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Tuesday, May 31, 2016


“Don’t consult a coward about war.”


“Loneliness breaks the Spirit.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Supercilious (scornful, lofty with pride)


My opponent walks about the ring with a supercilious smile on his face.


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A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


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Upload: 7:49pmCT


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            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!


---  ---  ---


Weight Loss


            In one week I went down another 2 belt notches.


            No, I don’t literally have a “food addiction.” Thank you.


            Food can be an addiction, however, 2 pieces of toast per night isn’t an addiction.


            Now eating an entire loaf of bread might be considered any food addiction or eating an entire pint of ice cream in one sitting or eating an entire bag of cookies which I haven’t ever done any of the above mentioned in my entire life since my stomach speaks loud and clear.


---  ---  ---


Lazy American Parenting

Get back into the Classroom


            The best method of study for children to learn how to learn better is accomplished inside the classroom then children aren’t as distracted as if they were constantly outside plus teachers’ job isn’t to entertain children.


            Teachers’ work is to teach children how to think well thus when children become adults they won’t turn into stupid Americans.


            Modern children are below par on their subjects.


            Children don’t even know how to pick-up and throw away their own garbage much less how not to shriek or scream or yell or sing in public and definitely American children are retarded as to how to do basic modern factual mathematics or science or history.


            Back to the classroom and do tons of homework.


            Lazy American parents are the most ignorant people alive.


Blog Notes


            Alright this week’s going to fly faster than hummingbird’s spluttering wings.


            Tuesday, May 31st, 2016 subject “Veterans of War”


            Wednesday, June 1st, 2016 “Neighbors’ Garbage”


            Thursday, June 2nd, 2016 “Commencement Speech 2016”


            Friday, June 3rd, 2016 Eric and Freeway and Gabriela go on vacation for the month of June 2016.


            See you on September, Monday 5th, 2016.


---  ---  ---


Veterans of War


            Personally, I don’t know what it’s like to have been drafted into the same war more than 12 times.


            Personally, I don’t know what it’s like to be any veteran of war.


            This is a piece of impromptu writing from an American adult daughter and immigrant adoptee who knows nothing about war, however, has lived inside the borders of America’s 16 year war’s lies.


            Most veterans I’ve ever met and spoken to or listened to have admitted war is hell.


            Many veterans have gone on at length and discussed how war ought to be avoided and Citizens and Civilians ought to be against all wars.




If War is anything like…


            Not ever do I imagine I know anything about the hells of war.


            If war is any constant sacrifice to give of oneself without any reward or acknowledgement or positive feedback or support or constructivism or any kind word then I do know a thing or two about war.


            If war is anything like the contemporary American private and silent struggle to feed our working American families then we do know a thing or two about war.


            If war is anything like constant hunger and starvation then the American people do know a thing or two about 16 year war’s lies.


            If war feels hopeless and like nobody’s ever coming to our aid then we know a thing or two about war.


            If war is any constant need to smoke cigarettes to make the time go by faster from the hopeless emptiness which eats away at the mind’s fears then our American people know a thing or two about war.                                       


            If war is any constant battle to disappear from oneself and take pharmaceutical drugs to forget the pain then justifiably so our American people know a thing or two about war.


            If war is the constant struggle to barely “make it” by in America then America is a constant war of struggle for our people.


            If war is lonely then our people know war.


            If war is a lack of educational values then we know war.


            If war is a constant fear for one’s livelihood then we know.


            If war is screaming and shrieking and shrilling hungry children then we know war.


            If war is the fear of death from one day to the next then our American people have much in common with our soldiers.


            As modern and contemporary Americans we’re constantly fed the unjustly notions our neighbors want to do us harm and most people are out to get us.


            The brainwashing of our American cultural war is one based on hatred and animalistic fear and uneducated values based on a system of greed and displaced power and political gain.




Finally a Culture of Change


            The greatest modern fear in America is how to daily survive a war of oppressive means in which the richer get richest and the poorer do get poorest.


            One of the greatest horrors of this 16 year war’s lies is the American Congressional oppression inside the culture of deprivation and Citizens’ and Civilians’ deepest longing to make it out of this constant war of financial stress which leaves the Americans far behind to figuratively die from their deep wounds and empty lonely spirits we might still yet not make it all together as one.


            After 16 unreliable years of war’s lies it’s time to muster up the total sum overall cultural courage to change into a nation of second chances and prosperity and light and hope and kindness and to believe our adult Citizens and Civilians are thus the very voice of change.


            Adults are the present necessity to teach our culture to do well by each other.


            Adults ought not to go discouraged in their despair.


            This is our hour of challenge.


            This is our hour of great upset.


            This is our hour of reparation (compensation.)


            This is our hour to neither flaunt our spirit nor our soul.


            This is the great hour to show our ‘quiet courage’ in which Americans vote and pick-up neighborhood garbage and hence once again begin to read at night if need be then poetically by candlelight.


            This is our hour to forge forth.


            This is the hour to no longer feel empty in our loneliness.


            Our spirit isn’t broken, however, our education is.


            This is the hour.


            This is our hour.


            Let’s go forth.


            Let’s leave the past behind and begin to build an America which is inclusive of all of our Citizens’ and Civilians’ Liberties and Rights.


            Our developed intelligence and talent is what makes and gives opportunities for all who work hard at it.


            Let go of thy fears.


            Let go of thy ego.


            It’s time to unite and become one.


            It’s time to change Congressional interest groups.


            It’s time to change Congressional lobbyists.


            It’s time to peacefully and legally tip the scales.


            Instead of bombs let’s throw the book at war mongers.


            We shan’t be beaten.


            Not today.


            Not tomorrow.


            Not ever again.






            With All of My Love;





            Yours Truly;




            We’re right here beside you.


            You aren’t ever alone.



Word Count Goal: 1,000


Word Count: 1,161


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 1,161



One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #123 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable DVR commercial-free entertainment.


*)         Day #1 without disciplining neighborhood children.


*)         Day #6 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #403 without organic sugar cane ice cream in our home.


*)         Day #787 without white or brown sugar except for Holidays.


*)         Day #258 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #30 without debate about domestic “distribution of labor.”


*)         Week #5 without marital stress about equal domestic labor.


*)         Blood Pressure: 103/69 mmHg / Pulse: 61 (05/25/16)


*)         Week #84 work on 245 cholesterol (new #) as of June 2, 2015. I love inexpensive vegan food.


            HDL Cholesterol 50


            Triglycerides 241 H


            LDL-Cholesterol 147 H


*)         Month #24 BMI is “overweight.” (A 25” natural high waist.)


*)         Week #46 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #32 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #37 (09/03/15) on antidepressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 20 MG” (03/01/16 change of dosage.)


Monday, May 30, 2016


“A broken spirit is hard to heal.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: pmCT


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            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!


---  ---  ---


Happy Memorial Day!



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,000 personal journals


Word Count:


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count:



One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #122 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable DVR commercial-free entertainment.


*)         Day #12 without disciplining neighborhood children.


*)         Day #5 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #402 without organic sugar cane ice cream in our home.


*)         Day #786 without white or brown sugar except for Holidays.


*)         Day #257 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #29 without debate about domestic “distribution of labor.”


*)         Week #5 without marital stress about equal domestic labor.


*)         Blood Pressure: 103/69 mmHg / Pulse: 61 (05/25/16)


*)         Week #84 work on 245 cholesterol (new #) as of June 2, 2015. I love inexpensive vegan food.


            HDL Cholesterol 50


            Triglycerides 241 H


            LDL-Cholesterol 147 H


*)         Month #24 BMI is “overweight.” (A 25” natural high waist.)


*)         Week #46 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #32 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #37 (09/03/15) on antidepressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 20 MG” (03/01/16 change of dosage.)


Friday, May 27, 2016


“Sorrows thin our bones.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: pmCT


---  ---  ---


            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!


---  ---  ---


No Blog



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,000 personal journals


Word Count:


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 3,148 + 2,308 = 5,456



One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #119 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable DVR commercial-free entertainment.


*)         Day #9 without disciplining neighborhood children.


*)         Day #2 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #399 without organic sugar cane ice cream in our home.


*)         Day #783 without white or brown sugar except for Holidays.


*)         Day #254 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #26 without debate about domestic “distribution of labor.”


*)         Week #4 without marital stress about equal domestic labor.


*)         Blood Pressure: 103/69 mmHg / Pulse: 61 (05/25/16)


*)         Week #83 work on 245 cholesterol (new #) as of June 2, 2015. I love inexpensive vegan food.


            HDL Cholesterol 50


            Triglycerides 241 H


            LDL-Cholesterol 147 H


*)         Month #24 BMI is “overweight.” (A 25” natural high waist.)


*)         Week #45 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #31 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #36 (09/03/15) on antidepressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 20 MG” (03/01/16 change of dosage.)


Thursday, May 26, 2016


“Heavy eating is worse than daggers.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Impetus (force of moving body, impulse)


The impetus given the ball carried it over the fence.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 7:01pmCT


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            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!


---  ---  ---


            P.S. I’m waiting for my eyebrows to completely grow back then I’ll take the next series or self portraits. Thanks.


---  ---  ---




            Personally, to me there’s nothing more awesome or entertaining or interesting other than to listen to WCCO’s commentators or talk radio show hosts when they’re actually thoughtful and authentic, true, real, smart and kind about what they intelligently discuss amongst themselves and draw-in listeners real close.


            Yes, I love listening to intelligent and well spoken and kind radio talk show hosts discuss any topic no matter how “dumb” the subject matter might be considered as long as the commentators give the subject matter good consideration and they’re capable to intelligently discuss for the listeners to become strong enough within themselves to be brave to also consider anything outside of the listeners’ broad scope of imagination or perspective.


            Smarts is knowing how to correctly and properly cover any subject matter without any fear about the ego and with much respect to the listener who might not ever consider being open minded unless it’s proposed for the listeners to ponder since humanity is a special breed of animal with a thinking brain.


            People lead difficult lives and radio talk show hosts make life more interesting without any necessary clown show.


            Life’s interesting enough already as it is without any extra flowery poetry or prose or confusion added to the mix.


            Radio talk show voices are soothing while their calm efforts and demeanor lifts our spirits through broadcasted airwaves of conversations and discussions to give listeners considerate subject matter and complex aspects of life to further ponder and think about and to ever more profoundly question our value systems further on down the road.


            Thank you, WCCO.


            Now, let’s get to work with real subject matter for which actually changes communities and neighborhoods and schools for the better.


            No gushing here I have too much work to get through.


            For me nothing can replace radio since radio is much listening and imagination combined.


            Radio is “Theatre of the Mind.”


---  ---  ---


A Few Thoughtful Notes


            No, woe isn’t me.


            Yes, we give thanks and praise each day.


            Yes, I’m one fortunate and lucky and successful person who is completely humbled by life.


            My humility extends outward and is boundless since I know what it’s like to starve in America and live through 16 straight years of war’s lies.


            My honor is worth my logical reasonable common sense.


            My truth is my written word since this is public records.


            My heart is the memory of my Ancestors.


            My wisdom is to look around and clearly see what is.


            My leadership is quiet.


            My power is strong.


            My responsibilities are plenty.


            My love is unconditional.


            My trust must be earned and trust can be broken.


            My respect is for all.


            Second chances are a light source to look deeper within.


            No, I don’t defame anyone since I don’t mention full names.


            Yes, I uphold to the Constitutional Right to write anything I see fit and important to record for all time. This is serious business. I’m not playing around. This is work. The stakes are quite high. The ramifications…


            No, I don’t write anything which can’t be backed-up without the concrete proof of evidence or witnesses.


            Yes, these here writings are far more valuable or important than any queer sports slogan or cheerful pep-talk or religious fairy-tales.


            Yes, I’m writing down our history of these times.


            Others may believe in their gods while as an American citizen and civilian I uphold to the Constitutional Right to believe in the Maya Gods.


            The Maya Gods is for which whom I bend down upon my knees and pray to a mythological belief system in daily religious ritual and worship to look and seek out faith and hope and reassurance the human race can adapt beyond their animal capabilities and become good stewards of the Earth.


            Yes, correct. I’m being literal. I do pray to the Maya Gods.


            Yes, I’m an Atheist. Correct. I don’t believe there’s any Gods.


            If I’m going to believe in any theological fairy-tales then it might as well be the fairy-tales of my blooded Ancestors’ mythological stories and since each religion is made-up of fairy-tales and lies to make humans feel less lonely or less alone or less directionless in life then so be it.


            Don’t believe anything anyone talks about when they make it a mission to uphold to an agenda filled with commercial talking points.


            People don’t know anything about anything thus is why Nonfiction writers are prolific people who take the time to make sense and separate logic and reason out of the lies and more lies humans produce and reproduce to make themselves feel better about what they don’t already know as to how to cope with life especially once the hand of fame and fortune touches them then ‘game over.’


            No, I don’t have a fortune, however, I’m fortunate.


            Why ‘game over’ for the rich and famous?


            Why aren’t the rich and famous capable to dispense their cotton candy knowledge?


            The rich and famous live in an alternate reality and must not preach or go off on diatribes about fluffy subject matter which determines the future of today.


            Anybody who makes anymore than $80,000 dollars per annual yearly income salary looses touch with the reality of the taxation system and public school education and the price of food.


            Nonfiction writers’ outlook is more valuable and important than the rich and famous since Nonfiction writers work hard to be truly seen for the people we are and not for whom we wish to come across over radio airwaves.


            Nonfiction writers are some of the most vulnerable of the species thus we ought to be safeguarded well by the public since hardly anybody with paid advertisers will tell the truth and nothing but the truth so help them god.


            This is adult writing for adult readers.


            No, I’m not here to write out empty or shallow slogans to make people feel better about their lives and put more money into my pocket.


            We’re here to use our ‘thinking caps’ and get us to be knowledgeable about the human condition, animal rights, environmental rights, free speech, freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, voting, the American justice system, food revolution, boycotts, politics, factual modern mathematics and science and writing and poetry and poetic justice and the form of beauty, flowers and plants and trees and weather and street garbage and nature and psychology and neighborhood violence and public education and free tuition and free lunches for children and students and teachers and, and, and free childcare and difficult relationships and about the subject of stress and cancer and disease and illness and comfort and married life and doggies and Homesteaded property and food in general and culture and very little travel and naps and love and forgiveness and respect…


            No, I’m not political.


            Yes, I’m still laughing at Donald Trump’s absurdity.


---  ---  ---


Weight Gain

10 pounds since

April 1, 2016




            Well, I don’t even know how to begin to write about weight gain since the subject matter is quite difficult for me to approach.


            No, I’m not personally timid or embarrassed by the subject matter of weight gain.


            However, weight gain is something I’ve struggled with almost for the whole of my entire young adult life even though I keep a close eye on my weight since my health hasn’t been the best for the past seven years living with “fake” pregnancy hormones and benign tumors of the thyroid and benign tumors of the uterus plus ‘wicked bad’ Carpal Tunnel Syndrome which sends shocks of waves of pain to my wrists and fingers as well as hemorrhaging.


            After my basic human struggles with slight weight gain I’m more compassionate and sympathetic about any type of addictions since addictions are literal illnesses.


            My addiction isn’t drugs or alcohol. No.


            Passing up any type of drugs or alcohol is easy for me.


            My anecdotal addiction is ‘literally’ bread and butter thus I stay away from snacking on bread and butter otherwise ‘game over’ and I become Winnie the Pooh with his jars of honey.


            However, needless to say my stomach speaks to me loud and clear.


            My tiny little stomach the size of my fist won’t allow for me to stuff myself silly otherwise I end up with terrible stomach aches thus I stay away from ever stuffing my face even though with butter and German chocolate cake I have this imaginary impulse to want to stick my whole face into a stick of butter or chocolate cake. I haven’t ever stuffed my face, however, “‘never,’ say, ‘never.’”


            For the most part I’m lucky to be able to lose weight quite quickly thus I get down on my hands and knees and give thanks and praise to the Maya gods.


            No, I don’t usually have a sweet tooth, however, once I do indulge my sweet tooth then ‘good luck’ and forget about it because once I go down the “rabbit hole” of cake and ice cream then ‘game over’ for me and I’ll be drinking tea with rabbits from a sugar coma blackout. Of course, not literally.


            No, I don’t ever stuff myself silly.


            As a matter of fact I count all and each and every single of my daily calories as I go along the way throughout my days. I do enjoy the mathematical exercises to stay within my calorie count.


