterol as of June 2015. I love vegan food.


*)         Month #16 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty (24”) natural inch high waist without a corset. Yes!


*)         Week #15 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #2 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #7 on Anti-depressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 10 MG” To my personal chemistry and brains and mind this one single daily pill is exactly like three continuous cocktails “pumped” directly into my bloodstream 24/7. However, I’m not supposed to write about it thus I won’t. No, I don’t skip a single dosage. I’m addicted like a baby on sugar candy.


Tuesday, November 3, 2015


“To love mankind is easy; to love man is hard.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Compatible (agreeable, easy to get along with)


We hope you will get compatible neighbors who won’t loudly shrill or scream or yell or shriek like hungry or thirsty Banshees.


---  ---  ---



A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.




Talk Well About Trifles.


Chapter 6.

Page 71


You should endeavor to have the habit of talking well about trifles. Be careful never to make personal remarks to a stranger on any of the guests present; it is possible, nay probable, that they may be relatives, or at least friends.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


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---  ---  ---


Yes, grammatical corrections were made.


Yes, this is an adult English as a Second Language blog thus there will continue to be incorrect grammar as well as erroneous punctuation which will always be in need of correction. Work. Work. Work.


---  ---  ---


Correction from “annual” allergies to “seasonal” allergies.


Correction from “then” to “than.”


---  ---  ---



Life Notes


*)         The latest proven medical bulletin: stretching and exercise are not good for the human body. I’m not any type of “medical expert.” No, I’m not a layperson either.


            However, it’s been explained to the public, exercise and stretching are like revving up any car engine which isn’t ever good.


            In my personal experience it’s taken me twenty years to figure out my body dislikes stretching and exercise.


            Exercise makes me feel ever so fatigued and terrible.


            Sitting out in fresh air is great.


            However, my body doesn’t even like to walk thus I don’t anymore nor have I walked in one year and I feel better than ever.


            Personally, I’ve discovered the entire aspect to keeping one’s weight down comes down to precise daily calorie count and correct mathematics.


            Yes, I’ve lost ten pounds in 619 days for which we’ve gone without white or brown sugar consumption. I’ve kept the ten pounds off which’s rare. Most people put on the weight they lost plus some. Not me.


            Yes, I love a life without either both exercise or stretching. I stretched for years through Pilates and Yoga and both left me exhausted with muscle ache as I watched my weight go up and down by twenty pounds every six months.


            My body abhors stretching because my muscles hurt.


            Supposedly, stretching’s terrible for the body.


            Stretching is considered made-up modern dark-age science for which has no scientific factual foundation.


            Okay. Moving on with life…


---  ---  ---


A Reliable Fire Captain Witnessed Eric’s Car Accident


*)         Eric’s car accident last Wednesday, October 28, 2015 was terrible.


            However, Eric lucked out to have a reliable fire captain who did drive behind Eric and witnessed the entire accident. What a great witness to have. We thank our lucky stars.


            Yes, the driver who struck Eric and almost killed Eric did indeed and in fact run the red light on 94 almost killing Eric on 55 Olson Memorial Highway.


---  ---  ---


When No “Power of Attorney” then No Responsibilities


*)         As an eldest presently retired offspring for which one holds “Power of Attorney” then it is up to such any particular party to entirely take care of their elderly and aging parental unit(s) since eventually the estate is/will be left up to the retiree offspring to do whatever they will do away with the estate especially when retiree offspring have the power to sign checks and have all of the time in the world since they no longer work 40 hours per week.


            If one can’t or won’t meet the demands or responsibilities of any aging and elderly parental unit then one must be mature enough to say, “No,” to their aging and elderly parental unit’s every need or want.


            It’s okay to say, “No,” to any aging and elderly parental unit.


            If any retiree offspring for which holds “Power of Attorney” is not capable to follow through with their legal and physical responsibilities and/or otherwise towards their elderly and aging parental unit then it is up to such retiree offspring to be mature and straight forward enough to tell their aging and elderly parental unit that retiree offspring aren’t able to follow through with such incredible responsibilities or change is required without throwing the youngest full-time working offspring under the bus since the youngest offspring and his family do not want or care to hold “Power of Attorney” since “Power of Attorney” has not ever been offered.


