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Friday, May 30, 2014


“Don’t show a beaten dog a cane.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Virtuoso (a savant, one very learned or gifted in an art)


His complete command of the piano proved him to be a virtuoso.


---  ---  --- 


[ESL corrections were made.]


[Correction from “fracture” to “fraction”.]


[One can tell that I’m an ESL adult because I get close to English words but no potato, sometimes.]


I’ve got to figure out “worst” vs. “worse”.






American Public School Education XXI


Consistency XX


American Public School Education begins with community.


What’s consistency?


Consistency is: steadiness, reliability, uniformity, evenness, stability and regularity.




[We’re not Gluttons for Punishment]

Part XI



            Test Scores: After all of the independent research we’ve done about test scores our final verdict is in: Test Scores are worthless.


(I know, I know. Many people will email to tell us off about this, however. Let’s face facts as they are not as we wish them to be.)


            There’s no point in beating around the bush so let’s not.


            We can assume that not all tests are created equal.


Mainly computerized tests are scored by computers that don’t understand the subtle intelligence of humans thus it’s obvious to assume that most computer programs will throw out the highest and lowest scores to come up with an average and that’s neither here nor there, really.


Averages aren’t negative.


What’s negative about averages is more precisely how one arrives at scoring students who happen to be much more modern or advanced with the times than dusty old tests that regurgitate the same answers year after year without ever taking into consideration the cheekiness or humor or intelligence of students or their unique life experience or background thus standardized tests are made for monotheistic (only one) societies that don’t wish to average out complex multiple variables in the overall standardized outcome that not all students are the same yet created equal. (I know that translated.)


There’s something askew or wrong with how computers compute averages especially when it comes to standardized tests which are applied in the format of multiple choice.


            What’s multiple choice anyway?


            Multiple choice could be anything or all of the above.


Personal example: One of the reasons why I tested poorly on standardized tests yet went through the roof with abstract concepts is because I do grasp the more subtle complexities of any given subject matter and that makes me highly intelligent not to mention smart.


I like to analyze anything down to the deep philosophical root of metaphysics or quantum mechanics of any given proponents because it’s fun.


So, what does that mean?



It simply means that I test poorly, however.


I’m smart enough to re-write just about any test.


What does that mean?



Why does it mean everything?


It means everything because it proves that the human brain is far more capable or smart then the sums of any code or computer programming’s parts.


I know how to write code therefore I realized early on that computer programs come with limitations and can mainly think only as intelligently as their creators do.


I was taught to write code in eighth grade and from DOS everything else is possible.


According to standardized tests most likely there’s only one ‘correct’ answer and that happens to be the precise definitive weakness in which only one ‘correct’ answer leads a computer program to give out a higher score than that of what could actually be possible in any given outcome because in multiple choice answers there only seems to be one correct answer when in reality there could be thousands of correct answers to any one given question.


            In other words standardized tests are like dumb kids.


Ignorant kids don’t know much, except what they know thus they repeat themselves in dumb habits, behavioral patterns, actions, words and deeds until the end of time because they don’t know any better to do better or to think better or to evolve or advance or develop into higher modes of communication or planes of thought or configurations or whatever thus dumb kids litter and that makes them some of the creepiest kids of our modern era.


Standardized tests are obsolete.




Incomprehensible to modern times.

Old models of performance that never meant anything, anyway.


            Standardized tests ascribe to its written computer code without much variable for complexities or impromptu answers that best match any particular individual’s experience or real intelligence thus any human’s answers will vary because humans are all alike yet uniquely their own to some extend yet not totally.


What I’m getting at is this: Standardized tests are dumb.


Why are standardized tests dumb?


Standardized tests are dumb because they lack insight into the profound genius and ability of the human brain.


There I said it.

It had to be written.





            When one desires to test how much or what types of information people comprehend then have them write a one page essay, no more.


It’s tougher to write less than it is to write more because then thoughts must be precisely well laid out when one writes less than more.


When one’s capable to write about anything at all then the more they can show or prove that they know what they’re thinking or talking or writing about in an orderly and well laid out fashion with a beginning (thesis) middle (body) and end (conclusion) then one’s really in the game.


One can really test another’s ability to convey what they know or what they’ve learned or understand to be or not.


            Yes, we believe in comprehensive homework assignments such as academic experiments or essay writing to best gauge what any one student does or doesn’t understand about any particular subject matter or topic of discussion.


Writing is a great way to gauge (measure) how much or at what level of basic or complex comprehension level any one student does convey what they’ve already learned thus far and how to best apply it to daily life which is key.


            It doesn’t matter what the subject matter might be: Whether any one particular student writes a one page essay about music appreciation or music theory or scientific experiments or mathematics or design or architecture or describes any type of visual imagery or the study of plant life and wildlife animals or migratory or weather patterns or Earth science or dance or painting appreciation or their favorite novels (book reports) or history or linguistics or, or, or…


One thing’s for certain: Quickly it becomes quite evidently obvious how much the brain of any one particular given student understands what they comprehend to be or not to be.


            There’s much to be said about cognitive brain function when one reads or writes.


When one reads or writes then one uses a particular aspect of one’s brains that’s logic driven (or based) which leads to further in depth analysis and consideration as well as capacity to further learn more advanced theories or intricate abstract concepts about the many basic academic theories there are in general.


Reading is about full awareness as to what one comprehends.


Writing is about full awareness as to what one more precisely thinks about what one comprehends.


Without reading one can’t become a profound writer because thoughts formulate the more knowledge one gathers.


            No matter what happens: When it comes to writing it’s nearly impossible to bull one’s way through a subject matter or topic of discussion because writing is about clarity of mind and comprehensive measures.


One must convey what’s inside their brains or bring about clarity to best communicate or clarify to a world at large that one does indeed know or at least has a basic grasp or understanding as to what it is that one writes so much as it is a true test of how much and what types of knowledge one knows precisely or doesn’t.




            We believe that the best way to test students is through teachers’ evaluations in which each individual teacher does choose from many different aspects of cited criteria to create their own evaluations.


Evaluations are out there: One can look them up online.


            For example: if I were to create any teacher’s evaluation criteria for myself as a teacher, per se, then I would first begin with an evaluation for attitude. (Any type of attitude.)


I think the most important aspect to learning is attitude.

With what frame of mind is the student coming to the table to learn?


If a student constantly swears while answering questions or doesn’t commit to short or long term projects or doesn’t learn to give positive as well as negative constructive criticism to their peer’s work then what aspect of learning must be further instilled into that student’s developmental growth for them to become a better and more rounded-out or well-developed thinker.


            It sounds like a lot of work but all it would take is an outlined graph to generate this type of evaluation system for easy marking for any teacher’s convenience.


It would be easier to grade progress than regurgitated test answers or scores because ultimately what teaching is all about is about how to best pull out each individual student’s potential no matter where any given student’s level of productivity or knowledge or intelligence is at.


            No, I wouldn’t care if any particular given student’s nature was naturally grouchy or sour or bitter or unhappy so long as they were consistently respectful because that’s a great ability as well as responsibility instilled in any learner.


What if students were highly intelligent but arrogant know-it-alls?


What if students were naturally academically gifted but couldn’t get along with their peers?


Immediately, that type of student is already lost and on a track towards failure.


It’s not enough to be intelligent yet not learn the rules to decent or respectful behavior otherwise one gets more or less thrown out of the game of life by their peers because their peers don’t forget the haters from the participators and that doesn’t mean that one has to be a cheerleader, it simply means that one has to take full self-responsibility for their actions at all times.


            Furthermore, an evaluation checklist could be as followed:


A.   This is an actual evaluation example from high school sophomore year for a written report:


Evaluation Checklist:                                            Possible            Points

                                                                                    Points            earned


Met all chapter deadlines 1 2 3 4 5 6     


Met final-draft deadline                            


Made good use of workshop time


Attractive title page


Neat and useful illustrations, maps, etc.


At least 3 different genres (2-poem limit)


Required length




            Clear and compelling


            Thoughtful, descriptive, insightful


Each chapter appropriately titled


Neatly typed and error-free


            (Moving on. I couldn’t figure out the column spacing.)


B.   This is another actual evaluation example from high school senior year for an Independent Research Project Proposal:


1.    Purpose: Describe your proposal. What do you want to do?

2.    Why is this project important to you?

3.    List your goal(s) for this project (ex. I want to become socially and politically aware)

4.    What will the final product look like?

5.    What materials, sources and equipment will you need? Where will you work on this project?

6.    How will you share what you have learned with your classmates?


C.   This is another actual evaluation example from college freshman year honors exposition 101:


1.    Look closely in your textbooks at p.301, para. 1, the part where Jung describes the behavior of the man in marriage: How does this argument fit into the theoretical framework offered to us by Robin Morgan as an explanation for why men are so violent?

2.    In his essay, (p.304 e.g.) Jung refers to the personal as female, as a “her” we need to know better: in your expert opinion, is he using the female referent in the same manner as Thoreau and Machiavelli? Or does his use of the female rather have a positive meaning in this essay?

3.    Examine the cartoon we gave you very closely: how would Freud respond to the woman’s claim? How would Jung? Who is most likely to find the cartoon funny?


For Thursday, Oct. 24


1.    Read the Communist Manifesto by Marx: he speaks of the bourgeois institution of marriage as a system of legalized prostitution. Why?

2.    Given his remarks about the family, do you think that Marx would agree with Rousseau’s comments about the family being the first and only natural form of society? According to Marx, why did the modern version of the family evolve?

3.    P.175, paragraph 2: what do Marx’s remarks about unskilled labor reveal about his unconscious attitudes regarding females? Does he mean to be denigrating? Or is he merely using the inevitable lingo of his culture?


Complex questions either forces one to do our thorough reading and answer difficult yet important questions or one gets lost and wanders off without the ability to learn a most valuable skill; how to answer literary questions and make sense at the same time.




            There’re many excellent types of intelligent and smart evaluations.


            Yes, I’m grateful that some of the smarter teachers and professors I ever held the great honor to be taught by them were great thinkers and ahead of the curve thus they only performed evaluations.


Due to these excellent teachers and administrators I’m a success today. They made me. I didn’t get here on my own.


Due to of their ingenuity and respect for their field of expertise as well as high regard for my learning that I was evaluated in the ability to use my strong thinking capacity as any other great thinker does know how to make the world a better and safer place rather than regurgitate answers for the sake of it.


It was excellent and thoughtful teachers who helped me develop a strong sense of just how intelligent and smart I can be because standardized tests are a poor way to measure just how intelligent any one given individual truly is.


            For example: Instead of writing-in the ‘correct’ answers to each SAT question I sat through the entire test period and re-wrote every single question to be more ESL friendly as well as made thorough notes as to what was wrong with the wording of the SAT and what didn’t make sense and what was outdated and what was flat out wrong.


The phone rang for weeks.


The computer program flunked me while private elite colleges called up to ask me to please apply to their schools. These beautiful and elite private institutions offered scholarships to have me attend their colleges yet I respectfully declined because my heart was set on only one school.


I got accepted to the one and only college I applied to which was the only school I wanted to go to in the first place so that I could fish on the banks of the Merrimack River (which I had too much school work thus I not once got to fish).


(Whew, I got accepted otherwise I don’t know what I would’ve done next. Nothing, I suppose. I might’ve jumped trains from Boston to California and back again with an 8mm camera.)


            Elite private institutions aren’t stupid.


            A bit pompous, perhaps, but not dumb.


Elite private institutions are constantly on the lookout for the next Einstein or da Vinci or Hemmingway or you or smart and intelligent and kind-spirited folk who lookout for the better interests of their fellow human beings or those who desire only to contribute in ways that will make others lives just a little bit better and that’s the type of people who are natural born leaders no matter how meek or shy they might seem when they first set out on the road to life, development, growth and age and ultimate death.


For any teacher to fully understand how much their students comprehend then a great system of evaluation must first be set in place to best honor students’ comprehensive aptitude and multiple choice is not that.


Best Regards;



Word Count Goal: 3,507

Word Count: 3,778 + surplus of 493 = 4,271


Total Word Count thus far this week: 10,000



*)         Day #100 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.





*)         Really, a neck massage will help out sinuses?




As of this spring 2014, we’ve been dealing with the worst sinus infections and headaches. It’s been our worst year ever for allergies. I feel that I’ve got sand stuck in my eyeballs.



---  ---  ---



*)         No, no, no.


One doesn’t bathe in their filth.


First, one takes a proper shower standing up then one takes a bath for relaxation.


Epsom salts helps to keep the human body regular (pass a daily bowel movement) which is a great thing.


Even if one were to only soak their feet in Epsom salts then that’s enough to soak into the skin and make one regular without having to take a full bath.


Relax and enjoy hygiene time.


(Wink, wink.)

(You guys are cute.)



---  ---  ---



*)         Yesterday morning we found out that Mr. Bill Maher will be in town tonight at the State Theatre.


We welcome Mr. Bill Maher to Minneapolis.

Good luck and break a leg.

Give ‘em hell.


We’re disappointed that we shan’t make Mr. Maher’s live performance. Next time. (No, don’t worry we’re not stalkers.)


We simply enjoy his work.


            Nevertheless, we’re too old (wink, wink) and tired to run around and meet famous people that we don’t know unless it’s through work and we’re properly introduced by the powers that be.


            Our week was fast and furious.


            Yes, because we work in the entertainment industry we receive updated feeds as to which famous people come through town, however, we’re too busy to look over the updates because we live under a rock embedded into a hillside and work much too hard so we’re too tired to do much of anything else most of the time when we relax.


            Yes, we meet famous people much of the time nevertheless normally it happens serendipitously when we go to purchase gum or sit down to take a break or some mundane task.


It seems that there’s something about us that says: “They’re safe people to ask questions.”


            Normally, famous people begin to speak with us. We respond in kind to their tourist questions even though I have no idea who anyone famous is or looks like.


We don’t go out of our way to meet famous people because we don’t. Why would we? We wouldn’t. We live worlds apart. We’re engineering nerds. We don’t care about fame.


We care about renewable resources and how to generate a self propelling engine run without oil or the latest factual scientific research or this and that or the weather or migratory patterns or non-genetically modified foods and recipes.


            Plus, the one and only famous person I ever wanted to meet had their entire staff and stagehands and riggers beg me to run far-far away because that famous person is considered mean and terrible to their staff (thank you.)


It’s good that we’re behind-the-scenes professionals and that we have firsthand information to our disposal about how cruel some famous people can be to their staff thus if we were ever so much inclined as to actually care to meet anyone famous then all we do is pick up the phone and ask other professionals in the business what they earnestly think because other behind-the-scenes professionals will tell us the truth and say: “It’s not worth it.” (Okay. Thanks.)


We stay home and build a bonfire.



---  ---  ---



*)         Yes, I’m stalling.


            My Father told me, “‘don’t assume anything about other people. If you do assume the worst then first assume that they have a medical condition or possibly mental illness or lastly they’re either drunk or high.’” (Okay.)


            On a serious personal note: I’ve once again have begun to hemorrhage for the past four weeks. When that happens, the loss of blood is immensely terrifying because there’s so much of it.


If or when I sway back and forth it isn’t because I’m drunk. It’s because I feel as though I might pass out and hit the pavement.


            I know that I must go back to specialists and go through another series of MRI and ultrasound tests to possibly confirm what I already know yet don’t want to hear: Most likely I’ll need a third operation for the third time in three years: Most likely I’ll need to have more tumors removed.


            No, I haven’t passed out yet. (Thank goodness.)


            I realize that I must look drunk to others, however.


            If at any time someone sees me face down for more than five minutes on the sidewalk or in our front yard with the dog leash strapped to my wrist then please call an ambulance immediately before my dog thinks I’m dead and starts to eat my face. (A bad joke.)


            Don’t assume anything about people.


            Suffering is a part of life.


I can only wish that things were differently with my health, however.

They aren’t.


            Yesterday I stopped hemorrhaging for the first time in four weeks so I celebrated by taking myself out for my first skateboard ride of the year. Those eighteen minutes were delicious and free.


Today, I began to hemorrhage once more.


What’s a girl to do but to drink her weird non-sugar vegan soda and try and not worry too much about her health?


I feel tired deep down to the bare bone.


Health’s everything.


I’m racing against the clock to write as much as I can in the decades to come.


Already once cancer came knocking at my door at the tender age of twenty-two (22-23) so I know it’s going to catch up with me at some point, sooner or later. Once, one has cell damage then good luck: “One Foot In The Grave.”


The facts of life.


You never know, I might get to live to be one hundred and twenty (120).


No, I don’t need anyone’s pity.

I’m quite a happy human.


I’ve never been happier in my life as I am today.



---  ---  ---



*)         Yes, yesterday afternoon I took off my t-shirt right in front of our private study window which faces our backyard.


No, I wasn’t drunk, simply, too, lazy to get up and close the blinds or go into another room while I made measurements to my t-shirt.


It shan’t happen again.


It shan’t.


Plus, my sports bra looks more like a bikini top, anyway.


Big deal especially while inside our private home.


I figured the overgrowth out in our backyard would cover our window yet I guessed wrong.



---  ---  ---



*) I’ve fallen in love with a show called: “Waiting for God.”

No, not “Waiting for Godot.”


*) My favorite show in the entire world right now: “Da Vinci’s Demons.”


Thursday, May 29, 2014


“The camel wanted horns--so they took away his ears.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Ordinance (a decree or direction by government)


A city ordinance forbids littering on any street.


---  ---  --- 


[Corrections were made.]






American Public School Education XXI


Consistency XX


            American Public School Education begins with community.


            What’s consistency?


            Consistency is: steadiness, reliability, uniformity, evenness, stability and regularity.




[We’re not Gluttons for Punishment]

Part XI



            Tomorrow: Test Scores:
















Best Regards;



Word Count Goal: 2,000

Word Count: 1,257 + Surplus 743 = 2,000


Word Count Surplus thus far this week: 493



*)         Day #99 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.





*)         What a morning it was already! We spent an hour picking up garbage around our block and at “Manor Park.”



---  ---  ---



*)         This morning we were ever so rudely awoken by our inconsiderate neighbor across the street and one house over who mindlessly and selfishly mowed his lawn at 7:30 A.M.


Other neighbors also stepped outside to see who it was that mowed their lawn at such a Godforsaken hour of the morning and wondered what on Earth was wrong with our one jock neighbor who screams at the top of his lungs “Score!” whenever he leaves his living room windows completely wide open (facing the street) while he watches sports just so that everyone on the block realizes that he’s the boneheaded jock with broken dreams.


He thinks he’s cool. What he doesn’t understand is that we actually know professional sports athletes. (Whatever…)


He’s also the angry neighbor who drives into our neighborhood street at forty miles per hour. We’re waiting for him to hit and kill a neighborhood child or adult. Why he’s so angry is beyond me.



---  ---  ---



*)         At noon when I lunched at Bluestem in uptown with my Roseville, Minneapolis aunt, who worked for thirty years as a social worker for Hennepin County, she said that that’s one inconsiderate neighbor. I couldn’t agree more.


She said that unspoken social contracts dictate that people not mow their lawn before nine in the morning (9:00 A.M.) otherwise any neighbor that mows before that time is rude or inconsiderate or a drunk who can’t pick up on subtle social cues.


No mowing lawns before nine in the morning. (Thank you.)





---  ---  ---



*)         Now, we purchased six (6) Large Petite (Made in Cambodia) Soft-Vintage Crew Neck tees from Old Navy’s online store about two or three weeks ago.


When these tees first arrived in the mail I barely looked them over and tried on the first three t-shirts from the pile and figured that they were alright. (What a mistake that was.)


            This morning when I looked for a clean t-shirt to wear I realized that one tee was too long, all the way down to my thighs, and the other tee was too short, all the way up to my navel, and the pink tee had a hole in it which is neither here nor there because that could’ve happened in our washing machine, here at home.


Thus, we purchased three (3) good t-shirts instead of six (6) for $51.00 dollars. (Bummer.)


Ultimately, we paid seventeen dollars each ($17.00) for three good t-shirts and that’s a ridiculous price anyway one looks at it.


            Since I already took the sales tags off of the six tees then all I can do is pack up two and give them away and use one for dusting rags.


            It’s my fault.


I ought to have tried on all six Large Petite t-shirts and made sure that they properly fit before I cut off the tags and threw these tees in the wash without making sure they were kosher to begin with.


Now, we must purchase another six Soft-Vintage Crew Neck tees and make sure that they’re sublime like the first three tees in the pile.



            Important Notes:


            I just measured myself twice: From the middle of my armpit to my hip bone (which is how long I like my t-shirts to fit).


The exact length measurement came out to fifteen inches (15”). (Give or take a fraction of an inch since I measured myself.)


From the middle of my armpit to my waist the measurement is exactly eight and a half inches (8.5”). (Give or take a fraction of an inch since I measured myself.)


Across the bottom the best fit for a Large Petite tee appears to be twenty-one and a half to twenty-two inches 21½”-22”) without measuring the full circumference.



---  ---  ---

            I’m only giving out these personal measurements because on average I’m supposed to be the quintessential petite American woman size 10 at 5’2” and ¾ at 150 pounds.


However, I’m not made of fat.


I’m pure athletic muscle with a little bit of fat around my stomach that I like to hide as much as possible. (Thank you very much.)


What can I say?

I’m a woman.


            My bust measures less than thirty-six inches (36”) nevertheless I like to wear my t-shirts at thirty-eight or thirty-nine inches (38”-39”) (sometimes even forty inches (40”) because the only braziers I wear are sports bras (with dainty thin straps) hence sports bras don’t hurt my back with a petite frame and full bust).


However, sports bras tend to fit differently than regular painful underwire bras do which I refuse to wear because such bras dig into my ribcage.


Modern high tech sports bras are exquisite in every aspect yet one must leave subtle yet enough room in the front for a comfortable fit because sports bras tend to hold everything ‘center stage front’. (Ha!) (Forwards and upward.)


Correctly fitted tees fit loose and comfortably like my skin does except better because these Soft-Vintage tees are the softest t-shirts I’ve ever worn and that’s because I found out that they’re 100% recycled material (thank you.)



---  ---  ---

            One of the Large Petite Soft-Vintage Crew Neck tees looks like a tent and wears like a tent, measures over eighteen and a half inches (18.5”) long in length from armpit to thigh.


Across the bottom this t-shirt measures the length of over twenty-two and a half inches (22.5”) around the thighs without measuring the full circumference.


(Twenty-one inches across looks great at the hips, however, not on the thighs.)


            Women aren’t Liberty Bells.

            We’re women.


            I refuse to wear this ridiculously long and Large Petite t-shirt because I’m not a 1970’s teenager in an oversized t-shirt trying to hide a pubescent body.


            The other Large Petite Soft-Vintage Crew Neck tee that looks like a cupid doll ought to wear it, measures thirteen inches (13”) long in length from armpit to navel.


Across the bottom this t-shirt measures the length of nineteen inches (19”) without measuring the full circumference.


            Cambodia, what happened?


            No need to panic.

            No need to punish anyone.


            Come on!

            We’ve got work to do.


            Let’s get started with our morning exercises, a good breakfast and make sure that workers get breaks and good salaries otherwise their fatigue begins to show in their work. (I’m grateful for the effort. I really am.)


The last real great comfort Americans really look forward to: Well made t-shirts that say: “We love American private citizens and civilians especially when their Congress hates them.”


Thank you, Cambodia.

Your efforts don’t go unnoticed.


            The following fantastic tee: Old Navy: Petite Large:


            Soft-Vintage Crew Neck tee:


            Large 160/100A: (Made in Cambodia)


            53% Polyester, 35% Cotton, 12% Rayon

            (Thank you. It’s so fabulous I can’t explain it to you.)

            I got three good tees out of it.


            898364-06-1     4005     F04






            Recycled (100%)


            The arms and shoulders and collar beautifully fit.



Wednesday, May 28, 2014


“An ox doesn’t know his own strength.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Hallmark (a mark establishing fine quality)


An association with that outstanding organization is the hallmark of success.


---  ---  --- 


[Corrections were made.]






American Public School Education XX


Consistency XIX


            American Public School Education begins with community.


            What’s consistency?


            Consistency is: steadiness, reliability, uniformity, evenness, stability and regularity.




[We’re not Gluttons for Punishment]

Part X


            My personal verdict is still out about homework.


            Not to sound, too, old fashion, however.


On average, per night, I used to put in about four to six hours of homework and that was about fifteen years ago.


Not to mention that I used to also put in studio hours at the darkroom and watched films for film analysis which can be exhausting work then wrote twenty page papers about each particular film at any one given time per week.


            My high school work and regiment was no different than college because I attended high achieving schools in which when one chose their particular path then they could walk it yet when one wanted to overachieve then one could do so thus they could go on and achieve without limitation so that later on one is able to get paid ‘the big bucks’ which eventually does pay off.


More importantly than the big bucks I carved out a little niche for myself in the world.


I do exactly what I ought to have been doing fourteen years ago which is to write yet that’s neither here nor there.


I spent thirteen years in the field of documentary filmmaking. It wasn’t a total waste of time, however. I ought to have been at home writing and prepping for a life as an author.


            Although, documentary field work is a lot of notation and note taking and documentation (lots of writing) I was writing quite a bit just not the type of writing I ought to have been doing all along like scribing a blog or novel writing or screenplay writing yet again that’s neither here nor there because we know exactly how newsrooms are run and how independent documentary films are produced and we can make films in our sleep.


We can.


We’ve proven that we can make educational and entertaining full length features on thirty-thousand dollars each.


Our test audience told us that our films were some of the quickest documentaries they’ve ever sat through and that they not once got bored.


            The only reason why I work from home is because I’m disciplined well enough to pump out work all on my own only because I used to do four hours or more of homework per night.


And, no, we’re not starving artists. We have a private international clientele roster as well as private investors. We’re neither dumb nor lazy although I’d rather curl up with a novel and a cup of tea. However, we’ve got work up to our eyeballs for the next decade.


            Homework taught me to be a better reader and not only to regurgitate what teachers expected of me or fill in the ‘right’ answer from the back of the book.


Homework taught me to actually and intimately understand and comprehend what I read which has lead me to make precise and excellent analysis when corporations or private individuals send us their portfolios to read and look over and scrutinize any bit of detail.


We’re lucky enough that people will trust us by sending us so much as their finance portfolios to look over even though their hedge fund managers or stock brokers already did.


People want to make sure that someone’s in their corner and can and does and will scrutinize the story behind what such numbers might say.


