Saturday, May 30, 2020
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish
--- --- ---
A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Dress Etiquette.
Chapter 26.
Page ?
For breakfasting in public
or at the house
The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.
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Upload: 6:22pm CDT, 7:18pm CDT
Word Count: 506
Word Count Goal for the week: 1,000
Word Count Goal: 1,000
--- --- ---
Hi. Hello.
Happy Saturday!
Bernie Sanders all the way!
(Please, write-in Bernie Sanders’s name into the ballot. Thanks!)
Bernie Sanders has my vote.
Ilhan Omar isn’t to be trusted because any anti-Semitic speech is any anti-Semitic speech.
Impeach Donald Trump.
--- --- ---
World, I’m present.
Healthier than ever before in my life
National Guard
Hi, good evening.
Please, don’t harm
Our Citizens and Civilians
No, Peaceful Local Demonstrators
Aren’t militia groups
No, Locals aren’t rioting or looting
Please, understand
Locals sweep up the debris
As quickly as we can
Please, know
It’s not Twin Cities’
Civilians and Citizens
Looting or rioting.
Peaceful Demonstrators and
Citizens and Civilians have been called
To go home by 8:00pm curfew
Please, comply or not.
No, we don’t
Personally peacefully demonstrate
Yes, we grocery shopped today.
Kowalski’s, Thanks!
Alde, Thanks!
National Guard, What May Come,
Please, don’t harm our local people
National Guard,
Today the only video for which
Brought me to tears
Was of New York City, NY
News coverage
A white man
Who forcibly threw down
Against the pavement
A petite young woman
Then she hit the back of her head
On the sidewalk
I almost vomited everywhere.
If there had been a group of women around
Then we would’ve taken off
Our high heels shoes and
Once taken turns
To hit the violent man
He would’ve had nothing to say
Seriously, what a fascist violent freak
Who is that man and arrest him
Also fire him from his job.
I couldn’t believe what my eyes saw.
I couldn’t.
National Guard,
You must caution
On the side of The People
Because here in MN
The Police Murder
Our Citizens and Civilians
National Guard,
No matter what garbage
Donald Trump spews,
Our Local and Peaceful
Citizens and Civilians
No, I don’t like violence
As any other family
Yes, we abide by
The 8:00pm Curfew
George Floyd
Oh, our Twin Cities, MN
Community will definitely
Miss the presence of
Mr. George Floyd
No, I didn’t know
George Floyd
Entire Families are ruined
Due to police murders
The People have got this.
No, I don’t believe in
Any killing of any police
No, no more cruel graffiti
Look; the greatest volunteer organizers
And greatest peaceful demonstrators
Are the men, women and children
Who by day hours,
Cleaning up
The streets of Minneapolis/St. Paul
We love you.
Thursday was the most delightful
Sight of local peaceful
Citizens and Civilians with brooms
Well, what is there to say about George Floyd?
There’s nothing more to be said.
Really, I mean,
Another name
Personally, I’m tired of adding
Names to this blog
Personally, I’m tired of adding
The names of
Black men and
Black women and
Black children
What more is there to be said?
Need I say more?
More later…
Yours Truly;
Friday, May 29, 2020
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish
--- --- ---
A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Dress Etiquette.
Chapter 26.
Page ?
For breakfasting in public
or at the house
The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.
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Upload: 5:00am CDT
Word Count: 1,160
Word Count Goal for the week: 1,000
Word Count Goal: 1,000
--- --- ---
Hi. Hello.
Happy Friday!
Bernie Sanders all the way!
(Please, write-in Bernie Sanders’s name into the ballot. Thanks!)
Bernie Sanders has my vote.
Ilhan Omar isn’t to be trusted because any anti-Semitic speech is any anti-Semitic speech.
Impeach Donald Trump.
--- --- ---
World, I’m present.
Healthier than ever before in my life
Hi, Good morning.
Please, be ever so gentle with our
Incredible citizens and civilians
Here, on the ground
The Twin Cities
Has dealt with a lot
Of racism
And police murders
Please, be ever so careful with
The health and bodies of
Our babies, our adult rioters
And adult looters
Please, forgive them.
Now, the insurance companies
Will cover the loss
Military, please
Don’t worry about property damage.
Please, be concerned not to get anybody killed.
On our streets,
We have peaceful demonstrators
With looters and rioters,
However, distinctions must be made.
Dating Rules 101:
Any female doesn’t pursue any man
Or automatically this takes her out of
The running for marriage
Since she comes across as a
“Gold digger” and a co-dependent childish fool
According to Muslim cultures
Yes, women are worth more than men
Yes, the man chooses the woman
Then she decides
If he is a good enough man or not
To be trust worthy of her
Respect, love and trust
Yes, the man
Usually is truly in love
With the love of his life;
Unless he disrespects
And continues
With 192 online
Subscribers over
Live sex-chat with couples
Within a five-mile radius
Of the neighborhood
Sex-chat rooms
In which in the nude
And on camera
And in real time
One gets
To see couples masturbate
To one’s husband’s
Masturbation session while he
Exposes himself
Naked to the neighborhood
Kind of funny
Except when it’s happening to you
Two years ago;
As a monogamous couple
We agreed
We don’t personally socialize with
St. Thomas strippers/drug dealers
With the specific following
Cell digits:
“For a Good Time,
Call Mary”
(612) 558-321_
Yes, online
Live sex-chat rooms
Is cheating
We’ve covered this for two years.
