Friday, May 29, 2015
“A word is like an arrow:
in a hurry.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Canon (official list or catalogue)
The canon of his works was drawn up by experts.
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A book: “Walt Disney: The Triumph Of The American Imagination” by Neal Gabler: Vintage Books, A Division of Random House, Inc., New York, 2006.
The Mouse.
Chapter 4.
Page 113
The rodents figured so prominently that when Walt moved into the Hyperion Studio and wanted a new publicity poster, he had Hugh Harman draw cartoon characters, including mice, around a photograph of him in front of the bungalow. (“A couple of the mice looked like Mickey,” Iwerks observed. “The only difference was the shape of the nose.”) Later, when Walt was producing the Oswalds, theater posters were routinely adorned with a pesky, long-eared mouse who tried to steal the scene by committing acts of mischief like cutting the rope attached to a girder on which Oswald and his girlfriend sat (Sky Scrappers) or parachuting from a plane (The Ocean Hop) or holding the billboard on which the title was emblazoned (Great Guns!).
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When Iran’s government holds American citizens or civilians hostage and professional journalists and reporters then there’ll not be an Iranian nuclear deal when Iranian government holds our feet to the fire then we’ll kick back.
Get it together, Iranian government.
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Really, ISIS is a branch of the American government because ISIS is paid-and-bought for by our American government?
Boy, if that’s true then “everybody” in the Middle East is really going to “take out” (literally, kill) ISIS.
Hello, ISIS boys.
We didn’t know you’re an American. Hello.
Could ISIS please stop being ever so violent. Thanks.
Yes, I’ll do research.
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The word “retard” stays in modern language because the history of the word “retard” didn’t have in mind private citizens and civilians with “mental handicaps” or some other form of modern language to represent “mentally handicap.”
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Irish same-sex marriage equality! Yes!
Our friends didn’t die for nothing.
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This is no longer the 1950’s or 1980’s for that matter.
This is the year 2015 and we’re all going to get along nicely and play well and evolve and move on from the negative connotation within the word “retard” relating to “mentally handicap” people. Stop that!
No, I don’t care what anybody says about the word “retard.”
For the last twenty years I’ve given the word “retard” a great deal of consideration and the word “retard” stems way back to the 1500’s which such a word is a real powerful and righteous word and such a word says it all in “one word” thus the word “retard” stays and evolves and changes ignorant culture once again with all of the power of words.
Yeah, music and food are universal, however.
Words which are truthful and essential and important and smart and intelligent and positive and negative thoughtful words is power.
One has to be wise to use words because words pierce on threw to the heart and mind and soul and spirit.
Words matter.
The word “retard” stays.
The word “retard” is older than you or I or anybody I know for that matter and the word “retard” was here long before the United States of America formed as an independent country.
Fifteen (15) indigenous languages go extinct per day.
We’re doing “everything” we humanely possibly can to save words and indigenous languages because once such important linguistic habitats (languages) seize to exist then humans will no longer have such languages and words within our reach of power to speak such poetic tongues.
All types of habitats are constantly in danger of extinction.
If only languages and words could “catch a break.”
Think of extinct indigenous words and languages more in terms of wild habitants in danger of human irresponsibility.
Cased close.
The defense rests.
Moving on.
Yes, I refuse to kill words only because culture is ignorant.
Someday, possibly English words might be lost to the future.
We can’t murder words (figuratively speaking) only because
we feel like it or because humans are threatened by words or because words make
humans feel uncomfortable. Whatever.
Like, oh, my Gosh, how dumb are ya’? (Valley Girl speech.)
P.S. #1: “i-n-g” is passive language and one must refrain from ever endi‘ng’ any word with “i-n-g.”
ESL people utilize a lot of passive language because we don’t know any better unless someone bravely and kindly teaches us not to do that anymore.
For twenty years I’ve tried to break the usage of “i-n-g.”
P.S. #2: “refrain,” “constraint,” and “restraint”
(Please, learn the difference.)
Please, don’t command anyone to do anything simply because it’s rude.
Please, refrain from the verbal usage of start'ing’ any sentence with, “Don’t.” Thanks.
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Please, use “common sense” in all governance:
What would my
grandparents do for the overall good of all of the people?
In government: Remember to represent 99% of the people, or our democratic system falls apart and our American 99% of the people continue to starve through 13.5 years of war in the Gulf region.
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In all broadcast television please refrain from using the following swear words: “ass,” “hell,” “sucks,” and “fuck.” Thank you.
Now, we’re all mature adults here.
We’re not frustrated Gen X’ers. No.
Many teens are more mature than adults.
Most teens I know don’t swear.
Only “desperate” or “angry” or “frustrated” or “uneducated” adults swear.
Yes, I swear on the blog to make a strong linguistic yet poignant point about swearing. Get it? Yes, of course, you do. Okay.
Simply, because the FCC “sold out” to former president Ronald Reagan, ‘it,’ doesn’t mean professional ethics don’t still stand.
Yes, if anything we as broadcast television professionals have a higher grade to cut or higher standards to meet and achieve for all television. Yes.
Ethics and professionalism doesn’t ever go out of fashion
or style only because big corrupt money wants to do whatever the “hell” it
wants by corrupting the FCC. No.
Bad, dog. Very bad. Stay back. Way back.
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Yes, the TPP trade deal agreement is wrong. Correct.
TPP is wrong.
Anything having to do with a democratic government which strikes economic trade deals with other sovereign nations such as China for which China upholds to devastatingly disgusting anti-humanitarian laws has no business to strike up corrupt deals under the table without so much as stating just how exactly the taxpayers’ money is going to be spent. No, absolutely not.
No TPP deal!
No TPP deal!
No TPP deal!
American government ought not to fall for Chinese corruption.
Yes, being a good leader is tough and it means making the right decisions no matter what.
Chinese government is corrupt to the gills and their manufacturers didn’t ever apologize for the murder of American household pets, cats and dogs, alike.
It’s not okay to have Chinese poison in the milk.
It’s not okay to threaten the lives of foreign journalists and their families while working in China simply because journalists write any blogs or reports on modern Chinese life as American journalists’ know and live and see it.
If the democratic United States of America’s government wants to strike up corrupt deals under the table with China then such a corrupt American government will have to conduct “corrupt business deals” on their own time and with their own private funds and not a single cent of the hardworking taxpayers’ dollar because we break our backs working for a democracy and not some lunacy about non transparency.
Americans lived through the Homeland Security secret debacle of non transparency thus we refuse to live through TPP secret Chinese business deals about eating our own American household dogs or cats or something like it, only, because now somebody in American government’s trying to bank roll China under the table.
Americans aren’t stupid.
We know exactly what’s going on even if the American government doesn’t.
So long as the Chinese government starves and economically enslaves their workers then the American people aren’t going to put their money-down-on any crooked Chinese deal and the whole world knows it’s wrong but boy, the smell of money makes them go “crazy for coco puffs.”
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Children Should Be Seen and Not Heard.
(This social rule still applies today.)
Eric isn’t a bad man. No.
Eric’s a good man. Yes.
Eric’s a stressed out American worker who hasn’t had any vacation in five (5) years and that puts a great deal of stress on any worker especially the workers’ families who don’t ever get much of any break or vacation for half a decade.
Our family would know firsthand what it’s like to go without a vacation for five straight years.
Going without any vacation for half a decade is one of the most terribly oppressive experiences of one’s adult working life not to ever get a vacation or break from work.
In Eric’s situation he goes without a vacation because the boss’ previously fired accountant and court proven embezzler (hundreds of thousands stolen from the company) set up a “fucked” up vacation system while at the same time the embezzler wore the hat of “human resources” (which is a conflict of interest and illegal) and the embezzler set up “vacation time” pooled in with “sick time” which is illegal by any modern standard and such terribly inhumane practices leaves any company open and vulnerable to any liable lawsuit.
Eric’s an amazing man who deals with ignorant and lazy and uneducated “assholes” at work.
Eric doesn’t even get any vacation time or any type of break from such stupid morons.
Eric doesn’t get paid anymore than he already does for doing other peoples’ work. Nope.
Eric carries stupid workers who don’t do their work even if they were previously trained at WCCO. Whatever.
Show us the fucking money.
We’re sick and tired of dealing with ignoramuses at work that don’t know anything about correct broadcast engineering standards and that’s a daily challenge and struggle for Eric because some of Eric’s co-workers are indeed deadweight.
For an entire year the broadcast video department did carry and did do the work of either the audio department or traffic department since such particular middle aged white men haven’t and didn’t learn to carry out their workload and duties correctly and properly thus Eric and the video broadcast department does the work of three different departments and that’s criminal.
After one complete year of incompetency from new workers in the audio and traffic department finally the boss started to catch on last night.
Eric and his video broadcast engineering co-workers and traffic manager ought to get paid at least two or three times as much as they already do for doing the work of three different departments.
When Eric does carry other workers on his back then Eric gets stressed out and comes home and takes it out on us by being extra cold and quiet.
Eric’s family takes the brunt of Eric’s work injustice.
No, the fucking “iCloud” isn’t equipped to make broadcast engineered spots (commercials) but the boss’s nephew who can’t make his way out of a brown paper bag to save his life won’t drop it because he thinks he knows more than broadcast engineers who’ve been in the field for thirty years.
The boss’s nephew runs around threatening and endangering “everybody’s” work careers only because he doesn’t know the business and whether he knows it or not he stresses “everybody” out especially the traffic manager.
Stupid people sure are stressful.
Good ideas doesn’t always mean that the technology can or does handle such ideas.
Eric called me a “fucking bitch” last night and he’s not ever done that before and I can forgive it because I know for a fact that “Deluxe Corporation” is running around town stealing Eric’s boss’s clients by offering them 400% less than Eric’s boss’s company already does to send out spots.
Well, “Deluxe Corporation” is no different than Comcast in that Comcast went around and bought out “everyone” (literally) in the Midwest by offering 400% less and then Comcast became a monopoly and once Comcast murdered their competition then Comcast sky rocketed their prices and continues to kill the consumer’s pocketbook because there’s no other company to take on Comcast thus the consumer has to live with a monopoly and no other options to lessen the tight rope around their wallets.
Personally, so that we might keep the peace in our home and keep business in downtown, Minneapolis instead of cowardly “Deluxe Corporation” trying to steal business from “Caption Max” (south, Minneapolis) and some other reputable and amazing broadcast companies here in town I ask for Eric’s boss’s clients to hang in there with us as we’ve hung in there with our marriage through some of the most stressful five years without vacation.
Yes, I love Eric very much but one man can only do so much for so many and since I’m Eric’s domestic support system then I can only do so much for Eric before I break.
Thank you for your sweet consideration.
Please, don’t starve Twin Cities' families who work ever so hard in our field.
Please, have a heart.
Please, don’t put us out of business just because Eric’s boss has a mole in her company and gave away her ever hidden prices to the coldhearted competition.
“Deluxe Corporation” can go fuck themselves.
Go steal business from your own someplace else and see how they like it.
This is my personal promise:
If “Deluxe Corporation” puts Eric’s boss’s company out of business here in downtown, Minneapolis then I’ll personally put “Deluxe Corporation” out of business by the end of this year 2015.
Mark my words.
Yes, I’ll make one phone call and the rip tide will take “Deluxe Corporation” downstream to drown.
People in high places owe me a lot of favors which I don’t ever collect but this would be one which I would collect on payback.
Don’t “fuck” (negatively mess around) with me and mine. I make one of the most frightening enemy because the mafia and dignitaries do love me ever since their adult children trust me with their lives ever since I did get them into American Ivy League colleges and universities and through college and received their degrees due to my tutelage.
I told you, I hold the trump card, motherfuckers.
Yes, I’m the elite of the social elite because the social elite’s adult children all have college degrees and great jobs because of me.
People all over the world are willing to lend a hand without any questions asked.
Don’t push your luck. I don’t have the patience since we haven’t vacationed in five years. I’m at the end of my rope and have no qualms calling in anyone from the mafia to Middle Eastern royalty (literally.)
Listen when people smarter than you say, “No!”
You want bloodshed. Okay. I’m an East Coast blue blooded royal cunt and we’re cutthroat whenever us and ours are threatened.
My favorite game is chess and war stratagem.
We’re not afraid of bloodshed.
If “Deluxe Corporation” “fucks” with us then by the end of the year they won’t have one single goddamn “fucking” office here in the United States. Mark my “fucking” words. I don’t easily back down from anything much less struggle or challenge.
Eric was ever so stressed out last night he called me a “fucking bitch.” I’ll show you a “fucking bitch,” motherfuckers.
Or I get to tear out corporate throats and then we’ll see how you like them fucking apples.
Back away or there won’t be a “Deluxe Corporation” to go around taking from Minneapolis babe’s mouths.
This isn’t a threat. It’s a fact.
Think: “David and Goliath.”
It’s easier to take down an unethical giant than…
Word Count Goal: 1,000 personal journals
Word Count: 2,591
This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 9,422
One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:
*) Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.
*) Day #39 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.
*) Day #461 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Day #213 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Week #1 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #32 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.
*) Month #9 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three (23”) inch high waist.
Thursday, May 28, 2015
“One word can start a war.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Amazon (a woman of masculine characteristics, the fighting Amazons in literature)
She has the appearance of an amazon.
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A book: “Walt Disney: The Triumph Of The American Imagination” by Neal Gabler: Vintage Books, A Division of Random House, Inc., New York, 2006.
The Mouse.
Chapter 4.
Page 113
As for the inspiration, Lillian herself admitted that the Kansas City stories about Walt befriending mice were apocryphal. “We simply thought the mouse would make a cute character to animate,” she said. The Aesop’s Fables that Walt professed to admire so much frequently featured mice. Mice also figured prominently in several Alice comedies---in Alice Rattled by Rats Julius the Cat is beleaguered by an entire houseful of mice; in Alice Solves the Puzzle mice play in her washtub; in Alice the Whaler a mouse performs comic business in the galley; and in Alice’s Tin Pony a band of rats attempt to rob the train.
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Do you do know “blue collar” is considered a derogatory last century term for “working income?”
“Middle Class” is an outdated term from the last century for “middle income.”
Yes, I found such terminology as “middle income” in a late 1990’s book which spoke about black freedom and liberty in the urban setting.
Catch up if one expects to run for the presidency.
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Oh, yeah, anytime we leave our windows open then marijuana smoke comes into our house and makes our greeting cards smell like marijuana. It’s not from us. That’s a fight we lost three years ago. So we let it go.
Plus, I’ve been informed every third house in America or so deals marijuana. Our house doesn’t deal marijuana. Nope.
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Modern Marriage
Extremely Oppressive Institution
Yes, Eric’s granted the permission for me to write about how much I hate our marriage. Nothing new to Eric.
Yes, I’m one of the most unhappily married persons one will ever encounter. Yep.
In public I disguise my unhappy feelings quite well because of course one must.
One must always push and stuff and bottle down emotions which no one else ought to ever notice or know about or be bombarded with others’ pain since “everybody’s” in pain, anyway.
All life is suffering according to the Buddhists.
Eric’s extremely happy-go-lucky with our marriage and has had all of the fun for the past nine years while every single week I ask for a divorce.
Yes, as of recently I stopped asking for a divorce because it became a joke to Eric but that doesn’t mean I don’t stop myself from packing up my bags every single day of my life and leaving for good.
No, I don’t believe in the institution of modern marriage because I’ve come to discover that modern marriage turns women into modern slaves and indentured servants to men or at least our imbalanced marriage does.
Throughout the years I’ve discovered women to be the lesser of the two sexes even if both mates are four-year college educated and graduated professionals and smart and kind and open to life.
The reason why I’m upset with Eric is because Eric gives me the dumbest advice ever.
Now Eric’s brilliant and doesn’t ever give out bad advice to anyone else except for Eric’s second wife who happens to be me and Eric’s advice continually places my life at risk.
Yesterday afternoon between 4:45 P.M. and 5:00 P.M. over the phone Eric told me to “yes” go ahead and place myself between the pit bull next door and “Freeway” if need be to save “Freeway’s” life (our dog.)
What. I Almost wanted to kill Eric for being so dense with me.
At the age of fourteen my Father told me not to ever get between two fighting dogs. Okay.
At that time my father told me that one can always replace a dog, however. One can’t so easily replace any human.
Obviously, its okay with Eric if I become gravely injured by any pit bull since Eric believes and thinks “Freeway’s” life is worth more than mine. I sometimes hate Eric very much when he’s stressed out.
It’s almost as if though sometimes Eric has a “death wish” out for me. I know Eric hates me very much when he’s stressed out even though he doesn’t come out and say it. He doesn’t have to. This must be recorded in case I do get killed by proxy and by way of terrible advice.
It’s not so much what Eric says: It’s more what Eric doesn’t say which turns Eric into a complete liability to my life.
Last night I spelled it out for Eric: No shouting or screaming.
No, just because “Freeway’s” an ignoramus dog and doesn’t come to me when I call him away from the pit bulls next door then if at any time any pit bull does jump over the four foot fence on that side of the yard then “Freeway” will have to be torn to pieces because “Freeway’s” life is not more important than mine.
There, I put my foot down and gave myself some worth over the fucking dog.
Sometimes one can simply feel the hatred radiating off of another human and one wonders why in the hell one is friends with such an “asshole.”
Eric seemed ever so disappointed to find out that I’m not as naïve as he thought I was.
Eric seemed ever so disappointed to discover that I wasn’t as idiotic as he thought I was when it came to save my own skin.
Eric seemed ever so disappointed to realize that I wasn’t going to let myself get killed for “Freeway’s” stupidities to taunt the pit bull next door.
The reason why I don’t like Eric when he’s stressed out, aside from the fact Eric lied to me about his personal debt of one-hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) and we’ve spent the last nine (9) years paying off Eric’s first wife’s undergraduate degree in creative writing (ironic) which all I’ve ever wanted to do is go back to school but Eric’s talked me out of it because it’s so damn expensive. Not okay.
The reason why I don’t like Eric when he’s stressed out, aside from the fact Eric lied to me about his personal debt of one-hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) is because Eric has a quiet “cruel” streak in him which seems to be somewhat of a “retarded” gene which tends to run on his side of his family.
Eric’s family; my In-Laws are cruel and have a retarded gene which runs through their bloodline which makes them less than desirable people to marry.