            Even though we’re independent analytical contractors we wear a lot of different hats because we’re engineers by trade and analytical by nature.


We’re lucky enough that some of the most successful media producers in the world send us their work for analysis.


We’re not only stay-at-home literary writers or editors or code (programming) writers, we’re also people highly priced for our analysis in our field of expertise.


            Eric’s an official expert in his field of work which is broadcast engineering. I’m on my way to becoming an expert in my field of literary work within the next six years. (I’m so close I can almost taste it.)


Both Eric and I were valedictorians of our high school class. Both Eric and I achieved beyond our alma mater college. By the time Eric was in his late teens he was the director of a newsroom.


By the time I was in my mid-twenties I was riding in the back of limos to film shoots.


We’ve been around the block.


The only way we got around the block is by being great students.


We kept our head down and studied, minded our own business and did as well as we could with some limited resources we had, yet we triumphed.




            None of this writing is about us.


            This writing is for you and about you.


            This writing is for you to understand that much of life’s success and happiness and consistency comes from homework because when one doesn’t understand much less know anything about history or governance or psychology or reading or comprehension or linguistics or factual science or mathematics then one doesn’t know and it shows to those who do know the difference and can and will make sound judgments about signing you on to a career or not.


            In my early twenties I used to get passed up for promotions because my bosses used to give me the line: “You’re overqualified for this position.”


The more other uneducated adults kept telling me that I was “too smart” or “too good” at my work then the more I understood how under qualified they were at their work therefore they couldn’t afford to have someone like me outperform them because then they would’ve been out of a job and out in the streets.


It seemed okay with high school dropouts that I starve on $6.18 an hour without health benefits while I labored in a newsroom but it wasn’t okay for high school dropouts to starve therefore they kept hiring more high school dropouts to do the work of more qualified and intelligent people like producing and such.


The dichotomy was a disdainful one yet it was I who landed a business loan at the age of twenty-five (2002) and started a humble ‘rice and beans’ film production company on peanuts with only one designer computer with a fire-wire and a decent GL2 camera and that was that.


            At that time, even my peers made fun of me and said this: “You’re just some little girl with a computer, a camera and a large dream.” True.


My peers used to put me down for wanting to get something started and now. I don’t even own a camera or a computer. (Funny how technology moves along?)


Now I own a cell phone and that’s how business gets conducted with a small-light tablet and that’s that. Conducting business today requires less equipment than when I first started in this business in 2000.




            The whole point is this: When one’s done enough reading in their youth they will still require life experience and that’s what one’s twenties are about.


Normally in one’s twenties coworkers and other more uneducated or catty peers will undermine one’s great ability to succeed or persevere.


The more one gets undermined then the more power others can see in you.


Other more jealous or envious or intimidated peers or coworkers realize that whatever they do, you can still do it better than they can without breaking a sweat and that terrifies them therefore they’ll try to sabotage anyone who’s naturally gifted and also well educated by taking them out.


            One’s thirties is about robust and intricate understanding of one’s limitations of power yet respectfully soar the skies because in one’s twenties one had to possibly obey a certain type of social or work structure and probably got kicked in the face time-and-time again by haters regardless of such atrocities, thoughtful and intelligent and gifted people understand how consistently homework gets done like muscle memory and those tend to be the types of people who ultimately shine and go on to build successful businesses or climb that corporate ladder of success or find a cure for AIDS because no one’s going to let a diamond in the rough sit there unpolished when it could be making the boss millions of dollars just because every other high school dropout tends to play silly social games of perpetual insecurity.


An unpolished stone is bound to be discovered because normally those are the nerdy and quiet yet polite and kindly intelligent thinking folks who are consistently thinking about how to best serve their fellow human beings instead of making bucket loads of money, nevertheless, they, too, will eventually end up running any company needless to say that they first learn how any company is run because they understand that protocol and operations are just as important as the bottom line.


            What one must understand is that homework is muscle memory.


When one doesn’t put in practice time out in the field then one doesn’t become a decent or good athlete, no matter how much they wish they could make the team.


When one doesn’t put in homework time then one doesn’t become a good thinker, no matter how much they wish they could find a cure for the AIDS virus or cancer.


When one doesn’t put in their practice or homework time then one doesn’t develop the necessary skills to become decent or good or great or excellent at whatever they wish to excel at.


When one doesn’t put in practice time by studying any articulate instrument then one doesn’t become first or second or third chair, no matter how much they wish they could be first chair.


It’s nearly impossible to achieve anything worthwhile without muscle memory, no matter how much parents may excuse away homework simply because parents are too tired or frustrated or bored or irritated by having to help out their children with complex and modern homework assignments.


            Homework is to learn the essence of comprehension.


Without comprehension one doesn’t become a professional basketball or baseball player or world renowned concert pianist or violinist or rock star or doctor or scientific researcher or blogger or entrepreneur.


And, if one does happen to become world renowned without any work behind it then most likely it doesn’t take much time to realize that that individual often gets stuck on one note and can’t play a variety of bars hence they stagnate and get lost in the annals of history to be forgotten forever because they cut corners and cheated and everybody got sick of their same output which is a sign of mediocrity, anyway, however.


Mediocrity well done is a great way to disguise the inferior intellect of those who are too lazy to give it an earnest shot.


            My final point: we don’t want to see our country’s productivity or bottom line or creativity fail, down the road, simply and only, because today’s parents got, too, lazy about homework or because it was too difficult for parents to figure out. Nope.


Best Regards;



Word Count Goal: 2,000

Word Count: 2,136


Word Count Surplus thus far this week: 1,237



*)         Day #98 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.





            Yes, I’ll blog on Wednesday, June 4, 2014 about Veterans.


            Yes, I’ll blog on Friday June 6, 2014 and give my annual commencement address to the class of 2014 since our readers keep asking for one. (Not because I think I’m amazing at it. However, I find it important to do so.)


Yes, I try and wait to be one of the last people to write a yearly commencement speech so that I don’t impede upon other official commencement addresses since my speeches are so unorthodox yet about real life since I deal with real life and ‘out of the box’ of academic ideology.


            Yes, I’ll take a three month hiatus from this blog to either write one full complete novel six hundred pages (600 pages) (10 pages per day, 2,000 words per day, five times per week for twelve (12) weeks) or to write one screenplay every two weeks with a total of six screenplays (6) by the end of August 2014. (I haven’t decided which project I’ll undertake yet.)


I’ll continue to write throughout the summer because my literary idol Mr. Stephen King writes every single day of the year even on his birthday and Christmas therefore I’ll follow in his footsteps although my private novel writing and screenplay writing are awful, I tend to keep those literary works hidden from the public until I get better at my craft.


            Yes, I’ll return to this blog on Monday, September 8, 2014.


Tuesday, May 27, 2014


“If a horse realized how small a man is,

it would trample him at once.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Paragon (model, finest example of)


Hamlet said that his father was a paragon of kings.


---  ---  --- 


[Corrections were made.]






American Public School Education XIX


Consistency XVIII


            American Public School Education begins with community.


            What’s consistency?


            Consistency is: steadiness, reliability, uniformity, evenness, stability and regularity.




[We’re not Gluttons for Punishment]

Part IX



From ‘Moyers & Company’ Website


Charter Schools Gone Wild: Study Finds Widespread Fraud, Mismanagement and Waste

May 5, 2014

By Joshua Holland

Charter school operators want to have it both ways. When they’re answering critics of school privatization, they say charter schools are public — they use public funds and provide students with a tuition-free education. But when it comes to transparency, they insist they have the same rights to privacy as any other private enterprise.

But a report released Monday by Integrity in Education and the Center for Popular Democracy — two groups that oppose school privatization – presents evidence that inadequate oversight of the charter school industry hurts both kids and taxpayers.

Sabrina Joy Stevens, executive director of Integrity in Education, told, “Our report shows that over $100 million has been lost to fraud and abuse in the charter industry, because there is virtually no proactive oversight system in place to thwart unscrupulous or incompetent charter operators before they cheat the public.” The actual amount of fraud and abuse the report uncovered totaled $136 million, and that was just in the 15 states they studied.

Diane Ravitch on school privatization.

According to the study, fraud and mismanagement of charter schools fall into six categories:

◾Charter operators using public funds illegally — outright embezzlement

◾Using tax dollars to illegally support other, non-educational businesses

◾Mismanagement that put children in potential danger

◾Charters illegally taking public dollars for services they didn’t provide

◾Charter operators inflating their enrollment numbers to boost revenues

◾General mismanagement of public funds

The report looks at problems in each of the 15 states it covers, with dozens of case studies. In some instances, charter operators used tax dollars to prop up side businesses like restaurants and health food stores — even a failing apartment complex.

The report’s authors note that, “where there is little oversight, and lots of public dollars available, there are incentives for ethically challenged charter operators to charge for services that were never provided.” They cite the example of the Cato School of Reason Charter School in California, which, despite its libertarian name, collected millions of tax dollars by registering students who actually attended private schools in the area.

Perhaps the most troubling examples of mismanagement were those the report says actually put kids in danger:

Many of the cases involved charter schools neglecting to ensure a safe environment for their students. For example, Ohio’s State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Dr. Richard A. Ross, was forced to shut down two charter schools, The Talented Tenth Leadership Academy for Boys Charter School and The Talented Tenth Leadership Academy for Girls Charter School, because, according to Ross, “They did not ensure the safety of the students, they did not adequately feed the students, they did not accurately track the students and they were not educating the students well. It is unacceptable and intolerable that a sponsor and school would do such a poor job. It is an educational travesty.”

Integrity in Education and the Center for Popular Democracy aren’t the first to warn of problems plaguing an under-regulated industry fueled by billions of tax dollars. A 2010 report to Congress by the Department of Education’s Inspector General’s office warned of the agency’s “concern about vulnerabilities in the oversight of charter schools” in light of “a steady increase in the number of charter school complaints.” It blamed regulators’ failure “to provide adequate oversight needed to ensure that Federal funds [were] properly used and accounted for.”




Furthermore from the actual report


Charter Operators Using Public Funds Illegally For Personal Gain


The most pervasive type of charter fraud and mismanagement that we found in our survey is the illegal practice of charter operators using public funds for personal gain. Examples include:

Masai Skiefs, former CEO of the Harambee Institute of Science Technology Charter School in Pennsylvania, who pled guilty to stealing $88,000 for various purposes, including a down payment on a house;

William and Shirley Pierce, former operators of Right Step Academy Charter School in Minnesota, who were sentenced to 37 and 30 months in federal prison, respectively, for using public dollars for a Caribbean cruise vacation, $17,561.87 to pay off personal credit card debt, and $11,125.00 to purchase season tickets to the Minnesota Timberwolves, among other things;

Joel Pourier, former CEO of Oh Day Aki Heart Charter School in Minnesota, who embezzled $1.38 million from 2003 to 2008. He used the money on houses, cars, and trips to strip clubs. Meanwhile, according to an article in the Minneapolis Star Tribune, the school “lacked funds for field trips, supplies, computers and textbooks.” A judge sentenced Mr. Pourier to 10 years in prison. Given the number of years, and the severity of the fraud, over a million dollars might have been saved had there been adequate charter oversight.

To prevent this type of fraud from occurring, there are a number of steps lawmakers can take. For example, charter school governing boards should be required to include representation from the school’s educators and parents, and relatives of school administrators or anyone associated with a charter management company should be barred from serving on a school’s governing board. Schools should also be required to have internal financial controls that are considered best practices in non-profit management, to insure internal oversight of expenditures. Local or state charter school authorizers should be funded and required to ensure that these controls are in place. Appendix A of this report includes excerpts from source documents which detail the various ways charter operators have used charter funds for personal gain.




Disclaimer:               [No, I don’t get paid to write opinion pieces to persuade the public into further buying more newspapers or to sway the public into giving away their educational public funds to private institutions in the form of charter schools.


I whole heartedly give my opinion so that the public doesn’t get duped into ridiculous aspects of thought or reason or warped logic that only hopes to deceive them by writing feel good opinion pieces yet rob them blind under the table. (As if.)


My job as a blue blood and as steward of these lands is to make sure that our people don’t become serfs to any sneaky or hidden private corporate agendas because we toil the land from sunup to sundown. We work much, too, hard to have our public funds stolen from right under our nose.]




            Yes, we’re against charter schools because charter schools are run by hedge fund bankers who are out to make profit or personal gain for themselves rather than to generate money that might’ve gone towards further public education in local communities.


            Yes, we’re against charter schools because charter schools’ test scores are actually worse than those of public schools.


            Yes, we’re against charter schools because charter schools are run more like bank institutions rather than public educational systems those which care about the overall welfare of our children’s future educational success.


            Yes, we’re against charter schools because their propaganda campaigns are manipulative and deceptive and that’s simply an insane structural system that one must not buy into otherwise one helps “the man” help himself to public funds.


            Yes, we’re against charter schools because there’s too much lying going on about what exactly charter schools do without explaining to the public that charter schools are mini-banks for the wealthy to stuff themselves silly on.


Charter schools are ATMs for the rich that manipulate their way into having public funds backup their economically bloated lifestyles while charter school children aren’t necessarily taught as well as their public school counterparts are and test scores indicate that.


            Yes, we’re against charter schools because while American children go without resources or adequate school lunches then bankers get fat rich off of our children’s public funds.


            No, our future children shan’t attend online charter school because online charter schools are schools that pushes for parents to do all of the work just like home-schooling does and that will not do.


It’s not good enough to allow for charter schools to rob the public blind by having parents do all of the work and pay all the money.


            No matter how socially inept any child or youth may be, one of the best things, that can ever happen to youth is to learn early on, that the world is a tough place, and that they must be resilient to its cruelties or difficulties or injustices.


Otherwise children learn that when they escape their lives and run and hide behind mommy’s skirt then they’ll develop delusional thinking that everything will be okay when they hide from the world yet these types of children miss out on some of the most essential and vital aspects of learning such as social structures and social complexities and excellent decision making while in confrontation amongst peers.


Such complexities can’t be taught at home behind mommy’s skirt or on a computer. No, it’s impossible. Only peers can teach their peers how to best handle bullies or disrespectful abusive personality types who try to manipulate others by sheer force or emotional brutality.


            No, children ought not to be home-schooled or attend online charter schools because most of these types of children are awkward or queer (weird or creepy) or socially inept or ‘retarded’ or uncomfortable to be around because they can’t seem to pick up on subtle social cues.


No, children ought not to be home-schooled or attend online charter schools because no matter how much any parent may deceive themselves, no parent can provide or give their children everything that that child needs to be fully equipped and armed with social and educational knowledge.


Parents fail their children when their children get home-schooled or attend online charter schools simply because while any youths’ brains develops they must get exposed to as many different types of cultural experiences and complexities and variables and difficulties as possible so that they may learn to make great decisions on their own otherwise the world will eat them whole as adults who can’t seem to maneuver a ‘dog-eat-dog world’.




            If one’s child or youth attends charter schools then one ought to reconsider placing their children or youth back into public education because that’s any parent’s responsibility or duty to do well by their community especially their children who are part of any hardworking and upstanding community such as ours.


When parents send their children or youth off to charter schools then not only do parents cheat the public out of their taxes as well as parents also cheat their children out of better education and higher test scores because with charter schools there’s no transparency about how funds are used therefore no one cares if children have textbooks or not. (Pity.)


            Yes, public schools get a bad reputation yet that’s also propaganda from many different corporate interests that do steal public funds from public institutions and disperse such funds back into corporate interests such as charter school owners or bankers.      




            In 2005, the moment I attended a trailer trash and rich Bourgeois drunken cocaine snorting capitalist summer party I realized what charter schools were all about in Minnesota. Stealing money from the public.


A group of drunken trailer trash fraternity brothers in their mid twenties sat me down at an outdoor private backyard bar decorated in Hawaiian décor and aggressively poked me in the forearm and shoulder while they reiterated their finer points about wealth in America like I don’t know the difference. (Please.)


(Minnesota white trash rich holds 1980’s “Dallas” television concepts about what they think wealth and luxury is, which when one thinks about it, “Dallas” looks cheap to anyone who knows the value of true wealth or luxury.


However, many don’t understand that a BMW or a McMansion with thin walls or terribly built homes aren’t considered any type of real wealth.


They seem to think that wealth is only riches.


There’s a major difference between wealth vs. riches.


When one doesn’t know wealth: Once they get a hold of a little bit of money then they tend to flaunt it because they think they’re rich and they’ve made it, however.


They don’t get the concept of wealth and connections going as far back as 1066. The concept’s too difficult for them to understand because they don’t know in the same way that most people don’t understand what eighty mil (80 million) looks like.)


            While drunk fraternity brothers spoke at top octave and spit into my drink, I dug in my heels and sat there while they thoroughly explained to me how exactly they were going to get filthy rich off of the public by stealing public educational funds and transferring such funds into charter schools in which no one ever checked to see what happened to all of that money therefore it was there for the taking and they were going to take it because the public was too stupid to understand anything about private enterprise vs. public funding much less property taxes.


I tried not to spit my drink into anyone’s face as it came back up with total and complete discuss about what they’d divulged.


Sometimes, one’s forced to hold down their food or drink no matter how disgusting their host may be.


            As I continued to get poked by burly huge weight lifting white males who kept sticking their cheap and ugly gold plated outdated Rolexes in my face I wondered how long it would take to hear about them doing a ten year sentence for fraud or embezzlement.


            We all know… I look dumb.


            We all know… I can act dumb.


            We all know… I used to like to test people by pretending to be the “village idiot” because being a woman of color in Minnesota automatically places me in the dumb category therefore I ask people to please explain everything to me like I were a child and they take it literally.


My humor’s not very Minnesotan.


I used to love to act the idiot.


It’s my favorite role in the entire world because I know how smart and intelligent I truly am as so do you.


When people used to treat me like an idiot then I acted like an idiot.


Although, I’ve begun to break that habit as of two years ago even though it was great fun to leave others guessing if I was truly that stupid which who can’t be dumb from time to time?


Everybody can be dumb at one point or another.


No, I’m not an expert at anything yet, however.


I know a little bit about many things and that’s how I can connect the dots. It’s easy I just need time to put it all together because I’m not very good on my feet.


            Yes, I’ve waited ten long years for proof to come out against the fraud or embezzlement of charter schools because anytime that I’ve attended Minnesota dinner parties all of the middle class Bourgeois rich get their undergarments in a twist and can’t seem to properly debate the pros and cons of charter schools without getting overly emotional about the subject matter and that makes them some of the most boring people to be around.


            In 2005, that entire day that I spent with charter school drunk cocaine snorting rich white trash banking brats I learned a lot about embezzlement and fraud because in their drunken stupor they came out and spelled it out for me. (Thank you.)


Therefore, it wasn’t a complete or total waste of my time.


            It’s taken a lot of patience for us (society) to arrive at this fork in the road in which we stand here between a lie and a truth.


            Which way shall we go?


            We’re going to go with a truth and raise our children in the educational public school system because at least then we’ll know exactly just where our money goes.


            What’s one to do when the smokin’ mirrors are packed and the circus tents have all been taken down and everything’s gone except for the remaining garbage the day after the circus left town?


            We live for clarity of mind and knowledge and wisdom and some form of truth otherwise life would be a waste of time.


            We live for transparency because we work much too hard for our money.


            We’d like to know that when we send our future children to public school then they’ll have textbooks and adequate school lunches and fieldtrips to their disposal.


            We’d like to think that our time and effort and energy and money are worth our public schools because that’s where our children shall attend.


We command that our public schools meet the basic requirements so that our children may thrive in their educational public success because when our children decide to attend college or Ivy League or advanced degrees as most of our adult family and extended family members have done so then our children will have that choice because our public schools will have prepared them towards that in adult life and beyond.


We do uphold to some basic expectations like classroom safety and textbooks and adequate school lunches and productive learning fieldtrips.


We believe in public school education because we believe in keeping public finances above board and transparent.


Best Regards;



Word Count Goal: 2,000

Word Count: 2,320


Word Count Surplus thus far this week: 1,101



*)         Day #97 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.





*) Its official “Freeway” (our dog) gets his goolies removed next Wednesday. He gets neutered. He’s too hormonal and wild ultra-alpha thus we must calm him down.


*) This is my last week of writing until I go on my three month European holiday. No, I shan’t go to Europe unless I muster the energy.


*) Yes, we spend our summers in the hot city “with the rest of the miserable lot” and have a great time at it.


In the summers we take Mondays off and get to do house projects that we’ve put off for the rest of the year, drink cold non-genetically-modified beer (Sierra Nevada) and build bonfires, visit with friends who travel this way (in the summers) and relax out on our patio.


We have a blast in the city.


We love it!


It gets hot and windy and the smells of our yard are ever so refreshing. We’ll make a few meals around our bonfire pit and run barefoot and not worry about anything.


We love summers in the city.


Personally, I don’t know how to swim thus I don’t enjoy being near water but I do love to wade ankle deep in cold refreshing water.


We love to eat our mulberries fresh from our tree in our backyard as well as make fresh fruit salad and rejoice in hot weather.


I think that summers in the city are posh yet that seems to only be me who thinks that.


I think, that, mainly because past summers I spent them at Manhattan Harbor and Marina and Cape Cod and the Hamptons and Martha’s Vineyard and, and, and… I know all about the East Coast.


One doesn’t have to brag to me about our former intimate stomping grounds. I know, I know.


Monday, May 26, 2014


Happy Memorial Day!


Friday, May 23, 2014


“Gazelles are the animals most loved by God…

because a gazelle harms no one,

and never disturbs the peace.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Pariah (an outcast, one despised by society)


The indictment made a social pariah of the disturber.


---  ---  --- 


[Corrections were made.]






American Public School Education XVIII


Consistency XVII


            American Public School Education begins with community.


            What’s consistency?


            Consistency is: steadiness, reliability, uniformity, evenness, stability and regularity.




[We’re not Gluttons for Punishment]




            “Call the police anytime you need to,” said a detective.


            “Don’t be a fool,” said my Father. “Call the police as often as it’s necessary when your neighbors disturb the peace.”




            We will.


            Our neighbors two-doors down (south of us) are fortunate to have one extraordinary amazing extended visiting family member who spends her time wisely with their family’s six small children, (although I’ve only seen her three times this late spring.)


She’s one of the more beautiful and calm and sophisticated adult mature black women I’ve witnessed stroll down our neighborhood sidewalk (along with our black next door neighbor ladies and the ladies across the street) with humility and intelligent presence of mind to be respectful and not shout or scream or yell or shriek or throw around attitude or make empty threats of physical harm or violence against another in a neighborhood which she’s a visitor.


She actually and physically goes out into their yard or sidewalk and spends her productive time with their family’s children.


(It’s such a bummer that she isn’t our neighbor instead of the rest of her loud or screaming or yelling abusive family.)


            Yesterday evening around 6:00 P.M., I stepped out of our front door and took “Freeway” (our dog) to relieve himself (urinate) on our next door neighbor’s fence (we have permission since they have three dogs and our dogs tend to smell each other’s scent).


I witnessed a miracle.


This pure calm beautiful angel of a woman maintained peace and calm tranquility and quiet throughout the land (all on her own) while she attended to five small children as they quietly and respectfully played a ways down on the sidewalk. Their children calmly strolled alongside her or on their plastic four-wheelers because some of them are tiny little tykes for children and none of them shrieked or yelled or screamed while in her presence because they had enough self respect.


            A strong sense of peace took a hold of me.


            With her presence around us, I felt hopeful.


            She’s a natural and nurturing Mother of the Universes.


Since she does productively and calmly manage all of their children on her own then that can only mean that other adults in her family could also become capable to will such real power some day.


            Twice, this late spring, I’ve stopped by our living room window to admire this angel calmly stroll and play with their children because she’s a pure teacher who embodies everything that’s intrinsically kind and gentle without needing to preach or brag to the choir about how great she is.


She’s greatness incarnate.


She knows how great and beautifully intelligent she truly is therefore she doesn’t have to prove anything to anyone.


She doesn’t raise her voice or has a bad or negative comment to say to their children or throws her weight around like she’s ready to punch someone in the face.


            She’s a pure angel of hope.


She tends to tread lightly on her dainty feet and walks gracefully.


She dresses in all black and is the height of sophisticated fashion.


            I know this might sound a bit forward, however.


If our circumstance were different then I would’ve loved to have gotten to know her and possibly befriended her as most kindred spirits do.


My heart yearns with the agape desire to ask her over to proper tea yet we’ve not been properly introduced.


Since we’re complete strangers to one another I shan’t be impulsive.


Nevertheless, her gentle grace and calm disposition makes me rejoice in life and the holy spirit and all that’s good and kind in humanity.


She makes a humanitarian out of me.


She makes me want to be a better human.


She inspires me deeply in the agape regions of my platonic love.


            I admire her in ways that only gentle and assertive women can be admired and respected.


It’s obvious that she’s a great lady of era and time because all of their children just melt in her hands and respect her gentle and confident demeanor and essence, infinitely evermore.


No, I don’t pretend to know her yet in another life I would’ve liked to think that she and I could’ve been close friends because she touches the deepest and kindest aspects of my heart and soul.


            Their children were calm and quiet all afternoon from noon to six.




            Last night, by around 8:00 P.M. or so we called the police because our one neighbor’s six unattended children (under the ages of ten) ran around feral all the front of our home while they threw each other’s bikes into the street with approaching traffic also they pushed and kicked each other and began to pull up some yellow flags we had staked into our yard that the land surveyor placed there three weeks ago before all of the rain came and swamped our yard and we’re still waiting to have a fence put in.


Twice, Eric ran out to our front yard and staked the yellow flags back into the ground to mark the electric and water.


I stepped outside of our entryway and went no further than five feet from our front doorway, raised my voice and said, “I’m not going to tell you again. This is private property. Leave it alone.”


Their children did eventually leave our yard alone because even though I didn’t scream or yell I had the sound of wrath in my voice.


            It’s the queerest aspect: All afternoon when their children were in the care of one mature adult woman their children conducted themselves in the greatest and kindest and respectful and quiet manner.


            By 7:00 P.M. their other visiting adult extended family members were the ones who yelled or screamed or hollered and by 8:00 P.M. their children joined in and it became a cacophony of the spoilt black ghetto mentally ill brats.


It was as if the adults had ruined all of the hard work of one mature adult and didn’t care or notice that she had brought something of value to their family: respectability.


            Yes, their black children are unattended about ninety percent (90%) of the time when they’re outside running around like wild savages or feral dogs.


