Friday, May 1, 2015
“Half a truth is a whole
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Scintillate (to give off sparks; flash; sparkle; to sparkle intellectually; be brilliant and witty; twinkle)
Her gown was so lovely and her conversation so witty that she fairly scintillated at the social gathering.
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A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Dress For The Opera.
Chapter 26.
Pages 339-340
The opera calls out the richest of all dresses. A lady goes to the opera not only to see but to be seen, and her dress must be adopted with a full realization of the thousand gaslights which will bring out its merits and defects.
The material of the dress should be heavy enough to bear the crush of the place, rich in color and splendid in its arrangement. The headdress should be of flowers, ribbons, lace or feathers---whatever may be the prevailing style---the head should be uncovered. If, however, it is found necessary to have the head protected, a bonnet or hat of the lightest character should be worn.
Jewelry of the heaviest and richest description is worn in this occasion, and there is no place where the glitter of gems will be seen to better advantage.
White kid gloves or those of light delicate tints should be worn.
A most important adjunct to an opera-costume is the cloak or wrap. This may be of white or of some brilliant color. Scarlet and gold, white and gold, green and gold or Roman stripes are all very effective when worn with appropriate dresses.
Either black or white lace may be adopted with advantage in an opera-dress. Purple, pink, orange and most light tints requite black lace, while the neutral shades may be worn with either black or white.
Yellow and blue should be avoided in an opera-dress, as neither bears the light well. Green requires gold as contrasting color; crimson, black.
The fan, the bouquet and handkerchief must all have due consideration and be in keeping with the other portions of the dress. Thus a lady in pink should avoid a bouquet in which scarlet flowers dominate.
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Happy May Day!
Happy First Day of May 2015!
Thirty below zero (-30) seems so far away.
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Oh, I type fast.
Need I say more? Nope.
Simply I type fast to get as many thoughts down (stream of consciousness writing) as possible so I don’t have to come back to the same subject matter and cover the same topics over-and-over although sometimes even I sound like a broken record to myself; I address important ideas and subject matter as much as possible until there’s resolve and equal exchange so that I might keep moving forward with this writing otherwise I’d become overwhelmed at the reality for which millions of people around the globe read my words and I must be responsible to my words more so my actions.
In America, writers get to write whatever we want and no one has anything to say about it. No one.
However, writers must write the truth with facts and evidence and proof beyond a reasonable doubt for writers to make their arguments perfectly clear as to why they are right without getting anyone killed.
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Of course, we’re aware of Nepal.
Our peeps’ families reside and live and work and contribute to modern day Nepal.
What would you have me say about Nepal when I’ve absolutely no words for it?
We love you Manhattan cousin who lived and studied and worked in Nepal for many years. (Oh, Nepal.)
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8:37 P.M.
(Correction on time)
Personal Dance Notes:
To Dance Or Not To Dance Tonight?
That is the question.
Minneapolis is off limit for one decade
(10 years)
Since of August 2014
(Correction on date)
How safe is St. Paul?
(We don’t have time right now to go into it.)
Early dusk is upon us all at 7:39 P.M.
As I stand to write this…
Happy Sabbath.
What I need is music to really dance to without any interruptions or grabby hands or anyone (man or woman) so much as to take the liberty as to ever get up on my leg and hump it like a dog much less my crotch or vagina or pinch my nipples or grab or pinch my derrière or be ever so presumptuous as to kiss my facial cheek or otherwise in public or private unless first dialogue between mature adults of the world does occur and agreed upon otherwise it’s considered sexual harassment or sexual assault.
In other words: Is modern man even possibly able to romance women without repulsing women on dance floors or turn to violent acts when men or women can’t get their sexual way with other peaceful dancing women or men on the dance floor? (Back. Back. Back. Everybody. Way back.)
Or try this on for a size: Is modern man able to “sexually turn on” women or men without ever so much as a touch?
Are men able to make women wet without a single touch?
Happy May Day.
Yes, we’re happily married no matter how “good looking” strangers may or may not appear to each one of us. We’re Mexican “monkeys” and socially like to stare at people. (Terrible habit.) Plus, we have bad eye sight.
No, we’re not sexually attracted to anyone else to the point of which we undo our clothes or put our hands on anyone else either in public or in private unless either Eric were to call me and informed me he was about to have sex with so-and-so and okay. And vice versa. Neither one of us would have anything to demand of the other; other than please strap on a condom and have fun while it lasted. We agree to get divorced if ever within the week of making such a call. Okay. Deal. Squeal.
Monogamous matrimony is anything but boring. Matrimony is a full life. Too much happens in one day.
Yes, we’re head over heels in love with each other.
No, I wouldn’t remarry a Minnesotan for anything in the world.
Yes, if I were to divorce Eric then I’d take it upon myself to get my business in order and become an expatriate of the United States and immediately uproot and move to...
Yes, if we stay married past August 30, 2015 then we live, work and stay in Minnesota since all of our villages’ Elders are now baby boomers and retired as of five (5) years ago or more.
Yes, we take care of our own.
Yes, when I do and if I “scream” then such a demonstrative act is only reserved for Eric and if and when I might or do “yell” then I do “yell” at unruly neglected uneducated black American children who play in the middle of the street and scream for hours at a time.
Yes, I call the cops any time. I don’t know who any of you are, however. The last time I checked our generation took D.A.R.E. and even though possibly private citizens and civilians have reason to be justifiably angry and sad about police brutality then so be it, however.
There’s a time and place for justice; and, restaurants or hotels or dance places or disco-techs or even “nude topless bars” are not places to brawl or sexually harass or sexually assault others; where women and men work for a living and pay exorbitant amount in taxes and childcare. Okay.
Come in peace, stay a while, and leave in peace.
Yes, I’ll drive myself therefore I’ll stay sober with Coca Cola or bottled water.
No, I’m not looking for drugs or a fix or a hook up or, or, or…
Yes, I’m a working taxpaying private citizen and I’ll be traveling physically alone, however. Not lonely nor without people knowing where exactly I’ll be.
Our peeps here in the Twin Cities are all married Minnesota couples who didn’t dance twenty years ago much less will they dance today unless at funerals or wedding ceremonies and 80% have children and 99% are in bed by 9:00 P.M. and possibly the last time they went out to dance to release beautiful stress was six (6) years ago or a decade or more.
Yes, the last time I went out to dance was August 2014 and the time before that was four years and the time before that was hardly ever unless for documentary film work or with girlfriends who now live all over the world and don’t reside here in the Twin Cities as of this very moment nor have they ever nor possibly will they ever since they have no reason to do so.
Yes, I’m always apprehensive to travel (miswritten English word: it happens) alone in any city, however. I shall travel smartly with my head straight on and please don’t ask me for a ride home or I shan’t play the part of a child nor village idiot; I’ll simply walk away. Thank you very much.
No, if one were to be a prostitute or pimp then definitely please don’t approach me or mine for anything. Thank you.
No, Eric doesn’t dance.
Yes, Eric can dance, however. Chooses not to.
Yes, I’m finally getting the four count down.
Please, don’t be mean about the four count. I’m doing my best. It’s taken me nine (9) years to “air” conduct and orchestra and finally as of last week I did get the four count down for the first time in my life! Rejoice.
After two and a half decades of struggling to get the four count down and maybe just maybe I’ll get something decent out of either a clarinet (played for five years and took private lessons) or a guitar (played for three years and took private lessons) or a violin (played for three years and took private lessons).
Six years of music theory and four years of music global history and
the only time I can get any decent sound out of my horn or strings is when I’m
furious; the same goes for singing. I can sing an entire song or ballad “dead
on” pitch and tune and harmony only when the injustice or discrimination
becomes suffocating otherwise I can’t get a tune out of my body to save my life
and I sound like a croaking frog as a metaphorical example, of course.
No, Minnesotans hardly ever dance if ever unless drunk or at weddings.
Yes, we’re a monogamous couple.
This week both Eric and I found out that either our close friends have been diagnosed with deadly cancers or their parents have been diagnosed with deadly cancers or others in their families such as their cousins or their grandmas’ or their… or, or, or, or…
No, we’re neither martyrs nor mooches nor slimy nor jealous nor territorial nor bad asses unless provoked and we do get on well with others since mostly all of the people I’ve ever worked with tell me it’s been a “fantastic” experience. Unless, everyone’s lying to my face then, I can’t help that.
Yes, I’m tough on the exterior like a real New Englander and hundreds of years to back it up as well as pioneering Minnesota Farm folk and stock and Indigenous Mayan blood.
No, I’m not an old woman yet. No, my vagina hasn’t dried up yet. No, I don’t sexually need anyone other than Eric.
However and nevertheless, I need to move the body, soul, and spirit and rejoice in life and I’ve now lost the light.
It’s 8:30 P.M. depending on how fast or slow this clock is.
Where in St. Paul may I be safe and dance with other civilized beautiful folks?
If I were to dance downtown, Minneapolis then I’d hit “Hell’s Kitchen” for Soul Friday night since it’s a safe place to dance for a woman of color; amongst mostly lesbian women or I’d hit the Seventh Street Entry for their “Dancetaria.”
Cheers. Really.
Yes, I’m 37 years old and 9 P.M. is our dinner time so I must now go and cook dinner and only hope I make it someplace by twelve or one in the morning because I’m going to dine with Eric and take an hour long nap and bathe and clean and dress and by the time I make it to St. Paul it might be closer to one in the morning.
Yes, I’m dancing tonight, motherfuckers.
And no one has anything to say about it.
Unless, Eric can convince me to one glass of Champagne then I’ll stay home. Any alcohol is a deal breaker and we both get to stay home together and have fun anyway because we make each other laugh every single day.
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Other Notes:
One more month to go…
…And I get to take my three month holiday from this blog.
Only to begin to write a series of screenplays (film scripts) which the average screenplay is 120 pages and I do write 1,000 words per day and 5,000 words per week on average.
By the first week of September 2015 I’ll have __ screenplays completed. Incredible!
Last summer I wrote a complete 600 page novel.
No, I can’t get my second practice novel published under a pseudonym (correction on the English) since not one single editor finds it worthy to publish or perhaps most likely the manuscript did get thrown out with the trash. I know how the publishing business works and one must have contacts in the business which we do, however. I want to find out if the manuscripts are any good and if they can stand up on their own without our contacts. (Okay. I can accept such reality.)
“3500 Manor Park” is a lengthy novel about one black family and their lives and how they turn their behavior around through tennis.
The particular characters in the book have all of the luck in the world to live right across from a municipal tennis court.
Eventually the screaming and garbage at the park gets cleaned up because the black family and other black private citizens and civilians actually begin to care what happens to their neighborhood when their three young preteens begin to show some promise of becoming world renowned tennis players.
Not one single editor liked the book thus it goes to the slash pile to be forgotten forever. Cheers! (For sure.)
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May First!
We’ll get the Champagne out.
Word Count Goal: 1,000 personal journals
Word Count: 2,123
This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 5,392
One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:
*) Day #4 without verbal swear words. I like it.
*) Day #11 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.
*) Day #433 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Day #185 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Week #2 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #29 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.
*) Month #8 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three (23”) inch high waist.
Thursday, April 30, 2015
“When you tell the truth
you don’t have to remember what you said.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Candor (frankness, outspokenness, impartiality)
His reply was marked by candor.
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A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Dress For Lecture And Concert.
Chapter 26.
Pages 338-339
Lecture and concert-halls call for a little more elaborate toilet. Silk is the most appropriate material for the dress, and should be worn with lace collar and cuffs and jewelry. White or light kid gloves should be worn. A rich shawl or opera cloak is an appropriate finish. The latter may be kept on the shoulders during the evening. The handkerchief should be fine and delicate; the fan of a color to harmonize with the dress.
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When any group of individual adults gather all dressed in the same color then they look silly as an entire herd.
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Handheld camera shots are awful to watch no matter how trendy or cheap they might be.
We don’t watch anything handheld for anymore than one minute because handheld makes it difficult to concentrate on the actors and the storyline.
Handheld takes away from the actors’ performances and directorial intelligence.
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Yes, I must find copies of Mr. Charlie Rose’s show without going to PBS for anything.
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We boycott “Fresh Off The Boat” in solidarity for our Chinese-Americans who are too “timid” (correction on phrase or choice of English words) to publically speak up and point out all of the stereotypes in the show. Thank you.
After listening to the writer of “Fresh Off The Boat” we’ve decided to do the right thing.
Thanks, Mr. Bill Maher.
--- --- ---
Finally, we found non-breaded non-hot BBQ wings from Broadway Pizza and they’re tasty and wonderful!
Word Count Goal: 1,000 personal journals
Word Count: 340
This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 5,224
One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:
*) Day #3 without verbal swear words. I like it.
*) Day #10 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.
*) Day #432 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Day #184 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Week #2 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #29 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.
*) Month #8 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three (23”) inch high waist.
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
“He who lives on trust is
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Moot (debatable, subject to argument or discussion)
The members of the organization considered it a moot point.
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A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Dress For The Theatre.
Chapter 26.
Page 338
The ordinary promenade-dress is suitable for the theater, with the addition of a handsome shawl or cloak, which may be thrown aside if uncomfortable. Either the bonnet or hat may be worn. In some cities it is customary to remove the bonnet in the theatre---a custom which is sanctioned by good sense and a consideration of those who sit behind, but which has not yet the authority of etiquette. The dress should be, in all respects, plain, without any attempt at display. Gloves should be dark, and harmonize with the custom.
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Word Count Goal: 1,000 personal journals
Word Count: 112
This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 5,224
One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:
*) Day #2 without verbal swear words. I like it.
*) Day #9 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.
*) Day #431 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Day #183 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Week #2 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #29 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.
*) Month #8 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three (23”) inch high waist.
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
“The most courteous man is
one who bears with the discourteous.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Lethargy (inaction, indifference, dullness)
He showed a great deal of lethargy in all his undertakings.
--- --- ---
A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Dress For Church.
Chapter 26.
Page 338
The dress for church should be plain and simple. It should be dark, plain colors for winter, and there should be no superfluous trimming or jewelry. It should, in fact, be the plainest of promenade-dresses, since church is not a place for the display of elaborate toilets, and no woman of consideration would wish to make her own expensive and showy toilet an excuse to another woman, who could not afford to dress in similar manner, for not attending church.
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Yes, West Baltimore teens
are opportunistic hooligans and looters.
Please, don’t allow for television talking-heads to
Lie to your face.
Yes, my language will get
even more so provocative.
No, I’m not a saboteur.
No, I don’t believe in civil unrest.
Yes, I believe in factual truths.
If you’re shorter than 4’11”
or younger than 18
or pregnant
or with heart problems
then I’d sit out this
literary roller coaster ride.
Thank you.
Read at your own risk.
I’m within my legal boundaries to write as a private citizen.
Peace At All Cost.
Anytime any minor breaks federal laws, then their parents either go to jail or pay heavy fines.
If I were to go and loot and riot as a way to ‘let out steam’ then I’d end up behind bars. No thank you.
No one can justify looting or riots except a “slave” or a “nigger.”
Yes, I’ll use the word “nigger” like someone might beat a dead horse.
Yes, I love to write the word (... “” so no one takes the word “nigger” seriously here in these writings or else they might be mentally ill or otherwise close to it...) “nigger” because I’m supposed to be afraid of the word “nigger,” however.
Writers are taught not to be afraid of any words since words are fleeting and don’t mean anything, however.
Actions mean consequences.
Actions mean something important.
Yes, as of two years ago, I learned the meaning of the word “nigger.”
I love to write the word “nigger” because no one owns such a despicable word which says so little and means so much. (Correction: on the layout of the meaning of the words.) Thank you.
(Correction: I translated backwards from the Spanish to the English. I tend to do that when I sometimes translate, too, fast, however.
If one were to read logically then they’d know that some of my few and seldom English gibberish-turned-around-sentences ‘don’t mean a lick’ and must get corrected or I write “dumb” or “stupid” or “idiotic” sentences and we can’t have any of that otherwise no dessert until I correctly get my grammar down on paper.) Okay.
Please, allow for me
to ‘spell it out for everyone.’
Non-Ivy League or none decent four-year college uneducated black American people get furious about the injustices of the world, however.
Mostly what I know of non-Ivy League or non decent four-year college uneducated black American people is that they are unintelligent violent mules who hate “everything” and “everyone” and scream-and-yell in public places about injustices.
Non-Ivy League or non decent four-year college uneducated black American people tend to disrespect their neighbors and throw garbage on their neighbors’ lawns year-after-year yet non-Ivy League or non decent four-year college uneducated black American people demand respect which like hell if anyone is ever going to give non-Ivy League or non decent four-year college uneducated black American people any respect when non-Ivy League or non decent four-year college uneducated black American people are abusers or physically violent perverts.
Non-Ivy League or non decent four-year college uneducated black American people are disgusting and no one wants to admit that except independent politicos and writers and artisans and entrepreneurs’ of small and independent ‘Mom ‘n’ Pop’ day-to-day operations and business: Will tell you how difficult it is to deal or interact with non-Ivy League or non decent four-year college uneducated black American people in some pockets of the urban cities and suburbs as well.
Non-Ivy League or non decent four-year college uneducated black American people are disgusting because they make excuses for themselves all of the time and don’t take any of the responsibility for their misbehavior.
As an Indigenous woman I’ve been oppressed and robbed and had guns pointed at my head and been sexually assaulted twice in the Twin Cities within the past four (4) years; and, not once did I justify any type of rioting or looting because I do know better; and, I’m better than most non-Ivy League or non decent four-year college uneducated black American people who don’t have any education beyond the tenth (10th) grade and can’t read or write beyond a fourth to sixth (4-6) grade reading, writing and mathematics level.
(Don’t give me that ugly look. I know what I’m talking about. We live on the ground. We live in the trenches and work alongside middle income earning folks who can barely get by even though the television screams and shouts about how awesome the economy is.
Unfortunately, the peoples’ pocket books don’t rebound as quickly after two (2) recessions back-to-back and one 13.5 years of “food insecure” Americans which almost broke our united back carrying all those broken promises and underhanded play and heavy weight and sacrifice and pressure to (at times) carry-on, on an empty stomach to keep the civilization calm no matter how hungry Americans went and do.
American Caucasian and Jewish baby boomers openly-and-in-public called for the rioting in the streets and it took cooler heads to prevail.
American Caucasian and Jewish baby boomers wanted to riot against a government and Wall Street which committed crimes against humanity to their own people and starved our own private citizens and civilians for 13.5 years of war and continue to do so.) Shame.
Yes, I’m a complete monkey.
Yes, everyone’s a complete animal.
Yes, I’m now an Alpha.
My former talk-therapist told me to think
about how to use war tactics
when black uneducated children are bullies
and disrespectful
to anyone
especially neighborhood adults.
