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Tuesday, April 29, 2014


“The man who is not good for himself is not good for others.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Acetic (rigid in self denial, austere)


Men of ascetic tastes become monks.


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[Awkward ESL and logistical corrections were made.]






American Public School Education V


Consistency IV


            American Public School Education begins with community.


            What’s consistency?


            Consistency is: steadiness, reliability, uniformity, evenness, stability and regularity.




            The “average” (median / middle) American annual income salary for a working family of four is thirty-five thousand dollars ($35,000).


No, the average American annual income salary for a working family of four isn’t sixty-three thousand dollars ($63,000). (Not even close.)

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Thank you to the 49,000 volunteers who save

“Minnesota Department of Transportation”

$6 million dollars per year

in highway litter and garbage pickup.


We’re ever so grateful for your important contribution.



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Life Span of Litter

Item Decomposition Time


Glass bottle Approx.………………….1 million years

Plastic 6pk cover…………………450 years

Aluminum…………………80-100 years

Rubber boot sole…………………50-80 years

Leather…………………up to 50 years

Nylon fabric…………………30-40 years

Plastic film container…………………20-30 years

Painted wooden stake…………………13 years

Plastic bag…………………10-20 years

Plastic coated paper…………………5 years

Wool clothing…………………1-5 years

Cigarette butt…………………1-5 years

Cotton rag…………………1-5 months

Orange or banana peel…………………2-5 weeks



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            First, I flunk (I give a Failing (F) grade to) “Minnesota Department of Transportation” and government officials and legislators for their lack in ability to keep interstate highways and freeways and ramps clean and clear of litter and garbage all year round as our State ought to follow through upon such responsibilities no matter what.


I recently found out that it’s “Minnesota Department of Transportation’s” responsibility to keep interstate highways and freeways and ramps clean and clear from garbage yet “Minnesota Department of Transportation” fails their taxpaying constituent peoples on this rather vitally important responsibility ever since 2008.


            Second, what’s the big deal about daily and yearly garbage on interstate highways and freeways and ramps?


Nothing much.


Since that’s the sort of thing that most Minnesotan’s don’t seem to mind living on top of or among daily and annual strewn garbage filled streets as well as all over our state’s roadways then it’s no big deal.





Our taxes: Constituents’ taxes pay for our State to keep garbage picked up and clear from our interstate highways and freeways and ramps entering and exiting such particular roadways.


            Third, obviously there’s a great disconnect between collected taxes and cleanup budgets and governance and organization and “Minnesota Department of Transportation”.


Whoever’s in charge of clean interstate highways and freeways and ramps at “Minnesota Department of Transportation” and whoever has the dire and awesome responsibility to keep interstate highways and freeways and ramps clear and clean of garbage is either twiddling their thumbs or has them firmly planted up their arse and sitting on them or government officials and legislators simply refuse to fairly create budgets and cut checks out to these essential garbage pickup aspects of State municipal clean up. (Somebody’s fallen asleep behind the wheel.)


I wonder what “Minnesota Department of Transportation” has done with all of those budgeted dollars that must go towards interstate highway and freeway and ramp garbage pickup.


Is the mafia running our “Minnesota Department of Transportation” municipal responsibilities? Nope.


Both our State government officials and legislators run our State’s municipal responsibilities which they’ve failed to do so for about six straight and continuous years.


Don’t make that ugly face at me.


There’s garbage and litter on our interstate highways and freeways and ramps all year round without a break from our garbage ever.


            Four, either some legislative accountants or politicians have decided to cut out cleanup budgets for interstate highways and freeways and ramps because they’ve decided that that money is needed elsewhere yet how can we teach our Minnesota’s children and youth about environmentalism and pollution when we can’t even ‘pull on our pants one leg at a time’ in the mornings, it seems.


            Five, I’ve been informed by experts that either state legislators or “Minnesota Department of Transportation” doesn’t find it important enough to direct and manage funds towards interstate highway and freeway and ramp cleanup because the State figures that it’s someone else’s job and responsibility to pick up the State’s interstate highway and freeway and ramp litter and garbage.


Otherwise the running theory is that most likely our Minnesota’s taxpaying constituents won’t notice, too, much all of this daily and yearly windblown garbage about.


The other running theory is that taxpaying constituents can simply bear it and just live with litter or on top of each other’s garbage because it’s not really dire according to either the State legislators or “Minnesota Department of Transportation” therefore nothing much gets done in the way of Minnesota’s daily and annual garbage strewn all over our State’s interstate highways and freeways and ramps because the either the State or “Minnesota Department of Transportation” believes that it can dupe its citizens into becoming complacent about daily and annual litter and garbage.


            Six, why is it that when the American economy worsens either politicians or legislators cut out cleanup budgets when one of the most vitally important aspects to civilized culture is clean states to show their constituents that we shall endure any financial hardship or crises no matter what ‘wickedness this way may come.’


There should always be a strong and healthy cleanup budget for interstate highways and freeways and ramps. Always.


There’s no excuse not to clean up our State’s interstate highways and freeways and ramps when Minnesota’s State Governor and Minneapolis’s former Mayor just gave away $348 million to build a new football stadium and the city of Minneapolis is kicking in $150 million.


There’s no excuse for daily and annual street and highway and ramp strewn litter and garbage.


            Seven, just because the State of Minnesota gave away $348 million to have an NFL football stadium built that doesn’t exempt the State from their legislative duties like interstate highway and freeway and ramp garbage and litter cleanup.


            Eight, if it’s disorganization that keeps “Minnesota Department of Transportation” from garbage cleanup, to clear of our interstate highways and freeways and ramps then the State requires to replace people in leadership positions with new Executive Directors on our State municipal board(s) as well as cleanup efforts must be straightened out because Minnesota’s legislators fail time-and-time again on this oh, so very vitally important and awesome aspect of governance.


If it’s disorganization that keeps “Minnesota Department of Transportation” from garbage cleanup on our interstate highways and freeways and ramps then the State requires to get organized by way of lining up “chain-gangs” or environmental groups or local volunteer community action or paid workers, to clean up all types of particular sections of interstate highways and freeways and ramps however and ultimately it’s the State of Minnesota’s responsibility to get this problem solved and taken care of, pronto.


If it’s disorganization that keeps “Minnesota Department of Transportation” from garbage cleanup on our interstate highways and freeways and ramps then the State requires an overhaul in logistical error problem solving and either robots or fresh new blood or reinstated experienced workers if need be (go and get them out of retirement) to make this professional cleanup effort happen.


            Nine, yes the State of Minnesota and “Minnesota Department of Transportation” actually requires their hands to get dirty and get in there and clean up our interstate highways and freeways and ramps and keep them immaculately clean daily and weekly and monthly and yearly until the end of time because that’s part of our taxpaying and tax collected bargain.


Minnesota State Constituents require for our legislators to either get paid workers or other progressive solutions such as cleanup robots on our State’s payroll to clean up our interstate highways and freeways and ramps and keep them clean all year round, pronto.


The garbage that requires cleanup along our interstate highways and freeways and ramps must be done by hand therefore our constituency requires for our State legislators to get their hands dirty and do their job and get it well done or we’ll put people in office who can.


            Ten, what is it about our great State of Minnesota’s legislators and their governing body that doesn’t seem bothered by having to look upon daily and annual interstate highway and freeway and ramp garbage and litter?


What did you say?


Oh, because our legislators and their governing representatives don’t live ‘on the ground’ therefore they don’t travel around our great State of Minnesota by car and therefore they don’t have to look at garbage when they look out their windows therefore they think that garbage strewn all over our state doesn’t exist. [Oh, okay. Whatever. As if.]


Oh, I see.


That’s not a good enough excuse.


It’s not good enough.

It won’t do.

It can’t do.


Get it out of here.


            In conclusion: It seems that the State of Minnesota and its legislators and their governing body as well as “Minnesota Department of Transportation” has left its constituents behind in the dust to choke on our state’s garbage. Shame how they fail our Peoples.



Note: Yes, tourists may return to downtown, Minneapolis because as of this winter 2014 pedestrians suddenly stopped throwing themselves into moving traffic as though they previously had suicidal ambitions, however. Our interstate highway and freeway and ramp garbage and litter are out of control.



Best Regards;



Word Count: 2,040

Word Count from last week’s surplus plus thus far today: 6,656



*)         Day #73 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.





Today, I ironed for one hour and forty-five minutes to prepare our clothes for tomorrow’s funeral.


Tomorrow we pay our proper respects to our friend and her life.


No, we shan’t make the same stupid mistake as we did earlier this winter 2014 by wearing jeans to a family funeral because nothing fit us the morning of, when we were due to walk out the door.


Tomorrow, we properly conduct ourselves and wear proper attire before leaving our home.


I did our ironing because I like it done pristinely and well done. I love Eric very much, however. I don’t love his ironing style because he irons clothes like a little boy does.


Tomorrow, we shan’t pull a “Four Weddings and a Funeral” scene in which we’re running all over the place looking for proper attire to wear at the last minute.


Tomorrow we get up early and we get properly dressed and leave in plenty of time to arrive there and be seated in our pew without any hassle or disturbances or glitches.


We’ll accomplish this type of orderly successful conduct as we normally do because this time we’ve lost weight. Our clothes are actually, too, big for us instead of insanely tight.


We actually fit into our formal clothes this time.


I had to pull out old clothes circa 2010 otherwise everything else is too large on me and I look ridiculous wearing a tent over my body.



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*) What’s with men’s short-and-long sleeved dress up shirts lately?


Why is it that men’s dress up shirts look ever so sloppy with extra bunched up material on either side of the button down column but the collar looks perfectly sized while the rest of the shirt looks like it’s made for elephants on their third trimester?


(I don’t know if elephants have third trimesters but it’s a hyperbole. I assume that elephants do have third trimesters because they’re mammals, however. I must look that up.)


Is it that the collar fits properly but the rest of the shirt is made for overweight people or is it that whoever’s measuring out such shirt patterns has missed the mark all completely?


            A man’s dress up shirt or button down shirt ought to lay flat across any man’s chest.


If at all possible a man’s proper shirt ought to be stark stiff because that’s a great classical look no matter what, but a dress up shirt can’t be tight across the pectorals or chest or any man tends to look like a woman in a tight shirt with ripples in between and across her breasts or chest or buttons, which looks more like their shirt is about to pop open, and no matter how skinny she may be, it’s obvious that she knows nothing about proper fit.


We can’t have any of that because then it means it’s an improper fit for her breast size or for a man’s chest size.


Just once I’d love to see Americans get properly fitted by personal tailors because then Americans would begin to see the light of the Gods and not return to their mediocre store bought fittings.


I love the way suits are made to look on Mr. Maher. Now, he’s got a proper and personal tailor except that Mr. Maher’s dress shirt was much too large for him this past Friday. Cheers!


Monday, April 28, 2014


“It may be that you will find an honest saloonkeeper,

or a shepherd who is a thief.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Immaculate (spotlessly clean, without stain or blemish.)


His front yard and sidewalk is always immaculate because he’s a responsible citizen of the United States of America.


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[Correction from “S. Wayzata Street” to “S. Wayzata Boulevard” in Kenwood neighborhood full of daily and annual garbage along their interstate 394 East fence (S. Xerses to Penn Avenue on S. Wayzata Boulevard and 394 East and West Exit ramps.]






American Public School Education V


Consistency IV


            American Public School Education begins with community.


            What’s consistency?


            Consistency is: steadiness, reliability, uniformity, evenness, stability and regularity.



















Best Regards;



Word Count: 2,830



*)         Day #72 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.





*) Yes, my favorite breakfast place (joint) in the entire world is “Key’s Café and Bakery” (Foshay Tower) downtown, Minneapolis no matter how much they may hate my guts for pointing out déclassé demeanor between male workers and female patrons.


I hate the “male gaze” from any restaurant worker because I’m not a piece of meat to be devoured.


I like “Key’s Café and Bakery” very much because not once since 2004 have I ever become ill from their food and that’s worth my literary efforts to point out.


            My favorite food in the entire world is Barbecue Wings from local restaurants and not national chains because there’re not the same in quality and value.


“Key’s Café and Bakery” makes “the best” Barbecue Wings I’ve ever tasted and I’ve tasted thousands in my day.


I’m on your side.

I want to see you succeed.


            Like any blue blood I may change my mind about the quality of service and food at any given moment.


(What a bitch, hey? To know food quality from the highest to the lowest order will hopefully land us in a balanced happy medium locally made services, foods and products.)


            Ever since our favorite waitress at Crystal Perkins got demoted we’ve started to look for other places to take our family and friends to breakfast.


On April 16, 2014 we turned our attention back to “Key’s Café and Bakery” to treat our professional ballerinas and multi-millionaire entrepreneurs and Ivy League graduate students and friends and family members out in the town, even when our peeps don’t look like stereotypical characters in some television show, our peeps have and can fly themselves into Minnesota on their personal and private jets or they drive; even when they do look like they trap raccoons in Missouri, it doesn’t mean that they don’t deserve respect as tourists because they can and do trap wildlife in Minnesota especially those pesky raccoons out at the farm in Kettle River.


We’re flying in.


We’ve started to give “Key’s Café and Bakery” our business once again because we believe in them. We have all these years.


Our anniversary breakfast was wonderful.

Thank you.




P.S. Please don’t make fun of or mock patrons when they ask if the sticky strawberry jelly substance that which goes on top of waffles is sugar free or not.


Of course there’re natural sugars in fruit.


What I was asking was if there’s white table sugar in sticky strawberry waffle jelly substance or not.


Jelly like crap substance isn’t always natural or even remotely or closely considered fruit related.


Not everybody’s first language is English.



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*) “Culver’s” in Plymouth, Minnesota: What a clean and great “middle-middle” and “upper-middle class” experience on Sunday.


For the past decade I’ve been informed about how “middle-middle” and “upper-middle class” started to take themselves out to dine at (alternative) fast food joints (such as “Culver’s” and “Dairy Queen”) as a treat instead of dining out at formal sit-down restaurants because the price of everything got way too expensive to splurge therefore one of the best places to find civilized and educated “middle-middle” and “upper-middle class” folks or citizens and civilians is at such places as Plymouth’s “Culver’s.”


Indeed Plymouth’s “Culver’s” makes remarkable “ButterBurgers” which by the way I had one and a half burgers yesterday because “Culver’s” burgers were just that good.


After my fill I went home and spent four and a half hours (4.5) standing in our kitchen while I cooked our entire meals ahead of time for the rest of our week.


“Culver’s” food and atmosphere and clientele were excellent, not to mention that their facility’s interior and exterior were immaculately clean and efficient with well trained and courteous and respectful and smart staff. It was truly a great experience all around.


My favorite aspect about Plymouth’s “Culver’s” is that there stereo sound was perfect.


The stereo sound was low and barely noticeable and we could hear what our conversational partners said to us without having to shout at each other. Thank you.


We’ll do it again sometime soon because we had a blast.


Outside “Culver’s” facility there was no garbage in sight.

It was a nice break to get away from garbage filled streets and homes and businesses and interstates highways and freeways and ramps. Thank you.


            The only downfall to “Culver’s” atmosphere was one ‘white’ male child of about nine who ran indoors and that’s considered a “no-no” anywhere in America because if any minor were to accidently knock over an elderly person or any adult for that matter then that minor’s parents may be liable to a lawsuit for every single penny of college tuition or their parents’ retirement. Period.


Why is it that suburbia’s children run indoors as if they were wild-animals? Don’t their parents teach them any better?





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*) To the city of Plymouth, Minnesota: I would simply like to make you aware that there’s garbage from your sign “Welcome to Plymouth” all the way to “Northwest Boulevard.”


I don’t judge it.

I understand that Minnesota’s legislature fail their peoples when it comes to garbage filled interstate highways and freeways.


We look forward to visiting “Hardware Devahn Store” in Plymouth because there was no garbage on the exterior perimeters of that particular store. Wow!



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*) “Maurices” at North Branch, Minnesota: On 4/13/14 we made a stop at North Branch’s outdoor outlet mall which by the way most stores there have become way over priced within the past five years.


The overpriced mark-ups at most of North Branch, Minnesota’s outlet stores are far more expensive than most Twin Cities’ stores in “the” cities area.


We do know the difference because we comparison shop everywhere we go for the sake of “middle-class” Americans.


            I ran into “Maurices” and to my delight I read signs all over particular racks in their store that said: “50% off Sale” therefore I went wild and began to pull out from their racks everything and anything I saw that I wanted.


On that particular Sunday, I didn’t have my debit card on me therefore I called Eric up on my cell and asked him if he’d be so kind to go into their store for me to make my purchase while I stayed in our car with “Freeway” (our dog.)


Eric ever so kindly complied and returned to our car with a shopping bag and placed it in the trunk of our car and we drove off and back into the Twin Cities happy as clams.


Before we headed into the cities we stopped in Forest Lake and had our tire changed which they did a remarkable job of it on a Sunday yet there was garbage everywhere on that particular business site and we stood on top of garbage while we waited outside with “Freeway” (our pooch.)


            When we got home and after we unpacked everything then I finally went and looked over our purchase and almost fell over when I read our receipt which read one-hundred and forty-nine dollars ($149.00) exactly.


I’d done the math in their store and expected our purchase to come out to more or less about seventy-four dollars and fifty-cents ($74.50.) (Correction on my mathematics.)


            Yes, we can afford $149.00 dollars, however, our “lower-middle class” citizens and civilians can’t afford that therefore we shop as our American “lower-middle class” citizens do as a social experiment and as a silent protest for the rights of “lower-middle class” citizens and civilians.


I was befuddled and greatly annoyed that all of their clothing items which I’d pulled from the racks had read “50% off Sale” and to my dismay the sale wasn’t exactly as I’d understood it to be.


            Immediately I called up “Maurices’s” North Branch manager and in my politest voice over the phone I asked her to explain to me just exactly how their “50% off Sale” worked.


She kindly explained to me that in that particular store that the only merchandise which were considered 50% off were items with a red dot on the tag no matter which rack I’d pulled from.


I thanked their respectful manager and hung up the phone feeling extremely manipulated and duped.


I was more determined than ever to return their merchandise back to them because I’d read their signs over-and-over again.


I guess that if I’m well-read and versed in the English language then most other English as a Second Language speaking people don’t have a chance in hell to figure out how that particular sale was conducted.


            Two weeks afterward, that particular merchandise sat inside its bag with its tags still on and inside one of my wardrobe drawers… the longer the clothes sat there the more I began to loathe their guts.


A day before we returned our merchandise I took them out of their bag and looked them over just to see if I really wanted to keep them still yet I couldn’t get over my physical gut reaction which became complete disgust.


I could barely bring myself to touch such merchandise because the association became such a negative one. What had once been cute to me became old fashioned and out-of-date and style and ugly.


Nobody could pay me enough money to wear what I’d purchased under false pretences.


It all came back to me: I remembered why I detested shopping at “Maurices” in the late 1980’s: Here it was blatantly staring me in the face once again in 2014; deceitful Sales. I’d remembered now.


            Now, I shan’t say anything bad about “Maurices” because our friends play tennis with some of their (former or possibly still same) owners of “Maurices” therefore I’ll keep my mouth shut regardless you already guessed it. You already know what I’m thinking. Right? Right.


Plus, our good friends work at their IT department of “Maurices.”



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*) “Maurices” at “Shoppes at Arbor Lakes” in Maple Grove, Minnesota: On 4/26/14 we made our trek to Maple Grove and returned our purchase which we’d previously made in North Branch about two weeks earlier.


            When we entered “Maurices” store at “Shoppes at Arbor Lakes” I almost turned on my heels and ran for our car and got the hell out of that insane (modern English term) snake pit and headed back to sophisticate city life.


That “Maurices’s” store was ever so cluttered by merchandise and mainly occupied by loud speaking women in their late-fifties (50’s) and early-sixties (60’s) while they tried on sizes five-times, too, small for their body type (some women looked to be size 22 or more) and fashions two-decades, too, young for them while their tremendously larger-than-life baby strollers barely fit in the aisles of that particular petite “Maurices’s” store.


That particular “Maurices’s” store looked more like “Lane Bryant” than “Maurices” and that particular store required wider aisles for its wide girth clientele.


(No, I don’t give a damn what style of clothing women wear so long as it’s suitable and properly fitted to each individual body otherwise women tend to look silly trying to fit into styles that neither fits them well nor are made for certain types of women in the first place.)


            The blaring stereo noise in that particular “Maurices’s” store was unbearable and their noise almost left me half def for about half an hour afterward.


I thought we’d walked into an episode of the “Twilight Zone” and couldn’t wait to get out of there as fast as possible.


As we waited in line for about thirteen minutes to make our exchange we stood between two tightly enclosed and cheaply made display shelves with gaudy awful looking jewelry.


The shelves at the checkout counter were tightly spaced together which made it almost unbearable to stand in line and wait amongst large suburban body types that seemed as though they hadn’t exercised in about two complete decades. We stood in line along with suburbia’s eight thousand children and huge baby strollers and wet-nappy bags.


            As we stood squashed in our checkout line there was much confusion among other patrons as to whether there was a single checkout line or two lines or multiple lines. Who’s to say?


