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Thursday, March 31, 2016


“What embitters the wise cheers up the foolish.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Excoriate (to flay, censure scathingly, cuff)


The general delivered a speech excoriating the deserters.


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A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


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Upload: 6:03pmCT


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            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!


---  ---  ---


            Maya Angelou was factually a prostitute.

            She’s off my reading list.


            Malcolm X went to jail for drug trafficking.

            He’s off my reading list.


            Martin Luther King, Jr. was factually a plagiarist.

            He’s off my reading list.


            Yes, twenty years ago I already read all of the writings of Maya Angelou and Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, Jr.


            Hopefully I shan’t have to sit through so much written garbage ever again.


            Are there any real black American leaders?

            Yes, there are.


            Why don’t black Americans know about their real and upstanding history of the black American leaders who were doctors and teachers and peaceful revolutionaries and fantastic writers from Ivy League schools without cheating their way through their dissertations?


            Why is the black American as ignorant as ever about their history and their present thus their future?


---  ---  ---


Lovely Children


Part II


            Lovely children come from intelligent parents who are smart enough to care about the overall well being of their children and youth and teens and minors and know where children are at all times.


            Lovely children come from kind parents who are intelligent enough to understand it’s not acceptable for children to continuously shrill or shriek or scream or yell while at play outside since such noises are animals’ noises and not children at play noises.


            Lovely children come from smart parents who are kind enough to actually get up from wherever parents sit and pay attention to their children at all times since any parents’ legal job is to indeed attend to their children’s every and each whichever single need and to watch out for their children 24/7 plus children’s greatest need and want and desire is directly and only for their parents’ attention and not “perfect strangers’” attention or teachers or any other mature neighborhood adults’ attention other than children’s direct connection to their caregivers and parental guardians who must also go outside and be present in their children’s lives while children constructively play otherwise it’s considered legally neglectful to allow for 7 children under the age of 18 to scream or shrill or yell or shriek outside of their grandma’s backyard from 1:30pm to 3:30pm this afternoon while the adults disappeared the entire time inside to do only knows what!?


            What do parents do when they disappear for hours on end? Do parents smoke meth? Do parents smoke crack? Do parents get drunk? Do parents smoke marijuana? Fine. Except not while responsible or attending for 7 small children mostly the ages of 4,5,6,7.


            Lovely children come from responsible “middle income earning” families from parents who earn and save the resources to afford a two parental household whom usually one fulltime parent stays home as fulltime caregivers and fulltime home-workers to their families and children and homes and pets and household business such as running the home and medical appointments and cooking and launder and many other daily time consuming housekeeping tasks such as unclogging the toilet whenever needed to.


            Lovely children come from emotionally fulfilled “middle income earning” families who understand the great value of well-mannered and quiet children rather than screaming or yelling or shrieking or shrilling children who misbehave for children’s parental attention since screamers tend to starve for emotional connection to their caregivers or legal guardians.


            Lovely children come from mindful “middle income earning” parents who very well know public life is a privilege and not a right.


            Lovely children come from disciplined “middle income earning” educated parents who don’t reward bad behavior.


            Lovely children come from parents who teach not to publically scream or shriek or yell or shrill while at play in the backyard since “public life” isn’t a right rather public life’s a privilege to be allowed to go outside and play therefore one must stay calm and maintain their public composure otherwise misbehaved or inappropriately loud children or minors must be calmly and quietly and respectfully called back indoors since such children don’t contribute anything to their neighborhoods or culture at large only disturb the peace which to disturb the peace is against the law.


            Lovely children come from loving parents who truly do care what happens to their children and love and care deeply for and about their children and their surroundings and safety and respectful behavior and respect to all near and far.


            Lovely children come from participatory parents who truly care not to upset neighbors with their children’s public misbehavior of attention seeking shriek or screams or shrills or yells.


            Lovely children come from respectful parents to go out of their way to make sure their children aren’t menaces to society.


            Lovely children come from hardworking parents who continually make the effort to teach the difference between what’s right and wrong otherwise in a few short years their children will get lost and forgotten in a “dog eat dog world” and will have to live at home in “mommy and daddy’s” basement until the age of 45.


            Lovely children come from continual effort from parents who do right by their children instead of what’s easiest or laziest.


            Lovely children come from a deep sense of pride from parents who wish to instill into their children a great and responsible capability to hold their own in public which is the outdoors once one leaves one’s front door then one enters the public realm.


            Lovely children come from environmentalist parents who teach their children one isn’t ever alone therefore one must be responsible for one’s garbage or litter. There’s always a pair of ears and a set of eyes watching especially in the woods.


            Lovely children come from selfless parents who teach their children their children aren’t the center of attention therefore children don’t have to continually be on show or on a spotlight or scream for shrill or shriek or yell for children’s parents’ attention.


            Lovely children come from dignified parents who teach their children not to constantly seek out constant adult attention from anybody near or far to children since children’s parents already give children the satisfied amount of attention children require each and every single day to be humble and humane and kind especially when nobody’s watching.


            Lovely children come from humble parents who know it’s highly inappropriate to constantly draw attention to oneself or to brag about the self.




Misbehaved Children


            Misbehaved children come from ignorant “working poor” parents who choose not to pay much of if at all any attention to their children’s emotional needs for parental attention and emotional fulfillment from the parents or legal guardians.


            Misbehaved children come from arrogant “working poor” parents who make many excuses as to why parents refuse to get up from wherever they sit and calmly and respectfully walk over to their children and attend to the emotional needs responsible to fulfill in their children’s lives especially while parents’ children scream or shrill or squeal or yell or shriek as guests at grandma’s backyard for parent’s attention hour-after-hour while the parents or adults completely disappeared for part of the afternoon to leave the backyard to become a free babysitter inside an insane asylum ward filled with misbehaved and hated children left behind and forgotten to the great outdoors.


            Misbehaved children come from stupid parents who only have one white vehicle with legal space for 5 children yet cargo 7 children without correct or legal capacity for all of the children’s safety or life.


            Misbehaved children come from ashamed parents since the parents don’t seem to afford much yet there’s no crime against being poor in America, however, poor American parents seem to act in a bitter manner at the very lifestyle choices parents made when they were young and before parents ever had their children.


            Misbehaved children come from uneducated parents who don’t know parents are responsible for the volume of their children’s outdoor and indoor voices and must teach and condition and recondition children to properly well-behave as guests and in public which public life happens to be right outside any door of any abode.


            Misbehaved children come from economically poor parents who don’t have much hope for neither of parents’ future nor parents’ children’s future thus such parents seem to desire to ‘stick it to anybody’ near or far thus others may become as miserable as the parents are miserable since ‘misery loves company’ thus the parents must live with the lack of discipline parents instill in their lives and homes and families which parents are now stuck with screams and shrieks and yells and shrills since it’s the only way to get back at the world and get even by rearing misbehaved children since such parents believe it’s parents’ choice to have their children scream and shrill and shriek and yell like the mentally insane in mental wards while guests at grandma’s house.


            Misbehaved children come from irresponsible parents who believe the outdoors and fenced in yards are free babysitters for children to roam freely like wild rabid animals dangerous to themselves and to communities and villages and neighborhoods since such children have no sense of self or self-dignity or self-respect or self-responsibility towards anybody’s neighbors much less children who are guests to other neighborhoods or communities or villages.


            Misbehaved children come from foolish parents who don’t teach their children the value and responsibility to pick-up their garbage and not to litter as well as to pick-up any space or setting or park or backyard toys before they leave their host’s home therefore grandma doesn’t have to go all around her backyard and pick-up after healthy children who are capable to pick-up after themselves or to have grandma or the neighbors have to look at cheap neon plastic toys rather than budding spring plants and blooming trees.


            Misbehaved children come from hateful parents who while growing up parents seemed to believe parents were automatically owed something for existing or breathing yet nothing could be further from the truth since the world doesn’t owe anybody anything much less hateful parents too entitled not to be delusional about the realities of life and parenting responsibilities and self-assessment (review.)


            Misbehaved children come from angry parents who believe parents entitled to whatever parents deserve more than parents have without ever have worked for anything or have to show for anything of value and respect since misbehaved parents seem to believe the good looks and health of their children is all their children need or require to get by in life, however, nothing could be more hurtful and destructive towards children or children’s futures.


            Misbehaved children come from uninformed parents who haven’t ever taken basic child psychology as well as parents who don’t understand or know anything about the deeply sexual perverse natures and hormone imbalances of children thus and therefore children must continuously uphold parental respect and love and amazing parental training and parental response time and parental emotional fulfillment all for which matters in life is parents care enough about the good behavior of their children and teach children not to bother anybody especially not neighbors and not ever otherwise such children are allowed to get away with their perverse misbehaviors of destructive employment and destructive fulfillment which doesn’t fulfill them only leaves such children further and further behind from their peer group.


            Misbehaved children come from parents who don’t do much soul searching and live pay-check by pay-check rather than check their own parental misbehavior simply because parents’ only excuse in life seems to be about how exhausted parents are which what parents aren’t tired?


            Misbehaved children mostly come from alcoholic or drug-using parental adults or legal guardians who hideaway indoors to smoke their meth or get drunk or smoke their crack or smoke their marijuana rather than sit outside and enjoy and share a life with their children and teach children well developed constructive play geared towards different age groups and stages in life.


            Misbehaved children come from parents who don’t have educational coping skills to know how to redirect the shrieks and screams and shrills and yells of their children thus parents allow for misbehavior since parents are ignorant and unread about child psychology.


            Misbehaved children come from emotionally stunted parents thus such children don’t seem to mentally develop beyond the age of 2 years of life or have any type of emotional gauge to become self-aware enough to know when children misbehave and must stop bothering any adult or other minors in their lives or in their near or far surroundings.


            Misbehaved children come from uneducated parents who think outdoor play is all the same yet whenever any 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12 years of life children still play the same games and in the same manner of style as 2 years of age then such children are developmentally underdeveloped and held back from their peer age group since parents don’t care about anything as long as the children are ‘out of their hair’ and parents are able to sit and get drunk or stoned.


            Misbehaved children’s secret is children must shriek and scream and shrill and yell to draw attention towards themselves thus nobody else will draw attention to the misbehaved parents hidden away indoors while the parents get drunk or smoke or get high therefore the children seem to believe the louder children yell or shriek or shrill or scream then the more the negative attention will go towards the children until the other mature neighborhood adults truly catch on and ‘the truth will always set thee free.’


            Mature adult neighbors know what’s up.


            The American houses in most neighborhoods are built like matchsticks and we know how our neighbors live and sometimes what they yell indoors and mostly their alcohol habits of drunken stupors both in the day time and at night.


            Misbehaved parents prefer children take the brunt of parental misbehavior thus the parents may hideaway indoors to get drunk or high or whatever.


            It’s illegal to use street drugs around children.



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,947.5


Word Count: 2,343


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 1,105 + 2,343 = 3,448



One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #64 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable DVR commercial-free entertainment.


*)         Day #125 without disciplining neighborhood children. One-year vow of silence. I owe it to myself. I love it.


*)         Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #346 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #767 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #198 without a cigarette: I like it.


*)         Day #107 without yells or screams or shrieks at Eric. I love it. No, we don’t have “marital problems.” We have miscommunication challenges about “distribution of labor” and equal domestic partnership challenges about who’s going to sweep or cook or do laundry or once per week give our doggie a bath or vacuum or shake out rugs or clean windows or dust shelves or change out the bedding or grocery shop, or, or, or… etc., etc., etc… How Annoying!


*)         Week #5 without stress: We owe it to ourselves. I love it. Yes, now Eric fights me. I don’t fight Eric anymore. Why bother? I’ve said mostly all for which’s required to be said.


*)         Blood Pressure: 107/69 mmHg / Pulse: 60 (03/28/16)


*)         Week #76 work on 245 cholesterol (new #) as of June 2, 2015. I love inexpensive vegan food.


            HDL Cholesterol 50


            Triglycerides 241 H


            LDL-Cholesterol 147 H


*)         Month #21 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty-three and a half (23 ½”) natural inch high waist without a corset. Yes!


*)         Week #37 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #23 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #28 (09/03/15) on antidepressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 20 MG” (03/01/16 change of dosage.) To my personal chemistry and brains and mind this one single daily pill is exactly like three continuous cocktails “pumped” directly into my bloodstream 24/7. However, I’m not supposed to write about it thus I shan’t. No, I don’t skip one single dosage. I’m addicted exactly as when any baby is addicted to sugar candy.


Wednesday, March 30, 2016


“Better to be in Gehenna [Hell] with a wise man than in Gan Eden [Paradise] with a fool.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


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A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


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Upload: 7:59pmCT


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            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!


---  ---  ---


            No private citizens or civilians will make threats to our Twin Cities’ Metro Area.


            Nobody will start or entice any riots tonight or ever after.


            Yes, if riots occur then I’ll personally ensure there won’t be a “north” Minneapolis as we know it today and it’s not any type of threat it’s a fact.


            We’ll drive the market value of real estate ever as high as only multi-millionaires will be able to own stolen Native American land in “north” Minneapolis since it’s ‘hot’ real estate to live as close as one may to downtown without having to actually live in the middle of mentally insane and angry and weirdo creepy black violent people who don’t appreciate all of which “north” Minneapolis has to offer for real estate value and only look for excuses to justify their violence and hatred and anger.


            Wouldn’t we love to live in “north” Minneapolis minus the creepy violence and the ghetto hatred?


            Peace at all costs.




No Blog


Humble Pie

Plugged up Toilet


            Today our upstairs toilet broke down.


            When Eric left for work at 11:00am this morning I stood in about ½” of feces water and dealt with the toilet until 12:20pm.


            Nothing will make any human more humble than to stand in ½” of poop water. Nothing will make the soul more humble. Nothing.


            It took another hour to clean-up the entire bathroom from floor to walls to sink and bathtub.


            The upstairs toilet still doesn’t work at 7:38pm.


            In my entire life I haven’t ever cleaned any bathroom floor as well as I did today not even when I worked for the University’s hotel as a hotel maid between my junior and senior year of college during summer semester.


            Hotel maid was some of the hardest work I’ve ever done in my entire life. Backbreaking work.


            Being an emergency dispatcher was the other difficult line of work I did.


            Today, I came up with designs for a new plunger.


            While plunging the over flown toilet I sprinkled poop water back at myself and into my hair and face and arms. I almost became quite sick.


            Being part-time housewife is T-H-E most difficult career path since I’m ‘all’ things to our home.


            We ought to increase our life insurance.


            Life sure is humble pie.



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,000 personal journals


Word Count: 401


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 704 + 401 = 1,105



One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #63 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable DVR commercial-free entertainment.


*)         Day #124 without disciplining neighborhood children. One-year vow of silence. I owe it to myself. I love it.


*)         Day #17 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #345 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #766 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #197 without a cigarette: I like it.


*)         Day #106 without yells or screams or shrieks at Eric. I love it. No, we don’t have “marital problems.” We have miscommunication challenges about “distribution of labor” and equal domestic partnership challenges about who’s going to sweep or cook or do laundry or once per week give our doggie a bath or vacuum or shake out rugs or clean windows or dust shelves or change out the bedding or grocery shop, or, or, or… etc., etc., etc… How Annoying!


*)         Week #5 without stress: We owe it to ourselves. I love it. Yes, now Eric fights me. I don’t fight Eric anymore. Why bother? I’ve said mostly all for which’s required to be said.


*)         Blood Pressure: 107/69 mmHg / Pulse: 60 (03/28/16)


*)         Week #76 work on 245 cholesterol (new #) as of June 2, 2015. I love inexpensive vegan food.


            HDL Cholesterol 50


            Triglycerides 241 H


            LDL-Cholesterol 147 H


*)         Month #21 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty-three and a half (23 ½”) natural inch high waist without a corset. Yes!


*)         Week #37 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #23 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #28 (09/03/15) on antidepressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 20 MG” (03/01/16 change of dosage.) To my personal chemistry and brains and mind this one single daily pill is exactly like three continuous cocktails “pumped” directly into my bloodstream 24/7. However, I’m not supposed to write about it thus I shan’t. No, I don’t skip one single dosage. I’m addicted exactly as when any baby is addicted to sugar candy.


Tuesday, March 29, 2016


“A fool can throw a stone into a well---and a hundred wise men can’t recover it.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: pmCT


---  ---  ---


            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!


---  ---  ---


No Blog


Lovely Children


            Oh, the sounds of well-behaved children at play are quite heavenly.


            It’s spring!


            The sounds of spring when birds sing to attract mates and have sexual intercourse and do nothing but reproduce to their hearts' content.


            Birds don’t sing to make humans feel happy. No.


            Birds sing to make themselves feel better and have lots and lots of sex and reproduce and carry on their line.


            Children at play are wonderful.


            Children at screams or yells are terrible.


            In psychology we’re taught there’s no such thing as “bad people” only bad habits and bad choices and bad decisions.


            Yes, we’ve met hundreds if not then thousands of amazing and intelligent and smart and kind children who don’t scream or screech or squeal or yell or shrill for their parents’ attention.


            Recently we discovered children don’t scream or screech or squeal or yell or shrill for anybody else’s attention other than for their parents or parental guardians to notice their children therefore it’s the parents’ job to notice their children and get their children to be quiet since the world belongs to adults and not to children.


            The world neither is made of children leading the world nor do children make adult choices and decisions or work in the bank exchange. No.


            The world is lead and made-up of hard working adults who pay taxes and pay for schools therefore mature parents must instill great and well-mannered and thoughtful and intelligent and kind and smart values and choices and actions upon their children.


            In modern psychology we’re taught the first 6 months of any newborns’ lives are the most essential then good luck the rest is repetitious conditioning and re-conditioning of great instilled habits and well-mannered social behaviors otherwise children fall behind their well adjusted peer group.


            Most of what the brain will gather and make use-of for the rest of one’s natural life is formed within the first 6 months of brain intelligence then nothing more other than great repetitious habits formed early and continued into later life.


            After the first 6 months it’s up to parents to say, “No” hundreds of thousands of times in their children’s’ lives.


            Parents must instill great ethical values as a gift to their children to become adults and carry-on in any village setting or living quarters rather than raise braggers who can’t do anything significant therefore braggers become self-centered or selfish or ego-driven or egotistical yet it’s all a smoke-‘n’-mirror’s act since the children who grow-up into irresponsible adult parents will barely read beyond the 3rd grade or do arithmetic beyond the 4th grade or finance or chaperoned community service for future generations to learn the value of giving and donating their time and energy to the less fortunate or be great and meaningful contributing neighbors to any given neighborhood across America.


            Modern psychology teaches us mostly children who scream or squeal or shriek or yell are angry people.


            Children who scream or yell or shrill or shriek aren’t able to control their imbalanced hormones and out-of-control emotional outbursts since such children are deeply hurt from parental denial when there’s alcohol or drug abuse in the home or inappropriate sexual abuse or emotional neglect.


            Whenever children are emotionally neglected then such children tend to act-out in any of many possible ways children know how to negatively misbehave themselves thus to ensure their parents’ attention negatively misbehaved children starved for respectful emotional love or basic general and equal emotional care amongst their siblings without favoritism or emotional nutrients or positive mature guidance and mostly deep unconditional non-sexual or non-perverse love is what children who scream the loudest to be heard are in search of and it’s only their parents or parental guardians’ attention children look for thus to ensure children their safety to themselves and to the rest of communities or villages or neighborhoods then parents must immediately attend to their negatively misbehaved screaming or yelling or shrieking or shrilling or loud attention seeking children no matter how busy or drunk or high any parent or grandparents may be.


            Neglect is indeed against the law.



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,000 personal journals


Word Count: 704


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 704



One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #62 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable DVR commercial-free entertainment.


*)         Day #123 without disciplining neighborhood children. One-year vow of silence. I owe it to myself. I love it.


*)         Day #16 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #344 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #765 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #196 without a cigarette: I like it.