Eric’s not an ideal mate or partner because Eric tends to like to taunt his catch (me) when he refuses to help out thus Eric would rather live with one of the most of unhappiest of wives who makes more financial sacrifices than most ever would.
Eric’s extensive personal debt disqualifies Eric as any type of ideal mate or husband and he knows it perfectly well that no woman with enough life experience in the real world would’ve ever married Eric because any type of married life to any man with so much personal debt is a continual life of toil without much of or any reward or vacation or breaks or household cash flow or social benefits.
To marry any man with insurmountable debt is a prison sentence.
Married life to Eric is a continuous drudge of labor.
Yes, in other words: marrying any man with insurmountable debt disqualifies any man as any marriage material.
Yes, I went from being an indentured servant at my parents’ home to being an indentured servant at my husband’s home. Ah.
No, I’m not lonely, however.
When “Freeway” barks for about five straight hours throughout the day then I do feel lonely for silence and quiet and peace. I can’t hear myself think with our stupid dog barking all of the time. I’ve read more books and tried more exercises to get our dog to stop barking yet nothing seems to work. I’m at the end of my rope.
For the past two years of my wasted domestic life behind bars, Eric put the responsibility upon me to train our barky dog since it’s me that “Freeway” won’t follow command then it is me who has the problem.
Fair enough, however.
Don’t leave it all up to me to solve the problem all alone and by myself because for two years I’ve daydreamed about getting rid of “Freeway.” Yep.
“Freeway’s” an “asshole” and not for me.
“Freeway” doesn’t follow command and thinks he can do whatever the “hell” he wants and no, he can’t do whatever the “hell” he wants or the pit bulls next door will mull him to death.
At the age of five I was bitten by a dog and I’m terrified of dogs which “Freeway” continually places me in danger by thinking he can take on dogs three or four times his size which means I have to take them on for him when he gets in real trouble.
“Freeway’s” “dumb as a box of rocks” when it comes to following command. I hate his stupidity.
Early on I told Eric I wasn’t “Freeway’s” teacher since I despise to teach on any level or in any capacity unless people are already brilliant themselves then don’t waste my time.
Yes, I’m all alone in the world thus I don’t have anywhere else to go and I must endure our bad marriage which I hate with a passion whenever Eric is continuously stressed out from work related situations.
Eric’s already informed me that if we were to divorce then Eric will keep the house and the car and the dog. Not okay.
If we were to get a divorce then Eric believes his life should not be interrupted, however. I should make all the sacrifice. Typical of our marriage.
Where would I go?
Where should I go?
No, I don’t have anywhere to go.
Should I become homeless once again even though I was only homeless for one night?
What does a woman do when she has no other prospects other than to be bound to one man who isn’t even that consistently considerate of her?
The only real way for me to get out of our marriage would be to have an emotionally intelligent and respectful and kind and mindful and thoughtful man with little debt ask Eric for my hand in marriage so that I might be able to leave my position of indentured servitude.
No, I’m not delusional.
If only I could make one good friend in this godforsaken land of racism and discrimination amongst the cold shoulder of weirdoes. I tried. I gave up trying. Do or don’t.
The Gods will provide when they see fit. I’m going on five years without a single friend by my side. What a terrible life this Minnesota “bullshit” life is all about. I hate living in Minnesota.
The only thing I was really ever made for and set up in life was to marry a blue blooded Harvard man and live in Cambridge, MA and get lost in a life filled with social responsibilities as a hostess and live as a supporting domestic partner who can run any company in the world at the drop of a hat after I shake off the dust.
My options are limited in the Midwest. I was trained to be an “Executive’s Wife.” My life turned out to be anything but that. Sigh.
Yes, Eric’s kind and generous but not in the ways that matter most like needing Eric to take over washing dishes since I do all of the cooking from Sunday night though Friday night.
My carpal tunnel is terrible and for some reason washing dishes really flares up my carpel tunnel.
However, for two long extensive and strenuous and stressful years I screamed and begged and pleated for Eric to please help out with the “fucking” dishes and he would not.
When you live with someone then you get to know just how cruel they can really get.
Yes, I can be a complete cunt, however.
People will tell you I was the first to help out in any way.
Nevertheless, as of this year January 2015 I put a stop to getting used. I refuse to move or lift-a-finger for my In-Laws or wash their bedding or vacuum or wash windows or make their bed or wipe their backsides or take out the trash.
That era has now come to a complete close. I’ve slammed shut that door of continual eight year servitude without pay or compensation to my In-Laws.
No, I don’t owe my In-Laws anything much less my social time especially when our In-Laws endanger our safety and brought their problems of rape and whoring into our home. Nope.
Get the “fuck” off our front stoop. Inbred retarded idiots.
No, my In-Laws don’t even so much as get an ounce of my social time because they neither deserve my time nor are they worthy of it.
Yes, I’m taking my life back or I’ll get chewed up and spit out and there’s very little benefit or reward in my life. I hate being married to Eric whenever Eric’s stressed out.
One of my major stressors is that we rescued a dog I don’t even like.
“Freeway” is pretty cool for the most part but my “fucking” lord “Freeway” does bark his head off and for two years I’ve daydreamed about driving “Freeway” to Golden Valley’s dog shelter and leave him there forever, however.
Like our marriage I hang in there and obey and clean up messes after “everyone” else.
Although, I’ve put my foot down and stopped letting myself get used.
Others must properly learn to wipe their backsides because I refuse to go there with my In-Laws or with Eric for that matter. I already clean “Freeways’” dangling “shit” off of his rear side.
Eric says it’s my fault that I’ve cleaned up after him for the past nine years… What?!?
Eric’s ever so lucky I haven’t strangled him yet in his waking and alert moments when he says stupid “shit” like that to me.
Yes, I have pregnancy hormones running throughout my body only when my uterus grows benign tumors but when we first met and started out living together in 2006 (correction on date) I didn’t have pregnancy hormones running throughout my body or at least the OBGYN says it’s impossible to get uterine fibroids before one’s late twenties. Okay.
The first sign of uterine benign tumors started to show on me on April 2010 (age 33) when we had our one and only miscarriage scare with our first and only fetus.
Well, Eric and I have been fighting about the same stupid “shit” ever since we met so that proves that we hated each other long before this illness took a foothold in our lives.
Eric’s too old for me and there’s too much of a generational divide between us.
Yes, I’m all alone in the world because by the command of Eric I gave up all of my dry-and-wet Minnesota alcoholic friends (which I’d rather die than return to such friendships.)
No, I don’t have a single friend here in the Twin Cities yet Eric has all of his friends still even though we pay for their rent and college educations and car payments and student loans and, and, and...they text Eric at all hours of the night… at two and three and four in the morning. (Quite disruptive to our marriage and sleep.)
I’m not a dumb “fuck” and don’t think I don’t know it.
Today, I hate my stupid life.
Today, I wish I had at least one friend to talk to but even then psychological professionals say not to ever speak to anyone about one’s marriage. Okay.
Oh, don’t think I didn’t scream bloody murder at “Freeway’s” false bravado yesterday as he ever so confidently thought he could take on one of the pit bulls next door through a four foot chain link fence which the pit bull can jump over anytime he chooses or wishes to do so.
I look dumb but I’m not stupid.
I wish I was far away from this stupid neighborhood in which the hungry black neglected children scream at the top of their lungs for attention and the white people scream at their televisions out of desperation. Sad really.
Our major fight is that Eric refuses to move houses. Okay.
How does one end up
making decisions and choices which are ever so clearly bad and wrong for them?
Yes, I’m being candid if only to save other men and women from the most terrible decision of their lives: marriage and children.
It’s been factually proven: the world’s overpopulated and no one needs to conceive for another 50 years. Yes! Okay. Thanks.
No, I don’t want American brats but Eric does and I most likely will try to produce after forty but I think American children are stupid and loud and aggressive and abusive and violent.
I think American children are the biggest idiots anyone will ever come across since American children tend to scream for attention and run indoors and couldn’t speak proper English even if they tried.
American children have absolutely no manners for adults and / or for other children.
American children are bullies.
American children are spoilt brats because the public school system replaced old ladies with war veterans who refuse to teach basic manners to American retarded children and so do American parents refuse to teach basic manners at home. What a bunch of ingrates.
American children are indeed below average on every regard except for they are needy and loud and display violent demeanor.
The modern American child is an ugly child because of how they misbehave in public.
American children are “dumb as a box of rocks” because their parents are uneducated and lazy retards themselves when it comes to raising their children.
Grandparents and parents are often drunk on hard liquor or high as hell.
Don’t think that I don’t know how drunk our neighbor two-doors down is while the grandfather watches his grandchildren. I’ve smelled the hard liquor on his breath before.
Nothing gets pass me, motherfuckers.
And people think I’m out of line because I’m strict. Whatever.
Properly raise one’s children, or adults like me will put children in their proper place and it ‘ain’t’ ‘gonna’ be pretty. Nope.
What a waste of any life; ugly and mean children are.
I dread the possibility of raising any child amongst any other American mean little monsters.
Decent society will teach the following:
Don’t throw stones at glass houses. Okay.
Don’t associate with the great unwashed. Okay.
No, I’m not Mother Teresa the social whore. No.
Yes, I’m a modern American woman.
Eat it.
Yeah, any American adult has the right to tell any disrespectful American child to “fuck off” when such any child is continuously out of bounds. Rightly so.
No, I don’t believe in highfalutin ideas when it comes to children and discipline.
Yes, I believe in administering the rod across the backside.
Living in America “sucks dick” since there’s very little self responsibility or accountability amongst adults and their stupid children who litter year-after-year.
American children “suck” metaphorical and literal dick.
One of the major American problems is either brutalization of children by black Americans or incest of children by white Americans. Yuck. Gross, people.
Yes, my hormones are pregnant, however.
My brain isn’t pregnant. I can decipher “bullshit” a mile away.
At least I don’t have the responsibility to watch over hungry and needy and neglected screaming American children while drunk off my “ass.” Nope.
My eyeballs are bloodshot red since I haven’t slept well in three months since Eric snores like an “asshole” does. How’s that for vivid imagery for you?
Yes, I’ve begged and screamed and pleated for Eric to make a doctor’s appointment about his snoring for close to nine years and Eric’s refused to do so until recently as of Thursday, yesterday.
“Fuck off” all of you liars who pretend to be better than other hardworking Americans.
We don’t collect welfare from the government.
We work for everything we’ve got.
Respect is not an option, it is a must.
This isn’t the “fucking” ghetto and one can’t do whatever the “hell” one wants. Nope.
Get such stupid notions out of one’s head.
Don’t “fuck” with the liberties of taxpaying workers or I’ll turn into a royal cunt.
You haven’t seen anything yet.
If I must then I’ll crush the spirit of any disrespectful child.
Oh, yeah, anytime we leave our windows open then marijuana smoke comes into our home and makes our greeting cards smell like marijuana. Oh, well.
Word Count Goal: 1,000
Word Count: 3,287 3,401
This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 6,851
One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:
*) Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.
*) Day #38 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.
*) Day #460 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Day #212 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Week #1 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #32 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.
*) Month #9 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three (23”) inch high waist.
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
“A slap disappears; a word
does not.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Chromatic (of or pertaining to color)
The chromatic effect of the new cars is dazzling.
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A book: “Walt Disney: The Triumph Of The American Imagination” by Neal Gabler: Vintage Books, A Division of Random House, Inc., New York, 2006.
The Mouse.
Chapter 4.
Page 112-113
Such was the legend, but the truth was likely much more banal. Years later Lillian would comment that when they returned to Lost Angeles, Roy met them at the station, despondent that Walt had been unable to make any connection and seemingly uninterested in or unimpressed by what Walk called a “wonderful idea,” presumably Mickey. Ub Iwerks told it somewhat differently. He said that Walt himself was deflated, hardly the frame of mind for someone who had just created a new character in which he was bursting with confidence. Iwerks called it “one of the absolute low points in Walt’s life. Usually Walt was very enthusiastic and bubbly and bouncy, no matter what happened. But he had met a stone wall in the East.” In fact, in Iwerks version of events, as opposed to what he later derided as “highly exaggerated publicity material,” he, Walt, and Roy began meeting daily as soon as Walt returned, flipping through magazines and batting around ideas, trying to come up with a new character.
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*) Professional spots (commercials) must be into broadcast engineers’ hands and studios by no later than 4:00 P.M. for same say service otherwise… no go.
Respect the industry.
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Yesterday, the elevator which Eric rode suddenly pressed on the breaks and came to an abrupt stop and thankfully Eric isn’t too hurt, however.
(Correction on actual elevator occurrence from the elevator dropping a floor to the elevator coming to a sudden and complete halt.)
Eric was sore and a little beat up this morning when he woke up.
What the “hell!!!”
Get it together.
Eric could’ve almost been killed yesterday riding some “asshole” elevator while going to lunch.
--- --- ---
*) If our hypothetical thirteen (13) year old had lied on her social online media page about being 19 when she was factually 13 and she had professed to the world to be a sexual “freak” without knowing what that even meant then I as a mother would’ve taken it upon myself to video record the paddling of our ignoramus child.
Why would I have videotaped the 3 harshest paddling whips across the backside of any thirteen (13) year old liar is because 13 and 14 year olds are a “hot ticket item” for sexual perverts and predators who like their 13 year old pussy vagina and will have 13 year old vagina trafficked for perverts’ and predators’ benefit.
For any 13 year old to be ever so moronic deserves 1-to-3 good paddling beltings across the backside and a tough public lesson learned and I would’ve personally administered the severest of punishments to any minor who acted like a retard in front of the world.
Personally, I don’t care what anyone has to say about it when 13 year old pussy is the number one sought after vagina.
Our main problem here in the Twin Cities; statutory rape.
Serious business.
13-and-14 year olds are what perverts and sexual predators are after.
What a great mother to care enough about her daughter.
Our parents didn’t care if we snorted cocaine or if we slept with 50 year olds by the time my sister was only 17 or so. My parents didn’t care if we lived or died.
When one finds out any minor is sexually involved with any 50 year old then one ought to whip such an idiotic minor and most likely they ought to be whipped hard across the backside and the 50 year old sent to jail.
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*) If independent states will do away with tests then states must implement at least 3 to 4 hours of homework starting in Kindergarten to make up for the intellectual deficiency to learn how to test for anything in the real professional world.
Work is homework looming over one’s head so learn how to get homework correctly done once before one turns in work or goes public.
What do you think music or painting or ballet or writing or reading or sports are? Homework.
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*) Yes, American children ought to know how to fluently speak at least three (3) languages by the age of twelve (12.)
By the age of twelve (12,) I spoke at least three (3) fluent languages and so must American children learn to fluently speak at least three (3) languages when they are infants to sixth grade in order to compete with the rest of the globe.
The younger the child then the more languages ought to be instilled before their brain synapses fires at a slower rate and it’s nearly to almost impossible to learn new languages as quickly as an infant to five year olds can and do.
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*) Our American children must not be stupid.
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*) Pizza Hut has declared their pizzas and food without any GMO’s and they’ve caught our attention and business.
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We know all about Texas floods May 2015.
Our thoughts are with our Texan friends.
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Corrections will get done.
More literary thoughts later…
Oh, I didn’t realize this is our last week together before we take a summer 2015 sabbatical to write screenplays (film scripts.)
I’ll extend the blog into next Friday.
No wonder readers keep asking about Commencement Speech 2015.
Yes, we have high school graduates whom we must send out cards with checks in them.
Personally, I don’t like to write Commencement Speeches since I think I’m awful at them, however. I’ll give it the good old college try.
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What a long day.
No, I’m not the “House of Indignation.”
(I write tough literary love.)
“Jack of all Trades and Master of None.”
When did professional Americans become ever so ignorant
as to only learn one trade and nothing more?
Americans became professionally ignorant in 2000.
No, one doesn’t want to be an ignoramus and only know one aspect of their trade or profession “really well” while they can’t or won’t learn how to correctly wipe their butts much less give great customer service or professionally communicate with one’s colleagues. No.
One must be a good-to-great professional which means knowing a lot about many different aspects of one’s profession and industry.
It’s not okay to be professionally ignorant only because small and large companies and corporations refuse or seem to deny good progressive pay scale increase to workers for more knowledge which used to be the way of the American workforce.
The more knowledge one knew then the more money one made. Not so anymore.
Now one can acquire an advanced degree and be “as dumb as a box of rocks.”
Now mostly “no one” makes any money except for CEO’s.
And CEO’s aren’t even that smart nowadays and it shows in the lack of quality of overpriced Chinese apparel and house ware goods as well as poorly laid out showrooms and bad customer service all around for about fifteen (15) years ever since our American manufacturing work became scarce on our shores and outsourced abroad to foreign countries without any humanitarian workforce standards or healthy policies set in place for exports such as a concrete example like poisonous Chinese pet food sold in the United States which killed peoples’ family members, dogs and cats, alike. How very sad.
Westerners don’t quite easily get over the murder of their pets by Chinese pet food export manufacturers. No.
In the United States of America the courts’ ‘kick butt’ when manufacturers kill or murder average consumers’ household pets.
If products aren’t made in America then most likely it’s not good and don’t trust it.
The more one knows then the more money one makes.
Or at least it used to be like that in America until American jobs became scarce on our shores due to outsourc‘ing.’
Okay. Outsourcing doesn’t necessarily mean Americans have to continue to act and think like ignoramuses. No.
If anything then outsourcing means Americans must and have to be more knowledgeable than the rest of the globe since there’s not much for jobs or careers here since large companies and corporations threaten “job security” for “everyone” then workers are desperate and afraid of the influx and instability of CEO’s whimsical desires and egocentric needs. Yep.
Word Count Goal: 1,000
Word Count: 1,312
This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 3,450
One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:
*) Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.
*) Day #37 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.
*) Day #45 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Day #211 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Week #1 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #32 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.
*) Month #9 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three (23”) inch high waist.
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
“You can forget a blow, but
not a word.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Fallow (unused, uncultivated)
The fields were left fallow for several years.
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A book: “Walt Disney: The Triumph Of The American Imagination” by Neal Gabler: Vintage Books, A Division of Random House, Inc., New York, 2006.
The Mouse.
Chapter 4.
Page 112
In these accounts, he sometimes trained the mice, tapping one of them on his nose as he ran across the top of Walt’s drawing board and causing him to change direction. Or he would feed them from his fingers and then draw them in different poses. “I’ll never forget the scream one girl gave when she came into the office one day and found a little mouse perched on my drawing board while I sketched him,” he recalled. In one story he told, when he left Kansas City for Los Angeles, he took his pet mouse (just one here) and turned him loose in a field. “When I looked back he was still sitting there in the field and watching me with a sad, disappointed look in his eyes.”