Two years ago;
As a monogamous couple
We agreed
We don’t personally socialize with
Central High School
Sexually abused
Alcoholic teenagers
With the specific following
Cell digits:
“For a Good Time,
Call May”
(812) 462-720_
What the hell is a 17 year-old
Desperate and horny
Alcoholic teenage child doing
Trying to text a 55 year-old married man?
Ladies, you’re not in competition
With me
No, I’m not a “mean girl.”
Look; I volunteer run the estate and companies
Thus I’m the “housewife”
Personally, I’ll call anybody “fat” to their face
Except I don’t.
However, I won’t allow for
My alcoholic husband
Who can barely walk
Straight most nights
To be seduced by
Mya, a 17 year old
Alcoholic sexually-abused
Horny teenager
Who pathetically
Throws herself
At a 55 year old married man
Who has yet to prove his
Playing skills at the drum,
As well as his
Truthfulness, respect and sincerity
To me
Look, Ladies, I was personally invited here.
No, I’m not “The” competition.
Yes, I arrived.
Yes, I’ve been here for two years.
Well, look;
“The cat’s out of the bag”
1. When my husband gets drunk
Then he likes to torture me
With all of the possibilities
Of women he
Directly tells me by name
He will fuck.
Then he sobers up and
Is completely disgusted by his choices
2. Yes, I’ve become happy.
3. Autonomy.
4. Oh, my dearest ladies,
There’re so many of you.
From Aldi
To the offices’ neighbors
To tenants
To neighbors
To parks women
To beaches women
To freak women,
To bar drunk women
To prostitute women and
Drug dealer women
And stripper women
So many of you
And only one of me
5. Ladies, you’re all in competition
With each other
Because I won this spot
Fair and square
If you’re mean to me
Then he notices
Without me saying anything
Yes, I’ve gone silent.
Yes, I got tired of being called derogatory names.
Yes, I got tired of all of the swearing, screaming and yelling
Thus I’ve gone quiet
6. Ladies, don’t put
So much focus on hating me
Because he actually loves me
However, pathological liars
Always lie and
Alcoholics always tell the
Honest to God brutal truth and
Strippers and prostitutes
Are in the business of seduction
As well as
Horny alcoholic teenage children
Are also in the business of seduction
Oh, ladies, don’t feel bad for me.
I was summoned and
Asked to be here and
Run the estates and empires.
Ladies, I haven’t ever cheated.
Ladies, whenever he
French kisses outside of the relationship
Then I end up with herpes of the lips.
Yes, ladies, I live with a low immune system
So whenever his robust immune system
Picks up an STD then
Immediately I show symptoms
Because I live with throat tumors
Yes, you all now can look forward to
The Herpes Simplex 1 of the facial lips
My husband
Gave me Herpes of the facial lips
So now all other women
Will also have herpes of the lips
You’re welcome.
I know, I know.
I hate it.
I deal with it.
No biggie.
Whenever men cheat
Then they bring home their diseases.
Ladies, I don’t know why you
Pathetically throw yourselves
At my husband because
He will single-out
Exactly who
He wants to fuck
To your face
Tell you
Get in line
Because he flirts with everyone
Across the city
And nightly when he gets drunk
He reminds me of a list of
At least 50 women
He’s going to fuck.
For two years
I’ve been reminded
On a weekly basis.
Not okay.
Personally, I end up a happily married wealthy housewife.
You’re not special.
None of us are.
Let’s get happy.
Yes, I’m working on being dainty.
Mya must not contact
Our family
Mya must get ready
To graduate high school
Please, get horny teenager child alcoholic
Mya a hobby, an age appropriate boyfriend
To go to the Prom with
And please for the love of God
Somebody love Mya
For more than her quick
Smile and over-sexualized demeanor
And constant need to be seductive
And noticed
And suck all of the air out of the room
Furthermore, Mya requires more discipline
Mya may not ask my husband
How serious our relationship is
Mya must not contact my husband
Because frankly Mya
From Central High School is
A child and must not have anything to do
With a grandfather figure
Unless Mya is a gold-digger
We’re mature adults.
We don’t like
Pathetic Little girls throwing themselves
Unto married men
We get it:
Mary and Mya
You want to fuck my husband.
Not okay.
Go away.
Hi, Minnesota.
Yours Truly;
Thursday, May 28, 2020
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish
--- --- ---
A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Dress Etiquette.
Chapter 26.
Page ?
For breakfasting in public
or at the house
The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.
--- --- ---
Upload: 1:58pm CDT; 9:46pm CDT
Word Count: 681
Word Count Goal for the week: 1,000
Word Count Goal: 1,000
--- --- ---
Hi. Hello.