*)         Day #105 without yells or screams or shrieks at Eric. I love it. No, we don’t have “marital problems.” We have miscommunication challenges about “distribution of labor” and equal domestic partnership challenges about who’s going to sweep or cook or do laundry or once per week give our doggie a bath or vacuum or shake out rugs or clean windows or dust shelves or change out the bedding or grocery shop, or, or, or… etc., etc., etc… How Annoying!


*)         Week #5 without stress: We owe it to ourselves. I love it. Yes, now Eric fights me. I don’t fight Eric anymore. Why bother? I’ve said mostly all for which’s required to be said.


*)         Blood Pressure: 107/69 mmHg / Pulse: 60 (03/28/16)


*)         Week #76 work on 245 cholesterol (new #) as of June 2, 2015. I love inexpensive vegan food.


            HDL Cholesterol 50


            Triglycerides 241 H


            LDL-Cholesterol 147 H


*)         Month #21 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty-three and a half (23 ½”) natural inch high waist without a corset. Yes!


*)         Week #37 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #23 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #28 (09/03/15) on antidepressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 20 MG” (03/01/16 change of dosage.) To my personal chemistry and brains and mind this one single daily pill is exactly like three continuous cocktails “pumped” directly into my bloodstream 24/7. However, I’m not supposed to write about it thus I shan’t. No, I don’t skip one single dosage. I’m addicted exactly as when any baby is addicted to sugar candy.


Monday, March 28, 2016


“When a wise man talks to a fool, two fools are conversing.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: pmCT


---  ---  ---


            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!


---  ---  ---


No Blog



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,000 personal journals


Word Count:


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count:



One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #61 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable DVR commercial-free entertainment.


*)         Day #122 without disciplining neighborhood children. One-year vow of silence. I owe it to myself. I love it.


*)         Day #15 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #343 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #764 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #195 without a cigarette: I like it.


*)         Day #104 without yells or screams or shrieks at Eric. I love it. No, we don’t have “marital problems.” We have miscommunication challenges about “distribution of labor” and equal domestic partnership challenges about who’s going to sweep or cook or do laundry or once per week give our doggie a bath or vacuum or shake out rugs or clean windows or dust shelves or change out the bedding or grocery shop, or, or, or… etc., etc., etc… How Annoying!


*)         Week #5 without stress: We owe it to ourselves. I love it. Yes, now Eric fights me. I don’t fight Eric anymore. Why bother? I’ve said mostly all for which’s required to be said.


*)         Blood Pressure: 107/69 mmHg / Pulse: 60 (03/28/16)


*)         Week #76 work on 245 cholesterol (new #) as of June 2, 2015. I love inexpensive vegan food.


            HDL Cholesterol 50


            Triglycerides 241 H


            LDL-Cholesterol 147 H


*)         Month #21 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty-three and a half (23 ½”) natural inch high waist without a corset. Yes!


*)         Week #37 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #23 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #28 (09/03/15) on antidepressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 20 MG” (03/01/16 change of dosage.) To my personal chemistry and brains and mind this one single daily pill is exactly like three continuous cocktails “pumped” directly into my bloodstream 24/7. However, I’m not supposed to write about it thus I shan’t. No, I don’t skip one single dosage. I’m addicted exactly as when any baby is addicted to sugar candy.


Friday, March 25, 2016


“One fool can ask more questions than ten wise men can answer.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: pmCT


---  ---  ---


            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!


---  ---  ---


No Blog



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,000 personal journals


Word Count:


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 5,176



One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #58 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable DVR commercial-free entertainment.


*)         Day #119 without disciplining neighborhood children. One-year vow of silence. I owe it to myself. I love it.


*)         Day #12 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #340 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #761 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #192 without a cigarette: I like it.


*)         Day #101 without yells or screams or shrieks at Eric. I love it. No, we don’t have “marital problems.” We have miscommunication challenges about “distribution of labor” and equal domestic partnership challenges about who’s going to sweep or cook or do laundry or once per week give our doggie a bath or vacuum or shake out rugs or clean windows or dust shelves or change out the bedding or grocery shop, or, or, or… etc., etc., etc… How Annoying!


*)         Week #4 without stress: We owe it to ourselves. I love it. Yes, now Eric fights me. I don’t fight Eric anymore. Why bother? I’ve said mostly all for which’s required to be said.


*)         Blood Pressure: 102/70 mmHg / Pulse: 80 (03/08/16)


*)         Week #75 work on 245 cholesterol (new #) as of June 2, 2015. I love inexpensive vegan food.


            HDL Cholesterol 50


            Triglycerides 241 H


            LDL-Cholesterol 147 H


*)         Month #21 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty-three and a half (23 ½”) natural inch high waist without a corset. Yes!


*)         Week #36 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #22 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #27 (09/03/15) on antidepressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 20 MG” (03/01/16 change of dosage.) To my personal chemistry and brains and mind this one single daily pill is exactly like three continuous cocktails “pumped” directly into my bloodstream 24/7. However, I’m not supposed to write about it thus I shan’t. No, I don’t skip one single dosage. I’m addicted exactly as when any baby is addicted to sugar candy.


Thursday, March 24, 2016


“Every village has its idiot.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Cynic (one who believes that human conduct is motivated wholly by self-interest)


A cynic distrusts human nature.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 7:59pmCT


---  ---  ---


            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!


---  ---  ---


            Yes, we keep up with world current events.


            Yes, our people’s people made it out of Brussels on Monday night.


            Oh, beloved and dearest Belgium.


---  ---  ---


“Tone of Voice”

Part III


            The reason why as a matter of fact “tone of voice” is important content delivered over television broadcast airwaves is simply because if/when “tone of voice” becomes only part of an entertainment side-act or any ‘dancing jig’ then the deliverance makes sheer mockery out of the content to have the viewer take extra time to watch and decipher through stupid exaggerated material and interpret exactly how the viewer is being mocked thus change the channel and let’s move on.


            When one gets circus entertainment from news anchors or reporters then the message says one of several important aspects as such:


            ::: {We ran out of content thus we now shake our extremely large buttocks in front of our male co-hosts to convey how we’re ‘scrapping the bottom of the barrel’ or we’re horny and our hormones betray us on camera and in front of the world or we require any large or thick penis inside our dry vaginas or we have a major crush on our male or female co-hosts yet we’re not mature or adult enough to keep work separate from sexual fantasy therefore we do stupid exaggerated movements on television which makes the rest of our audience gag while they watch at home or we can’t or we refuse to get pass puberty therefore we regress into awkward sexual contortions and innuendos to get attention from our co-hosts who we’d like to make love to but we’re too much of cowards to say it or talk about it on our own private time thus we accentuate our body movements to convey to the world how much we must need to ‘get laid’ or have sexual intercourse by our co-hosts...} :::


            It seems as though it must be quite difficult for television news anchors or news readers or reporters to endure mockery entertainment content delivered in any “tone of voice” for which not only skips to develop or reach new mature heights and levels of communication also believable to the content delivered by its lack of authority in narrative.


            To make one’s news profession into any joke is to imply one’s only there for the paycheck or the camera time and not for the viewers.


            When content isn’t believable then neither is the person delivering the content or reading the content.




Television Clucking Hens

Broadcast Chicken Poop is Difficult to Cleanup


            The reason why it’s difficult to take any lyrical weather man seriously is simply and only because like any clown the meteorologist switched professional genres on the viewers hoping to be funny only to come across as pathetic or sad then the science of meteorology turns into a circus freak show and the viewers run because clowns and circuses do creep out modern audiences.


            A poet isn’t any type of clown unless he’s mentally ill then he’s primarily uncomfortable to be around.


            Poetry and lyricism are best left up to the professionals.


            The reason why it’s difficult to take middle-aged sexually deprived morning news anchors seriously is because then the importance of news content and material becomes more about any ménage à trois (household of three) than about the news or news coverage.


            It’s best for people in front of the camera to tone down their hand gestures and facial expressions and overall body language since the camera tends to add five pounds and the art of the screen is a subtle one otherwise most anybody comes across as overtly sexually exaggerated or clownish or horny or perverse or delivers inside jokes which declare its sexual secrets in private nature before the entire world yet doesn’t ‘let-in’ the viewer ‘on’ what’s going on thus making the programming uncomfortable to watch because it’s more like looking into to the private lives of people’s bedroom sexual fantasies.


            Any reputable news anchor or reporter ought not to allow for clucking hens to steal and run away with the show or programming or content since broadcast chicken poop is tremendously difficult to clean up over the airwaves.


            Yes, people must be personally and emotionally messed-up inside their minds while going through menopause since women’s hormones drastically and suddenly change and their pheromones no longer produce smell therefore menopausal women begin to see the power of being ignored thus women cluck and dance about and shake their overly large buttocks’ feathers in hopes to be seen or recognized or heard or noticed by the entire world even though such gestures are considered highly inappropriate and unprofessional and creepy by any and all modern standards.


            Any woman’s sexuality only stops dead on its tracks whenever any woman is overly overt about her sexual desires since nobody wants to be made into somebody else’s dehumanized sex object.


            Let’s move on.


            We’re already 16 years into this ridiculous circus freak show of a century of lost news content and television professionalism and context.


            It’s as if though the corporate mass media on-camera personnel news division drank the Kool-Aid and slid down a rabbit hole and refuse to get out of Alice’s drugged up rabbit dreams.




When Mature People live Inside Bubbles

Mature People then tend to lose their Wits


            Mature people are a saving grace and must maintain their wits and change with the times and keep up with news, media and information and current events therefore mature people may maintain their edge and authority as news television personnel.


            Whenever anybody begins to lose their wits and brains such as Mr. Donald J. Trump and spews nonsensical hateful words of Fascism then the entire country’s balance titters on the edge to acknowledge the truth behind real power, humility and professionalism.


            One must not allow for their razor sharp wits of constructive criticism to turn dull with discrimination or creepy circus freak show acts or racism or injustice or highfalutin sexual fantasies or delusions of grandeur or entertainer vs. news since the platform to news and information authority in narrative and real power is to keep up with factual present news and factual scientific information otherwise one becomes obsolete in their outdated creepy fashion and display of exaggerated sexual body language therefore such ignoramuses do go unnoticeable and become forgotten forever whenever one begins to lose their wits and grip with reality and literally dances for co-hosts and news viewers rather than deliver the viewers’ news and factual information.


            If one desires to become a side-show circus freak show then by all means, however, not over the broadcast news airwaves since it’s paid for by advertisers who don’t wish to lose customers or business.


            The nature of news television isn’t to shake one’s buttocks around and throw it into the air and hope people notice the level of sexuality in the movements of any horny news personnel rather the nature of news is to report to the world what’s current in our global events and happenings minute-by-minute.


            Whenever news television personnel request to hold exhibit dances then ultimately the message is this:


            {We don’t really want to work at anything real or difficult or hard or informative thus we definitely don’t desire to write any news stories thus we’re going to force the viewer to get stuck with our shallow gimmick and we hope our viewers enjoy it then we can waste their time and not do any real professional work of value.}




            Bye, bye.


            Change the channel.




Appropriate Professional Behavior


            “Tone of voice” isn’t only limited to the sound of a writer’s voice.


            “Tone of voice” is also conveyed through body language and the very professional or lack thereof professional attire one chooses to wear or the words one chooses to make use of such as swear words or not or the facial expressions to convey sentiments or the intimate personal statements which ought not to be made at work whatsoever.


            “Tone of voice” is about presentation and the overall ability to sustain an astute capacity for strong intelligence and smarts and kindness.


            Whenever any supposed news woman pulls down her dress to show off her tan even if she doesn’t have one then either she’s drunk or high on drugs or on pharmaceutical prescription painkillers or she’s any type of drunkard exhibitionist and titters on the perverse balance of lack of professional conduct or whenever a news woman wears a sheer see-though blouse without a camisole underneath or tights without any skirt or shorts or low-cut cleavage shirts or tight clothes then she conveys she doesn’t feel worthy enough to be accomplished in a professional setting based on her smarts, kindness or intelligence rather she relies on an outdated 1980’s outlook to get her ‘ahead (head) in the world’ which to young people crass news women do cross over into the dinosaur era and are left there to be stared at and not to be taken seriously by any means of any word she utters.


            She’s now the crazy drunkard grandmother down the street who bears her breasts at anybody who stops by to bring food over there. She pushes the boundaries of her drunkard exhibitionist temperament only to watch people’s faces to see if her allure is still powerful without a clue she’s now more of a pervert than holds any sex appeal.


            Whenever a professional is disheveled with matted hair or un-brushed teeth or wears the same clothes two days in a row (unless out on assignment) or doesn’t care for their hygiene or smells of poop or unwashed hair then such a person tells the entire world exactly how they feel about themselves and possibly describes an unspoken full picture of what’s happening in their immediate personal lives which audiences prefer not at all to know anything about.


            Constantly people give themselves away and it’s not always good to do so.


            It’s not good to come out over the top and show one’s bare breasts in any public setting or professional establishment or business then we’re constantly tittering ‘on the side of caution’ not to turn any business into a hovel or prostitute quarters. 


            In a time in which people barely make much money in the United States now more than ever we ought to keep our professionalism intact since there isn’t much money behind much of anything then at least there ought to be civility since civility rules in all and any types of currency from barter and trade to gold or seashells.


            If money is the only value for which speaks loud and clear in America then does it mean America doesn’t hold much of any value at all?


            Then does this mean America doesn’t have a soul?



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,700


Word Count: 1,814


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 3,362 + 1,814 = 5,176



One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #57 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable DVR commercial-free entertainment.


*)         Day #118 without disciplining neighborhood children. One-year vow of silence. I owe it to myself. I love it.


*)         Day #11 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #339 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #760 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #191 without a cigarette: I like it.


*)         Day #100 without yells or screams or shrieks at Eric. I love it. No, we don’t have “marital problems.” We have miscommunication challenges about “distribution of labor” and equal domestic partnership challenges about who’s going to sweep or cook or do laundry or once per week give our doggie a bath or vacuum or shake out rugs or clean windows or dust shelves or change out the bedding or grocery shop, or, or, or… etc., etc., etc… How Annoying!


*)         Week #4 without stress: We owe it to ourselves. I love it. Yes, now Eric fights me. I don’t fight Eric anymore. Why bother? I’ve said mostly all for which’s required to be said.


*)         Blood Pressure: 102/70 mmHg / Pulse: 80 (03/08/16)


*)         Week #75 work on 245 cholesterol (new #) as of June 2, 2015. I love inexpensive vegan food.


            HDL Cholesterol 50


            Triglycerides 241 H


            LDL-Cholesterol 147 H


*)         Month #21 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty-three and a half (23 ½”) natural inch high waist without a corset. Yes!


*)         Week #36 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #22 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #27 (09/03/15) on antidepressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 20 MG” (03/01/16 change of dosage.) To my personal chemistry and brains and mind this one single daily pill is exactly like three continuous cocktails “pumped” directly into my bloodstream 24/7. However, I’m not supposed to write about it thus I shan’t. No, I don’t skip one single dosage. I’m addicted exactly as when any baby is addicted to sugar candy.


Wednesday, March 23, 2016


“When a fool laughs, he raises his voice.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Debacle (a collapse, sudden breakdown, rout)


The defeat turned into a debacle.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 8:07pmCT


---  ---  ---


            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!


---  ---  ---


“Tone of Voice”

Part II


            Early on at the age of sixteen I became a “loner” teenager mainly because my English enunciation was perfect yet my comprehension was nearly none.


            Many English as a Second Language students as well as adults are driven to the sidelines of culture or peer groups when we simply and out of frustration give up or decide not to keep up with a rapidly changing social culture.


            We thankfully take up our position of “loners” since interpreting social group scenarios as to who’s in with what group is difficult work for English as Second Language speakers which English makes our brains hurt thus we rather sit out on the outskirts of culture and not participate.


            Once our family fell apart (1994, 1995) I quit sports.


            Early on my social peer group smoked me out and decided if I wasn’t going to keep up with designer clothes or work as hard as I needed to keep up with an intricate and complex and quite boring melodramatic social scene then I were made to go outside behind the tennis courts and socialize with the cigarette smokers. I gladly took up my place there simply to give my brain a rest and to breathe while social melodrama hardly ever seized to exit amongst the quasi-popular mean-spirited students constantly jockeying for boring alpha position.


            What matters most is what one does in adult life and not in High School.


            After High School nobody cares who anybody is except college acceptance counselors.




Linguistic Comprehension

Isn’t the same as

Perfect Enunciation


            It’s only within the recent year or two I’ve begun to get a real handle on the English language and truly comprehend what’s being said to me.


            In many ways I’ve held many different types of handicaps thus and therefore I’ve tested people through the act of “village idiot” only to gauge their ethical values and souls.


            In the English language there isn’t much mentioned about the placement of the soul by the Americans since the soul as a serious topic of discussion seems to be somewhat of a topic of embarrassment.


            However and nonetheless, the soul is the guiding source and gauge between a person’s humanity or not.


            Once I quit speedskating much of my youth was spent at the side listening to cigarette smokers’ brilliant conversations and debates and discussions about politics or current events.


            Nonsmokers are also brilliant yet defiantly distant.


            Nonsmokers don’t often bond in a womb sort of way as smokers do inside their hazy bubble of comfort of liquid brain hormones swishing about the brain in a haze of chemicals and relaxation.


            There’s nothing more I love to do in life than to smoke “100% American Spirit” tobacco cigarettes since it’s the most relaxation filled activity I’ve ever endeavored to do.


            No, I neither have I smoked one single tobacco cigarette in exactly 190 days nor am I about to start now.


            Nobody can give me lectures about relaxation since I’ve trained for 50 mile marathons through the woods and helped others train for triathlons and gardened and dogsled and set-in stone boulders by hand into wooded paths and cooked for campers and spend 20 years volunteering with low-income housing children and officially worked for AmeriCorps and helped study guide people through pre-med and traveled the world and tasted all sorts of chocolates and hot coco and lost fortunes and regained fortunes and buried beloved ones and gained new best-friends along the way and fought with Eric and made-up again and again and again and defended our dog from other larger dogs and gat times did get lost inside a world of written words and nothing…I mean nothing is quite as relaxing and as wonderful as to sit down after a meal and enjoy a tobacco cigarette.




Humans are overrate

and give themselves airs


            For as much talk as Americans do about “lone wolves” or “loneliness” there’s nothing to fill up the lungs and the soul quite as comfortably and exquisitely as the silence and tenderness of a tobacco cigarette after the sun’s gone down.


            In insane suburbia most people lock themselves away alone inside their homes like lone wolves and hate to even so much as have to deal or see our neighbors and wave hello which I don’t much like to get into chats with chatterbox neighbors for half an hour to an hour which tends to happen here in the suburbs and I can’t stand the stupid practice of time wasting of another’s valuable time.


            The insane suburbs are full of lonely “lone wolves.”


            Unless people are truly unsociable as we are and truly desire to be left alone to peace and quiet.


            At the age of thirty-eight nobody may lie to me about tobacco cigarette smoke or tobacco cigarette addiction since it’s the greatest pass time on Earth.


            Would I go and have a cigarette tonight or tomorrow?

            Absolutely not.


            At this moment my health is by far more important than smoking any tobacco cigarettes only since my throat now grows nodules (“lumps”) in the form of “bunches of grapes” on either of each side of my thyroid gland then for sure I shan’t be smoking anything anytime soon even though I’m told I ought to qualify for medical marijuana since I live with a disgusting never ending cycle of physical pain in my uterus and throat and Carpal Tunnel which Carpal Tunnel is the same as living on fire.


            It’s too bad tobacco cigarette smoke is rather unhealthily harsh for the tobacco cigarette smokers’ throats only since there won’t ever be another human to fulfill the insides of another person quite in the similar manner as cigarette smoke does other than lovemaking or sexual intercourse.


            There in a sleepy space between deep thoughts and dark nights in which tobacco smoke inhalation hangs about and gives one the most comforting thoughts of one’s day such as: we made it through this day and we’ll face tomorrow also since we have another secret date back here again tomorrow evening after dinner and past sunset, per se.


            Yes, I was a closeted cigarette smoker for many years.


