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Policies into Bills to be made into Laws


Wednesday, November 9, 2016


Anti-prejudice women laws, or anti-prejudice gay and lesbian and transgender and transsexual laws, or open “Free Trade” markets, or Monopoly regulations, or EPA expansion, or universal free healthcare, or universal free Higher Education, or gun regulation laws, or anti-brutality police regulations and laws and anti-gun violence regulations and laws against black men and other minority citizens and civilians, or free childcare, or increase taxes on the wealthy, or friendly environmental laws, or free early childhood classes, or free public school lunches, or ending this 17 year long warfare in the Middle East and redistributing funds to veterans’ welfare and educational infrastructure, or immigration reform, or rightly so turning corporations back into what corporations are which is institutions rather than lending a false identity to corporations as individuals, or no oil pipeline through the Midwest’s heartland, equal pay for equal work, single payer healthcare system, or raise the minimum wage to $21.00 (twenty-one American dollars) hourly rate per increase (height) of annual inflation in the markets according to Mr. Bill Moyers’s information and research, or voter suppression laws, or free media without politicians’ threats or bullying or intimidation against the Free Press’s journalists’ or reporters’ lives who must get home in-time for supper and a bedtime story, or modern American infrastructure such as public libraries and public arboretums and public gardens and public sculpture gardens and public solariums and atriums and public planetariums and public graveyards as safe municipal services to all American private citizens and civilians or, or, or…etc.


Friday, June 30, 2017


“The best tailor among all the cobblers is Jacob the baker.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Sanguine (warm, hopeful, cheerful)


He had sanguine hopes that his suggestion would be followed.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 6:07pm CT


---  ---  ---



No Whining

No Complaining


“Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Fear Itself.”

                                            --- J.F.K.



“Fight for your right to party.”

                                                         --- Beastie Boys




Impeachment 2017



The F.B.I. is our only hope.



Cocaine and Prostitution

Will be legalized

In 2017-2018








The Most Dangerous Time

In Any Woman’s Life,

Is Right Before








No one person owns vocabulary words


            My deepest apologies, I meant to blog today.


            However, I might go in for an emergency surgery.

            Possibly internally bleeding from an erupt tumor, however

            Only time will tell.


            For the second time in my life I’ve been given one year to live.


            For the past eight years I’ve known cancer would take me out.


            Now, I’m looking down at the barrel of this lens. Yes, I’m at death’s door.


            However, I’ve been at death’s door before for the past eight years. I made death look good. I’m happy. I’ve had an excellent run. I made the most of my life. I was kind and smart and intelligent even when I was a crabby old man.


            Possibly, I might not live through this summer’s end. I’ve been forewarned thus forearmed.


            My goal is to make it to Duluth, Minnesota on Friday, September 1, 2017 by no later than 12:10am CT since Bob Monahan and I have plans to platonically see each other on such a night. Thus, I’ll do my best, however. No promises.


            Bob Monahan already very well knows I love him as my platonic brother ever since twelve years of life without once had kissed of any type other than “air kisses” or without any “make out” romantic sessions of any type or neither ever skinny dipped together nor much less stood around naked while filmed together or without ever slept in the same bed or room or without ever seeing each other naked, not once. Nope.


            Yes, as bi-products of our generation (the Xer’s) both men and women tend to platonically take each other’s arm or hold hands since one doesn’t ever know when one might require support from icy 45 degree inclined streets.


            Still without a cell phone or without anyone’s phone numbers thus none of my family or best friends know anything about what’s happened to my health within the last 24 hours.


            Plus, I wouldn’t want my family around, anyway. There’s no grace to pain. There’s no grace to death. There’s no grace to tumors. There’s no grace to cancer.


            From here on out I must go at it alone.


            We all die alone, anyway.


            It was lovely to be here on this little bit of Earth.


            Believe it or not: I love you all.


            Thank you for all of the love mail and hate mail.


            It’s been a wonderful ride.


            Thank you to the Amesbury, Massachusetts police who helped out our cousins on Wednesday night through their terrible car accident. Our cousins are alright. The car is no more. Our cousins were hit by a drunk driver. Peace.


            Life’s, too, much to bear at this moment thus I must go.


            Yes, I was here. I lived. I was a real human. I loved. I loved. I loved. I love you. Please, remember I loved more than I hated.




            Be kind and smart and intelligent with each other. It’s the entire point of this blog.



            With all of My Love;





            Yours Truly;




            If I survive these non-cancerous tumors then I’ll see us all back here on the blog on Wednesday, November 1, 2017 from Duluth, MN. I’ll go home to either, live and write the next great American novel, or to die in peace. Five years of remission. A year isn’t much time. However, it’ll be something to remember for the afterlife at “Flower Mountain” the Maya afterlife destination to be at or bust.



Post Script


            Correction from “Tweeter” to “Twitter.” Thank you.


            No, neither do I have any social media nor do I intent to anytime soon. I refuse to re-do high school all over again. Social media is something I’ll do in retirement when I have time or not.


---  ---  ---


            “Wonder Woman” is an amazing film. Thank you.


---  ---  ---


            Interviews with celebrities and thespians ought to be professionally conducted and kept thus.


            No, don’t “geek” out: No fanning out: during celebrity and public figure and artist and etc. etc. etc. such particular interviews which are professional interviews to be conducted for the purpose of work and for which one’s “bread and butter” comes from thus no “acting out” in pathetic ways or Minnesota doesn’t stand any type of professional chance amongst the giants such as New York City or Los Angeles.


            Professionally conducted interviews are work and not social hour.


            No “fanning out” since it’s incredibly not cool to come across as pathetic or needy while at the j-o-b.


            Yes, as a blue blood, I may socially reach out to any celebrities since I’m not in any need to make money off of celebrities by conducting professional interviews from their work. Nope.




            Keep it together.


            Let’s keep it professional.


            No eating off the heads of live chickens.


            Let’s not lose our brains.


            Let’s not be pathetic about celebrities or famous or whomever.



Word Count Goal: 1,000 (See you on Monday, December 4, 2017)


Word Count: 890


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 2,343 + 4,430 = 6,773 + 890 = 7,663


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #2 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #1 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Blood Pressure: 102/66 mmHg / Pulse: 86 (04/07/17)


*)         CHOLESTEROL, Total

294 (10/20/2014), 245 (06/02/15), 276 (01/22/16) 273 (04/07/17) 


            HDL Cholesterol

49 (10/20/2014), 50 (06/02/15), 52 (01/22/16), 53 (04/07/17)



296 H (10/20/2014), 241 H (06/02/15), 253 H (01/22/16), 389 (04/07/17) 



186 H (10/20/2014), 147 H (06/02/15), 173 H (01/22/16) 142 (04/07/17) 


            CHOL/HDLC RATIO

6.0 H (10/20/2014), 4.9 (06/02/15), 5.3 H (01/22/16) 5.2 (04/07/17) 



245 H (10/20/2014), 195 H (06/02/15), 224 H (01/22/16)


            IRON, Total

79 mcg/dl (10/20/2014), 52 mcg/dl (06/02/15), 137 mcg/dl (01/22/16)


            CORTISOL, Total

            19.2 (10/20/2014), N/A (06/02/15), 11.9 (01/22/16)


*)         Week #27 without any higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #21 without one sleeping pill per night by mouth “Zolpidem Tartrate” 10 MG


*)         Week #1 (09/03/15) without antidepressants specifically for fake-pregnancy hormones, one per day by mouth, no more: “Escitalopram Oxalate” 20 MG (06/21/17 end of dosage.)


Thursday, June 29, 2017


“We can understand neither the suffering of the good nor the prosperity of the wicked.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Lithe (flexible, pliant, easily bent)


The lithe body of the acrobat swung from ring to ring.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 6:50am CT, 7:08am CT, 7:15am CT, 8:55am CT, 3:37pm CT, 3:58pm CT


---  ---  ---



No Whining

No Complaining


“Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Fear Itself.”

                                            --- J.F.K.



“Fight for your right to party.”

                                                         --- Beastie Boys




Impeachment 2017



The F.B.I. is our only hope.



Cocaine and Prostitution

Will be legalized

In 2017-2018








The Most Dangerous Time

In Any Woman’s Life,

Is Right Before








Polygamy is a “Retarded”

and outdated chauvinistic concept


Monogamy is a real commitment to Love


Poly-amorous is another word

for “horny” without any

real responsibility

to one’s partner


            Personally, I don’t go around and judge people.


            Yes, I’m one harsh critic of society and culture, however.


            Any type of assumption on my part would be considered a mistake or possibly disastrous.


            Humans are quite incredibly complex and difficult to get to know much less understand.


            Humans are complex with fully fluctuating chemical compounds in the form of hormones and oils and proteins as well as riddled with illness and disease.


            Humans and our everlasting aging issues and physical challenges are real as we rapidly make our way to the grave and eventually will seize to exist, forever.


            “Polygamy” is a term for which defines the ability for broken-hearted men to go around and insert their penises into any women willing to put up with inconsistent and immature men’s overly sex driven overwhelming sexual urge to supposedly pollinate the Earth like bees which is a bunch of nonsense since modern woman still has to give birth to anything which is seedling.


            Women do all of the hard work of labor while men ejaculate and nothing much more.


            If anything, modern men ought to be “monogamous in love” while modern women ought to consider the adoption of “polygamy” and take on as many male partners as women desire, per se, as a far fetch example.


            Modern women are indeed and in fact “second class citizens.”


            Women require far more financial assistance than any one man does unless culture lays out the laws of the land with “equal pay for equal work.”


            No one man or one woman may ever be capable to fully fulfill or satisfy “all” of the needs of any one individual. Nope.


            However, men aren’t the sexier of the two sexes. No.


            Women are the sexier of the two sexes therefore selfish modern woman ought to dictate relationship structures rather than modern man who is by far more often than not nearly as magnificent as women are when fairness comes to equality and nurturing inclusive idealisms and an eye for detail or how to best change the world for the better since women mostly don’t own “a pot to piss in” much of the time nor have women ever owned much of anything throughout most of history, fact.


            Personally, I do believe modern men make better parents than selfish and monotonous bombastically spoken modern woman.


            Modern woman is overly repetitive and tends to talk, too, much and reiterates her exact same points without much of or any poetry or rhythm or rhyme.


            Selfish modern woman is more of a hammer than a flower.


            Personally, I don’t believe selfish modern women ought to be trusted in the same manner as modern men ought to be trusted since both genders are as different from each other as the sun and the moon, fact.



Modern Woman


            Modern woman is by far, too, selfish to make any good company for her-self much less great company to modern man.


            Modern women are indeed overly repetitious and verbally abusive and heartless and physically violently boring and unintelligent and difficult “to get on with” since modern woman tends to think or seems to believe the world revolves around what little factual information she knows.


            Modern woman is extremely unattractive when she doesn’t share or listen or wisely looks out for the benefit of others.


            Modern woman is better off as “polygamists” since modern woman is cold and calculated about potentially thieving the wealth of modern men thus men thieve sex from women.


            Modern woman has absolutely nothing to gain from modern man other than monetary means which most modern women are nearly incapable of acquiring wealth of their own since modern women don’t truly want to work long hours or as physically hard as men for anything other than to have riches materialize before modern woman’s eyes since modern woman is still living within the cavewoman idealisms and mentality of what her worth means which is to stay in the cave and hope to be brought a day’s hunt to clean and prepare and cook over the fire. No, thank you. I like to make my own professional money and save, and spend and share as I see fit.


            Modern woman even in comparison to modern man who owns mostly “everything” and smart not to give away any of men’s natural resources and accumulated wealth unless modern woman gives of her soft nature through understanding and calm force of nature and keen sensibilities towards boundless love and adoration of modern man otherwise modern woman doesn’t get to eat unless she hunts which is fair because modern woman is mostly a “hag” of men thus she must hunt for her keep.


            Modern men are mainly and mostly children therefore man is who ought to be “monogamous in love” while modern women are mature adults and ought to be the “polygamists.”


            Modern man doesn’t truly serve any function other than to propagate the Earth.


            Thus and therefore, modern woman ought to be the “polygamist” since modern woman is the one who carries the seed and must require financial assistance from male partners.


            For the most part modern man is a “deadbeat.”


            Modern man is lovely, however.


            Modern man is drop dead gorgeous.


            Modern man is absolutely wonderful.


            Modern men are by far more intellectual than modern women.


            Modern men are by far smarter than modern women.


            Modern men are by far kinder than modern women.


            Modern woman is hardened and made of stone and cold.


            Thus and therefore modern woman is ruthless and cold hearted and calculated natures thus more properly conditioned for “polygamy” than modern man who is warm and smart and kind and nurturing of children.


            Men are by far more willing to give of themselves to their children than modern woman cares to.


            Modern man neither seems to truly enjoy nor like the company of ruthless modern woman unless one modern woman is to come along as master of her universe and amazing and confident and the full package such as herself and her intelligence and her vagina and her emotional self control not to overwhelm modern man.


            Once every thousand years does one woman actually decide to step out of the cave and defiantly goes and hunts for herself with her own two bare hands.


            Yes, I’m the one woman to come along in a thousand years to step out of the cave and hunt since modern man has now left me economically destitute and with nothing after eleven years of service to the one institution for which is modern prostitution in the form of matrimony.


            Yes, I make a “sexxy” huntress since I’m extremely feminine and skittish and awkward girly-girl woman and defiant and lovely and bold and direct with a bow and arrow.


            Otherwise, modern woman thrives on the ignorance of female “group think” and what she may possibly thieve from modern man to selfishly keep for herself and neither considers her offspring nor financially supports her offspring since modern woman proves to be a perpetual thieve and pathological liar and tends to steal from the mouths of her own babes after the divorce custody battles are over.


             “Group think” gets in the way of modern women’s intelligence and ability to wholeheartedly trust her intuition or to become a fully established trustworthy confidant to modern man thus modern woman is for the most part sexless and without the ability to implement true kindness and smarts and intelligence of her ever evolving consequence.



The Stock Market


            Yes, personally and privately I’ve jumped back into the stock market with $38.00 (correction.)


            Let’s hunt.


            Let’s make a fifth fortune of my own since I’ve made four other fortunes for four other mouths to feed and have been left destitute and literally starved by all four other stolen fortunes.


            No, I don’t want to change the world. How absurd.


            What a lie to pretend to sacrifice myself to change the world.


            Nope. I’m not a lame animal. I’m cool. I was born cool. I’m cool now and I shall die cool since I know my weaknesses and strengths and limitations and ignorance and tremendous worth.


            My intelligence is ‘razor sharp’ thus what’s between my legs is sexier than mostly any other modern woman and their huddled masses at the back of the cave as cave woman screams and shrieks for mercy as “big foot” comes to steal the women or barter and trade women with the “Indians” of North America. Yep.


            Let’s play ball.


            Yes, I’m purely all wet vagina whenever I’m inspired by modern man’s kindness and respect and intellect and smarts.


            Power doesn’t make me wet. No.


            Money doesn’t make me wet. No.


            Kindness and smarts and intelligence makes me wet. Yes.


            The fifth fortune shan’t be shared with anyone else unless we were to fall “monotonous in love.”


            Since I have the awesome responsibility to care and provide for five different families in two continents then my hunt depends upon the hunger of others who may possibly starve in villages without running water or electricity or any morsels of food definitely not to be found anywhere in the sand filled baron regions and deadly jungles of destitute meagerness with the lifestyle intensity to get hunted by black panthers, literally.


            The literal jungle isn’t the “Wizard of Oz.”


            Modern men who’ve platonically befriended me and are here to whole heartedly lend “adoration” and “admiration” thus I shan’t perish off of the face of this planet without a goodbye or my last meal alone or the next great American novel written since the men inspire me to hunt and move forward.


            Thank you, to all of my platonic male friends whose worth is by far more than most modern women put together in the world. Thank you.


            Modern man does make an amazing woman out of me. I shan’t fail modern man, my best friend.


            Yes, my 30 years of friendships with my best girlfriends means the world to me. Men are different when it comes to friendship.


            As far as selfish modern woman is concerned, she can go masturbate herself while hard working brilliant men and I bring a “balance to the force” and sanity to this sovereign nation under fire from upheaval and turmoil.


            Now, excuse me, I have a fifth fortune to go and see about.




Mike Pence as the Devil Incarnate


            “Mike Pence the Lunatic”


            Why is Mike Pence Edgar J. Hoover?


            Why is Mike Pence willing to give the rich another tax break?


            Why is Mike Pence only interested in the interests of the rich while 80% of Americans meagerly live on $38,000 per annual household income for a family of four?


            Why is Mike Pence an irresponsible glutton?


            Why is Mike Pence greedy?


            Why is Mike Pence disillusioned by power?


            Why is Mike Pence a hater of humanity?


            Why doesn’t Mike Pence have any compassion for the sick, the needy and the poor?


            Why is Mike Pence willing to harm 23 million of America’s private Citizens and Civilians with this insane cruel and debilitating Republican Party’s quasi health care bill Holocaust?


            Why did Mike Pence sell his soul to the devil?


            Why is Mike Pence a daft and bias and senile man without any ethical moral values to do what’s best for 23 million Americans of this nation vs. only taking care of the 1%’s tax breaks?


            Why is Mike Pence such a disappointment as a child/man?


            Why is Mike Pence such a failure?


            Why hasn’t Mike Pence’s penis dropped off only to lick the anus of the very few 1% rich?


            Why does Mike Pence like to lick the rich’s derrieres?


            Why was Mike Pence chosen to be Vice President when it’s quite obvious Mike Pence holds an incredibly low I.Q.?


            Why was Mike Pence allowed into any type of political spheres or political office when it’s obvious Mike Pence lacks the intellectual forethought and know-how to lead the entire of America out of dire poverty and medical debt and student loan debt?


            Why is Mike Pence a bigot?


            Why is Mike Pence a hater?


            How is Mike Pence able to smile into cameras when 80% of America barely gets to eat one good meal per daily nutritional intake?


            Why does Mike Pence hate the children of the 80%?


            Why is Mike Pence only interested in his best interests and not in the best interests of our nation?


            Why is Mike Pence such a traitor to his country?


            Why isn’t Mike Pence in jail for white collar crimes?


            Why is Mike Pence encompassed in the dark force?


            Why is Mike Pence an evil individual?


            What happened to Mike Pence’s humanity?


            Will Mrs. Pence not show some type of mercy or kindness towards Mike Pence then the rest of the nation doesn’t have to endure his wrath cloaked in devilish smiles and bad decisions to implement murderous health care gas chambers.


            When will Mike Pence’s penis drop off?

            Oh, wait. It already did.


            When will Mike Pence be castrated?


            Why is Mike Pence a liar?


            Why does the media allow for Mike Pence to lie?


            Why is Mike Pence not at all in jail?


            Why is Mike Pence not at all an intellectual?


            When will Mike Pence go away and out of the public’s eye?


            Why is Mike Pence a coward?


            Why is Mike Pence a creep?


            Why is Mike Pence a degenerate?


            Why is Mike Pence a political pervert?


            Why is Mike Pence a fascist Nazi?


            Why does Mike Pence worship Satan?


            Who will stop Mike Pence from murdering our 23 million American people through an insignificant Republican Party’s health care bill disguised in the form of a tax break for the rich and the gas chamber for the poor?


            When will Mike Pence, the dinosaur, die off?


            When will Mike Pence go to eternal damnation for his obvious lack of compassion towards the American people?


            When will Mike Pence choke on his lunch while 80% of Americans starves at the expense of an incompetent and mean-spirited White House and Congress, too, wicked rich to notice the sheer starvation of Americans throughout 17 years of Middle Eastern wars?


            When will Congress begin to work for the American people?


            When will Congress stop with insider trade?



            Yours Truly,





Post Script Notes



Quasi Healthcare Bill

Tax break for the 1% Rich



No, Don’t Stop the Presses


            Trump, the maniacal circus freak requires for his “Twitter” account to be shut down.


            Why does “Twitter” allow for Trump to have an account?


            Trump is an inconsequential and foolish man without anything intelligent or kind or smart or compassionate to contribute to the United States of America.


