Tuesday, April 21, 2020
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish
--- --- ---
A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Dress Etiquette.
Chapter 26.
Page ?
For breakfasting in public
or at the house
The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.
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Upload: 4:53pm CT, 7:03pm CT
Word Count: 973
Word Count Goal for the week: 1,000
Word Count Goal: 1,000
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Hi. Hello.
Happy Tuesday!
Bernie Sanders all the way!
Bernie Sanders has my vote.
Ilhan Omar isn’t to be trusted because any anti-Semitic speech is any anti-Semitic speech.
Impeach Donald Trump.
--- --- ---
The Black Plague II
I’m right here
World, I’m present
Sexual Deviants
Pathological Liars
Intimate Partner Abuse
Sincerely, I hope women
Blow-out men’s eardrums
For all of the quietly spoken
Incensed Narcissistic
Car commentary about
How men want to
Invite prostitutes over
To have sex
Under one’s roof and
In one’s home
In the age
Of COVID-19.
WTF is right.
Why sexually obsessed
With teenage children
Finally, in the car
I lost all control
Of my verbal temper and
Started yelling,
Screaming and swearing
Because I get
Sick of daily hearing
Any man repeatedly
Talk specifically about
Who he wants
To Sleep with
Yet he proclaims
His Love
For the first time ever
My spouse tells me
That he wants to bring home
Prostitutes, whores and teenage children
Over to our home and work space
Anybody who
Always has to remind
Their spouse
Exactly who the spouse
Will be cheated on with
Then such remarks are either
Extremely insecure
Or already the male spouse
Is begun to
Consider cheating
thus and therefore
One has to prepare
Themselves for the worse
Because no one in
A monogamous relationship
Is constantly on a daily basis
Reminding their spouse
About romantic crushes,
Or obsessions
Because in our
Mature adulthood world
No one day dreams
About how to get close
To teenage children
For the purpose
To fuck teenage children
So what?
There’s more fish in the sea.
So what,
Some men fantasize
About sleeping with teenage children
So long as men don’t ever
Invite over teenage children
Under the guise to film a
Music video
Only for the purpose to
Get adult drunk and high
Reckless without abandonment
Because to get
Drunk and high
Only lasts
About four hours
Then back to reality
A teenage child
Is still a teenage child
And an old middle-aged man
Is still an old middle-aged man
Personally, I hate to have
Cheating thrown in my face
What’s the purpose?
Other than to psychologically torture me
Without taking any responsibility
Like only a coward bully does
Men can think
About how much
they want to cheat,
However. Don’t touch.
Definitely, don’t bring up
The great need or want or urge
To cheat on one’s spouse
Especially not with teenage children
Nobody talks like that.
That’s not proper
Car commentary
To throw such
A spoken bomb
On anyone’s lap.
Hey, by the way;
Honey, I just want
To cheat on you
while you serve the snacks.
Cheeky, yet quite cruel
To mention
Any such subject matter
while driving
Therefore while under the
Passive state of driving
Then I verbally lay into any
Cheating Heart
Because all of the psychologists
Have told me
Narcissists Are Cheaters
And that’s why such
Narcissists talk about
Inviting female teenage children
To be creatively titillating
While Drunk and high.
Men are fucking assholes.
Yes, one of my greatest fears
Is to be cheated on.
My greatest fear
Is to be cheated on
Because I don’t want to
Contract any venereal disease
Yes, officially my first marriage
Was over
April 2016
Yes, officially my divorce
Went through
March 2019
A User
Yes, I do get thrown off my peaceful
Costa Rican game
When cruel car commentary
Repeatedly begins again
Only to profoundly
Deeply hurt me
Then cheating is constantly
Introduced as subject matter
While driving
Only for the purpose
To be Manipulative
And make me suffer
For no other reason
Than a Narcissist
Is an emotional sadist and
Derives a great deal of pleasure
From an Empaths hurt
Then one has a certain breaking point
In which I begin to scream words
To any user
Because a user
Is all of the above.
A user is someone
Who doesn’t care
If anyone lives or dies
Or if subject matter is painful to hear
Simply because the words are hurtful
A user is someone who doesn’t care
About subject matter
as long as the subject matter
Is cruel and incensed and
Shallow and couched
As sweet and cute
Yet filled with malice and mal-intent
To possibly give
Their spouses
A warning about
Venereal diseases
Personally, I don’t understand
Why having 192
local neighborhood
live-sex chat
Couples’ subscribers
Isn’t enough
Still yet anyone’s
Film producing business partner
Wants and specifically asks
For 15 and 16 year old
Female children
To seductively dance
In a film studio
While the adults
Get high and drunk
Play instruments
Behind the pretense
To play music
Only as a disguise
To invite
Teenage children over
To seductively dance
For the mediocre musicians
Who are now old men
Not on my Watch
As executive film producer
‘I put my foot down’
Because such
Car commentary
For an excuse
Made me
Start to think
Men as pedophiles
Because the liability to
Get contracts
Signed for minors,
Personal release forms signed,
Locations release forms signed,
Music release forms signed,
Contract paperwork signed
For union SAG workers
Adult supervision and security
To film in
“Studio A”
Make Absolutely certain
No horny teenage children
Touch any adults
No horny Middle-aged
Drunk and High Men
Touch any of the horny teenage children.