            For many years I also quit cigarette smoke since my lungs couldn’t handle it and the smell of cigarette smoke bothers me yet the act to cigarette smoke is truly heaven on Earth.


            The tobacco plant ought not to ever go extinct thus when the Earth becomes overpopulated and humans begin to eat each other in the same manner rats do eat each other than humans can go down with the ship with a single 100% tobacco cigarette between their fingers and they’ll know they did their best to keep humanity from turning into Zombies yet it’ll nearly be an impossible of tasks to achieve therefore pull up a chair and enjoy a lovely 100% tobacco cigarette since most adults are liars about unhealthy habits like eating too much garbage fast food or illnesses or disease or addiction or pain or on-going physical pain.


            Humans give themselves airs about how interesting they think they are in communication.


            Humans aren’t very good at communications much less interesting.


            It’s quite rare to meet anybody interesting enough to carry on any type of conversation other than about the weather or recipes or dogs or outdoor park locations or restaurants or music or movies or family stories or self interests or self importance or hobbies or gloat or brag.


            People aren’t very interesting.


            Yet, addictions such as tobacco cigarette smoke is far more relaxing and interesting than immature peoples’ lectures about how tobacco smoke will kill one when stress is truly what’s been taking out (murdering) the Americans for the past 30 years.


            Its stress for which kills Americans faster than any other ailment or disease or addiction and not tobacco cigarette smoke.


            Thirty-five thousand cases of breast cancer per year in America is truly not a high number when it comes to 318 million Americans in the same manner foreign aid is only .002% of our overall Congressional budget.


            As Americans we get our numbers backwards. Our metaphors mixed. We’re highly dumb about statistics and we add apples with oranges.


            It’s a mess here.


            People aren’t very interesting since they don’t know anything.




            Since most people aren’t very interesting it’s best to stay at home and stay out of trouble.


            It’s not possible to be bored at home since there’re always a million and one projects to accomplish.





            Tonight’s late Nordic dinner is organic “Fair Trade” vegetable broth and 3.9 pound “roast beast” (roast beef) in sliced Yukon potatoes.


            Goodnight, Moon.



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,450


Word Count: 1,456


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 2,176 + 1,456 = 3,362



One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #56 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable DVR commercial-free entertainment.


*)         Day #117 without disciplining neighborhood children. One-year vow of silence. I owe it to myself. I love it.


*)         Day #10 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #338 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #759 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #190 without a cigarette: I like it.


*)         Day #99 without yells or screams or shrieks at Eric. I love it. No, we don’t have “marital problems.” We have miscommunication challenges about “distribution of labor” and equal domestic partnership challenges about who’s going to sweep or cook or do laundry or once per week give our doggie a bath or vacuum or shake out rugs or clean windows or dust shelves or change out the bedding or grocery shop, or, or, or… etc., etc., etc… How Annoying!


*)         Week #4 without stress: We owe it to ourselves. I love it. Yes, now Eric fights me. I don’t fight Eric anymore. Why bother? I’ve said mostly all for which’s required to be said.


*)         Blood Pressure: 102/70 mmHg / Pulse: 80 (03/08/16)


*)         Week #75 work on 245 cholesterol (new #) as of June 2, 2015. I love inexpensive vegan food.


            HDL Cholesterol 50


            Triglycerides 241 H


            LDL-Cholesterol 147 H


*)         Month #21 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty-three and a half (23 ½”) natural inch high waist without a corset. Yes!


*)         Week #36 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #22 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #27 (09/03/15) on antidepressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 20 MG” (03/01/16 change of dosage.) To my personal chemistry and brains and mind this one single daily pill is exactly like three continuous cocktails “pumped” directly into my bloodstream 24/7. However, I’m not supposed to write about it thus I shan’t. No, I don’t skip one single dosage. I’m addicted exactly as when any baby is addicted to sugar candy.


Tuesday, March 22, 2016


“It is better to lose to a wise man than win from a fool.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Dearth (lack of, scarcity)


This year the school experienced a dearth of intellectual talent.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 8:21pmCT


---  ---  ---


            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!


---  ---  ---


“Tone of Voice”


            It’s been six years now (2010-2016) since I began to give the subject matter about “tone of voice” some consideration.


            As an American writer many thoughts cross my mind about the subject matter of “tone of voice.”


            Of course, writers carry many different types of “tone of voice” while each writer addresses different subject matter or topics of discussion.


            One of the main basic aspects to writing is to find one’s voice.


            Once a writer ‘finds their “legs” under them’ if you will then it’s a matter of choice to find the correct “tone of voice” to insinuate or fluctuate or emphasize the importance in the coverage of the overall subject matter or topic or thesis.


            It’s not always good and well to have an “urgent” or “pressing” “tone of voice” otherwise one’s words get lost in the wind across the meadow.


            It’s best to fluctuate in manner of tone from very important to rather unimportant subject matter and back-and-forth to play with tone or sound on any musical scale without tiring out the reader or the writer or the notes.




Developed Maturity


            The second part of this writing bit requires not necessarily to bring down the “tone of voice” rather to change the tempo or the rhythm and rhyme to find something new to play other than “pressing” or “urgent” matter of subject in any topic of discussion or conversation.


            In many ways I need to slow down the tempo not because I can’t keep up with the beat of my own writing heart.


            Mainly, because there’s very little I have to say to make anybody change their minds other than to write reasonable logic.


            If one desires to cut off their nose to spite their face then by all means be my guest since I refuse to cut off my nose to spite my face.


            As a mature adult woman I already live with hot compressed pockmark acne scars and now discolored acne pockmarks since nature already handed me my own rear end and taught me my bowel movements do stink of what exactly I do consume and there’s no possible way for me to be vain or mean or cruel or rude about life in general.


            The only true aspect I’ll be is humble since there’s nothing else for me to do as a mature adult woman who lives in an overly saturated culture in which looks are almost anything to be compared to.


            Physically I’ve become tired of hearing my own rhythm section in “tone of voice” as a tsunami wave beating down with a ton of pressure in which one’s barely able to sustain one’s breath for any longer than the four beats are required in a single note before the next pounding wave comes crashing down.


            This doesn’t mean I’ll become shallow pop music. NO.


            Writing is all about music scientific theories and mathematical sums and equations and theorems.


            One doesn’t write without knowing timing or music.


            Words are music.


            Words are breathless meaning full of important definition.


            Words are more important than music since words make cognizant conveyed sounds only to allow others inside the being of our inner most thoughts and brain patters and brain waves of emotions and sentiments about anything we wish to share through vowel sounds formed into lyrical words.




Online Immaturity

The Era of Cyberspace Bullying

Is now come to an End


16 years of cowardly boredom


            For many years one of my least favorite aspects to online reading were private citizens’ and civilians’ “online social commentary” or “online social quasi-reviews” since the “tone of voice” seemed to be a constant drowning of hot-tempered tirades or mean-spirited or bewildered diatribes or crass and confused or crude or rude or without much of any heart or constructive criticism or direction or purpose or compassion or empathy towards our humanity in the words written.


            For the first 16 years of the 21st century we’ve lived in an era of online raw and peeled back hot-tempered emotions and hidden agendas of online cruelty or cyberspace bullying or destructive communication styles which are immature and no good.


            It’s much easier for bullies to hide behind their computer screens and tell the world to go and sleep with the Earth’s crust.


            Yet, when it comes to facing one’s worthy opponent directly face-to-face then one must maintain “self-control” and “self-impulse” and keep one’s hormones in check and balanced and keep one’s hands to oneself and respectfully and correctly and properly address another’s humanity otherwise we’re not beyond the cave-man era in which intelligent people are still capable to punch another in the nose for being “stupid” or “cruel” or “mean” about how the “arrogant” or “ignorant” or “egocentric” go about unjust miscommunication or conduct the very intrusion to trespass against anybody else’s businesses or livelihoods by destroying establishments such as restaurants or pubs or services with their online out-of-control unprofessional private citizens’ and civilians’ quasi-reviews or unconstructive online social commentary which doesn’t mean anything at all.


            Ever since about the year 2000 when the internet became ‘all the new rage’ or a ‘huge hit’ then somehow the general public took the internet to mean a shield for which to hide behind and silently rage against innocent bystanders and others as well as businesses.


            Americans must learn to take comments with a grain of salt.


            Americans must not take any digital media or television or radio all too seriously inclined.






            Not once have I ever gone looking for any scandal.


            Neither have I ever purposely been any type of bully or any type of coward when it comes to the feelings of others and their humanity.


            Anything I’ve ever written for the past six years does hold my stamp of approval with my signature by it.


            My words might not be the most important words in the world.


            Nonetheless, my words belong to me and the entire world witnessed ‘a coming of age’ as well as maturity and ill health and good will and mental sanity and adulthood and intellectual development upon these here many tens of thousands of pages.


            The reader knows very well these words strung like pearls all belong to me and to us.


            The readers know I’ve sustained my words through real sweat and tears and blood and breath of life like bread dough my words rose up to life and became edible then I quickly move on from one day to the next.


            If ever unbeknownst or unknown to me I did insult anybody then my deepest apologies.


            Truly from the bottom of my heart I didn’t mean anything by it. I take full responsibility.




Stay in School

Stay away from trouble

Stay away from scandal


            No, I don’t personally ever go out and look for scandal or look to be ashamed or to bring disgrace or dishonor to me or my person or ours or upon our threshold or home.


            In my own sweet nature I have at times been quite “naïve” or “gullible” or somewhat “English as a Second Language stupid” or Oxycontin drugged (on and off 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013) by certified physicians and most likely I’ve acted as an insecure abandoned orphaned child.


            However, within the past six years my English greatly improved. I’m no longer considered any type of child. I’ve learned to flex my intellectual muscle therefore not anybody may take any type of advantage of my naiveté or sweet Taurus disposition which comes at a terrible price with a bad temper whenever manipulators  have conned me out of large sums of money or lied directly to me about my former film company or manipulators think they can get away with abusive measures against my physical person or my beloved ones.


            Indeed I do make a frightening opponent since I don’t ever forget a time, place or face and I’m able to by verbatim quote almost any individual.


            It’s not in my sweet nature to go out and look for trouble since I’m a “home body” and I’d rather spend my evening reading or watching something really fun since we work much of the time. I very rarely like the stimulated high-speed of the overly talkative people or chatterboxes or extraverts.


            Trouble somehow does seem to find me even though it’s the last thing on my mind.


            Usually laundry or keeping a clean home or what to make for dinner is about the extent of my intellectual capacity except for my contract’s designed for me to read an hour per day and research an hour per day and write an hour per day as well as do correspondence an hour per day.


            In my line of work as a modern professional thinker I must be qualified to utilize my mind quite extensively and on a daily basis.



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,491


Word Count: 1,491


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 2,176



One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #55 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable DVR commercial-free entertainment.


*)         Day #116 without disciplining neighborhood children. One-year vow of silence. I owe it to myself. I love it.


*)         Day #9 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #337 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #758 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #189 without a cigarette: I like it.


*)         Day #98 without yells or screams or shrieks at Eric. I love it. No, we don’t have “marital problems.” We have miscommunication challenges about “distribution of labor” and equal domestic partnership challenges about who’s going to sweep or cook or do laundry or once per week give our doggie a bath or vacuum or shake out rugs or clean windows or dust shelves or change out the bedding or grocery shop, or, or, or… etc., etc., etc… How Annoying!


*)         Week #4 without stress: We owe it to ourselves. I love it. Yes, now Eric fights me. I don’t fight Eric anymore. Why bother? I’ve said mostly all for which’s required to be said.


*)         Blood Pressure: 102/70 mmHg / Pulse: 80 (03/08/16)


*)         Week #75 work on 245 cholesterol (new #) as of June 2, 2015. I love inexpensive vegan food.


            HDL Cholesterol 50


            Triglycerides 241 H


            LDL-Cholesterol 147 H


*)         Month #21 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty-three and a half (23 ½”) natural inch high waist without a corset. Yes!


*)         Week #36 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #22 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #27 (09/03/15) on antidepressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 20 MG” (03/01/16 change of dosage.) To my personal chemistry and brains and mind this one single daily pill is exactly like three continuous cocktails “pumped” directly into my bloodstream 24/7. However, I’m not supposed to write about it thus I shan’t. No, I don’t skip one single dosage. I’m addicted exactly as when any baby is addicted to sugar candy.


Monday, March 21, 2016


“What one fool can spoil, ten sages can’t fix.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 6:51pmCT


---  ---  ---


            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!


---  ---  ---


No Blog


            Today we did get back from the farm in Kettle River, MN.


            It was more work than I can explain.


            In two days we recycled an old bundle of newspapers and milk jugs and plastic containers and tin cans, threw out old VHS movies worth 20 years of a collection, preserved family photographs, took out an entire shelf of books and encyclopedias and dusted all of the books and the shelves and in 2 days did 12 loads of laundry (even washed doilies,) vacuumed the entire upstairs and downstairs and the basements steps, de-cluttered house appliance manuals and miscellaneous papers and music tapes and CD’s off of one kitchen counter, wiped down the entire upstairs furniture, cleaned out 1 kitchen cupboard, took out 2 full large black garbage bags with food which expired in 1996, and threw out 3 large tall white kitchen bags full of non-food garbage and placed them in the garage, plus made one trip to the recycling center in the middle of town, also ate 3 meals from fabulous “Tower and Tap” as well as fixed the record player and placed it back upstairs and on Saturday afternoon bought groceries at “that place” (“Wal-Mart”) since it’s the only megastore around for about 20 miles.


            Also, the sauna flooded therefore we had to pick up the old rugs and let them dry out in the sun on the deck railings then threw out the rugs into the woods where the “old barn” stood before the “old barn” burned to the ground on purpose, of course.


            We’re spent.


            Yes, right now I’m washing one load of our own dusty and dirty farm work-clothes and about to start supper in the “Twin Cities’” suburbs of Minneapolis/St. Paul.




            North of Cambridge, MN there’s almost absolutely no garbage anywhere on the freeways or highways or small towns.


            Thank you to “SHAWN” (from the blue highway signs) and to the many different “Lions Clubs” for keeping our Minnesota’s freeways and highways looking gorgeous.


            Yes, I’ll keep notes and give out grades for the best stretches of highways this spring, summer and fall 2016.


            For miles and miles and miles in the “Twin Cities” all there’s to look at is garbage.


            Can’t seem to ever catch a break from the garbage nearly and almost everywhere and anywhere in the “Twin Cities.”


            Boston’s much larger and denser in population than the “Twin Cities” still yet cleaner.


            It was real great to get away from the “Twin Cities” and be at the farm where the children are smart and don’t scream or shriek or yell or shrill out of desperation for attention from their parents or food since their parents discipline and do take care of their farm and rural children by far much better than children in the “Twin Cities’” metro area and suburbs.


            The rural middle-aged adults are real and watch out for each other as well as watch out for the elderly.



            Rural people in general don’t randomly talk to strangers. Thank you!!!


            Got to love the Finn-Americans who are literate!!!


            We had the best weekend of our lives even though we worked harder than heck while at the farm.


            Kettle River, it’s a date. See you in two weeks!


            For tonight’s menu: organic and Non-GMO and Fair Trade pasta plus red sauce and crackers and oranges and oysters and large pitted black olives.



            Yours Truly;




            P.S. our dog discovered wild coyotes will most likely haul him off and have him for supper.


            Our dog discovered what it’s like to be hunted. Boy, it gave him a real scare and fright as it did us!!!


            After sunset the coyotes did come to the edge of the yard. However, we do have shotguns. The coyotes know we aim to kill.


            Lots of wildlife out there.


            Our dog trees the squirrels and we shoot them.


            P.S.S. Great homemade pumpkin bread brought over to the farm house by members from the Lutheran Trinity Church of Kettle River, MN. Thank you!



Word Count Goal: 1,000 personal journals


Word Count: 685


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 685



One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #54 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable DVR commercial-free entertainment.


*)         Day #115 without disciplining neighborhood children. One-year vow of silence. I owe it to myself. I love it.


*)         Day #8 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #336 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #757 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #188 without a cigarette: I like it.


*)         Day #97 without yells or screams or shrieks at Eric. I love it. No, we don’t have “marital problems.” We have miscommunication challenges about “distribution of labor” and equal domestic partnership challenges about who’s going to sweep or cook or do laundry or once per week give our doggie a bath or vacuum or shake out rugs or clean windows or dust shelves or change out the bedding or grocery shop, or, or, or… etc., etc., etc… How Annoying!


*)         Week #4 without stress: We owe it to ourselves. I love it. Yes, now Eric fights me. I don’t fight Eric anymore. Why bother? I’ve said mostly all for which’s required to be said.


*)         Blood Pressure: 102/70 mmHg / Pulse: 80 (03/08/16)


*)         Week #75 work on 245 cholesterol (new #) as of June 2, 2015. I love inexpensive vegan food. 2


            HDL Cholesterol 50


            Triglycerides 241 H


            LDL-Cholesterol 147 H


*)         Month #21 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty-three and a half (23 ½”) natural inch high waist without a corset. Yes!


*)         Week #36 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #22 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #27 (09/03/15) on antidepressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 20 MG” (03/01/16 change of dosage.) To my personal chemistry and brains and mind this one single daily pill is exactly like three continuous cocktails “pumped” directly into my bloodstream 24/7. However, I’m not supposed to write about it thus I shan’t. No, I don’t skip one single dosage. I’m addicted exactly as when any baby is addicted to sugar candy.


Friday, March 18, 2016


“A fool takes two steps where a wise man takes none.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 1:00pmCT


---  ---  ---


            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!


---  ---  ---


No Blog



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,000 personal journals


Word Count:


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 5,697



One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #51 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable DVR commercial-free entertainment.


*)         Day #112 without disciplining neighborhood children. One-year vow of silence. I owe it to myself. I love it.


*)         Day #5 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #333 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #754 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #185 without a cigarette: I like it.


*)         Day #94 without yells or screams or shrieks at Eric. I love it. No, we don’t have “marital problems.” We have miscommunication challenges about “distribution of labor” and equal domestic partnership challenges about who’s going to sweep or cook or do laundry or once per week give our doggie a bath or vacuum or shake out rugs or clean windows or dust shelves or change out the bedding or grocery shop, or, or, or… etc., etc., etc… How Annoying!


*)         Week #3 without stress: We owe it to ourselves. I love it. Yes, now Eric fights me. I don’t fight Eric anymore. Why bother? I’ve said mostly all for which’s required to be said.


*)         Blood Pressure: 102/70 mmHg / Pulse: 80 (03/08/16)


*)         Week #74 work on 245 cholesterol (new #) as of June 2, 2015. I love inexpensive vegan food.


            HDL Cholesterol 50


            Triglycerides 241 H


            LDL-Cholesterol 147 H


*)         Month #21 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty-three and a half (23 ½”) natural inch high waist without a corset. Yes!


*)         Week #35 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #21 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #26 (09/03/15) on antidepressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 20 MG” (03/01/16 change of dosage.) To my personal chemistry and brains and mind this one single daily pill is exactly like three continuous cocktails “pumped” directly into my bloodstream 24/7. However, I’m not supposed to write about it thus I shan’t. No, I don’t skip one single dosage. I’m addicted exactly as when any baby is addicted to sugar candy.


Thursday, March 17, 2016


“A fool’s way are right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Hypothetical (assumed, conceded for purposes of discussion)


He likes to ask a hypothetical question just-to see what will happen.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 7:43pmCT


---  ---  ---


            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!


---  ---  ---


Happy St. Patty’s Day!


Laughing at Beloved Ones


            One does know as to whom and when to laugh at beloved ones? Correct? Correct.


            If one goes around and laughs in the face of “perfect strangers” or unofficially introduced neighbors or co-workers or distant relatives or newly acquainted friends then one may expect and deserve a punch in the nose and ought not to be surprised when one gets it.


            One must be extremely careful as to whom and when to laugh at any close beloved ones to show beloved ones how much one cares about the others’ well being to show compassion about how the world is a good and kind place for them to be alive and in good working order.


