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Wednesday, February 28, 2018


ÒGod forgets the man who stubbornly rejects proof that he is wrong.Ó


(Leo RostenÕs Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Dissembled (to disguise, to pretend, to simulate)


He attempted to dissemble his fears by singing a lively song.


---  ---  ---


A book: ÒManners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home TrainingÓ By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


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Hello. Hi.


Upload: 3:39pm CT


Happy Wednesday!


---  ---  ---


              The ÒNational Rifle AssociationÓ is simply an association for guns and has no business telling any small or large company how to conduct business especially when companies refuse to promote guns.


              Any promotion is an option.


---  ---  ---


Guns donÕt kill.

People with guns kill.


               Yes, Federal Background Checks for anyone whoÕs ever had one single DUI.


              Yes, Federal Background Checks for anyone whoÕs ever had one single DWI.


              Yes, Federal Background Checks for anyone on any type of pharmaceuticals as well as different forms of cancer medication.


              Supposedly, ÒallÓ physical disease or physical illness is created in the mind therefore anyone on any type of pharmaceuticals would also have Federal Background Checks.


              Yes, Federal Background Checks for anyone on any type of pharmaceuticals since pharmaceuticals cause constipation in patients which constipation makes people quite naturally angry.


              Yes, Federal Background Checks for anyone on any type of pharmaceuticals specifically any type of painkillers since being under the influence of pain killers is the same as being drunk or intoxicated or alcohol intoxication.


              Yes, Federal Background Checks for anyone whoÕs ever been convicted and prosecuted for rape.


              Yes, Federal Background Checks for anyone whoÕs ever been convicted and prosecuted of domestic assault.


              Yes, Federal Background Checks for anyone whoÕs ever been convicted and prosecuted of embezzlement or corruption.


               Yes, Federal Background checks for anyone whoÕs ever been convicted and prosecuted of child pornography.


              Yes, Federal Background Checks for anyone whoÕs ever been convicted and prosecuted of violent criminal offense.



Federal Background Check

White Males


              ÒThe black marketÓ of gun sales is ÒillegalÓ therefore if or when anyone acquires or purchases any guns on the Òblack marketÓ then the purchase isnÕt legitimate.


              Gun law policies require to be made for the already well established legalization of guns which already require a permit to conceal and carry.


              Forget illegal guns.


              What about gun law policies for the already legally established guns in circulation?



Gun Laws




              The scientific research proves Òmentally illÓ people only make 2% or 3% of the overall total population.


              The scientific research proves Òmentally illÓ people are more ÒvulnerableÓ and ÒsusceptibleÓ to be exploited to gun violence committed against the Òmentally illÓ than otherwise.


              The scientific research proves Òmentally illÓ people require to be protected from gun violence and gun murder.


              The scientific research proves thereÕs no such thing as Ògood guysÓ with guns only in the movies.


              The scientific research proves thereÕs no such thing as Òbad guysÓ with guns only in the movies.


              The scientific research proves thereÕre only people with guns.



Black and Latino

Children and Adults

Are more severely punished

Than White People


              The scientific research proves both Black and Latino children and adults are more severely punished than white people.


              The scientific research proves the more guns then the higher the probability for gun incidents or gun accidents or gun violence or gun killings or gun murder or gun suicide.



Protect Civilization


              No, please donÕt ever enter any burning building or any public shooting otherwise the situation could go from bad to worse.


              No, please donÕt ever ÒplayÓ hero to any public shooting when one hasnÕt had any type of professional proper training in how to defuse or deescalate gun violence especially around minors.


              The best one can do is to take cover and protect the people nearest to each other and clear the area as quickly as possible.


              No, please, donÕt ever enter any public school shooting unless oneÕs authorized to be on campus or unless oneÕs authorized to professionally deal with mass shootings and body count.


              Yes, believing oneÕs grandiose or omnipotent to bullets is delusional.


              No, please donÕt ever have strange people or strange adults enter or wander around the halls of schools specifically during public school shootings.


              Yours Truly;





Word Count: 660

Word Count Goal for the week: 5,000

Word Count for this Week: 323 + 1,399 = 1,722 + 660 = 2,382


Tuesday, February 27, 2018


ÒRevolution is the right of slaves.Ó


(Leo RostenÕs Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Soporific (causing sleepiness)


Complete silence has a soporific effect upon him.


---  ---  ---


A book: ÒManners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home TrainingÓ By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---


Hello. Hi.


Upload: 1:44pm CT


Happy Tuesday!


---  ---  ---


              No, writing isnÕt ÒwitchcraftÓ




              Writing is any discipline such as to practice the violin or to practice dance or to practice chess strategy or to practice analytical critical thinking skills.




              Yes, for about ten years as one of many neighborhood witnesses we observed white womenÕs groups while the white women went in the nude and danced around or at Sauna parties or literally howled at the moon at public beaches while naked. To each their own. (Such white women are considered ÒPagan.Ó)


              No, I donÕt personally go outside in anything less than a t-shirt and jeans and sneakers and necessary weather gear.


              No, I donÕt personally go naked and dance or howl at the moon while at public beaches for the neighbors to see and witness.


              No, I donÕt ever go naked indoors.


              No, I donÕt howl at anything much less the moon.


              Yes, if one were to choose then oneÕs able to go naked on their private property.


              No, I donÕt go around naked for anything.


              Personally, I like the Òmodest movement.Ó


---  ---  ---


              ÒWerewolf of the MidwestÓ


              No, I donÕt personally believe in Òwerewolves.Ó


              Yes, IÕve been taught by Òwhite educationÓ ÒwerewolvesÓ are straight up fantasy. I believe ÒwerewolvesÓ are indeed made-up characters and only exist in storylines.




              Yes, in August 2016 I wrote a satire about one made-up character Werewolf of the Midwest.


              Yes, factually thereÕs a 1930Õs film titled: ÒWerewolf of London.Ó


              Yes, my werewolf character and werewolf storyline is about a neighbor who turns werewolf and terrorizes one neighborhood for three decades from 1982-2016.


              The storyline is a parody about Òviolence.Ó


              Yes, only once in August 2016 did I actually utilize a bonfire orange glow light as a Òshadow puppetÓ to Òact-outÓ what a made-up character as a ÒwerewolfÓ would move like or look like.


              The reason why I did Òshadow puppetsÓ out in nature by a bonfire is because I didnÕt have a studio to practice this form of filmmaking and the light was perfect for Òshadow puppets.Ó


              ÒShadow puppetsÓ is a great way to discover how a made-up character of a ÒwerewolfÓ would move their body and body movements to write down notes and later write and develop character for storyline.


              No, I donÕt dance around bonfires. Then higher the probability of a fall into a bonfire pit. Safety first.


---  ---  ---


              Reading isnÕt a conversation with any writer:


              No, reading isnÕt any type of conversation with any writer however describing Òthe feelÓ of reading feeling like a conversation with writers is a way to depict how readers feel close to the written word even though writing has no response as conversations do with real live and breathing humans.


              Writing is a debate of best chosen arguments to make a good point about any subject matter.


              What is anybody as ever threatened of bloggers or diarists?


              Only Mao was threatened of writers and diarists.


              Only dictators are threatened of writers and diarists.


---  ---  ---


              Ana•s Nin:


              Yes, about twenty years ago I read mostly the required readings of Ana•s NinÕs erotica genre when Ana•s Nin and a group of writers wrote to make money for a private client in 1930Õs war torn Europe.


              No, not once and not ever have I ever read or browsed through any of Ana•s NinÕs diaries of a span of thirty (30) years.


              Neither do I know any of Ana•s NinÕs diariesÕ content nor what type of a ÒwriterÕs voiceÓ Ana•s Nin held when she wrote her diaries or memoirs.


              From what IÕve been taught Ana•s NinÕs diaries contain content about the incest between Ana•s Nin and her father. I donÕt know.


---  ---  ---


              Charles Dickens:


              Yes, Christmas is a made-up holiday by Pagans and Charles Dickens.


              Yes, about thirty years ago ÒCharles DickensÓ was required reading and even though I didnÕt understand most of the old Victorian English I forced myself to write basic 7th and 8th grade five-page Òbook reportsÓ about a Victorian British English novelistÕs work.


              Charles Dickens the man was against child labor.


              Victorian writing is an entire genre in and of itself.


              As of yesterday I finally discovered Charles Dickens actually worked in child labor while pasting labels.


---  ---  ---


              Anne Frank:


              Yes, Anne Frank was an actual person and not a Òcrisis actor.Ó


              No, Anne Frank wasnÕt a bot.


              Yes, Anne Frank was a diarist.


              Yes, Anne Frank was a writer.


              Yes, Anne Frank was murdered in the factual GermanyÕs Holocaust of the 1930Õs through the 1940Õs.


---  ---  ---





              Oh, do we have to cover this again?


              Oh, IÕm behind 1,009 subjects I wanted to cover or write about yet I seem to have to address many cultural issues of our day rather than write aboutÉ


              At the top of my head what is there to say about dictatorship?


              No, IÕm not literally any type of ÒsmallÓ or ÒlargeÓ ÒtyrantÓ since IÕm not the corrupt leader of any sovereign nation.


              Yes, IÕm a human.


              No, not once and not ever have I partaken in Òhuman trollingÓ or Òcyberspace bullying.Ó


              No, I donÕt do social media. When IÕm retired and make time for extracurricular activities then IÕll join social media.


              No, I donÕt partake in any celebrity fan club.


              No, I donÕt partake or follow any single celebrity online.


              Yes, I write from the heart since Latin American writers are taught to write with passion and clarity for social justice and social change.


              Simply, IÕm one individual human in our present Òspace, time, continuum.Ó


              Yes, the first time I learned to read and write English I was ten.




              Humbly from the very little I know about ÒdictatorshipÓ is mostly dictators are ÒcorruptÓ individuals who mainly take over the military and dictators insulate themselves inside the brutal force of military power to get extremely rich from citizensÕ stolen wealth and keep the rest of their sovereign nations oppressed or hungry or without resources or education or global communications.


              Humbly from the very little I know about ÒdictatorshipÓ is mostly dictators are ÒcorruptÓ individuals who mainly ÒrigÓ elections or cheat and mostly incarcerate other candidates or political opponents.


              Humbly from the very little I know about ÒdictatorshipÓ is mostly dictators are ÒcorruptÓ individuals who mainly get easily offended at any types of opinions or viewpoints not exactly the same as the dictators themselves.


              Humbly from the very little I know about ÒdictatorshipÓ is mostly dictators are ÒcorruptÓ individuals who mainly refuse to give up their elected four year political terms and stay in power for as little or as much as three decades or when dictators pass away.


              Humbly from the very little I know about ÒdictatorshipÓ is mostly dictators are ÒcorruptÓ individuals who mainly incarcerate artists, writers, intellectuals, innovators and thinkers.


              Humbly from the very little I know about ÒdictatorshipÓ is mostly dictators are ÒcorruptÓ individuals who mainly seek Òabsolute powerÓ and are megalomaniacs and narcissists who are willing to go as far as to detain or arrest or kill or murder any type of person with ideas of their own.


               Humbly from the very little I know about ÒdictatorshipÓ is mostly dictators are ÒcorruptÓ individuals who refuse ÒnoÓ for an answer.


              Humbly from the very little I know about ÒdictatorshipÓ is mostly dictators are ÒcorruptÓ individuals who willingly detain or incarcerate or murder citizens when citizens donÕt agree with the dictators irrational ideas.


              Humbly from the very little I know about ÒdictatorshipÓ is mostly dictators are ÒcorruptÓ individuals who like ÒMaoÓ or ÒMussoliniÓ or ÒHitlerÓ refuse to believe in facts and education.


              Humbly from the very little I know about ÒdictatorshipÓ is mostly dictators are ÒcorruptÓ individuals who easily endorse war or blood thirsty for killing.


              Humbly from the very little I know about ÒdictatorshipÓ is mostly dictators are ÒcorruptÓ individuals who are Òclosed minded.Ó


              Humbly from the very little I know about ÒdictatorshipÓ is mostly dictators are ÒcorruptÓ individuals who hate women.


              Humbly from the very little I know about ÒdictatorshipÓ is mostly dictators are ÒcorruptÓ individuals who believe theyÕre always right.


              Humbly from the very little I know about ÒdictatorshipÓ is mostly dictators are ÒcorruptÓ individuals who get enraged when theyÕre not promoted through propaganda.



              Yours Truly;





Word Count: 1,399

Word Count Goal for the week: 5,000

Word Count for this Week: 323 + 1,399 = 1,722


Monday, February 26, 2018


ÒSilence is the fence that encloses wisdom, but mere silence is not wisdom.Ó


(Leo RostenÕs Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Bellicose (warlike, wanting to fight)


He showed a bellicose disposition when the remark was made to him.


---  ---  ---


A book: ÒManners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home TrainingÓ By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---


Hello. Hi.


Upload: 2:06pm CT


Happy Monday!


---  ---  ---


              Dog Training 2018:


              Dogs can learn up to 140 words?


              Do dogs understand when directly on the other side of any door verbally spoken to stop scratching their nails especially when any working human is right outside the door less than five feet away?


              Dogs with black nails tend to bleed and leave a trail of blood which has to be wiped up with large towels.             


              The Muslims say: ÒÔA barking dog in the night sees the devil and barks.ÕÓ


              Why do verbal commands not work with dogs?


              How does one teach any dog not to cut up their paws when dogs refuse to seize scratching at the other side of any door while a human works outdoors?


              How does one teach any dog to seize barking except when thereÕs actually any stranger at any door?


              How does one teach any dog not to scratch away at any door frame and possibly break off the tips of the dogsÕ nails?


              How does one teach any dog not to scratch away at any door lining or frame strip and irritate their paws?


              How does one teach any dog not to injure their paws while dogs scratch away at any door while one works on the other side of the door and any dogs refuse to seize scratching or whining?


              WouldnÕt take a million dollars to teach or train any dog with an aluminum can and coins to shake at any dog.


              Twenty totally read dog books.


              Must look up modern 2018 articles about ownership dog training and exercises to do with dogs.


              The main information: dogs only react to food or treats when trained.


              What does it mean to have oneÕs dog spit out dog treats while conducting dog discipline training exercises?


---  ---  ---





















              Yours Truly;





Word Count: 323

Word Count Goal for the week: 5,000

Word Count for this Week: 323


Thursday, February 22, 2018


ÒMan has a small organ; the more he feeds it the more it needs-- and vice versa.Ó


(Leo RostenÕs Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Beneficence (act of doing good, kind deed)


His beneficence will be richly rewarded.


---  ---  ---


A book: ÒManners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home TrainingÓ By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---


Hello. Hi.


Upload: 12:30pm CT


Happy Thursday!


---  ---  ---


              For one year and a half: from August 2016 through today the neighbors report nothing except peace and quiet. All parties keep to themselves and kosher. The neighborhood proved to mature. All parties are content to peacefully go about without any problems or trouble. Cheers.