            Yes, each day I begin with a set amount of calories of 1,500 plus for healthy purposes I add 600 more calories to my count for when I sleep 8 hours per night.


            My goal is not to eat anymore than what I don’t burn off.




4 Weeks of Cake


            In the first week of April 2016 I gave into my weakness of snacking late during the early morning hours and not marking off the calories of 2 pieces of toast and butter.


            Each piece of whole wheat bread was 80 calories plus the added butter on each piece of bread was 100 calories and 2 pieces of toast per night and bam!


            Suddenly my size 10 designer skinny jeans became something of the past.


            Sunday, April 17, 2016 we celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary with Crystal’s DQ large frozen ice cream cake and continued to celebrate throughout the week.


            On Saturday, April 21st, 2016 we hosted a party and had 3 delicious cupcakes and continued to celebrate into the week with Swedish meatballs which are more loaded in calories than frozen ice cream cake.


            Sunday, May 8, 2016 were Mother’s Day and we celebrated with yet another large Crystal’s DQ frozen ice cream cake and continued to celebrate into the week as we picked away at the cake.


            Saturday, May 14, 2016 were my 39th birthday and we celebrated with Crystal’s DQ large frozen ice cream cake plus a second delicious sampler cake from Cub Foods.


            We ate cake for 4 straight weeks.


            This Memorial Day weekend we’re going to celebrate yet once more with another delicious Crystal’s DQ large frozen ice cream cake with tons of frosting then our streak will end and we’re calling it quits until the 4th of July for Freeway’s birthday.




            It was a whole lot of cake.


            Not only am I grateful I only gained 10 pounds I’m also grateful we’ve instilled great and excellent eating habits since we’re literally capable of eating slivers of cake yet cake is cake and cake attaches like glue to my stomach and breasts and little chin fat.


            This is possibly the most sugar we’ve consumed in 2 whole years. It’s too much sugar. I did feel any slight sluggish change in my body.


            In 2 whole years without much sugar I kept off the initial 14 pounds I took off at the time we quit all sugar and in 1 single month of eating sugar I gained 10 pounds. Oh my!


            It’s not anyone’s business, however, on average I pass 3 bowel movements per daily amount.


            If I seem to feel constipated then I’ve managed to learn butter is awesome for the liver yet highly fattening therefore watch out.


            Also spinach is great for liver function and walnuts and Milk Thistle and Turmeric.


            If all fails then take an hour to rub one’s stomach and lower back and eventually waste will pass through even though it’s a lot of work yet it’s worth it to stay regularly regular.


            Sugar does the body bad.


            No, I’m not having any body image issues.


            Ten pounds is nothing compared to when I gained 50 pounds from stress in 2007 and my face and body became distorted.


            It was literally one of the most painful times in my life since my body stretched out and I didn’t know how to even move in such a body.


            Gaining a single ounce is difficult for me since I’m short and don’t have anywhere to put the fat other than on my breasts or stomach or chin which is quite noticeable on a short person.


            Disguising weight gain on me is nearly impossible therefore I eat hummus and spinach and Naan bread for lunches.


            No, I don’t feel hopeless.


            Simply, I have to give it time and I shall enjoy this weekend’s Crystal’s DQ large frozen ice cream cake which I’ll personally ask if we may pay extra money to have more frosting added to the cake.




            Veterans and Soldiers; you’re in our American hearts.




Breast Examination

Pap Smear



            Don’t worry I won’t get too personal.


            Simply pointing out the vital importance to go and get checked-out by an expertly OB/GYN.




            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,852


Word Count: 2,308


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 3,148 + 2,308 = 5,456



One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #118 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable DVR commercial-free entertainment.


*)         Day #8 without disciplining neighborhood children.


*)         Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #398 without organic sugar cane ice cream in our home.


*)         Day #782 without white or brown sugar except for Holidays.


*)         Day #253 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #25 without debate about domestic “distribution of labor.”


*)         Week #4 without marital stress about equal domestic labor.


*)         Blood Pressure: 103/69 mmHg / Pulse: 61 (05/25/16)


*)         Week #83 work on 245 cholesterol (new #) as of June 2, 2015. I love inexpensive vegan food.


            HDL Cholesterol 50


            Triglycerides 241 H


            LDL-Cholesterol 147 H


*)         Month #24 BMI is “overweight.” (A 25” natural high waist.)


*)         Week #45 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #31 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #36 (09/03/15) on antidepressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 20 MG” (03/01/16 change of dosage.)


Wednesday, May 25, 2016


“If you feel driven to eat, get up in the middle of a meal---and stop.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Impinge (to encroach, infringe upon, to stroke against)


I will not permit him to impinge upon my rights.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 6:42pmCT


---  ---  ---


            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!


---  ---  ---


Life in General




New Tennis Shoes

Thank you, Puma!



            Made in Vietnam, FACTORY FTWMC/FVNMC ART.NO.36151502, 0915 C0022978B0008047, 8 89180 41013 3.


            “Puma” Vietnam, Thank you!


            DSW, Knollwood Mall, Saint Louis Park, MN, “889180410133, Women’s Athletic, Original Price $59.95,” Our Price $57.45.                                                                               


            The brand of tennis shoe titled “Puma” continues to change my life for the better. I’m grateful “Puma” tennis shoes exist in the same era and time and age in which I was born and live-out my days otherwise what any painful existence life would be altogether without well designed and beautifully manufactured human-friendly cobbled tennis shoes.


            Truly, I’m inspired by the design and make and materials and manufacturing of “Puma” since its obvious “Puma” cares about their products and their customers.


            Even if “Puma” weren’t to care anything about their customers “Puma” still designs and manufactures some of the best shoes in the world for about 20 years they’ve manufactured good tennis shoes.


            No, this isn’t gushing.


            In general this is positively grateful.


            Not only is “Puma” a market place product and any capable brand also “Puma” is an evident necessity to the already flooded market of wrongly sized tennis shoes no longer designed or made or manufactured for larger Western American feet other than ‘tiny’ little Asian feet.


            Unfortunately as Americans we get the market’s ‘tiny-footed’ Asian tennis shoe leftovers then in turn such small-sized ‘foot bound’ tennis shoes are sold at an exorbitant mark-up inside of our brick-and-mortar stores hoping no one will notice how terribly bad the tennis shoe market’s manufacturing trade has ‘gone done south.’


            As Americans we wish to pay for what we want and need and not to pay excessive prices for cheaply made Asian leftovers.




Not Wide Footed

Slightly Flat Footed


            As of recently I’ve discovered I don’t require to wear “wide” or “narrow” tennis shoes or any special shoes for any such matter.


            My feet are considered “regular” Western Women’s size 8.5.


            No, I don’t wear an 8.


            No, I don’t wear a 9.


            Yes, positively definitely I wear an 8.5.


            Across the top of my left foot at the widest (thickest) part of my left foot I measure exactly 6” (inches) with a tape measure.


            The widest part of my left foot measures exactly 6” the same as my fully open extended left hand from thumb to pinky as well as 6” across from the tip of my left middle finger to the inner of my wrist where it bends down it measures 6” inches long.


            From bone-ankle to bone-ankle from the front of the outer left bone-ankle around to the back of the inner outside left bone-ankle (towards the toes) it measures exactly 6½” (inches) across the back of my left ankle with a tape measure which measuring feet with a tape measure isn’t a precise foot measurement yet close, quite close.


            In other words around my left ankle it measures 6½”.


            Also across the top of my right foot at the widest (thickest) part of my right foot I measure exactly 6” (inches) with a tape measure.


            Furthermore, around the back half of my ankle-bones on my right foot it measures 7” (inches) only because I sprained my ankle 3 times while as a youth during Track-and-Field running events otherwise my ankles would measure exactly the same except for 3 separate and different excruciating ankle injuries.




Secret Measurements


            The secret is I’m considered the “average” petite modern American Western adult woman due to my nutritional daily intake of a “middle income earning” family.


            The bigger secret is quickly my petite average size sells out.


            The more products are made to my specs then the more quickly products sell off the shelves.


            Also I’m precisely 5’2” and as of yesterday 160 pounds primarily from eating, too, much cake within the past month, however, my weight’s quickly going back down to 150 pounds after a week of spinach and tomatoes and hamburger and mixed peanuts and cottage cheese and hardboiled eggs, yogurt and oranges.


            Whenever anything is made to my particular “size 10” petite specs then ‘good luck’ finding anything in petite “size 10” pant inner-seam 28½” and outer seam from belly button to right under the ankle-bone at 30”.






            The secret is this: Women with my size are the modern average “Size 10” petite without belly bulge sticking out of their jeans creating a “muffin top” look.


            Yes, we’re medically considered “obese” or “fat” or “large” or “over-size” or “overweight” or “plus size.”


            Truthfully, we are “obese.”


            Yes, when I was 19 years of age I weighed 140 pounds and now at the age of 39 I weigh 160 pounds quickly making my way back to 150 pounds after 1 month of eating cake.


            Yes, I’m 20 pounds overweight thus and therefore I’m medically considered “obese.”


            Yes, correct.


            However, I’m “little” and muscular and stocky without much upper body strength with a little bit of fat on my stomach thus where does all of this body leave me?


            All of this body leaves me packing a good deadly sucker punch with 12½” biceps and enough martial arts training to potentially self-defend and kill any man or woman with one single strike if I don’t freeze and panic first.


            All of this body leaves me petite and little and stocky without much body fat except for on my breast cup size and stomach fat which stomach fat is deadly and the worst type of fat to carry.


            Now I wear my “Armani” Tee and measured directly across my back behind my breasts from the Tee’s seam-to-seam it measures exactly 19”.


            My cup size is none of anybody’s business.


            However, as a reference point I fit perfectly quite well and comfortably into an “Armani’s” Men’s Size “Small” Tees.


            “Armani’s” Men’s Size “Small” Tees are the most comfortable fit for me and my bust and chest size. I’m wearing an “Armani” Tee right now and I feel perfectly loved in one.


            Well, it’s about all of the secrets I can give away for now.


            Quickly working away to take off the 10 pounds I gained in April 2016 and May 2016.


            Don’t let them eat cake!




Fast Food

McDonald’s Egg White Delight

250 Calories Each



            “You are what you eat.”


            The latest factual food science research shows it doesn’t matter what one eats, however, it does matter how much one eats.


            For about 6 years both Eric and I consumed expensive vegan foods and on-and-off again locally grown organics and vegetarian foods and we were both fat then and we’re still fat now.


            Let’s admit it and move on. We’re “fat” people.


            We may call ourselves “fat.”


            However, no one else may call us “fat.”


            Both Eric and I don’t deal well with life’s stresses to emotionally take care of or financially carry many others especially family members or close friends thus we consume as many calories as we do without busting a seam then we sleep to forget about the enormous or tremendous fake expectations placed upon us by others who bark orders rather than ask questions.


            For some reason or other our family members have come to assume our unpaid and free time automatically belongs to them which they’re quite wrong about it.


            Finally I’ll single-handedly prove how much our free time is worth more valuable to us than some “bossy” or “pushy” distant family members who seem to demand of our free time.


            Since I’m a modern wife and modern wives no longer take care of the elderly then I’m pardoned from any or all further unnecessary expectations or social pressures to further entertain the elderly with their old world notions or wrong idealisms which no longer exist in this modern cultural structure in which people’s time is more valuable than money or social obligations.


            Modern women don’t take care of the elderly. We don’t. The elderly take care of the elderly.


            When one works fulltime then one holds the right to be left alone to rest when one doesn’t work on weekends.


            It’s no longer expected of modern wives to take care of mean-spirited or bitter elderly thus welcome to a new era.


            Checkmate. I win!


            Drinks all around.


            A new age for womyn.


            The era of the elderly is now long gone and it has been for over 20 years.


            No, I’m no longer trapped inside of my “old woman’s” idealistic mind or body to carry the burden or expectation to take care of elderly family members who haven’t ever emotionally taken care of me for one single moment.


            Let’s move on and get real and modern about the present.


            Yes, I trump all of Eric’s entire family and Eric trumps all of my entire family.


            Whenever both of our set of family members are all long gone and dead then Eric and I’ll have each other thus we must presently guard against our families either placing tremendous pressure or fake made-up expectations upon us which don’t belong to us since we weren’t given the privilege of “Power of Attorney.”


            Whenever one doesn’t hold power then one doesn’t have any responsibilities and one may be absolved of any and/or all social responsibilities and further obligations.


            At this stage in our lives we run from power since we neither desire nor wish for power.


            We wish and desire for rest and peace and quiet.




Food is also a Pain Killer


Fat Kills the Nerve Endings


            On weekends we eat then we fall asleep to forget the pain.


            Eric eats and sleeps to forget about work while I eat and sleep to forget about the pressure of fake expectations or unwarranted expectations and elderly pressure to clean their homes for free.


            We eat and sleep the pain away about how uneducated some family members expect to boss us around or who seem to expect us to help-out in ways we don’t feel comfortable or to emotionally carry others when we neither wish to support adults in their Ut-most emotionally needy hours nor break our backs for them even though others ought to carry themselves on their own two legs no matter at what age or stage in life one must walk upright.


            If one refuses or can’t carry-out their personal responsibilities then game over.


            If one refuses or can’t or won’t handle “Power of Attorney” then game over.


            Relinquish thy power and give over one’s responsibilities to others who are more capable and it won’t be us.


            We’re not volunteering for any extra responsibilities since we’re not retired. We don’t have the time to take on any extracurricular activities.


            If one requires to be personally taken care of then one must attend and live in a nursing home or at a nursing care facility.


            We ignore and deny we have to answer to anyone who might be “pushy” or “bossy” or assumes too much about our finances or are too “emotionally needy” and require much too much time we don’t have to give simply since others are too old or others are retired or others have too much time on their hands and possibly or most likely hold resentments about how little free time we have to ourselves much less to freely give to others to do their chores for them or others don’t have enough to do like we do.


            We work fulltime and it’s more than enough.


            We’re not unsatisfied.


            We’re happy since we make our very own adult decisions and choices.




We Work for a Legitimate Taxable Living


            On weekends we don’t like to go anyplace other than straight to bed or the couch or the backyard to work on art projects or bonfires.


            We don’t care who knows we like to relax at home since “guilt” seems to be others’ “guilty pleasure” and we refuse to give into “guilt” any longer.


            We work all week.


            Get off our backs.


            We like to rest and catch-up on sleep from a long week’s work.


            The only time we’re ‘unhappy’ is when personal fairy tale expectations are set upon us and we’re supposedly obligated to be social or to attend to others’ personal cleaning or chores or problems or situations which aren’t our own situations to take care of or to attend to or to clean up in the first place.


            Thus the “fat” factor leads me to believe we overeat as a way to distress and push down the pain which our family members cause by not understanding “no” means “no.”


            Leave us to be.


            If our family members were date-rapists and we’d said “no” as we have said “no” for 10 continuous years then we’d been raped by our family members who don’t either seem to understand our point-of-view or perspective specifically about how little free time we have to ourselves.


            Ever since I sit my foot down as a modern wife to the ridiculous amount of time our family members require to feel secure within themselves now they’ve shown their true colors and wish I’d not ever married into their family since they won’t ever get another holiday or birthday out of us.


            No, I don’t much care for their bitter attitudes or bad dispositions and neither desire nor wish to waste my good and precious free time with people neither Eric nor I like very much since they tend to be mean-spirited and emotionally tear us down in any possible way to lift themselves up.


            What a bunch of ingrate bullies.


            This is what real power looks like: Eric and me in our pajamas lounging around on our weekends and holidays not moving for anyone. It better be an emergency or a death or a wedding otherwise, good luck with that.


            Eric says to “ignore” his mean-spirited and clueless “bossy” family members who take way too many liberties with me thus is what I’m beginning to learn how to do.


            Ignore the heavy expectations to act like one big happy family when my In-Laws are some of the most hateful and bitter people I’ve ever met.


            Nothing’s ever good enough and nothing makes them happy even if one were to bleed for them.


            Personally, I don’t like to be petted on the head like a dog.


            The only time Eric’s family reassures me a place at their table is when I’ve figuratively bled to the bone and cleaned their entire houses then they literally have said to me, “Good girl” and anecdotally thrown me a bone.


            How demeaning for an adult woman to be treated like a female dog.