            Be careful.


            Uneducated perverts do hide around corners each and every single place and anywhere.


---  ---  ---



September 5, 2015-March 18, 2016


            For the first time in my life on March 5, 2016 we celebrated my 6-month anniversary of being on antidepressants for 6 consecutive months.


            No, I’m neither required by law nor by any psychologists or psychiatrists to take antidepressants.


            No, I’m not any type of depressive or schizophrenic or bi-polar or post traumatic stress syndrome or any other type of mentally ill category.


            Yes, since April 2009 I’ve been living with “fake” pregnancy hormones and tri-monthly menstrual hemorrhage since the start of 2015.


            No, I don’t leave our home when I hemorrhage. No, absolutely not.


            Yes, out of my own good nature and cheer I voluntarily take antidepressants as a favor to Eric ever since April 2009 we’ve lived with “fake” pregnancy hormones from the start of our legal and contractual court licensed marriage when unexpectedly and suddenly I became quite ill with severe abdominal pains and menstrual hemorrhages to which I’ve gone through 2 laparoscopic surgeries in the time span of 5 years. I’m still holding out on any type of blood transfusions no matter what the blood loss might be.




No illusions

No delusions of Grandeur


            “The way things are.”


            NO, I’m neither in contact nor in real-life friendships with any of my former or previous 800 “Facebook” friends no matter how much I adored them or praised them at the time ever since 2013 when I went down another path very seldom may follow since it’s a path of power and wisdom and fortunate wealth without fame.


            Most of the people I met in Minnesota during my mid-to-late twenties and thirties were severe alcoholics, anyway.


            We haven’t been in contact in 3 straight years.


            Please don’t hold any delusions by my former social media heart-felt scribbles. Thanks.


            Forever my life drastically changed.


            I learned to let go and somehow found myself where I ought to have been all along; writing.


            No, I’m not lonely; however, I do sure love to work alone.


            The only times I feel lonely is when our dog barks nonstop or on the days when I cook in the late afternoons starting at 4:00pm.




Antidepressants aren’t Alcohol


            The physical properties are uncanny in the sense the brain makes levels of serotonin and keeps the individual or individuals calm, however, there’s absolutely no “high” after the first initial four weeks are complete and over.


            In the first four weeks of antidepressants then one’s as drunk as a skunk or the physical affects seem to mirror the same as pure 100% proof alcohol then it wears off and nothing more.


            Through the first four straight weeks one’s furniture becomes deadly dangerous and this isn’t an exaggeration or any type of hyperbole.


            For the first four weeks straight one wakes up black and blue all over one’s arms and legs from banging one’s arms and legs into furniture and walls and hitting the back of one’s hands on door knobs.


            Not in any other time of my life have I had as many bruises from limbs walking into furniture from a lack of eye-hand coordination.


            As a mature adult woman I don’t have much spatial relation to space or objects therefore parallel parking is quite difficult for most women yet let alone in the first four weeks of antidepressants I could barely walk around our home without stumbling much less did I drive at all.


            No, once one’s prescribed and does take antidepressants then one doesn’t think as though one were under the influence of alcohol. Not at all.


            Under the influence of antidepressants one thinks clearly and soberly, however, the body won’t cooperate with the mind in the first four weeks.


            While under the influence of antidepressants one must keep themselves from chewing or eating-out one’s tongue all the way into 6 consecutive months (correction) of any prescribed dosage.


            Suddenly for no reason at all one tastes blood inside their mouth and by the time one’s checked-out one’s tongue in the bathroom mirror then possibly at times a little piece or chunk of the tongue does go missing.


            One’s left to wonder how on Earth one didn’t have any control over such a simple bodily function as to keep the self from chewing raw one’s tongue.


            Sleep is the worst when it comes to not chewing off one’s tongue. I wake up with a chewed-up tongue. It’s ever as painful as it can be to continually keep away the self from the act to gnaw off on one’s tongue or inner cheeks.


            Under the influence of antidepressants one acquires a symptom called, “dry eye.”


            Hence and therefore with “dry eye” one’s eyes don’t create any tears thus the literal eyeballs dry-out and the eyes may become beat red as tomatoes and one tends to look like one’s recently chewed cement or ‘high’ or ‘drunk’ yet one’s completely and totally legally sober.


            Thank goodness I have terrible allergies therefore my eyes still water yet they’re super dry at the same time.


            Peoples’ expressions are harshly met. I refuse to go around and explain to “perfect strangers” what antidepressants do to my body.


            Under the influence of antidepressants one’s hair “temporarily” thins out around and near the face.


            In other words one’s hair begins to fall out and one goes bald.


            Going bald takes real courage to undertake such an intense drug as antidepressants to speed up the aging process.


            While under the influence of birth control pills and antidepressants then one’s acne pockmarks “temporarily” discolor.


            One must have a great deal of courage to undertake antidepressants since it’s not a pretty sight.


            Nothing I’ve written is abundantly noticeable to others, however, noticeable enough to the self to recognize one’s aged a decade within 6 months of consecutive prescribed antidepressant pills.




            The entire moral of this English as a Second language blog is to hold respect and compassion and empathy for others since we don’t ever know what other people are exactly going through.


            To top it off I menstrual hemorrhage and the loss of blood looks like a bloodbath.


            It takes any strong person or persons to go through years of silent and possibly deadly illnesses.


            No, I don’t have an “autoimmune disease.”


            I don’t know.


            We don’t know what ails me.


            The doctors don’t know what ails me.


            Does this explain further? Yes, it does.




Antidepressants seem to be

Part speed and part painkillers


            No, I’m not any type of chemist.


            No, I neither actually nor factually know the pharmaceutical properties of prescribed antidepressants since I’m a coward and afraid to look and see what actually is being pumped into my brain and throughout my system.


            No doubt something strong yet not as ‘naughty’ as Oxycontin.


            No, I’m not at all intoxicated as I was on Oxycontin or even slightly affected by antidepressants in the least bit or at least I don’t think I am.


            At least this time my speech is fully intact.


            While on Oxycontin within a matter of 24 hours I lost my speech and spoke as though I were walking at the bottom of the ocean with slow speech and a weird accent.


            It took years to regain back my speech. I did think I was almost going to need to attend speech therapy or the thought did cross my mind I possibly had had a stroke only to discover the Oxycontin kept me ‘higher than a kite’ and ‘drunk as a skunk.’


            I’m fortunate not to have been raped or killed in the time period of Oxycontin while I was considered legally sober by board certified physicians.


            Fortunately, there isn’t any physical “high” affect while under the influence of antidepressants.


            The only difference I did notice in 6 consecutive months of only skipping one daily dosage was I became remarkably and utterly emotionally irritated yet I controlled my body and my mind as much as I did without getting a divorce or smashing any plates which I haven’t ever done either one of each action in my entire life.


            Antidepressants are more like the birth control pill than alcohol.


            Antidepressants slightly as ever alter the serotonin levels in the brain causing the individual to be continuously calm rather than revved up and deal with an emotional upheaval (disturbance) uphill battle with the self while under the influence of a “fake” pregnancy hormone imbalance.


            The difference between myself who’s lived with “fake” pregnancy hormones for the past straight 7 years (2009-2016) is if we were to either become literally physically pregnant or I have a hysterectomy then my hormones will settle down and go back to an even balance and all’s well unlike people who are mentally ill whose hormone imbalances will most likely dictate the rest of their lives while my hormones won’t.


            Thank goodness for logic and reason.


            No, my mind and my body aren’t literally physically pregnant still yet my “fake” pregnant hormones trick themselves to believe they are pregnant each and every single day for 7 straight years.


            What a conundrum.




Sanity is peaceful communication

Sanity is quiet

Quiet isn’t the same as silence


            Yes, by modern psychology we’re taught not to take anything personally unless we’re directly addressed to our faces in the human flesh and form or if any person or persons were unsure or unstable as to how to correctly or appropriately directly address us as mature educated adults then such person or persons get one verbal warning and a second chance to make a wrong into a right, however...


            Nonetheless, as an expert I reserve the right to apply pressure wherever I do believe any human might need or require any good and strong teachable lesson taught or wisdom learned.


            To teach wisdom is the most difficult of all of the lessons there’re to be learned by any individual or individuals.


            It’s up to me to decide when and how to apply wisdom and usually I don’t waste my time with most people since I have very limited time as it is to apply tough lessons of any type other than as in written form or legalities.


            No, I’m neither any cynic of any type nor any feudalist nor a purist for such matters. I change with the times.


            Yes, I’m a communications expert and if one desires to inappropriately or incorrectly address me then I reserve the right to be a complete “holy terror on wheels” nightmare since I already hold the knowledge as to how to communicate well enough not to offend most people.


            If I were to choose to be as inclined as overly sweet then I would, however, I like a scandalous manner about the rules when they apply.


            The more appropriately scandalous (nothing illegal, of course) then the quicker it is to decipher the intelligently strong vs. the weaker then let’s move on.


            The way I choose to respond and re-direct the discussion to others in any inappropriate manner in miscommunication is my own business since I know exactly what I do in communication or otherwise.


            Yes, I find the others’ weakest point and apply as much pressure as possible to draw-out their wits then I run like the dickens before the other understands what’s at all’s even occurred to them.


            No, I don’t mess with peoples’ minds or emotions.


            Yes, I probe their intellect in a manner of form as to how the individual or individuals appropriately react to any situation at hand.


            When I forewarn anybody about any situation then it’s for real.


            No wisdom gained only information bestowed.


            Since I’m neither any type of parent nor any type of professional teacher or professor nor legally responsible for anybody else’s body or choices other than my own then watch out because a mouth full from me could potentially strip down anybody to their figurative bare skin without ever touching anybody yet discovering their weakest points only to know how to proceed with caution.


            The entire aspect to poetry, rhythm and rhyme and lyricism is one is able to observe from nature to see the truth through the sea of confusion and tell it how it is without ever harming one single bee in the beehive.


            No, I’m not any type of queen bee; however, if I were to ever have the honor to mock anybody then I’ll drive the point directly and straight home.


            Yes, testing others’ wits is definitely any way to decipher how mentally strong the individual or individuals truly are their own person or persons.


            In the 3 or so years in which I lived on prescribed Oxycontin I did test peoples’ wits, reasoning skills and logic since I was at a disadvantage I needed to know what type of person or persons I were to deal with in any situation.


            No, I no longer play the “village’s idiot” role, however, it’s the sweetest role to play when one’s defenses are down or one’s weaker than the other for any particular reason or number of reasons.


            Yes, I’m slow on my feet, however, I calculate well and fast inside my brains and I’m wise.


            Inside my visual brain I’m able to take snap shots of anything I find it important to remember later thus I became a writer and keep continual notes.


            Testing others makes up for miscalculations or mishaps or misjudgments or mistakes or arrogance or pride or prejudice or discrimination on anybody’s part.


            Yes, I’ve always been at a great disadvantage in which white men tend to think of me as some cheap Latina prostitute which couldn’t be further from the truth since I don’t truly hold one single flirting bone in my body except I’m extremely present and alive and alert.


            In many ways unfortunately I’m able to make direct and beautiful and appropriate eye-contact therefore all types of strangers go out of their way to talk to me and panhandle or start-up useless conversations which usually tend to lead to beg for money.






            What do any of the words indicated above have anything to do with antidepressants?


            The indicated words above have many connected dots to do with antidepressants.


            Nothing much changes on antidepressants.


            Not the real and true character of the self, anyway.


            Yes, I’m still me and nothing much changed except my tongue is raw and my hair is thinned from falling out near and around my face and my eyes are on fire.


            It’s taken a great deal of courage to get through this illness which keeps me held hostage as a prisoner of ill health.


            Yes, I’m patenting as many inventions as I might since I live with Carpal Tunnel until the clumps of grapes on either both sides of my thyroid are surgically removed from my throat then the Carpal Tunnel will go away once the thyroid is back in balance.


            Not one single day goes by for which I don’t consider people with mental and/or physical handicaps and how difficult the world must be for them to maneuver.


            Children with disabilities and dire illnesses are in my heart even if I choose to have nothing to do with children aside from our close and personal friends’ children (whom some are our Godchildren) or our 33 nephews and nieces which many are in their 20’s and 30’s and some as young as 6.


            Why do I test people?


            I used to test people since long I ago I discovered people are part cruel and part crazy filled with mostly ego.





            With all my love;





            Yours Truly;




Word Count Goal: 2,500


Word Count: 2,730 - 182 yesterday’s introduction = 2,548


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 3,149 + 2,548 = 5,697



One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #50 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable DVR commercial-free entertainment.


*)         Day #111 without disciplining neighborhood children. One-year vow of silence. I owe it to myself. I love it.


*)         Day #4 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #332 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #753 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #184 without a cigarette: I like it.


*)         Day #93 without yells or screams or shrieks at Eric. I love it. No, we don’t have “marital problems.” We have miscommunication challenges about “distribution of labor” and equal domestic partnership challenges about who’s going to sweep or cook or do laundry or once per week give our doggie a bath or vacuum or shake out rugs or clean windows or dust shelves or change out the bedding or grocery shop, or, or, or… etc., etc., etc… How Annoying!


*)         Week #3 without stress: We owe it to ourselves. I love it. Yes, now Eric fights me. I don’t fight Eric anymore. Why bother? I’ve said mostly all for which’s required to be said.


*)         Blood Pressure: 102/70 mmHg / Pulse: 80 (03/08/16)


*)         Week #74 work on 245 cholesterol (new #) as of June 2, 2015. I love inexpensive vegan food.


            HDL Cholesterol 50


            Triglycerides 241 H


            LDL-Cholesterol 147 H


*)         Month #21 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty-three and a half (23 ½”) natural inch high waist without a corset. Yes!


*)         Week #35 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #21 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #26 (09/03/15) on antidepressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 20 MG” (03/01/16 change of dosage.) To my personal chemistry and brains and mind this one single daily pill is exactly like three continuous cocktails “pumped” directly into my bloodstream 24/7. However, I’m not supposed to write about it thus I shan’t. No, I don’t skip one single dosage. I’m addicted exactly as when any baby is addicted to sugar candy.


Wednesday, March 16, 2016


“When a fool holds a cow by the horns, a wise man can milk her.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Innocuous (without bad effect, harmless)


The innocuous mixture will not cause him distress.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 8:08pmCT


---  ---  ---


            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!


---  ---  ---



September 5, 2015-March 16, 2016


            For the first time in my life on March 5, 2016 we celebrated my 6-month anniversary of being on antidepressants for 6 consecutive months.


            No, I’m neither required by law nor by any psychologists or psychiatrists to take antidepressants.


            No, I’m not any type of depressive or schizophrenic or bi-polar or any other type of mentally ill category.


            Yes, since April 2009 I’ve been living with “fake” pregnancy hormones and tri-monthly menstrual hemorrhage since the start of 2015.


            No, I don’t leave our home when I hemorrhage. No, absolutely not.


            Yes, out of my own good nature and cheer I voluntarily take antidepressants as a favor to Eric since April 2009 we’ve lived with “fake” pregnancy hormones from the start of our legal and contractual court licensed marriage when unexpectedly and suddenly I became quite ill with severe abdominal pains and menstrual hemorrhages to which I’ve gone through 2 laparoscopic surgeries in the time span of 5 years. I’m still holding out on any type of blood transfusions no matter what the blood loss might be.




Nothing much Changes


            Yes, I dislike very much to be the one to spell it out.


            Yes, I dislike very much to be the bearer of bad news.


            However, nothing much changes emotionally while one’s on antidepressants as far as feelings are concerned.


            Yes, I chose to hold back my tongue on antidepressants.


            Nonetheless, I still dislike living in the “insane” “middle income earning” suburbs.


            Nonetheless, I still dislike being the sole domestic partnership in our marriage.


            Yes, I think I know I don’t like to live amongst the same screamers and high-pitched shrieking sounds of the mentally ill in mental wards.


            Nevertheless, we’ll stay and live in “mental ward city” since ‘we’ll fight tooth and nail’ for this gorgeous stolen Native American land only to someday have the extremely wealthy buy-out our children and take this gorgeous land as their own and make it yet another quiet and peaceful Park Point since the rich bring in education and manners and quiet and peace and prosperity since money talks loudly and clearly to “shut up!”


            Yes, we were promised the suburbs were quiet and peaceful.


            However, the insane “mental ward suburbs” are nothing except publically screaming adults and children since modern American parents are insane with laziness or apathy or stupidity.


            Only the mentally ill scream all day and all night and in a nut shell we live in an insane suburban city mental ward nightmare.


            The insane “mental ward suburbs” are filled with uneducated and undisciplined perverted American parents who aren’t mindful of their neighbors and seem to believe basic laws and rules don’t apply to uneducated perverted American parents thus and therefore mentally ill suburban neighbors do whatever they want without any care or respect for their neighbors since perverts don’t have any respect for anybody else then most likely perverts are the types to take out their penises and show it to others while in public settings.


            In the insane “mental ward suburbs” it’s almost as if though most suburban American parental neighbors are literally intoxicated by alcohol or some cerebral manifestation of alcohol or cognitive dysfunction due to former or present alcohol abuse.


            Modern psychology teaches us when humans become “drunk” (unable to think or stand or walk in a straight line) is to be under the temporary paralysis of mental illness.


            “Drunk” is equal to temporary mental illness.


            It’s up to mature adult individuals to know when to stop drinking before they become drunk and temporarily mentally ill.


            In the insane “mental ward suburbs” the only way to receive respect is to threaten with a stick since in the “mental ward suburbs” hardly anybody is able to self-assess (review) or self-direct or change by way of discipline and self-respect.


            In the insane “mental ward suburbs” children and minors don’t steadily mentally grow-up or mature or emotionally develop beyond the age of two years of life.


            In the “mental ward suburbs” no matter what the age of minors they seem to publically throw fits of rage or shriek their heads off in their yards whenever their parents don’t notice their children or pay enough attention to their children or throw tantrums with shrills of desperate hostage takeover.


            The “mental ward suburbs” are a nightmare come true since in the insane suburbs parents think they reign, however, either children are sexually molested or terribly brought up by drunks who happen to be temporarily mentally ill per constant basis.


            In the insane suburbs children are treated with less respect than dogs.


            Children aren’t taught well therefore children are ignorant peasants.



            Yours Truly;




Word Count Goal: 700


Word Count: 794


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 2,355 + 794 = 3,149



One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #49 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable DVR commercial-free entertainment.


*)         Day #110 without disciplining neighborhood children. One-year vow of silence. I owe it to myself. I love it.


*)         Day #3 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #331 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #752 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #183 without a cigarette: I like it.


*)         Day #92 without yells or screams or shrieks at Eric. I love it. No, we don’t have “marital problems.” We have miscommunication challenges about “distribution of labor” and equal domestic partnership challenges about who’s going to sweep or cook or do laundry or once per week give our doggie a bath or vacuum or shake out rugs or clean windows or dust shelves or change out the bedding or grocery shop, or, or, or… etc., etc., etc… How Annoying!


*)         Week #3 without stress: We owe it to ourselves. I love it. Yes, now Eric fights me. I don’t fight Eric anymore. Why bother? I’ve said mostly all for which’s required to be said.


*)         Blood Pressure: 102/70 mmHg / Pulse: 80 (03/08/16)


*)         Week #74 work on 245 cholesterol (new #) as of June 2, 2015. I love inexpensive vegan food.


            HDL Cholesterol 50


            Triglycerides 241 H


            LDL-Cholesterol 147 H


*)         Month #21 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty-three and a half (23 ½”) natural inch high waist without a corset. Yes!


*)         Week #35 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #21 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #26 (09/03/15) on antidepressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 20 MG” (03/01/16 change of dosage.) To my personal chemistry and brains and mind this one single daily pill is exactly like three continuous cocktails “pumped” directly into my bloodstream 24/7. However, I’m not supposed to write about it thus I shan’t. No, I don’t skip one single dosage. I’m addicted exactly as when any baby is addicted to sugar candy.