---  ---  ---


              Sociological Notes:


              Not because I say so, because thereÕs scientific proof:


              Yes, Òpoor white childrenÓ and Òchildren of colorÓ are Òten timesÓ more severely punished than Òwhite childrenÓ in general.


              Then will the Òdeath rateÓ in Òpoor white childrenÓ and Òchildren of colorÓ would then be Òten timesÓ more susceptible to teacher gun violence disciplinary means or action?


              In other words: if teachers were to hypothetically carry and conceal guns then would Òpoor white childrenÓ and Òchildren of colorÓ be Òten timesÓ more to likely to get shot as an excessive disciplinary means or action?


              Please, donÕt touch or pick up or ever throw any human much less point a gun at anyone.


              Yes, Òconspiracy theoriesÓ are online circulation about ÒchildrenÓ of American gun violence being ÒcrisisÓ Òactors.Ó


              These arenÕt my English words: ÒtransplantedÓ Òactors.Ó


              Please, donÕt accuse gun violence ÒsurvivorsÓ of Òfraud.Ó


              American citizens still hold many Constitutional Rights to Liberty and Peace and justice and Pursuit of Happiness.


---  ---  --- 


              Same-sex Marriage is the Law of the Land:


              No, homosexuality in and of itself isnÕt Òmental illness.Ó


              No, Òsexual preferenceÓ isnÕt Òmental illness.Ó


              No, Ògender preferenceÓ isnÕt Òmental illness.Ó


              No, utilizing ÒunisexÓ bathrooms isnÕt Òmental illness.Ó


              No, utilizing ÒtransgenderÓ bathrooms isnÕt Òmental illness.Ó


              No, attending Ògay clubsÓ isnÕt Òmental illness.Ó


              No, Òshort hairÓ in women isnÕt Òmental illness.Ó


              Yes, according to modern feminism: modern women consider women Òsluts.Ó


---  ---  ---


              Journalism and News Reporting:


              ÒModern cultureÓ doesnÕt pay any attention to what any news ÒreportersÓ or ÒjournalistsÓ have to say about anything since the basic Òtrain of thoughtÓ is reporters and journalists donÕt know anything about anything which is factually proven to be true unless thereÕs research conducted by reporters or journalists.


              ÒModern cultureÕsÓ Òsocial mediaÓ is now globally connected through the internet then all Òsocial mediaÓ has to do is connect to the internet and ask people in foreign countries about their social status and facts and events on the ground.


              If the internet were to shut down then hardly anyone knows what to do with paper.





              ÒSocial mediaÓ isnÕt a ÒplatformÓ since Òsocial mediaÓ isnÕt Òmass mediaÓ or ÒFree Press.Ó


              ÒSocial mediaÓ is interactive.


              ÒSocial mediaÓ is social.


              ÒSocial mediaÓ deals with too many robotic robots and human trolls for influence.


              ÒMass mediaÓ is massive communications.


              Massive communications is presentation.


              ÒMass mediaÓ is the arts.


              Broadcast is transmitter.


              ÒCableÓ news is paid by subscribers.


              ÒCable programmingÓ is paid by subscribers.


              ÒNetworkÓ news is paid by advertisers.


              ÒFree PressÓ is socio and political current events and science and weather and arts-and-culture and lifestyle and notables.


---  ---  ---




              Pharmaceuticals are a constant intoxication like being continuously drunk.


              Pharmaceuticals are a constant intoxication like being continuously drunk and being drunk is supposedly Òtemporary mental illness.Ó


              Pharmaceuticals are a constant Òhigh.Ó


              Pharmaceuticals are difficult to quit since pharmaceuticals are extremely addictive.


              Pharmaceuticals are like embalmment fluid and bloat.


              Pharmaceuticals cause weight gain.


              Pharmaceuticals are like sweet rotting sugar for the brain.


              Pharmaceuticals are difficult to tell distance apart between objects and the human body.


              Pharmaceuticals cause ÒconstipationÓ unless one implements abdominal massage into oneÕs daily routine and lifestyle otherwise 53% of the American population is crabby or angry due to constipation. Constipation causes anger in humans.


              Pharmaceuticals block out Òpain receptorsÓ in the brain.


              Pharmaceuticals deteriorate muscle.


              Pharmaceuticals deteriorate bone.


              Pharmaceuticals donÕt change any personÕs personality.


              Pharmaceuticals donÕt change anyoneÕs Òpersonal tasteÓ or Òpersonal preferences.Ó


              Pharmaceuticals donÕt alter someoneÕs personality to like or dislike circumstances, people or events.


              Pharmaceuticals taken after the age of 32 doesnÕt change oneÕs already well established morals or values or ethics or characteristics or personality.


              Pharmaceuticals are the same as being extremely drunk or a shot of adrenaline to the heart.


              Pharmaceuticals quickly age the human body creating a rapid acceleration rate of muscle and bone deterioration.


---  ---  ---


              Sociological Notes II:


              LetÕs go down a list:


              (Any list is usually messy to write.)




1.          Supposedly according to medicine ÒallÓ Òphysical diseaseÓ or Òphysical illnessÓ originates Òinside the head.Ó


2.          Supposedly according to medicine ÒallÓ Òphysical painÓ originates Òinside the head.Ó


3.          Supposedly according to medicine ÒallÓ Òphysical diseaseÓ or Òphysical illnessÓ originates or develops or stems from Òinside the headÓ then Western medical ÒmeditationÓ is a way to ÒcureÓ any Òphysical diseaseÓ or Òphysical illnessÓ or tumors or cancer.


4.          Supposedly according to Western medicine ÒallÓ Òphysical illnessÓ and Òphysical diseaseÓ have three options: Òmeditation,Ó Òpharmaceuticals,Ó or Òsurgery.Ó.


5.          Supposedly according to Western medicine ÒallÓ ÒstressÓ is considered Òmental illness.Ó


6.          Supposedly according to Western medicine ÒallÓ ÒgreedÓ is considered Òmental illness.Ó


7.          Supposedly according to Western medicine ÒallÓ ÒlazinessÓ is considered Òmental illness.Ó


7.5        Supposedly according to Western medicine ÒallÓ Òphysical illnessÓ and Òphysical diseaseÓ is considered Òmental illness.Ó


8.          Supposedly according to Western medicine ÒallÓ Òautoimmune diseasesÓ are considered Òmental illness.Ó


8.5        Supposedly according to Western medicine ÒallÓ ÒinsecurityÓ is considered Òmental illness.Ó             


9.          Supposedly according to Western medicine ÒallÓ Òshort hairÓ in women is considered Òmental illness.Ó


10.        Supposedly according to Western medicine ÒallÓ ÒacneÓ is considered Òmental illness.Ó


11.        Supposedly according to Western medicine ÒallÓ female ÒreproductiveÓ (cervical, ovaries or uterus) tumors are considered Òmental illness.Ó


11.5     Supposedly according to Western medicine ÒallÓ ÒdiabetesÓ is considered Òmental illness.Ó


12.        Supposedly according to Western medicine ÒallÓ ÒobesityÓ is considered Òmental illness.Ó


13.        Supposedly according to Western medicineÓ ÒallÓ Òthyroid-ismÓ is considered Òmental illness.Ó


13.5     Supposedly according to Western medicineÓ ÒallÓ ÒcancerÓ is considered Òmental illness.Ó



Why would patients

Give themselves cancer?


              No, I absolutely donÕt believe ÒcancerÓ patients give themselves cancer.


              (ItÕs already been proven toxic water or bad water in general causes cancer. (Environmental factors.)


              Why would any patient give themselves ÒcancerÓ as a form of death? What a slow and painful way to die.


              No, I donÕt personally believe patients with ÒtumorsÓ give themselves Òtumors.Ó


              Tumors are a terrible way to live.


---  ---  ---



How to date in the

#MeToo Movement?


              ÒPublic opinionÓ isnÕt law.


              ÒOneÕs innocent until proven guiltyÓ by trial of law.


              Men and boys are also victims and survivors of Òsexual harassment,Ó Òsexual assaultÓ is socially ÒconsideredÓ rape however the federal governmentÕs description and definition of Òsexual assaultÓ reads as ÒgropingÓ of the genitals or physical sexual forced actions without genital Òpenetration.Ó


              Rape is forced sexual penetration intercourse without consent (Òpermission,Ó Òapproval,Ó Òsay-so,Ó Òassent,Ó Òblessing,Ó Òsanction,Ó Òauthority,Ó Òokay,Ó Ògo-ahead,Ó Òconcurrence.Ó)


              ÒSocial mediaÓ will discuss whatever Òsocial mediaÓ discusses especially when ÒbotsÓ or ÒtrollsÓ donÕt lurk about then authentic modern language gets carried out.



ÒWhistle BlowingÓ


              ÒWhistle blowingÓ follows strict protocols in the workplace.


              ÒWhistle blowingÓ is about ethics.


              ÒWhistle blowingÓ is an entire science of its own.


              ÒWhistle blowingÓ is when any worker in any field steps forward and directly goes to their Òdirect supervisorÓ and speaks up about any type of possible serious continual misconduct about anything.


              ÒWhistle blowingÓ must follow the Òchain of command.Ó



ÒSexual HarassmentÓ


              ÒSexual harassmentÓ is about power.


              ÒSexual harassmentÓ is any continual (three times or more) inappropriate unwanted sexual comments about anyone personsÕ body parts or their look or sensuality.


              ÒSexual harassmentÓ can be any unwanted touch of the genitals without consent.


              ÒSexual harassmentÓ is any continual nudity during work hours or work meetings or work environments or work places or schools.


              ÒSexual harassmentÓ is taking any shower during any business meeting.


              ÒSexual harassmentÓ is to take semi-nude pictures of co-workers while co-workers attend to the restroom.


              ÒSexual harassmentÓ is when one is forcibly grabbed and pushed.


              ÒSexual harassmentÓ is to get ÒpinchedÓ on the genitals.


              ÒSexual harassmentÓ is to get drugged and groped.


              ÒSexual harassmentÓ is to get filmed or recorded without oneÕs consent.


              ÒSexual harassmentÓ is to continually spit on someone.


              ÒSexual harassmentÓ is to injure or hurt or harm anyoneÕs genitals.


              ÒSexual harassmentÓ is stalking.


              ÒSexual harassmentÓ is rubbing up genitals against another without consent.


              ÒSexual harassmentÓ is gender payment inequality.





              ÒHarassmentÓ is any inappropriate unwanted sexual comments about anyone personsÕ body parts or their look or sensuality.


              ÒHarassmentÓ is any continual inappropriate unwanted touch.


              ÒHarassmentÓ is any physically forceful unwanted touch.


              ÒHarassmentÓ is continually calling someone derogatory names.


              ÒHarassmentÓ is continually screaming or yelling at anyone unless someone is in danger.


              ÒHarassmentÓ is to get filmed or recorded without oneÕs consent.


              ÒHarassmentÓ is public masturbation.



A date doesnÕt mean ÒsexÓ

In exchange for getting to know each other


              Modern men prefer to have modern women invite men out on dates over a cup of coffee or a meal at a restaurant or some public activity such as take in a movie or walk around a museum or walk around an art gallery or walk around an art exhibit or walk around a book store or go to the ballet however men donÕt prefer the ballet or the opera.


              Modern men prefer to pay when modern men invite any woman out on a date.


              Modern men prefer for modern women to pay when modern women invite any man out on a date since 50% of the American male population are now domestic partners and work from home while 50% of the female population works outside of the home and brings home pay.


              However, men still get paid more than women for the same types of work.


              Modern men prefer modern women donÕt wear makeup.


              Modern men prefer modern women may text or call up or write or respectfully and directly face-to-face have the courage to ask another party to go out on a non-sexual date (usually a meal) and what type of event and what time of day or night.


              Dates donÕt have to be expensive.


              Modern men prefer modern women stay home and run the home.


              Modern men prefer modern women at home where women belong.


              50% of modern American men raise children as the main stay-at-home providers and care takers and domestic partners to 50% of women in the American workforce.



              Yours Truly;





Word Count: 1,737

Word Count Goal for the week: 5,000

Word Count for this Week: 1,813 + 1,643 = 3,456 + 1,737 = 5,193


Wednesday, February 21, 2018


ÒGod sends cures for diseases.Ó


(Leo RostenÕs Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Tantamount (equal to, equivalent in value)


A slip in this case would be tantamount to failure.


---  ---  ---


A book: ÒManners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home TrainingÓ By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---


Hello. Hi.


Upload: 2:23pm CT


Happy Wednesday!


---  ---  ---


              Literary Notes:


              Correction from ÒliveÓ to Òleave.Ó


              Correction from Òlong ÒliveÓ a lifeÓ to Òbest ÒleaveÓ it alone.Ó


              [The computerÕs grammatical program indicates the above written sentence is indeed correctly written without misspelling or punctuation errors of any type. Furthermore, the above sentence doesnÕt contain any grammatical errors of any type, either.] Personally, I rely on the computerÕs software program to navigate through spelling and correct grammar.


              Anytime the computerÕs software program indicates a ÒredÓ or ÒgreenÓ highlighted area then for the past eight years IÕve stopped writing and corrected the grammar or misspellings before continuing forward with any type of writing.


              Writing is more labor intensive than any other type of intensive labor.


              Please, forgive my English language translations.


              English is a harsh sounding language compared to any of the romantic languages.


---  ---  ---


              Sound out English Words:


              Sounding out English words sure is difficult to correctly spell out. Misspellings are the funniest thing in the entire world.


              English isnÕt spelled the way English sounds. Ok.


              English is English and difficult to write at the best of times.


---  ---  ---


              Spoken American Expressions:


              ÒStop the PressÓ is a common American expression.


              ÒStop the PressÓ isnÕt any literal command because ÒStop the PressÓ is a common expression in America.


              ÒAnalogiesÓ (similarities, likeness, equivalence, parallel, correspondence, correlation, comparison, resemblance) and ÒmetaphorsÓ (images, descriptions, similes) arenÕt literal commands.


---  ---  ---


              ÒMind ControlÓ (Western Medicine)


              Western medical Òmind controlÓ is Òmeditation.Ó


              No, cancer isnÕt the patientsÕ fault.


              No, cancer isnÕt contagious.


              What? All Òphysical diseaseÓ is now ÒcuredÓ through ÒmeditationÓ then patients are now their own doctors.


              According to Western medicine thereÕre no more ÒcuresÓ for physical diseases or physical illnesses or physical pain since all physical disease is made up in the brain. Ok.


              Western medical Òmind controlÓ for the past ten years means for patients to learn how to ÒpictureÓ and ÒvisualizeÓ and ÒmeditateÓ away oneÕs own personal and private physical illnesses such as reproductive female tumors or thyroid tumors. Ok.