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Yes, finally I’ll take my “no-insignia $10.00-looking pair of actually beautiful and expensive designer ‘super skinny’ jeans” to a tailor in our city.
Within the next two weeks, I must make time for an important project such as frequent “Kings and Queens” tailors since my designer jeans right now are about three (3”) inches too long and the hems look ever so sloppy especially with tennis shoes on.
Long hems around the house are/is fine. But that’s it. I’ve had it with long hems on righteously beautiful ‘super skinny’ jeans.
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Yes, my grammatical trouble seems to be plural vs. singular speech (“are/is”.)
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Yes, I’m not sure as to why as of recently “everybody’s” asking about what type of shampoo and conditioner I use. Okay.
“Well ‘ya’ ‘ain’t’ ‘gonna’
like the answer.”
Yes, I’ve tried just about every type of shampoo and conditioner on the market from super expensive all “market approved hemp shampoo and conditioner” to all “organic” to all “vegan” hair products to inexpensive products such as $1.99 shampoos and conditioners.
Personally, I know what’s out there as far as hair products are/is concerned. (See singular vs. plural trips me up on the road to life.)
A little bit of a back story about my hair troubles:
With whatever disease I have which medical specialists don’t seem to know much about: (at times) when my hair tends to get ever so dry then my hair gets brittle and when my hair does get brittle then my hair easily breaks off and I end up wearing a “halo” of electric looking hair which tends to stick straight up, however.
My hair doesn’t tend to break off with “DOVE “Advanced Hair Series” “quench absolute” (for curly, coarse hair) (Nourishes & strengthens for smooth and manageable hair.) Yes, it does.
Thanks “DOVE!”
This particular product: “DOVE’s” “Advanced Hair Series” is the only shampoo and conditioner which doesn’t break off my hair. “Dove” leaves my hair smooth. Amazing! Incredible!
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Does “DOVE” make their products without animal testing?
Otherwise back to square one.
No, I don’t mind if I might smell like inexpensive shampoo and conditioner so long as my hair smells clean and my hair doesn’t break off and I don’t walk around and look like I have static hair all day long. No.
Static hair is ever so embarrassing.
Yes, I wear a lot of “goop” (gel) on the top of my head because my hair is terribly damaged.
No, I’m not sleazy.
Simply I’m an adult mature woman whose body and health has taken a massive beating for two straight decades. I’m doing the best I can with what we’ve got. Yep.
For real: I did think $100.00 bottle of shampoo and another $100.00 bottle of conditioner would work, however.
Expensive shampoos and conditioners left my hair feeling worse to the touch and easily broke off in my hands.
It’s taken five years to heal my hair from my 2010 volunteer welding apprenticeship.
Now, I’m dealing with medical stuff.
As far as lotion: I go through more lotion than…
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Earlier This Morning:
A Literary Lesson In Professional Communication:
My surgeon said: “Consider cutting ‘it’ out.”
Presumably we were talking about my “uterus?”
“It” isn’t up for discussion of any removal anytime soon.
I refuse to go without my lady parts. Thank you very much.
“Consider cutting ‘it’ out” implies that I’m intellectually ready and emotionally willing to be surgically sterilized. I don’t think so.
My run isn’t over
Western medicine. I loathe Western medicine.
Talk about getting frightened half to death at any surgical specialist’s office.
The whole time I thought I had time to possibly think about conceiving after the age of forty. I still do.
The thought (news) of potential “sterilization” (hysterectomy) is a complete fright like someone who gently sets a metaphorical bomb on one’s lap with a smirk and in front of one’s face and says; don’t worry the bomb will detonate when the timer stops. Oh, okay. Whatever.
Supposedly, I’m to pretend like a modern “sterilization” ‘bomb’ doesn’t scare me. Yeah, right! Yikes!
Let’s see what my Yale / Edina wise Endocrinologist has to say about “modern sterilization,” (hysterectomy) next week when we meet for another bi-annual checkup. (Last visit October 2014.)
Possibly, for about two seconds this morning I imagined considering almost slapping my surgeon across the mouth but the surgeon doesn’t know it.
It wasn’t until the end of our visit when the surgeon stated: “Consider cutting ‘it’ out” and I almost lost my breakfast.
Just because I’m multi-lingual and ‘stupid’ at speaking English it doesn’t mean that I’m literally “retarded” when it comes to the written word.
Oh, “Doc P” is an amazing surgeon.
If only I knew but I’m not sure if I make “Doc P” uncomfortable or nervous or if I myself am uncomfortable or nervous with “Doc P,” however.
No, I refuse to switch or change surgeons.
“Doc P” will be forcibly challenged to literally speak with me in a more professional and cohesive manner than to imply I’m some type of animal whose meat is fresh and ready for the butcher’s block. Yeah, right.
“Doc P” is amazing and awesome yet has much to learn about women and dropping potential surgical bombs on patients’ laps. I can only imagine “Doc P” must’ve made a terrible date throughout medical school. It’s any wonder how “Doc P” is married. I can’t put two-and-two together.
At times this morning when “Doc P” spoke to me “Doc P” grinned while “Doc P” specifically spoke about ‘disemboweling’ my lady parts and all I wanted to say to the doc was this: “Wake up Doc! Get that “bleep eating grin” off of your face while talking barbaric modern medical procedures and tactics to me, bleep.”
Yes, I pictured “Doc P” opening me up with a chain saw.
Oh, my imagination flew all over the room while I hid my sweaty hands inside my handkerchief since the dye on my expensive designer jeans rubbed off all over my hands prior to the sit-down-and-talk visit with my surgeon when I’d changed in-and-out of a medical gown. I was embarrassed to have blue dye on my hands.
Time seemed to slow down to molasses and all I wanted to do was get up from my chair and walk as quickly and as fast as I could right out of the “house of horrors.” I ought to have left there, not so much for the doc’s sake but more so for my sake and positive good clear overall mental health. Yes.
We’ll communicate again some other day in the far off future in a far off land in a far off galaxy far away. I’ll return because I don’t have much choice. I must.
Yes, I must return to the surgeon bravely and wondering when some of these white ghostly pale faces will “disembowel” my lady parts whole. I’m so scared.
Modern doctors must utilize proper and correct modern approachable English whenever discussing “sterilization” (hysterectomies) with their patients otherwise medical interactions become metaphorically “foggy” or “hazy” or “weird” or “strange” or “empty” and “shallow” and open to misinterpretation.
Although one can’t really misinterpret the language of modern medical barbarism; cutting someone open is cutting someone open; no two ways about it.
“Consider cutting ‘it’ out” is like speaking to a multi-lingual in the language of “butchery” and not of modern English.
“Cutting” out any body part doesn’t ever “sound good” to any multi-lingual.
“Cutting” out is more oppressive language than professional modern cohesive language.
“Cutting” out anything from the human body is to simply imply that one is a “piece of meat” and nothing more. I haven’t been that grossed out in a while by another adult in any communicative exchange.
“Cutting” out or off any human body part is to simply imply that the patient has no worth and is “dehumanized” by the very medical professional who conveys the message of dark age medicine.
“Cutting” out any human body part is “transparent” of just how ignorant white doctors are in cultural diversity exchanges and in communication with their multi-lingual patience.
“Cutting” up any human being is to imply “emotional ignorance” and a lack of finesse when speaking to multi-lingual people about the one and most essential element to human life other than love; human health.
Just spell it out.
My uterus.
Most certainly, I refuse for my surgeon to speak to me as though I were a “hog” because when it comes to operation time then psychologically my surgeon already “perceived” me as the surgeon conveyed with the surgeon’s words and no matter how skilled any surgeon might be with their hands if any surgeons’ head isn’t in the humanitarian modern medical game then the surgeon is no good to anyone much less their patients since surgeons already seem to perceive and portray their patients as “animals” for the slaughter house. No, it’s not acceptable.
It won’t do.
It’s not professional to speak to one’s patients’ face-to-face as though they were “mince meat.” Not okay no matter how much of a language barrier the surgeon must overcome.
(I wish we lived at home in Cambridge, MA. near Harvard since I whole heartedly believe health care might be ten times more professional and eons ahead of Midwestern rusty and outdated medicine.) The clock ticks away.
To reiterate: Any doctor may not speak to their multi-lingual human patients as though doctors’ multi-lingual human patients are ready for the slaughter house no matter how much of a language barrier. It’s not acceptable. It’s not professional. It’s not okay. It’s not okay. It’s not okay. Gross.
When I did get home and as soon as I had a moment to myself I jumped on the horn with an international community of doctors who all informed me not to have my lady parts “cut out” (uterus, hysterectomy) removed simply due to uterine fibroids (benign tumors.) Okay, I won’t.
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Word Count Goal: 1,000
Word Count: 1,795
This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 2,138
One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:
*) Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.
*) Day #36 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.
*) Day #458 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Day #210 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Week #1 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #32 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.
*) Month #9 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three (23”) inch high waist.
Monday, May 25, 2015
“Words should be weighed,
not counted”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Obituary (a death notice usually with a biographical sketch)
He reads the obituary column every day.
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A book: “Walt Disney: The Triumph Of The American Imagination” by Neal Gabler: Vintage Books, A Division of Random House, Inc., New York, 2006.
The Mouse.
Chapter 4.
Page 112
As the legend would have it, Walt had been inspired in his choice of a mouse for a character by experiences in Kansas City. He had, variously, been sitting on a park bench when a mouse scampered by; or, while working for the Film Ad Co., he had caught mice in his wastebasket, where they were feasting on scraps from lunches the office girls had thrown away, then built a box for them and kept as pets, naming one on of them Mortimer; or while bunking at the Laugh-O-Gram office, he had heard a mouse running about; or at some undefined time, he had found a mouse scratching at his windowsill trying to escape and put him in a coffee tin---the first of many mice he supposedly captured.
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We observe on Memorial Day.
No more war.
No, one mustn’t ever publically speak or write or express the “N-word” (not ever) or racial hatred speech in decent company or amongst decent folk or decent and respectful strangers.
The “N-word” makes “everyone” feel terrible. Everyone.
Please, refrain from the usage of the “N-word” all completely from one’s vocabulary. Thank you.
Especially, no matter how racist, please don’t use that terrible word to describe any beautiful black folks or peoples. Thank you.
No blog.
--- --- ---
We wish the Americans quiet “siestas” (afternoon naps, children and adults alike) and good holiday weekend food and fun and laughter and love and respect for all.
Remember sound travels far throughout these “tiny” little lots in the urban and suburban sprawl. Respect thy neighbor.
To Thine Self Be True.
Pick up or carry one’s own trash with them.
Safe travels to all.
White clothes; here we come! I’ve yet to purchase at least one single article of clothing which is white.
This year I went back to all black. I can’t help it.
Black is the safest color to wear and the easiest color to dress up or dress down. Yep.
My wardrobe is almost all black or navy blue this winter and spring season 2015. Of course lighter materials does help with dark colors in warm season like correctly lightly spun “Slub-knit” t-shirts. Yes!
Word Count Goal: 1,000
Word Count: 343
This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 343
One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:
*) Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.
*) Day #35 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.
*) Day #457 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Day #209 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Week #1 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #32 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.
*) Month #9 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three (23”) inch high waist.
Friday, May 22, 2015
“Don’t worry about
tomorrow; who knows what will befall you today.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Probity (uprightness, reliability)
Because of his probity the man was entrusted with a responsible position.
--- --- ---
A book: ““Walt Disney: The Triumph Of The American Imagination” by Neal Gabler: Vintage Books, A Division of Random House, Inc., New York, 2006.
The Mouse.
Chapter 4.
Page 112
Even before leaving New York, Walt said he had tried to devise a new character to replace Oswald, without success. When he was not venting about Mintz and his own treasonous crew, he spent most of his time on the trip sketching on the train stationary. Somewhere between Chicago and Los Angeles, he later said, he wrote the scenario for a cartoon he called Plane Crazy, about a mouse who, inspired Charles Lindbergh’s 1927 solo flight over the Atlantic Ocean, builds himself a plane to impress a lady mouse. Walt read the story to Lillian, but she said she couldn’t focus because she was upset by the name Walt had bestowed upon his character: Mortimer. “The only thing that got through to me,” she told an interviewer, “was that horrible name, Mortimer… I’m afraid I made quite a scene about it.” “Too sissy,” she said. When she calmed down, Walt asked her what she thought of the name Mickey, an Irish name, an outsider’s name. “I said it sounded better than Mortimer, and that’s how Mickey was born.”
--- --- ---
Goodbye, Dave!
Oh, we didn’t watch Dave’s show on a yearly basis, however.
Dave’s presence made us feel safe in the world.
Of course, we watched the second to last night of “Late Night with David Letterman”. Of course.
--- --- ---
No, one must not prostitute their way through college or university otherwise it leaves one open to expulsion since prostitution is still considered illegal and breaks all types of ethical by-laws in humane international code of conduct.
Nevertheless, on the other hand colleges and universities “cover up” rapes and sexual assault which breaks all types of ethical by-laws in humane code of conduct.
It’s not ever okay to “whore out” or “sell” our women across college or university campuses for a quick buck. No, it’s not okay.
Such culture of violence crumbles civilization as we know it.
And like peanuts if Alumni will allow for such nonsense.
Plus, “everybody” else (legal average students) also work legal part time or fulltime jobs while legal students attend college or university and legal students don’t “sell” their bodies for money to further their higher education to someday build long lasting careers while conducting professional ethical practices down the road of their bright futures ahead in possible leadership positions.
--- --- ---
Why do unprofessional and unethical cable television producers ever so much as entertain the notion to fill up expensive broadcast air waves with “circus freaks” when so much important time must be granted and allotted towards the fixing and clean up of our polluted global natural environment and endangered habitats like our oceans which die and no one cares?
Without the oceans or the “honey” bees then we’re dead people.
Why do “weird” or “freakish” or “advertisers” or “marketers” wear old fashion looking clothes as though they stepped right out of some 1980’s time warp right into their television studio seats?
Please, don’t “freak-out” the Americans.
The “circus freak show” is now long over as of the earlier part of the last century.
Get with the program.
Doesn’t any amateur producer know that the environment and environmental issues are “hip” and the natural environment is what’s happening and that’s what people pay attention to and discuss especially the local weather?
How about those oil(s) spills. Yikes. Run.
--- --- ---
Why do entertainment women loath women on the ground so much?
Or is it some male producers who “loath” women on the ground so much?
Why do entertainment women portray themselves as though they think they’re above the “rape” or “sexual assault” plight of both the men and women on the ground?
What is it that keeps entertainment women needing to flaunt their wrinkled “boob jobs” to the public?
It’s obvious when a woman has the gift to fill a sweater without giving a peek show to anyone other than to her husband or mate or partner.
Less grotesqueness is more.
--- --- ---
There’s no excuse to waste good precious air wave time just because it’s Friday.
If one’s going to show up to work then do modern work.
Please stop promoting hussies.
Please, keep one’s shirt and pants on and wear shoes.
Are we Americans or are we television retards?
We’re Americans.
We’re upstanding classy people.
In America being impoverished isn’t a crime. No.
Still yet we must maintain civilized standards because that’s what separates America’s impoverished compared to the rest of the world in the sense that in America one does get one shot and a second chance to make it to middle income standards of living to contribute and prosper for the benefit of all.
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Please, don’t worry about not having or wanting to have children since the world is already ever so overpopulated thus it’s no skin off anybody’s back if people stop having children for a good fifty years (50 years.) Yep.
The factual stats are in.
The world doesn’t need any more mouths to feed or methane.
Please, don’t worry about what advertisers push like idealistic pimps since they’re environmentally wrong.
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As of today my “Taviette Film Productions” business loan is completely paid off!!! Tonight we celebrate!
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Americans’ War Starvation
Answers: Friday, May, 22, 2015
Yes, I’ll answer just about any personal question on the blog, however.
Please, don’t be ever so rude with anyone’s conversational partner because people spend great deal of energy and time towards the well being of others.
We must accomplish general civil public conduct of excellence towards unity and peace and ultimately platonic non-sexual, non-violent, non-abusive (physical or verbal or psychological or emotional) love unless; “romantic” love is “consent” (okay) between legal global private citizens and civilians at the standard age of eighteen (18) years of life otherwise anything else is “statutory rape” “kiddy rape” by any decent and humane and objective global legal international standard in mature and fair leadership. Yes.
Personally, we were taught to know that one doesn’t work for the individual state or self or ego. No.
More so one works towards international ethical goals to standardize and change to an economical structure in which the peoples prosper and eat by way of a “bilateral economics” system soon set in place instead of the “trickle down” bullshit in which the taxpaying peoples (citizens pay more than corporations) only feed their families from the meager crumbs off of the bistro floor. No. Not acceptable.
The Americans starve. Wake the fuck up.
The Americans have gone “food insecure” (hungry, starved) since 9/11, 2002 when America invaded Iraq based on lies and false information and false intelligence. Not okay.
13.5 years of war in the Gulf region and the ultimate sacrifice American private citizens and civilians make to our nation is to go without food since food is ever so expensive for the average median annual income household of four living on $38,000 (thirty-eight thousand) living on crumbs from the idiotic “trickle down” economics corrupt system while middle income earners’ children starve through 13.5 years of war. Not okay. Shame, indeed.
Eat it for Nordic dinner.
Would you like
fries with that?
$15.00 dollars per hour “minimum wage” isn’t enough to carve out a decent life in America.
America gets squeezed from within like hot dog guts and the people can’t breathe even though the people kill (literally, stress) themselves working away as economic slaves. Shame. Indeed.
The 2015 American minimum wage ought to be at $23.00 if we’re talking inflation and increase in cost of living and healthcare (1950-2015.)
(Twenty-thousand ($20,000) to two-hundred thousand ($200,000) is considered middle income.)
13.5 years of war in the Gulf region and the ultimate sacrifice American private citizens and civilians make to our nation is to hope our Congress men and women will properly and ethically serve and abide by their oath to do well for our Republic’s taxpaying people under a democratic system which is always and forever open to a majority vote by popular demand and wise expertise to do well by all.
However and nevertheless our American fulltime middle income earners go “food insecure” or simply plainly put “hungry” or “starved” for 13.5 years of war.
