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Policies into Bills to be made into Laws


Wednesday, November 9, 2016


Anti-prejudice women laws, or anti-prejudice gay and lesbian and transgender and transsexual laws, or open “Free Trade” markets, or Monopoly regulations, or EPA expansion, or universal free healthcare, or universal free Higher Education, or gun regulation laws, or anti-brutality police regulations and laws and anti-gun violence regulations and laws against black men and other minority citizens and civilians, or free childcare, or increase taxes on the wealthy, or friendly environmental laws, or free early childhood classes, or free public school lunches, or ending this 17 year long warfare in the Middle East and redistributing funds to veterans’ welfare and educational infrastructure, or immigration reform, or rightly so turning corporations back into what corporations are which is institutions rather than lending a false identity to corporations as individuals, or no oil pipeline through the Midwest’s heartland, equal pay for equal work, single payer healthcare system, or raise the minimum wage to $21.00 (twenty-one American dollars) hourly rate per increase (height) of annual inflation in the markets according to Mr. Bill Moyers’s information and research, or voter suppression laws, or free media without politicians’ threats or bullying or intimidation against the Free Press’s journalists’ or reporters’ lives who must get home in-time for supper and a bedtime story, or modern American infrastructure such as public libraries and public arboretums and public gardens and public sculpture gardens and public solariums and atriums and public planetariums and public graveyards as safe municipal services to all American private citizens and civilians or, or, or…etc.


Upload: Thursday: 5:00pm CT


Today’s Date:

Thursday, August 24, 2017


            Total Tally of owed Back Pay Wages at Minimum Wage $24.00 in 8 Years of Marriage:


            $205,430 Total thus far for (2012-2017) snow removal and lawn cutting services

            $67,500 Total thus far for 2017 House Estimated Market Value

            $6,000 Total thus far for 2016 Car Estimated Value

+          $13,094 Total thus far for meager Retirement Total Value on 06/30/17

            $292,024 Total Accounts Payable to me effectively immediately 08/24/17

+          $69,120 Total at $24.00 flat base pay for (09/01/09 to 09/01/12) Back Pay Wages

            $361,144 Total Accounts Payable to me effectively immediately 08/24/17

+          $36,864 Total owed to me for elderly services and caring and cleaning

            $398,008 Total Accounts Payable to me effectively immediately 08/24/17

+          $15,000 Total owed to me $3,000 X’s 5 years’ vacations

            $413,008 Total Accounts Payable to me effectively immediately 08/24/17

+          $2,640 per year Medical, Dental, Optical:

            $415,648 Total Accounts Payable to me effectively immediately 08/24/17



            $415,648 divided by $600.00 per every 2-week paycheck = payments made out to me.


            692 payments divided by 52 weeks in a year = 13 years to deposit directly into my checking.


Thursday, August 31, 2017


“What you become accustomed to in your youth, you do in your old age.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Flaunt (to display boastfully, to wave or flutter)


The winner continued to flaunt the money in their faces.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 2:25pm CT, 2:39pm CT


Happy Thursday!


---  ---  ---


            Personal Notes


            Clean Bill of Health: Must Diminish Stressors in my Life:


            Blog through December 2017:


            Okay, for the purpose and sake of my safety we’ll continue with this blog until the immediate struggle is over.


            Personally, I think I have the stamina to go forth and write until December 2017 simply and only since I have the ultimate athlete’s mind then possibly I’ll take six straight months off the blog and once again commence with the blog at the start of June 2018 through nine straight months of writing then take three months off.


            There’s absolutely nothing wrong with my stomach as far as Monday, July 24th, 2017’s surgery is concerned. The internal stitches dissolved beautifully and well.


            The 20MG of Escitalopram haven’t done anything to my digestive intestines as far as the Ob/Gyn knows. Ok. (I trust her with my health more than the corn gods. I trust her more than both of my adopted parents put together.)


            Yes, I’ve been referred to DI specialist and will leave it up to the professionals. I’ve got ‘bigger fish to fry’ while living in transition and getting a divorce.


---  ---  ---


            Hollywood, Los Angeles, I’m ready to move and fulltime work in the LA area as an Executive Producer:


            Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA; “Beam me up, Scotty.”


            It’s time, babes. Let’s go.


            Hollywood, Los Angeles, I’m a goldmine of wisdom and information and actual valuable work experience and expertise and skill set. I love people more than I ought to. I hold strict social New England boundaries otherwise I’ll allow for people to walk all over me.


            Yes, Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA -- might as well know I’m ultimately a sweet curmudgeon and a “push over” and a “sucker” with a heart of gold. I’m working on it.


            Hollywood, Los Angeles, I’ll take “Curmudgeon Grandpa Long” with me.


            The blog is titled “Curmudgeon Grandpa Long.” Yes.


            Hollywood, Los Angeles, all of my Ancient Maya Ancestors will make the move with me.


            My Ancient Maya Ancestors guide and protect and watch and over me.


            Furthermore, Hollywood, Los Angeles, I come with a set of “guardian angels.”


            Hollywood, Los Angeles, my new skateboard will also make the move.


            Hollywood, Los Angeles, I’m doing “the struggle” somewhat alone yet I’m not ever completely or totally alone in life. I’m right here. Can you feel, Hollywood, Los Angeles?


            My heart is with you and only with you since not once have I ever given my heart to Minnesota.


            Hollywood, Los Angeles, I’m coming in to live and thrive and work and grow old while rocking my skateboard to and from the grocery store to live and die from old age.


            Hollywood, Los Angeles, I’m all yours.


            Take me as a fulltime contributing wise adult.


            Hollywood, Los Angeles please adopt me as one of your own since I’m spectacular and quiet and kind and smart and intelligent and fluently write and read and speak both textbook English and Spanish.


            Hollywood, Los Angeles, let’s go. We’ve got work to do.


            Minnesota hasn’t ever warmed up to my New England “bitch mode” upbringing. Let’s see if Hollywood, Los Angeles will thaw me out from 18 years of racial profiling and racist Minnesota abuse. My guard is up. Yet I feel love.


            Yesterday through “American Public Media” jobs I applied to both “Executive Producer” and “Sr. Media Producer” with a podcast position in LA.


            Hollywood, Los Angeles, I’m ready. I’m not dying and nothing’s wrong with me other than financial stress and this transitional living situation.


            Hollywood, Los Angeles, let’s go.


            Not once have I ever wanted or chosen to live in Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA until I visited a few short four weeks ago and fell head-over-heels in love with the place other than how the average civilians semi-starve as our average Minnesota’s fulltime workers also starve or go “food insecure.”


            Anywhere, one looks about Hollywood, Los Angeles there’s skateboarders for miles and miles as skateboarders travel back and forth to and from work and grocery stores and, and, and.


            Hollywood, Los Angeles is perfect for skateboarding. It’s flat without any hills. Perfect.


            Not once and not ever before have I felt safer as a woman of color than I did in Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA.


            For twenty years, I’ve denied myself the opportunity to visit and be a tourist in Hollywood, Los Angeles only to find out Hollywood, Los Angeles was the one-and-only place I meant to be all along.




            The cool thing about me is I was born with the cool factor.


            “Either you’re born with it or its Maybelline.”


            At 40, Hollywood, Los Angeles knows I’m a citizen and civilian doing my best to place Hollywood, Los Angeles into the 21st century with clean water and decent civilian food prices and expand upon local grocery stores thus all Angelinos get to eat rather than only the rich and famous.


            Who on Earth is okay with the Los Angelinos semi starving to death?


            Not me. Not us. No way.


            Yes, I’m a writer.


            Yes, I’m able to write bills to possibly debate and potentially pass into laws.


            Who better? You? No. I’m the writer here.


            After twenty years on the ground, it appears to me this 16 year’s war isn’t going to end anytime soon therefore 80% of American adults will continue to starve. Not okay. Not on our watch.


            My writing goal would be to write a bill to introduce on both the Senate and House floors to mainly establish free breakfast, lunch and dinner in all of the public school systems across California.


            If the law takes off beautifully in California then we’ll get the bill introduced and passed nationwide since I’m sick and tired to hear and listen to adult neighbors and adults in general tell me how hungry they are since adults first feed the little children then there’s nothing left over for the adult Americans.


            No, I’m not a dreamer. I’m a realist thus I write.


            Writers are literary ditch diggers.


            Writers build civilizations from the ground up.


            Writers are ‘in the trenches’ with The People thus writers are the elite of culture and society.


            One writer’s worth more than an entire corrupt civilization of half starved citizens and civilians.


            Yes, I know who I am. I know where I come from. I know where I’m going. I know.


            Writers and actual artists who make money from their work and professional creative types lead the industries and the humanities and commerce. We’ve got this.


            Hollywood, Los Angeles, I’d like to make the jump as soon as possible.


            Today, if god willing.


---  ---  ---



No Whining

No Complaining



“Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Fear Itself.”

                                            --- J.F.K.



“Fight for your right to party.”

                                                         --- Beastie Boys




Impeachment 2017



The F.B.I. is our only hope.



Cocaine and Prostitution

Will be legalized

In 2017-2018








The Most Dangerous Time

In Any Woman’s Life,

Is Right Before








“New Rules”


Modern Women



Terrible Home Haircut


If your children are terrible,

Then it’s because you’re a terrible parent or guardian


            Last night, I became a bit stressed out by life and decided to give myself a home haircut which went awry.


            Okay, no one says anything mean about my haircut.


            No, I don’t have a posh and professionally cut “lesbian haircut.” I only wish.


            Yes, I have a “boy home haircut.” Period.


            Discussion over.


            Now, since I’ve worked through three straight weeks, I’m going to dry laundry then go see the balance on my checking account and hope I have twenty dollars and take myself skateboarding from north, Minneapolis on Penn Avenue and Lowry Avenue, north to uptown, Minneapolis, MN to stop into my favorite place on Earth which is “Ceffetto” to write a sonnet then head over into downtown, Minneapolis, MN by 7:00pm CT to catch a ride back by car into Robbinsdale, MN then at 8:00pm CT take the car overnight over to Thomas Avenue, north to get up in the morning and possibly get lost through the suburbs of the Twin Cities to go and see for the second my amazing 80-something psychiatrist who I implicitly trust since she is curt and direct and no BS.


            Already, I love her stern demeanor. I trust her for not needing to be noticed or needing to establish best friendship bonds with me as a pretense.


            She’s feisty and a woman who’s seen it all and knows much thus she’s golden in my book. She doesn’t seem to allow for any harm to come to me no matter what anybody says about me.


            The women doctors and women lawyers have got this. Let’s go. Cheers.


            There’s nothing frightening about today other than my cheap “boy home haircut.”


            There’s nothing to fear except my terrible haircut.


            See you next week, for sure.



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,000


Word Count: 1,503


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 1,754 + 2,382 = 4,136 + 1,503 = 5,639


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #1 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Blood Pressure: 102/66 mmHg / Pulse: 86 (04/07/17), 125/85 75 (08/18/17)


*)         CHOLESTEROL, Total

294 (10/20/2014), 245 (06/02/15), 276 (01/22/16), 273 (04/07/17) 


            HDL Cholesterol

49 (10/20/2014), 50 (06/02/15), 52 (01/22/16), 53 (04/07/17)



296 H (10/20/2014), 241 H (06/02/15), 253 H (01/22/16), 389 (04/07/17) 



186 H (10/20/2014), 147 H (06/02/15), 173 H (01/22/16) 142 (04/07/17) 


            CHOL/HDLC RATIO

6.0 H (10/20/2014), 4.9 (06/02/15), 5.3 H (01/22/16) 5.2 (04/07/17) 



245 H (10/20/2014), 195 H (06/02/15), 224 H (01/22/16)


            IRON, Total

79 mcg/dl (10/20/2014), 52 mcg/dl (06/02/15), 137 mcg/dl (01/22/16)


            CORTISOL, Total

            19.2 (10/20/2014), N/A (06/02/15), 11.9 (01/22/16)


*)         Week #36 without any higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #30 without one sleeping pill per night by mouth “Zolpidem Tartrate” 10 MG


*)         Week #9 (1st prescribed 09/03/15) without antidepressants specifically for fake-pregnancy hormones, one per day by mouth, no more: “Escitalopram Oxalate” 20 MG (06/21/17 end of dosage.)


*)         Week #3 (09/07/17) on antidepressants specifically to get over fake-pregnancy hormones within a one month span of time for hormones to clear out of the bloodstream: “OLANZapine” 5MG within the next week then no more “OLANZapine.” My speech is slurred like a drunken alcoholic sailor’s speech. Oh, well. I’m supportive of pharmaceutical drugs. I refuse to take any form or type of painkillers. Nope.


Wednesday, August 30, 2017


“Words are like bodies; meanings are like souls.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Encumber (burden, load down, impede, hinder)


The equipment did not encumber our efforts as much as we had feared.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 9:30am CT, 4:40pm CT, 4:47pm CT


Happy Wednesday!


---  ---  ---




            Houston, Texas


            Please, of course, Houston, Texas is in my heart and mind.


            Our Boston’s peeps are in both Dallas and Houston, Texas.


            Our Minnesota’s peeps’ peeps are in New Orleans.


            My Duluth, Minnesota family is in Fredericksburg, Texas.


            Of course, my Minnesota family pays taxes to Texas.


            We know. We’ve got this. Thank you.


---  ---  ---


            Real Time with Bill Maher and general thoughts about subject matter:


            Finally, Tuesday I sat down and watched last Friday’s “Real Time with Bill Maher.”


            No, I hadn’t watched television in 6 weeks.

            No big whoop.

            Abundant life occurs at the moment.


            Yes, Nazism is outdated and dusty.


            Does anyone know the science of pigmentation? Ha.


            Right now “the struggle” continues.


            All Lives Matter.


            Yes, people of color and immigrants are discriminated and our Civil Rights are diminished compared to those Civil Rights of “Caucasian privilege.”


            “Caucasian privilege” doesn’t have ‘a leg to stand on’ when it comes to complaints or whining about racism. Nope.


            Get back and get civilized rather than ignorant cries about nothing.


            There’s a real struggle which occurs here on the ground rather than TV make-believe idealisms about exorbitant wealth and celebrities or some such nonsense or other.


            Racism is real.


            Poverty is real.


            Hunger is real through 16 years of war.


            No, I’m not worried about Afghanistan.


            Yes, I’m concerned about Pakistan.


            At the moment, the number one (#1) complaint I get from Americans is about how exorbitant and expensive the price of food is this summer. Yep.


            Summer of 2017 is “The Summer of Hunger” in America.


            From Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA to uptown, Minneapolis, MN hunger rears its head.


            Eighty percent (80%) of Americans starve or go “food insecure.” Not okay.


            As a soon to-be-divorced woman of color once more I’ve begun to starve right alongside the Americans. Here we go babies.


            We’ve got this.


            The adults eat one meal per day in order for the children to eat.


            When people are “crabby” then leave them alone since America is the land of the starved and “food insecure” and forgotten.


            “America, the Mean.”


            No, I don’t have a romantic crush on Mr. Bill Maher since we’ve neither ever held the pleasure to meet nor been properly introduced to one another nor been acquainted. I have no idea what Mr. Bill Maher smells like. It’s nearly impossible to have any type of romantic crush on anyone whose odor one doesn’t know. Yep.


            Please, there be far more important issues occurring on the ground at the moment.


            Let’s go.


            Keep up old-and-dusty dead 1950’s America.


            Oh, the 1950’s seem inconsequential by today’s modern standards.


            Wake up!


            It’s 2017.


            Pay attention.


            Keep up.


            Otherwise, the world’s pass thee by. Ha.


            Yes, I make utility of old English to keep myself proper, however. On the ground people are purely eloquent and linguistically brilliant.


---  ---  ---


            “TMZ Live”


            Finally, I’ve now begun to add “TMZ Live” to my viewing repertoire only because one fair-weather Duluth, MN friend mentioned I ought to watch “TMZ Live” to become more acquainted with celebrities since I have no clue which celebrity is which.


            My daily life is truly full and a celebrity world is as far away from my worldview as Sri Lanka is from Minnesota.


            I truly and genuinely like to watch Mr. Harvey and Mr. Charles deal with any circumstance or situation.


            As a modern Maya peasant writer/scribe I find the two gentlemen to be quite knowledgeable and pleasant and hilarious at times.


            Both men seem to have a great deal of sense of humor, great shirts and great hair. No complaints here as a Bostonian and Boston is a tall order since we call out anybody on their BS.


            No, I don’t go out of my way to meet any staff or personnel from “TMZ Live.”


            No, I neither have a crush on either Mr. Harvey or Mr. Charles.


            Let’s get real.


            TV isn’t real.


            Now, let’s go America.


            We’ve got work to do and masses of Americans to feed from here to Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA and back again.


            Hollywood, Los Angeles I’ll be there as soon as possible.


            Hollywood, Los Angeles, I love you.


            Hollywood, Los Angeles, you’re my home away from home.


---  ---  ---



No Whining

No Complaining



“Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Fear Itself.”

                                            --- J.F.K.



“Fight for your right to party.”

                                                         --- Beastie Boys




Impeachment 2017



The F.B.I. is our only hope.



Cocaine and Prostitution

Will be legalized

In 2017-2018








The Most Dangerous Time

In Any Woman’s Life,

Is Right Before









Uptown, Minneapolis, MN

Is Cultural Freedom



“New Rules”


Modern Women


            Yesterday, I got my swing back. I visualized walking down the streets of Boston, MA.


            Ever since three weeks ago, when my current legal partner called the cops and placed me in a 72-hour hold at the psychiatric observation unit, I’ve been genuinely terrified of North Memorial Hospital’s incompetency.


            Yes, I proved my sanity. I don’t ever again have to prove how gorgeous and amazing and beautiful I am.


            The next time anyone goes into a 72-hour hold it will be my current legal “delusional” partner who’ll have to prove his sanity in the same manner in which I did prove my sanity and I did it with flying colors.


            There’s only one way to prove one’s sanity in a psychiatric observation unit.


            Yes, I know the secret since I did it.


            Now, it’s up to my current legal partner to prove his sanity.


            According to the latest psychiatrist expert my current legal partner is “delusional” and a “jerk.”


            Any professional experts I’ve told my story to tell me to get out of my marriage and don’t look back. Okay.


            Supposedly, I’m in an incredibly emotionally abusive relationship and I don’t even know it. I’m not safe. I know this much to be true.


            Yes, I still do believe my current legal partner would kill me if I gave him the chance therefore at night I stay in north, Minneapolis where I’ve been guaranteed neither power hungry or incompetent cops will kidnap me nor will I be threatened to be killed -- not on north, Minneapolis’s watch. Thank you.


            North, Minneapolis’s got this. I’ve got this.






            For three weeks each day I’ve forced myself to walk the mile to and from north, Minneapolis off of Thomas Avenue to Ewing Avenue where I own a four bedroom and two bath home and each time I’ve walked by North Memorial Hospital I thought I might have a panic attack, however. I do intrinsic calm breathing exercises and mentally practice Asian Zen Buddhist visual exercises to bring down my biorhythms. I’ve conquered my fears.


            Yes, I’ve been totally and completely traumatized by North Memorial Hospital and my current legal partner’s out-of-control incompetency.


            At North Memorial Hospital I was told I was brought in because I was supposedly “a danger to myself.”


            Supposedly, according to my current legal partner -- North Memorial Hospital lied since not once did my current legal partner told the police I was “a danger to myself.”


            If my current legal partner lied then he will pay for the trauma he caused me.


            If North Memorial Hospital lied then they will pay for the unnecessary trauma they caused me.


            Yesterday, I found out my current legal partner not once said I was “a danger to myself,” however.


            North Memorial Hospital continuously told me the reason why I was brought in was because supposedly my current legal partner said I was “a danger to myself” which is a complete lie.


            Someone’s lied and it’s not me.


            No, I’m not any “danger” to myself especially after eight straight years of living with tumors which I’ve been fighting to survive and live and thrive. Nope.






Bellybutton Pain


Nothing’s wrong, only stress


            Now, I’m not feeling well at all. I might as well come out and tell the reader I’ve had a terrible pain behind my bellybutton for the past two years.


            Tomorrow I have an appointment with my amazing University of Iowa graduate Ob/Gyn doctor who I trust more than any In-Laws who seem to be low I.Q. and cruel and greedy and ought not to be allowed to have anymore offspring since most of my In-Laws are some form of ingrates and disassociated from all or any type of smart and intelligent and kind humanity.


            As of this summer 2017, I already told a female doctor I believe I have stomach cancer. I guess I don’t. Okay, let’s move on then.


            Most likely I don’t have stomach cancer, however.


            After two straight years of 20MG of Escitalopram I don’t feel well. I think I know something’s terribly wrong with me without having any doctor tell me most likely and possibly the 20MG of Escitalopram ate away at the lining of my intestines, however. I could be terribly wrong since I’m not a doctor.


            Now, if I don’t have stomach cancer then it will be a relief, however. I don’t feel well ever since yesterday morning I’ve started to have a terrible lower back pain which is affiliated with the pain directly behind my bellybutton.


            Yes, I pass four bowel movements all before noon.


            Usually, I pass another bowel movement at five.


            All system’s go.


            Most writers and artists die due from lack of resources or lack of medical expertise or medical services.


            As of late I’ve begun to feel extremely tired since I’m going through a divorce and while I live in transitional housing. It’s average to feel tired through a divorce and in transitional housing.


            As of this week lifting my arms up is an incredible amount of effort and energy. I’ll get over this stress.


            This morning I feel great since I’m back in uptown, Minneapolis, MN and I feel safe. It’s more the stress for which makes me tired rather than any actual illness.