In former talk-therapy (August-fall 2014) I learned any adult Is allotted to directly swear at American children especially when any child bullies and oversteps serious boundaries and continually year-after-year disrespects and mocks and yells and screams at adults on public sidewalks.
Black neighborhood children who get overly and violently excited by the mere sight of their neighbors are difficult to understand; Who can’t stand children’s misbehavior and rightly so no one else in the neighborhood can, either.
Sociopaths who like to taunt their prey.
Yes, it’s true:
Black uneducated American children can be oppressors to adults.
Black uneducated American children can also get away with bullying adults until adults decide and choose to put any child in their place; still yet “everyone” runs the risk that it could get ugly and rightly so after continual years of disrespect from the same black uneducated American children as social oppressors who cause commotion and chaos in their neighborhoods on a daily or weekly or monthly or yearly basis for more than two decades since the early 1980’s. Shame.
Parents Must attend to their children; Or other adults will; And we’ll psychologically and emotionally metaphorically slash unruly and mean-spirited and troublesome and stupid and disrespectful and uneducated black American children who tell their Grandmothers to go fuck themselves.
Yes, I was a witness (early September 2014) to a seven year old black uneducated American neighbor child tell her grandmother off when I went over there and knocked on their front door and backed up and stood on the sidewalk to speak to one of the children’s adult parental units.
Yes, I took it upon myself and walked over to our neighbors’ two-doors down and knocked on their front door to discuss their children’s troublesome misbehavior (early September 2014) and in the front yard, and in front of me; the grandmother asked one of her black uneducated American grandchildren to please not swear and scream at her neighbors thus in turn the child told her grandmother to go fuck herself and I almost fell over on the sidewalk because her grandmother didn’t say anything nor defended herself.
Immediately, I went home and the next day I wrote a handwritten letter (front and back) to the grandmother and made her non-GMO organic no sugar brown loaf of homemade bread as an olive branch between our households.
It wasn’t until I looked at their black and white grandmother’s beautiful creamy light black skin which I fell head-over-heels in love with “mama Rosa” (not her actual name because she’s a “grandmother” in actual life) who has the saddest blue eyes and her beautiful black American grandchildren show her so much disrespect and hatred.
It would break anyone’s heart to realize the harsh dynamics of their familial situation and we’re not living it.
No, I don’t think “mama Rosa” is a “nigger.”
Yes, I think “mama Rosa” is a beauty.
However and nevertheless, I do believe her uneducated grandchildren act in a “nigger” manner because they think themselves as slaves to a system which oppresses the uneducated black American children thus in turn the uneducated black American children oppress anything which breathes especially their neighbors. Shame.
As of two years ago, I came to learn what it’s like to live two houses down from uneducated American “niggers” who allow their uneducated children and youth and preteens and early teens to continually harass and disrespect and emotionally hurt and bully and scream and swear at adults on our block since the black adults won’t take any responsibility for themselves or for their offspring because their offspring harass and belittle and violently speak to their grandparents with the sad eyes as well as violently speak to all and any adults.
Quoting Myself
“Shut the fuck up, little girl, just shut the fuck up.”
Yesterday, I calmly swore at an uneducated black American neighborhood child for the first time in my life and I don’t regret it nor shall I ever.
Yes, two years ago I ought to have sworn at the uneducated black American children when we first moved-in, when the uneducated black American children came over and stood at the edge of our property and called Eric “ugly” (literally) we we’re ambushed from the first moment we moved here. (Eric didn’t and doesn’t care because he thinks they’re dumb idiots.)
Yes, I ought to have put such sociopathic uneducated black American children in their place and now I know better than to allow for uneducated American children to get away with such abusive demeanor in misbehavior.
No, I shan’t ever allow for any uneducated black American children to bully me for as long as I live because I’m a royal cunt whenever oppressed.
Yes, I’ll take abuse for years since I seem to be a “glutton for punishment” however.
Eventually I’ll put anyone in their rightful place when push comes to shove.
Lucky for others I’m constantly at a loss for words and don’t tend to constructively stand up for myself no matter how degraded I might get treated and that’s my fault for setting the wrong example as though I’m someone to be “used” or to be taken advantage of because I was taught kindness and servitude is strength, however.
Not in America.
The same little girl who told her grandmother to go fuck herself last fall 2014 is the same little girl who I even-toned with a cold voice told her to shut the fuck up, yesterday afternoon at around 3:30 P.M.
Oh, I’m within my rights to swear at American children and/or adults alike who cause a ruckus, until the point is driven home: Don’t fuck with decent hardworking adults because adults don’t like to be fucked with since life is difficult and full of secret suffering while living with painful benign tumors.
Empowerment is righteous because by the time an adult has sworn at misbehaved and disrespectful uneducated black American children then the black uneducated American children have been “checked.”
If any uneducated black American child gets “check-mated” because they can’t or won’t stop themselves from continual year-after-year misbehavior and disrespect then any adult is within their right place to put any child in their proper place whenever other unwilling or unable adults or parental units won’t correct the crookedness of their black uneducated American children.
Yes, American uneducated black children are violent and mostly turn into violent teens and possibly become violent adults.
Who wants to be around so much black violence? No one.
Black uneducated Americans may call each other “niggas” or “niggers” but the rest of us can’t because it’s the double standard of cowards.
Whenever, a non-black American uses the word “niggas” or “niggers” then “everyone” is ready to literally brawl and kill because uneducated black Americans can’t or won’t seem to control their rage and anger and sadness and hatred and self-loathing until someone shows them exactly what they look like in a mirror image and then uneducated black Americans get scared of just how ugly they are and have become and allow themselves to live a sub-par and below any humanistic or calm standard.
Why are black uneducated people so violent when their plagiarist preacher man broadcasted respect and non violence?
Keep Calm And Carry On, Assholes.
Civil unrest is an excuse to hurt people.
No, we’re not out in the streets looting or rioting.
Our peaceful actions speak clearly for us.
Some black uneducated people are cowards and that’s why they overreact with violence or the constant threat of physical violence.
The rest of the country won’t stand for such nonsense as uneducated oppressive black Americans think they can justifiably hurt or harm others in the broader population.
In other terms or in contemporary language: the country won’t put up with bullshit spin.
If a black uneducated person acts like a “nigger” slave then I get to call their actions the actions of a “nigger” and I get to walk away with my life because when “white trash” acts like slaves then I get to call their actions the actions of “white trash.” (Please, don’t take these words literally otherwise one isn’t ready for literary astute-ship and humane and peaceful excellence.)
Contemporary language (swear words and derogatory words) seems to be the only language uneducated Americans respond to. Shame.
Yes, I justify the emotional and psychological and metaphorical intent of incarcerated Malcolm X’s teachings far more so than plagiarist Martin Luther King, Jr. nobody;
:Advertisers continue to shove a lie down our collective throat about Martin Luther King, Jr. ‘nobody’ because “nobody” who factually copied other peoples’ already published works from their doctorate dissertations is automatically and officially disqualified and out of the game of life in the profession of letters and words and writing and potential and possible leadership.
Letters and words are serious business and difficult work so it’s best not to copy other writers’ published words or letters unless incorporating literary historical references which mostly educated people know whom is the historical literary figure quoted by modern writers.
If I were to plagiarize any writings without “Italicize” or quotes (“”) then most likely I’d get metaphorically “stoned” to death or hung by the nearest lamppost or many of other possible anecdotal literary deaths, however.
Since what I write is Nonfiction (factual, real life events) and when I write I witness any real life events then I mean: I was at a particular place at a particular time in a particular setting and simply because I freeze with fright or I don’t speak up or either I yell at publically violent manipulative sexual misconduct in perpetrators (people who masturbate in public parks or areas) or cocaine addicts (real estate executives or commercial airline writers) or heroin addicts (post-punk junkies who lost hope in a democratic system.)
If I were to plagiarize as Martin Luther King, Jr. ‘nobody’ did then I wouldn’t be here today writing as freely as I like to paint the truth in either tight strokes or large brush strokes to pull out more color across the surface of the canvas’ sponge soaked face filled with color.
(Oh, I wish I was writing poetry instead of a blog.)
Need I say more?
Word Count Goal: 1,000
Word Count: 2,389
This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 4,708
One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:
*) Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.
*) Day #8 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.
*) Day #430 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Day #182 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Week #2 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #29 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.
*) Month #8 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three (23”) inch high waist.
Monday, April 27, 2015
“It breaks no law to be
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Fastidious (delicate to a fault, dainty)
She was dressed with fastidious taste.
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A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
The Soiree And Ball.
Chapter 26.
Page 337
These occasions call for the richest dress. The former usually requires dark colors and heavy material, the latter lighter tints and goods. The richest velvets, the brightest and most delicate tints in silks, the most expensive laces, low neck and short sleeves, elaborate head-dress, the greatest display of gems, flowers, etc., all belong more or less to these occasions.
Still, it is possible to be over-dressed. It is best to aim at being as well dressed as the rest, yet not to outdo them or render one’s self conspicuous.
White kid gloves and white satin boots belong to these costumes unless the overdress is of black lace, when black satin boots or slippers are requires.
The dress to be worn in public should always be suited to the place where it is to appear. For church the material should be rich rather than showy. For the opera the extreme of brilliancy is allowable.
--- --- ---
Yes, if white adults act like “white trash” then I’ll use such contemporary language to describe their actions like one of our white neighbors who lives across the street and in his drunken stupors yells and screams out of his open windows and doors well pass 3:30 A.M. on a Saturday morning because he thinks himself entitled to his misbehavior.
Yes, if I personally and directly get called “nigger” by black people then I call them “niggers” back.
Just so we’re on the same page.
--- --- ---
Yes, “Game of Thrones” is awful. I have no idea what happened to the writing?
“Game of Thrones” went from being a superb script to complete and utter garbage not worth watching on Sunday nights.
Sunday night lineup is lame.
--- --- ---
Anthony Bourdain is cool only because he is true to himself.
The world loves Anthony Bourdain because he hardly ever lies to his viewers especially when we don’t agree with him.
Plus, Mr. Bourdain’s awesome wife comes from Sardinia which means she’s probably hotheaded. I’ve not ever known a Sardinian woman who isn’t hotheaded. Our family lives in Sardinia.
--- --- ---
Baltimore teens are nobody and they know it thus they steal from the CVS on the corner since they’re a desperate bunch of slaves without any hope.
Now, Baltimore teens are ignorant.
Baltimore teens’ actions are dull.
When teens are violent then their existence is futile.
Yes, I’ve been informed that only the black sons and daughters of pimps and prostitutes “purge” (social online media groups of teens who communicate to meet and gather for destruction and violence in real time.)
What a bunch of losers.
What a bunch of slave owned “niggers.”
Anyone who acts like a “nigger” then will be considered a “nigger” by the rest of the country and be treated like a “nigger” because they act like a bunch of slaves.
Why are black people ever so ignorant and dirty?
--- --- ---
No, Money Isn’t Power.
Yes, Factual Education And Knowledge Is Power.
Yes, everyone is a liar.
Psychologically proven.
Children lie more than adults.
Children lie every three minutes.
Adults lie every ten minutes.
Yes, everyone is corrupt especially our congress persons in Washington and non-profit organizations more so than for profit companies. (It took me twenty years to learn the truth about non-profit ghetto organizations and how non-profit organizations steal from the public.)
Yes, the Midwest is an ignorant place to live since Midwesterners think money is power.
[Midwesterners ideology of money is stupid.
What more is there for me to say?
The reason why Midwesterners continually get left behind by the East Coast and West Coast is mainly because Midwesterners are constantly wrong on what matters most such as the environment and fairtrade organics and recycling and garbage pickup.
(Not necessarily organic vegetables or produce since there’s ten (10) more pesticides in organic veggies than regular veggies.) Fact.
Yes, we purchase non-organic veggies since we don’t want to get cancer still yet our clothes and household items must be fairtrade organics like fairtrade organic cotton for clothes and kitchen towels and bed sheets and other household objects or refurbished or reused or environmentally friendly.]
Yes, the Midwest is an ignorant place to be since Midwesterners are some of the worse educated and socially badly behaved bunch of barn animals.
Yes, the Midwest is an ignorant place to be since Midwesterners are ever so passive/aggressive publically racist and discriminatory and prejudiced and chauvinistic and bigoted and self-centered and hypocritical and desperate and tremendously uneducated bunch of hicks without ever taking a single business ethics course in how to bravely conduct oneself in the world of business.
Yes, “money talks,” however.
Money ‘ain’t’ power.
Money never was power and money ain’t ever going to be power or replace power since money doesn’t make anyone happy.
Yes, the Midwest is mostly and always one decade (10 years) behind the East Coast or the West Coast.
::: Sidebar :::
(All one has to do is look at the Midwesterners’ outdated unwashed shabby little clothes when they go out to lunch or dinner over the weekends.
All one has to do is look at the Midwesterners’ sagging pants which went out of style in 2004 when the designer skinny jean came in 2005.
The designer skinny jean is just now finally (2005-2015) making its way into mainstream media which mainstream media tends to be years behind the overall culture or civilization at large.
Mainstream media moves at a snail pace compared to culture or civilization.
Media is constantly playing “catch up” since media doesn’t know anything about anything unless media is directly told or informed otherwise media is completely left in the dark since no one’s going to give media the answers then media must continually keep up or mainstream media gets left in the dust by the hardworking taxpayers.)
Yes, any waterfront or port town anywhere in the world is mainly a hub for pimps and prostitutes who hand-in-hand with the unethical business folks of any village, town or city or state breakdown any ethical business fibers and robs from the taxpayers by hiking up tourist prices in which hardly any “middle income earner” local legal worker ($38,000 per average annual income) can or does afford to eat or frequent local restaurants or bars or bistros.
The Midwest is like Cuba with all of its rich and skuzzy developers who care less what happens to the general public or local population so long as they get their overpriced tourist dollar directly into their pockets.
The legally hardworking taxpaying locals get shut out by the underhanded and illegal business of prostitution because there’s so much cash exchanging hands under the table while the taxpayers starve or go hungry as they work twelve or sixteen hour days in menial jobs without health benefits or paid vacation or sick days off.
Such delusional and unethical business folks who cut deals under the table with pimps or prostitutes for substantial amounts of cash are ever so dumb or stupid to think or believe they have any power or say over what happens in such places as the Twin Cities.
Such scum unethical business folks don’t hold any power or have any say since they are rich uneducated idiotic stupid fools who couldn’t tell anyone the difference between a “B.A.” or a “B.E.” which only a prostitute will tell you she acquired a “B.E.” and not realize that no such thing exists in the undergraduate world of academics.
Yes, the Twin Cities and the Twin Ports are mainly run by organized prostitution thus pimps and prostitutes or club owners or hotel managers think they get a say in how municipal layout of ugly pink washed out brickwork gets done throughout the city of Minneapolis since it’s cheap and repetitious.
Mill City is one of the ugliest places for brickwork since it was cheaply done yet not quintessential or unique to our area or region nor aesthetically pleasing to look at. Such brickwork belongs in only one rose garden in the world and even that rose garden isn’t much to look at.
When tourists visit the Midwest then one must watch their back since Midwesterners self-loath and hate with the passion of devils.
Midwesterners realize all they have is tourism thus they’re a bunch of organized crime thugs since they can’t develop or evolve any other type of business or enterprise other than wiping the mouths and bottoms of tourists and such necessary evil creates bitterness and jaded personalities since they must eat the shit off of the soles of other more educated and sophisticated peoples who can and do afford travel.
Yes, Midwesterners have their priorities on backwards like their diaper pants.
(If a past 1987 fashion (M.C. Hammer diaper pants) was ugly then please don’t go there.
Diaper pants have already been done in my generation’s lifetime and it miserably failed then as it miserably fails today.
If one is to wear diaper like pants then it’s only because either one has A) a large bottom B) saggy buttocks cheeks C) a urination problem D) reoccurring and continual yeast infections or E) hardly ever any sexual intercourse and must air out their private parts.)
Yes, Star Tribune journalists hang out with pimps in their downtown “W Hotel” lobby and take back a few drinks in friendship and travel Europe thus such a dynamic creates a “conflict of interest” and the Star Tribune writers become bias and create a nasty little newspaper that only looks out for its vast corporate interests or pimp cash and denies the interests of the private citizens and civilians or taxpayers since their writers socially co-exist hand-in-hand with pimps and are influenced by such street rats.
In Britain, most Brits are no more or less than fifteen (15) feet away from rats (literally) at all times.
In the Midwest, most “above board” taxpayers are no more or less within only feet away from prostitutes and pimps at all times.
No matter how expensive or well dressed any pimp or prostitute ever is-- they’re ghetto and not to be associated with because they’re dangerous and mean people with a vengeance to kill anyone who gets in their way of underhanded business.
The Twin Cities allows for their scum pimps and prostitutes to take over the restaurants and clubs and hotels like the “W Hotel” downtown, Minneapolis and other businesses thus the Twin Cities is one of the most dangerous and scary places to frequent as a local patron since pimps and prostitutes dressed in Armani are always only a few feet away ready to corrupt any social scene and that’s what makes the Twin Cities ever so un-cool and boring.
The Twin Ports is just as bad and as un-cool as the Twin Cities if not then worse off because I’ve lived in both places and starved in both places while pimps and prostitutes hang out in pent houses and influence cocaine snorting executives and writers and business folks. Shame.
The Twin Cities is a disgusting place and so is the Twin Ports since hardly anyone has an Ivy League education thus the pimps and prostitutes are the main sole proprietors of our Twin Cities and Twin Ports.
The Twin Cities is a disgusting place and so is the Twin Ports since mainly high school dropout tattoo-filled hipsters work service jobs and hate their lives since that’s as far as they’ll ever get in life thus they hate their patrons and wish they could punch them in the face with a plate.
Hipsters act like pure hatred mainly because they’re ignorant about how to well run any business.
The Twin Cities and the Twin Ports are disgusting places mainly because it’s run upon the premise of nepotism and favoritism and hypocrisy.
Good luck if you’re a person of color in the Twin Cities.
People of color don’t stand a chance in hell to get ahead in these parts much less a decent professional job with decent wages and a livable place other than slum lord overpriced ghetto flats.
The Twin Cities and Twin Ports are disgusting places because they’re mainly run upon the premise of empty and shallow mockery as a way to cover up self-loathing.
The Twin Cities and Twin Ports are disgusting places because every other word is “fuck” which comes out of their vocabulary.
The Twin Cities and Twin Ports are disgusting places because people here don’t take showers or wash or launder their clothes and smell like it.
The Twin Cities and Twin Ports are disgusting places since hardly anyone has ever made the sacrifice to attend or receive an education beyond the twelfth (12th) grade yet they think they’re “experts” on everything, however. The rest of the world knows better.
The Twin Cities and Twin Ports are disgusting places because the people are petty and two-faced cowards in communication yet they can’t decipher their corruption from truth.