Zen Buddhist Meditation


              For the past ten years IÕve practiced ÒZen Buddhist MeditationÓ and Western medical visualization techniques and breathing exercises and Chakra placement to ÒcureÓ the body of any tumor pain or thyroid illness which by todayÕs medical standards mainly Òphysical painÓ or any Òphysical diagnosisÓ is considered to be made up Òinside the head,Ó therefore, only three good options according to Western medicine: ÒmeditationÓ or ÒpharmaceuticalsÓ or Òsurgery.Ó


              Is this all there is to Western medicine? No more cures to actual physical illnesses and physical diseases and physical symptoms.


              The patients now ÒcureÓ themselves of tumors through ÒmeditationÓ and nothing much else? Ok.


              Western medicine is nothing more than Òmeditation.Ó Okay.


              Western medicine teaches patients to learn and do Òvisualization techniquesÓ and breathing exercises to map out oneÕs own internal organs and the location of the tumors where the tumors take up space and then one visualizes the tumors to shrink and disappear. Ok.


              Supposedly, according to Western medicine with ÒmeditationÓ and visualization techniques oneÕs able to ÒcureÓ themselves of any physical diseases or physical illnesses, however, not terminal illness or maybe one can ÒcureÓ any terminal illness with the mind and mind thought and Òmeditation.Ó Ok.



Is Western medicine over with, then?


              If Western medicine truly believes thereÕre no more ÒphysicalÓ cures for physical illnesses or physical diseases then thereÕs nothing more to be said or done and thereÕs no need for hospitals only Òprivate practicesÓ since according to Western medicine all physical illness is manifestations inside the brain and patients must cure themselves with ÒmeditationÓ or ÒpharmaceuticalsÓ or Òsurgery.Ó Ok.


              Since patients must now ÒcureÓ themselves then patients have now become the healer.


              Even Native American cultures have medical doctors to walk patients through physical illness and physical disease.


              ThereÕs nothing else to Western medicine?


              Modern Medicine is supposed to find ÒcuresÓ to physical diagnosis and physical illnesses and physical diseases otherwise if cures are all a matter of meditation then thereÕs no need for medical doctors.


              Is Western medicine going to stop looking for ÒactualÓ ÒcuresÓ to physical disease or physical illness such as thyroid cancer?


              Anyone can cure their thyroid cancer with meditation? Ok.



Western Medicine isnÕt a God


              Oh, I naively thought Western medicine had cures to physical pain and physical illnesses or physical diseases, however, Western medicine is idealist and archaic and out of practice to make correct diagnosis and find actual cures rather than push pharmaceuticals like suited up pharmaceutical representatives.


              Western medicine teaches thereÕs no ÒactualÓ cure to any physical diagnosis and one must ÒmeditateÓ and picture away tumors already established amongst internal organs. Ok.


              Ten years of ÒWestern medical meditation.Ó


              When will my thoughts and visualization techniques think away my thyroid tumors? ItÕs been five years of meditating away any thyroid tumors.


              When will thoughts and visualization techniques think away womenÕs Òbrain tumorsÓ or Òcervical tumorsÓ or Òuterine tumorsÓ or Òovarian tumorsÓ or Òthyroid tumors?Ó


              If meditation cures tumors then does Òpositive thinkingÓ cure cancer? As far as statistics are concerned: No.



Modern Neighbors


              Yes, the actual research is out there:


              People of color are punished more harshly than white people:


              From what I know: modern Americans make constant Òlife threatsÓ whenever modern Americans get verbally angry or donÕt like to discuss any types of neighborhood grievances or negative neighborly issues openly addressed such as practice Òself-controlÓ to keep oneÕs personal business indoors and behind closed doors rather than become public disturbance.


              Ever since the invention of online trolls the American secular culture doesnÕt perceive Òlife threatsÓ as threatening only when Òlife threatsÓ are made or spoken by Òwomen of colorÓ then Òlife threatsÓ are taken seriously since only women of color are ÒperceivedÓ to have Òemotional problemsÓ and supposedly men or white people donÕt have Òemotional problemsÓ when the white sector of population makes Òlife threats.Ó


              Only women of color are considered Òemotionally disturbedÓ when women of color make Òlife threatsÓ out of frustration or in anger especially when angry white people or men make Òlife threatsÓ against women of color then Òlife threatsÓ are considered a right to men and white people.


              Okay, IÕm caught up with the social rules.


              Women of color are harshly disciplined compared to any other gender or race.


              First offense is first offense.



White social rules vs. Women of Color


              From October 2013 through August 2016 one set of African American neighbors would continually threaten to kill me for peacefully asking such neighbors face-to-face and directly to please keep the noise volume down or loud music to a minimum or screaming and crying children fed or familial adult screaming matches inside the home rather than out in the front yard for all to hear and bear witness since the rest of us didnÕt and donÕt scream at the top of our lungs while outside in the front yard.


              No, I havenÕt ever taken any real or actual action to kill anyone, however, for years I had my life threatened by neighbors and IÕve been told since IÕm a woman of color then I must expect life threats, however, if I were ever to make any type of life threat in self defense then men and property owners are worth more than the lives of women of color therefore any woman of color who makes a life threat is considered Òemotionally disturbedÓ while any man or property owner who makes a life threat against a women of color is only considered a joke. Loud and clear.


              Women of color are considered Òmentally illÓ simply because women of color exist.



When one places a call to the police

Then the call goes against the caller

And the caller is considered

ÒEmotionally disturbedÓ


(Good to know)


              No matter how much cops or police officers or detectives tell neighbors to call the police department about other neighbors is incorrect and wrong advice.


              Bad intelligence since each call is then recorded and used against the neighbor who called rather than the perpetrators.


              Anybody who makes calls to the police department is considered Òemotionally compromised.Ó


              Therefore, I wouldnÕt call the cops for anything unless itÕs gun violence or terrible accidents or death or murder or rape since I wouldnÕt ever want police calls to count against me or to go against my person no matter how much cops or police or detectives tell community neighborhood groups to call and call and call the police department over any little neighborhood grievance. Such advice is only for white people, however not people of color or minorities.


              The reason why modern neighbors donÕt continually call the cops or police officers to take care of neighborhood grievances is because the neighbors who make any calls to any police department are more often than not considered and perceived as the ÒdisturbersÓ rather than the actual disturbance caused.


              In other words: the neighbors who make any calls to the police department are then considered the ÒdisturbersÓ rather than the actual disturbance and records are kept against the neighbor who calls the police department. Oh, I didnÕt know.


              In other words: the persons who make the call to the police departments are then kept on record for making any type of neighborhood call and considered the ÒdisturbersÓ and found wrong for making any type of call therefore donÕt ever involve the cops or police for anything unless itÕs dire violence rather than grievances.


              Anyone who makes calls to the police department are then considered to have emotional problems and not capable of coming up with solutions therefore records are kept of which neighbors call and when rather than actual solutions or mediation.



              Yours Truly;





Word Count: 1,643

Word Count Goal for the week: 5,000

Word Count for this Week: 495 + 1,318 = 1,813 + 1,643 = 3,456


Tuesday, February 20, 2018


ÒThe man who has not tasted the bitter does not know what the sweet is.Ó


(Leo RostenÕs Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Prone (inclined, naturally bent, disposed)


He was prone to laziness because he never had to work.


---  ---  ---


A book: ÒManners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home TrainingÓ By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---


Hello. Hi.


Upload: 2:20pm CT


Happy Tuesday!


---  ---  ---


Please, Stop the Press:


              Gun Legislation is about Federal Background Checks.


              Yes, factually the human brain utilizes 100% of brain capacity with simultaneous functions which is and has always been Native AmericansÕ and IndigenousÕ perspective about the human brain going back at least ten-thousand years ago.


              Only within the last five years Western science admits 100% of the human brain functions rather than the previous myth about how humans supposedly only utilized 10% of their brain function otherwise we would be vegetables with only 10% of brain function.


              Native Americans and Indigenous either agree with Western science or stay silent about myths otherwise Native Americans and Indigenous get considered supposedly Òmentally illÓ for considering any different point of view or perspective other than Western science and medicine which ever since the late 1990Õs science and math are economically driven more so than professionally driven as a field of constant discipline and continual learning.


Socially Conscience Note:


              No, homosexuality in and of itself isnÕt Òmental illness.Ó               


              No, homosexual humans arenÕt Òmentally ill.Ó


              Yes, same-sex marriage is the law of the land.


              Yes, same-sex marriage holds the same rights as any federally regulated marriage.


              Same-sex marriage discrimination is federal prejudice.


              Same-sex marriage discrimination is illegal.


              Yes, weÕre going to move forward.


              No, weÕre not going backwards to the 1990Õs or 2,000Õs for such matters.


              No, lesbian women arenÕt Òmentally ill.Ó


              No, transsexual people arenÕt Òmentally ill.Ó


              No, transgender people arenÕt Òmentally ill.Ó


              No, bi-sexual people arenÕt Òmentally ill.Ó


              Yes, men can publically wear dresses.


              Yes, women can publically wear pants.


              Yes, women and men can publically wear short hair styles.


              Yes, people may utilize ÒtransgenderÓ bathrooms without anyone believing or thinking people who utilize ÒtransgenderÓ bathrooms are Òmentally ill.Ó


---  ---  ---



What does valium do?

Simply, a question.


              Yes, whatever pharmaceuticals are prescribed to me then I take them like candy.


              Pharmaceuticals are a constant and continual high.


              Pharmaceuticals are like being drunk all the time.


              Yes, yes -- Western science and medicine teach patients to believe Òphysical disease is all in the mindÓ especially when physical symptoms appear and physically the body hurts thereÕs nothing to do for the patient except to have the patients ÒcureÓ themselves with Òmeditation.Ó Ok.


              Yes, yes -- Western science and medicine teach patients to believe Òphysical pain is all in the mindÓ especially when physical symptoms appear and physically the body hurts thereÕs nothing to do for the patient except to have the patients ÒcureÓ themselves with Òmeditation.Ó Ok.


              Is there no real Western medical advancement other than ÒpharmaceuticalsÓ or Òlabeling physical diseaseÓ and Òphysical illnessÓ as Òmental illnessÓ then neither any real proper physical diagnosis is ever made nor any proper cure found for physical disease such as reoccurring tumors throughout different parts of the body.




Are a constant ÒhighÓ


              Pain killers are the same as being more drunk than drunk.


              ÒOxy-continÓ is considered the Òpoor manÕs heroin.Ó


              Anti-depressants are like speed. One goes and goes and goes.


              Horse tranquilizer can feel like a heart attack.


              Yep, horse tranquiller is like getting punched in the heart.


              Whenever one gets off of any pharmaceuticals then the body has aged more than one ever expected the body would have naturally aged without synthetic mind altering drugs which such drugs push the body beyond physical limitations.


              Whenever one gets off of any pharmaceuticals then the body is deteriorated and weak and aged further along than without the usage of synthetic pharmaceuticals.


              Under the influence of pharmaceuticals one ages by leaps and bounds.


              Pharmaceuticals are the new valium in dish candies across America.


              Does valium calm down a human or does valium speed up a human such as modern pharmaceuticals speed up humansÕ nervous system?


              Why is 53% of the American population drugged up?


              Is it a conspiracy theory? (Simply, a question.)



Why must short hair

Be considered Òmental illness?Ó


              Now, short hair is supposedly considered Òmental illnessÓ in women. Oh, no. This isnÕt 1952.


              Why is mostly anything now considered Òmental illnessÓ rather than actual Òphysical illnessÓ or lifestyle preference and individual choice to make personal decisions about oneÕs own lifestyle and health?


              Personally, at the age of 40 I gave myself a short haircut simply because fashion magazines say to cut oneÕs hair short at such any age since hair drastically changes around the age of forty. Ok.


              Personally, September 2017 I cut my hair short simply because while living with tumors and possibly while waiting to detect an autoimmune thyroid disease then my hair did get brittle and easily has broken off over the past decade or ten years.


              What I know is women who live with any type of Òcervical tumorsÓ or Òuterine tumorsÓ or Òovarian tumorsÓ or Òthyroid tumorsÓ then either their hair gets brittle and breaks off or the hair gets thin or literally the hair begins to fall out in clumps without any chemotherapy therefore such women keep their hair short.




              My latest professional hair cut:

              December 9, 2017.


              Must get another professional hair cut. I know. I know. Every six weeks get a trim. I must make the time for myself to get a professional hair cut.


              No, I wonÕt give myself another hair cut no matter how little money I may or may not have. Haircuts I ÒleaveÓ it up to the professionals.


              Yes, IÕm growing my hair long. ItÕll probably take four years.


              Yes, right now I have a ÒpixieÓ hair cut. Cute.


---  ---  ---


              Literary Notes:


              ÒVillainÓ only exists in novels and movies and make-believe books.


              ÒHeroÓ only exists in novels and movies and make-believe books.


              Writers arenÕt ÒvillainsÓ or Òheroes.Ó


              In real life there arenÕt any ÒgoodÓ or ÒbadÓ people.


              People are people.


              In real life there isnÕt any ÒrightÓ or Òwrong.Ó


              ThereÕs only a range of gray and anything in between.


              Creative writing is like long distance running through the woods.


              Writing is like baseball.


              Writing is stamina.


              Writing is practice.


              Writing is discipline.


              Writing builds critical literary muscle.


              Writing is subject matter.


              Subject matter is content.


              Writing is debate and speech in literary written form without a single word uttered about the subject matter.


              Writing is logic and reason without public speaking.


              Writing is silent.


              Writing makes sense out of confusion.


              Writing is structure.


              Writing lays out good arguments.


              Writing is only thoughts to consider or think about.


---  ---  ---


              Multi-cultural Outlooks:


              Yes, factually several Native American multi-cultural tribal outlooks do believe there are two realities.


              One, an Òawake realityÓ and two a Òsleeping reality.Ó


              The Òawake realityÓ and the Òsleeping realityÓ are considered two completely different and separate worlds apart. Ok.


              ItÕs not what I personally believe, however, I can respect other culturesÕ idealisms about the world and how to explain the ÒsupernaturalÓ or other worlds or spirits.


              Personally, as a modern woman, I neither believe nor experience Òdream loversÓ or Òenergy loversÓ or Òtime-travel loversÓ or Òtelepathic lovers.Ó No.


              Telephone Chip Implants:


              No, I donÕt personally believe in placing a telephone chip implant into myself. IÕm too skittish about needles much less a chip implant.


              As of yesterday I discovered individuals are having their cell phone chips implanted into their brain then the person or individual then is able to hold a conversation inside their head with an outside line.


              It was explained to me: At this point people who have telephone chip implants are more or less ÒschizophrenicÓ since such chip implanted individuals hold conversations inside their heads.


---  ---  ---


              On a personal note:


              No, IÕm not a witch. No, I donÕt practice witchcraft.