We held steadfast to our spot in line and smiled but we didn’t budge a single inch otherwise we would’ve been there all day long if we would’ve given up our spot only to be polite to other patrons while they clustered right behind us and struggled to form lines independently on their own.


            We advanced forward and stood next to their cash register while we spoke to the unhappiest ‘white’ woman who looked more like she’d rather stick a fork into her eyeballs than deal with our return.


As we stood there and waited for their machine to process our return the lady right next to us, one cash register over said: “But I thought it was 50% off.”


“Its buy one get one half off,” answered their sales clerk.


“Oh, I didn’t know that,” answered their patron half sheepishly with ignorance and half annoyed at her waste of time.


            We quickly realized that we weren’t the only ones having the same difficulty with “Maurices’s” sale and their awkwardly hand-written signed wording.


Our total exchange took about thirteen minutes. That’s about twenty-six minutes of our lives that we shan’t get back ever again.


            The reason why I shan’t get duped into purchasing cheaply made clothes at a high mark-up or at phony sale prices anywhere is because I know exactly how inexpensive it is to have clothes made abroad such as “Bangladesh.”


            I’ve begun a personal “Benetton” boycott until “Benetton” makes humanistic reforms to their working fashion industry clothing line (correction).


Ever since I found out that “Benetton’s” clothes are made in Bangladesh’s terrible working factories with poor working conditions I’ve cut the fat out of my life because I refuse to support any industry or any store that allows for our Bangladesh Brothers and Sisters to get killed all in the name of fashion.


            Yes, on average Americans own six (6) pairs of jeans.


I, only own two (2) pairs of jeans at any given time. One’s an outdoor working pair and the other’s a dress up pair of jeans plus overalls.


            I also know that most of our “lower-middle class” citizens can’t afford anymore than fifty dollars ($50.00) bi-annually (every six months) when it comes to making a purchase of new clothes to add to their essentials.


Where does that leave our citizens and civilians?

Absolutely no where.


We know that t-shirts are made for less than two-dollars therefore to pay twelve or twenty dollars for a t-shirt is close to highway robbery and we all know it because our American “middle class” annual income salaries haven’t gone up since 1962.


            We left “Maurices” and walked out Boston style.

            Fast and with purpose.

            Out of there.


            The main downfall to “Maurices’s” atmosphere was one ‘black’ male child of about six who ran indoors and that’s considered a “no-no” anywhere in America because if any minor were to accidently knock over an elderly person or any adult for that matter then that minor’s parents may be liable to a lawsuit for every single penny of college tuition or their parents’ retirement. Period.


Why is it that suburbia’s children run indoors as if they were wild-animals? Don’t their parents teach them any better?




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*) “Shoppes at Arbor Lakes” in Maple Grove, Minnesota:


(More later…)



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*) “Phillips ‘SlimStyle’ LED: (10.5w replaces 60w): Lasts 22.8 Years: Saves $136.13 in energy cost: Brightness 800: soft white light:” Thank you. This is truly a great item.


The brightness of these bulbs is remarkably different from our previous dining room bulb which came with the house when we purchased her on August 1, 2012.


We found “the” best Home Depot in the Twin Cities!



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*) “Grease Monkey: Chemical Series: Long Cuff: PVC Coated Gloves:” Thank you. This is truly a great item.


I love the blue color of the gloves.


I only wish these gloves came in a longer size that covered my arms all the way to my armpits so that I don’t possibly have to get my sleeves dirty when I pick up neighborhood garbage on “Moral Mondays.”


I’ll be using these gloves to pick up neighborhood garbage for the next year. I’ll keep a look out for a longer length glove.


We found “the” best Home Depot in the Twin Cities!


Friday, April 25, 2014


“Every innkeeper praises his beer.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Perceptible (capable of being noticed, can be seen)


As they struggled, his grip showed perceptible signs of weakness.


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[Correction from “S. Linden Street” to “W. Linden Avenue.”]


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Vocabulary Distinction:


From Merriam Webster Dictionary


Definition of RETARDED

:slow or limited in intellectual or emotional development or academic progress


Examples of RETARD

The chemical will retard the spread of fire.

The problems have retarded the progress of the program.


Origin of RETARD

Middle English, from Anglo-French or Latin; Anglo-French retarder, from Latin retardare, from re- + tardus slow


First Known Use: 15th century


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American Public School Education IV


Consistency III


            American Public School Education begins with community.


            What’s consistency?


            Consistency is: steadiness, reliability, uniformity, evenness, stability and regularity.




            Our “Moral Mondays” consistently peaceful silent protest begins at Manor Park the week of April 28, 2014 (weather permitting) with one weekly personal volunteer hour of garbage pickup.


We’ll continue our peaceful silent garbage pickup protest and volunteer-ship for one solid year then we’ll reassess (re-examine) at the end of one year as to our process as an extended and united community in action and strong leadership by example.


(We don’t have much more than one weekly hour to spare thus one hour will do.)


            We can’t possibly do it all alone therefore we invite all of our Manor Park peaceful extended residents and citizens and civilians and North Memorial Medical Center and our city’s Municipal Liquor Store to help out in our peacefully silent and productive protest as well as garbage pick up efforts to take back our extended community and tennis court from other disrespectful and disruptive civilians and citizens who reside next to Manor Park yet care less about our community and it shows because we’ve watched their disastrous garbage-throwing actions for one year and eight months and that’ll do. That’s enough.


I refuse to stand by and watch all of those beautiful ‘white’ and ‘black’ children play on top of such garbage filled playground any longer simply because that’s not our patriotic American way or simply because no one (adults and children alike) will lift a finger in efforts to give our extensive neighborhood children (especially our ‘black’ children who happen to create that particular litter there) something better than what they’ve got or what they know.


I’m not yet a parent therefore it’s simply not my full responsibility to pick up after other adults’ disruptive children nevertheless someone’s got to pick up our garbage and beautify Manor Park and there’s no one better than a strong community and group of extended neighbors who can turn this ship around.


No, I’m not your captain.

I’m in this boat rowing along just like everybody else is.




            We’ll lead by example as our friends continue to purchase ‘this side of the pond’ (Bottineau Boulevard.)


Our well educated Ivy League friends and cultural experts inform us not to give up on Manor Park because our presence there is greatly required thus we shall continue our daily ritual walks with “Freeway” (our dog) at Manor Park no manner how much one particular ‘black’ family throws their garbage onto our playground and around Manor Park.


            The reason why we’re not to abandon Manor Park is because if we leave now then our ‘black’ uneducated Manor Park surrounding neighbors win and that will not do.


It’s not good enough.

It won’t do and that’s that.


One can only win when one does have the better interest at heart of any community, then one can peacefully leave and go on their merry way.


Until then, we’ve got constructive and peaceful work to do and to win over our green spaces and public park areas that our less than educated ‘black’ counterparts take for granted because they’re spoiled ghetto brats.




            The queerest combination in the entire world is economic desperation with a twist of entitlement and spoilt rotten attitudes.


What I can’t seem to understand about unsophisticated Minnesota ‘black’ ghetto culture is why on one hand they complain so much yet with the other hand they hate so much as to go so far as to destroy public parks and natural beauty. The hypocrisy is too enormous for me to understand the lack of logic behind such line of reasoning.


            No, I’m no one’s wet-mammy therefore I’m not one’s servant.


If one requires tough lessons learned then one better seek out teachers in leadership positions that will help one further understand and learn the essence of cultivated and “middle-middle” and “upper-middle class” economical culture because we’ve moved in two-doors down and we know how this game’s played better than most.


            No, I’m no one’s wet-mammy therefore I’m not here to wipe clean anyone’s children’s’ rear ends, however.


I’m here to lead by example as a mature and quiet and respectful and peaceful adult neighbor.


If at any point anyone so much as directly threatens my person then one’s got that to answer for because I’m not a push over no matter how silent I may come across or keep opinions to myself (as much as possible) unless any neighbors and their rude and loudmouthed guests are ever so improper as to think that they can so much as get away with screaming their heads off and swear the word “fuck” fifteen times in a short span of few minutes then one’s got something real special coming their way; elite society.


Elite society will buy out anything or anyone if one can’t straighten out their act because elite society doesn’t give bloody second thoughts about anyone especially disruptive neighbors.


Welcome to Uncle Sam’s reproach.




            The average CEO makes eleven million ($11 million) dollars per annual income salary for a family of four.


            The average “lower-middle class” worker in America makes thirty-five thousand ($35,000) dollars per annual income salary for a family of four.


             The average “middle-middle class” worker in America makes sixty-three thousand ($63,000) dollars per annual income salary for a family of four.


            The average “upper-middle class” worker in America makes one-hundred to two-hundred thousand ($100,000-$200,000) dollars per annual income salary for a family of four.


            One penny more than two-hundred thousand ($200,000) dollars per annual income salary in America is considered “lower-upper class” for a family of four.


            We’re technically considered “upper-middle class” economic status to almost “lower-upper class” and that’s not our social standing either because there’s a serious difference between economic statuses vs. social standing.


Furthermore, our annual income salary and “upper-middle class” economic status has nothing to do with our networth or stocks and bonds or CDs or retirement or savings or any other financial portfolio options.


            We live on thirty-five thousand ($35,000) dollars per yearly or annual household budget.


            Why do we only live on thirty-five thousand dollars per yearly household budget?


            We chose to do this so that the rest of “lower-middle class” and “middle-middle class” can have a fair fighting chance at making it in America.


Consider it not only our duty but also our economic volunteer-ship and gift to hold steadfast on to our ever shrinking “middle class.”


            Eight years ago both Eric and I made the serious and sacrificial decision to live on thirty-five thousand dollars per annual household income because in 2007 our pocket change alone went from seventy-thousand ($70,000) dollars to almost none existent in 2008 when our American economy tanked and that was only our pocket change not our annual income salary per household of two.


Eric and I sat down and discussed the many hardships of those who’d lost so much in that 2008 year. Our fellow Americans lost their homes and businesses and piling medical bills drove many homeless or destitute.


We understood that there wasn’t much we could do to stop America’s 2008 Wall Street economic train wreck yet we understood the dire implications and serious responsibilities in holding a tight grip on our “middle class” before it completely disappears off of the face of America.


            Our wealthy and intellectual and smart friends understand our quest to even out our economy and to keep our “middle class” in place therefore they, too, live on thirty-five thousand dollars per annual income household budgets even though they’re tens-of-millions of dollars wealthier than we are yet they understand the importance of our cause.


            I do sincerely believe that someday when Wall Street thieves and corrupt liars are brought to justice for collapsing our American economy in 2008 that they’ll be confined to live on thirty-five thousand dollars per annual income salary for one straight decade to learn the value of any dollar bill so that they may not rob the American consumer blind ever again. That would be a great economic sentence to any Wall Street thieves.


We give what we can back to our nation because it’s our responsibility to stay aware and alert as to what’s happening in our nation’s capitol and in Wall Street no matter how difficult this corrupt injustice may be with corporate lobbyists buying up Washington D.C. to murder and starve and kill off our “middle class.”




            No, we don’t mind living amongst black neighbors.


As a matter of fact our favorite next-door neighbors happen to be three women of color.


I mean they’re the best neighbors we’ve ever had in our entire adult existence.


We adore their peaceful and quiet consistently respectful disposition.


We can only hope that they continue to be our neighbors until we’re old people because we do trust them implicitly even though we stay on our side of our yards.


We watch out for them and their dogs and their property because they deserve nothing but the very best.


            Yes, I do, however, mind living two-and-five doors down from two particular screaming ‘black’ disrespectful families that throw garbage on their front lawns and let it sit there for as long as seven months or more than a year at a time as well as throw garbage in front of their sidewalk and don’t pick up their garbage and yell and portray themselves as entitled desperate spoiled ghetto brats.


            A spoiled ghetto brat has the same disposition as ‘trailer trash’ rich brats do.


A spoiled ghetto brat thinks that just because their history is an unbearable one to admit that everyone owes them something just like ‘trailer trash’ rich brats do, who couldn’t tell you who the first President of the United States was even if you paid them to tell you so.


A spoiled ghetto brat tends to scream out complaints of economic desperation into the middle of their neighborhood block to whine about their lot in life so that all may hear their desperate cries of woe just like ‘trailer trash’ rich brats do complain about how no one understands them therefore they’ll go out of their way to make the lives of everyone around them miserable by setting their neighbor’s trash bins on fire (literally) (this happened to our friends.)


A spoiled ghetto brat’s children have no finesse or self respect and will panhandle or beg their neighbors two-doors down to give them money because they consider it their neighbors’ responsibility to fork over hard earned cash like ‘trailer trash’ rich brats do.


“Give me money!” demanded our neighbor’s ‘black’ little four year old boy and six year old girl and ten year old girl last summer. I looked at them all like they’d lost their marbles (brains) all completely because they had.


A spoiled ghetto brat’s children will blast their car stereo at 10:45pm and 11:30pm in the middle of the block just as “trailer trash” brats seem to think that loud noise is considered music without realizing that they disturb nightly neighborhood peace while going def all at the same while.


A spoiled ghetto brat thinks that just because he got to the next rung on the ladder that ‘the entire world’s his oyster’ just in the same way that once “trailer trash” rich brats make a little bit of money they believe that “the entire world’s his oyster” without any contribution to the Earth or to his fellow man or human.


A spoiled ghetto brat thinks that just because he got to the next rung on the ladder that he doesn’t have to do anything to contribute to a quiet and peaceful and tidy civilized neighborhood because he feels entitled to what he’s got without working for it just like “trailer trash” rich brats do; they throw trash out their window because they’re thoughtless and spoiled rotten.


A spoiled ghetto brat believes that they’re entitled to their neighbors’ peace and quiet because he doesn’t know inner peace or self respect just as “trailer trash” rich brats don’t know what to do with all their dollars so they spend it faster than they can burn it and end up right back where they started.


A spoiled ghetto brat will put on a caricature act of Court Jester of “black face” for the world to watch even though deep down inside in his heart-of-hearts he feels ‘retarded’ doing so because he knows it’s all an act. He does this because he feels insecure and anxious about his place in the world just as “trailer trash” rich brats do therefore they, too, perform because they think that’s what’s expected of them by civilized folks. Wrong.


            It’s an age old story: A story about knowing how to climb without upsetting the delicate and fair balance of nature.


            All I ask for: Respectful and quiet and thoughtful and mindful and peaceful neighbors who pick up their trash and litter in their yards and in front of their sidewalk and their dogs’ poop and realize that climbing any economic ladder is easy to do but staying there is the hardest thing to achieve and successfully accomplish when one abuses their personal power against their neighbors’ pursuit of happiness.


I think that no matter what empty or shallow agendas black leadership may have that they fail their flocks by not teaching them basic social functions to succeed outside of ghettos. Shame.


Best Regards;



Today’s Word Count: 2,337

Total week’s Word Count thus far (more or less): 11,786


Last week’s total word count: 9,897

I’ve yet to make up 107 words from last week’s deficit.

I’ll get it done.



*)         Day #69 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.



*) Awkward ESL and grammatical and linguistic corrections were made.


*) Correction from “one-year-and-eight-months” to “one year and eight months.” (Thanks NY Times.)


*) Correction from “law suit” to “lawsuit.”


Personal Note: Our friend finally passed away on Wednesday (4/23/14) therefore I’ve been a bit distracted and preoccupied lately.


Thursday, April 24, 2014


“Saloons can’t corrupt good men

and synagogues can’t reform bad ones.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Votaries (devoted followers, students, worshipers)


Votaries of excellent education attend public schools.


---  ---  ---





American Public School Education III


Consistency II


            American Public School Education begins with community.


            What’s consistency?


            Consistency is: steadiness, reliability, uniformity, evenness, stability and regularity.


            Yes, I’ll eventually get around to deconstructing our American Public School Educational System because it requires reform, however. I must first begin with our local communities and neighborhoods because all types of citizens and civilians and leaders fail our Twin Cities area.


Yes, I give most of our Twin Cities’ leaders and citizen-and-civilian adult population an (F) for not upholding their end of their bargain to keep streets continuously clean throughout the years and neighborhoods tidy so that our children and elders and citizens and civilians don’t have to walk on top of garbage or play in it.


            Tuesday between 11:00am-11:30am we witnessed two white men picking up garbage in their local communities or near their place of work.


I haven’t seen that in years.

My heart swelled with pride and joy for these two beautiful men.


One man in his early seventies picked up garbage near Theo Wirth Parkway while the other man in his late-fifties picked up garbage right in front of RE/MAX RESULTS office on the corner of “Hennepin Avenue” and “Dunwoody Boulevard” near MCTC. (Thank you, gentlemen.)



-----   -----   -----

            Don’t everybody shock me all at once’ or I’ll go into cardiac arrest. Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.


            What on Earth is going on?

            Look here now.


            As of recent: our local city’s downtown is spotless.


            Is everybody okay?


            I’ve begun to shop once again at our local city’s downtown Subway store without a hitch. Thank you.

-----   -----   -----



            For years, I’ve wanted to frequent Walker Art Center and museum, however. I can’t seem to stomach the very fact that there’s garbage on a daily and yearly basis on W. Linden Avenue and Dunwoody Boulevard Exit 394 West and Entering Van White Boulevard and Dunwoody Boulevard Exit less than one mile away from Walker Art Center.


The last time I frequented Walker Art Center was in 2005 when one of their security guards assured me that I couldn’t afford their fancy restaurant upstairs and to please vacate their vicinity thus I did.


It took me one full and complete entire year to save up my loose change to treat myself to one proper meal on my birthday that year.


I left and haven’t returned ever since because what’s the point? There isn’t one. Not really.


I went home to Douglas Avenue where I lived at that time right next to Walker Arts Center and choked back silent tears while I ate in silence one slice of chocolate birthday cake and opened a bunch of birthday cards from close friends in Boston. Thus is the life of those who are treated less than humane. (I’m laughing right now.)


            The front entrance of Walker Art Center is kept clean but the rear entrance isn’t wiped properly and that goes for “Dunwoody College of Technology” as well.


I’ve been meaning to get certified in welding from “Dunwoody College of Technology” ever since 2010, however, I can’t seem to stomach the very fact that there’s garbage on a daily and yearly basis on W. Linden Avenue and Dunwoody Boulevard less than one mile from “Dunwoody College of Technology”.


The sight of their neighborhood garbage leaves a sour and bitter taste on my tongue therefore I drive out of that area as quickly as I can each and every single workday.


For one year and eight months we’ve driven to-and-from Hennepin Avenue to W. Linden and Dunwoody Boulevard which is missing stop signs ever since early last September 2013 (because someone got cheap with that set up) and on a weekly basis we almost get hit as we make a left turn exit onto 394 West then again we exit on Penn Avenue which that exit is filled with garbage on a daily and yearly basis all the way to Cedar Lake Rd. and then onto Theo Wirth Parkway which is also filled with daily and yearly garbage. (Sigh.)


            I feel compelled to frequent these cultural treasure troves of information and legacy nevertheless you know what they say about moms who don’t properly know how to wipe the rear ends of their newborn babies’ bottoms? Right? Right.


            We’d like to join Theo Wirth Public Golf Course, however. We don’t have the stomach to play golf on a public course filled with daily and yearly garbage right on Theo Wirth Parkway therefore we attend Moose Lake’s golf course with our family members.


We’d like to stop and shop on some stretch of road off of 394 East and West Exits on Penn Avenue to Cedar Lake Rd. nevertheless we can’t seem to stomach their Kenwood neighborhood’s city garbage along that stretch of highway fence therefore we shop at Menards because it’s convenient and clean even though I love Swedish imported furniture however we don’t purchase it because Minneapolis’s streets are filled with garbage all year round.


We just can’t seem to stomach the energy to get out of our car and contend with garbage since we don’t have to therefore we don’t.


We keep on driving forward and we don’t stop until we arrive at our destination even though I’d love to window and actually shop at some quaint looking stores and such along the way but we refuse to deal with garbage thus we shop on-line.


We’d like to stop and shop at the edge of north Minneapolis’s Bryn Mawr neighborhood but people there tend to jump out in front of traffic as though they’re high on drugs or they tend to leave their car doors wide open so that on-coming traffic almost takes out their parked cars’ wide open doors or people there tend to stand in the middle of the street and hold conversations while drivers try to drive nearly impossibly narrow streets and Bryn Mawr’s neighborhood garbage sits on their streets all year long. How depressing to say the least.


We just don’t have time for that type of garbage so we don’t venture to those particular sections of city even though I’d love to yet Eric refuses to give it even so much as a glance.


I’d love to stop where Kenwood (wealthy neighborhood) and Bryn Mawr (not so wealthy neighborhood) meet at a brief intersection off of 394 West and East Exits to either shop for chairs or local coffee or pizza or clothes but we don’t stop there because that ground garbage leaves a bad and bitter taste in our mouth thus we try to get as quickly as possibly through those sections of city because when any neighborhood doesn’t seem to find it important to pick up their litter then people won’t find it important to do business throughout such neighborhoods. Why would they? They wouldn’t.


            For almost two years I’ve been holding out hope that the city of Minneapolis will come along and pick up their garbage in these particular forgotten pockets and areas of neighborhoods yet still Minneapolis municipal doesn’t and well, nothing.


What more is there to be said about it?