            Much of disease or illness is in the mind, however. I’m a Maya peasant and have known for years something is possibly and terribly wrong with my stomach -- especially my intestines, however. I must first get medical expertise on the subject matter.


            For years I’ve known the Maya women have a short life span and I, too, have been prepared to die youngish even though each day I get the most out of my days and live to the maximum with much grace and thanks and blessings to the Maya gods.


            No, I shan’t die or at least I don’t think I’ll die anytime soon.


            Mainly, I’ll live with pain. I don’t feel well, however.


            Hard at work to keep stress levels low and keep my head down and work.


            If I’m to be brought into any hospital then make it “Oakdale Hospital.”


            Under no circumstance or for no reason whatsoever am I to go to incompetent North Memorial Hospital where I’ve been informed most of the psychiatrists are more ill than the patients.


            My retired psychologist father once told me: “Remember, the doctors who work in psychiatric observation units are more insane than the patients.” Okay.


            Psychiatrists who spend their lives in psychiatric observation units begin to see humans more as ‘a means to an end’ rather than look for people’s humanity. Such psychiatrists lose their humanity therefore they turn ill themselves with medical degrees and ability to cause harm or damage to others.


            There’s one white bearded psychiatrist at North Memorial Hospital who is the creepiest little man alive only because he makes personal comments about the physical appearance of female patients and incorrectly placed me on 20MG of OLANzapine for the heck of it to see how I would react to the medication. No. No. No. Wrong.


            While at North Memorial Hospital I was a lab rat and a guinea pig for the inappropriately power hungry psychiatrists who told me if I didn’t agree to be a lab rat then the doctors would have a guard hold me down while the medical staff would administer 20MG of OLANzapine. No. No. No. Wrong. Outdated 1950’s practices.


            It wasn’t until I left the 72-hour hold in which I found out nothing’s mentally wrong with me and I ought not to be on any drugs of any type.


            Two weeks ago I visited my psychiatrist who believes North Memorial Hospital’s psychiatric staff is completely wrong and outdated as to how they approached my situation and decided to pump me full of 20MG of OLANzapine. I’ve been more traumatized by North Memorial Hospital and their inappropriate psychiatric medical staff than any other experience in my entire lifetime.


            Now, I’m truly terrified of hospitals and the inappropriate psychiatric doctors playing god with the poor and the ill and the mentally instable. I’m neither of the three.


            As a gift from North Memorial Hospital’s female paramedic I’ve now been introduced to 300MG of “Ketamine” into my body and system which caused incredible amount of pain to my intestinal track.


            Yes, I have the law on my side and cutthroat city lawyers who want to sue the life out of incompetent North Memorial Hospital and the dysfunctional Robbinsdale, MN police department. I’ll win.


            I won. I win. I’ve got this. I’ve got this injustice.



The European Masters


            On Monday I stopped to consider the thought as to what exactly the European masters produced throughout their history and the only thing the European masters ever produced is conquest through rape and pillage.


            There’s nothing the European masters ever produced from their bodies or souls therefore the European masters have no clue or idea how difficult creation is to create and produce and toil for the production and creation of art and writing.


            The more I thought about it -- the European masters neither have the muscle memory nor the history to create anything humble or humanitarian worthwhile except destruction and war and conquest.


            No wonder Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA and uptown, MN are “expensive” since business is mainly run by European masters who pillage and rape and conquer culture rather than create culture and art or music.


            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,000


Word Count: 2,382


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 1,754 + 2,382 = 4,136


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #1 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Blood Pressure: 102/66 mmHg / Pulse: 86 (04/07/17), 125/85 75 (08/18/17)


*)         CHOLESTEROL, Total

294 (10/20/2014), 245 (06/02/15), 276 (01/22/16), 273 (04/07/17) 


            HDL Cholesterol

49 (10/20/2014), 50 (06/02/15), 52 (01/22/16), 53 (04/07/17)



296 H (10/20/2014), 241 H (06/02/15), 253 H (01/22/16), 389 (04/07/17) 



186 H (10/20/2014), 147 H (06/02/15), 173 H (01/22/16) 142 (04/07/17) 


            CHOL/HDLC RATIO

6.0 H (10/20/2014), 4.9 (06/02/15), 5.3 H (01/22/16) 5.2 (04/07/17) 



245 H (10/20/2014), 195 H (06/02/15), 224 H (01/22/16)


            IRON, Total

79 mcg/dl (10/20/2014), 52 mcg/dl (06/02/15), 137 mcg/dl (01/22/16)


            CORTISOL, Total

            19.2 (10/20/2014), N/A (06/02/15), 11.9 (01/22/16)


*)         Week #36 without any higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #30 without one sleeping pill per night by mouth “Zolpidem Tartrate” 10 MG


*)         Week #9 (1st prescribed 09/03/15) without antidepressants specifically for fake-pregnancy hormones, one per day by mouth, no more: “Escitalopram Oxalate” 20 MG (06/21/17 end of dosage.)


*)         Week #3 (09/07/17) on antidepressants specifically to get over fake-pregnancy hormones within a one month span of time for hormones to clear out of the bloodstream: “OLANZapine” 5MG within the next week then no more “OLANZapine.” My speech is slurred like a drunken alcoholic sailor’s speech. Oh, well. I’m supportive of pharmaceutical drugs. I refuse to take any form or type of painkillers. Nope.


Monday, August 28, 2017


“If I do not utter a word, I am its master; once I utter it, I am its slave.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Rampant (spreading all over, flourishing)


The rampant plants soon covered the whole field.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 3:03pm CT


Happy Monday!


---  ---  ---



No Whining

No Complaining



“Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Fear Itself.”

                                            --- J.F.K.



“Fight for your right to party.”

                                                         --- Beastie Boys




Impeachment 2017



The F.B.I. is our only hope.



Cocaine and Prostitution

Will be legalized

In 2017-2018








The Most Dangerous Time

In Any Woman’s Life,

Is Right Before









North, Minneapolis, MN

Is Cultural Freedom



            Finally, I found out I’m neither “impoverished” nor “poor” nor “destitute” nor “broke.”


            Simply, I’m in transition.


            Not bad for a woman who’s been a part time housewife to an engineer for a decade and a part time writer also for the entire same decade.


            Okay, uptown, Minneapolis, MN is started to be as destitute as Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA.


            Now, I’m head-over-heels in love with both uptown, Minneapolis, MN as much as I’m in love with Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA.


            Not only am I scheduled-out for an entire calendar year to formally and romantically and non-sexually Puritan date without any kissing or touch of any type with officially nine different men in both uptown, Minneapolis, MN and Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA. Okay.


            Romantically and non-sexually dating without any touch is the greatest Puritan dating without a care in the world if any of the men likes me or not.


            Well, since there’s no touch involved then I may ‘stuff’ my face as much as I like or belch or burp or fart and say, “excuse me” and such and oh, well.


            No touch means the same as old and bitter married couples thus okay. I get to burp.


            Romantic and non-sexual Puritan dating without any touch is ten times easier to do than any dating I ever did in my twenties, however.


            No kiss on the first date means the date isn’t an official date.


            Then it’s not a date. It’s another platonic guy friend for life.


            Puritan dating without touch means the men truly have to lean back on their kindness rather than on their intelligence.


            Of course, who doesn’t want a smart man?


            Puritan dating in 2018 will rock the house.


            My game plan has changed.


            For a second consecutive month I’ll stay in north, Minneapolis as “Artist in Residence” and write about amazing and beautiful north, Minneapolis.


            Furthermore, at this time I’m not able to afford an efficiency or studio apartment for $650.00 per month in uptown, Minneapolis, MN thus I’ll stay put in north, Minneapolis, MN until October 1, 2017.


            Until I’m able to find a Wi-Fi efficiency to rent for one complete calendar year in hopefully some residential area as one peaceful and respectful neighbor in which I don’t have to live isolate by myself since the last thing I want to do is to live isolated by myself after 11 years of being married and having a built-in legal partner.


            The suburbs are isolating places to live therefore I wouldn’t live in a suburb of any city ever again.


            My 81-year old north, Minneapolis, MN roommate rocks!


            She’s an amazing Lutheran woman who volunteers at her church on Chicago Avenue in south, Minneapolis with a world renowned organist.


            Please, Hollywood, Los Angeles land me someplace for $300.00 near Paramount Studios thus I may get settled in and begin to write the next great American novel as well as be approximately close to any place in Hollywood, Los Angles and skateboard to and from corporate America as a communication broadcast engineer. Thanks.


            Yes, I want to be surrounded by people therefore I may be able to live in Hollywood, Los Angeles as well as eat descent food prices.



North, Minneapolis is Awesome


            For now, a little closer to home:


            Until October 1, 2017, I have safe and free passage through north, Minneapolis, MN off of Thomas Avenue near Zenith Parkway.


            This Friday will be my one month celebration in north, Minneapolis, MN.


            Yes, I’m telling ‘anybody’ intelligent and smart and kind; most weeks: for about three weeks, I’ve walked by “Toosies” which recently had a business fire and hopefully will be up and running sooner than later thus I may be able to sit there in late to mid afternoons with a cup of coffee and get some type of patronage free Wi-Fi rather than walk one mile to get here to my legally owned house off Ewing Avenue for which I own 50% of the property in order to do any internet business of any type such as this HTML site.


            This morning at around 9:30am CT I met our neighbors’ across the alleyway and tonight at about 6:30pm CT I’ve been formally invited as a guest to our neighbors’ across the alleyway for shrimp ceviche. Thank you, north, Minneapolis.


            The last time I had shrimp ceviche was in 2012 in Costa Rica. O.M.G.


            Intrinsically, I’ll fall over.

            Extrinsically, I’ll smile and be a gracious guest.


            Whatever, anything “bad” anybody has to say about north, Minneapolis, MN then they’ll have to go through us first since we know north, Minneapolis. I personally love north, Minneapolis, MN because in the worst of times it’s been north, Minneapolis which has provided the safest shelter for me and me personally to go on and thrive.


            There’s no classist war.

            There’s no shame in being poor.

            There’s no shame on falling down on hard times.


            This is my third week as an “Artist in Residence” in north, Minneapolis, MN. I was meant to be here right now as I am.


            North, Minneapolis, MN has indeed raised amazing mature adult black men who are courteous and respectful of women.


            Black men are the only people who don’t litter. Wow.


            Not once in all my life have I heard the word, “Ma’am, where can I find the chicken soup.”


            Kind, smart and intelligent north, Minneapolis black men are the only people on Earth who don’t make “ma’am” sound old and tragic.


            The kind and intelligent and smart north, Minneapolis men have an easy and genuine caring side to them.


            The north, Minneapolis smart and kind and intelligent black men tend to not be afraid of their kind hearts thus such amazing and powerful individuals don’t have to prove their manhood much less act tough around women or children or other black men.


            This is culture and refinement, baby. The height of sophistication.


            For the past three weeks I’ve either skateboarded or walked north, Minneapolis and not once have I ever run into one single mean or violent person.


            North, Minneapolis is the heart of the Twin Cities simply because the most understanding and kind and generous and smart and intelligent civilians live here.


            “The cat’s out of the bag.”


            North, Minneapolis has the most culinary culture and general public culture yet the arts are amiss here.


            What north, Minneapolis is, is Brooklyn, N.Y.C. and I know Brooklyn and its natives.


            There are some boarded up private residential homes here in north, Minneapolis, however.


            If any of these properties could be sold for about no more than $20,000 to $30,000 (thirty-thousand) to either fulltime working north, Minneapolis locals or to artists or creative professionals then north, Minneapolis might stand a chance in blowing the city out of the water and overly priced uptown, Minneapolis, MN and Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA.


            Now, I look forward to making a home in Hollywood, Los Angeles, however.


            During this transitional period in my life I’m lucky if I get one full meal to eat each 24 hours thus I don’t have the heart or the desire to live in either uptown which is housing is most expensive. My stomach doesn’t agree with hunger.


            Plus, something might terribly bad with my stomach behind my bellybutton.


            In some ways I’m scared I might have some dire injury to my stomach.


            Whenever any transplants or tourists or locals or citizens or civilians aren’t able to afford to feed themselves through any stage or period in their lives; mainly, because the location is overcrowded or over populated then overpriced then the cool factor of any area turns to sour since money alone seems to think it rules such any location, however.


            Money quickly dies off without art and culture to support money.


            Money for which thrives for the sake to make more money rather than to make the lives of everyday citizens and civilians a little bit easier is not greedy money its useless money which doesn’t mind being stared at while The People drool on with starvation in their eyes.


            Well, hopefully artists are able to find livable homes without raccoons in the attic then artists might like to throw their hat in the ring and possibly purchase one of the boarded up homes in north, Minneapolis and live there and clean it up and get it ready for sale to another buyer.


            North, Minneapolis is where the kindest and smartest and intelligent people reside and now north, MN has a writer on their side.


            No, not a newspaper journalist. No.


            A writer.


            The real deal.


            A writer who doesn’t get paid by any newspaper employer to write.




            Rather a real American writer.


            The type of American writer who builds literary ditches for a living thus the type of writers who are working class who pay to eat and drink at all of the local places in which only working class folks can afford.


            As an American writer if and or whenever I starve then it means The People, too, also starve or go “food insecure.”


            The black men of north, Minneapolis are amazing and intelligent and truly sweet men while in public such men mind their manners. Its north, Minneapolis black men who are better versed in public culture in the same manner in which Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA in total is a complete sweet heart.


            This land.


            This piece of north, Minneapolis is indeed our land.


            This place.


            This stolen Native American land is now our land.


            We must ensure to protect the trees and the environment and the water and the people.


            North, Minneapolis, I’ve come home to you for a few months.


            Immediately, by the second week I began to unintentionally call north, Minneapolis “Home.”


            The coolest thing in the Twin Cities is how north, Minneapolis has public neighborhood plot gardens almost and nearly each block there’s vegetables growing anywhere. I’m left speechless. I didn’t know north, Minneapolis is as progressive as all of it. Wow.



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,000


Word Count: 1,754


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 1,754


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #1 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Blood Pressure: 102/66 mmHg / Pulse: 86 (04/07/17), 125/85 75 (08/18/17)


*)         CHOLESTEROL, Total

294 (10/20/2014), 245 (06/02/15), 276 (01/22/16), 273 (04/07/17) 


            HDL Cholesterol

49 (10/20/2014), 50 (06/02/15), 52 (01/22/16), 53 (04/07/17)



296 H (10/20/2014), 241 H (06/02/15), 253 H (01/22/16), 389 (04/07/17) 



186 H (10/20/2014), 147 H (06/02/15), 173 H (01/22/16) 142 (04/07/17) 


            CHOL/HDLC RATIO

6.0 H (10/20/2014), 4.9 (06/02/15), 5.3 H (01/22/16) 5.2 (04/07/17) 



245 H (10/20/2014), 195 H (06/02/15), 224 H (01/22/16)


            IRON, Total

79 mcg/dl (10/20/2014), 52 mcg/dl (06/02/15), 137 mcg/dl (01/22/16)


            CORTISOL, Total

            19.2 (10/20/2014), N/A (06/02/15), 11.9 (01/22/16)


*)         Week #36 without any higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #30 without one sleeping pill per night by mouth “Zolpidem Tartrate” 10 MG


*)         Week #9 (1st prescribed 09/03/15) without antidepressants specifically for fake-pregnancy hormones, one per day by mouth, no more: “Escitalopram Oxalate” 20 MG (06/21/17 end of dosage.)


*)         Week #3 (09/07/17) on antidepressants specifically to get over fake-pregnancy hormones within a one month span of time for hormones to clear out of the bloodstream: “OLANZapine” 5MG within the next week then no more “OLANZapine.” My speech is slurred like a drunken alcoholic sailor’s speech. Oh, well. I’m supportive of pharmaceutical drugs. I refuse to take any form or type of painkillers. Nope.


Friday, August 25, 2017


“Words are the shell; meditation is the kernel.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Erotic (having to do with sexual love, amatory)


Her erotic novels caused a great deal of pleasure.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 9:52am CT


Happy Friday!


---  ---  ---



No Whining

No Complaining



“Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Fear Itself.”

                                            --- J.F.K.



“Fight for your right to party.”

                                                         --- Beastie Boys




Impeachment 2017



The F.B.I. is our only hope.



Cocaine and Prostitution

Will be legalized

In 2017-2018








The Most Dangerous Time

In Any Woman’s Life,

Is Right Before









Uptown, Minneapolis, MN

Is Cultural Freedom



            There’s nothing safer than to cross over into Minneapolis, MN proper.


            Immediately, one feels safe with all of the people who walk their pooches at 8:00pm CT in north, Minneapolis on the other side of outdated 1950’s North Memorial Hospital, Robbinsdale, MN.


            The suburbs are where most of the lonely part time and fulltime stay-at-home housewives lead “quiet lives of desperation” while each day and night the housewives wait for their husbands to get home from work.


            Each night the husbands throw back a couple of beers while the suburban husbands sit back and watch television and desperately wish to be left alone after a long day’s hard work while the housewives slowly and quietly drown in their loneliness and daft passive/aggressive lifestyles.


            The reason why the suburbs are difficult to live in is mainly because a bunch of deeply angry people in the form of neighbors mainly wish each other dead or worse to be taken away to the psychological observation unit of North Memorial Hospital in hopes not to ever be released or seen ever again unless one’s smart enough to pass all of the psychological tests and get thrown out of any psychological observatory unit within a 72-hour hold then by law the hospitals must release any sane and non-violent Citizens of the United States of America. Yes, indeed.


            The reason why the suburbs are isolated is because the professional working class men have all of the power while the housewives don’t ever have two pennies to rub together thus the housewives are mainly isolated into sad and lonely suburban lifestyles to clean and to live and die alone.


            The reason why the suburbs are isolating is because any professional working husbands may call up the cops and lie about how their wives are a danger to themselves when it’s the husbands who are a real danger to their housewives.


            The reason why Robbinsdale, MN is isolated is because mainly all the husbands have to do is call up the cops and have the women locked up at North Memorial Hospital for a 72-hour hold if the wives complain, too, much about being lonely or if the housewives are frightened by the complacency of their husbands or if the housewives are frightened their husbands do and can and will get out of control and threaten to kill the wives in front of the neighbors.


            The isolating suburbs are mainly isolated since the powerful husbands only desire for their wives to “shut up” and serve the husbands’ meals on time and not to make, too, much sound or, too, much of a ruckus at the very fact such men don’t ever develop or change or grow either spiritually or emotionally therefore such housewives get stuck rearing children for husbands.


            The last thing any woman wants is to raise children/husbands.


            The moment a man turns into a child then the woman holds all of the power unless the powerful husbands call the cops and complains and lies about the very well being of his wife since he isn’t able to control the very fact the housewife is incredibly scared and frightened for her life anywhere the wives are near their cruel-hearted husbands who looks to harm the housewives and lock the wives away for life thus husbands may not have to pay 13-years of $415,000 of back pay in wages to their wives.


            The suburbs are isolating because the suburbs aren’t real.


            The suburbs are these isolated and mean-spirited and ill-intended places in which women have absolutely no power other than to vacuum or cut the lawn or fix the shingles on the roof or clean toilets or give their dogs paw baths or make the bed or prepare and cook meals and wash.


            The suburbs are for the dead and not for the living.


            The suburbs of Robbinsdale, MN are for people who gave up on culture and art a long time ago.


            The suburbs of isolated Robbinsdale, MN is for blaring television sets rather than live music or art or culture.


            The suburbs are about competition with ones’ neighbors about how much money one makes and who keeps the shortest lawn.


            The suburbs are for people with very little imagination for the arts.


            The suburbs are for people who don’t have any big-city coping skills.


            The suburbs are for people who are afraid of racial and cultural differences.


            The suburbs are for people with little to no imagination about the loneliness and pain of others.


            The suburbs are for brutes and insincere and quiet passive/aggressive culture.


            The suburbs are about “here say” rather than facts.


            The suburbs are about power hungry cops without any real social engineering solutions.


            Yes, ever since my current legal partner called the cops and lied about me wanting to harm or hurt myself, which is a lie, I was sent into a 72-hour hold which I was thrown out of the psychological observation unit since staff and doctors and nurses immediately realized I’m not any danger to myself and it was obvious my current legal partner desires to literally kill me then he doesn’t have to deal with divorce proceedings or having to financially pay 13 years of back pay in wages.


            Now, I’m absolutely traumatized of hospitals and hospital staff.


            Each day I travel either by foot or skateboard or drive from Robbinsdale, MN to north, Minneapolis then my heart beats real fast and I feel like I’m going to have a semi panic attack even I don’t. I get short of breath and before I have a full on panic attack then I’ve gone pass the most imposing place on Earth which is North Memorial Hospital’s psychological observation unit.


            No, I had no idea married men held so much power and whenever the men have a problem then the women get abused and put away into psychological observation units simply because men send out murderous vibes yet make the women into problems and lie about the women.


            Anytime, there’s marital disputes then take the men away and place the men into 72-hours psychological observation units since most of the people in psychological observation units are either cocaine or crystal meth or heroin addicts and junkies or alcoholics and do run the tendency to be extremely physically violent while housewives are for the most part docile and petite and not used to the volatility of psychological observation units while the husbands have more height and muscle to throw around rather than housewives who don’t ever injure themselves and cleaned house for eleven straight years without any pay or without seeing their friends for a decade or without seeing their family for three straight years.


            Husbands are more of a threat to their wives then the wives are to the husbands.


            Always take the man away.


            Always take the man with a lie and with a problem rather than the petite women.


            According to psychiatrists my current legal partner is greedy and “delusional” and a “jerk.” Okay. I didn’t know it.