              No, IÕm not a pornographer. No, I donÕt practice pornography.


              No, I donÕt seek out pornography as in a general lifestyle and attitude.



              Yours Truly;





Word Count: 1,318

Word Count Goal for the week: 5,000

Word Count for this Week: 495 + 1,318 = 1,813


Monday, February 19, 2018


ÒAddress another man in the language he understands; do not use literary speech with the uneducated, nor vulgarity with the learned.Ó


(Leo RostenÕs Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Brandish (to shake or wave, usually threateningly; flourish)


The man would brandish his stick when a dog approached.


---  ---  ---


A book: ÒManners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home TrainingÓ By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---


Hello. Hi.


Upload: 3:15pm CT


Happy Monday!


---  ---  ---


              Literary Notes:


              English as a Second Language:


              Writing is structure.


              When I fail at structure then my ÒwriterÕs voiceÓ may sound urgent or rushed and the sound of my ÒwriterÕs voiceÓ does sound rushed because English is a fast speaking language and difficult to write down important points when many points need to be made in a very short amount of time.


              Yes, this content is written ÒimpromptuÓ which is some of the most difficult types of genre writing there is rather than take a week or a month to write one single speech or paper or column or article.


              ÒImpromptuÓ writing: one must quickly think on their feet.


              ÒImpromptuÓ writing is more like debate than speech.


              Neither am I good at debate or speech even though IÕve done both standing up while on my own two feet behind podiums with massive amounts of notes and research.


---  ---  ---


              Sinclair Lewis:


              What makes people more furious?


              The fact I havenÕt ever read any of MinnesotaÕs ÒSinclair LewisÓ who wrote a novel (make-believe) ÒMain Street,Ó which was published on October 23, 1920?


              At the time and still now the MinnesotanÕs hate their own son Sinclair Lewis and his cultural observations.


              Minnesotans hate the novel ÒMain Street.Ó


              Or what seems to be the most annoying is many of my cultural observations about Minnesota are mostly the same cultural observations made by Lewis in the 1920Õs? Ha.


              Ralph Ellison:


              What makes people more furious? 


              The fact I havenÕt ever read any of AmericaÕs ÒRalph EllisonÕsÓ ÒInvisible ManÓ a novel (make-believe) published in the 1950Õs?


              Or what seems to be the most annoying is many of my cultural observations about America are mostly the same cultural observations made by Ralph Ellison in the 1950Õs? Ha.


              No ÒplagiarismÓ here:


              What makes people more furious?


              No, I havenÕt ever lifted or stolen or copied a single line or phrase or paragraph or entries from any published works.


              The fact I havenÕt ever plagiarist and donÕt know anything about the storylines of either both ÒMain StreetÓ or ÒInvisible ManÓ and I havenÕt drawn from either works of literature to write a diarist blog.


              Two more years and IÕll sit down and read both ÒMain StreetÓ and ÒInvisible ManÓ which were both required reading, however.


              Not once have I gotten around to read either ÒInvisible ManÓ due to the fact in 1996 I was accused by a teacher as a ÒplagiaristÓ of ÒInvisible ManÓ by Ralph Ellison, however, I havenÕt ever read one single line of ÒInvisible Man.Ó I donÕt have a clue what ÒInvisible ManÓ is about. I will soon enough find out.


              Simply, because IÕve been considered a ÒplagiaristÓ before, evidence proved IÕm not any type of Òplagiarist.Ó


              Since all of this literary hard work is done by hand and the content is opinion based even though I may write with similar ideas or tone as other writers before me this doesnÕt make me a Òplagiarist.Ó



              Yours Truly;





Word Count: 495

Word Count Goal for the week: 5,000

Word Count for this Week: 495


Friday, February 16, 2018


ÒThe servant is often nobler than the master.Ó


(Leo RostenÕs Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Propagate (to reproduce, multiply)


The purpose of relationships is to propagate the human race.


---  ---  ---


A book: ÒManners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home TrainingÓ By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---


Hello. Hi.


Upload: 8:09pm CT


Happy Friday!


---  ---  ---


              Latest 1994 psychology to today 2018:


              ÒThoughts arenÕt real.Ó


              ÒThe past no longer exists.Ó


              ÒThe past isnÕt real.Ó


---  ---  ---


              Basic Questions:


              WhatÕs there to say about school shootings in America?


              A moment of silence to recognize.




              WhatÕs there to say about public shootings at theatres or in subways or at marathons or clubs or concerts or places of worship or bike lanes?


              A moment of silence to recognize.


---  ---  ---


              Gun Legislation:                                                                                                        


              No, I donÕt know what to say about public shootings in America other than legislative Òuniversal gun control.Ó


              This is what I know from 2014 articles: gun shootings and gun violence in America has nothing to do with Òmental illnessÓ rather gun shootings have to do with lack of legislation and gun safety and gun regulation laws. Ok.




              The majority of public American shootings occur by white males.


              The majority of overall gun shootings in America are mainly suicides.


              What on Earth does a machine gun rifle look like? (IÕll look up this type of weaponry in a magazine photo for research.)


              What on Earth is a machine rifle?


              Why on Earth is anyone able to purchase a machine rifle?


              A hand gun is one weapon with one bullet at a time.


              A shotgun is one weapon with two barrels.


              A magazine is multiple rounds.


              No, I donÕt own nor carry any gun on me since I choose not to die by my own weapon.


              Whenever oneÕs truly ready for the responsibility to carry a gun then one must also be prepared to die by oneÕs own weapon. I choose peace.


---  ---  ---


              On a personal note:


              No, IÕm not a Òconspiracy theorist.Ó


              Yes, IÕm a sci-fi enthusiast.


              No, I donÕt believe dreams foretell the future.


              No, I donÕt predict the future. Nope.


              No, I wouldnÕt know how to predict the future.


              No, IÕm not any type of prophet.


              No, I donÕt have any prophecies.


              Seriously, IÕm not a bot. IÕm one human being.


              Yes, my Òeducational guessÓ is Òartificial intelligenceÓ and Òhuman safetyÓ laws must be written. Ok.


              Yes, of course, IÕm aware the Native Americans of North America believe and taught and teach about the different strains of ÒBig FootÓ species. Ok.


              Multi-cultural believes:


              No, I donÕt personally believe ÒsleepingÓ dreams or R.E.M. is another Òalter-realityÓ or Òalter dimensional travelÓ or Òtime travelÓ simply the conscious mind asleep while at rest.


              Yes, literally each time any human dreams then such any human has an orgasm.


              No, I donÕt personally believe Òdream spiritsÓ are lovers to fall in love with since the living do laundry and prepare meals and fulfill responsibilities on the side of standing up in person upon their own two feet rather than the conscious mind laying down asleep lost in a dream state of sleeping chemical and regenerating the body to health.


              Yes, I do believe othersÕ multi-cultural beliefs about how Òdream spiritsÓ sometimes get considered as lovers however as modern persons itÕs best not to fall in love with ÒspiritsÓ of any type since ÒspiritsÓ are an enigma hardly ever seen or heard.  


              Yes, since 1994 IÕve been scientifically taught Òmodern deathÓ is when persons turn into literal star dust. Ok.


              Yes, since birth IÕve been taught our Ancestors watch out for us however the living donÕt hear or see their dead AncestorsÕ spirits.


              No, IÕm not any type of Maya royalty simply my Ancestors are Òspitting imagesÓ painted on the walls of cave paintings. Yes, IÕm one hundred percent Salvadorian Maya born and raised Costa Rican.


              The Inca arenÕt the same as the Maya and the Aztec werenÕt the same as the Maya or the Incas.


              Factually modern Mayans exist.






ÒThe past is in the pastÓ


Modern Neighbors


              LetÕs get to the main thesis or basic idea or main subject matter which IÕve put off all week.


              One doesnÕt ever call the cops or the police on oneÕs own neighbors unless itÕs true Òguts and horrorÓ or rape or severed (detached) body parts or terrible accidents otherwise oneÕs mature enough to mind oneÕs own business and keep to themselves without being an ÒalarmistÓ or cruel Òtattle-tellerÓ to oneÕs own neighbors.


              Neighbors live amongst each other and over the years get to notice each othersÕ routines without disturbing each other.


              No matter how much the cops or the police or detectives say to continually call the police department about any neighborly grievance -- this is considered bad practice by most neighborhood action. Ok.


              Bad intelligence is bad choices and decisions.


              The best policy is to always first speak to oneÕs own neighbors face-to-face about anything rather than call in the police otherwise one is considered a coward who hides behind the police. Ok.




              Mature Adult Rules to Live By:


              The first thing one does as any mature adult neighbor is to Òmind your own business.Ó


              The second thing one does as any mature adult neighbor is to Òlive and let live.Ó


              The third thing one does as any mature adult neighbor is to be respectful whenever one gets personally offended by oneÕs own neighbors then one must take it upon oneself to directly and respectfully communicate if at all possible whenever necessary otherwise peacefully neighbors go about their lives and have lives to lead and places to be and people to meet and things to do or not or relax.     


              If one has any issues or is personally offended or personally insulted by anything at all then itÕs oneÕs own responsibility to sort out oneÕs own problems, however, one must emotionally sort out oneself in a safe manner and personal peaceful way such as with video games or movies or music or walks or yard work, per se, as examples.


              If one has any issues with anyone else then one must have the courage to deal with being offended or directly go to the other party or individual or neighbor(s) and respectfully and directly in person and face-to-face speak and Òair outÓ grievances of any type rather than call the cops or police on oneÕs won neighbors.


              Whatever, one may find as a personal offense or whatever one may find as personally offensive then oneÕs always capable and able and responsible to respectfully ask any neighbors to please keep down the volume or please not have any neighborsÕ dogs utilize any neighborsÕ yards as their dogsÕ private and personal toilet.


              ItÕs against the law to threaten to kill anyoneÕs dog(s).


              OneÕs personal issues and personal problems arenÕt other peopleÕs issues and problems to solve especially not the police or cops or detectives.


              Whatever the neighborly general grievances may be then one must be courageous and humbly and politely with respectful language and respectful mannerisms and respectful body language ask oneÕs neighbors to please keep the noise volume down or to please stop playing loud music at three in the morning or to please stop continuous honking car sounds for up to fifteen minutes straight after eleven at night on work nights.


              Whatever the neighborly grievances might be then one must be courageous and humbly and politely with respectful language and respectful mannerisms and respectful body language ask oneÕs neighbors to please consider the sound level of familial feuds while shouting and screaming in the middle of neighborhood streets for about an hour each day or each week for four years at a time.


              Whenever any mature adult neighbors have any questions or concerns regarding their neighbors then either one gathers the courage to say something directly to oneÕs neighbors or one keeps silent and doesnÕt complain or whine about their neighbors.


              One is allowed to respectfully ask any neighbors to please bring down the sound volume of any person or loud music.




              August 2012 is the first time I ever lived in a Midwestern suburb.


              By October 2013 the local police told our neighborhood citizensÕ group to continue to call the police department again and again whenever there was any more than one straight hour of screaming disturbance in the neighborhood. Bad advice.


              From August 2012 through August 2016 some of our African American neighborsÕ dogs crawled under the mail truck (August 2014) and ferociously snarled and barked at the postal personnel for nearly half an hour.


              All the while from 2012 to August 2016 loose neighborhood dogs without leashes would corner neighbors who fended for themselves with shovels and brooms.


              From August 2012 through August 2016 some of our African American neighborsÕ children would scream for help from their parents and continued to cry out calls of desperation for about an hour straight to three hours.


              Yes, in August 2016 I used to feed any loose neighborhood dogs without leashes a good meal of hotdogs and hardboiled eggs and nothing else to get loose neighborhood dogs (not on leashes) to know my scent then theyÕd be familiar with where I lived and possibly not ever bite me especially with loose neighborhood ÒPitbullsÓ at the time and not anymore since August 2016.



              Yours Truly;





Word Count: 1,540

Word Count Goal for the week: 5,000

Word Count for this Week: 1,201 + 868 + 1,330 = 3,399 + 1,540 = 4,939


Thursday, February 15, 2018


ÒThe sons of the poor give science its splendor.Ó


(Leo RostenÕs Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Coalesce (combine into one quantity)


It takes a long time before members of a community coalesce.


---  ---  ---


A book: ÒManners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home TrainingÓ By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---


Hello. Hi.


Upload: 1:48pm CT


Happy Thursday!


---  ---  ---


              Correction from ÒimperativeÓ to ÒempiricalÓ evidence.


---  ---  ---


              As of 2018 I write whenever I find the time to write.


---  ---  ---


              Yes, IÕm behind on cataloguing the blog and self-portraits.


---  ---  ---


              Thyroid Conditions:


              From what IÕve researched from articles over the last two years:


              ÒThyroid diseaseÓ is difficult to detect in white male patients.


              White male patients describe the symptoms of Òthyroid diseaseÓ as a form of Òslow deathÓ while the immune system attacks the body.


              White male patients describe the symptoms of Òthyroid diseaseÓ with body aches and possible muscle deterioration or deterioration in general.


              Since the medical system is as it is then what chance is there to detect Òthyroid diseaseÓ in women of color? (Not being erratic simply asking basic medical questions.)


              Since Òthyroid diseaseÓ is nearly impossible to detect in white men then with the new research of white doctors and white nurses as racists then when will Òthyroid diseaseÓ get detected in women of color?


---  ---  ---





              Tumors are as tumors are over the past six years of listening and reading about Òbrain tumorsÓ and Òcervical tumorsÓ and Òovarian tumorsÓ and Òuterine tumorsÓ most women are in tremendous physical pain and some will go into their basements and turn on all of the appliances and scream while other women will throw glass and smash it.


              No, I havenÕt ever slapped anyone in the face.


              No, I havenÕt ever punched anyone in the face.


              No, I donÕt touch people unless itÕs long time friends and close personal family as a formal and general greeting of hugs or kisses or not.


              In the Midwest people hug.


              In the East Coast people hardly ever touch in general.


              No, I havenÕt ever thrown a glass and had it smash.


              No, IÕm not confrontational. I donÕt go looking for fights.



Learning isnÕt the same as Experience


              Simply, because I have many skill sets this doesnÕt mean IÕm any good at any of them. Ha. LifeÕs funny.


              Yes, I took nineteen straight years (1989-2008) of outward bound survivalist wilderness courses and tours and solo camping trips which I wouldnÕt ever camp for any reason unless it were the end of the world or something hyperbole as such. (Camping is gorgeous and much work to carry gear through treacherous terrain much less portage with a canoe through rains, water and mud.)


              Yes, I took ten straight years (1988-1998) of swimming lessons and I donÕt ever enter the water to go swim for any reason unless it were the end of the world or something hyperbole as such. (Swimming is awesome and much work to get to non-algae waters and change into swimsuits and always vigilant and safety first.)