            The retiree offspring must be mature and kind and direct with their elderly and aging parental unit and tell the parental unit that retiree offspring can’t or won’t or has now decided not to continue with such responsibilities instead of the retiree offspring constantly calling and making demands upon the youngest full-time working offspring and the youngest offspring’s direct ill family member.




            To demand to have the full-time (40 hours per week) working youngest offspring to take care of their aging and elderly parental unit is unfair and rude when the youngest offspring doesn’t have much of or hardly any stake in any of the meager estate for which our combined annual bonuses are worth more than the entire estate is worth in real estate value.


            In other words: In annual combined bonuses we make more than the estate is worth on the market today.




            Any grown retiree offspring must tell their elderly and aging parental unit when or if any such retiree offspring isn’t capable or able to undertake the responsibilities of “Power of Attorney” especially when the youngest offspring still works full-time (40 hours per week) and will continue to work full-time for another 14 years while the eldest offspring is presently a retiree and has all of the time in the world to take care of their aging and elderly parental unit especially when retiree offspring lives 30 minutes away while youngest full-time working offspring lives 2.5 hours away from aging and elderly parental unit.


            The retiree offspring signed on the dotted line thus follow through with one’s own responsibilities and don’t place one’s own responsibilities upon someone else who has nothing to do with any of it.


            If one can’t say “No,” to one’s elderly and aging parental unit’s demands then one’s “up a creek without a paddle” and must ever so kindly stand up for their basic needs and rights instead of making demands upon others who aren’t at all involved in such any scenario such as their elder offspring’s inability to stand up for themselves.


            Retiree offspring must not be demanding or cruel and throw or bestow such grave responsibilities upon the youngest offspring who has no legal say in the matter.




            Last October 2014 my former talk-psychologist informed me: in this modern age and era one only tends to visit one’s relatives and/or in-laws about 3 times per year (annually) otherwise one doesn’t uphold much social responsibility to one’s in-laws or direct family members since one’s own social time and down-time is precious and one’s own off-time is up to one to spend however one wishes and not however familial members would demand especially to take care for an elderly and aging parental unit when the aging and elderly parental unit made the decision of “sound mind” to give “Power of Attorney” to the elder retiree offspring and not to the youngest full-time working offspring.


            Please don’t ever make commands or demands upon other familial members to assume the responsibilities of caring for an elderly and aging parental unit when there isn’t any reward or equal exchange in the matter for such particular parties for which aren’t at all involved in the “Power of Attorney” and whose responsibilities aren’t to care for an aging and elderly parental unit who directly and of sound of mind did in fact make the choice of one retiree elder offspring over another full-time working youngest offspring for the responsibilities of parental unit’s financial and physical care. Point made.


            Let’s not be hypocrites here.


            Let’s not uphold to double standards either.


            Without “Power Of Attorney” then one is mainly dissolved of any and/or all responsibilities such as the care of an elderly and aging parental unit for which the eldest retiree offspring holds “Power of Attorney” to sign off on checks.


            One can’t have their cake and eat it, too.


            We aren’t going to take care of our elderly and aging parental units since we weren’t chosen to do so.


            We’re keeping our nose clean and out of any familial gossip.


            No, we’re not slaves or servants to anyone much less our aging and elderly parental units.


            We get paid for the work we do otherwise…it’s slavery.




            First and foremost, Eric and I have a legal contract to each other and no one else.


            We’ve been dealing with my hemorrhaging for the past five years.


            We’re not going to run out and take care of other people when we’re dealing with our own illness and health difficulties right here at home.


            We have more than enough on our hands.


            We work full-time and run our homestead and property.


            No one will command or demand us to drop “everything” we’re doing to go and take care of an elderly and aging parental unit who has not given us any “Power of Attorney.”


            We have a rather busy life. Thank you very much.


            No matter how much of a bully or stressed out people can get we won’t let anyone push us around because we’re wealthy and we don’t owe anyone anything nor do we need anyone else’s money. We might be cash strapped towards the end of the fourth quarter. However, we’re not hard up.




            Nine years ago Eric and I started out with absolutely not one single stitch of furniture and no one financially helped us along the way. We did it all on our own.


            Not to mention I did get Eric out of tens of thousands of dollars out of debt from his previous 16 year marriage which racked up insane amounts of credit card debt. I paid for Eric’s first wife’s undergraduate creative writing degree and I’m still paying for my undergraduate global communications degree.