While our mass media portrays a “rosy” picture of “circus freaks” our nation of private citizens and civilians down the street starve and work away to the bone as “economic slaves” for fat cats like CEO’s and corporate bankers who feast off of the fat of the people. Yikes. Run.
America’s corporate bankers at the top are complete cannibals and don’t care. They are what they are: criminals.
No species eats their own. Yuck.
Spit out criminal bankers and corrupt politicians.
Let’s put criminal bankers and corrupt politicians in jail.
Oligarchy isn’t a democracy no matter how many whichever ways one might argue such silly crazy ideals about nothing at all. Farts. Really.
In other words: Inside America’s tremendously strong and fair democracy; it’s not ever okay to allow for federal government to get bought up like a cheap “alleyway” whore.
Government must not be purchased by “special interest groups” in disguise which actually represent sleazy lobbyists who represent even sleazier corporations “who” eat and drink (legally corporations are individuals now, 2015) in billions of stolen bonuses while America’s fulltime hardworking middle income earners slave away and starve on $3.00 (farm field hands) to $9.00 (median for fast food workers) and so on and so forth.
In 2008 the American people bailed out the banks while the American people already had starved since 2002.
What remarkable people indeed!
Not once did I ever write that I “hated” the Americans. No.
What I stated is that I “hate” living in America. Yes.
Please, don’t “hate” the American people.
We’ve sacrificed so that others might eat through 13.5 years of war.
Americans are ever so tired of war.
Americans are ever so tired of bloodshed.
Americans are ever so tired of burying their loved ones.
Americans are tired of the Iraqi people burying their loved ones.
Americans are tired of Afghanistan’s people burying their loved ones.
Americans are tired of Syrian people burying their dead.
Word Count Goal: 1,000 personal journals
Word Count: 1,570
This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 6,156
One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:
*) Day #2 without verbal swear words. I like it.
*) Day #32 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.
*) Day #454 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Day #206 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Week #1 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #32 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.
*) Month #9 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three (23”) inch high waist.
Thursday, May 21, 2015
“Worms eat you when you’re
dead; worries eat you up alive.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Legibility (quality of being easily read, or made out)
He praised the young man for the legibility of his hand writing.
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A book: “Walt Disney: The Triumph Of The American Imagination” by Neal Gabler: Vintage Books, A Division of Random House, Inc., New York, 2006.
The Mouse.
Chapter 4.
Page 111-112
If the story is to be believed---and it would be repeated endlessly over the years until few doubted it---this was to be one of the most momentous journeys in the annals of popular culture. At the outset Walk was furious. “He was like a raging lion on the train coming home,” Lillian would recall. “All he could say, over and over, was that he’d never work for anyone again as long as he lived; he’d be his own boss.” Lillian admitted that she has another response---not rage but fear. She was in a “state of shock, scared to death,” since they had no source of income now and no idea of what the future held for them.
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*) Self portraits are the most boring thing in the world, however.
Self portraits are of vital essence for any professional photographer to learn-to-do and to know how to take at least one good or decent or great self portrait of them before they die.
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No, I don’t have a “beard” or “mustache.” Nope.
The last self portrait series I lit myself wrong.
Accidently I gave myself a beard-like shadow. Bummer.
In my last self portraits I look like the “bearded lady” and I almost rather have the viewer believe that I’m the “bearded lady” then come out and confess that I lit myself wrong for photography purposes.
Oh, the lighting in those self portraits just about kills me.
Bad lighting.
Since I’m Indigenous I barely grow any body hair.
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*) Tuesday, I stubbed my already broken pinky toe on my right foot before we dined. The initial pain was curling, however. My toe is still sore two days later.
*) Tomorrow night we socialize and party at our hosts. We purchased a large ice cream cake for the occasion.
*) Saturday we take the Sabbath.
*) Sunday we rest.
*) Monday we eat sugar treats like a muffin or chocolate cake.
*) Monday we observe Memorial Day.
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*) An online order purchase safely arrived here today from “H&M” and only one t-shirt fit like a glove. The rest gets returned no matter what.
Out of $121.40 I kept one of the most inexpensive Items which were: Article no. 38-4602, Product Id 0282024, Size Small, “T-shirt with Printed Design DK. Blue,” Total $9.95.
This t-shirt is: a dream comes true.
Thank you, H&M.
Yes, I’ll be living in t-shirt 38-4602 all summer 2015, so long as I don’t have to teleconference or go anywhere where it requires dress code.
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*) For the most part pleats can be unattractive and add years to a human.
Please be careful with pleats or 1980’s “shoulder pads” or “Amish” or “Mormon” looking clothes or large prints unless print is fabulously well done then it’s irresistible to pass up yet print becomes outdated quickly within a season.
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*) What’s with the 1980’s ugly style of pant titled the “jogger” with cropped and pleated denim? Yuck.
“Cropped and pleated “jogger” denim” is like our worst dreams relived from the 1980’s because only “poor” or severely impoverished people wore such charity jeans otherwise the rest of us wore “Guess” or “Girbaud” or “Jordache” jeans.
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*) What’s with horizontal zippers on hip pocket pants or denim?
What an eye sore. Zippers on pockets looks outdated and out of time and style.
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Light “Slub-knit” fabric is now my favorite material as of spring 2015.
When done correctly “Slub-knit” is spun to a light weight and it breaths well and moves well with the body.
Light “Slub-knit” material is like wearing a gentle goodnight kiss on one’s skin all day long.
“Slub-knit” material must be well done or “Slub” material can become a disaster to handle while wearing on the body.
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*) What’s with thick “Slub-knit” fabric which doesn’t breath or move?
Thick “Slub-knit” material is like getting mummified inside a t-shirt. One doesn’t move well in thick Slub. Mostly all movement is constricted.
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*) What’s with “Slub-knit” cuffed sleeves on t-shirts?
In the 1980’s we loathed cuffed sleeves sewn into the design of the t-shirt.
Who rolls up their t-shirt sleeves?
No one with much fashion sense rolls up the cuff of their t-shirt sleeves unless to make a historical fashion point for about three seconds.
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*) What’s with marble-wash denim again?
Marble wash denim was terrible in the 1980’s and it’s terrible now.
“Marble-wash denim” is like our worst dreams relived from the 1980’s because only “poor” or severely impoverished people wore such charity jeans otherwise the rest of us wore “Guess” or “Girbaud” or “Jordache” jeans.
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*) What’s with 1980’s “over-dyed” denim? Yikes. Right.
“Over-dye denim” is like our worst dreams relived from the 1980’s because only “poor” or severely impoverished people wore such charity jeans otherwise the rest of us wore “Guess” or “Girbaud” or “Jordache” jeans.
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*) What’s with the 1980’s “Medium Indigo” denim? Yikes. Again.
“Medium Indigo denim” is like our worst dreams relived from the 1980’s because only “poor” or severely impoverished people wore such charity jeans otherwise the rest of us wore “Guess” or “Girbaud” or “Jordache” jeans.
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It appears that online designer shops portray these 1980’s “outdated” apparel fashion statements as “cool” however.
As Americans we know better since we lived through these terrible styles only two short decades ago.
It appears as though online stores have the anecdotal tendency to publically masturbate to the reintroduction of 1980’s ugliest clothes.
On the ground the people flee from their recent 1980’s fashion memories as fast as they can get away from Frankenstein fashion nightmares.
Some things are best left unsaid and not to be relived again like “Pleated-Light Wash-Cropped-jogger” jeans. What.
That’s like some inexperienced “kid” or amateur or unprofessional designer “throwing up” design concepts gone wrong all over the consumer’s face and expects the consumer to wear such nightmarish and unattractive pants which cost one hundred dollars at retail price. No way.
“Unattractive” doesn’t mean fashionable unless one makes a political statement when it comes to life and death situations like road-kill fashion.
The 1950’s and 1980’s “Tencel Denim Trouser” ought not to see the light of day ever again until the last Gen X is dead and buried in the ground or cremated. Thank you.
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*) No, I don’t believe in “Mom Jeans.” No way. I like my sexuality intact. Thank you.
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As a modern woman I like my designer durable and stretchy and comfortable pair of “High Rise” and “Skinny” or “Super Skinny,” “Dark Indigo” and “Short” or “Petite Inseam” (which covers the ankles, not cropped) with deep enough front pockets to which one’s small card holder won’t fall out each time one sits down as well as any type of Subtle designer insignia in the small front coin pocket to decipher any designers’ jeans from generic $10.00 jeans, however.
My last two pairs of “designer” jeans didn’t come with a company insignia thus I look like I’m walking around in $10.00 dollar jeans rather than $100.00 designer jeans.
No, I can’t stand logos since logos are ever so collegiate and I’m not a “kid” thus I dress like a mature adult woman and not like a walking-talking advertising billboard.
If one doesn’t know the difference between $15.99 “Mom Jeans” vs. $100.00 “Designer Jeans” then one better find out because the difference is huge and overwhelmingly simple in that one design has sexual drive and the other doesn’t.
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Yes, all types of fat are unattractive.
Since fat does clog up all other internal organs and fat wreaks havoc on the body then fat can’t and shan’t be perceived as attractive or beautiful. No.
Fat as beautiful is a modern lie perpetuated by gross mass media and gross corporations who don’t care about anyone except their CEO’s demented and stupid ideas just about anything.
To be fat is to deny some serious undisciplined eating issues deeply rooted in the psyche of the person.
Food is another drug no different than cocaine or alcohol or heroin or prescribed pain killers.
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Yes, all men with or without “man boobs” must wear undershirts especially while on television.
No, the undershirt has not ever gone out of style only the style of undershirt has gone out of style, however.
Both men and women must wear an undershirt or Cami under any shirt which is see-through or not or any work shirt.
It’s good to get into the good practice to always wear an undershirt or tank top. Yes.
Word Count Goal: 1,000
Word Count: 1,408
This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 6,156
One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:
*) Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.
*) Day #31 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.
*) Day #453 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Day #205 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Week #1 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #32 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.
*) Month #9 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three (23”) inch high waist.
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
“A horse has a huge head,
so let him worry.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Austere (severe, stern, unadorned)
The financially austere European life did not attract him.
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A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
The Trousseau.
Chapter 26.
Page 348
The trousseau may be as large and expense as the circumstance of the bride will admit, but this expense is generally put upon outside garments.
There are a great many other articles which must be supplied in a requisite number, and these all brides must have, and of a certain similarity in general character and make. These are usually furnished by the bride’s parents, and are as complete and expensive as their taste dictates, or their means justifies.
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General Broadcast Television Standard Notes
From one professional company to another professional company; It is in bad form to ask how to be taught to learn step-by-step about anything at all while conducting business during business hours since the more amateur of the two companies’ workers then must go back to school and get schooled in their industry and not waste other up-to-date informed and well researched professionals’ time in the field conducting rapid and multi-millions of dollars in industry and benefit for all local communities to eat and safely live.
Amateurs slow down industry and productivity; unless they can professionally redeem themselves forevermore with intelligence and smarts; and well-thought-out and thorough know-how; and recent information and research and strong listening skills without a bad attitude.
The American professional is cool, calm and collected.
The American professional doesn’t go out of their way to feast on others’ blood. No.
The American professional isn’t a blood sucker or a coward.
The American professional will know how to solve any professional problem or challenge or difficult situation, hopefully peacefully at all cost because peace is a sign of professionalism and an astute mind unless dealing with real estate cocaine addicts.
The goal is not to waste any professionals’ valuable time unless necessary and inside an allotted timeframe reference depending upon professional circumstance: either strictly non-sexual business hours or luncheons or meetings or emails or phone calls or texts or non-sexual private after hours respectful consultations without ever exhausting any worker.
Remember frame ratio:
(We’ll give it to you for free.)
Frame ratio: 29:97 not 23.98 Right. Right.
When one is a frame short then please freeze frame the last frame and double the frame to make the frame fit and don’t leave it up to broadcast engineers to do one’s work since broadcast engineers have much of their own work to get done and accomplish throughout their days and weeks and months and years.
To leave one’s work to be done by another is criminal.
When one leaves one’s work to be done by others and one still expects to collect any type of paycheck by the boss then such any individual is considered any thief by any global standards.
Plain and simple.
We do our work, well inspected and expertly done once since broadcast engineers are the last post-production stop before master control airs over broadcast waves.
Big deal.
Big responsibility.
Post houses must do their own professional work; well done inside “Title Safe” and with correct and appropriate slates with the correct information done correctly and to the point.
Slates are a precise science in and of themselves.
Slates require the precise pertinent words and information and codes nothing more otherwise slates become unprofessional and busy and master control must be able to readily “Spot Title” and Date and codes and…
Please, bring down the audio for crying out loud.
Why is “everybody”
ever so insecure?
Is “every” American
deaf or what?
Broadcast audio standards insist on -10db.
No, one’s audio may not be “right at the edge of being rejected.”
No, it’s not okay to be “audio overdriven.”
The books close today by no later than 5:00 P.M. CT (Central Time) (I stand corrected, thank you) since shipment departments require an hour or two to correctly and properly post to the many different television stations.
Thank you so much for one’s consideration to one’s colleagues in the field in all shape and manner and capacity and form.
Have respect for “time code.”
Have respect for the assembly line.
Have respect for “out” times.
Have respect for “estimated time of arrival.”
Have respect for each department and their time constraints.
Have respect for technical fast food assistance.
We love fast food.
We eat no-sugar fast food each and every weekend.
We respect fast food.
We respect all types of branches of our Industry.
He saved the day!
Here! Here!
--- --- ---
(legal taxable pay for labor)
(above board hard earned non-sexual dollars)
(Payment (taxable “cash”) on the barrelhead)
(Employer // Employee)
Fair Trade.
(the economic sum worth
in equal value or exchange
of one legal object or service for another)
(an exchange between legal objects and services)
(legal stock market exchange)
Sweat Equity.
(legal trade of goods and services)
(an understanding not to take advantage of
“sweat equity”
hard labor
in exchange
for basic lodging accommodations)
(isn’t servitude or modern economic slavery) No.
Industry and Trade
Industry believes in capitalism and the more the merrier.
Supposedly, “everybody” gets to eat at a democratic and capitalistic table. When.
When do the Americans get to eat decent non-GMO foods at a comparable inexpensive retail cost?
Industry has yet to prove democratic tendencies in capitalistic gains to feed the starved fulltime working and taxpaying Americans in this new century, 2000-2015…2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021...
If any Steward (land owner) takes it upon himself or herself to verbally or through the written word to “contractually” assign legal work to any skilled “sweat equity” “contractor” or “friend” or “man” or “woman” or “worker” without “cash on the barrelhead” payment; then the Steward has far more responsibilities to “non paid cash” or non paid “monetary payment” “contractors;” than the Steward would to paid workers who pay taxes and make a livable wage above the poverty line of more than twenty-thousand dollars per yearly annual income which mostly Americans realize $20,000 is peanuts for keep for an entire year.
Since it is then in any Stewards’ best interest to always accommodate the basic requirements and needs of his entrusted “sweat equity” “contractors” or “skillful” friends or man or woman or worker with water and food and shelter while the “contractor” skillfully and respectfully and willingly and in the spirit of true friendship works or labors away for any Steward’s benefit.
Any Steward must not ever overstep his or her boundaries at any given juncture by insinuating he or she knows more than the skillful “sweat equity” “contractor” otherwise the Steward is a bad Steward full of himself and conceited and not a real Steward, only in title.
If any Steward ever stops the essential work of any professional “sweat equity” “contractor” due to personal melodrama or ego mania driven sickness then the Steward doesn’t appreciate “skillful trade” or equal exchange.
If the Steward is so smart then the Steward would’ve had enough skill in the first place to do the work himself with his own two bare hands.
If the Steward is ever so capable then the Steward would’ve correctly and silently done his work by now instead of leaving it up to other more skillful “contractors” which the Steward obviously is unable or unwilling to pay taxable dollars to the “contractor” thus the Steward must be respectfully silent at each turn and be prepared to listen and provide the “contractor” with any and / or all available materials possible at all and any given time. Right. Yes. Correct.
The Steward must provide decent shelter with running water and electricity to their “non paid cash on the barrelhead” “sweat equity” “contractors.” Yes.
It is indicative of the Steward to find his or her humanity since the “non paid cash on the barrelhead” “contractor” is indeed the responsibility of the Steward of the land for as long as the “contractor” works for legal free exchange and “sweat equity” for the Steward then the Steward must be mature men or women enough to acknowledge the seriousness of the contract for which they’ve entered whether signed or not signed on a piece of paper.
The contract still stands by the Ancient rules of labor.
Yes, any Steward must provide three (3) square meals to any “contractor” or man or woman who might work for “sweat equity” without any or much of any cash pay to make any difference in the quality or life of any individual yet with plenty of skill and “sweat labor” to smoke the Steward out of the water and the Steward ought to be wise enough to know the Steward doesn’t know better in skill set thus he or she must keep their mouth shut and allow for the work to get done peacefully and thoughtfully while in silence since excellent work takes vast concentration.
“Sweat equity” is ten times more valuable than money because with “sweat equity” all parties involved are still equals and peers as mature men and women.
There’s nothing more sacred than “volunteerism” and “sweat equity” in fair trade and exchange for water and food and lodging or basic accommodations.
To have a friend be a skillful “sweat equity” “contractor” to another friend in any Stewardship position ever so lucky and who happens to own land; then there’s no greater bond for two friends to meet and work towards a common goal to better any Stewards lands and property.
The Steward must at all turns be calm and steady and kind and gracious and generous and forgiving of mistakes or forgiving of miscommunication or forgiving of misunderstandings.
The Steward must always be the bigger man or woman since the Steward invited the “sweat equity” “contractor” to do excellent work on the Stewards lands or property.
The Steward is in the service of his “sweat equity” “contractor” per se while his dearest friend creates a bright future for his Steward friend to better the value of his property or land. Okay.
A Steward must know the Ancient laws of accommodation or he is a fool and apt to act like one.
Responsibilities to one’s own people are a prerequisite to good life.
With great power comes even greater responsibility.
Word Count Goal: 1,000
Word Count: 3,188
This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 4,748
One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:
*) Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.
*) Day #30 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.
*) Day #452 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Day #204 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Week #1 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #32 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.
*) Month #9 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three (23”) inch high waist.
Personal Notes
Yesterday evening my dinner host was 45 minutes late in her arrival to pick me up around 4:15pm.