              Yes, I took ten straight years (1989-1999) of canoeing and kayaking and rowing which I wouldnÕt ever do neither for any reason unless it were the end of the world or something hyperbole as such. (Boating is a great deal of responsibility and equipment to lug around from the shoreline to the water and vice versa.)


              Yes, I took fifteen straight years (1988-2003) of learning how to dry-land train Òsled dogsÓ and I wouldnÕt dry-land train sled dogs unless it was the end of the world or something as hyperbole as such. (Dogsled training is gorgeous and high responsibility.)


              Yes, I took four straight years (1990-1994) of rollerblading lessons for dry-season speed skating practice and I wouldnÕt rollerblade unless it was the end of the world or something as hyperbole as such. (Rollerblading is gorgeous and high prone to wrist injuries.)


              Yes, I took four straight years (1992-1996) of Aerobic Jazzercise and to this day I wouldnÕt do Aerobic Jazzercise unless it was the end of the world or something as hyperbole as such. (Aerobic jazzercise was too much bouncing around and the esophagus isnÕt what it used to be.)


              Yes, I took two straight years (1996-1998) of Òself defenseÓ courses and I still freeze and donÕt seem to apply skills learned.


              Yes, I took nine straight years (1996-2005) of snowboarding and I wouldnÕt rock climb unless it was the end of the world or something as hyperbole as such. (Snowboarding is gorgeous, however I have no skill or aptitude for snowboarding plus I donÕt like to travel at fast speeds down slope.)


              Yes, I took ten straight years (1990-2000) of rock climbing and I wouldnÕt rock climb unless it was the end of the world or something as hyperbole as such. (Rock climbing is gorgeous, however I have no skill or aptitude for rock climbing plus I donÕt like heights.)


              Yes, I took four straight years (1996-2000) of volleyball, fencing and squash and I wouldnÕt do neither unless it was the end of the world or something as hyperbole as such. (The extracurricular above mentioned are gorgeous, however I have no skill or aptitude for any.)


              Yes, I took ten straight years (1994-2004) of Ti-Chi and I do apply the breathing exercises to daily life even though I wouldnÕt ever actually regularly practice Ti-Chi for any reason unless it were the end of the world or something hyperbole as such. (Ti-Chi is gorgeous and one must be willing to take the time to do controlled slow movements for about an hour per day.)


              Yes, I took four straight years (2003-2007) of Pilates and I wouldnÕt ever actually practice Pilates for any reason unless it were the end of the world or something hyperbole as such. (Pilates is gorgeous and one must be willing to take the time to do controlled movements for about an hour per day.)


              Yes, I took five straight years (2005-2010) of surfing and I wouldnÕt ever surf unless it was the end of the world or something as hyperbole as such. (Surfing is gorgeous however I have no aptitude or skill for swimming even though I do know how to swim with many different strokes or float and drift.)


              Yes, I took one year (2009) of learning how to construct and build stages and I wouldnÕt build or construct stages unless it was the end of the world or something as hyperbole as such. (Stage construction is gorgeous however lots of heavy lifting.)


              Yes, I took one year (2010) of welding and I wouldnÕt weld unless it was the end of the world or something as hyperbole as such. (Welding is gorgeous however fire is hot and with welding one is bound to get burned on top of the head or acquire bald spots from the sparks.)


              Yes, I took one year (2011) of organic food production and I wouldnÕt keep a garden unless it was the end of the world or something as hyperbole as such. (Agriculture is gorgeous however lots of bending over for hours on end and lower back pain.)


              Yes, I took ten years (1994-2004) of organic food harvest production and I wouldnÕt organic food harvest unless it was the end of the world or something as hyperbole as such. (Agriculture is gorgeous however lots of bending over for hours on end and lower back pain.)


              Yes, I took nine years (2008-2017) of farm hunting and I wouldnÕt farm hunt unless it was the end of the world or something as hyperbole as such. (Farm hunting is much skill however lots of responsibility and I have no aptitude with any type of weapon of any type since weÕre American citizen taxpayers.)


              Yes, six years (2012-2018) of being a property care taker with snow shoveling and weeding and cutting down trees and storage clean up and raking and cutting the lawn and clean up.


              The best exercise in the world is domestic menial cleaning labor.


              The most dangerous work in the world is inside the home while conducting domestic menial cleaning labor.



              Yours Truly;





Word Count: 1,330

Word Count Goal for the week: 5,000

Word Count for this Week: 1,201 + 868 + 1,330 = 3,399


Wednesday, February 14, 2018


ÒSome prefer vinegar and some prefer wine.Ó


(Leo RostenÕs Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Coalition (a combination or union, temporary alliance)


A coalition government is a combination of parties.


---  ---  ---


A book: ÒManners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home TrainingÓ By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---


Hello. Hi.


Upload: 2:02pm CT


Happy Wednesday!


---  ---  ---


              No, the Muslims and I donÕt celebrate ValentineÕs Day nor have we celebrated for decades. ItÕs another Wednesday like any other Wednesday.


---  ---  ---



What about War as a Merger?


              What about war? I donÕt know.


              Governance is civics and Òchecks and balancesÓ between the Senate and the House of Representatives and the White House and the Pentagon.


              Business is to build legal companies and hopefully make a profit.


              Most businesses fail within the first five years.


              Business isnÕt governance.


              Business is about money.


              Governance is civics.


              American troops fall under the category of governance which all government is conducted from taxpayersÕ taxes both state and federal taxes goes towards having the taxpayersÕ policies represented in the form of Bills to debate in both either the House or the Senate floors to make or change constituentsÕ laws. Correct.



Of Course,


              Yes, yes -- for a decade itÕs been explained to me The United States is the single largest military in the world. Ok.


              Yes, yes -- for a decade itÕs been explained to me The United States occupies the world with bases. Ok.


              Yes, yes -- for a decade itÕs been explained to me The United States wants to shape the world into democracies. Ok.


              Yes, yes -- for a decade itÕs been explained to me the world is One without borders since weÕre all human. Ok.


              Yes, yes -- for a decade itÕs been explained to me thereÕs less war today then thereÕs ever been in the history of world wars. Ok.


              Yes, yes -- for a decade itÕs been explained to me The United States utilizes our armies and troops as business mergers in other countries. Ok.


              Yes, yes -- for a decade itÕs been explained to me The United States does drop drone bombs on innocent bystanders who are considered war Òcollateral.Ó



The ÒOpportunityÓ of War


              Government is run from the bottom up.


              Business is run from the top down.


              Hopefully, someday business will be run from the middle out.


              Government doesnÕt support business.


              ConstituentsÕ taxes donÕt support business.


              Business trade supports business.


              Business lobbyists and large interest corporate groups and Wall Street donÕt dictate what Bills get debated on the House floor or Senate floor and possibly passed into laws and policies made (under the table, sure) since policy is structured and conducted by constituents and taxpayers and grass root organizations for which truly look out for the best interest of The People rather than business or profit for the sake of profit alone.


              Governance implements Òentitlement programsÓ for the sick and the poor and the needy and the ill because it is democratic governmentÕs responsibility to take care of its people.


              In America we believe in Òentitlement programs.Ó


              Business supports business.


              Government supports The People.


              Government works in the best interest of all citizens.


              Government doesnÕt give handouts to special interest groups or war sub-contractors or Wall Street or lobbyists since such conglomerate business is already rich and doesnÕt need to be taken care of like the sick, or the ill or the poor do.


              An ÒopportunityÓ is Òchance,Ó Òopening,Ó Òbreak,Ó Òprospect.Ó


              An ÒopportunityÓ is for business.


              An ÒopportunityÓ is to get ahead in a merger.


              War is neither business nor a merger nor profits.


              War is catastrophic.


              War is death.


              War is displacement of peoples and wildlife.


              War is destruction.


              War is the last option.


              Diplomacy is one.


              Since war is death then business linked to war is also death.


              Troops and armies are governed by PeopleÕs governance and wishes of The PeopleÕs policies.


              9/11 is factually proven to be the fault of our very own president and vice president of the time. Moving on. Next.




War isnÕt an ÒopeningÓ to Peace


              After war I do believe in setting up necessary budgets and a strict timeframe to help other nationÕs rebuild public schools and general civics in infrastructure such as government centers and municipalities, however.


              No, I donÕt believe in setting up budgets to help other nationÕs build mosques or churches since religion is separate from taxpayersÕ state.


              Simply, because war may present itself in the form of a ÒmergerÓ or ÒopportunityÓ war isnÕt a choice for business because troops and armies are people under the jurisdiction of the taxpayers and what the taxpayersÕ wish to do is to bring our troops home after sixteen years of straight Afghan war.


              Continuous war isnÕt democracy.


              Continuous war is continuous war.


              The point IÕm trying to make is this:


              There are strict constitutional laws set in place to protect taxpayers from having to be in a constant and perpetual state of war.


              War ruins the psyche of any nation.


              To continuously be in a perpetual state of war is to continuously fight.


              War is ÒstressÓ and such stress on our troops and their families is now considered Òmental illness.Ó


              TodayÕs question: Why doesnÕt America value emotions and spirituality about ending a sixteen year war?


              Why doesnÕt America value paying-out health benefits to our troops and military?



              Yours Truly;





Word Count: 868

Word Count Goal for the week: 5,000

Word Count for this Week: 1,201 + 868 = 2,069


Tuesday, February 13, 2018


ÒThose on the other side of the fence have different ideas.Ó


(Leo RostenÕs Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Coercion (force or compulsion, government by force)


The police state is charged with coercion.


---  ---  ---


A book: ÒManners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home TrainingÓ By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---


Hello. Hi.


Upload: 4:21pm CT


Happy Tuesday!


---  ---  ---


              Scientific Periodicals:


              Factually scientific periodicals contain the first and last name of any authorÕ(sÕ) of any scientifically conducted proven case study and timeframe and currently correct statistics as well as peer review approval otherwise any scientific news article is considered tabloid.


              Correct. Correct. Not because I say so, because others say so.


              In America we keep our newspapers democratic.


              In America we show how to solve equations.


              In America we show how we arrive at the answers to our questions.


              In America we show how we arrive at our hypothesis; and prove with factual and empirical evidence what is or isnÕt factual medicine or factual science or factual mathematics.


              No, I donÕt personally have the time to deconstruct the literary construct or framework as to how to write a proper citation for case studies in newspaper scientific periodicals.


---  ---  ---


              Three is a Pattern:


              Factual scientific periodicals are true if three or more scientific periodicals make the same public statements about the same findings with correct citations.


              A third time is a pattern.


              Science may evolve or devolve, however science must be correctly proven again and again.


              A first offense is simply a first offense.


              Three or more is a pattern.


              Silence isnÕt ever a goal.


              Peace and quiet is modern civilization since the global population is now eight billion strong peoples mostly living on top of each other.


              Speaking up for oneÕs opinion is oneÕs Constitutional Right.


              Peaceful demonstration is oneÕs Constitutional Right.


              Peaceful protest is oneÕs Constitutional Right.


              Right to open freedom of speech and expression is oneÕs Constitutional Right.


              Americans speak up against injustices or prejudice or discrimination or racism or chauvinism since weÕre not a culture for which is easily afraid of wrong idealisms or incorrect science or mathematics and speaking against harmful or corrupt ideas.


              Yes, since March 2017 the American medical field has been factually and literally found to be a racist field-of-study and discipline mainly of white nurses and white doctors in which minorities must speak up for their health rights and not be embarrassed to ask any questions no matter how stupid the questions may sound to any professional in the medical field.


              Always, get a second or third or fourth or fifth or sixth medical opinion.


---  ---  ---


              Medical Illness vs. Mental Illness I:


              One non-peer approved article now states the following:


              ÒTo drink to get drunkÓ is now considered Òtemporary mental illnessÓ because supposedly Òto drink to get drunkÓ leads to depression.


              If one were to stop drinking to get drunk then is one no longer Òmentally ill?Ó


              ÒPornographyÓ is now considered Òmental illnessÓ because supposedly ÒpornographyÓ leads to depression.


              If one were to stop consuming pornography then is one no longer Òmentally ill?Ó


              ÒObesityÓ is now considered Òmental illnessÓ because supposedly ÒobesityÓ leads to depression.


              If one loses weight then is one no longer Òmentally ill?Ó


              ÒDiabetesÓ is now considered Òmental illnessÓ because supposedly ÒdiabetesÓ leads to depression.


              If one controls insulin and blood sugar levels then is one no longer considered Òmentally ill?Ó


              ÒFibroidsÓ are now considered Òmental illnessÓ because supposedly ÒfibroidsÓ lead to depression.


              If one has a hysterectomy (the uterus removed) then is one no longer Òmentally ill?Ó


              ÒThyroid conditionsÓ are now considered Òmental illnessÓ because supposedly Òthyroid conditionsÓ lead to depression.


              If one gets the Òthyroid glandÓ surgically removed and maintains healthy hormone levels then is one no longer Òmentally ill?Ó


              ÒAcneÓ is now considered Òmental illnessÓ because supposedly ÒacneÓ leads to depression.


              If one were to subdue the acne then is one no longer considered Òmentally ill?Ó


              If one overcomes oneÕs physical illness then is one no longer Òmentally ill?Ó


              If one were to persevere beyond physical illness then is one no longer considered Òmentally ill?Ó


              Is menopause also going to be considered Òmental illness?Ó

              Menopause is a phase.


              Is pregnancy also going to be considered Òmental illness?Ó

              Pregnancy is a condition.


              Medical Illness vs. Mental Illness II:


              One non-peer approved article now states Òmental illnessÓ is now considered Òlow-self esteem.Ó


              Since by definition Òlow-self esteemÓ is considered Òmental illnessÓ then any human whoÕs ever bought or purchased any type of product to either enhance facial features with make-up or Botox to hair re-growth or hair implants to wrinkle creams to face-lifts to waxing to anything which remotely may hurt the skin yet is applied to change the natural physical appearance of the human body such as high heels, for example is then considered Òlow self-esteem thus and therefore Òmentally ill?Ó


              Then according to the definition of Òmental illnessÓ then no one would ever wear makeup or high heels or get any type of augmentation since Òhealthy-self esteemÓ is the ability to go completely natural with the confidence one is worth natural beauty.


              As a well rounded definition of Òlow-self esteemÓ as Òmental illnessÓ then anyone who purchases any types of products is then Òlow-self esteemÓ therefore Òmentally ill?Ó


              French women donÕt shave or wear any make-up and this is the greatest social and cultural movement ever since about ten years ago American women also stopped shaving or wearing pounds of cake make-up or hairspray.


              If this is the case of the definition of Òmental illnessÓ as Òlow-self esteemÓ then will corporations pay higher taxes as well as advertise factual science and mathematics and the creative arts rather than advertise or market products to any Òlow-self esteemÓ persons otherwise corporations would practically advertise to over the majority of the population now considered Òmentally illÓ therefore corporations must only sell natural products and nothing else or advertise science and mathematics and the creative arts rather than products.