Happy Thursday!
Bernie Sanders all the way!
(Please, write-in Bernie Sanders’s name into the ballot. Thanks!)
Bernie Sanders has my vote.
Ilhan Omar isn’t to be trusted because any anti-Semitic speech is any anti-Semitic speech.
Impeach Donald Trump.
--- --- ---
World, I’m present
Stop the looting and riots
Peace to the Police
Yes, today I peacefully waved at
Every single police car
While we biked the length of
Lake Street
No, I haven’t ever protested.
No, I haven’t ever demonstrated.
No Looting
No Riots
Domestic Lifestyle
As Responsible Mature Adults
Adults are only seduced while drunk
Or intoxicated
Or under the influence of drugs
We still need to grocery shop.
We bike.
We skateboard.
We walk.
We garden.
We paint.
We cook.
We clean.
We do chores.
We run errands.
We run an empire.
We break bread together.
We are loyal to each other.
We love.
Each day we make love.
Finally we respect each other.
We play together.
For seven straight days,
The fighting has now stopped.
Completely we have had the best
Seven days of our life
We made Costa Rican peace.
As a couple, we are one
“We’re Still Here”
Yes, Heterosexual Monogamous Exclusive
Seven straight days of bliss
No fights of any type
My dream came true.
Yes, “The Taming of the Shrew”
Is my favorite
William Shakespeare
Play with
Elizabeth Taylor
My boyfriend/husband
Who calls me his “Wife”
Tells me I have the eyes of
Elizabeth Taylor.
What a tremendous compliment.
And the face of a cratered moon.
I love it!
COVID-19 is factually a deadly virus
Yes, wear face masks
Yes, “The Spanish Flu II”
Peaceful Demonstration
Looting and riots
“The Los Angeles Riots II”
We’ll rebuild.
We will.
Twin Cities, MN
Hey, we’re right here.
We’re not going anywhere.
We finally committed
To respect each other
In our marriage/relationship.
Yes, we live under the same roof
And in the same bed.
Seriously, it’s been the best
And most quiet/peaceful/respectful
Seven days of our romantic relationship.
I love it!
We made the peace.
We actually love and like each other.
Peacefully, I won!
Costa Rican style.
Yes, I’m an intellectual artist.
Yes, we’re 43 and 55.
No, we don’t make friends with
Alcoholic teenage children
Peaceful Demonstrations
Yes, I love the peaceful
“Occupy Wall Street Movement”
Of silently and organically
Walking in droves of
Peaceful and quiet
Citizens and Civilians
Peaceful demonstrators
Simply organically walk and
Occupy real estate to
Peacefully stop traffic.
Oh, if I didn’t have throat tumors
Then possibly I would
Consider to participate in
Peaceful American demonstrations
Please, don’t loot
Or Destroy
Our Twin Cities, MN
Yes, at 2:00pm,
We personally
Biked the entire
Length of Lake Street
Yes, we visited “The 3rd Precinct”
Police Department
We saw.
Peaceful demonstrators were peaceful
Yes, the entire length
Of Lake Street, MN
Is destroyed.
How do we know?
We were on the ground and
Witnessed and saw
For ourselves
We biked.
We know.
Yes, please seize destroying
Our gorgeous
Twin cities, MN
Watch out for bicyclists
No, I don’t ever call
“Cunts,” “sluts” or “whores”
Such derogatory language is
Male Chauvinistic male language
No, I don’t personally
Speak in such any derogatory manner
About women or men or children
Since I took
Women Liberation Courses
Yes, I’m a feminist,
Who dates and is married to
A male Chauvinist.
Yes, correct.
Finally, We famously get along.
Yes, We’re Still Here
Yes, we’re
Heterosexual Monogamous Exclusive
Yes, when alcoholics
Get drunk then alcoholics
Get mean and say cruel words
When alcoholics sober up
Then alcoholics get embarrassed
And absolutely don’t really
Have any infatuations, obsessions or
Crushes simply
One gets appalled
Whenever anybody
Has taken the liberty
To touch any alcoholics’ genitalia
Without consent
How am I supposed to feel
When my husband comes home
And tells me some idiot
Pushed themselves unto him
And grabbed his penis?
Most adults have boundaries
And don’t act victimized or let themselves
Get victimized
So boundaries
Yours Truly;
Saturday, May 16, 2020
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish
--- --- ---
A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Dress Etiquette.
Chapter 26.
Page ?
For breakfasting in public
or at the house
The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.
--- --- ---
Upload: 6:42am CDT, 7:21am CDT, 7:41am CDT, 8:13am CDT, 8:52am CDT
Word Count: 2,625
Word Count Goal for the week: 1,000
Word Count Goal: 1,000
--- --- ---
Hi. Hello.
Happy Saturday!
Bernie Sanders all the way!
(Please, write-in Bernie Sanders’s name into the ballot. Thanks!)
Bernie Sanders has my vote.
Ilhan Omar isn’t to be trusted because any anti-Semitic speech is any anti-Semitic speech.