She factually arrived at 5:00pm when twice the day before she assured me she’d be able to make it across town after her dental appointment downtown, Minneapolis and still make time to be at my front door by 4:15pm.
All I could do from swallowing down the bitter after taste of her tardiness was to order amazing food at “Pig Ate My Pizza.”
(Yes, it took 3 years for me to get around to dining at a local restaurant.)
By the time we arrived hungry at the restaurant all I could do was to service my host as a baseline cordial dinner guest and nothing more since my dinner host was ever so disrespectful and rude as to waste my time and evening hour by being almost one hour later herself.
My dinner host hadn’t ever been late before in 28 years of knowing my host thus I allotted for her first offense.
Although, last Thanksgiving she served us Thanksgiving meal on the floor on a cart (literally) when she’d emailed to invite us to a professionally catered meal. She lied to get us there. It was anything but a catered meal. It was the metaphorical scraps off the floor.
It was obvious she wasn’t able to clear her social calendar and make proper time for us and her other guests in attendance thus she ought to have done us all the favor and had not invited us in the first place because ultimately she wasted our time in many hosting and guest regards.
She did herself a disservice to gather guests around her table but literally served them from a cart on the floor. It leaves much to be desired for Thanksgiving meal 2014.
Her misbehavior gave her away as though she thought of other humans as merely an “after thought.”
She seemed to rush to get “everything” done and get “everyone” in. So not cool.
Her misbehavior is really shallow and annoying and inconvenient to any guest of any distracted or removed host whose head is elsewhere but in the game of life other than presently with their guests.
If one isn’t interested in investing quality time or energy on people then don’t ask them over because it’s a huge inconvenience and waste of time on any guests part more so than any host’s’ time.
Yes, one can throw together a crock pot and make homemade bread within less than one day and serve it on the floor on top of a wheel cart, however.
What one truly doesn’t take into consideration is all of the preparation the guest also makes to go out of their way and purchase any small host’s’ gifts and other small gifts for other attending guests (store bought flowers or so.)
A host must take into account the bathing rituals or dress time for dinner which is time consuming-enough as it is thus hosts must not waste anyone’s time on trying to “squeeze in” guests like they were ketchup out of a bottle only-because the host feels obligated otherwise it’s obvious and in bad form of the host’s’ part to treat their guest as an “after thought” since it’s highly disrespectful to any guest no matter what.
Last night I didn’t even bother to offer to leave a tip (which I always do) since it was supposed to be my birthday dinner from my host.
--- --- ---
This summer 2015 we’re closing off our home to guests since I most likely once again have uterine fibroids (benign tumors) and will know more on the morning of May, Tuesday 26, 2015 when I have a vaginal ultrasound conducted and the surgeon specialist will walk me through my options for another possible surgery (myomectomy) within the next six weeks.
Yes, I only go out in public when I feel well otherwise I lock the doors and stay home and work and live from home.
Yes, I hemorrhaged the first two weeks of May 2015.
The last time I hemorrhaged was the four weeks of October 2014.
As of last Monday, May 11, 2015 all hemorrhaging stopped all completely thus I went out in public and socialized.
These pregnancy hormones aren’t letting me sleep anymore than 3 to 5 hours per night for the past three weeks thus my eyes are red hot bloodshot peppers and I look like I’ve inhaled an entire large jar of turmeric or an onion.
Truly, I’m exhausted of watery eyes and all year round allergies. I’m tired to the bone. I wish I could sleep.
No, my eyeballs aren’t dilated.
Pregnancy hormones are a bitch to contend with when one isn’t pregnant. I’m keeping it under wraps.
When my body grows uterine fibroids on the uterine wall (every two years or so) then that’s when my body gets tricked to believe it’s “pregnant” when it’s not.
The pregnancy hormones are indeed grueling and difficult and painful to say the least since my uterus doesn’t grow a fetus my uterus grows benign tumors which push against my internal organs and my spine.
The pain of my organs getting “squeezed” is like a kick to the stomach so many times per day as the benign tumors expand and make themselves uninvited guests in my uterus. My organs pay the price.
If I were actually pregnant then all of these pregnancy hormones would go directly to the fetus but since I’m not pregnant then the hormones rush and flood my small petite frame.
The volume and overconsumption of hormone fluids released then consumes my bones and unfortunately mainly my bones are forced to endure the pounding and stress of not expanding with the Tsunami waves of hormonal flooding liquid volume. Do you get it? Yes.
Since there’s excess or extra liquid created by the pregnancy hormones then my body gets inundated with liquid pressure more painful than it can be explained because the chemical reaction can be slightly painfully blinding (not literally, however, yes) or ever so… all one can do is bite down hard on something to keep the self from screaming out in pain.
This is my own personal hell on Earth.
Do you understand?
A hormonal rush feels like one’s entire skeletal bone structure gets crushed with sea salt buoyant water like liquid and there’s nothing anyone can do about the pain every hour on the hour only when or while I grow uterine fibroids (benign tumors.) Shame.
Otherwise, I’m rosy and ready to go.
Normally, birth control keeps the pregnancy hormonal rushes in check, however.
As of late the uterine fibroids (benign tumors) seem to have taken over the uterus lining wall and different types of new pregnancy hormones released by the uterine fibroid are intervening with whatever natural hormones are already there to begin with.
The Gods must greatly hate me.
No, my brain doesn’t feel pregnant.
No, my mind doesn’t feel pregnant.
No, I don’t personally feel pregnant.
No, my brain isn’t pregnant.
No, my body isn’t pregnant.
Yes, my hormones are pregnant.
At all turns my pregnancy hormones must be properly dealt with and by that I mean, I must properly deal with my misplaced pregnancy hormones no matter how physically stressful or painful it is for my body to always and constantly be under attack by my own weak immune system and pituitary gland. I do have the patience of a saint. I do. I know it.
--- --- ---
No, I neither have a romantic nor a T.V. crush on Ms. Rachel Maddow nor Ms. Maddow’s father nor Ms. Maddow’s mother nor “Susan.”
--- --- ---
If one were to hear me cut the air with a terrified shrill and serious yell at “Freeway” to “come right now!” it is only because I see possible trouble looming near his head before Freeway noticed the jaws of two pit bulls eyeing him on the other side of the fence.
Our next door neighbors’ one beautiful pit bull has bounced “Freeway’s” head with one swipe of her front paw.
The female pit bull bounced “Freeway’s” head so hard that “Freeway’s” head literally bounced like a basketball (March 2014.)
“Freeway” looked ever so stupefied at the pit bulls sheer will of force and the pit bull wasn’t even trying hard. Nope.
Freeway doesn’t come to me and I’m sick and tired of sounding like a broken record.
As of today, I assigned Eric to make it his business to get “Freeway” into classes otherwise “Freeway” must go to “doggie care” in the workweek hours while I work from home because two to four straight hours of barking will drive anyone crazy.
The classes cost $119.00 for the next six Saturdays. Okay. Done!!! Every penny will be worth the money.
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
“The greatest of worries
can’t pay the smallest of debts.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Manipulate (to operate with the hands; handle with skill; to control artfully; to change or falsify.
He had gotten to the top by manipulating everything and everyone without compunction.
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A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Dress Of Guests At Wedding-Reception.
Chapter 26.
Pages 347-348
The guests at an evening reception should appear in full evening-dress. No one should attend in black or wear mourning. Those in mourning should lay aside black for gray or lavender.
For a morning reception the dress should be the richest street costume, with white gloves. If the blinds are closed and the gas lighted at the morning reception, then evening-dress is worn by the guests.
--- --- ---
When one receives any
gifts or cards then such gifts or cards come without any strings attached or expectations
or ultimatums.
Much less does one show up uninvited and make themselves a guest in anyone’s home and manipulates others’ social time when people have so little social time together nowadays.
An uninvited guest may insist upon anything at the door, however.
An uninvited guest must not get pass the threshold if or when the host decides not to allow for such nonsense to occur. Especially when there’s physical illness in the home.
One may drop off gifts or cards at others’ front stoops, however.
One must not linger or upset others or take up much of their time or be timewasters. No.
Cards and gifts doesn’t necessarily mean that the one who gifts desires to spend any of their valuable social time with the one who receives any gifts or cards. No.
Be careful not to overstep one’s boundaries simply because one doesn’t understand or know subtle social cues and rules.
People are complex.
Please, don’t assume anything. Thank you.
Please, don’t show up uninvited to peoples’ homes and expect to be a teatime guest especially if one hasn’t been formally invited in.
One must not inconvenience others’ precious social down time. No.
P.S. If there’s top-a-ware to
be returned then leave it in the mailbox or outside the door and don’t make a
fuss about returning top-a-ware because…
--- --- ---
No, I don’t hate the United States of America.
Yes, I hate living in the United States of America.
--- --- --
There’s no such thing as a stupid question.
When the media or people require information then provide it.
--- --- ---
No, the one single candle (solar run and timer operated) sitting on our kitchen window sill isn’t a sign for help. No.
Yes, the one single candle is a sign of hope in the dark as a Beacon in the same concept as a lighthouse. Yes.
May we all find a shining light inside of us all. We must. We need to find our shining light and Beacon of hope each way we turn in the fog.
--- --- ---
No blog.
Busy social calendar today.
Word Count Goal: 1,000
Word Count: 484
This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 1,560
One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:
*) Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.
*) Day #29 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.
*) Day #451 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Day #203 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Week #1 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #32 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.
*) Month #9 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three (23”) inch high waist.
Monday, May 18, 2015
“It is better to have ten worries
than one.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Calumny (false accusation injurious to another)
My opponents resorted to calumny but it got them nowhere.
--- --- ---
A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Marriage Of A Widow.
Chapter 26.
Page 347
A widow should never be married in white. Widows and brides of middle age should choose delicate natural tints, with white lace collar and cuffs and white gloves. The costumes of the bridesmaids must take their tone from that of the bride, and be neither gayer, lighter nor richer than hers.
Brides and bridesmaids should wear their wedding dresses at the wedding-reception.
--- --- ---
If one truly thinks that I believe little black children are the “N-word” then one has their head screwed on tightly or incorrectly. (Yes, I broke many grammatical rules with “ly” at the end of any sentence.)
Get it together when it comes to reading or “go home!”
Yes, I’m an Indigenous woman.
Yes, I’m one of the most hated races on the Earth and I live with that each and every single day. Thank you very much.
Yes, I know exactly what it’s like to be treated like the “N-word” by all types of Midwesterners since Midwesterners abhor and loath Native American men and woman (alike) thus I get treated with the hatred of “devils.”
Oh, yeah!
If one thinks that I believe in “demons” or “devils” as an Atheist in this 2015 day in age then please get one’s head checked by a local psychotherapist.
The plight of the modern reader is to decipher when they’re being intellectually challenged to stretch their brains and imagination and think well of others especially when under fire from a good and decent hearted writer.
The writer is doing “everything” they can to get the reader to climb right out of their skin and get comfortable with others’ skin pigmentation other than the reader’s very own skin color.
The plight of the modern reader is to grow a thicker skin and get over their arrogant selves as something “important” or “special.”
Please, don’t be ever so daft or we shan’t play together any longer.
When one receives life threatening emails then one has gone out on a limb for others and others must respect the grandiose gesture on the part of the writer “to bring balance to the force.”
And, no, I’m not Darth Vader.
Get your heads out of your asses.
American readers are some of the most boring and touchy readers in the world especially when it comes to race.
Like hell, if I’m going to change my literary tactics because people are sensitive readers when it comes to the topic of racism.
What would the reader do if they were ever spit in their face because of their race?
If one can’t handle the pressure of reading then get the hell out of the hot kitchen.
Sick-and-tired of ignoramuses.
If each and every time one leaves the house to run errands and one gets “picked on” or “abused” or “mistreated” or “overlooked” or receives “maltreatment” or gets “marginalized” or “dehumanized” because one has the face of a northern Native American then shut up because no one has anything to say about anything at all especially when it comes to race.
Every time I leave the house I have to prepare myself for battle and ready myself to get verbally attacked or racially discriminated by some black human who happens to work at Target’s downtown, Minneapolis ‘boutique’ perfume counter or get followed around in St. Paul’s boutique shops by white cultural global store attendants because they’re sure I’ve stolen something when I’ve proven to be anything but a thief even when I starved for my country right along with our American children and middle income earners full time workers without much of anything (1995-2006.)
Get over your penises and vaginas.
Americans are a bunch of ignoramuses when it comes to speaking about race much less reading about “racism.”
If one doesn’t know the real pain of disfranchisement or maltreatment each and every time one frequents a public store then one doesn’t know anything at all about the brutality of race and discrimination in America today.
Shut up all of you people who don’t have to endure racism as those of us in the Native American and Indigenous categories of race.
Yes, I never knew how much our Native American brothers and sisters were ever so deeply hated in the Midwest until I moved to the Twin Cities in May of 2004 then I understood true and sheer hatred for the Native American races and tribes since I look Native American I get treated as badly as Native Americans do. Shame.
No, I’m not turned around. I know how to sail just fine. Thank you very much.
Yes, I get down and kneel in Atheist prayers each and every day of my life and give thanks to be alive even though I think life is…
Just because people are “brown-nosers” and play up the race card, that doesn’t make me a “wangster” like others who don’t know themselves and it’s all too obvious there’re opportunistic “fakes.”
We’ve been here writing about “racism” for almost 24 or 25 or 26 years. Get in line and wait one’s turn like everybody else.
Yes, I know who I am. I attended bible camp for 8 years.
Yes, I’m real and I’m writing about “racism” in ways that no one else has the heart or the guts or the bravery to do so.
If one must use me to reunite the races by way of hating my guts then do so because at least somehow the races will come together under one solid goal of solidarity.
If one thinks I’m a racist then look at yourself first before pointing fingers at others.
I hate living in the United States of America.
It’s a shitty little impoverished racist country.
Eat it for Nordic dinner, motherfuckers.
What a bunch of liars.
Always playing the victim or martyr card but won’t take any responsibility for one’s own racial misbehavior.
What the reader must think of the writer.
It leaves one speechless and breathless.
Thank goodness we keep our shirts on and our heads straight and always look forward to a bright and beautiful future.
We have hope.
“Hope Springs Eternal.”
--- --- ---
Word Count Goal: 1,000
Word Count: 1,076
This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 1,076
One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:
*) Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.
*) Day #28 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.
*) Day #450 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Day #202 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Week #1 without stress: I love it. (We don’t get along.)
*) Week #32 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.
*) Month #9 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three (23”) inch high waist.
Friday, May 15, 2015
“Weeds spring up and
thrive; but to get wheat, how much toil we must endure!”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Synthetic (artificial, not natural)
Synthetic rubber is frequently used instead of the natural product.
--- --- ---
A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Traveling-Dress Of Bride.
Chapter 26.
Page 347
The traveling-dress of a bride may be of silk, or of any of the fabrics used for walking-dresses. It should be of some neutral tint, the bonnet and gloves harmonizing in color. A bridal traveling costume may be more elaborately trimmed than an ordinary traveling-dress; but if the bride wishes to attract but little attention she will not make herself conspicuous by too showy a dress.
A bride is sometimes married in traveling costume; but when this is the case, the wedding is private, and the bridal pair start
out at once upon their journey.
(This is what we did.)
--- --- ---
No Blog.
Hosting a guest.
This specific blog is a work-in-progress and when I get most nervous about any subject matter once-or-twice per year (it happens to the best of writers) I do get my written language turned-around and scrambled because it’s difficult to write about personal experiences, however.
The writing must be done for the safety of all other modern women and as a catharsis and literary catalyst for dispelling pain and imbalance in the force and in the culture and society at large.
Word Count Goal: 1,000 personal journals
Word Count: 116
This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 3,220
One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:
*) Day #5 without verbal swear words. I like it.
*) Day #25 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.
*) Day #447 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Day #199 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Week #2 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #31 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.
*) Month #9 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three (23”) inch high waist.
Thursday, May 14, 2015
“The workman’s rights
always take precedence over those of his employer.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Satiety (state of being filled, excess of gratification)
When had finished the meal he was filled to satiety.
--- --- ---
A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Dress Of Bridesmaid.
Chapter 26.
Page 346
The dresses of the bridesmaids are not so elaborate as that of the bride. They also should be of white, but they may be trimmed with delicately colored flowers and ribbons. White tulle worn over pale pink or blue silk, and caught up with blush roses or forget-me-nots, makes a charming bridesmaid’s costume.
If the bridesmaids wear veils, they should be shorter than that of the bride.
--- --- ---
Happy Birthday to Ms. Rachel Maddow’s Father!
No Blog.
Hosting a guest.
Yes, even if I weren’t to mention or acknowledge (on this blog) any national holidays or important religious dates or so forth and so on, it doesn’t mean we don’t know about it or hear about it.
We’re tuned in to the times.
We love the spelling B and the geographic spelling B. Every year we look out for it.
Word Count Goal: 1,000 personal journals
Word Count: 125
This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 3,220
One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:
*) Day #4 without verbal swear words. I like it.
*) Day #24 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.
*) Day #446 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Day #198 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Week #2 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #31 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.
*) Month #9 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three (23”) inch high waist.
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
“To earn a living can be as
hard as to part the Red Sea.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Amelioration (improvement, change for the better)
An amelioration was heartily recommended by the committee.
--- --- ---
A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Dress Of Bridegroom.
Chapter 26.
Page 346
The bridegroom should wear a black or dark-blue dresscoat, light pantaloons, vest and necktie, and white kid gloves.
--- --- ---
No Blog.
Hosting a guest.
Spring Cleaning and opening up windows as of last week.
Word Count Goal: 1,000 personal journals
Word Count: 119
This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 3,220
One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:
*) Day #3 without verbal swear words. I like it.
*) Day #23 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.
*) Day #445 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Day #197 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Week #2 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #31 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.
*) Month #9 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three (23”) inch high waist.
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
“No labor, however humble,
dishonors man.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Allocate (to assign, allot, set apart for)
To allocate a large sum for the Red Cross, was a wise measure to take.
--- --- ---
A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
The Wedding Dress.
Chapter 26.
Pages 345-346
The dress may be of silk, brocade, satin, lace, merino, alpaca, crepe, lawn or muslin. The veil may be of lace, tulle or illusion but it must be long and full. It may or may not fall over the face. The flowers of the bridal wreath and bouquet must be orange blossoms, either artificial or natural, or other white flower.