            We slept on the floor until we could afford a bed. We watched shows on Eric’s laptop until we could afford a flat screen television since we didn’t want to charge anything. We bought most things with cash on the barrel head.


            We did it all on our own.


            We’re successful.


            Not to mention that in the first year of purchasing our home not one single family member on Eric’s side of the family stopped by to visit us and see our home. That invitation is now closed.


            Three years ago my relatives came from all over the map even so far as the Island of Manhattan to see our new home and help us warm up to our new home. Thank you.


            We don’t need anyone’s inheritance to keep us going. And our elderly and aging parental units know thus quite well. We don’t need their furniture or dishes to feel secure in this world. We don’t.


            Have some manners.


            No, I shan’t ever be my in-laws’ cleaning lady ever again.


            No, I don’t make it a point to go visit my in-laws because for six years (2008-2014) we visited my in-laws 17 times per year only to find out in talk-therapy most people only see their in-laws 3 times per year or less or none at all if one doesn’t want to. Okay. I did my “duty for King and Country.”


            Eric simply assumed I liked visiting my in-laws 17 times per year which is quite a lot to assume. However, personally I think 17 times per year is taking advantage of someone’s time especially when they’re ill.


            No one will force me to go anywhere especially when I almost hemorrhage to death every three months (2015) or so until I do get a hysterectomy which I’m holding off for as long as I can.


            My in-laws can figure out their lives and decisions on their own. They don’t need us to hold their hands or clean up after them.


            Yes, I’m almost forty! I sound like it.


            No, I’m no longer a “kiddo.”


            Yes, we’re dealing with real adult issues.


            Please, don’t ever call me a “kiddo.” I’m a woman and I like my cigars in a hot bubbly bath.


            I’m catching wind of how all of this works.


            Our time’s ever more valuable than any money.


---  ---  ---


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Severe Pain


            As of today it’s been exactly two weeks (2) (correction on date) ever since my general practitioner took me out of the game of life.


            Two weeks ago my general practitioner administered one cortisone shot straight into my right wrist and I’m still in numerical #6, #7, #8 scale pain. The pain hasn’t gone away in my right wrist.


            As a matter of fact the pain in my right wrist is worse than it was before my general practitioner administered one cortisone shot.




            Now I regret my decision and wish I’d gone with our remarkable specialist whom I first met September 2012 while I was heavily under the influence of Oxycontin.


            She neither skipped a beat nor judged me even though I spoke as though I’d gone retarded. She truly is a tremendously awesome medical doctor.


            Yes, I learned my painful medical lesson.


            Medical specialists are worth every penny.


            Truly I respect my general practitioner.


            However, personally as a layperson I’d suggest for one to pay the $40.00 dollars and go and see their specialist who’ll only take one out for one day instead of two weeks.


            Imagine if I worked in a factory?


            Yes, I did work in a factory for a season while I mechanically “punched” holes into folders.


            If we badly needed the money then my general practitioner would’ve cost us two week’s worth of wages.


            Need I say more?




---  ---  ---


McDonald’s Sausage Burritos


            Yes, I fell in love with McDonald’s sausage burritos.


            McDonald’s sausage burritos have kept me alive since June 2015 ever since my stomach hasn’t effectively digested much well nowadays.


            Yes, daily I quit eating 16 to 18 probiotics.


            My body’s naturally and daily working again.


            Now, I don’t eat any probiotics nor have I for almost close to 3 months.




            Sadly to say, come January 2016 I must force myself to quit McDonald’s sausage burritos.


            Yes, I’m addicted to McDonald’s sausage burritos and I would continue to eat them for life except for which my bottom gum line smells like fertilizer each and every single day for close to five months.


            No matter how softly or effectively I brush my bottom gum line on a daily basis, the smell of bitter acid like dung is there and it won’t go away.


            Eric believes the compost smell omitting from my gums is some type of preservative in the sausage.




            Finally, McDonald’s went cage free with their eggs.


            Only if McDonald’s begins to make an egg and cheese burrito then I’m on board.


            However, after 5 months of eating sausage burritos each and every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner I’m considering the real risk of having some type of acid-like preservative rot out my bottom gum line.


            How does McDonald’s do it?


            I’ve become addicted to their burritos. I can’t seem to stop.