Personally, I’m a sexy
42 year old woman
Who would much
Rather work with other
Sexy mature adults
Of my generation
In our forties
Than teenage children
Teenagers make me nervous
Because all I can see
All over their forehead
Yes, it’s any women’s prerogative
To scream at the top of one’s lungs
Whenever any Narcissist
Quietly and sneakily and cruelly introduces
The subject matter to want
To get high and drunk
While teenage children
Seductively dance
For the old men’s amusement.
Yours truly;
Sunday, April 19, 2020
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish
--- --- ---
A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Dress Etiquette.
Chapter 26.
Page ?
For breakfasting in public
or at the house
The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.
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Upload: 2:14pm CT
Word Count:
Word Count Goal for the week: 1,000
Word Count Goal: 1,000
--- --- ---
Hi. Hello.
Happy Sunday!
Bernie Sanders all the way!
Bernie Sanders has my vote.
Ilhan Omar isn’t to be trusted because any anti-Semitic speech is any anti-Semitic speech.
Impeach Donald Trump.
--- --- ---
The Black Plague II
I’m right here
World, I’m present
For the next 100 years
Boycott all Chinese Imports
Six weeks ago,
Specifically I said and wrote
COVID-19 is man-made in a lab.
I already told you that.
Yes, we do need a body count.
Yes, Civilians and Citizens may
Protest 6 feet to 8 feet apart
Yes, fifty veterans per day
Commit suicide each day
Yes, 50 elephants go
Extinct each day
Domestic Violence in America
During COVID-19
Intimate Partner Abuse
During COVID-19
Yes, I’m quite safe.
Thank you.
No one has permission
To ever beat an abuser.
No one lays any
Violent hands upon abusers
Except for in
Yours Truly;
Saturday, April 18, 2020
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish
--- --- ---
A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Dress Etiquette.
Chapter 26.
Page ?
For breakfasting in public
or at the house
The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.
--- --- ---
Upload: 1:21pm CT
Word Count: 2,293
Word Count Goal for the week: 1,000
Word Count Goal: 1,000
--- --- ---
Hi. Hello.
Happy Saturday!
Bernie Sanders all the way!
Bernie Sanders has my vote.
Ilhan Omar isn’t to be trusted because any anti-Semitic speech is any anti-Semitic speech.
Impeach Donald Trump.
--- --- ---
The Black Plague II
I’m right here
World, I’m present
For the next 100 years
Boycott all Chinese Imports
Six weeks ago,
Specifically I said and wrote
COVID-19 is man-made in a lab.
I already told you that.
We must bring back our
American manufacturing
To our American shores
Our money is faring well
In the stock market
No one make any
Sudden movements
No one suddenly panic
Because panic is boring
No one suddenly
Start a stampede
Calm, cool and collected
I’m the one living with cancer
I’m not even batting an eyelash
Look; I already have one foot
In the grave
I’m going about my business
Dusting, cleaning and organizing
As well as conducting
Remote graphic design
Yes, I’m healthier
Than I have ever before been
In my entire life
Yes, it’s extremely weird
To be living with cancer
In an age
For which COVID-19
(The Black Plague II)
On average
Kills about
70 Minnesotans per day
Yes, I count my blessings
Yes, I wonder if people
With auto-immune diseases
Are for the first time
In their lives
Feeling really great
In the way
In which
I feel healthier
Than ever before
Talk about sci-fi
Yes, on average I’m still smoking
About 3 to 5 cigarettes per day
Because my endocrinologist,
My dad and
Psychologist friends
Have all informed me
I’ll die quicker
From the stress
Of not smoking cigarettes
Than living with cancer
Yes, I’m safely quarantined
In a sub-subterranean bunker
Because I live with cancer
Thus I must be
Extremely quarantined
Therefore I must be alone
In order to save
My cancerous life
At a time
In history
When going to any
Hospital could possibly
Kill me quicker
Than quarantine
Look; I’m not lonely at all.
Seriously, who has time to be lonely?
There’s so much work to be done
If there isn’t creative art projects
Then most certainly
There’s always DIY
Property projects
This is my dream come true
To be left alone to work on
Projects without people’s interruptions
Or oversexed crazed women
Coming after what’s mine
Or petty competition
Or constant threat of anything
This is an INFJ’s Empath dream!
This is the safest
I’ve ever been in my life.
If anything I’ve had a lot of
Remote graphic design work
And a lot of cleaning
Of the bunker
Since no one’s been
To the sub-subterranean bunker
Since 1950
Look; 1950’s plush and homey bunkers
Is the greatest and safest idea
Minnesotans ever had.