The dress should be high and the arms covered. No jewelry should be worn save pearls or diamonds. Slippers of white satin and gloves of kid, make the dress complete.
The simplicity in bridal toilettes, adopted in continental Europe, is more commendable than that of England and America, where the bridal dress is made as expensive and as heavy as rich and costly lace as it can possibly be made.
--- --- ---
Personal Note
No, three Fridays ago I didn’t step out to dance alone in St. Paul. I had no clue as to where to go in St. Paul which would be safe and clear of pimps and prostitutes paying out large sums of cash to the bouncers at the front door to keep their mouth shut.
Yes, as of two weeks ago I’ve begun to dance in our basement. I put on the headset and dance for one straight hour.
Yes, I like hip-pop music but that’s not my entire world or identity.
Yes, swearing is ugly.
No, swearing isn’t real mass culture.
Yes, swearing is a sub-culture.
Yes, swearing is unprofessional.
Legalize drugs and prostitution and tax it 50% to 90% for infrastructure and education and healthy nutrition for our starving Minnesotans.
Three Friday nights ago Eric arrived home with organic goat brie cheese and blueberries and oysters and Champagne and we rejoiced, and relaxed and made love (sexual intercourse) and…
Eric, (Scorpio) knows me (Taurus) ever so well.
(Creature of comfort goods.)
If I don’t ever have to leave the comfort of our home then why would I? I wouldn’t.
Acquiring a meeting with me is ever more difficult than acquiring a meeting with the Queen or the President of the United States of America.
What an awesome life.
Yes, I live and work from home and not in the basement either.
--- --- ---
No, we’re not moving from our home.
Our friends who happen to live in “gated communities” and amongst millionaires and friends with hundreds of millions of dollars or in rural farm America and working farmers or people who live in barrios or ghettos and people who work as service personnel and so do their Grandparents or pristine and quiet pockets of urban areas or the suburbs with intellectual professionals or, or, or all tell us their horror stories about their badly conducted neighbors and their neighborhoods and streets filled with garbage and public screams and shrieks. No!
It’s not okay to misbehave under any circumstance no matter what the suffering might be.
Step up to the plate and hit a home run for all!
We’re proud Americans because we’re brave in battle and in spirit we shan’t be made to be broken. Nope.
We’re wild animals and that’s why we control our temper and our bodies. We’re classy private citizens and civilians.
The overall consensus is that “no one” in America likes where they live. Okay.
Bummer. I had more hopes than that.
We live in one of the most beautiful streets and properties and home I’ve ever entered only because our home was well built in 1952 and this home will withstand a tornado or so we hope it would.
As engineers this is the “golden ticket” of architectural opportunity without having to become another statistic or like the rest of the “house poor” Americans who can’t afford a coffee out not even once per year.
Since we paid $67,000 in the purchase of our home, after the previous house owner sunk as much or as little as $150,000 (one-hundred and fifty-thousand dollars) into the home we live in now, its market value is now $120,000 (May 2015) in a three year period since we moved here as of this August 2015. It’s a sweet pad. It really is.
It’s a beautiful home and our neighbors tell us so. Thank you.
A well built 1952 home with two inch thick concrete walls vs. a hallowed out plaster walled McMansion.
Our choice was cut and clear and well made for us.
We own a “bunker” home and who doesn’t wish to live in a bunker home? Okay, many people, however.
No, I don’t work in the basement any longer.
My “stand up” desk now takes up room in our upstairs formal modern “parlor” (sitting room.)
Eric’s going to take Mondays off (summer 2015.)
We donated our vacation money ($5,000) once again for the fifth year in a row (2010-2015). No vacation this year. Okay.
As of January 2015 we purchased a small shed of some earth friendly material. The shed cost about $5,000 dollars. (Check. Off the list.)
To have the shed put up cost about $1,500 of that $5,000 dollars to have a “specialist” come out and put up the shed, however.
The workers left all of the garbage wrappings and packaging which flew in the wind all over our backyard for two straight days as Eric continued to call the service rep over a long weekend.
Our weekend “was shot to hell.”
The rep gave us a discount.
Who cares about a discount?
We had garbage all over our backyard for two whole days over our weekend.
We had to go out there and clean up the mess ourselves.
We paid nearly-and-almost close to $5,000 dollars to clean up the workers’ mess. Weird business. Unprofessional. Unacceptable.
As of January 2015 we purchased a “sump pump” for about $2,500 dollars. (Check. Off the list.)
Within the month of June 2015 we need to have our home foam insulated for quiet sound proof and effective heat insulation.
We’re hoping to pay not anymore than $2,000 to 2,500 or so
for foam insulation.
We did the research.
We know approximately what it would cost to have our tiny little house foam insulated. Not much square footage. (Almost checked off the list within the month.)
Yes, since March 2015, we’ve been looking at dishwashers and haven’t found 18” for about $1,000-$1,300 or so.
We already paid a handyman to have the cabinet area next to the sink completely removed. Okay. (Check. Off the list.)
Yes, we must purchase a dishwasher within the week.
We need to get off our… and do something about it, however. We’re ever so tired on weekends after long workweeks.
It’s not Earth friendly to wash dishes by hand and we’ve known that for decades. We know. We’re smart.
Can you believe it?
It’s the year 2015 and two engineers still don’t own a dishwasher in one of the tiniest 1952 kitchens in the world. Yep. Tiny.
Last year (June 2014) we purchased an inexpensive $192 dollar stainless steel table (for an island in the middle of our tiny kitchen) and it’s a righteous table to prep food on. We love it.
Last year (August 2014) we finally purchased and fenced in our backyard with six foot black chain link fence and it’s fantastic.
The six foot chain link fence keeps the neighborhood “kids” out as well as the loose pit bulls and other dogs which walk around unattended without anyone with them wandering our neighborhood streets in the middle of the afternoons all year round throughout the years. Okay. Not our doggie.
It takes the loose dogs about three minutes tops to come through our block and then they’re gone and we’ll either see them the following day for a few days in a row or the exact same time and the same day the following week.
Not ever a dull moment around these parts.
No, I don’t care what people think about chain link fence because when one has a dog then the dog must be able to see what’s on the other side of the fence or dogs do tend to go a bit wild.
Its best policy if dogs can see threw to the other side of the fence.
Imagine it; because black chain link fence looks awesome and you wouldn’t think so and I’m extremely picky.
We chose a strong rugged fence and low maintenance over something over priced and gorgeous without a view.
Over price and gorgeous without a view would’ve been awesome until the quote came in at twelve thousand dollars ($12,000) and we thought better of... because at that price we could purchase a second car. No thank you.
We're a one car family and Eric drives himself into work now (since October 2014) because I did get too tired to drive Eric in everyday and pick him up every night.
Over priced and gorgeous without a view didn’t suit our practical economic needs on a “beer budget” (household maintenance budget 2015, $10,000) thus we went with a four-thousand dollar ($6,000, correction) fence and it’s priceless.
If one doesn’t have a fence then get one. It’s amazing what a gorgeous and inexpensive fence will do for one’s “peace of mind” with a “little doggie” or any outdoor pet, really.
Our 2015 household upgrade and repair budget of $10,000 dollars is almost closed for the year.
2016 goals would be to have a “specialist” install a Sauna (we don’t want to or care to do that on our own) and patio “hot tub” and close off the front yard with a 4ft white picket fence (“scallop fence”) and plant trees. Okay.
2017 get a complete and full garage.
2018 terrace the backyard for a large hillside vegetable garden and can veggies to keep and last over the long winters ahead.
2019 redo the kitchen and purchase new appliances (whatever is in.)
2020 I don’t know… purchase a diamond ring for $25,000 and insure it so I can wear it on my finger as a sign of value and trophy status. (Just Kidding.)
No, too many little children “kids” can eat off of one single “blood rock” (diamonds) thus I don’t wear any real diamonds because that’s a killer business of peoples and entire villages and communities in Africa and other places we love which our loved ones live or lived amongst the native people for years and decades and many still do.
2020 Possibly go to Scotland for a few weeks and drink lots of beer and do nothing but read poetry and take long walks and write poetry which moves the soul to either tears or dance steps and visit with our friends’ families and their peoples and possibly find at least one “killer” book store during our travels abroad.
Eric may travel with me if he’d like or not because by 2020 I must get some travel done or I’ll go insane in the Midwest.
We’re almost six months into the year and 2015 took off like a thunder bolt and lightning clap.
Neighborly peace at all cost.
We’re staying on our block, however.
Personally, I don’t like where we live. Okay.
I guess “no one” likes where they live. Okay.
Not even multi-millionaires like where they live. Okay.
Case closed.
Moving on.
Be Respectful Of One’s Neighbors.
Others say Sabbath and Sunday prayers around the privacy of their own dinner tables at home.
Prayers are serious and private business and one must learn to control their “outdoor voice” because an “outdoor voice” doesn’t constitute wild animal behavior. No.
If anything one must be more restrained while in public than at home yet not offensive and definitely not manipulative or conning or cunning or passive/aggressive.
Other than in the Midwest global people don’t communicate with passive/aggressive undertones or others would most likely punch the other square in the face and knock the lights out.
Once an individual leaves the comfort of their car or home and walks out into the fresh air then they must get real adult and real about what on Earth is taking place and how adult and minors conduct themselves otherwise they disgrace their entire family and Ancestors and everyone past, presently and future.
As adults it’s our responsibility to “call out” any child or young under age person or minor in public who is ever so bold and wild as to behave in any manner other than in front of a judge councilor in a witness stand in a courtroom.
Most people don’t live the lifestyle of others thus go by modern social contracts and be respectful and no, don’t trust anyone unless they’ve earned one’s trust.
First offense. No big deal.
Second offense. Okay. One knows better than to disturb others, ever.
Third offense. “You’re out!” Third strike.
The reason why sports people and thinkers are linked as one is because back to the days of Plato or other real breathing thinkers of his day (real men, not mythological figures. Right? Right.) did in fact combine intellect with athleticism, however.
The Americans are only mostly apt for one skill and not both or vice versa.
Yes, we’re quite equipped for both.
Word Count Goal: 1,000
Word Count: 2,157
This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 3,220
One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:
*) Day #2 without verbal swear words. I like it.
*) Day #22 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.
*) Day #444 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Day #196 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Week #2 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #31 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.
*) Month #9 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three (23”) inch high waist.
Monday, May 11, 2015
“If you are told, “I toiled
[in study] and I didn’t get,” believe it not; if told, “I didn’t toil and I
got,” believe it not; but if told, “I toiled and I got,” believe it.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Decry (to denounce or condemn openly; censure)
We are inclined to decry loudly in others the very things we are guilty of ourselves.
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A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Wedding Outfit.
Chapter 26.
Page 345
Although the fashions in make and material of the bride’s dress are continually varying, yet there are certain unchangeable rules in regard to it. Thus a bride in full bridal costume should be dressed entirely in white from head to foot.
--- --- ---
Birthday Week Thoughts…
Quiet down, others take siestas.
Quiet down, others say prayers over the long weekends.
Try fasting for two-to-three-to-five days four times per year.
Hard work and dedication to one’s religion if one were religious.
Hypocrisy is not enough.
One must walk the talk.
Yes, I’m becoming a Finn-Minnesotan “blue collar” curmudgeon at heart and I don’t care who knows it. Finally.
My Grandfather Al (his actual name, now that my grandfather “passed on to the next life,” I might use his actual name when I write) used to put the neighborhood kids or adults alike in line or in their respectable place by “hollering” or “yelling” at them from his front door stoop and no further.
By the time my grandfather told you “No! Stop that!” for the third time then he meant business because he understood quiet neighborhoods are always considered pristine and safe places to raise children and open up further business opportunities surrounding a mature neighborhood to bring in more public funds and economic excess in profits into any community.
Such lovely and peaceful neighborhoods no matter what array of incomes or races are greatly admired neighborhoods by “everyone” and “the more the merrier” so long as everyone’s on board and follows a strict public code of conduct whenever adults and minors step outside their home or vehicles.
(Midwest, get it together or we don’t even stand one chance of becoming “the next” New York City.) Nope.
(Why would the Twin Cities be the next New York City? We wouldn’t be. Not now. Not like this. Not by a long shot. Not this way with so much garbage and continual neighborhood disrespect and hunger pang screams and shrieks from hungry adults and children alike. Nope.)
“Grandpa Al” was gruff and rough in his speech but he was gentle as a lamb at heart.
Not once and not ever did I see my grandfather inappropriately touch another person (adult or minor) yet everyone wanted to hug “Grandpa Al” even though that seemed like it was the very last thing he wanted.
Still yet we couldn’t contain ourselves with over joy each time we entered his back kitchen door and smelled burned coffee and also burned pancakes black to a crisp.
We saw his grumpy face and we knew “everything” was alright with the world because we knew real love from an incredible man who cared more than the entire nation after losing his wife to alcoholism and almost dying from the disease himself, however.
My grandfather Al quit drinking and straightened out his life and lived into older years happily ever after… Yep.
My grandfather offered to pay and did pay for more than a dozen of the neighborhood children (“kids”) or family friends when they became young adults.
The young people went to four-year College because my grandfather made it happen so for the young people to go to college as he worked away at his electric garage door business which he later sold and happily retired. What a man.
In all the years I knew “Grandpa Al,” (as he was known by “everyone”) not once did my grandfather attend church and he was ten times more charitable and kinder and generous and straight shooter and direct than most religious pious American people I’ve ever met.
We’re continuing in his footsteps because it’s important to be mature like “Grandpa Al” and look forward towards the future and see what’s coming up…
…College educations which we already pay for young people to attend college.
If “Grandpa Al” had lived to have witnessed my sister and I both go through homelessness in her early and my mid twenties then my grandpa would’ve roared and possibly killed both of my parents with his large imposing torso and magnificently strong hands.
My Grandpa would’ve called out bloody murder.
He would’ve stopped the game and refereed well.
Both our homeless misfortune (my sister’s and I) would’ve broken “Grandpa Al’s” heart in half for his only two grandchildren he loved and cherished ever so dearly and entrusted with a small fortune of four-to-five million ($4-$5 million) hard earned “blue collar” sweat, blood and tears which was stolen from right under our nose by our adopted mother who went to Harvard and acquired a second masters degree and a doctorate while her kids asked her for money and help and assistance and she denied both while we literally starved and slept on the streets of Miami and... Shame. No, not pity. Simply shame.
Not my shame.
From now on I refuse to carry anyone else’s shame or failures.
What fools we were.
Please, don’t judge a book by its cover.
It’s bad for business.
My intensions are always in the right place unless secretly drugged then all one could do was survive non-penetration-sexual-molestation with one’s clothes on because then game over and all one can do is get out of such a situation as quickly as possible no matter how foggy the brain. Yep. (Correction on English Language Wording. Correct. I spelled it out for the reader which is worse and we all know it. I left nothing up to the imagination. Oh, well.) That’s funny. Anyway. Moving on.
People will and can and do take advantage. Be careful.
People are weird.
People are crazy in the head.
People mostly are driven by motives of their own.
People are mainly driven by money and hunger.
If only our government would feed our people who are “food insecure” or just plain hungry and starving to put it bluntly.
Americans are too impoverished to purchase fresh produce.
No, I shan’t beg. I refuse to beg.
Thus I shall ask questions.
Why doesn’t the American Congress feed the American People after 13.5 years of war and two economic depressions on the ground back-to-back and overseas job loss since 2000 and, and, and terrible American both public and private education and, and, and…
Our American people starve and are presently hungry here on the ground; so what keeps the American Congress from putting in place a strategy and a course of action and concrete policies to feed our people? What gives? Nothing at the moment.
Word Count Goal: 1,000
Word Count: 1,063
This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 1,063
One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:
*) Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.
*) Day #21 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.
*) Day #443 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Day #195 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Week #2 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #31 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.
*) Month #9 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three (23”) inch high waist.
Friday, May 8, 2015
“A scholar who is the son
of a scholar is modest; but a scholar who is the son of an ignoramus trumpets
his knowledge abroad.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Malignant (threatening to produce death, harmful)
The operation showed that the cancer was malignant.
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A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Going To Europe.
Chapter 26.
Pages 343-344
“An elastic valise and a hand-satchel, at the side of which is strapped a waterproof,” are enough baggage to start with. “In the valise changes of linen, consisting of two garments, night-gowns and ‘angel’ drawers. These latter are made of cotton or linen, and consist of a waist cut like a plain corset-cover, but extending all in one piece in front with the drawers, which button on the side. Usually the waists of these drawers are made without sleeves or with only a short cap at the top of the arm, but for a European trip it is advisable to add sleeves to the waist, so that cuffs---paper cuffs if preferred---can be buttoned to them. Thus, in one garment easily made, easily removed, and easily washed as a chemise, is comprised drawers, chemise, corset-cover and undersleeves, the whole occupying no more room than any single article of underwear, and saving the trouble attending the care and putting on of many pieces. A gauze flannel vest underneath is perhaps a necessary precaution, and ladies who wear corsets can place them next to this. Over these the single garment mentioned adds all that is required in the way of underwear, except two skirts and small light hair-cloth tournure.
“Of dresses three are required---one a traveling-dress of brown de bege, a double calico wrapper and a black or hair-stripped silk. The latter is best, because it is light, because it does not take dust, because it does not crush easily and because by judicious making and management it can be arranged into several costumes, which will serve for city sightseeing throughout the journey and be good afterward to bring home. Then, if there is room, an old black silk or black alpaca skirt may be found useful, and an embroidered linen or batiste polonaise from last summer’s store.
“Add to these a black sash, a couple of belts, an umbrella with chatelaine and requisite attachments, a pair of neat-fitting boots and pair of slippers, some cuffs, small standing collars and a few yards of fraising, a striped or cheddar shawl, a ‘cloud’ for evenings on deck, some handkerchiefs and gray and brown kid gloves, and, with a few necessary toilet articles, you have an outfit that will take you over the world and can all be comprised in the space indicated, leaving room for a small whisk broom, essential for comfort, and a large palm-leaf pan.
“Stores, such as lemons, a bottle of glycerine, spirits of ammonia and Florida water, which are really all that are required---the first for sickness, the last three for the toilet---should be packed in a small case or box in such a way that the flasks containing the liquid will not come in contact with the fruit. After landing the box will not be wanted, as the lemons will have been used and the flasks can be carried with dressing-combs and the like in the satchel.
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Of course, Happy Mother’s Day!