            Ultimately Eric doesn’t care about how mean-spirited his family is to me since Eric’s 52 and now knows the real truth about his family and thinks they’re uneducated “stupid” and “mean” bullies thus nothing’s an issue for Eric since Eric’s completely emotionally disassociated and apathetic about how his family passive-aggressively fights for the leftover bones of an apathetic loveless Mother who neither truly nor really ever loved any of her children and Eric’s known the truth his entire life thus Eric neither lies to himself nor tries to get anyone to love him since he already knows there’s no love anywhere in his family’s heart. Not really.


            They pretend love.


            However, love is so special it can’t be faked.


            Wait until one marries into such any type of family then “Holy Toledo” all one ever desires is to run away from the charade and unhappiness for which is they.


            Eric’s right: His family killed Eric’s Father Henry Holm before it were Henry’s time to go from all of the unnecessary stress which eventually did get to Henry Holm since Eric’s family acts ever as hopeless and bragging without much talent and inept as ever.


            Eric’s Mother killed Eric’s Father from a deep dark black abyss of bitterness and unhappiness and ineptness and demanding Eric’s Father to make her happy even though it were a pointless and worthless cause.


            Ha! I figured it out all on my own. I’m smart.


            The family killed Eric’s Father and now they look to kill Eric. I refuse to let Eric’s family kill either Eric or me while we’re still young and able to enjoy life.


            The gods refuse to kill either of Eric or me while we’re young from the built-up stress of Eric’s family’s incompetence to take care of their emotional needs as well as regard for their property and their own personal responsibilities.


            The book writes itself.


            Eric’s family barks orders and don’t seem to know how to ask questions thus their lack of humane communication leads me to distrust them since they expect way too much yet their company leaves much to be desired since they’re mean-spirited and bossy and cruel and assume they know more about us then we know about ourselves or our finances.




Chicken Hormone Garbage


            We know we overeat and it’s probably not good at all.


            We’ll end up in our graves 7 years earlier than we ought to.


            At this point I ought to start smoking cigarettes once more and leave Eric to his overeating and we’ll happily meet at the grave when it’s our time to go.


            However, however...


            We want to live to be old healthy and happy people.


            Thus every weekday on Mondays we start all over again with the hardboiled eggs and plain yogurt and non-organic oranges and mixed peanuts and whole wheat breads.


            Yes, we’ve minimally allowed fast food back into our lives.


            Saturday and Sundays are Eric’s days to “cook.”


            We’ve compromised otherwise I’ll die much too young from being overworked and too much manual labor and not enough rewards or vacations.


            Pretty much all I have to say about fast food is please spare me the lecture since I already know fast food is fattening and the animals aren’t treated well enough for market food consumption.


            Yes, I say a Maya prayer for all and any well treated or mistreated animals for which pass over our table for consumption.


            We’re grateful to have food on our table.


            Corporate culture will stop being as ignorant as ever and catch up with the cool food revolution of humane practices.


            We most certainly are what we eat or not.


            McDonald’s recently went cage-free.


            We’re waiting for McDonald’s to go hormone-free thus we don’t end up eating the hormones the chickens ate.


            Educational is sane and logical and reasonable thinking and not the bottom line.


            The bottom dollar is dead when one has to close their eyes and pretend not to know what they eat is poison.




Weight Gain

10 pounds since

April 1, 2016




Breast Examination

Pap Smear



            Don’t worry I won’t get too personal.


            Simply pointing out the vital importance to go and get checked-out by an expertly OB/GYN.



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 3,000


Word Count: 3,148


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 3,148



One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #117 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable DVR commercial-free entertainment.


*)         Day #7 without disciplining neighborhood children.


*)         Day #10 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #397 without organic sugar cane ice cream in our home.


*)         Day #781 without white or brown sugar except for Holidays.


*)         Day #252 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #24 without debate about domestic “distribution of labor.”


*)         Week #4 without marital stress about equal domestic labor.


*)         Blood Pressure: 103/69 mmHg / Pulse: 61 (05/25/16)


*)         Week #83 work on 245 cholesterol (new #) as of June 2, 2015. I love inexpensive vegan food.


            HDL Cholesterol 50


            Triglycerides 241 H


            LDL-Cholesterol 147 H


*)         Month #24 BMI is “overweight.” (A 25” natural high waist.)


*)         Week #45 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #31 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #36 (09/03/15) on antidepressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 20 MG” (03/01/16 change of dosage.)


Tuesday, May 24, 2016


“The man who increases his flesh increases food for the worms.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 10:09pmCT


---  ---  ---


            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!


---  ---  ---


No Blog



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,000 personal journals


Word Count:


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count:



One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #116 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable DVR commercial-free entertainment.


*)         Day #6 without disciplining neighborhood children.


*)         Day #9 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #396 without organic sugar cane ice cream in our home.


*)         Day #780 without white or brown sugar except for Holidays.


*)         Day #251 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #23 without debate about domestic “distribution of labor.”


*)         Week #4 without marital stress about equal domestic labor.


*)         Blood Pressure: 111/67 mmHg / Pulse: 61 (04/01/16)


*)         Week #83 work on 245 cholesterol (new #) as of June 2, 2015. I love inexpensive vegan food.


            HDL Cholesterol 50


            Triglycerides 241 H


            LDL-Cholesterol 147 H


*)         Month #24 BMI is “overweight.” (A 25” natural high waist.)


*)         Week #45 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #31 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #36 (09/03/15) on antidepressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 20 MG” (03/01/16 change of dosage.)


Monday, May 23, 2016


“Those who have wide mouths have narrow hearts.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 12:23amCT


---  ---  ---


            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!


---  ---  ---


No Blog



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,000 personal journals


Word Count:


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count:



One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #115 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable DVR commercial-free entertainment.


*)         Day #5 without disciplining neighborhood children.


*)         Day #8 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #395 without organic sugar cane ice cream in our home.


*)         Day #799 without white or brown sugar except for Holidays.


*)         Day #250 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #22 without debate about domestic “distribution of labor.”


*)         Week #4 without marital stress about equal domestic labor.


*)         Blood Pressure: 111/67 mmHg / Pulse: 61 (04/01/16)


*)         Week #83 work on 245 cholesterol (new #) as of June 2, 2015. I love inexpensive vegan food.


            HDL Cholesterol 50


            Triglycerides 241 H


            LDL-Cholesterol 147 H


*)         Month #24 BMI is “overweight.” (A 25” natural high waist.)


*)         Week #45 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #31 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #36 (09/03/15) on antidepressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 20 MG” (03/01/16 change of dosage.)


Friday, May 20, 2016


“One man can’t eat with two mouths.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Discursive (passing from one subject to another)


The old man’s conversation was discursive.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 7:35pmCT


---  ---  ---


            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!


---  ---  ---


Domestic Life


            My life might seem somewhat dull to some, however, it’s anything other than dull.


            In some ways I might come across as a “square,” however, I’m anything other than a square.


            Okay, I’m somewhat of a square. I’d rather stay home and clean or watch films while in pajamas than go out to any bar unless there’s really good music to dance to and cool and considerate and secure people to leave an individual woman to hang out in peace.


            Yesterday, the time did in fact get away from me since I took care of business on and around our homestead property.


            Land and property are what make any taxpayers mature and free adults.


            We value our gorgeous land and homesteaded property since we haven’t always owned our very own abode as a legally contractually married couple.


            For many years (2006-2012) Eric and I rented a 2 bedroom flat while our former slum landlord led-on about selling the property to us for $500,000 when finally the property were purchased for $189,000 by a real estate company after we had already moved out.


            Our former landlord seemed to want to swindle us.


            Like we wouldn’t know what property market value would be estimated at the time of August 2012.


            We had our hearts set on living and growing old in Uptown, Minneapolis, however, our former plans didn’t work out and it’s as well.


            Our property is a rich and beautiful one filled with tall backyard trees we didn’t plant and mature flowers (we didn’t grow) and lush grasses.


            We have an already beautifully built-in ground fire pit with large rocks making the formation of a complete circle.


            Our hillside backyard is a heaven in an urban setting.


            Personally, I purchased the property for the landscape and backyard and plants and trees while Eric made the purchase specifically for the house with newish roof and central air-conditioning and heating as well as 4 inch thick walls now foam insulated and a brand new street with new LED street lights.


            The property and the house are humbly gorgeous.


            Finally and eventually I’ve fallen in love with the interior of our home which holds the temporary name of “La Casita” or “The Little House” ever since August 2012 for the past 4 years I haven’t figured out what to “officially” name our home. I’m still at a loss for a name.


            Truth be told I don’t know what to officially name our home ever since I barrowed it’s substitute name, however, our home’s anything of “a little house” since 1,000-some sq. feet is a lot of sq. footage to cover and clean and run and take care of while we’re here in the day time surrounded by an ‘almost’ entire block and neighborhood of neighbors who stay home and work from home as I do.


            Personally, our home is a bit too large for me to keep-up and run in the shape and condition in which I would prefer still yet and again I’m a quasi “neat-freak” since dust tends to agitate my thyroid nodules.




To Clean is Hard Work


            Personally I don’t like to clean toilets or do housework or hold any grudges since I’m too lazy for any of such aspects to life.


            Nevertheless, I see the point in keeping our home’s toilets clean and do excellent housework for the overall benefit of our psychological wellbeing.


            Finally on Thursday I gathered the strength and stamina to clean all of our upstairs window sills and wipe down our home’s front windows which both the top and bottom panes flip towards the inside.


            It’s not only easy to clean our windows yet also a blast to clean our particular windows since the design is ever as manageable as possible to reach the corners of the windows.


            In other words the design of the windows is indeed humane.


            Personally, since all of our home's windows (both upstairs and downstairs) are modern windows and the easiest aspect of our home to clean then our windows seem to be the most valuable of all of the aspects to our home only for the simple reason our windows are well designed to clean.


            For as long as we live in our home I shan’t ever have to go outside to clean windows. Wonderful. I don’t like to have to get up on any ladders if I don’t have to unless painting ceilings and even then.


            After cleaning and dusting the upstairs of our home’s windows and windowsills then I dusted two large pieces of living room furniture as well as all of the furniture in our bedroom.


            Also I swept and mopped the kitchen floor.


            Shook out outdoor rugs and swept our entire patio.


            Wiped down our patio furniture.


            Vacuumed the entire upstairs and downstairs of our home.


            Gave Freeway a complete body bath.


            Bleached out the upstairs tub and sink and toilet.


            Finally, dealt with mildew spray which is as toxic as can be and sprayed down the toilet bowl since we live with harsh well water thus our toilet bowls tend to turn black no matter how much we might scrub them clean thus we have to use harsh chemicals to make our toilet bowls look white and clean.




Hard work is Excellent for Character Building


            For anybody who doesn’t ever lift a finger to clean anything then it might be difficult to understand how satisfactory it is to keep our property well kept-up and upstanding since our bit of Earth or our soil is what makes us true and real contributors to these United States.


            Land truly gives people power.


            The vote gives people a voice, however, land is what gives one power.


            We’re not “neat-freaks” yet we uphold to certain “middle income earning” standards for which our bathrooms are kept clean thus we don’t live with the high potential of staph infections thus our dishes and kitchen sink and kitchen counters and tall garbage kitchen can is kept clean as not to contract some weird type of bacteria and our grass is cut once per week to keep wildlife out of our backyard and front yard.




Steward of this Homesteaded Property


            Yes, I carry-on mostly 99% or if not then all of the responsibilities of our homesteaded property. I look over our place and homesteaded land and home making sure it all runs smoothly from taking out the trash to shoveling or sweeping the front stoop or cutting the lawn to painting the ceilings to… you name it. I’m the main steward and keeper of this abode.


            No, I don’t regret all of the hard work.


            Yes, I live and work in no different manner as any 1950’s housewives did contribute to their homes thus I keep a relatively petite body frame and waistline without having to go to the gym which I highly dislike the high probability of contracting any staph infections or foot fungus.


            If you’ll excuse me I have two lawns to cut and I’m losing daylight fast. Cheers.                                                           



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,094


Word Count: 1,191


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 6,026


This Week’s Total Word Count: 1,430 + 1,771 = 3,201 + 1,731 = 4,932 + 1,191 = 6,123



One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #112 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable DVR commercial-free entertainment.


*)         Day #2 without disciplining neighborhood children.


*)         Day #5 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #392 without organic sugar cane ice cream in our home.


*)         Day #796 without white or brown sugar except for Holidays.


*)         Day #247 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #21 without debate about domestic “distribution of labor.”


*)         Week #3 without marital stress about equal domestic labor.


*)         Blood Pressure: 111/67 mmHg / Pulse: 61 (04/01/16)


*)         Week #82 work on 245 cholesterol (new #) as of June 2, 2015. I love inexpensive vegan food.


            HDL Cholesterol 50


            Triglycerides 241 H


            LDL-Cholesterol 147 H


*)         Month #24 BMI is “overweight.” (A 25” natural high waist.)


*)         Week #44 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #30 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #35 (09/03/15) on antidepressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 20 MG” (03/01/16 change of dosage.)


Thursday, May 19, 2016


“One beggar can’t be at two fairs.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 8:07pmCT


---  ---  ---


            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!


---  ---  ---


No Blog



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,000 personal journals


Word Count:


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 6,026


This Week’s Total Word Count: 1,430 + 1,771 = 3,201 + 1,731 = 4,932



One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #111 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable DVR commercial-free entertainment.


*)         Day #1 without disciplining neighborhood children.


*)         Day #4 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #391 without organic sugar cane ice cream in our home.


*)         Day #795 without white or brown sugar except for Holidays.


*)         Day #246 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #20 without debate about domestic “distribution of labor.”


*)         Week #3 without marital stress about equal domestic labor.


*)         Blood Pressure: 111/67 mmHg / Pulse: 61 (04/01/16)


*)         Week #82 work on 245 cholesterol (new #) as of June 2, 2015. I love inexpensive vegan food.


            HDL Cholesterol 50


            Triglycerides 241 H


            LDL-Cholesterol 147 H


*)         Month #24 BMI is “overweight.” (A 25” natural high waist.)


*)         Week #44 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #30 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #35 (09/03/15) on antidepressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 20 MG” (03/01/16 change of dosage.)


Wednesday, May 18, 2016


“Gluttons dig their graves with their teeth.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Somnambulist (one who walks and performs other actions during sleep)


A somnambulist is capable of doing almost impossible things.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 7:14pmCT (Upload)


---  ---  ---


            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!


---  ---  ---


            To purchase an award isn’t the same as to receive an award.


---  ---  ---


Sunscreen is the same

As cooking with hot oil

While frying an egg


(May 2016)


            Ever since my face were cut open with a 1” incision and had a deadly form of melanoma removed from my left cheek in my junior year at university winter of 1998 I’ve accomplished 18 years of personal research which might not mean anything to anybody else except me.


            No, I’m not an expert on the subject matter of sunscreen.


            However, my personal research means something to me since I wouldn’t ever want our possibly unborn future children to go through what I did thus I continue down a path of incredible factual information and research in the same manner in which in summer of 2010 my factual research led me down a path to finding out the truth about organic produce and how inside the soil of organic vegetables and fruits are grown in 10 more pesticides than regularly grown vegetables or fruits are grown in less pesticides.


            Not ever will anybody con me into eating organic vegetables or fruits for as long as I live.


            Personally, I don’t care if anybody believes my research or not since I’ve already been dealt an almost deadly blow from melanoma and I’ve been there and done that. No, thank you.


            The experts tell us (Eric and I) sunscreen is a deadly product.


            Sunscreen is the same as cooking with hot oil in a frying pan while the humans get fried and cooked in the hot oil like little fried eggs. No, thank you.


            Sunscreen is commercialism.


            Organic produce is also commercialism.


            My stomach turns thinking about it.


            The best advice is not to go outside into the direct sunlight from 10:00am to 4:00pm and stay in the shade as much as possible.


            In Central America most people don’t use sunscreen since they don’t make it a habit to go and bake in the sun.


            Most people in tropical countries stay out of the sun as much as possible since they literally don’t desire to cook themselves.


            Use sunscreen or don’t use sunscreen. I don’t care.


            All I know is I refuse to use sunscreen on my skin.


            The higher the SPF the deadlier the sunscreen.


            Yes, I do think vaccinations are a good and positive aspect to medicine.


            Yes, I do think all children ought to be vaccinated.


            No, “old age” in parents doesn’t cause autism.


            No, vaccinations don’t cause autism, either.


            Think about it.


            Vaccinations are the antidote (remedy.)


            Doesn’t anyone know anything about real and factual mathematical and modern science?


            No, I’m not a doctor.


            What would I know?




---  ---  ---



Lead is Poison

(No matter how much water the politicians may drink)


            Lead in any form is poison.