Absolutely nothing.


My favorite aspect of our entire Twin Cities is their Ambassadors.


I do believe that Minneapolis’s Ambassadors are “the” single most important workers in the entire of their city. I do.


I feel strongly about this.


I believe that each city ought to instill these remarkable workers who help those of us come and go out of city limits.


I give an (A) to Minneapolis’s Ambassadors who’ve truly changed the topography of Minneapolis’s landscape.


I could gush so I’ll stop here.




            We love to shop and conduct bank business downtown, Minneapolis because it’s so bloody clean and beautiful, however.


It seems that there’s a dichotomy about Minneapolis’s front end streets vs. their back end streets such as Hawthorne Avenue by Target Field on N. 10th Street (?) where homeless shelters reside and homeless gather and stand in the middle of streets in the way of traffic right there before that Greyhound Bus Depot.


In the mornings we drive Olson Memorial (yearly garbage filled) Highway into downtown, Minneapolis thus we do drive by Hawthorne Avenue each day therefore we know what we’re talking about. Hawthorne Exit onto 394 West is the worst for garbage.


            One of the reasons why we don’t stop for coffee on Hennepin Avenue or CVS store is because Hawthorne Avenue is continuously filled with garbage.


I love downtown, Minneapolis nevertheless we stopped doing our postal business on Hawthorne Avenue in Minneapolis because we use that exit and it’s filled with yearly garbage therefore we refuse to get out of our car and run into that postal office which is so bloody convenient.


            In conclusion for today:


            When sections and pockets of neighborhoods get forgotten then so do their people.


I’m not sure as to how to inspire a complacent and apathetic Twin Cities full of citizens and civilians who just don’t care anymore if they live or die on top of garbage filled streets.


I think a lot of our garbage problem has to do with budget cut-backs and not having “chain-gangs” contribute in the way that they used to our community cleanup effort yet still and furthermore I think that citizens and civilians have given up because they lack educational awareness and discipline and respect and care and tenderness and pride for their neighborhoods even if their neighborhoods happen to be wealthy rich their garbage still sits there year round without a respite like some type of ghetto.


            I’m surprised that with so many people out of work that our American politicians haven’t put together some type of ‘Clean-Up-Corps’ to tend to our villages and towns and cities and states and country when it comes to litter.


In my bias opinion I do believe that clean villages and towns and cities and states and country are of vital psychological and emotional importance.


I think that citizens and civilians get depressed having to look at garbage all year round without any rest or break from it therefore citizens and civilians and leaders give up and become complacent because leadership refuses to set aside important budgets to help keep clean front-and-back end streets and off-and-on highway ramps continuously throughout the years and decades to give their constituents a gift of beautifully kept streets and parks and green spaces free and clear of all garbage no matter what time of year.


                        {The reason why I miss Boston and New England in general is because the back end streets of Boston are also clean and swept and neatly kept and clear of garbage because behind little nooks and crannies of city streets there’s always another cobble stone street that’ll lead someone to a tiny little cottage to be found in which some none famous or famous historical figure lived there with their families in the 1700’s or there’s always an ocean view to go in search of as tourists and locals alike such as a spectacular view of Boston’s Back Bay. (Sigh. I miss home so much.)


I’d give my right arm to be transported to Brattle Street right about now and have a cup of tea at Darwin’s. I’d give my right arm to be transported to Amesbury north of Boston right about now or drive out and walk Plum Island (yes, a location where it’s ‘known’ that scientific experiments are conducted).


            Alas, I’ve got work to do. Back to work.


            One more thing.


I’d give my right arm to go to the COOP store for an hour and step over the homeless on my way into the bookstore’s front entrance. I’d give my right arm just to sit there and have a latte. (Sigh.)


            (I’m terribly homesick today.)


I hold myself back from packing up everything and putting our family on a plane and getting out of here almost on a yearly basis however and nevertheless only because our Ivy League and elite friends moved here from Boston simply and only to help us change some of this Minnesota ghetto mentality and petty classist culture must I follow through on this course of action for all our sakes.


I shan’t run away from our Twin Cities cultural difficulties even though a life of wealth and luxury would be ever so much more splendid than all this hard work.


            No, I don’t like living in Minnesota for so many small reasons like feral screaming children and yearlong garbage filled streets and racism and petty classism and idiotic pedestrians and terrible driving and some restaurant food that’s made me ill in ways that I didn’t think it possible but I’d like to think that it’s all getting better although I don’t hold delusions about that alas we committed to this place and the wealthiest of Boston are starting to purchase and take over our side of Bottineau Boulevard (this side of the pond) our immediate neighborhood and the Twin Cities in general thus we’ll show them how it’s done.


Since I can’t go home due to dire responsibilities to the Twin Cities and Minnesota at large then I’ve brought home to me.}


            No, I don’t believe that the less money a community or neighborhood has then the more garbage ought to pile up.


The cleanest street I came across last August-September 2013 was Broadway Avenue in north, Minneapolis.


I gave Broadway Avenue in north, Minneapolis an (A) for their deeds which they’ve done to keep their streets clean and that’s considered “the” ghetto by Twin Cities standards yet “the” ghetto was the cleanest place in all of Minneapolis that goes to prove a whole lot.


I kept driving that stretch of beautiful Broadway Avenue into downtown, Minneapolis and into northeast, Minneapolis only because it was clean and their neighborhood folk didn’t drive me off their road or shoot me and they were respectful even though it’s obvious that I don’t live in north, Minneapolis.


My favorite short cut into downtown, Minneapolis is Broadway Avenue in north, Minneapolis.


More Later…


Best Regards;



Word Count: 2,337



*)         Day #68 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


Wednesday, April 23, 2014


“Spit in a whore’s face and she’ll say, “it’s raining.””


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Peremptory (leaving no chance for denial, positive in stating opinion, decisive)


His peremptory replies to questions were resented by the audience.


---  ---  ---





American Public School Education II


Consistency I


            American Public School Education begins with community.


            Don’t everybody shock me all at once’ or I’ll go into cardiac arrest. Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.


            What on Earth is going on?

            Look here now.


            On Sunday Easter 2014 we witnessed our ‘black’ loudmouthed screaming neighbors two-doors down pick up their garbage out in front of their home and do you know what?


This lovely and beautiful young and dark chocolate skinned woman who picked up her garbage looked like a most beautiful ballerina in the entire world.


Even though she appeared slightly shy to be picking up garbage she did so with so much grace and beauty that I could’ve sat down and watched her muscles move enchanted by the spirit that moved her body -- not because I’m a pervert yet more precisely because the art of people watching is disappearing in America.


As a teen I was brought up to people watch while we lived in Manhattan. These beautiful people went about their business and swept their front stoops and cleaned up their neighborhoods and shopped for their daily essentials at the corner deli where we also shopped.


(Oh, how I miss Manhattan right this moment. If only I could smell Manhattan right about now nevertheless here I am working away as I ought to be.)


            Out of the corner of my eye as I glanced over at our neighbor while she picked up her garbage I held back one single silent tear.


I held back one single silent tear because that would’ve been way over the top even though I was moved by her grace more so than I’ve been moved by her family’s disgrace that which they tend to continually bring to our block because they refuse to learn social contracts and norms as well as maturity.


I was truly moved by her ability to be a responsible adult and without having to show off or scream to get noticed she picked up garbage ever so confidently quietly as most mature women of the world work at anything important.


I fell in love all over again with our misbehaved neighbor’s family until last night when some of their family members went on shouting and screaming down the middle of our block for about twenty minutes at around 8:15pm while we tried to hold our supper rituals.


I lost my appetite and went to bed without dinner.


Yet again last night our neighbors screamed their heads off out in the middle of our block for twenty minutes thus their level of education shows.


For our misbehaved ‘black’ neighbors it seems that consistent excellent behavior isn’t something that’s regularly practiced in their family thus our neighbors can’t seem to get ahead in the world because they won’t prove that they can take care of their neighborhood and be respectful to their neighbors thus no one wants to open up doors to mean-spirited neighbors that terrorize our quiet and peaceful neighborhood because their disgrace already tells us that if doors were to be opened up to them then they’ll ‘shit where they eat’ and we can’t have none of that poison elsewhere much less working class neighborhoods where people work hard to earn their keep while the government steals their wages in the form of taxes that don’t even go towards their neighborhoods anyway. Nope.


Educated peoples neither wish nor desire to live amongst uneducated peoples because they can’t hold their posture long enough to straighten out their spines.


Consistency is the key to proving grace.




            Yesterday, I spent one full hour of my personal time picking up garbage around the entire of Manor Park because that particular neighborhood doesn’t seem to mind or realize that their ‘black’ or ‘white’ children play on top of garbage on a daily basis. It’s the queerest thing in the entire world to watch it all go down as if nothing is the matter.


This morning on our way into downtown, Minneapolis we drove by Manor Park and this particular playground was filled with candy wrappers and garbage yet once again.


It took less than twenty-four hours to destroy what little peace was created at that particular location.


Why are Americans so uneducated or hateful or hopeless or helpless to their own creepy misbehavior?


            There’s one particular ‘black’ family that happens to live right there next to Manor Park’s playground.


These children of this particular family sure are ‘retarded’ when it comes to throwing out their garbage all over the playground and tennis court or the rest of the park that which they live right next to.


I can only assume that these particular youth enjoy looking at garbage right across the street from their tiny little house because they must seem to feel that they can associate with garbage therefore they think they’re garbage.


This particular ‘black’ family and their animal-like ‘black’ great-grandchildren and grandchildren and children throw garbage around like it were no big deal because someone in that home refuses to take the time to teach such beautiful children about God or grace or love or respect or dignity or honor.


            Yes, our family and friends have personally witnessed this particular Manor Park’s ‘black’ family litter our community’s entire park.


And I mean we’ve watched them litter our entire park in one single afternoon as they celebrated their Great-grandmother’s birthday.


What a gift to give her as an entire clan of litter mongers who think nothing of themselves therefore they think nothing of her -- not enough to honor her by picking up their own smashed food on the ground and candy wrappers and personal items like pencils and erasers and sweaters and socks and such. What a disgrace to an entire clan of their peoples.


It’s difficult to share Manor Park with this one particular and disruptive ‘black’ family because they seem to think that they own our public park and space and playground by taking over this public space with their garbage and screams and disrespectful children.


What a hopeless bunch of ingrate mother of whores (not literally but more so as a strong literary expression. If you know much about history then you know exactly what I’m referring to and in which century.)


How can one single disruptive ‘black’ family destroy or invade the peace of an entire neighborhood?


More precisely why does the rest of their neighborhood allow for such a ‘black’ disruptive family to get away with such disgrace?




            If one were to get a glimpse of such a sight then one would laugh their rear ends off because it’s the most tragic sight in the entire world to watch ‘black’ American children play on top of garbage.


Furthermore, to watch ‘black’ American children throw garbage on the ground like it’s not their responsibility to take care of their community because they think that someone else should take care of their neighborhoods and not them is a disgrace to their lineage.


Watching uneducated and ‘retarded’ children throw garbage on the ground is like watching children of whores make the act of littering seem like it’s no big deal because they already consider themselves trash therefore such children possibly believe that they were already born to trash so what’s the point, anyway, to pick up garbage. There’s no distinction to children born to mothers of whores.


            No, our home doesn’t surround Manor Park but that’s where I like to walk “Freeway” (our dog.)


I’m starting to reconsider such facts that we’re going to have to find a new park to walk around because after one year and eight months nothing much changes in these parts in which these ‘black’ families are concerned.


            It seems that some of our ‘white’ ‘stay at home mommies’ from working class households have become zombies or completely desensitized to their surroundings that which they entrench their children to such locations as garbage filled playgrounds.


Across town on the other side of Bottineau Boulevard; their tennis courts are kept clean and garbage gets picked up because on that side of town their homes are worth more and there’s more ‘white’ upper middle class working professionals and educated ‘stay at home mommies’ who care about their section of city while our section of city gets ignored for as long as almost two years because our community seems helpless to a little bit of effort such as teaching their children and youth to clean up our green spaces simply-and-only for the purpose that it feels so darn good to play in areas without street blown garbage or litter.


            “It takes a village,” the locals on our block continue to tell me.


Yeah, right.

Nice slogan.

Sounds good, but that’s about it.


Everybody’s holding their breath and waiting for a savior to come along and rescue them out of their quiet lives of desperation.


            No, I’m not that savior that which our neighbors await because I can be more of a metaphorical conqueror in which I’ll simply take out the whole bloody lot and start all over again with educated people instead of helpless or hopeless antisocial neighbors who can’t solve important issues and problems such as some screaming neighbors and garbage filled sidewalk and problems that were here long before we ever moved for almost a decade.


I only become a metaphorical conqueror after I’ve asked kindly of others to please stop inappropriate misbehavior or dispensed three warnings or called the cops or detectives or mediators or attorneys.


By the time it’s been made perfectly clear that the other party is disinterested in positive conflict resolution or mediation or peaceful negotiations then there’s nothing more to be said and I’ll silently win because that’s how smart I am. Sanctions.


By the time it’s been made perfectly clear that the other party isn’t interested in a truce or willing to play fair then go home and wait for me to squeeze out the innards of one’s glimpsed future.


By the time it’s clear that respect will not reign freely then go home and wait for what’s yet to come.


I’m only ruthless when clemency gets mocked or made fun of by continual and perpetual misbehavior thrown in my face as an act of antisocial war then others have been fairly warned that I fight by the rules yet that doesn’t mean that I can’t...


            When did Americans become so complacent or desperate?


I’ve been informed that it’s our city’s municipal liquor store’s responsibility to take care of our tennis courts.


I’ve been informed that North Memorial Hospital took on the very responsibility to pick up the trash around Manor Park but let’s be frank: We as private citizens pick up more trash or litter around Manor Park than both the hospital or the municipal liquor store combined does.


We can’t sit back and wait for these two separate entities or institutions to come out to Manor Park and fulfill their responsibility as they promised Manor Park community that they would because after one year and eight months ‘actions do speak louder than words’ and we’ve got a community that hurts badly because they’re marginalized by everything and everyone.


            I hold back laughter when I watch ‘white’ ‘stay at home mommies’ from working class households bring their little children to Manor Park playground and ignore a garbage filled playground that which their children play.


This sight is like watching the most desperate people alive.


It’s a sight that which our peoples don’t believe that they must take responsibility for our neighborhood or community at all therefore there’s very little hope thus there the working class stay-at-home ‘white’ mothers who can’t get jobs sit while their beautiful children play on top of garbage.


The seasons come and go and no one so much as lifts a finger to pick up one single piece of garbage because that garbage either doesn’t face them or they don’t think it’s their responsibility to pick it up. Shame.


Best Regards;



Word Count: 2,526



*)         Day #67 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.




                        Yes, I held the great honor of working with Edward Moody for three continuous months in the summer of 2003.


Edward Moody is not only one of the most precise and kind and professional and picky and perfectionist workers I’ve ever encountered; he’s also a man who holds great values and morals and judgment and sincerity and regard for his fellow humans.


Last night when we read about Edward Moody going part-time we ‘read between the lines’ because no working professional that’s taken all this time and effort and energy and money to get to a place where Edward Moody is in his career decides to go part-time unless he’s being pushed out the door or his beloved ones have dire illnesses.


We’ve wondered why Edward Moody got stuck doing fluff pieces when he’s a real and strong reporter and journalist.


Mr. Edward Moody is one of the only on-air personnel at WCCO-TV I trust to tell me the truth about anything.


Edward Moody is not only an invaluable asset to the Twin Cities for the man that he truly is more precisely because of what he represents as a ‘black’ professional and as a successful man as well as a man well regarded for his ability to report vital and important news about our community.


We need strong ‘black’ leadership in the Twin Cities when we don’t seem to see much ‘black’ leadership in general in the United States of America.


To possibly cut Edward Moody loose is simply not to understand what a great and honorable soul he is as well as one of the most reliable and honest humans that one could ever encounter.


I hold a great deal of personal respect when it comes to Edward Moody because he just happens to be not only a professional peer also one of my role models.


            Dearest Edward; thank you for your respect and kindness all those years ago when I failed at being a technical director and thank the Gods that I did fail at that path in life because otherwise I wouldn’t be here today as I am now with all of this professional freedom and vitality.


Edward, now that I make more money than most in your given field and now that I actually hold some form of communications authority than most or when we first met, I want you to know that what you did for me I’ve carried with me all these years because you didn’t professionally judge or persecute me while I professionally failed.

I shan’t ever forget how kind and respectful you were to me when I most needed those two particular sentiments bestowed upon me.


I’ve thought about you many times throughout the past eleven years.


I’m ever so grateful to have worked alongside you and seen you in your earlier days of television as well as witnessed your young and fresh equal leadership.


We can only be so lucky to know your kind face.


Yes, I gushed because I know what I’m talking about.


With Ut-most respect for you and yours;

We’re happy and doing well despite weird black neighbors.


Truly Yours;



Tuesday, April 22, 2014


“It is better to have nobility of character than nobility of birth.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Ascribed (attributed, assigned, alleged to belong to)


The authorship was ascribed to the real Shakespeare and not the imposter.


---  ---  ---


Happy Earth Day 2014!





American Public School Education


            Yes, we’ve finally decided that our future children will attend public school education in the United States of America.


Yes, we’re totally and completely against charter schools of any type because we’ve met the drunken and cocaine snorting bankers and brokers who run charter schools here in the Twin Cities area. No thank you. (Yikes.)


Yes, we’ve personally partied with such Minnesota bankers and brokers and they sure are creepy and scary people without any morals or values or scruples to speak of.


We’re not quite sure as to which specific public schools to send our future children still yet regardless of our uncertainty with location it’ll be near our residing neighborhood to build strong community and to have our taxes stay local rather than if we helicopter our children into Barnum School District which is the only school district that we’d like our children to attend school, alas.


            Yes, our peeps are taking over this particular neighborhood.


Our friends’ friends and their families recently started to quietly buy up our neighborhood within the past year-and-eight months therefore it’s a cultural and economic coup d'état.


Our friends’ friends and their families moved from Moose Lake and Boston specifically to purchase property here and to send their already born toddlers to our city’s public schools when the children become of age and ready to attend school.


Yes, our close friends’ friends and their families recently purchased property in our neighborhood within spitting distance of our home within two blocks and eight blocks and a mile and five miles over.


Our friends are East Coast private school Ivy League educated wealthy and their families and friends hold the same values as our friends do which means pristine and clean and quiet neighborhoods at all times as well as stellar public school education for all because we’ve got money and power to do it.


            No, our friends’ friends aren’t interested to rent out their properties because they’re invested to reside and live in our neighborhood all year round as well as work downtown, Minneapolis.


We’re moving in and taking over this neighborhood.


It’s already begun and there’s absolutely nothing that anybody can do anything about that.


It was only a matter of time until East Coast private school Ivy League sophisticated wealthy culture and respectful and responsible Moose Lake and Barnum culture moved in because this location is sublime and everybody knows it especially with the professional and intellectual cultural movement to move back into urban areas because that’s where intellectual and wealthy citizens reside since working professionals don’t want to drive all over kingdom come and suburban nightmare land of terrible public transportation if they don’t have to.


            No, Bostonian Ivy League private school wealthy isn’t the same as Minnesota’s working class or rich or ghetto citizens.


Bostonian Ivy League private school wealthy either works in glass towers downtown, Minneapolis or globally teleconferences or telecommutes (work / labour) from home just as we do.


Bostonian Ivy League private school wealthy either refuses long drown out commutes to-and-from the office because they desire a high quality of life or they can-and-will change an entire demographics and topography of shabby and rundown neighborhoods as well as refuse to live alongside belligerent ‘black’ or ‘white’ neighbors who continually abuse their personal power against their neighbors because Bostonians know exactly where to stick it -- up one’s arse or right under one’s ribcage.


            Since we’ve got a strong foothold on our neighborhood and bought for pennies on the dollar then we’ll stay and gentrify the neighborhood with East Coast private school Ivy league wealthy working professional Bostonians who don’t take shit from anybody much less uneducated and ignorant and belligerent neighbors because this is prime real estate and it can’t be overlooked especially not by those wealthy Bostonians who come from Cambridge and Lexington and Beacon Hill and other private school areas of Boston.


(Thank you for moving here to this humble neighborhood that requires proper twenty-first century discipline and etiquette and polite good old fashion Bostonian manners.)


Long ago our friends informed us that if we chose any worthwhile neighborhood with strong potential that they and their families would follow us and help us create a strong and lasting foundation.


The goal is for us to raise our families together and grow happily old ‘forever after’ thus this is our cultural movement to move out a tiresome ghetto of north Minneapolis that refuses to grow up and get over its violent demeanor and to move out uneducated and belligerent garbage throwing and screaming citizens and neighbors who mock the very foundations and freedoms of our country.


            I told you: blue bloods don’t get mad we get even.


We’ve begun to cut private social deals with our multi-millionaire friends and heirs and heiresses and business tycoons to purchase up our neighborhood and move in and happily live forevermore alongside us.


Why not?



Weirder things have happened than this throughout history.

All that this is: organization and time and money and patience.


The only condition is that we stay here and keep a strong hold on our ‘upper middle class’ economic status while we share wealthy social values because we’re considered elite by social standards.