Tuesday, March 15, 2016


“The wise reports what he saw, the fool what he heard.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Innate (inborn, native, natural)


An innate sense of duty prompted him to obey the law.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 7:30pmCT


---  ---  ---


            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!


---  ---  ---


            Our dog’s fine.


            He made it through the night.


            No surgery required after our dog fully chewed and ate three cooked chicken bones dropped into our backyard by squirrels.


---  ---  ---


            No, I don’t believe our Madonna creates under the influence of drugs or alcohol.


---  ---  ---


Fake Artists?


            Yes, it’s negatively looked down upon for any persons who were to call themselves “painters” to paint from any still photographs.


            People who paint from still photographs are considered quasi-painters (“fakes”) who aren’t able to get famous people to sit for them or don’t actually have true skill in the value of their work.


            To paint any live person is ten times more complex and difficult than to paint from any still photograph. I do know.


            For four years I took visual arts (drawing, sketching, and painting) as an undergraduate and to this day I’m still not able to properly draw any stick figure person.


            Yes, I have terrible eye-hand coordination since mine wasn’t developed in the first 10 years of life plus the Carpal Tunnel doesn’t help in adulthood.


            Yes, I played three years of softball and have done countless of hours of needle work in the genre of embroidery.


            However and nevertheless thus. Alas.




            Be careful as to who one promotes in our community.


            Are there no studied artists in the Twin Cities metro area?


            Why do most of the Twin Cities metro area “artists” seem not to have ever studied through four years at college to control their methods, ideas or outcomes?


            What is it about Twin Cities’ metro area’s “artists” as unrefined as a toothache?


            Who allows the Twin Cities’ metro area’s “artists’” unskilled eye and unrefined methods and quasi talent to trace rather than create?


            One must be careful to purchase art in these parts since quasi-artists will convince non-studied buyers to purchase mainly garbage still yet ugly and empty and shallow looking garbage which holds absolutely no value.


            Be careful not to have anybody “pull the wool over one’s eyes” when it comes to the visual arts and music and theatre.


            Garbage’s still garbage no matter how good it’s packaged.


            A hotdog’s still mainly rectum and lips and tasty.


            What happened to Americans being highly analytical?


            Analytical doesn’t mean cruelty or mean. No.


            Why are Americans ever as confused about any subject matter?


---  ---  ---


The American Vote



            No, today there’s not any type of lecture about voting of any kind. Not today, anyway.


            Get out and vote.




Is it a metaphor or a simile?


            It seems the more expensive college or university education becomes in America then the more perverted Americans regress without any intellectual or developed cognitive critical analytical thinking skills Americans are toast since marketers are able to sell Americans on horse meat and pig rectums and GMO foods which GMO’s will murder Americans faster than anything else on the planet will aside from American gun violence or gun manufacturers.


            When did Americans become as frightened of life as insecure abandoned children?


            Are Americans not their own adults?


            No, I don’t think it funny Americans are easily misled or dissuaded from doing the right thing for as much as Americans put-on any hard-act to swallow Americans seem more like any herd of stubborn hardheaded heifers than any strong and united body of voting people free to cast a ballot in unison to uplifting heights to extend one helping hand to any other American brothers or sisters and to our immigrants.


            Yes, I came of age in the years of “Netscape” (1996-2000) therefore my education is highly valued and priced and worth much since I know how to write HTML code from scratch instead of cut-and-paste JavaScript which the outcome defines most websites as any “cookie cutter” approach in appearance and reference to anything else out there therefore it’s difficult to decipher the authenticity or a true meaning in the language of any application cut-and-pasted from cookie dough.


            Any overall look to any website is the same measure of pristine importance in performance as to which and what one wears to represent the proper self without looking ridiculous and keep within pace of modern style and true classical form in the foundation of fashion as well as ‘websites make the company’ in the same manner “clothes make the man.”


            If all men wore ‘exactly’ the same article of clothing as each other then would one look twice? Not likely.


            Sameness is clutter in its truest form.


            For as much as young American adults value “authenticity” (proper) most of America is under figurative assault to conform to the same outliers and sentiments as marketing as the mid-1990’s.


            Why young Americans are sold on the mid-1990’s I’ll not ever know since the 1990’s were a time of prosperity for the “baby-boomers” while “Generation X” starved and came out at the other end of the early 2000’s to further starvation as the “working poor” or to live at the cruel mercy or nagging pressure of the “baby-boomers” while holed-up in basements “Generation X” held-out a hand of hope to anybody who’d listen on computer chat rooms (and no I’m not writing about pornography. I’m writing about the history of a people.)




Uneducated American Regression


            The less educated the Americans become then the more Americans regress in all manner of form.


            Americans seem to degenerate to the point to which Americans easily go out of their way to purposely harass and disrespect their neighbors’ continual pleas and requests for general “respect” with quite the ambivalence (mixed feelings about something or someone) in which Americans look upon “respect” as something Americans might consider to make up their minds about.


            Not so.


            There’s nothing ambivalent about “respect.”


            Either one’s respectful to all or one isn’t respectful to the self.


            “Respect” comes from the deeper inner regions of disciplined love for the self.


            When one holds “respect” for the self then one holds self-value and worth attached to both their intellectual and emotional character.


            “Respect” is another discipline and form which is difficult to do much less learn to understand and master in the same manner “inner peace” is the most difficult discipline still yet to accomplish.


            “Respect” isn’t something one’s given awards in school to make the self more proficient in following basic and decent and ethical rules. No.


            “Respect” is automatic and must be granted and given and beholden to all otherwise the self fails to acknowledge the most vitally important aspect to self-love; discipline and self-care.


            Ultimately, it’s not any teachers’ jobs to teach the discipline of “self-respect” and self-love in schools. No.


            Students must go on to scientifically and mathematically compete with the rest of the globe.


            “Self-respect” and self-love is any discipline which must be continually applied year-after-year in the home by adult guardians and parents and familial community.


            The modern excuse about how parents work too much “to put their backs into” parenting or to put in the hard work to discipline and care for their young is much too much malarkey to swallow.


            For close to 20 years I’ve literally heard and listened and watched the American parents become lazy and whiny and mysteriously vulgar and careless and apathetic about their children’s well being.


            Voltaire said something like: (paraphrase) “it’s not enough to be stupid one must also have good-manners.” Correct.


            Modern American parents have had it easier than any other parents in the last 300 years of parenting in this our brand new and young nation.


            Modern American parents have had it easier than any other parents in the last 3,000 years parents who went without flushing toilets or electricity or dishwashers or microwaves or hardly any papyrus to get a hold of to wipe one’s rear end much less for the luxury of reading.


            Modern American parents must stop their groans and whines and complaints about how much parents work since the history of parenting has been nothing except hard, hard, hard work and labor.


            2014-2015 Statistics show the average American child and teen watches 35 hours of television per week which averages to 5 hours per day then why on Earth aren’t children and teens doing more reading and homework and difficult challenging mentally astute critical analytical thinking at their level thus when American minors get to be 18 and cast their ballots then Americans ought to know better than not to take Fascist politicians at face value and critically and analytically think about policies and how such policies will be implemented rather than any politician’s mean-spirited and violent comments which make fun of people with disabilities or desires to ban Muslims from our wonderfully immigrant made nation or spews about how Mexicans are rapists or sides with the KKK.


            This is our time.


            This is our era.


            This is us.


            This is now.


            Young American adults must be persuaded to critically analytically think about politics and get to the Caucuses and primary and general presidential election otherwise all of this wisdom is for nothing and wisdom holds the greatest value in the world thus the “Great American Writer” exists alongside and intertwined with the American Dream.


            No, neither once have I ever missed one single presidential vote since I was 18 years of life and did cast my first presidential ballot nor am I going to start giving up my rights and freedoms only because I don’t like the choices before me.


            Do you know what happens when one doesn’t vote?


            When one doesn’t vote then one doesn’t get to complain or say anything about the president for four years since one didn’t do their basic and simple and wonderful civic duty to cast a vote.


            No, I refuse to go four years without one single complaint about the president of the United States of America since in America we have the freedom of speech and the freedom of expression to complain about the presidency without getting kidnapped and shot in the head at a garbage dumping site and left for dead to the mid-afternoon birds and the equatorial hot sun.


            However, if one doesn’t vote then one must be silent in all presidential discussions.


            When one doesn’t vote then one doesn’t get to contribute in the up-to-date modern presidential discussions since people who don’t vote were possibly cowardly or too lazy or allowed for their present situation to keep them at home rather than to get out and cast a ballot.


            Yes, I’ve walked in torn tennis shoes to cast my vote.


            Yes, in my “working poor” days of my mid-to-late twenties I took a shower and washed my hair and cleaned my face and dressed as appropriately as I did and walked to the voting booths even though I knew I would be sweaty by the time I arrived to cast my ballot without anything to eat nor would I most likely eat for the rest of such day since I didn’t have one single morsel of food or any money still yet my vote sustained me. I knew deep down inside my belly I did the right thing even though I would’ve loved to have had an emotional meltdown or a tantrum from hunger pangs and called it a day.


            However, my Grandmother raised me well.


            Yes, I know better therefore I do better for the sake of my health and the sake of all those around me.


            Yes, I hold the peace and silence since it’s my sincere form of intelligence to show how ultimately kind and smart and intelligent we are as educated Americans amongst a sea of perverted Americans who neither hold their tongues nor stop to think about how to honor their neighbors rather than to injure their neighbors with loud and perverted yells or high pitch screams of desperation.


            Peace through silence.




Americans must Learn


            Americans must stop being ever as angry as they are at the political system.


            Americans must stop taking each and every single word at face value.


            Americans must stop taking words as literal forms of communication.


            Americans must ask questions.


            Americans must not ever assume anything about anything or anybody.


            Americans must learn the general broad message of delivery without getting all worked up about words which aren’t even written down for most of the public to read and follow on their own time and in their own good terms.


            Americans must not choose a president by his hate speech.


            Americans must not choose a president by how many business bankruptcies are piled high.


            Americans must choose to do the respectful thing even if nobody’s watching.


            Americans must choose to become critical analytical thinkers.


            Americans must learn to learn.


            Americans must not give themselves the “jail free” card when anybody else steps out-of-line.


            Americans must respect their neighbors.


            Americans must be respectfully quiet.


            Americans must not lose their brains.


            Americans must not lose their wits.


            Americans must not desperately act-out of vengeance.


            Americans must stay cool while under fire.


            Americans must learn to be laughed at by their loved ones.


            Americans must learn to be less lazy and more appropriate.


            Americans must learn to pick-up their own garbage.


            Americans must learn to give grace and thanks rather than constantly complain about the status quo.


            Change only happens through discipline.


            Discipline is respect and love all in one.



            Yours Truly;




Word Count Goal: 2,000


Word Count: 2,234


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 121 + 2,234 = 2,355



One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #48 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable DVR commercial-free entertainment.


*)         Day #109 without disciplining neighborhood children. One-year vow of silence. I owe it to myself. I love it.


*)         Day #2 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #330 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #751 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #182 without a cigarette: I like it.


*)         Day #91 without yells or screams or shrieks at Eric. I love it. No, we don’t have “marital problems.” We have miscommunication challenges about “distribution of labor” and equal domestic partnership challenges about who’s going to sweep or cook or do laundry or once per week give our doggie a bath or vacuum or shake out rugs or clean windows or dust shelves or change out the bedding or grocery shop, or, or, or… etc., etc., etc… How Annoying!


*)         Week #3 without stress: We owe it to ourselves. I love it. Yes, Eric fights me now. I don’t fight Eric anymore. Why bother? I’ve said mostly all for which’s required to be said.


*)         Blood Pressure: 102/70 mmHg / Pulse: 80 (03/08/16)


*)         Week #74 work on 245 cholesterol (new #) as of June 2, 2015. I love inexpensive vegan food.


            HDL Cholesterol 50


            Triglycerides 241 H


            LDL-Cholesterol 147 H


*)         Month #21 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty-three and a half (23 ½”) natural inch high waist without a corset. Yes!


*)         Week #35 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #21 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #26 (09/03/15) on antidepressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 20 MG” (03/01/16 change of dosage.) To my personal chemistry and brains and mind this one single daily pill is exactly like three continuous cocktails “pumped” directly into my bloodstream 24/7. However, I’m not supposed to write about it thus I shan’t. No, I don’t skip one single dosage. I’m addicted exactly as when any baby is addicted to sugar candy.


Monday, March 14, 2016


“Only a fool or a genius rushes into print.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 12:51amCT


---  ---  ---


            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!


---  ---  ---


No Blog


            Three (3) times today our dog ate fully cooked chicken bones dropped on the ground into our backyard by squirrels from the treetops.


            The squirrels continually keep picking through our neighbor’s two-doors down garbage cans since our neighbors won’t close the lids to their garbage cans.


            Now we’re doing a nightly watch to wait and see if our dog will be alive by morning.


            Yes, I’m as scared as I’ve ever been for our doggie.


            We’re waiting to see if our dog...


            Yes, we’re internally freaking out.


            Okay, I’m internally freaking out.


            Eric’s as calm and cool as a cucumber.



            Yours Truly;




Word Count Goal: 1,000 personal journals


Word Count: 121


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 121



One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #47 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable DVR commercial-free entertainment.


*)         Day #108 without disciplining neighborhood children. One-year vow of silence. I owe it to myself. I love it.


*)         Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #329 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #750 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #181 without a cigarette: I like it.


*)         Day #90 without yells or screams or shrieks at Eric. I love it. No, we don’t have “marital problems.” We have miscommunication challenges about “distribution of labor” and equal domestic partnership challenges about who’s going to sweep or cook or do laundry or once per week give our doggie a bath or vacuum or shake out rugs or clean windows or dust shelves or change out the bedding or grocery shop, or, or, or… etc., etc., etc… How Annoying!


*)         Week #3 without stress: We owe it to ourselves. I love it. Yes, Eric fights me now. I don’t fight Eric anymore. Why bother? I’ve said mostly all for which is required to be said.


*)         Blood Pressure: 102/70 mmHg / Pulse: 80 (03/08/16)


*)         Week #74 work on 245 cholesterol (new #) as of June 2, 2015. I love inexpensive vegan food.


            HDL Cholesterol 50


            Triglycerides 241 H


            LDL-Cholesterol 147 H


*)         Month #21 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty-four (24”) natural inch high waist without a corset. Yes!


*)         Week #35 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #21 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #26 (09/03/15) on antidepressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 20 MG” (03/01/16 change of dosage.) To my personal chemistry and brains and mind this one single daily pill is exactly like three continuous cocktails “pumped” directly into my bloodstream 24/7. However, I’m not supposed to write about it thus I shan’t. No, I don’t skip one single dosage. I’m addicted exactly as when any baby is addicted to sugar candy.


Friday, March 11, 2016


“A fool loses, a smart man finds.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 12:45pmCT


---  ---  ---


            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!


---  ---  ---


No Blog


            No, I’m not angry.


            How one sided does America see me?


            Yes, I’m perfectly fine.


            If uneducated American parents perceive me as only emotionally angry then the uneducated American parents see me through their limited prism of uneducated chaos and laziness.


            Yes, I’m human and humans have more than one emotion going on at all times.


            Only I and my Maya Gods know if I’m truly angry or not.


            From the Hitler Pope 2016 who is responsible for tens of thousands of dead in South America to Ronald Reagan who was indeed and in fact responsible for the 1980’s murders of tens of thousands dead in Central America; such murderous men speak with silver tongues and pretend their murders away with charm and double speak and state dinners and legal torture.


            My job as a prolific and profound modern Maya scribe writer isn’t to be charming or speak pretty about the ugliest aspects of human nature to want to kill and murder and pillage and rape since human nature is destructive and hateful.


            Mostly all humans truly want to do is murder each other and since it’s illegal to murder then we do the next best thing such as go out of our way to idealize violence and go as far as verbally intimidate and harass and dismiss and disregard the respectful wishes of our neighbors to please be left alone.


            As humans we make sure we keep anybody down then we’ll feel better about ourselves if we deceive ourselves to believe we own others when we can’t even own our true natures much less tell ourselves the truth about our ugly and murderous selves and dispositions as humans who thirst for bloodshed.


            My job as a writer is to record and write what I see and witness and assess and analyze and critically think about any subject matter for a long period of time and possibly even decades sometimes.


            By the times I write about any subject matter most likely I’ve already given it much thought and consideration.


            No, these written words don’t step out of the page and stab anybody in the heart and if they do then don’t read. There’s always an option to anything.


            Let’s go Americans!


            Let’s get our critical analytical thinking caps on and be humane starting with our neighbors and co-workers and family members and friends.


            Children must not lash out at mature neighbor adults.


            It’s not up to parents to decide to the degree parents emotionally and psychologically fuck-over their children.


            It’s up to the rest of the world to analyze and consider if the American children cut the grade or cut the mustard.


            If our American children won’t in general be respectful then Americans aren’t good for anything.


            Americans must learn to control their tongues and control their public volume and control what they say to “perfect strangers” and neighbors.



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,000 personal journals


Word Count: 500


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 6,743



One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #44 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable DVR commercial-free entertainment.


*)         Day #105 without disciplining neighborhood children. One-year vow of silence. I owe it to myself. I love it.


*)         Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #326 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #747 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #178 without a cigarette: I like it.


*)         Day #87 without yells or screams or shrieks at Eric. I love it. No, we don’t have “marital problems.” We have miscommunication challenges about “distribution of labor” and equal domestic partnership challenges about who’s going to sweep or cook or do laundry or once per week give our doggie a bath or vacuum or shake out rugs or clean windows or dust shelves or change out the bedding or grocery shop, or, or, or… etc., etc., etc… How Annoying!


*)         Week #2 without stress: We owe it to ourselves. I love it. Yes, Eric fights me now. I don’t fight Eric anymore. Why bother? I’ve said mostly all for which is required to be said.


*)         Blood Pressure: 102/70 mmHg / Pulse: 80 (03/08/16)


*)         Week #73 work on 245 cholesterol (new #) as of June 2, 2015. I love inexpensive vegan food.


            HDL Cholesterol 50


            Triglycerides 241 H


            LDL-Cholesterol 147 H


*)         Month #21 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty-four (24”) natural inch high waist without a corset. Yes!


*)         Week #34 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #20 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #25 (09/03/15) on antidepressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 20 MG” (03/01/16 change of dosage.) To my personal chemistry and brains and mind this one single daily pill is exactly like three continuous cocktails “pumped” directly into my bloodstream 24/7. However, I’m not supposed to write about it thus I shan’t. No, I don’t skip one single dosage. I’m addicted exactly as when any baby is addicted to sugar candy.


Thursday, March 10, 2016


“The wise man conceals his intelligence; the fool reveals his foolishness.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Inimical (hostile, unfriendly, in opposition)


He was aware that inimical forces were at work.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 6:42pmCT


---  ---  ---


            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!


---  ---  ---


Let’s get over the word “cunt”

Let’s do.


Yes, children are able to be sexual perverts.




            Literary Disclaimer

            (Since I’m not selling anything)


            Yes, we’re working professionals.


            Yes, there’s money in the bank.


            No, we’re not volunteers of any type when it comes to our professional field.


            Yes, we work for money.


            Yes, both Eric and I get paid by our silent and private investors to do this type of work such as have me stand here and write from home while Eric goes to Eric’s boss’s posh broadcast engineering studio downtown, Minneapolis to Eric’s weekly “day job” because Eric loves the work Eric does as an engineer.


            It seems quite evident to me Eric doesn’t want to stay home since I assume Eric would possibly ‘secretly lose his mind’ (not literal) if Eric did stay home and worked from the computer while Eric stared at the same four walls all day long.


            Eric chooses to go into Eric’s boss’s broadcast engineering studio and “day job” which pays less than $50,000 per annual income salary while already on February 19, 2016 we surpassed Eric’s “day job” annual income pay for this calendar year 2016.


            We’re only 3 months into the year.