            Trump will be tried for treason and beheaded at the guillotine.


            Trump is a lunatic in the same manner in which Mike Pence is also a lunatic.


            Trump will be impeached.


            Pence will be tried for treason.


            Paul Ryan will be tried for treason.


---  ---  ---



The Press is our only hope


            Okay, even though the main press media is shut out, I’m not.


            Yes, I’m a capable blue blood able to get my hands on any piece of legislative writing since my work as a contemporary intellectual thinker is analytical.


            My sources are invaluable.


            My sources at the Pentagon and at the F.B.I are protected.


            My sources know I’ll take the fifth, any day.


            Yes, I protect my sources.


            No, I’m not a journalist. I’m a nonfiction diarist.


            The behind-closed doors piece of legislative Republican Party’s quasi Congressional proposed health care bill is not only preposterous and absurd as well as downright cruel and murderous.


            Yes, from top-to-bottom, I’ve now read the latest proposed Republican Party’s quasi and murderous health care bill and there isn’t much to the bill in and of itself without any literary aptitude or humanitarian compassion.


            Mainly, the murderous Republican Party’s quasi and murderous health care Holocaust agenda in the form of an insane health care bill is nothing except a “tax break” for the 1% rich while the Republican Party’s murderous health care bill suggests the implementation and murder of 23 million of our American private fellow citizens and civilians which anyway we look at this situation: is genocide and a Holocaust.


            The Republican Party has “gone to the dark side” of their selfish dispositions and megalomaniac egos. I’m not able to go there with them.


            The Republican Party isn’t to be trusted.


            The Republican Party must learn how to property wipe their bottom from the front to the back otherwise one is capable of infection and death when one doesn’t properly wipe.


---  ---  ---



Mitch McConnell


            Mitch McConnell must be insane to implement such any tax break for the 1% rich under this new proposed Republican Party’s murderous health care bill which is nothing except proposed genocide and murder of the elderly and disabled and children of the 80%.


            If I were to get murdered by this Republican Party’s murderous health care bill for tax breaks for 1% rich then Mitch McConnell will see me in eternal damnation. I’ll scalp him alive each morning and each night for eternity.


            Mitch McConnell is nothing except some inappropriate Republican Party’s disillusioned politician who tows this new line of some “retarded” branch of the insane modern Republican Party.


            Mitch McConnell’s a traitor to our American nation and must be tried for treason and as a strong analogy beheaded at the guillotine.


            Mitch McConnell’s new tax break for the 1% rich in the form of a disguised murderous health care bill will literally get 23 million Americans murdered by no later than the year 2022.


            What does Congress do when they murder their constituency?


            What does Congress do when they look away from proposed genocide in the form of a secret Republican Party’s health care bill?


            Republican Congress gets tried and sentenced for murder whenever Congress proposes genocide.


            To our dearest Americans, as blue bloods we’ll do anything in our power to stop the Republican Party’s murderous Congress on its tracks.


            Republican Congress can go lick each others’ anuses while they tickle each others’ genitalia.


---  ---  ---



Our Somali peeps’ family is now in the U.S.A.

(We give thanks and praise to Allah)


            As of this week, we’ve successfully established contact with our Somali friends’ family engineers here on the ground in the U.S.A. in Ohio.


            We’re waiting to hear about our best friends who are medical doctors in Iran and best friends’ family in Sudan.


            If we’re able to get our people out of the Middle East without any provocation or insolence from the Trump administration then we will.


---  ---  ---



What a difference another

24 hours makes


            Within the last 48 hours I hit the ground running.


            Not only did I find finance for another three years to this blog, I also found finance for five different families in five different countries and two different continents then I won’t have to worry about our peoples’ families and our third world blood family and relatives for the next decade.


            Within the last 24 hours I’ve written three short stories:


            200 page novels each.


            Yes, I pulled a “Jo.”


            A “Jo” is when the made-up fiction character in “Little Women” writes her literary masterpiece in one night mainly because the main character is struck by grief.


I wrote


“Aillee’s Cries”

“Phoenix’s Digital World”

“The Overwhelmed Quiet Little Boy”


            Okay, I’m coming in “fast and furious.”


            There’s no more time to mess about.


            There’s no time to waste.


            Yes, I’m the next real Shakespeare.


            Yes, I live. I’m real. I breathe. I pass bodily function. I sweat.


            Yes, I smell bad when I live in the woods of Wisconsin 45 minutes out of Duluth, MN.


            Yes, in the mornings I have bad breath.


            Yes, as any other human I decay at a much faster rate from non-cancerous tumors.


            Yes, my name stands for something vastly important.


            Yes, my literary work is worth more than most.


            Yes, my Salvadorian Ancient Maya Ancestors as scribes and writers guide my writing hand.


            Yes, bloggers are diarists. Lovely.


            No, bloggers aren’t journalists. No. No. No.


            Most writers aren’t blue bloods with incredible amount of socio-political power and say in this world.


            Yes, I’m the next Einstein.


            The next Tolstoy.


            The next Kennedy.


            The next person to change the trajectory of our times.


            No, I’m not here to change the world. Only to ease pain.


            Yes, I’m here. I hear thee. I see thee.


            Yes, I know my worth as an intellectual literary mind.


            This world wants to play ball? Okay.


            Let’s play ball, then.


            We come from a family of minor league players who gave up their dreams to play major league ball.


            Instead our family members put on service uniforms and went off and fought in the Korean War.


            Our family will sacrifice our dreams for our country.


            Country comes first and I’m not even a diehard patriot, either.


            Since I’m petite and awkward girly-girl woman with a broken toe then I shan’t put on any service uniform, however… I’m here to intellectually fight for the Constitutional Rights and Civil Liberties of our American People and I’ll do it one word at a time.


            As a water-down imaginary metaphor: Trump’s lucky the American people don’t go and find themselves a martyr willing to castrate Trump.


            Before this is all over: I’m personally frightened for Trump and project Trump and his oligarch will be literally murdered since most of history teaches us oligarchs and monarchs and tyrants do get murdered and killed by The People when oligarchs and tyrants only lookout for their best interests and the best interests of their families and leave the rest of any nation to starve on their own.


            Personally, I think Trump will be assassinated before his term is over. I hope not since I don’t believe in castration or murder.


            Raise some voice and call Congress and complain thy little hearts out. Let Congress know what lunacy this is all about.


---  ---  ---



The Stock Market

Anything I touch turns to gold


            As of this morning, I got into the game simply because my hand was forced. I’m only in the game to win otherwise stop wasting my time with frivolous genocide and Holocausts proposed and disguised as murderous health care bills.


            Please, don’t gross me out. I’m, too, lovely to be grossed out.


            Yes, I’m a ruthless and fierce competitor in the form and shape of kindness and intelligence and compassion and smarts.


            No one, not, even, Congress will get our American people murdered or take any more advantage of the average taxpaying American citizen and civilian populations since 80% of America starves through 17 years’ war.


            Across the world, bloggers get murdered for writing down their thoughts thus I must finish what I’ve started.


            If, anything, I must finish what I’ve started as a private diarist simply to honor the fierce independence and the many war torn voices of many bloggers and diarists who are kept in jails and kept from informing the rest of the world about how dire the situation is on the ground in Russia and Crimea and Syria and Yemen and, and, and…


            No, I’m not moving from this little bit of Earth.


            Information freely comes to me.

            Information is power.


            Yes, I hold the power to destroy the evil within us all.




            There’s only peace otherwise what’s the alternative?


            Genocide in the form of a health care bill?


            No, absolutely not. I don’t think so.


            Yes, I’m absolutely disgusted by Republican Party’s Congress and Trump the cruel abuser and bully of the world.


            Let’s play.


            Not all’s fair in love and war.


            Now, please, excuse me.


            Yes, I have far more dire business to attend to than write diary entries.


            Yes, Venezuela is always in my heart since factually my birth grandmother “Concha” was the head cook for the Venezuelan consulate.


            Tyrants must be fought with diplomacy.


            Here goes nothing.


---  ---  ---


My “She-Shed” is awesome.


            However, on-and-off since March 2017, I’ve slept in my “She-Shed” and I’ve now acquired the worst hacking cough for which won’t go away. I refuse to take antibiotics. I refuse.


            In this modern era of convenience, I have to admit circumstances rather tragic and pathetic how women have to go outdoors to be able to get some “peace and quiet” while the cold is terrible for lung function and the heat is unbearable.


            We live in a pathetic American culture of hatred ‘couched’ as “pretty” or “fun” or “commercial” or “competitive” when the reality is plainly tragic and pathetic for American women as “second class citizens” with stupid “She-Sheds” rather than lovely indoor studies or heated art studios.


            Personally, I don’t like how cold or insanely hot my “She-Shed” gets depending on different times of day or night.


            A “She-Shed” is another expression for how repressed and sad and lonely American women are as “second class citizens.”


            Yep. I love my humble “She-Shed.”


            My humble “She-Shed” has gotten me through an enduring spring and summer; however, it’s no piece of apple pie to live outdoors.


            My health has taken on a toll for the worse while living outdoors.


            No, I’m not well. I’m actually quite ill and in dire abdominal pain from non-cancerous uterine fibroid tumors and the thinning in the lining of my stomach from 2 straight years on 20MG of Escitalopram.


            “She-Shed” is another great way for modern American women to realize how repressed and impoverished and oppressed women truly are in a culture for which silently hates women, however, takes advantage of women’s sexuality, compassion, hard work and intelligence.


            After eleven years of hard work, dedication and service I ended up in a “She-Shed” to acquire bronchitis. Ha. Now, it’s funny when I think about how stupid the entire “She-Shed” concept is.


            A “She-Shed” is simply and literally a glorified dog house.



Word Count Goal: 4,000 (See you on Monday, December 4, 2017)


Word Count: 4,430


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 2,343 + 4,430 = 6,773


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #1 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Blood Pressure: 102/66 mmHg / Pulse: 86 (04/07/17)


*)         CHOLESTEROL, Total

294 (10/20/2014), 245 (06/02/15), 276 (01/22/16) 273 (04/07/17) 


            HDL Cholesterol

49 (10/20/2014), 50 (06/02/15), 52 (01/22/16), 53 (04/07/17)



296 H (10/20/2014), 241 H (06/02/15), 253 H (01/22/16), 389 (04/07/17) 



186 H (10/20/2014), 147 H (06/02/15), 173 H (01/22/16) 142 (04/07/17) 


            CHOL/HDLC RATIO

6.0 H (10/20/2014), 4.9 (06/02/15), 5.3 H (01/22/16) 5.2 (04/07/17) 



245 H (10/20/2014), 195 H (06/02/15), 224 H (01/22/16)


            IRON, Total

79 mcg/dl (10/20/2014), 52 mcg/dl (06/02/15), 137 mcg/dl (01/22/16)


            CORTISOL, Total

            19.2 (10/20/2014), N/A (06/02/15), 11.9 (01/22/16)


*)         Week #27 without any higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #21 without one sleeping pill per night by mouth “Zolpidem Tartrate” 10 MG


*)         Week #1 (09/03/15) without antidepressants specifically for fake-pregnancy hormones, one per day by mouth, no more: “Escitalopram Oxalate” 20 MG (06/21/17 end of dosage.)


Tuesday, June 27, 2017


“No man may buy a beast, an animal, or a bird until he has provided food for it.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Scurried (hastened briskly, scampered)


The students scurried to their seats when the teacher entered the room.

---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 5:23pm CT


---  ---  ---



No Whining

No Complaining


“Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Fear Itself.”

                                            --- J.F.K.



“Fight for your right to party.”

                                                         --- Beastie Boys




Impeachment 2017



The F.B.I. is our only hope.



Cocaine and Prostitution

Will be legalized

In 2017-2018








The Most Dangerous Time

In Any Woman’s Life,

Is Right Before








Modern woman isn’t a feminist

Modern woman is insane


People under the age of 35

Are indeed factually “mentally ill”


            Modern science informs us mostly anyone younger than 35 is factually considered “mentally ill” and without fully developed cerebral chemical function thus I don’t wish to be socially involved with anyone younger than 35 since people under 35 are actually “mentally ill” and annoying to listen to them describe in detail their sexual encounters and sexual partners and sexual pursuits.


            Yes, I may be 40, however.


            In many ways, more than ever before in my life, I’ve now finally begun to ‘hit my stride’ and become sexier as well as intellectually fully rounded and sensually secure within myself and my monogamous sexuality and non flirtatious nature. Rather a blunt instrument.


            Youth is overrated in America while the rest of the world knows and has already known for quite some time about how most humans don’t truly become “sexy” until the age of 40 through 70.


            After 80, well, I know all about 80 year old people and they truly do lose their sensuality and sexuality due to bad health and old age and bitterness and selfishness and hatred.


            No matter how old and wizen anyone under the age of 35 may think of me: well, at least, I’ve factually proven not to be “mentally ill” which is a great “consolation price” to me and to my intellectual pursuits to have factually proven to be sane as of December 31, 2014 when I was kicked out of psychological talk therapy and told not to ever again return back to therapy unless with a judge court order.


            Now, I’ve been greatly influenced by New England culture.


            Yes, in communication I’m extremely direct and forward and blunt since I live with non-cancerous fibroid tumors and non-cancerous thyroid tumors thus I find speech and communication important and of the essence to continue to be anything except direct and respectful and straight forward since life’s short.


            Yes, my body is now 145 pounds and 5’3”. I have a little bit of fat in all the right places such as my voluptuous breasts and petite stomach and non-existent hips, however.


            As I’ve discovered over the decades I’m a major power house.


            My physical strength is the literal equivalent of ten men.


            My intellect is the equivalent of about one hundred Harvard men.


            My sexuality is worth more than most men in the world.


            My intellect is my sexuality.


            My sexuality is my intellect.


            My humanity is one. I’m one with myself.


            It’s difficult to explain to women under the age of 35 how it feels to be 40.


            Free of all of the old dusty conventions which hold modern women back filled and ridden with insecurities before the age of 35.


            No, I have absolutely no insecurities about my body or intellect or smarts or kindness.


            No, I hold absolutely no insecurities about my intellect.


            Yes, I’m highly intellectual and will “land on my feet.”


            Yes, I’m a ‘hot babe’ and hot babes only come around once every one thousand years since to have the full package of intellect and body and soul and heart is rare.


            Yes, I have more to offer than fifty million women under the age of 35.


            Yes, even though I’m not any type of flirt, I ooze with intellectual sensuality since my mind is intact and fierce and capable of any such beauty.


            Yes, I was born for greatness even though I keep putting greatness off since I’m extremely shy and don’t like, too, much attention.


            Yes, this broken toe makes me incredibly awkward.


            Yes, I’m finally not afraid to become an incredibly awesome human since nothing’s holding me back.


            No one will ever hold me back again.


            No one will ever set mediocre rules for which I must abide by.


            Yes, I still believe in monogamous love.


            Yes, I must peacefully co-exist alongside modern men.


            Yes, I platonically love men.


            Yes, men make me feel safe.


            No, women don’t make me feel safe.


            No, most modern women don’t make me feel safe unless they’re kind, and smart, and intelligent women, which is rare to find such women in modern American culture and in society.


            Mainly women are after men’s money.


            Not ever have I been in pursuit of men’s money.


            As far as I know I’m capable and smart and kind and intelligent enough to be in pursuit of my own wealth since I’m what’s known as the “Golden Goose” who lays eggs of gold and anything I touch turns to gold.


            Yes, Duluth, Minnesota still holds a grudge against my Bostonian forward and blunt communication skills and style.


            Oh, well.


            Like I care. I don’t. I’m now 40 and turned out more Bostonian than Minnesotan since I uphold to truthful and direct standards of communication.


            Yes, I’m no longer afraid of Duluth, Minnesota.


            Duluth has a lot to prove to me since I’ve already proven to be magnificent and kind and intelligent and smart.



Summer Courage


            Well, within this summer, my personal goal as a blue blood is to gather enough courage to get in direct contact with Mr. Bill Maher and Mr. Brad Pitt, except I get shy and hide and run away to the woods thus I’ve been putting off contacting Bill Maher for the past five years.


            Knowing me, I probably won’t gather enough courage anytime soon to directly contact Bill Maher then Bill Maher and I’ll grow old and die without ever meeting. Hopefully, not.


            Something tells me Bill Maher and I are meant to be good intellectual friends and if, not, then at least mutually consenting lovers of some form or another with or without sex.


            Yes, this year I hope to establish a respectful and intellectual and smart and kind and compassionate direct line of communication with Bill Maher.


            Hopefully I’ll be able to invite Bill Maher to meet me in Duluth, MN for a Coney Island hot dog over lunch on First Street.


            Well, I have a plan.


            The question is: will I have enough courage?

            Most likely not.








            Men, I see thee. I hear thee.



Duluth Love?

Surely, not


            What if I were to fall in love with a Duluth, MN man?


            Hardly. I highly doubt it.


            Minnesota men hardly ever gather up the courage to ask me out on romantic non-sexual dinner dates.


            Men love to own me, however.


            Most men don’t ever have the courage to ask me out to dinner.


            Indubitably, I went years without being asked out on non-sexual dinner dates with Duluth men. I don’t think it’ll be any different this time around. I’m told I’m extremely difficult to catch as well as incredibly intimidating even though I can go quiet for weeks at a time.


            Los Angeles, already knows I’ll land there September 1, 2020 unless. Love catches me first.


            No, I shan’t head to New York City to publish the next great American novel since my good friend Nick Byrd from the University of Iowa has two published novels and an agent and a publisher and he ought to know someone since Mr. Nick Byrd’s been reviewed in the New York Times then our mutual platonic love and respect for each other might be able to carry us through this literary endeavor of mine.


            No, I don’t want to be famous since I have neither the time nor personality for fame.


            However, the next great American novel must sell worldwide thus I might be able to continue to eat and write since we must admit this isn’t half bad and extremely juicy and fun.



            With All of My Love;





            P.S. I have a man I must go and see about in Los Angeles.








            What a difference 24 hours makes.


            Finally, I’ve found finance for the blog to finish up the last three years of literary practice.


            Personally, I refuse to take out business loans to finance this blog.


            Personally, I refuse to take on anymore multimillion dollar investor loans since investor loans are more like bank loans and must be paid back.


            Since, December 31, 2014 when the accountants dissolved “Taviette Film Productions” all of my multimillion dollar investors have been paid back in full.


            As of this very present moment I have $10,000 in personal debt to the Department of Education.


            Otherwise, I may not have any other money other than $8,000, however.


            Personally, I’m not in hundreds of thousands of dollars in credit card debt or medical bill debt since I haven’t ever owned any credit cards and our medical bills are all paid and up to date.


            As of right now, I’ve decided not to fly into Los Angeles tomorrow morning for a two day commercial shoot since the non-cancerous fibroid tumors are painful to contend with and I’m not able to ride in any car or private jet for any much longer than about an hour then I truly think I might internally combust.


            My third surgery is around the corner on Monday, July 24, 2017.


            Finally, after eight years of contending with non-cancerous uterine fibroid tumors and four years of contending with non-cancerous thyroid tumors I’ll get some relief from my internal organs being pushed this way and the other way.



Los Angeles,

Romantic non-sexual Dinner Date

Saturday, October 3, 2020


            In many ways, I’m glad not to fly into Los Angeles tomorrow morning since I don’t have the energy or the time.


            Mainly, the only reason for me to fly into Los Angeles is to find and meet and introduce myself to Mr. Bill Maher.


            Personally, I can always catch a free ride on any private jet plane flying in and out of Minneapolis and go see about Mr. Bill Maher.


            The more I think about it, I’d like to have the next great American 1,000 page novel written before I ask Bill Maher out on a romantic non-sexual cheap lunch or dinner date at Coney Island in Duluth, Minnesota on First Street since I won’t have much money to my name, thus our romantic non-sexual date will indeed be a cheap date with incredible and remarkable and compassionate and kind and smart and intelligent human company.


            Although, I’ll personally own the next great American novel whether any publisher thinks the novel’s good enough to publish or not, I don’t know. I don’t care about publishing as much as I actually do about writing since writing is my business and writing is what I do while publishing books is what publishers do.