Calm down.
--- --- ---
Good Mothers
Are Difficult
To Come By
For those of you who happen to have respectful and graceful and dignified relationships with your mothers then have fun and how tremendously wonderful for you all.
We’re truly happy for you and your success. How incredibly beautiful to see women respect each other and get along as equals and not as power struggles.
Please, don’t rub it in, no matter how superior some might feel about their respectful and graceful and dignified mothers because for the rest of us who don’t; it’s a real struggle and something to survive and overcome in adulthood when emotionally and psychologically abusive parents will go so far as to almost literally physically kill their adult children in their mid-twenties only because the parental unit is ever so out of control as well as when it is also dysfunctional and abusive parents’ fault and failure to create continual chaos and animosity and hatred and disharmony amongst all member of one’s family and the parents wish to play-up the role of the victim or martyr while perpetrating violence and abuse in the home behind locked doors. Hypocritical parenting.
Yes, I’m my own mother.
Yes, I’m my own mother from here until the day I perish.
This year (March 2014-May 2015) I learned mostly everybody’s a liar and don’t ever forget it.
People are messed up and only look out for their best interest so the best piece of advice is to take care of oneself.
Please, don’t give anymore than one absolutely has to because people will take up a mile when one gives an inch.
Part of dispelling the Roman Catholic “guilt” and “shame” I carry is that I no longer want to be the “good girl” because “good girls” get stuck with all of the work and none of the benefit while getting socially abused by people who hold great contempt for “good girls.”
As of this week I’ve become my own mature adult and make serious decisions about us and our home and our marriage and our family and our time with our families and our time spent on travel which we continually put on the backburner when travel ought to be front stage center as well as relaxation and more quiet two-hour naps on hot summer afternoons.
If one is a Daughter-In-Law then definitely don’t stand up or don’t clean for one’s In-Laws because there’s absolutely nothing in it for women (second class citizens, pay inequality) who already wash their Mother-In-Laws’ sons’ dirty underwear and socks and cook their food and make their meals and take out the garbage and recycling and takes care of their Mother-In-Laws’ Sons’ almost every domestic need or aspect of their In-Laws’ sons’ lives as well as American pets which fortunate for us we fell head-over-heels in love with “Freeway” (our “little doggie.”) Spoiled to no end.
Be respectful and kind and assertive and speak your peace and don’t let other people waste one’s valuable time because time is the most precious and important resource available to humans which we have so little of it.
After the children eat then jump in line and eat and don’t clean up after anyone but yourself nor much less hold too much courtesy for disrespectful people who are in constant competition for second-hand used household goods of their soon to be dead relatives and In-Laws who mostly In-Laws don’t really like in the first place, anyway.
Families have tremendous problems and it’s no laughing matter so be respectful and kind to people because there’s always someone jockeying for higher position and it’s no different than watching monkeys at a zoo.
As an adult; Live one’s life.
One’s parents have nothing to say about it no matter what.
My father tells me to dispel the notion about how saintly “mother Teresa” was only because she died “feeling” as though she hadn’t accomplished anything with her life and blamed herself for not feeling more fulfilled with herself.
My father said that there are private journals and writings found in which “mother Teresa” wrote about the agony of her inner life, while others perceived her to be this tremendous “idol” or “saintly figure” or, or, or…
Thus my father concludes “mother Teresa” as a “whore” for giving away so much of herself and her life to the Roman Catholic Church without equal share value exchange thus to-my-father, “mother Teresa” is a “whore” and he’s written a terrible croaking song on the guitar about it still yet the song holds some vague merit in value to which the song might have some remote musical elements if only one were to draw them out in their more unified form.
(Writing music is complicated business. My dad knows that thus he keeps trying his hand at the guitar with slow as molasses improvement.)
According to my father I’m to drink two glasses of wine per day or some tall stiff drink of some variety. Okay.
My father says I’m too serious. Okay.
My father implores me to distill any or all of my previous “brainwashed” Roman Catholic delusions about “guilt” and “shame” and to let go of my childhood brainwashing from the ages of six (6) to ten (10) spent in a Roman Catholic Central American third world orphanage. Verify it. Okay.
(The trail of paperwork is everywhere. It’s nearly impossible for people to hide their past in this day in age.)
My father tells me the truth and tells me to have the courage and attitude to not care and to “fuck” America (2013) (correction on date) because America doesn’t care about its people. Okay.
My father tells me the truth and tells me to stop being an “idealist.” Okay.
My father told me to stop being an “idealist” because being an “idealist” is the same as being an “alcoholic” or “cocaine addict.” Okay.
My father tells me the truth and tells me to realize women and men, both, alike, do get sexually assaulted or raped by peers or bosses across college-and-university campuses and the army and all branches of government and no one does anything about it so my father tells me to vanish the brainwashing Roman Catholic ideals and begin a good clean ethical atheist life with excellent law abiding principals and adult maturity and peace amongst all neighbors at all cost. Okay.
Most likely I shan’t ever attend church for as long as I live in my adult life.
My father also tells me not to step outside our door when angry or dealing with unruly neighbors. I’m to stay inside at all cost and call the cops. Okay.
Summer 2014 my father finally told me about how when he was a young man he’d gone to jail for marijuana and how as a teen our adopted mother was one of the biggest drug dealers in the Boston Harbor. No way. Get out.
My father also informed me that within three months of adopting us then our adopted mother didn’t want us and wanted to send us back like returned purchases. No way. Get out.
People are so weird.
Don’t believe anything anyone tells you because “everyone’s” mostly liars by what they don’t say more so than by what they do say.
Imagine; as a young man my dad went to jail and as a teen my adopted mother was the biggest teenage drug dealer in the Boston Harbor.
That explains a lot about both of them.
With my parents history they ought not to have been allowed to adopt neither foreign nor domestic children.
Finally, we’re getting to the bottom of some truths.
What on Earth?
Life is ever so broad and vastly and complex; just when one begins to get comfortable with life and begins to let go and relax or begins to let oneself believe that mostly one has “everything” figured out then my father literally “shocked” me by telling me what had actually transpired in the earlier part of both of my parents lives as drug dealers. I had no idea until last summer 2014.
As a young man my dad went to jail while my adopted mother thieved her way through adult life by spending other peoples’ monies and inheritances for her own personal gains. Shame.
People are ever so weird and destructive so long as they can and will go to great lengths to hide and guard their secrets well and keep their histories from gawking eyes. Okay.
Yes, definitely, my good friend the bouncer likes to talk philosophy with me whenever we get together which only happens once per year, if that. He might not be my good friend, however. He is my good friend to me because we have mutual and common respect for each other plus we platonically love each other even though my friend shan’t ever admit that for as long as he lives.
One of the last times we met he was telling me about how “everyone” is corrupt and he happens to be right. I tried to argue and debate but my friend the bouncer always has better arguments and wins the debate almost each and every time. Oh, I love him as my platonic brother. He’s not once ever lied to me and thus I love him so and even if he did lie to me I’d forgive him almost anything as most siblings do. Almost anything. I hold great admiration for my friend.
He’s a good hardworking man and everybody knows it. I’m worried about his overall health. He’s gained so much weight in one decade and he doesn’t seem to get any more disciplined about his weight.
My other best friend, his days are numbered due to… too much past alcohol and current chain cigarette smoke.
Some of our closest friends are dying from malignant cancers even though they not once smoked cigarettes and ate all organic foods for decades. What gives? Who knows?
Word Count Goal: 1,000 personal journals
Word Count: 1,577
This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 5,725
One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:
*) Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.
*) Day #18 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.
*) Day #440 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Day #192 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Week #1 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #30 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.
*) Month #9 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three (23”) inch high waist.
Thursday, May 7, 2015
“A scholar with a spot on
his garments deserves the worst.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Filibuster (the obstructing of the passage of a bill by long speeches, etc.
That Congress witnessed one of the best organized of all the filibusters.
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A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Costumes For Traveling.
Chapter 26.
Pages 342-343
There is no place where the true lady is more plainly indicated than in traveling. A lady’s traveling costume should be neat and plain, without superfluous ornament of any kind.
The first consideration in a traveling-dress is comfort; the second, protection from the dust and stains of travel.
For a short journey, in summer a linen duster may be put on over the ordinary dress, in winter a waterproof cloak may be used in the same way.
But a lady making a long journey will find it more convenient to have a traveling-suit made expressively. Linen is used in summer, as the dust is so easily shaken from it and it can be readily washed. In winter a waterproof dress and sacque are the most serviceable.
There are a variety of materials especially adapted for traveling costumes, of soft neutral tints and smooth surfaces, which do not catch dust. These should be made up plain and short.
The underskirt should be colored woolen in winter, linen in summer. Nothing displays vulgarity and want of breeding so much as a white petticoat in traveling.
(Modern Note: Unless traveling the day of one’s wedding in white.)
Gloves should be of Lisle thread in summer and cloth in winter. Thick soled boots, stout and durable. The hat or bonnet should be plainly trimmed and protected by a large veil. Velvet is not fit for a traveling-hat, as it catches and retains the dust.
Plain linen collars and cuffs finish the costume. The hair should be put up in the plainest manner possible.
A waterproof and a warm woolen shawl are indispensible in traveling. Also a satchel or basket, in which may be kept a change of collars, cuffs, gloves, handkerchiefs and toilet articles.
A traveling-dress should be well supplied with pockets. The waterproof should have large pockets; so should the sacque.
In an underskirt there should be a pocket in which to carry all money not needed for immediate use. The latter may be entrusted to the portemonnaie in the ordinary pocket, or in the bosom of the dress.
--- --- ---
Word Count Goal: 1,000 personal journals
Word Count: 119
This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 5,725
One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:
*) Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.
*) Day #17 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.
*) Day #439 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Day #191 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Week #1 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #30 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.
*) Month #9 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three (23”) inch high waist.
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
“Just as
the kernel of a nut is not despised, even though the shell be marred, so it is
with [the appearance of] a scholar.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Inundated (flooded, overflowed)
The valleys were inundated by the spring freshets.
--- --- ---
A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Bathing Costumes.
Chapter 26.
Pages 341-342
The bathing-dress should be made of flannel. A soft gray tint is the neatest, as it does not soon fade and grow ugly from contact with salt water. It may be trimmed with bright worsted braid. The best style is a loose sacque or the yoke waist, both of them to be belted in and falling about midway between the knee and the ankle. Full trowsers (correct spelling) gathered into a band at the ankle, an oilskin cap to protect the hair, which becomes harsh in the salt water, and socks of the color of the dress complete the costume.
--- --- ---
Word Count Goal: 1,000 personal journals
Word Count: 119
This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 5,725
One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:
*) Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.
*) Day #16 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.
*) Day #438 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Day #190 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Week #1 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #30 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.
*) Month #9 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three (23”) inch high waist.
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
“A scholar can’t conduct a
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Augment (enlarge, increase, add to)
Students often augment their allowance with the income from a job.
--- --- ---
A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Costumes For Country And Sea-side.
Chapter 26.
Page 341
We cannot give a full description of the wardrobe which the lady of fashion desires to take with her to the country or sea-side. But there are a few general rules which apply to many things, and which all must more or less observe. Let the wardrobe be ever so large there must be a certain number of costumes suited for ordinary wear. Thus, dresses, while they may be somewhat brighter in tint than good taste would justify in the streets of a city, must yet be durable in quality and of material which can be washed. The brim of the hat should be broad to protect the face from the sun. The fashion of making hats of shirred muslin is a very sensible one, as it enables them to be done up when they are soiled. The boots should be strong and durable. A waterproof is an indispensable article to the sojourner at country resorts.
--- --- ---
My Spanish written out language is ever more so atrocious than my English written out language.
--- --- ---
Yes, I know what happens to the mass starvation and malnourishment of the Costa Ricans at the hands of Minnesota real estate property companies.
We’re not supposed to talk about it.
--- --- ---
Yes, factually there’re more disappearances at National Parks than at State Parks. Be careful this summer. Watch out for others no matter what prejudices or biases or hatred or loathing. We’re all in this together and we must learn to love ourselves, first.
--- --- ---
Cut and Paste.
--- --- ---
Happy Cinco de Mayo.
Freedom Of Expression
Freedom Of Speech
Yes, I condone Charlie Hebdo.
No, I’m not Charlie Hebdo.
Yes, the Pope is incorrect about Charlie Hebdo.
Yes, I condone the actions of Edward Snowden.
Yes, Edward Snowden is one of my heroes.
Relax, or we shan’t be fully mature adults together.
Americans are meant to have a tough hide.
Thick skinned for when it gets freezing cold.
No, I don’t condone the “N-word.”
No, I don’t believe in “hate speech”. No.
(Think Kurt Vonnegut except without a sense of humor. Ha. Now that’s funny.)
(Yes, as any other private American taxpaying citizen and civilian I’ve bled for our country and starved and sacrificed for the United States of America because it’s almost been one-and-a-half decade (13.5) of war abroad as well as here at home as it is with the difficulty to observe so many fulltime hard working Americans barely get by on any morsels of food on a daily and weekly and monthly and yearly basis.) Shame.
(Our American people have gone “food insecure” since 9/11, 2001 and no one in Congress will bring actual physical relief to our people.)
(Is the starvation and malnourishment of our American peoples some fascist slow genocide master plan to clean out and instill a massive re-gentrification of our nation?) Please, say, it’s not so. Please, feed the hungry Americans. Thank you.
See, just how free we are in America?
Writers can and do write anything we want and no one has anything to say about it because the army and the F.B.I. and supposedly the police force is on our taxpaying literary side since we pay all of their salaries as well as possibly (hopefully not) private and / or independent government contractors.
To defend one’s country through civic duty is done so mainly for the purpose and cause to instill invaluable ethics across the social canvas of all societies with a broad stroke of respect and dignity and kind gestures not because anyone expects it but more so because it’s the right thing to do.
To instill invaluable basic ethics amongst one’s equal fellow private citizens and civilians without causing any physical harm to their person and maintain the peace at all times is to assert power no matter how verbally disrespectful others might get or be directly at one’s person.
Leaders must cause some positive and effective immediate change or that’s just “lip service” which “lip service” is leaderless cowardice since it’s neither proactive nor even real.
Cowardice leadership likes to hear itself talk a lot about nothing then nothing much ever gets resolved or achieved or accomplished or done and the decades go by and private citizens and civilians justify being disrespectful neighbors because they don’t have as much cash in their pockets as they possibly once did or if ever, thus, “misery loves company.”
We demand change because “in the trenches” (on the ground) Americans are not only physically wounded but also literally continually hungry as well.
Yes, one of any writers’ greatest quests is to question and harshly critique and sternly criticize and ridicule any institution or system or structure for which stands and watches the starvation of their very own private American citizens and civilians. It’s too disgusting to watch. It’s a horror flick.
Yes, I’ve been spelling out the “N-word” so that no one misunderstands my usage of the “N-word” in the overall broad context as it is written by today’s modern standard.
Yes, the “N-word” is a bad word.
No, one must not even so much as utter the “N-word” unless in “educational” context and even then it is difficult to gauge what the “N-word” will do to make us feel even more terrible about the situation at hand.
Personally, I stand for the right to grant any white supremacist his/her right to say anything he/she wishes to express even if he/she were to use the “W.T.-word” or “N-word” or the “S-word” or the “C-word” or the “F-word” or any other derogatory or swear word.
Yes, I want to always be a respectful private citizen and civilian to others in soul and body and spirit and form not because I’m selfish and self centered and think I deserve respect but more so because that’s a given; more so, because I think other people deserve respect since their desperation is something to be pitied and not wallow in their deep continual sorrow.
However, the moment any adult man or woman crosses the line and becomes disrespectfully physically violent then the gloves come off and it’s all about the metaphorical bare knuckle punches…
Personally, I’ve decided as a writer that the “N-word” is despicable.
Personally, I teach tough ethical and skillfully written out literary lessons for a modern era since brutality and violence and derogatory words and swear words seems to be the only communication which gets across to most Americans without much of any education which is mostly 99% of the population reading at a sixth grade level as senior in high school. Shame.
If one were to get hung up on words then they’re fools.
Please, learn how to learn further on one’s own since learning is a lifelong discipline and tremendous adventure and intellectual quest and thirst for knowledge.
Daily learning is the key to an open mind and genuine kind acts without expectation or disappointment.
Consider other peoples’ viewpoint and consider the types of pressure or strain other people are under.
Walk a mile in someone else’s shoes for a change.
Consider anything from someone else’s point of view.
Mostly people get “angry” or “touchy” or “mean” when they’re either hungry or hormonal teens or women on birth control or people in constant physical pain. Remember that and don’t ever forget it.
(When I’m in physical pain or hemorrhage then I hideaway.)
Lack of food will make people say and do the weirdest things.
Lack of food is no different than any other type of abuse.
Americans take care of our own no matter what.
Americans don’t watch their neighbors starve. No.
Americans chip in because that’s the ultimate strong backbone to our nation’s multicultural quilted patch work.
Americans must learn to take criticism and critique and bitter and harsh ridicule if Americans (once fed on a constant basis for longer than a year) will agree to “run with the bulls” and fight like hell for our basic needs and common rights so that these crimes against humanity may not occur on our own soil ever again for as long as we live.
To have terrorists scare Americans is one thing but to have Wall Street or our banks starve our American people is another thing and to have our government sit back and do nothing is criminal since mostly people on the ground are unreliable and unsettled about where their next meal will come from this summer 2015.
The reader might question my “racist” motives.
Well, let them question.
Factually and scientifically proven all humans are “racist” due to hue in light and variations of coloration and the way we perceive color. (Get it together.)
Humans gravitate towards what’s closest in skin pigmentation as our own color, mostly. Anyway.
Yes, I come to the page to release a deep suffering more deeply painful than most people of privilege will ever know about or experience for themselves what it’s like to live amongst screaming “food insecure” and hungry Americans both children and adults alike.
Yes, one might come to believe I’m cold as stone. I wish it for anyone to even so much as dare think me a “racist brute” since such clear cut “labels” and “categories” would make communication ever so much easier when people stay away because they’re afraid one is “brutal” or “cruel” or a “mean” person. Okay. Think what one will. I don’t care.
The first day I starved in America as a teen of sixteen or so I stopped caring what anyone thought of me. Game over. (The rich adults could not bring themselves to provide basic necessities for us.)