            We’re up to $80,000 (correction) plus some dollars in both paid for out-of-pocket annual car and life insurances and veterinarian expenses and optical expenses and prescription eye glasses expenses and a 3-week stay-at-home paid vacation expenses and we already donated our annual anonymous $30,000 dollars and etc., etc., etc.


            We’re good with the Gods.


            All of our bills are paid on time as our bills have always been paid on time ‘for richer or for poorer’ for the past decade together.


            Yes, silent and private investors do put money into our pockets then we put food on our table.


            However; However, we pay for almost anything we do out of our own pockets (private expert professional consulting) without much investment money thus we won’t drive up our total payment any higher than the initial cost of the dividend percentage points on the overall investment since financial investors must be paid on time over an extended period of time. Yes? Yes. Correct. Okay.


            Investors are no different than bankers with bank loans.


            Yes, one decade ago (2006) our silent and private strictly confidential investors invested into an initial bonus dividend percentage to get this website up and running (startup) plus at the time both Eric and I were an official couple yet separately running our very own private companies which both of us ran different private companies for 15 straight years until we decided to shut down both private communications companies (September 1999-December 2014) thus now I’ll concentrate on finishing the blog and run our home while Eric will concentrate on his broadcast engineering “day job” and engineering private consulting until we both retire in 2030 which is only 14 years around the corner for both of us.


            Since we’re breaking new pioneering ground with this website and this blog and we own all of our content then our silent and private investors were initially and primarily concerned with my stamina to prove to write a Nonfiction blog from a professional expert private citizen’s viewpoint on a public platform thus here we are.


            Yes, ever since I became ill with menstrual hemorrhaging in April 2009 (the same month we married) our private investors have factually acknowledged at times throughout some months of the year I do feel extremely ill thus I’m able to take the time I need to care for myself.


            Nonetheless, we’re on time with the blog.


            Actually, I’m ahead of our blog end date.


            Nevertheless, we’ll keep the date where the needle has rested the entire time set for May of 2020 which happens to be only 4 years from this May.


            This blog is a free service to the public.


            However, by no means is this blog free or cheap to us to produce.


            Since we’ve proven to be talented and respectful and capable and intelligent and smart and kind then the rest will follow.


            We’re in it for the pleasure and joy of meaningful work.


            We’re also in it for the money.


            Yes, we lost ‘everything’ and I do mean everything’ in the stock market crash of 2007-2008 and 2 back-to-back recessions going into 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016.


            From scratch Eric and I financially started all over again.


            The stock market crash of 2007-2008 and the 2 back-to-back recessions were some of the most difficult financial blows we’ve ever received and dealt with in our own quiet and sad ways.


            We lost tens of thousands of dollars in retirement investments still yet we’re smiling and happy with each other even though it’s been a lot of hard work for both of us to keep going and keep ten other families going through this tough period of never ending 16 year’s war.


            We’ve proven to be sure talents and capable to conceive ideas and literally engineer and breathe life into our brilliant and simple creative plans and intelligent constructs.


            Alone it took an entire decade to conceive the proper layout of this website without any legal loopholes thus we would complete our creative vision without anybody bothering us about it.


            No, I’m not an unpaid volunteer otherwise I wouldn’t be here with sore toes from some insanely weirdly developed calloused nodules formed within the last year of typing while standing up.




            Yes, in the past I’ve written about how this blog is a “hobby” or “free” which I have indeed written such words only since Americans don’t truly seem to understand the deeper aspects of mathematics beyond basic addition and subtraction thus there’s truly no point in writing about private investors and the stock market when most Americans have no idea what I’m writing about.


            The only reason why I deeply know the fundamental aspects to money and wealth is because I come from a long extended history of one East Coast family who’s led this country from non-slave Sea Captaining of commerce ships directly from monarchs to the start-up of some of the largest fisheries in the world in the late 1770’s to leading stock market financial experts into the 1980’s, 1990’s, and 2000 and…here we are today.


            The End.


            El Fin.





Let’s truly get over the word “cunt”

How shall I count the ways


American Uneducated Perverted Children


“Sexual Harassment”

Acted By Children

Against Respectful Adults


            Our neighbors’ children and some pre-teen youth two-door’s down remind me exactly of the “Loring Park” black old perverted man who’d unbutton and unzip his pants and purposely take out his penis and begin to literally publically masturbate ‘almost’ each night of the summer I would skateboard by his park bench.


            One day I stopped near the old black perverted man and while he held his black penis in his hand and rubbed himself I directly asked him why it were he masturbated each time I skateboarded by around seven each evening to walk Eric home from work.


            The black old man for a brain damaged pervert said: “I can’t help it each time I see you I get turned on.”


            Okay. Fair enough.


            Yes, something innately powerful about me sexually turned-on the black old perverted man with brain damage.


            However, it was the black old perverted man who needed to control his actions of public masturbation yet he would not.


            No, I hold absolutely no responsibility to the old black man’s perverted ways. The responsibility was all on him.


            No, I wasn’t the one who pulled out the black perverted man’s penis for him and publically masturbated the black old pervert.




            Time went by and as I skateboarded by the black old perverted man he would unbutton and unzip his pants and begin to literally publically masturbate his black penis for the entire world to see what he did with a creepy little smile on his face.


            There was nothing I could do except alert the “Loring Park” police.


            Even if I were the only person to alert the “Loring Park” police it was of essential consequential matter I did record the time and place of each incident in case the black perverted old man ever took matters into his own hands and went one step further than to literally publically masturbate and possibly try to hold down any woman or child against their will and possibly sexually assault them.


            Eventually, we moved to the insane suburbs and I have neither seen nor skateboarded by the black old perverted man nor do I miss him either.




Our Neighbors’ Children Public Vocal Perverts


            No joke, both Eric and I continually for four (4) straight years have been “sexually harassed” by our neighbors’ two-doors down perverted black children and some pre-teen youth whom for some reason will neither cerebrally develop beyond the age of 2 years-of-life nor show any improved public self-control or personal impulse-control to not publically scream or shriek or vocally masturbate in our direction or indirectly or directly at us.


            There’s something powerfully alluring about both Eric and I which turns-on the children and some of the pre-teen youth; either sexually or not.


            The emotions and dysfunctional actions of the black children are out of our control.


            We haven’t ever physically or literally touched any of the children or any of the youth or any of the teens since we don’t like any of the misbehaved and disrespectful and dysfunctional black children or youth or some of the badly misbehaved teens therefore we stay as far away from the perverted children as we possibly are able to.


            There’s something powerful about Eric and I both which the black perverted children ‘lose their brains’ and figuratively the children want to show us their private genitals if they could and since children know children shouldn’t show their genitals to “perfect strangers” and mature adults then the black children scream and jump up-and-down and gallop in our direction and aggressively make gestures as though the black children desire to either literally hit us or rape us or figuratively raw sexually fuck us and since the children aren’t legally allowed to rape us or able to hump our legs then the next best thing is black children “sexually harass” us with cat-calls in any possible threatening manner children know how to ‘scream their heads off’ yet ‘get away with it’ since nobody in their family loves them enough to discipline perverted children and ‘put them in their place’ and keep children from public vocal masturbation in the same manner nobody loved the old black perverted man to keep him from publically masturbating in “Loring Park.”


            Eric and I are kept hostage inside our home.


            Eric and I aren’t able to go out into our front yard and pick-up the litter the black children throw into our front yard unless we pick-up the children’s garbage in the middle of the night or in the morning when the children are at school or under the cover of darkness otherwise we’re “sexually harassed” by the figuratively horny and literally hungry and neglected black children two-door’s down.


            Yes, the perverted black children two-door’s down act exactly like perverts only the children don’t know it yet.


            We’ve taken child psychology and the black children and some pre-teen youth resort to perverted tactics to get our attention when we’re “perfect strangers” to the children.


            Minors ought not to address adults in any shape or matter of form.


            We’re not the perverted children’s captive audience to their public vocal masturbation.


            Minors don’t address or interrupt adults otherwise adults do get to know many different types of psychological misgivings going on inside any abusive home no matter how much the adults might ignore misbehavior or neglect or starvation.


            Neglect is legally abuse.


            After 4 years I’m personally beginning to wonder if the perverted black children two-door’s down are indeed and in fact sexually molested since the children won’t seem to get past their 2 years-of-life emotional upheaval or frustrations to take out the children’s anger on their perfect stranger neighbors’ who neither care nor want to be acquainted to the black ‘insane-crazy’ children. (It’s only a thought.)


            The little perverted black children and some pre-teen youth two-door’s down have some type of alcoholic brain dysfunction in which not only do the children take out their life’s frustrations specifically on both Eric and I still yet the children also aim to “sexually harass” Eric and I for four years ever since we arrived here the perverted black children have shown the same physical aggressive disposition and regressed emotional outcome to go out of the children’s way to show us physical and vocal aggression in the same horny-aggressive manner monkeys do address humans when humans frequent the jungle.


            To be “sexually harassed” by an old black perverted man sitting on a park bench is more understandable than to be “sexually harassed” by little black perverted children and some pre-teen black perverted public noise disturbance two-door’s down.


            After four (4) years Eric and I finally figured out we are “sexually harassed” by our two-door’s down neighbors’ children and some pre-teen youth.


            Okay. Fair enough.


            We’re successful and attractive people who smell wonderful.


            What to do about the sexual harassment of children?


            This is indeed quite serious topic of discussion since the “sexual harassment” against Eric and me has indeed and in fact been going on for 4 straight springs, summers and falls.


            We moved in August of 2012.


            The perverted children’s “sexual harassment” began within the first month of moving here when one perverted little black girl two-door’s down came directly over to our front yard and stood at the edge of our property while Eric watered the lawn and called Eric “ugly” to his face.


            As of this week we’ve finally agreed to get an attorney involved and draw up an official letter to tell our two-door’s neighbors’ legal guardians to please have their children leave us alone otherwise we’re beyond mediation and now we’re considering to sue our neighbors for their children’s four continual years of “sexual harassment.”


            Yes, psychology teaches us little girls as young as 5 years-of-life are capable of seducing grown men.


            Children have powerful sexual instincts thus strict social rules apply to children and minors otherwise children grow up to be public sexual masturbators with their penises in their hands who do in fact and indeed disturb the peace.


            Our city’s area code police refuses to write an official letter for us to go to mediation between our neighbors’ two-doors down and ourselves thus we must now take legal action into our own hands since there’s no help or real power coming and there hasn’t ever been any real city help or power coming to help us or any of our other respectful and astute middle income earning neighbors who have dealt with our other perverted black neighbors since the mid 1980’s. Whew!


            Since we’re all alone in our neighbors’ “sexual harassment” children’s perverted manners then we must now gather all of the courage and strength from a divine higher power towards respectful guidance from legal counsel and continue with our wise self-control and self-respect to make it through dysfunctional neighborhood insanity.


            Humans truly are ‘insane-crazy’ or ‘crazy-insane.’


            Neighbors must leave other neighbors alone.


            Neighbors must respect neighbors and be quiet and leave people alone.


            Don’t be time-wasters either.


            People don’t have 2 minutes to spare much less an hour to chat away.


            People are extremely busy with their lives.


            Leave people alone.


            Mind thy business.




Quick Finale for Today


            In October of 2015 at 10:50am while the black perverted children two-door’s down were at school I went over to our hateful neighbor’s to drop off some food and books for the angry and “sexually frustrated harassing” children and their drunken family.


            The grandmother answered the door and stood behind her completely torn out porch screen door square while she continued to give me the same old boring sob story she’s given me for close to two years (2013-2015) about how she “can’t” control her offspring and she tells her children not to swear at adult neighbors and to stay off of the neighbor’s yards and the children refuse to listen to her.


            The grandmother gave me the same sob victim story since fall of 2013 when I first began to make homemade non-GMO sugar-free all organic whole wheat bread for our disrespectful drunken neighbor’s two-doors down.


            While the fair skinned almost Caucasian looking grandmother who’s actually as black as night in her facial features spoke with slightly slurred drunken words while her thin pink and white nightgown showed all of her as the perverted grandmother’s breasts were completely exposed to me since her nightgown were indeed and in fact all the way down past her nipples as though she’d gotten done having sex still yet she decided to answer the front door anyway.


            Drunkards and perverts and public exhibitionists and the uneducated hardly ever make good decisions of their own.


            They seem to prefer the stick rather than self-direct.


            While the perverted grandmother is an exhibitionist; In the past the drunken grandFather has come outside of their home and directly talked to me in evidently slurred drunken words after I’ve either picked-up their family’s sidewalk garbage or mowed near their front lawn.


            As the perverted grandmother continually spoke I casted my eyes downwards and away from the naked fluffy doughy hanging breasts before my eyeballs while I stood on their front step and couldn’t wait for her rehearsed speech of woe and sorrow to be over.


            In such fleeting moments the grandmother scared me to death since I learned exactly what she is: a special variety of pervert; public exhibitionist with deeply hidden signs of alcoholism.


            As soon as the perverted grandmother was done going on about her sob story slowly and in a calm manner I walked home two-door’s down yet my brain ran.


            When I arrived home I told Eric exactly what I’d witnessed.


            Eric has always made sure he’s literally and physically present at home when I’ve gone two-doors down to bring food over there thus Eric makes sure I’m safe in case anything were to go awry in a moment’s notice.


            Before Eric left to go to work on such a specific day I told Eric all for which what exactly unfolded.


            Eric advised me not to ever again go over there since the perverted grandparents are in a continual and perpetual state of hidden drunkenness while they sit indoors and hideaway from the world and their true responsibilities to keep their perverted children from harassing the neighbors.


            Now, the perverted little black children have always looked clean and well kept yet the most essentially important aspects of parenting are kept from the children.


            The essential important aspects of parenthood are missing in the black children’s lives such as constant love and discipline and good nutrition and emotional respectful care.


            More later…


            P.S. If our neighbors two-door’s down directly or indirectly were once again to threaten bodily harm against us or any female adult family member were to purposely or indirectly make such harassing statements towards us such as, “I’ll fuck her up” as our neighbors did indeed say and in fact have indirectly verbally aggressively threatened in our direction in past summers in their own cowardly manner then there’ll be some real legal hell to pay since I’m not any type of coward when it comes to legal battle except when our dog almost gets eaten by our direct next door neighbor’s pit-bull then I’ll probably and physically go hysterical each time to watch our dog almost become mince meat.


            All we ask for is to please be left the fuck alone by our disrespectful corrupt parental neglectful neighbors and their stupid mentally ill children or minors who scream like shit’s coming out of their mouths instead of their bum holes.


            Please, LEAVE US ALONE.


            We’re more of any true and real problem or threat than people who pose fake power.


            We’re not our area code’s police personnel.


            We’re not our area code’s disrespectful 9-1-1 dispatchers.


            We’re not here to implement the law with a stick.


            Take care of one’s communication and actions.


            It’s indeed and in fact one’s self responsibility to implement self-control and impulse-control and be respectful in general goodwill towards all.


            Forget love.


            We don’t love our neighbors. NO.


            Get it through one’s thick skull:


            We don’t love our neighbors otherwise one’s life will be one big grand delusion of a disappointment.


            We respect our neighbors.

            We do well by our neighbors.


            We’re not confused about our civil responsibilities.


            We love our own.


            Stop the American corrupt parental harassment in local neighborhoods.


            When I write the word “cunt” it doesn’t give others permission to step out of line.


            Yes, I’m an accomplished writer and I hold creative license to make moral decisions about what I write to teach good and bad moral lessons.


            As a writer I must always be one or two intellectual steps ahead of the readers thus I am. Yes.




Indirect Threats are Real Threats


            Language isn’t limited to direct line of communication.


            Aggressive body language accounts for harassment.


            Communication may be direct or indirect.


            Indirect bodily threats are also threats.


            Learn to control thy self.


            Learn to control thy tongue.


            Learn to control thy bodily functions and volume.


            Sound coming out of one’s orifice is also another bodily function in the same manner as urine or feces or poop or shit comes out of our butt holes.


            Why are suburban children such screamers?


            Are screamers another sign for the sexually molested?


            Why do suburban children figuratively have shit smeared all over their faces?


            Why are the suburbs full of insanely creepy weirdo people?


            Does one know how one proves their sanity?


            One shuts the hell up.


            Nobody wants to hear their neighbors scream outdoors and go on-and-on in their desperate and confused state of insanity.


            “Cunt” is merely a word which won’t harm thee.


            “Sexual harassment” by insane children on the ground is real.


            Let’s get over ourselves and deal with terrible and perverted uneducated modern parenting which isn’t worth two pennies rubbed together.


            Why do modern American parents refuse to teach their children well?


            Why do modern American parents disrespect their neighbors as much as they disrespect their children?


            Why do suburban parents pretend like they’re soooooo tired?


            The pioneers worked harder than we have ever had to work in our entire lifetime.


            Are loud screamers sexually molested children?


            Is it true what the experts say about public screamers?



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 2,555


Word Count: 3,798


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 6,243



One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #43 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable DVR commercial-free entertainment.


*)         Day #104 without disciplining neighborhood children. One-year vow of silence. I owe it to myself. I love it.


*)         Day #3 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #325 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #746 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #177 without a cigarette: I like it.


*)         Day #86 without yells or screams or shrieks at Eric. I love it. No, we don’t have “marital problems.” We have miscommunication challenges about “distribution of labor” and equal domestic partnership challenges about who’s going to sweep or cook or do laundry or once per week give our doggie a bath or vacuum or shake out rugs or clean windows or dust shelves or change out the bedding or grocery shop, or, or, or… etc., etc., etc… How Annoying!


*)         Week #2 without stress: We owe it to ourselves. I love it. Yes, Eric fights me now. I don’t fight Eric anymore. Why bother? I’ve said mostly all for which is required to be said.


*)         Blood Pressure: 102/70 mmHg / Pulse: 80 (03/08/16)


*)         Week #73 work on 245 cholesterol (new #) as of June 2, 2015. I love inexpensive vegan food.


            HDL Cholesterol 50


            Triglycerides 241 H


            LDL-Cholesterol 147 H


*)         Month #21 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty-four (24”) natural inch high waist without a corset. Yes!


*)         Week #34 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #20 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #25 (09/03/15) on antidepressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 20 MG” (03/01/16 change of dosage.) To my personal chemistry and brains and mind this one single daily pill is exactly like three continuous cocktails “pumped” directly into my bloodstream 24/7. However, I’m not supposed to write about it thus I shan’t. No, I don’t skip one single dosage. I’m addicted exactly as when any baby is addicted to sugar candy.


Wednesday, March 9, 2016


“If all men were fools, they wouldn’t be known as fools.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: pmCT


---  ---  ---


            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!


---  ---  ---


No Blog


            See you tomorrow.







Word Count Goal: 1,000 personal journals


Word Count:


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 2,445



One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #42 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable DVR commercial-free entertainment.


*)         Day #103 without disciplining neighborhood children. One-year vow of silence. I owe it to myself. I love it.


*)         Day #2 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #324 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #745 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #176 without a cigarette: I like it.


*)         Day #85 without yells or screams or shrieks at Eric. I love it. No, we don’t have “marital problems.” We have miscommunication challenges about “distribution of labor” and equal domestic partnership challenges about who’s going to sweep or cook or do laundry or once per week give our doggie a bath or vacuum or shake out rugs or clean windows or dust shelves or change out the bedding or grocery shop, or, or, or… etc., etc., etc… How Annoying!


*)         Week #2 without stress: We owe it to ourselves. I love it. Yes, Eric fights me now. I don’t fight Eric anymore. Why bother? I’ve said mostly all for which is required to be said.


*)         Blood Pressure: 106/70 mmHg / Pulse: 60 (02/29/16)


*)         Week #73 work on 245 cholesterol (new #) as of June 2, 2015. I love inexpensive vegan food.


            HDL Cholesterol 50


            Triglycerides 241 H


            LDL-Cholesterol 147 H


*)         Month #21 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty-four (24”) natural inch high waist without a corset. Yes!