            Yes, I like the intellectual work Mr. Bill Maher does.


            Yes, I like many aspects to Mr. Bill Maher.


            However, for all I know Mr. Bill Maher’s smell might be…


            Yes, I’m now 40 and one of the hottest babes alive since I’ve proven to be a mature adult woman past the age of 35 without any mental illness or brain damage or brain injury or mental disabilities.


            Yes, eventually I’m going after Mr. Bill Maher because as a blue blood I can. I’m socially situated to be able to meet anyone I desire since my “bread and butter” doesn’t come from having to work for celebrities. I want to know if Mr. Bill Maher is really the human he portrays himself to be on television as a political activist.


            No, I’m not looking to date Brad Pitt, however.


            Mr. Brad Pitt and I have some of the same friends in common and our friends tell me to make an introduction since he is now going through divorce proceedings then our meeting encounter won’t be as awkward as if he were married.


            Yes, I’d like to write a platonic love letter of a film script or sitcom for Mr. Brad Pitt simply since we’re not getting any younger then I must put “the metal to the peddle” and get going and leave a mark on this Earth before these tumors might take me out this month.


            Yes, as a blue blood I’m incredibly tied in with the rich and famous.


            As of recently I found out I’m no longer under contract not to become famous for myself.


            Now, I’m able to do whatever I wish. I’m no longer beholden to multimillion dollar investors and their insane contracts with impossible standards to meet to publish content without readership.


            Thus, I still don’t wish to become famous.


            Rather, I’d like to write film scripts and manuscripts and television sitcoms with specific famous people in mind who indeed will influence my writing for the better.


            My In-Laws live in Springfield, Missouri where Mr. Brad Pitt is from thus we have more people in common than realized.


            Yes, by far I get along with men ten times better than with women since women are for the most part hormonally insane and don’t know themselves well enough to be feminine and soft and kind and smart and intelligent with modern men.


            Modern women are hard and their sex appeal is shot.


            The other famous man I’d like to meet is… I’m keeping this one close to my chest since he is the ultimate intellectual.


            There’s nothing holding me back now.


            Within the next year I’d like to directly establish an email line of communication to Mr. Bill Maher.


            Yes, the woman who represents me is producer Sarah Green.


            For which is the same woman who’s represented Mr. Brad Pitt in Voyage of Time: The IMAX Experience, narrated by fellow producer Brad Pitt, and it's feature-length version, Voyage of Time: Life's Journey, narrated by Cate Blanchett, (source, IMBd.)



Word Count Goal: 2,000 (See you on Monday, December 4, 2017)


Word Count: 2,343


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 2,343


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #1 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Blood Pressure: 102/66 mmHg / Pulse: 86 (04/07/17)


*)         CHOLESTEROL, Total

294 (10/20/2014), 245 (06/02/15), 276 (01/22/16) 273 (04/07/17) 


            HDL Cholesterol

49 (10/20/2014), 50 (06/02/15), 52 (01/22/16), 53 (04/07/17)



296 H (10/20/2014), 241 H (06/02/15), 253 H (01/22/16), 389 (04/07/17) 



186 H (10/20/2014), 147 H (06/02/15), 173 H (01/22/16) 142 (04/07/17) 


            CHOL/HDLC RATIO

6.0 H (10/20/2014), 4.9 (06/02/15), 5.3 H (01/22/16) 5.2 (04/07/17) 



245 H (10/20/2014), 195 H (06/02/15), 224 H (01/22/16)


            IRON, Total

79 mcg/dl (10/20/2014), 52 mcg/dl (06/02/15), 137 mcg/dl (01/22/16)


            CORTISOL, Total

            19.2 (10/20/2014), N/A (06/02/15), 11.9 (01/22/16)


*)         Week #27 without any higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #21 one sleeping pill per night by mouth “Zolpidem Tartrate” 10 MG


*)         Week #92 (09/03/15) on antidepressants specifically for fake-pregnancy hormones, one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate” 20 MG (03/01/16 change of dosage.)


Saturday, June 25, 2017


“If you give food to a small child, you must tell its mother.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Nebulous (cloudy, vague, not clear)


A nebulous statement cannot be comprehended.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 2:05am CT


---  ---  ---



Life at the

Wisconsin Castle

(45 minutes out of Duluth, Minnesota)

Bob Monahan and Co.


            First of all: as of Thursday, June 22, 2017 I lost my cell phone at “The Red Herring Lounge” in Duluth, MN on First Street around 9:30pm, four seats in, on top of the bar stool.


            If an area code (612) cell phone by the name of “Holm” is found then please return the 2013 Samsung Galaxy “string can” cell phone to Mr. Bob Hugh Monahan at “The Red Herring Lounge.” Thank you.


            Funny how ever since the invention of cell phones I don’t remember anyone’s phone numbers the way we did in the 1990’s when we only had land lines.


            No, Bob Monahan isn’t a cocaine addict.


            Yes, I’ve watched Bob Monahan do nothing except make home-cooked meals for his daughter and roommate’s children and myself as guest.


            Bob Monahan works and runs a city of creative professionals and is fair and kind and smart and intelligent.


            No, Bob Monahan doesn’t have hundreds of women. Rumor.


            Yes, as of now Bob Monahan factually communicates with two specific women.


            Both women are consenting adults.


            The women understand and willingly participate in an open relationship with Bob Monahan.


            No, I’m neither poly-amorous nor a polygamist.


            No, I don’t like to sleep with anymore than one partner at a time.


            Personally, I think people who chose to be poly-amorous and polygamist are people who are none committal to monogamy simply due to the inability to commit to one partner out of fear romantic relationships won’t work out or the pain of being either rejected or abandoned.


            Yes, someday I’d love to reenter into a monogamous relationship since I believe more than one romantic partner at a time is pure and sheer insanity.


            More importantly, I’d love to fall in love with a gentle and kind man older than 35 years of age who doesn’t think of me as an afterthought or someone to fill up space or have to entertain another person for the sake of having to make another person feel better about themselves.


            No, please, no.


            Please, stop asking if Bob Monahan and I are lovers.


            No, Bob Monahan and I aren’t lovers.


            No, neither have Bob Monahan or I ever been lovers.


            No, goodness, no.


            Bob Monahan and I haven’t ever even slept in the same bed.


            Bob Monahan and I haven’t ever French kissed.


            Bob Monahan and I haven’t ever seen each other naked.




            Okay, let’s talk business:


            Yes, on Tuesday night I ran away from home until the morning of Monday, June 16 when I’m due downtown, Minneapolis, MN present at corporate headquarters.


            Yes, I’ve been writing program code for a phone company.


            Yes, I must set in place and install and run code designed from scratch.


            If, the program code doesn’t run then I must go back to the drawing board.


            Yes, I’ve designed and re-invented the house vacuum and the plunger.


            Still yet I must get patents, however.


            At this very present moment I have no money to my name to invest and purchase and pay for several of many patents I must get.


            The patents will come later under the many intellectual properties I must copyright and acquire.


            Nothing’s wrong.


            Nothing’s ever truly wrong with me.


            Yes, I came out of the womb “happy-go-lucky” with perpetual bad hair days, high intelligence and smarts and much kindness.


            As of this moment, I simply want to run away to Tibet or Nepal where our families’ best friends live, however.


            Tibet is now part of China. I’m not in any mood to deal with Chinese anything. Plus, my mandarin is right down awful.


            Well, as of this week, while in Duluth, MN, neither have I found a single place to rent or anywhere to work.


            Let’s talk a little bit about money since discussing money is absolutely rude while in mixed company, however.


            As a modern individual mature adult woman, the last thing I’m afraid of is to talk about money since money makes the world turn.


            At the going rate, money appears to burn up in an instance.


            At the moment, at home in the bank in Minneapolis I have $8,000 in cash to my name and not one penny less or one penny more.


             Personally, I don’t gamble since “The House always wins.”


            Yes, for eleven years of marriage I’ve been frozen out of all of our accounts and finances and user passwords.


            As of today, I know none of our passwords or security codes to anything.


            As of December 31, 2014 when “Taviette Film Productions” (my 15 year documentary film company) unbeknownst to me, I lost all of my multi-million dollar investors to my current legal partner.


            The multi-million dollar investors are all paid back. Whew.


            Ever since mature adulthood life began, I’ve been sending money back to Costa Rica and El Salvador plus I help out with one family in Sudan and one family in Somalia and one family in Haiti thus personally I have about 60 mouths to feed.


            Yes, I have about 60 stomachs counting on me to make sure people and their families and villages eat.


            No, I shan’t let anybody down since I haven’t all these decades.


            Now, I’ve been offered to make money throughout summer 2017 if I fly into Los Angeles every Wednesday to work as assistant producer for commercial shoots then fly back out to Minneapolis each Friday.


            Furthermore, my non-cancerous uterine fibroid tumors make travel nearly impossible since the jarring movement of cars and planes is absolutely one of the most painful aspects to go through with constant vibration against the uterine wall as the tumors shake and vibrate this way and other way while the tumors grow and push the bladder and the colon to make more room or space for the tumors.


            Eating anything is nearly impossible.


            Eating anything is painful.


            Yes, the culinary arts are my one and true love.


            Aside from Duluth, MN, digesting food is nearly one of the most painful experiences and Duluth, MN has very little to no commerce to speak of.


            Even though I don’t have any real money to speak of at the moment I’m able to catch a ride by private jet to Barcelona each Monday and fly back into the United States each Friday for the rest of the summer.


            Yes, I’m able to live in Cape Cod, however.


            Although, if I were to go to Cape Cod then I wouldn’t ever return to MN since I’d stay near the sea and write novels.


            Yes, I’ve been invited to many different places in Europe to live for free until I’m old and grey, however. I neither wish to be a kept woman nor to write in some corner of a mansion while some wild entourage parties with my multi-millionaire friends.


            Europe is by far, too, volatile as of late.


            Yes, I’ve been invited to go to Saudi Arabia and not ever worry about another financial aspect of life, however.


            Saudi Arabia and censorship and I don’t do well.


            As a mature modern American woman without “a pot to piss in” I must get at least one say in life which is independent writing.


            Since writing is the only aspect of life I’m actually excellent at then I must sacrifice money for the love of writing since eleven years as a part-time executive housewife didn’t get me anywhere other than to the cleaners. Ha.


            Although, I’m in Minnesota, I don’t have the finances to fly myself into Boston’s Logan airport to catch our family’s private jet plane to Barcelona.


            Personally, I don’t think I ought to go to Barcelona since my former multimillionaire ex-lover lives there with an entourage which follows him around to keep the rich from getting lonely.


            The entourage tends to yacht and swim and do nothing all day long while beautiful women look gorgeous in bikinis, however.


            Nope. I’m not an entourage bikini clad type of woman.


            What would I do on a yacht all day long? Go insane.


            Yep. I’m more of a go to the woods type of woman.


            More of an escape and run away and disappear to write and read and dictate recorded notes for transcribing later -- sort of woman, who is shy and according to my friends extremely awkward. Oh, no.


            No, I don’t believe I ought to go to San Fran since my other ex-lover lives there and is a famous sound engineer. I don’t want to go back. I want to go forward.


            Yes, I ought to go to New York City since the powerhouse publishing houses of the world are in New York City.


            There’re many people with private jets of their own flying in-and-out of Minnesota thus if I were to chose then I’m always welcomed to “catch a ride” anywhere in the world as long as they’re going in the same direction.


            The frustration about Duluth, MN is I only have two years to live on a meager stipend of $1,000 per month then, nothing.


            No, I shan’t have any money to go out or drink or whatever.


            Plus, I’m the type of modern woman for which is naturally skittish and runs away from people any chance I get.


            Duluth, MN is the love of my life, however.


            There’s no work in Duluth, Minnesota.


            My plan isn’t to go to Duluth, MN and do menial work or intense labor since my body is now 40 years of age.


            After eight straight years of living with non-cancerous uterine fibroid tumors and four straight years of living with non-cancerous thyroid tumors I’ve finally slowed down except for when I walk since I’ll always walk like a Bostonian and drive like a Bostonian down 35W at 100 miles per hour. Oh, well. It’s how fast I was taught to drive by New England grandmothers thus I do without a second thought.


            Well, Monday morning I’ll go home back to Robbinsdale, MN.


            On Monday, July 17, 2017 I’ll have my third operation for the removal of non-cancerous uterine fibroid tumors.


            Thus and therefore, I’m not able to make a commitment to flying in-and-out of Los Angeles each Wednesday and each Friday.


            No, I haven’t done any work search in Minneapolis.


            No, I don’t know anyone in the world except “old money” which old money doesn’t call in favors.


            “Old money” gets in the way of modern living since “old money” is a “mind set” for which going down such any particular rabbit-hole can only mean being owned by dusty old rules for which no longer exist.


            Personally, I’d rather carve my way on my own accord otherwise the placement in my family puts me at considerable odds with my core ethical values.


            Ultimately, I may fall back upon 1066 “old money” from our ancestors’ privilege as blue blooded Lords right after the “Battle of Hastings.”


            Yes, the last thing I desire to take on --- in life is to become anyone of my parents’ companion.




            Okay, I don’t have any real money, however.


            The only real power I hold is we’re connected to all of the right people with “old money.”


            “New money” is snubbed upon since it’s new and hasn’t had 951 years to accumulate interest or carry this nation on its back.


            Personally, all I want to do is write the next great American novel composed of about 1,000 pages.


            Since I don’t have any more multi-million dollar investors then this could possibly be my last blog entry since I no longer get paid to blog.


            Although, I’ve now completed 7 years of online blogs.


            The practice was tremendous.


            Yes, my other option is I may also go back home to my current legal partner and continue as I have for 11 years of marriage although I’ve been asking for a divorce for the past 11 years therefore there’s no reason to go back.


            Must go forward.


            Not backwards.


            There’s only one call I must make to my famous friend who lives in Scotland to possibly make an introduction to Mr. Bill Maher since I’d like to know more about Mr. Maher’s writing and intelligence and know-how.


            The Duluth economy looks difficult.


            Choosing to move to Duluth, MN might in some ways be the same as to choose to go to Detroit. Maybe, not as bad.


            Yes, I’ve been invited to move to Arizona except I don’t like dust.


            Okay, Duluth, MN gets my commitment for two years to write the next great American novel while I meagerly live on $13,000 per year.


            Ultimately, I don’t want to have to admit, however.


            Most likely Los Angeles will hire my creative writing skills and Duluth will lose out on my intellectual talent since starvation is not much of an option.


            Although, since I live in dire abdominal pain then food isn’t an issue since I wrecked my stomach while I did starve in 2001-2004 while I lived in Duluth, MN.


            Personally, I’ll fight to write the next great American novel in one year’s time and not worry about money since two years total is all Duluth, MN gets then possibly spend the second year to shop around the next great American novel.


            Otherwise, Los Angeles is on my docket for September 1, 2020.


            If I’m able to finance the blog come this fall then I’ll do it on my own.


            Yes, I’m personally able to pick up the phone and call Mr. Bill Mayer directly, however.


            Yes, I do believe I’ll wait for a formal introduction from my famous Scottish friend then an introduction won’t be as awkward and more of a trust worthy connection.


            In any case, whenever and if I were to decide to go out to Los Angeles then I’ll personally introduce myself to Mr. Bill Maher since I’ve been told I ought to introduce myself to him and not be afraid of what he’ll say or think or do.


            Yes, my friends tell me I’m the most awkward person in the world. I am the most awkward person in the world since I contend with a broken toe and eight years of non-cancerous fibroid tumors and four years of non-cancerous thyroid tumors.


            Oh, well. I smile.


            Duluth, MN doesn’t terrify me in the way Duluth, MN did when I was 24, 25, and 26 and starved for three straight years while I worked as a camera director for $6.18 an hour without health benefits and worked as a teacher’s assistant for $4.10 through AmeriCorps and $0.00 dollars to be a live-in Coordinator at a women’s shelter. No.


            Duluth, MN seems homey and comfortable and real.


            Downtown, Duluth, MN is where I belong.


            Yes, my goal is to create a Manhattan or Soho lifestyle in the middle of Duluth, MN.


            Personally, I’m extremely urban. I like an N.Y.C. vibe even if I were in the smallest of cities as long as there’s none fishy water smells and spectacular views of the sunrise and sunset.


            No, I don’t like the sand or beach. No.


            The beach isn’t for me. I already have a one inch scar on my left facial cheek to prove the malignant melanoma at the age of 23.


            Well, Los Angeles, I do believe I’ll eventually must go there and write for television since $13,000 per year might be the lifestyle and adventure of a lifetime.


            Lack of money is the least of my worries.


            Writing’s something I’ve always done with or without pay thus most likely I’ll drop dead in front of some laptop while happily typing away and writing about life’s observations.


            Well, I’m calm.


            No, I’m not scared.


            No, I’m not frightened.



            Yours Truly;





            Would I fall in love one year after a divorce?


            No, absolutely not.


            The second year after a divorce? Maybe.


            However, the man I’d like to fall in love with would most likely need to be extremely laid back and forgiving and monogamous and kind and gentle and generous and perceptive and soft spoken (not mute) and intelligent and smart and funny even though much of life gets “lost in translation” after 5:30pm when my English falters and I get tired of translation.


            The next time around I partner up for love as I did the first time, however.


            The next time I re-partner I must be loved back in the ways in which I need to be loved.


            Depending on what Mr. Bill Maher smells like I’d like to ask Mr. Maher out on a romantic non-sexual dinner date.


            No, I’m no longer afraid to ask for what draws me near since I can make it happen simply because as a blue blood I own the social trump card of the world to meet and/or get to know anyone in the world and such currency is worth much more than money.



            Yours Truly;





            P.S. Now, excuse me. I have other more pressing matters to attend to.


            We’ll see each other on Monday, December 4, 2017 from Duluth, MN.


            Have fun.



Word Count Goal: 2,000


Word Count: 2,846


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 2,368 + 2,846 = 5,214


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #1 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Blood Pressure: 102/66 mmHg / Pulse: 86 (04/07/17)


*)         CHOLESTEROL, Total

294 (10/20/2014), 245 (06/02/15), 276 (01/22/16) 273 (04/07/17) 


            HDL Cholesterol

49 (10/20/2014), 50 (06/02/15), 52 (01/22/16), 53 (04/07/17)



296 H (10/20/2014), 241 H (06/02/15), 253 H (01/22/16), 389 (04/07/17) 



186 H (10/20/2014), 147 H (06/02/15), 173 H (01/22/16) 142 (04/07/17) 


            CHOL/HDLC RATIO

6.0 H (10/20/2014), 4.9 (06/02/15), 5.3 H (01/22/16) 5.2 (04/07/17) 



245 H (10/20/2014), 195 H (06/02/15), 224 H (01/22/16)


            IRON, Total

79 mcg/dl (10/20/2014), 52 mcg/dl (06/02/15), 137 mcg/dl (01/22/16)


            CORTISOL, Total

            19.2 (10/20/2014), N/A (06/02/15), 11.9 (01/22/16)


*)         Week #26 without any higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #20 one sleeping pill per night by mouth “Zolpidem Tartrate” 10 MG


*)         Week #91 (09/03/15) on antidepressants specifically for fake-pregnancy hormones, one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate” 20 MG (03/01/16 change of dosage.)


Tuesday, June 20, 2017


“For thirteen years, I taught my tongue not to tell a lie; and for the next thirteen, I taught it to tell the truth.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)




Note. “In the first century before the Christian Era, Jewish wives began to receive a specified and secure sum, in case of a husband’s death or a divorce, from the husband’s estate. The ketubah (marriage settlement contract”) granted a wife a legal lien on her husband’s estate; and by rabbinical laws, a wife was not permitted to release her husband from this obligation. (This protected women from the amorous chicanery of men who might seek financial concessions (indulgence, compromise) before committing themselves to matrimony.)