              Is the medical field now the new Nazi sciences of the past?


              The Nazis also considered Òphysical illnessesÓ as Òmental illnessÓ then the Nazis went ahead and gave themselves the permission to lobotomize and scientifically experiment on German citizens and Jews alike who were murdered by gas chambers by the millions of homeless and sick and ill and minorities and homosexuals and anyone with physical disabilities and, and, andÉ


              Since Òphysical illnessesÓ and Òlow-self esteemÓ is now considered Òmental illnessÓ then are most Americans then Òmentally ill?Ó


              ÒLow-self esteemÓ is simply considered lack of confidence.


              ÒLow-self esteemÓ can always and continuously be built upon.


              When one overcomes a lack of confidence then is one no longer considered Òmentally ill?Ó



              Yours Truly;





              P.S. Since 2010 IÕve been a pharmaceutical guinea pig person of color minority therefore for the past ten years IÕve been on some form or other of pharmaceutical drugs, however.


              Pharmaceutical drugs are only to be taken for one year duration at a time rather than for years at a time or for decades or for a lifetime.


              Any pharmaceutical chemistry alters natural brain chemistry.


              Yes, IÕve proven I donÕt have ÒADHDÓ or Òobsessive compulsiveÓ behavioral disorders simply I had fibroid tumors and a hormonal imbalance which is now finally balanced since October 2017.


              Modern medicine is primarily the cutting or surgically removing of body parts as continual remedies rather than advanced medicine for real treatment of illnesses or diseases.


Word Count: 1,201

Word Count Goal for the week: 5,000

Word Count for this Week: 1,201


Friday, February 9, 2018


ÒAs face reflects face, so does the mind of man reflects man.Ó


(Leo RostenÕs Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Absolution (forgiveness, releasing from sin)


The priest gave absolution to the dangerous people against the Indigenous and Native Americans.


---  ---  ---


A book: ÒManners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home TrainingÓ By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---


Hello. Hi.


Upload: 6:52pm CT


Happy Friday!


---  ---  ---




              No, I donÕt believe or practice telepathy. Nope.


              Nope, I donÕt ever believe or think others are personally thinking about me or telepathically communicating with me. Nope.


              No, I donÕt telepathically communicate with anyone.


              No, I donÕt hear anyone elseÕs voice inside my head.


              Yes, I read and research and write then I have to vacuum and dust and make dinner and, and, and... For the past six months IÕve only done one load of laundry per week. I donÕt like the sound of the washing machine, however through eight years of hemorrhaging I did have to do a lot of laundry.


              The reason why each August of each year I must say annual out loud Maya prayers is because otherwise the prayers arenÕt real. I must say out loud prayers and outdoors hopefully around a bonfire otherwise at a high altitude point.


              This August 2017 I said my Maya prayers in front of the cops and called out one personÕs name simply because it was the only name for which came to mind at the time while I was being detained by the cops.


              No, I didnÕt call out the name of the person because I actually thought the person could literally hear me simply because the Maya gods and our Ancestors would hear me.


              No, I didnÕt call out the name of the person because I literally thought the person would save me from my predicament. Simply I called out the name of the person because the person is a symbol for social change and political hope.


              No, IÕm not delusional. IÕm Indigenous.


              Yes, IÕm logical and reasonable and pragmatic and mostly wise and a creature of habit.


              Each Maya prayer lasts from August to August.


              No, I donÕt believe in the Maya corn god, however, I do say my Maya corn god prayers.


              No, I donÕt believe in the Maya rain god, however, I do say my Maya rain god prayers.


---  ---  ---


              What about bloggers and writers?


              Yes, bloggers and writers get killed or murdered all over the world and have been killed and murdered for the past twenty years. Not because I say so. Because others say so.


              Yes, as of August 2017 IÕve been informed by Jewish Oregon citizens about how female political activists in both Portland and Seattle have gone missing and possibly kidnapped and placed into mental institutions for being political.


              ÒThe cats out of the bag.Ó I donÕt know. I wasnÕt there.


---  ---  ---


              Factual Geography:


              Personally, I consider myself quite bad at geography, however. I think I know better than the average Midwestern.


              Minnesotans tell me thereÕs no such location or place as ÒPortland, Maine.Ó Minnesotans are serious.


              If I question this fact then Minnesotans get extremely passive-aggressive and call me Òmentally ill.Ó




              No, IÕm not Òmentally illÓ because I factually do know ÒPortland, MaineÓ exists.


              Yes, ÒPortland, MaineÓ exists. Not because I say so. Because others say so.


              How do I know ÒPortland, MaineÓ exists?


              From 1996-2000 I would snowboard at ÒSunday RiverÓ which is near ÒPortland, Maine.Ó IÕve driven through ÒPortland, MaineÓ many a times. One blinks and one misses it.


              No, IÕm not delusional. IÕve seen ÒPortland, MaineÓ with my own two eyeballs.


              If IÕm delusional and ÒPortland, MaineÓ truly doesnÕt exist then thereÕs no hope for geography or Minnesota which is quite thin skinned about any type of criticism of any type even when MinnesotansÕ geography is incorrect and flat out wrong.


              ÒThe Emperor has no clothes.Ó


---  ---  ---


              Factual Physics:




              The Minnesotans tell me thereÕs no such thing as Ògravity?Ó


              The Minnesotans seem hell bent on this.


              As a hyperbole: Please: get us out of this Fascist system of ignorance and propaganda and racial micro-aggression.


              Factually, I do in fact believe ÒgravityÓ exists. Period.


              No, IÕm not delusional simply because I believe in Ògravity.Ó


---  ---  ---


              Factual Terrain and Surveyed Shorelines:




              The Minnesotans tell me the world is Òflat.Ó


              Over the years the Minnesotans seem quite serious about this.


              Please, get us out of this Fascist system of ignorance and propaganda and micro-aggression.


              Factually, I do in fact believe planet Earth is Òcircular.Ó Period.


              Yes, factually the world is round.


              Yes, the center or core of the Earth is molten lava.


              The core of the Earth is deadly hot.


              Wow. Really, modern Americans believe the Earth is flat?


              No way.


---  ---  ---


              Russian Performance Artists: ÒPussy RiotÓ


              Yes, correct: No, I didnÕt like how a group of Russian Òperformance artistsÓ known as ÒPussy RiotÓ went into an orthodox Russian synagogue and thrashed about and seemed to shock the congregation of people in the middle of their sacred worship of prayer.


              ÒPerformance artÓ is best left up on the stage than real places of prayer and congregation.


              Nonetheless, why on Earth would Mr. Putin place ÒPussy RiotÓ in jail for expressing their opinions?


              The reason why Mr. Putin placed the Russian Òperformance artistsÓ best known as ÒPussy RiotÓ in jail or under arrest for expressing their opinions is because Russia is a communist state of constant dictatorship.


              Under any democratic system we donÕt place our people in jail or imprison our people for expressing their creative opinions because America is the land of policies which can be overturned by the people at any time the people call up their Representatives or Congress people to vote according to how the people best see fit.


---  ---  ---




What is Fascism?


              Definition: often capitalized: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascist) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition


              Usually Fascism or Fascists prefer the white race over minorities and outright fears other multiracial people therefore Fascism is quick to shutdown multi-cultural outlooks or ideas of any type and considers any other points of view as wrong rather than simply other points of view.


              Usually Fascism or Fascists rule through propaganda.


              Propaganda is any overt or covert direct or subliminal anti-racial messages which are sold to any geographical region or place or people with anti-racial messages which are repeated again and again until people believe propaganda is supposedly fact when actually propaganda is simply hidden hate speech and exclusion.


              Usually Fascism or Fascists control by coercion or by force.


              Usually Fascism or Fascists is exploitation.


              Usually Fascism or Fascists are Òlow-self esteemÓ and insecure therefore unable to make room for multi-cultures and modern ideas.


               Usually Fascism or Fascists are easily offended by anything which isnÕt exactly like them.


              Usually Fascism or Fascists doesnÕt support autonomy.


              Usually Fascism or Fascists doesnÕt support the arts.


              Usually Fascism or Fascists doesnÕt support facts.


              Usually Fascism or Fascists supports dangerous myths.


              Usually Fascism or Fascists supports a monotheistic culture.


              Usually Fascism or Fascists supports white people who get to eat and live while anyone else must starve and live on charity.


              Usually Fascism or Fascists are close to evangelical rhetoric.


              Usually Fascism or Fascists will literally silence any other voices which arenÕt Fascist.


              Usually Fascism or Fascists believe in physical violence.


              Usually Fascism or Fascists believes in a Gestapo Nation.


              Usually Fascism or Fascists supports White Nationalism.


              Usually Fascism or Fascists supports Nazism.                                     


              Usually Fascism or Fascists silence truth.


              Usually Fascism or Fascists are paranoid and believe others are out to get them.


              Usually Fascism or Fascists are close minded.


              Usually Fascism or Fascists donÕt know how to debate.


              Usually Fascism or Fascists donÕt know well constructed speech or rhetoric.


              Usually Fascism or Fascists believe thereÕs only right or wrong.


              Usually Fascism or Fascists are bitter about sharing resources with people who donÕt have any resources.


              Usually Fascism or Fascists is delusional and mentally ill.


              Usually Fascism or Fascists are overt or covert racists.


              Usually Fascism or Fascists are overt or covert angry people about the subject matter of race.



              Yours Truly;




Word Count: 1,338

Word Count Goal for the week: 5,000

Word Count for this Week: 2,811 + 1,525 = 4,336 + 1,228 = 5,564


Thursday, February 8, 2018


ÒOf what use are gray hairs, when the brains are still green?Ó


(Leo RostenÕs Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Abstemious (sparing in use of luxurious habits, abstaining, doing without)


A good athlete is abstemious in his habits.


---  ---  ---


A book: ÒManners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home TrainingÓ By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---


Hello. Hi.


Upload: 7:37pm CT


Happy Thursday!


---  ---  ---


              Yes, bloggers and writers are the underdog therefore as Americans we always cheer and support for the underdog especially when we disagree with the opinions of any underdog.


              Anyone is entitled to their own opinions.


---  ---  ---



What does anyone want to know about anything?


              Well, okay. ÒLetÕs start at the very beginning.Ó


              No, IÕm not any type of political activist.


              No, IÕm not any type of community leader.


              No, IÕm not any type of Native American Elder or elderly.


              No, IÕm not any type of Shaman or spiritual healer.


              No, IÕm not any type of video or photography pornographer.


              No, IÕm not anyone in political office.


              No, IÕm not a public servant.


              No, I havenÕt ever been voted into public office.


              No, I donÕt seek public office.


              Yes, I sign petitions in the best interest of communities and modern times such as clean water action throughout the entire of the United States of America and advanced electric and green energies such as electric cars and geo-thermo energy and wind generated power.



ÒFirst Things FirstÓ


              No, I havenÕt ever attended any of the two WomenÕs Marches.


              No, I donÕt own a pink ÒpussyÓ hat.


              (Although, it would be fun to come across a brand new ÒpussyÓ hat for purchase somewhere in the world. IÕll have to research it. If I have to knit a ÒpussyÓ hat then most likely I wonÕt ever knit a ÒpussyÓ hat in this lifetime.) IÕm not into knitting or fine hand motor skills of any type since I already type.)


              No, IÕm neither political nor have I ever been political.


              No, IÕm not a sovereign nation.


              No, IÕm not a colonist.


              No, IÕm not monarchy.


              No, IÕm not Oligarchy.


              No, IÕm not Bourgeois.


              No, IÕm not an intellectual.


              No, IÕm not an artist.


              Yes, IÕm a creative modern writer.


              No, IÕm not an Anarchist.


              No, IÕm not a serf.


              No, Americans arenÕt peasants.


              Yes, IÕm a modern American citizen human.



Yes, factually 16 years at war.

The Middle Eastern Wars


Daily reportedly 54:

Daily factually 88 of our American troops

Commits suicide per day


What do I know?



Bring our troops home.

American taxpayersÕ taxes donÕt support endless wars.

American taxpayersÕ taxes support free public education,

And universal healthcare, and affordable housing,

And fair wages, and a relatively low cost of living.


              The Afghanistan war is mainly about poppy production of heroin to be brought back into the United States of America and heroin sold at street value rather than pharmaceutical value in the form of pain killer capsules.


              The number one sold street drug in America is pharmaceutical capsule pain killers such as Oxy-contin.


              The second sold street drug in America is loose powder heroin. (No, I donÕt personally know what heroin looks like.)


              The Iraqi war is mainly about oil resources for the American Congress and lobbyists and sub-contractors to get rich from continual 16 years of Afghanistan Middle Eastern wars.


              The Pakistan war is mainly about nuclear arms and the moral tale about nuclear bombsÕ disastrous history.


              The Syrian war is mainly about RussiaÕs invasion of the Middle East by way of Syria with the genocide of AssadÕs people.


              The Yemen war is mainly about more oil into the pockets of Congress and lobbyists and sub-contractors to get rich from continual 16 years of Middle Eastern wars.


              The North Sudan and South Sudan wars are mainly about RussiaÕs invasion of the corporate oil reserves in the region and the United States maintaining a strong foothold on the Sudanese oil refineries rather than the RussianÕs trade and deals.


              For the most part I think I got it right.


              If I didnÕt then IÕll make corrections.



Stop the Middle Eastern Wars


              WhatÕs the point of continuing any more Middle Eastern wars when thereÕs now an enormous oil pipeline running from Canada through most of the length of the United States?


              Seriously or not: Since ÒfrackingÓ as well as an extensive oil pipeline are now implemented into United StateÕs lobbyistsÕ oil policies which such any policies can be undone at anytime with taxpayersÕ signed petitions and votersÕ referendums for general public support of green energy and non-GMOÕs in any of the FDA recommended food.


              In other words:


              ÒFrackingÓ in exchange of commercial geo-thermo green energy in all of the homes across America.


              An oil pipeline in exchange of commercial non-GMOÕs in all FDA recommended food.


              Since farm land is being done away with by a gigantic oil pipeline then thereÕs no more need to fight for oil overseas in the form of Middle Eastern wars since natural lands have now been turned into either ÒfrackingÓ refineries or oil pipelines.


              Finally, our political businessmen broke down to pressures and the first introduced gigantic oil pipeline runs the length of the heart of the United States therefore thereÕs no more need for Middle Eastern wars.


              American political business deals now destroys our natural wonders and beauty therefore weÕve brought the political oil war home.


              ThereÕs no need to go and war in the Middle East when the Middle Eastern form of doing oil business came to America.


              Except America isnÕt a desert. No.


              America is vastly lush and gorgeous natural greenery.


              Personally, I think the more Congress keeps our troops in the Middle East then the less America can call upon entire demographics of troops who can keep the government from corruption.



