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Monday, January 27, 2020




(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)



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A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Dress Etiquette.




Chapter 26.

Page ?


For breakfasting in public or at the house



The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


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Upload: 7:54am CT

Word Count: 973

Word Count Goal for the week: 1,000

Word Count Goal: 1,000


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            Hi. Hello.


            Happy Monday!


            Bernie Sanders all the way!


            Bernie Sanders has my vote.


            Ilhan Omar isn’t to be trusted because any anti-Semitic speech is any anti-Semitic speech.


            Impeach Donald Trump.


---  ---  ---


Minnesota, I’m not a “gold digger”

No, Minnesota, you may not slander me

Or tell lies about me


            Minnesota, since Sunday, January 5th, 2020 I’ve been living out of the women’s battered shelter to prove I’m not any type of “gold digger.”


            Minnesota, I’m “true blue.”


            Minnesota, since November 14th, 2018 I haven’t slept with anyone other than my monogamous heterosexual exclusive “Significant Other” spouse husband.


            Minnesota, I have starved and I’m malnourished and gotten terrible sick at the women’s battered shelter and been humbled to have to prove again-and-again I’m not a “gold digger.”


            On Thursday, January 16th, 2020 by mistake I fell on the wet dining room floor to the women’s battered shelter and I’m living with a double sprained left wrist.


            Minnesota, what part of my innocence, loyalty and goodness, do you not understand?


            Minnesota, I’ve been at the mercy of your Highland Park, Saint Paul, MN’s rich gold diggers.


            Minnesota, for an entire year I worked as a volunteer operations manager to my husband’s publications company to prove my loyalty to the family.


            For an entire one complete calendar year I volunteered to run the estate without any pay or stipend. I have gone without shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste and tennis shoes for one solid year and my feet are starting to kill me.


            Minnesota, in the year 2019, I spent six-thousand dollars wining and dining my rich Highland Park, Saint Paul, MN husband to prove to him I’m not a “gold digger” while he kept taking resources and thieving from me.


            My rich Highland Park, Saint Paul, MN husband cleared my bank account by ten-thousand dollars in the year 2019 while I was forced to work for him and his miser family.


            Who’s the “gold digger” now?


            Minnesota, even rich people are gold diggers.


            Minnesota, why do the rich Highland Park, Saint Paul, MN’s “gold diggers” thief from me?


            Minnesota, early on I was warned about the Highland Park, Saint Paul, MN’s rich domestic violence abusive populations in demographics because drugs and alcohol are rampant in Highland Park, Saint Paul, MN geography.


            Minnesota, you’ve starved me, had me go without the ability to see a dentist or a doctor since November 14th, 2018 and you have the gull to call me a “gold digger” while I’ve suffered incredible injustices at the hands of the rich Highland Park, Saint Paul, MN’s abusers.


            No, Minnesota. I accept the physical abuse, however. I don’t accept the slander and lies because I’m terribly sick while at a women’s battered shelter. No. No. NO!


            Minnesota, you’ve literally kicked me, literally punched me, literally choked me and denied me food and you think you can get away with calling me a gold digger? I don’t think so.


            Minnesota, your rich fat old white men of Highland Park, Saint Paul, MN has no right to call me a “gold digger.”


            Much of what I know of the rich fat old white men who married into trust fund wives is that the men eat “fat off the hog” from their wives’ trust funds and the men haven’t worked on stages in about one decade yet the men have the audacity to call me a gold digger. Please. Don’t be so insulting.


            Mainly what I know about every single rich old white man who calls me a “gold digger” is that none of them have ever been literally beaten or raped and none have ever had to live out of men’s battered shelters while sick with bronchitis with a double sprained left wrist and writing one-hundred thousand dollar grants.


            Don’t insult me Minnesota while I have nothing and you’ve stolen everything from me or I will want to turn Minnesota into the next Detroit, Michigan for being so racist and insulting while the police allow the rich to brutalize and rape women of color.


            It won’t take a man to destroy Minnesota.


            It’ll only take one woman and it’ll be me so back down now.


            The reason why I’m more valuable than the rich Highland Park, Saint Paul, MN abusers is because I’m a public writer and I’m informed I’m the safest person in the room because it’s obvious I wasn’t ever raped or brutalized as a child, teen or young adult.


            Personally, I know all of the incest secrets of Highland Park, Saint Paul, MN and who rapes their little kids at night so don’t front with me. I know your secrets.


            Minnesota, you’ve abused me and I’ve allowed for it, however.