            Orthodox Jews still maintain the form and guarantees of the ketubah.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Amalgamate (unite, combine, come together)


Two business firms may amalgamate for the best interest of both.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 2:31pm CT, 4:50pm CT


---  ---  ---


Graduate Class of 2017


            Thank you to all of the graduates’ parents and family members and teachers and professors and administrators and staff for getting our graduates of the class of 2017 to this podium.


            Today I’m grateful to be here with all of you.


            Thank you for inviting me to be a part of such a glorious celebration.


            I’m not really sure as to what wisdom to best bestow upon anyone person since each individual is the only one person who can and will walk their path in life towards growth and development and wisdom and old age and death and legacy.


            There’s nothing I can say which will stop the course of anyone’s lives from occurring to them.


            I’m a blank canvas since there’s always much great wisdom to grant nonetheless on such a tremendously incredibly wonderful day of celebration I almost ought to stop writing and have us be on our merry way, however.


            Since we’ve taken the time to journey and arrive at this cross road before we say our heartfelt warm goodbyes and get on with the rest of our lives then let’s begin with words of wisdom which one may not possibly expect to learn in the academic field.






            First, nothing’s ever promised or forever.


            Second, nature trumps humans.


            Nature wins over humans.


            Nature wins each time.


            Nature will be here long after humans are gone.


            The dinosaurs are humans’ main lesson in life.


            Whenever humans die then pets eat their humans.


            Third, women are indeed and in fact “second class citizens” to men since there’s no “equal pay for equal work” well into the first two decades of the 21st century.


            Fourth, the world didn’t end in 2000.


            Fifth, age is a matter of opinion.


            Sixth, mind over matter.


            Seventh, it is a fact of life:


            Being a fulltime stay-at-home housewife or fulltime stay-at-home mother or fulltime stay-at-home single parent is lonely and financially destitute business.


            There’s no money or financial freedom or financial security in being any fulltime stay-at-home housewife or fulltime stay-at-home mother or fulltime stay-at-home single parent.


             Being a fulltime stay-at-home housewife or fulltime mother or fulltime single parent is lonely and financially destitute business without many, if, not, then hardly any breaks throughout the days or years or decades or without romantic dates or without eating out at restaurants or without going to movies or without hardly any vacations, if, lucky then maybe each five years or without thoughtful gifts since fulltime stay-at-home domestic work is on-going and hardly ever ending or hardly ever noticeable to others who don’t domestically contribute to any of the household’s chores or property maintenance.


            Fulltime stay-at-home domestic work is no different than being a butler except the modern position comes without any pay or tuition or vacations or healthcare or retirement.


            Fulltime domestic housework is taken for granted.


            Fulltime domestic property work takes time such for example in small comparison to house chores, ironing one shirt alone takes one good hour to excellently iron any Oxford work shirt and another 30 minutes to iron out the pants and suit jacket or another 10 minutes to gather and take out the trash or another 20 minutes to organize the recycling and break down cardboard or another 2 hours to vacuum or another 2 hours to mow the lawn or another 2 hours to shovel snow winter-after-winder for decades on end without so much as a thanks.


            There’s nothing lonelier in life than to chose and decide to be a fulltime domestic partner for the financial advancement of another person without any pay or overtime pay or healthcare benefits or sick leave or retirement or stocks or bonds or vacations or gifts or romantic dinner dates for decades at a time. 


            The only way in which one is at all remotely capable and able to even as much as consider acquiring any type of fulltime domestic partner (who will go through their own type of personal living hell for another) is, if, one’s actually and able to financially afford to keep the fulltime executive domestic partner financially secure without forcing the fulltime domestic partner to go without any resources or much of anything for decades at a time.


             The only way in which one is at all remotely capable and able to acquire any type of fulltime executive domestic partner to stay home fulltime is if one is able to afford such an executive domestic partner or not, otherwise it’s considered “indentured servitude.”


            Modern institutional marriage as prostitution is a broken down system from which we must recover from the aftermath and shock of complete disaster such as to legally bond partners to each other while possibly full time stay-at-home executive domestic partners have a higher probability to be left with nothing after decades of free “indentured servitude.” There’s no pay in it. It’s not worth it.


            There’s hardly anything to ever look forward to since retirement and vacations are out of the question when one isn’t able to or capable to afford a fulltime executive domestic partner without having them be gifted or received or granted any freedoms much less pay or compensation or sick leave when one isn’t able to afford any fulltime stay-at-home executive domestic partner rather only a domestic slave or indentured servant confined to another’s lifestyle or power or decisions as to how to live without any education for decades at a time.


            It’s unfair and unsafe for only one partner to hold all of the financial freedoms while the executive domestic partner has nothing even though the fulltime executive domestic partner does all of the labor and work at home or on the property without any breaks or time to themselves or time to think or time to even consider what they want out of life other than to clean and organize and schedule another’s life for the purpose of the other’s success.


            In our modern and present civilization and nation the most difficult jobs and work which go unpaid and without health care benefits or salary or retirement or sick leave or overtime paid is fulltime stay-at-home spousal domestic workers and fulltime stay-at-home single parents who have absolutely no money to their names not even to go out twice per year for a cup of coffee, let alone, every four to four months or ever.


            In the United States of America’s 21st century there’s an entire fulltime stay-at-home domestic workforce which goes unpaid and are indeed slaves to their financial legal partners.


            Unpaid work is considered slavery or indentured servitude.


            Reiteration: To hold the luxury to be able to have any executive domestic supporting partner agree to fulltime stay-at-home work is tremendous of one partner to give up their careers and lives to schedule and run and support and manage and maintain and give up all of their independent financial freedom for the financial well being of only one partner especially if anything were to go awry in the relationship.


            In contemporary dusty old culture, fulltime stay-at-home work is indeed frowned upon and looked down upon.


            To run an entire property as well as manage the day-to-day household operations and occurrences and events as well as kindly and intelligently and smartly care for and raise children without any money to call their own is nothing to sneeze at.


            Still, yet, the laundry must be washed and dried and folded and put away and dishes must get washed and dried and put away and floors need to be vacuumed and household finances to be maintained and balanced and moral support to be granted to the financial partner at the end of long day’s work of exhaustive domestic physical labor without much communication to the outside world or without much human contact or community for support to fall back on when the pain of repetition gets to be, too, much and each day doesn’t ever close-out without any end in sight, is a lifetime confined to solitary confinement and loneliness and drab repetition without any support or community.


            For fulltime stay-at-home executive domestic partners and workers without any pay or any compensation or vacations or romantic dates or gifts or healthcare or retirement or sick-leave or any cash at all is a daunting task which appears and seems to be a lost cause and without much significance and not any fun.


            The United States of America is a dusty old nation based on dusty old cultural ideals which no longer exist.


            Dusty old ideals about what constitutes pay and what doesn’t unlike Norway which pays fulltime stay-at-home executive domestic spouses a monthly stipend for their greatest services to their nation which is to keep households and neighborhoods safely together and the culture progressing forward without breaking anyone domestic partner’s back for free or without breaking the fulltime stay-at-home executive domestic partner without any breaks or end to their on-going forever labor and work and more work and more domestic labor and never-ending moral support to the financial spouse without much moral support back of their own as executive domestic spouses who in America seem without worth, however.


            If one’s ever been the fulltime at-stay-home executive domestic working partner then whoever does the most grudge work holds the most power in the relationship then modern “indentured servant” work done for free for the benefit of the financial partner unless the financial partner is actually able to factually finance a fulltime stay-at-home executive domestic partner otherwise, no, go.


            Each time the fulltime stay-at-home executive domestic working partner looses their financial independence and personal freedom which in general according to human bi-laws there’s no amount of money for which is ever able to compensate for the loss of financial freedom as well as autonomy (self-governance, self-sufficiency.)


            Eight, no one ever truly signs up to be a fulltime stay-at-home single parent, hence don’t go forth and multiply. No.


             Unless the executive domestic partner holds an emotional and financial stable lifestyle choice in relationship to the financial partner with safe conditions and ability and time to properly raise children who are needy and take-up way more time than necessary as well as extreme patience and much physical care throughout the entire days of their youth until children’s cerebral brain chemicals mature at the age of 35 and either adult children are sane or either mentally ill or mentally disturbed or brain damaged or mentally disabled or whichever.


            Mental illness is chemical imbalance in the brain.


            Immaturity is character weakness.


            Character flaws are nothing.


            There’s no such absurd thing as character flaws since humans are continuously and constantly evolving and developing and progressing forward.  


            Humans aren’t stagnant.



Autonomy is Freedom


            Marriage is a dusty financial institution.


            Marriage is a rigged financial institution to only favor money.


            Marriage is for the rich and wealthy.


            Marriage isn’t for the educated with much debt.


            Marriage is a financial institution to favor the financial partner who makes money and not the caretakers of the world.


            Marriage is a financial institution which doesn’t favor any fulltime stay-at-home executive domestic working partners or single parents.


            Marriage is a financial institution for which mainly and only one parent fully attends to the each needs of any individual single child while the other parent takes care of business or leisure or social time away from the home.


            Marriage is a financial institution for which doesn’t favor parenting or fulltime stay-at-home executive domestic values or executive domestic workers or communities or families or neighborhoods.


            Marriage is a financial institution for which modern relationships no longer abide by.


            Marriage is a financial institution for which doesn’t equate happiness.


            Marriage is a financial institution of “school of hard knocks.”


            Mainly, most citizens especially politicians are criminals.


            Mainly, there’s no school of hard knocks” since student loan debt is the number one concern on most graduates’ minds.


            There isn’t any “school of hard knocks” when we’re overly educated fools with more student loan debt than we’ll ever know what to do with and not much compensation for such overly educated debt.


            Mainly, student loan debt is a lifelong prison.


            Mainly, any woman’s real power in the world is to have and to hold onto their own bank accounts and to stay single.


            Mainly, any true woman’s power is to make their way in the world and not to settle down or commit to marriage or children unless there’s monetary compensation in it for her, otherwise, no go.


            Mainly, hence women get married then women lose their entire autonomous freedoms.


            Mainly, hence women have children then women lose their entire sexual appeal and worth.


            Mainly, hence women birth children then women lose their worth to men.


            Mainly, being single is by far more powerful than taking on any partner’s debt and be sunk by the others’ debt as any fulltime stay-at-home executive domestic working partner.


            Mainly, marriage is an institution based on lies.


            Mainly, marriage is a flawed institution not to ever be entered into lightly.


            Mainly, women’s power is intellectual subtle sexuality therefore, men must be quiet and not sexually molest or sexually assault or sexually harass or sexually assault women since women don’t have much of anything in this world thus women hold all the power unless or until modern woman gives away their power over to men which men are no different than women in sex drive and desires and a drive for happiness.


            Each sex wants and desires to be taken care of with very little responsibility.


            Yes, men will say anything for sex.


            Yes, men are mainly after sex.


            Yes, women, too, are mainly after sex, however.


            Women are emotional.


            Men are also emotional in different ways than women.


            Remember to put on a condom and raise some hell.




            Love wins.


            Marriage wins only when love is present and one partner isn’t seen or objectified as a means to an end.


            Humans aren’t object.


            Humans are to be cherished and respected.



            With All My Love;





            Yours Truly;





            P.S. Now, please, excuse me. I have other more pressing matters to attend to.


            We’ll see each other on Monday, December 4, 2017 from Duluth, MN.


            Have fun.



Word Count Goal: 2,000, Commencement Speech 2017


Word Count: 2,368


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 2,368


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #1 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Blood Pressure: 102/66 mmHg / Pulse: 86 (04/07/17)


*)         CHOLESTEROL, Total

294 (10/20/2014), 245 (06/02/15), 276 (01/22/16) 273 (04/07/17) 


            HDL Cholesterol

49 (10/20/2014), 50 (06/02/15), 52 (01/22/16), 53 (04/07/17)



296 H (10/20/2014), 241 H (06/02/15), 253 H (01/22/16), 389 (04/07/17) 



186 H (10/20/2014), 147 H (06/02/15), 173 H (01/22/16) 142 (04/07/17) 


            CHOL/HDLC RATIO

6.0 H (10/20/2014), 4.9 (06/02/15), 5.3 H (01/22/16) 5.2 (04/07/17) 



245 H (10/20/2014), 195 H (06/02/15), 224 H (01/22/16)


            IRON, Total

79 mcg/dl (10/20/2014), 52 mcg/dl (06/02/15), 137 mcg/dl (01/22/16)


            CORTISOL, Total

            19.2 (10/20/2014), N/A (06/02/15), 11.9 (01/22/16)


*)         Week #26 without any higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #20 one sleeping pill per night by mouth “Zolpidem Tartrate” 10 MG


*)         Week #91 (09/03/15) on antidepressants specifically for fake-pregnancy hormones, one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate” 20 MG (03/01/16 change of dosage.)


Monday, June 19, 2017


“In heaven, they do not grant half-favors.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Commiserate (sympathize with, show sorrow)


You commiserate with a friend who has suffered some loss.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: pm CT


---  ---  ---



No Whining

No Complaining


“Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Fear Itself.”

                                            --- J.F.K.



“Fight for your right to party.”

                                                         --- Beastie Boys




Impeachment 2017



The F.B.I. is our only hope.



Cocaine and Prostitution

Will be legalized

In 2017-2018








The Most Dangerous Time

In Any Woman’s Life,

Is Right Before








No Blog



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,000 private journals


Word Count:


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 2,000


This Week’s Total Word Count:


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #3 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #3 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Blood Pressure: 102/66 mmHg / Pulse: 86 (04/07/17)


*)         CHOLESTEROL, Total

294 (10/20/2014), 245 (06/02/15), 276 (01/22/16) 273 (04/07/17) 


            HDL Cholesterol

49 (10/20/2014), 50 (06/02/15), 52 (01/22/16), 53 (04/07/17)



296 H (10/20/2014), 241 H (06/02/15), 253 H (01/22/16), 389 (04/07/17) 



186 H (10/20/2014), 147 H (06/02/15), 173 H (01/22/16) 142 (04/07/17) 


            CHOL/HDLC RATIO

6.0 H (10/20/2014), 4.9 (06/02/15), 5.3 H (01/22/16) 5.2 (04/07/17) 



245 H (10/20/2014), 195 H (06/02/15), 224 H (01/22/16)


            IRON, Total

79 mcg/dl (10/20/2014), 52 mcg/dl (06/02/15), 137 mcg/dl (01/22/16)


            CORTISOL, Total

            19.2 (10/20/2014), N/A (06/02/15), 11.9 (01/22/16)


*)         Week #26 without any higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #20 one sleeping pill per night by mouth “Zolpidem Tartrate” 10 MG


*)         Week #91 (09/03/15) on antidepressants specifically for fake-pregnancy hormones, one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate” 20 MG (03/01/16 change of dosage.)


Friday, June 16, 2017


“Neither good nor bad lasts forever.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Ligature (a tie, bond, bandage; line indicating connection in writing)


Fancy ligatures tend to conceal the basic form of the letters of the alphabet.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 6:19pm CT


---  ---  ---


            Personal Notes:


            No, I haven’t ever been tried nor convicted of any crime.


            No, I haven’t ever gone to jail not even for one single night.


            Yes, within the last decade I’ve actually done and completed “jury duty.”


            Yes, some of my personal best friends of the past twenty years are mature adult men and women who are tremendous writers and artists and logical thinkers and kind and smart and intelligent people and calm and cool and collected while under fire as mature adult men and women ‘in blue’ police uniforms for whom I respect with Ut-most admiration and concern for their on-going well being and health and wellness and peace and liberty to be intellectuals and think for themselves rather than “group think.”


            No, we’re not in any type of legal financial trouble.


            No, there’re no attorneys at this table here tonight.


            Yes, I’ve more or less been financially on my own since I’ve been 12 years of life and in 7th grade began part-time work at our private school library and learned Latin in exchange for the work.


            No, my adoptive parents (August 24, 1987-present) shan’t ever pay two rubbed pennies together or get me started in life since we haven’t ever held any type of such financial relationship since I’ve been 24 years of life (May, 2001) I’ve paid my way through life no matter what otherwise I stay home and read and do research and love a well written modern sitcom and graphic novels and musica and films and movies and, and, and anything fun. Yep.


            To write is to work.


            To research is to play.


            To play is to discover.


            Hypothetically, if, my adoptive parents by any chance have ever happened to “take out” any “life insurance policy” upon my head then most likely I’m worth more dead than alive as is the same in marriage since I have absolutely not one single penny to my name. Okay. I can deal with the facts. I can deal with straight up numbers.


            Cash is difficult to ‘carve out a “‘literary’ living” on the ground.


            Yes, I’ve been financially on my own for the past 16 years.


            No, this isn’t any type of written “soap opera.”


            No, I’m not any type of “Damsel in Distress.”


            Yes, together we lost our first fortune in 2007, then ten years later (one decade) made up for the loss and difference only to lose another second fortune together as of Thursday, June 15, 2017.


            Oh, well, since December 2006 I’ve been informed I won’t receive one single penny from any divorce settlement thus information is understood between two parties (since the start of this relationship, December 2006-June 2017) thus such an outcome isn’t any big shock to my system. I’ve been prepared since the very start I was promised I’d end up at a women’s homeless shelter. Okay. Fair enough. Moving on.


            The same tune is…annoying.


            The terms and conditions were evidently spelled out for me long before I arrived at this very hour today or point of consideration and recent developments.


            Money comes and money goes.


            Money’s nothing.


            Forever I shall love my current legal partner and best friend.


            My current legal partner is my best friend.


            Respect stays for a lifetime of forgiveness and friendship no matter how ‘angry’ or ‘wronged’ people seem to feel in friendships about friendships and still history is thicker than water.


            Yes, twenty years ago I wrote in the genre of “soap operas” and “soap operas” are mainly fantasy and imagination rather than contemporary modern private online journal entries/personal diaries/nonfiction blog.


            We’re good.


            We’re always cordial and civil and respectful to each other to prove we’re not barbarians.


            What the rest of the world might think, well, who cares?


            The struggle is over.


            Yet, again, who’s to say humans aren’t aggressors and competitive at the wrong times and in the strangest of places while peace is #1, number one.


            Peace is “everything” or “nothing.”


            Act of war or no act of war.


            “Casualties of war or no casualties of war”


            Unharmed, I humbly walk away with my life intact.


            No, no other person ever knows what’s best for any other individual and their lives and life decisions and life choices.


            It’s time to breathe.


            No, we’re not at all mad at each other over the loss of our second fortune. Nope.


            Fortunes get lost.


            Fortunes which get lost are far more common than one would think.


            Yes, we actually do know how we ended up here.


            Yes, through a series of bad economic decisions and withheld information about such decisions.


            We love each other. We always will.


            We don’t care about the money. We don’t.


            Eleven years from now my current legal partner will easily make a grand total of about 1.6 million dollars towards retirement. Set for modern life.


            All’s well.


            End’s well.








            Our lives are our very own to do what we decide to do without the harsh judgment of anyone else much less our families’ judgment or friends’ judgment since we went out to bat and did our best.


            We move on.


            Moving on.




            The End.


---  ---  ---



No Whining

No Complaining


“Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Fear Itself.”

                                            --- J.F.K.



“Fight for your right to party.”

                                                         --- Beastie Boys




Impeachment 2017



The F.B.I. is our only hope.



Cocaine and Prostitution

Will be legalized

In 2017-2018








The Most Dangerous Time

In Any Woman’s Life,

Is Right Before








            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 3,061


Word Count: 939


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 6,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 1,302 + 3,668 = 4,970 + 939 = 5,909


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #2 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #1 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Blood Pressure: 102/66 mmHg / Pulse: 86 (04/07/17)


*)         CHOLESTEROL, Total

294 (10/20/2014), 245 (06/02/15), 276 (01/22/16) 273 (04/07/17) 


            HDL Cholesterol

49 (10/20/2014), 50 (06/02/15), 52 (01/22/16), 53 (04/07/17)



296 H (10/20/2014), 241 H (06/02/15), 253 H (01/22/16), 389 (04/07/17) 



186 H (10/20/2014), 147 H (06/02/15), 173 H (01/22/16) 142 (04/07/17) 


            CHOL/HDLC RATIO

6.0 H (10/20/2014), 4.9 (06/02/15), 5.3 H (01/22/16) 5.2 (04/07/17) 



245 H (10/20/2014), 195 H (06/02/15), 224 H (01/22/16)


            IRON, Total

79 mcg/dl (10/20/2014), 52 mcg/dl (06/02/15), 137 mcg/dl (01/22/16)


            CORTISOL, Total

            19.2 (10/20/2014), N/A (06/02/15), 11.9 (01/22/16)


*)         Week #25 without any higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #19 one sleeping pill per night by mouth “Zolpidem Tartrate” 10 MG


*)         Week #90 (09/03/15) on antidepressants specifically for fake-pregnancy hormones, one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate” 20 MG (03/01/16 change of dosage.)