            No, I don’t ever touch McDonald’s hamburgers or fries or any other food other than the sausage burritos.


            Since I quit smoking cigarettes and cigar in the bathtub then I can stop eating McDonald’s sausage burritos.


            Right now my breath smells like poop which is neither romantic nor healthy to say the least.


            I can’t seem to stop smelling my seemingly rotting bottom gum line. It’s as though I’m attracted to the rotting acid-like smell of my bottom gum line. Weird.


---  ---  ---


Halloween’s Annual Minor Nightly Curfew


            Parental units must follow through with nightly curfews especially during holidays.


            Parental units must have control over their minors and offspring.


            We had early teens scream late into the night because their parental units neither cared nor love their offspring in this mostly “blue-collar” “working-class” partially professional neighborhood.


            We dispensed store bought candy from 5:30 P.M. through 7:30 P.M.


            Two hours of passing out candy was more than enough.


            On Halloween weeknights we only dispense candy for one hour from 8:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M.


            Please love thy youngsters and care for them and watch out for them and know where they are at all times and yes, do impose curfew otherwise parental units will have to pay fines to the city.


            At 11:30 P.M. minors ran around our neighborhood screaming like they had poop in their diapers.


---  ---  ---


Our One Neighbor Mentioned He Hadn’t Seen Us in 6 Months


            We work full-time 40 hour weeks.


            Even though I work from home I don’t have time to invite people over for tea.


            We’re modern people and barely have time for each other as a couple much less for our neighbors whom we met only three years ago.


            No, I’m neither any timewaster nor a hostess since we work and I’m tired and my health fails me much of the time.


---  ---  ---


Psychologists Advice Not to Live Like Jesus Christ Since such an Ideal Doesn’t Exist


            Psychologists say to abolish the ideal to be or live like Jesus Christ since such a hallucination is not real. Okay.


            Yes, I’d rather be on the “negative constructive” side than to waste my energies on pretending to be nice like Jesus Christ because such wasted energies would kill me.


            Most of our neighbors know I’m “crabby” and deal with some serious health issues.


            Still yet we keep an eye on the neighborhood and we make sure all children and minors are safe no matter how “crabby” or “short” I might get with people directly face-to-face since I’m extremely East Coast and I don’t “beat about the bush.”


---  ---  ---


No, I’m Not Enchanted by My Writing


            Writing is work, work and more work.


            “Nobody’s” enchanted by work. No.


            Writing’s as difficult as shoveling snow for ten straight hours which I used to do.


            Writing’s as difficult as factory work which I used to do.


            Writing’s intellectual menial labor.


            Writing any handwritten note to any neighbor is exhaustive.


            Writing’s tough work since writing has to make sense to anyone else outside of one’s head otherwise writing’s considered gibberish.


            Editing is reading and re-reading and more re-reading.



            Yours Truly;




Word Count Goal: 3,000


Word Count: 3,000


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 4,122


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:



*)         Day #30 without disciplining neighborhood children. One-year vow of silence. I owe it to myself. I love it.


*)         Day #30 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #198 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #619 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #51 without a cigarette: I like it.


*)         Day #50 without yells or screams or shrieks at Eric. I love it. It’s good. My ‘fake’ pregnancy-hormones are finally under control after 7 weeks on one specific prescribed Anti-depressant pill. (We’ve been dealing with ‘fake’ pregnancy hormones 5 out of 9 years of our relationship as a couple who lives under the same roof. I broke my 21 day streak about a social rule about any type of addictions such as blasting the stereo or tobacco or cigars or foods or to relatively small and irritating rude social misbehaviors like disciplining smart and misguided and enraged neighborhood hungry or thirsty children whose parents don’t seem to love them and ignore their children’s insecure and lonesome cries for attention of any type be it positive or negative. The misbehaved children loudly shrill or shriek or scream or yell in their backyards and throughout the neighborhood like ghostly Banshees who begin to wail before someone is about to die (Wikipedia.) Creepy children. Still yet modern children who wave at perfect strangers are even creepier because such children are naïve as to the dangers of the adult world. I miss the ultimately civilized children of Boston who are quiet and mature because they understand the world belongs to voters and taxpayers and mostly smelly adults and not only to the wealthy or privileged.


*)         Week #1 without stress: We owe it to ourselves. I love it.