            Any experts I’ve ever talked to about my divorce case have told me to get away from my current legal partner. Physically I did get away three weeks ago, come this Saturday.


            Not ever in my life have I been in more physical danger than I am now with my “delusional” for a “jerk” current legal partner.


            Some type of intuition tells me my communications broadcast engineering “jerk” of a “delusional” current legal partner will find any angle to have me psychologically locked away or he will do his best to literally and physically kill me if the law will allow for him to get away with murder which the law doesn’t allow for anyone to get away with murder.


            Yes, I’m in some hyper and scary danger, however.


            Since I’m a woman of color housewife then the dysfunctional cops will take the side of my taxpaying current legal partner since I’m of color and in transition because my current legal partner hasn’t ever paid my back pay wages.


            I won.


            I win.


            My current legal partner may be a potential murderous “jerk,” however. I won.


            I won my freedom.


            I won my artistic endeavors.


            I won my heart back.


            I won and I grew and matured.


            I won.


            I win.


            P.S. I don’t like hypocritical or two-faced Muslims.


            No, I’m not an Atheist.


            No, I’m not Muslim.


            Yes, I’m intellectual spiritualist and believe in factual science and mathematics.



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,000


Word Count: 1,497


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 2,062 + 1,265 = 3,327 + 1,497 = 4,824


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #1 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Blood Pressure: 102/66 mmHg / Pulse: 86 (04/07/17), 125/85 75 (08/18/17)


*)         CHOLESTEROL, Total

294 (10/20/2014), 245 (06/02/15), 276 (01/22/16), 273 (04/07/17) 


            HDL Cholesterol

49 (10/20/2014), 50 (06/02/15), 52 (01/22/16), 53 (04/07/17)



296 H (10/20/2014), 241 H (06/02/15), 253 H (01/22/16), 389 (04/07/17) 



186 H (10/20/2014), 147 H (06/02/15), 173 H (01/22/16) 142 (04/07/17) 


            CHOL/HDLC RATIO

6.0 H (10/20/2014), 4.9 (06/02/15), 5.3 H (01/22/16) 5.2 (04/07/17) 



245 H (10/20/2014), 195 H (06/02/15), 224 H (01/22/16)


            IRON, Total

79 mcg/dl (10/20/2014), 52 mcg/dl (06/02/15), 137 mcg/dl (01/22/16)


            CORTISOL, Total

            19.2 (10/20/2014), N/A (06/02/15), 11.9 (01/22/16)


*)         Week #35 without any higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #29 without one sleeping pill per night by mouth “Zolpidem Tartrate” 10 MG


*)         Week #9 (1st prescribed 09/03/15) without antidepressants specifically for fake-pregnancy hormones, one per day by mouth, no more: “Escitalopram Oxalate” 20 MG (06/21/17 end of dosage.)


*)         Week #2 (09/07/17) on antidepressants specifically to get over fake-pregnancy hormones within a one month span of time for hormones to clear out of the bloodstream: “OLANZapine” 5MG within the next week then no more “OLANZapine.” My speech is slurred like a drunken alcoholic sailor’s speech. Oh, well. I’m supportive of pharmaceutical drugs. I refuse to take any form or type of painkillers. Nope.


Thursday, August 24, 2017


“As the length of a tree’s branches deepen on its roots, so right words depend on a man’s good sense.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Esoteric (understood by the specially initiated, private, hidden, abstruse)


Esoteric practices are associated with secret cults.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 2:36pm CT, 5:02pm CT


Happy Thursday!


Happy 30 year anniversary as a Citizen of the United States of America!


---  ---  ---


Upload: Thursday: 5:00pm CT


Today’s Date:

Thursday, August 24, 2017


            Total Tally of owed Back Pay Wages at Minimum Wage $24.00 in 8 Years of Marriage:


            $205,430 Total thus far for (2012-2017) snow removal and lawn cutting services

            $67,500 Half Total thus far for 2017 House Estimated Market Value

            $6,000 Total thus far for 2016 Car Estimated Value

+          $13,094 Total thus far for meager Retirement Total Value on 06/30/17

            $292,024 Total Accounts Payable to me effectively immediately 08/24/17

+          $69,120 Total at $24.00 flat base pay for (09/01/09 to 09/01/12) Back Pay Wages

            $361,144 Total Accounts Payable to me effectively immediately 08/24/17

+          $36,864 Total owed to me for elderly services and caring and cleaning

            $398,008 Total Accounts Payable to me effectively immediately 08/24/17

+          $15,000 Total owed to me $3,000 X’s 5 years’ vacations

            $413,008 Total Accounts Payable to me effectively immediately 08/24/17

+          $2,640 per year Medical, Dental, Optical:

            $415,648 Total Accounts Payable to me effectively immediately 08/24/17



            $415,648 divided by $600.00 per every 2-week paycheck = payments made out to me.


            692 payments divided by 52 weeks in a year = 13 years to deposit directly into my checking.


---  ---  ---


            Hourly Flat Rate Base: Back Pay Wages: $42.00 hourly rate (09/01/09 to 09/01/12)


            September 1, 2009 through September 1, 2012, three (3) years of base pay at flat rate of $42.00 per hourly rate since my former uptown, Minneapolis, MN Landlady made out checks in full at $50.00 per hourly rate and paid me for any snow removal or lawn cutting services from (September 2006 - September 2012.)


            $42.00 per hourly flat full rate per part time work as “Executive Housewife” weekly (09/01/09 to 09/01/12) to: separate and machine wash and dry and fold and sort towels, weekly separate and machine wash and dry and fold bedding (bed sheets and pillow cases) weekly separate and machine wash and dry and fold current legal partner’s clothes, weekly separate and machine wash and dry and fold my own clothes: at least four (4) loads of laundry per week.


            Daily make “military style” queen size bed, cook, serve and wash dishes and make weekly grocery household lists and gather and prepare homemade meals, take bins to the curve.


            Seasonally wipe down all indoor and exterior window panels to entire house per 3 hours of work per season.


            Dust entire house furniture per 3 hours per month.


            Sweep and mop entire upstairs of house, once per 1 hour per week.


            $42.00 per hourly full flat rate per part time housework as “Executive Housewife” X’s 4 hours per day = $168 X’s 20 hours per week = $3,360 X’s 12 months = $40,320 total for 1 year back wages X’s 3 years = $42.00 full flat hourly rate $120,960 Total Owed to me in full. Thank you.


---  ---  ---



No Whining

No Complaining



“Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Fear Itself.”

                                            --- J.F.K.



“Fight for your right to party.”

                                                         --- Beastie Boys




Impeachment 2017



The F.B.I. is our only hope.



Cocaine and Prostitution

Will be legalized

In 2017-2018








The Most Dangerous Time

In Any Woman’s Life,

Is Right Before








“Spousal Maintenance”

Hennepin County

File Under

“Child Support”




Cost of Value


            September 1, 2009; as part time housewife and part time writer: practice blog/journal entries/diaries.


            Since September 1, 2009: 20/hours part time writer: work for myself.


            Since September 1, 2009: 20/hours part time housewife: $0.00/slave.


            ‘8 Year’s a Slave.’


            Since October 2008 through April 2016: care giving assistance to Mother-In-Law.


            Every other weekend for eight years: Caregiver and house cleaning assistance.


            Monday through Friday for 9 years: 20/hours of housework and chores and property maintenance without pay.


---  ---  ---



Reiteration of Wednesday’s Introduction



Back Wages as part time Housewife

(August 2012-August 2017)

5 years, Robbinsdale, MN 55422


Not one single vacation in 6 years

Other than on my own

to recuperate


Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA

(July 2017-August 2017)



Back pay in lost wages for 5-years

August 2012-August 2017


Side Note: Previous Official Landlord (September, 2006 - August 2012)


$144,000 Total: Factual Paid Out over the course of six years:

Fair and Square


Paid to me from my previous uptown, Minneapolis, MN rental

            landlord for continuous snow removal services and lawn cutting services

            over the course of six (6) years.


            When my current legal partner and I lived together in uptown, Minneapolis,

            MN, for six (6) years (September, 2006 - August 2012) I was paid by the

            Landlord’s wife $50.00 each time I rendered any snow removal services or

$50.00 each time I, alone, cut the lawn and salted for six straight winters.


            $50.00 X’s 1 hour of snow removal services times 4 weeks = $200.00 per

month then I’d hand over my earned wages to my current legal partner. I was the only one who shoveled or cut the lawn or interior painted.


$200.00 X’s 12 months = $2,400 per year per labor X’s 6 years = $144,000 Total paid to me from my previous uptown, Minneapolis, MN rental landlord.



            Intensive Labor:


            $5,750 vacuuming services per 5-years back wages + $19,200 lawn cutting

            services per 5-years back wages = $24,950.00 + $19,200 snow removal

            services = Total this far $44,150 dollars in lost back wages.


General hourly low flat rate $24.00 per hour as executive part time housewife daily cleaning and chores and maintenance and cooking and cleanup X’s 4-hours per day = $96.00 X’s 5 days per week = $480.00 X’s 4 weeks = $1,920 X’s 12 months = $23,040 X’s 7 years of working from home = $161,280 + services rendered $44,150 = $205,430 Total thus far.


---  ---  ---


            House Market Value:


            2017 House Estimated Market Value: $135,000 divided by 2 = $67,500 Total


            Evaluation Notice:

            2018 House Estimated Market Value: $145,000 divided by 2 = $72,500 Total


---  ---  ---


            Car Market Value:


            October, 2016 Car Estimate Value: $14,000


            Presently Estimated 2017 value: $12,000 divided by 2 = $6,000 Total


---  ---  ---


            Meager Retirement:


Total Value on 06/30/17: $29,188.47 - $3,000 = $26,188.47 divided by 2 = $13,094.235 Total


            Already spent in cash:

$3,000 petty cash minus $900.00 bi-annual car insurance bill = $2,100 minus $2,100 LA = $0.00


---  ---  ---


            Bi-weekend Elderly Care at Minimum Wage Rate: (10/01/08 to 04/22/16)


$24.00 per hourly flat rate per part time work as “Executive Housewife” to In-Laws bi-weekend garbage and recycling and general cleaning and wiping down of kitchen counters and bathroom counters and vacuuming an entire 2-floor farmhouse and clearing dead flies and raking and washing windows and paying for meals (10/01/08 to 04/22/16) and washing and drying and folding and putting away laundry to an elderly woman.


$24.00 X’s 4 hours on Saturday and 4 hours on Sundays = 8 hours per weekend = $192.00 X’s 2 weekends per month = $384.00 X’s 12 months = $4,608 X’s 8 years of hard domestic labor = $36,864 Total owed to me for elderly services and caring and cleaning.


---  ---  ---


            Vacations still owed:


            5 years of vacations owed at $3,000 per vacation


            $3,000 X’s 5 years’ vacations = $15,000 owed to me.


---  ---  ---


            $2,640 per year / $110.00 per paycheck Medical, Dental, Optical


---  ---  ---



A Slave is a Person Who Works for Free

Any Executive Housewife isn’t a Slave



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,500


Word Count: 1,265


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 860 + 1,202 = 2,062 + 1,265 = 3,327


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #1 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Blood Pressure: 102/66 mmHg / Pulse: 86 (04/07/17), 125/85 75 (08/18/17)


*)         CHOLESTEROL, Total

294 (10/20/2014), 245 (06/02/15), 276 (01/22/16), 273 (04/07/17) 


            HDL Cholesterol

49 (10/20/2014), 50 (06/02/15), 52 (01/22/16), 53 (04/07/17)



296 H (10/20/2014), 241 H (06/02/15), 253 H (01/22/16), 389 (04/07/17) 



186 H (10/20/2014), 147 H (06/02/15), 173 H (01/22/16) 142 (04/07/17) 


            CHOL/HDLC RATIO

6.0 H (10/20/2014), 4.9 (06/02/15), 5.3 H (01/22/16) 5.2 (04/07/17) 



245 H (10/20/2014), 195 H (06/02/15), 224 H (01/22/16)


            IRON, Total

79 mcg/dl (10/20/2014), 52 mcg/dl (06/02/15), 137 mcg/dl (01/22/16)


            CORTISOL, Total

            19.2 (10/20/2014), N/A (06/02/15), 11.9 (01/22/16)


*)         Week #35 without any higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #29 without one sleeping pill per night by mouth “Zolpidem Tartrate” 10 MG


*)         Week #9 (1st prescribed 09/03/15) without antidepressants specifically for fake-pregnancy hormones, one per day by mouth, no more: “Escitalopram Oxalate” 20 MG (06/21/17 end of dosage.)


*)         Week #2 (09/07/17) on antidepressants specifically to get over fake-pregnancy hormones within a one month span of time for hormones to clear out of the bloodstream: “OLANZapine” 5MG within the next week then no more “OLANZapine.” My speech is slurred like a drunken alcoholic sailor’s speech. Oh, well. I’m supportive of pharmaceutical drugs. I refuse to take any form or type of painkillers. Nope.


Wednesday, August 23, 2017


“It is imperative that most men engage in productive occupations, so that the few men who devote themselves entirely to learning may have their wants provided; for in this way, the human race goes on -- while knowledge is enriched.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Erstwhile (former, heretofore, at one time)


An erstwhile football hero soon finds out that life is not at all play.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 2:07pm CT, 3:56pm CT, 4:16pm CT, 4:54pm CT, 6:44pm CT


Happy Wednesday!


---  ---  ---



No Whining

No Complaining



“Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Fear Itself.”

                                            --- J.F.K.



“Fight for your right to party.”

                                                         --- Beastie Boys




Impeachment 2017



The F.B.I. is our only hope.



Cocaine and Prostitution

Will be legalized

In 2017-2018








The Most Dangerous Time

In Any Woman’s Life,

Is Right Before








My 11 year Divorce


Accounts Payable to Me.

Thank you.


            April 16, 2009; downtown, Minneapolis, MN Courthouse wedding: to current legal partner.


            September 1, 2009; became part time housewife, part time writer: practice blog/journal entries/diaries.


            Presently; part time housewife, part time writer: practice blog/journal entries/diaries.


            Average legal full time work hours: total 40/per week.


            Weekends: R&R.


            Any legal part time work: 20/hours per week to no more than 32? or 34? Total hours then anymore than par time hours do count towards fulltime and the employer must legally pay for the health care benefits of any fulltime employees. Thanks.


            Yes, after three hundred (300 under review) fair-and-square hours put into and/or towards full time employment must “go-pass-go” and collect fulltime health care and dental insurance. Thank you.


            Any legal fulltime employment: 40/hours per week to no more than otherwise double “overtime pay” and full time employment is full dental and health care insurance and coverage.


            A humanitarian approach to workers’ benefits by civilized: kind and smart and intelligent bosses.


            Please, don’ take advantage of any of Los Angeles’s professional corporate working American Citizen transplants who are professional hardworking and respectable families and well cultured and well mannered and well educated and well spoken with amazing English Rastafarian accents or not and peaceful and calm and tranquillo and lovely and smart and kind and intelligent.


            Come on!


            Let’s go.


            Keep up.


            The world’s changed.


            The world’s moved on for anybody who knows it or not.


            Digital is all the new rage now.


            Upgrade: to HTML FTP from digital devices. Cheers.



Back Pay in Lost Wages for 5-years


            $5,750 vacuuming services per 5-years back wages + $19,200 lawn cutting

            services per 5-years back wages = $24,950.00 + $19,200 snow removal

            services = Total this far $44,150 dollars in lost back wages.


General hourly low flat rate $24.00 per hour as executive part time housewife daily cleaning and chores and maintenance and cooking and cleanup X’s 4-hours per day = $96.00 X’s 5 days per week = $480.00 X’s 4 weeks = $1,920 X’s 12 months = $23,040 X’s 7 years of working from home = $161,280 + services rendered $44,150 = $205,430.



Back pay

(2017 to 2027)


(Who’s counting?)



(Peabody, New England, MA)



“Software Programs Coding Engineering”

(Sunday, August 20th, 2017 to Presently)


(Upgraded from Electronics to Software)



National Average Communications Engineering Hourly Rate:

$80.00/per hour, August, 2017-- (and so on and so forth)



“Communications Broadcast Engineering”

(August 1, 2006 to Presently)


For One Complete Decade:

My Stagnant Engineering Annual Salary Hourly Rate:

$42.00/per hour


The least Stagnant Engineering Annual Salary Hourly Rate:

$24.00/per hour



(No, I didn’t “lose” my former film company)


Film Co., “Dissolved” (retired)



December 31st, 2014


Feature Length Film

(video tape)

 Production Company


 (Taviette Film Productions)

(September 1999 to December 31st, 2014)


(15 years without any liabilities.)






(Retired filmmaker of six (6) years)



As of August, 2017

Uptown, Minneapolis, MN locals

Nicknamed me:

“The Boss”



Smiles All Around.




As of today, I was informed,

I’m an uptown, Minneapolis, MN 55405 local,

Even though I spent 5 years in the suburbs of

Robbinsdale, MN


(August 1, 2012 to August 1, 2017)



(The most terrible years of my life)

(Will begin to soon forget the pain and anguish

and disrespect and trauma caused here)



“Spousal Maintenance”

Hennepin County

File Under

“Child Support”




Back Wages as part time Housewife

(August 2012-August 2017)

5 years, Robbinsdale, MN 55422


Not one single vacation in 6 years

Other than on my own

to recuperate


Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA

(July 2017-August 2017)


            $11,520 vacuuming services per 5-years back wages + $12,000 lawn cutting

services per 5-years back wages = $23,520 + $12,000 snow removal services = $35,520 dollars in lost back wages.



            Total, thus far: $35,520 dollars in lost back wages for the past 5-years.


---  ---  ---


*) 1/hour of vacuuming per hourly rate: $24.00/hourly flat rate effective as of today:


At our home vacuuming takes 2-hours to completely move furniture and vacuum our 2-floor, 4/bedroom and 2/bath home for 5 straight years (August, 2012-August 2017.)


$24.00 per flat hourly singular rate X’s 2-hours of vacuuming per week = $48.00.


$48.00 per 2 hours per each week owed in back wages per 5 years of vacuuming each week: equals (=) $48.00 X’s 4 weeks of vacuuming = $192.00 per month of vacuuming X’s 12 months vacuuming = $2,304 X’s 5 years vacuuming = $11,520 in back wages for 5 straight years of vacuuming alone. Ok.


            Total: $11,520 vacuuming per 5-years as part time housewife.


---  ---  ---


*) 1/hour of lawn cutting services per hourly rate: $50.00/hourly flat rate effective as of today:


At our home cutting lawn service takes 2-hours to completely cut the lawn and flat front yard and both steep backyard and side yard hills of our homestead property for 5 straight years (August, 2012-August 2017.)


$50.00 per flat hourly singular rate X’s 2-hours of cutting the lawn services per week = $100.00


$100.00 per 2 hours per each week owed in back wages per 5-years of lawn cutting services each week: equals (=) $100.


$100.00 X’s 4 weeks of lawn cutting services = $400.00 per month of lawn cutting services X’s 6 months of the year lawn cutting services = $2,400 X’s 5 years lawn cutting services = $12,000 in back wages for 5-straight years of lawn cutting services, alone. Ok.


            Total: $12,000 cutting lawn services per 5-years as part time housewife.


---  ---  ---


*) 1/hour of shoveling per hourly rate: $50.00/hourly flat rate effective as of today:


            At our home snow removal services takes 2-hours to completely shovel,

            Flat front yard and driveway of our homestead property for 5 straight

            years (August, 2012-August 2017.)


$50.00 per flat hourly singular rate X’s 1-hour of snow removal services per week = $100.00


$100.00 per 2 hours per each week owed in back wages per 5-years of snow removal services each week: equals (=) $200.00


$100.00 X’s 4 weeks of snow removal services = $400.00 per month of snow removal services X’s 6 months of the year snow removal services = $2,400 X’s 5 years snow removal services = $12,000 in back wages for 5-straight years of snow removal services, alone. Ok.


            Total: $12,000 cutting lawn services per 5-years as part time housewife.


---  ---  ---


            $11,520 vacuuming services per 5-years back wages + $12,000 lawn cutting

services per 5-years back wages = $23,520 + $12,000 snow removal services = $35,520 dollars in lost back wages.



            Total, thus far: $35,520 dollars in lost back wages for the past 5-years.




            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,200


Word Count: 1,202


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 86 + 774 = 860 + 1,202 = 2,062


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #14 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #1 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Blood Pressure: 102/66 mmHg / Pulse: 86 (04/07/17), 125/85 75 (08/18/17)


*)         CHOLESTEROL, Total

294 (10/20/2014), 245 (06/02/15), 276 (01/22/16), 273 (04/07/17) 


            HDL Cholesterol

49 (10/20/2014), 50 (06/02/15), 52 (01/22/16), 53 (04/07/17)



296 H (10/20/2014), 241 H (06/02/15), 253 H (01/22/16), 389 (04/07/17) 



186 H (10/20/2014), 147 H (06/02/15), 173 H (01/22/16) 142 (04/07/17) 


            CHOL/HDLC RATIO

6.0 H (10/20/2014), 4.9 (06/02/15), 5.3 H (01/22/16) 5.2 (04/07/17) 



245 H (10/20/2014), 195 H (06/02/15), 224 H (01/22/16)


            IRON, Total

79 mcg/dl (10/20/2014), 52 mcg/dl (06/02/15), 137 mcg/dl (01/22/16)


            CORTISOL, Total

            19.2 (10/20/2014), N/A (06/02/15), 11.9 (01/22/16)


*)         Week #35 without any higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #29 without one sleeping pill per night by mouth “Zolpidem Tartrate” 10 MG


*)         Week #9 (1st prescribed 09/03/15) without antidepressants specifically for fake-pregnancy hormones, one per day by mouth, no more: “Escitalopram Oxalate” 20 MG (06/21/17 end of dosage.)