            Yes, it’s the adults who scream or holler or yell when they come and visit our neighborhood.


            Yes, the Matriarch of their family lets it happen to them.


            No, their eleven year old girl doesn’t watch over the other little ones very well when she’s out there with them. They run circles around her. She has no control over them because she’s so out of control herself when she kicks the little ones and they kick back in retaliation.


            No, the adults don’t watch out for their children.


            Last night round 7:50 P.M. all of a sudden the adults got real quiet because they went inside and left their children outside unattended and all hell broke loose.


            Eventually when the police came then a woman in a pink t-shirt spoke to one white male police officer when he came to tell them to settle down.


She’s the same woman who makes loud and indirect physical threats, “I’ll fuck her up. Just have her come over here.”


Why is it that every other word is “fuck” with some people?


She makes us laugh each and every time because someone like that isn’t to be taken seriously when they swear or yell or throw around their ugly face filled with hatred.


            To be stern is one thing.


            To be a hater is another.


            There’s more litter (Jolly Rancher’s candy wrappers) around our neighborhood this week and at “Manor Park.” Bummer.


Some of our neighbors, three-doors down, seriously have begun to consider moving away. Bummer.


I’ve been informed that this screaming and yelling and shrieking has been going on since exactly the year 2003 yet the oh, so powerful, “City of No Name” doesn’t come to our neighborhood’s help or aid or defense and the cycle of violence continues.


Their children have been out there screaming for about thirty straight minutes now without supervision. (Sigh.)


            The problem with our neighbors two-doors down is that they want all of the benefit of living in a nice and clean and quiet and peaceful neighborhood yet they’re the ones who create an imbalance and bring in all of the garbage or litter and loud noise day-after-day-after-day until it’s now been eleven years that our neighborhood has been forced to endure the hatred of one black ghetto family that takes advantage of all the rest of their neighbors by letting their feral children and adults disrespect this neighborhood’s block.


            Yes, call the cops every time unruly or feral neighbors yell or scream or shriek out of sheer hatred for respect.


            Yes, call the cops every time that you see people litter or throw trash out of their car windows. I do. I get their license plate and give it to the police.


It’s the best way to maintain balance without getting into any confrontation.


            Yes, do call the police when neighbors disturb the peace.


            Absolutely, yes.


Best Regards;



Word Count Goal: 829

Word Count: 1,608


Word Count thus far this week: 10,781



*)         Day #93 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.





When I make time.



Monday’s Footnotes:


*) “Periscope” and “VitaFusion” and “MINE” clothing line.


*) “Shoppes at Arbor Lakes” in Maple Grove, Minnesota:


(More later…)


Thursday, May 22, 2014


“Barren trees make more noise than fruit-bearing trees….

They ask fruit-bearing trees: “Why don’t you make any noise?”

---to which the trees reply, “Our fruits are sufficient advertisement.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Assiduous (diligent, unwearied, constant attention)


The officer made assiduous efforts to suppress the rebellion.


---  ---  --- 


First upload: 6:53 A.M.

Second upload: 6:00 P.M.






American Public School Education XVII


Consistency XVI


            American Public School Education begins with community.


            What’s consistency?


            Consistency is: steadiness, reliability, uniformity, evenness, stability and regularity.




[We’re not Gluttons for Punishment]

Part VII


            Hasidic: The way one prayed became more important than one's knowledge of the prayer's meaning.”


            The reason why people seem passive / aggressive about barking dogs in our neighborhood is because they don’t seem to acquire or muster enough self truth or confidence or courage to address what really bothers them, which really isn’t barking dogs, rather it’s unruly or disrespectful or loud or screaming or yelling or shrieks from black neighbors who perpetuate violence throughout the land.


            The reason for not addressing real issues is because people seem afraid to be perceived as racists when they know perfectly well that perpetual misbehavior is disrespectful, yet issues must be addressed and not lazily excused away, nevertheless, in a culture of so much gun violence neighbors tend to become Hasidic to their own difficulties and live in perpetual silence about the conflicts they wish they could directly or positively address because they gave up a long time ago on any real hope of positive change or course of action or redirection or solutions when there’s zero communal leadership only individual responsibility which our neighborhood has a lot of individual responsibility.


It’s easier to be cruel or mean to barking dogs to get one’s aggression out about neighborhood violence than it is to address difficult issues at hand as to what really bothers people about other disrespectful neighbors who trash and litter our neighborhood and community on a daily or weekly basis while their children run wild like savages screaming up-and-down neighborhood sidewalks or streets like mentally insane or abused bullies.


            People desire for positive change yet they seem stuck on how to create it or will it.




            The whole aspect about being a good neighbor, especially in beautiful urban (suburban) areas is that one must realize that one lives within close proximity to others. Period.


Lots are small and sound travels just like it does on water.


Some of the most beautiful neighborhoods, which I’ve ever held the great honor to frequent, have been those with neighbors who hold regular cookouts or parties while most of their other neighbors don’t even realize that that’s happening right under their nose.


Silence isn’t an option.


However, constant peaceful quiet and upstanding excellent behavior is a mandatory option.


We owe it to ourselves to do well by others and to stay in great relationship with one’s neighbors because these are the remarkable people that we share plots and land co-existing side-by-side possibly until we’re old and buried in the ground.




            What do I want from or out of any neighborhood?


            Peace and quiet to think and live and read and write and make home cooked meals and share a peaceful life with Eric and “Freeway” (our dog) and live happily ever after… as I get older with each passing day because someday I’ll wake up, and look into a mirror, and realize, that I’m indeed an old woman with more days behind me than ahead of me ready for death with ‘one foot in the grave’ and with each passing day I get closer to death.


            Valuable and precious time seems to always be running out for any serious and hardworking writers.


            My literary work is important to me and to the world at large.


            Writing and thinking and comprehension are some of the most difficult functions there are to do well in the world.


When one is forced to listen to screams or yells from neighbors then it brings down any writer’s or tele-commuter worker’s quality of work and craftsmanship therefore I do wish and hope and pray for consistent and persistent quiet from good neighbors who understand that someday I’ll write horror novels and hopefully bring our neighborhood status level to a place where people can say, “Stephen King II lives in my neighborhood.” (Only as an imaginary example: no one can touch the King of horror.)


            No, absolute silence isn’t the same as quiet.


(There’s a major distinction between the two, because if I wanted absolute silence then I’d move to a remote location without neighbors for about fifty miles around and chop my own wood and hunt rabbit, skin it, cook it and eat it for dinner. The end of story.)


            We would like to continue to live in a mixed economically thriving and interracial neighborhood in which everyone abides by middle class codes of conduct which means that everyone must continually and consistently mind their “P’s and Q’s” (respectful behavior) so that others may also flourish and enjoy the fruits of their labor.


We don’t care what skin color people are or how much money they possess in their bank accounts, however.


We do care about their modus operandi (method of operating or functioning) because that says a lot about their mental status.


We’re intelligent and healthy and understanding animals.


We like to surround ourselves with other emotionally intelligent and healthy and smart animals as well especially when we don’t have much in common yet we get along by respectfully interacting or communicating in a way that doesn’t degrade anyone’s dignity, especially little dogs or other pets in any neighborhood because any dog’s nature is to bark while man’s nature is to be intelligently thoughtful otherwise he’s not functioning at full capacity.


            We’d love to live in a neighborhood in which children automatically hang on to their garbage or litter by stuffing it into their trouser pockets or carry their own garbage bags small enough to fit into their pockets (so that children don’t necessarily get their clothes dirty or sticky or ruined) because children must understand that environmentalism is the ticket to their future health and success.


My Father taught me to hang on to my litter and to properly dispose of it later rather than immediately throw it on the ground because to be mindfully responsible meant that I held a strong psychological presence of mind to be smart and intelligently thoughtful about my personal property and understood the gravitas of my situation as an individual mature citizen, no matter how young I might have been.


My garbage or litter does indeed belong to me therefore I was taught to take responsibility for it.


To this day I still stuff my pockets full of my garbage or litter instead of thoughtlessly letting it fall to the ground simply because I feel too lazy to properly dispose of it.


            When we think about the ultimate cool neighborhood; we’d like to live in a neighborhood in which all sorts of people across the spectrum with different economic or racial status peacefully co-exist.


No matter what, we can’t seem to think of anything cooler than sharing any neighborhood with those that are so different from each other yet their main goal and that which binds them together is respectful and consistent good behavior because they care about their neighbor’s well being and health and stress level.


No, we don’t believe that people have to go out of their way to be sickly and sweetly nice (because we don’t trust that especially not in any city) however we do believe that respect is the highest form of self esteem there is without having to come out and be all weird about anything or overly demonstratively love-y-dove-y towards others.


            We tend to keep to ourselves.


            We were taught to fix and do things ourselves.




            I’ve been called away…


            Anyway, this afternoon was “the” best afternoon of my almost two year stay here.


Our black neighbor’s children (two-doors down) played outside without screams or yells or shrieks; for the first time in almost two years I was able to sit upstairs in our living room and read much heady research material I’m trying to get through for analysis.


Normally, I wear earplugs yet earplugs don’t seem to help much.


I only work out of our private study in our basement built into a hillside under a rock to distill all off the children’s yells or screams or shrieks coming from our street or yells or screams or shrieks that come from our black / white neighbor’s children near our backyard as well.


I’m tired of being a prisoner or confined to only one space in our home when I work in the daytime because of the craziness that’s gone on in our neighborhood ever since August 1, 2012 when we first purchased our property.


            It wasn’t until 3:50 P.M. that two young black adult males began to call each other n______ out in front of our home and progressively raised their voice about something or other; that’s when I had to go back to the dungeon (just kidding).


“I gave you, your I.D. back, nigger,” said one of the men.


One short stocky male of about 5’7” and 180 pounds wore a bright engine red baseball cap with a white t-shirt and verbally fought a wiry skinner male of about 5’8-5’9” and 130 pounds dressed in a navy blue t-shirt and seemed to drive a silver four door car.


            I’ve got to run…


Best Regards;



Word Count Goal: 2,000

Word Count: 1,970


Word Count thus far this week: 9,173



*)         Day #92 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.





            Are there any handsome or beautiful or sexually vibrant and responsibly intelligent adults on “Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board” that would be so kind as to have “Wirth Parkway” cleaned or picked up from “Cedar Lake Parkway” to “Zenith Avenue North”? (Thank you. It would be highly appreciated.)


On “Wirth Parkway” some of the same garbage or litter that sat there last October 2013 sat there as of yesterday May 21, 2014 right across from “Wirth Golf Course”.


            We’d love to golf at Wirth’s public Golf Course.


However, their garbage is unsightly and ghastly therefore we don’t put down our hard earned money to play golf at a littered or trashed Minneapolis parkway because it would be a complete and total waste of our time and energy and money to do so.


            I grew up around private elite golf courses in the world.


I simply can’t stomach to golf on top of garbage or litter because the thing about golf as a sport is that it’s meant to be a pristine and high class pastime no matter who one may be or where they come from.


The one thing that unites golfers is their innate ability to respect the sport as well as green and outdoor spaces because without green space then there’s no golf.


Some of the greatest environmentalists that I’ve ever spoken with have been golfers because they demand to play golf in pristine green spaces since golf is such an expensive sport, no matter whether it’s played at a public or private course.


I want to golf so badly, I can’t explain it to you.


I want to golf someplace where it’s public and convenient to us and that just happens to be “Wirth Golf Course.”


            Please, help us want to sink more money into our Twin Cities metro area by keeping our cities continuously clean year round.


Since littering is illegal, then as any officials of these cities, they ought to start ticketing litterers left and right because cities would make a killing off of that particular sector of population that destroys our green parks and recreational areas and public neighborhood and community spaces.


Please take an interest and put some serious money and financial budgets aside to keep our cities clean year round. It’s a disgrace.


We also need public school education on this matter of littering. Minnesotans are some of the worst litter bugs I’ve ever come across.


Wednesday, May 21, 2014


“The Torah tells us to follow the path of moderation…

not to dwell in the wilderness,

nor in the mountains,

nor to don hair garments,

nor to afflict the body.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Profound (to set forth, to offer for consideration, to explain)


When the secretary was consulted, he would invariably profound his own doctrine.


---  ---  --- 






American Public School Education XVI


Consistency XV


            American Public School Education begins with community.


            What’s consistency?


            Consistency is: steadiness, reliability, uniformity, evenness, stability and regularity.




[We’re not Gluttons for Punishment]

Part VI


            The best method to teach children not to become screamers or perpetual yellers or shriek is this: Adults must get up from where they sit or stop whatever they’re doing and peacefully and calmly approach their children and walk right up to them and get real close by either kneeling or bending down and gently get their children’s attention and in a quiet yet stern voice say something like: “Please, don’t yell. Thank you.”


An adult must do this repetitious action as many times or until a new habit is formed or their children’s behavior positively changes like any great athlete learns muscle memory otherwise when children don’t seem to learn new neurological pathways or behavior modification or don’t seem to take or receive direction well or act upon positive direction given to them then most likely it means that that type of children will make for terrible students or athletes or workers or neighbors or anything else for that matter because they aren’t disciplined to learn new positive patterns which leads to opportunity and success.


            Athletes must follow direction or they can’t play in any game.


No matter how great an athlete may be in physical form when they don’t do their homework or follow their coach’s direction then they get placed on the bench since no one wants to coach mediocre thinkers because they can ultimately jeopardize any game or play and cost their team everything.


            Any great adult’s job or work or career is to instill great qualities and positive and respectful continuous habits into their children’s brains so that their children may grow up to be able to get invited anywhere in the world without creating chaos or bring bad luck unto themselves or to their family or family name.


            No, an adult doesn’t reward children with candy or sugar or soda (pop) because sugar factually causes cancer in the body. Food companies are run and owned by tobacco companies. Period.


When children act upon a positive action then reward them with kindness by giving them a smile or a hug or a pat on the back or some form of positive reinforcement that what they do is right or correct or wonderful therefore they’re pleasing to be around, so that children may learn that others, too, will want to be around them and form positive relationships to anyone’s children because that’s the greatest reward in life.


No one wants to be an outcast simply due to bad misbehavior only because adults in children’s lives don’t make the time to teach their young ones how to properly behave and do right and well for themselves and by those around them.


            No, it’s not acceptable or okay to reward children with any type of gift when they do right and correct behavior because just the mere fact that they’re doing right for themselves and by others is reward enough otherwise children learn to only do well or right or correct for the sake of rewards, then they become donkeys reaching for carrots thus don’t treat them like subhuman animals or children will consider themselves animals who work for rewards and not for intrinsic fulfillment of the self and soul and spirit.


When adults get up from where they sit or stop what they’re doing (like watching television or passing the time) and peacefully and calmly approach their children to please stop an inappropriate action then that mere act of any mature adult who’s stopped their lives to make a correction is enough attention or reward for their children to understand that children are important enough to have adults in children’s lives take interest or time or energy or make an effort to take care of their children’s needs or wants and to teach them well so that they may also teach their future generations to do well for themselves and others.


            No, an adult mustn’t expect overnight miracles when adults yell or scream out of their window or from doorways at their children to stop yelling or screaming because then that same repetitious silly act of inappropriate violence continues to form and the same cycle of wrong behavioral and inappropriate pattern persists and doesn’t easily get broken or possibly ever.


The only way to break bad habits or violent cycles of communication is to ‘nip it in the bud’ by gently breaking that bad habit which adults instill into their children by forming new positive patterns with good and kind examples that will lead to success and happiness.


Children learn bad habits from adults. Period.


When children yell or scream up-and-down sidewalks or in their yard then it’s because their parents or caretakers or legal guardians also scream, which means that these adults can’t seem to self control or self modify their misbehavior in front of their children therefore adults teach their children terrible patterns of miscommunication, which the world at large won’t put up with that for too long.


Ultimately that child who grows up into an adult will get sabotaged at every turn in the workplace and in life in general because it means that they can’t pull their weight. (I’ve seen it happen. It’s terrible to watch a pack of wolves kill the omega’s newborn cubs.)


Children learn their inappropriate misbehavior at home from those they look up to most or pass most of their time with.


            For a serious example: When an “untie” or “uncle” or “cousin” or “family friend” rolls into any quiet and upstanding hardworking neighborhood in their semi-flashy somewhat expensive pimp car with their stereo blasting at top octave then that individual adult says that they don’t have any stake in their family or friends’ children or the children’s future because all that that adult is good for is to teach their village children about passive / aggressive hatred that which deeply festers inside that particular individual adult from a lifelong affliction of an inferiority complex that no matter what -- they don’t ultimately seem to be able to shake off thus they’re cursed with low self esteem due to years of cultural or societal neglect or racism or prejudice because they refuse to prove to the world that they’re indeed upstanding mature citizens yet they rebel as stunted adults. (Whew. I hit it on the nail. You know it.)


When any individual adult blasts their car stereo through any upstanding and hardworking neighborhood (that they don’t reside in or do reside in) then they teach others about a quiet festering self loathing hatred only reserved for those that don’t hold any real power in the world and are only good as show-offs of nothing important because they don’t muster enough self restrain to be respectful and patient in any general neighborhood that doesn’t practice their lifestyle or doesn’t see “eye-to-eye” with them in their misbehavior and everybody knows what they are: Constantly teetering on the verge of a “mental break down” or nearly “mental cases” (rural English expressions”) to their circumstance.


            To blast a car stereo through any upstanding and hard working neighborhood ultimately says to a child: “My sex parts broke off a long time ago. The only way to make up for my inferiority complex is to demonstrate that I don’t have any sex parts because I don’t. They got taken away a long time ago therefore I self loathe thus I mean to show the world just how much I hate everything through juvenile passive aggressive acts of hatred.” (Ha! Don’t make me laugh that hard.)


Like little antennas, children pick up on the subtle psychological readouts even when children don’t piece it all together yet what children get shown by their neighbors (on the other hand) is constant and repetitiously good general respectful acts of discipline and self restrain on a daily basis from other black and white and Latino folk, anywhere and everywhere they look around.


These ‘perfect strangers’ for neighbors have more investment in the stake of these children’s future than their friend’s friends’ cousins do and it’s obvious because it’s transparently and evidently clear to see.


            When foreigners (friends or extended family members) to any upstanding and hardworking neighborhood roll in like pimps then subconsciously, no matter how loyal children may be to those they know or recognize, children realize that something’s amiss in such specific adults, then eventually the less children tend to trust and respect those immature adults who can’t or won’t or don’t hold themselves with constant intrinsic dignity or pride to respect everyone whom may come across their path.


Children aren’t dumb.


Children know better yet they seek attention anywhere they can get it when they don’t get love or respect or attention at home from those whom fail them most.


Screaming or yelling or shrieks at the other end of the block doesn’t make it easier on our other neighbors just because children stopped screaming right in front of our home, it doesn’t mean that our other neighbors like it any more than we did.


Yes, I’ll call the cops.

I’ve had enough of adult stupidity.


            Oh, Gods, don’t make me laugh that hard.

            I laugh every single day at the absurdity that is.


You guys keep feeding me free writing material and I keep scribing.


You cut out my work for me otherwise I’d be writing about bees or 300 stolen Nigerian girls who deserve more ink than our screaming or yelling or misbehaved unruly spoilt black ghetto brat neighbors do with adults who either hate their children or neglect their children’s upbringing. (I’m not sure which is worse.)


Best Regards;



Word Count Goal: 2,500

Word Count: 3,094



*)         Day #91 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.



Thank you for all of the amazing birthday cards.

I’m ever so honored.




In our ‘No Name’ city we love to shop at the following locations:


*) “Ace Hardware Store:” (4140 W Broadway Ave)


When one first walks in, one will instantly notice that this is a treasured time capsule, however, the service is modern and respectful.


The smells of this hardware store are deliciously filled with hard plastics or metal powered tools, leather and a bit of sawdust from an old creaking and beautifully worn out hardwood floor.


The experience is worth walking through this time capsule with modern service (thank you.)



---  ---  ---



*) “Subway:” (4080 W Broadway Ave)


The ladies are kindly-stern (which I adore that about them. I can trust that, however, they’re not rude or mean.)


Respectful and efficient and they don’t yell “hello!” every time or whenever a new customer sets foot inside their place so as not to ruin everybody else’s lunch or meal while everybody else goes def (thank you.)


This is old fashion service with a respectful modern twist of self respect.


In a two year span we’ve not once been sick from their food.



---  ---  ---



*) “Pig Ate My Pizza:” (4154 W Broadway Ave)


I’ve not personally set foot in this establishment nevertheless I whole heartedly eat their pizza with pleasure.


I’m told by friends who bring me pizza that’s it’s normally filled with people who for the most part everyone’s happy as can be because their food is extraordinary, even though the pizza isn’t made in fire ovens. I have to agree that the food’s amazing (thank you.)


In a two year span we’ve not once been sick from their food.



---  ---  ---



*) “El Toro:” (4080 West Broadway Avenue)


We take our closest friends and family members here because their food is consistently good and so is their service at any time of day or night (thank you.)


In a two year span we’ve not once been sick from their food.



---  ---  ---



*) “Broadway Pizza:” (4106 Lakeland Ave N.)


When we’re extremely tired on weekends, we order out from “Broadway Pizza.”


Their drivers are on top of their work and on time (or earlier) and respectful. Their pizza is tasty and always hot as though it just came out of some fire oven right in front of our face (thank you.)


In a two year span we’ve not once been sick from their food.



---  ---  ---



*) “Smoke Shop:” (4080 W Broadway Ave # 157)


The men are respectful and gently-stern (which I can respect that, however, they’re not mean or rude to their customers.)


I’m not treated like some piece of meat to have a wet dream over even though I’m girly for a mature woman. They know that I mean business and nothing more.


The men don’t check out my ‘tits and ass’ (breasts and vagina) because they already know what breasts and vaginas look like therefore they don’t come across as starved sex dogs.


These are mature grown men of the world which I can’t say that for other smoke shops around the Twin Cities.


These men have learned that I don’t steal and that I’m direct and I do business at their particular location because they seem to be the only ones that carry “organic” 100% tobacco “American Spirits” (A brand of cigarette).


These are respectful men (thank you.)



---  ---  ---



*) “Wine and Spirits:” (4060 Lakeland Ave N- Robin Center)


This is our municipal liquor store that cares for our city’s tennis courts each season (thank you.)


This is a clean establishment with many different varieties of organic red and white wines as well as non-genetically modified beers.


The service is always respectful and the clerks don’t mind if their customers ask them questions about their products especially those of us who hate the taste of liquor yet we like to relax with a drink here and there especially in the warm season.


They’re no bullshit clerks who aren’t jerks.



---  ---  ---



*) “Dairy Queen:” (40 1/2 & West Broadway)


These high school seniors who tend to this summer-time-only establishment are as close as one gets to “Casey’s” Magic Kingdom in Disney World for service and efficiency and respect. (I’m so proud of them I can’t seem to gush enough.)


Their stand is always clean and tidy and they never have a bad word or rude demeanor towards their customers.


These high school students and service workers (of any age) deserve free tuition to college anywhere in the world for the ability to keep their hats on during busy times and for the capacity to treat everyone fairly and with goodwill cheer (thank you.)


This is some of the best service anywhere in the Twin Cities.


Congratulations on your high school graduations!


In a two year span we’ve not once been sick from their food.



---  ---  ---



*) “Birdtown Café:” (4135 West Broadway Ave N)


The food is tasty and the service is good. We like to take our friends to this establishment because the atmosphere reminds us of our travels to “Grand Marais.”


Small town feel with modern clean proficient and relaxed attitudes (thank you.)


            Although, the only aspect about the architecture that I must mention is that the acoustics seem to be terrible (sorry guys).


We have some friends and family members with bad hearing from wartime or accidents so they can’t hear our conversation very well therefore we don’t tend to take them there although we love the feel of the place.


In a two year span we’ve not once been sick from their food.



---  ---  ---



*) “Royal Pet:” (3933 W Broadway Ave)


Once, one gets past the scuffed and marked up floor boards in the entryway of this establishment and directly communicates with two professional groomers who really know what they’re doing then you’re in the game and up and running and in business.


I love this place. It takes me back to a time and era of my Finn-Minnesota Grandfather’s kitchen with the smells of stale oatmeal cookies and burned coffee.


These are respectable ladies with decades of experience and expertise and it shows (thank you.)


They crack me up with their voices that sound more like Patty and Selma Bouvier from “The Simpsons.”


Even though these ladies have gruff voices they know what they’re doing and it shows that they take care of their meticulous work.


We entrust “Freeway” (our dog) to their care every three months or so. We wouldn’t have it any other way. We implicitly trust them.



---  ---  ---



            And some readers write-in and tell me that I don’t know anything about anything.


No, I’m not a bitch.

I can be though.


(As if.)


I pay attention.

I always give credit where credit is due.


We put our money where our mouth is: into our community.


I had a pleasant drive through our No Name city’s downtown last night around eight.


I was mesmerized (awe struck) by how clean our downtown is (thank you.)


I was moved at the very fact that one can get a break from looking at garbage in the Twin Cities.


I almost pulled over and just sat there for five minutes to admire our clean downtown streets.


(For a moment I thought I was at Disney World where everything is clean all of the time because that’s just how dedicated their staff is to their business and atmosphere.)



---  ---  ---



*) I’m looking for a great seamstress / tailor to take up a pair of trousers at the cuffs. I have no idea where to begin searching. I’ll start by asking mission guild ladies in our No Name city’s church.



---  ---  ---



“Manor Park” is once again trashed with litter. What a bummer. It’s such a disappointment, however, not enough to give up on it. (Sigh.)



---  ---  ---



We’ve got work to do.


We’ll keep our household lifestyle cost at ($35,000) thirty-five thousand dollars per annual living expenditures for the next decade (10 years) as the rest catch up.


Please don’t spit in our face once you’ve caught up with us.


We’re working on fair wages for all as well as better public school education.


Progress is slow, nevertheless, don’t lose hope.


We’re right here alongside you rowing in this boat.


We want to see you succeed more than anything else in the entire world because we don’t want to live in a stuffy gated community.


However, we don’t want to live on top of litter or garbage or screaming neighbors either because we work, too, hard to earn our keep just like everybody else does.


Money doesn’t grow on trees.


Tuesday, May 20, 2014


“Men see what we wear, not what we eat.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Propriety (sense of what is proper or fitting)


He always acted with propriety when in company.


---  ---  --- 


[Correction “up the ante.”]