*)         Week #55 work on 245 cholesterol as of June 2015. I love vegan food.


*)         Month #16 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty (24”) natural inch high waist without a corset. Yes!


*)         Week #15 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #2 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #7 on Anti-depressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 10 MG” To my personal chemistry and brains and mind this one single daily pill is exactly like three continuous cocktails “pumped” directly into my bloodstream 24/7. However, I’m not supposed to write about it thus I won’t. No, I don’t skip one single dosage. I’m addicted exactly as when any baby is addicted to sugar candy.


Monday, November 2, 2015


“Man has two eyes, two ears, but only one mouth.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Compendium (brief form, summary of main principles contained in large work, syllabus)


She published a compendium of an exhaustive treatise on the misbehavior of neglectful neighborhood “blue collar” “working-class” tired and most of the time lazy adult parents and their spoiled modern children who loudly shrill or shriek or yell or scream like mentally ill patients in insane asylums or mental wards.


---  ---  ---



A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.




“A Low Voice.”


Chapter 6.

Page 71


I think one can always tell a lady by her voice and laugh---neither of which will ever be loud or coarse, but soft, low, and nicely modulated. Shakespeare’s unfailing taste tells us that---


“A low voice is an excellent     thing in a woman.”


And we believe that the habit of never raising the voice would tend much to the comfort and happiness of many a home: as a proof of good breeding, it is unfailing.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


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This American Life




Drunken Texting: 10/29/2015 @ 3:37 A.M.


*)         Whenever anyone “drunken texts” me their wet loins at 3:37 A.M. then I utilize the commercialization of our company back at them only to be Ut-most irritating and annoying to the nth degree. (Great tactic.)


            Whenever anyone bores me to death with their wet loins then I bore them back with the commercialization of our company.


            Yes, in haste and out of severe irritation I mistakenly texted our website ( to a complete stranger at the other end of the telephone because almost the entire world already knows our website.


            What’s the harm in it?


            Now, I make a written record for all time in case I’m found murdered (knock on wood for good luck.)


            Which is creepy?


            The commercialization of one’s wet loins or the commercialization of one’s company?


            The commercialization of one’s wet loins is creepy.


            Whether one’s “lit” (drunk) please dial the correct phone number.


            If one so much as “thinks” one’s dialed the correct number of the “blondish” woman in a “blind mouse” costume from the night before whom she happened to be short then such any man must make certain they’ve dialed the correct number before texting their wet loins otherwise mature adults will want to turn one over and administer them a good one.


            To Mr. A. at 651-341-52__ please don’t ever wake me up to sell me one’s wet loins. Thank you very much.


            P.S. Americans seem disgusted to have anyone commercialize any business to them. Yet, Americans tend to commercialize their wet loins for the meat-market.


            What’s become of mature-adult American culture?


            Why are Americans ever so publically loose with their sexuality?


            When did maturity become obsolete?


            Maturity is always in fashion.


            Get with the program.


---  ---  ---


15 year’s war


*)         Fifteen year’s war won’t end in America since contemporary American politicians and their masters are blood thirsty and war mongering greedy vampires.


*)         Now America has also gone to war in Syria, October 2015.


*)         Why does the American government continue to “string along” The People (taxpayers) into further wars when our local neighborhood children scream out in hunger pangs?


*)         War isn’t economically lucrative for all citizens and civilians.


*)         House speaker is the best place for Mr. Paul Ryan who seems to be ever so hateful towards a wide range of Americans.


---  ---  ---


Marijuana Is Not Any Type of Monopoly


            Nobody can or will ever hold any type of monopoly on a weed for which can be grown anywhere; especially private gardens.


            Yes, I’m making my way through a five (5) year botany study.


---  ---  ---


Textual Editors


*)         Would the so-called and unnamed newspaper editors at either websites of “Reuters” and / or “Kare II” please legally put their name to the edited work editors’ edit since writing and editing any text must be given and / or taken ownership of any piece of writing and / or editing.


            Furthermore textual editing must be done precisely well or not at all.


            If one doesn’t know how to write or edit well then stay away from publically having any newspaper or magazine made fun of for badly edited mistakes only 3rd graders make.


            Names must be attached to newspaper articles and periodicals and editorials otherwise such pieces of writing are considered nothing.