*)         Week #2 (09/07/17) on antidepressants specifically to get over fake-pregnancy hormones within a one month span of time for hormones to clear out of the bloodstream: “OLANZapine” 5MG within the next week then no more “OLANZapine.” My speech is slurred like a drunken alcoholic sailor’s speech. Oh, well. I’m supportive of pharmaceutical drugs. I refuse to take any form or type of painkillers. Nope.


Tuesday, August 22, 2017


“A man can die if he has nothing to do.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Essay (try, attempt, to make an effort to do)


The private was forced to essay the difficult task.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 4:14pm


Happy Tuesday!


---  ---  ---



No Whining

No Complaining



“Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Fear Itself.”

                                            --- J.F.K.



“Fight for your right to party.”

                                                         --- Beastie Boys




Impeachment 2017



The F.B.I. is our only hope.



Cocaine and Prostitution

Will be legalized

In 2017-2018








The Most Dangerous Time

In Any Woman’s Life,

Is Right Before








Studying Divorce Law



Bulletin Update:

Studio Apartment Hunt,

Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA 90038:



Hennepin County Tax Records


“Berven Real Estate Company”

2273 Gordon Avenue

St. Paul, MN 55108

No Phone # in tax records


Information: 4-1-1

States no such address or Company exists.


Waiting on a most kind “Caffettos” patron

Gentleman to get back to me with

A name and number to “2200 Grand Avenue”

Studio apartment

or “efficiency”


Uptown, Minneapolis, MN, 55405

Available within the next 30 to 60 days

Thank you.


“Mr. L”



Single Respectable Female

Looking to Rent

A Wi-Fi, $400-$500.00 per month

One Studio Apartment

Or One Room Efficiency with

full Kitchenette and private bath

in Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA

Starting Friday, November 1, 2017

Through December 1, 2017


            Hello, I, Gabriela Holm of sound mind and body and spirit, am looking for a Wi-Fi, $500.00 per month single studio apartment ($500-$550.00) or efficiency ($500) for a 1 (one) year lease to rent in Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA per one entire calendar year with one full kitchenette (full sink, full stove, full refrigerator) and at least one or two large closets and one private bathroom and regular size shower and bathroom sink and sink cabinet and full on working toilet and a general space or area for sleeping quarters enough room for a queen size bed with ample room for a small dining room table and 4 dining room chairs and a stand up desk and two dresser drawers and a cabinet for 200 books and two chairs, I own nothing much else in the entire world.


            Otherwise, super quiet writer mature adult woman and I smoke expensive American Spirit tobacco only cigarettes only outdoors and not in any indoor living abodes only outside while I listen to headset and music and write HTML software program coding as a communications broadcast engineer who’s worked from home since September, 2009 until I find fulltime corporate work or financing in Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA.


            Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA please, accept my humble gift to go back into the professional workforce, while heading out to Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA, as soon as this Minnesota divorce is over unless…love finds me first which love won’t find me in Minnesota since I already gave my heart to Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA.


            Yes, I’m totally worth a meager $80,000 (eighty-thousand) anywhere I choose to work and the place chooses me anywhere awesome and kind and smart and intelligent in the professional workforce since I was worth $80,000 in (2006-2007) and did the same work as male engineers as professionally titled “communications broadcast engineers” (August 2,006 to September, 2007) when I ran the accountant’s shoddy and rough estimated numbers since each of 11 national clients paid my previous corporate company three to five (3mil to 5mil) million per national client, however.


            The accountant embezzled hundreds of thousands of dollars.

            She knew we caught up to her.


            She’s now retired to Florida with her pug show dogs while I once again continue my journey to find work in the professional workforce in America.


            Right now am able to work from anywhere in the world, however.


            Yes, I’ve chosen Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA to become my base camp and call “home” for the next 20 years while I professionally work and hopefully become totally divorced and begin to romantically Dutch non-sexually date (dinner or any meal) without sex. Yep.


            Absolutely, I have no business in Duluth, MN for the entire of the following year unless…No.


            Any mature woman with real credentials may ask anyone out on romantic Dutch non-sexual dinner or food or refreshment dates. Yep.


            If Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA can pay me what I’m worth then I’d move effective immediately.


            Los Angeles, we shook hands in agreement, as soon as possible.


            As soon as possible hopefully Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA’s merciful “inexpensive” studio rental will show itself to me since I have much talent to offer Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA.





            See you,




            P.S. Fulltime employment or not -- the next great American novel gets written from Hollywood, Los Angeles CA.


            Location, Location, Location.


            Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA it is then.



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,000 private journals


Word Count: 774


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 86 + 774 = 860


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #14 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #1 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Blood Pressure: 102/66 mmHg / Pulse: 86 (04/07/17), 125/85 75 (08/18/17)


*)         CHOLESTEROL, Total

294 (10/20/2014), 245 (06/02/15), 276 (01/22/16), 273 (04/07/17) 


            HDL Cholesterol

49 (10/20/2014), 50 (06/02/15), 52 (01/22/16), 53 (04/07/17)



296 H (10/20/2014), 241 H (06/02/15), 253 H (01/22/16), 389 (04/07/17) 



186 H (10/20/2014), 147 H (06/02/15), 173 H (01/22/16) 142 (04/07/17) 


            CHOL/HDLC RATIO

6.0 H (10/20/2014), 4.9 (06/02/15), 5.3 H (01/22/16) 5.2 (04/07/17) 



245 H (10/20/2014), 195 H (06/02/15), 224 H (01/22/16)


            IRON, Total

79 mcg/dl (10/20/2014), 52 mcg/dl (06/02/15), 137 mcg/dl (01/22/16)


            CORTISOL, Total

            19.2 (10/20/2014), N/A (06/02/15), 11.9 (01/22/16)


*)         Week #35 without any higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #29 without one sleeping pill per night by mouth “Zolpidem Tartrate” 10 MG


*)         Week #9 (1st prescribed 09/03/15) without antidepressants specifically for fake-pregnancy hormones, one per day by mouth, no more: “Escitalopram Oxalate” 20 MG (06/21/17 end of dosage.)


*)         Week #2 (09/07/17) on antidepressants specifically to get over fake-pregnancy hormones within a one month span of time for hormones to clear out of the bloodstream: “OLANZapine” 5MG within the next week then no more “OLANZapine.” My speech is slurred like a drunken alcoholic sailor’s speech. Oh, well. I’m supportive of pharmaceutical drugs. I refuse to take any form or type of painkillers. Nope.


Monday, August 21, 2017


“The man who works is blessed.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Purport (to profess, to claim, to give the impression of being)


We knew he would purport to be from the police.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---






Happy Monday!


---  ---  ---



No Whining

No Complaining



“Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Fear Itself.”

                                            --- J.F.K.



“Fight for your right to party.”

                                                         --- Beastie Boys




Impeachment 2017



The F.B.I. is our only hope.



Cocaine and Prostitution

Will be legalized

In 2017-2018








The Most Dangerous Time

In Any Woman’s Life,

Is Right Before








Studying Divorce Court Law



No Blog



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,000 private journals


Word Count: 86


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 86


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #13 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #1 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Blood Pressure: 102/66 mmHg / Pulse: 86 (04/07/17), 125/85 75 (08/18/17)


*)         CHOLESTEROL, Total

294 (10/20/2014), 245 (06/02/15), 276 (01/22/16), 273 (04/07/17) 


            HDL Cholesterol

49 (10/20/2014), 50 (06/02/15), 52 (01/22/16), 53 (04/07/17)



296 H (10/20/2014), 241 H (06/02/15), 253 H (01/22/16), 389 (04/07/17) 



186 H (10/20/2014), 147 H (06/02/15), 173 H (01/22/16) 142 (04/07/17) 


            CHOL/HDLC RATIO

6.0 H (10/20/2014), 4.9 (06/02/15), 5.3 H (01/22/16) 5.2 (04/07/17) 



245 H (10/20/2014), 195 H (06/02/15), 224 H (01/22/16)


            IRON, Total

79 mcg/dl (10/20/2014), 52 mcg/dl (06/02/15), 137 mcg/dl (01/22/16)


            CORTISOL, Total

            19.2 (10/20/2014), N/A (06/02/15), 11.9 (01/22/16)


*)         Week #35 without any higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #29 without one sleeping pill per night by mouth “Zolpidem Tartrate” 10 MG


*)         Week #9 (1st prescribed 09/03/15) without antidepressants specifically for fake-pregnancy hormones, one per day by mouth, no more: “Escitalopram Oxalate” 20 MG (06/21/17 end of dosage.)


*)         Week #2 (09/07/17) on antidepressants specifically to get over fake-pregnancy hormones within a one month span of time for hormones to clear out of the bloodstream: “OLANZapine” 5MG within the next week then no more “OLANZapine.” My speech is slurred like a drunken alcoholic sailor’s speech. Oh, well. I’m supportive of pharmaceutical drugs. I refuse to take any form or type of painkillers. Nope.


Sunday, August 20, 2017


“Don’t tell a secret in a field of mounds.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Pusillanimous (cowardly, weak spirit)


A pusillanimous fear to undertake any action of importance.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Sunday Upload: 2:16pm CT, 2:23pm CT, 2:52pm CT, 6:29pm CT, 6:33pm CT


Monday Upload: 5:35pm


Happy Sunday!

Happy Monday!



---  ---  ---



No Whining

No Complaining


“Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Fear Itself.”

                                            --- J.F.K.



“Fight for your right to party.”

                                                         --- Beastie Boys




Impeachment 2017



The F.B.I. is our only hope.



Cocaine and Prostitution

Will be legalized

In 2017-2018








The Most Dangerous Time

In Any Woman’s Life,

Is Right Before












            No, I’m not mentally ill.


            Yes, I’m what Americans call in “transition.”


            Yes, I’m in transitional housing for another three weeks.


            Yes, I have safe-and-free passage for another three weeks through north, Minneapolis, MN and Robbinsdale, MN.


            Yes, awesome and free and dogged Minneapolis, MN family law legal counsel has granted me the right and the freedom to “self represent” myself in legal divorce court.


            Yes, I guess I’m smart enough to represent myself. Okay.


            Yes, I’ve been given all of the steps and the know-how.


            Oh, I’m nervous already. I’ll do okay. It’ll all go well.


            Nobodies let me down yet and nobodies let me fall.


            Thank you to an enormous and awesome village of amazing creative and corporate professionals who understand I’m right here quietly working away one day at a time.


            No, I don’t ever feel alone. Not once and not ever.


            Hopefully, we won’t have to deal with divorce court proceedings for the next year therefore I hope to land either a studio apartment or a one room someplace in Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA since my favorite stores are there.


            Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA is scheduled for as soon as this divorce goes through and all finances are settled.


            Already I have romantic non-sexual Dutch dinner dates with professional working men. How wonderful.


            Yes, for the second time in my life I’ve been kicked out of talk therapy by a psychiatrist since nothing’s the matter with me.


            Friday, August 18, 2017 the psychiatrist called my current legal partner “delusional” and a “jerk.”


            Yes, I had been under a “72-hour hold” and got out on time as scheduled therefore I’m allowed respectful and peaceful access to anywhere in the world since I proved my sanity. Thank you.


            At this point I’ve won the past three weeks with flying colors.


            No, there’s no shame in wanting to move to a place if one desires to go checkout out a romantic interest since dating is “Dutch” meals without sex.


            Not ever before have I been as sanely certified as I’m now.


            Yes, I’m a free woman.


            Yes, I’m a free agent.


            Yes, I’ve proven my sanity to the world and to my community and friends and neighbors and enemies. Ha.


            Okay I have two hours of vacuuming to do.


            Conquered HTML coding today since programming engineers gave me all of the shortcuts to cutting and pasting code. Thanks.


---  ---  ---


            Well, HTML program coding isn’t as difficult “to get back into the swing of things” as I thought it would be.


            HTML coding is no different than when I learned to HTML program code starting in the 8th grade in the year 1991 then I haven’t looked back ever since the days of DOS.


            As of Sunday, August 21, 2017 I’ve begun to fly solo as a programs engineer with the HTML coding of this website. Awesome.


            The sky hasn’t fallen down and I’m pretty happy with my expertise and ample aptitude for positive solutions and innovations and outcomes for which look pretty and are girly-girl woman in manner and style.


            Not ever before did I consider how much I love to do HTML programs code.


            HTML is a simple coding programs system yet complex outcome in look and shape and size.


            HTML coding is clean lines and clean cut in the same manner and fashion as sheet music.


            HTML programs coding is simply another language as most languages are pure plain mathematics.


            The new Digital Revolution is all about HTML coding.


            The last time I did HTML coding in a professional job setting and employment was with KBJR News in Duluth, MN, summer 2003 when I was the last to leave the technical room after updating the sports stats as well as update the weather on KBJR’s website. Yep.


            HTML programs coding engineers Rule the World.


            HTML coding takes some real effort and patience, however.


            Once one gets a real knack for programming then the entire world is open for creation and development and innovation.


            English and HTML are the languages of the future.


            Yes, I’m absolutely proud to call myself an HTML programs coding engineer.


---  ---  ---


            Yes, my current legal partner and I’ve been officially separated since April, 2016, however.


            Physically, separated as of July 27, 2017.


            Yes, we’re both aware of this fact.

            We’ve admitted this fact to each other.


            Exactly, one year and four months officially separated, April, 2016.


---  ---  ---


            Athletics is a subject matter I’m able to at length go on about since there’s not ever one single dull moment in the spirit and morale of athleticism.


            As blessed as I’ve been in all of life -- the only aspect is either to marvel or be astounded and surprised at the fact I’m athletically talented without even trying since I’m awkward ever since the beginning of June 1996 (correction on date) I contend with one factually broken toe and the broken toe will be broken forever thus I’m petite and genuinely well balanced unless the huge Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA or north, Minneapolis or Robbinsdale, MN’s cracks on the sidewalks get me first especially while travel is done by foot and not skateboard.   


            Well, what about injuries? I don’t know.


            What about strength training? I don’t know.


            What about endurance? I don’t know.


            What about daily nutritional intake? I don’t know.


            What about weight gauge? I don’t know.


            All I know is this: Each day of my life the moment I wake up then game on.


            The second my toes touch the floor then we’re off to the races. I get up and I see life from a mature adult lens in which I realize and recognize I must get one-million and one responsibilities done before the day is done after Nordic dinner thus from making the bed to changing out of pajamas into street clothes unless one’s a Brit to cutting the lawn to vacuuming the house to take out the trash and recycling to anything at all or not.


            Sitting up in front of the television is a lot of work for the nervous central system thus humans do burn calories while watching television.


            Who’s kidding who?


            Fifty calories per hour get burned when one sits down and watches television.


            Wow! Fifty calories burned per hour to sit down and watch television is an amazing amount of loss in calories for doing relaxation and fun.


            However, the kick is this: One mustn’t snack beyond the fifty calories burned thus half of a banana would do since an entire whole banana is 100 calories mindfully eat half an apple since an entire apple is also 100 calories.


             Furthermore, there’s 120 calories in an orange and 120 calories in one tortilla and 35 calories in one Roma tomato and 150 calories in a potato or 120 calories in one sourdough English muffin or 150 calories in 1/8 of a piece of block of cheese or 160 calories in 12/potato chips or 120 calories in 3/of my favorite cookies in the world (“Chest Cookies”) or 200 calories in one avocado or 1 teaspoon of butter is 100 calories or 1 teaspoon of honey is also 100 calories per teaspoon.


            The point is this: The stomach is no bigger than the size of one’s fist thus and henceforth one memorizes how many calories any favorite foods are per value of quantity/quality then one knows to stay within 1,200 calories every twelve hours at all times and no less since the more one cuts the lawn or vacuums or stands for four straight hours to do computer work and write all the while only 50 calories are lost or burned off per hour at a “stand up” desk.


            To stand for four hours is the same amount in lost calories of 50 calories burned as to sit and watch television for four hours is also 50 calories burned per hour without snacks or few snacks.


            Okay, now we’re talking mathematical quotients. Absolutely, yes.


            Health is a numbers game.


            Primarily, the reason why I don’t stress out about my previous illness which I’m all done with now and forever since Monday, July 24th, 2017 outpatient surgical procedure is because purposely I kept myself extremely informed and also extremely emotionally detached from the prognosis of eight straight years of living with and carrying and carting around large or miniscule uterine fibroid tumors as well as hemorrhaging and not once did I ever pass out or become anemic. Wonderful. I’m a strong cookie. I’m proud of myself for making it thus far. I did well.


            We all did very well.


            The doctors and nurses and staff were remarkable. Thank you. I carry you around in my heart.


            The team of staff and nurses and doctors worked well together. I was impressed.



Inflammation in the Body


             As far as illness in the body is concerned I prefer not to do any internal organ visualization hence I don’t know modern medicine very well thus I leave the surgical procedures up to the professionals and don’t for example neither mentally visualize my former tumors nor mentally through visualization shrank the tumors to potentially make the uterine fibroids or thyroid tumors disappear since I didn’t want to in any way, shape or form possibly injure any other internal organs surrounding the area of the tumors.


            We all know the mind is powerful.


            We all know the mind is able to heal the body from nearly anything.


            Catch up.


            Let’s go.


            Okay, as far as my “laywoman’s” mind understands general illness or chronic pain or any physical pain to be as in general inflammation in the body thus for example swollen joints or bruised skin then immediately one must think about holistic ways in which to bring down inflammation and the only and best way I know how to diminish inflammation inside the body is by eating a spice called “Turmeric” as well as I take red hot chili pepper supplements for any “smoker’s cough.”


            If any swollen area or part of the body is bruised or swollen knuckle pain then I most certainly suggest icing sore or swollen knuckles as well as with sore joints (knees, especially) and general pains and aches of the ever aging body.


            No, I’m neither any type of doctor nor medical expert. Absolutely, not.


            Nevertheless, as far as smart and intelligent and kind holistic remedies go: in the past when I’ve broken 102 or 103 Fahrenheit temperature from severe double pneumonia I have indeed sat in a cold water tub to keep my blood from boiling. I had to bring down my body temperature or it was "do or die."


            The troubling aspect about “double pneumonia” is one begins to lose literal sight and the illness may become momentarily blinding to the patient. I’ve walked myself through the MSP International airport and Duluth, MN airport with a case of blinding “double pneumonia” for which I could barely see in front of me.


            Also, with the expertise and help and guide of one architect friend of our families I trusted him to walk me through SoHo, N.Y.C. to meet with his doctor. I was instructed to only look at the architect’s shirt and walk. I did. Thus I’m alive today. I did well. We all did very well.


            There was no time to wait for an ambulance to arrive.


             We walked as my breath was shallow and my lungs filled up with liquid while drowning inside my lungs.


            For as “fragile” or “dumb” or “gullible” or “naïve” as most Minnesotans think me to be well, I’m actually able to safely get myself from point A to point B even as I begin to lose my sight and my lungs drown in their own liquid.


            Anyway, the entire point as to for why I share this information is only thus the reader may more closely understand the decade of my twenties I went without health insurance, however.


            Anytime, I had to make any private doctor’s appointments or go to the emergency room then I took myself straight there no matter what. Cheers. Lunch time. Chinese take-away.



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 2,000


Word Count: 2,117


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 1,728 + 1,284 = 3,012 + 2,117 = 5,129


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #11 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #1 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Blood Pressure: 102/66 mmHg / Pulse: 86 (04/07/17), 125/85 75 (08/18/17)


*)         CHOLESTEROL, Total

294 (10/20/2014), 245 (06/02/15), 276 (01/22/16), 273 (04/07/17) 


            HDL Cholesterol

49 (10/20/2014), 50 (06/02/15), 52 (01/22/16), 53 (04/07/17)



296 H (10/20/2014), 241 H (06/02/15), 253 H (01/22/16), 389 (04/07/17) 



186 H (10/20/2014), 147 H (06/02/15), 173 H (01/22/16) 142 (04/07/17) 


            CHOL/HDLC RATIO

6.0 H (10/20/2014), 4.9 (06/02/15), 5.3 H (01/22/16) 5.2 (04/07/17) 



245 H (10/20/2014), 195 H (06/02/15), 224 H (01/22/16)


            IRON, Total

79 mcg/dl (10/20/2014), 52 mcg/dl (06/02/15), 137 mcg/dl (01/22/16)


            CORTISOL, Total

            19.2 (10/20/2014), N/A (06/02/15), 11.9 (01/22/16)


*)         Week #34 without any higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #28 without one sleeping pill per night by mouth “Zolpidem Tartrate” 10 MG


*)         Week #8 (1st prescribed 09/03/15) without antidepressants specifically for fake-pregnancy hormones, one per day by mouth, no more: “Escitalopram Oxalate” 20 MG (06/21/17 end of dosage.)


*)         Day #7 (09/07/17) on antidepressants specifically to get over fake-pregnancy hormones within a one month span of time for hormones to clear out of the bloodstream: “OLANZapine” 5MG within the next week then no more “OLANZapine.” My speech is slurred like a drunken alcoholic sailor’s speech. Oh, well. I’m supportive of pharmaceutical drugs. I refuse to take any form or type of painkillers. Nope.


Saturday, August 19, 2017


“Don’t tell a secret even to an ape.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Erudite (learned, scholarly)


His lecture proved to be an erudite person.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 8:42am CT, 9:29am CT, 1:03pm CT, 1:28pm CT


Happy Saturday!