American Public School Education XV


Consistency XIV


            American Public School Education begins with community.


            What’s consistency?


            Consistency is: steadiness, reliability, uniformity, evenness, stability and regularity.




[We’re not Gluttons for Punishment]

Part V



            Today: Why low working class white women marry uneducated ghetto belligerent black men: To piss off their parents. It’s of vital consequence to choose any partner wisely.


            I’ve been informed that one of the main reasons as to why so many of our “Greatest Generation” low working class white folk are so angry or bitter (in general) is because their low working class sons and mainly their daughters married or ‘got with’ uneducated ghetto belligerent black men who aren’t truly good for anything other than to beat up their women and live off of white low class whites.




Let’s begin with that premise.


            First, let’s begin at the beginning.


Yes, some of my best friends are black educated folk from all over the world. Many of our black educated friends hold advanced degrees from Ivy League universities and private schools.


No, I’m not any more or less racist than the next person.


However, I’m prejudiced or discriminatory of uneducated or illiterate or disrespectful or ignorant or screaming or rude or petulant or belligerent black ghetto people now that we’ve lived amongst five families for close to two years come this August 1, 2014.


            Second, I really don’t care where people come from so long as they’re respectful and educated about standardized social norms everywhere they go because each culture has their own set of respectful rules and code which one must abide by unless someone wants to lose their place in the world and get ousted forever.


            Third, being brought up well to respectfully cope with all sorts and types of people is far more important than getting straight A’s in school.


            Fourth, the most important relationships one will hold with others are those in the workplace and in their neighborhood with and amongst ‘perfect strangers’ for neighbors or co-workers otherwise those who are disrespectful or lazy about their misconduct, too, shall get ousted especially those who can’t seem to respectfully cope with modern cultural standards of propriety.


            Fifth, ghetto black men and women bought into scummy multi-billion dollar entertainment corporations that perpetuate their ignorance so that corporations may keep their masses ‘down and out’ yet make billions of dollars off of ghetto black people’s idiotic tendency to fall prey for every little thing that comes along their way because they don’t read anything of value so it’s easy to manipulate them into thinking of themselves as subhuman therefore they treat themselves with less dignity or respect than they ought to. (What a bunch of suckers.)


            Sixth, ghetto black men and women bought into uneducated means in modes of communication and interaction because they don’t realize that it’s the quickest way to kill off their culture of sublime intelligence and ability to contribute to the globe at large.


            Seventh, ghetto black men and women are wrong when they step out of line or seem entitled when they haven’t worked for anything in their lives much less travelled any further than around their neighborhood block or city.


            Eighth, ghetto black men and women are wrong when they refuse to learn global standards of education, history, economics and literature and factual mathematics and science or social responsibility for the matter.


            Ninth, ghetto black men and women are wrong when they believe or think that it’s not their sole purpose to better their minds.


            Tenth, ghetto black men and women lose out when they refuse to control their impulse to scream or shout because others come to think of them more as wild animals or beasts than as intelligently thoughtful human-adults who can and ought to learn new neurological pathways or behavior modification to personal success and opportunity and hygiene.


What does one do with any wild thing or beast?


One drives a wild animal or creature or beast deep into the forest to fend for itself or one shoots it with a dart and transports it back into the wild to die there from hunger or it’s brought to a lab to become a science experiment then discarded with other body parts when the scientists are done with them or turned into bars of soap from the fat content of the creature or wild thing’s body.


[If I were to write horror fiction novels then fat black women’s rear ends would probably make the best soap but that’s neither here nor there.]


            Twelfth, ghetto black men and women are wrong when they think that their rude misbehavior will get them far or get them what they wish for, which most likely they’re looking for attention because they’re a spiritually starved and corrupt nation without leaders to speak of only people who desire to brainwash them to steal their little bit of coin one piece at a time.


            Thirteenth, nobody likes ghetto black men and women because they tend to be social bullies and no one’s crazy enough to socialize with the mentally ill.


Any bully’s indeed a mental case because they’ve been abused so much and for so long that they can’t differentiate sanity from violence so they go out of their way looking to passively abuse their power to create aggressive outcomes in others because it’s the only way that any sociopath can feel any emotion since they can’t feel their own emotions they go around spreading violence or hatred to instigate any sort of negative reaction so that they may feel more alive or so that they may get attention because they don’t seem to be able to tend to their own deep wounds or heal completely.




            One of the main reasons why sons and daughters might want to ‘stick it to’ their parents and ‘stick it real good’ is because there’s much generational misunderstanding between familial relations or general and continual difficult power struggles or emotional or psychological abuse between parent and child / or / parent and adult child.


I’ve witnessed and lived through the abusive relationships of intelligent and well educated Jewish and Caucasian women who either married or ‘got together’ with belligerent and raging angry black men just to get even with their older parents.


However, this act of defiance only hurt these women and turned them into victims of circumstance.


It was these women who either got physically beat up or admonished on a daily basis or controlled or injured or harmed or economically used in the process of marrying or getting with belligerent black men lesser than these women’s intellectual ability or capacity.


To this day many of these women still lick their deep psychological or emotional wounds to the monstrosities they invited and brought upon themselves.


            One of the most difficult things in the world is: To watch others self destruct or self harm out of spite.


When others self destruct or self harm and cut off their nose to spite their face then it’s unbearable to watch another take a knife to their nose and cut it off by inviting belligerent subhuman males into their lives to ruin the lives of their family members or extended friends or neighbors or communities.


When women go after ‘bad boys’ then that’s just about all that they get, trouble in the form of insignificant men who abuse their power to get what they want which normally means a handout.


To invite a destroyer into one’s family or group of friends or neighborhood or community is to have absolutely no long-term intelligence about the outcome of most situations.


            The reason why some women like what their parents hate is because these women must seem to feel inadequate in the eyes of their parents.


Since these women seem to feel as though they won’t ever be able to measure up to their parents’ expectations then they might just as well under perform by choosing badly when it comes to any primate.


Choosing a bad or terrible mate is to accept the role of any ‘glutton for punishment’ because when one pairs off with those lesser in values or morals or cultural or educational or upbringing standards other than those higher standard qualities which one grew up with then all that one can really expect are subpar and low standards in quality of life and opportunities which lead to a downward spiral of unhappiness and hard work without much profit or reward in having to care for useless men who either abuse or refuse to or can’t or don’t know how to provide for their mates and their family, and by that I mean, not even so much as be able to stay home and look after their children while women go out into the world and earn their keep because nowadays that’s what women do.


Women hunt and men gather.


            It’s beyond most humans’ comprehension those who can’t seem to stand any type of pain (as most people can’t) as to why such intelligent and capable women choose badly when it comes to partnerships.


Something deeply innately rebellious lies inside their belly.


That quiet yet rebellious raging stinking hot fire of anger festers in the middle of a burning pit of such women who tend to want to punish those whom they believe don’t seem to take them seriously or care about their ideals as modern women of the world thus they hurt others just to make their parents angry or to feel some type of internal turmoil or remorse or guilt or worry or create distrust or uncertainty inside those who were supposed to understand these women best or most yet failed them to take them seriously thus such women marry unwisely and against their parents’ honorable regards simply to kick their parents again and again without having the courage to get in just one swift kick to the ass (direct talk, conversation, discussion) out in the open and move on from their infantile or juvenile manifestation that they’re not understood because no parent truly understands their children and vice versa.


            It’s only parents who fail to listen to their children who get rebelliousness from their children when it comes to spite.


To spite any parent for the sake of it, says, “I hate you.”


To spite any parent for the sake of a lifetime of hatred, says, “I’ll hate you forever because you, too, hate me. We both know it deep down inside. You wish you’d never had children but you couldn’t come out and say it because your generation forbids that type of speech yet you found it your duty to breed, anyway, when you should’ve not had any children because children bring down couples’ quality of life as a proven fact thus I’ll make sure you suffer for doing wrong by us all.”


To spite any parent by finding the worst type of partner to marry says, “I hate you for not respecting me the way I needed to be respected thus you shall pay for that failure for the rest of your days because I’ll make sure you watch your creation get abused on a daily basis and there’s nothing that you’ll be able to do about it except accept it and take the abuse right along with me. Ha! So there.”


            Any woman who chooses abuse over respect is out to either get her brains beat in or out to get her parents for the rest of their natural living lives.


When one worries another then it’s like a starved child who just can’t get enough attention therefore they go out of their way to get their needs met either through passive means or aggressive measures.


Any adult woman who worries her parents to death must have a vendetta to fulfill either because the parent was abusive or unjustified in their continual power struggle or plain simply wrong about everything without having the ability to humble themselves and apologize for the wrong they caused their children thus their children will and do get even and send their parents to an early grave of stress or worry or silent pure sheer hatred for the other.




            In conclusion for today: One of the main reasons why four out of five ghetto black belligerent angry and screaming children of these particular families so much as live in our neighborhood is because they rent which either landlords permit it or rent’s cheap (but not for long because what landlord doesn’t look forward to the opportunity to justify raising their rent) or because low working class white women married or got together with the wrong black ghetto men who can’t seem to uphold to any rules of civility or propriety therefore such primate donkeys tend to think that they can take over hard working middle class neighborhoods because they feel entitled or justified as though someone owes them when really all anyone owes them is a swift kick to the can and a goodbye.


            I’m beginning to think that low working class white women in these parts don’t think much of themselves or don’t have much self-esteem therefore they don’t think much about the consequences they instill upon their mixed race children or partially spoiled ghetto brats that get away with the excuse that they may scream their heads off simply and only because they’re half ‘black.’ (Yeah, right. As if. What a bunch of…)


The reason why four out of five black ghetto belligerent renting families won’t be around for long is because “money talks.”


I don’t care how much money one has: When one can’t control their impulse control neurons then others will oust them out of any neighborhood or job or work or career and drive them as far away from the action as possible because no sane people want to deal with mental cases. Period.


            Change is difficult to do.


            Positive change is even more difficult to accomplish.


            People choose not to change because they tend to like the lunacy of their lazy status quo thus they continue to do the same repetitious act of the mentally insane (like black belligerent ghetto folk) which it’s only the mentally insane who can’t seem to control their mouths (or behavior modification) thus they go around screaming up and down streets in public then they get locked up and experimented on with a whole bunch of medications like rats.


            Change is hard work.


            Change is done by those who are sane because they know the difference between sanity and violent lifestyle.


Violence is “aggressive” misbehavior, “brutal,” “cruel,” “sadistic,” and “vicious.”


            The only reason why one out of five families and their six loud and screaming and ignorant illiterate ghetto grandchildren live two-doors down from us is because their Grandmother owns her house and their children take turns living there bi-weekly.


Their Grandfather had ten children of his own and one’s in jail.


Most of the Grandfather’s adult children tend to leave their children with the Grandfather while they possibly go and party and get high or whatever they do so long as they don’t have to parent yet the rest of our neighborhood has to be impervious to their violent misbehavior because the Grandparents are too old to do anything about real and continuous discipline.


            Yes, did you know that it’s against the law to litter? Yes.


Best Regards;



Word Count Goal: 2,500

Word Count: 2,580



*)         Day #90 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.





I ran out of time.


Monday, May 19, 2014


“At night, all cows look black.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Piqued (aroused, brought to sharp point, challenged)


His curiosity piqued when he heard a devil’s advocate argument for genocide.


---  ---  --- 






American Public School Education XV


Consistency XIV


            American Public School Education begins with community.


            What’s consistency?


            Consistency is: steadiness, reliability, uniformity, evenness, stability and regularity.




[We’re not Gluttons for Punishment]

Part V



            Tomorrow: Why low working class white women marry uneducated ghetto belligerent black men: To piss off their parents. It’s of vital consequence to choose any partner wisely.














Best Regards;



Word Count Goal: 1,500

Word Count: 1,529



*)         Day #89 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.






            Yes, I burned one copy of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “The Scarlet Letter” during last night’s bonfire because I neither had a copy of the Quran or Bible to burn.


Our psychopathic and antisocial neighbors to our backyard two-doors over on our right at the bottom of our hill played their stereo remarkably loudly for a few hours and then commenced to shout for a few more hours during a black man’s birthday party because the ‘retarded’ renters for trailer trash white females of this neighborhood allow for illiterate ghetto black male brats to come here and take over our neighborhood with their screams and nonsensical shouts and loud stereo speakers with no ability to establish meaningful personal relationships with their hosts’ neighbors therefore we started a bonfire and smoked out our stupid neighbors and their rude guests and screaming ghetto crack baby children while I threatened to burn the Bible and Quran because it seems that both books make liars out of subhuman males and females therefore these books aren’t worth much to society other than bonfire material.


            No, I didn’t burn any books to shock anyone.

            No, I’m not a Hasid.


            I burned books to let our psychopathic and antisocial neighbors know the awesome power of American freedom of expression.


Only in America can one burn books in one’s backyard and no one will come and arrest anyone because that’s one’s Constitutional Right to express oneself as one wishes to do so.


However, when one abuses their power or disturbs the peace of others then neighbors may call the police and put a stop to getting forced to listen to their other drunken neighbors and their stupid guests go on about nothing at all for five straight hours as if they were interesting to listen to when really they’re only donkey arse who come into our neighborhood from “the” ghetto with their filth and crack babies and scream for hours on end.


Plus, last night children under the age of twelve (12) were out and about screaming their heads off around our neighborhood streets up until 9:10pm. Curfew’s 9:00pm.


            Crack babies and their dysfunctional and lazy parents will soon get squeezed out of this neighborhood because we’ve started to put ten-thousand dollars ($10,000) towards annual property value improvements per yearly budget.


We’ll continue to do that for the next decade (10 years) until either slum landlords will have to raise their rent up to one-two thousand dollars ($1,000-$2,000+) or more per unit or people with money like all of us (income bracket(s): $100,000-$200,000+ or more in combined annual salaries per family of four per household) will move back into middle class professional working neighborhoods like ours and purchase their beautiful homes for a song or property value will sky rocket and mostly people with sixty-three thousand ($63,000+) (national annual middle class income) per family of four will be able to afford to live well and not a penny less because it’s been explained to me that the median market value in 2014 on our block is between mainly $103,000 to $114,000 (correction).


(The real estate market value for our block isn’t $200,000 (two hundred thousand) and that leads us to believe that it’s a middle class professional working neighborhood because the average (median) annual salaried income for a family of four seems to be $50,000 fifty thousand dollars, however, in the Twin Cities the average (median) annual salaried income for a family of four is $38,000 thirty eight thousand.)


If that’s not an educated or good enough alternative then we’ll ‘up the ante’ and make it one hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($150,000+) general annual income salary per family of four because we’ve got time and money to sit around and watch the demographics change into something intellectually peaceful because Liberal Arts intellectuals are moving back into cities and they’re looking for prime real estate and this is it, baby.


            Like hell, when it comes to shocking people: I’m no longer nineteen.


I’m a mature woman of thirty-seven.


If I wanted to shock people then I’d strip buck arse naked and walk around our backyard or masturbate in front of our neighbors and their guests; although that’s not a bad idea. (No, seriously.)


            Power and shock are two quite different things.


Today, I invested stock in a bible manufacturer just so that I may burn the Bible every weekend this summer.


            Don’t nobody dare lie to me no more about ‘loving others as ourselves’ or about good natured church abiding black folk because that’s a myth and a lie if I’ve ever heard one.


(My Father told me the truth: He said that ‘love others as yourself’ is only a myth made up as a propaganda and commercial campaign by the church going back about two thousand years and ‘worthless’ he said because humans still murder each other in the name of God and in cold blood. My Father told me not to be a sucker and not to fall for the lies of the Vatican or the Bible and their propaganda campaigns because they’re just as bad as Hitler’s psychological abusive campaigns were.)


I look forward to burning everything I’ve ever read by Maya Angelou and Martin Luther King, Jr. this summer 2014. I’ve got a list to go through of as many lying black modern and historical writers as possible that I may find.


            Fire’s for cleansing and renewal in the Indigenous Maya tradition.


I’ll be doing just that as I send prayers to the Gods to wipe the slate clean of ignorant or disrespectful or lazy or crude or insolent or rude or illiterate or belligerent or lying or screaming ghetto black people off of the face of the Universe(s).


May mankind not see the likes of them forevermore because they don’t serve any other function other than to instigate hatred into the hearts of others because not only do they self-loathe yet they’re also proud to be nothing or to accomplish nothing or to do nothing. What a dichotomy. Insane in the membrane (lyrics to a song.)


            Illiterate black ghetto belligerent people are mentally ill because they keep repeating the same stupid misbehavior that doesn’t get them different or positive outcomes or results with others therefore no one wants them around because they’re plain abusive and mean-hearted no matter what cultural excuse they may use they’re still dumb or abrasive or loathsome or disturbing creatures who aren’t much good for anything other than to pass bowel movements or suck up air.


            How pissed off are you right about now?

            Okay, we’re possibly getting somewhere with enlighten.


No one comes out and says it but illiterate black ghetto belligerent people are social bullies in the sandbox and that’s why no one wants to play with them and it’s their own damn fault and no one else’s and that’s exactly why low working class white women get with them so that they get their brains bashed in or so that they may anger their white parents who know better than their ignorant sons or daughters who are angry for different reasons all together than ghetto black people are so they may unite their anger and rot together while here on Earth.


            Don’t nobody lie to me no more about the intellectual and respectful capacity of illiterate black ghetto belligerent folk. Liars, liars, pants on fire. Git.


Go away, where no one can hear you or see you reiterate your anger and plight like you’re the only ones in the entire world who suffer hardships because your contributions to humanity are zero therefore humanity doesn’t have a need for you.


What are you going to do about this truth?

Well, you’re already mad.

What’s new?

Nothing much.


Flocks don’t even know what exactly “love others as yourself” means therefore they hate with the guts of the devil and they go out of their way to prove it on a daily or weekly basis.


No, I don’t believe in genocide.

However, I can see how others do.

Now, I’m just playing a devil’s advocate argument to get you to think.


Peace at all cost.


Get going.

Learn anything valuable.

Do it soon.


Humanity’s sick and tired of black ghetto people screaming but not contributing anything of worth to culture or society.



---  ---  ---



“Byerly’s” in Golden Valley is amazing.

My receipt reads: General Manager: Todd Moff___. (Thank you.)



---  ---  ---



Yes, Eric will continue to shop at Cub Foods on 36th Avenue North because we fell in love with their organic / natural section which is one of the best in the Twin Cities.


Seriously, it’s beautifully kept.


However, I shan’t set foot at Crystal’s Cub Store for the next two years to get back the two years they wasted and took from my life in bad service.


We can only hope that Cub gets their house in order during that two year period so that we may shop there for years to come, however, it’s difficult to say. Bad habits are hard to break.


We just loved the convenience and location of Cub. Again Cub’s organic / natural section is better than most CO-OPs. Oh, I shall miss it there!!!



---  ---  ---



This morning we purchased a 2013 new-used vehicle with 5,000 miles on it. It drives beautifully and it was well taken care of for the past year by an older couple. (Thank you.) More later…


Friday, May 16, 2014


“A man looks to you the way you look at him.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Pittance (small portion, allowance)


The admission price to the entertainment was a mere pittance.


---  ---  --- 






American Public School Education XIV


Consistency XIII


            American Public School Education begins with community.


            What’s consistency?


            Consistency is: steadiness, reliability, uniformity, evenness, stability and regularity.




[We’re not Gluttons for Punishment]

Part IV


            To be consistent, one must first begin by learning to become a great steward of their body, mind, soul and spirit and behavior.


One must learn to watch out for themselves and their good behavior and moods and what they eat, drink, think and practice in order to develop and become great stewards of themselves and eventually their neighborhoods and communities and states and country and world.


            It’s a lot of hard work to eventually become a great and excellent self regulatory steward especially when it takes persistent and continually diligent hard work which leads to boat loads of fun.


There’s no cutting corners or getting around becoming and developing into a great self regulatory steward because when one cheats oneself from a good teeth flossing then eventually one’s teeth will fall out from one’s head and their mouth will become puckered and they shan’t be able to enunciate words correctly and that aspect of their lives will be over forever and there’ll be a loss and not a gain even when one gets measured for dentures there’s nothing like one’s natural teeth.


Nature’s that way: Tough.


Cold and cruel and difficult when one isn’t persistently good at what they do, then nature begins to take over and bacteria grows inside one’s mouth and gums will bleed and rot and teeth fall out.


            To learn consistently good behavior isn’t a waste of neither time nor effort because good behavior and great habits lead to places of excellence and success especially when no one’s looking for one to do the right thing yet one does it anyway because by the time one becomes an adult of eighteen and they’ve practiced good consistent behavior then that behavior becomes second nature to that young adult like taking in deep breaths to show clarity of mind instead of screaming their heads off when they’re tired or frustrated or annoyed or wrongfully treated or they automatically throw away their garbage or trash or recycling in proper waste and recycling bins.


            Consistently good behavior and great habits and excellent manners in behavior lead one to amazing opportunities those which one didn’t know they previously existed.


The code to excellence and happiness is hard work and eventually behavior develops into excellence and moderation becomes the key to success that opens up worlds of awe and wonder.


One can’t expect everyone to be saintly all of the time because humans make mistakes, nevertheless, the work of any great regulatory steward is to be on the watch out for greatness because it does exist and it begins at home with manners and repetitious good practiced habits.


            When any child or youth steps out of line then one may look straight to their caretakers or legal guardians or parents to be the ones that do social harm or injustice or badly by their child or youth because that child or youth begins to get left behind just that little bit in their social standing until they eventually come in last and no one wants to socialize with them because they lose the foot race to calm and peaceful communication and interaction with others.


I’d rather deal with a child that’s respectful who loses every track meet in their lives then a winner yet a real headache for everyone else to deal with.


A real winner is a child or youth who has great regard and respect for their surroundings and isn’t a destroyer of life or dignity.


            When any child or youth is unruly or crass or crude or a consistent screamer or yeller or loud or shirker then they become stubborn to form new and positive patterns or habits, especially patterns that they’ll need to understand and comprehend vast and complex signals of communicative information that’ll lead to mature interactions in an adult world of opportunity and eventually open doors.


            When any child or youth is unruly or crass or crude or a consistent screamer or yeller or loud or shirker it’s because the adults in their lives lack wisdom or discipline of knowledge in the know-how to teach or to show their minors how to better conduct themselves in a world of adults who notice everything.


            When any child or youth gets neglected in the finite aspects of public or social presentation then immediately those who’ve been properly brought up or are far more educated than others, they can see right through the discrepancy (inconsistency) of that minor’s misbehavior and exactly how the adults in their lives failed them on one of the most important habits all around; consistent civility and good conduct and respect.




            I’d rather see a CEO or boss or business owner or an entrepreneur hire any person who’s green on the job yet they hold great and excellent values because their continually good behavior and great habits show that they are the people they say they are when they can and do continually and respectfully treat others humanely; whether others are physically handicapped or mentally ill or obese or with any type of special needs or without money.


No, I don’t care where people come from so long as they can show persistently and continually good behavior and great habits and respectful attitude for others and nature and animals because to be persistently and continually respectful is either second nature to someone or eventually their façade falls apart and that person will show their true colors when they can’t consistently approach daily problem solving or relationships without taking advantage of others or instigating conflict no matter how quiet a psychological pincher tends to be when they pinch another, then that other person will scream out “Ouch!” because getting pinched hurts, no matter how much an emotional pincher may look around a room and says, “What?” Everybody around them knows exactly what.


            I think and strongly believe that before any student gets handed any scholarship or academic money award that those in authority of handing out such scholarships ought to take time and make an effort to speak to that particular student’s neighbors on an entire block because that block is any child or youth’s extended village.


How any child or youth conducts themselves amongst those in their extended village says everything about the type of worker or human they’ll develop into and if they can be trusted to do well by others or not especially as their level of responsibility or power grows in the world.


            I’ve come across many young people who are great on paper yet nasty in person and a total and complete waste of time or money to any scholarship foundation or academic financial fund when they continuously bully their villages or neighbors or terrorize their communities and continuously throw garbage or litter on their next door neighbor’s yard or sidewalk or scream up and down their block because they’re high on sugar or unruly or starved for attention thus they’ll get attention anywhere they can because they so badly need to plug into a tit and feed from mother’s milk.


No, absolutely not.


            Adults would have to be absolutely “insane” (modern English term) to pass out scholarships or financial academic funds or rewards to young people who can’t so much as control their impulse to belittle or mock their neighbors on a daily or weekly basis or the villages hence they live-in, just because the adults in these youth’s lives are too ignorant or lazy to show them the correct and proper way to act during different settings or scenarios especially where they live which the single most important relationships one will hold in life is amongst their neighbors and coworkers even when one doesn’t ever speak to them.


When one ‘shits where they eat’ then one tends to walk around with shit smeared all over their face and everyone knows exactly what.


There ought to be prerequisites that any minor up for consideration of any scholarship must prove a good track record with their neighbors and communities.


Any minor up for scholarship consideration ought to be able to self regulate their impulse control to clean front yards and sidewalks by disposing of trash or candy wrappers or recycling in proper bins.


Any minor up for scholarship consideration ought to have a track record that they aren’t known for littering outside their home or in front of their and their neighbor’s sidewalk or green spaces or parks or communities season after season because that automatically disqualifies them for scholarships of any type.


When any minor can’t seem to control their impulses and they continually throw trash or recycling on the ground around their neighborhood and community or they continually scream around their neighborhood then most likely they shan’t be able to control their impulses in a courtroom as lawyers or judges or in an operating room as surgeons or in a boardroom as CEO’s or in their marriages as good spouses.


            I strongly believe that any child or youth who screams or throws litter or trash or recycling anywhere that that misbehavior is grounds to be disqualified for any scholarship or academic money award no matter how many A’s they may have on their report card.


No, I’m not one for standing in the way of success.


I love nothing more than when people succeed because I’ve succeeded thousands of times over and over again in my personal and professional life therefore I have no envy or jealousy about the successes of other, however, I don’t believe that awards or scholarships or monies ought to be handed over to children or youth who continually bully an entire neighborhood atmosphere simply because the adults in their lives refuse them social refuge from their dysfunctional selves.


            The reason as to why I don’t trust some of the youth who frequent “Manor Park” to do right by our neighborhood or community or world at large is because they haven’t been taught to do so by adults in their lives therefore the adults are somewhat useless to society at large and thus will their children.