Elite values and standards have nothing to do with money and our peeps recognize and understand that all too well.


            Our friends will purchase our neighborhood because they can afford to do so nevertheless if our family can’t financially make it then it’s no good thus our friends will ensure our economic safety because they’re multi-millionaires tens-of-millions of times over even though they live just as we do on thirty-five thousand ($35,000) per yearly household budget. ($35,000 is considered lower middle class.)


We either anonymously donate much of our yearly income earnings to society or we save it for retirement or other more important and valuable aspects of life such as scholarships other than to spend for the sake to spend when most Americans go hungry.


We’ll let our wealthy friends know how we’re economically doing because when one holds one-hundred million or more in collected interest then our wealthy friends tend to lose perspective on the economic lives of others such as “lower” and “middle” and “upper-middle class” status therefore our friends will keep shop prices and house market values at a comparable cost as that of modern and accurate “middle-middle class” economics without inflation squeezing-out our “middle-middle class” citizens which the average “middle-middle class” citizen makes about sixty-three thousand ($63,000) per annual income salary per year for a family of four.


We bank way more than that because we run private businesses and the value of our networth isn’t the same as that value of our annual income salaries nevertheless we must keep that “lower middle class” median alive if we care to keep a continued thriving “middle-middle class” moving forward thus we live on thirty-five thousand ($35,000) per year as a social experiment and we have for the past eight years.


            It’ll be a social experiment as to how to keep a strong and thriving “middle middle class” living alongside wealthy multi-millionaires without being forced to walk on top of garbage filled streets and parks or play tennis on top of Easter candy wrappers or live alongside feral screaming ‘black’ children or get mocked by ghetto or working class neighbors that don’t seem to understand the concept of social contracts or social rules of “middle-middle class” social standards.


It’ll be a social experiment on how to keep a strong and thriving “middle middle class” close-and-near downtown, Minneapolis without the thoughtless rich taking over and running down any neighborhood near downtown with their immense cocaine habits or mingling with pimps and prostitutes.


The cocaine snorting Twin Cities ‘white’ rich just simply adore the company of pimps and prostitutes whom they can snort their cocaine without getting judged for being Minneapolis's two-faced citizens.


            Money talks but cultural action speaks volumes without uttering a single word to anyone other than precise body language.


First, they ignore you.

Second, they mock you.

Third, they fight you.

Fourth, you win.


I’m not someone to be ignored or mocked or continually made fun of through passive / aggressive measures because by the time I go silent then it means that I’ve put a constructive course of action in place to live a much better and high quality in standard of living that which is respectfully conducive to all living organisms especially the birds at our neighborhood park that shouldn’t be forced to swallow balloon bits and pieces that neighborhood park ‘black’ children and youth leave behind to kill our Cardinal and Robin bird population.


            I’m ‘cut throat’ not because I’ll literally cut anyone’s throat unless someone breaks-and-enters into our home then all goes.


I’m cut throat not because I’ll physically hurt or injure or harm anyone but more precisely because I’m organized enough to create change even if that change takes shape into some form that you might not expect.


I’m powerful because I’m silent and respectfully quiet of our neighborhood especially when I get pushed too far then I like to play monopoly with our wealthy friends’ money because they’ve got so much money that they won’t possibly be able to spend it all in this or the next seven generations to come.


I’m powerful because powerful and wealthy people who don’t care about anything or anyone trust me to care about what I care about.


I’m trusted by wealthy and powerful people because I wasn’t born straight into nobility.


I’ve developed my noble character.


            I’m respected by wealthy and powerful people because I do pick up garbage around our neighborhood and city parks and because I do believe in a “middle-middle class” and I do hold good manners and I’m respectful.


If I’m not respectful then I better have a good reason for not being respectful and normally it’s because others aren’t respectful with me therefore I use their own weapons against them to culturally cut and slice.


Most Americans that I come across think me a weakling because I’m kind or genuine therefore they tend to overstep boundaries until I come back and take away their corrupt or dysfunctional way of life or homes and then they don’t seem to understand that power is deadly silent when it comes to the pursuit of happiness.


No, I don’t believe that neighborhoods have to be completely silent however I do believe in quiet because city lots are close together and people work from home.


            To have ‘retarded’ uneducated and ignorant children scream their heads off for hours at a time is to say that their parents are ‘retarded’ or too lazy to teach their children proper city and urban etiquette or they only live hand-to-mouth and excellent parenting is the last thing from their mind therefore they allow their ‘retarded’ children to terrorize hardworking urban neighborhoods while their parents collect food stamps and free housing vouchers from the government.


I give four sets of parents on our American block and neighborhood an (F) on their idiotic parenting lack of skills.


These four sets of idiotic parents allow for their children to throw garbage on the ground or to play on top of garbage. (Yikes. Creepy people.)


It’s like watching an episode of “Twilight Zone” when children play on top of garbage and not think twice about it.


It’s as if though some American ‘black’ and ‘white’ parents have become zombies to their environment and world around them therefore they refuse to take responsibility for themselves and their ‘retarded’ brood.


We’ll change all of that.



I win.

I told you I would.


I just went around Park Place twice and purchased the whole lot and collected four-hundred dollars on the monopoly board.


Best Regards;



Word Count: 2,276



*)         Day #66 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.



Quick Footnotes:


*) Yes, there’re tens-of-thousands of readers and only one of me to answer your many difficult and complex questions about life in general.


Yes, when I write on this blog I also answer our many readers’ questions to the best of my ability as I go along.


I like to address answers in this public forum and that way I don’t have to answer tens-of-thousands of e-mails all at once otherwise I wouldn’t ever get any real work done.


---  ---  ---


*) No, a Minnesota tourist campaign doesn’t mean anything when most hotel chains and restaurants pocket tourist dollars. Tourist money that goes towards national chains doesn’t stay in Minnesota therefore that’s simply propaganda.


Any tourists’ responsibility is to frequent as many locally owned restaurants and hotels and pubs and breweries and other businesses in order to keep money local and our economy thriving otherwise it’s futile.


---  ---  ---


*) Yes, when radio announcers fail to speak ‘retarded’ sounding Ebonics then they fail every listener because Americans wouldn’t be able to speak proper English even if one were to pay them a million dollars on the spot to do so.


When one speaks over the radio then speak proper English and do us all a favor to further this uneducated nation of ours into a progressive and grammatically correct future or don’t speak at all because ignorance can lead to further belligerence and economic hardship.


The People are looking for correct and proper leadership so do it or allow for better people to get in there and do a job well done.


Our country’s one that’s divided on many issues therefore a common and proper language will continue to unite us and holds us together.


Correct language and enunciation is everything in life or bust.


Monday, April 21, 2014


“Those who grieve over the doubtful will rejoice over the sure.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Aspersion (false or injurious charge, calumny)


He cast aspersion on her fair name.


---  ---  ---








            An Open Letter to Mr. President Vladimir Putin;


            Dearest Mr. Vladimir Putin I wish you great health and peace.


I come forth as a humble servant and as an American private citizen to write a few words of radical peace and harsh diplomacy.


No, I hold absolutely no political agenda of any type whatsoever other than the quest of any poet and that’s to find compassion where there’s none.


If I tend to write all, too, bluntly and speak the language of a working woman then it’s because I am a working woman.


My invaluable purpose is to close this cultural divide between the United States of America and our lovely Russia through either cultural exchange or further understanding.


I’m aware that I must choose my words carefully for the sake of us all.


If my information is incorrect then please excuse me because some of our American corporate and conglomerate media at times can be run by sensationalist propaganda and unintelligible commercialism that which can at times destroy America’s very way of life thus and therefore as Americans we must continually ‘read between the lines’ as I’ve been personally informed that our Russian Brothers and Sisters must do the same in their Motherland because Russian media is propaganda filled as well.


            As of this weekend I was personally informed by experts that all Jewish-Russians must register as a mandatory practice under modern Russian law.


With all due respect, Mr. Vladimir Putin, however, I’m at a loss for words since it was also Hitler who made it mandatory to force all Jewish-Germans to register under WWII German laws.


The very action to have all Jewish-Russians register under a mandatory Russian registry law leads me to a few educated guesses such as:


Either our Jewish-Russians are forced to a mandatory Russian registry law for the purpose to keep close surveillance over our Jewish-Russians or to ultimately and unjustifiably incarcerate them or possibly murder our Jewish-Russian Brothers and Sisters as a cold war strategy to gain further corrupt-power. (Indubitably, these are only educated guesses.)


            In my mind, there’s really no other reason to single out or persecute our Jewish-Russian private citizens other than to bring them down upon their knees or to culturally terrorize them or to make them fear the very nation they swear to protect with their lives and the lives of their children.


I’ve been struck by this mandatory Jewish-Russian registry law because it seems that it’s a law cut from the very cloth of fear and not from empowerment or deeply cultivated strength.


By no means do I imply that I don’t consider you a powerful or reasonable leader however I do mean that some of your strategies and actions those which you’ve recently taken: hold very little humanitarian reason or logic behind them thus such actions seem ill-spirited because such actions deem unjustifiable or tyrannical or oppressive.


            Dearest Mr. Vladimir Putin, when you took it upon yourself to invade Crimea, Ukraine (2014) not only did you leave the world stunned not because we didn’t think that you couldn’t invade however and more precisely you left our world astonished because you took it upon yourself to consider yourself a totalitarian authority such as that which steals territories and providences and nations without any type of consideration or powerful restrain.


Indeed I was astounded because I thought that ‘with great power came great responsibility.’ I thought that you were a man who understood long term peace strategy as well as complex world dynamics.


Let’s be direct on this point: any man who takes it upon himself to invade another nation is an invader.


What’s the lesson history continually teaches us about invaders?


Invaders don’t go down well in history books because anytime that invaders push territories back by force or intimidation then it means that invaders will murder for the sheer joy of ideology.


To kill in cold blood for the sheer joy of nationalist patriotism means that one’s able and willing to go to war and when one’s able and willing to go to war then one’s powerless because the entire point of power is to hold back upon the reigns of chaos or uncontrollable rage or whimsical desires to overtake and overpower for no reason at all other than to show others that one holds some type of quasi-power by forcing others to bend to any tyrannical invader’s will.


            Mr. Vladimir Putin, are you an invader?


If so then must the world take action upon you in the form of strict and real sanctions and peaceful yet detrimental tactics to choke the very life out of the Russian economy even and especially when skuzzy oil tycoons cut deals under the table with you?


(Careful about skuzzy oil tycoons they seem to like to give hand jobs under tables.)


It seems all, too, obvious that oil companies’ corrupt tycoons are willing to cut business deals with you at your private estate however and nevertheless the world doesn’t cut deals under the table with corporate tycoons because the World’s Peoples are far more powerful than all of the quasi business leaders combined.


            Mr. Vladimir Putin, we swear to you that if you so much as kill or harm or injure or hurt or murder our Jewish-Russian Brothers and Sisters then we’ll personally teach you a lesson about cultural power that you soon shall not forget as well as your oil tycoons.


We shan’t teach you and yours a lesson stemmed out of vengeance or any type of vendetta against you personally nevertheless and more precisely we’d teach a lesson out of Motherly and Fatherly concern for our Jewish-Russian innocent bystanders used as puns in a game of ‘Cold War II’.


We swear to you that our global consumers will boycott Shell Oil and British Petroleum for the next two decades (20 years) and there’ll be nothing that you or any skuzzy oil tycoon will be able to do anything about it.


You do realize what British Petroleum did to our Gulf Coast, right?


British Petroleum murdered in cold blood our natural habitats and birds and wild sea life and, and, and… Now British Petroleum wishes to become a peaceful moderator between Russia and Europe? Absolutely not.


Our global Peoples shan’t allow for any corporation of any type to play diplomat just because they can’t run their affairs well enough.


            Mr. Vladimir Putin, I’m not making a single threat against your power or your person.


I’m simply making a statement to let you know that global private citizens do also hold great power especially when our American government and oil tycoons tell us their dirty lies to create oil wars in which our family has laid down their very lives for those very lies which our American politicians justify oil blood in the Middle East.


Our family has gone to war for our corrupt politicians. Our family has died for these insane and corrupt and crazy mean-spirited political and oil blooded bastards. Need I say more? Nope.


            Mr. Vladimir Putin, I’ve been personally informed that you hold much responsibility over Syria’s war conflict and that your involvement in Syria is dire when it comes to about one-hundred and eighty thousand murdered Syrian Brothers and Sisters mainly due to oil blood.


Personally, I don’t hold any proof for or against this information however and nevertheless just once before I die from old age I’d like to be greatly surprised by world leaders to seize all war because as much of a cliché as that may seem to you the reality is that our global friends in the form of other private citizens either get starved-out or murdered or killed or kidnapped or wrongfully incarcerated or bombed by drone strikes or, or, or…


            Mr. Vladimir Putin, I’ve also been personally informed that your leadership is one of distrust and perpetual persecution and cruelty against your Russian homosexual citizens and other citizens.


I’ve been informed that homosexuality is illegal in Russia which can only mean that fear reigns supremely in Russia.


The world’s no longer one that runs upon 1980’s social or political constructs.


The world has moved far away from 1980 because thirty-four (34) years ago we believed homosexuality to be abnormal and such sexual behavior to be unjustifiable nevertheless allow for me to ask you this: who are you to command as to whom another human may or may not love?


Are you a Demigod, because if you are then you have no business holding public office over the affairs of flesh and blood and bone human-mortals, right? Right.


It’s been scientifically proven that homosexuality is naturally wired as such from the womb. There’s nothing that you or I can do about it other than to respect our homosexual global Brothers and Sisters.


How can you deny the very rights of those who have nothing to do with the very nature they were born with?


Must you really discriminate against your very own citizenry?


            Furthermore, it’s been brought to my attention that there’s much need for change in Russia when it comes to freedom-of-speech and freedom-of-the-press as well as strong humanitarian laws that must be implemented towards building a strong and beautiful Russian future.


Will you not become the type of man who’ll stand up and pass Russia’s first none-discriminatory laws for our dear homosexual-Russians and other Russian citizens in general?


What will it take to make thee a better Captain of your vessel?


Russia awaits you to step up and create balanced change and right wrongs that have left a lasting deep wound in the psyche of Russia’s cultural affairs.


The world awaits for you; Mr. Vladimir Putin to do well by our global citizens because it’s not only your duty it’s also your responsibility to take into account the freedoms of all global private citizens because the moment you took office the entire world became your Brother and Sister and we don’t injure or hurt or harm our Brothers and Sisters especially when they provoke us.


            Is it true that you hate your Russian constituents therefore Russians hold very little freedom-of-speech against government or politicians?


Is it true that your cabinet is run by former KGB men who know very little about governance yet much about cold war strategies and how to murder innocents?


Is it true that no one can contradict you or disagree with you or think differently than you do or they’ll be sent to Siberia or jail?


Is it true that you hate freedom and love hatred?


Is it true that you’re considered a homosexual because you horseback ride shirtless?


Is it true that you think in terms of cold war and not governance because you got stuck in the year 1980?


Is it true that you stole your third term?


Is it true that you’re a totalitarian dictator and regime?


Is it true that you hate people of color?


Is it true that you hate those whom you can’t control?


Is it true that you mean to further invade other parts of Ukraine?


Is it true that you stage your invasions by bringing in Russian mercenaries into Ukraine?


Is it true that you won’t take responsibility for thousands of armed soldiers on the border of Ukraine and Russia?


Is it true that you’re an instigator of wars and invasion?


Is it true that you mean to destroy the world?


Is it true that you mean to destroy the entire Arctic?


Is it true that your working Russian People starve like our working American People do?


            In conclusion; Mr. Vladimir Putin, I wish you and yours absolutely no harm.


I can’t seem to understand your logic or reasons for just about anything because they seem full of hatred or hurt or fear nonetheless that doesn’t mean that I don’t respect your humanity. I simply disagree with your causes to do others harm.


If anything I ask you to please not hate our American private citizens because within the last decade ever since 9/11/2001 our country ‘has gone to hell in a hand basket’ and no one’s come to our rescue and most likely and probably no one’s going to come to our rescue therefore our American private citizens must do well by each other because our politicians won’t and haven’t.


Despite what you might think of America as a whole; Mr. Vladimir Putin our streets and buildings collapse because they were built in the 1930’s and our government won’t reconstruct or replace our buildings and streets.


Our educational system falters and private contractors such as bankers and brokers in the form of Charter Schools have taken over American public education. Charter Schools aren’t any better than public education and their test scores factually prove that Charter Schools aren’t any better yet bankers and brokers steal from our public citizens.


America’s a country full of garbage filled streets and disrespectful citizens who wish they could all just shoot each other. Neighbors disrespect neighbors because no one feels as though they have a voice or any real power in the world thus Americans are lost and uneducated people.


Please, I ask of you to befriend our good and hardworking private citizens who suffer at the hand of our oligarchy nevertheless don’t ever sell or adopt-out your Russian children to Americans because psychologists have come to discover that Americans don’t consider their adoptees as part of their families.


The lives of our citizens are nothing like what’s portrayed on television.


Have mercy on those who do us ill and keep in mind that American private citizens don’t wish you or yours any harm.


We’re all in this boat together therefore will you not row alongside us?


I wish you immense respect and compassion towards the peoples of the world.


Best Regards;



Word Count: 2,310



*)         Day #65 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


Friday, April 18, 2014


“There is no certainty without some doubt.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Perennial (continuing through the year, recurring regularly)


The owner preferred annuals; there was not one perennial in his garden.

---  ---  ---


(Previously awkward ESL language corrections were made.)





Powerful vs. Antisocial












Best Regards;



Word Count: 804



*)         Day #62 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.





*) No, when children lie that’s not considered “storytelling.”


When children lie that’s considered deviant misbehavior and parents must correct and teach their children the difference between right and wrong or those children will be hated and disliked for being manipulative cowards to their peers.


Storytelling isn’t about lying.


Storytelling is about truth.


Storytelling is about telling truths no matter how difficult or painful it may be to utter such words.


When a human can’t tell truths then they aren’t any type of storytellers.


When humans can’t or won’t tell truths as events factually took place then most likely people become manipulative sociopaths.


(Yes, facts can be established within a certain timeframe and place and occurrences. Either something happened or it didn’t.)


Careful as to what one preaches to the public because mixed messages from anyone other than child professionals or experts is a great way to get a class action lawsuit against one’s magazine or publicist or whatever circus freak show attraction appears before the public’s eye.


Bad opinions are wrong no matter how good they might sound because of lazy parenting.


---  ---  ---


*) Please, don’t point at anyone especially when one’s on television.


Please don’t point at an audience because it implies hatred for the other. When an audience is hated then they tune out and change the channel. They go shop elsewhere.


When Americans point at me (because it’s only Americans who do that vial gesture) I get out of their direct line of sight.


I’ll literally step aside or dodge their pointing fingers at me for as many times as it takes for a duration of a meeting or without ever touching the other person I make a swiping gesture to either side (as though I’m swatting a fly) to indicate to that rude person to put away their pointer finger.


I’ll do these empowered gestures to guard myself from the selfish and rude and déclassé and hateful physical language of uneducated Americans.


If any person points at me anymore than three times during a conversation; I’ll politely interject when there’s a pause in the conversation and directly say something like:


            “I’ve noticed that that you’ve pointed at me three times during our conversation. I don’t seem to pay very good attention when people point at me because that gesture is a violent physical gesture. Could you please not point at me anymore? Thank you.”


If they continue to point at me after I’ve asked them not to do that to me then I realize what type of person I’m dealing with and immediately as politely as I can I excuse myself and leave. There’s nothing more to be said between us, is there? Nope.


The reason why Americans are sometimes dreadfully hated by global standards is because we come across as the most unsophisticated pigs on Earth simply and only because we don’t know history like other nations do therefore when we point then we insult ourselves on a global scale and stage.


To point is to admit that one doesn’t know or understand global history and to not know global history means that one doesn’t know much about anything other than what’s at the tip of one’s nose.


­­­---  ---  ---


*) For whatever reasons those which our nephew got burned with boiling water at Salk, Elk River, Middle School yesterday: the school must notify any parent when a minor is injured or hurt or harmed.


Our family didn’t find out until much later on in the day that our nephew got injured and burned during school hours because Salk Middle School didn’t even so much as take the time to call or text or email our family members. Get on the ball.


No, I don’t care the reasons as to what a minor did or didn’t do; the problem here is the breakdown of miscommunication between parents and schools.


Whenever a minor is injured or hurt or harmed then parents must be notified immediately. Period.


---  ---  ---


*) Our Kettle River, Minnesota Finn family member made it through Monday’s heart valve changed operation. We’re grateful to have him with us.


---  ---  ---


*) Yes, our God-family member who we tend to spend “Easter” with was established brain-dead as of yesterday. Today she’ll be taken off of life support. It’s so weird. We weren’t expecting that at all and she’s so young.


Wednesday she was alive. Thursday she was declared brain dead and today she’ll be taken off life support because her living will demands it that she not be resuscitated.


Our hearts go out to our God-family.


What a terrible Easter for them.


Thursday, April 17, 2014


“Between “sure” and “perhaps,” “sure” prevails.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Precursor (one who indicates coming of something, indicative of something to follow)


Our Ancestors are the precursor of us.