Impeach Donald Trump.
--- --- ---
This is
Literary Exposé
I’m right here
World, I’m present
Back away!
My bully is mine.
Nobody beats up
How does one
Defend against one’s bully?
My dad and
All of my
Male friends
Inform me I’m
The Only One
To Self Defend
By Informing,
My Bully, I’ve been
To Kick
In The
Except, I explained
I haven’t ever before
Kicked anyone
In the Testicles,
So I wouldn’t
Know how to.
Next Stop, Kickboxing.
My dad says I have the right
To self defense
As best as I see fit.
However, for any woman
To take on any man
Is a complete joke
A kick to the testicles
Even American women
Have told me
To throw
A kick
To the testicles
I will.
Isn’t generally
In general
A charmer
To strangers
Nobody harms
Because I’m actually
In love with my abuser
He’s got that going for him.
For as long as I am here
Then no harm shall pass.
After I’m discarded
Then we’ll
Teach the financial lesson
Of a lifetime
Right now
My abuser
Is Watching
The Stock Market
Dwindle all of his money
While I have gone for
Nearly two years
Without pay
For 40 to 80/hour
And I watch myself
Get poorer
While my sadist
Justifies having me work
40 to 80/hour workweeks
Without Payroll
My dad knows all about
My endurance with
Intimate Partner Abuse.
We’ve got this.
My dad and I got this.
“Bongo Bob”
What a Mind Fuck
People don’t beat themselves up
Purchasing alcohol
For minors
Is Illegal.
St. Thomas
(Not a family friend)
My Spouse
With pictures
For sure,
Within the same week,
I tend to receive
Any type of
Hair pulling,
Or dragged by the hair,
Or punched in the breasts,
Or kneed in ribs
Or slapped on the ears
Or a literal kick to the kidneys
Drug dealer
The Monument
Palmer’s Bar
No, I’m not a literal prostitute
Paying my way through
Graciously, I endure
The kicks, punches and slaps
To the best of my ability
Which is I raise hell and yell.
Anytime, I get punched
In the breast
Then the entire
Knows I’ve
Literally been kicked or
Sucker punched
An injustice here
Is an injustice every where
Nobody harms my abuser
Because I’m actually
In love with my abuser
What a consolation prize.
I love him
Even though he doesn’t respect me
My dad knows all about
My endurance with
Intimate Partner Abuse
We’ve got this.
My dad and I got this.
Intimate Partner Abuse
Personally, I don’t like to write about literal physical domestic violence abuse or Intimate Partner Abuse because literal physical violence is an extremely private matter, however.
Alcoholism is common and alcoholics are the easiest people to manipulate while under a state of intoxication because alcoholics like their egos inflated.
Alcoholics simply want toadies around to do their bidding.
Alcoholics like none-alcoholic enablers to serve hand-and-foot to alcoholics and work for alcoholics and clean up the alcoholic all the while sabotaging the relationship in relation to the enable or co-dependent by threatening to always end the relationship as a manipulative tactic or to traumatize their spouse by constantly locking a spouse out of a building all the while eroding away at trust through pathological lies, deceit and physical assault and constant accusations of cheating when there’s no evidence of any such type of malarkey only because the alcoholic abuser’s only quasi relationships are in relation to drug dealers, alcoholic teenagers, bar drunks and college prostitutes who don’t actually pay their way through college, prostitutes lay their way through college therefore any prostitutes’ degree is nil in the same token and manner in which Maya Angelou was a prostitute therefore her writings don’t count for anything.
To be a public writer then one must uphold to serious broadcast standards.
Alcoholics don’t ever like, want or can discuss alcoholism or Intimate Partner Abuse.
Alcoholics tend to go into waking rages of “black outs” and either as an excuse or as an excuse the raging alcoholic pretends not to remember kicking their spouse or the alcoholic lies and says the spouse kicked the alcoholic abuser except video evidence is King.
Alcoholics constantly lie about prostitutes and underage drinking.
Alcoholics constantly lie.
Alcoholics are pathological liars.
Alcoholics know very well what they do, however.
Alcoholism is a great way to excuse physical violence.
How does anybody know I’m not lying about getting beat up?
Well, the X-rays prove it. Hahaha. Funny.
Not really, however.
Yeah, real funny.
The X-rays prove broken bones and broken teeth. Bummer.
Actually, broken teeth aren’t a big deal.
Broken teeth don’t hurt.
Chipped teeth hurt a lot.
Cracked teeth hurt even worse.
Why are broken wrists so common in literal physical domestic violence abuse?
Intimate Partner Abuse is ever so prevalent and common in America and around the globe therefore punching, kicking, slapping, chocking, throwing and hair pulling doesn’t seem to be any big deal to anyone except when such physical assault happens once a week then one slowly watches one’s body deteriorate and one watches oneself slowly get murdered even if this type of abuse doesn’t or hardly ever effects the psychopath or the sadist or same thing or the alcoholic abuser isn’t ever effected actually the abuser lies and says they’re the victim which is the most weird phenomenon to watch unfold and repeatedly occur as a repetitious pattern of abuse.