            Personally, I was downright astonished to witness our current president (2016) drink poisonous lead water (H2O) while he visited Flint, MI.


            Any amount of lead is poison.


            Why would our current president (2016) drink poisonous lead water?


            What propaganda is this?


            Will our president now be brain damaged?


---  ---  ---


Flint, MI

A Hate Crime


            It took me a while to look up the legalities about Flint, MI’s poisonous lead water and indeed and correctly the poisonous lead water is a corrupt “hate crime” and Governor Rick Snyder ought to be brought to trial and to justice under a court of law for his corrupt business dealings which literally sold The People of Flint, MI down river.


            Oh, dearest Flint, MI citizens and civilians if one were to afford to flee Flint, MI then do so.


            Get one’s people out of the poison for which they reside.


---  ---  ---


Stealing Second Base


            From what very little I know about baseball I thought it was okay to steal any base so long as one didn’t strike out.


            Pulled out of my 1988 and 1989 softball cap school grade memory and short lives playing years our softball coaches taught us to steal bases as long as the basewomen didn’t strike us out.


            No, I didn’t know stealing any base constituted a punch to the nose.


            Let’s keep baseball family friendly and kosher otherwise families will have to cut out baseball from their summer events.


---  ---  ---


15 Minutes Fashionably Late


            No, it’s not kosher to be “15 minutes fashionably late” to anything especially not any veterinarian or dentist or optometrist or any doctors’ appointments since one must keep one’s medical appointments professional since doctors uphold to tight schedules and must look over many patients in one day.


            No, it’s not kosher to be “15 minutes fashionably late” to any dinner party since the host must be well honored enough to have the host serve dinner on time to other cordially invited guests.


            The only time it’s kosher to be “15 minutes fashionably late” is either to any “soiree” (evening party) or cocktail party or to any gathering without a sit-down dinner otherwise it’s best to be 10 minutes early unless the host has prior notification from their guests if such guests were to be quite late or tardy for some reason or another.


            Traffic isn’t any excuse to be late for any reason whatsoever.


            The best rule of thumb is: always be 10 minutes early and at worst be on time.


            If late then be humble and apologize once for one’s déclassé misbehavior and being human.


            If one’s host is awesome then humane hosts or front desk personnel won’t make their guests or patients feel terrible since guests or patients already feel bad enough about being late once in a decade.


---  ---  ---


Boycotts Are Over


The New York Times

(1 year and 1 month and 2 days)


The View



            Yes, it’s highly inappropriately fraudulent for either television or radio broadcast hosts or print media writers to pretend as though they have life figured-out and hold all of the complex answers to the tough questions or know exactly what to say to their viewers or listeners or readers to live-by since neither are gods nor omniscient and knows anything about the afterlife or the hereafter.


            Humans are animals.


            Humans are oily and smelly and dirty.


            Humans wipe their bottoms nearly the same way.


            Television and radio broadcast hosts or print media writers don’t know anything thus they must learn as they go along the way.


            When television or radio broadcast hosts or print media writers are able to bring the dead back to life without any funny smells or rot then they’ll be known as ‘almost’ or nearly omniscient then we’ll listen to anything they might have to say to influence the masses to work as slaves for Wall Street until then we have our minds to make up about important subject matter we see fit as life presents difficult choices, impossible circumstances and possibly deadly outcomes.


            No, of course I don’t want to sit through any writers’ bias opinions since the entire world already holds opinions about anything they wish to mention or push.


            Yes, it is correct and right for any television or radio host or print media writer to present factual modern mathematical and scientific information to viewers and listeners and readers then have viewers and listeners and readers make up their minds and think about what matters most to them and what’s important enough to change or do anything about otherwise mostly modern information’s propaganda and a compounding headache which is filled with very little truth or facts to it at all.




Transformed Forever


            The astonishing aspect about boycotts is one does change one’s entire routine and neurological wave patterns and eventually transforms and becomes completely and totally different on the cellular level.


            After more than 1 complete year’s personal boycott of The New York Times I’m a totally different being.


            In many ways I feel lighter and stronger in my convictions and sense of security about my self-esteem and myself. I learned I’m much stronger in my values than I thought I was ever since The New York Times is my all time favorite newspaper and has been for over 20 years.


            No, not in any way, shape or form did I feel as though I were missing out on anything of serious consequence.


            No, I didn’t feel deprived in any way either.


            Yesterday afternoon I finally remembered my 1 year boycott of The New York Times were over as of April 16, 2016 or thereabouts.


            Not for the life of me did I remember if my boycott were over or not since it wasn’t of any importance or value to me to read daily The New York Times ever since my entire life had changed and The New York Times had become something of a past routine and not anything to do with my current or present lifestyle.


            Last night before bed I went and looked up The New York Times’ website as I lay in bed filled with glee and joy at my first love when my eyes first met the colorful pages and cool titles and shapes and forms I felt I had indeed returned home.


            No matter how many boycotts I may personally carry-out I find it important to eventually return and rediscover something new and deeply understand as to why I imposed any personal boycott in the first place.


            The main reason as to why last spring 2015 I begun a personal boycott of The New York Times were simply I felt manipulated or led-on by the many writers whose articles were quite overly opinionated and not always correct. I felt starved for information and facts and not opinions.


            Hardly ever is one able to find concrete modern factual mathematical or scientific information nowadays only opinions and more opinions.


            No, I couldn’t swallow the propaganda thus I had to take a yearlong sabbatical or hiatus from reading The New York Times which turned into a personal boycott which is now ended ever since yesterday afternoon when I actually remembered the boycott were officially over.


            Thank you to The New York Times.




The Talk

A Personal Boycott


Not over yet


The View

A Public Boycott

Over as of



            Need I say more?





            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,408.5


Word Count: 1,731


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 6,026


This Week’s Total Word Count: 1,430 + 1,771 = 3,201 + 1,731 = 4,932



One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #110 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable DVR commercial-free entertainment.


*)         Day #17 without disciplining neighborhood children.


*)         Day #3 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #390 without organic sugar cane ice cream in our home.


*)         Day #794 without white or brown sugar except for Holidays.


*)         Day #245 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #19 without debate about domestic “distribution of labor.”


*)         Week #3 without marital stress about equal domestic labor.


*)         Blood Pressure: 111/67 mmHg / Pulse: 61 (04/01/16)


*)         Week #82 work on 245 cholesterol (new #) as of June 2, 2015. I love inexpensive vegan food.


            HDL Cholesterol 50


            Triglycerides 241 H


            LDL-Cholesterol 147 H


*)         Month #24 BMI is “overweight.” (A 25” natural high waist.)


*)         Week #44 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #30 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #35 (09/03/15) on antidepressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 20 MG” (03/01/16 change of dosage.)


Tuesday, May 17, 2016


“More men die from overeating than undernourishment.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Hackneyed (commonplace, trite, overused)


He uses many hackneyed expressions in his writing.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 6:35pmCT


---  ---  ---


            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!


---  ---  ---


Correction from “Section 9” (military) to “Section 8” (public housing.) Thank you.


---  ---  ---


            My “Armani Jeans” are still tight on me.


---  ---  ---


Trail Mix

Is far more



Candy Bars


            Yes, I’d rather eat 2 candy bars than any trail mix.


            Trail mix is super fattening to say the least.


            No, I don’t touch trail mix unless I’m out in the middle of the forest and starved otherwise I stay away from trail mix like the plague.


            Does anyone know how difficult it is to burn off 100 calories?


            It takes 2 hours of standing to burn off 100 calories.


---  ---  ---


Sexual Harassment

Whether Women Acknowledge it or not


            The rule of thumb is this: there’s absolutely no reason to ever comment on anybody’s looks or body.


            Furthermore, don’t ever touch anybody without their verbal granted consent or permission.


            If one isn’t mature enough to ask another person, “would you mind if I placed my hand on your arm?” then one isn’t mature enough to touch anyone.


            One doesn’t know exactly anything about what “health issues” or “illnesses” or “insecurities” other people hold about their bodies or looks therefore it’s the best and politest route not to say anything personal about anyone’s body or looks at all.


            It’s okay to make any basic comment about how men look handsome in their attire or its okay to make any basic comment about how women look beautiful in their outfits.


            One may directly ask another person, “May I make a comment about your outfit?”


            If the other person says, “no, thank you” then leave it as such and be quiet or change the subject.


            However, one may give compliments about the accessories or jewelry or shoes of another person.




            Personally, with me people want to comment either about my hair or weight or my scarred acne pock marks or 1” melanoma scar and it’s completely unsuitable or unnecessary or totally impolite to do so.


            Whether any woman realizes it or not or knows it or not or isn’t smart enough to understand she’s being “sexually harassed” or “dehumanized” or “desexualized” then it isn’t the main issue or concern at hand since she’s not smart enough to know how she’s being used as a tool.


            The issue is this: one mustn’t ever make personal remarks about other people’s bodies or looks without first asking for permission to make comments or to touch others.


            If one desires to make a “working model” out of another human body then one must have a written and signed consent form and make payments to the person who’s being put into a bikini or branded as a “Trump Girl.”


            Women aren’t men’s Barbie Dolls.


            If men desire to play Barbie then purchase a plastic doll and braid her hair.


---  ---  ---


Birthday Breakfast Cancellation

Thursday, May 19, 2016


            Yes, of course, I regretfully cancelled my own birthday breakfast celebration due to a rude traveling guest who continually kept changing the date of my birthday celebration and also our rude guest told other cordially invited guests the wrong date.


            It stung a little to have had to regretfully cancelled my own birthday celebration since I haven’t held a birthday party since May 2001.


            It wasn’t only painful to cancel my birthday celebration it was also embarrassing to say the least.


            Need I say more?




---  ---  ---


Terrible Two’s


            Whenever any toddler begins to scream or throw tantrums then it’s the responsibility of their adult guardians to immediately stop what the adults do and go and assist to their toddler and bring them indoors or stop grocery shopping or any public activity and take the toddler home and deal with the toddler’s needs.


            By the time a small child is 4 years of life they ought to know 50,000 (fifty-thousand) words otherwise if children don’t know 50,000 words by the age of 4 then they fall behind their peer age group.


            Most often than not children who either shriek or squeal or scream or cry in public streets are either thirsty or hungry or require to be taken to the bathroom or need a nap.


            Terrible two’s are terrible.


            However, if any child of three (3) isn’t utilizing their words to communicate with others then such any child is left behind and will have a difficult time catching up with their peer age group by the time they attend early childhood education or pre-school or school in general.


            For at least one hour per day young children ought to be read to out loud by adults otherwise their children’s communication skills fall by the wayside.


            The best way to get any child of three (3) to speak words while they throw a tizzy fit is to say, “Use your words.”


            Continue to use the phrase, “Use your words,” until the three (3) year old does use their words otherwise they begin to look silly while 3 year olds scream and cry and shriek in public while the parents look even more ridiculous to allow for their three (3) year old children to make such fools out of the parents especially while both children and adult guardians make themselves any public spectacle.


---  ---  ---


Boycotts Are Over


The New York Times

(1 year and 1 month and 1 day)


The View



Whoopi Goldberg is one of my Favorite


            The lovely aspect about boycotts is the brain gets rewired for something different other than what the brains main established neurological pathways does get used to in general repetitious routines and forms and patterns.


            Personally, I’m a creature of habit. I like to shop wherever I like to shop which usually happens to be anything easy to get to and close to home and I like to listen to about the same musical genre and eat the same healthy “Fair Trade” Non-GMO foods and drink the same “Fair Trade” vegan drinks and wear about the same style of clothing (skinny designer jeans) and wear comfortable soft designer T-shirts and I love soft and cushioned commercial tennis shoes and walk the same routes and shop from the same merchants and so on and so forth.


            Personally, I’ve held a love story to The New York Times ever since I was 13 years of life.


            There’s something wonderful about The New York Times which reminds me of brain candy. I’m able to read and think without having to squeeze my brain too hard to make smart juice.


            The reason why I ‘fell head over heels in love’ with The New York Times is I don’t have to think too hard yet I’m still able to gather considerable amount of news and information without breaking a hip in the process.


            Whenever I read The New York Times I don’t have to think too hard since I want the author or writers to help me make ethical and correct sense out of the world without any lies to The People or cunning readers into the writers’ bias opinions.


            No, I don’t want to know what the writers’ bias opinions are; I want information presented to me in a way I may make sense out of dense topics in factual modern mathematics and science.


            Instead of having to research almost and nearly every single article I read nowadays unlike the olden days when I could sit back and read news for relaxation and believe what the writers wrote at the Times when they did credible research and had concrete data and facts and information and I didn’t have to research their work to make sure they knew what they wrote about rather now I have to do double the work to make sure any writer has any clue what they write about.


            Yes, I come from the old days of journalism in which it’s “fraudulent” to state in television or radio broadcast or print media, “A study shows…”


            Which study?


            Who conducted the study?


            What is the study?


            Were there viable negative or positive control groups?


            How many participants participated in the study?


            Did the researchers have any legitimate degrees in their field?




Dumb Talk Shows


            No, I’m neither any type of journalist nor reporter.


            Personally, I haven’t ever liked dumb talk shows in which squabbling women compete for air time and loudly talk over each other making it difficult to understand what they talk about anyway especially when it comes to products I might want to purchase.


            Personally, I haven’t ever liked any dumb talk shows in which squabbling women either sell themselves short or sell products short or sell.


            Personally, I stand up against any dumb talk shows in which squabbling women make the lives of real women worse by taking the liberties to make any such mockery out of real women’s lifestyles or to use real women’s children as tools to market their talk shows.


            Personally, I don’t have anything personal against dumb talk shows unless the hosts begin to make fun of women and children or take advantage of children or market to children or use children to market or manipulate in any way to sell their talk shows to less fortunate or disadvantaged women and children who don’t have anything in life much less ‘a pot to piss in.’


            It’s okay for the general public to be light and fluffy and sweet, however, for television and radio broadcast hosts and print media writers who get paid by networks then they must get it factually right and do their work well.


            When television and radio broadcast hosts get “shallow” then they hope to coast on their good looks and uneducated personalities and not put much thought into their reason or logic.


            The reason why the average public doesn’t have to get “serious” about subject matter is because the general public isn’t paid to be broadcast television or radio hosts or print media writers working towards the common goal to bring the world together and to present factual information and make sense out of incoherent babble.


            The #1 killer in Americans is stress.


            Americans know we get lied to and are kept down by television and radio broadcast networks and print media since they still apply an old model in which such industry professionals think or are taught to believe the general public is “stupid” which to some extends we are, however.


            However, thankfully the internet did come along at the right time and now the general public may fact-check anything anybody may lie about.



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,700


Word Count: 1,771


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 6,026


This Week’s Total Word Count: 1,430 + 1,771 = 3,201



One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #109 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable DVR commercial-free entertainment.


*)         Day #16 without disciplining neighborhood children.


*)         Day #2 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #389 without organic sugar cane ice cream in our home.


*)         Day #793 without white or brown sugar except for Holidays.


*)         Day #244 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #18 without debate about domestic “distribution of labor.”


*)         Week #3 without marital stress about equal domestic labor.


*)         Blood Pressure: 111/67 mmHg / Pulse: 61 (04/01/16)


*)         Week #82 work on 245 cholesterol (new #) as of June 2, 2015. I love inexpensive vegan food.


            HDL Cholesterol 50


            Triglycerides 241 H


            LDL-Cholesterol 147 H


*)         Month #24 BMI is “overweight.” (A 25” natural high waist.)


*)         Week #44 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #30 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #35 (09/03/15) on antidepressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 20 MG” (03/01/16 change of dosage.)


Monday, May 16, 2016


“Feed your animals before you sit down to eat.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Verdant (green with growing)


Verdant hillsides attract the botanist at all times


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 5:19pmCT


---  ---  ---


            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!


---  ---  ---


Cell Phones


            Yes, we own “Samsung 4G LTE Galaxy” cell phones with “Consumer Cellular” as our provider.


            We pay $40.00 per month for our 2 cell phone service.


            No, we don’t believe in “iphones” since we’d like to keep our data safe and private.


            Yes, we’re able to do face-to-face on our cell phones.


            No, I don’t seem to be able to let go of my righteously awesome cell phone which keeps my private data confined to only us without selling our personal preferences or data to marketers or other companies.


---  ---  ---


Food Labels


            Yes, we think “natural” labels are pure garbage.


            As well as “healthy” labels doesn’t mean anything at all.


            When it comes to food labels it’s best to be literal with percentages of how much of deadly chemicals are in our foods as well as calories.