Every time that I come across children’s litter and trash such as empty chip bags or candy wrappers or sports drink bottles at the far end of that beautiful baseball diamond field then the parents of No Name city pretty much say, “Since you cleanup Manor Park could you also wipe clean our children’s arses because they’ve got shit dangling from their rear ends and since you’re at it then why not clean everything for us. We just don’t make the time to teach our children how to throw their trash or litter or recycling in proper bins because no one’s taught us so we don’t think it important to teach them because you’ll be coming around to wipe all of our arses clean each week. Thanks.”


I think that some of the more neglectful adults in this No Name city are far more destructive to their children or youth’s future than anyone else ever could be for that matter and no wonder no one climbs that ladder of success into boardrooms or surgical rooms or courtrooms because they don’t have the basic functions to succeed in a world of excellence therefore they must not be granted advancement until they learn discipline by heart and as second nature otherwise they’d probably get others injured or hurt or killed and that’s why good behavior and excellent self regulatory stewardship counts and matters immensely to prove that one is who they say they are while they represent their families out in a world of unknowns.


Best Regards;



Word Count Goal: 2,059

Word Count: 2,092


Word Count thus far this week: 10,036



*)         Day #89 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.





All of the following areas are in dire need of garbage and litter and recycling pickup or cleanup. (Please. Thank you.)


*) “S. Wayzata Boulevard” (Kenwood neighborhood) from “Penn Avenue” to “Cedar Lake Parkway / Wirth Parkway”


*) “394 West and East” freeway ramps near downtown, Minneapolis


*) “Van White and Dunwoody” (394 East / West) freeway ramps


*) “Olson Memorial Highway” (Highway 55) from “Welcome to Minneapolis” sign to “N. 7th Street”


*) “Wirth Parkway” from “Cedar Lake Parkway” to “Wirth Golf Course”



Monday’s Footnotes:


*) “Periscope” and “VitaFusion” and “MINE” clothing line.


*) “Shoppes at Arbor Lakes” in Maple Grove, Minnesota:


(More later…)


Thursday, May 15, 2014


“It is the worm that lures the fish, not the fisherman and not the rod.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Tyro (a beginner or learner, a novice, amateur)


He was more than a tyro in the art of cryptography or the analysis of it.


---  ---  ---


[Awkward ESL and rushed language corrections were made.]


[Correction from “residence” to “residents.”]


[Correction from “coward” to “cowered.”]


[Correction from “taught” to “taut.”]


---  ---  --- 






American Public School Education XIII


Consistency XII


            American Public School Education begins with community.


            What’s consistency?


            Consistency is: steadiness, reliability, uniformity, evenness, stability and regularity.




[We’re not Gluttons for Punishment]

Part III


            As of this morning it got explained to me by cultural experts that the reason for this area’s disrespectful treatment of “guests” or “patrons” or “customers” is because our local bad cashiers don’t care if customers return to their store or not.


What do bad cashiers care?

They don’t.


Cashiers don’t get paid enough to be respectful or civil to patrons or customers or guests so they’re disrespectful because bad cashiers tend to believe or think that respect only comes in the form of dollar bills. (Shamefully illiterate bad cashiers and their managers.)


It’s no sweat off their back if customers return or not therefore bad cashiers tend to believe or think that they can treat “guests” as badly as they possibly can get away with it because even when bad cashiers are “let go” (like servants) then they’ll most likely go someplace else and start all over again with their abuse of customers or guests or patrons and not think twice about it because cashiers can jump from business to business while they create a bad reputation for their employers or store.


Most likely the reason why “big wigs” or owners don’t hear about cashier misconduct is because conflicts are kept between very few parties such as a cashier and a manager and a customer, except when one writes for a living then matters get shared with about one million folks worldwide then it puts others on a spotlight to step up and do the right thing by all and become decent and respectful to customers who work, too, hard to earn their keep to be treated like dirt when they shop at any local store near them.


[The plume is mightier than the sword.]


It’s been explained to me that it’s apathy and carelessness.


            As of this morning it’s been explained to me by cultural experts that the reason as to why “Kenwood’s” prominent and wealthy neighborhood looks like “the” ghetto on the edge of “S. Wayzata Boulevard” and “394 East” bound from “Penn Avenue” to “Cedar Lake Parkway / Wirth Parkway” is because slumlords have most likely moved into “Kenwood” neighborhood and taken over that edge of town allowing for that section of “Kenwood” to go to the dogs like some “overpriced-ghetto” sections of uptown are to “Calhoun Square” or “Lake of the Isles.”


It was also explained to me that most likely it’s the same type of slumlords or slum building managers who run uptown, Minneapolis that have moved into “Kenwood’s” “S. Wayzata Boulevard.” (Shamefully illiterate slumlords and their slum building managers.)


It’s been explained to me that it’s apathy and carelessness.






            Misconduct is: “Bad behavior,” “misbehavior,” “delinquency,” “misdemeanors,” “wrongdoing,” “transgression (disobedience, offense).”                  


            Disrespect is: “Disregard (ignore, discount),” “lack of respect,” “contempt (disdain, disapproval, scorn),” “disrepute (disgrace),” “insolence (impudence, presumption, rudeness),” “impertinence (impoliteness, brazenness, lip).”


            Rude is: “Impolite,” “discourteous,” “bad-mannered,” “uncouth,” “offensive,” “foul,” “vulgar,” “boorish (coarse, crude, ignorant),” “disrespectful.”


            Consistency isn’t continual disrespectful misconduct. No.


            It’s not enough to have a few extended neighbors or community members do all of the garbage or trash or litter pickup or cleanup in any one given neighborhood.


            It’s not enough to have a majority of extended neighbors or community members be respectful all of the time while only a few disrespectful minority neighbors take over an entire rest of a neighborhood with their loud public screams and swears and yells at the top of their lungs while they walk down streets on a daily or weekly basis.


            It’s not enough to have a thoughtful and respectful community of extended neighbors or community members while a minority few bad check-out clerks or cahiers mistreats an entire city of hardworking people because cashiers don’t get paid fair or decent wages.


            It’s not enough to be mediocre.


            Communities and neighborhoods must maintain standards of decency and respect for the benefit of all those who live there in good times and in bad times especially through tough economic times otherwise it’s simply and only a marriage of convenience.


When any community or neighborhood is only respectful and decent in good times but not in bad times then that community or neighborhood doesn’t make for a good marriage and becomes a complete waste of time to others who live there while they could be living in possibly poorer or more disadvantaged neighborhoods with decent and respectful neighbors by their side and feel ten times better about their contribution to their surrounding neighbors than if their neighbors acted like they wanted to kick in their other neighbors’ teeth every time they saw each other or encountered one another or screamed and yelled just because they were so out of control with themselves and their lives.


Any community or neighborhood that’s only respectful and decent to others in good times but not in bad times is like a spoilt wife who’s only good and decent and respectful to her husband when he’s got money for her to go out and shop otherwise if he didn’t have any money then she’d mistreat him because she believes that it’s her right to be handed money without having to work for it thus, a rude and crass bitch she makes, as well as for a terrible and lonesome and heart-breaking and annoying partner to any good man who works extremely hard for his money to provide for a child-wife who refuses to grow up and mature into an adult woman.


            To take out one’s bitterness or anger or sadness and desperation upon complete perfect strangers such as guests or patrons or customers at any store is to say that one is blatant about how one feels about themselves.


When one is rude then one broadcasts that one feels hopeless or helpless or privileged or entitled about their emotions therefore they use that as an excuse to be completely and totally out of line with other more perfect strangers thus the cycle of hatred continues and no one seems to want to do right or well by others because the moment that one ‘throws the first punch’ or becomes full of contempt or impertinence or coarse misbehavior to any stranger then that perfect stranger in turn will want to do the same right back to any inappropriate clerk or waitress or manager who disrespected them in the first place (unless the customer is the bigger person) possibly causing further injury while creating a status quo of lose-lose situation and no one wins this hideous battle of discrimination and prejudice for their fellow citizens and civilians and a cycle of psychological or demeanor or verbal or physical body language violence continues to get perpetuated by an entire community or neighborhood. (Easier said than done.)


            It’s not enough to do all of the right things by textbook definition or standards then turn around and be patronizing or condescending or racist to any customer because then it defeats all purpose or intent to be a great community steward or server or clerk or manager or waiter or anything else for that manner.




            Some of the worst service I ever received in my entire life were in places that I repetitiously attended throughout the years to give them multiple chances to change their racist or classist demeanor in misbehavior: As far as terrible service without any hope for change was in uptown, Minneapolis, however, and more precisely it was “Old Arizona,” “Muddy Waters II” and “Spyhouse Coffee.”


[No, please don’t stop frequenting these establishments.


If anything, go there and demand great service because it’s your right.


I just couldn’t get through to their fat melon brains filled with fluid because I’m a woman of color and in this Twin Cities Metro Area that combination represents a “n_____” or a “spick” or a “drunk Indian” and we don’t count for much less our voice so it’s futile for me to make a change when it must first come from educated whites.]


            The only reason why I didn’t leave these establishments while in complete and total tears is because I’m stubborn and idealistic about fairness and justice and equality.


I believe in a good fight when it comes to standing up for the right of others to sit peacefully and quietly in any establishment and enjoy one’s Italian soda without anyone, much less, wait staff wanting to beat their customers’ face in or make judgments for whatever reason.


The only reason why I even so much as frequented these establishments is because I used to live within less than one mile away from all of these places and used to ride my skateboard over there in hot summer months but it was always a bad time and a complete waste of my dollars because the wait staff were complete “lunatics” (modern English term) so I gave up, on giving away my money to social insane asylums even though they were convenient and near to our flat at that time.


            I did, used to stick it out; the patronizing or condescending tone of voice in our service workers who more or less meant to say, “I fucking hate myself therefore I hate you, too, and I’ll treat you like it.”


The way that I justified taking that much abuse from spoilt trailer trash hipsters was that I had just as much right to be there as anyone else even though everything about their service said, “If you don’t get up and leave soon then we’ll punch your teeth in.”


Our money wasn’t good enough therefore I got treated subhuman.


Now that I stopped frequenting these establishments there’s not one single reason for me to return there ever again. I can’t think of one single reason for me to go there. Nope. None.


I took their abuse because I had enough little kid hope in me that they’d come around and find their humanity. It never happened.


It wasn’t until a source informed me that mostly everybody surrounding these businesses allegedly snorts ‘enough cocaine to kill a small horse’ then I understood why everyone was on edge all of the time and acted like they were ready to spontaneously combust.




            As of this morning, I was just informed by cultural experts that mostly and mainly many of uptown, Minneapolis’s low working class hipster servers who are now in their 30’s and 40’s happen to be the children of Crystal and our city (That Which Shall Not Be Named).


Well, well, well.

That apple didn’t fall very far from that tree.


Okay, now this is fascinating to me.


            So, some of the rude store clerks in their fifties and sixties in Crystal as well as our No Name city are the mothers of uptown’s low working class cocaine induced hipsters with God awful tattoos that look more like someone threw up dark vomit on their skin.


Oh, my, my, my.


I could write horror fiction novels all day long about this particular subject.


The pieces to this puzzle are coming together.


I’m finally putting together this nightmarish Frankenstein experiment that just can’t seem to find its epicenter or compass or determination towards a more unified humanistic approach in respectful communication and interaction.


I get it.


            So Crystal’s and No Name city’s mothers are bitter as hell to be considered low working class peoples at their age in their local grocery stores while their spoilt low working class adult children are bitter to have only moved five miles to uptown to continue their legacy as low working class citizens just like their parents except the only difference is that their parents own mortgages while their adult children possibly and most likely live in uptown and pay exorbitant rent to slumlords. (Ouch.)


No wonder everybody’s so bitter and unpleasant and unhappy.

Why didn’t you tell me this before?

We could’ve done something about it earlier than today as we have in other cities. (Doh!)


Redistribution of wealth.


I’ll have to give it a great deal of consideration.


I’ve got a tremendous amount of mercy when I understand anything at all and when I don’t understand something then I tend to want to have absolutely nothing to do with any of it because I’ll run as fast and as far as I can from misunderstanding, however. Understanding creates compassion in my heart for others.






I win.


I owe myself a peaceful Italian soda someplace in the Twin Cities Metro Area but not uptown.


Everything that’s lead me to this point is to become a leader quietly behind the scenes of real power thus I shan’t mistreat you yet one mustn’t mistreat anyone else, either, because others don’t deserve one’s wrath or misjudgment or misguided anger.


Pick up watercolor or woodcarving or Tai Chi since one’s that angry.


Best Regards;



Word Count Goal: 2,500

Word Count: 2,784



*)         Day #88 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.





            Last Friday, May 9, 2014, my six “Regular” sized medium and large “Soft-Vintage Crew Neck Tees” from “Old Navy” arrived in the mail.


To my misjudgment and disappointment I ordered three “Regular Medium” and three “Regular Large” tees and not a single one of these t-shirts fit well because they were, too, tight right behind my armpits and quite long on me.


I jumped back online (internet) that same Friday night (May 9, 2014) and ordered six more “Petite Large” tees.


            To my surprise they just arrived by mail today, five days sooner than I expected them to. (Thank you.)


Just now I tried one on.


This t-shirt fit like a loose and perfect glove.


This t-shirt fit perfectly in all the right places.


Once again I can accentuate an hourglass figure around my waist sidelines (silhouette) without my little bit of belly fat sticking out from behind the t-shirt’s material on the front or back because this excellent material neither clings to my little bit of body fat nor accentuates my breasts yet gives them a perfect look of perkiness and centeredness and evenness that only the Crew-cut does, that the V-cut doesn’t. (Thank you.)


            These t-shirts accentuate in all the right places and minimize in all the right places for a petite woman like myself (5’2” and 150 pounds (as of today) still yet I hold the same inch tape measurements (bust, waist, hips) as someone of 135 pounds or so I’ve been informed by fashion designers.)


My tape measurements say it all more so than pounds do.

I’m as small as a 135 pound human is.


I’m petite but muscular even though I’m told that I’m “obese” by Western doctors.


I’m made of rock solid muscle and a little bit of stomach fat and round Indigenous breasts. (I know what my body is like and I’m not ashamed or embarrassed by any of it. I like the way I look even though I’m not an ideal fashion skinny model type.)


            These t-shirts have made me incredibly happy.


These t-shirts are made in Cambodia.


I don’t know what it is about Cambodia yet they sure tend to make some of the best clothes in the world for mass production and mass manufacture. Cambodia gets it right every single time. The ‘craftsmanship’ / human effort doesn’t go unnoticed. (Thank you.)


It’s the best birthday present I’ve given me in years.

I shan’t forget this for years to come.



---  ---  ---



Oh, wow. “Manor Park” looked amazing today. It took my breath away to see so much effort go into “Manor Park.”


There was some scattered litter yet for the most part the grass had been freshly mowed and the baseball diamond has fresh new painted white lines and the soccer field has been aligned and partitioned off from the baseball field by white painted lines and the soccer nets were set up and the “Marlboro light” cigarette butts picked up from the far end of the park and also the Styrofoam cups were gone. (Thank you.)


None of this tremendous effort goes unnoticed.



---  ---  ---



Yes, even though we had one delicious piece of Chocolate birthday cake from Macy’s bakery, yesterday morning, we don’t count that towards our overall non-sugar eating efforts.


We decided that we can have sugar on each other’s birthday and Holidays.



---  ---  ---



Eric’s got bronchitis for the first time in his life and he’s been a non-smoker or drug user his entire life.


Well, there’s always a first time for everything.


Wednesday, May 14, 2014


“Not everyone at whom dogs bark is a thief.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Happy Birthday Everyone!


It’s my thirty-seventh (37) birthday.

I’m staying in pajamas all day long.


I’ll watch non-commercial films and snack on popcorn and other healthy snacks and do absolutely no work.


My only birthday wish is to indulge in one slice of moist chocolate cake for breakfast which Eric’s bringing home tonight. Although poor little Eric. He’s got a doc’s appointment at 8:00am.


Wishing you beauty, love, respect, sincerity and regard for all life.




See you on Thursday!


With Love;



Word Count Goal: 0

Word Count: 150



*)         Day #87 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.





I’ve fallen in love with a show called: “One Foot in the Grave.”


I’ve fallen in love with a show called: “Nelson’s Column.”


Oh, I’ve yet to write about “Captain America.”


The latest “Spider Man” was a D rated terrible film.

Garbage, really.


What’s Sonny thinking?

Oh, there’re not.


Tuesday, May 13, 2014


“The man who keeps silent in the face of abuse is a true Hasid.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Ablution (a washing or cleansing)


He performed his ablution hurriedly.


---  ---  ---


[Awkward ESL and rushed language corrections were made.]






American Public School Education XII


Consistency XI


            American Public School Education begins with community.


            What’s consistency?


            Consistency is: steadiness, reliability, uniformity, evenness, stability and regularity.




[We’re not Gluttons for Punishment]

Part II


            On Saturday, May 10, 2014 at exactly six in the morning (6am) four black youth of about fifteen or sixteen years of age, screamed and swore at the top of their lungs while they walked up one street over and publically fought amongst themselves.


Quickly, I threw on a pair of jeans and sweatshirt and flip flops and made a mad dash for our front door and stood there while I made out four distinctive silhouettes about half a block away from our front walkway.


In a neat succession (progression) a tallish and lanky and skinny male at the front of the line wore a dark sports jacket and walked in front of one female who wore pink jeans while she carried a dark backpack in her right hand with neatly parted shoulder length black braids and a third skinny male wore a dark jacket in the same style as the first male at the front of the line while the last skinny male wore a white t-shirt and waved his right arm about in an extreme gesture of anger.


            Yes, they raged and screamed and cursed and swore at each other as they made their way up our neighborhood street.


I placed my thumb and pointer finger of my right hand into my mouth and right under my tongue and whistled as hard as I could just as one does in the jungle as a warning signal that death or danger are imminently nearby then I shouted, “No, absolutely not.”


I whistled again and then for a third time.


The youth turned their eyes where the whistle came from but didn’t turn their heads. Something in their melon sized brains registered that they were indeed disturbing our neighborhood peace at that ungodly hour.


            I walked back inside and placed a call to our local police department which their operator informed me that the cops were ‘on it’ and that many other phone calls had been placed about this particular matter.


Speaking to their 9-1-1 switchboard police operator was the best and most positive experience I’ve ever had yet thus far ever since we moved into our neighborhood on August 1, 2012.


I could tell that she was making a tremendous effort to keep residents (correction) informed about noise complaints and disturbance and fight that took place on that morning. (Her efforts didn’t go unnoticed.) Thank you.


She spoke to me like a concerned private citizen adult who cares about where we live and what happens here to us all. Not once was she patronizing about my real and serious concerns.




Moving on.




            I started coffee.


            We sat down to breakfast because by 6:30am we were fully awake and there wasn’t much else we could do about that.


We talked about how our neighborhood is almost nearly perfect except for some of the screaming and swearing and angry black youth and their parents who’ve made it a habit to scream and swear up and down our neighborhood streets. (Shame.)


            Yet again we’ve got other black folks and neighbors who are exemplary role model citizens and civilians who happen to be incredible and exceptionally good neighbors who take our breath away at how hard they work and how quiet they are or how orderly they conduct their private affairs behind closed doors.


We’re shocked that some uneducated and illiterate and angry black people will take their troubles to the street and scream at the top of their lungs on a daily or weekly basis.


Like my Father said; “‘Once, a mishap, twice, a mistake and a third time a habit.’”


            It seems that some of the more illiterate black population in our city choose not to control themselves or their misconduct particularly while out in public thus blacks create a negative stereotype for themselves as well as an illiterate portrayal of ignorant blacks who can’t seem to develop their higher intellect therefore they can’t advance in societal culture at large.


It’s too bad that very few and repeating offenders who disturb our neighborhood peace tend to create a bad stereotype for all of those other more remarkable and incredible black neighbors who do mind their business and are quiet at all times because they signed a social contract to contribute to our neighborhood and not to suck up all of the air out of it.


By moving into any “middle class” professional working neighborhood (sixty-three thousand or more per annual income salary for a family of four, $63,000+) then one automatically signs a social contract to do well by their neighborhood and to follow the social norms of that particular neighborhood like respectful and quiet and peaceful and harmonious conduct with clean streets and yards and sidewalks and without having to blast any car stereo every Thursday night at 11:40pm (two-doors down from us) just because one’s def or angry about their lot in life or their world around them or because they’ve come out of the womb an illiterate crack baby or an ignorant uneducated fool who refuses to develop and mature and become an adult and contributor to society. (How creepy indeed to be that dumb at all.) (Paraphrase to lyrics.)




            On Saturday, May 10, 2014 at exactly seven-fifteen in the morning (7:15am) I left home to go to the grocery shop at “Cub Foods” at 5301 36th Avenue North in Crystal.


I broke my Sabbath because Eric’s been terribly ill with a sinus infection and head cold for over a week now.


We’d already been terribly awoken that morning therefore I thought that I might as well go grocery shop and get it out of the way as a weekend chore.


To my surprise when I’d arrived at Cub I noticed that the garbage on their side of their fence on Hwy 100 North had been cleared and picked up while that “Holiday” gas station looked superb as it always does.


Cub’s parking lot has always had much garbage strewn all over it yet they seem to be making a real effort for the most part more so than when we first set foot there almost two years ago when I almost turned on my heels and ran, just having to look at their parking lot filled with garbage and litter and trash.




            This past Saturday, I did our shopping, and everything went smooth and without a hitch until the very end when I got in line to pay for our groceries.


In front of me, an older woman in her late fifties with white hair spoke about high school prom coming up to our cashier a sour looking woman in her early sixties with pursed pruned lips.


The patron informed our cahier about how her son wasn’t going to be allowed to go to prom if he didn’t pull decent grades this term.


She went to explain to our cashier about how her son’s behavior and his school year went.


When my groceries made their way to the start of the beltline then I took away the black plastic divider stick and placed it directly right behind my groceries so that the impeccably dressed little black girl behind me and her well mannered mother could place their groceries on the beltline without having to wait for mine to get rung up.


I pleasantly made room for them without speaking a single word to either one of them.


            I moved forward right behind the actual cash register that blocked my face from the cashier and stood there with my left hand resting on my cart.


The woman in front of me had taken a long time doing something (I didn’t notice what exactly.)


The prom mom in front of me kept moving back and forth from the bagging station to the middle of the checkout beltline (past the cashier) but wasn’t actually bagging up anything much less her groceries (she was simply arranging them) and before I noticed what was holding her up she returned to the paying stand next to the cash register and gave a victimizing look at our cashier.


I slowly and slightly moved backwards because with a broken toe I’m always afraid to fall over when suddenly our cashier barked orders at me, “She hasn’t paid. Move back!”


I was astonishingly startled to hear another adult speak to me like that and decided not to punch her square in the middle of her face because I’m a pacifist and she would’ve deserved it and I wouldn’t have felt any better.


            Our cashier spoke to me like a Southern racist drill sergeant would and like a bitch of the world the sour and bitter faced bitch who’d never gotten laid before thought that she could act like that and get away with it.


She scolded me like a little “spick” child and her voice had all of the hatred of disrespect and malice in her body and spirit.


I could’ve rung her neck (not literally) and taught her a tough lesson about herself and how ugly she was in her misconduct in tone of voice and demeanor.


Within split seconds I thought about dehumanizing her down to the bare bone but then I reacted quite differently as I always do.


            “Please. You’re welcome,” I said to her in impeccably clear English of royal Brits.


Immediately, our cashier’s shoulders stooped back a bit and her face held the look of ‘oh, shit. I just picked on the wrong patron.’


I gave her a leering look that said: ‘you so much as step out of line with me one more time and I’ll tell you truths about your life that will strip you naked of your humanity once and for all and you shan’t recover anytime soon from a tongue lashing from me and I’d be doing the world a favor and we both know that to be the truth.’


Our cashier cowered (correction) because she understood that she’d met someone far more powerful than she in all regards and respect.


            I was livid yet I held my tight rope composure.


My demeanor was taut (correction) as a high wire.


My voice cut like a knife and the atmosphere went grey and smoky dark and everyone around us got very still and quiet.


Not a single insult came out of my mouth.


I bagged up my groceries as quickly and as respectfully as I could but everyone knew that the damage was already done.


            I drove out of Cub’s parking lot Bostonian style.

            Fast and in control.


            At the door when Eric greeted me he asked, “How did it go?”


            “I got treated like a complete nigger,” I answered him in honest to God truth.


            I called the store manager and tried to explain to her what had transpired but the words just weren’t there and in her sing-songy voice reserved only for ‘retarded’ children she told me that she’d look into the matter and that she’d speak to the cashier even though her voice of tone held that camaraderie between the two women that said, ‘whatever, she’s one of us and you’re just some sucker who keeps coming back for more.’


Their manager pissed me off far more so than the cashier had therefore I informed her that we’d be doing business with “CobornsDelivers” from now on because we’ve had enough of this area’s cashier misconduct and disrespect and lunacy and because we’re smart we’re not gluttons for punishment.




            In conclusion: our close friends and their families who’ve lived in Crystal and our city (That Which Shall Not Be Named) for over thirty years warned us early on not to shop at any of these two cities’ downtown stores because some (many) of the cashiers treat everyone terribly wrong especially women.


We were warned of the disrespect and rudeness and incredibly mean and cutting demeanor from female cashiers in these parts especially the female cashiers who prefer to be working in an assembly line instead of cashiering at their local grocery store.


            We’d been warned therefore we’d been forearmed still yet we’ve continued to shop in both cities because we so desired to give our business to these stores so that we could keep our money locally, however, I’ve come to discover that it’s a futile cause (for now.)


            The main reason why I can’t continue to give both cities our business is because I can’t have anyone talk to me with such disrespect or misconduct in their manner or demeanor or tone of voice because I’m going to be a Mother sooner than later and I refuse to have our children see other adults speak to me like a “n_____” or a “spick” therefore we must take our business elsewhere like downtown, Minneapolis.


“Good riddance,” you might say.

Okay, I suppose.

I believe in common decency and respect.


I worked with children for about twenty years therefore I believe that great conduct begins in our communities with our adults as an example of how great we can be with or without money.




            Both cities got stuck in a time warp of 1992.

            It’s like some creepy episode of the “Twilight Zone.”


Some (mostly) cashiers in these parts seem or appear to think and act like women are either their visual sluts or people to abuse.


Occasionally, when I’ve shopped then male cashiers blatantly have checked out my ‘tits and ass.’


I have breasts and a vagina. Thank you very much.