If you ever have a little bit of money
Then either build
A subterranean bunker
Or a plush panic room
With a gorgeous pantry
And proper bathroom
If you’re going to build
Sub-subterranean passage ways
And sub-subterranean
Living quarters
Then implement an alarm
And camera system
For the ground floor
Then one can see
What’s happening at ground-level
Because once you go
Then it’s as though
The entire world at
Ground level disappears
And one doesn’t ever miss it
Yes, I do get out for daily walks
And grocery shop
Seriously, once you
Get to be stationed
Sub-subterranean level
Then you don’t
Even miss sunlight or other people
Sub-subterranean living
Doesn’t have any interruptions
Therefore it’s easy
To write novels,
Film scripts
Books of poems
And essays
A messy and dusty basement
Is one thing
A sub-subterranean bunker/home
Is quite another thing
1950’s Builders knew
Exactly what they were doing
Thank you,
1950’s American builders
Thank you,
For saving this
American’s cancerous life
Yep, build a bunker.
I get great Wi-Fi reception
From three stories underground
Although, I ran my own cables
Because I was a broadcast engineer
(August 2006-Septermber 2007)
Therefore I was able
To even get a
Sub-subterranean bunker
Up and running with Wi-Fi
Yes, that’s how cool I am.
Domestic Violence in America
During COVID-19
Intimate Partner Abuse
During COVID-19
Yes, I’m quite safe.
Thank you.
No one has permission
To ever beat an abuser.
No one lays any
Violent hands on abusers
Except for in
Today’s writing exercise
Is about
Intimate Partner Abuse
In General
Since personally
I know all about
Intimate Partner Abuse
No, I don’t lie
About anything
Because I don’t have to
The truth is ten times
Scarier than any lie
Intimate Partner Abuse
Is about bullying,
intimidation and control
Through physical violence
Or physical assault
It’s amazing how white women
Don’t believe
Women of color
Get beaten up
By white men
The aftermath of
Intimate Partner Abuse
Is about
White women being
racist, classist and ageist
In self defense classes,
I was taught
Women don’t stand a chance
Up against any man
I agree.
All one can do is
Kick a man
In the testicles
And run
That’s it.
There’s nothing more to do.
Men will always
Be able to administer
One single blow
To murder women
It doesn’t take much
To severely injure
Or murder a woman
No one believes me anyway
What I went through
In the last year and a half
Yes, I stopped
Texting and talking about
Intimate Partner Abuse
Because no one
Believed me anyway
Not even with video evidence
Even the female investigators
Flirted with my abuser
Therefore I did endure
Weekly beatings
Without any help or empathy
I took the jabs and punches
To the breasts, ribs, kidneys and neck
I endured the
Kicks to the head, spine and legs
Graciously, I took the slaps and chokes
And still no one believed me
Everyone believed I was the abuser.
Abusive men
Don’t care or love women
Abusive men only like
The high of the endorphin rush
Abusive men only like
Getting away with the abuse
Intimate Partner Abuse
Is something
Endured quietly and silently
So as not to upset or make
White people uncomfortable
If one tells
White people about
Intimate Partner Abuse then
Family friends are only cruel and mean
About the Intimate Partner Abuse
Making the mockery
That much worse
No one believes
What I’ve endured
Except God,
Yahweh and I know
The truth to be
As I have precisely
And accurately describe it
Domestic violence abuse
Is a nightmare
Except the nightmare
Doesn’t ever stop
Until the abuser
Gets old or has to wear diapers
As a writer, I’m doing
A public service to our nation
To have the courage to write and teach
About domestic violence abuse
Intimate Partner Abuse
No one believes me
Not even after
The X-rays have proven fractures
Still yet family friends
Don’t believe I was abused
Why white women don’t believe
Women is beyond me
Since there’s no reason to lie about
Getting choked, kicked, slapped
And punched and scratched
The only women I’ve known to lie
About rape are white women
Because white women
Use the rape-lie as a weapon
While women of color
Actually do get raped
By white men
Personally, I’ve learned
Men are great liars.
Men will go to great lengths
To lie about anything
And so will white women.
Personally, I’ve learned
Men are more like white women
While women of color are strong
Like men are supposed to be.
Personally, I think men envy women.
Women don’t ever envy men.
Women have a vagina
Between their legs
Therefore women
Won the life lottery
Personally, I know
What it’s like
To be dragged by the hair
The length of an entire mansion.
Personally, I know
Men are way stronger than women
Personally, I know
Men lie about physical assault
Personally, I know what it’s like
To have two black eyes
Personally, I know what it’s like
To constantly be criticized
As an excuse
To beat up a woman
Personally, I know what it’s like
For an abuser
To tell lies and
Make himself the victim
Personally, I know what it’s like
To have welts on the scalp
Personally, I know what it’s like
To hide bruises as large
As the size of dinner plates
Personally, I know what it’s like
To have fractured bones,
Ripped out hair and scratched skin
And broken teeth
Personally, I know how to take a punch
Finally, I did it.