Is Donald Trump a racist?


              With all due respect and in my humble opinion Donald Trump is a racist or plain and simply put a Fascist business man who only speaks about himself and how great he is when in reality Donald Trump hasnÕt contributed to history other than to become president, however.


              All Americans are taught anyone can become president.


              Who says all Mexican men are rapists? No one. Nobody.


              Who says all immigrants are lazy or stupid? No one. Nobody.


              Who says Mexico will pay to have a wall built? No one. Nobody.


              Who isnÕt willing to give the dreamers safe passage?


              Hypothetically if Donald Trump were a Mexican immigrant father whoÕd brought over his illegal Mexican children with him to the United States and Donald TrumpÕs Mexican children didnÕt know any other country other than the United States as the childrenÕs home then Donald Trump would fight with all of his might to pass policies and laws in which such just and right policies and laws would allow for Donald TrumpÕs Mexican children to stay in the one-and-only country for which such Mexican children know and understand to be their only home.


              Which is it?


              The debt ceiling is up at a trillion?


              Or military spending is up at a trillion for the next decade?


              Wow, can one imagine taxpayersÕ one trillion dollars towards free college and university education for any American citizens?


              The economy is only good because Mr. Obama made it possible for us as citizens.


              Government shutdowns are for any Congress which isnÕt willing to draw up a fair economic plan or budget and implement humane economic policies for the benefit of all citizens and not only the political elite or the 1%.


              Why does Exxon Mobil get 6 million or 6 billion dollars to skim of the top?


              If anything Exxon Mobil ought to donate 6 million or 6 billion to art museums throughout the entire United States and have admission be free to the public.


              Why is Donald Trump a racist? I donÕt know.


              How can Donald Trump be a racist when he was born into extensive wealth and hasnÕt ever been held accountable for his tax records before entering office?


              Donald Trump has had it economically good most of his life therefore, whatÕs the problem with Donald TrumpÕs character?


              Personally, I donÕt care about bad attitude.


              Personally, I donÕt care about consented sexual affairs.


              Personally, I donÕt care about weak character flaws.


              Personally, I donÕt care about language.


              However, I do care about a lack of ethical depth and empathy.


              Personally, I do care about lack of research and the inability or unwillingness to read and comprehend.


              The post of the Presidency is to be heavily and huge into reading much research and memos and classified information and policies and diplomatic differences and negotiations.


              Why is America up for sale when it comes to Mr. Donald Trump?


              Why does Mr. Donald Trump tend to see American policy as a business deal rather than as taxpayersÕ or constituentsÕ say?


              Why doesnÕt Mr. Donald Trump understand cheating on elections with Mr. PutinÕs bank account is indeed obstruction of justice?


              Why doesnÕt Mr. Donald Trump understand 19 sexual harassment allegations are grounds for resignation from the Oval Office?


              Why doesnÕt Mr. Donald Trump see the larger picture?


              Why does Mr. Donald Trump personally call out on individual citizens and calls them by terrible descriptions and abusive insults?


              Why isnÕt Mr. Donald Trump presidential?


              Is Mr. Donald Trump modern? No.


              Does Mr. Donald Trump sound and act as a Fascist? Yes.



              Yours Truly;




Word Count: 1,525

Word Count Goal for the week: 5,000

Word Count for this Week: 1,385 + 1,426 = 2,811 + 1,525 = 4,336


Wednesday, February 7, 2018


ÒBetter independent than humiliated.Ó


(Leo RostenÕs Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Adduced (lead to, advanced, mentioned)


The conclusion can be adduced from the facts presented.


---  ---  ---


A book: ÒManners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home TrainingÓ By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---


Hello. Hi.


Upload: 7:27pm CT


Happy Wednesday!


---  ---  ---


              Oh, Olympic figure skating here I come to watch over the Tele.


---  ---  ---



Literary Workshop Rules

To Write By


White Men


              In literary workshops weÕve been taught the literary arts are a safe place to express any thoughts, opinions and points of view or viewpoints no matter what the content even white supremacy content holds the freedom to be expressed without anyone taking white supremacy content personally or literal.


              In literary workshops weÕve been taught the main objective goal to write is to write as much as possible as white literary men write otherwise donÕt publish. Ok.


              In literary workshops weÕve been taught the main goal to write is to write from a white male perspective and matter of opinion and logic and reason. Ok.


              In literary workshops weÕve been taught readers are smart enough to decipher real life vs. literary arts. Ok.


              In literary workshops weÕve been taught readers are smart enough to decipher real life vs. taking creative content personally and being offended. Ok.


              In literary workshops weÕve been taught readers are smart enough to decipher real life vs. subjective opinion. Ok.


              In literary workshops weÕve been taught readers are smart enough to decipher real life vs. objective opinion. Ok.


              In literary workshops weÕve been taught readers are smart enough to decipher real life vs. one doctorÕs opinion or one set of doctors from the same network of hospitals or system. Ok.


              In literary workshops weÕve been taught readers are smart enough to decipher real life vs. the Bible. Ok.


              In literary workshops weÕve been taught readers are smart enough to decipher real life vs. the Koran. Ok.


              In literary workshops weÕve been taught readers are smart enough to decipher real life vs. prose. Ok.


              In literary workshops weÕve been taught readers are smart enough to decipher real life vs. poetry. Ok.


              In literary workshops weÕve been taught readers are smart enough to decipher real life vs. any literary alter-ego.


              In literary workshops weÕve been taught readers are smart enough to decipher real life vs. creative writings. Ok.


              In literary workshops weÕve been taught readers are smart enough to decipher real life vs. a developed writerÕs literary voice. Ok.


              In literary workshops weÕve been taught readers are smart enough to decipher real life vs. any content. Ok.


              In literary workshops weÕve been taught readers are smart enough to decipher real life vs. storytelling.


              In literary workshops weÕve been taught Television viewers are smart enough to decipher real life vs. Television. Ok.


              In literary workshops weÕve been taught Television viewers are smart enough to decipher real life vs. propaganda. Ok.


              In literary workshops weÕve been taught Television viewers are smart enough to decipher real life vs. advertisement. Ok.


              In literary workshops weÕve been taught Television viewers are smart enough to decipher real life vs. promotion. Ok.


              In literary workshops weÕve been taught Television viewers are smart enough to decipher real life vs. marketing. Ok.


              In literary workshops weÕve been taught Television viewers are smart enough to decipher real life vs. Public Relations. Ok.


              In literary workshops weÕve been taught radio listeners are smart enough to decipher from real life vs. radio. Ok.


              In literary workshops weÕve been taught readers are smart enough to decipher from real life vs. magazines or publications. Ok.



The Literary Arts


              What about the literary arts?


              What about the literary arts isnÕt the Midwest understanding?


              Are the literary arts propaganda? No.


              Are the literary arts promotional materials? No.


              Are the literary arts Public Relations? No.


              Are the literary arts advertisements? No.


              Are the literary arts textbooks? No.


              Are the literary arts real life? No.


              Are the literary arts news articles? No.


              Are the literary arts experimental literary structure? Yes.


              Are literary arts creative content? Yes.


              Are literary artists, artists? No.



Literary Categories


              Literary artists are writers and not journalists either.


              Do blogs fall under the literary arts category? Yes.


              Do blogs fall under the book memoirs category? No.


              Do blogs fall under the autobiography category? No.


              Do blogs fall under the biography category? No.



Bloggers and Writers


              Do readers hold the responsibility to stay open minded about bloggersÕ or creative writersÕ content? Yes.


              Yes, readers require an open mind to bloggersÕ content.


              The reason why modern readers must respect bloggers and writers is because writers and bloggers are mostly citizens like anybody else except bloggers and writers actually record the times we live in according to bloggersÕ and writersÕ bias and opinionated perspectives.


              The reason why modern readers ought to respect bloggers and writers is because throughout the world bloggers and writers are being kidnapped or imprisoned or incarcerated or detained or placed in mental institutions or killed or murdered for writing as bloggers and writers witness daily events and sociological patterns in our cultures and regions.


              Blogging is creative writing therefore writing falls under the jurisdiction of the literary arts and freedom to express anything and creatively positive or creatively negative writings created from nothing as well as smart and logical and reasonable perspective no matter how much anyone may disagree with the body of the work.


              Are bloggers pirates? No.


              Are bloggers their alter-egos? No.


              Are bloggers paranoid? No. Otherwise, writers wouldnÕt write.


              Are bloggers victims? No.


              Bloggers are brave people writing about the times we live in.



Thoughts are only Thoughts

Thoughts arenÕt Action


              As any proud modern American citizen and immigrant to have the ability to practice the First Amendment as a Constitutional Freedom and Civil Liberty then writing is nothing to be taken for granted no matter what the creative literary content may hold.


              No matter how much the creative literary content is disapproved of such as Òwhite supremacyÓ content is disapproved with then one must not get Òbent out of shapeÓ about content or writings otherwise one proves to be extremely low IQ and easily frightened by storylines, any type of anecdotes or subjective perspective.


              Writing isnÕt physical action.


              Writing is thoughts and anyone can think whatever they wish.


              Thoughts arenÕt violence.


              Thoughts are only thoughts.


              Its physical actions which do actually speak louder than words.


              Physical actions can be violent or not.


              Written words are silent.


              Written words are words in cyber space.


              Written words are words on a page.


              Spoken words are air.


              Touch is physical action.



ÒMethod ActingÓ

To develop

Literary Alter-Ego


              No, I donÕt write from a white male supremacist point of view.


              Yes, I write from an old white male Finn-Minnesotan-American cantankerous and crabby old manÕs viewpoint. Yes.


              Yes, I write from an old white Finn-Minnesotan manÕs dry-alcoholic voice.


              A man who for many decades of his life did severely drank and watched his wife die from alcoholism then sobered up and in the decades towards the end of his life didnÕt ever touch another drop of alcohol, however stayed as bitter and crabby and cantankerous as heÕd been an alcoholic.


              Does anyone know how difficult it is to come to the writing table each day and do Òmethod actingÓ exercises to write from a white male crabby old manÕs voice when IÕm an Indigenous Maya modern woman?


              As a modern woman itÕs quite difficult to write from an old and crabby white maleÕs voice.


              Does anyone know how difficult it is to write as closely as possible to a white maleÕs voice?


              ItÕs the most difficult to write from an old white maleÕs voice when one isnÕt a white male and describing a modern womanÕs life.


              No, IÕm not an alcoholic. I hardly ever drink alcohol.


              If alcohol tasted like chocolate then IÕd be an alcoholic.


              No, I donÕt like the taste of alcohol, however. I love the taste of soda.



Free Press


Freedom of Speech


              Personally, the one institution I trust the most in these modern times is the F.B.I. since the F.B.I. seems to stay modern and right alongside with the culture rather than stay behind in archaic and old and dusty political points of view which are outdated and no longer apply to 2018.


              The reason why I trust the F.B.I. is because the F.B.I. isnÕt any type of Gestapo Nation rather the F.B.I. is a civil institution which sides with the modern times and modern American citizens moving forward towards progress and invention and technology and art and creative expression.


              Personally, the Free Press I trust the most is The New York Times, the Washington Post, US, LA Times, Chicago Times.


              The one publication I trust the most is The New Yorker.



              Yours Truly;




Word Count: 1,426

Word Count Goal for the week: 5,000

Word Count for this Week: 1,385 + 1,426 = 2,811


Tuesday, February 6, 2018


ÒAn idolater worships one object, but there is no limit to the number of men whom the hypocrite will worship.Ó


(Leo RostenÕs Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Adjudicated (tried in court of law)


Your case will be adjudicated upon by three judges.


---  ---  ---


A book: ÒManners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home TrainingÓ By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---


Hello. Hi.


Upload: 12:50pm CT


Happy Tuesday!


---  ---  ---


              What happened?


              White born and raised Minnesotans would like the local news media to understand ÒMinnesota NiceÓ is a misnomer.


              White born and raised Minnesotans would like the local news media to understand ÒMinnesota NiceÓ is sarcastic.


              White born and raised Minnesotans would like the local news media to understand Minnesotans are nice to peoplesÕ faces, however.


              Minnesotans love to gossip and trash-talk anyone behind their backs unless Minnesotans have lived elsewhere for nearly five years then they break the bad habit to gossip about others.


              White born and raised Minnesotans would like the local news media to understand Minnesotans donÕt handle any type of criticism about anything much less or especially about Minnesota since most Minnesotans hate living in Minnesota yet hardly anyone does afford to move out of here.


              White born and raised Minnesotans would like the local news media to understand Minnesotans hardly every travel anywhere outside of Minnesota since Minnesotans donÕt afford travel.


              White born and raised Minnesotans would like the local news media to understand hardly any Minnesotans were able to afford to attend SundayÕs NFL LII game and this makes Minnesotans bitter.


---  ---  ---


              What happened?


              By Sunday night the Minnesotans gossiped and complained about Snoop DogÕs staff and how badly black people smell. I donÕt know. I wasnÕt there.


              By Sunday night the Minnesotans gossiped and complained about Justin TimberlakeÕs arrogance to consider himself as good as Prince. I donÕt know. I wasnÕt there. (I havenÕt ever listened to any of Justin TimberlakeÕs songs or music.)


              By Tuesday morning the Minnesotans gossiped and complained about the Philly fans and NFL tourists. I donÕt know. I wasnÕt there.


              By Tuesday morning the Minnesotans gossiped and complained about how the NFLÕs LII game hardly made any local businesses any money. I donÕt know. I wasnÕt there.


              Oh, the Minnesotans gossip and complain after the fact which is right on time. Ha, ha, ha.


              ItÕs been explained to me the Minnesotans hated the NFL tourists and only wanted their money.


              Money is the only reason why Minnesotans had to be extra nice to NFL tourists, however. Since hardly any money was made then now the Minnesotans are mad as Devils and badly talk about and gossip about any celebrities which came through here. I donÕt know. I wasnÕt there. Now we know who does heroin and who doesnÕt.


              Since there was very little widespread of money to be made then now the Minnesotans trash-talk the tourists and the NFL. Ha, ha, ha. Okay. I simply listen. I donÕt say anything. I donÕt know. I donÕt care what Minnesotans have to gossip or complain about.


---  ---  ---



Fact: Mental illness changes

According to cultural acceptance


              In 1990 through 1992 white Minnesotans called me Òmentally illÓ for helping to volunteer start up a recycling club at our High School. (Minnesotans were angry they had to separately place paper and aluminum cans into different bins than the trash.)


              In 1993 white Minnesotans called me Òmentally illÓ for advocating for snowboarding as an Olympic sport.


              In 1994 white Minnesotans called me Òmentally illÓ for advocating awareness of H.I.V. and AIDS to sexual education in schools. (No, one doesnÕt get AIDS from sharing public toilet seats.)