The Twin Cities and Twin Ports are disgusting places because if white people don’t agree with women of color then an entire group of hateful people at Pizza Luce will throw food in one’s hair to scare and intimidate, however.
Yes, I was coached and came of age amongst straight A Liberal Private Arts East Coast Educated rich and blue collar punks in which I’ve witnessed skateboarders crack in half the jaw of other skateboarders or take a dump in their hands and throw it at racist hypocrites because when words and peace fail you then mockery will do since one may only mock with the power of historical references otherwise the other looks the fool.
The Twin Cities and Twin Ports are disgusting places because hardly anyone is respectful of others.
The Twin Cities and Twin Ports are disgusting places since people tend to mock without ever taking any world history thus they don’t know what exactly they mock except themselves. They mock because they hate but they don’t know how to mock correctly thus they make themselves out to be complete idiots.
No, I shan’t write anything positive about the Twin Cities or Twin Ports until life gets easier for hardworking taxpayers minding their own business.
Word Count Goal: 2,000
Word Count: 2,314
This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 2,319
One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:
*) Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.
*) Day #7 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.
*) Day #429 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Day #181 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Week #2 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #28 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.
*) Month #8 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three (23”) inch high waist.
Friday, April 24, 2015
“It is better that a child
should cry than its parents.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Intrinsic (belonging to something by its very nature)
The intrinsic value of the desired object was very little.
--- --- ---
A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Dress For Social Party.
Chapter 26.
Pages 336-337
For the evening-party the rules just given regarding dress will apply, except that more latitude is allowed in the choice of colors, trimmings, etc. Dresses covering the arms and shoulders should be worn; or if they are cut low in the neck and with short sleeves, puffed illusion waists or something similar should be used to cover the neck and arms.
Dark silks are very dressy---relieved by white lace and glittering gems---they are admirable. Wearing gloves is optional. If worn, they should be of some light tint harmonizing with the dress.
--- --- ---
Happy Earth Week!!!
Happy Earth Day!!!
--- --- ---
We celebrate Earth Day every single day since we pick up garbage around our home and neighborhood and street every year all year round for years and decades.
We celebrate Earth Week with products from Sweden’s amazing “Nudie Jeans” Fairtrade organic clothes.
“Nudie” clothes look like t-shirts from Wal-Mart but they sure feel like butter up against the skin.
We can barely bring ourselves to take off our “Nudie” clothes at the end of the day since the clothes are more comfortable than our pajamas are.
Hip! Hip! Hooray!
We celebrate Earth Week with products from Patagonia with organic cotton.
Yes, we also celebrate Earth week with neither fair-trade nor organic Chinese products from Armani, even though none of the designer’s label is organic or fairtrade, we made the purchases, however and nevertheless, Armani’s clothes are gorgeous and well fitted clothes and proper category sizing. (Thank you so much.)
In spite of what anyone may think: We love the Chinese people as well as our Chinese-Americans.
--- --- ---
We laugh so hard when we watch: “The Goldbergs.”
We can’t look away from “Scorpion.”
We laugh so hard when we watch “Fresh Off The Boat.” (Our favorite.)
We can’t look away from “Poldark.”
--- --- ---
Personally, I’ve begun a twenty-eight (28) year PBS boycott due to “Exxon Mobil Corporation.” I like our television without greasy oil stained dead birds or wildlife or oil encased natural habitats or blood oil money on my television’s hands. Thank you, no.
Why does almost everything have to be so corrupt?
PBS doesn’t seem appetizing.
No, thank you.
--- --- ---
Yes, I’m half way through my ten (10) year theatre boycott in the Twin Cities since I was terribly treated as a patron at one of their local theatres. I almost left in tears that night except I was too stubborn since I wanted to see the stage my friends at the theatre had designed and built over the course of one summer (2010).
Another five years and I look forward to attending the Guthrie Theater on the night of August-September 2020.
--- --- ---
Yes, an “official” reviewer or critic or expert from any reputable news organization is all which matters and not any other online garbage which makes personal or first person “I” statements since a “review” is all about the subject matter which a reviewer saw, or witnessed or experienced first person.
Reviews must be written in third person about the other: She/or/He since they’re the ones causing or making the action and not the writer.
Let’s differentiate.
Let’s get it together.
--- --- ---
Yes, Eric and I made up yesterday morning when he brought home two fresh and awesome Bruegger’s bagels.
It only took two bagels to make me happy again for a little while. Little presents or food is all it takes for me to forget why I became so angry at Eric in the first place. Cheers!
--- --- ---
The Power Of Dress.
Word Count Goal: 1,000 personal journals
Word Count: 621
This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 6,383
One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:
*) Day #4 without verbal swear words. I like it.
*) Day #4 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.
*) Day #426 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Day #178 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Week #1 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #27 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.
*) Month #8 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three (23”) inch high waist.
Thursday, April 23, 2015
“Parents once taught their
children to talk; today children teach their parents to be quiet.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Autonomous (self governing, independent)
India now has an autonomous government.
--- --- ---
A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Dress For Evening Call.
Chapter 26.
Page 336
Those who make a casual evening call will dress in similar style, though somewhat more elaborate. A hood should not be worn unless it is intended to remove it during the call. Otherwise a bonnet should be worn.
--- --- ---
Yes, With All Due Respect; Ms. Elizabeth Warren is correct on the TPP deal. (Thank you so much.)
--- --- ---
Happy Earth Week!!!
Happy Earth Day!!!
--- --- ---
No desperation here.
Since I’m human
I get to be imperfect
and hold
and have
any bias thoughts
I want
about anything at all.
If I need help
then I’ll get myself a divorce attorney.
Thank you very much.
No, I’m not in any physical danger.
Simply entrenched in a nine year battle
of an ideological
and emotional
and intellectual struggle
over domestic marital power.
Yes, as a matter of fact
I have my father’s blessing
and talk-therapist’s go ahead
to get a divorce
if nothing much else changes in our marriage
after nine years of the same three (or so) continuous battles.
Our personal struggles and battles as a married couple:
Believe-it-or-not are as followed:
Fast food (sugar,)
personal debt,
In-Law time,
Vacation time.
We love each other very much.
We’ll figure it out:
One way or another.
Words are fleeting.
Please, don’t hang on to words for dear life
Since words are as slippery as boulders (rocks)
And it’s difficult to get a good grip on either boulders or words.
Please, don’t get caught in downstream torrents.
Hang on to your seatbelt and let’s move on
With this ride…
Have fun.
Smiles all around.
There’s no severed arm over here.
Relax everybody.
Ah, no.
Eric doesn’t have a “crush” or romantic feelings for someone else.
No, I don’t have a “crush” or romantic feelings for anyone else other than Eric.
What a marital conundrum.
Word Count Goal: 1,000 personal journals
Word Count: 386
This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 5,762
One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:
*) Day #3 without verbal swear words. I like it.
*) Day #3 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.
*) Day #425 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Day #177 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Week #1 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #27 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.
*) Month #8 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three (23”) inch high waist.
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
“We learn best what our
heart prepares us to learn.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Savants (scholars, learned persons)
The savants of science met to discuss the vital topics of the day.
--- --- ---
A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Ordinary Evening-Dress.
Chapter 26.
Page 336
A lady should always be prepared for casual callers in the evening. Her dress should be tasteful and becoming, made with a certain amount of ornament and worn with lace and jewelry. Silks are the most appropriate for this dress, but all the heavy woolen fabrics for winter and the lighter lawns and organdies for summer, elegantly made, are suitable.
The colors should be rich and warm for winter, and knots of bright ribbon should be worn in the hair and at the throat. The former should be dressed plainly, with no ornament save a ribbon. Artificial flowers are out of place, and glittering gems are only worn on more important occasions.
--- --- ---
Happy Earth Week!!!
Happy Earth Day!!!
--- --- ---
It’s difficult to watch any hack or listen to any hack go on about anything at all.
--- --- ---
No, one doesn’t ever call themselves an “artist.”
(If one were to call themselves an “artist” then one is automatically out of the “game of life” since such an ignorant individual hack neither understands nor realizes the importance of Ancient rules or codes to civilized and intellectual and sophisticated humanistic beneficial work which may only get accomplished through basic genius ideas in the making sense of the application of the skill and talent as well as for what specific purpose for which one applies themselves: for all or for one; or, for one or for all.)
Does the entire world
get to eat or only the “rich” get to eat?
With great power comes
even greater responsibility.
Only experts and critics and the general public may “label” another as something more than a “worker bee” or an “Artisan” or another “cog in the wheel.”
Only the masses may call any disciplined and responsible and proven apprenticeship of twenty or more years of any individual Artisan as something more of an “artist” (Think: The Greats, The Masters.)
The masses ought to be skeptical of anyone who dares call themselves an “artist.”
One single individual “artist” only comes around every two to five hundred years.
Relax everybody.
No need to trip over each others’ feet because as with an “artist” either only “divine intervention” or the “desert night sky” or the “light of humanity” or who knows what? or “cow methane” brings forth the soul of an “artist” to walk and live and eat and breathe and be merry in any time in which they might live.
Why does an “artist” only come around every two to five hundred years?
An “artist” only comes around every two to five hundred years because the “artist” is the perfect combination of factually proven science hand-in-hand with mathematics to create a new vision for how to more easily maneuver the harsh world of difficulties and complexities and starvation to bring forth peace and persevered hope without getting shallow about it.
An “artist” more or less singlehandedly would have to invent something like “The Jetsons” floating car to be considered an “artist” and also create world peace and stop world hunger and suffering of their people and the rest of the world and, and, and…
An “artist” is a solo act.
And that’s why “The Artist” is Maestro; Master who can and will and may conduct many different elements to speak “THE truth” about his or her time and place on Earth which better signifies the unity of all people not only one’s race or culture or whatever is significant to them and only pertains to single individuals or microcosms.
Nope, I’m not an “artist.” I’m a writer.
Yes, I’m a proper author. I’ve been published beyond a chapbook. Thank you.
“Designers” aren’t “artists.” No.
(Please, don’t let anybody lie to your face.)
Now one may breathe a deep sigh of relief to discover that “fashion designers” neither will ever be considered nor recognized as “artists” since they are neither anywhere near the caliber nor gravitas of such a great feat of heroism such as to how to humanely evolve the entire planet forth without getting shallow about it or possibly getting others killed in the process of difficult decision making. (Think: Bangladesh’s ghetto barrio garment districts and designer labels.)
Designers work for profit and that’s why designers aren’t any type of authority on anything having anything to do with any type of “artistry” since designers don’t produce or work for something more valuable than money.
Designers work for money and that’s why they aren’t any authority on art or humanity or intellectual evolution or architecture.
Designers often do what they think other money people want them to do or craft or designers repeat or copy the worst parts of other designs, especially, hacks do that since they can’t come up with anything original of their own and mostly “everybody” knows exactly what they are...
No, designers aren’t an authority on anything except the latest styles or fashions and even that’s fleeting.
Hopefully individual Artisans will eventually make great “artists” at that and not bad “artists” for that matter.
(Imagine: Bad Art. Oh, when it’s terrible, it’s awful. Bad art ought to be critiqued and criticized and pecked to the dry bone of its meager nepotistic crumb eating existence until it shows it’s true face and not a mask while the masses fight for equality and a chance to end racism and to end gender discrimination and to end gender violence or to end gender wage inequality.)
In other words: An individual neither ever calls themselves an “artist” nor “crowns” themselves “King” or “Queen” unless only in jest or to drive a point home or to aggravate and irritate those which it’s meant to aggravate and irritate to the maximum in organic fairtrade for inequality implemented, which some might follow such a regiment in any group dynamic.
Mockery of others is serious business, if, not, then for the main purpose to teach valuable and difficult ethical lessons about the soul, the ego and the id and pathos and ethos.
Come on, America!
Grow a thick skin.
Look around, racism and discrimination is the item of the hour.
Catch up.
--- --- ---
Birth Control
No Birth Control
Terribly Oppressive
(April 16, 2009-August 1, 2015)
Part II
Please look around: no desperation here.
We’re two adults.
We know our rights.
We’re lucky bastards who can think our way out of challenges and difficulties and maneuver everyday life with mostly grace and dignity and respect.
We live in a beautiful home on a relatively quieter street than it’s been in two years…
Progress makes perfect. (I just wrote that. LOL. I think I could be funny. Hmm. No.) I’m laughing right now.
Yes, we’re mature adults and will ultimately do well by and for ourselves as well as for our beloved ones and the people we respect and care about dearly.
No, we’re not islands.
Yes, we married for love.
Yes, we married for love since we were living paycheck to paycheck in those days and could barely donate or be adventurous with our money as we are today.
Yes, I married Eric because I love Eric very much.
Yes, Eric married me because Eric loves me very much.
Yes, we’re best friends.
No, we’re not enemies.
No, we don’t fight like enemies.
Yes, we fight like a married couple.
Yes, after each fight we make up and that’s how we know we do love each other since we don’t stay mad for long or forever which is a character plus for both of us.
Yes, we like being around each other.
No, we don’t get much time together.
Yes, we make it a point to laugh together at least a few times a day no matter how hard we may or might fight in the duration of twenty-four hours.
We take it one day at a time.
We’re patient.
We’re peaceful even in the middle of screaming matches we are ultimately respectful and peaceful and caring and loving.
What more could one ask for? Nothing.
What a blessing in disguise.
Yes, Eric made it very clear to me that he thinks my East Coast New England dry-and-wet alcoholic family is “scum.” Okay.
We’re even on that one regard about each other’s families and In-Laws. We don’t care for some aspects of each other’s families. Okay.
Word Count Goal: 1,173
Word Count: 1,306
This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 5,376
One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:
*) Day #2 without verbal swear words. I like it.
*) Day #2 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.
*) Day #424 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Day #176 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Week #1 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #27 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.
*) Month #8 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three (23”) inch high waist.
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
“He who begets a fool does
it to his sorrow;
And the father of a dolt
will have no joy of him.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Sedentary (stationary, sitting; not in motion)
He walks to work every day because of the sedentary nature of his job.
--- --- ---
A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Dress Of Guests At Dinner-Party.
Chapter 26.
Pages 335-336
The dress of a guest at a dinner-party is less showy than that for evening; still, it may be rich. Silks and velvets for winter, and light goods for summer, which latter may be worn over silk, are the most appropriate.
Young unmarried ladies may wear dresses of lighter materials and tints than married ones. Middle-aged and married ladies should wear silks heavier in quality and richer in tone, and elderly ladies satin and velvets.
All the light neutral tints and black, purple, dark green, garnet, dark blue, brown and fawn are suited for dinner dress. But whatever color the dress may be, it is best to try to effect by gaslight and daylight both, since many a color which will look well in daylight may look extremely ugly in gaslight.
A lady can lay no claim to delicacy and refinement no matter how richly or well dressed she may appear in public, if she do not give an equal amount of attention to her home-dress. This dress need not to be expensive and should not be elaborate, but neat, tasteful and perfect fit and becoming colors.
--- --- ---
Yes, normally “less is more” especially for the camera.
Nevertheless, “less is more” isn’t always necessarily true for the written word since most readers can barely picture or imagine what any writer writes about anything thus at times one must extensively or excessively write for the purpose to get the reader caught up with the rest of the world.
The greatest gift is to let any reader in on what’s going on.
Free of charge and without expectation.
--- --- ---
(Correction from “through the ringer” to “through the wringer.”) Thanks!
--- --- ---
Birth Control
No Birth Control
Terribly Oppressive
(April 16, 2009-August 1, 2015)
Disclaimer: No matter what may or may not transpire in our marriage; No, I shan’t run back crying to my East Coast family since abuse is abuse any whichever way one might think or ponder or consider the subject matter of “violence” or “abuse,” especially, when others might “rub ‘it’ in” or add insult to injury.
(Personally, I’m, too, stubborn to kneel before abusers. I’d rather starve face down in the gutter or snow before I give away my power as a human.) (A nice middle finger to anyone who lies or steals the power of others for selfish benefit or purpose.)
Yes, Eric’s granted for me to have the permission to write anything at all which I see fit which might help out other people as a way to learn difficult ethical marital lessons while one reads and participates as an adult audience member to such complex events such as life problem solving situations and solutions. (No, Eric shan’t sue me for what I write here or at least he promises not to.)
(Yes, each and every single English word counts as a number in a puzzle or code or codex. Writing is mathematical code for intellectual and spiritual enhancement otherwise what would be the point to spend so much time on something ever so tedious as writing? There wouldn’t be a point and in some ways that’s the entire point, however, we shan’t go into oxymorons for right now.)
Yes, Eric is an upstanding law abiding private American citizen and awesome and an amazing intelligent man who can make a great father to children without sexually molesting his potential future children or without child prostitution or without “kiddy porn” or, or, or. Wonderful. (Eric is indeed truly an upstanding man when it comes to his sexuality.)
Yes, Eric is a genuinely kind human to his fellowman and fellow woman when Eric decides and chooses to be so otherwise Eric is extremely farmer snobby elitist since he knows about wildlife and cattle stock and horses and agriculture and celestial weather patterns and geology and astronomy and satellites and astronautics and archeology and how to run power tools.
Yes, Eric is masculine in his approach.
Yes, Eric speaks like a natural adult man rather than 1980’s “Valley High” teenage little girls as so many young men do in this era.
Yes, Eric can be quite funny each and every single day.
Yes, Eric can be quite stubbornly adorable or not.
Yes, Eric can be quite idealistic about not caring about anything at all even if a metaphorical bomb were to explode in his face. (Ice Cold. Doesn’t even blink twice.)
Yes, Eric is the least bit boring yet he doesn’t apply himself in conversation to his wife thus years will pass without a single conversation about anything at all and indeed thus nothing much ever gets resolved between us and one must concede and give into the other without any resolution.
Yes, as a matter of fact Eric is quite fascinating in many intellectual regards only when he decides and chooses to and wants to and feels like verbally sharing otherwise silence for years on end.
Yes, Eric is an extraordinary lover (sexual partner) in the sense to which he is extremely respectful when it comes to romance and sexual boundaries. Eric isn’t a perverted sexual freak. Wonderful.
Yes, I’m madly in love with Eric.
Yes, Eric is madly in love with me.
Yes, we’re madly in love with each other.
Yes, we want to stay married even though our marriage is most difficult to navigate under the circumstances.
Yes, Eric is highly intelligent in the most nonchalant of ways.
Yes, truly, Eric doesn’t give a damn about anything which is okay to a certain point and after that it’s somewhat empty and shallow.
Yes, Eric is a great friend to his friends.
Yes, Eric is a good family man overall.
Yes, Eric is responsible and willing to contribute and help out only when asked otherwise Eric won’t lift a finger for anything.
Yes, Eric is dismissive of just about anything.
Yes, Eric can and does yell with the best of them.
Yes, when Eric’s had enough he can stand up for himself or not.