---  ---  ---


            Oh, my, three lives dead…


---  ---  ---


            Oh, Barcelona;


            You’re in my heart.

            Oh, dear close beloved friends of our family since 1984, Park Point, MN.

            Oh, beloved ones, past prime minister’s adult children now.


---  ---  ---


No Whining

No Complaining



“Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Fear Itself.”

                                            --- J.F.K.



“Fight for your right to party.”

                                                         --- Beastie Boys




Impeachment 2017



The F.B.I. is our only hope.



Cocaine and Prostitution

Will be legalized

In 2017-2018








The Most Dangerous Time

In Any Woman’s Life,

Is Right Before








My 11 year Divorce

An Athlete’s Strong Mind


            Supposedly with all of the past three week’s events and situations and circumstances and challenges I’m to “crack” and break and weep and roll up into a small ball (fetal position) and cry myself to sleep or bang my head against the wall (ouch!) or walk straight into walls or go completely hysterical over a man, however. Not likely.


            Yes, I’m a quiet and mentally strong person for the most part. I lead a quiet and peaceful life. Yes, in tune and in harmony with health. Although, in public I have a million and one errands to run and am not able to stop and talk to anyone who needs attention. Nope.


            Not only did athletics teach me to perform at my maximum while under pressure as well as to tune out -- the shouts and screams of gawking eyes balls on the stands and also while I wore a one full piece body suit which exposed my each and every contour line of my body and gave away my weakness, a little pot belly.


            Athletics taught me to be extremely comfortable with being exposed to competitors who’d size up my muscle tone and slight body fat content of both my stomach and my voluptuous large breasts yet leave my competitors to wonder how I could shoot out the start line like a cannon ball and be done with our “heat” or race or competition within seconds or compete in one 26 mile race on speedskates. It was brutal. I was graceful.


            One of the main reasons why I won my speedskating competitions is simply because I don’t like the cold therefore I’d speedskate like a “lightening bolt” to get out of the cold freezing situation of competing on ice.


            As a young person starting in 5th grade I played softball for our “Congdon Park Elementary” school's team then I went to badly run “Cross Country” and “Track and Field” and do shot-put in the 7th through 10th grade as well as put in hundreds if not then thousands or tens of thousands of hours of speedskating and ice practice and training time and mental conditioning for National level competition since the 5th grade 1987-1988.


            I’m solid.


            I’ve got this.


            I’ve always been an athlete even though I don’t have a single competitive bone in my body I still think and condition and train as an athlete does.


            Seriously, I’ve done my time. I’ve put in thousands, if, not then tens of thousands of hours into physical training and mental training as an astute athlete.


            Of sound mind and healthy body and hardy spirit, I’m calm.


            Yes, I’m extremely well trained to endure harsh physical natural conditions as well as mental astuteness to stay calm while under extreme pressure or duress.


            By-and-by, I’m the embodiment of an athlete and a good athlete.


            Not once and not ever did I skip out on any of my practices or weight lifting sessions otherwise I made up my practice sessions and lessons as quickly as possible.


            As athletes we also know how to deal with gawking eyes.


            As athletes we know what it’s like to compete with hundreds of sets of eyeballs cheering their family members while they stare at the rest of us.


            As an athlete I know how to gracefully take the podium and be celebrated as a true and awesome athlete.


            As an athlete I know myself. I know myself since I know what my strengths are.


            My weaknesses are getting lost all over the suburbs of the Twin Cities.


            In my twenties I trained to run 50 miles through the woods and alone ran teams of sled dogs while through the woods of the Gunflint Trail.


            When I was 25 years young, I picked up the legitimate and dangerous sport known as “skateboarding” and now I’m in love with my two true passions: skateboarding and writing which are complete athletic endurance games.


            An athlete’s mind doesn’t crack while under pressure. No.


            If anything athletes know the constant pressure to train and relax.


            If anything athletes know the constant pressure to sustain a level of playing field.


            If anything athletes know the constant pressure to succeed and win or not.


            If anything athletes know the constant pressure to sustain and maintain.


            If anything athletes know the constant pressure to quickly adapt to new situations and plays and games or to decipher if they’re not worth pursuing or worth any time or energy.


            Athletes rule whether we’re cigarette smokers or not.


            Women Rule the World.


            Real and consistent writers Rule the World.


            Smart and kind Intellectuals Rule the World.


            Smart, kind and intelligent Skateboarders Rule the World.


            Finally skateboarding has truly become a “mainstream” and revered sport in Midwestern America.


            Allow for me to inform anyone who puts their nose high up in the air about skateboarding; it’s difficult to learn to skateboard much less ride a skateboard.


            One must practically be brilliant to be able to do some simple and basic skateboarding physics in motion let alone stand on the board much less go around obstacles at moderate fast speeds or not and stay on the skateboard without leaving one’s skin on the pavement.


            Yes, one has to be brilliant to be a skateboarder, yet not conceited.



Mature Adulthood



            Well, one thing is for certain: I’m a calm person compared to most people.


            No, mature adulthood is nothing like high school.


            If adults pass the age of 35 believe life is like high school then such a person is considered “delusional” then such any human may be considered “delayed development” or “late bloomers” which is fine, although.


            Working class professionals equally work and play since life’s difficult.


            No matter how one may toil (sweat) work is work and work will always be there thus whenever then please sit down and deeply breathe or take a one hour nap and sleep well and tenderly and deeply regenerate the body, mind and soul connection.






            Here in the mature adulthood world we don’t do “homework” we complete “paperwork” since most of life is work or suffering either from terrible health or bad illnesses which is no one’s fault to be ill or disabled.


            Bad health and disability happens to people since we’re bioorganic material like apples or fruit.


            The only time I’m not calm, is, when I’m physically mishandled such as being spit in the face or literally kidnapped and without real choice to peace or not once having my rights read to me out loud or without any permission and against my will removed from my legally owned Homesteaded property while all the while my current legal partner twice threatened to throw me down the steep forty-five degree angle drop off backyard hill as he held an electric tool and pointed the electric tool at me as our neighbors and I went silent and held our collective breath.



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,200


Word Count: 1,284


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 1,276 + 452 = 1,728 + 1,284 = 3,012


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #10 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #1 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Blood Pressure: 102/66 mmHg / Pulse: 86 (04/07/17), 125/85 75 (08/18/17)


*)         CHOLESTEROL, Total

294 (10/20/2014), 245 (06/02/15), 276 (01/22/16), 273 (04/07/17) 


            HDL Cholesterol

49 (10/20/2014), 50 (06/02/15), 52 (01/22/16), 53 (04/07/17)



296 H (10/20/2014), 241 H (06/02/15), 253 H (01/22/16), 389 (04/07/17) 



186 H (10/20/2014), 147 H (06/02/15), 173 H (01/22/16) 142 (04/07/17) 


            CHOL/HDLC RATIO

6.0 H (10/20/2014), 4.9 (06/02/15), 5.3 H (01/22/16) 5.2 (04/07/17) 



245 H (10/20/2014), 195 H (06/02/15), 224 H (01/22/16)


            IRON, Total

79 mcg/dl (10/20/2014), 52 mcg/dl (06/02/15), 137 mcg/dl (01/22/16)


            CORTISOL, Total

            19.2 (10/20/2014), N/A (06/02/15), 11.9 (01/22/16)


*)         Week #34 without any higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #28 without one sleeping pill per night by mouth “Zolpidem Tartrate” 10 MG


*)         Week #8 (1st prescribed 09/03/15) without antidepressants specifically for fake-pregnancy hormones, one per day by mouth, no more: “Escitalopram Oxalate” 20 MG (06/21/17 end of dosage.)


*)         Day #6 (09/07/17) on antidepressants specifically to get over fake-pregnancy hormones within a one month span of time for hormones to clear out of the bloodstream: “OLANZapine” 5MG within the next week then no more “OLANZapine.” My speech is slurred like a drunken alcoholic sailor’s speech. Oh, well. I’m supportive of pharmaceutical drugs. I refuse to take any form or type of painkillers. Nope.


Friday, August 18, 2017


“You may regret your silence once, but you will regret your words often.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Choreography (science of dancing, especially ballet dancing)


The choreography in the performance was exceptional.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 5:47pm CT, 6:28pm CT, 6:35pm CT, 6:42pm CT


Happy Friday!


---  ---  ---


            Oh, my, three lives dead…


---  ---  ---


            Oh, Barcelona;


            You’re in my heart.

            Oh, dear close friends of our family since 1984.

            Oh, beloved ones, past prime minister’s adult children now.


---  ---  ---


No Whining

No Complaining


“Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Fear Itself.”

                                            --- J.F.K.



“Fight for your right to party.”

                                                         --- Beastie Boys




Impeachment 2017



The F.B.I. is our only hope.



Cocaine and Prostitution

Will be legalized

In 2017-2018








The Most Dangerous Time

In Any Woman’s Life,

Is Right Before








An Athlete’s Strong Mind


            Today, an amazing psychiatrist brought down my dosage of “OLANZiopine” from 20MG to 5MG then in two weeks from now when we meet for the second appointment then zero dosage to nothing. Thank you, doctor.


            What an amazing and wonderful humanitarian doctora.


            Well, considering the last three fast paced weeks I’ve had, I still stand tall and am cheery and in a good mood and am even willing to smile at kind and smart and intelligent strangers and their strollers and dogs and coffee. Ha!


            Again, I won the week.


            Monday, July 24th, 2017, at 9:00am I went in for a laparoscopic outpatient surgical procedure in which my two fallopian tubes and one uterus were removed through two small incisions and literally through the belly button.


            Wednesday-Thursday, July 26-27, 2017, at 12:34am CT my current legal partner’s mother passed away. (R.I.P.)


            Saturday, July 29th, 2017 at 6:32am CT I flew to Los Angeles.


            Saturday, August 5th, 2017, at 11:59pm CT, safely arrived in Twin Cities.


            Monday, August 7th, 2017, at 10:15pm CT, kidnapped and taken against my will by two Robbinsdale, MN male Caucasian police officers and two Caucasian paramedics (one a man, the other a woman who against my will or consent pricked me with 300MG of “Ketamine” drugs) who administered one shot of “Ketamine” (PCP) and bound my right wrist above my head and my left wrist below my waist while on a stretcher.


            Friday, August 11th, 2017, at 2:30pm CT, discharged from a 72-Hour hold.


            Saturday, 12th, 2017, at 1:00pm CT, moved to north Minneapolis, MN in a quiet residential home with gorgeous private flower gardens and family friendly neighborhood for whom grant me one month free and safe passage. Thank you. North, Minneapolis, MN -- I love you.


            Friday, August 18th, 2017 at 3:30pm CT, change of dosage from 20MG (twenty) to 5MG (five.) Cheers.


            Behind my belly button I still feel pain.


            Ran out of stamina for today.


            See you tomorrow, Saturday.



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 400


Word Count: 452


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 1,276 + 452 = 1,728


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #9 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #1 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Blood Pressure: 102/66 mmHg / Pulse: 86 (04/07/17)


*)         CHOLESTEROL, Total

294 (10/20/2014), 245 (06/02/15), 276 (01/22/16) 273 (04/07/17) 


            HDL Cholesterol

49 (10/20/2014), 50 (06/02/15), 52 (01/22/16), 53 (04/07/17)



296 H (10/20/2014), 241 H (06/02/15), 253 H (01/22/16), 389 (04/07/17) 



186 H (10/20/2014), 147 H (06/02/15), 173 H (01/22/16) 142 (04/07/17) 


            CHOL/HDLC RATIO

6.0 H (10/20/2014), 4.9 (06/02/15), 5.3 H (01/22/16) 5.2 (04/07/17) 



245 H (10/20/2014), 195 H (06/02/15), 224 H (01/22/16)


            IRON, Total

79 mcg/dl (10/20/2014), 52 mcg/dl (06/02/15), 137 mcg/dl (01/22/16)


            CORTISOL, Total

            19.2 (10/20/2014), N/A (06/02/15), 11.9 (01/22/16)


*)         Week #34 without any higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #28 without one sleeping pill per night by mouth “Zolpidem Tartrate” 10 MG


*)         Week #8 (1st prescribed 09/03/15) without antidepressants specifically for fake-pregnancy hormones, one per day by mouth, no more: “Escitalopram Oxalate” 20 MG (06/21/17 end of dosage.)


*)         Day #5 (09/07/17) on antidepressants specifically to get over fake-pregnancy hormones within a one month span of time for hormones to clear out of the bloodstream: “OLANZapine” 5MG within the next week then no more “OLANZapine.” My speech is slurred like a drunken alcoholic sailor’s speech. Oh, well. I’m supportive of pharmaceutical drugs. I refuse to take any form or type of painkillers. Nope.


Thursday, August 17, 2017


“The secrets of men are as different as their faces.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Auspicious (favorable, fortune, of good omen)


That surely is an auspicious beginning.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: pm CT


Happy Thursday!


---  ---  ---


            Oh, my! Three lives dead…


---  ---  ---



No Whining

No Complaining


“Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Fear Itself.”

                                            --- J.F.K.



“Fight for your right to party.”

                                                         --- Beastie Boys




Impeachment 2017



The F.B.I. is our only hope.



Cocaine and Prostitution

Will be legalized

In 2017-2018








The Most Dangerous Time

In Any Woman’s Life,

Is Right Before








No Blog



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,000


Word Count:


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 1,276


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #8 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #1 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Blood Pressure: 102/66 mmHg / Pulse: 86 (04/07/17)


*)         CHOLESTEROL, Total

294 (10/20/2014), 245 (06/02/15), 276 (01/22/16) 273 (04/07/17) 


            HDL Cholesterol

49 (10/20/2014), 50 (06/02/15), 52 (01/22/16), 53 (04/07/17)



296 H (10/20/2014), 241 H (06/02/15), 253 H (01/22/16), 389 (04/07/17) 



186 H (10/20/2014), 147 H (06/02/15), 173 H (01/22/16) 142 (04/07/17) 


            CHOL/HDLC RATIO

6.0 H (10/20/2014), 4.9 (06/02/15), 5.3 H (01/22/16) 5.2 (04/07/17) 



245 H (10/20/2014), 195 H (06/02/15), 224 H (01/22/16)


            IRON, Total

79 mcg/dl (10/20/2014), 52 mcg/dl (06/02/15), 137 mcg/dl (01/22/16)


            CORTISOL, Total

            19.2 (10/20/2014), N/A (06/02/15), 11.9 (01/22/16)


*)         Week #34 without any higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #28 without one sleeping pill per night by mouth “Zolpidem Tartrate” 10 MG


*)         Week #8 (1st prescribed 09/03/15) without antidepressants specifically for fake-pregnancy hormones, one per day by mouth, no more: “Escitalopram Oxalate” 20 MG (06/21/17 end of dosage.)


*)         Week #4 (09/07/17) on antidepressants specifically to get over fake-pregnancy hormones within a one month span of time for hormones to clear out of the bloodstream: “OLANZapine” 20MG. My speech is slurred like a drunken alcoholic sailor’s speech. Oh, well. I’m supportive of pharmaceutical drugs. I refuse to take any form or type of painkillers.


Wednesday, August 16, 2017


“Fools and children cannot keep secrets.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Necromancy (revealing future by pretended communications with spirits)


The magician was accused of practicing necromancy, but he denied it.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: am CT


Happy Wednesday!


---  ---  ---


            Oh, my! Three lives dead…


---  ---  ---



No Whining

No Complaining


“Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Fear Itself.”

                                            --- J.F.K.



“Fight for your right to party.”

                                                         --- Beastie Boys




Impeachment 2017



The F.B.I. is our only hope.



Cocaine and Prostitution

Will be legalized

In 2017-2018








The Most Dangerous Time

In Any Woman’s Life,

Is Right Before











            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,000


Word Count: private journals


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 1,276


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #7 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #1 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Blood Pressure: 102/66 mmHg / Pulse: 86 (04/07/17)


*)         CHOLESTEROL, Total

294 (10/20/2014), 245 (06/02/15), 276 (01/22/16) 273 (04/07/17) 


            HDL Cholesterol

49 (10/20/2014), 50 (06/02/15), 52 (01/22/16), 53 (04/07/17)



296 H (10/20/2014), 241 H (06/02/15), 253 H (01/22/16), 389 (04/07/17) 



186 H (10/20/2014), 147 H (06/02/15), 173 H (01/22/16) 142 (04/07/17) 


            CHOL/HDLC RATIO

6.0 H (10/20/2014), 4.9 (06/02/15), 5.3 H (01/22/16) 5.2 (04/07/17) 



245 H (10/20/2014), 195 H (06/02/15), 224 H (01/22/16)


            IRON, Total

79 mcg/dl (10/20/2014), 52 mcg/dl (06/02/15), 137 mcg/dl (01/22/16)


            CORTISOL, Total

            19.2 (10/20/2014), N/A (06/02/15), 11.9 (01/22/16)


*)         Week #34 without any higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #28 without one sleeping pill per night by mouth “Zolpidem Tartrate” 10 MG


*)         Week #8 (1st prescribed 09/03/15) without antidepressants specifically for fake-pregnancy hormones, one per day by mouth, no more: “Escitalopram Oxalate” 20 MG (06/21/17 end of dosage.)


*)         Week #3 (09/07/17) on antidepressants specifically to get over fake-pregnancy hormones within a one month span of time for hormones to clear out of the bloodstream: “OLANZapine” 20MG. My speech is slurred like a drunken alcoholic sailor’s speech. Oh, well. I’m supportive of pharmaceutical drugs. I refuse to take any form or type of painkillers.


Tuesday, August 15, 2017


“A word without thought is like a foot without muscles.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Alliteration (repetition of consonant sounds in words for musical effect)


Alliteration is a characteristic of old English poetry.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 4:21pm CT


Happy Tuesday!


---  ---  ---


            Oh, my! Three lives dead…


---  ---  ---



No Whining

No Complaining



“Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Fear Itself.”

                                            --- J.F.K.



“Fight for your right to party.”

                                                         --- Beastie Boys




Impeachment 2017



The F.B.I. is our only hope.



Cocaine and Prostitution

Will be legalized

In 2017-2018








The Most Dangerous Time

In Any Woman’s Life,

Is Right Before










            Practically, all moved out and into my new living quarters.


            Following up with professional leads…


            Thanks “Minerva” at MPR.




            Personal Note:


            Leadership doesn’t equate money or power. No.


            Any man/woman who sells anything is either a “business man” or a “used car sale’s man/woman” and neither is equipped or capable to tell The People how to live or what to believe in since American audiences are “tough cookies” to sell anything to.


            Writers have power.


            As a matter of fact writers hold most if not then all of the power.


            Corporate holds all of the money and no power or creative value.


            How shall we marry the two?


            How shall we bridge this gap?


            How shall we mend this bridge?


            How will corporate ever fall in love for any “hot babe” artists?


            “Love Wins!”


            Americans won’t take lessons or get preached at by money men. Nope.


            The global communications writers and bloggers and diarists got this.


            We’ve got this.


            We’ve had this since the days of cave paintings.


            Writers’ main and only function is to write to make sense out of confusion.


            Any personal or medical aspects to any writers’ life or lifestyle has nothing to do with the intellectual power and kind humanitarian smarts of one’s own kind mind.


            Three weeks out of medical recuperation and I won the next fifty years of freedom.


            Social workers and doctors and medical staff have informed me I don’t have to give out my address to either my current legal partner or mom or dad after all three advocated to have me admitted for as long as a month to the psychiatric evaluation unit.


            In some ways I’d love to see my current legal partner or mom or dad deal with a 72-hour hold as they’d hypothetically work out a 72-hour hold. LOL…


            No, I’m not an artist.


            Yes, I’m a writer.


            Major distinction.



I know perfectly well who I am

I came out of the womb, “Happy go lucky.”




            Have taken 20MG of “OLANZapine” doesn’t change my mood much or how I think or who I truly am or how I interact with others.


            Other than “OLANZapine” is another form of speed.


            On 20MG of “OLANzapine” my speech was slurred and I was tipsy on my feet.


            Practically, 20MG of “OLANZapine” gave me a high as though I’d had two beers back-to-back.


            This Friday I have a psychology appointment and must ask the psychologist to please tone down the medicine otherwise, goodness, gracious me.


            “Labels” don’t mean anything to me since it’s what “Millennials” are taught to believe “labels” don’t exist therefore I believe what the next generation believes.


            Yes, I overcame an eight year illness of a terrible hormonal imbalance and being ridden by tumors and three surgeries later as well as overcame a our major marital obstacles which I’m on the homestretch and only I can carry my body across the finish line. I’m on this. I’ve got this.


            Whenever anyone looks at my calm disposition and quiet nature then one begins to understand why I was practically “thrown out” (analogy) of the psychiatric evaluation unit at North Memorial Hospital in Robbinsdale, MN in which patients rocked themselves or other patients screamed out swear words or patients who were extremely paranoid or patients who self-loathed or patients who doubted their entire whole existences or patients who didn’t know the date or patients who were dropped off by relatives who don’t want to deal with mental illnesses or forgetfulness in older years. Sigh.


            Personally, I’ve come to discover my good and strong character neither changes much depending where I am or with whom I platonically non-sexually interact or visit nor under 20MG of “OLANZapine” nor whether patients rock back and forth nor whether patients scream or throw walkers or any other melodrama. Sigh some more.


            Yes, I won fifty years of freedom.


            Yes, my current legal partner and Harvard mom and Dr. Dad in one form or another communicated and advocated for me to be admitted to a psychiatric evaluation unit for an entire month at North Memorial Hospital, Robbinsdale, MN.


            Yes, I was practically “thrown out” (analogy) of North Memorial Hospital in Robbinsdale, MN and told not for any reason to ever again return. Loud and clear.