Thursday, June 15, 2017


“An old man in the house is a burden; but an old woman in the house is a treasure.”


“The ignorant think less clearly as they age; the wise more clearly as they grow older.”


“Just because I’m old, do not forget me, do not neglect me.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Nominal (in name only, not in fact)


He is only the nominal president.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 2:30pm CT, 5:30pm CT, 6:08pm CT, 6:19pm CT, 7:11pm CT


---  ---  ---



No Whining

No Complaining


“Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Fear Itself.”

                                            --- J.F.K.



“Fight for your right to party.”

                                                         --- Beastie Boys




Impeachment 2017



The F.B.I. is our only hope.



Cocaine and Prostitution

Will be legalized

In 2017-2018








The Most Dangerous Time

In Any Woman’s Life,

Is Right Before








Relationships vs. Happiness


            In America all anybody ever cares about is money.


            Money, money, money is the only thing on Americans’ minds.


            Americans tend to be “shallow” and “mean spirited” about money, anyway.


            Nonetheless, Americans are “poor” and don’t have anything.


            If anything Americans have debt and nothing else.


            We live on eighty thousand ($80,000) per annual income and we’re “poor.”


            We don’t have any money or cash.


            We’re what is considered “cash poor.”


            Even eighty thousand ($80,000) per annual income salary barely gets anybody by in an economy in which only the elites of Washington D.C. get to eat while the rest of 80% of America meagerly gets by from paycheck to paycheck and are constantly worried about money or medical bills or increase of health care costs in America rather than free nationalistic health care.


            Money changes people.

            Money makes objects out of people.


            Money makes people into objects.


            There’s no savings.


            There’s no retirement.


            There’re no stocks.


            There’re no investments.


            There’s nothing in our bank account.


            Our bank account is empty and it’s not because of me.


            For the past eleven years of marriage I’ve meagerly run our household on $38,000 per yearly annual household budget.


            Therefore, where’s our money gone?


            My current legal partner doesn’t know and neither do I?


            My current legal partner admits I cost nothing to live on. Thank you.


            Personally I think eighty grand is a whole lot of money.


            We ought to be rich and well settled, however.


            The reality is quite different.


            We live in a modest suburb of the Twin Cities.


            August 2012, we purchased our bank reprocessed home for $67,900 and pay $680.00 on monthly mortgage payments.


            We make $250.00 monthly car payments.


            We don’t ever go out to restaurants, or movies, or dancing, or anything except for my current legal partner’s weekly lunches and weekly breakfast meetings with his best female friend of 20 years.


            For most of eleven years, we haven’t had ‘cash on hand’ thus we stay at home and stare at the backyard which is great how we don’t spend any money other than on our Homesteaded property and definite “humble abode” since there’s no money to be had, we’ve made the best of life with the very little we have.


            Yes, I’m indeed a “cheap date” and hardly cost anything to live on since money isn’t the end all means all.


            For eleven years, I’ve cut my own hair and haven’t ever had my nails or toes painted or done or gone on a vacation since April 2010 and I do purchase our clothes from online designer outlet.


            In my defense, I’ve done nothing except uplift the spirits of my current legal partner while my current legal partner squandered away our money as both he and his first wife squandered away their money in their 16 year marriage which I’ve paid off their debts and put the first wife through her undergraduate degree while my current legal partner refused to allow for me to go back to school to get my PhD for the past eleven years of debate and communication struggles between us.


            Finally, as of this morning I found out exactly how “poor” we are which is “poor.”


            We have $25.00 to our name on a 20% line of credit my legal partner took out in the year 2000 and has only paid off $2,000 within the last eleven years of marriage since December 2006 when he moved into my two bedroom apartment against all reason and logic.


            Personally, after the loss of four fortunes I don’t care about money since money has only brought me misery and pain and hurt.


            Not once has money ever made me happy.


            The more money one acquires then the more responsibility one must bestow to one’s country and nation and family and friends and neighbors and charity and contribution and donation.


            This morning both my current legal partner and I had absolutely no money to pay the dog groomer’s $38.00.


            We went to the bank and took out $25.00 from a 20% line of credit my current legal partner kept from me through eleven years of marriage and all he had to his name was $50.00 in cash from the 20% “secret” line of credit thus we took out $25.00 in cash on 20% line of credit. We had another $20.00 in cash we found and paid the groomers.






Word Count: 740





            My current legal partner continually tells me the reason why we don’t have any money is because of me, however.


            For the past eleven years of our marriage I’ve lived frugally and haven’t ever received one piece of jewelry or gone on any trips or vacations other than to the In-Laws’ farm for which I did clean for the In-Laws every other weekend for eight straight years and helped bathe and kindly and tenderly looked after eighty year olds who are now 90 and the meanest and most bitter people on planet Earth.


            For a decade, I almost and nearly literally killed myself pleasing my current legal partner and his rude and condescending and mean spirited bitter family of In-Laws who truly weren’t kind to me through eleven years of marriage and as of April 2016, my In-Law’s have in-person apologized to me. I’ve accepted their apologies and forever forgive.


            No, our money isn’t gone because of me since for the past eleven years I’ve wanted a joint shared account with my current legal partner and the joint shared checking account didn’t ever materialize thus next.


            Our money is gone however, not because of me rather my current legal partner made overall bad economic decisions about money unbeknownst to me as his wife of eleven years thus here I am today neither with anything to call my own nor “a pot to piss in.”


            Yes, I do accept facts, however. I’m not able to accept lies, not even silent ones. I’m much, too, discerning for melodrama. Usually, I’m a quiet person and live and let live no matter how loud the Italians may shout or gesticulate in front of my face.


            The truth is: for the past eleven years my current legal partner withheld vital financial information about our finances by not allowing me to acquire a duo joint checking bank account which I’ve asked for both a joint checking bank account and a divorce and to reiterate none have ever materialized in eleven years of marriage.


            Finally I’m not disappointed.


            It’s only money after all.


            At least, our divorce isn’t anything personal about the other.


            There’s no “disappointment” or “shame” or “guilt” in not having any money since Americans don’t have any money either. I haven’t had any of my own money in ten years even though I was fired in September, 2007 in order to save my current legal partner’s posh corporate job as for an entire year I refused to cooperate in “corporate espionage” against my co-workers in the video department thus the men’s jobs were saved only my career was stolen from me. Not okay.


            Yes, I do accept the past. I wasn’t fired because I wasn’t an awesome worker or employee or co-worker. No. I was fired because I made a difficult decision and wouldn’t “corporate spy” on any employees. Period.


            Yes, I made the difficult choice. I stood by my moral decision.


            Today, I would still make the same moral decision as I did the first week of August of 2006 since I started my professional communications broadcast engineering position when asked to “corporate spy” by a judge court order found embezzler accountant who wrote and signed the checks which is highly illegal and badly frowned upon in current modern business.  


            My current legal partner will be fine since he’s the one who makes bank and brings home bacon while I literally have nothing to my name. Not okay.


            However, I’m glad the lying is done.


            After eleven years of financial lies, my current legal partner has absolutely nothing to say to me except continually apologizes which I forgive him for the continuous financial lies and the inability to understand a marriage takes two to dance the Tango.


            Since we don’t have any money or investments or savings or retirement or stocks or bonds then I’d like to be set free of this eleven year financial disaster of a marriage gone awry in the year 2016.


            Might I now go on my merry way and begin to make my own money since I haven’t had any money for the past ten years of this relationship?


            Yes, I must always ask my current legal partner for either the ATM card or for cash to be drawn out. Ha. Why not make a woman feel like a child. Ha.


            The entire time I thought I was the problem, only, to discover the problem is my current legal partner’s economic problem he hid from me. Okay. Fair enough.


            Lighten the load and let go.


            In 2012, I send all of my friends away and made sure I made a mess of our difficult miscommunication rather than have my current legal partner emotionally hurt my previous friends of ten years. I decided to directly hurt my at-the-time alcoholic friends instead thus the hurt would be easier to deliver upon my friends than if the hurt had come straight from my current legal partner.


            My current legal partner will continue to make eighty grand per year while I’ll start anew with nothing and from scratch. Okay.


Word Count: 851



Money doesn’t make one happy


            Nothing in this world will ever make one happy other than the self.


            The self is the most important connection to the soul and the spirit and not money.


            Without being selfish, one must acknowledge the self is only one compared to the many others with selves and identities and personalities and goodwill and abilities and talents well developed and capabilities.


            Respect is the most important aspect to life.


            Love is secondary to respect.


            Love is an emotional chemical mixture of compounds.


            Respect is social civilized law.


            Respect is mutual admiration and adoration for another as a platonic humanitarian human.


            When there’s no respect in any marriage then there’s nothing.


            When there’s love in a marriage, however, no respect then there’s nothing left to be said or to be done.


            Love is fleeting, however.


            Respect is for a lifetime.


            Respect is to not ever call another any personal derogatory names.


            Respect is to not ever challenge another to competition unless competition is done on the track field or in physical form rather than gossip or personal agendas or character assassination or liabilities or sanctimonious religious ideals sold over television morning shows.


            Respect is to not ever get in the way of others’ lives, their choices and decisions and situations.


            Respect is the ability to assess situations and know when to be silent and when to speak up in order to tell the truth and nothing except the truth as events occurred and at what time, where, and when and how and possibly why then take full responsibility for the sake of miscommunication gone awry in on-going grievous situations between private parties involved.


            Respect is the ability to set another free.


            Respect is the ability to allow another the freedom to hold onto their steadfast believes and thoughts and ideas and opinions without persecution or persuasion or manipulation or hiding the truth from the other.


            Respect isn’t to place one above another.


            Respect is “to always have the best interest at heart for the other.”


            Respect isn’t romantic. No.


            Love is romantic. Yes.


            Respect is a set of social moral rules and ethical codes and values by which all civilization must abide by.


            Respect any individual since human life in mainly all suffering.


            Respect isn’t confusion.


            Respect isn’t power.


            Respect isn’t control.


            Respect isn’t lies.


            Respect isn’t skewed misinformation.


            Respect isn’t undisclosed information.


            Respect isn’t omitted lies.


            Respect is the truth and nothing except the truth to oneself and to others otherwise respect isn’t respect.


            Otherwise, respect is then a disillusioned and convoluted type of miscommunication between private parties to favor one side and not the other especially to favor the side with least developed personality since smarts is by far more alert and wise and with sharper wit and ability to assess rather than to barge in and assume the entire world revolves around the one self.          


            Respect is gained.


            Respect is calculated action without being reckless.


            Love is words.


            Love is carnage.


            Love is instant gratification.


            Respect is lifetime guaranteed.


            Respect is to listen to others have their say then make decisions and choices for oneself.


            Love is love.


            Love is nothing if there’s no respect involved.


            Love is beauty rather than respectfully written in stone.


            Beauty disappears with time…


            Love comes and goes.


            Respect stays put.


            Love is mainly physical.


            Respect is intellectual.


            Love is mainly chemical chemistry.


            Respect is a set of social intellectual rules and ethical laws set in stone towards the continuation of civilization and forward and onward let’s go.


            Respect has nothing to do with money.


            Respect has to do with upbringing.


            Respect is all.


            No, love isn’t all I need. I need respect. I need a sense of my own self sovereignty. I need a sense of independence. I need quiet time to think. I need close friends who already know me. I need not to have to ever over explain myself.


            Indeed, I need to be alone amongst safe people who will give me quiet time to think without constantly being convinced I don’t know my own mind or without being thrown out into the streets like a rat to march to any women’s homeless shelter or to leave here with only a backpack and no way to survive.


            Indeed, I require.


            Indeed, I require respect from free legal counsel.


            Indeed, I need respect.


            No, I’m not some old hag.


            Yes, I’m me and vibrant after all these eleven years of struggle.


            Yes, no one will ever tell me I’m old therefore to be discarded.


            Mainly, I hold the secrets to the universe as does anyone else.


            Mainly, I’m no longer afraid.


            Mainly, I hold all of the power and no money. Ha...LOL…


            Life’s pretty funny.


            If one isn’t crying then one’s laughing all the way to the bank.


            Well, I laughed all the way to the bank this morning and left in fits of laughter since life’s curve balls sure are marvelous and adventurous and at times strenuous.


            One aspect of life is for certain: I’ll always look to love to guide me since love is mostly all, however, not “everything.”


            No, now is not the time to weep since I’ve wept enough over the past eleven years of legal marriage.


            Now is a time to rejoice since the struggle is over and finally done.


            Now is a time for action and logistics.


            Now is a time for freedom.


            Americans have always held steadfast to freedom.


            No one’s ever going to take away Americans’ freedom: not marriage as a corrupt institution, not Congress as Wall Street’s gambling casino, not psychological abuse and definitely not through 17 years of another war in dusty Middle East.


Word Count: 951



No, I’m not an alcoholic


(Although, two Saturdays ago,

I did get drunk and loud

on 3 martinis and 2 long island ice teas

for the very first time in 11 years)

It was awesome.


No, I’m not a drug addict


No, I’m not any type of drug dealer


Yes, I’m a cigarette smoker

(American Spirits, Blues)


Yes, I’m an avid coffee drinker


Yes, I’m addicted to colorful socks


Yes, I’m addicted to 20MG of Escitalopram


Recent Developments


            Well, on my end: there’s absolutely not one single multi-million dollar investor ever since December 31st, 2014 when we dissolved our film company “Taviette Film Productions.” Sigh.


            Now the multi-million dollar investors are solely my current legal partner’s investors and not mine.


            There’s no retirement.


            There’re no stocks or bonds or CDs.


            There’s nothing.


            Our bank account is wiped clean.


            Our bank account is more or less the same as the national treasury if one were to go and open up the vault to the national treasury then one would discover the truth about how the national treasury vault is empty and not because I write this, simply because it’s a fact of life.


            Well, my current legal partner came to me homeless at the age of 42 in December of 2006 ready to move into my 2-bedroom flat in uptown, Minneapolis, MN while I was 28 years of life, after, at length we both spoke and debated and exhausted each other to no end and fought for him not to move in while I worked for corporate America as a communications broadcast engineer (August 2006-present.)


            Well, my current legal partner came to me homeless at the age of 42 in December of 2006 ready to move into my 2-bedroom flat in uptown, Minneapolis, MN while I was 28 years of life, after at length we both spoke and debated and exhausted each other to no end and fought for him not to move in while he came into the relationship with about one hundred thousand dollars in credit card debt and now we have nothing to account for after eleven years of marriage. Okay. I accept it.


            For the past eleven years, we’ve both brought in $160,000 per annual income. Or, at least I thought we did with private multi-millionaire investors which are no longer my multi-million dollar investors. Okay. I accept it.


            We married April 2009.


            Since September 2009 I’ve stayed home and worked part-time 20 hours per week keeping a home going and chores done and supporting my current legal spouse through 11 years of financial omitted lies as well as part-time I’ve written a private online blog/personal diary since May 2010 as part of my on-going mid-career level professional career work. I can accept it.


            In April of 2016, my Mother-In-Law told me I was a “sucker.”


            She was right. I’m indeed a “sucker.”


            After six years without a vacation: I’m definitely a “sucker.”


            As of June 2016, my current legal partner’s begun to call me a “stoner” and I don’t know what a “stoner” means except I refuse to give up the daily dosage of 20MG of “Escitalopram” for fake-pregnancy hormones and non-cancerous uterine fibroid tumors and non-cancerous thyroid tumors which for the past two years I’ve walked into walls and bumped into doors and doorways and furniture and also burned myself on the stove since I’m not able to make much sense out of spatial relations or distance since my prescription glasses are from March 2013 (correction on year.)


            No, we don’t ever have any money or cash on hand.


            For example; for the first time in eleven years as of January 2017 finally I now own more than 3 pairs of socks at once. I’ve gone eleven years on only three pairs of socks. It’s not okay.


            In eleven years of marriage I’ve gone without anything since there’s not ever any money or cash.


            Today I found out for certain and as a matter of fact there’s no money since I personally went to the bank teller window with my current legal partner and discovered the ultimate sheer mockery made out of me for the past eleven years of an economically deceitful marriage.


            Finally, “I’m out” from under the lies and deceit and pressure to do all of the domestic housework for someone who knows nothing about putting away dishes or make the bed or change sheets or do laundry or cook or anything other than wish his relatives were dead then he may pay off his credit card debt (correction.)


            For eleven years my current legal partner’s told me he can’t wait for his older family members to die thus he may pay off some of his personal debt.


            Nevertheless, I think the thought, too, cruel to wish anyone dead to pay off debts.


            This particular remark has left me cold and chilled to the bone.


            No, I don’t believe in the death or murder of anyone in order to pay off the last $10,000 (ten-thousand dollars) of my student loan I deferred for six years in order for my current legal partner to pay off his first wife’s credit card’s undergraduate debt.


            My only monthly bill payments for the past four years since we moved to a Twin Cities’ suburb in August of 2012 has been one bill from the Department of Education for $120.00 of monthly payment installments.


            No, I’m no “stoner.”


            Although, I do have to look up the word “stoner” since I have no clue what the word “stoner” means by definition.


            Two years ago, the idea for me to be prescribed 20MG of Escitalopram was my current legal partner’s idea thus here we are today.


            Now I’m addicted to one daily dosage of 20MG of Escitalopram and I still do require and want a divorce after eleven years of consideration and asking to be granted a divorce.


            Finally, last Friday night my current legal partner granted me a divorce after eleven years for which I’ve asked to be granted a divorce.


            Yes, I’m addicted to 20MG of Escitalopram.


            Indeed, I’m addicted to 20MG of Escitalopram.


            How am I not to be addicted to 20MG of Escitalopram?


            In my humble opinion Escitalopram is speed.


Word Count: 1,037



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 3,000


Word Count: 3,668


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 6,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 1,302 + 3,668 = 4,970


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #1 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Blood Pressure: 102/66 mmHg / Pulse: 86 (04/07/17)


*)         CHOLESTEROL, Total

294 (10/20/2014), 245 (06/02/15), 276 (01/22/16) 273 (04/07/17) 


            HDL Cholesterol

49 (10/20/2014), 50 (06/02/15), 52 (01/22/16), 53 (04/07/17)



296 H (10/20/2014), 241 H (06/02/15), 253 H (01/22/16), 389 (04/07/17) 



186 H (10/20/2014), 147 H (06/02/15), 173 H (01/22/16) 142 (04/07/17) 


            CHOL/HDLC RATIO

6.0 H (10/20/2014), 4.9 (06/02/15), 5.3 H (01/22/16) 5.2 (04/07/17) 



245 H (10/20/2014), 195 H (06/02/15), 224 H (01/22/16)


            IRON, Total

79 mcg/dl (10/20/2014), 52 mcg/dl (06/02/15), 137 mcg/dl (01/22/16)


            CORTISOL, Total

            19.2 (10/20/2014), N/A (06/02/15), 11.9 (01/22/16)


*)         Week #25 without any higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #19 one sleeping pill per night by mouth “Zolpidem Tartrate” 10 MG


*)         Week #90 (09/03/15) on antidepressants specifically for fake-pregnancy hormones, one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate” 20 MG (03/01/16 change of dosage.)


Wednesday, June 14, 2017


“The man who intends to lie seeks witnesses from a far.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Allay (to quiet down, pacify, calm)


Now that I’m here you can allay your fears.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: pm CT


---  ---  ---



No Whining

No Complaining


“Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Fear Itself.”