Next Stop Kickboxing
Yes, I’m quite proud
To say
I can silently
Take a punch
Square in the face
And smile afterwards
You’re so stunned
You can’t believe
Someone who professes love
Is and can punch you so hard
You have to endure
Two days of semi-blindness
A mild concussion and
Afterwards for about four days
Heal two black and blue eyelids
While family friends
Still don’t believe
The victimized gets abused
Yet one endures the bruises,
punches and chokes
One actually
Has the strength
To endure
Personally, I’ve learned
Men are ten times crueler,
Meaner and more manipulative
Than white women
Personally, I’ve learned
Women of color
Don’t lie about abuse
Personally, I’ve learned
Men lie about abuse
The only reason men lie about abuse
Is because men
Are afraid to get caught
Otherwise, I think abusers
Simply just like
Abusing women
Personally, I think abusers
Enjoy the melodrama of abuse
Personally, I think
Physical assault
Is scary
Therefore I get right in there
With a bully
And start screaming bloody-murder
Because all of the psychologists
I’ve talked to say
That once physical abuse occurs
Then the abuser is a bully
And must be stopped
Because the abuser
Likes to abuse
As a woman
If you can
Then fight back like hell
To send signals
To the abusers’ brain
About how abusers
Have no right to abuse
My dad says
During self-defense
To beat
The living crap out
Of an abuser
Have no mercy
Have no guilt or shame
Because the bully user abuser
Is only going to continue
To abuse and get worse over time
Physical violence
Doesn’t ever stop
Therefore don’t feel bad.
It’s not about the abused.
It’s the abuser
Who creates dissonance,
violence and disrupts the flow of peace
Men hardly ever get abused.
For the first time in my life
I have arrived
At the conclusion
Most physical harm
Is caused by men
Most emotional harm
Is caused by women
According to my dad anytime there’s any domestic violence abuse then the man must be the one to be immediately removed from the situation because men have more resources, money and power and control than women who have nothing.
According to my dad there’s no law against anyone calling any woman a “cunt,” “slut,” or “whore” for hours each day.
My dad says if you don’t like to be called derogatory names or be continually criticized or verbally abused or psychologically abused or emotionally abused then all you can do is one of two things: either endure the verbal abuse or get away from the verbal abuse.
Now, my dad says if any man lays one single violent hand upon any woman then the woman has the right to self-defend herself.
My dad says whenever any man violently lays hands upon a woman then a woman has the right to one of two things: either kick the man in the testicles then run or take a heavy frying pan and hit the man really hard across the face and head then run.
Today I’m more certain now than ever before that Intimate Partner Abuse is a male problem and it won’t ever stop unless each generation puts a stop to the learned behavior.
Personally, I think not all mentally ill people are abusers, however.
Yes, I do believe all abusers are mentally ill because abusers don’t seem to be able to control their violent tendencies and actions then afterwards the abusers act like victims when it is the abuser who has just beaten up the woman.
The most infuriating aspect of Intimate Partner Abuse is that men can make it seem like they’re the ones being abused when it is the men who throw the first punch and when any woman as strong and athletic as me gets in the ring and gives an abuser a run for their money then the man gets really upset that I won’t take a beating lying down. I might be silent about taking a punch to the face, however.
Yes, I’m going to bite, scratch and hit back because while my left wrist is factually fractured then I’m going to definitely bite someone in the back because my wrist factually is broken even though no one believes my left wrist is fractured.
The only time I ever instinctively bitten down semi-hard on any abuser is when I’ve heard the cracking of bones and for a fact I’ve known a bone has been fractured.
No, I don’t ever mean to instinctively bite down semi-hard on any abuser except my amphibian brain has reacted with much fear at the severe pain and the sound of crushing bones then instinctively I’ve bitten down except when I woke up that morning I didn’t know I would self-defend by biting because I didn’t know my entire left wrist would be fractured.
Yes, I took the fracture of my left wrist with quite a bit of grace.
When I bit down is when I began to feel the agonizing pain of my right pinky getting crushed and begun to be broken then instinctively I bit down because I knew I could continue to write with a fractured left wrist, however. Not with any broken pinky.
Yours Truly;
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish
--- --- ---
A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Dress Etiquette.
Chapter 26.
Page ?
For breakfasting in public
or at the house
The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.
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Upload: 1:09pm CT, 1:52pm CT
Word Count: 1,402
Word Count Goal for the week: 1,000
Word Count Goal: 1,000
--- --- ---
Hi. Hello.
Happy Tuesday!
Bernie Sanders all the way!
Bernie Sanders has my vote.
Ilhan Omar isn’t to be trusted because any anti-Semitic speech is any anti-Semitic speech.
Impeach Donald Trump.
--- --- ---
CitiBank Stock Market Crooks
--- --- ---
Oil Stocks: Wednesday, April 1, 2020
We put our money into oil.
Yesterday we bought 35,000 shares into oil stock.
Yes, my money’s on oil.
Yes, I’m going to ride this wave out.
Yes, humanity’s going to need oil no matter what until green energy gets it together.