In the 1990’s and 2000’s feminist liberation courses taught students about how people don’t cause their own rapes, people don’t cause their own beatings and people don’t bring about their own demise because the human condition is wired to survive and live through catastrophic famines, plagues, viruses and natural destructions.
As a public writer and a modern contemporary feminist woman of color, I, uphold to my ethical duties and moral obligations and force myself to publically write down correct sequence of events as they occur for the benefit of the women who will follow after me and hopefully we, as a society, may save the lives of women everywhere especially Indigenous women and Native American women since these are the two main demographics who get murdered in Intimate Partner Abuse.
Personally, I don’t like to ever point out I live with throat cancer much less neither do I like to have to spell out I have dealt with physical violence abuse, verbal abuse, psychological abuse, financial abuse and emotional abuse. Sigh.
Yes, I’m a survivor of Intimate Partner abuse. I did it!
Yes, I’m a survivor of literal physical violence assault abuse.
Yes, I’m a cancer survivor! I’m doing it!
Yes, I live with throat cancer.
No, I’m not dying from cancer. I’m living with the darn disease.
Yes, any mishaps or minor injuries or bites for which I have incurred upon my bully then I have done so in literal self-defense while being thrown down a stairwell or slapped in the right ear because violence is so scary and by the time anyone’s literally punched my ankles eight times then my ankles are a literal punching bag then my ankles swell and walking/skateboarding becomes a painful task to endure as breathing difficult to endure after any sustained kicks above the left kidney and below the ribcage then the entire vertebrae goes out of alignment and the lumber has spasms.
Truly, this is physical violence described by nearly a master writer. I mean, what do I have to lose? A lot.
My brains is what I have to lose since I’m a writer and I’m in the business of letters then I have to keep my brain sharp and my wits intact as well as keep a strong intuition and strong sense of self and confident in what I write and say since I actually know what I’m talking about because I was extremely well brought up, well read and well educated and well experienced in computer arts and film arts and writing and mathematics as a broadcast engineer and all around unpaid tycoon.
Writers, we don’t take any beatings lying down.
No, Sir!
We sure don’t.
Although by the time any abuser punches anybody’s ankles eight times them this means the woman’s already down looking up and/or on the floor or on a couch fighting back with as many air-kicks as possible like doing “bicycle” ballet exercises on a Yoga mat.
No, I’m not a bully.
No, I don’t derive satisfaction
From someone else’s pain
Seriously, in self-defense, I’ve
Been quite lucky
To have my
Ancient Maya Ancestors
Watching over me
And guiding me
In natural
No, I don’t even kill spiders.
No, I don’t ever kill ants.
No, I haven’t ever
Kicked, slapped or punched
Any pet dog
No, I haven’t ever harmed
Children or Animals.
No, I don’t self harm.
Yes, I’m quite a lovely
43-year old public writer
And women of color
Walking around with
A fractured left wrist
Without a cast
Because I’m
Not able
To afford a cast
For my broken wrist
Since I volunteer work
Graphic design for free
Without health benefits
As a slave workforce
To Minnesota multi-millionaires
My Ancient Maya Ancestors
And the Episcopalian God
And Yahweh
Watch over me
Because each time
My Abuser
Abuses me and I self-defend
Then by mistake
My Abuser ends up hurt
Like this morning…
Yes, I did kick the door open, however.
Truly, it was a mistake.
Seriously, I thought the door was latched and then I went to kick the door open and the metal door swung open hard and immediately I was sorry for my brutish and insignificant ignoramus mistake.
Yes, I apologized because I know exactly what the experience of physical brutalization is therefore I know better than to delight from any form of violence abuse because I know very well what it’s like to get up the next morning and walk like a Zombie from muscle spasms and to slowly make coffee like one’s 115 years old and to barely be able to take-in a good breath of air because right underneath the ribcage in which my bones were kicked-in and even though the kick hit fatty tissue the ribcage is got kicked-in and the vertebrae misaligned therefore the vertebrae spasms for about 24 hours later after the initial kick to the upper left kidney and below the rib.
Only a bully knows right where to kick the victimized.
If one were to get kicked right on bone then one gets more severe bruising yet one’s able better to content with a direct impact straight to bone than to soft fatty tissue because soft fatty tissue doesn’t bruise as deeply, however.
When soft fatty tissue is kicked then the bruising is minimal yet the organs around the area are more greatly affected than when kicked to direct bone.
Yes, the problem with Intimate Partner Abuse is the very fact one’s watching oneself be slowly murdered while people around the couple mock the victimized, ridicule the victimized, disbelieve the victimized and dismiss the claims of getting kicked or dismiss the claims of getting slapped or dismiss the claims of getting punched or dismiss the claims of getting slapped some more.
Seriously, the reason why I haven’t left is because I don’t have any financial means to leave and even if I did I truly fell in love with my dream boat of a spouse alcoholic abuser so now what? Where does that leave me? Here and nowhere.
Personally, I don’t like to be away from my spouse unless he knows exactly where I am otherwise I might be able to skip a weekly beating.