---  ---  ---


[Corrections were made.]





Powerful vs. Antisocial

Part VI


            No, I’m sure that I don’t know the answer as to why ‘black’ children think that it’s “normal” social behavior to get off a school bus and begin to scream while walking down the street as though they’re no one in particular.


No, I’m sure that I don’t know why ‘black’ people aren’t taught proper modern social norms.


No, I’m sure that I don’t know why ‘black’ people are so angry or frustrated just about everything in life as though they don’t know the face of God(s) yet they wish to take out their anger on innocent bystanders to punish without any real thought to their consequences in misbehavior.


No, I’m not sure as to why ‘black’ leadership fails ‘blacks.’


No, I’m not sure as to why ‘blacks’ look to “Martin Luther King Jr.” as their only historical ‘black’ figure because there’re many amazing historical ‘black’ figures who made tremendous contributions to our nation’s civilization nevertheless it seems that ‘blacks’ only know about one major historical figure and he happened to be a plagiarist of other smarter men’s words therefore he was a liar and a thief of words and ideas.


No, I’m not sure as to why ‘black’ people aren’t better prepared and more properly educated to join in with the rest of civilization so that they may have more opportunities and more chances to get ahead in the world and climb financial ladders without stepping on each other’s faces.


No, I don’t have the answers to these speculations however I can give it ‘a stab in the dark’ and make precise educational guesses as to why our ‘black’ Brothers and Sisters are continually oppressed in this American culture.




            Let’s talk about it: Prejudice.


Prejudice is “chauvinism,” “narrow-mindedness,” “discrimination,” “bigotry,” “intolerance,” “injustice” and “unfairness.”


Yes, I do believe that America has a terrible prejudice problem against our ‘black’ Brothers and Sisters, however.


This prejudice problem doesn’t excuse some antisocial misbehavior or ignorance or belligerence on the part of our ‘black’ Brothers and Sisters.


Yes, I think that our ‘black’ Brothers and Sisters have justifiable ‘cause for alarm’ when it comes to other races as to how ‘blacks’ might or might not get treated unfairly because our ‘black’ Brothers and Sisters are treated unfairly and horribly wrong in America and we know this to be a difficult truth yet nothing much seems to change for our ‘black’ Brothers and Sisters or Native Americans.


No, I don’t think that racism is the root of the problem when it comes to prejudice.


I think more precisely that the root of the problem about prejudice is distrust and humans only distrust that which they don’t know and that which we don’t know then we can’t seem to understand therefore we can’t find compassion for those who struggle a real fight such as the struggle of our ‘black’ oppressed citizens while our nation forces them to watch their children go hungry at night and treated as less valuable than other children.


            If our Caucasian Brothers and Sisters faced the same opposition as those of our ‘black’ Brothers and Sisters then I believe that ‘whites,’ too, would become stressed out and distraught and angry to discover that ‘whites’ didn’t mean anything to our American culture and way of life and ultimate civilization.


To discover that one isn’t worth anything to one’s culture is to discover harsh and terrible truths beyond lies.


To discover that one’s always going to be marginalized forever more until the grave is to say to another that they might as well shrivel up and die now because no one’s ever going to treat them as respectful peers thus our perpetual cycle of antisocial misbehavior continues from those in power who can and ought to do something about prejudice and discrimination and bigotry without any further lip service about it.


            One of the main reasons as to why discrimination or prejudice exists in America is because America believes that money is King and money has never been King because it’s an inanimate object and money shan’t ever be King because it doesn’t seem to know how to be able to bring solutions forth to our world’s problems.


If money were a just and kind King then Third and Fourth and Fifth world countries would have running water and electricity by this time.


When our nation left behind our ‘black’ people on their own accord to hunger and starvation and struggle simply-and-only because our broken educational system or dysfunctional economic structure dismisses the rights of our marginalized citizens then those same structures perpetuate silent violence against those with less monetary means.


(Awkward ESL language corrections were made.)


When we left our people to silent starvation then we became a nation of complete moronic bigots and that we can’t afford to do because something much more valuable than money like peace and compassion reigns freely here.




            Okay, I’m having difficulty just coming out and writing it, nevertheless and regardless of my difficulties:


Why does America hate ‘blacks’ so much?


As to my humble educated guess: I believe that America hates ‘blacks’ so much because ‘blacks’ are a continual reminder that our nation didn’t start out as a democracy or fair or just to those we enslaved.


It’s a difficult truth to bear and to understand that our nation began as a monarchy and as a hierarchy and as a slave nation.


It’s a difficult truth to bear and to understand that 1850 wasn’t that long ago.


America hates ‘blacks’ because our nation’s economic fruit was established on the broken backs and spirits of our ‘black’ Brothers and Sisters.


Deep down inside our nation’s pathos and ethos we realize that we ultimately believe in slavery because if we enslaved before then that most likely means that we can do it again because humanity isn’t ever, too, far away from Dark Age ideologies.


            America hates ‘blacks’ because idiotic Ancestral Americans captured and brought over our ‘black’ Brothers and Sisters to these shores in chains and sold them like animals and that act can only mean that our American Ancestors were not only moronic but also hypocritical and unjust and liars and cruel and they weren’t God(s) abiding citizens and thus we discover one difficult truth under all those lies that the foundation of our nation’s economy is a complete sham.


There it had to be written.


America hates ‘blacks’ because ‘blacks’ aren’t like ‘Jews’ whom from an early age get indoctrinated with the ideology that education is King.


Freedom only reigns freely through the veins of all those who can do for themselves and their families and their neighborhoods and communities and states and regions and country / nation because to be educated is to be free as well as healthy contributing members of society who can easily breathe and sleep well at night without worrying that their children starve down the hallway from them.


To steal any opportunity to educate any human is to enslave a human.


To steal any opportunity to educate another is to tell them that they’re lesser than everybody else and disempowered people such as these can only mean that slavery’s still master here.


It’s not enough to say that education is public and free when children are ostracized for not having enough money for school lunches or proper coats or scarves or boots or hats.


It’s not just or fair to persecute another yet to take away their educational freedom to do better for themselves and their families and neighborhoods and communities and regions and states and country.


It’s not enough to hold a poisoned apple in one hand yet to force the other into a zombie like state of endless sleepless nights of nightmarish struggle and poverty.



            The reason why I got out of my American poverty from the years of 2000-2006 (22-28 years of age) isn’t because I’m special; it’s because I’m educated and smart enough to know better that I can and will do great and excellent work wherever I got hired and that didn’t mean that I’ve held my tongue when injustices occurred to me or to our co-workers (sexual harassment, meager wages without healthcare benefits) nevertheless it sure meant that I knew how to ‘jump through hoops’ because that’s how our broken and corrupt educational system is designed thus and therefore so is our work structure and our culture.


“How high would you like me to jump?” (Yeah, right.) Please, don’t be so insulting. I’m no one’s trained monkey.


I knew early on that no matter what happened to me throughout my lifetime that I was intelligent to see clearly through the many layers of transparent discrimination and cruelty in society and in the work place therefore I learned not to ever kiss anyone’s rear end but to treat all others with respect because respect, I deserve, and so does any other animal on Earth.


What is America to expect from those whom we enslave and hold back with mental chains?


A lot is to be expected from mental slaves when it comes to their freedom because freedom’s worth any type of education whether it be an apprenticeship or cultural exchange or peaceful dialogue.


            I understood early on that ‘the best way to win the game is not to play at all’ and that meant setting myself up in business no matter what the struggle because I knew that it wasn’t only illegal and wrong of my employers to command my personal and private passwords to my social media as well as command that my ideas be taken from me so that my employers could get away with stealing my “intellectual property” and make my ideas their own so that they’d go on and make bucket loads of money from my ideas but then leave me and mine to starve on thirty-five thousand per yearly annual wages with shabby healthcare insurance and no daycare. (Yeah, right.)


Please, don’t be so insulting to this democratic structure since that’s what we seem to preach here in America.


America preaches democracy yet we don’t quite know what that means exactly because just like ‘the man behind the curtain’ we don’t fully realize that it’s an old ‘white’ man pulling on strings and messing with us.


I’ve known for a long time many layers of struggle in America because it’s a country set up to please hierarchy and not democracy.


Hierarchy of social status.


Hierarchy of rapist’s religious values and freedoms.


Hierarchy of poor public education.


Hierarchy of money.


Hierarchy of “keeping up with the Joneses.”


Hierarchy of mark-up.


Hierarchy of poor vs. rich.


Hierarchy against women and children and men of color.


Hierarchy is what America is all about because that’s our historical foundation still yet only bad monarchs leave their peoples to starve and without any proper education.


            Yes, I do believe that peaceful and “big government” is okay but that small bureaucracies destroy large government thus monies don’t reach neighborhoods and areas and peoples that most need resources to succeed or get properly educated or fed and clothed.




            No, I don’t think that it’s okay for our ‘black’ Brothers and Sisters to be so angry all of the time because that type of stress will shorten their life span.


No, I don’t think that it’s okay for our ‘black’ Brothers and Sisters to play the victim to their historical and present mental slavery.


            Getting angry is only a small part to being constructive.


One must get beyond their anger to begin to put in place vital pieces that will create concrete change like excellent public education and the practice of more reading time inside the homes of our ‘black’ Brothers and Sisters and warm coats (because a deep freeze is coming) and other more constructive words than “I’m ‘gonna’ fuck you up,” and adequate and proper nutrition and health benefits to all citizens.


            Anger’s a springboard that which to spring forth from to resolve injustice nevertheless if one sits a little bit too long with their anger for the rest of their lives then they won’t be able to get over themselves or their poverty or slavery and they won’t take the plunge into deeper waters of self awareness or self respect.


Anger’s important when it comes to prejudice however it’s neither  an entire equation nor much of an outcome if it stands alone and all by itself unless...


To be angry all of the time is to be ignorant and to be ignorant is to admit that one doesn’t know much of anything and when one doesn’t know much about anything then one doesn’t understand the world around them therefore one becomes a slave to one’s own ignorance and belligerence unless one deals with a dire and uncontrollable disease that might just kill them otherwise anger is rage and rage is neither here nor there.


Skewed anger or unjustified prejudice against enemies means that one can pick up the phone and make a call to mafia or punks or gangsters or hitmen or snipers and wipe clean a slate nonetheless that’s not powerful solutions that’s murder and hatred and I don’t have time for it.


            I only have time for this peaceful life here on Earth.


            In my lifetime I’d like to see our ‘black’ Brothers and Sisters freed from their mental and economic chains.


I’d like to see our beautiful angry ‘black’ Brothers and Sisters relax because that means that their worries won’t be those of hungry bellies or worried or alarmed about discrimination or terrified that some ‘white’ man’s going to shoot their children in public just because the laws permit him get away with it.


I’d like to see fairness be done to those who prove themselves intelligent and smart enough to move with sophisticated modern times and become empowered by their humble will and not their potty mouths.


            The reason why I’m not scared of ‘black’ people lashing out at culture is because their behavior reminds me of monkeys in jungles. (No, I don’t believe that ‘black’ people are monkeys nevertheless some of their more animal-like behavior is monkey like.)


Monkeys put on a loud and mean show but they hardly ever strike because if they do then soon enough monkeys come to realize that humans aren’t as strong as they are nonetheless humans, too, can ‘fight a good fight’ so when a monkey fronts that’s all that it is: a front full of hot air because they know that humans can do them far more harm than monkeys can do to humans.


I’m the type of person who doesn’t front.


If I do front then it’s only to mirror others misbehavior whether it’s a bragger or a know-it-all or a control freak or a racist bigot.


I’m quiet and deadly when it comes to war strategy.


If I have to fight especially when it comes to the safety of our beloved ones or our quality of life then good luck because I can be cut throat and I won’t feel bad about my justified reasons for bringing balance to the force. No, I’m not Darth Vader or a Jedi. I’m an adult woman.


By the time I’ve gone silent then metaphorical WWIII is upon thee and there’s nothing anyone can do about it to stop it because if I feel that I’ve been mocked long enough then it means that the other doesn’t take my freedom seriously and if others don’t take my freedom seriously then it can only mean that they don’t take their freedom seriously either therefore their freedom can be taken away from them much easier than they realize or understand freedom to be as such.


            No, I don’t excuse antisocial misbehavior because believe-it-or-not I, too, (to this day) get “tailed” in stores and people treat me like some type of idiot or slave or whatever.


No, I don’t rise to my anger because to be powerful is to get over one’s anger however… getting over my anger doesn’t mean that I don’t find constructive ways to fight this American prejudice or injustice.


Do you really think that I’m blind of others’ oppression?

Please, I see it all too clearly.


I’m on your side.

Don’t push me, too, far or I’ll call for an arms race to take out…


The question is: what is anyone going to do about prejudice?


            ‘Black’ people tend to scream and holler and yell and shriek because they don’t have a voice.


I sit here ever so quietly and try and come up with ways to free our impoverished citizens yet our neighbors don’t have ‘peace of mind’ to respect their neighbors.


Why should I care about some ‘black’ people when they don’t care about others much less themselves?


Give me reasons to care because I want to bridge this divide but I can’t do it all alone when some of our outwardly angry ‘black’ neighbors take it upon themselves to scream and yell and holler and shriek in front of our home each and every single day when they walk by simply as a symbol of mockery to our united freedom.


Why do some uneducated ‘black’ people hate their neighbors so much?


Our neighborhood is respectful to all of our ‘black’ neighbors so why can’t they be respectful of our neighborhood?


We’re not packing up and moving.


Don’t forget that the one thing we’re great at is ‘jumping through hoops’ especially when it comes to attorneys and court.


Best Regards;



Word Count: 2,930



*)         Day #61 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


Wednesday, April 16, 2014


“If you insist you’re right long enough, you’ll be wrong.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Predilection (liking for, preference, leaning towards)


He showed a dedicated predilection to pick up his neighborhood’s garbage.


---  ---  ---


[Correction from “Pine City” to “Forest Lake.”]


[Correction from “Kerstrom” to “Okerstrom Memorial.”]


---  ---  ---


Happy Wedding Anniversary to both Eric and I.

We’ve lived together for eight years and been married for five.


Yes, we still occasionally fight or disagree greatly about two aspects of our life: One, our neighborhood. Two, some leftover toxic or cruel people in our lives.


We’re quite happy together even though we sure can have strong and opposite opinions about two topics of discussion.


Yes, we’re happily married even though we’re not perfect.


---  ---  ---






Powerful vs. Antisocial

Part V


            When I write about power I don’t write about tyrannical cruelty.


When I write about power I write about personal and social responsibility to one’s own people and neighborhoods and villages and communities and states and regions and country.


Without mentioning the many moronic aspects of human’s hateful religions there’s always science and facts and evidence and logic to prove that there’s indeed a difference between right and wrong behavior and ethics and values.


Destruction or disruption or rebelliousness or harmful or inconsiderate or selfish misbehavior isn’t powerful because no one makes it out alive on their own.


Yes, each human individual dies alone but no human lives alone.


An individual requires others for survival therefore an individual must learn to respectfully disagree with others without needing to take out a gun and shoot others to death in public spaces such as public theaters or schools.


            Forget about love because love can be dysfunctional.


Humanity must aim for respect in order to consider itself anything worthwhile positive and constructive to think up great solutions and to veer towards anything that which is indeed harmoniously balanced other than chaos because chaos isn’t power: chaos is insanity and repetitious chaos is harmful to oneself and others.


To go out of one’s way to be cruel or to justify the destruction or disruption of peace is to be mad or desperate and to be mad or desperate is to be frantic or anxious or worried or distressed or distracted or fraught.


            Yes, at times life calls for humans to become distraught and we must find positive constructs and positive communicative means in which to convey something other than spiteful means so that we may thrive however by no means must we take out our darkest desires upon others because that’s to imply that we wish to destroy and to wish to destroy is to say that we believe in obliteration or annihilation instead of breath of life.


Not to believe in life implies that one doesn’t believe in one’s humanity and not to believe in one’s humanity implies that one doesn’t think that life’s worth living amongst Brothers and Sisters.


Yes, especially when leadership fails its people that’s when private citizens and civilian peoples must prove to each other that they can be great leaders to one another by ‘leading by example’ even if their governments and economic structures destroy their children’s very way of life.


Best Regards;



I must get ready for our anniversary dinner and our guest who comes in from Missouri at twelve o’clock tonight. Cheers.


Word Count: 1,479



*)         Day #60 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.



Personal Footnotes:


Yes, I’ve lost ten pounds within sixty days of going off sugar.


Yes, I’ve only lost two (2) inches off my waistline and no more.


No, believe-it-or-not, I haven’t changed much else in my lifestyle.


No, I haven’t even tried to lose weight because I’m not like that.


Yes, Monday through Friday I walk our dog for about twenty-minutes.


Yes, I clean house for one straight hour every weekday plus I cook for four and a half (4.5) hours on Sundays and clean house for about two to three (2-3) hours on Sundays as well.


Yes, On Saturdays I do nothing. Yes, I lay down and catch up with non-commercial television shows and such.


Yes, on Saturdays I first say prayers to Yahweh then I comfortably make a nest on the floor covered by soft mats that lay underneath rugs and blankets and pillows and watch tele and eat healthy snacks like peanut butter (one to two teaspoons) and banana or homemade bread and peanut butter (one teaspoon) or nonfat yogurt (¼ cup) and cereal (½ cup) with one whole banana or ½ apple or other healthy leftovers from the week.


Yes, we’ve discovered that certain chemicals inside microwave popcorn bags are lethal therefore we’ve begun to make stove-top popped (non-genetically modified / organic) popcorn once again.


Yes, I’ve begun to measure out my portions with the loveliest stainless steel measuring cups we received as a gift from our friends for Hanukkah 2013.


Yes, I’ve begun to drink eight (8) ounces of water before embarking on each meal. Supposedly drinking eight ounces of water before each meal causes people to lose as much as fifteen (15) pounds per year.


Yes, I eat no more than half a cup (½) of Agave Ice cream each night all week long.


I also measure out brown rice because rise expands in the belly: one-forth cup (¼) of brown rice along with broccoli and mashed potato (¼ cup) and half an avocado is plenty of food to go around for one meal or I’ll add one stick of string cheese instead of mashed potatoes.


Yes, I measure out one-forth cup (¼) of fettuccini pasta because fettuccini is loaded with calories even spinach fettuccini. One-fourth cup of fettuccini is about two-hundred and thirty calories (230) and we’re talking about only (¼) cup.


Yes, I still measure out two (2) teaspoons of peanut butter each day because peanut butter is a great source of protein but loaded with good fat and fat is fat.


Yes, we still eat three almonds per day (everyday) to keep cancer away.

Yes, we’ve switched to a new type of string cheese that we believe might just be the best string cheese we’ve ever tasted: “Burnet Dairy” from Grantsburg, Wisconsin: only eighty (80) calories per stick and forty-five (45) calories from fat. (Thank you.) We shan’t switch string cheese anytime soon.

Yes, we’ve switched to drinking only “Sierra Nevada Pale Ale” beer for right now because it’s one of the only beers we can find on the market that isn’t made with GMO (genetically modified anything.) (Thank you. We’re ever so grateful.)

Yes, we just found out that the cereal we purchase and really like: “Cascadian Farm Organic” is also a participant of “Box Top for Education.” (Thank you so very much. We appreciate it.)

Yes, we’re trying out “Land O Lakes” unsalted butter. We like it even though I tend to stay away from butter as much as possible because of acne problems.

Yes, I’ve added dark chocolate back into my life because A) I can’t seem to live without it and B) the health benefits outweigh anything else.

Yes, I’ve been in love with “Endangered Species Chocolate” ever since I can remember: “Rainforest Alliance Certified Cocoa,” “Non GMO Project Verified,” “Certified Gluten Free” and 12 grams of sugar in the entire chocolate bar.

Yes I eat “Endangered Species Chocolate” 72% cocoa if I want chocolate at night yet desire to sleep. I’ll eat no more than three small squares at most. (Thank you for this amazing product. Keep up the good work.)

Yes, instead of a shot of espresso in the mornings I’ll eat two squares of “Lindt: Excellence: 90% Cocoa: Supreme Dark: Chocolatier since 1845.” Only 3 grams of sugar in the entire bar. (Thank you. I like their dark chocolate very much yet it’s not a product that’s endangered species friendly therefore I’ll need to write someone a personal letter because I’ve proven who I am to the world and thus.)

Yes, I eat small amounts of chocolate every day especially for breakfast with my coffee. (Spring 2014 I stopped eating chocolate and drinking coffee at the same time because supposedly that combination can lead to cold sores. Okay.)

No, I don’t count dark cacao as sugar because the difference between dark cacao and sugar is major.

Yes, I believe in the healing properties of dark cacao.

Remember: if one’s to eat cacao then it has to be 70% or higher content or the medicinal properties don’t kick in until cacao is at a much higher percentage otherwise it’s just watered down sugar in a wrapper and sugar is proven to cause cancer.

Yes, I’ve started wearing SPF 30 from “Olay” every single day.

I’ve begun to apply SPF as part of my morning routine before I leave the house no matter what and I reapply again in the middle of the afternoon.