Yes, nothing gets by Eric.
Yes, Eric doesn’t give a damn about power dynamics or relationships or interrelationships or discussion unless one has something intelligent to contribute or add to the conversation or debate otherwise Eric drags his feet or stubbornly keeps his silence.
Yes, Eric is metaphorically “cut throat.”
Yes, Eric is successful.
Yes, Eric is now a lower-upper income earning citizen with a home in the suburbs and with a lot of help from his wife.
Yes, Eric loves being married.
Yes, Eric admits he’s having fun being married in spite of our clear differences or approaches to our marriage.
Yes, Eric has high blood pressure and must keep his life quiet.
Yes, Eric desires for a quiet life even if his household isn’t quiet. Eric says he is okay with difficult conversations and discussions and emotional outbursts so long as we stay married and together.
Yes, Eric is happy so long as he is married and has someone to be with.
Yes, Eric doesn’t care if we fight hard.
Yes, Eric feels as though he can always find a better way out or a solution.
Yes, Eric lied about his debt and my In-Laws.
Yes, Eric was smart enough to trick me into marriage.
Yes, if we had to do over, then, neither, one of us would remarry the other since we hate each other very much.
In other words: Eric says he wouldn’t remarry me and I wouldn’t remarry Eric, either.
If I met someone like Eric then I’d run because persons with cold dispositions do tend to leave one rather lonely and frozen stiff with fear and anger out of disrespect for one’s partner since the same patterns of emotional abuse rear their ugly head between us.
On August 1st, 2015 Eric and I will decide if we’re going to get a “divorce” or not.
We’re doing everything we can to save our marriage.
We’re fighting like hell for this marriage even though it’s been a painful process and relationship ever since the very beginning when I wasn’t on birth control (began birth control October 2013.)
Yes, for as much as we greatly love each other, we also hate each other. (Yep, purposefully I wrote such words.)
Nine years of the same cyclical emotional abusive patterns and such actions show how much we hate each other and “use” and abuse each other.
Last year, on August 1, 2014 I began talk-therapy only to get “thrown out” of talk-therapy for not having any real problems and found out I’m neither “brain damaged” nor “mentally ill” nor “A.D.H.D.” nor “Autistic” nor “sleep deprived” nor “needy” nor “clinically depressed.” No.
In talk-therapy, I came face-to-face with the stark reality I live in an imbalanced marriage in which Eric holds all of the power and pretends like he doesn’t which Eric’s pretending is far more irritating than anything else Eric could ever do because it’s ever so unfair and a character weakness on his part.
No, we don’t like each other.
Possibly, we never did.
Yes, most likely I was Eric’s rebound after a sixteen year marriage which when we met Eric was still married, however, separated from his wife.
Yes, I gave up my entire group of wet-and-dry alcoholic and emotional abusive Minnesota friends for the marriage and for Eric since Eric didn’t like a single one of my friends.
Which at this point in my adulthood, I’d rather starve and die in the gutter than go back to my former wet-and-dry alcoholic friends who were indeed abusive and dismissive themselves.
Yes, I’m quite isolated in life except for what I email or text or call or telecommunicate which such facets of communication have become ever more so important now than ever before.
Yes, I gave up my wet-and-dry alcoholic and abusive East Coast family for Eric so that Eric might not be abused himself and I made the right choice, however. It left me with half of a family.
Yes, Eric refuses to take my side.
Yes, Eric takes his family’s side even though I’ve been cleaning for my In-Laws for nine years without any benefit or reward.
Yes, Eric gets to have his cake and eat it, too, since Eric chooses to ignore his familial women relatives’ warped and manipulative and abrasive struggle over placement in the family for power.
Whenever Eric turns and looks the other way then he allows for the
women to hurt each other through harsh cynical comments or miscommunication or jabbing
remarks or undertones always adding a twist of condescension or accusation with
a biting remark and not having the power nor the will to come out and say or
state what they mean.
So long as Eric doesn’t get abused or stands directly “in the line of
fire” then Eric doesn’t care if anyone else around him is oppressed which
creates a “two-faced” attitude in the very fiber of Eric’s character creating a
significant blemish which can’t be dismissed and must be taken into serious consideration
because Eric believes if he doesn’t contribute to oppressive communication then
he isn’t a perpetrator in either the misfortunes or difficulties or struggles of
others. Eric’s a cold human with an icicle heart made of daggers.
In some deep sub-region of Eric’s brain he justifies allowing for
oppressive and abusive miscommunication to perpetually occur.
Eric is an oppressor because he allows for the oppressors to get away
with oppressing.
Yes, Eric is quite happy with me even though I’ve been terribly unhappy with Eric for close to nine years ever since Eric moved into my apartment while he was going through his separation and divorce and I specifically said and eventually screamed and shouted “no!” and pleaded with Eric not to move in, however. Eric moved in right after his forty-third (43rd) birthday.
His best friend thought it was a good way for us to save money and she
was right on that one regard, however, she was wrong to suggest for us to move
in together when I was totally adamantly against it from the start as a
twenty-seven (27) year old. I knew that once Eric moved in after only knowing
him for four months (August 2006 to December 2006) that it wasn’t going to be
easy to break up with Eric or to get Eric to move out.
My boundaries have been crossed since the very beginning.
Yes, Eric’s granted full permission for me to write and/or say anything about my In-Laws so long as it’s my truth and it stands upon evidence and concrete examples: Okay.
Yes, Eric and I both hate each other very much even though Eric says he doesn’t hate me. Although Eric has a funny way of showing love.
(Don’t look so shocked. Studies show that half (50%) of couples either the wife hates the husband or they hate each other.)
Yes, actions do speak louder than words.
Yes, we fight about the same two or three subject matter each and every time over the years.
(We mainly fight about crap fast food, less time with my disrespectful In-Laws and how we spend or don’t save our money.)
Yes, I gave up my life and identity to serve Eric “hand and foot” even though Eric continually says he doesn’t want that yet his actions say differently.
Yes, I hate marriage.
Yes, I hate married life.
Yes, I ask for a divorce once a month or once a week.
Yes, Eric doesn’t take me seriously about a divorce.
Yes, we must attend marriage counseling to resolve some of these serious ongoing issues and problems and challenges.
Yes, it’s best not to ever marry anyone anymore than two or three years older than one’s age group.
Yes, it’s best not to ever marry down no matter what and this rule applies more so to women.
No, Eric doesn’t save a penny.
Yes, white male privilege is a real thing.
At the end of January 2015, Eric informed me, that women are “second class citizens” and “‘niggers’ to men.”
No, Eric didn’t imply that I was personally a “second class citizen” or a “‘nigger’ to men.” Eric simply spoke in general terms about modern culture.
Eric feels or thinks himself “powerless” in our marriage, however, that’s not the case.
For two years, we fought about Eric helping out more with washing the dishes since I could no longer close my hands or make a fist. My fingers went numb from growing cysts in the dead smack center middle of the palms of both of my hands.
My hands were giving me real pain and trouble.
The pain was excruciating. I could barely hold a dish much less wash dishes.
Still yet I would scream and swear and ask for help and forgiveness and plea all over again for Eric to help me out with washing the dishes.
Eric refused to do so for two long years while my hands became more and more inflamed and the neighbors most likely could hear me scream at Eric at full octave.
Eric embarrasses me and that’s almost unforgivable.
Finally, on August 1st, 2014, I explained to both my father and talk-therapist what had transpired in our marriage for the past eight previous years up until last year and the talk-therapist told me that I was too “isolated” and real change must take place in our marriage otherwise I must make difficult choices in my life and get a divorce and move on. Okay.
Both my father and the talk-therapist told me that most likely I ought to seek a divorce if nothing much changes by August 1, 2015 and I accepted their advice and wisdom about this dire situation at hand.
Since I’m extremely “isolated” in my marriage I don’t talk to anyone about the difficulties we go through since it’s no one’s business plus I was informed by doctorate psychologists not to ever discuss my marriage with anyone other than a professional. Okay. Understood.
Eric believes I hold all of the power in the marriage, however to have Eric even so much as help out with domestic chores is like pulling teeth.
Eric doesn’t want to have to work for anything not even when his wife sobs for him to please help her out since she can no longer feel her hands and he refused, out of some type of ideal, that washing the dishes was neither Eric’s job nor responsibility.
Over the course of two years the less Eric helped out and the more he allowed for me to fight him and for me to look and sound ridiculous and to go on like a “shrieking harpy” then the less I began to like the sound of my voice and Eric’s indifference towards me as a human being.
As of right now I’m tired of fighting Eric for power.
Everyday I think about packing up my belongings and leaving, however. Where does a woman go? What does she do without the support of anyone? How does a woman manage after nine years of isolation and shouting and screaming matches?
The reason why our marriage doesn’t work is because we don’t respect each other nor trust the other to do best for the other since we don’t.
From the very beginning Eric continually has denied me any type of authority or womanhood by placing us in the most unfortunate situation in which I (or we) end up cleaning for our In-Laws when I’m already exhausted to the bone since I’m the only one who cleans our home for us, all the time.
Plus, I’m dealing with thyroid benign tumors and they exhaust me, however. I get treated more like a working mule than someone who has some serious health issues and must take it easy.
The talk-therapist told me to only see my In-Laws three times per year and not eighteen times per year since we only see my side of our family three times per year.
The talk-therapist told me not to ever clean for my In-Laws and not to get “used” by them since In-Laws only really care about their own and are constantly jockeying for position, waiting for each generation to die off so they can inherit their used crap.
The talk-therapist told me that I don’t ever have to spend my free time or vacations with my In-Laws.
As a matter of fact I don’t ever have to hang out with my In-Laws or see them or go out of my way to be a part of their lives since they don’t go out of their way to be a part of our lives plus that ship sailed away a long time ago.
The reason why I know Eric secretly has hated me from the beginning is because I became an indentured servant and a cleaning woman to Eric and his family.
Finally, I’ve become wise to it and I’m fed up of getting used in our relationship.
My dad was right: not even your family will look out for you so look out for yourself, kid.
How can two people who love each other so much, hate each other so much?
The greatest lie is that Eric continually thinks he reassures me by telling me he doesn’t hate me still yet I wash my In-Laws bedding and wash their dishes and clean out their refrigerator and make the beds and vacuum and clean countertops and clean bathrooms and take out the trash and clean up dead flies and dust and rake the front yard and, and, and…
The only value I seem to have is to get used to clean up the mess of others. (I know that isn’t true, however.) That’s how I get treated by my husband and weird In-Laws thus Eric has very little time to mature and get his act together since the clock is ticking.
The more things
change then the more they stay the same.
Yes, perhaps this is an S.O.S. to the world.
Sometimes, one lets themselves “get used” because they’re too “young” or “inexperienced” or “naïve” or they “want to please others” so much to make others happy only to discover mostly adults are lazy bitter cowards constantly waiting to reproach others or belittle or degrade or oppress or criticize because nothing is ever good enough for them.
Yes, mainly, I married into a “petty,” and “mean spirited,” and somewhat “cruel,” family of In-Laws that happen to be mostly uneducated, “white trash” hick users with “brain damaged” (December 2013) adults (literally) who only sleep with black men or accessory to rape (June 2013) members of the family and that’s the truth of it.
Eric lied to me about his family and their family dynamics and that makes me far angrier than almost all of the other lies put together since I told Eric the bare naked truth about my family and actually and concretely took action to keep him from getting abused by half of my violent family.
No, Eric isn’t a liar, however.
Eric tends to lie to me about the most important aspects of our married life by not saying anything and omitting the truth then he leads himself to believe he isn’t telling lies since he isn’t saying anything like how much debt we’re in, however.
Nine years later I still don’t exactly know how many tens of thousands of dollars in debt we’re still in because Eric is too embarrassed to talk to me about his previous debt before he came into his second marriage while I kill myself making serious sacrifices like going without a single vacation for five straight years.
This type of lifestyle does make me exhausted. We work all of the time and that’s all we do because Eric’s previous marriage ruined his finances.
Eric makes significant amount of money, however.
All of our money goes towards paying off Eric’s previous debt from his first marriage of sixteen (16) years which for the past nine years I, too, became responsible to take care of Eric’s and his first wife’s ruined finances which left us closer to probably one hundred thousand dollars in the hole while my Mother-In-Law doesn’t understand why we fight about money since Henry and she went into their marriage with nothing.
Not having anything while setting out on the road to marriage is one thing.
Getting stuck with one-hundred thousand dollars worth of debt that Eric wouldn’t come out and tell the truth until October 2012 is entrapment.
Eric has nothing to show for his previous debt to his first wife of sixteen (16) years of a first marriage gone wrong since in the last five years of marriage they spent all of their money on his first wife’s undergraduate creative writing degree (which I’m now paying her student loans and have been for nine years) plus they spent their money on stupid stuff like credit cards for eating out fast food and designer boots and expensive hair and makeup and nails and costly lunches out.
No, I don’t have a lot of respect for that type of spending since it’s now coming out of our pocket.
No, Eric isn’t romantic since he is practically inept in this area.
A date with Eric is sitting in front of the television watching superhero comic films.
Eric, isn’t boring by nature, however, Eric is one of the most boring people I’ve ever met since he doesn’t apply himself in conversation to his wife and acts like a spoilt brat and entitled to have his wife clean up after him all of the time.
Eric doesn’t know equality thus he takes hard sweat labor for granted.
Word Count Goal: 3,000
Word Count: 3,897
This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 4,070
One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:
*) Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.
*) Day #1 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.
*) Day #423 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Day #175 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Week #1 without stress: I love it.
(We fight. We hate each other. Need I say more? Nope.)
*) Week #27 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.
*) Month #8 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three (23”) inch high waist.
Monday, April 20, 2015
“Teach a child good manners
during babyhood.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Vitriolic (caustic, bitter, cutting)
His vitriolic remarks produced an unfavorable reaction.
--- --- ---
A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Chapter 26.
Page 335
We do not in this country, as in England, expose the neck and arms at a dinner-party. These should be covered, if not by the dress itself, then by lace or muslin overwaist (correct spelling from the book).
--- --- ---
No blog.
We will be hosting and visiting with our (platonic / non-sexual) Northern Minnesota Caucasian male friend (in his mid thirties and married to a remarkable and gorgeous woman with three beautiful and well behaved healthy intelligent baby children) of two decades who happens to be a policeman and a literary man, at that.
Okay, we’ll reconvene on Tuesday.
Word Count Goal: 1,000
Word Count: 173
This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 173
One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:
*) Day #4 without verbal swear words. I like it.
*) Day #4 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.
*) Day #422 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Day #174 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Week #2 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #27 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.
*) Month #8 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three (23”) inch high waist.
Friday, April 17, 2015
“Train a child in the way
he should take,
And when he is old,
he will not depart from it.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Altercation (angry dispute, wrangle, contention in words)
The meeting was marked by a bitter altercation.
--- --- ---
A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Dress Of Hostess.
Chapter 26.
Pages 334-335
The hostess’ dress should be rich in material, but subdued in tone, in order that she may not eclipse any of her guests. A young hostess should wear a dress of rich silk, black or dark in color, with collar and cuffs of fine lace, and plain jewelry, or, if the dinner is by gaslight, glittering stones.
An elderly lady may wear satin or velvet, with rich lace.
--- --- ---
Word Count Goal: 1,000 personal journals
Word Count:
This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 5,163
One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:
*) Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.
*) Day #1 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.
*) Day #419 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Day #171 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Week #1 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #26 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.
*) Month #8 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three (23”) inch high waist.
Thursday, April 16, 2015
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Anthology (collection of literary works)
He has an anthology of Frost’s poems.
--- --- ---
A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Dress For Receiving Calls.
Chapter 26.
Page 334
The dress of a hostess differs with the occasion on which she is called to receive her callers, and also with the social position and means of the wearer.
A lady whose mornings are devoted to domestic affairs may and should receive a casual caller in her ordinary morning-dress, which should be neat yet plain, devoid of superfluous ornaments or jewelry.
If a lady appoints a special day for the reception of calls, she should be dressed with more care to do honor to her visitors. Her dress may be of silk or other goods suitable to the season or to her position, but must be of plain colors.
While plain linen collar and cuffs belong to the plain morning-dress; lace may be worn with the ceremonious dress, and a certain amount of jewelry is also admissible.
For New Year’s (correct spelling from the book) or other special calls the dress should be rich, and may be elaborately trimmed.
--- --- ---
Word Count Goal: 1,000 personal journals
Word Count:
This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 5,163
One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:
*) Day #4 without verbal swear words. I like it.
*) Day #2 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.
*) Day #418 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Day #170 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Week #1 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #26 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.
*) Month #8 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three (23”) inch high waist.
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
“The talk of the child in
the street is that of his father or mother at home.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Extraneous (foreign, outside, not essential)
Omit all extraneous matter from your talk.
--- --- ---
A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Riding Dress.
Chapter 26.
Page 332-334
The shape of the hat will vary with the fashion, but it should always be plainly trimmed; and if feathers are worn, they must be fastened so that he wind cannot possibly blow them over the wearer’s eyes.
All ruffling, puffing or bows in the trimming of a riding-dress is out of place. If trimming is used it should be put on in perfectly flat bands or be of braiding.
The hair must be put up compactly, neither curls nor veil should be allowed to stream in the wind. No jewelry except what is absolutely required to fasten the dress, and that of the plainest kind, is allowable.
--- --- ---
(Significant and subtle grammatical and spelling corrections were made throughout the text.) Oh, well.
(Correction from “threw the ringer” to “thru the ringer” to “through the ringer” to “through the wringer.”) Thanks!!!
--- --- ---
Really, the Iranian leaders think American people are liars?
There shouldn’t be an Iran nuclear deal with the Iranian leaders since they hold no basis for such fear or personal threat or weakness or bigoted ignorance as to generalize all Americans together as liars.
Upon such idiotic premise: “All” Iranian Ayatollahs are liars of their nation. (How do you like them apples now?)
If Iran is “cruising for a bloody bruising” then the world will give Iran what’s comin’ to Iran’s irritatingly disrespectful leaders.
The one aspect I can’t understand about Iranians in general is why they have to be such ungracious and rude guests who yell at their hosts?
What gives?
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Our Sixth Wedding Anniversary
(April 16, 2015)
(April 15, 2015)
Love is…
Need I say more?
How does one single individual married writer sum up the equation for “love,” or “agape love,” or “sisterly love,” or “brotherly love,” or “romantic love,” or “respect,” or “carnal desire,” or “physical attraction,” or “sexual gratification,” or “gravitation towards particular smell,” or “intellectual allure,” or “sensuality,” or “magnetism,” or “chemistry,” or “unconditional love” for the other or “common values”?