One doesn’t have to stare at my breasts or vagina when they do a transaction with me unless my clothes fit me improperly then I can understand a blatant stare because I do that when other peoples’ clothes fits them improperly. I can understand that line of reasoning, however.


When I’ve shopped then female cashiers blatantly have belittle me as much as they can get away with it like talking about how brilliant Hitler was. Please.


            Some of the cashiers in this area are inappropriate because they have neither moved on with the times nor realized that it’s 2014 and the world really has become quite open minded about educated folks of color and gays and other minorities.


When I go out into the world, nothing about me says that I’m ‘poor’ or ‘broke’ even if I’m in my humble jeans and t-shirt or overalls because I tend to our bonfire pit on weekends and it’s dirty work.


Nothing about me says, uneducated or a bitch-cunt unless I get treated like dirt in these parts by some white male or female cashiers then I become even more formal and polite with them.




            I think that one reason for why so many cashiers are bitter or disrespectful or rude is because either their managers are or because they don’t have very good leadership from their managing staff or companies in general or both managers and cashiers get paid poorly.


I can only assume that our cashiers don’t have much support in their daily endeavors or struggles and it shows. It’s as evident as daylight.


I also think that the reason as to why so many cashiers are bitter or disrespectful or rude is because the economy dried up and they were supposed to be working in assembly lines making important specialty products or parts to better our world nevertheless they got stuck working as cashiers in places that probably don’t pay them well enough to sustain a reasonable lifestyle therefore they must bear it thus they take it out on their customers unless one is a favorite white customer otherwise not everyone is treated equally with respect and decency and that’s called prejudice or discrimination, anyway one looks at it.


            Many or our white and black neighborhood folks in these parts are educated and respectable and honest and kind and thoughtful and mindful and hardworking and kindly-direct people, nevertheless, it’s the few who aren’t that throw off the balance of these parts making it less than its greater or higher potential.


We aren’t going anywhere.


Shape up or get out, because dealing with Bostonian elite means that they can buy out one’s store right from under one’s nose or they can get businesses closed or in place of subpar shops they can replace them with their outrageously expensive and overpriced favorite boutique and specialty shops like those on “Newbury Street” in Boston because they can afford to do so and we really don’t want to turn this neighborhood into a gated community because it’s a beautiful “middle class” professional working neighborhood.


How much do you think sanitation workers make?

Try eighty thousand (grand) ($80,000) for senior positions.




Best Regards:



Word Count Goal: 2,000

Word Count: 2,825



*)         Day #86 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.





I ran out of time.


Monday, May 12, 2014


“Moral conduct is a preparation for intellectual process:

only that man whose character is pure, calm and steadfast

can reach correct conceptions.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Ubiquitous (being everywhere, omnipresent)


The ubiquitous voice spoke from different places.


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American Public School Education XI


Consistency X


            American Public School Education begins with community.


            What’s consistency?


            Consistency is: steadiness, reliability, uniformity, evenness, stability and regularity.




[We’re not Gluttons for Punishment]

Part I


            Our “Moral Mondays” are now “Moral Sundays.”


            Since we’re not “indentured servants” or “slaves” or “help” or “maids” or “obligated” to “Manor Park” we’ll only volunteer one to two hours of service per week on Sundays towards the cleanup efforts at “Manor Park” and the rest of the week we’ll just have to walk “Freeway” (our dog) on top of garbage or litter or candy wrappers or cigarette butts. (Oh, well.)


            We don’t have time during our workweek days to clean up “Manor Park” on a daily basis therefore we’ve begun to pick up litter and trash on Sundays (rather than on Mondays) for about an hour to two hours.


This morning when we returned to “Manor Park” it was once again completely trashed and littered.


I laughed so hard it gave me a belly ache.


I couldn’t believe it that it took less than twenty-four (24) hours for “Manor Park” to become a garbage heap or a dumping ground once again.


I laughed so hard I could’ve almost spilled milk out of my nostrils if I would’ve been drinking any.


It was so funny I just couldn’t control my laughter.


No, I wasn’t in hysterics.


Do you know what it’s like when you see something that’s so absurd it makes you laugh, well, it was like that for me this morning.


On Sunday, we spent one hour and a half cleaning up “Manor Park” (May 11, 2014) and by Monday morning (May 12, 2014) “Manor Park” was littered and trashed with twenty (20) “Marlboro light” cigarette butts at the far end of the park and fruit juice packs around the playground and Styrofoam cups from North Memorial Hospital.


            There’s a sign at “Manor Park” on the tennis court that reads: (“Adopt a Park: The City of No Name thanks… North Memorial Medical Center.”) For what exactly?


For about one year and nine months “Manor Park” has been a trash heap and it seems that hardly anyone from “North Memorial Medical Center” does anything towards the efforts to pickup “Manor Park.” Please. There’s continuous garbage at “Manor Park” all year round.


            The saddest aspect to “Manor Park’s” trash and litter has to do with having to watch surgical nurses or surgeons walk on top of heaps of garbage and trash on their breaks before-and-after they’ve cut someone open.


One can tell that these medical professionals are on edge from the stress of their career.


It’s quite evident to see that these particular medical professionals’ stress of having to save-or-lose lives puts them on edge yet these highly beautiful professionals choose to take their breaks at “Manor Park.”


Our beautiful medical professionals contend with garbage and litter on a daily basis while they tend to take their breaks there and walk around “Manor Park” to distress from having to cut open individuals. (How vivid.)


Obviously these medical professionals do their best to save their patients from their terrible diagnosis knowing perfectly well that their mainly impoverished or poor or north, Minneapolis black ghetto clientele is going to go across the street and possibly trash an extension of their worksite at “Manor Park” after they get stitched up as any supposition goes. Right? Right. Moving on. Next.


(What a thanks they get for saving the lives of such spoiled ghetto brats who refuse to pick up after themselves when there’re trash cans every so many feet away from them.) What a complete joke. (I could write “Saturday Night Live” skits about this.)


                                    Novel Thesis: (fiction / (made-up) / fantasy scene in a novel): The surgical nurses and surgeons might as well kill off these people while they’re under because ‘everyone’ knows that north, Minneapolis spoilt ghetto brats aren’t going to amount to much, much less community respect or contribution. (Just kidding. Only in a fantasy world.)


(I could write horror fiction novels about surgical nurses or surgeons killing off an entire sector of one ghetto population for the purpose of…)


            As far as we’ve noticed “Manor Park” is constantly trashed with hospital visitors’ Styrofoam cups and “3500 Manor Park” (it’s not a real street address, it doesn’t exist, I made-up the title up for a six hundred page novel) candy wrappers.


The sign on the tennis court ought to read: (“Adopt a Park: The City of No Name thanks… the Holm Family and Neighbors.”)


I kept wondering where all of the Styrofoam cups came from until this morning Eric explained to me that it was from hospital visitors.


Oh, that makes sense.




            Yesterday, Sunday, May 11, 2014, when we left “Manor Park” we picked up every single piece of trash there was.


I mean every single piece of trash, from the “Marlboro light” cigarette butts to the fifty (or more) “Starburst” candy wrappers to the fruit juice boxes to food smashed into the concrete by the tennis court to the soda and sports drink clear plastic bottles by the diamond field.


            On Sunday we left “Manor Park” spotless.


Yesterday, when we left, there wasn’t a single piece of trash or litter left in the park.


When we returned this morning it was once again full of trash and litter and recycling on the ground.




            The stronger our cleanup effort becomes then the more people we meet in our immediate neighborhood or surrounding community even when we live as much as half a mile away or more from others.


Oh, my Gods. Our cleanup effort is more effective and productive than our documentary film work ever was.


Our extended neighbors or community members will step out of their homes or stop us on their street or talk to us and thank us for our efforts. (You’re welcome. It’s our pleasure.)


People seem ever so happy and relieved to see others make a tremendous contribution in effort to our neighborhood and community.


Our extended neighbors or community members almost seem to be on the verge of tears when they see us cleanup their block or park.


For some reason it strikes a deep chord in the heart of our extended neighbors or community members to see us specifically pickup garbage or litter on their sidewalk or block near them.


            People will stop us and thank us from the bottom of their heart and tell us their tale of woe.


They tell us how difficult it has been for them to live in a neighborhood or community in which black spoiled ghetto brats scream at the top of their lungs every single day or on a weekly basis or how difficult it’s to contend with black spoilt ghetto neighbors and their black neighbor’s’ visitors or guests who throw garbage all over in front of their yard or sidewalk or park.


People will stop us and tell us about their community hardships and how difficult it’s been for them to live amongst difficult black ghetto spoilt brat neighbors.


            Our extended neighbors or community members tell us that no matter how much they pickup garbage or litter that some of their black neighbors and their black neighbor’s’ visitors or guests will trash their sidewalk or block or park either right before they leave our community, or during their visit all the while leaving our extended neighbors to do all of the cleanup.


It’s been an on-going civic battle for close to a decade and no one will help out our neighbors or community members thus they endure it in silence as best they could throughout the years.


            Our extended neighbors or community members tell us how they don’t have much money to move to other neighborhoods so they stay and endure their hardship of some black disrespectful neighbors and their black neighbor’s’ visitors or guests who trash and litter our neighborhood and community on a weekly or daily basis.


            Our extended neighbors or community members know that because they don’t hold doctorate degrees from Ivy League universities or because they don’t have much money that their city councilors and politicians don’t care about them thus our extended neighbors or community members must ‘bite the bullet’ as well as do the best that they can with what little they have by picking up black spoilt ghetto brats’ garbage on a weekly or daily basis.


            Our extended neighbors or community members tell us or ask us to please not give up on our neighborhood in the same way that our politicians or doctors or surgical nurses or surgeons or North Memorial Medical Center has thus we shan’t.


We’ll stand by them.




            On the following Monday after Easter Sunday, April 20, 2014, we spent an hour on cleanup and pickup at “Manor Park.”


Much of that garbage or litter which we picked up on that following Monday were mostly pastel cracked plastic Easter eggs (the ones that hold candy inside) and mini sneaker bars that exploded all over the playground area and picnic tables and around the tennis court.


We picked up about fifty or more, mini sneaker bars about the size of our thumb.


            This Sunday, Mother’s Day, May 10, 2014, we picked up about fifty or more “Starburst” wrappers around the playground and picnic tables and around the tennis court.


We found a trail of “Starburst” wrappers from the middle of our block that lead all the way and around “Manor Park.”


Some illiterate had dropped their wrappers as he went along his way and ate them. (‘May your children never learn to read’ lyrics to a song.)


What a real disappointment when it comes to some of our adult and youth population in our community and extended neighborhood.


            The most difficult aspect of litter and garbage and trash pickup around “Manor Park” is the white “Marlboro light” cigarette butts.


For some reason cigarette butts are the toughest to pickup.


Cigarette butts tend to sink deeply into pavement or soil and they stick there like glue. One has to really dig in with their finger tips to get them pried open or unstuck from the pavement.


I’m not really sure as to which is worse: candy wrappers or cigarette butts that explode all over “Manor Park” by Monday morning on a weekly basis.




            The greatest aspect of our quiet and peaceful trash and litter cleanup protest is that I’ve taken to wearing “Mickey Mouse” on my shirt or sweatshirt and both children and adults recognize this beloved iconic symbol therefore the more they seem to want to talk to me and also tell me all about their garbage and litter pickup efforts which they tend to conduct on their own accord.


I’ve decided to wear something Mickey each and every time I do garbage and litter cleanup because a) I need inspiration b) I need to be reminded of something positive c) I believe in the magic of Mickey d) I love how clean Disney World is and that’s something real to strive towards e) it’s a positive reminder that we’re all human and share a great and beloved icon in common f) I need to secretly believe in the world even though thoughtless black youth and addicted smoking white adults litter and trash our park on a daily or weekly basis g) I need to believe in hope otherwise I, too, will begin to dump my garbage and litter on the ground and I’m not that type of illiterate because that I’m not yet I could be and it would be sweet...


Best Regards:



Word Count Goal: 2,000

Word Count: 2,185



*)         Day #85 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.





            What’s one to do when one has stalkers?


            First, no matter whom one might think one is: One must never give out another’s address or phone number without first asking for permission or asking the receiver if they wish to be contacted by their stalker.


            Today, one of our stalkers wrote to us not to worry because they hadn’t gotten our address from any of our extended family or relatives. (Well, that’s a relief.)


Our stalker got their hands on our home address from one of their friends so our stalker thinks that it makes it okay for them to continually be in touch with us and send us letters that we wish not to receive.


I texted our stalker back with this: “Please stop stalking our family or I’ll get a restraining order put against you. Thank you.” I didn’t receive a returned text from our stalker. (I’m serious. Quite serious.)


            I’ve decided to carry a piece.


As small as it might be, it’ll be strapped to my body at all times.


It’ll put a hole into another human body if I need to self-defend especially into their knee caps or between their eyes depending on how grave the situation might be.


            You’ve been publically warned.


If I have to shoot anybody who so much as threatens our body or person by touching us then I’ll shoot first and ask questions later.


Please don’t scare the crap out of our family anymore because I can be a bitch and great marksmen when it comes to survival. Please, no more scary calls or texts or letters. Please, no more. Thank you.


I can handle hate mail however I can’t handle being stalked especially when we don’t want to be found.


Friday, May 9, 2014

“The minute you try to talk business with him he takes the attitude that he is a gentleman and a scholar, and the moment you try to approach him on the level of his moral integrity he starts to talk business.”

--- Raymond Chandler


“Character is tested through three things:

business, wine and conversation.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Prosaic (ordinary, dull)


The candidate’s speech was too prosaic to sway many voters.


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American Public School Education XI


Consistency X


            American Public School Education begins with community.


            What’s consistency?


            Consistency is: steadiness, reliability, uniformity, evenness, stability and regularity.




[I ran out of time.]


            On this Mother’s Day whether one has children or not take a moment to breathe and care for or to baby oneself to one’s best ability.


            I’ve become tremendously proud of myself for becoming a great Mother to myself.


I’ve learned to take care of me and to meet my needs before meeting anybody else’s needs.


I sleep eight hours a night and always eat a balanced and healthy (non-sugary) breakfast before walking out the door as well as floss each and every night no matter what’s going on.


I walk five days a week and drink plenty of water. I like to be healthy and feel beautiful. I rejoice in the fact that my health’s gotten better with age and that my hormones have settled down from fibroid tumors.


The best thing I ever did for myself is to quit sugar about eighty-one days ago. I no longer get these high sugar spikes along with the deep low drops in energy level.


I love birth control because it balances my hormones and it makes me as calm as placid waters which birth control has the opposite effect on other women. I needed that and I’m ever so grateful to have my health back ever since October 2013 and after two major surgeries since November 2011.


As of September 2013 I completely gave up all of my toxic she-male friends and their male friends and have begun to make new and amazing and remarkable male and female friends.


I’ve begun to trust in people once again after I was so badly burned and mistreated by she-male closeted homosexual / heterosexual Twin Cities male friends who’d all been raped at one point or another in their lives and become deeply bitter as adult males as well as female haters.


            Life at the age of thirty-six without children sure is fun and productive and meaningful. I like not having children at this stage in my life.


I think that American children suffer due to the perspective their parents take on how to parent.


Most American parents tend to parent with the main purpose or thought in mind to please or to make their children happy which I think is a dangerous train of thought.


No, my job as a parent shan’t be to make our children happy all of the time or to please them because I refuse to become a servant to our children. Trying to make our children happy all the time will exhaust me to the bone. I can only make myself happy and that’s a lot of work.


I’m willing to give up sleep and time and energy and effort, however, I refuse to bring up spoilt brats who’ll turn around and be mean to the world or cruel to animals or disrespectful to neighbors.


            I’ll be raising children alone in the day time therefore they shall be raised like any other Maya Indigenous children are: with discipline, naps, home cooked food, lots of leisure time to daydream and mentally play because not all play takes place in the physical form.


I’m prepared to teach our children to read at an early age and get them going with literature and history and mathematics and science as early as possible.


Yes, I’ve decided to personally and privately tutor our children all before the age of six and then they’ll be gone forever to be influenced by our world.


I’ve decided to teach them discipline (cleaning and cooking) and orderliness (hygiene) and fun (laughter) and creation (art and play) and lots of down time to think and ponder the universe(s).


Yes, our children, too, will receive a pair of chemical cleanup gloves and volunteer one hour a week towards litter pickup around our neighborhood because discipline and intelligence and wisdom and contribution begins at home.


More later…


Best Regards:



Word Count Goal: 1,310

Word Count: 1,485


Word Count this week thus far as of today: 10,175



*)         Day #82 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.





“A scholar who cherishes the love of comfort

is not fit to be deemed a scholar.”


--- Lao Tzu

“If you were a medieval scholar reading a book, you knew that there was a reasonable likelihood you'd never see that particular text again, and so a high premium was placed on remembering what you read. You couldn't just pull a book off the shelf to consult it for a quote or an idea.”

--- Joshua Foer

“As a scholar I am interested in the philosophy of language, semiotics, call it what you want, and one of the main features of the human language is the possibility of lying.”

--- Umberto Eco

            Disclaimer: No, I don’t want to see anyone fired. I want people to come to their ‘round table’ discussions and become better and more productive conversationalists.




            “Memorable is more than” delusions of grandeur and less than truthful when only arguing on the side of raw talent, alone.


            Anyone could poop or urinate on a stretched canvas and create symbols full of mirage meaning and it’ll be memorable, alright, nevertheless, it’ll neither be truthful nor artistry because shit is still shit and toxic to one’s health and of others.


To argue that it’s a waste of time to practice one’s craft and to ride the wave of raw talent is a lie. Plain and simple.


Only an illiterate person debates such a stupid argument.


I could ride the wave of raw talent for the rest of my life and it would be “memorable,” alright, yet, eventually my work would stagnate and limbs would rot and body parts would begin to fall off because the gangrene of laziness would set deep into my bones and intellect.


(No thank you. I’m not that moronic when it comes to my arguments about disciplined artistry.)


I know better because I was taught better by the Masters. I was told truths therefore I abide by them because they’re thousands of years old.


            The problem with MPR’s ‘round table’ is that they tend to seat some of the same people who use wrong words and use them in different context hoping that their words will stick to the wall.


Using wrong words over-and-over again along with wrong opinions is like uncooked spaghetti in which one throws at walls in hopes that no one will notice that their opinions are wrong, no matter how much one might drive their point home, the uncooked spaghetti will still slide down their kitchen wall and pile up on a dirty floor behind a shabby stove to collect dust and become food for vermin.


What MPR’s ‘round table’ needs are accredited scholars.


No, I didn’t write professors. I wrote real life scholars who do scrutinize and analyze the finer points of artistry for a living and those who will and can correct others when they’re wrong in their mediocre and deceitful opinions about what they think successful artistry is or isn’t just because others refuse to put discipline into their work.


            One can’t speak to any subject matter without full comprehension as to what it truly is that one says otherwise it’s simply and only a used car salesman selling art disguised as a hotdog (pig’s scrotum, anus and lips.)


Saying the wrong thing in multiple of various ways still doesn’t make it right while promoting mediocre thinking or thoughts about artistry.


“Memorable” by definition means: “unforgettable,” “brilliant,” “outstanding,” “excellent,” “superb,” “tremendous,” “terrific,” “impressive” and “remarkable.”


“Talent” by definition means: “aptitude,” “flair,” “gift,” “bent” (curved,) “capacity,” “faculty,” “ability,” “endowment,” “genius” and “forte.”


“Work” by definition means: “labor,” “employment,” “job,” “vocation,” “occupation.”


“Discipline” by definition means: “regulation,” “order,” “control,” “restraint,” “obedience,” “authority.”


“Magical” by definition means: “supernatural,” “magic,” “paranormal,” “mysterious” and “miraculous.”


            No, I don’t personally believe or think that artistry is magic by any sense of the word or stretch of imagination, nevertheless, I do believe that art can be magical.


Yes, I believe that using the words “magical” or “magic” is a great way to make usage of metaphor when it comes to describing art as ‘something that’s made from nothing’ to help explain pure sweat and labor and discipline and study and examination and investigation and scrutiny and evaluation and consideration and question and exploration and probe and dissect.


            To believe that one can simply ride on their God given flesh and bone mortal talent for the rest of their lives is to be completely and totally ignorant about artistry as well as lazy and borderline full of delusional grandeur.


Please don’t be so half cocked and insulting while speaking on the radio. We’re listening to what you say so please stop wasting our precious time because we don’t have very much of it.




The Earl of Southampton is “memorable”.

(a.k.a. Shakespeare)


Vivaldi is “memorable”.


Mozart is “memorable”.


Beethoven is “memorable”.


Leonardo da Vinci is “memorable”.


Henri Matisse is “memorable”.


Walt Disney is “memorable”.


Auguste Renoir is “memorable”.


Edgar Degas is “memorable”.


Claude Monet is “memorable”.


Pablo Picasso is “memorable”.


Michelangelo is “memorable”.


Georgia O’Keeffe is “memorable”.


Harriet Hosmer is “memorable”.


Rachel Whiteread is “memorable”.


Toni Morrison is “memorable”.


Grandma Moses is “memorable”.


Marion Wachtel is “memorable”.


Hildreth Marie Meiere is “memorable”.

Tamara de Lempicka is “memorable”.


Emma Richardson Cherry is “memorable”.


Jane Austen is “memorable”.


Harper Lee is “memorable”.


Mary Anne Evans is “memorable”.

(a.k.a. George Elliot)


Jean Lipman, editor of "Art in America” and folk-art scholar:


The degree of excellence "depends upon the clarity, energy, and coherence of the artist's mental picture rather than upon the beauty or interest actually inherent in the subject matter..."


Thursday, May 8, 2014


“Remember the virtues you lack and the faults you have;

forget the good you did and the wrong you received.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Assimilate (make alike, absorb)


The body must assimilate food to be benefited by it.


---  ---  ---


[Correction from “Floyd ‘&’ Olson” statue to “Floyd ‘B.’ Olson” statue.]






American Public School Education X


Consistency IX


            American Public School Education begins with community.


            What’s consistency?


            Consistency is: steadiness, reliability, uniformity, evenness, stability and regularity.




            One’s good and respectful character trumps all other cards.


            To continually prove that one will do well by others in their surrounding world and is willing to respectfully co-habituate or co-exist among those in their present community or village is to say that one fully comprehends their history and intelligence and capacity to further learn and fully understand the many complexities of humanity and make strides towards bettering any situation for the sake of others and oneself.


There’s much to be said for social intelligence.


Good nature or great character of any individual has nothing to do with their past or future rather it has to do with present moment-by-moment situations as to how any individual’s going to handle themselves in which each individual’s willing to correct their course (misbehavior) at a moment’s notice because it’s the right thing to do well by others and when we do right by others then we do right by ourselves.




            Look; when any human first wakes up in the morning the last thing they think about is how to annoy or belittle or diminish or disrespect any high standard or quality of life for others, however.


As annoying as sailing may tend to be at times, one must keep an eye on one’s compass (behavior) at almost all times.


Why must one keep an eye on one’s compass at all times?


One must keep an eye on one’s compass at all times so that one doesn’t veer off course and end up in China or the South Pole or anywhere else for that matter.


When one doesn’t keep an eye on one’s compass at all or most times then one tends to drift afloat and that can only mean trouble.


When one sails one must become a keen observer of weather, water currents and knots (speed).


Sailing’s hard work because it’s not the sort of hobby in which one idly sits back and drifts along, otherwise get a paddle boat (correction) and paddle it to the middle of a pond and lazily drift along on a sunny Sunday afternoon.


Sailing’s serious business like good relations are (yes, one can laugh) with others especially (above all) when everyone’s survival depends on not capsizing any vessel or drowning by foolish mistake.


When there’s “man overboard” then all engines must stop and reverse full throttle or go around and “all hands on deck” must take their posts and be ready and prepared for any situation because weather can “change like that” during any rescue operation and the seas can go from calm to stark (miserable).




            No, I’m not “the best” at anything especially not while I studied for my Captain’s license at the age of fourteen because I’m human and imperfect, nevertheless regardless of my downfalls, over the course of one complete decade I learned to develop a good nature and great character while sailing the Eastern Seaboard and Atlantic Ocean and docking in Manhattan Harbor with my ‘old man’ (pop, Father).


(Yes, we used to live out of our sailboat during summer months in Manhattan’s Marina.) It’s divine. (I miss the bagels.)


My pop and I used to sail or motor along for about sixteen straight hours per day and when one does this type of activity then one must learn patience and lots of it which leads to good natured character.


For weeks or months on end, we sailed along with our close friends from Denmark or Venezuela and met many other people from all around the globe and this takes much patience and character to meet and to get to know all sorts of humans with all sorts of temperaments and natures, still yet and nevertheless, the greatest code of any sailor is: “Safety First” and that’s something that anyone can abide by or live by such a motto for life.


            My Father and I took turns steering our fifty-five foot sailboat vessel from stern to bow.


When I steered my Father then rested and took naps or read. When he steered then I mainly read up on deck.


Sailing can be a lot of sitting and that, too, takes patience and hard work, nevertheless.


When it comes to taking over the helm of any vessel then one must stay sharp and awake and alert because as larger than life as shark or tuna or whales are for creatures as well as stupendous so are fifty-foot waves in the middle of down drench pouring rain in the middle of the Atlantic.


There’s nothing like catching one’s own day’s keep and eating fresh seafood right off of the bow or stern of one’s vessel.


My favorite is fresh crab.


My least favorite is stinging and glowing jellyfish.




            When fifty-foot waves are upon one’s vessel in the middle of a down pour then the only real solution is to drop two anchors.


One anchor gets dropped at the bow and the other at the stern so that the boat can rely on some form of weight and control while holding a steadfast position in half circles back and forth in a pivot motion instead of getting pounded up and down against the magnitude and height of waves’ raging madness.


The whole goal is not to allow for the bow or stern to take such a beating while coming down on massive waves filled with hysteria.


All that one can do is wear a bright orange life vest and wait out such storms and harness-in so that just in case one goes overboard then one can be reeled in or pull oneself in if it’s nighttime and no one can hear one’s voice in the compounding interval of cruel waves.




            There’s nothing like the calm after a storm.


I mean there’s nothing else like it.


The water becomes crystal clear and quiet as a newborn gurgling in the midst of a napping cycle.


The morning after a raging storm: The sun holds a bright yellowish and bluish hue and a slightly narrow yet strong various shades of orange streaks in its inner ring and the atmosphere appears like the underbelly of a blue crab.