If I have to “flip the bird” at any drunken and disrespectful neighborhood knuckleheaded adults then I’ll do so because I embody and I instill an American freedom in attitude only cultivated and formed in 1980’s and early 1990’s post-punk era grunge America as preppy grade school “latchkey kids” of upper middle income parents and as kids we went home alone to make a snack for ourselves and watch the “Cosby Show” and disciplined enough to do at least one hour of homework on our own.
Until my dad arrived home at five o’clock on the dot each work weekday to make supper and dine by five-thirty and one hour of reading after supper and homework corrections and get ready to go to speedskating practice when our mom arrived home at seven thirty after meetings each weekday night and stayed home with my sister who was already in bed and lights out at eight sharp.
First with the spirit of the cowboy and now with the independent and peaceful yet outwardly outspoken literary writings of one of many private American citizens with a private liberal arts education deeply steeped in East Coast post era punk straight edge political idealisms about inequality and balance.
In other words: at heart I’m a punk and as far as civic and professional duties are concerned I’m a law abiding citizen.
Yes, I even wanted to apply for the F.B.I. in their research department since I’m physically wimpy and refuse to punch anything or anyone and must keep calm at all times and refuse to kill anyone much less a bug and I completely freeze when I panic and I can’t tell a lie to save a life and I startle easily and jump out of my skin and ten feet up in the air ever since I was twice sexually assaulted in the Twin Cities within a four year span. It’s pitiful. I must overcome my fears. I must.
Yes, I’m only one week away from having to apply to the F.B.I. before my thirty-seventh year is up otherwise the F.B.I. won’t take folks any older than my age as I am right now. Bummer.
(Seriously, there goes one of my dreams I meant to get around to doing before I died.)
Yes, I ought to have been better organized in my life and had the courage to apply to the F.B.I. but I didn’t have the courage to do so. Thus, I’m a private American citizen like everybody else and loving it.
Yes, I believe in law abiding social contracts.
Yes, I believe in doing well by others especially if they hate anyone in particular because it’s fun to surprise people when they hold a stereotype of anyone else. It’s fun to shatter and break stereotypes and labels.
Yes, I believe in respect and unity and love.
Yes, I believe love trumps everything bad and evil.
However, I don’t believe love always comes in neatly packaged or wrapped up little boxes with neatly presses and placed bows on top. Nope.
Mostly love is messy and difficult and complex.
We must push for justice and love and respect and unity.
We must not allow ourselves to get divided by anyone or anything or any force.
No, I’m not even close to Darth Vader.
No, I’m not some looter Baltimore brown-noser beggar.
Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.
Need I say more?
However, I still have another 600 words or so to go.
I don’t know.
No, I’m not drowning.
Yes, I do know how to literally swim.
Simply put I’m a weakling and can barely hold up my upper body so I semi-panic and hang on to a surfboard for dear life and that’s my only chance and real hope to make it out alive if anything were to ever go terribly wrong out in the water.
Yes, I’ve taken both private and public swimming lessons.
No, I’m neither metaphorically nor anecdotally without the knowledge as to how to survive the ocean as a weak swimmer.
It’s not the ocean I’m worried about.
It’s the undercurrent of fresh water lakes.
The pull is ever so strong and getting pulled under and rolled around in a funnel of gushing and rushing water isn’t fun while the rip current or the undertow pulls and tugs at one’s ankles and feet like someone were to grip on tightly to them with their knuckles only to suddenly get swung and shot straight up and out of the twirling undercurrent like a canon ball over the break in the surface of any wave only to immediately within seconds get pulled back into the melodrama of life and death at a standstill.
Drowning is silent business. I would know.
The only chance for survival is to make sure to take in a deep breath whenever one has the chance to come up for air and as soon as one breaks the surface of any wave then swim with all of one’s might parallel to the beach and live! Don’t stop swimming until you touch sandbar and stand up and relax and give thanks to be alive.
Socio-economic American struggles are very much like silently drowning in the strong pull of an undertow spiraling out of control in a wild current.
We all realize just how literally hungry mostly the 99% of Americans truly are and history is only around the corner waiting to smack us in the face with another tidal wave of French Revolution.
Why is it ever so difficult to get middle income earning workers and low income earning workers better and healthier nutritional choices and fresh produce for themselves and their families?
Yes, anyone who’s gone to prison and is now out of prison (an “ex-con”) also gets to eat because we say so.
We invite the hungry Americans to sit down and eat and relax.
When did the United States of America decide to turn its back on our neediest families who must be fed at all cost?
What keeps Congress from the ability to instill and enforce better food subsidies and fresh produce and nutritional and healthy food policies into effect immediately for all?
When will the real leaders of America stand up and feed our young and adults and old and hospice or invalid or ill?
We put our money where our mouth is and donate thousands of dollars to our villages.
We don’t blink twice.
We just do it.
Yes, one must donate 30% of their annual income towards charity.
We take care of our own.
We don’t leave anyone behind no matter what because that’s not a slogan around these parts; it’s a way of life in the land of the brave in a broken educational system which hates like murder and took out a generation and a half from any real academic opportunity to advance any further or beyond hunger pangs.
Word Count Goal: 2,203
Word Count: 2,928
This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 5,725
One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:
*) Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.
*) Day #15 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.
*) Day #437 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Day #189 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Week #1 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #30 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.
*) Month #9 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three (23”) inch high waist.
Monday, May 4, 2015
“The table that has fed no scholars
is not blessed.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Pragmatic (practical, systematic, skilled in law and state affairs)
He chose that course of action because of its pragmatic character.
--- --- ---
A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Croquet And Skating Costumes.
Chapter 26.
Pages 340-341
Both call for a greater brilliancy in color than any other out-of-door costume. They should both be short, displaying a handsomely fitting boot.
Croquet gloves should be soft and washable; skating gloves thick and warm.
The hat for croquet should have a broad brim, so as to shield the face from the sun and render a parasol unnecessary.
Velvet trimmed with fur, with turban hat of the same, and gloves and boots also fur bordered, combine to make the most elegant skating costume imaginable. But any of the soft, warm, bright-colored woolen fabrics are quite suitable, if not so rich. A costume of Scotch plaid is in excellent taste. Silk is unsuitable for a skating costume.
The boot should be amply loose, or the wearer will suffer with cold or frozen feet.
--- --- ---
Upload time: 7:23 P.M.
The twilight is splendid.
--- --- ---
No, we’re not hopeless.
We’re too fired up for constructive change to be hopeless.
Yes, at anytime both Eric and I might withdraw five thousand dollars ($5,000) in cash set aside for travel purposes only and go on vacation tonight, however.
Eric’s “paid sick days off” also count as exactly the same as “American vacation” (European “holiday”) days off so by the time we come out of any December month or for sure by the end of April each year we already know we don’t have enough vacation days to take one proper or full three or four week vacation by the ocean and do absolutely nothing thus our money is futile.
We have money but we don’t have time because “the man” says so.
We’re “broke” people when it comes to time and vacation and travel and “holidays” since we don’t have the freedom of time.
The lack of time and the lack of vacation days puts a strain on the marriage far more so than a lack of money to always make concessions to go without any vacation days for five straight years in a row with the exception to visit Eric’s family up to seventeen (17) times per year (on weekends) or to visit my family up to three (3) times per year (mostly holidays: thanksgiving, my dad’s birthday and dinner once per year before or after baby-boomers’ seasonal travel which they’re off to all over the world most of the time) for the past eight (8) years except this year (2015) I’ve made changes to a most fast and rushed lifestyle in America to socially get “everyone in” and “to do everything” all at once because that’s just “insane” or “crazy” and I won’t have any of it any longer. I’m tired.
As a matter of fact I’m exhausted and I refuse to clean for anyone else other than our own home.
Our limited time together is precious.
We might as well burn $5,000 dollars into thin air since we don’t have any vacation days off after the “flu season” or “cold season” are over thus in the summer months we take either Mondays or Fridays off to relieve the long hot summer workweeks.
Instead of middle income earning “extravagant” vacations to Disney World, we anonymously donate our vacation money to charities and spend our summers in the urban-suburban sprawl which we love to spend our summers in the hot urban-suburban sprawl especially when our neighbors’ children are attended to by their mature adult parental supervision.
If young people under the age of eighteen (18) years are ever outside then a parental unit or parental supervisor must be outdoors with the minors. Whether anyone likes it or not. It’s safest.
Safety first.
There’s nothing more beautiful than these neighborhoods’ large trees which ever so sleepily and calmly and beautifully sway this way and that a way in warm breeze while neighborhoods are well maintained and well taken care of by mostly all residents except for a few rotten apples who continually year-after-year either neglected uneducated black American children and pre-teens either scream in the middle of the street or throw garbage in everybody else’s lawns and devalue and ruin the overall real estate market value and community value of any neighborhood. Shame.
Yes, we have a net value worth in the millions, however. It’s all tied up in assets and investments and market shares and profits as it ought to be and some other more complicated aspects of finance and economics.
We hardly ever have any petty cash coming into our home since we live on a socio-economic experiment of only forty-thousand dollars ($40,000) per yearly household income since the Twin Cities average median annual income for a family of four is $38,000 (2013-2014.)
Mostly families of four family members may only spend as little or as much as one-thousand and nine-hundred dollars ($1,900) per family member per yearly new wardrobe.
We finally changed our wardrobe budget per household of 2.5 (2015, about $800.00 for “Freeway” (our dog) in annual necessities and wardrobe) raised budget from $1,900 to four-thousand dollars ($4,000) per annual wardrobe budget per each family member of two adults in our household since we’ve been doing without for almost eight (8) years since we want to live like other middle income earning hardworking Americans who work ever so hard for their little bit of keep but the strain was too much for us as a couple thus we had to increase our socio-economic experimental budget before we suffocated by modern present day middle income earning economic strain.
If we need to increase our wardrobe budget again-and-again then we’ll do so or any other household budget for that matter because the $38,000 dollars per median annual household budget is a continual tight squeeze which won’t let up.
Yes, last Tuesday I went bananas and ordered one thousand dollars ($1,000) worth of apparel merchandise because we can and these are clothes I’ve meant to replace in both of our wardrobes for about nine (9) years. Finally.
Yes, out-of-pocket cash to save towards retirement: we’ve only saved about sixty-thousand dollars ($60,000 cash which now floats in the stock market) towards retirement stock and we’re quaking in our boots.
($60,000 might last two years if we’re really careful with our money.)
Yes, the average middle income earning American has saved “out-of-pocket” cash-savings towards retirement of exactly one thousand dollars ($1,000) to be placed in some market share fund by a brokerage.
We’re quaking in our boots for our American hard workers and what’s yet to come in their retirement.
Yes, finally as of this morning both Eric and I made the decision to move homes.
Yes, we’re putting the house up on the market because this neighborhood isn’t for us. We’re hoping to be out of here by no later than May 1, 2016.
Yes, we’re staying in the same city.
No, we’re not moving cities.
We love the city we live in except for our publically unruly and screaming and yelling black and white neighbors on our block.
We did everything we could.
All Lives Matter.
The cops tell us:
to always and continually
call the cops
and not to ever leave our home
or go outside on our own
or together
or otherwise
to address
or face-to-face speak to
or peacefully communicate with our neighbors.
The cops say:
the only power our neighbors have
is to keep calling the cops
since 1982
without any constructive
or concrete resolution
to the same two-decade
(twenty (20) years)
Age-old problem
with the same
black family
in the neighborhood
and their disruptive misbehavior
or misconduct.
We’re not anybody’s bitch.
We’re not going to take it up the asshole
Only because
Some of our
malnourished neighbors
Have to.
Please, give Americans all of the
food subsidies
Food shelves
Food programs
food stamps
and food assistance they need.
“Food Insecurity.”
All Lives Matter.
We (I) want to attend “mediation” with our unruly neighbors’ two-doors down, however.
Detective “W” won’t sign his name to the bottom of the mandatory and official paper with the mediators to have our neighbors’ two-doors down mandatorily present as we positive conflict resolute and open and create a respectful line of communication and realize our reality to peacefully co-exist amongst one another for the long haul.
According to Detective “W” I must not attend mediation under any circumstances, however. I tend to disagree with Detective “W” on this one specific point about “mediation.”
Every six months or so I ask Detective “W” to please sign the mandatory official mediation sign form. He refuses as he ever so confidently informs me that other cops and detectives will also refuse to help out our dire neighborhood situation.
Yes, I’m ready and I want to go attend mediation, however.
The detective says not to go to mediation under any circumstance.
My generation grew up in an era in which we attended mediation when parties couldn’t get along then an objective third party in the form of qualified mediator would respectfully mediate until a peaceful resolution was met and mostly all parties got what they wanted out of their communication to decide to do better for each other and everyone else around.
We’ve physically walked over two-doors down and asked the parental units to please keep an eye or watch over their minors whenever their minors are outside because the adults two-doors down seem to neglect their offspring and don’t watch over them thus their offspring get unruly and the entire middle of the block does call the cops when the children and pre-teens lose their heads.
As of Friday, our neighbors informed me they clearly also call the cops but ever since 1982 nothing much happens and everything stays the same.
The cops come out and everything quiets down for a while and then screams and yells start back up and the cops get called and the cops come out and everything quiets down and after a little bit of time the screams and yells start back up and it’s a merry-go-round of deceit and lies and bullshit and misbehavior in which one or two or three neighbors believe they’re top dog because they’re annoying bitches on the rag.
Yes, I’ve lived in twelve (12) different ghettos in my life.
Count them.
Twelve Different Ghettos.
This is one of the worst places I’ve ever lived because the people hurt so bad so they must go and scream and yell in the middle of sidewalks and streets and I refuse to listen to any wounded animal go on year-after-year in hunger pangs.
Either put a wounded animal out of its misery or feed it.
Or get a wounded animal out of the equation of mostly all the other healthy animals or shut up and don’t talk to the rest of us about how cops’ hands are tied behind their back and no one can do anything about screaming and yelling animals in pain crying out in hunger because black uneducated American children are neglected.
Please, don’t make me spell it out for ye’ all.
Our neighbors’ children two-doors down don’t get enough substantial nutrition and healthy food to eat thus the little kids and children and teens and pre-teens go out into the middle of the street and scream and yell for hours on end hopped-up on candy sugar since sugar is cheap and the same neurological destructive effects as cocaine.
Literally sugar is the same or as destructive to the brain and neurological patterns and waves as cocaine is.
If our black neighbors two-doors down or our white adult alcoholic knucklehead neighbors across the street would keep it together and keep their cool and not lose their head in public especially whenever they don’t seem to take life very well anymore; If only then we’d stay right here because we fell head over heels in love with our property and home.
Nothing constructively gets resolved on our block because even though mostly 95% of our block calls the cops year round the same black family two-doors down or the drunken adult white neighbors across the street get away with their misconduct and unruly misbehavior against their other 95% of their neighbors who don’t like their unruly misconduct in general.
The rest of us keep our shirts on and if someone needs to have themselves a good cry then do it, however.
No continual four hour screams out in the middle of public sidewalks or streets of America where cars drive on. No.
People telecommunicate from home.
People do computer work from home.
People bring home bacon from home.
The world’s changed.
Keep up American Midwestern parents who are ten years behind on parenting.
Children shan’t scream in the middle of public neighborhood streets because they’re either hungry or unruly or neglected.
Yes, we’d like to find a Latina realtor, however.
No, we don’t want to live in a Latino neighborhood since Eric thinks he’ll get killed and he’s right. (Let’s not pussy foot around the issue.)
Yes, we would like a Latina realtor to set us up in our same city as we live in right now (a city which shall not be named.) Okay.
We’d like to stay in the same city with the same style of home we live in right now which is the “Craftsman Bunker” in the same condition for the same price or so we purchased two years ago something like $67,000 or something. (I’d have to go look up numbers.)
We purchased at $67,000 (or so) at 3.3% (August 2012) over a 30 year mortgage.
If we were to sell then the new owners would also pay the same percentile we paid or so I’m informed.
Finally, we’re placing the house on the market and walk away together and save our marriage.
Rather than stay here for another two years and go “insane” with our out-of-control neighbors who either black or white race scream and yell domestically or violently or otherwise in public places like neighborhood sidewalks or in the middle of the street which we don’t do that both Eric or I.
If Eric and I are to yell or scream at each other then we do it with all of the doors and windows closed and locked (except once by mistake) and we go at it safely between us even though we raise our voice.
It is no one else’s business what we say or do while we argue with each other about the same four or five aspects of quality of life and lifestyle.
We live amongst some unruly or alcoholic or domestic public screamers who go out into their yards and scream at the top of their lungs, day or night and I’ve not once ever experienced that, not even in twelve different American ghettos.
Our blue collar neighbors or middle income earning neighbors can barely make it in a middle income earning neighborhood.
Middle income squeezes some of our neighbors our ever so tight they can barely breathe thus they squeal like screeching animals to their own pain.
Yes, I can be a screamer at the top of my lungs whenever I get mind fucked.
Yes, I know that Midwestern misbehavior doesn’t fly anywhere else in the world except in the Midwest otherwise Midwesterners possibly might get punched in the face for being ever so dense and not understanding the plight of our country.
Be careful what one surrounds themselves with hence one becomes what they know and what they’re influenced by.
We refuse to become public screamers and yellers.
We don’t have to live here.
We’ll try elsewhere in a pocket of neighborhood in which the neighbors mind their own business as we mind our own business and for the most part are quiet (99% of the time quiet unless an emergency) and gentle folk and respectful and we’ll live around or near quiet children so long as the children don’t act like cocaine heads on sugar high rushes.
No, don’t cut back on food subsidies of any type.
If anything increase the food subsidies and triple or quadruple the federal food subsidy budget since congress tends to increase military spending for the military complex then congress could and will at least be decent enough to feed decent and healthy food to our neighbors’ children who live a sugar high lifestyle like cocaine addicts do.
Add food subsidies. Please.
Our neighbors get squeezed out and their desperation is what finally broke the camel’s back and we must leave here with our wits intact because we are amazing intellectuals who have so much to contribute to anywhere we go in the world.
Yes, I finally put my foot down.
We’re going to London and Paris if only for one night.
Yes, I must get out of this desperate Midwestern town…
Quiet desperation is a lie.
More like loud and screaming desperation.
Word Count Goal: 2,000
Word Count: 2,797
This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 2,797
One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:
*) Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.
*) Day #14 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.
*) Day #436 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Day #188 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Week #1 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #30 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.
*) Month #9 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three (23”) inch high waist.