One single individual writer doesn’t achieve the magnitude in which to begin to much less define or even so much as describe what exactly in words “love” is: or, “agape love,” or “sisterly love,” or “brotherly love,” or “romantic love,” or “respect,” or “carnal desire,” or “physical attraction,” or “sexual gratification,” or “gravitation towards particular smell,” or “intellectual allure,” or “sensuality,” or “magnetism,” or “chemistry,” or “unconditional love” for the other or “common values” for one’s domestic partner or spouse or mate or other.
Need I say more?
Really, I ought to stop here right now before this subject matter gets, too, “hairy” and complicated or “messy” or “difficult” or “contextually complex.” Yes.
We ought to stop right here before we begin to misunderstand each other and a food fight might commence at each other’s expense since we shan’t see “eye-to-eye” on sexuality since I’m a “prude” and don’t mind saying so still yet we enjoy and have fun every single day we laugh together out loud because life is indeed funny and beautiful and lovely.
(The mechanics of our sexual intercourse
is no one else’s personal business other than our own.)
Thank you very much.
(No, I shan’t describe my vagina or Eric’s penis for the reader otherwise I’d take a picture and post it to the internet.)
…how may this writer divert or steer away the conversation from the topic of love or carnal desire or orgasms for that matter?
Indeed it would be glorious to have the ability inside the capacity of tremendous literary talent to show a full descriptive measure and broad account of how unfair any domestic marriage truly is, however, necessary, at times.
Nor do I presume to have any answers when it comes to the subject of love or carnal desire or orgasms.
My palms begun to sweat since now I realize what I’ve done.
Let’s go there…
How does one write about love without cheapening the very act itself?
What is love?
Love is an emotion and action for which one holds another in highest and deepest regard with patient and understanding two-way open communication as well as forgives small irritations or annoyances of the other.
What is respect?
Respect is an emotion and action for which one holds another in equal regard to the self by showing the other truthful answers and consideration and sympathy and empathy and compassion still yet holds steadfast to their intrinsic self and personal moral and ethical boundaries.
Personally, what I’ve discovered through marriage is: mature men become rather quickly sexually aroused by the naked body of any woman, more so, and specifically, their wives’ naked bodies since their wives’ naked bodies happen to be right in front of the husbands’ faces and the men most likely reach out and touch the real skin and body and smell strong emitting scents and odors of sexual desire palpitating from their partners’ sweat glands.
Personally, what I’ve discovered through marriage is: not all men require pornography to become sexually aroused because men do prefer the real body of women over an empty image.
Personally, what I’ve discovered through marriage is: mostly men are easier to please than women on so many levels.
Personally, what I’ve discovered through marriage is: mature men will fight for their beloved, however. Mostly men dislike fighting with women, especially, women they love.
Personally, what I’ve discovered through marriage is: “all’s fair in love and war.” (Yikes.) (Run away and hide.)
Personally, what I’ve discovered through marriage is: mature men are quite tired at the end of a long professional workday thus keep the conversation to a minimum when we eat late Nordic dinner in front of the television until it’s time for late weeknight videogames then off to the shower and climb into bed to read for an hour and set the alarm clock for 9:00 A.M. the following morning.
Personally, what I’ve discovered through marriage is: mostly men use very few short syllabic words and sparse vocabulary.
Personally, what I’ve discovered through marriage is: mature men aren’t female “conversationalists” or “girlfriends” or “shrinks” or “chauffeurs” or “ATM’s” to their wives. No.
Personally, what I’ve discovered through marriage is: mature men like videogames.
Mature hardworking men must be left alone to play healthy videogames for as long as they responsibly need to whenever husbands wish to bring down their blood pressure or to keep a continually calm lifestyle filled with fun games especially after a long day’s work at the studio.
Personally, what I’ve discovered through marriage is: mostly men don’t like the theatre or ballet or opera or museums or crowded sports events.
Personally, what I’ve discovered through marriage is: men love their television sets and watch science and nature and outer space shows about astronauts and galaxies and travel and history.
Personally, what I’ve discovered through marriage is: mature men don’t watch or read or handle or look over online or hardcover porn (no pun intended.) (Mature men just don’t. Mature men like that are ‘good luck’ to one’s marriages.)
Personally, what I’ve discovered through marriage is: husbands will DVR their wives’ shows for them even if the husbands can’t stand what their wives watch for “guilty pleasure.” (Someday I’ll write about it.)
Personally, what I’ve discovered through marriage is: mature men love and respectfully treat their pets with concern and reverence.
Personally, what I’ve discovered through marriage is: mature men love peace and quiet in their home.
Personally, what I’ve discovered through marriage is: mature men want to be respected and treated as equals on equal footing.
Personally, what I’ve discovered through marriage is: mature men are masculine and not emasculated.
Personally, what I’ve discovered through marriage is: mature men do forgive whenever couples strongly disagree about a wrong course of action.
Personally, what I’ve discovered through marriage is: mature men will go out of their way to help out their wives in the kitchen and in any other capacity as she truly requires the help of a man or at least ask how she might need a helping hand.
Personally, what I’ve discovered through marriage is: mature men know how to cook or at least will wash and clean up dinner plates and cookware well.
Personally, what I’ve discovered through marriage is: mature men like to eat very seldom and few foods yet the same foods year after year.
Personally, what I’ve discovered through marriage is: mostly men dislike shopping at any time or online.
Personally, what I’ve discovered through marriage is: men will wear clothes until the clothes or shoes fall apart or look shabby or worn out and unattractive.
Personally, what I’ve discovered through marriage is: men don’t tend to fold their clothes well thus at times some men tend to look disheveled in their wrinkle apparel unless their wives help out their husbands.
Personally, what I’ve discovered through marriage is: men love hardware stores.
Personally, what I’ve discovered through marriage is: mature men have hobbies or other (lawful, non-sexual) special interests and (platonic) female and male best friends, and friends in general who’ve known them for over two decades or so.
Personally, what I’ve discovered through marriage is: to agree to strongly disagree.
Personally, what I’ve discovered through marriage is: how to peacefully co-exist with a man in each other’s space.
Personally, what I’ve discovered through marriage is: not to be a backseat driver and accomplish such feat of heroism such as to keep quiet.
Personally, what I’ve discovered through marriage is: how smart and intelligent a husband can truly be.
Personally, what I’ve discovered through marriage is: how little women know about men.
Personally, what I’ve discovered through marriage is: how amazing the smell of husbands is as a driven force towards long lasting physical attraction.
Personally, what I’ve discovered through marriage is: we stay in love simply because we’re strongly attracted to each other’s smells and we deeply care about each other even though we tend to get on each other’s nerves.
Personally, what I’ve discovered through marriage is: mature men don’t care about much other than their immediate family and extended family members and close personal friends and their educations and homes and vehicles and monthly bills and vacations and time to mow the backyard to sit down to bonfires.
Personally, what I’ve discovered through marriage is: men don’t care to be thin or to eat well if they don’t have to.
Personally, what I’ve discovered through marriage is: mature and secure men don’t have a wandering eyeball.
Personally, what I’ve discovered through marriage is: mature men are ever so in love with their wives they can’t imagine another in their bed.
Personally, what I’ve discovered through marriage is: mature men think and communicate with their wives at least once per day.
Personally, what I’ve discovered through marriage is: mature men do understand modern times.
Personally, what I’ve discovered through marriage is: mature men dislike the crassness or harsh tones or continual criticism of their women. (So, women, do unto others as one would have others do unto you.)
Personally, what I’ve discovered through marriage is: men hate to talk about their weight or snoring.
Personally, what I’ve discovered through marriage is: mature men will eat better when their wives eat better.
Personally, what I’ve discovered through marriage is: mature men take time to take care of their self needs and downtime and take naps and siestas and not rush around all over the place.
Personally, what I’ve discovered through marriage is: mature men read the most interesting articles and magazines and books about art, science and mathematics and history.
Personally, what I’ve discovered through marriage is: mature men who are intelligent are a sexual “turn on” to mature women.
Personally, what I’ve discovered through marriage is: mature men who are well read make a lot more money than men who aren’t well read.
Personally, what I’ve discovered through marriage is: mature men who keep their professional lives exciting find purpose in the work they do and enjoy their lives.
Personally, what I’ve discovered through marriage is: mature men do look handsome in Armani.
Word Count Goal: 1,798
Word Count: 1,961
This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 5,163
One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:
*) Day #3 without verbal swear words. I like it.
*) Day #1 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.
*) Day #417 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Day #169 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Week #1 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #26 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.
*) Month #8 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three (23”) inch high waist.
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
“It is better not to live
than to be dependent on your children.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Indued (clothes, invested, endowed)
Indued with special powers, he brought about a reconciliation.
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A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Riding Dress.
Chapter 26.
Page 332-334
Waterproof is the most serviceable for a riding costume. Something lighter may be worn in summer. In the lighter costume a row or two of shot should be stitched in the bottom of the breadths to keep the skirt from blowing up in the wind.
The riding-dress should be made to fit the waist closely and buttoned nearly to the throat.
Coat sleeves should come to the wrist, with linen cuffs beneath them.
It is well to have the waist attached to a skirt of the usual length and the long skirt fastened over it, so that if any mishap obliges the lady to dismount she may easily remove the long overskirt and still be properly dressed.
--- --- ---
Personal Footnote
Yes, I misspoke (spell (sp) correction) when I wrote that I was above “it” meaning that I meant to imply I was above “writers’ workshops,” however.
No, I’m not above “it.” I’m simply “over it” which is worse.
No, I’m not “above” anything since I’m a woman of color and in America a woman of color holds no such privilege. I may not ever be allowed to be “above” any other station or the establishment seems to fall over and gets ever so threatened by single individual writers.
No, not once did I say I was “charming” since “charming” I’m not yet introverted and thoughtful and focused and relaxed and laidback and on point and cohesive and enjoy my work. Yes.
Yes, as a woman of color I’m forced to be ever so “subservient” or “nonthreatening” in tone and manner or “none forceful” on any issue or subject matter or argument or debate or discussion since I’m considered a “third class citizen” below “second class citizens” such as Caucasian women.
As a woman of color I must always conduct myself with Ut-most propriety and of the highest merit and honor so as not to scare Caucasian people and be “witch hunted” or killed at the stake. No.
No, I’m not any type of “traitor of the state” or “extremist” thus I’m not above any station in life since I’ve made tremendous sacrifices for the United States of America such as going “food insecure” or (at times) “starved” in my mid-twenties while I worked 16 hour days and three jobs to keep from death.
Yes, I went with barely any food or starved for the United States of America as a teen (on weekends) from the ages of 16, 17, 18, 19 and again as a young college student 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and again as a young adult in my mid-twenties 24, 25, 26 and at the age of 27 thus henceforth, then, climbed upwards towards “middle-middle income earning” adults and within nine short years we climbed to “upper-middle income earning” responsible adulthood to our late thirties and early fifties in the “lower-upper income earning” mature adulthood preparing for “conventional retirement” (when Eric turns 65 years of age) within fifteen (15) years to begin a series of private feature length stop-motion animation films for our seven generations’ vault collection. (Start the clock.)
Yes, I’ve proven my innocence and patriotism to my state and country.
No, I’m not some “smarmy” two-faced dim-witted writer ‘caught-up’ on other writers’ misspoken words since I know how fleeting words can be, sometimes, even, slippery.
Yes, words can be slippery in the same way large fresh water boulders (spell (sp) correction) (rocks) are.
(My skin crawls whenever handling (literal) fish, however.
{Possibly, in my entire life I’ve only once handled fish with my bare hands. (Crab or shrimp or oysters or clams: Yes.) Ironically, for any descendent whose ancestors were blue blooded Sea Captains and owned the largest North American Continental Atlantic Sea Coast New England fisheries in the late 1698’s and well into the late 1798’s (100 hundred years of operation) as well as in the 1800’s-1900’s invented and globally sold highly toxic products such as lead based haul paint (for the bottom of ships and sailboats as sealer) and early 1900’s developed toxic glues as well as purchased real estate (1980’s-2015) (in the most expensive zip codes in the world into today’s date) and global enterprise (1980’s-2015) (corporate interests such as “Kodak” and “Coca Cola” stock and in several particular corporate branches of the food industry, (1980’s-2015) as well as trade and easy and quick accessibility to global power and knowledge ever since 1066-2015... when transformed into Lords of the Manner after the Battle of Hastings as reward for our familial ancestors’ valiant efforts in the battlefield, however insignificant it may be to the overall history of important and great Ladies and Gentlemen of Old.}
The silence of calm ocean afternoon fishing is as close as divinely beautiful as it gets for novel reading while my father fished for hours and I read right along to the sounds and rhythms of nature as the boat sleepily swayed this way and that way in summer warm weather months and waited for tuna to sprung thus and forth from the ocean’s cover right in time for dusk dinner.)
--- --- ---
Warm heartedly I will greet people from high school, however.
Whenever it comes to giving out our personal information is something we don’t do. Nor do we talk about our business unless directly asked.
If anything I tend to leave places whenever I see anyone from high school. Why not? (Right? Right.)
--- --- ---
Liberal Arts Education
Is A Must
The sun is shining which makes it difficult to write about the flu as a subject matter therefore I’ll write about acquiring a strong academic backbone when it comes to the Liberal Arts.
No, I’m not above “writers’ workshops” however.
Yes, I’m over “writers’ workshops”.
Let’s begin…
“Please, don’t assume anything.”
Liberal Arts Education is a must for learning how to better learn anything.
Liberal Arts Education is a must for learning how to better research anything.
Liberal Arts Education is a must for learning how to better question anything.
Liberal Arts Education is a must for learning to become a better critical reader thus a strong thinker and eventually an analytical writer or any other intelligent expressive measure or means to convey something meaningful outside of the self.
Liberal Arts Education is a must for learning how to professionally and properly speak and conduct oneself during important interviews or conferences or business dealings or negotiations or talks or agreements or meetings or mediation or, or, or…
Liberal Arts Education is a must for critical listening skills.
Liberal Arts Education is a must for keener and sharp critical and analytical observation.
Liberal Arts Education is a must for an open mind.
Liberal Arts Education is a must for justice and equality.
Liberal Arts Education is a must for societal inclusiveness.
Liberal Arts Education is a must for building up strong logical and reasonable critical and analytical constructive communication skills.
Liberal Arts Education is a must for building up strong cerebral muscle thus one possibly wards off or prolongs “dementia” or “Alzheimer’s”.
Liberal Arts Education is a must for safe and peaceful global cultural academic exchange.
Liberal Arts Education is a must for the benefit of ethical decision making.
Liberal Arts Education is a must for the continual strong foundation for which all men and women and children are created equal.
Liberal Arts Education is a must for the overall freedoms of the people.
Liberal Arts Education is a must for the building up and strengthening of ethical thought provoking leaders in their role as astute and noble “whistleblowers”.
Liberal Arts Education is a must for learning there’s no shame in asking any type or sort of question no matter how “stupid” the question may seem to one individual, the answer may save the life of another individual.
Liberal Arts Education is a must for taking a stance on the side of ethical ground.
Liberal Arts Education is a must for learning how to dye silk without the dye running all over the place.
Liberal Arts Education is a must for learning how to make pulp paper.
Liberal Arts Education is a must for learning how to weave a basket (literally) (one of the most difficult disciplines in the world) or weave scarves on a loom (patience of a saint) or throw pottery on a wheel (dirty work) or blow glass (hot tediously careful work) or, or, or…
Learn to paint a great big oil on canvas (eye hand coordination and patience) or cast a bronze sculpture (messy and precise) or write a poem or compose a score or sound effects or voice-overs or sound engineering or nonlinear editing or write twenty page papers about global cinema (at least one/twenty-page paper per daily homework or two or three for different classes thus writing about sixty (60) pages per daily homework assignments) or prepare and seriously study for placement tests… or, or, or …learn about contemporary graphic design or digital media or intermedia arts or mixed mass media arts or computer arts or programming or coding or global history or, or, or… performance arts or analytical framework and reference and research and lab work.
Liberal Arts Education is a must for taking science labs and astronomy and biology and chemistry and physics and quantum physics and calculus and algebra and geometry and trigonometry and botany and pre-med and pre-law and philosophy and debate and argumentation and international law and intellectual property law and publishing law and patented law and copyright law and hedge funds and fortune 500 distribution and global socio-economics and socio-politics and socio-finance and socio-business and the stock market and retirement and savings and finance portfolios and, and, and... Recycling and Earth-friendly technologies and developments.
Liberal Arts Education is a must for learning how to write professional reviews for the stage and books and television and film or historical cinema as well as analytical critics in the fine arts and sciences.
Liberal Arts Education is a must for learning how to make comparisons and contrasting viewpoints in argumentation.
Liberal Arts Education is a must for learning how to dance or paint or play any instrument or music theory or sheet writing or code writing or computer or electronic mechanics or theories or theorems or, or, or…
Liberal Arts Education is a must for learning how to be on time, always.
Liberal Arts Education is a must for learning how to be respectful, always.
Word Count Goal: 2,000
Word Count: 1,711
This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 3,202
One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:
*) Day #2 without verbal swear words. I like it.
*) Day #2 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.
*) Day #416 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Day #168 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Week #1 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #26 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.
*) Month #8 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three (23”) inch high waist.
Monday, April 13, 2015
“If you must beat a child,
use a string.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Felony (criminal, wicked, malicious deed)
He was found guilty of a felony and sent to the penitentiary.
--- --- ---
A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Riding Dress.
Chapter 26.
Page 332-334
There is no place where a woman appears to better advantage than upon horseback. We will take it for granted that our lady has acquired properly the art of riding. Next she must be provided with a suitable habit. Her habit should fit perfectly without being tight. The skirt should be full and long enough to cover the feet, while it is best to omit the extreme length, which subject the dress to mud spatterings and may prove a serious entanglement in case of accident.
--- --- ---
More Corrections will be made.
Thank you.
(Correction from “blue color” to “blue collar.”) Thanks.
(Correction from “threw the ringer” to “‘through’ the ringer.”)
--- --- ---
For almost nine years as a rural farm family that gathers for separate nude saunas and late night board games during the holidays or over New Years we’ve tuned to the first five minutes of Saturday Night Live and none of us ranging from late eighties to early twenties (and everything in between) found, too, many of the episodes funny in the least bit, however.
This past weekend on the off chance Eric and I tuned to SNL and laughed whole heartedly as we had in the years of Chris Farley and other brilliant writers and actors. (Thank you.)
SNL is finally funny once more.
SNL went through a seventeen (17) year dry spell.
Welcome back to the fountain of knowledge.
--- --- ---
Boycott of The New York Times’
Online Website
(April 2015-April 2016)
Yes, as of this weekend I was personally informed by broadcast experts and analysts about the fact the C.I.A. owns The New York Times. (As an overall consensus.) Okay.
Newsflash to me.