*)         Week #34 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #20 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #25 (09/03/15) on antidepressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 20 MG” (03/01/16 change of dosage.) To my personal chemistry and brains and mind this one single daily pill is exactly like three continuous cocktails “pumped” directly into my bloodstream 24/7. However, I’m not supposed to write about it thus I shan’t. No, I don’t skip one single dosage. I’m addicted exactly as when any baby is addicted to sugar candy.


Monday, March 7, 2016


“When a fool talks, he grinds much and produces little.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Inhibition (forbidding from within, holding in check from inner feeling, restraint)


Your inhibition prevented you from doing something that you wished to do.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 11:51pmCT


---  ---  ---


            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!


---  ---  ---


Our Local Veterinarian’s


Is one of our most

Stressful points of contention (strife)




Veterinarian Dental Cleaning Surgery

Tuesday, March 8, 2016


            In my lifetime I’ve only gone hysterical twice.


            Other times I’ve been any cool level headed royal cunt.


            No, don’t be afraid of words.


            Words are fleeting anomalies.


            Yes, when I’m a bitch then I’m a bitch with plenty of calm, cool, and collected sophisticate thoughts and psychology and eloquent swear words which will leave one chilled to the bone to discover I speak like a man defending his land.


            Eloquence combined with wit and brashness is unnerving.


            In the middle of telling someone else off, I'm able to recite entire Shakespeare sonnets. How infuriating indeed!




Pure Hysteria

(Our dog almost did get killed by a pit-bull)


            The only two times I’ve ever gone hysterical were once early last summer (June 2015) when our dog barked and barked and taunted one of two next door neighbor’s pit-bull dogs while the one dog’s head begun to come right through from under our neighbor’s 4 foot chain linked fence on their side of the property.


            The rest of our yard has a 6 foot chain linked fence. We love it and chain link is extremely handy for dogs.


            Once I saw the large skull of our neighbor’s pit-bull’s head ready to demolish our dog then my heart stopped.


            Yes, I froze with panic as I hysterically screamed and yelled and my voice begun to shriek and squealed with tremendous fright as I called and cried commands for our dog to come to me to the back walk-out door at the top of our backyard hill still yet no-go.


            Our dog was lost in his very own la-la land of make-believe as though our dog would eat the pit-bull if or once the pit-bull were ever able to get his entire shoulders fully through from right under the fence.


            Hot tears rolled down my face and I lost it. I thought I was going to pass out from all the fright.


            Not once in my life have I ever been as frightened as to have had to watch our dog almost possibly get killed in one mighty swoop of a chomp.


            However and nevertheless our testosterone ridden dog would not listen to my commands and cries and screams as the pit-bull further and further became enraged and stuck his entire head right through from under the fence where there were an opening while our next door neighbor’s dog almost did get a hold of our dog since our dog held his ground and would not budge one single inch.


            Yes, I froze with fright and my feet wouldn’t move. I became stuck to the patio bricks while I heard my voice scream and shrill with panic and hysteria. I thought I’d gone mad.


            One of our magnificent next door neighbors quietly sat on her patio chair as she observed the entire ordeal and didn’t move or say a word to her dog or did anything about her pit-bull for which his head came right through from under her side of the fence onto our yard to possibly kill or eat our dog.


            No, I wasn’t upset at our neighbors or their dog.


            Yes, I was upset at our dog for which doesn’t ever listen or follow any of my commands.


            It’s nearly infuriating to watch our dog have a testosterone Napoleon fit and not be able to control our dog’s out-of-control hormones and unruly undisciplined misbehavior even though we train our dog on a daily basis.


            It’s not like our dog has fake-pregnancy hormones rushing through his veins and into his bloodstream. No.


            Finally, I did get unstuck from my overlarge Men’s flip-flops and the patio bricks and in hot tears calmly walked half way down our backyard hill and over to our dog to pick him up and carried him inside.


            When we stepped inside and I closed the door I did the only thing I knew how to do. I spanked our dog once real hard except I was ignorant about our dog’s anatomy and instead of spanking our dog on the butt I wrongly spanked him on the side of his belly which Eric later the same night corrected me from my mistake.


            Not once and not ever again will I spank neither any child nor any dog.


            It was our dog who taught me not to take on such tremendous guilt since with spanking then one doesn’t seem to be able to get over administering spanks quite as easily as the spanked gets off easy and doesn’t have to be accountable for any responsibility.


            Yes, I’d suggest to any parents not to ever spank their children then one has to live with the shame and guilt of spanks for the rest of one’s life while the children don’t learn a single thing.




The Responsibility of a Dog


            On July 4, 2013 we rescued “Freeway” (our dog) and took him in as our very own family member.


            For many years both Eric and I discussed rescuing a dog.


            The discussion went back and forth since Eric truly wanted a dog and I didn’t.


            Continually I made the argument the only reason for why I didn’t desire for us to get a dog were since I work from home then I would have to feed our dog and walk our dog and nurture our dog and take care of our dog’s every single daily need. True.


            Eric reassured me over and over again he would walk our dog and daily change our dog’s water bowl and food bowl and bathe our dog and etc., etc., etc.


            In nearly 3 years of our dog living with us Eric’s only given our dog 2 baths or changed his water bowl a total of 12 times.


            Eric hasn’t once ever changed the food bowl. Eric stopped walking our dog all completely within the 1st year of our dog arriving here at our home.


            No, I don’t walk our dog.


            Part of our agreement was I wasn’t going to have to walk our dog since I menstrual hemorrhage. I let our dog out 8 times per day to run around a large hilly backyard and get tired out. Our dog gets quite tired from the incline.


            Yes, indeed I was correct about having to take on all of the daily responsibilities of caring for our dog.


            The entire care of our dog befell upon me. I do every single aspect of dog care from wiping mud off of our dog’s paws to wiping poop off our dog’s butt to weekly brushing his teeth and gums as gently as possible.


            Plus, our dog’s a barker thus my written work takes a huge toll since on average our dog barks for about 2 hours throughout the afternoons.


            Daily our dog did bark for about five hours.


            However, with much patience and training I’ve been able to lessen the time of our dog’s bark to only 2 hours which is ‘a dream come true’ compare to 5 hours nonstop barks.


            Not once have we decided to give our dog up to another family. No.


            Our dog is our responsibility and our love and our canine first born and our child substitute (not literal.)


            However, I don’t like the responsibility of having a dog even though Eric’s fallen in love with our dog as I have also fallen in love with our dog.


            Eric doesn’t have all of the work of being a true dog owner.


            Eric gets to play with our dog at nights after work and on weekends. Easy does it.


            Easy as pie.




Forewarned is Forearmed


The Church Quilting Women

Who’ve lived in this Area Code

For over 30 years


            Last July 2015, one of our greatest disagreements between Eric and myself for which took place was about how I’m completely and utterly in fact rudely treated and ignored almost anywhere we shop in our city’s area code by discriminatory hateful and embittered sales clerk women.


            Within the first year we purchased property and homesteaded and moved to the current city we now reside I was personally warned by a church quilting club of women about how difficult it would be to shop or run errands here in this city’s area code and current location since the checkout clerk sales women are extremely rude to married or single women of all races, creed, sizes and shapes. Okay.


            Yes, the church quilting club women forewarned me one of the most difficult times of living in this city’s area code would be to run basic errands and do mostly any type of shopping since almost anywhere I were to frequent then I would be directly and underhandedly discriminated against or be treated extremely rudely to the basic point of racist hatred or be treated as badly as an animal and almost or nearly be brought to tears by women who work retail. True.


            How correct both married and single women were from the church quilting club.


            None of the married or single women from the church quilting club do any of their shopping in our city’s area code since it’s one of the most despicable of experiences to shop in our area code especially for women therefore women who pay taxes to this city’s area code shop at other local areas such as Plymouth or Edina or Maple Grove or even some stores in Crystal, MN.


            Most women in our city’s area code would rather have any limb severed off than to shop in this local area. I, too, attest to the extreme bitterness and discrimination and hatred of this city’s area code sales clerk women who are embittered with passion.  


            Mainly I can let go of working Caucasian women at checkout lines being extremely rude to me even though Eric continues to shop at Crystal, MN Cub Foods while I refuse to so much as set foot inside the store.


            Mainly I can let go of the working Asian women at checkout lines being extremely rude to me and making sexual advances at Eric as though I’m a complete moron standing right there in front of them even though Eric continues to shop at our city’s area code Walgreens while I refuse to so much as set foot inside the store.


            Mainly I can let go of the working Caucasian women at checkout lines being extremely rude to me while agreeing with old bitter men about how the Holocaust was the greatest thing to ever happen to America even though Eric continues to shop at our city’s area code CVS while I refuse to so much as set foot inside the store.


            Eric says it’s my fight and not his. Okay.


            (Be careful what one wishes for.)


            It’s been years since I’ve set one single foot inside our local are code’s shopping stores such as “Walgreens” or “CVS” or “Cub Foods.”


            Yiddish saying: “Where one’s hated, never go.”


            Yes, one of my favorite places to shop for eight straight years was the Uptown, MN Walgreens. I was at home in their store.


            For years one of my many favorite stores to run quick errands were all over the New England area at their CVS’s before CVS were even known in the Twin Cities.


            CVS and I go way back.


            Yes, one of my many favorite stores to shop has been Cub Foods ever since 2006 when I did broadcast engineering for their national commercial spots and noticed Cub Foods had multinational foods from all over the world.


            Nevertheless, I refuse to shop in our city’s area code stores.


            Yes, I love our Crystal, MN’s “Dairy Queen” since the professional working women there are as respectful as ever thus I continue to get Eric’s birthday cakes there.


            Yes, I love our Crystal, MN’s “Half Price Books” bookstore since the professional working people there are helpful and respectful and know their literature.


            Yes, there’re many places I like to frequent in our area code such as “Fat Nat’s Eggs” in New Hope and the ladies at “Royal Pet” at our downtown and “Broadway Pizza” also at our downtown and our local “Municipal Liquor Store” as well as “Kings and Queens Tailors” shop.


            What Eric continues to tell me is the sales clerk women are embittered since the women don’t think they get paid enough money thus such sales women take out their anger and frustration and sadness on their customers and more precisely on the women customers.


            Pity since mostly married women and especially single women control the purse strings.




Veterinarian Dental Cleaning

Tuesday, March 8, 2016


            Tonight (03/07/2016) both Eric and I did the math and after 2.8 years of visiting the same veterinarian’s office their front desk staff refuses to apply my name as “Mrs. Gabriela Holm” to our dog’s records and care treatment.


            Yes, I take care of our dog’s almost each and every single need.


            Our veterinarian’s front desk office personnel resists to apply my official name (“Mrs. Gabriela Holm”) to any of our dog’s records.


            Yes, for over 2.8 years I’ve kindly asked and told and begged for our veterinarian’s front desk office assistants to please apply my name to our dog’s records in case of any emergency and they won’t.


            Tonight I’m ever as nervous as any human can be nervous for our dog’s wellbeing to have dental cleaning surgery tomorrow afternoon. I’m still not recorded as one of our dog’s official parents even though I take care of our dog’s each and every single daily need of his life. Enough!


            When do I get to be our dog’s mother on record?


            What if our dog were a human child then do I not get to be on record?


            My heart’s breaking.


            Yes, I love “Cub Foods” and “CVS” and “Walgreens” still yet I don’t seem to be able to set one single foot inside either of each store in our current area code.


            No, I can’t wait until sales clerk women are pleasant and civil and respectful towards all women in general as well as add me to the official veterinarian family records.


            Yes, I can barely sleep tonight.


            What if our dog were to die of anesthetic overdose?


            Yes, as our dog’s mother I’m intrinsically freaking out.


            No, I’m not on any doggie record therefore as of now I officially have nothing to do with our dog. Oh, my!!!


            What would other mothers do?





            Yours Truly;




            See you on Wednesday.



Word Count Goal: 2,400


Word Count: 2,445


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 2,445



One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #41 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable DVR commercial-free entertainment.


*)         Day #102 without disciplining neighborhood children. One-year vow of silence. I owe it to myself. I love it.


*)         Day #12 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #323 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #744 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #175 without a cigarette: I like it.


*)         Day #84 without yells or screams or shrieks at Eric. I love it. No, we don’t have “marital problems.” We have miscommunication challenges about “distribution of labor” and equal domestic partnership challenges about who’s going to sweep or cook or do laundry or once per week give our doggie a bath or vacuum or shake out rugs or clean windows or dust shelves or change out the bedding or grocery shop, or, or, or… etc., etc., etc… How Annoying!


*)         Week #2 without stress: We owe it to ourselves. I love it. Yes, Eric fights me now. I don’t fight Eric anymore. Why bother? I’ve said mostly all for which is required to be said.


*)         Blood Pressure: 106/70 mmHg / Pulse: 60 (02/29/16)


*)         Week #73 work on 245 cholesterol (new #) as of June 2, 2015. I love inexpensive vegan food.


            HDL Cholesterol 50


            Triglycerides 241 H


            LDL-Cholesterol 147 H


*)         Month #21 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty-four (24”) natural inch high waist without a corset. Yes!


*)         Week #34 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #20 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #25 (09/03/15) on antidepressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 20 MG” (03/01/16 change of dosage.) To my personal chemistry and brains and mind this one single daily pill is exactly like three continuous cocktails “pumped” directly into my bloodstream 24/7. However, I’m not supposed to write about it thus I shan’t. No, I don’t skip one single dosage. I’m addicted exactly as when any baby is addicted to sugar candy.


Friday, March 4, 2016


“A fool says what he knows, a sage knows what he says.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: pmCT


---  ---  ---


            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!


---  ---  ---


No Blog



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,000 personal journals


Word Count:


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 6,213



One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #38 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable DVR commercial-free entertainment.


*)         Day #99 without disciplining neighborhood children. One-year vow of silence. I owe it to myself. I love it.


*)         Day #9 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #320 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #741 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #172 without a cigarette: I like it.


*)         Day #81 without yells or screams or shrieks at Eric. I love it. No, we don’t have “marital problems.” We have miscommunication challenges about “distribution of labor” and equal domestic partnership challenges about who’s going to sweep or cook or do laundry or once per week give our doggie a bath or vacuum or shake out rugs or clean windows or dust shelves or change out the bedding or grocery shop, or, or, or… etc., etc., etc… How Annoying!


*)         Week #1 without stress: We owe it to ourselves. I love it. Yes, Eric fights me now. I don’t fight Eric anymore. Why bother? I’ve said mostly all for which is required to be said.


*)         Blood Pressure: 106/70 mmHg / Pulse: 60 (02/29/16)


*)         Week #72 work on 245 cholesterol (new #) as of June 2, 2015. I love inexpensive vegan food.


            HDL Cholesterol 50


            Triglycerides 241 H


            LDL-Cholesterol 147 H


*)         Month #21 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty-four (24”) natural inch high waist without a corset. Yes!


*)         Week #33 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #19 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #24 (09/03/15) on antidepressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 15 MG” (02/15/16 change of dosage.) To my personal chemistry and brains and mind this one single daily pill is exactly like three continuous cocktails “pumped” directly into my bloodstream 24/7. However, I’m not supposed to write about it thus I shan’t. No, I don’t skip one single dosage. I’m addicted exactly as when any baby is addicted to sugar candy.


Thursday, March 3, 2016


“A whip for the horse, a bridle for the ass, and a rod for the back of fools.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 1:11pmCT


---  ---  ---


            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!


---  ---  ---


Grammatical Notes


            Yes, correct grammar and correct spelling is of the essence especially when it comes to general respect and possible romance and eventual love.


            Between me and the readers we’ve made an agreement of sorts in which I’ll write on any weekday and edit as much as possible while I write then return the following day and correct my English as a Second Language adult’s grammatical imperfections before I begin to write the next day’s entry.


            Yes, I do us all a favor and the readers know it.


            Yes, I’m helping us with a complex grammatical puzzle therefore our minds will continue to stay sharp and focused and ward off Alzheimer’s disease together as we catch my ESL grammatical imperfections and misspelled words.




The readers know I do my best


            English is indeed a most difficult language to write much less speak.


            The readers are with me since they know how hard I work on weekday to correct ESL incorrect grammar and misspellings.


            The readers know this blog is about getting better at writing the English language.


            The readers know this blog is a free service to the public.


            The readers know I do my best each day to come to this space to write well.


            The readers also know I do make endless of grammatical and spelling corrections over the years.


            The readers know over time I’ve become a better writer.


            The readers know I don’t get lazy and allow myself to get away with bad grammar or misspelling.


            The readers know daily I’ll look up one single word 100 times if I were to need to acquire further and deeper and more profound knowledge or comprehension at the root of the history of any word.


            The readers know how important correct grammar and correct spelling are to me.


            The readers have finally caught on and learned all about how writing and editing are two quite distinct and difference functions.


            When I write then I write fast and get as many thoughts down on paper before I forget my thoughts which seems as though I hardly ever forget any thoughts since I keep notes.


            Eventually I’ll get around to writing about what I consider to be important enough to write about.


            No, I don’t ever run out of material to write about.


            As of today I’m 1,350.5 subjects behind the topics or subject matter in writing I’ve yet to address.


            At this point I only hope to make such vitally important subject matter my priority.




Writing vs. Editing


            No, I’m not Kurt Vonnegut.


            No, I’m not as brilliant as Kurt Vonnegut was in the fact Mr. Vonnegut was able to write and edit while he wrote.


            No, I’m not as gifted as Mr. Vonnegut when it comes to multitasking both writing and editing.


            Yes, I must first write then go back and edit.


            My brain doesn’t do both functions at the same time.


            Please, continue to have patience with me.


            This Nonfiction writing blog isn’t about perfection.


            This Nonfiction writing blog is about becoming a better English writer as I truthfully write ‘my truth’ and write out my life story thus nobody else gets to write my life story before I do.


            Only I may do justice to the writing of my Nonfiction life story and the times for which we live through.




Maya Scribes


            No, I’m not a ‘word smith’ I’m a Maya scribe.


            Yes, I see writing as the “sacred” since writing and mathematics and astronomy were some of the many intellectual pursuits and cerebral functions the Gods presented humans to conduct on a daily basis for scribes to record and write down the history of our Peoples without greedy politicians or crooked scholars or mindless self-important academics or Kings and Queens or self-interested business people to take advantage of the real and true story of our peoples and contemporaries of our times and of the age for which we live in.


            Not one single man or woman is of the age. No.


            To imply one single man or woman is of the age is to imply they’re Gods.


            Gods must always prove Gods aren’t ever to be killed ‘by the hand’ of humans since Gods in essence are part air and part light and part water and such combination is of infinite space and shape and form.


            Only tireless selfless brilliant thinkers are of the age since their (correction) work outlives them still yet their work must benefit the entire of the whole and not only the sums of its parts.


            Yes, I’ll be forgotten and cremated and all will be well and my body will become recycled energy and atoms nonetheless my spirit asks the Gods not to ever return me to this planet Earth.


            Yes, I require a respite from this human body and from this Earth.


            Yes, I’d like to be placed in any planet in which the species are respectful and kind more cerebrally advanced than humans with real factual scientist environmentalists and mathematicians at the forefront of leadership and there’s no currency other than what one can intellectually contribute to the greater whole at large and there’s sustainable backyard vegetable and fruit growth and the air is unpolluted and no children’s litter or adults’ cigarette butt garbage to be seen anywhere and space travel is any real-and-true daily construct available to citizens and civilians and our bodies self-heal no matter what we do to them and nobody starves and no wars since there’s no currency to get greedy about.


            A woman may dream, right?




Writer’s Gratitude


            Thank you to the 3 (three) million dedicated readers who’ve continued to return to these pages for the last 6 (six) years to read more of my well-done scrambled or sunny-side-up egg writings.


            In many ways I’m more grateful than anybody will ever know.


            We thought it would be only Eric and I all alone on this journey and endeavor until the blog caught fire in its second year (2011) and I continue not to be intimidated by all of the millions of readers from around the world.


            Yes, I continue to be dedicated to the writing rather than to the popularity of the blog.


            Although the self-portrait series is much more popular than the blog ever were.