My money’s in oil and my money’s on oil.
--- --- ---
CitiBank Stock Market Crooks
On Thursday, I put in $38,000.00 dollars into CitiBank oil stock.
On Friday, CitiBank came out with a bogus notice saying they’re closing or “freezing” their stock.
I regained $6,000.
Yes, I broke even on two other oil stocks therefore I won’t have to literally go hungry.
CitiBank Crooks owe me $32,000.00.
CitiBank don’t fuck with my money or any other laypersons’ money.
When this quarantine is over I will personally ensure CitiBank goes under for stealing laypersons’ money.
All I did is take my life’s savings and put it into the economy and the stock market to keep optimistic and hopeful about our economy.
Literally, as a layperson I’m taking my life’s savings and doing my part for King and Country.
Personally, I don’t like to get fucked with especially not with my money when now I’ll probably go semi-hungry for the rest of this quarantine because CitiBank stole my money.
Fuck you, CitiBank, eventually you’ll pay for the $32,000.00 you stole from me.
My multimillionaire friends are telling me CitiBank will go to hell for this.
Personally, I know, one writer has more power than the entire of CitiBank put together because no one pays me to write. I don’t endorse or advertise for anyone therefore I have more pull and sway with the public than all of CitiBank has in their vaults.
Personally, I can’t believe what a bunch of crooks CitiBank turned out to be.
Yes, I’ve taken my life’s savings and put it into the oil stock market because I find it my duty as an intellectual to do my part in this quarantine except the crooks on Wall Street keep changing the rules and thieving from me.
Fuck you, CitiBank thieves.
Give me back my money.
What’s wrong with Wall Street’s Casino crooks?
All I’m trying to do is lift up this country rather than have my life’s savings stolen.
Look; oil isn’t going anywhere because just about everything is made out of oil therefore my money’s on oil.
Get over your egos, your fears and stop bullying the layperson.
I can’t believe CitiBank stole $32,000.00 of my hard earned life’s savings.
You’ll pay you stupid dumb scared motherfuckers good for nothing. You’ll pay.
For sure, I’ll ensure CitiBank pays and plus.
One thing I don’t allow is for anyone to fuck with my life’s savings.
CitiBank, you’ll go down for what you did to me.
CitiBank’s no longer a reputable institution.
CitiBank is a bunch of Wall Street crooks.
The reason why I hold more power than all of the banks put together is because I’m the volunteer unpaid writer who puts everything on the line for other Americans and that has more influence and pull with the rest of the Americans.
Look; just because our major institutions are scared shitless like little children the rest of us cook, clean, shop and carry on beautifully in ways that only smart, kind and intelligent people do.
Our wealthy families are richer than the banks so when the quarantine smoke clears we’ll take out every Wall Street crook from here to Bangkok and back again.
How dare CitiBank steal my life’s savings worth $32,000.00. You’ll pay the restitution through the Geneva Convention.
CitiBank, I’ll ensure your demise because laypeople are strong through this quarantine unlike the stock market which steals and runs away like a bitchy little girl.
Personally, as an introvert
I’m beautifully coping
With isolation
I love it
No germs
Look; I’m safe and happy in a bunker all by myself. I’m not pissing myself or moaning and groaning or bitching about this quarantine because I’ve got the balls of steel of a Taurus to make it through this.
Look; as an introvert I’m happier and more secluded than I’ve ever been before and I’m not even breaking a sweat in complete isolation fighting cancer on my own so get it the fuck together and stop being paranoid, sad, pathetic and scared because I’m the one fighting cancer in the era of COVID-19.
Look; I know, I live with a low-immune system and an auto-immune disease and I know I can be killed at anytime therefore I don’t sweat it or get myself into a hissy fit.
Simply, I work, clean and I keep myself busy. I heal my body by taking naps and reading articles and watching Real Time With Bill Maher and listening to WCCO.
What part of go about your lives and do well doesn’t anybody understand.
We’ve had so much loss of life in a few short weeks therefore give thanks and praise and stop being afraid and wash your hands, take off your shoes when you enter your homes and take showers and keep clean.
Yes, I’m living with cancer and I’m not even able to go to a hospital therefore since I’m doing well living in a bunker underground then others ought to be doing well also and stop being so afraid because I grocery shop every two days and I’m doing awesome with an extremely weak and low-immune system.
The Mind of an Athlete
Look; my entire life has trained me for this.
Look; I started spending time alone in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area at the age of fourteen taking care of teams of sled dogs on the Gunflint Trail therefore mentally it’s not easy to break me unless I deal with direct and perpetual verbal abuse.
Look; I spend eleven years alone canoeing and portaging through the Boundary Waters Canoe Area and I not once had one bad incident out in the woods by myself therefore we’re going to be mentally strong because I am.
Look; I spend six years with frost bitten toes and fingers speedskating the John Rose Oval and I’ve always been mentally strong even though all of my fingers and toes will be frost bitten for life.
Look; I’ve spend decades semi-starved in Minnesota because the arts don’t make any money and I’m still standing here, strong as ever fighting cancer.