No, I don’t want to get ahead of myself nevertheless my fine lines and wrinkles seem to be going away ever since I’ve began to use “Olay” SPF 30 since three weeks ago.

This product is expensive for an SPF ($16.00) especially for our ‘working class’ Sisters and Brothers and that’s not right. (Thank you; I appreciate “Olay” products.)


Tuesday, April 15, 2014


“If there is room for question, something is wrong.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Perfidious (treacherous, violating faith)


The perfidious wretch did not dare to meet his benefactor.


---  ---  ---


[Corrections were made.]





Powerful vs. Antisocial

Part IV


            No, I’m not always right.


            Yes, I make mistakes because I’m human.


            No, I neither know everything nor do I pretend to.


            Yes, clean streets are powerful behavior.


            Yes, garbage filled streets are antisocial behavior.


            Yes, Minnesota’s begun to look like third world countries.


Yes, I grew up on a mountainside tin roofed third world barrio (ghetto) until the age of six.


No matter how much Indigenous women went around and picked up garbage in our humbled third world neighborhood the women barely picked up much garbage because third world sovereign governments and providences and politicians don’t have the type of power that it takes to set aside budgets to clean up neighborhoods because more often than not such governments are dysfunctional and won’t or can’t set aside budgetary means to help out their citizens or such governments are run by corrupt measures and money laundering constructs and such breakdown of these systems shows quite evidently on their Nations’ streets not to mention that peoples go hungry.


In Central America the only places that are clean and clear of street garbage are gated communities with inhabitants that hold Ivy League degrees from American universities or have lots of money yet that doesn’t seem to be enough for the People because outside of those gates chaos ensues.


            No, I don’t respect garbage street filled communities because I don’t trust that such governments can do well by The People or that their People can do well for their own much less their children.


When any community grows, too, lazy or complacent or apathetic or desperate then they’ll allow for their street garbage to sit there for years because hardly anyone much less their governments will do anything about it because no one seems to think that it’s their responsibility to pick up such street garbage therefore the outcome is to live on top of that garbage all year round because no one thinks themselves powerful enough to do anything about it much less politicians.


            Yes, I’ve witnessed ‘white’ drivers drive expensive cars and such drivers throw garbage out their car windows on South Wayzata Blvd. and Penn Avenue which happens to be one of the richest and wealthiest neighborhoods (Kenwood) here in Minneapolis.


            Yes, I’ve witnessed three ‘black’ teen girls throw their garbage on Franklyn Avenue and Chicago while they walked down the street and looked at me with deviant looks that said: “Just say something about it and we’ll beat you up.” I gave them a menacing look that said: “You think therefore you are.”


            Yes, I’ve witnessed all types of Minnesotans throw their garbage on their streets.


Such powerless acts such as to throw garbage on our streets does take my breath away each time because Minnesotans promote themselves as some of the most environmentally educated folks on the planet but if they don’t even have the basics down then that means that they most likely don’t have much (if any) power at all in their own lives because they can’t seem to control their antisocial misbehavior which is technically considered insanity (modern English term).


No, I’m not talking about introverted behavior.


Yes, I speak of aggressive antisocial misbehavior.


The type of misbehavior in which people hurt so badly inside that all they care about is how to destroy or harm or hurt or injure others and everything around them so that others may feel as badly as the antisocial lunatic does.




            No, I don’t cry or weep over headline news or scattered street garbage because I’ve got a backbone and thick skin about it as well as we’ve got immense work to do such as get laws passed to increase the minimum wage in Minnesota and the rest of the Nation. Period. Yes, that’s how powerful we are and so are you.


No, I don’t literally get shocked at Minnesotans who happen to throw garbage out their car windows or on their streets. It simply makes me laugh because the tragedy is overwhelmingly funny.


            Yes, I believe that the reason as to why Minnesotans say one thing and do another is because their public educational system must fail them on some level or another or simply because Minnesota culture is two-faced and that goes for all races and class systems and sub-cultures in general.


For instance: when I went to school in the 1990’s both teachers and parents didn’t allow for us to forget “Earth Day.”


“Earth Day” was pounded into our head all year round.


I’m grateful for such teachings. Our teachers set up countdowns to “Earth Day” thus we were reminded every single day about “Earth Day.”


What happened to that educational idealistic structure?


Flipping a countdown calendar only took about five seconds to change the date to show a countdown towards “Earth Day” then we moved on with the rest of our studies yet we were reminded on a daily basis to ‘never’ forget the single most important date on those calendars.


The single most important date is “Earth Day” because it’s universal and something that all people have in common: the will to live by keeping the Earth clean.


            Nowadays, I hardly ever hear school children or youth talk about clean environment or how to plant trees.


All I ever hear school children or youth talk about is television shows and that says a lot about what they think about therefore what they think of themselves. Nothing much.


It seems as though our young citizens have come to think of picking up garbage or planting trees as something beneath them when in actuality it is they who are beneath the garbage and the lack of planting trees because they seem ever so apathetic about their responsibility to their communities and neighborhoods therefore that makes them automatically powerless and without a leg up in the world and they’re too young to fall so far behind by global standards.


            Not to take responsibility for one’s village implies that one’s a powerless individual who won’t be making strong and positive decisions for the betterment of all because they aren’t taught to have the will to learn to do better by others therefore they’ll live and die on their corner of their toxic Earth believing that they are possibly garbage and such children grow up to become adults who birth babies who they, too, will grow up to consider themselves powerless and the nasty and antisocial perpetual cycle of powerlessness continues until everyone dies from pollution and choking on their own garbage. The End.




            Ever since 9/11 I haven’t run across many youth or children who’ve mentioned that they’ve planted trees or picked up garbage lately.


Garbage is political as well as social or antisocial behavior.


It seems that Americans have lost the will to live therefore they trash our neighborhoods because they don’t see any way out of our present economic climate.


Yes, our American people financially suffer nevertheless that’s when we must prevail most of all and show each other and the world that we’re powerful especially under financial strain and economic downturn.


            What was I doing when 9/11 (2001) hit our nation?


When 9/11 hit our nation I was an AmeriCorps worker as well as a floor director in one of the poorest and bankrupted nightly television news stations.


At that time I was a teacher’s aide: my duties were to help almost an entire classroom of failing ‘poor’ and ‘broke’ fifth graders to read at a comparable reading level as well as teach basic mathematic skills.


Most of our failing fifth graders read at a kindergarten or first grade reading level. (No joke.)


Most failing students couldn’t even do the most basic mathematics thus it was my job to get them to catch up to their classmates as well as get them to graduate from sixth grade and continue into junior high even though it was obvious that the only chance our students had was to get passed along and hope to God(s) that they didn’t starve, too, much at night or during weekends or that they didn’t become pregnant by the age of thirteen.


Yes, I was placed in a northern Minnesota (inner city neighborhood school) city and not in an inner city neighborhood of the Twin Cities.


            At that time: I lived in a ghetto neighborhood (literally, downtown) of that particular city because I only made $4.15 as a full time employee through AmeriCorps and $6.15 as part time employment at the news station and went without any health benefits from either one of my employers.


No matter how broke I was: I made it a point to get up at 5:00-5:30am and pick up our neighborhood’s playground and streets filled with garbage and heroin needles because that’s how powerful I am.


It was a struggle that didn’t seem to ever end.


Every single morning before the children went outside and waited for their school bus I ran out to the playground because it was my duty to protect them from harmful heroin needles and the sight of garbage even if they didn’t subconsciously realize it: it was of vital importance for those particular children to get on their school bus with some type of real hope.


The real type of hope that makes one smile and…


The real type of hope which exists in pristine and picked up neighborhoods clear of all needles and garbage and that was worth more than money could buy because I sprung into action even though the garbage Calgary wasn’t coming to our help.


            My poverty wasn’t an excuse to allow for our neighborhood to go to the dogs especially when Americans were ever so worried about getting bombed and racism was at its worst here in Minnesota at that time.


No, I didn’t dare speak or write Arabic during those years right after 9/11 because I was terrified that Minnesota’s hick-animal-human-brutes might murder me in my sleep.


Yes, I picked up garbage because even though most days I didn’t even have so much as a tiny morsel of food to eat for myself, I found it important to follow through with actions.


I made sandwiches for our students and passed them out whenever a child complained of hunger or starvation.


            Yes, in those days, I realized what real power is.


Real power doesn’t allow for children to starve even when adults starve themselves.


Adults take care of children no matter what.


            Since our students starved every single day I decided that I might as well starve alongside them because there’s no excuse for children to starve in America.


Children eat first.


I made sure of just that because that’s how powerful I am indeed.


I hold power to follow through with concrete and real action.


Instead of pitying our students I gave them what little I had in the form of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.


I went home and starved at night just as our students did because I ‘put my money where my mouth is’ even though I didn’t have much money at that time.


I was either going to live by my principles or I was going to mock others and that I couldn’t bear to bring myself to do because I was born to quietly lead from behind-the-scenes.




            Yes, I attended excellent private and good public schools.


Under such curriculums we were taught how to plant trees on a biannual basis and to weekly pick up garbage and daily recycle because that’s powerful rather than antisocial.


            Look: I’m not any better than you or anybody else.


            No, even in my most rebellious moments as a youth or as a young woman did I ever take it upon myself to go around and emotionally terrorize people at their place of worship such as synagogues or churches or temples because I felt entitled to my potentially disastrous voice.


            No, I don’t believe that real powerful change is to become a brute poser whose pussy gets tickled by Tinsel Town only because one has become a “media darling” of the hour especially when one won’t so much as learn to properly play an instrument yet call it music as an excuse to promote unjustifiable political detrimental causes simply because their desperation is considered more important than the desperation of others because one gets You Tube hits on the internet. That’s just little kids playing at human rights.


            No, I don’t believe in meeting opposition with brute and unreliable force or with shallow and cultural tactless solutions to our world’s real problems such as human rights violations such as those of Central America’s garbage and dire poverty or American child starvation or Russian gay rights.


No, I’m not someone who’s going to get in anyone’s face about injustices because when one’s starved right alongside their fifth grade class then one learns to get real smart and powerful in their own right.


            And you talk about getting “close to the people” just because you’ve done prison time. Prison’s a cage with no exit and three square meals a day.


Prison isn’t getting close to the people. Prison is a subculture of the criminally warped minded or treacherous rebels without a cause.


Going to prison for disrupting the peace is playing a martyr which means being fake about everything one says they stand for or does.


Getting close to the people is a presence on the ground and inside trenches of literal cultural starvation right alongside our people because if our People starve then we, too, starve even if it's starvation under other forms or terms or definitions.


            Have you ever starved for years on end because American children starved? Nope. Then we don’t have anything to say to one another. Do we now? Nope.


            Sensationalism isn’t power of any type.

            Sensationalism is propaganda.


When one has real power then one doesn’t have to get their pussy tickled by television producers because real power is about justifiable civil human rights and not self promotion.


To self promote the suffering of others is to mock them and to mock others is to be powerless to one’s own desperation.


The one that mocks their entire culture is the least powerful of all no matter how much of a ruckus they might make in front of cameras.


The real ‘food fight’ happens when there’re no spotlights or cameras to badly perform in front of.


The real food fight happens while children clutch their stomachs from hunger and one chooses to go to bed at night without anything to eat because one’s chosen to feed the children of their village first; no matter what; and that’s real power and that’s the type of powerful person that I am.


            Like hell if you’ll ever catch me terrorizing old women in their place of worship or in synagogues because that’s a coward’s way to sensationalize their cause without any real thought or solution to any nation’s problems.


One who mocks is the most absurd of all and that’s why The Russian People have come to recent a circus freak show because that’s not real power that’s a distraction from the situation at hand or real solutions.


Let it be recorded: the Russian People hate “Pussy Riot.”


Yours Truly;



Word Count: 2,546



*)         Day #59 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


Monday, April 14, 2014


“Better a small certainty than a large doubt.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Preponderance (the greater part of, most of)


There was a preponderance of males in the audience.

---  ---  ---


[Corrections were made.]





Powerful vs. Antisocial

Part III




If one makes a purchase of any type with currency then it’s not a gift it’s a transaction.


If one buys anything then one owns it: merchandise isn’t bestowed upon you as a proper gift: it’s sold to you. Major difference.


Merchandise is sold to you and purchased by the sweat of one’s labor and hard earned dollars therefore and thus...


Once one makes a transaction then whatever one bought becomes one’s property to do as one wishes to do with and one doesn’t have to say “thank you” to anyone other than to the underpaid worker who placed one’s purchase into a bag for you.


What I write on this blog sure is a gift because the public doesn’t pay a single red cent for it. This blog is done without any terms or conditions.


This blog is indeed a gift for the reader to do whatever they wish to do with it. No strings attached and nobody has to kiss our back end for it. How lovely is that? Quite.


The reader can go so far as to print out these pages and wipe their butts with it. That would be quite an honor to give killed trees another purpose other than garbage for the Earth.


Don’t let any self promoter dupe you into empty feel good emotions because that’s just a shallow manipulator.



-----       ~       ****           ~       -----


            I know that the garbage Calgary isn’t coming.


            I’ve known that truth ever since 2008.


            I also know that strewn garbage is hyper budgetary.


I’ve been informed that it’s up to cities or townships to pick up public windblown and scattered street garbage because American citizens’ taxes pay for such a municipal service yet cities and townships fall short on that front (responsibility) much of the time because budgets are cut and picked-up garbage seems unimportant to most politicians ever since the economy tanked in 2008.


Furthermore, it’s up to private citizens and civilians and businesses to pick up their loose scattered ground garbage that which rests on their property and on sidewalks in front of their homes or businesses.


It’s imperative to keep private and public property and sidewalk free of windblown garbage at all times and all year round otherwise private residences and businesses can be cited and fined by their cities or townships.  


            Scattered ground garbage is about budgetary politics.


            Scattered ground garbage is about disempowerment.


            Yes, we drive all over the Twin Cities because we’re lucky that way.


Our daily travels take us near Crystal’s Cub grocery store on a weekly basis.


Across the street from Crystal’s Cub grocery store is a middle school in which loose street garbage is strewn all alongside on the other side of the school’s running track as well as Cub’s parking lot alongside their fence facing 100 North.


That street winds to the left and around the grounds of the school and this garbage stretches as far as the 100 North off ramp and continues until one gets to Rush City on I-35N to mile marker 158 where the remarkable Rush City’s Boys Basketball keeps that stretch of highway pristine. (Thank you, gentlemen.)


            The sprinkled garbage alongside the middle school’s chain link fence is hilarious and also tragic to watch the middle school students make laps around their beautiful running track while on the other side of the fence garbage lays there all year long. Yes, all year long without a break, ever.


I no longer get concerned about the psychology of our No Name city middle school students who run laps while they stare at garbage year after year because obviously the city of No Name City or students’ parents or school administrators don’t find it important enough to implement a curriculum in which different health classes take turns to pick up garbage around the school’s grounds to teach our students to be excellent stewards of our land.


To have health classes take turns to pick up loose street garbage near and around the middle school’s grounds would indeed ‘kill two birds with one stone’ 1) teach students about safety while they pick up garbage and good stewardship 2) exercise.


For one year and eight months we’ve watched No Name City’s middle school youth submerse themselves in their physical educational studies as well as study side-by-side with a garbage filled education as they stare at garbage while it’s all, too, obvious that our students have become oblivious and desensitized to garbage thus we’re what we surround ourselves with and what we eat and think.


(To watch No Name City’s middle school students run laps on top of garbage is exactly like watching those psychological ghetto Nazi experiments.)


            No, please don’t make an ugly face at me. I’m, too, lovely for such nonsense: Yes, I’ve kept a yearly garbage log for close to twenty years.


Some people keep migratory bird pattern logs. I keep garbage logs because they’re of vital importance. It’s difficult work. I think it important otherwise I wouldn’t do it.


            Since 2004: the parking lot and streets surrounding “Dunwoody College of Technology” on the outskirts of downtown Minneapolis happens to be strewn and filled with street garbage year after year.


It’s a pity that our educational system stands for garbage.


I also find it bizarre that college students haven’t taken matters into their own hands and put together a “College-Green Club” like that of Rush City’s which does an extraordinary job to keep their land clear of street garbage.


(Thank you to Rush City’s “College-Green Club” for being such great and responsible stewards of our land.)


I was left speechless when we drove a long stretch of highway that was kept picked up by Rush City’s “College-Green Club” because it’s all too common to see windblown garbage all over Minnesota so when one doesn’t see garbage then one’s taken aback by the beauty that is.


            That stretch of highway between Hinckley and Sandstone was ever so filled with garbage. I couldn’t believe that such amazing Scandinavians allowed for such uncivilized atrocities against their farming villages or townships.


It wasn’t until we reached Sturgeon Lake in which that stretch of I-35N began to look humane once again. We have Senator Sam Solon (R.I.P.) and Chapter A.H.E.P.A. to thank for caring for such villages and townships and their Peoples.


            It wasn’t until we reached downtown Moose Lake that I began to breathe once more because the thing about Moose Lake is that there’s barely any windblown street garbage anywhere in that city.


That means that our lovely city of Moose Lake puts together budgets for city clean up as well as has enough pride in their city to take action thus the politicians and citizens and civilians of Moose Lake are powerful.


(Thank you to Moose Lake for giving us a space to breathe unlike most of the Twin Cities.)


            By the time we reached Kettle River we knew we’d hit a homerun and touched home base.


Kettle River, Minnesota might be a humble and quiet little town hidden by woods and the Kettle River nevertheless the citizens of Kettle River are some of the most powerful people I’ve ever come across because ‘come hell or high water’ they refuse to let their town go to the dogs.


One can walk almost anywhere in Kettle River and hardly ever come across street scattered garbage.


The citizens of Kettle River are so powerful indeed that right after “Ma & Pa Kettle” parade and street celebrations each August: the citizens do get out their brooms and within an hour of the parade: not even some lost passerby would realize that a parade and street celebrations took place just one hour prior to lost drivers who happened to stumble across a town of 180 inhabitants.


And that’s how powerful this small Finn community truly is because they know the power of clean streets. Kettle River doesn’t wait for anyone to clean up for them: they’ll get up off of their rear ends and do it themselves. God, they’re so cool.


(We’d like to thank “Okerstrom Memorials” for keeping that stretch of highway from Moose Lake to Kettle River quite pristine indeed. My heart swelled with pride to know that I’d married into a remarkable land and community of folks.) You make me so proud to know you.




            We’ve quit driving Theo Wirth Parkway because the scattered street garbage is more unbearable to gaze upon when it’s on green spaces and beautiful public golf courses than when windblown garbage gets scattered on city streets.


There’s something terrible about looking at garbage when it becomes part of green spaces opposed to concrete jungle.


            We now drive Memorial Highway into downtown but from Wirth Parkway to Harmon Place there’s nothing but garbage to look at.


Somehow I can ignore garbage on some stretch of highway more so than I ever could on green spaces therefore we drive Memorial Highway. We do our best not to start a class action suit against the city of Minneapolis for neglecting North Memorial Highway and its citizens year in and year out.


            We’ve begun to drive ‘a’ Parkway.


My goodness such neighborhood does an amazing job to keep their parkway and streets clean. It takes my breath away at how beautifully well kept this Parkway is. Golden Valley does a great job to keep street garbage picked up.


It’s not only a joy but also pure happiness to drive this particular residential parkway when the homes are beautifully kept and so are their streets.


            I’ve lost the will to live when it comes to our daily drives through Kenwood’s South Wayzata Blvd.


This particular wealthy neighborhood happens to have strewn street garbage on their side of a residential fence on that stretch of freeway all year round (394 East and West.)


This stretch of street is in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods and it just happens to get filled with street garbage all year round. No one seems to come and alleviate even the richest or wealthiest in the city from their street garbage.


            This weekend we saw more garbage in North Branch, Minnesota than we’ve ever witnessed before.


            On Sunday, April 13, 2014 at 1:41PM: a loveliest young woman with long curly red hair went around the parking lot of 38675 Americ-Inn on Oak Street in North Branch and picked up garbage.


Do you know what I thought: The government or her employer ought to give such a remarkable young woman a free ride to college for her invaluable service to her country.


She was as beautiful as any professional ballerina.


This remarkable young woman is the type of citizen that this country requires to give free health care benefits and free scholarships to in order for her to thrive and continue her leadership.


She was so beautiful that I couldn’t look away from her. (Thank you to this young and beautiful North Branch stranger for having the courage and the will to go out there and do well by others.)


            I’ve lost the will to live when it comes to our daily drives through the off ramp of 394 West and Penn Avenue where Bryn-Mawr neighborhood starts.


The street garbage sits there all year round and nothing’s ever done about it. Nothing.


It’s a pity that for a community that preaches culture and arts that such a neighborhood happens to overlook continual street garbage all throughout the years.


            We pulled off into Forest Lake (correction) to get our tire fixed which by the way the men did an excellent job, however, because we weren’t able to bring “Freeway” (our dog) inside the lobby we stood on the front lawn of their business and while we waited we stared at nothing but garbage on the lawn of the tire place. (Pity.)


            Yes, Minnesotans tell me that there’s more garbage in the spring time right after the snow melts but that’s just not factually correct.