            Yes, I’m doing a strong and robust professional job search in Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA while we attend divorce proceedings whenever court proceedings may or may not take up a lot of time away from writing and professional steadfast fulltime employment until the day I retire at 70 or 80.


            Yes, I’m ultimately quite commercial and contemporary and corporate casual dresser as well as quiet thoughtful intellectual who is actually kind and smart (triple threat) employee who loves to work long hours at moderately medium paced days since our days here are long work days since way after dark dishes still need to be washed.


            This lifestyle is real.


            Yes, later on this afternoon I’ll apply to a position in Los Angeles, California for “Content Officer” which is what I’ve professionally done here on this website for the past seven years since we launched the blog in May of 2010.


            Yes, my current legal partner owns “,” however. I own the content for the entire website therefore “” will become “House of Estrada” and “” will become its own entity someplace else where.


            Yes, “Holm Digital” gets the multi-million dollar investors already paid off by Taviette Film Productions (R.I.P.) my former documentary film company as retired director for the past six years which is now a film company “dissolved” by accountants as of December 31, 2014.


            Yes, “Holm Digital” gets their domain name back.


            Yes, “House of Estrada” stays put right here.


            Yes, “Holm Digital” now takes our web engineers with “Holm Digital.”


            Yes, eventually I’ll completely run and maintain and web develop “House of Estrada’s” website.


            Yes, the next “Holm Digital” won’t have anything to do with me or my work.


            Yes, the next “Holm Digital” projects to take all traffic of five million and leave me with three hundred thousand readers.


            Yes, the “self-portrait” gallery stands strong at about roughly give or take within a few numbers: the gallery stands at about thirteen million viewers from India. Wow.


            Even I don’t want to know about the numbers for the “self-portrait” series.


            Yes, all bodies of work and content or “intellectual property” belongs to me.


            Yes, the next “Holm Digital” site name will belong to my now present current legal partner.


            Yes, my wits are intact.


            My mind is sharp.


            Yes, I’m present.


            Yes, I’m right here.


            No, I’m not going anywhere.


            This cyberspace is where I belong for now until ten years of the blog are completed and final and done forever then we start a ten year pod cast to learn to be a better public speaker even though it’s one of my weaknesses in life to publically speak.


            Readers, please, let all of us pat ourselves on the back.


            We made it through a long summer season. I feel the chill of September upon the land. Whew. It’s cold in Minnesota.



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,000


Word Count: 1,276


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 1,276


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #6 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #1 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Blood Pressure: 102/66 mmHg / Pulse: 86 (04/07/17)


*)         CHOLESTEROL, Total

294 (10/20/2014), 245 (06/02/15), 276 (01/22/16) 273 (04/07/17) 


            HDL Cholesterol

49 (10/20/2014), 50 (06/02/15), 52 (01/22/16), 53 (04/07/17)



296 H (10/20/2014), 241 H (06/02/15), 253 H (01/22/16), 389 (04/07/17) 



186 H (10/20/2014), 147 H (06/02/15), 173 H (01/22/16) 142 (04/07/17) 


            CHOL/HDLC RATIO

6.0 H (10/20/2014), 4.9 (06/02/15), 5.3 H (01/22/16) 5.2 (04/07/17) 



245 H (10/20/2014), 195 H (06/02/15), 224 H (01/22/16)


            IRON, Total

79 mcg/dl (10/20/2014), 52 mcg/dl (06/02/15), 137 mcg/dl (01/22/16)


            CORTISOL, Total

            19.2 (10/20/2014), N/A (06/02/15), 11.9 (01/22/16)


*)         Week #34 without any higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #28 without one sleeping pill per night by mouth “Zolpidem Tartrate” 10 MG


*)         Week #8 (1st prescribed 09/03/15) without antidepressants specifically for fake-pregnancy hormones, one per day by mouth, no more: “Escitalopram Oxalate” 20 MG (06/21/17 end of dosage.)


*)         Week #2 (09/07/17) on antidepressants specifically to get over fake-pregnancy hormones within a one month span of time for hormones to clear out of the bloodstream: “OLANZapine” 20MG. My speech is slurred like a drunken alcoholic sailor’s speech. Oh, well. I’m supportive of pharmaceutical drugs. I refuse to take any form or type of painkillers.


Monday, August 14, 2017


“Men at work are not obliged to stand up when a sage passes by. [Other men are].”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Adamant (hard-headed, firm, uncompromising)


My dad was adamant about letting me take the car.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---






Happy Monday!


---  ---  ---



No Whining

No Complaining


“Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Fear Itself.”

                                            --- J.F.K.



“Fight for your right to party.”

                                                         --- Beastie Boys




Impeachment 2017



The F.B.I. is our only hope.



Cocaine and Prostitution

Will be legalized

In 2017-2018








The Most Dangerous Time

In Any Woman’s Life,

Is Right Before










Following up with professional leads


Thank you, “Minerva” at MPR



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,000


Word Count:


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count:


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #5 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #1 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Blood Pressure: 102/66 mmHg / Pulse: 86 (04/07/17)


*)         CHOLESTEROL, Total

294 (10/20/2014), 245 (06/02/15), 276 (01/22/16) 273 (04/07/17) 


            HDL Cholesterol

49 (10/20/2014), 50 (06/02/15), 52 (01/22/16), 53 (04/07/17)



296 H (10/20/2014), 241 H (06/02/15), 253 H (01/22/16), 389 (04/07/17) 



186 H (10/20/2014), 147 H (06/02/15), 173 H (01/22/16) 142 (04/07/17) 


            CHOL/HDLC RATIO

6.0 H (10/20/2014), 4.9 (06/02/15), 5.3 H (01/22/16) 5.2 (04/07/17) 



245 H (10/20/2014), 195 H (06/02/15), 224 H (01/22/16)


            IRON, Total

79 mcg/dl (10/20/2014), 52 mcg/dl (06/02/15), 137 mcg/dl (01/22/16)


            CORTISOL, Total

            19.2 (10/20/2014), N/A (06/02/15), 11.9 (01/22/16)


*)         Week #34 without any higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #28 without one sleeping pill per night by mouth “Zolpidem Tartrate” 10 MG


*)         Week #8 (1st prescribed 09/03/15) without antidepressants specifically for fake-pregnancy hormones, one per day by mouth, no more: “Escitalopram Oxalate” 20 MG (06/21/17 end of dosage.)



*)         Week #1 (09/07/17) on antidepressants specifically to get over fake-pregnancy hormones within a one month span of time for hormones to clear out of the bloodstream: “OLANZapine” 20MG. My speech is slurred like a drunken alcoholic sailor’s speech. Oh, well. I’m supportive of pharmaceutical drugs. I refuse to take any form or type of painkillers.


Friday, August 11, 2017 / Saturday, August 12, 2017 / Sunday, August 13, 2017


“The hardest work is being idle.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Analgesic (reducing pain, soothing)


A generous portion of the analgesic balm was applied to the bruise.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: Friday: 7:59pm CT, CT, 10:11pm CT  


Upload: Sunday: 3:50am CT, 4:00am CT, 1:20pm CT, 2:37pm CT


Happy Friday!

Happy Saturday!

Happy Sunday!


---  ---  ---




*)         Doctors and nurses and staff told me, “I don’t ever want to see you here ever again.” Loud and clear.


---  ---  ---




            Tonight, I spoke with my current legal partner who doesn’t want me at our leally owned house for anymore than two weeks from today. Sigh.


            Found an 81 year young woman to room with.


            I have $200.00 in cash to my name and nothing else.


            I’ve been granted safe passage and safe sanctuary in north, Minneapolis.


            North, Minneapolis, Thank you. I love you.


            Back to where I started this journey on May 1, 2006 -- North, Minneapolis.

            (Correction on date)


---  ---  ---


            About to take a cigarette smoke break and relax in the great outdoors.


            Nobody calls the cops otherwise my valuable time will be wasted.


            Seriously, please.


---  ---  ---




            First, always remove any 250 pound 6’0” man from the home environment rather than any 150 pound 5’3” woman who is absolutely no physical threat to any man at all much less any women as “second class citizens” who doesn’t have the same rights as men do in modern America especially without equal pay for equal work.


---  ---  ---




            Women May Yell or Scream or Cry in any Situation She May See Fit.


            It is indeed and in fact the Manhattan sophisticate mature modern women who teach me socially and culturally about how women of any race or creed or nationality may openly cry or weep and/or yell or scream upon any streets of America and in front of the general public since any type of cries or weeping or screams or yells is definitely not anybody’s business as to for why women cry or scream or yell or weep.


            Please, leave women alone to cry and verbally defend themselves against husbands who might possibly threaten the very lives of women as legal property or whenever women must cry or yell or scream since the world is a difficult place and from minute-to-minute situations and circumstances may drastically change and women may get kidnapped even by the local Robbinsdale, MN police force and have her insides turned around and sent back to day one of recuperation from a laparoscopic hysterectomy surgery.


            Leave women alone.


            American women are indeed and factually “second class citizens.”


            Modern mature women of the world hold the right and the prerogative to change her mind at any time she sees fit.


            Also mature modern women may scream and/or yell or weep or cry whenever and wherever anyone as much as assumes to physically mishandle her or physically abuse her in any way, shape or form especially only two weeks out of laparoscopic surgery from having a major reproductive organ removed through her belly button. Shame.


            Plague Upon Your Houses.


            I won the week.


---  ---  ---




            Anytime, I need any personal resources such as “socks” or “underwear” or “bras” then my current legal partner and I get into “verbal altercations” over money since the “power struggle” is much, too, much for me to contend with such disrespect rather than silently take the abuse by myself I make sure my current legal partner is in as much pain or agony as I am without resources thus I do tend to behind closed doors either yell or scream in order to be heard and not to be treated as a slave rather be treated as a lovely modern part time housewife and part time blogger/writer/diarist.


---  ---  ---


No Whining

No Complaining



“Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Fear Itself.”

                                            --- J.F.K.



“Fight for your right to party.”

                                                         --- Beastie Boys




Impeachment 2017



The F.B.I. is our only hope.



Cocaine and Prostitution

Will be legalized

In 2017-2018








The Most Dangerous Time

In Any Woman’s Life,

Is Right Before








Minnesota, You Broke My Heart


I cried.


I Won the Week!


All I want is a Divorce.



            On Monday, 7th, 2017 at approximately 8:00pm CT I mowed the entire front lawn and side yard and also I mowed one of the next door neighbor’s lawns since our one particular Muslim next door neighbor already knows my real marital struggles and lack-of-resources dilemma about how once this summer there was absolutely no money in my current legal partner’s bank account therefore, no food.


            There was nothing to eat in our refrigerator or cupboards thus I went nearly two full days without food until our Muslim neighbors offered some of their homemade lunch and I humbly accepted and devoured the food within less than five minutes then I paid for it later. The food was excellent, however.


            Goat cuisine and I don’t get along. Oh, well. I still continue to eat goat cuisine, anyway.


            The hunger ordeal is embarrassing enough to admit face-to-face with neighbors much less write to readers for readers to read about how I sometimes don’t have all of the necessary resources available to me as a “20th century” part time stay at home housewife who’s been working 20 hours per week, per 8 years doing 99% of the property’s maintenance and household chores and general cleanup and wear and tear. I’m tired to be treated as less than a cleaning woman to my current male Finn-Minnesotan legal partner since cleaning women at least get paid for their none sexual services and I bet cleaning women get to go on vacations at least once per year while I’ve only gone on vacation once within five years and I went to Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, 90038.



Return Flight to Minnesota

Scheduled Doctor’s appointments

(Saturday, July 29th, 2017-Saturday, August 5th, 2017)


            If I wanted to completely run away from my marriage’s negative situation then I would’ve disappeared all completely with either German tourist engineers or gotten lost in the awesome and peaceful culture of Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, 90038.


            As flattering as it may be I had one 58 year old man ask me to move in with him and live in Los Angeles and start a life with him. Respectfully I declined. I only want to hypothetically and romantically date men no more than three years older or three years younger than me and nothing more. I’d like to stay within my peer group and intellectual and creative equals.


            Indubitably, I made definite plans and concrete arrangements to be back to Minnesota exactly within one week after July 24th, 2017 when I had a major reproductive organ (uterus and 2/fallopian tubes) removed through means of laparoscopic surgical procedure directly through my belly button.


            Before I left Minnesota to go on vacation to Los Angeles I made concrete medical appointments for Thursday August 10th, 2017 to see my Ob/Gyn in Crystal, MN. I had a return flight. I had concrete plans to return to Minnesota after one week’s vacation and anybody who’s anybody knows my exact GPS location and knows I was on vacation for one week while I recuperated from surgery.


            For crying out loud all of my best friends live and work in San Francisco and I didn’t see a single one since Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA is now my new stomping grounds per one week’s blessed vacation time. Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA, “I’m coming home to you” as soon as this divorce goes through.


            The only thing for which holds me together is a stitched up belly button thus I have to be quite careful not to lift anymore than 15 pounds of weight.


            Although this Friday, August 11, 2017 I began to pack my meager and humble belongings to move to another undisclosed private residential location -- my stomach didn’t like all of the heavy lifting since books weigh a ton.


            There’s not one single soul here to help me lift any heavy objects thus I’ve done it on my own and I still stand.


            My strength is the strength of ten men. Truly, I know.


            My physical strength is a true testament to my earlier years as an avid athlete all throughout 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th grade of high school plus the arts and private musical lessons and chess have helped me to better analyze the world around me and take calculated risks while skateboarding flat planes.


            The only reason why I’m a writer is because I was first an athlete.


            Writing is nothing except a mental stamina long term game of linguistic chess.


            Yes, from Saturday, July 29th, 2017 to Saturday, August 5th, 2017 I vacationed in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, 90038. It was marvelous. It was simply glorious.


            My holiday was by far the best vacation/holiday of my entire life since Hollywood; Los Angeles, California is the kindest and safest place I’ve ever skateboarded while in search of decent groceries. I brought the groceries back to my creative abode across the street from Paramount Studios at the famous “Hollywood Dream Suites/Hotel.”


            There’s no sin or broken law in having any mature adult woman of forty make her own travel arrangements to better heal and recuperate without the deep sadness of bereavement all around our house and family members.


            My one week well structured vacation/holiday was my first time out of the state of Minnesota within the past recent five years.


            Personally, I had a splendid time on my solo vacation/holiday.


            Personally, I rocked Hollywood, Los Angeles, California.


            Yes, I skateboarded any which way to find any type of decent grocery stores filled and well stocked with Burt’s Bees lip balm and "Milk and Honey" lotions or Lubriderm none perfumed face lotion or Neutrogena’s acne face wash.


            No, the plan wasn’t for me to flee and escape life’s responsibilities. Nope.


            Simply, I took a seven day vacation from the grief of bereavement.


            My current legal partner’s mother passed away in the early hours of Wednesday, July 26th, 2017.


            No, I no longer attend any type of funerals or weddings. Either funerals or weddings are exhaustive work and time consuming and tedious and overwhelming to go to either weddings or funerals in the “West.”


            In the Latino culture we view death and marriage quite differently than in the “West.”


            Yes, I went to Hollywood, Los Angeles, California to physically heal properly away from under the duress and stress of bereavement because anyone person I spoke to or consulted with me told me to go and take a vacation thus I did. Thank you for the suggestion.


            Yes, as of this Friday, August 11th, 2017 my insides felt more like a literal kick to the stomach than anything else. I lifted more heavy suitcases than I care to say here.



72-Hour Hold



The Robbinsdale, MN police force




(The title of the movie)


            On the night of Saturday, August 5th, 2017, I flew in from Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, 90038.


            On the night of Sunday, August 6th, 2017, for two hours I vacuumed the entire house and washed dishes and cooked dinner and unpacked and did laundry.


            On the night of Monday, August 7th, 2017, after I cut the lawn for two hours I felt an overwhelming feeling of being used by my current legal partner thus I “brought out the big guns” (analogy) and began to look for an angle in which I could perfectly tell my current legal partner to leave me alone.


            My current legal partner hates the fact I find him to be a mean spirited man who hasn’t made any strides in his intellectual or spiritual or emotional development through the course of eleven years of being catered to and waited upon and served hand-and-foot by me.


            My current legal partner is spiritual deadweight.


            My current legal partner wastes my time.


            My current legal partner is emotionally dead thus not in any way, shape or form is my current legal partner in sync with me since I don’t like to be married to a person who wants to be catered to or who only watches television, eats, poops and sleeps. I might as well have gotten a hamster pet rather than a marriage license and certificate.


            On the night of Monday, August 7th, 2017 when my current legal partner came home from work at 8:00pm CT I told him, “Don’t tell me anything about your day. Your days are always the same.”


            Even though both my Mother-In-Law (R.I.P.) and I did tell my current legal partner to go find another job or line of work since he is definitely incredibly sick and tired of the abuse he receives at work then why take the abuse since seventy thousand is a lot of money, however.


            My current legal partner hardly ever asks me how my days are.


            As an expectation I must ask how my current legal partner’s days are.


            Seventy grand isn’t anything to sneeze at, however.


            Seventy grand doesn’t go far and for eleven years we’ve live on $38,000 per annual household spending.


            Nobody puts a gun to my current legal partner’s head or makes him work at a difficult company for which treats all of the employees like garbage and this year the company didn’t grant any single pay raise as of this past May 2017. Bummer. We truly needed the raise.


            To be continued…



Robbinsdale, MN’s cops

Monday, August 7th, 2017 at 10:15pm CT


“Taming of the Shrew”


William Shakespeare


            On the night of Monday, August 7th, 2017 at 10:15pm CT, I was brought into the emergency room of North Memorial Hospital against my will or consent.


            Between 8:30pm CT and 9:30pm CT both my current legal partner and I fought quietly or out loud and seriously.


            First and foremost; at 8:45pm CT with our one-and-only “verbal altercation” my current legal partner refused to give me any money to go and purchase my underwear at Crystal, MN Target store. Thus and therefore I called my current legal partner a “fat fuck ugly motherfucker.”


            The social workers at either the emergency room or outpatient thought it was great alliteration. We laughed about it.


            Second, after our one-and-only initial major “verbal altercation” at around 8:45pm CT then I was determined to go to Target Crystal, MN to purchase underwear (undergarments) except on three different occasions I forgot three things therefore I went back to the house for the car keys and got them from a drawer in the front entry way, therefore.


            Immediately, after I called my current legal partner a “fat fuck ugly motherfucker” I saw the thunder of anger and silent rage behind my current legal partner. I knew we were in for a wild ride which I’m not partial to any type of wild rides or roller coasters or haunted mansions or anything of the sort or kind or type. Nope. No, thank you.


            Before entering our home to retrieve the car keys I paused at the front door and I yelled at my current legal partner who stood in the kitchen directly across from the front door. “I’m going to now enter the house and you’re not allowed to cause any bodily harm to my person.” I repeated myself three times and each time I reassured my voice which quivered while I spoke a plea for my safe keeping and safe passage into our household.


            “I’m not going to harm you,” said my current legal partner. I wasn’t sure.


            Reassured I went through the front door and found the car keys and went to get water while in a regular voice I said, “Someday, someone will get even with you for what you’ve done to me. Karma’s a bitch...)”


            The second time I entered the house was via the downstairs patio door to the back of the house.


            Personally, I only re-entered the house since I needed my sweater.


            The third time I approached to retrieve a handkerchief. I stopped and climbed back into the car and drove all the way to 36th street at the red light, I read a text then I made a complete U-turn and returned home and parked the car on the street rather than in the driveway and went straight to our neighbors back door where she sat and smoked a cigarette. We smoked a cigarette and simply informed her about how my current legal partner and I had fought over money for me to go get underwear or socks or bras at Crystal, MN Target.


            We spoke as two women of the world about how she’d had her hair straightened. We talked all about her jeans and her cute t-shirt which looked white in the dusk/night outdoor natural light except the t-shirt was actually more salmon pink than white.


            We spoke about how her birthday was the following day and she was going to enjoy and relax on her 35th birthday.


            We finished smoking two cigarettes and my Muslim neighbor needed to go back inside and do some more cooking thus I was going to climb back into the car when I came upon the side yard and two male officers stood at the front door of my house and said, “Hey, you there. Ma'am, we just want to speak with you.


            “I didn’t call you. I don’t know what any of this is. I don’t have any business with you and now I’m going to walk away.” I said and peacefully and quietly I walked away which I have the right to walk away from any verbal altercation or surprise attacks or lies or sabotage.


            Thus I did go back down the small decline and through a six foot chain link fence and went to unlock our backdoor patio, however.


            My hands did terribly shake and I wasn’t able to manage the backdoor lock thus I was cornered by two male police officers who purposely followed me upon my own private property and continually inched into my personal space until a paramedic came onsite and pricked me with “300MG of PCP,” however.


            As any power hungry people of the world they refused to tell me what they had injected me with and no one would tell me what poison they had put into my bloodstream without my consent.


            I went limp and they had to carry me out as a peaceful pacifist activist of humanitarian values.


            The last call I made out over the horn was to Harvard elite while they listened to me cry out, “neighbors, please take video of this.”


            “Olanzapine,” gives me a slurred speech.


            Yes, I won the week through sheer wit and logic. What else is there?


            Yes, I ate better at the hospital than I do at home. Wow.