Look; America has toughened me up and I came out as “sweet as pie” even though the putdowns and the belittling and the racism and the hatred by white and black Americans hasn’t ever taken me out of the running as a writer, filmmaker and intellectual.
Look; even though I deal and cope with serious stressors I still get up every day and make delicious coffee, wash my face, brush my teeth and brush my hair because no one’s going to defeat me at doing everyday life.
Look; get your big pants on and let’s go America.
This is a time to be doing spring cleaning and stop being afraid.
Fix yourselves up, clean your homes and do the domestic projects you’ve all been wishing you could do for over a decade.
America, I’m the one living with cancer so stop treating me like a second class citizen and constantly coming after what’s mine.
Leave what’s mine alone and go build your own lives without destroying mine or constantly ignoring me like I’m some type of a house slave nigger.
Fuck you assholes for being weak when this Costa Rican born is doing this quarantine alone and having my life’s savings stolen from me by CitiBank.
Let’s all get a strong athletic mentality and rally together and stop being afraid.
Yes, be cautious and careful, however.
Fear is for the amphibian brain.
Now, let’s get to work.
Let’s make money.
Let’s go.
We’ve got a country to run so let’s run it.
What the hell is wrong with everybody.
The economy doesn’t stop because of quarantine.
Yours Truly;
Friday, April 3, 2020
Yes, remotely,
I’m right here.
Yes, I’ve always been here to fire the boss.
Yes, I’m here to hire a new boss.
Yes, I’m looking for a Ph.D. manager
No, I don’t want to be the boss.
Yes, the boss and I go on
To start a new
21st century
Multimedia empire
then retire
While a manager manages
The 20th century
Publications empire
then retires
And another manager manages
Yes, as an Introvert I
grocery shop and take walks
and thoroughly wash my hands.
Personally, I love silence to write.
Yes, I’m a super quiet person by nature
Usually, I have a lot of computer work
Or writing work to do
temporarily I’m a remote graphic designer until I hire a permanent graphic
on Friday, March 20, 2020 both our graphic designer quit and our one telephone
commission sales staff female trust-fund-baby millionaire quit.
on Monday, March 23rd, 2020 operations were suspended.
Friday, April 3rd, 2020 we’re still in business.
on Thursday, April 2nd, 2020 our one commission sales staff female
trust-fund-baby millionaire
threatened to sue our publications empire for $63.50.
What on Earth.
How weird is that coming from one
telephone commission sales staff female
trust-fund-baby millionaire.
indeed threaten to sue an entire publications empire for $63.50 when the one
telephone commission sales staff female trust-fund-baby millionaire hardly ever
worked or sold their contractual quota of $1,000 per day.
days the one telephone commission sales staff female trust-fund-baby
millionaire made was about $140.00 per one hour of work each Monday, Wednesday,
Friday from September 2019-March 2020.
hiring rules state something to the effect whenever there’re any rare or seldom
publication cancellations then the former commission sales staff female
trust-fund-baby millionaire doesn’t
get paid $63.50.
Yes, business goes on.
Yes, business is still conducted even though we’ve had few
cancellations mainly due to the fact no one takes back the money they paid for
publications for youth state sports whether the events take place or not
because ultimately the money from our publications goes straight to the
chapters for which support the statewide youth sports events and the veterans
who host the events.
Remote Graphic Design Work #3
Yes, yesterday remotely I conducted another Photoshop graphic design function to take a texted camera picture image and turn the image into a Photoshop PDF file document ready for email except I still have to work on bringing down the image’s ratio compression.
Yes, I’m a silent partner to a publications’ empire.
Yes, I’m a 10% shareholder to the publications empire because remotely I’m running an entire graphic design department because I know how to and I can get the job well done.
Yes, I have a legitimate $10million dollar/10-year contract to get an awesome 20th century publications empire going into the third decade of the 21st century. Yes, analogue is King for entertainment.
Yes, remotely, I, calmly and quietly problem-solve.
Look, America, I’m doing my part by remotely conducting the work of an entire graphic design department as appointed volunteer graphic design departmental boss.
Yes, yesterday, remotely I transferred a camera phone image and made the image into a Photoshop PDF file document then emailed it over Gmail which is super accessible to citizens and civilians.
Yes, for one entire year (April 2019-April 2020) I’ve been
looking to hire 1) A sales manager 2) A graphic designer
my job is to hire for two positions: A) A sales manager B) a graphic designer
I’m not here to be the remote graphic designer. I’m here to hire a graphic
--- ---
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish
--- --- ---
A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Dress Etiquette.
Chapter 26.
Page ?
For breakfasting in public
or at the house
The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.
--- --- ---
Upload: 9:02am, 11:16am
Word Count: 607 + 873 = 1,480
Word Count Goal for the week: 1,000
Word Count Goal: 1,000
--- --- ---
Hi. Hello.
Happy Friday!
Bernie Sanders all the way!
Bernie Sanders has my vote.