            No, I won’t bring myself to even think about how many millions of people read this blog or I would panic and freeze with fright and might not again write thus and therefore I keep the thoughts hidden in a sub-region of my subconscious brain hidden from myself.


            Thank you;


            This journey is almost more than half way over (2010-2016.)


            We peacefully made it no matter what I’ve written I hold respect in my heart.


            With All My Love;





            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,000 personal journals


Word Count: 1,140


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 6,213



One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #37 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable DVR commercial-free entertainment.


*)         Day #98 without disciplining neighborhood children. One-year vow of silence. I owe it to myself. I love it.


*)         Day #8 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #319 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #740 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #171 without a cigarette: I like it.


*)         Day #80 without yells or screams or shrieks at Eric. I love it. No, we don’t have “marital problems.” We have miscommunication challenges about “distribution of labor” and equal domestic partnership challenges about who’s going to sweep or cook or do laundry or once per week give our doggie a bath or vacuum or shake out rugs or clean windows or dust shelves or change out the bedding or grocery shop, or, or, or… etc., etc., etc… How Annoying!


*)         Week #1 without stress: We owe it to ourselves. I love it. Yes, Eric fights me now. I don’t fight Eric anymore. Why bother? I’ve said mostly all for which is required to be said.


*)         Blood Pressure: 106/70 mmHg / Pulse: 60 (02/29/16)


*)         Week #72 work on 245 cholesterol (new #) as of June 2, 2015. I love inexpensive vegan food.


            HDL Cholesterol 50


            Triglycerides 241 H


            LDL-Cholesterol 147 H


*)         Month #21 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty-four (24”) natural inch high waist without a corset. Yes!


*)         Week #33 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #19 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #24 (09/03/15) on antidepressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 15 MG” (02/15/16 change of dosage.) To my personal chemistry and brains and mind this one single daily pill is exactly like three continuous cocktails “pumped” directly into my bloodstream 24/7. However, I’m not supposed to write about it thus I shan’t. No, I don’t skip one single dosage. I’m addicted exactly as when any baby is addicted to sugar candy.


Wednesday, March 2, 2016


“A fool laughs, but a wise man smiles.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Inherent (firmly fixed of one’s essential character)


Destruction is an inherent quality of a bomb.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 8:14pmCT


---  ---  ---


            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!


---  ---  ---


            Today did get away from me. I had other business and work to conduct. Cheers. See you tomorrow.




How to find Joy

In the small aspects of life


            Recently, within the month I ordered the coolest pair of colorful fashion socks from online Target store.


            As of late I’ve been ‘happy as a clam’ to look down at my feet and see my newly purchased comfortable “Human Heritage” “Aztec” bright multicolored fashion socks which fit like a glove.


            These specific fashion socks and I were meant to meet and be together and fall in love until the socks due part.


            My Christmas 2015 wool socks have begun to get too warm and hot and uncomfortable to wear around the house.


            My feet hardly ever sweat.


            Nonetheless, when my feet do start to sweat in the latter part of the winter season then the sweat becomes any noticeable aspect the wool socks must go back into winter drawers until the next fall season since it’s time to change into bright colored and light weight material spring socks.


            Yes, there’re 2 things in life I’m addicted to: flossing once per day before I go to bed and on average twice per day take my blood pressure readings.


            Plus, I have a slight sock fetish I budget for otherwise we’d go broke thus I hardly ever go anywhere near socks since I could spend our life savings on socks alone thus annually I don’t purchase anymore than 12 pairs of inexpensive yet durable socks. Ha!


            Wool socks are my weakest point since constantly I look for wool socks which won’t cut off the circulation around my already tiny little ankles yet strong as willow tree branches.


            Mostly with wool socks--the elastic around the ankles seems to cut off the circulation (not all completely literally.)


            My ankles get chapped from dry chafed skin around my ankles from the wool sock’s elastic squeezing my skin dry.


            In the winter it’s a mess to constantly keep up with chapped skin from the tight elastic of wool socks around the ankles.




No, not a foot fetish.

A sock fetish.


            My sock fetish has taken me abroad to far off lands to look for one single pair of athletic cushioned “runner’s socks.”


            The athletic cushioned “runner’s sock” is no more.


            Americans were ever as spoiled as we were to be made used to wear athletic cushioned “runner’s socks” in the 1990’s when we’d purchased beautifully crafted “runner’s socks” which were manufactured with real soft cushioned toes and heels made for retirement parties.


            Made-in-America athletic cushioned “runner’s socks” were a dream come true.


            Nowadays a different color is dyed on toes and heels of socks to make the socks look like former “runner’s socks.” Not the real thing.


            Nonetheless, today’s socks aren’t the fabulous “runner’s socks” we grew up with in the mid-to-late 1990’s.


            R.I.P. “runner’s socks.”


            Ever since the year 2000 the real athletic cushioned and well crafted manufactured American socks disappeared and went away all together. (Sigh.)


            Never mind ever paying ‘through the nose’ for an athletic cushioned pair of “runner’s socks” since such style and make of sock no longer exists much less finding one single pair of athletic cushioned “runner’s socks” in the year 2016 without having to go out of one’s way to find such specific make and model of manufactured sock.


            Athletic and affordable cushioned “runner’s socks” are no longer made. (Not to my knowledge anyway.)


            If athletic and affordable cushioned “runner’s socks” are still around then I don’t know about it and I’m out of the loop when it comes to awesome cushioned heel and toe socks.




Developed calloused nodules

On the inner edges of my big toes


            From February 2015 through February 2016 I dedicated my computer work time and writing life to a “standing desk.”


            The “standing desk” turned out to be the worst habit to develop and the worst trend to follow. Worst than cigarette smoke in my humble opinion.


            Not only did I lose a decade and aged tremendously within one year of my life with all of this standing up while I did my computer work I also begun to develop these hardened calloused nodules around the inner edges of my big toes.


            For an entire year the inner edges of my big toes have tremendously begun to hurt. I mean real serious pain thus I don’t talk about it with Eric since it would seem still yet another thing went wrong with my body.


            The Carpal Tunnel is bad enough as it is thus I haven’t brought up the sharp shooting pains on the inner edges of my hardened calloused nodules as of recently developed on my big toes.


            It wasn’t until recently when our doctor looked me over and he mentioned both of the big toe hardened calloused nodules. I did explain to him how painful they were and now my doctor believes I must go see a foot specialist.




Narrow Shoes are Killer

On flat-footed feet


            My doctor is quite proud of me for fixing my own bottom of my left foot excruciating pain problem.


            In January 2016 for a split second there my doctor thought he’d have to send me to a foot specialist and consult about foot surgery.


            There was a strong possibility I might have to have foot surgery if my foot bone condition didn’t improve or if my condition continued to worsen.


            In October 2015 we purchased one pair of medium-light gray tennis shoes with neon bright green laces.


            In December 2015 I began to wear my tennis shoes while I worked and stood on average of 5 hours per day at my computer.


            Little did I know the tennis shoes were “narrow” therefore the shoes begun to squeeze the bone at the bottom of my left foot and resettle the bone into a contorted position.


            The pain was much, too, much to bear. I didn’t know what to do since I didn’t know the cause of my foot problem therefore I tried to rub the bottoms of my feet with oils and wore different socks and soaked my feet in Epsom salts in the bathtub.


            For a second there I thought I was going insane with this newly and recently December 2015 developed excruciating foot pain.


            Then at the end of December 2015 I had a moment of clarity and the deepest part of my soul spoke to me and told me to take off the tennis shoes and throw them away and it’s exactly what I did in an instant.


            In January 2016 I was still dealing with my foot pain.


            On February 15, 2016 my foot pain were completely gone.


            My doctor asked me what exactly I’d done to alleviate and get rid of the pain all completely and all together.


            The answer is easy: for an entire month I walked around barefoot without any socks or shoes. I corrected and resettled the bone at the bottom of my left foot to get the bone to sit back down flat instead of forcing the bones into high narrow arches. Whew!


            My doctor is proud of me and so am I.


            Now I know what “Chinese bound feet” were like: pure torture.


            High heels are pretty dumb.


            Yes, I take pleasure in my new socks which don’t pinch or tug or pull at my toes since my big toes are still in dire pain. I don’t complain about it. Nobody really knows how much my big toes hurt.



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,201


Word Count: 1,274


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 5,073



One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #36 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable DVR commercial-free entertainment.


*)         Day #97 without disciplining neighborhood children. One-year vow of silence. I owe it to myself. I love it.


*)         Day #7 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #318 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #739 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #170 without a cigarette: I like it.


*)         Day #79 without yells or screams or shrieks at Eric. I love it. No, we don’t have “marital problems.” We have miscommunication challenges about “distribution of labor” and equal domestic partnership challenges about who’s going to sweep or cook or do laundry or once per week give our doggie a bath or vacuum or shake out rugs or clean windows or dust shelves or change out the bedding or grocery shop, or, or, or… etc., etc., etc… How Annoying!


*)         Week #1 without stress: We owe it to ourselves. I love it. Yes, Eric fights me now. I don’t fight Eric anymore. Why bother? I’ve said mostly all for which is required to be said.


*)         Blood Pressure: 106/70 mmHg / Pulse: 60 (02/29/16)


*)         Week #72 work on 245 cholesterol (new #) as of June 2, 2015. I love inexpensive vegan food.


            HDL Cholesterol 50


            Triglycerides 241 H


            LDL-Cholesterol 147 H


*)         Month #21 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty-four (24”) natural inch high waist without a corset. Yes!


*)         Week #33 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #19 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #24 (09/03/15) on antidepressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 15 MG” (02/15/16 change of dosage.) To my personal chemistry and brains and mind this one single daily pill is exactly like three continuous cocktails “pumped” directly into my bloodstream 24/7. However, I’m not supposed to write about it thus I shan’t. No, I don’t skip one single dosage. I’m addicted exactly as when any baby is addicted to sugar candy.


Tuesday, March 1, 2016


“Give the wise a wink, the fool a fist.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Ingenious (inventive, clever, skilled)


The writer’s answer was ingenious.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 8:08pmCT


---  ---  ---


            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!

            President Bernie Sanders!


---  ---  ---


Nonfiction Note:


            Writing’s any real and great and awesome humanitarian morality lesson about how to think about right or wrong and the gray-in-between thus one mustn’t allow for oneself as a reader to get all worked-up and hormonal or wrapped-up inside words since words are fleeting as is happiness.


            One must find the good in the meaning of words and not in the emotion of words. Yes? Yes. Absolutely yes! Let’s go!




            Find the good otherwise the reader wastes any writer’s time with trivialities.


            This is a writer’s journey and the readers’ quest to find the good in humanity no matter how “moody” or “troubling” or “irritated” or “exhaustive” or “redundant” or “justifiable” the message might be.




            In psychology: “There’s no such thing as bad people only bad choices and actions.”


            The beef of the matter is this:


            The readers are human and imperfect.


            Reading’s difficult work to accomplish since reading takes a great deal of concentration and comprehension.


            The writer’s human and imperfect.


            Writing’s the most difficult work in the entire world aside from standing on one’s feet all day long or digging ditches or shoveling snow.


            The writer writes out their humanity while the readers are allowed and get to share in reading of a writer’s life.


            How exceptionally bountiful for the reader. Wow!


            Before one may write then one must first learn to be any decent and good and great and excellent reader otherwise it’s anybody’s waste of time to complain about little ESL grammatical mistakes or insignificant details like addition and subtraction mathematical mistakes which do get corrected within 24 hours or as any reader who becomes unjustifiably frightened of an exceptionally well-oiled metaphorical machine and a well fastened narrative ride.


            Look around.


            Take a deep breath.


            My life isn’t a rollercoaster ride yet my writing is.


            My life’s quiet and orderly and disciplined and beautiful.


            Let’s learn to make real great differential comparisons otherwise hardly anybody will be sitting in on my advanced critical analytical thinking skills Ph.D. classes when I turn 72 years of life.


            Learn to control thy hormones.


            Be quiet and think before one acts or writes emails.


            “Mind over matter.”




My Mother-In-Law

Is my greatest Ally (friend)

In our Marriage


            The reason why Eric and I’ve continued to stay happily married to each other is because for one continuous decade (10 years) both Eric and I make it a point to visit once per month and meet and sit down and discuss with my Mother-In-Law and tell her in detail about our married life and disagreements and stresses in general and the foolishness of the world.                                                 


            Of course, we also discuss the joys as well as the beauty and some of the funniest moments in our married life.


            We ask questions about my Mother-In-Law’s life. We take great and genuine interest in her and her life in general.


            Eric’s mother doesn’t judge us anymore thus we continue to travel to her and sit around her table in eventual bouts of hilarious laughter.


            Eric’s mother also recently begun to realize how ill I’ve been for 7 straight years (2009-2016) with menstrual hemorrhaging and it’s any miracle I’ve made it to her home even in the middle of tremendous blood loss detrimental to my health.


            Over dark Finn coffee and donuts by the time we’re done discussing our imperfections and humanity then we end up in fits of laughter and cry tears of joy then we do know all’s well with the world and all’s well with Eric and myself and all’s well with Eric and his mother and all’s well with my Mother-In-Law and me.


            We love each other very much.


            We look out for each other’s well being. Together we find joy in the small things such as Freeway sitting up on his hind legs like a rabbit and begging “Grandma” for food.


            Eric’s mother laughs wholeheartedly then we laugh wholeheartedly alongside her.


            We don’t let ourselves get too serious about the stupidity of others.




Real Trust amongst Respected In-Laws


            In April of 2016 my Mother-In-Law will have been in a knee cast for 1 complete year after 2 botched knee surgeries, 1 broken ankle and ankle surgery and a 3rd correctly done knee surgery all accomplished by the end of September 2015.


            My Mother-In-Law happens to be my best-friend.


            No, I’m not my Mother-In-Law’s best-friend nor do I sweat it.


            My Mother-In-Law happens to be my “Elder.”


            No, my Mother-In-Law isn’t elderly.


            My Mother-In-Law’s a true and real hot babe.


            As of recently in the year 2016 my Mother-In-Law’s begun to allow for me to help her with her temporary knee cast whenever we visit her at her home and she steps out of the shower naked.


            For the first time in my life I’ve discretely and indirectly seen my Mother-In-Law’s naked body.


            For the first time in my life I’ve discretely and indirectly with down cast eyes seen my Mother-In-Law’s 89 years-of-life naked body.


            Yes, much to my surprise I came to find out my Mother-In-Law’s 89 years-of-life naked body is no different than a 68 year old hot babe’s naked body.


            My Mother-In-Law didn’t ever do drugs and drank only in moderation and didn’t smoke cigarettes therefore she’s beautifully preserved and extremely well aged.


            The realization of 2016 is women in their late 80’s do maintain their sexuality and good looks well into their later years.


            How silly of me not to know any better.


            Yes, I’m honored to have my Mother-In-Law specifically ask me for my help while she’s completely naked and vulnerable since I’m somebody she trusts well.


            After a decade of Finn Saunas this is the first time I’ve ever seen my Mother-In-Law’s gorgeous naked body. I’m beside myself and only hope to look as good as she does when I’m her age. Wow!


            The American misconceptions about age are much too silly.


            When people age well they really look good naked.




Quiet Finn-American Men


            This past weekend (February 26-27, 2016) my Mother-In-Law admitted to the full extent the subject matter about her loneliness during much of her married life to a most wonderful and exceptionally amazing community leader for a man who hardly ever spoke anymore than 2 words to her or anybody else for such matters and smoked cigarettes like a chimney after coming back home from the war and getting captured in France and kept to starve as a prisoner of war.


            For about 30 years Mom’s missed Henry Holm and to this day holds Henry Holm dear to her heart.


            If only once more Henry would sit at her kitchen table without saying a single word.


            She waits until both she and Henry may meet again sometime in the not so long distance future of about probably less than 15 years.


            Yes, I tease my Mother-In-Law about how most likely she’ll live to be a centenarian. She doesn’t like the idea much.


            She’s made sure to tell me her living will states: “Do not resuscitate.” Okay. Alright.


            There was a sigh of relief in me to discover another mature woman understood my concerns about married life to a wise man who is indeed brilliant and smart and intelligent and kind with plenty of common sense still yet barely speaks anymore than 2 words if he doesn’t have to either to me or anybody else for such matters.


            Eric doesn’t like to speak much.


            It’s not as though I can make Eric speak if he doesn’t want to because Eric doesn’t like chit chatter in his life since Eric considers hot methane bad breathed air a waste of his time. I agree with Eric.


            No, I can’t stand immature people who talk to fill-up air since they’re ever as insecure with themselves or immature or mentally disturbed or mentally ill or undisciplined chatterboxes unfair to disrupt the calm and tranquility around them.


            To have to speak or to have to listen to jibber-jabber is Eric’s personal hell. Mine, too.




Chatterboxes are Disrespectful

Of others’ mental spaces and state of mind


            Listening and speaking both take a great deal of concentration and eloquence and comprehension.


            If one doesn’t have anything wise to say then be quiet and leave others alone to do their work.


            At work Eric’s inundated with one insecure and immature chatterbox co-worker thus for close to 15 years Eric’s been made to listen to his co-worker repeat his resume and chit chatter about his every worry and insecurity therefore by the time Eric gets home from work Eric has nothing left for me which is a tragedy how Eric’s co-worker goes on-and-on like a young immature wife does when she’s newly married to a stranger she loves.


            Unfair yet true.


            This weekend my Mother-In-Law spoke with me about how to deal with the stressful situation at hand.


            Only a wife has the right to speak to or talk her husband’s ear off. Nobody else has the right of a wife.


            However, Eric’s co-worker has taken my wifely right away from me and speaks at Eric as though the co-worker is Eric’s wife.


            My Mother-In-Law spoke and shared with me about how for years both she and Henry would come home from work and unwind with one single drink before they spoke about their day because they both needed to relax before they could speak.


            My Mother-In-Law suggested I begin to do the same with Eric. Done!



            Yours Truly;




            P.S. No, we didn’t Caucus since Eric doesn’t get home from work until 8:00pm. Sorry.


            Bernie Sanders is in our hearts.


            Bernie Sanders met our through-by-marriage niece in Missouri in the past two weeks and took pictures with her. Thank you for being ever as kind to our twenty-some-things in our family. She was excited and happy. We were excited for her.



Word Count Goal: 1,600


Word Count: 1,653


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 3,799



One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #35 of no talking during any shared programming while watching enjoyable DVR commercial-free entertainment.


*)         Day #96 without disciplining neighborhood children. One-year vow of silence. I owe it to myself. I love it.


*)         Day #6 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #317 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.


*)         Day #738 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Day #169 without a cigarette: I like it.


*)         Day #78 without yells or screams or shrieks at Eric. I love it. No, we don’t have “marital problems.” We have miscommunication challenges about “distribution of labor” and equal domestic partnership challenges about who’s going to sweep or cook or do laundry or once per week give our doggie a bath or vacuum or shake out rugs or clean windows or dust shelves or change out the bedding or grocery shop, or, or, or… etc., etc., etc… How Annoying!


*)         Week #1 without stress: We owe it to ourselves. I love it. Yes, Eric fights me now. I don’t fight Eric anymore. Why bother? I’ve said mostly all for which is required to be said.


*)         Blood Pressure: 106/70 mmHg / Pulse: 60 (02/29/16)


*)         Week #72 work on 245 cholesterol (new #) as of June 2, 2015. I love inexpensive vegan food.


            HDL Cholesterol 50


            Triglycerides 241 H


            LDL-Cholesterol 147 H


*)         Month #21 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty-four (24”) natural inch high waist without a corset. Yes!


*)         Week #33 of higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #19 of one sleeping pill per night by mouth: “Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG”


*)         Week #24 (09/03/15) on antidepressants one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate 15 MG” (02/15/16 change of dosage.) To my personal chemistry and brains and mind this one single daily pill is exactly like three continuous cocktails “pumped” directly into my bloodstream 24/7. However, I’m not supposed to write about it thus I shan’t. No, I don’t skip one single dosage. I’m addicted exactly as when any baby is addicted to sugar candy.



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