The following reasons for my personal boycott of The New York Times are as followed: A) bias reporting B) hawkish bias ideals driven by second rate used car salesmen’s tactics C) subjective reporting D) subjective journalism E) smarmy F) harsh selling tone of voice G) condescending in tone and voice H) personal take or biases I) demanding J) forceful K) boring L) overbearing M) short sided N) all over the map O) acute perspective P) cynical Q) “devil’s advocate” in debate with negative spin R) at times manipulative S) at times convoluted T) mostly negative U) at times fear mongering V) “professional specialization” as “separation” from the overall picture W) corporate news aligned with at times corrupt political agendas X) corporate news is corporate profit and corporate agenda which has no input in the lives of private citizens and civilians Y) commercialism isn’t the entire story Z) blue collar elitist newspaper.
News” (Sensationalism)
is selling of products
is neither journalism nor reporting
is neither a scientist nor a mathematician
a bad first blind date
As of Sunday, April 12, 2015 I’ve begun a full one complete year of a personal boycott of The New York Times.
No, I don’t find this personal boycott fun or easy or enjoyable since The New York Times is my “eye-candy” newspaper for the past twenty-eight years or so, however.
As of recently, ever since Syria, March or April 2011 our American mass media online news turned “bitter” or “jaded” about their significant and important role as public servant leaders and humble stewards of the written truth and all sacred objective journalism and news reports which is almost impossible to find within our borders.
Personally, I’ll boycott one full complete year of The New York Times to help my mind and body and brains detoxify from “harsh” or “self loathing” or “abusive” mass media online news.
In other words: I hope to regain some literary reading ground by shutting the New York Times’ door, and opening other journalistic doors such as “Reuters”. (I have so much research to do about objective news.)
Oh, how I shall tremendously miss our beloved New York Times for the remainder of this personal boycott.
Yes, of course, one gets afraid in life.
Yes, of course, one, ought to believe in legitimate fear.
Yes, fear, either, imagined or actual is real to the chemicals of the human mind and body.
The mind and body is connected as one.
With that said: I’m tired and at times exhausted of either reading contemporary (modern) cynical or smarmy or hatred filled self loathing news reports or “way over-the-top” unhealthy competitive journalist viewpoints which seem to be more so in alignment or in the middle of an existential crises or meltdown or mid-life crises or hateful phase in their humanity which most people go through such sentiments before they arrive at a higher level of consciousness such as kindness and love without sexual desire and more so respect for any other which breathes and co-exists in the same timeframe as the other.
At the very young age of fourteen my psychologist father informed me not to allow myself to get manipulated at a cellular level since “everything” we watch or see or witness or read or experience or touch or view then intergrades itself into the molecular structure of our being as well as our entire aura.
We are then influenced by that which we are exposed to from the weather to poetry readings to sailing the ocean at night by the stars and compass to remarkable yellow or orange or purple or pink sunsets, as of late.
Professionally we need a positive change. We require to read objective news.
Professionally, we neither require nor need our news to “spoon feed” us factual information since we can feed ourselves just fine. (Thank you.)
Professionally, we need and require real constructive (positive/negative: pros/cons: for or against debate in argumentation) journalism or written articles or periodicals as readers and consumers of news as a public service to the people.
Professionally, as readers we must not divert from our ethical path to continually look out for objective journalism and reporting of factual articles and news reports and information.
Professionally, we must fill our head with substantive information instead of “chatter” or “hot air.”
Professionally, we owe it to ourselves to find outlets and places and enterprises which value objective journalism over subjective journalism.
Oh, see you soon: The New York Times.
No, readers don’t wish to read or hear or watch or listen to other “Joe Schmoes” like the rest of the population since “Joe Schmoe” only knows about themselves and not about global current events or happenings or decisions made or politics or, or, or...
Audiences and readers and consumers and watchers and listeners require for our newspaper literary and television sophisticates to critically and analytically analyze politics and news and global information for the average private citizens and civilians without dehumanization or propaganda or corporate or political agenda.
Journalists and reporters must ethically carry-out or conduct their writing duties since it’s difficult to decipher through online “chatter” or lies or misguided information.
An intelligent reporter or journalist will write to the masses for the sake to best inform the people to partake in global events and movements and organization and peaceful community action and important discussion as to how to always better improve our environment for prosperity for all.
No, don’t forget journalistic “purpose.”
Yes, “experiential” equations are for anything other than journalism and reporting since journalism is a method of asking analytical questions through which to get or obtain the best factual or truthful results or answers towards more in depth and consequential news and information to better decision making and problem solving effect (consequence) otherwise call it mash potato dustings inside a cardboard box since that’s mostly what the masses eat or consume and one knows the saying: “You are what you eat.”
As Americans we respect our objective “experts” and “scholars” and “journalists” and “reporters” and “analysts” who critically speak the truth and answer some of the toughest questions or pose some of the most brilliant questions.
No, as Americans we don’t respect what “Joe Schmoe” has to say since we’re all in agreement that he doesn’t know much, only, what he knows, which is acutely limited to himself thus he is not any “expert” on any subject and mainly boring as any distorted or warped source of misinformation.
It’s literally now 6:30 P.M. in the evening and I’m all done with my work. I’m about to upload to the FTP site.
The light is bright yellow with long dark shadows falling over the furniture. This light is like a lost Celtic song enthralled in fairy tales and make-believe.
Forever, I could bask in this defused bright sunlight almost ready to lose its natural solar spark and power before darkness descends upon us all here on the Western Hemisphere.
Goodnight, Moon.
Goodnight, beautiful souls.
Word Count Goal: 1,000
Word Count: 1,491
This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 1,491
One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:
*) Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.
*) Day #1 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.
*) Day #415 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Day #167 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Week #1 without stress: I love it. (Fought like the dickens.)
*) Week #26 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.
*) Month #8 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three and a half (23 ½”) inch high waist.
Friday, April 10, 2015
“A strict master will not
have understanding sons.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Irreparable (cannot be repaired, cannot be made up)
The company suffered an irreparable loss when the founder died.
--- --- ---
A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Chapter 26.
Page 332
The dress for a drive through the streets of a city or along a fashionable drive or park can not be too rich in material. Silks, velvets and laces are all appropriate, with rich jewelry and costly furs.
The carriage-dress may be long enough to trail if fashion so dictates, though many prefer using the walking-dress length.
For country driving a different style of dress is required as protection against the mud or dust. It seems hardly necessary to describe the dress for country driving, we presume every lady is capable of selecting for herself, since the dress is worn for protection and not for show.
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More Corrections will be made.
Thank you.
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Please, Don’t Lie to The People
Lies Does The People No Good
If one is going to write then at least be cohesive.
The problem with modern mass media online news in general is that their contributors seem to be “thin skinned” and tend to take almost “everything” or “anything” anyone says or writes about them or their work as ever so personal which creates for much influx or mistrust or misunderstanding or confusion or further ignorance in the overall mass media online news profession.
Since mass media online news only seems to desire to be “high school popular” then a phony divide is created between the general public and the mass media online news and their acute services.
This professional divide between journalism and the general public is no longer instinctual in its overall purpose or genre as a public service ever since mass media online news gave away their literary voice and authority for an equal exchange to be one of the many faces in the crowd in the form of online popularity.
Mass media online news and services seem to crave or desire to be treated “just” like anyone else, minus any criticism.
In the real world, the average private citizen and civilian is “put through the ringer” and are constantly and personally questioned or harshly scrutinized or criticized thus private citizens and civilians grow “thick skin” since prejudice and discrimination seem to be the flavor of the hour in America’s supposed social justice circles and professional settings.
Thus the average private American citizen and civilian must be ready to defend their lot and bit of earth or private property against the fear mongering hatred speeches made against our freedom of speech, freedom to assembly, freedom of the press, free thought and an independent spirit in asking questions and telling the truth no matter how invasive lies can be when allowed to be soaked and dyed into silk.
It seems as though the moment one criticizes mass media online news then “all hell breaks loose” since mass media online news seems insecure about their cyberspace in the world.
Mass media online news seems insecure with their placement in the world since online news doesn’t seem sure if they’re now peers or equals or still yet journalistic professionals to the general public or nothing at all.
(In general, the mass public doesn’t pay any attention nor cares anything about nor thinks anything at all about mass media online news and its corporate cronies or personnel or staff or writers ever since our very real struggles and responsibilities are quite unique and different in that we must feed our families thus we can’t have fanciful ideals about our education since modern educational costs rob us all from us our very future.)
Rather the mass media online news is considered more so of a “toy” or “surrealistic sphere” or “nonstop chatter” about incoherent or incorrect ideas or ideologies thrown at our modern nation to decipher its private jokes or exclusive demeanor yet online news begs for viewership on equal footing.
So what gives?
The real struggles of a modern people seem to get covered up or over looked as it is the case with our deepest struggle towards a free economy and free educational opportunities for all and not only for a very few who can afford such a culprit of lies as affordable college education because there’s no such thing as that in modern America.
Mass media online news tends to forget its place.
Mass media online news seems to want to be “buddy-buddies” with the general public yet the public rejects the idea or notion to be friends with any quasi authoritative figure that gives away its professional power in exchange for ratings and that which sides with corporate agendas which tend to destroy the very natural organic fiber of small and large communities and opportunities towards free advanced degrees.
News tends to make itself news.
News tends to promote news.
News tends to advertise news.
News tends to commercialize news.
When news is ever so shallow or “misses the mark” or is ever so inadequate as to project the times then it can’t be taken seriously nor should it as it ought to be scolded and belittled as an object of malice and not as an Act of Kindness nor much less considered a news service for the people.
Mass media online news wants to “get in the game” and play, yet, if, only, mass media online news would set aside its bogus authoritative voice with nothing to back it up but hot air which doesn’t mean anything to anyone since it’s the private citizens and civilians who establish social and cultural rules to A New World Order of peaceful ideas and inclusive humanitarian causes and justice long overdue.
It seems as though, one moment mass media online news wants to be “everybody’s” best-friend while the next moment it turns “preacher” and the next moment it becomes “combatant” when the people don’t agree or value or respect the disingenuous approach in journalistic or reporting demeanor ever so disconnected from anything real happening to the people like the loss for free educational opportunity.
Whenever, public figures get scrutinized (which they’re meant to be highly scrutinized and criticized so that they won’t take the country down a wrong path) then there tends to be a general corporate outcry depending on how much a public figure is liked or disliked.
Corporations don’t
ever get to dictate or negate which direction a country sets forth since
corporations exist for the only purpose to make profit and that’s not any
authority on anything or any type of value or ethical moral standing especially
not when it comes to corporate writers or erroneous writing.
It’s odd to see so much mass media online news defend itself on a constant basis whenever any private citizen or civilian doesn’t respectfully or disrespectfully agree or disagree with public figures who seem unstable from hour-to-hour when at times are misinformed with outdated misinformation.
As soon as mass media online news “puts in their two ‘personal’ cents” and tries to persuade any reader or viewer or listener in any of one of many directions then mass media online news makes their material irrelevant to the conversation.
Whenever mass media online news crosses over blurred lines of personal inquest and trespass into peer relationships in regards to the reader or audience as an equal then journalistic authority falls by the wayside since a peer or equal is not any type of authority then mass media online news is easy to dismiss as anything worthy of anyone’s time or thought.
The general public doesn’t care about “public figures” since we’re taught that any “public figure” is either a kosher public servant or a liar since mostly all public figures are after is anyone else’s money (other than their own money) without ever putting in one honest hard day’s work into the debate at hand.
If any public figure is disliked or “disgraced” or “debased” or “degraded” then “everybody” from that particular private corporate world seems to want to take down the general public for respectfully or disrespectfully disagreeing with incoherent and out-of-touch talking-heads or reporters or journalists (and we’re not talking age, either.)
Personally, I’m not any type of “devil’s advocate” (I can be) nor an “agitator” nor “a provocateur” still yet I’m human and make mistakes and take great brave stands against (or for) outlandish points of view to get the reader sparked up about life and change course to a more inclusive and intelligent and smarter future for all like free public college education.
Surprisingly enough I can see the vast complexities of professional blurred lines and messy corporate agendas or propaganda in most all things: this or that, whichever is the hot selling point or topic of the day or hour.
To misguide and lie to the American general public about acquiring any degree is a messy business.
To misguide and lie to the American general public about acquiring any degree only implies the outdated point of view on the part of the writer and a strong disconnection to the culture at large and a great disassociation between mass media online news and thoughtful private citizens and civilians who pay attention to what exactly is being said or isn’t.
Yes, criticize and scrutinize any public figure or leader on their erroneous ideals about our modern world as it stands and for which we’ve come to know all, too, well as imbalanced and against the good hardworking Americans towards further free post secondary and educational advancement.
Yes, when Americans attend college then they tend get into further insurmountable debt for twenty or thirty or forty years.
There is no choice to be made here.
To eat or not to eat.
That is the vitally important question.
We chose to eat rather than to go into further academic debt in the name of some phony or highfalutin ideal about educational values which no longer exist and now become a strong mythological lost paradise with each passing day.
When did M.F.A. become the end all means all?
When did M.F.A. writers become the only writers with a voice?
When did M.F.A. writers become the only recognizable voices in a sea of voices?
Writers don’t choose if they’ll be trusted or not.
Readers get to choose if they trust the writer or not.
The reason why I don’t think writers’ workshops or writing schools make great or excellent writers is because such academic writers seem to miss out on the vitally important issues of our day since M.F.A. writers tend to get stuck in a realm of empty and shallow superiority.
When any writer gets stuck inside their insecurities then such a writer creates further distance from the discussion taking place which precludes such biased writers to openly write to the people about anything which remotely pertains to them since any ostentatious writer has no clue what they write, especially not when it comes to the people and their needs or wants or societal important interests.
In order to write to the people about them or their situation or their choices then one must enter into the trenches with the people to fully understand their hopes and fears and desires and loss and strong sense of self control and overall mentally stable and healthy attitude towards the hatred of haters in the form of mass media online news talking-heads or journalists or reporters since they seem to portray or to take on a demeaning or condescending tone in which they hold great disdain for their fellow country’s men and women ever so hard struggling to make it from day-to-day and from paycheck-to-paycheck.
Writing is as real as you and I are now.
Writing is a huge responsibility.
Writing is not for the faint of heart.
If one can’t take the heat then get the fuck out of the kitchen.
Otherwise, one might end up wreaking havoc and counter-intuitively turn into a literary traitor to the people.
Always peace.
No, I’m not bitter.
(I’m too young to be bitter.)
No, I’m not jaded.
(I’m too young to be jaded.)
Yes, I’m concerned for our overall national education.
Too many damn lies in the form of authoritative bullshit.
Yes, I’m a private sector leader and not because I want to be one more so precisely because millions of people around the world have placed me in such high esteem for which I uphold to such a great responsibility as to get it right each and every single day I come here to be with you in your hour of need or desires for a better world or progressive measures for a stronger educational future.
No, I’m not a villain.
(I’m not a comic book antagonist.)
Yes, if one were to meet me, then most likely one would fall in love with the sincerity and kindness and truth provoking thoughts and ideas of this marginalized woman of color who must work for everything she’s got even though our private investors and partners give me cart blanche to write as I see fit without any micromanagement or input since they implicitly trust what I write and say to be true.
My commitment and work is invaluable.
We must not entrust the important modern writing to only academic M.F.A. writers stuck inside academic brick walls who write about their romantic lives gone wrong or imaginary friends instead of waking up to the greatest injustice of all which happens to be the discrimination and inequality of higher education and the injustice of corporations to be portrayed as individuals when most individuals can barely hold on to Our Constitutional Rights and Liberties.
Writing is democratic because everyone has a voice.
No, I can’t stand pretentious mumbo jumbo.
To be a great intellectual is to put words simply so that even the average intelligence human may take part in the ever so important conversation because they, too, have a stake in the future of their children’s higher educational opportunities.
We shall overcome.
Nasty. Why she always gotta be right?
Most likely I’m mostly always right since I ponder therefore I’m a thinker therefore a modern intellectual fighting for the right’s of the people.
Anyone else who happens to be in the way of our great freedoms can all go to hell in some writers’ workshop since no one can pay me enough money to ever attend another shabby little writers’ workshop for as long as I live. What a waste of time and money and that’s the truth since I’m “over it” and shower and brush my teeth and hair on a daily basis.
No, don’t get up.
No, don’t get out of my way. I’ll go around.
No, I’m not a witch. Not even a little one.
Yes, I can be a bitch with just cause.
Yes, I can also become a cunt whenever lied to.
Word Count Goal: 1,000
Word Count: 2,464
This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 7,954
One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:
*) Day #1 without verbal swear words. I like it.
*) Day #1 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.
*) Day #412 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Day #164 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Week #2 without stress: I love it. (Not fighting.)
*) Week #25 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.
*) Month #8 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three and a half (23 ½”) inch high waist.
Thursday, April 9, 2015
“When a father is
quick-tempered, his children are confused.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Martial (war-like, resembling military manner)
His feet began to move when the band struck up a martial tune.
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A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Material Of Walking Suit.
Chapter 26.
Pages 331-332
The material of a walking-suit may be as rich or as plain as the wearer’s taste may dictate or means justify, but it must always be well made and never be allowed to grow shabby. It is better to avoid bright colors and use them only in decoration. Black has come to be adopted very generally for street-dresses; but while it is becoming for most individuals; it gives to the promenade a somewhat sombre look.
The dress for the promenade should be in perfect harmony with itself. One article should not be new and another shabby. The gloves should not be of one color, the bonnet of another, and the parasol of a third. All the colors worn should at least harmonize.
A lady who wishes to maintain a reputation for always being well dressed will be scrupulous in suiting her toilet to the special occasion for which it is worn. She will not appear on foot upon the streets in a dress suited only for carriages, nor will she either walk or drive in a costume appropriate alone for the house.
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No blog.
Out sick with the flu.
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New World Order
Writing is for the wise.
Yes, an M.F.A. is an expensive lie.
Writing is Democratic.
Writing is about cohesive thought provoking ideas.
If one is to perform brain surgery
then get a damn bloody degree
and make it a good one.
If one is to write
then one better have cohesively thoughtful
and profound
and wise
and meaningful
and life changing words
for the world to read.
With All Due Respect; Literary elitist scared-witless New York Time’s writers who write articles “out-of-fear” that other more “obscure” blog writers are going to take over the publishing industry is absurd since humanity already knows the age old story of the ever so true and original and complex, hardship-filled struggle of the American writer in general.
Corporate America must confront its fear with this literary New World Order known as cyberspace and new online internet world wide web mass media.
When we’re done paying off exactly $14,546.58 (2000-2015) of my undergraduate “creative writing” and global film studies double major (the remainder balance of one student loan as of this exact moment) then we’re throwing the biggest social elite party of the century until then we stubbornly pay the minimum of $96.05 monthly payments to the Department of Education as “a middle finger” to the ever failing academic crumbling greedy system that set me and so many other writers ever so economically far behind in life entering this new century in which “opportunity for growth” especially in academic institutions is something of the past or possibly a myth all together.