There’s street and freeway and highway and ramp strewn garbage all over Minnesota all year round. I would know: I keep a garbage log just about this subject matter.


            No, I don’t know what to tell visitors from out of state when they mention or ask questions as to why there’s so much garbage on the ground in Minnesota especially when Minnesota promotes itself as a clean and environmentalist state.


All I can ever say is this: “Well, either the state lies or their perspective is skewed because when garbage becomes the norm then people get desensitized to it therefore they begin to ignore what’s right in front of their faces.”


I tend to tell visitors the truth about why there’s so much garbage in Minnesota all year round since our guests visit at different times of the year: year-after-year as they will this Easter week.


Yours Truly;



Word Count: 2,134



*)         Day #58 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


Friday, April 11, 2014


“Better measure ten times and cut once,

instead of measuring once and cutting ten times.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Ribald (vulgar, coarse)


He delighted in telling ribald jokes, but he had few listeners.


---  ---  ---






Powerful vs. Antisocial

Part II


            No, I don’t wish to be the change that I’d like to see in the world because I’m not some cheap slogan.


            No, I’m not some cultural stereotype or race caricature.


            Yes, I’ll ‘lead by example’ because I’m a ‘natural born leader.’


            Yes, I’m so powerful that today I took it upon myself to spend two hours and picked up our neighborhood’s garbage.


            No, I don’t necessarily have time to go around and pick up our neighborhood’s garbage but I also don’t have the will to live amongst garbage any longer because I don’t consider myself garbage.


            Yes, I came home with two full bags of garbage.


            Yes, I’ll sculpt with my new found raw materials.


            No, I don’t promote myself because I’m not some cheap whore selling goods or services on some street corner or...


Self promotion is for those who don’t hold any ‘real’ power.


Self promotion is a lot of cheap talk with no ‘real’ money coming-in or going-out into broken educational school systems or into neighborhoods that need it most.


            Power I’ve got thus I don’t need to draw attention to myself.


I ‘simply’ and ‘only’ need to speak softly and follow through with actions because my actions are thunderous such as picking up garbage and that’s a deed and an action and not some cheap talk about this or that or how ‘cool’ I am or how far I’ve come.


No, I’m not a poser.


No, I’m not a propagandist.


No, I’m not a promoter of ‘feel-good’ cheap goods or services.


No, I don’t make semi-threats.


The reason why I’m powerful is because what I say: I mean.


‘As it shall be written it shall be done.’


No, I shan’t pet myself on the head because I’m nobody’s bitch.


The reason why I have power and others don’t is because of this.




            Yes, I picked up our block’s garbage because ever since August 2012 we’ve been forced to walk amongst garbage.


The seasons came and went and our ‘black’ neighbors played outside on top of garbage and threw more garbage on their lawns and on our block’s sidewalk therefore action needed to happen.


The rest of the block was pristine except for four yards on our side of the street as well as sidewalks in front of our neighbors’ homes those which were filled with seasonal garbage stuck to the ground.


            Yes, we picked up our neighborhood’s garbage at the park because ever since last summer 2013 we’ve been forced to walk our dog on top of garbage or play tennis on top of garbage.


To play tennis in windblown garbage is the funniest and most tragic sight one will ever look upon when it comes to a ‘supposed’ civilized society.


The season’s came and went and our ‘black’ neighbor’s at the park played outside on top of garbage and threw more garbage on the playground and tennis court and on the park’s walkways therefore action needed to happen.


            I can no longer sit by and wait for ‘someone’ or the city or whomever to come along and pick up garbage because for about one year and eight months the same garbage has sat there collecting dust like an old crumbling museum piece.


No, I shan’t get mad but I’ll sure get even.


No, I shan’t ever run for office.

My destiny lies elsewhere.

One has to be “half mad” (modern English term) to run for office.


            No, we shan’t allow for an oil pipeline to go through the middle of our block because this is sacred and stolen Native American land plus crude oil is as toxic as it gets especially for the elderly and children.


            No, I shan’t destroy our neighborhood because in about fifty years this land will not only continue to be a “working class” professional neighborhood as well as a millionaire’s playground.


Our families have done this before and we’ll do it again: we believe in the ‘hardworking classes’ to co-exist mindfully and peacefully among the ‘wealthy classes’ as one: untied as Brothers and Sisters.


Yes, our families have turned garbage dumping sites into multi-millionaire properties and playgrounds.


Yes, our ‘working classes’ will peacefully live side-by-side with our ‘wealthy’ neighbors rejoicing in the fruits and peace of our labor.




            In America ‘everybody’ seems to think of “power” in terms of inanimate objects such as paper dollar bills and coin.


(Most Americans ‘don’t have a clue’ as to what real power even is because they don’t have much of it.)


Most Americans believe that power is money.


            In other cultures: people who actually read and study their own histories and know how to read well: they not only come to know but they ‘actually’ understand that “power” has nothing to do with money.


            Power is a balanced ‘life-source’ all of its own.


            Power is “real” and not ‘delusions of grandeur.’


            Power is or isn’t.


Power doesn’t say much yet it sure acts when it’s ready to follow through on intelligent strategy or clear and level-headed course of action.


Power is willed.


One simply has to have the right cause or reasons or arguments to will power.


            Power is ‘almost’ the same as justice:

            (It’s either willed or it isn’t.)


            Power isn’t ‘whom’ one knows.


            Power is ‘what’ one knows.


When one wills power then one takes responsibility for the cause and the effects behind that power.


If one wills façade power then it’s not real power: is it now?


Manipulation that’s made to look like “power” is ‘foolish’ or ‘cheap’ or ‘cunning’ or ‘promotional’ or ‘propaganda’ and it doesn’t last because its weak foundation is like a cracked spine.


            Do try walking on a cracked spine.

            It’s nearly impossible to do so.


            Power isn’t about selfish determination.


            Power is respect.


            Power is balance.


            Power is grace.


            Power is to know the difference between right and wrong.


            Power is quiet and fair action.


            Power isn’t about petting one’s ego.


            Power isn’t weak threats.


            Power is actuality and it runs its course in real time.


            Power isn’t about speaking a lot of words but the right words no matter how difficult they may be to utter.




            A scribe writes because that which is written in stone survives dead Ancestors and lineage.


            A scribe writes because that which is spoken or song gets scattered away by the wind and forgotten.


            A scribe writes because the power of the written word is to create stability and balance and harmony so that the future can look favorably upon us and learn ‘not to make the same mistakes’ as we do.


            A scribe writes not so that one’s ever personally remembered more so importantly -- so that our human history gets recorded for all time because the one truth a scribe knows all, too, well is this: sooner than later, we’ll all become food for worms.


We’ll get forgotten while written words on stone get rediscovered and studied and that which is valuable continues forth to teach the future how to be like us or ‘not to be.’


Anything that’s uttered into thin air means present breath of life.


Soon enough the wind takes over and disperses sound while it dissipates into clouds of precipitation.


            Power is value.


            If something’s not valuable then it’s not powerful.


            If action isn’t valuable then it’s not powerful.


            If one’s thoughts aren’t valuable then they’re not powerful.


            Power has nothing to do with propaganda or promotion.


            Power is the ability to ‘come to the table’ and negotiate.


Power is the ability to look at one’s foe ‘in the eye’ and tell them truths without injuring them or oneself.


            Power isn’t abuse.


            Power is ability to discern truth from lie.


            If one mocks another’s power then the other’s powerless.


            To ridicule another’s power is to say that one doesn’t believe in the Gods or in nature.


Not to believe in the Gods is to believe that one’s the maker of all of the Universes and the Gods tend to strike down those who believe that they’re more powerful than goodwill amongst men and women and the animal kingdom.




            Today while at the park a ‘white’ woman well-dressed in expensive walking attire looked down at me while I squatted and I picked up cigarette butts from the ground and she said to me; “That’s so ‘nice’ of you.”


            “You’re welcome,” I replied.


            I imagined her reaching out to pet me on top of my head like a well trained little dog or monkey that only takes a dump outside.


            I realized she had no power.


            No, it’s not ‘nice’ of me to have to choose to pick up garbage for an entire village because by the time a village leaves it up to one sole single individual to do all of the work for ‘everyone’ else then the village’s either emotionally corrupt or lazy or a disgrace and frankly not worth much thus not very valuable therefore not very powerful.


When an entire village is powerless to their own desperation then they tend to take advantage of powerful individuals to do all the work for the rest.


Okay, but then those individuals get to ‘make up’ the social-and-cultural ‘rules’ and change the topography of the village which means that they ultimately get what they want.


We want a prosperous and clean and quiet neighborhood without violence or harm or injury or hurt to anyone of our villagers.


We want peace no matter who chooses to reside here otherwise we can always ensure that property taxes go up and we’ll pay them. Period.


            No, today I didn’t pick up garbage so that people thought of me as ‘nice.’


            Yes, today I picked up garbage with ‘a glad heart.’


I’ll pick up garbage for as long as it takes to get our village inspired and engaged and take responsibility for their part in having a stake in living here otherwise, well, there’s ‘always’ other methods.


Yes, I’m kind.

No, I’m not fake two-faced Minnesota ‘nice’ like some.


            I picked up garbage because it’s my ‘duty’ to ‘King and Country’ to do so thus I did it.


I shall continue to pick up garbage yet again the Gods are kind to those who peacefully prevail and we shall prevail.




            The invaluable aspect about my Finn-Minnesota Grandfather’s story is that he wasn’t much of a talker because he was a doer.


Now, if he would’ve been a writer only the Gods know what he might’ve written about, and it would’ve probably been serious and yet hilarious because he was such a ‘grumpy old man.’


Nonetheless, he didn’t talk much but he sure took action.


It was my Finn-Minnesota Grandfather’s family who took it upon themselves to clean up an entire stretch of fourteen mile long peninsula that got used as a garbage dumping site by the city as well as land for whores and sailors to consecrate the land with their loins in whichever manner and however they wished in those days of old.


The sailors and whores did indeed run the neighborhood ramped until ten families decided to make this peninsula their home and brought life to the land instead of garbage.


Little-by-little our family along with nine other families put together their community on a disregarded piece of land and built waterfront cottages that are by today’s standards considered “shacks” by some News Tribune writer but the tiny lots go for around a million apiece in today’s real estate market.


These were ‘working class’ families whose descendants (like my Father) either still reside on Park Point or they ended up millionaires by the time they sold their tiny little lots to multi-millionaires. Most likely they retired to quiet places in the woods and happily died of old age.


No matter how many multi-millionaires may purchase that land and move into my Great-Grandfather’s and Grandfather’s and Father’s neighborhood the history will prevail in a time and place in which people didn’t war against their neighbors because they properly cared for each other and for the land and brought culture and civilization to a place that was considered hopeless by all.


            I might not be much to anyone else other than those who find me to be their beloved, yet and nevertheless.


By strangers, I’m constantly told that I’m nothing or no one, and that I don’t hold any power but like my Finnish-Minnesota Grandfather I keep my mind on what needs to get done and realize that ‘anyone’ who tells another that one’s not worthy of one’s destiny then the other ‘truly’ is ‘no one’ of consequence at all and eventually with that mentality their lineage will soon die off no matter how many kids they might have.


Just because people “breed like rabbits” that doesn’t mean that at some point or another that the Gods don’t get tired of those who live for hopeless desperation instead of hopeful outcomes.





(There Follows)


Real power is this:


            I’m asking: all of The Mothers across the globe to boycott “The View” for the next year until April 15, 2015 starting Monday, April 14, 2014.


[Since I can and will commence this personal boycott then I have all of the confidence in the world that The Mothers of the Earth and The Ladies of the World can do it, too. Boycott along with me. It’ll be tough but we can do it together for the sake of your children’s well being.]


My reasons are as followed:


Earlier this morning, I channel surfed as I normally do every morning on a daily basis for ten minutes, exactly.


I caught sight of a segment in which some blonde commentator (pretending to be dumb) went to a ‘working class’ or ‘middle class’ American school and manipulatively she held up a promotional picture of four women who sat on the set of “The View.”


The blonde asked the little children if they could name any of the women in the promotional picture and about a third of the class raised their hands to answer the absurd and conniving question.


The blonde pointed at an individual student to go ahead and answer the question and the child did unknowingly of how manipulatively sneaky the blonde’s promotional cheap goods were those which she pulled out of her witch’s bag: a poisoned apple.


When the innocent little child answered the question correctly then the blonde took out a bowling ball and handed it over to the little child and the damage was done and the little child’s innocence was changed forever.


On the front of the bowling ball the cheap promotional sticker read: “The View.”


[I could’ve killed her with my bare hands: I swear to the Gods: (metaphorically speaking, of course.)]


            Now, what the blonde did was very wrong.


            The blonde was incredibly wrong and she knew it, too, otherwise she wouldn’t have been so damn nervous in front of the world as her witnesses about the wrongs she committed against the world’s children especially our American children.


            More so and precisely what the producers did was even more wrong than what the blonde did.


            What the producers did was wrong because it’s wrong to go to any school and promote anything commercial other than factual history because education isn’t about promotion, it’s about learning.


            If I would’ve been one of those parents who got asked to sign a release form for my minor to be used as a promotional whore then I would’ve ‘lost it’ silently and either sued the school or the television company for such a show as “The View” for even so much as suggesting to invite promotional whores to any American school. Period.


            Nevertheless, most likely “The View” got away with cultural and societal murder today because most likely the school needs funds or airtime to draw in funds for their school and can’t come up with better ideas other than to sell our American children “down the river” or to expose them to further manipulative psychological and emotional promotional selling.


            First of all, I think that whoever made the wrong decision to invite any television crew to video record children while at work was wrong and shameful and out of line.


            (Step back promotional and commercial media pimps.)


Whether it was the school board or the superintendent or the principal or whomever might have been, was drastically wrong as to allow such psychological and emotional abuse to occur in that classroom today that, which such individuals ought to be fired immediately as of tonight.


I would indeed demand for their resignation at this very late hour because that type of emotional and psychological abuse is reprehensible (guilty).


A person in power doesn’t misuse their power to “use” others for their gains especially not minors even if a school is broke; one must find creative ways to find and receive funds without ever endangering the psychology or emotional status of minors (whether minors subconsciously know it or not.)


            Second of all, I think that the parents who signed release forms for their minors were wrong.


            Third of all, I think that getting higher ratings by introducing children to programming that’s mediocre to begin with is a cheap ploy to commercially prostitute future generations.


            I was beside myself this morning.


            I couldn’t believe that type of psychological and emotional abuse could exist against little children.


            To me it was like watching some perverted Nazi science experiment.


            All I could think was that that sort of manipulation isn’t allowed in private schools, or public schools in which families can afford a better quality of education for their children.


In other words: it seems that in America when academic institutions or programs go broke they tend to commercially whore their students.


            How so?


            For example:


            In the year 2001: I fought against soda and candy vending machines to be introduced into any of America’s public school systems.


People laughed at me and called me an “idiot” but I wasn’t one.


I was a young twenty-three year old looking-out for the health of our children and youth. I could see the overall picture. I could see the outcome clearly in long-term definition.


I made my points to others about psychological manipulation through means of commercial and promotional selling of soda pop in schools.


Again people laughed at me and told me: “But think of the money it’ll bring to our schools.”


“Think of the obesity and diabetes,” I replied.


People waved me off with their hands and told me that I was a complete “idiot” who didn’t know what I was talking about.


            I knew they were wrong and that I was right.


No, I don’t revel in being right almost all of the time because the deep and overwhelming injustice that took place against our children and teens and youth is reprehensible and evil to say the least.


“Baby boomers” that made decisions at that time in 2001 had their heads so far up their donkey arses that they wouldn’t hear me out and thus fast forward to 2014.


Thirteen years later: America’s dealing with one of the most ridiculous and terrible obesity epidemics.


            The questions is this:


How filthy rich are our schools due to those vending machines?


Not very rich.


I’m sure the franchises made mega bank on those vending machines while we watched our youth get fatter and starve on empty calories.


            Yes, I’m powerful: not because of the reasons you think.


            I’m powerful because I’m thoughtful therefore I’m valuable. I can calculate long-term outcomes like I were a natural algorithm.


            I’m powerful because I’m right even though it doesn’t ‘always’ feel very good to be right when most ‘everybody’ else is wrong.


Yes, I, too, can be wrong sometimes.


It doesn’t help to be right and watch others make wrong decisions that are detrimental to our overall minor and youths’ health and stability.


            I went on my merry way.


            Until recently I just received formal apologies from people who were in charge at that time to implement such vending machines and people who fought me so hard on the subject to introduce vending machines to American public schools. Thank you.


It’s ‘never’ too late to apologize when one’s truly wrong.


            To commercially whore-out our American public school children is to say that citizens don’t hold any power over our future therefore our only choice is that we must sell our children to ‘corporate pimps’ or to ‘commercial promotional pimps’ or to some mean-spirited blonde promotional whore who teaches children a few promotional prostitute tricks to tickle them in the right reward sensory places of the brain to get our children hooked when schools are sacred ground and must not be touched by commercialism because to sell our children to that type of basic and psychological tricks is to sell our children ‘down the river’ or to sell our children for ‘a few pieces of silver.’


            I’m huge on child advocacy because mean and corrupt adults don’t always do well by our young.


            Yes, I’m strict but I’m also kind.


            The last time I looked: children weren’t for trade or sell of any type.


            I implore The Mothers and The Ladies of the Universe(s) to stand by me in this one-year-long boycott of a show titled “The View” to show their producers just how powerful Women and Men and Elderly and Fathers and Mothers can truly be.


            Take back your children before they get taken from you.


            To have our children and youth get used for promotional gains is to say that we’re powerless and that we’re not and neither are the American Parents of this Great Nation under Native American Gods.


Yours Truly;



Word Count: 3,623

Word Count achieved for the week: 8,600 some words

I surpassed my goal of 8,000 words.



*)         Day #55 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


Thursday, April 10, 2014


“Caution should not be overcautious.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Rotund (rounded, full)


His rotund face was always wreathed in smiles.


---  ---  ---






Powerful vs. Antisocial

Part I


            Yes, ‘blue bloods’ and ‘working class’ don’t get mad.


We get even because we have time and money and power on our side even though we don’t look like much to others such as those from ‘black’ ghettos and uneducated ‘white’ rich.


Both classes are powerful because the relationship between Lords and ‘working class’ has been a tight one for centuries.


The ‘wealthy’ and the ‘working class’ have more in common by way of respect for the land and their neighbors as well as neighborly relationships because the Lords of the land made sure to ensure the safety and security of their free workers (no, not serfs) while the workers ensured food growth production and civilized clean villages and townships for their Lordships; stewards of the land.


Neither survived without the other thus workers and the wealthy have always held a strong bond of calm understanding between each other while the “Middle Class” was invented and created right after The Great Depression.


Ghettos have been around since the beginning of time therefore it’s up to the ‘wealthy’ and ‘workers’ to veer this ship together.


The Captains and the Sailors; put their heads together to advance and further civilization to deeper waters so as to ensure that no one bottoms-out and ends up stuck on ‘Plymouth Rock’ because then that means that one must get out of the boat and rock it.


To rock a vessel it must be done carefully not to create hairline fracture cracks and sink the vessel or misshape the hull otherwise the entire crew dies a slow and terrible death on some God forsaken desolate island with coconuts and fish to eat for the rest of their natural days to go without the soft touch of women or their home cooked meals and that can only mean no life at all.


            The ‘working class’ works for ‘everything’ they’ve got and that’s a great source of pride for them.


The ‘wealthy’ stewards of the land work to ensure peace and sanity across the lands and that’s a great source of pride for them.


Yes, I can understand ‘working class’ better than I do ‘black’ ghetto who decides not to learn to read well in general or to be informed about anything much because without brains one’s lineage dies off forever when their bellies hurt from hunger and faced down in the gutter.


I can understand ‘working class’ better than I do uneducated ‘white’ rich who decides not to learn to read well in general or to be informed about anything much because without brains one’s lineage dies off forever because no one’s going to marry off their children to ignorant or selfish or weak minded who take from the land but very seldom replenish it.




            Yes, we refrain from purchasing up the entire block and turning it into a private forest.




            Just because others can’t purchase an entire block that doesn’t mean that we can’t.


There’s more to our “middle income earnings” than meets the eye. Someone’s net worth has a lot to do with a lot of other things other than sweat labor like business.


            Yes, my Finn-Minnesota Grandfather bought up his entire block during his lifetime and before his retirement.


My Finn-Minnesota Grandfather owned and operated a small private company that installed electric garage doors.


My Grandfather worked from sunup to sundown.


Instead of letting the neighborhood go to hell; he bought up the block and let his friends move into the houses he purchased and they lived ‘happily ever after’ and well into their eighties.


            In their eighties my Grandfather and his friends gathered together at five in the morning for Finn coffee and burned pancakes at my Grandfather’s table.


Mid-afternoons they’d return for more Finn coffee and stale oatmeal cookies. They’d play cribbage well into the supper hour then they’d do it all over again year-after-year until they all died from old age one-by-one.


The retirees ‘went out laughing’ and happily looked over the neighborhood to make sure that no one brought misconduct or garbage or disrespect into our neighborhood.


            My Grandfather bought up the block as a gift to his community but more so as a gift to his family to ensure our safety and ‘peace of mind.’