            Furthermore, all I care about is “Fair Trade” labels and “Non-GMO” labels and calorie count at this point the rest is simply marketing.


---  ---  ---


Life in General


            Eric, Freeway and I had the best birthday of my life.


            Since I went to bed at 3:00am on Saturday morning Eric didn’t wake me until 12:00pm (correction on time) the afternoon of my birthday.


            Once I did get up and get going then all three of us did get ready to go drive over to Crystal, MN and make my birthday purchases of 2 DQ birthday frozen ice cream cakes of my choice.


            One DQ frozen ice cream cake went to our home and the second frozen ice cream cake went to our next door neighbor’s little shrieking tantrum throwing 3 year old Somali-Muslim daughter whose birthday also happened to befall upon the same day as mine this past Saturday, May 14.


            First we stopped in at Crystal’s Target and purchased toddler magnetic letters for the refrigerator as well as a birthday card and tissue paper and a gift bag.


            Second we swung back to Crystal’s DQ’s drive-thru and ordered 2 chicken quesadillas, 4 cheese burgers and a large fry and a large onion ring as well as a mini “Reese’s Peanut Buttercup Blizzard” and a medium “Butterfinger Blizzard.”


            We went home and put on our sweatpants and ate whole heartedly, took a nap then got up and ate birthday cake.




The Taurus Heart


The Best Way to the Heart is through Food


            On Friday night Eric gifted me with “Cub’s” 4 assortment of sampler cake of carrot cake and caramel cake and red velvet cake and chocolate cake. I love it when I’m able to sample little pieces from different types of samples. Thank you. It’s been awesome!


            Our local Crystal’s “Cub” does uphold to an awesome bakery even though I haven’t set foot inside our local “Cub” in about 2 years and probably won’t set foot inside our local “Cub” forevermore.


            Eric bought me an assortment of donuts and I went quietly wild because Eric bought me white sugar powdered donuts which I’ve been craving for months even though I don’t like to eat white sugar powdered donuts since the white powdered sugar gets everyplace and it’s difficult to clean up.


            Eric knows my favorite birthday gift is “junk food” we hardly keep in our refrigerator except for Holidays or birthdays.






Thank you, “Kathy”


            Yes, I’m able to utilize a one word name here on this blog since employees utilize a one word name tags with the entire rest of the public.


            “Kathy” who happens to be a hardworking and incredibly kind Caucasian woman with a beautiful smile and a full set of straight teeth did in fact fulfilled my one birthday wish request to please add extra icing to my Crystal’s DQ’s frozen ice cream birthday cake even if we were to pay extra money for the icing.


            When I went to help “Kathy” place two frozen ice cream cakes into a-to-go sturdy large plastic bag there were about 5 to 6 employees who happened to be black young people leaning against the front counter socializing with one another without a care in the world.


            The hardworking main cash register personnel (a black woman in her mid thirties) and “Kathy” looked frazzled with frizzy hair and sweat smeared faces while the rest of their team looked refreshed and ready for a sunny picnic at the park.


            The main cash register personnel had splattered “Blizzard” all over the front of her shirt while nobody else did.


            The main cash register personnel looked slightly disappointed by the rest of the team as much as I felt slightly annoyed by them blocking the counter.


            Yes, I did take note to notice when only 2 people in a team do all of the hard work then it means the rest of the team isn’t equally or evenly distributing the work as not to “tire” out only 2 particular individual workers while the rest of the team looks like they’re on their lunch break at the front counter.


            “If you have time to lean then you have time to clean.”


            Not once in my life have I ever noticed an entire group of Disney World employees stand around huddled into little groups and socialize while guests come-and-go and only 1 or 2 employs carry-on with the rest of the work load.


            At Disney everybody works together at the same time and continuously throughout their shift.




The Best Birthday Ever!


            Personally, I don’t care for any type of cake other than for the icing on top of the Crystal’s DQ’s frozen ice cream cakes thus is the only reason as to why I purchase DQ’s frozen ice cream cakes and let Eric indulge in the rest of the frozen ice cream cake throughout the week since frozen ice cream cake happens to be Eric’s favorite type of cake.


            When it comes to birthday frozen ice cream cake I only gather around with a small tea spoon in hand and wait to take a spoon full of the icing off of the frozen ice cream cake.


            My all time favorite type of cake is carrot cake except it’s often a bit dry even though carrot cake is oily and moist the carrot cake must be had with vanilla ice cream except its extra added calories.


            No, I don’t count calories on my birthday. Nope. Absolutely not.


            However, this morning I barely fit into my “Armani Jeans” and I’m okay with it since I had the best birthday ever.


            My 39th birthday was the best birthday I’ve ever had since there weren’t any strange or intense or sad discussions about anything.


            We kept it light, fluffy and sweet.


            There were no arguments or miscommunication or confusion.


            We went at ‘turtle pace’ and ate “junk food” and relaxed.


            Ah. This 39th birthday was one of the best birthdays of my life.




Cancelled Birthday Breakfast


Thursday, May 19, 2016


            On Sunday, May 15, 2016 I regretfully cancelled my birthday breakfast scheduled for this Thursday, May 19.


            Thankfully this year the day of my birthday wasn’t ruined.


            However, my birthday breakfast did get ruined by much confusion from one rude guest who kept changing the correct date of my birthday breakfast celebration because they wanted to have the schedule revolve around them since they were the guests traveling the furthest to get to Minneapolis therefore they thought it were up to them to set and re-set the date.


            Prior to the invention of my birthday breakfast our rude guest were already on their way to Minneapolis thus and therefore we tried to accommodate their travel schedule to be inclusive of them while they swung into Minneapolis for a day or two prior to their departure to Northern Minnesota.


            No matter how much we bend over backwards for our rude guest they kept changing the date or wouldn’t commit to a date or were completely vague about the date of their estimated arrival in the awesome Twin Cities thus and therefore they kept changing the date of my already scheduled birthday breakfast.


            It became such a melodramatic hassle to deal with unstable people thus last night I went ahead and regretfully cancelled my birthday breakfast since the whole experience had already left such a sour taste in my mouth.


            The problem with Minnesotans is they’re quite socially rude thus I don’t like to attend much of anything in these parts. What’s the point? There isn’t any point to being rude to other people.



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,396


Word Count: 1,430


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 6,026


This Week’s Total Word Count: 1,430



One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #108 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable DVR commercial-free entertainment.


*)         Day #15 without disciplining neighborhood children.


*)         Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #388 without organic sugar cane ice cream in our home.


*)         Day #792 without white or brown sugar except for Holidays.


*)         Day #243 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #17 without debate about domestic “distribution of labor.”


*)         Week #3 without marital stress about equal domestic labor.


*)         Blood Pressure: 111/67 mmHg / Pulse: 61 (04/01/16)


*)         Week #82 work on 245 cholesterol (new #) as of June 2, 2015. I love inexpensive vegan food.


            HDL Cholesterol 50


            Triglycerides 241 H


            LDL-Cholesterol 147 H


*)         Month #24 BMI is “overweight.” (A 25” natural high waist.)


*)         Week #44 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #30 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #35 (09/03/15) on antidepressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 20 MG” (03/01/16 change of dosage.)


Saturday, May 14, 2016


            Happy Birthday to “Big Sister” Rachel Maddow’s Father.


            Happy Birthday to all!!!


Friday, May 13-14, 2016


“The intension is the foundation of the deed.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 2:13amCT


---  ---  ---


            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!


---  ---  ---


Closely Estimated:

Forty Thousand (40,000) Words

Over my Annual Word Count Quota


            Yes, at the latest next week we’ll commence this week’s blog of May 9th through Friday the 13th.


            No, I’m not about to get behind on my weekly word count quota: this week’s word count 5,000 - 3,974 = 1,026.


            Even though I’m ahead on my annual word count quota for 2015-2016 by about 40,000 (forty-thousand) words I still keep up with my weekly word count quota since practice matters when one holds the talent to manifest into something wonderful.


            Yes, I’m sitting pretty. I’m well ahead of the game. We know it to be true since the mathematics can be calculated.


---  ---  ---


Schedules to Uphold


            Yes, today Friday the 13th did get away from me by hours and hours as one can see I’ve now finally gotten around to yesterday’s blog.


            Its well after Sunset (The Sabbath) and I must rest for the week.


---  ---  ---


Rude Guest

Friday the 13th


            Earlier this afternoon around 2pm I dealt with a cordially invited birthday breakfast guest’s rude on-going miscommunication.


            From states away two of our cordially invited birthday breakfast guests spoke to one another over the phone and one of our guests misinformed our other guest about the correct date already set for my birthday breakfast event.


            We’re still not sure as to why our rude guest changed the date of our correct event when we had already texted earlier this week and accommodated our rude guest’s travel schedule which they were already coming into Minnesota for something else other than my birthday breakfast anyway.


            This past Tuesday back and forth by text our one rude guest and I went communicated only to have me bend over backwards to accommodate our rude guest’s travel schedule which we finally agreed to Thursday of May 19th.


            The only reason why I know I’m not making up this information or hold a bad memory about this subject matter is because I have all of this data written down via text.


            Our rude guest agreed to my birthday breakfast date on the Thursday of May 19th because they didn’t believe they’d make it here on Wednesday of the 18th since its tornado alley season through the southern state thus I informed our guest I would set the date of my birthday breakfast for Thursday of the 19th and they agreed since it would be better than the Olympics for our traveling guest to make it to the Twin Cities by Wednesday. Okay.


            Yes, by text we agreed to Thursday of May 19th, 2016.


            However, today our rude guest changed the date of our formally hosted event and told our other guest the birthday breakfast were to be held on Wednesday of May 18th which is completely incorrect.


            As of yet I’m not sure why I bother and accommodate people when it’s my birthday breakfast. They ought to accommodate me for once in 20 years.


            This is why I don’t ever celebrate my birthday.


            Too much miscommunication even though I do factually have the date and place and time correct and did send out the correct date and time and place to all of our cordially invited guests.


            As of tonight my birthday breakfast celebration is to be held on Thursday of May 19th, 2016. No exceptions. We’re not changing the date. Invitations went out to our other guests.


            Eric and I jointly decided not to accommodate our rude guest who changed the date of our birthday breakfast hosts’ celebration.


            We’re going ahead with our agreed upon plans as to not to disrupt our other guests.


            My birthday breakfast is about having our doggie join us as well as any other guests and their canine companions therefore we’re not changing the date or place or time for anybody. It’s too much of a hassle to go back on an already set time and date and place and location.




Cut 2 Lawns

Picked-up Neighborhood Garbage


            Today my day did get away from me since from 4pm until 7:30pm I cut the verge grass of our one next door neighbor’s and also cut the front yard and backyard lawn of our other next door neighbor’s as well as picked up neighborhood garbage and swept the sidewalk in front of our home.


            Also I cut our front yard and backyard lawn.


            As well spoke with our next door Muslim Somali neighbor for about 40 minutes about rearing and raising and taking well care of children especially screaming, shrieking and tantrum throwing toddlers under the age of 3.


            Then I swept and weeded our backyard brick patio.


            From 7:30pm to 9:30pm I vacuumed our entire home.


            At 9:40pm we set out Sabbath breakfast-dinner of buttered whole wheat toast and cold hardboiled eggs and plain yogurt with orange slices.


            After late Nordic dinner around 10:30pm we took the time to fill-up one blue grocery plastic bag full of dated and decent perishable goods for the mail-personnel to take with them during their route tomorrow.


            We opened birthday cards.


            We ate birthday cake with ice cream.


            We cleaned up and we’re about to hit the hay.


---  ---  ---


Happily “Pay it Forward”


            Tomorrow, we hope to make it to the clothing drop off bin.


            Also our next door neighbor’s Somali-Muslim’s screaming, shrieking and tantrum throwing toddler is having her 3rd birthday.


            We expect to make the time to purchase a gift of magnetic refrigerator letters (which her Mother already agreed upon to the gift) as well as a DQ birthday cake and a beautiful card.


            My budget is set at $50.00 as it is most years.


            Each birthday I spend it giving.


            Last year I bought 2 journals and pens and markers for the screaming and shrieking girls’ two-doors down.


            It’s humbling to give on my birthday thus I do.


            No, I’m not any type of “selfish” or “self-centered” person; however, I’m somewhat “vain” about my physical look which is nearly impossible to be “vain” about one’s looks when one’s all scarred up to shreds from previous acne scars.


            Since my face is scarred with acne pock marks and a 1 inch scar from melanoma then I’m not able to be as “vain” to the extent to which I’d been if I’d had flawless facial skin thus on my birthday I give to children who might need a gift far more than I do for the purpose I shan’t become some “vain” creature who thinks only about her looks which I don’t since I’m considered “ugly” to look at therefore I don’t place much emphasis on my looks rather more on how I feel.


            Yes, I feel beautiful therefore I am beautiful.




---  ---  ---


            Yes, I’m 39! Wow!


            Happy birthday to all!!!


No Blog



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,000 personal journals


Word Count:


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 2,825 + 1,149 = 3,974



One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #105 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable DVR commercial-free entertainment.


*)         Day #12 without disciplining neighborhood children.


*)         Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #385 without organic sugar cane ice cream in our home.


*)         Day #789 without white or brown sugar except for Holidays.


*)         Day #240 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #14 without debate about domestic “distribution of labor.”


*)         Week #2 without marital stress about equal domestic labor.


*)         Blood Pressure: 111/67 mmHg / Pulse: 61 (04/01/16)


*)         Week #81 work on 245 cholesterol (new #) as of June 2, 2015. I love inexpensive vegan food.


            HDL Cholesterol 50


            Triglycerides 241 H


            LDL-Cholesterol 147 H


*)         Month #24 BMI is “overweight.” (A 25” natural high waist.)


*)         Week #43 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #29 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #34 (09/03/15) on antidepressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 20 MG” (03/01/16 change of dosage.)


Thursday, May 12, 2016


“Eat less and dress better.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 8:04pmCT


---  ---  ---


            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!


---  ---  ---


No Blog



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,000 personal journals


Word Count:


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 637 + 681 = 1,318 + 1,507 = 2,825



One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #104 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable DVR commercial-free entertainment.


*)         Day #11 without disciplining neighborhood children.


*)         Day #3 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #384 without organic sugar cane ice cream in our home.


*)         Day #788 without white or brown sugar except for Holidays.


*)         Day #239 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #13 without debate about domestic “distribution of labor.”


*)         Week #2 without marital stress about equal domestic labor.


*)         Blood Pressure: 111/67 mmHg / Pulse: 61 (04/01/16)


*)         Week #81 work on 245 cholesterol (new #) as of June 2, 2015. I love inexpensive vegan food.


            HDL Cholesterol 50


            Triglycerides 241 H


            LDL-Cholesterol 147 H


*)         Month #24 BMI is “overweight.” (A 25” natural high waist.)


*)         Week #43 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #29 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #34 (09/03/15) on antidepressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 20 MG” (03/01/16 change of dosage.)


Wednesday, May 11, 2016


“The fools who sing all summer weep all winter.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Polyglot (speaking several languages)


Polyglot populations of our large cities get along nicely.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 2:58pmCT


---  ---  ---


            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!


---  ---  ---


            Oh, my gosh; I don’t ever make any big deal out of anything whenever I’ve been sick from food poisoning or restaurant food, however, whenever both Eric and I’ve been sick together from restaurant food then I want to figuratively kill somebody since Eric’s innocent and wonderful and kind and intelligent and smart and nobody ought to put Eric through something as gross and terribly awful as food poisoning.


            My favorite restaurants and coffee houses in Uptown, Minneapolis are “Bluestem Bar” and “Caffetto Café” coffee and bakery goods and “Leaning Tower of Pizza” and “Namaste” and “Common Roots” and “Bob’s Java Hut” coffee house and “Bryant Lake Bowl” and the “Dunn Brothers” across the street from “Bryant Lake Bowl” since I haven’t ever been ill at any of these locations.


            My favorite restaurants and coffee houses on the West Bank (which I’m not to frequent there alone ever again much less within the four years, 2020) are “Hard Times Café” and “The Nile” and “Pizza Luce” on Riverside Avenue and “The Seward Café” and “Acadia” since I haven’t ever been ill at any of these locations.


            My favorite restaurants in our downtown are “Pig Ate My Pizza” and “El Toro” and “Broadway Pizza” since I haven’t ever been ill at any of these locations in four years.


            One of my favorite restaurants in all of the Twin Cities is Roseville’s “Good Earth” since I haven’t ever been ill at this location.