                                            --- J.F.K.



“Fight for your right to party.”

                                                         --- Beastie Boys




Impeachment 2017



The F.B.I. is our only hope.



Cocaine and Prostitution

Will be legalized

In 2017-2018








The Most Dangerous Time

In Any Woman’s Life,

Is Right Before








No Blog



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,000 private journals


Word Count:


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 6,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 1,302


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #3 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #3 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Blood Pressure: 102/66 mmHg / Pulse: 86 (04/07/17)


*)         CHOLESTEROL, Total

294 (10/20/2014), 245 (06/02/15), 276 (01/22/16) 273 (04/07/17) 


            HDL Cholesterol

49 (10/20/2014), 50 (06/02/15), 52 (01/22/16), 53 (04/07/17)



296 H (10/20/2014), 241 H (06/02/15), 253 H (01/22/16), 389 (04/07/17) 



186 H (10/20/2014), 147 H (06/02/15), 173 H (01/22/16) 142 (04/07/17) 


            CHOL/HDLC RATIO

6.0 H (10/20/2014), 4.9 (06/02/15), 5.3 H (01/22/16) 5.2 (04/07/17) 



245 H (10/20/2014), 195 H (06/02/15), 224 H (01/22/16)


            IRON, Total

79 mcg/dl (10/20/2014), 52 mcg/dl (06/02/15), 137 mcg/dl (01/22/16)


            CORTISOL, Total

            19.2 (10/20/2014), N/A (06/02/15), 11.9 (01/22/16)


*)         Week #25 without any higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #19 one sleeping pill per night by mouth “Zolpidem Tartrate” 10 MG


*)         Week #90 (09/03/15) on antidepressants specifically for fake-pregnancy hormones, one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate” 20 MG (03/01/16 change of dosage.)


Tuesday, June 13, 2017


“To some men lying is a profession.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Bathos (sudden descent from the sublime to the ridiculous)


His book lost its seriousness by the recurrence of bathos.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: pm CT


---  ---  ---



No Whining

No Complaining


“Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Fear Itself.”

                                            --- J.F.K.



“Fight for your right to party.”

                                                         --- Beastie Boys




Impeachment 2017



The F.B.I. is our only hope.



Cocaine and Prostitution

Will be legalized

In 2017-2018








The Most Dangerous Time

In Any Woman’s Life,

Is Right Before








No Blog



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,000 personal journals


Word Count:


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 6,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 1,302


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #2 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #2 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Blood Pressure: 102/66 mmHg / Pulse: 86 (04/07/17)


*)         CHOLESTEROL, Total

294 (10/20/2014), 245 (06/02/15), 276 (01/22/16) 273 (04/07/17) 


            HDL Cholesterol

49 (10/20/2014), 50 (06/02/15), 52 (01/22/16), 53 (04/07/17)



296 H (10/20/2014), 241 H (06/02/15), 253 H (01/22/16), 389 (04/07/17) 



186 H (10/20/2014), 147 H (06/02/15), 173 H (01/22/16) 142 (04/07/17) 


            CHOL/HDLC RATIO

6.0 H (10/20/2014), 4.9 (06/02/15), 5.3 H (01/22/16) 5.2 (04/07/17) 



245 H (10/20/2014), 195 H (06/02/15), 224 H (01/22/16)


            IRON, Total

79 mcg/dl (10/20/2014), 52 mcg/dl (06/02/15), 137 mcg/dl (01/22/16)


            CORTISOL, Total

            19.2 (10/20/2014), N/A (06/02/15), 11.9 (01/22/16)


*)         Week #25 without any higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #19 one sleeping pill per night by mouth “Zolpidem Tartrate” 10 MG


*)         Week #90 (09/03/15) on antidepressants specifically for fake-pregnancy hormones, one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate” 20 MG (03/01/16 change of dosage.)


Monday, June 12, 2017


“If everyone says so, believe them.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Ephemeral (transient, lasting a short time)


In the light of the ages, life is ephemeral.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 4:18pm CT, 4:32pm CT


---  ---  ---



No Whining

No Complaining


“Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Fear Itself.”

                                            --- J.F.K.



“Fight for your right to party.”

                                                         --- Beastie Boys




Impeachment 2017



The F.B.I. is our only hope.



Cocaine and Prostitution

Will be legalized

In 2017-2018








The Most Dangerous Time

In Any Woman’s Life,

Is Right Before








Recent Developments

Friday Night


            No, I don’t care about any amount of money.


            All I care about is my freedom.


            Yes, on Friday night my current legal partner apologized to me for lying to me all these 11 years about what he’s been doing or not doing with our finances while the entire 11 years I’ve asked for a divorce as well as asked to have a joint shared bank account and he’s said no to both.


            Well, on Friday night I learned my current legal partner came into the relationship with what he’s continually called a “business loan” rather I now know he’s had a “line of credit” all this time and not a “business loan” which changes a lot of the information previously received in a pack of lies.


            In this marriage, I completely paid off my now dissolved film company (December 31st, 2014) “Taviette Film Productions’” literal “business loan” payments.


            No, I shan’t ever make another business loan payment for as long as I live. It was a complete waste of my time, energy and labor.


            Yes, I learned my lesson the first time round.


            Yes, I paid off eight thousand dollars ($8,000) and move on, 2002-2016. It was a wash.


            The literal film company “business loan” was a loss.


            For many years, the “business loan” set me behind in life.


            For seven years, as a single woman I made (2002-2009) my own “business loan” payments.


            My current legal partner tells me he took out $11,000 for a now dissolved corporation company (December 31st, 2014) with an open “line of credit” which is still owed nine thousand dollars ($9,000) on a “line of credit” we’ve paid off for eleven straight years at 20%.


            Let’s do some fun math:


            $11,000 X’s 20% = $24,000


            $300 X’s 12 months = $3,600


            $3,600 X’s 11 years = $39,600


            $39,000 - $24,000 = $15,000


            Okay, well, it is peanuts in comparison, however.


            Why aren’t we ever done paying off his “secret” line of credit after eleven years of marriage?


            After refusing to tell me about his “secret” line of credit or even so much as allowed to show me the line of credit then why isn’t it paid off?


            Where is $39,600 - $11,000 = $28,600 dollars for us to go on our second vacation in six years?


            How come we still owe this “secret” line of credit $9,000 dollars since we pay $300.00 into it each month for eleven years?


            For eleven years we’ve paid a total of $39,600 dollars into a previous opened line of credit and there now ought to be $28,000 (twenty-eight thousand dollars) in reserves and surplus.


            My current legal partner makes $80,000 per yearly annual income.


            We live on $38,000 per annual household spending thus after taxes, let’s say we have $50,000 to live on - $38,000 we actually do live on = $12,000 surplus each year.


            Thus where has $12,000 per annual surplus X’s 11 years = 132,000 (one hundred and thirty-two thousand dollars) gone?


            My current legal partner says he took out a “line of credit” in the year 2000 before he moved in with me on December 2006 and the total “line of credit” was initially owed $11,000 dollars as far as I know on December 2006 still yet as of today the line of credit has yet to be paid $9,000 after eleven years of paying $300.00 dollars per monthly payments out of our pockets.


            $2,000 dollars is the only money paid back to the initial $11,000 line of credit in eleven years.


            At this rate it will take us: 11 years to pay off another $2,000 dollars and another 11 years to pay off another $2,000 and another 11 years to pay off another $2,000 and another 11 years to pay off another $2,000 and 6 years to pay off $1,000.


            Does this mean for 50 years we’ll pay off $9,000 dollars at the rate of $2,000 per each 11 years?


            No, I didn’t sign up for this “secret” line of credit. NO.


            However, in 11 years we’ve paid $39,600 on a total of $11,000 line of credit. Why aren’t we done paying it off then?




            Where are our monthly payments gone towards?




            The math doesn’t add up.


            My current legal partner takes me for a chump and I am.


            Since December 2006, we’ve lived on $38,000 per annual household spending per yearly costs except 2016 we lived on $50,000 per household spending thus we live frugally which I love a frugal and materialistic-free lifestyle as a minimalist who refuses to contribute to anymore garbage into the Oceans.


            My current legal partner makes $80,000 per year. Okay.


            Then how come we’re “poor” as my legal partner disclosed to me on Friday night.


            We have absolutely nothing.




            How come?


            “Show me the money.”


            Have we made 1st wife “spousal support” payments for the past eleven years of marriage without me knowing it? No.


            Have I not known anything about this since I haven’t ever read or seen my current legal partner’s divorce papers to his first wife? No.


            My current legal partner says he needs extra money for us to live on which is a complete lie.


            We have a $2,500 total line of credit per yearly travel credit card.


            None of it makes sense.


            The entire eleven years my current legal partner refused to lift a finger around our property only to discover my current legal partner most likely has some inappropriate line of credit someplace in which only $2,000 dollars has been paid off in eleven years of marriage of $300.00 worth of monthly payments from the initial $11,000 line of credit. I’ve been taken for a complete ride.


            What a wild ride.


            My current legal partner will have much to explain to the courts. I don’t know. I don’t know what my current legal partner does with any of our money. I have no idea. I don’t care. I want out. I’ve wanted out for eleven years.


            My current legal partner came to me homeless and now I go out homeless. Not okay.


            Wow, my current legal partner did exactly to me what his first wife of 16 years did to him when he came to me with absolutely nothing. Whatever.


            Since the start of our relationship my current legal partner’s solution is: If I were to leave this relationship then I’m to go straight to a women’s homeless shelter yet I do all of the housework and property work and part-time write since I’ve been home fulltime since September 2009.


            How come I’ve been the one to be continuously threatened to get kicked out of my home for which I offered my initial two bedroom flat to my current legal partner in goodwill back in December 2006 and by October 2008 he laid out the ultimatums to either do all of the housework or get thrown out on the streets and go homeless after I gave up my corporate career in September 2007 in order to save the corporate career of my current legal partner.


            Personally, I think my current legal partner has always secretly hated me a little otherwise our love wouldn’t be this mean spirited and hateful.


            The only question I have is I do wonder how our accountants allowed for this to happen.



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,000


Word Count: 1,302


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 6,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 1,302


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #1 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Blood Pressure: 102/66 mmHg / Pulse: 86 (04/07/17)


*)         CHOLESTEROL, Total

294 (10/20/2014), 245 (06/02/15), 276 (01/22/16) 273 (04/07/17) 


            HDL Cholesterol

49 (10/20/2014), 50 (06/02/15), 52 (01/22/16), 53 (04/07/17)



296 H (10/20/2014), 241 H (06/02/15), 253 H (01/22/16), 389 (04/07/17) 



186 H (10/20/2014), 147 H (06/02/15), 173 H (01/22/16) 142 (04/07/17) 


            CHOL/HDLC RATIO

6.0 H (10/20/2014), 4.9 (06/02/15), 5.3 H (01/22/16) 5.2 (04/07/17) 



245 H (10/20/2014), 195 H (06/02/15), 224 H (01/22/16)


            IRON, Total

79 mcg/dl (10/20/2014), 52 mcg/dl (06/02/15), 137 mcg/dl (01/22/16)


            CORTISOL, Total

            19.2 (10/20/2014), N/A (06/02/15), 11.9 (01/22/16)


*)         Week #25 without any higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #19 one sleeping pill per night by mouth “Zolpidem Tartrate” 10 MG


*)         Week #90 (09/03/15) on antidepressants specifically for fake-pregnancy hormones, one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate” 20 MG (03/01/16 change of dosage.)


Friday, June 9, 2017


“The new may be true, but the old is gold.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Enunciation (clear pronunciation)


It was his enunciation of the words that won the prize.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 5:20pm CT, 6:59pm CT, 7:48pm CT, 7:55pm CT


---  ---  ---



No Whining

No Complaining


“Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Fear Itself.”

                                            --- J.F.K.



“Fight for your right to party.”

                                                         --- Beastie Boys




Impeachment 2017



The F.B.I. is our only hope.



Cocaine and Prostitution

Will be legalized

In 2017-2018








The Most Dangerous Time

In Any Woman’s Life,

Is Right Before







            NO, I don’t believe in any type of murder. Silly.


            No, I shan’t neither utilize any type of physical violent hand against my current legal partner nor have I ever beaten or brutalized my current legal partner, nor, he, against I. No.


            Yes, my current legal partner is 6’0’ and weighs 255 pounds while I’m 5’3” and 145 pounds.


            Yes, if my current legal partner chose and decided to then he could eat me alive and I would have nothing to say about it and he’d potentially kill me and he’d go to jail and I’d be dead. Yes.


            These are the facts of life.


            Thus we’ll keep domestic life civil and Halal and kosher and kind and smart and intelligent and respectfully non-romantic during our last summer together until Friday, September 1, 2017.


            Yes, I’ve said cruel and terrible words to my current legal partner. Fair enough.


            Yes, my current legal partner has indeed spoken and said cruel and terrible words to me. Fair enough.


            Yes, we’ve forgiven each other. Moving on. Next.


            Yes, the damage’s already been done and the trauma is now long gone and forgotten and forgiven forever.



Current Legal Partner


            Yes, my current legal partner is a good man.


            Yes, my current legal partner is a “gentle giant.”


            No, my current legal partner hasn’t ever hit me. No.


            Yes, my current legal partner is handsome and kind and intelligent and smart.


            Yes, my current legal partner is an anatomically correct man.


            No, my current legal partner doesn’t watch any pornography.

            (Awesome and sexy.)


            Yes, my current legal partner is gorgeous.


            Yes, my current legal partner is successful.


            Yes, my current legal partner is extremely sensitive.


            Yes, my current legal partner loves his side of his family.


            Yes, my current legal partner is a private legal Citizen of the United States of America.


            Yes, my current legal partner is a mature adult man.


            Yes, my current legal partner is a dedicated family man.


            Yes, my current legal partner is an extreme television enthusiast watcher.


            Yes, my current legal partner is a stay-at-home body.


            Yes, my current legal partner and I lost one fortune and regained all of our lost investments within ten years since 2007-2017.


            Yes, my third lost fortune was with my current legal partner.


            Yes, my fourth accumulated fortune was regained with my current legal partner.


            Yes, my fifth fortune will be rebuilt.


            We’ll think about how to rebuild a common wealth fortune later.



A Woman in the World


            Yes, I hold assets.


            No, assets aren’t “cash on the barrel head.”


            Assets take time to turn into cash.


            Yes, at this moment I have $59.50 to my name.


            Yes, my girlfriends tell me to go to a woman’s homeless shelter until this entire ordeal is over.


            If I must I will then.


            (Our peeps know exactly my 20, 24/7.)


            Today, I was advised divorce comes down to numbers and divided assets. Okay.


            Get excellent free representation since I have no money to my name.


            Tonight, I’ll purchase a pack of cigarettes when we feast at sundown for Ramadan along with our Muslim neighbors who for two years check in with me each and every single day of the week.


            No, for eleven years I haven’t ever known or seen any of our passwords held by my legal partner’s either bank accounts or bills or how our money is kept or managed. I don’t know. (I know, I know. Feminist theory.)


            For all I know there’s absolutely no money at all. It’s always a possibility.


            Yes, for eleven years I’ve asked my current legal partner to please open up a joint shared bank account with me and to this day my legal partner drags his feet each week and says no.


            Yes, once in January 2017, I did actually glanced over my current legal partner’s checking account for the first time in eleven years I realized...


            Yes, my legal partner also knows if we don’t acquire a shared joint checking account by December 2017 then this is all a futile exercise since I’d like to walk out of this marriage by no later than September 1, 2017 and with my life intact.


            Yes, each year for eleven years I’ve asked for a divorce from the same legal partner who refuses me a divorce.


            No, I don’t have any accessibility to my legal partner’s checking account or any other assets or anything for such matter. Not at the moment, anyway.


            The checking account hasn’t ever held my married legal name.


            Yes, this afternoon I’ve been advised to seek out free legal counsel.


            No, I’m not a legal expert.


            Yes, I have absolutely no money. I’m okay with it.


            Yes, I’ll have to research free legal counsel for American housewife women citizens who have absolutely no money to their name yet sacrificed eleven years of a corporate career as well as paid off mostly hundreds of thousands of dollars in credit card debt which belonged to my current legal partner’s first wife of sixteen years except for the last nine thousand dollars ($9,000) yet required to be solely legally paid by my current legal partner.


            Each year I continue to ask my current legal partner when we’d be done making payments to his previous “business loan” (which is a complete lie) since it’s a “line of credit” debt (which I found out is actually a line of credit and not any actual “credit card debt” nor a “business loan” neither since there’s not ever been a “business loan.”)


            My current legal partner’s been lying to me for eleven straight years about paying into a “business loan” which is a nonexistent “business loan” since there’s not ever been a “business loan” to pay back rather an already established “line of credit” from his previous sixteen year marriage which now I don’t know if any type of “line of credit” actually and factually exists or if we’ve been paying into “spousal support” from my legal partner’s previous sixteen year marriage since anything is now up to debate and consideration in what’s the truth and what isn’t. The courts will decide.

                        Each month, for eleven years, my current legal partner sets aside $300.00 (correction on the mathematics) X’s 12 months = $3,600 per year X’s 11 years = $39,600 (correction on the mathematics) on a “line of credit” my legal partner acquired in the year 2000 before we wed April 2009 and ever since and before then my current legal partner refused for eleven straight years to allow me to look over any of our accounts since my legal partner admits to me his been lying to me for eleven years and we’re poor.


            My legal partner’s former corporation is now dissolved and the company hasn’t existed since December 31, 2014.


            Continually over the course of the last decade I’ve asked my current legal partner when we’ll be done paying off his line of credit?


            When will we be done paying off his first wife’s undergraduate credit card debt which isn’t a “business loan.”


            Finally, this past Friday I found out the truth and we pay into a “line of credit” and I do wonder for what and/or for whom.


            We don’t ever seem to be near done making his “business loan” payments since there isn’t any “business loan” payments to make since it’s a lie, there’s no “business loan.”


            We don’t ever seem to be near done making his previous sixteen year marriage’s undergraduate “credit card debt” disappear as far as monthly payments are concerned since there isn’t any “credit card debt” because there never was except there would require for financial records to be made evident in a court of law otherwise money has been either saved away or buried at the farm or required to pay in previous “spousal support” while I have absolutely no money to my name. Not okay.


            No, I absolutely don’t seek the economic support of any man or woman much less my adopted father or mother.


            Yes, my parents and I are in good terms. We talk in person or over the phone or over email or over handwritten letters.


            Yes, my adopted mother is actually going to stay with me for a few days after the recovery of my third surgery in mid-July 2017.


            Yes, in December of 2003 I went homeless for one night.

            It was terrible.


            Yes, from the ages of 24-27 I starved in Duluth, MN.

            16 hour work days on very little food is nearly impossible to concentrate…It was terrible.


            No, no amount of money will make one happy. No.


            Yes, it’s best to be happy with little than unhappy with a lot.


            Money doesn’t mean anything.


            Love is great. Respect is all.


            Money comes and goes.


            Yes, I’m finally at peace with my eleven year decision.


            Yes, I’ve made my final decision to live for me.



I don’t know.


            Yes, for the first time in eleven years, on Wednesday, June 7, 2017, in front of our neighbor, my legal partner, twice, threatened to throw me down the backyard hill and kill me. Not okay. I’m not laughing. It’s not funny.


            Yes, as long as I stay married to my current legal partner then I’m legally permitted to make use of my legal partner’s first and last name otherwise I’ll most likely end up with a “defamation” lawsuit if we were ever to get divorced. Not okay, either.


            Yes, my legal partner has granted me verbal permission to make use of his first and last name so long as we’re married otherwise. Nothing. I get to walk away with my life intact. Period.


            This summer 2017 I must go through seven years of writing and take out the first and last name of my current legal partner to save myself from a defamation lawsuit which I refuse to deal with once our divorce is final unless my legal partner first shows me the money.


            This Monday, my legal partner’s mother was given two months to live.