My Grandfather held a ‘heart of gold.’


Al was a true curmudgeon but he also sent young people to school and paid for them to become doctors and social workers and business people.


He did this: not as a ‘handout’ per se but more so because he saw talent and skill and hard work and dedication and respect in these young people who couldn’t afford their education thus Grandfather put young people through medical and law school thus they made personal house calls whenever we needed a doctor or an attorney or business personnel.


            When we attended Al’s funeral; it was a ‘packed house.’


People spoke at length about what Al had done for them with the only condition that they’d ‘pay it forward’ and bestow the same kindness to others.


There were so many stories about how Al had helped finance people’s dreams and helped out when they asked him for help without ever handing out loans only gifts.


I sat in that beautifully hand carved pew and listened to person after person after person speak kindly about this curmudgeon who loved more than most people ever realized while he was alive.


More than money; people spoke at length about the advice they’d received from Al and the responses that Al had given in return.


People talked about how Al had changed their lives for the better nevertheless not without a good dosage of reality and hard love.


Today I miss my Grandfather more than I ever have in about twenty some years.


I wish he were here by our side as we continually get mocked by our ‘black’ neighbors who have no power or self respect to speak of.


I wish Grandfather were here to give me advise about our one set of neighbors who bring down our block with their continual loud screams and yells and shrieks.


I wish he could advise me about those without power and their antisocial misbehavior.


            The reason why Al’s story is a remarkable one is because when Al’s Father (my Great-Grandfather; a Two Harbors farmer) purchased the first lot of land in their neighborhood it was considered a “garbage dumping site.”


Literally, my family made the decision to purchase land at a garbage landfill not because they thought they were garbage or that they deserved to live amongst garbage but more so and precisely because they understood the real value of their real estate.


My family understood that waterfront property would become a most valuable asset to their city at some point in the future and it turned out that they were right.


By the time my Grandfather passed away in the early 1990’s each lot was worth (more or less around) five-hundred thousand dollars and that price tag didn’t include each house either.


            After fifty years of hard labor my Grandfather retired to a quiet neighborhood in which he’d purchased ten total properties and made sure that the neighborhood became and stayed pristine and respectful and quiet with each passing year.


I can only imagine what it must’ve been like for my Grandfather to have seen and lived through the experiences of that particular neighborhood in those old days.


To have seen the neighborhood go from a garbage dumping site at the edge of downtown with whore houses to a millionaire playground in the course of sixty years throughout his lifetime.


The thought alone is remarkable not to mention my Grandfather’s experience as he lived through it.


When my Grandfather’s family first moved into their neighborhood they dealt with whores and whore houses and horny sailors coming in-and-out of the port.


Those were the rough days and the history of a place that’s now notably one of the most beautiful places in all of “Prince Edward Island” jetting out as a fourteen mile long peninsula with a natural old growth forest to add a cherry on top.


            As difficult as those days were for my Great-Grandfather and his family: our family didn’t run and abandon ship. My family stuck it out because ‘this land is my land’ and yours as well.


In the spirit of my Great-Grandfather: I shan’t run and abandon ship either as much as I can’t stand the loudness and rudeness and black ghetto attitudes of our one neighbor two doors down.


I shan’t run because if our family knows anything, and knows it well; it’s this: real estate and patience and the stock market and psychology and the laws of the land are on our side because we shan’t break the rules even if we do question the justice system and some rules that don’t make sense we still follow the rules and stay inside the perimeters of such rules and laws and regulations.


To war against us and our own is to learn that we have mercy and all that we ask for is a quiet place to grow old together side-by-side as respectful and mindful private citizens.


To war against us and our own is to learn that we have mercy and that we won’t slit throats (literally or metaphorically) but eventually us and our own will purchase the block and do whatever the hell we wish to do with it.


To war against us and our own is to learn that we have mercy and that we believe in fairness and justice as we expect others to receive us just the same. We believe in mutual respect and regard for others.


Our Finn-Minnesota family is respected and revered by captains and sailors and whores and doctors and attorneys and business folk not because we rub elbows together at the dinner table but more so because we keep our head down and concentrate on our work which is of vital importance for future generational gifts like clean neighborhoods without violence or brutality or intimidation by one set of neighbor’s whose guests and visitors when they enter our block tend to leave behind their garbage and all the while the entire time they’re here as guests they yell and scream and shriek because they’re powerless to their own lives.




            The reason why our neighbor’s two doors down self-loathe and don’t hold any self control or self respect for themselves or others is because they tend to think of themselves as slaves.


The powerless hide behind either their perpetual fear or anger and tend to take it out on innocent bystanders because the powerless want others to feel just as badly as they do.


The powerless thinks of himself as a slave and that means that he’s nothing. A slave isn’t a human. A slave is an object.


When one considers or thinks himself a slave then his own enslavement is his mind because even whores get paid for their services while slaves only get what others throw at them for scraps to fight over the ‘remains of the day.’


            No, I’m neither a “slave” nor a “nigger.” (Educational.)


Yes, I’ve been treated as both throughout my lifetime but that doesn’t mean that I considered myself either one of those two definitions.


            Yes, I’m a ‘blue blood.’

            Yes, I’m a descendant of actual ‘blue bloods’ and Lords.


Yes, I’m a descendant from Ukrainian Jewish ghettoes because all Jews came from one ghetto or another.


Yes, I’m a descendant of former Jew slaves because all Jews were slaves at one point or another yet they prevailed.


Yes, for nine-hundred and forty-eight years as Lords we’ve held the highest connections and power on Earth while others were kept for slaves in cages with whips and chains.


Yes, the difference between slaves and masters is the ability to read and to keep the peace at all cost.


            Yes, we actually exist.

            No, we’re not fairy tales.


            Yes, I’m powerful.


            Yes, we’re powerful.


More later…


Regards to all;



Word Count: 2,100



*)         Day #54 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.



*) Yes, it’s up to me to decide how to best think about anything at all.


*) Yes, it’s up to the world to best decide to help me know just what to think about.


*) No, I don’t mind suggestions on what to think about but don’t ‘anyone’ ever tell me just how to think. I can do that on my own just fine. Thank you very much.


*) No, I’m not literally a “nigger.” (I wrote metaphorically.)


Wednesday, April 9, 2014


We’ll see:

I might not make time but I do journal.


*)         Day #53 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


Tuesday, April 8, 2014


“The hole, not the mouse is the thief.”


(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Hermetically (airtight)


Hermetically sealed jars will preserve food for a long time.


---  ---  ---






Let’s address the word “nigger.”

(Academically Speaking)


According to Wikipedia: Definition:


Nigger is a noun in the English language. The word originated as a neutral term referring to black people, as a variation of the Spanish/Portuguese noun Negro, a descendant of the Latin adjective Niger ("color black"). Often used disparagingly, by the mid 20th century, particularly in the United States, it suggested that its target is extremely unsophisticated. Its usage had become unambiguously pejorative, a common ethnic slur usually directed at blacks of Sub-Saharan African descent.




            Right next door to us live three sophisticated women of color.


In my humble opinion and as a presumptuous conclusion (on my part) I assume that they’re “black-American.”


Yes, I’ve been left astounded by these women’s poise and maturity and sensibilities.


Yes, I’d like to become a better person only and because ever since we’ve crossed paths with these three remarkable and young and beautiful women who hold themselves with all of the grace and wisdom of their honorable and kind intensions as well as portray themselves as the incredible people that they truly are, they’ve come to teach me patience and maturity as only women can do for other women.


Without them knowing it our neighbors have become my role models. No, I shan’t place them up on high pedestals because I don’t wish for them to fall and injure themselves.


Whoever their Ancestors are: I’m sure that their Ancestors look favorably upon them. May the Gods keep them safe from all harm. May the Gods look favorably upon them for the rest of their days.


I could gush about these women’s glory and beauty and maturity and wisdom nevertheless regardless of my ability to gush about others, let’s move on with our tale.


            I’ve been quite lucky in life to hold many respectful and close relationships to “black-Americans” or “African-Americans” or “blacks” or “Americans.”


These particular relationships to “black” Americans: I consider them a blessing and an honor.


My words due no justice to the relationships we hold to our remarkable friends and particular individuals for people who we trust with our lives and with our time and energy.


In the near future we’ll trust them with our young-ones because they sure are respectable and intelligent and kind people. We can only hope that our children will be greatly influenced by their kind intelligence.




            Two Saturdays ago while speaking to my Father he told me to dispel the idealism about how the Bible is “just” and “kind” to those who are “just” and “kind.”


The Bible preaches idealisms about how humans are “supposed” to love each other as they love themselves.


My Father told me ‘not to fall’ for the biggest lie that ever existed.


According to my Father the biggest propaganda that ever existed for over a thousand years is the Bible and other forms of religious texts about love without respect.


One doesn’t automatically earn love and trust. One must prove who they are and what they are to others yet respect is automatic unless…


(Okay. Yes, I believe my Father to tell me the truth no matter how difficult it may be to hear it.)


My Father spoke at length about how “unconditional love” is impossible in a global culture in which humans loathe themselves and their situation thus war reigns over the land. The “rich” take what they want and leave the “poor” to desperate measures and starvation.


            My Father told me that it’s crueler to help out those whom we might not necessarily care for or who don’t necessarily require or want our help therefore live-and-let-live without question or need or desire to become “Pollyanna” because she’s the biggest “liar” and “bitch” that ever was.


If people don’t want or require one’s help; stay out of their business because most likely one’s apt to get hurt or injured or possibly harmed in the process only because others come to hate a “Pollyanna” and wish her harm even though she’s naïve and wishes others well yet that doesn’t mean that others have the same intensions in mind towards her.


Men would love to rape any “Pollyanna” and women would love to kill her.


Any “Pollyanna” is rare.


At any rate, we all know how the story ends for “Pollyanna.”


“Pollyanna” gets raped and beaten and murdered to the chants of other lesser mortals who enjoy their ‘business as usual’ because change is slow to come by and ‘real’ change takes courage and wisdom and a united consciousness in effort.


My Father shared with me that more often than not when one ‘comes to the rescue’ or ‘jumps in’ to help out without knowing the situation or people’s truest intentions then most likely they’ll want to drag down the person who offered help in the first place because those in need of help will eventually recent and loathe those that truly can help out in any situation that requires change from ‘everyone’ all around but very seldom do others wish for that positive change to occur thus they’ll live and die by their fairy-tale miseries and the lies they tell themselves to feel better about their delusions of whatever.




            No, I’m not any sort of “Pollyanna.”


Yes, I’m “good” by nature because I choose to be ‘right’ rather than ‘wrong’ or petted on the head like a dog.


I choose well because I like to sleep well at night.


Yes, I was born with an old soul and even though my documentary filmmaking work took me to “difficult” and “scary” places it doesn’t mean that I went around lending help or trying to make ‘everyone’ feel better about themselves because I’m not low on self esteem, not by any means.


Americans tend to ‘confuse’ “kindness” for “weakness.”


Americans tend to ‘confuse’ “relaxed” for “pushover.”


Yes, it wasn’t fair of me to want to do “character studies” about the people who lived out their existences in the underbelly of America yet I needed to find out what compelled “poor” and manipulative and desperate and the angry and sexual-molesters and drug addicts and rapists and murderers to act as they did. I found out.


            ‘Everywhere’ I worked: people knew that I was coming and that I was a “documentary filmmaker” because they signed ‘personal’ and ‘location’ “release statements” prior to research and filming if we ever got around to filming hence people held off interviews for as long as six years because they were “nervous” or “anxious” or “lying” about what they said on camera and by the time I found out it was much, too, late.


Interviewees knew perfectly well that I’m not a “whore” or a “saint” or a “social worker” or a “savior” or…


Nevertheless, people entrusted me with their deepest secrets and greatest vulnerabilities because I’m “laidback” and I don’t judge unless others make it personal then...


No, I didn’t ask for any “personal help” when I worked which is part of my anthropological training as a researcher. I carried my own equipment on my back and my top-a-ware organic lunches and sunscreen and journals and pens and, and, and…


Even though I wasn’t any of those other titles bestowed upon me other-than-and-simply ‘only’ a “documentary filmmaker” yet others made me into a “saint” or a “Pollyanna” and that’s neither here nor there.


I neither instituted nor portrayed that definition imposed upon me.




            Yes, I can become a “cunt” or a “bitch” or a “nigger” as others have found out when they’ve crossed serious boundaries with me.


No, I haven’t physically harmed anyone but that doesn’t mean that I can’t harm pocketbooks or communities into further starvation.


If disgrace becomes personal then I want ‘heads to roll’ especially when I don’t go out of my way to hurt or injure or harm others yet some have taken it upon themselves to do so against my person.


Any man or woman who takes liberties with me then has to answer to that because I’m not about to ‘pull a fast one’ on “Lady Luck.”


            The one disgrace that men and women must answer for ‘by falling upon their swords’ is this: ‘anytime’ that any visitors or guests are “harmed” or “injured” or “hurt” then clans and tribes will war and slit throats for that (in one modern form or another) because to “harm” or “injure” or “hurt” any guests or visitors is the greatest disgrace brought upon one’s house or tribe or clan and that debt can only be paid in kind.


(No, this isn’t “Game of Thrones” ‘theory’: this is ‘real’ life history. The type of history that gests hosts killed if they so much as allow for their guests to get maliciously hurt or injured or harmed or killed in any capacity.    To host anyone is to say that one takes responsibility for their guests and visitors no matter what and that means that guests must be respectful of the communities they visit. The greatest gift any community can grant guests or visitors is by not slicing open anyone’s throat because that’s always an option and an alternative to ‘everything’ else.)


The reason why I can’t stand non-profits is because that’s where most of my injuries have come from.


It’s only been greedy non-profits that have stolen from me or injured my person and that makes for bad hosts and bad hosts means cruelty and injustice in the world.


Not to mention that when hosts can’t control the disgrace and disrespect of their guests against any communities then communities can take out an entire lineage(s) forevermore through and by modern legal channels or there’s always a lamp post yet again that’s not justice that’s simply cruelty without a hearing or a trial…




            Two Saturdays ago, I told my Father how I can’t bring myself to write two apology letters from September 2013.


Every time that I’ve sat down to write these two apology letters my hands quiver and shake. No matter how hard I might try: it’s become physically impossible for me to do so.


My Father walked me through the mishap of last September 2013.


One week out of surgery I called the police three times (three days in a row) to ask for help with our screaming ‘black’ neighbors two doors down the street.


Not only did the dispatchers chuckled and treated me like an idiot, furthermore, when the cops did come to my door they treated me like a suspect and insulted me to my face and called me names and it went on.


Yes, I was in the right.


Yes, I was wrong to react as I did, however and nevertheless, I was right. I know it and I believe and I think that I was right and I hardly ever feel this strongly about much but about this I do know I was right.


My Father told me to sit with these feelings and that if I was right then not to write apology letters to people who don’t deserve them.


As time passes and the more I carefully consider what happened on September 2013 then the more I realize that I have absolutely nothing to apologize for.




            This weekend our neighbor’s “black” children were at it again: they yelled and shrieked and screamed in front of our home for hours on end.


My Father told me that I don’t have to ‘love’ ‘anybody’ especially not our unruly neighbors and their disrespectful kids with their misconduct.


My Father also told me that I don’t have to be ‘happy’ about our disrespectful “black” neighbors being ‘wrong’ nevertheless I do have to be the “better person” yet that doesn’t constitute ‘dishing out’ an apology to people who are continuously wrong about their misbehavior on a weekly basis.


I’ve become the wiser for it.


            Yes, I love our street and our neighborhood and our community and our city. I do. I can’t help it. I fell in love with this city even though I fight it with all of my might.


I’ve come to love this prominently ‘white’ “working class” city because it reminds me of some of the fishing villages I’ve lived in out in the East Coast yet some of the ‘white’ people here seem to judge by skin color and not by the word or content of any person.


Nevertheless, I can’t stand the one ‘unsophisticated’ “black” neighbors two doors down from us because they don’t watch out for their “brain damaged” ‘black’ children who ride their bikes in the middle of the street and play in front of other people’s houses at thunderous volumes.




            On Sunday mid-late afternoon, we were awakened from our nap by the screams and shrieks and yells of three particular “black” children who aren’t our responsibility.


Frankly, I think that I’m a “nigger” for not liking the yells and screams and shrieks of these particular children who tend to misbehave right in front of our house.


Honestly, I think that our neighbor’s two doors down as well as the coach’s kid are “niggers” for not respecting the neighborhood.


There I said it.

It had to be said.


            Yep, we’re all “niggers” in this together.


Yes, they’re “niggers” because they can’t control their perpetual misconduct and misbehavior.


Yes, I’m a “nigger” because I can’t handle living amongst “niggers.”


What a conundrum.




            I’ve been called a “nigger” by American “blacks” and “whites.”


I’ve been called a “spic” by American “blacks” and “whites.”


            The word “nigger” doesn’t mean anything to me other than “black” which is the direct translation from the Latin.


Yes, to me ‘anyone’ who can’t control their misbehavior and anger and continuous misconduct and delusions is indeed a “nigger.”


Yes, ‘anyone’ who is ‘unsophisticated’ is indeed a “nigger.”


No, I don’t care what you might think of me.

I, too, can be a “nigger.”


Yes, ‘anyone’ can be a “nigger.”


Yes, “white” people can be “niggers” especially when they instigate misbehavior and then act like victims.


Only once in my life did I ever have to tell one “nigger” to “fuck off.”

When I think about it: I ought to have done it more than once.


Scientifically, it’s been proven that the human race is programmed for racism. We’re all racist. Get over it.


No, there’s no such thing as “color blindness” because that, too, is propaganda and the greatest insult and lie that ever was against greater intelligence. I’m, too, smart for that bull.


            Hence and therefore, I must make up my mind: Am I going to continue to be an emotional “nigger” or am I going to become a “model citizen” like our three respectful and quiet next door neighbor ladies.


Yes, I’ll cope and overcome this prejudice as one of my greatest challenges. I must. I will. I’m that smart.


Yes, I love many “black” people yet I sure don’t love “niggers” in the same way in which I don’t love the “nigger” part of me.


No, I didn’t know that my greatest prejudice was the prejudice of others against my time and energy and property until we came here.


No, we’re not left in peace especially when our weekends get eaten up by yells and screams and shrieks of “black” “nigger” children.


Did I shock you?

If you’re shocked then you haven’t lived very much.


I, too, am a “nigger” for not letting it go because I want our social contracts fulfilled to live side-by-side with integrity and respect and without infringing upon our neighbor’s time and energy as well as our own.


No, don’t put it pass me: I, too, can become a “royal cunt.”


When we purchased our property, all I ever wanted and wished for was ‘peace and quiet’ because my destiny is to pen books yet again one can’t write when neighbor’s screams spill out on streets impregnating any neighborhood with chaos and anger.


As I get older I believe in propriety because it tells one a lot about another.




            Between us, Eric won the chess game thus we’ll stay until we’re old people.


We claim this bit of stolen Native American land for our very own.


We promise to do well by it.


We also promise to fight to keep it if it comes down to mediation or court because we’ve got the time and money even though we’d rather spend our time peacefully living and working.


Now you know where I stand.


I can only hope that you understand that it takes courage to admit one’s weaknesses and deepest prejudices.


            I love the many “black” people that I love just fine because most of the “blacks” I know are Ivy League educated and honest and hardworking and quiet and peaceful with bellies full of good food unlike our neighbor’s two doors down and it shows.


Furthermore, poverty isn’t an excuse to justify misbehavior.


Yes, I’ve overcame poverty and starvation in America without ever making my neighbor’s lives ‘a living hell’ because I was taught the difference between ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ behaviors.


Who’s the bigger “nigger?”


Is the bigger “nigger” the one who thinks the other a “nigger” or the one who acts like a “nigger?”


            Now, no, you may not ever utter or use the word “nigger” in public or to another.


Yes, one may use the word “nigger” behind closed doors at home yet again that’s going out of fashion also.


My Finn-Minnesota Grandfather taught me that ‘anyone’ who disrupts a neighborhood is a “nigger” and he wasn’t talking about “black” people either.


How did you like today’s difficult literary lesson?

No very much?

Me neither.


I shan’t ever use the word “nigger” from this day hence forth.


I do believe that politicians who cut employment benefits or food subsidies or healthcare for The People are indeed “niggers.”


I do believe that people who directly point at others are “niggers” because pointing is as uneducated as one gets.


It means that one hasn’t travelled very much or that one has no clue about global culture as a general basis to understand that directly pointing at someone ‘means’ “bad luck” but then again every time that one directly points at another human then there’re three fingers pointing back at the one who points therefore the “bad luck” is tenfold for the human who points because to point is to shoot an arrow straight through the heart of another human while three arrows are shot at the self. (Yikes. Who shoots themselves with an arrow? No one of consequence does something so foolish.)


To point means to imply to kill. Period. History lesson over.


Peace, Paz;



Word Count: 2,988



*)         Day #52 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


Monday, April 7, 2014


No blog.

I wrote last Monday.


I’m two episodes away from being all caught up with “Game of Thrones.” Then I’ll tell you what I think of the writing.


Blessings to all!




*)         Day #51 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


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