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 2,909


Word Count: 3,139


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 1,999 + 3,139 = 5,138


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #2 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #1 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Blood Pressure: 102/66 mmHg / Pulse: 86 (04/07/17)


*)         CHOLESTEROL, Total

294 (10/20/2014), 245 (06/02/15), 276 (01/22/16) 273 (04/07/17) 


            HDL Cholesterol

49 (10/20/2014), 50 (06/02/15), 52 (01/22/16), 53 (04/07/17)



296 H (10/20/2014), 241 H (06/02/15), 253 H (01/22/16), 389 (04/07/17) 



186 H (10/20/2014), 147 H (06/02/15), 173 H (01/22/16) 142 (04/07/17) 


            CHOL/HDLC RATIO

6.0 H (10/20/2014), 4.9 (06/02/15), 5.3 H (01/22/16) 5.2 (04/07/17) 



245 H (10/20/2014), 195 H (06/02/15), 224 H (01/22/16)


            IRON, Total

79 mcg/dl (10/20/2014), 52 mcg/dl (06/02/15), 137 mcg/dl (01/22/16)


            CORTISOL, Total

            19.2 (10/20/2014), N/A (06/02/15), 11.9 (01/22/16)


*)         Week #33 without any higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #27 without one sleeping pill per night by mouth “Zolpidem Tartrate” 10 MG


*)         Week #7 (09/03/15) without antidepressants specifically for fake-pregnancy hormones, one per day by mouth, no more: “Escitalopram Oxalate” 20 MG (06/21/17 end of dosage.)


Monday, August 7, 2017


“A kind word is no substitute for a piece of herring or a bag of oats.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Choleric (hot-tempered, easily angered)


A choleric person usually has a violent temper.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 4:32pm CT, 4:58pm CT


Happy Monday!


---  ---  ---



No Whining

No Complaining



“Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself.”

                                            --- J.F.K.



“Fight for your right to party.”

                                                         --- Beastie Boys




Impeachment 2017



The F.B.I. is our only hope.



Cocaine and Prostitution

Will be legalized

In 2017-2018








The Most Dangerous Time

In Any Woman’s Life,

Is Right Before








Hollywood, California, 90038


            Yes, as of this very morning at 11:42am CT (9:42am PCT) still I conducted transactions in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California.


            My hard earned money’s still peacefully circulating in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California. Awesome.


            This morning in the Twin Cities of Minnesota we did our part and “paid it forward” $525.00 dollars to “Hollywood Dream Suite/Hotel” in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California to room #41 which the Maryland family in room #41 is sacred and “local transplants” to Los Angeles, California since the amazing family physically and legitimately works on the ground in both Pasadena, California and Los Angeles, CA. Yeah! Cheers.


            Finally, since August 2004 I did “pay it forward” as of this morning.


            Yes, for years I’ve had the $500.00 to “pay it forward.”


            However, it took me since August 2005 to find the correct and awesome hardworking family who truly needed a small blessing or a small miracle such as the blessing was bestowed upon me by a most kind and generous woman who paid my $500.00 rent the month of August 2004 while living and skateboarding south, Minneapolis, Minnesota and worked in Burnsville, MN.


            Not once or not ever since has anyone ever paid my rent or mortgage, however.


            On the month of August 2004 one kind human ‘stepped up to the plate’ and gave the baseball a good whack.


            Thank you, Carrie T.


            I shan’t ever be able to repay your kindness.


            Yes, I did live within walking distance of Matt’s Bar in south, Minneapolis.


            Yes, each day I skateboarded by dangerous and oppressive and mean spirited and cruel “Little Earth” urban reservation in the city of Minneapolis.


            Once, I almost was nearly killed by the Native American cigarette smoking teens and children. I gave them a piece of my mind.


            The Native American cigarette smoking children and teen boys were forced to leave me alone or I might have had to take them all on as I was very well prepared to win the day.


            Summer of 2004 was spent in south, Minneapolis. It was glorious flat street skateboarding.


            Wow, Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA how lucky of thee to get such remarkable and sophisticate Maryland family for “local transplants” and their expertise and real skill set and trade each and every single day. I’m jealous we don’t have such a fantastic family here in Minneapolis, MN then we wouldn’t get sick nearly each and every time we went out to eat or to masseuses for serious body work.


            My peeps are New England, Massachusetts, old money elite Harvard families and friends going back to 1692 and through the Salem, Witch Trials into today.


            We know who our families and friends are.

            We know who our foes are.

            We know who we are.


            The entertainment industry may own Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA, however.


            As legitimate New England blue bloods we run the world.


            Our humanitarian responsibilities and Stewardship is to The People.


            Blue bloods don’t call in “personal favors,” however.


            We most certainly connect legitimate full time working artists and inventor engineers to legitimate wealth. We’re not rich, we’re wealthy.


            As a literary dig ditcher writer I have all of the power and am currently asset rich and cash strapped thus I don’t make a move to anywhere in the world.


            Oh, well. I’m on standby for legitimate cash flow from our divorce proceedings and ultimate settlement until then I’m a separated part time house wife and part time writer and full time thinker who tends to hide.


            Blue bloods don’t “call in favors” otherwise it’s considered “favoritism” or “nepotism.”


            If I wanted to get inside the gates of Paramount Studios then I’ll personally set up an appointment and get myself hired on my own merit since I actually am who I say I am thus and therefore forwards and onward.


            Yes, I’d like to move to Hollywood, Los Angeles, California and work for a major studio otherwise I’ll most likely starve in a relative “overpriced ghetto” which all of the food and drink industry is a 1,000 mark up and doesn’t support any healthy local way of life or harmonious lifestyles in which people’s other words out of their mouths isn’t, “It’s expensive.”


            Whatever, not when the streets of Los Angeles smell like rotted vegetables and sewage and there’s no easy way to purchase Lubriderm lotion or Neutrogena acne face wash or my favorite cookies in the entire world. Nope.


            Last night, (Sunday night) at 10pm CT I sat down to watch “Real Time with Bill Maher” and for the first time learned Al Gore was going to be on the show. Ha. I fell asleep after Al Gore. I have yet to watch the rest of the taping.


            No wonder absolutely no Los Angeles tourists were able to get into the weekly taping.


            The entertainment industry is run on favoritism and nepotism.


            If anything, first and foremost it’s best to freely give away or give out free tickets to legitimate tourists first, since tourists are the first ones to run home and tell their clans and villages all about their vacations and holidays which makes other locals in other locales want to experience some of the same memories as their friends, family and neighbors.


            Yes, I have half of Los Angeles’ phone numbers.


            Each and every place I went people wanted to give me their phone numbers. I collected them and shan’t reach out.


            Please, adopt or financially support any smart, kind and intelligent local working transplant of Los Angeles, California.


            Please, Hollywood, Los Angeles, California. I am a whole lot sweeter than my writings.


            No, I didn’t contact any of my friends who live in Los Angeles since 2005. Nope.


            Yes, I did L.A. on my own. I loved being independent and absolutely not beholden to anyone.


            Nope, I probably wouldn’t make it back out to “Venice Beach” for another decade. I was facially burned and I wouldn’t risk it again unless I had a righteously wide brimmed hat with me purchased from the one and only place I trust for hats: “Boorin Bros. Bold Hatmakers” established in 1895. There’s no other.


            Yes, August 2006-September 2007, I worked out of the 40th floor of the I.D.S. building and skateboarded to work from uptown, MN to downtown, MN. Yes, corporate allowed for me to wash up then on time take my place in the broadcast engineering room as a communications broadcast engineer.


            At the time I was hired corporate America offered me a meager $35,000 per annual income salary to do the same work as my male co-workers who were and are paid $50,000, $60,000, $70,00 to $80,000 per annual income salary.


            By the time, I exited corporate America and traded in a corporate setting to do private consulting from home then on September 2007 I left with only $25,000 for an entire year’s wages and lost $10,000 dollars vacation package as well as another $10,000 in lost wages to corporate and their embezzling quasi accountant now retired in Florida on the backs of corporate professional creative broadcast workers.


            Mainly, what I know of corporate America is to be salary inappropriate.


            Mainly, I’ve starved working for corporate America.


            Yes, it took us 17 years to run the “fat cats” out of downtown, Minneapolis.


            Power to The People.


            Even if it were to take The People 17 years to run the greedy “fat cats” out of Los Angeles, California it doesn’t mean The People don’t have the connections or contacts to place such endeavor forth.


            Tomorrow, I write one email to a famous person in St. Paul, MN for them to better understand my situation and possibly direct me towards fulltime legitimate producer work in the industry.


            Tomorrow, I make one call to my former boss, a Washington D.C. humanitarian lobbyist for “rent control” for working class citizens and connect him to a Hollywood, Los Angeles, California German local transplant and legitimate inventor engineer.


            The German local transplant to Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA has the most amazing product ready off of the Chinese assembly line. I personally bought a $10.00 pair of ultraviolet light high hue filtered glasses.


            If one doesn’t have a pair of these awesome hued filtered sunglasses with amazing hues of light and color then one’s missing out on the coolest trend in town.


            Must find professional work and a flat in Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA.





            Yours Truly;





            P.S. One Mr. Bill Maher who I neither have ever met nor do I go out of my way to meet is the only second celebrity for whom I’ve personally ever bestowed any hand written “Shakespearean” (nickname since 1996) letters to.


            The other famous celebrity is Peter Mullen, however.


            Peter Mullen and I actually worked together on location in Danvers, MA on a film set for USA Films.


            Peter Mullen and I actually know each other quite well and trust and highly regard each other simply because Peter Mullen has handwritten letters from Shakespeare (nickname since 1996) while one Mr. Bill Maher and I are complete strangers and haven’t ever gotten close enough to dance an Irish jig in the same fashion or manner in which both Peter Mullen and I have non-romantically and non sexually danced on a dance floor in Massachusetts.


            Yes, New England, MA nicknamed me “Shakespeare” in September 1996.


            Yes, as of last week Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA nicknamed me “Einstein.”


            Peter Mullen would recognize my light scent anywhere in the world.


            Peter Mullen would recognize me anywhere in any room in the world.


            We know each other.


            We got on famously and looked out for each other on an East Coast cut throat film set.


            Peter Mullen knows quite well I’m a Costa Rican adoptee New England blue blood from Rockport, MA and Harvard, Cambridge, MA as he very well knows New England, MA and knows where I come from and who I am and who my people are. Peter Mullen knows I’m legitimate. Peter Mullen knows I’m the real thing.


            We know each other.

            We’ve got each other’s backs.


            Peter Mullen loves me thus let’s not even pretend.


            Personally, I think the world of Peter Mullen even though I do anything in my power not to ever get in contact with Peter Mullen and ask for anything even though I’m sure he’d grant it. I run from Peter Mullen. Peter Mullen knows I run from him and still owe him a 17 year letter yet to be written in continuation to other letters already handwritten to Peter Mullen from: Shakespeare (nickname since 1996.) Ha. Lol.


            Everybody knows I’m brilliant with amazing skill set, however. I don’t know how to make money for myself. I only know how to make multi-million dollars for other people who haven’t always deserved it since they’re neither humanitarian nor environmentalists in any way, shape or form.


            P.S.S. Literally, the celebrities have begun to email me as of minutes ago.


            Ok, we’ve got the ball rolling. Thank you. I needed a professional lifeline after one decade as a part time stay at home housewife and part time writer and fulltime intellectual contractual consultant.


            Did you know a woman can’t be Mr. Darcy, right?


            A woman can only be Mr. Darcy’s feminine counterpart who is Mr. Darcy’s sister, Ms. Georgiana as sweet and innocent as pie.


            Yes, my friends call me Mr. Darcy, however. The inside joke is, they mean Georgiana, Darcy’s feminine counterpart. Ha. Lol. One must know one’s literature to better understand the world of books and meaning.



Word Count Goal: 1,000


Word Count: 1,999


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 1,999


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #1 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Blood Pressure: 102/66 mmHg / Pulse: 86 (04/07/17)


*)         CHOLESTEROL, Total

294 (10/20/2014), 245 (06/02/15), 276 (01/22/16) 273 (04/07/17) 


            HDL Cholesterol

49 (10/20/2014), 50 (06/02/15), 52 (01/22/16), 53 (04/07/17)



296 H (10/20/2014), 241 H (06/02/15), 253 H (01/22/16), 389 (04/07/17) 



186 H (10/20/2014), 147 H (06/02/15), 173 H (01/22/16) 142 (04/07/17) 


            CHOL/HDLC RATIO

6.0 H (10/20/2014), 4.9 (06/02/15), 5.3 H (01/22/16) 5.2 (04/07/17) 



245 H (10/20/2014), 195 H (06/02/15), 224 H (01/22/16)


            IRON, Total

79 mcg/dl (10/20/2014), 52 mcg/dl (06/02/15), 137 mcg/dl (01/22/16)


            CORTISOL, Total

            19.2 (10/20/2014), N/A (06/02/15), 11.9 (01/22/16)


*)         Week #33 without any higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #27 without one sleeping pill per night by mouth “Zolpidem Tartrate” 10 MG


*)         Week #7 (09/03/15) without antidepressants specifically for fake-pregnancy hormones, one per day by mouth, no more: “Escitalopram Oxalate” 20 MG (06/21/17 end of dosage.)


Saturday, August 5, 2017


“Thought is better than words, because it guides them.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Fallacious (false, misleading)


Fallacious reasoning caused him to state a false theory.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 3:20pm PCT, 2:21am CT, 2:30am CT


Happy Saturday-Sunday!


---  ---  ---


            Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA we have contact.


            Landed in Minneapolis, Minnesota.


            Moments ago walked through the threshold of my house which I officially and legally own.


            Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA I left my heart with you.


            Keep it for me until I return.


            Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA I love you.


            Goodnight. Sweet dreams. I’m exhausted. I miss you.


---  ---  ---


            P.S. Hollywood, Los Angeles, I left two hand written letters to one Mr. Bill Maher at the Beverly Hill’s Marriott’s front desk outgoing post mail with Nicole.


            Please, make sure one Mr. Bill Maher gets my letters. It’s imperative for one Mr. Bill Maher to get my two handwritten letters thus Hollywood, Los Angeles population of creative professional artists won’t starve. Thanks.


---  ---  ---


            P.S.S. Los Angeles, why must you be an “overpriced ghetto” like uptown, Minneapolis, MN and surrounding neighborhoods of Lowry Hill, uptown, Minneapolis, MN neighborhoods?


            Hollywood, Los Angeles, there’s an incredible transplant family from Maryland with the most amazingly well behaved teenager and a mother with a B.A. and a chef father who works for a five star restaurant in Pasadena, CA and has the most beautiful dreadlocks and the father has been offered the head chef omelet station position.


            The family requires $300.00 to make it for the next 48 hours otherwise they will starve in Hollywood, Los Angeles.


            Personally, I go back to Robbinsdale, MN to fast with our Muslim next door neighbors Sundays through Tuesdays.


            Hollywood, Los Angeles, please take care of this remarkable family until I get back in October 2018.


            Hollywood, Los Angeles, please send cash to:


            Attn: “Dreadlock Chef Father and ‘Mikki’”

            Hollywood Dream Suites/Hotel

            830 North Van Ness Avenue

            Hollywood, California 90038


            Any little bit will help.


            Tomorrow/today I’ll send a wire transfer. I’ll do my part as well. Must sleep.


            Hollywood, Los Angeles, I gave my skateboard away to this incredible family and they may do as they wish with it.


            Hollywood, Los Angeles, I gave this incredible family of three both of my Patagonia jackets since Los Angeles gets cool at night.


            Hollywood, Los Angeles, the clothes I gave away to “Hollywood Dream Suite/hotel have my name inside written in sharpie. The clothes are for Los Angeles’ transplants who may need it.



Hollywood, Los Angeles, “Einstein’s” still in the House


The Hollywood, Los Angeles locals nicknamed me “Einstein”


            Hollywood, Los Angeles thank you for hosting a Minnesota/Massachusetts daughter and making me feel completely at home. This is where I want to live, however. I don’t wish for “expensive” Hollywood, Los Angeles, California to eat me alive and have me starve as a “professional working class” ditch digger for a writer.


            Personally, I haven’t ever wanted to live in Costa Rica since the racism is, too, much to handle.


            Personally, I don’t like living in Minnesota since the Twin Cities is more or less a “war zone” with all of the Chicago gang violence which moved into Minnesota within the last decade.


            Personally, I don’t want to have to go back into a somewhat war zone. Alas.


            Hollywood, Los Angeles, you were the most peaceful city I’ve ever called home for seven straight days.


            Hollywood, Los Angeles, I’ll fondly think of you and miss you with my entire whole heart and soul.


            Personally, I only met two men who were Los Angeles born and raised.


            The rest of the amazing local transplants I met were the most amazing pool of talented people in the entire of the United States only because the Hollywood, Los Angeles transplants are from all over the United States.


            Personally, I leave Hollywood, Los Angeles with $10.00 to my name.


            Hollywood, Los Angeles, personally I dropped $3,000 in 7 days. Not okay.


            Hollywood, Los Angeles, it was an expensive time here.


            Hollywood, Los Angeles, it cost me $50.00 per day to eat food. Bummer.


            Hollywood, Los Angeles, the kitchenettes didn’t work and I wasn’t able to locate pots and pans anywhere in the city.


            As far as post offices are concerned it was mighty difficult to find any type of post office anywhere near much less let alone stamps.


            Los Angeles, Paramount Studio security guard were downright snobby and truly seemed to think I wanted to get into Paramount Studios when we all know the history of Paramount Studios isn’t anything to go home and brag about since most creative professional workers in Los Angeles barely eat or make their rent or mortgage payments.


            Hollywood, Los Angeles there’s an entire creative professional talent pool to choose from at “Hollywood Dream Suites/Hotel.”


            Please, hire this incredible and talented group of real and smart and kind and intelligent people.


            The Los Angeles transplants make up the substantial culture and work force of Los Angeles.


            Hollywood, Los Angeles, there’s an amazing woman at “Goorin Bros. Bold Hatmakers” (by Noah’s New York Bagels) who lives in a building with a sign in front of her building which states: paraphrase:


            “The water in this building may cause cancer.”




            If the water in any building holds such any deadly disclaimer such as the H2O might cause cancer then isn’t the building more or less condemned? I’ll personally have our peeps look into it.


            Hollywood, Los Angeles, I leave my heart here with you.


            My divorce will be over someday soon.


            Hollywood, Los Angeles, I’ll be back to live. I plan to write one legislative bill to pass in Congress to implement free public school breakfast and lunched and dinner… shuttle’s here.


            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,000


Word Count: 930


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 3,774 + 2,118 = 5,892 + 930 = 6,822


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #1 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Blood Pressure: 102/66 mmHg / Pulse: 86 (04/07/17)


*)         CHOLESTEROL, Total

294 (10/20/2014), 245 (06/02/15), 276 (01/22/16) 273 (04/07/17) 


            HDL Cholesterol

49 (10/20/2014), 50 (06/02/15), 52 (01/22/16), 53 (04/07/17)



296 H (10/20/2014), 241 H (06/02/15), 253 H (01/22/16), 389 (04/07/17) 



186 H (10/20/2014), 147 H (06/02/15), 173 H (01/22/16) 142 (04/07/17) 


            CHOL/HDLC RATIO

6.0 H (10/20/2014), 4.9 (06/02/15), 5.3 H (01/22/16) 5.2 (04/07/17) 



245 H (10/20/2014), 195 H (06/02/15), 224 H (01/22/16)


            IRON, Total

79 mcg/dl (10/20/2014), 52 mcg/dl (06/02/15), 137 mcg/dl (01/22/16)


            CORTISOL, Total

            19.2 (10/20/2014), N/A (06/02/15), 11.9 (01/22/16)


*)         Week #32 without any higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #26 without one sleeping pill per night by mouth “Zolpidem Tartrate” 10 MG


*)         Week #6 (09/03/15) without antidepressants specifically for fake-pregnancy hormones, one per day by mouth, no more: “Escitalopram Oxalate” 20 MG (06/21/17 end of dosage.)


Thursday, August 3, 2017


“A sage when asked, “How do you guard a secret?” answered, “I make my heart its grave.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Invalidated (made no longer valid, annulled, nullified)


His claims to the fortune were invalidated by his refusal to sign the paper.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 4:55pm PCT


Happy Thursday!



Let’s Address Mexicans


            Throughout most parts of Central and South America basic knowledge and wisdom has taught the rest of Latin America to make a major distinction between Mexicans and the rest of Latin America.


            Mostly the rest of Latin America runs as far away from Mexicans as we possibly can or are able to.


            Mexicans are an entitled people who hardly know how to read and write Spanish let alone be able to speak English in any real or true capacity worth listening to thus hardly nobody talks to Mexicans about art or finance or culture and refinement since the Mexicans have no clue what anybody talks about unless the subject matter has only to do with Mexicans who are considered for the most uneducated and monotonous people to contend with for anymore than an hour while in the same room as with the Mexicans.


            The rest of Latin America stays clear and far away from Mexicans mainly since Mexicans tend to lie quite a bit in general and tend to cheat people out of any real valuable or peaceful lifestyle since Mexicans are considered the type of people who are thoughtless and are hazardous liabilities thus Latinos stay far away from Mexicans since we don’t want to have any entanglements with the Mexicans since Mexicans are considered shallow and careless and mindless and selfish and crude and uneducated savages.


            The Inca of South America live.


            The Maya of El Salvador and Guatemala live.


            The Aztec of Mexico went extinct.


            During my visit to Hollywood, Los Angeles it has only been Mexicans who’ve called me a “liar” directly to my face when I haven’t lied to them whatsoever.


            Please, don’t worry: I sternly put the Mexican people in their place as fast as necessary while their alcohol breath literally kissed my face and they hung onto my shirt and shoulders.


            During my visit to Hollywood, Los Angeles it has only been Mexicans who’ve treated me with contempt with their ignorance in their inability to be able to speak fluent English.