            After eight years of cleaning and taking care of and helped shower and dress and helped take care of an eighty to ninety year old cruel and bitter woman then my current legal partner may now take it from here since my current legal partner mostly wasted my time with tedious cleaning and taking care of his elders on his side of the family while I haven’t seen my family in about three years.


            Yes, there’re people all over the world who know my 20 (location) and know when I go offline each night.




Minnesota is a 50/50 State


            No, I don’t know why my present legal partner always makes the threat I ought to go homeless when he came to me homeless and in hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt from his first 16 year marriage.


            The threat is quite exhaustive and tiresome.


            Women are “second class citizens.”


            Women of color are “third class citizens.”


            Today, I feel happier than I have in eleven years of marriage.


            No, I’m hardly ever confused about anything.


            Yes, I always know what needs to be done.


            However, I freeze and don’t move or do anything about anything except stand still to consider my options, however.


            NO, I don’t ever run out of options, however.


            Yes, I do seem to run out of courage.


            One isn’t ever out of options or choices.


            One’s right is to be happy in life.


            No one’s ever going to make another happy.


            To each their own.


            Only individuals make themselves happy.


            Through eleven years of marriage I’ve been most unhappy.


            Yes, my current legal partner is aware and has a real clear picture and clue exactly how unhappy I’ve been.


            Yes, to love someone is to let them go and set them free.






            My current legal partner will not ever again threaten to kill me.


            My current legal partner will treat me with respect and shower me with gifts and get me a glass of water whenever I want a glass of water or even if I were even as much as to ask for a glass of water and not even glance at it or drink it.


            Well, I laughed real hard.


            At least, I now know I’m not the problem.


            At least, I now know the problem and struggle lay with my current legal partner and his past and future finances.


            My current legal partner says he doesn’t know what’s happened to the money we’ve paid $300.00 into each month for the past eleven years in a total of $39,600.


            Ha, I bet I can guess since I’ve kept hand written ledgers of our finances for the past eleven years thus I know exactly how much we pay to meager bills and how much we frugally live on.


            For a while I thought I was going insane and wondered why we didn’t ever get ahead or save as much as I thought we ought to since I don’t cost anything.


            From now on my current legal partner will grant me “spousal support” until this is all very well and over.


            Finally, I’m relieved to know it’s not me.


            This entire time I’ve been killing myself as a good and dutiful wife.


            Ha, for the past eleven years, my current legal partner’s been cheating on me with our finances. Okay. I move on.


            Yes, I leave it up to the courts.


            The courts can have fun with my current legal partner since I’ve been unhappily married through eleven years of marriage and have wanted a divorce for eleven years.






            At least, it’s not me.

            It’s not me!

            It’s not me!


            Yes! I’m free from under a lie which isn’t even mine.


            Freedom at last.

            Freedom at last.


            Now it all makes sense. Okay. I get to walk out whenever I well please without anyone threatening to kill me or murder me over pittance.


            Our life insurance is one-hundred and fifty thousand.



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 2,093


Word Count: 2,416


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 8,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 1,629 + 4,801 = 6,430 + 2,416 = 8,846


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #1 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Blood Pressure: 102/66 mmHg / Pulse: 86 (04/07/17)


*)         CHOLESTEROL, Total

294 (10/20/2014), 245 (06/02/15), 276 (01/22/16) 273 (04/07/17) 


            HDL Cholesterol

49 (10/20/2014), 50 (06/02/15), 52 (01/22/16), 53 (04/07/17)



296 H (10/20/2014), 241 H (06/02/15), 253 H (01/22/16), 389 (04/07/17) 



186 H (10/20/2014), 147 H (06/02/15), 173 H (01/22/16) 142 (04/07/17) 


            CHOL/HDLC RATIO

6.0 H (10/20/2014), 4.9 (06/02/15), 5.3 H (01/22/16) 5.2 (04/07/17) 



245 H (10/20/2014), 195 H (06/02/15), 224 H (01/22/16)


            IRON, Total

79 mcg/dl (10/20/2014), 52 mcg/dl (06/02/15), 137 mcg/dl (01/22/16)


            CORTISOL, Total

            19.2 (10/20/2014), N/A (06/02/15), 11.9 (01/22/16)


*)         Week #24 without any higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #18 one sleeping pill per night by mouth “Zolpidem Tartrate” 10 MG


*)         Week #89 (09/03/15) on antidepressants specifically for fake-pregnancy hormones, one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate” 20 MG (03/01/16 change of dosage.)


Thursday, June 8, 2017


“Fortunate are those who enjoy old age.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Impious (irreverent, without piety, wicked)


His impious utterances shocked all who heard them.

---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: pm CT


---  ---  ---



No Whining

No Complaining


“Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Fear Itself.”

                                            --- J.F.K.




“Fight for your right to party.”

                                                         --- Beastie Boys




Impeachment 2017



The F.B.I. is our only hope.



Cocaine and Prostitution

Will be legalized

In 2017-2018








No Blog

Indeed, the day did get away from me.



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,000 private journals


Word Count:


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 8,000


This Week’s Total Word Count:


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #1 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Blood Pressure: 102/66 mmHg / Pulse: 86 (04/07/17)


*)         CHOLESTEROL, Total

294 (10/20/2014), 245 (06/02/15), 276 (01/22/16) 273 (04/07/17) 


            HDL Cholesterol

49 (10/20/2014), 50 (06/02/15), 52 (01/22/16), 53 (04/07/17)



296 H (10/20/2014), 241 H (06/02/15), 253 H (01/22/16), 389 (04/07/17) 



186 H (10/20/2014), 147 H (06/02/15), 173 H (01/22/16) 142 (04/07/17) 


            CHOL/HDLC RATIO

6.0 H (10/20/2014), 4.9 (06/02/15), 5.3 H (01/22/16) 5.2 (04/07/17) 



245 H (10/20/2014), 195 H (06/02/15), 224 H (01/22/16)


            IRON, Total

79 mcg/dl (10/20/2014), 52 mcg/dl (06/02/15), 137 mcg/dl (01/22/16)


            CORTISOL, Total

            19.2 (10/20/2014), N/A (06/02/15), 11.9 (01/22/16)


*)         Week #24 without any higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #18 one sleeping pill per night by mouth “Zolpidem Tartrate” 10 MG


*)         Week #89 (09/03/15) on antidepressants specifically for fake-pregnancy hormones, one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate” 20 MG (03/01/16 change of dosage.)


Wednesday, June 7, 2017


“Though old people dye their hair, the roots remain white.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Incessant (never ceasing, continual)


That incessant noise will drive me mad.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 5:35pm CT


---  ---  ---


Comedians, No Holds Barred


            Yes, comedians hold the ultimate trump card in entertainment and society and culture.


            Yes, comedians hold carte blanche to say whatever comedians see fit to make strong pronouncements about modern times and change the angry trajectory of our overall modern culture and civilization into peaceful measures toward future progressiveness.


            Comedians may state anything comedians want to say especially the word “nigger” in terms of any strong historical reference or example from history or in general as a strong analogy or metaphor as well as make fun of the present sitting president since “freedom of speech” isn’t free through 17 years of war in the Middle East.


            “Freedom of speech” is fragile.


            “Freedom of speech” ought to always be robust and passionate and strong and alive and humanitarian or no go.


            Society and culture at large must hold against the steadfast insanity of “political correctness” which is a new study ado much about nothing much less at all anything except for “thin skinned” people who get personally insulted or personally offended about words which such derogatory words aren’t aimed at anyone in particular much less made personal against any individual or directed at any one person except as a public statement about what’s wrong with our undereducated and aggressive culture of ‘thin skinned’ people who haven’t ever read 5,000 books or more therefore Americans don’t truly understand words much less what words mean in context to other words.


            Comedians hold carte blanche thus comedians may hold up a mirror right up to the face of culture and society and make amazing and poignant counterpoints about what’s wrong with our modern racist culture as long as the word “nigger” is utilized in a manner in which a point is evidently made or an example is set then comedians and artist and creative professional don’t owe anybody any explanation or apology. No.


            A “house slave” was a “house nigger.”


            Doesn’t anybody know any American black history?


            No wonder modern Americans are insane and perturbed since Americans often miss the point since Americans are quite uneducated and easily get bothered and hot under their collars.


            Yes, comedians hold “creative license” such as artists and musicians and writers and such.


            No one tells any comedian how far their material may or may not go. No.


            No one ever asks a professional comedian for an apology otherwise the comedic point is lost and becomes moot and absurd.


            Let’s get over our collective egos and make use of our “poetic license” amongst professionals who know what it is professionals do better than any general public filled with uneducated illiterate fools about words, and the righteous indignation and ignorance about what the history of words mean, if, anything, thus we must not forget words are thin air otherwise America is truly in trouble.


            What comedians say is essential towards the progressive and well developed intellectual growth of America otherwise if only corporate America has a voice and truly treats economic slaves like “niggers” then the word “nigger” truly doesn’t mean anything since as contemporary Americans we allow for corporate America to treat workers as any working body of “niggers” and what bothers Americans the most?


            Does economic imbalance most bother Americans to have any professional comedian utilize the word “nigger” or to have corporate America treat American citizens and civilians as “niggers.”


            It’s up to America.


            What’s America truly insulted by?


            Is it the fact, “economic” and “racial” slavery is still an ‘actual’ fact of life or Americans don’t actually know what the history of the word “nigger” means?


            Let’s get over our wounded egos as a country of fools who don’t know any better much less which policies to truly get behind and support for the benefit of all global civilization.


            Americans aren’t radical extremists. No.


---  ---  ---



No Whining

No Complaining


“Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Fear Itself.”

                                            --- J.F.K.



“Fight for your right to party.”

                                                         --- Beastie Boys




Impeachment 2017



The F.B.I. is our only hope.



Cocaine and Prostitution

Will be legalized

In 2017-2018








Parental Alienation


The Courts Decide

Not a Matter of Public Opinion


            This past Friday, a Twin Cities’ musician decided to “character assassinate” one of Duluth, Minnesota’s musicians for the entire world to read over online social media.


            We all caught a sight of it. Yikes. Breathe.


            My heart went out to the Duluth, Minnesota’s musician who I don’t know at all and haven’t ever met.


            My heart went out to this Duluth, Minnesota man and father who did get called inappropriate names and accused as a ‘woman abuser’ when the courts have already proven such any falsehoods and allegations to be false thus and therefore the courts already decided against untrue and unfounded allegations of physical domestic violent abuse between two exes and former partners as co-parents thus the father is now permitted to parent as he best sees fit for his children whenever the father were to parent as any mature adult man does.


            The ‘dirty laundry’ is out of the cat’s bag therefore let’s address online social media etiquette for all our healthy creative and artistic sakes.


            The fact is the Duluth, Minnesota male musician father to his children is granted by the courts and bestowed a great and awesome significant legal parental fathering role in the lives of his amazing and beautiful children, as is my guess, since all children are beautiful even though I don’t personally like to take care of or look after children.


            The courts decide and the courts decided the Duluth, Minnesota male musician father would indeed and in fact freely tend to his children as I understand him to be an involved and respectful and loving “straight edge” father who doesn’t smoke cigarettes or drinks any alcohol or does any drugs. Wow. What a strong human being.


            (Side note: I was “straight edge” for many years and it’s a real dedication to a strict lifestyle as is with being vegan.)


            The bewilderment to read the comments of one irresponsible and unprofessional Twin Cities’ male musician indeed write atrocious public statements against the true character of our Duluth, Minnesota’s musician son is profound and obvious the Twin Cities’ musician was not only cowardly in his speech and manner of tone as well as unprofessional and willing to sabotage another’s private reputation due to social media rumors and many untruths which an entire state of artists and creative types and creative professionals are aware of the here say “she said” “he said” and untrue allegations of one woman’s falsehoods and lies about the father of her children and the devaluing of the father’s great worth as a human being and fatherly role and immense humanity and awesome ability to make great music and to father well. What more would anybody ask for?


            When I saw the public statements made I didn’t know what to think except…how painful and how awful for this Duluth, Minnesota male musician father to be torn apart out in the open for public consumption and beady little eyeballs to read and enjoy the mess of it all.


            How awful for any person to have their personal lives ousted and displayed all over social media. I cringed.


            Yes, I mean, if one were to have personal writings then from scratch design and build any private website or original platform and make one’s own opinions and truths known, however.


            Not over online social media is one to hang out the dirty laundry where we all share a “common space” and love for the art of music and general agape and platonic love for our Duluth, Minnesota’s sons and their great and awesome responsibilities as mature adult men of the world and excellent fathers.


            From the very little I know.


            From the very little I gather about the ex-wife or former female partner to the Duluth, Minnesota’s male musician father is she has an online social media page in which she’s displays her raw angst and anger and emotions and frustrations and incorrectly lied about physical violence abuse which didn’t ever factually occur against her person or body or self.


            If social media users don’t know this by now, then allow for me to be the first one to set the record straight.


            Online social media isn’t a tool or a platform to air out grievances. No.


            Online social media is to connect to other like minded people or people we’ve actually met and know from our past.


            No, I don’t have any social media.


            Still I know what goes on social media therefore social media commentary goes far past into the real world.


            Social media commentary makes itself content which transforms into real world consequences thus one must be quite careful as to what one writes over online social media otherwise one’s liable to any type of lawsuit especially when any individual(s) doesn’t own their own private website.


            All and any content posted over social media belongs to the respective companies and not to any individual or group of individuals.


            If anybody wants a public spectacle then guess what?


            The goal was set and met since I’m now writing about social media liable words only because the uncalled for and unprofessional situation and rude online comments did upset a group of Duluth, Minnesota local musicians since yes, thousands, if, not, then tens of thousands of artists and creative types and creative professionals throughout the world did read some mean spirited and uncalled for comments made against the Duluth, Minnesota’s male musician father and his private business with his ex which none of us have to read about or know anything about it. Thank you.



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,845


Word Count: 1,629


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 8,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 1,629 + 4,801 = 6,430


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #1 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Blood Pressure: 102/66 mmHg / Pulse: 86 (04/07/17)


*)         CHOLESTEROL, Total

294 (10/20/2014), 245 (06/02/15), 276 (01/22/16) 273 (04/07/17) 


            HDL Cholesterol

49 (10/20/2014), 50 (06/02/15), 52 (01/22/16), 53 (04/07/17)



296 H (10/20/2014), 241 H (06/02/15), 253 H (01/22/16), 389 (04/07/17) 



186 H (10/20/2014), 147 H (06/02/15), 173 H (01/22/16) 142 (04/07/17) 


            CHOL/HDLC RATIO

6.0 H (10/20/2014), 4.9 (06/02/15), 5.3 H (01/22/16) 5.2 (04/07/17) 



245 H (10/20/2014), 195 H (06/02/15), 224 H (01/22/16)


            IRON, Total

79 mcg/dl (10/20/2014), 52 mcg/dl (06/02/15), 137 mcg/dl (01/22/16)


            CORTISOL, Total

            19.2 (10/20/2014), N/A (06/02/15), 11.9 (01/22/16)


*)         Week #24 without any higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #18 one sleeping pill per night by mouth “Zolpidem Tartrate” 10 MG


*)         Week #89 (09/03/15) on antidepressants specifically for fake-pregnancy hormones, one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate” 20 MG (03/01/16 change of dosage.)


Tuesday, June 6, 2017


“Gray hair is worthless if the brain is still green.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Incontrovertible (cannot prove wrong, indisputable)


An incontrovertible argument was presented for the adoption of the resolution.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 7:42pm CT


---  ---  ---


            Grammatical corrections were made.


---  ---  ---




No Whining

No Complaining


“Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Fear Itself.”

                                            --- J.F.K.



“Fight for your right to party.”

                                                         --- Beastie Boys




Impeachment 2017



The F.B.I. is our only hope.



Cocaine and Prostitution

Will be legalized

In 2017-2018








Marriage vs. Divorce

August 2017


            Let’s get a few things straight:


            For as long as I live, no man or woman will ever own me, or make a possession out of me, or dehumanize me, or criticize me, or be any blatant type of racist against the natural color of my skin pigmentation neither will anyone be against my intelligence nor against my smarts nor ever be allowed to call me the N-word nor make an unpaid domestic indentured slave out of me much less waste my time with unpaid hard labor expected of me which is neither considerate nor fun nor respectful of myself or of my time. Thank you.


            No one will ever again even as much as begin to assume or demand or command not one single free chore from me since I’m my own vessel and mature adult woman and person with a true personality and courage and ability to think through my decisions and make healthy and wonderful and amazing choices for myself even though people in my life have demanded obligations from me to “bend over backwards” to their pressure or will to do for them what they choose not to do for themselves such as clean and cook and do chores and fix their properties and fix the roof shingles and clean windows and mow unless I were to verbally volunteer without pay, one week out of my summers to organize one space for one legitimate business owner simply and most likely because I’ve fallen in love with the space and will choose to volunteer to either organize the space as an art curator and will step into the space for actual commercial value and sanity to the owner and productivity and goodwill to their staff.


            No, not, ever, will I volunteer to any cause or charity, not with my own two bare hands, anyway. No thank you.


            We carry global families on our annual budgets.


            Not ever again will I work for free for anyone unless I actually decide to volunteer which mainly the idea to want to volunteer would have to be structured organization and fun and laughter and work off calories without killing oneself in the process.


            Not once ever again will I clean for free unless it’s a tremendous gift to any negative space or building from my true sweat and heartfelt emotion only because I’ve actually fallen in love with the building or space and the building or space as any grandiose metaphor, per se, either the building or space have fallen back in love with me.


            Otherwise, it’s futile to structurally organize any space or building for which doesn’t like the person who does the organization in healthy lifestyle choices for others’ benefit and healthy lifestyle living and work conditions to better living.



“Listen to me...”


            Current legal partner and I’ve held screaming matches about the need to break up and within a year of marriage I continued to ask my current legal partner for a divorce each week or each month or each every six months for over a decade now.


            Current legal partner and I married on April 17, 2009.


            On our first wedding anniversary we had our first and only miscarriage. It was my first and only pregnancy.


            The week of April 17, 2010 the doctors at Walt Disney’s hospital confirmed our first and only miscarriage through an ultrasound test which current legal partner was a witness to the test and present in the room.


            Yes, ever since the first month current legal partner moved in with me and into my two bedroom flat in Uptown, Minneapolis, MN in December of 2006, I’ve wanted for us to break up.


            Right after we moved in together I reasoned with my current legal partner and asked current legal partner to please break up.


            Since, my current legal partner didn’t listen then I began to yell then scream then cry then yell and scream all over again from 2009-2012.


            How annoying can such miscommunication be? Quite.


            Before my current legal partner moved in with me, I told my current legal partner to please not do move in and somehow we made the joint decision for my current legal partner to move into the apartment, anyway, when it was the last thing I ever wanted since I knew perfectly well it would be nearly impossible to get out of the relationship once my current legal partner moved into my apartment.


            This relationship’s proven to be the most difficult eleven year break-up in the world.


            Still yet I stay since I feel the pressure and obligation to take care of my current legal partner’s emotional needs when my emotional needs are hardly ever met thus I don’t leave since I haven’t been able to get up the courage to allow for my current legal partner to live out his own life while I live out mine.


            My wanting a divorce for over a decade is no secret.


            Yes, I’ve asked my current legal partner for a divorce ever since December of 2006 when we moved in together and “off to the races” we went and didn’t ever look back in an overly co-dependent soberly verbally abusive manner through the troubles in our relationship which our relationship hasn’t ever looked good from the start and we’ve both known this to be a strong truth.


            Our relationship held a bleak outlook from the start when my male friends told me not to marry current legal partner thus my male friends at the time of our marriage refused to shake my current legal partner’s hand at our wedding reception.


            My male friends’ misbehavior in social interactions about killed me since my current legal partner was officially then my husband, and me, his wife.


            At the time, in 2009 my male friends disliked my current legal partner.


            Current legal partner didn’t like any of my alcoholic male friends thus I ended many, if, not all of my male friendships in August of 2012 thus I’ve been living in solitary confinement in the suburbs ever since 2012 and before, back to 2009 when I began to work from home fulltime as a part time housewife and as a part time nonfiction blogger.