            My other favorite place in downtown, Minneapolis is “Key’s Café and Bakery” since I haven’t ever been ill at this location.


            My other favorite is New Hope’s “Fat Nat’s Eggs” since I haven’t ever been ill at this location.


            No, I don’t mean any harm to our local businesses and restaurants.


            However, one must grow a thick skin and take the good with the bad as well as relax.


            The truth is while we lived in uptown, Minneapolis I spent 6 years of my life trying out new foods and restaurants and afterwards I did spend nearly most of my time in the bathroom after dealing with severe food poisoning. I gave up trying out new foods in Uptown.


            No, I shan’t make a list from which restaurants or cafes I’ve come home totally sober and sick as a dog from food poisoning.


---  ---  ---




Broken Lawnmower


            The week of May 1st through the 8th Eric and I finally decided to set-out with a “free” sign our 2nd broken lawnmower (in 3 years) to the curve or verge.


            Our latest next door neighbors as of October 2015 took our broken lawnmower off of our hands.


            However, the piston is completely shot.


            Six times Eric fixed the 2nd broken lawnmower and did get it to run for 2 seasons, however, last week the broken lawnmower became a complete goner.




Lawnmowers are an added Expense


            On Sunday, May 8, 2016 Eric stopped the car and we briefly chatted with our next door neighbor.


            The single mother of 3 informed us as to which extend she were worried she hadn’t yet mowed her lawn this spring.


            She voiced her deepest concerns about how she might were to receive a ticket from the city.


            We reassured her she’d be fine.


            It is mainly Minneapolis which issues “lawn” tickets.


            Our neighbor asked us the price of a new lawnmower and we told her. She mentioned something about having to wait until her next paycheck. We understood.


            We parted ways.




Happily “Pass it Forward”


            Once more since Tuesday, May 3rd, 2016 I’ve been dealing with menstrual hemorrhaging.


            On Monday, May 9, 2016 I knew I only had an hour window of opportunity to get outside and cut our neighbor’s lawn since it was the least I could do for her and her worries about money and stress.


            At 11:30am I stepped outside to our backyard and took out our brand new mower (April 2016) from our environmentally materially friendly shed (which cost nearly a third the price of a car) and went to mow her lawn without any strings attached or terms or conditions.


            Yes, I spent half an hour mowing our neighbor’s front yard then the weather turned and soon after it began to lightly rain.


            At noon I put away the lawnmower back into the shed and spent another half an hour picking-up garbage from our next door neighbor’s front yard.


            Picked-up garbage such as candy wrappers and whole sucker candies and many cigarettes butts and dirty pink cloth ribbons and plastic caps and broken plastic spoons and broken pieces of plastic.


            It took me the same amount of time to pick-up our next door neighbor’s garbage as it did to mow our neighbor’s front yard.


             The rain started to come down hard and I went back into the house at 12:30pm and took off my wet clothes and changed then went upstairs and dunked myself into the bathtub to bleed.




Best not to Judge a Book

By its Cover


            Usually when I don’t feel quite physically well then I don’t leave our home for anything, however, on Tuesday of this week I had to find out if there were any damage to my gums or teeth since I hadn’t been to see any dentist in 9 months only to find out my teeth and gums are in perfect condition and the dentist said my teeth were ‘almost’ as good as hers.


            On Tuesday, May 10, 2016 by 3 minutes I arrived late to the dentist at 10:03am and had only enough time to be there, conduct our business and get out before I bled all over the place or until properly I set out for home to change and clean-up and dunk myself back into the bathtub to bleed some more.


            It’s an incredible hassle to deal with menstrual hemorrhaging since the blood is heavy and much blood is dispensed within one hour at a time throughout the days and nights and days and nights and days.


            The main objective to menstrual hemorrhaging is patience.


            There’s much I’d like to get done for spring cleaning, however, I must take it easy and be good to myself or else I might hurt myself thus at home I go slow and do as much as I can at a leisurely pace even though yesterday I was able to get 3 loads of laundry done which I believe is a huge accomplishment plus correspondence and writing and research and viewing one film per day plus cleaned the kitchen made dinner and watched “Daredevil” with Eric then at 11:30pm retired upstairs for the evening and bathed and did get myself ready for bed then lights out.


            Oh, yes! On Monday of this week I even went as far as to give myself a full and complete haircut which took me 2 hours to do. Yes, I did cut off about 3 inches. I feel good.


            Days are slow and fair.


            No, I don’t have any complaints.


            Yes, menstrual hemorrhaging is quite real and surreal.


            At times I find the best course of action is to get into the bathtub and sit in warm water while the blood goes down the drain.


            The warm water helps not to have to stare at pools of one’s own blood which turns the bathtub into more like a bloody murder scene than a hemorrhaging episode or a light stroll around the park.


            No, I don’t write about this because I need pity.


            No, I don’t even want anybody to know anything about my quite private medical condition, however, whenever I sit and bleed out in the bathtub and stare at my gushing blood then I’m think about all of the women around the world who live in villages and remote areas and aren’t able to  travel to immediate access to medical attention.


            The reason why we live within less than a mile to “North Memorial Hospital” is because “North Memorial Hospital” is 1 of 2 hospitals in the state of Minnesota which deals with women’s reproductive illnesses and diseases and laparoscopic uterine surgeries.


            “North Memorial Hospital” is 1 of 2 of the best hospitals in the entire state of Minnesota for female reproductive illnesses or diseases.


            We didn’t end up here by accident.


            Yes, I must be near a great hospital which specifically deals with women’s reproductive issues and menstrual hemorrhaging as well as uterine fibroids which I have 3 tiny little ones growing inside of my uterus right now as I write.


            Two weeks from now I get to see my incredibly crabby and wonderful OB/GYN in Crystal, Minnesota which I believe is one of the best OB/GYN’s in the nation.


            The menstrual hemorrhaging is started to subside.


            Perhaps I’ll be completely done two weeks from now and have the OB/GYN take a good look and tell me if anything is the matter other than the status quo.


            Yes, I’m tired.


            We’ll recommence.



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,000


Word Count: 1,507


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 637 + 681 = 1,318 + 1,507 = 2,825



One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #103 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable DVR commercial-free entertainment.


*)         Day #10 without disciplining neighborhood children.


*)         Day #2 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #383 without organic sugar cane ice cream in our home.


*)         Day #787 without white or brown sugar except for Holidays.


*)         Day #238 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #12 without debate about domestic “distribution of labor.”


*)         Week #2 without marital stress about equal domestic labor.


*)         Blood Pressure: 111/67 mmHg / Pulse: 61 (04/01/16)


*)         Week #81 work on 245 cholesterol (new #) as of June 2, 2015. I love inexpensive vegan food.


            HDL Cholesterol 50


            Triglycerides 241 H


            LDL-Cholesterol 147 H


*)         Month #24 BMI is “overweight.” (A 25” natural high waist.)


*)         Week #43 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #29 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #34 (09/03/15) on antidepressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 20 MG” (03/01/16 change of dosage.)


Tuesday, May 10, 2016


“From caring comes courage.” --- Lao Tzu


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 1:58pmCT (Upload)


---  ---  ---


            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!


---  ---  ---


            R.I.P. Our Dearest Georgia.

            Oh, how we miss you!


---  ---  ---


            Yes, I have plenty of Nonfiction blog material about parents who can’t or don’t afford dental care for their children therefore parents have their children’s teeth pulled out.


---  ---  ---


            Yes, corrections were made to awkward passive English.


---  ---  ---


One of the Best Dentistry Appointments

Since I were 16, 1994


            Yes, I’m extremely polite and mild mannered in person since I don’t have any good reason to be mean to people in general or ‘push’ anybody around or place any type of pressure or expectations on anybody.


            There’s no reason for me to ever be rude.


            Stern, yes.


            Rude, no.


            Although if my buttons are personally and directly negatively pushed then brace thyself because game over and all hell breaks loose.


            Yes, in my writings I’m serious and stern and much of it comes from having to brace myself since writing’s extremely vulnerable thus I must have a fighting stance since judgment is most often than not a destructive punch with deadly force and I must be ready for anything.


            Yes, today I was completely déclassé by being 3 minutes late to my dental appointment.


            Yes, as of this moment I’ve finally forgiven myself (1:37pm) for being 3 minutes tardy to my first dental appointment with fantastic dental hygienist and dentists.


            My mouth doesn’t hurt at all and I’m grateful for it.


            My new hygienist and dentists were completely human and humane rather than brutes or beasts. Thank you!!!


            Finally, we’ve come home, baby!


            Yes, I very much dislike being late for anything at all.


            Whenever I’m late I get extremely and totally embarrassed and insecure with myself since I know I’ve personally set somebody else’s important schedule further behind as well as set my own schedule behind also.


            However, this morning I didn’t have any excuse since I were sluggish and slow to get going and nothing went my way thus I slugged through my morning the best I could as I watched my time slide backwards by minutes.


            This morning at 8:00am as I dealt with menstrual hemorrhaging I tried my hardest to move fast yet my body wouldn’t cooperate with my brain and blood were shed all over the bathtub, however, this isn’t something one relays to other humans.


            All day long I like to keep a strict schedule since I have a million and one tasks to accomplish in a single day as most mature adults do accomplish many tasks in one single day.


            Well, first impressions are “everything” and since “everything” factually means “nothing” then second impressions must get better with time and grace.


            It’s obvious I don’t ever mean any harm to anybody thus I truly believe my hygienist and dentists forgave me for being déclassé this morning by being 3 minutes tardy.


            Yes, I shall honor my kind hearted hygienist and dentists in future appointments since they’re worth the honor.


            It’s easy to make peoples’ days when their mornings have gone badly awry due to complicated health problems one’s not able to share or talk about with perfect strangers one’s recently met.


            The hygienist and dentists and front desk personnel were ever as kind to me as anybody who’s made a small professional blunder by being 3 minutes tardy to her own appointment.


            Instead of throwing my blunder right back in my face they were all quite professional and kind with grace and great sense of humor about being a human being.


            To my defense I have no excuse for being late this morning other than almost bleeding to death.


            No, I haven’t ever had braces. This is a fact.


            My teeth all checked out perfectly well.


            No bleeding of my gums at all whatsoever since I floss each day.


            Great 100% Salvadorian-Maya teeth with bad acne scarred skin and a 1 inch melanoma scar on my left cheek.


            Well, we can’t have “everything” we want, can we now?



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,000 personal journals


Word Count: 681


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 637 + 681 = 1,318



One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #102 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable DVR commercial-free entertainment.


*)         Day #9 without disciplining neighborhood children.


*)         Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #382 without organic sugar cane ice cream in our home.


*)         Day #786 without white or brown sugar except for Holidays.


*)         Day #237 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #11 without debate about domestic “distribution of labor.”


*)         Week #2 without marital stress about equal domestic labor.


*)         Blood Pressure: 111/67 mmHg / Pulse: 61 (04/01/16)


*)         Week #81 work on 245 cholesterol (new #) as of June 2, 2015. I love inexpensive vegan food.


            HDL Cholesterol 50


            Triglycerides 241 H


            LDL-Cholesterol 147 H


*)         Month #24 BMI is “overweight.” (A 25” natural high waist.)


*)         Week #43 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #29 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #34 (09/03/15) on antidepressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 20 MG” (03/01/16 change of dosage.)


Monday, May 9, 2016


“You really can change the world if you care enough.”      


--- Marian Wright Edelman


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 8:41pmCT


---  ---  ---


            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!


---  ---  ---


            The “DQ” “Blizzard” “minis” are indeed delicious.


            400 calories is 1 entire meal’s calories.


            There’re 400 calories in each “DQ” “Blizzard” “mini” which is more than enough sugar calories for 1 weekend day.


            390 sugar calories in each 1 of “DQ’s” small chocolate dipped cones are deliciously delirious.


            Come on America!


            We’ve got to watch our waistlines.


---  ---  ---


Dentist’s Appointment

Tuesday, May 10, 2016


            On Tuesday, May 10, 2015 at 10:00am I will attend an entirely new local dentist for my bi-annual dental cleaning.


            My only trepidation is bad dentistry or incompetent hygienists with amazing dentists or incompetent dentists with great hygienists.


            The last time I had a bi-annual dental cleaning was August of 2015.


            My downtown, Minneapolis dentist and his main hygienist who happens to be of Chinese origins were tremendously wonderful.


            However, when I returned for my 3rd appointment and dental check-up and cleaning then a 300 pound hygienist attended to my teeth.


            At the time of my August 2015’s dental cleaning the 300 pound hygienist happened to put her entire weight on my jaw while she cleaned my teeth.


            The 300 pound hygienist were indeed heavy set with a demanding personality to hide her incompetent manner about leaning-up against clients’ mouths for support while she cleaned away thus I kept myself from saying anything since she literally rested her entire body weight inside my mouth.


            When the August 2015 appointment were over the 300 pound hygienist proceeded to threaten with a long and harsh punishing whipping lecture about smoking cigarettes and tobacco use.


            For 3 straight days afterwards my entire jaw and mouth hurt after having 300 pounds rest inside my mouth through an entire hour’s dental cleaning thus I haven’t returned to my previous dentist no matter how many messages were left on my cell phone’s voicemail.


            Not once in almost 1 year did I return to any dentist.


            What’s the point?


            Dentistry in the Twin Cities is as bad as the food.


            For one straight decade we’ve dealt with food poisoning of the Ut-most serious nature as well as bad dentistry thus we stay away from restaurant food as well as going to the dentist which we show up for our bi-annual check-ups and cleanings then we run (not literally.)


            Dentistry in the Twin Cities is some of the worst dentistry we’ve ever encountered.


            However, it’s all we’ve got ever since our stern and serious and wonderful and amazing dentist passed away from kidney cancer.


            The fast food in the Midwest is incredible.


            Not once have we ever been sick from fast food.


            However, restaurant food has left us tittering on the brink of death. No joke. I’ve had poison come out both ends through entire nights’ of nursing myself back to health from terribly badly cooked restaurant foods.


            Yes, I’m a foodie hobbyist. I love food.


            My favorite hobby in the entire world is to eat-out as well as to taste new foods.


            However, within the past 4 years I’ve learned all about fast food and how well cooked fast food is thus we eat it whenever it’s Eric’s turn to cook on weekends. We’ve compromised.


            All of the workweek day cooking is done by me.


            If only fast food weren’t as fattening as it is then we’d eat it more often.


            Yes, I’ve reintroduced butter back into my daily nutritional intake.


            Since the beginning of April 2016 I’ve gained 2 inches on my waist, however, I’ve gained absolutely no weight whatsoever. I’m still 150 pounds. The last 12 pounds to lose seem to be the most difficult.


            For an entire year my weight has hit a plateau and the tape measure refuses has budged, however, my actual weight hasn’t.



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,000 personal journals


Word Count: 637


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 637



One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #101 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable DVR commercial-free entertainment.


*)         Day #8 without disciplining neighborhood children.


*)         Day #8 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #381 without organic sugar cane ice cream in our home.


*)         Day #785 without white or brown sugar except for Holidays.


*)         Day #236 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #10 without debate about domestic “distribution of labor.”


*)         Week #2 without marital stress about equal domestic labor.


*)         Blood Pressure: 111/67 mmHg / Pulse: 61 (04/01/16)


*)         Week #81 work on 245 cholesterol (new #) as of June 2, 2015. I love inexpensive vegan food.


            HDL Cholesterol 50


            Triglycerides 241 H


            LDL-Cholesterol 147 H


*)         Month #24 BMI is “overweight.” (A 25” natural high waist.)


*)         Week #43 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #29 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #34 (09/03/15) on antidepressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 20 MG” (03/01/16 change of dosage.)


Friday, May 6, 2016


“When the Messiah comes, all the sick will be healed---but fools will stay fools.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Exigency (emergency, urgency, immediate need)


The exigency of the affair required prompt action.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 3:29pmCT


---  ---  ---


            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!


---  ---  ---


            R.I.P. to our Elk River, MN niece’s dog “Bo.”


            R.I.P. to “Millie” (doggie) who was found hit by a car.


            Thank you to the "good Samaritan" who brought “Millie” to the veterinarian and set her free in her most desperate hour of need.


---  ---  ---


Loveless Love


Death of the American Elder


A Host or Hostess mustn’t Brag


Guests mustn’t “bark” at other Guests


            It is best not to ever exchange chores or housework or errands or grocery shopping or domestic labor of any type or vacuuming or laundry duties for respect or love.