            Minnesota, you may not slander me because I’ve not ever been raped or beaten before until the age of 42 and I’m, too, old to stay silent about the abuse because I’m “late to the game” of domestic violence and like hell if I’m going to cover up for the rich Highland Park, Saint Paul, MN millionaires while I starve and go without medical attention or the ability to see a doctor while I run a fever.


            The Highland Park, Saint Paul, MN Jewish rich old fat white men also live off of their girlfriends’ and wives’ corporate incomes and no one calls them gold diggers.


            Now, back down Minnesota because I’m terribly sick with bronchitis and I ought not to have ever returned to Minnesota. I ought to have stayed in California.


            Minnesota, if you slander me then I’ll go straight to the FBI and give names as to who rapes their little children at night. Be careful, I’m not in the mood to be fucked with.


            Yours Truly;




Thursday, January 23, 2020




(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)



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A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Dress Etiquette.




Chapter 26.

Page ?


For breakfasting in public or at the house



The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


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Upload: 5:02pm CT

Word Count: 143

Word Count Goal for the week: 1,000

Word Count Goal: 1,000


---  ---  ---


            Hi. Hello.


            Happy Thursday!


            Bernie Sanders all the way!


            Bernie Sanders has my vote.


            Ilhan Omar isn’t to be trusted because any anti-Semitic speech is any anti-Semitic speech.


            Impeach Donald Trump.


---  ---  ---


Hello, Minnesota


            Hi, Minnesota. I’m still here.


            Minnesota, we’re friends.


            Minnesota, the women folk are helping me out in ways I didn’t ever think I would find considerable amount of help.


            Oh, Minnesota, it’s all working out to the best.


            Minnesota, I came back to be here with you because I believe in you.


            Minnesota, I love you always.


            Minnesota, I love you no matter what.


            Minnesota, you’re beautiful even if you sometimes get crabby.


            Minnesota, we’ll figure this stuff out.


            Minnesota, I’m right here alongside you.


            Minnesota, I’m right here.


            Finally, last night my fever broke and all’s good with the world again.


            On Sunday I began to run a fever and it took all the way until last night for the fever to break.


            Minnesota, believe in me.


            Minnesota, I believe in you otherwise I wouldn’t be here.


            Much Love;




Friday, January 10, 2020




(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)



---  ---  ---



A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Dress Etiquette.




Chapter 26.

Page ?


For breakfasting in public or at the house



The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


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Upload: 8:50pm CT

Word Count: 156

Word Count Goal for the week: 1,000

Word Count Goal: 1,000


---  ---  ---


            Hi. Hello.


            Happy Friday!


            Bernie Sanders all the way!


            Bernie Sanders has my vote.


            Ilhan Omar isn’t to be trusted because any anti-Semitic speech is any anti-Semitic speech.


            Impeach Donald Trump.


---  ---  ---


Hello, Minnesota


            Hi, Minnesota.


            Yes, I’m here doing the very best I can as I always do.


            Hello, my dearest Minnesota.


            Even though Minnesota and I have a hate/love relationship we still get on like siblings.


            Yes, Minnesota hates/loves me and simply I love Minnesota.


            There’s nothing much more to be said other than I have supported and loved and respected and advocated for the children, youth, teens and minors and adults of Minnesota.


            All’s well.


            All’s good as it can be.


            Minnesota, no matter how much you hate me and disrespect me I’ve always done well by you.


            Much Love;




Saturday, January 4, 2020




(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)



---  ---  ---



A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Dress Etiquette.




Chapter 26.

Page ?


For breakfasting in public or at the house



The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


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Upload: 3:01pm CT

Word Count: 158

Word Count Goal for the week: 1,000

Word Count Goal: 1,000


---  ---  ---


            Hi. Hello.


            Happy Saturday!


            Bernie Sanders all the way!


            Bernie Sanders has my vote.


            Ilhan Omar isn’t to be trusted because any anti-Semitic speech is any anti-Semitic speech.


            Impeach Donald Trump.


---  ---  ---




In 1996, Bradford, Massachusetts nicknamed me “Shakespeare.”

In 2017, Los Angeles, California nicknamed me “Einstein.”

In 2017, Uptown, Minneapolis, MN nicknamed me “The Boss.”

In 2017, Minneapolis, MN nicknamed me “Hemingway.”


No, I don’t make up my own nicknames.


I don’t.




Monogamous Heterosexual Exclusive

Is the status of our relationship

Since November 14, 2018


Yes, we’re still here

Yes, we’re a monogamous heterosexual couple

Yes, I protect my partner from demise

Yes, I protect myself from lies


Yes, I tell the truth.

No, I don’t have any reason to lie.

Yes, I’m a mature woman adult.



            Yours Truly;




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