            If Mexicans aren’t able to speak fluent English after two years in the United States then definitely go back home to Mexico and stay there otherwise don’t be cruel or mean to Latinos who actually do speak fluent English.


            Nobody cares if the Mexicans are here, however.


            If the Mexicans are going to stay in Los Angeles and in the United States then there are two things people must learn: A) English B) Constitutional Rights.


            The Mexicans don’t seem to tend to like any other influx of Latino populations because the rest of Latin American countries are able to clearly identify and point out the Mexican’s contempt and lies.


            The reason why most of Los Angeles runs on “whatever” time or the reason why Los Angeles is a complete “overpriced ghetto” is because the Caucasians gave this town over to the Mexicans to run and Los Angeles is in complete “disarray” like Mexico City is.


            Please, don’t pretend with me. I’ve skateboarded Mexico City and it’s a complete polluted landscape filled with smog.


            Los Angeles is a mini Mexico City.


            If I were to want to visit or live in Mexico City then I’d go to Mexico City rather than spend my hard earned cash in Los Angeles.


            Mexicans don’t know much about civics much less how to best in any orderly fashion run anything in leadership thus is the reason for why the Aztec went extinct.


            The secret about the Mexicans is: Mexicans are similar to “black face” in which Mexicans pretend to entertain and serve others, however. For the most part Mexicans simply want to “place a fork right into daddy’s shoulder.”


            Mexicans don’t branch out into other parts of culture and arts and society except for their own quasi blob of an overpopulated culture which resents having to be in the United States with all of the government assistance yet not able to be “rich” in Mexico.



General Mexicans, who cares what any haters have to say?

Nobody cares.


            Any Mexican who is my close personal friend is either wealthy or East Coast private Liberal Arts school graduates and run Mexico therefore my Mexican friends aren’t the best example of passive/aggressive Mexicans since they’re intellectuals and diplomats and international business attorneys.


            Los Angeles is as sadly run as some suburban parts of Caucasian Minnesota simply and only because in Minnesota large 300 pound Caucasian women run the suburban cultural landscape in the same way and manner and form as unsophisticated large Mexican populations unable to speak a word of English run Los Angeles thus such uneducated Mexicans seem to think they run Los Angeles on “charm” rather than intelligence since Mexicans have an air about them as though others have to bend to the Mexican will to kiss their shoes or else no “soup for you!”


            Mexicans are quick to smile yet ready with a metaphorical knife to drive such a knife straight into one’s back no differently than Minnesotans.


            Mexicans have a “dark energy” or “dark matter” about them thus the rest of Latin America stays well clear of the Mexicans as though the Mexicans made a bargain with the devil long before the Aztecs went extinct thus the rest of Latin America runs as far away from Mexicans since we already know the history of the Mexicans’ cannibalism to eat each other.


            Modern Mexicans don’t hold any real weight in culture and art and society since Mexicans seem to always have some type of “ulterior motive” to gain something more or to hold something over or to control or to belittle.


            Mexicans are “messed up” in their fundamental psyche.


            Mexicans don’t have their priorities straightened out therefore Mexicans don’t seem to be able to emotionally sort themselves out.


            Please, socially stay away from emotionally needy and greedy Mexicans.


            Mexicans aren’t worth much in trade or value of ideas since Mexicans don’t ever truly contribute anything worth of serious consideration or of serious worth to any culture at large except for service industry jobs without any English skills.


             Mexicans are indeed entitled and arrogant about being entitled to government assistance therefore Mexicans carry around “dark matter” or “dark energy” about their sheer unlucky lot in life thus Mexicans seem to tend to think large numbers rule when only one “ruler is King” and the Mexican masses get economically beheaded and thrown down steep stairwells of bloodshed.


            Nothing much changes in two thousand years.


            Mexicans are extremely unlucky people.


            Mexicans are primarily spiritual cannibals.


            Mexicans pretend to be kind, however.


            Mexicans are known for being ruthless and without mercy or without compassion thus the rest of Latin America knows Mexicans would do anything to get ahead in the world thus Mexicans are the only people Latin America knows would eat their young rather than actually raise their children well and properly and protect them.


            Mexicans are known for being extremely manipulative people because they prove to be therefore they are. 


            The only reason for why my left big toe is black and blue today is because last night I had the most dark and disrespectful and disgusting encounter with little “butter ball” round Mexican women while at the Laundromat on Westin.


            OMG. I could’ve almost killed someone, however. I didn’t.


            While I stood waiting for my clothes to dry I stood at a table nearby and wrote in my journal while suddenly this 4’10 short “butter ball” of a woman moaned and groaned at me.


            At first I thought the poor thing was a degenerate.


            She continued to point her head upwards and groan some more.


            Suddenly, it occurred to me maybe she had an illness or maybe she had a mild seizure.


            No, the woman simply couldn’t speak a lick of English yet she accosted me and harassed me to move while I stood on my little bit of Earth and wrote.


            There were many other folding tables open to her disposal yet the “Encino Woman” kept mumbling and making dead-Zombie gestures for me to gather all of my belongings and get the hell out of her way. I did.


            Yes, I packed up all of my writing materials and backpack and greeting cards and one personal letter I’m writing to one Mr. Bill Maher and stamps and moved myself over to another station.


            Before I moved I told the woman, “Sister, you have bad manners.”


            The only reason why the “butter ball” plump little obese Mexican women get away with being mean or cruel in Los Angeles is because of their none-threatening plump looks yet such people aren’t worth anything to consider.


            The Mexicans require having New Yorkers go off on them then the Mexicans will truly learn what it means to leave people alone.


            It’s only ignoramus Mexicans who stop and directly address me and want to talk to me and touch me on my face. Perverts.


            Simply, because people come across as meek or mild yet hold dark ulterior motives doesn’t justify their misbehavior.


            The more someone smiles at you and shoves two fingers up one’s nose then the more one ought to take a middle finger and shove it up their behind to teach them a good lesson in the history of manners.


            The misbehaved Mexican children of degenerate parents screamed and ran inside the Laundromat for close to an hour and a half while the Mexican children were ever as entitled as to make a business establishment their personal playpens.


            Many times I had to guard my belly from having one of the illiterate Mexican children run straight into me and possibly have my internal stitches come undone and have my guts pour out through my stitch sewn belly button.


            Nope, Los Angeles, I’m not messing around.


            My guts are being held in by a delicately sewn belly button while I’m in recovery yet it’s only the Mexicans who are entitled enough to raise their children like Minnesota’s children who are complete illiterate barn animals who scream and run around in restaurants and libraries and doctor’s offices.


            It’s only the Mexicans misbehaved children and Minnesota’s misbehaved children who scream at the top of their lungs while the mothers pay no attention or decide not to correct the improper misbehavior of their children while in public adult places and establishments where adults pay good money to be there.


            Los Angeles is dysfunctional in the sense children here are out pass 7:00pm at night while they live out adult lives.


            In the past week I’ve met more 12 year olds who’ve gone to jail than any other population other than in Minnesota.


            Who knows what the Mexicans and Minnesotans do as degenerate parents, however.


            Whatever the Mexicans do is wrong and it’s obvious it’s wrong.


            The Mexicans of Los Angeles may “go jump in the lake” themselves.


            It’s been the worse time with the Mexicans of Los Angeles.


            The Mexicans can eat my strewn internal stitches.


            The Mexicans owe me some peace of mind.


            The Mexicans owe me one lost day in Los Angeles.


            The Mexicans better get their act together or the rest of America is able and capable to put Mexicans in their place New York City style.


            Yes, I’m a true New Yorker since I grew up on the Manhattan Marina.


            Mexicans prove to be nobodies and they prove it to be thus.


            Whatever. I’m over it.


            The Mexicans owe me an entire night of Zen meditation and an entire morning of icing my toe.


            The Mexicans lose.


            I win.


            Please, get out of women’s way. I don’t like mean Mexicans and I have good reason not to.


            No one’s going to ruin Los Angeles for me, however. I’m able to ruin Los Angeles for mostly anybody else thus I choose not to.


            Get it together, Mexicans of Los Angeles.


            Los Angles isn’t a playground. No.


            Los Angeles is a mature adult lifestyle.


            Los Angeles is expensive therefore don’t go around messing with people because one doesn’t have a life or one doesn’t have a hobby or one doesn’t have anything of value to contribute back to the culture or society at large.


            Yes, I’ve fallen in love with Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA.


            Yes, I plan to permanently move to Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA.


            Hollywood, Los Angeles is home.


            Hollywood, Los Angeles is where I’m meant to write the next five great American novels. Yep.


            Nope, no ghosts in Los Angeles only terrible local Mexican Karma.


            The local transplants require maturity in life in general thus the Mexicans will mature and grant peace of mind to the citizens and civilians of the United States of America.



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,000


Word Count: 2,118


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 3,665 + 109 = 3,774 + 2,118 = 5,892


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #1 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Blood Pressure: 102/66 mmHg / Pulse: 86 (04/07/17)


*)         CHOLESTEROL, Total

294 (10/20/2014), 245 (06/02/15), 276 (01/22/16) 273 (04/07/17) 


            HDL Cholesterol

49 (10/20/2014), 50 (06/02/15), 52 (01/22/16), 53 (04/07/17)



296 H (10/20/2014), 241 H (06/02/15), 253 H (01/22/16), 389 (04/07/17) 



186 H (10/20/2014), 147 H (06/02/15), 173 H (01/22/16) 142 (04/07/17) 


            CHOL/HDLC RATIO

6.0 H (10/20/2014), 4.9 (06/02/15), 5.3 H (01/22/16) 5.2 (04/07/17) 



245 H (10/20/2014), 195 H (06/02/15), 224 H (01/22/16)


            IRON, Total

79 mcg/dl (10/20/2014), 52 mcg/dl (06/02/15), 137 mcg/dl (01/22/16)


            CORTISOL, Total

            19.2 (10/20/2014), N/A (06/02/15), 11.9 (01/22/16)


*)         Week #32 without any higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #26 without one sleeping pill per night by mouth “Zolpidem Tartrate” 10 MG


*)         Week #6 (09/03/15) without antidepressants specifically for fake-pregnancy hormones, one per day by mouth, no more: “Escitalopram Oxalate” 20 MG (06/21/17 end of dosage.)


Wednesday, August 2, 2017 / Thursday, August 3, 2017


“A sage when asked, “How do you guard a secret?” answered, “I make my heart its grave.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Aureole (a halo, radiance encircling the head or body, as in a religious painting; fringe of light around the sun)


On misty nights the moon is surrounded by an aureole.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 7:22am PCT

Happy Wednesday-Thursday!


---  ---  ---


Los Angeles can “go jump into” Lake Superior


            Had the worst night in Hollywood, Los Angeles since most demographics of illiterate children come from degenerate modern thoughtless parents and guardians.


            At the moment contending with a sprained left big toe.


            Fell for the first time in seven years or more…


            No one may give me any pitiful or scornful looks since karma is indeed a nasty ill mannered woman.


            Making sure I catch the next flight out of here except I haven’t slept all night and my left foot tremendously hurts.


            Need I say more? Nope.



            Yours Truly;





Word Count Goal: 1,000


Word Count: 109


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 2,358 + 1,307 = 3,665 + 109 = 3,774


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #1 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Blood Pressure: 102/66 mmHg / Pulse: 86 (04/07/17)


*)         CHOLESTEROL, Total

294 (10/20/2014), 245 (06/02/15), 276 (01/22/16) 273 (04/07/17) 


            HDL Cholesterol

49 (10/20/2014), 50 (06/02/15), 52 (01/22/16), 53 (04/07/17)



296 H (10/20/2014), 241 H (06/02/15), 253 H (01/22/16), 389 (04/07/17) 



186 H (10/20/2014), 147 H (06/02/15), 173 H (01/22/16) 142 (04/07/17) 


            CHOL/HDLC RATIO

6.0 H (10/20/2014), 4.9 (06/02/15), 5.3 H (01/22/16) 5.2 (04/07/17) 



245 H (10/20/2014), 195 H (06/02/15), 224 H (01/22/16)


            IRON, Total

79 mcg/dl (10/20/2014), 52 mcg/dl (06/02/15), 137 mcg/dl (01/22/16)


            CORTISOL, Total

            19.2 (10/20/2014), N/A (06/02/15), 11.9 (01/22/16)


*)         Week #32 without any higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #26 without one sleeping pill per night by mouth “Zolpidem Tartrate” 10 MG


*)         Week #6 (09/03/15) without antidepressants specifically for fake-pregnancy hormones, one per day by mouth, no more: “Escitalopram Oxalate” 20 MG (06/21/17 end of dosage.)


Tuesday, August 1, 2017 / Wednesday, August 2, 2017


“The worse punishment is a sleepless night.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Seceded (withdrew, broke away)


Southern states seceded from the Union during the Civil War.


---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 5:18am PCT (correction)

Happy Monday-Tuesday!


---  ---  ---



Posh Urban City 30MPH Driving


            Hollywood, Los Angeles, please slow down in the inner urban sprawl streets.


            Speed is for the open road.


            In many ways I do think cocaine use is okay.


            However, one must drive at the speed limit of thirty (30MPH) while on any posh urban sprawl streets since we have children and disabled and pedestrians and pooches and bikers and skateboarders here on the ground of Los Angeles.


            If one doesn’t walk or bike or skateboard Los Angeles then who knows what one does for fun? Who cares?


            Driving culture is as isolated as ever.


            Pedestrians have a pulse on posh city dwelling lifestyles.


            Pedestrians are connected and ‘have an ear to the ground.’


            Pedestrians are street smart.


            Los Angeles suburban drivers, please consider the fact many families and neighbors actually live in Los Angeles and not in some far off or far away suburb or township, someplace else which has no say on the culture and society of posh Los Angeles’s safe lifestyle and living which is where anything peacefully awesome and cool happens and not in some mountain range or mountain ridge someplace in gated communities which nobody cares about or nobody ever thinks about or nobody even remotely wants to live as far away from the ground where the real and actual action occurs where culture and refinement meet head-on wind and peacefully share the city in cohesive unison as we Tango together.


            Los Angeles is made up of street smart and peaceful pedestrians.


---  ---  ---



Los Angeles’ Peaceful and Posh Urban Sprawl



            Hollywood, Los Angeles, thank you.


            It’s peaceful here on the ground of Hollywood, Los Angeles thus and therefore for the first time in five years I shaved my legs and wore a pencil skirt out in public. Wow.


            Wearing a skirt felt liberating and free.


            Los Angeles is peaceful without any animosity.


            Wow. I’m left speechless.


            Yes, I stare at the locals simply since I like clothes and gear and outdoor ware.


            The locals are a bunch of rock stars rocking out their t-shirts and jeans and the women in summer dresses. It’s nice to dress for the weather.


            Los Angeles is relaxed about casual professional wear and attire since the weather is hot and one must dress for the weather or sweat in jeans.


---  ---  ---



Travel Logistics


            Yes, I’m one day ahead of schedule.


            Today we walked by CBS thus tomorrow I won’t or I might not have to skateboard over yonder as “general public” to speak with any front door receptionist and ask to “sign up” for one Mr. Bill Maher’s taping of Friday, August 4, 2017’s show.


            Nope, I don’t call in any favors since neither do any other people in the general public thus I don’t either.


            Yes, there will now be two of us attending in our party.


            Mainly, I wanted to go alone and see for myself, however.


            The more the merrier.


            “Lady Tennessee” has already on more than several occasions emailed one Bill Maher’s Audience Department for any possible consideration of any free tickets as “general public” traveling tourist and either one Bill Maher’s Audience Department may or may not get back to her, yet her birthday is within the next 24 hours and strongly thinks she must go and see about the Pacific Ocean and the beach thus she may tip her toes in the water, however. Lady Tennessee doesn’t swim.


            Tonight “Lady Tennessee” mentioned how “old school” the system is to email an entire Audience Department then one must wait to either hear back or not from the Audience Department.


            Wednesday-Thursday is “Lady Tennessee’s” 27 birthday.


            Happy Birthday, “Lady Tennessee.”


            If by Wednesday night “Lady Tennessee” doesn’t hear back from one Mr. Bill Maher’s Audience Department then she plans to go directly to the beach on Thursday. Ok.


            The tourists all have plans to go to the beach on Friday.


            Personally, I’m on standby for one Mr. Bill Maher’s show, however.


            Hmmm, the beach… and my new “Patagonia” bikini bottoms and rash guard top can’t seem to wait.


            The more I think about it. I’d like to go back to “Venice Beach” at around 5:00am PCT or 6:00am or 7:00am in the morning on Thursday or Friday and skateboard “The Bowl” with hardly anyone near or around.


            Not once have I ever dared to attempt to skateboard inside a half-pipe and “bowl” yet I’ve wanted to at least once go and skateboard such a challenge or obstacle course thus I may know what the sensation feels like to skateboard such a great feat of heroism and athleticism.


            My whole point is this: travel logistics.


            If I were to go back to “Venice Beach” then I’d like to be there exactly when the sunrises for about two hours when there’s not one single soul around then turn around and go back into Hollywood, Los Angeles and skateboard to the “garment district” or back to “Museum Row.”


            We meant to see the Tar pits today, however.


            We spent from 11:00am to 3:00pm at LACMA.


            From 4:00pm PCT to 6:30pm PCT we sat down at “Saigon Pearl” for Pho and late Vietnamese lunch and after lunch, al fresco Vietnamese coffee.


            We walked 1.6 miles from LACMA to Vietnamese lunch to CBS to the cinema.


---  ---  ---


“New Beverly Cinema”


Quentin Tarantino


(Thank you.)


            Tonight, I was hosted to the “New Beverly Cinema” by “Lady Tennessee.”


            The cinema is owned by Mr. Quentin Tarantino.


            No, not until late this afternoon did I discover the “New Beverly Cinema” is owned by Mr. Quentin Tarantino. I didn’t know.


            Yes, I fell in love with the actual space and theatre of the “New Beverly Cinema.” Ha. The “old school” seats and cinema is an awesome experience.


            We watched “Cannonball Run” in 35mm. Wow!!!


            The entire audience whole heartedly laughed and we loved the film.


            Mr. Quentin Tarantino, thank you. A reel film and all.


            Mr. Quentin Tarantino, Los Angeles needed a cinema exactly such as “New Beverly Cinema.”


            “New Beverly Cinema” is an awesome space.


            If I were to decide to skateboard Los Angeles then I’d love to go back to the nearby area of Le Brea’s “New Beverly Cinema” in Los Angeles.


---  ---  ---


Wednesday’s Logistics


            Yes, the only “CVS Pharmacy” I know of within a relative short skateboard distance is the CVS between “LACMA” and the “New Beverly Cinema.”


            At 8:00am I’m scheduled to have awesome bagels here in Los Angeles with the Germans.


            Wednesday is a must to get domestics complete and done.


            Furthermore, I must purchase Neutrogena and Lubriderm skin care.


            Wednesday will be a stop and rest day.



Sunday’s Mr. Ramones’s Tribute


            Yes, on Sunday I was an officially invited guest to a “graveyard” or mausoleum tribute party in which the guests got to sit and watch a movie against a grave wall?


            Anyway, am not able to keep up with tons of daily responsibilities such as purchase lotion and soap and wash laundry since Los Angeles is incredibly widespread.


            Hip! Hip! To the Ramones.



Paramount Studios are my stomping grounds


            Indubitably, I’ve begun friendly relations with Paramount Studio’s staff and personnel since I stand nearby the loading dock gate and drink coffee and eat muffins or croissants while I smoke my first cigarette of the day.


            The staff and workers and personnel notice me and I simply smile and take it all in.


            Thank you to Sunday morning’s tree cutting crew, near and around “Paramount Studios” and for being able to cut away the dead ends of the palm trees.



            Yours Truly;





            P.S. Once again what’s with all of the mosquito noisy helicopters? Noise pollution galore. How annoying. Ha. Only being a little bit cheeky.



Word Count Goal: 2,000


Word Count: 1,304


This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000


This Week’s Total Word Count: 2,358 + 1,307 = 3,665


One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:


*)         Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.


*)         Day #1 without a cigarette. It’s alright. I like it.


*)         Blood Pressure: 102/66 mmHg / Pulse: 86 (04/07/17)


*)         CHOLESTEROL, Total

294 (10/20/2014), 245 (06/02/15), 276 (01/22/16) 273 (04/07/17) 


            HDL Cholesterol

49 (10/20/2014), 50 (06/02/15), 52 (01/22/16), 53 (04/07/17)



296 H (10/20/2014), 241 H (06/02/15), 253 H (01/22/16), 389 (04/07/17) 



186 H (10/20/2014), 147 H (06/02/15), 173 H (01/22/16) 142 (04/07/17) 


            CHOL/HDLC RATIO

6.0 H (10/20/2014), 4.9 (06/02/15), 5.3 H (01/22/16) 5.2 (04/07/17) 



245 H (10/20/2014), 195 H (06/02/15), 224 H (01/22/16)


            IRON, Total

79 mcg/dl (10/20/2014), 52 mcg/dl (06/02/15), 137 mcg/dl (01/22/16)


            CORTISOL, Total

            19.2 (10/20/2014), N/A (06/02/15), 11.9 (01/22/16)


*)         Week #32 without any higher dosage of birth control pill: “Zovia 1/50E (28) 1-50 MG-MCG”


*)         Week #26 without one sleeping pill per night by mouth “Zolpidem Tartrate” 10 MG


*)         Week #6 (09/03/15) without antidepressants specifically for fake-pregnancy hormones, one per day by mouth, no more: “Escitalopram Oxalate” 20 MG (06/21/17 end of dosage.)



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