Ilhan Omar isn’t to be trusted because any anti-Semitic speech is any anti-Semitic speech.
Impeach Donald Trump.
--- --- ---
Oil Stocks: Wednesday, April 1, 2020
We put our money into oil.
Yesterday we bought 35,000 shares into oil stock.
Yes, my money’s on oil.
Yes, I’m going to ride this wave out.
Yes, humanity’s going to need oil no matter what until green energy gets it together.
My money’s in oil and my money’s on oil.
--- --- ---
During “Stay-At-Home” Quarantine: We Grocery Shop: Yes: Correct.
Look, America, the rest of the progressive world usually takes the entire four weeks of each August to vacation therefore such economies have taught economists about the history of all restaurants and bars closed for four straight weeks.
Look; America, the rest of the progressive world usually takes the entire four weeks of each August to vacation and either urban economies are sustained by the awesome cool and chic urbanites who peacefully run errands and go about their business such as don’t forget to brush one’s teeth and wash one’s face each night before bed.
Look America, I’m serious. Brush one’s teeth.
Look; America, having two weeks to isolate isn’t such a bad idea to get some basic property maintenance done, spring clean and wash all of those curtains and blankets sitting out collecting dust or being sat upon week-after-week.
Look, America, I’m doing my great part by remotely carrying an entire graphic design department as appointed graphic design departmental boss.
--- --- ---
Hi, World.
Don’t stare.
Staring is incredibly rude.
Don’t go out of one’s way
To make comments
About other people’s personal appearance or look
Don’t touch anybody.
Personally, I’ve fallen in love with
Instant Mac & Cheese with tuna
Yes, I’m blogging
To more than six million readers
Thank you
We’ve been here for nearly one decade
(10 years)
The broadcast engineers,
Legal and myself, of course,
My monogamous heterosexual exclusive spouse, always
We work.
I write.
The broadcast engineers correct
My technical mistakes
Legal says I may write anything I want in the world.
Legal says not to ever write or mention
Anyone by name unless under contract
Legal says I may take any tone of voice I want
Because I’m an American Citizen/Civilian writer
One writer is worth more than ten millionaires
My spouse and I
Remotely, we’re about to launch
A multimedia empire
Yes, this is how intelligent, kind and smart I am.
Yes, correct.
Maturity has taught me to be as quiet as possible.
Personally, I don’t ever bother anyone.
I don’t.
Personally, I don’t correct anyone.
Personally, as a mature adult, I, mind my own business.
Especially when I look like I’m not working
As of late; I’ve been mapping out
An entire remote multimedia empire
(Not anyone can do that)
Mostly, I’ve learned anyone can do anything
Except most people don’t
Absolutely, I don’t have any personal wealth.
Absolutely, I’m finally respected
And cherished by both of my parents
Who now seem to understand mostly I stay home
And write prestigious fellowships and grants
And write feature-length film scripts
As well as consult as an
Assigned volunteer engineer tycoon boss
Yes, I’m signed into a
Ten-million and ten-year contract
Why me?
Because I’m the only one
Who can get the work well done.
Yes, I’m incredibly healthy.
Healthier than I’ve ever been in my entire life
Each August
The progressive world
Takes four weeks
To rest and relax either
At home Holiday
Or Beach Holiday
Real chic and modern
In cities,
Grocery shop,
Bike ride
And hardly ever
Travel outside
a five mile radius (of driving)
Because there’s nowhere
More comfortable than home
The world is a dirty place.
Other peoples’ abodes are dirty.
Mainly, mature adulthood is about
Being at home or
Getting a walk
Or sitting outside
Or mature errands
Because unexpected anything
Can happen at any time
Yes, I’m an
appointed volunteer engineer tycoon boss
Personally, I was invited to
Cart Blanch grocery shop
While I remotely save
several empires
Yes, remotely,
I’m right here.
Yes, I’ve always been here to fire the boss.
Yes, I’m here to hire a new boss.
Yes, I’m looking for a Ph.D. manager
No, I don’t want to be the boss.
Yes, the boss and I go on
To start a new
21st century
Multimedia empire
then retire
While a manager manages
The 20th century
Publications empire
then retires
And another manager manages
Yes, as an Introvert I
grocery shop and take walks
and thoroughly wash my hands.
Personally, I love silence to write.
Yes, I’m a super quiet person by nature
Usually, I have a lot of computer work
Or writing work to do
No, we’re not thieves.
We can afford an entire car dealership.
Look; I’d rather starve to death
Than steal anything.
We don’t have any reason to steal anything
And neither does anybody else.
Yours Truly;
Thursday, April 2, 2020
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish
--- --- ---
A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Dress Etiquette.
Chapter 26.
Page ?
For breakfasting in public
or at the house
The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.
--- --- ---
Upload: 6:02pm
Word Count:
Word Count Goal for the week: 1,000
Word Count Goal: 1,000
--- --- ---
Hi. Hello.
Happy Thursday!
Bernie Sanders all the way!
Bernie Sanders has my vote.