My spouse is a pathological liar and only within the last five years has he begun to sneak off to hang out with alcoholic teenage children to purchase alcohol for the alcoholic teenagers then returns home to talk about all of the alcoholic teenagers my spouse would like to fuck which are many alcoholic teenagers he would like to bed and many alcoholic teenagers who tend to manipulate and use my spouse while he’s drunk and quite intoxicated by inflating his ego then he goes to purchase alcohol for the drunk teenage children and allows for alcoholic teenage children’s crushes, infatuations and obsessions only because he’s quite abusive and doesn’t know how to deal with his emotions of rage, disappointment, motherly emotional neglect, old age and certain natural dysfunctions for which begin to take hold on the body as fifty-five years of age sets in and one begins to deteriorate much quicker than earlier decades especially whenever daily alcoholism is introduced in large consumptions to daily lifestyle and living.
My spouse is one irresponsible person who is so needy as to require the infatuations, obsessions and crushes of alcoholic teenage children.
Yes! I feel bad for all of them because they all got into an abusive, using and manipulative situation with my spouse which as of recently within the last five years begun to be a habit of my spouse to hang out amongst alcoholic teenage children which is the saddest thing one will ever see a old middle-aged man do.
Yes, my spouse is an emotional philanderer because he’s an alcoholic.
When my spouse is sober then he swears up and down the street against getting drunk and he thinks the alcoholic teenagers are assholes and ugly over-sexualized horny cunt, sluts and whore, however.
Each night my spouse gets drunk and immediately seeks the attention and company of prostitute drug dealers and 25 year old raped drunks and alcoholic horny teenage children who tell my spouse they want to fuck him.
Yes, my heart goes out to all of them because each time we encounter one of any of these demographics then I go home and either get my hair pulled hard or I get dragged by the hair the length of an entire building or I get punched or kicked like a dog.
Every time, I meet and speak my mind to any one of my spouse’s alcoholic teenage children public quasi acquaintances then that same night I get beaten.
For every drunk teenager or prostitute drug dealer I meet I remind them that each isn’t special and everywhere I go then my husband cares just as much about them as the next person to use to inflate his ego then I get beaten. Hahaha. Seriously, I don’t hold back my tongue. Why? I get beat up whether I speak or not. So I might as well put in my two cents before I get a kick to the ribs and kidneys and major internal organs.
Ah, sigh.
Yours Truly;
Sunday, May 3rd, 2020
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish
--- --- ---
A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Dress Etiquette.
Chapter 26.
Page ?
For breakfasting in public
or at the house
The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.
--- --- ---
Upload: 3:32pm CDT, 5:22pm CDT, 5:59pmCDT, 6:34pm CDT
Word Count: 2,296
Word Count Goal for the week: 1,000
Word Count Goal: 1,000
--- --- ---
Hi. Hello.
Happy Sunday!
Bernie Sanders all the way!
(Please, write-in Bernie Sanders’s name into the ballot. Thanks!)
Bernie Sanders has my vote.
Ilhan Omar isn’t to be trusted because any anti-Semitic speech is any anti-Semitic speech.
Impeach Donald Trump.
--- --- ---
This is
Literary Exposé
I’m right here
World, I’m present
Back away!
My bully is mine.
How does one
Defend against one’s bully?
My dad and
All of my
Male friends
Inform me I’m
The Only One
To Self Defend
By Informing,
My Bully, I’ve been
To Kick
In The
Except, I explained
I haven’t ever before
Kicked anyone
In the Testicles,
So I wouldn’t
Know how to.
Next Stop, Kickboxing.
My dad says I have the right
To self defense
As best as I see fit.
However, for any woman
To take on any man
Is a complete joke
A kick to the testicles
Even American women
Have told me
To throw
A kick
To the testicles
I will.
Isn’t generally
In general
A charmer
To strangers
My bully’s mine.
Mentally Ill
Personality Disorder
With alcohol drinking
So quite easily to
Yet, tends to wake up in time
Not to Cheat.
Must not take advantage of
Alcoholics because
Alcoholics are considered
Temporarily mentally ill.
Psychologists and my dad
And male friends
Have explained to me
It isn’t me.
Psychologists do inform me;
I’m not anything special
Will also verbally abuse,
Pathologically lie to
Their next victim
Fair enough.
Simply, right now
I’m keeping some other victim
From getting bullied.
Fair enough.
I willingly,
Undertake this task
And responsibility
For as long as I’m able to
Or get cheated on.
Psychologists have told me
To expect cheating
Then go no contact
Because all Narcissists cheat.
I’ve been informed
Not to be delusional
About the
Personality Disorder
Back away!
My bully is mine.
Everybody else hands off
Mind your own business
Because I’m always sober
While the neighbors laugh,
I’m starting to laugh, too,
Because I don’t hang out
Amongst drunk teenage children
Since my world
Is a mature adult world
In real life
Tuesday, April 28th, 2020
My Graphic Design Skill
Got a periodical off to print and press
Remote Graphic Design department
Yes, I’m the boss
Because no one’s helping me out
Therefore I figure it out
I did it!