            No author then no citation.


*)         Would the CG and / or “crawl” and / or graphic technical team at MSNBC please spell check before any text does go out over expensive airwaves on national broadcast television?


            Please at least correctly spell for the benefit of any viewer otherwise misspelling errors are any waste of any time. Thank you.


            Personally, on average I already look up some words about 30 times per day.


            Please don’t add any more literary homework than I already have to do as any professional adults do. Thanks.


            The readers trust news will be correctly punctuated and grammatically correct since news is still considered a service to The People otherwise it’s not news it’s “dumb kids” playing at business.


---  ---  ---


            On October 28, 2015 at 11:18 A.M. Eric directly called me to inform me he had just been in a car accident on 55 and 94 near downtown’s “Target Field” (my nickname) “Twins Stadium.”


            The other driver sped straight through a red light and almost killed Eric who drove in the middle lane south bound of 55 directly into downtown.


            Eric’s incredibly lucky to have walked away unscathed from his car accident this past Wednesday.


            Eric could’ve indeed died last week if it had not been for his wits and our KIA car.


            Our amazing “moss” color 2013 KIA is no more.


            We paid something like $13,000 dollars for a 1-year new-used car we purchased in 2013 for which saved the life of Eric Holm as he headed into work last week. Thank you KIA.


            The front of our car was completely wrecked and totaled.


            By the look of the car it’s no wonder Eric’s alive today.


            Our deductible will be $500.00 dollars.


            It’s a total disappointment to deal with premiums and banks and insurance.


            However, we’re grateful Eric’s alive.


            If Eric would’ve died last week then I along with our family and friends we would’ve cremated Eric’s body and then I would’ve locked-up “shop” (home) gone to bed for one straight month with the exception of meals and bathroom breaks for our dog and me.


            Today we discovered the driver who sped through a red light drove with an expired license and did in fact hit a second car.


            Yes, we forgive.


            However, we shan’t forget.


            Yes, I kept a full 48 hour watch on Eric and his slight red bump on his head. I’m pleased to announce Eric’s healthy and fine and has not any type of brain injury. Thanks to all of the good aspects around us and in our hearts.


            This is indeed a private citizen record.


            This writing’s here for all of time.


---  ---  ---


            Eric’s here. I’m done with my work for today.



            Yours Truly;




Word Count Goal: 1,000


Word Count: 1,033


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 1,033


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:



*)         Day #29 without disciplining neighborhood children. One-year vow of silence. I owe it to myself. I love it.


*)         Day #29 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #197 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #618 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #50 without a cigarette: I like it.


*)         Day #49 without yells or screams or shrieks at Eric. I love it. It’s good. My ‘fake’ pregnancy-hormones are finally under control after 7 weeks on one specific prescribed Anti-depressant pill. (We’ve been dealing with ‘fake’ pregnancy hormones 5 out of 9 years of our relationship as a couple who lives under the same roof. I broke my 21 day streak about a social rule about any type of addictions such as blasting the stereo or tobacco or cigars or foods or to relatively small and irritating rude social misbehaviors like disciplining smart and misguided and enraged neighborhood hungry or thirsty children whose parents don’t seem to love them and ignore their children’s insecure and lonesome cries for attention of any type be it positive or negative. The misbehaved children loudly shrill or shriek or scream or yell in their backyards and throughout the neighborhood like ghostly Banshees who begin to wail before someone is about to die (Wikipedia.) Creepy children. Still yet modern children who wave at perfect strangers are even creepier because such children are naïve as to the dangers of the adult world. I miss the ultimately civilized children of Boston who are quiet and mature because they understand the world belongs to voters and taxpayers and mostly smelly adults and not only to the wealthy or privileged.


*)         Week #1 without stress: We owe it to ourselves. I love it.


*)         Week #55 work on 245 cholesterol as of June 2015. I love vegan food.


*)         Month #16 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty (24”) natural inch high waist without a corset. Yes!


*)         Week #15 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #2 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #7 on Anti-depressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 10 MG” To my personal chemistry and brains and mind this one single daily pill is exactly like three continuous cocktails “pumped” directly into my bloodstream 24/7. However, I’m not supposed to write about it thus I won’t. No, I don’t skip one single dosage. I’m addicted exactly as when any baby is addicted to sugar candy.



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