When I was in school all that my “creative writing” classmates ever wanted was to compete “tooth and nail” and to shove anyone’s teeth so far down their throat, they would not speak up ever again.
All that my “creative writing” classmates ever wanted was a “gold sticker,” and to be told that they were the “best”.
We don’t have time for kiddy games. we live in the mature adult world and properly wipe my own derrière to ward off disease. Thank you very much.
Personally, I tell writers if they want to write then write.
Don’t worry about publishing.
If any writer isn’t any good then an Ivy League publisher will instantly know it and won’t publish garbage under their reputable publishing companies.
The thing about creative writing of any type or as it is with the case of documentary filmmaking they don’t make a penny. Nothing.
Expect to be “poor” or “broke” or “impoverished” for most of one’s career no matter how glamorous any sleek magazine might possibly define the life of any struggling writer like a cake walk in the park with their “self publishing” and mediocre “selfies” (bathroom pictures of the self).
Creative writing and documentary filmmaking isn’t an easy life unless one is a prodigy or a genius and even then such people have a harder time at life than those of us with average intelligence.
Creative writing and documentary filmmaking is a calling since both are hard and grueling work without much monetary reward or compensation much less health care benefits or retirement.
Creative writing and documentary filmmaking is a “calling” in the same way writing is a call to tell the truth and seminary school is a call to lie since no one ever wants to do that particular line of cheating / thievery work.
Not especially in the real world where things get real messy real quick and very rarely are there any real or true or authentic answers for what ails the hearts and minds of men and women.
The negative aspect about writing programs that no one ever tells applicants is that they’ll end up meeting mostly “losers” or “lose canons” or “dysfunctional” or “ego centric” writers from other literary holes.
Any writers’ workshop is about money and not about craft.
How much money you
Money’s all any academic institution is ever after.
My father worked in the university system for thirty
years and told me not to apply myself towards an M.F.A. or doctorate in
creative writing since all that universities seem to be now are large collection
debt agencies.
My father is right; and I’m, too, old for my father to lie to me now at the age of thirty-seven since we have mortgage and car payments.
The negative aspect about writing programs that no one ever tells applicants is that they’ll end up in small cramped hot rooms with smelly and sweaty people who don’t often shower or rarely get out of bed to brush their hair or teeth or apply any deodorant or out loud they tend to like to read their badly written stories with atrocious hot breath and at times will cry for no reason or people who don’t often get dates or they have serious neurotic disassociations from what’s real and what’s not or lots of mental illness. Yikes.
Who wants to be around such people? No one.
Writers’ workshops are places where only really needy or depressed or mentally unstable or control freaks or creepy people attend when they don’t have anything else going for them in life thus they must muster up a plan before they die because they sense and feel they aren’t really gifted or talented yet they try their writing hand even if their HBO material is terrible and a bi-product of nepotism.
The workshop writer is often a social and cultural freak and he knows it since deep inside the folds of his flabby fat skin he knows the truth:
To become an excellent writer one must be an avid reader of everything.
The more one reads the better the writer they become without wasting a penny on what most likely they’ll later spend on psychoanalysis for the rest of their lives to get over their writers’ workshop cruel experiences and disappointment and the memory of bad smells of others.
The creepiest and most egocentric people attend writers’ workshops to hear themselves talk since this is the era of the mediocre selfie and literary dribbles from people who most likely haven’t read a novel in about a decade especially those who attend college hardly ever read anything constructive other than over priced bigoted historically bias incorrect textbooks.
If one attends an M.F.A. program then do it at one’s expense however. It’s best not to believe the hype.
An engineering or business or mathematical or science degree will not only put food on the table it also revolves around more mathematically inclined folks who won’t cry at the drop of a hat because their commas are in the wrong placement.
Plus, when the muse leaves then game over.
It’s all about the spirit of the muse.
If one gets lucky then the words will be bountiful and if the muse hates the writer then eventually the well runs dry.
Word Count Goal: 1,000
Word Count: 1,254
This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 5,397
One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:
*) Day #10 without verbal swear words. I like it.
*) Day #10 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.
*) Day #411 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Day #163 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Week #2 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #25 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.
*) Month #8 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three and a half (23 ½”) inch high waist.
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
“A mother’s curse roots up
the young plant.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Sequel (that which follows, continuation)
The sequel to the story will appear in the next issue of the magazine.
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A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
The Promenade.
Chapter 26.
Page 331
The dress for the promenade admits of greater richness in material and variety in trimming than that of the business or errand dress. It should however, display no two incongruous colors, and had best be in one tint, except where a contrasting or harmonizing color is introduced in the way of ornament.
In the country walking-dress must be made for service rather than display, and what would be perfectly appropriate for the streets of a city would be entirely out of place on the muddy, unpaved walks or paths of a small town or among the unpretending population of a country neighborhood.
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No blog.
Once more sick with another round of the flu.
Eric’s taken the day off from work as well.
Word Count Goal: paid sick day off
Word Count:
This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 4,143
One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:
*) Day #9 without verbal swear words. I like it.
*) Day #9 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.
*) Day #410 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Day #162 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Week #2 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #25 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.
*) Month #8 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three and a half (23 ½”) inch high waist.
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
“To its parents, no child
is superfluous.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Multifarious (having many kinds of parts or elements; of great variety, diverse; manifold)
His multifarious activities included banking, horse racing, painting and politics.
--- --- ---
A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Business Woman’s Dress.
Chapter 26.
Page 330
There are many women who are engaged in business of some sort that it seems necessary that they should have a distinct dress suited to their special wants. This dress not be so peculiar as to mark them for objects of observation, but still it should differ from the ordinary walking-costume. Its material as a rule should, be more serviceable, better fitted to endure the vicissitudes of weather, and of plain colors, such as browns or grays.
For winter wear, waterproof tastefully made up is the very best material for a woman’s business wear.
This costume should not be made with plain simplicity, but it should at least dispense with all superfluities in the way of trimming. It should be made with special reference to easy locomotion and to the free use of the hands and arms.
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No, my personal close friends aren’t from the “arts high school” still yet we are respectful towards each other and cordially socialize at weddings and funerals.
We respectfully break bread together no matter how much we might disagree with each other or hold disdain for each other’s ideals. We break bread together since we’re not cowards.
We did mature, became adults and moved on…
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Arts High School
Part II
Whatever adults do in their own time is their own business.
First Week of May 1996
Statute of Limitation
19 Years
Each and every time whispers travelled up and down the row all I did was take the whispers as anything but gossip and left it at that plus I couldn’t decipher if “Atmosphere” was a person, place or thing.
(English as a Second Language Adult.)
“Atmosphere was here.” My classmates would gasp.
Okay. What about it? I had too much homework to care.
What my classmates spoke about in open and in public were at times difficult words to understand as my classmates quietly whispered and excitedly exchanged quick English words like enthusiastic little monkeys in anticipation of Christmas gifts as we awaited either for a terrible stage Act to be over with an awkward bow or for the actual danger to pass with another drawn breath of life.
A most grave stage Act overtook and consumed a small group of about fifteen classmates one quiet May afternoon in 1996 as we waited for our one classmate to pull threw a drug overdose.
We quietly waited and steadily watched-on as the clock ticked.
We sat on the dirt ground by the side of a parking lot by a large shady ___ tree in hopes for our one classmate to-come-to from either death or a strong horse tranquillizing drug overdose or some type of neurological condition or pick “other.”
We held our breath under the hot sun.
We refused to move.
We witnessed and kept watch for the overall safety and health of our classmate from each other and from ourselves.
Together, we kept each other truthful.
(In general as a class.)
Apart, we broke confidences with each other.
(In general as a class.)
Thus, on that specific May 1996 afternoon; for those of us who witnessed and responsibly stood by until the gravest danger was over to ensure the life and safety of our classmate even if it was a terrible Act to pull off.
Yes, in fact our classmate had some type of drug overdose while he lay ever so still in a parking lot and none of us moved a muscle, either, to go and find an adult.
We only hoped, he’d pull out of it and he did. (Thankfully.)
A small group of us waited as time slowed down to a blurred bare knuckle punch.
Nothing much moved in the concentrated thickly dangerous moments in which either fragile life hung by the balance or a most terrible stage Act was freely economically performed for us to witness and be held captive as an audience to something ever so strange as to pretend to overdose, however, that, wasn’t the case, either.
It was the real thing.
It was a real overdose in still motion.
It was a coma.
It was a blackout while his panicked blue eyes were wide open the entire time like any freshly dead corpse requires the living to close shut the eyelids.
For the longest time our one classmate didn’t move a single muscle yet his eyes were alert and he didn’t speak, not, even, once.
A flutter of whispers and words spread their wings like endangered dune grass wildfires and words raged on like the sea.
Our classmate lay in one of the parking lot slots as white as a ghost sheet and still as frozen limp fish.
Anyone, present, there, that, day kept their distance of our classmate for at least ten or fifteen or more feet from our classmate’s body mainly to ensure no one would run over our classmate while pulling into that particular parking spot with their car yet enough room to make our one classmate feel comfortable as his body betrayed him in every way possible.
Finally, when he came to he was quiet and didn’t take a bow and silently went inside in search of water. We quietly let him make his nonchalant exit after all of that melodrama did unfold.
As we gathered our belongings from the ground I could hear my classmates perfectly clear as they pronounced, “Atmosphere did this.”
“Atmosphere” gave our underage classmate a drug strong enough to send him into a coma in the middle of the afternoon?
During our lunch breaks whenever we sat outside in warm weather at “smokers’ corner” (at noticeable times) my classmates whispered excitably wild words and became flushed in the face then I knew they were up to this “Atmosphere” of theirs.
No, I didn’t care to find out what “Atmosphere” was. I worked, too, hard and I was, too, tired in those days. I watched on as my classmates became wild with excitement and had fun but all I could really do was take a seat on the ground since I was physically exhausted from all that hard school work.
Purposely, I’d sit over to the side divided by tall grasses and smoked my cigarettes in peace so that I could best gather my thoughts before enduring long and exhausting literary cry sessions of full afternoons and evenings of studio classes plus student awarded work in the Resource Center (digital media library) and at the cafeteria as dessert kitchen lady in my senior year of high school.
As soon as this “Atmosphere” entity would drive away with a loud “cherry bomb” explosion or drive off or speed off from the parking lot then right afterwards I could hear my classmates while they would excitedly and rapidly talk amongst themselves about the different types of drugs “this” person, place, or thing called “Atmosphere” brought to them so much joy and soon I discovered it was drugs my classmates and schoolmates were ever so excited about. I didn’t care so long as they didn’t involve me and left me in peace to graduate as valedictorian.
It wasn’t any of my business, anyway.
It wasn’t until 2009 (correction on the date) when a former male friend (no longer my male friend since I chose to take a Ritalin pill he supplied and I vomited in a public park while in his company and was almost mugged in that same span of hour) made me a mixed tape of all of the best of “Atmosphere” I learned “Atmosphere” is a local hip-hop duo from Minneapolis, Minnesota. Okay. (I’ve yet to listen to the tape. Literally, it’s a tape.)
(Mature adults share digital mixes. Rarely, did I ever have crushes on men or women I made mixed tapes for while in my youth since that fine cultural nuance went right over my head.)
No, we don’t personally know “Atmosphere” nor do I go out of my way to meet “Atmosphere.” Although, once, (2007) (?) I did write “Atmosphere” a letter asking to please get a hold of me since I started research for a hip-hop documentary which I snow filmed and archived. I not once heard back from their people.
The last time we bought “Atmosphere” tickets for a First Avenue venue concert March or April or May of 2013 (?) we gave the tickets away to people who appreciated the tickets.
Each and every time I think I’m ready to go and see “Atmosphere” (twice, two times) then either en route something significantly important happens or I’m not able to make it to the venue or I must cancel mainly because my intuition says not to attend and since I’m a sophisticated and classy intellectual woman who desires anything but violence I stay away from any shady places or musical venues or, or, or… even though music and dance are my favorites in the entire world... Sigh…
Word Count Goal: 1,088
Word Count: 1,319
This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 4,143
One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:
*) Day #8 without verbal swear words. I like it.
*) Day #8 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.
*) Day #409 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Day #161 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Week #2 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #25 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.
*) Month #8 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three and a half (23 ½”) inch high waist.
Monday, April 6, 2015
“The branch sprung from
violence has no tender twig.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Calligraphy (science of handwriting)
He received an excellent training in calligraphy.
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A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Morning-Dress For Street.
Chapter 26.
Pages 329-330
The morning-dress for the street should be plain in color and make, and of serviceable material. The dress should be short enough to clear the ground. White skirts are out of place, the colored ones now found everywhere in stores being much more appropriate.
In stormy weather a large waterproof with hood will be found more convenient than umbrella, which is troublesome to carry and often difficult to manage.
The hat should be plain and inexpensive, matching the dress as nearly as possible and displaying no superfluous ornament.
Jewelry is out of place in any of the errands which take a lady from her home in the morning.
Lisle thread gloves in summer and cloth ones in winter will be found more serviceable than kid ones.
Linen collar and cuffs are more suitable than elaborate neck and wrist dressing. Walking-boots of kid should be worn.
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Personally, as a modern woman I wear jewelry in the mornings and at any other time when I’m outside of my home since I take a rather Mayan Indigenous approach and point of view or viewpoint on jewelry (specifically, necklaces) in warding off “evil spirits” or “negativity” or “ghosts” or “super-dimensional time travelers” or “shape-shifters” or “aliens” or, or, or…
Nope, I don’t ever expect anyone to understand Ancient Mayan theology in regard to modern spirituality and atheism.
Jewelry is any personal modern woman’s prerogative in this world.
Jewelry is highly personal.
If I didn’t breakout in rashes from organic vegan makeup then I would’ve loved to have been a modern feminine warrior and worn makeup as a shielding force in the world. What an art form makeup is to the face when subtly applied then makeup goes a long way.
--- --- ---
My linguistics have indeed become more cohesive and not less cohesive since language is mathematics then words must make sense and sum up the parts of an entire equation as a whole.
Language is mathematics not only or just words.
Possibly, I could write algebra all day long.
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Arts High School
Part I
(Let’s get it over with)
{Disclaimer: Neither, am I, an entertainment attorney nor a journalist nor a reporter nor any type of sociological nor psychological nor psychiatric expert nor any reputable corporate official newspaper or magazine literary critic (as a public service) nor a documentary filmmaker nor a spy (since I’m clumsy when nervous and have lots of noticeable scars on my knees and stomach (surgeries) and face (faint acne scars)) nor any type of Leader of State or Nation nor much less any type of Minnesota Licensed public school teacher nor an athletic coach or a shoulder to cry upon nor a school nurse nor counselor. Nope. [Understood. Yes, Sir! Understood, Sir! Ma’am. Lady. Woman. Adult Mature Woman.]} Yes.
{Sidebar #1: My case is made clear only thus one may come to understand anything at all from my acute and bias perspective on the subject matter at hand so that we might humanely grow from this connection and develop higher intellectual brain function and empathy and live happily forever after with forgiveness and kindness, and tons of laughter, although, I shan’t hold my breath since the Scandinavian-Minnesotans are serious as a People entirely and in general they don’t find much anything funny, much less foreigners.}
{Sidebar #2: Yes, my “literary agenda” and “intellectual ideas” and “deepest sentiments” and “cerebral reasoning cognitive logic” and “difficulties in communication” stem from formerly tremendous awkward inferior emotions that English failed me each and every single time I utter to speak to convey exactly what I want or need from others yet this crumby language fails me and I fail others in communication thus I keep quiet and silent and to myself without alienating or isolating myself since I’m one of the most socially respectful extroverted souls (not charming, however, extraverted) one will ever meet yet must go home and quietly relax and unwind at the end of a long evening out amongst people in any form or capacity of socialization. (I like socializing, however. Only in small doses.)}
{Sidebar #3: Yes, most importantly the general reader across the globe must understand I’ve proven to be intellectually and psychologically and psychoanalytically factually certified “sane” “without any real problems” and mature-enough to be a married modern woman who married for love (six straight years of marriage under the same roof without any extra marital affairs (knock on wood)) nor any “brain damage” diagnosed by seven different medical board certified and accredited psychologists and psychoanalysts (M.D.’s) over the course of twenty years (1994-2014) as “average intelligence” and “sane”.} Thank you very much.
Personal Footnote: At the age of seventeen my adopted mother manipulatively informed me that according to her strong opinion she thought I was “schizophrenic” and since I was “gullible” and a “scared little kitten” and trusted her entire opinion wholeheartedly I took her at her word to be the word of a Caucasian woman’s God and for almost a decade believed I was “schizophrenic” only because she’d placed the seed of doubt in my mind through persuasive power.
Adults will take advantage of their positions of power.
The point is this: After twenty-eight (28) years of having to prove to Caucasian people, I’m neither “brain damaged” nor “schizophrenic” nor “bi-polar” nor “multiple personality” nor “obsessive compulsive” nor “a-know-it-all” nor “P.T.S.D.” nor “A.D.H.D.” nor “Autistic” nor “a serial killer” nor “homicidal” nor “suicidal” nor “a thief” nor “a pathological liar” (only to save face for others or to test, although, I’m breaking those two habits) nor an “arsonist” nor “a drunk” nor “power hungry” nor “a lesbian” nor “a saboteur” nor “a village idiot” nor “clinically depressed” nor “sleep deprived” nor “hungry” nor “starved” nor “needy” nor “a beggar” nor “greedy” nor “physically violent” (unless cornered and almost literally killed or murdered then self defense…) nor “a gossip” nor “a social manipulator” nor “a sexual predator” nor “a hater.”
{It is now time for those in privileged positions or for “new money” to prove themselves as I’ve been “put through the ringer” by one nation of crazy Caucasians who are greedy, and power-hungry, and blue collar uneducated bullies with only the purpose of making more money and social climbing on the brain while everything else falls apart around them.}
{My social equals are Ivy League graduates with multiple advanced degrees who by chance happen to be anything but scholarly and due to our birth order or social placement we met and befriended each other for life at the young age of ten (December 1987) from the oldest and most reputable families in the East Coast and no one knows we’re “thick as thieves.”} Wonderful.
Personally, I abide by Ancient Mayan codex and strict codes of spirituality and atheism since we’re all cosmic matter and extraordinary breath of life recycled from billions of years of Earthly evolutionary celestial poetry.
We (attorneys and us) invite you to keep an open mind.
We only hope to either destroy that which is destructive or build up that which is monumental and instrumental in the lives of modern juniors and seniors in high school.
Yes, I’ve proven who and what I am.