              In 1996-2000 white Minnesotans called me Òmentally illÓ for signing and gathering petitions for the equality of homosexuality and same-sex marriage. (How dare I consider homosexuals equals when homosexuals were considered Òmentally illÓ at the time.)


              In 2001 white Minnesotans called me Òmentally illÓ for standing up for the rights of Middle Eastern American people right after 9/11 took place.


              In 2002 and 2003 white Minnesotans called me Òmentally illÓ for advocating to shutdown candy and soda vending machines in all public Junior High and High Schools to deal with a growing child obesity epidemic. (Oh, the Minnesotans about lost their heads.)


              In 2006 white Minnesotans called me Òmentally illÓ for advocating for skateboarding as a mainstream commercial sport.


              In 2007 white Minnesotans called me Òmentally illÓ for advocating for free public school lunches to all and any students.


              In 2008 white Minnesotans called me Òmentally illÓ for advocating the retirement of all or any Native American mascots.


              In 2010 white Minnesotans called me Òmentally illÓ for advocating raising the minimum wage to $15.00.


              In 2011 white Minnesotans called me Òmentally illÓ for advocating returning our troops home from the Middle East since our troops had been at war for nearly ten years.


              In 2012 white Minnesotans called me Òmentally illÓ for advocating for equal pay for equal work.


              In 2013 white Minnesotans called me Òmentally illÓ for advocating for non-GMO and no hormones or no antibiotics in American foods.


              In 2014 white Minnesotans called me Òmentally illÓ for advocating for female tailored uniforms to fit female troops in the army.


              In 2014 white Minnesotans called me Òmentally illÓ for advocating against the brain damage of football.


              In 2015 white Minnesotans called me Òmentally illÓ for advocating for climate change.


              In 2016 white Minnesotans called me Òmentally illÓ for advocating for free universal healthcare.


              In 2017 white Minnesotans called me Òmentally illÓ for advocating deciphering the major distinctions between female hormonal imbalances of the reproductive system vs. Òmental illness.Ó


              In 2018 white Minnesotans call me Òmentally illÓ for advocating deciphering the distinctions between thyroid illnesses vs. Òmental illness.Ó


              If I lived in California then none of the above mentioned causes wouldÕve been considered Òmental illnessÓ since California is always years and decades ahead of the Midwest which the Midwest is stubborn to progressive change and equality for all.




Why so much propaganda?


              Mainly, Minnesota is a state of self-perpetuated propaganda.


              Minnesota is a state of self-made myths.


              Minnesota is a state of self-loathing.


              When one lives and works in Minnesota then one must not ever out loud racially criticize the state of Minnesota or its racist white culture otherwise oneÕs automatically considered Òmentally ill.Ó


              Yes, writing about racism is okay since writing isnÕt a conversation.


              However, itÕs the transplants and foreigners who reassure me Minnesota is a Fascist and racist and Gestapo Nation of uneducated perverts who have serious insecurities about being ignorant thus anything different from the Minnesotans is considered Òmental illnessÓ only according to the Minnesotans and no one else.


              ItÕs the transplants and foreigners who reassure me Minnesotans are Òmentally illÓ as an overall racist culture and live in a bubble.


              Minnesotans refuse to let go of their insecurities and mature and grow up and read and catch up with modern times because MinnesotansÕ main insecurity is Minnesotans seem terrified to be found out to be collectively Òmentally illÓ therefore Minnesotans throw the first stone and call others Òmentally ill.Ó Good to know.


              As of recently itÕs been explained to me most Americans and Minnesotans donÕt decipher the difference between reality vs. television  or reality vs. writing or reality vs. art or reality vs. reality Television. Yikes. Creepy.




              No, IÕm not Òmentally illÓ no matter what any white person says I am. IÕm an Indigenous modern Mayan woman and my cultural ideals and thoughts donÕt make me mentally ill. Nope.


              Yes, IÕm physically ill with a thyroid condition which isnÕt mental illness. I know myself better than any white mostly racists Minnesota doctors or nurses according to the research most nurses and doctors are racists. ItÕs a fact. The research is out.


              No, one isnÕt mentally ill simply because the majority of white people are stuck in the year 1952 and simply wish for one to be Òmentally illÓ simply because one disagrees with the overall white Minnesota culture of self-loathing and self-promotional. Ha.


              The transplants and foreigners laugh at the stupidity of Minnesota.


              Personally, I donÕt know why Minnesotans hate to be found out to be ignoramuses since micro-aggression reigns freely here.


              Minnesotans believe their poop doesnÕt stink which is problematic for anyone else who says otherwise.


              In Minnesota one is forced to agree Òthe Emperor has no clothes onÓ otherwise oneÕs considered Òmentally illÓ if one were to disagree with anything Minnesotan.


              Minnesotans are incredibly insecure people.


              The foreigners are right the Minnesotans are a collective of archaic racist Òmentally illÓ fascists



              Yours Truly;




Word Count: 1,385

Word Count Goal for the week: 5,000

Word Count for this Week: 1,385


Thursday, February 1, 2018


ÒThere are four types of men who cannot see the Holy Spirit: mockers, hypocrites, slanderers and liars.Ó


(Leo RostenÕs Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Celibacy (act of being bound by vow not to marry)


Celibacy is obligatory for Buddhist monks.


---  ---  ---


A book: ÒManners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home TrainingÓ By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---


Hello. Hi.


Upload: 12:04pm CT


Happy Thursday!


---  ---  ---


              Minnesota is huge for sex-slavery and sex-trafficking.


---  ---  ---


WhatÕs the problem?

Why do white people assume I think IÕm a victim of racism?

No, IÕm not a victim of racism.


Simply, I write about racism.

Not once have I ever said IÕm a victim of racism.

Yes, IÕve dealt with racism, however.

No, IÕm not a victim of racism.


No, I donÕt allow for micro-aggression to get to me.

My friends and I laugh about micro-aggression.

Micro-aggression is the funniest thing to make fun of.


              No, artists or writers arenÕt to be mentally diagnosed due to their art or expression. Nope. Step back. Way, way back.


              Racism is a subject matter I could write about until the end of time since thousands of people of color have told me their sad stories about being followed around Minnesota stores or followed around by Minnesota white cops or people of color tell their terrible stories about racial discrimination in the Minnesota workplace since Minnesota hardly ever sees many successful people of color with Harvard Ph.D. degrees or Yale degrees or extremely successful and wealthy people of color for role models therefore an overall Caucasian Midwestern Minnesota ideal of people of color is people of color donÕt amount to much when on either coasts people of color are well educated and filthy rich, however not in Minnesota therefore white Minnesotans tend to lie to themselves and believe only white people know the answers and hold all power and knowledge and jobs. Not so.


              At least in the East Coast people will tell you they hate you to your face and people know where they stand and keep the peace and no one goes after each otherÕs jobs or reputations.


              Why is it if I write about racism in Minnesota then IÕm considered mentally ill? I donÕt care what white people have to say. I donÕt need white peopleÕs permission to write about racism in Minnesota. White people are often wrong and the best revenge is to prove them wrong.


              People tell me the best revenge is to live to old age.


              People tell me the best revenge is to be successful.


              ItÕs only a matter of time when this undiagnosed HashimotoÕs disease might just kill me until then I have to agree to be whatever white Minnesota people want me to be -- docile and agree with what white people say even though this thyroid and HashimotoÕs symptoms are truly kicking me in the back.


              Yes, I know exactly who I am. IÕm a peaceful human. IÕm a Taurus and Taurus people donÕt get riled up by much. Taurus people mainly care about food and a good time had by all.




              Racism is part of life, however. Racism is wrong.


              We know humans are deadly. Yes.


              We know humans hate with the passion of devils. Yes.


              We know humans are aggressive. Yes.


              We know humans are terrified of foreigners. Yes.


              We know humans hate to share resources. Yes.


              We know humans would kill if they could only get away with it. Yes.


              We know humans are arrogant in their ignorance. Yes.


              We know humans are uneducated. Yes.


              We know humans are unnecessarily racists. Yes.


              We know humans are micro-aggressive. Yes.


              What does any of it have to personally do with me? Nothing.




              In Minnesota white people will be ÒniceÓ (two-faced) and smile and do anything in their power to sabotage people behind their backs for whom Minnesotans simply find too culturally different from themselves or too successful or too intelligent or too well read or people who are right and old dusty ideals must change.


              Change is difficult because change means having to implement equality for all.


              ÒMinnesota niceÓ isnÕt a people of color thing.


              Modern Minnesota cultural ignorance reigns freely:


              ThereÕs very little intellectual or racial sophistication in Minnesota compared to the coasts therefore anybody who is intelligent or multi-racial is considered a menace since intelligence shows us we can always improve upon ourselves and improvement seems to be too much work for the dusty old and boring Minnesotan racist ideals of always being second best because racism isnÕt ever number one therefore people of color donÕt like living in Minnesota.


              Minnesotans cling to their racist ideals therefore the majority of white uneducated people seem to believe if the majority acts racist then theyÕre right to be discriminatory since for the most part white frightened people are in it together to get ahead together from the proven research.


              Racism is about economics.


              Ignorance is the culture of the hopeless who like to stay on top of power through sheer brutality or oppression or discrimination then no one really has to come up with any real solutions to problems only the status quo.


              Minnesota isnÕt the next New York City. Gosh no.


              Minnesota is, too, racist to even be the next remodeled Twin Cities. If one is able to leave Minnesota then do it as soon as possible. Allow for white people to discriminate against each other and possibly kill each other off.


              If we take people of color out of the Minnesotan equation then who will white people hate? Each other.


              When people of color are gone then white people can discriminate against each other rather than discriminate against people of color.


              ItÕs not a bad solution to have white people discriminate against their own like the Poles or the Germans or the Finns or the Swedes. Sure. Why not?


              If or when people of color leave a place then thereÕs no multi-culture and if thereÕs no multi-culture then thereÕs no real or true future simply because white people continually advertise the lie about how thereÕs no racism in Minnesota mostly due to the fact the culture is racist.


              Racism is the culture in Minnesota therefore people of color are not to address the issue of racism or people of color are considered mentally ill to ever so much as address the issue of racism in Minnesota.




              Its people of color from the coasts who tell me Minnesota is one of the most racially hostile places theyÕve ever lived in. I agree.


              In Minnesota all people care about is advertising or selling white local culture because Minnesotans are hard up for money and resources are tight therefore the white culture is constantly sold or no one would ever choose to come here since the winters are unbearably stupid and dumb to live through.


              One winter in Minnesota will age the skin a couple of years.


              People here look old before their time.


              The miserable winters makes Minnesota an undesirable destination.


              The miserable culture of white Minnesota racism makes Minnesota an undesirable destination.


              Why would anyone come and spend their hard earned money in Minnesota, they wouldnÕt.


              Minnesota is a fly over state for good reason. Not because I say so. Because people tell me so. The food here is badly cooked.


              ThereÕs only hypocrisy and more white local advertisement.


              Since Minnesota forces people of color to submit and be docile and not ever discuss or talk about the racism deeply imbedded into the Minnesota culture then oneÕs treated like a dog and pet on the head and fed cookies when one keeps silent about any type of racial discrimination otherwise oneÕs considered mentally ill to even as much as address the issue or the subject matter of racism. Ha. Funny. Oh, how frightening for the Minnesotans to have anyone write about their white racism.




              Secretly people of color talk about racism with each other and are quiet about the racism people of color endure therefore white people wonÕt think people of color mentally ill and carry them away from their homes.


              The Gestapo reigns here. Be quiet. People of color arenÕt allowed to talk about Minnesota racism otherwise people of color are considered mentally ill by white people.


              People arenÕt supposed to talk about racism and the events for which take place in their lives otherwise the white Minnesota culture slaps a label of mentally ill to people of color as a way to control people of color.


              The only place to talk about racism is behind closed doors without any white people around.


              The only reason why people of color arenÕt supposed to talk about racism is because we live in a mean-spirited and angry and hateful and scared and terrified culture of white people who would rather live with oppression than reality.


              Racism is delusional power.


              Racist discrimination isnÕt real power.


              Uneducated people arenÕt real power.


              Scared people arenÕt real power.


              Since racism is abundant then all one can do is get used to racism and see it as a way of lifestyle and deal with being undermined or controlled or have to be incredibly docile to a corrupt system to which the scientific proof has come out in which white nurses and doctors are extremely racist against patients of minority and white people only hire white people to make white people feel comfortable. What a sad sorry bunch of excuses. What a sad lot of people.




              Yes, we live in racist times, however. WeÕre not supposed to admit we live in racist times until the old die off and their feelings wonÕt get hurt.


              No, IÕm personally not a victim of racism since IÕve got brownies to bake and vitamin C to hand out to the neighbors with winter colds and research to conduct and writing to get done and job hunt.


              Yes, we live in times in which people of color must submit to racist discrimination.


              WhatÕs the big deal in admitting the truth?


              Oh, no the balance of oppression might shift?


              Well, the balance of oppression will shift soon enough when in 2050 the United States will no longer be a white majority.


              What are white people so afraid of? Not to be the majority.


              Are white people afraid theyÕll be overlooked and discriminated against when white people are no longer the majority oppressive culture?


              Are white people afraid theyÕll no longer drive an oppressive culture?


              Are white people afraid theyÕll no longer be in power and control? Ha.


              Are white people afraid theyÕll no longer afford affordable housing?


              Are white people afraid theyÕll be called racial slurs in public?


              Are white people afraid theyÕll be followed around stores?


              Are white people afraid theyÕll be discriminated by the cops?


              Are white people afraid theyÕll be overlooked by others?


              Are white people afraid theyÕll be discriminated by nurses and doctors?


              Are white people afraid theyÕll be ignored?


              Are white people afraid they wonÕt have a voice?


              Are white people afraid theyÕll be overlooked for jobs?


              Are white people afraid theyÕll have to clean toilets?


              Well, white people better change their ways now before it gets to be too late and the minorities will rule in 2050. 2050 is around the corner.




              As far as I know IÕm one human in the universe who is happy-go-lucky and goes about my way fulfilling responsibilities to the best of my ability.


              Yes, in my writings IÕm quite annoyed to live in a racist state since this is a safe literary space for me to air out grievances, however. IÕm not here to hawk anything. IÕm not here to sell anyone on how amazing Minnesota is for people of color since itÕs not.


              In real life all one can do is keep quiet about Minnesota racism or be docile to discrimination.


              As a person of color one doesnÕt ever dare talk about racism or white people tell people of color weÕre mentally ill.


              Yes, we live in a hateful Minnesota American culture.


              How do I know? IÕve lived and visited many other places to know better.


              Why do people in general hate anyone who is well informed? I donÕt know. Ignorant-arrogance to want to stay ignorant and oppressive.



              Yours Truly;




Word Count: 1,998

Word Count Goal for the week: 5,000

Word Count for this Week: 3,286 + 1,182 = 4,468 + 1,998 = 6,466


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