I alone,
Single handedly
Saved and
Professionally conducted
And ran and bossed
An entire remote
Graphic Design Department
Even though I was constantly
Told I was “garbage”
And I was texted
And told I didn’t know
What I was doing
Which I didn’t
Yet my Photoshop
Excellent proficiency
Carried me through
And I did quite well
Lots of
Remote computer work.
Remote work,
Graphic Design Advertisements
Everybody Else Hands Off
Mind your own business.
Because I’m always sober
While the neighbors laugh,
I’m starting to laugh, too,
Because I don’t hang out
Amongst drunk teenage children
Since my world
Is a mature adult world
Therefore I don’t have to
Always have the same discussion,
Conversation and argument
About hanging out amongst
Drunk infatuated horny teenage children
Or horny people in their
Twenties or horny people
In their thirties
Who haven’t ever or yet
Proven to
Have contributed anything
Of worthwhile
The world
As we already have
By Middle-age
As early as 19, I went down in history
For choreographic a modern ballet
Debuted at the Walker Arts Center
At this point, I have more than
Worthwhile contributed to the world
Something to talk about
And to be listened
About how I handle
My industry
In an era
Of remote
Computer graphics
And film work
Yet, once again I’ve
Been thrown back into the
Business of film producing
As a 50%/50%
Business partner
Because I know what
I’m talking about
Certainly, I’m a classy woman
Even when daily I put
I’m no Longer
And I don’t do well
With emotional, psychological or verbal
I make awesome choices and decisions
As a well developed and mature adult woman
Right now, I’m in excellent health
While building a film studio
And remotely
Running an entire
Graphic Design Department
For which this week I alone
Did a graphic layout
Periodical for publication
Even though the boss
Undermined each step of my process
To get the periodical
Off to the printers
And ready for publication
Miscommunication with a Bully
Is often and frequent
Others’ Insecurities
And Perpetual
Verbally abusive
Measures unfold
To Pressure any
Remote Graphic Designer Boss
To meet an immediate deadline
And a Final Draft
On the Bosses’ desk
One day before
The deadline is due
All the while
Swearing, screaming and yelling
Like in Newsrooms
One doesn’t do anything
Except cry
Because the
Enraged individual doesn’t
Know better
To do better
To communicate better with words
Rather than personal insults,
Belittling, undermining, patronizing,
Whispered epithets
And name-calling
Of continual one-to-three hours
Per day of being texted
Cunt, slut, whore
Sets my nerves on edge
And either I yell
Or I swear back
After three stupid hours
All the while
The Boss
A huge favor
He doesn’t know
How to do for himself
By the time I get
On the Horn (cell)
And I start
Screaming and crying
To please
Stop calling me
A cut, slut and whore
I don’t grovel.
Please, make the peace.
Please, don’t bring up past grievances
While I make The Boss Money
While I graphic design layout
An entire periodical for publication
And make a corporation
Sufficient money to
Donate to veterans
My greatest and closest
Cause to my heart
Always has been,
Always will be
A Narcissist
Emotional sadists
Narcissists are often
Into melodrama and bad theatrics.
Narcissist alcoholics are what they are.
Emotionally and verbally
Mean and cruel
Inclined towards
Bad theatrics
Public humiliation
To verbally insult
Or threaten to
Leave their spouse
At public places
Along with
Sexual deviance and perversions,
Constant pathological lying and
Manipulation to gaslight
Their monogamous
Threats to cheat,
Threats to end the relationship
Which psychologists
Have explained to me
Which sober or otherwise
An emotional sadist
Has to work hard
At not criticizing and gossiping
About their spouses
While constantly
Looking for their
Next victim
Because emotional sadists
Are toxic humans
Who are constantly
They will always criticize, belittle,
Undermine, Hate and hate some more.
Oh, well.
Same tune, different day.
Well, that’s all for now.
What’s so cool about this experience
Is that finally
I learned I’m not low self esteem,
Don’t lack confidence and
I definitely am quite capable
As I have proven for the last
Eight weeks of
“Holding down the fort”
By remote means
To carry an entire
Graphic Design Department
Without pay except
For cigarettes and food
I also
Begun to construct an entire
Film studio for a
Particular company.
My budget:
Locked-in contract
Because my architectural,
Priming, painting and vinyl flooring
Ideas are awesome
To work with a space
Dry as a bone
While foam insulation is
About to be applied
For $7,000.
Yes, I’m a silent business partner
Because I’m the sober one
And I’m 4-to-10 steps ahead
Of all of the business owners
Because I have a vision
And I can simultaneously build
A film studio
From scratch and
Remote boss
An entire
Graphic design department
By myself
While screamed at.
My bully’s mine.
Mentally Ill
Personality Disorder
And Is An Alcoholic.
Psychologists and my dad
And male friends
Have explained to me
It isn’t me.
No, I don’t drink alcohol.
No, I don’t use any drugs.
No, I don’t have a mental illness.