            In October 2008, one night my current legal partner arrived home from work and announced to me, my current legal partner wasn’t ever going to cook one single meal in his life. Not okay.


            On such a dark and stormy night, my current legal partner told me if I didn’t like the fact he wouldn’t ever lift a finger to help out in the kitchen or around the house then I could get out and go to a woman’s homeless shelter which is exactly what I ought to have done.


            Today, my current legal partner agrees: on such a stormy and rainy night I ought to have left forever our two bedroom apartment except I was afraid something terrible might happen to me on the streets of Minneapolis.


            The only reason why I stayed is because I was terrified to get physically hurt on a cold October night of 2008 while possibly homeless.


            By December of 2009, once again I asked for a divorce.


            Each month for the year of 2010 I asked for a divorce.


            Each month for the year of 2011 I asked for a divorce.


            Each month for the year of 2012 I asked for a divorce.


            Each month for the year of 2013 I asked for a divorce.


            Each month for the year of 2014 I asked for a divorce.


            Each month for the year of 2015 I asked for a divorce.


            Every six months of 2016 I asked for a divorce.


            Once in 2017 I’ve asked for a divorce.


            About to ask for another divorce except this time I’m not really about to ask. I’m moving on.


            My current legal partner doesn’t take me seriously enough to know my own mind.


            Repeatedly, my current legal partner’s told me if I leave then he will most likely die and the pressure is, too, much for me.


            No, I’m not able to live with the possibility my current legal partner might die because of my departure. No.


            However, to stay in our marriage and relationship might kill me.


            No, I refuse to be my current legal partner’s misery and distress, however.


            My current legal partner’s been my misery and distress for over a decade and my current legal partner knows it all, too, well.


            We live in the lonely suburbs of the Twin Cities, Minnesota.


            Personally, I don’t like how large our 4 bedroom, 2 bath, two floor home is.


            As of December of 2006 (eleven years ago) I’ve been the only one who does all of the yard maintenance and laundry and chores and house painting and prepared meals and cooked meals (through six years of a vegan lifestyle which was a waste of both of our time) and clean up and wash dishes and place dishes away and wipe down counters and make the bed each day and change the bedding each week and serve my current legal partner hand-and-foot and help my current legal partner clothes shop then purchase his clothes and set budgets and keep budgets and ledgers to our thirty-eight thousand dollar ($38,000) household budget through a twenty year case study which we’ve made it through eleven years of a case study about 80% of Americans’ median income which is $38,000 for a family of four per annual yearly salary.


            My current legal partner makes eighty thousand per yearly annual salary.


            We make one-hundred and sixty thousand per annual income.


            My current legal partner does indeed bring home bacon.


            As an American part-time housewife I make zero dollars cleaning part-time per twenty hours per weekly sacrifice.


            The drudgery of carrying a home alone is immense.


            The drudgery of carrying a home alone is difficult and lonely and alone.


            Much manual labor is involved in housekeeping which is often overlooked and underappreciated by anyone who sits around and hardly ever lifts a finger in any marriage or relationship since it’s not they who puts in the hours of drudgery.


            Also I’ve clocked in an additional eight years of bi-weekend cleaning and elderly care for my 90 year old In-Laws who’ve told me on the second weekend of April 2016, “I wish you hadn’t ever married, so-and-so!” Not okay.


            Both my current legal partner and I wish we hadn’t ever married each other, either.


            Our general dislike of each other is made clear and evident.


            One of our rules is I’m not to ever again skateboard since skateboarding is by far, too, dangerous or go dance anywhere in public except our basement then what type of a suffocating life am I to lead without live music or my skateboard?


            One of our other rules is I’m not allowed to go out pass 8:00pm since it’s dangerous in public.


            Another of our stupid rules is I’m only to go out once per each decade on my birthdays and not ever in the summer time or at any other time. Ah, not okay.


            No coffee shops.


            No libraries.


            No book readings.


            No movies.


            No public life whatsoever.


            Eleven years ago, my current legal partner decided he wasn’t ever going to go out and socialize with me thus the decision has been final ever since.


            No, I don’t want to be a married woman living an alone existence until my current legal partner tells me to let down my long hair and he can make use of my hair as a latter while he climbs the tower and pulls on my hair and scalp as an analogy. No.


            The fact we don’t like being married to each other is well made aware and communicated between us over the eleven years of our relationship and marriage.


            Our dislike between us both -- my current legal partner and myself: -- as husband and wife is quite distinctly real and already very much communicated.


            Mostly we don’t like each other’s lifestyles or generations since my current legal partner is a baby-boomer and I’m a Gen-Xer.


            Yes, we have a monogamous relationship even though I’m out come this August 2017.


            Tomorrow, I plan to file for divorce and as a “second class citizen” as an American woman of color I’m expected to once more starve if I have to, however.


            My goal is to walk out since my current legal partner already made clear he’ll make sure I get nothing. Not okay, however. I don’t accept it.


            My current legal partner may have our house and furniture and car and land and properties and investments and shampoo.


            What my current legal partner may not have is my minimal wardrobe I’ve built ever since December of 2014 and my tablet and laptop.


            My current legal partner will get anything since this is the lifestyle he wants and this is what he desires from life and I don’t.


            My current legal partner’s not willing to change thus I am.


            Personally, I love our block, however. I don’t like some of the physically abusive and verbally abusive neighbors.


            Personally, after five years of living on this block I find our neighbors absolutely violent. There’re police reports to show and prove the evidence of hate-crimes of neighbors upon neighbors in this abusive neighborhood.


            Personally, for four years I’ve asked my current legal partner to sell the home and let’s move anywhere else.


            My current legal partner stays put in Minnesota for 90 year olds. I don’t.



My Finn-Jewish Minnesota Family


            My Finn-Jewish Minnesota family and I have already spoken and established and agreed upon, I’m not to ever personally financially support the baby-boomers in our family or physically take care of the baby-boomers in any way shape or form or manner since baby-boomers didn’t take care of us while growing up. Okay. Thanks.


            My Finn-Jewish Minnesota family and I have already spoken and established and agreed upon, I’m neither obligated nor punished, or hated upon, or belittled, or dehumanized nor estranged or abandoned nor must I ever feel obligated to entertain or socialize with the baby-boomers in their retired years. Okay. Thank you.


            Yes, I may come and go as I please.


            Yes, I may go home and go around my family whenever I very well feel like it and want to which is hardly ever since I make my own best company and don’t fight with myself while humans tend to want to bicker or assert dominance or have a “pissing contest” as to whom is the ‘leader of the pack’ or the hierarchy and I don’t care. I simply like a good meal and not a fight over the course of a meal.


            No, I don’t mind passionate conversation at the dinner table.


            However, screaming matches between family members literally leaves me sick to my stomach for weeks and sometimes months on end.


            Furthermore, my Finn-Jewish Minnesota family will love me until the end of time no matter what I choose to do or decide.


            My father told me marriage isn’t forever.


            In our Finn-Jewish Minnesota family no one is a “demon” or a “devil” or the “Scarlet Letter” or dismissed or abandoned for making one’s own life choices or plans to the right to be happy and healthy and productive with one’s own made mature adult decisions while anybody else may “go jump in the lake.”


            My family has granted me the permission not to care what anybody thinks of me. Thank you.


            Yes, I was once heavily drugged up and sexually molested and felt up while in my long johns in March of 2011.


            An entire group of staff and workers and social group of people in south, Minneapolis apologized in September of 2011 for the unfortunate mishap which occurred in March of 2011.


            Yes, I forgave them all, however.


            Indeed, I did get to walk away with writing material since the apology was made and this is my life which such a mishap ended my film career forever.


            Could one imagine the film career of any man ruined if he were sexually molested? Most likely not.


            Nevertheless, women pay for men’s misbehaviors thus women sacrifice more than men do.


            Yes, I was once man handled and had an Iraqi man put his hand under my shirt and pinched my nipple in public at the “Gay 90’s” in August of 2014. I forgave.


            My reputation is impeccable.


            Anything else is consensual between mature adults and nobody else.


            No body tells anybody else how to live.


            Mainly most of life is all “suffering” or “work” as my father used to like to remind me at the age of fourteen thus “have fun!” and don’t care what anyone thinks of you. Okay. I won’t.


            How correct my father was.


            Personally, I like to work hard and play hard.


            Personally, I’m not cut out to be a domestic wife slave without any type of financial benefits or rewards or vacations for six years at a time while working away for over a decade with a partner who early on told me he wasn’t going to ever lift a finger to help out in the home and my current legal partner didn’t lie about it.


            My current legal partner told the truth, however. Then my current legal partner ought to have been truthful and admitted he wanted a maid or a mommy or a nanny or a cook or a servant rather than a wife.


            Within the last decade of marriage I helped my current legal partner get set up in an apartment during his already established break up and divorce from his first wife of sixteen years before my current legal partner and I ever met each other thus my current legal partner had nowhere to live in December of 2006 when both my current legal partner and I had only met August of 2006.


            Within the last decade I committed “corporate career suicide” to help save my current legal partner’s posh corporate career when I refused to serve in any type of corporate espionage against my current legal partner thus my current legal partner has a wonderful corporate career because I killed mine in exchange to save his. How stupid of me. Not really. I’d do it the same way all over again.


            Within the past decade I’ve helped my current legal partner and his first wife of sixteen years pay off one-hundred thousand dollars in her undergraduate credit card debt while my current legal partner refuses to allow for me to further my education and by now I could have had my PhD which is all I want in life.


            Once a year for an entire decade I’ve asked my current legal partner to please give me his blessing to go ahead and get my doctorate degree to teach doctorate fellows. No go.


            Yes, I would like a graduate degree in astronomy or quantum physics or micro-biology.


            Within the last decade my awesome credit score helped my current legal partner purchase his first home at the age of 49.


            Within the this decade my awesome credit score has helped my current legal partner purchase one used car and one brand new car, 2016.


            Within the this recent decade I’ve helped my current legal partner get set up with furnishings and an entire home specifically for my current legal partner’s benefit. I don’t even like living in the lonely suburbs of the Twin Cities.


            Countless of times over the years I’ve packed up my meager belongings into our car and completely left with the clothes on my back while all my current legal partner is ever concerned with is getting the car back in the morning to go to work the following day. Take a taxi. Take public transport.


            No, I haven’t threatened to leave. I have left.


            Yes, each time I’ve left, my current legal partner’s frozen out our bank account since all of our money is in my current legal partner’s name which I’ve only once looked over during January 2017 and was actually allowed to see the checking account for the first time ever in eleven years of marriage. Wow.


            There were tens of  thousands of dollars in my current legal partner’s checking account at the time.


            Yes, each time I’ve decided to leave especially in the middle of the night then my current legal partner’s told me to go to a woman’s Homeless shelter. Not okay.


            My heart breaks each time my current legal partner tells me I’m to go homeless since my current legal partner found me working in corporate America as a communications broadcast engineer thus for my current legal partner to tell me to go homeless isn’t financially comparable to where my current legal partner found me and ought to have left me alone since I’m thirteen years his junior.


            Okay, when I leave I’ll have absolutely no money or properties or finances or investments. I’ll have to start all over again at the very beginning since my current legal partner already told me this is what will happen and it will because  my current legal partner isn’t going to let go of any of our supposed wealth which I know nothing about.


            Yes, I’ve made the decision to leave here with my name and writings and work and computer software systems and website and tablet and a backpack and “intellectual property” and nothing much else because if I stay I will shrivel up and die.


            No, I’m not able to be isolated in life. I’m a social creature.


            For eleven straight years my current legal partner’s goal in life is to sit in front of the television.


            Constant television isn’t my ideal to any healthy lifestyle to imagination or creation or community building or moral support or true friendships without judgment or punishment for least not wanting to stay in an unhealthy and unreasonable relationship.


            Yes, today I returned home to get operated on.


            Yes, today I returned home to pay off the last of our meager bills and square away our finances and get my current legal partner financially set up in life and allow for my current legal partner to live out his dream while I start anew and fresh in Duluth, MN which countless of times I’ve asked my current legal partner to move back to Kettle River, MN or Duluth, MN and my current legal partner says, “You can’t eat the scenery.”


            Then I guess I might starve once more in Duluth, MN.


            Yet, one mustn’t live out one’s days alone cleaning forever.


            Yes, I’ll continue to write and fulfill my creative mid-level career responsibilities.


            Yes, ever since I was sixteen, my goal’s been to write the next great American novel.


            Yes, I’m forever a retired filmmaker of six years.


            Yes, I’ll continue to skateboard until I’m no longer able to in old age.


            Yes, I want a monogamous and exclusive future relationship.


            Yes, I’d love to partner up again and make a lifelong commitment to the right and kind and intelligent and smart man who understands I’m human and neither an object or possession or property.


            No, no one has to pay for my rent or bills or whatever.


            This will be my fourth fortune I’ve personally lost and will walk away from since I’m not bound by any conventional rules or regulations as a modern woman. Au Contraire.


            My dad told me it is okay to get divorced and I also think it is okay to get divorced, too.


            No, we didn’t try.


            We did our best.


            We did our best and didn’t fail at anything other than equal domestic rights and In-Law’s racist disrespect which they’ve asked me for my forgiveness and I’ve granted them such an awesome gift such as forgiveness. Except I don’t personally want anything to do with any of them for as long as I live.


            Yes, I win my freedom.


            Yes, in the fall of 2017, I’ll move to Duluth, MN and stay for two years unless I once more starve then I’ll head for Hollywood to write for television and the silver screen. Yep.


            “The world’s my oyster” and the only place which is difficult to financially carve out a meager living is either Detroit, MI or Duluth, MN, however.


            Duluth, MN and Los Angeles, California and Cambridge, MA and Manhattan, N.Y.C. all call out to me ever since I left Duluth, MN on May 1, 2004.


            The Twin Cities is racist.


            The Twin Cities is exclusive of artists or writers.


            The Twin Cities is…


            Yes, I will spend the years and decades writing and not volunteering with any other artists since I don’t have time to freely volunteer to help others create when I have my very own creations to attend to.


            My current legal partner already knows all of this.


            No, I don’t ever want to have a barky dog for as long as I live.


            No, I don’t ever want…obligations or abuse from 90 year olds.




            This is not anybody’s business.


            My family has granted me the right to be happy. Okay.


            Yes, I’ve been a most dutiful wife.


            Yes, this marriage struggle has almost broken my back.


            However, not my spirits.


            No, I shan’t ever need a shrink to help me decide my life for myself.

            No, let’s not pretend as though anyone’s got my back since life has taught me we’re born alone, we live out our existence alone and we die alone.


            Let’s not ever pretend as though I’m safe.


            As any mature adult woman I now make my own decisions and I shall live out my life as a human and not as an object to be dehumanized or objectified.


            At the age of 24, my parents told me not to ever ask them for any financial assistance even if I were to starve or go homeless as an adult thus my parents don’t ever get to tell me how to live out my life much less am I beholden to either of them nor do I seek out their company since their company is oppressive and manipulative and full of verbal abuse. Not okay.


            All I care about is the Maya gods.


            All I care about is our family and friends.


            All I care about is health and wellness.


            All I care about is writing.


            All I care about is respectful love.


            All I care about is good clean fun.


            All I care about is freedom.


            All I care is about food in the belly.


            All I care about is to seek out the best drinking water resource in the world.


            No, I don’t want to birth or raise my own children. No.


            From here on out I choose art over this immense marital loneliness.


            No, I’m not lonely, since I’ve been alone for an entire decade of marriage.

            If I know anything, then it is how to best spend time alone, without being lonely, or bored, while I work, and relax, since being alone is all I’ve done in two decades of research and study, thus choosing to be “lonely” only seems destructive and confusing and I’m neither destructive nor confused.


            Tonight I know my mind better than I have in eleven years of marriage.


            At least, I’m relieved for it to be over and start anew.


            Yes, my current legal partner’s mother already knows I want a divorce.


            We’ve talked about it.


            My current legal partner’s mother asked me if my current legal partner ever hit me and of course, I said no.


            Since my current legal partner hasn’t ever hit me then my current legal partner’s mother believes I ought to grit my teeth and bare more of this decade long unhappiness. As if. I’m not stupid. I’m not a glutton for punishment.


            When do I get to be happy?


            When will I stop being treated like a mule?


            When will I be seen as an intelligent and kind and smart woman?


            Until the day I die, I forgive my In-Law’s, however.


            No, I shan’t ever stop hating my In-Laws for pretending to be kind when actually they’re a cruel and miserable lot who all completely wasted an entire decade of my life being bossed around and overlooked and hated and mistreated and called names.


            My former In-Laws don’t deserve any future offspring.



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 3,000 (make-up work from previous week)


Word Count: 4,801


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 8,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 4,801


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #1 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Blood Pressure: 102/66 mmHg / Pulse: 86 (04/07/17)


*)         CHOLESTEROL, Total

294 (10/20/2014), 245 (06/02/15), 276 (01/22/16) 273 (04/07/17) 


            HDL Cholesterol

49 (10/20/2014), 50 (06/02/15), 52 (01/22/16), 53 (04/07/17)



296 H (10/20/2014), 241 H (06/02/15), 253 H (01/22/16), 389 (04/07/17) 



186 H (10/20/2014), 147 H (06/02/15), 173 H (01/22/16) 142 (04/07/17) 


            CHOL/HDLC RATIO

6.0 H (10/20/2014), 4.9 (06/02/15), 5.3 H (01/22/16) 5.2 (04/07/17) 



245 H (10/20/2014), 195 H (06/02/15), 224 H (01/22/16)


            IRON, Total

79 mcg/dl (10/20/2014), 52 mcg/dl (06/02/15), 137 mcg/dl (01/22/16)


            CORTISOL, Total

            19.2 (10/20/2014), N/A (06/02/15), 11.9 (01/22/16)


*)         Week #24 without any higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #18 one sleeping pill per night by mouth “Zolpidem Tartrate” 10 MG


*)         Week #89 (09/03/15) on antidepressants specifically for fake-pregnancy hormones, one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram Oxalate” 20 MG (03/01/16 change of dosage.)


Monday, June 5, 2017


“If a grandmother had a beard, she’d be a grandfather.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Incipience (beginning stage, first stage)


A riot was stopped in its incipience.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: pm CT


---  ---  ---



No Whining

No Complaining


“Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Fear Itself.”

                                            --- J.F.K.



“Fight for your right to party.”

                                                         --- Beastie Boys




Impeachment 2017



The F.B.I. is our only hope.



Cocaine and Prostitution

Will be legalized

In 2017-2018








Marriage vs. Divorce

August 2017



No Blog



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 0, traveling


Word Count: 0


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 8,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 0


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #1 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Blood Pressure: 102/66 mmHg / Pulse: 86 (04/07/17)


*)         CHOLESTEROL, Total

294 (10/20/2014), 245 (06/02/15), 276 (01/22/16) 273 (04/07/17) 


            HDL Cholesterol

49 (10/20/2014), 50 (06/02/15), 52 (01/22/16), 53 (04/07/17)



296 H (10/20/2014), 241 H (06/02/15), 253 H (01/22/16), 389 (04/07/17) 



186 H (10/20/2014), 147 H (06/02/15), 173 H (01/22/16) 142 (04/07/17) 


            CHOL/HDLC RATIO

6.0 H (10/20/2014), 4.9 (06/02/15), 5.3 H (01/22/16) 5.2 (04/07/17) 



245 H (10/20/2014), 195 H (06/02/15), 224 H (01/22/16)


            IRON, Total

79 mcg/dl (10/20/2014), 52 mcg/dl (06/02/15), 137 mcg/dl (01/22/16)


            CORTISOL, Total

            19.2 (10/20/2014), N/A (06/02/15), 11.9 (01/22/16)


*)         Week #24 without any higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #18 one sleeping pill per night by mouth “Zolpidem

            Tartrate” 10 MG


*)         Week #89 (09/03/15) on antidepressants specifically for fake-pregnancy hormones, one per day by mouth: “Escitalopram

            Oxalate” 20 MG (03/01/16 change of dosage.)



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