            Whenever one were to visit as a guest particularly as an adult woman of legal age at any hosts’ or hostesses’ home (especially one’s Great-Grandmother’s or Grandmother’s or Mother’s or Mather-In-Law’s or Sister-In-Law’s) then one mustn’t ever ‘lift a finger’ to do any house chores or to attend to any hosts’ or hostesses’ personal needs in any way, shape or form otherwise the host or hostess takes a great deal of advantage of their guests’ time, energy and company.


            One’s spouse comes before an entire family of In-Laws ever does or one’s own family for such matters.


            It’s neither fair nor in goodwill to take advantage of one’s guests’ important time away from their own homes and their duties and singular family units.


            Any host or hostess mustn’t ever waste the time of any of their houseguests with either of the hosts’ or hostesses’ house chores or cleaning or personal errands or trivialities or boring bragging conversations about the hostess herself especially not when the host or hostess seem to get nervous and speaks only to fill up air or wastes their company’s time or tends to hold their guests hostage and confined to sit and listen while she selfishly and constantly brags about herself or her life without ever asking a single question of her guests.


            A host or hostess mustn’t scream-out family stories in over-excitement and turn into clowns to entertain their guests.


            Family stories aren’t told unless guests directly ask to hear family stories otherwise it’s rude to go on and on about family stories since family stories are the past and not the present while one dines with guests.


            To listen to anybody talk takes a great deal of concentration, effort and energy thus and therefore one mustn’t speak to hear the sound of their own voice drown out life.


            It’s more proper to sit in silence and say nothing than to force conversations to happen.


            To over speak is a sign of deep insecurity or nervousness and desperate loneliness or selfish or self-centered disposition.


            Most guests don’t desire to sit through grueling lunches or dinners amongst rude host or hostesses who lean towards narcissistic tendencies or to sit amongst other guests who are insecure about their social order therefore such insecure guests “bark” to intimidate rather than speak to communicate.


            To “bark” at guests isn’t “honesty” rather its insecure intimidation.


            Any host or hostess mustn’t speak about themselves or constantly re-direct the conversation back to their selves unless the host or hostess is directly asked about themselves or the hostess makes any kind and gentle example about her guests’ anecdotes to let each one know she’s keeping up with the conversation as well as deeply understands for the other in conversation rather than make herself the center of attention while forcing her well-mannered guests to sit and listen to her go on about herself.




Any Guest mustn’t ever

Be Demanded or Asked

Or Placed Pressure Upon

To do Household Chores

For their Host or Hostess

Otherwise Hosts or Hostesses

Take Advantage of their Houseguests


Any Host or Hostess is gifted with Houseguests

Therefore Hosts or Hostesses mustn’t bore Guests

With Hosts’ or Hostesses’ Personal Needs or Household Chores


            If any hostess doesn’t seem to be able to take a shower on her own then she must hire professional help to get her in-or-out of the shower without ever inconveniencing her houseguests to take care of her personal needs like nursemaids.


            If any hostess doesn’t seem to be able to get herself up or down from the toilet then she must hire professional help to get her off of the throne without ever inconveniencing her houseguests to take care of her personal needs like nursemaids.


            If any hostess doesn’t seem to be able to get up and walk over to answer her ringing telephone as well as her cell phone then she ought to let her ringing phones go to voicemail without ever inconveniencing her houseguests to take care of her personal needs like nursemaids.


            If any hostess doesn’t seem to be able to launder her own laundry then she must hire professional help to do more than one load per week without ever inconveniencing her houseguests to take care of her personal needs like nursemaids.


            If any hostess doesn’t seem to be able to take out her trash then she must hire professional help to remove her waste without ever inconveniencing her houseguests to take care of her personal needs like nursemaids.


            A host or hostess mustn’t ever inconvenience their houseguests to take care of her household chores or personal needs otherwise she disgraces herself and her Ancestors and uses her houseguests as her personal slaves and servants without dishing out any pay in exchange to meet her demanding needs.


            Whenever any host or hostess commands or demands or manipulates or pressures their houseguests to serve her hand-and-foot then she’s not any good at her hostess duties and the guest isn’t required to ever return again to be used like a free “workhorse” or “mule” to the host or hostesses’ desire since she’s nearly insane with madness to have such grandiose creepy expectations of her houseguests.


            A host or hostess must always be simply happy to receive houseguests whoever so willingly give of their time and company without any pressure from the host or hostess to have her personal needs or household chores fulfilled by her houseguests.


            Whenever any host or hostess commands or demands or manipulates or pressures their houseguests to serve her hand-and-foot then she’s cruel and is only served because she’s feared and most likely not because she’s respected.




The Host or Hostess must meet their Duties


            The hostess serves their guests not the other way around.


            The hostess serves meals to their guests not the other way around.


            The hostess pays for the meals and not the other way around.


            The hostess must not impose her household chores upon her houseguests.


            Guests often travel long distances to visit with their hosts or hostesses rather than get pressured to do household chores or clean-out 78 year old dust or pick up mice droppings or take-out the trash or do laundry or vacuum or do the grocery shopping.


            A host or hostess mustn’t ever pressure houseguests to clean-up after her or belittle her guests for not wanting or willing to clean-up after her nor will any host or hostess get personal with their houseguests by calling them negative or mean-spirited names directly to their faces simply because any houseguest doesn’t wish to do house chores for their host or hostess.


            A host or hostess mustn’t ever side with either one of her guests.


            A host or hostess must maintain peace at all times.


            A host or hostess must not ever make any guests feel terrible about their guests’ private or social or emotional conditions since life’s extremely difficult on most people as it is already.


            A host or hostess isn’t always aware of diseases or illnesses within their guests since medical conditions are highly private information therefore it’s best to allow for guests to sit on their own to rest and go at their leisurely pace to admire the grounds and history of a place and politely and peacefully socialize however much or little they wish to socialize with other guests.


            It’s already enough guests go out of their way to purchase new attire and jewelry and shoes for the hosts’ or hostesses’ occasion or event as well as pay good money to clean themselves up and travel to the destined location as well as spend money on the guests’ travel (no matter what the distance) or spend money on the hosts’ or hostesses’ gifts as well as take time out of guests’ busy schedules to bestow their host or hostess with the gift of their presence and company present.


            To have any host or hostess be gifted the time and energy and company of any guests is indeed a gift from the Gods not to be shattered or used for manipulation or pressure to bend the guest to one’s will or character assassination or jockey for social position to put others’ against each other possibly due to the host or hostesses deep psychological need to be Queen Bee.


            However, the hostess is always leader by humbly serving her guests rather than make guests feel terrible about themselves.


            Any hostess who pressures guests to act or think or be in any particular way is a bad hostess left up to the Gods to be forgotten by all time.


            “Come one, Come all!”


            To exclude guests is a sign of bad breeding.


            Cordially and kindly make an invitation to one’s guests.


            Don’t ever put pressure or any types of expectations for anybody to have to attend any social event. NO.


            An invitation is open to goodwill and not any mandate.


            One doesn’t have to attend one’s own family or In-Law’s events. One’s own free down time is one’s own life.


            Holidays are for couples and their individual family units.


            If individual family units don’t want to run around like chickens with their heads cut off to meet pressure-some familial expectations then either family members or In-Law’s must back off since adults don’t have to do anything they don’t want to because adults aren’t ever told what to do or how high to jump.


            Don’t ever pressure or demand one’s guests to attend any lunch or dinner or party for any reason otherwise the guests already know what’s expected of them: to dance like monkeys and who wants to dance like monkeys?


            Nobody wants to dance like monkeys.


            Yes, guests must ‘sing for their supper’ or wash dishes. (Ha!)




Retarded Cruel Genes Embedded into the Genome


            “Trust” is earned.


            “Respect” is granted.


            “Love” is boundless and bountiful and unconditional without strings attached or terms or conditions or ultimatums.


            “Like” is a matter of individual opinion.


            One must be respectful to all without having to like anybody.


            The greatest mistake I’ve ever made in my emotionally insecure younger adulthood especially somebody who’s lived with immaturity as any young adult woman with a naïve disposition as somebody who’s English as a Second Language is I’ve given away too much of my self-respect and social-power in exchange for either respect or love or both.


            No, I didn’t know “love” ought to be unconditionally given without strings attached or terms or conditions or ultimatums.


            The only “love” I’ve ever known from women is to bend over backwards to their will in order to see any glimpse of respect or love from them.


            Therefore I practically almost broke my back by bending over backwards and granting 2 women in my life to clean their mice infested homes and do housework for them and wash both of their poop stained underwear and labor for them while they held back the truth from me which was I didn’t have to please or work for either of them to receive their respect or love. Tragic, really.


            The truth is when one is any houseguest in another’s home then one neither has to ‘lift a single finger’ in domestic chores nor do housework for one’s host or hostess much less do their laundry or clean-out their refrigerators or cupboards or dust or wash out their poop stained underwear or grocery shop or vacuum up flies and mice droppings or sleep with mice and bats on the other side of walls or constantly serve either woman hand-and-foot simply for some type of sign of love or compassion or respect.


            Narcissistic people will traumatize thee.


            Guard thy heart.


            Don’t go around cleaning up other peoples’ messes or they’ll take a great deal of advantage of thee and thy power and social grace.


            People who “bark” at others are bullies since they communicate like dogs they show their true insecurities in their social status and social dispositions because deep down inside bullies know their opinions don’t way heavily with anybody of consequence thus their words don’t truly matter to anybody, really.


            One must be more polite and kinder to family members as guests than to strangers or acquaintances or friends or people one tries to rub elbows with who are on a much higher social status than thee.


            One must prove to be any better host or hostess to one’s own family members than higher social status people one tries to impress.


            To be cruel is indeed a genetic trade.


            Bad genes are bad.


            The genome pool decides who gets to inherit the Earth.


            “Fools” and the “stupid” and “cruel” and “mean” don’t inherit the Earth.


            To be cruel is to have retarded mutant genes.


            “The meek inherit the Earth.”



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,204


Word Count: 2,230


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 618 + 3,178 = 3,796 + 2,230 = 6,026



One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #98 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable DVR commercial-free entertainment.


*)         Day #5 without disciplining neighborhood children.


*)         Day #5 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #378 without organic sugar cane ice cream in our home.


*)         Day #782 without white or brown sugar except for Holidays.


*)         Day #233 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #7 without debate about domestic “distribution of labor.”


*)         Week #1 without marital stress about equal domestic labor.


*)         Blood Pressure: 111/67 mmHg / Pulse: 61 (04/01/16)


*)         Week #81 work on 245 cholesterol (new #) as of June 2, 2015. I love inexpensive vegan food.


            HDL Cholesterol 50


            Triglycerides 241 H


            LDL-Cholesterol 147 H


*)         Month #23 BMI is “overweight.” (A 25” natural high waist.)


*)         Week #42 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #28 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #33 (09/03/15) on antidepressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 20 MG” (03/01/16 change of dosage.)


Thursday, May 5, 2016


“It is easier to tolerate a whole fool than a half-fool---that is, a fool who tries to act clever.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Verbiage (wordiness)


Verbiage characterizes all his speeches.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 7:52pmCT


---  ---  ---


            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!


---  ---  ---


Life Notes


Social Rules about Matriarchs


“Matriarch” is a Title

Not a position


            My Grandmother was the youngest of ten New England blue blood offspring.


            While my Grandmother was alive she was the Matriarch of her own family branch of 3 offspring she gave birth to.


            My Grandmother were indeed and in fact the Matriarch of her 3 offspring’s offspring and so on and so forth until the day of my Grandmother’s death did cometh then my adoptive-mother became the Matriarch of her 2 adopted-daughters, however, my adoptive-mother is neither the Matriarch of her older sister or younger brother nor is my adoptive-mother Matriarch to her 2 siblings’ offspring, her 6 nephews and nieces and latest great-nephews and great-nieces.


            “You got to keep them separated.” (A song lyric.)


            The moment either Grandmother and Mother both die then one’s left all alone in the world and quite separate to carry-on their own familial tree branch’s history to the best of their knowledge and ability without giving undue social power to older people simply because they’re old. It doesn’t work that way.






“Inappropriate sycophants”


            One must take responsibility to carry-on their own familial tree branch without giving away their familial branch’s social power or history to disappear under the wing span of another’s to descend and dismiss one’s history into oblivion.


            “Survival of the fittest, baby.”


            (Personally, I don’t like Darwinism.)


            Whoever’s family history survives wins! (I’m inking.)


            If either both Grandmother or Mother or Grandfather or Father have died off into another existence then anybody in their particular familial branch must take the helm by way of either the eldest or any surviving offspring becomes the sole representative and takes the lead role of Matriarch or Patriarch of their each separate and individual familial branches even if they don’t want to take the baton.


            If either no Grandmother or Mother or Grandfather or Father or any further offspring then one holds the sole title of their own Mother as Matriarch or Father as Patriarch of their each individual familial branch for which he/she represents all of his/her Ancestors who came before him/her and it’s his/her duty to keep the correct and factual history and public written records of his/her Ancestors alive even if there’re no offspring to pass off the baton.


            In other words: One crowns oneself their own King or Queen of their familial branch’s history without any counsel (guidance) or people to rule over (metaphorically speaking) other than one’s own divine familial history until death does cometh to us all.


            It’s most highly inappropriate to pass off the baton to another branch of any other family member amongst the tree branches to carry as complete Matriarch or Patriarch since it implies one’s given up on one’s own history and Ancestors.


            If one has no desire to take their proper seat at the head of their familial branch’s table then fine. Don’t.


            Nonetheless, whether one were any familial dead end pool without any offspring to offer to the world then one must accept responsibility as their own Matriarch or Patriarch or stay quiet about imaginary social quasi-power roles amongst old women who already hate each other for over 20 years and fight for social order within their own familial branch any chance old women get to passive-aggressively fight for quasi-power they don’t have not so much about social power more so about how to demand or manipulate others in the family to choose to spend their free rest down time.


            My Grandmother by no means were the Matriarch of her nine other siblings’ offspring. NO.


            To imply my Grandmother were the Matriarch of the entire branches of our familial tree trunk might have meant a 2nd Civil War.


            Be careful not to be overly zealous or ignoramus or déclassé about anything going on 2,000 miles away from one’s life no matter how bored or lonely one might get all by their lonesome old selves.


            Be not an inappropriate sycophant.




Old People are no Fun


“Fun” isn’t “Stupid”


“Fun” isn’t “Screams”


            Familial social rules apply thus others in lesser leadership roles or positions within families don’t get hurt or abused or injured or neglected or used or worn down by insufferable family members or In-Laws.


            Family members are neither one’s personal slaves Nor servants nor is anybody to be demanded or commanded to do any domestic housework in exchange for respect or love nor apply pressure upon other family members to socially visit otherwise people will indeed flee in exchange for their independence and freedom from tyranny or assault or psychological abuse or verbal abuse or blatant lies and cruelty.


            Personally, Eric and I neither care nor want attention nor any type of leadership role in any of our families since we know how exhausting it is to cart around 80 year olds and to fulfill their each demand and command to please them even though nothing much pleases old people since they seem bitter to be old and haggard and wrinkled and aged and genetically cruel.


            As it is already both Eric and I have too much modern life going on which old people don’t seem to either want to understand or respect our private down time or free time as a couple and our little family requires to take weekend naps away from the rest of the world even if it is our family members.


            Eric and I both run away from any type of forced responsibility or familial pressures or old people’s domestic housework labor since we’re 38 and 52 and tired of watching people struggle for social quasi-power they don’t even possess in their own lives much less in the larger picture thus insecure and incompetent people seem to enjoy to step on their own extended family members to feel better about themselves whenever they go back out into the world as nobody to anyone in particular or anybody special.


            All Eric and I want is our independence and freedom to be a private married couple and any close little family unit of our own branch without having to have the steep immense pressure placed upon us to please and houseclean and domestically take care of cruel old people who haven’t even shown us any respect within 8 years of our marriage.


            We’re the least competitive people one will ever come across since we’re quite secure in our lives and within our own powerful social roles without taking away from other peoples’ power.


            Unfortunately, for the last 8 years our quasi-peer group has been demanding and insecure and petty for our personal time as 80 and 90 year olds are bitter and cold and cruel in their state of decay.


            When did we get old?


            How did we end up ‘hanging out’ with petty, mean and cruel 80 and 90 year olds?


            How did we get pigeon holed with old people?


            If one’s ever made it while ‘hanging out’ with petty 80 and 90 year olds who tend to take out life’s frustrations on others then one may survive any social group.