No, I don’t have a personality disorder.
No, I’m not immature.
Yes, I have a literary mouth on me
Thus and therefore I use it against
Any bully
Who dares call any woman
A cunt, slut or whore
Each day for hours
Simply to emotionally
Torture the woman
Until the woman starts
To call the emotional sadist
Cunt, slut and whore
Then the emotional sadist
Takes great offense
And gets easily insulted
And takes everything personally
And lashes out without any warning
Due to low-self esteem and lack of
Self worth.
Yes, I mean to be here.
For crying out loud
I’m an adult mature woman
Smart and sexy
Yes, I was invited to be here.
Yes, I work myself to death
Even when being screamed at
While laying out an entire
North Dakota
For publications
As my texts
Screamed and yelled I
Was a cunt, slut and whore
While I wept then finally
At the end of an hour
I pick up the phone
And I start yelling into
The horn at the other
End of the receiver
Because to layout
An entire remote
Periodical ready for publication
Without any help
Or any guidance
Is awesome.
One has to have nerves of steel
To layout an entire periodical
While being text-screamed at
And called a cunt, slut and whore.
I, alone, got the periodical publication out
For print and press
The secret about
My published periodical publication:
One entire advertisement
I reconstructed from
Graphic design text
And visual elements
And the editor
Didn’t notice
Therefore I
Didn’t say a word
Because there was
No original advertisement
So I went ahead and built
The advertisement
From scratch
From graphic elements
Thank you to
Eighth grade
The Marshall High School
Graphic Computer Arts
For teaching me how to
Layout an electronic
Graphic layout
For periodical
And winning an award
For most correct
And well layout
Of the entire class
Chosen by my peers
By the eighth grade I
Was already taught
How to layout
A periodical
And correctly aligned
And scaled to
Publish and circulate
Amongst my classmates
Who voted on best and correct
Graphics periodical layout.
I kept the award.
It’s been the best award I ever won.
It came to reality this week.
All of my eight grade skills came into play
Plus my Bradford College, Bradford MA
September 1996 - May 1998
Final Cut Pro
As well
As University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
(The Rapi-est School)
September 1998 - August 2000
Final Cut Pro
For film non-linear editing
Classes in
“Graphic Arts”
In the department
Yes, after one semester
Of Graduate work
I dropped out.
Graduate school was too expensive
Yes, my senior year of college
I did all first year graduate work.
Yep, that’s why I can layout
An entire periodical all by myself
Ok, not
The “Black Plague II”
Except, I can’t stop thinking
Of Shakespeare and his family
During “The Black Plague”
However, I love the sound of
“The Black Plague II”
Okay, “The Spanish Flu”
Which I know a lot about
The history of “The Spanish Flu”
We’re still reeling
From the changes and
Aftereffects of
“The Spanish Flu”
In lifestyle and socialization.
Personally, I think
In the era of COVID-19
Is foolish.
A gradual opening
Of businesses
Is Wisest.
Personally, I have found out
The only true way
To keep COVID-19 away
Is anti-bacterial soap.
That’s it.
Wash hands often.
However, don’t dry-out hands
So one doesn’t
Get cuts to contend with
A virus is nothing like cancer.
Thank God.
A little bit of
Soap and water
Goes a long way.
If you get COVID-19
Then one will know it!
It’s like the “Swine Flu”
Except ten times worse
Weekly, grocery shopping.
Daily walks at dusk.
Or skateboarding at dusk
To make it on time
To see
The sunset
Yet in time
Not to
Skateboard back
In the dark.
No night skateboarding
Unless with
Lighting, gear and helmet
Sexual Deviants
Pathological Liars
Intimate Partner Abuse
Sincerely, I hope women
Blow-out men’s eardrums
For all of the quietly spoken
Incensed Narcissistic
Emotionally sadist
Car commentary about
How men want to
Invite prostitutes over
To have sex
Under one’s roof and
In one’s home
In the age
Of COVID-19.
WTF is right.
Personal Segway I
Yes, Einstein is in the house.
August 2017, Los Angeles, CA
Nicknamed me “Einstein”
Yes, Shakespeare is in the house.
As early as September 1996 to
November 1997
Bradford, MA locals
Begun to nickname me
Yes, sober Hemmingway is in the house.
As early as August 2017
Uptown, Minneapolis, MN
Again October 2018
West Bank, Minneapolis, MN
Begun to nickname me
Personal Segway II
Plus, the entire world
Knows as an Empath
I’m deeply connected
And in love with
Dogs, Cats, Eagles,
Green Sea Tortoises, Parrots
Sloths and Penguins and Hamsters
And Cows, Goats, Roosters, Chickens
Donkeys and Mules
Plus, Alaskan Huskies
These animals chose me.
I didn’t choose the animals.
Personally, I’m talking
About a connection to animals
Such as “animal spirits”
From the Ojibwa point of view
Or any other Native American point of view
Simply because people have a
Connection to animals
And feel the safety of “Animal Spirits”
This doesn’t make people
Labeled insane
Just because white people think
It’s insane
Yours Truly,