The magnificence of such color stretches for miles on the water like a beautiful and complex pathway from Earth to Heaven inviting humanity to sit at the table of the Gods for breakfast only if they so much as dare walk on water.


            Hence one’s survived a raging storm from the night before then one comes to understand true involvement in the recycling of nature so that when peace and calmness do return to the world once again then one can celebrate peace and also one’s not taken aback so much by rage and violence or without keen awareness or warning for what might lurk outside in the dark vastness of the wild unknown.


There’s nothing like peace because it’s far more difficult to achieve it and often and unfortunately short lived unless humans put their backs to it (work at it).


The one aspect about calm peace is that it’s divinely superb like nothing else. Like the face of Gods when they smile at us.




            Sailing is like any good and strong metaphor or analogy for life that can fill in the empty spaces of confusion and anger and sadness.


The only true aspect towards peace is comprehensive measures like positive problem solving and small yet real effective outcomes that change the course of our world and this change will take us in a whole new direction towards cavern passages hidden from view and filled with emeralds and diamonds of wisdom in a vast ocean of unity and love.


When one takes the helm and decides to take a turn at steering one’s vessel then one doesn’t ever take one’s eyes off of the horizon or their compass or electrical instruments because to do so can become detrimental to one’s health and safety.


            Once when I was fifteen I lost track of my responsibilities as a helmsman and daydreamed my life away until suddenly my Father began to shout at me from the bow to veer port side.


Immediately I cranked the wheel and veered port then steadied our vessel.


If I hadn’t done so, then I would have almost ran us up on a sandbar that I’d not calculated when I took my measurements and mapped out my charts that morning.


It was a good lesson on how to properly map out charts and how not to lose track of my present responsibilities no matter how much I day dreamed.


From that moment forth I never took my eye off of the horizon, my compass or electrical instruments no matter what I calibrated and re-calibrated on my charts.


            At another juncture we ran aground.


When we got out, water sat waist deep on me.


As we gently rocked our vessel back and forth we made sure not to crack “the line” or spine of our sailboat while we came near some godforsaken and forgotten island.


We then fully realized that we were days away from the nearest civilization as we held pure bleached white colored sand in between our fingers.


Gently while we held on to ropes with one hand and on to the hull with our other bare hand we rocked her back and forth like a hibernating greasily bear to make sure not to wake her up and have to listen to the roaring sounds of a cracking hull.


We loosened her grip from the sandbar and walked her back to deeper water. It took most of an entire early-to-late afternoon and into dusk to get her loose from the grips of a nasty sandbar.




            Life’s like that: All one can do is muster patience and a good disposition to get through these trying times in one’s life.


Whether it is a terrible or cruel enemy or a jealous boss or an envious co-worker or a disrupting or disrespectful neighbor.


One must let nature takes it course, however.


By no means take one’s eyes off of one’s compass because then one may drift ashore and then it’s anybody’s lucky guess as to what may happen next.


One doesn’t abandon ship even if one feels like it or wants to. One may want to do many things but the difference between wanting and doing so is major.


            Everybody thinks about abandoning ship at one point or another. (It’s normal. Don’t worry yourself silly about it.)


What it comes down to ‘sticking it out’ or not is the difference between maturity and risk.


How much can a mature person deal or put up with something?


How much risk is involved?


‘Hanging in there’ isn’t an art, however, allowing for the passage of time to become a fulfilling prospect is.


There’s a lot to be said for those who are patient and don’t rage against life still yet they keep an eye on their compass and veer port side and away from sandbars because getting stranded all alone on some forgotten island isn’t any real sort of possibility or panorama.


            One doesn’t ‘hang in there’ for the sake of doing so.


One ‘sticks the landing’ because that’s what one’s been trained and practiced for all this time to become the very best that they can be at anything, especially (mainly) someone of good nature and great character.


To be good in nature and to hold great character are two aspects of life that come with maturity and wisdom.


Without either one of these two attributes then life’s much, too, difficult for those who make it so for themselves as well as for others.


            The highest esteem in the land is to get along with others especially (more than ever) during trying or difficult times.


When one accepts to injure or insult or harm or disrespect another then the Gods take care of that in their own and deadly ways.


            A human’s character isn’t measured by how wonderful they are when everything’s peachy keen. No.


A human’s excellence in character is measured when life’s complexities and difficulties are handed over to such individuals to figure out what to do with their troubled times which will soon pass.


When one’s already established their good nature and great character because they’ve been challenged to survive life in the face of danger then life does indeed become a piece of chocolate birthday cake on a silver platter. (Eat up! I will during my birthday.)


It’s imperative (very important, vital, crucial) that humans learn strength of character and good nature by learning to step outside of their comfort zone and do things that will indeed challenge their senses and intelligence and survival skills so that they may further comprehend the trials and tribulations of others.


I have more to write, however, I can’t seem to find the right words.


Best Regards:



Word Count Goal: 3,000

Word Count: 2,915


Word Count this week thus far as of today: 8,690



*)         Day #81 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.





Yesterday, I stubbed my broken toe so hard, I almost thought I broke it again. It hurt so badly that I should’ve sat down and wept in agony, however, I didn’t.


Have you ever broken a toe before?


One’s balance is never quite the same ever again, is it? No.


I decided not to have my broken toe looked at by a doctor because the first time I broke my toe I went to the emergency room only to be sent back home in a bandage thus I learned that there’s not a single thing a doctor can do for a broken toe. All one can do is live with the agonizing pain that one gets from time to time.


I walked around and stumbled upon things and probably looked drunk to the entire universe hence what’s a girl to do but handle it as best as she can with her head held up and her shoulders back.



---  ---  ---



This past weekend we purchased the best shoes in the entire world (hyperbole, possibly not).


I bought one pair of black “Kalso: Earth Shoe: ‘Designed in the U.S.A.’ Leather Upper Solar: 8.5: Q.R.F11” (Price: $125.92)


This is the best shoe I’ve ever worn for my 8.5 size wide fit.


(I’m not sure that I have wide feet. I simply assume that I do.)


Anyway, they don’t squeak, the shoes are quiet as quiet can be and soft. Nothing rubs or hurts or anything. It’s like walking on butter. (Thank you so very much!)



---  ---  ---



I also purchased: “Merrell Stone Performance Footwear: Q-form: Comfort: 0313: U.S. 8.5” (Price: $90.94)


I love the laces, look and feel plus style of this shoe.


It’s obvious that this is a durable shoe.


Hopefully I can take my skateboard out for a jaunt and I shan’t sprain my ankle again this June because these shoes aren’t “fashion” shoes they’re actually athletic shoes. It’s like walking on butter. (Thank you so much!)



---  ---  ---



On Monday, May, 5th, 2014 at noon we had the best lunch and service at “Blue Stem” restaurant.


“Blue Stem” is my aunt’s favorite restaurant so we treated her for her birthday.


Seriously, I had the best cappuccino I’ve ever tasted in my life thus far. I considered having a second cup but that would’ve been too much caffeine going into the rest of my day.


For main course I had their “Mediterranean Wrap” with delicious greens and clam chowder soup (which was tasty, not like the East Coast, but good).


Whatever sauce is placed on those greens then it must be made with ‘crack’ (not literally) because I couldn’t stop eating them.


Our total came out to $29.99. I left our waiter a ten dollar tip ($10.00) because it was totally worth our time and money and effort to sit there for one hour and a half while we enjoyed ourselves and spoke openly and honestly like two women of the world.


No, I didn’t get sick afterwards.


I give “Blue Stem” an “A” on all fronts. (Thank you.)


We can’t wait to return.



---  ---  ---



In 2012, I purchased at “J.C. Penney” the best made “cargo” pant.


I’m looking for “a.n.a.: ‘A New Approach:’ 98% cotton: 2% spandex: Made in Bangladesh: RN: 93677”


I haven’t been able to find this specific pair of pant ever since therefore I’ll be wearing my old cargos going into this summer season 2014 until I find another pair like the two pair I previously purchased and now I wish I would’ve purchased six or eight pairs.


I’ll wear them with the only hope that they hold up because they’re great but ratty on the bottoms. (Sorry guys, they don’t look pretty on the bottom cuffs but I shan’t give up on them because pants like these don’t come around very often.)


If this style and cut of pant could ever be made once again, I’m telling you they’ve been my best pair of light cargo pants that I’ve ever owned yet durable for campfires and skateboarding, although I need them in 30” length because the bottoms drag and I tend to trip over the cuffs. (Thank you.)



---  ---  ---



Monday’s Footnotes:


“Periscope” and “VitaFusion” and “MINE” clothing line.


Wednesday, May 7, 2014


There are four types among men:


The ordinary one says: “What is mine is mine, and what is yours is yours.”


The queer one says: “What is mine is yours, and what is yours is mine.”


The saintly one says: “What is mine is yours, and what is yours is yours.”


The wicked one says: “What is mine is mine, and what is yours is mine.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Assonance (repetition of vowel sounds in words of musical effect)


Assonance is a devise often used in poetry.


---  ---  ---


[Correction from “Dunwoody School” to “Dunwoody College of Technology.”]


[Correction from “Memorial Highway” to “Olson Memorial Highway.”]


[Correction from “Theo Wirth” statue to “Floyd B. Olson” statue.]


---  ---  ---


As of this morning I delivered an “F” to “Olson Memorial Highway” from “Welcome to Minneapolis” sign to “N. 7th Street.”


Whomever, is in charge of that stretch of road please pick up north, Minneapolis’s litter and garbage and trash and recycling there on “Olson Memorial Highway” specifically on “Penn Avenue N.” by the “Floyd B. Olson” bronze statue. (Let’s get going.)


---  ---  ---


As of this morning I delivered an “F” to “Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board” for allowing litter and trash and recycling to sit idly by on “Wirth Parkway” greenway areas. (Let’s get going.)


---  ---  ---


The dirtiest part of Minneapolis is “S. Wayzata Boulevard” from “Penn Avenue” Exit and “394 West / East” to “Wirth Parkway” and that’s considered one of the wealthiest areas of Minneapolis. I give it an “F” for their continuous garbage and litter for the past one-year and nine-months.


---  ---  ---






American Public School Education IX


Consistency VIII


            American Public School Education begins with community.


            What’s consistency?


            Consistency is: steadiness, reliability, uniformity, evenness, stability and regularity.




            When looking in from the outside one must…consistently be on one’s “best behavior” and mind one’s “P’s and Q’s” because it’s a way-of-life (lifestyle) and not just something that one does simply to go through “motions” or when ‘a stick’s applied.”


I don’t know what to tell you about climbing successful ladders except this: “Excellent grades don’t matter much when one’s rude or disrespectful to others.”


“When one self loathes then one self loathes one’s world.”


“When one inflicts pain upon one’s world then one inflicts pain upon oneself.”


“When one conquers others then one conquers oneself.”


“When one disrespects others then one disrespects oneself.”




            I want you to understand that when others are polite they do so for one’s sake because they believe that the other’s as important as oneself, otherwise they, too, would act like wild-animals out in their natural habitat.


There’s no quick way to climb any genuine or honest ladder of success or fortune because there’re many who can imitate excellent behavior, nevertheless, they don’t seem to understand the particular finite differences between history and today’s story.


The only way to successfully climb is to show “the” grace for one’s race, intelligence and manner.


There’s nothing more beautiful than the immensity and propensity of other’s thoughtfulness and mindfulness because it means that they understand their divine will as well as the face of their God(s).


Why one wouldn’t want to show off the very fact that one’s incredibly well bread or taught or disciplined or loved (educated) is beyond my comprehension?


            I want to believe that our American private citizens and civilians are well brought up by all those who take interest in their families and friends and communities and villages and states and country.


“Knowledge is indeed power.”


Not to acknowledge one’s place in society is to abandon all hope of a better future as well as one’s history and as well as “the right way to climb.”


There’s ‘always’ better choices and solutions and understanding for that which one doesn’t understand quite fully, yet.


Yes, I’m leaning towards the more philosophical because one can’t climb unless one understands their center nucleus (or nuance) or symbiotic (symbolism) in their history behind great action, word and deed.


One doesn’t become a great neighbor or great co-worker of friend or relative by holding a position (any position). No.


One must always maintain grace and to maintain grace is to hold the divine power of God(s) in any circumstance or situation.




            A stick isn’t enough to do right by others.


            One isn’t a servant of one’s destiny;

            One’s a master of one’s destiny.


            One doesn’t choose to do well by others because “The Man” imposes such grace upon one’s abode or will.


One chooses to do well by another (no matter what) because one realizes that all humans come from one distinct royal line or another.


We’re all royalty in some aspect or form.


Not to realize that “divine intervention” (intervention means “involvement”) which means us (humans): Is not to realize that humans are meant to rule as one (united) in peace and harmony and with justice and rational cognizance and moral reasoning and factual scientific and mathematical logic on our given side.


Don’t you understand that all who are born are to be born divine?


If one doesn’t understand this vastly abstract and mass concept then one doesn’t understand anything about the Universe(s).




            To open doors to success and vitality and justice one must prove to others that they understand the heart of or the essence of history and poetry and love and respect and song and dance (all at appropriate times) most of all one must hold deep and great regard for understanding compassion for those less fortunate so that one must not forget their duty in life: to never stop being a “Brother or Sister’s Keeper.”


            That’s it.


            I could almost stop writing here and allow for you to sit with these dense words.


            What is it that one doesn’t understand about respect?


            Respect is: “Admiration,” “high opinion,” “deference,” “esteem” and “reverence.”


Since our God(s) bestowed enough respect upon humanity to have each one of us be sprung from our Mothers’ wombs and our Father’s seed then what is it that keeps humanity from holding the greatest and highest of reverence for each other?




            As far as anyone else having to come after another with a stick in order for them to do the right thing then we’re getting into slavery or servitude territory.


One doesn’t have to be told or be reminded of one’s duty to “King and Country.”


One must not be forced into doing the right thing because one acknowledges what the right circumstantial thing to do is at all times.


One must learn and know what the right circumstantial thing to do is and act upon it as quickly as possible so that others may not live with inflicted wounds or injury or harm or death (of any type.)


More later…


I almost need to begin with a significant historical lesson.


Best Regards:



Word Count Goal: 2,000

Word Count: 1,203


Word Count this week thus far as of today: 5,775


*)         Day #81 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.




When I have more time.


---  ---  ---


Both Eric and I have severe sinus head colds. We’re sleeping in separate bedrooms for now as of Monday night.


*) Yes, as of Easter weekend 2014 I’ve begun to wear men’s boxer shorts because when I wear women’s undergarments the elastic bands seem to rub and create tremendous cysts which tend to ooze and bleed and it’s quite painful.


I’m only disclosing this information because, no, I haven’t become a transvestite, however.


I’m wearing men’s boxer shorts out of necessity and because of a medical condition.


I’m quite embarrassed about it so please don’t stare while I bend over to pick up litter or garbage or recycling. (Thank you.)


Tuesday, May 6, 2014


“What a man wants, he does not have;

what a man has, he does not prize.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Benign (kindly, of gentle disposition, gracious)


The benign look on the old man’s face attracted the children.


---  ---  ---






American Public School Education VIII


Consistency VII


            American Public School Education begins with community.


            What’s consistency?


            Consistency is: steadiness, reliability, uniformity, evenness, stability and regularity.





-----   -----   -----

            Don’t everybody shock me all at once’ or I’ll go into cardiac arrest. Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.


            What on Earth is going on?

            Look here now.


            As of this recent past week:


            Crystal’s “Cub Foods” store on the corner of “Hwy 100 north” off of Exit “5301 36th Ave N” does look decent to good. (Thank you.)


Not great, nevertheless, it gets a passable grade of a “C-” because on the other side of “100 North” on “Cub Food’s” side of their fence it’s filled with strewn street garbage and litter all along there so that when patrons stop and purchase gas at that “Holiday” station and when one faces “Hwy 100 North” then one sees nothing but garbage and litter along that fence.






            “ ‘No Name’ city Middle School” across from “Cub Foods” on “36th Avenue N” gets a “B-“ on their first efforts to clean up their litter and garbage along their track-and-field fence as well as on the other side of that same fence. Keep up the good work. (Thank you.)


This is the first time there’s been little to no garbage on that stretch of road along that Middle School in about one-year and nine-months.


Last week we almost fell over when we witnessed their cleanup efforts. We couldn’t believe our eyes. I almost let out a little tear fall down my cheek but I didn’t because it would’ve been way over the top. (Thank you.)



            On Saturday, May 3rd, 2014: Eric witnessed an older ‘white’ gentleman who picked up garbage on our city’s side of “36th Avenue N.” (Thank you. 36th Avenue N looks wonderful.)



            As of yesterday at 12:00pm: Uptown, Minneapolis is trashed with litter on “Lyndale Avenue” by “French Meadow.”


I give “Lyndale Avenue” an “F” on their “Litter Bug” tendencies and lack of community action and fierce leadership because when we lived on “Dupont Avenue” (2006-2012) I got out and picked up litter and trash once a week for an hour therefore I know that others can do it also. (Let’s get going.)



            As of early this morning: “Manor Park” is trashed with litter. I give “Manor Park” an “F” on their “Litter Bug” tendencies and lack of community action and fierce leadership. (Let’s get going.)


“Manor Park” litter pick up is the responsibility of “North Memorial Medical Center,” however, for the past one-year and nine months litter and trash blows this way and that way at “Manor Park.”



            As of this morning around 11:00am: I give an “F” to “2815 S. Wayzata Boulevard” for their one continuous month of litter of one green aluminum can and one green plastic soda bottle which sits right outside their businesses. (Let’s get going.)



            As of this morning around 11:15am: I give “Van White Boulevard” / “Dunwoody Boulevard” Exist off of “394 East” an “F” on their piled up garbage, trash and litter for the past one-year and nine-months.


Yes, I give an “F” to “Minnesota Department of Transportation” specifically for their neglect on this particular freeway ramp and stretch of highway entering uptown and downtown, Minneapolis behind the “Walker Arts Center” and “Kenwood” neighborhood.



            As of this morning around 11:30am: I give downtown, Minneapolis’s “Ambassadors” an “A” on their magnificent and spectacular and continuous efforts to keep downtown, Minneapolis one of the cleanest and safest places in the entire Twin Cities Metro Area and possibly the Midwest. (Thank you.)



            As of today at 12:00pm: I give “Dunwoody College of Technology” a “C” on their effort to pick up their one clear plastic littered soda bottle that’s been sitting in front of their lawn for three straight weeks. (Thank you.)


It makes me want to run out to their “Open House” this afternoon which starts at 3:00pm but the rest of their parking lot and one adjacent building on the corner of “Dunwoody Boulevard” and “S. Lyndale Avenue” leaves much to be desired thus I shan’t be attending today, however, perhaps next time. (Let’s get going.)



            As of last night around 7:00-9:00pm: Our ‘black’ neighbor’s two-doors down and their visitors and guests, for the first time in one-year and nine-months didn’t scream or holler or yell or swear or rage against life while they peacefully dined alfresco.


(Thank you. Their tremendous efforts didn’t go unnoticed. I almost fell over with pride for their beautiful and smart family.)


When in Rome, one does as the Romans do, otherwise…



-----   -----   -----




            “ ‘If someone’s caught screaming at the top of their lungs outside their home, once, then it’s considered a “mishap” (calamity, misfortune,) twice, a “mistake” (error, fault,) three times, a “habit,” ’” (routine, practice,) said my retired psychologist Father to me over a phone conversation in the second week of August 2013.


“ ‘As far as any yelling or screaming or hollering or rage of any type are concerned then one must do it inside their home with all windows and doors closed so that their neighbors don’t have to put up with their lack of propriety,’” (modesty, decency,) explained my Father.


            A distinction between a “habit” (routine, practice) and an “addiction” (compulsion, dependence): Is that a “habit” is much easier to break than an “addiction” is, however, with sheer willpower and perseverance both patterns or behaviors can be broken to replace other more positive or fulfilling ones.


            “ ‘When people get “drunk” or “high,” then a form of temporary insanity takes over and they aren’t themselves,’” said my Father.




            First, yes, I wrote that: “I’m nobody’s wet-mammy” because I’m not.


            Second, yes, the role of any great writer is to teach otherwise the writing becomes futile, nevertheless, each writer may address their issue, however, they best see fit in doing so.


            Third, let’s learn something old: When in Rome do as the Romans do.


            Forth, when one lives in a neighborhood or village or community that’s predominantly a specific type-of-culture such as or whether it be, quiet culture, or pristine culture, or respectful culture, or clean culture then no matter what predominant race trumps over the rest of that neighborhood or village when others decide to move into those particular neighborhoods or communities they must abide by that already established culture, otherwise, trouble may ensue.


            Fifth, when guests or visitors enter any neighborhood or village then they must pull their vehicle over to one side and park (without obstructing street traffic) and either get out of their car and walk to their friend’s or relative’s door and knock or ring their doorbell, once or twice at most without shouting (after a third knock or ring then most likely their host is either asleep, or importantly preoccupied, or dealing with an emergency, or in the bathroom or dead) let their passenger(s) know that the driver has arrived and is ready for their passenger when they’re ready, (although anytime that someone’s gone out of their way to pick up another then wait by a front window and watch out for their party to arrive and be ready to immediately walk out one’s door because it’s another’s precious time.)


If the driver has ever so graciously gone to the door then they’ll let their passenger know that they’ll patiently wait out in the car for them.


            Or the driver may take out their cell phone and call their passenger and let them know pertinent (relevant) information about the driver’s arrival then one must patiently wait for one’s passenger to come out of their home when they’re ‘good and ready’ (no more than a five minute (5) wait or so) because a lot of life can take place behind closed doors, especially when dealing with little ones such as putting on shoes and coats and daily discipline, although that ought to be accomplished before arrival time.


This is common respect all across cultures no matter what race one may be or no matter how much money one may have.


It’s considered a common courtesy to all those who are a witness to this type of social interaction or transaction (matter) because social transactions are currency, too, and worth more than monetary transactions are worth.


            Sixth, when guests or visitors enter any neighborhood or village then they “must be on their best behavior” as though they’ve entered a place of worship or sanctity because every neighborhood is a sanctuary and to be a great guest or visitor implies good breeding and excellent Ancestors and Lineage and Education (which comes in many different forms).


            Seventh, when guests or visitors enter any neighborhood or village then they must refrain from swearing even if their hosts swear.


            Eighth, when guests or visitors enter any neighborhood or village then they must refrain from littering or throwing garbage or trash on their hosts’ lawn or property, especially on public sidewalks or parks and green spaces, and if they do throw garbage or litter on their hosts’ lawn or front sidewalk then they must pick it up before they leave or their garbage blows away into others’ lawns.


            Ninth, anytime that any guest or visitor leaves their front door then they’ve become guests and visitors of the world-at-large as well as guests and visitors to other neighbors and “perfect strangers” even if it’s only around the corner from one’s block therefore any guest or visitor must maintain great behavior because everything depends on it.


            Tenth, once one leaves one’s front door then they’ve become private citizens or civilians of the public sphere or arena and harm or injury or damage or death could become imminent (looming) therefore be on one’s best behavior and look out for danger but don’t obsess over it and be relaxed about being a keen observer because the world’s a pretty terrific place if you look for the goodness in it.


            Eleventh, once one leaves one’s front door then their garbage or trash or litter or recycling belongs to them and becomes their own property therefore either properly dispose of one’s litter or recycling or hang on to it until one returns home.


(Personally, I carry a trash bag in which, if I were to ever need it then I place my garbage inside it and seal it up and carry my recycling or garbage home and dispose of my trash or recycling later at the end of my days. It’s my responsibility to do so therefore I do it because that’s what mature and responsible adults and youth and children do.)


            Twelfth, any public park or green space is any community’s home therefore to trash any park or green space is to trash someone else’s home and village.


To visit any public park or green space or playground is a great honorable “privilege” (freedom, license, opportunity, dispensation, advantage, benefit, concession) and one must treat it as such otherwise one’s considered trashy and not classy.


            Thirteenth, one must leave any place better than they found it: pertaining to trash or recycling.


            Fourteenth, one must pick up their dog poop in any urban parks and green spaces and neighborhoods and villages and communities. It’s urban hip to pick up after oneself.


            Fifteenth, one must not scream or shout or holler or threaten or demand or one will be considered a ‘literal’ insane lunatic (modern English term) or ‘mentally ill,’ of course, with the exception of danger, traumatic experiences (like witness to a murder or such,) or continual disrespect or discipline that must be applied or harassment or...with the exception of circumstance or accidents…or…or…or… (etcetera, etcetera.). (Yes, that’s correct grammar and punctuation.)


            Sixteenth, when any adult or youth or child steps down from a public or school bus they must not scream or holler or yell to present themselves to the greater world at large because one doesn’t present oneself, one waits to be properly presented or introduced by others otherwise one doesn’t consider themselves worth much other than servants.


            Seventeenth, one doesn’t shout or scream or holler or yell at anyone (especially not outside).


One must make the effort to get up off of their lazy rear ends and approach the other and present them with information directly face-to-face because such a deed or act honors that person receiving one’s information.


Hence what one has to relay or convey is of importance then one shan’t have to shout or scream or holler or yell out their words because words are of vital consequence otherwise don’t say anything at all.


            In conclusion: Good manners and best behavior isn’t about one’s ego; it’s ultimately about others and how one’s willing to honor those around them so that they may best honor you.


There’s nothing more beautiful than people who honor their Ancestors and Lineage and guests and hosts because it means that they understand the very hardships and history of their peoples.


To be on one’s continuous best behavior is to understand how to change one’s bad habits for more productive habits towards the pursuit of happiness.


To be on one’s continuous best behavior is to understand what one’s Ancestors went through in order for one to be alive today and to continue one’s line forth.



Tomorrow’s lesson: How doors to opportunity get opened from the outside looking in. Cheers.


Best Regards:



Word Count Goal: 2,000

Word Count: 2,200



*)         Day #80 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.





I ran out of time.


Monday, May 5, 2014


“A giant is very tall even though he stands in a well.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Megalomania (delusion of grandeur from mental disorder)


He is not famous nor wealthy; he is afflicted with megalomaniac.


---  ---  ---


[Correction from “North 10th Street” to “N. 7th Street” off of “Memorial Highway” from “Wirth Parkway” to “N. 7th Street” requires garbage pickup to be done there as soon as possible.] Thank you.






American Public School Education VII


Consistency VI


            American Public School Education begins with community.