Ilhan Omar isn’t to be trusted because any anti-Semitic speech is any anti-Semitic speech.
Impeach Donald Trump.
--- --- ---
Oil Stocks: Wednesday, April 1, 2020
We put our money into oil.
Yesterday we bought 35,000 shares into oil stock.
Yes, my money’s on oil.
Yes, I’m going to ride this wave out.
Yes, humanity’s going to need oil no matter what until green energy gets it together.
My money’s in oil.
--- --- ---
Hi, World.
Don’t stare.
Staring is incredibly rude.
Don’t go out of one’s way
To make comments
About other people’s personal appearance or look
Don’t touch anybody.
Personally, I’ve fallen in love with
Instant Mac & Cheese with tuna
Yes, I’m blogging
To more than six million readers
Thank you
We’ve been here for nearly one decade
(10 years)
The broadcast engineers,
Legal and myself, of course,
My monogamous heterosexual exclusive spouse, always
We work.
I write.
The broadcast engineers correct
My technical mistakes
Legal says I may write anything I want in the world.
Legal says not to ever write or mention
Anyone by name unless under contract
Legal says I may take any tone of voice I want
Because I’m an American Citizen/Civilian writer
One writer is worth more than ten millionaires
My spouse and I
Remotely, we’re about to launch
A multimedia empire
Yes, this is how intelligent, kind and smart I am.
Yes, correct.
Maturity has taught me to be as quiet as possible.
Personally, I don’t ever bother anyone.
I don’t.
Personally, I don’t correct anyone.
Personally, as a mature adult, I, mind my own business.
Especially when I look like I’m not working
As of late; I’ve been mapping out
An entire remote multimedia empire
(Not anyone can do that)
Mostly, I’ve learned anyone can do anything
Except most people don’t
Absolutely, I don’t have any personal wealth.
Absolutely, I’m finally respected
And cherished by both of my parents
Who now seem to understand mostly I stay home
And write prestigious fellowships and grants
And write feature-length film scripts
As well as consult as an
Assigned volunteer engineer tycoon boss
Yes, I’m signed into a
Ten-million and ten-year contract
Why me?
Because I’m the only one
Who can get the work well done.
Yes, I’m incredibly healthy.
Healthier than I’ve ever been in my entire life
Yours Truly;
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish
--- --- ---
A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Dress Etiquette.
Chapter 26.
Page ?
For breakfasting in public
or at the house
The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.
--- --- ---
Upload: 7:06pm CT, 9:02pm CT
Word Count: 434
Word Count Goal for the week: 1,000
Word Count Goal: 1,000
--- --- ---
Hi. Hello.
Happy Wednesday!
Happy Fool’s Day!
Bernie Sanders all the way!
Bernie Sanders has my vote.
Ilhan Omar isn’t to be trusted because any anti-Semitic speech is any anti-Semitic speech.
Impeach Donald Trump.
--- --- ---
Oil Stocks: Wednesday, April 1, 2020
We put our money into oil.
Yesterday we bought 35,000 shares into oil stock.
Yes, my money’s on oil.
Yes, I’m going to ride this wave out.
Yes, humanity’s going to need oil no matter what until green energy gets it together.
My money’s in oil.
--- --- ---
Hi, World.
Don’t stare.
Staring is incredibly rude.
Don’t go out of one’s way
To make comments
About other people’s personal appearance or look
Don’t touch anybody.
Personally, I’ve fallen in love with
Instant Mac & Cheese with tuna
Yes, I’m blogging
To more than six million readers
Thank you
We’ve been here for nearly one decade
(10 years)
The broadcast engineers,
Legal and myself, of course,
My monogamous heterosexual exclusive spouse, always
We work.
I write.
The broadcast engineers correct
My technical mistakes
Legal says I may write anything I want in the world.
Legal says not to ever write or mention
Anyone by name unless under contract
Legal says I may take any tone of voice I want
Because I’m an American Citizen/Civilian writer
One writer is worth more than ten millionaires
My spouse and I
Remotely, we’re about to launch
A multimedia empire
Yes, this is how intelligent, kind and smart I am.
Yes, correct.
Maturity has taught me to be as quiet as possible.
Personally, I don’t ever bother anyone.
I don’t.
Personally, I don’t correct anyone.
Personally, as a mature adult, I, mind my own business.
Especially when I look like I’m not working
As of late; I’ve been mapping out
An entire remote multimedia empire
(Not anyone can do that)
Mostly, I’ve learned anyone can do anything
Except most people don’t
Absolutely, I don’t have any personal wealth.
Absolutely, I’m finally respected
And cherished by both of my parents
Who now seem to understand mostly I stay home
And write prestigious fellowships and grants
And write feature-length film scripts
As well as consult as an
Assigned volunteer engineer tycoon boss
Yes, I’m signed into a
Ten-million and ten-year contract
Why me?
Because I’m the only one
Who can get the work well done.
Yes, I’m incredibly healthy.
Healthier than I’ve ever been in my entire life
Yours Truly;