            Old people are no fun.


            We do know from experience.


            We run and take cover and hide and giggle and eat snacks.


            Keep within one’s peer age group.


            Don’t ever allow for anybody in one’s family or In-Law’s of any different peer age group to glob unto one’s free time or attention and use thee or wear thee down with their own personal domestic housecleaning or errands as their own personal crutch by either having them be incompetent in their leadership roles or abusive or manipulative or cruel.




---  ---  ---


Writings as Public Records


            Yes, I stand by each and every single logical and reasonable word I’ve ever written for the past 6 years no matter what my ‘fake’ pregnant hormonal state might be since it’s all about “Mind over Matter.”


            The mind must maintain calm, cool and collected even when hormones are all over the body and refuse to settle down.


            At one point in this journey of continuous injury and disease with ‘fake’ pregnancy hormones I thought I was going literally “insane” until November 2011 when I was first placed on the ‘cutting table’ and had my first laparoscopic surgery which my first surgery removed uterine fibroids (benign tumors) as large as grapefruits.


            Yes, I was in dire excruciating pain hence the 3 uterine fibroids pressed against my spine and colon and bladder thus I could find no relief to my physical pain which I’d endured in secrecy since April 2009 only because we knew our insurance provider wouldn’t cover any ‘previous existing conditions’ thus I had to wait until November 2011 to be covered by our health insurance and healthcare provider until then I sat and held on tight while doctors prescribed and dispensed Oxycontin like it were candy summers 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013.


            Most likely people thought I was “insane” and I don’t care.


            If one hasn’t ever had any type of benign tumor the size of a grapefruit push up against one’s spine and other major organs while living with the feeling one’s getting sucker punched simultaneously to the spine and stomach then one doesn’t know real pain or suffering or compassion or empathy for others.




“Mind over Matter”


            The mind must be able to communicate outside of its cranium and body with tremendous logic and great reasoning and factual circumstance and proven evidence as I’ve done so here in these public records thus and therefore I’ve proven my overly well-read peasant state of mind to be smart and intelligent and kind.


            Yes, I’ve proven I don’t write gibberish thus these public records as any chosen Maya scribe’s work is of Ut-most importance in the timeline sequence and continuum of life and human existence.


            No, my words aren’t set in stone.


            Better yet my words are set in time and space and light thus these adulthood factually proven non-mentally ill and non-brain damaged public records shan’t ever be erased or disappear from history since this is all kept inside the concealed records of database upon database upon database.


            No, I’m no “fool” especially when it comes to record keeping or writing.


            Yes, I’m definitely neither the smartest person alive nor the most intelligent person alive nor the most important for such matters, however, my work and my written words do matter since high stakes are involved and I’m no “fool” about the written word.


            Yes, for over one decade now my Father’s called me an “overly-educated fool” however, at the age of 14 my Father also told me to get over my large breasted cup size insecurities even though due to the change in daily nutritional food in-take hence once adopted at the age of 10 not only did I first menstruate at the age of 11 also I became large cup breasted by the age of 14 and 15 and completely and totally insecure about my body until about the age of 35 when I did get wiser to my rights as a woman since prior to 35 either both family members and strangers did take the liberty to inappropriately comment or touch my hair and point out how different my features were or how large my breast cup size were compared to others or how “fat” and “ugly” I was. Ok. Weirdoes.


            Yes, I’m a petite human with large cup sized breasts.


            Yes, I’m almost Marilyn Monroe’s measurements minus 2 inches shorter.


            Yes, I’m petite and little and all woman born with a factual vagina and fallopian tubes and ovaries.


            No, I’m neither any longer insecure about my breasts nor do I care what people think of me or my looks ever since I took a scientific beauty test. Yep.


            Yes, I’m scientifically proven to be considered “beautiful” even though most Caucasians consider me to have a round and fat face which I adore after years of being insecure about my Indigenous features and round fat face which has kept me alive after 7 years (2009-2016) of much menstrual hemorrhaging blood loss which my fat face has kept me away from any blood transfusions and safe from any exchange of foreign bodies or entities.


            Yes, I went through malignant melanoma at the age of 23 and I carry a 1 inch scar on my left cheek as proof of being a cancer survivor even though nobody ever believes me about what I went through thus I don’t talk about it anymore since it’s not anybody’s business anyway.


            Yes, my cheeks are scared from severe acne even though none of my illnesses take away from the very person or woman I am even if mostly white women emotionally beat me down or hate on me due to my “ugly” and “fat” looks.


            To most people I’m considered terribly “ugly” to look at.


            However, scientifically proven by physical tests I’m considered “beautiful” simply because most of my body measurements align beautifully and there’s no “little person” genes in me although I’m considered short by modern standards at 5’2”.


            My eyes are set apart more perfectly than most people even though one eye is larger than the other eye as most people’s eyes are also the same in the sense most humans have one eye which is smaller or larger than the other and if not then anybody’s perfect measured eyes look utterly mutant to the human naked eye.


            Wherever there’s no acne scars then my skin’s considered perfect as most Taurus’s skin is considered milky smooth thus I’m a prime specimen to continue the human species.


            There’s nothing I can do about my looks since I was born with my skin color and features and stature.


            If I could change my melanoma scar on my left cheek then I definitely would.


            If I could change my acne scars then I definitely would.


            However, I turned out alright as any human being and nobody can take any of my good humored and kind and intelligent and smart qualities away.


            At the age of 23 my Father told me I was Caucasian like him.


            My Father informed me I wasn’t any different than he was in skin tone or color only to have me discover the deep and painful truths about racism in modern contemporary America.


            Yes, I’m a woman of color and I’m Indigenous.


            No, I’m not Caucasian.




No I’m not Color Blind.


Yes, I’m an Indigenous-Latina


No, this isn’t “Chic-Lit”


            No, I’m not “white American.”


            No, I’m not “black American.”


            Yes, my “ethnicity” and “race” and “heritage” and “bloodline” are 100% Salvadorian Indigenous Maya born in Costa Rica even though for 5 continuous years I’ve asked to please have my medical records changed from “white” to “Indigenous” when it comes to checking off the “race” box.


            Yes, I might not be of much significance to most people.


            Yes, I might not be anybody important or special or rich and famous.


            However, I’m me and I get to be me in all of my trials and tribulations and triumphant aspects to equality and ethical means and measures.


            Yes, I arrived a long time ago.


            No, I no longer struggle with my social status.


            Yes, I stand tall when it comes to social status.


            Yes, I’m struggling with some terrible disease which at the age of 18 was brought-on by a tremendously terribly bad physical injury and assault to my pituitary gland when I did get body slammed by one of our school mates and literally brought down.


            However, by no means am I “insane” since I factually and psychologically proved to be ‘sane’ in December 2014.


            Yes, at times I’m insecure and lack self-esteem as most abandoned orphans probably do deal with such tremendously complex emotions.


            Yes, I’m a highly critical writer since it is how I was taught to write by Ivy League and world-renowned writers of the highest caliber.




No, I’m not an “intellectual”


            No, I’m not an “intellectual” even though I’m considered an “intellectual” by most Ph.D.’s still yet I don’t think I know enough about general global human behavior to be an “intellectual” since what I know about my local surroundings are children who scream bloody murder for their parents’ attention and are mentally hormonally insane and yell while their parents sit indoors and are too lazy to “hands-on” parent and don’t seem to care about their children or how to properly apply social order or rules and raise their children right.


            The “intellectual” gap I hold is I don’t understand uneducated American social misbehavior since other uneducated people around the globe are less invasive with the sound of their voices unless they raise their voices in dire need for help or to raise awareness while Americans constantly scream out their frustrations and unhappiness or lack of discipline for no good reason thus others in their neighborhoods or villages have to listen to their American agony and deep sadness as though Americans are the only ones who have deeply lost anything of value such as their integrity or are the only ones to go hungry.


            Americans are “stupid” because Americans choose to be “stupid” and lack control over their faculties and sound of voice.


            “Fun” doesn’t mean “stupid.” Nope.


            All I know is no matter how much Americans or any others may hate my writings nothing takes away from my extraordinary deduction skills or reasonable logic in thought process and excellent pattern of thought.


            After 6 years of public writing if my writings didn’t make sense then my writings would’ve been shunned rather instead the old world of compassion and logic and wisdom and maturity embraces my writings.


            Most of our readers read from India and South America and Europe.


            No, I’m not here to do “mind control” like broadcast television and radio does.


            Yes, I’m here to write.


            Yes, to write is to make sense of the world and circumstances and peoples.


            Yes, to write is to make sense.


            No, I’m not here to entertain anybody.


            Yes, I write therefore I am.


            Yes, I’m true to my written word.


            If it bothers anybody I make complete sense then go someplace else and read nonsense. I don’t care. I simply would like more order and discipline amongst Americans and their mentally hormonally insane neighborhood children therefore one isn’t forced to have to live out the crappy existences of crappy American parents and their crappy lives.


            Why are American neighbors held hostage to insane children and their lazy parents?


            Lazy parents traumatize neighborhoods and villages and communities due to their selfish misbehavior to allow their children to scream for hours on end.


            Modern American parents sure are indeed mentally ill with lazy dispositions to inappropriately raise their children incorrectly since American modern parents don’t seem to want to work at the most difficult work there is to do in the world; “hands-on” parenting their children and teach them well and to teach children the difference between wrong and right.



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 2,191


Word Count: 3,178


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 618 + 3,178 = 3,796



One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #97 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable DVR commercial-free entertainment.


*)         Day #4 without disciplining neighborhood children.


*)         Day #4 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #377 without organic sugar cane ice cream in our home.


*)         Day #781 without white or brown sugar except for Holidays.


*)         Day #232 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #6 without debate about domestic “distribution of labor.”


*)         Week #1 without marital stress about equal domestic labor.


*)         Blood Pressure: 111/67 mmHg / Pulse: 61 (04/01/16)


*)         Week #81 work on 245 cholesterol (new #) as of June 2, 2015. I love inexpensive vegan food.


            HDL Cholesterol 50


            Triglycerides 241 H


            LDL-Cholesterol 147 H


*)         Month #23 BMI is “overweight.” (A 25” natural high waist.)


*)         Week #42 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #28 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #33 (09/03/15) on antidepressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 20 MG” (03/01/16 change of dosage.)


Wednesday, May 4, 2016


“Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors.” --- African Proverb


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 9:18pmCT


---  ---  ---


            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!


---  ---  ---



No Blog



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,000 personal journals


Word Count:


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 618



One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #96 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable DVR commercial-free entertainment.


*)         Day #3 without disciplining neighborhood children.


*)         Day #3 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #376 without organic sugar cane ice cream in our home.


*)         Day #780 without white or brown sugar except for Holidays.


*)         Day #231 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #5 without debate about domestic “distribution of labor.”


*)         Week #1 without marital stress about equal domestic labor.


*)         Blood Pressure: 111/67 mmHg / Pulse: 61 (04/01/16)


*)         Week #81 work on 245 cholesterol (new #) as of June 2, 2015. I love inexpensive vegan food.


            HDL Cholesterol 50


            Triglycerides 241 H


            LDL-Cholesterol 147 H


*)         Month #23 BMI is “overweight.” (A 25” natural high waist.)


*)         Week #42 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #28 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #33 (09/03/15) on antidepressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 20 MG” (03/01/16 change of dosage.)


Tuesday, May 3, 2016


“Anyone can stand adversity but to test a person's character, give them power.”

--- Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 11:48amCT


---  ---  ---


            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!


---  ---  ---



No Blog



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,000 personal journals


Word Count:


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 618



One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #95 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable DVR commercial-free entertainment.


*)         Day #2 without disciplining neighborhood children.


*)         Day #2 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #375 without organic sugar cane ice cream in our home.


*)         Day #799 without white or brown sugar except for Holidays.


*)         Day #230 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #4 without debate about domestic “distribution of labor.”


*)         Week #1 without marital stress about equal domestic labor.


*)         Blood Pressure: 111/67 mmHg / Pulse: 61 (04/01/16)


*)         Week #81 work on 245 cholesterol (new #) as of June 2, 2015. I love inexpensive vegan food.


            HDL Cholesterol 50


            Triglycerides 241 H


            LDL-Cholesterol 147 H


*)         Month #23 BMI is “overweight.” (A 25” natural high waist.)


*)         Week #42 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #28 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #33 (09/03/15) on antidepressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 20 MG” (03/01/16 change of dosage.)


Monday, May 2, 2016


“A parable from a fool is worthless, because he tell it at the wrong time.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 11:11pmCT


---  ---  ---


            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!


---  ---  ---


            “Captain America: Civil War” is wonderful. Thank you. Finally tonight we did get around to watching “Cap” (known in our household) with weekend leftover 7th anniversary wedding cake.


            “Deadpool” is an awesome film. Thank you.


            My bias favorite modern film is “Guardians of the Galaxy.”


            My second bias favorite modern film is “Deadpool.”




            Yes, it’s obvious I’m “crabby” and “cranky” with my writings, however, quite rarely do we take much seriously ‘around these parts’ (our home) since each day we laugh out loud at almost anything absurd and nobody holds power over us or our moods other than our very own selves.


            Yes, I’ve been terrible at keeping my promise to turn over a brand new leaf and be extra cheery.


            However, the ‘fake’ pregnancy hormones and the menstrual hemorrhaging leave much to be desired.


            We’re happy.


            We’re good.


            These ‘fake’ pregnancy hormones are kicking my rear end.


            Please, have patience with me.


            When I speak I’m incredibly kind and pleasant.


            Writings all about the recording of present and modern history as we know it as our time, space, continuum occurs to us as the tiny little ants we are as well as writing is the guidance of the Gods and the wisdom of our Ancestors as the spiritual essence of our Ancestors guide us into progressive means and measures to keep the planet healthy and the human race and animals equally co-existing.  






            P.S. “Don’t be mad at me for keeps.”


            These ‘fake’ pregnancy hormonal “gamma rays” are such a bummer they do seem to create a “character flaw” in me.


            My deepest apologies for my crabby disposition, however, sometimes I’m in more intolerable pain than I’d dare describe for fear such written words would drive fear into the very hearts of the readers.


            There’s nothing I love more than laughter except at this point with the 3 benign uterine fibroids I make sure not to erupt them otherwise I’ll instantaneously literally die if the fibroids were to burst or erupt thus I keep my life low key without much overexcitement. I’m cool as a cucumber.


            The thyroid nodules on either side of my thyroid gland make it extremely difficult at times to swallow or breath thus I must go slow and keep life completely serene and tranquillo.


            No, none of this extremely private medical disclosure is for pity since I’m completely uncomfortable to bring it up or write about any of it.


            Nonetheless, I made myself the promise to write about women’s health thus women’s reproductive health would make it on the map before I’d get old and die of natural causes.


            Simply I feel I must explain my crabby disposition of 7 continuous years of living with ‘fake’ pregnancy hormones tricking themselves to believe my hormones are ‘fake’ pregnant and act as though the hormones are pregnant except my mind and body aren’t actually pregnant only my ‘fake’ pregnant hormones pretend to be pregnant.


            Try living with ‘fake’ pregnancy hormones 24/7 and keep calm, cool and collected in person.


            Mind over matter.


            One has to be brilliant to pull this off. I’m beginning to prove how brilliant I actually am not because I say I am brilliant more so because I prove I am simply by being kind enough to let the reader in on what’s truly happening to my body even though sharing my personal and extremely private health condition is the last thing I want to do.


            Now, “Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.” (Ha.)


            (Real funny since I don’t smoke anything.)


            All My Love.


---  ---  ---



No Blog



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,000 personal journals


Word Count: 618


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 618



One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #94 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable DVR commercial-free entertainment.


*)         Day #1 without disciplining neighborhood children.


*)         Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #374 without organic sugar cane ice cream in our home.


*)         Day #798 without white or brown sugar except for Holidays.


*)         Day #229 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #3 without debate about domestic “distribution of labor.”


*)         Week #1 without marital stress about equal domestic labor.


*)         Blood Pressure: 111/67 mmHg / Pulse: 61 (04/01/16)


*)         Week #81 work on 245 cholesterol (new #) as of June 2, 2015. I love inexpensive vegan food.


            HDL Cholesterol 50


            Triglycerides 241 H


            LDL-Cholesterol 147 H


*)         Month #23 BMI is “overweight.” (A 25” natural high waist.)


*)         Week #42 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #28 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #33 (09/03/15) on antidepressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 20 MG” (03/01/16 change of dosage.)



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