            What’s consistency?


            Consistency is: steadiness, reliability, uniformity, evenness, stability and regularity.




            In all of my travels across Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois and Michigan over the past thirteen-years while conducting documentary film research specifically about the “underbelly” of America the only people I ever came across who screamed or shouted in their front yard or blasted their car stereo or littered or threw trash across their property or in front of their sidewalk were “statutory rapists” or “closeted polygamists” or “friends-of-murderers” or “orgy-sexual-cultists” or “drug-dealers” or “pimps and prostitutes” or “mentally-ill”.


When I asked them as to the reasons for why they screamed or shouted in their front yard or blasted their car stereo or allowed their litter or garbage to sit on their property or in front of their sidewalk in such manner, time-and-time again, they answered me this: “No one understands us so why should we contribute to a mass culture that doesn’t know us.”


Most of these “statutory rapists” or “closeted polygamists” or “friends-of-murderers” or “orgy-sexual-cultists” or “drug-dealers” or “pimps and prostitutes” or “mentally-ill” had been brought up in “middle-class” suburbia and urban America in the decade of the 1980’s.


They felt extremely marginalized as adults thus they brought up their children on the fringe of culture and perpetuated a broken cycle of disrespect and passive-aggressive hatred because they felt like someone owed them thus they were out to make their neighbors and community to suffer as they’d felt slighted therefore they screamed like raving lunatics and blasted their car stereo and littered and threw garbage everywhere because that’s how out of control they felt.


            No, I don’t believe that everyone who screams or shouts or blasts their car stereo while driving through quiet neighborhoods or those who throw litter or garbage on their property or in front of their sidewalk is a “statutory rapist” or “closeted polygamist” or “friends-of-murderers” or “orgy-sexual-cultists” or “drug-dealers” or “pimps and prostitutes” or “mentally-ill,” however.


Whenever I hear continual screams or shouts from peoples out in their front lawn or blasted car stereos or litter or garbage pile up in front of anyone’s property especially in front of their sidewalk then I think about these people whom I met who happened to be “statutory rapists” or “closeted polygamists” or “friends-of-murderers” or “orgy-sexual-cultists” or “drug-dealers” or “pimps and prostitutes” or “mentally-ill” who’d become ever so embittered by our American mass culture that which continually refuses them a proper place at the bargaining table because there’s very little to no room for them even though they quietly work as ‘receptionists’ (per se as an example) (correction) or ‘bank tellers’ (per se as an example) (correction) or such low-wage paying jobs and deal with a mostly broke public.


            Now, no, we’re neither practicing “statutory rapists” or “closeted polygamists” or “friends-of-murderers” or “orgy-sexual-cultists,” or “drug-dealers” or “pimps and prostitutes” or “mentally-ill,” however. We’re human thinkers.


We did extensive research into the lives of these particular individuals and “sub-cultures” and learned much about fringe-cultures outside of “mainstream” or mass culture and society and found out that they’re “haters.”


Whenever I come across un-orderly or uneducated or unruly or unsophisticated (urban and suburban) peoples then I think about everything I did learn out in my field of study.


I think about these peoples’ hardships and needs and how much they require resources and social-education, nevertheless, they refuse to meet the basic respectful expectations of culture and society thus for as long as they refuse their communities basic respect then they shan’t be considered worth much in time and effort because citizens and civilians do draw boundaries and lines in the sand when it come to getting better educated yet they seem to refuse education.




            Do you know the expression about how “every man’s home is his castle” or about how “every woman’s hair is her crown”?


Well, then that might also imply that “every community is our Kingdom.”


To become a great steward of the land requires keen observation and willingness to cooperate and run communities as smoothly as possible.


To instill great and basic leadership into our communities means that everyone has a stake in what ultimately takes place and occurs in each of our village.


            How do we instill leadership in our communities?


            We instill leadership in our communities through strong and basic education and valuable awareness.


            How do we instill educational values in any community?


            We instill educational values in any community by leading by example.


            How do we instill valuable awareness in any community?


            We instill valuable awareness in any community through positive reinforcement and repetitious action as well as positive solutions to complex problem solving.


            Why is it so difficult to get Minnesotans involved in garbage and litter pickup efforts?


I’m not really quite sure as to why it’s nearly impossible to get all sectors across economic and educated divides to stand united about this one aspect of community responsibility.


One would think that the easiest thing for neighborhoods and communities to establish and agree upon would be that no screaming out in front lawns or blasted car stereos or trash or litter or garbage be allowed, anywhere at any time because those seem to be habits of uneducated peoples too stubborn to learn better.


It seems to be one of the most difficult aspects of environmentalism and peaceful co-existence or co-habituating for Minnesotans (Midwesterners) because they seem to believe that it’s not their responsibility to act accordingly to proper cultural and societal basic decorum and rules and standards therefore citizens and civilians are unwilling to cooperate and when that level of rebelliousness occurs then peoples accept to live on top of garbage all year round.


(It’s the queerest aspect of culture in the entire world because by global standards Minnesota is quite wealthy as a state / providence.)


            Now, “rebellion” is for when one’s Constitutional Rights are stolen or betrayed.


            “Breaking-the-rules” is for when any situation is the difference between life-and-death otherwise its wasted breath, time and energy and effort and lots of ego involved.


More later…


Best Regards:



Word Count Goal: 958

Word Count: 1,330


Word Count from last week’s surplus plus thus far today: 2,372



*)         Day #79 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.





*) For about a month: We’ve witnessed one green aluminum can and one green plastic soda bottle sit outside of “2815 S. Wayzata Boulevard” and no one has made the effort to pick it up and that’s outside several businesses.


*) For about three months: We’ve witnessed littered paper or napkin-like-garbage on “Orchard Ave. N.” and “36th Ave. N.”


*) For two weeks straight: We’ve witnessed litter and garbage on front yards all along “Plymouth Avenue” and “N. Xerses Ave.”


*) For two weeks: We’ve witnessed litter and massive garbage on “394 West” in front of the “Welcome to Golden Valley” sign.


*) This weekend: We noticed litter and garbage all along “HWY 7” in “St. Louis Park” leading all the way to “Knollwood Mall” especially on “Louisiana Avenue” and “Texas Avenue.”


*) Two weekends ago: We witnessed litter and garbage all along “694 West” and “Bottineau Boulevard.”


*) Two weekends ago: We witnessed litter and garbage along “63rd Avenue North” especially at the “Park and Ride” there.



---  ---  ---



On Saturday, April 26th, 2014: on “June Avenue North” and “36th Avenue North” we noticed the most dedicated ‘black’ brother picking up leaves and garbage on that section of the world. (Thank you so much!)



---  ---  ---



No, I didn’t get to “Manor Park” this Sunday because I did point-four (.4) miles of garbage pickup around our neighborhood instead of “Manor Park.” It took me two hours to do so on Sunday.


“Manor Park” is mainly the responsibility of “North Memorial Medical Center,” however, at that particular park there seems to be continuous garbage for the most part as of the past one-year and nine-months.


Friday, May 2, 2014


“What’s in a man is sure to come out, one way or another.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Rhetoric (emphasis on style of expense of thought, art of writing well)


She was more concerned with rhetoric than grammar.


---  ---  ---






American Public School Education VII


Consistency VI


            American Public School Education begins with community.


            What’s consistency?


            Consistency is: steadiness, reliability, uniformity, evenness, stability and regularity.






Life Span of Litter

Item Decomposition Time


Glass bottle Approx.………………….1 million years

Plastic 6pk cover…………………450 years

Aluminum…………………80-100 years

Rubber boot sole…………………50-80 years

Leather…………………up to 50 years

Nylon fabric…………………30-40 years

Plastic film container…………………20-30 years

Painted wooden stake…………………13 years

Plastic bag…………………10-20 years

Plastic coated paper…………………5 years

Wool clothing…………………1-5 years

Cigarette butt…………………1-5 years

Cotton rag…………………1-5 months

Orange or banana peel…………………2-5 weeks



Best Regards;



Word Count: 2,097

Word Count from last week’s surplus, plus thus far today: 11,042



*)         Day #76 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.





*) It’s of Ut-most vital and highest importance that garbage and litter be picked up on “Olson Memorial Highway” (Highway 55) especially from “Wirth Parkway” to “N. 7th Street” (correction).


Please, our poor-little statue of “Floyd B. Olson” is surrounded by nothing but garbage and litter almost year round.


Garbage and litter which surrounds “Floyd B. Olson” statue is a pitiful sight and disgrace to the remembrance of such great men who did so much for the city of Minneapolis. (“Floyd B. Olson” must be rolling in his grave.)


Won’t someone (Hennepin County or the City of Minneapolis) bring back some dignity and grace to those great and remarkable monumental figures in the form of “Floyd B. Olson’s” beautiful bronze statue? Thank you.


Please, our north, Minneapolis citizens and civilians stand ankle deep in garbage and litter each morning while they wait to catch their bus and every single day we’re witnesses to such abuse and neglect.



---  ---  ---



*) I’d love to attend “Dunwoody College of Technology” Open House on Tuesday, May 6th, 2015, however.


The same littered clear soda plastic bottle has been sitting on their front lawn for exactly three weeks and not a single soul at their school has made an effort to pick it up.


I shan’t participate in their “Game of Garbage” because that alone says a lot about how their school is managed or lack thereof.


What I can’t seem to quite clearly and fully understand is this: When “Dunwoody College of Technology” has prime real estate in one of the greatest locations on the face of the planet then what keeps their school from taking care of their grounds and parking lot litter and garbage?


            I’m astounded by their lack of janitorial staff or groundskeepers or their student body’s lack of empowerment to take care of their school and grounds.


Is “Dunwoody College of Technology” poorly managed or are they that broke?


Personally, I’ve been meaning to get certified in welding from “Dunwoody College of Technology” ever since 2010, however. The garbage surrounding their grounds and parking lot leaves much to be desired.


I’ve held out hope for about four years for their school to get their act together.


I’d love to attend class downtown, Minneapolis for welding certification, alas. I’ll probably have to drive out to the suburbs, anyway.


I’d like to attend “Dunwoody College of Technology” for welding certification because their location would be so damn convenient to where we live.


“Dunwoody College of Technology” had the gall to tell me that I was “over qualified” to work in their creative department when I first arrived to Minneapolis in 2004 and lived on Douglas. I would’ve whipped that school into shape. Yep. Yes, Sir!


They don’t know what they’re missing out on.


I would’ve been out there every day picking up garbage even if I would’ve been hired to work in their creative department as a graphic designer because I’ve got a private school educational background and leadership comes in all forms and sizes. Oh, well, their loss, obviously.



---  ---  ---



*) Wow! Downtown, Minneapolis just got the most beautiful recycling cans ever with a wide rim opening so that recycling doesn’t fall all over the ground. Thank you.



---  ---  ---



*) Thank you to our City’s (That Which Shall Not Be Named) Municipal Liquor Store for putting up a tennis net. We appreciate it.


A net makes it easier to play tennis. Thanks for picking up our beautiful tennis court. All of that hard work and dedication to our little “Manor Park” tennis court doesn’t go unnoticed.



---  ---  ---



*) We’ve been meaning to get to “Manor Park” and do our one hour of peaceful silent protest volunteer litter and garbage pickup but it was one of those weeks in which everything happened all at once plus the weather was cold and rainy.


Tomorrow we take the Sabbath. I promised myself that I wouldn’t move for anything much less work.


The only thing that I’m rolling out of bed for is prayers to Yahweh and home cooked meals and television shows: “Lucky Dog” and “Dr. Chris Pet Vet” and “Ocean Mysteries with Jeff Corwin.”


            On Sunday we’ll put in our one hour of “Manor Park” garbage and litter pickup then get back on a more regular “Moral Monday” silent protest garbage and litter pickup starting the week of Monday, May 5th, 2014. Cheers! We look forward to it.



---  ---  ---



Yes, indubitably I keep our American Brothers and Sisters in our prayers as they’ve dealt with tornadoes and floods and other difficult weather.


Our backyard down at the bottom of our hill flooded this week, and half of our backyard is still in about a foot or more of water.


Our backyard is ever so flooded that ducks have begun to swim there. No exaggeration. I’ve got video recording to prove it. One more thing to take care of.


We were supposed to have our backyard fenced in this week on Thursday but with all of that water who’s to say when that’ll happen.



---  ---  ---



*) On Sunday, April 27th, 2014 around our sink area our kitchen floor became soaked with water from a leaky faucet.


We tried to repair it as best we could but by Thursday (yesterday) we knew we needed professionals to come in and take care of our faucet situation.


This morning Kevin from “Benjamin Franklin” Plumbers in Minneapolis came and replaced our entire kitchen faucet for just under one-thousand dollars (just under $1,000.)


We’ve got a beautiful brand new kitchen faucet that doesn’t leak.


Kevin was spot on time and clean and intelligent and well spoken and patient and honest. Thank you so very much for helping us with our faucet problem this week.


It’s amazing how a little thing like a leaky faucet can lead to other bigger problems like a soaking wet kitchen floor which could lead to even bigger problems like rot and mildew therefore we jumped on it and took care of it.


Problem solved.

We’ll sleep like babies tonight.


There’s always something going on with home ownership.



---  ---  ---



Yesterday, at “Heartbreaker” store in Uptown, Minneapolis I purchased exactly three of the same type and style of shirt: “Jolie: Los Angeles:” (38% Rayon, 32% Slub, 30% Polyester, “Made in the U.S.A.” RN#: 123789, STYLE#: 6651, CUT#: 199, Medium)


I washed each individual shirt in cold water and lay each shirt flat to dry overnight, however.


Last night before I went to bed I noticed that all three shirts didn’t look anything remotely to the same shirts I’d purchased earlier in the night around 8:00pm.


When I studied each shirt separately they were as small as children’s clothes and wide as hippos.


I was crushed to have spent eighteen dollars ($18.00) a pop (each shirt) to bring them home and ever so tenderly laundered them simply to have them become a complete nightmare from only one wash.


I felt confused and upset somehow even though I’m sure the material is simply fragile and not convenient for a modern lifestyle.




            Immediately I jumped online (internet) and began an extensive hour long search for my favorite t-shirt in the entire world which I haven’t been able to find in stores ever since May of 2011.


Finally, I found it!


“Women’s Soft Vintage Crew-Neck Tees” at “Old Navy” (on sale) for eight dollars and fifty cents ($8.50.)


I bought six tees and got free shipping with my purchase of fifty or more dollars ($50.00.) Yes!


            I can’t tell anyone how happy I am to have found this precise and particular t-shirt once again because no other t-shirt is made like it. None.


Now, some of the comments on “Old Navy’s” commentary section said that some of the women didn’t like the ‘see-through’ material or how thin the material was but that’s the only reason why I purchased six of them last night because this is my dream t-shirt in the entire world. (I mean it.)


Even though these tees are thin they tend to hold up remarkably well through thousands of washes and hardly ever lose their shape or they hardly ever get holes in them because that’s how durable the material is.


These soft-vintage tees may be somewhat ‘see-through’ but not enough to give a free peek show to anyone if one were to purchase them in darker colors.


These particular soft-vintage tees are light enough for summer heat and warm enough for winter cold weather because the material is just perfect and sweats well. I would know. I’ve worn these tees for three straight years throughout the ever changing seasons.


These soft-vintage tees are light enough to wear as undershirts when getting dressed up or wear simply as tees.


            I had one t-shirt very similar in material to these tees when I was nineteen (19) in 1996.


I haven’t been able to find this specific type of t-shirt ever since, until May of 2011, and ever since 2011, I’ve been looking for them everywhere we’ve ever shopped for the past three years until last night.


I don’t care if people like the material or style or not: this is one hot and sexy t-shirt because when I bent down or over, no one gets a free peep show or glimpse of my breasts or cleavage and bosom.


            The “Women’s Soft Vintage Crew-Neck Tee” is sexy-hot because it’s got that “bad-boy” or “badass” “James Byron Dean” “boyfriend” style to it with a woman’s soft vintage touch and proper twist of the 1950’s still yet ready for a motorcycle ride and proper enough to bring home to dinner to ‘mom and pop’ or “Mother and Father.” (You got that analogy.) (A hint of badass combined with authentic proper etiquette and that’s what makes it so classic.)


This remarkable soft vintage tee is the type of tee to give any woman an hour glass figure whether she has one or not.


            I’ve tried the “Soft Vintage V-Neck Tees” but they’re not the same because their ridiculous and stupid V-cut is made ever so low that my breasts came toppling out and I ended up giving the world a peek show for free. Ridiculous.


I’m way cooler than that because I know great classical form therefore I like proper modern styles.


I bought three “regular” Large and three “regular” Medium tees because that’s what I bought three years ago and they’re still perfect to this day.


I’m so happy I can’t even tell you how happy I truly am today.



---  ---  ---



Last but not least: Minneapolis Comic-Con 2014!


I can’t say enough about it.


We’re so happy that it’s here in Minneapolis.


I just found out yesterday that Comic-Con is coming here this weekend. I didn’t even know about it. Oh, well. Some other year.


When we drove into downtown, Minneapolis this morning we saw people dressed in costume outfits and they looked so cute.


You could tell that a lot of time and energy and effort and money went into their character-outfits.


No, I don’t dress up even if someone were to pay me, nevertheless. I can really appreciate it when others put such effort forth.


Hip! Hip! Hooray!


We’ve been waiting for Comic-Con to come to Minneapolis for years.


We’ll be missing it and thinking of all of our tremendously peaceful and intelligent sci-fi and T.V. nerds out there.


Thank you for visiting Minneapolis.

You make us ever so happy.



P.S. I’m not sure if one has to purchase tickets in advance.

I’m sure it’s too late now. Bummer.


Our friend got to meet Stan Lee last week.

How remarkable.



---  ---  ---



Monday’s Footnotes:


“Periscope” and “VitaFusion” and “MINE” clothing line.



---  ---  ---



R.I.P. Gabriel García Márquez.

I meant to write you a letter but I never found the words.

You’ll always be my hero.


May Day Celebrations 2014



Life Span of Litter

Item Decomposition Time


Glass bottle Approx.………………….1 million years

Plastic 6pk cover…………………450 years

Aluminum…………………80-100 years

Rubber boot sole…………………50-80 years

Leather…………………up to 50 years

Nylon fabric…………………30-40 years

Plastic film container…………………20-30 years

Painted wooden stake…………………13 years

Plastic bag…………………10-20 years

Plastic coated paper…………………5 years

Wool clothing…………………1-5 years

Cigarette butt…………………1-5 years

Cotton rag…………………1-5 months

Orange or banana peel…………………2-5 weeks


Thursday, May 1, 2014


“Better a crooked foot than a crooked mind.”

(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Artisan (one trained in some art of trade, craftsman)


The engraver is a highly trained artisan.


---  ---  ---






American Public School Education VI


Consistency V


            American Public School Education begins with community.


            What’s consistency?


            Consistency is: steadiness, reliability, uniformity, evenness, stability and regularity.




            Yes, It’s against inner city laws not to pick up one’s dog poop or litter and garbage on one’s domain (anywhere on one’s property) especially in front of one’s sidewalk whether one’s a homeowner or a renter, it doesn’t matter what one might think, it’s one’s awesome and important responsibility to pick up garbage or litter of any type as well as to keep one’s sidewalk clean and clear for other pedestrians and neighbors because if any pedestrian or neighbor or post worker were to trip and fall and get injured or hurt or harmed in any way in front of one’s sidewalk then it’s the homeowner and renter’s responsibility and they might become liable to a messy lawsuit and that’s why one must shovel as soon as possible to make way for others especially post workers thus is the great and awesome law of the land.


When garbage sits for any longer than twenty-four hours (24-hours) then inner cities may cite and fine any home or family or individual that doesn’t pick up their dog poop or litter or garbage on their surrounding property (especially their front yard) or (anywhere on their property) especially in front of their sidewalk. Wonderful.


            I believe that it’s time for inner cities to start handing out citations and fines to their less responsible constituents because for some reason or other inner city citizens and civilians haven’t held up their end of their bargain as good neighbors and great citizens and civilians to pick up their litter and garbage or dog poop on their front yards or in front of their homes as well as in front of their sidewalk.


Not only that but imagine all of the revenue that inner cities would collect and in return put that revenue back into roadway repairs and cleanup efforts and local municipal funds.


I’m all for it because it’s time that this Giant of a Nation stood up on its own two feet and went to battle for the better interest of its own People by the People and for the People even when constituents refuse to acknowledge their rather awesome and important responsibility to their communities at large.


            ***        It’s also any public or private business’s awesome and great responsibility to keep their property (owned or leased) clear and free of garbage or litter or dog poop especially in front of their sidewalk or cities may cite and fine such businesses.                      ***




            When public or private businesses and citizens and civilians allow for garbage or litter or dog poop to sit in front of their (owned or leased or rented) properties or homes and sidewalk for more than 24-hours (one day) then “the” ghetto isn’t very far off from moving in and taking over thus don’t allow for such atrocities against humanity to occur because working Peoples work much, too, hard ‘to earn a keep’ to allow for their neighborhoods ‘to go to the dogs.’


Literally, when garbage or litter or dog poop moves into any area then so do rabid dogs or homeless dogs who feed from our street filled strewn garbage or litter. (I’ve seen it with my own two eyes in south, Minneapolis: Cedar and Seward neighborhoods.)


            There’s no greater or higher honor than to clean up garbage and litter or one’s dog poop around any neighborhood block because that alone makes a great deal of difference in the lives of our Nation’s People.


There’s no greater or higher honor than to clean up garbage and litter or one’s dog poop around any neighborhood block because any garbage filled street implies ‘insanity’ (modern English term) or lack of education or desperation or hopelessness on the citizens and civilians and businesses part.


            To allow for garbage to sit in front of one’s property or yard or sidewalk for more than twenty-four hours (24-hours) is to say that one allows for chaos to reign freely in their part of their world and that shan’t do because Americans aren’t insane only possibly hopeless or helpless or lazy or corrupt to their own economic misery and downturn.


Not having much money or only having very little money doesn’t imply that our American Peoples are insane or mentally ill. No.


Not having much money or only having very little money implies just that: not having much money. Period.


Not having much money doesn’t mean that our beautiful Americans are insane, does it? Nope.




            On average Americans watch about four hours (4) of television per day.


On average that is: Although, it’s been calculated that Americans will watch more precisely anywhere from four-to-six hours of television per day and that’s more correctly estimated figures.


            All that it takes is less than ten minutes per day to survey one’s property (owned or leased or rented) and be on the lookout for blown garbage and litter or dog poop.


            All that it takes is another ten minutes to get out there and pick up any garbage and litter or dog poop that’s gathered and collected over the course of twenty-four hours (one day.)


That’s a grand total of about six-point-six (6.6) commercial breaks (for a total of twenty-minute (20-minutes) span of time).


When we consider only one ten-minute (10-minute) span of time to get something productive done other than to sit in front of our televisions such as to get some movement or exercise or circulation to our legs and arms or to the rest of our circulatory system that’s nothing in comparison to four straight hours of sitting in front of the boob tube (television) when we could be outside and get some fresh air and pick up a little bit of garbage in front of our sidewalk or our yard or property.


            Do you know what they say about sitting, too, much or too long, right? It’s the quickest way to die.


When one were to DVR one’s television shows then one can take ten minutes out of their day and do a once over and if need be then do a quick tidy up around their property or yard or sidewalk for any blown garbage or litter or dog poop: it’s right there in front of you so why not go and get it and be done with one of the day’s most important and essential civic responsibilities? Yep.


Imagine all the free time to simply peek out of one’s window and survey one’s property or land and take full responsibility as any mature adults do around the globe.




            Yes, when one occupies any public or green space then one must clean up or recycle or throw away any and all garbage that they might’ve mistakenly let fall to the ground.


Yes, when one occupies any public or green space then one must clean up or recycle after themselves before they leave such areas because it’s one’s duty to leave any space better than they found it.


Yes, when one mistakenly loses garbage or litter that which might get windblown out of one’s hand (or such) then one must go after it and try their best to retrieve their litter or garbage because that’s their responsibility to take care of one’s litter or garbage at all times in the same manner in which it’s one’s responsibility to take care of one’s person or children or pets and dog poop at all times because that’s considered one’s responsibility and property per se.




            There’s nothing more beautiful than to watch attentive and responsible citizens and civilians try as hard as they might to go after and retrieve their possibly mistakenly windblown garbage.


It’s so much fun to watch citizens and civilians put in that much effort to go after their mistakenly windblown garbage because the effort isn’t like anything else anyone will ever watch on television.


That type of honest movement and raw effort is like watching professional ballerinas on stage perform for a live audience under lots of pressure and hot spotlights.


Will they or won’t they be able to retrieve their garbage before it gets blown up a tree branch just out of reach in the same manner that I always wonder will they or won’t they fall over as ballerinas complete their full turns while they pirouette to freedom.


            Oh, how it cracks me up and it makes me laugh out loud with delight and joy to watch citizens and civilians make a strong effort to go after their garbage or litter.


I feel overwhelmed with pride and joy when I watch people pick up garbage in general or after themselves because it means that they’re sane humans. I believe in sanity.


It’s one of the most delightful sights in the entire world to watch others pick up garbage or litter especially people whom you wouldn’t stereotypically expect them to do so especially when natural elements are against them like wind or rain or snow or trees or branches.


It’s the funniest and most delightful action to watch in the entire world when another picks up garbage because that’s as funny and as beautiful and as intelligent as the human animal condition gets because we know perfectly well that that’s one of the single most vital traits and differences between us and other animals in the animal kingdom to literally pick up after ourselves otherwise we’d be considered blobs, right? Right.


            It’s far more interestingly funny to see remarkably beautiful citizens and civilians do the right thing because it’s fun to watch their efforts especially while in public when they don’t realize that they’re the center of great entertainment and joy and happiness. Cheers!




More Later…


Best Regards;



Word Count: 1,749

Word Count from last week’s surplus plus thus far today: 8,945



*)         Day #75 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.



Whoever picked up the broken branches strewn across the far end path at Manor Park and placed them inside garbage bins: Thank you so much! We appreciate it.


---  ---  ---


It’s official: As of last night we purchased our Henri Matisse tickets.


We’ll be attending the Henri Matisse M.I.A. exhibit as well as lunch at “Grain Stack” as part of my 37th birthday celebration this year 2014. We look forward to it.


The exhibit runs until May 18th, 2014. We won’t be there exactly on my birthday: Wednesday, May 14, 2014.


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