Now, it’s Caucasian educators and privileged modern adult Caucasians in general to prove they’re neither “brain damaged” nor “schizophrenic” nor “bi-polar” nor “multiple personality” “control freaks” nor obsessive compulsive” nor “A.D.H.D.” nor “P.T.S.D.” nor “Autistic” nor “serial killers” nor “homicidal” nor “suicidal” nor “thieves” nor “pathological liars” nor “arsonists” nor “drunks” nor “power hungry” nor “saboteurs” nor “clinically depressed” nor “sleep deprived” nor “greedy” nor “hungry” nor “needy” nor “starved” nor “physically violent” (unless cornered and almost literally killed or murdered then self defense…) nor “gossips” nor “social manipulators” nor “sexual predators” nor “haters.”
About two years ago (October, 2013,) we attended one of my aunt’s birthday parties at a place called “Bryant Lake Bowl.”
At “Bryant Lake Bowl,” as patrons we were respectfully treated as well as guests to our host and hostess.
We peacefully partied and ate pizza to our hearts’ content and visited with close friends and family members over the hours of fun, fun, fun bowling!!!
After many delicious bites of pizza, and laughter, and merry sentiments all around and one round of game, one of my aunt’s closest friends, who happens to be Twin Cities newspaper royalty, and I, began a most serious and thorough discussion about the pros and cons of the “arts high school” also known as “Perpich Center for Arts Education.”
As it was with my aunt’s close personal friends or enthusiasts or parents from around the state:
Hence, parents find out I attended the “arts high school” (class of 1996) then parents tend to be ever so bold as to ask me if it’s a good idea for their juniors and seniors in high school to attend the “arts high school” and I give the same answer as I always have for the past eight (8) straight years ever since (November, 2007);
“I wouldn’t send a dying dog to that school even if it sat up and spoke English words and pleaded with me.”
Silence, each and every single time.
Ever since November, 2007, when we attended another kosher adult party and became ever so surprised to be informed, that, the “arts high school” alumni indulge in drugs with our former “arts high school” teachers as soon as the school’s pupils graduate…
…For the thirty (30) or so people (whom of which half of the people were alumni and half weren’t) who stood around as this loud and boastful public declaration was made; not one single alumni (from different graduating classes) in that group, who, either, stood immediately there or nearby; proved or disproved such a statement with their complete and utter daft silence and “everyone” thereafter quickly dispersed to all four corners of the establishment and didn’t speak or look at each other again for the remainder of the evening or left soon thereafter.
Newsflash to me.
Nor did I feel “envious” or “jealous” to discover I wasn’t invited to participate to indulge in drugs with my former “arts high school” teachers. (No, thank you. How awkward.) Yes, awkward.
There, I stood awe-struck for a few minutes afterward at the realization “everybody” knew this bit of information except me. (Okay.) Whatever.
(For me, the game changed as of that moment of shock and realization what the “arts high school” was at the root of its unethical core.)
It’s been eight (8) years since my “newish” discovery about the “arts high school” and alumni (from all different classes) who do indulge in drugs with our former “arts high school” teachers.
Educational leaders and administrators and teachers in general, and some other forms of socialization are not meant to mix well like boss and subservient romantic / sexual relationships or teachers and students sexual intercourse relationships (in which the penis goes into the vagina or other physical sexual contact, not imaginary or made up by delusional minors) or doctor and clients sexual relationships or psychologists and clients sexual relationships or any other power imbalanced relationship such as presidents and private citizens sexual relationships and / or extra marital affairs (per se) or military leaders and armed forces personnel sexual relationships or rapes or sexual assault or any other forms of misguided power disconnects.
Since I’ve patiently waited for eight (8) years to pass by (seven (7) years is Statute of Limitation) before this date then I now have cart blanche to say and speak and write just about anything I see fit from my perspective to be factual and true and ethical.
From how it’s been explained to me in conversation and as to how I translate the following is as such:
The “arts high school” isn’t “FAME.” Nope.
The “arts high school” was one of many of Governor Rudy Perpich’s dreams.
The “arts high school” is the “Island of ‘Nightmarish’ Misfit Toys”. Yep.
The “arts high school” is a desperate place to go when one’s either failing out of high school or were / are rejected by their other regional peers or ostracized for being social losers or academic failures or drug addicts or alcoholics or sex fiends or outright weirdly trying too hard to be mysterious or mischievous or crudely funny. Okay.
The “arts high school” is a place for the social “rejects” of every other single high school from around the state concentrated in one place. Yikes. Okay.
Therefore, the “arts high school” is a breeding ground for social bullies since they came from “the bottom of the barrel” from their previous former high schools which they attended before they were accepted to one of sixteen spots in each of six art areas or disciplinary main course of study as juniors and seniors in public high school. True.
It wasn’t that we were good at our art form so much as we were willing to learn to achieve enough discipline to practice our artistic craft and advance in our studies.
Yes, I was desperate to go to the “arts high school” since my English As a Second Language cart blanche did run out like an expired passport.
In order for me to graduate from any high school, I had to pass at least my junior and senior year of high school, so, that I might go to the one and only private college I wanted to go to and did attend in the East Coast and went there on private scholarships, educational loans and Pell grants and was awarded to their student work program in which I tutored international students in English and guided and helped them through their English studies for two straight years.
(Yes, my close and intimate group of social friends and I were all on the honor roll three semesters in a row while enrolled at private college.)
Yet, by the start of my sophomore year, I felt pressured to change high schools since there was barely any money coming in those days for much less anything not even clothes and sometimes not even enough money for food.
Our parents were deeply wrapped up and went through one of the messiest and cruelest divorces of the decade involving millions upon millions of dollars in Park Point real estate which my Finn-Minnesota Grandfather left to his family.
My adopted mother’s five Bostonian lawyers stole my father’s inheritance in a divorce settlement and ran off to the East Coast and put herself through Ivy League university on our stolen inheritance while both my sister and I became homeless and starved in the years our mother attended Harvard and has now her daughters to thank for her second graduate degree in Administration from the Kennedy School as well as a Divinity doctorate degree. (Shame.)
Yes, by the end of my sophomore year of high school right before I left my former private high school to attend the “arts high school” I was on the periphery of a social scene even though at one point I had been one of the most popular students. I fell to the peripheries because my home life did fall apart and I couldn’t carry my entire dysfunctional family on my back.
Yes, I was an ESL student in the land of the weird.
Yes, I was an ESL student on the “Island of ‘Nightmarish’ Misfit Toys”.
Yes, I attended the “arts high school” with almost every single social reject or outcast in the state of Minnesota (class of 1995, 1996, 1997…).
(How weird is that? How does one land in a place in which almost every single student there has been rejected by everybody else previously from their homeland regions, either, academically or socially? When you think about it…)
Yes, I applied and attended the “arts high school” not so much because I ever wanted to be there because I didn’t and anyone could tell you that truth but more so that I could attend the “arts high school” for a greater purpose than that to get into a private East Coast college as a woman of color and I did and thus we go forth…
Yes, the “arts high school” is a system and structure and culture and framework of bullyism and the administrators overlook this vitally important aspect since the “arts high school” is talked-up and more of an advertisement in a catalogue yet this particular public educational structure fails to meet the basic requirements to establish cordial and respectful relations among their student body in that unethical misconduct runs the place and it has ever since the first class established a pseudo and made-up plutocratic ideal hatred for their own blue collar working class of artists only pretending to be something else they were and are not.
Yes, the “arts high school” was indeed one of the worst aspects of life which ever happened to me. I’d rather do two years of Roman Catholic orphanage life than ever again give two years of my life to the “arts high school”. Thankfully, I shan’t ever have to do high school ever again as most mature adults breathe a sigh of relief and so do I.
Yes, there was more social hatred and jealousy and envy at the “arts high school” than there ever was at a third world Roman Catholic orphanage.
It makes one wonder why so much hatred in one place?
It’s now 7:18 P.M.
Word Count Goal: 2,000
Word Count: 2,824
This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 2,824
One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:
*) Day #7 without verbal swear words. I like it.
*) Day #7 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.
*) Day #408 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Day #160 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Week #2 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #25 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.
*) Month #8 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three and a half (23 ½”) inch high waist.
Friday, April 3, 2015
“The rod of correction
creates wisdom; but a child left to himself brings disgrace to his mother.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Lassitude (condition of weariness, no pep)
He was overcome by a feeling of lassitude.
--- --- ---
A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Morning-Dress For Home.
Chapter 26.
Page 329
A dress for morning wear at home may be more simple than for visiting, or for hotel or boardinghouse. A busy housewife will find it desirable to protect her dress with an ample apron. The hair should be plainly arranged, without ornament.
--- --- ---
Word Count Goal: 1,000 personal journals
Word Count:
This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 5,419
One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:
*) Day #4 without verbal swear words. I like it.
*) Day #4 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.
*) Day #405 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Day #157 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Week #1 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #24 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.
*) Month #8 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three and a half (23 ½”) inch high waist.
Thursday, April 2, 2015
“Don’t threaten a child:
Either punish him or forgive him.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Extortion (forcing a person to pay by illegal use of fear)
Realizing the love parents have for their children, kidnappers resort to extortion.
--- --- ---
A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Thinking About Your Dress.
Chapter 26.
Page 328-329
Never appear to be thinking about your dress, but wear the richest clothes and the plainest with equal simplicity. Nothing so destroys a good manner as thinking of what we have on. Never keep a morning visitor waiting while you change your dress. You ought always to be fit to be seen; and it is better to present yourself in your ordinary attire than to be guilty of ill-breeding of keeping your acquaintance waiting while you make an elaborate toilette.
Never spend more than you can afford on your dress; but endeavor by care, neatness, and ingenuity, to make up for expenditure.
--- --- ---
Canine Misbehavior
Today at 12:10 P.M. when by mistake I incorrectly or inappropriately awkwardly picked up “Freeway” (our dog) I accidently pinched his right-hand-side petite little elbow or underarm, between my hip and forearm, as he struggled to get away by clawing at me while I calmly and patiently and silently struggled to turn “Freeway” over on his back to teach him who is Alpha, which happens to be me, since I’m the human protector and guardian of “Freeway.”
When I pinched his underarm “Freeway” squealed and my blood froze, and my color turned, and I became flushed, and almost went into cardiac arrest, because we don’t ever hurt or harm or injure “Freeway” in any way, no matter what may transpire between us all or unless by accident which it happens.
Actually, “Freeway” is hyper spoiled and holds a magnificent life.
We love “Freeway” and watch out for his safety at all times.
Ever since July 4, 2013 when we first rescued “Freeway” it’s been a struggle to get “Freeway” to relax about his awesome posh station in life and stop his continual daily barks at “everything” that which moves in front of our large picture window --- from the rabbits to the squirrels, to neighborhood walkers, and their lovely dogs.
Yes, I’ll admit I know absolutely nothing about canines and their behavior no matter how many books I’ve read or no matter how many hundreds of articles I’ve also read specifically on the subject matter of domesticated canines.
Why, oh, why, --- tell me why, do little insecure American dogs bark so much?
American dogs aren’t like Costa Rican dogs. Nope.
Yes, I’ve failed to better discipline “Freeway” on his continuous bark misconduct.
My goal is to learn to do better.
Who’s to say?
I don’t know.
As of last week, unknown and unrecognized nearby neighborhood walkers begun to use our window to train their dogs’ good behavior by getting their dogs to sit for as long as they will without barking while inside “Freeway” ‘barks his head off.’
Since “Freeway” goes ballistic when any walker or passerby happens upon our front sidewalk (especially walkers with other dogs) then “game over” because “Freeway” loses his composure and barks until they’re gone or until I go completely silent and stop breathing with distress.
Immediately, whenever, I hear “Freeway” lose his composure and bark at anyone then I walk over to “Freeway” and get “Freeway” down and away from the window.
Personally, I’ve been working on “Freeway’s” canine misbehavior for almost two years and nothing much seems to take.
Eric doesn’t train “Freeway” because “Freeway” follows Eric’s each and every command on cue, however.
“Freeway” doesn’t follow my each and every command on cue; therefore, Eric believes it’s my problem to figure out even though all of the books and articles declare that all family members must be involved in the discipline of any and all domesticated canines.
As of last week, I also stopped listening to Eric about any dog advice he might have since it doesn’t do “Freeway” or I any good.
Due to Eric’s dog advice I’ve almost been punched in the face and certainly kicked out of parks and, and, and… What a nightmare.
Eric thinks of dogs more so in terms of “farm dogs” than “town” or “city” or “urban” dogs.
At the start of February 2015, Eric came home and informed me about discreetly “shaking a can full of coins” at a barking dog without the dog seeing anyone shake the can.
For most of the month of February 2015, I did this without much of any success at all.
By mid March 2015, I asked Eric if he had any other ideas or suggestions or any other constructive approach to how to better correct “Freeway’s” nonstop barks.
Eric, told me to shake the coin can straight at “Freeway.”
When I did so then “Freeway” not only jumped out of his skin and ten feet up in the air but he also started to fear me and that frightened me more so than anything else in life.
After such two straight days of such a stupid approach to correct “Freeway’s” misconduct, I thought I was going to be traumatized for life thus I stopped.
Eric seems nonchalant to have “Freeway” follow his every command while I terribly struggle on a daily basis with a dog which on average barks for about four straight hours and disturbs my domestic lifestyle and work lifestyle from home whenever I do computer work or telephone calls or texts or telecommunications.
It’s a nightmare and everyone knows it.
This canine experience feels more like a sinking boat than a floating one.
Personally, I wouldn’t take on another canine companion for the rest of my life after “Freeway” passes away down the road, since it’s a lot of work, and quite lonely to be doing it all alone without any positive outcome and continual nonstop barks.
No wonder women go crazy with colic babies.
“Freeway” indeed disrupts my vitally important work from home.
Although “Freeway” is indeed far more important than any of my work ever is, I only, have so many hours in one day to continually correct his misbehavior.
No, we’re not going to ‘get rid of’ “Freeway” or ‘give him away’ or place him for another rescue, however.
Life must change or I’ll end up in an insane asylum rocking back and forth while drooling as a dramatic way over the top metaphorical example.
No, I’m not having a very good time being a dog owner.
No, I’m not having any fun being a dog owner.
Living and working with a nonstop barking dog is the loneliest life ever since our dog isn’t much good for productivity he really isn’t much good for my lifestyle and work style yet he is fabulous for Eric’s lifestyle which Eric only sees “Freeway” for about three hours at night before bed and two hours in the morning before work.
Not once did I ever think having a nonstop barking canine companion would be lonelier than doing it alone.
As of now I’m starved for quiet in my life.
Personally, I love “Freeway” with all of my might yet I don’t like having a nonstop barking dog for my companion since I’m an extremely quiet worker and introverted unless on the phone or conducting important telecommunications or writing down mental notes before I go to write important letters or blog or emails.
Ten or twelve or fourteen more years like this will leave me raw to the chord of my nerves in the same way mentally retarded black unruly neighbor children scream for hours on end in the middle of public residential streets and sidewalks.
“Freeway” isn’t for me.
Our unruly screaming neighborhood kids aren’t for me.
Finally, Eric had a literal sleeping dream that we lived in a different house than this one.
(Yes, now, we’re talking. I can’t wait to move from this block so that I might work on my novels and screenplays without insane weird and undisciplined black American children’s’ interruptions.)
Personally, I find “Freeway” to be not very cool.
Personally, I find our unruly black neighborhood children to be not very cool at all.
“Freeway” is our dog, yet more so Eric’s, and the only reason why I keep “Freeway” is, as a sacrifice of my love for Eric even though Eric has no idea how I drown in my daily struggle to quiet down a little barky dog.
No, I don’t hit or injure or harm “Freeway.”
Word Count Goal: 1,000
Word Count: 1,587 1,383
This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 5,419
One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:
*) Day #3 without verbal swear words. I like it.
*) Day #3 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.
*) Day #404 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Day #156 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Week #1 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #24 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.
*) Month #8 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three and a half (23 ½”) inch high waist.
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
“At five, your son is your
master; at ten, your slave; at fifteen, your double; and after that, he is your
friend or foe---depending on how you raised him.”
(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)
Presages (knows beforehand, predicts)
Such spirit presages victory.
--- --- ---
A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated,, King, Richardson & CO,. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.
Never Dress Above Your Station.
Chapter 26.
Page 328
Never dress above your station; it is a grievous mistake, and leads to great evils, besides being the proof of an utter want of taste.
--- --- ---
Happy April First!
Happy Fool’s Day!
Source from Wikipedia
is action that denies social participation or human rights to categories of
people based on prejudice. This includes treatment of an individual or group
based on their actual or perceived membership in a certain group or social
category, "in a way that is worse than the way people are usually
treated". It involves the group's initial reaction or interaction,
influencing the individual's actual behavior towards the group or the group
leader, restricting members of one group from opportunities or privileges that
are available to another group, leading to the exclusion of the individual or
entities based on logical or irrational decision making.
all discrimination is based on prejudice, however. In the U.S., government
policy known as affirmative action was instituted to encourage employers and
universities to seek out and accept groups such as African-Americans and women,
who have been subject to the opposite kind of discrimination for a long time.
Discriminatory traditions, policies, ideas, practices, and laws exist in many
countries and institutions in every part of the world, even in ones where
discrimination is generally looked down upon. In some places, controversial
attempts such as quotas have been used to benefit those believed to be current
or past victims of discrimination—but have sometimes been called reverse
discrimination themselves.
Yes, I do know for a fact “Affirmative Action” is a clear cut mission statement and constructive educational opportunity towards a more unified and inclusive civilization moving forward in the direction of free undergraduate and graduate and doctoral studies for all because it’s the correct and right and sensible responsibility to fulfill for all private citizens and civilians of any nation / state.
The “prejudice card” comes down far more heavy handed than the “race card” does whence the “prejudice card” is ‘waved about’ in overt and covert aspects of discrimination (bias, favoritism, prejudice, unfairness, inequity, bigotry, intolerance) while prejudice gets away with injustice of all sorts and type.
The difficulty with the narrow-mindedness of prejudice is she thinks with her ego and not her intelligence.
The difficulty with the hatred of prejudice is she rejects those who disagree with her especially when she’s wrong about her erroneous ideology or dislikes or discomforts or whims.
--- --- ---
No blog.
Tonight’s non-sexual professional mentoring night and I must get going.
It’s 5:07 P.M.
See you tomorrow.
Word Count Goal: 1,000
Word Count: 291
This Week’s Total Word Count Goal: 5,000
This Week’s Total Word Count: 4,036
One Year Health Goal for each of the following Items:
*) Day #2 without verbal swear words. I like it.
*) Day #2 without organic sugar cane ice cream. It’s alright.
*) Day #403 without white or brown sugar: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Day #155 without a cigarette: It’s alright. I like it.
*) Week #1 without stress: I love it.
*) Week #24 work on 298 cholesterol. I love vegan food.
*) Month #8 BMI is “overweight.” I love a twenty three and a half (23 ½”) inch high waist.